#adrien’s mentorship au
taldigi · 7 months
PV mentor aus annoy me because it's always adrien. Always. It's never Marinette or Alya or Nino or even Luka or Kagami
grabs you by the shoulders, I want you to imagine your PV mentor AU and put Kagami there instead.
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Sorry, just discovered your public knowledge au, its hilarious. I think 'realistically' I like the Only Miraculous wielders & whoever they tell knows version as it could feel a bit less cracky though it'd still beg why they don't bring other heroes in to collectively stomp Gabriel as they know his location. Though that just has me imagining him palming it off on his various rich friends like a hot potato. Anyway two main thoughts:
`1: For the just Holders know AU, Gabriel owns up to his motives right away & almost convinces the kids. Except Fu shows up & reveals that its basically a monkeys paw and more people will die if he makes is wish. Gabriel insists he s smart enough to work around that (He also just doesn't care) but Tikki & Plagg are like, "Literally we have no control over this, it goes to shit every single time, sorry."
In essence, its his ego and control freak nature that mean Gabriel refuses to give up even when he and everyone else know he should quit. Its probably kind of a sad/rough start for Adrien especially, but also leads to very quick positive vibes with Marinette & more direct mentorship.
2: Rogercop be like
Chloe: Well, seeing as you won't do your damn job, how about our classes two super heroes show you up? Adrien: I am one hundred percent down for that except I can't find Plagg! Marinette: Ya know I've wanted to try this anyway, Luck Charm! (Gets a Plagg doll with his head snuck in the bracelet) Well that answers that.
Tikki: How did you even get stuck we can phase through soli matter.., Oh this is interesting and maybe concerning. Chloe: What can it do magic, is it a Miraculous? Plagg: Well its tied to a Miraculous, where'd you find this?
Chloe: Back of my mothers cupboard? Andre: You aren't meant to have that (Tries to snatch) Chloe: Why, what is it!? Can it do magic?
Andre: If by magic you mean mind control you- don't break it you'll explode! Chloe: Why do you own a mind controlling bracelet that only works on me and kills me if it breaks and why was it in a fucking dust covered pile of half forgotten trash!? Andre: ... Its your mot- Gabriel's fault, blame him, now I have a meeting to get to bye! (Runs away)
Butterflies appear Adrien: Dad, glad you could... Make it. Gabriel: Well I am here now, also the Amok's treatment is very much 'not' my fault, it is like that because your parents don't love you.
Adrien: DAD! Gabriel: I am a magical empath son, I know it to be true, your mother and I were much more careful with your Amok & sealed it away so it could never be used against you or damaged. Those two tossed it in a cupboard once they realized it couldn't just rewrite a babies personality, or any personality, to not need things like food or affection, if they hadn't already made the announcement they'd have probably smashed it or given it away. Gabriel: By it I mean Chloe.
Chloe: Oh... (Uses the Amok to turn herself 'off' IE pass out) Gabriel: Dammit, I was hoping the truth would cause her to explode in a rage never before seen and become my most powerful Akuma! I can't even use this self destructive self loathing, she's too depressed to even transform! (Leaves)
Honestly this started out kind of funny then I made myself sad.
Gabriel: I wonder if I should mention the sister they had made as a replacement. That one didn't turn out how they wanted either but they did skip the baby phase.
GOD the chaos there.
But also yeah the AU is mostly crack because tbh I can't see an identity reveal happening that doens't immediately lead to an ending one way or another.
But also OOF.
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fantasyfandommaiden · 5 years
Adrien’s Mentorship AU: Adrien’s Familiar
Not every magic user needs a familiar in order to be great, however Carmine points out that it would help move along Adrien’s magical training.... and if he happens to get a magically sidekick like some magical girls do in the anime’s he loves that just a bonus.
Carmine had preformed the lineage ritual before Adrien arrived for his next lesson a week later. Adrien had been disappointed in not being able to see the ritual being performed but Carmine had insisted to him that it was actually fairly mundane without much fanfare.
“So I do have magic in my family?” Adrien asked as they sat at the table, drinking tea. Carmine had insisted that drinking tea helped with the magical process (Adrien figured it was more to do with her tea addiction, but he wasn’t about to argue with his teacher).
Carmine nodded, smiling gently at him “Yes. The ritual showed me that SOMEWHERE in your family blood line there is magic, however it has been dormant for a few generations.”
Adrien blinked in confusion “... how does that happen?” He asked “Can you just... lose your magic?”
“Well... yes and no.” Carmine said, leaning back in her chair. “SOMETIMES, if you are deemed a danger to the magical or mortal community, you can have your magic taken, and if you have no magic in your blood, it can take a few generations for it to reappear in your family. Besides for that there is no way to lose your magic.”
“... so... is there a ministry of magic than?” Adrien asked, grinning widely “Like in Harry Potter?”
Carmine let out a soft hum as she thought to over “We don’t have a ministry so much as we have a council, and each country has one. Placing one person in charge of an entire magical community isn’t always the right idea unless you have someone like Merlin in charge, bless his soul.” Carmine stated, sipping her tea. “The politics are somewhat confusing but basically it’s usually a group of fifteen or so magic users who are appointed or voted into the council. As a collective they make major decisions about the magical community, and rulings about anyone that posses a threat to both the magical and non magical community.”
Adrien was furiously writing this all down as Carmine spoke, not stopping until he got all the information down. “So, could you be on the council?”
Carmine gave a loud laugh, Gladiolus seeming to do the same from his spot at the table “Oh by the gods no, for one I am too young to be apart of the council, you need to be at least 40. Two, I am much happier helping people directly than through politics. My uncle however, Yarrow Rosewood, is a member of the council here in France. We could meet him and he could tell you more about the politics if your interested, politics was never my forte.”
Adrien looked at her, blinking. His experience with older males in a place of authority were... great but if he was related Carmine he must be good! That and... it would be nice to have a male role model. Mlle Carmine was great! But there were some things he wanted to talk about with... a man.
“So does he decide if someone needs to have their magic taken away? What sort of ruling would need to be done for that?”
Carmine leaned back in her chair, looking at Adrien sombrely “... anyone who causes the community a great loss of life or a danger to that life. A pair of pyromancers back in 1871 were both quarreling over the affections of a young woman, their duel got out of hand and caused the Great Chicago Fire.”
Adrien’s pencil stopped as he looked at Carmine in shock “Wait... wasn’t that when-“
“300 people lost their lives, leaving 100,000 residents homeless and almost three and a half square miles of the city damaged? Yes, yes it was, and all over a woman.” Carmine said with a roll of her eyes “Said woman was the one who brought forth both of them to the council for judgement, they had been attempting to court her for months and she. Was. Done with their bullshit.” Carmine stated her eyes cold “She almost lost her best friend in that fire, and as punishment for their recklessness and the reason for the fight to begin with, they were stripped of their magic and their descendants for the next twenty generations.”
Adrien looked at Carmine, his mouth feeling dry. He hadn’t realized how... dangerous this was going to be. Cataclysm was dangerous but he had never caused that much damage to be done. “Are... are they still without magic?”
Carmine blinked at the question, closing her eyes and murmuring softly, Adrien only hearing her because of his enhanced hearing, she was counting.
“... yes, but only for another four generations, after which the magic will slowly return.”
“... what happened to the woman?”
Carmine looked at him with a raised brow, Adrien blushing slightly “... I... I mean, she turned them both in and her friend almost died... I can’t imagine that would have been easily, especially turning in two gentlemen who were courting her.”
“She married her best friend, and the two ladies were very happy together.” She stated sipping her tea “Well, married by magic standards, but back to why we are here.”
“Right!” Adrien said smiling widely “My magic! It’s not dormant, so we can start my training right?”
Carmine frowned “Well, it’s not dormant but it’s very weak, most likely you family might have only regain its magic with your mother, because I refuse to believe Gabriel has any magic in him.” Carmine said, leaning back in her chair, her fingers drumming against the table “Since you have such a small pool of magic that will make it difficult to train you...”
“Is there a way to increase so it’s not as difficult?” Adrien asked, Carmine looked at him with a raised brow “Not that I don’t want to put in the work! I mean, if it’s hard I’m willing to work twice as hard to prove myself-“
“Adrien, you don’t need to worry, I’m not going to drop you as my student just because you want to know if there is a simpler or easier way.” Carmine stated “Knowledge is power, and in this case there IS a way to increase your magic at a more accelerated pace... so instead of years it will only take a handful of a handful of months, maybe weeks depending on what you get.”
Adrien blinked, looking at Carmine confused. “What I ‘get’... what are you going to do?”
Carmine looked at Adrien, a small smile on her face “... Adrien, we are going to summon a familiar for you.”
Adrien had helped Carmine push her furniture in the living room to the walls and sat on the couch as she drew on the floor with chalk, Gladiolus holding the pages of her grimoire down and gesturing towards certain passages on the pages.
“So... will my familiar be like Gladiolus? A ferret?”
“Gladiolus chooses to be a ferret for the sake of convience more than appearance.” Carmine told him, her concentration on the circle she was drawing “Fey like Gladiolus typically dont have appearances in the material plane, the only ones I know of are Kwami’s.”
“Because messing with fey can lead to a lot of headaches.” Plagg stated, glaring at the circle “Your sure this is safe? I don’t want to go through the headache of getting use to a new chosen.”
Carmine looked up at Plagg with a deadpanned expression “Plagg, this isn’t my first rodeo, nor my first summoning circle! I’ve done this at least 20 times for my family, and I’ve over seen twice as many after that. I’ve got this.” Carmine stated before returning back to the circle, muttering something about ‘stupid kwami cats’.
Plagg glared at Carmine “Hey, this is my kitten, you got that, if anything happens to him, I will show you WHY I hold the mantle of destruction incarnate!”
Carmine stopped, looking up at Plagg “... the worst that will happen is he will become extrmly tired afterwards, that’s it. Besides, he’ll have fail safe, Gladiolus.”
The ferret ran off towards the bedroom, coming back with a beaded bracelet, rushing at Adrien and dropping in his lap “If you ever feel your endanger, pull it apart and it will bring you back.”
“Back?” Adrien looked at her, wide eyed “Where am I going?”
“Physically, nowhere, it’s your spirit that will be traveling to the spirit realm to find a fey that is willing to be your familiar.” Carmine stated, standing up and brushing the chalk off her hands “All done.”
“So... like Avatar?”
Carmine sighed, looking at Adrien with a small smile “... yes, like Avatar. Now sit yourself in the middle of this circle, and I’ll explain what is going to happen.”
In short Carmine explained it like this.
- she was going to help his spirit travel to the spirit realm, there he was encounter perhaps three or fourth spirits who would be interested in being his familiar.
- Don’t give any of the fey your name, they will use it against you to make you do things. (As some sort of mind control or something, he was still confused but agreed to not say his name out loud)
- He is to decide who would be the best familiar for him, his spirit will know which is best.
- Once he finds a familiar, he is to rip the bracelet apart brining him and his familiar back.
Carmine had told him there was a chance that there was no spirit that would be suited for him, and Carmine herself had taken three attempts before she met Gladiolus, so not to feel distraught if he couldn’t find one, and most importantly to not ‘settle’ with one.
“This is a bond that will last for the rest of your life, it is not something to be rushed.”
Adrien simply nodded, sitting on the floor cross legged, eyes closed. He didn’t know how long he sat there, but it must have been a REALLY long time, because he was getting bored, and honestly nothing had changed.
He sighed as he opened his eyes “Mlle Carmine, I don’t think it’s-“ he stopped short, looking around. He was no longer in Carmine’s living room anymore, but instead in a large grassy field.
He felt the wind gently blowing against his his skin as he slowly stood up, looking around. The grass was a deep green colour and the sky the deepest blue he had ever seen, but he didn’t see a town or building anywhere as far as his eyes could see.
“Hello?” He called out, his voice seeming to echo out into the grasslands. Adrien looked around, no seeing any spirits... was he suppose to walk around? Carmine hadn’t really given him any instructions beyond him arriving and meeting possible spirits.
As if sensing his unease, the scenery changed as if everything around him had been a mirage, and now he stood in the middle of a forest, standing on top of a large tree stump. Her heard the soft chattering of birds, and soft wind blowing through the leaves.
Although it was a nice change, it didn’t help out Adrien too much with finding a spirit. He knew he had to be patient, and it might not happen this time, but he REALLY wanted to impress Mlle Carmine... or at the very least prove to her that it was the right decision to take him on as her student...
Adrien blinked when he heard a different sound.... it sounded like soft, gibberish chatter that got louder, and louder, and the wind seemed to pick up as the trees groaned and seemed to sway. Adrien felt his body tense up as he gripped the beaded bracelet in his hand, looking around as suddenly a horde of lights and sounds and wind tore through the tree line into the small clearing were where Adrien stood.
The lights and sounds circled him in a never ending tornado, it shocked him so much that he dropped the bracelet somewhere, but Adrien was to preoccupied to notice. It was too LOUD, there was too much sound and colours and he felt like his brain was going to BURST with all the chatter that the dozens, maybe even four or five dozen dancing lights circled him, chanting different thing. He fell to his knees, his hands covering his ears and his eyes closed tightly. He wanted it to stop, but Carmine had told him to be respectful, and his mind couldn’t take this torture as the spirits continued to talk and chant.
‘So much magic!’
‘Ancient magic!’
‘The ring! It’s the ring!’
‘Pick me! I’ll be your familiar!’
‘No me! I will make you stronger! I must be near that ring!’
It was too loud, Adrien didn’t known how much more he could take much more, he would give anything to make them all stop, even if it was as simple as accepting one of the as his familiar, but none of them felt right. He didn’t feel a pull to any of them, or a strong connection, not like what he expected, but he needed all the noise and lights to stop! He opened his mouth, about to accept the first spirit he saw when he heard one voice speak, not too loudly or in a bossy tone, but a voice that commanded authority.
“Will you all shut the fuck up!” It snapped, and all the lights and sounded stopped. Adrien felt his body trembling, not daring to look up as he kept his ears covered in case the spirits tried to begin chanting again.
“Now get the hell out of here, can’t you see your scaring the kid to death!”
“But... the ring-“
“Did I fucking stutter?” The voice responded “Your not becoming a familiar to some damned ring but to the boy himself! Now, if I have to say it again, you will all cease to exsist, am I understood?”
“Am. I. Under. Stood?”
And suddenly there was silence, but Adrien still did not dare to remove his hands from his ears or open his eyes. His body trembling as he remained on his knees.
After a few moments of complete silence he dared to open his eyes and saw a light, this one not as blinding and not so much a ball as a shape. It looked humanoid, possibly masculine if the outline had anything to say, but it still appeared to be light, albeit much dimmer than the other spirits, and they sat cross legged in front of him, seeming to be waiting.
“First time in the spirit realm?” The spirit asked him in a quiet voice, to which Adrien nodded. “Pfft, that explains it. Whoever sent you here is either not very smart and hasn’t dealt with a lot of ancient magical items before.” It stated, pointing at Adrien’s ring. “THAT is why they swarmed you. Powerful and old item like that was bound to draw that many excitable spirits. Most of them don’t mean you any harm but they don’t understand boundaries.”
Adrien simply nodded again, still not moving besides his trembling body. The spirit looked at him thoughtfully “... You do know you could have told them to fuck off right? Maybe not in those words, but you could have told them ‘No thanks, your not for me.’ Or ‘no thanks, I’m not ready for this’.”
“I was...” Adrien licked his lips, which felt dry before speaking again “I was told to be respectful.”
“There’s being respectful and there’s being a doormat.” The spirit told him, looking around the clearing “Honestly, if I hadn’t come along you would have probably just picked the first spirit you saw to be your familiar, no questions asked and live with some subpar or down right awful spirit, and trust me you don’t want any of those LEECHES for a familiar.” He stated, before looking back at Adrien.
“... do you want to go back to your world?” The spirit asked, holding out Adrien’s bracelet “There’s no shame in not getting a familiar on the first try... at least that’s why I assume you are here for.” The spirit said to him.
Adrien took the bracelet gently, looking at the spirit “... but... I don’t want to let my mentor down...”
The spirit seemed to almost give off the impression that he rolled his eyes “Listen, you won’t let your ‘mentor’ by not getting a familiar on the first try. Did he get it on the first try?”
Adrien blinked, shaking his head “... no, the third apparently.”
“There you have, so your old coot of a mentor won’t be on your ass for it, I sought he will be mad.” The spirit said standing “but if your that determined to get a familiar I’ll help you out... but first...” the spirit helped Adrien stand up, than walked behind him, grabbing his shoulders and forcing them back slightly before he walked in front of him, grabbing his face and making Adrien look straight in front of him.
“Good, now hold that pose and tell me to leave.”
Adrien blinked, relaxing slightly with confusion only for the spirit to snap his fingers again and Adrien (of his own will) go back to the more confidant position the spirit had place him in “Go on, pretend I’m one of the annoying spirits from before and tell me to leave you alone.”
“Um...” Adrien looked at the spirit somewhat confused “... please leave me alone?” He said in a somewhat lame tone.
The spirit looked at him in a bored manner “... are you asking me or telling me? Try again.”
“Leave me alone please.”
“I said, leave me alone please.”
“Yeah, still no.”
“Leave me alone!” Adrien shouted at him angrily, getting somewhat annoyed with this.
“I’m stubborn, not deaf. Show me some resolve, make me want to leave.” The spirit said to Adrien.
Adrien glared at the spirit, taking a deep breath as he thought of all the people he wished he could say this to. The fan girls, the pushy photographers, the models that were a little TOO hands on, Lila with her touching and invading of his personal space.
He let the breath out slowly as he glared at the spirit “... leave me alone, now please.” He said in a deadly serious tone. The spirit clasped his hands on Adrien’s shoulders, bending down slightly to look Adrien in the eye.
“.... now that is how you do it. Alright kid!” He stood up straighter and began to walk towards a random direction “Let’s go find your familiar spirit.”
Adrien looked at the spirit curiously, remembering back to the conversation he had with Carmine before entering the spirit realm...
“Will it be like love at first sight or something like that when I meet my familiar?” Adrien asked excitedly, almost bouncing in his seat as he watched Carmine start the chalk circle.
“Some people say it’s like that, that it’s an instant connection, like a part you didn’t know is missing is found.” Carmine replied back evenly “Others say it feels like you’ve been shot with lightning, the sensation causing tingles to go down your whole body, others say it’s like meeting a new best friend, everyone’s experience is different when it comes to finding your familiar.”
“What was it like with you and Gladiolus?”
Carmine stopped momentarily, a small warm smile spreading across her face “... like meeting an old friend.”
Adrien looked at the spirit in front of him as he continued to speak about the different kind fo spirits he could potentially have as his familiar.
He didn’t feel like a part of him was found, or like lightning had struck him, or like meeting a new friend. Heck, he didn’t even feel like he was meeting an old one, but something about this felt... right, like being around that one person who gave you a boost of confidence even when you were at your lowest. It felt... good, and maybe that was what Adrien needed.
“Um, Mr. Spirit, actually....”
Adrien groaned as he felt his spirit return to his body, feeling exhausted both mentally and physically. He saw Carmine sitting cross legged in front of the circle, like she had been when he entered the spirit realm and she sat up straighter.
“Adrien, thank goodness, you were in there so long, I was beginning to... worry.” Carmine’s eyes were looking down at Adrien’s lap, a look of shock on her face. Adrien looked down as well in concern only for the expression to change from concern, to confusion, to joy.
Sitting in his lap was a hamster, it looked like it was a grey dwarf hamster, however it’s eyes instead of being a dark brown were a deep shade of blue. Adrien starred at it and the hamster starred up at him. “... hi?” Adrien said slowly, only for him to ‘hear’ a response in the back of his head.
‘Hey Kid, you look like shit, you should really rest-‘ the hamster stopped short as he examined his surroundings only to freeze at the sight of Carmine who was still starring at him.
“Adrien, you summoned a familiar!” Carmine said, her face breaking out into a large grin as the hamster climbed up Adrien’s shirt to sit on his shoulder, which had been a good thing because Carmine all but FLEW at Adrien to hug him tightly “Good job! This is amazing! Hardly anyone summons their familiar on the first try!”
‘Psssst, kid!’
Adrien, who had been to distracted by the hug, glanced at his familiar who was looking at Carmine with great interest.
‘Who’s this lovely woman?’
“This is Mlle Carmine, my mentor!” Adrien said to him, as Carmine sat up straight and looked at the hamster “What’s his name?” She asked.
‘You did NOT tell me your mentor was such a fine example of femininity and grace!’ The hamster exclaimed, and Adrien felt himself becoming more confused as he noticed how the hamsters eyes were starring directly at Carmine’s bust and waistline and... lingering there.
‘Oh, I look forward to getting to know you, AND her quite well~’ the voice all but sang.
Adrien felt his face blush deep red... of god... his familiar was a pervert!
“Adrien.” Carmine said, looking at him confused. She couldn’t hear the voice since the hamster wasn’t her familiar “Have you two decided on what his name will be?”
Oh, Adrien had the perfect name for him.
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curetapwater · 3 years
Was thinking about who everyone's equivalent would be in my Sonic Miraculous au. I figured I'd rather organize it by relationship to the protagonists rather than personality to keep things interesting. Tails is Alya because he's Sonic's bestie, Rouge is Nino because she's Shadow's bestie, that sorta thing. Rouge is aged down a tad so she can be in the same class as Sonic and Shadow. Tails is just also there because he's a prodigy.
I'm having a bit of trouble thinking of a good equivalent for Chloe. Maybe Jet, because he's got a rivalry with Sonic? Or maybe Scourge? But I'm not too familiar with Scourge so I'm not confident in that choice. I'd like for the role of Chloe as an instigator of akumatizing interpersonal drama to be shared by a teenage classmate character plus Eggman, who I think would be fun to portray as one of those asshole high school teachers who pisses off the students on purpose. It may be extra funny if he gives obvious preferential treatment to Shadow because he's (a) too high-profile to mess with and (b) the son of his extremely influential scientist grandfather. I think that kinda class dynamic has the potential for a lot of entertaining akumatizing situations.
It'd be cute for Amy and Blaze to be Rose and Juleka respectively, yeah? Like, who else could Amy be but Rose? It's too perfect! And I know I want Knuckles to be in the class too because he's Sonic's other bestie!
As for everyone else, idk! Any suggestions? Kim? Ivan? Milene? Lila? Etc.
Also!! Idk the details but I like the idea of Sonic and Tails being close brothers from their time in the foster system, and now they've happily settled down in a good home. Idk who, but I like the idea of their foster family still being bakers. Imagine Sonic and Tails kneading bread together! So cute. I also think having Marinette and Alya's relationship recontextualized as a mentorship/sibling relationship could be interesting! Although... how much would Tails change with the fox Miraculous since he's already a fox? Lol.
Instead of sewing, Sonic's extracurricular activity is being on the track team. He and Knuckles are good friends through their shared athletics. Shadow would like to join as well, but us held up by his modeling career. But he's still able to tap into his competitive streak during PE, which causes a whirlwind of emotions for Sonic who is slow to figure out to what extent his adrenaline spikes are coming from his and Shadow's rivalry, or his crush on Shadow... He's normally pretty open with his less complex emotions but when it comes to crushes he really doesn't know how to handle it! So he chooses to bottle it up instead, which can lead to some major awkwardness internally even if externally he's as cool as ever.
His upbringing spent looking out for Tails, he's always been one to care about protecting others. So when he meets Tikki the ladybug chao, he jumps at the chance to become a superhero and protect Station Square from the strange supervillains that appear. His reaction is kinda like Adrien's (as in he immediately jumps out the window before his powers are even explained) , although he treats it less like an escape and more like just a chance to have some fun while doing the right thing. Because for Sonic, having fun and saving the day are synonyms. As a result, although he does understand his responsibility like how Marinette does, he has a far more carefree approach to being a secret superhero.
Shadow, like Adrien, recognizes the responsibility he holds to protecting Station Square but also views his situation as an opportunity to express himself in ways he feels he cannot otherwise. Shadow in his civilian life is far more aloof than Adrien as a method of self-preservation from the press who have desired to document every vulnerability he has since his creation as the first fully autonomous (as far as he knows, hee hoo sentimonster) organic artificial lifeform, and his eventual transition into modeling as a way of maintaining the Robotnik brand's funding. It became especially rough after the death of Maria, to try to navigate the pain and survivor's guilt with the whole world watching plus very little support from his father, who suddenly became very closed off himself after the tragedy. Combine all this with poor socialization, and Shadow feels he must protect himself at all times, even in his efforts to make friends in his new life at high school. His Cat Noir persona provides an outlet to express himself in a form that exhibits great power, a form he feels safer as. Even safe enough, perhaps, to be a bit flirty with his partner in heroics, Ladybug.
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edorazzi · 5 years
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Happy new year! This was supposed to be finished about a week ago but what can you do with holiday timetables ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So I finally watched the hot mess that was Miracle Queen! And as everyone knows at this point, when canon goes off the rails I like trying to fix it with the Mentor AU. We usually focus on Justice For Adrien but this time I really felt Marinette was the one hard done by, so what better time to finally introduce her to Bridgette?
Bri and Felix were on their way home from a pleasant weekend in London when they ran into Fu at the station, and despite backing Fu’s mentoring choices for years (while ignoring all Felix’s complaints about what they went through as Miraculous holders) Bri absolutely lost it when he explained his tactical exit and how it included dumping the Miracle Box on Ladybug before leaving her to figure things out. She wasn’t too attached to this new kid but bugs have to look out for each other, and Bri knows bad mentorship when she sees it! Someone has to keep responsible tabs on things now!!
Felix is just trying to stop anyone getting detained by Eurostar security for assault. Bri is difficult to hold on to even at the best of times, let alone when she’s trying to brawl with a frail elderly man in the middle of a train station. It’s better to redirect this energy into getting home to Paris and addressing this mess like the capable adults these children need!
(The process of this comic will be up on Patreon tonight! :D) ( twitter | patreon | instagram )
#miraculous ladybug#marinette dupain cheng#bridgette cheng#felix agreste#wang fu#marianne lenoir#mentor au#josie's art#oooOOOOOOH you GUYS this EPISODE#this is what i mean every time i talk about being able to tell when You Know Who is writing or when it's another (capable) writer#this wasn't the show making bad choices; this was ONE GUY using his creative freedom to destroy the whole arc of a character he doesn't like#ruining all the work these other great writers have put in over MULTIPLE SEASONS to build chloe up into a really interesting character#and then finishing it off with a ridiculous reason to get rid of fu and make marinette the One Sole Perfect Important Guardian#mari's age aside the whole memory-loss thing makes ZERO sense in conjunction with all the miraculous lore we've had so far#so it was clearly pulled out of SOMEONE'S ass for this one episode to explain why fu goes back to his home planet 5ever#and not even getting STARTED on chloe's 180 spin or i'll never stop writing tags but like LORDDDD#and this isn't criticising the characters; this isn't about stanning chloe or being anti-marinette or anything else#this is HORRENDOUS writing from one utterly incompetent man who BRAGGED that he'd written the entire episode by himself with no help#like bruh...... how you gonna sit there and write the most broken nonsensical episode ever of YOUR OWN SHOW#i mean all fandom factions aside i think it's general consensus that this particular episode was just appalling#ANYWAY all heavy sodium aside the mentor AU is kicking off with new plotlines this 2020 and that includes BRI AND MARINETTE#TOGETHER AT LAST#MARI NEEDS HERSELF SOME SUPPORTIVE GUIDANCE WHICH FU PEACED OUT OF GIVING HER#and i can't decide if felix would know mari's identity or not but neither he nor bri are going to tell adrien#all dumb ''u gotta give up ur miraculous if ur partner discovers ur identity lol'' lore aside they'd just straight-up respect her privacy#and adrien's not going to beg to be told; he's a nice boy and when he's written right he respects ladybug's privacy too#regardless BRIDGETTE tracked mari down in like five seconds; it only took 24 hours so she could calm down and not be scary#ladybugs be knowin........
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ranger-jedi-knight · 4 years
A New Hero Chap 17
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20887313/chapters/61783012 Taglist: @bluesimani TAGLIST OPEN
Ok, so here’s the next chap!! And if your wondering.....ya, the new revision of the mermaid au is paused....again. Ya....I dont think I’ll ever get that done. Lol. hope you guys werent TOO excited bout it. But anyways. Here’s the next chap! Feat Bustier bein a stupid bitch!!!!
“Ya, Als is apparently seeing if Clark would mentor me. I...I dont know. It just...seems too good to be true? I guess. Clark is an awesome reporter. But I doubt he’d want to mentor me when I graduate,” Lana said with a shrug as they ate lunch. Bee frowned as she squeezed her friend’s hand.
“Don’t say that Lana,” Mari said and her friends nodded agreement. “Have hope! It sounds like a lot of people think you’re doing great in your journalism classes, so I bet you’ll get that mentorship.”
“Ya! Don’t let that doubt control you. You just gotta have hope and wait. You’ll only know for certain when it’s your final year,” Xan said giving her a small smile from his spot between the Lila’s. Mari reached across the table, which was a feat in itself from how big the table was, and squeezed Lana’s hand. Tho she didn’t last long before pulling back since that position wasn’t the most comfortable to be in. Adrien nodded his agreement to both of what they said.
“Can I ask you a question about GU?” Chloe asked as she leaned against Adrien. Lana gave a soft him as she nodded.
“Sure. But I don’t know how much help I’ll be,” she replied honestly.
“You’ll be lots of help. Our boyfriend Jon wants to be a reporter like his parents. He knows how the program is in Metropolis but, I was wondering, could you tell us about GU’s journalism program? He wants to stay with his dad and friends here,” Chloe asked and Lana gave a small smile as she nodded.
As Lana talked, Mari sent a wary glance when she saw Bustier making her way over to them with Sabrina, Kim, and Max trying to get her to stop. Her glance turned into a glare, that had her hesitating but Bustier continued forward. The rest of the class was behind her looking wary.
“Marinette! Why don’t you introduce us to your friends?” Bustier asked with a sweet but demanding smile. Lana tensed a bit as she looked at the group.
“I already said no. Leave,” Mari said with a glare but Bustier didn’t care and moved to stand next to Lana.
“Hello, I’m Ms. Bustier, Marinette’s teacher. I couldn’t help but overhear, you’re in the journalism track here? Could you tell us about the programs?” she asked and Lana swallowed the lump in her throat. She started shaking her head as she squeezed Bee’s hand.
“She doesn’t want to,” Bee said softly, a hint of anger tainting her voice. She wasn’t about to let some woman tell her friend what to do.
“What’s the big deal? She should be more than willing to talk about her school!” Bustier said, slapping at Kim and Ivan’s hands as they tried to steer her away. Lana’s lips parted a bit as shallow breaths left her. She dropped Bee’s hand and wrapped her arms around herself, hunching in.
Seeing that, everyone at the table moved to glare at the teacher. All the work they’ve done to help Lana get past Steve’s abuse is being undone. Mari pushed out of her share and slammed a hand on the table. Whatever little conversations remained stopped as everyone turned to watch the foreigners.
“What about the word ‘no’ do you not get!? I have said no, Lana has said no! No means no! So leave her alone!” Mari yelled into Bustier’s face, the woman looked outraged as she then grabbed Mari’s wrist.
“That is no way to speak to me, young lady! I understand the word no perfectly fine. It is Lana that doesn’t know it seems. Nor you. She hasn’t said anything yet,” Bustier said pulling her back toward the group of shocked teens.
“I do, it’s you that doesn’t!” Mari yelled pulling her arm back. By then, a few college students got up to do something when a loud bang resounded. Lana was standing, her chair knocked backward behind her. Her hands were gripping her arms painfully, her fingers dug in, the tips of her fingers were white from the pressure. She was shaking a bit as she looked up at the teacher.
“Just leave me alone!” she shouted before booking it out of the cafeteria. Tears rimmed her eyes as Steve’s harsh words rang throu her head. Bee and L glared before grabbing their things and Lana’s and hurrying after her, knowing Xander and the others would deal with Bustier. Xander stalked toward the teacher, a deadly glare in his eyes pointed at Bustier.
“What is wrong with you!? Are you so fucking blind that you couldn’t see how badly she wanted you to leave her alone!?” Xan yelled angrily at his ex-teachers face. “I don’t know where it got into your head that you can ignore someone’s response but you can’t! Mari has told you no! You could see Lana shaking her head not wanting to do this, but you didn’t care! I hope you get fired for being a terrible teacher!” he shouted, poking her shoulder harshly as he yelled, actually forcing her back as she stumbled. He then picked up his bag and ran after the three.
By then a couple of college students went over to them and glared at the teacher. The two knew Lana from class and didn’t like seeing her being disrespected by a foreigner. Mari’s classmates were near the door already, having moved their as the confrontation happened, already wanting to be back at the hotel. “I think you should leave now,” the taller of the two said and Bustier harrumphed before spinning on the heel of her shoe and leaving. They all watched Bustier storm from the cafeteria with Mari’s classmates following. Mari and her friends followed behind since they did need to go back to the hotel.
“I just! Oooh!” Mari grunted out as she fell into the chair next to Tim’s desk after dropping the papers she held.
“She really did that?” Tim asked and Mari nodded as she crossed her arms. “Man, I can’t believe she did that. Do you want me to start a case against her for the French Board of Education?” She groaned in response as she nodded.
“Yes, please.”
“Ok, I’ll start that up. How about you head home. I’m sure Alfred would be more than willing to bake with you,” Tim said and Mari smiled softly as she squeezed Tim’s hand and rushed out of his office and to the elevator. She was bouncing in the elevator, causing some of the occupants to chuckle. As soon as they reached the lobby, she was out of the elevator and out the swirling door in seconds. Adrien laughed from his spot next to the front desk lady at watching her book it.
That’s how Damian and the others found her hours later when they got home. Mari bustling about the kitchen making cheesecake and macaroons while Alfred started prepping dinner. “Everything ok, Mari?” Damian asked and Mari sighed. Dick already knew from Xan calling Alya and Alya telling him.
“Not really. Bustier was......a jerk when we visited GU. She uh....she got Lana to panic and rush from the cafeteria crying. Xan yelled her off before rushing after Lana. I haven’t heard anything since,” Mari explained with a sigh while Jason grumbled under his breath at hearing that.
“How did she even get her license?” Jason asked angrily and Mari shrugged.
“I have no idea.”
“Don’t worry, Alya got a message saying that Lana’s doing better,” Dick said and Mari sighed, relaxing slightly.
“What got to her exactly?” Mari asked softly and Dick scowled.
“The part of Bustier ignoring her wishes. Reminded her of, you know who,” Dick replied which had everyone scowling.
“Ah yes, that fucker,” Mari said causing everyone to look at her shocked. “What? Am I wrong?” she asked and they shook their heads.
“How about we invite them to dinner tonight? Make their days a bit better,” Dick offered, and that had Mari smiling.
“Way ahead of you, Master Dick. Ms. Lana and Alya along with Masters Xavier and Xander have been contacted,” Alfred said and Dick blushed at the look Alfred gave him.
“Wha-! I just meant Lana, Alya, and Xan!” Dick said hastily, especially at Alfred’s look.
“Of course, Master Dick. But Ms. Alya and Master Xavier already had something planned but were willing to change their plans if they could come together,” Alfred explained.
“What can’t handle both of them at the same time?” Jason said teasingly with a smirk as Dick scowled at him.
“Excited to see Lana now that she knows it was you who got her that necklace?” Dick countered, smirking at seeing the blush dusting Jason’s cheek.
“Fuck off,” Jason said walking out of the kitchen up to his room to change. Mari giggled at the exchange with a small smile.
“Well, all that’s left is the cheesecake, but that has to cool and set. So I should get back to the hotel and change,” she said looking down at her flour-covered clothes.
“I’ll take you back to your hotel,” Damian said and Mari beamed at him while Dick and Tim sent him looks. “Tt. You two should prepare yourselves for this dinner. Especially make sure there isn’t anything out to out us. Lana doesn’t know about our nightly activities. Xan knows about mine but no one else,” Damian warned and the two went to work to make sure nothing was out to expose them before they were ready.
While they were busy, Damian sent a smirk over to Mari as they walked to the garage. Mari giggled softly as she slipped thru the open car door that Damian held. After she got in, he closed the door and walked around the black car to the driver’s side and got in himself. The ride back to the hotel was a quiet affair and was quick. Mari was quick to clean up and change into a fresh dress and leggings, hopping on one foot as she tied her combat boots and heading to the door while Lila laughed from her seat on the bed.
“Mari, take a moment, you’re going to hurt yourself in your rush to get back to your boyfriend,” Lila said between laughs, laughs that grew with a teasing smirk at seeing Mari’s blush decorate her skin.
“H-he’s not my boyfriend!” Mari protested and Lila hummed.
“Sure. But you want him to,” she countered and Mari pouted as she nodded, her heart fluttering at the thought of it being real.
“Maybe,” Mari mumbled before looking at the time and yelping. She finished tying her shoes and rushed from the room. “Gotta go bye!” Lila could only shake her head and laugh as she watched Mari book it.
A frown decorated Xavier’s lips as he leaned against the wall in Alya’s bedroom. Alya was leaning into a mirror as she put in new earrings and put on lipstick. They could hear Xan in the other room moving around. Alya had taken a break from talking so that she didn’t miss putting her earring in. she looked over at him thru the mirror. “I get it, I do. He’s hurting, he officially broke up with Babs. But....why is he pulling away from us? I was there for him every time when they broke up before! Why does he feel the need now?” Alya asked turning around to look at Xavier, her eyes tearing up at the thought that she couldn’t help Dick this time.
“Hey now, don’t you go thinking that. Dick just broke up with her. Perhaps he needs some alone time. I’m sure he’ll talk to us when he’s ready. I mean, their butler invited us to dinner. That has to mean he’s willing to talk to us,” Xavier said rubbing his hands along Alya’s upper arms. She nodded slowly in understanding, knowing he was right.
“Yes, you’re right. I know you’re right. He just needs time,” she mumbled with a sigh.
“And you’re right to worry. This hasn’t happened before for you, it’s understandable,” Xavier replied and Alya gave him a small smile as they left her room.
“Come on, we gotta pick Lana up,” she said and the two nodded. Xavier slipped into the passenger seat next to Alya while Xan went into the backseat. When they reached the apartment complex that let students from GU dorm there, Lana was in the lobby already, her leg bouncing. “Hey.”
“Hey, Als, Xan, Xavier,” Lana greeted and Xavier gave her a smile while Xan greeted her with a hug.
“Ready to see everyone?” Alya asked and Lana nodded.
“Ya, I’m glad to finally tell Jason thanks for giving me the necklace all that time ago,” she said, fiddling with said necklace.
“Good,” Alya replied, sending Lana a smile thru the review mirror.
Alster @Bi_Arrow
Change of plans! Heading out to eat dinner with Dick and his family with Lana, Xan, and Xavier! #thiswillbefun #dinnertime #hangout #changeofplans 
Ok, So here’s the next chap!! The dinner will be in the next chap. I hope you guys enjoyed this new chap!!! Ms. Bustier is finally seeing the consequences of how she teaches! Anyways, until next chap!! -Love Willa<3<3<3
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
can we have more fashion friend au headcanons because that helps ease the pain of the statue scene (ps love your writing and you
( Last ask then I am going to bed)
-Tikki becomes SUPER IFFY bout this bond she has with Hawkmoth.
-”Its just advice Tikki, besides if he is busy akumatizing me, he can’t attack anyone else”
-It happens sometimes, Marinette lets her negative emotions overtake her and Hawkmoth answers.
-”Yes… oh Hello Marinette,”
-Marinette shows him some new designs.
-”I like that jacket, but the pocket design should have a different button,”
-Hawkmoth gives her compliments on her creative choices.
-”So any thoughts on showing Gabriel those designs?”
-Marinette confesses thats why she was bummed out. Lila was playing interference and embarrassed her.
-”Oh that brat. Sure she is good for causing akuma, but she is such an awful human being.”
-Marinette sighs deeply
-”Want to know something, she is jealous of you.”
-”Oh yea, you are able to do all of the things she lies about. She is so insecure and in need of validation, you on the other hand actually have talent.”
-Hawkmoth telling her about how the people he has akumatized and their opinions on Marinette. Most of them positive.
-”They all really like you, it makes sense why.”
-Marinette is cheered up and Hawkmoth releases the akuma and goes back to doing whatever.
-Gabriel telling Adrien that he was thinking of a mentorship program for Gabriel brand.
-”Your classmate, the one that designed the hat. She should apply.”
-Adrien happily agreed and told Marinette the next day.
-Sure enough she gets the role, as well as Lila (Who overheard and totally entered.)
-Gabriel gave both girls the chance to earn it. Turning it into a competition. But in reality, He knows Lila is a fake, so it would be a LANDSLIDE for Marinette.
-Lila thought she could fake her way through.
-Gabriel saw her designs and d-e-s-t-r-o-y-e-d her. They were copies of other brands and inferior ones too.
-Gabriel gave the position to Marinette.
-Lila was furious, she called Gabriel asking what the deal was, she thought they had a mutual deal.
-Gabriel responds.
-”I could never trust my son’s wellbeing to someone who can’t be true in their designs.” And he Ends their partnership.
-Lila was all set to be akumatized. But the akuma didn’t go to her, it went to Marinette. To find out how the contest went.
-Hawkmoth let the girl tell him all about how happy she was that she got the position. And even thanked him for his help.
-”It was all you Marinette, I simply pointed you in the right direction.”
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a-ratt · 5 years
Miraculous MCU AU
Introducing the Miraculous Marvel Cinematic Universe. (I don’t think this has been done yet)
The premise is, post-Chameleon, Marinette has begun to feel like she doesn’t matter. Her classmates invalidate her feelings, Lila has turned people against her, her reputation is tanking, and Adrien is still refusing to do anything about it. To escape from this reality, she transforms into Ladybug on the regular and starts fighting crime on her own.
The Avengers take notice and, seeing as they can’t just have a teenager running around with superpowers, they decide to train her. They would grab Chat too, but he has a tendency to run away or attack them.
The point of this au is meant to cross the MCU over with MLB, giving Marinette a supportive team of superhero personalities. In canon, she is sorely lacking in actual mentorship, with Tikki providing mostly moral support and Fu giving her weird advice every other week.
With Steve Rogers acting as the angel on her shoulder, Tony Stark acting as the devil, Clint being the only real parent, Thor and Sam being the fun uncles, Natasha and Rhodey being the overprotective aunt and uncle, and Bruce being the responsible uncle, well... it’s a whole lot of fun.
I’d place the timeline somewhere before Avengers: Age of Ultron, giving Marinette time to adapt to the MCU. Tensions are still low, the world-building is still taking effect. She’ll get to experience Tony’s trauma, Cap’s loss of faith in institutions, Thor’s choice to protect the nine realms over claiming the throne. And, of course, the birth of Ultron.
From there, she’ll participate in Civil War, choose a side, experience the landscape change, then enter Infinity War.
I’ll also add in some SpideyBug, because these awkward dorks are adorable.
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thesaltyoceanwaves · 5 years
We Used to Be Friends AU - Part 2
--> Both Alya and Chloe serve as a foil to Lila. Alya will be Lila’s rival this time around, with her being the target of Volpina’s wrath. Chloe, on the other hand, starts off as a bully towards Marinette, but later on ends up on good terms with her after doing the right thing and being held responsible. Chloe and Lila hate each other from the start. Chloe hates Lila because she can see her hidden, snake-like nature, and Lila “hates” Chloe because she bullied Marinette. In actuality, she doesn’t care about Chloe, but is wary of her because of how much everyone dislikes her.
--> Lila, at first, isn’t evil, per se. Just greedy for popularity and attention. So she’s not as likely to become a regular Hawkmoth minion, because being associated with a known terrorist would ruin her reputation if she was found out. If she was truly desperate, though, she’d consider it.
--> I also like the idea of a potential mentorship between Nathalie and Lila. Lila wouldn’t know that Nathalie is associated with Hawkmoth though, and Nathalie would have her trained to use the peacock miraculous after her own botched attempt. It’s not a definite though.
--> Romance is not the focus of this AU, it’s pretty much pushed to the background. That being said, ships will probably form as characters bond in light of the *drama* 
--> Lila shows up to school prior to Volpina, but still closer to the second half of what would be season one. Lady Wifi, instead of being about Alya trying to find out who Ladybug is, gets blasted for the interview she posts on her blog about Lila and Ladybug being friends, with forged evidence provided by Lila. She intends to expose Lila for the liar she is, but before things go too far, Marinette stops her. Undeterred, she confronts Lila in the park the next day, exposing her as a liar in front of Adrien. Again, as Volpina, Lila targets Alya.
--> Chloe episodes: any episode with Chloe being really bad in season 1 --> Antibug --> Volpina --> Despair Bear --> Style Queen and NO Queen Wasp. After Despair Bear, Chloe goes out of her to help civilians, in her own way (encouraging her dad to pay security guards more for all their work against akumas, setting up a proper system that will alert everyone in Paris of an attack, going to a therapist regularly and taking anger management classes, treating Sabrina and Jean much nicer than usual, etc).
--> Alya’s arc revolves around learning to be more sneaky and subtle in order to find out the truth. Learning how to read people and catch them in their mistakes. But also in being more careful and thorough in her research and interviews. When the Lila backlash takes a heavy toll on her blog, she has to take the proper steps in the future to make sure she does proper fact checking and following up with sources.   
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imthepunchlord · 5 years
Bug(vengers) Club? But ohmg. I remember your posts about Alya and Pollen relation about another AU. And me getting moved-to-tears emotional about it like the useless flake I am. But Tikki getting in on Pollen's case mwahahaha I almost feel sad for her. Naw I don't. And I tend to think Tikki as too overbearing to be good on Alya as a full time kwami. Gung ho personalities clash and all. But her imparting moderated wisdom during occasional meetings might be just the right distance to help Alya?
Probably not on that name, if this whole team would be all bug based, sure, but its not. Its not Bee alone that Fu releases, its Fox as well, or at least two of the Zodiac instead. But since a lot of focus has been on Alya, this factor really hasn’t been brought up yet. So Bugvengers doesn’t work when this isn’t a strictly bug team. 
Based on kwami and holder interactions alone with no powers factored in, at this point, would’ve preferred Tikki with either Adrien or Alya, biggest factor being is that she would call them out, and she watches out for others more than she watches out for her holders, like Gamer for example, bringing up Marinette being inconsiderate of Max’s feelings. Marinette is already a character who watches out for others and will give up a lot for those others, even her own happiness, she doesn’t need a kwami to add to this and push her to put others first, it will eventually remove caring for herself. Adrien and Alya though are a lot more wrapped up in themselves and can easily overlook issues with others, and Tikki can help open their eyes to others feelings and help them be more considerate and aware. 
Anyway, yes, Tikki able to mentor Alya at a distance would be the best in Alya’s growth. While Tikki can help her learn to be more aware in others, there is a flaw that both have a bias for heroic work, and the biggest issue that lb!Alya will face is a joint favoritism she and Tikki share, growing more distant with her civilian life as she embraces the heroic work more. But in this set, with Tikki not a constant in her life to encourage this focus on heroic work and grow distant with civilian life, this allows Alya to get the perks of her mentorship without the drawback of having Tikki as her kwami. 
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academy13 · 2 years
Legit have an AU situation for MLB going that involves an OC of mine winding up as a sub at the school and seeing the teenage superheroes like ‘Oh good fucking lord’ and starts mentoring them, because Ladybug is a child with anxiety, Chat needs so much goddamn therapy, and Chole, Nino, and Alya (because I’m sticking with the original core 5) are somehow the sane ones but with Issues, and I’m sorry, but one man cannot help these children on his own. 
Also I change a bunch of backstory shit for Fu because I need it to MAKE SENSE, and fulfill all my Casablanca needs, as well as give the other characters backstories and shit that makes sense too, without being super creepy... for example, I have this idea that Marinette has a freaky good memory, like she looks at something once and remembers it. She has most of the class’s schedules memorized simply because she glanced at schedules with in the first week, and can even recall prior years schedules (Nino, to prove this to Alya and Adrien on their first day, asks her what class they shared three years ago. She recalls not only what room number, the time, and the teacher, but everyone else who shared that specific class with them). She’s recreated sewing patterns from memory alone.
For Fu I have this idea that he and his girlfriend met during WWII, they did stuff for the French Resistance and wound up getting separated so didn’t know each other was alive for a long time. She also knows about the Miraculous (which I think fall a lot more in to the magical artifact category in my au), they spent a good portion of the war making sure Nazis couldn’t get a hold of them. Also, Fu is not over a hundred years old and we’re just not dealing with this temple crap, he came across them just before the war and realized they were Important when Nazis started searching for them. He didn’t really hold much to them being powerful artifacts until accidentally activating one.. also the Peacock and Butterfly have been missing since before Fu got a hold of it. Its taken decades of research for them both to realize there are more out there and they have to get those two back because this is the set they belong to. When they reunite after Ladybug and Chat have become heroes, they eventually start tag teaming the mentorship thing, along with my English OC, because the kids kind of stumble into the whole thing with no true understanding of what these things ARE. (Which by the way, he didn’t give them to any of the kids, they’re kind of super powerful magical artifacts, they have a mind of their own. There’s been a lot of detective work in finding these kids so as to give them more information and actually help them.)
This is all just off the top of my head, I’m so fed up with how those characters are written because they are genuinely interesting people and... the show does nothing with that. Like you have a show with teenaged superheroes and that is something you can do a coming of age thing with... 
Oh, and also we have an actual consistent passage of time because seriously, even Kim Possible had this. Its called referencing prior events.
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fantasyfandommaiden · 5 years
Adrien’s Mentorship AU: Familiar Bonds And Boundaries
Adrien has mixed feelings about his new familiar Zeus. One the one hand, he finally has a hamster who is helping him with his magic and gives him the extra bit of confidence he needs! On the other hand.... he’s a pervert who likes to use innuendos and seems to have a thing for his magic teacher, Mlle Carmine.
Adrien couldn’t wait for his next magic lesson with Mlle Carmine, and by that he meant he truly could not wait a week and had asked the woman if he could meet not even three days after seeing her.
Carmine agreed, although she was somewhat confused by her students eagerness and said they could meet right after school at her apartment.
When her student arrived with a wrapped Bouquet of flowers, she was equally confused. “These are not from me... well they are, as a thank you, but for some reason I don’t trust it and I’m gonna say their from Zeus until I’m proven wrong.” Adrien insisted as he walked in, kicking off his shoes as Carmine closed the door.
Gladiolus perched on her shoulder, as Zeus crawled out of Adrien’s pocket onto his shoulder to do the same. For some reason her familiar did not care for Zeus, even though he would not tell her why.
Adrien handed Carmine the bouquet, undoing the wrapping to see the bundle inside. She saw witch hazel, coral roses, pansies and orange lilies... oh, she understood now why Adrien wanted to see her.
‘YOU BASTARD!’ She heard Gladiolus yell as he leaped from Carmine’s shoulder to Adrien’s, tackling Zeus to the group and proceeded to chase said rodent.
Adrien looked fearful slightly as the two rodents continued to chase eachother, Zeus letting out a loud chirping sound, which Gladiolus responded with
Zeus let out more chirps as he bolted away from Gladiolus, Carmine noting that Adrien became a very bright shade of red as Gladiolus responded back.
“Did I do something wrong?” Adrien asked in a panic as Carmine smiled at him, letting out a small chuckle as she held up a single steam of each of the flowers.
“Witch hazel, meaning I cast a spell on you, pansies for ‘lovers thoughts’, and coral roses along with orange lilies hold the same meaning...” she smiled at Adrien somewhat mischievously “‘Desire’. I take it Zeus picked the flowers? Living up to his name sake I take it.”
Adrien’s face flushed an even brighter red “Mlle Carmine, I am so sorry-“
“Adrien, it’s fine.” Carmine said smiling warmly at him “I’m flattered, it’s been while since I’ve been given flowers, I take it he has been making some... straight forward and perhaps lewd suggestions about me?”
‘THATS AN UNDERSTATEMENT!’ Gladiolus all but yelled in the back of her head as he finally pinned Zeus down to the ground, growling at him.
“How do I make him stop?!” Adrien asked, his face bright red, as Carmine gave him a small smile in pity.
“Unfortunately you can’t really. Your bond is still fairly new and you can’t really issue him any orders yet until you’ve known each other longer. A familiar’s job isn’t just to help you with your magic but to also help balance you out as a person. Gladiolus for example helped me become more proactive and active when it comes to my magic, as well as being a bit more out going when it comes to meeting new people.”
“So... I’ll become a pervert?” Adrien asked fearfully.
“No, no, no. Most likely Zeus will just try to help you.... be more straight forward about your wants and desires.” Carmine explained smiling “But who is to say? Time will tell.”
“So... there’s no way to make him stop?” He asked mournfully, causing Carmine to raise a brow.
“No... besides trying to ask him nicely. Why?” Carmine asked slowly.
Adrien’s face turned a bright red as he remembered the events of the day.
“So you have to be near me at all times?” Adrien asked Zeus well they were being driven to school. Plagg wasn’t crazy about sharing his pocket with the hamster but the familiar had proven to be fairly interesting company, especially
since for some weird reason the kwami could understand him.
‘Yes, our bond is still new and thus very weak, ideally I shouldn’t be away from you for longer than an hour or two, least I get sent back to the spirit realm and you have to resummon me again,’ Zeus had explained to the young model.
“Still can’t believe Nathalie agreed to let me ‘have a pet hamster’ so easily...” Adrien muttered, remembering the phone call that Carmine had made to Nathalie before being picked up, about how a pet would give Adrien a sense of ownership as well as some responsibilities and a small friend to have. Nathalie agreed right away.
‘Well, I imagine that the Mademoiselle can be VERY persuasive when she wants to be... I know she could persuade me to do anything~’ Zeus all but purred and Adrien felt a slight blush go across his face at the implications.
“Another thing! You can’t be making those kind of comments about her! You need to respect Mlle Carmine!” Adrien insisted, glaring at the small hamster who looked up at him confused.
‘Whatever do you mean kid, I AM being respectful of her. Your mentor is a very powerful mage, even i can feel that, and one that is both patient and wise from what you’ve told me.’ Zeus stated ‘All traits to be admired for and I have the utmost respect for her even thought I’ve only known her for a few days...’
Adrien looked at Zeus somewhat confused, his eyebrows furrowed as he could almost sense the smirk going across the hamsters face.
‘She just also had the added benefit of having a body like a Greek goddess, one I would full heartedly love to worship. Every. Single. Night.’
Adrien let out a loud groan, burying his face into his hands as he muttered softly under his breath. He was thankful that the driver pulled up to th school at the moment to give him a chance to breath and calm himself before exiting the car, Zeus hanging out in Adrien’s pocket.
The familiar had stated he would prefer to be on Adrien’s shoulder so he could actually look around, but Adrien stated that while they were in school because it would draw too much attention... also the feeling of his small paws against his skin was FAR to stimulating for him to focus and made him a bit uncomfortable.
The strange thing was that the moment Adrien had expressed that Zeus only stated ‘okay, can I stay on your shoulder if you have clothing over top and were not at school?’
Adrien had never had someone compromise with him or give him a choice... it was odd, especially from the usually lewd familiar. However, it was reasonable and Adrien agreed to the idea.
The blonde model managed to arrive at school roughly twenty minutes before class even started (which was a rarity) and was getting some additional work done when Nino, Alya and surprisingly Marinette who was early for once, walked in and took their seat.
“Hey bro, did you manage to get the math homework done last night, it was killer-“ Nino stopped, looking at Adrien with a raised brow “... dude, is that a hamster?”
Marinette, upon hearing the word ‘hamster’, span around in her seat to kneel on it and looked on the desk to see, low and behold, a hamster, who looked at her curiously. Marinette had to restrain herself from squealing at the sight of the small grey dwarf hamster as Adrien explained that to his friends how he and gotten him on the weekend to have a friend of hang out with when he was too busy with school work.
“Can I hold him?” Marinette asked, forgetting to stutter at all as her eyes were focused solely on the hamster. All of her friends took notice of the lack of stutter, Adrien smiling brightly. Maybe this was what they needed to break the ice some more?
“Sure, just hold your hand out and see if he goes to you, his name is Zeus.” He said, as Marinette delicately held out her hand, Zeus all but jumped onto it, climbing up her arm to nuzzle into her neck, causing the small biracial girl to giggle.
“That is one affection hamster.” Alya commented at Marinett continued to giggle, doing her best to hold still least the hamster fall off.
Zeus tucked away into the collar of her jacket, slightly under her shirt, letting out a low whistle that only Adrien could hear. ‘HEY KID! She even has freckles down here!’ He called out to him, causing Adrien to flush slightly, rubbing the back of his neck in an attempt to look more bashful than embarrassed. L
“Yeah... he is something alright.” He said, looking at Zeus with slightly narrowed eyes as the hamster continued to snuggle against Marinette who was none the wiser to the fey’s slightly lewd comments.
‘Woah kid, this girl’s skin is super soft!’
‘She’s smells like a bakery! I wonder if she tastes just as sweet!’
Adrien was doing everything in his power to keep a neutral face at the comments when Mlle Bustier entered the room to begin class.
Marinette goatherd Zeus in her hands, giving him a smile that would rival the sun “Bye Zeus, see you later.” She said softly, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead before handing him gently to Adrien.
Adrien could almost feel the smugness radiating off the rodent as he placed him in his pocket, murmuring softly “Not cool Zeus.”
‘Hey, relax kid. She is WAAAAY to young for my liking, I like my woman to have a bit more... experience and maturity.’ Zeus stated back to Adrien. ‘... she would be perfect for you however!’
Adrien let out a groan, banging his head on the desk as he muttered ‘Why me?’
“And he was like that all day?” Carmine asked Adrien with a raised brow. Gladiolus and Zeus were still running around in the background, still yelling and cursing at each other, even though Carmine and Adrien only knew what one half of the conversation was each.
“Yes! With everyone! Even Nino he said had a good ‘firm hold on him’! I don’t know how much longer I could take it!” Adrien said groaning “It’s just so... disrespectful!”
Carmine raised a brow “... well it may have been excessive but I would hardly call anything you told me disrespectful Adrien.” Carmine stated to him “Disrespectful would have been him climbing down Marinette’s shirt to get into her bra, or making extremely lewd comments. It sounds more like he left it at light teasing, at least when it came to your classmates. If they could understand him, I am sure they would have told them to stop, but since they can’t you’ll have to help set those boundaries with him.”
Adrien looked at her with a raised brow “... what if he doesn’t want to listen and keeps doing it anyway?” Adrien asked softly.
“Well there is one way to find out.” Carmine stated, glancing at the two familiars who were now rolling on the floor as if wrestling “Gladiolus, Zeus, front and centre please.” Carmine called.
As if a switched had been pulled the two familiars were standing in front of Adrien and Carmine, looking up at the woman with the utmost respect.
“Zeus, Adrien has something he wishes to tell you.” She stated, looking towards Adrien, giving him a silent prompt to continue.
Adrien froze momentarily, looking between Carmine and Zeus look a deer caught in the headlights before, swallowing and taking a deep breath.
“... I didn’t appreciate all the Lewd comments you made towards my friends today. I know they can’t hear it and stuff but still, it... doesn’t seem right. I mean, their kids! You can’t make comments about where Marinette has freckles, or how luscious Aliya’s skin is, or how Nino has a firm grip with his hands!” Adrien exclaimed.
Carmine looked down at the hamster with a raised brow at those comments “... really?” She asked him softly, she could feel the smug energy coming from him, and the low growl that Gladiolus was giving proved he wasn’t impressed either, although Gladio had a problem with anyone that was proven to have an excessively dirty mind.
“I mean, I know you probably won’t stop all together but could you not do it in the middle to class, or climb into their shirts-“
The hamster chirped loudly at that.
“...oh, it was just on the shoulder? Really?... wait how many freckles did she- no!” Adrien shook his head “Does matter! No more lewd comments! It makes me uncomfortable and I know I’ll probably get use to it one day but today is not that day so please... no more lewd comments about my friends... please.” He said the last part somewhat pathetically, as if expecting a straight out ‘No’ like usual.
Zeus gave out a single chirp, and the look on Adrien’s face turned to what of bewilderment.
“... what? It’s that easy?!”
“Ooooh I see what’s happening.” Carmine said snapping her fingers, looking at Adrien “Sorry Adrien, I forgot you don’t live in a magic house hold, or a normal one at that... you haven’t had talk about boundaries have you?”
“Umm... kind of?” Adrien asked, somewhat confused.
“See, although you share a psychic link with Zeus, he can’t read your mind unless you let him, meaning he doesn’t know what your boundaries are. Most fey don’t ask what your boundaries are so much as they test the limit until they go past it.” Carmine explained, seeming to go into full teacher mode. She than gestures towards her familiar who was still glaring at Zeus, as if waiting for him to try something.
“Gladio here wanted to be by my side every seconds of every day upon our contract being forms. He’s very protective of me, as you’ve seen, and didn’t want me to be in any danger. However, it wasn’t practical at the time, not to mention with him identifying as male, it was somewhat embarrassing for him to be in the same room as me if I was bathing or just wanted some alone time. So once our bond was stronger and there was no chance of him going back to the spirit realm, one of the boundaries we set were that he was to accompany me throughout most of my day, with the exception of me going to school, bathing or if I wanted to be alone.” Carmine explained, smiling at Adrien, before looking towards Gladio, who spared a quick glance at Carmine before looking back at the hamster. “One of his boundaries was that he really doesn’t like it when others touch him unless he gives the Okay, so I’ve always had to make sure that people don’t touch him unless he tells me it’s fine.”
“... and you guys just, followed through with that?” Adrien asked somewhat confused. He was remembering all the times people had touched him, or invaded his personal space without his permission, or even went back on his word. He had gotten use to being disappointed, and the fact that it sounded so easy was... too good to be true.
However Carmine just smiled and nodded “Yep. Adrien, this is a life long bond, and any relationship; romantic, platonic, familial, is based on compromise and communication.” Carmine told him “... talk to Zeus about what you are comfortable with, and he will tell you what he is comfortable with, and hopefully, with a lot of time and patience, you’ll find compromises to any solution.”
Adrien looked at If Carmine had just told him the secret to the universe with this revelation, before looking at Zeus “... I guess I still have a lot to learn, huh?”
Zeus gave a shrug and chirped, Adrien looking at Carmine somewhat sheepishly as Gladio let out a low, predatory growl towards the hamster.
“Um... he wants to know if you liked the flowers, or if they made you uncomfortable.” He asked sheepishly.
Carmine raised a brow, looking at the small hamster who stood not even two feet away from her. She gave him a small smile “...I loved the flowers, although the meaning come on a bit strong. Perhaps yellow roses for friendship next time?” She asked in a somewhat cheery tone.
With expert ease she saw the hamster raise a brow, before a soft light appeared and Carmine felt a pair of lips brush against hers in a feather light kiss “Perhaps I’m not looking for friendship, ma chérie~” the voice purred.
Carmine blinked several times as she looked at the man that stood before her that once was a hamster. He was taller than her by about four inches, and he was built fairly lean, as if he had trained as a ballet dancer all of his life. He had pale blonde hair that in light waves, he had fairly pale skin, and a pair of piercing blue eyes gazed at her, a playful smirk on his face. He wore a white coloured dress shirt, with a black vest overtop and matching dress pants, a nice pair of leather shoes on his feet.
Carmine looked somewhat confused, but than super apologetic she gave a soft whine as another soft light appeared around Gladiolus. “You really shouldn’t have done that.”
“You fucking BASTARD!” Another male figure appear and all but tackled the first one, pinning him against the wall as he let out a low, predatory growl that rivaled that of a lion on the hunt.
This man, unlike the first one, had slightly tanned skin, and was built like that of a swimmer, with broad shoulders and narrow hips. His hair was a dark brown and brushed against his shoulders. He was wearing a black motorcycle jacket, with a white shirt underneath overtop of a pair of faded blue jeans and combat boots.
The only thing that was the same about the two men were their piercing blue eyes, however one was glaring at the first man with a controlled rage, while the other had a mischievous glint in his eye and a shit eating smirk on his face,
“What did I fucking say about touching her?!” The man with the motorcycle jacket growled, almost lifting the man off his feet as he was pinned against the wall.
“Worth. It.” The blonde haired man said with a slight chuckle, causing the other man to let out a low growl.
Adrien, who in the middle of this all happening, had placed himself between Carmine and the two men as if to protect her.
“Mlle Carmine what’s going on?!” Adrien asked as Carmine gently touched her lips, letting out a soft hum.
“I told you Gladio was protective of me, and Zeus kissing me crossed that line.”
“... what? THATS ZEUS?!?!” Adrien asked as he pointed at the blonde man who let out a loud laugh.
“Yep, and might I say ma chérie, your lips-“
Gladiolus gave Zeus a sharp shove against the wall, glaring at him with a hot heat “Chose your next words... very... carefully you swine.” He growled as Carmine walked up, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
Gladiolus glanced at Carmine, who gave him a small, gentle smile.
“... He didn’t mean anything by it Gladio.” Carmine stated to him gently, her hand not leaving his shoulder. “... I’m fine. I’m safe. Please put him down.”
Gladiolus’ expression noticeably softened as Carmine spoke, his grip loosening on Zeus’s clothes, however once his eyes returned to the familiar he glared.
“There will not be a next time, but should you ever have a death wish, you WILL ask before you try that stunt again, got it?” He growled
Zeus, who still had a a mischievous glint in his eye and a smirk on his face, looked between the two of them, almost as if he saw something Adrien did not as he simply nodded.
“Of course, I should have sought permission before gaining a kiss from such a beautiful lady, won’t happen again.” Zeus stated, giving a small smile to Carmine who returned it.
“Good.” Gladiolus stated, unceremoniously dropping Zeus as if he were trash on the floor, the impact causing the familiar to transform back into a hamster. Gladio looked at Carmine, giving a small nod and a warm smile before transforming back into a ferret.
Adrien was still starring in shock at the two familiars and Carmine, his mouth wide open.
“Well, not exactly, it they can change their form... did I not tell you that?”
“... NO! NO YOU DID NOT!!!!”
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fantasyfandommaiden · 5 years
Adrien’s Mentorship: More Questions And Awnsers
For all the questions that needed to be awnsered but wouldn’t fit into one fan fiction without wrecking the flow.
“What did Theo mean when he said I was too old to be your apprentice?” Adrien asked when they were in the car.
Carmine looked at him, giving him a soft smile “Your not ‘too old’ to be an apprentice... your just older than you should be to be starting.” Carmine explained “Typically a mage like myself would take on an apprentice when they were younger, usually around age nine or ten, with you being 14 this makes it a bit harder because of the whole ‘teenage rebellion’ and ‘raging hormones’ to deal with on top of magic.”
Adrien blinked at the explanation “... but Mlle Carmine, isn’t me learning magic basically going through a teenage rebellion?”
Carmine smirked “Exactly, so I have nothing to worry about.”
“When do I get my own spell book?” Adrien inquired as he observed Carmine leafing through one of the leather tomes she owned, looking for a certain page.
Carmine, without looking up at Adrien, replied “Whenever you like, we can have one ordered if you so choose, it would basically be an empty book and you fill your own personal or family spells into it.”
Adrien frowned, feeling disappointed “... you mean, there’s no special ceremony or tradition that I have to go through in order to get one?”
Carmine stopped mid page flip, and glanced up at Adrien “... Well, in my family, specifically my mothers side of the family, we are awarded our first grimoire when we successfully complete our first intentional spell. It’s sort of... like our way of earning it I suppose. Not every family does it, and some just give it to their apprentice on their first day-“
“I want to earn it!” Adrien said suddenly, causing him to blush slightly “... I mean... the way your family does it sounds more magical, and my family doesn’t really have a sort of right of passage, so...”
Carmine looked at Adrien, a small warm smile gracing her face “... very well.”
“Can I... tell Ladybug about my lessons?”
Carmine stoped mid sip of her tea, looking at Adrien with a raised brow as he fidgeted in his seat.
“... have you told her anything yet?”
“No, and part of me wants to keep it a secret, since she has so many secrets and all, especially with the guardian, and I know it’s wrong to be petty like that.” Adrien said to her as he looked down at the table “... but I know it’s not her secret to tell, and I want to tell her not to worry about me asking about meeting the guardian for him to tutor me seeing as your tutoring me, but that would reveal your use of magic but I promise that Ladybug wouldn’t tell a soul and and...” he looked at Carmine who was looking at him calming. “... aren’t you going to tell me to stop being ridiculous and to be quiet?” He asked softly.
All too often that was what had happened at home whenever he tried to express his point to father. Nathalie would listen to a point, however would soon grow worried when the boy wouldn’t stop talking and ask him to stop and breath.
“No. Your raising some good points, even though you are speaking too quickly and will possibly pass out from lack of breath.” Carmine said, sipping her tea “Are there any more points you would like to bring up before I tell you my thoughts?” She asks him patiently, giving him a small smile.
Adrien looked at her, taking a deep breath and shaking his head, awaiting her reply.
Carmine placed her tea on the table and looked at Adrien “Adrien, I do not have an issue with you telling Ladybug about you getting lessons outside of the guardian.” She told him, and she saw how his posture eased up “However.” His entire posture tensed up again as he looked at her.
“There WILL be rules.” She told him “First rule, you are not to tell Ladybug my name, if she presses, give a pseudonym of some sort just make sure that you only use that pseudonym when you are Chat Noir and not as Adrien.” She told him, to which the boy nodded, all to familiar with the concept of secret identies.
“Rule two, I will not meet with either Ladybug or the Guardian as your magic instructor. If I must i will see them as a Counsellor and nothing else. If the guardian doesn’t trust you enough to know where the Miraculous are being held in case of emergencies, I don’t want the Guardian here bothering me about my teaching habits.” Carmine told him.
“But... why couldn’t I tell Ladybug? I mean, glamour spells are a thing, so you could always meet her and she wouldn’t know...”
Carmine gave Adrien a sad smile “... do you think it’s fair to Ladybug to have to keep MORE secrets from people? No, it’s better if both of them are unaware of who I am until mutual trust is given to all the parties involved.”
Adrien looked at Carmine, bitting his bottom lip softly, questioning whether or not to even ask his next question before speaking “... do you think I should tell Ladybug you know my identity, and if so, will she be mad?”
Carmine blinked, not even thinking about that. It hadn’t occurred to her how Ladybug would feel about someone knowing her partners identity. She leaned back in her chair, looking up at the ceiling as she thought over how Ladybug, and by extension Marinette, would feel about it.
Being a superhero was a duty to be held up to the highest standard of professionalism to the spotted hero. She took secret identities very seriously, and from what Adrien had told her, tried to keep anything revealed about her civilian self as generic as possible.
“... the guardian knows both of your identities correct?” Carmine asked, looking at Adrien, to which the boy nodded. “Than tell her that yes your teacher knows your identity, but the relationship is similar to that of her and this guardian. Tell her you didn’t tell me anything, that I can see through glamour and knew you in a civilian capacity due to use traveling in similar circles.” She said to him calmly “before she has a chance to be mad, tell her how you wanted to help in whatever way possible to protect her and the city, which you DID.” Carmine reminded him, smiling “... and that you needed someone outside of the mask that believes in you to do great things.”
Adrien looked at Carmine, eyes wide “... really?”
Carmine grinned “Adrien, I have never been more honest in my life.”
Adrien nodded, deep in thought before a large grin spread across his face “... I think whenever I talk about you to Ladybug I’ll refer to you as Kiki.”
Carmine blinked, somewhat confused by the name before she remembered a certain movie and a deadpanned expression came across her face “... fine, don’t expect me to be sporting a black dress and a giant red bow however.”
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fantasyfandommaiden · 5 years
How does the talk about Theo go between Adrien and Carmine? Signed, Miraculously-quality-content
The first thing you have to understand about Carmine before I answer how the talk goes is that Carmine absolutely loathes people who feel entitled.
She’s had to deal with these type of people in high school, university, within the magical community, and even a bit in her extended family.
So when she hears that Adrien is responsible for akumatizing Théo, and finds out it was due to misplaced jealousy AND pretended to be in a relationship with Ladybug to discourage said advances, she is not pleased and makes it known to Adrien in private.
Adrien tries to explain the whole ‘their soulmates’ thing, and that Théo was too old for Ladybug, and Carmine goes straight for the kill and asks him what happened the last time he confessed to Ladybug.
Adrien says she said no, but-
“No buts.” Carmine interrupted with a deadly serious expression on her face “She said no. You need to respect that. You are not entitled to Ladybug’s romantic feelings, you are not entitled to deem who can and can’t ‘confess’ to Ladybug and you are NOT entitled to who she can and can’t have romantic feelings for. If this sort of behaviour continues Adrien, the only thing you will be entitled to is a lonely existence where your partner wants nothing to do with you and your Kwami can’t stand to look at you. This behaviour stops now or there will be dire consequences. Am I understood?”
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fantasyfandommaiden · 5 years
Adrien’s Mentorship: Questions And Anwsers
Adrien is excited for his first lesson with Mlle Carmine Regal in the ways of magic! He is even more excited to have some of his questions answered!
[Adrien was already loving having Mlle Regal as a mentor and she hadn’t even taught him anything yet! Mlle Regal had told him they were going to tell his family he was coming to see her for therapy sessions because of the grief of his mother missing (she had also told him if he needed someone to talk to about that, she was all ears). Mlle Regal had also told Nathalie upon her return from her sick leave that all the photoshoots and lack of free time was bad for ones mental health, and after Nathalie had a long, long talk with Adrien’s father,had agreed that he would only do two photoshoots a week, provided it wasn’t fashion week season, and he had more free time! (Nathalie had actually, unknown to Adrien, guilted his father with the illness she had incurred because of saving his sorry ass during hero’s day not even two weeks before.)
Mlle Regal had told him that for the first session he was to bring a list with any and all questions he had, and she would do her best to answer them. He had gotten a notebook and filled out a few pages, both sides, single space before he had to stop himself, not wanting to seem clingy or overbearing. He didn’t want her to regret taking him on as a student.
The Gorilla drove him over to Mlle Regal’s apartment early one Saturday morning, and Adrien was almost vibrating in his seat as they finally stopped outside the building. He raced inside the building and all the way up to the top floor and knocked eagerly on her door.
“It’s open Adrien.” He heard the Carmine call and he opened the door and stepped inside, closing the door behind him before walking in.
Carmine was at her kitchen table, typing away at her laptop as Adrien walked in, placing his bag on the ground beside one of the chairs at the table. He noted that there was pot of hot tea beside her and two cups. “Sorry Adrien, I just need to finish up this email to my mother and than I’ll be all set. Would you like some tea?” She asked, sparing a glance up at Adrien, who was almost bouncing in his seat.
“Um, sure, that sounds great Mlle Regal!” Adrien said, smiling.
Adrien blinked “.. What?”
“Well I am acting as your mentor, you may call me Carmine.” Carmine stated, smiling slightly “There is no need for formalities well we are doing these lessons.”
Adrien smiled even wider at the sentence, before Carmine finished up the last few sentences of the email and closed the laptop, sighing “Okay, you have the list of questions I assume?”
Adrien smiled brightly, nodding “Oh boy do I!” He said, brining out his note book from his bag, opening it to the first page “I’ve got tons, I spent the last three days compiling this list and-“
“And you wrote a book of questions.” Carmine said, smiling slightly.
Adrien paused, looking at Carmine, his demeanour falling slightly “Is... is this going overboard?” He asked slowly, remembering all the times his father shut him down before he could get a word on edgewise.
Carmine continued to smile, shaking her head “Of course not Adrien. I told you to compile a list of questions for me, and that’s what you did. There is nothing wrong with asking questions that you truly want to know the answer to.” Carmine told him, leaning back in her chair “Ask away.”
Adrien’s smile returned to his face, he barely noticed Plagg coming out of his shirt to sit on a stress ball that was placed on the table, snacking on some cheese.
“Okay, first question, were you born with magic? And can I still learn it even if I wasn’t?” Adrien asked, looking up at from his note book.
“I was born with magic. My whole family has been born with magic if we are to believe our written history.” Carmine explained, sipping her tea “Apparently, one of my ancestors won the favour of a fey, basically a very powerful spirit, and that fey gifted my family with magic... and our red hair apparently.” She said with a slight grin.
“As for if you can still use magic even if you aren’t born with it the answer is yes. Officially there are three ways for someone to be able to learn magic, the easiest way to remember it is BGB.” Carmine explained to Adrien, who was writing down the information at lightning speed in a separate note book he brought.
“BGB?” Adrien asked, looking up from his writing for a moment, no doubt looking for an explanation.
“Born, given, borrowed.” Carmine informed him “Your either born with magic, given magic by a higher power, or your borrowing magic, usually with an magical item of some sort.”
Adrien nodded, the gears turning in his head “Okay... so you were born with magic, your ancestor was given magic by a fey... and...” he looked down, thinking hard when the light caught off his ring and he looked up at Carmine grinning widely “I would be considered borrowing because I use a Miraculous!”
Carmine smiled widely at Adrien, nodding “Indeed, that is a very astute observation Adrien, however we have yet to see if you were born with magic.” She told him, and he looked at her confused.
“Wouldn’t... wouldn’t I know if I was?”
“You would be surprised how often people born with magic don’t realize they are born with magic.” Carmine said in a sage like tone “Sometimes magic will skip a few generations, or it’s very low level of magic to the point where it would be unnoticeable for years, or they could have a talent and not even realize it. One of my distant cousins didn’t realize he had magic until he was in his thirties simply because he suffered from both schizophrenia and could also see ghosts.” Carmine told him, Adrien’s eyes widening at the last comment.
“... so, how do we find out if I was born with magic?” Adrien asked excitedly, almost bouncing in his seat again.
“Well, the easiest way would be to look at your family tree and see if any of them came from magical families.” Carmine began, leaning forward so that one arm laid across the table well her other hand rested under her chin to keep her head up “However, from what I understand, we can’t do that with your mother because she was orphaned at birth correct?”
Adrien gave a slight nod, his demeanour changing upon the mention of his mother “... she would always make donations to the orphanage that housed her.” He said softly “... and I don’t know if there is anything magical about father.”
“If there is an ounce of magical blood in him, I would be surprised and horrified.” Carmine remarked in a dry tone. Adrien looked at Carmine in shock at the woman blinked “... I said that out loud didn’t I?” Plagg and Adrien both nodded as Carmine let out a sigh “Forget I said that, I don’t exactly have the highest option of your father Adrien when it comes to him as a parent, or as a person.”
She looked at Adrien with a soft smile “What’s your next question Adrien?”
Adrien continued to look at Carmine for a moment before looking down at his list of questions. “Um, are there other magical creatures besides Kwami’s?”
“Yes, too many for me to count.” Carmine informed him, smiling “However, they don’t come out into the open too often.”
“Are they good or bad?”
“Same as people, some good, some bad.”
“Will I gain powers like Plagg?”
“I imagine if you wore the ring for a certain number of years it would run off on you in some way.”
“What happens if I drink a kwami potion?”
Carmine opened her mouth to respond only to stop, looking at Adrien confused “I’m sorry, a what?” She asked with a raised brow.
Adrien looked up from his notebook “The kwami potion. What would happen if I drank it?”
“I heard the question, I’m just not sure what your referring to.” Carmine clarified, looking towards her student and Kwami “There are potions for Kwami’s?”
“Yeah, didn’t you see it during Glacier, or Syren?” Adrien asked with a raised brow.
“Glacier was an isolated event, and when Syren had flooded the city I had-“ She froze momentarily, stopping herself from saying ‘drowned’. “Been indisposed, so I hadn’t seen any potion being used.”
Adrien than proceeded to explain what the potions did, even going as far as so show her the different coloured cheeses that had the potions in them, Carmine was examining the blue one, which gave them ice powers “I was wondering what would happen if I ate one. I mean, Plagg and Ladybug’s kwami get powers, would I? I haven’t eaten one yet though, in case we needed the power... also, I don’t know if I’ll explode.”
Carmine was examining the cheese closely, still listening to Adrien as she sniffed the cheese, looking at it in a confused manner. She took off a tiny piece of the ‘magic cheese’ glancing at Plagg before giving it a small lick with her tongue. Adrien’s eyes widened as Plagg looked at her curiously as Carmine and proceeded to eat it!
“M-MLLE CARMINE!” Adrien exclaimed in shock as slowly chew the small piece as if it were a sweet.
Carmine simply raised her index finger as she continued to cheese, a thoughtful expression on her face before she brought her hand up and spat into it, the small piece of cheese with it. Carmine than took a deep breath and blew out of her mouth, her breath visible as if she was outside in the middle of winter.
“Interesting...” Carmine said softly, her breath still showing as she spoke “Very minty. Kind of like chewing a piece of mint gum.” She said, grabbing a small napkin from the table and wiping her hands of the spit and piece of cheese.
“You.... you ate the potion.” Adrien stated, staring at the woman in shock.
Carmine simply shook her head “No, eating would imply I swallowed it. I simply chewed. I was trying to figure out what ingredients were in it, but I can’t seem to identify some of them, most likely because I have never had them before... It must be a hard potion though because I swear someone cried tears of joy after finishing it, must have fallen in the potion. I can still taste the salt and oil.” Carmine stated, sticking her tongue out slightly in disgust.
“... you can tell that just from chewing a tiny piece?!” Adrien asked, his eyes widened in excitement “Does that have something to do with your magic alas well?!”
Carmine paused for a moment, thinking over how to word the sentence before speaking again “In a way... a lot of my magic is cooking or brewing based, so I knew I would need a heightened sense of smell and taste. It’s the only magic I’ve performed on myself that had altered me in some way.” She explained to him.
“... why not improve your eyesight than?” Adrien asked curiously, with a raised eyebrow. He knew of several of his model coworkers hated their glasses, and opted for contacts or laser eye surgery. He than realized that what he said could be considered rude and panicked “Not that you don’t look good in glasses! It’s just that, well... I know not everyone likes them...” he didn’t want to insult his teacher, and he feared he was making a muck of things already.
Carmine simply smiled however, shrugging “Mainly Because in my family, it is believed if you can do something without magic, do it. I can see just fine without magic if I use my glasses or contacts, so I use those instead of fixing it with magic. There was no way for me to improve my sense of taste or smell however, so I fixed that with magic...” Carmine trailed off, frowning as she looked at her tea, sighing as she placed it in front of Adrien for him to see that the tea, which he had assumed had been luke warm, was now a solid piece of ice. Looking down at Carmine’s fingers, they all noted that the tips were turning blue, frost beginning to form over them.
Carmine was eerily calm as she examined her fingers, the frost slowly creeping up her hand and forearm. Adrien began to panic, looking around for something to make its stop, and Plagg continued to look at her curiously. Seeming to be done examining her hand, Carmine flicked both of her hands away from her body, mumbling softly under her breath, as the frost turned to water, falling to the ground with a quick splat.
Carmine looked at Adrien, still calm as she handed him back the cheese, Adrien delicately taking it as if it were a bomb. “Well, we now know that with the ice one, if you were to eat it, you would most likely turn to ice.” Carmine stated “The reason it was slower for me was because I only chewed a small piece.”
“How are you calm about this?!” Adrien asked in shock. Carmine looked at him with a raised brow “... Adrien, any effect that potion could have done to me I was prepared for. I had a feeling it would so something similar to that effect. We’re just lucky I know how to counter that potion effect, otherwise you would have to wait for me to de-thaw.” Carmine stated, smiling at Adrien. “I know what I am doing Adrien, you’ll just have to trust me.”
“... So you swear your okay?” Adrien asked her slowly.
“Swear on my life and my magic.” Carmine said smiling. “You could possibly learn how to do that too, eventually.”
“You make it sound like only those who are born with magic can do that sort of thing, and you said there was no way to know if I was since we don’t know mother’s family history.” Adrien stated in a disappointed tone.
Carmine looked at him with a raised brow “No, I said the easiest way would be to look at your family history. It’s not the only way.” Carmine told him, brining her teacup up, her eyes flashing an ember as the tea when from being ice to a steaming hot again “There is a ritual we can preform but I lack certain ingredients, we would have to go out to retrieve them.”
Adrien’s entire demeanour shifted to one of pure excitement, he stood up so fast Carmine was startled as she looked at her student. “Are we going to a place like Diagon Ally?! Or a magic shop that can only be entered by magical folk?! Or is it a place where we have to make a magic circle to teleport us to a another dimension where all the fey live?!” He asked excitedly.
Plagg rolled his eyes and looked towards Carmine who looked at her student sheepishly, bitting her bottom lip softly. “Adrien, we just need to go to the farmers market...” she said to him slowly, feeling almost guilty about disappointing him with how mundane it was compared to what he thought it could have been.
Adrien��s blinked, however continued to grin widely to the point where he truly looked like the Cheshire Cat “That’s awesome! I’ve never been to a farmers market before!”
Okay, maybe not as disappointed as she thought.
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fantasyfandommaiden · 5 years
Adrien’s Mentorship: Groceries And Glamour
Adrien gets to go to the Farmers market with Carmine well they gather supplies for the linage spells! Having never been to the farmers market before, he is in for some interesting expirencese, including his first expierence seeing glamour outside of his super suit.
Part one Here
Adrien insisted that he accompanied Carmine to the farmers market the next time she went, which happened to be the next day. Carmine asked if he really wanted to spend a majority of the weekend with her, seeing as he could hang out with his friend, but he just stated that he had lots of free time now, so he could hangout with his friends whenever he pleased.
Nathalie gave the ‘okay’ with the plan, however Adrien would have to wear a disguise since a new ‘Gabriel’ commercial came out starring Adrien, and that meant that his fans would be more frantic than usual.
So Adrien had left the house were a baseball cap and a pair of aviator sunglasses. He alway wore a simple white tee shirt and a pair of jeans.
The Gorilla had parked outside of Carmine’s building, but said woman was already standing on the side walk, typing away in her phone. She smiled and opened the door, sliding in to sit in the back with Adrien. She looked up towards the Gorilla and smiled “Thanks again for driving us there. I really appreciate it.” She said.
Gorilla gave a slight wave back, a clear sign of ‘don’t worry about it’ before he started to drive.
Adrien looked over his magic teacher, noting that she was wearing a white tank top with a soft violet chiffon cover up overtop. She, like him, was also wearing blue jeans and as well as a pair of sandals, she also wore a hat however unlike him, she wore a small brimmed sun hat. She was also carrying a large purse with her and several cloth bags, no doubt for the ingredients they were going to gather at the farmers market.
Adrien was bouncing in his seat, and brought out his note book again, flipping through it to find the spot where they and left off with his questions when he noticed movement coming from Carmine’s bag. He looked at it with a raised brow, looking at Carmine who hadn’t seemed to notice.
“Umm... Mlle Carmine?” He said slowly, Carmine looked towards Adrien with a small smile “Is there something in your bag? Something... moving?”
Carmine blinked slightly looking slightly confused, before opening her purse to look inside she scowled slightly “... I told you to stay in the apartment.” She stated in a slight scolding tone.
Adrien was really curious about what she was talking to, forgetting all of his lessons about never looking into someone else’s bag without permission, he leaned over and peered inside the purse to see... a ferret?
Adrien blinked several times as the white and brown ferret stuck his head out of the purse, letting out a chattering noise as he looked towards Carmine, who continued to scowl at the small animal. “No. I remember distinctly that I told you to wait in the apartment, it was just to be me and Adrien today.” The ferret let out another chatter sound, seeming to raise one of its brown brows at Carmine. “Plagg doesn’t count, he is always with Adrien.” She countered.
Adrien’s eyes widened as he smiled widely “Oh my god... you can speak with animals?!” Adrien asked in an excited tone, both Carmine and the ferret looked towards Adrien with a raised brow each.
“No, I can speak with this ferret and that’s it.” Carmine stated before sighing “Well, I was going to do this after but might as well do it now.” Carmine held out her hand and the ferret scuffled onto it than up her arm TIL he was draped over her shoulders, seeming to almost looking smug about it “Adrien, this is Gladiolus, he is my familiar.”
“Your familiar is a ferret?” Adrien asked curiously. He had did a bit of research about different aspects of the occult and witch craft. He knew that familiars were usually animal helpers, like black cats, who would help magic users with their spell making.
“Not always.” Carmine stated, giving Gladiolus a small scratch on top of his head “He shape shifts once every ten years or so as to not draw suspension. When I first arrived in Paris to study when I was 19 he was a mouse.” Carmine explained, giving a soft smile to the ferret. “... Gladio and I have been together since I was 13 years old. He is my oldest friend, confidant, and helper. I would be lost without him...” she than gave the ferret a slight scowling look, remembering that he wasn’t suppose to be in the car with them “Even though doesn’t always listen.” The ferret let out another smug, chattering sound, which caused Carmine to roll her eyes.
Adrien’s eyes were still wide as he looked at the ferret on her shoulders “So...
Is it like Harry Potter?!” He asked excitedly, looking at her “Is there a familiar shop? Will I get a familiar?! An owl would be cool, but I don’t know how father would react to that!”
Carmine looked at Adrien with a deadpanned stare, and a raised brow “... Adrien sweetie, that’s not how it works.” She said to him “One, those were not familiars but pets, not entirely the same. No, a familiar is not bought but summoned through a ritual, and even than it can be a hit or miss.” She informed the teen as she glanced towards Gorilla. She knew he was listening, she also knew he could keep a secret. “A familiar is summoned when a fey, or in some cases a demon, wishes to come over to this side, and form a contract between themselves and the magic user, this bonding them to that person TIL the day the magic user, or in some cases the familiar, dies.”
Adrien looked at her, nodding slowly “... So, if I wanted to summon a familiar, I would need ingredients for a ritual right?” He asked, looking at her.
Carmine gave him a playful smile, before tosseling the top of his head where the hat was “Let’s gather the ingredients for the linage spell, than worry about familiars, alright?”
The farmers market reminded Adrien a lot of the different movies and anime he had seen growing up (and still watched to this day). It was outside in a large area, with multiple stalls all around with tents over top of them for share.
Adrien’s nose was assaulted with all the different smells, and all the different sounds of people trying to pilfer their wares was so different from what he was use to and it took him a few minutes to get use to it, which Carmine graciously lead him to a bench a little ways off to help him adjust.
“Is... is it always like this?” He asked, looking at Carmine who looked at the boy with a concerned expression on her face.
“Yes it is. I’m sorry Adrien. If I had known you had sensory issues I would have warned you.”
“It’s fine, the sensory thing is new, What with...” he gestured towards his ring before looking towards Carmine. “... so, what do we need?” He asked curiously, looking at Carmine.
Carmine gave him a small smile, before digging into her purse and brining out a list “Let’s see... first we need pomegranate, and than some ginseng root...”
They spent the next half hour touring to he different stalls, finding the best ingredients for the ritual... although, to Adrien, it sounded more like they were making a really elaborate tea with all the different but odd ingredients, like bay leaves, sage, one really large apple... were they making a tea? He wouldn’t put it past Carmine.
“Where is he...” Carmine said, looking around in search of something.
Adrien looked at Carmine with a raised brow. He had offered to hold the bags for her, seeing as that seemed what a lot of apprentices did in movies and such “Who?”
“Well, I have someone here who I always buy from because he always has the good stuff, but I can’t seem to find hi- OH there he is!” She said excitedly as she briskly walked over to a stall that was a little off to the side “Théo!” She called, making her way over to the stall.
Adrien followed closely after however froze momentarily upon seeing WHO was manning the stall. It was Théo Barbot, the artist who became CopyCat a few months back. Adrien felt a scowl come onto his face at the memory of that Akuma but quickly made it go away into his ‘model smile’ as he approached with Carmine.
Theo looked up at his name being called and smiled brightly “Oh, hey Carmine! I was wondering when you were going to show up around here.” He said, placing another of his small sculptures down on his table, it was a sculpture of a sword in a stone, however it was made out of wood. Adrien noted that there were several wood or stone carvings on the table, as well as statues and boxes, most likely all hand made. Théo glanced at Adrien as he approached and stood beside Carmine, his brow raised slightly “... you baby sitting today?” He asked in a playful manner, grinning as he brought up more sculptures.
Carmine smiled proudly, placing a hand on Adrien’s shoulder “No, no babysitting. This is Adrien,” she explained, before giving Théo a pointed look, a knowing smile on her lips “My student.”
Théo’s eyebrows almost went up to his hairline as he looked at Adrien with new found interest, standing up slightly straighter as he looked him over “Really?” He asked, looking Adrien over appraisingly “... isn’t he kind of old to be your student?”
“That is for me to decide Théo.” She chided him softly, as Adrien made a mental note to ask Carmine what he meant by that later. “Did you manage to get the items I asked for?”
Theo smiled brightly “For the most part, it’s all in my car. Can you watch stall well I go get it?”
“Of course.” Carmine replied easily, as Théo made his way to the parking lot.
“... I don’t like him.” Adrien muttered slightly under his breath.
“Why ever not?” Carmine asked him, with a raised brow.
Adrien froze up slightly, looking at Carmine “Uh, he imitated me when he became CopyCat, remember?” He said, giving her a nervous smile. It was a half truth.
Carmine looked at him with a raised brow, and Adrien could tell she didn’t believe him fully. “... and what else?” She asked him. Adrien remained quiet for a moment, looking down at the ground. “Adrien, either you tell me or I ask Théo about it.”
“He has a crush on Ladybug...” Adrien finally muttered under his breath. Carmine raised a brow at the statement, giving Adrien a VERY unimpressed look as Théo returned holding a cardboard box.
“Théo, you still admire our city’s lovely superhero’s correct?” Carmine asked, looking at the artist. Théo in question looked at her with a raised brow, clearly not expecting that question as he placed the box on the table and began to open it.
“Of course I do, who doesn’t. Although Chat Noir could stand to do some growing up.” Théo stated, causing Adrien to blister slightly “I was talking to the guy, saying how I was disappointed in the fact that Ladybug hadn’t shown up to the unveiling of my statue, and he began insisting that they were a ‘thing’ and were like ‘this’” Théo said, demonstrating his fingers being crossed, but than rolled his eyes “I wanted to express my gratitude towards our city’s hero, not confess. However I got so mad at the insulation that it caused me to be Akumatized.” The man shuttered at the memory, and didn’t notice the extremely guilty look on Adrien’s face, or the look of extreme disapproval on Carmine’s as she looked at her student.
“Well, I’m glade that Ladybug and Chat were able to deal with the situation properly.” Carmine stated simply, giving Adrien a pointed look that expressed ‘We are talking about this later.’ As she looked at the box in front of her “This it?”
Théo grinned widely “Yep, have to say Carmine, some of this stuff wasn’t easy to find. Doing something special with it?”
Carmine gave a slight shrug, opening the box to look inside “Something like that. You mind if I check to make sure it is all there?”
“Be my guest.” Theo said, leaning back against one of the poles holding up the tent.
Carmine smiled and pulled out one item at a time, before placing it in one of her cloth bags “Japanese maple leaves from Japan, grave yard dirt, vines and ivy...” she murmured Softly, brining out a small glass bottle to examine the insides “Pinkie bone of a long dead priest...”
“I’m sorry, a WHAT?!” Adrien asked, his voice somewhat shrill as he looked at the glass bottle she was holding. He did notice inside what looked to be a bleached white bone.
“Oh don’t worry.” Théo told him, grinning “No one mourned this idiot. He burned down half of Paris supposedly.”
“As well as killed a previous fox chosen and her unborn child.” Carmine spoke in Mandarin to Adrien quietly as she examined the bone closely “The Ox Goddess dealt with him however...”
Theo looked between the two, eyebrow raised “So... everything up to your standards Carmine?”
Carmine looked up at Theo, placing the pinkie bone into her cloth bag “Of course, here is your payment.” Carmine said, digging into her purse and brining out a small hemp braided bracelet “Charged and ready, should last you another three months.”
Adrien looked very confused as Theo graciously took the bracelet than quickly put it on, taking off an identical hemp bracelet off his other wrist and handing it over “Just tell me what other goods you’ll need and I’ll start looking for them.”
“What does the bracelet do?” Adrien asked, curiousity finally getting the better of him. Carmine looked at Theo wit a raised brow and he looked back at her with one of his own, a silent conversation happening between them before Theo finally shrugged “He was bound to find out eventually, if he is sticking around as your student.”
Carmine gave a slight nod, before looking at Adrien “May I borrow your sunglasses Adrien?” She asked him, looking at the blonde model. Adrien, still very confused, slowly handed her his aviator sunglasses, which she took. She than examined them, murmuring softly under her breath, Adrien only being able to hear because of his experience as Chat Noir. “Of soft moon glow, and suns ever light, bless this item I hold with mystic sight.” Her eyes flashed ember in colour as she breathed onto them, the glasses flashing a similar ember colour before she wiped them with her shirt.
Gladiolus, seeming to sense his mage using magic, poked his head out of the purse looking around at their surroundings as if to make sure no one was watching.
She than handed them back to Adrien, smiling “Try them on and not cause a scene.” She warned him.
Adrien looked at her with a raised brow, placing them on and looking around however stopped when he looked at Theo in front of him, who had his arms crossed and a smirk on his face, but Theo looked anything but human.
His skin had turned a deep purple colour, his hair a darker shade of purple and his eyes were a deep scarlet red. A pair of ram horns on his head, and a long devil like tail that swished back and forth.
“What... How... who..”
“Teifling. Glamour, still Theo, at least that’s what they call me now.” The devil creature explained, Theo’s voice escaping its lips. “Carmine makes me a really strong glamour spell in exchange for collecting hard to find items for her, which is easy considering all of my connections.”
“And I appreciate everything you do for me Theo.” Carmine said to him smiling “And I would love to stay and chat but there is more I have to do today before I get ready for a ritual later.” She explained to him, however Theo just gave a wave of his hand, still smirking “Ah, don’t worry about it Carmine, I’ll catch up with you later!”
Carmine had to lead Adrien away from Theo’s stall, he was still in a daze “So... that was a thing.” He said as they walked towards the limo. Carmine smirked widely, looking down at her student.
“Oh Adrien, trust me...” she smirked at him as they walked, Carmine’s arm around his shoulders in a parental way almost, Gladiolus looking at Adrien with almost a smirking expression as well “This is only the beginning.”
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