#adventures of the tiny rivals
rookieloveskashi · 28 days
contents: fluff, post-war arc canon, pregnant reader, reader and kakashi are married and already have four children (if it isn't obvious yes i want to give him a baseball team), selfship-coded. wc: 0.7k
happy mother's day (or just normal sunday) to everyone 💕
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Kakashi made a big show of ignoring the little whisper, comfortably sighing and rubbing his face into his pillow. Two tiny hands pressed into his shoulder and started violently shaking.
You suppressed a giggle and pretended like you were still fast asleep. Kakashi quietly exhaled the laughter caught in his throat before turning and looking into the expectant eyes of his three-year-old son.
“Yes, Obi—”
“SHHHHH!” The boy stared down at him with more exasperation than such a tiny face should be able to muster. “Don’t wake up Mama.”
Kakashi happened to know that you were wide awake, still fighting the belly laughs that would give you away. Beneath the blanket, you curled your fingers around his forearm to stabilize yourself.
“Why should I be awake when your mother is allowed to sleep?” Kakashi whispered to his son.
The boy rolled his eyes and sighed in a perfect recreation of Kakashi’s own younger self. “Becaaauuusee.”
Another little voice piped up from beside the bed. “It’s Mother’s Day.”
“We want to make breakfast for Mama,” a third voice chimed in.
Kakashi contorted himself just enough to see two more of his miniature self peeking over the edge of the bed, all messy silver hair and dark eyes.
Seems they planned a joint attack.
“Oh, that’s so nice of you,” he answered, dramatically yawning and snuggling back into you; his face tucked into your neck and his hand cradling your belly. “Well, you know where the kitchen is.”
Two little hands grabbed Kakashi’s face and forced him to turn away from you. Then he felt his son’s tiny uncoordinated baby fingers prying his left eye open. “Papa!”
“We need your help!”
“There’s three of you and only one of me,” Kakashi reasoned. “I would only get in your way.”
“We can’t use the stove!”
“Mmmm that does pose a problem.”
“Are you getting up or not?!”
The boys were making enough noise to wake the whole village. Kakashi couldn’t help but smile at the way they already embodied teamwork, if only to get their lazy dad out of bed. “Tell you what, let me go check on your baby sister, and then I’ll meet you three in the kitchen.”
“Okay!” the triplets answered in chorus before rushing out of the room in a thunder of tiny pattering feet (and hands; an interesting result of sometimes using ninja hounds as babysitters).
With the coast clear, you let out a few giggles as you turned over to face Kakashi. “Good morning,” you beamed.
Kakashi hummed and kissed the tip of your nose. “Didn’t you hear? You’re supposed to be sleeping.”
“Like that was gonna happen,” you laughed.
“We’re going to have to work on their stealth skills.” Kakashi pulled you in for a proper kiss, enjoying the warmth of your body for a few more moments before rolling out of bed. “Maybe you can fall asleep again before they come back.”
“No way! I’m too excited to see what they have in mind. Go on; don’t keep them waiting.”
Kakashi rolled his eyes, taking an extra minute to kiss your slightly swollen tummy before finally getting out of bed to chase after his sons.
Just as you were starting to worry that the breakfast had become more of a chore than your husband could handle, Kakashi pushed open the door—your infant daughter in one arm and two plates balanced on the other.
“Mama! You’re already awake!”
“Did Papa wake you up?!”
“No, ‘Kumo. I just woke up a minute ago,” you grinned.
The triplets climbed into bed and surrounded you, all but ignoring their father’s warnings to avoid crawling over your stomach. Once they were settled, Kakashi placed your daughter in your arms so she could be fed.
“There’s no room for your plate,” he laughed.
“I’ll feed you, Mama!”
“No, me!”
“I counted the strawberries!”
“Well I stirred up the eggs!”
“But I picked the plate!”
“You’ll have to take turns,” Kakashi interjected, patting each boy on the head to calm them down. They each quickly scooped up a bite of food, racing to see who would be ready first.
Kakashi’s eyes drooped with exhaustion, but the contentment he truly felt at the scene was written all over his face. Then he looked at you, and that contentment morphed into pure joy.
“Happy mother’s day, Y/N.”
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penguinofspades · 5 months
Unpopular opinion: Sweetie Bird is a better written character than Tweety Pie.
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looneysmackdown · 2 years
so in tiny toons looniversity theyre probably gonna introduce more characters. i think id be cool if there was a tiny toons counterpart of gossamer or pete the puma. what looney tunes characters do you guys think deserve a mini me id b interested in hearing others thoughts
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flwrstqr · 2 months
— who knew babysitting was this hard?
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₊˚⊹ notes ~ bf!sunghoon x !femreader ⋆⭒ warnings: not proofread, small kisses ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 word count: 200+ ꩜⋆ ˚。⋆˚ genre: fluff | AN: cutie sunghoon + yn babysitting is so dflksdjf | LIBRARY FOR MORE...
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AS YOU AND SUNGHOON STEP INTO YOUR BEST FRIEND's LIVELY HOME, you're immediately greeted by the joyful smile of Jiheon, a bubbly three-year-old, and the adorable cooing of Junseo, her seven-month-old brother.
"Jiheon, how were you?" you exclaim, your eyes twinkling as Jiheon rushes towards him, her tiny arms outstretched. "Are you ready to have some fun today?"
Jiheon nods enthusiastically, her curls bouncing with each movement. "Yes,! I want to play dress-up with Sunghoon and you!"
You share a knowing smile with Sunghoon, silently acknowledging the impending chaos of the day.
"Sounds like a plan," you reply, mustering up as much enthusiasm as possible.
Sunghoon gently scoops up Junseo, cradling him in his arms with a smile. "And what about you? Are you ready for some adventure?"
Junseo responds with a toothless grin, his chubby cheeks dimpling. Sunghoon settles Junseo into a playpen, and then walking over to the two of you.
As Jiheon drapes a princess costume over Sunghoon's shoulders, you can't help but laugh at the sight. Sunghoon grins that could rival Jiheon's.
"I feel like royalty already," Sunghoon smiles, watching Jiheon giggle.
However, as the day progresses, you and Sunghoon quickly realize that babysitting two energetic children is no easy feat. From tantrums over sharing toys to diaper disasters that seem to happen at the most inconvenient times.
"This is harder than I thought," you admit, feeling frustrated as you attempt to calm down Junseo.
Sunghoon nods in agreement, his brow furrowed as he tries to distract Jiheon from a potential meltdown over a misplaced puzzle piece. "We got this right?" You nodded, hoping things would get better.
Soon its the late evening, Sunghoon gently rocks Junseo to sleep, his lips pressing a soft kiss to the baby's forehead. As Jiheon curls up in your lap, her tiny fingers tangling in your hair as she drifts off to sleep.
As your best friend comes back, you wave goodbye, leaving the house. Sunghoon pulls you into a gentle embrace, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
"You were amazing today," he whispers, his voice filled with love and admiration.
You smile up at him, feeling a surge of warmth in your chest. "We make a pretty good team, don't we?"
Sunghoon nods, his gaze softening as he brushes a stray strand of hair from your face. "The best team and couple."
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I have a cute one for you! Ok so Bucky’s fiancée (the reader) gives Bucky an early Christmas present when he comes home from a mission and the present is the reader’s way of telling Bucky that she’s pregnant with hers and Bucky’s first child
Take your time and have an amazing day/night!🩵
Thank you for the fluff request. I love it 😭💖💖💖. I hope you like it.🥰🎄🎄🎄🎁🎁🎁
Unexpected Present, Unfolding Future
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Character: Bucky x fiancee!Reader
Main Masterlist || buy me Ko-fi 🥹💓
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
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The wind howled like a banshee outside, whipping snowflakes against Bucky's face as he trudged up the porch steps. His shoulders hunched, mirroring the weight of the world on his weary soul. All he craved was a hot meal, a warm bed, and the sweet oblivion of sleep.
As he fumbled with his keys, the door swung open, revealing Y/N in a festive apron, a mischievous grin splitting her face. Like a siren song, the aroma of cinnamon and gingerbread cookies lured him inside.
"Merry Christmas, my hero!" she chimed, holding out a small, suspiciously lopsided box. "Early Christmas gift for the soldier who finally decided to grace us with his presence."
Bucky raised an eyebrow, the corner of his lips twitching. "Early Christmas, huh? Didn't know the holiday came early for soldiers who can't tell a gingerbread man from a landmine."
Y/N gasped, mocking, clutching her pearls. "How dare you insult my culinary prowess! These cookies are works of art, even if they do resemble abstract reindeer."
Bucky chuckled, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten. He took the box, his fingers tracing the uneven wrapping job. Inside, nestled on a bed of red tissue paper, lay a pair of baby shoes knitted in the brightest blue yarn he'd ever seen. They looked like they were crafted by a squirrel with a crochet addiction.
Silence descended, broken only by the crackling fire. Then, Bucky's face broke into a grin that could rival the sun. He swept Y/N up in his arms, twirling her around until they were both dizzy and laughing.
"Are you trying to tell me something?" he teased, his voice filled with disbelief and pure joy.
Y/N grinned, her eyes sparkling like fairy lights. "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Maybe I just really like tiny shoes."
Bucky stared at her, a slow smile spreading across his face. He felt a warmth bloom in his chest, a feeling unlike anything he'd ever known. He was going to be a father. A wave of protectiveness washed over him, so fierce and new it took his breath away.
He held Y/N close, his metal arm gently cradling her growing belly. The warmth of the fireplace, the aroma of questionable cookies, the sound of her laughter – it all felt like coming home.
"This is the best Christmas present I could ever ask for," Bucky whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "Even if the shoes look like a toddler yeti made them."
Y/N swatted him playfully. "Hey! I put a lot of effort into those abominations. And besides, who says our child can't have a unique fashion sense?"
Bucky chuckled, a true, heartfelt laugh that echoed through the room. "Of course, my love. If they want to wear mismatched socks and walk around like a tiny yeti, who am I to argue?"
The rest of the evening was a whirlwind of laughter, carols, and questionable hot cocoa that tasted suspiciously like gingerbread and burnt sugar. Bucky held the tiny baby shoes in his palm, staring at them with a reverence he didn't know he possessed.
He imagined the little feet that would fill them, the first steps, the first words. He imagined a future filled with bedtime stories, epic pillow fights, and late-night talks about everything and nothing.
As they drifted off to sleep that night, nestled together under a mountain of mismatched blankets, Bucky knew this was only the beginning of their greatest adventure.
The world outside might be cold and chaotic, but inside their little apartment, it was warm, safe, and with the promise of a future filled with love, laughter, and the occasional sartorial disaster.
As Bucky held Y/N close and felt the tiny life growing within her, he knew he would spend the rest of his life protecting them with all his heart and a healthy dose of humor. After all, a little laughter goes a long way, significantly when raising a future child together.
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Author Note : Hey everyone! 🌟 Your input means the world to me.
If you've got any cool ideas or prompts, whether for this fluff series or any other series, feel free to share them with me!
Just drop them in my ASK/SEND REQUEST box.
Can't wait to hear your awesome suggestions! 🚀💬
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faithshouseofchaos · 5 months
Hellooo I just saw your ares!carlos x aphrodite!reader and I wanted to ask, what about a (whichever god fits)!lando norris x f!zeus!reader
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Hermes!Lando x Fem!Zeus!reader
Tagged— @norrisleclercf1 @natailiatulls07 @toasttt11 @moss-on-tmblr @vivwritesfics @vellicora @venusisnothere @ashy-kit @alwayzbeenale @astraeaworld @badassturtle13 @charlesf1leclerc @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @ladymarvel27 @ironcowboycopnickel @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @omgsuperstarg @purplephantomwolf @bblouifford
If there was one god that annoyed you it was Hermes or Lando. The God never sat still long enough and was very childlike, unlike the others. He always riled up the others causing some form of chaos. You were the complete opposite of Lando very serious and focused. You had to be especially ruling over Olympus. Truthfully you didn’t hate Hermes you just wished you had the freedom to leave like him. To be among the mortals. But it was against the rules you had to stay to protect everyone.
At times you would watch Lando from the sidelines wishing you could break free from this heavy responsibility and have fun like he did. When he turned his attention on you you hated it because it brought back those moments of jealousy and envy towards him and what he got to experience. But then he would always just leave. Not like many of the other gods who would attempt to charm their way out, he would just dart off like an impish child leaving you to watch him as he ran off.
You couldn’t help but feel a slight connection with Lando as though he was just an annoying younger brother. Even now as you watched Lando running off you felt strangely compelled to chase after him. Instead, you sat down looking at your throne, and sighed feeling lonely but knowing you could never abandon this throne. If you did, no one would replace you, and you didn’t want the responsibility of having to take over your rival Poseidon or even Hades. But sometimes you wonder if it would’ve been better to let someone else have this role.
Lando continued to run off into a forest of trees with his feet hardly making any noise on the thick ground. He was so tiny, skinny, and fast. He seemed to live for the adventure of the chase and his playful nature made him the perfect candidate for a God of mischief. The young god was known to be mischievous, and you never knew if what he was doing was harmless fun or if he meant to cause trouble. When he saw you watching him he would turn around and flash you that mischievous smile of his, knowing he had gotten under your skin.
Later in the evening when Lando returned he walked right up to you. “Any reason for the storm clouds outside a stray lighting bolt almost took me out” he joked sitting on his throne
“You and your jokes, are always in trouble. If there was an award for getting yourself into dangerous situations or causing trouble, you’d have every single one.” You retorted leaning forward with a stern expression. “Just what exactly were you doing out there?” You asked as though you didn’t already know.
“I was just exploring and having fun,” Lando said with a cheeky grin on his face. “Something you should do every once in a while. Maybe then you wouldn’t be so uptight.” He added trying to bait you into a response.
“I’m not uptight” you replied
Lando chuckled knowing that it annoyed you that he thought you were uptight. “No, you aren’t? Then prove it then.” Lando smirked mischievously as he tilted his head at you.
“What do you mean?”
“I want you to go out and have fun,” Lando answered with a teasing smile, his eyes flickering in amusement. “Do something for yourself other than work all day. I bet you’ve got no idea how to act like a regular human with all those responsibilities weighing you down.” He added with a knowing grin.
You felt a sting of annoyance that he was right. How long had it been since you did something purely for yourself? It was like the responsibility of Olympus weighed your every move. This time you couldn’t deny that Lando annoyed you, but something was endearing about his constant desire to escape the monotony of adulthood. You realized that you kind of admired his carefree attitude.
“I can’t leave this place and you know that” you replied looking over at him
“Why not? You’re the most powerful god of them all. What could be stopping you?” Lando asked, smirking slyly while crossing his legs. He was baiting you by acting like a complete smart-ass, knowing exactly what his replies did to you. A sharp pain jabbed deep into your core, and for a moment you considered going back to the mortal world, but deep down you knew you could never leave Olympus in its current state.
“Come on it’s just for a moment. Nothing will happen. I’m sure your loyal subjects will be able to handle things for you while you’re gone.” Lando replied with an amused expression. His tone was so mocking, and you hated that he was right about it, even though you would never admit he was. His little smirk made your stomach burn with rage.
“It’s not them I’m worried about”
“Then what are you worried about?” Lando asked with that mischievous grin. “That Hades will cause trouble while you’re gone?” Lando added, trying to get a rise out of you.
“Or is it that your ego won’t be able to handle someone else ruling over Olympus for a few hours?” Lando continued teasing, his smirk almost becoming an outright grin. You couldn’t believe how persistent he could be. No matter how many times you told him no, he would always find a way to get the exact response he wanted from you. Thunder rumbled even louder as you grew more angry.
“You can’t even deny it.” Lando retorted with a giggle, seeing how riled up he had gotten you and basking in the satisfaction of it. You hated how well he knew your buttons and how he pushed them without mercy. No matter how much you wanted to just ignore him and stay calm you couldn’t help but feel yourself getting more and more frustrated and annoyed with his responses. He pushed you to your absolute breaking point, and he knew.
“Don’t you have something better to do? Why not go bother Apollo you to seem close”
Lando rolled his eyes, clearly finding you too easy to wind up. “Apollo is boring. I prefer more entertaining targets.” Lando added with a smirk, his words almost causing you to snap because of how much they infuriated you.
Lando chuckled at how annoyed you were, knowing he would be able to keep up the teasing indefinitely. “But let’s face it. It’s not like Apollo would give me this kind of reaction.” He added with a teasing gaze, his mischievous grin showing no signs of letting up.
“No one enjoys our banter quite like you do,” Lando said with a teasing smirk as he crossed his legs and rested his arms on his knees. “It can’t be anyone else but you who I enjoy tormenting.” He added with a sly grin, looking at you with that same impish grin that drove you mad.
The fact that Lando enjoyed annoying you and had no intention of stopping made you irrationally angry. You just wanted him to shut up and let you go back to your duties. No other god was as bad as he was but he always knew how to push your buttons. No matter how many times you told him to stop he would always just laugh it off and continue going. You wanted to hit him so bad right now.
Instead, you buried your face in your hands hoping no one other gods could see your heated face as you desperately tried to keep your anger under control. Even though you were a strong and powerful god you had let a mere mortal push you to such a boiling point. You just wished he would go away but you knew that was impossible as much as you tried to convince yourself that you hated him a part of you enjoyed this back-and-forth teasing.
Sighing deeply you rub your face with your hands taking a second to think.
Getting up from your throne you walk over to his and place your hands on the armrest leaning down in front of his face.
“You're a brat, you know that?” You said faces so close that you could almost kiss him.
Lando was taken aback when you leaned down to get so close to his face, his cheeks almost burning pink from how close you were as he tried not to look away. Although he hated how much you irritated him in reality he did enjoy every moment that the two of you spent together. Maybe it was the fact that he could get you riled up so easily and how you would always give into his words that made him crave these little interactions.
“What can I say, I like being a brat because I know one person will always take the bait,” Lando whispered back teasingly. You felt his breath against your skin as he leaned in even closer. He was so close that you could feel his body heat and you could smell the sweetness of him. It was that proximity and the look on his face that sent all other emotions out the window and the two of you teetering dangerously close to kissing.
Leaning in you make him think that you were going to kiss him but at the last second, you turned your head and whispered into his ear.
“Be careful Hermes for a second there it looked like you enjoyed being called a brat”
A low moan escaped Lando’s lips when you turned your head at the last second, sending shivers throughout his body as you whispered in his ear. Your voice was so seductive that it drove him insane for an instant.
“I’ll admit it,” Lando whispered back, his breath now coming in heavy and quick breaths. “I did enjoy being called a brat but then again I also enjoy everything else you do to me,” Lando added looking into your eyes as if he was waiting for your reply.
The playful teasing and verbal sparring between the two of you never grew stale between you two. Every time it reached a climax like this it was always filled with a sensual atmosphere that made both your hearts beat at such a feverish pace. Lando had never wanted to kiss you so badly than in this moment as your faces were now almost touching. Your breath was so enticing to him that it was a bit harder for him to resist pulling you close.
“I’d be careful if I were you only good boys get want they want and you haven’t exactly been behaving now have you?” you said before walking away.
You walked away as Lando stood there, stunned and speechless. It was as if all words left him in that instant the moment you left. You could see that his smirk was now completely gone, and a shocked look covered his face. You just left him sitting there, speechless and dazed as he was unable to even process the flirtatious things you said. Although he enjoyed being playful and mischievous when you took it to that level a wave of excitement washed over him leaving his heart racing and his breath heavy.
As you walked away, he just sat there frozen in his thoughts. Although he was an annoying brat who enjoyed teasing, he was also a little bit surprised that you could reciprocate the playful banter like that. He also enjoyed getting you all riled up, but he never really thought about what that could lead to if he kept pushing. The possibility of what could transpire between the two of you sent tingles to the back of his neck. It was an intoxicating feeling he had never quite experienced before.
The thought of you having the ability to tease back with such sensual and alluring words sent shivers down his spine. He could not tell if you were serious in the moment or playing him but regardless, it was a whole new side of you he had never seen before. One that made him feel giddy and excited for the future. For once, the thought of spending endless years in Olympus didn’t come to his mind as it always did, instead, he couldn’t wait to see how you would get him flustered next.
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99liv3s · 3 months
Pregnancy Adventures for Us
(I wrote this story for some friends, putting their characters, as well as mine, in it, and decided to make it public, with their blessing)
The rain poured down heavily outside, the large drops bouncing off the roof of the large wooden cabin that stood alone in the forest, deep in nature and away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It was a beautiful, multiple room structure that rivaled some houses, but was still quite cozy, warm, and inviting. There was only one floor, but this was out of necessity. Stairs were not ideal, for the occupants inside this cabin were all heavily pregnant!
The three girls were best friends, and as all three of them had ended up pregnant due to various circumstances, all at the same time, they had proposed living together in this cabin, where they could take care of each other and enjoy their experiences together. They had pooled all their money together to have this cabin built, which took a surprisingly short time, and now, the three girls lived comfortably inside it, enjoying each other's company in their conditions.
Crystal, the oldest of the three, had had experience with pregnancy before, having been a surrogate carrier three times before this one. As a result, the light skinned, green eyed, somewhat thin girl with brown shoulder length wavy hair, already had lots of experience being pregnant. Her current pregnancy was also a surrogate, and her melon-sized bump was completely at odds with her small size.
In contrast to Crystal, Mazy's size was on the heavier side, though she was still noticeably pregnant. Mazy also had brown hair, but it was shorter, just down to her chin, and her skin tone was only a tiny bit darker than Crystal's. Mazy's eyes were blue, and her breasts were pronounced, especially now that she was pregnant. Mazy was carrying a slime baby, and it was her first foray into pregnancy.
Liv, short for Olivia, was the smallest in stature of the three, even smaller than Crystal. As a result, Liv's pregnant belly looked as though she had swallowed a basketball, and her normally tiny breasts resembled two small apples. The pale, small, short black haired, brown eyed girl was pregnant with a large egg, due to an interesting alien encounter, and like Mazy, this was her first pregnancy.
Crystal was lying comfortably on the couch in the living room, reading a book and listening to the rain outside. Her hand rested on her expanded belly, which peeked out from under the green crop top she was wearing, along with gray loose pajama bottoms. The sound of a toilet flushing and a door opening made her look up, to see Liv waddling out of the bathroom, her pronounced, ball shaped belly somewhat bouncing with each step. Liv was wearing a small light pink maternity dress that the other two girls found very cute, and according to Liv, had been custom made for her. Liv sighed as she made her way over to Crystal. "This thing is sitting right on my bladder," Liv exclaimed, rubbing her bump, and causing Crystal to inadvertently rub hers. "That was my sixth trip to the bathroom!" Crystal rose up and got to her feet, motioning to Liv's belly. "May I?" Crystal asked, and Liv giggled. "One condition... I get to feel yours as well!" Crystal laughed as both girls felt around on each other's bumps. The baby inside Crystal kicked, causing both girls to giggle again, as Crystal continued to feel around carefully on Liv's orb-like belly. "Are you sure you haven't dropped a bit?" Crystal asked, looking at Liv with slight concern. "It feels lower." "But it's hard to tell with you." "I don't think so," Liv responded, as the two of them released each other. "It doesn't feel much different to me, just heavy." As Crystal smiled at her friend, Mazy came bouncing into the room, wearing a yellow shirt and loose jeans, and carrying a tray of sandwiches she had prepared. "Lunch is served," she exclaimed, setting the tray down. Mazy grimaced and rubbed her belly as the fetus inside moved around rapidly. "Hey, calm down in there," she said to it, as the other two girls reached happily for a sandwich.
As the three of them sat, happily eating their sandwiches, Mazy spoke up. "So, what should we do??" "Read??" "Should we play a game??" "There are some cards in the lower shelf over there..." Crystal swallowed her bite, then said, "Actually, I was thinking about all of us telling our stories to each other again." "I love hearing about how you two got pregnant." Liv smiled, beaming. "I mean, yours is good too, Crystal." She said, nibbling a bit more on her sandwich. "Oh, mine is nothing special, not quite as unique as both of yours," Crystal responded. "You're a surrogate, I'd call that pretty special," Liv argued back with a smile. "Why don't you start us off, miss surrogate?" Mazy suggested, leaning back in her chair. Liv giggled as Crystal smiled.
A little over 8 months ago
"Everything seems to be in order," the doctor said, as Crystal lay on the exam table, her legs spread. "You are still very healthy and fit for child-bearing!" Crystal beamed as the doctor made a few notes on her clipboard. "This couple is very excited that you're giving them their first baby, but I have to note... you've already carried three times already." The doctor looked into Crystal's eyes. "Think you've had enough??" Crystal shook her head with an almost silly grin on her face. "Definitely not?" She answered. "You said it yourself how well my hips are shaped for child-bearing, and you were there for my last delivery." The doctor nodded, noting how easy it had seemed for Crystal. "You could say I'm made for this," Crystal continued. "How many carriers, even surrogate ones, can truly say that??" "You do have a point," the doctor replied, smiling. "I just had to ask, one last time, if you wanted to go through it yet again." Crystal nodded vigorously, and the doctor chuckled. "Well, there's no turning back now." "Ok, well... here we go."
"I still can't believe this is your fourth," Liv said a few minutes later. Crystal's recounting of her story had been interrupted by Liv having to, yet again, run to the bathroom to pee. "I can," Mazy said, giving her a mischievous grin. "You definitely can't get enough." Crystal blushed slightly, but smiled. "After that convo, everything happened just like all the other times." "They put the baby in me, I met with the parents again, and that was that." "Huh, you're so close, are the parents not worried about you being out here with us?" Mazy asked, as Liv hung onto their every word, munching on her sandwich again. Crystal shook her head. "They don't care, as long as they get their daughter," she replied. "They told me they didn't even want to be present for the birth, and I didn't ask why..." Crystal looked at the two of them, then settled back into the couch. "Enough about me... you two have the more interesting stories anyway." The two girls looked over at Liv, who swallowed her bite of sandwich. "Me? You want me to go next??" She asked, looking rapidly between her two friends as they grinned at her. Mazy responded by picking up another sandwich. Liv sighed, though she continued to smile.
About 5 months ago
Liv woke up with a start, rising up slowly off the moderately comfortable bed she was laying on, and looked around timidly, taking in her surroundings. The last thing she remembered was driving down the road in her car, lost in her thoughts. It was so late at night, she had been alone on the road. She remembered seeing a bright light all around her, and then waking up here. Now, she seemed to be in a somewhat large room, with metallic walls, though the lighting in this room was quite dim. There was no sign of her car or her... Liv then realized that she was also completely naked, and her clothes were nowhere to be found either. Gingerly, she stepped onto the cold metallic floor of wherever she was, noticing that there seemed to be a pool of water nearby. Liv made her way over to it and looked in with a gasp. She could see, swimming inside the water, a mermaid-like creature with long hair, a mermaid tail, but also human-like legs and arms. The creature suddenly broke the surface of the water, right in front of Liv, who cried out slightly in surprise. "Don't be alarmed," the creature said, in perfect English. She had long green hair, and sapphire colored eyes, and was also naked, as far as Liv could see. Only the creature's upper body was visible, which looked human enough, but Liv could also see where her "human" half connected to both her legs and her scaly tail. "My name is Melastra, and I am not going to hurt you." Something in her voice seemed to calm Liv somewhat, despite the circumstances. "Wh...why have you brought me here??" Liv blurted out. "What are you?" Melastra smiled, which put Liv even more at ease. "I need help." She said, almost sadly. "My people, my species is dying!" Melastra shifted in the water, as Liv gasped, clapping her hand to her mouth. "There's not many of us left, for our kind have lost... the ability to carry children," she continued. "Therefore, what few of us remain decided to go looking for other species that could carry our young for us and would volunteer to do so." "I was given this ship and some resources, with the mission to find someone to breed with, and to carry my eggs." "Humans are compatible with us, but after monitoring your species, I determined that most of you find the process of carrying children very personal, and would therefore likely not help me..." "I'll help you," Liv said immediately, deciding on the spot that she really wanted to do so. She could not even explain to herself why she felt so interested by Melastra's plight, but she felt drawn to help her. "What do I need to do?" Liv asked, as Melastra stared at her, somewhat shocked, perhaps due to how quickly and easily Liv had agreed to her request. "Well, step into the water with me," Melastra said, beckoning Liv forward. Somewhat timidly, Liv stepped into the water, until she was face to face with Melastra. Liv was about to note to herself that Melastra seemed as short as she was, before realizing that she was starting to sink. Melastra grabbed Liv and held her steady, and the alien's large mermaid-like tail wrapped around her. As Liv's and Melastra's bodies entwined, Liv gasped as she felt something enter her vagina suddenly. It was not painful, rather the opposite, but looking down into the murky water, she could not see exactly what was happening. "There, just relax into it," Melastra said soothingly, and as Liv felt wave after wave of euphoria hit her body, she complied gladly, as Melastra cuddled her into the water.
"Why did she choose you, of all people?" Crystal asked, shifting plates around so that the three of them could eat dessert. "I mean, no offence of course, but when it comes to carriers, you're as small as they come." Liv smiled shyly, rubbing her belly, as Mazy piped up, "Well, it's obvious... Liv has a huge heart, and Melastra knew she would not say no." Mazy looked over at her friend with both a smile and an expression of exasperation. "I mean, you accepted immediately, barely listening to what Melastra had to say... she didn't even have to convince you." Liv smiled sheepishly, even wider. "Would you have said no?" Liv asked, and motioned at Mazy's own belly. Looking down, Mazy quipped, "That's different, and you know it!" The three girls laughed, as Crystal served cake. "Well, after fertilizing me, Melastra kept me on her ship for another day, to confirm that I was indeed pregnant, and also had this maternity dress made for me." Mazy and Crystal smiled and seemed to swoon at Liv's use of the phrase "fertilizing me", as she continued, "Then she said she would find me soon after the egg is born, and then sent me on my way." Liv patted her belly lovingly, as the girls finished their cake. "Wow, promise me we'll get to meet Melastra when that happens," Crystal said, making Liv giggle. "So, wait, does that technically mean you are a surrogate too?" Mazy asked, looking at Liv with curiosity. "Am I like, the only one who is pregnant just to be pregnant?" Liv sat her plate down, and thought for a second. "Well, Melastra did say the baby inside the egg was an alien like her, but it does take some genes from me too, so I guess that makes it our baby." she concluded. "I mean, we did mate after all..." "Well, what would you call it?" Liv asked, half chuckling at Mazy's expression at the word "mate". "I mean, you really can't say anything yourself," Crystal said, motioning to Mazy's bump. "I mean, if anyone here mated, it was you!" Mazy grinned mischievously.
6 months ago
Her thoughts on Crystal and the fact she was pregnant again, Mazy strolled through the forest, enjoying the nice weather and the isolation, as all around her, birds chirped and insects buzzed. She could tell that she was moving into a deeper, denser, and darker part of the forest, but she did not care. She longed to be in Crystal's situation, carrying a child, and experiencing what it was like to be pregnant. So wrapped up in her thoughts, she did not at first hear the rustling sound nearby, dismissing it as just another forest animal. A few seconds later, she heard it again, this time much louder, and the sound it made was very different from the other usual sounds around her. It sounded almost like a slimey sloshing sound. Mazy stopped and looked around, but she did not have to look long. A green mass of some type of slime was moving toward her. Mazy blinked in astonishment, but before she could do anything else, she saw the goo start to rise up, and slowly form into a humanoid shape. Fascinated, Mazy watched, until the slime creature had finished shifting, into a girl, or rather what looked like a girl made out of green jello, though she also had striking green eyes. Mazy looked her over, noting that the slime girl was "naked", her breasts not as pronounced as Mazy's, but still noticeably firm, and her expression was friendly, even a bit shy. "Hello," the slime girl said, and something in her tone made Mazy relax a bit. "You're... a slime girl!" Mazy said, then realized a second later that that probably sounded rude, but the slime girl chuckled and said, "I am, yes." "I decided to come see you, because I could sense your... pheromones you would call it?" "Pheromones??" Mazy repeated, confused. The slime girl moved closer, and said, "Yeah, they are very strong... you are in heat!" "I'm sorry??" Mazy replied, half laughing. She was not an animal, and was not in heat... what was this creature talking about? While walking through this forest, all she had been thinking about was... "Ohhh," Mazy said, realization hitting her, as the slime girl nodded. "Yeah, I could sense your longing to be bred, your desire for reproduction..." "My heat?" Mazy interrupted, and the girl smiled wider. "You want this very badly, don't you?" She asked. Mazy hesitated for only a second, then nodded rapidly. "Well, here is some good news for you... I'm seeking that too!!" Mazy gaped at the slime girl, and slowly a smile crept onto her face. "Should we... breed??" "YES!" Mazy almost shouted, stepping forward so that she and the slime girl were almost touching, and started to take off her clothes. There was some shifting under the slime girl's exposed navel, and Mazy could clearly see a penis form, a large one. "Are you ready?" The slime girl asked, holding it in front of her as if offering it. Mazy, now standing naked, nodded, and then the slime girl touched her face with her hand. The sensation was strange, but pleasant. Her skin felt almost like a soft rubber, but Mazy barely had time to consider this before the large green penis entered her. "Now you will experience pleasure as you never have before." The slime girl said, and moved forward to completely embrace Mazy. However, the girl's body was shifting, and as Mazy closed her eyes, the slime fully engulfed her body, squeezing against her, stimulating every part of Mazy's body simultaneously. Mazy was in so much ecstasy, she did not fully realize that the slime was also shifting to entirely enter through her vagina.
"She eventually entered my uterus completely," Mazy recounted, as Liv and Crystal listened in amazement, despite having already heard this story from Mazy before. "I felt her moving around in there for a while, then she came back out, the same way she had went in, reformed, and told me that she'd made me pregnant, although somehow I already knew before she had said anything." "It didn't hurt?" Liv inquired, her eyes wide in amazement. "No, it felt really really good actually," Mazy responded, rubbing her belly. "I just felt so much movement and rolling around in here, and that was it." "The "baby" though, it's just as active." Mazy grunted, shifting her belly slightly. "Like, right now!" "Here, come and feel it." Liv waddled over and placed her palm on the side of Mazy's belly, immediately feeling rapid movements inside it. "Oh wow," Liv whispered, feeling the rapid flutters of Mazy's slime baby as it moved around. Crystal then replaced Liv, rubbing her hands all along Mazy's bump. "It's so much more active than my baby," Crystal said. "Is that normal for slime babies?" Mazy shook her head. "I have no idea, honestly." "Did you ever see the girl again?" Liv asked. "What happens when you have the baby??" "I don't know," Mazy responded. "But I get the impression, based on how she was acting, that the slime "fathers" don't really have much more interaction with their children or the "mothers" once they breed." "But, that's kinda sad," Liv replied. "It is what it is... I guess that's normal for them," Mazy said, shrugging. "It just means this little guy is mine to keep, right?" Mazy looked down at her belly, cooing at it happily, as Liv absentmindedly rubbed hers. "You know it's a boy?" Liv asked. "Well, actually," Crystal spoke up, still feeling around on Mazy's belly, "Slimes don't really have genders, so the baby is... a slime." Mazy smirked up at her. "Yeah, I gathered that when the slime girl whipped out a dick," she said, causing all three girls to burst out laughing again.
Crystal grimaced as she felt another hard kick inside her. Taking one hand off Mazy, she rubbed the spot on her own belly softly. "I think she wants to play too," Crystal said, motioning to her belly. Mazy rose up and touched Crystal's bump gently, feeling a few more kicks. "Oh yeah, she's got that energy too," Mazy said. "She'll be an athlete for sure." Liv drew closer to the two of them, then clutched her own belly. "Ooh, I feel mine moving too," she said, rubbing her large ball shaped belly. "You can feel it moving?" Crystal asked. "But I thought it was an egg?" "It is," Liv replied. "But sometimes I can feel movement inside the egg, like the baby is swimming around inside." "That must feel amazing," Mazy said, and placed her hand on Liv's belly. "I don't feel anything." "It's definitely moving," Liv insisted. "Here..." Liv reached down and unfastened the back of her maternity gown, taking it off. Standing naked, other than a bra and panties, Liv invited Mazy to feel again, and Mazy did so. A few seconds later, Mazy squeaked excitedly. "Ooh yeah, I feel it, it's like... doing somersaults in there!" She exclaimed. Liv nodded, grimacing a bit in slight discomfort. "Ooh, the egg is so heavy," she breathed out, as Mazy continued to feel around on her exposed bump. Mazy's hand found it's way to Liv's protruding navel, and she stroked it gently, causing Liv to let out a little moan. "Like that, eh?" Mazy quipped, as Liv closed her eyes, enjoying the sensations. "Always thought that little outie was cute." "Hey, save some for me," Crystal said with a laugh, and put both her hands on Mazy's belly, rubbing it. Crystal climbed onto Mazy's lap and continued to rub her, moving her hands up to touch Mazy's full breasts. "Do slime babies drink the same milk?" Crystal teased, rubbing and squeezing Mazy's boobs. Mazy gasped and moaned, and inadvertantly rubbed Liv's navel and lower belly more, which in turn, caused her to moan as well. "Oh God... bathroom!!" Liv said suddenly, her eyes flying open, and she waddled as fast as she could toward the bathroom. Crystal and Mazy watched her go, then looked back in each other's faces and started laughing softly.
As the two of them continued to stimulate each other, which had effectively devolved into Crystal kissing Mazy's belly gently, and Mazy rubbing around near Crystal's pussy, they could hear a trickle of water and the usual soft moaning from Liv in the bathroom. However, lost in their own horniness, they only vaguely became aware that Liv's moaning continued long after hearing her pee. A few minutes later, it seemed to be getting worse, as well as louder. Her mouth still inches from Mazy's stomach, Crystal called out, "Liv, are you ok??" She was answered by a loud whine, and, looking at each other in alarm, Mazy and Crystal got off each other and began to hurry to the bathroom, as fast as their pregnant selves could waddle. They got halfway to it, before Liv stumbled out, one hand on her belly, the other clutching the door frame for support. "Th... the pressure's... so much worse..." Liv panted out, grimacing in pain. "It hurts!" Crystal reached out and helped Liv forward, feeling on her orb. "Are you in labor, Liv??" She asked, as Liv moaned, gingerly taking step after step. After a few seconds, in which the three of them had made it back over to the couch, Liv nodded. "I... I think I am..." she breathed out.
Liv quickly determined that she could not get comfortable on the couch, as she tried to do breathing exercises. She felt like she really wanted to be held, and so her friends complied. First, she and Crystal swayed together, with Mazy standing behind Liv, rubbing her back. Then, Liv swayed with Mazy, crying in pain on her shoulder. Liv felt the pressure continue to worsen, spreading pain into her back and entire lower body. After the swaying sessions, Liv leaned up against the wall, her legs slightly spread, her head buried in her arms as she moaned and cried loudly. Mazy approached her from behind, reached around her and cupped her belly, rubbing it gently. "You're going to be ok," Crystal encouraged over Liv's noises of pain. "I know it hurts, but you're doing great."
They had made their way to the birthing room, where a large comfortable bed sat in the middle of the room, complete with stirrups. Crystal had asked Liv if she wanted her to put her legs in the stirrups, but Liv begged her not to, as at this point, Liv was constantly moving around, getting on and off the bed, trying anything for some relief and comfort, but finding none. At one point, Liv was lying in the bed, crying out loudly, when Crystal met with Mazy outside the door, and pulled it shut. Listening to Liv moan loudly in pain, Crystal said, "I'm kinda worried." "Liv is so small, I don't know if she can push that egg out." "I think her small body just finally decided it couldn't carry that egg any longer." "She can do it," Mazy said, as they heard Liv whine behind the door. "It's not going to be easy, but I think she can do it." Mazy rubbed her belly, where her slime baby was moving around more aggressively than it ever had, almost as if it sensed another offspring nearby was coming. "I really hope you're right," Crystal said.
A few minutes later, Liv was on the floor, on her hands and knees, now completely naked. It had felt the most comfortable to her, what little she could get. Her belly hanging down, lightly touching the floor, Liv screamed as the other girls tried their best to comfort her. Liv's vagina was hanging in the air for all to see, and the other girls did see it open up suddenly, a bulge visible in it. "OOH GOD GET IT OUT PLEASE!" Liv pleaded loudly, her head thrown back as pain and pressure shot constantly through her body. "You're doing it, Liv," Crystal coached, as Mazy rubbed the laboring girl's back. "We can see it coming, right Mazy??" Liv shouted as her vagina opened even wider, and a blue and white tip poked out. "Oh my God, it's so cute," Mazy said as soon as she saw the crowning egg. "AAAHH IT HURTS AAAAHHHH!!" Liv screeched, involuntarily pushing despite there being no contraction, and the egg crowned even more. It looked like it was the size of a slightly deflated Soccer ball, and Mazy gasped in amazement that an object of that size was coming out of her friend. "IT BURNS AAHHHH HELP OOWW!" Liv yelled hysterically, and Crystal, still rubbing Liv's back, told Mazy to try to spread Liv's folds wider. Mazy did so, rubbing Liv's sore aching pussy as Crystal coached her to push again. After a loud painful scream that pierced the other girls' hearts, the egg was fully born, and slipped out with a small plop. Liv collapsed in relief and exhaustion onto the floor, as Crystal and Mazy laughed in celebration. "You did it," Crystal cried out, as Mazy cheered. Being closest to the large blue and white egg, Mazy picked it up gently, thinking to herself just how cute it was. She could immediately feel the baby swimming around inside, through the shell. "Oh, that is so cool," she thought to herself.
After helping Liv, who was semi-conscious at this point, into the bed so that she could rest, the other two girls made their way back into the living room, where Crystal collapsed into a chair, rubbing her bump furiously. Mazy settled onto the couch, and breathed out a sigh. Liv's labor had been an intense, exhausting situation, but it was done, and the girls felt they deserved a rest. Mazy let out a laugh, she could not help herself. "I can't believe she pushed that thing out," Mazy exclaimed, smiling at Crystal, who breathed heavily. "Well, you said she could do it, and she did," Crystal responded, still rubbing her belly. "I just wonder if it came early because she was small, or if those eggs just grow fast... mmmhhh!" Crystal let out a few pants, as Mazy looked over through the door of the birthing room, where she could see the egg sitting on a table. Looking back over at Crystal, she saw her friend stand back up, a grimace of discomfort on her face. Crystal was still panting and rubbing her belly as she slowly waddled around the room, her other hand clutching her back. "Crystal, what... have you been in labor this entire time and didn't tell us?" Mazy cried out, standing up as well. "I didn't notice anything until around the time Liv got down on all fours," Crystal replied with a small smile. "Besides, I don't even know if this is labor." "It could be false..." She was interrupted by a splash at her feet, as her pajama bottoms became soaked and excess fluid trickled onto the wooden floor. "Well, that answers that question," Mazy quipped loudly.
Having already given birth three times in the past, Crystal was quite familiar with the process now, and therefore, was not too bothered by her labor pains. She sat, naked except for a bra, on the couch doing breathing exercises, and though she was uncomfortable, she seemed to be in very little pain. Mazy cleaned up Crystal's water break as Crystal did her breathing exercises. An hour later, Crystal, panting a bit harder, decided to get up and walk around. After waddling around the room for another half hour, she returned over to the couch and sat down beside Mazy. "How are you feeling?" Mazy asked as Crystal panted. With a grimace through another contraction, she said, "Still not too bad, although they're getting very close together." Mazy rubbed Crystal's belly as Crystal moaned a bit in pain. "Here, let me help!" Mazy offered, and traced her finger down to Crystal's vagina, noticing how dilated it already was. Crystal let out a little cry upon Mazy touching it, as it was very sensitive at the moment. Mazy smiled at Crystal as she rubbed her friend's pussy with one hand, and her belly with the other. Crystal moaned loudly, but more from pleasure than pain.
By the time Liv woke up, Crystal was in the pushing stage, and since Liv had been occupying the birthing bed, Crystal was squatting in the middle of the living room, bearing down with grunts of effort, while Mazy watched between her legs. Liv weakly approached this scene, a shocked expression on her face. "C..Crystal?? You're having your baby right now too??" Crystal nodded, her eyes closed and her face in a grimace as she pushed. Without another word, Liv got behind Crystal and began to massage her back, as Mazy said, "I see the head!" Liv helped hold Crystal steady as she crowned, and Crystal let out a cry of pain as she pushed the head out. Squatting even deeper, Crystal grunted loudly as she gave another push, and Mazy caught the baby as it slid from Crystal. "Yay, you did it," Liv cheered, as a loud cry filled the room. Mazy handed the newborn girl up to Crystal, who took her in her arms and smiled down at it. "Hello, little girl," Crystal said to the baby. "Your parents are very eager to meet you!"
Crystal had passed the newborn girl around so that Mazy and Liv could hold her. Afterward, Crystal placed her in a small bassinet in another room, where she slept peacefully, also clearly exhausted from the process of labor. Liv and Crystal, both sore and tired, sat on the couch as Mazy, now the only one of them still pregnant, came back into the room with a plate of snacks. As the three of them ravenously tore into the snacks, Mazy rubbed her belly absentmindedly. The baby inside her seemed to still be quite active. "Well, I feel so empty now," Liv said, and the other two knew exactly what she was talking about. "I do too," Crystal replied, and the two of them looked over at Mazy. Though happy that they had brought their offspring into the world finally, the two girls were admittedly a bit jealous that Mazy was still carrying. Mazy smiled and motioned for them to get closer. "Here, both of you come over here and play with it," she said, patting her belly. Crystal and Liv did so gladly, rubbing around on Mazy's large bump lovingly, feeling the movement inside. Liv leaned down and hugged Mazy's belly, laying her entire head on it, giggling, as Crystal rubbed Mazy's legs. "Wow, I've heard of after pregnancy depression, but not after pregnancy horniness," Mazy said with a laugh. Liv giggled, still nuzzling Mazy's bump. Crystal's hand found Mazy's pussy and stroked it gently, causing the pregnant girl to moan out contentedly. Crystal then leaned down and kissed Mazy's belly, as Liv began to feel around on it again. "Oh yeah, please more," Mazy begged. Crystal stroked faster and faster as Liv's hands moved up Mazy's bump and found their way to her breasts, which Liv started to play with. Mazy cried out, fully stimulated now, and her belly rolled, as if the slime baby inside was also reacting to it. The three girls giggled, and Mazy grunted a bit as she felt pressure in her pelvis.
Twenty minutes later, Mazy was still panting, long after the girls had gotten off her, and she rubbed her belly rapidly. "I think...I think you both put me in labor," Mazy said, half grinning, half grimacing. Crystal and Liv helped Mazy into the birthing room, where, by her request, they locked her legs into the stirrups. Now spread wide on her back in the birthing position, Mazy felt her belly shift and contract. "How bad are the contractions?" Crystal asked, as Liv watched, ready to help. Mazy rubbed her belly and thought for a second. "There's a lot of pressure, but it really doesn't hurt much," she responded, surprised. "It just feels like I need to use the bathroom... a LOT!"
Another half hour passed, and Mazy seemed to be fully in labor now, but instead of crying and moaning in pain, she was giggling and even crying out in pleasure. The baby that Crystal had given birth to had started crying, and so Crystal had run to the other room to check on her, leaving Mazy in the care of Liv, who watched Mazy labor with an expression of bewilderment. "It doesn't hurt at all?" Liv asked, and Mazy laughed. "No, it feels great actually," she answered, panting. "I... I feel it coming, and there's pressure, but I... want it to come!" "It feels soooo good!" Mazy cried out as another contraction hit her, and she pushed. "How does it feel?" Liv asked, and Mazy immediately said, "Slimey!" The two of them laughed at the involuntary pun. "No it feels solid, but not hard and heavy like a baby, almost like... rubbery??" Mazy continued, trying to explain as best she could. Crystal then came back into the room, clutching the newborn baby girl, which she was breastfeeding. "How are you doing, Mazy?" Crystal asked. Mazy gasped as another contraction brought the baby closer to delivery. "Wonderful," Mazy replied, panting in pleasure. "It's coming!" Mazy screamed in pleasure as something started emerging from her vagina. The other two girls saw that, it was not just liquid, there was a shape, but not really a head exactly. It was more like a pink blob, a gelatinous form that was somewhere between solid and liquid. Mazy moaned out loudly, as if she was in the middle of an orgasm. "OH GOD YES YES YES!!" she screamed as the mass seemed to pulsate out of her opening slowly. The other two girls watched with wide eyes. They wanted to help, but there did not seem to be anything for them to do, as Mazy was clearly doing just fine. With another "push", more of the slime emerged, and then the amount of slime that was currently already out shifted to form a head, which hung out of Mazy, connected to the rest of the form still inside. The head was gelatinous and the girls could see through it, but it was a bright pink instead of the expected green, as the "father" had been. "This is so amazing," Mazy said, reaching down to feel the head with one hand. As the other two girls exclaimed in amazement, Mazy felt her body push again, and panted in ecstasy as more of the slime emerged from her. A minute later, the slime, now fully emerged between her legs, shifted into a pink gelatinous baby. Liv moved forward and picked up the slime baby, handing it to Mazy, who held it lovingly. The slime newborn did not cry, but looked up at its mother with bright pink eyes. "You are so adorable," Mazy said to it.
Mazy was only slightly tired after her labor, and so a few minutes later, all three girls were found in the living room. Crystal sat on the couch, rocking the baby girl she had been carrying to sleep, while Mazy sat beside her, nursing her slime baby, which answered Crystal's earlier question of if it would drink human milk. Liv sat in a nearby chair, hugging her egg to her chest, watching the other girls take care of their daughters. The rain outside had finally stopped, and now the sun shone brightly through the windows of the cabin, as birds sang outside. For a long while, none of the girls said anything, enjoying the contentment of new life they had brought to the world. "I'm sure your egg will hatch very soon," Crystal said eventually, as Liv clutched it tightly, feeling movement through the shell. All three girls were still effectively undressed; they saw no need to redress as they were all three alone with each other in the cabin, recovering from their labors. Liv nodded and nuzzled the egg, as the other newborns fell asleep in their mothers' arms. "So, what happens now?" Mazy asked, smiling as she looked at her friends. "Well, I see no reason why we can't continue to stay here, living together," Crystal responded. "I have to take this little girl to her parents, but after that..." "You'll go get knocked up again," Mazy said, grinning at her. "So, you can help me take care of this little one," Mazy motioned down at her now sleeping slime baby with her head, "While I help you through another surrogacy." Crystal blushed a bit, a small smile on her face, but said nothing else. "That's not a no," Mazy said, and turned to look at Liv. "So, what about you??" "I guess Melastra will come looking for you now that egg's out." Crystal looked at Liv as well, watching her as she thought to herself. "Yeah, probably, but..." Liv began, then looked down at the egg she held in her arms. "I don't think I want to be separated from this." Tears fell from Liv's face as she looked into her friends' eyes. "I don't want to leave you though." Crystal and Mazy came over to her, still holding their babies gently, and they all embraced each other in a loving hug.
Two days later, after which time Crystal had delivered the baby girl to her actual parents, Liv's egg hatched, revealing a baby that resembled the mermaid-like creature that Melastra was. However, it had Liv's dark hair and its eyes were a darker blue. Melastra had come for it a day later, and with teary goodbyes, Liv chose to go with her, wishing to stay with the baby the two of them made together. Five whole months passed, during which time, Crystal and Mazy lived together in the cabin, raising Mazy's slime child together, and wondering what the future held.
One day, as Mazy worked in the kitchen, the adorable pink slime girl crawling around her, Crystal sat in the living room, at a desk covered with papers and pictures. She was looking over all this information, determining who next to surrogate for, when a loud knock on the door broke her from her thoughts. Mazy came hurrying into the room and opened the door, after which both girls screamed in surprise. Melastra stood on their doorstep, smiling at them while holding a young toddler-like version of herself, and standing beside her was Liv, grinning from ear to ear at the sight of her friends, who immediately noticed that she was once again wearing her custom made maternity gown, and had a huge pregnant bump! 
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piggyinthesea · 5 months
Lest You Ache My Wrath| mv1
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part one, part 2
wrd count: 3.1k
warnings: alcohol, unprotected sex, reunion of teen lovers, mention of std, restrained during sex, foreplay (f receiving), some angst, inappropriate language
The stars illuminated the night sky like the way she stood out from the rest. It’s terrible, he knows it, yet he’s forced to answer the knock on his window. She was daring, clearly adventurous the way she always climbed up the garage into his window - knowing she’s not allowed in his house.
“Max, I have to go. I don’t know when i’ll be back. I’m leaving the state tonight.”
“Don’t! Please. You can live with me, I’ll… ask dad.” He knows he won’t say yes, but he’s gone far too down the rabbit hole of love to let go of her.
“Our dreams will hold us together. We’ll meet again. I’m sure of it.”
Her mind formed an endless cycle of anxiety-inducing thoughts. It wasn’t easy building her life from the shambles her deadbeat father had left her in. Throughout her adolescent years, tears were shed and wiped from her soothing cheeks.
It wasn’t so terrible, often times she met kind souls who’d lent her a roof over her head along with kind commodities such as food and clean clothes. She was alone, most of the time, but within darkness, there was light that had a warm grip on her. She thought she’d never see him again.
Years passed since she left that particular area, and her mind formed a haze around the memories she had spent with him. Her mind began playing tricks on her, and after a while, she began thinking that those warm nights wrapped around him were just a hallucinogenic side effect that came from her traumatic experience.
Those memories, sadly, began to fade like froth on a window.
She began to live a relatively normal life once she reached her 20s. She didn’t live paycheck to paycheck anymore, not usually, at least. She finally had enough to buy her own car, a trophy she held dear to herself. It was a reminder of the overwhelming struggles she endured and surpassed. She had normal hobbies and purchased normal things, much like everyone else. It felt weird to her, knowing she could blend in with everyone else, despite having a not-so-common upbringing.
She worked as a journalist, with a modest brand, and served the entertainment genre. When her boss called her into their office unexpectedly, neurons began connecting and triggered a flurry of speculative thoughts- such as the act of termination. It wasn’t that at all, in fact, her position in the company had been moved from entertainment to sports journalism. It wasn’t a huge leap of a career path, but it led her to contemplate the sudden shift of promotion. If, you could even call it that.
She was quickly informed that the previous sports journalist had quit, seeking larger pay from a rival journaling company. It seemed similar enough to her previous work, but she opted to play it safe rather than being sorry and promptly piled up on information for her upcoming interview.
There was a lot of terminology she had not heard of before, which made her second-guess her qualifications for her interview, but a job was a job and if she had disguised herself to appear knowledgeable, she would.
It was unprofessional of her employer to send her off on a job that required a person well-informed in the motorsport “Formula One”. Nonetheless, she was there, with a tiny microphone clipped to her collared shirt and an iPad with suggested questions.
It was odd at first. Not because of the awkward nature of the beginnings of interviews but because of a certain familiarity she thought she felt when staring at the driver.
Unbeknownst to her, he felt the same. He chalked it up to the subtle undeniable attraction he must have felt toward the interviewer, but the longer he answered her questions in a haze, the more he felt connected to her. His mind wandered off, did he know her from somewhere? Thoughts flourished to endless possibilities until was abruptly snapped out of his trance.
“Kind of lost you for a second there, didn’t I?” Her charismatic voice easily ushered the awkwardness away.
He shyly laughed, “Sorry, I’ve just kind of been out of it. What was your question?”
The tension became increasingly clear throughout the interview. The questions seemed to never end, and that was okay because Max was focused on figuring out who exactly was sitting in front of him. Could it have just been a sense of faux deja vu that lingered in the back of his mind, or did he truly know this woman?
All thoughts perished as the interview reached the end. He met her eyes for what felt like the first time, and immediately he felt a magical stillness sweep all lingering sensations in its enchanting embrace.
A sense of realization dawned on him at that moment, and the memories of whispered promises came back, despite his previous failed attempts to have them buried and forgotten.
His mind can’t help the gravitational pull of the vivid memory stored at the back of his mind, aching to be released. An incandescent flash of light transports him to a younger version of his naive self.
Recounting it felt like a haze, but he vividly recalled the hypnotic pull of her eyes that had irresistibly drawn him toward her lips.
“I won’t ever forget you, schat. Even after many years, you’ll still be on my mind. Even if I lose my memories, the dreams I’ll have of you will always hold us together.” He said, his words floating through the air as he shed a small, barely recognizable, tear.
With that, he’s pulled back to reality, and he’s faced with a sudden endeavor. His PR manager calls him over, but he can’t help but ignore him while he searches for the woman who has miraculously disappeared instantly. He danced his way around the endless crowd of people that served no use to him. He sees her, finally, and rushes over.
Feeling a tap on her shoulder, she turns around, and though he has seen her before, he can't help but still be captivated by her eyes, even after all these years. He doesn’t know what to say at first, what could he have said?
Did she remember? Or was this all just a misunderstanding his mind despicably played against him? But alas, his worries are washed away when she initiates the conversation with alluring mannerisms.
Though her upbringing was anything but soft and sweet, she embraced kind gestures with ease. Almost doe-like, her head tilts as she coyly states, “Hey, I don’t wanna sound like a stalker, but uh, I think I know you.” She’s sweet, and though it probably shouldn’t have mattered, Max felt relieved she remembered him.
His breath hitches. He feels his body acting faster than his brain when he pulls her in for a warm hug. The truth is, she didn’t remember who he was exactly- until he welcomed her with a warm embrace.
“Max? It’s you.” Her brows furrowed while the gears in her head began turning. All those years believing the nights she spent with him were fake, only to turn out to be incredibly real, dawned on her.
He was quick to drop his celebration plans for her, insisting he fell ill to the challenging cold weather. It felt, different. In a way, it was strange talking to your high-school sweetheart but after a few words into the conversation, they effortlessly fell back into their close bond.
Later that day, they decided to meet at a small local cafe. The vibe set around it was homey, with the color palette of the restaurant being in neutral shades of brown.
“It’s so good seeing you, seriously. Like, where have you been?” Max starts off, enthusiastically as he skims through the menu.
She chuckles, “Where haven’t I been? But seriously, I’m glad you’re where you always wanted to be.”
“How are you? So much time has gone by, it feels unreal that I’m even seeing you again.”
Their conversation was cut short by one of the waitresses. After writing down their order, the waitress leaves and allows them back to their conversation.
“I’m doing great. I continued school, you know? Went to college, and got a degree in journalism. For a little while, I thought you were just something my mind made up to cope with everything going on. But, here we are.”
He grimaces, internally. He knew of the situation her younger self was in and even after all this time, he still felt a sense to shield her from everything; just like his younger self.
His coffee comes in, as well as her macchiato. The rising steam vanished, unveiling a delicate pattern in the milk atop her macchiato—a subtle and artful touch to the rich espresso. His coffee was plain black, a simple reminder of their opposite environments.
“That’s great, I’m really proud of how far you’ve come.” He offers genuinely, a sliver of longing evident in his eyes.
“Me? Look at where you’re at. You know, I only just learned this recently but, you’re a 3x world champion. That should overcome any achievement of mine.” Her words echoed a camaraderie feeling between the two.
“It’s not that impressive, but please, keep raising my self-esteem.” His words are filled with friendliness, adding a familiar touch of friendship to the air.
She smiles and sips on her macchiato as the two exchange subtle but longing looks.
Soon enough, their drinks are empty and though she strongly resists, Max pays their tab and follows her out the cafe door.
“What now?” She asks, not quite wanting the day to end.
“Well… I did just win a race today. I think I deserve a celebration. My hotel room has those mini shots we can drink if you’re up to it. Or has your alcohol tolerance dropped over the years.” The playful banter exudes a familiar memory between the two, from when they were young, dumb, and incredibly drunk.
“You’re on, tough guy.”
His hotel room was impeccably furnished, surpassing her expectations. The aura of luxury permeated the space, enhanced by the balcony's view as the sun dipped into a mesmerizing palette of red and orange hues. It seemed like second-hand nature for him as he shamelessly guided himself towards the stainless steel mini-fridge, grabbing as many tiny one-shot bottles of liquor.
“Like old times.” She said, eyes trailing the mix of alcohol as he dropped them on the king-sized bed.
He glances up at her, a devilish smirk smiling at her, “Bottoms up!”. The tiny plastic bottle handed to her was already opened, and she sniffed the substance suspiciously before downing the drink.
It stung as it ran down her throat, though she victoriously held her poker face. Max grimaced from the taste, just a bit, enough so that he wouldn’t be a victim of teasing. Realizing she was the only one standing, she found her place on the king-sized bed, unintentionally causing a rift of tension in the air due to the close proximity.
A few conversations and tiny bottles later, the two had sufficiently numbed themselves to the point of no return. To them, the room spanned around them as they laid still on the cushioned mattress. A variety of bottles had been littered across the floor, taunting them, as if they knew the pain they’d share the next morning.
“You, kn-know, I’m really glad I met you- again.” Max hiccuped between words.
Her body turned towards him, facing his enchanting eyes as she dwelled on the weight of his words. “I’m glad I met you too. I didn’t know if I’d ever see you again.”
A comforting silence swept between the two of them, and though he normally wouldn’t, the alcohol gave him a bold boost of confidence as he innocently laid his hand on her cheek. The confidence was limited, he hadn’t yet dared to close the gap between them.
She read the longing aura he produced, and reached over to him, pulling him into a magical sensation as the two shared a kiss. It was passionate, but as she started to pull away, he pulled her back into a more risqué kiss. She caught onto the newfound energy, equally kissing him back with the same intensity. His tongue lapped into her mouth, exploring a territory he once knew all too well.
Tension impossibly heightens as he pulls her well-matured body closer while his pants begin to ache with a well-known sensation. The air was charged with a blend of emotions – passion, longing, and a hint of uncertainty. The past once shrouded amid fading memories, now resurfaced with vivid clarity. It was as if time had folded upon itself, bringing them back to a moment that had never truly left their hearts. Yet, as the kiss deepened, there lingered an unspoken question - what would this unexpected reunion lead to?
The chemistry was undeniable and unparalleled to anything else they had felt, a force that could not be contained pulled them even closer. Her body laid dangerously on top of his, and his hand seemingly burnt through her skin as they traveled down her waist. The tent in his pants was inevitable, she was far too seductive to his body. Her crotch glazed his cloth erection, and as though a flip had switched in him, he flipped her over and predatorily stared into her eyes.
“I need you to say you want this.” It’s a demand. His voice is dark and unamused, leaving a sense of sexual frustration in her.
“Please, I’ve waited too long.” Her whiny voice is laughable, and she feels like a lamb sent to slaughter.
He lifts his shirt off with ease, subtly inviting her to do the same, which she instantly does. It’s a game of haste that the two play as they scramble to completely undress themselves. She was bare and vulnerable - her seamless underwear being the only fabric on her.
His large hands cup her plump breasts, gently toying with the bud of her nipple. She pulls in his head for a swift kiss, nearly knocking the air out of him. He grinds onto her, flexing his chiseled jawline, as he embodies his soul into the kiss. Like an action in a script, his hands pin her own above her head, pinning her down as his mouth littered markings on her chest. Her body submits and she absentmindedly arches her back at the aching sensation.
One of his hands daringly dips down the hem of her underwear, as the other firmly held her pinned, and began rubbing circular motions between her wet folds. Her breaths became ragged, and the moans that left her mouth were timid and frail. The trail of goosebumps on her skin was like scattered dots among her skin. He ignored his own aching shaft - but it was okay, her pleasure was his.
His fingers worked wonders - a clear reminder of the practice he received with other women. However, it was different for him this time. The blurred past between them intensified the chemical-induced reaction and it heavily surpassed the average sexual encounter with women he did not know. The room seemed to fade around her as his fingers continued drowning in her slick; furthering her desires and inducing whines and mutters.
“Don’t leave again.” His words are firm and demanding with a mixture of hurt and anger lingering in the air. His pathetic self was tarnished and replaced with an aggressive, winner, personality - a stark contrast to the whimsical boy of the past. His finger dips into her hole, leaving her breathless with no time to respond, and curls around her flesh walls. Bodily fluids gradually increase, shamelessly, coaxing his finger in her own lubricant.
He slides his finger in and out of her whilst keeping a steady grip on her hands. His personality in the bedroom has changed dramatically - thanks to the women that had come along with the fame. He’s learned his kinks, and he’s more than enthusiastic to show you his gradual improvement. In the past, though it was unspoken, he knew he lacked the dominance one might perceive him to have. He was a foolish lovesick boy who was quick to beg and whine for an ounce of her sexual energy - with no complaints from either person.
His aura radiated a dark red color, a symbol of his dominance, while he shamelessly dragged her underwear down to her mid-thighs as he propositioned himself along her entrance. He slides his tip in - a meek whine escapes his vocals and he does nothing to hide it. Their breaths, now synchronized, are ragged and heavy. Her body willingly accepts more of him, urging for his all - and it’s more than acceptable because his shaft twitches at the idea of the fact that she needs more of him.
Her hands attempt to free themselves from his grip, and it only tightens in retaliation; a fair reminder of the strength difference. He starts by slowly thrusting into her, unintentionally but undoubtedly, carrying the weight of mutual sexual desires. Gradually, the passionate thrusts are replaced by aggressive fast-paced ones. One of his hands snakes down to play with her aching bud, subconsciously flaunting his improvements. It was a goal to show her what the new him could do. He nearly pities her, for she met the untamed and mediocre him.
His pace is brutal and his thrusts become sloppy. His breath is heavy; the sweat dripping down his forehead does nothing to help the increasing heat. A knock on his door interrupts them - causing a momentary pause as they share a look. Max locks eyes with her, and his pace increases, earning a shocked glance.
“Max? I know you aren’t feeling all to well, but I thought you’d like me to…congratulate you after a win.” A female’s voice echoes through the door with a laughable attempt at sounding seductive. Like a deer caught in headlights, he falters in his pace, refusing to gain eye contact with the women under him. Her gaze is strong and dangerous - he feels it.
One question flowed through her brain - who the fuck was that? Begrudgingly, she gave into her high as her cosmic orgasm shook the bones of her skeletal system. He gained momentum as his pace quickened, mercilessly abusing her sensitive folds.
“Maxie, are you there?” The foreign woman only seemed to agitate the situation further, and as soon as Max’s current lover felt a gush of warm substance in her, she peeled herself off him, dripping in his semen. She reclothed herself in a way that made it clear she was upset. Clearly, he changed in all the wrong ways.
Panic furls through him - he was put in a terrible situation. Had god truly not been on his side that day?
In a hushed tone yet malice tone, she spat out, “Should I get tested?”
He was in nothing but his boxers- an evident difference between them. “No, don’t leave. Please, I swear if you give me a chance to explain you’ll understand.”
“Fuck you.”
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kanekoii · 6 months
Hey, hope you are having a good day, Lyra!
What if the Iluna and XSoleil guys dated a person who is from the other school? Like opposites attract kinda thing…
lyra’s notes -> HI HELLO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG BUT THIS IS SUCH A CUTE PROMPT???! just since i wanted to write the girls too i only did iluna but feel free to request for xsoliel
pairings -> (i added the girls sorry i love girls) iluna x gn! rival! reader
genre -> scenario, a little fluff, tiny bit of crack
song -> sorry, i love you - stray kids
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she knows you're technically rivals due to your schools' rivalry but she couldn't help but fall for you. it's a cute contrast when your uniform is generally darker along with the color schemes of your fellow school counsel members and her school's pallet is much lighter. surely her friends won't mind if she takes you along sometimes despite the rivalry, right? scarle loves you to death and even if you don't always get to see each other, her love won't fade.
due to an intense school rivalry, she might want to keep your relationship a secret at first. eventually, she'll take you to meet the rest of her friends and they don't mind a bit when you tag along on their adventures! aia is a loud and somewhat chaotic person, so she would fit well into xsoliel too if you take her to meet the rest of the student counsel. they all love her so much too cuz she fits in so well!
he generally wears a much darker color scheme so his uniform matches yours. of course, no one aside from you knows that. but either way, he absolutely loves spending time with you on the days you don't have school. if anyone were to see the alien prince with someone from the rival school, he'd just brush it off because he loves you regardless.
okay so i got a whole scenario for this. imagine at a sports game and you and kyo are kissing under the bleachers and maririn catches you while looking for kyo. she's just flabbergasted and doesn't know what to say and kyo gets all defensive and tsundere about it. especially since you're wearing his jacket hehe. i wanna write a whole fic about thsi plz
everyone knows right away, he spends no effort keeping it a secret. it's not like it matters much to him, cuz he never cared much about school rivalry or things of the like. the only problem is that your schedules conflict more often than not, so you only get to hang out some weekends or if you skip school to spend time with him. omg thats another idea skipping school with aster
she's like aster in that she doesn't care if it's a secret or not, she's just happy to be with you. as long as you're happy, she'll be happy. much like the rest, it makes her a little sad if you can't spend a lot of time together, so please take her with you to your student counsel meetings! she's so adorable you just have to say yes.
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emedvs · 9 months
Drama and Delights: The Tale of Alejandro and Noah at Daycare
(i got this idea from @noahcue )
In the vibrant world of Daycare Delights, where the playroom was a kingdom ruled by toddlers, a new arrival had everyone talking. Alejandro, with his sparkling eyes and a grin that could disarm the sternest daycare provider, quickly earned the title of the "flatterer" of the daycare.
One sunny morning, Alejandro's attention fixated on a particular cynic in the room, a pint-sized skeptic named Noah. Noah was known for his razor-sharp wit and his knack for calling out nonsense.
With the confidence of a seasoned actor, Alejandro toddled over to Noah. "Ah, mi amigo, you have the most magnificent sippy cup in all of Daycare Delights. Its splendor rivals that of the grandest juice boxes in the land!"
Noah, perpetually unimpressed, arched an eyebrow. "Sippy cups are sippy cups, dude."
Undeterred, Alejandro continued, his flair for drama undiminished. "But señor Noah, your building blocks are the envy of all other blocks! Their structural integrity is unparalleled!"
Noah remained unfazed. "They're just blocks, man."
Alejandro's theatrical flattery didn't go unnoticed by the other toddlers. He used his charm to acquire the best toys and treats in the daycare, making him the envy of many.
One day, Alejandro hatched a plan. He approached Noah with a wrapped toy in hand. "Noah, mi amigo, I have a special gift for you. A token of my admiration." He presented the gift with a flourish.
Noah eyed the gift suspiciously but accepted it. Moments later, he handed it to Owen, a perpetually cheerful and slightly gullible toddler. Alejandro's dramatic flair transformed into a pout as he watched Owen happily play with the gift.
"Hey, dude, Owen really likes it," Noah remarked with a smirk.
Alejandro stomped his tiny foot, his inner diva emerging. "But I got that for you, Noah! It was meant to be yours!"
Noah, unfazed by the display, replied, "Well, you gave it to me, so I can do whatever I want with it, right?"
The daycare room erupted in giggles as Alejandro's dramatic antics continued..
As the sun began its descent, signaling nap time at Daycare Delights, Chef Hatchet, the daycare provider with a stern disposition, had a plan to pair up the toddlers for a cozy snooze in beanbags. He had the pairs all figured out, but Alejandro had other plans.
With wide, hopeful eyes, Alejandro tugged at Chef's apron, his voice filled with toddler-like enthusiasm. "Chef, Chef! Can I pretty please be paired with Noah? We make the best team, I promise!"
Chef Hatchet, used to Alejandro's dramatic antics, initially shook his head. "No way, Alejandro. You need to learn to get along with everyone."
But Alejandro wasn't about to give up. He went into full whining mode, complete with crocodile tears, and tugged even harder at Chef's apron. "But Chef, I need to be with Noah. It's destiny! The stars have aligned!"
Chef's patience wore thin, but he couldn't help but glance at Noah, who sat nearby with his trademark bored expression. Noah simply shrugged as if to say, "Whatever."
With a heavy sigh, Chef Hatchet relented. "Fine, Alejandro, you can pair up with Noah. But only this once, got it?"
Alejandro's face lit up like a neon sign. He excitedly held out his hand to Noah, who took it with an amused smirk. Alejandro jumped up and down, his tiny feet barely leaving the ground.
"Yay! It's a dream come true, Noah! We're nap buddies!" Alejandro exclaimed, his melodramatic flair making even a simple nap seem like an epic adventure.
Noah couldn't help but chuckle at Alejandro's enthusiasm. "Yeah, yeah, let's get this over with."
As they settled into the beanbag, Alejandro's energy seemed to infect Noah. They may have been an odd pair, but as the daycare room quieted down for nap time, even the cynical Noah couldn't deny that there was something uniquely charming about Alejandro's flair for drama.
As Alejandro held tightly to Noah, his grin of pure delight never wavered. He snuggled up close, finding comfort in the warmth of their friendship. Noah, on the other hand, couldn't help but notice the curious gazes of Owen and Gwen, who watched the unlikely pair with bafflement written all over their faces.
Noah, being Noah, raised an eyebrow with a sly smirk and pointed subtly at Alejandro, as if to say, "Look at me, I've got the cutest kid in the class in my arms."
Owen, always up for some fun, gave a thumbs-up with an excited grin, while Gwen, the resident skeptic, raised an eyebrow in amusement. The daycare room was filled with whispers and giggles as word spread about Noah and Alejandro's peculiar naptime duo.
Meanwhile, across the room, Courtney couldn't help but whine in jealousy, her eyes narrowing as she watched Noah and Alejandro. Duncan, ever the nonchalant observer, simply looked at Courtney with confusion and frustration.
Noah, reveling in the attention, put his hand behind his head, a self-satisfied grin playing on his lips. He had won this round of daycare popularity, and he was going to enjoy every moment of it.
A week had passed since Alejandro and Noah became inseparable buddies at Daycare Delights. While Noah initially had reservations, he couldn't deny the charm of having the daycare's most popular toddler as his constant companion. Alejandro was undeniably adorable, but his occasional clinginess sometimes tested Noah's patience.
On a sunny afternoon, Noah and Owen were deep in conversation, discussing their favorite toys and the highly anticipated snack time. Gwen, always perceptive, couldn't help but notice something was amiss.
She leaned in toward Noah and asked in a hushed tone, her eyes filled with curiosity, "Hey, Noah, do you actually like having Alejandro around all the time?"
Noah sighed, casting a sideways glance at Alejandro, who was engrossed in play nearby. "Well," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper, "it's just that Alejandro's like a little magician. He turns on the charm and makes everyone do what he wants. Dealing with him is like trying to catch a slippery fish covered in butter swimming in oil."
As Noah continued to share his thoughts on Alejandro's tactics, he remained blissfully unaware that their charming friend had silently approached. Alejandro stood just behind Noah, a bewildered expression on his face, and he'd overheard every word.
Gwen and Owen exchanged anxious glances, silently urging Noah to turn around. However, Noah, absorbed in venting his frustrations, remained oblivious and continued his tirade.
"It's like he's got everyone wrapped around his tiny finger, and they don't even notice!" Noah exclaimed, still unaware of the growing tension behind him.
Finally, as Noah finished his rant, he turned around and found Alejandro standing there, his eyes brimming with anger and hurt. Tears welled up in Alejandro's eyes, but he didn't utter a word. Instead, he simply turned and stomped away, clearly upset.
Weeks passed, and Noah's regret over his harsh words to Alejandro lingered. He was determined to mend their fractured friendship, no matter what it took. So, he decided to change his approach, shifting from video games to heartfelt gestures.
One day, Noah approached Alejandro with a bag filled with candies and toys, hoping to mend fences. However, Alejandro huffed and turned his head away, still nursing his wounded pride.
Frustrated and feeling defeated, Noah turned to Jude for advice. Jude, with his usual laid-back demeanor, had an unconventional idea that caught Noah off guard.
"Hey, Noah, you should totally plan a romantic date for Alejandro," Jude suggested, a mischievous glint in his eye.
Noah raised an eyebrow at the unexpected idea but decided to give it a try. After all, he was eager to make amends. He enlisted the help of his daycare pals – Owen, Gwen, Duncan, Leshawna, Harold, Izzy, Cody, and even a reluctant Courtney – to create a "pretend" romantic restaurant within the daycare.
Behind the cover of beanbags and pillows, they transformed a corner of the playroom into an elaborate scene with makeshift tables, candles, and soft toy music in the background. Noah, dressed in an oversized suit probably borrowed from Chef, held a bouquet of plush roses nervously.
With their masterpiece complete, Noah took a deep breath and approached Alejandro, gently taking his hand. Alejandro's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Noah dressed up and holding toy roses. Unexpectedly, he burst into laughter, loud and contagious.
Noah's smile faltered momentarily as he wasn't sure how to react, but Alejandro leaned in and planted a playful kiss on Noah's cheek, his laughter filling the room. He took Noah's hand and led him to the makeshift romantic table.
Noah, now flustered and baffled, couldn't help but smile. It might not have been the serious romantic date he had intended, but Alejandro's laughter had broken the tension between them. Perhaps their friendship was on the path to becoming even stronger than before, and they had learned that even in daycare, love and friendship could bloom in the most unexpected ways.
(plus in this story i made Alejandro more childish since i think he gets babied a lot by his mother. plus they're TODDLERS so don't be weird about it and as you can see im not good with titles..)
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allwaswell16 · 1 year
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A fic rec of fics that I think should be movies (that are not already movie AUs) as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave the kudos comments and kudos. You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
✧ Darling, so it goes by @disgruntledkittenface
(E, 195k, royal au) Harry Styles is a world-famous actor at the height of his career but a personal low point when he meets His Serene Highness Prince Louis of Monaco by chance. 
✧ Love After the End of the World by @mercurial-madhouse
(E, 168k, dystopian au) When staying alive is already a constant battle, the deadliest weakness is to be in love. For Harry and Louis, finding each other sits on top of the endless list of What Else Could Go Wrong.
✧ Wild And Unruly by gloria_andrews / @gloriaandrews , @100percentsassy
(E, 123k, farm au) Harry is a cowboy sitting on the biggest oil reservoir in Wyoming, and Louis is the paralegal assigned to pressure him into selling his land.
✧ I'll Fly Away by @juliusschmidt
(E, 122k, small town) Harry and Louis grew up together in Lake County, Harry with his mom and stepdad in a tiny cottage on Edward’s Lake and Louis in his family’s farmhouse a few minutes down the road. But after high school, Louis stuck around and Harry did not
✧ Have Love, Will Travel by @kingsofeverything
(E, 97k, road trip au) Rather than spend the summer working at their desks, Louis and Harry are given the opportunity to crisscross the country together in a tiny camper, filming their adventures for a YouTube series.
✧ Flightless Bird by audreyhheart
(E, 97k, ballet au) AU where Louis Tomlinson is a principal dancer with The Royal Ballet. When his rival from ballet school, moody dance prodigy Harry Styles joins the company, old wounds are reopened and old passions reignited.
✧ Black with Autumn Rain by whimsicule
(T, 93k, magical realism)  Harry is a journalist, Louis has lots of secrets and the moors aren't exactly the ideal place to rekindle a lost romance.
✧ After Dark, After Light by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(E, 71k, historical) Harry Styles is the laird of Clan Edwards who is just trying to keep his clan afloat when they get word that the Mackenzies have been cutting a swath through the Midlands and beyond, and their sights are set on the northern Highlands next. In an attempt to garner extra protection for his clan, Harry sets out to mend his father's past wrongs and ally with their neighbors to the west, Clan Sutherland.
✧ this charade (was never going to last) by @scrunchyharry
(E, 68k, spy au) As if the whole ‘industrial spy’ business was not stressful enough, Harry found himself in a hatred-at-first-sight relationship with one of his new coworkers, Louis, a man intent on detesting Harry.
✧ Adore You by @isthatyoularry
(M, 66k, historical au) Against his wishes, Harry spends the holidays at his family’s summer estate, and is reluctantly pulled into a courtship he didn’t ask for. 
✧  Unveiled by @phdmama
(M, 60k, a/b/o) There are no robes. And not a single one of them is veiled.
✧  Old Photographs & Times I’ll Remember by @jaerie
(E, 54k, time travel au) A camera, a suitcase, and a relationship forged through time.
✧ Tied Down by HamPalpert / @ham-palpert
(E, 48k, crime au) The most interesting case in Liam and Niall's careers falls directly into their laps, courtesy of an epic fuck-up of one Harry Styles, partner to the almost-infamous drug dealer Louis Tomlinson. 
✧ That’s What I’m Here For by @taggiecb
(E, 46k, farm au) Louis needs help running his business but has no idea where to even start looking. Luckily for him his children know just the man for the job.
✧  Counterbalance by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf
(E, 44k, racing au) Harry Styles loves two things: teaching ballet and racing motorcycles. Those two worlds collide when his greatest rival on the track, Louis “Tommo” Tomlinson brings his tiny siblings to Harry’s class.
✧ The Haunting of Louis Tomlinson by @helloamhere
(T, 31k, ghost fic) Louis is a plucky Gothic Heroine, Harry is a Mournful Spirit, and Big Country Houses are full of mystery and suspense, as Big Country Houses ever are!
✧ I Am the Blinking Light by @dearmrsawyer
(G, 19k, ghost fic) There is a legend of a lighthouse far out to sea. It can’t be found on any map, and those who do find it never return. 
✧ No One Like You by myownspark / @myownsparknow
(M, 19k, historical) Where Liam and Niall are art historians discovering the truth about two nineteenth century painters on opposite sides of an artistic divide.
—Rare Pairs—
✧ Untamed Hearts by Layne Faire  / @laynefaire
(E, 68k, Zayn/Liam) In the end, though, it all came down to two meddling friends, a touch of Prince, a bit of Keats, and the moon over the ocean. Its a recipe for disaster. Or love. Probably love.
✧ We Used To Wait by sunsetmog / @magicalrocketships
(E, 56k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) Louis has an accident, but nobody even knows he and Nick are going out.
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ducktoonsfanart · 2 months
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Donald Duck and Daffy Duck as superheroes with their kids - Duck Avenger (Paperinik), Stupor Duck, Toxic Avengers and Little Paperiniks (Ducklings Avengers) - Duck comics, Looney Tunes and Tiny Toons Crossover - Duckverse - Happy birthday to Daffy Duck and Huey, Dewey and Louie!
Another drawing related to the birthday of Huey, Dewey and Louie, but this time as a crossover with the birthday of the best duck besides Donald, which is Daffy Duck. Yes, I drew as a crossover of my favorite ducks, but I drew them as classic superheroes.
On April 17, 1937, Daffy Duck appeared in Porky's Hunt (classic short) and later became one of the main characters in Looney Tunes. At the same time, Daffy is one of my favorite characters not only in Looney Tunes, but also in cartoons and comics in general. I also love the crazy silly Daffy, and I also love him as a jerk, as both characters suit him. I drew Daffy as Stupor Duck (a parody of Superman) who played the given role in the classic short of the same name (from 1956) directed by Robert McKimson. I also drew Duck Avenger was created in 1969 in a comic book by Guido Martina and Giovanni Carpi (correct me about the name of the author) and since then Donald has been an avenger and later he will be a real superhero. And there are Donald's nephews who are little Duck Avengers or Little Paperiniks or Ducklings Avengers who imitate their uncle as a superhero, so they are also superheroes even though they don't know that Duck Avenger is their uncle (who has read the comics, knows what I'm talking about). By the way, I drew this as a redraw from the comic book cover by Donald Soffritti who drew it two years ago and it was published by Topolino a year ago. I just added their usual baseball caps instead of sailor caps that fit them for that. And then there's Plucky Duck as Toxic Revenger (a parody of Toxic Avenger if you know about the two movies, one from 1984, the other from 2023) who is one of his superhero alter egos and appeared in several episodes of Tiny Toons Adventures and he mainly fights against those who pollute the environment, and above all his main rival is Montana Max. Yes, Plucky is Daffy's student in Tiny Toons, and in my headcanon he is Daffy's nephew, because if Donald has his nephews, then Daffy has his. Is not it? XD
I mostly drew it my way in my style where together they defend Duckburg and Toontown as well as the world from villains, with Donald and Daffy not really getting along. But again, they certainly work great together, at least in my opinion. Yes, I do prefer Duck Dodgers, but I put Stupor Duck here, because it's still a classic.
I hope you like this drawing and this idea, and feel free to like and reblog this, but please don't use the same ideas of mine without mentioning me and without my permission. Thank you! Also, happy birthday to Daffy Duck and happy birthday to Donald's nephews! And Happy 55th Anniversary Duck Avenger (Paperinik)!
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oz00ms2 · 7 months
Love the Fire Bug AU fic you wrote! I noticed you mentioned Buggy being like an uncle to the asl trio which got me wondering, does Buggy know about Uta? Do they have a similar relationship? Does this cause anything to change from Uta's story? Sorry for all the Uta questions, I just love her character so much, also have a love/hate relationship with her backstory
shanks rocks up with a tiny daughter and buggy just "thanks this is mine now".
that's his baby girl!! he likes her more than he likes shanks, easily. buggy was meant to be a stage mom lbr.
I could see uta's story going similar - except when shanks returns without his (their) daughter - buggy loses it. shanks basically does exactly what roger did to buggy in this au and it would cause a new and massive rift between them.
buggy would immediately get his ass to uta, trying to both reconcile what shanks says happened and what he knows about his long time (enemy/rival/love) but what matters is uta. who would continue to live and train with Gordon but has a marine second dad showing up, taking her on adventures, trying to make sure she knows she is loved and safe and wanted and can't help but struggle wondering wtf happened that shanks is hiding from everyone.
on a happier note, pls imagine with me smol luffy and smol uta performing for shanks and buggy as kids are prone to do 🥺💕
actual stage mom buggy:
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808airsoftbros · 8 months
Life of Two Vampire Queens (IU/CL)
Author: Just another AI-written story that I came up with. Hope you enjoy and do check out my Masterlist
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I took a deep breath as I stepped away from the throne, feeling the weight of centuries of ruling finally being lifted from my shoulders. The decision to retire had been a difficult one, but with my one-year-old baby, Y/N, growing up so quickly, I knew it was time to focus my attention on him.
As I moved into a cozy beachside mansion, I found joy in watching Y/N learn to walk and say his first adorable words. But the realization quickly hit me—now that I was retiring, I would have to homeschool the little troublemaker. Oh, how naive I was to think it would be a simple task. Life with Y/N was a series of near-disasters and constant mischief.
No matter how vigilant I was, he always seemed to find a way to stir up trouble. One minute I would turn my eyes away, and the next, he'd be dangling precariously from the chandelier.
It was one restless night when I woke up, sensing something was amiss. My heart raced, but instead of panicking, I trusted my instincts. I gently slipped out of bed, careful not to alert Y/N as I crept through the dark house.
His presence guided me, his scent like a compass, leading me to his whereabouts. I found him in the kitchen, sitting on the countertop, his tiny fingers tracing the edge of a sharp knife. The sight brought forth a mix of relief and frustration. "Y/N! You naughty rascal," I scolded, sweeping him up into my arms. "You could've hurt yourself!"
In that moment, I realized that raising Y/N would never be easy. But, as I looked into his innocent eyes, I couldn't help but find his mischief amusing. Life had become an adventure, filled with laughter and the occasional scream of terror. And somehow, amidst the chaos, I found joy.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months as Y/N continued to explore the world around him. Each day brought a new challenge, a new opportunity for him to test my patience and creativity.
Teaching a two-year-old was no easy feat, especially when his attention span rivalled that of a caffeinated squirrel. I tried to instill knowledge in him, from basic mathematics to the beauty of language, but his mischievous nature often got in the way.
One day, as we sat at the kitchen table, trying to learn the alphabet, Y/N decided it was an ideal time to toss his cereal across the room, creating a sea of colorful letters. I sighed, on the verge of exasperation. "Y/N, baby, we need to focus," I pleaded, desperately trying to regain his attention.
He giggled mischievously, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Cherwee!" he exclaimed, pointing at a random letter on the floor. I laughed, unable to resist the infectious joy that radiated from him. "It's not 'cherwee,' darling. It's 'three.' Can you say that?"
Y/N scrunched up his face, contemplating the word. After a moment of silence, he erupted with a high-pitched shriek. "Thwee!"
"Yes, close enough!" I praised him, clapping my hands.
Life with Y/N continued to be a whirlwind of laughter and chaos. Each day brought new adventures, from building pillow forts to attempting to bake cookies (which ended up resembling charcoal briquettes). Y/N was a constant reminder of the joys and challenges of motherhood.
One evening, as we snuggled together on the couch, Y/N cuddled into my arms, a contented hum escaping his lips. I watched him sleep peacefully, his tiny frame rising and falling with each delicate breath.
In those quiet moments, I reflected on the love that enveloped us. Yes, Y/N was a handful, constantly bringing mayhem into our lives. But he was also the embodiment of my love, a tiny piece of me that I cherished.
As Y/N dreamt, I tucked a stray lock of hair behind his ear, marveling at the beautiful mess he had made of our once orderly lives.
And in that moment, surrounded by the remnants of yet another adventure, I knew that the chaos was worth every scream, every giggle, and every hum.
Years passed, and Y/N grew from a mischievous toddler into a curious and spirited child.
Together, we navigated the ups and downs of parenthood, finding joy in the simplest of moments.
The beachside mansion stood witness to our journey, bearing the marks of our laughter and the echoes of our adventures. It continued to be a place of endless discoveries, where love flourished amidst chaos.
Author's POV
Lee Jieun, the newly crowned Vampire Queen, sat upon her majestic throne, adorned in her regal attire. Her royal duties took up most of her time, but there was one task that proved to be an even greater challenge: raising her two-year-old toddler husband, Lee Y/N.
As she presided over her kingdom, surrounded by advisors and courtiers, Y/N would cling to her leg and tug on her garments, yearning for her attention.
Jieun would force a smile, stifling any frustration that threatened to bubble up. After all, it wouldn't do for a queen to lose her composure in front of her subjects.
Her older sister, Lee Chaerin, observed this scene with amusement. With a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, she leaned in closer to her sister, whispering, "Jieun, you're doing such a fantastic job ruling over these bloodsuckers. But perhaps it's time to call in reinforcements. Why not let Princess Kim Taeyeon look after the little troublemaker for a while?"
Jieun considered the suggestion. Taeyeon was a trusted ally and a capable babysitter.
Maybe it was time for her to take a much-needed break from the demands of parenthood. "You know what, Chaerin? I think that's a splendid idea. Let Taeyeon have a turn at keeping Y/N entertained." 
And so, during a particularly intense negotiation meeting with the neighboring werewolf clan, Princess Kim Taeyeon took charge of the mischievous toddler.
She carted him off to the playroom, where toys and distractions galore awaited.
Jieun breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the momentary respite. With her mind now free from the worries of hearing a tiny voice during important discussions, the queen focused on the matters at hand.
She deftly addressed each concern, displaying the grace and wisdom befitting of a ruler.
But just as she thought she had found her equilibrium, a shrill cry of longing pierced the serenity of the throne room. Jieun's heart sank as she recognized that unmistakable wail—it was Y/N.
She hurriedly excused herself and raced to the playroom, finding Y/N tucked in a corner, surrounded by toys he had flung to the floor during his tantrum. Her heart softened at the sight of his tear-streaked face, and she couldn't resist the urge to scoop him up into her arms. 
"There, there, my little one," Jieun cooed, gently rocking him back and forth. "Mama is here. Mama will always be here."
She kissed his forehead and carried him back to the throne room, where he nestled against her shoulder.
As she settled back onto her throne, she addressed her advisors, exuding a newfound determination. "From now on, I will manage both my duties as the Vampire Queen and my role as Y/N's guardian. I will show him the love and attention he deserves, regardless of where life takes me."
And so, Lee Jieun embraced the challenges of ruling her kingdom and raising her two-year-old toddler husband.
With a balance of patience, love, and the occasional interruption, she found a way to fulfill her responsibilities with unwavering grace.
As Y/N grew older, he became more accustomed to the courtly affairs, often joining Jieun during important meetings.
Together, they thrived, their unique dynamic becoming the talk of both vampire and human realms alike.
And so, the Vampire Queen and her remarkable toddler husband presided over their kingdom, leaving an indelible mark on the immortal world and proving that love knows no boundaries, even in the unlikeliest of circumstances.
"Yes! I shall conquer this throne!" Jieun proclaimed, hugging Y/N close, laughter filling the air.
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seneon · 8 months
as one moves forwards, they come across a grave that is like any other. except, there were seashells nicely displayed above the tombstone. there was a legend where a merman never got back to the ocean, leaving him to dry on land. but legend is legend.
AIZEN X FEM PIRATE! READER 🎬 tw: tiny nsfw & death. A/N — the sixth piece. aizen would be such a perfect fit for an alluring siren ngl. for @tokyeoi's birthday 😎🫶🏼 luv u dria
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before the death of y/n l/n came an story that was historical and cultural to many pirates that has set sail or is going to set sail into the sea for an adventure. her story will forever be a caution to every pirates, telling them to be aware of the sea. and the creatures that resided beneath the ocean.
in christopher columbus' journal, he wrote that he saw mermaids, but it was some other sea creature instead. in another pirate's diary, it was written that they saw mermaids swimming in the ocean. while another, recorded the same occurrence.
except, it was mermaids who hummed an alluring tune, driving his crewmen to slowly dive deep into the ocean by their voices alone.
y/n l/n wanted to see if it was true ever since she laid her hands on her brother's diary. so she gathered her own crew and set sail into the sea in search for those singing mermaids that drove mere pirates into the ocean to their deaths.
"captain! one of the crewmen dived into the ocean out of nowhere!!" a member barged into her room as she immediately stood up and walked out her room through the ship where people are gathered.
the weather was fine and so was the wind. the ocean waves were calm and slowly carrying the ship through the water.
"where did he jump off?" she asked, keeping a distance from the crowd and looking around the ocean in weariness. "over here ma'am," a crew member said.
"hey you," y/n asked the youngest member in her crew and handed him her journal and feather pen. "i want you to write down everything that is happening from now onwards. do not take off this earpiece that i am going to put in your ears until you set foot back home. you are appointed the next ship captain when i cease. all is well." she said and stuffed waved earpieces that blocked out all noises from the world and left.
a total number of two crewmen dived into their death during the day. then came night, where all the pirates were asleep in their cabins, while the captain is seated on the deck with a single candle lit, a book in her hand, reading the night away.
until the fourth paragraph, a soft humming filled her ears more than the ocean waves. her eyes never left the words on the page as she continued reading away, the humming coming clearer into her ears. was there a record of a male voice in her brother's books? she believed not, but this humming is the humming of a deep, masculine voice.
she immediately looked up to be met with a man so beautiful y/n almost thought he was angel sent from heaven. his features were so charming and attractive that they caught her in a situation that she couldn't quite grasp. in absolutely awe, she knew it was a trick.
"are you or your friends the one who led my brother's crew to their deaths?" she asked and set the book aside, walking towards the man as he grinned with a hum. "aizen."
"aizen," y/n said and immediately pressed her lips onto the salty lips of the man. then into the moonlight, down to their tippy toes, their bodies glistened under the moon's illumination.
the sirens might be haunting and alluring, but y/n is smart. so intelligent that she consumed poison that tastes like rose and kissed a merman. her sweat could never rival the voices of a siren, for her sweat produces toxins that slowly itched into the skin of aizen.
eventually, skins and scales were melting and a murdering suicide was thrown into the ocean, a death of a human and a merman were tied together by poison.
while the next captain wrote everything he sees down into y/n's journal, praying for the death and sacrifice of his deceased captain. there was a way on how to conquer the sirens and their haunting voices now.
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grave five 🪦 spooktober graveyard series | NEXT
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In My Skin Re-release
It could have happened to anyone, it was winter, and more than a little icy. The truck that hit you as you backed out of your driveway had simply lost control and slid into you, that was the last thing you can remember before you woke and found yourself in a strange new world, a world where magic was real and the fantastic common place.
On top of being reborn as a werewolf you are taken as the child of a Goddess, it is either that or remain stuck as a disembodied soul on a shelf in her palace for all eternity. But being a demigod isn’t so bad, at first anyway. Taken in by a pair of sisters who raise you as their own in an idyllic village it is certainly an easier childhood then you had before you died. You find a wonderful best friend who sticks with you through thick and thin and you slowly begin to come into your power as an incredibly powerful being.
When it comes time to leave your home there is only one thing that you want to do, become an adventurer, and so leaving the valley you have spent your entire life in you venture out into the world, entirely unprepared for the struggles that will be placed in your path. Along the way you will find friends, make enemies, and you will learn that even a God can die.
Play as a Cis or Trans woman, with full customization over your physical appearance, your wardrobe, and combat style.
Explore a fantastical world unlike the one you came from.
Grow into your new power as a werewolf and demigod.
Find friendship with five women you meet and even romance with one, or possibly two, ROs.
Discover the truth surrounding your arrival in this strange world, and the mystery of the woman who seems to have been following you from rebirth to rebirth.
Romance Options *Can be romanced in a triad
Marie Gineves | Your Childhood Friend Age: 24 Height: 5'4” Build: Curvy, Chubby Eye Color: Gray Hair Color: Dark brown Skin Tone: Light brown Notable Features: Fidgety, rarely speaks Combat Style: Magic Character Traits: Lack of Confidence, Withdrawn, Caring Tropes: Reunion, Second Chance, Traumatized
Even in your childhood Marie felt as though she was required to look and act a certain way. She would always dress a certain way, act a certain way, and try to prove that just because she was born in a tiny village it did not mean that she could not be a lady worthy of nobility. This earned her more than her fair share of rivals and bullies, but through it all you stuck to her side. When she ran away from home shortly after her sixteenth birthday it was supposedly to find a life worthy of her, but instead all she found was hardship and despair. After you reconnect it is up to you if you will help her climb out of the darkness and whether or not you two can be together as something more than friends.
Rory Graytail* | Guild Blacksmith Age: 23 Height: 5'8" Build: Muscular, curvy Eye Color: Heterochromatic (Left Brown, Right Green) Hair Color: Black/Dark brown Skin Tone: Olive Notable Features: Scar under left eye Combat Style: Lance, strength, and agility Character Traits: Caring, Gruff, Foul-mouthed Tropes: Friends-to-Lovers, Woman in Peril, Teammates
A talented adventurer and prodigy blacksmith, Rory is a member of the adventurers guild in the kingdom's capital. Once the oldest twin, her younger brother died at the same time as their father and since then Rory has become a gruff individual who tends to scare most people away with her bad attitude and brusque tongue. But despite these faults Rory deeply cares for those closest to her and will typically go out of her way to make them feel loved. Unfortunately she also tends to rush into problems without thinking and this has led her into many situations that put her, and those around her, in more danger then they would normally be in.
Shoshanna (Anna) Graytail-Hunter* | Guild Herbalist/Alchemist Age: 26 Height: 6'2” Build: Slender Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Blonde Skin Tone: Pale Notable Features: Very graceful, Extremely shy Combat Style: Ranged (Rifle) Character Traits: Caring, Shy, Excitable, Very intelligent Tropes: Friends-to-Lovers, Love at first sight, Teammates
The resident alchemist for the capital city chapter of the adventurer’s guild, Anna is the adopted daughter of Lillain Graytail, the chapter master. Found with the corpses of her parents by Lillain after a brutal monster attack Anna spent several years in a near catatonic state and when she finally began speaking it was very rare and only in the presence of those she trusts. As she grew Anna discovered a natural talent for alchemy and a love of plants that led to her becoming the chapters resident herbalist and healer though she often goes out on adventures with her best friend Rory and when she does she uses her father’s rifle, a brilliant combination of magic and technology. While not the best shot in the guild she is still better than the average and is a welcome addition to any party.
Lillain Graytail | Guild Chapter Master Age: 110 Height: 5'11" Build: Toned, curvy Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Raven Black Skin Tone: Olive Notable Features: Graying hair, faintly glowing eyes Combat Style: High powered magic Character Traits: Caring, Protective, Easy going, Explosive temper Tropes: Office Romance, Sleeping with the Boss, Cougar
The chapter master of the adventurer’s guild chapter house in the kingdom's capital Lillain is a renowned mage who has fought in many wars, saved countless villages from roving monsters, and led the chapter to greater heights than any other chapter has ever managed. When there is a world ending catastrophe brewing Lillain is one of the first sent for by kings and queens from around the world. Despite this she has maintained a humble, easy going attitude and cares for every one of the chapter's members as if they were her own children. God's help anyone who hurts those she cares about though, she has a volatile temper and is quick to lose control when angered.
Essence | A Mystery Age: ??? Height: 6'4” Build: Voluptuous, Toned Eye Color: Gold Hair Color: Crimson Skin Tone: Pale Notable Features: Resting bitch face, only smiles when looking at MC Combat Style: Overwhelming magic and physical abilities Character Traits: Arrogant, Dominant, Overly Protective (only to MC) Tropes: Second Chance, Red-Flag, Past Lives
Essence is a mystery, you know she has spent millenia following you from rebirth to rebirth, but you only know her from your previous life. Your meeting had been the stereotypical meet-cute and you quickly became close. She seemed to know everything about you almost immediately but you never learned much regarding her past. You have been assured that she will never be able to find you in this new world but can someone who has been following you from life to life really be deterred by distance, time, or even dimension?
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