#adult adrinette
celticwolf55 · 3 years
A preview of my piece for the @luckycharmzine
Keep an eye out for my piece in this zine out on the 8th of June!
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dco3o · 5 years
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I see what you did there kitty
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buggachat · 3 years
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Part 59 of my bakery “enemies” au!
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shameboree · 2 years
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Incredibly Niche AUs: Adrien Becomes A Pediatric Nurse
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gentil-minou · 2 years
So in PenalTeam Adrien doesn't know a lot about soccer/football. But in Furious Fu he seems to show some basic knowledge of the game. Such as kicking the ball into the goal, not using hands, when they treated the Miracle Box as a soccer ball.
I could be seen as a continuity problem, but even to contradict myself Chat didn't really seem to acknowledge the rules of the game in Furious Fu, just that Kick Ball into Net, and he did and he was just so happy and proud of himself.
That's to say when Adrien is Dad, he'll be the most Soccer Dad; cheering his kids on during games, even when his own kids kick the ball in the wrong net, he'll cheer for them.
He's also in charge of bringing the orange slices.
Adrien being the most dad of dads and a stay at home dad king is one of my favorite headcanons it makes me ahajfkkgkakf
I do think it was just meant to be a fun joke, and Adrien not knowing how team sports work because his father just had him do things like basketball and fencing as isolated sports is one of my fave headcanons, cause it makes sense. I feel like in Furious Fu he was just having fun and honestly he saw Ladybug holding the "ball" so who can blame him. (plus i crave finding more ways to relate to Adrien so him not getting sports is my jam shdhgksk)
But dadrien and mommette headcanons cause now I'm in the mood:
Dadrien, even if he is working, NEVER misses and of his kids' things he's at every game and every show/recital and even goes to as many practices as he can. Mari comes too when she can but running a fashion empire is a hard job (she learns how to delegate well though, she also never misses a game/show)
Hugo, in my head as the eldest and the one to take on the pressures of being the son of two of the most famous people in paris (in and out of the masks) was nervous about his first practice and hid for a bit. Then after practice, Mommette took the other kiddos home, and Dadrien stayed with Hugo late into the evening. There, they both finally learned how to play and the practice. And Hugo gets really good at it, but he's a creative like his parents so sticks to music and art.
Emma, as an overacheiving middle child, is a WHIZZ at football. She takes after her mom and is extremely competitive. She gets mad at Dadrien cause he doesn't "take the game seriously" enough.
Louis, as the youngest and the baby, "plays" football like his dad in that he doesn't really xare about learning the rules and focuses on having fun. When they play family games, he scores for both teams and loves it
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art-the-f-up · 3 years
Uncle Luka is helping Emma practice a song so she can sing it to her dad on fothers doi
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alpharosetdr · 4 years
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Did a DTIYS on instagram by @anshi_lazy >< go check her out!
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emrysxdragon · 3 years
I'm looking for miraculous ladybug moots +18 or around the age of 20 and up? I feel SO OLD IN THIS FANDOM.. Anyway, anyone wanna be friends? 💖
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saytr · 3 years
Fic idea
Adult Marinette and Adrien having a make out session while bantering with each other, when Marinette drops the question: Do you want to have a kitten?
And Adrien just stops working and thinks: Kittens? As in ACTUAL kittens, with fur and such? OR my kittens? Chat noir kittens? CHILDREN
And Mari just teases him, like: I know they are a lot of work (okay, cats?) But we both wanted them, right? (okay, MAYBE NOT)
And this goes on till Adrien breaks, and just ask, What kind of kittens do you mean, and she just keeps teasing.
IDK, i had this idea...
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arolla-pine · 3 years
The Night - p.2
(2) – A million buttons
A/N: Warning! This chapter contains parts that are restricted for readers 16+. If you are younger, please skip this part and move to the end of the chapter.
* * * 
The tension between Marinette and Adrien increased with each passionate kiss. Finally, the girl pushed her boyfriend towards the couch. He – shocked a little – sat down, and pulled her at her hand. She settled down on his lap, straddled.
“So we’re not going to eat dinner at all?”, he asked grinning, knowing that smile affected his girlfriend every single time.
“Oh, shut up!”, she muttered. “Too much planning…”
“That’s been you who always makes plans. I prefer their realisation…”
“Then please, show me what you can…”, She smiled teasingly and moved back a little.
He looked at her dress sceptically. It had a lot of buttons, like a hundred or even more… He guessed that Marinette had chosen it by purpose to tease him.
“Seriously, Purrincess?”, he asked with a wry smile. “That’ll take months!”
“Oh, come on!”, she winked at him. “Such a superhero will deal with that right away!”
To tease him more she moved her hand alongside the row of buttons.
“It’s like a million…”, he sighed and pulled her closer.
“Better hurry up, Kitty… My parents won’t stay at the restaurant for eternity…”
“Temptress…”, he commented, and she laughed in response.
He began unbuttoning her dress, but Marinette had a plan to make it more difficult. She leaned to kiss him, and when he looked at her surprised, she murmured just next to his mouth:
“Let’s check if you can focus…”
Then she started kissing him. He had no chance to have a peek to find the next buttons, and he was hopeless with unbuttoning by touch.
“I think it’ll be better to tear that dress off…”, he muttered, breaking the kiss.
“Maybe next time…”, she giggled. “Be nice. I promise you won’t regret it.”
“I’m sure I won’t!”, he grinned meaningfully, and when she rolled her eyes, he managed to undo some more buttons.
“Silly Kitty! It was really expensive!”
“Which was totally pointless! I have no idea why girls think that they have to pay so much for lingerie if that’s… uhm…”, he stopped suddenly when he noticed a lace strap that appeared from under the dress.
“You were saying?”, she murmured with a half-smile but he stayed frozen – just staring at the strap.
He looked so adorable that Marinette wanted kiss him to death. Instead, she took his hand and put it on her shoulder. All the time she kept watching him, but he only stared at his hand traveling to the strap.
“I’m not made of porcelain…”, she whispered and touched his cheek.
She recognised the moment when he woke up from the shock because his thumb moved alongside her strap. She sighed with satisfaction. That was a very good investment…
“Damn buttons…”, Adrien muttered when his hand stopped at the hem of the fabric.
“You’ve managed to undo only a few with a million ahead…”, Marinette giggled.
“Can’t I just tear it off? Please?”, he asked.
“And who do you think will have to collect all those buttons from the floor and repair the dress later?”
“I’ve heard you can sew…”
“I think I should motivate you somehow to work…” She winked at him. “What would you say for a little competition? Just like the old times…”, she suggested.
“You’re running away on Parisian rooftops and I’ll try to catch you?”
“Nope…” She moved her hand over his chest. “Your shirt versus my dress?”
“It’s not fair! I have just a few button!”, he protested, while Marinette touched his cheek then moved to his neck and alongside his collar. Then she began unbuttoning his shirt.
Not only the number of buttons were against Adrien. His competitor was the expert in sewing so she had deft hands while his own were pianists palms – so clumsy with all those buttons. It wasn’t a surprise when Marinette managed to unbutton his shirt in seconds.
“And you’ve just lost!”, she exclaimed with satisfaction and slipped the shirt off his shoulders.
“Not yet…”, he grinned.
“Cuffs buttons don’t count!”, she objected.
“Not that button I meant…”, he replied suggestively that made her blush.
“Dirty mind!”, she commented and tore the shirt out of the trousers.
The last button caught on the belt and came off the fabric. It flew throughout the whole bedroom and landed under Marinette’s desk. The couple on the couch watched that flight then burst out laughing.
“So it looks like some buttons ended up on the floor anyway…”, Adrien noted. “May I now?”, he asked catching the hem of the dress.
“No way! I need that dress to wear it from time to time. Especially for my parents when they come back! Besides, you have to admit that I won!”
“What’s the reward?”
“I’m in charge tonight!”
“You’re always in charge…”, he sighed.
“Fine. If the competition didn’t work, maybe I’ll motivate you by saying that the top and the bottom match?”, she winked at him.
“M-Marinette!”, he moaned but his hand reached the buttons. The other hand, however, moved alongside her thigh which made her run out of breath.
“You-you’re cheat-ing…”, she sighed trying to catch her breath.
“Am I?”, he smiled, pretending to be surprised. “It looks like it works both ways…”, he discovered and began kissing her.
After a moment Adrien felt that he had undone enough buttons. He slipped his hands under the fabric and moved them down, taking off the dress. That was his turn to be run out of breath.
“I think it’s the wrong time…” They heard next to them.
Marinette squealed and pulled the dress on her shoulders, and Adrien hugged her protectively, before they both realised who had appeared in the bedroom.
It was Wayzz – Master Fu’s kwami.
The Night - p.1  <-  Previous part |  Next part  -> The Night - p.3 
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emsylcatac · 3 years
'can't wait to be destroyed and then fixed'...have you seen (well, read, but it's so incredibly well written thatI can say 'seen' too) Truth and Consequences by SiderealSandman? This is what would happen if Ladybug hadn't revealed herself to anyone, and the destruction is just devastating
Hi there!! Aaaah yes, I was particularly following this fic a while ago before I made my Tumblr and was still hiding in the shadows hehe (link to Truth & Consequences is here for those interested, buckle up if you feel like reading it because it’s Ladynoir angst ride turned up to beyond the maximum hahaha) ; to make it very (very!!!!!!) simple the initial premise is Ladybug & Chat Noir becoming enemies with Ladybug siding (well, not exactly but you’ll need to read to understand) with Hawkmoth. Kind of how to destroy their partnership and the lovesquare to build it back up. But there’s a way bigger story around it with a plot that goes way beyond just that.
The writing is just soooo so good which is probably why I got as immersed as I was back then. I’d say I’m still waiting to be fixed but I feel like in this fic there’s a moment of ‘acceptance’ of sort about the events and what’s happening hahaha, like you still hurt but not as badly? And you just sip your tea and enjoy the ride, I don’t know how to explain!! But I remember really hurting especially at the start, through maybe the 8-10 first chapters and then you’re like “okay, okay, I’m good, please fire away all you can I’ll take it this is brilliant.” (that Ladrien ball scene is really one of my favourite of this fic, it’s just so well done haha, anyway I digress from the ask).
However I don’t think it’s necessarily what would happen if Ladybug wasn’t revealing her identity to anyone, because the author purposefully pushed her in a situation that would make her act that way & take the decisions she did with more and more compromises if that makes sense, to explore her weaknesses, but also and her strengths but as weaknesses. It’s pretty interesting how it’s done and the author did a good job of understanding the characters and how to turn their own strengths against them. But yeah I’m not sure with the way Marinette has been developed and has evolved in canon would make her make these choices if she was put in the same situation (the fic started to be written during season 2 so lots of things have happened since then in canon), at least I hope not hahaha
I would need to reread it to answer better though cause it’s been a while, I think a second part is starting to be up but I haven’t had the time to check it all out!
Edit: I just remembered but anon since you've also read the fic, I don't know if you noticed but a friend of mine did when we were talking about the fic like.. more than a year ago, but if you go to chapter 16 and you select the text, there's some sentences that appear haha (or if you're logged on into dark mod you'll notice where they are cause there's a white strip on it that you'd need to select); I don't know if there's that in other chapters though I should check one day!
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ange-lica-3 · 4 years
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I would die for them 🥺.
Soo this is a continuation to this post.
I will be doing lukagami and djwifi next so Oop be ready for that 😎.
I’m not over this I’m such a slut for domestic adrienette 😭❤️.
Omg noo Marinette looks way to pale I’m gonna go die now 😔💀.
Mlb Ocs
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black-rose-writings · 5 years
ML AU: Too Late - Part 3
On that bombshell I dropped in the last post.
Adrinette Daughter.
As I mentioned in post one, they’ve had an established relationship prior to Adrien’s disappearance and they were 16/17. And, as it happens, teenagers aren’t always as careful as they should be, when it comes to love.
Marinette finds out about her pregnancy shortly after Adrien’s disappearance. At first, Marinette decides to keep it a secret, until Adrien comes back.
She’s still holding out hope even after they defeat Hawkmoth. But as time goes on and her pregnancy is getting harder and harder to hide, she finally tells about it to her mum. Her parents are super supportive, if a little mad, that she waited so long to tell them.
She marks every significant point in her pregnancy, while trying to fix the damage done by the last akuma, hoping that that would be the thing Adrien was supposed to be too late to.
Her daughter, whom she names Emilie, after Adrien’s mother, is born during the summer break. Marinette keeps waiting for her kitty, her prince, to show up, even if late, to cradle his newborn daughter in his arms. But her never does.
Marinette returns to being Ladybug after giving birth and starts to work with Gabriel to find a way to get Adrien back.
Just after they end [french equivalent of high school], the confrontation with other heroes happens.
Alya’s official story of her injury is, at first, that she had an accident during filming something for her blog. She only reveals the truth, when she reveals Ladybug’s identity.
Bonus information: Gabriel and Nathalie get married at some point - completely for legal reasons, if you were to ask them (spouses don’t have to testify against each other in court). Through a series of lies and lack of evidence, Nathalie ends up only getting a minor punishment for not reporting Gabe as Hawkmoth. After she is released, she financially supports Marinette and baby Em. She stops meeting with them, after Ladybug kills Gabriel.
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gentil-minou · 2 years
Stay at home dad Adrien Dupain-Cheng acting like my cat whenever Marinette leaves for work.
He starts in the morning with being extremely affectionate cause he knows Mari is gonna be at works and that's a whole 8 hours (!!!!!) of not seeing his lady. She gives him extra pats cause she knows how much he will miss her.
When she is getting ready he comes in just to watch her and chat (and okay here he doesn't act like my cat who jumps into my clothing or hides in my closet as soon as I open it or maybe he does idk up to you) and sample also makes sure she is fed and ready because he knows Mari will sometimes forget so he makes her fave breakfast.
When she goes to leave he's attached to her and follows her to the door making kitty eyes and asking for last minute pats and yes she's late but it's her kitty so she gives them of course she does and Adrien slinks around her making sure to give her lots of snuggles and cuddles and purrs when she scritches his chin and whispers "see you soon, chaton" and he looks at her with a dopey lovestruck smile and glasses askew (again, not like my cat who just looks betrayed) and he watches her leave from the window before idk toppling over the Christmas tree or getting hair everywhere like my cat
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tharkflark1 · 5 years
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I had a, uh, mighty need
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mothmanseye · 5 years
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Did someome say "Adult Ladybug"?
(Edit: i realized i drew young mari's suit rip me)
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