#aftg theories
chryseiswriting-blog · 5 months
Hey hey, what if Ichirou’s fiancée is Jeremy’s sister 🙃
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jortenthusiasst · 1 month
Interesting discovery from my re read. Minor TSC spoilers ahead !
So, it's said by jeremy that jean had whorls carved over his heart. Flowers have whorls....
Jean possible flower tattoo over his scars over his heart in the future ?? 🤔🤔 ill draw a picture to demonstrate too !!
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prince-peachie · 2 years
Okay so if you really think about it, so many of the characters in AFTG contradict themselves- it’s like the characters are foil characters of themselves. Hear me out:
Andrew drives recklessly but is very particular with who drives it. He lives his life like he has no care for it yet he is fiercely protective of the people/things he loves
Kevin is so driven about his accomplishments and future and yet feels like his future is doomed. As if he is so focused on controlling his current trajectory so he doesn’t think about how in the future, he knew the Moriyamas would come back for him
Neil internally thinks he acts in self preservation and his only objective is to survive, and yet never runs or actually takes steps towards his survival. He constantly endangers his life
Nicky tries to be this bright bubbly person, but there’s many times in the book he reveals there’s more under the surface he doesn’t show
The list goes on and on. I think it’s what makes all of the foxes so in depth and we connect to them. It’s because they all have pieces of themselves inside that don’t match what they show on the outside
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ivyinne · 4 months
I've been thinking about this theory about Riko orchestrating Jean's sexual abuse as punishment for his attraction to Kevin, because Riko is not in the habit of sharing his possessions. And while at first glance it would seem that Riko does this because it's Kevin... looking deeper I get the feeling that his attitude extends to the rest of the Perfect Court too.
Consider Andrew.
Riko sets first Drake and then Proust on Andrew, and the implication is that Andrew cannot get away with "taking Riko's things." This obviously refers to Kevin, but I don't think it refers to Kevin alone. It's significant that Riko brings it up with Neil and Neil only, and it happens during this specific conversation.
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Riko uses Andrew to taunt and intimidate Neil, immediately after Neil implies that Riko is not the only thing saving him from his father. We come to understand several things in the course of this conversation:
That Riko considers Andrew to be responsible for Neil's continued refusal to return to his place among the Ravens.
That he believes threatening Andrew's safety will be enough to convince Neil to come to Evermore.
Which means that Riko obviously has an inkling of what Andrew and Neil mean to each other (even if Neil does not yet). He weaponizes this knowledge against both of them, and while Neil ends up going to Evermore, it does not mean that Riko lets Andrew get away.
That's because he never intended to. When Riko refers to Andrew as the miniature one with the disgusting attitude who thinks he can take my things, his "things" refer not merely to Kevin but, to a heavy extent, also to Neil, and he punishes Andrew for his closeness to Neil the same way he punished Jean's closeness to Kevin.
Why am I bringing this up? Well, quite simply put, it's all because of the as-yet unexplained January incident that Jean brings up in The Sunshine Court.
We know that following Neil's departure from the Nest, Zane betrayed Jean by setting Grayson on him. What we don't know is what Riko did to Zane and Grayson afterwards, or why.
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Jean brings it up several times, but only refers to it obliquely, and doesn't give us any details:
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I don't think Riko cares about what happened to Jean, of course not. But it makes too much sense to me that he decided what Zane and Grayson did was an insult to him, Riko, because how dare they touch his property when he hasn't permitted it? How dare they take his things? How dare Grayson pretend he has some sort of claim to Jean?
I'm throwing this theory out because I have nothing to lose: whatever Riko did to Zane and Grayson was in retaliation to what they did to Jean, but not because Riko cares. He did so only because Jean was another one of Riko's things, and those who take his things away must be reminded of their place.
So, yes, I think all of this is an extension of the fact that Riko has an unhealthy obsession with the people he considers to be his pets or his property. Transgressions against his claim over them deserve to be punished for the insult.
Even if those transgressions are committed by the Perfect Court itself. Riko plays the part of the jealously possessive master, the one they should all devote themselves to, the only one with authority over them. No one else can have them — which means they cannot have each other either.
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detectivebambam · 3 months
Andrew "I don't want the world to see me, cuz I don't think that they'd understand" Minyard
and Neil "when everything's made to be broken, i just want you to know who I am" Josten
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obscureshipsandchips · 7 months
So we all know Andrew has an eidetic memory.
Here’s my theory…
In book one, when Andrew goes through Neil’s duffle bag and puts everything back exactly the way it was, what if he meant to leave the tags messed up?
I mean he must have studied how it looked so hard, every little detail to make sure it looked exactly the same. Every damn wrinkle. He wanted to ask why Neil had the binder anyway, at some point.
What if he purposely left the tags different, to see if Neil would recognize such a small detail? To see how paranoid he would get, what he would assume? What he would do?
What if Andrew did it so perfectly, except for the tags of the shirts, just to see how good he was at hiding and keeping track of shit? How quickly he would notice?
Just a theory…..
(Is it socially appropriate to tag Nora and ask? I’m too scared to)
Edit: someone said it’s okay..so hiiii Nora if you see this (I love and adore you and hope you are well, you created very realistic characters who actually genuinely respond and react with their trauma where as most other authors don’t)
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kevjeanyves · 21 days
i have completely convinced myself that in tsc2, after kevin and jean do that interview to salvage jean’s reputation, kevin is going to get drunk. that’s his only coping mechanism and that interview is going to be very difficult for him—being so close to jean will be difficult, talking about the ravens will be difficult, talking about riko’s death will be nearly impossible
jean knows nothing about kevin’s alcoholism. when they were close, kevin had never drank in his life (“ravens don’t drink”). if kevin gets drunk in front of him, he’s going to handle it very badly. it will be so startling for him, because kevin has changed. in both good and bad ways, kevin has changed from when jean used to know him. and jean doesn’t know the drunken version of kevin and he’d also be upset from the interview. and they’d probably get into an argument
idk…i think it would be interesting…kind of neat…yk
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sapphoherselz · 2 months
hi do you ever wonder if wyamack EVER met the Foxes before their time? I'm talking any age, any time in their lives, especially the ones where they really needed a paternal figure to help them out or get them out of trouble?
like he goes grocery shopping and sees this quiet kid trying to stuff as much food in his pockets wo being noticed? but David of course does and the kid is already taking a step back, looking at him with pure terror in his eyes as if he's seeing just another person that can hurt him but of course that doesn't happen. what does happen is that david offers to pay for anything the kid wants and then starts asking question like that's one nasty bruise you got there, want to tell me what happened? and then out of nowhere the boy's mother appears and starts tugging the kid away in a not very gentle manner and David tries to interfere but they're hurriedly walking away before he can get the words out of his mouth (he has to physically stop himself from going after them because that would just frighten the kid more)(he goes back to the same grocery store at the same hour for an entire month, hoping to find this short kid hiding somewhere and maybe tell his mother exactly where she can put her hands)
or maybe he's walking home late at night and sees this kid sitting on the sidewalk and he approaches cause shouldn't you be at home? wouldn't your parents worry? do you want to give them a call, you could use my phone but the kid tenses so much that David takes several steps back and starts talking about everything under the blue sky trying to get him to calm down. when that eventually happens, they end up sitting (with some comfortable distance) next to the other in utter silence, until the kid goes "I don't want to go home" and David is like. okay. we can stay here for as long as you'd like. the night is young and I have snacks in my pockets. did I tell you already that I'm an exy coach? what do you mean you don't know what exy is- no I'm not making that up, it's a job and I have it! they even pay me for it! (he ends up falling asleep in a sitting position and wakes up alone, the marble next to him having long gone cold) (he doesn't even remember if he had managed to make the kid smile or if his eyes were playing tricks on him) (if he starts walking home later than usual just to sit on a lonely sidewalk for hours then it's his business and no one else's)(and yes he does bring with him all of the snacks he thinks the kid would like) (no he didn't spend minutes choosing them)
like something something the red string theory something something everyone is always connected something something
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codename-adler · 7 days
1. so like. maybe jeremy’s dad is the man his mom cheated with. maybe jeremy only shares a mom with his siblings. maybe he learned it the hard way. maybe he blew up at the banquet and spilled the beans of his mother’s infidelity. maybe.
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be-queer-do-arson · 2 years
Something interesting about Neil and Andrew's deal is, when it came down to it, Neil never really needed or wanted Andrew to protect him. For example, during christmas break, it would've been in alignment with their deal for Neil to stay safe, take care of Kevin, and let Andrew take the abuse on his own. But Neil doesn't even consider it once he realizes Andrew is in danger. At the banquets and the talk show when Riko was there threatening him Neil never hid behind Andrew. He antagonized that bitch himself. And the biggest one, when Neil starts getting the countdown texts, he knows it's a threat, but does he tell Andrew? No. In fact, he makes sure that Andrew promises to stop protecting him because he doesn't want his death to hurt Andrew. All Neil really seemed to want was someone to lean on when he wanted to run.
Maybe at first Neil wanted protection, but very quickly Neil's priorities shifted. He didn't care about the deal; he wanted to protect Andrew, above all else.
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chryseiswriting-blog · 5 months
TSC Theory Thread
(MAJOR SPOILERS / AFTG trigger warnings apply)
Hey AFTG gang, I have a sort of theory / sort of question and want your thoughts.
There are two different moments in TSC where it is heavily implied that after Zane let Grayson into their room to assault Jean, Riko made Zane hurt Grayson. Now, it is never said outright, but I personally think it is pretty obvious that Riko made Zane emulate what Grayson did to Jean, but I’m second guessing myself because I can’t tell if that’s just my fucked up brain reacting on worst case scenario because of all the other messed up stuff that happens in TSC or actually what Nora is implying.
The first time it is mentioned is when Jean is watching the Edgar Allan vs. Foxes game and he sees the coaches have put Grayson and Zane on the court at the same time. He says they’ve hated each other since Jean’s first year but can’t even be in the same room after “what Riko did to them in January.”
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The second time is after Colleen commits suicide and Jean is thinking about Zane and Colleen’s secret relationship, and he thinks about how Zane could barely look Colleen in the eye after “what Riko made him do to Grayson.”
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(Pg. 214)
I’ve noticed not many people have discussed this detail and it was lost a bit under all the rest of the horrific stuff that happened in the Nest, plus it is hard to think of Grayson as a victim when he was such a monster.
But I really got stuck on it and I hope we get more Zane in TSC2 because I would like Nora to expand, not on details per se, but on the psychological impact for both sides. If this theory IS correct, it means Zane had a girlfriend but was forced to perform sodomy, and Grayson understood what it was like to be Jean and still attacked him outside the USC court.
ALSO. Riko asked if any of the backliners wanted to help “break in” the new backliner (probably in punishment for the way Jean looked at Kevin) because he himself could not hurt Jean in that way— because he was not sexually interested in men (unconfirmed). If that’s the case, how did he force Zane to do anything to Grayson? Did he threaten their spots on the line? Or was he in the room with them, holding them at knife point? And how did he even know what happened unless Jean told him? Or was it one of the others?
😰 Nora truely has a way with psychological trauma.
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feelingthedisaster · 3 months
friendly reminder ichirou has a fiancee. and we dont know anything about her. could be someone new, or, or, it could be a character that has already been mentioned. just saying.
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del-stars · 3 months
can we talk jeremy knox conspiracy theories. can yall PLEASE drop me the jeremy knox conspiracy theories. like what is going on with his family and how out of pocket do we think it's going to be
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lightlytoastedcashews · 3 months
ok im sure everyone has seen the "jeremy has a dead sibling and that's what happened at the fall banquet" theory, but if this theory is true, i don't think that we're going to be prepared to see the parallels between jean and jeremy having dead siblings, especially if jeremy is either the cause of/is blamed for his sibling's death
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you-know-i-get-itt · 3 months
okay okay facts to keep in mind while coming up with jeremy theories:
"Overdue for a new scandal, hm? End the way you started?"
his sister couldn't believe that he still played exy after The Incident; this rules out possibilities that are not related to exy
"The fall banquet that broke his family in half"
whatever The Incident was, it was something that he believed (probably had to be convinced by his therapist to believe) that he was in the right. it was an argument that he could hypothetically win
"What does Grandpa think of this investment of yours?" "He is not our grandfather." 1. this not-grandpa is related to exy closely enough to have opinions on jeremy's "investment", but not so closely so as to actually have a say 2. this person is a grandfather-like figure who is either a) not their actual grandfather, but was instead introduced into the family as a byproduct of The Incident, or b) their actual grandfather who jeremy is very very against in the aftermath of The Incident
laila/cat (i’m sorry i can’t remember and my book’s in the other room) saying that therapy can be very useful because “look at jeremy” implying that he was doing Not Well At All at one point
we also know that jeremy strongly dislikes and/or is afraid of his brother, but we don't know if this is a result of The Incident or if they've never had a good relationship
in (sort of) conclusion:
i don’t think he killed a sibling
i don’t think he killed anyone
i think something happened that needed to be covered up by an important person, aka “grandpa” and this thing was seen as jeremy’s fault or at least as a mark against him
i will reblog this with more coherent updates in the morning
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jeanmoreaue · 3 days
rank Jeremy's favourite places to do drugs
1. bathroom of a house party
2. right before hooking up and watching reality tv/jeopardy
3. locker room before a game
4. before taking a hot girl walk
and least favorite: right before his freshman year fall banquet where he accidentally left his molly out in his bedroom at home and his younger brother overdosed on his stash while Jeremy was high
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