#aegis x reader
frickingnerd · 6 months
aigis' (failed) flirting attempt
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pairing: aigis x gn!reader (+junpei iori)
summary: aigis attempts to flirt with you, but she seems unlike her usual self. almost as if someone is putting words in her mouth...
a/n: i don't know what came over me to write this, but since it's april fools day today, you'll get it!
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“are you– uhm… mated with someone?”
aigis’ words caught you off guard, almost making you choke on your drink. when she had told you she had something important to talk about with you, you hadn't expected this question.
“i– am i… what?”
aigis nervously glanced to the side, away from the place the two of you were standing and towards the lounge, where junpei sat.
“are you… m-mated with someone already?”
there was a long moment of silence. aigis looked at you, seemingly eagerly awaiting your reply. meanwhile you awkwardly looked away, unsure how to reply to that.
“b-because… you are quite the babe”
aigis tried to turn the situation around, but her addition only ended in another awkward silence, until suddenly junpei began to burst into laughter in the lounge.
“y-you said this would work–!”
aigis quietly hissed at junpei, who couldn't hold back his laughter anymore. she was clearly flustered by the situation and you slowly began to realize that those were all words junpei had put into her mouth, to mess with her.
“junpei–!” you joined in too, grabbing a pillow from the sofa and smacking the boy with it, as he continued to laugh. “oh, you're so going to pay for messing with her like that–!”
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kaiseinx · 17 days
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my brain rot about these two before I sleep.
lee jihoon (James lee) or kang dagyeom is a smooth manipulator.
but can you imagine being manipulated by him and getting called "my dear, my love, etc" by him?
imagine doing something he doesn't like :
"my love, you know you shouldn't do that." with that “angelic” smile of his????
or imagine he wants you to do something for him :
"you can do that.. right? My dear?"
HE'S A SMOOTH MANIPULATOR GUYS ‼️‼️‼️ (but I'm in for that lol)
agates can also be the same, just imagine you're haniel's reincarnation who doesn't have any memory.
do you know how much sweet and beautiful things he would tell you and whisper you just so you wouldn't run away from him or would stay with him?
I'm crazy for these two ig
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mskenway97 · 14 days
13 sentinels is making me see a very curious first contact.
We have always said of a person who has no knowledge or believes that aliens do not exist.
But if someone was a big fan of watching videos about them and wants to meet one in reality.
So imagine the reaction of the human and the bot.
The girl would be bombarding him with questions non-stop from the divine excitement that she is finally the chosen one or something exciting has happened to her.
While on the other hand the bot would look at her, surprised and curious of this paralanchine creature that seems not to be scared of him, he didn't know what he was going to do about it with you, he would have to think of something, although if he kept talking maybe he would have to use more drastic methods.
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will-o--the-wisp · 7 months
just for a bit of fun, who i think are more likely to just wake you up with the most deranged:
[gi] wanderer, itto, hu tao
[hsr] blade (but he's fr)
[haikyuu] bokuto, tendou, kuroo
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beestriker015 · 10 months
Jealous Mythra x male driver s/o
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(This is an AU where s/o is Mythra’s driver instead of Rex or Adam)
After helping a group of traveling merchants recover their stolen goods, s/o and his blade Mythra, known all across Alrest as the legendary Aegis, are graciously thanked by the friendly merchants.
“We owe our livelihood to you both. Is there anything we can do to thank you beyond mere words?”
The leader of the merchants asks as s/o smiles and shakes his head.
“That’s not necessary. Mythra and I are just happy to have helped. Aren’t we Mythra?”
The blonde haired blade simply nods in response.
“Sorry about her, Mythra isn’t all that great when it comes to pleasantries.”
“I understand. You two make quite the team.”
“Thanks. I really am a lucky guy to have Mythra by my side.”
He gives her a friendly hug, causing her to blush before pushing him away with a huff like the tsundere she is.
“On the contrary, I’d say that she is the lucky one. I bet any female blade would love to have a hunk like you as her driver.”
A very attractive female merchant says rather flirtatiously to s/o.
“W-well, I wouldn’t say that I’m a hunk, but I appreciate the compliment ma’am.”
S/o awkwardly tells her, making the merchant giggle as she looks him up and down with a sultry expression.
“Trust me, you definitely are. Here’s a little reward for helping us.”
She kisses him on the cheek, much to Mythra’s anger.
“Did you like that handsome? If so, there’s more where that came from.”
Before she could kiss s/o again, Mythra pulls him away and holds onto him possessively as she glares at the merchant.
“That’s enough! Do you shamelessly flirt with every guy you meet?! We’re happy to have helped you all, but it’s time for me and s/o to leave. Bye.”
She begins dragging her confused driver away as the merchant calls out to her.
“Ooooh, I get it. You want him all to yourself don’t you?”
Her question causes Mythra to stop dead in her tracks and look at her with a flustered expression.
“W-what?! N-no I don’t! S/o is my driver, I don’t have feelings for him!”
“Uh-huh. Your stutter and blush are really convincing there. Just admit it, you love him.”
Not having a good rebuttal, Mythra scoffs and quickly drags s/o away until they’re both alone.
“What is going on with you Mythra?! You aren’t jealous that she kissed me are you?”
“I’m not jealous! Just shut up s/o!”
She yells at him, causing him to flinch and turn away from her with his feelings slightly hurt.
Realization what she’s done, Mythra mentally kicks herself and sighs.
“W-wait s/o, I’m…sorry.”
He glances back at his blade for a moment before giving her a response.
“It’s ok….”
After a long silence, s/o speaks up again.
“Hey. Mythra?”
She turns to him as he looks at her in concern.
“If something is bothering you, please tell me ok?”
The Aegis sighs before taking a few steps closer to her driver.
“A-about what that merchant girl said to me. I-it’s true s/o, I do have feelings for you.”
Hearing this really catches s/o off guard.
“H-how long have you felt this way about me Mythra?”
“I don’t know exactly, but one day something just clicked that made me realize that I….I love you s/o.”
S/o stares at her for a moment as a smile grows on his face.
“I love you too.”
Mythra looks at him with wide eyes.
“What did you just say?!”
“I said I love you too Mythra.
Uncharacteristically, the light elemental blade jumps into s/o’s arms and hugs him tightly.
“Woah, someone’s happy.”
“Shut up s/o, let me have this.”
To his surprise, Mythra then kisses him passionately on the lips before pulling away with a smug smile.
“There. I bet that kiss was much better than the one the merchant gave you. Am I right s/o?”
“So you were jealous.”
“Answer the question s/o!”
“Yes. Your kiss was a million times better. Wanna know why?”
“Because I’m a better kisser than her?”
“While that is true, it wasn’t what I was going to say. Yours was better….because it was from the woman who has my heart.”
“T-that’s so sweet. Corny, but still sweet.”
“And you love it.”
“Yeah, I do.”
“So, are we like…boyfriend and girlfriend now?”
“Are you seriously asking me that after everything that’s happened?! You idiot, of course we’re boyfriend and girlfriend now!”
“No need to yell, I just wanted to be sure! I love you Mythra.”
He kisses her forehead, calming her down.
“I love you too…idiot.”
S/o smiles as the two hug once more.
“From now on, if any girl tries to kiss you, she’s going down!”
Mythra grumbles as s/o chuckles and pats her on the head, which she secretly enjoys.
“As if I’d let any other girl kiss me but you.”
“Hmph. Good answer.”
She smiles in satisfaction as the two continue to embrace.
With that, s/o and Mythra’s relationship is no longer simply driver and blade, but lovers as well.
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makeitmingi · 1 year
Drunk In Love
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: San x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Girlfriend!Reader, Boyfriend!San
Summary: After a great night out with your best friends, San did not expect to have to deal with an intoxicated you. However, despite his best efforts to convince you, you were adament on not cheating on your sweet boyfriend waiting at home.. whose name was also ‘Choi San’?
Word count: 3.3K
[A/N: This is just a really sweet, fluffy scenario with caring boyfriend San. So if you don’t like it or find it cringey/ cheesy/ etc, you might not enjoy this.]
“Hello, aegi? Are you having fun?” San pressed the phone to his ear. You had been waiting to go out with your friends for so long. And being the ever supportive boyfriend, San was excited for you. 
“Uhhh............. Hello?” 
“I’m still here, aegi.” San chuckled. Despite his laughter, he got up from the couch, going to get his jacket. He knew you were going for drinks but from the way you were talking and the slight slur in your voice, it sounds like you had a drink too much. 
“I wanna go home~” 
“Alright, don’t whine. I’ll come pick you up, where did you say you were going again?” San asked as he fished through his work bag for his car keys. Then he sat down to wear his shoes.
“I’m sleepy...” 
“Don’t sleep yet, aegi. Can you pass your phone to one of your friends, please?” He requested kindly. After he was able to get the location from your friend, San drove to the pub that you were at with your friends. 
Although, he is a very careful driver, he does admit to going a little over the speed limit while getting to you. San hadn’t really seen you drunk before but he knew alcohol made you sleepy and whiny, which was why he was slightly worried about your safety. Not that he didn’t trust your friends but they sounded like they had a few drinks as well. 
“(y/n)?” San entered the pub. No doubt, despite the dim lights, San’s good looks caught the attention of a few patrons there.
“San! Over here.” Your friends waved him over. When San arrived, he absolutely melted at the sight of you. You were curled up against your friend’s side, blinking to keep yourself awake.
“Aegi?” San spoke a little louder since the pub’s music was blasting. 
“Aegi? It’s time to go home.” He helped you sit up. He cupped your cheek with one hand, searching your eyes. 
“Hey, who are you?! Don’t touch me!” You frowned, slapping his hands away angrily. It seems that you were so far gone that you didn’t even recognise your own boyfriend. 
“Baby star, it’s me. You don’t recognise me?” He laughed.
“No! I don’t know who you are. I’m sorry, mister. But I have a boyfriend.” You crossed your arms with a pout. 
“(y/n)! That is your boyfriend, silly.” One of your friend giggled, seeing how you were rejecting San. You still had the frown on your face, squinting your eyes to try and see the man’s face with the dim light. You held his cheeks in your hands, squishing his face. 
“No, don’t know you.” You insisted. 
“I’ll take her home. Thanks, everyone.” San smiled to your friends. They all waved to your boyfriend as San gently helped you to your feet. You swayed slightly but San steadied you. 
“Mister, where are you taking me?” You asked innocently as San led you to the exit of the club. 
“We’re going home, aegi.” San said. 
“I already told you, I have a boyfriend.” You reminded. San nodded his head, leading you to the car. Because there were people standing outside smoking, he didn’t want you to inhale so much smoke. 
“Let’s talk in the car, okay?” He opened the door for you. You did willingly sit down in the passenger seat. 
“There we go.” Reaching over, he fastened your seatbelt for you. San removed his jacket and placed it over your lap, covering your legs so you wouldn’t be cold.
“Sleepy...” You yawned. You reminded San of a fiesty kitten and it was adorable. He reached over to stroke your head.
“Sleep then, aegi.” He encouraged. You didn’t need to be told twice as the sleep washed over you and you fell asleep immediately. As San drove back to your shared home, he made sure not to go over the speed bumps too quickly. He didn’t want to risk you bumping your head against the window too heard with where it was currently resting. 
When San pulled up, he didn’t want to wake you. You were so fast asleep that he couldn’t bring himself to. So he unbuckled your seatbelt, slipping his arms under your smaller frame and brought you upstairs.
“Woah, aegi. Be careful.” San steadied himself, nearly falling with how you suddenly tried to sit up in his arms.
“Hang on, hang on.” He placed you down on the couch and went to lock the main door. 
“W-Where am I?” You blinked in confusion. 
“You don’t recognise your own home, darling?” San raised an eyebrow. He bent down to help you remove your shoes, even massaging your feet for a bit. High heels always made your feet ache. 
“Thank you, mister.” You whispered, grateful that he freed your feet, despite thinking he was some strange man that is trying to have his way with you.
“You’re very welcome.” San grinned. 
“Since you helped me... I guess I can ask what your name is. Hi... Name is (y/n). I still have a boyfriend though.” You tried to string together the best sober sentence you could now. You even held out a hand to shake. San stifled his laughter with his sleeve.
“Hi, (y/n). I’m Choi San. And of course I would help you, you’re so pretty.” He introduced back, reaching out to shake your hand. At his words, you frowned again, pulling your hand back.
“San... H-Hey! My boyfriend’s name is San too! ... Are you brothers... or something?” You obviously thought having the same name meant that.
“No... well, actually... No, we’re not.” San didn’t really know what to say. 
“Oh...” You nodded your head, seemingly disappointed. If you had puppy ears, they would be pressed against your head now. You thought you had a genius eureka moment but with his words, you just felt dumb now. 
“Alright. Let’s go.” He smiled up at you. He held his hand out to you. You stood up, shyly slipping your hand into his. 
“We have to change you out of your clothes and into comfy clothes to sleep.” San sat you down on the bed. He grabbed one of his shirts for you to wear to sleep in. 
“No! I have a boyfriend!” You grabbed onto your dress like your life depended on it when San tried to remove it. He sighed, not really sure how to convince you. In your drunken state, you really looked terrified of him. And even if he knew you wouldn’t remember this tomorrow morning, he still hated scaring you into doing something you were clearly afraid of.
“I’m just changing you into a shirt, aegi. It would be much more comfortable for you.” San wiped a stray tear that slipped down your cheek. He placed his hand on the white shirt that he had taken out. 
“Promise you won’t hurt me?” You looked at him with doe eyes.
Wow, you were really really drunk. But you were so endearing and it made San want to take care of you more. He thought you were the cutest thing ever that you wanted to remain loyal to him despite your intoxicated state. 
“Aegi, I would never hurt you.” He caressed your cheek with a loving smile. You thought about it for a while before nodding. 
“Don’t try anything... My boyfriend will beat you up. He has been working out a lot and has a lot of muscles... that he can fight you.” You threatened. 
“Alright.” San removed your dress and slipped the shirt over your head. He guided your arms through the correct openings then reached underneath to unclasp your bra to remove it. 
“There we go. All done.” San put your clothes in the laundry bin. Then he carried you to the bathroom, sitting you down on the closed toilet bowl. 
“Open.” San coaxed. He began to help you brush your teeth. Luckily, you still knew to gargle and spit. 
“Sit here, okay? I’ll be right back.” He told you. You nodded your head obediently, placing your hands over your knees like a child. San went to into your bedroom and came back with a small box that he took from your vanity table. It was your makeup remover pads.
“Close your eyes, aegi.” He instructed. You did as your were told and closed your eyes. Opening the box, San took out a cotton pad and gently wiped your make up away.
“Does it hurt?” He asked, not wanting to use too much force.
“Nope!” You chirped. As he continued to help you clean your face, San had a soft smile on the entire time. He liked seeing you without make up. 
After wiping your makeup, San proceeded to wipe your face with a damp cloth and did your skincare routine for you. He has been with you long enough and watched you long enough to know all the steps to your entire routine.
“This is taking too long.” You whined with a pout as you continued to keep your eyes closed. San remembers how he used to complain that you have too many steps in your routine.
“Every step is an essential step baby.” San repeats your words to him, back to you. You swung your legs as you waited. 
“Does your boyfriend treat you well?” He asked to try and make you more patient.
“Mhmm! He is suuuuuuuuuuper nice. And he loves me. And... And... he cuddles me a lot. I like it when he cuddles me.” You spoke, successfully distracted by him. 
“Do you?” He raised an eyebrow in amusement. You continued to talk about how much you love and appreciate your amazing boyfriend San. San just listened, letting out noises of acknowledgement to tell you that he was still listening to you talk. It embarrassed him but also warmed his heart to hear you gush about him like this.
“You must really love him.” San said. 
“I do. He’s the best person in the whole wide world.” You extended your arms to emphasis how much you love him. San kissed the top of your head lovingly. He threw away the used cotton pads and washed his hands. 
“Just a bit more.” Wetting another towel, San began to wipe your body, mainly your arms and your legs. He didn’t want to risk you hurting yourself with a shower. 
“Hands.” He said and you showed him your hands to wipe. As he took care of you, San made sure to give you plenty of kisses.
“You know... Now that I think about it. You really look like my Sannie...” You stated as San stood by the sink to rinse the cloth and wring it dry. He gently wiped your neck, lifting your hair to wipe the back too.
“I do?” 
“Yeah... But my Sannie looks best when he is wearing his glasses. He looks really smart and handsome.” You giggled, the starstruck look in your eyes. 
San always felt a little insecure about wearing his glasses. But he was glad to know that you thought he was the most good looking when he was wearing them. He will definitely wear them more now. 
“Good job, my love. We’re all done. We can finally head to bed.” Instead of making you walk, San carried you again. He placed you down onto the bed on your side and removed his shirt to put it in the laundry pile, being used to sleeping shirtless. Seeing that, you yelped and covered your eyes as if he had just flashed you. 
“You’re naked!” You screeched.
“I only removed my shirt, aegi.” San chuckled, getting into bed. As he got under the covers, he encircled his arms around you to pull you close to him. Your forehead pressed against his chest.
“You smell like my shirt.” You mumbled. San snickered at your nonsensical words and observation. 
“Because you are wearing my shirt, aegi. You always like wearing my shirts because they smell like me.” He explained patiently, continuing to stroke your head. You nodded your head slowly, processing his words.
“Why do you call me aegi?” You asked randomly, tracing circles on his skin with your finger.
“Because you are my baby.” San smiled softly, looking down at you. 
“I am?” You blinked back up at him. He nodded his head with a hum, leaning down to give you a kiss. You let out a shy giggle.
“Am I your only baby?” 
“Yes, you are my one and only baby. And I love you.” San could entertain your drunk questions forever. The way his professions of love made you blush and get all giddy made him fall in love with you even more. You buried your face into his chest shyly.
“I’m sleepy...” You repeated the same words you’ve been claiming throughout the night. You yawned, blinking a few times. San tightened his arms around you, patting your back soothingly. 
“Go to sleep, aegi.” He coaxed you like a baby. If there’s one thing you wouldn’t let San do while sober is baby you. 
“Will you stay with me?” You asked. 
“Of course, I will. I won’t leave you, I promise.” He chuckled, reaching out to cup your cheek and kiss you again. You hummed, resting your head on his arm comfortably. San watched your eyes slowly close as you finally fell asleep. 
It was about 5 am when you stirred awake. The back of your neck and head was throbbing, making you wince softly. San poked open an eye, being woken up by your noise and movement. 
“San?” You croaked. He grunted, an acknowledgement that he was listening to you despite his eyes being closed.
“I love you.” You pressed your face into his chest.
“I love you more, aegi... It’s still early, go back to sleep.” San used a hand to gently massage to back of your neck to relieve some tension there. You melted into his touch immediately and went back to sleep. 
When you finally woke up, it was about 1pm. You reached over to find San’s side of the bed empty. You wanted to get up and look for your missing lover but the moment you sat up, your head hurt so bad that you fell back onto the mattress. The loud wince and groan that you let out made your boyfriend run into the room worriedly.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” San frowned. He had an apron on, evident that he was cooking. 
“My head hurts.” You groaned. 
“I’m sure it must be. I’m making some food for you. After that you can take some painkillers and rest.” San sat on at the edge of the bed, carefully moving the hair away from your face. 
“Why are you so nice to me, Sannie?” You looked up at him. San laughed at your question, reminding him of your drunken self last night.
“Because you are my baby.” He gave the same answer. Seeing him try to stifle his laugh, you glared at him.
“How bad was I last night?” You asked.
“You weren’t bad, aegi. In fact, you were very cute. I think last night was the cutest I’ve ever seen you.” He tapped your nose. However, you knew that was not a good indication. 
“Oh no. What did I do...?” 
“You didn’t do anything, per say. It was adorable how you kept reminding me that you had a boyfriend whose name was also Choi San like me. And you threatened me that he will beat me up if I try anything funny because he has been going to the gym.” He barely scraped the surface.
“Oh, just end me now.” Your cheeks burned in embarrassment. You dove under the blanket to hide. San didn’t hold back now, bursting out in loud laughter, even holding his stomach. 
“Stop it!” You scolded.
“It’s alright, aegi. At least I know you remember you have a boyfriend named Choi San. And you think I’m strong enough to beat someone up.” San chuckled. Your fist emerged from under the blanket, punching his thigh. 
“I’ll come call you when the food is done, okay?” He opened the blanket to lean down and kiss you before covering you back up.
Of course, San didn’t tell you how you gushed about him. That was a conversation only between drunk you and him. It will be his secret to keep forever. 
“Aegi, food’s ready.” San came back into the room. As much as you wanted to stay hidden forever, the food he cooked made your stomach grumble. You poked your head out from the blanket.
“There’s my beautiful princess.” He smiled. He held your hand to lead you out.
“It smells so good.” You said, sitting down at your small dining table. It was ever only you and San so there was never a need for a big table. 
“I’m glad. Eat more so your tummy won’t feel so sick.” San scooped you a bowl of comforting rice porridge. Even if your stomach was churning uncomfortably, you knew San’s food would make you feel better. He even took out some marinated abalone that his mother always send to him. You took a spoon and ate a mouthful.
“Ah! It’s hot!” You stuck your tongue out. 
“You have to blow on it. It was just off the stove.” San smiled. When you took another scoop, San leaned forward to blow on it for you. He placed a small piece of kimchi on top too. 
“Thank you. Aren’t you going to eat too, Sannie?” You asked after swallowing your food. 
“Maybe later. Watching you eat makes me feel full.” San leaned his head on his hand. You gave him a flat look, reaching out to punch his arm.
“Stop that. Get a bowl for yourself, please. I don’t want to eat on my own.” You begged, knowing that was the only way to get him to eat with you. San complied, going to get himself a bowl too. You waited for him to finish putting seaweed flakes and to sit down before you continued. 
“Are you feeling better?” He asked. 
“Yeah.” The warm food was really helping to settle your stomach. San may not be the best cook but he did know how to make comforting food for you. 
“Good. I took the medication out for you to take after this. Have it with the hangover cure.” San nodded over to the counter. 
“But it’s so bitter... There’s a reason why I didn’t take it before I drank.” You pouted. 
“Be good. It’ll help you feel better.” He stroked your hair. You knew he was treating you the same way that you treated him when he came home drunk after drinking with his friends.
There was always hangover cure in the house because you and San did not hold your liquor well. 
“You really know how to take care of people, San.” You laughed. San chuckled, his ears turning red from your compliment.
“I know how to take care of you.” He corrected. You agreed, San was always good at caring for you whether you were sick or just not feeling your best. He always made sure you had everything you needed. 
“Just like how you care for me when I have my down moments too.” San reached over to hold your hand on your lap. You smiled at him, squeezing his hand lovingly. You and San knew how to take care of each other, which made you the perfect couple. 
“What would I do without you?” 
“There’s no need to think about that. Because you wouldn’t be without me. Wherever you go, I’ll be there with you.” He grinned. 
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yeontaescumslut · 2 months
𖨆♡𖨆♥︎ ❀᭢᜴꤬⠀ care package
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Pairing: Jungwon x Reader
Genre: Idol au, Smut, one shot
Synopsis: You and Jungwon are in a long distance relationship, it’s Valentine’s Day and you send Jungwon a care package with a little something extra for him…
Warnings: Phone sex, masturbation, praise, if you don’t like Jungwon smut pls just don’t read!
Word count: 1,952
Authors note: Hello lovelies! Just a short little one shot for you guys. I’ve been meaning to do some enhypen so here we go! If you guys have any suggestions or recs feel free to leave them!! They’re very much appreciated ❤️
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You and Jungwon have been dating for quite some time now, maybe 8 months, you had met at a college party in July last year and started dating later that month. It is now February, and this will be your first Valentines Day together, except you and Jungwon are long distance right now, he’s back in Korea and your back studying in your hometown as your exchange trip has ended. You and Jungwon still talked everyday and were as happy as ever, so you were trying to come up with a gift for Jungwon for valentines day. Alot of things has crossed your mind, plushies, clothes, jewlery, candy, but none of these sounded good enough. After days of thinking and searching you finally come up with the best idea…a care package, with ALL of his favorite things, but you were going to put a twist on it…..
Days go by as you collect many of Jungwons favorite things, finding a box that would fit everything perfectly. You wrap them individually taking your time and pouring love into each gift. Writing a small note on each one telling him a reason you love him on them. You decorate the box to his liking with his favorite colors. On the top you place one of your plushies you sprayed your perfume on. Carefully closing up the box, taping it securely. The next day you take the box to the post office dropping it off to get sent to Jungwon. That same day when you get home from your errands you call Jungwon.
You: Jungwonnieee!!! I missed you sooo much
Jungwon: My Aegi, I missed you more, how was your day?
You: It was great, I dropped your Valentines Day gift off at the post office!
Jungwon: Really?! I’m so excited to receive it. Yours is also on the way.
You both talk for the rest of your night as he was getting ready for his day. You can’t help but to wonder what his reaction will be when he opens your gift,and the little surprise you threw in…a few days go by, you get a message from Jungwon..
Jungwon: IT ARRIVED!!!!!
Switch to Jungwon POV
He’s giddy carrying the package from the package room back to his dorm room, once he gets in and sets the package down, he begins to open it, grabbing a box cutter from his desk drawer a smile painting across his face as he smells your signature perfume emitting from the box as he cuts it open. He sets the box cutter down on his desk peeling the cardboard back, grinning from ear to ear as he spots the bear blush you had bought together when he last visited you.He carefully goes through the contents of the box, taking his time examining each item and reading each note attached, his heart flutters more and more the deeper he gets into the box, he reaches the bottom and sees a white piece of paper reading “open these last, they’re special ;)” he gets excited as he places the paper to the side, he sees a photobook and a little box next to it, the photobook topped with a sticky note that said “open me first” he takes the sticky note off revealing a photo underneath, a photo of you, in a little black dress, his favorite little black dress. This gets him excited, without hesitation he flips the book open, only to be stopped in his tracks as what he saw made him choke, because what he laid his eyes upon took his breath away. With a stunned look on his face he continues flipping through the pictures. These were naked pictures of you, that you had professionally gotten taken, pictures of you in his favorite positions, pictures showing him your everything. Pictures that only HE would ever see. As he flips through page after page he grew harder and harder, feeling himself grow with each photo, as he reached the last page of the book he saw the words “ Call me” and he never reacted so fast. Grabbing his phone he called you immediately.
You pick up, before you’re even able to get any words out you hear Jungwons voice come through the phone. “Open your gift right now.” As son as you hear the words leave his lips you knew he had seen the gift. Jungwon had told you to wait to open your gift as well, so you grab the box sitting next to you on your bed along with a box cutter. “Why all the sudden Jungwon?” You ask out of genuine curiosity. “Dont ask questions and open it fast”
What you don’t know is jungwon is on the other side of the phone, sitting in his desk chair hand on his throbbing cock that’s poking through the hole of his sweats. He gently palms himself waiting on you to get to your gift, your photos in his hand as he does so, biting down on his lip.
You finally get the box open and you pull out another box…you turn it around and your eyes widen as you see what this is “Jungwon” you say with a seductive tone “Use it rn. It already has batteries in it, I wanna hear and see” he says this in a very stern and demanding tone, the one that really turned you on. You don’t hesitate to do what he says, switching the call over to face time you set your phone up right in front of your bed so he can see everything. You open the toy, baby pink silicone vibrator with a sucking attachment, you bite your lip at the sight knowing this is the exact one you asked for. You slip your shirt off revealing your bare tits to him shaking them in the camera to taunt him. You see him lean back a bit more, his top teeth digging into his bottom lip “God you’re so fucking sexy” the words slip from his lips as you’re now turned around shimmying off your juicy sweats, revealing your baby pink and black thong with a bow on the top, his favorites. He lets out a deep groan stroking himself faster. “Lay down, push your panties to the side ass up. Let me see” you do as he says laying on your stomach pushing your ass into the air, slipping your pointer finger to your core to push your panties to the side revealing your lips to him. “Finger yourself for me” he grunts out breathy. With no hesitation you push your pointer and middle into your core moving your fingers in and out pushing your ass in the air more from the pleasure. You hear wet slopping stroking from your phone, slow and steady as you hear Jungwon panting, “Lay on your back, spread your legs and use your toy. Now.” His breath shaky yet stern, as told you lay on your back placing pillows underneath your head so you can see Jungwon, you bring the toy to your heat testing the settings finding one you liked. You insert the toy moaning in pleasure as it vibrates against your walls, the other part sucking on your clit rips a cry from your throat “FUCK” your eyes shut tight as you’re not used to the feeling. “Good girl, now imagine that’s me rubbing on your clit as my cock is buried in you” You can hear his strokes becoming faster and sloppier, the wet sounds sending shivers down your spine imagining his cock buried deep inside you.
Jungwons pov:
Seeing you in this position is sending him spiraling, he’s panting thinking about your walls enveloping his cock, his tongue hanging out of his mouth like a dog in heat. His vision of your legs spread using the toy he bought you puts a burning pit in his stomach, one he tried to ignore. “Jagiyah flip over let me see it from another angel arasso?” He watched you through the camera as you agree with “Yes sir” flipping onto your stomach pushing your ass up in the air once again, inserting it from that position. This sends Jungwon over the edge, he wanted so bad to be the one pounding your pussy from that angle, wanting to take handfuls of your ass. “Fuck baby, I love seeing you like this, I wish my dick was in your pussy right now, pounding the shit out of your ass, making you cry into the sheets” his head being thrown back as his strokes get faster but still keeping his eyes on the camera not removing them for a second.
Your pov:
This position sending you over the edge as well, the toy hitting you in just the right spot, that’s not even what’s sending you spiraling, it’s jungwons voice, his voice makes your head spin, his words painting across your brain, you really are imagining him pounding you and making you feel this good. Tears painting your pretty face coating your satin sheets that your head is buried into. Your basically slamming your hips into your toy trying to feel every vibration. The sounds coming from the other side of the phone making your stomach twitch. “Jungwonah can I cum” you ask politely nearing your high. “Beg for it princess” and you do just that. “Daddy please, let me cum for you, I’ll cum on your pretty cock” this sends Jungwon spinning, whimpers leaving his throat as he tries to form sentences. “That’s a good girl, yes cum on my cock pretty girl” his hips bucking into his hand your moans and screams ripping from your throat his name on your tongue as your reach your high, so overstimulating yet so satisfying, tears falling from the corners of your eyes, Hearing Jungwons cries from the phone, his eyes shut stars painted across his vision as he bucks his hips one last time shooting his seed up onto his stomach, his head thrown back, onto the back of the chair. Bucking his hips into his hands once again getting out every last drop cries ripping from his throat your name also painted on his tongue. You would’ve never known you were 7,000 miles away.
Breathing heavy, chests rising and falling as you both come down from your highs, your eyes open up again looking at Jungwon on your phone screen, sitting in his chair. His sweaty hair falling onto his forehead, pieces sticking in just the right places. Your eyes sparkle seeing him falling in love all over again. You’re now laid flat on the bed not moving an inch the words manage to slip from your lips “Jungwon, I love you so much” he hears this, opening his eyes tilting his head to look at you through his camera, a smile painted on his face, kitten teeth on display “I love you more princess” “You’re so fucking gorgeous” he says through heavy breaths.
He finally sits up, after cleaning himself off adjusting his sweats back into position. He sits and watches you clean yourself up too. You get yourself situated as well placing your clothes back on and sitting yourself at the end of your bed your phone now in your hand. “Well that toy really works holy shit” you say to him kind of giggling inbetween. “I knew it would, next time it’ll be my cock, but let me use it on you next time I see you” he says biting his lip at you and toying with his hair. “Speaking of when are you coming to see me” you pout at him giving him puppy dog eyes. “Well actually….My flight leaves tomorrow, Happy Valentine’s Day!!”
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birdiewriteslit · 9 months
Hi ! I just love your writing ! ❤️ Also, I was wondering if you could write a story in which the reader is Thalia’s sister and dating Luke. The reader always thought that Luke liked Thalia and thinks that Luke only dates her because she reminds him of Thalia. She shares her doubts with Annabeth who tries to comfort her and Luke overhears their conversation. Then Luke talks to the reader about it reassuring he loves her for her and it’s all fluffy. Also, to add little angst, the reader has been traumatized by Thalia’s “transformation” and beats herself up thinking that it’s her fault that her sister is a tree.
thank you so much! sure, i can do this!!
luke castellan x daughter of zeus!reader
warnings: angst, self doubt, trauma, fluff at the end
sorry if this is bad i haven’t written angst in a hot minute
Your memory of the day you arrived at camp was still as vivid as it was when it happened. You, Grover, Annabeth, Luke, and your little sister were on the run from a horde of monsters, all of them attracted to the strong scent of the daughters of Zeus.
You were sprinting up the hill, breath ragged. Luke, Annabeth, and Grover were ahead of you. “We’re almost there!” Grover shouted. “Just keep running!”
You were exhausted, running for days with no help from any of your godly parents, but you had to keep going.
You looked back to make sure Thalia hadn’t fallen behind, but she had her shield up, showing Medusa’s face to the monsters that were catching up.
“We can’t outrun them!” she yelled. “I can slow them down, go on without me!”
Thalia started to run toward the monsters, but you grabbed her arm. “I can’t let you go. We can make it, please try to keep going.”
“I have to! Aegis will keep them at bay for a little while. It’s me they’re following,” she reasoned, her eyes stormy and unyielding.
“Thalia, don’t. They want me too. I’ll go instead, I won’t let you die for me,” you proposed desperately.
“You’re always doing things for me, let me do this for you. Let me repay my big sister.” She pulled her arm out of your grasp and turned to run at the monsters before you could stop her.
“Come on!” Grover yelled from the top of the hill, Annabeth and Luke now far in front of him. “They’re catching up!”
“I’m not leaving her!” you protested. Grover met you in the middle and grabbed hold of your arm, practically dragging you to camp as you shouted several curses at him. “Let me go!”
“I can’t. My mission is to get you across that border, and I’m not letting two of you die for the rest of us.” Grover was gritting his teeth, struggling to keep hold of you as you made it across the boundary.
You watched in horror as Thalia jabbed with her spear and missed, the Fury’s whip coming down hard and hitting her over the head, knocking her to the ground. She didn’t get up.
The biggest lightning bolt you’d ever seen struck the ground, sending the hellhounds into a panic. The monsters retreated, half victorious, as they only managed to kill one of you.
From the place where Thalia died, a large pine was growing rapidly out of the ground, and a magical force field spread across the woods, strengthening the border you just crossed.
Luke grabbed your shoulder, forcing you to turn away from the scene. His eyes were cast to the ground. He couldn’t look. “Come on,” he said, his voice breaking.
You walked past the strawberry fields with Luke’s arm around your shoulders keeping you stable. You couldn’t say anything. You knew that if you did, you would break down.
Annabeth was sobbing beside Grover, who was leading the three of you to the Big House, where Chiron stood on the porch, looking solemn. You weren’t even shocked by his centaur form. The image of Thalia’s body hitting the ground was still replaying in your mind.
You woke with a start, sweating profusely and breathing heavily. Five years later, and you still had nightmares like this. It was always the same scene over and over. You could never escape that night.
You slowly sat up in your bed, pulling the covers back and placing your feet on the cold marble floor. You rubbed at your eyes, sighing as you knelt at your father’s statue in the middle of the cabin.
You never shared this space with Thalia, but you missed her like you had. Sometimes you would dream of her and you when you were small, and you would expect to wake up and see her asleep on the other side of the room.
You stared into the reflecting pool around the statue, barely recognizing who was looking back at you. The girl in the water was tired, and she looked like she hadn’t slept in days.
Looking up at your father’s carved face, you felt that familiar feeling of resentment. He had never helped you. When you were on the run, the only gift he gave was weapons for you and Thalia to defend yourselves with.
After you were claimed, it was like you never existed to him. He never answered your prayers, and he was never there for you when you needed him.
When you needed help facing Ladon on Luke’s quest, he was absent from the sky. You were forced to return to camp, two failures who learned to never rely the gods for help.
Luke was the only one you could relate to in that way. After that quest, you thought of each other differently. Finding that common ground changed your friendship into something more.
Sometimes you wondered if Luke saw Thalia when he looked at you. There would be moments where he would look at you like your sister was staring back, and he would get this sad glint in his eyes.
You certainly didn’t see her in your reflection. You’d looked for so long to find something that reminded you of her, but you could never find something good.
You had an aggression problem, which was about the only thing about you that resembled your sister. The only people you got along with were your boyfriend, Annabeth, and Grover.
Everybody at camp stayed clear of you anyways, as they were afraid of what you might do to them. Of course, you were more powerful than the others, and they were scared of that.
The day was off to a rough start. You were fifteen minutes late for breakfast, and when you entered the pavilion, heads turned. You were used to getting stared at, so you were able to ignore it.
You ate by yourself, keeping your head down. After breakfast, your first activity of the day was Ancient Greek with Annabeth.
You were reading out a boring passage to her when she stopped you at the end of a paragraph. “Are you having nightmares again?” she asked tentatively.
You looked up from the book. “Why do you ask?”
“You were late to breakfast. You’ve been looking so tired this past week. I’m worried. Luke’s worried. He says you’ve been distant,” she analyzed.
You sighed. “Yeah, I’ve been having them again. It’s the same as it’s always been.” You rubbed your hands over your tired eyes. “I can’t get it out of my head.”
“You haven’t told Luke?”
“No, I don’t want to stress him out. Besides, he probably sees enough of Thalia in me. Honestly, I think that’s why he’s with me. We all lost her that night, and he just needs something to remind him of her,” you confessed gloomily, picking at the corners of the pages.
Annabeth raised her eyebrows in surprise. “What are you talking about? Luke has liked you as long as I’ve known you. Thalia meant a lot to him, but you’re different from her. You mean something different to him.”
“Do you really think that’s why I’m with you?” Luke said, rounding the corner of the porch and making himself known. He had a hurt expression on his face.
“I’ll leave you alone,” Annabeth said awkwardly, standing up from her chair and hurrying away from the Big House.
“Luke, I-“
“I’m sorry to eavesdrop, but you can’t really think that.” He sat down next to you and pulled your hands away from the book pages. “Annabeth’s right, I’ve liked you forever. Thalia was like a little sister to me. The only time you remind me of her is when you get angry, and I’m not with you because of your anger,” he reassured, trying to make you believe him.
“Why are you with me?” Your voice came out small, and you were afraid of what he would say.
He shook his head, taking your face in his hands. “So many reasons. You’re smart, brave, and resourceful. You’re strong and beautiful. Honestly, you could name anything you don’t like about yourself and I promise you that I would love you regardless.”
“Do you mean that?”
“Yes,” he said sincerely.
You took a deep breath, ready to be honest with him. “In my nightmares, I see us on the night Thalia died. I see the moment she slipped away from me and I left her to fight on her own. I’m such a bad sister,” you admitted, voice breaking a little.
Luke looked pained at your words. His thumb was quick to wipe away a tear that had fallen. “What happened wasn’t your fault. Thalia was stubborn, once she got an idea in her head she wouldn’t let it go. You know that. If we let you go too, we would’ve lost you both. We couldn’t risk that.”
You were silent, taking in his reasoning and knowing that he was right. You leaned forward and kissed his lips softly. “Thank you, Luke,” you said quietly, resting your forehead against his.
“Of course.” He pushed a stray hair behind your ear. “Do you want me to sleep in your cabin tonight?”
“Yes, please.”
“Alright.” Luke pulled away and smiled at you. “What do you say we go zap some Dionysus kids in the strawberry fields?”
“That sounds like a great idea.” You grinned, already feeling much better.
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jinnie-ret · 10 months
Ninth Member!Reader 🪻
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Fake Fights - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
You and Minho decide to strike revenge and prank the boys after they leave practice early because of the tense mood you both created.
Fallen Angel pt 2 - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A | F
The Stray Kids members have two maknaes to comfort at the end of their 'I'll Be Your Man' cover. One upset because he thought he wasn't good enough, and the other an injured, fallen angel, left hurt because MNET hadn't done enough safety checks on their equipment.
Scarred Knees and Insecurities - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A | F
When the old scars from your youth, become fresh wounds in your adulthood, the boys are there to pick up the pieces.
Heatstroke - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
Y/n suffers from heat stroke on the day of their performance at Lollapalooza.
Bite My Tongue - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A
When an interviewer decides to pick on you specifically, the boys do their best to hold back and get you out of the situation.
Daredevil - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F
The boys never expected that their shy noona could be such a daredevil.
My Aegi - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
Y/n was glad she had the boys there to help her raise her kid sister. She didn't know what she'd do without them.
It's a Brit Thing - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F
The boys find it hard to understand their British member a lot of the time...
Who I Am - Stray Kids x Ninth Member Non-binary!Reader (Platonic) A | F
The boys support Y/N for who they are, and show them that they truly have their back when a podcast goes wrong.
Don't Push Yourself - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A | F
You thought you were doing the right thing for yourself, but it was only a matter of time before your habits became unhealthy, and the boys didn't even notice until it was too late.
Period Pains - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F
You're keen to see the boys reactions to what you go through every month.
Super Shy - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F
Y/N is surprised when the boys turn up at her album debut shoot, and they reassure her on her worries about her new daring look.
Let Noona Handle It - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
After a difficult, chaotic concert, you prepare a feast to take care of your beloved dongsaengs.
Family is Complicated - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A | F
After your troubling phone call is overhead by all of the boys, they comfort you and reassure you that they are your true family.
Gyaru, Jjang Yeppeuda - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
Despite her normal confidence in owning her aesthetic, Y/N begins to feel uncomfortable when she feels the judging stares of other idols.
Togetherness - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A
Out of all things, the last thing you expected to hear was that your parents are getting a divorce, but it was fortunate that the boys were there to hold you together.
Generation Z - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F
She's the youngest of the group and the boys can't keep up with her internet slang.
People Pleaser - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
In her One Kid's Room episode, Y/N reflects on how it was hard for her not to be so kind and sweet to everyone, because she just wanted them to like her.
Hellevator - Stray Kids x Ninth Member Male!Reader (Platonic) A 💚🖤
He's going through voice changes in their debut era and fans are already sending in hate.
Cigarette Duet - Poly!Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader | A 💚🖤
You get hounded by your boyfriends after they catch you smoking. How will they react when you disappear and go off the radar?
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bteezxyewriter12 · 5 months
Coachella Vibes
Pairing- Mingi x Named Reader
Word count- 1.5k
Includes- Coachella Mingi, rough sex, cock riding, sex from behind, dirt talk, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @prayerofthehaim @realisticnotes @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @stephy-nicole13 @mknae-jongho @bykeynote
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝ATEEZ Masterlist 📝Mingi Masterlist
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Mingi POV
I fumble with the key card, missing the slot to put it in completely
I try again and miss
It's hard to find it without looking
"Baby wait", I groan against her lips, trying to break the kiss
"Mmm", she whines in my mouth, her arms tightening around my neck
"Need to get in the room aegi", I murmur
We need to get in the room stat or we're just gonna end up fucking in the hallway
I'm still all riled up from the Coachella performance and I need her right now
It took everything in me not to take her right in the car on the way to the hotel
Since we got in the elevator I've been kissing her wildly, picking her up and holding her, her legs feeling so good wrapped around my waist
How I managed to carry her down the hall to the room and get the key card from my pocket, I don't know
I just know I need to get in the fucking room
"Aegi wait", I say, pulling back slightly, looking at the door
I jam the card in the slot, pull it out, the light turning green
Shoving the door open, I kick it closed, hit the light switch, illuminating the room
I barely make it to the bed, landing on top of her, her lips right against mine again
"Mmmm", I moan, falling into her kiss
Her kisses are everything, making me feel things I've never felt before
She presses her body against mine, her hands sliding down and undoing my belt, her tongue down my throat
I grab her shirt, pulling it and ripping it down the middle, the sound of it tearing so satisfying
Breaking the kiss, I push her tattered shirt off and we quickly undress each other, clothes flying all over the place
She sits up, her lips against mine again as she pushes me back, climbing in my lap
There are no words exchanged, just kisses as she holds my dick up, positioning herself over me
I grip her hips, waiting for her to sit on me
She takes me in slowly, her tight little pussy opening just enough for my cock to slide in, immediately clenching around me as she goes down
My cock is flooded in her juice as unbelievable pleasure runs through my body
She sits up, leaning back on my leg, her head tilted back, pleasure on her face as she moves her hips in a circle, wiggling down the rest of my cock
I hit her spot, her gorgeous body shivering, a soft moan of my name sounding in the room
She begins to move immediately, bouncing slowly on my dick, her head moving down, her eyes directly on me
I watch the gorgeous erotic sight of her riding me and I've never been more turned on
She moves a touch faster each bounce, her pussy so tight around my cock
"Mmm Mingi", she whimpers, getting a good pace going, her boobs wiggling as she moves, "So good"
I nod, "So good baby"
My eyes travel down and I moan when I see the pretty creamy mess she's leaving all over my cock
It's everywhere, a thick creamy ring around the base of my cock
Her pretty pussy lips petal open as she takes me inside her, her hole straining around my cock
"Fuck so hard Mingi"
I nod, groaning, "You're so wet baby. So tight. So warm fuck"
She bounces faster, the loud sound of her pussy squelching around my cock mixing with the sound of our skin hitting
She grinds on me every time she takes me in, rubbing her spot with my head, her pussy closing around my cock every time she does
"Oh god", she cries, hopping on my cock like a bunny, sweat all over her body
"Yeah baby fuck, so pretty on my cock", I praise her, "Doing such a good job"
She whines, leaning her hand on my chest, right on the "fix on" that was painted on my body
"Mmm aegi", I groan, watching her ride me hard, feeling her clench me tightly, "That's it baby. Fuck yourself on my cock"
"Mingi", she cries, her nails digging into my chest
"Yes fuck don't stop", I urge her, the pleasure so fucking good, "Fuck yourself on it until you cum all over my cock"
"Mingi", she whines
"C'mon baby", I moan, "You can do it. Wanna feel you cum"
God, I crave that pleasure
I never chased a girl's orgasm the way I chase hers
I just want to feel it over and over
It's that good
"Please aegi", I groan, "Cum for my cock and I promise I'll fuck you after"
She slams down harder, her body shaking with her impending orgasm
Her pussy throbs so blissfully, I want to stay inside her forever
"Please baby", I whine
The next slam down, has her body stiffening as she climaxes, screaming my name
Intense pleasure washes over me as I groan, watching the pretty sight of her coming
"So pretty baby", I praise her as she finishes
Her eyes open, looking down at me and I grin up at her
She leans down, kissing me and I eagerly kiss her back
I roll us over, kissing her, her arms around my neck, her fingers in my hair and I swear this is what I want everyday with her
Not just fucking like we've been doing
I want her, all of her
We pull away when the kiss ends and I roll her to her stomach, helping her on her hands and knees
"Gonna fuck you so good baby", I tell her, "Make this pussy cum again"
With that, I shove inside her hard, bottoming out in one shot, her loud cries of pleasure so fucking beautiful
I move fast, pumping my cock in her pussy, bottoming out with every thrust
"Yes Mingi", she moans
I lean over her back, her soft sweaty skin against mine, my arm wrapped around her waist
Her pussy takes my huge dick so well, sucking on my cock as I go inside, locking around me, trying to keep me in when I pull out
Moving her hair over one of her shoulders, I press kisses into her neck, loving the way her skin trembles under my lips
"Mingi", she moans softly, her arm reaching behind her, wrapping around my neck, holding me close
"Baby", I whisper, nuzzling into her neck as I keep thrusting in her pleasurable pussy
"Don't stop", she whines
"I won't", I assure her, splitting her cunt wide open, "Not until you cum for me again"
She nods, her body shivering with each hit to her spot, cunt spasming so blissfully
"Gonna cum", she whines, making me move faster
"Do it baby", I groan, her pussy becoming so tight, it's hard to push through
Shoving in, she screams my name as she explodes, shaking under me as I keep fucking her
"Fill me Mingi", she begs, pushing her ass against my pelvis, keeping me inside her as her cunt throbs
"Fuck Joanne", I cry, burying in her tiny cunt, ecstacy bursting in my body as I cum
My body shakes as I shoot cum inside her, her cunt milking my cock so expertly, driving me crazy
As we come down from the pleasure, I pull out, laying down next to her on my back, panting
She comes closer to me and I move my arm around her, pulling her against me
She lays her head on my chest, breathing hard too, her body curled against mine
I kiss the top of her head, her soft giggle so adorable
She kisses my jaw and I turn my head down to her, capturing her soft lips in a kiss
Her arm moves around my neck as I turn my body to hers, both my arms wrapped around her, keeping her firmly against me
The kiss is soft, sweet, exactly what I need right now
After, I look down into her beautiful eyes, my fingers running in her hair
"I love you", I whisper softly
A gorgeous smile comes on her face as she says, "I love you Mingi"
"Yeah?", I ask, smiling
She nods, "Yeah. So much"
I nod, knowing how she feels, "So much baby"
She giggles, giving me a peck on the lips
"You're mine", I say softly
"Always baby", she answers, "You're mine too"
"One hundred percent", I assure her
"Good", she smiles
I nod, "Good"
She cuddles into me, hugging me tightly as I do the same
"Baby, I gotta shower", I tell her
She laughs, "Yeah, you gotta wash this paint shit off"
"Hey you like it"
"Of course", she agrees, her eyes sparkling, "But you can't sleep in it"
She's right about that
"Can you come with me?", I ask, not wanting to be apart from her yet
"Yeah baby, of course"
"Thanks aegi"
She smiles, kissing me again
Then we disentangle from each other and I stand up
Reaching for her, I pick her up, her soft squeak so cute
"I can walk Mingi", she says, laughing
"I know but I wanna carry you baby. Your so cute and compact"
She snorts, "Ok baby. Lead the way"
"Yes ma'am", I laugh, carrying my baby to the bathroom for a shower
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bloodbrown · 1 year
Protective P x reader headcanons
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• If you met P for the first time outside Hotel Krat, unarmed, he'd literally just grab you and haul ass back to safety. His goal here was just to protect an endangered citizen, but this is when you started to fall for him a little. As time passes he grows fond of you too.
• P instinctively wants to shield you. Compared to his own tall, reinforced steel body, your soft mortal body is basically like a daffodil. If the situation ever came to it, he would take any and all blows for you to keep you unharmed.
(And btw I don't know how tall he is but I've seen people estimate he's above 6'0", which is amazing and I support it.)
• even if you've gained proficiency with a weapon, P does noooot like the idea of you accompanying him outside the hotel. If you insist, he stays close by your side. He occasionally extends his legion arm, stopping you in your tracks, to safeguard you from any potential dangers. He probably equips Aegis just for this.
• if you're ever injured, P begins to lose his typically calm composure. He'd dash to your side to get you to safety as soon as possible, and you hear him utter your name with distress as he scoops you up. As he carries you back, you can hear that the rhythmic ticking of his mechanical heart is clearly faster than usual.
• the whole time you're recovering, P sits by your side. He shoots you one of his disapproving looks if you try to exert yourself before you've fully recovered. At least you know you're in good hands with your sweet puppet looking after you.
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frickingnerd · 10 months
S.E.E.S. Masterlist
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Makoto Yuki
when the stars smile at the moon - oneshot
a part of you lives on in me - oneshot
first time at a maid cafe - oneshot
admiring you from afar - oneshot
makoto dating an idol who's in a fake relationship for publicity - headcanons
enemies to lovers with makoto yuki - headcanons
caught making out with makoto yuki - headcanons
yandere!ryoji & yandere!makoto with a bullied darling - headcanons
Kotone Shiomi
enemies to lovers with kotone and a strega reader - headcanons
Yukari Takeba
until you hold my hand - oneshot
what we do in the shadows - oneshot
i'm all you have left - drabble
love triangle with yukari & mitsuru - headcanons
Junpei Iori
people will talk (no matter what) - oneshot
there's a first time for everything - oneshot
hold me in your arms tonight - drabble
Akihiko Sanada
the things i'd do for you - oneshot
drunk on your love - oneshot
tending to his injuries - drabble
being in a poly relationship with shinjiro and akihiko - headcanons
living together with shinjiro and akihiko - headcanons
fake dating shinjiro & akihiko falling in love with you - headcanons
Mitsuru Kirijo
all that could have been - drabble
dating mitsuru kirijo - headcanons
mitsuru dating a former delinquent - headcanons
mitsuru falling in love with a private detective hired to spy on her - headcanons
mitsuru's crush being in an abusive relationship - headcanons
love triangle with yukari & mitsuru - headcanons
Fuuka Yamagishi
undeserving of her kindness - drabble
Shinjiro Aragaki
↳ Masterlist
aigis' (failed) flirting attempt - drabble
holding hands with aigis - headcanons
having a baby with aigis - headcanons
aigis spying on you to find out why you're upset - headcanons
poly relationship with aigis & labrys - headcanons
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slowd1ving · 28 days
hello!! Your fic is so cool and if your request is open, can I request DG x male reader when DG still in his James lee era while reader is the King of Busan
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Xenia, noun: the classical concept of hospitality to strangers. This, unfortunately, includes a wandering dog and his conniving owner—a most irritating, tooth-grinding conundrum the King of Busan has with Charles Choi and his boy-genius. sorry for the wait anon I was away from my laptop for the past week or so! and I couldn't write :'( first meetings and onwards for this particular work haha chicken and egg problem.. haha introspection on business and corruption... haha capitalism pairing: dg (james lee) + male reader warnings: male reader, canon typical violence, arguing (bickering) wc: 3.3k
In the lengthy chronicles of Charles Choi’s grand plan—to mould the precarious South Korean underground into something far more profitable—James Lee finally came across his very own cause-and-effect conundrum. 
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Plutarch initially posed this question in The Symposiacs: a symbolic tug of war between creator and creation. James supposed, in his bored sort of way, that this question described the relationship between cities and Kings as well. Chronically, objectively, the cities existed first—tall structures and unique ecosystems that forged shadowy figureheads to rule the violent underbelly. But poetically, it was rather hard to ignore the hands etching—pummeling—a pathway for the power to flourish. Without those in charge, what were the cities? And without the cities, who were the people in charge?
Parsing the matter, it distilled into who influenced whom.
Of course, the dazzling sprawl of Busan refracting from the glass under his feet was no exception. Even he, who satiated his youthful wanderlust with blood on his fists, couldn’t deny his reluctance to sully this city more. But, what did it matter? The second most important city in South Korea (some would froth at the mouth and argue it was the first for its gateway to Eurasian trade, or at least for its world-class ports) was built from perfectly respectable trade; but alack! it was also protected by its snarling underworld. It had already been befouled: polluted by fists no better than his, trodden by legs more filthy than his own. Blood and toil smeared its golden sand, and its money was just as dirty.
 Sure, the city was propped up by honourable (hah) commercial deals, but it was shielded by the illicit ones. 
A defiled aegis, if you would.  
It was clear the current glitzy glamour of Busan night-life was carefully orchestrated by someone: from the specific mouthfeel the night air had, to the businesses that ran late into the witching hours. Those mythical beings and chaebols who fed and extracted money from this place, in endless loops, were culpable for these towering skyscrapers and glittering lights. 
In turn, the city cradled your grimy little body—chubby hands wrapping around index fingers of the metaphorical hounds—and made you. 
Did this metropolis represent you, or did you represent the metropolis?
It was not in a polite setting that James Lee scouted the venerable King of Busan: arguably the second most esteemed figurehead for the Kings of South Korea. In theory. In theory, since Busan’s reputation as a hub for trade and exalted trade (rather than the mere cold, hard cash ill-reputed other cities offered Choi) entwined with your own. Except, in practice, you were a far more reticent King than anyone could imagine. A shadow to fade into obliquity more than any other shadow. 
Underbelly, yes. This was the turf you were most at home in; he could forget all about the glamorous, illegal casinos in basements, he could forget about eavesdropping on business moguls and their lackeys, he could forget about waiting in the entertainment districts for the proverbial snake to finally rear his head. 
You were the fucking microcosm of this city: draped with expensive fabric and chainmailed with gold, but the blood on your knuckles stank of impurity. In a parking lot nestled on the outskirts of Busan, he witnessed the King in his court: complete with the luxury, the opulence, and the hamartia of brutality that came with capitalism. Yes, Busan had minted you as a shadowy side to a glitzy coin—as your eyes snapped to where he lounged against concrete, he couldn’t help but observe how your imaginary hackles raised. 
Thwomp. Casually, you tossed the grunt beaten black-and-blue to the frigid asphalt, with the magnanimity of tossing breadcrumbs to ducks in a pond. Like the lackey was the bread and James fucking Lee himself was the duck. A bloodied cheek squished into his sneaker, but you merely stared at him owl-like. No, cat-like, because it seemed to be the same nonplussed stare a cat would give someone after bringing them a dead rat. 
“Nice city.” Since you clearly had no intention of speaking first. Deftly, his fingers unravelled the mystic plastic of a lollipop: popping the cherry-flavoured candy into his mouth to soothe the acerbic irritation he tasted. “You treat all your guests like this, or do kings not follow xenia anymore?” 
It was a rather futile attempt to lighten the mood. After all, if he could help it, he’d rather negotiate to pave the way for the second generation before resorting to throwing his fist. No, that was a lie. His flexing fingers wanted nothing more than to curl into a fist to let off some of the steam he’d garnered from searching for you in this uselessly big city, but fate had him making stupid jokes based on The Odyssey he’d read just last week for his Classics competition. If he rummaged in his pocket, he could probably find the gold medal clanking against hard sweets. 
Your expression changed minutely—a slight disturbance in your brows. They furrowed, and for a brief moment James Lee thought his joke fell flat. With all the blood soaked into your expensive garb, maybe you just valued fists over Homeric hexameter. Violence over prose. Brawns over brains. You slinked like shadows. Crude. Ominous. He could barely see your face even with the city lights flashing neon in the backdrop, but when your loping gait came to a halt, there was an exasperation that afforded more subtle nuance to your character. A bitterness to tinge what he thought was mindlessness. 
“Mr. Lee.” Your voice curled low in your throat, as quick and elusive as mercury, and perhaps just as poisonous. Shadow King of Busan, the man who never introduced himself to you noticed. Silence was golden, and he suddenly understood why Charles Choi so badly wanted sway over the young King in charge of this port city. “I hope you’re aware that beating my subordinates would invalidate any sort of hospitality between us. You’re no god amongst men either, so ritualistic hospitality is a very weak premise to coerce my amiability with. Try again.”
Deity in the flesh. Perhaps James Lee was the closest thing to breaking the limits of humanity, but all men were fallible. That wasn’t what caused his brow to rise though; going in blind may have been risky, but it was worth it to find someone with a silver tongue like this. 
You looked about his age—treading on the precarious cusp between First and Second Generation, fists stained as red as his hair—but you spoke as if you were triple your years. 
“You wanna transfer to my school? It’d be fun to have you in the Debate Club,” he said on a whim, but it wasn’t really a whim either. His instructions were expressly to negotiate with Busan—the city was far too volatile to create a power vacuum in. For cities like Ansan, struggle was welcomed; but Charles Choi had too little of everything to contend with Busan, of all places. Just like in Seoul, the situation would resolve itself, and it was far too soon for the HNH Group to meddle in a place like this. “You talk like a teacher.”
His tone was as syrupy as his candy, but there was half-provocation, half-probing-curiosity entrenched in his cadence. Go on, it coaxed, throw a punch. Argue back. Unorthodox was his means of securing cooperation, but he’d have to be a little unorthodox to secure the deal old man Choi had painstakingly written out. A contract between Elite and the capricious man before him, between HNH Group and the microcosm of Busan himself; it sounded like every capitalist’s wet dream. 
“Good question, kid,” you smiled, but it was less of a smile and more of a sneer as you ghosted closer to him. Kid, like you weren’t one yourself. 
Crack. You stepped, heavy, on the hand of the man you’d pummelled—only his unconscious groan of pain re-alerted James to his existence. “The term isn’t over. You should still be in school. Playing around like this makes me far less likely to listen to whatever you’ve followed me for. Try again.”
The thick scent of metal invaded his personal space as you peeled your black gloves off; the rings beneath them were tinted with the blood that had seeped through the material. Just like that, you callously tossed the garment onto the slumbering man under your feet—though he truly wasn’t sure whether it was a final affront to a beaten man or throwing down the gauntlet towards James Lee himself. 
It was a reminder, once again, to not be hasty. There was the real possibility of fucking Charles Choi several times over if he didn’t get this right, but the thought of his imminent doom didn’t seem all too unappealing. On the contrary, he found his heart beating faster—pulse hot on his tongue as an intriguing challenge presented itself before him. 
“I’m sure your informants have relayed more intel than just my name,” he mirrored the jagged stretch of your lips. The Legend of the First Generation. The Genius. The original, associated with the base moniker of the Ten Geniuses to show just how unparalleled James fucking Lee was. “Take a guess as to how my scholastic life is going, then consider the opportunity that I’m bringing you.”
Ambiguous. His words were dusted with just enough information to seem straight to the point, but vague enough that it was tantalising. A hook to ensnare the snake of Busan himself. And rather than sating the itch in his fists, he found himself looking forward to a parley instead. 
You studied him, appearing to consider his words seriously. Syllables phrased like he was the one with the upper hand, when in fact the HNH group was still tentatively unfurling and in the process of negotiations with both yakuza and Triad alike. He awaited your favourable response, hearing the stats roll into your mind as you calculated the preliminary gains and losses to joining hands with Charles Choi. 
Bloodied fingers tapped a rhythm into your jacket absentmindedly. He watched, anticipating your invitation. 
“Fuck off.”
“Huh?” he spluttered. Maybe he misheard you. Maybe he finally choked on his candy and induced a coma in which he was now dreaming of your response. 
“Your boss sent a high-schooler to broker a deal with Busan.” Your fingers now drummed in irritation against your forearm, but he was just as irritated. He took care of every other prefecture and province, only to have this guy who was his age, nonetheless, tell him his presence wasn’t good enough. Like, what? “Tell old Choi to come himself to negotiate if he wants any sort of foothold in my city. If he truly wanted a respectable contract, why would he send you as a messenger?”
“Excuse me?” If he wasn’t restricted from fighting you—the only exception was valid self-defence—he would’ve made the asshole in front of him eat shit. Alas, Choi wasn’t that generous or lenient. “He sent one of the Ten Geniuses, the primero, for this. I’m one of his greatest assets.”
“Are you a damn car or a person?” you snapped, and it suddenly felt as though he was looking upon an ancient wizard as he lectured a troublemaker outside his tower. His eyelid twitched, and he was finding it quite hard to keep a cool head. “Talking about assets… can’t believe Choi’s sent the guy who’s fucked up all the smaller provinces to deal with us.”
The latter sentence was more grumbled to yourself; it appeared he annoyed you just as much as you annoyed him, which he found a delighted satisfaction in. 
“Tell Elite to come himself,” you uttered finally, not even letting him get in a word edgeways as you ambled back into the shadows—not even sparing a glance for the pile of bodies left in your wake. 
And despite his objective, despite the imminent yelling he’d no doubt face, he couldn’t help but stare at your blood-soaked coat fluttering in the frigid coastal wind. 
Out of hatred, obviously. 
Charles Choi was a conniving bastard. You already knew it, but seeing him in the reception hall really drove the image home. He was polite, a little too polite; yet as soon as you slid that manila folder across the mahogany table, his demeanour prickled into something knife-like. 
Snake of Busan, you were nicknamed, but this guy was something else entirely. Once he sank his teeth into your determination to keep Busan flourishing, you could practically see his pupils contract into thin slits. Of course you’d dealt with tricky deals. Weaving through negotiation as though it were a riptide was how you clawed your way to the very depth of Busan’s underworld—navigating until you finally found that crown mired in cess. 
Or, more accurately, it was Miss Crystal Choi who’d pierced her venom right where it hurt. A Genius of Business, her father had called her—and boy, did it take all your wit to match her expertise in trade. 
But did he really have to bring that guy along?
The scion of the Geniuses was also in your office, leaning against the wall far behind Elite and his daughter. And though nobody asked for his input—not even old Choi spared his prodigy a glance—it still irritated you to no end that he’d tagged along. A bright, cheerful grin cast the sun against the city nightlife on the top floor of your building—one directed right at you, considering the only other two people he knew had their backs facing him. Quite the foolish move, but you weren’t one to concern yourself with people who were basically daylight robbing you. If the dog they’d raised bit them, all the better.
Or maybe he was beaming right at your bodyguard-turned-assistant, who stood discreetly in the shadows of the blinds: slatted light gently cresting over his tall build. Well. It certainly was one of the less strange things Mr Lee had done.  
Still, for someone who’d been glaring at you just a week ago, the change felt far too eerie to ignore. 
“—and onto the temporary personnel exchange section—” A feeble attempt to pry open the walnut that Busan was, which would only end with the unfortunate bastard failing. You’d choose a loyal subordinate, they’d select someone who was doomed to only grunt work—far from the impenetrable fortress of this building. Boredly, you tapped the pen on the contract, before freezing up at Miss Choi’s next words. “—we’d like to recommend James Lee to transfer to this office.” 
A pen snapped, and ink spilled onto the page. Dumbfounded, you barely registered her sliding over a fresh sheet, as though she knew full well this would happen. 
No, it was no recommendation. Her very mention of his name was a forceful shove of him into your office. No wonder he was grinning like the devil. No wonder he was here in the first place. At that moment, you wanted nothing more than to leave Busan behind. 
Your eye twitched. 
He kept smiling—an ominous prelude to the brimstone and fire you were sure to experience promptly.  
“Aren’t I a better bodyguard than that useless one you keep around?” 
James Lee had been a bit too quiet these past few days; duly loping around behind the lower-ranked subordinates as they made their rounds, never crossing the proverbial line when you’d handed him his duties as interim grunt. Though, whenever you passed him, his eyes followed the shadows of your fluttering hem—two pinpricks of an arid glare sweeping on your back. 
But James Lee was a dog, and whatever command Elite gave him, he’d obey. Heel. Roll over. Serve under the King of Busan for a month. A jester, if you would, with a leash around his neck that kept drawing more and more blood from him. What were the limits? Just how far would he go for the man with a crimson shadow?
“No,” you said. He stood, far too proud, on a summit of lackeys that had been sent your way by one of the companies who’d attempted to cheat their way to getting a more favourable deal. It would’ve been a simple ambush—one doomed to fail—fated to end with you tossing blood-soaked gloves right on them before you postponed the meeting you were on your way to. 
But not today. It appeared the limit of the dog of Elite was passing up petty competition with the man two paces behind you.
“Unlike you, Song’s actually pleasant to listen to.” Yes, Song wasn’t the most useful of bodyguards point-blank, but it wasn’t like you particularly needed someone to take care of protecting you. He made people lower their guards. And he made a mean cup of tea. “I don’t have any use for you, so you’re still worse.”
“Semantics,” he shrugged. “I made your life much easier, did I not?”
He was smart. Too smart, but you already knew that from the intel that had not yet been erased. Hushed up, because of course Elite would painstakingly conceal his cards. 
And unfortunately, you were always drawn to a risky hand. A pleasure far removed from the mundane violence of your everyday life—a heart-pounding thrill of betting all your chips in a hazardous (though not desperate) gamble. 
“Maybe.” For it was one day removed from the multitudes of late meetings and burdensome glove changes. Your hands weren’t seeped in oily red, sliding and dripping onto your expensive clothes that were tailored—though still felt so fucking ill-fitting that it made you sick—right to your body. 
You considered the man toeing carefully past the dogpile located against a cargo container: donning what could’ve been your life. A beige school uniform, pinkie slightly indented from books and study, pen marks still dotting his fingers. Closer. He ambled lazily to your direction, and as he approached with the dying sun behind him, you could see his smile. Just as languid as the day you first met him, and just as irritating. 
Closer. Strawberry candy laced the iron odour, though you could faintly taste lemon in the profile too—testament to the yellow wrapper stuck crudely on one of the men. Closer—he was far too close now, standing chest to chest while he stared directly at you. 
If there was one thing that came from this ill-fated encounter, it was probably the permanent furrowed brows that decorated your perplexed face—the bloodhound had been reduced to this fluffy thing demanding your attention. 
And it was just as unfortunate that your impression had been chipped away for him too—a King whose expressions were utterly delightful to witness. A straight mouth, grinning ever-so-slightly when a deal went your way. A routine rhythm to your biro tapping your notepad. Eyes that shone with practical constellations as you breathed the briny air of the port in. 
A particularity to the way you treated others, steely to the strong, awkward with the weak. So utterly flustered, when it came to tiny kids tugging on your long coat, or the grandmas you lent your arm to on the streets. If he had to compare it, he’d attribute your personality as a non-Newtonian fluid: your very own mix of cornstarch and water. Tough with pressure, all soft without. 
Like now. 
“Come on,” he whined. Psychologically, he was doing a damn good impression of pitifulness—even if you’d just witnessed him commit a beatdown so one-sided that you could feel the second-hand pain. And little by little, he was watching you falter: breath caught in his throat as he watched your brows default to their furrow once more. “I saved you a good few minutes, didn’t I? Don’t tell me Busan can’t even acknowledge hard work and effort.”
“Fine, whatever,” you crumbled just like that, under the heavy weight of his triumphant eyes. “Good job.”
So cute, he thought, then froze almost immediately the moment the words came to mind.
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dinovrse · 8 months
The Cafe That Brought Us Together.☕
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OT13 x Reader (SMAU)
Alternative Title : I can feel something brewing between the two of us.
Contains : Fluff , Cafe au , University au
Warning : swearing in some parts of the smau.
Sypnosis : Carat cafe has been becoming quite popular lately , it seems like it became quite famous for bringing people together and also being a hotspot for single people in Going University , maybe you can be the next one to be in a relationship !
Taglist : request me or DM me personally :)
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Released. . .
I latte you alot.🦌 (Joshua)
Sypnosis : Joshua was having a very boring shift while working in a cafe and suddenly you walked in !
Good Gracious , Ass is Bodacious.😇 (Jeonghan)
Sypnosis : Jeonghan enters Carat cafe to meet his Barista friend Joshua but sees a hot staff and compliments their looks and maybe something else too 🤔
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Unreleased. . .
Clumsiness is Key to Winning Hearts !.🐶 (Mingyu)
Sypnosis : Around the university Mingyu was known to be hot but they never knew how clumsy he was until he became a staff member in Carat cafe !
You Don't Like Iced Americanos?.👽 (Vernon)
Sypnosis : One day , Vernon enters a library to borrow a book and was helped by a kind stranger who helps the librarian time to time ! Vernon is thankful and wants to see the stranger again , definitely not because he found them hot !
Aegi My Ass !.🦕 (Dino)
Sypnosis : Dino sees a hot person in Carat cafe and wonders how he should approach them and ask them on a date , luckily (or is it?) Jeonghan has a solution and helps Dino !
. . .
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Just made this a series because why not LMAO.
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will-o--the-wisp · 5 months
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hwasdvlly · 11 months
Happy Hollow-ween | c.san
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↠ summary: a classic yet fun activity for the season is to carve a pumpkin.
↠ pairing: san x fem!reader
↠ genres: family, fluff, and slice of life
↠ word count: 0.6k words
↠ warnings/tags: none. established relationship, idol!san, non-idol!reader, married couple, sannie is husband/father material
↠ a/n: yesss!! another of the choi family which is personally one of my fav writings
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“Appa! I want this one!”
“Isn’t that a bit huge? It’s bigger than your head, Mimi.”
The beloved Choi Family are at the pumpkin patch, where they’ll find the perfect ones to carve. It’s the autumn season, too. The weather has cooled down, and everyone dressed in cozy outfits. 
San picks up a pumpkin that his baby is pointing at. He grunts and uses his strength from those gym workouts because it is heavy. “Y/N! What do you think?!” He calls over his wife, who is busy taking pictures of the lovely area. You turn your attention to your husband and see him struggling with the object. You let a giggle, “It’s almost the same size as The Great Pumpkin from Charlie Brown.” You walk up to the love of your life and your little angel. You assumed it was Sangmi’s choice. 
“Okay, I guess we’re taking it.” San tries to look strong, but, for real, his arms are about to break. You know your hubby by heart that he’ll act differently to impress you and Sangmi. 
“Do you need help, Sannie?” You snickered. San didn’t hesitate to deny it. “Nope! Nope! I got this!” The man waddles his way to the parking lot. Sangmi holds your hand. “Appa looks funny.” She laughs at her penguin dad. “You know how appa is, aegi (baby).” You tell your little girl. San will do anything for his angel. 
Once they arrived home, the Choi Family layered old newspapers on the balcony. San and Sangmi are wearing matching Halloween shirts and plaid sweats. You came out of the kitchen after unboxing the utensils to check on your family. 
“Gotta scrape all of the guts out. Like how you pick your nose.” San makes an absurd comparison. 
“Ew! Appa! I don’t pick my nose.” Sangmi rebutted and giggled heartily. 
The man smirks, “Oh, you don’t? Then what’s this?” He reaches over to tap Sangmi’s button nose. She continues to laugh her head off. You melted by the sound of her angelic voice. Maybe she will become a singer like her dad. You joined the duo by helping them scrape the pumpkin guys. 
San sighed tiredly, “Why did she choose this one? It’s going to take ages to carve.” He spoke in a low voice to prevent Sangmi from hearing his complaint. You replied, “Well, you did make a promise to her the moment she was born.” You looked at him with a knowing look. “Promises can’t be broken, I guess.” San meets your gaze, and he shows his cute pout. 
No matter what age or how long you’ve known this man, he is forever a sulky child. 
“Alright! We are done!” San cheers because it did take ages. 
You went to sit with Sangmi and wipe her messy hands clean. “How do you want to carve the pumpkin, Mimi?” You asked. 
“Can we do Kuromi?” She looks at her parents with the prettiest cat-like eyes. How can anyone say no to that? 
San nods his head with a wide smile. “Yes! I like that idea.” He agrees with his daughter. 
When it comes to arts & crafts, San will do it as if it’s a major task. Even though Sangmi wouldn’t mind if it came out ugly, her appa doesn’t accept imperfections. 
The hours went by, and the day was now night. 
You grabbed a small candle to light up. “Here, sweetheart. Our masterpiece won’t be complete without this.” You handed it to Sangmi. She holds the candle and uses her tiny arms to reach inside the top of the carved pumpkin. She places it in the middle before San grabs the lighter.
“Watch baby. This is a magical moment.” He turns it on, and the flame burns the wick. 
Sangmi’s face brightens like the Kuromi pumpkin. “It’s pretty!” She claps her hands. 
San shifts his body to the masterpiece in front of him. “Appa did good, right?” He gives you and Sangmi a smug expression.
You rolled your eyes yet smiled at your self-righteous husband. Sangmi just happily nodded to indicate that her appa did a beautiful job. 
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