#affordable cross-docking services
nffica · 9 months
The holiday season is a testament to the resilience and efficiency of the logistics industry. At NFFI, we are committed to delivering excellence, especially during these critical times. Our team’s dedication and strategic planning ensure that your holidays are as joyful and stress-free as possible. Read more........
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When the app tries to make you robo-scab
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When we talk about the abusive nature of gig work, there’s some obvious targets, like algorithmic wage discrimination, where two workers are paid different rates for the same job, in order to trick occasional gig-workers to give up their other sources of income and become entirely dependent on the app:
Then there’s the opacity — imagine if your boss refused to tell you how much you’ll get paid for a job until after you’ve completed it, claimed that this was done in order to “protect privacy” — and then threatened anyone who helped you figure out the true wage on offer:
Opacity is wage theft’s handmaiden: every gig worker producing content for a social media algorithm is subject to having their reach — and hence their pay — cut based on the unaccountable, inscrutable decisions of a content moderation system:
Making content for an algorithm is like having a boss that docks every paycheck because you broke rules that you are not allowed to know, because if you knew the rules, you’d figure out how to cheat without your boss catching you. Content moderation is the last place where security through obscurity is considered good practice:
When workers seize the means of computation, amazing things happen. In Indonesia, gig workers create and trade tuyul apps that let them unilaterally modify the way that their bosses’ systems see them — everything from GPS spoofing to accessibility mods:
So the tech and labor story isn’t wholly grim: there are lots of ways that tech can enhance labor struggles, letting workers collaborate and coordinate. Without digital systems, we wouldn’t have the Hot Strike Summer:
As the historic writer/actor strike shows us, the resurgent labor movement and the senescent forces of crapulent capitalism are locked in a death-struggle over not just what digital tools do, but who they do it for and who they do it to:
When it comes to the epic fight over who technology acts for and against, we need a diversity of tactics, backstopped by tech operated by and for its users — and by laws that protect workers and the public. That dynamic is in sharp focus in UNITE Here Local 11’s strike against Orange County’s Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort & Spa.
The UNITE Here strike turns on the usual issues like a living wage (hotel staff are paid so little they have to rent rooming-house beds by the shift, paying for the right to sleep in a room for a few hours at a time, without any permanent accommodation). They’re also seeking health-care and pensions, so they can be healthy at work and retire after long service. Finally, they’re seeking their employer’s support for LA’s Responsible Hotels Ordinance, which would levy a tax on hotel rooms to help pay for hotel workers’ housing costs (a hotel worker who can’t afford a bed is the equivalent of a fast food worker who has to apply for food stamps):
But the Marriott — which is owned by the University of California and managed by Aimbridge Hospitality — has refused to bargain, walking out negotiations.
But the employer didn’t walk out over wages, benefits or support for a housing subsidy. They walked out when workers demanded that the scabs that the company was trying to hire to break the strike be given full time, union jobs.
These aren’t just any scabs, either. They’re predominantly Black workers who rely on the $700m Instawork app for gigs. These workers are being dispatched to cross the picket line without any warning that they’re being contracted as strikebreakers. When workers refuse the cross the picket and join the strike, Instawork cancels all their shifts and permanently blocks them from new jobs.
This is a new, technologically supercharged form of illegal strikebreaking. It’s one thing for a single boss to punish a worker who refuses to scab, but Instawork acts as a plausible-deniability filter for all the major employers in the region. Like the landlord apps that allow landlords to illegally fix rents by coordinating hikes, Instawork lets bosses illegally collude to rig wages by coordinating a blocklist of workers who refuse to scab:
The racial dimension is really important here: the Marriott has a longstanding de facto policy of refusing to hire Black workers, and whenever they are confronted with this, they insist that there are no qualified Black workers in the labor pool. But as soon as the predominantly Latino workforce struck, Marriott discovered a vast Black workforce that it could coerce into scabbing, in collusion with Instawork.
Now, all of this isn’t just sleazy, it’s illegal, a violation of Section 7 of the NLRB Act. Historically, that wouldn’t have mattered, because a string of presidents, R and D, have appointed useless do-nothing ghouls to run the NLRB. But the Biden admin, pushed by the party’s left wing, made a string of historic, excellent appointments, including NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo, who has set her sights on punishing gig work companies for flouting labor law:
UNITE HERE 11 has brought a case to the NLRB, charging the Instawork, the UC system, Marriott, and Aimbridge with violating labor law by blackmailing gig workers into crossing the picket line. The union is also asking the NLRB to punish the companies for failing to protect workers from violent retaliation from the wealthy hotel guests who have punched them and screamed epithets at them. The hotel has refused to identify these thug guests so that the workers they assaulted can swear out complaints against them.
Writing about the strike for Jacobin, Alex N Press tells the story of Thomas Bradley, a Black worker who was struck off all Instawork shifts for refusing to cross the picket line and joining it instead:
Bradley’s case is exhibit A in the UNITE HERE 11 case before the NLRB. He has a degree in culinary arts, but racial discrimination in the industry has kept him stuck in gig and temp jobs ever since he graduated, nearly a quarter century ago. Bradley lived out of his car, but that was repossessed while he slept in a hotel room that UNITE HERE 11 fundraised for him, leaving him homeless and bereft of all his worldly possessions.
With UNITE HERE 11’s help, Bradley’s secured a job at the downtown LA Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites, a hotel that has bargained with the workers. Bradley is using his newfound secure position to campaign among other Instawork workers to convince them not to cross picket lines. In these group chats, Jacobin saw workers worrying “that joining the strike would jeopardize their standing on the app.”
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Today (July 30) at 1530h, I’m appearing on a panel at Midsummer Scream in Long Beach, CA, to discuss the wonderful, award-winning “Ghost Post” Haunted Mansion project I worked on for Disney Imagineering.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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[Image ID: An old photo of strikers before a struck factory, with tear-gas plumes rising above them. The image has been modified to add a Marriott sign to the factory, and the menacing red eye of HAL9000 from Stanley Kubrick's '2001: A Space Odyssey' to the sky over the factory. The workers have been colorized to a yellow-green shade and the factory has been colorized to a sepia tone.]
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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dianneking · 2 years
Unrelenting Love - Brienne of Tarth/ Reader
This fic was inspired by the Gwendoline Christie fandom here on Tumblr and it is dedicated to you. You are all amazing, each and every one of you. 
It is based on the song Madeline by Kiki Rockwell, if you want to listen to it on YT as you read, this is the link, or there should be a embedded video at the end of the post
t is the tale of a stubborn love, in the face of which space and time mean nothing. It is the tale of your epic quest to stand by Brienne’s side. It is weird, it is full of sentiment, it might be heart-wrenching. It might leave more questions than it answers.
Cross-posted on AO3 here. 
Here's my fanfiction masterlist.
Tags: Brienne x Reader, hidden relationship, the shitty world GoT is set in, pining, hiding’s one somatic sexual characteristics. aka chest binding, war, nothing graphic. Gut-wrenching epic lesbian love. < this should be its own tag
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Tell me at what time do you set sail?
There's no one in this town left that could hold me
Already packed my bags, could leave today.
You were running through the palace, all pretense of propriety forgotten as you hiked your skirts up in your desperate dash. You had heard rumors in the months leading up to today, but you had been convinced it was only idle chatter. Surely she would have told you first hand if it had been true. She would have at least hinted at it.
But today was the day the ships were leaving, and she was nowhere to be found. Your heart was already beating a mournful tune, as you tore through the halls and the doors and the streets, hoping that at least you would not be too late.
You stopped dead at the docks in front of her, taking in her stern form as she directed the sailors and guards that surrounded her. She turned towards you, and the only show of emotion was a tightening around her eyes.
"So it's true. You're leaving."
"I am."
She had withheld the truth from you to avoid being confronted about it. You could read it in her rigid stance, in the tight line of her shoulders. She wanted to just disappear, like a thief in the night. She wouldn't have afforded you the common courtesy of a goodbye if she had had her way.
"I'll come with you, milady."
Girl at the front of the line
I'm sorry but I cannot let you sign
Your arms are far too skinny and you'd never
Last a single day upon my ship.
She let her eyes run over the wisps of hair escaping from your modest hairdo, your rumpled dress, the delicate slippers at your feet.
"I am in your service, my place is wherever you go, milady."
Your voice was strong, and strong was the sentiment in your eyes, the one you didn't dare to express in this public setting, full of unkind eyes and ears.
She understood both of the messages you were sending, you knew her well enough for that. But still, she was unshakeable.
"There's no place for you aboard this ship. No service you could offer. The best way you can serve me is by staying here, in Evenfall Hall."
Safe. That was what she was not adding aloud, but it rang in the air, unsaid. Like she was the only one allowed to go out and risk her life in the wide, unforgiving world.
The open sea is no place for a lady
There's reasons that they say we cannot board
Before you say, "But Maddie, you're a lady, too!"
I've long ago denounced that wretched word.
You lifted your chin in challenge. Although shorter, and softer, and weaker in appearance, you could be as strong-willed as her when you wanted. That was what had brought the two of you together, and what had kept you close despite all the misgivings around you.
Already as children, you were two misfits, too different to blend in with the rest of the court, and yet too willful to give in to the pressure to change. You had grown up together, entwined like the sprawling vines that grew on the southern side of Evenfall, supporting each other and becoming stronger together.
Your friendship had been as fierce and stubborn as you both were, and as you grew up, it became a fierce and stubborn love.
Without her there would be no life worth living here on Tarth for you.
"Then I'll just have to follow you on my own, if you won't let me board your ship, Lady Brienne."
"I'm not a lady. Regardless of birth, I never was," she murmured, harsh words barely audible over the ruckus of the port. "Farewell."
She turned her back to you, striding towards the ship without a glance back.
"Until we see again...Brienne," you whispered to the whipping sea breeze with its salty breath, salty as the tears that would fall down your face when you'd be in the safety of your room.
Madeline, tell me what time does your posse ride?
‘Cos I've been chopping wood
And starting fist fights
Surely this time let me at your side.
Once again you were running towards Brienne's turned back, but this time your hair was chopped short, and your feet were clad in too-big leather boots, your chest bound tight. The years had not been kind to you, nor had your voyage on Brienne's footsteps been easy or straightforward. You had taken many wrong turns and had stumbled on many obstacles. You had forsaken your feminine appearance, and your face only held a trace of your former beauty hidden behind gaunt features and grime.
You had finally managed to track her down to this encampment, just as she was leaving it.
"Brienne!" You called, as she was mounting her steed. She was resplendent in her armor, like a vengeful angel bringing divine justice to the world. She turned, looking as if she had heard a ghost.
You self-consciously licked the cut on your lip, courtesy of the latest fist-fight in an inn. In this war-ravaged world, tempers ran often high, and even masquerading as a young boy didn't shield you from the suspicious eyes of weary and angry townsfolk, looking to pin the blame on any foreign sacrificial lamb.
Girl at the front of the line
I'm sorry but I cannot let you sign
You've only tried a pony at the school fair
You wouldn't last a day amongst my men.
She recognized you.
Turning, one foot already on the stirrup, her eyes widened by a fraction, recognizing the familiar tone, and the known lineaments hidden within an unexpected form.
"I told you I would find you, milady."
You could see sorrow mixed with surprise hidden deep within her eyes as she took in your sorry appearance. As if she personally felt the weight of your hardships on her shoulders. You wondered if she had written, if there were letters in her small, precise handwriting gathering dust in your abandoned room in Evenfall Hall. Had she thought the worst, when she had received no reply?
"Let me come with you."
"You have no horse, and I am bound by my oath."
The canyon is just no place for a lady
There's reasons that they say we shouldn't ride
Before you say, "But Maddy, you're a lady too!"
I've long ago denounced that wretched word.
"I'll run by your side if I have to, milady. If you’ll let me."
Your eyes were burning with fervor, you knew it. She had always been the only North your compass pointed towards. Whether she allowed you or not, you would follow. You had made that decision long before you left Tarth.
But her companions had already started to leave, their warhorses' hooves trampling the street and you could see the tight hold that her honor still had on her.
You wouldn't begrudge her that, even if you could. That was the Brienne you loved, strong and unyielding as the best crafted of swords, and equally as able to cause pain. You looked at her, as she was already spurring her steed away, her pained voice reaching you from above her shoulder.
"I'm no-one’s lady, certainly not yours!"
Yes, I might scream and sing and sob and dance
But I can swing a sword just like a soldier
So, Maddie, won't you give me just one chance?
The third time she was the one to find you, as you were meticulously sharpening your sword, shield carefully laid by your feet.
Your hair was long again, you belonging to the fairer sex no longer a closely-guarded secret. The rumors were probably what spurred her to come looking for you among the rows of soldier tents: looking for the woman who had managed to rise through the ranks of the army with none the wiser to her supposed intrinsic weakness.
You had proven them wrong day after day, and unrelentingly clawed your way past nepotism, sneering gazes and physical pain alike until you had both the respect and the loyalty of your own company of men. When you had been revealed as a woman, not one of your companions had turned on you, and they had stuck by your side as you ruthlessly, desperately fought for survival. Until today, the day before the Battle of Winterfell. The last battle against the encroaching darkness.
Girl at the front of the line
You'll work twice as hard for half the pay
But if you can deflect their filthy comments
One day you shall rise up and take my place.
"It is you."
Brienne sat by your side, the flickering light from the fires reflecting on her armor and in her eyes. She held her head high with pride, her face an unreadable mask for most people, her long fingers resting on the pommel of her sword, relaxed, but never caught unaware. Her hair shone pale in the orange light, cut as short as a soldier’s. She was harsh and unyielding, as always; and as always, so breathtakingly beautiful.
"This world is not big enough for you to get rid of me, milady." 
"It's ser, now," she said, a sliver of emotion filtering in her voice. You accepted it as the present it was.
"So you did manage to fulfil your dream."
"I did."
"And what about you? Is this what you wanted from your life?" 
She nodded towards your armor-clad body, the shield on the floor, the sword you still held in your hands.
You waited until her eyes were back on yours, so she could see the honesty, and the passion still burning in there.
"I only ever wanted one thing in my life, ser."
The battle field is no place for a lady
So no one would expect to see you there
And if you use this trick to your advantage, girl
You'll cut them to their knees as if in prayer.
With slow, controlled movements, you moved in front of her seated form, your knees meeting with the compacted earth as you kneeled before her, presenting her your sword.
"Tomorrow, let me fight beside you. My heart has always been yours. You now have my sword as well."
Brienne's warm, calloused hand rested upon your cheek as her eyes shone with tears she would never shed.
"If tomorrow has to be my last day, there's no one else whom I would want to fight by my side"
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vi-writes-things · 1 month
Piece of Mind
By Vivian B
Kira furrowed her brow, not entirely sure she understood the customer correctly.
“I’m sorry, what would you like, ma’am?”
“Just a finger”
“Only a finger?”
Kira stared at the customer; a tallish woman, blonde hair sitting around the shoulders. She looked more or less like an average, if slightly upper class, customer that Piece of Mind would see.
Ever since the Anatomical Exchanging and Modifying Act was passed, anybody could now use technology to enhance themselves legally and without taxation (taxing the use of technology in this way was apparently more of a debate than anything the ‘god made man in his image’ crowd could come up with). funds were made available, scientists and engineers got to work, and pretty soon Bio-Enhancing services were cropping up all over Neo-Terra and all of its satellite colonies and dominions.
The sentiment behind the act was to ensure everybody could have a body they could be proud of, that wouldn’t hurt them physically or psychologically. No longer were the circumstances of birth something to either begrudgingly accept or try to deal with.
It should’ve been a utopia of bodily autonomy.
And then the finance bros jumped in and created franchises.
Kira searched through the anatomical databases… they had arms, forearms, shoulders(?), hands, muscles, tendons, veins, arteries, nerves, skin-grafting and even the growth rate of nails.
They had no fingers.
Kira should’ve told the customer that they didn’t provide services for fingers, that they could provide hands at the very least. She didn’t want to draw the ire of the boss, however…
‘IF I HEAR ONE MORE CUSTOMER HAS BEEN TURNED AWAY BECAUSE OF SOME BULLSHIT EXCUSE, YOU’RE ALL FIRED!!!!!’ screamed the angry post-it note on the wall of the break room. The manager, Jones, had left it there after one very drunk customer tried to fight Mathide when they refused to administer breast augmentation to his less than enthused spouse. After several holes punched in the wall, Jones had reluctantly decided not to fire them, just dock a week out of their pay…
Kira couldn’t afford to lose money or get fired. She was so close to finally being able to afford a full-body enhancement. She was this close to freeing herself of the body she was born in and becoming herself…
“I’m afraid we don’t have fingers only in our database…” Kira cautiously explained to the customer. “I’m going to have to consult with my colleague…” she said before nodding her head apologetically. The customer seemed to understand, or at least not scoff at the fact Piece of Mind thought about nerve endings and veins, but not fingers.
“Just a finger?” Mathide asked, their furry brow raised.
“That’s what she wants…” Kira sighed, massaging her temples. If she had known this problem would come up today, she wouldn’t have sampled the margarita mix gifted to her last night.
“Who the hell wants just a finger changed?” Mathide scoffed, reaching a paw for their coffee. It tasted godawful, but instant usually does. “Not even, like, the hand… just a finger?”
“She said there’s a wart she doesn’t like…” Kira responded. “Apparently getting it frozen off never crossed her mind. I can’t just refuse her, Jones will skin us alive when he gets back from Titan…”
Mathide took a sip of the coffee, their fur standing on end. Too hot…
“But it’s a finger! What does a finger even cost?!”
“Well we know a hand costs 500 credits…” Kira said, trying to do the math in her head. “We just divide that by 6 I suppose…”
“Shouldn’t the size of the finger come into play? You know how much Jones haggles people…” Mathide said.
“Since when did you care what Jones would do?” Kira chuckled darkly, dodging the empty cup thrown at her expertly.
“So we divide 500 by 6, and charge her that?”
“Sounds like the best way to go forward.”
Mathide looked at their phone and crunched the numbers. “That’s 83.33 credits…” they said with a frown.
“Great, so that’s the price we charge.” Kira said, bending down to look at the calculator. A primitive part of her reckoned standing next to Mathide would make the numbers make sense.
“But the cheapest thing we offer is altering the growth rate of nails…” Mathide explained. “That’s 90 credits. Jones wanted to charge even more but a creditcent more and that would be illegal extortion.”
“Well we don’t have much of a choice. That fucker didn’t even think about what a finger would cost…” Kira sighed. This was the last thing she needed. “Either way, Jones will kill us…”
Mathide looked up at Kira standing over them. They could sense she was stressed. Their tail involuntarily curled around her ankle gently. It was the least they could do as a friend.
Kira smiled in return. She gave Mathide a ruffle of their ears before turning to face the door.
“Need a hand?” Mathide asked, standing up. Despite being a cat hybrid, Mathide had an excellent way with customers.
“Thanks” Kira said as the two of them emerged from the break room.
The procedure went surprisingly smoothly for such a hassle. The atomic replacer machine was calibrated to a hand, but the customer was asked to place only the finger into the slot. The machine could recognise what body parts were placed inside so there was no risk of the finger being replaced by a small second hand.
As Kira oversaw the procedure, she felt a pang inside her. A kind of heavy feeling that clung to her heart. People like this lady could come in for something as trivial as a finger and pay as if it was pocket change. Bodies were as valuable as toilet roll to them.
Not to Kira, though. She spent 26 years being stuck in a body she never asked for. She wasn’t skilled enough to build a machine for herself that wouldn’t blow her up or turn her into soup.
Mathide got lucky. They had a friend who was an expert biohacker. They were able to hook Mathide up with their dream body. Unfortunately, that friend left for Androma a long time ago, and Kira still had nerves about going to the unregulated biohackers, despite Mathide’s reassurances.
For now, all she could do was bide her time, watch more rich assholes get custom made fingers…
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3rdeyeblaque · 1 year
On July 12th we venerate Gullah Jack Pritchard on the 201st anniversary of his passing 🕊
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Gullah Jack was a the powerful Conjure Man & priest with "long whiskers" who stood beside Denmark Vesey as the brawn to his brains in conspiring to pull off the greatest slave revolt in the history of the U.S.
Born in Angola, Gullah Jack was a powerful Conjure Man before he was captured in Zanzibar. There he was sold into Slavery & shipped to the Kingsley Plantation in Florida. He successfully escaped under the guise of a Seminole raid on the plantation in 1812. Gullah presumably lived among the Seminole until 1821, when he was recaptured & resold into Slavery in Charleston, S.C. where he was forced to work on the docks of a shipbuilder. Due to his skilled labor & conjure work, Gullah was able to live off the property of his slaver & hire out his spare time in the city.
In Charleston, he became a well respected priest & a notable member of an Afrikan church in the Hampstead neighborhood of the city. He fixed mojos & charms to protect his congregates from White folk. His spiritual authority, notable physical appearance (said to have "long whiskers") & connections with the church afforded him great influence & respect in the "Black" community of the area; among both the enslaved & freefolk.
It wasn't long before he crossed paths with Denmark Vesey in 1817. The only other man's influence in the community to rival Vesey's was Gullah Jack. Because of this in addition to his heritage & life story, Vesey petitioned Gullah to join his cause in plotting THE most sophisticated & comprehensive slave revolt in U.S. History. Gullah did; he recruited many Afrikan brothers as soldiers in arms & silenced non-participants with fear of his spiritual wrath. Gullah worked tirelessly to arm their soldiers with protective hands, charms, etc. He also performed elaborate initiation rituals to cement the loyalties of new recruits to their cause. He worked closely with Vesey on a number of complex schemes; from poisoning the city water supply to laying seige to the city's armory.
Of course, things did not go as planned when several enslaved non-conspirators informed their Slavers of Vesey's plan. A number of deserters flipped on Gullah & Vesey, outing Gullah as a Conjure Man & thereby blaming him and his power over them for their actions in joining the cause. Vesey & Gullah evaded arrest for days after the trial into the conspiracy began. Vesey was captured on June 22nd. Though Gullah & others plotted to free him, they were unsuccessful. Gullah was captured on July 5th, one day before another conspiracy was set to begin. He was sentenced to death by hanging, which was carried out July 12th 1822.
We pour libations💧& give him 💐 today as we celebrate him for his dauntless courage in the face of exacerbated odds, his many protective works, & initiatory blessings/service; all for the love of our people & our freedom.
Offering suggestions: prayers toward his elevation, libations of water, Methodist bible, & protection charms
‼️Note: offering suggestions are just that & strictly for veneration purposes only. Never attempt to conjure up any spirit or entity without proper divination/Mediumship counsel.‼️
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(part three of my villain x hero saga, wherein Rhetoric finally has an audience for all this drama
beginning, previous chapter)
Phase 2: Lights! Cameras! Action!
Fluorescence is a rooftop cafe in the heart of downtown. It has doll size cups of coffee topped with cinnamon and gold foil, bloody marys with not enough spice and too many green things (dill and olives? really?), and brunch options that cost a working class family's rent. There were at least a dozen influencers there when I arrived. Perfect.
I was immediately led to a reserved table by a waiter. The man had the look of a veteran worker in the service industry, I could detect no sign of life behind his glassy eyes and plastic smile. I took a moment to glance at their menu before ordering a black coffee and brightly colored, bread based monstrosity.
I hoped the coffee would be drinkable.
According to the social media alerts on my smartwatch, the influencers were doing well at spreading the word that I had arrived. By the time I got my order the restaurant and I had been tagged several dozen posts. The stage was set. As I took a cautious sip of my coffee there was a flash of rose-gold light as Dawnstar made a dramatic entrance on the other side of the roof. A pause, for the professional rubber-neckers to start recording.
I adopted a tense expression as he stalked over to my table, looking at me in a way he hadn't for years. He was guarded. Cold, even. He was not the tallest of men, but the low metal garden seats combined with my own less than exceptional stature allowed him to loom over me. "Rhetoric," he did not precisely grow my name, but there was an audible rumble of frustration, "you've been buying up properties near the docks."
"I'm a business woman, acquiring property isn't out of the ordinary for me."
I took another sip of my coffee as his expression darkened. Anger was a good look on him, though I preferred his usual vivacious smiles. "You've been keeping this quite, and the last time you were being this cagey about buying up property you were building an illegal weapons testing site."
I sniffed and settled back in my seat, legs crossed. It takes practice, but one can give off the impression of looking down their nose at someone even when several heads below them. "I was acquitted of those charges, if you recall. And while I do have plans for the docks they are not malicious." I smirked a bit, showing a hint of teeth as I injected a some venom into my tone.
"If you had bothered to actually investigate beyond the purchase of the property then you would have seen that the construction project is for a new grocery chain."
His brow furrowed in confusion, his body language practically screaming suspicion. "And why exactly are you setting that up at the docks of all places? This kind of neighborhood is usually more your speed for your legal business ventures, not places with high concentrations of low income households."
I scowled at him. "The docks are also a food desert, which means that people will jump at the chance for access to affordable foods that won't leave their arteries looking like this city's sewer system after a mud slide." Anger then as I stood, pulled from my frustrations during the earlier years of our acquaintance. "You didn't bother to think did you? I know you have a brain somewhere in that head of yours, I know you have some kind of critical thinking skills. Yet you immediately chose to jump to the conclusion that I'm doing something wrong."
I felt my face twist with ire as I moved into his space. "You are not some naive newbie hero anymore, seeing the world in black and white. You have the capacity to think things through before making accusations." He stood firm, meeting me strike for verbal strike.
"You're calculating Rhetoric, you don't do things unless they benefit you in some way and you have a history of unethical conduct. I know you."
"Evidently not! You're the one always saying that people can change, Dawnstar." My voice was rising above my usual even tone, not quite yelling but certainly louder than I usually get in public. "I had thought we had moved past this. I had thought you had learned by now that this city is mine, and that I damned well take care of what I consider mine. I had thought, that after the Deathgames on Strorix 404 you had started to see me as something other than a monster!"
I was almost chest to chest with him, my breathing heavy as under his gaze. He was shaking, light and shadows starting to distort around him. "I can't- It was- It was simpler before the Deathgames, before I knew that you could be something other than an enemy. I know you're not a monster, I stopped thinking that even before then, but now I don't know-!" He cut himself off and took a step back.
"Don't now what Dawnstar? What are you afraid of?"
His face showed something akin to grief before he closed his eyes and threw himself over the glass safety fence with a burst of light.
I stood for a moment, watching the path of his travel across the rooftops. I quickly became aware of the voices around me. Most of the prattling sycophants were trying to at least pretend at subtlety, though they did a sloppy job of if. I took a long breath, centering myself.
I gave no indication of noticing the numerous phone cameras which tracked my exit from behind menus and over shoulders. The same dead eyed waiter accepted a handful of fifty dollar bills as I walked to the elevator, apparently unaffected by the drama he had witnessed. Astounding.
45…30…15… The floor number ticked down quickly. Soon I was in the underground parking area, and I took care not to rush all the way to my car. Always assume there's a camera watching. Once the doors were locked my hidden com link crackled on. "So? How'd I do? Did I get the faces right? Was the lighting ok?" Dawn bombarded me with questions as I began to pull out of my parking space.
"You did well, I noticed you managed to make sure table three got a good view of your face the whole time. Nice touch." He chuckled a bit at the praise. "Well, I noticed that they had a real camera instead of a phone. I figured that they would get the best quality shots of my angst."
"We should be trending by now, and I expect there will be some good shots of us from that angle." I felt a bit giddy, the familiar high of having a plan go right putting me in an excellent mood. I could hear him humming over the com. "Hmmm, yeah, we're trending. Ooh! That's a funny meme, I'm saving that. Looks like your acting bootcamp and my binge watching old teleseryes really paid off."
I quietly huffed in amusement. The though of him curled up, studiously taking notes while watching cheesy old dramas, was rather endearing. Though, I had little room to talk. La reina del sur has been a comfort show of mine since I was a little girl.
"So I was thinking," Dawn's tone was playful with an undercurrent of hesitance, "We should celebrate a scheme well done. You have that fancy looking kitchen in your absurdly cozy lair, and I have a killer recipe for pancit. We could eat lunch and laugh at conspiracy threads?" I hadn't even touched the sorry excuse for food that I was served earlier, so a home cooked meal sounded wonderful.
"That sounds nice. Remember to go in through that sewer entrance I showed you, and mind the poison dart traps." I switched off my com as he began to splutter about horrors of sewer gunk.
I felt a bit surprised at the warm feeling beginning to grow in my chest at the though of him actually wanting to make a meal for me, to spend more time in my presence. I allowed myself soft, genuine smile as I drove to meet him.
(part four here)
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anthillcrossdocking · 2 months
Anthill Cross Docking provides professional transport distribution services in Georgia. Contact us to get reliable and trustworthy services. 
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miamidhgh · 3 months
Streamlining Operations: The Benefits of Cross Dock Logistics Services
Enhancing Efficiency and Speed in Business Supply Chains
In today's fast-paced business environment, efficiency and speed are paramount. Businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to streamline their operations and gain a competitive edge. One such solution that has gained significant traction in logistics is Cross Docking. This method offers a streamlined approach to handling goods, minimizing storage time, and optimizing the supply chain process from start to finish.
What is Cross Docking?
Cross Docking is a logistics strategy where incoming goods from suppliers are unloaded from inbound vehicles and directly loaded onto outbound vehicles with minimal or no storage time in between. Essentially, it involves the seamless transfer of goods from the supplier to the customer, bypassing traditional warehousing processes.
How Does Cross Docking Work?
The process begins with receiving incoming goods, which are then sorted and prepared for immediate dispatch. By eliminating the need for long-term storage, businesses can significantly reduce inventory holding costs and accelerate the delivery process to customers. This not only improves operational efficiency but also enhances overall customer satisfaction through faster order fulfillment.
Key Benefits of Cross Docking Services:
Reduced Inventory Costs:
By minimizing storage time and holding costs, businesses can allocate resources more effectively and reduce the risk of overstocking or obsolescence.
Improved Efficiency:
Streamlining the supply chain leads to quicker turnaround times and reduced lead times, enabling businesses to respond swiftly to market demands.
Enhanced Productivity:
With fewer handling steps and optimized workflows, labor efficiency increases, allowing personnel to focus on value-added tasks rather than inventory management.
Lower Transportation Costs:
Consolidating shipments and reducing transit times can lead to significant savings in transportation expenses, benefiting both businesses and customers alike.
Flexibility and Scalability:
Cross Docking allows businesses to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and seasonal demands, ensuring operational agility and scalability.
Applications Across Industries:
Cross Docking is particularly advantageous for industries with perishable goods, high-demand items, or time-sensitive deliveries. Retail, automotive, pharmaceuticals, and food and beverage sectors often leverage this method to maintain freshness, reduce spoilage, and meet strict delivery deadlines.
In conclusion, Cross Docking represents a strategic advantage for businesses looking to enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction. By implementing this innovative logistics solution, companies can streamline their supply chain processes and gain a competitive edge in today's dynamic marketplace. Embracing Cross Docking not only transforms logistics operations but also sets the stage for sustainable growth and success in the long term.
Whether you're a small business looking to optimize your supply chain or a large corporation aiming to scale operations, Cross Docking offers tangible benefits that can drive your business forward in an increasingly competitive world.
For More Info:-
Cross Dock Logistics Service for Business
Affordable Container Drayage Service Miami
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vsservicesllc19 · 4 months
Comprehensive Guide to AB3 Gravel and Warehousing Solutions in Kansas City
Kansas City offers a wealth of resources for construction and logistics. AB3 gravel is a popular choice for various projects, and the city is also a hub for advanced warehousing solutions. This article will explore the benefits of AB3 gravel and highlight key warehousing services available in Kansas City.
What is AB3 Gravel?
AB3 gravel is a type of crushed stone commonly used in construction projects. It is known for its durability and versatility. AB3 gravel consists of limestone or granite and is ideal for creating strong, stable surfaces.
Benefits of AB3 Gravel
Durability: AB3 gravel is highly durable, making it suitable for heavy-use areas.
Versatility: It is used for driveways, pathways, and base layers for concrete slabs.
Cost-Effective: AB3 gravel is an affordable option for many construction projects.
Easy Installation: It compacts well, providing a stable base with minimal effort.
Finding AB3 Gravel Near Me
When searching for AB3 gravel near me, consider local suppliers who offer quality materials at competitive prices. Local suppliers ensure quick delivery and personalized service, which is crucial for meeting project deadlines.
Importance of Warehousing in Kansas City
Kansas City is a strategic location for warehousing due to its central location and robust infrastructure. Businesses benefit from efficient logistics and distribution services. Here, we explore some key warehousing solutions available.
3PL Warehouse Kansas City
Third-party logistics (3PL) warehouses offer comprehensive services, including storage, transportation, and distribution. A 3PL warehouse in Kansas City provides businesses with the flexibility to scale operations without the need for extensive investment in infrastructure.
Advantages of Using a 3PL Warehouse
Cost Savings: Outsourcing warehousing reduces operational costs.
Scalability: Businesses can scale storage needs based on demand.
Expertise: 3PL providers offer specialized knowledge and technology for efficient management.
Focus on Core Business: Outsourcing logistics allows businesses to concentrate on core activities.
3PL Cross Docking Kansas City
Cross docking is a logistics practice where products are unloaded from inbound trucks and loaded directly onto outbound trucks. This reduces storage time and speeds up delivery. 3PL cross docking in Kansas City is ideal for businesses seeking to streamline their supply chain.
Benefits of Cross Docking
Reduced Storage Costs: Minimizes the need for long-term storage.
Faster Delivery: Speeds up the delivery process, enhancing customer satisfaction.
Lower Handling Costs: Reduces handling and labor costs by minimizing storage time.
Improved Inventory Management: Helps in maintaining optimal inventory levels.
Distribution & Retail Fulfillment Warehouse Kansas City
Distribution and retail fulfillment warehouses handle the storage and shipping of products to customers. A distribution and retail fulfillment warehouse in Kansas City ensures efficient order processing and delivery, which is crucial for retail businesses.
Key Services Offered
Inventory Management: Advanced systems track inventory levels and manage stock efficiently.
Order Fulfillment: Ensures timely and accurate order processing and shipping.
Returns Management: Handles product returns efficiently, enhancing customer satisfaction.
Value-Added Services: Includes labeling, packaging, and customization services.
Choosing the Right Warehousing Solution
Selecting the appropriate warehousing solution is critical for business success. Here are some tips to help you choose:
Location: Proximity to major transportation hubs reduces shipping time and costs.
Technology: Ensure the warehouse uses advanced technology for inventory management and order processing.
Services Offered: Choose a warehouse that provides the specific services your business needs.
Reputation: Check reviews and ask for references to ensure the warehouse has a good track record.
Kansas City offers a range of solutions for construction and logistics needs. AB3 gravel is a versatile and durable material, ideal for various projects. Local suppliers ensure quick and efficient delivery, helping you meet project timelines.
On the logistics front, Kansas City is a hub for advanced warehousing solutions. Whether you need a 3PL warehouse in Kansas City, 3PL cross docking, or a distribution and retail fulfillment warehouse, you can find services tailored to your needs. Choosing the right warehousing solution can significantly enhance your business operations, ensuring efficiency, cost savings, and improved customer satisfaction.
By leveraging the local expertise and comprehensive services available in Kansas City, businesses can thrive and achieve their goals efficiently. Whether you are in construction or retail, Kansas City has the resources and infrastructure to support your success.
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countycourier · 5 months
Reliable & Affordable Cross Docking Partner in Bradenton - County Couriers
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County Couriers offers dependable and affordable cross-docking services in Bradenton. Partner with us for reliable logistics solutions you can trust.
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nffica · 2 months
When it comes to transporting freight, numerous methods are available to ensure that your goods reach their destination safely. Understanding which option best suits your shipping needs can be challenging. To assist with this, the experts at NFFI have gathered information to help you decide whether temperature-controlled trucks are suitable for your specific requirements.
Temperature-controlled freight shipping involves the careful handling and storage of products sensitive to environmental conditions during transportation. The primary objective is to maintain consistent temperatures throughout the journey, using either cooling, freezing, or heating mechanisms in the truck trailer, depending on the weather and the nature of the cargo.
Given that temperature-controlled trucks have additional insulation, they typically offer less space than standard dry van trailers. It’s crucial to consider this space limitation when packaging goods for transport in such environments. Employing materials like polyurethane foam, radiant barrier films, and expanded polystyrene foam can effectively shield your items from heat during transit. For particularly heat-sensitive items, such as cold products, adding gel coolants or dry ice can help maintain low temperatures throughout the shipping process.
Certain items are particularly susceptible to damage from extreme temperatures or humidity and are best shipped in temperature-controlled environments:
Produce and Plants: These items can wilt or over-ripen quickly under unfavorable temperatures, potentially speeding up the spoilage process for other goods in a standard trailer. Animal Products: Items like meat, eggs, and dairy products need to be kept at specific temperatures to preserve freshness and prevent spoilage. Pharmaceuticals: Many medications and vaccines must be stored at controlled temperatures to ensure they remain effective and safe for use. Beauty Products: These products can also degrade if subjected to temperatures outside of a certain safe range.
For further details on our freight solutions or to discuss your specific shipping needs, please contact the team at National Freight Forwarding Inc. We are available via our online contact form and look forward to addressing any questions you may have regarding our services.
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onetechspot08 · 11 months
Switching to Fun: A Nintendo Switch Review
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Title: Switching to Fun: A Nintendo Switch Review
The world of gaming has evolved significantly over the years, from the simple pleasures of Pong to the immersive experiences of virtual reality. Amidst this ever-changing landscape, one gaming console has managed to capture the hearts of millions: the Nintendo Switch. Released in 2017, the Nintendo Switch quickly gained a reputation for its versatility, innovative design, and an impressive library of games. In this review, we'll dive into what makes the Nintendo Switch a unique and enjoyable gaming platform.
Hardware and Design: A Stroke of Genius
The first thing that strikes you about the Nintendo Switch is its ingenious design. The console itself is a tablet-like device with a 6.2-inch touchscreen, making it easily portable and allowing you to take your gaming on the go. The Switch can be used in three different modes: handheld mode, tabletop mode, and TV mode. The transition between these modes is seamless and takes only a matter of seconds, showcasing the console's versatility.
The Joy-Con controllers, which attach to the sides of the tablet, are another marvel of design. These controllers are not only comfortable to hold but also feature motion controls and HD rumble, enhancing the gaming experience. Whether you're playing in handheld mode or using them separately in multiplayer games, the Joy-Cons add a new dimension to your gaming.
The Nintendo Switch Dock, which connects to your TV, allows for a quick and effortless transition from portable gaming to a full-blown console experience. The console can be docked to play games on the big screen, and it automatically switches to TV mode, delivering high-quality graphics and audio. This adaptability is what sets the Nintendo Switch apart from other gaming consoles.
Library of Games: Something for Everyone
One of the Nintendo Switch's most significant strengths is its vast and diverse library of games. From iconic franchises like "The Legend of Zelda," "Super Mario," and "Pokémon" to indie gems and third-party titles, there's something for everyone. Whether you enjoy action, adventure, RPGs, platformers, or even puzzle games, you'll find an extensive collection of titles to choose from.
"The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" is often hailed as one of the greatest video games of all time. Its open-world design, stunning visuals, and immersive storytelling have set a new standard for the industry. "Super Mario Odyssey" takes the platforming genre to new heights with its inventive gameplay and charming characters. "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" offers a relaxing and enjoyable life-simulation experience that captivated players during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Nintendo eShop also provides a platform for indie developers to showcase their creativity. Games like "Hollow Knight," "Celeste," and "Stardew Valley" have been huge hits, offering diverse gaming experiences at affordable prices.
In addition to first-party titles, the Nintendo Switch boasts an impressive selection of third-party games. Popular franchises like "The Witcher 3," "DOOM," and "Minecraft" can all be enjoyed on the console. The ability to play these games on the go is a game-changer for gamers who value portability.
Multiplayer and Social Gaming: Bringing People Together
Nintendo has always been about bringing people together, and the Nintendo Switch is no exception. The console's multiplayer capabilities are a testament to this philosophy. The Joy-Con controllers make it easy to share the fun with friends and family, with many games supporting local multiplayer.
Online multiplayer is also a big part of the Switch experience. The Nintendo Switch Online service offers access to a growing library of classic NES and SNES games, as well as online play for compatible games. It's an affordable way to enjoy multiplayer gaming and adds significant value to the console.
Moreover, games like "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate," "Mario Kart 8 Deluxe," and "Splatoon 2" provide competitive and cooperative multiplayer experiences, ensuring hours of fun with friends and gamers from around the world.
Performance and Battery Life: A Few Trade-Offs
While the Nintendo Switch's hardware is impressive, it's not as powerful as its competitors, the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. As a result, some games may not achieve the same level of graphical fidelity on the Switch. However, the trade-off is portability, and most players find the experience more than satisfying.
Battery life is another consideration. In handheld mode, the Switch typically lasts from 2.5 to 6 hours, depending on the game. While this may not be enough for extended gaming sessions, it's adequate for on-the-go play. Accessories like external battery packs are available for those who require more extended gameplay.
Conclusion: The Joy of Gaming
In conclusion, the Nintendo Switch is more than just a gaming console; it's a versatile gaming experience that offers something for everyone. Its innovative design, impressive library of games, multiplayer features, and the joy it brings to gaming make it a must-have for any gamer.
Whether you're a long-time Nintendo fan or a newcomer to the world of gaming, the Nintendo Switch has the power to captivate and entertain. With a bright future ahead, including rumored hardware upgrades and a continuously expanding game library, the Switch is a testament to Nintendo's enduring commitment to fun and innovation in the world of gaming. If you haven't already, it's time to switch to fun and join the ever-growing community of Nintendo Switch enthusiasts.
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sparterbiker · 1 year
Best International eSIM Plans for Seafers
Accessing reliable mobile coverage can be challenging when your lines of work take you to remote places- like the middle of the ocean. It can be difficult to stay connected at sea, especially when there isn’t cell tower (or land) in sight. What is a seafarer to do? We’ve put together this guide to the best eSIM cards for Seafarers for Seamen.
Staying connected while out at sea
Accessing reliable mobile coverage can be challenging when your lines of work take you to remote places- like the middle of the ocean. Connectivity is a struggle at Sea, especially when no cell tower (or land) is in sight. What is a seafarer to do? We’ve put together this guide to the best eSIM cards for Seafarers for Seamen.
Connecting at Sea isn’t like finding a mobile service on a camping trip. It’s is bit more complicated. You will be concerned about issues like:
What nation you are in: At sea, it’s not always obvious when you cross borders. Your Phone accruing roaming fees may be your only indication.
How much data you’ll need: Seafarers have different data needs from other travellers. You will need a plan that supports just rich-like activities like video call, and streaming.
How long you’ll be gone: Staying at sea for several months is fairly uncommon.  That can make re-upping plans or buying a new SIM card difficult. You’ll need a plan your data access ahead of time
Whether your ship has Wi-Fi: Some ships have Wi-fi.  If that the case for yours, your data will decrease. Try to find this ahead of time, and have a backup of plan if you need to rely on data.
The 3 best eSIM cards for Seafarers:
You have a few options when choosing an eSIM for a long trip out at sea. Here are three best eSIM cards for Seafarers and Seamen, plus some though on which solution is better:
International eSIM cards for Seafarers and Seamen
Global eSIM cards like Airhubapp have long been the traditional choice for people at sea. They used to only be actual SIM cards that you had to order in Advance, but they are now also offered digitally. They provide plans with unlimited data to fulfil demands at sea as well as plans with global coverage.
 Airhubapp isn’t only International eSIM card out there, but it’s one that many seafarers use and trust because of its simplicity cost, and data, package options.
A Global eSIM card like Airhubapp or another service is best for service if you:
Want to stay connected easily in 190+ countries
Want something quick and hassle-free
Are travelling to multiple regions around the world
Local SIM cards for Seafarers
SIM cards purchased in the area or nation you are presently referred to as local SIM cards. Ordinarily you’ll receive a local number and have access to data plans at regional prices. That can make them incredibly affordable while yet providing you with quick data, which makes them appealing.  
Local SIM cards are not always best options for Seafarers. When you dock, you need to search for them and make sure the re-seller doesn’t offer you at the higher price. Generally, they’re bit more limited unless you find that offers regional service.
Will remain within a single nation’s territorials’ water
Will spend a lot of time at port
Need a local number
eSIM for Seafarers and Seamen
An eSIM or, embedded SIM card is a best option for Seafarers and Seamen. It’s is much more convenient alternative to Physical SIM card, Unlike International and local SIM cards, they are no physical component associated with eSIM. Instead, you can get an eSIM bundle from our eSIM marketplace and pay for it. You can quickly connect to a mobile network after a simple installation.
 The eSIM is most flexible of the best for Seafarers and Seamen. Before your journey, you can install and keep numerous eSIMs and purchase a single country, Regional or Global data package. Need more data? To avoid service interruptions, it’s simple to top them up online. The only drawback is that eSIM is not supported all phones, you need to be connected to internet and install it. Check if your Phone is eSIM compatible.  
Which eSIM card provides offer the best coverage for maritime use, especially in remote areas?
Answer- When it comes to international travel for seafarers and seamen, Airhubapp's eSIM card is a top choice. It offers the convenience of a digital SIM card, ensuring global connectivity without the need to switch physical cards. With competitive rates and wide-ranging coverage, Airhubapp's eSIM keeps maritime professionals reliably connected during their journeys.
Question 2- How do seafarers and sailors manage their communication needs with SIM cards while at sea?
Answer- Seafarers and sailors manage their communication at sea by using global roaming SIM cards like Airhubapp, providing them with reliable connectivity and cost-effective options during maritime journeys.
Question 3- Do specific SIM card provide discounted prices or package for maritime professionals?
Answer- Certainly, Airhubapp offers specialized rates and packages tailored to the unique communication needs of maritime professionals, ensuring cost-effective and reliable connectivity during their sea voyages.
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Getting Around Sacramento, CA
When it comes to navigating Sacramento, CA, the most efficient way to get around is by using a car. However, parking can be challenging and comes with a hefty price tag. On the other hand, the Sacramento Regional Transit District offers a comprehensive network of bus and light rail services that conveniently cover many of the city's neighborhoods. For those who require transportation out of the city, the Sacramento International Airport is a great option, while Amtrak trains provide service to downtown Sacramento Valley Station. If you need a cross-dock service, freight and load work, freight redelivery, or warehousing and distribution services in Sacramento, Total Freight Solutions Inc. is the answer. 
Sacramento Warehouse
Do you need a quick, affordable, and adaptable solution for your cross-docking, warehousing, distribution, and storage requirements? Look no further than Total Freight Solutions, Inc. Total Freight Solutions, Inc. is the best Sacramento warehouse. Their expertise lies in providing cross-docking services that can help minimize warehouse expenses, reduce delivery lead times, and enhance order fill rates. Breaking down received items at the loading dock and matching them with pending orders for immediate, direct shipment to the retail store removes the storage and labor expenses of a traditional warehousing model. Their 45,000 sq. ft. warehouse can accommodate all types of freight, including ground height, flatbed, and boxcar. Their friendly and knowledgeable staff is always available to assist you. To inquire about their warehousing facilities or services or to request a quote, don't hesitate to contact them today at (916) 400-0227.
Cross Dock Warehouse
Are you looking for cross dock warehouse, and distribution services and short- and long-term storage solutions? Total Freight Solutions, Inc. has got you covered! Total Freight Solutions Inc. is the best cross-dock warehouse. Their 45,000-square-foot warehouse in Sacramento, CA, is conveniently located near Interstate 80 (I-80) and is open 24/7 to handle shipments passing through the area. They also offer a variety of services, including warehousing, cross dock services, freight & load rework, professional packaging, freight re-delivery, warehouse storage, and distribution services. Whatever your needs may be, they're there to help! Contact them at (916) 400-0227 or email them at [email protected] to request a quote.
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California State Capitol Museum
The California State Capitol Museum is located in Sacramento, California, United States. It comprises a museum and surrounding grounds and has served as the home of the California State Legislature since 1869. This museum has been a part of the California State Parks system since 1982. Although the entire building may be considered a museum, the main exhibition areas are located on the basement and first floor of the original section of the building. Visitors can find the tour office (B-27), a small theater showing several short films on the history of the Capitol, the gift shop, and the Arthur Mathews mural, the "History of California," in the basement. On the first floor, visitors can tour the restored historic offices of the Secretary of State, Treasurer, and Governor of California and two rotating exhibit rooms. It's a must-visit if you're in Sacramento. 
Shooting in Sacramento leaves a kid injured
A 10-year-old girl was hurt in a shooting Saturday night. According to the police officers, they heard the gunshots before finding the victim. Just after 10:01 p.m., officers responded at the 2000 block of San Juan Road due to a significant disturbance. While on the scene, officers say they heard gunshots and found the victim with at least one gunshot wound. The girl victim was taken to an area hospital suffering from non-life-threatening injuries. Officers on the scene arrested 33-year-old Harold Green on firearms and narcotics-related charges. If you have any information or you've witnessed the shooting, call investigators at 916-808-5471. The Sacramento Valley Crime Stoppers offers anonymity and a reward of up to $1,000 for information reported to 916-444-4357 or through the P3 Tips app. Read more. 
Link to maps
California State Capitol Museum 1315 10th St, Sacramento, CA 95814, United States Get on I-5 N from P St 4 min (1.2 mi) Continue on I-5 N. Take I-80 E to Raley Blvd. Take exit 91 from I-80 E 8 min (8.4 mi) Continue on Raley Blvd to your destination 4 min (1.2 mi) Total Freight Solutions, Inc 1627 Main Ave Suite 4, Sacramento, CA 95838, United States
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Undoing bikeshare’s original sin By American standards, Minneapolis is a bicyclist’s paradise. With some 200 miles of bike lanes and trails, the city uses special equipment to keep them clear of snow and ice during winter. The City of Lakes consistently places near the top of lists ranking the best U.S. cities for biking. With two-wheeled transportation so popular, it’s no surprise that Minneapolis’s bikeshare system, known as Nice Ride, was among the first to launch in the U.S. 13 years ago. Usage dipped a bit during the pandemic, but Nice Ride still provided more than 260,000 trips last year. So it came as a shock when Racket, a local news platform, reported in March that Nice Ride would shut down. The reason: Blue Cross Blue Shield declined to renew its $3 million annual title sponsorship, which left a gaping hole in Nice Ride’s budget. Lyft, the system’s operator, was unable to find a way to fill it, and state and local officials declined to provide a backstop. That was the end of docked bikeshare in Minneapolis. “The city is disappointed that we’re losing Nice Ride,” said Dillon Fried, the city’s interim mobility manager. “We wish they were still here.” At its surface, the Bay Area’s bikeshare story looks similar. Bay Wheels, the regional service for San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, and nearby municipalities, is also operated by Lyft. Like Nice Ride, Bay Wheels saw usage drop after the pandemic as many people worked from home. Both systems also encountered unexpected financial difficulties: Although Bay Wheels didn’t have a title sponsor, a recent spate of vandalism has increased its maintenance costs. But there is one fundamental difference. In the Bay Area, local leaders have allocated $16 million to safeguard Bay Wheels’s future. “Unlike Minneapolis, we’re unwilling to lose the bikeshare provider,” said Andrew Fremier, executive director of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, which arranged the investment in Bay Wheels. “We weren’t willing to have bikeshare go dark.” The new funding will help Lyft upgrade Bay Wheels’s infrastructure and reduce membership costs. Baywheels operates a bikeshare program in San Francisco. [Photo: Lyft] Why are the Bay Area’s leaders revitalizing bikeshare, while Minneapolis officials are resigned to losing their system? The answer goes back to bikeshare’s initial emergence in the U.S. 10 to 15 years ago. At the time, many cities promised that their systems would operate without public subsidy, with users and sponsors covering costs. That approach diverged from European cities, but it seemed to work out—at least for a while. The 2010s saw a veritable bikeshare boom, with urban residents across the U.S. gaining access to a uniquely healthy, green, affordable, and space-efficient form of mobility. Curbed writer Alissa Walker dubbed bikeshare the biggest transportation success story of the decade. But times have changed. Expecting bikeshare to operate without subsidies may have been politically necessary a decade ago, but it’s now starting to look like an original sin. After all, it’s hard to understand why the survival of a thriving system like Nice Ride should depend upon corporate largesse. And with many dense neighborhoods already well-served, it’s not clear that bikeshare operators can afford to expand further into low-income and sparsely populated communities. There are opportunity costs, too: Without subsidies, bikeshare systems will struggle to capitalize on the soaring popularity of e-bikes. What’s the big problem with putting public money into bikeshare, anyway? After all, most policymakers recognize the need to subsidize transit, due to the expense of operation and the societal benefits that buses and trains provide by reducing congestion and emissions (not to mention providing low-income residents with essential mobility). But bikeshare checks all the same boxes. So why have U.S. cities resisted subsidizing it? As Minneapolis’s experience reveals, this is not a theoretical question. If cities will not put money into subsidizing their system, they should be prepared to lose it. Citi Bike operates a bikeshare program in New York and New Jersey. [Photo: Robinson Greig/Unsplash] Bikeshare was the hot new thing in urban mobility when it arrived on American streets in the early 2010s. Early boosters included urbanist luminaries like Gabe Klein, who launched systems in Washington, D.C., and Chicago when he ran those cities’ transportation departments, and Janette Sadik-Khan, who oversaw the creation of Citi Bike in New York City. Bikeshare’s novelty in the U.S., along with its success in foreign cities like Montreal and Lyon, conferred a touch of global cool. “To be a world-class city, you need to have a bikeshare program,” said Bill Dossett, the longtime executive director of Nice Ride, seven years ago. Beyond its hip image, bikeshare offered plenty of upside for city residents—even if they would never use it. Most obviously, bikeshare could replace car trips, in the process reducing emissions and traffic jams. The new systems could also compliment transit by helping residents reach stations, while their modest cost (Capital Bikeshare memberships were initially just $50 per year) made them affordable for low-income residents. Docked bikes might even serve as a gateway drug for two-wheeled commuting; one survey found that bikeshare led people in the Washington, D.C., area to ride their own bikes more often. (I’m living proof of this phenomenon. In 2012, I wobbled through my first Capital Bikeshare ride; within a few months I got rid of my car and bought a bike that became my main mode of transport.) For those still on the fence, early bikeshare boosters offered one additional talking point: The new systems would not require an ongoing contribution from local governments. In a 2015 op-ed, Klein described his initial bikeshare pitch to D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty: “[Mayor Fenty asked,] ‘Could it break even or be profitable operationally?’ I said, ‘I think so,’ and aimed to make that happen.” “At the time, there really wasn’t political will to allocate money to bikeshare,” said Scott Kubly, who worked closely with Klein to launch both Capital Bikeshare in D.C. and Divvy in Chicago and later ran the Seattle Department of Transportation. “If you were a city transportation official, you had to figure out how to make it happen. Bikeshare wouldn’t have existed without that entrepreneurialism.” Sadik-Khan, who launched Citi Bike in New York City, saw her no-subsidies approach as a national model. In a 2016 interview she predicted, “You’re going to see mayors looking to install these new systems, not having to use their public funding to do it, but utilizing the private sector to be able to double down on that kind of investment.” Instead of receiving local funding, many systems relied on multi-million dollar sponsorships from companies like Citibank (New York City) and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts (Boston) to keep them afloat. According to a report by NABSA, a shared mobility industry association, in 2019 rider fees contributed just over half of revenues for an average bikeshare system, with sponsorships providing 30% and public subsidies just 12%. In some big cities, bikeshare actually contributes money to public coffers. In Chicago, for instance, Lyft is contractually obligated to pay the city at least $6 million annually to operate Divvy. Chicago [Photo: Raymond Boyd/Getty Images] Although many U.S. city officials shied away from funding bikeshare, it’s not clear that they should have. After all, riding a shared bike generates myriad benefits for all city residents, such as cleaner air and less congestion. Economists call these effects “positive externalities,” and consider them to be justification for public subsidies. Indeed, Europe has embraced bikeshare funding in a way that the U.S. has not. As a result, rides in American cities can be stunningly expensive by European standards. For example, a visitor taking a 30-minute pedal bike ride would pay €1 ($1.09) in Brussels and 1.65 pounds ($2.06) in London, but $3.49 in San Francisco, $4.49 in New York City, and $6.10 in Chicago.Even with minimal public support, American bikeshare flourished during the 2010s. According to the National Association of City Transportation Officials, docked systems nationwide provided some 40 million trips in 2019. In New York City alone, Citi Bike riders took almost 20 million rides in 2020—more than all transit trips that year in Sacramento or Cleveland. And bikeshare’s projected benefits turned out to be real: One study found that Capital Bikeshare reduced traffic congestion in D.C. neighborhoods by 4%; another researcher estimated that every ride that replaced a car trip avoided a pound of carbon emissions. Even infamously bike-wary small business owners were supportive: 70% of those in the DC area said that bikeshare enhanced their neighborhood. But beneath the surface, bikeshare management was growing more complex during the last decade. Many systems began by launching in dense, downtown areas where it was easiest to operate profitably. To expand further, systems would have to venture into sparsely populated or less affluent areas where revenues would not cover costs. Meanwhile, the rise of dockless scooters brought new competitors for docked systems. And since bikeshare is less novel today than it was a decade ago, big-dollar corporate sponsorships may be harder to secure. If so, Minneapolis is unlikely to be the last city unable to replace a title sponsor. (Lyft declined to say whether bikeshare is currently profitable for the company.) Washington, D.C. [Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg/Getty Images] And then there are e-bikes, the wildly popular vehicles that have outsold electric cars in the United States. Many of the bikeshare systems that introduced e-bikes have found them to be a sensation—but their popularity comes at a cost. “At peak times, Citi Bike’s e-bikes are used up to 15 times per day, compared to 4 to 5 times per day for pedal bikes,” said Laura Fox, who recently left her role as Citi Bike’s general manager. “Batteries therefore have to be swapped out once or more every day,” with staff shuttling from station to station to replace dead batteries with new ones. Beyond the cost of procuring the e-bikes themselves, the ongoing process of replacing spent batteries requires labor, time, and money, constraining operators’ ability to deploy them. Happily, there is a solution. Electrifying bikeshare stations would allow electric bikes to be charged automatically before the next rider unlocks them. “If we have 20% to 30% of stations electrified, we can reduce battery swaps by 75% to 80% in a big city like New York,” said Caroline Samponaro, Lyft’s head of transit and micromobility policy. “That would eliminate a major cost driver.” According to Lyft, electrifying a station can cost around $100,000, suggesting that adding electricity to 25% of Citi Bike’s 1,700 stations would total roughly $50 million. Expecting Lyft alone to cover such expenses seems dicey, especially given its tanking share price (which is down more than 60% in the last year) and the limited time horizon of many bikeshare operating contracts. Some cities have concluded that bikeshare’s challenges—as well as electrification’s tantalizing potential—warrant new public investment. Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, for instance, recently proposed contributing $1.4 million to add e-bikes to the local Bluebikes network. In Austin, the city is seeking state funding to expand MetroBike, the system it runs in partnership with the local transit agency. And then there’s the Bay Area’s new and precedent-breaking $16 million investment in Bay Wheels. “Bikeshare doesn’t appear to be a moneymaker without a subsidy, just like transit,” said MTC’s Fremier. “But all the cities in this region see Bay Wheels as a benefit.” The new funds will help replace the system’s aged equipment, procure new e-bikes, and electrify 8 to 10 stations (the price of Bay Wheels membership will also drop by $19/year). Fremier believes that offering public funds was a necessary move: “Lyft came to us and said they couldn’t keep going through the losses that they’re having, and we validated it with financial information they gave us.” Kubly, who helped bring bikeshare to D.C. and Chicago over a decade ago, applauds the city leaders who are showing new willingness to cut checks. “Bikeshare today cannot go without subsidy if you want to have any semblance of a public policy goal,” he said. “If you want it in low-income areas or if you want it to be price-competitive with a cab, you’re probably going to need to subsidize it.” If there is ever a time for cities to start funding bikeshare, now seems like the right time to do it. Not only are e-bikes positioned to fuel a new era of bikeshare growth, but the 2021 passage of the bipartisan Infrastructure Bill opened new spigots of federal funding that could help cover the costs of electrifying stations, including the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure and National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure programs. (It doesn’t hurt that the person overseeing billions of dollars in EV infrastructure implementation is none other than early bikeshare believer Gabe Klein.) Even without federal dollars, the funding needed to shore up bikeshare’s future need not overwhelm city budgets. As a point of comparison, the cost of electrifying 25% of Citi Bike docking stations is about as much as New York City spends annually to subsidize its ferry services—which transport barely a sixth as many people. Yes, the provision of subsidies breaks a decade-plus expectation that bikeshare should pay for itself. But given these systems’ manifold societal benefits, as well both the challenges they face and their current potential to scale, it’s time to abandon a policy that has outlived its usefulness. Lucas Peilert provided research assistance for this article. https://www.fastcompany.com/90883010/undoing-bikeshares-original-sin?partner=rss&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=rss+fastcompany&utm_content=rss
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ziplogistics · 2 years
Shipping To Guyana
Looking For The Ideal shipping companies? Here's How To Choose One!
Are you looking for a shipping company to transport your goods to Guyana? Do you need a Miami freight forwarder that can get the job done quickly, safely, and at an affordable price? If so, choosing the right shipping company is essential.
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With so many Guyana shipping companies, it cannot be easy to know who to trust with your cargo. Here are some tips for selecting the ideal shipping one for your needs:
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Online reviews can be a great source of information since they provide direct customer feedback using their services. Reviews can help you determine whether or not a freight forwarder is reliable, affordable, and trustworthy enough to handle your shipment safely and efficiently.
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