#again not saying I even actively ship Lunter I do not
fagbearentertainment · 2 months
Owl House hot take
Lunter is better and make more thematic sense than Huntlow
Not saying I would’ve wanted Lunter to be end game, I love the found family dynamic they have and I love Lumity, but in my opinion it works way better than Huntlow as a Caleb/Evelyn parallel and makes way more sense for the story. Even purely platonically it just makes so much more sense that Hunter and Willow being implied to get together in the second to last episode of the show
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spopsalt · 2 months
Hi I just wanted to share something with u
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Like I Get the catradora 9ne but wtf??? Tell me ur homophobic without telling me ur homophobic
Like it's fine to not like certain ships but bae?? Like some of these characters don't even have good chemistry and I'm sure No one is attacking u for not liking these ships.
But whining about this???? 5his is just pure hypocrisy at thus point
I'm so sorry for rambling but I just needed to get this of my chest
Huh!?? What??? Now look, I get it, some people like Lunter, I personally don't because they remind me of how I acted with my brother when I was younger, but if you do, cool, whatever. Ship what you want as long as it isn't illegal. But saying that Lumity was just weak brownie points?? Excuse me?? They went through actual development and weren't just there for "brownie points" thank you very much!
What?? I know some people like Charlie x Alastor, and if you do, again, whatever. I find it weird since Alastor is aro/ace and Charlie is lesbian, but again, whatever. Don't get me wrong, I don't like Chuggie (Or whatever their ship name is) but that's only cause I see it as boring and they have no chemistry and I feel like their relationship is kinda one-sided since all of Vaggie's development is depedent on Charlie, and we see Vaggie do all of this stuff for Charlie and she never does anything for Vaggie. But they aren't just there for brownie points??
For the last two, they are for ships I actively dislike, but even then, Blitzo treated Verosika (I can't spell her name for the life of me) horribly and she has every right to hate him, and Adora is literally lesbian???
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roxannarambles · 1 year
Hey! I just want to make it VERY clear that I don’t expect much from this and I completely respect if you just simply don’t want to talk about this anymore and want to be done with the fandom/show (and you delete/ignore this ask as a result):
But, is there any chance you would be willing to tell us about the plans you had for your Lunter fanfic, Second Chances? No pressure at all, I just wanted to express how much I admired your writing and characterization, and I really loved that fanfic and I guess I’m just curious about how you were planning to end it!
Again, if you prefer to not answer this, I completely understand, seriously. 💕
Hiya! Oh, gosh, yeah, I had a lot of plans for that story. If I had continued with it, it probably would have ended up as long as Ships That Pass in the Night. My ideas tend to get kinda . . . long. 😩 Longer then I have the time for, sometimes. Alas.
I have indeed moved on from the fandom-- canon was just making me feel so frustrated-- but I don't mind sharing my Outline for the rest of Second Chances. Fair warning, though, it's long! I don't have the word 'rambles' in my username for no reason, haha. (And thanks so much for your kind words, by the way.)
-Oracle Homework. Hunter helps Luz with her Oracle homework. Talking to her is so much better then texting. Luz has glyphs that lets her activate the magic orb when she touches it. But while she has the magic she still needs the technique, to see the future. Hunter never has done Oracle magic of course. But he was taught the principles even thought he could not use it himself. He guides Luz through the process. Tells her to close her eyes and listen to his voice. With his coaching she can open her eyes and see the fragment of her future in the orb. She is thrilled. He's honestly surprised it worked. He asks what she sees. Luz says, "I see . . . us!" Hunter is floored by this statement. His heart flip-flops. "What?" She goes into more detail. She sees them camping together. Like they talked about before. Roasting marshmallows, eating s'mores. Hunter sort of squeaks, 'Really?' (The spell was meant to show your heart's desire, for the future, the trajectory of your current path) Hunter can't get this out of his head the next day. He tries desperately to forget about it.
-Glyph Magic. He's falling for her so hard. He grows slowly more rebellious. He continues to watch her glyph videos and eventually tries making glyphs for himself, and decides to show Luz, he is so excited. He does it late at night and Luz is so excited for him. They flirt.
-Ruler's Reach. He knows what he's doing is risky. But he doesn't care. Talking to her is giddy and intoxicating. They talk about Luz's writing for Ruler's Reach. It's casual and comfortable, so easy to talk to her now. They tease each other in an affectionate way.
-Staff Practice. She calls him during the day for help with staff tricks. Hunter is so damn in love he'd drop anything for her now. So he skips out on his duties to help her. He can't do much over scrolls though. He wants to go in person, but he isn't quite bold enough to do it. He helps as best he can, feels deeply frustrated, Luz almost gets hurt but saves herself with glyphs/only gets a little scratched. She thanks him for the help but he feels bad he didn't just go in person to help her. (He's terrified, go and meet the enemy? What if someone saw him?) Oh my god, he wanted to see her so badly. Luz: 'No I get it, I do! Don't worry.'
(but he WANTS to be able to be there. he WANTS to see her in person. and he's starting to RESENT the coven. he's so jealous of her being at hexside and doing all these fun things, he wants to share that with her, oh god, but he can't. he can't.)
-Luz Fills In. And then he learns the flyer derby team is down a player (Willow texts and asks if he can come, he says he can't and feels bad), and Luz ends up doing it, and Hunter is like but u need more training!! and she's like it's ok willow is gon help me and Hunter is so jealous and it hurts
He later sees they win!!! He is so proud. But wishes he could be there. It makes his throat tight, it burns. He does not sleep well at all and has a crap day next day, at the end of the day he is just an absolute mess and decides to brew a sleep potion. But he screws it up a little and gets kinda loopy and drunk. He texts Luz.
-Drunk Texts. He texts about his crap day and how much he wanted to talk to her. how he wanted to play the flyer derby game with her. he shit-talks the coven a little. luz is giggly at it, because he normally isn't one to talk such smack. it devolves into him rambling about how she makes him feel, how much he admires her, luz is really flustered and starts to wonder what's going on, he asks if he can call her because he wants to hear her adorable laugh, she calls and asks if he's okay, he is SO adorably excited to see her, she's like "are you okay man" and he's like, "damn girl I am now that you're here," Luz is like 'asdfrfhhgkk!!'
'so just like, curious, do you have any like, boyfriend or girlfriend'
'Oh my god Hunter seriously, are you okay'
'you're avoiding the Q :('
'um, no,'
"oh, cool! I mean. uh. it. would be cool. for. anybody whod want to. be that."
eventually Luz works out he's had a sleep potion but he thinks he kinda messed the recipe up a tad. luz gets worried and questions him further about it, but he explains it prob wont hurt him and will wear off probably around [insert time] (he knows potions pretty well) and luz realizes it's prob okay. she probably doesnt have to go over there.
hunter: 'you want to come here??'
she's like ah ha ha ummm that might not be a good idea, just promise me you'll drink some water and go to bed, okay? hunter is pretty suggestible in this state so she convinces him easily.
-The Morning After, he has a bad headache and is mortified at what he did last night, and is so scared he's wrecked his friendship with Luz. He cannot risk that, he values her way too much. Luz texts and checks in on him, and he is like........what do I say.
'luz I am so sorry'
(he does NOT remember all the stuff he even said, which is normal when you are drugged and sleepy, tbh, I don't recall all the stuff I think and say either when I've had my sleep meds. but he does recall being flirty and excessively honest and a few things he said, like how adorable her laugh is)
Luz assures him it's totally fine. And it was honestly freaking adorable. He's still embarassed, but she promises it's fine he just needs to be more careful with his potions.
Hunter tries to busy himself with work and forget about Luz. Yes, she is so tempting, she is so wonderful, but he had to be realistic. He could never be with her even if she DID want to be with him.
-Tibbles' Shop. And yet when he's out on patrol, busting Tibbles' shop of human trash, he can't help but think of her. And how much she misses home. He awkwardly asks Tibbles what a human would like. Eventually he gets a broken ukelele. He knows he can't bring it to her, but maybe he can play it for her? She could hear a human instrument. Maybe she'd like that. And m-maybe it would make up for the fact he couldn't be there for the team in person.
-Music Practice. He practices when he thinks nobody will hear, but Raine does. He is embarassed and tries to act dumb, but Raine is like cmon man what do you take me for. Sighing, Hunter shows them the instrument and explains it's human in origin and he was trying to figure out how to play it. Raine tells him it is out of tune (whatever it is) and they take it and tune it up. It's similar to a number of Demon Realm instruments, close enough for Raine to figure it out. The music it produces is lovely. Hunter wishes he could sound like that. Raine is happy to teach him, Hunter is hesitant about asking others for favors. Raine says it's fine, and also wonders why Hunter's sudden interest in music.
He finds a way to surf the human internet. He finds a song online to practice. He's never going to show it to her. Never. But he enjoys practicing it. Just as he enjoys practicing for Flyer Derby. His glyphs.
(haven't sketched out the scene where he actually plays for her, but he does at some point)
-Darius narrowly saves Hunter's hide. At some point, Kikimora finds a post on social media that shows Hunter with the rest of the Emerald Entrails (Willow had posted it), sporting a cardinal palisman, to boot. Kikimora brings this up to Darius, gleeful at the notion of busting Hunter. Darius has to think of a lie quickly on the spot to protect him. He mocks Kikimora for thinking that student was the actual Golden Guard. Obviously it was just some highschool student using a glamorstone to imitate him. Didn't she know it was popular among kids to use glamorstones to imitate celebrities? Very cringey, these kids, but yeah. AS IF the Golden Guard would waste his time playing sports games at Hexside?! Kikimora, you're ridiculous. Meanwhile, Hunter overhears this whole conversation, grateful for the save.
-And then, The Emerald Entrails lose another team member. Skara leaves the team to play Grudgby. They're in trouble. Without a full team, the EE will be disqualified for continuing to play matches. They need a new member. Hunter learns of this and wants to help but is incredibly torn about things. How can he possibly help? Eventually, he thinks back to Darius' lie to Kikimora and it gives him an idea. He goes to Darius to beg for help on his cover story. His cover story: he is a Hexside student named Caleb who does most his work as distance learning and he uses a glamorstone to look like the Golden Guard because he admires him. Except this isn't just a cover story. With Darius' help, acting as his legal guardian (forged paperwork), Hunter literally, legally gets accepted by the school this way-- so that he can join the game and play.
-Flyer Derby Game. We swap to Luz POV. We are not aware yet of all the stuff Hunter did with Darius to pull this off. We just see Hunter dramatically show up right in the brink of time to join the game and thus save the team. They play together, Luz & Hunter have incredible teamwork, pull off some really snazzy moves, flirt during the breaks, during the game too, are huge dorks, they win it for the team, it's a close race, they're victorious and so elated at the end, Luz kisses his cheek as the drink is dumped on them. The moment Luz looks away, Hunter bails, though; on the pretense he has to get back to the Coven before anyone notices, but the truth is he bails because he's overwhelmed and so tempted to pull Luz into his arms and never let her go.
-Aftermath. The social media reaction about that game is strong. Everyone adores the new student Caleb and how he and Luz won the game. There also are a lot of comments on how they looked together aaaaaand some implications are made about the nature of their relationship. (Luz tries to hide these comments from Hunter.) There are also some comments saying mean stuff because that's the nature of the internet, but in general it's a big hit.
However, Hunter is in crisis. He's certain he must not see Luz again in person, no matter how much he yearns, now matter how sweet it tastes to just be a Hexside student with no worries, how tempting it is to help her with Glyph videos, no matter how many comments on Penstagram are asking about them, etc . . .
-Climax of story. This is the moment Hunter faces a choice. I have multiple possible directions for the completion of the story. I usually leave multiple possible threads open for a story and don't decide on them until I have reached that point in the story. So this part isn't sketched out. But it's either Hunter chooses to stop interacting with Luz and remains loyal to Belos, or Luz manages to somehow convince him to rebel.
I do admit my favorite idea was that one night, Luz appears at his window, and the air in his lungs tastes like ice water; her eyes glow like the moon, and his skin prickles with gooseflesh from head to toe; the curtains flutter in the breeze, and in that moment, Hunter's resolve to stay away from her snaps like dry kindling.
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froggydoodles · 1 year
Regarding what you said about how Molly having a love interest feels unnecessary just because it's not part of the plot, may I remind you that Lumity from The Owl House wasn't a part of the main plot revolving around the Day of Unity, yet you seem to like the ship. And besides, knowing this show, it's very likely we'll see Ollie again and he and Molly will probably work things out.
As for how having a canon ship destroys any headcanon possibilities for other ships, need I tell you that in my experience with the TOH fandom, I've found people who ship Lunter or other non-canon ships even though Lumity is canon. Just because one ship is gonna be canon doesn't necessarily mean that you can't make up headcanons for your fanon ships.
So, yeah, personally, I don't understand how people see Ollie as nothing more than a generic love interest.
It's totally fine if you don't like him, though.
Are you seriously comparing Owl House and Ghost Molly Mcgee just to justify Mollie? Do you have any idea how different these shows are or the difference in fandom size between them?
Okay first of all yes Lumity didn't have a direct effect on the Day of Unity but that's not the only big plot in the show and Luz and Amity's relationship helped Luz's character development which indirectly helped plots of the show. In Ghost Molly Mcgee all Mollie did was turn Molly into an unlikeable character. Everytime she interacted with Ollie she acted like a generic lovesick girl that has no character, not to mention how she acted like a jerk to Scratch because he was spilling the truth on her face about how she putting him in danger by being with a ghost hunter. It's inevitable that we'll see Ollie again but i doubt it'll be romance related anymore. What most likely could happen is Ollie's family finds out about Scratch and tries to catch him but Ollie stands up to his family and convinces them that not all ghosts are evil and there are no threatening ghosts in Brighton then they move out of Brighton to find other haunted places.
Yes i'm still behind my word on how canon ship destroys any headcanon possibilities for other ships but your comparison here is hilariously wrong. TOH fandom is gigantic compared to TGAMM fandom. TOH fandom has tons of active fans and artists in it so of course some of them wouldn't care about canon ship and continue to do their own headcanons. TGAMM fandom is way too small and barely has any artists who actively draw fan/ship arts for it and as far as i can see most of them were not happy with Mollie.
Since his first appearance all Ollie did was swing his hair to Molly and all Molly did around him was stare at him with heart eyes and blush, did you really surprised that people see Ollie as nothing more than a generic love interest?
That's all i can say about this Ollie/Mollie stuff. I prefer not to waste any more time on this subject so please no more Ollie/Mollie questions.
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remedyhunger · 3 years
Lunter shippers can do whatever they want! Don't be fucking biphobe dude. Shipping Luz with a guy is fine.
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Seriously dude? Did you not read my tags. I'm a legit Flaming Bisexual Disaster. I'm just also very observant in my surroundings. You need to touch some grass. I was just stating my concern. By no means am I telling you that you can't ship Luz with Hunter. I'm just a little weary with some of the shippers choices and actions (not to mention some disturbing images of them being sexually active or Luz being shown as a deviant..)
Amity is one of the first children's cartoon main characters (besides Ruby and Sapphire from SU) who had been explicitly shown and confirmed to be a lesbian in love with the main protagonist. I just find it weird that most romantic art between Luz and Hunter are very if not downright identical to Lumity in the official show. On the other hand I've also seen some great ideas from some of the artists namely deep-in-mind on Instagram with their RPG and Royal Aus.
You need to understand the difference between bashing and criticizing with evidence.
I'm not saying you can't ship them cause they're like siblings which again...is not really canon in of itself since they only had one episode together.
I just don't want people to hate it even more than they already do. Spite Shipping is not the best option, all both shippers have to do is ignore each other. However, that won't stop me from saying what's on a lot of peoples minds.
I'm really sorry that some Lunter shippers get bashed or receive death threats, that shit is wrong and was also a huge problem in the rwby fndm between both BS and BB shippers. I don't want ANYONE to go through what that war was made into.
So again, call me a bitch or whatever, I was just stating my thoughts and hope that it makes people a little more conscious on what they are producing. This includes BOTH Lumity and Lunter shippers. The characters may be fiction but they heavily effect people in real life.
Seeing a character like Amity being erased is not a fun thing to witness.
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lady-literature · 3 years
I haven't even started to watch the second season of TOH and yet all those lunter fanarts and posts that you reblog have made me fall headfirst in this ship!!! Like every day, before i go to sleep i must put my clown shoes again and scroll through the lunter tag, hoping to find something new ,,,,, i am in RUINS . anyway, would you share some headcanons of them, please? I´m need more content of them ლ(╹◡╹ლ)
I am in multishipper hell and don’t know how i ended up here but boy am i glad i dragged a friend down with me :)
I really like to play up the whole ‘rivals’ thing for them in my mind, or even ‘star-crossed’, but not in like,,, a sad way.
They’re on opposite sides, but Luz doesn’t actually let that stop her from befriending Hunter. And, after the fourth unnecessary truce the two enact on another adventure gone wrong, it’s pretty clear that Hunter’s protests to the whole arrangement are just for show.
Luz’s wild magic has more oomph to it than the average user--not that they really know that since there’s only three of them, but it’s true. Luz’s magic is all power and little control, she throws so much will into her casting but doesn’t visualize/guide it through, letting the magic do as it pleases most of the time.
She experiments with new spell circles, because she likes to learn, but in practice she sticks to the basics because she doesn’t need to get complicated for it to work for her.
Hunter, on the other hand, once he learns how glyphs work, shows exactly why he was the coven prodigy. Hunter doesn’t have that oomph to him, he lacks the same stubborn determination Luz has. But he more than makes up for it with his skill.
Hunter looks at a problem and can construct a complex spell circle to deal with it in the space between one blink and the next. He just knows how the magic is supposed to fit together, can see all the pieces in his mind and snap them into place to accomplish what he wants.
In battles, they’ve developed a system of Hunter creating the spell circles and Luz activating them. It’s a devastating combination, and it isn’t long before the Isles start whispering of the duo in the same tone they had once used to speak of the Owl Lady.
Hexside, and eventually most of the Boiling Isles, find out about the strange friendship between the Golden Guard and Luz, wild witch apprentice, when Hunter is tasked with doing some kind of official business with Bump. He’s walking through the hall when Luz suddenly spots him and, well…
Luz isn’t great at keeping secrets, obviously. And, sometimes, she forgets that they’re even supposed to be a secret.
Which they aren’t after she calls his name in front of a whole crowd of students and then tackle hugs him when he doesn’t say hello back.
(Most of the student body expected Luz to be blasted to the Knee, but all the Golden Guard does is sigh and answer all the questions she asks him in a quiet tone of voice.)
((it’s a good thing he’s wearing a mask, because otherwise everyone would see the not insignificant amount of fondness on his face as he spoke to Luz, even as in the back of his mind he though of all the consequences of his actions he’d have to deal with later.))
Hunter pulls a Kovu when the Emperor confronts him about his relationship with the Human Girl, Hunter tells him he’s only trying to get close to her so that he may gain her trust before destroying her and the owl house.
“We cannot let disrespect such as theirs go unpunished, now can we, Uncle? They are weakened now, but that is merely just the best time to strike.”
Belos doesn’t quite approve of Hunter’s little scheme, but he likes the viciousness of it and thinks it will keep his nephew out of trouble until the Day of Unity, so only asks that he be told what Hunter learns.
Hunter has successfully sidestepped one problem, only to find himself with a new one though. If he’s not digging for owl house secrets, then what is he meant to tell his Uncle to keep him from suspicion?
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