#after tomoe's husband DIED
reviilo · 4 months
transfem leo with lita and usagi thinks she's married cause she's a grown woman and has a child of course she's married but still flirting and hitting on leo because he's a whore and does not give a single fuck about leo's "husband"
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ceruleanskies48 · 3 months
Dead Mothers of BES pt. 1 (Akemi)
Mizu, Taigen, Akemi, and Ringo are very different characters, but the two things they all have in common are shitty fathers and dead mothers (at least from our Season 1 knowledge). The shitty fathers part is pretty self-explanatory, but let’s dig into what we know about their dead mothers and what we might speculate.
This is a four-part series, starting with Akemi's mom.
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How do we know she’s dead?
In Ep. 4, Lord Daichi states that Akemi’s mother is no longer around. Seki confirms this in Ep. 7 when he says he tried to prepare Akemi for the world after her mother died. 
When did she die?
The evidence we have points in two different directions. One possibility is that she died not that long ago, when Akemi was already in her teens. Akemi’s half-brother Tomoe is not that old (pre-verbal), and Lord Daichi likely remarried and had his second child shortly after his first wife died due to the need for a male heir. Indeed, when he talks about Lord Saito being on the market for a new bride, he mentions blithely that Lord Saito’s wife just died in childbirth, suggesting that new brides are sought quickly afterward. In addition, Lord Daichi in Ep. 8 says that Akemi used to look at his with admiration. This is definitely not the nature of their relationship when we first meet them, so it could be that Akemi’s regard for her father changed when he remarried. Young children typically are more accepting of step parents, and Akemi might have been especially upset at her father if his new bride wasn’t that much older than her. 
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That said, it seems like Seki has been taking care of her since she was little. He, not her mom, brushed her teeth, taught her to read and paint, and was the one who let her sneak into her father’s library to read books. That said, the fact that he replaced her mom (instead of a nursemaid) implies that Akemi was not young enough to need breastfeeding. Either he started taking care of Akemi when she was around 3 and her mom died around then, or he was taking care of her even when her mom was still alive. 
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How did she die?
She could have died from illness, but my guess is that she died from pregnancy-related complications. Akemi was her only child, so there must have been significant pressure for her to bear a male heir. The fact that Akemi doesn’t have a younger full sibling suggests that her mother might have struggled with subsequent pregnancies, perhaps having miscarriages/stillbirths, which were much more dangerous at the time. 
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What was she like? 
Lord Daichi said that Akemi’s mom was like her in that she talked back. That said, she knew how to please him as a wife. My guess is that she was a strong woman who knew how to influence her often pig-headed husband. The fact that Seki took over from her as Akemi’s “mother” suggests that he was close to Akemi’s mother. Otherwise it’s a strange position for her father’s counselor to be put into. In addition, Seki raised Akemi to be a future leader, which is very progressive for the time, so my guess is that he had high regard for Akemi’s mother and was perhaps her advisor as well (especially if she was the one actually pulling her husband’s strings). This would also inform the direction Seki pushed Akemi into—marrying up and working within her constraints as a wife to become a leader through her husband. 
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chamonabis · 9 months
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Boss bitch 👀
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Tell a little about their story. I don't know if anyone would be interested in reading it, but I've wanted to write it for a long time 🥹)
With my OuroAU.
OuroTiger is the boss. He once had a wife, Tomoe. He is cruel, sarcastic and likes to tease and torment his subordinates (can be called S). Even so, he still loved his ex-wife very much, but once his secret was discovered by her, Tomoe committed suicide (I love Tomoe, but sorry😭).
When OuroTiger was 23 years old, both husband and wife adopted a child, Barnaby (current OuroBunny), at that time the boy lost his parents (harmed by Ouroboros), 7 years old.
Gradually growing up, understanding more and knowing "papa's" secret, at the age of 11, Barnaby intentionally let "mom" know "papa's" secret and she was sick, depressed and committed suicide. Barnaby is a bit cruel at this stage, he is a child who has just learned shocking news and is hated, harboring hatred and wanting revenge. OuroTiger knows, hates Barnaby but it's not time to kill him yet (It's beneficial for him because Barnaby have the same NEXT ability as OuroTiger), he orders Maverick to brainwash him, train Barnaby to become a bodyguard.
As he grew older, OuroBunny became more quiet and disliked the old man (Because he started to torture him and didn't love him like before Tomoe died), no longer called "papa", and began working under boss OuroTiger.
OuroTiger also had a painful time losing his wife, then still had to get back up, became more and more crazy and tortured his "son" more, OuroBunny also disliked him, hated him openly but still had to obey his boss's orders. (He's always trying to find out the cause of his biological parents' death, but it's unclear because Maverick brainwashed him.)
Gradually doubting, but not being certain, OuroBunny began to have headaches and chaotic memories. Always by OuroTiger's side, He learns about his past again. As the boss, OuroTiger knew, but still pretended to ignore it, want to see good drama. Gradually working with OuroTiger, OuroBunny got used to standing behind and supporting him and secretly watching him closely, gradually learning many secrets about the death of his biological parents, hatred arose but it was not time to kill OuroTiger (because he never made it all clear and OuroBunny is still suffering from chaotic memories).
At the same time, another feeling sprouted in OuroBunny's heart for the "good father that year" who saved him is still there now (Now covered by hatred).
OuroTiger: black eyes, black hair, darker skin than Tiger (off), he wears glasses because works a lot at the hospital.
OuroBunny: green eyes, blonde hair, already white skin because he only lives hidden in the darkness, no nearsightedness, 5cm taller than boss
On the surface, Kotetsu is very gentle and kind, has a job at the hospital, but cannot save his wife.
Barnaby, with his biological parents' love of robotics, began to learn and when he grew up, he always liked to be alone with the machines. He's a genius, created his first robot at age 15, At the age of 20, he created the first humanoid robot. No matter how much he hated his boss, he unconsciously created a robot with the appearance of OuroTiger, called H-01.
The 23-year-old OuroTiger has been a boss for 2 years, the youngest boss in Ouroboros history.
Kotetsu married Tomoe at the age of 21, Tomoe was in Kotetsu's high school class.
Tomoe was in poor health, and when she was pregnant with her first child, she lost this child (at the age of 22), after which Kotetsu offered to adopt Barnaby as their son. Then 4 years later, she learned that her husband had done many evil things, depression caused her to commit suicide.
Since being brought back by Kotetsu, Barnaby has loved him very much. Although he doesn't know what his feelings are, Barnaby really wants to keep the gentle and funny Kotetsu as his own, not wanting to lose him.
OuroTiger is 16 years older than OuroBunny.
OuroTiger is 40 years old (3 years older than Tiger)
OuroBunny is 24 years old (2 years younger than Bunny)
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rachelsshowerthoughts · 3 months
Aware AU thought but, https://www.tumblr.com/tumblingxelian/754631895572267008/justanotherpersonsuniverse-i-didnt-watch?source=share
This very much gives the idea that Lila's mother is the intensely absent, IE neglectful parent who compensates by saying sweet things but doesn't back it up with any action.
Which likely also made it harder for Lila to really communicate her issues because her mom says nice things, she makes sure she has food, & sometimes spends time around her.
Who would believe her mom is anything but a bit busier than Lila would like? Don't be spoiled Lila, your mother works so hard for you!
With her likely internalizing her mothers sweet nothings as lies & lying herself to trick others to get by a little easier, to get a little attention she so craves, to cover for problems or mistakes.
I think the song Our Word would sum her up very well, either just the first portion as here here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Y3DVFF0spY Or the full song here, which could also maybe represent a sort of, "This is what I could have become" angle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9RHJTpLOVk
so, first off, the first thing I thought when I heard the song in its entirety was "Musical Lila!Akuma", so that’s going to live rent free in my head all day.
yeah, I think the implication is definitely supposed to be "absent mom" (though I think this is before the "multi-mom" nonsense) and I always took it as, the one thing Lila DOES tell the truth about is her mom's job. Ambassador is up in the air, but definitely works for the Italian embassy, which would actually go a long way to explaining a lot about Lila.
If Lila's mom is an Italian ambassador, Lila probably is well travelled, and probably has met SOME important people, at least by proxy. The best lies have a kernel of truth in there somewhere, after all. It’s plausible she could have met most of these people. She's also probably never in the same place longer than a year or so. She moves to a lot of new places, many of which may or may not have a language in common with her. She probably never shows up at the start of a school year, but partway through, when everyone's already formed their friend groups. She’s always "the new girl", either seen as a weird foreigner, or a shiny new toy with fun stories of other places. But how many people stick around when the stories dry up? Better make more stories, better stories, so you aren’t alone - and then it doesn’t even matter, because you'll be gone in six months, and eventually all your "friends" have steady lives to get back to, so they stop calling, stop texting, and you're right back where you started.
Plus, how much time do you think she's actually spent in Italy, in her own house, since she was little? Does she see the rest of her family?
Also, I find it interesting we don’t see her dad. Mostly cause the other kids have either really well established home lives, or we ignore them, with the implication they are "normal". If there are single parents, we eventually do get explanations - Anarka either never told Jagged or he decided he wouldn’t be a good dad, Mylene's mom sucked, Felix's dad died (and also sucked), we won't even get into Gabriel and Emilie. I think the only other "Sir-Not-Appearing-In-This-Show" parent we get no info on is Kagami's dad. So, where's Mr. Rossi?
Sick? Died? Missing? Divorced? Was he a nice guy? Equally neglectful? Did he know about Lila's lies? Did he encourage it? Ignore it? Is Mrs. Rossi acting like this cause of something to do with her husband? Is she mourning him? Did he cheat on her? Was she even ever married? Is Lila technically a bastard baby? Or is her mom truly a single mom - wanted a kid, went through IVF?
(I mean, I have similar questions about Kagami's dad, but if we keep the Sentimonster stuff, along with everything else, then it does actually make sense that Tomoe never had a romantic partner of any kind, she just wanted a kid/heir, no partner was involved at any point)
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starguardianniom · 2 years
Amélie's hatred of Gabriel
After seeing the leaks it makes sense.
Émilie was the heiress as she was the older twin and had the responsabilities and status that came with it.
Except when she met Gabriel, who was Gabi Grassette at that time, she decided to throw it all away to be with him.
So it all came down on Amélie's shoulders.
And it got decided she would not be making the same mistake as her sister.
She got married to a man who didn't love her, and who treated her son poorly.
Outright says the marriage was abusive.
From her point of view, her life turned for the worst when Gabi showed up in Émilie's life.
And now Émilie isn't even around anymore but Gabriel still is.
I can almost feel the saltiness coming from her at Gabriel being a nobody yet treated his wife lovingly, while her husband was someone important but couldn't have cared less about her if he bothered to even lift his little finger to try.
And somehow I can understand her.
The only good thing she ever got from it was Félix.
Probably why their bond is so strong.
Félix sees her as much as a victim as he was.
Like Amélie sees him as a victim as much as she was.
And given how she witnessed Colt's abuse of Félix, she made extra sure to love him even more.
It wasn't Félix's fault.
He's just a kid in all this that got handed one of the worst father.
After Colt dies, they're finally free.
They can be happy.
Amélie lets him have all the freedom he can have.
After what their life was like under Colt it's kind of understandable.
Félix in the show goes too far in his episodes.
Strike Back was the turning point.
I feel somehow that he tried to make up for it in Emotion with Red Moon though. By wiping Gabriel out, the kwamis that he gave him in Strike Back would be free, alongside his cousin.Freeing Kagami from her mom was also a bonus, but a welcomed one. When one thinks about it he was kind of undoing his treachery in Strike Back by going after Monarch himself and taking him out in 1 second with Monarch being completely neutralized.
Except his plan fell apart because of Marinette and her alter-ego Ladybug.
The irony that he had basically got rid of Monarch and freed the kwamis and he doesn't tell Ladybug about it means he loses his chance and she loses the opportunity of gettting them all back without knowing it I'm dying.
And he brought everyone back.
I feel he could have brought back everyone but Gabriel and Tomoe though.
Heck he could have kept Chloé's parents too.
She would get raised by her butler.
Chloé and Zoé deserves better parents.
Adrien would get raised by his bodyguard.
Kagami could be raised by Anarka, Luka and Juleka.
Back at Félix, his plan failed.
So he's gonna make a new one.
This time with Kagami's help.
I didn't see the leaks about what he would do apart from impersonating Adrien at the New Year's Eve party I think.
So let's see how it will goes.
Probably be his redemption?
Since he's seen with the other heroes in the storyboards of the full hero team.
I have no idea.
We'll see.
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yamayuandadu · 4 months
Is Hatakeyama Shigetada as handsome and valiant as everyone says? Guy nearly captured Shizuka Gongen.
Pretty sure you mean Tomoe and not Shizuka? It’s a fairly popular motif in ukiyo-e.
Shigetada does sort of interact with Shizuka in the Gikeiki (he plays the flute when she performs in front of Yoritomo), but he has no part in her capture. In most variants I am aware of, that's the role of Kajiwara no Kagetoki, who is pretty consistently portrayed negatively (we’re talking Grima Wormtongue level of subtlety here), in contrast with Shigetada.
In any case, in fiction Shigetada is pretty consistently described as a respectable, level-headed figure. He is portrayed as loyal to Yoritomo, but simultaneously as sympathetic to Yoshitsune (in the Gikeiki he opposes Yoritomo’s idea to get rid of him at Koshigoe, berates him for valuing Kagetoki more than own brother, and praises the loyalty of some of Yoshitsune’s retainers like Tadanobu; at the same time, in Genpei Jōsuiki he restraints Yoshitsune when he wants to fight Kagetoki after being insulted by him), Shizuka (in the nara ehon Shizuka, see here, p. 309) or the Soga brothers (in Soga Monogatari).
As far as later literature goes, it’s worth noting the famous Edo period playwright Chikamatsu Monzaemon in Sasaki Ōkagami made Shigetada a mouthpiece for his quite harsh criticism of one of the more popular superstitions at the time: “the idea that women born in the year of the Fire Horse are a curse upon their husbands is all a bunch of hogwash” (it’s based on the sexagenary cycle; for more context, see Taming the Fire Horse. The Free Distribution of Anti-superstition Pamphlets in Early Modern Japan by Niels van Steenpaal). I feel like his portrayal in Dan no Ura Kabuto Gunki is more ambivalent, though.
While fiction obviously exaggerates historical events, it is true that Shigetada was a particularly loyal follower of Yoritomo and was seemingly genuinely regarded as upstanding. However, he didn’t fare particularly well after his lord’s death:  through machinations of the Hōjō clan he was falsely accused of plotting a rebellion, and died alongside many other members of his family as a result. This was a part of their bigger strategy of isolating political rivals and eliminating them, which eventually led to their monopolization of the influential regent position.
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bishipsaremyships · 9 months
whats up with your guys rp universe?
You've activated my special interest trap card :]
Uhhhh going under a read more bc I'm always self conscious that someone will get annoyed with a long post <3
So the RP-verse is me and Chara's version of Genshin told through our discord roleplays and our personal headcanons.
The majority of it tends to circle around whatever characters we hyperfixate on for whatever period of time. Example, at the beginning, it focused mostly in Mondstadt bc Chara was fixated on Venti and Kaeya and I was fixated on Diluc, Rosaria, and Benny's Adventure Team. Currently, Chara is fixated on Freminet, Lyney and Lynette (whom we have dubbed Orphan Trio) while I have fixated on Furina and Neuvillette.
The basis of the universe is mostly the same, its just riddled with a lot of self-indulgent bullshit. Like, the most recent headcanon that has been added to the list is that Candace and Kaeya are distant cousins.
Other self-indulgent headcanons from the RP-verse:
Gorou is a trans woman who changes her name to Hina after she discovers that Miko is using her image for a waifu
Diluc and Eula are in a marriage of convience, currently still just engaged. Eula doesn't want to be a Lawrence anymore and Diluc would like to stop being hit on when he's manning the bar at Angel's Share. It's a win-win.
Arlecchino uses she/him pronouns. She also still goes by "Lord Arlecchino" instead of "Lady Arlecchino".
Yoimiya, Heizou, Kazuha, and Tomo are all members of the Arataki Gang.
Xiao and Kokomi are dating. Kokomi is also married to Hina. Xiao is also dating Aether.
Heizou and Tighnari are dating. Tighnari is also married to Cyno. Heizou is also dating Kazuha, Aether, Xiao, and Venti.
Aether has a very large polycule. His boyfriends include: Kaeya, Kazuha, Xiao, Albedo, Venti, and Heizou. I think I might be forgetting one, but I cannot remember for the life of me.
Ayato and Itto are dating.
Ayaka and Sara are dating. Sara is also married to the Raiden Shogun. Not Ei! Specifically the Shogun. Ei is married to Miko.
Heizou and Sara are found family, they seeing each other as siblings. It eventually culminates to the point where they each change their surnames to the same one; 'Fujiwara'.
Heizou wears one of Sara's tengu feathers braided into his hair.
It's been ten years since Diluc's 18th birthday and the Ragbros are forgiven each other and reconciled more-or-less, but because they're both too proud, they've never spoken their apologies out loud. It's still messing with their relationship.
Lady Ragnvindr (named Aurora) is still alive and the only reason she's not in Mondstadt is because she left for Natlan when Crepus died and Diluc left for Snezhnaya. She tried to convince Kaeya to come with her since she believed both her husband and first son to be dead and she didn't want to lose the last of her family, but she failed to convince him.
Both the Ragbros view Adelinde as a secondary mother figure.
Adelinde and Verr Goldet are sisters.
I fully believe in the cannibal Adelinde theory. Do with that what you will.
I think this one might actually be canon, but I don't know enough about Miko's lore to say anything. But! Miko raised the Kamisato siblings after Lord and Lady Kamisato died. She is the reason Ayato is Like That. Ayaka is also Like That, but she is so much better at hiding it.
Ganyu gives Childe archery lessons after Zhongli and Childe get engaged.
Albedo has been sent many letters from the Sumeru Akademiya, requesting that he become a Spantamad professor, but he just ignores the letters.
Sucrose is a current student at the Akademiya. She's currently using her abroad study time to be back in her home of Mondstadt to learn under Albedo. She is an Amurta student with some heavy interest in Spantamad teachings as well.
Cyno, Yanfei, and Heizou are with Aether when the Traveler goes to Fontaine. Instead of Aether being Lyney and Lynette's attorney during their trial, Yanfei steps up. Heizou punches Lyney in the face after he learns Orphan Trio are Fatui. Cyno has an autistic amount of interest in the Oratrice.
Heizou has trauma about the Fatui. He had taken an obsessive amount of interest in a missing person's case that Aether had filed for Lumine's disappearance. Heizou eventually got a lead about a potential sighting of Lumine and he ended up walking into a trap laid by the Fatui. His arm was broken and he almost got shipped off to Snezhnaya where he would have presumably been killed for meddling in things he shouldn't have.
Oh, yeah, the Fatui that Heizou almost got kidnapped by were under Arlecchino's command, so Heizou has it rough in Fontaine.
Wanderer is named Tozen which is an Inazuman name that means "the deserving one".
Kaeya and Heizou join Aether when he goes to Sumeru.
Instead of Aether doing the Sumeru Desert questlines, Kaeya and Heizou run off to do them. They take Kaveh and Nilou with them. Jeht ends up falling in love with Nilou. Liloupar and Sorush get attached to Kaeya.
Kaeya knows how to weild a catalyst and he becomes a healer during the Desert Quests. He's kinda shit at it, but he's decent enough that no one bleeds out after they have a run-in with a Consecrated Beast.
There's a lot more, but my brain is failing me for more right now <3
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foofynono · 2 years
I’ve had this headcanon for a while now, and since we have a new addition to the sentibabies family I wanted to share. When Emilie and Amelie Graham De Vanily were growing up, they did everything together, as twins do; when they got older they both went on their own journeys. Amelie wanted to have a family, so she went out and found a husband. Emilie wanted to be an actress and after meeting Gabriel and Nathalie they went on that trip which brought back the miraculous.
So from what we know from context clues, there was some sort of accident which damaged the peacock miraculous and in turn hurt Emilie somehow as well. When the three of them came back from that trip, not only do we find out Emilie is sick from over use of the peacock but that she's also unable to have children, but her sister was.
Now here’s where it gets a little dark…
Felix was born prematurely, and died before he was able to leave the hospital. In her grief, Amelie went to her sister for comfort and support but Emilie had an idea. Using the magical jewel that she just came back with, Emilie told her sister that she’d be able to bring her son back, but she needed something near and dear to her in order to house his amok.
Using the twin rings of Graham De Vanily, Emilie not only put an amok in her sister’s ring, but hers as well; creating Felix and Adrien. Unfortunately, making two sentimonsters took a toll on her already fragile body and caused her sickness to increase faster with the already damaged miraculous. With her health diminishing, and a new baby at home, Emilie was ready to give it all up.
But Emilie has a big heart…
As a favor for Tomoe Tsurugi, an old friend of Gabriel’s, in her haste to become a champion in blind martial arts, Tomoe missed her chance to start a family of her own, however she still wanted an heir. Tomoe had also inquired about the power of the peacock and before she became deathly ill, Emilie made one last sentibaby, Kagami; which was the last straw.
I don’t know how genetics work in that way, but I’ve always wondered why two COUSINS, from two different “dads”, are twins (look the same). This would explain why Amelie dotes over Felix all the time, she still misses her first baby boy and doesn’t want to let this one go. Adrien can’t disobey anyone wearing his mother’s ring; she’s still technically alive which is keeping the boys alive too. Only the caster can destroy their creations.
Anyway that was my rant, you don’t have to like it, you don’t have to agree and I honestly don’t expect anyone to read this but I wanted to throw my two cents in the ring. Ha ha...
But seriously, thanks for reading my crazy lol
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flightfoot · 2 years
How is Gabriel’s London plan supposed to work exactly?
Say Gabriel even makes it to the fall semester, he’s not going to last. And then when he’s dead whos Adriens guardian? Nathalie? If she isn’t dead she’ll just send him back to Paris. Amelie? Gabriel doesn’t seem to like her so that’s not happening. Tomoe? Unless she’s adopting him as the husband of her daughter, I don’t think so.
I do think it'd have to be Amelie. Adrien would presumably fall into her care automatically if he died anyway. That being said, he may also be banking on getting the Wish before he croaks, and following through on sending Adrien to London in the new reality. I don't know exactly how much the Wish would overwrite things, so that conversation may still have happened after he tries to rewrite the world.
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irunevenus · 1 year
The branch of the precious tree
Prince Kuramochi, a very resourceful man, asked permission to leave the court, saying that he was traveling to Tsukushi for a season of treatment at the hot springs. At the same time, he sent word to Kaguya-hime, who would go in search of the branch of the precious tree.
He left the capital with all his servants, who accompanied him to Naniwa. But, from then on, the prince declared that he would travel incognito, taking with him only his personal servants and not the entire entourage that then returned to the capital. Having convinced everyone that he had indeed continued his voyage, three days later the prince ordered the ship to be returned to port.
Before leaving, the prince had made minute arrangements: six acclaimed blacksmiths had been hired; a house was erected for them in an isolated place, and a furnace was built, surrounded by triple walls. Craftsmen were installed in the house, and the prince joined them, employing the income of his sixteen domains in fashioning a precious bouquet. When finished, it didn't differ at all from Kaguya-hime's description. After completing his brilliant plan, the prince departed in secret for Naniwa, taking the branch with him.
The prince sent a message to his Palace, informing that he was returning by ship and implying that the journey had been very challenging. Many people had come to Naniwa to welcome him. The precious branch was placed in a wooden chest, suitably covered, and carried to dry land. Word soon spread that Prince Kuramochi had brought an udonge (blue lotus flower) flower to the capital.
When Kaguya-hime heard this, he thought, with a sinking heart, "This prince managed to surpass me."
At that very moment, a servant announced the arrival of Prince Kuramochi:
- the prince came straight here without even changing his travel clothes.
The old woman, impressed, went out to greet the prince.
"I risked my life to bring back the branch of the precious tree," declared the nobleman. - Please show it to Kaguya-hime.
The old man carried the trunk into the house. With the branch, he followed a note:
Itazura ni, mi wa nashitsu tomo, tama-no-e o
Taorade sara ni, kaerazaramashi.
“Even if it cost my life, I would not return empty-handed, without the precious branch.”
As the lady carefully examined the verse, the Old Bamboo Cutter hastened to declare:
- The prince brought from paradise a branch of the precious tree that exactly fits the description of what you asked for. What else do you want from him? He came straight here, still in his traveling clothes. Please accept him as your husband without further ado.
Pensive and disconsolate, with her head resting on her arm, the lady did not utter a single word.
- I'm sure that from now on there's nothing more to be said – said the prince, walking confidently through the porch of the house.
The elder considering this to be correct, said to Kaguya-hime:
- In all of Japan there is no other precious branch like this. How can you reject the prince now? Furthermore, he is a man of excellent character.
"It was my reluctance to turn down what you asked me to do, father, that made me ask gentlemen the most impossible things," she replied.
She was extremely upset with the fact that the prince had surprised her like that, bringing the branch. The old man decided to prepare the wedding room. Before, he asked the prince:
- How was the place where you found the branch? He is so incredibly handsome!
"Three years ago, close to the tenth day, on the second moon, I got on the ship and sailed to Naniwa," said the prince. – I realized that I didn't have the coordinates of the place I was looking for, but I told myself that life would only be worth it if I succeeded in that mission. So I let the ship be carried away by the uncertain winds. If I died, all my endeavors would come to an end, but I was determined to sail as long as I was allowed, in the hope of one day reaching Mount Hōrai. The ship, carried by the waves, moved further and further away from Japan. As we went along, we sometimes came across a sea so rough that I was sure we were going to the bottom of the ocean. At other times, the wind took us to strange lands, where people who looked like demons tried to kill us. In others, having no idea of ​​our coordinates, we wander blindly in the ocean. At other times, the food ran out and we survived only on the seaweed and molluscs we collected from the sea. And, sometimes, horrible monsters followed our route, wanting to devour us.
- It has also happened – continued the prince – that we have been afflicted with diseases of all kinds, in places where there was no one to help us, nowhere to seek comfort. We roamed the sea, letting the ship go as it pleased. Then, on the morning of the fiftieth day of our journey, we dimly perceived, in the distance, a mountain rising out of the middle of the ocean. We all squint to see better. It seemed impossible, but the mountain floated on the waves, tall and gracefully shaped. I thought that was the place I was looking for. But something made me fearful, so for two or three days we sailed around the mountain, examining it. One day I saw a woman, dressed like a heavenly being, walking up and down, sprinkling water from a silver bowl. I went to dry land and asked him what the name of the mountain was. “This is the mountain of Hōrai,” she replied. Happy, I asked him: “Who do I have the pleasure of talking to?”. “My name is Ukanruri,” she said, returning to the mountain.
-I have examined the mountain - she recounted, yet - but I have not found any way to climb it. Colored streams of gold, silver, and emerald poured from her; over them were bridges built with precious stones. Nearby, there were some bright trees. The one I picked for the branch was the least impressive, but since it fit Kaguya-hime's description, I picked this flowering branch.
- the mountain was incomparable, even beautiful – he narrated.- Nothing in the world resembles its charms. But now that I had the branch, I wasn't about to waste time. I climbed aboard the ship and, with the wind in our favor, returned. Perhaps I owe the Buddha's promise to save all mankind this wind that brought me back to Naniwa. I left for the capital and came straight here without even changing my sea-soaked clothes.
The elder, after hearing the whole story, sighed and recited the verse:
Kuretake no, yoyo no take tori, noyama nimo
saya wa wabishiki, fushi o nomi mishi
“For generations men have cut Bamboo in the mountains and fields; did they ever experience so many challenges?”
The prince replied:
- My heart, which for so long was the victim of restlessness, is now at peace.
And, to answer the old man's verse, he made this:
Waga tamoto, kyõ [straight sign] kawakereba,
wabishisa no
chigusa no kazu mo, wasurarenubeshi
“Now that I'm safe, I'm sure I'll forget the pain I've been through.”
At that moment, a group of six men burst into the garden. One of them displayed a letter inside a tube.
- My name is Ayabe no Uchimaro – he introduced himself – and I am an artisan at the Atelier de Artes e Ofícios. I beg leave to inform you that I served this gentleman by creating a precious branch, working for more than a hundred days, with so much commitment that I even stopped eating properly. It was a great sacrifice, but he still hasn't rewarded me. Please sir pay me now so I can pay my assistants.
He presented the note. Old Bamboo Cutter shook his head, not understanding. The prince stood there, stunned, completely baffled.
Kaguya-hime, upon hearing all that, exclaimed:
- Bring me this letter, my father!
She examined it, then read it aloud:
“For hundreds of days the prince remained hidden with us craftsmen, and in accordance with his orders, we made a magnificent precious branch. In addition to money, he promised to give us official positions. Recently, we realized that the branch was the same one that had been requested by Kaguya-hime, the prince's future wife. That's why they came to this house. To receive our just reward.”
- Yes - insisted the man -, we need to be paid!
Hearing this, Kaguya-hime, whose mood was saddened by the day's events, suddenly burst out laughing, joyfully, and called out to the elder:
- I thought the branch really came from a tree in Paradise, but it is an infamous forgery. Please send it back now.
- Now that we know that the branch is not genuine, there is no doubt that we should return it. - agreed his father.
Kaguya-hime's spirits had been completely restored. Satisfied, she responded to the prince's poem by returning the gift:
Makoto ka to, kikite mitsureba, koto-no-ha o
Kazareru tama-no-eda nizu arikeru
“Wondering whether your story was true, I examined the precious branch; but just like her words, he is a fraud.”
The Old Bamboo Cutter, embarrassed at having gone to such lengths to convince the young woman to marry the prince, pretended to sleep. The prince, uncomfortable with the situation created, waited until dark, and sneaked away.
Kaguya-hime called the craftsmen who had lodged their grievances.
- Happiness for you! — She wished, and delivered them generous sums.
The satisfied men left believing they had gotten exactly what they wanted. However, on their way back, they were intercepted by Prince Kuramochi, who, with his servants, violently attacked them. The reward received was stolen, and the craftsmen ran for their lives.
Even in possession of the money, and watching the artisans flee, Kuramochi felt defeated and lamented:
- No misfortune could be greater than this in my life. I failed to win the girl's hand and it pains me to think how the world will now despise me.
The prince left for the mountains, alone. Palace servants and his personal servants made several searches, but concluded that he was dead. He disappeared for many years, avoiding being seen by his people.
From that time on, people are said to have a "heart of stone" who tries to deceive others by passing a fake stone as genuine.
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kaolinite91 · 2 years
About Flash Of Wind Finale
So I randomly found the Scan of Kaze Hikaru Finale...(in japanese)
I was...shooked
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Tldr. It's super similar with the real history..
Okita dies from tuberculosis
Hijikata dies on the battle
Saito still alive..
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Aaaaaaand the final question for this shoujo manga is, who Sei ends up with?
You know it's pretty much a tragic reverse harem(?) Lol, so she ends up with anyone but also no one 😂😭💔
((Have you played Hakuoki game? Maybe this ending is like the ending when you didn't really choose particular character and got ending with anyone..))
From the rough translation (thanks google lens), I knew that she and Okita has been married (she called him her husband), still unsure if she has a child from him or not because every conversation with her and Hijikata was super weird and hazy? (It seems the author herself not really want to blatantly said that she has Hijikata's child). Because Hijikata said that, 'Okita said in his will' that he wanted Sei to continue live and not alone... Make sure the samurai still see the new dawn in Japan. But there's a very weird scene on that finale chapter which kinda implied what Hijikata and Sei did...😢😰.
Fast forward two years later, she met Saito and he asked if that's her child and she said yes. The child asked who is Okita...and she said she gonna telling after he grows up.
TLDR. From what I get..
Sei got married to Okita
Had a child with Hijikata
And maybe...maybe....in the end she'll be with Saito? Since she's still in contact with him...
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Aaah what a very ambiguous ending...
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So.. whose child is it? I mean.. the boy doesn't looks like Hijikata.. but the timeline make it impossible for him to be Okita's child...aaaaaaa saaad...
But I still hoping this comic continue to be translated in my country..so I know for sure what they're actually talking about.
ps. Just realized Kamiya and Okita reminds me on Kazuha and Tomo from genshin impact too..lol
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kyuremking · 3 years
Senju clan genealogy tree of the main branch
I finally managed to finish the Senju family tree as well as adding a bit of information to each character.
The family tree is called senjumaki! au
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Here is the legend if you are interested look below the cut. This post is longer than some of my fanfics. There are also memes at the end.
Senjumaki Family
Butsuma Senju: Leader of the Senju clan during the era of the warring clans. Husband of Seiren Higuchi and father of Hashirama, Tobirama, Itama and Kawarama Senju. Died in a confrontation with the Uchiha clan.
Seiren Higuchi: Leader of the Senju clan through her marriage to Butsuma Senju. Wife of Butsuma Senju mother of Hashirama, Tobirama, Itama and Kawarama Senju. Died during an attack on the Senju compound by the Hagoromo clan that occurred shortly after Kawarama's birth.
Belonging to the Higurachi clan, a clan known for the fact that its members tended to be born with a strong connection to either the Yin or Yang element, or both. In addition, as they grew older, the clan members's faces would develop markings, usually red in colour, although the markings could also appear on other parts of the body. (Only her son Tobirama demonstrated these markings, as Itama and Kawarama died young. Although perhaps some of her grandchildren may develop the markings). Nowadays the Higuchi clan is considered extinct.
This connection with the Yin or Yang elements would be inherited by her children as can be seen in the great Yang connection that Hashirama had to the point of having an automatic healing. Or her son Tobirama who thanks to the Yin element was able to create oceans in the desert.
Hashirama Senju: Leader of the Senju clan at the end of the era of the warring clans and during the beginning of the era of the hidden villages. He married Mito Uzumaki and fathered Sukuna Senju, Himiko Senju, Makoto Senju, Masato Senju and Tomoe Uzumaki. Died due to his own regeneration which caused him to suffer from severe cancer.
Achieved peace with the Uchiha clan. Co-founded Konoha and became Shodaime Hokage. He was the only man born with the wood element.
Tobirama Senju: Younger brother of Hashirama Senju helped his brother lead the Senju clan and fight against the Uchiha clan. He created jutsu such as the shadow clones, the Hiraishin or the Edo Tensei (the latter was created with the help of Mito Uzumaki).
After the founding of Konoha he was in charge of creating the structure of the village and when his brother began to weaken he took the position of Nidaime Hokage. He never married but is known to have had a lover.
He died from wounds inflicted by the Gold and Silver brothers during their fight but not before killing them. His body was recovered thanks to a summoning seal he had on it.
Itama Senju: Brother of Hashirama, Tobirama and Kawarama Senju. Died at the age of 10-11 killed by the Uchiha clan.
Kawarama Senju: Brother of Hashirama, Tobirama and Itama Senju. Died at the age of 7 killed by the Hagoromo clan.
Senju-Uzumaki Alliance
Shortly before his death Butsuma Senju managed to convince Ashina Uzumaki to marry his granddaughter Mito Uzumaki to his eldest son Hashirama Senju.
The marriage took place before the founding of Konoha and it is known that on their way to the Senju compound the Uzumaki entourage was attacked on several occasions by different clans.
The Uzumaki entourage arrived at the Senju compound with a total of 274 heads from members of different clans. 26 heads of the Uchiha clan, 11 heads of the Izuno clan, 5 heads of the Shimura clan and 234 heads of Hagoromo clan members. As well as 19 heads of cats belonging to the Izumo clan.
So far even after the founding of Konoha and the First Shinobi World War, none of the heads have been returned to their clan of origin and many of those heads have been turned into masks.
As well as 56 children who were members of those clans, the Uchiha, Izumo and Shimura children were returned after the wedding when the clans paid a ransom, but the Hagoromo clan children stayed with the Uzumaki and Senju clan, as their clan became extinct after that massacre. (A couple of Uchiha children were killed by a drunken Senju, that Senju was quickly killed).
After the wedding about 50 Uzumaki stayed with Mito as their leader. Thanks to the alliance the Senju clan received the help of the Uzumaki Fūinjutsu, plus the Uzumaki who stayed with Mito pledged to protect the Senju clan compound. The Senju clan's compound was never invaded again.
After the founding of Konoha some Uzumaki returned to Uzushio and some came from Uzushio to Konoha. This group of Uzumaki was called the Uzumaki clan of Konoha and they chose Mito as their clan leader. These Uzumaki married and had children and grandchildren and the clan continues to grow.
Each of the children of the marriage between Hashirama and Mito could be described as the perfect and terrifying combination of Senju and Uzumaki.
 Mito Uzumaki: Granddaughter of Ashina Uzumaki, wife of Hashirama Senju and mother of Sukuna Senju, Himiko Senju, Makoto Senju, Masato Senju and Tomoe Uzumaki. Mito is considered a co-founder of Konoha with her husband and Madara.
Mito is about 10 years older than Hashirama. As a wedding gift to the Senju clan, Mito gave the extinction of the Hagoromo clan.
Mito helped Tobirama create the Edo Tensei. She is currently retired from her position as leader of the Uzumaki clan of Konoha and her daughter Tomoe is now the leader. During Madara and Hashirama's battle in the Valley of the End she became the first ever Jinchūriki by imprisoning the Kyuubi within herself.
However, Mito continues her work as a priestess at the temple that the Uzumaki created in Konoha and in the past has put Kakuzu on the run.
Sukuna Senju: Son of Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki. Husband of Yoriko Hōki and father of Tsunade and Nawaki Senju.
Sukuna was born shortly before the founding of Konoha and many Uchiha thank Madara for this alliance as if Sukuna had become leader of the Senju clan with the Senju and Uchiha clans at odds it is possible that the Uchiha clan would have become extinct.
While the Uzumaki clan was already known in the past, due to their isolationist tendencies they were usually forgotten by the mainland clans, however thanks to the massacre of the Hagoromo clan and the founding of Konoha the Uzumaki clan became much more recognised and showed what they were capable of when they were not busy studying and creating Fūinjutsu.
However, the one who showed why the Uzumaki clan should be feared and spread fear throughout the Elemental Nations during the First Shinobi World War was Sukuna Senju. Thanks to him, anyone with red hair and a Konoha headband became the immediate root of fear for anyone who saw them.
Sukuna killed the Jinchūriki of the Rokubi, the second Raikage after the murder of his uncle Tobirama and tore off the limbs of the Jinchūriki of the Yonbi. In addition to killing hundreds of shinobi during the war he was responsible for the first and last alliance between the Nidaime Mizukage and the Nidaime Tsuchikage made in their lifetime during the First Shinobi World War, yet Sukuna managed to defeat and humiliate both Kages only losing an arm in the process (although he later regenerated the arm with the help of his brother Masato Senju). He is currently working as the leader of the Senju clan, likes to train his sons and enjoys causing trouble for Hiruzen.
Himiko Senju: Daughter of Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki. Wife of Takayuki Sakai, Chiaki Senju and Eiji Senju, and mother of Masahiko Senju, Tomiko Senju, Nakano Senju and Yasu Senju.
Himiko Senju is a woman who believes in polygamy and has married two men and a woman and had four children with them. One thing that should be made clear is that she is the one in charge of the relationship.
Together with her brother Sukuna, Himiko decimated the shinobi armies of the other nations. One of her greatest achievements was during an attack on Kirigakure, while her brother killed the Jinchūriki of the Rokubi, Himiko confronted the Jinchūriki of the Sanbi and using her Fūinjutsu skills broke the seal of the Sanbi and released it in the middle of the village causing destruction and chaos, in addition to that she killed four of the mist swordsmen and almost destroyed Samehada but the sword escaped by going underwater. Himiko also killed the first Mizukage in this attack.
Tomoe Uzumaki: Daughter of Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki. Wife of Hokusai Uzumaki and mother of Honoka Uzumaki and Takato Uzumaki.
While most of her family prefers to use a sword as a weapon with her brother Makoto being the exception, Tomoe prefers to use a pair of Sai along with her Adamantine chains.
During the war Tomoe was assigned to a group of teams whose job was to make lightning attacks on all nations that were against Konoha however after the death of her uncle Tobirama, Tomoe became the bane of Kaminari no Kuni as after her brother Sukuna killed the Nidaime Raikage the village had a period of brief chaos during which the Jinchūriki of the Nibi and Hachibi defected from Kumogakure.
To their misfortune they encountered Tomoe who using her Adamantine chains, her Fūinjutsu and the puppet knowledge her brother Masato stole from Sunagakure turned the two Jinchūriki into puppets which she used to destroy Kaminari no Kuni for months Tomoe caused destruction across the country until the Jinchūriki of the Hachibi almost died from the stress of using so much beast chakra and blew him up destroying several major ports of Kaminari no Kuni. After that she planted a bomb on the Jinchūriki of the Nibi and sent him to the palace of the Daimyō of Kaminari no Kuni, the Jinchūriki was killed before he reached the palace but he killed hundreds of shinobi and Kumogakure lost the Nibi.
After the war she became the leader of the Uzumaki clan in Konoha.
With this only Sunagakure (which had not used its Jinchūriki) and Takigakure (which was allied with Konoha) retained their bijuu. Of course Konoha had the Kyuubi but that was only known to a few people in Konoha.
Makoto Senju: Son of Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki, and twin brother of Masato Senju. He is engaged to Mochizuke Takeda.
Makoto became a founding member of the 12 shinobi guardians and during the war remained at the Daimyō's side most of the time.
One of the rare occasions that he broke away from the Daimyō's side was when Tsuchi No Kuni sent a diplomatic entourage but it turned out to be a trap as they planned to use the Gobi Jinchūriki to free the Bijuu to assassinate the Daimyō of Hi no Kuni. However Makoto managed to stop the Jinchūriki and decided to seal the Jinchūriki in a sake bottle which he managed to get to the Daimyō of Tsuchi No Kuni. When the Daimyō of Tsuchi No Kuni opened the bottle the Gobi Jinchūriki came out with his seal altered so that the Gobi was the one in control.
The Gobi took control of the Jinchūriki's body and transformed into its full form destroying the palace and killing the Daimyō of Tsuchi no Kuni and most of his family. After several days of running loose in the country a seal Makoto had placed on the Jinchūriki was activated. This seal caused the death of the Jinchūriki, the Gobi and all the chakra they had to be used as a super bomb that destroyed everything for miles around.
After the war he left his post and decided to return to Konoha however the Daimyō engaged him to one of his daughters and appointed her as the Daimyō's representative in Konoha.
Masato Senju: Son of Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki, and twin brother of Makoto Senju.
Masato can be considered the quietest of Hashirama and Mito's sons. Before joining the Anbu, he decimated the Sunagakure Puppeteer team, cut off Chiyo's arm, murdered the husbands of Ebizō and Chiyo as well as assassinated the Shodaime Kazekage Reto starting the tradition of all Kazekage being killed.
When he joined the Anbu he undertook many shadow missions to ensure Konoha won the war, one of his missions was to help his brother Makoto send a bottle of sake with the Gobi Jinchūriki inside to the Daimyō of Tsuchi no Kuni.
After the war he was appointed Anbu commander, and although he is a bit annoyed by the desk job he actually enjoys being able to spend more time with his nephews and nieces. He doesn't seem to be interested in having a relationship with anyone.
Senjumaki Husbands/Wives
Yoriko Hōki: Member of the Hōki clan, wife of Sukuna Senju and mother of Tsunade and Nawaki Senju.
The Hōki clan is a clan specialising in information gathering and medical ninjutsu. (In the Naruto story the Hōki clan moved from Konoha to Sunagakure but here due to the marriage between Sukuna and Yoriko the clan never left. The clan appears in the Gaara Hiden novel).
Yoriko is a kunoichi who specializes in intelligence gathering and along with her clan provided information to Konoha to win the war.
Takayuki Sakai: Husband of Himiko Senju and father of Masahiko Senju with Himiko.
Takayuki is not a shinobi but a merchant. He works mostly in the sake trade and was involved in the assassination of the Daimyō of Tsuchi no Kuni.
Chiaki Senju: Eiji Senju's twin sister and Himiko Senju's wife.
Chiaki is a kunoichi who specializes in ninjutsu and is a master of Raiton. She is currently the sensei of a team of Genin.
Eiji Senju: Chiaki Senju's twin brother and Himiko Senju's second husband.
Eiji belongs to the Senju clan guard which means he rarely leaves the village and spends most of his time patrolling the Senju compound or with his children.
Hokusai Uzumaki: Husband of Tomoe Uzumaki and father of Honoka and Takato Uzumaki.
He is a civilian craftsman, not a ninja.
Hokusai belongs to a different branch of the Uzumaki clan which has a strong Yin chakra, the branch Hokusai belongs to specializes in creating masks (which are made from human or animal skulls).
Using his Yin chakra Hokusai can create entities made of chakra that he can attach to masks and once these masks are finished the entities can be summoned when you put on the mask however it is not recommended to wear the masks unless you are an Uzumaki as these masks consume a lot of chakra quickly.
Mochizuke Takeda: Daughter of the Daimyō of Hi no Kuni through the second concubine. After her mother's death in childbirth she was adopted by the Daimyō's official wife as her mother was her cousin. She is engaged to Makoto Senju.
Mochizuke was trained by the samurai who protect her father so she is a master swordswoman and was chosen to represent her father in Konoha. She is not sure if she likes being engaged to Makoto.
Hashimito's Grandchildren
I'm still not sure exactly when this is set, but it takes place after the First Shinobi World War and I'm not clear on the ages of the grandchildren.
But they would be something like this: Tsunade>Masahiko>Honoka>Tomiko>Nakano>Nawaki>Takato>Yasu.
 Tsunade Senju: Daughter of Sukuna Senju and Yoriko Hōki, and sister of Nawaki Senju.
Tsunade was born before the First Shinobi World War and knew her grandfather Hashirama.
Because the ages are still unclear it is not known if she is already a Jōnin. She is not yet a Sannin as the Second Shinobi World War has not yet happened.
Someday she will be the leader of the Senju clan.
Nawaki Senju: Son of Sukuna Senju and Yoriko Hōki, and brother of Tsunade Senju.
Nawaki was born during the First World War Shinobi and never knew his grandfather Hashirama.
Possibly a gennin.
He likes to tease his cousin Takato.
Masahiko Senju: Son of Himiko Senju and Takayuki Sakai.
He is one year younger than Tsunade, he was born before the First shinobi World War and knew his grandfather Hashirama.
As with Tsunade, because their ages are still unclear, it is not known if he is already a Jōnin.
He has a strong affiliation with Yang chakra.
Tomiko Senju: Daughter of Himiko Senju and Eiji Senju.
She was born before the First Shinobi World War but never met her grandfather Hashirama.
As with Tsunade due to unclear ages it is not yet known if she is already a Jōnin.
She seems to be thinking of becoming one of the 12 guardians of the Daimyō.
Nakano Senju: Daughter of Himiko Senju and Eiji Senju.
She was born at the beginning of the First Shinobi World War and is older than Nawaki.
As with Tsunade due to unclear ages it is not yet known if she is already chunnin.
Yasu Senju: Son of Himiko Senju and Eiji Senju. He is the youngest of Hashirama and Mito's grandchildren by now.
He was born after the First Shinobi World War. He is still a baby.
Honoka Uzumaki: Daughter of Tomoe Uzumaki and Hokusai Uzumaki.
She was born before the First Shinobi World War and as with Tsunade because the ages are still unclear it is not known if she is already a Jōnin.
It is possible that she works in Konoha's research and development department. Honoka has a great interest in experimentation and the creation of new jutsu or Fūinjutsu. She has a special interest in Edo Tensei.
She will one day be the leader of the Uzumaki clan of Konoha.
Takato Uzumaki: Son of Tomoe Uzumaki and Hokusai Uzumaki.
He was born during the First Shinobi World War and is the second youngest grandson of Hashirama and Mito.
He is about to become a gennin.
Takato is a Fūinjutsu obsessive and would prefer to devote himself solely to Fūinjutsu and not be a shinobi.
For Takato(and all his cousins) the most terrifying and powerful person in existence is his grandmother Mito.
The memes!
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Naruto Headcanon: Uchiha Mom Edition
Much like her Senju counterpart, not much is known about the Uchiha Mom, who I call Uchiha Tatsuo. She was married to Tajima after an extended courting period to see if the arranged marriage would work. Luckily, both quickly fell in love, spurred on by doing missions as partners. Much like Nozomi, Tatsuo was a strong good influence on her husband Tajima and her death broke something inside him. Tatsuo was a charming leader, so Tajima felt lost trying to raise five boys and lead his clan alone.
Tatsuo is a full-blooded Uchiha from a marriage between a shinobi and a civilian, so she disliked direct combat and became a long range fighter in both jutsus and weapons. Tatsuo was notably an incredibly skilled archer and managed to pass that onto her three eldest sons, though her two others were too young to learn. She was as fast as her husband, but her Sharingan was not as strong due to not unlocking anything beyond three tomoe in her life. She used her eyes to great effect, being a sensor as well which allowed her to be phenomenal at predicting people’s actions and memorizing copious amount of fighting styles. Unlike her husband who was of average height and lean build, Tatsuo was slightly taller though also lean. This was something Tatsuo would often gently tease her husband about. Most of her sons favor their father more in their height and unruly hair, but have her softer eyes and face.
Personality-wise, Tatsuo seems charming and friendly, but actually hides that she is a very guarded individual. She does tend to be more sarcastic, but takes things fairly seriously unless it is a very casual occasion. She is not loud or quiet as aggressive as her husband, but a firm presence and reasonable authority.
Tatsuo died fairly young, after the birth of Izuna, her fifth son. On a mission before her pregnancy, Tatsuo was atttacked with a long-delayed poison, designed so that it would only start to effect her when her immune system was suppressed. So when she became pregnant, for the first two months everyone simply thought she was ill or just having a difficult pregnancy. By the time four months rolled around and Tatsuo became bed ridden in spite of her own strength and healers, it was too late to reverse the poison. Out of sheer determination, Tatsuo lived long enough to give birth to Izuna before she passed. Her counterpart, Senju Nozomi, was someone she respected as a fellow shinobi and mother (which was mutual). Both ladies hoped that one day when they both passed on, they could become friends in the next life.
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Ghost of Tsushima but its a Persona game
Recently made orphan Jin Sakai is moving in with his wealthy uncle, the local Minister of Justice, to the island of Tsushima when strange happenings begin plaguing the island. When Jin finds himself caught in the middle of it all, he must set aside his uncle’s firmly held beliefs of law and order to take justice into his own hands. With a set of friends by his side, Jin must fight horrors and foes unlike any found in this world.
The Cast!
Jin Sakai: After having lost his parents in a deadly car accident, Jin must move away from Tokyo to live with his uncle, Lord Shimura, on the island of Tsushima. Traumatized by their deaths, Jin is a bit withdrawn and latches on to his uncle’s firmly held beliefs of Law and Order. However, Jin soon finds himself in the middle of deadly happenings of Tsushima, including corrupt officials and crooked cops backed by a mysterious Supernatural force. Jin finds himself sucked into the Velvet Room and offered a chance to make things right. Though at first reluctant, Jin takes up the mantle of “The Wild Card” and becomes the latest bearer of the power, and takes up the moniker of “The Ghost”.
Persona: “Musashi” Named for the Samurai of legend, Jin’s Persona is a manifestation of his drive for justice and his unstoppable willpower. Taking the form of a demonic ronin and evolving into a terrifying samurai armor, this Persona makes Jin a force to be reckoned with. Especially with his special ability “Deimos”, causing his enemies to cower in fear, unable to attack or defend.
Yuna: The first new friend Jin makes in Tsushima, Yuna and Jin come from completely different worlds. A poor and tough as nails girl from an abusive home, Yuna’s greatest drive is protecting her little brother Taka and getting her and him a better life. She finds herself sucked into Jin’s world when they end up in the same home room when Jin transfers in to her school. Though appearing cool and aloof at first, Yuna has a kind heart and the will to match any warrior of the past or present, proven in her moniker “Lioness”.
Persona: “Nemean” Though Yuna is much more of a silent killer, this Lion-like Persona is a terrifying force of nature and a manifestation of her protective nature. Taking the form of a massive beast and evolving into a chimaera-like shape, the persona grants Yuna many powers, including her special ability “Aegis”, hyper-buffing her team’s defenses.
Ryuzo: Jin’s childhood friend and confidant, Ryuzo has become something of a delinquent in his neighborhood. While he and his gang, “The Straw Hats”. are mostly harmless, they are still technically criminals. Upon arriving to Tsushima, Jin wastes no time in catching up with his old friend, but the rift created by their time apart is clear. However, upon unlocking their personas together, the bond between them is reformed, but does Ryuzo have his own agenda? Is “Ronin” trustworthy?
Persona: “Fafnir” A manifestation of Ryuzo’s strength and power, this persona takes the form of a mighty western dragon, granting Ryuzo incredible speed and striking ability, but halving his defense as a consequence. It also unlocks his special ability “Convert”, which forces an enemy to fight its own allies.
Norio: A quiet and friendly boy with a kind heart and a gentle demeanor, Norio is the younger brother of ace student Enjo who died in a house fire, saving his little brothers life. As such, Norio suffers from an inferiority complex, feeling as though he has to prove his brother’s sacrifice worthy. Norio falls into Jin’s orbit during a case and soon unlocks his Persona, joining him as a member of his vigilante group as “Monk”
Persona: “Golden Cicada” A manifestation of Norio’s faith and strength, this persona makes Norio a natural healer and support class giving him numerous healing abilities and restoritive effects. Taking the form of the Buddha’s second disciple, Golden Cicada grants Norio the special ability of “Reincarnation”, allowing him to revive a fallen comrade by sacrificing half his current health.
Masako Adachi: A tough-as-nails principal of Jin’s school who sort-of takes Jin under her wing when he comes to Tsushima. After her husband is murdered by the forces Jin faces, she investigates and unlocks her persona through sheer force of will and desire for revenge. She joins the group, mainly because everyone is too scared to say no to her, and becomes a powerful ally to Jin, as well as a mentor figure to the younger members of the group as “Akuma”.
Persona: “D’arc” A manifestation of Masako’s unrelenting drive and skill, Masako’s persona is a deadly force that makes her an unstoppable tank able to shield herself and her team. Taking the form of the legendary Maid of Orleans, Masako’s special ability is “Vengeance”, blanketing her team in an effect that inflicts half the damage the enemy inflicts on her team back onto them.
Ishikawa Nagao: A gym-teacher and a bit of an asshole, Sensei Ishikawa first involves himself in Jin’s matters when his wayward pupil, Tomoe, becomes Jin’s next target. Ishikawa is forced to confront his past and his failures, his grief unlocking his persona and making himself part of the team. While his personality rubs many the wrong way, his unfailing skill makes him invaluable as an ally and teacher. Despite his more... annoying characteristics, he will fight for his students till the death as “Deadeye”.
Persona: “Chiron” Taking the form of the wise centaur trainer of heroes, Ishikawa’s persona grants him deadly aim, and a variety of ranged capabilities. A manifestation of his wisdom and drive to win, Ishikawa’s special ability is twofold, “Barrage” and “Bullseye” where he either hits every enemy for some damage or he hits a single enemy for the same amount of damage the he would have done to the whole group.
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i-will-be-your-ace · 4 years
Mother's Love
I was inspired to write this after my mom's (@mochegato) post where she mentioned that she is proud of me.
Marinette. That was her little girl. Sabine remembers the day when she took her newborn daughter in her arms for the first time. Remembers how those beautiful blue eyes looked at her, the same eyes that her mother has, Marinette's grandmother.
Remembers how her angel took her first steps, how her petite flower said her first word. How Marinette made friends, how she went to school, how she cried when talking about Chloe's bullying. How Marinette asked for help with styling her hair or when she asked to learn Chinese.
All those memories ran through Sabine's head when she saw how sad her daughter looked after school. She knew about the liar that wouldn't stop lying about her sunshine, how the school doesn't care about anything. She knows how it pains Marinette to not be noticed by her crush. Every time her sweetheart returns from school Sabine hugs her, putting all her love in it, and tells her that she loves her.
Sabine knows that Marinette's life isn't easy. Her designing, class rep duty. And knows about her being Ladybug.
She and Tom knew since the Hero's Day, when they made Ladybug out of macarons. Before making the mask they saw that Ladybug looked just like Marinette. They promised each other that they will protect her identity with their life.
Sabine remembers signing lullabies in hushed voice, telling fairy tales or simply running a hand through her daughter's hair when Marinette couldn't sleep.
Marinette told the how she was bisexual. Sabine and Tom said that they supported her. She went to pride with her girl wearing a shirt that said "Bisexual Daughter - Proud Mom". She and Tom started selling cookies decorated as pride flags showing their support to everyone.
Sabine listened how Marinette talked about Kagami, how cute the fencer is, how she wanted to tell her about her feelings but was afraid because what if Kagami is straight. And Sabine listened, giving advice and assuring that everything will be okay.
Sabine remembers how happy her daughter was after successfully asking Kagami on a date, after being on the mentioned date.
Sabine and Tom were waiting for Kagami, who they invited for dinner. When they saw how both girls look at eachother with love in their eyes, they remembered themselves when they were young.
Sabine knew that Marinette is happy and if her daughter is happy then is she.
Making a wedding cake for their special day was a honour. Seeing her daughter in a wedding dress getting married to the girl she loved was a blessing.
Tomoe grew in a strict family. She didn't get family love like other kids did. But she found it in one man. She remembers coming for dinner to his family, remembers all the love that they gave her. Remembers the day of the wedding, how her small girl was born. But she also remembers how her husband died, how she went blind.
Tomoe knew that she was strict, but unlike her parents she actually showed love and support to her daughter. She told myths and stories when Kagami was afraid, gave her hugs when she felt sad. And yes she knows that because of how often they moved countries Kagami couldn't make long-lasting friendships. Knows that Kagami is afraid to disappoint her. But she doesn't know how to tell her that she won't be, that it's okay, and she feels bad about it.
She wanted Kagami to be a fencer not because of family's legacy, but because she wanted her to have a good life. With Tomoe's training Kagami would win every tournament and when she would need money she could participate in one where it's a prize.
Tomoe remembers how her daughter talked about a boy, she heard how much she admired him, admired him the same way she did with her husband. So Tomoe suggested to Gabriel that their kids should spend more time together. She wanted her daughter to be happy.
But unfortunately Adrien didn't feel the same way and her girl was sad.
She remembers how Kagami brought another friend to their house. Tomoe could hear how her sweety was more happier and that made her happy too.
She wasn't that surprised when Kagami came out as bisexual, wasn't surprised that she started dating Marinette. Tomoe was overjoyed knowing that Kagami found someone who loved her, just like she did when she was younger.
Tomoe got used to being blind, but during two girls' wedding she wanted nothing else but to see them, see her daughter happy, at least for a hour.
Anarka is untameable and free-sprited, that's for sure. She taught her kids to be themselves, always supported their decision.
And when Juleka wanted to dye her hair, to be a model or when she came out as lesbian? Or when Luka wanted to dye his hair or when he came out as pansexual? Anarka was happy that her daughter and son found themselves.
During the pride she shouted as loud as she could "I SUPPORT MY LESBIAN DAUGHTER AND PANSEXUAL SON!", telling every homophobe to get lost.
After that day almost all of the Paris knew her as "Anarka Couffaine - The Proud LGBTQ-Supportive Mother". And she was excited to meet her kids' significant other.
Anarka wasn't ashamed of crying during their weddings and never will be.
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cristinborgia · 4 years
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The Miracle (1/3)
Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon were a close couple, Henry was in love with his wife since she was the wife of his older brother, Arthur Tudor. But the couple distanced themselves when they had succession problems, all their children had died in the cradle and they only had one daughter, Mary Tudor.
Catherine was sad that her husband distanced himself and took one of her companions, Elizabeth "Bessie" Blount as her lover. The queen prayed continuously for the birth of a boy and wept before the Virgin for it until on All Saints' Day, Catherine walked from her chambers to Peterborough Cathedral walking barefoot at night while she prayed the rosary. The nuns affirm that this act was well received by God and he gave the Spanish woman a gift. In the year 1519 Catherine convinced Henry to visit her rooms one last time to try to conceive a child and although the king was not convinced, he agreed to return to his queen's bed having a night described as "passionate". Three days after that night, Catherine claimed to be pregnant and this news did not encourage much to Enrique who thought that the baby would die before birth or shortly after, in addition Bessie Blount was also pregnant and on June 15 of that year she gave birth to a male child, Henry Fitzroy and this birth saddened the queen, but she did not give up and continued to care for her pregnancy as the most precious thing.
Three months after Fitzroy's birth, Catherine went into labor and it was a complicated one where she almost lost her life, but the doctor's surprise was such when he saw that the queen was giving birth to two male twins, one weak and the other better. condition. When Henry VIII was notified of the birth of two sons, his surprise and emotion was such that he ran to the rooms of his wife to see those children taking one in her arms.
Henry decided to name the children Charles and Edward, naming Charles as Prince of Wales for his best health and Edward as Duke of York. Catherine wept and thanked God for the birth of her children, whom I love and take care of her a lot.
El Milagro
Enrique VIII y Catalina de Aragón eran una pareja unida, Enrique estaba enamorado de su esposa desde que esta era la esposa de su hermano mayor, Arturo Tudor. Pero la pareja se distancio cuando tuvieron problemas de sucesión, todos sus hijos habían muerto en la cuna y solo tenían una hija, María Tudor.
Catalina estaba triste por que su marido se distancio y tomo a una de sus damas de compañía, Elizabeth “Bessie” Blount como su amante. La reina rezaba continuamente por el nacimiento de un varón y lloraba ante la Virgen por ello hasta que el Día de todos los Santos, Catalina camino desde sus aposentos hasta la Catedral de Peterborough caminando descalza por la noche mientras rezaba el rosario. Las monjas afirman que este acto fue bien recibido por Dios y le dio un regalo a la española.
En el año 1519 Catalina convenció a Enrique de visitar sus aposentos una ultima vez para tratar de concebir un hijo y pesé a que el rey no estaba convencido acepto volver al lecho de su reina teniendo una noche descrita como “pasional”. Tres días después de esa noche, Catalina afirmo estar embarazada y esta noticia no alentó mucho a Enrique que pensaba que el bebé moriría antes de nacer o poco después, además Bessie Blount también estaba embarazada y el 15 de junio de ese año dio a luz a un hijo varón, Henry Fitzroy y este nacimiento entristeció a la reina, pero no se rindió y siguió cuidando de su embarazo como lo mas preciado.
Tres meses después del nacimiento de Fitzroy, Catalina de puso de parto y fue uno complicado donde casi pierde la vida, pero la sorpresa del medico fue tal al ver que la reina estaba dando a luz a dos gemelos varones, uno débil y otro en mejor estado. Cuando Enrique VIII le fue notificado el nacimiento de dos hijos varones su sorpresa y emoción fue tal que corrió hacia las habitaciones de su esposa para ver aquellos niños tomando uno entre sus brazos.
Enrique decidió llamar a los niños Carlos y Eduardo, nombrando a Carlos como príncipe de Gales por su mejor salud y a Eduardo como duque de York. Catalina lloraba y daba gracias a Dios por el nacimiento de sus hijos a los cuales amo y cuido mucho.
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