#again this is down the line so idk when i'll have info on this but y'know. getting it ironed out!!!
signalhill-if · 1 year
Considering Donation Platforms
So with the demo out and the next lead well on its way, I've been thinking a lot about the future of this project and about how to dedicate more of my time to it. The honest truth is, I am a full time student and part time worker and it's difficult maintaining all three at the same time. I want to be as consistent with this game as possible, but I also don't want to sacrifice my marks, and I frankly can't afford to take fewer shifts at work right now.
The solution to this is pretty obvious- starting a Patreon or Ko-fi would allow me to make a bit of extra cash while working on the game, if I'm able to build it up enough. Obviously this is not right around the corner, as I'd like to have a bit of extra content built up by the time I launch either of those, and my primary focus right now is the main game. But I want to talk about those, which platform people generally prefer, and what kind of extra content people are interested in seeing.
Patreon has higher fees and is geared towards long term memberships. I'd be able to offer patrons early access to new updates (which will hopefully be relatively frequent, as progress during development has been pretty fast) and access to a back catalogue of art and side stories. It would also mean I could share NSFW content, like explicit stories or nude pinups, which is a bonus cause I know y'all nasty. But the biggest thing I'm excited for would be offering polls to decide what is worked on next. Because the game will be updated lead-by-lead, that means patrons would be able to directly decide what they see in early access that month.
Ko-fi has lower fees and more breadth of services, so I could use the same platform to offer commissions, sell side stories, and offer memberships for early access. However, Ko-fi doesn't allow explicit sexual content, so no sexy pinups and no sexy stories. Sorry nasty people. And since traditional romance won't exactly be the focus of the game, commissioned writing probably wouldn't be as interesting of an offer for you folks anyway. No polls, either. But the big benefit is that people may be more willing to pay a one time fee to purchase something rather than becoming a patron for a longer period of time.
Yes, I can set up both- but if I'm making content for Patreon, Ko-fi would just be a tip jar for people who don't want to use itch.io! I'm specifically thinking about which platform I want to offer content through.
I originall had a little google form here, but y'know what? I'm probably better off just doing a quick poll.
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hydr0phius · 5 months
Welcome back to more crack summaries and notes. Today it's Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, and I am absolutely distraught after reading it.
Linked: Chaos Rising and Greater Good
Starting out strong with this one aren't we, Mr. Zahn?
Samakro: please let this be a normal fucking side trip-
The Springhawk: *appears*
Jixtus: Not this mf again. Give me a damn BREAK-
Thrawn, over comms: If there are any Watith here, we have your prisoners.
Generalius Nakirre: I'm going to answer him.
Jixtus: Do NOT
Generalius Nakirre: If you're not going to tell me, I'll just ask him.
Jixtus: nO-
(word for word)
Generalius Nakirre: The Kilji path will prove superior
Thrawn, flatly: No. It will not.
Generalius Nakirre: Again, you dismiss our wisdom without even hearing it.
Thrawn: In my experience, superior wisdom can stand on its own merits. It does not require a warship to force acceptance.
Generalius Nakirre: You also bring a warship to this place.
Thrawn: But I do not claim to offer superior wisdom. Nor do I intend to impose my wisdom upon others.
(Thrawn, I love you dearly).
Jixtus, quietly in the background for the last five minutes of the comm call with Nakirre and Thrawn: Oh my fucking gods, DISENGAGE. DO NOT LET HIM KNOW ANYTHING MORE ABOUT YOU-
Nakirre, internally during the comm call and Jixtus' warnings: WHY SHOULDN'T I FUCK HIM UP? HE'S ASKING FOR IT. IT WOULD BE SO EASY.
Thrawn: *blank stare on the bridge, facing Thalias*
Thalias: Look at him going into deep thought. *Turns back to Che'ri*
Thrawn, directly behind her now: So have you-
Thalias, jumping about a foot in the air: -STOP SNEAKING UP ON PEOPLE LIKE THAT!!!!
Thrawn: I wasn't????? Anyway, has Che'ri had anymore nightmares?
(He was sneaking but he doesn't know that lmao).
Lamiov: *sends Ba'kif a message about Thrawn*
Ba'kif: *Dropping absolutely everything and moving faster than his colleagues would if there was all out war because his Son is up to things*
^^^ All that was just in the prologue and I was nearly losing it lmao.
Thurfian: *makes a decision*
Thivik: *judgemental vibes*
Thrawn: *rattling off info about the paintings in the reception area of the Mitth crib on wherever it is that they were*
Thrass: How the fuck did you know all of that-
Lappincyk: Larawn. Has a nice ring to it.
Me thinking of that vine: Larawn James sjsjs
Lappincyk: Ok and what is Thrawn to you?
Thrass making a spur of the moment decision: He's my friend.
Thrawn, sitting down: :3
(That felt like a set up. Thooraki and Lamiov going "Thrawn needs someone who knows politics" and then shoving Thrass into his orbit).
Jixtus: I have information you'll want
Thistrian: let me consult with the Patriarch.
Thurfian: Tell them to feck off. We don't want anything to do with them.
Thistrian: o h
Ba'kif when he found out about the Magys: SORRY YOU WHAT- NO. WHAT POSSESSED YOU
Thrawn: :)
Samakro: I'll see this through. I'm in too deep.
Thivik what's on that datacard??? WHAT DID THRASS PUT TOGETHER-
All the Thrawn and Thrass interactions give me life.
Zistalmu: I got a divorce.
Thurfian: babe, please. :'(
Roscu: *blathering on & being all high and mighty while a fucking asteroid missile is lining her up*
Ziinda: Can you shut the fuck up?
Roscu: I- ok.
Thrawn: I'll see y'all later. Uingali and I are going on a trip for a bit.
Samakro: k, bye.
Samakro: Where are we???
Bridge crew: idk man??
Che'ri: I'm following him. He's in danger and we need to be there.
Samakro after a lot of talking with Thalias: Oh. ok.
Thrawn: Can you fire a charric?
Qilori: *nervous wreck* nO
Thrawn dragging him up out of his chair: You're about to learn.
Thrass, holding a chair & ready to use it: Yeah, that's right! Drop the knife!
The thief: *slowly puts the knife down, looking behind Thrass the whole time*
Thrawn standing menacingly behind Thrass ready to deck the thief like he did his accomplices: >:)
Thrass: Ok, Roscu, but if you did fire on us you'd be killing a Mitth Aristocra and his brother.
Thrawn: :0
Lappincyk: :D
Roscu: Damn, ok.
*after the Odo ceremony*
Thrawn: Are we actually brothers now?
Thrass: Yeah, if you want :3
Thrawn: :') ok
*cue secret sharing*
CEDF: *trying to keep the peace in the Ascendancy on Syndicure orders*
CDF and Family Fleets, with the indignant air of a 10 yr old Sephora girl: Oh my GODS, can you LEAVE? You have NO POWER here!!!!
CEDF: Ok, fuck you. *sorts out the fighting anyway then dips off to wherever they get sent to next*
Che'ri: I'm fine. I can cook my own food while you're gone, and Mid Captain Samakro can check in on me.
Samakro: *worried Dad being left with the kids for the first time noises*
Thalias: ok.
Che'ri: Niceeee
Samakro: *sweating bullets*
Thalias: You Borika?
Borika, fake accent on: You a cop?
Thalias: What-
Borika: *nice rancher lady*
Borika 0.5 seconds after Thalias mentions the Seekers program: *pulls a charric on Thalias once they're inside the house and drops the accent*
Thalias: Holy fu- HANg oN-
Fuck the Ascendancy too btw. The systems in place are shit. Those poor sky-walkers.
*Two families fighting*
Ar'alani having been sent to deal with it, angry admiral voice engaged: OI, STOP THAT
Ar'alani, fed up: Flicker all of them, then drag them away from each other
Wutroow: That's going to piss a lot of people off, Admiral.
Ar'alani: idgaf. They're being stupid and putting civilians in danger.
Wutroow: Then might I suggest dragging them back to different orbital levels? if they want at it again, they'll at least have to try.
Ar'alani: Excellent thinking. Let's do that.
Ja'fosk 20mins after they flickered everyone and are headed back to UAG: Ar'alani you need to stop hanging around with Thrawn so much.
Ar'alani: Ok but he's right.
Ar'alani: Y'all are just haters.
Ja'fosk: Just get back to UAG.
Ar'alani: Ok.
Ar'alani: *Firing on Dy'lothe's ship because he's ignoring her and possibly about to fuck up Thrawn's plan*
Dy'lothe: Acting on the Syndicure's orders-
Ar'alani: Oh, so illegal orders, then?
Dy'lothe: ...yeah
Ar'alani: ha.
Ba'kif: Here's Thrawn's latest plan. I'm giving you and anyone else you can convince permission to go and assist him.
Ar'alani on four hours of sleep: This is completely insane and could ruin our careers.
Ba'kif: So you'll do it, then?
Ar'alani: Of course!
Thalias: There's no bus to the spaceport-
Borika: I've got you, girlie. I'll drive you.
Samakro: Oh yes, you're Thrawn's big, strong protector.
Thalias: yes.
Samakro: :)
Samakro: So, here's Thrawn's plan.
Thalias: Fuckkkkk, that's insane.
Samakro: Yeah... anyway good luck with Thurfian. I'll wait here for you.
Che'ri: *possessed by the Magys*
Magys: You jest
Samakro: I do not >:)
Samakro: HELL NO-
Thalias: I pulled a charric on the Patriarch.
Samakro: WHAT-
Jixtus: And what question would that be?
Thrawn: The most critical one. Are you ready to surrender?
Everyone: oohhHhhoOhohoho, you've got some balls saying that, Senior Captain.
Can we appreciate how well Thrawn's plan went? They tore Jixtus UP.
Ja'fosk, pleased: How did Senior Captain Thrawn obtain such accurate information?
Samakro who was fully ready to admit that he fed Thalias false info because he thought she was a spy: o H, uH. Yeah he kinda just pulls things like that out of thin air, you know? I can't explain it.
Che'ri has now met both Kivu siblings AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I think she's going to figure it out if Thalias hasn't told her yet.
Everyone going into the chamber thinking Thrawn's going to get a promotion or something and then the Admiralty exiling him and stripping his honour chains sucker punched me in the gut. Thurfian's smugness did not help matters either. I could feel the anger from everyone in that scene.
Sorry the way the Aristocra had everyone lined up for serious consequences instead of the commendations etc they got in the end because Thrawn took all of the blame himself to keep them in positions where they'd be able to guide the Ascendancy's forces in his absence got to me oh my gods.
Ba'kif: We're telling you so that you don't kick up a fuss about the exile thing
Ar'alani: I would never!
(She would. She was going to)
Ba'kif: *explaining the Clone Wars*
Ar'alani: I'm not remembering all that. Happy for them, though. Or Sorry that happened.
(Not crack, just pain)
Ar'alani: Don't you dare leave before I say goodbye to you, Thrawn.
Thrawn: Of course not. That's not what friends do.
Timmy: *doesn't write their goodbye scene*
Me: *screaming*
Thrawn: It's only for six months. Perhaps a year.
Ar'alani: And then you come home?
Thrawn: Yes. It will be alright.
Me: It was not, in fact, alright. seventeen-ish years and then another nine missing out on Peridea is not 1, mate.
Ba'kif: it's a shame I'll never see you in admiral whites.
Thrawn: Nobody here is senseless enough to promote me to admiral lmao
Ba'kif: We have time for one final meal together, if you wish
Thrawn: If you don't mind, I'd like to eat alone. There's a bistro where Thrass and I used to meet. I'd like to spend my last evening on Csilla remembering him.
I'm not okay. Probably going to have new fics to write now. hhhhhhh. That was sad as hell at the end there.
Also these two trilogies just highlight how little Felony understands Thrawn, and I hope all of you understand after reading the books, how badly he massacred our boy in Ahsoka. It shouldn't be, "omg we got him in live action!" anymore. It should be, "who is that blue guy and why are we being given such shit quality shows and expected to like it when the characters that mean so much to us have been reduced to having less dimension than a cardboard cut out, and that a slug could move 1 kilometer at a faster pace than the supposed plot that's scarcely here?" Have some standards that aren't six feet under, please, everyone (this is not aimed at y'all who have seen this from the start <3).
Anyway! Onto the Imperial Era I go :D
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lastoneout · 19 days
I s2g these like...third party? clinics that doctors send you to for MRIs and x-rays and stuff like that are run by absolute clowns.
I get an order to go an ultrasound of a weird spot on my skin that's probably just torn soft tissue just to make sure nothing's going wrong and I call them and they schedule me for the 6th of June, but tell me that the order I got from the urgent care place needs to be from the clinic supervisor, not the NP who saw me, so I need to go get that fixed, and also to tell them that the NP isn't in their system so they need to fax them documents to update her info. Okay, I'm not an employee there so idk how that last bit is my problem, but whatever.
In between this call and me having time to go to the urgent care clinic I get a call telling me actually they don't have anyone who can do the ultrasound on the 6th so I need to come in on the 30th. Great, whatever. This has happened before, sometimes DAY OF with these types of places so while it's annoying, I'll live.
There's less time before my appointment now so same day I go down to the urgent care place and explain all that and the desk lady seems to have no clue what the hell I'm talking about and just gives me a copy of the order and says if the ultrasound place needs updated stuff they have to request it, which is the opposite of what I was told but whatever!
So I call the ultrasound place and explain and the guy is like "uh no you should be fine with the order" and then to be sure he checks the info and is like "oh this doctor's info is out of date" and then he has me stay on the line and give him the urgent care clinic's phone number and address and again! I am not an employee there!! Why is this my job!! But whatever, he says I'm good, so I'm good.
Today, the 29th, I get another call from the ultrasound place informing me that actually, they don't even perform this procedure in Tucson AT ALL and if I want to get it done I either have to GO TO PHOENIX or get my order sent to a different clinic that does these. I do not understand why this information was not given to me immediately the first time I called, and now I have to go down to the urgent care clinic AGAIN and beg them to update the order, and idk if they'll even be able to do that bcs this is an urgent care clinic not my PCP, but whatever guess I get to go beg! And continue to worry about the soft-tissue tear bcs it isn't going away on it's own and idk if there's something legit wrong with me or not.
I fucking HATE these little third party clinics so much they are always canceling the day before or telling me actually I need to go to another location bcs they can't do it at this one or claiming they called me to tell me the date got moved when I didn't get a phone call AT ALL. Why are they so poorly managed. Why does no one know who works at what location or what location does what procedure. Y'all are doing serious diagnostic tests to confirm if people have like cancer or some shit, I've had procedures done at them twice to make sure I don't have cancer, but they still play SO fast and loose with people's time and yank us around.
I genuinely miss the days when they would just send you to the hospital to have this stuff done, they aren't great but at least when they say they can do something they can actually do it. Jesus christ. I'm so tired.
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mad-c1oud · 5 months
another charlie drabble~
(see this post if you wanna submit some prompts for q!charlie :3)
for the anon who requested Antoine and Gegg with the line "show me where it hurts"! I'll be honest, i'm not sure how to write Gegg so I went with a post transformation-Charlie, but just know that their dynamic for me is like dr jekyll and mr hyde. Do with that info what you want, cause idk
enjoy! this was fun to write :D
“Show me where it hurts.”
It’s just Charlie’s luck someone found him right after a debate, minutes after he’d just come back to himself, came back to whatever makes him Charlie. He just didn’t expect it to be Antoine of all people, but it’s really him, in all his box and beige + red cloak glory, crouched in front of Charlie. He struggles to remember what just happened, where he is, who he is when the… entity- that the only thing he can think of to describe what Antoine is, an eldritch horror drawn by a child- speaks again.
“Slime,” fingers snap in front of his face and Charlie winces at the sound as his head pounds and pounds and pounds. Just how many drinks did Gegg knock back? Or did he try talking again? Fuck, why can’t he remember anything? “Are you there?”
Sure he wants to say but he can’t find the words. Transforming back into something more human has him all out of sorts, head hurting and limbs burning and numb and god this sucks. That’s when he realizes Antoine didn’t snap his fingers because there are no fingers in front of his face to snap. There are also none pressing into newly formed skin which he can clearly feel so why the fuck can’t he see them. 
Have I officially lost it.
“Your nose is bleeding. I didn’t think slimes could bleed, but maybe that also explains Gegg.”
There is just, way too much going on.
Charlie still can’t find his voice- literally, his voice box is lost somewhere in his chest cavity and he really doesn’t feel like fishing for it when someone else is watching him. It shouldn’t be unnerving having Antoine’s lifeless, boxy eyes staring him down but it’s fucking offputting man. He can’t pick something to focus on it’s all too much between the blood, the punching in his skull, the invisible grip on his arm, his chin, eyes staring at him but also Not and Gegg fuck Gegg he knows Antoine knows he’s going to-
“Here.” Something is pressed to his nose and Charlie watches in bewilderment as a handkerchief floats in the air, Antoine’s cloak rustling with the movement but still no fucking limbs good god. Charlie pats himself down for something, anything he can write with but Gegg only had shitty green, copy paper and that feels too revealing to use so he just frowns at the man-thing-guy in front of him, wanting to say one thing and one thing only. It’s eating at him.
Almost as if sensing his thoughts, Antoine lets out a little “oh!” before a little red notebook materializes out of nowhere, settling itself down in Charlie’s hands with a gentle thump. At his questioning gaze, the other hums happily before answering, “Pomme. She writes a lot, I like to read a lot. I always have extras, just ask.” Antoine laughs to himself and Charlie rolls his eyes at the dig, pulling a green pencil out to write shakily.
Thanks Also- you’re weird, like seriously odd
Antoine just laughs warmly, seating himself in the grass beside Charlie, looking like he’s going to stay. See? Weird.
“That makes two of us, Charlie Slimecicle."
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mod-kyoko · 10 months
Bro….i do not see enough love for my boy Kiyotaka. I need something with him.
Perhaps Kiyotaka X Ultimate rule breaker reader??? Idk tho its up to you:3
Love your blog<333
kiyotaka ishimaru x ultimate rule breaker
info: gn!reader
type: hc format, non-despair au
a/n: he really does not get much love I agree, this was an interesting request so I hope you like it! thank you for enjoying the blog
when he first met you he found you quite the nuisance
he was baffled that your ultimate was all about breaking the rules
like that's a thing?!
but this guy is literally the ultimate moral compass so maybe he didn't have room to talk
he probably scolded you more than any teacher in your life
you were running in the hall? he would lecture you
skipping the line? another lecture
your uniform wasn't up to standards? he would absolutely lay into you!
he would practically corner you in the hallway just to spend 30 minutes telling you why rules were important and that having an entire talent breaking them was ridiculous
you weren't offended, not at all...you weren't even bothered by his lectures
in fact you found him adorable with how passionate he was in trying to make you obedient
most times, you break rules right in front him just to get his attention, and it absolutely works
he's a little dense about this though, not noticing how you looked at him with dreamy eyes as he went on and on
"y/n this is absolutely unacceptable! how many times do I have to tell you this?!"
"as many times as I want..."
"in that case I'll-!... wait, huh?"
that's when it clicked that you were doing it on purpose
but... why? why did you want to get told off by him? unless...
he blushed bright red, standing straight to attention like a soldier which you could die for just to see that expression again
"y/n... there are other ways to get my attention! I... encourage it..."
with the amount of times he's had to talk to you and lecture you, you knew more about him than he thinks... vice versa
besides, he's had to understand about you to find out why you were this way, why your talent was to be a delinquent
perhaps... he too enjoyed lecturing you, even if it breaks him to see you breaking school code
is this what people call enemies to lovers?
after this interaction, you tried to tone down yourself just for him, and actually talk to him, hang out with him
he started to realise that you were, in reality, really sweet and caring, despite your strange talent
you grew closer bit by bit, he even kept you in check like a overprotective mother
when you became a couple, you even helped him loosen up and be a bit more wild... as much as taka can get
-Mod Kirumi
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sol-draws-sometimes · 11 months
Disc World bookclub thoughts- Monstrous Regiment
Pages 12-20
Okay @anna-neko … and all the other people that found me(tho I’ll be writing to Anna here)
Buckle up cause I actually read more, so there’s A LOT more text!
Before I start, I'm fully aware that the book's premise is that the whole regiment turns out to be women in disguised(except one being trans??? That happens at the end so I won't bring that up till I get there). But for ease of talking, I will he/him everyone until they've been she/her-ed. Plus, there are other characters, so I could accidentally she/her a man thinking they would be one of the undercover women. So yah, following the pronouns corresponding to where I am in the book.
I wrote everything on a notes app while listening/reading, and then organized it. So my "knowledge" will flip flop since different parts were written at different points of reading. Also I’m playing around with the best way to show quotes. Okay here are my thoughts loosely organized:
Some critiques. I want to start of with them so that we can end on a high note. At first it was hard for me to get that there were scene changes happening. Most books usually leave large space b/w the paragraphs, but at least in this digital book, it just looks like a normal paragraph spacing. And the audio book doesn't indicate that there's a scene shift, so there were a couple of times that I got lost because I didn't realize there was a new scene. Though I think I finally got it down how he switches from scenes, so I should be fine.
Also while I do like that he just says stuff, for example, him introducing Polly’s guy name by writing, "At least, Polly climbed out of the window, but it was Oliver’s feet that landed lightly on the ground," instead of saying, "she decided to call herself Oliver Perks.” At times I do need a bit more guidance. I can pick up stuff with context, but, sometimes it threw me off. For example, with the igor, while I would've gotten it eventually, I just decided to google it, because I was too distracted being confused to actually pay attention to the dialogue if that makes sense???? So I mostly like how he seamlessly intergrates new info, but sometimes I do feel like I'm going in blind, or suffering for not knowing about the previous books. Tho I will say the vampire lore was intergrated well. It's nothing so bad that it ruins the book for me since it's mostly executed well.
Side tangent, but I actually started the book by listening to it, so I actually didn’t catch the Olly name until I got to this line, “…but Polly was known to all the ferrymen by sight and the guard would want to see her permit to travel, which Oliver Perks certainly didn’t have.” I like this line! I mostly like when he does it, but yah, I get confused sometimes.
Okay on to stuff my other thoughts!
Short quippy stuff
Hee hee foreshadowing!
There was no question of anyone getting undressed.
I love that her nickname is Ozzer
Don't cry challenge(impossible)
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Nothing quippy, just a funny line:
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Ugh. I hate strappi I hate Strappi I hate Strappi. Me and the boys hate Strappi.
You said these books are very pop-cultury. I'll say these aged well because I don't think I've caught any pop culture reference(or maybe I have without realizing) and I still find the book funny and it makes sense to me. So uh yah, go Terry Pratchett I guess.
—Longer thoughts—
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Am I viewing everything as an American, or is this a reference to don't ask, don't tell??? I don't think so cause nothing else about it is queer coded and also Terry Pratchett is British, so there would be no reason for him to talk about that. My brain just short-circuited because it's a military book and I'm American 🙃
Thoughts on Maladict—
Maladict carries around silver-gilt coffee engine (which icon behavior) so idk how allergic he is to silver. Is he lying about the silver allergy or does he just suck it up for some coffee (cause if he does, again King behavior). I think my fav soldier rn is Maladict (can you tell???). Polly think's she's cool, but he's the actually cool one. Love his whole "even though I'm sobre from humans, it doesn't mean I can't/won't seriously fuck you up." I love when writers explore ethical vampires/vampires blending in with humans (I really should read vampire books).
I think the whole black ribbon thing is cool! I think there's a book that follows a vampire??? If you're down(and it makes sense), I'd love to read one of the vampire books since I'm already so intrigued by vampire society! Obviously after I'm done with this book
Thoughts I wrote about Jackrum—
Damn Jackrum has to keep telling Strappi to ease on the racism.
I like how Sargent Jackrum asked Polly if she was fine with fighting Strappi. I knew that his whole "stop being racist" is more of a "WE NEED MEN" than him actually caring about fantasy racism™️, or that's how I saw it at first at least. But now, I think there's a genuine side of kindness to him. So I'm excited to see more of that (be it, seeing more of his softer side or being proven wrong).
"What's that?" said the corporal. "My signature," said Polly… "You can read and write, too?" said the sergeant, glancing up at them and then back to her.
THEY GOT SURPRISED THAT SHE KNEW HOW TO READ AND WRITE (an abomination for women). Also... I might have gotten slightly spoiled trying to draw Jackrum. I didn't read anything but I saw girl fanart of him???? I mean, I guess he's also part of the troop, I thought it was just the soldiers. HE MIGHT BE MYSTERY PERSON!!!! Anyways, this is for future me to figure out… So that's probably why he's nice to her. NOW I'M EXCITED TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT HIM. Before I got to the scene where Polly fights, I drew this cause I thought it was funny, while being slightly out of character. But now, I think this not that out of character (I'll have to see). Anyways have this shitty little doodle.
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Thoughts on Polly—
I was very slow to realize that Polly's from Borogravia. As for why Polly joined, Polly definitely doesn't believe the propaganda, so my best guess is that she's going to try and find Paul. Reading about her missing Paul absolutely broke my heart. Though it's very interesting how also she was raised.
Also I got so scared when she got caught even tho I knew it would happen eventually, just didn't think it would happen THIS early in the book! I knew the moment mysterious person gave Polly the sock. I find it funny how Polly was like, “damn I thought I was cool mysterious kid". Her inner monologue is pretty funny.
I didn't ask you for one, Polly thought, quite annoyed at being taken for being a frightened young lad when she was sure she'd come over as quite a cool, non-ruffled young lad.
Also I'm pretty sure mystery person is a girl, cause I know the permis of the book so it makes this line funny
"Why, is this the escutcheon of Her Grace the Duchess I see in front of me?" said the whisperer. "Well, it won't be in front of me for long. Beat it ... boy."
Wrote this section on mystery person before the realization 🧍🧍🧍. Now I don't know. AAAAAAAAH.
Also, I'm glad that Polly gave Strappi a taste of his own medicine. Tho Private Parts is kinda funny 🏃🏃🏃. Insert: "that's a good joke, a great joke even, but I'm gonna have to ask you to stop,” audio. Seriously tho, it's pretty cool how Polly's experiences from her childhood with her dad and the other soldiers has helped her to blend in at this point. She was funny when she was like:
"I'll try not to hurt him either, Sarge," said Polly, and then cursed herself for the idiot bravado. It must have been the socks talking.
I read it twice and listened to it a 3rd time, since I had to write this and I laughed each time. I can't believe I find this dick joke so funny, I'm truly an immature child. Also fuck man. The way Polly saw people die, or just the discussions of how wars fucks people up. I have nothing insightful to say. Just, man, war's rough (<- biggest understatement of the century).
Other Book thoughts—
One thing I wasn't expecting, was for the crew to be made up of so many fantasy™️ creatures. But that one is fully on me since the book is called monstrous regiment. I guess I was so focused on what I've heard about the book, that I just completely glazed pass that. I see that there is some fantasy racism™️, so hopefully that's done well. I'm not saying it's always bad, but a lot of time people try to do metaphors, but it falls apart (ex: monster=racism allegory, when one of the characters is literally Mexican (and is brown). I'm not naming the name of the show on purpose). I do think it can be done well when you take the more, "prejudice is a thing, this is how it would play out with these creatures," and you don't make it a one-to-one with any particular minority. I feel like that's a more productive criticism of bigotry that can be applied to minority groups. I mean, I think there can be some one-to-one allegories that make sense, but it needs to be done carefully. I hope I'm making sense. But so far, I don’t see anything that bothers me. Just have my guard up a bit.
—✨Deeper✨ Thoughts on the book—
I kinda alluded to this in the previous review but yah, it's very interesting how Terry Prachet writes about war. I mean, I'm only 18, so I won't pretend to know much about the world, but I think this book has very strong themes about the dangers of nationalism and what not. And obviously he exaggerates it in the book, but it can be applied to a lot of modern situations. Side tangent, but I'm not really a patriotic person. I'm glad that my country has provided me better opportunities than my parent’s country, but I've always seen being so patriotic to a fault very weird. Also, this is clearly a criticism of the monarchy. "God save the duchess" like, come on. Down to this religious fervor they treat the duchess with, that they pray to it. I feel weird commenting too much, since I'm not as connected/involved/know too much about the politics of the monarchy (I mean technically the US is an ex-British colony, but rn relationship b/w the US and the UK is way better than other countries with the UK). All I'll say is that I don't care how nice she was, she was a colonizer and the monarchy has and continues to harm people to this day. Also back to nationalism, I've always hated the whole "people from this country suck". Like maybe the government sucks but you can never ascribe what the country does to the people of said place.
Honestly I feel weird commenting on this book in general, because I have barely any religious experience, haven't been too exposed to war, nor am I British (I mean this more in respect of the whole monarchy thing). Also, even though I'm a woman, I haven't felt much sexism. Like no cat-calling, most of the people respect me. Besides, "normal sexism," aka unconscious bias stuff like, "strong men help me pick the heavy stuff,” I don't think I have had any notable experiences of sexism or have seriously felt it in my life. So I feel like I can't give any deep observation about sexism or religion besides, yup that sounds right! Same with any the politics about war than, yup nationalism bad! I'm really aware that I'm just an 18 yr old who doesn't know much cause young people think they know everything (I mean that gets thrown a lot to invalidate young activists but there is a kernel of truth of: less experience=less knowledge of the world). Basically, I am noticing deeper themes in the book, but don’t expect me to talk about these parts if the book too much, because I don’t think I have anything productive to add. I just feel super unqualified to comment on much of this, and like I could be wrong about 100 different things I just said.
Umm… with that being said,
—Some quotes that I thought were interesting but I can't articulate why rn—
"At Paul's insistence, she'd read the whole of 'From the Mothers of Borogravia!!' to him, including the bits about heroes and there being no greater good than to die for your country. She wished, now, she hadn't done that. Paul did what he was told. Unfortunately, he believed what he was told, too."
"Several copies of the pamphlet seemed to have reached every home, even so. It was very patriotic. That is, it talked about killing"
"She'd learned to read and write after a fashion because the inn was big and it was a business and things had to be tallied and recorded. Her mother had taught her to read, which was acceptable to Nuggan, and her father made sure that she learned how to write, which was not. A woman who could write was an Abomination Unto Nuggan, according to Father Jupe; anything she wrote would by definition be a lie."
"She'd be funny just as long as she was useless, and safe as long as she was funny." Ugh yah, some men get really threaten by women being better than them
Thank goodness for the audio book. I love when authors write in the accents, I think it creates character and it's very creative... but I'm terrible at trying to understand what they're saying. I've been doing a mixture of audio book only, audio book plus text, and just reading text. Anyways, I was reading a line Strappi said where he was mocking Maladict and I literally couldn't understand it until I listened to that part later when I could use my headphones again.
"Private Bloodfnucker hnas a fnord, Fnargeant," he said accusingly.
This was the line btw. All hail audiobooks everyone 🧎🧎🧎
Also damn digital books and audio books help me actually pick up the book and it makes it a lot less intimidating. I like reading but, sometimes my brain views it as a chore. Like I used to start books, LIKE THEM, and then proceed to NOT finish them. I have been using audiobooks in the past but it was while reading the book, and almost never just the audiobook (unless I had didn't finish a chapter in time for class). But man, actually leaning into how my brain works makes it easier. Who would've thought! (Like I always forget how useful hearing the text it, even though I have been using this tip for years). So yah, even though I think I prefer the experience of physical books, I need to just let myself read the easiest ways to me. Audiobook only, has been nice since it takes the least amount energy, but it is the hardest for me to understand, especially if it gets too flowery/lore-y. So warning, I’ll miss small details because of this. I usually go back and skim the parts I did audio only, but I’ll still miss stuff.
Also, I'm using hoopla(and when the 21 days are up, my libby ver of the text should be available), but tip! If you like to annotate, download books on PDFs and annotate using the comments. Honestly, great with research papers too! I love to highlight with different colors and then you filter the annotations, amazing really. Obviously you can do this in irl books but I like that I can write more in the comment section thingy than in the margin of books.
But yah! I'm liking the book so far. I like how Terry Pratchett writes and I like Polly as a mc.
I will add alt text some other date cause I don't have the mental energy rn. If someone besides Anna find it and wants them, just @ me in the comment and I'll @ you when I finish this Also gonna add links to the previous and next review for better organization.
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bnhamatchmaker · 6 months
Hi! Can I pls have a  matchup? I'm Asian and a minor  who uses she/they pronouns, an Aquarius and INTJ. My sexuality is bi demiromantic (male preference) . I'm 5'0 with tan skin, black hair, brown eyes and glasses.I'm bilingual. People say I look unapproachable since I don't smile or talk much around strangers. I'll need to warm up to people but when I do, I will surprisingly be energetic, talkative and VERY sentimental.
I consider myself a fair, open minded and laid back person most of the time. I like to seek out my friends' company when bored.I'm down to do anything with my friends. I'm hardworking if its something that interests me. I'm very creative but can't seem to make my ideas into reality mostly due to lack of resources or motivation. Idk myself too well so I consistently ask for opinions. I'm pretty emotional and can be a bit sensitive when there's a lot of build up but I try my best to hide it.
My friends describe my  sense of humor as dark and cursed. I can be mischievous and chaotic but still reliable and smart.My hobbies are baking,gaming,art, true crime and supernatural stuff. I express my love with gifts and quality time but still physically affectionate. I get flustered easily. My ideal type is someone who I can trust with my life,someone I've known for a long time, very respectful of my boundaries, protective and honest even if its brutal. Sorry if its too much info. Thanks in advance and stay safe💗
hello my lovely! thank you so much for your ask! i hope you’re having an amazing day! i match you with…
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let me just start by saying that this boy is so perfect for you! with your love for the supernatural, sense of humor, and attachment style, he’s certain to be the perfect boyfriend for you :)
there’s no doubt that this bird boy would stay in with you for at-home dates, watching true crime specials on your favorite streaming platforms and making sure you always feel safe. with dark shadow by your side at all times, you’ll always be protected because this boy is loyal to a fault and always there for you!
your sense of humor matches up as well! you’re both likely to find humor in the mundane and macabre, and you’ll no doubt have so many inside jokes that confuse even the closest of your friends. fumikage is, like you, also a sensitive soul deep down, and there’s no denying that he’s your first line of comfort when the world gets just a bit too overwhelming.
you may find you have some differences at first- like the fact that you like baking and art, and fumikage is less of a creative spirit- but opposites attract, after all, making the two of you even more of a perfect pair! after you’ve warmed up to each others company, you may notice your boyfriend taking to your hobbies- even trying to bake something sweet for you on a special occasion!
thank you so much again for your ask lovely! have a wonderful rest of your day <333
-mod lily <3
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doubledyke · 10 months
3, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 22 >:3
hey thanks!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr:
i def don't have a screenshot of anything related to eene. i can't even really think of any on tumblr but the goddamn eene subreddit can be soooo cancerous. i don't follow it but it shows up in my feed bc i visited it once, but then i'll come across some goofy ass shit that compels me to click and the cycle starts again. but generally ONE of the worst takes on any site is that eddy would grow up to be a schlubby bozo in a trench coat selling Stiff Rox behind a middle school or similar takes. he would be very well dressed while peddling his wares, thank you very much.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?:
the only character i really dislike for any reason is jonny. he's so goddamn annoying to me. i know that's the point, so kudos to david avalon lol. if anything, an interesting fandom interpretation could probably change my view of him. but yeah i definitely think he has some really funny lines and gags, but overall he's pretty boring and obnoxious. with basically everyone else, i can see the appeal or at least the potential for something interesting. back in the dark ages (2014) i feel like i had a moment where i got pretty tired of the way edd was made out to be such a mary sue that i might have gotten annoyed by him or that idea of him at the very least. i admittedly take my own liberties when "analyzing" him, but as with all the eds, he's a complex character. the edd fan girls who'd have him pickin' daisies while eddy murders innocents drove me crazy.
9. worst part of canon:
i've never given it much thought, but i'd probably say it would be kanker related. i really love the kankers, even with the limited info we have on them. i just love unhinged girls/women. i would have loved to have seen them get some sort of arc and have a purpose outside of their roles as boy crazy "trailer trash". if there were ever a spin off, i'd hope it would be about them and their insane home life.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time:
i'm a terrible fan; i haven't read a fic in a long time for whatever reason. they're all in my "rainy day" stash since eene related content is a limited resource. i don't know that there's any one thing or a pattern i've noticed in multiple fics from different people. however, one thing i LOVE is seeing people write slapstick into their fics. i think it's so fucking cool and interesting. everyone in this fandom is so damn multi-talented i could scream.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time:
i guess probably giving eddy blue hair, or giving edd long hair, which i love! edd doesn't seem like the type to have long hair, but somehow it's so damn fitting. idk where blue haired eddy started but its fanon at this point and i'm down. but i love his 3 strange antennae as well.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art:
unfortunately again, i'm the worst person to answer this bc i have no idea what all is out there in regards to fics. but i'd love to see some good stories about the eds in high school dealing with their new found and fleeting "acceptance" from the other kids.
i'd also love to see more stories that have all three eds living under one roof as adults and all the insanity that would ensue. i want to write about this one in particular, so hopefully i'll be able to come up with a cohesive plot at some point.
would also love some eddeddy drama like them breaking up 👀 they get back together of course because they're the only two idiots who will deal with each other's bullshit
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores:
edd's giant chin
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insecateur · 2 years
french lysandre full TL
finally, here it is, all of lysandre's french lines, translated into english by meeee
disclaimer: i am not a professional translator. i've tried to keep the original vibes/phrasings as much as possible, since the point of this translation is to show off the original vibes and not to adapt them back into english (what would even be the point, considering there's already an official english translation...) i've added notes to highlight some things, but if you'd like more info/clarification please feel free to ask me (via asks not replies if possible, it's just more convenient that way for me to keep track.)
i might also translate sycamore's at some point ? altho idk if there's as much of a difference. i'll have to check.
i've formatted this so that you can compare the english lines (indented and in italics) and the french lines (no formatting) easily. credits go to poképedia and bulbapedia for gathering all the lines, thank you for not making me have to go through let's plays to write it all down. credits go to newtiteuf's pokémon y let's play for the screenshots (and all screenshots i have taken for my french lysandre posts in general!)
i'll link relevant posts when they come up, but if you'd like to see more french lysandre material/individual posts about french lysandre shenanigans, feel free to check my tag.
Sycamore Lab / Laboratoire Platane
So, I will be able to meet them soon, then.
Well then, I'll finally have the pleasure of meeting them!
The children chosen by the professor… I wonder what potential they have.
The children picked – nay, chosen! – by the Professor. Whatever potential do these brilliant young people harbor?
T/N: these particular asides between dashes come back fairly often with him. literally, i would translate them as "what am i saying" but the vibe is the same. it's a very dramatic, high-class type of speech.
Oh! You received a Pokédex from the professor then… How wonderful! That is a wonderful thing, indeed. You are one of the chosen ones.
How about that! So the Professor has entrusted you with a Pokédex? This pleases me! You can't imagine the joy that meeting you brings me, young prodigy.
I am Lysandre. I've tried to learn as much about Pokémon as I can to help build a brighter future. Professor Sycamore has taught me so much.
My name is Lysandre. In order to ensure a brilliant future for this world, I've furthered my research on Pokémon as much as I could, under the Professor's benevolent guidance.
Oh, I see you have a Holo Caster! Knowledge is power, after all. Put it to good use.
And what's this? Could this be a Holo Caster? 'Knowledge is power.' Remember this saying well, and put it to good use.
Now listen! It is vital that this world become a better place. And the people and Pokémon chosen to make the world better must work tirelessly to achieve this goal.
The world shouldn't be better... it MUST become better. And in the pursuit of this great cause, chosen ones, humans and Pokémon, must work together relentlessly. 
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Well, I'll be off. Please give Professor Sycamore my best.
You'll have to excuse me, duty calls. Please pass on my warmest regards to the Professor!
My desire… it is for a more beautiful world!
I crave a new world! A more beautiful world!!!
T/N: literally he says he's thirsty for a new world but it just sounds too weird in english lbr. also when he says "the world must become better" it's explicitly like... the world has a DUTY to become better, basically. AND YES HE DOES USE 3 EXCLAMATION POINTS
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Café Soleil
You played a young girl so wonderfully in your debut on the silver screen. Wouldn't you rather remain young and beautiful forever and always play such roles?
Your debut movie role has always fascinated me. This quite young girl, so pure, fresh, innocent! What wouldn't you give to play these kinds of roles again and again?
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You were chosen to be a movie star, correct? Isn't it your duty to be ever beautiful?
My dear, you're sorely mistaken! What about your responsibility? It is your duty as an actress to remain ever beautiful. 
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Everything beautiful should stay that way forever. (X) I would make this world unchanging and eternal so all beauty will last forever. (Y) I would end the world in an instant so that beauty never fades. I can't stand the thought of the world becoming uglier.
If it was within my power,
(X) I would make this world into a place of imperishable... immutable beauty!
(Y) I would disintegrate this world in an instant so that beauty could remain unaltered... eternal!
I cannot bear decrepitude and degeneration!
Oh. Hello, Player. This is Diantha, one of the most accomplished movie stars in Kalos. She moves the multitudes with her excellent acting… Which is to say, she dedicates her life to making other people happy. Oh! If only everyone were like her--what a beautiful world this would be!
But look who's here! Dear Player! Allow me the pleasure of introducing you to lovely Diantha, the actress Kalos can take great pride in! Her performances have consistently been praised by the public – public that she knows how to affect with her immense talent. Her entire life is therefore dedicated to other people's happiness. Oh, if only the world could follow her example, what kind of paradise of beauty would we live in!
If you'll excuse me.
Now, please excuse me. Madame, mademoiselle, young man…
Port Tempères / Coumarine City (Holo Caster)
Professor Sycamore told me you can now wield Mega Evolution. That is truly wonderful. With that power, you can steer your future in a better direction! We can't just cover up the old filth with new filth! I implore you to consider what we need to do to change the world into a new, beautiful world!
Professor Sycamore has informed me that you've recently discovered how to use the power of Mega Evolution. You truly are a chosen one! You now have the opportunity – nay, the duty! – to change the world and give it a better future. And to make the world more beautiful, think carefully about what you must undertake. We can no longer settle for hiding the grime of the past under that of the present.
Café Lysandre
I would like to congratulate you as well. Mega Evolution is something I, too, would like to be able to use.
I wanted to convey my congratulations in person! Mega Evolution, now there's something I would very much like to make use of.
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True. I'm a descendant of the king's younger brother. That being said, that story is 3,000 years old, so it might not be entirely reliable.
That's right. I am – or rather, may be – the king's descendant, via the cadet branch. But seeing as all of this dates back over 3000 years, I harbor few illusions regarding this ancient legacy.
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People can be divided into two groups. Those who give... And those who take... It's just as how the Kalos region's two Legendary Pokémon gave life and took life. I want to be the kind of person who gives...
People are akin to the two Legendary Pokémon of Kalos: there are those who give, and there are those who take! It is my duty to be remembered as the bestower, the one who made a difference! 
But in this world, some foolish humans exist who would show their strength by taking what isn't theirs. They're filth!
Alas, in this world, parasitic imbeciles believe it necessary to deprive and take in order to show off their brute strength. They're revolting! They're the dregs of humanity!
Long, long ago, the king of Kalos sought to take everything for his own, and he created a terrible weapon. Then the fire of destruction was unleashed… That is the legend that has been passed down.
In the distant past, the king of Kalos had a weapon of unbelievable power built. And with the goal of taking over the world, he lit up the flames of death! At least, that's what the legend says.
Kalos is beautiful right now! There will be no foolish actions if the number of people and Pokémon do not increase. That being said, the future isn't decided. You can't be sure each day will be like the one before.
Today, Kalos is resplendent! At the pinnacle of beauty! If Pokémon and humans do not proliferate further, no foolish action will come to disturb this perfect order. But the future is uncertain! How can we know if tomorrow will be the same as today?
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What the king of Kalos did was reprehensible, but... The ultimate weapon did manage to wash the world clean of that era's filth.
As for the king, can we find extenuating circumstances behind his act? Certainly. Thanks to the ultimate weapon, he erased all of the ugliness that defaced the world in his time.
Thank you for listening. Take that as an apology for my taking up your time.
Here I am, letting myself get carried away once again. Thank you again for your time and your attention. Keep this item, you can have it as an apology for delaying you.
Route 15 (Holo Caster)
According to Professor Sycamore's research, Mega Evolution releases all of a Pokémon's hidden energy at once. The Pokémon then exhibits a level of power it could not attain through ordinary Evolution. What meaning can we draw from this? Do all people and Pokémon have such potential, or is it hidden within a chosen few?
According to Professor Sycamore's research, it would seem that Mega Evolution allows Pokémon to temporarily release an extreme amount of energy, that they then convert to increase their power to a level that's unreachable as part of regular evolution. Do all humans and all Pokémon possess this kind of hidden power? Is it reserved to a chosen few? In your opinion, what could all of this mean?
Flusselles / Anistar City (Holo Caster)
Pokémon Trainers. I come to you by the Holo Caster to make an important announcement. Listen well.
To all Holo Caster owners! 
Team Flare will revive the ultimate weapon, eliminate everyone who isn’t in our group, and return the world to a beautiful, natural state.
Team Flare has revived the ultimate weapon and is about to purify the world! Team Flare will be the only survivor of the oncoming cataclysm, and shall live in a world of perfect beauty.
Unproductive fools are consuming our future... If nothing changes, the world will become ugly and conflicts will raze the land from end to end.
As of today, parasites nibble – nay, devour! – the last few riches of the world and mortgage its future. Because of these profiteers, world war for the control of resources is assured!
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I repeat. We will use the ultimate weapon and wipe the slate clean. I���m sorry, those of you who are not members of Team Flare, but this is adieu to you all.
Preventive elimination is the only solution. The ultimate weapon will allow for a fresh start.
Team Flare will prevail.
Labos Lysandre / Lysandre Labs
Welcome. This world will eventually reach the point of no return… Saving the lives of all is impossible. Only the chosen ones will obtain a ticket to tomorrow.
Welcome! The world is rushing toward the depths! And not everybody shall be saved! Only the chosen ones will be guaranteed safe passage toward better tomorrows... or simply any tomorrow at all! 
Do you want to have a ticket? Or, do you want to stop me?
Do you believe yourself to be a chosen one? Are you here to retrieve your free pass for the future? Or do you believe yourself able to stop the course of destiny?
Show me in battle.
Let's not bother with words. Show me! May the battle begin!
Excellent! I can feel the fire of your convictions burning deep within your heart!
Your determination is the fire that guides you! Good, very good!
T/N: he uses "vous" here which seems to imply he's speaking to multiple people; from context i'm assuming he's referring to the player and their team.
Wah ha ha! Your convictions, and those of your Pokémon, please me!
I'm... This is prodigious, yes, this is simply prodigious! Our Pokémon have shown the full measure of their skill! I feel entranced! 
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You are here to stop me. But I ask you to wait. I tried to save people--and the world--with the profit from this lab. But my efforts had no effect... The world was just too vast...and too full of fools that I couldn't save through my hard work alone... That's why I decided the only way to save the world was to take it all for myself.
So you wish to stop the course of the destiny I steer and govern. Very well. But, if you please, think for a moment. It goes without saying that with the profits generated by my laboratory, I've tried to save the world. Yet, it was a lost cause: it's much too vast! My efforts are but a drop in the ocean, and this planet is populated by so many parasitic imbeciles. Then, if I can't save the world, if it's unredeemable, I can make it MINE!
T/N: the word i translated as "unredeemable" is "irrémissible" and it is literally the most try-hard r/iamverysmart word he could have used. i get mad just thinking about it.
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I don't expect that I will ever make you understand how I think and feel... Try to stop the ultimate weapon if you must, but to do so, you will have to explore our lab and have Pokémon battles with all you meet.
No, I do not hope that you could share the ideals that inhabit me. But since you want to stop me at all costs, why don't you pay this laboratory a visit. Fight against those who share my dream. Then, who knows…
Oh, and as for the Elevator Key, one of the Team Flare Scientists you've met on your journey has it.
The key to the elevator is in the hands of one of my assistants.
T/N: "assistants" here being gendered female to refer to one of the Team Flare Scientists (sans Xerosic.)
Saving everything... The world is suffering because of this absurd dream...
Saving all beings... It's a fairytale! A shameful lie that can only lead this world to ruin!
That is AZ. He has the same name as a king that lived 3,000 years ago. And for some unknown reason, he had the key to the ultimate weapon hung around his neck. It's finally time. Follow me to my chambers.
Let me introduce AZ! This circus freak bears the same name as the legendary sovereign. And for some peculiar reason, he was even wearing the key to the ultimate weapon around his neck... Providence works in mysterious ways. But enough pointless chatter. It's time for you to join me in my chambers.
T/N: i didn't translate it literally because it sounds weird in english but he does use the same phrasing as the french equivalent of "God/The Lord works in mysterious ways."
(To Xerosic.) The only thing left to do is put the plan in motion. I'm counting on you.
(To Xerosic.) All that's left is for us to take action... I'm counting on you.
(To the player.) One push of a button, and we can activate the ultimate weapon from this room.
(To the player.) One of these two switches operates the awakening of the ultimate weapon.
I believe being a chosen one means you have the potential to change the future! Whether we activate the ultimate weapon or leave it safely underground will rest upon if you actually have this potential or not.
Since you're Sycamore's chosen one, it seems fair to offer you the opportunity to change the course of destiny. With great power comes great responsibility! Will you awaken the ultimate weapon, or will you seal it forever at the bottom of history's trash cans?
Repaire Team Flare / Team Flare Secret HQ
The ultimate weapon's flower has finally bloomed above the soil. Don't you find its beauty captivating? As we speak, it draws its energy from the Legendary Pokémon.
At last, my beautiful, my sublime flower of desolation has risen from the ground! So much beauty, you, too, must find this fascinating? The most beautiful flowerings are those born from suffering, and this one is no exception: its sap – its juice! – is the Legendary Pokémon's energy!
(If the player pressed the blue button.) Player! I apologize that the weapon was unearthed even after you chose correctly in the lab. But conflicting egos drive this world--things don't always go the way you want!
(If the player pressed the blue button.) Player! I'm sorry we denied you victory, even though you'd found the right answer back at the laboratory. Please accept my apologies. But the course of this world is governed by the brush, the intersection – sometimes the clash! – of egos and conflicting feelings.
Even though resources, space, and energy on this planet are limited, the number of people and Pokémon has increased to an unsustainable level. Whether it's money or energy, the ones who steal are the ones who win in this world.
This world's resources are limited – nay, finite! This planet can no longer withstand this onslaught of existences, human or Pokémon, that it's being subjected to. If we won't reject this world, we must want to conquer it! And the world belongs to those who will take it, to those who will seize what matters, money or energy.
So, tell me. The Mega Ring, did you share it?
Then, tell me... I seem to remember that you've only got one Mega Ring. Did you share it?
When there is only one of something, it can't be shared. When something can't be shared, it will be fought over. And when something is fought over, some must survive without it. The only way to create a world where people live in beauty, a world without conflict or theft, is to reduce the number of living things.
Really? When something is unique, it can't be shared: you must take it! There it is, the sad rule of this world! Things end up becoming scarce and people fight for scraps. To eradicate the ugliness of these behaviors and live in a radiant – sublime! – world, we must eradicate the parasites! Necessity, this imperious law of nature that governs everything, holds onto the sprouts of life within the required limits. And the race of men cannot escape it through any effort of the mind.
Pokémon... Shall no longer exist. Pokémon are wonderful beings. Humans have worked with Pokémon, and we have helped each other flourish. But precisely because of that, they will inevitably become tools for war and theft!
Pokémons... ...are doomed to disappear! Their existence is a miracle of life. They've allowed the human race to flourish. And this is precisely for this reason that they would end up becoming instruments of war. My duty is to prevent such a thing! 
Enough of this. You want to stop the ultimate weapon, and I refuse to do so. So, I will keep you busy for just a moment...
Enough talk. You're here to stop the ultimate weapon. It is my duty to stop you. En garde!
The strength to protect, huh? But what are you really protecting? A tomorrow that will only end up being worse than today?
The will to protect gives you strength? But what do you even have to protect? A future darkening day by day?
You're as strong as ever. But... It's too late! There's no hope for you now! Go down to the lowest floor, and see for yourself!
I expected nothing less! Your strength and bravery are impressive. But you're too late. All hope has vanished – nay, died! Come downstairs and see for yourself.
(Yveltal/Xerneas encounter goes there.)
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What a startling development! I never would've thought you were really a chosen one!
Deus ex machina! You really are a chosen one, even more than I could have ever admitted!
So THIS is the mighty Xerneas/Yveltal?! I expected more from a Pokémon called a legend! You desire help from people? YOU need help from a human?
My poor Xerneas/Yveltal, you make for a puny Legendary Pokémon in this state. Why ask humans to help? Do you really need their strength?
For me, victory is using the ultimate weapon. In order to do that, I need to reclaim the Legendary Pokémon's power and send it to that weapon once again.
You don't cast judgment on a victor. And my victory depends on the activation of the ultimate weapon. Since the Legendary Pokémon has regained its strength, it's high time we reconnect it to the ultimate weapon for a useful sacrifice!
I'll be taking the Legendary Pokémon back now! This time, I won't lose. I, too, shall use the Mega Ring and Mega Stone that you researched during your travels.
Now, enough of this childishness. Give me back what you owe me! No victor believes in chance! Therefore, I have taken the necessary precautions. You're not the only ones who've done your research. I, too, have obtained a Mega Ring and a Mega Stone!
It's over... Fools with no vision will continue to befoul this beautiful world. They will go on until the only thing left to do is squabble over the remaining scraps of hope...
It's all over... This world will be soiled by humans devoid of any vision for the future. They will then scramble for the remaining shreds of hope, fighting each other miserably.
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If that were possible, all wars would have ended long ago! I can only see one future! One where selfish, foolish humans think about nothing other than themselves and steal more and more from one another... It's a tragic future!
Nonsense! Why haven't wars already disappeared, if the world is so well-intentioned? Oh, I can see it, this beautiful future together that you're promising me! Abundance becoming famine! Order and harmony, disturbed! People blinded by their egotism, tearing each other apart for crumbs! I CATEGORICALLY reject a future this wretched! 
The original purpose of this device was to bring a Pokémon back to life. But the ancient king transformed it into this ultimate weapon...
Originally, this device was conceived to give back life to a deceased Pokémon. Yet, the sovereign of yesteryear made it into the ultimate weapon, an implement of destruction! 
Hmm. When the Legendary Pokémon awakened, it took back much of its energy--its power--that had been sent to the ultimate weapon. There's not much power left... But there IS enough to use it once...
Very well. The Legendary Pokémon has nearly recovered all of its strength, and there's only a little energy left in the ultimate weapon. But enough for one shot, and perhaps the fulfillment of my wishes. The future belongs to the bold!
Player, Sycamore's pupils… (X) Let us live forever… That's right! I shall grant you eternal life! I'll give you the pain of endlessly waiting for a beautiful world to finally be built! (Y) The ultimate weapon is a flower that bloomed to no avail… Just like me… But this ends here! I will show what its remaining power can do!
Listen to me, Sycamore's little protégés! 
(X) Truly become chosen ones! Join me in immortality! We'll have all of eternity to build our world of beauty. 
(Y) Yes, the ultimate weapon, just like me, is a symbol of unrealized potential... the picture of absolute waste! But... everything must end here! This remaining energy... will be used to achieve my great work!
T/N: "ultimate waste" just feels weird to me but he's using the same adjective that's used for the weapon in french (it's "l'arme suprême" in french.) also i'm pretty sure "grand œuvre" is an alchemy thing? (also known as "magnum opus" incidentally) unsure whether this is relevant to anything but still thought i'd point it out. 
aaand that's all she wrote!
i need to take the time to look through his pokémas lines to see if there's anything interesting there (i doubt it, but who knows.) in any case, i hope you enjoyed taking this journey alongside me.
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danko420 · 2 months
Fallout TV thoughts
Under a cut because I rambled... SPOILERS AHEAD BE WARNED
So seeing people complain about morality of certain writing choices in the fallout show- like Cooper saying there will always be factions fighting each other etc (there's been other examples that's just one I've seen most recently)
and its like... yeah, but he's wrong? Everyone in this world is wrong? Everyone is a product of their traumatizing experiences and upbringing... Even the vaulties, even Moldaver, and the BoS etc...
Like for example I didn't expect to like Thaddeus when he showed up (after like... his initial intro in ep 1), but then he starts talking about HIS traumatic experiences and they give him more characterization and its like yeah, he's just another fucked up little guy in a fucked up world. The people in power when he was growing up didn't protect him from the pecking order (in fact probably encouraged it) so he was bullied and then in turn bullied Max...
I guess that's my takeaway from the show, everyone has a horribly skewed perspective, they're working with ONLY the info they were taught (except Coop I guess, but he's ALSO only working with the info he was given as a pre-war American citizen)
Like they're all cults, the vault is a cult, the BoS is a cult, hell even the pre-war american attitudes were cultish. None of their opinions are true or valid, they shouldn't need to spell that out, you should be able to tell their opinions are wrong just with like... your own logic and critical thinking skills...
ALSO, I saw someone complain about how we should never know who dropped the bombs and the fact is we still don't? We just know who's intention it was to drop the bombs... doesn't mean they got to it first. I guess we'll see what unfolds?
idk all in all I liked it? I think it's a good starting point anyway, and if they're allowed to get more political they should but I also know studios may not let them... I feel like that's the issue with every big piece of media lately (movies, shows, games, etc), they can't be truly controversial (in any way that makes a real difference) because the people funding it won't let them.
Still they had plenty of jabs against capitalism/corporate monopolies so like, I don't think they were pulling as many punches as people seem to suggest? They just had to be more coy with it- or have the person delivering those lines say it in a heroic way (because from their perspective they're the heroes- that doesn't mean they're right)
ALSO ALSO (Last thought) Seasons used to be 24 eps long... then they got cut down to 12 and now 8... that's not enough time to meaningfully flesh out a story with this many moving pieces? They have to squeeze in as much as they can in every moment and sometimes that means they can't spell things out as explicitly as they may have wanted to.
I wish shows could be 24 eps again I feel like we'd be really able to get into the nitty gritty of the world and characters with that kind of time...
Someone was complaining about it erasing pre-war racism (which like yeah huge issue) but they were also acting like the bombs dropped in the actual 60s and that's not how the fallout timeline works... the bombs dropped in 2077, in the FUTURE from our perspective, because the timeline split IN the 60s and their world went hard on developing Nuclear tech whereas we did not. Their culture didn't change over those 100+ years, which is weird to me but they wanted the 60s aesthetic so I'll let it slide as a like... everyone got so passionate about developing tech they stopped investing energy in fashion or culture? (Yeah doesn't make sense to me either) but yeah the point is that's another 100 years for race relations to change, and although there's def canonical anti-Asian racism in the games (because the communists they were fighting were Chinese instead of Russian) but idk it's possible the world changed enough for a black woman to be in a position like Barb.
(also also also I liked Maximus, I saw people saying he was boring or they hated him because hes BoS but that isn't his fault, he was basically stolen as a child and BoS is A BAD ORGANIZATION. THEY DO BAD THINGS. They're not as cartoonishly evil as the Enclave (literally tossing puppies in a furnace- again cartoonish but a very fast and efficient way of showing THESE PEOPLE ARE VERY EVIL when introducing them) but yeah Max is a victim of the people who raised him but they weren't able to totally break the gentleness in him. His inherent goodness and desire to help or save people the way he was saved remains intact. It's a cult, he's been brainwashed by a cult, but he's still soft spoken and he likes popcorn and hot showers as soon as he gets a chance to experience them. He's an interesting character and I can't wait to see how he handles things in the next season!!!
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thecoloroute · 10 months
Back To School Shopping List for A College Freshman Art Student
Hi guys I went to RISD a few years back but I do remember looking up this question. if you're not going to college just yet but are interested in art, it could be super useful to get comfortable using the tools/mediums below. even though i know most teachers give a materials list the first day, i needed to be prepared way ahead of time because of my anxiety. in my case, i was told id get a list in person, but walking in with an empty bag just felt wrong to me lol??? i ended up bringing a couple things, but missed a few vital essentials so here's a list of everything that i can think of. read to the end for my wagon epiphany that i think all art students should adopt (if they havent already)
-a notebook or planner (lined). some professors will hit you with extremely important info right away and wont always tell you to write down what they're saying but 90% of the time its important stuff you dont wanna miss
-a sketchbook. this can help if they throw a quick exercise at you and you have to write/draw something quickly. i blanked and didnt bring a sketchbook from home (because i was told id need to get certain types according to the teacher's specifications) but looking back idk why i didnt?? first days are hectic. actually the first week lol. anyways there were single sheets offered but honestly having your own right off the bat helps for organizational purposes, saves time, and IF YOU'RE LIKE ME, prevents the need to get up in front of everyone
-writing utensils. I'd recommend a nice pen and a set of drawing pencils (doesn't have to be anything crazy cause your teacher will most likely request that you buy more advanced/specific tools later on)
-headphones. every teacher is different, but usually art students will be given little tasks to work on during their first day in class at college. I was not clever enough to remember to pack my headphones, and the silence in a room full of focused art students can be especially unnerving when you're nervous. Hearing a student's questionable music taste can be equally unnerving, so make sure to pack those.
-snacks/drinks. this is kind of a branch off of the last one, cause again it can get sooooo quiet in these classrooms/studios. Pack snacks to prevent belly grumbles. I have heard it happen to many people in my classes and i am a victim as well. stay ready
-sunglasses. seems trivial but super important because you'll probably be walking around outside a lot your first day. this is the typical college commute, up down and around the streets.
-MONEY. I AM GOING TO PUT THIS IN ALL CAPS BECAUSE THIS WAS BY FAR MY BIGGEST MISTAKE LOL. UNFORTUNATELY, STAY STRAPPED WITH CASH OR CARD BCUZ! SOME OF THOSE ART SCHOOL PROFESSORS ARE A LIL BOUJEE AND WILL SEND U RIGHT TO THE CAMPUS ART STORE DAY ONE. It was very overwhelming for me, and some might think its common sense but idk my entire school career you always get some time after school to buy that stuff. they really sent us shopping ten minutes into class so be aware or look broke like i did.
Other than that, all the stuff you'll have to potentially purchase that day will be specified by the teacher. If you're worried about getting the wrong thing, don't be. The students get to go together and the teacher gives very specific details about the products to buy, which the campus store workers are well aware of. Off the top of my head, i remember being sent to get materials for a few different classes throughout the day. I'll list them here without the brand specifics (1. cause i dont know and 2. cause it may not match what your teacher will want anyway) just to give you a general idea.
-large ruler, metal, 1 yard (3 ft)
-clear plastic t-shaped ruler for drawing
-sketchbooks, drawing pads (of all sizes)
-a large portfolio (looks like a gigantic black totebag for big art papers)
-sewing kit
-muslin fabric
-ink pens
-drawing pencils, different sizes
-drawing charcoal
-white paper drawing blender, a good eraser
-a toolbox for the drawing materials
-gouache paint
-brushes, pallets
-oil paint crayons
-a tool box
-ink pens like harry potter
That's pretty much it. If you'd like to grab some of these things before hand it should be fine, but for the most part id stick to waiting just to be safe.
Also a side note: I was a commuter so i could run home and grab my materials collected over my entire life but not every student is this lucky and some of their homes are thousands of miles away. if ur a traveling bird like them, it could be very VERY useful to pack some cool materials and tools like idk holographic paper or a jar of crystals because CAMPUS ART STORES ARE VERY EXPENSIVE!!!!
Also....... i know it sounds a little ridiculous but there were many many times i wished i had bought a wagon to transport things around campus. imagine me with a like 4ft portfolio bag the size of my body, a pencil toolbox, another toolbox for actual tools, my backpack, any projects i may have brought, a coffee if i am holding one??? and god forbid its a rainy day and i needed my umbrella lol.. it looks & feels difficult anyway trying to lug all the stuff art school requires.. so thats just some food for thought. Imagine a cute pink wagon?!??
anyways thats a wrap, have a lovely school year artists!
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normalhorse · 8 months
I have developed a new youtube strategy and if I don't write it down I'll forget but it's working nicely to find wholesome and delightful woodworking stuff I would never have otherwise found/looked at.
ah this is going to go long so executive summary: this is not really about my new youtube strategy but it is about youtube stuff I like and why. And a bit about my youtube strategy I guess. and how I have autism lmao.
For instance this guy:
makes very quietly-spoken, mostly shop footage and talking to camera (and a bit of inserted reference footage or pov shots, too) videos, making nice furniture out of nice hardwoods and self-made recycled skateboard plywood.
This all delivered with an affect my wife wife described as "radiating warmth and light" and a genuinely engaging and crucially understated enthusiasm. perfect blend of cali skater zen and also manual crafts zen.
Obligatory #youtube grammar notes: nothing egregious so far! One word really caught my attention (not enough for me to, like, remember what it was for sure - I think it was furthermore?), as being far enough away from exactly right as to be jarring also (Andrew if you ever read this I am trying very hard to write this in a way that doesn't seem, like, aggressively negative but if it does, [and this is unsolicited criticism so why wouldn't it] as a countermeasure: you're doing great! one and a half weird words in idk half an hour of footage is frankly incredible. and your videos are lovely. thanks!). The 'half' was one instance out of several uses of 'itself' also hit wrong but I can't explain why even to myself so who cares.
Anyway, it's exactly my shit except a lot of his thumbnails look like high energy sfx-heavy youtube maker stuff yelled at me by a bro (Sorry again Andrew once again you are doing great!) which I would never click on except for my grand strategy of:
subscribe early, subscribe often
just like follow links in videos when you watch a nice video and the presenter says 'inspired by a video from ...' - if they make the kind of videos you want, there's a better than average chance people that inspire them do too.
Yes, the second thing should have been blindingly obvious, but I have a medical condition and don't have to notice things.
Mostly it's that the links are now in the readmore of the description field, and I usually don't read those because they register in my brain as post signatures, so I maybe read the whole readmore once per channel.
(for the sake of internet epoch claiming the relevant signatures are on usenet)
That is, I expect the description to have the same content all the time after the obligatory first line modification (i.e. the actual video description text). There's usually a huge identical section of socmed links, affiliate links to products used in the video, affiliate links to endorsed products/channel sponsors generally.
So I didn't know that sometimes there are video/channel links in there, ok? Also there's a popup info panel but I think I adblocked it lmao.
Anyway. Subscribe early, subscribe often, though: Because windows just shuts itself the fuck down whenever it wants, and chrome no longer restores smashed windows by default (presumably for ultimately surveillance-enhancing reasons), and I have watch history turned off on youtube (yeah I know but also listen being paranoid about the internet is my actual job I am allowed to be a weirdo if I want), once I open a linked video in a new tab or whatever, if the video looks cool I subscribe immediately, because I won't watch it now and I'll lose the tab tomorrow.
Anyway this is probably exactly the usage model youtube would like me to have, but because I have watch history turned off I don't get youtube's """highly curated""" recommended bullshit, I only see <search results for niche interest query> and stuff recommended from videos I'm already subscribed to. So like sort of their model but much more actually useful to me.
cool strategy bro
but yeah the real question is hey do you know any more channels like this for carpentry/metalwork/basically any craft stuff? hit me with yr haberdashery yr leatherwork your embroidery - but not cooking for some reason. because they are extremely important for my little mental health right now cheers
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Murray adopting Robin AU
I just started thinking about the fact that it's a bit chaotic because some stuff is not in order i think.
So I made this so it's easier to find the stories. If you're interested, go check it out now.
This will also get updated when a new story or thing is there, so check to see if there is anything new.
First of all the time line (Ignore the 3 month time line in one of my stories, too lazy to delete that)
Now the stories we (Me and Corgi) already have (in order)
Robin and Erica (there is also the fight with the mother before that, so if you want you can just skip it)
[some stuff I wrote after that is not important or true anymore, because I completely forgot I wrote it]
Murray and Robin
[not sure, but the stuff after or before may not be true]
Nancy and Robin (after Jancy break up)
[again, some stuff may not be true anymore, since I'm forgetful and don't know what I wrote lol]
Murray and Robin (Halloween with the kids, Thanksgiving with Murray)
[more recent, but I also don't think I wrote anything important at the end]
Nancy and Robin sus 👀
[honestly just here because I want to make a rainbow lol, but some informaton may not be true again, but this is also more recent so probably more true then the others, idk lol]
Steve and Robin's fight (from Corgi)
[probably still true info at the end]
Robin and her mother's fight
[that's the same as Erica's post, but well if you skipped over it to read it in order, here is another link]
Robin's Protection-Squad looking for Robin
[this was something, sorry it took so long, it wasn't in my drafts anymore so it slipped my mind 😪]
Season Four in the Upisde Down
[Ronancetober is such a beautiful thing]
Also here are some post about it without stories. Just some more ideas or details.
S4 but this AU (some stuff also gets mentioned again on the post under this)
(you gotta read the Nancy and Robin sus 👀 story first for context)
Ronance dynamic (Robin and Nancy's characters studies a tiny bit ig? But I'm not good at that lol)
post season 4 but this AU
🎶....just us and your 'friend' Robin 🎶
Before I forget, there is another AU in this AU it's from Corgi. It's called 'I thought you died' and the the more angsty version from the end of season 4/post season 4. I shall not spoil but you'll read it in the first post anyway... And those were already in order so far if you just go to Corgis post, but I'll still put it here.
I just died in your arms tonight 🎶
[you should read the comments for more information/details also in the others as well]
very hairy situation
[honestly I don't know what to name them so it's now this]
sorry...i just really love backstories
[-Luz Noceda, from The Owl house](not the story, just what I tilted the story here because I thought it was funny) also just want to do the rainbow again]
The way I was laughing should be concerning..
[just gonna continue the rainbow...even tho there is no yellow 😪]
my babies 🥺
[it's all definitely kittens and Rainbows. Or more like puppies and Rainbows? Definitely rainbows tho, if you know what I mean]
my poor babies 😔
[Just gonna continue the rainbow lol, also as said before, read the comments under the posts to get more information/details]
little red
[Just gotta start a new Rainbow]
Better then Steve Harrington
[at what? Well you can find out by reading it]
And her some fun random stuff fitting with the AU
where I got the idea from
Robin and Murray quotes
Robin Protection Squad quotes
The Sinclairs + Robin and Max quotes
Robin + one Adult quotes
Robin+ one Adult quotes #2
#1 Dad Robin Buckley
Robin's Dad Jokes
Robin's Dad Jokes #2
Robin's Dad Jokes #3
Robin's Dad Jokes #4
Hope it's all correct, not sure.
Lots of Love ✨❤️🙌✨
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thissliceofnonsense · 10 months
As a rottmnt superfan, I think it's very shameful I have not actually watched the full series. I have been trying to get myself to watch all of it for literal months, and I will finally start now.
To keep my motivation to actually watch my favorite show (wow) I will be writing down little things I like/notice/one sentence summary of each episode.
Plus I want to do the AU with the events of the show but a "little to the left" including the missing sisters, Mikey getting his deleted episodes back, ideas that couldn't be used because the show was cancelled, fandom ideas, etc. etc.
AND this is also doubling as info from each episode, so that way I don't forget anything important.
(Like I forgot Heuso existed. Who does that?)
To start -
Leo seems very unsure of himself/ is scrambling in the intro. Compared to the rest of the turtles, he seems the least sure of himself. Even the lyrics say "Leo's making a scene" while everyone else has a definite positive word associated with their character. In fact, "making a scene" definitely has the connotation of a bad thing.
Leo's insecurities are so strong that even the show agrees lol.
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(I'll just keep editing this into one really long post, and also, I need obvious stuff to be stated to me, so I'll write it down anyways.
Okie, Donnie's first words in the show are him using his science to support his brothers and be overdramatic.
April helps them all with shenanigans using her connections with all the jobs she has, and is in no way the 'responsible older sibling'
Even Raph (at least in the beginning of the series) is not that responsible in the grand scheme of things.
Also also, I want to slow down the show so I can catch every single detail, every single expression, but that would make this take too long. So I'll miss expressions they make... sad.
Donnie has tech in his shell for when April needs a ride, meaning that, again, he is constantly making tech to help others, along with his own interests.
(Also the way he flies? So overdramatic princess-y. I love him. And I can't take screenshots for some reason. Sadness. )
Also, does Mayhem have a scar on his forehead? It looks like a scar.
And Raph saying 'Aw' and wanting to save him. The precious bean. <3
Mayhem immediately goes for April out of everyone there. My headcannon is that he was sent specifically to watch the turtles and make sure Baron Draxum's experiments don't cause any havoc, so he is wary of all of them.
Also also also... the 'brushes' for the line art of the show? I'm obsessed.
They do have rehearsals for 'if they come in contact with humans'. So.... do they worry about that? Also, Donnie never goes to them. I can relate. Things I find unnecessary that I take away from my 'writing time' are things I try to avoid at all costs.
And I wish something that was cemented more in my head from the show is that the turtles constantly went on adventures with April, even before finding out about the hidden city, perhaps they wanted to be like Lou Jitsu, and I also wish there were more adventures in the hidden city afterwards.
Donnie screaming 'Fibonacci' or just being happy and showing off his tech makes me so sparkly inside.
(I'm not even five minutes into the first episode.... this might take awhile)
Donnie's tech does not work, he tries but it does not work a ton. Which I love. Our favorite/ special things not working, or just not being that great is something I relate to a lot/ want to see more in media. It's the thing we base our lives on. It HAS to be good. Otherwise, what's the point of our existence?
Yes... I kin Donnie.
Leo is incredibly fast, even from the beginning, especially for a turtle
All of Donnie's lines are immediately iconic in my brain
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Leo has murderous intent/his eye glows red for a moment. I saw a comment once that the turtles WERE created to be killing machines, and those instincts may or may not still be there. IDK, it would be fun to see Baron Draxum's original intents placed upon the turtles. Although... in my rise sisters AU.... oh I could do that.
They all try so hard to live out their fantasy, adventure, Lou Jitsu dreams. Little beans. <3
Mayhem is an agent and he is carrying a vial. Vial for what?
Mikey is the most artistic and the most mystically inclined. He notices the sign on the wall and where's he's seen it before. My artist sibling also tends to see things as they are/ find un-findable things + predict the future.
We were robbed of Mikey content
Splinter has a cabinet full of memorabilia, and the weapons they all broke in the beginning were 'priceless'
My headcannon is that the brothers understand Japanese from watching Spilnter's shows, but can't speak it. (Yes I'm projecting my own second language skills)
Donnie again tries to make things better with his tech abilities, and Raph tries to make a good plan (because he's the leader, he should be able to make plans.) But Leo already completes the mission. So he can bask in the praise.
Because Leo notices things and can plan ahead, impromptu.
Raph is super anxious about doing things right.
Mikey again, uses his 'art/mystic intuition' to open the wall.
OHMIGOSH the Hidden City looks so cool. I really really (that's two really's) there were more Hidden City episodes.
When Donnie 'insults' his brothers. ('You guys are fools') He'll say something positive about it later. ("You beautiful fools') he's basically doing /pos all the time.
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Donnie, upon finding the hidden city, says "Exactly what I expected." (At 11:37) Meaning that he is a cryptid theorist confirmed. He has theorized about the existence of mystic beings since before they found the hidden city.
(I will do another "Why Donnie dislikes mystic powers" later, because this gives me the notion that Donnie dislikes mystic powers the same way some physicists dislike quantum mechanics or the Copenhagen interpretation of it. It doesn't make sense. It contradicts and he can't figure it out, that wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for his brothers immediately getting it. In the AU, I would have an 'episode' where their mystic powers start making Donnie inconsequential. They already don't listen to him most of the time. And now his tech doesn't help anymore....
anywho that's for later, back to episode one!)
According to Donnie's calculations, they are in a 'Tertiary metaverse'.
A google search revealed nothing on that. But ..... DONNIE HAS CALCULATIONS FOR THESE SORTS OF THINGS, AAA-
And April has explored this hidden city beneath New York. I feel like, with Mikey, she's the most mystic-inclined. Something that other people in the fandom have pointed out.
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Donnie loves Draxum's lab. Specifically, the color scheme and the style. These two would get along so well.
Draxum has captured Mayhem. Supports my headcannon that Mayhem was an agent specifically sent to watch Baron Draxum and his experiments, carry on.
They are precious.
Also also, humans do not care about the existence of mystic creatures apparently. I like that tbh, makes way for better storylines.
Mayhem stole a vial from Baron Draxum. Probably to bring as 'proof' to the three heads.
hhhmmmm.... Maybe Mayhem was sent to watch Baron Draxum and his experiments, and eventually the three heads council thought that the threat was neutralized. Baron Draxum rebuilt his lab, but hasn't done anything nefarious. And no turtle has been found for a long time. (Except for the one Big Mama has, but no one dares oppose her.)
But Mayhem found a vial of ooze, enough to convict Baron Draxum of crimes, but Draxum sent his assistants after him, retrieving the vial.
Draxum's color schemes do look cool.
He mutated a human in this episode.
The turtles ARE aware they are mutants.
I love the headcannon/unexplored plot thread that Splinter was a little afraid of what his sons were: mutations meant to be killing machines. Hence the "rehearsals".
April finds things. She's crafty, knows how to use her surroundings to her advantage.
Donnie has high grade titanium, how did he get high grade titanium?
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(my headcannon is that he goes on 'shopping trips' with his siblings, mainly April, sometimes Mikey. And he steals things.)
He seems awed. At 14:41 he says "it's like mystic and science had a baby"
OKIE OKIE, here's my headcannon.
Originally Donnie was a science person (obviously) but he was like - "well there's no definite evidence that cryptids and magic AREN'T possible. I mean... black holes and quantum mechanics make no sense. Science does wild things sometimes, why can't these things exist? And you know what? I'm going to prove it!"
But then he actually SAW mystic powers and everyone else doing really well with it. Replacing him. And while his prior experiments with the crystal have led to good results in tandem with his goggles, but when he tries afterwards, it doesn't work. (Because mystic powers are based on emotions and he's frustrated.) That's weird. Science should lead to definite, predictable results.
So *character arc*
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April is literally more athletic than the turtles. She keeps landing on her feet while everyone else is in a heap.
That's it. I'm a believer in April supremacy now.
Leo is scrambling. He may be good at impromptu plans, but he struggles at the application. My personal, maybe headcannon, is that he doesn't actually like going on some of these adventures. He's not that good at them, but he will support his brothers, because of his inferiority complex
Also also, Draxum has been trying this whole time to continue his work. I'm wondering how I can work my 'He's looking for Louise' storyline. Perhaps he needs mutants to eliminate the human threat and also to save his child warrior.
Mikey gets star eyes like his older sibling :D
Baron Draxum's magic is with his vines, mechs and potions. Like alchemy. Using this for Louise reference later.
Donnie has the Bi flag in the background of any of his scene things <3
Tumblr media
His tech is constantly on the fritz in this episode. Mainly his tech bo. Maybe that's a newer piece? His battle shell seems to work fine. I think that may be one of his first pieces of tech, and the flying part looks like what would become Shelldon in the future.
AND, I think he gets better at making his tech in the future, while still making mistakes :D
Plus, his tech being on the fritz, makes his whole "they care more about what I can do for them than me"/needing to be useful, and fix things, mean that much more.
Also also, I'm basing above off of the fact that the siblings like his tech, but don't trust it, and they often don't exactly listen to him that often ('DONNIE NOT HELPING!') Which I feel like would hurt after some time. Also this post.
Donnie goes to his phone after his achievement of his tech bo working, he's probably documenting his success + photo archives + data points.
I've heard the hc that the brothers keep Mikey's drawings, maybe Donnie scans each one for his archives? They have a whole scrapbook?
Oh wait... that's really cute actually.
Mikey gets bored of the Villain banter really fast. Donnie wants his own world to keep working as it does and just coast along with his family while still 'spending time with them' (I can HEAVILY relate... or maybe I'm just projecting, but wanting to be in your own world while being around others is literally my whole life in a nutshell.)
I think Raph trains on his own + counts Lou Jitsu movies as training, Leo does not.
April has successfully defeated Huggin and Munnin. Clap clap.
Notes for Louise: Baron Draxum is show-offy and thinks he's 'all that' and truly bettering humanity. His lab is huge and colorful, full of alchemy experiments. He has 'bio-inspired' magic. Like plants and spiderwebs and huge fleshy gauntlets
Mikey activates his mystic powers after he gets angry at Baron Draxum for trying to hurt April. He can't really control it, but his anger activates it.
Mikey's mystic weapon is a cackling fireball gremlin that is absolutely uncontrollable. Everyone (including Donnie) thinks it's REALLY COOL
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cagedchoices · 1 year
name:  mel 
pronouns:  they/them/theirs
preference of communication:  mainly tumblr IMs these days, but i have discord and wire and occasionally i will drop my info on tumblr, give it out privately if asked, or add if someone else is looking to add. it can take me a while to work up the courage to message someone in the first place and i'm really... not good at the usual social cues of "hey how are you/good how are you?/what have you been up to?" but i'm usually game to chat about other stuff
most active muse:  Caleb. i've had a lot of other muses but he's been the one i've been most consistently able to write in the slightly over 3 years since i first started writing him.
experience/how many years:  i had a couple false starts trying to set up rp blogs for Samwise Gamgee from the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Wirt from Over the Garden Wall back in 2014 and 2015? but i just never really managed to get off the ground and start writing in-character for them because i was super heavily intimidated by the rpc and too nervous to approach anyone. finally in january 2017 i stumbled across a parody of Portal 2 on youtube called the Unauthorized Musical and discovered that there were already a handful of muns on tumblr who had picked up characters specifically based on that production and regularly hosted rabbit streams where they'd watch the video again together and welcomed anyone who wanted to join to do so. i noticed nobody was really writing any antagonistic characters against them so i wound up setting up a blog for GLaDOS and following everybody i met during the stream and that was essentially how i became hooked on tumblr rp. i've been kicking around on and off for about 7 years now.
best experience: there's so many to choose from, but i think i'd have to say my best experience was when i started writing Caleb. i was just fresh off watching Westworld season 3, i was actually feeling more compelled at the time to try and write either Dolores, Maeve, Clementine or Teddy but i felt like i wouldn't do any of 'em justice. i ended up making a sideblog to my old multimuse after deciding i would try writing Caleb, and that's where i almost immediately connected with melody/aworldofyou/copiesofme and was enthusiastically introduced to a bunch of other muns residing in the tiny but mighty westworld rpc. 🥰
rp pet peeves: one is pretty much the same as Sandra said; making a new main blog in the spur of the moment. exhausting all energy on curating a distinct aesthetic for icons/banners/promos/custom themes/etc, and then completely losing interest in a week or 2 without ever getting to write that character. and then more often than not the process gets repeated down the line until that person either becomes overwhelmed from having too many blogs to manage or too many memes to answer or too many starters to write.
i also don't particularly love memes that promote making rp into a popularity contest or seeking an almost constant stream of validation from other people. things like "send a _ and i'll rate your blog on a scale of 1 to 10/using a scale template" i try to stay far away from. arguably every notification you get on tumblr is an instant dopamine hit just like all social media is but. idk there was just something about those blog rating/character rating memes that made them feel more addictive to send and receive than like, taking the time to give someone your honest opinion on how you feel about them as a person or on their writing and characters and such.
another similar thing is reblog chains to the effect of 'reblog this if you actually like following me/seeing me on the dash.' i really don't like these. there's a level of self-deprecation and guilt-tripping involved and when people already feel awfully low and vulnerable to negative self image this just makes it worse. especially when people post with side commentary like 'oh nobody will reblog this from me lol.' and i don't think they're always necessarily aware that this is manipulative behavior, but...it is. even just the way the source post is typically phrased, it preys on insecurity and it makes me sad when i do see mutuals reblogging posts written like this because then i'm like. just sitting there thinking "i'm not a spambot so...if i didn't like following you or seeing you on my dash i would not be following you??"
other forms of reblog chains like 'reblog to give the person you're reblogging from a hug' or 'reblog this and say something nice about the person you reblogged from' are far better in my opinion because they don't inherently contain that same level of insecurity. they put the focus on lifting up and supporting the person you're reblogging from instead of centering on yourself.
plots or memes: i like both but i am very much a memes person because i feel like i'm not very good at plotting.
long or short replies: i don't really have a preference! but lately my thing generally seems to be letting the length creep up so my replies just get longer and longer over time. i never expect anyone to match me, but like. the one thing that would crush my soul is me posting like. 5-7 paragraphs and getting back a one sentence or one word response 😭
are you like your muses: i have a few things in common with caleb, one of them being that we're both neurodivergent and just trying to exist in a society where it is typically seen as undesirable to be classed as such. i stumbled across a venn diagram a while back comparing and contrasting common traits associated with ptsd and autism and it has given me a lot to take into consideration in the way that i portray caleb
tagged by: @k4ndall
tagging: @gunslingcr @paddyfuck @weirdwonderful @killjoysanonymous @prettydead & you (not labeled)
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the-milk-anon · 1 year
🎱, 🔮, and ✨ for the ask game!!!
hehe great choices 😏 (also hii tay :D it's nice seeing you in my inbox)
🎱  do you have any/want any tattoos?
i actually have 5 already and nr 6 is decided on but no appointment yet 😅 most of them are space themed and it's just simple black line art stuff bc i love the minimalist design i don't rly have pics of them (and idk if anyone wants to see them anyway lol) so here's a list of the ones i have atm:
the constellation of my sun sign (pisces) - on the inside of my right ankle
tiny deathly hallows that's split up into the three individual parts - inside of my left wrist
a moon behind my left ear (my sister is gonna get a sun to match mine)
the moon phases - above the inside of my right elbow
the solar system - on my back (from the base of my neck to like halfway down my spine)
the next one will be a demon like creature on the left side of my torso/stomach - it's gonna be my biggest one yet :D
🔮  do you have any paranormal experiences?
yes xD my mom is quite spiritual - she got some training + certificates for reiki, quantum healing and animal communication i grew up with things like these so i do believe in them to some extent depending on if i have any valid proof that they work the animal communication part is legit - my mom usually gets requests by people looking for their cats or if they have issues with their pets being aggressive or if they got injured and no one knows why
she gets some basic info from her customers like the animal's name, age and what the problem is but that's it she usually ends up with a detailed report on the whole thing (takes about an hour to sometimes three) and the people are shocked when she knows the nicknames people call their pets bc they didn't tell her about it or if she can describe what their apartment looks like or if she knows about family members they never mentioned so ye i believe in that for sure
i have a few experiences myself as well but the one that sticks out the most is when i heard the thoughts of one of my friends (not sure if it was actually that since i don't think it's possible) basically we went on a school trip and we were sharing a room she was in the bathroom blow-drying her hair and i was sitting on the bed with my headset on listening to music and then i thought i heard her ask me when we're gonna get dinner so i answer her and she leaves the bathroom to look at me like she's seen a ghost bc she didn't say that out loud 😅 still no idea what happened but i'd classify it as paranormal
✨  do you believe in magic?
this is quite similar to the previous question but i'll focus more on the wicca/witchcraft/practitioner side here
i find these things incredibly interesting and just the thought of deities etc actually existing and being able to communicate and work with them amazes me i rly love tarot cards as well and even have a rly pretty set myself but i don't rly do anything with it xD but all in all i do believe in it to a certain extent (again) - it absolutely depends on if i have proof of smt being legit i'd say i'm very open-minded towards the whole thing but don't have much personal experience with it
ok this was very long 😅 i hope i managed to answer everything in a way that makes sense lol
ty again for sending these 💕 i hope you have a lovely day :3
- 🥛
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