#adonis ff
liaredrose · 1 year
“A Dangerous Collection” - A Dramione FF on AO3
Chapter 32
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Should he ever get bored of being a potioneer, Draco could count on a career as an actor for he had all the right cards up his sleeves to have the most thrilling career: an astonishing amount of money, impressive acting skills, and the beauty of an Adonis.
“You thought it was your fault you could not orgasm with the Weasel.”
Hermione felt her face burning with the unexpected comment.
“Well…” Her voice had reached the distinctive high-pitch that betrayed her upset, but she decided to ignore it in the vain hope Draco wouldn’t notice. “To be honest, that was partially my fault. I should have been clearer.”
Nobody could arch a single eyebrow like Draco Malfoy.
“I don’t recall you giving me instructions the first time we slept together.”
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triviareads · 1 year
ARC Review of Cruel Seduction by Katee Robert (Audiobook)
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Aphrodite agrees to marry Hephaestus in order to keep an enemy of Olympus close. In order to destabilize Hephaestus, Aphrodite decides to seduce his oldest friend Pandora. What she doesn't count on is Hephaestus seducing her ex Adonis in turn, all while their marriage grows more and more contentious...
My review:
This is my first audiobook ARC review and I thought both narrators were good overall. My only note is that the female narrator sounded panicked every time she was narrating a sex scene. This was fine for Pandora's POV since she's a little unsure and out of her depth initially, but for Aphrodite, who's mostly a very confident woman, it just doesn't work tonally.
This is a poly romance with mm, mmf, and ff relationships. Hephaestus and Pandora are just friends, and as far as I can tell, Pandora and Adonis are just friends as well. Katee did a good job of developing all four characters individually and in the context of their romantic relationships.
This book has big Hurt/Comfort energy; both Aphrodite and Hephaestus (and Pandora) had fraught, abusive childhoods and as a result, initially struggle to connect with each other. Cue the classic marriage-of-convenience-but-we-hate-each-other. This is probably why they seek emotional comfort outside their marriage; and even if their initial reasoning is that they want to fuck with each other, Aphrodite is drawn to Pandora the way Hephaestus is drawn to Adonis, because they find some measure of peace with them. And it's through Adonis and Pandora that Aphrodite and Hephaestus come to an understanding and eventually fall for one another.
There is a lot of Olympian politics in this book. Aphrodite is a key player in city politics and Hephaestus... well, poor man is trying. Adonis is an expert at PR manipulation (which Hephaestus takes advantage of), and there is the ongoing mystery of what Minos's plot to destabilize Olympus entails, and how his children play into it. Oh, and there are multiple assassination attempts. You've been warned.
The sex:
Excellent, as per Katee's usual. I enjoyed the unique dynamics between all the characters within the polycule. Here's what I enjoyed the most:
a) I GASPED at a "fuck me like you love me" sex scene that occurred just barely midway— it really hit on an emotional level because honestly, these two need some emotional comfort even if they're lying to themselves about this being "just lust".
b) At one point Hephaestus basically smushes Aphrodite and Adonis together and is like "kiss her better" which..... he does. In more ways than one. And that really sets the tone for that scene and this particular triad.
c) There is many a "husband" and "wife" during sex (mostly ironically until it's very unironic) and the odd "good boy", which I appreciated
d) Like I said, every dynamic is different but Aphrodite getting some of her moves from Hephaestus and using them on Pandora made me smile because she's barely willing to admit she likes him, and yet...
This is another solid addition to the Dark Olympus series. It kept me on my toes and I enjoyed all four of the main characters and their romantic arcs. I'd recommend this book to any fan of the series, and if you're interested in giving Cruel Seduction a shot, I'd recommend reading the books preceding it.
Thank you to Dreamscape Media and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review.
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southlondonpress · 1 year
low-key upset cos the last friend group I had r badmind and clutching at straws for excuses not to like me 😂 how can I hear from some random boy I met that he heard them all complaining to each other im a straight person in queer spaces zzzzzzz I knew they hated me for some reason. when Im there cos im both invited and encouraged to attend said space by the host just as much as anyone else is kmt It's usually a house party or a park meetup ffs Ur not seeing me at pussy palace or Adonis or any of the Balls. I'm literally the friend of the organiser just as much as anybody else. these people... don't pretend, if you don't like me just say that then? or don't come. don't be pally pally with me in person then be making up bullshit and talking to others who don't even know me about how I said X and Y if you weren't even there or haven't even asked me for my side of the story. it's very illuminating when I find out people love to badmouth me exclusively behind my back while I have nothing but good things to say about those same people when they're not around me.
KEEP TALKING about me ur making me famous clearly
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solidwater05 · 1 year
i begged my gf to write john x adonis ff for me and she actually did it even tho she knows jack abt the punctuationverse
It seems like my inbox is a fandom space now. Honestly I'm not complaining
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multifandomhellhole · 3 years
Who or whom is the sexiest in final fantasy?
Aldlglgls there is so many but
Cloud(boys gotta be a shy sub I can feel it especially since he likes a strong chick like tifa and moaned all cutely with a simple hand massage)
Prompto(Fucking sunshine bby I love him)
Hope(soft sad boy needs gentle pegging with lots of praise)
Sephiroth (his cat eyes are adorable and I want to see him In dumbass cat mode plus long hair to pull uh yes 👀
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writerbee-ffs · 4 years
Wolf 🐺 Erik?
Still in need ...
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killmongerkink · 6 years
Just A Friend
Summary: You meet up with your ex, trying to come to terms with your relationship. 
Pairing: Adonis Creed X Black!Reader
Warning: angst
Length: 3.3k
BTW: so this is my first time writing something like this. i usually got for cute plots, but decided to make this one kinda sad (i guess? lol). hope you all enjoy & please give your honest feedback on your thoughts. sorry if there’s any typos.
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You busied yourself by idly tapping your finger against your glass, the water condensation wetting the pads of your fingers and causing you to momentarily have something else to think about. It was currently 8:08 pm, you knew the exact time since your phone was right in front of you and wouldn't stop lighting up. Some were notifications from instagram and twitter, while others were from your boyfriend, questioning where you were. Adonis sat across from you, looking everywhere but at you, while you both waited for your drinks to arrive. You didn't know why you agreed to meet up with him. The both of you were well aware that a relationship wasn't something that could work, yet you guys couldn't stop wasting each others time.
There were multiple reasons why you both decided to call it quits a few months back. You were too busy with school and work, he was too busy training and going to boxing camps. Both of you were just in your own worlds, trying to make something of yourselves and dragging each other along for the ride wasn't smart if you had to be honest. With those being just a few reasons why, there was one main one. 
You couldn't handle his lifestyle.
At the beginning, you thought you could be that girlfriend cheering from the sidelines. That girlfriend running up to him after a win and kissing him lovingly, busted lip and all, but after watching a few of his matches .. you just couldn't stomach it. The sight of seeing someone you cared about getting hit was just too much. You knew it came with the territory, he wasn't invincible and he would have to take punches just as good as he gave them, but fuck ... why did they have to be so brutal? And the nerve of him to ask you if he should incorporate MMA training into his routine. That was your final straw. You were tired of seeing him barely responsive after a fight, tired of seeing his face bloodied and bruised, and espiecially tired of the dreams you would have about him. Ones where he would end up in the hospital, barely hanging on. It took you a while to come to terms with the fact that you just weren't built to handle all of that, even though you wished you could. And that's why you both decided to move on, yet here you were. 
Whenever he was free, he would send you a simple text asking if you were busy. Whether you were or not, you'd reply with your usual "no, why?", which would result in you both sitting in silence a few hours later. There was never anything to really talk about. Between social media and mutual friends, you knew what was going on in his life and he knew what was going on in yours. 
He was spending his days in the gym, preparing for some fight that was taking place next Saturday. You made sure to keep that date open .. just because. It's not like you were hoping he would invite you or anything. When he wasn't in the gym, he was usually home. His snapchats consisted of him going on rants about pay per view fights he'd seen the night before or the latest album that dropped. Overall, he was doing good since the two of you went your separate ways. You were happy for him. Your life on the other hand wasn't all peaches and creme. College had started to take a toll on you, leading to late nights and early mornings, worrying if graduating was even worth all the mental and emotional stress that came with it. If you weren't dealing with school, you were at work. Your job as a lyft driver was cool, it brought in a good amount of money. The only downside were the nights you'd pick up drunks or a racist who thought you weren’t worthy enough to drive them. Then .. there was Shawn. You met him about a month and a half after your situation with Adonis ended. You weren't ready to jump into anything with anyone, but Shawn was nice, respectful and made you laugh. Besides his jealous streak, he wasn't a bad guy to have around. 
You lifted your eyes from your glass and looked at Adonis. He still looked the same. Handsome as ever and in the best shape of his life. His biceps were larger than before, the veins in his arms bulging as his hands were folded. Resisting the urge to lick your lips, you shuffled in your seat and wiped your wet hands on your jeans.
"You okay?"
A part of you wanted to say no. You weren't okay. You weren't okay with your casual meet-ups. You weren't okay with sitting across from him and not being able to touch him. You weren't okay acting as if everything in your life was great. You were using some guy to get over the one sitting in front of you. You felt horrible about it.
"I'm fine." 
He didn't believe you. You could tell by the way he dipped his head low to try and make eye contact with you. When both of your eyes met, neither one of you said anything. Just stared at each other, silently challenging to see who would be the one to look away first. Your little contest ended early when the waitress came by with your drinks. Beer for him, lemonade for you. After asking if you guys were ready to order, you both declined and you figured that would be her cue to walk away, except she took that as the opportunity to ask 
"Are you sure?" to Adonis directly. If you didn't know any better, you would've thought you were invisible as she turned her body in his direction, a small smile showing from the corner of her lips.
"He's sure." You answered her as you eyed the back of her head. A chuckle rose in your throat as you watched her turn towards you, obviously unhappy with your intrusion on her flirting and she nodded her head, finally walking away. Your dinner partner across from you waited until she was out of earshot before laughing, his head bobbing back and forth from the force of his laughs.
"What's so funny?" You inquired, raising your eyebrow. 
This was definitely an occurring problem whenever you went out with him. Girls and guys would both try to approach him, even though they could clearly see you with him. No, you guys weren't dating, but they didn't know that. The fact that people were so bold to hit on others that were clearly out with someone else made you want to hurl. What was wrong with people?
"Nothing, you just as snappy as you've always been. Just ... missed that. That's all." He mumbled before taking a big gulp of his drink. 
Shaking your head, you tried not to let his comment get to you. So he missed you? No, he missed you being snappy. That's what he said. That didn't mean he missed you. If he missed you, he would've said that ... right? But he didn't. So did he only miss you going off on people? Why were you even overthinking this? Why did you care so much about deciphering the meanings of his words. 
You ignored the voice in your head. The reasonable voice that would always say how much of a mistake you were making when you'd stand in front of your mirror to pick out something Adonis would like. The smart voice that would say the more you met up, the harder it would be to get over him. The voice that would tell you how much you'd regret giving him your time, knowing damn well that if he asked you to stay out later that you'd comply in a heartbeat.
"Yeah? Well ... cool."
"That's all you have to say?" He asked.
Choosing to ignore him, you swirled the straw in your drink. What was he expecting you to say? Maybe he could've still been experiencing your snappy remarks if he had taken your feelings into consideration in the past. There were many nights where you would talk to him about him boxing and if he would ever stop. You knew the ring was something that was close to his heart. It's what made him want to wake up in the morning. It's what motivated him to keep his head on straight and stay focused. While you loved that he had found his passion in life, you couldn't deal with the harm and stress he was putting on his body. It only took you two times watching him get knocked out to know that you weren't built for that life. It wasn't easy watching someone you cared about being put in harms way .. or harms fist if you wanted to be honest. The murderous looks he and his opponent would share before a fight made you uncomfortable. You knew all about his father and his unfortunate death, that being the main reason why you couldn't sit back and support his dreams up close. The thought of him leaving this world like his father brought tears to your eyes. What would you do if the same thing were to happen to him? 
Adonis must've noticed the look on your face because he reached over to grab your hand. Coming back to reality, you jumped slightly and pulled back, tears brimming your eyes as you fought with the need to cry. You'd didn't want to do this here, not with him in front of you. You'd spent so many nights crying over this bullshit, why were you still getting yourself worked up over him? Because you love him.
"I don't.." you whispered to yourself.
"You don't what?"
"I don't know why I keep doing this with you. These .. dinners where we just sit here and act like everything is okay. It's not okay, alright? We broke up for a reason and there's no point of trying to have some friendship that we know is impossible. Lets just end everything right here, right now."
He sucked his teeth, his phone hitting the table loudly as he threw it down and sat back in the booth. A couple from a few tables away looked in your direction, your peripheral vision catching the look of confusion on their faces. You just wanted to go home, lay in bed and forget ever coming here. 
"That's not what you want and you know it."
"You don't know what the fuck I want." 
"Aight .. maybe not, but I damn sure know what you need and it's not that bum ass nigga you fucking with now. I know you. I know how you act when you're genuinely happy, and you ain't with him. All that forcing and shit you be doing online when y'all together, knowing damn well he ain't got it like me. He ain't man enough for you."
"And how do you figure that? Because he doesn't feel the need to act like he's some macho man? Because he's actually caring and sweet and doesn't push my opinions and feelings aside? Taking a few punches doesn't make someone a man, contrary to your beliefs."
You could see his tongue run across his teeth, pushing his lips out and letting you know just how annoyed he was getting. The nerve of him to act as if he had any real reason to be upset. 
"You know ... fighting is all I ever wanted to do when I was a kid. It's the one thing I have in connection with my Pops. When I wrap my hands and put on those gloves, I can literally see him smiling in my head. Do you know how it feels to have strangers tell you about your own father? How it feels to have people who were lucky enough to have known him tell you about what a great man he was, what a great fighter he was? And when you try to do the same thing, they do nothing but tear you down and act as if you're a stupid fucking kid? My Pops died in the fucking ring, you know that .. everyone knows that. He also could've died walking down the street. He could've died at the hands of a gangbanger or a cop. Shit, they all the fucking same anyways. Point is .. I could die tomorrow doing something totally unrelated to the ring. If I wanna fucking fight until I have brain damage, Imma do that. I'm gonna do what makes me happy, just like my Pops did. And if I die the way he did ... then I died fighting and I ain't got a problem with that. I'm not asking you to accept everything that I fucking do, but damn baby .. atleast see things from my side one in a while."
Your blurry vision due to the tears were fighting at the edge, one blink threatening to break the dam and release the flood. Attempting to even speak was out of the question, your bottom lip trembling letting you know that it would've been a dumb decision. This was the first time that Adonis had ever taken the time to fully explain what boxing meant to him. You always thought that he was just trying to prove himself and be tough. That he was trying to make others believe that he was worthy of being the son of someone so great. Never did you know how he truly felt, how he was just a young man trying to fufill the same dreams his father once had. Looking back, you'd never known Adonis to do anything he didn't truly want to do. He could care less about how others viewed him, what they they thought and how they felt, which was a good or bad thing depending on which way the wind blew that day. A hot tear running down your face broke you from your thoughts, your handle fumbling quickly to wipe it before he could see, but of course nothing could get pass him. He had tears of his own that he was too proud to shed, his nose now red and flared. 
Before you could make up some excuse for needing to leave, he was rising from his seat and pulling you in. Lips meeting awkwardly at first, his hold on the back of your neck calmed you down as you both fell into a dance. You hadn't been kissed like this since the last time you both were together and although you knew you should've been pushing him away, you couldn't stop yourself from squeezing your thighs together as your tongue stroked against his. The taste of beer engulfed your mouth, forcing you to shudder and remember the good times.
"You actually drink that stuff?" 
You gave Adonis a curious look, watching as his index finger wrapped around the neck of his corona, his middle finger and thumb assisting it in gripping the bottle in a simple, yet sexy way. You would've thought he was ignoring you if it wasn't for the soft grunt he released after, bringing the bottle back to his lips.
"Can I have some?"
Confusion filled his face quickly. As much as you dragged him for drinking beer, the last thing he expected was you asking to take a sip. He curled up the corner of his lips, giving you a 'stop playin'' look and causing you to pout. 
"Please? Just a little taste."
Unbeknownst to him, you didn't want it from the bottle. When he held it out for you, you shook your head quickly and leaned forward, eyeing his lips. 
"Let me taste it another way."
You mumbled, leaning it to kiss what was yours.
The bell jingling above the entrance pulled you from your thoughts and you opened your eyes, catching a short glimpse of the new customer before your hands were meeting Adonis's chest and pushing him away. His back met the booth roughly, his lips still glistening as he gave you the evil eye out of anger, confusion and lust. You knew that look better than anyone. 
You muttered a ‘sorry’, already knowing that in a few seconds your meet up would be coming to an end. Staring at him in the eyes, you wanted nothing more than to just hold him. You didn't realize just how much you missed him until you felt his embrace, why did things have to be this way? As you saw the tall figure approach your table in your peripheral, you gave Adonis a sad smile, your hands making quick work of drying what ever tears were left on your face. The questions, concerns and anger that would be directed to you if your face was seen wet and puffy were the last things you wanted to deal with. Seeing Shawn drained you of all your energy, you really didn't have it in you to deal with a fight tonight. 
"What?" Adonis scrunched his eyebrows together, leaning his head down to make eye contact with you.
He didn't have a chance to ask another question before Shawn was stepping in, looking between the both of you in confusion. You hadn't told him that you were meeting up with anyone, but you knew he had friends all over and someone probably spotted you with Adonis. Time seemed to have halted, the people around you moving in slow motion. 
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You saw Adonis turn his head, jaw clenched to the point where you worried for his teeth. He looked up, his facial expression going from annoyed to stoic, eyebrows raised slightly, one blink causing his eyes to go from glassy to dark. You expected for the exchange between the two men to come to blows. Adonis was sweet with a hidden temper, while Shawn was a hot head all around. To your surprise, Adonis simply nodded his head and looked back at you. His expression was unreadable, you couldn't tell if he was upset or just didn't care anymore. It was obvious that you had chosen a new man over him, you accepted Shawn and everything he came with, something you couldn't do with Adonis.
"Who's this?" Shawn asked bluntly, hands stuffed into his black hoodie.
You got up, a nervous chuckle leaving your lips as you grabbed his arm, shaking your head. 
"Just a friend."
Heart dropping to your feet, you felt as if your insides were being ripped out as you snapped your neck towards Adonis. It's funny how in your head that’s how you tried to describe him, yet hearing those words from his actual mouth made you want to scream. He didn't sound upset, bothered, or angry. You couldn't read his expression or the tone of his voice, all you could do was stare at him with mixed emotions. 
"You got a good girl though, keep her close. Hope y'all have a good life."
He rose from his seat, dropping a twenty dollar bill on the table and made his way to the door without a goodbye. Shawn began to speak, asking more questions that went in one ear and out the other, but you were still in shock. You let out a laugh, not because anything was funny, but because you were coming to the realization that whatever relationship that you had with Adonis up until this point was officially done. He had wished you his farewell and that was that, and as much as it saddened and pissed you off, you couldn't blame him. His figure vanished out into the night, leaving you in his rear view mirror and hiding his tears from you. 
taglist: @lovelynervouschaos @chaneajoyyy @thehomierobbstark @iamrheaspeaks @bakarisangel @janelledarling @softnani @destinio1 @madamslayyy @marvelpotterlove @theunsweetenedtruth @james-heaven-barnes @erikaintdead @hearteyes-for-killmonger @killmongerthirst @ovoxosavage 
(i honestly just tagged people that commented on my past stories since i didn’t really know who to tag lmao)
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yellowadonis-blog · 5 years
Round 1 - Prompting
Here are the prompting rules for Round 1 -
1. Please keep in mind that all pairings must be Jaehwan-centric or must have him as the main character.
2. Pairings that are accepted - Jaehwan x VIXX Member(s), Jaehwan x Kpop idol(s), Jaehwan x Reader, Jaehwan x OC or Jaehwan-centric prompts.
3. Prompts can be in the form the general plot, quotes, songs etc. In whichever form, please be as concise as possible without giving away the entire plot.
4. The form for prompting also contains a section to include things that are nice to have in the fic and absolute no-nos. Please include anything triggering you wish to avoid so the author knows to avoid it! 
5. There is no restriction on number of prompts. The more the merrier! However you will have to fill out the form multiple times since it accepts one prompt per entry.
6. Prompts that contain any of these topics won’t be accepted: non-con/dub-con/extreme gore/incest/extreme kinks/underage
Google form link - https://forms.gle/4C5A6bsFzhEfWPkA8
Have fun prompting!
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
Kaoru and Alola-Raichu
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persephoneflouwers · 3 years
Persephone references in Harry’s art
By now, you should know I rant a loooot about stuff like this. I read this today and I thought “okay it kinda makes sense why don’t I start navigate the dark side of mythology on the internet and see what I can find?”. So that’s what I did and let me say… I am not disappointed. Must be useful to give a fast read to some of the previous chapters, though. So here:
The moon and She
philosophical trip and some bowie reference of fine line
Why do I think this is interesting? First of all, it’s art and there’s myth, so that makes my eyes glittering i swear. What we are talking about is the myth of Persephone. Persephone (for the greek, proserpina for the Romans) was Demetra and Zeus’ daughter.
This is the most famous work of art about this myth, I guess. It’s called “Il ratto di Proserpina” by Bernini (my love). You can see it in Villa borghese museums in Rome. Look at this.
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LOOK AT THIS. It seems like that’s a real thigh, ffs!
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Also… TEARS? Do you remember somebody showing pearls for tears on Harryween…?
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Anyway… here’s few interesting things about this myth. (Again thank you to this person on twitter, but I would love to read something else about this if you know anyone who wrote something).
First of all, Persephone has always been connected to the pomegranate. Hades tricked her into eating pomegranate seeds. The law said if you eat something in underworld, you can never leave the underworld again. Persephone ate 6 seeds so she was forced to go back to Hades for 6 months per year. Here you have Harry eating a pomegranate during that iconic photoshoot. Honestly the first thing I asked myself was why the pomegranate and not the watermelon since you know… it’s the most hyped song from fine line for example?
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Secondly, the daffodils. When Hades kidnapped Persephone to bring her to the underworld and possibly marry her, she was collecting daffodils (narcisus). And there you have the daffodils on Harry’s cardigan. I guess it was around the same time the stunt shitshow started like the “bring back mainly man” pics too… and it was odd.
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All that interview is just some painful thing hard to watch.
So what if…? What if this is just the umpteenth metaphor H uses to tell us he, just like Persephone, left home so young not knowing where they would end up and, just like her, he had some seeds once and now he can’t leave that place for good? That’s kinda sad, I know.
To be precise, some sources say it wasn’t a pomegranate but poppy seeds, because of the opium and all. Hello Carolina! this is the only time I found harry wearing poppy flowers. Look at this little greek statue of an angel so cute and pretty. The prettiest crioforos of all the time!
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Persephone has a strong iconography made of flowers in general really. Like—
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Also, I wanna leave the usual random coincidence related to Persephone cause why not? Not the butterfly….
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Third, let’s talk about Persephone’s character per se. What’s obvious about her is she not only lives a double life, on the Earth for spring/summer and under earth for fall/winter, but there’s also a double self: Persephone, the so called Kore, the young lady, and Persephone the queen of the underworld.
The Kore is also called “moon”. That’s— aaaaah! I can’t believe everything gravitates around the same things! Anyway. The kore/moon is the juvenile and bizarre self living in a state of excitement, but also anxiety and uncertainty, fantasy, instability in evolution. The Queen of the Underworld is more harmonious, strong, rational, calm.
When I read about this I immediately thought of this constant duality always following H art like a shadow. The fine line between reality and the dream, between female and male, between things I can and things I can’t, between human and fish (like a mermaid you know), between awakeness and dream, between what you are and what they think you are.
Fun fact: Persephone was in love with Adonis, Aphrodites’ lover. How could her compete with the Nonetheless Goddess of Love? Poor Persephone. I can see her under a tree among some pink and yellow and white flowers sweetly singing “I got a girl crush. I hate to admit it but I got a heart rash it aint slowing down…”
Honestly I’ll end this here cause I feel lost in my own thoughts but I just wanted to show off like always for nothing lmao
Happy Louis’ Day! 🧡
Adding this just for the records: video (edit 03.01.2022)
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opaleyedprince · 2 years
actually brief new oc post before i forget
adonis - another league oc, a bunny vastaya; he’s basically a gunslinger bunnyboy bc i like to have fun and i don’t have the spoons to check out ff 14 atm
angus d wellington - minotaur cowboy bc once again. i am having fun
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voxvulgi · 3 years
*     𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐭.
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full name.    Pearl Naomi Belcher nicknames / aliases.   nothing aside from the embarrassing endearments Adonis calls her size.   5′6″ age.     ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever i want whenever i want (but let’s say 25 for this sheet) zodiac.   Leo spoken languages.   English, a tad of French, an even smaller tad of Spanish
hair colour.  Brown eye colour.  Green body type.  Slender dominant hand.   Right posture.  Confident and straight, usually walks in strides and sits with her legs crossed
place of birth.   Birmingham, UK siblings.   None parents.   Adonis Belcher, Rose Collins
occupation.  Social media assistant at an indie clothing company, lowkey skincare influencer (mostly does reviews), aspiring fashion designer current residence(s).   Seattle. she actually still lives with Adonis (bc why would she NOT save rent money to kickstart her business later?) but spends most weekends away at her friends’ or lovers’ places close friends. Ian and Maribelle, whom she met in college; and ​​Olivia, Amira, and Daniel, whom she met through her online endeavors. (but in this elaborate verse i have with @endlessdrifter​ where everyone knows each other, her best friend is actually Serenity, who is Hailey and Ray’s daughter. which isn’t even plausible canonically bc Ray is a demon and demons are sterile, BUT THAT’S NOT THE POINT) financial status.  idk how to “classify” it, but her life with Adonis would count as upper middle class since they’re very comfortable but not “rich” (being a doctor doesn’t pay as much as people think lmao), but since her grandparents (both paternal and maternal) are pretty damn rich and she can ask them for anything....and Adonis kinda spoils her..... well, I guess you can say she’s not as rich as Adonis was, growing up directly under wealthy parents, but she’s kinda rich lmfao driver’s license.  Yes, and her maternal grandmother bought her a car for her 15th birthday to one-up Adonis before he can buy Pearl a car for her 16th lmfao criminal record.  Squeaky. Pearl was up to some rascal behaviour as a teenager, but she’s (almost) responsible now
sexual orientation.    Panpanpanapnapnapnapnapnapan preferred sexual role.   She’s very versatile turn-ons. Piercings, good fashion sense, wit turn-offs. Stickler to gender roles, closed off to the point where they don’t give her attention to pretend to be “cool” or whatever (yes, Brandon from high school, she’s looking at you), making fun of passersby. gosh, i can’t even BEGIN to say how much she hates this. especially when the person is making fun of what they’re wearing. leave people alone ffs
hobbies to pass time.   Designing/sewing, hanging out with friends, hanging out with Adonis, reading, the occasional dance class, and of course social media mental illnesses.  None (that I know of)
TAGGING: @endlessdrifter​ if you want, @starfalled​ for any muse you like, @pcrseverance​ for a modern Cullen AU??? if you think that would be fun idk
TAGGED BY: @skyler-bane​ thank youuuu!!!!!!!!!
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gullbones · 4 years
terror's best haunted doll: a fanmix for thomas jopson
made for @theterrorbingo 'free space' prompt
1. becoming a jackal by villagers
every implement was leading to you / and your homely sense of disarray
2. no light, no light by florence + the machine
in your place there were a thousand other faces / i was disappearing in plain sight
3. eyes blue like the atlantic by sista prod and subvrbs
eyes blue like the atlantic and i'm going down, like the titanic
4. career boy by dorian electra
i could never fight the feeling / i stay up all night / workin' so hard after hours / 'til i see the sunlight
5. coin operated boy by the dresden dolls
all the other real ones that i destroy / cannot hold a candle to my new boy / and i'll never let him go
6. my lighthouse by villagers
you are needing a friend / for to follow, for to fend / and i haven't got a clue / if i'm getting through to you / my lighthouse
7. look at me by ffs
screw the sunset, screw all art / look at me or break my heart
8. successful by ariana grande
it feels so good to be so young / and have this fun and be successful / i'm so successful
9. is love by white lies
he stares into the river, heart falling to the drift / an argument of calls moving full steam behind
10. after glow by foals
get out, don't forget everything you cared for / for it, won't be nothing more tomorrow
11. zombie by the cranberries
another mother's breaking / heart is taking over / when the violence causes silence / we must be mistaken
12. i got the juice (feat. pharrell williams) by janelle monáe
i got the juice (juice tonight) / how many damn times i got to tell y'all?
13. eat your heart out adonis by wild beasts
you need some sugar you're white as a sheet / your heart i'd eat / don't go all shy on me don't be discreet
14. caving in by kimya dawson
i'm trying to be brave / cause when i'm brave / other people feel brave / but i feel like / my heart is caving in
15. devil's spoke by laura marling
but i am your keeper / and i hold your face away from the light / i am yours 'til they come
16. ichthyosaur by waitress for the bees
even if you grow horrid and ugly / even when you grow wicked and cold / i will always be here to know you / you can always have me to hide you
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petitprincess1 · 3 years
been seeing your posts in the discourse tag like. Every Day and i was like "wow this must be a serious issue" but. WOW. took some time to read the posts and im. this is a Wild argument and all because you. uh. said italian people can be white??? wild (for the record i agree with u this is not meant to come off as attacking u)
Nah, I got you. Yeah, it's been going on for nearly a week. Honestly, I'm only doing this because Trick, being the absolute dumbass that he is, wants to continue this. Why would a nearly 30 year old man continue an argument online? Because he has nothing else going on his life, apparently. This means so much to him that he made a Twitter, that I blocked btw, just to fucking spy on me there. Why? Again, nothing going on in his life.
All this because I said Italians, who are Europeans ffs, can be white. Yes. I am racist for basically saying that people can be white.
Do you understand how dumb you have to be to not believe this? How dumb you have to be to think this is racist? How dumb you have to be to do "research" about whether or not Italians can be considered white? How dumb you have to be to even START this argument when it was already resolved and not even have the balls to keep the entire conversation in full context to your followers, who you told to piss off because they are nothing compared to your Adonis of a boyfriend?
Answer: Brain dead. You guys are witnessing the first ever discourse with basically a corpse and it's so painfully stupid, it's laughable. My god, I need several drinks.
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chaneajoyyy · 4 years
Hey girl hey. Could you please suggest good complete Killmonger/MBJ/Adonis series?
Heyyyyyy!!!👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾!! I sure can!!
- tis’ the season series (and the blurbs), dont take it personal series, a catchfish christmas series and the blurbs), the horror of our love series, bedwarmer series (with t’challa and m’baku), musical oneshots series (i know, gangsta, gods and monsters, charm x e)-  @teakturn (all on AO3)
- i call bullshit series, no mercy series- @aloevverified (search: wmi masterlist)
- no place like home series, red bottoms series, strawberry shortcake series, into the depths series, can you handle it series, killing booth series, arguments series, crowning glory series, waiting to get home series, best friends series, line loves series-  @hearteyes-for-killmonger
- sudden reunions series, sorry loser series-  @supersizemeplz (search: masterlist)
- end in flames series- @bvlckgirlmvgix (search: erik killmonger x blackIreader)
- rekindle series- @soufcakmistress (search: masterlist)
- be careful sweetheart series- @avenging-fics
- desserts series- @forbeautyandlife
- @panthergoddessbast
- haunted heart series- @youreallyshouldtalkmore
-  mystery of the golden fang series, a map made in heaven series-  @youcantkillamutant (scroll for erik killmonger x black!oc)
- breaking boundaries & breaking walls series part 1- @kaytauru (scroll for #breaking boundaries)
- deal series @wakandamama
- medicine series, child of mine series- @wakanda-inspired
- operation honeypot series, death of a bachelor series,  liberation series- @blackpantherimagines
- ring series- @blackpantherismyish
- fried green tomatoes series, his nightmare (or his queen) series, best you had series- @iliketowrite1996 (scroll for erik stevens x reader)
- what we used to be series, personal trainer series, on the run series,   @dacreskars (search: masterlist)
- n’jadaka’s helpful hands series-  @eerythingisshaka (scroll down page for masterlist)
- if ever there were angels series- @lesqui
-homewrecker series, grindin series, jp3 series- @shaekingshitup
- my king series- @justauthoring
- for you series- @marvellovegalore (scroll for marvel fanfiction)
- lady and the tramp series- @livingmybestfakelife (search masterlist)
- shae butter baby series- @nachtaiwrites (scroll for erik x reader)
- reckoning series, around the world and back series- @muse-of-mbaku (scroll for black panther mastersit)
- call out my name series, is it over? series- @oshaia (scroll for erikkillmonger)
- what you don’t do series- @wakandanblogger (scroll for erik killmonger x reader)
- i do care series- @cancerianprincess (scroll for erik x reader)
- havana series, snowball series, split part 1 (please read the whole series), drillmonger series, waiting in vain series- @erikismybitch (scroll page for updated masterlist you can’t miss it!)
-  heartbreak series- @artsninspo (scroll down for masterlist)
- sight series- @ghostfacekill-monger
- ember series part 1 ( do read the whole series-part of it is on her wattpad page @/nahimjustfeelingit-writes), the lagoon seiries, wet dreams series- @eye-raq (search: masterlist)
- kevin’s heart series, foot fetish headcanon (one-shot) series-@madamslayyy
- little girl series- @sweeter-thejuice (search: masterlist)
- oops series, east atlanta love letters series, loyal!erik blurg series- @another-imaginesblog
- spoiled series, thru the phone series- @princesskillmonger (scroll for erik killmonger imagine)
- blind date series- @cosmiceyegasms (scroll for cosmiceyegasms)
- dirt little secrets series,  @goddessofthundathighs (search: masterlist)
- loyalty series, changes series- @melaninmarvelgirl62
- sunsets series-  @mbakusprincess (search: masterlist)
- carried series- @ororowrites
- passenger seat series- @blackmissfrizzle
- a perfect crime series- @wikiwakanda (search: masterlist)
- my dope man series, the very best man series, home sweet home series (sequel to the very best man series), daddy time? series, go home erik series, coconut series, i love you king series, you don’t own me series-  @killmoncoochie (scroll for erik killmonger fic and coochiefic)
- a reward series-  @big-flop-energy- (scroll for leeleefic and 
- hold your breath series- @njadont (scroll for erik x reader)
- leave a light on series- @mariamermaid (scroll for erik x reader)
- smoke and mirrors series (sequel is on her ao3-> madeline grey)- @lannisterkitty
- pray for me series- @thekrazykeke
- love galore series- @mbjslilthang
- bad at love series- @fandomnom
- the sweetest taste series- @wakandaforeverwrites
- pet peeve series (currently on wattpad)- @aspacefork
- life unexpected series*, midnight fm series*, you again series (with chadwick)*, hot girl summer (with chadwick), at the oscars (with chadwick), the reader wanting a bbl (with chadwick), honey love series (with chadwick)- @lady-love-and-glitter-roses
- loving her, need you by my side, busted, planning the future, false accusations, mesy, flirt, reconnect, can’t help myself, +2, instagram bae, hello mrs. jordan, dance for you-  @plussizeappreciationfics (scroll for michael b jordan x reader or michael b jordan x plus size reader)
- oooh...we got a house house?!, test, birthday fic, he was erik... (one shot for now)- @writerbee-ffs (scroll for michael b jordan x reader)
- comics are for nerds, unexpected surprise, sick times, it’ll be okay, love-  @running-on-fanfiction (search: michael b jordan)
- three times a charm?, late night shenanigans- @marvelouss-marvel
- split series (part 1) do read the series as a whole, just take both, nsfw- @erikismybitch
- red carpet tings- @mbjslilthang
- headcanons series- @atechnologicalmarvel (search: michael b. jordan)
-michael b jordan imagine where hes doing an interivew/red carpet thing and the person asks him where his gf is and not super into the hollywood life, michael and his gf get into a fights where she leaves and ends taking care of her, michael and his gf break up but still miss each other, michael and reader are dating and did a movie together and doing a cool photoshoot together, michael and you take your son to the black panther premiere and you annouces your pregnant again, imichael b jordan imagine where the reader is a famous singer and he goes to one of her concerts (she doesn’t know) and he surprises her backstage and they go out afterwards?, michael b jordan imagine where reader is a famous singer and she invites him to be in one of her music videos (where they play a couloe) and after the video they end up hooking up and start to like each other?- @fangirlfanwritings (search: michael b jordan)
- all mbj fics - @justimagaine (search: michael b jordan)
- imagine: joke, imagine: interview, having a puppy family would include...-@fandomnom (scroll for michael b. jordan)
- alphabet series (a is for arrest)*, soft kiss - @calif0rnia-lovers
*- beauty unit series- @mermaidchansons (search: michael b jordan)
- all mbj imagines- @celebrityyimaginees (scroll for michael b jordan x reader)
-nike air max 97, mornings- @teachallas (scroll for michael b jordan x reader)
- double trouble, movement, photo op, romcom tragedy-  @basickassandra (search: michael b jordan)
*= incomplete
*- cheater series- @erikismybitch
-adonis is imrpessed with the reader’s boxing skills , reader says to adonis it’s either or me or bianca series*, adonis and reader are married ahd shring thier first christmas with their twins and new dog- @nahimjustfeelingit-writes
*-missing brown eyes series, it’s always chilly in philly, balance, senior-itis- @cosmiceyegasms (scroll for cosmiceyegasms)
- whatchamacallit series- @goddessofthundathighs (search: masterlist)
*-  rrush series- @shedyou (scroll for adonis creed x reader)
*- 6 am series- @writerbee-ffs (scroll for adonis creed x reader)
- just a friend- @killmongerkink
- let’s undwind, why do you fight series* (part of the series in on her wattpad -> @ / nahimjustfeelingit-writes), fresh out a fight, baby fever, i object ( on her wattpad -> @ / nahimjustfeelingit-writes), wrong place ( on her wattpad -> @ / nahimjustfeelingit-writes) , my first was adonis johnson ( on her wattpad -> @ / nahimjustfeelingit-writes)- @eye-raq (search: masterlist)
-  lights on, fight night @killmongerdispussy (scroll for adonis x bianca)
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writerbee-ffs · 5 years
Another Sleepless Night...
Continuation of 6 AM.
Adonis Creed x Reader
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It’s been a week since her encounter with pit bitch and although the thuds and bass were still apparent, Raylen could barely hear them once she turned on her smooth R&B playlist to fall asleep to every night.
She had seen Adonis a few times during the week. Mostly as she stepped into the elevator returning from work and him off into the evening of the city life. They mostly exchanged glances or in her case mean mugs or deathly glares while he opted for a wink or a sly smirk.
Stirring in her sleep , Raylen realized H.E.R’s Best Part had quickly been overthrown with the raps of Meek Mill blaring from the ceiling.
“Pit bitch.” She mumbled tossing the covers over her sluggish body. “Fucking annoying ass niggah!” She scrambled putting on the fuzzy sweater and UGG boots before locking her bottom lock dashing to the elevator.
Hearing the bass tremble louder as she approached his door only made Raylen more agitated. ‘This niggah really in here not giving a damn.’ She thought before banging on his door like a maniac. “Pit bitch!“ She yelped using her foot to hit the door harder.
“Damn what took so long?” He chuckled opening his door with a smile show casing those deep dimples.
“S’cuse me?” Raylen rose her eyebrow looking at him like a complete idiot.
“Figured the only way to get your attention was my music.” Adonis chuckled. “Come in.”
Walking into his apartment hesitantly, Raylen’s eyes raked over the bare grey walls and the masculine furniture. “You just moved in?” She mumbled being led into his living room area.
“Uh if you call a year just moving in.” He chuckled slightly unwrapping the heavy bandages from his knuckles. “Really haven’t had the time or the patience to do all that decorating shit.”
“We could at least add some color.” She hummed.
“We?” He smirked taking off his Nikes.
“So what did you mean by your music was the only way to get my attention?” Raylen asked changing the subject.
Adonis chuckled before licking his lips. “Seem like you’ve been avoiding me.” He smirked. “I noticed you on the elevator a few times and you act like you couldn’t speak.”
“You have a mouth too, Adonis.” She looked at him seriously.
“Yeah I know.” He smiled devilishly looking up and down her body. Raylen felt small under he’s gaze. She definitely regretted grabbing a sweater instead of her sweats or even some shorts. Her nightgown aka T-shirt was barely covering her.
“So why not speak?” She rolled her eye quickly faking an attitude to break his gaze.
“You seemed tired, ya know?” “Didn’t wanna disturb you.”
“Oh but playing ratchet shit at 3am isn’t disturbing me?” “All I hear is bass and you fucking working out or whatever you’re doing.”
“I’m a fighter, Miss Raylen.” “A boxer.” He licked his lips.
“You? You box? Like as in a ring and gloves and all?” She giggled slightly. She wasn’t at all surprised to be honest but it was an interesting “career” choice.
“Let me in on the joke.” Adonis jokingly demanded watching.
Raylen shrugged her shoulders as she pulling her sweater over her legs. “Just seems like someone like you wouldn’t want to damage that pretty face.” She smiled not even realizing the tone of her voice.
“Ah you think I’m pretty?” Adonis smiled showing off his pearly whites. “Didn’t think you were that straight forward.”
“Don’t flattered yourself, Donnie.” She rolled her eyes. “It was just observation. Anyways, why did you want me up here?”
Adonis made his way over to the other side of the sofa watching her before placing his head down. “Uh- I mean I wanted to know- Breakfast?” He stumbled over his words. He didn’t think it would be this hard to ask her out especially on a basic ass date.
“Like me annnnd you?” She asked motioning her hand between the both of them.
“Yeah. Like you and me.” He chuckled slightly. “I mean you gotta eat, right?”
“Yeah, I do.” Raylen smiled watching him. “But who said I like to eat breakfast?” She spoke slyly.
“Jokes?” He questioned letting a slight laugh out. “I can give you lunch or dinner.” His voice dropped a few octaves into her ear. “I like to eat, baby girl.” A chill ran up Raylen’s spine forcing her bottom lip to wedge between her teeth as Adonis laid his right palm on her thigh gripping it. “You like that?” He mumbled with his lips brushed against her ear.
Raylen brushed her nose against his cheek as she touched his thigh in return. She could hear his breath hitch as she moved towards his ear. “I’m not that easy, Adonis.” She mumbled before standing up. “Not sure what you’re use to but I’m not it.” She smiled before exiting his apartment.
Adonis was stunned. He didn’t mean to play Raylen like some basic hoe but he was feeling her and he wouldn’t judge her if something had went down. Standing up from the sofa, Adonis grabbed his gloves moving towards his weight bag. Hearing a knock paused his movement. “Yooo! You know what fucking tim-“ He yelled swinging the door open.
“Breakfast. Friday. 9am.” She spoke before walking towards the elevator doors.
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