#aes: mira
klywrites · 1 year
these are both mira
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Yep, pretty accurate 😂
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des-vanecido · 11 months
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— Love languaje.
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 1 year
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Mystictober💌✨️ day 1: fave character/dance
Saeran/Ray is my favourite too!! but I only had a solid idea and enough time for Saeyoung, so my guy had to miss out😔 I'm so sorry, Saeran. it's probably fair since I usually draw the younger of the twins way more often anyway.
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justmochi · 2 years
pairing :: mira x wonwoo
word count :: 1.4k
synopsis :: mira falls asleep at wonwoo’s place
time :: 2019
warnings :: fluff
taglist :: @cafemilk-tea @cixrosie @moonlight-additions @cosmicwintr @astraw-astro​ 
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Being stirred awake from his book falling out of his hands and onto the floor, Wonwoo reached down and placed his bookmark between the pages before rubbing his face. He yawned, waking himself up more before turning his head to see Mira asleep as well.
He stood up, stretching his limbs before kneeling in front of her and watching her snore quietly. He would have grabbed his phone if he knew where it was so he could have proof of her snoring. She would have denied it til the end of the world.
Her book was about to fall out of her grasp, Wonwoo quickly taking it from her and bookmarking her spot. She always kept note of where she was at in a certain book, knowing she had a bad habit of losing her place by dropping it or letting the pages flip closed.
She shuffled a bit, eyebrows frowning as she sighed. Wonwoo tried to be as quiet as a mouse, biting his lip at how beautiful she was like this. She was so at peace that he couldn’t help but push her bangs out of her face, tucking them behind her ear.
Mira whined, opening one of her eyes to see him staring back at her. He was taken off guard, saving himself by clearing his throat.
“What are you doing?” She whispered, yawning before sitting up.
“I- uh. Sorry, you fell asleep and your book was about to fall.” He picked her book off the floor, handing it back to her while patting the cover softly.
“What time is it?” She moved her head from side to side, reaching her arms out to stretch them.
“Almost 9. Do you want me to take you home?” He rested his hand on top of her knee awkwardly. The two were still exploring their relationship, even when things seemed out of place. Mira had no idea what to do anymore than he did.
“Can I stay here tonight?”
Wonwoo stared at her, not knowing what to say. “You wanna stay here?”
She was still waking up, only realizing what she said when he said it back to her. She massaged her temples with her fingers. “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking. You probably have stuff to do tomorrow, my bad.”
“You can stay tonight.”
She knew she was asking way too much. They were a new couple and this was the longest she’s ever spent at his place. She also didn’t think it through all the way.
“Are you sure? I-I don’t even have anything to wear.”
“I have a few extra shirts and pants.” He finally stood up from the floor. “I can go get them if you want.”
Mira nodded, standing up as well. She always felt like tipping over whenever next to him. It only made her more bashful about her height. He led her back to his bedroom, quickly skimming through his drawers for comfortable night clothes.
“Here’s a couple shirts, some pants. Whatever you like.” He handed her a pile of his clothes, giving her a selection to choose from.
“Thank you.” She smiled, her grin eventually faded as they stood there for a bit too long.
He almost asked her what was wrong, until he came to the realization. “Oh, right.” He headed for the door, squeezing his head through one last time. “Just come out when you’re ready.”
She couldn’t help but blush once the door shut. She looked through the clothes, picking out the ones that looked most big and comfy. She knew that no one would come barging in, but she still changed into the clothing as fast as possible.
When she found the mirror in his room, she looked at herself and debated tying her hair up. She even wondered if she should have changed into the other pair of clothing.
She was sure he would be wondering what was taking her so long, so she got over herself and opened the door without a second thought. She peeked her head around the corner, revealing him on the sofa.
He looked up from his book, cheeks immediately turning red before shooting up to his feet.
“You’re ready?” She slowly nodded, watching him grab his book and leading her back to his bedroom.
He took apart his bed, pulling out the sheets and making it easy for her to slip into. He gathered his extra blankets and pillows before approaching the door.
“Where are you going?” She frowned as he was about to leave the bedroom with his things.
“I was gonna give you my bed.” He faced her, biting his lip as she shook her head. 
“You don’t have to give up your bed, Wonu.” He laughed nervously, going straight to laying his linens on the floor to sleep on. “And you don’t have to sleep on the floor either.”
“Where am I supposed to sleep?” He stopped flattening the sheets, looking up at her with a confused expression.
“With me?”
His eyes widened, coughing on the air and covering his mouth. “Would you feel comfortable with that?”
“We’re a couple. Isn’t that what couples do?” She mumbled, playing with her cuticles as she got more shy.
He was more nervous about being that close to a woman in his tiny bed, not knowing if he could contain himself. He nodded to himself, picking up his blankets.
“Unless you don’t want to-“
“No! I mean-“ He slammed his hand against his mouth, accidentally raising his voice at her. “I’m sorry. I want to. It’s just your first time here overnight.”
Mira nodded, holding her hand out for him and pulling him up. “I’m probably just as nervous as you are, so don’t worry.”
He squeezed her hand that was cold, using both of his palms to warm them up. “My bed is kind of small, so you should sleep closer to the wall so you don’t fall.”
She pursed her lips as she let go of his hand, setting her phone down on his nightstand and awkwardly climbing into his bed, scooting all the way to the wall so he could have some room also.
Wonwoo soon crawled next to her, getting under his covers and laying as far as he could from her. He put her phone on the charger before setting his on his nightstand, pulling the covers up over his chest. The lights soon followed, leaving them in the dark room alone together.
“Wonu?” Both their hearts were beating out of their chests, his especially.
“Am I allowed to get closer? Like to touch you and stuff?” She gulped, squeezing her eyes shut while waiting for an answer. Wonwoo laid his arm flat across her pillow, nervous if that’s what she meant or if he was just being too affectionate.
It didn’t take her long to scoot closer to him, leaving no distance between their bodies and Mira resting her head on his chest. He was stiff, hesitating before pulling her closer, using his arm to rub up and down on her shoulder. She was still cold.
“Are you cold?” He pulled the covers up over her arms, not realizing he had hogged them all. He cuddled her closer, being sure to warm her up with his hands.
She nodded. “Just a bit.” After a while, they got comfortable with each other, their bodies loosening up as every minute passed by. She even started drifting off to sleep again.
He couldn’t help himself anymore, pushing her bangs out of her face once again and kissing her forehead gently.
He really thought she was asleep, scared when she chuckled at him.
“I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize.” She whispered, “I like it.”
He smirked, kissing her forehead once more before lying his head flat on his pillow.
“You’re the kindest man I’ve ever met.” She spoke under her breath, her senses heightened from his dark and cold room. She had never felt this way about a man before. “You can kiss me as much as you want.”
He was worried about overstepping his boundaries, but she had given him permission at this point and he wasn’t just going to do nothing about it.
He caressed her cheek, brushing her hair behind her ear before tilting her face towards her and softly planting his lips onto hers. She kissed him back, a smile soon growing on her face as she squeezed a piece of his shirt between her fingers. Finally pulling away from each other, Wonwoo placed another kiss on her nose and finally the corners of her mouth.
“I know you’re tired. Goodnight Mira.”
“Goodnight, Wonu.” She shuffled a bit in his grasp, getting comfortable once again before shutting her eyes.
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emiliocarrasco · 8 months
✊ for our muses to play rock paper scissors, the loser owes the winner a favour. - Mira
"Mira, I must tell you, I am quite good at this game," It's something he has done with his children. And his confidence, whilst there, is also rather misplaced. He knows that too. Mira knows him just as well as he knows her. "On three, or after three?" On three, it is. Fists move up, down, up, down — three in succession — "Ah," he chuckles; hands still in the hair. He's looking at Mira's scissors, against his paper. Teasing, he says it — because then it becomes more real: "You win, congresswoman."
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Please comment on this post if you’d be interested in interacting with them. Liking this post gives me permission to:
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crabboytahomaru · 2 years
Have some random doodles
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lightningxdagger · 8 months
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Name: Violet Riorson geb. Sorrengail
Nickname: Vi , Violence { only Xaden } , Silver One { Tairn } , Lightning Wheeler
"I love you, You could throw my entire world into upheaval, and I would still love you. You could keep secrets, run a revolution, frustrate the shit out of me, probably ruin me, and I would still love you. I can't make it stop. I don't want to. You're my gravity. Nothing in my world works without you." @xwingleader ❤️‍🔥 01.02.24 • 05.03.24 💍• 15.06 ♾️
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Violet wurde im Juli 613 AE geboren und war die jüngste Tochter von General Lilith Sorrengail und ihrem Mann, einem Schreiber, mit zwei älteren Geschwistern, Brennan und Mira. Aufgrund des Fiebers, das sich ihre Mutter während der Schwangerschaft zugezogen hatte, wurde Violet mit einer seltenen Erkrankung geboren, die dazu führte, dass sich ihre Haarspitzen silbergrau verfärbten und ihre Bänder und Gelenke häufig subluxierten. Dies führte dazu, dass ihr Vater sie in den Archiven einsperrte, während sie am Basgiath War College lebten.Aufgrund des Einflusses ihres Vaters verbrachte Violet ihr ganzes Leben damit, sich wie er zum Schreiber auszubilden. Nach seinem frühen Tod übernahm Professor Markham ihr Studium und betrachtete sie als seine Starschülerin. Als sie aufwuchs, freundete sie sich 619 AE mit Dain Aetos an, als sie fünf Jahre alt war, und er sechs, da sein Vater, Oberst Aetos, als vertrauenswürdigster Berater ihrer Mutter fungierte. Violet und Dain verbrachten die meiste Zeit zusammen damit, Orte zum Schwimmen und Klettern zu finden und führten Violet anschließend dazu, Nolon und seine Heilerin Winifred kennenzulernen, als diese verletzt wurde. Im Jahr 628 AE, im Alter von 14 Jahren, sah Violet ihren ältesten Bruder Brennan Sorrengail zum letzten Mal vor der Schlacht von Aretia und ließ sie zurück, um um ihren Bruder zu trauern, als sich die Nachricht verbreitete, dass er von Fen Riorson mit einem Bolzen getötet worden war. Sein Tod führte dazu, dass ihr Vater Herzkomplikationen bekam, die schließlich zu seinem frühen Tod etwa ein Jahr vor den Ereignissen von Fourth Wing führten.Violet wurde bei ihrer Aufnahmeprüfung für das Basgiath War College in Bezug auf Geschwindigkeit und Beweglichkeit zu den besten 25 % gezählt. Am Morgen des Wehrpflichttages sieht Violet ihre Mutter und Schwester im Büro ihrer Mutter. Ihre Schwester Mira argumentierte mit ihrer Mutter, dass Violet nicht in den Riders Quadrant gehen sollte, weil sie nicht überleben würde, aber ihre Mutter würde ihre Meinung nicht ändern. Mira packt daraufhin Violets Rucksack für sie um und gibt ihr Reiterstiefel, damit sie besseren Halt an der Brüstung hat, und ein Korsett aus Drachenschuppen als Rüstung.Sie trifft Rhiannon, bevor sie die Brüstung überquert, und sie tauschen ihre linken Schuhe, sodass beide einen Schuh mit gutem Halt haben. Sie trifft Xaden oben auf dem Turm und als sie den Turm überquert, versucht der hinter ihr gehende Kandidat, Jack, sie zu töten, aber sie überlebt.
﴾ Wire: lightningxdagger (deutlich besser erreichbar)
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Aussehen: Ich weiß das Violet mit hell braunen Augen beschrieben wird, es ist nur super schwer passende Faceclaims zu finden daher bitte ich um Unterlassene Aussagen über ihr Aussehen, einfach die Augenfarbe gedanklich Anpassen.
Alter: Violet ist in meiner Version 21 Jahre alt. Also keine Sorge das FSK ist erfüllt!
L3S3V3: L = Language/Sprache ・S = Sex ・V = Violence/Gewalt Die Nummer 3 ist das Höchste (umgangssprachlich auch Rating FSK 21) also keine falsche Scheu.
Sonstige Regeln:
Ich habe keine Lust auf Drama außerhalb des Plays, also bitte ich gewissenhaft mit Menschlichen Gefühlen umzugehen.
Smalltalk ausschließlich in Charakterform, ich bin nicht gewillt private Sachen zu teilen.
(Dieses Abteil bekommt noch einen eigenen Post, solange steht es hier!)
Crossover sind gerne gesehen! Listenfüller werden gekickt! Sorry not Sorry.
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acronym-chaos · 2 months
Celestial Being ID Pack
[PT: Celestial Being ID Pack].
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[ID: A purple thin line diivder shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Andromeda, Antares, Aether, Aurora, Astra, Astraeus, Azura, Betelgeuse, Callisto, Cassiopeia, Celeste, Celestine, Cepheus, Chara, Chroma, Cosma, Cygnus, Deneb, Eclipse, Elara, Electra, Elysia, Empyrean, Estella, Ethereal, Galaxia, Helia, Hespera, Illumine, Luminara, Lyra, Maia, Mira, Nebula, Nocturne, Nova, Nyx, Ophelia, Orin, Orion, Perseus, Phos, Polaris, Proxima, Radiance, Rigel, Selene, Seraphina, Sirius, Solara, Solstice, Starlia, Starlight, Tauri, Tempest, Ursa, Uriel, Vega, Vela, Vespera, Yvaine, Zephyr, Zenith, Zaniah, Zorya
[PT: Pronouns].
Ae / Aeth / Er [Aether]; Astro / Astros / Astros; Au / Aura / Auras; Bea / Beam / Beams; Cele / Celes / Celests; Co / Con / Const [Constellation]; Co / Cos / Cosmos; Com / Come / Comet; Fli / Flick / Flicker; Ga / Gala / Galax; Glea / Gleam / Gleams; Glo / Glow / Glows; Li / Light / Lights; Lu / Lum / Lumin [Luminary]; Ne / Neb / Ula [Nebula]; No / Nov / Nova; Or / Orbi / Orbits; Pho / Phot / Photon; Po / Polar / Polaris; Ra / Ray / Rays; Shim / Shimm / Shimmer; Spar / Spark / Sparks; Spect / Spectr / Spectrum; Star / Star / Stars; Ste / Stell / Stellar; Twi / Twink / Twinkle; Voi / Void / Voids
[PT: Titles].
The Astral Entity, The Beacon of Light, The Celestial Conduit, The Cosmic Herald, The Ethereal Luminary, The Flickering Spirit, The Guide of Galaxies, The Infinite Essence, The Light of Stars, The Luminous Enigma, The Manifestation of Harmony, The Nebula Weaver, The Radiant Whisper, The Shimmering Presence, The Soul of the Cosmos, The Spirit of Starlight, The Voice of the Void, The Warden of Light, [Pronoun] Who Flickers in the Night, [Pronoun] Who Guides the Galaxies, [Pronoun] Who Illuminates the Darkness, [Pronoun] Who Radiates Eternity, [Pronoun] Who Weaves the Nebulae, [Pronoun] Who Whispers Through the Stars
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
Made for @rwuffles' 700 followers event!
Day 5: free day
Also tagging @pronoun-arc @id-pack-archive
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yourdarlingness · 9 months
 ◞◟ diluc names · pronouns · titles !
  · requested by anon
 more npts from others — 1 2 3 4 5
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 ◞◟ NAMES ✦
 : Aegius . Aegilius . Acadilius . Brute . Emberine . Embryne . Inferius . Infernae . Megara . Mescosia . Mystarin . Noctis . Noctisse . Noctissa . Noctua . Nocturae . Pyrolith(e) . Seare . Searesse . Scorche . Scorchessa . Strifora . Striforea  : Augustus . Ash . Ashe . Ashley . Ashton . Bruce . Cassius . Cedric . Cinder . Cindy . Edric . Dante . Dawn . Declan . Delilah . Delphine . Dimitri . Dominik . Domino . Donovan . Lucius . Lucian . Lucille . Mira . Ollie . Octavia . Phoenix . Valerian
 : fi / fire . fae / flame . owl / owls . em / ember . sea / sear . fe / fer / fervor . ci / cin / cinder . ce / cer . se / ser . ae / ash . bu / bur / burn . hx / hxm . shx / hxr . thxy / thxm . h🔥 / h🔥m . sh🔥 / h🔥r . th🔥y / th🔥m . h🍷 / h🍷m . sh🍷 / h🍷r . th🍷y / th🍷m . fie / fier .🦉 . 🪶 . 🔥 . 🍷 . 🍾 . 🥀
 ◞◟ TITLES ✦
 : the highly esteemed individual . the nobleman / noblewoman / noble lady of mondstadt . the [x] of dawn . the owner of Dawn Winery . the ever-dapper [name] . the harbinger of dawn . the nemesis of the dark . the darknight hero . the dark side of dawn . the hidden guardian of mondstadt . the uncrowned king of mondstadt . the once chivalrous knight . the nocturnal hero . the bartender who dislikes liquor . prn flowing flames . prn who vanquishes threats . prn stained sword . prn burning passion . prn soulful desires to protect . prn who rises like phoenix
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[x] can be replaced with any nouns or terms you prefer
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Strigiformes - scientific name for owl
Owls - Aegolius acadicus, Megascops asio
Fervor - intense and passionate feeling.
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klywrites · 1 year
one of my friends sent this to me and it made me think of mira, but also mira convincing elly to put her mac 'n' cheese and nuggies in a wine glass to be ~fancy~ and ~aesthetic~ for mira's instagram
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eclipian · 2 months
Auroracore Sidesystem
pt: auroracore sidesystem
reminder beings will almost definitely not turn out exactly as described, and these can be edited and changed as needed.
number of members: 4
divider credit
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System Name: Land of the Fae , Fae of the Valley , The Ethereal Lands , Aurora Collective , Aurora Coven , Aurora Glade , Fairy Glade , Ethereal Glade , Ethereal Coven
Collec. Name(s): Aerin , Calliope , Freya , Lyra , Eira , Cassiopeia , Noa , Lysander , Meliora , Melusine , Vesper , Zephyr , Nimue
Collec. Pronouns: Ae/Aer , Sie/Sier , Shy/Hyr , Cae/Caer , Cae/Caem , Fae/Faer , Fei/Feir , Ny/Nym , Ce/Cir , 🌙/🌙s , 💐/💐s , 🌸/🌸s
Collec. Gender: Aurethesia , Auroracoric , Aurethesia Subterms
Collec. Orientation: Queer , Faradallion
Aesthetic(s): Auroracore , Etheral , Fairy Tale
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Name — Age — Pronouns — Identity — Species
Ruby , Scarlett , Lucy , Sylvie — 15 yo — She/Her , Shx/Hxr , Ze/Hir , Grr/Grrs , Howl/Howls , Wolf/Wolfs , Vi/Vir — GNC Butch Agender, Bisexual Arospec — Human
Nadia , Alina , Blair , Deirdre , Aisling , Aislinn , Elysia — 18 yo — Ae/Aer , Fae/Faer , Fei/Feir , Ny/Nym , Ce/Cir , 💐/💐s , 🌱/🌱s , 🌿/🌿s , 🌸/🌸s — Transfem Nonbinary , Asexual Biromantic — Fairy
Evren , Lavender , Juniper , Heulwen , Nereida — 17 yo — E/Em , Ey/Em , Cy/Cyr , Ae/Aer , 🌙/🌙s , 🌿/🌿s , 🌱/🌱s , 💐/💐s — Transmasc Nonbinary , Pansexual — Elf
Sedna , Thalassa , Mira , Damona , Kai , Delmar — 20 yo — Sea/Sear , Sie/Sier , Shy/Hyr , Cae/Caer , Cae/Caem , 🌊/🌊s , 🧜‍♀️/🧜‍♀️s , 🧜/🧜s — Seagender , Genderfluid , Lesbian — Merfolk
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ladvofthelake · 10 months
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mira, she/her, twenty-two, bisexual, author, mortuary student.
history devotee w/ a passion for high fantasy, gothic literature, mythology, & arthurian legend / admirer of well-written villains. writer of gothic horror / high fantasy.
this is an informal blog (writeblr?) that will be dedicated to the miscellaneous ramblings and inspirations for and about my current musings (w/ maybe a few snippets here and there).
so, what am i writing?
pirate wip / tag
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vampire cowfolk wip / tag
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phantom wip / tag
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additionally, i’ve been writing some short stories to submit to a myriad of anthologies, but those are fairly simple compared to the aforementioned works!
more blogs.
main blog (follows/likes from): @ladvofthelake
horror sideblog: @frankehstein
history/aes. sideblog: @titanomachv
high fantasy multifandom sideblog: @baldvrsgate
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my feed has been pretty empty lately, so i’d love to follow/interact with more writers! thank you!
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justmochi · 2 years
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Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) 7th Mini Album [Apocalypse : Follow us] Teaser Image #02
2022. 10. 11 PM 18:00 (KST)
#드림캐쳐 #Dreamcatcher #미라 #MIRA #7th_Mini_Album #Apocalypse #Follow_us #VISION
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taglist :: @cafemilk-tea​ @cixrosie​ @moonlight-additions​ @cosmicwintr​ @ateezjuliet​
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help-an-alter · 1 month
hey i just found this blog- i don’t exactly know if i’m fragmented, but i don’t really feel totally there if that makes sense? like some part of me is missing or smth. i tried a name for a while, but it didn’t stick, and nothing about my identity really sticks either (pronouns, role, appearance, legit nothing- it’s really weird).
can i have some name/pronoun suggestions? anything related to lovecore/soft/pink kinda vibes works great since i have a strong connection to those things, but i’m open to anything honestly. i’m not picky. ty <3
— @mmalwarecollective
hi! sorry for the wait, i hope this can help you!
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name: amor, aiko, aimi, angela, bambi, blossom, bella, carina, cerise, cerys, cordelia, cupid, dove, juliette/juliet, heart, pearl, ruby, garnet, rose, scarlet, sugar, val, valentine, venus, seraphine, esme, carmen, mabel, aimee, amory, annabel, carwyn, maren, mirror, mira
pronouns: eir/eirs/eirself, vae/vaer/vaerself (alt. vaem), love/loves/loveself, fuzz/fuzzy/fuzzyself, bun/buns/bunself, ae/aer/aerself, flow/flower/flowerself, rhi/rhir/rhirself, vel/velvet/velvetself, adore/adores/adoreself, pink/pinks/pinkself, hea/art/heartself, sweet/sweets/sweetself, cu/pid/cupidself, blo/bloom/bloomself
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softstuffs · 4 months
Oc s?
HI I present to thee:
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Pigeon used to be my icon for the longest time so I consider her like The Oc of this blog (even though I haven't posted about xyr in like a year but sh. shh.) I choose the color scheme (light green and some ochre-ish colors) to match her! She's an Animal Jam OC who takes the role of the player during the adventures.
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She's just this super chipper and excitable pal who loves exploring and running at phantoms with reckless abandon. They live in Sarepia Forest and like collecting sunflowers and mushrooms and stuff. All the nooks and crannies they can find, they try to squeeze into. They have random knickknacks and rewards from adventuring scattered around their den. She cares about defeating the phantoms but exploration captures her attention a lot more. And she frequently gets distracted as a result. but somehow it works out. much to the confusion of the Alphas. And by "Alphas" I mean Greely. Because she just manages to find things inexplicably. Essentially I wanted her to fill the role of the player. Because when the player is playing the game, they can see the onscreen clues of where to find things. Like in an adventure if you need to find a key there's a little pop-up that shows which direction you need to go.
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(^ like this) as well as other things like a map, the mission info at the top of the screen, etc.
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And the alphas are always remarking on the player's ability to find these things, and how its surprising and a bit odd.
I thought that would be interesting to incorporate as an ability that the character has. because in universe, the other characters cant see these UI elements so it just looks like Pigeon is bee-lining it into the forest and then coming back with a cork and they're like. what. Pigeon just has this weird "sense" that pulls them forwards and brings them to certain people or objects that they can't explain. Its just innate. They walk into the woods and feel compelled to run into the trees and Oh! there's a key here! Huh, weird. And everyone else is just like "?????" because other than this pull towards things Pigeon doesn't have any other kind of like magical ability or a strong connection to Mira and Zios. Its just this 1 inexplicable quirk like she has a compass in her head she can tune to find things. Or to know where phantoms are. Which is especially helpful considering she isn't the strongest fighter. Like she's with another jammer and she's like "oh no! phantoms!" and throws a boomseed in a random direction and the distant sound of a phantom sprouter exploding is heard. (since sometimes you can destroy sprouters that are juuuustt on the corner of the screen but they cant actually detect you yet.) and the person she's with just stares at her like she's grown 3 heads.
idk i think its fun lol. shes just like a random jammer but she has a walkthrough built into her head.
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its silly and it gives the opportunity for her to have interesting interactions with the Alphas, who are the main characters you talk to throughout the adventures. Obviously she serves as a kind of foil to Greely just by virtue of being very excitable and cheery but there's also some other stuff to it to. Like Greely's thing is that he's always going off by himself and he's all contemplative and i like the idea that they can bond over the idea of feeling strange and having weird magic connections. another big part of her desire for exploration is her awe of nature. She loves just looking around at the huge trees Jamaa has and the pretty crystal caverns. She could spend hours just wandering aimlessly down there. And that's something she and Cosmo can kinda chat over. And I imagine Ghraham's unrelenting need to understand everything leads to him being very interested in xyr abilities. they're also both very eccentric and I think they'd vibe Ae and Peck also get along I feel. But I also like to think that since they're the closest in personality Pigeon kinda idolizes Peck and so she tries really hard to impress and gets really embarrassed around her and its like silly and cute. She still only sees them sparingly so it's more like coworkers than friends but shes at least acquainted with everyone except Tavie. And if Tavie ever appears in or is referenced in a land adventure I'm absolutely making them friends. the other two Quail (brown n purple) and Dove (white n grey) are her younger sister and older brother because obviously shes the middle child.
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anyway yeah I made my blog her color palette bc i just. i love her. <333333 I love u Pigeon.
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