#adrien is trans what can I say
sizzleissues · 1 year
(Trans masc Adrien, 1093 words)
There are a few things you learn about a person when you date them and no time else. How they snore like a little baby owl when sleeping on their stomach and insist it's the most comfortable position. How they kick their feet and shake their fists when they’re happy with a design before ultimately scraping it. How she trusts him with all her heart and he can’t trust her. Not with this.
The one thing Adrien should probably tell Marinette because they’re dating is perhaps the hardest to admit.
It's sickening in his stomach just thinking about it. He can’t exactly poke her in the back right now and say ‘Oh you know your boyfriend? What if I told you he’s not actually a boy.’
He can’t let her know he’s wearing a binder or that he has to inject himself every few weeks or that he stuffs a sock down his pants because that would end with her staring at him like he’s an alien and ending the only good thing in his life. Besides, in a couple years she wouldn’t even be able to tell. Not that she’d wait a couple years.
Adrien stops his hand short of tapping her shoulder and turns onto his back, breathing through the strain. Marinette continues to snore, unaware her ‘not actually a boy’ friend is tossing and turning beside her. 
It’s different when he’s Chat Noir. Something about its magic makes him realer than he is as Adrien. Plagg explained it all between bites of camembert. The suit can’t exactly out him, that wouldn’t reflect his true self, so it adapted him instead. Chat Noir can run without running out of breath because his binder is constricting his lungs because Chat Noir isn’t wearing a binder. Chat Noir is him fully realised.
He can’t transform into Chat Noir right now just because he wants to fall asleep beside his girlfriend. And he can’t take off his binder without Marinette noticing. So he’s stuck pretending as he always does.
“Adrien?” Marinette mutters through a yawn.
“Yes?” He pretends to just wake up.
“Sorry.” She flips onto her back. “Did I wake you?”
“Yeah, but I don’t mind. What’s up?”
Her face tenses slightly as whatever she wants to say passes through a mental barrier. Then it settles and she turns to him in the beginning of morning light. “Do you want to kiss me?”
He’s taken aback for a moment. It's strange for her to go so off script. Another thing he knows about her, she likes to plan. It’s nearly reminiscent of Ladybug if only for the fact that Marinette plans every interaction while Ladybug plans insane ways to defeat akumas.
“Yes, I always do. Why are you asking?”
“I had a dream.” She explained simply, leaving a gap for him to fill in the rest. “So are you going to kiss me?”
Adrien nods and kisses her bottom lip. Every touch is soft, being so early in the morning, and leaves his skin tingling. There’s a faint trace of the peach lip gloss she’s worn the previous day but Adrien loves the fact he can kiss her when she’s less than perfect. That she’d allow him to taste her lips against his when only a few weeks ago she’d worry about something as small as the lighting.
Marinette sighs into it, dropping her arms around his neck. She manoeuvres onto his lap between breaths. There's a need between them to be as close as possible.
The kiss deepens and then her mouth moves elsewhere. She kisses and sucks on his neck. Adrien shivers against her and he can feel her smile. 
“Do you like that?” She asks.
“Yes.” He gasps. She presses another kiss to a sensitive spot near his ear. 
He’s an idiot that he lets it go further.
His hands run up her body, taking her shirt with them, which she graciously removes so he can see her. She is beautiful.
And this is getting dangerous.
She bends down again, capturing his mouth. This is where it should stop. This is enough.
Her hands touch his chest.
Adrien doesn’t stop her.
He feels the exact moment she pauses. The exact moment her lips stills against his and he pathetically tries to continue. The exact moment she notices something is wrong and there’s a reason they’ve never gotten this far.
That her boyfriend is lying to her.
He doesn’t answer, refusing to look up from his lap. He doesn’t deserve to look at her now while she’s so beautiful and he’s nothing but a freak.
Her hand touches his cheek and he flinches away.
“Are you wearing a binder?”
He’d been told when he first got one that physically no one would ever notice it. That as long as he didn’t let anyone touch his chest for an extended period of time they would never know. He was safe.
Marinette gazes down at him, waiting for an answer.
“I am.”
Oh. That’s all she could say. Oh, my boyfriend’s actually a girl. Oh, he’s been lying to me, tricking me. Oh-
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Adrien looks up, confused. 
“Aren’t you mad at me?”
“No. Never.” She moves off of his lap and slides in next to him. “I’m just wondering why I don’t know.”
“No one does. My father doesn’t want anyone to find out, in fear of the backlash.”
“Is he supportive?” 
“He accepts me.”
“But he doesn’t support you.”
“Yeah. Mom was the one who did the supporting.”
She’s silent again but still beside him at least. He can hear her think everything through. Deciding if this is a dealbreaker.
“So would you prefer to keep the binder on when with me or take it off?”
Adrien is surprised to say the least. He’s always been told that if anyone found out they’d leave him. No one could love a liar.
“You’re fine with it?”
“Of course I am.”
Marinette laughs quietly and then traces her finger down his cheek.
“I just want you to be comfortable.”
Adrien rests his head on her shoulder. The reaction he’d constructed in his head seems almost dumb now. Of course Marinette, kind and compassionate Marinette, wouldn’t hate him for being different. 
“Then, I’d prefer to take it off.”
“That’s alright. Anything else?”
“You can touch me. Just not there, not yet.”
“Okay.” Her head turns so she can kiss the top of his head. “Thank you for trusting me. I know this isn’t probably how you wanted me to find out."
It’s nice to trust her.
(i wanna right trans fem, gender non conforming and non binary Adrien now too. Nothing can stop me!!!! I hope the kissy scene was okay!! I don't usually post them)
((I hope this is good and please reblog with your thoughts because fan interaction blah blah blah.))
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maestro04yayyy · 2 months
maestro04yayyy, maestro04yayyy I need, I need to tell you something, cos a Chloleka thought just burned itself into my skull and I have to share it , please forgive the ramble but like!
The time time Juleka officially declares CHloe is her girlfriend, that they are dating, is right in front of their class, in a public event, when meeting Audrey.
Specifically, its Style Queen day and before the death drama starts, Chloe tries introducing Juleka whom she had managed to get some official modeling shoots for.
Audrey's suitably impressed, not quite "Most exceptionally thing I have ever seen!" impressed, but definitely, "hmm, yes, those were exceptional shots, you have potential" impressed.
However things turn sour the moment Chloe tries to keep particpating in the conversation, because:
"& what do you have to do with her Cloaco, besides sharing I assume an age demographic."
"W- Well I arranged Juleka's shoots?"
"Even a stopped clock is right once a day, digital not analog, why are you bothering her now?"
Juela, having had enough of this, "She's also my girlfriend."
Class (Gasps) Rose (Complicated feelings!)
Audrey just gives her an appraising look before saying, "You can do better."
Choe: I'm trying mommy-
"Hush Clorox, Juleka was it? Don't tether yourself to a sow on pedigree alone," She sends Andre who is approaching a scathing look, "Trust me me on that."
Chloe has to physically stop Juleka from acting up, but the seat drama starts and its all lost in the hubbub.
When Audrey storms off, Chloe races to go after her and like, my mind goes in two directions.
1: She has to pull away from Juleka who is trying to keep her there but its clearly like pulling teeth and motivated by a mixture of, "Got to make mommy happy, & she will destroy Adrien's career over this, ETC."
Juleka doesn't follow, though maybe only cos she's physically stopped, but she is snarling about tearing out the heart of a foul witch.
2: Or, Juleka tells Chloe to stop, as in the firm, clear commands and Chloe does, but tries not to and is just like, clearly struggling, cos she can't do what Juleka says and make mommy happy, but she can't ignore Juleka and-
She kind of nearly starts disintegrating on the spot as she tries to find a solution and is basically half escorted, half carried away by Juleka.
Whatever the case,
Style Queen happens, Chloe manages to reason herself & probably Juleka out of being dusted if she's close by or Juleka had otherwise left the room and wasn't hit.
Adrien's still out of the fight, but Marinette decides with Chat absent she needs fire power as well as stopping power & takes both tiger & bee!
Who ends up with wat how is still up in the air, cos again it could go many ways.
Like, she may still want Bee for Alya, but want to give Juleka the tiger to work out some of her anger. Or she may even be debating Chloe as she'd have adjusted a decent amount of her behavior at this stage, or at least some if Juleka told her to or helped her socialize, but maybe not.
It could go just like canon but two Miraculous boxes are lost, or only one, or Juleka finds one and trans forms to go fuck up Audrey or her office and possessions at a minimum, or Chloe is the one to find it. Or they both find one, possibly knowingly stealing said Miraculous is Juleka was with Chloe but not turned to dust like her.
Its fucked up Chloe's mother killed her, right? Like, she tried to several times & then did. She murdered her daughter.
Or Juleka manages to basically drag Chloe back to her place where one or both of them open Miraculous, hell, Marinette may not even go with the Bee if she thinks the Horse could get the job done!
There's so many options, but yeah, broad strokes, those are some vibes.
Also like, one one hand Juleka declaring Chloe as her girlfriend and in a protective manner, YES, o the other hand, that means the way they became official will always be when Audrey was tearing Chloe down and not a happier moment, NO!
So yeah, feels!
Also Chloe basically disintegrating cos of her ingrained penchant to listen and obey her loved one's to get them to love her lead to some kind of shut down or disassociation cos she can't please two people at once and like, she is such a fucking mess. Like a figurine made of glass with sharpened edges, cutting, difficult to hold, a work of art and exceptional presentation, but oh so breakable.
Ok fist pf all never apologize or asl for forgiveness when rambling!!!!(at least to me).
Second, I love this!!!!!! All of it!!!!!!!
Got that's such a good moment to actually bevome official!!!(well in a story at least, because loke you said that day won't be a happy memory)
Also I literally adore the second option, the one of chloe wanting to please both and just freezing, not knowing what to do and like taking a step forward and then a step back, like a broken toy or robot.
(And yeah juleka is going to murder audrey, or at least her akuma self, and it is very fucked that aidrey killed chloe)
As for the miraculous, yeah you can do so manu things depending on what ypu want to do or tell!!!!! It's amazing!!!!!! The potential is limitles!!!!
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adrinoir · 3 months
Headcanon: Adrien Agreste is Trans? (Part 6)
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First things first: Happy pride month to everyone in the community!
If you’ve followed my blog for a while or fallen down the rabbit hole of this headcanon at some point, you’ll know I’ve supported it for a long time. Sooo, welcome to part 6 of the Adrien being trans headcanon.
Here are the other parts of this headcanon if you’d like to read those: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
Usual disclaimer: this is just for fun! Obviously cis boys can have these same qualities and traits. Don’t take it too seriously. These are all just things I’ve noticed. Also, I use the term "sentibeings" vs "sentimonsters" because I personally feel the canon term has a negative, dehumanizing connotation - please keep that in mind, too!
Sentibeings develop their own lives & identities
I feel like this shouldn't have to be said, but in case anyone feels Adrien being a senti-human debunks the hc, I'm writing this as an important reminder. Although they were developed through a miraculous power, Adrien, Felix, and Kagami are very much still human. Felix has made it clear that people of his kind are dehumanized, seen as "monsters," and taken advantage of which is something that upsets him greatly, and rightfully so.
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This in itself is sadly something a lot of trans people can relate to. We're often dehumanized for not being "normal" and having unique/different identities in comparison to cis people who identify with their assigned birth gender.
But, I do want to focus more on the fact that sentibeings who were developed into humans are humans, meaning they develop and function the same way all humans do because this is important when talking about this hc. Adrien can still very much be trans considering he's a human with his own life and identity.
Felix had the dramatic presentation of him and Adrien's life story. Yes, he addressed Adrien being a boy the whole time, but also consider that he's going to respect his cousin's identity if he is trans. If this headcanon was in fact canon, Adrien would very much be closeted, and it isn't up to Felix to reveal his identity to others. Saying Adrien was born and raised a girl would not have added anything to the backstory, anyhow.
Gabriel could be controlling for other reasons, too
As we are all aware, Gabriel is a very controlling parent. We're directly shown that he's this way because Adrien is a sentibeing who he can control through his ring, and he's an evil, narcissistic person who doesn't care about others, including his own son. However, it is very much possible that there are other underlying reasons why he's as controlling as he is, let alone towards his own son. Like, why would he not love his own son?
There could obviously be hundreds of underlying reasons why Gabriel is so careless and controlling, but one of them could be that he may not love his son since he's trans. I briefly mentioned in part 3 of the hc that Gabriel could be unaccepting of Adrien being trans, so I'm going to build off of that.
Gabriel may not have always been quite as controlling and neglectful. Maybe before Adrien transitioned, he was a gentler, more caring father. However, we're shown in Wishmaker (yes, I know I always reference this episode lol) from Adrien's perspective, that his parents have always had certain expectations of him, most of which he's followed. So, if Adrien went against their expectations and transitioned to be their son instead of their daughter, that could've easily set Gabriel off (maybe even Emilee too, for all we know).
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Why does Adrien tolerate the way Gabriel treats him?
To build further off of my last section, Adrien is aware of his father's terrible behavior and accepts it for what it is throughout a good portion of the series. But, why does he tolerate and accept it? There could be many reasons why, but I'm going to focus on two particular possibilities.
First of all, I also mentioned in part 3 that Gabriel seems like the type who'd gaslight Adrien, saying things like, “you have it so good here! I didn’t kick you out and I use your right name and pronouns!" If he is like that, that could be what makes Adrien so tolerable of his controlling behavior. He may allow this neglect and control because his father is "accepting" of his identity, enough to use the right name and pronouns.
OR, maybe Adrien thinks his behavior is acceptable due to internalized transphobia. Internalized transphobia is sadly a very common thing trans people experience. If this is something he feels, he may think it's right of his father to be unaccepting because "trans people (like me) are not worthy of others' acceptance."
Adrien's vision of the ideal man
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This is another thing I've talked a bit about, but I think it's important to talk about in depth.
We see Adrien in many different identities. The ones I'm going to focus on in particular are himself, Cat Noir, and Cat Walker.
Adrien seems to have this idealistic vision in his mind of what an ideal man is supposed to be like. When he plays his role as Cat Noir, he's very over-the-top: flirtatious, strong, protective, destructive. It doesn't mirror how he acts normally, which as we see is the version of him that conforms to most of his parents' expectations. And, when he plays the role of Cat Walker -since he got the sense that Cat Noir was neither an ideal man nor heroic partner for Ladybug- he tones a lot of that down and acts the way he feels she'd like him best for, very laidback, a bit seductive, and helpful, following her ideas.
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Why does he have these odd, idealistic versions of what a man should be and tosses his identity around so much? Let me explain.
Adrien hasn't had a good father figure in his life. So he most likely has had to develop this idealistic version of what a man is and follow that, switching it when he has the ability to live his second life as a hero without needing to conform to his father's standards. Adrien wants to be a man but he has no one to follow for that, especially if one of the main reasons for his father's neglect is due to unacceptance of him being trans, Gabriel will hold back as much as possible on being a good father figure and being a positive influence in his growth into manhood.
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ilikekidsshows · 2 months
*kicks your door down too in horror cause I just saw that u uploaded replies again so ur not sick of us sending asks yet*
Was Miraculous retooled to cater to terfs and raise new ones???
Sure, Marinette ain't a terf (yet) but she sure is a terf's victim-complex power fantasy. Which, I guess, yeah, explains the horrible feminism :|
Honestly, I don't think Astruc and his mostly male cowriters are TERFS, but the show surely appeals to them. After all, the show is all about what privileged white men think is empowering to girls: surface-deep girl power.
As a result, we have some nice entertainment for all the TERFS in the crowd, like:
The girl character can be toxic and overly controlling, because toxic relationships are okay when a girl is the one in control.
The boy characters should shut up about their meaningless problems because girls have it so much worse by virtue of being girls.
Motherhood is the most saintly of endeavours, which means Emilie Agreste making Adrien the human equivalent of tissue paper is morally righteous because she did it to become a mother.
The male lead gets constantly put down in order to give all the glory to the female lead.
The only two genderqueer characters are safely "androgynous" and "don't need labels" respectively, neatly avoiding naming any actual genderqueer identities in the show and definitely not having actually trans characters.
The only canonical queer couple is a wholesome married lesbian couple with a baby, consisting of a butch and a femme, where the femme was the one to have the baby.
I'd say any similarities with things we see in Miraculous and TERF rhetoric is because TERFs' brand of feminism ultimately upholds patriarchal values, and this show is written by a bunch of privileged white men, who aren't exactly encouraged to question whether or not they uphold patriarchal values. Like, there's the same core cause, rather than them being directly related.
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Chloe & Adrien, both are aware the other is trans or a lesbian but that they won't admit it to themselves & so just get like... Reeeeal passive aggressive about it in every conversation they can. With increasingly forced smiles to hide the antagonism and silent maw of internal questions being opened.
Chloe: I can't believe Rose is interested in Ali, I mean yes he's a princes but she has a woman like Juleka wrapped around her finger and is doing nothing with her.
Adrien: Hmm, yeah that's exactly what ever straight girl thinks, why go for a princes then they could date a cool goth girl from class?
Chloe: Oh we're on 'this' again are we, my mischievous mademoiselle? Honestly dear, you must stop confusing my respect for women such as ourselves and attraction to them.
Adrien: The fact the only guy you show an interest is one you think is actually a girl says a lot I think.
Chloe: So you admit it!
Adrien: I acknowledged what you think, not that its true.
Chloe: You just said it was!
Adrien: Nu uh, that isn't what I meant!
Chloe: Yeah-ha!
Both (Dissolve into increasingly loud and childish bickering as the class watches in wide eyed bamboozlement)
Morons the both of them
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yuttikkele · 1 year
I saw that there was a poll tournament that was called “Schrödinger’s Gender.” It got discontinued, but I just wanna say my personal set of characters that I think have the most Schrödinger’s gender in order.
Adrien Agreste — I’ve headcanoned him as transmasc, nonbinary, transfem, genderfluid, the whole shebang. And I cannot make my mind up.
John Egbert — the whole COMMUNITY doesn’t even know egbert’s gender anymore (the only reason he’s not above adrien is because, personally, adrien’s gender is more scattered for me)
Snufkin — this guy is TRANS, and I don’t think we’d ever be able to comprehend his gender identity. He is an icon for all the trans no matter what your gender.
Agent/Captain 3 — reflects the player and thus can be any gender (this can go for any video game protag like this, just Splatoon is a good mascot cause it’s already really gay)
honorable mention: Allan from the Barbie movie. He’s a staple for all the trans, but despite being around for so long, he just hasn’t been around long enough to really stick as THE Schrödinger’s gender yet.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
The science kids seem to not like the Akuma class barring Nath, but I wanna know what they don't like about Marinette.
Denise: Oh, sit down, honey! Lemme tell you something about Marinette! She says she loves Adrien, but what does she really love about him? I’ll tell you, he’s the heteronormative dream. White, blonde, rich, upper-middle class, and genes a straight girl would kill for! She has her future children planned out! Two boys and one girls! A designer and model with 2.5 kids, now tell me that is not the “American Dream” or some bullshit.
Zoé: They’re right. It’s unsettling that Marinette has the sexes picked out for her kids. I mean, what if one of them turns out trans? Then what? I think she’ll have a breakdown.
Ismael: Or she’ll give one girl away and try again for a boy. Th-this worries us. And back to Adrien, she doesn’t love him. She loves that he’s “perfect,” and thinks she’s the “perfect girl” for him. So much so that she sabotages any girl who shows a shred of interest in him. Resh and I saw her sabotage the Friendship Day thing with Kagami just so she wouldn’t be able to win and hang out with Adrien.
Reshma: It was… Not pretty. What lengths is she willing to go to? Wh-what if Adrien finds a girl he truly loves?
Marc: What about a guy? What if Adrien realizes he’s gay? Who knows what she’ll do? Not only that, but she keeps dragging the girls into her kinda illegal schemes. Didn’t she get them to put up a fake ‘no parking’ sign?
Jean: I also heard something about her having his entire schedule. I thought that was a rumor started by some psycho fangirls who hate her, but now I think they’re just legitimately concerned.
Reshma: And back to this “perfect girl” thing. I saw her team up with Chloé of all people to sabotage Kagami’s chances with Adrien at the movie premiere.
Cosette: That! That is what we’re talking about! She’ll go to great lengths to ruin Adrien’s own happiness just to make herself happy by dating him. And if we could talk about Luka for a moment. What she did to him was unfair. If she was still in love with Adrien, she shouldn’t have been dating him. When Luka got akumatized into Truth and Alya told him Marinette’s biggest secret was her crush on Adrien, he said he already knows about that…
Lacey: So, her obsession over Adrien didn’t fade! And the explanation for her and Luka breaking up was “oh she’s so secretive!” What secret?! That’s she’s obsessed over Adrien?! Like Marc said, that’s not a secret!
Aurore: Now onto her actions regarding Adrien. As we’ve mentioned, she has his schedule. How did she get it? It’s nowhere online! The only explanation is that she stole his assistant’s tablet and got the information off of that!
Simon: I just tried to hack into her tablet, but it’s got one hell of a firewall. And I doubt Marinette has the hacking knowledge to get into it herself. Therefore, we can only assume that she got ahold of Nathalie’s tablet, or even Adrien’s phone, and got the schedule herself.
Mireille: Oh, and then you have Lila. Her only ambition was to expose Lila as a liar simply because she started showing an interest in Adrien. What about the fact that her friends were being lied to? Then she expected them to believe her every word about Lila being a liar simply because they’re friends. She didn’t provide any evidence, and it only made her look even more jealous of her. I mean, if Lila were to be in our class and I knew she was a liar, I wouldn’t go to my friends as a whole, I’d tell Aurore my concerns, and we’d research the facts together.
Zoé: Yeah, that’s right. Marinette lets her jealousy get the best of her. And yes, while we get jealous from time to time, you don’t see Marc sabotaging another boy for showing an interest Nathaniel, or Denise yelling at some girl for being friends with Simon, or Jean teaming up with his worst enemy to make some guy hanging out with Austin look bad in front of him. Because we’re rational!
Jean: It’s just… That’s like her whole character, being a stalker toward Adrien and not caring who she hurts emotionally just to be close to him. It’s unfair to the people around her, and those helping her with her plans are going to get in trouble.
Reshma: It’s is pretty much the reason why we try to distance ourselves away from her, yet she keeps being persistent.
Marc: Yeah, she won’t stop trying to get Nath and I to make more romance manga which are all basically a guide for her life with Adrien, and it’s deeply disturbing how much detail she has us put into them, right down to the exact texture of Adrien’s hair. We lied and told her we had too many commissions coming in to make more comics for her.
Aurore: Last week, she invited Mireille, Reshma, Lacey, Denise, Cosette, Zoé, and I to a sleepover at her place with the girls from her class, and I had to plan one at the last minute just so we didn’t have to go. I don’t feel like being in the same room as Adrien’s schedule.
Cosette: So, in short, that’s why we don’t like Marinette. She’s obsessive, a stalker, insensitive, and prone to some extreme jealousy. Hell, I could be talking to Adrien right now, and she’ll try to sabotage me in some way. And I’m dating Zoé!
Ismael: Yeah, that’s uh… That’s it… So, what now?
Marc: Guys, Nath just texted! Marinette’s coming to our classroom right now!
Denise: *Throws a desk out of the window* Run! Everybody run, now! *Jumps out of the window*
Lacey: *Packing snacks* We’re just gonna… Not be here! *Jumps out of the window, followed by Jean, Reshma, and Aurore*
Ismael: I’ll be in the catacombs! *Drops a smoke bomb and disappears*
Marc: *Pushing a bookshelf to the side to reveal a hole carved in the wall* You saw nothing!
Simon: *On his tablet* Goodbye, everybody! *A small drone flies into the room, grabs Simon by the back of his shirt, and carries him away*
Mireille: *Pulling apart the floorboards, revealing a panic room*
Zoé: Mireille! Take us with you!
Mireille: Get your own, panic room, bro! *Moves the floorboards back into place*
Cosette: YOU COWARD!
Marinette: Zoé! Cosette! Just the two I was looking for!
Cosette: … *Punches a wall* FUCK!… I’m afraid I must go to the nurse at this very moment. For you see, my hand is horribly injured, and Zoé twisted her ankle.
Zoé: I what? *Cosette kicks her ankle* AAAH! Yes! My ankle is twisted!
Marinette: Oh. Okay, well, maybe later, then-
Cosette: I may need stitches and I gotta go to the hospital for a few weeks! Bye! *Grabs Zoé’s hand and pulls her out of the room*
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idontknowanametouse · 2 months
MLB rewrite AU. Chapter 4: Dark Cupid
(Dark Cupid redesign inspiration @crimsonmonsoon)
Kim takes a deep breath, checking once again the ring he bought for Ondine. It's silver, with a small (fake) pearl on top and bluish details. She saw it in a store one day and loved it, but they were out of money at the time and she said to let it go. For today, he needs everything to be perfect, so it's better to give her something she already said she likes than to risk something else, right?
-Kim, how are you? – asks his Bô´, noticing his nervousness.
-Ah, yes, yes!! It's just… I'm going to ask a girl to be my girlfriend and… I just want everything to work out!!
-It's Ondine, right? – his dad smiled.
-…how did you know?
-You've only talked about her since you met, Kim. You don't need to be a genius to understand this.
-I noticed and told him. It'll be fine, son, don't worry. Then tell us how it was.
-And take her to get some ice cream!
Ondine arrives at class anxious, jumping up and down. Her best (and only) friend asks:
-Ondine-chan, what happened?
-Ah, hi, Kagami!! It's just… remember the boy I told you I liked, Kim? The athlete!
-I remember, yes, why?
-He asked me out today, on the Pont des Arts! I'm excited, I think he's going to ask me to be his girlfriend!! – the scholarship holder gives another little jump of happiness.
-Good, I'm happy for you. What time will it be?
-Just know that if he hurts you, I will kill him.
-No, don't do that!
-Alright, but just ask me and he will never be seen again.
-Can I ask you something? – Adrien says, sitting next to Nino.
-Of course, dude! What is it?
-It's something I've been asking myself since I met you. What botton is that on your backpack? – and points out the one.
-It's the non-binary flag, dude.
-Non-binary flag? What is that?
-Non-binary is a gender identity under the umbrella of the trans spectrum that includes any identity that is not one hundred percent within the binary of completely male or completely female.
-So… you mean… you're neither a man nor a woman?
-Uhm. I use pronouns he/him and they/them, these are the ones I like.
-Wait… – Adrien stops, his eyes, for the first time since Nino met him, wide. – Can you not be a man and also not be a woman?!
Adrien's jaw drops.
-And you can be called in a way that doesn't sound feminine or masculine?!
-I… I… – and he stops, in shock. – Nino, I think I'm non-binary.
-And I really like the pronouns they/them.
-Nice, dude! – and gives a high five.
Adrien smiles. They feel good about themself.
-Hey, Adrien! – Marinette says during the break. - How are you doing?
-Good, and you?
-Oh, I'm nervous about something, sorry, so I'll say it right away! – they exclaim, and hands them something. When they open their fingers, there is a ladybug botton there. – I made some friendship buttons for us!! Look at mine!! – and points to the suspenders, on which there is a black button with a green cat paw symbol. – This way, we always remember each other!!
-…thank you very much, Marinette! – and smiles. – Oh, I found out I’m non-binary! I use they/them pronouns!
-Ah cool! I'm trans too, and I use she/her and they/them pronouns!
Following Nino's example, Adrien raises their fist for a punch. Marinette does.
-Okay, Max, are you sure it's going to work? – Kim asks in front of the school, at the end of class.
-It will, I calculated this four times with different circumstances to make sure it will work.
-What is it? – Marinette asks, getting into the middle of the conversation and dragging Adrien behind her. Since it's only been three weeks since classes started, they don't know people very well yet, and Nino and Marinette have been trying to start their friendships with other people, since Chloé barely talks to anyone other than Adrien or Sabrina.
-Ah, hi, Mari! I'm going out with a girl today!
-It better be Ondine. – Marinette turns very serious.
-Wait, do you know each other?!
-We met at that swimming competition of yours.
-Oh, yeah…
-But Kim is not dating her yet, he is going to ask her to be his girlfriend today.
-Everything will be fine, Kim! Do not worry! – Marinette says, smiling at him. Adrien, behind her and without saying anything, gives him a thumbs up.
-Go now, otherwise you will be late at the Pont des Arts!! – exclaimed Max.
-Thank you guys!! – Kim thanks him, and runs away.
-…he's cool. – Adrien smiles a little.
-Yes, he is!! Chloé is calling you, right? See you tomorrow!
-See ya… – however, they stop. – Huh… where's Chloé? – and look at the message. She had said she couldn't take them today, as she was going to be at the Pont des Arts. - …Oh no.
Kim leans on the edge of the bridge, anxious, and then is startled when she appears at his side.
-Hey you!
-Ah! Oh, it's you, Chloé?
-You're in my class, aren't you? Kevin?
-Yeah, that's it, whatever. What are you doing?
-Not that it's any of your business, but I'm waiting for a girl.
-A girl? – and sees the box in his hand. – Are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend? Oh, my dear, this won't work…
-Oh yeah? And may I know why? – he grumbles, already irritated.
-To begin with, you're a bit ugly, you're dressed like you've just left the gym, you're sweaty, stinky, and besides… - and she picks up the box, and, upon opening it, pushes it back to his hands. – My God, what an ugly ring!! No girl would want to be with you that way, wake up and try to improve all of this before asking anyone to be your girlfriend!!
-What the hell are you talking about…?!
The boy freezes when he hears her voice. No, please don't… But when he turns around, she is really there. And her eyes are watery.
-Ondine!! Ondine, this is not what it seems…! – he tries to explain, however, she puts one hand to her heart, another to her face and runs away.
He tries to run after her, he really does, but she is faster. And in the end, at the end of the bridge, he watches the girl he loves so much leave with a broken heart, along with any chance he might have had with her.
Marinette receives Alya's call not long after class ended.
-Look at my blog!!
-What? Why?
-Just look!
That's when she opens the blog.
-You saw it, right? Don't leave the house!!!
-Wait, what are you doing out there recording, then?!
-Do what I say, but don't do what I do!!
-Get out of there!!
However, Alya just hangs up on her and Marinette growls a little in anger. She turns her attention to the video on the blog. The dark, winged and large figure is not very distinct in the image, shooting something similar to black beams that she can't quite see what it is either, but it is obviously an akuma, because now, with Paris the way it is, what else it could be? Even more so because it’s on Ladyblog, under the caption “dark cupid”.
The girl transforms, frustrated, and goes to the place where Alya is apparently recording.
He looks like an emo album cover.
It is Marinette's first thought as soon as she sees him. The large black angel wings, the eye band, the black jacket, shirt and pants, complemented by the fact that he is barefoot. And, of course, she is obviously a little terrified that this is clearly Kim.
What happened? Why is he an akuma? The only plausible explanation would be that he was rejected by Ondine, but he would have to have made a phenomenally big mess for it to have gone so wrong for him to become an akuma.
Trying to get herself to focus on the current situation again, she tries to see what those arrows of his were doing, but she can't see from the angle she is at, but whatever it is, it can't be good. That's when she throws the yo-yo, which wraps around the villain's arm.
She starts to think about whether she should stop using this technique, since this is the second time that the villain is stronger than her, throws her away using the yo-yo string and laughs at her as she flies through the sky.
-How are you, my lady? – Chat Noir smiles, holding her by the arm and preventing her from falling to the ground.
-Ah… hi, Chat… – and, retrieving the yo-yo, they climb onto the roof where they were. - Thanks.
-No problem, that's what I'm here for.
-To stop me from falling off buildings?
-For anything. Where is the villain?
-I think coming after us, he… – however, she stops when she sees, for a moment, just one, Chat Noir's eyes wide. And, in the next second, they grab her and jump to the ground, as if protecting her, and she only has time to see the akuma's arrow dissolving against Chat Noir's back. – Chat Noir!! No!!!
-Ladybug… – they murmur, panting, their voice suddenly weak. – …you are my… my… my worst curse!
-What?! What did he do?! Chat Noir, stop that!! – she exclaims, trying to push them away, but they hold her tighter against them.
-You are the person I hate the most in theisworld, Ladybug!! You are nothing, not to me, nor to anyone!!!
In a panic, afraid of what Chat Noir might do, they bite them on the shoulder, making the cat miraculous move away a little and she has room to push them a little and kick their stomach, managing to free herself and get out of there, playing her yo-yo away.
When Ladybug finds herself alone in the middle of an alley, it takes her a minute to calm down. Okay, okay, okay. What should she do now? Chat Noir, after being hit by the akuma, apparently started to hate her. This makes several options of things that could go wrong come to hwe mind: she could be shot by an arrow, Chat Noir could kill or capture her, Dark Cupid could kill or capture her, they could both team up to corner her, she could…
Her train of thought is broken when she narrowly dodges one of Chat Noir's crutches.
-Chat Noir, stop!! I don't want to fight you!! – and throws the yo-yo to another roof, heading away from there. She doesn't know if she would even be able to beat them in a fight, since they were physically stronger than her.
-Aww, what a shame, is the ladybug afraid of being swallowed by the cat? How did your kwami ​​choose you, anyway? – and raises one of the crutches towards her, which she deflects, and leans on the other.
-Have you even stopped to listen to yourself?! You look like a fucking incel! Just yesterday you were talking about that anime movie where you cried because of the power of friendship in it and… – and she stops trying to move away. – Lä shî. I… I'm really going to have to do this… CAT, COME HERE!!
-Wait, what? – Chat Noir mutters, then widening their eyes and running away. - What's that?! Get out, you savage!!!
-COME HERE AND TAKE YOUR MEDICINE!!! – and, chasing them through Paris, they throw the yo-yo and manage to tie up their body, keeping them hanging over a post, like a pulley.
-No, no, no!!! – Chat exclaims, trying to get away from her.
-Ok, I don't know how to do this. Should I hug you or something? I don't know what people consider an act of friendship or what you would consider or… – suddenly, she is cut by an arrow that almost hits her, taking her away from Chat Noir. - Caralho! Mas que pau no cu!
She moves away, pulling out her yo-yo and freeing Chat Noir, letting them fall to the ground. Ladybug runs from Dark Cupid, who shouts:
-Chat Noir!! Come!!
-I'm going!!
Shit. So they actually ganged up on her. Ladybug calls out the lucky charm, becoming confused when she sees a manga volume. When she sees herself being chased by the two incels, she leafs through the manga in her hands as she runs, trying not to trip, avoid her pursuers and think about what that talisman is for at the same time.
That is when Ladybug notices that this is the manga that originated the film that Adrien talked about yesterday. And, when she skips to the end of the volume, she sees how the best friend let themself be hit for the other, and how, however, they didn't die, because they had chosen to sacrifice themself for someone they loved.
At that moment, she falls to the ground with something on her back knocking her down hard, and her body turns upwards abruptly. Chat Noir stands over her, a hand hovering over her chest as the dark energy she recognizes as the cataclysm envelops it. Their canine teeth are bared in a macabre smile, drool running down them and landing near her face. She hears Dark Cupid saying that, if they kill her, they must bring him the body so he would take it to Hawk Moth so that he can absorb their kwami.
Fear fills her heart. The lucky charm should certainly bring her a solution, but the only one she can see will almost certainly end with her dead.
The lucky charm wouldn't kill me. Chat Noir will return. They need to.
-CHAT NOIR, YOU ARE MY FRIEND AND I TRUST YOU!!! – and, grabbing their arm, pushes the cat's hand towards their chest, cataclysms their own heart.
The girl howls in pain as she feels the destructive power being pumped through her body and distributed throughout all her cells, making her almost wish she would die all at once so she wouldn't have to feel such pain inside her. Her tightly closed eyes release involuntary tears, and she feels small drops falling over them.
When she opens them, she looks at Chat Noir's face, with an expression of pure shock and their eyes watering, muttering at what they had done:
-No, no…
-Chat… you're back… – she sighs with relief, and uses the little strength she has in her deteriorated lungs and throat to scream: – IT'S THE RING!! IT'S IN THE RING!! I HAVE EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL, JUST GO THERE!!
-O-okay… okay!! OK!! – and jumps on top of Dark Cupid. There are some banging sounds, until Chat shouts: – I BROKE THE RING!!
Seeing the white butterfly approach her, still lying down, Ladybug feels like she is going to faint as she throws the luck charm up to use miraculous ladybug. As soon as the magical ladybugs touch her, however, all the pain disappears and she is able to stand up with the same ease as before. Sighing in relief, she runs up to Chat Noir and Kim, and asks:
-Is he ok?!
-I think so…? Hey, man, are you okay? – asks Chat.
Kim then, looking a little confused, looks at the two of them, and his eyes start to water and he bites his bottom lip. Ladybug saw that expression before. He really, really wants to cry.
-Oh my God!! What happened?! Why do you want to cry?! Is there anything I can do to help you?! – she asks, panicking a little because she doesn't know if she should help so much because she's Ladybug at that moment.
-The girl I like now hates me!! There was a big mess and she must never want to look me in the face again!!!
-Kim? – murmurs a voice. The three turn in that direction and see Ondine, timidly entering the street that they ended up unintentionally emptying when they took the fight to there.
-Ondine!! You have to listen to me!!! I swear it was a misunderstanding! – he runs towards her.
-Who is this? – Chat Noir whispers in Ladybug's ear.
-His swimming buddy. You know, the girl he likes.
-I saw the akuma on the ladyblog and he looked just like you, so I ran here… I thought that, as you turned into an akuma right after that happened on the bridge, there must have been something that I didn't understand…?
-I think we can leave them alone, because I want to talk to you about something. – says Ladybug.
-Okay, I also wanted to talk to you. Where are we going?
-My home. I think I'll detransform soon.
As soon as they find themselves on the roof of Marinette's house and she detransforms, she turns around, looking very angry with them, and exclaims:
-What the hell was that?!
-What?! What are you talking about?
-Why did you throw yourself in front of the arrow to protect me?! You could have just gotten me out of the way or whatever!! You didn't know what was going to happen to you! We can't keep sacrificing ourselves for each other, my miraculous ladybug doesn't resurrect people and we don't always know what a villain is going to do to us!!
-But you also sacrificed yourself!! You pushed my cataclysm straight to your chest!! Do you have any idea that you could have died?! I really could have killed you!! I thought I killed you!
-But I didn't die, right?!
-That's not the point!! You didn't know you weren't going to die!
-Yes, but the lucky charm showed that that was the only way out, so I knew I would somehow be able to use the miraculous ladybug later to solve this!! And you, why did you sacrifice yourself?! Why did you throw yourself in front of that arrow for me instead of just pulling me away?! Huh?! Huh?!
-I… I don't know, I didn't actually think at the time! I didn't realize I could pull you away! Besides, I thought that… that…
-That what?!
-I don't know, it would be better for me to be hit than you!! I'm not good in this superhero thing, have you noticed?! I don't know how to make plans, I can't fix things, I don't have a way to always win somehow, you're much better at this than me!!!
-ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I wouldn't have been able to make those plans if it weren't for you! Two weeks ago, I couldn't do anything against Stormyweather and you were the one who saved everyone! We are partners, we have to do things together because NONE OF US IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER!! Never say again that you are worse than me or that it would be better for you to be hit than me!!!
-…alright. Sorry. I'll try not to do that again. If I do, it won't be intentional, I promise.
-OK. I'm sorry I made you think you killed me. Let's agree to never again sacrifice ourselves for each other without doing it in a way that we know is strictly necessary for our victory and know that everything will work out and return to normal in the end. Promise?
-Pinky promise? – and extended his own.
-Pinky promise. You are one of my best friends.
Chat Noir leaves Marinette's rooftop.
-…this is weird.
-Why? – asks Plagg in his human form.
-You, here, in my room.
-I'm your new social worker, kid. It's a completely plausible reason for us to spend time together.
-Yeah, the fact that you are a primordial god of destruction, my kwami ​​and my social worker is what is strange.
-At least, I can keep an eye in that shit father of yours.
-Hey, father is not that bad.
-Whatever you say, kid. – and turns into a cat. – But seriously, do you like her?
-Holy hell, you don't speak but the meaning enters my head! That's bizarre! – Adrien feels a shiver. – Wait, what? Like who?
-Marinette, obviously!
-What? No! She's just my friend!
-I was thinking about the whole thing today, that guy turned love into hate… you love her, don't you?
-Yes, but it's not romantic!
-Hmmmm… – and looks at them with very narrow eyes. Then they walk away. – As you wish, kitten. Where is the camembert cheese?
-Do you like someone romantically? – asks Tikki, in her ladybug form next to Marinette on the rooftop, at that night.
-I do not think so.
-Not even Adrien?
-What, Adrien? They are amazing and all, but we're just friends. There's nothing much about us.
-You need a strong connection with a person to be able to do what you did today, and I've never seen such strong trust in such a recent friendship.
-Sometimes this happens, Tikki. I don't know what else to tell you.
Dark Cupid is here! Yay! Things are starting to get really good! This was a really fun one, and I had a hard time with having them have a (for now) platonic friendship and platonic act of love and trust, but I did it! Remember that cataclysm, you might recall it someday... evil laughter. Kagami and Ondine first appearances, though Kagami will only come back at Revenge (Riposte), the concept of them being classmates is @zoe-oneesama's. Also, Chloé is still a bitch, but she is not the fucking criminal of canon and she WILL have a redemption. Next one is Loverbug (Anti-Bug), in which I hope to get you to understand her, at least a little. Hope you guys liked the chapter!
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shakespearean-snape · 7 months
Hi there! so glad to see you posting again I like a lot of what you have to say about Snape. I noticed you say a few times tho that your visual headcanon for Snape isn't conventionally attractive and I just wondered if you had any reference of what he looks like in your mind? An actor or other famous person? just someone like that?
I'm just curious how you imagine Snape because I admit I just see Alan Rickman as Snape in my head since I started with the movies as a kid and didn't read the books a few until years later. It always interests me so much when people say they read the books before the movies or read the books with the movies coming out and saw Snape as someone else.
Its ok if you can't think of anyone just thought I'd ask. thx!
*waves enthusiastically like an idiot with zero chill*
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I get so giddy when someone sends me an ask like this so I hope no one thinks I don't enjoy questions about Snape or my headcanons. As anyone who knows me knows, I think a lot and especially about those things I love so I always have lots of thoughts rolling around in my head I can be positively overeager to share with anyone interested.
So to answer your question, I don't have a specific person pinned down that is 100% like how I picture Snape in my mind but some close candidates would be a young Adrien Brody (which I think is common enough among Snape fans as a choice, right there with Adam Driver these days), obviously the man that JKR based Snape around, John Nettleship, someone like Adarsh Jaikarran as a potential Hogwarts-era and early 20s Snape (even if he is more good-looking than I usually lean, in some pictures he just channels Snape vibes for me quite a bit) and a very young Julian Richings if you've ever seen photos of him in his younger years (I have two here for you so you can see my point a bit, here and here).
Ironically, Julian Richings in the later years of his acting career would probably have been my first choice for a Voldemort fan cast back in the day when any Harry Potter reboot was purely in the realm of the hypothetical (I mean, c'mon, look at this and tell me you can't see it too) but as JKR is an unapologetic anti-feminist/TERF I provide no monetary support to any of her projects including any licensed games, the watching of future reboots or purchasing of future tie-in books in the HP universe, officially licensed HP merchandise, or even by giving traffic to what was formerly Pottermore, etc.
All I bring to the fandom now is my fan theories and love for Snape, which she not only does not benefit from but never seemed entirely at peace with given how the character got away from her and took off. I can't think of a better way to spite someone so utterly spiteful herself than to take the character she was most shocked by people loving in any capacity and celebrate him in every incarnation (gay, bi, trans, ace, autistic, poc, etc.) with my queer, gender-nonconforming little heart while she gets zero money off me for it.
Anyway I hope the visual guide gives you a little more insight into my mind. I've never seen Snape as "ugly" (even when I joke my Snape is "ugly" and I like him that way) but my mental picture of him is of a man whose looks might fall into that unconventionally attractive sphere or what some people call homely. Occasionally I veer off that a bit, as with Adarsh Jaikarran, oh, oh! And also Lee Soo Hyuk, Song Jae-Rim and Kento Yamazaki (ever since I saw him in the live-action Bloody Monday manga series adaptation)!
But yes, my favorite Snape and the Snape I love isn't usually model attractive but also not quite the gargoyle Harry describes (that kid had some ridiculously high standards of beauty tbh, about the only characters he didn't have mentally critical notes on their appearance was the unnamed Veela, Fleur, and Narcissa Malfoy so yeah he totally thought "Draco's mom has got it going on..." Lol!) but somewhere in that "unconventional" categorization of attractive which I feel really suits a man who so often defies easy categorization in general.
(Excuse all the edits. After I gave a few examples more started hitting me and I was like ohhhhh I should have shared them, why didn't I think to share them? So I may come back and make more edits throughout the day, no promises I won't! Lol)
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stephy-le-clubeur · 4 months
Les politiques face aux violences sexuelles - Stéphane Séjourné - C à vous - 22/09/2022
I translated the WHOLE conversation for you if you want:
Pierre Lescure (journalist and former Festival of Cannes president): Another subject. Apart from the news events of the last few days [Some politicians were accused of domestic abuse], do the statutes of Renaissance, which you now head, provide for procedures to protect or support women within your party?
Stéphane Séjourné: Yes, absolutely. There is a warning and support unit. Unlike some other political parties, it is specified in the statutes that it does not replace the courts. And it's spelled out in black and white in the statutes so that there are no problems here. But yes, I do think it's important to have people who can accompany women to court if there are problems of this type.
Marie-Elisabeth Lemoine (TV Show Host): Adrien Quatennens, Julien Bayou, can they still sit in the Assemblée Nationale?
Stéphane Séjourné: I really do see a difference between Adrien Quatennens [Member of La France Insoumise. Accused of violences by his wife] and Julien Bayou [Leader of the ecologist party Les Verts, accused of psychological abuse by former girlfriends]…
Adrien Quatennens is a bit like the sprinkler being sprinkled. Frankly, I would have understood - well, for France Insoumise - I would obviously have understood if Jean-Luc Mélenchon had explained to us that he couldn't say anything on this subject, due to the close friendship, the political companionship - It happens to all of us, in business, in associations, in the family - I would have understood. The problem of giving moral lessons to all the political parties and being very hard on the opposition and very weak on your own is always something that weakens politicians, I say it collectively, the political class. I make a real difference with Julien Bayou: I listened to Sandrine Rousseau on your show. I'm flabbergasted by what she has done, because if the idea behind it is to get rid of internal opponents or external opponents by taking the law into your own hands…
Emilie Tran Nguyen (journalist): There must be an idea behind it?
Stéphane Séjourné: I'm asking the question. There is a rule of law in France. You can't come on to a TV set… I don't know Julien Bayou, and even if I had met his wife…
This is not a normal procedure. We have the rule of law, we have judges, we have procedures, we have prosecutors, we have lawyers… We have adversarial proceedings. So I'm very worried about the way some politicians are behaving today. It's very dangerous because, with this shift, people are being sidelined from political responsibilities…
We're talking about the leader of the Green Party in France, who is being sidelined today because Sandrine Rousseau mentioned something. We don't know what, we don't know if it's criminally reprehensible. Frankly, I'm worried about the slippery slope we've reached.
I haven’t seen this interview (one can only consume so much). I would like to read the rest, it’s an interesting analysis from Stéphane.
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paracosmicat · 1 year
Fan Fiction Review
Once again, I have thoughts, and need somewhere to dump them and I’m using it as an excuse to treat this like a book review. WELCOME to my very professional book review.
This time is the one and only @buggachat’s fan fiction Rocking the Cat Eye
I feel particularly excited about this one because I have a whole transfem Adrien that I write and her name is Adrienne and she is very cute and very cat girl so lets seeee (I know this Adrien is genderfluid, but they can have overlap) 🎉
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I WAS RIGHT TO BE EXCITED ABOUT HER THIS IS SO SWEET alsooo is she like,,, picking up on vibes?? IS ADRIEN GIVING VIBES???
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I’m just pausing my yelling because I just realized Alix is totally a time traveler and might just know
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ALIX IS BEING SO OBVIOUS LMAO HOW IS NO ONE PICKING UP ON THIS (like Plagg said, people are blind) same energy as very single “MO-MA’AM” in the show
But also we love to see this room full of lesbians some of which with boyfriends but whatever thrive
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Me and Buggachat hand hold emoji making our trans/genderfluid Adrien's wear green nail polish at the start of their exploration
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This is a TRAVESTY
I guess you’ll have to make her a dress to make up for it
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I am sensing a nonsense
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I know this ISN'T a Doctor Who reference but I love the idea of referring to real things that happen in real life in the future as spoilers and it is my favorite thing about River Song
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MY Adrienne says hello and that she hopes you figure it out and to invest in a cheese den for Plagg it's worth it
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I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THAT SCENE WAS REAL SOMETIMES alsoooo princess as a nickname for Adrien is ABSOLUTELY incredible
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This is so terrifying I'm???
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Oh my god it's THAT level of repression ADRIEN TAKE THE ROCK OUT OF YOUR SHOE
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I don't have anything clever to add except that this line made me cry laughing
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and then Nino was genderfluid
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Conclusion: Read this right now read it a million times I am going to reread it again
Also feel free to suggest another one for me to read (even your own) I am always looking
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sentfromwolves · 2 years
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➺ Hey friends! Welcome to my writeblr (re)intro. If you’re new here, my name is Eran. I’m 20+, nonbinary (they/them, experimentally he/him), and not only is my sun in Virgo, so is my rising (heck). I’m from the pnw but I live in new england now, and if you ever see a key smash, I swear it was my cats. You can find out more about me here!
⊰  Let’s get some house keeping out of the way really quick! ⊱
➺ I interact from @calamityeden! If you see that username in your dms/ask box, it’s just me! 
➺ Feel free to tag me in ask/tag games! I am open to them and happy to partake. I am slow, so please don’t mind if I take my time in responding! ; w ;
➺ Never hesitate to DM or sending my asks about my wips or inquire about my tag lists. I’m also always happy to just say hi! My dms/ask box is not a scary place, I swear! I am just a slow and somewhat distracted potato.
➺ This is a strictly 18+ writeblr. Please DNI with me if you are a minor and respect my boundaries.
Ok cook, now onto the more exciting stuff. 👀✨
✧ TAGS MASTERLIST ✧ there are others but these are the important ones!
➺ 📝 my writing (woo!) 
 ➺ 💌 my graphics (double woo!) 
➺ 😤 shoutout train (for amazing writers & writing!) 
➺ 🎉 game train (for oc games/asks & answers!) 
➺ 🎑 insp tag (general inspiration for wips)
➺ 💫 shut up eran (personal thoughts, rants about writing, etc) 
➺ 📚 resource tag (!!) 
➺ 💦 you should be writing (writing memes & silly things) 
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✧ So what do I write? ✧ I write queer NA/Adult crossover fantasy. Sometimes it’s space fantasy. Sometimes it’s urban fantasy. And sometimes I get really wild and do historical fantasy too. You can check out my main projects below for a better understanding of what I’m focused on at the moment!
In any and all of my works, you can be sure to find: 
➺ Nonbinary and trans voices at the heart of the story. 
➺ Polyamorous relationships in varying shades of platonic/romantic. 
➺ Tall men who love their tiny lovers. Am I a size difference hoe? Yeah. Yep. 
➺ Soft magic systems, celestial gods, sprawling series-long plots. 
➺ Large queer diverse casts. I very rarely write anything that doesn’t have an ensemble cast involved. 
✧ While I don’t often write explicit content into my projects, I am always happy to provide a list of potential tws for each of them. ✧ Very often I will explore complex topics and sensitive issues through the lens of my characters with a lot of nuance based on my own experiences (gender identity being a major one among others), and I will always mark anything I share appropriately if they are discussing or involving sensitive issues. 
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✧ Beneath is a list of my active projects I am projecting to work on through 2022-2023! ✧ Feel free to ask about any of them, or inquire about being added to their taglists! 
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✧ BIRTHRIGHT / ENCHANTED AT EVENTIDE.  ⊰ Adult Soft Fantasy Series ⊱
In Adrien, the light of the sun is eternal, but there are whispers that once, it was not. The middle daughter of the last Lunar Celestials in the realm, Aurora spends her time avoiding would-be suitors and reading myths of lost moons and missing stars, wondering where the night has gone.
But when her eldest sibling goes missing, Aurora flees her home to find a way to bring Diana back - even if it means chasing fairytales off the edge of the world and into the unknown. The last thing she expects is the help of an arrogant planetary god, or to unravel the mysteries of Adrien's broken past only to find herself at the center of a prophecy forgotten by time itself.
Soon enough, what had once been Aurora’s quest to find Diana and bring them safely home becomes a journey that will decide the fate of all Adrien--and the rest of the shattered celestial realm of Tolemia too.
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✧ HIS BODY A BROKEN LAW.  ⊰ Nitty Gritty Urban Fantasy Duology ⊱
There’s a clock tattooed on Nemesis’s wrist, and when it reaches midnight on his 21st birthday, it will kill him.
It doesn’t help that his mother was the one who cursed him, and that the demon possessing his car ate her down to the bones before Nemesis could get her to break it. But Nemesis is nothing if not versatile, not when he’s only got a few months left until the big bad end. If a deal with the devil under the hood of his vintage car is what it takes to survive, Nemesis doesn’t mind selling what’s left of his soul.
But Judge doesn’t just want Nemesis’s soul. The demon has bigger, meaner plans than that, and he needs Nemesis’s help to see them through. After all, stealing the heart of a living city isn’t a one-man job, and for all Nemesis is cursed, he’s still the first True Witch in a generation. And with a centuries old turf war raging through the streets of the Veldt, Judge and Nemesis are going to need each other’s power if they hope to make it past every last exorcist, demon, and vengeful witch in their way―regardless of whether they can stand each other or not.
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✧ CARVE THE STARS.  ⊰ Neo 80′s Space Opera ⊱
Two hundred years after reaching the stars, it turns out that aliens are either dead, missing, or worse.
For Wren Akane, this is a fact of life that comes alongside the three golden rules: water is wet, the sky is red, and whatever came before left something behind. A mechanic of Terra-9, a backwater planet in the backdrop of a budding human nation set against a foreign set of stars, Wren doesn’t care much for the starward politics of the galaxy, but they certainly have something to say about the aliens everyone thinks are merely dead.
Unfortunately, Wren’s golden rules are shattered the moment Marek Khalid touches down on Terra-9 and challenges them to a race. A star pilot turned famous for coming back the lone survivor of the missing deep space mission of the century, Marek is nothing short of dangerous, but Wren never learned better than to play with fire when it came crawling to their door.
But being burned is the least of Wren’s worries when their life is turned upside down by an alien doorway in the desert opening again after a thousand years closed, and a sudden calling only they can hear. Drawn into an intergalactic war when their planet is sieged in search of something ancient and holy, Wren is forced to flee to the stars, where they learn that they may play a greater role in the universe than they’d ever asked for, and that now, they’re being called on to finish the job.
After all, Wren might not have won the war they started ten thousand years ago, but they’re nothing if not determined to end it once and for all.
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✧ PREY FOR THE WICKED.  ⊰ Adult Dark Fantasy Trilogy ⊱
The only thing in all of Ossia that men fear more than monsters are the red-coated hunters that slay them.
That's none of Zara's concern. As long as their coin continues to line her pockets, they can continue cowering for the rest of their years. A Marchen, Zara's life is defined by hunting and killing the beasts of the world, whether undead or divine or some hideous corruption of both.
But when Zara is hired to find out what is eating wives in an ancient forest far to the north, she is forced to work alongside a necromancer to get to the bottom of the malady in the heart of the woods. The last thing she expects is to fall into a forgotten kingdom trapped in time, or have to make an uneasy truce with the cursed wolf-headed queen that rules it to find a way to kill the evil sleeping within.
And that’s all she wrote for now! Please feel free to reach out anytime hehe! 💝
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adrinoir · 2 years
Headcanon: Adrien Agreste is Trans? (Part 4)
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I absolutely love writing about this headcanon. Feel free to read my other sections of the trans headcanon: part one, part two, and part three.
Usual disclaimer: this is just for fun! Obviously cis boys can have these same qualities and traits. Don’t take it too seriously. These are all just things I’ve noticed. Also please keep in mind I haven't watched anything beyond Kwami's Choice: part 1 when I'm writing and posting this (so, I'm using what I currently know).
The incredibly strong dislike of modeling
This relates back to part one where I talked about Adrien’s discomfort in being a model. I had mentioned modeling is all about body - your face and body being everywhere, having to pose in front of a camera all the time, having to walk down the runway. There's a lot of visible discomfort we see in Adrien whenever he has to model.
Anyhow, what I want to add is that this discomfort never eased up for him despite the many, many years he had to model. He was extremely adamant about quitting. Obviously, modeling is a very stressful job as is, especially with the amount of gigs and events to attend and the insane fans who want to know where he's at, plus he said he just wants to be treated as a son by his dad. However, having gender dysphoria is something that can really be heightening this discomfort and desire to quit.
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I feel like there are a lot of people out there who would desire to live this lavish lifestyle of being a model, but Adrien can't stand it. So therein lies the question: aside from the normal stress, what is heightening his strong dislike for this job? It could also be the fact that it's keeping him from getting to try out new things he'd enjoy doing, but also consider that his father controls his life as a whole, it isn't just his modeling position getting in the way. And, as I've previously said, there's a lot of visible discomfort, which could easily be what's making him dislike modeling even more.
Additionally, Adrien's face is now not only plastered on billboards, but on almost everyone's Alliance ring. Gabriel scanned Adrien's entire body and created this AI version of him to relieve him of his modeling duties. However, Adrien is still uneasy and doesn't like seeing his face and voice on just about everyone's device (if they have him as their option and not Lila). Yes, it's obviously weird for him to see a fake version of himself saying things he never recorded. But, 1) his face has been all over Paris for years (MASSIVE photos of him), and 2) this should not be incredibly shocking behavior for Gabriel Agreste. So, is there some dysphoric discomfort here, too? Possibly. I know it's a stretch, but it's definitely a small piece to take into consideration.
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He often lets people perceive him how they want to
I had also mentioned in part two that he's a people pleaser and melds himself to be who other people want him to be. I want to add, he also lets people define who he is instead of trying real hard to correct them; he lets them think what they want of him.
A good example of this is in Lies when Kagami is trying to draw Adrien. He tries to pose as a cat to try and vaguely show his Cat Noir side; to be silly. But, Kagami doesn't believe this. He even promises her that this is who he really is, that being silly is part of who he truly is. However, Kagami pushes him against a wall, stares directly into his eyes, and says he’s perfect and, "There. This is really you." To which he answers, "Do you really think...?" and just lets Kagami kiss him. Yes, Kagami was being a bit forceful (like, oof. She shouldn't have done that). But, Adrien didn't try to tell her she's wrong. He let Kagami perceive him in her own way.
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Why doesn't he correct her? It could be because he wouldn't want people knowing he's trans. It’s a very scary thing. You don’t know how the people who claim they love you will react. Letting them think what they want to doesn’t raise suspicion that he’s hiding something, and clearly his effort on trying to open up to her more didn’t even work in the first place.
You could say he acts like "being silly" is such a big, important part of him that he feel must be hidden at all costs, because it seems that he thinks that him being silly and telling puns would possibly give away that he's Cat Noir. BUT him posing that way for Kagami and him telling cat jokes in the middle of class (in Ephemeral) proves that notion wrong.
One could say he also doesn't want people to know he's dealing with a bad home life, but it's been common knowledge from the start that he has a controlling father. Nino has come up with plans on multiple occasions to free him from his father so they can hang out together. Kagami's mother and Gabriel are friends. It's how Adrien and her met, and Kagami makes it very well known that she's aware of how controlling Gabriel is.
In Elation - one of the most recent episodes - he mentions to Marinette that his fans "wouldn't be such big fans if they knew who was really behind the mask". So, even now, he still feels the need to hide his truer self and that he wouldn't be liked for who he truly is. But, let's think about this for a moment. He has fans both as Adrien and as Cat Noir. He has friends who know his situation and care about him. So then…what is being left out that he feels people won’t like about him? THAT brings us to the next point.
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Why does he think people wouldn’t like him?
With all that being said (in the last section), there’s no exact, definable reason as to why Adrien says people wouldn’t like the real him. So, this could mean Adrien is hiding something we as the audience can’t even see.
It’s obvious Adrien has underlying insecurities. But, it seems there’s more than just those insecurities, and this could be him possibly being trans and internally struggling with that gender dysphoria.
People like what they see in Cat Noir - his silly puns and kind heart. People like what they see in Adrien - his kindness and friendliness. So, why will it be problematic once people know they’re the same person? There’s no solid reason.
I had mentioned in my other parts of this headcanon that he’s very closed off which can be pretty common amongst closeted trans people. Adrien thinking people won’t like who he truly is without any definable reason could contribute to that. He doesn’t want people to know he’s trans because he feels they’d think very differently of him and may not like him.
Think about how quickly he believed Marinette in Elation when she said she liked Adrien but doesn’t anymore. It shows that sign of insecurity and dislike for himself. When the girl he likes shows so many signs that she like him throughout the entire show but denies that, he doesn’t believe her. It’s really sad.
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The closeness with his mom
So, we aren’t given much background on Emilie, but one thing we do see is that she’s closer to Adrien than Gabriel is. However, what makes them close? We’re never given a reason.
There’s that possibility she’s manipulative like Gabriel but in a different sense, one that makes Adrien like her despite being abusive. But, of course there’s the possibility that she isn’t, which makes her the better parent.
So, if it were true that she never abused Adrien, that leaves the question: what makes them close?
Hypothetically, if my headcanon was actually canon, she could be the one parent who supports Adrien being trans. That reason alone would make them closer, but could also be just one reason amongst many others.
The headcanon still works if I flip it
What if instead of Adrien being a trans guy who already transitioned, he’s a trans girl who hasn’t transitioned yet? I know that might sound like a massive stretch, but I’ve heard this headcanon from other fans and there’s some good back up for this, too.
We all know Gabriel is a very abusive father. We all know Adrien’s childhood dreams were nonexistent because was forced to be who his parents wanted him to be (or he’s forcing himself to please them). What if this is because they don’t support Adrien when he told him he felt like a girl? That’d mean he’s forced to continue living as a boy to please his parents, because his parents don’t accept the fact that he’s trans.
And modeling? That discomfort in having to show the body he has this disconnect from the body he was born in but still has to have pictures taken of all the time.
And him overcompensating his masculinity as Cat Noir? Trans people who are still questioning or don’t have a choice to transition can overcompensate to try being comfortable in the body they were born into. For example, a trans guy who can’t transition might try to be a very feminine girl (makeup, dressed, etc) or a trans girl who can’t transition might try to be a very masculine guy (get real muscular, grow out their facial hair, etc).
Just about every reason I’ve listed in all parts of this headcanon work just the same if Adrien was supposedly a closeted trans girl which makes this headcanon even more interesting imo.
Also, we do see him shirtless in Mr. Pigeon 72 which some people say debunks this whole headcanon that he’s a trans guy. BUT, this isn’t necessarily true. 1) Puberty blockers exist 2) it supports the flipped version.
This flipped headcanon would also be extremely sad if it is true that Adrien is a sentibeing. The ability to change Adrien to be the gender he connects with would be possible, but his parents chose not to recreate another version of him for their own sake. Or, they did possibly try but it’s what ended up wrecking the peacock miraculous, which might’ve made them feel some hostility towards Adrien.
There’s other characters in the show that are canonically queer
There’s absolutely no denying that there are queer characters in the show. Even though it’s not directly stated that Juleka and Rose are dating and that Nathaniel and Marc are dating, it’s made very clear that they are just based on their interactions.
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I also heard Marc is based on one of the staff’s gender fluid friends, which is really cool! That’s direct queer representation that they clarified outside the show.
If you know anything about Disney, you’ll know there’s some homophobia and transphobia around the company. For instance, I also watch The Owl House where the main character Luz is openly bi and Amity is openly lesbian. They end up crushing on each other and dating. They directly state in the show that they’re girlfriends, show Luz coming out to her mom as bi, and have scenes of Luz and Amity kissing. There’s also Raine who’s an openly non-binary character - they directly refer to Raine with they/them pronouns. Their VA is also non-binary. And what does Disney do, despite how incredibly successful this show is? They wouldn’t let the creator renew it.
So, other Disney shows such as Miraculous and Star vs the Forces of Evil show queer characters without directly saying that they are. People might refer to that as queer baiting, but with Disney’s proof of being homophobic and transphobic, I can understand why these shows wouldn’t directly say what these characters’ sexualities and identities are.
Anyhow, considering how they massively hint at Rose and Juleka being girlfriends and Marc and Nathaniel being boyfriends, there’s that possibility that other characters in the show are queer, too. That’s why I and many other fans of the show can easily create these queer headcanons for many of the characters. There’s a lot of signs in the show.
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kikithefox231 · 1 year
About me!
Hey! Call me Kiki or Amaryllis! I mainly scream about animation and cartoons here! :D ☆ Status:
Despite the horrors, I stay filled with whimsy! You can pry the whimsy from my COLD. DEAD. PAWS. :3
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Fandoms: (Bolded + Italicised are the one's I am screaming and crying over right now) Amphibia ✮ The Owl House ✮ Svtfoe ✮ Gravity Falls ✮ Miraculous Ladybug ✮ The Dragon Prince ✮ She-Ra (Reboot) ✮ Ducktales (Reboot) ✮ Pokemon ✮ Over the Garden Wall ✮ Infinity Train ✮ Glitch Techs ✮ Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts ✮ Phineas and Ferb ✮ Milo Murphy's Law ✮ MLP ✮ Warrior Cats ✮ Your Name ✮ Weathering with You ✮ Suzume ✮ HTTYD ✮ Your Lie In April ✮ Exu ✮ Critical Role c3 ✮ Wolfwalkers ✮ Aggretsuko ✮ Genshin Impact ✮ Honkai Star Rail ✮ Animal Crossing ✮ Neko Atsume ✮ Spiderverse ✮ Murder Drones ✮ Nisekoi ✮ Nimona ✮ Zootopia ✮ Sonic Franchise ✮ Littlest Pet Shop ✮ Keeper of the Lost Cities ✮ Tamako Love Story ✮ Spy x family ✮ Percy Jackson and the Olympians ✮ One Stormy Night ✮
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The Blorbos ever!!! Marcy Wu ✦ Star Butterfly ✦ Fluttershy ✦ Starlight Glimmer ✦ Cinnamoroll ✦ Willow Park ✦ Miko Kubota ✦ Jesse Cosay ✦ Lake ✦ Hazel ✦ Rayla ✦ Marinette Dupain Cheng ✦ Adrien Agreste ✦ Robyn Goodfellowe ✦ Mebh Óg MacTíre ✦ Leafpool ✦ Hollyleaf ✦ Yae Miko ✦ Sucrose ✦ Lady ✦ Webby Vanderquack ✦ Della Duck ✦ Fearne Calloway ✦ Goldie ✦ Gwen Stacy ✦ Serial Designation N ✦ Chitoge Kirisaki ✦ Miles "Tails" Prower ✦ Amy Rose ✦ Zoe Trent ✦ Penny Ling ✦ Coco Pommel ✦ March 7th ✦ Firefly ✦ Robin ✦ Bailu ✦ Huohuo ✦ Anya Froyer ✦ Mabel Pines ✦ Dipper Pines ✦ Pacifica Northwest ✦ Mei ✦
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Characters that are me fr fr:
Fluttershy ⟡ Star Butterfly ⟡ Marcy Wu ⟡ Huo Huo ⟡ Miko Kubota
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Socials: AO3 ✧ Amarylily YT ✧ Amaryllis Spotify ✧ Kikithefox Amphibia Sideblog ✧ brb-crying-over-amphibia ML Sideblog ✧ chaton-et-buguinette Glitch Techs Sideblog ✧ glitches-and-techs Svtfoe incorrect quotes blog ✧ incorrectstarvs A Miles a Day blog ✧ a-miles-a-day Hubris Bracket Blog ✧ hubrisbracket Art insp blog (warning: not tagged for mild gore, religion, flashing lights, and etc.) ✧ kiki-screams-abt-art
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Tags I Track: #fav - favorite posts/posts I want to find later #my stuff #kiki stuff - both used for tracking my original content #kiki rambles - for stuff where I talk a lot in the notes #tagged - for tracking stuff I'm tagged in #Important!!! - important posts (feel free to block since they will contain topics like mental health and real world news) #funnies - posts that made me laugh #ive been personally attacked - what it says on the tin lol #thanks for asking! - for asks answered by me #thanks for answering! - for asks sent by me #bee bestie <3 - starting to use this tag for posts where I'm tagged by @mell0bee or mention bee bc there's so much and I wanna save them 🥺 Ultimate fav posts! ✪ Amphibia Trio Playlists ✪ Amity’s TRUE Hair Color!!1!1! ✪ PARTNER IN CRINGE!!! ✪ One of the most insane posts on this website (affectionate) ✪ HE'S SO CUTE SHUT UUUUP (picture of Georgia) ✪ Follow your dreams ✪ Leafpool request (spoiler: got kissed on the forehead 🥺🥺🥺) ✪ Princess Joe (of USA) ✪ "i appreciate the (extremely cursed) bee bee." ✪ polyamorous power move ✪ happy robotnik slaughter saturday everybody ✪ IT FINALLY MAKES SENSE TO ME ✪ it's okay fish. don't let this get you down. you are all of you. ✪ AROACE AND TRANS SONIC REAL?????? (NOT CLICKBAIT) ✪ Everything is canon. ✪ cant be mentally ill in PEACE!!! *sobs* ✪ last book that made you cry ✪ disney romcom (on a VERY evil and fucked up train) ✪ LGBT bar so good it made someone gay <3 good for them <3 ✪ POLY PLS ✪ Happy birthday Grimace! *fuckin dies* ✪ y’all are always finding new ways to make fossils fuels. ✪ Bill better sleep with one eye open lmao ✪ CONGRATS ON THE DIVORCE!!! ✪ "AND NOW YOUR BODY SHAMING!!!" ✪ POLY SHIPPING!!!!!! ✪ ALYAGAMI SUNSET FANART IM GONNA GO CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAGH!!!!! ✪ GO MILO GOOO!!! ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ (updating soon!)
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Likes and Dislikes! ♡ Tea ♡ one-liners that cause me to break down immediately ♡ Extremely specific aus catered to me directly ♡ amvs ♡ Alt/indie music ✘ Confrontation ✘ Heavy gore ✘ Waking up early ✘ Horror movies ✘ Fermented Black Beans
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⟡ Traditional + digital art ⟡ graphic design ⟡ writing ⟡ singing ⟡ sowing
⟡ video editing
⟡ crying over fictional characters
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Personal: ✿ I get socially anxious easily so I will try my best to communicate how I feel but just fyi in case! ✿ My memory is horrible so feel free to remind me of something if needed! ✿ I forgot to say this but I’m Asian GAKHSKSJ I’m Taiwanese and Chinese! I can understand and say basic mandarin but I don’t know how to read or write it sadly 😔 one day!!! ✿ I have ADHD so please be nice :’) I’m trying my best
Extras: ❀ I don't mind being tagged in things if we are mutuals! If you're not sure just ask me in advance! ❀ feel free to ask for me to use tone tags or tag trigger warnings for posts! If you'd like me to ID a post let me know! ❀ spam liking/reblogging is welcome! ^^ ❀ feel free to ask my a question! I am not guaranteed to answer it if I feel uncomfortable with it, however! ❀ fun fact: this URL is my animal jam username from ages ago lol ❀ I got called a donut once???
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DNI List Please don't interact with me if you post: -nsfw -heavy gore -do not tag triggers -cp -extreme horror
⋆。˚ credits: purple city divider ⟡ moon dividers
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2-kamikou-1 · 1 year
thinking about that time I told someone my preferred name was adrien and that I was trans and stuff and she literally asked "can I call you Adrianna?? because you still look like a girl and stuff it's easier" and I did not know what to say to her
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iamthelowercase · 1 year
So I'm looking for a Miraculous Ladybug fanfic I read before. I know I read it on AO3, but I'm not familiar enough with AO3's search options and cultural tagging conventions have found it myself yet. My lack of familiarity makes it a slog, apparently.
The fic is more slice-of-life than monster-of-the-week. Marinette and Adrien are both trans. At the start of the fic, Marinette is out but Adrien is still closeted. Adrien is the Point of View character, but I'm pretty sure it's third-person limited not first person.
The earliest scene I remember, Adrien is in the bathroom for reasons, and another student makes a crack about "hey, there's a boy in the girl's bathroom" when Marinette comes in. Marinette rolls with it very well; it also turns out that she carries like pads or tampons or some combination.
In the middle Chat Noir and Ladybug are sitting in a tree, and somehow they land on this topic. Chat says something to the effect of "if I told you my name is Joseph, then if you wanted to find me out of costume you'd have to go looking for Josephine". Then in the course of conversation he mentions Marinette to Ladybug, and she's able to put all this together and figure out his name and then address him by name. They have a good supporting each other about it. It is plot relevant that from the tree they are sitting in they can see a statue of Ladybug and Chat Noir, and that Ladybug wears a skirt.
In the final (?) scene they're at school, and Adrien confronts someone who's bullying another student. The bully says "but you're not wearing any makeup though" to Adrien, and he pulls a makeup wipe down his face right in front of the bully to prove a point. Afterwards he goes into the bathroom to remove the rest of the makeup, and while talking to another student and Marinette decides to forgo makeup for the rest of the day; Marinette is implied to understand what this really means but the other student does not.
I am all but certain that I found this fic by following a recommendation either by @bisexualbaker or @alexseanchai or to one of them. It does not seem to be tagged with the obvious pair of "oh these are trans versions of these characters" tags, so I'm hoping either someone recognizes it and can point me to it, or can tell me what I'm doing wrong.
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