#again this is all speculative and not at all truly factually or personally informed
bandsanitizer · 3 years
hi alison I'm asking you about akdnak what you think and how you feel about the tally marks
hi shal!! thank you for asking hdkahfkhrkd sorry this is such a delayed response for someone who asked to be asked about the topic 🤦🏻‍♀️
also answers to this anon and team @4thbrighteststar
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DISCLAIMER: tattoos can be extremely personal and this post is not me claiming to know or understand why they do or do not have the tally mark tattoo or the meanings behind that. I respect however they do feel on it. this is simply why I think it reflects them—essentially what I’d write if say I did a fic centered on them getting the tally mark tattoo. again, idk them irl nor the actual meanings so this is no attempt to push it onto them nor to convey some fact
and the actual answer below because it’s going to be a long post
Starting with the facts—Ashton got his in the summer of 2014 (probably early June) before the release of self-titled. The original instagram post with the first picture of it is gone because Ashton archived his posts for SB but here’s the earliest pic on the band account. Additionally, Ashton’s tally mark tattoo is the only one that resembles the actual tally mark logo.
Starting with the facts—Ashton got his in the summer of 2014 (probably early June) before the release of self-titled. The original instagram post with the first picture of it is gone because Ashton archived his posts for SB but here’s the earliest pic on the band account. Additionally, Ashton’s tally mark tattoo is the only one that resembles the actual tally mark logo.
June 2014 would be at this place of peak SLSP promo and the moment right before self-titled—this is essentially a moment of change. It’s where the band is seeing their dreams actualized but right before any of that hits. So, to me, it’s—in a way—memorializing the band before things change, before things go big and they debut their first album etc etc. in hindsight, this feels more true given the logo changes etc. It’s taking who they were and making it permanent—keeping a reminder of it. idk them personally but I think staying grounded was something important to Ashton—especially sort of being the face of the band and being the one to post and interact with media and fans—like that dude has been running their social media for years lol
I just think Ashton having the official tally marks tattooed and getting it when he did speaks to the ways I think Ashton works to not lose himself in everything they experience and that goes on. In the tattoo interview they did for GQ in YB era, he talked about the tattoo and saying that “it’s our band” and “it’s special” and for Ashton, especially now, being the least tactile of the band—it’s a very Ashton way of expressing his love for them, the band, and their journey. he’s also been in other bands so I think it’s recognition of how special the band is to 5sos that expresses it much more than he might be able to verbally to his band or in daily sort of small actions. also regarding the GQ interview and how the rest of them chickened out of getting it—I think it’s very Ashton to be the one with it.
He got his tattoo somewhere between december 2015 and early january 2016. This (tw: roy and calum aren’t wearing shirts in the pic) is earliest pic I can find, but I’m not entirely sure of the specific date. Main point here is that it was after SGFG was released, after they had to change logos because of copyright, and presumedly during their Bali trip.
Calum doesn’t really get tattoos for aesthetic-only purposes, like I’m pretty sure the bicep one is the only one. The bird, thistle, leaf, roman numberals, R, etc etc all have some ties to important people or events in Calum’s life—so does the tallies. I don’t recall him ever really talking about them (but then again my memory is only slightly better than this band’s) but the fact that he got the tallies—next to where he has tattoos for his family no less—is something I read as Calum saying this band and his bandmates are important to him. this coming around the time of the Bali trip sort of emphasizes that to me because that trip did a lot for them individually and as friends (despite as turmoulous winter 2015-16 was).
Especially with all we’ve learned about where the band was at regarding label and management in reaction to SGFG and how it did commercially and all that stuff, I guess if Ashton got his tally mark tattoos in a time of change then so did Calum. what speaks to me also is the design of the tallies. It’s a scratchy sort of design rather than the actual tallies. Idk the real reason behind it but given Calum writes some of their rawest lyrics and is introspective etc—I think it reflects his personality and what it means to create art and be in a band. It’s far from clean or ease or smooth—there are hardships and difficulties and sometimes art feels like prying yourself open. That’s the sort of vibe I get from his version of the tallies. Something reflective of all they’ve been through and will go through but still them.
Luke’s tattoos came after YB in September 2019 (probably). Earliest pic I can find is this one and I’m pretty sure he got his tallies along with his parents’ birthdays and the bird on his bicep. This dates the tattoo as after teeth and easier releases, as well, and while they were on the WWJ tour.
I will say that I think Luke’s tally mark tattoo was probably the most spontaneous—more of a “ooo opportunity to get a tattoo finally” as opposed to “this is a really important time to get a tattoo”. Again, idk them so I could be wrong there—but even in the GQ interview it sounded like Luke was waiting for the chance to rather than one specific moment. However, given it was on the WWJ tour which would’ve been their first time supporting on tour since 1D was an exploration for them to different audiences, along with following easier and teeth releases (both notably somewhat different in sound from previous stuff)
Luke’s tallies are also very minimalistic—which I’d say kind of matches the aesthetic of his other tattoos and how he… is? Idk. like he wears flashy things like gold boots and gold shirts and gold eyeshadow but he’s also not one to wear prints the way Michael does. I do think it takes time for Luke to figure out the confidence to be as fully expressive in his appearances. And for the tattoo—as the person least likely to get all verbally sappy about the band, it feels natural that he gets tallies that look the least like the tally logo—like only relation is that it is a set of 5 tallies. it’s a way of conveying what the band is to him in a way that doesn’t outwardly or boldly put it out there. and given as the frontman and what that demands he gives the audience etc, I think it’s kind of cool cos the outward minimalism of it—while knowing that the band does mean a lot of luke—is kind of like, the tattoo is for him. he knows what it means and how much it means. that’s what matters. idk how to explain it better
As of now, Michael is the only one the in band without tallies. And, as anon mentioned, it’s interesting given Michael isn’t very reserved about getting tattoos. I don’t think it’s about reservations for it, but the tallies don’t seem like something Michael would get because they don’t match with the more aesthetic vibes of the bands or the calf tattoo, but also not along the levels of personal like the X or the home symbol on his arm. Granted, as mentioned, I don’t know anything really or can or should judge but I think it sort of speaks to how Michael is always such a big advocate of the band?
Michael was the one vouching for them when they wanted to pursue the band seriously in the beginning. Michael was the one like “yeah we can record all the tracks/layers for the Killer Queen cover.” I don’t think Michael needs a 5sos tattoo to show himself or anyone else what the band means to him and granted—they all don’t need to—but unlike Calum who gets a lot of tattoos that are about the people and things and moments important to him and Ashton gets them as reminders to himself (at least that’s how I interpret his explainations behind them), I think for Michael—especially given the band doesn’t use them anymore—he doesn’t have one because it’s not like he needs it to show how important the band is because he lives that. He knows that.
Maybe down the road he might? I wouldn’t say he would never get it, but I think it would be something for later in their careers or after the band is done. Something that’s like “look at what we did”.
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obviouslygenuinely · 4 years
Babygate Analysis/Conclusions: A Non-Larry Perspective
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(Image Credit: Hollywood Life)
I'm prefacing this post with a few disclaimers:
After some consideration, I chose to write this without factoring in Larry whatsoever. No Larry-related points, proof, or speculation in any way. This is solely analyzing babygate from an unbiased perspective. 
I don't claim to know the entire truth. It is impossible for any of us to know.  What I conclude is based on direct evidence, circumstantial evidence, research, and analysis.
I am willing to discuss opposing views. I’m happy to talk about the topic in a civil, kind, and mature matter. I will dismiss any discourse that is aggressive, immature, and so on.
I did not include every single opinion/conclusion/piece of evidence I found. I condensed my thoughts as much as possible (and this is still a novel-length post). There are so many more points I can think of. However, babygate masterposts cover all of that; I’ll link to some of those at the end.
The conclusion points aren't in a very specific order. I aimed to list related points one after another. Aside from that, it's not in order of "hardest to weakest" evidence.
Please read “Author’s Notes” for additional clarity/input. They interject thoughts/etc. that I feel are necessary to include. 
Lastly, I included links to every source I cited in this post. However, I did not tag the Tumblr users. I’m not sure if they are comfortable with having Babygate questions/comments directed to their blogs. If you are a linked source and want to be tagged, please let me know! 
My Initial Reaction To Babygate
In February of 2020, I received several messages on LateToLarry requesting that I analyze something called “babygate”. I had no idea what babygate meant at the time. 
I learned what it meant, and prior to any research I felt the theory was so absurd. I also felt uncomfortable analyzing it because I believed I’d feel bias as a single mom. The idea of discussing a random child in depth initially bothered me, too. I declined to analyze it last year.
However, I did a LOT of research over time. My opinion has changed significantly. Below, I’ve shared my main conclusions and analysis about babygate. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy my post! 
1. No Paternity Test Was Performed Prior To The Pregnancy Announcement
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Louis was/is a prominent celebrity and has a current net worth of $70 million. From legal, financial, and practical standpoints, it makes no sense for him to choose not to get a test. 
It’s unheard of in Hollywood and the entertainment industry. Any sensible team -lawyers, PR reps, managers, advisors, etc. - would not just go along with it. They are employed to protect his career and image. 
The Opposing Views
A. “Briana/Louis didn’t want to risk miscarriage with prenatal testing.”
Non-invasive testing is completely safe for fetuses and pregnant women, so there’s no medical reason for the lack of testing.
B. “Louis chose not to get the test done because he wanted to be a father and was invested in the pregnancy/parenting.”
Time has shown that this is not true. Louis does not have custody; there was a brief custody case in 2016 that led nowhere. He does not have a consistent or prominent role in the child’s life.
There is no logical reason for the lack of paternity testing prior to the announcement unless Louis knew he was not the father and all parties knew this to be true.
2. There Was No Confirmation Of A Paternity Test After The Birth
I’ll keep this section fairly short. A quick Google search returns dozens of conflicting reports. Many of them state that Louis demanded a paternity test shortly after birth. Other reports state that he has never pursued a paternity test. 
Here are a few examples:
“Louis Tomlinson not interested in paternity test” - Business Standard
“EXCLUSIVE: Louis Tomlinson Demanded a DNA Test “As Soon as the Baby Was Born”” - InTouch Weekly
“Louis Tomlinson: No DNA Test Needed ... Positive Freddie's His Son” -TMZ
“Louis Tomlinson & Briana Jungwirth: WhyHe Had DNA Test Done on His Newborn Son” - Hollywood Life
This Twitter thread discusses TMZ reports that - as of 2020 - no DNA test was done.
There is no reliable confirmation that Louis pursued a paternity test. The media cannot come to a general/factual consensus.
Again, there is no reasonable explanation for the lack of paternity testing unless Louis knows he is not the father of the child. 
3. The Conception-To-Birth Timeline Is Inconsistent/Unreliable
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Pregnancy and conception as a whole can be rather confusing; timelines from conception to birth are unique to each person. Having said that, Briana’s timeline is full of glaring inconsistencies that don’t add up. 
I’ll begin with this timeline based on bulletprooflarry’s post and my own research. Dates I’ve added myself include linked sources:
May 5th, 2015 - Louis and Briana were first seen together in public.
May 6th to May 31st, 2015 - Briana and her mom followed baby-related social medial accounts.
May 12th, 2015 - Louis and Briana were pictured together in public.
July 3rd, 2015 - Louis is seen with Briana’s brother in Hollywood.
July 14th, 2015 - The first pregnancy report is published.
August 4th, 2015 - Louis confirms pregnancy on GMA.
January 21st, 2016 - The child is reportedly born.
Based on the dates above, these are the possible dates/milestones for her pregnancy:
Scenario A - If conception occurred on May 5th, Briana was 37 weeks and 2 days pregnant on January 21st, 2016. This is considered an early-term birth and about 26% of births occur at 37 weeks.
Scenario B - If conception occurred on May 12th, Briana was 36 weeks and 2 days pregnant on January 21st. This is considered a late-term or late premature birth and about 10% of births occur at 36 weeks.
These dates matter because Briana’s alleged hospital stay was not consistent with a premature or early-term birth. She was pictured in public - healthy and holding a baby carrier - within one week of giving birth. 
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(Image Credit: Daily Mail)
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(Image Credit: larrysbbrbb28)
If she gave birth based on the dates above, it’s extremely unlikely that she or the baby would be out in public so soon.
Below are screenshots of an additional timeline from an archived Tumblr post. It provides excellent points about more timeline inconsistencies: 
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The main inconsistencies and red flags are bolded in the post. It supports the unreliable conception timeline, and it also mentions my next point - the official pregnancy announcement. 
The post above mentions that the Jungwirth family followed baby-related accounts before Briana could possibly know she was pregnant. Here’s one screenshot from skepticallarrie proving it:
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I’ve also seen several posts that show inconsistencies with the size of Briana’s baby bump. Unfortunately, the most reliable post no longer exists. You can view a web archive of Briana’s pregnancy photos, but most of the image links are broke. 
The only post I have saved is a web archive of a long babygate post. The beginning of the post contains photos showing discrepancies in the size of Briana’s baby bump. 
The Opposing Views
“Pregnancy looks different on everybody, everyone recovers differently, etc.”
Yes, this is true and a valid point! As a woman who has gone through multiple pregnancies and two live births, I truly understand this argument. 
However, the sheer amount of inconsistencies are what make this a red flag. There are too many unreliable and contradicting points to brush this off. It goes beyond the point of “well, each person has a different experience”.
There are a few conclusions/scenarios I believe you can draw from the information above:
Briana was pregnant prior to meeting Louis.
Briana was never pregnant in the first place. 
Both are valid to consider, but I personally believe she was never pregnant. 
(Author’s note: My calculation for dates are based on the date of alleged conception. Most due date calculators, by default, use the date of a woman’s last mentrual period - LMP - to provide estimations.
I also used Date Duration Calendar for my calculations. Accessible due date calculators only allowed me to input dates from 2019/2020. Depending on the tools and dates you use, your mileage may vary.)
4. The Announcement Itself Was Highly Unusual
This point ties into the first and third points. I don’t consider it a major piece of evidence, but it’s noteworthy due to the other points. 
So, there are a few reasons why the Good Morning America announcement stands out. 
A. If Briana got pregnant on May 5th, then she was approximately 10 weeks pregnant when the first pregnancy report was published. This also means she was approximately 13 weeks pregnant at the time of the GMA announcement.
If Briana got pregnant on May 12th, she was approximately nine weeks pregnant at the time of the first report and approximately 12 weeks pregnant at the time of the GMA announcement.
B. The public announcement on Good Morning America raises a lot of questions. I’ve had multiple issues embedding the video; the bolded link takes you to the GMA announcement on YouTube. 
Anyways, these questions/thoughts - disregarding any Larry theories -  come to mind when watching the video: 
This is a segment for promoting/discussing their album/music.
The baby announcement is the sole non-album/music related topic that is mentioned during the segment.
The announcement is not organically worked into the segment as a natural talking point.
Louis’ reactions - such as bringing the microphone to his lips and not talking - is very unlike his standard interview demeanor.
The male interviewer and the band members have noticeable facial expressions and body language that suggest discomfort, stress, or awkwardness. 
A post by skepticalarrie draws similar conclusions. Her post is much more detailed than mine, and I highly recommend reading/viewing it. 
(Author’s Note: I’ve touched upon this on LateToLarry and will make a post here eventually, but body language and facial expressions are valid. They’re valid to the point that they are used in court cases.) 
My conclusions here are twofold. One is that: 
Announcing a pregnancy - especially a celebrity-related pregnancy - this early is extremely uncommon and unlikely.
The announcement itself seems out of place and very forced. 
This particular point, to me, is not extremely strong evidence. I still think it’s worth keeping in mind and is relevant to other points here. So, I’ve included it either way.
5. Briana Posted Stolen Pregnancy/Baby Photos On Social Media
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(EDIT: I wrote this piece before the recent release of Briana’s alleged ultrasound and don’t have time to add it. It’s pretty strong proof and can easily be found in recent babygate posts.)
Babygate posts often point out that Briana and the Jungwirth family used stolen/fake pregnancy and baby photos on social media. It’s a well-known topic that’s often discussed. 
I’m condensing this section to a few examples. I encourage additional research if you’d like to see more. 
A. This Tumblr post shows stolen baby bump photos that Briana’s cousin Ashley posted on Twitter: 
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B. This Tumblr post and Twitter post show a stolen baby photo that Briana posted on Instagram:
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(Author’s Note: Since I was not active in the fandom at the time, I am relying on information from other blogs and social media posts. I vetted my sources pretty well, but any false information is my own mistake.)
The only word that sums this up is “suspicious”. Using stolen photos of a pregnant woman/baby is not necessary if you are legitimately pregnant. That’s really what it boils down to. It lends to the conclusion that Briana was never pregnant. 
6. Photos And Videos Of The Child Are Heavily Altered And Manipulated
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It is indisputable that many photos and videos of the child are heavily manipulated to alter his appearance. This goes beyond filters, lighting, and angles. 
Several detailed posts show the manipulations; here are some examples:
A web archive of all Photoshop evidence from tellmethisisnotlove
An in-depth post from genuineconspiracy that includes detailed photo evidence.
A video post from freefreddiereign that shows Photoshop evidence based on photos the child. 
There is no doubt that his facial features are frequently altered. This is easy to conclude using any free software that detects Photoshop. As a photographer myself, I can easily spot the manipulations.
(Author’s Note: I know that directly discussing the child is controversial. When I first heard of babygate, my initial reaction was discomfort about analyzing a child.
I quickly learned/concluded that his family members are responsible for heavily putting him in the public eye. All content I’ve used for research is based on the family’s posts.
Still, I have personally chosen not post pictures of the child, but the links I am sharing contain photos/videos of him.
Additionally, I used FotoForensics on photos of myself prior to writing this. It was important to me to feel absolutely certain about this point. I’m fine with sharing my own FotoForensics images if anyone is curious.)
The Opposing Views
A. “Freddie looks like Louis in pictures that aren’t Photoshopped.”
Parentage cannot be based on whether or not a child looks like his mother/father. I understand the viewpoint, but it’s simply not evidence. Additionally, thinking the child looks like Louis is a matter of opinion. 
There’s also the fact that appearance means nothing overall. Science backs up this statement very well. Examples and references:
“How can children from the same parents look so different?” by HowStuffWorks
“My Baby Looks Nothing Like Me: A Genetic Explanation” by FamilyEducation
Additionally, here is a personal anecdote. I have two sons close to Freddie’s age. One of them looks exactly like his father and nothing like me. The other looks exactly like me and nothing like his father. Despite how they look, they are both of them are our biological children. 
There is no reasonable explanation for altering the child’s appearance - particularly to make him look more similar to Louis. 
I cannot think of a single argument as to why the Jungwirth family would do this unless they need/want the child to look a specific way. 
7. Johannah Deakin���s Official Obituary Does Not Mention The Child
When looking into babygate, I read the argument that the child is legitimately Louis’ son because he is listed as her grandchild in Internet-based obituaries and announcements. 
I also read the counter-argument that Louis’ mother’s official newspaper/print obituary does not mention the child.  I recall seeing proof, but I did not save it at the time. I did some research and this appears to be true. 
The Doncaster Free Press is a local weekly newspaper in Doncaster, and it published an article about the funeral. The article is NOT an obituary itself, but it does list her obituary details. The publication does not list the child among the surviving family members. 
If a mistake is made regarding these details, it’s typical for newspapers to post a correction addressing a misprint. Upon further research, the Doncaster Free Press did not issue a correction at any time. 
(Author’s Note: I lost my own mother and am personally familiar with how local obituaries are written. Immediate family members - i.e. spouses and adult children - provide information regarding surviving family members.) 
The conclusion here is straightforward. Louis and his family chose not to include the child in his mother’s official obituary. This strongly suggests that he is not legitimately related to Louis. 
My Opinion-Based Conclusions
Update: After some consideration, I am saving my opinion-based conclusions for a separate post. I originally intended to include them here; transparency is important to me.
Unfortunately, the section became rather long and took away from the main post points. So, I’ll be working on a post that’s just my opinion-based conclusions. In the meantime, feel free to message me with any questions. 
Final Thoughts
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read my post! I appreciate the interest expressed for it, and I hope it lives up to expectations. 
Again, I want to reiterate this is:
Not an all-inclusive post; I narrowed down my findings to seven points.
Not a masterpost on babygate.
Purposely omitting any potential Larry-related points to remove bias. 
I’ve reread this quite a few times, and it’s as error-free as possible. If you spot any mistakes/errors, I’m completely open to making corrections. Just kindly let me know. 
This list contains references/research about babygate that I consider the most reliable. It includes Larry and non-Larry related Babygate content.
Tumblr posts tagged with babygate by Tumblr use genuineconspiracy.
A web archive of babygate posts by Tumblr user tellmethisisnotlove (her account was deactivated by staff).
Tumblr posts tagged with babygate by darkrainbowlouis.
Tumblr posts tagged with babygate by skepticalarrie.
Lastly, if there’s interest in an opinion-related post or Larry-related post, I’ll consider writing them. Feel free to let me know as you all did with this post. 
Amy (obviouslygenuinely/latetolarry)
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leviiattacks · 4 years
Two Faced | Chapter Six
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↳ levi ackerman, the very person who was about to kindly behead you by a surprising turn of events manages to become your loving husband? you would be elated if this was true love, but it's all thanks to a mysterious magic spell that your life is spared. for now at least.
pairing :: duke!levi x duchess!reader genre :: royal au, angst, fluff, slice of life etc word count :: 2.4k  author note :: i have not yet proof read any of this or chapter five like i said i would, so i apologize for any mistakes. sigh im sorry for the angst in this chapter ??? T__T i suppose my own mood tends to be reflected in my writing. anyway, i’m working on requests too so if you have any feel free to send them in :D  → next part is here!!
Everyone within the estate notices the way your schedule suddenly changes, half of them have no clue what you're doing seeing as it would be unfavorable for them to be aware of it in the first place.
However, after the bitter events of your first ODM-gear session you find it necessary to tell Sasha and Mikasa the truth. It's embarrassing really, and your mind disintegrates trying to find an appropriate way to tell to them about it. Sasha especially considering you've hid so much more from her.
The thought of letting them in on your lie has crossed your mind a number of times, but the image of Levi throwing you to the floor as he shakes in simmering outrage makes itself present. He will have objections against this and if he finds out you may end up in the same vulnerable position as before.
But, you don't care. If he wants to end your life for providing your confidants with honesty, so be it. It's not as if you have much of a choice.
Mikasa is sat in front of you bubbling with rage, she's disinfecting the gash at the top of your head - it has inconveniently tainted the surface of your skin after the second time you accidentally flipped in your gear.
Her breathing is heavy, evidently leaden with acidity it's become background noise to you. You're now increasingly mindful of how she's trying her best to keep calm for you. The realization that you're a liability and a hindrance to those around you makes you wince in shame.
You may as well be considered a synonym for humiliation at this point. That's how badly you're handling everything that comes your way.
Sasha doesn't say a word as she's brushing the knots out of your hair. There's nothing more you want to do than snatch the wooden paddle brush away from her, tell her she doesn't have to do this for you or commit herself to someone as unworthy as yourself. It's shameful that you let her continue - your only reason is that making her feel uncomfortable by the action is a possibility and that is the last thing you wish for.
The corners of your lips twitch upwards but you fight the desire to laugh at your pathetic circumstances.
"We aren't really in love." You finally say it. "He's never loved me." Your voice is ragged, voice trembling, breath laboured.
"You don't need to explain." Mikasa is calm in the way she approaches it all. "All we need to know is that the Duke is a pig."
Sasha has now stopped brushing out your hair now playing with the ends of your strands between her fingers.
"We expect no explanation from you it's been a long day." She gently whispers.
"Everyone deserves to rest. That includes you." Sasha's soft voice provides a kind of comfort that consoles you the way stars provide solace to the night. Your eyes fill to the brim with tears, you've desperately wished for years that someone would tell you that and mean it and here it is. She's smiling down at you, not even an ounce of irritation present in the way she addresses the situation.
Mikasa is silently caressing the top of your hand with her thumb. They aren't outraged or resentful. Even though they should be they aren't.
Heart twisting due to the prickles of relief they've given you your shoulders slump and you give in choking down a sob.
Sasha circles her arms around your quivering form and she strokes your hair. "It was hard, right?"
Attempting to blink your tears away you feebly nod. The weight of it all being kept to yourself has been unbearable. Tolerating this unwelcoming and cynical actuality on your own has been one of the hardest obstacles to come your way. To be swept off your feet and loved with such sincerity only to then be thrown away by that man like a rag-doll. Only to be coerced into doing what he wants or to face the music and face an early death. It's truly had a deeply somber affect on you.
You take one profound breath and you begin to tell them your story.
There are moments at which Mikasa's grip on your hand strengthens in a mix of frustration and protectiveness.
Eventually, at some point Sasha tries to secretively wipe a tear away when you recount Levi's blackened, subdued gaze the day he reverted back to his old self and announced you would never be a wife of his.
It's all too overwhelming for you when you tell them you're only alive sitting in this bed because you've bartered your freedom for a chance at existence. It's always been that way, you had to give, in order to receive, but this is one of the rare occasions you don't feel that way. The beating of your heart steadies, you're thankful for the way they listen and ask for nothing in return.
You stare at them once you're finished worried that you've overloaded them with too much information, you didn't even think to believe how they'd feel associating with a speculated "witch".
"You believe me right?" Your hoarse voice is thickened with worry.
You feel Sasha nod above your head.
"We believe you."
Staring at her glossy eyes you turn to look at Mikasa, she holds your arm in place and squeezes your hand reassuringly, it's enough to convey that she too has faith in you.
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The days since have been passing excruciatingly slow. The day after the ordeal with Levi you can sense the way the other cadets look at you. It's a combination of distaste and pity. They stay far away from you, don't want to pair up with you during group exercises or activities - you aren't annoyed at all. In fact it's in their best interest they stay far away from your uncoordinated stiffness.
Oluo seems to feel horrible for challenging you to use ODM-gear when your core strength was not to the best of your abilities, he mumbles an apology for contributing to the gash on your forehead but you tell him it's quite alright and you assure him it isn't his fault that you thought you would be able to master the mechanism of the gear so early on.
On one of your more empty days you finally find the time to make your pit-stop at Hange's office, knocking on their door a breezy "Come on in!" is the response you're given.
To your surprise Levi is sitting there with a map and pen in his hand. Unmoving, his attention is solely on the plans in front of him. Ignoring him you inquire what it is Hange wanted to so desperately discuss with you but they wave it off saying the issue they had has now been solved.
Turning to walk away you don't divert your stare to Levi, simply knowing he's in one piece is good enough for you.
Other than that the repetitive pattern has stayed the same. It's a cycle of waking up, skipping breakfast, training for hours on end, returning completely exhausted, bathing and ultimately passing out in bed almost as soon as you've made contact with the mattress.
Levi and you awkwardly have to share the same bedroom at the estate to avoid any rumours of a broken marriage spreading. You don't understand why it matters, the "rumours" would be factual and true.
At first he sleeps in his office using the excuse of paperwork and planning attack formations but he knows that excuse will soon run dry. Later he utilities one of the armchairs in your room and sleeps in it for an hour or two, it concerns you how he's barely sleeping now, but you aren't vocal about your worry. Last but not least today is what you call a hollow night, the other half of your King sized bed is vacant, you haven't caught a single glimpse of Levi all day despite foolishly being on the look out for him. These nights are the worst.
Silence comes hand in hand with the peace and tranquility of the dark but that isn't what you feel, nevertheless you make the effort to sleep knowing your body will thank you for it when you train tomorrow.
Just as you're at the brink of drifting softly to sleep you feel the weight on the other side of your bed shift, you nearly jolt but your body's survival instincts halt the action. Suddenly, you are eerily alert of your surroundings. This isn't Levi, he'd never dare to come anywhere near you in general, but then shock renders you in place, he's fatigued by your presence perhaps it is him and this is finally your time.
That doesn't sound right to you. Levi is a man of his word if he wanted to go through with it he would have long ago.
A warm palm embraces your cheek and you second guess your previous line of thought. Instead of Levi Is this Lev?
This confirms your suspicions. The magic has yet to fully dwindle away. It's faltering.
Eyes fluttering open with caution you want to tell him how you've missed his presence greatly for this will be short lived. Lev will come and go. Even if you know it'll only obstruct your progress you wish to tell him you're grateful for the affection he gave you when he was around, but as you open your eyes half lidded he presses you into his chest.
The pace of your heart erratically springs, his breath is tickling the back of your neck. You can hear the blood drumming in your ears.
It pains you but you have to push him away.
But when you begin to emphasize the distance between the two of you he doesn't give you the opportunity to speak again, he flares up in want and presses his lips against yours, kisses you hard. You automatically reciprocate and your nerves cause your teeth to accidentally clatter against his.
His fingers run through your hair, frantically, desperately.
You'll be scolded for this later but it's not like you care and it's not like you can talk Levi out of it now. Not when he's like this.
An uncontrolled breathe leaves you and he lightly cups your jaw slipping his tongue inside. It tastes of whisky, you immediately recoil.
He's intoxicated.
"I'm sorry. Go to bed Lev." Your plain response is enough to worry him.
He holds onto your wrists and tugs at you. "My love?" His adoring stare is enough to make you crumble.
This isn't playing out how you want, you can't do this, not right now. You refuse to make this harder on yourself. Turning around you face away from him.
"I'm tired."
But Levi refuses to make it any easier on you.
He pulls you in by the torso again, handling you like a delicate flower.
He asks again.
"Whatever is wrong? I'll handle it for you."
It's abnormal hearing him talk to you with positive regard or even offer to help you. Repeatedly you warn yourself don't give in. The pace your head throbs at is in time with your heart, you're finding hope in the hopeless if you tell him your feelings.
"My Lord. Please leave me alone. Please. When the Sun rises you will regret this, as will I." You're unrestrained in your pleading now, your wailing fills the chambers you and Levi occupy.
"Please." Your voice is straining and urgent.
Thankfully, the maid's quarters are far, they won't hear the way you cry out for him to put an end to this torturous mind game.
Face slippery with hushed tears the tearing of your heart can not be heard. Bloodshot eyes blur your vision, you can't see. You don't think you want to, not when he firmly grips onto you like his life depends on it.
Then. The air changes, he's still holding onto you but his arms stiffen. He feels the way your back shivers against his chest. How your choked, cracked gasps for breath are an indication of how he's destroyed any chances you've had of sleeping.
Wordlessly, he lets go of you. Not a single word is uttered. The only sound amongst the alienating silence is his footsteps.
You hate this.
He closes the door behind him as he departs.
No, you hate him.
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An unusual amount of sunlight compared to usual floods into your room and you have to practically block it out with one of your arms. Stirring awake your eyes burn, the whites must still be raw and inflamed.
This is usually the amount of sunlight you'd expect to see midday. Stifling a yawn you look around you. Then it hits you. It's not morning.
It's midday.
Your hands fly to your mouth trying to swallow your gasp down your throat, you're in hot water. It's not permitted for anyone to miss training unless they're excused by one of the higher ups. It's not as if you've missed a hour of training either, you've missed four.
There's no way to explain this, no way at all.
After everything he put you through last night the least Levi could have done was wake you up or at least order one of the maids to do so. It's his fault you slept at that ungodly hour.
An incessant knocking begins and you're almost certain it's Levi who's come to scold you for missing training. For some reason you can't make yourself care about his possible annoyance just yet.
"I'm coming in!"
You let out a short sigh. Thank Heavens it's only Sasha.
The door flings open and she pulls you out of bed not giving you the chance to greet her good morning.
"What have you gone and done???"
Awkwardly you chuckle. "I slept in and forgot training." Her face contorts and twists not knowing what expression is appropriate to express her bewilderment.
At a complete loss for words, open mouthed all you can manage to do is clear your throat trying to keep your jaw from dropping. "He what?"
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salt-volk · 3 years
Multiple people spoken about on these blogs have already stated publically that they've been harassed, by posting things about them for others to speculate intent, tone, etc do you maybe not think that that invites harassment and causes them to be a public spectacle? Whereas otherwise these people might've had some peace? Stick to pointing out scammers and actual threats to the community if this blog is so important, but when you allow posts that are supposedly good conversation through, you're having a conversation without the person who made the initial comment or post to then enter that conversation unless they come and look at the same places that again, they have stated have caused them to be harassed. This isnt in reference to one singular person, but in reference to mod eggs post and constant promises of not allowing harassment through when these blogs notoriously breed and encourage the harassment of others.
[Discussing this below under read more because my answer is big]
First off let me say, harassment of a player and discussion of a player's words/actions are not the same thing. What happened with with a certain user for example on the old blog WAS harassment, because quite frankly a chunk of the asks about them was "____ is annoying" or posts making fun of them, NOTHING that discussed anything site-related or discussed what they had said. Posts like "___ is so dumb" is just mean and contributes to bullying/harassment culture. BUT there were plenty of posts on the user that raised good points about some of the things they had said that were untrue, hurtful, or just plain strange- and that is not harassment.
What the blog encourages all comes down to their audience and their mods, and that is why I am trying my best to link posts to eachother, provide evidence or screenshots (If I can find it) and allow discussion. There have been posts where a person state one thing and other users comment and correct them because they were factually wrong. And that’s the audience helping the blog and community by stopping misinformation from spreading AND being believed. And I think it’s very healthy to have that for the site.
The very nature of this blog is to share your salt, thoughts, and feelings on the site and current things happening on the site. I do NOT censor names and I allow namedrops because I believe it is helpful to know who is saying what (usually) publicly.
For me, I personally found these blogs helpful because I quite frankly need a place to vent about the site and the direction it's going because staff shuts down any discussion that gets serious. As well as accusations- where they lock topics and force people to "report it" and "block the person" especially if they have something serious accused of them. For example, I do not feel comfortable being in the same place as the person who admitted to being a zoophile and having sexual relations with their dog. That would not AT ALL be allowed to be discussed on dappervolk- even though there's a plethora of evidence, so these kind of spaces allow users to also inform others without the fear of being censored or shut down.
If you truly believe that this blog does more harm than good you are free to block this blog, but I think it's great for people to anonymously voice their concerns, thoughts, and feelings without having to worry about serious consequence on site.
The only ask I have deleted thus far was single anonymous ask that said "<player name> is a greedy piece of shit". That's it. (other than the ones that asked me to delete them). Those kind of asks have no place here, but everything else is fair game.
I will never name-drop people who chat with me using the tumblr messaging app (i have chatted with a few people already regarding the blog) so if you have concerns or requests for the blog, feel free to reach out.
I have been namedropped on the previous blog before- over something extremely petty, and I KNOW how terrible it feels- I will try to not breed a place where harassment is alright, but I want to emphasize that discussion of a persons action or words is NOT harassment.
If you have any questions, feel free to drop an ask, comment on this post, or message me privately and I will answer it.
Please note these are only my thoughts on the matter.
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chibimyumi · 4 years
Hey. I know that in the Kuro anime (and a lot of fanarts) there are many parallels drawn between Sebastian and crows (or ravens. No one seems to be able to agree). I was wondering if these parallels feature as predominantly in the manga (I know O!Ciel refers to him as a "crow" once or twice, and Sebs plays into the whole "nevermore" thing but that is really just two scenes)? I was wondering if you could do an analysis on these comparisons? Thank you in advance 😊
Dear November-solarstorms,
First of all, my apology for taking so long to get to you! Now hoping this post finds you in good health, let us dive into the connection between Sebas and this black bird.
Lasting First Impression
Indeed! It is mostly the anime that makes blatant references of Sebas being a crow/raven. As this reference is the first thing we see of Sebas in the anime, it is also the most lasting image. It is therefore also no wonder that many fan-artists make raven/crow references to Sebas, because the majority of Kurofans for a long time used to be anime (only)-watchers.
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Symbolism and Association
As for the manga... to the best of my knowledge the only alluding in the manga towards Sebastian being a raven or a crow is in chapter 14.
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This only reference of raven/crow to Sebas happened in the fragment of a dream of O!Ciel. So this was by no means actual information about Sebastian. The reason this link was made in this dream has undoubtedly something to do with O!Ciel’s cultural background.
Predominantly in (but not limited to) western cultures, crows and ravens with their pitch black feathers have long been associated with doom and death. Some literature also mention some demons taking shape as ravens or crows when on earth, such as Stolas (36th demon in the pantheon), Malphas (39th) and Raum (40th). In general, ravens and crows display behaviours that spook humans, and combined with their appearance, they have come to be associated with ‘demise’. In most religions, ‘demise’ is automatically linked to ‘Hell’, and ‘Hell’ again to ‘demons’. O!Ciel grew up in a Christian society, so the association between this black animal and demons could not have escaped him.
Does O!Ciel think of Sebas as a crow or raven? Humans do not need to agree with an association to have that image pop up at the mention of something. When playing Pictionary for example, we grab for the most ‘dominant image’ of something, rather than going for something factually accurate. When we get the word ‘Chinese man’ for example, most people would probably draw this straw hat and splitty eyes, even though they probably know it is simply not accurate, let alone politically correct.
During the summoning of Sebas, the demon did show up as a raven (I think? To be honest, that thing looks more like a black dove to me...) However, he did also show up as any other animal, so we can safely assume that this manifestation did not cause O!Ciel to equate his demon to a black bird. If at all, then this specific manifestation simply spoke to O!Ciel’s confirmation bias at most.
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In the reference in chapter 14, Sebas says “Never More”, which is a quote from Poe’s poem, “The Raven”. This reference was later to be confirmed to stem from O!Ciel having read said poem before going to bed. This revelation supports the reading of O!Ciel associating Sebas with a raven simply because he grew up in a culture with this strong, pre-fabbed association of demons with ravens.
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Sebastian’s Character?
I have made several analyses on Sebastian’s character, such as in this post and this post. From all the studies I have done on him, I would not say he displays any behaviour that really would make me say: “he is a raven,” except the obvious of: “he is smart, he preys and he kills”. In this post I explained how despite being a demon, Sebas never actually uses supernatural powers to prey. All his predatory actions in the manga so far could have been done by any patient and smart, and cunning human. So if humans who behave in this way are not ‘ravens’, then neither is Sebas simply based on his actions. Here again we see how this dominant image stems from our culturally bred association of ravens = demons.
Sebastian’s Message
Regardless of how much we speculate around, the arguably most important information about whether Sebas is a crow/raven or not is in his own message to us.
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Watashi wa nanimono de mo naku, nanimono ni mo nareru.
I am nothing at all, but there is no-one I cannot become.**
(**TLN: In Japanese it is literally: “I am not anything, I can become anyone,” but for nuance’s sake, I translated it as above.)
This title message is a beautiful wordplay by Yana wherein the words ‘mono’ are written as 物 (thing) first, and then 者 (person). With these words Sebastian tells us that he is nothing we have on earth. Instead, he can simply become anything (raven, octopus, wolf, table, chair), or anyone (Trash Butler) at his command.
On this picture, multiple other things are depicted besides the raven on Sebas’ arm. This tells us that this demon truly is as much the wolf, the octopus, or even the pointy circle or black chair as he is the raven. This is almost a shout-out that he would not want us to limit our interpretation of him to this iconic bird.
In conclusion, I think Sebastian is associated with ravens/crows (once by O!Ciel, and otherwise by fans) only because us humans have been fed this imagery from a very young age. The very first image we have seen of him in the anime is also this raven image. And unlike in the manga, this dominant image was later even confirmed to actually be “Sebastian’s true form”, giving nobody reason to disregard this comparison as ‘simply symbolic’.
And also. Because it is cool, and because WE CAN. Also, because Yana loves doing so too. Like. A LOT.
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ingek73 · 5 years
We Need to Talk About the Sussexes’ “Global Brand”
Sunday, 23 June 2019
Amidst a flurry of Saturday morning tasks, I caught up with my sister on the phone yesterday. We mulled over several topics before she inquired about the blogs and reports concerning the Royal Foundation: "Why do they blame Meghan for everything? What exactly is she supposed to have done that's not in line with the way the royals operate professionally?"
I've thought about these questions quite a bit since. It led me to carefully consider the reaction to news the Sussexes will leave the Royal Foundation and start their own charitable arm later this year. Surely, this is positive news? Well, apparently not. For this announcement has been met with....you guessed it....more criticism levelled at Meghan. Never mind it's been widely acknowledged the Sussexes did not push for the split, although all four are said to be pleased with the outcome. Headlines and furious social media posts appeared recently with such titles as "This is all Meghan's fault", "The Sussexes don't know their place", "They are not happy with their place within the family", "All they care about is creating a 'global brand'". You get the gist of it...
The term "Global Brand" has been bandied about along with outlandish speculation. Harry and Meghan have been accused of attempting to profit personally, running amok from Buckingham Palace with their own agenda and using this platform to break the royal mould. In the eyes of some the Sussexes are the downfall of the monarchy. What with their solid work ethic, proven successful projects, worldwide popularity and desire to use their roles for good, the Queen and her top aides must be positively shaking in their boots (or in Her Majesty's case her black patent Anello & Davide shoes). This is all sounding rather ridiculous isn't it?
Why has this been allowed to continue, escalate and take over the narrative you might ask? It's stemmed from an era of click-bait media where the lay of the land allows online journalists to write first, ask questions later, or better still don't ask them at all. A seething online fan war where misinformation becomes factual and, particularly, a complete lack of understanding, education and knowledge about the monarchy is worn as a badge of honour. I'm going to underline that because this is the crux of the issue and one which badly needs to be addressed before we are to endure months and years of vicious attacks against the Sussexes' foundation and future work. As long as this level of false information circulates on the internet and readers accept this as reality, it's not going anywhere, and I for one find it outrageous.
So, back to my sister's questions... "Why do they blame Meghan for everything? What exactly is she supposed to have done that's not in line with the way the royals operate professionally?" Step by step, I intend to answer that question using facts and senior members of the Royal family.
A 'Global' Royal Family?
As noted above, talk of a global 'Sussex Brand' has been used in the most derogatory sense. Members of the Royal family never focus on global issues, right? Incorrect. The royals' work in the UK is of course their primary job, but it isn't representative of their roles' sum total. Not at all. Representing Her Majesty in the Commonwealth and globally, in addition to supporting their own causes around the world plays a part in the working lives of most of the Royal family. I'm pleased to have learned of, and I'm delighted to share, the extent of those efforts by members of the British Royal family.
Certainly, when one is searching for an exemplary example of charitable work on any scale, we need look no further than the Prince of Wales. I could easily dedicate ten posts to his life's work and only barely scratch the surface. What I will focus on are his efforts and successes outside the UK to demonstrate the reach the Royal family has had for decades. Since Charles founded the Prince's Trust in 1976 (using his navy severance pay) to help vulnerable people get their lives back on track, his interests have grown to the point where he has over 400 patronages. His boundless desire to help others and to maximise the impact of his role has seen him launch, lead and support a number of charities further afield.
Have you heard of the Prince of Wales's Foundation Romania? Established in 2015, to take forward Charles' work in the country, the foundation develops a number of projects to support architectural heritage preservation, farming and sustainable development in Romania. As with much of Charles' work, it's about taking a practical, results-driven, sustainable approach. Relevant skills and practical courses are delivered to small farmers, producers of artisan food as well as Romania's wounded soldiers. Charles fell in love with the country, culture and people following a visit to Transylvania in 2007. During a speech at the Babes-Bolyai University he said: "I have often been asked about what brings me so often to Romania, what makes this place so special. The answer is, to me, very simple: you, my Romanian friends; your cultural and nature patrimony, your traditions, but also your capacity for innovation and change. All that you represent after centuries of history – your identity and your entire potential. All the energy you can expand to change something. These are the things that make you truly special in the entire world."
As with all members of the Royal family, the Commonwealth is an important part of Charles' life. Throughout his visits to member nations, he knew he wanted to make a lasting impact wherever he could. The Prince's Trust Australia delivers social impact by "transforming lives and building sustainable communities in Australia". Promoting enterprise skills, sustainable communities and supporting young people and defence members and their families are the core areas of the trust.
The Prince's Trust Canada is a registered Canadian charity established by Charles in 2011. It provides entrepreneurship training for veterans and transitioning Canadian Armed Forces members, helps young people reach their potential through employability programs, and supports Indigenous communities as they revitalise and protect their languages.
Next, we look at the Prince's Trust International, the definition of an organisation with global reach. Since its launch, the focus has been on delivering pilot programmes in countries around the world. They now have pilot programmes underway and established partners delivering programmes in Australia, Barbados, Canada, Greece, Jordan, Malta, Pakistan and New Zealand. If that's not enough, the plan is to move to a number of others countries in the coming years. Much like the Prince's Trust UK, the goal is to support and enable young people to avail of opportunities and improve their futures.
The Duchess of Cornwall is President of the Brooke, a worldwide organisation providing veterinary treatment for horses and donkeys. They reach over two million working horses, donkeys and mules across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Organisation staff include vets, animal welfare experts, and advocacy and development specialists. Camilla, a lifelong animal lover, is also a joint president of Elephant Family, a charity founded by her late brother Mark Shand in 2002 to save the Asian elephants. Again, supporting causes close to her heart is in addition to her duties on behalf of Her Majesty - it's not a case of running roughshod over the monarchy.
Shortly before the Earl and Countess of Wessex married, the Wessex Youth Trust was established to help, support and advance registered charities which provide opportunities specifically for children and young people. The Trust is proud to support worthy organisations both at home and internationally. "Internationally, funds have been directed to a wide variety of organisations - a Down Syndrome speech therapy centre in Moscow, and an orphanage in Chernobyl; a paediatric ophthalmology unit, training scheme and Flying Eye Hospital in Nepal and the Philippines as well as an HIV/Aids support programme in Uganda. In addition, donations have also been made to disaster relief operations - such as 9/11 and a children's home in Sri Lanka which helped victims of the 2004 tsunami."
Sophie has been a global ambassador for the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness since 2013. More from the Palace: "In 2013, this role took Her Royal Highness to the Orbis flying hospital programme in India and Qatar where she saw first-hand the many global issues around preventable blindness. Following the Countess' visit to India and Qatar, Her Royal Highness wrote an article for the Telegraph to coincide with World Sight Day. In India, Bangladesh and Nepal the sight-saving organisations are focusing on childhood blindness. In Sudan, Pakistan and Egypt the organisations are focusing on the Trachoma Elimination Programme. Her Royal Highness has drawn much attention to these on-going projects through her visits to the regions and has helped drive the plans forward through working closely with the organisations, and many youth and community events."
More from Buckingham Palace:
'On International Women’s Day 2019, the Countess publicly announced her commitment to champion the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda and the UK’s Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative (PSVI), at a reception for Women Peacebuilders at Buckingham Palace. WPS both recognises the disproportionate impact of conflict on women and girls and the positive role women play in building peace and stability.
The PSVI aims to prevent conflict-related sexual violence as well as responding to the needs of survivors, tackling stigma and strengthening justice and accountability. As a central pillar of the Countess’s work, HRH has spoken at the Commission on the Status of Women at the UN in New York, and attended a Foreign Office conference on PSVI with survivors, government and NGO representatives. The Countess also continues to highlight international efforts towards women’s role in peacebuilding - in India, for example, HRH learnt about the country’s contribution to UN Peacekeeping and heard from women peacekeepers on active deployment.'
A life of service has seen Princess Anne travel all over the world. After serving as President of Save the Children since 1970, Anne officially became Patron in 2016. Most recently, she has travelled to Bangladesh, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Mozambique, Ethiopia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. (with many thanks to Helen G for her research on this). In her role Anne has also visited China, Cambodia, Botswana, Madagascar and the Philippines. Save the Children strives tirelessly to protect children and give them the best possible opportunities in life.
The Princess has been involved in the creation of several charities including TransAid, transforming lives through safe and sustainable transport in 23 countries. More from the charity: "In Sub-Saharan Africa, road deaths are the third biggest killer following HIV/AIDS and Malaria (Source: the World Bank) and the problem will only rise with the growing population. Drivers are at risk every time they sit behind the wheel due to a lack of legal enforcement and training, and badly maintained and overloaded vehicles. People living in rural areas of Africa often struggle to access vital services. Around 75% of maternal deaths can be avoided through timely access to vital childbirth-related care. Our work includes an Emergency Transport Scheme to transport pregnant mothers with complications. We also help community health workers reach the families who need them." Anne also works closely with Riders For Health, an international non profit that provides health care to rural African villages.
The Duke of York launched Key to Freedom following his 2012 Diamond Jubilee Visit to Women’s Interlink Foundation (WIF) in India. The aim of the initiative is to empower women who have been victims of abuse by helping them acquire skills to become economically independent. Today, scarves made by women participating in Key to Freedom are sold at the Royal Collection Trust Shop.
The Foundation in the US
The next segment involves the US element. I think it's only natural to assume the Sussex Foundation will have supporters from the US. After all, Meghan is American. She has very well-connected friends in the US and she's going to bring an element of support to the table from across the pond. This has been largely feted as hugely controversial and another example of Meghan not following a traditional royal path. Using facts, this can be disproved as nonsense once again. When the Royal Foundation become operational in 2011, an American wing was established. American Friends of the Royal Foundation donated over $3.6 million since its inception. Prince Harry joined the US arm of the Foundation in 2013 for a major event supporting projects including the Royal Foundation's partnership with Harlem RBI to support Project Coach.
During a visit to New York in 2014, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended a private dinner for American friends of the Royal Foundation hosted by long-term supporter, Sir Martin Sorrell, the chief executive of the WPP advertising group.
In fact, Prince Charles set up a charitable foundation in the US: "The Prince of Wales Foundation USA is the affiliate organisation of the Prince’s Trust, enabling tax-efficient giving for US supporters of His Royal Highness’s philanthropic interests. We are fortunate to have a growing base of American supporters who see real value in investing in the lives of disadvantaged and marginalised young people in the UK. The Prince of Wales Foundation was founded by HRH, the Prince of Wales in 1997."
Prince Harry's collaboration with Oprah on a mental health series has been cited as the ultimate example of the Sussexes going rogue. Not so. Prince Charles has collaborated with US entities on several documentaries including the 2012 documentary Harmony: a New Way of Looking at Our World. The piece focused on three decades of Charles' work to combat climate change. The film was based on the book of the same name, which Charles co-authored, about how man has become "dangerously disconnected from nature".
NBC released the following statement at the time of the collaboration:
'NBC is teaming up with Prince Charles for a new TV special about the environment. Harmony, which is slated to air in November, stems from Prince Charles' three decades of work fighting climate change and searching for new solutions to the worldwide environmental crisis.
"The Prince of Wales has such a passion and vision in providing leadership on this crucial climate issue that confronts the world," Paul Telegdy, NBC's executive vice president of alternative programming, said in a statement. "We are honored to partner with him to showcase these issues that are important to American audiences."
The film, which will air during NBC's annual "Green Is Universal" week, features rare footage of Prince Charles' interview with Nobel Peace Prize winner, former Vice President and longtime environmental activist Al Gore, as well as interviews with other government leaders, farmers, environmentalists and entrepreneurs.'
Charles' environmental work has not been without its setbacks. He was actually ridiculed for being one of the first to talk about climate change: "I found myself in conflict with the conventional outlook which, as I discovered, is not exactly the most pleasant situation to find yourself." Determined to following in his father's footsteps, Harry declared last year he hopes to continue his work in Australia: "Ladies and gentleman, those words were shared in speeches dating back to 1970 and up until 2002, by my father, the Prince of Wales. And yet now, nearly 50 years later, those sentiments resonate just as much today, if not more, than ever before. My father and others have been speaking about the environment for decades - not basing it on fallacy or new-age hypothesis, but rooted in science and facts, and the sobering awareness of our environmental vulnerability. And while those speeches would sometimes fall on deaf ears, he and others were unrelenting in their commitment to preserve the most valuable resource we have – our planet."
What About Commercial Partnerships?
Although the Sussexes' foundation does not yet have a name, it has been suggested (with not so thinly-veiled attacks) commercial partnerships may be in its future. Whilst we have absolutely no idea what the plan is at this time, yes it's possible and no it's not unusual. Commercial partnerships have been essential to ensuring the success of Charles' projects. Take Duchy Originals for example. Established almost 30 years ago, the leading organic brand is now stocked on the shelves of Waitrose supermarkets. It's aim is to support local producers and all profits go to charity.
The success or failure of any royal trust or foundation lies with its principles and the team behind it. Harry and Meghan are taking this on with a record of success. Simply look at the Invictus Games, look at Sentebale, the Endeavour Fund, Coach Core and many other projects and initiatives Harry has worked with. Meghan's first project with the Hubb exceed all goals, and smashed it's target of £250,000, raising over half a million. The ripple effect is heartwarming and inspiring. Today, the women of the Hubb were working with British Red Cross to welcome and feed refugees in Hackney London.
The pair have tangible results behind them and there's every reason to believe this will be a success. Fundraising will be an important element; again they've proven more than adept at this, raising millions for Sentebale with 'Sentebale Nights' and the Sentebale Polo Cup.
Again, fundraising has been key to Charles' success. In 2017 he raised £170 million for charity. He raised more money than anyone else in the UK. In 2013-2014 he raised £143 million for 15 of his charities. It's the year-after-year dedication that has led to these results. It's a case of beating the drum constantly, and loudly.
Overshadowing Senior Royals
The next accusation hurled at Harry, and particularly Meghan, is the suggestion they are somehow trying to overshadow more senior royals, namely the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Was Prince Charles trying to overshadow his parents with the Prince's Trust? Was Anne playing a game of one-upmanship against Charles with her tireless efforts and global work? Of course not. Harry and Meghan are not in competition with William and Kate. They are not setting out to outdo them and derail the course of the monarchy.
The Queen is the monarch. Then it will be Charles, and then William. The monarch is the head of the family, there's no issue there. The monarchy is comprised of working members and their collective efforts up and down the country, across the UK, across the Commonwealth, and across the globe. It's a team effort. That's not going to change. Harry and Meghan want to use their roles to the full, they want to work hard on behalf of Her Majesty and, like the other royals referenced, use their platforms to support causes close to their heart. This is all being done with the full approval of the Queen and Charles. The new Foundation has the full support of the family. The Queen appointed Harry and Meghan to Commonwealth roles; she passed her patronage of the Association of Commonwealth Universities to Meghan almost immediately after the marriage. That sounds to me like a monarch who has faith in her granddaughter-in-law. Not a Queen who fears the newest member is rebelling against the system. The rapturous reception the Sussexes have received in Dublin, Morocco, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga is further evidence these roles are ideal for the pair. Their popularity and soft power needs to be harnessed to the full. This is all good for Team Windsor as a whole.
Prince Harry has been a global star all his life; his wife was always going to be under the spotlight. It is not the Sussexes' fault the media are obsessed with their every move. They are an asset to the monarchy and have carried out their roles with aplomb. From the day of their engagement, Meghan has thrown herself into her role, and she hasn't put a foot wrong. To chastise and tear her down because she's an intelligent woman who wants to succeed in this role is appalling and frankly sexist. Ambition is not a dirty word, especially when it's being channeled into a life of philanthropic dedication. The royals have a fantastic platform; they are uniquely placed to be in the position to help others and effect change. The fact they are being belittled for doing their jobs is truly baffling to me. We should unreservedly expect the very best from working members of the family.
The reality is the monarchy must modernise to survive and the Sussexes will play an important role in that modernisation. More from Vernon Bogdanor who famously wrote: "Monarchy has to adapt and evolve to survive. It can't be ahead of public opinion, but it can't be too far behind."
'In November 2005, Chris Mullin, the former editor of Tribune and then Labour MP, was invited to Clarence House where he heard the prince [Charles] speak "without notes, with passion and self-deprecating humour, holding our attention for a full 20 minutes. Always he comes back to the same point. How to widen the horizons of the young, especially the disaffected, the unlucky and even the malign … What influence he has he uses, sometimes to great effect, even at the risk of treading on official toes. It isn't just talk. His mentality is can-do – and he has a track record of achievement clearly visible for anyone who cares to look. Let he who has done more cast the first stone.'
So, when my sister asked me: "Why do they blame Meghan for everything? What exactly is she supposed to have done that's not in line with the way the royals operate professionally?" My answer is quite simple. Meghan has done nothing wrong; she's simply following in the footsteps of those who came before her.
*A sincere word of thanks to those who helped with the research, facts, figures and links on this.
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dexi-green · 6 years
Infinity War questions answered.
Okay some of these are actual factual answers, some are just my interpretation, and some we definitely aren’t gonna know until the next movie so bear that in mind. and obviously SPOILERS for the MCU (Infinity War, GOTG, etc). If you have any questions that I didn’t answer here, I can try my best. Or if I got anything wrong, or there is something I should add, let me know. Occasionally edited/updated for more clarity/answers.
Why did Dr.Strange give up the time stone?
Dr.Strange uses the time stone earlier in the film to see into the future. He says he saw 14 million outcomes of this war and only one that they won. It makes sense to believe that its possible that in that one outcome, he saw either, Thanos being in possession of all infinity stones, Tony being alive, half the universe being gone, or all of the above. The action of giving Thanos the time stone was instrumental in saving the universe. His final words are “There was no other way.” It wasn't OOC because he didn't start feeling for Tony, but he saw that Tony was important to the fate of the universe. His goal is still protecting the universe.
Why would Peter Quill do that? Its all his fault!
Peter finally found someone he loved and who loved him. An actual family in Gamora (and the rest of the Guardians). Gamora made him agree to kill her if things went sideways, which he agreed to because he loves her and knew how important it was to her that Thanos not be the one, and not get the information she had. Then when faced with that, had to look her in the eyes, and kill her. Only for her to be taken anyway. He failed her. However its okay, because maybe they can save her. He knows shes not dead. But then Thanos shows up on Titan, and Peter finds out that she is dead. Thanos got the information he needed, got what he wanted, and killed her. Peter knew that Gamora suffered and died, in what was probably the worst way in Gamora's eyes. Also only about a couple years or so after having his father figure die by sacrificing himself for Quill, learning that his real father is responsible for his abduction from Earth, and killing his mother, and having to kill his own father to save the universe. Needless to say, Peter Quill is probably a bit stressed out, not thinking straight. Standing right in front of the person who killed the love of his life. He's not thinking about the universe, hes thinking about Gamora.
Why did (Blank) turn to dust in the wind but not (blank)?
From the filmmakers POV, To leave the OG 6. Aside from a few exceptions the main people left are Tony, Cap, Nat, Bruce, Thor and Clint (presumably). The Avengers. To bring the story full circle. Then after this phase is done, we will focus on Dr. Strange, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Ant-Man, etc. As the NEW avengers until they get their Infinity War level film and then a new group will emerge, and on and on. Until Disney decides they are done with the MCU, or isn’t as serious about it anymore. For the story explanation however, it’s random.
Why kill Loki? Why so early?
I think that was definitely to set the tone of the film. Yeah it has its funny moments and romantic moments, but it is much darker than previous Avenger’s films. It’s about death, and sacrifice, and the choices we make. It is 100% not a movie you are going to come out of happy and excited and cheering. The good guys aren’t going to win this battle.
Loki has come a long way since he first was introduced in the first Thor film, and his redemption was only a split second it seems, maybe not even entirely completed yet. However for Loki this was the moment he finally accepted who he was, Odinson, king of Jotunheim, Thor’s brother, and picked a side to fight for (yes he pretended like he was loyal to Thanos but he’s Loki! Of course he is going to go out with a trick like that.) His story of uncertainty, and trying to find where he fits in, who he truly is, is at an end because he’s found it with Thor. He’s accepted himself, all sides of himself. He was redeemed in Thor’s eyes, evident by the end of Ragnarok, and how Thor mourned Loki again before being thrown into space. It is extremely unlikely that he will be redeemed and accepted, to everyone, especially after New York, but Thor, and Bruce, Heimdall, Valkyrie, The people of Asgard, etc. They know he fought the good fight in the end.
Not to mention that this isn’t the end of the story. There is still another part, Avengers 4. Despite Thanos’ words, there is still a possibility for Loki to come back. I think the biggest clues to this is Loki’s final words “You will never be a god.” (because Loki is a god. Thus more powerful than Thanos) and “The sun will shine on us again, brother.” (implying that Thor and Loki will be together again, and prosperous, whether this be in waking life or not is unconfirmed) and the fact that Loki didn’t turn back to his blue Jotun form. His white skin/human like appearance is an illusion and would naturally fade away upon his death. 
What happened to the gauntlet?
After Thanos snapped, and we next see him with Thor, the gauntlet seemed crushed and/or burnt, damaged in some way. However he is still able to use the space stone to get himself out of there. When we see Thanos at the end, he still has the gauntlet on his arm, and all the infinity stones seem to be there. You can look at his arm with the gauntlet, on his left side, and it seems like his arm is affected as well. The gauntlet itself isn’t nearly as powerful as all the stones, so it very well could've collapsed under the pressure of using all 6 stones at once. With the damage done to his arm as well as the gauntlet, it is possible that the gauntlet has been seared onto his skin, and he could be unable to take it off. The gauntlet is damaged and Thanos may have to try and repair it. or maybe he has no real use of it now, he did what he planned.
Well what happened in the comics?
Someone (nebula/adam warlock) gets a hold of the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos and turns back the clock to undo everything and defeat him. So this could be why Dr.Strange gave over the time stone, and possibly why Nebula was one of the people left alive.
How is the Ant-Man movie going to be affected by this?
The upcoming Ant-Man and The Wasp movie is actually supposedly set before Infinity War and after Civil War. So this movie doesn't affect that movie at all. We will probably see what Scott is up to during the events of Infinity War either near the end or in a post Credit scene.
What was that post credit scene?
I think it was to show the destruction the world is going through at the moment. Normal everyday people are also turning to ash, and lots of damage is going to be done because of that.
Also Nick Fury was calling Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, so expect her to show up soon and hopefully join the fight in Avengers 4. Kevin Feige noted that she is “one of the most, if not the most, powerful heroes in the MCU.” so she will be playing an important role in taking down Thanos. And her movie will come out a month or two before Avengers 4, so everyone can get familiar with the character, and they don’t have to force in a backstory.
What was going on with Hulk?
It’s been confirmed by one of the Russo Brothers that the reason behind Hulk’s actions, or lackthereof, in Infinity War is because he is tired of saving Banner. Bruce is normally in control, and usually only allows Hulk to take over when Banner himself or others are in danger.  Bruce said in Ragnarok that if he turned back into the Hulk there would be a chance he wouldn’t turn back into Bruce again. But he did, and turned back into Bruce, but now can’t turn back into Hulk again. I think this is building on the relationship between Bruce and Hulk that we saw in Ragnarok. That they are in fact two different people fighting for control over one body. Hulk isn’t an alter ego, he is another being entirely. With his own wants and needs and feelings. It seems like he is tired and wants out of his own marvel version of the sunken place. After his fight with Thanos at the very beginning of Infinity War, Hulk could be scared, or tired, or pissed, or all of the above. Bruce wanted Hulk to take over, but Hulk didn’t want to. Sometimes they can force their ways into the driver’s seat, but a lot of times it’s communication between them, agreeing who is going to be in control at what times (usually Bruce). Like Bruce said “it was like we both had a hand on the wheel.” but Hulk just doesn’t want to it seems. It’s not that he can’t, Bruce was obviously able to talk with him about it, but Hulk refused. Hulk literally just says no. Like Bruce says, “Hulk, we got a lot to figure out, pal.”
What was Red Skull doing?
It was long speculated that Red Skull didn’t actual die during The First Avenger. A lot of people believed he was just transported somewhere. He was transported to Vormir, and became a wraith, and The Stonekeeper. He was to advise/warn those who sought out the Soul Stone. He was forbidden to take the stone for himself. It was all a sort of punishment for his crimes and ego, to lead others to the thing he wants but cannot have. During those seven decades of isolation, he eventually accepted his fate. (also he wasn’t played by Hugo Weaving in IW, but by Ross Marquand, so if you are like me and thought something more was off, that might be it.)
How could Thanos possibly love Gamora? He’s absuive and manipulative and a murderer!
That’s in your eyes (and Gamora’s, and literally everyone elses). He doesn’t really see himself that way. The number one most common thing for villains is that they don’t see themselves as a villain. Thanos explained that what he was doing was for the good of the universe. He was sacrificing one half to save the other. He’s done this with other planets and civilizations and claims to have seen positive results from his methods.
In his eyes, he wasn’t abusive to Gamora. Maybe more like tough love. He wanted her to be better, to be great, the “fiercest woman in the galaxy.” He added cybernetic enhancements to her so she could reach her full potential. He was doing all of this so that not only himself, but Gamora, and the universe, would be able to prosper. When he and the Chitauri are slaughtering her people on Zen-Whoberi, he turns her head away so she doesn't have to witness that. He only saw great things in her. He never thought that what he might be doing was actually hurting her. He did love her. Gamora says with her last words “this isn’t love.” but to him he has a very different idea of love, and that is subjective. Love means something different to everyone. He has a bit of a twisted way of love. And when he Snaps, and has that vision of young Gamora their exchange is, 
“Did you do it?”
“What did it cost?”
He is looking at her, and he is sad (and possibly regretful) of what he has done. Gamora was his everything. He calls her “My Gamora” during the battle on Titan. Along with that, when Mantis is using her powers on him she says, “He is in anguish...he mourns.”
What was the point of Thor getting Stormbreaker after all the story development surrounding losing Mjolnir in Ragnarok?
 It is sooo much more powerful than Mjolnir. Unlike Mjolnir, it has the power to open the Bifrost. An ability that can come in handy, especially considering Heimdall is dead and cannot do that for Thor now. Quick transportation across the Nine Realms seems like something to have. Also when Thor puts himself right in front of the blast of a STAR, and gets knocked out, he needed Stormbreaker in his hand to be revived. And like Mjolnir, it focuses and enhances Thor’s power. The story of Ragnarok wasn’t to say that Thor is better without the hammer, but that he doesn’t have to rely on it. Steve is strong without a Shield, but a Shield helps. Not to mention that it is one of the only things shown to actually wound Thanos. Most everyone can hardly make a dent, but Thor is able to rip into him with Stormbreaker. It is a formidable weapon.
Giving an explanation/origin story for the Gauntlet. Because they have to go to Nivadellir, we get to learn that the Dwarves made the Gauntlet for Thanos. We learn how it was made, what it was made of and why it was made. It doesn’t just store the stones, but makes them easier to use (remember what happens to most people when they try to just hold a stone in their hand and use its power?) and channel/focus their energies/powers (like Mjolnir/Stormbreaker does for Thor). We also get to see more of Thanos’ destruction, and his moral compass. He spared Eitri, because he complied with Thanos’ will, but also smelted his hands, because he knew Eitri didn’t actually agree. Dude’s got trust issues, and rightfully so. But like when Dr.Strange bargains for Tony’s life, Thanos is someone who keeps his word.
 It is quite possible that while he knows that the power is inside of him, he uses a weapon as a crutch. Especially after he’s just lost everything. I’ve seen a ton of people mention Thor’s suicidal tendencies in this film, which is understandable. So maybe a weapon is just a familiar thing to hold on to.
Thor, Rocket and Groot needed something to do. It is a moment for Groot and Rocket to shine. Throughout this film Groot is suppose to be a stereotypical teenager who is doing their own thing, and not listening to anyone. But when he see Thor basically dying, and that he can do something to help, he steps up. Using his own arm as the handle for Stormbreaker. From then on, he is engaged in what is going on, and a part of the Battle in Wakanda. Also during this journey, Rocket gets the chance to be the ‘captain’ and shows what he thinks that means. before he talks to Thor about Thor’s family and why he is doing all this Rocket says “Time to be the captain.” To him, being the captain is being the one to listen to the others on your team, to take on some of their weight. Showing how Rocket has grown since the first Guardian’s film.
What happened to Valkyrie/Korg/Shuri/Wong/etc. ?
Thor says that HALF of Asgard got destroyed when Thanos came. It’s very likely that Valkyrie was able to round up some people and escape, and will return in Avengers 4.
However, after the Snap of the Century, who honestly knows? Some people like Pepper, Shuri, Wong, Ned, etc. who didn’t show up at the end, their fates are up in the air right now. This is something that you can theorize about, but we really won’t know until A4. Some people’s status have been confirmed or hinted at by the Russo Brothers and James Gunn (director of the Guardian’s movies) These are:
Howard The Duck is Alive Jane Foster is “Potential Spoiler” Betty Ross is Gone Korg and Miek is “Potential Spoiler” Shuri is “Potential Spoiler” Nakia is “On missions” (so alive I am guessing?) Ned is “Potential Spoiler” Aunt May is Alive Lady Sif is Gone Galaga Guy (from the first Avengers) is Gone. RIP in peace. Kraglin is Alive Asgardian Actor that played Loki (Matt Damon) is Gone.
Those are the only ones we know of right now (that aren’t confirmed or denied by leaked set photos, and are said outright by the directors). Obviously some are spoilers so we can still theorize.
What was everyone doing before this?
Scott and Clint got a deal to be on house arrest so they could be with their families. Cap, Nat, and Sam kept on fighting, continuing to take down terrorists with alien tech, vigilante style. Vision and Wanda were living together in Europe, both reporting back to Tony and Cap respectfully. Bucky was just chillin’ in Wakanda. Spider-man was doing the same thing that you see in Homecoming, same with Tony. Tony got engaged to Pepper, and seemed to be staying pretty lowkey. Rhodey with him, recovering. T’Challa was doing what was happening in the Black Panther movie, and just ruling over Wakanda, and meeting with the UN, along with creating the outreach centers in the US. Bruce and Thor were involved in Ragnarok. The Guardians were still rolling around space taking jobs and helping people out. There is a prelude comic to Infinity War that you can read that goes over some of this.
Who is the smartest MCU character?
Shuri. (tis a joke)
Added Questions:
Why did Wanda (Scarlet Witch) leave Vision during the Battle of Wakanda?
During the Battle of Wakanda, Wanda is with Vision while Shuri is trying to extract the Mind Stone from him. She is watching out the window and sees Thanos’  forces summon this huge weapon. I don’t know what it is exactly, but it looks like a bunch of huge saws or gears. It is absolutely massive and Sam and Rhodey together can barely damage it. She hops down onto the field and is able to use her powers to stop it before it kills Okoye and Black Widow and redirects it at some Outriders (Mindless alien species that work for Thanos). I think she knew upon seeing that that she would be the only one who could stop it from killing those on their side. Her and Vision are probably the only ones who could’ve done something against that (without extra help). There were also guards with Shuri and Vision. She probably thought that they would be well protected, at least until she could get back up there. Unfortunately as soon as Proxima Midnight see’s her on the Field, she tells Corvus Glaive who then goes and tries to retrieve the Mind Stone from Vision, which then forces Vision to fight back and get thrown out onto the field. It is unknown whether The Black Order knew she would come to help, but thats usually a thing. The bad guys use the heroes need to save everyone against them. 
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7 Precious Advice For Your OAB Proof
It happens to be Sunday! As a final point enough time has arrive! The longer awaited evidence of the OAB which will be applied all the way through the nationwide territory. And it is exactly given that one particular must remember of several flaws that may suggest the lack of points or, worse, the candidate's disapproval right off the bat. And we don't want this to occur!
It's time for you to flip for the radars to generally be clever with regards to the bugs that could compromise capabilities on Sunday. It is mindless to review much with the minute of real truth to ruin every thing with foolish but hugely compromising faults. Shelling out focus into the smallest facts is fundamental at the time of your test just for the extensive probable of your respective banking account! For additional knowledge have a look at como passar na oab   It is one particular thing to get reproved for not figuring out, one more to get reproved for nonsense. Let's check, 1 by an individual, the problems that will not be produced at the time for the examination:   1. Don't scratch evidence   You certainly will acquire two notebooks: one, containing the area in which you will set the solutions, and a second, the draft, which will also have the doubts elaborated through the FGV. Just scratch the sketch. Just set the responses while in the take a look at notebook. It may seem to be a banal suggestion, but it is not!   2. Don't write your answers out of room   Countless candidates, in composing their responses, leave the room for creating, producing past the road demarcated. Tend not to flee from the spaces for your reply to. Continue to keep the creating in just the parameters imposed with the proof!   3. Really do not signal your test   In all Examination someone indications the evidence, sites a rubric or does a thing regarded as as identification because of the lender. It truly is a reproach, to not be missed! Now I emphasize a truly vital issue! First of all of all, go through the check instruction sheet. In it is actually contained just about everything you need to know to generate the petition correctly.
See alot more at como passar na oab   4. What if I miss the spelling?   It normally takes place with any applicant. With essentially 90% belonging to the candidates, otherwise far more. Sooner or later you're visiting dedicate some rasurinha, a bit of pencil, anything out of the square. How to proceed? It is actually simple, uncomplicated and without mysteries. Slightly little bit regarding the inappropriate term and nothing at all a great deal more. Not a thing a lot more! Whenever they do it in different ways, it could be a difficulty!   5. Look at the volume of sheets to jot down the practical-professional piece   Depend the quantity of sheets it's a must to publish and become persuaded that you'll not burst the site limit of your reaction reserve. Overkill? Lots of candidates spend all the sheets with the piece's get the job done and need make use of the again from the final sheet to accomplish the petition. You will unquestionably reduce a whole lot of factors, too as run the risk of currently being disapproved for supposed identification. Its a simple matter of notice. Delimiting well the area for producing is undoubtedly an absolutely necessary evaluate.   6. Give your assessments an honest presentation   What's an honest presentation for the examination? Skip strains, indent textual content and use areas. Really do not use legal "enrolles" in order to make your petitions. Will not fuss at language expertise: just use specialized language in the suitable way. Read position by stage the evidence. Your requests may have subject areas that conform for the difficulty introduced. Fully understand the situation, delimit the subject areas and address them in an goal, concise and individualized way. When dealing by having a subject, construction it inside of a basic way: A factual question, as offered and summarized / synthetic; Indication with the pertinent lawful solution, when using the needed and indispensable declination from the relevant authorized provisions on the speculation or precedents of applicable jurisprudence; A remedy which is acceptable in accordance while using the relevant authorized various, or necessitating the reform of a final choice, the conviction or perhaps the disconstitution of the contrary argument. Every single matter need to be produced within the way presented higher than, in an goal, straightforward way. Which is exactly just what the financial institution needs. Not a thing but! It is far from uncommon for various candidates, as a result of they are doing not realize the trouble, to flee from what on earth is simply being proposed and after that to vacation resort to it with no developing any basis. Exactly what the OAB and FGV want to know is that if you are able to be familiar with an issue problem and present an best suited alternative when using the applicable legal foundation. Thus, create with clarity of language and objectivity.   7. Don't invent details
We had a modification within an vital issue within the edict of Evaluation XIX for that edict of Examination XX. It was not permitted to mark "XXX" to point abstract info on the race. Even so, this rule has altered on this announcement. There 3.five.9. states: With the preparing of your texts of the professional piece plus the solutions on the discursive thoughts, the examiner will need to incorporate the essential knowledge, without any, but, delivering any identification or specifics other than these provided and authorized from the statements contained inside the examination report. Thus, the examiner should write the info name followed by ellipsis or "XXX" (case in point: "Municipality ...", "Date ...", "Lawyer ...", "OAB ...", "MunicipalityXXX", "DataXXX" AdvogadoXXX "," OABXXX ", and many others.). The omission of knowledge that happen to be lawfully mandated or necessary for that proper option in the proposed dilemma will result in discount rates while in the score attributed towards the examinee at this stage If it is necessary to put knowledge that is not in evidence, this sort of being a intended date or area, only to fulfill the official necessities in the section, the prospect or puts ellipsis or "XXX" to demonstrate that it acknowledges the necessities of that subject of his piece. And you simply will need to do so in strict accordance aided by the rule of item 3.5.9. Remembering that the ellipsis or "XXX" is to fill in aspects, and may not be put to use unrestrictedly. Also, an individual can not invent details not contained on the piece, under penalty for the candidate to lose note. The basic rule is: will not make up everything. In localities, dates or personalized data, these as id or CPF (in case the dilemma isn't going to existing this type of information and facts), the rule is to try to use ellipses or "XXX". Putting any abstract range provides you with hassle.
Now It can be Time and energy to Organize Your Mind for your Test Time
We know the way listed here wasn't painless: you devoted you, viewed the videotapes, read and reread supporting materials together with the interesting letter for the law, abdicated your time and effort of rest and leisure. Put simply, you worked hard. And you are to always be congratulated for it! Perseverance is 50 percent way once the topic is approval. Believe me: you will be effectively well prepared! Don't forget your exertion these last couple of months. Extra so, from his devotion while in college or university, considering that the time belonging to the entrance examination. As hints within the working day, we propose the subsequent: Rest, unwind the brain. At most, critique some factors you have already examined for the check - no try to study unknown subjects the day just before! It will only cause you to anxious. Everything you demand, immediately, is to build up self confidence and pay attention to your psychological well being, to always be at your 100% on the time of tests. Rest confident: you have got ready yourself with who seriously understands the topic. Now just present "who you are" on the examiners. In the event you weren't so prepared, I would wish you very good luck. But, in reality, I will would like you "good evidence," simply because I am certainly you certainly will not really need to rely a lot of on luck. Very good take a look at! Count on us consistently! For additional knowledge take a look at http://mulherafrodite.com/7-tips-for-the-proof-of-the-oab/
0 notes
Do not Stop Trying To Do The OAB Without Knowing These 7 Tips
It is really Sunday! Finally enough time has occur! The long awaited proof within the OAB which will be applied through the countrywide territory. And it is actually precisely now that 1 must remember of specified mistakes that will indicate the lack of details or, worse, the candidate's disapproval perfect from the bat. And we don't want this to occur!
It can be the perfect time to switch within the radars being intelligent about the bugs that can compromise effectiveness on Sunday. It makes no sense to review so much with the second of reality to ruin everything with silly but hugely compromising faults. Paying out consideration towards the smallest aspects is key for the time with the exam particularly to your extensive prospective of the bank account! For additional specifics pay a visit to como passar na oab   It is actually an individual detail for being reproved for not understanding, an alternative to get reproved for nonsense. Let's verify, just one by a particular, the faults that may not be produced at the time on the test:   1. Really don't scratch evidence   You'll acquire two notebooks: a person, containing the space in which you will place the responses, and an additional, the draft, that can even have the problems elaborated from the FGV. Just scratch the sketch. Just put the responses while in the exam notebook. It may look like a banal tip, however it is not!   2. Never compose your solutions from area   A number of candidates, in writing their answers, depart the house for creating, crafting past the line demarcated. Usually do not flee from the spaces for the reply. Maintain the writing in just the parameters imposed because of the proof!   3. Never indication your take a look at   In all Test somebody signals the proof, destinations a rubric or does an item regarded as identification by the bank. It will be a reproach, never to be skipped! Now I emphasize an incredibly vital issue! To begin with of all, browse the check instruction sheet. In it is actually contained every little thing you have to know for making the petition properly.
See much more at oab de primeira   4. What if I miss the spelling?   It continually happens with any applicant. With very nearly 90% on the candidates, otherwise far more. At some time you're going to commit some rasurinha, somewhat pencil, a thing from the sq.. How to proceed? Its effortless, simple and devoid of mysteries. A tad bit regarding the incorrect term and very little far more. Not a single thing extra! If they do it differently, it could be an issue!   5. Verify the amount of sheets to write down the practical-professional piece   Count the amount of sheets you need to create and become certain that you'll not burst the web page restrict on the response ebook. Overkill? Numerous candidates commit all of the sheets on the piece's do the job and wish to make use of the back again belonging to the very last sheet to accomplish the petition. You are going to definitely drop loads of factors, too as operate the danger of currently being disapproved for supposed identification. It truly is an easy matter of attention. Delimiting nicely the room for crafting is undoubtedly an totally mandatory measure.   6. Give your assessments a good presentation   What the heck is a good presentation on the check? Skip traces, indent text and take advantage of areas. Really do not use lawful "enrolles" to make your petitions. Do not fuss at language techniques: just use complex language within a suitable way. Read through level by stage the proof. Your requests will likely have topics that conform towards the situation presented. Realize the condition, delimit the topics and deal with them within an objective, concise and individualized way. When dealing using a subject matter, construction it in the straight forward way: A factual dilemma, as presented and summarized / artificial; Indicator in the pertinent lawful option, using the required and indispensable declination from the relevant legal provisions in the speculation or precedents of applicable jurisprudence; A treatment which is proper in accordance considering the applicable legal substitute, or requiring the reform of the resolution, the conviction or the disconstitution of a opposite argument. Every matter should be constructed from the way introduced above, in an goal, uncomplicated way. That's precisely exactly what the financial institution wishes. Next to nothing but! It's not necessarily unusual for a number of candidates, since they are doing not recognize the problem, to flee from just what is really being proposed after which you can to vacation resort to it with out developing any foundation. Just what the OAB and FGV want to know is that if you're able to understand a challenge situation and existing an suitable alternative considering the applicable authorized basis. Therefore, craft with clarity of language and objectivity.   7. Really don't invent details
We experienced a change within an significant place for the edict of Assessment XIX for your edict of Test XX. It was not permitted to mark "XXX" to indicate abstract facts with the race. Nonetheless, this rule has improved in this particular announcement. There 3.5.nine. states: In the planning on the texts from the pro piece along with the responses to the discursive inquiries, the examiner have got to include things like the many crucial data, while not, nonetheless, generating any identification or specifics other than all those supplied and authorized inside statements contained on the take a look at report. As a result, the examiner will need to produce the info name adopted by ellipsis or "XXX" (illustration: "Municipality ...", "Date ...", "Lawyer ...", "OAB ...", "MunicipalityXXX", "DataXXX" AdvogadoXXX "," OABXXX ", etc.). The omission of information which can be legally mandatory or critical for your proper remedy of the proposed dilemma will final result in special discounts on the score attributed for the examinee at this stage Whether it is essential to place data that is certainly not in proof, this sort of to be a meant day or site, only to satisfy the official prerequisites within the section, the applicant or places ellipsis or "XXX" to exhibit that it recognizes the necessities of that matter of his piece. And you simply ought to do this in strict accordance when using the rule of product 3.5.nine. Remembering that the ellipsis or "XXX" is usually to fill in data, and will not be utilised unrestrictedly. On top of that, one particular cannot invent material not contained with the piece, less than penalty belonging to the prospect to lose observe. The essential rule is: do not make up whatever. In localities, dates or private facts, this sort of as id or CPF (when the concern would not present this sort of facts), the rule is to try to use ellipses or "XXX". Positioning any summary range will give you issues.
Now It's Time for you to Arrange Your Head to the Exam Time
We know the way listed here wasn't very easy: you devoted on your own, viewed the videotapes, read through and reread supporting product additionally, the amazing letter in the regulation, abdicated your time and efforts of rest and leisure. To put it differently, you labored very difficult. And you happen to be to generally be congratulated for it! Dedication is 50 % way if the subject matter is approval. Trust me: you could be properly organized! Keep in mind your hard work these final number of weeks. A great deal more so, from his devotion all through college, for the reason that time within the entrance test. As hints within the working day, we advise the subsequent: Rest, unwind the head. At most, overview some details you have got now researched with the exam - no make an effort to know unknown subjects the day right before! This can only cause you to nervous. Everything you have, right this moment, will be to put together self-confidence and pay attention to your psychological overall health, to always be at your 100% in the time of screening. Relaxation confident: you will have organized by yourself with who definitely understands the subject. Now just clearly show "who you are" into the examiners. When you were not so ready, I'd wish you beneficial luck. But, in truth, I will desire you "good proof," for the reason that I'm guaranteed you will not ought to rely a great deal on luck. Good take a look at! Rely on us constantly! For additional information and facts go to http://bventuresnetwork.com/7-precious-advice-for-your-oab-proof-3/
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7 Precious Advice For Your OAB Proof
It is really Sunday! Last but not least enough time has appear! The very long awaited proof from the OAB that could be utilized all over the nationwide territory. And it can be specifically given that a person must be aware of selected flaws that could suggest the loss of details or, worse, the candidate's disapproval best suited from the bat. And we do not want this to happen!
It happens to be time to change on the radars being clever regarding the bugs that might compromise general performance on Sunday. It is not sensible to check a great deal for your second of real truth to damage every little thing with foolish but greatly compromising problems. Paying recognition towards the smallest specifics is fundamental for the time with the take a look at precisely to your extensive would-be within your bank account! For more data take a look at como passar na prova da oab   Its 1 issue to become reproved for not comprehending, an alternative to generally be reproved for nonsense. Let us verify, a particular by a particular, the mistakes which could not be built at the time of your test:   1. Don't scratch evidence   You certainly will acquire two notebooks: 1, that contains the room where you will place the solutions, and a different, the draft, that may also have the concerns elaborated from the FGV. Just scratch the sketch. Just place the responses inside exam notebook. It might look like a banal tip, however it is not!   2. Really don't write your responses outside of house   A large number of candidates, in creating their solutions, leave the place for composing, writing further than the road demarcated. Really don't flee through the spaces for the reply to. Maintain the producing inside the parameters imposed through the proof!   3. Really do not signal your examination   In all Test somebody indications the proof, sites a rubric or does a little something viewed as as identification through the financial institution. Its a reproach, never to be skipped! Now I emphasize an incredibly important level! Primary of all, read through the exam instruction sheet. In it truly is contained every thing you need to know to generate the petition correctly.
See even more at como passar na oab   4. What if I miss out on the spelling?   It often occurs with any candidate. With pretty much 90% within the candidates, otherwise alot more. At some point you're likely to dedicate some rasurinha, just a little pencil, a specific thing outside of the sq.. What to do? It happens to be simple, very simple and without mysteries. A touch little bit regarding the incorrect term and very little much more. Practically nothing a great deal more! When they do it otherwise, it can be a problem!   5. Check out the volume of sheets to put in writing the practical-professional piece   Rely the quantity of sheets it's important to publish and become convinced that you're going to not burst the web page limit in the reaction e-book. Overkill? Several candidates pay all of the sheets with the piece's job and need make use of the again from the very last sheet to finish the petition. You may unquestionably get rid of a great deal of points, in addition as operate the danger of to be disapproved for intended identification. Its a simple issue of attention. Delimiting perfectly the room for crafting can be an absolutely needed measure.   6. Give your checks a decent presentation   What is a decent presentation in the examination? Skip lines, indent text and make full use of spaces. Never use lawful "enrolles" for making your petitions. Really don't fuss at language capabilities: just use specialized language in the applicable way. Read through position by point the evidence. Your requests may have subjects that conform to the concern introduced. Have an understanding of the condition, delimit the subjects and address them within an aim, concise and individualized way. When working by having a topic, construction it inside of a effortless way: A factual issue, as introduced and summarized / synthetic; Indication on the pertinent legal option, with all the required and indispensable declination of your applicable lawful provisions from the speculation or precedents of applicable jurisprudence; A cure that may be appropriate in accordance along with the relevant authorized option, or requiring the reform of a determination, the conviction or maybe the disconstitution of the contrary argument. Each matter need to be created in the way introduced higher than, within an objective, easy way. That is precisely what the lender would like. Very little but! It isn't uncommon for a number of candidates, considering that they do not have an understanding of the situation, to flee from what's getting proposed and afterwards to resort to it without any getting any foundation. Exactly what the OAB and FGV need to know is if you're able to be aware of a difficulty situation and present an acceptable method with all the pertinent authorized basis. Hence, compose with clarity of language and objectivity.   7. Never invent information and facts
We had a modification within an critical point with the edict of Assessment XIX for your edict of Test XX. It was not allowed to mark "XXX" to indicate abstract knowledge within the race. Then again, this rule has transformed in this particular announcement. There three.five.9. says: In the planning of your texts from the experienced piece as well as solutions on the discursive problems, the examiner have got to incorporate all the critical knowledge, devoid of, then again, providing any identification or specifics in addition to those people presented and authorized while in the statements contained inside exam report. Therefore, the examiner should really create the data name adopted by ellipsis or "XXX" (case in point: "Municipality ...", "Date ...", "Lawyer ...", "OAB ...", "MunicipalityXXX", "DataXXX" AdvogadoXXX "," OABXXX ", and many others.). The omission of information that can be legally expected or mandatory for your right solution from the proposed dilemma will end result in deals from the rating attributed with the examinee at this stage If it is essential to set details that is certainly not in evidence, these types of as a meant day or destination, only to fulfill the official demands for the component, the prospect or places ellipsis or "XXX" to show that it recognizes the requirements of that topic of his piece. Therefore you will need to accomplish that in rigorous accordance when using the rule of item three.5.9. Remembering the ellipsis or "XXX" is to try to fill in information, and may not be utilised unrestrictedly. In addition, one particular can not invent material not contained during the piece, beneath penalty of the applicant to lose be aware. The essential rule is: don't make up anything. In localities, dates or unique facts, like as identity or CPF (if your challenge would not existing this kind of information), the rule will be to use ellipses or "XXX". Putting any summary selection will give you difficulty.
Now It happens to be The perfect time to Manage Your Brain for the Examination Time
We know that the way listed here wasn't very easy: you dedicated yourself, viewed the videotapes, browse and reread supporting substance and also the neat letter in the law, abdicated your time of relaxation and leisure. Basically, you worked really hard. And you're to become congratulated for it! Dedication is half way once the issue is acceptance. Believe me: that you're properly geared up! Remember all of your effort these last couple months. Even more so, from his determination for the period of college, considering that the time for the entrance exam. As hints on the working day, we recommend the following: Relaxation, chill out the intellect. At most, critique some details you have now studied for your exam - no attempt to find out mysterious subjects the working day just before! This will only make you nervous. Anything you have, right this moment, may be to create self esteem and take care of your psychological overall health, being at your 100% on the time of screening. Rest certain: you will have organized you with who really understands the topic. Now just display "who you are" to the examiners. If you ever weren't so well prepared, I'd wish you excellent luck. But, in reality, I will would like you "good evidence," mainly because I am guaranteed you are going to not should rely much on luck. Great examination! Depend on us consistently! For more information go to http://comoacabarcomansiedade.com/7-precious-advice-for-your-oab-proof/
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