#affect money
inkskinned · 1 year
the thing is there's like, a point of oversaturation for everything, and it's why so many things get dropped after a few minutes. and we act like millennials or gen z kids "have short attention spans" but... that's not quite it. it's more like - we did like it. you just ruined it.
capitalism sees product A having moderate success, and then everything has to come out with their "own version" of product A (which is often exactly the same). and they dump extreme amounts of money and environmental waste into each horrible simulacrum they trot out each season.
now it's not just tiktokkers making videos; it's that instagram and even fucking tumblr both think you want live feeds and video-first programming. and it helps them, because videos are easier to sneak native ads into. the books coming out all have to have 78 buzzwords in them for SEO, or otherwise they don't get published. they are making a live-action remake of moana. i haven't googled it, but there's probably another marvel or starwars something coming out, no matter when you're reading this post.
and we are like "hi, this clone of project A completely misses the point of the original. it is soulless and colorless and miserable." and the company nods and says "yes totally. here is a different clone, but special." and we look at clone 2 and we say "nope, this one is still flat and bad, y'all" and they're like "no, totally, we hear you," and then they make another clone but this time it's, like, a joyless prequel. and by the time they've successfully rolled out "clone 89", the market is incredibly oversaturated, and the consumer is blamed because the company isn't turning a profit.
and like - take even something digital like the tumblr "live streaming" function i just mentioned. that has to take up server space and some amount of carbon footprint; just so this brokenass blue hellsite can roll out a feature that literally none of its userbase actually wants. the thing that's the kicker here: even something that doesn't have a physical production plant still impacts the environment.
and it all just feels like it's rolling out of control because like, you watch companies pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into a remake of a remake of something nobody wants anymore and you're like, not able to afford eggs anymore. and you tell the company that really what you want is a good story about survival and they say "okay so you mean a YA white protagonist has some kind of 'spicy' love triangle" and you're like - hey man i think you're misunderstanding the point of storytelling but they've already printed 76 versions of "city of blood and magic" and "queen of diamond rule" and spent literally millions of dollars on the movie "Candy Crush Killer: Coming to Eat You".
it's like being stuck in a room with a clown that keeps telling the same joke over and over but it's worse every time. and that would be fine but he keeps fucking charging you 6.99. and you keep being like "no, i know it made me laugh the first time, but that's because it was different and new" and the clown is just aggressively sitting there saying "well! plenty of people like my jokes! the reason you're bored of this is because maybe there's something wrong with you!"
#this was much longer i had to cut it down for legibility#but i do want to say i am aware this post doesnt touch on human rights violations as a result of fast fashion#that is because it deserves its own post with a completely different tone#i am an environmental educator#so that's what i know the most about. it wouldn't be appropriate of me to mention off-hand the real and legitimate suffering#that people are going through#without doing my research and providing real ways to help#this is a vent post about a thing i'm watching happen; not a call to action. it would be INCREDIBLY demeaning#to all those affected by the fast fashion industry to pretend that a post like this could speak to their suffering#unfortunately one of the horrible things about latestage capitalism as an activist is that SO many things are linked to this#and i WANT to talk about all of them but it would be a book in its own right. in fact there ARE books about each level of this#and i encourage you to seek them out and read them!!! i am not an expert on that i am just a person on tumblr doing my favorite activity#(complaining)#and it's like - this is the individual versus the industry problem again right because im blaming myself#for being an expert on environmental disaster (which is fucking important) but not knowing EVERYTHING about fast fashion#i'm blaming myself for not covering the many layers of this incredibly complicated problem im pointing out#rather than being like. yeah so actually the fault here lies with the billion dollar industries actually.#my failure to be able to condense an incredibly immense problem that is BOOK-LENGTH into a single text post that i post for free#is not in ANY fucking way the same amount of harm as. you know. the ACTUAL COMPANIES doing this ACTUAL THING for ACTUAL MONEY.#anyway im gonna go donate money while i'm thinking about it. maybe you can too. we can both just agree - well i fuckin tried didn't i#which is more than their CEOs can say
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literally in another universe snowbairdplinth could've been THE revolution. they wouldn't even really need any allies, lbr.
like, between coryo's cunning, sej's conscience, and lucy gray's charisma? the snow name, the plinth fortune, the baird d12 but neither district nor capitol pedigree?
coryo could've actually been like, panem's first 20-year-old president, who outlaws the hunger games and who the districts still listen to because he has sej and lucy gray on side. and yeah maybe coryo still kills a bunch of people but like whatever, no one really bats an eye -- who's gonna mourn gaul, anyways? no one in the districts, that's for sure. even if gaul didn't suck ass they'd be busy with cool covey music and awesome new legislation.
in a better universe i am 100% certain snowbairdplinth could've managed a fairly bloodless revolution, six decades early.
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Someone on Weibo posted about Jullian Champenois sexually harassing multiple Chinese women using his status as Kim's voice actor. This is beyond disappointing.
EDIT: here is the translated version
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shmreduplication · 8 days
see picture of giant artichoke restaurent building on tumblr.edu
reverse image search and find out it's in california (you live in californa)
find out there is an artichoke festival 2 hrs drive from you but you already missed it this year
plan to go next year
buy the hat (and book) from the online store because you love artichokes and are definitely going next year so it's ok to break the rule of "go to a location/event before buying a hat"
don't feel good and don't have the necessary Driving Endurance built up to make it there and back so you miss the festival :(
oh well there is next year
spend the year going on many 1hr and longer drives
your mom is in town for a few weeks and it overlaps with the festival, she also loves artichokes and instilled your love of artichokes in you
like two weeks ago she said she got a deal for a hotel near it so let's drive down saturady, have a nice dinner, then go on sunday
bring the hat you bought over a year ago and have a lovely time, eat artichokes steamed grilled fried cupcaked and taco'ed :)
don't eat the burgered meatstuffed or breadbowled artichokes because they would have been too filling for you to have eaten all the other artichokes
see a video about the history of artichokes in californai and it has a picture of the restaurant from tumblr!
look up restaurant and it's on the way home! barely out of the way at all!
wear the hat to take a picture with the restaurant!
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divorcedtom · 2 years
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Who has ever looked after you in this fucking family?
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bythepen98 · 11 months
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More Tomarry doodles 😌✨️💚❤️
Au where Harry is constantly struggling bc of Tom's good looks and gestures of affection. He totally has a crush but really REALLY doesn't know how to deal with it.
He's seen either frowning or looking constipated whenever he's by Tom's side and people naturally mistake it as distate/hatred (which technically wouldn't have been wrong back in his old timeline).
In reality, Harry is so down bad for his past nemesis that he's always close to hyperventilating at the proximity between them. With Tom manoeuvring situations behind the scenes so that they can constantly be near each other/are partners in every class they're in, Harry has no chance to relax his heart at all and thus, suffers. It just so happens that his face, misleadingly, reflects that pain. Lmao.
-end (tbc?)
Probably my last doodle (of them?) for awhile bc I really need to finish my other wips and I have an upcoming bday project to work on hhhh. Like I'll still make time for them but right now? it's a challenge. /n
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spidey-bie · 1 year
I find it hard to believe that Hobie buys anything for you. He says it's because he doesn't want to be a cog in the capitalistic machine he's broke. If he can make it himself he will. But if you want something from a big chain store he'll just steal it. He always supports small businesses and mom and pop shops when he can.
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levi-lev · 2 months
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"I unconsciously stepped back. My back hit something. I turned my head. Looked up. It was Sung Hyunjae. He was looking down at me. Our eyes met. He looked surprised. He seemed a little flustered, unusually enough for him. He gripped my shoulders and spun me around.
Sung Hyunjae wrapped his arms around me. My field of view, and my face, were completely covered."
(Chapter 210 - @sfstranslations )
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problemnyatic · 8 months
This is your regular reminder not to conflate top/bottom with dom/sub because the queer community does not need another goddamn gender binary, especially not from inside the fucking house
maybe reskinning cishetero gender roles with a coat of rainbow paint is not actually a good thing and inhereting the exact same stereotypes is bad and you shouldn't do it even as a joke! thanks
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Nimona trio house headcanons
So I said in a post that I cant find because I've made like 30 headcanon posts that the trio’s house is a perfect combination of them
But I feel like I’ve been purposefully vague about where they would live because I didn’t really have an idea before now but now I do 
Imagine literally any Disney cottage and you have it 
It’s a small three bedroom two bath single floor unassuming little thing 
There’s enough room for all of them and an office but if they hadn't been through Hell and back together it would feel stupid cramped  
They live in a heavily forested area that has a decent amount of houses around it with enough space between them to give the comfort of privacy 
When they bought the cottage they were really looking for qualities that they would all enjoy 
The cottage being surrounded by trees was actually really beneficial for Nimona 
It actually kept her from leaving for a very long time because she spent a solid 6 months mapping out the forest and discovering new things almost every day 
It was far enough from the city that Ambrosius felt like he could breathe 
This was the first time when paparazzi weren’t within arms reach and when he realized that he cried tears of joy 
And the house was enough of a fixer upper to give Bal something to do for at least 2 years 
The house was very old by their standards so he spent months figuring out how he was going to renovate it before they even signed the papers 
Their neighbors are also saints who know no one as high profile as those three move all the way out there for fun
They came over to offer housewarming gifts like food and other things but they mostly keep to themselves unless they need something or are explicitly invited
This was a breath of fresh air because for some reason the people in the city were unusually nosy 
You’d think it would be the opposite but no their apartment neighbors wouldn’t leave them the hell alone 
You’d also think that they would hate the trek to and from work and that it would be harder to lose paparazzi but again no
The three of them love long car rides and the heavily forested area makes it easy for them to lose them in the trees 
Their new neighbors also noticed that they did things like keeping the outside of their house as unassuming as possible 
Like Ambrosius planted flowers outside and they have some knickknacks that are too big for the living room 
But the house is painted a similar color to the rest of the area 
They also park their vehicles behind the house and make sure their names aren’t visible on the outside of the house 
And the curtains are drawn most of the time 
So the neighbors do little things like park their cars behind their houses so this habit doesn’t seem weird or text the boys when they see an unfamiliar vehicle driving down the street 
Or let them know to stay in the city for a little longer cause someone has driven back and forth down the road at least 10 times 
Every time they do this Ambrosius and Nimona bake them something or Bal offers to help them around their house 
Literally anything to show how undeniably grateful they are for all their help
And most of the time the neighbors turn down the help and share the food the trio made with them 
Because they’ve done more than enough already
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sukimas · 6 months
getting invited to fancy restaurants by much wealthier coworkers is always funny because i know more about what's on the menu than they do. no, you should not be paying $85 for new york wagyu filet mignon.
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bearhugsandshrugs · 7 months
Oooh I feel like Tav would be the one to fall in love first but Gortash would fall harder. Imagine him just watching Tav training or something and she turns to smile at him and he smiles back, then at that moment he starts freaking out internally and decides he needs to start courting Tav.
Knowing him he will probably be over the top with the courting and Tav would be like “..tf is this shit”
I mean that man knows how to seduce, but COURT? Probably has to read a book first lol
One day Tav comes back to her room and there’s a gigantic bouquet of flowers sitting on her desk; like every expensive and exotic flower in existence? It’s there. They don’t match up and it looks horrendous, because Gortash ordered the most debauched shit, glaring at the flower shop owner quietly trying to advise him–
Tav is like “an effort was made” but when he asks her how she liked her room’s new decor she does a lousy job at lying and Gortash hides his expression, then rages in private.
He heard that he should probably take her out? On a date? So he has an entire city section shut off, the people living there shouting at them as he takes Tav to the small park that’s nestled in that area. She’s like … man, but then she sees that he’s actually nervous and she melts a little. But when they get there, do you think they’re alone?
You would be wrong because there’s an entire group of staff waiting to tend them. Who needs a secluded, private picnic if you can drag a five star chef out of his restaurant to force him to cook around the corner so you can dine with the woman you’re into? Right, not Gortash, that’s for sure
After like a month of this, with not a single move between them having happened (Tav is too nervous and Gortash increasingly has the feeling he fucks up and just wants everything to be PERFECT) Tav decides to ask him for a business meeting late in the evening, some made up excuse and some conspiring staff will do (honestly they need this to stop too), and when he arrives it’s actually perfect because she wears a cute dress and there are candles. Oh, first he frowns, this was supposed to be his role, but then he gets it, FINALLY, and he kisses her–
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skunkes · 5 months
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aroacehanzawa · 2 months
whats ur beef?
My favourite manga lost the plot so now i cope by being a hater 👍
#long answer is i have beef with the direction that the bsd manga has taken#it only superficially resembles the beloved mystery and character-driven detective agency story with atsushi as the main character#i'm dissatisfied with major developments like killing off fyodor and reviving him and pulling this#PSYCH his ability wasn't what you thought it was. with zero foreshadowing or buildup#because the manga has become full of marvel-movie type plot twists that serve little to no coherent narrative purpose except shock factor#it cheapens the story and it cheapens the development of characters and it cheapens the reader's experience#because we can't speculate and we can't draw connections and parallels and engage with the story on a deeper level#what connections there exist (for example between manga and anime) are shoehorned in after the popularity of the anime and#specific characters (e.g. fyodor who was shoehorned into untold origins in the anime) and mostly the characters who bring in money#i.e. fyodor and dazai and chuuya and their relationships especially soukoku. all this at the expense of characters like atsushi or#the majority of the female cast. who have been MIA for god knows how long and who were barely given frame each in the anime's finale#bsd treatment of its female characters has been subpar shounen level at best and now they're completely sidelined#as with most of the original cast and the original themes of the story. in fact i struggle to identify a coherent overarching theme#for the current arc. other than military action scifi movie go brrrr#compared to early arcs where each chapter had a meaningful message to say about the importance of living and what it means to stay alive and#keep going and why we are fighting to keep important people in our lives and to keep ourselves alive#and what it means to belong somewhere and what it means to be good or bad and how your place of belonging affects that#as a long term reader i just feel betrayed and disappointed. by how a story with complex and vibrant characters has become another#generic cashgrab shounen. and i mourn for the lost potential it had and everything the series has build up#only to have plot points abandoned at a whim.#so that's why i'm a hater now 👍#i know a lot of my bsd mutuals are still big fans of bsd so i try not to be obnoxious about it and mainly keep it comedic#like i don't actually hate the manga. because it's so important to me. and i respect the creators of the manga and anime#but it's frustrating to watch a train wreck in real time. and it's my blog i can hate what i want 😔#sorry if there are typos i wrote all this on mobile and can't edit the tags. i didn't wanna put any of this in the main post
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sylvies-chen · 1 year
the wesper deleted scene reminded me of how I will never not laugh at the fact that wylan van eck was born into a wealthy family who neglected him and mocked him severely until he was forced to live on the streets as a pauper and then the first person wylan truly falls in love with just so happens to be a sharpshooting money-loving gambler who’s part of an extremely exclusive criminal enterprise with a leader dedicated to making as much coin as possible like WHAT KIND OF WEALTH AND PROSPERITY LUCKY CHARM DOES THIS GUY HAVE LMAOO
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nezumeanie · 1 year
♡⃣ v a l k y r i e ’ s simple affection is shown by…𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ ִ ۫ ˑ 𖥻 ִ ۫ ּ
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….basking in your presence. mika is content anywhere as long as you’re the person beside him. running errands with you goes beyond being a favorite pastime of his, it’s a genuine honor of his to be allowed to spend the most mundane hours of life with you. holding your grocery bags while talking about the colors in the advertisements you’ve seen in store windows, making up names and stories for puppies seen tied to cafe tables outside, predicting the weather, discussing how intelligent humans are for inventing things for even the smallest of inconveniences—in the silence between topics mika thanks that god over and over again that someone could love a half broken product like him. he feels truly blessed by you, especially if you find the right time to rub his head or scratch under his chin. in the small times you spend together, he blushes so much around you that you begin to believe he really is just a cherry cheeked kind of boy
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….pinching your cheek and clicking his teeth. only you can hear the care in shu’s nagging, the softness in his correction. only he can see the hair on your head that’s out of place, the tag sticking out of your shirt. brushing a hair out of your face while your hands are full, fastening your necklace for you after you’ve fumbled with the latch for a minutes or so, retying your shoes for you mumbling about how childish you truly are—shu can’t admit it but he really does enjoy just taking care of you. you’re a precious artifact to him, something that needs delicate hands and a proper home. taking note of the colors you wear often, the times of year you sneeze the most, the kind of drinks that you cringe at, whether or not you enjoy the guitar and if he should find ways to incorporate into his work..even in his own little world, there remains a spot for you. somehow you’re approval has also become vital to his projects, knowing you believe in his genius gives his a sense of pride like he’s never felt when he’s done this alone. after so many years of safe and cold porcelain skin, shu never realized how strong his craving was to feel something so warm and inviting until now
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