#spoiler for season 3 of agent carter
Peggy: I don't need a gun, I have my fists! Dottie: Aw, that's adorable. But I have a gun and a knife, so let's not get ahead of ourselves.
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episodeoftv · 7 months
Prelims, Vote 1 of 8
The top 4 finales will move on to be included in the main bracket
Propaganda is under the cut, may include spoilers
Agent Carter - 2.10 Hollywood Ending
Just as Peggysous became canon, just as Jack is about to start his redemption arc, they cancelled the show and left all of us on a massive cliffhanger for, let's see, almost 8 years at this point. We need ANSWERS.
It was written as a cliffhanger for a second season that would never come, but it just felt flat. The one objective that our leading lad (Josh) had been chasing (saving Sam) was rendered pointless, because the moment the big bad was defeated she effectively declared herself the new big bad and everyone who wasn't a major character went 'hmmm, okay!' And accepted it! They didn't even address this all that well, just ended with a shot of the MCs looking shocked.
Doctor Who - 12.10 The Timeless Children
this finale is shit!! absolute ass! nothing happens in it for it to justify having such a cool name. the master captures the doctor, shows her a slideshow that amounts to ‘‘you’re adopted!! :)" doctor breaks out of her matrix prison thing by overloading it with memories when the matrix is The Supercomputer and it’s used to hold all memories of all time lords ever? you know, the species whove been doing their thing for a billion years and live up to 10,000 years? the doctors new memories should either already be there or make nary a dent in it. the doctor’s like ‘‘why would they do that! why would they lie?’’ girl they have been lying to you since forever. they killed you once. theyve tried to kill you so many times. they turned you into a fucked up anti time monster that one time. one of the doctors past past selves even told her it doesnt really matter!! what was even the point
Loki - 1.06 For All Time. Always.
The series was going downhill past Episode 3 tbh, but it really just was a load of crap only interested in setting up the multiverse
Tales of Arcadia - Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans
This finale undoes everything the show worked for. In order to give itself stakes it kills off a few characters, but in a way that only indirectly impacts the MCs (such as Jim's Mom's fiancé getting killed). Then, at the end of the special, the main character uses time travel to go back to the start of S1E01 and changed history so he never becomes the trollhunter. Instead he makes his next friend the trollhunter instead. In terms of anticipation it was not at all what anyone was anticipating. (I had assumed he'd go to the start of the special and defeat the titans without any casualties). Having undone time only he remembers the previous timestream and he makes no effort to engage with it outside of accepting his changeling principal far sooner.
Ted Lasso - 3.12 So Long, Farewell
This trash ass finale undid three seasons of character development for every single person involved (except Nate!). A long-distance parent returned "home" despite having no attachments besides his child and leaving behind his entire found family, an abused and neglected woman was left behind by the person who taught her she didn't deserve abuse and neglect, and two characters who spent the whole show learning to cooperate and care for each other got into a fistfight over the girl they both dated.
Torchwood - 3.05 Day Five
No propaganda submitted
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3pirouette · 11 months
Fic: The Infinity Leap (1/1)
Title: The Infinity Leap
By: TriplePirouette/3Pirouette
Spoilers: Through Endgame, Basic Quantum Leap Orginal Series knowledge required. 
Disclaimer: They're not mine.
Word Count: 
Distribution: AO3 Anyone else please ask first :) 
Story Summary: Dr. Sam Beckett leaps into Agent Peggy Carter to write a wrong, but in the end, he may just end up righting two of them. 
Story A/N: This story assumes 3 things: 1. Season 2 of Agent Carter never happened 2. The MCU up though Endgame is otherwise intact and 3. The reader has basic knowledge of Quantum Leap. Quite Frankly, this is really more of a Quantum Leap episode than anything, so I know there’s gonna be like… 5 people interested? But for those of you interested, I hope you really, really enjoy this. 
Also, I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m a subscriber to the Outlander/Doctor Who version of time travel that makes the events of Infinity War possible in the Main MCU timeline. Seems Quantum Leap rules also fit into that. 
This story is set in 2000, about 5 years after the last “leap” we see in the series, and assumes they get to continue the Quantum Leap program for several years. 
I had hoped to really get this to a full length story, but it’s been sitting on my hard drive for a LONG time. In the end, I’m pretty happy with it, even if it isn’t exactly what I set out to write. 
For Steggy Week 2023, Day 3: AU’s and Crossovers @steggyfanevents
Peggy Carter blinked. 
Before she’d blinked, she’d been in the conference room, sipping the dregs of the morning coffee as Thompson addressed the room with his usual narcissistic flare. 
After she blinked, she was in a white room she’d never seen before, in a white unitard she’d never worn before, and she didn’t feel a thing. 
Sam took a slow breath as the tingling dissipated and did his best to keep a neutral facial expression. He kept his eyes on the man talking, hoping to feign interest. It was always hard stepping into a person when there was something happening, when people expected him to be able to contribute. 
He slowly brought his hands under the table and down his stomach: a suit jacket. That seemed to track for the way the rest of the room was dressed, but he felt that funny feeling where his chest was too tight and his neck wasn’t constricted enough. A little lower with his hands and he confirmed what he’d been afraid of: a skirt. He was a woman. Again. 
He wiggled his toes and rolled his ankles; at least the heels were sensible. Was he the secretary? He hated being someone’s secretary. 
“So that’s it,” the man at the front said sharply, turning to hook his thumbs in his suspenders. “Any questions?”
Sam stayed quiet, hoping to get through the meeting without having to say a word. He looked down at the folder in front of him and immediately tossed the idea of “secretary” out the door. Secretaries didn’t usually have folders marked “eyes only” and “top secret.”
“Even you, Carter?” The man looked directly at Sam, and he looked up, locking gazes. “No thoughts or suggestions?”
Sam knew that tone, recognized it for the goad that it was and wished he could fire back. He almost did, as the man seemed to expect something from him, but he didn’t know what was going on, and didn’t want to change anything before he knew what he was really here to change. “No. Not right now,” he replied, shooting what he hoped was just enough of a smile laced with just enough sarcasm that the man would believe it. 
“Yeah, fine. Right.” He turned back to the rest of the men around the table, seemingly upset he wasn’t going to get to spar with him. “You have your assignments.” He waved his hand and everyone stood to leave. 
Sam did the same, gathering the papers and coffee in front of him, standing slowly to get used to the feeling of the heels on his feet. 
A man with a crutch stopped next to him, whispering even though they were the only people left in the room. “I thought you were ready to give him hell about that plan?”
Sam shrugged, juggling the folder for a second. “Well, I decided it wasn’t the right time.”
The man sighed, stepping forward and through the door. “One of these days he’s going to listen to you, Peggy.” 
Sam nodded, slowly following him out to the bullpen of desks. Peggy. Peggy… Carter. He scanned the nameplates and found a Margaret Carter in the back and made his way to the desk. The one thing that was on his side was that everyone seemed engrossed in their own work. Sam sat at the desk and kicked the heels off underneath, wiggling his toes as he looked at the clean desktop. He pulled open drawers and sifted through the papers there, finding little to go on. 
He heard the woosh of the imaging room door open behind him and picked out a pad and pulled a pen to his fingers as Al’s voice drifted over him in the noisy room. “Let me tell you, Sam, this is going to be a tough one, that lady in there- she isn’t spilling a thing! We had a hell of a time finding you, and even then, it was a wing and a prayer. Ziggy’s been malfunctioning ever since you leaped, insisting you’re in the 40’s.” He spun, frustrated. “We don’t even have a name.” Sam smiled to himself and tapped the nameplate on the front of the desk, just like he was thinking.
Al moved around in front of him, meandering to look at the name plate. “Margaret Carter…” He huffed, typing it into his handlink. “Well, that’s more than we’ve gotten all morning.” Al leaned back, looking Sam over. “Wow, Sam, you’re…”
Sam looked up, annoyance on his face, but he said nothing. 
Al let his hands wave in the air for a moment and sighed. “Yeah, you’re a ‘she’ for sure.” He snapped his mouth closed, for the first time realizing where they were. He looked over the clothes, the decorations on the walls, the telephone on the desk. “This looks a little…” He stepped over to the desk across from Sam where a newspaper was lying next to an Agent drinking his coffee. Al leaned over, eyebrows raising. “April 16, 1948.” He looked at the handlink as it beeped at him. “Ok, fine. You were right.”
Sam looked up, surprised, but put his head down and wrote furiously on the pad before him. “1948?”
Al looked at Sam’s note. “I mean, it’s not unheard of- you have leapt out of your lifetime before… not a lot but…” Al shrugged, then looked up at his handlink as it beeped and blinked in his hand. “This can’t be right.”
“What?” Sam wrote. 
Al huffed. “Ziggy is saying that this woman is classified.” Sam’s look asked the question he couldn’t say out loud. “Well, I don’t know!” Al waved his arms, one disappearing through the man seated in front of them as the hologram interreacted with the world around them. “I don’t know how a whole, entire person can be classified. I’m gonna…” He huffed again and pointed to where Sam suspected the door to the imaging chamber was. “We’ll get it sorted. In the mean time, just…” Al shrugged, disappearing into the air. 
Sam sighed, crossing out the notes on the paper until they couldn’t be seen. “Oh, boy.”
Peggy gaped at the woman across from her. “This is, frankly, the worst interrogation I’ve ever been a part of,” she leaned back and crossed her arms, fighting to keep her breathing even. She was trying to come up with a clue as to where she was or why she was taken, but the woman across from her was giving Peggy as little as Peggy was providing. 
The woman sighed gently. “I’ve told you, this isn’t an interrogation. I asked your name.”
She laughed, shaking her head and sitting back into the couch more. “You’ve kidnapped me and you don’t even know my name?” Peggy looked her up and down. She was probably poisoned. Maybe gas. She couldn’t believe they’d managed to get her out of the SSR building without anyone noticing or putting up a fight she didn’t remember. It must have been gas. She wondered how many others they had. “I’m not telling you anything.”
“Miss,” the young, dark- skinned woman continued, closing the notepad she had in front of her. “If you don’t cooperate, we can’t help you.”
“You’ve refused to tell me who you are or why I’m here, and you don’t even know who I am. I believe we’re done speaking.” Peggy’s mind was racing, but she was somewhat relieved to see the woman slip her pad in her pocket and stand. 
Al stood at the entrance to the Starbright Project, waiting patiently. He was sure Sam needed him in some way, that he’d been gone too long now, but surely a few hours wouldn’t hurt.
He hoped. 
The black SUVs stopped in front of him, and out stepped a man in a black suit with unnecessary sunglasses as it was nearly night. He turned, and helped a stately woman out of the back. She was old, older than Al, with fine lines around her mouth and an expertly twisted hairstyle. She moved toward Al with purpose, the man following just a step behind. 
The woman stopped right in front of him, and the man that followed stepped next to them. “Admiral Al Calavichi?”
“That’s me,” Al gave a short salute. “And you are…”
The man nodded, then held out his hand. “Agent Coulson, and this is Former Shield Director Margaret Carter.”
“Admiral,” she started, in a soft English tone that let Al know exactly who she was, “I believe we have a lot to talk about.”
Sam was following the flow of people out of the building, thankful for the idea of a general quitting time. He turned his ankle more than once on the pumps, stumbling out of the elevator just as the sound of the imaging chamber set his teeth on edge. He turned his head, but couldn’t say anything in the crush of people. His eyes said it all: where have you been?
“I know, I know!” Al waved his hands, following Sam as he made his way through the building. “I was sidetracked by… well, you’re not going to believe it.”
Sam raised his eyebrows and stopped, hoping for a payphone but settling for the little door to the side labeled “women.” He slipped into the bathroom and checked each stall before locking the door behind him, Al floating through. 
“You’ve been gone all day!” Sam accused, dropping his briefcase on the floor. 
“Like I said: sidetracked.” Al shrugged, barely able to hide his excitement. 
Sam leaned on the sink, exhausted. “Well, it better be good, because tht bull pen was hell. Those guys, this time…” He shook his head and caught his hat as it fell into his hands. “’Coffee, Peggy. Can you take notes, Peggy? File these, would ya, Peg?’” He made a noise of disgust in the back of his throat. “Leaping into women has given me such a different appreciation for them.” 
“I have an appreciation for them.” Al pulled the cigar from between his teeth, his eyes unfocusing as he thought back to earlier that day, “And the one that got me sidetracked. When I tell you she was a knock-out! A ten! A real silver fox. I mean—”
“Al!” Sam turned, rolling his ankle and kicking off the heels. “You left me here all day to see a woman?”
“No, actually, I was visited by the head of one of the countries most prestigious intelligence organizations.” He shrugged, a light smile on his face, “who just so happens to be, well…” He smiled and raised his eyebrows. 
Sam stared at his reflection, truly seeing Peggy for the first time, mumbling at his friend. “Let’s go, will you?” 
Sam’s whisper of desperation stopped the man mid rude gesture and he shrugged. “Anyway, big to-do on arrival, she comes into my office, leaves her goon outside, and starts in on the story.”
Sam tried to straighten his hat in the mirror, feeling nothing of the complex hair style under his hands. “What story?”
“Turns out, you’ve lept into Agent Margaret ‘Peggy’ Carter. She was a Great American Hero, Sam.” Al’s eyes sparkled. “During World War Two she was a code breaker with the SOE then a spy with the SSR. She was Captain America’s liaison to the agency and tracked Hydra through Europe with the Howling Commandos!”
Sam looked blankly at him, then turned to look at the soft-boned woman in the mirror that stared back at him. It didn’t make sense to him that a woman with that kind of resume was relegated to getting coffee and filing paperwork. “Must be the Swiss Cheese… none of that means much to me.” 
“She’s one of the best spies who ever lived,” Al threw up his hand and paced the small bathroom. “But that’s why literally her entire life was classified.”
“Classified?” Sam barked out a laugh, pacing the small bathroom. “What do you mean, classified? We have the highest clearance of any—”
Al lifted his eyebrows, punching more buttons. “Not from SHIELD.”
“SHIELD?” Sam ran his hand over his face, shaking his head. “Why did she show up?”
“Any search for her in a government database gets flagged.” Al shrugged. “She said when she saw it was Starbright, she knew she had to come.”
“She remembers?” Sam asked, astounded. 
“She can’t. Well, shouldn’t.” He dropped the handlink down and pushed his cigar back between his lips. “She didn’t say if she did or not.”
“But, if she remembers, that means what I’ve needed to change—”
“Is already changed?” Al twisted his face up and shook his head. “No. No, no, no. That’s not how…” He shrugged and sagged. “I was going to say that’s not how this works, but every time I think we have a handle on it, something surprises me.”
Sam looked at the door, knowing it was only a matter of time before someone else was going to try to get into the bathroom. “So then, did she tell you want I’m here to do?”
“No,” All huffed, twiddling the cigar. “but…”
He changed the subject. “But Ziggy thinks you’re here to stop an assassination.” 
Sam perked up. He wasn’t sure how he could make something like that happen, especially if an actual spy like Peggy hadn’t been able to. “Assassination? Of who?”
“Angie Martinelli.” Al tapped the handlink and started reading off the facts. “Angie Martinelli was a broadway actress. She and Peggy are roomates, living at the Manhattan home of one Howard Stark.”
Sam rolled his eyes, leaning back into the sink. “Now that name I remember.”
“Imagine if Tony Stark had bankrolled us…” Al mused for a moment, eyes bright. He stopped and sighed. “Missed out. Anyway,” He hit the keys again, waiting for the next bit of information to pop up. “Tomorrow afternoon, Angie will be found in her bedroom, half naked with her throat slit. It’s only after the fact that it was discovered she was hiding that someone had been stalking her, meeting her at the stage door, sending her threatening letters…”
Sam leaned back on the sink, “Is that what Peggy told you?”
“No.” All sighed and shrugged. “She made me explain Project Quantum Leap, in detail, and then nodded.”
“Nodded?” Sam asked, confused. “That’s it?”
“Once she knew what it was all about, she asked what we knew about where you were, and then she came up with the same idea Ziggy did- Angie.”
“I don’t like you running around telling other agencies about-“
“You tell SHIELD what ever they ask for, Sam. You know that.” Al, paused and  shrugged. “Knew that. Anyway,” He shifted, walking through the sinks as he paced. “She said that missing that Angie was in danger was something she never forgave herself for, and if we could fix it, well…”
“Well, what?”
“She just kinda stopped and looked sad. Asked if we had any way of targeting where you went.” Al frowned. “ I told her no and then she looked up at me and said the damndest thing.” 
Al, knit his brow, shaking his head. “She said, ‘I suppose you should save her, then, who knows if his chance will ever come.”
“His who?” Sam asked as the door rattled. 
“Dunno,” Al shrugged, watching Sam pull his shoes on and grab his briefcase. “She and her goon left.”
“Look, just get me to her apartment and we’ll take it from there, ok?” Sam smiled, opening the door to the face a bewildered young woman. 
“Everything ok in there?” She asked, looking Sam over. 
“Fine, just…” he paused, smiling, “Classified.”
Sam rushed past her, headed out to save a life. 
Angie stood with her hands on her hips. “What do you mean I’m not going in today?”
Sam matched her pose, the standoff tense in the living area of the Stark apartment they shared. Angie had barely been home, and Sam had only been able to track her down with Al’s help half the time. “I mean, you need to stay home tonight. Both of us do.”
Angie walked right up to him, got in his face the way that only best friends or siblings do. “You’re gonna get me fired, Peg.”
“Call in sick,” Sam held his ground, placing his hands on her shoulders. 
“To Broadway?” Angie rolled her eyes and started pacing back and forth. “What in the world could be so important that-“
Sam had one card to pull, and he hoped his plan would be right. Peggy, in the original time line, had missed that Angie was being stalked. Probably, he’d thought more times than he could count as he tried to track the girl down, because she was never around. But Angie knew some of what Peggy did for a living, even if she didn’t know all of it, and he was banking on their bond of friendship being enough cause for Angie’s trust. “Why didn’t you tell me about what’s going on?”
It was enough to get her to stop in her tracks, back to Sam. Her shoulders tightened. “Tell you want?”
“You’re being stalked.”
Angie tried to brush it off with a laugh. “What? Like corn?”
Sam shook his head. It wasn’t a term that was familiar yet. “Who's harassing you?”
“I don’t even know the guy.” Angie looked down at her feet, shaking her head. “It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing and you know it,” Sam moved closer to her, lifting her chin to him. Her eyes were filled with tears. “Tell me.”
Sam was supposed to be on a stake out, the very one he’d heard planned out as he lept into Peggy Carter. He took his own advice and called himself in sick, and now sat with a very disgruntled, and somewhat anxious, Angie, Peggy’s gun sitting next to him on the table as he read. 
“Nobody’s coming,” Angie muttered, focusing on the script in her hands. 
“You trying to convince me or convince yourself?” Sam asked, looking up from the newspaper in his hands. 
“You,” Angie shot back, weakly. 
They went back to reading, radio playing softly in the background, when after a few minutes Sam’s head popped up. It was the sound of scratching. Quiet, but there. 
Angie watched as he pulled the gun into his hand, slowly standing. Sam hushed her with a finger at his lips. 
The imaging chandler door opened, Al popping through. “Sam, it looks like any time between about a half hour ago and-“ He stopped, watching Sam slip through the dark apartment. “Oh, shoot, it’s happening now, isn’t it?”
Sam nodded, Angie following close behind as he swept through each bedroom, Al walking through walls and calling out as he cleared each room ahead. 
“You really think someone-“
“Shh,” Sam quieted Angie again. “Stay close, ok?”
She cringed to his hips, following along like the caboose of a train. “You’re the one with the gun, I ain’t going nowhere.”
“Sam!” All called, two rooms ahead. “Here, in the Pantry. One guy coming up the dumbwaiter!” 
Sam moved swiftly, Angie following. On Al’s cue, he pushed through the door to the kitchen, hitting the intruder in the face with the door and knocking him back. Angie’s screams mingled with the swing music pouring from the radio as Sam jumped on him, landing a solid right hook before tumbling him to the ground, unconscious. 
Between Al’s supportive cries, Angie’s screams, and the music, Sam could barely focus as he reached for the handcuffs in Peggy’s pocket. “Angie, go call the police.”
“Aren’t you-“
Sam shook his head, sitting heavily on the man. “We need the regular police, not the SSR.”
Angie ran out of the room while All finally focused. “Good job, Sam! According to Ziggy,” he paused, tapping the handlink gently before giving it a final hard knock, “Angie lives a long life and has a fabulous career.”
“She get fired for calling in sick?”
All frowned. “Yeah, but it won’t matter. She gets picked up to be a series regular for a radio serial in a few months, then breaks into the movies.” 
“Peggy?” Sam asks, slipping to the side of the intruder and sitting on the floor, one hand on him in case he woke up. “She still get to be Director of SHIELD?”
Al knocks his handlink again and it beeps. He smiles and nods. “Yup. Looks like the little information we had didn’t change, so-“ He pause,d listening to a voice only Al could hear back on the other side of the hologram. “What letter?” He waited again, and Sam watched, confused. “There is no letter!”
“Letter?” Sam asked quietly, knowing they only had a few seconds before Angie came back or their assailant came to. 
Al shook his head. “Gushy is telling me there’s a letter in my office and it’s been there since Carter entered the waiting room for me to open, top secret, high priority. There’s no letter in my office.”
Sam tilted his head. “There wasn’t a letter in your office.”
Al opened his mouth to argue, but then it hit him. There hadn’t been a letter before Sam changed history. 
Now there was. 
“I’m gonna go read that letter.” 
Al disappeared through the imaging chamber door just as Angie came back. “They’re on their way…” Her voice died out as she got a glimpse of the face of the man on the floor. 
“You know him?”
Angie nodded, eyes wide. “That’s our stage manager! You mean to say he’s the one…”
Al tried to hold on to the feeling that there was no letter. He knew as soon as he stepped outside of the Imaging chamber, whatever had changed in history would feel like reality to him. 
He needed to read it, to try to compare it with what he could remember. 
He strode through Project Starbright’s halls without saying a word to anyone, holding his hand up to stop people from talking with him. Once in his office, he din’t even bother sitting to open the Manila envelope marked “eyes only, top secret.”
Admiral Calavichi, 
If you’re reading this, that means the day has come when my younger self has shown up in your lovely white waiting room. I have been told that this is how this must happen, that to stray from this would be to mess with forces beyond all of our comprehension, and so though I have not given you any reason to trust me, I must ask that you do as I say. 
If we do this right, all will stay exactly as it is, for it has already happened, and always will happen this way. Do not ask me how, for I have no understanding of it myself. What I do have is a deep desire for things to be as they are, and not as they could be. 
Dr. Beckett has leaped into my younger self. You will find no record of me, as little exists. At that time I was Agent Margaret Carter of the SSR, a spy. I remember nothing of that time when I sat in your waiting room. Whatever right Dr. Beckett put wrong, I have no memory of, and cannot help you with this, but I know that he succeeded, or will succeed. 
And when that is over, you must give Sam a message. You must tell him exactly this: He must go to the research level and wait. When he sees him, tell him to go home. Tell him, I’ve said to come home. 1952, to be exact. 
The “him” I refer to must remain a mystery, but rest assured both you and Sam will know exactly who when the time comes, as Sam told him that much. He’ll be confused, but accepting, as time travel is not unknown to him. 
You must deliver your message. It’s the only chance we’ll have to right this wrong. 
Al looked for another page, for something that made sense, but there was nothing except Director Carter’s signature and a date: 1953. 
Sam looked up from his desk in the SSR bullpen as Al stepped into the room, right through a desk and two men passing. 
It was always jarring to see his friend moved through like a ghost. 
Sam pulled over a pad and wrote, “Why haven’t I leaped yet?”
“Because I gotta show you this.” Al hovered the letter from Director Carter over the pad so Sam could read it. He waited as he watched his eyes go back and forth, Sam mouthing him over and over. 
He leaned down, scribbling, “Who do you think ‘him’ is?”
Al shrugged. “No way to tell. We got bupkis on most of her life.” Al sighed. “You know where research is?”
Sam started to answer, but Al felt his heart drop as the blue lightning started to envelop him. 
Sam was leaping. 
There was no time to go to the research level. 
There was no time to right one more wrong. 
Sam took the long moment to let the blood rush to his fingers and toes, to feel the energy that crackled through him just a second ago dissipate. He took a deep breath and let his eyes see and his body feel. 
Heels. Again. 
Pants. A sensible pants suit. 
He looked down in the small office at the papers in his hands. They were marked classified with a symbol that suddenly seemed very familiar. He looked up, searching for the answer he already knew. He picked up the nameplate on the desk and smiled. 
“Director Carter,” he mumbled to himself, smiling before placing it back. “Glad to see they finally listened to you.”
He sat in the chair behind him, looking over the documents on the table to try to get a clue as to why he was there when the phone on the desk rang. “He-hello?” He stuttered out. 
“Director Carter?” A male voice confidently replied, “You asked me to call when I detected that energy spike?”
“I did?” he asked, then caught himself and cleared his throat. “I did. Yes.”
“Well, I don’t know how you knew it was going to happen, but just now we got an alert from the research subbasement. Do you want me to send someout out?”
He felt fear and excitement run through him, the letter Al had shown him clear in his mind. “No, no. I’ll go.”
“Are you sure?”
He sat back, surprised after all this time they were still questioning her. “You think I can’t handle myself?”
“No, not at- I was just.”
“Thank you for the report, that will be all.” Sam hung up the phone and popped from his chair as the door to the imaging chamber opened. 
“Sam—” Al started excitedly. 
“I know.” Sam pointed to the plaque on the desk. “Can you get me to… the research subbasement?” he asked, carefully trying to remember the name. 
“Yeah. Start moving and we’ll see what…” He tapped the hand link then pounded it against his palm as they moved out of the office. “I’m guessing down.”
Sam started through the base, trying to feign confidence as Al called out lefts and rights to bring him to a set of elevators. Once in, he hit the button and waited for Al to talk, he couldn’t say anything with the other people in there. 
“So, you’re Peggy Carter again, Director do SHIELD, this time. It’s April 16th, 1970 and you’re in a SHIELD research facility at Camp Lehigh in New Jersey.” The elevator stopped, and the pair of scientist stepped off, leaving Sam and Al to descend to the lowest research level. 
“And I gotta tell someone… to go home?” Sam asked. “I remembered the research level but-“
“Him was all she told us. You’re gonna know him when you see him.” Al emphasized the vagueness with his cigar, pointing it towards the doors. Al sighed, “You gotta tell him Peggy says to go home to 1952.”
“Which means he’s got to be another time traveler?” Sam asked, anxious as the elevator dinged. 
He stepped out, Al following. “I’d assume, but you know what that makes out of you and me.” Al shoved the cigar in his mouth, wandering through rows of machines. “There’s nobody here, Sam.”
“There was some kind of energy spike,” Sam whispered, clearing the space one row of desks and shelves at a time. “Something has-“
“It oh.”
Sam stopped in his tracks, “What ut oh?”
Sam could see Al, frozen with his hands up, staring at a a corner he couldn’t see into. “He can see me, Sam.”
He pulled the cigar from his mouth, astounded. “Remember when she said you’ll know him when you see him?”
Sam slipped quietly up beside Al until he saw a figure hiding in the dark, red and white flight suit, nothing that belonged in this time, or any time Sam had ever been a part of, lifting and lowering a shimmering visor on his helmet, eyes wide with surprise and confusion. What stood out, though, was the shield on his arm. Even with his Swiss Cheese brain, Sam would have known that shield anywhere. 
“Captain America,” he whispered out, in awe. 
“Captain Freaking America,” Al echoed, in nearly as much shock. “She wants us to right that wrong.”
“I can hear you, too.” He let the visor stay down, his face partially hidden but the futuristic helmet. “You seem to know who I am,” Steve started, intensely. “So how about you tell me who the two of you are, and start explaining why you’re impersonating Director Carter.”
Sam smiled. “Oh, boy.”
End A/N: So, there wasn’t a place to PUT this, but the theory in my head goes that Without the visor to the suit up, Steve sees Peggy. However, with the nanotech visor up, which is partially powered by Pym particles and has been affected by traveling through the Quantum Realm, Steve can see Sam as he really is and see and hear Al. I had hoped to work that into the story, but I really liked the idea of ending on an “oh boy” for all my QL fans. 
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straightbaittournament · 11 months
only the option with the least votes will be eliminated! the rest go on to round 3. propaganda under the cut (and more always welcome!):
the option with the least votes will be eliminated. propaganda under the cut (and more always welcome!):
kit herondale and livvy blackthorn:
They were literally straight bait. So Kit, Livvy and Livvy’s twin brother Ty were a trio with their own side plots in TDA. And well. We literally meet Kit when Ty breaks into his house and puts a knife to his throat and Kit gets distracted by Ty’s eyes. Then later Kit and Livvy have a few moments and kiss once. Then Livvy dies. There are some necromancy shenanigans. Kit confesses his love to Ty then immediately flees the country. Like Kit/Ty was clearly endgame from the start but Livvy and Kit just made out once.
peggy carter and daniel sousa:
She’s the best secret agent, he’s a hot as hell disabled war vet They get together, but also don’t because apparently Steve Rogers is a homewrecker Peggy moved on after losing Steve, got together with the amazing Daniel Sousa, and then got broken up because the Russos didn’t want Steve to be seen as being gay for Bucky
nina zenik and matthias helvar:
[MAJOR SPOILER] If they were truly straight Matthias wouldn’t have died (submitter also stated that nina is canonically bi/pan)
buffy summers and spike:
Buffy's a vampire slayer and Spike's a vampire. Enemies to Lovers. Absolutely not intended by creators, creators treated it like a joke at first, then some of the writers/producers actively hated it even throughout their canon relationship, they don't technically get together in the end, also he dies (kind of. he's brought back in another show. and the comics. it's complicated). Very queercoded relationship despite being m/f - desire, euphoria, shame, slowburn, keeping it a secret, doesn't think anyone else will understand or accept them, wanting to change for the better.
himmel and frieren:
https://official.lowee.us/manga/Sousou-no-Frieren/0030-015.png https://official.lowee.us/manga/Sousou-no-Frieren/0030-016.png https://official.lowee.us/manga/Sousou-no-Frieren/0030-017.png https://official.lowee.us/manga/Sousou-no-Frieren/0030-018.png https://64.media.tumblr.com/ccb9c16bab47d917d2e11dd22c9b88e7/828182d720d735af-ea/s500x750/210c55d7128139c2ce032383b34ad487df067514.jpg
jean-luc picard and beverly crusher:
They have a number of romantic moments throughout the TNG series from arguably the first but DEFINITELY the second episode. but they only get together (briefly before divorcing) in an alternate timeline episode which is also the season finale. Also they have a kid together in Picard but are still not allowed to be together She was married to his best friend and he was in love with her but wouldn’t say anything because he wouldn’t want to damage his bestie’s marriage and then his friend died and they met again years later and shared a lot of romantic and sexual tension for years. He openly admitted (under mind reading) that he had loved her since his bestie was alive but felt he couldn’t act on it. In an alternate future they got married. In the canon future they got together and broke up repeatedly because trauma makes relationships hard sometimes and they have a kid together who is named after the aforementioned bestie. An episode forcing them to share thoughts makes him openly admit that he loves her and has loved her for years even when she was married to his best friend.
tyler rake and nik khan:
They’re very close, have lots of chemistry, but have never been acknowledged in canon. At this point they are just work friends who save each others’ lives on the regular.
keiichi maebara and rena ryugu:
Fluffy harem romcom twists into yandere horror, but then twists again into a story of friendship triumphing over everything. Really holds for any pairing with Keiichi, but the rooftop battle in part 6 is just too good. A recent manga spinoff has them married to total randos, so their respective sons can have the same kind of relationship.
naoko takahashi and shouta oohara:
this “show” is a 2 episode hentai so I can understand if this doesn’t get in the brackets lol (I would not recommend watching this hentai for the sex scenes, I just remember reading about Oohara getting cucked for a girl and thinking that I had to see this) So, it starts off with Takahashi being in love with Oohara and they do have ghost sex in the first part of the episode 1 but what happens is that even though they have the opportunity to be together as ghosts, Takahashi pretty much IMMEDIATELY forgets about Oohara because she becomes completely infatuated with this ghost girl named Sakurako to the point where even when Oohara turns into a tiny penis in episode 2 but Takahashi doesn’t give a fuck
good luck everyone! now go vote!
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sonofcoulson · 2 years
It's All Connected
The motivation behind It's All Connected lies in Avengers: Endgame.
I was so annoyed with the way events on Vormir turned out I started to rethink the scene. Then I started to rethink other scenes. Then I started to think about how they originally said the whole MCU would be connected, even the TV shows. And then about how that proved to be untrue. But what if...it was all connected? All of it...what changes would you need to make?
It became too much to hold in my head so I decided to type it out. Then I started thinking about missed opportunities like integrating the earlier X-Men movies and having Cap team up with the Invaders. Now I have (somewhat) refined all my ramblings and present them to you. The MCU IAC (rolls easily off the tongue, no?).
Some general notes:
Probably for MCU geeks only.
This is total fantasy, so there is no limit on time, budget or casting. CGI will always look great (monsters, deaging etc).
I genuinely enjoyed all the movies, even the ones people generally don't like. So most of the things that I've changed are for connectedness, missed opportunities or fairly minor gripes. For the most part.
Where I have consciously taken inspiration from outside the MCU I have tried to label or link to that.
Happy to add links to anything I might have missed. Suggestions welcome for blank spaces in casting, continuity errors etc.
And obviously...MASSIVE SPOILERS...right the way through.
I hope you enjoy.
Phase I: Gods and Monsters
(Pre/during/post Viking times) Tales of Asgard
Season 1 Episode 1 "Ginnungagap"
Season 1 Episode 2 "Glorious Purpose"
Season 1 Episode 3 "Sigrun"
Season 1 Episode 4 "Warriors Three"
Season 1 Episode 5 "Sword of Surtur"
Season 1 Episode 6 "If He Be Worthy"
Season 2 Episode 1 "Langobards"
Season 2 Episode 2 "Utgardaloki"
Season 2 Episode 3 "The World Serpent"
Season 2 Episode 4 "Balder the Brave part I"
Season 2 Episode 5 "Balder the Brave part II"
Season 2 Episode 6 "The Death of Balder"
(1571) Talokan series?
(1845) Wolverine vol I
Phase II: The War Journals
(1914) Freedom's Five (Limited series)
(1918) Wolverine vol II
(1920) Atlantis?
(1930) Namor: The Submariner?
(1941) The Human Torch
(1941) Namor the Submariner vs The Human Torch
(1942) Captain America: The First Avenger
(1944) Captain America: The Invaders
(1945) Captain America: Super-Axis
(1945) Wolverine vol III
(1945) Agent Carter and the Howling Commandos
(1946) Agent Carter series 1
(1947) Agent Carter series 2
(1948) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. series 1
Phase III: The Rise of the Mutants
(1955) Namor: The Battle of Wakanda & Namor: The Battle for Talokan
(1957) The Blue Marvel
(1959) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. series 2
(1962) X-Men: First Class
(1969) The Blue Marvel II
(1970) The Blue Marvel III
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ao3feed-peggysous · 2 years
Agent Carter: Ghosts and Snakes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/EjUL2dx
by Once_upon_a_book
If Marvel won't write Agent Carter season 3, I will.
Jack Thompson has been shot and wrote Peggy's name with his blood on the floor. The LAPD and SSR are now investigating her very closely. She's not allowed to do anything related to her work, which makes it difficult for her to track Dottie Underwood down. Suddenly, the people Peggy cares about most get attacked. As she tries to find the person behind it, she discovers secrets that never should've been found...
Words: 2224, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Agent Carter (TV), Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Peggy Carter, Daniel Sousa, Jack Thompson (Marvel), Edwin Jarvis, Ana Jarvis, Steve Rogers, Angie Martinelli, Dottie Underwood, Rose Roberts, Aloysius Samberly, Original Characters
Relationships: Peggy Carter/Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter & Howard Stark, Peggy Carter & Edwin Jarvis, Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli, Peggy Carter & Jack Thompson, Peggy Carter & Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter & Ana Jarvis, Peggy Carter & Dottie Underwood, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Rose Roberts/Aloysius Samberly, Daniel Sousa & Jack Thompson, Ana Jarvis/Edwin Jarvis
Additional Tags: peggysous, Bisexual Peggy Carter, SHIELD Agent Peggy Carter, Agent Carter References, Agent Carter Spoilers, jarvis and peggy causing chaos is what i live for, Peggy Carter Deserves Better, Past Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, he fell first but she fell harder, possibly smut, Falling In Love, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, One Big Happy Family, Found Family, Dead People, Presumed Dead, Hurt Peggy Carter, jack thompson is dead, Not Beta Read
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/EjUL2dx
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sosoane1 · 2 years
Fic writing lightning round:
-What fandoms have you written fics for?
-Do you have any original stuff?
-What's your oldest fic?
-What story are you most proud of?
-What stories are in the works?
-Where can I read your stuff?
Thanks for the ask kind stranger!
1. I’ve written for Once Upon A Time, Agents of Shield, Kingdom Hearts(althought i’ve never published it), Jelsa (jack frost/elsa also never published), and i’m currently writing (and also accepting any prompts) for Steggy (Steve Roger/Peggy Cartert (MCU)), Doctor Who (Mainly involving River Song) and X Files.
2. I have original stuff but nothing that i’ve put out there, the most original i have would be the Dil story i have on wattpad, that i posted in french for some reason, its in the world of doctor who but has nothing to do with the doctor. One day i would love to write an original story, maybe even a book but that just seems like to much work for my level of writing.
3. According to wattpad, its a fic called meeting the queen where peggy carter gets a letter from the queen to meet her. I never finished that story and it may not be really my first but its the first i posted online.
4. Currently it would be Your Smile Fades in The Summer, its the first long fic with multiple chapters i’ve posted on AO3 and i had a lot of fun writing it. I wrote it a few months ago but after getting a bit of feed back I’m think of doing a remake at somepoint to make it better (the original would stay up). It’s a highschool AU with Scully and Mulder.
5. I currently have 3 WIP, one that is yet to be named is a Alternative universe where the IVF worked and Scully and Mulder have a baby together and something else happens that is very sad but spoilers. One is called Heatwave and its basicly Mulder being scolding hot in a heatwave and remeneseng about all he and scully have been through (set post IWTB pre-season 10) and the last one is called Lying on the Floor, its an angsty fic about Mulder and Scully and Fowley set around season 6. I also want to write a fic about space wives(13doctor/river song) but i dont have any good idea (someone please help me)
6. Go read my stuff on AO3 or read at your own risk my stuff on wattpad. I had to reset my password to get into my account. Please dont read those they were so bad and non of them are actully finished, also i didn’t correct my writing back in the day.
I also want to add, since we are taking about fics, that i take requestes or prompts. I’m always looking for new stuff to write and to try and get out of my element. Thanks for the ask :)
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ao3feed-danielsousa · 2 years
Agent Carter: Ghosts and Snakes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/aJ8hfPl
by Once_upon_a_book
If Marvel won't write Agent Carter season 3, I will.
Jack Thompson has been shot and wrote Peggy's name with his blood on the floor. The LAPD and SSR are now investigating her very closely. She's not allowed to do anything related to her work, which makes it difficult for her to track Dottie Underwood down. Suddenly, the people Peggy cares about most get attacked. As she tries to find the person behind it, she discovers secrets that never should've been found...
Words: 2224, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Agent Carter (TV), Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Peggy Carter, Daniel Sousa, Jack Thompson (Marvel), Edwin Jarvis, Ana Jarvis, Steve Rogers, Angie Martinelli, Dottie Underwood, Rose Roberts, Aloysius Samberly, Original Characters
Relationships: Peggy Carter/Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter & Howard Stark, Peggy Carter & Edwin Jarvis, Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli, Peggy Carter & Jack Thompson, Peggy Carter & Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter & Ana Jarvis, Peggy Carter & Dottie Underwood, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Rose Roberts/Aloysius Samberly, Daniel Sousa & Jack Thompson, Ana Jarvis/Edwin Jarvis
Additional Tags: peggysous, Bisexual Peggy Carter, SHIELD Agent Peggy Carter, Agent Carter References, Agent Carter Spoilers, jarvis and peggy causing chaos is what i live for, Peggy Carter Deserves Better, Past Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, he fell first but she fell harder, possibly smut, Falling In Love, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, One Big Happy Family, Found Family, Dead People, Presumed Dead, Hurt Peggy Carter, jack thompson is dead, Not Beta Read
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/aJ8hfPl
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Jed Whedon: So in "Agents of SHIELD" season 3, we learn that HYDRA has been trying to bring back their founder known as the Hive. Hive has been banished to some desert planet, so HYDRA has been looking for advanced technology that will let them explore space. Which is why Red Skull was so obsessed with the Tesseract.
"What If" team: I see, I see. And what is the Hive?
Maurissa Tancharoen: Well, Hive is like a squid monster. That's how he was designed in the comics.
"What If" team: (scribbling notes) Squid...monster. Got it!
Jed Whedon: You sure? I mean, you could just watch AOS to know what Hive looks like-
"What If" team: -no, no, I got it. Red Skull summons the founder of HYDRA which is a squid monster, what more do we need?
Jed and Maurissa: Hmm....
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wicckip · 3 years
What If...? Episode 1 spoilers
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great. now i can’t stop thinking about fake hive and captain carter’s 4722 hours 70 years on fake maveth.
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midnighthangintree · 3 years
Hi yeah can we not erase Agent Carter. The vibes were strong in that what if episode. Give the people what they want. 
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ariiikat · 3 years
My List of Fandoms
Realised I needed to have a dedicated post with all my fandoms, so I'll link this in my pinned post! Also this will be updated as I discover new media :D
I will clarify that shows that are coloured pink are the ones I have ideas for and most likely will write fics for. In general I do doodle for all of these shows if it arises.
Other than that enjoy :3
Animated Shows:
Steven Universe
Infinity Train
The Owl House
Miraculous Ladybug
Avatar the Last Airbender
The Dragon Prince
Carmen Sandiego
BoJack Horseman
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeast
Adventure Time
What if...?
Vox Machina
(I also watch anime but I don't really blog about those)
Live Action TV Shows:
Wynonna Earp
The Wilds
DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Parks and Recreation
Brooklyn Nine Nine
The Good Place
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (which I haven't finished since I'm watching it with someone so no spoilers please!!!)
Haunting of Hill House
Haunting of Bly Manor
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
Teenage Bounty Hunters
One Day at a Time
Stranger Things
I am not okay with this
Marvel's Runaways
Agent Carter
Only Murders in the Building
A League of their Own
Paper Girls
Abbot Elementary
Warrior Nun
Both Animated and Live Action Movies
Spider-Man into the Spiderverse
The Mitchells vs the Machines
Over the Moon
Happiest Season
Disney animated movies (there's too many to remember but I do have an idea for Raya and the Last Dragon)
Dreamworks animated movies
The Marvel Cinematic Universe
Everything everywhere all at once
There's a whole lot of movies that I can't think off from the top of my head but most of them are animated (as you can kinda see) since I'm an animation nerd
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episodeoftv · 6 months
Round 1 of 6, Group 2 of 4
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propaganda is under the cut (163 words) - may contain spoilers
summaries (pulled from imdb or wikis)
Agent Carter - 2.10 Hollywood Ending
Peggy needs Howard Stark to eliminate Zero Matter as they are faced with a mission none of them could come back.
Just as Peggysous became canon, just as Jack is about to start his redemption arc, they cancelled the show and left all of us on a massive cliffhanger for, let's see, almost 8 years at this point. We need ANSWERS.
Quantum Leap - 5.22 Mirror Image
Sam leaps into a bar with a bartender that's more than he appears. When Sam looks into a mirror, he sees his own reflection. In the future, they realize that Sam has leaped into himself, they search history for Sam. Sam learns more about Quantum Leap, and who's responsible for his leaps. Before he takes his next leap, he realizes he must correct something that could affect his personal history.
1) Although Sam wanted to go home, he instead chose to return and inform Beth that Al was still alive. The final caption of the show tells the audience that, in the end, Sam never returned home; with the title card at the end somewhat unceremoniously announcing it, and also with his last name misspelled: "Dr. Sam Becket [sic] never returned home."
2) The whole entire point of Quantum Leap was getting Sam Beckett back home and then he didn’t even get to go back home… and the way we are told this is through one sentence of text on a background. WHERE THEY MISSPELL SAM’S LAST NAME!!!!
3) My mother was very upset that Sam Beckett never returned home to his wife.
+ The finale was filmed to act as a series finale, but the show was supposed to get another season, and got cancelled last minute.
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katoodlez · 3 years
While I’m avoiding spoilers for the sam and bucky show, lets talk about Agent Carter
I can’t believe i havent seen that show until now, it’s so good???? I finished the entire thing in three days (even though my friends will call that weak) but it is q u a l i t y content and now im sad that there will likely not be a season 3 because it is cRimiNALLY underrated
(Probably spoilers ahead you have been warned)
Anyway while I’m here I may as well drop a list of stuff i liked
1. Jarvis. Oh my gosh i love Jarvis. He is probably one of my top favorite Marvel characters after watching this show. He’s like the sidekick that tries his best and is honestly very good at what he does but totally out of his element in other things and its aMAZIng. Also his relationship with his wife is so cute lmao they’re total opposites.
2. Agent Carter. I cannot begin to express how much I love Peggy herself after seeing this show. She’s classy, elegant, goofy, badass, witty, and smart all at once and whichever screenwriter did her lines KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING. Im also a total sucker for feminist humor and this show was where it was AT.
3. Agent Daniel Sousa... okay first of all he is ADORABLE and gives me major Torres vibes (from TFATWS) and second of all it was really fun to watch the slow burn between him and Peggy develop lmao poor guy. Also the example of really smart but completely clueless. This guy also drinks respect women juice (though he is also reminded by Peggy that she can look after herself) and both things are very cool
4. Howard Stark. Let me tell you when I say i was nOT expecting to like Howard Stark this much. I think it’s cause my impression of him from the Iron Man films and Tony’s pov was never any good but he was amazing in this show.
5. The humor in this show was ON POINT, i may be repeating myself but it was just very satisfying comedic timing and amazing writing. The characters were all so unique in their catchphrases and actions so it was just a fun, fun show to watch.
6. This one may be a bit sentimental but I do believe that Starks have a habit of acquiring friends and assistants that they really don’t deserve. Not in a bad way, but more in a Tony Stark saying “I don’t deserve her” about Pepper type of way.
7. Sometimes while watching it I forgot that the show took place in uh. The 1940s. So i got really confused when Stark didn’t solve every problem with nanotech weapons cuz uh... they didnt exist LOL
8. And lastly I think the entire show had a really lovely underlying message about friendships and moving on. Key moments like Jarvis telling Peggy that she can’t carry the world on her shoulders, the whole thing with moving on in the wake of Steve’s death and the culmination of Peggy’s relationship with Sousa was just very nice to watch. And the character conflicts between friends, like Peggy’s constant gripe with Howard or the huge argument between Peggy and Jarvis was really nicely done in my opinion.
Alright i gotta go on a run now (and die cuz im horribly out of shape) but lets gooo
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straightbaittournament · 10 months
only the option with the LEAST votes will be eliminated. propaganda under the cut (and more always welcome!):
chrissie cunningham and eddie munson:
Had the CUTEST SCENE IN THE ENTIRE SHOW where they flirted and he tried to sell her drugs but then SHE GOT MURDERED and it was tragic
ava silva and michael salvius:
They have some amusingly straightbaity scenes where Michael initially appears to be interested in Ava (meeting her in a bar, asking questions about her, pursuing her to get her to do things with him and inviting her to kick ass with him) but almost all of these scenes are explicitly for plot reasons or end up displaying the closeness of Ava and Beatrice (and Beatrice’s jealousy over Ava seemingly being interested in a man) instead. Michael and Ava develop a strong close relationship that feels more sibling-esque by the end of season 2 and also Michael straight up dies at the end of season 2 as well.
nina zenik and matthias helvar:
[MAJOR SPOILER] If they were truly straight Matthias wouldn’t have died (submitter also stated that nina is revealed to be bi/pan)
oscar francois de jarjayes and andre grenadier:
Oscar was afab but her father gave her a boy's name and raised her as a boy (by 18th century standards) because sexism and he had 5 daughters and decided she was going to be a son because they were a noble family and he wanted a son to become a high ranking military official because they're rich so they can just do that. Oscar joins the army and becomes Marie-Antoinette's personal guard. Her and childhood best friend Andre are very close through out the series (he supports her throughout the many scandals that she has to deal with because she works for the royal family) and at the end of the series it is revealed that they are in love, but they are both killed in the war before they can actually get together. The dying before they can be together might fall into the buried straights category but they relationship also has really queer energy because throughout the series it becomes apparent that Oscar usually Does Not Vibe with only the gender she assigned at birth. She sometimes refers to herself as a woman, sometimes refers to herself as a man, but her attitude is usually basically 'I'm a man, I'm a woman, I'm both, I'm neither, stop asking'. So I think they should count as straightbait because we find out that Oscar is nonbinary and Andre loves her no matter what her gender is (and then they die before they can get together).
jason grace and piper mclean:
So. Hera/Juno put a bunch of fake memories in Piper’s head of a months long relationship with Jason. However plot and stuff happens and they end up dating for real. Except no they didn’t. In the next series Apollo goes to them to ask for help and finds out they’ve broken up. Then there was a death prophecy that for once was actually fulfilled (RIP Jason). Finally at the end of ToA Piper was seen kissing a girl and your choice how to interpret that. Got together because a goddess shipped them. Broke up because they realised they were gay.
abbie mills and ichabod crane:
They both start out as main characters, working together since ep. 1. Next three seasons follow the regular m/f protagonist duo pattern: they need each other's help, there's chemistry going on, there are heartwrenching scenes and dramatic sacrifices, they learn they can only truly rely on each other - so the next step is to let them be together, right? Wrong. The next step is to let lt. Mills make a final sacrifice, which on top of killing the pairing insults her as a character - suddenly from the POV protagonist she started as she's demoted to secondary character who always was just there to be the main guy's support. There are some feelings acknowledged, but no confessions or promises exchanged during the final fleeting reunion. Three-seasons-worth of build-up and then she dies.
valkyrie and thor:
Like a lot of ships with a white man and a woman of color, their chemistry and history get shunted to the side by racist writers and fans who refuse to acknowledge them as anything other than friends.
buffy summers and spike:
Buffy's a vampire slayer and Spike's a vampire. Enemies to Lovers. Absolutely not intended by creators, creators treated it like a joke at first, then some of the writers/producers actively hated it even throughout their canon relationship, they don't technically get together in the end, also he dies (kind of. he's brought back in another show. and the comics. it's complicated). Very queercoded relationship despite being m/f - desire, euphoria, shame, slowburn, keeping it a secret, doesn't think anyone else will understand or accept them, wanting to change for the better.
peggy carter and daniel sousa:
She’s the best secret agent, he’s a hot as hell disabled war vet They get together, but also don’t because apparently Steve Rogers is a homewrecker Peggy moved on after losing Steve, got together with the amazing Daniel Sousa, and then got broken up because the Russos didn’t want Steve to be seen as being gay for Bucky
entrapta and hordak:
Heavily heavily heavily hinted/slow burn
good luck everybody! now go vote!
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ssk374 · 3 years
Sousa: (Appears in AOS S7)
Me: Hey...some old faces!!!! <3
Me: Okay, now tell me how's Jack doin'...I know he's not dead...don't tell me he's dead...
Sousa: (Keeps quiet on it)
Sousa: (Takes cotton off his ears) Were you sayin' something??
Me: You son of a.........
Hey Marvel, Kevin Feige, and Disney+, just PLEASE give me Agent Carter S3!!!
The only thing which is keeping me calm is that the writers and executive producers revealed that in S3, Jack would be alive...now the only thing that we need is season 3 to be alive...
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