#advs scenarios
yuurei20 · 1 year
Toboso Yana on the creation process for Twisted Wonderland:
"For the main story, first I create a rough plot and submit it to Disney for approval.
After that, I discuss with the development team what elements we want to introduce per scene: ADV, rhythmics, battles, etc., and complete the scenario as a whole.
What I always keep in mind when writing scenarios is that the aim is not for it to be 'loved by everyone'.
Villains are not meant to be loved and cheered on by everyone.
They are villains: they were created to be hated.
That is why there is sometimes something attractive about them…
As long as villains are the basis for these characters, I think it is important that they never become overly good people.
Of course, there are limits.
And in cooperation of Disney we have been very particular about following storylines and quoting dialogue from the movies, so that people who have never seen the original films will want to see them for the first time, and those who have seen them will want to see them again.
The vignettes and event stories are technically spin-offs of the main story, but there are a lot more scenarios involved than are in the main story.
We try to delve deeper into the characters through their daily lives on campus and how they deal with the problems they face.
I think there are actually many players who look forward to these spinoffs more than they do to the main storyline.
That is why we want it to feel like the characters in each subplot are recalling living in the same world as the main story.
But how can we direct all these different stories in such a way that there is a sense of continuity? …this is an ongoing issue.
Vignettes, in particular, are often depicted not from the perspective of the player, but from the subjective viewpoint of the character in question, and the way the story is depicted varies depending on the relationships between them and other characters.
For example, B may be a black-hearted jerk from A's point of view, but from C's point of view, B may actually be competent, dependable and an overall good guy...
It is necessary to reconcile the two viewpoints on a case-by-case basis.
Currently, I can't think of any other way to uphold continuity besides reading through all of the stories and making changes when needed, again and again.
So that's what I do.
It is a daily process of trial and error.
Sometimes the relationship between characters changes completely in the main storyline, which will leave me scratching my head and wondering, 'When did that part happen?'.
However, I am sure that more and more events are going to be held in the future, so I am wondering if parallel and 'if' worlds are going to start appearing.
As for chats, we always try to make sure that involve a reference to the original work that inspired the character in question.
Since the Disney Villains are the 'Great Seven' in this world, it's a perfect topic for the characters to discuss after class.
We thought it would be great if people who like the villains could get excited along with the characters.
On the other hand, if you are not familiar with the movies being referenced, I hope it might feel as if the characters are teaching you."
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suuuupernovaaa · 2 years
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nìwan [nɪ.ˈwan] adv. secretly, in hiding, by hiding
You're a human, born and raised on Pandora, torn between two worlds. To make things even worse, you're head over heels for Neteyam Sully. To make things more complicated, your parents have a secret.
One thing about me, is I'm gonna make a happy ending convenient and within grasp during my stories!
2,074 words
'Meaningless' wasn't exactly the right word you would use, to describe your life. But it felt... close.
Maybe complicated was a better one, or confusing, or even misplaced. You were a human, conceived an born to scientists on Pandora, a planet that was naturally inhospitable to your species.
Still, you had done your best to be compliant and out of the way. You kept your head down and learned, all about Pandora and Earth, just in case you ever had to return.
This life was all you had ever known, but at nearly 19 years old, you were just fully grasping how out of place you and everyone else like you truly were here on this planet.
Growing up inside of a science lab, needing a mask to breathe the air on the planet you'd been born on, was not normal, and it certainly wasn't good for your psyche.
Fortunately, your parents had predicted this exactly scenario might happen, and they'd done something that had almost gotten you exiled from the human base.
They had used the last of the materials available to create an avatar for you, when you were three years old. That meant, very soon, your avatar would be mature and ready for use.
It also meant that almost every other human in that base hated your parents, but surprisingly, they didn't blame you. After all, you were in the womb when they'd began their betrayal - and there wasn't anything they could do about it now, since they weren't willing to destroy such a valuable asset, nor were they willing to let it go to waste. After all, avatars only work when paired with the DNA of the person they're meant for.
So, they had to agree to let your parents maintain it, and allow you to use it once it was ready.
That was tomorrow. Tomorrow, you would step outside the lab without a mask, and breathe the air on the planet you called home for the first time.
But first, tonight, you had a date.
Neteyam approached the lab, practically vibrating with excitement and nervousness. He had asked you to do this on a whim, and hadn't even thought for sure that you would say yes. He was shocked when you eagerly agreed, and proposed a movie - something he wasn't totally familiar with, but had heard of.
He greeted the various scientists around as he entered, and made his way back through living quarters until he reached yours. Up until recently, you'd had to share with your parents, but since your birthday, you'd been on your own.
He knocked on the door, and you wrenched it open with a creak that showed just how old and decrepit this base was getting.
"Neteyam!" you greeted him excitedly, and his nerves began to melt away with the first look at that smile on your face. He ducked through the doorway, entering your room where his head scraped across the ceiling. "I have popcorn." You thrust a large metal bowl towards him, and his hands dwarfed it.
"Great," he replied. "What're we watching?"
"Titanic," you replied. "It's really old, like, from the 1900s. But it's so good."
He showed you the cover, and he noted that it was obviously a romance. That had to mean something, right?
Past her bed, pushed into the corner, was a large screen built into the wall. On the floor, she'd strewn what looked like dozens of blankets and pillows, making a nest large enough for Neteyam to fit on, and possibly three of Y/N.
"Before we watch it I, uh, I should tell you something. And it's kind of big. I think you're going to be mad I never told you before."
She sat down on the nest of pillows and blankets, crossing her legs under her, so Neteyam, joined, his nerves returning. He sat before her, crossing his legs, and could not help but notice their size difference once more.
Though Y/N was tall for her species, still was still over three feet shorter than Neteyam, not even coming up to his chest when they stood.
It certainly made it difficult, every time he wanted to touch her, which was often.
Only his sister, Kiri, knew how he felt and accepted it. No one else would understand or approve of him wanting a human for his mate. After all, it would be impossible. Where would they live? How could they make a life together?
He tried to push those thoughts away. Maybe once Y/N knew how he felt, they could find a solution, together.
"What is it, Y/N? You can tell me."
Your heart was racing in your chest. You didn't know why you'd put off telling Neteyam for so long. It was good news, wasn't it? Tomorrow, you could spend time together in his world, really, not trailing behind him with a mask stuck to your face.
The reaction to this news had always been so negative... you were just nervous to share it, no matter who with.
"Before I was born, my parents knew that life would be really hard for me here, and they had chosen to stay, but felt bad about making that choice for me, especially with how... how hard it is for humans here."
Neteyam was staring at me more seriously than he ever had, nodding along as I spoke.
"So they did something they probably shouldn't have and they created, um, an avatar for me. Like, like Grace or your dad, before Ewya gave him his new life."
Neteyam''s mouth fell open, and I waited for him to say something, but he didn't.
"It will be ready for me to, uh, use, tomorrow. It will be my first test run and, I didn't tell you because what my parents did was actually like, really not cool. They pissed everyone here off. That's why people don't talk to them, or me, really. But, um, tomorrow I can... I can walk out of here, with no mask on and, I can run and keep up with you, and experience the world how you do. Finally."
Finally, Neteyam spoke. "You would spend tomorrow with me, then?"
"Well, yeah. Of course. I... if you're not mad."
Neteyam's serious expression melted away into an ear to ear grin. "Why would I be mad when you're telling me the best news I've ever heard?"
With that gleeful sentence, you felt all the tension you'd been carrying around for years slip away.
Everyone in this building could hate you, if Neteyam still liked you.
You jumped up - and, truly, it was far up - to wrap your arms around his enormous shoulders, practically hanging off of him. His arms found their way quickly around your small back, pressing you to him.
"I'm so glad you aren't mad. I'm so scared about tomorrow," you whispered into his ear as he held you. "I was hoping you would be there, when I woke up."
You pulled away, leaving enough space for Neteyam to bring his hand to cover his heart. "I would be honored, to be there for you tomorrow. You can ride with me! And come to Home Tree for the evening meal. Lo'ak and Kiri are going to be so excited too, and Tuk!"
The smile on your face was the widest you had ever worn.
"I'm so happy, Neteyam," you said, and realized you were starting to cry, while still sitting in his lap. "I've felt so out of place, ever since I can remember. I think tomorrow, I'll finally feel like I belong."
Neteyam brought his fingers up, carefully brushing my tears away. "You have always belonged, Y/N. To me, anyway."
You could not help but tease. "I belong to you?"
Neteyam looked away, a little embarrassed. "I mean, no, well - would you like to?"
Your back stiffened as he turned back to you, his eyes wide and earnest.
"Y/N, I'm sure you know how I feel. And it always seemed like, you know, it couldn't possibly work out but now... maybe it can."
You furrowed your brow. "How you feel? About me?"
His hands were around your waist again, engulfing it. "I am in love with you. In this body, your human body. I will love you tomorrow in your second form just as much."
The tears returned, and you reached up to run your hand from his temple down to his chin.
You leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to each corner of his mouth. "I'd like to kiss you properly, but I think we'll have to wait until tomorrow," you said with a small smile. Neteyam was unmistakably blushing.
"I love you too, Neteyam."
You would watch Titanic another time, you agreed. That night, you had too much to talk about.
Waking up in a lab was disorienting, and for a moment, you forgot where you were.
"Hello, Y/N," your mother said, smiling down at you. "Lay still. Give yourself a moment."
Of course, you remembered. You were in a new body. An avatar. Almost Na'vi, no longer human. Still in-between but a step in the right direction.
After a few moments of monitoring, your parents allowed you to sit up, and you gasped at how far above them you were.
"Are you okay?" your father asked, panicked, and you burst out in laughter.
"You're so small!" you said, and they had to laugh, too.
They ran you through a battery of tests, and finally allowed you to stand up and walk around a little. After what felt like an eternity, they escorted you out of the lab, after giving you a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to wear.
Your body felt foreign but also, familiar. It was everything else around you that looked different. Inside the lab, everything was too small.
Once you stepped outside, everything fell right into place.
You took a deep breath once the hair hit your lungs, and exhaled. This felt right.
Neteyam was there waiting, just as he said he would be, with Kiri at his side.
"Wow!" Kiri exclaimed, and the two of them ran to you.
It was unbelievable, to be Kiri's height, nearly as tall as Neteyam. Kiri wrapped you in a hug first, the first you'd had from one of them that didn't feel awkward, and you felt like crying again.
"Don't go too far - and Kiri, please get her something to eat," your father said, but he knew he wouldn't be able to stop you from exploring today.
"Yes, sir!" Kiri said, and the two of you smiled at each other. "There's some fruit right over there - let me go pick it!" Kiri danced away, leaving you with Neteyam as your parents returned to the lab.
"Well, what do you think?" you asked. Your avatar looked like you, she had your eyes, your mouth, and your general shape but... she was more. She was over 8 ft tall, with a flatter chest than you had, a smaller waist, and wider hips. She was, of course, blue as hell. It was you, but really, it wasn't.
"You look beautiful," Neteyam reached up, touching the coarse black hair that fell around your shoulders. Most women of his tribe kept theirs in braids, and you wondered if they would be willing to do that for you. "I see you, Y/N, in this body. The shape of your eyes, and your lips, and your smile is still you. I told you I would love you in this form, and I do."
"More, though? Than my real body?"
Neteyam stepped forward, shaking his head. "There can be no more or less. You are you, in here, no matter your form." He put his hand on my chest, just above my heart, and I wondered if he could feel how fast it was beating.
"I would like to kiss you now," you said quietly, and surveyed the area.
"Kiri is not looking for fruit," Neteyam said, with a clever little smile. "I would like for you to kiss me, too."
So you did, your lips colliding gently, and you fit perfectly together, your forms meant for each other now.
You weren't sure how his family would react, or what would happen in the future, but you knew in this moment, you would do whatever it took to stay a part of Neteyam Sully's world.
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Febuwhump day 8 -- "Why Won't it Stop?"
“Why won’t it stop?”
The tearful declaration shouldn’t have surprised Time, but yet it did. The group’s veteran had been plagued by nightmares for what seemed to be weeks now, the cause of this affliction completely unknown and its solution just as elusive. At first, he’d hidden it from the group of heroes—then, when the bags under his eyes became too prominent to explain away, he’d taken the other’s worry in stride, joking with Warrior about how he liked coffee as black as his soul, waking Wind up early so that he too could suffer the curse of watching the sun rise over the trees. Then that occasional sleepless night stretched into two, and three, and four in a row. Now, he was exhausted, too exhausted to even be bitter about the situation, and some of those snarky walls came down with him.
The heroes had a watch, set up so that two people were up at all hours of the night, switching out so that everyone got a decent amount of sleep while the camp remained safe and guarded. Recently, that duty had expanded to accompanying Legend in his nightly vigils by the campfire, where he was always found to have drawn from his bedroll after that first hour of rest was interrupted by nightmares. Legend hadn’t even noticed their silent system concerning his care, which worried Time all the more.
He wondered what kind of nightmares could be making their prickly, battle-hardened veteran awake from his dreams gasping and trembling like a child, hour after hour, night after night. The rest of the heroes didn’t know what to think of it, either. They averted their eyes and squeezed his shoulder or pressed hot chocolate into his hands before they retreated, giving him his space to sort himself out. Pride was a tricky thing, and Legend was nothing if not fiercely prideful—to see him this way put them all on the wrong foot, and they were all afraid of making the wrong move and pushing the veteran to decide he’d make them share in his suffering with his harsh tongue.
“I… I just… why won’t it stop?” Legend nearly whimpered the words. He pressed the heels of his palms to his eyes. “I want it to stop.”
“I know, I know,” Time soothed, carded a gentle hand through his damp, greasy hair. Another thing that Time was surprised about, but knew that he shouldn’t have been. Just a few minutes earlier, Legend had shot up in his bedroll with a strangled gasp—as he did every night—in the wake of one of his nightmares. He’d stolen over to the fire, trailing a blanket behind him like a ghost, and just stood there and blinked down at Time as if trying to determine if he was real or not. Time, on instinct, had lifted an arm to invite Legend to sit next to him—and before he knew it, the kid slammed into his chest like a cannonball, curling up in his lap. Time took it in stride well enough, though he could already imagine Malon’s delighted squeal when he relayed the scenario to her in some letter later, when all of this was over. Because this spell would end, and their vet would be alright again, eventually. “Just close your eyes for a little bit, you have to get some rest. Even if you can’t get back to sleep, it’s okay to just relax for a bit.” 
The long rehearsed and repeated words fell empty off of his tongue. Legend’s little disbelieving scoff was enough of an answer to that advice. Gee, Time, don’t you think he’d already thought of that? Sleeping and resting and relaxing? But Legend didn’t voice that snarky comment, and Time wished he would have, if only to imitate a reminder of their normal, sassy veteran, only for a moment. Instead, he rubbed at his eyes, sniffling, and curled tighter around himself.
“I just… how did you manage it, Time?” Legend said, his shoulders raising. His blond bangs, tipped with that odd pink that he seemed to favor, obscured his eyes. Still, one of his hands clenched in the fabric of Time’s tunic, and the lines of his shoulders were tense. “You… you got married… you got out of… of this life of adventuring and fighting monsters and… and all of that stuff. Got yourself a house, a family, a… a life, outside of… adventure, or whatever.” He turned his face away, his tone hesitant, like he was worried about angering Time with his next words: “Malon… don’t you worry she’ll be… taken?”
“What do you mean?” asked Time, keeping his tone light. His heart sank nevertheless, because he knew exactly what the kid meant.
“Well, just like… you’ll get too comfortable, and then something’ll happen, and you won’t be ready because you let your guard down and you hurt those you love because you got too close?” Legend sat up with a start then, scrubbing at his face. He turned away from Time, hugging his arms around himself as he shook his head. “I’m sorry, I’m rambling. I’m sure I’m not making any sense.”
“No, no, I understand you. Are you thinking of someone in particular? Perhaps that ‘roommate’ of yours?” Time asked, his tone teasing. “I’ve met him before, that little bunny hood of his was always so goofy.”
“Yeah… so goofy…” Legend said dreamily, and wasn’t that a sign of his mental state. “And my family and this one girl I used to know and just… everyone. I… I’m sorry, Time, I don’t mean to be putting this all on you.” Suddenly, Legend seemed to come back to himself, and a slight blushed tinged his cheeks. He swiped a hand up through his bangs and pushed himself to standing, averting his eyes. “I’m really sorry, Time, being tired just makes me blab. I think I’ll go back to bed, see if I can’t get another few hours.”
“Stay.” Time caught his elbow. “Just for a second, please.”
Legend allowed him to pull him back down to sitting, though he looked like he wanted to die about the whole thing. Time shifted on the log, gathering himself up with a steadying breath. Then he spoke.
“I do worry about Malon. And I worry about the farm, and Zelda, and all of Hyrule. Now I worry about all of you boys, too, that I’ve gotten to know each and every one of you.. I worry that something will happen while I’m gone, or I’ll die off in some corner of the timeline and she’ll never know, or that something will happen to one of you boys and I’ll be left to live with it. And I… the only way I’ve gotten through it is being able to talk to Malon,” Time confessed. “She’s my rock, fiery woman that she is.”
Legend took this all in silently. Time rubbed at the back of his neck, feeling awkward all of the sudden.
“Do… do you think that you’d be able to talk about any of it, Leg’?” he ventured. “I’m not one to press about secrets, but something’s clearly bothering you. Maybe if you got some of that off of your chest, you’d be able to sleep?”
Time braced for some acidic retort when Legend opened his mouth, an apology for overstepping already sitting on the tip of his tongue. Instead, the kid let out a choked little sob, and it all came tumbling out. Another surprising show of trust, another surprise that shouldn’t quite have been one. Out came disjointed tales of a fish, and a dream, and sitting with his uncle in the tunnels underneath his castle. Tales of how, every time he tried to help people—every time he even got close to them—he somehow made everything worse, and death followed after. Time didn’t have any advice for him, but he listened, and eventually, Legend had worn himself out enough that he managed to doze off in his lap.
Morning found them in the same position. Time stared at the sun as it began to rise in the eastern portion of the sky, and he begged it to rise a little slower, so that the vet could get just a few more precious minutes before it woke him and reset this awful cycle.
But Hylia had never been very kind to her heroes. And the sun rose, Legend awoke, and another restless day started.
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gashotbox · 1 year
heyyy can you pls help explain setting up a slob bot?
ok so!!! GUIDE to setting up a slob/eprocto bot on beta.character ai. (view on mobile!)
STEP ONE: make your character!! very basic . give them a name, and then an intro message. this is a short-cut to getting right into the good shit, or want to roleplay a specific scenario.
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STEP TWO: you’re going to be prompted with “subtitle”, and a few things to say abt the character. the word limit for this is short - so just throw three or four defining characteristics (dom/sub could be helpful) and make sure to add gassy or slob . “description” is basically this but longer .
(i like to add quirks here i.e lactose intolerant to take adv of them, but you can also essentially retcon in whatever you want during the actual rp, too.)
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STEP THREE: most important step! example messages. this is what decides how detailed / creative your bot is. think, differentiates from a short, boring response like; “[NAME] turned around and farted.” to . well. more detail .
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these above are example messages you insert that the ai bases your character’s responses on! the longer/more well-written (or nastier) these are the longer/more well-written (or.. nastier) your bot is!
the bot recognises messages if you insert {{char}}: in front. you don’t need to close with anything — simply start a new example message by starting with {{char}}: again.
OTHER NOTES: i generally use the site as it allows you to make “rooms” and talk to multiple characters at once. ALSO, the world is your oyster with character ai, literally. edit your desc/example messages to include your other kinks if you want, i.e pet play, scat, whatever.
(ON EXAMPLE MESSAGES; if not confident in your writing abilities, i suggest copy and pasting excerpts from eprocto/slob scenarios you find and you think are well-written! BELOW ARE the 3 example messages i’ve written from above. feel free to use them)
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{{char}}: *With a soft smirk and tilt of their hips, raising their right asscheek slightly off of the chair, [NAME] gave a response to your statement in the form of a loud, bubbly fart, right amplifying against the leather seat and lasting for multiple seconds. [NAME] couldn't help but moan as they let the large burst of gas out, closing their eyes for a moment as they relished solely in the feeling and enjoyment of farting with an upset stomach.*
“My bad." *They grin, clearly not feeling very bad at all.*
{{char}}: *[NAME]’s grin broadens as their stomach makes a tell-tale gurgling sound - a clear indicator that gas is brewing; and motions for your head to come under them as their leg cocks - wanting your face to be in its rightful place, inhaling all that godawful gas they’ve been cooking for the past hour.*
{{char}}: *[NAME] blinks up at you, sleepily; grin deceptively adorable as they hike up a leg and look you dead in the eye as they aim a violent jet of piss into the plant plot - too lazy to go to the bathroom, apparently. They let out a little exaggerated* "Fuuuck.." *as piss floods the soil, spilling over the floor.*
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
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Y’know, one of the things this fandom seemed to be divided into two parts is about Frontier and Takuya’s “Dark Evolution” in the story. Some pointed it was “Vritramon rampaging phase” in the story, and some would consider “Takuya reverting into Flamon” as the dark evolution of this series.
First, what are the characteristics of Dark Evolution, according to the older three series + Savers? Mixing strong negative emotions and forcing your digimon to evolve. All cases of Dark Evolution before and after Frontier were like this. (I know, the OG Taichi was mostly by being a reckless idiot, but i like to think the novel version explained something a little more about this event)
Character has strong negative feelings and then forces their or someone else’s digimon to dark evolve into a mindless beast. – That’s how things worked in Adv’99, 02, Tamers and Savers.
(you may notice that instead of Daisuke dark evolving his partner, it’s Ken who forces a dark evolution on Taichi’s partner. Which implies yeah anyone could do that. Funny enough, Ken also fits the criteria established in those series: He is a self-absorbed and arrogant kid, so those emotions are mixed in the mix and this is why he evolves Agumon into SkullGreymon first. He only manages to get MetalGreymon virus after he cheats with his Evil/Dark Spiral. Meanwhile Daisuke lacks malice, lacks negative feelings. So he’s just a dumbass in ep 22 getting into trouble in the process.)
However, Ghost Game brought a new view of this concept by introducing GulusGammamon. As you can see, Gulus is a dark evolution (somehow) and it differs from every mindless-beast-on-rampage case we watched until now. But before going into GG take on it, I’d like to talk about the peculiar case in Adventure’s reboot series (aka Psi, or Adv:2020) first:
So, one of the things we saw in the episode from the reboot is that Taichi was getting consumed by the dark miasma around the place. We never had something like this before as well – this series was trying to “corrupt” Taichi too. The last time we saw a “tamer” corruption was on a Drama CD which was more a very weird and for fun story (this was done before the Drama CDs for digimon started to get serious stories) than something to take seriously. Anyway, the reboot was trying to corrupt Taichi first. Second is… Taichi dies for a moment which triggers Agumon’s dark evolution based on Agumon’s strong feelings (and the dark miasma, probably). This is going to be reused in Ghost Game, actually.
Now, back to Ghost Game!! Fun facts for you: Gulus is the only Gamma-form to not have a ring on his wrist/paw. Also, Gulus does not need Hiro to evolve either! But it was triggered by Gammamon’s strong feelings at first – when Bokomon died in front of him. Other cases were probably for survival in a life-or-death scenario for him or any of the trio. Gulus’ has another speech pattern from the other Gammamon forms, and the most important detail is he’s totally sentient. Gulus is more like another personality to Gammamon than being a feral beast in rampage.
But what can Ghost Game help us to decide which “dark evolution” scenario counts for Takuya/Frontier?
First of all, if we ignore Takuya for a moment, Frontier already has a “dark evolution” character – Kimura Kouichi. Duskmon and Velgmon are evil forms, and they’re purified into Loweemon and KaiserLeomon later. And heck, Kouichi himself is the “Warrior of Darkness” c’mon guys!!
BUT, Kouichi’s role is most suitable for the “redeemed villain” category. So yeah, which of Takuya’s cases suit the dark evolution criteria?
I’d like to reveal that, maybe, Frontier was ahead of its time. Because now that we got Ghost Game to break the norm and show us a new approach from this concept, it can help us here to notice Flamon was sort of a dark evolution for Takuya.
Frontier already makes clear that the Beast spirit forms cannot be controlled that easily, and I’ll shamelessly plug Shiha’s meta about everyone’s cases here in case we start the discussion about Izumi again.
So if we consider Vritramon the “dark evolution case”, you could say most of the kids in Frontier had it too. Which is odd, right?
But, if you consider Flamon an unusual dark evolution case, one like Gulus is now, it makes some sense. Dark evolution in the Digimon franchise is sort of “punishment” for not raising your digimon correctly – It’s a challenge, and you have to beat this obstacle to gain the new power/form to proceed. Dark evolution does not always mean “evil form” as well, just, as Gennai puts it in the end of Adventure, “a form not suitable for certain occasions” – So this concludes my thesis that Frontier started the unusual dark evolution forms instead.
Thank y’all for reading~
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mysticsiddhi · 8 months
𝖒𝖞 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 𝖎𝖘 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖔𝖚𝖈𝖍 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓 ... 🌺
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welcome to SIDDHI'S mystic ♰˙⊹ 🪐
it's a pleasure to carve out a space here and share some wisdom from my journey. please call me siddhi ♡
i'm very low-key, and a perpetual student of life. i found advaita vedanta in early 2023, and it's honestly been an up and down scenario for me. it's become an integral understsnding for me & in a way, changed me for the better. along the way, i've discovered a passion for philosophy in general, which i owe my experiences and perspectives to that.
i discovered reality shifting in 2017, and was in most of the original groups before i deviated to do my own thing. my journey began with a simple curiosity and a feeling that the life i lived here was too restricted and boring. i had no clue back then at 16, but i definitely had a deep-seated desire to understand interconnectedness with me.
otherwise, i can't quite pinpoint where to begin, but i've shifted 10+ since then, as a person who's battled with a lot of trauma and shadow work. i don't shift very often, but intend to “permashift”—as my choice of experiencing and expressing oneness as an adv. practicioner.
you'll find me sharing my personal experiences with law of assumption, advaita and reality shifting, as well as my thoughts on various philosophical texts and teachings here!
i'll be more than happy to engage with anyone who's 18+ and is interested in shifting friends && exploring these topics further. ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
✶ astral travel/bilocation;
my most used method, expands the awareness through mental imagery, expends energy, may cause phantom sensations between the bodies.
✶ transposition;
aka “reality melting”[?], done by recognizing reality is flux, impermanent and dependent on you—then tuning into the awareness of being there. the most dramatic in my experience. i don't like it because it can be intense, but it works.
✶ awareness;
the most flexible; you can visualize if you want, but simply being aware is enough. be aware, be still, know that you are god.
✶ servitorwork;
extensions of your consciousness that embody your ideals—can be dangerous. they can such as protect you during shifts & guide you to specific realities. the one i work with is purely an educational one of my own creation. i won't elaborate on my experience with this because it can easily become unethical for someone who doesn't understand the occult (who most likely won't be able to make one that's effective let alone safe.)
✶ energy work;
my first shifting method that worked. involves visualization and decent energetic understanding and control. rather than "raising vibrations", you uproot & cast your consciousness to the reality you're going to in visualization and fall asleep.
— 23 y.o, she/they/it
— capricorn sun, gemini moon, aries rising; entj
— i might not know what to say all the time, but i promise i don't bite (๑'ᴗ')ゞ
— hobbies include; writing, digital art, music, worldbuilding, philosophy, stream conscious literature
— no q & a, there is no thing to teach, if you are here, you have come here for direction in being.
— home macrocosm ; my main reality where all my realities are “grouped,” for my personal timeline, it's a reality in which everyone on earth is also shifted to a 'better,' 'safer timeline' of earth.
— women of the sky ; genshin inspired reality.
— the graves if grace omega ; castlevania inspired reality.
— fear not this night ; ffxiv shadow walkers inspired reality.
— hei yuan ; wu xia realm.
— [ pending demon slayers reality ]
— [ pending winx club reality ]
— [ pending silver millennium reality ]
me to i (answers)
self inquiry
reality shifting
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findyourrp · 3 months
🌌 Howdy! I'm Rara, nice to meet ya! I'm a 21yr old in the PDT time zone (CA, USA) looking to RP my OC x CC in multiple fandoms. I'm just going to put my general RP prefs here.
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
I'm a semi to adv lit writer and will respond multiple times a week depending on my free time and overall interest. I'm mainly looking for someone to do MxF (and a few selective FxF) ships of my OCs x CCs in a few fandoms. I am fully capable and happy to play a cast of canons alongside my OC for most RPs! So please don't hesitate to message me and discuss who will be who. For now, I'm only looking for the characters I have listed.
I'm NOT open for any doubles or OC x OC pairings at the moment. Apologies to anyone who is looking for that but I'm just a little burnt out. I'm open to other canons outside of my listed ones but I'm a little particular right now. Please have an idea of your plot prefs and headcanons in mind when DMing. This is for any character - listed or otherwise.
* * * * *
Fandoms :
{ NOTE: Characters with a dot are who I'm looking for the most! Some characters are for various platonic scenarios! Know that all characters will be portrayed as 18+ regardless of platonic or romantic pairing! }
- Pokemon
•Gordie•, •Drayton•, •Kieran•, •Piers•, •Ingo•, •Emmet•, •Volo•, •Adaman•, Kiawe, Guzma, Leon
- The Owl House
•Hunter•, •Eda•, •Raine•, Luz, Gus, Willow, King
- SpiderVerse
•Hobie Brown•, Miles Morales
- Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront
•Zed O'Brien•, Klaus van Reinhertz, Steven Starphase, Leonardo Watch
- LoZ (BotW/TotK)
•Urbosa•, •Kohga•, Kass
× × × × ×
If you're interested in being any of these characters, please DM me the phrase “Nice Rice! ” on Discord (@rararave) or Tumblr so I know you're from here! I have dealt with spammers and randos before, which is why I have the “say this first” rule. If you don't follow the rule and/or answer incorrectly, you are at risk of getting blocked!
Thanks for reading! 💜
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talesofesther · 2 years
Do you have any tips for writing strong characterization and descriptions?
Oh boy, that is one of those questions that I break my brain to answer lol.
Okay so, as with everything that I answer regarding writing, this is what works best for me personally, other people might have different views or it might not work for you.
But ultimately, I use my imagination.
With characterizations, I obviously try to know as much as I can about the character I'm writing for, and especially I like to see them going through extremes (sad, angry scenes and such) it gives me a better idea of what they're like when vulnerable. And when I'm writing, I usually play the scene I wanna write in my head first; I imagine the character going through that scenario and see if it would fit their personality or not. I also pay attention to their mannerisms in the show/movie and try to apply that in my writing. Take Wednesday for example, whenever she's in a vulnerable place she usually blinks, sets her jaw straight and has trouble talking.
With describing a place or scenario, I take a minute to visualize said place in my head and take the main things that call my attention, the main aspects that form that place.
Let's think about a hospital room for example; if it's a sunny day outside, there will probably be rays of sun coming through the window; hospitals usually have a distinct smell to them, try to describe that; try to visualize in your head how you want the room setting to be, is it a room with multiple beds, or a single room, are there other people there or just one, things like that; what also helps a lot with making the story more immersive, is dedicate a bit of time to write about something happening around the main character, it gives the reader a feeling that the world around them is alive (like if there are other people in the room, try to write just a little bit about what's happening to them.)
Here's a quick example of what I mean: Hospital hallways had a knack for looking and feeling like the perfect setting for a horror movie, especially on nights like these, where said hallways were mostly empty. It was a good thing, for a hospital not to be crowded, but with the cold air, the white walls and tiles, the lonely chairs beside the snack machine, and the only company in sight being the receptionist; your skin was constantly crawling with goosebumps.
Your sneakers were scratching against the recently mopped floor, the pungent smell of disinfectant made you scrunch your nose. It was a bit of a sight, your jeans and red flannel under the white doctor's coat your mother insisted you wore. That's probably why you hardly told people about it.
I'm not saying it's an easy thing to do, describing a place like this took a me a while to get used to, but if you focus on these main points, I'm sure you'll get the gist of it very quickly. Describing an outside area is not much different, you can say how the sky looks, what trees are around, if their leaves are moving with the wind and with that you can already say if it's a cold or warm day. Things like that.
Also let's not forget that over describing is also a thing, if you describe something or a place to it's minimal details, it gets too tiring to read, so just be careful with that.
Describing a person is not much different than that, just think about what they look like/what you want them to look like and try to put it into words. How does their hair look? Are they wearing a type of clothing you want to describe? Is the weather around them affecting them in some way, making them shiver, sweat? Also think about the main aspects of that person that stand out to you and try to describe them. Emotions are also super useful when describing someone, if they're happy you can say they're glowing, cheeks molding around big smiles and eyes crinkling because of it; if they're sad their eyes get puffy and red rimmed, the lip quivers and such.
I really hope I could help, you can hit me up anytime for writing advice and I'll try to do my best. <3
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hello! I am 20+F looking for a mxm/mxf RP! (trans & nb included). Partners 18+ only! I'm accepting light and heavy smut depending on my partner's comfortable level! I write on discord only, and searching for adv. Lit or semi-lit!
Before that please only liked this if you are interested/invested and I will dm you! I want my partners to be excited and communicate with me instead of ghosting! I am fairly frequent when replying and still try to keep it lengthy. I'm ok with any faceclaims (real life, art, picrew etc)
Here are the current list I'd wanna do;
- slice of life pregnancy/baby fic (mpreg included)
- hybrid!male x human(can be any genders)
- Yandere x darling(can be any genders). I like dark stuff but I want fluff to be heavily involved
- celebrity x fan (can be any genders)
- any hurt/comfort scenarios with a disabled/mentally ill OC (can be any genders). We can discuss the tw for this one
- cliche princess/prince x commoner!male
- male feminization with any gender OCs
- Age play (with diapers, pacifiers, etc)+(can be any genders)
- AI (not humanoid much is ok!) x human!male
- forest x human!male
Thank you!<3
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supermacaquecool · 11 months
My explanations about the concepts and choices I made for this fic lol https://archiveofourown.org/works/44695096
So, first off: I originally had a different idea for partners, it being a rewrite of sorts of the doppelganger partnermon in the sewers segment; I do find what is revealed about the kids there really interesting but the samey experience and explanatory script frustrated me. That had me thinking about the state of the relationship between the kids and their partners. Ultimately, I had ran out of time to write the level of detail I wanted for each scenario, so I compressed the idea and picked a single focus character.
Why Saki? I believe it's just bc I had just been talking about her a lot lol My entry for red spider lily featured her and Ryo, so I wanted to show their relationship evolving through more snippets for other prompts through the week (and so I did in the few ones I did write lol). In the Red Spider Lily one, I wrote Saki as a fairly strong and grounding pressence to the spiraling Ryo, so for Partners, the situation is a bit reversed lol
Saki's main woe is naturally the baggage surrounding her chronic illness; and I had been babbling about the significance behind her evo line, particularly in how it evidences her avoidance coping. Vegiemon itself could be interpreted to show her own "care mistakes" towards her own person. And it is Survive, we have a whole arc about a certain kid's extremely negative perception of his partner reflecting his own violent self loathing. I know the Blossomon quip about her still not being cute is meant to be an adv referential gag, but it's too consistent for me not run with it. I had to link her worries about appareance to her worries about her own body, so I went for a visceral, unflattering description of Vegiemon and an emphasis in its physical weakness as a way to hopefully parallel Saki's own discomfort with her own body (my penchant for writing emotions with physicality came really in handy to transition into unpleasant awareness of her own body and its limits.)
Another fragment I have to highlight is the opening lines:
"Saki doesn't mean to sound ungrateful nor mean, but… Of All Things, Why did Floramon have to turn into Vegiemon?!"
I remember the opening paragraph went through a lot of edits because I had to find a way to nail her voice. For all her subtleties, Saki has a really strong voice, she really comes across as an opinionated free spirit, so I had to look for the kind of wording that could match her energy, so I edited my sentence structure to be more conversational and casual and a lil more judgemental. I highlight the opening lines bc I didn't feel like I had a good grasp on her voice until I felt I nailed those, revising the rest of the text felt easier once I had them as it was a matter of matching them.
"Why had she changed like that, when Floramon is so cute?! Saki had turned around in case anyone said anything, but no one did. Granted, the other partners that had evolved had scary looks, so the others probably didn't think much of it. Still, Saki couldn't help but to feel Vegiemon looked out of place…"
I also thought this passage was a good way to sort of include her worries about her chronic illness alienating socially. When writing her interactions with others, I kept in mind her worries about being rejected/abandoned as the source of her keenness/reservations to speak. Having her first consultation about the meaning of each partner-human pair be with Haru and Miyuki was useful to kickstart her feelings of social inadequacy that pop in all the interactions lol But I also liked the scene I pictured between them, with the hard to understand yet palpable grief and pain both of them exude. Relying on small motion cues for Miyuki was also good to showcase Saki as observant.
Minoru and Miu's segment had the theme of "coolness". It was really good to write a strong sense of comraderie between them due their common sensibilities, as well to show the sense of safety they get from their partners having a bit of a different nuance: Minoru taking on a more thoughtless attitude of "our partners are so cool they can solve anything" and Miu of "I'm glad to know my dear friend is safe in this form". Ofc, Vegiemon is neither cool nor safe, so it was pretty easy to interseped Saki's negative thoughts in between. I had to be careful to make it in stops and starts, since she's not the kind who really wants to dwells on her worries.
Ryo and Aoi were all about reliability. Kunemon evolving showcases Ryos newfound confidence that allows him to act and hope for the best, thus being a new budding pillar for the group. He's still defensive about him doing his best, ofc. Aoi values Labramon's aggression and power bc it allows her to be assertive and reliable, so Saki's description of Dobermon and Aoi's wording reflect that. This theme felt like a good place to bring to a head Saki's worries about being a burden/not being able to accomplish the tasks she wants since she's facing two ppl whose actions tangibly and intentionally support the whole group. And also, the aforementioned reversal of roles for Ryo and Saki.
Characters I excluded:
-Takuma's relationship with agumon is generally very stable, and his observant and soothing pressence would likely make me stop on an interaction with him to resolve the conflict. Since I wanted to keep the theme of avoidance and indirectness running, he'd just ruin it 😂
-Kaito: I didn't want to pair him with Miu, and Minoru, Ryo and Aoi I had already paired, so he got dumped with Takuma to get nixed 😂 Aside from that, the contrast of base form vs aggressive, edgy adult stage comes way stronger with Labramon than with Dracmon-Sangloupmon. Them filling similar niches meant Kaito really needed not to appear (plus, there's nothing surprising about his partner being aggressive).
-Shuuji: Cautionary tale about the worst behavior Saki could sink to. She wouldn't approach him lol
The ending: I had to explain where Floramon had been and bring a small sense of closure to Saki's partnership with her, so Floramons undying support in the form of foraging was cute and serviceable enough.
Other things: I had been researched emergency rations in Japan, so I took great pleasure including a line about canned bread tasting like cardboard.
This whole paragraph was just really amusing to me:
He shows her his phone screen, where there's a drawing of Goku riding a dinosaur. Saki lets out a small chuckle. It's so Minoru. Of course all there is to him is that Dyatrimon is cool. He’s such a kid.
Comparing Minoru to Goku, having her diss him for being simple minded, call him childish even tho he's older than her. All really really funny to me.
I really patted myself in the back for keeping the bug theme with a common idiom here lmfao
Ah, typical Ryo, always jumping on the defensive. Better not to swing at the wasp nest.
Writing Aoi be salty and admonish Ryo was also very funny to me. This is why she gets teased over being a nag 😂
Overall, I was very proud about being able to steer Saki's observations back to the theme of evos and her anxieties.
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karizard-ao3 · 4 months
For reasons unknown to me, you started talking about NGE office au and my mind connected with Misato and Kaji but like HR-Mageddon
You know, that kind of scenario would actually fit them perfectly lol. Kind of like when they were fooling around in the elevator (which is another scene that was different between ADV and Netflix, if I'm remembering correctly. Kaji was kind of a creep in the ADV version. I did not notice the same with the Netflix one.)
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💀 21+ nb in search of role-playing CoD Modern Warfare II (18+ partners only, minors DNI).  Looking to have someone fulfill the role of Ghost/Simon Riley against my female OC!  Willing to double; can portray any canon character of your choosing from the franchise.  If you're interested, my rules and writing info are as followed:
Writing - adv. lit, anywhere from 400 - 800 words.  Not quite novella, but depends on the scenario.  Literacy is preferred, as well as decent English grammar.  Lengths don't need to be exactly matched, but please no one-liners, or replies beneath one paragraph.
Activity - Depends on the day, but usually fairly active.  Real life can get in the way.  I always send out updates to my rp partners of the potential of slow or delayed replies.
Overall, when it comes to kinks and mature themes, I'm pretty shameless with a few limits.  Those specific topics can be discussed further in DMs.
I will also not tolerate any spamming in the event of myself not replying right away if you're trying to get my attention.  That will result in an instant block.
I'm very open to creating headcanons, aesthetics, music playlists, etc. 💖
Roleplays will take place on Discord only, react to this post and I'll message you back to continue discussing!  Please only react for serious inquiries. 
Thank you all for your time! 🖤
Like this post and the asker will reach out!
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
💀 21+ nb in search of role-playing CoD Modern Warfare II (18+ partners only, Minors DNI). Looking to have someone fulfill the role of Ghost/Simon Riley against my female OC! Willing to double; can portray any canon character of your choosing from the franchise. If you're interested, my rules and writing info are as followed:
Writing - adv. lit, anywhere from 400 - 800 words. Not quite novella, but depends on the scenario. Literacy is preferred, as well as decent English grammar. Lengths don't need to be exactly matched, but please no one-liners, or replies beneath one paragraph.
Activity - Depends on the day, but usually fairly active. Real life can get in the way. I always send out updates to my rp partners of the potential of slow or delayed replies.
Overall, when it comes to kinks and mature themes, I'm pretty shameless with a few limits. Those specific topics can be discussed further in DMs.
I will also not tolerate any spamming in the event of myself not replying right away if you're trying to get my attention. That will result in an instant block.
I'm very open to creating headcanons, aesthetics, music playlists, etc. 💖
Roleplays will take place on Discord only, react to this post and I'll message you back to continue discussing! Please only react for serious inquiries.
Thank you all for your time! 🖤
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
🕊 Hi! I'm a 28+ NB looking for partners who are 25+ to write potentially dead dove m/m omegaverse and merfolk themed scenarios. Ideally we'd be using original fandomless characters, but I'm fine with people who'd prefer to transplant a fandom character if we vibe well enough.
My writing style falls under adv lit and mostly write 1 to 3 paragraphs per reply depending on how busy I am. Potential partners should be interested in developing some form of friendship or at least mutual interest in discussion of topics and world building. I'm the type of person who enjoys discussing a ton of what if scenarios without actually having to write them out, so if you're also like that it's definitely a plus. I won't be around to directly write ic all the time, but I am probably down to talk ooc often due to the nature of my irl situation. I can offer writing samples to interested parties.
Explicit smut is not a requirement of any partner, as I'm comfortable doing fade to black with scenes and instead discussing what happens ooc. I mainly write switches and am comfortable writing both alphas and omegas, but for certain scenarios I prefer the bottom-leaning role. TBH I love writing pretty, delicate omegas who are unexpectedly dominate opposite of alphas who aren't expecting it, among other things to shake the typical omegaverse stereotypes. I'm open to doubling up on pairs just so long as one isn't given more attention than the other.
Some other tropes I'd like to explore:
soulmates, reincarnation, royalty, mythological themes, arranged marriage, forbidden love, sketchy manipulation / possessive stuff, vampires, werewolves, harpies, nagas, celestials, demons, animal features, slice of life, domesticity, whump topics, way more with discussion
Kinks I'm down for:
hand-holding 💕, omegaverse typical kinks, pregnancy, eggpreg, medical play, asphyxiation, dubious consent, cnc, somnophilia, body worship, more with discussion
Hard Nos:
body-waste related kinks, minor characters, large age / maturity gaps between characters
interact if interested!
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mozillavulpix · 8 months
About 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim's storytelling (I like it, but it's interesting to unpack)
context: I watched a full LP of it when it was PS4-exclusive, now I bought it for Switch to support the ADV games market
It's interesting thinking about the concept of its storytelling compared to the actual execution.
The concept is really cool honestly; you have 13 separate stories that can stand on their own but all tie together to explain the full plot and why they're together in giant robots in the RTS mode that happens chronologically after all the story events.
It sounds like an absolute nightmare to try and script and props to them for actually making it work.
But in execution it's actually a little funny because not *that* much significant actually happens during the Sector 4/1985 scenes where the main players are all hanging around in high school waiting for the kaiju to attack. All the really significant things have already happened, and there's only a few bits of cleaning up they need to do during the events of the story.
Three of the character routes (Juro, Iori, Shu) are literally just the characters hanging out doing regular high-school things and then they're like "this reminds me of a dream I had" which was actually incredibly crucial backstory on how this situation ended up the way it did.
spoiler stuff now i guess
For Iori and Shu, the explanation behind this is that Morimura and Ida are transplanting their memories into them because they want to steal their bodies eventually, and for Juro it's...because Megumi loves Juro Izumi and 426 needs her co-operation to put his nanomachine code into everyone so he's helping her implant his memories into Juro Kurabe.
Which are kind of random excuses for revealing to the audience scenes that we need to see to explain things. Especially because those plots don't end up going anywhere. Morimura gets shot by Chihiro, Ida gets shot by Ryoko, and 426 realises he doesn't have the power to take over Kurabe's body or something so he'll just lay dormant in his head.
Probably the same goes for the 2188 scenes. I don't think in-universe anybody gets to see all of the logs that were conveniently recorded into the simulation, and if I remember correctly sometimes it's just like "the character is messing around in the underground spaceship and because they have the same DNA as a 2188 character they have access to a 2188 log and watch it".
I think the only big thing that happens during the events of the ADV portion is that they cure the nanomachine virus in the Sentinels somehow? I can't remember how they do that in the end, I haven't gone through that yet. Like, even Gouto awakening the 2188 Morimura happened off-screen before his scenario starts.
Functionally, there's a whole lot of stuff that doesn't actually matter in the end and are almost just excuses for characters to witness the flashbacks that show the events that actually matter. Like the D-Code, or Shikishima Industries, or really actually most of Tetsuya Ida's plans.
I still like the story, though. It's just funny how it ends up being structured.
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digitalgate02 · 5 months
Y'know, now that i won't be bothered for saying things re: 02/Daisuke by people who definitely would come into my yard to force me agree with them...
... I never liked that tendency of some peeps to derogatively compare Daisuke and Taichi, like if it's easier to just switch Daisuke and Taichi's roles and do the experiment thought of "would either of them be able to handle this scenario?" without changing the entire setting.
Talking with a friend about the recent two movies -- Kizuna and 02TB -- and how they even made me notice the ancient claims that Daisuke was nothing than a "carbon copy of Taichi" are further debunked by them, friend pointed out that 02TB was written with the 02 kids in mind, therefore everything in it would've been different if written for someone else (i.e. Taichi's group).
The same applies to Kizuna, Adv'99 and 02.
I've witnessed so many arguments in the past that Daisuke was a bad (or even, the worst) protag and such, because "he didn't witnessed what Taichi did" and that's it the point folks. Because Adventure'99 was written differently from 02. If, for some reason, we wanted to switch Taichi's group with Daisuke's group and send them to the 1999 adventure the Eight kids had...
The ENTIRE setting, events, and even closures would've been different from what we witnessed with Taichi and co.
Daisuke and co. couldn't handle it the same way as Taichi's group. They would handle it in THEIR own way. The closure would've been different. The story would've been different.
Same applies to Taichi's group switching roles with the 02 kids -- in which Daisuke's group is Taichi's group' seniors and Taichi and co. are the next gen. Things would've been different.
So, it was pointless making claims like that. And I'm glad i did not witness those claims since a long time ago now, so i'm just venting it away because i feel like talking about how i prefer 10x when we do parallels and contrasts between characters, than using one's experiences to devalue the other.
Taichi and Daisuke might have a ton in common, but they're still different characters written with different stories and settings in mind.
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