#agent durian
wanderingaldecaldo · 7 months
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Tagged by @gloryride, @gamerkitten, @chevvy-yates, and @aggravateddurian to share something I'm working on. Thanks, chooms! Still leaning into the ADHD, so there's several things I'm working on simultaneously. Most recently it's been...
The cutoff vests are 95% done, just need a few touches before I can make them live on Nexus, so what better time to start a new modding project? 🙃 A friend mentioned wanting Vik's pants and I'm always looking for more butch clothes for Val especially ones that ride low on those hips but also the belt & tools seem like a fun project.
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Unedited. Not bad for an hour's work ☺️
Both the pants and belt are simple replacers to start while I test. I have some clipping to deal with on the pants, but so far the weights look okay. 🤞
As for the belt, I lost the tools somewhere between Blender and Wkit lol. I wanted to take a go at texturing them in Substance Painter so I split them off into their own submesh. Not sure where I lost them but I'm sure they'll turn up again.
It's fitting that Durian tag me because my latest writing was incited by a scene in his fic "The President's Lady" in which Myers invites Sol and V to lunch at the White House. I'm going for a more, uh, traditional take on The Tower ending than he is, using my fave angst, combined with some good ol' longing and probably some flashback smut. I've been canoodling on this in my notebook since Durian's chapter came out, writing a bit each night before falling asleep. I started transcribing it just for this post, so here are 315 of 338 words, hot off the Google Docs.
Some backstory: The second time I played Phantom Liberty I beelined to Dogtown, and skipped meeting the Aldecaldos and doing pretty much anything past finishing the VDBs quests. Vik was the only one who called, and she decided to take Sol up on his offer of a job at Langley. Soon after she's back in DC, she gets an invite to lunch from President Myers.
“Thank you, Madam President.” “V, please. No need to be so formal. I believe we’re well past that now.” “Heh, just a few weeks ago, told you—” “Yes, V,” she cries out, breath hot against her neck— Stopping, Rosalind turns to look at her, eyebrows and lines of her forehead drawing to a point, as if finally she recognizes V for who she still is. “I suppose that really was like yesterday for you.” The lines soften and she leads V to a sofa across the room, gesturing for her to sit first, then sits close and takes her hand. Long, graceful fingers teasing her skin— V stares down at her hand in Rosalind’s, her arms blank of cyberware still a disconcerting sight, but she doesn’t pull away. “How are you feeling? I can’t imagine the news was easy to hear.” “No, wasn’t,” she says with a shake of her head. “Thought I was gonna die a merc but now....” “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to tell you myself. Solomon suggested it would lead to too many questions among the staff. He’s right of course, but I still feel I let you down.” V frowns. “Ma’am?” “You weren’t my agent for long, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t important. What you did...” Rosalind trails off, eyes dipping to her mouth before she drops her gaze to their hands on her lap. Her nails are still perfectly polished, buffed to a shine. She looks up and says, “I’ll never be able to repay you for all that you did for me.” V down looks at their linked hands then, heart pounding, she leans forward to kiss her, as if she’s just any other woman, not the most powerful in the world, and Rosalind tilts her head and parts her lips and— She swallows and shakes her head. “You did, though. Least as far as I’m concerned.”
Tagging with the usual no pressure disclaimer: @medtech-mara @breezypunk @streetkid-named-desire @peaches-n-screem @rosapexa @luvwich @merge-conflict @steelscorner @ghostoffuturespast @byberbunk2069 and YOU!
Take this as an invitation to share something you're working on and tag me! Doesn't have to be Cyberpunk, or anything fandom-related!
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chickenkurage · 16 days
For the Farmer!Alan AU? Merc ideas? It depends if you want them all different fruits or not. I saw that and immediately started thinking…
Agent- Apricot
Ballista- Blackberry
Hazard- Fig
Primal- Durian
And King and Purple in my head somehow were Clementine and Mangosteen…
O the ideas are aflowing
Oh!! Nice idea! I will be doodling dat now!! :DDD - S
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aggravateddurian · 11 months
WIP Whenever
I was tagged by @medtech-mara for the weekly WIP report. Here's the latest stories.
Cyberpunk RED: How to Save a Life
"My name's Avery, I'm a netrunner."
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Cyberpunk RED-era Data Entry, using default Photo Mode frames and backgrounds.
Yesterday I revealed Avery Greer, an FIA netrunner. She's cynical, possibly clinically depressed (my notes say that she's pathologically unable to smile) and desires change in her life. She has already decided that her future does not involve the NUSA or the FIA. She may already have plans in motion to engineer her escape.
She works under a senior FIA agent named Hunter 'Bishop' Wilkes. Bishop is ride-or-die for the NUSA and has already been betrayed by a netrunner before (their AV was hacked by a netrunner who made a covert deal with an African militia to hand over FIA secrets in exchange for safe passage to Nairobi, and from Nairobi to Luna). He already suspects that her change in behaviour could be a prelude to betrayal, and already has her under close watch.
You're gonna see more of her.
Bakeneko: Select images from their latest show
A teaser for a photo story coming next week!
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Vega Hawse sings Bakeneko's first original song Wolverines!, written by Dorian 'Durian' Bautista (image credit: NCT News)
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Another day, another pic in the screamsheets of So Mi living her best life in NC with Vega (this displeases Myers).
In 2078, Dorian Bautista (y'know, Dorian, the former corpo, turned fixer, then rockerboy) founded a band named Bakeneko ("Changed Cat"). They originally were a Samurai cover band, but something was off about their sound.
Then V came back... well, kinda. Vega's technically genetically 33% Johnny Silverhand and is a hybrid consciousness, but one with all of Johnny's memories and skills, as well as perfect knowledge of every SAMURAI song. Dorian reached out, and after some slightly mocking encouragement from Johnny, Vega joined Bakeneko and became the band's frontwoman.
In mid-2079, Bakeneko signed on with Silverhand Studios. While they still do SAMURAI covers, Vega (and by proxy, Johnny) and Dorian are working on an original EP, due to come out in 2080. Rumours that Kerry Eurodyne will appear in one of the songs are currently unconfirmed by N54 News.
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Warning: the following story references torture
The agent sat in the darkened room, his face and chest bloody. Electrodes were still attached to the more sensitive parts of his chest and torso. A black-uniformed soldier with blue glowing techgogs threw a bucket of icy water over the agent. He yelped as the ice pelted his bruised and bloodied skin, "Wake the fuck up, fedscum!"
"What the fuck do you want!?" screamed the agent, "just tell me what you want! I'll tell you anything! Just make it stop!"
A man stepped into the room, temporarily blinding the agent as the light of the hallway blasted into the room. He turned to the soldier, his blue eyes glowing in the darkness, "That'll be all."
Mr Blue Eyes circled the FIA agent, "Who was your target?"
"It was a traitor."
Mr Blue Eyes produced a stun baton, and without a second thought, drove the baton into the man's ribs. He cried in pain as electricity coursed through his vulnerable flank, "Specifics, please, Mr Jordan."
"It... her name is Song So Mi. She attempted to kill President Myers. There's a one million eddie bounty on her head."
He nodded, putting the baton back on the tool bench, "See, you can be cooperative... I'm going to let you go, Mr Jordan. In a few hours, you'll be back in Langley, no doubt being treated by the FIA's best medtechs."
"But not without conditions," Mr Blue Eyes told him, kneeling and grabbing the man by the jaw so his eyes met the agent's, "You'll be sending Ms. Myers a message. Night City is off limits to the NUSA, and by extension, so are Song So Mi and Vega Hawse. If me, or my associates, find your agency operating in our city again, and especially if we find you harassing them, there will be consequences."
"A-are you nuts? Myers will never listen to that!"
Mr B shrugged, "You can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink, Mr Jordan. All you need to do is deliver the message to the FIA, and you'll be home free. Do we have an accord?"
Jordan bowed his head, "Fine."
Mr B turned to the soldier, "Find this man some clothes and bring him to NCX. He has a flight to catch back to Washington."
"Yes, sir."
That's about it for this week. Normally these come around Wednesday, but today's the day I guess.
People have probably already been tagged for this, but I'm gonna tag: @genocidalfetus @byberbunk2069 @theviridianbunny. Absolutely no pressure involved, only if you want to :)
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tempest-toss · 1 year
Recovered Document: FF-22
The following is a comprehensive list of the known members of the Group of Interest known as the Flora Fighters, from when they officially formed to their fall at Battle of Prague.
((To reiterate, you may ask Ten and Yam about any of them, both generally and specific [specific would be better for Yam]))
1. Madame Chrysanthemum - leader - Alive 2. Acai - Chem expert - Deceased (shot) 3. Acerola - Cook - Deceased (Froze to death) 4. Acorn - Rookie - Deceased (burnt) 5. Aloe Vera - Medical - Alive 6. Amaranth - tailor - Deceased (Crushed by rubble) 7. Anemone - Underwater Agent - Deceased (drowned) 8. Apple - Cook - Alive (Imprisoned) 9. Apricot and Apricot - Rookies - Alive 10. Ash - Builder - Deceased (burnt) 11. Astrantia - Scout - Deceased (Decapitated) 12. Atemoya - Field Agent - Deceased (eaten) 13. Azalea - Trainer - Alive 14. Babaco - Trainer - Deceased (Strangled) 15. Bamboo - Builder - Deceased (stabbed) 16. Basil - Cook - Alive (imprisoned) 17. Bearberry - Trainer - Deceased (Shot) 18. Belladonna - Poisoner - Alive 19. Blazing Stars - Field Agent - Deceased (Trampled) 20. Blood Orange - Medical - Alive 21. Bloodroots - Trainer - Deceased (Shot) 22. Bluebell - Field Agent - Deceased (Crushed by rubble) 23. Blueberry - Trainer - Alive (Imprisoned) 24. Boneset - Chem Expert - Alive (Fled) 25. Boxelder - Field Agent - Deceased (strangled)
26. Buttercups - Trainer - Alive
27. Cabbage - Financial Supplier - Alive
28. Candytuft - Cook - Deceased (Drowned)
29. Catnip - Financial Supplier - Deceased (Caught in explosion)
30. Cattail - Reconnaisance - Alive
31. Chamomile - Medical - Alive (Imprisoned)
32. Cherry Blossom - Trainer - Alive (Fled)
33. Chives - Field Agent - Alive (Imprisoned)
34. Clover - Spy - Deceased (strangled)
35. Coconut - Spy - Alive
36. Croton - Scout - Deceased (Strangled)
37. Damson - Scout - Alive (Imprisoned)
38. Dogwood - ??? - Alive? (Missing at FF formation)
39. Dracaena - Trainer - Deceased (Shot)
40. Dragonfruit - Trainer - Alive (Imprisoned) 41. Duku - Field Agent - Deceased (Caught in explosion) 42. Durian - Soldier - Deceased (Strangled) 43. Fern - Mother of Yam - Deceased (decapitated) 44. Fireweed - Pyrotechnics - Deceased (Burnt)
45. Flapjack - Cook - Alive 46. Foxglove - Poisoner - Deceased (Poisoned) 47. Fuchsia - Tailor - Alive
48. Ghost Pipes - Medical - Alive
49. Ginger - Soldier - Deceased (Shot) 50. Gold Mops - Rookie - Deceased (Eaten) 51. Goldenrod - Strategist - Deceased (Smothered) 52. Guava - Rookie - Deceased (Crushed)
53. Herb - Father of Yam - ???(Stuck in Soul Locket)
54. Hibiscus - Financial Supplier - Alive (Fled)
55. Honeysuckle - Spy - Deceased (Shot)
56. Hydrangea - Assassin - Deceased (Eaten)
57. Ivy - Poisoner - Alive
58. Jack-in-the-Pulpit - Wildcard - Alive (Imprisoned)
59. Jalapeno - Pyrotechnics - Alive
60. Jujube - Soldier - Deceased (Eaten) 61. Juniper - Rookie - Alive 62. Kapok - Field Agent - Deceased (Burnt) 63. Kelp - Underwater Agent - Alive 64. Kiwi - Soldier - Alive (Imprisoned) 65. Kudzu - Assassin - Alive 66. Lantana - Poisoner - Deceased (Eaten) 67. Lemon and Lime - Field Agent - Deceased (Crushed, Eaten) 68. Lemongrass - Guard - Deceased (Strangled) 69. Lily - Poisoner - Alive (Fled) 70. Litchi - Strategist - Alive (Fled) 71. Lobelia - Assassin - Deceased (Smothered) 72. Lotus - Assassin - Alive (Imprisoned) 73. Lupine Flour - Scout - Deceased (Caught in explosion) 74. Mangosteen - Chem expert - Deceased (Strangled) 75. Maple - Baker - Deceased (Burnt) 76. Mega and Mini Mushroom - Soldier and Strategist - Deceased (Smothered, Crushed by rubble) 77. Milkweed - Cook - Deceased (eaten by West Virginia Bug Committee) 78. Mint - Chem expert - Deceased (Caught in explosion) 79. Morel - Head Guard - Alive (Jailbreak) 80. Mountain Laurel - Poisoner - Alive (Fled) 81. Mushroom - "Pyrotechnics" - Deceased (burnt) 82. Muskgrass - Underwater expert - Deceased (Drowned) 83. Nightshade - Poisoner - Deceased (Strangled) 84. Oleander - Poisoner - Alive (Fled) 85. Pansy - Soldier - Alive (Fled) 86. Parsley - Strategist - Deceased (shot through throat) 87. Parsnip - Strategist - Deceased (Caught in explosion) 88. Pear - Medical - Deceased (Burnt) 89. Peppermint - Pyrotechnics - Alive (Imprisoned) 90. Persimmon - Field Agent - Deceased (Poisoned) 91. Phlox - Reconnaissance - Deceased (Decapitated) 92. Plum - Cook - Deceased (Decapitated) 93. Poppy - Financial Supplier - Alive (Fled) 94. Potato - Guard - Alive (Imprisoned) 95. Prickly Pear - Guard - Deceased (Strangled) 96. Pumpkin - Soldier - Deceased (Smashed to pieces) 97. Raspberry - Guard - Deceased (Shot) 98. Rhododendron - Strategist - Deceased (Buried alive) 99. Rose - Guard - Deceased (Drowned) 100. Saguaro - Financial Supplier - Deceased (Neck snapped) 101. Salt Cedar - Medical - Deceased (Decapitated) 102. Sassafras - Poisoner - Alive (Imprisoned) 103. Seaweed - Underwater Agent - Deceased (Caught in explosion) 104. Snowdrop - Chem Expert - Deceased (Poisoned) 105. Spruce - Builder - Alive (Fled) 106. Starfruit - Chem Expert - Alive (Imprisoned) 107. String of Pearls - Underwater Agent - Deceased (Strangled) 108. Sugarcane - Scout - Alive 109. Sweetgum - Reconnaissance - Deceased (Shot) 110. Sycamore - Field Agent - Alive (Fled) 111. Tansy - Poisoner - Deceased (Crushed by rubble) 112. Tobacco - Chem Expert - Deceased (Crushed) 113. Tomato - Cook - Deceased (Poisoned) 114. Tulip -Field Agent - Deceased (Trampled) 115. Uva - Guard - Alive 116. Vanilla - Guard - Deceased (Caught in Explosion) 117. Watermelon - Soldier - Alive 118. Wheat - Cook - Alive 119. White Baneberry - Poisoner - Deceased (Crushed) 120. Willow - Builder - Deceased (Caught in explosion) 121. Yam - Rookie - Alive (escaped) 122. Yarrow - Field Agent - Deceased (Eaten) 123. Yew - Poisoner - Alive (Imprisoned) 124. Yucca - Soldier - Alive 125. Zinnia - Pyrotechnics - Alive (Fled)
((If you made it this far, congrats! And thank you! It means a lot that you would take the time to read this /gen :) ))
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durianinspectors · 2 months
Happy Daze
"DIU command, this is Codename Pípíxiā. My infiltration route through the Tohaa settlement is stalled. I'm pinned down between two sentry guns and taking heavy fire from a mimetic sniper wearing a porkpie hat. Requesting urgent assistance!"
"Pípíxiā, this is Hsien Yue Fei. We have a plan to get you moving and we're on our way to you. Let's go!"
The Durian Investigation Unit has been infiltrating undercover resources onto 1777 Du-ε. One of the infiltrating agents has blundered into a Tohaa sentry position and needs fire support, but a shadowy individual has chosen to exploit the situation to plan an ambush and counter-infiltrate their own agent. The identity of the mimetic sniper turns out to be all too familiar.
This is a game against my long-time narrative campaign opponent Obadiah, who has played as noir cube detective Jager Nadim in Wotan, Asteroid Blues, Durgama and Shattergrounds.
Mission: Blockade Runner
Forces: ISS (YueFei23) versus Tohaa (Nehemiah) (300 vs 340 w/ BAMS reinforcements)
Deploy First: Tohaa
First Turn: ISS
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ISS List in Army
This is a fairly straightforward list, with three 3-man fireteams. The Deva, Taowu and Celestial guard make up one really fun little team that carries an MSV spitfire, smoke grenade launcher and template/viral surprises. Taowu disguised himself as Adil Mehmut. Hsien Yue Fei had a choice of a bounty hunter sniper, CSU and Xi Zhuang to link, depending if he wanted to defend or attack. The Dakini and pheasant offered chain of command in case the Hsien went down and some solid firepower.
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Tohaa List in Army
We decided to play all the BAMS extras, and Nehemiah made the unconventional (to me) choice of playing a Tohaa 340pts reinforcements list against my 300 points of ISS. This would leave me with an early lead trying to steal the central console, but a dangerous counterpunch to deal with later in the game. To toughen up his main group he included a couple of Kaeltars with Symbiobombs and Symbiomates.
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Nehemiah chose deployment and I set up to go first with my Dakini set up on the left flank and Hsien Yue Fei on the right flank. Both flanks had some madtraps (foreshadowing!) and the ninja hid in the middle to score the console. The Deva team set up in the center to be able to put smoke where it's needed, attack and score centrally and hopefully alpha strike something juicy.
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Nehemiah counter-deployed the Dakini link with LeMuet, buffed for surviveability with a Symbiomate and a Kamael Paramedic in case he went down. The Dakini don't have visors and LeMuet ignores their mimitism, so the risk of engaging him directly with would be too high. A libertos guarded the central avenue with a mine covering the console and a hidden clipsos. On his right flank, a team with an MSV spitfire Gao Rael, Sukeul and Makaul threatened an attack run. On his left, a Kerail Preceptor was primed to run down the flank and pick up his HVT. After reviewing what was on the table, I also learnt about the nasty surprise that would land on me mid-game - a Draal, Igao and some nasty template slinging buddies.
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Turn 1
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"Le Muet, is that you in the hat? Stand down! This is Hsien Yue and the DIU. We can place you under retainer again if you cooperate with us." "Hrh, No! Lou says he'll give me a record contract if I work for him again. Everyone will hear my songs. You can ���� off!" <Several DA rounds slam into the wall by Agent Pípíxiā>
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"Get me out of here, I felt that last one!"
Top of 1 - ISS
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Xi Zhuang and the Pheasant Agent deploy madtraps into the midfield, breaking and reforming the Dakini link to avoid fire from Le Muet. A TO camo token shuffles carefully around the obvious mine in the midfield. The defensive turrets spin around to discover it, activating the madtraps and glueing themselves out of the game.
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Hsien Yue Fei discovers an antipersonel mine laid by a Libertos. The Deva shoots it away as her haris team takes a path to the right of the central church building, into a smoke cloud prepared by Celestial Monitor Zhou.
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"Le Muet engaged, his Symbiomate is dead at least."
The Deva team shoots Le Muet from inside the smoke, though he's saved from real damage by throwing his Symbiomate under the bus. Getting rather ambitious, "Adil" moves outside the smoke cloud to prepare to threaten the Kerail Preceptor. Disturbed by the nearby gunfire, a Kaeltar Specialist pops up and aims a boarding shotgun at him. As the Deva is still visible to Le Muet, this locks the fireteam in an annoying position.
Adil breaks out of the fireteam and dodges to get back in the smoke, revealing that he is Taowu... which triggers a Symbiobomb attack from the Kerail. [ A cunning dodge-reset fork! Agh! Taowu is put dogged and somehow the Kaeltar manages to dodge prone again. The Deva shoots LeMuet unconscious, leaving herself and Celestial Zhou in a very exposed position as the orders for the group run out.
Hsien Yue's Haris reforms to include the Bounty Hunter Sniper. The Pheasant's Dakini team also reforms and gains assisted fire on the sniper from the EVO Pangguling.
A Ninja dodges out of camo to score the central console.
Bottom of 1 - Tohaa
Annoyingly, Le Muet is successfully revived by the Kamael Paramedic.
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The Gao Rael & Makaul team advances towards midfield to shoot at the Ninja. The Ninja manages to survive, dodging and using the console to block incoming fire from the triad.
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There's nowhere good to hide though and the Liberto manages to lay a mine and kill the Ninja with his shotgun.
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The Surda, Libertos and Kerail surround the Deva and Celestial Guard. Moving through the building the Libertos is sent dogged by a shot from Celestial Zhou but knocks her unconscious in return. As there aren't many orders left, the Deva manages to survive the Surda's pulzar by failing guts into contact with the dogged libertos, judging that it's less likely to kill her than incoming shooting from the Kerail.
A Clipsos reveals itself by the central console and kills the Bounty Hunter Sniper with a surprise shot from a combi rifle.
Turn 1 ends with a tie, we each scored 1 point on the central console.
Turn 2
Top of 2 - ISS
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Shuffling around a little on top of his perch, the Dakini Multi Sniper guns down the Gao Rael.
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Reforming his fireteam with Xi Zhuang, Hsien Yue Fei takes the table center, ignoring the mimetism on the Clipsos and the Sukeul Commando and removing them from the game.
In a textbook bit of police work, the Deva shoots the Kerail's Surda and moves back to the table center, successfully convincing Agent Pípíxiā to follow her.
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Hsien Yue Fei, Xi Zhuang and the CSU drop a madtrap and take up a position around the central console, worried about comms chatter they're receiving about incoming reinforcements.
ISS score a second point on the central console, though Nehemiah's reinforcements team is about to drop.
Bottom of 2 - Tohaa
Silently appearing from tunnels and rappelling down from holes in the cavern ceiling, a second group of Tohaa appear around Yue Fei and his team in the midfield, attacking as soon as they appear.
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A Kauri midget starts by firing tiny nanopulsers at Yue Fei, Xi Zhuang and the CSU, immediately getting covered in a gluey hug from the madtrap. Yue Fei dodges gracefully and drops prone [as key ops he dodges on 17s ] but Xi and the CSU are knocked out by buzzing nanobees.
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"Ahaha, it is I! Artichoke Lou! At last, I step out of the shadows of the food service industry to claim my rightful place as the saviour of the Tohaa race!"
Laughing maniacally, Artichoke Lou, Draal Saboteur plants a dazer on the roof of the central building.
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The movement on the roof tips the Deva off that an Igao is creeping up on her and she rounds the corner to stare it down.
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The Igao charges into combat and the Deva just has time to fire off he nanopulser before getting sliced in half. The Igao is incapacitated by prickly nanobots.
As her rescuer goes unconscious and a nanobot field slows her movements to a crawl, Agent Pípíxiā starts to wonder if she's going to get out of there alive.
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Utilizing what remains of the orders in the first group, the Kerail Preceptor runs down a flank and shepherds a strangely familiar-looking CSU towards the ISS deployment zone.
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Lou climbs down from the building and spends a couple of orders shooting at Hsien Yue Fei, who takes a wound, but makes impressive use of his Key Ops bonuses and dodges onto the central console. The Kerail makes a dash forwards shooting down a Kuang Shi on the right flank and Yue Fei hits it with a Multi Marksman shot, but only succeeds in killing another Symbiomate.
ISS score a third point here, with the Key Ops on the console.
Turn 3
Top of 3 - ISS
The situation is dire, with a wounded Hsien surrounded by Draal and Kosuil. Yue Fei in a position to score a classified and rescue Agent Pipixia, but if he moves off the central console or dies he also gives away that fourth point. Doing nothing would be the smart choice.
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First, a Kuang Shi tries to run up and deal with Lou, but he misses and is flash-pulsed by a Kaeltar. Pheasant Wang advances his Dakini team on the left flank and gets a bead on Lou outside cover with the Dakini hmg. Unfortunately, Draal are excellent at dodging and Lou avoids all the shots, zipping into cover out of LoF of the Dakini. The Kaurii triumphantly shakes itself free of madtrap glue and is promptly executed by fire from the Dakini. At this point, Hsien Yue Fei places glory before prudence and tries to shoot the Draal himself. He fails to wound Lou and goes unconscious to a shot from the Kosuil's boarding shotgun, forfeiting the last point for holding the console.
Bottom of 3 - Tohaa
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A Makaul pops out of the coffee shop on the left flank and burns both Dakini Tacbots with his flamethrower. Revealing admirable presence of mind Pheasant Wang neatly puts a boarding shotgun round between the Makaul's eyes.
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The Kosuil does something incredibly vigilant near the table center.
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Adding insult to injury, the wretched Draal Saboteur runs to the downed Hsien and attempts to steal his cube. Not so fast, Artichoke Lou!
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Pheasant Wang levels his shotgun a second time and puts a single critical shot into Artichoke Lou, knocking him out. Tinbot Gǒu makes Hsien Yue Fei's cube secure and the ISS perform a tactical withdrawal before anything else can go wrong. For a second, Pheasant Wang is confused that one of the Corporate Security Contractors appears to be wearing a new fabric pattern on her miniskirt, but assumes it must be some kind of mimetic color shifting fabric and congratulates her on her survival.
Tohaa secure the HVT, pick up the Vigilance Classified, held the console in turn 1 and pick up 4 points for getting their HVT to my DZ. 7 OP to my 3.
Tohaa wins!
Tohaa 7 OP, 113 VP remaining - ISS 3 OP, 47 VP remaining
Post Game Analysis
It will take me a few games before I figure out an effective way to defend against a reinforcements counterattack with ISS. I regret not sending a lone CSU to take the central console in turn 2, which perhaps could have kept Hsien Yue Fei relatively save for turn 3. My poor strategy aside, if the Dakini or Kuang Shi had been able to tie down or shoot Artichoke Lou on turn 3, I might still have been in a good spot to tie or win this game. Hsien Yue Fei was in a position to take me to 7 OP, which all went south when he got hit by the Kosuil. Rather than infiltrating Agent Pípíxiā into Dewey, she was left staggering around in a Dazer field. Meanwhile, the Tohaa managed to counter infiltrate a totally not suspicious CSU into the DIU. I hope that doesn't cause any trouble.
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From: Mei Kumae, CEO Jīyuán Unlimited Corporation To: Hsien Yue Fei My Dear Hsien Yue, Congratulations on your latest successful resurrection. I am excited to remind you that the Jīyuán Unlimited Corporation remains absolutely indebted to you following your heroic exploits defending the Jīyuán Open-Pit Site on Novyy Bangkok. As a gesture of our good will we have made sure that a supply of pre-prepared LHOST bodies, replacement components and silk are at your disposal. Your new Tinbot, which you have designated Gǒu, contains advanced subroutines for cube backup and recovery. You can fight on assured that your immortality is now underwritten by our substantial resources. By absolute coincidence, I have a few small errands in the planetoid cluster which might benefit from your specific expertise and documented bravery. A shipment of ungraded, frozen Monthong Durian was accidentally shipped to our Khurland base and has been forwarded on to you for inspection. Please take careful, personal receipt of this precious cargo. If you deem it of acceptable quality and freshness, we request that you personally deliver it to the Sterling Forge and Rocaworks offices on LuY as a gesture of our friendship. We were rebuffed in our last round of negotiations to start our own mining operation on the planetoid, but perhaps they will be more flexible now that they have labor disagreements disrupting their productivity and operational security arrangements. I do hope that nothing happens to further disrupt smooth running of their ammonia mines. We look forward to working with you to secure and advance the StateEmpire's role in the Human Edge territories. Best regards, Mei Kumae Jīyuán Unlimited Corporation
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whattheabcxyz · 3 months
Doctor suspended for attempting to record another doctor showering at hospital - He had been caught recording another female while she was using the toilet in Australia, but was still allowed to graduate from medical school there & practise medicine here in Singapore! WTF!!! 😡 How the hell can he be trusted as a doctor?! This defective individual should be shipped to 1 of China's many torture "re-education" camps!!!
Report says non-financial sectors here, including property, at higher risk of money laundering - the authorities should be taking a much closer look at scumbag housing agents
MOM report shows job vacancies rising even as unemployed numbers go up
Civil servants to get 0.45-month mid-year bonus - for doing nothing, as usual
Fine for man who squirted mixture of urine & flour on woman’s dress in attempt to chat her up
Beaches at several southern islands + most of East Coast Park & Tanah Merah cleared of oil
Changi water plant gets 3rd expansion to meet growing industrial demand in east Singapore
Singapore: 22 people allegedly scammed by CloudRetail in vending machine investment scheme
Alzheimer’s drug with modest benefits gets green light from FDA scientists - donanemab slows progression of symptoms in people with early stages of Alzheimer’s, but questions linger about the durability of its effect
We finally know why some people seem immune to catching COVDI-19 - it's related to higher activity in the HLA-DQA2 immune system gene
Woman's conviction for 1980 murder is overturned, but she has already spent 43 years in prison & is currently still behind bars - she had no motive for the killing & likely didn't even know the victim, & in the meantime, police never investigated a fellow cop who likely was the culprit, despite him being in possession of the victim's earrings & credit card, & attempting to use the latter to purchase expensive photography equipment on the day her body was found!!! What an unbelievable miscarriage of justice!!!
Some durians selling for up to $58 per kg in Singapore
A wide variety of environmental sounds you can play to suit whatever purpose
Foreign tourists could be charged 6x as much as locals to enter Japan’s famed Himeji Castle
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^ Singapore: Man deliberately fashions car to resemble police vehicle so other motorists will give way to him - How is this legal?! Imagine if everyone did that, no one would know which the real emergency vehicles are, & some would think the actual emergency vehicles are fake & stop giving way to them!!!
Chinese Premier Li’s Malaysia visit sees nod for fresh durian exports & possible rail link to China - grow your own durians & stop stealing ours, f***ing mainlanders!!! 🤬🤬🤬
Donald Sutherland dead at 88 after long illness
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seair-exim-solutions · 4 months
How to Start a Furniture Export Business from India
The need for one-of-a-kind, handcrafted furniture is growing worldwide, and India is well-positioned to supply this demand thanks to its talented artisans and rich design legacy. India's furniture sector, which is currently ranked 12th in the world for furniture exports, is renowned for the elegance, robustness, and ethnic appeal that are preserved via the use of traditional crafting tools.
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History and Evolution of Indian Furniture
In the past, floor seating and sleeping arrangements were the only options available to the common people in India, who lived in palaces, temples, and public places. Following their conquest, the Portuguese, Dutch, Mughals, and British all began making furniture for their own use. As a result, Indian furniture design became a fusion of several cultural elements.
Indian Furniture Production and Market Overview
India is the world's fifth-largest manufacturer and fourth-largest consumer of furniture. Leading producers in the industry include Godrej Interio, Woodenstreet, Durian Furniture, Nilkamal Furniture, and Hometown. By 2026, the around $30 billion Indian furniture market is expected to grow to above $32 billion.
Furniture Export Trends and Facts
India's furniture industry brought nearly $5 billion in revenue in FY 2022–2023. From 2023 to 2028, the market is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.77%. By 2024, it is expected that the worldwide furniture business would bring in $765 billion, with the Indian market alone expected to grow by 12% to $20 billion. With a projected $223.60 billion in revenue by 2024, living room furniture is the most popular market sector.
Furniture Export Data (2023-2024)
In 2023, 2,440 exporters served 13,164 consumers with 681.5K shipments of furniture export from India. The major markets for Indian furniture exports are the USA, France, and the Netherlands. For furniture that is exported, the main HSN codes are 94036000, 94016900, and 94032090. India's furniture exports were estimated to be worth $3.5 billion in 2022, despite a notable 36% drop in imports over the previous three years. More than one-third of India's furniture exports go to the USA, which continues to be the biggest market.
Top Export Destinations for Indian Furniture
Germany: $18,269
UK: $11,418.3
France: $10,807.7
USA: $72,815.9
Types of Furniture Commonly Exported
Wooden Furniture: Renowned for its traditional craftsmanship and use of quality woods like shesham, teak, and rosewood.
Cane Furniture: Lightweight, easy to maintain, and suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
Upholstered Furniture: Comfortable and aesthetically pleasing, including beds, sofas, ottomans, and room dividers.
Steps to Start a Furniture Export Business from India
Starting a furniture export from India involves market research, legal compliance, product quality, logistics management, and establishing international trade connections.
Proper Planning: Ensure your product has global demand using export-import data.
Competitive Pricing: Leverage India's cheap labor to maintain competitive pricing.
Locate Genuine Suppliers: Use platforms like Seair Exim Solutions to find verified suppliers.
Engage a Professional Import Agent: Navigate legal requirements and logistics with professional assistance.
Required Documentation for Exporting Furniture
Export Promotion Council's certification
Bank statement
Shipping bills
Commercial invoice or packing list
Bill of lading or airway bill
Importer Exporter Code (IEC)
Address proof
Standard goods certificate
Report from a certified engineer
Product manual
Obtaining a Furniture Importer List
Use systems such as Seair Exim Solutions to obtain current and precise transaction data. Reliable sources of data are essential to the success of trade activities.
The global furniture business offers enormous possibilities for India's furniture sector. This is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to grow their business by launching unique, premium furniture items. Speak with data specialists to learn more about chances to grow your Indian furniture export company.
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baliportalnews · 8 months
Sharing Knowlegde Potensi Wisata Bali Utara, Dispar Kolaborasi dengan ASITA Bali
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Dalam rangka peningkatan kunjungan wisatawan ke Kabupaten Buleleng, Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Buleleng melalui Dinas Pariwisata (Dispar) Kabupaten Buleleng terus melakukan kolaborasi dan kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak selain Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) Buleleng, Dispar juga menggandeng Association of The Indonesian Tours and Travel Agencies (ASITA) Bali. Kolaborasi dengan ASITA Bali diwujudkan dengan melaksanakan Fam Trip ke Buleleng dengan mengajak 30 Biro Perjalanan Wisata (BPW) yang khusus menangani wisatawan Eropa dalam rangka update product knowledge tentang Bali Utara, pada 26-27 Januari 2024. Gede Dody Sukma Oktiva Askara selaku Kepala Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Buleleng dalam sambutan dan jamuannya saat makam malam bersama di Ranggon Sunset Point Bar & Resto kepada rombongan ASITA Fam Trip tersebut memberikan pemaparan tentang berbagai potensi kepariwisataan yang dimiliki Kabupaten Buleleng serta kebijakan tata kelola fiskal terbaru untuk perubahan tarif masuk ke DTW kepada total 30 peserta trip. "Salah satunya kebijakannya, semua DTW harus berbadan hukum dan memiliki izin usaha kepariwisataan sehingga akan bisa melakukan kontrak harga kepada travel agent," paparnya. Mantan Camat Buleleng ini juga menerangkan ASITA sebagai induk organisasi Biro Perjalanan Wisata yang bertugas mendatangkan wisatawan ke Bali sangat penting adanya sharing knowledge dengan Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Buleleng dalam memobilisasi para wisatawan baik dalam dan luar negeri sehingga potensi pariwisata Bali Utara jelas tersampaikan ke wisatawan. Adapun agenda Fam Trip hari pertama ini telah mengunjungi potensi Agro Wisata Durian Munduk Bestala. Dalam inspeksi kali ini dimana para peserta trip diberikan penjelasan langsung mengenai produk durian unggulan setempat yang didukung oleh Dinas Pertanian Kabupaten Buleleng. Kegiatan Fam Trip akan dilanjutkan dengan wisata Dolphin Watching dan melakukan trip ke Air Terjun Aling-Aling, Sambangan. Usai itu, perjalanan dilanjutkan menuju ke Buleleng Bagian Timur untuk meninjau rumah proses di The Kirana Tembok.(adv/bpn) Read the full article
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
agent 3 (boy model) is an autsitc gay hazardgender trans man with ptsd who uses he/him. he is dating agent 8 (boy model), who is an autistic glitchgender crtvgender transmasc gay nonbinary man with ptsd that uses he/they. both are friends with agent 4 (if its possible, could you use an inkling with the spikey hair/durian hair? if not the boy model of agent 4 is fine too). agent 4 is a rabiespunk transmasc genderfuck, boycreaturething, decojawaitor, psychedeligender, psychadeyeic, gorecoric, killgender queer (chevron) achillean nblm fag with adhd, ptsd and depersonalization disorder, who uses he/it/they/teeth. agent 4's best friend is marie, an autistic omnisexual transmasc gnc otter (if there is an otter pride flag) stargender agender man (can you use both the regular agender flag and the agender man flag?) that uses she/he/they. marie's cousin, callie is a trans genderfluid bisexual trumancoric experimentgender thermabrightin boything girlthing nonbinarything with adhd and ptsd that uses she/he/it/they. agent 3, marie and callie have all recently gained a new recruit, neo 3. neo 3 (if possible could you use one of the versions where theyre an octoling?) is a demisexual bisexual walrusgender pupgender nonbinary trans man (nonbinary flag, trans man flag, nonbinary man flag if its ok) with ptsd, bdp and depression, who uses he/they and any neopronouns. neo 3 is a big fan of off the hook, which consists of pearl, a nonbinary transmasc butch genderpunk sapphic lesbian that uses she/he prounouns, and his girlfriend marina, a femme trans woman lesbiangender lesbian who uses she/her. neo 3 is also a big fan of deep cut, which consists of shiver, a bisexual transmasc nonbinary octopus that uses he/she/they, their partner frye, a bisexal nonbinary woman that uses she/they, and the pair's friend big man, who is :]gender and uses any pronouns, but primarily he/him!!
hello! im the person who requested the splatoon one with all the idols and agents (autistic 3 and 8, rabies 4, etc) and was wondering if you could add femme to marie? maybe if theres a nblm/mlm specific femme flag could you use something like that? if not, just the usual femme flag is fine too ! :) thanks
hello!! i am the person who sent in the long splatoon req (which i think currently is at number 40 in your inbox?) that includes all the agents, squid sisters, oth and deep cut and i wanted to ask if you could add that marie is a rosboy :) thank you much!!
queued! i couldn't find either of the images you suggested for agent 4, so i had to use the girl model, but if you lmk where i could find the images you prefer i'll get it fixed!
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realita-lampung · 1 year
Gubernur Arinal Djunaidi Membuka Festival Wisata Hutan Lampung 2023
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Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Lampung meluncurkan Festival Wisata Hutan Lampung (FWHL) 2023 di Ballroom Swiss-Belhotel Lampung hari ini, Senin (3/7/2023). Festival menjadi salah satu upaya Pemprov Lampung dalam menumbuhkan kesadaran dalam memanfaatkan kawasan hutan secara bijaksana. Kepala Dinas Kehutanan (Kadishut) Provinsi Lampung, Yanyan Ruchyansyah, mengungkapkan bahwa kawasan hutan Lampung memiliki keindahan yang luar biasa. Potensi wisata yang meliputi bentang alam yang memesona, udara yang segar, air yang jernih, dan banyak lagi, yang menjadi daya tarik utama. Namun, Yanyan juga menekankan perlunya pengelolaan wisata yang terorganisir dan terencana agar tidak menyebabkan kerusakan pada hutan. "Ketika potensi tersebut memberikan manfaat secara ekonomi, diharapkan manfaat hutan yang masih baik itu tetap terjaga bahkan diperbaiki." Kata Yanyan dalam sambutannya. "Festival Wisata Hutan Lampung telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2022 yang lalu. Festival ini merupakan implementasi salah satu janji kerja Gubernur Provinsi Lampung, yaitu Lampung Kaya Festival, serta sebagai ajang promosi potensi wisata, dan edukasi pemanfaatan wisata di dalam kawasan hutan di Provinsi Lampung." Kadishut Yanyan memaparkan. FWHL menjadi ajang yang tepat untuk mempromosikan potensi wisata dan memberikan edukasi tentang pemanfaatan wisata di dalam kawasan hutan di Provinsi Lampung. Rangkaian kegiatan FWHL terdiri dari empat agenda besar yang dilangsungkan di beberapa kabupaten di Provinsi Lampung. Agenda pertama adalah Launching FWHL Tahun 2023, yang secara resmi dimulai hari ini, Senin (7/3), di Swiss-Belhotel Bandar Lampung. Selain itu, terdapat Pasar Durian dan HHBK yang akan berlangsung dari tanggal 3 hingga 9 Juli 2023 di Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman. "Event-event FWHL juga akan digelar di berbagai UPTD KPH lingkup Dinas Kehutanan Provinsi Lampung, mulai dari bulan Juni hingga Oktober 2023. Beberapa UPTD KPH yang akan menjadi tuan rumah antara lain Kotaagung Utara, Pesisir Barat, Liwa, dan Tangkit Tebak." ungkap Yanyan. FWHL juga akan menawarkan Post Tour, perjalanan wisata di salah satu wilayah UPTD KPH lingkup Dinas Kehutanan Provinsi Lampung. Menjadi uji coba paket perjalanan wisata yang ditawarkan oleh UPTD KPH. Kadishut Yanyan Ruchyansyah juga menekankan pentingnya peran stakeholder terkait dalam mempromosikan potensi wisata hutan. "Selaras dengan tujuan pelaksanaan FWHL maka pada acara Launching ini kami mengundang teman-teman travel agent dan teman-teman pegiat media sosial, blogger dan influencer. Harapannya agar potensi wisata dalam kawasan hutan dapat dipromosikan secara proporsional." kata Yanyan. "Artinya wisata dalam kawasan hutan tidak menjadi ajang eksploitasi para pecinta wisata atau sekadar pembuat konten wisata. Namun harus tetap menjaga esensi dari wisata minat khusus yang menawarkan perjuangan dan kesulitan untuk menikmati obyek wisata dalam kawasan hutan. Sehingga obyek wisata dalam kawasan hutan tetap terjaga kelestariannya, tidak tergerus oleh kepentingan ekonomi dan konten semata." Pungkasnya. Sedangkan Gubernur Lampung, Arinal Djunaidi, menyampaikan bahwa pembangunan kehutanan adalah bagian tak terpisahkan dari pembangunan Provinsi Lampung. Hutan harus memberikan manfaat untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat dan perekonomian daerah. "Hutan juga harus dapat bermanfaat untuk pembangunan, baik secara langsung dari hasil hutan seperti kayu dan non kayu. Maupun manfaat tidak langsung melalui pemanfaatan jasa lingkungan, antara lain penyediaan sumber air bersih, irigasi, udara bersih, wisata alam dan lain-lain," ucap Gubernur Arinal. Gubernur juga menegaskan tiga hal penting dalam pengelolaan hutan, antara lain; pengelolaan kawasan hutan harus memenuhi aspek sosial; pengelolaan hutan sebagai sektor hulu sangat memengaruhi sektor-sektor lain di tengah maupun di hilir; dan hutan memiliki manfaat global seperti meningkatkan penyerapan emisi karbon, menghasilkan oksigen dan lain-lain. "Festival Wisata Hutan Lampung sebagai bagian dari agenda Festival Krakatau Tahun 2023, diharapkan dapat menjadi agenda rutin setiap tahun dengan inovasi-inovasi yang terus berkembang. Namun tetap menjaga hutan sesuai dengan fungsinya." Arinal mengimbau. "Selain menyajikan keindahan alam, hendaknya promosikan produk-produk UMKM berbasis hasil hutan dan budaya di sekitarnya, agar kearifan lokal dapat dikenal secara luas," ucap Gubernur Arinal Djunaidi mengakhiri sambutannya. Kemudian, Gubernur Arinal Djunaidi melakukan pemukulan gong sebagai tanda dibukanya Festival Wisata Hutan Lampung (FWHL) Tahun 2023. Turut hadir dalam acara peluncuran FWHL 2023 ini antara lain; Direktur Pengembangan Usaha Perhutanan Sosial KLHK, Catur Endah Prasetiani Pamungkas, Asisten Bidang Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Provinsi Lampung, Kepala Balai PSKL Wilayah Sumatera, para Kepala UPT Kementerian LHK di Provinsi Lampung, dan Kepala UPTD KPH Lingkup Dinas Kehutanan Provinsi Lampung. Read the full article
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carbendazim · 2 years
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Biosecurity no.1
DESINFEKTAN CAP GADJAH SULFUR CARBENDAZIM & FUNGISIDA MENGHILANGKAN BAU AMONIA KANDANG UNGGASIni adalah agent pembersih berbasis sulfur carbendazim dosis rendah & residue remover bio desulfurization sehingga ramah dan tidak mencemari lingkungan.
Berkinerja tinggi yang diformulasikan khusus untuk menghilangkan residu kimiawi mikroskopis, terutama dari penggunaan obat-obatan antibiotic yang larut bersama kotoran ternak termasuk metamfetamin, fentanil, heroin, oksikodon, dll. Juga efektif untuk infeksi jamur, protozoa, bakteri dan virus.Diuji laboratorium & terbukti di lapangan.OBAT SEMPROT PENGHILANG BAU AMONIA KANDANG AYAM DESINFEKTAN SULFUR CARBENDAZIM & FUNGISIDA CAP GADJAHAturan Pakai
Untuk Peternakan Ayam PetelurPertama kali semprot 5 hari berturut-turut saat sore hari dosis 3ml/ liter air,Spray kabut untuk kotoran, ayam dan seluruh kandang,Saat bau mulai berkurang artinya parasit spt amoeba, bakteri, jamur dan virus sudah mulai terkontrol,Setelahnya bisa anda semprot seminggu sekali atau saat bau kandang sudah mulai terasa.Obat Semprot Ayam Cap GadjahUntuk Ayam BroilerSpray seluruh kandang sebelum chick in, spray seminggu 2x saat umur seminggu,setiap hari saat umur 8- 18 hari, umur 19 sampai panen spray setiap hari 2x sehari pagi dan sore
FUNGISIDA & SULFUR CARBENDAZIM DESINFEKTAN CAP GADJAHUntuk Pertanian PadiDosis 3ml/ liter air, spray saat olah lahan yakni 7hr sebelum tanam, 7hari setelah tanam,dan setiap 2 minggu sekali total 4x selama musim tanam,berfungsi menyehatkan tanah, pH buffer, mengendalikan virus dan jamur.
Untuk Tanaman Sayur penting untuk spray saat pengolahan lahan 7 hari sebelum tanam
Untuk Tanaman Tahunan seperti pohon durian, pisang, mangga, karet dan sawit,spray saat awal musim penghujan,pertengahan dan ahir musim penghujan, saat yg paling ideal adalah ketika tanah dan pohon basah.
Souce : SNTgadjah
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aggravateddurian · 10 months
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The Quiet Life - Scars
Valerie Santiago
Ripperdoc Durian here: I did some work to V. As you can see, not only does she have a new arm, but some gnarly scarring as well. I’ve worked out some details and I’m happy with what I’ve come up with.
Basically: V was shot with an explosive bullet, maybe from a Burya. The shot blew off her left arm and tossed her over the second story guardrail of the All Foods Plant. Her cyberware saved her life, but the shot, and the fall, just about killed her. Jackie drags her out of the plant, even managing to get the Flathead while he’s at it.
Blowing off Dex, Jackie rushes V to Vik just in time, saving her life. She’s badly hurt, though, and will certainly miss the Heist. Hearing the news, Dex drops V without a second thought and hires a new merc, who I’m tentatively calling “P” (as in Protagonist). P gets to have the pleasure of Johnny’s company.
V has a long recovery ahead of her, and some of the damage is irreparable, such as a damaged neural interface meaning she can’t use any cyberware OS (like the Sandevistan, Berserk or Cyberdeck), and getting a replacement requires expensive surgery that Vik doesn’t know how to do, nor does he have the facilities. The majority of The Quiet Life occurs after the Heist, as Valerie settles into her new life of serving drinks at the Coyote Cojo, and occasionally pulling out an LMG to deter rowdy patrons.
To save her life, Vik had to remove a lot of malfunctioning implants, meaning she’s down to her gorilla arms (which are disabled for safety reasons), her Kiroshis, an Internal Agent and some other basic implants, like her biomon, contraceptive implant etc. Getting new implants is risky, and V’s just decided to call it quits. She lived her life before becoming a merc without implants, she can make do without a Sandevistan or reinforced tendons.
That brings us to the day that Trey walks into the bar and, quite frankly, uses his unbeatable rizz on V. Stay tuned for more.
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tropinano · 3 years
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bambousio x agent durian 5k words enemies to lovers when???
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durianinspectors · 1 year
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玉京帝国榴莲服务调查组 YU JING IMPERIAL SERVICE DURIAN INVESTIGATION UNIT My esteemed Yu Jing commanders, this is Hsien Yue Fei, Commander of the Durian Investigation Unit. Once more, I must ask you for your help.
Confused allies and new recruits sometimes ask why the Emperor of Yu Jing would place a Hsien Warrior of the ISS, one of his famed Immortals, in charge of a mundane task like fruit inspection. For those of you unfamiliar with our work, the origin of my unit is simple. The Emperor and his storied family have always enjoyed Durian, regarding it as the emperor of fruits. Of course, it would be a relatively easy matter to cultivate and provide this specialty food for the Emperor's table. What other nations don't understand, is that Yu Jing is a benevolent and egalitarian society. Our Emperor decreed that all our citizens, no matter how far-flung across the galaxy, should all have access to the same treat that he loved. This necessitated a huge, interplanetary agricultural project, with containers of the finest grade Durian frozen and continuously in transit through circulars and shipping lanes to every corner of our population. This is the reality of Yu Jing, misunderstood by other nations, our people come first and we provide for them all.
With this vast, interplanetary Durian trade, came opportunities for the smuggling of contraband. We've found Shasvastii seed embryos, contraband Xenotechnology, terrorist bio-weapons, and invasive alien species, all of it masked inside refrigerated Durian containers. Nations with less refined sensibilities often regarded the smell of spoiled Durian with some distaste and overlooked these serious threats to humanity traveling through their ports. Thus it was necessary for the Emperor to appoint a special unit of the Imperial Service, skilled in rooting out criminal smuggling conspiracies and unmasking impersonators. My Durian Inspectors have taken a leading role in defending the people of Yu Jing at many of the recent crisis flashpoints - most recently at Novyy Bangkok, Durgama, and New Hypatia.
Reckless figures want to make a scapegoat of the entire Tohaa race. It is with some disgust that we witness Ariadnan commanders rounding up Tohaa civilians into internment camps as if their women and children were all complicit in the destruction of Concilium Prima. As always, when callow politicians persecute scapegoats, their loose words are turned into violence by their lapdogs and used to distract from their own incompetence and lack of initiative. The O-12 and Pan Oceania's government desperately wants to use these scapegoats as a distraction from their own failures.
The events of the Concilium Debacle go deeper than that and we have brought our unique set of skills to bear, unraveling the schemes of the Taagma and unmasking a network of Greif operators like the one pictured above. Tracking down the Spiral Corps is the real task for us, along with the fools or spies in Concilium Coordinated Command who hired them to secure the very thing they wanted to attack. Even now Pan Oceanian generals talk about "holding Cameliard" during the Durgama crisis, when we all know that Yu Jing secured it against a Combined Army attack in the face of Pan Oceanian incompetence and would never have been foolish enough to put double agents in a position to attack it.
The newly founded Yu Jing Concilium Security Crisis Committee, of which I am a member, now needs you to provide all available military resources to protect our people as we evacuate them from the Quantum Anomaly Zones. I will release further information soon, proving another Spiral Corps plot to attack the Master Clock in Huaqiao. If this clock falls, it will disrupt interplanetary travel for all nations attempting to save their people on Concilium. We are going to come under immediate attack from the Spiral Corps and their allies, and the cost if we fail will be terrible.
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Hsien Yue Fei Durian Investigation UnitImperial Service
[Yu Jing generals, please join our Discord server to prepare for the campaign: https://discord.gg/q8h5TASfV] [Current committee members: @Greysturm, @YueFei23, @Shiwen, @Admiral Philip von Kruse] [Art credit all goes to the incredibly talented @Thibz (@Tibooper on cb forums)]
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whattheabcxyz · 1 year
Property agent uses clients' money to buy luxury goods, causing them to forfeit S$1.2m - they’re all China nationals
Government to spend $3.3b on infocomm technology this year
Police warn of phishing scam involving fake Traffic Police website & fine payments - new day, new scam
Sports car driver who left scene after Keppel Road crash arrested - scumbag should be jailed & permabanned from driving!
A look at next year’s long weekends
MRT services at 7 CCL stations including Dhoby Ghaut to be affected by tunnel strengthening works
Tina Turner dead at 83 after long illness
Monetary Authority of Singapore says financial institutions required to combat higher money laundering risks from wealthy clients
DeSantis to launch presidential bid alongside Elon Musk
Hillary Clinton says Dianne Feinstein shouldn’t retire - Ffs, get real, Hillary! She’s got 1½ feet in the grave!!!
Cancer patients share their experiences on YouTube - a very informative channel where you can hear direct from patients themselves
Magnetic pulse therapy supposedly yields benefits for elderly
YouTube vids rated & reviewed
Singapore: It’s durian season again!
Singapore: Trumpet trees in bloom again
Netflix extends password-sharing crackdown to 103 countries, including Singapore
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^ That’s the sun close-up
Confirmation that Barbie Hsu’s ex-husband is a scumbag - what the hell did she see in him?!
Cathay Pacific apologises & sacks flight crew for making fun of passengers' English
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splootdoolies · 2 years
Hi! I don’t know a lot about your Agent OCs yet but they look really cool and I love the lore. In the most recent concept art you posted I noticed that Katie’s squid form only has one tentacle, did she lose the other one?
SHORT ANSWER: she did!! she lost it in the fight with agent 8 while she was being mind controlled by tartar.
LONG ANSWER: so in my head, the cephalings hairstyles get reflected in their squid/octo form! (which can be really silly w styles like the afro and durian, but! i will figure out a way to make those look good if it comes to it >:3) and you can see that katie's missing the left tentacle in her hair and you can see that in reflected her squid form! :D
this post shows exactly how she loses it + gets those claw scars on her face! dw! she slowly grows her hair back in splat 3 -w- the sanitized ink slows it down but it Does grow back (it actually grows back a lil tinted!) def gonna make ref sheets again for everyone's splatoon 3 designs once it comes out, and add new agent 3 to the roster!! :D gosh i'm excited to add more loOre to everyone!!!! ><
also! if you wanna learn more abt my ocs! i have a whole google doc about them!! wrote out a whole timeline of events n stuff -w- there's some misc info about themm, lil blurbs arranged in chronological orderr, it's still a huge wip but it would! mean a lot to me if y'all would read it n send me asks abt my ocs!! (*´ω`*)
they're also in my toyhouse! linked in my carrd -w-
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