#against g/ojo
erigold13261 · 8 months
Hanami loves her friends dearly… even though she doesn’t quite show it… peace and love on the planet earth…
Just because her facial expressions can't show how she feels, doesn't mean she doesn't show her love and care for her friends in different ways! (I mean, for fuck sakes, she went up against Gojo alone and on a whim just to save Jogo!)
She shows her care more through action. They all do honestly! But she also just gives out a ton of support, kinda like a beam that holds up a house, one that you don't see but you appreciate even if you don't realize it (and might sometimes take for granted).
I can see Mahito being a lot more verbal with his love and care for the rest. Definitely still touchy (giving hugs and kisses, either out of actual care or to annoy/piss off his friends), but is also ready to give out compliments and praise (though sometimes these are backhanded, it can be hard to tell because he uses the same or similar tone every time).
While Jogo is more of a tsundere, kinda. When dealing with his friends bullshit he is quick to fly off the handle and get mad, but he is never going to actually try and hurt them (just screaming and chasing, possibly a couple rough hits if he catches them, and by them most of the time it is Mahito).
But he can also show his care in a passive way, such as letting everyone huddle close to him if they are in colder area (especially Hanami who I can see getting a bit tired in the cold when not in a fight or on a mission or something). And just letting Mahito or Dagon have their fun roasting stuff over his head (something he would never willingly tolerate with anyone else that wasn't a friend).
Then Dagon is a more go-with-the flow kind of character (pre-evolved especially) and is always ready to follow whichever one of their friends they choose that moment. I also see them as having an "acts of service" kind of love language? If that makes sense.
Like domain expansion can take a lot out of the caster, and here Dagon is keeping it active for who knows how long just so their friends can have a nice beach spot to hang out in while they gossip and chit chat (plan world chaos). Dagon is absolutely showing love through helping their friends.
So Hanami and Dagon are the two that show their love and care through actions the most, while Mahito shows love through both action and speech, and Jogo shows it through action and inaction with some speech.
That's not even to mention their powers showing their emotions! Like Hanami just absentmindedly growing some flowers around her, any water near Dagon swirling a bit into whirlpools, Mahito's body changing unconsciously to show happiness, Jogo getting a little steamed up/overheated.
Hanami has plenty of ways to show she cares and loves her friends even if she can't properly make a face to show it! (though now I am thinking of Mahito giving Hanami a bunch of transifigured humans in the shape of emotion faces, like at a doctor's office, so she can use to help express her emotions better. She kindly refuses them).
But yes, they all know they care for each other (why else would they stick together through their crazy ass plan to take on Gojo? lol), so it truly is peace and love on the planet earth! (until it isn't)
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
A Matter Of Belief
A birthday gift for @ezynse! <333 Sooo, I'm a few days late 😭😭 but hopefully you still enjoy this~ (and maaaybe the fact it's a two part thing makes up for that..?~)
Summary: When N/anami attempts to lie about a cold, he succeeds. But when he isn't lying, well, considering what happened last time? They're not so quick to believe him. So, he finds himself having to prove his honesty.
Word Count: 4.3k (Part One: 1.9k - The Lies We Tell~ ) (Part Two: 2.4k - ~Come Back To Bite Us)
Characters: N/anami, G/ojo, M/egumi and I/tadori. (hints at N/anago, but can be read platonic or romantic, readers choice~)
(Warning, features vague notions of past contagion and light mess implications. Nothing outright stated, but be warned!)
The Lies We Tell~
A shrewd whistle pulls Nanami from his thoughts, head lifting from the safety of his cupped hands. Waiting to meet his eyes is a familiar, and deeply unwanted, sight. 
“Woah, you look rough,” Gojo hums, sucking air through his teeth with a sound not unlike a rusty gate pulling against its hinges. Hm; apparently metaphors are easier when you’re a little out of it. Or maybe it’s just Gojo that pulls that side of people out into the open. However against their will it may be. 
Clearing his throat, Nanami braces himself for the sounds that may escape in lieu of human speech. “Id’s-” A pause, cough, and tight inhale. “It’s not all that. I’m alright. Though, less so with you interrupting my work. I have a lot to complete before the day is up.” 
“Working? Is that what we’re calling ‘half-asleep in our hands’ nowadays?” Gojo retorts, a smirk creeping from his flashing teeth up to his blindfold. There’s no doubt his eyes are shining, taking in every pathetic inch of Nanami’s current state. Effortlessly infuriating, as always. 
Letting a sigh replace the urge to cough, Nanami turns his focus back to the laptop. A clear signal, leave me alone. Observant as Gojo is, there’s no doubt the signals were seen and understood.
“Whatcha workin’ on?” 
Then pointedly ignored. 
“Even if I explained it, you wouldn’t have any idea what it was.” 
Gojo lets out a huff, falling into the chair next to Nanami’s with a performative groan. Dramatic as ever, and certainly getting awfully comfortable. With a sigh, Nanami pinches the bridge of his nose, giving Gojo a light glare as he feels unease start to take root.
His growing headache protests this action, a flash of heat through his temples nearly bringing a wince. Each blink serves to bring a moment of relief, quickly dispelled as the fluorescent lighting brings another wave of pain. 
Yet, despite the agony, pain can be endured silently without much fuss. No, his rising unease belongs to an entirely different sort of sensation. One that won’t go so easily overlooked. 
“Nana-mi, how long are you gonna be working on this?” Gojo cuts in with a whine. “I’m so bored. Why don’t we play a game instead!” 
“I’m busy.”
“Oh come on, we both know you can multitask like a pro!” 
Nanami sighs, allowing a single finger to brush the source of his growing agitation. “Is it ‘name all the things you like about Gojo Satoru’? Again?” 
“We have a winner!” Gojo smirks, clapping his hands together above his head. The noise echoes through the quiet office. Thanks to a meeting, to which an invitation was respectfully declined, the office is graciously empty. Then again, if it wasn’t, maybe Gojo wouldn’t be here at all. 
“It seems to be the only game you’re aware of. Or at least the only one you have any interesting in particihhhpating in.” Nanami swallows hard as his breath catches on its own.
Each inhale from here on out is a gamble. One wrong move and the dam bursts. Best course of action is to keep the breathing shallow, wait for an opportunity, and hope to keep it quiet- 
“So you’re sick, huh?” 
The question breaks Nanami’s concentration, fingers barely reaching his nose in time to catch the sneeze. In an effort to relieve the pressure in his throat, he lets out a slight cough before the next itch takes its turn to pile on. 
“hieHh- nXGtCHhh! Pardon me.” 
“That can’t feel good,” Gojo offers with a wince, gesturing to Nanami’s throat. Admittedly, it does not. Still, not ready to admit defeat, Nanami tightens his mouth into a grimace. One Gojo seems to pull out of him often. 
“I’m not unwell, it is simply an… hiH’gehDNTchh!” Hands fly up to catch this one, Nanami leaving one hovering just under his chin as he finishes. “-immune system overreaction. Pardon.” 
“You can’t just say it like a normal person?” 
“It’s an allergic reaction.” 
“S-ee? Was that so hard?” Comes the teasing reply, Gojo managing to wink with his voice alone. Letting his fingers brush against his nose, Nanami disguises the action by sliding his glasses up it. 
“I’m fully capable of so called ‘normal’ conversations. I just prefer to choose a more sophisticated approach. Something you’d- eh’deNGTchh! Pardon. Something you’d know nothing about.”  
Gojo’s reply sounds muffled, something about ‘words hurting’ starting to fade away as Nanami gasps.
Fingers pinch his nose, giving the freedom to release an itchy hiss from his teeth. Feeling the flare of his own nostrils under his grip, another gasp gets caught in his throat. If he didn’t know better, he’d say it was an allergy. This cold’s damn expressive. 
Even if he wanted to reply, the option was entirely off the table. His entire face seems to buzz, nose practically quivering. Still, wishing to maintain decorum, or at least pride, Nanami takes another measured inhale. 
This can be held back.
“hhieh… hih-!”
At least long enough for Gojo to lose interest and leave him alo-
“eHNgdtch– hiHh’eyIESHHh-iuh!” 
The first gets squished against his fingers, but the second breaks his hold, barely managing to be caught against his sleeve. The violent nature leaves his throat raw, sinuses starting to ache as a light drip threatens to bring forth another burst. 
“See,” Gojo interrupts, seemingly oblivious to the struggles as Nanami tries to clear his throat. “-that didn’t sound like an allergy sneeze.” 
There’s a silence as Nanami pinches his nose, feigning an all too real headache. Even a single word is out of the question, there’s no way his voice won’t hold the congestion. Silence for this long though… Gojo will piece together that there’s more than one kind of irritation working its way through Nanami. 
“Whad’s thad subosed… hehh–” Nanami replies at last, deciding to take the lack of consonants over the lack of words entirely. The intensity of the tickle as each word buzzes through his throat, however, was not accounted for. 
“Jeez!” Gojo laughs, chair nearly tipping over. “I can barely understand you!” 
“hIH’ESHHH-iuh!” Nanami answers with a groan, attempting to tack on some words at the end. “Pardod be. Thad’s dot by probleb.”
“Better blow your dose, Dadabi.” Comes the retort, Gojo pinching his nose with a dramatic flair, once more seeming to wink without the use of his eyes. 
Nanami scoffs, the action triggering a heavy cough. His arm raises on instinct, chair squeaking as he manages to aim away from the blindfolded annoyance to his right. Face still buried in the warm fabric, his hand reaching blindly for the handkerchief. It’s seen its fair share of use this week. 
Alright, so maybe it’s not exactly allergies, but the overreaction part wasn’t inaccurate. And should Gojo catch on that this is a cold, overreaction will be exactly what follows. He’ll be impossible to get rid of, and the word will spread like wildfire. 
Nanami grimaces against his arm, fingers finally reaching their target as his thoughts continue to wander. He has things to do, none of which include people fussing over him and interrupting his work. 
Not bothering to open his eyes, Nanami brings the cloth to his face and lets out a long blow, feeling the congestion shift enough to allow air through his sinuses once more. Once he’s satisfied with the action, he lets the handkerchief fall back to the desk.
Gojo’s remained uncharacteristically quiet through the whole ordeal, and stays that way as Nanami attempts a light sniffle to test the waters. He quickly realizes his mistake, breath wavering as he pulls the tissues to his nose. 
“hHEDtieZSHhh! eH’GhZshhoo! hh’eDGSHh’iuh-!” 
The sounds are heavy, congestion lining each breath as he attempts to stall the onslaught at three– “hH’EMPFFfshh-!” a light moan escaping as he’s unsuccessful. The tissues manage to catch most of the attack, only the last breaking its way into his arm. 
A heat suddenly floods his mind, all symptoms forgotten as Nanami feels a light panic enter his chest. The tissues… that he didn’t grab…? Is he feverish after all- the only fabric he’d acquired was the handkerchief, yet glancing down, what remains of tissues are clearly in his hands. 
Laughter brings him back to the room. He looks up to find Gojo laughing, nearly hysterically, as he gestures to the box on the desk next to him. A coworker had brought them in last week. Along with something else Nanami is not as grateful to have obtained. 
“You- you should have- seen your face!” Gojo manages through the near mocking levels of gasping, blindfold starting to darken in colour around his eyes. 
Nanami can’t help the humour that coats his annoyance. Crying from laughter…? A bit over the top, even for Gojo. 
With a final chuckle, Gojo settles back down, lowering his voice back to its average pitch. “You looked like you needed them.” 
“Ah. It seems I did. Pardon me again.” 
It’s all the admission Nanami’s willing to allow, but it seems more than enough for Gojo to run with. He pauses, lifting the corner of his blindfold to meet Nanami’s gaze directly. “You sure you’re alright?” 
“I’m certain. One of my coworkers simply got a new scent that… didn’t agree with me...” It’s a lie, something Nanami is none too fond of, especially at such detail. However… it’s not entirely untrue. There was such an incident– it just happened weeks ago. 
Gojo tilts his head, gesturing to continue. 
“A gift from her American boyfriend. Seems they use much stronger scents across the sea.” 
This elicits a solemn nod, Gojo pursing his lips. “I’ve experienced a few of those. Powerful stuff.” 
“Interesting that I’m not getting set off though–” Gojo adds, taking a deep sniff. The crisp sound seems almost like a taunt, Nanami feeling his own sinuses protest the action. He curses himself, then Gojo’s overly-sensitive nose, before settling on a light shrug. 
“Probably got cleared out of the air by now. We do have a filtration system in the office– heh’dEHTChh-ue! Pardon me.” Gojo passes another tissue as Nanami attempts to finish the thought. “Though it seems it’s still lingering in my sinuses.”
Pausing for another blow and letting a few coughs escape under the guise of allergic irritation, Nanami sighs. “Now, if there’s nothing else?” 
Standing from the chair, Gojo sighs performatively, letting out a vague chuckle. “You’re so boring, Nanami.” 
“And yet you wasted nearly twenty minutes of your precious time with me.”
“Megumi’s off on a mission with Okkotsu,” Gojo laments, before pausing. A hint of sincerity leaks into his tone as the next words come out barely audible above the hum of the office. “Was feelin’ kinda quiet at school.” 
Nanami sighs again, certain he’s gained more oxygen in the last twenty minutes than he’s gotten in weeks from sheer amount of sighs. Gesturing towards the chair, he feels his headache protesting the action. He’s gonna regret this. 
Dropping back into it with a grin, Gojo gives a light and airy “th-ank you!” which Nanami pointedly ignores. 
“Stay quiet, I have to finish these forms.”
“You’re the best Nanami!” 
“eH’TSSCHh– ESSChh’iuh! And not a word about that.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Comes the airy reply, Gojo sliding the box of tissues closer. Fighting the urge to sigh again, a little overdone at this point, Nanami grabs a handful. 
It’s gonna be a long afternoon. 
~Come Back To Bite Us.
“nGxt– eNKxt! ah’kNXt! Oh, pardon me.” 
“Go home.”
“Megumi, that was rude!” Gojo chimes in, infinity still up as he angles his hips towards the source of his chastation, “We don’t speak like that to our elders,” before turning on his heel to face Nanami. “-but the kid’s right. Go home.” 
Releasing his nose, Nanami doesn’t miss the glare Megumi casts at him. Regardless, the itch wins out, and he sniffles lightly, clearing his throat before speaking. “I just got here. And besides, it was Itadori that called me in, not you two.” 
Nanami had been resting at home, mindlessly filling in some crosswords when he’d received what could only be described as a frantic text from Itadori. Something about ‘trouble, burning, and Nanamin’. Followed by, in all caps, ‘COME QUICK’, and a string of white boxes that Nanami elected to ignore. 
“Whatever.” Megumi’s voice cuts through Nanami’s thoughts, eyes drifting up to meet the icy glare being shot in his direction. “But I’m going back to my room. I sure as hell don’t want whatever you got.” 
Nanami blinks, pushing his glasses up with a sigh. “I’m not sick.” 
The irritated glare is almost comical, Megumi’s mouth tightening as he gestures to Gojo. “Last time you ‘weren’t sick’, this idiot showed up with a cold that he proceeded to share with all of us.” A light heat appears on the accused’s cheeks as Megumi continues, “We were all sick within a matter of days. I’m not taking any chances.” 
“Hey,” Gojo whines, crossing his arms with a huff. “That wasn’t my fault! I tried to call out, but someone had to keep an eye on you kids.” 
“Not a kid.”
Gojo grins, dropping his infinity to poke at Megumi’s cheek as he sings, “Not a child, still a kid!” before retreating with a yelp as Megumi knocks his hand away. 
“That’s no-” 
“Look,” Nanami cuts in, rolling his eyes as Gojo pokes a not-so-subtle tongue in Megumi’s direction. “Just tell me where Itadori’s room is, and I’ll find him myself.” 
“Not a chance. He’s almost as bad as Gojo when it comes to spreading illness.” 
Pouting at the accusation, Gojo rolls his head back to confront Megumi, some complaint or denial sprouting on his tongue–
“hnNGxt! agHKnt! eNGkt!”
–until Nanami cuts their bickering off once more, a ‘pardon’ getting lost behind the fist pressed against his nose. The increasing congestion leaves Nanami’s hand against his face, a sniffle loosening it more audibly than he’d desire. 
Standing from the couch, Gojo grabs a tissue with much too over-the-top of a flourish, yelping as Megumi slaps his hand again. Instead, Megumi places the box in Nanami’s reach, with another pointed glare and scoff. 
Unwarranted, seeing as, “I’b do-” A pause, deep sniffle, grimace forming as it does nothing to alleviate the ever growing tickle. Still, it allows enough clarity to continue with, “I’m not sick.” 
“Real convincing,” comes Megumi’s retort, Nanami ducking to the tissue box just in time to catch the next burst. 
It escapes before he can suppress it, a heat starting to form at the tips of his ears. Normally stifling isn’t a problem, not unless he’s been at it for awhile, or it’s a particularly nasty itch. Neither of those should be the case in this situation. Much to Nanami’s chagrin, this was simply a failure on his part to contain it. 
“You sound entirely healthy.” 
“Megumi, what an attitude!” Gojo says, sarcastic displeasure dripping from each word as Megumi sucks in a breath. Turning on his heel, he spins around to face Gojo with a look that could kill. Guessing by who it’s aimed at, Megumi wishes it would. 
“You clung to my side like a parasite for nearly two weeks.” 
“I was dy-ing! You refused to comfort me in my time of need and suffering–” 
Letting their argument fade into the background, Nanami pauses to take stock of the situation. Despite previous denials being entirely for show, this time he’s really not sick. Everything has felt fine all day, no symptoms to speak of. Even now, there’s still no rawness of the throat, or heaviness in the lungs, it’s only his nose having a reaction. 
No– actually, the itch starts in his nose, but it’s spreading. Beginning to crawl up his throat, it’s burying itself in his ears, clinging to the backs of his eyes. This is most certainly an allergy, but to what..? 
It first began when he entered Jujutsu High, so it has to be something here. It’s the middle of autumn, so unlikely there’d be any specific flowers floating around, not that those tend to set him off anyways. And if it was a heavy perfume, Gojo would certainly be reacting too. 
Nanami gives the room a scan, eyes finally resting on a bottle of cleaning supplies sitting on the counter. The brand isn’t familiar, it’s not the one they use at the office, or one he’s picked up himself before. It has some sort of apple design on the label, though it doesn’t appear to be scented. Judging by the level of liquid, and the dampness of the cloth to its left, it’s been recently used. 
“--and then you made Okkotsu miss his assignment, which meant me and Toge had to take it, despite him still being unwell.” 
Tuning back in to catch Megumi’s closing argument, Nanami interjects before Gojo has a chance to form his defense. “Not sick, just an immune system overreaction. Likely to that cleaning spray. N-now… eh’kNCHhaa! Pardon me. Now, Itadori’s room? He claimed it was urgent.” 
Gojo crinkles his nose, glancing from Nanami to the spray and back, before chuckling. “What, is that American made too?” 
Judging by the strangled noise from Megumi, he understood the reference and found it unfortunately amusing. Apparently not many details of their encounters are kept private. Though, seeing as it’s Gojo Satoru in question, that was to be expected. 
Nanami sighs, tongue pressed to the roof of his mouth as the itch spreads deeper. Exchanging it for a pinch at the bridge of his nose so he can speak, he turns to face the most likely to allow him access.
“Gojo, I don’t have tihh… time for this. I need to find Itadori.” 
“Not a chance,” Megumi calls again, arms still crossed over his chest. 
“Staying in this room is j-just… just gonna… hHiuh-!” Nanami pauses, tongue pressed harder against his teeth as he fights back the overwhelming desire to give in to the tickle. Finally with a heavy sigh, he releases the pressure. “Just going to make the reaction worse.” 
Rolling his eyes, Megumi places a hand on the doorframe, firmly blocking the entrance. “Sorry, not buying it.” 
A sigh sounds from the couch where Gojo has found himself lounging again, eyes rolling as he makes a pointless gesture. “Just let the man through. He’s probably telling the truth anyways, what’s the point in keeping up the lie if we’re still denying him access?” 
“hH’ENchHsha! Pardon.” 
“Not planning on betting with three weeks of misery over probably telling the truth.” 
Gojo leans his head back to meet Megumi’s icy gaze, beginning yet another argument as Nanami feels his head begin to pound. Megumi’s an alright kid on his own, but put him in a conversation with Gojo, and it’s nearly infuriating. 
Exacerbated, Nanami lets a groan pass through his teeth, before walking over to the counter. Hearing footsteps, Megumi raises his head, ready to prevent an intrusion, before pausing. Quizzically, he casts a glance at Gojo, who merely shrugs. 
“What are you-”
“You don’t believe me? Fair enough, I guess I’ve earned that,” Nanami begins, internally cursing himself for this half-assed plan. “Still, I intend to see Itadori before I’m off the clock, so here’s your proof.” 
With that, he takes the bottle and sprays it against the cloth, before bringing it to his nose. The effect is immediate, Nanami feeling his hands grip the cloth tighter against his rapidly flaring nostrils on instinct. A rush of ticklish irritation spreads deep into his sinuses, his eyes watering as his skin takes on a rosy flush. 
“hH’ENCHha– YEASHH’ahh! hH’NkGt-sha! aH’GngKThah! hH’DESHHh’ue!”
Megumi and Gojo seem frozen, eyes glued to the scene playing out in front of them. Shock’s written plainly across their faces as Nanami ducks closer to the ground with each body-wrenching sneeze. All three of them locked in place. 
Gojo’s the first to break the spell, rising from the couch as Nanami– “hH’eNChsha!” continues to sneeze against the cloth. Each desperate inhale bringing another round of heavy, chemically tainted, scent.  
“enCHshHAa-! egZSHHshaa-! P-pardon– ek’eNCHSh-uew!” 
“Jeez Nanami,” Gojo offers, a wince scraping from his throat. Reaching over, he pulls the cloth away from Nanami’s twitching nose. “You’re gonna smother yourself.” 
“Point proven, now try taking a clean breath instead, yeah?” 
The near whine Nanami releases as the rush of fresh air invades his sinuses is almost pitiful, eyes overflowing with allergic misery. Megumi finally takes this moment to react, grabbing the tissue box and bringing it over. 
Still barely able to pry his eyes open, Nanami only catches a second of the offering, but he’d wager the look Megumi’s wearing is a sheepish one. More than likely laced with some feigned annoyance to cover genuine concern. That kid was always a little too good at feeling sympathy for those around him. Seems Gojo managed to instill a few good traits along with all the bad. 
“Here,” Megumi huffs, actions confirming the suspicions as he presses a handful of tissues into Nanami’s frantically waving hands. 
“eh’mFFSSCHhh! ah’enCSHMFff! hiEHh– mMFFSHHhh!” 
There’s a vague murmur of concern from Gojo, his infinity breaking as his skin touches Nanami’s back, hand gently running across the violently shaking shoulders. “You gonna live?” 
“I- hHEZDCSHah! Pardon me. I told you I wasn’t… w-wasn’t… hH’ENCZSHhaa! Wasn’t sick. Now can- ah’yeISSHHh-uew! Pardod be-” 
“Breathe Kento,” Gojo mutters, casting Megumi a calculated look as he shifts awkwardly, offering another round of tissues. 
Accepting them with a heady sniffle, Nanami attempts to finish his sentence, “Dow cad I see Idadori?” grimacing at how heavy the words fall out. Pausing to blow, he accepts another round of tissues as the sensation prompts another round of heady sneezes, followed by a second blow. 
The congestion lining his sinuses seems to be more swelling than anything else, but the blows at least clears his voice enough to regain some consonants. “There’s still an hour left in the work day, and I’d like to see him before it ends.” 
Megumi winces, attempting to cover it with a shrug as he gestures towards the door he’d been previously blocking. “Last room on the left, end of the hall. He’d be there if he’s waiting for you. Otherwise you could check the kitchen, I think he was in there earlier.” 
Before Nanami can take a step, Gojo lets an arm rest on his shoulder, leaning over with a smug grin. “The kitchen was just cleaned-”  
“eH’NCZSHha! Excuse me.” 
“-How about you go get Itadori, and I’ll bring Nanami outside for some fresh air.” 
Megumi nods, walking off at a pace that, to anyone else, could almost be construed as hurried. Once he’s out of range, Gojo turns back to Nanami, concern etched across his sharp features. 
“You know, you could have just pushed past him,” he muses, grabbing another handful of tissues as Nanami’s nose twitches needily, his eyes fluttering shut. “Megumi’s all talk, he wouldn’t have actually stopped you.” 
“eNCHHff! ah’mMFFShhh-uew! Pardon me.” 
With another harsh blow, and a sigh, Nanami accepts Gojo’s waiting shoulder, beginning the nearly six feet journey to outside. With his eyes still watering and swollen, he’s relying almost solely on Gojo to get them safely to the door. 
“I know,” he begins, taking advantage of the illusion of privacy that the darkness brings. “But I couldn’t exactly blame him. I did lie before.” 
Gojo laughs, joyous and full-bodied, the action shaking them both as Nanami wrenches to the side with another– “hHENCHHshha!” that nearly topples them. 
When he can finally get a breath in, Gojo places his hand against the wall, studying the duo. Turning to Nanami, he offers a “Was it worth it?” 
“Provigg by poidt?”
 “I meant lying. Before.” 
Nanami takes a sharp breath. Once, twice, eyes blearily staring up at the sky, before a deep exhale trips out, a groan on it’s heels. 
“Lost it?” 
“Mm. I didn’t mean to, you know.” 
“To lose the sneeze?” Gojo chuckles, helping Nanami down the steps. “I didn’t figure you did-” 
Nanami cuts him off, tone softer than he’d ever admit to as he begins again. “To get you guys sick. I wasn’t planning on having you stick around, I just…” 
There’s a pause, the silence seeming to linger heavily in the air. It’s not cold enough to see your breath, but the chill still leaves Nanami rubbing his arms. No comment is spoken when Gojo leans in closer, nor when Nanami lets his head rest on his shoulder. 
Finally a sheepish laugh cuts through the atmosphere, Nanami glancing up to meet Gojo’s genuine smile. “Can’t turn away a person in need? Guess that one’s on me as much as it is you.” 
With a light cough, Nanami spins away from his position against Gojo’s shoulder, ducking towards the ground for another, “hh’RRSHHhaa! hk’EYIESHhhaa! Pardod be, agaid."
“See! Those sound like allergies.” 
Nanami turns back to Gojo, raising an eyebrow incredulously. “You’re sayigg by sdeezes soud differedt whed I’b sick?” 
A smirk meets the question, Gojo’s eyes glistening with mischief. “I’ll record them sometime. Show you what I mean.” 
“If you ever-” 
He’s interrupted by Itadori calling out, the words lost in the distance. Glancing up from behind his tissue barrier, Nanami catches sight of the frantic waving. Megumi’s leaning against the doorframe behind him, attempting to feign indifference. As their eyes catch, Nanami offers a slight nod, Megumi’s posture notably relaxing. 
“Nanamin!” Itadori calls, rushing over to them with a giant smile. One that feels deeply inappropriate for this level of exhaustion.
Still, Nanami attempts to react with one of his own as Itadori continues rambling on. “Oh wow, you look rough! I mean, Megumi warned me, but I didn’t know it would be this bad.” 
As the words continue flowing out in an almost endless stream, Gojo leans over, voice at a volume only they can hear. “Payback time.” 
He then leans back, calling out to Itadori, “Yeah, he’s real banged up, right? Oh, hey Itadori! You remember that thing Okkotsu taught you?” 
Nanami raises an eyebrow, sending Gojo a suspicious glance before a deep sigh breaks forth at Itadori’s enthusiastic response. 
“Oh right! Bless you! It’s an English custom for when someone sneezes, right Sensei?” 
“Bless you, Nanamin!” 
It’s gonna be a long hour.
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1-ichi · 1 month
Orchids on an unlucky day.
Characters: G/ojo, M/egumi, mentions of T/sumiki AU where everyone is alive and well. G/ojo still checks in on m/eg and t/sumiki. All characters 18+ Tags: allergy, g/ojo being under the weather, m/eg being a cinnamon bun, g/ojo with expensive allergies
A tired G/ojo goes to pick up M/egumi up after a school trip. On the train home, G/ojo has an unfortunate encounter. 
On a cloudy day, Megumi went on a field trip with his classmates. They went on a tour to visit a local factory, gathering early in the morning at a bus stop a little ways away from university and disbanding at the same spot. It was 6 PM. He had somehow managed to finish his mission with a bit of force and just barely made it in time. How many hours had he worked? He assumes he hadn’t been able to visit the Fushiguro household for at most four days.
(I wanted to send him off in the morning since it was his first time going on a field trip but...)
The bus parks and comes to a halt. Students follow the professor off the bus one by one. Some were being picked up in cars, while others walked home alone. Then, he spotted Megumi.
As he waved and ran over, Megumi, with his usual unimpressed expression, stared at him. Normally, with that expression, sharp, dismissive words would follow, but...
(Cute kid.)
Unlike his usual backpack, Megumi had taken a plain navy shoulder bag Gojo had bought for him on the trip.
“You know you didn’t need to pick me up.”
“Well, I got a break tomorrow and the day after, as long as nothing comes up. I wanted to see your faces.”
Megumi nods disinterested, and they head towards the station.
“How was the factory? Did you have fun?”
“... It was okay. Relates to sustainability or whatever we’re learning in lecture. Not much though”
“I see~”
— — — —
The last time he visited the apartment, Gojo happened to read the letter on the dining table detailing the field trip. Upon reading it, he declared that he would pick Megumi up that day.
(I told him he didn’t have to come. I’m an adult for god’s sake)
But in the end, Gojo always kept his promises. It had been six days since Megumi last saw him. Although he was slightly taken aback by how haggard Gojo looked, he noticed that Gojo seemed smaller than usual. Could someone really lose so much weight in just a week? Maybe it was because he lacked strength that he appeared somewhat hunched, with a pale face and dark circles under his eyes that even his sunglasses couldn't fully hide.
(Does he not realize he's overworking himself?)
Before the rush hour crowds filled the train completely, they luckily found seats near the door, sitting side by side. Despite Gojo's few words, Megumi didn't mind. They were both a bit tired. Just five more stops.
— — — —
His body felt heavy. His mind was fogged by fatigue, lack of sleep, and simple hunger. It wasn't a cold or anything, but not being at his best was frustrating. Not that it would cause any real trouble.
(I wonder if there's food at the Fushiguro’s.)
Tsumiki was usually on top of grocery shopping, but Gojo made a mental note to call her once they reached the station, gazing absentmindedly at the passing scenery.
After a couple of stops, a woman carrying an awkwardly large box full of potted plants boarded the train. She hesitated to move further into the crowded train car and instead stood right in front of Gojo, placing the box on the armrest next to him with a thud.
Gojo, not leaning against the armrest, didn't mind. But he had a bad feeling.
(It smells...)
It was a familiar, pungent odor. Shifting his gaze slightly, he recognized the white Phalaenopsis orchids.
From where Megumi was sitting, it probably looked as if the white orchid was peering down at him. But due to his height, Gojo was directly eye-level with the flowers. Gojo noticed Megumi’s glance through his sunglasses and flashed his usual goofy smile. Three stops to go.
— — — —
“... Hh’gnxxt!!”
Recognizing the flower, within seconds, an itchy sensation crept up Gojo’s nose, causing him to shift uncomfortably. An intense irritation filled his sinuses. It had always been unpleasant. These flowers were often displayed at Gojo's mansion for celebrations, and he had developed a mild allergy to Phalaenopsis orchids since childhood. He hadn't encountered them much since attending the jujutsu school, but now he cursed the coincidence internally.
Trying to contain the force as much as possible, he managed to stifle his sneeze, though it didn’t alleviate the itch. Covering the release with his elbow, he tried to maintain composure.
(It’s okay. It’s just a little.. itchy...)
The next sneeze burst out without warning. The woman next to him shifted her weight to avoid spray. She must not realize that she is the cause of this. Slightly annoyed, Gojo pressed his tongue against the back of his front teeth to distract himself.
How unusual for him to be so bothered by the orchids. Perhaps his immune system was weakened by fatigue, causing an unusually strong allergic reaction.
(Ah, this could be bad.)
"Alright, we're here."
Barely managing to hold out until their stop, Gojo tried to maintain a composed expression, though he knew his pale complexion probably highlighted his reddening nose and eyes. The itchiness in his entire face was unbearable.
(I never manage to look cool in front of Megumi… do I)
He pinched his burning nostrils, consciously twitching his nose to endure the itch. Wanting to sneeze, but pride and embarrassment held him back. Being part of one of the three great families, he had become adept at hiding perceived weaknesses like tears and illness.
An unpleasant sound. He could already feel congestion building, making his breathing harder. He felt that if he opened his mouth to speak, a fit would take over, so instead he silently urged Megumi towards the ticketing gate. When he glanced at Megumi, he seemed like he wanted to say something, but Gojo had no time to inquire.
— — — —
Megumi noticed a change in Gojo on the train, about two stops before their destination. He heard quiet sniffles and glanced over to see tears welling up in Gojo's eyes, which he quickly wiped away with his fingers, repeating the action multiple times. Even after they got off the train and passed through the ticket gate, Gojo said very little.
(So I guess this person has the capacity to cry too...)
Megumi narrates to himself. Gojo had always seemed like an enigmatic person, devoid of human flaws and living a life sans normality. Megumi wondered if something had happened during his mission. Despite experiencing something sad, he still came to pick up Megumi. Was he okay? At least he doesn’t seem physically hurt. It didn’t seem like a question a young sorcerer like him could ask, so he simply followed Gojo, who again, seemed smaller and more fragile than usual. Glancing up, Megumi could see the gap between Gojo's sunglasses and his face, noticing his slightly reddened eyes.
(Oh, I have this.)
Megumi rummaged through his bag while walking, searching for the tissue case Tsumiki made during home economics class. He traced the uneven embroidery of the Divine Dogs with his thumb.
“Um, Gojo-san.”
Gojo turned around at Megumi's voice. He saw Megumi, a little embarrassed, holding out the tissue case.
“Please use this...”
— — — —
A pathetic smile almost breaks out.
(So, he sees through me... Was it really that obvious?)
Moving to the side of the walkway, Gojo gratefully plucks a couple tissues from Megumi’s tissue case.
They were just a few blocks away from the Fushiguro’s apartment. Gojo was hoping to relieve his sinuses with a tissue or a dozen once they reached home. Maybe in private? Maybe without Megumi or Tsumiki having to see him as a snotty mess? In his silence, he had tried breathing only through his mouth, pinching his nose, and trying oh so hard to hold back the wave of tickles that kept rocking forward. But with Megumi’s kind gesture and at the simple sight of relief, Gojo could feel the floodgates crashing wide open.
The moment his nose made contact with the tissue he brought close to his face, an electrifying itch ran through him.
Having held back for so long, his allergic reaction seemed to have amplified. Two tissues simply couldn't contain his mess, making an unpleasant squelching sound as it dirtied his fingertips. But it didn't stop, and another wave hit, ignoring any pattern or rhythm to his breathing.
“Hhh’EH’gkhsh!!! Hhh’AESHieww!”
Unrestrained, allergic waves continued to crash, tearing through him repeatedly. He could feel an unpleasant dampness in his palm. He needed new tissues.
(Ah, I must look really pathetic right now...)
He thought, half-resentful, as he involuntarily lifted his face. It was good he had covered his face with his hand, as his nose twitched embarrassingly. Megumi, with a slightly startled expression, quickly turned away.
“Hh’ITSCHhh! Hh’EHSHhe!! S-sorry...”
He managed to say after another bout of sneezing, his face scrunched in discomfort.
“Here, you can use this.”
Megumi handed him a longer hand towel he hadn't used during the field trip, almost pushing it into Gojo's chest.
“Just take it.”
“Thanks... Ha... Hh’AEGshieuw…! They... won't stah….h’… stop... Hh’uhnkg’TSCHhh!”
— — — —
“Sorry... Usually, I don't get such bad allergies... Hh’euNGTSHh! Maybe because I'm tired.”
Gojo scratched his nose, now completely irritated and allergic, trying to laugh it off.
(That wasn't something to laugh about.)
Megumi sighed inwardly. He hadn’t seen the older sorcerer in such a state before. With just how pale he is, he’d also never seen Gojo in such a shade of red. It was quite concerning.
“When we get home, take a bath first.”
“... Thank you.”
“And leave your clothes at the entrance.”
“Yeah...... sweet of you, Megumi.”
“... Yeah no… Not really.”
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raquel-lopez · 1 year
Pᴇᴅɪʀ ᴘᴇʀᴅᴏ́ɴ ɴᴏ sɪᴇᴍᴘʀᴇ sɪɢɴɪғɪᴄᴀ ϙᴜᴇ ᴇsᴛᴀᴍᴏs ᴇϙᴜɪᴠᴏᴄᴀᴅᴏs ʏ ϙᴜᴇ ᴇʟ ᴏᴛʀᴏ ᴇsᴛᴀ́ ᴇɴ ʟᴏ ᴄɪᴇʀᴛᴏ. Sɪᴍᴘʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛᴇ sɪɢɴɪғɪᴄᴀ ϙᴜᴇ ᴠᴀʟᴏʀᴀᴍᴏs ᴜɴᴀ ʀᴇʟᴀᴄɪᴏ́ɴ ᴍᴜᴄʜᴏ ᴍᴀ́s ϙᴜᴇ ᴀ ɴᴜᴇsᴛʀᴏ ᴇɢᴏ.
“Pᥱrdoᥒᥲr ᥱs ᥱᥣ vᥲᥣor dᥱ ᥣos vᥲᥣιᥱᥒtᥱs. Soᥣᥲmᥱᥒtᥱ ᥲqᥙᥱ́ᥣ qᥙᥱ ᥱs bᥲstᥲᥒtᥱ fᥙᥱrtᥱ ρᥲrᥲ ρᥱrdoᥒᥲr ᥙᥒᥲ ofᥱᥒsᥲ sᥲbᥱ ᥲmᥲr.” Mᥲhᥲtmᥲ Gᥲᥒdhι ~
“Eᥣ ρᥱrdóᥒ ᥒo ᥴᥲmbιᥲ ᥱᥣ ρᥲsᥲdo ρᥱro ᥱᥒgrᥲᥒdᥱᥴᥱ ᥱᥣ fᥙtᥙro.” Pᥲᥙᥣ Boᥱsᥱ ~
“Eᥣ ρᥱrdóᥒ ᥱs ᥙᥒ rᥱgᥲᥣo qᥙᥱ tᥱ dᥲs ᥲ tί mιsmo.” Toᥒ̃ι dᥱ ᥣᥲ Fᥙᥱᥒtᥱ ~
Cᥙᥲᥒdo ᥒo sᥱ ρᥱrdoᥒᥲ, ᥙᥒo ᥲᥣιmᥱᥒtᥲ sᥱᥒtιmιᥱᥒtos dᥱ rᥱᥒᥴor, odιo ᥱ ιrᥲ, qᥙᥱ ᥒos ᥴᥲᥙsᥲᥒ ᥙᥒᥲ grᥲᥒ ιᥒsᥲtιsfᥲᥴᥴιóᥒ ιᥒtᥱrιor, qᥙᥱ ᥒos ᥴᥲrᥴomᥱᥒ ρor dᥱᥒtro ყ ρrodᥙᥴᥱᥒ ιᥒfᥱᥣιᥴιdᥲd. Eᥣ ρᥱrdóᥒ ᥱs ᥣᥲ rᥱsρᥙᥱstᥲ mᥲ́s ιᥒtᥱᥣιgᥱᥒtᥱ ᥴoᥒtrᥲ ᥱᥣ mᥲᥣ.
Eᥣ ρroριo Gᥲᥒdhι dᥱᥴίᥲ, “Ojo ρor ojo ყ ᥱᥣ mᥙᥒdo ᥲᥴᥲbᥲrίᥲ ᥴιᥱgo.” ყ tᥲmbιᥱ́ᥒ dᥱᥴίᥲ, “No dᥱjᥱs qᥙᥱ sᥱ mᥙᥱrᥲ ᥱᥣ soᥣ sιᥒ qᥙᥱ hᥲყᥲᥒ mᥙᥱrto tᥙs rᥱᥒᥴorᥱs.”
Eᥣ ρᥱrdóᥒ ᥱs qᥙιzᥲ́ ᥣᥲ ᥲᥴtιtᥙd qᥙᥱ mᥱjor dᥱjᥲ ᥲᥣ dᥱsᥴᥙbιᥱrto ᥣᥲ grᥲᥒdᥱzᥲ dᥱ ᥙᥒᥲ ρᥱrsoᥒᥲ.
Pᥲz, Amor ყ Uᥒιdᥲd ρor ᥙᥒᥲ Nᥙᥱvᥲ Hᥙmᥲᥒιdᥲd. Grᥲᥴιᥲs ρor Sᥱr ყ Estᥲr. Nᥲmᥲstᥱ
Asking for forgiveness does not always mean that we are wrong and that the other is right. It simply means that we value a relationship much more than our ego.
"Forgiveness is the value of the brave. Only he who is strong enough to forgive an offense knows how to love.” Mahatma Gandhi~
“Forgiveness does not change the past but it enhances the future.” Paul Boese~
“Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself.” Toñi de la Fuente~
When one does not forgive, one feeds feelings of resentment, hatred and anger, which cause us great inner dissatisfaction, which eat away at us inside and produce unhappiness. Forgiveness is the most intelligent response against evil.
Gandhi himself said, “An eye for an eye and the world would end up blind.” and he also said, “Don't let the sun die without your resentments dying.”
Forgiveness is perhaps the attitude that best reveals a person's greatness.
Peace, Love and Unity for a New Humanity. Thank you for being and being. Namaste
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rykno-j · 1 year
Ignorance (j/jk)
Summary: a new AC is installed to their shared dorm, and g/eto is (unfortunately) sensitive to the cold temperature
Ship: s/atos/ugu- they sleep together so its pretty established
Notes: i noted s/hoko calls g/ojo and g/eto by their surnames in the anime so i'll be keeping it the same way here.
the fic was just supposed to be g/eto falling sick due to the temperature, but it took a turn at the end where g/ojo experiences what a cold is for the first time.
3.2k words.
"Waahh- It feels so much better in our room now.. Seriously, why didn't we ask for this sooner?"
"We never needed it before, it never used to be this warm."
"Ahh, ah yeah. It's because of global warming."
Geto opened his mouth to argue that it was due to them sleeping huddled together, buried in each others embrace that caused the heat, but he decided to keep quiet.
Satoru has recently invited him to sleep over permanenly, and after a few weeks, they decided to send in a request for an aircon.
In all honesty, Geto was fine with the temperature. But Gojo would wake up and complain about the heat, ending their hug. Geto was getting annoyed with it.
So now it whirled overhead.
Geto had not been able to sleep well, he admits this to himself only. He had never been too good with low temperatures, with the way his nose would start to run and with the way an itch would form at the back of his increasingly dry throat.
Tonight was no different. Despite being under the blanket and cuddled from behind, Geto found himself shivering.
It wasn't violent enough to wake Gojo up, though. Geto doubted anything would wake the other up anyway. They had tired each other out after a whole night of activity, the weight of Gojo's fingers still somewhat lingering over his wrists.
Geto stares at the small green light of the aircon. Too cold. It was way too cold.
He inhales sharply as gojo hugs him tighter from behind. Right. Satoru had a habit of doing that.
Unfortunately, the wave of cold air that entered his lungs was quite unwelcomed. Geto could feel it tickling his airways.
He didn't remember it being this bad the first day the aircon got installed. It had to be his lack of sleep. More than that, his throat had been uncharacteristically dry since a few days ago
Geto swallowed as a way to test the waters. No pain. He was fine, at least for now.
Pulling the blanket up to his chin, Geto exhaled, feeling the warm of his breath against his cheek. He's fine.
Morning rolled around much faster than he had anticipated.
"Ohayo Suguruu--"
Geto felt Gojo rubbing his head against his chest, bright blue eyes staring straight at him. He looked so endearing like this, Geto couldn't help but place a kiss on his forehead.
"Ohayo, Satoru.."
His voice had come out scratchier than normal, but he was sure it was overlookable due to it being early in the morning.
Gojo leapt out of bed, stretching himself awake. His hair poked out of his head from all different directions. To that, Gojo quickly ran a hand down his scalp.
Geto smiled to himself. Waking up like this everyday was pure bliss. Now if only he wasn't as tired as he was..
"Suguruu- c'mon, we need to go for our morning run before Sensei comes for our throats again."
Not waiting for Geto's response, Gojo takes off his shirt, bending over to dig through the drawers for his school track uniform.
Geto watches from where he was, still lying down, a faint blush dusting his cheeks. Satoru looked so damn good just by doing absolutely anything.
"Suguru? Aren't you getting up? We have to go."
"Mm, I'll catch up later.. wna lie down a little bit more."
"Ehhh..? Something wrong? Did I tire you out too much last night?" Gojo looked over to him, slight mirth in his eyes.
"Yeah, exactly that."
"Ahh, I'm sorry, heheh." (he was not sorry). "I'll see you at the track then. Half an hour max, alright? You need to run at least a round to make it convincing."
Gojo turned to leave the room, before he changed his mind, scrambling over to where Geto was, leaning over to press a kiss against his temple.
"Okayyy, byeee-♡"
Geto huffed to himself. Seriously, who was the older one here? Still, he would do anything for the other. Anything.
"..hiH' hitchh-w!! hah'tzchh!!"
Anything. Even at the expense of himself.
Geto knew sooner or later he would come down with something. He always did, whenever the temperature got a little low. During the winter seasons, it was absolute hell. But at least he could dress warmly then.
In their shared dorm? Not so much.
"..hAH'dZzchh!! ..snff-"
The back of his wrist was already coated with a layer of mist. Nothing he couldn't handle. Some sleep would get rid of it, he was sure.
Geto blinked at the green light of the air-conditioner. He should.. he should really switch that off..
Curling into the warm pocket of space that Gojo had left behind, Geto drifted off once again.
"Suguru- SUGURU-!!! Oiii, I thought I told you half hour max?!"
What was going on?
Geto was shaken awake, bright light invading his eyes as he opened them. The warm blanket around him was then yanked off roughly. A shiver ran down his spine.
Geto felt his wrist being pulled as he was lifted off the bed. Another tug sent him flying out of the room, Gojo pulling him towards the shared bathing area.
He felt cold water splash onto his face.
"Water. We have to make it convincing that you ran a few laps." Gojo stepped back, analysing him for awhile. "Alright. You look tired enough to pass, let's go, quickly!"
"Satoru.. I'm still in my sleepwear.."
"Heh? ..Eh?? EHHH-!!"
Gojo led him into the courtyard after a quick change of clothes. The sun had barely started to rise. Added with the consistent evaporation of the water on his skin, Geto couldn't help the light quivers that ran down his frame.
Really.. every morning with Satoru was sure to be an entertaining one, albeit tiring.
Lunch was no different, say for the dull throbbing that had started to form throughout his head. Beside him, Gojo was talking on and on about how ugly his piece of lettuce looked.
"Shoko-!! I'm telling you! It looks juuust like the curse we exorcised last week. This part is its arms, here's the head.. Suguru- oi Suguru, it looks like it, doesn't it?"
Geto felt a jab to his rib.
"What-?" (his voice broke)
"It looks like it, right? Right?"
"Mm, yeah, yeah it does.." What was Satoru on about this time?
"See?!!" Gojo leaned back happily, waving the food item in front of Shoko, who looked extremely unamused.
Geto stared at his own tray. Inbetween closing his eyes, rubbing his temples and trying not to sneeze, he swore he had eaten more than what was left on his plate.
There was still time before the next lesson. If he took a rest now, his body might just make it in time. With that, he stood up.
"I'm going back first."
"Hahh? Suguru- I thought we were supposed to play basketball later?"
"Mm, yeah. I'm going to go get ready first."
Gojo flashed him an OK! symbol before he turned back to the table.
Now it was just a matter of how long he could keep up this guise.
Geto slid open the doors to the dorm, a wave of cold air 'welcoming' him. If he hadn't been gripping onto the door frame, Geto was sure his knees would have given way.
Shit. With their hurry this morning, they had forgot to turn off the aircon. Geto swears that if he pours water on the floor, it was going to freeze over.
The controller. Where was it? He had to turn this monstrosity off.
Geto fumbled through the mountain of Gojo's belongings on the table. Seriously, Satoru had to learn how to tidy up after himself.
Admist the searching, Geto accidentally knocks off one of their long metal rulers, and it hits the floor with a loud clang.
There goes the rest of his headache.
Finger pressed against his temple, Geto gave up looking for the controller. He wouldn't be surprised if Gojo had accidentally stuffed it into his school bag, which was currently on his person.
Well whatever.
Geto pulled open the cupboard with an effort, pulling out a few of his thicker jackets meant for winter. Throwing them onto the bed, Geto joined them shortly.
He would keep them before Satoru came to bug him for the game of basketball. He would keep them before- before..
Geto's eyelids felt heavy. He'd finish that thought later.. later.
Back at the lunch table:
"Mm?" He pauses mid-bite. "What is it?"
Shoko sighs, playing with the lighter between her fingers. "You need to be a lot more sensitive, you know that?"
"Sensitive? You mean to cursed energy? My eyes already do that, don't worry."
"Idiot. I meant that you should be more sensitive to Geto."
"..Suguru? My eyes can tell apart his cursed energy from others."
Shoko sighs again, pressing her lighter onto the table. "Not that."
"Then? You mean I should be less rough with him when we-"
"Not that! I Do Not want to hear about that!"
Gojo smirks. "Alright, alright."
"..Anyway, didn't you notice anything wrong with him?" Shoko says instead.
"Mm? Ah.. I guess Suguru hasn't insulted my intelligence today."
"That's why I'm doing it right now."
Gojo feigns hurt as Shoko pulls out a cigarette.
"Cutting to the chase, Geto seemed barely able to stay awake just now."
He supposes she does have a point. Suguru had been exceptionally sluggish today, but he was sure it was nothing to be worried about, nothing a sugared drink can't fix.
"..Seriously Gojo, didn't you notice how tired he looked when he left the table?"
In all honesty, he had not.
"..So, do I really need to spell it out for you?"
Gojo sheepishly looked away as Shoko shot him a look that screamed "you suck!"
"I'll go check on him."
"Mm, thank me later."
In the hallway:
Gojo made his way quickly to their dorm. Now that Shoko had mentioned it, he couldn't get it out of his head that something had indeed been up with the other.
Firstly, what was up with that whole 'sleeping-in' episode? He knew for a fact that Suguru was always the one chasing him to get changed and leave.
And Geto hadn't asked him to stop playing with his food during lunch, not once. Even though he was normally the one who ensured that Gojo's food actually made its way into his mouth.
Not to mention leaving the table alone. Suguru almost never went anywhere without him.
Picking futher, Gojo remembers how tired Geto looked in the morning, as if he didn't get a wink of sleep.
Had he really not noticed before?
Thinking about it now would do him no good. Steadying himself, Gojo slides open the door.
"Suguruu- are you there?"
Even in the dim room, Gojo could make out the mess of blankets on their bed. He could hear Geto's shallow breaths. They sounded.. rough.. for someone who was supposedly asleep.
Something was definitely wrong. Hadn't Suguru said he was heading back to the dorms to get changed for basketb- oh. Oh of course. How could he have been so dense? The other had probably said that in an attempt to escape the lunch table.
Gojo closes the door behind him, afraid the light from outside might wake Geto up. He clenched his fist. Open, close, open.
How was he supposed to approach the other?
Gojo had never been in a situation like this before. In his eyes, there was nothing wrong with Suguru. His flow of cursed energy was stable, though muted. But that normally happened when he was asleep.
What was wrong, then?
As Gojo neared the bed, he saw the edge of the blanket get tugged upwards.
He reached over, tugging the blanket back down.
"Suguru, are-"
His eyes widened.
Gojo remembers how his teachers would drill into his head the concept of "searching for signs of curses using their residuals" when he first joined Jujutsu High.
Of course, he could already do that naturally with his six eyes.
But this. This was something else entirely.
What he saw in front of him was not something that would ever have been written into any mission handbook.
Gojo's eyes traced over what was presented to him when Geto looked at him hazily, as if he just woke up from restless sleep.
Cheeks flushed.
Eyes unfocused.
Nose tinted pink.
Small quivers in the fingers gripping the blanket.
And when he spoke, it was as soft as ever, with an added edge of roughness that made Gojo's heart run laps around his ribcage. His voice sounded like a running river that had flowed over a particularly rocky path.
If residuals showed signs of curses in the area, what did these show?
Gojo reached out gently. He wanted to know, needed to know.
Before he could finish the sentence, however, Geto turned sharply to the side.
"..hh' w-wait.. I.. hH'gNxXt!! ..hAH'nGxt!! .. snff-!! ..m'sorry.."
"Aahh- no. It's okay- are you okay?" Gojo felt his voice catch in his throat. He had never seen Geto like this before. It scared him.
But a part of him subconsciously made his hand move to Geto's neck, pressing in softly.
He was warm, extremely warm.
In an attempt to help, Gojo tugs the blanket off Geto's body.
"..Suguru, you're going to give yourself heatstroke, take the jackets off.."
"N-No, you don't g-Hh'!! ..get it.. it's c-chH'!! hah'Ngxtt!! hih'dNxggt!! hH'gNxx-chh!! ..it's cold.."
"It is?" A genuine question.
Gojo turned to the messy table, digging through the mess of papers and unopened sweet packets. When he came up with nothing, Gojo turned to another messy pile on the floor.
"Why didn't you just say something?"
Geto watched as Gojo fished the remote out from under a discarded mission file.
The aircon went off with a beep, leaving behind a sudden dense feeling in the air. The shift in pressure placed a fuzzy feeling in Geto's sinuses.
"..hh'nGx-tch!! hH'gNxxt-iw!!"
Gojo tilted a curious head in his direction.
"Why are you still sneezing? I turned it off."
Geto shot an annoyed glance at him. "That's n-not ..hH-! ..h'Ngxt!! ..not how colds work."
"Oh." Gojo replied, dumbfounded.
"..Do you even know what that is?"
To that, Gojo nodded. "Yes, but I was told that colds are a sign of weakness, that I shouldn't get them, because I'm supposed to be the strongest, so I don't have much experience with them."
"Who told you that..?"
"The people who raised me, of course."
Geto was suddenly glad that they no longer had a hand in raising his friend. Seriously, driving these thoughts into the head of a child was wrong, even if said child was the bearer of two of the most broken abilities.
"Anyway.." Gojo continued, "Suguru, you sure it's a cold? You're strong too, so I didn't think you could.. get colds."
Geto sighed. One step at a time, it seems.
"Everyone can get them."
"Ah, really?"
"..Surely you've gotten a fever before?"
Geto sighed again, reaching out to grab Gojo's hand, pressing it against his forehead.
"Tryna tell me how hot you are?" Gojo smirks slightly. "Seriously though, isn't that because you've literally dressed yourself for winter?"
He points at the jackets Geto had sitting around him.
Geto exhales slowly from his mouth. Just how was he going to explain this?
"..When someone falls sick, they get a fever, and that makes them feel cold, because of the difference in temperature between the body and the surrounding air."
"..Then why didn't you just turn the aircon off just now?"
"Because I couldn't find the damn remote through all the mess!" After raising his voice slightly, Geto turns away to cough softly into his fist. Ah, he shouldn't have done that.
Next to him, Gojo reaches for the half empty bottle of water across the table before uncapping it, passing it to the other.
For someone so seemingly oblivious to the things happening around him, Satoru was surprisingly considerate at times, Geto notes with a smile.
"That doesn't explain why this is all pink though," Gojo says suddenly, stepping up so he can press a finger to the very tip of Geto's nose.
"Sa-hH'!! hIH'dZtcHH!! haH'EhkshH!! ..Satoru! Don't..dohH'!! ..hi'tgNxtt!! ..don't do that.."
"So that's how your sneezes sound like without you pinching them away!"
Geto froze in place. Ah.. the fit had set on so quickly that he didn't have time to stifle. He hadn't even realised. A blush creeped up onto his cheeks.
"Seriously though, why do you always do that?"
Geto looked away, hoping the flush wouldn't deepen. "It's not.. well, it's not-"
"..Everyone does it, right?" Gojo interrupted. "Just like you told me everyone can catch colds, everyone sneezes too, so why are you so shy about it?"
"..Well yes, but using that same logic, you won't just change your clothes in front of anyone, would you?"
Gojo went silent for awhile, as if he was contemplating something deeply. Seconds later, he turned to Geto with a small smile.
"So I'm special then!"
"Because you sneezed in front of me."
Before Geto could calm himself down enough to give an answer, Gojo bent down, pressing his lips gently against the edge of Geto's eye.
"Suguruu, was the aircon really bothering you that much? You've got eyebags."
"Why didn't you say anything then?" Gojo asks again.
"..You were enjoying it, so I thought I'd-"
"Sacrifice yourself for me??"
"..It's not that dramatic, Satoru."
"Yeah but still," Gojo pouts a little before speaking. "I would have suffered through the heat for you."
Yet again he proves to be considerate. How was he to respond to that?
"But then you always.. always-" ..always break the hug when it gets too hot. Geto catches himself before the rest of that sentence slips out, but the other seemed to get its implication.
"I didnt want us to wake up all sweaty, that's all. But if you're okay with it, I won't let go."
Geto opened his mouth in an attempt to deny the fact he liked being hugged, but Gojo quickly circled around to his side of the bed, leaning forward to kiss Geto's temple.
"I heard sleep helps to make colds better."
"That's what I was trying to do before you barged in and tugged my blanket off."
"Heh, a consequence of moving in with me."
"Mm. I'm not backing out, though."
"Hah! As if I would let you do such a thing."
Geto couldn't help the soft laugher that escaped him, even if it made him bend over with a light coughing fit.
"Alright alright.." Gojo said, patting Geto's back gently. "Take off the damn jacket, I wna hug you."
"..As you wish."
The rest of the day was spent lazily in bed, with Geto occasionally waking up just to dissolve into rapid fits that left him exhausted and clinging onto Gojo for comfort.
Seriously, if colds made Suguru this touchy, he wouldn't mind helping the other through a few more.
Finishing notes:
Filling up plot holes: the teacher cancelled lessons for the rest of the day, since it was hand-to-hand combat. with geto sick and gojo having no partner to spar with, the lesson was postponed. that's why satosugu could just stay in bed. ofc, they would have either way.
Yeah gojo caught geto's cold after this, and experienced his first sick, yay!
Sorry for the once again plot>snz fic, but that's normally how my stuff goes
Also at the beginning of the fic i wonder if anyone got the global warming reference hahsvagj
tysm for reading agshhs
-- 2 weeks to Shibuya --
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crimechannels · 1 year
By • Olalekan Fagbade Federal Govt warns NSCDC personnel against rights abuse of Nigerians Abuja, Aug. 31, 2023 (NAN) The Minister of Interior, Dr Olubunmi Tunj-Ojo, has warned paramilitary officers against abusing the rights of Nigerians, saying the uniforms they wear and weapons they bear are to defend the defenceless. The minister gave the warning while on inspection tour to the headquarters of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) on Thursday, in Abuja. Tunji-Ojo, who expressed delight at the capabilities of the service, urged the Commandant-General of the Corps, Dr Ahmed Audi, to continue to use his skills to bring to bear innovative ideas on the personnel. The minister also commended the personnel of the corps who won medals for Nigeria at continental and international sports events, promising automatic promotions for the duo involved. He thanked the officers for the sacrifices they had been making on daily basis just to ensure that Nigerians sleep with their two eyes closed. “I want to plead with you to treat Nigerians with respect in all you do. Mere fact that you are in uniform does mean you should abuse the rights of Nigerians. Please treat Nigerians with respect. “The female squad is novel within our clime and this is what Nigeria is about. This is the Nigerian spirit innovation backed up with excellence. “With the capacity that I have seen today, I know we are not too far from what we need to secure our country. The ministry will give you the needed support. “Together we will build a security architecture that no level of insecurity can penetrate in any way. In line with the ‘Renewed Hope Agenda’ of present administration, the ministry will not just be there for you, the government will have your backing. “Your job is very key, and with proper efforts, harnessing your qualities coupled with dedication, the simple truth is that we can reduce the way our armed forces are being over stretched.” He assured them that whatever was needed for them to succeed, the president was committed to assist them to deliver on their mandate. The minister reminded them that it was their responsibility to protect the nation’s critical assets as well as the mining sites, schools, hospitals, public buildings among others. “We will do all in our power to ensure that the two African champions you have presented here are given automatic promotions. “The era when performance and excellence were attenuated and perhaps some other factors were amplified is over. “That era is over. When you perform uniquely, distinctly and exceptionally, you will be recognised exceptionally. “I have challenged your C-G. You have wonderful ideas and programmes but it is time to walk the talk. The time for action is now,”the minister stressed. Earlier, the minister, while at the Federal Fire Service (FFS) Headquarters, promised to work with the service to enable them to carry out their constitutional mandate as custodian of fire management in the country. He also promised to assist the service to acquire more modern fire fighting equipment to enable it achieve timely response to any fire incident in the country. Tunj-Ojo promised to decentralise the service emergency response capabilities for effective and efficient service delivery. The Controller-General of the service, AbdulGaniyu Jaji, promised to work with the ministry to enable it to achieve its mandate of protecting lives and property of Nigerians.(NAN) #FederalGovtwarnsNSCDCpersonnel
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99liners · 3 years
pregnancy a⇝z hcs: psychomachy!jhs;
pairing: hotelier!jung hoseok x trophy wife!reader
original oneshot: psychomachy (it is advisable to read the oneshot first)
warnings: soft yandere!jhs, toxic relationship dynamic.
part of: tatemae; 建前 — a bts series
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when he was around, jhs was a doting husband. cooing about the baby, letting you know what all he has planned for the kid; the nursery, pre-school, school, friends, career, etc.
he is mindful of it but not obsessed with it.
oh, bbs, this is jhs we are talking about. and the fact that you are pregnant with his HEIR. ma’am, whichever direction you look is yours, like literally. he would maybe even buy the air, the space above your head if he has to for you, he will do it. whatever you are craving, he will get you the expensive, extravagant version of it. even if he is overseas, he gets everything home-delivered to you. you have to yell at him to get it through his thick head that you want street food, not seven-star-hotel food. and he goes OJO, ‘but isn’t that bad for the baby’ and you go, ‘get your ass here before you talk about the health of the baby. you ain’t here, you don’t get a say’ then he basically gives up and gets you whatever you want.
well, uhm, he kinda-sorta was late for it... don’t come at my neck, you have beef with him, then take it up with him. not defending him but he did remember your due date, he just miscalculated the time difference between korea and australia (where he was, at the time, for a business deal.) well, we all know how you were stubborn to not give birth if jhs was not by your side. thankfully, he did arrive before any dire consequences.
he was not overly ecstatic. he takes after his family A LOT, unconsciously. he thinks he is different than them, better than them but he is just like them, maybe even worse. getting married, having a child, it is all clockwork to him. a kind of responsibility that he knew he would have to take on at a certain age, as foretold by his family. you can think of his mindset as, ‘it was supposed to happen anyways, so it’s happening, what’s the big deal about it?’
wow, do i even have to type this out? jhs legit dumped you at the jung villa when you were in your first trimester itself. you were constantly surrounded by his family more than him, on account of his continuous absence. as to your family, the jungs never expressed any discomfort when you wanted to visit them but you did not visit them much by yourself on account of the distance between jung villa and your house. the journey tired you out and the whole ordeal seemed too hectic so, you limited your visits willingly.
you did not want to know and wanted it to be a sweet little secret to be unveiled on the special day but oh, well, you are the only daughter-in-law of the jung family. how could they ever let you have anything to yourself? against your express instructions on how you did not want to know the gender of the baby, the family would casually let it slip in front of you while having dinner one night. oh the rage on your face, that distorted look, you have never wanted to burn the villa down so strongly. however, before you could spew out any venom, jhs was home that day and he noticed the look on your face just in time to stop you. you only let out a small distasteful, ‘i wanted it to be a surprise!’ and grandpa jung replied, ‘you kids think every other thing is a trendy game. we wanted to know the know the gender of our future heir. get over it.’
oh baby, i don’t know what to tell you but jhs kinda-sorta was not there for most of the scans / check-ups / ultrasounds. so he missed the heartbeat...
not too big on romantic gestures unless it involves expensive gift giving but jhs is traditional so expressing his love to you is so basic to him. likes to remind you that he loves you and cares for you. almost as if his guilty conscience is speaking for always being away.
my mans ain’t jealous of anything. what could he be possibly jealous of? he was born with a silver spoon, went to the best school and universities, had a throne built and waiting for him, met the love of his life, married her and now he is going to be a father. what could he possibly be jealous of? he knows that too, he knows he has it all and he takes immense pride in it. jhs does not do petty, cheap and irrational feelings like jealousy, sign him out.
jhs has been able to feel the kicks maybe a handful of two-three times, max.
ahaha, lol, mf arrived late and then had the audacity to be clueless about everything. was hyperventilating at the sight of blood and had to be pumped back to life by one of the doctors in the OR and you are just staring at him like -_- while the obstetrician gives you a confused look to which you just sigh. you probably broke his delicate hand that day with how strongly you squeezed onto it. he swallowed the scream that almost escaped past his lips but 10/10 would be moaning in pain when he got to leave the OR and rush to the men’s restroom.
when he was around, he was as helpful as most husbands can be. the type to forget his sleep routine to take care of you.
he already had the nursery in mind and he mostly showed you what the nursery was going to look like than asking you what you wanted there. might have asked you before finalizing the colour but that is about it. the furniture, the décor, the aesthetic, the theme — everything was his choice and you were just the bystander :/
here comes the (lactation kink) whore, hello (lactation kink) whore. oh, he is so obsessed with your breasts, oh my god. he can nibble on them for hours, preferably all day. probably that is the only thing he gets jealous about against hyuk. loves to grab at them, squeeze them, play with the nipples and, of course, suck at them :))
jhs was very much around after birth and was, incidentally, more close to hyuk than you were. he bonded very smoothly with his son and hyuk knew his father very well. if jhs is not in front of his eyes and maybe just came home after work, from the very rumbling of his father’s car wheels out on the porch, hyuk already knows it is his father. he also remembers the sound of jhs’ footsteps, his voice, his cologne, his smell. hyuk feels very comfortable in father’s arms and mostly falls asleep when he is with his father.
a lot like adronitis!knj, jhs bothers enouement!kth way too much. kth is tired of reminding both the adult ass men that he is not a paediatrician. at this point, kth has given up and does the research/consultation with paediatricians himself before clearing his hyungs’ confusions.
jhs was away a lot after the marriage cause life felt like clockwork to him. his entire life has always been laid out in front of him, very much like an unrolled red carpet, for him to just walk on. he always knew he had to get married by this specific age, then have kids, then on and on like an endless loop of stairs. dating you was probably the only part which was adventurous for him, a time in his life which brought him true joy. mind you, he is very happy with you even now but the fact that his life has fallen back into a schedule really sucked the life right out of him. he was away a lot because he wanted to get away from reality, hoping that he would wake up one day and his life would be looking any different but it never did and then one day, he was a dad. jhs knew that it was high time he took some responsibility, so he finally came back home and rooted himself right by your side as he should have months ago. additionally, he is the only child so all the jung family responsibility is on him. the jung family smother him, suffocate him so you can say that he used you as the scapegoat and threw you at the wolves while fending for himself solely.
again, i feel like these hcs are only hurting you cause it keeps reminding all of us how much away jhs had been throughout the pregnancy period.
oh, it was actually euna who saw it first. she has a sharp eye and was able to detect at once that you might be with a child. both you and jhs were clueless and not really expecting a child. after hearing euna’s words, it prompted you to take a test and lo and behold, she was not tweakin’. 
this is hurting me now :/ well, if it is any consolation, he was in direct contact with your primary obstetrician at all times so he had the ultrasound reports emailed to him.
this is a joke, right? you were literally kept away from your son and reduced to the position of a wet-nurse. no wonder, hyuk is so close to his grandparents, his great-grandfather and his father. they always hogged all of his time even when hyuk was a new-born. and the number of guests, dear lord. jung villa is always overflowing with guests; business partners, family, relatives. hyuk was around people all the time and only ever with you when he was hungry or was napping. the jung family is the sole reason why you were not able to bond with your son.
jhs is very patient. patience is his virtue, to be honest. come on, he is the product of the jung family, if anything, he is the most patient person you have ever encountered. when the pair of you moved back to your own place with hyuk, jhs would always let you be with the baby. yes, it is a different story that hyuk only ever wanted to be patted down / cuddled / snuggled by his father.
you were almost going through a dry spell during pregnancy and had to relieve yourself by your own means, that too, in the jung villa. post birth, jhs was a gentle lover, always there to take care of all your needs, making your wants the priority.
unbeknownst to you, jhs really admires you for putting up with his family. even he cannot put up with them and just wants to escape but he admires your rigour for always tolerating them no matter what they throw your away. he has mad respect for you.
well, hyuk only ever slept with jhs in the initial months. no matter how much it annoyed, your phone is equally filled with series and series of photos of hyuk and jhs sleeping together, snuggled together.
feedback is deeply appreciated.✨
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- jaimie.
© 𝟫𝟫𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈, 𝟐𝟎𝟤𝟣. 𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔯𝔶 𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔢𝔡. 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔡𝔦𝔱 𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔤𝔰 𝔱𝔬 @blu-joons​.
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girlbossminerva · 2 years
Rules: make a new post and spell out your URL with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
Tagged by @anilesbian thanks for the tag :D!
G - Glitterspit by Sloppy Jane
I - I wanna be adored by The Stone Roses
R - Rebecca by Against me! (This one isn't on spotify for some reason)
L - La paura del buio by Maneskin
B - The bitter end by Placebo
O - Ojos asi by Shakira
S - Siempre me cuesta regresar by La Texana
S - Ship to wreck by Florence + The Machine
M - Monster Hospital by Metric
I - In corpore sano by Konstrakta
N - No lullaby by SIAMES
E - El mareo by Bajofondo & Gustavo Cerati
R - Romance by Buck-Tick
V - Vampire Money by My Chemical Romance
A - Alive by Pearl Jam
I will tag @starswallowingsea @crystallos-sol @tresbestioles @meancetosociety and that's it cause I cannot think of the same number of people as my URLs letters
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chaoticgeminate · 3 years
Guys, holy guacamole, this is part 6. I know it isn't a huge thing but I'm glad to know there are people out there reading this that like it and that means a LOT to me. We're getting into the fluffier bits now [the action will come back I promise] and I hope you're still along for the ride ❤
Rating: G [This chapter is more setting up than actual story movement]
Word Count: 3,838
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
Part Five | Part Seven
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He was blaming the headache on a lack of coffee, super villains, and general exhaustion; since it was right behind his eyes Marcus was also going to blame the more frequent use of contacts now that he was back on the field too. “What do you mean Jackson is nowhere to be found?” With Addison and Lepido and all the thugs behind bars the only loose end to tie up was Lowell and Tech-No had been on the hunt for him since they rescued Eleanora, almost five months ago now, and the fact that the man was just gone set off alarm bells in the back of his mind.
“I mean it’s like he just dropped off the face of the Earth, Marcus. I can’t trace any known addresses or contact numbers after two years ago, there aren’t any obituaries either, and his bank account was closed three years back while all his credit cards are frozen from excessive unpaid fees.”
It wasn’t Tech-No’s fault and Marcus knew that but it was still frustrating, the fact that there was a loose end they couldn’t track didn’t sit well with the lead Heroic at all, and his gut was telling him that he was right to be worried. Addison, Lepido, and every armed thug captured had refused to talk about how they knew each other and why they were working together; Lowell was the last known lead on the connection between them and Eleanora.
There was enough on his plate handling the CIA and FBI’s attempts to get Eleanora under their control, they’d been harassing him daily now about forcing her to work for them and Marcus had been quick to put his foot down, and now with him and Missy both in therapy there were more frequent episodes of his daughter lashing out as she tried to work through her PTSD from the near kidnapping. “Right, I’m assuming you have something running in the background to keep the search going?” His glasses landed on the desk as he removed them, rubbing his temples, and Tech set down some ibuprofen for him as he slid into the padded chair across the surface.
Neither of the men spoke for a moment, letting the silence sit between them. “I do, Moreno, it took me a bit to come around but Eleanora isn’t what I thought she was and I’m sorry for blowing up at you because I was too stubborn to trust you. We’ll find him; unless he’s dead there aren’t many places he can hide.” As they sat there taking a brief break from everything Marcus exhaled heavily, feeling the sudden heaviness of how much had suddenly landed in his lap. “Have you told Eleanora that the CIA and FBI want her working for them?” Marcus’ reply was to instantly shake his head, swallowing the water and medicine in his mouth to explain.
“Not directly, I’m sure she knows but I’ve never said that I’ve been fielding calls and blockading their attempts. I will have to talk her into training though, because I’ve no doubt that they’ll try to frame her for some sort of federal crime to get to her and the only way she’d be safe is if she’s officially a Heroic.”
Tech-No hummed and tapped his knuckles against his knee before sitting up straighter. “Have her run HQ.” The remark had Marcus’ head shooting up, after Granada and Ojo left Earth the rest of HQ had fallen under his responsibility as well and Marcus had been looking for a possible replacement for a while now. “You and I know she’d be able to sniff out any of the executives and department heads doing anything remotely illegal or improper here, it would also give her a little leeway with the red tape issue as long as she had probable cause to investigate, and it would allow her a safer environment to use and learn her powers. Plus our system would easily be the most secure in the world with her help.” Tech-No raised many good points and Marcus sat back in his chair with a heavy sigh.
“I’ll talk to her about it.”
Tech nodded and left with the promise to spend one more day digging as deep as he could before letting the analysts and software keep hunting for Lowell, leaving Marcus to his office, and the man grabbed his phone before sending Eleanora a message about coming to his place for dinner so he could talk to her. Tech-No’s idea wasn’t a bad one at all, it would also allow them to make sure she was around a secure building most of the day while Lowell was on the loose and they still had no idea who was after her, though Marcus could only privately admit he was happy to have someone who might help make this place run smoother so he could focus on the team and the kids.
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“Hang on.”
With Missy at Anita’s place it was just her and Marcus, which she may have read into just a little bit when she arrived, but the hero was clearly worked up about something and the moment she asked him what was wrong he’d basically hurled out a slew of information in what seemed like a single breath. “Let’s see how much of that word vomit I actually heard, okay? You said the CIA and FBI have been trying to get me to work for them and you’ve been fielding their attempts?” His head bobbed and she could tell he was embarrassed by his initial attempt at communication, now not bothering to speak or elaborate, but she could handle that much.
“Thank you for that, it means a lot to me. You’re also worried they’ll try and frame me for some Federal crime and use the threat of prison time as a way to make me use my powers at their call?”
Another nod.
“So you want me to run Heroics HQ while you lead the team as a way to not only secure HQ’s network but to prevent them from being able to touch me since I’ll have a public presence as a Hero.”
As he nodded again, rapidly this time, she allowed herself a moment to contemplate it; given that it was certainly not an avenue she’d even considered. Marcus opened his mouth and then closed it, hesitating, and she tipped her head to the side so he’d continue saying whatever he’d planned to. “It’s also- there’s no doubt in my mind that a lot of things are going under the radar that I don’t have the time to investigate and I’m kind of ashamed to say Tech-No had to remind me of that.” Eleanora leaned back in the seat slightly as she let his statement sit with her, having him confess that he could suspect or at least consider his executives pulling shady crap was a real show of how much he’d changed throughout the past few months.
Even now she could still see him as the man who referred to Heroics HQ as a “paragon” of true justice to the press; it was refreshing to know that even he could grow to see that the Heroics weren’t infallible to possible corruption, and Eleanora chewed on her lower lip for a long moment before she nodded. “Do you have a contingency plan for the possibility that the FBI and CIA release my ‘criminal’ status to the public?” His eyes were bright behind his lenses as he smirked and handed her something he’d printed out, it was a report from Heroics HQ about all the predators and thieves she’d confessed to hacking to expose their misdeeds to the public, and Eleanora realized he’d gone through and listed them as sanctioned investigations.
Marcus fiddled with the excess leather on the strap of his communicator, a nervous habit that she’d noticed from him, but his expression was far from nervous. “There’s a clause in the Heroics’ contract with the global governments, we’re allowed to sanction vigilante work so long as the outcome was positive for the affected community, and your situation fits it. But to sanction it you have to be an employee of Heroics HQ in some way, the moment you sign on as the HQ Director is when I can sign this off as the Heroics Field Director and they can’t pursue you for any of it.” Freedom was right there in her hands, the document in her hands was the key to shaking the never ending paranoia lurking in her heart, and she knew she was crying but the flood of relief she felt was overwhelming.
Setting the pages down to avoid crinkling them, or getting her tears on them, all she could do was hastily wipe away the briny liquid on her cheeks and nod rapidly at the man in the seat beside her as he handed her a napkin. Only after she managed to calm down did he help compose her resignation letter to the hospital, since dinner was still in the oven with plenty of time until it was ready, and Eleanora hoped that this would be the start to something better.
All she ever wanted was to be someone that helped shape and change the world for the better.
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“Are you for real, Moreno?”
Lacking the decency to even knock awarded Miracle Guy the sight of Marcus directing the second desk being moved into the office by the furniture delivery team, per Eleanora’s request, that way if he had paperwork he needed to do as the Field Director they could coordinate better and prevent miscommunication. That and she’d specifically told him that the office was too big for one person, something he could agree with now that he was seeing how much cozier it looked, and now he didn’t have to move all of his things to a separate room that he was hardly going to be in. “I see you finally checked your e-mails, Jimmy, I sent that out yesterday.” Both men knew that Miracle Guy had no excuse to have not seen it, the “Heroics’ own Superman” was almost always on his phone catering to his fans on social media if he wasn’t doing work or training.
Marcus crossed his arms as the other hero exhaled loudly, displeasure visible in his stance. “Running back to desk work and lightening your work load?” For a moment he was confused before Marcus was able to discern what the other man meant by his question.
“I’m staying on the field and leading the team still, this is just a way to make sure nothing at HQ goes amiss while I’m not here to handle things.” Part of him had expected the Heroics to argue against Eleanora being appointed the Director of HQ, given that they didn’t seem to have as much faith in her being truly good as he did, but so far everyone else had been supportive of the move. Even this morning SharkBoy had come in and said he was looking forward to the chaos she’d bring to the ‘suit brigade’ on the executive floor.
The two delivery men thanked him for the order and Marcus signed it off once he was certain the desk was assembled correctly and the bookshelves weren’t going to fall, leaving him with Miracle Guy as the door closed behind the men once they left.
After a searching look the PR menace smirked and shifted his weight to lean on the bookshelf near him. “So should we get a chaperone up here? Since you’ll be sharing an office with your little crush?” Miracle burst into laughter as the paper clips in his desk holder exploded all over the employee folder he’d begun making for Eleanora with HR. “You are far from subtle about your attraction to her, Moreno, I’m sure even Caballero knows you’re smitten. But don’t fuck it up, she’s actually pretty chill and she’s good with the kids.” Marcus threw his hands up in surrender, they still had days before Eleanora’s two weeks at the hospital were officially over but he had wanted to surprise her with her space ready on day one.
He earned a slap on the back, a hard one, and a roar of Jimmy’s raucous laughter. “Just be yourself, old man, you can be pretty cool sometimes too and somehow raised a really cool kid. Let’s get to work on the kids’ training, they’re moving onto practice weapons today.” Tension shot down his spine at the reminder and Marcus exhaled with a nod, it was inevitable but they would need to begin working with something that wasn’t just their powers to decide what alternate tools they wanted to keep on their person, and he couldn’t help but glance at the other hero as the man strut down the hall like nothing could bother him.
“I’m really that obvious?”
More laughter followed him down the hall toward the elevator.
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Noise filled the space of the bar around them and Eleanora laughed as Kelsey and James mimed out a conversation with one of the doctors from Neurology, someone the entire CS department had gripes with for his tendency to request very specific tools without requesting the proper time for cleaning and sanitization between scheduled procedures. They were definitely getting dirty looks from some of the patrons with how loud they were laughing and carrying on but this was their way to celebrate her new job and Eleanora was going to enjoy it.
“So I reminded him we had other tungsten plated forceps and he just, like, scoffed and told me he wanted the ones with the laser etching on them and not the dot matrix even though all the new instruments are switching over to dot matrixes. I had to go all the way up to the OR and fetch them just to bring them back down and start the cleaning process with the rest of the tools and let me tell you I wanted to throw the pack at him when I was done.” Kelsey’s rant ended with her making a gesture like she’d chucked the blue-wrap parcel of sterilized tools and everyone at the table either laughed or nodded in sympathy, it wasn’t a glamorous career but they still got treated like crap from the medical staff despite being trained and certified for what they did.
Honestly she was going to miss it, the team always had the best drama to tell and could always make her laugh, but for her own freedom and the safety of anyone involved in her life this was for the best. There was no telling what sort of threat loomed against her be it villains, government, or even just everyday people now that she was publicly introduced as the future Heroics Director. “Send me a picture when he finds out that all the instrumentation markings are being changed, please.” Eleanora’s hands clapped together in prayer and James held up his glass in a gesture of approval.
“I got you, boo. Make sure you keep in touch, yea? Heroics job or not we came first as your friends.”
“As if I’d give you guys up, depending on what the medical ward needs I may offer to poach you all.”
“That’s what I’m talkin’ about, slap ‘em around with your new boss power.”
Beth and Lucas nudged her between laughter and motioned to where Blinding Fast was now standing in the doorway, looking around the space, and she waved when he noticed her. The hero sauntered over sans super suit and offered a hesitant grin before letting out a little yelp when Beth tugged his arm so he sat at the last seat. “Checking up on your sort-of boss? Or do heroes get time off?” The question earned a chuckle from the man.
Seeing a new colleague merged with her former ones just felt right, like a proper transition. “We get time off as long as Moreno doesn’t call on us. I know the public knows me as Blinding Fast but my name is actually Lu Jie.” Seeing him in a dressed down pair of khakis with simple sneakers and a tee shirt really did erase some of the hero image that he carried, his hair wasn’t slicked down from gel to prevent the mess it became when he used his super speed… he was more human like this.
“Lu is your surname, right?” James’ question earned a nod and Eleanora took a drink of her cocktail as James’ launched into a story of when he had visited Japan with his family and accidentally used informal address with everyone because of the name order differences. Jie burst into laughter and Eleanora nearly spat her drink on the table when Marcus walked in with Miracle Guy and Red Lightning, the team of heroes had apparently gotten sitters tonight.
Lucas grabbed her arm with a peal of laughter as the karaoke set was turned on, finally, and shoved her toward the DJ. “I kicked us off last week, it’s your turn!” Eleanora shot him a betrayed look before deciding to go with her original choice for her first song of the night and smiled as the song started, the acoustic opening making all her friends smile as they recognized what she’d picked, and a few others at the bar perked up too.
By the end of her chosen song most of the bar had joined in her performance, classes raised and filled and an echoing chorus of ‘Here’s to Us’ following her own voice through the mic. Beth tagged out with her as Eleanora bowed dramatically to everyone and accepted her refilled glass from Marcus, who had moved to stand closer to her, and she didn’t miss the way Lucas’ brows wiggled playfully when the hero leader turned to answer one of Jie’s questions.
Nobody noticed her kick him under the table at least but she couldn’t fight the way her cheeks warmed as Marcus turned the full weight of his attention onto her. “I didn’t know you could sing.” He was teasing with his tone of false accusation but it still drew a flustered sputtering out of her as she tried to figure out how to even respond, there was no way he was flirting with her and reading into it with lowered inhibitions screamed ‘bad move’ like an air raid siren in her head.
“Bet she’s better than you are, Moreno.” Lavagirl’s interruption was a blessing since the man shot an accusatory look at his fellow hero, giving Eleanora just a second to breathe again, and Miracle Guy’s furrowed brow loosened as his mouth popped open just slightly before he grinned slowly. When his eyes darted to the man just behind her and Eleanora stiffened she thought the blond hero was going to wiggle his way out of the seat he’d stolen from Jie.
Crushing Low shoved the man hard. “Stop squirming, Jimmy; if you have to piss there is a bathroom.” The remark was delivered with teasing and drew laughter from the others and Eleanora was glad that he did take the offered out.
Though she ended up howling with laughter that he ended up putting a song in for Marcus to sing.
But the fact that he’d even managed to convince Marcus Moreno to sing ‘I’m Too Sexy’ was nothing compared to Marcus’ revenge coming in the form of ‘Barbie Girl’ by Aqua for the blond hero.
Twitter was already having a field day by the time final call was made, most of them were drunk, and Eleanora hiccupped as she leaned on Marcus outside of the bar as he made sure her friends were safely tucked into James’ car so they could get home. It had come as a bit of a surprise when he’d offered to drive her back to her apartment, so that she didn’t have to cram into the small sedan, and her friends had made sure she’d accepted. “Let’s get you home and into bed, pícara.” He had already handled the rest of the heroes’ rides home and she couldn’t fight the giggle that bubbled out of her as he tugged her wrist gently, stumbling a little after him.
What she hadn’t counted on was the hero pausing to scoop her up, one arm under her knees and the other in the middle of her back, and Eleanora stared up at him as he held her like some sort of princess with his eyes on his car. The effortless way he did it made her blood sing and she knew her face was probably flushed, the lingering idea that maybe he did see her as someone he could begin a relationship with lurked at the back of her mind, and as he put her in the passenger seat of his car the soft smile he had on his face set her heartbeat racing.
But neither of them expected her skin to shine with static and accidentally start the car when he bushed a strand of hair behind her ear.
Marcus’ loud laughter as Eleanora squeaked into her hands to hide her face was muffled when he closed the car door to get moving, since it was quarter past two in the morning and he had a child to care for, but when she felt the touch of his fingertips on hers the static that was building again dispersed rapidly and caused that pins and needles sensation to flood her hands and travel up her arms.
“Pobre cosa. Are you a little flustered? Good.”
He was flirting with her.
As if it couldn’t get worse she practically breathed the question out, struggling to comprehend what was happening.
“Planeo hacerte mía, pícara. Es por eso.”
“I don’t- I don’t speak Spanish.”
“I know.”
Eleanora wanted to be frustrated but that rasping baritone speaking such fluid words that she couldn’t understand had taken all of her ability to feel anything other than her racing heartbeat, staring at the side of his face as the hero smiled like he hadn’t just ripped a rug out from under her feet.
Nothing else was said until he pulled up to her building, led her up the stairs, and waited for her to unlock her apartment door with shaking hands. “Thank you for- for the ride home, Marcus.” His eyes were focused on her face now and Eleanora could only feel something intense in the way he watched her.
“Buenas noches, mi pícara.”
One of his hands lifted to hold her cheek before Marcus leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead and ushered her back to close her door.
The lock slid itself home without her touching it.
Eleanora barely made it to her bean bag chair before she collapsed, face first into the plush surface, and as she let herself bask in the feeling of his warm lips on her forehead the static sensation discharged into the room and blew the bulb in her overhead light.
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Translations: These came from Google Translate, if they’re wrong let me know and I’ll fix them!]
Pícara - Sassy girl
Pobre cosa - Poor thing
Planeo hacerte mía - I plan to make you mine
Es por eso - That’s why
Buenas noches, mi pícara - Good night, my sassy girl
Part Seven
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dongiovannaswife · 5 years
Puedo pedir headcanons de Risotto, Bruno y Abbacchio, con un s/o cariñoso, pero que cuando le devuelven el afecto se bloquea y se pone muy rojo? Principalmente porque no está acostumbrado a que le devuelvan el cariño
Ask translation: Risotto, Bruno and Abbacchio with a s/o who's affectionate but when they return the affection they get red and flustered because they aren't used to people returning their affection.
Risotto Nero
→ Risotto es paciente y aunque no lo diga en voz alta disfruta del afecto cuando nadie está alrededor ya que en realidad no le gusta mucho la idea de "parecer vulnerable" –y porque no soportaría ver a su pareja herida/o debido a su relación.
→ Así que espera, observa y disfruta hasta que ve la oportunidad de corresponder el afecto con una sola y simple acción: su pulgar recorriendo el labio inferior con sus ojos carmesí brillando con cariño y necesidad de besarle. Se acerca y apenas roza sus labios contra los ajenos, efectivamente besándole después, lento y posesivo.
→ Su reacción le haría sonreír con satisfacción y decir "acostúmbrate, tesoro."
Bruno Buccellati
→ Bruno no espera mucho para corresponder aunque también prefiere la privacidad. Él es uno de los capos más cercanos al don y debe mantener una imagen de dureza.
→ Devuelve el afecto al pasar sus brazos por el torso de su pareja y ocultar su rostro en su cuello. Su reacción le preocupa un poco pero no le toma mucho darse cuenta de lo que pasa y sonreír, susurrando palabras calmantes.
Leone Abbacchio
→ Este hombre tiene un pasado lleno de miedo y aún está intentando superarlo o vivir con ello así que le es difícil recibir afecto. No le gustan las muestras públicas de afecto.
→ Recibe el afecto en silencio, disfrutándolo muy dentro de él. Siente que no merece un trato tan dulce, así que se abstiene de corresponder. Hasta que un día ya no puede más y le abraza desde atrás, escondiendo su rostro. Cuando nota el cambio de comportamiento puede creer que le incomodó y no es hasta recibir una explicación que su entrecejo se frunce y comenta "hay que cambiar eso."
Risotto Nero
→ Risotto is patient and even if he doesn't say it out loud, he enjoys the affection when there's no one around, since he doesn't really like "looking vulnerable" —and because he couldn't stand seeing them get hurt because of their relationship.
→ So he waits, observes and enjoys until he sees the chance to return the affection with a single and simple action: his thumb grazing their bottom lip, crimson eyes flashing with affection and the need of kissing them. He leans, and barely brushes his lips against them, effectively kissing them slow and rather possessive.
→ Their reaction earns a smirk from him and a "get used to it, tesoro."
Bruno Buccellati
→ Bruno doesn't really wait to much to return the affection, though he also has a preference for privacy. He's one of the don's closer capos and has to maintain a rough image.
→ He returns the affection by wrapping his arms around their middle, nuzzling his face against their neck; and their reaction makes him worry a bit. It doesn't take him too much to realize what's happening, and smile, whispering soothing words.
Leone Abbacchio
→ This man has a past filled with fear and he's still trying to get over it or live with it, so it's hard for him to even receive affection. Needless to say, he doesn't like PDA.
→ He receives the affection in silence, enjoying it on a deep part of him. He feels like he doesn't deserve such sweet treatment so he holds back from returning it. Until some day he just can't hold it back anymore, and hugs them from behind, hiding his face. When he notices their change of behavior he may think they are uncomfortable, and it's not until the tell him their reasons that he frowns and answers "might have to change that."
128 notes · View notes
waterfallofspace · 1 year
Using ~this lovely prompt~ from the incredible @onetrickponi for our dear G/ojo. 
Inumaki Translation Key:  “Bonito flakes” -Negative/Negation “Salmon” -Affirmation “Kelp” -Greeting “Caviar” -Curse/Expletive 
Characters: G/ojo, N/anami, I/numaki, Y/uji, M/egumi, N/obara, P/anda, and M/aki. (All platonic) Word Count: 2.7k
(References to mild coughing, and swearing!)
Gojo Satoru is an infamous name in Jujutsu. 
Some of the most powerful curse techniques the world has seen, abilities matched only by his intelligence. Not a sorcerer in Japan would deny knowing of him. Yet, ask what comes to mind when you say his name, and power is not the first word to drip off their tongue. 
The exact vocabulary will depend on which lips you pry it from. Higher ups would call him a nuisance. His students may call him aggravating. Fellow sorcerers have been known to use the term irritant. 
No matter who you ask, however, the sentiment rings true. Gojo Satoru is a troublemaker who dances the fine line between ‘loveable’ and ‘prick’. 
As with everything he does, Gojo is skilled at walking the tightrope of annoyance. Most of the time he’s careful to be as close to exasperating as possible, without actually being insensitive, unless it’s to higher ups. 
Most of the time. Then there are days, like last week, where the line is crossed with someone the students care about, and a little payback is required. It’s Inumaki’s turn to get the honours, which he accepts with a graceful “Salmon,” and a smirk. 
This is how a few students find themselves squished against the school, eagerly peeking around corners to watch the scene unfold. 
“Kelp!” Inumaki calls, gesturing for his fellow second years to gather around. Maki leans against the wall, Panda dropping to the floor and getting comfortable. Standing a few paces away from his target, Inumaki’s careful to measure the distance. Close enough to be obeyed, far enough to stay hidden. 
Down the field, the demonstration is about to begin. 
“-which leads me to the best part, so Megumi has no idea I’m even there,” Gojo rambles, hands painting spirals through the air. “And I saw him duck into the candy store, which was on my list anyways, so I’m follow-” 
“Satoru, I believe you asked me here for help with a demonstration,” Nanami cuts in, glancing at his watch as he rearranges his glasses. “I clock out in less than an hour. Is this really how you want to spend the time?” 
Nobara chuckles from behind her phone, gesturing towards Gojo. “Pretty sure he’d be thrilled to waste it gossiping. Meanwhile there’s a sale downtown, so if we’re not gonna get to it..?” 
“You people are no fun,” Gojo whines, tilting his glasses to meet Nanami’s eye. “Especially you.” 
Nanami sighs, tapping Yuji on the shoulder and gesturing to Megumi. “Get his attention please.” 
“One of the most boring people I’ve ever met, Nanami.”
“Well then,” Nanami pauses as a whack- sounds out from behind him followed by Yuji groaning. Another sigh raises in his chest. “Good thing my self worth doesn’t rest on what an immature sorcerer thinks of me.” 
Still rubbing his head, Yuji walks back over, Megumi following behind, pointedly refusing to lift his gaze to the teachers. Gojo seems to consider this ‘good enough’, as he begins to get in position, still huffing slightly at the insult tossed his way. 
“Alright guys, and girls~” Gojo adds with a snap in Nobara’s direction, prompting an eye roll from everyone in the group. “Time to get serious. This lesson is about hand-to-hand combat, with no cursed energy.”
Nobara offers a noncommittal hum, clicking away at her phone. Megumi still refuses to acknowledge anything but the bench he’s sitting on. Hesitantly, Yuji raises his hand, waiting till Gojo points at him. 
“Uh- Gojo sensei, didn’t you just teach me how to add cursed energy..?” 
“Correct! However, that’s because you’re already quite strong on your own. Fighting styles will be important for your growth, but it matters less with your brute strength.” 
Pausing, Gojo gestures to Megumi. “Someone like him needs to be constantly polishing their hand-to-hand skills, since he lacks the physical endurance you naturally possess.” 
“Oh, I see! Because he’s not as stron-” Nobara giggles as Yuji massages the back of his head again, Gojo failing to hold back a snicker. Rolling his eyes with another deep sigh, Nanami takes his position, gesturing for Gojo to get on with it. 
“So, for this demonstration I will turn off my infinity so our dear Nanami stands a chance~.” 
“Why don’t you stop talking and get on with it?” Nanami retorts, nodding to his watch. “Forty-five minutes.” 
Finally starting to begin, Gojo lets infinity turn off, placing his hand on Nanami’s shoulder to demonstrate an opening move. Nobara glances up every so often, still typing away at her phone. Megumi stares at the ground, but his lips seem to be repeating Gojo’s instructions. Meanwhile Yuji simply stares, captivated by each new move. 
Just as Gojo leans forward for another exaggerated swing, something hits him. Or more specifically, his nose. 
Normally a sneeze for Gojo is a slow building process. The itch will start small, just a prickle in his sinuses, before it begins to build into a full blown need. With this one, he barely has time to duck away, pinching his nose shut with a desperate gasp. 
“ah’NXGchh-! hePTTchh-! hh- kNXT’ch-! Oh, ‘scuse me.” Gojo swipes at his nose, frowning at the breathless sensation he’s left with. Normally stifling doesn’t relieve the tickle, but he should be able to do it with minimal effort. 
“You okay, Sensei?” Yuji pipes up, glancing over at Megumi for confirmation. He doesn’t seem alarmed, not bothering to lift his head from his arms, feigning sleep on the bench.
 A few sneezes isn’t usually something to worry about, especially not from Gojo. The man is notorious for his sensitive nose, not to mention over-the-top fits. 
“Yeah, just a bit itchy. Start again. Nanami?”  Nanami gives Gojo a minute to collect himself, then with a nod, takes his stance. 
~”You’re not done.”~ 
“Watch it-” Nanami jumps back, grimacing as the first one doesn’t miss his sleeve.
“I’m- hH’GNchh-! I’m so- hehh… heptNCH-!” Gojo dives into his hand again, attempting to gasp out what sounds like an apology through the onslaught. “What the he- inchh-! en’gzchh-!”  
The itch is in his nose, but the tingles spread throughout his whole body. As his head dips again and again, he feels each muscle tense. His skin is crawling. Almost like goosebumps, but invisible to the naked eye.
“Woah, Gojo sensei, what’s wrong?” A voice laced with concern calls, but all Gojo can do is hitch, dipping deeper into his palm until he’s practically smothering himself. 
“hedt’chh-! ah’KDNTchh-! God I have… haveto… heh’KNCHh-!” 
While he doesn’t understand exactly what’s happening, he can sense the cursed energy swarming his own. Being aware of every drop overwhelming his system only leaves him more sensitive to the intensely soft feeling burning through his nose. 
“Ew, that’s so gross.” Another voice chimes in, void of concern. Still, Gojo finds himself unable to reply, entirely consumed by the maddening tickle. 
“eh’tnchh-! knchhh-! hahh- DTXNchh’uu-!” 
Every breath brings another sneeze dancing to the tip of his nose, waiting to burst forth. His vision blurs, the stifles not seeming to do anything to stall the exasperating itch. 
~”Enough stifling.”~ 
And just like that, Gojo feels his hand release his nose. A panic begins to seep through his weakened mind as he realizes he didn’t choose to do that. Still, it’s overwritten by the insistent desire that’s not been quelled. 
“hiHyiEShhhiuew-! yishh’hieww-! hh- tnnshh’uu-!”
He manages to get his collar over his face, muffling the bursts into the rapidly dampening fabric. “heh’mPFShhyew-! mmfffshh’iew-! eh’mffshhiueww-!” 
The moisture lining his nose starts to match the oceans forming in his eyes. No amount seems to satiate the tickle. An average fit might last for a while, Gojo’s used to that, but those sneezes feel satisfying. With this tickle, each sneeze that frees itself just brings a new desperation, as if he’s allergic to the act of sneezing. 
And more than that, they’re coming out as his natural ones- “hh’iSHhhieww-! tizshhyueww-!” -fittish and breathy, with a desperate twinge. Much different then the over-the-top presentations he’d normally be putting on. 
“ek’tieshhhieww-! heHh- guhhh…” Only when he can get a breath in does Gojo realize everyone’s staring at him. A heat begins to rise to his cheeks, spreading up into his ears.
Nanami’s hand rests on Gojo’s arm, eyes seeming to study him carefully.  “Satoru, are you alright?” There’s a humour to his voice that Gojo finds quite insulting, despite the kindness of the words.
“I’b ndot-” He pauses, sniffling hard against his wrist. It only serves to irritate his throat, light coughs pouring out. Annoying as it may be, the cough does clear the congestion enough to continue the sentence.
“I’m not sure, but I think… oh wait- hH’yiEShhhuew-! nohhht… notover- ekyiEShhh’shiew-!”
Nobara pipes up this time, phone long forgotten. “That’s disgusting.” 
“ah’KESHhh’yiew-! Wow, thagnks for the sy.. sympa…hahhh…” Making the mistake of opening his eyes, Gojo’s met with the horrifying realization his glasses had fallen off during the fit. The whimper he lets out has even Megumi glancing at him in concern. 
His eyes water again, lashes fluttering against the bright sunlight starting to invade his sinuses. It burns nearly as much as the cursed energy, and Gojo only manages to cast final warning before ducking back into his wrist.
“So itchy… I’mb gonda keep… hh’yIEShhh’yew-! hk’kieww-! ahh’dieuww-! hH’tieww-!” 
The fittish half-sneezes leave him breathless. It’s as if his nose is too sensitive, unable to even form a proper sneeze from the depth of the itch. His eyes snap open, just to plummet back shut as the flash from Megumi’s phone sends him back into hysterics. 
“ihh’kieww-! tchhieww-! ak’tiew-! hh’diueew-!” 
Through the fit, he manages to catch Nanami pulling the phone from Megumi’s hand, muttering something about ‘he has it bad enough’, quickly followed by ‘send me those after.’ The burning in his cheeks deepens, and for a second he considers attempting to warp out of there. 
“ahn’chhuew-! kn’diew-!” That fantasy dies as quick as it was born. 
Grumbling under his breath, Gojo attempts to glare at them, failing spectacularly. “You’re all th- hnn’diew-! ekieww-! ahh’tIEShhuu-! The worst. hK’ENchhiew-! hheHh- guhhh…” 
“For taking pictures when you’re suffering? Wow, I wonder who I could have learned that from.” Megumi adds, taking his phone back from Nanami with a silent glare. 
“Sensei,” Yuji pauses for Gojo to let out another burst before continuing, “Is there anything we can do?” 
Taking a cautious sniff, Gojo manages his first full breath since the fit started. He meets Yuji’s concerned gaze, opens his mouth, and- 
~”It tickles worse.”~ 
-gasps, pitching forward with a full-bodied sneeze. There’s not even time to aim for his shirt, a light mist landing on the ground. He feels his teary eyes flutter, nostrils quivering against the unbelievable urge. 
Before he knows it he’s leaning over, hands against knees- “hH’djZSHhuu-! yiEShhhIHhew-! ahh’knZShhhyeww-!”  -sneezing openly towards the ground. 
At this display, Nanami and Megumi chime in with a matching “gross” as Nobara openly shudders, taking several steps back. Seemingly the only one not disgusted, Yuji steps forward, resting his hand on Gojo’s back as it trembles. 
“Do you know what’s going on, Sensei?” 
Despite having a pretty good idea, Gojo just offers a frantic wave. As his nostrils flare again, he spins away from the group, the attack gaining a harsher quality.
“kNZSHhhuu-! ah’DZSHhh’tiew-! Oh my- hH’EZSHH’uew-!” 
Gojo convulses again, intense sneezes continuing to assault his trembling septum as he wipes the tears from his flushed cheeks,
Across the field, Inumaki mimics the movement, Panda and Maki joining in with their own chuckles. The hilarity of his reaction leaves them almost as breathless as their target. Laughter of this pure a degree had become quite rare for them, and it almost made them feel bad about the torment. 
“Okay,” Noticing Inumaki gearing up again, Panda gives him a gentle nudge.  “You should probably ease up now. You don’t want him actually passing out.”
“Bonito flakes..?” 
Panda sighs, nodding at him. “Yes, you do have to.” 
From her position against the wall, Maki chimes in, “He’s gonna be so pissed.” 
“Caviar… Salmon, Salmon.” Inumaki agrees. Dropping his collar again, he gives one final command.
~”You have one last sneeze in you.”~ 
With that, the three lean back to watch the finale. 
Pausing, Gojo feels something change. The jittery feeling that had been spread across his body honed in on his nose, amplifying the tickle. As his hand begins to frantically fan his face, he feels the world start to fade away. Soon all that exists is him and the itch. 
For the first time in his life, Gojo feels like he might understand what it’s like to be trapped in Infinite Void. Every feeling seems miles away, and yet at the same time it’s touching him. Each breath is too slow, but he’s panting. 
Time seems to stop, nothing but the tickle remaining as Gojo tilts his head back, desperately looking for anything to bring this to an end. Any source of brightness to- there it is. 
If he’d had any vision, the light would have stolen it, but instead, mercifully, he dives into his hands with a final vicious sneeze.  
 Even Megumi chimes in with an almost concerned, “That was intense.” 
Gojo gives him a vague smile, pale cheeks stained with blush as he sinks to his knees, rubbing his nose with a ferocity that leaves everyone wincing. 
“Do you need to go see Shoko..?” Yuji asks, but Gojo shakes his head, still panting. Nanami kneels down beside him, draping an arm over his shoulders as he pulls Gojo back to his feet. 
Letting Nanami support his weight, Gojo clears his throat, his blush deepening at the congestion that lingers. “I thignk I’ll be fidne ndow. Just godda sleebp this off.”
“You sound awful,” Megumi mutters, grimacing as Gojo winks at him. 
“Awww, are you concerdned about mbee? Thadts so sweedt of you, Megumbi!” 
In response Megumi scowls, the expression slowly morphing into a smirk as he holds up his phone. “Well, I guess these photos just put me in a good mood.” 
As he passes it around, Nobara and Yuji start howling with laughter, even Nanami suppressing a few chuckles. Gojo sighs playfully, attempting to brush off the way his ears seem to burn. 
“I defignitely deserved thadt.” He laughs, before exhaustion deepens its hold, and he leans against Nanami with an uncovered yawn. 
Nanami chuckles again, this time unrestrained. “You probably did.” And with that, begins the walk towards the school, Gojo still unsteady on his feet. Behind them, Megumi joins in on the laughter, and Gojo sighs at the inevitability of those photos ending up online. 
Just before they make it inside, he suddenly pulls away, whipping as far away from Nanami as he can manage. 
“hiH’TIEShhh’diew-! ahhh’kesshhyew-!” 
They’re followed by a low moan as he rubs his nose half raw against his arm.
“They’re right, you know, Satoru. You really are gross.” 
“hah’inKEShhh’yiew-! Thagnks, Nadnambi,” Gojo says, sniffling hard against his wrist. There’s a mild laughter to his tone. “Woah, thadt’s hard to say. hH- oh fuckigg- hh’kiezshh’uu-!” 
“Bless you.”
The western blessing gets a full laugh, which quickly descends into a productive cough. Raising his watery eyes to meet Nanami’s stern gaze, Gojo chokes out, “How- ndice o- of you.” 
“Let’s get you to a couch to lay down.”
“Thadt would be perfegct.” 
Sure enough, as Gojo sleeps it off, the photos begin spreading. Unfortunately for Megumi, most people seem to share the conclusion that, even while in the grips of a full sneezing attack, Gojo Satoru looks gorgeous. 
By the time the next day rolls around, the post has gotten over a million likes. Megumi attempts to delete the post, but ‘StrongestSorcererSatoru’ reuploads it. 
A week later rumours are spreading through the Jujutsu world. Gojo Satoru horrific sneezing fit, Inumaki force to be reckoned with even for the strongest, but by far the most surprising, Gojo Satoru apologized for going too far. 
Seems even Satoru can take a hint when it’s of that magnitude. 
Inumaki notices a few extra stares being cast his way, but it comes with more than enough pats on the back to make up for it. 
Everyone loves Gojo getting humbled a little.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
Glyptodontopelta mimus
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By Jack Wood
Etymology: Shield of Glyptodon
First Described By: Ford, 2000
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Ornithischia, Genasauria, Thyreophora, Eurypoda, Ankylosauria, Nodosauridae
Status: Extinct
Time and Place: About 68 million years ago, in the Maastrichtian of the Late Cretaceous 
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Glyptodontopelta is known from the Naashoibito Member of the Ojo Alamo Formation in New Mexico 
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Physical Description: Glyptodontopelta is not a particularly well-known ankylosaur, being only known from fragments of body armor. Like (most) other ankylosaurs, it would have probably been fairly squat and wide, not built for fast movement. Like other Nodosaurs, it would have had a flexible tail, with no tail club; and spikes on its shoulders. Its head would have been armored,a nd it would have had osteoderms (armor on the back grown directly from bone) all over its back. The osteoderms are fossilized, and what we know of them indicates they have furrows going away from the center of the body, and they featured pores and pits randomly spaced over its body.
Diet: Like other Ankylosaurs, Glyptodontopelta would have primarily fed upon low-growing foliage, as a low-level browser.
Behavior: Glyptodontopelta was actually quite common in its environment, and as such it possibly lived in social groups, meandering together across the plains for plants such as ferns and shrubs. The spikes on its shoulders - while sharp - would have been used for display to one another, with bigger spikes indicating a more “fit” individual. They may have crouched against the ground in an attempt to protect the softer parts of their bodies from predators, leaving only the armor on top exposed to danger. They also probably had more narrow mouths, to pick out very specific bits of foliage from the environment to eat; rather than a wider, more generalist mouth. They also would have found most of their food with an excellent sense of smell, and used long, flexible tongues to grab plants from hard to reach places. As a dinosaur, Glyptodontopelta would have taken care of its young - called Scutelings!
Ecosystem: The Naashoibito ecosystem is the last known environment from a notable series of environments in New Mexico from the Cretaceous; before it are things such as the Kirtland Formation and the Fruitland Formation. These showcase a familiar - but different - sort of Late Cretaceous North America than we are usually used to. While it features the usual hadrosaurs and ankylosaurs, it also has sauropods, and everything is quite distinct - an indication of the crossing over of South American and North Ameircan faunas, and the unique habitat present at the time. This environment is directly followed in the fossil record by a Cenozoic one - ending our look into this distinctive Late Cretaceous ecosystem turnover. This was a very sandy floodplain, frequently arid and with distinctive dry and wet seasons. This environment was very different from contemporary places like the Hell Creek which - while seasonal in a similar way - was significantly cooler in temperature. Here, Glyptodontopelta lived alongside dinosaurs such as the very large titanosaur Alamosaurus, hadrosaurs like Hypacrosaurus, ceratopsians like Ojoceratops and Torosaurus, the chickenparrot Ojoraptorsaurus, the raptor Richardoestesia, and possibly Tyrannosaurus rex, which would have been the main predator of Glyptodontopelta.
Other: Glyptodontopelta, being so poorly known, has been examined thoroughly to see if it counts as its own dinosaur; for now, the consensus says yes, primarily due to the differences in its armor.
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources under the Cut 
Arbour, V. M, & P. J. Currie. 2015. Systematics, phylogeny and palaeobiogeography of the ankylosaurid dinosaurs. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2015.1059985
Burns, Michael E. (2008). "Taxonomic utility of ankylosaur (Dinosauria, Ornithischia) osteoderms: Glyptodontopelta mimus Ford, 2000: a test case". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 28 (4): 1102–1109.
Ford, T. L. 2000. A review of ankylosaur osteoderms from New Mexico and a preliminary review of ankylosaur armor. Dinosaurs of New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 17:157-176
Fowler, D. W. 2017. Revised geochronology, correlation, and dinosaur stratigraphic ranges of the Santonian-Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) formations of the Western Interior of North America. PLoS ONE 12 (11): e0188426
Gilmore. 1919. Reptilian faunas of the Torrejon, Puerco, and underlying Upper Cretaceous formations of San Juan County, New Mexico. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 119:1-68
Jasinski, S. E., R. M. Sullivan, and S. G. Lucas. 2011. Taxonomic composition of the Alamo Wash local fauna from the Upper Cretacoues Ojo Alamo Formation (Naashoibito Member), San Juan Basin, New Mexico. In R. M. Sullivan, S. G. Lucas, & J. A. Spielmann (eds.), Fossil Record 3. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 53:216-271
Sullivan, R. M., and S. G. Lucas. 2010. A new chasmosaurine (Ceratopsidae, Dinosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous Ojo Alamo Formation (Naashoibito Member), San Juan Basin, New Mexico. In M. J. Ryan, B. J. Chinnery-Allgeier, D. A. Eberth (eds.), New Perspectives on Horned Dinosaurs: The Royal Tyrrell Museum Ceratopsian Symposium. Indiana University Press, Bloomington 169-180
Sullivan, R. M., S. E. Jasinski, M. Guenther and S. G. Lucas. 2011. The first lambeosaurin (Dinosauria, Hadrosauridae, Lambeosaurinae) from the Upper Cretaceous Ojo Alamo Formation (Naashoibito Member), San Juan Basin, New Mexico. In R. M. Sullivan, S. G. Lucas and J. A. Spielmann (eds.), Fossil Record 3. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 405-417
Sullivan, R. M., S. E. Jasinski, and M. P. A. Van Tomme. 2011. A new caenagnathid Ojoraptorsaurus boerei, n. gen., n. sp. (Dinosauria, Oviraptorosauria), from the Upper Cretaceous Ojo Alamo Formation (Naashoibito Member), San Juan Basin, New Mexico. In R. M. Sullivan, S. G. Lucas & J. A. Spielmann (eds.), Fossil Record 3. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 418-428
Vickaryous, Matthew K.; Maryańska, Teresa; Weishampel, David B. (2004). "Ankylosauria". In Weishampel, David B.; Dodson, Peter; Osmólska, Halszka (eds.). The Dinosauria (Second ed.). Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 363–392.
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alma-atemporal · 5 years
De la A hasta la Z
Chucha 😂
A.- la última relación terminó porque me mintieron
B.- banda favorita linkin park toda la vida ❤️
C.- quien me gusta de que? Hay diferentes formas de gustar
D.- lo más difícil el fallecimiento de mi abuela
E.-mi mejor amiga se llama joscelyn ❤️
F.-película favorita tengo muchas, pero Juno
H.-no fumo, si tomo
I.-ningún tatuaje, ningún piercing
J.-cuando grande 😂 jaja quiero ser abogada
K.-mi relación con mis padres es como toda relación con los padres, y nos amamos ❤️
L.-muchas inseguridades
N.-comprar que ?
O.- ojos color café
P.- odio la universidad porque me obliga a levantarme temprano
Q.-estado amoroso 🤔 estoy bien
R.-canción favorita ahora, esencial de beret, su ritmo me encanta, me da ánimo y me pone alegre y su letra igual ❤️
S.- un hecho al azar 🙄 en el colegio siempre fui más loca que ahora
T.-no entendí
U.-1ahora me gustaría estar en mi cama porque me siento muy mal :(
V.-la última vez que lloré, no lo sé pero fue hace poco
W.-conciertos en los que he estado 😂 son Caleta pero los que más rescato son, los Jonas, bmth, rise against, linkin park y el wachito rico de beret
X.-ño se
Y.- no quiero ir a la universidad, quiero salir de la universidad
Z.-estoy enferma :(
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rykno-j · 1 year
ive been posting alot of j/jk (non snz) things in general these days (can you blame me though? that new episode hit me right in the heart and took it out of my body, sigh)
but anyway returning to the usual programme of snz thoughts. this time once again with g/ojo and g/eto:
while walking around the streets, they come across a flower display out in the open. maybe it was for an event that was happening in the nearby mall? or maybe it was a valentines day display. some kind of event?
either way, g/ojo approaches one of the flower domes, one with many flower vines twirled up around the supporting metal poles.
"do you think these are real, s/uguru?" he asks as he reaches out to touch a petal. "i mean they feel real, and they smell real, but isn't this a bit much for a random street display? i heard fresh flowers are really expensive nowadays."
behind him, g/ojo hears a sharp but feathery gasp, followed by an almost silent stifle. he turns around to find g/eto bent over, a fist clenched above his face, wrist pressed against his nose.
if anything else, the delicate sniffles that followed indicated that he was far from done.
"hh.. snff- ..hH'-! hNgxtt!! haH'ngxXt!!"
g/ojo offers a sympathetic smile.
"well that settles it. they're real."
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thedcdunce · 6 years
Bronze Tiger
“I shall not be moved.” - Bronze Tiger
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Real Name: Benjamin Turner
Alvin Draper
Mister Sarcastic
Gender: Male
Height: 6′ 3″
Weight: 240 lbs (109 kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Martial Arts
New Earth
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Government Agent
First Appearance: Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter #1 (May, 1975)
Last Appearance: The Flash Vol 3 #7 (January, 2011)
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Martial Arts
Kung Fu
Dragon Style Kung Fu
Jeet Kune Do
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Ben Turner is Bronze Tiger, one of the world's greatest martial artists. He studied with Richard Dragon under the O-Sensei, and was later brainwashed by the League of Assassins. This made him one of the world's deadliest killers. He would later resist their programming, and become a full-fledged superhero.
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Ben Turner grew up in an upper middle class black neighborhood in Central City. At the age of 10 he killed for the first time when he woke up and found a burglar assaulting his parents. Ben grabbed a carving knife and stabbed the man repeatedly until he died, shocked by how good it felt. He turned to martial arts at the age of 13, beginning with Tae Kwon Do, as a means of teaching himself discipline. This was not enough to control his anger problems, and he soon turned to crime. Knowing that this path would lead him to jail, Ben began traveling the world to find guidance. The master Kirigi took him in as a student, but Kirigi was cruel and tried to exploit Ben's violent nature. Ben left hoping he could find someone to help him achieve inner peace.
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Richard Dragon
Turner became a student of the O-Sensei, a legendary martial arts instructor in Japan. O-Sensei took a second student named Richard Dragon, and Ben became close friends with Richard. Their lessons included combat, history, philosophy, and science. When their training was finished, O-Sensei sent them to find their destiny. They were immediately recruited by Barney Ling, an agent of G.O.O.D., who used them to break up a slave ring in Sudan. Dragon and Turner decided to start their new lives in New York City, traveling with the O-Sensei's god-daughter Carolyn Woosan. They are attacked when they get there, and Carolyn is kidnapped by a spy called the Swiss. Turner is shot in the leg so he cannot help Dragon. He recovers on crutches while Dragon goes after Carolyn. The Swiss sends goons to finish Turner, and he nearly dies, but Dragon intervenes and saves him. Following this battle, Dragon and Turner set up their own martial arts school in Manhattan. Their school was attacked several times while Ben was crippled. Dragon used Lady Shiva as his partner instead of Ben while fighting Doctor Moon, Guano Cravat, and Slash.
Turner is targeted by mysterious assassins. Barney Ling promises to give Richard Dragon intel if he will go on another mission for G.O.O.D.. Dragon takes Shiva and Turner to the Caribbean, where they defeat Preying Mantis. Ling reveals that Ben's sister was murdered, and Ben inherited a logging company. Dragon and Shiva help him take down the culprit, a logger named Hatchett. Ben takes custody of his nephew Benjamin, Jr. He is attacked by another assassin, the Silent Samurai. Ling sends the trio on an undercover mission to deal with the Samurai in China. Shiva and Turner are captured by Madame Sun until Dragon releases them. Ben is poisoned in an attack by the League of Assassins. Dragon and Shiva trace the poison to a killer named Viper in Mongolia, but Viper dies before they can get an antidote.
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League of Assassins
Richard Dragon discovered that Turner has been brainwashed into becoming the Bronze Tiger by Prof. Ojo, then used by Barney Ling. Dragon and Turner prove to be equals in the fight, which only ends when Ling is accidentally knocked out a window.
Later, Turner and Dragon are hired by King Faraday to work for the CBI. Assigned to take down the League of Assassins, Dragon and Turner are discovered by the League, who kill Turner's fianceé, Myoshi, and proceeded to brainwash Turner. Turner was rid of his demons by channeling them into the identity of the Bronze Tiger, a masked assassin working for the League.
During this time, he also trains the assassin David Cain's daughter, Cassandra, together with other members of the League. As the Bronze Tiger, Turner developed a fearsome reputation in the world, his identity remaining a secret to everyone but the League.
As the Bronze Tiger, Ben was feared around the world, and the Sensei was smart enough to ensure that Ben hardly ever took off the mask, sending him on a new mission as soon as he finished another. For a time, his identity was secret and he became one of the most wanted criminals, the Bronze Tiger being a professional assassin, killing on three continents. Bronze Tiger was at one point sent to murder Kathy Kane, the Batwoman. Shortly after he fought Batman, another assassin killed Kane. When Turner's memory started to return, the League of Assassins turned against him and after a fight, he was soon taken to a hospital. While recovering, the League tried to murder him, but he was saved by Batman, who interrogated him about the murder of Kane, but Turner's memory had not fully recovered.
Learning of Bronze Tiger's true identity, King Faraday set up a rescue squad of Rick Flag and Nightshade. They retrieved the Tiger, and he was deprogrammed by Amanda Waller, who would later run the Suicide Squad.
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Amanda Waller and Rick Flag put together a new Suicide Squad, and Bronze Tiger is their first recruit. Flag trusts Bronze Tiger, and uses him as security when they recruit Deadshot. They are sent to destroy Brimstone at Mount Rushmore, and Bronze Tiger knocks out Enchantress when her evil persona has finished its work. He stays with the team for personal reasons when the prisoners are released. Waller sends them to rescue or kill Captain Boomerang when Boomerang threatens to expose the Squad. Bronze Tiger is sent to take down G. Gordon Godfrey, but Godfrey uses his persuasive powers to make the Tiger a mind-controlled slave.
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Suicide Squad
Bronze Tiger becomes a permanent member of the Suicide Squad living in Belle Reve, because Amanda Waller promises to help him regain his memories. He is second-in-command under Rick Flag, and helps keep the inmates in line. Their next mission is destroying the terrorist group Jihad in Qurac, and Bronze Tiger is selected to deal with Thuggee assassin Ravan. Bronze Tiger breaks Ravan's back, and Ravan demands an honorable death, but Bronze Tiger insists that he does not kill anymore. When Belle Reve is attacked by the Female Furies of Apokolips, Bronze Tiger tries to fight Stompa and is defeated. He goes undercover as the supervillain Wipeout when they take down the racist vigilante William Hell. Ben poses as a butler in Russia's American embassy when the team goes undercover in Moscow. This leads to a battle with the People's Heroes, and Bronze Tiger defeats the speedster Bolshoi. Waller relieves Flag of his command after this mission and puts Bronze Tiger in charge. Bronze Tiger takes Enchantress to Madame Xanadu for help controlling her powers, and Xanadu tells him that Enchantress is a ticking time bomb. He is given a ring to control her. Warden Economos sends the Suicide Squad to destroy Manhunters during Millennium. They do not receive public credit for this mission. Bronze Tiger is about his ability to take command, and the androids break his leg during a fight. Waller relieves Tiger and puts Flag back in charge, when Flag proves himself against Batman.
Turner develops a relationship with Vixen, while Flo Crawley, a part of the Squad's support crew, nurses a crush for him. Meeting Ravan again later, Turner convinces him to join the Squad, and the two become an effective fighting duo. The almost corrupting nature of the Squad eventually leads to Rick Flag's departure from the Squad and seeming death in a nuclear explosion. Turner becomes the leader of the team, in which he excels, often disobeying direct orders to save the lives of his men. The Squad member Duchess, in reality the Apokilptian soldier Lashina, betrays the team and takes many, including Flo, home to Apokolips. Flo does not survive the kidnapping.
Later Turner is confronted for his actions by his superiors, and in the ensuing meeting, Turner's mind snaps. He flees, traveling back to the East, where he spends some time as a janissary. Shortly afterwards, the Suicide Squad is disbanded and Amanda Waller is sent to jail.
Eventually, after a year, Amanda Waller reforms the Squad and again recruits Turner. In the missing year, Turner had become a deeply troubled man, who distances himself from Vixen and was constantly egging on Ravan to confront him. In one mission shortly after the team had reformed, Vixen is hurt, and this unlocks Turner's feelings for her once more. He mostly returns to his old state of mind. Vixen later leaves the team, and she and Turner part on good terms.
In the team's last mission, the Squad struggles to free a small island nation from the tyranny of its seemingly immortal ruler. The team must pass through a forest known for causing hallucinations. While the others experience their own mind-trips, Bronze Tiger faces himself. Defeating himself, and thereby exorcising his demons, Turner once again becomes a complete person. The tyrant is later defeated by Waller.
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Justice League Task Force
Shortly after leaving the Squad, Turner was summoned to be part of the short lived Justice League Task Force and assist Bruce Wayne locate Shondra Kinsolving and Jack Drake. Turner traveled to the island of Santa Prisca and teamed-up with Green Arrow and Gypsy. Despite their failure to rescue the kidnapped people, the adventure brought him and Gypsy together, after which their relationship would develop further. He later becomes her mentor in martial arts.
Cassandra Cain begins a search for her birth mother, who she believes is Lady Shiva. She tracks down Turner in Detroit, where he has opened the "Tiger Dojo". Both are able to come to terms with Turner's involvement in Cassandra's training, and he expresses his pride at her becoming a hero.
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During World War III, Bronze Tiger was shown to have retired, but was coaxed back into action by Amanda Waller.
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One Year Later
Bronze Tiger rescues Rick Flag from a secret Quraci prison, where Flag had been imprisoned for four years. Notably he is seen wearing a variant on the costume he wore while with the League of Assassins, complete with a tiger head mask. Afterwards, Amanda Waller appears at the Tiger Dojo, revealing to Ben that she leaked the information about Flag's whereabouts. She then enlists their aid in tracking down a supposedly rogue Suicide Squad team, a team which in reality was being run by Flag and Turner at Waller's behest.
Bronze Tiger was among the Suicide Squad members trying to bring in Pied Piper and The Trickster during Countdown.
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brokenbloodlinesrp · 6 years
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                 alternative universe : an age of darkness
                         "We live in an age of darkness: a world full of fear, hate and intolerance. But in every age, there are those who fight against it.”
                        Algunos lo llaman dones, algunos otros maldición. La sociedad se ha hecho cargo que una alteración genética se convierta en el mayor terror de algunos. Por eso, entre las sombras de una sociedad intolerante, un internado surge con la intención de ayudar a los seres más poderosos de la misma. Niños, jóvenes y adultos, un centro en donde los últimos ayudan a los primeros a controlar y desarrollar los poderes con los que han nacido. 
¿De qué se trata este evento? 
AU inspirado en el universo de X-Men. Se trata de un internado en donde jóvenes mutantes aprenden a controlar sus poderes, alejados de la sociedad que los señala con el dedo por ser diferentes.
¿Qué tipo de poderes puedo elegir?
Enlistaremos una lista con los poderes disponibles a elegir. Sólo pueden ocupar máximo dos de ellos. No se pueden repetir los poderes de los personajes.
¿Mi personaje tiene que ser inexperto para estar en el internado?
No necesariamente, puede tener diferentes razones para permanecer en el internado. Después de todo, es un sitio seguro y tolerante en contraste a la sociedad de la que huyen.
¿Cuántos años tendrá mi personaje?
La edad máxima será de 22 años. No es necesario cambiar el fc. 
¿Dónde puedo abrir mi starter?
En cualquier parte del internado. En una clase, en los pasillos, yendo de contrabando a algún lugar. En donde deseen.
¿Puedo crear tramas, relaciones, enemistades o aspiraciones de mi personaje?
Absolutamente. Pueden construir todo lo que deseen respecto a la vida de su personaje sin problema. 
¿Qué es necesario enviar el main?
Tienen que enviar un mensaje para reservar el poder de su personaje. 
Ejemplo: Genevieve con el poder de Tecnopatía.
Pueden abrir starters, aunque no haya pasado una semana del anterior.
Para los usuarios con más de un personaje, sólo se puede abrir con uno de ellos.
Recuerden que la actividad se cuenta a partir de dos starters respondidos.
Por favor, contesten todos o la mayoría de los starters.
Si desean continuar algún convo anterior, les pedimos lo transformen en párrafo.
Se hará un pequeño anuncio minutos antes del inicio de la trama para indicar la apertura de starters.
Recuerden colocar en el título del starter: “An Age of Darkness”.
Si tienen alguna duda, pueden comunicarse al ask o chat del main.
                               Evento iniciado el día 10 de junio
Lista de poderes:
·Adherencia: Capacidad para pegarse a las paredes y objetos (Spiderman)
·Aeroquinesis: Capacidad para controlar el elemento aire.
.Agilidad sobrehumana: Habilidad para moverse con más soltura por un sitio, utilizando brazos y piernas.
·Alas angel: Posesión de alas que permiten volar y lanzar las plumas como si fuesen cuchillas (Las alas pueden ser invisibles y luego aparecer)
.Alienmorfismo: Habilidad o Capacidad para tomar formas de alienígenas. En ocasiones también adquiere las habilidades de la forma nueva.
.Alientos: fuego, hielo, toxico, aire, de la vida (resusita muertos solo por 24 horas)
.Amnepatía: Habilidad para borrar la mente de las personas. Se puede llegar a borrar de su cabeza cualquier dato personal o simplemente unos instantes de su vida.
.Animación: Poder de dar vida a objetos inanimados o liberar a una persona de un estado de petrificación.
·Aparición: Capacidad para aparecer en un lugar que se conozca con anterioridad.
.Armadura natural: Una inusual, resistente y perdurable coraza externa de piel.
·Armas naturales: Atributos físicos tales como garras, dientes afilados, púas, redes y otras cualidades usualmente asociadas con animales. También pueden transformar extremidades del cuerpo en armas
·Asimilación: El cuerpo del usuario se convierte en el material sólido que toca (madera, piedra, hierro…) y adquiere sus propiedades.
.Aspecto físico no-humano: Se conoce como rasgos fisicos no comun en los humanos, por ejemplo el color de piel, la textura de la piel, nuevas extremidades o colas, etc.
·Atmoquinesis: Control sobre el clima y los sucesos metereológicos (Rayos, tempestades…)
.Autodetonación o explosión: Habilidad de explotar la propia masa corporal, y en algunos casos volver a formarla. En otros casos consiste en liberar una gran cantidad de energía del cuerpo (por ejemplo, Nitro)
·Cambio de Fase (Intangibilidad) : Capacidad para hacerse intangible (como un fantasma, intocable) o demasiado denso, dando más resistencia.
·Cambio de Forma: Permit
cambiar de aspecto y convertirse en un objeto.
.Cambio de tamaño: Habilidad para incrementar o disminuir el propio tamaño.
.Campo de fuerza: Habilidad para hacer barreras Psíquicas.
·Carga Explosiva: Puedes cargar objetos con energía para que estallen al contacto (igual que Gámbito).
.Clariaudiencia: es la habilidad auditiva equivalente a la clarividencia, permitiendo escuchar como si se estuviera en ese lugar.
.Clarividencia: Es la habilidad para percibir eventos que están ocurriendo en otro lugar o sentir lugares que no están a la vista como si se estuviera presente. Frecuentemente permite ver sucesos futuros. También permite encontrar a cualquier persona, aún sin haberla visto.
.Concesión de poderes: activar poderes en estado latente de otras personas, puede
re-activar los poderes de quien los tenga pero se les hayan desactivad.
.Control mental: Poder para controlar las acciones o el razonamiento de otra persona.
·Convocación: Es el poder de hacer aparecer objetos aunque se encuentren en otros lugares.
·Criogénesis: Capacidad para generar hielo o congelar las cosas.
.Cronoquinesis:Habilidad para afectar el flujo del tiempo, ralentizándolo, acelerándolo o incluso deteniéndolo.
·Curación: Capacidad para curar a otras personas.
.Deflexión: Habilidad que consiste en reflejar los poderes que se usan en contra del usuario.
.Duplicación: Habilidad para crear réplicas (no clones) de uno mismo.
·Echokinesis: Capacidad de control sobre el sonido, permitiendo diversas manipulaciones.
.Elasticidad: Habilidad para distender, deformar, expandir y contraer el propio cuerpo para tomar cualquier forma que el sujeto pueda imaginar, pero en algunos casos solo consiste en estirar la longitud de las extremidades, pero sin poder cambiarla de forma.
·Electroquinesis: Poder de generar y controlar la electricidad.
·Empatía: Permite conocer los sentimientos de otras personas e intuir sus movimientos. En formas más avanzadas, permite incluso variar sentimientos ajenos o controlarlos. Funciona de manera parecida a la telepatía.
·Esferas de energía: El usuario puede lanzar esferas de pura energía dañina.
·Estallidos de plasma: Capacidad para generar plasma para iluminar una zona, cegar al enemigo o crear potentes explosiones.
·Filo secreto: El usuario puede crear objetos pequeños (como plumas, pétalos, ceniza, hojas…) que controla con la mente. Estos objetos tienen la capacidad de cortar como espadas. El objeto creado debe ser escogido cuando se pida el poder.
.Fotoquinesis: La fotoquinesis es la habilidad de controlar, generar o absorber fotones (partículas de luz).
.Fusión: Habilidad para fusionarse con otra persona. Esto da como resultado un ser completamente nuevo y más fuerte.
·Geoquinesis: Control sobre el elemento Tierra.
·Gravedad: Capacidad para manipular la gravedad.
.Grito sónico: Habilidad para usar la propia voz de forma ofensiva o defensiva.
·Herbogénesis (Citoquinesis o cloroquinesis): Habilidad para acelerar el crecimiento, controlar o animar la vida de las plantas.: Capacidad para controlar el crecimiento de las plantas (Ojo, no implica creación) y manipularlas.
·Hidroquinesis: Generación y control del elemento Agua.
.Hipnoquinesis: Habilidad para controlar los sueños de las personas y poder hacerles ver en su mente lo que se desee. También tiene este control sobre las pesadillas y el poder alterarlas a peor o mejor. Se puede hacer dormir a su enemigo por un tiempo determinado
·Ilusión: Capacidad para crear cualquier tipo de ilusión. Si una persona cree que la ilusión es real, su cuerpo sera dañado. Lo mismo ocurre si la ilusión es muy buena.
.Ingestión de materia: Habilidad para consumir cualquier clase de materia sin que esto provoque malestar o enfermedad en el sujeto.
·Instinto Animal: Capacidad para asimilar rasgos animales (garras, ojos…) y conseguir sus habilidades.
.Inteligencia sobrehumana: Inteligencia muy por encima del nivel de genio, frecuentemente acompañada por la habilidad de inventar increíble y avanzada tecnología, la super inteligencia puede deberse a un proceso natural ganado por el esfuerzo de la persona o por exposición a radiación o químicos que causan un extraño desarrollo cerebral
.Intercambio de poder:Habilidad que consiste en intercambiar los poderes de los individuos unos con otros.
·Invisibilidad: Permite al usuario hacerse completa o parcialmente invisible.
·Invocación: Capacidad para crear seres fantásticos imaginarios que el usuario controla mentalmente y que desaparecen tras un tiempo.
·Irradiar: Capacidad para producir grandes cantidades de energía, puede ser dañina.
·Levitación: Permite elevarse un poco en el aire. Permite mejor ángulo para patadas y demás golpes.
.Liquidificación: Habilidad para transformarse parcialemente en agua.
·Magnetismo: Capacidad para controlar y generar campos magnéticos.
.Manipulación de la masa: Habilidad para incrementar o disminuir la masa en un objeto o una persona.
·Manipulación Molecular: Capacidad para manipular moléculas o cosas a nivel molecular. (Ejemplo Piper Halliwell, Charmed, tiene el poder de detener o hacer que las moleculas vayan más deprisa, provocando explosiones)
.Memoria Fotográfica: Capacidad de recordar todo al igual como ves una foto, puedes darte cuenta de detalles que simplemente viste y ni siquiera tomaste en cuenta, con esto puedes recordar sin siquiera haber contado antes la cantidad de objetos que se vio a través de la vista.
.Metamorfosis: Habilidad para cambiar la apariencia física y transformase en otra persona.
·Miedo: Capacidad para adivinar el miedo de una persona y crear una ilusión con ese miedo.
·Mimetismo: Capacidad de copiar poderes durante un corto periodo de tiempo.
.Negación de poderes: Habilidad para suprimir o anular los superpoderes o las mutaciones de otros.
·Omnilingüismo: Permite hablar todas las lenguas.
·Origamikinesis: Permite al mutante transformar parte o la totalidad de su cuerpo en pequeñas hojas de papel rectangulares, y controlar estas hojas con la mente, de manera que pueda crear cualquier forma imaginable de papel con ellas.
.Petrificación: Es la habilidada de transformar cualquier cosa en piedra, esta puede ser emitida por la vista ,tacto, saliva o alguna otra forma que se les ocurra.
·Photokinesis: Capacidad de controlar la luz y de expulsar energía lumínica dañina
·Piroquinesis: Capacidad de manipular el elemento Fuego.
·Premonición: Permite ver sucesos futuros.
·Presciencia: Mediante un trance, el usuario puede percibir lo que pasa en ese mismo momento en otros lugares.
.Percepción de poder: Habilidad para sentir y reconocer poderes superhumanos.
·Proyección Astral: El “alma” deja el cuerpo, que queda inerte durante unos instantes, y aparece en cualquier lugar que la persona conozca.
·Psicometría: Capacidad para percibir cosas a traves de las manos. (Los medium usan esto para a traves de una foto, encontrar a una persona)
·Pupila Fotográfica: Capacidad para reproducir cualquier acción vista a la perfección. Permite anticiparse a algunos golpes.
.Recuperación mental: Habilidad contraria a la amnepatia. Permite al individuo hacer que cualquier persona recupere, desde fragmentos o completamente, la memoria y/o recuerdos previamente borrados.
.Sanación acelerada: Habilidad para curar rápidamente de cualquier lesión. El tiempo de recuperación varía según el personaje, también puede resultar en inmortalidad o al menos en longevidad.
·Seducción: Permite controlar más o menos los actos de las personas del sexo opuesto.
.Separación: Habilidad para separar partes del propio cuerpo y hacer que actúen por su voluntad.
.Sentido del peligro: Habilidad para percibir el peligro personal. Es una forma limitada de precognición.
.Sintetización: Capacidad para crear caminos, rocas, montañas, muros, etc.
.Sonoquinesis: Audioquinesis, sonoquinesis o ecoquinesis son los distintos nombres que recibe la habilidad de manipular mentalmente las ondas sonoras enviando ondas de choque, siempre y cuando estas esten direccionadas.
.Sublimación: Habilidad para tomar la forma de gas o de niebla.
·Suerte: Adquisición positiva de sucesos que le ocurren a la persona.
·Superfuerza: Mutación que otorga mucha más fuerza de la normal.
·Supersentido: Desarrollo extraordinario de uno de los sentidos.
·Supervelocidad: Capacidad que permite correr a grandes velocidades.
.Sustitución de partes del cuerpo:Habilidad para reemplazar una propia extremidad u otra parte del cuerpo por la misma extremidad u otra parte diferente. También hacer que un brazo o extremidad amputada vuelva a crecer.
·Tecnopatía: Permite comunicarse con la máquinas, así como crear máquinas con otras piezas.
.Tecnoquinesis:Habilidad para construir o formar máquinas a través de un material. Esto se ha visto en películas como Escuela de Súper Héroes, donde la villana podía con un bloque de metal, crear una arma letal o en X-Men donde una persona transforma su brazo en una máquina de reparación.
.Telaraña: Mecanismos artificial que dispara tela adhesiva inventada por él mismo que le permite columpiarse grandes distancias, alcanzar objetos fuera de su alcance e inmovilizar a sus enemigos.
·Telekinesis: Capacidad para mover objetos con la mente.
·Telepatía: Habilidad para comunicarse mentalmente con otros, rompiendo las barreras de la distancia. Generalmente, permite “hablar” en un lenguaje universal. Si el grado de dominio es alto, también puede canalizar los poderes y usarlos como para leer la mente.
.Teletransportación: Habilidad para moverse de un lugar a otro sin ocupar espacio o masa en el trayecto.
·Termoquinesis: Control sobre la temperatura.
.Termovision (vision laser): Permite disparar láser sin ser dañado a través de los ojos. Esto se puede controlar o no dependiendo el tipo de visión de láser que le toque.
.Transportación eléctrica: Habilidad para viajar a través de los conductos eléctricos (tales como cables de poder, o líneas telefónicas), frecuentemente entrando a través de dispositivos como televisores, polos eléctricos, tomas de corriente o computadores.
·Umbraquinesis: Habilidad para crear o usar la oscuridad, frecuentemente accediendo mentalmente a una dimensión de energía oscura (la dimensión Darkforce en Marvel
) y manipulándola. Un personaje con este poder podría crear formas sólidas o viajar por medio de esta dimensión. (Para la habilidad de crear la ausencia de luz, o controlar la intensidad de ésta). Si la sombra del usuario toca la de otra persona, puede hacer que ese otro usuario pierda el movimiento.
.Veneno: Habilidad para atacar a otros con una o más variedades de toxinas, con una amplia gama de diversos efectos.
.Viajar por el tiempo: Habilidad para viajar a través del tiempo.
.Viscoficacion:Habilidad para convertirse parcial o completamenrte en un estado viscoso
.Visión nocturna: Es la habilidad de poder ver en la oscuridad en los entornos que están en bajos niveles de iluminación.
.Visión Rayos X: Puede ver atrás de las murallas, una persona común ve la muralla, pero con este poder, puede ver lo que está pasando detrás de las cosas o dentro de ellas.
.Visión Térmica: Es la habilidad de poder ver la temperatura de un cuerpo.
.Volar: Mediante diferentes tipos de alas (ángel, dragón, murciélago, aves, mariposas, hadas, insectos), Volar mediante la gravedad, telequinesis o magia.
zoomorfismo: Habilidad para tomar formas animales. En ocasiones también adquiere las habilidades de la nueva forma.
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