#agent carter spoiler
sersi · 6 months
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AGENT CARTER (2015 - 2016) 1.05: The Iron Ceiling WHAT IF...? (2021 - ) 2.08: What If... The Avengers Assembled in 1602?
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avengerscompound · 6 months
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Peggy Carter
What If... Peter Quill Attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes?
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cinnamon-ginger · 1 year
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Very sorry to the Maria fans, and the Sharon fans, and the Natash fans (@ me) from the AOS fandom
I’m so scared tbh don’t fucking touch Daisy
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why-i-love-comics · 6 months
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Captain America #5 (2023)
written by J. Michael Straczynski art by Lan Medina & Espen Grundetjern
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What If is so Peggy's show. Peggy is the main character. Peggy is the first marvel character to have two shows. She is so queen for that
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tremorsmackenzie · 5 months
you know, everything is better in the captaincarter!verse. as far as we can tell no hydra, bucky is alive, the red room is dead by winter soldier, theyre not gonna have ultron, steve will be saved at some point soon, and because carter knows about the infinity stones (and how to wield them) theyre probably gonna have an easier time with thanos too. and thats just the movies. if you involve the shows, it means jiaying doesnt get tortured, which means daisy gets a (relatively) painfree life, cal doesnt turn into hyde, i need to see more of this universe.
edit: oh, and sousa is alive because hydra doesnt assassinate him in '55.
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mlady-magnolia · 11 months
If I had a nickel for every time I watched a piece of media with an Agent Carter who fights a blonde assassin before kicking her out a window, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s really weird it happened twice-
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theblondebondd · 1 year
some thoughts on this cap run since it's coming to an end now ( finally ).
there are just so many things about sentinel of liberty & cold war that were terrible. the amount of wasted time ( ten issues and majority of them are just filler bs that doesn't do any good ), killing roger, the lack of actual development - steve has friends now out of nowhere ; bucky is...well everything was wrong with bucky ; the overcomplicated, under explained outer circle lore - the lies the writers tweeted to hype up the run only for the majority of it to never happen, killing roger, everything to do with sharon, the lack of accountability being held against bucky and peggy, ian being brought back with no explanation and then...not wanting to see his family after years?? for some reason?? KILLING ROGER.
murdering roger so callously has to take the cake as the worst part. then to have his funeral be as disrespectful as it was? ( really? all you could have namor muster up was that " he was gorgeous "? one of his oldest friends, and that's ALL he'd have to say? ) and the poem steve says is fine, or at least would be if we'd seen him grieving at all this entire time since roger's death. but he hasn't been. ( the only person we even saw openly react to roger's death was sharon and we'll get into how stupid that is later ).
then there's the little shit :
the fact that they mentioned shipping steve and bucky, even though comic steve and bucky are a father and son duo
them having peggy basically call natasha a slut and get away with it
the weird " did steve or did steve not cheat on sharon with emma " jokes when he didn't
peggy actively pointing a GUN at emma and preparing to fire and then being told by everyone that that's okay & not being questioned for why she'd be so adversive to get out of literal mind control
bucky shooting steve and then dropping him off a building and having the nerve to ask why he's upset with him
need i go on with those?
now back to roger because again, everything that had to do with him in this story was...ugh. it's bad enough to take a character out of comic limbo just to kill him, even worse when he's one of marvel's many underappreciated and underused gay characters. but how do you make it even more disrespectful, i wonder? oh, i know, having your lead female character say, in her eulogy about him, that he was " a damn mess " when she admits to only knowing him for a week, and then that looking at him was " like looking in a mirror ", and comparing his experiences as a gay man in the 40s, to hers as a woman in the 60s ( is it still 60s? idk, i think so. points still stands ) and then having her confidently steal the spotlight from him at his funeral to show off that she's taking on his mantle. what were they even thinking? not only is it blatantly ooc, but it's just plain gross and cruel. it shows that they never cared about roger, or steve, or sharon, or anyone in that book, like they claimed to.
there are ultimately no words for how much i hate this run at this point, and i am confident in believing that finale #1 will only make it worse.
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agentem · 1 year
Some more Secret Invasion stuff
Here's a screencap of Nick Fury at the end of No Way Home he's got his eyepatch and looks svelte. Here is Nick Fury in the first episode of Secret Invasion. He's emphasizing his gray hair, wearing layers to make himself look out of shape, pretending to limp.
I believe Maria Hill when she says he's not ready for the fight in Secret Invasion but I think that's mental, not physical or capability-wise.
He's definitely trying to get Gravik (and possibly Sonya?) to underestimate him. But unclear how much he is playing (like is it possible Maria Hill's death was a fake to make Gravik feel complacent? Winter Soldier Nick Fury faked his own death so it's possible).
I don't know if we will find out what's really going on with him until we meet his wife. (She has been cast. But how many episodes Priscilla is in isn't known.)
I do think we'll see a triumhant return of the eye patch scene since we know he wears it in The Marvels.
PS. Anyone know what was going on with Hill that she trusted the Skrull!Ross? Is "SHIELD" just a group of spies on the run now? I don't understand what happened to that organization. Because everyone thinks it's destroyed in Winter Soldier, when Hill went undercover with the Avengers. But the TV series made us think there was some remaining infrastructure. But I'm not sure if any of that is canon now!
Considering that Sharon Carter got left in the lurch according to The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and SWORD existed as an evil organization in WandaVision, it doesn't seem like SHIELD is much of anything on Earth anymore.
Was Maria just trying to do something about the Skrulls by herself until Ross popped up and said he'd help since he was on the run now. And she was just like "Oh cool." (He's probably really chillin in Wakanda rn, although still a chance he'll pop up in one of those pods the Skrulls keep the humans in to get their memories but I have trouble believing Okoye would allow him to be taken.)
ETA: Also Nat had to ask her fixer for a plane and help in Black Widow. Not SHIELD? Not Maria?
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Peggy: I don't need a gun, I have my fists! Dottie: Aw, that's adorable. But I have a gun and a knife, so let's not get ahead of ourselves.
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mzkokie · 1 year
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she's beauty and she's grace🎵
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Sharon Carter's new costume from Sentinel of Liberty by Carmen Carnero.
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avengerscompound · 7 months
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Peggy Carter | What if...? Season 2 Trailer.
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agentxthirteen · 1 year
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On this day (May 17) in Sharon Carter history, Sharon appeared in:
New Mangaverse #5 (2006)
Invincible Iron Man V4 #7 (2017)
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty V2 #13 (2023)
Marvel Heroes Flip Magazine #12 (Reprint Captain America V5 #13) (2006)
Captain America: Winter Soldier Vol. 2 HC (Reprint Captain America V5 #8-#9, #12-#14) (2006)
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why-i-love-comics · 6 months
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Captain America #4 (2023)
written by J. Michael Straczynski art by Lan Medina & Espen Grundetjern
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myshipsintheharbor · 1 year
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i feel like the venn diagram of people that watch these two shows has the tiniest overlap ever, but i couldn’t stop thinking about this
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