#takami keigo needs therapy
kourota · 1 year
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soft cuddles because the love bug is unbeatable <3
i made this as a part of the Love Bug valentines event in a discord server i love, and i really enjoyed collaborating with Tsunami to draw this for their story!!! [ link to fic to be added ]
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fan-dweeb · 6 months
*4 am rooftop convos*
Keigo: do you ever think about, just, dropping everything to run away and maybe get, like, I don’t know, a shelving job to live out the rest of your life?
Touya: …
Keigo: …. Right.
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*lots of smoke is rising from dabi’s overheated body right after he used his quirk intensively (again)*
hawks: *giving dabi a bag of ice* you need tons of ice and a psychiatrist, you know that?
dabi: *taking the ice and putting it on his neck* oh and look who’s saying this
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mysteroads · 2 months
Chapter 7: Burned Fingers
Summary: After revealing painful realities to a room of hero students, Dabi and Toga arrive back at the dorms. But getting away from the students doesn't mean Dabi's escaped the demons in his own head.
Oh fuck, Dabi realized, stomach twisting into a knot as he followed Toga down the stairs. Hawks. 
He’d have to tell Hawks.
Of course Hawks wouldn’t care, he’d understand, the hero knew all about surviving, but… Dabi blew out a small cloud of smoke laced with sparks, and steadied himself on the bannister rail. 
“It’s not the killing you’re worried about, is it?” a voice whispered in his ear, smelling like cheap booze and bringing memories of dull needles and crude fingers. His temperature spiked again until he fought it down. He was not going to fall apart. Not over something like this. Not just because he'd told a bunch of fresh faced brats a bitter truth. Definitely not because his little brother had been there, staring at him with a stricken expression. Would Natsuo look at him like that too? Would Rei? Would horror turn to disgust— 
He stopped that line of thinking right there, gripping the bannister so hard his hand seams began to ooze blood and the wood charred. What was it that Sako and Kurogiri had told him about? The breathing thing? Shit, he couldn't remember. Something about counting and breathing? Fuck. Whatever.
Dabi stayed on the stairs until he felt like he could talk without ripping his own skin off or bursting into flames.
Toga had gained a good lead on him and beat him to the kitchen, which was fine by him. Jin already had her in a full on bear hug, and was crying, because he was the worst sympathetic crier Dabi had ever met before Izuku Midoriya. It had been funny as hell the first time Midoriya started crying, which set Jin off, which got Midoriya crying harder… Shigaraki had shared the video with all of 1-A and it had gone viral through the school. Today, though, the sound of Jin's cartoonish wailing and Toga's muffled sobs grated on his nerves, and he felt the ghost of three pairs of cold little hands tugging on his shirt, begging for attention as they cried just as hard.
“What happened?” Sako asked, setting aside the knife he’d been using to cut celery. Spinner and Hawks looked just as stunned. 
Dabi ignored their stares and went to a window, opened it, and pulled out another cigarette. He started to light it, but his quirk flared and he had to stop, so he just put it in his mouth. Left the window open, though, because smoke was starting to seep out from his seams and setting off the fire alarm would be icing on top of this already shitty day. 
In short sentences, he told them what happened, and both Spinner and Sako pulled out their phones, probably to text Magne and Kurogiri respectively. That would get a fast response. Kurogiri was the younger member's shadow dad, but that just meant Shigaraki was his first kid. Dabi didn't know if it was because the nomu had been created for Shigaraki, or if Kurogiri just really did love their bratty boss, but he always felt a tiny bit envious of their relationship either way.
Hawks came over to Dabi, pretty gold eyes filled with worry. He tried to get up a smile for his bird, but guessed he didn't do a very good job because the worry just got worse. Hawks tentatively reached up, probably to run his talons through Dabi's hair, but Dabi shook his head. “Not right now, birdie,” he said quietly. “I’m running hot. Could burn you.”
Hawks lowered his hand and nodded, eyes still fixed on Dabi’s. “Whatever you need.”
That calm acceptance of a boundary leeched away some of Dabi's tension, and the knot in his stomach loosened. He'd thank a god if he believed in the bastards.
Of course, the universe in general was ever prepared to throw spitballs at him, so that was the moment Kurogiri chose to open a portal into the kitchen. He liked to arrive before 1-A got back, to let the hiccups settle in first, but this was earlier than usual. Probably the expected fast response to the texts from Sako and Spinner. Dabi’s assumption was confirmed when the first thing out of Kurogiri’s invisible mouth was, “Where is Tomura Shigaraki? Is he upstairs?”
Held on Magne’s hip, little Kana looked around with her big red eyes, the same shape and color as her father’s. Aisho too glanced around, expecting to see Shigaraki. She was a female copy of Aizawa in miniature, including the deceptively uncaring expression on her angel face. That neutral expression turned pinched and unhappy when she realized that Tomura wasn't in the kitchen. He had only missed one of their returns from Kurogiri’s ‘class’ in the nearly two months they’d been at UA, and had felt horribly guilty over it. He’d sworn not to miss another without a very good reason. The girls trusted that promise, and knew "a good reason" probably meant something bad had happened.
Eri, adorable and quiet as Aisho, took the smaller girl’s hand and gave it a squeeze. Seeing those two hands clasped tight, and that head of white hair, made something else twist in Dabi’s chest. 
Why couldn’t the past just die?  
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veg-hotwings · 1 year
Thinking about how relieved and light Hawks must have felt after waking up postwar and realizing he wouldn't have to follow the HPSC orders anymore.
As much as I would have loved for him to break his shakles himself, he was finally free. Still trapped inside his own mind, his guilt, bottled up emotions and responsibility, but free to do what he wanted to do at his own accord: saving people, bc he couldn't care less about himself, even if he's been crippled by the person closer to him.
Stupid, selfless, beautiful man.
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transhawks · 3 months
"For the first time in years, Keigo feels like he can breathe easier. The anxiety that usually fills his mind, his lungs, all the torn up things that pushed at him - that he had to save, to be faster, to be smarter, to be good, it’s gone. It’s all gone.  There’s nothing so powerful, so terrifying, or so magnificent as the ability to make your own choices.  He didn’t need Hypophora to tell him that; it was all in his head, waiting to be understood."
Takami Keigo will travel different dimensions, break out of simulations, challenge the established rules of quirk science, and bring a man back to life instead of going to therapy.
Minutes to Midnight is a Hawks-centric fic. Read the final chapter here, or read from the beginning here.
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vampyrsutton · 1 year
How Are You Alive?
DabiHawks get hit by a bodyswap quirk this time and learn just how much therapy the other needs. Oh, and they fuck.
Ao3 Tags:
Bodyswap, Sexual Harassment, Protective Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Implied/Referenced Torture, Ritual Sex, Sort Of, Quirk Accident (My Hero Academia), Quirk Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Past Sex Work, Blood Kink, How did that get there?, Fluff and Angst, Takami Keigo | Hawks Has PTSD, Implied/Referenced Attempted Suicide, The Hero Public Safety Commission Was the Real Villain All Along (My Hero Academia), Dabi | Todoroki Touya Has Genital Piercings, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Has Issues, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Has PTSD, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Has Chronic Pain, They Need Multiple Kinds Of Therapy, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Implied Aftercare, Biting, Mating Bites, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Acts Like A Bird, I'm Not Even Going To TRY Tagging Top And Bottom, Orgasm Denial, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is a Little Shit, Degradation, Dacryphilia
Day 4 of DabiHawks Week 2023!
Theme: Body Swap NSFW Prompt: Ritual Sex (sort of, its the faster way to undo the quirk)
Continuation of Day 1, but can be read alone.
"Seriously, man, just leave me alone already." Hawks sighs, fiddling with his phone as some lower-ranking member of the new PLF insists on hitting on him. Something about ‘being desperate enough to fuck the burnt bastard' means he's down to fuck anyone.
He wants nothing more than to run a feather through the guy the more he insulted both him and Dabi, but both fortunately and unfortunately, fucking said burnt bastard gave him access to enough files to know that while the guy ranked lower than Dabi, he was still high rank in terms of importance. He couldn't remember what for, but the face was labeled in his brain as 'not allowed to kill'. That and being a top-ranking hero meant he was barely tolerated here so killing goons probably wouldn't help him. 
"Aw, come on, pretty bird. Don't be such a prude." The guy sighs like anyone but incels would back him up if they heard. "Wouldn't you rather have a cock that's not falling apart? Something actually satisfying."
Hawks snorts as he sends his location in the manor to Dabi before finally looking at the asshole. "The only metal in his dick is a Ladder and as for satisfying…" Hawks looks the guy up and down, smirking as his phone buzzes and he sees Dabi's on his way. "I doubt you can even satisfy a fleshlight with the amount of small dick energy you put out, but with over 8 inches and impressive girth, buddy, he's doing just fine." 
Hawks watches a vein pulse by the guy’s temple and sharpens his feathers on instinct when the idiot grabs the front of his coat. 
“What? Think that just because you decided to whore yourself out to one of the Lieutenants’ that makes you better than me? Huh, birdie?” The guy sneers, only getting more pissed when Hawks just rolls his eyes. “You fucking bit-”
The goon is cut off by a heat-glowing hand slamming him into the nearest wall by his throat.
“He said fuck off.” Dabi nearly growls as he lets his hand heat enough to make the guy scream. “Are you fucking deaf?”
Self-preservation was apparently not a skill this guy has as he forces a sneer onto a face otherwise twisted in pain. “Are you really so possessive of some hero slut? Where’s your pride as a villain?”
Dabi pulls him away to make his head smack against the wall when he slams him against it again. “He said no so don’t you dare call him a slut, and at least I understand the phrase no means no. What were you planning to do to my mate if I hadn’t shown up to break your neck, huh?”
“Mate? What kind of weird ass roleplay-” He cuts off when Dabi bares fangs at him that never went away when their quirks had been switched months before and tilts his head as though able to understand when Hawks chitters at him. 
“Oh, he said all that did he?” Dabi hums with narrowed eyes. “Remember who he’s under?”
Hawks stares at the guy for a second, sorting through files in his mind. “Specialty is Infiltration so he’s under Toga and Skeptic.”
Dabi smirks, tightening his grip. “So do you want me to kill you or the little blonde psycho? Either way, it doesn’t matter how useful you are, nobody touches our birdie.”
The guy gulps, finally realizing the position he’s put himself in before his eyes glow a sickly green along with where he grabbed Hawks’ coat and Dabi’s hand. “You need me alive if you want to know how to switch back!”
Dabi and Hawks just look at him in confusion when nothing happens, but that stupid quirk swap had taken almost 12 hours and they’d been in enough fights to know some quirks take time. Dabi quickly decides he doesn’t have the patience as he slams the guy against the wall once again.
“What did you do?” Dabi sneers, already texting Toga with his other hand. 
That infuriating smirk is back and Dabi has to fight not to just barbeque the guy. “Let me go, and I’ll at least tell you that.”
“What’s to stop me from just killing you now and reading your file?” Dabi lets his grin turn manic just to see the flash of fear in the man’s eyes.
“The fix isn’t in my file!” The guy hurries out when the heat of Dabi’s hand increases. “Only me and ReDestro know and ReDestro can’t be contacted for the next week!”
Dabi scoffs, holding out his hand as a feather deposit the file in question before cursing when he sees it's true. “Fucking bullshit. Remind me to update that later if we let him live.” He mutters as he shoves away from the guy and delights in watching him slump to the ground with a scared whimper. “There, you’re free. What was the glowing shit?”
“...Dabs,” Hawks speaks up when the guy doesn’t. “You have his file.”
Dabi blinks as though just remembering that and pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “I hate people.” He grumbles before reopening the file and reading. “Bodyswap—oh god dammit! Is the other guy still in jail, birdie?”
“Doesn’t start therapy for another month so probably.” Hawks sighs, seemingly thinking of things before gold eyes narrow dangerously at the guy. “Either fix it now or tell us how to and I’ll make sure you only get your ass kicked rather than killed.”
They both catch the defiance attempting to return to scared eyes, but that’s quickly stomped out by sharp feathers dangerously close to vital areas and Dabi’s hand erupts in flames. “I can’t! I can only reverse it myself if I’m the one who swapped otherwise they have to do it themselves!”
“How?” Dabi glares, flame growing in a warning.
The guy actually whimpers when a red knife moves closer to his crotch. “Physical contact! The longer it lasts, the faster you’ll return to normal otherwise it wears off in a week!” 
"And you can't just switch us back yourself because…?" Hawks prods. 
"You have to actually switch first for either to work! I can change you back tomorrow!" He rushes out, pressing himself further against the wall when Dabi steps closer. "Just find me in the morning, I'll undo it then!" He promises, already planning how to disappear for the next month as soon as he's out of their sight. 
The two look at each other before Hawks shrugs, calling his feathers back. "Fine." 
The guy sighs in relief, but Dabi's hand is still on fire and is suddenly dangerously close to his face. "Don't think you're off the hook, bastard. Don't you have something you'd like to say to my pretty bird?" The villain nearly growls as he turns up the heat to make the other man turn pale. 
The guy just sputters as he looks at the lieutenant in utter confusion. "I- I already- what?" 
Dabi rolls his eyes, cursing under his breath. "Apologize for being a fucking creep, dicks for brains. I should have never had to come over here, you should have stopped after the first fucking 'no', but because he knows you assholes would throw a fit if he fought back, here the fuck I am so apologize. Now." 
"What the hell for? I was just shooting my shot, man, you know how it is, right?" The guy laughs nervously, this for some reason being the hill he's willing to die on. 
"Not after they say no." Dabi sneers before looking over his shoulder. "You good with just fixing this ourselves, birdie? I think he needs made an example of." 
"Wait, no, please. Re-Destro wouldn't like-" 
"Re-Destro isn't in charge anymore." Dabi smirks. "Shigaraki is. And he's left full command to his Lieutenants after he kicked your boss' ass so unless Skeptic is willing to vouch for you, I know Toga's gonna be first in line to skin your worthless ass." 
"But my quirk-" 
"Give Toga your blood and let Twice take your measurements." Dabi shrugs, his smirk growing the more the fool realizes how fucked he is. "Every single one of you is replaceable. Remember that scrub." 
"Toga said get the blood and measurements first then have at it," Hawks speaks up, waving his phone a bit with his own little smirk. "I second that. I call dibs on draining him since Toga's away on a mission." 
"No, you can't be serious! It was just a little flirt-" 
"You put your hands on him without his permission and called him crude things because of who he's mated to as well as not dropping it when you were turned down." Dabi cuts him off, putting his fire out to haul him to his feet to drag him to the meeting room with an overly hot hand. "You're the fourth asshole this week who thinks just because he's pretty but willing to soil himself with the likes of me must mean he's easy. You were the first stupid enough to touch him though so we're gonna use you to nip it in the bud before it goes any further because I swear to god if that feather starts pulling me somewhere because one of you chuckle fucks are trying to do something worse, I'm setting the entire building on fire with all of you inside." 
"Shigs sent out the call for an org-wide meeting. Compress is setting up the video call for those too far away." Hawks hums from behind them like it’s a normal work meeting rather than what's probably going to end up an execution. 
"No, please! I'm sorry. I won't fuck with your bird again, just please-" 
"Why the fuck are you apologizing to me ?!" Dabi scoffs, slamming him into a corner on the way past just to make his head spin with the impact. "For fuck's sake!" 
"Fine! Fuck! I'm sorry, Hawks! Just please make him let me go! I have a wife and kids, man!"
 Hawks winces in almost sympathy when Dabi freezes. "Oooh, yeah, you should not have admitted that." 
"You know what info to get, right, birdie?" Dabi asks evenly, the temperature in his hand slowly rising even as he sounds the calmest he has this entire exchange. 
"Names, relationship dynamic, and ages." Hawks nods, already texting, not minding the secretary status he accidentally put himself in. 
"Good birdie." Dabi hums, returning to dragging the idiot to his doom and letting his lip quirk a little when Hawks coos at the praise. 
"What? Why do you need to know all of that? What are you going to do to them?" The guy's panic is increasing as he finally starts struggling. 
"Just checking if you're worthy of having them." Dabi shrugs. "If it's a legitimately happy family, you might get to live. If we find any funny business, they get set free." 
The way the guy's face turns ghost pale is all the answer Dabi or Hawks needs, but with a non-combative quirk and an enraged Dabi, all he can do is hope the stronger villain gets tired before the results are in. 
Hawks sends feathers ahead to get the doors as they near the stage room and gives the guy a perfectly innocent grin. "Hope it was worth it." 
He highly doubts it. 
Despite the adrenaline high of their little performance that would have usually left them attacking each other the second they were through the door, they barely made it to the door and ended up collapsing into the bed after half-heartedly removing their now soot and blood-covered clothes.
 "Think it's trying to kick in?" Hawks mumbles as he lets himself be pulled into almost overly warm arms. 
"Probably." Dabi yawns. "Probably needs us to sleep to kick in." 
"Mmm, great. Needed a nap anyway." 
This gets a snort out of Dabi, but Hawks is already asleep so completely misses it. 
Dabi is soon to follow. 
This last all of four hours before Dabi's body is jerking awake in intense pain and screaming at the further pain the action causes. 
Fuck! It hurts! Why does everything hurt? He's freezing, but it feels like he's burning from the inside and his skin . Gods, it hurts so bad! He feels like he could cry, but instead, there's just more painful pressure and liquid leaking down his face from his cheeks. He reaches up to touch his face before he notices the gleam of staples in lights they forgot to turn off and the scars connected to them. 
"Dabi…" Hawks croaks out and yeah that is definitely not his voice. When the lump of red feathers next to him doesn't move, he's forced to clear his throat and try again. "Dabi…!" Still nothing, and Hawks is starting to feel panicked before remembering how Dabi's quirk works when he hears a pained chirp and realizes that he was raising the temperature. "Dabi… hurts…" 
Gold eyes finally find their way out of red wings to look at him in his own form of panic before wincing when he moves a wing wrong and hurts himself in the process. "Shit, these things are still heavy. Think you can use any of that Commission training to start calming down while I try to sit up? You have a few new muscles that the quirk swap didn't give me." 
Hawks whines a sound foreign to Dabi's usually gruff throat but does his best to remember any of his training. Instead, where he ends up is back in his early childhood and dissociating as his father puts out a cigarette on his arm. Eh, that works. Makes the pain less at least. 
"Fuck, birdie, not that much." Dabi hisses when his body's temperature drops suddenly. "You'll give yourself hypothermia or some shit." He's whispering, the bird senses probably being too much. 
Hawks groans, trying to find a middle ground, but just whimpering. "How the fuck are you alive? Fuck, Dabi, it hurts!" 
"A lot of fucking spite and illegally acquired painkillers." Dabi sighs, rapidly typing on his phone. "I'll have one of the others bring something up. You're not going to be able to move, and I'll probably fall down the stairs if I try walking with these things." 
"Tell them to hurry. Shit, it even hurts to breathe." Hawks is trying not to grind his teeth due to the pain it causes his face. "You weren't joking about not being able to cry, huh?" 
"With your shoulders, not your diaphragm. Puts less pressure on the stomach scars." Dabi explains, doing a little hop shuffle to get close enough to brush sweat-soaked bangs away from what is normally his forehead. He ends up tilting what is currently his head as his eyes zero in on where blood is coming from an under-eye seam. "Do you always get like this when you see blood?" 
Hawks forces his eyes open and gets a slight understanding of what the Commission meant about his more avian features as he's met with his own eyes devoid of a pupil and trained on something on his cheek with a predatory gleam. The position of the light in the room makes them seem to glow and Hawks feels some almost buried instinct set off alarm bells about a predator. A taloned hand entering his peripheral vision makes him flinch and whimper from the pain the movement causes, but all it does is wipe his cheek like Dabi normally would his tears. 
"Is that what I look like when not repressing shit?" Hawks breathes, some part of his brain afraid to move…other parts not so much. 
"Dangerous and beautiful?" Dabi hums, still staring at the blood on his thumb like he's wondering if it would be weird to lick it or if he even cares. "Like an avenging angel?" 
Hawks feels his face heat up when Dabi's currently gold eyes flick between the blood and Hawks and back with a curious trill. "You always have this reaction to me being feral?" He asks when watching what's usually his face lick the blood from his thumb makes his current cock twitch.
“Insanely horny?” Dabi asks bluntly. For some reason hearing it in his own voice makes the hero blush darker and Dabi smirks at the sight. “Good thing contact is the fix, right?”
Hawks tries to get his embarrassment back under control when he notices smoke leaving what is currently his staples and nods his head shyly before cursing when the angle is apparently wrong and it pulls his neck staples. “Shit, hope you haven’t made my body too much of a bottom because you’re probably going to have to do the work. I think I’ll actually pass out if I try to move that much.”
“Yeah, I can figure out either.” Dabi shrugs.
There’s a knock on the door then and Compress’ voice filters through to them. “I got the painkillers and water so the heathen won’t just swallow them dry.”
“That was one time!” Hawks whines in a way that is without a doubt him even if it’s said with Dabi’s voice. 
“That we saw.” Dabi scoffs, brow scrunched in concentration as he tries to remember how the feathers work, chirping in frustration. 
“Dabi, you have all night to play with the feathers. I would like to go back to bed.” Compress eventually teases, getting a pout out of the current hero and gods was that a vile thought. 
“It almost made it to the door!” Dabi chirps indignantly. 
“I can’t lift my head to check so sure!” Hawks sighs, laughing at the offended squawk this gets before groaning when the action jostles him. “Just come in, we’re in our boxers!” 
He doesn’t register Dabi’s look of horror until a wing drapes over his lap to hide the boner from the little blood tease barely a few minutes prior. He can feel the unimpressed look Compress gives them even through the man’s mask. 
“I guess that answers the question of if you’d fuck yourself.” Compress sighs, shaking his head as a shaky feather does manage to take the bottle of pills at least. 
“We didn’t do anything!” Hawks insists in embarrassment, letting the embarrassment seep through to raise his temperature when he hears Dabi mutter a ‘yet’. “Quiet you!”
“Don’t care. Try not to overdose.” Compress sighs, as he hands to bottle to Hawks before taking it back to measure out Dabi’s normal dose when the current villain just squints at the label. “Right, forgot about that.” 
“Babe, I mean this with all the affection in the world, does anything on you work? I thought you were just blurry because of the pain.” Hawks groans, wanting to rub current eyes but sure he’ll catch staples on each other and get attacked by bird instincts the other isn’t used to. “And if you say your dick, we’re waiting it out.”
He can hear the pout in Dabi’s huff and wonders if the scars just usually hide that or if that's a him thing. "Fine. None of my organs have failed yet if that helps." 
"Not comforting but good to hear." Hawks sighs, gratefully accepting the help from the other two in sitting up before Dabi slips the drugs in his mouth and Compress helps him with the water. "I'm getting you a doctor and physical therapist when we win." He decides, batting at Dabi when he mutters an 'if'. " When , asshole."
"You're literally in my body! You tell me my odds!" Dabi scoffs and wow did he always screech like that or was that just Dabi not knowing how to control the bird side? 
"Then give me mine back so I can drop the culprit off a building!" Hawks growls back, smirking a little when the sound still has an effect on his body and what are currently Dabi's wings puff. 
"No, fuck you, I'm keeping it now! That's my target!" 
"I'm kidnapping you both a therapist." Compress sighs, tossing the pill bottle to Dabi. "You know how to dose yourself. If I can hear anything, I'm putting fish oil on your breakfast." 
Dabi makes a gagging noise before scrunching fluffy brows in thought. "Do I hate fish in your body?" 
Hawks can’t help but snort. “Of course, you focus on weird shit like this. I know I like fish because it’s one of the few things I can get away with eating raw without my handlers thinking I need more training so probably.” 
Something sparks in currently gold eyes before Dabi’s trying to maneuver getting out of bed with the wings and extra muscles. “Oh my god, I can get an actual meal in you. Those are going to take a second to kick in, I’m going to raid the fridge.”
“Wha-Dabi!” Hawks scoffs, trying to sit up before yelling in pain and falling back to the bed. “Fine.”
Dabi smirks as Compress sighs, following him out to make sure the current hero doesn’t break his neck tripping over his new wings. “Try not to die you two.”
“I’m not already?” Hawks groans dramatically, getting a snicker from the other two before the door closes and he’s left to let the meds kick in. 
Luckily, Dabi seems to be gorging himself in the kitchen, probably realizing he underestimated the bird metabolism and having to keep going back to the fridge so Hawks has so time after the meds kick in to drag his now loopy ass to Dabi’s en suite to perform some TLC on his own borrowed body. He now understands why Dabi takes nine years in the shower because, despite the villain’s own heat, the water definitely hits differently even if he has to half dry off to retrieve a phone to figure out how to wash himself like this before returning to the bathroom. Despite this, Dabi still ends up finding him fixing whatever staples he managed to fuck up with blood running down various places upon his return. 
“Welcome back.” Hawks hums at the mirror, taking advantage of the numbed senses from whatever Compress gave him to get staples back in. “Mind helping with your back? We didn’t shower after taking care of the asshole earlier and I didn’t want you getting an infection while I don’t know how to do the fever thing.” 
When there’s no movement for a moment, Hawks finally looks behind him with a frown. “Dabs-” He realizes his mistake when he takes in the taloned hand gripping the door and bared fangs as liquid gold eyes devoid of a pupil dance around his current body to where he know he pulled staples. “Oh, fuck-” He tries to make a break for the walk-in closet but his own chase instinct had been trained out of him so long ago that he forgets he just asked for the current bird hero to attack him as he’s knocked to the ground with a groan. “Yeah, shouldn’t have done that.” He wheezes. 
“What the fuck is going on, Hawks.” Dabi pants and yeah, that was a predator sound that followed. “Why do I want to maul you?”
“Predator instincts,” Hawks answers, speaking as calmly as possible to not rile up the hunter pinning him to the ground. “It’ll go away in a second.”
“What do you me- Jesus Christ.” Dabi hisses as he’s hit by an intense wave of guilt and self-loathing. “You live like this? What the fuck was that?”
“Go have a mutant quirk at the Commission and be told that side of you is disgraceful and unbefitting of a hero and will only make everyone you save hate you, no matter how hard you try.” Hawks shrugs, wincing when he realizes Dabi can’t turn off the stress grip so there are talons digging into the scar tissue on the back of his neck. “Tell me how your mental health is doing.”
Dabi groans, seemingly having an entire war with himself and obviously wanting to pull away, but he can’t so it just gets worse. “Why do I have it? Shouldn’t those issues be with you?” 
“You indulged in a raptor thing which is wired to shame at this point sooo…” Another more careful shrug.
“Fuck, Hawks.” Dabi mumbles, slowly relaxing, and for some reason that makes alarm bells go off in Hawks’ head. “Is this why it still took so long for you to wear your crest feathers around us despite us knowing?” He chirps angrily at the nod he receives. “Give me my quirk back so I can go deep fry those fucks. You should have never been made to feel this for being yourself…How are you still alive?” 
“You know those mind control quirks they villainize?” Hawks smiles sadly, nodding when his own face looks at him in horror. “Tried once and now I physically can’t. Trainers beat the shit out of me once I was medically cleared and I couldn’t even escape it.”
This seems to be the last straw Dabi needs to let Hawks go and fly out the door. “I’m killing all of them with their precious golden boy quirk!”
“You still have no training!” Hawks sighs, not even bothering to try to get up until he sees Dabi actually flying with relative ease and looking at him with a smirk. “What the-?”
“You know how you joke about bird brain wanting you to do certain things?” Dabi hums, plucking a feather and sharpening it. “I think I figured out how I actually got a hang of your quirk so fast when I had it. Maybe it's instincts merging with the telekinesis or just the instincts alone, but they’re very cooperative when you listen to them.”
Dabi is dangerous and effective with a quirk that actively hurts him. Hawks doesn’t want to know what he looks like with a quirk working with him.
“Dabi, don’t.” He pleads as he gets up as fast as his current broken body will allow him. “They have my own body booby-trapped against me to prevent this exact thing. Getting information for you guys isn’t the only reason they’re still alive.” Hawks tries to warn, but that only seems to enrage Dabi more. “We don't know what it will do if you get my body killed?” He tries instead.
Dabi looks hesitant now so Hawks takes advantage to creep into the bedroom Dabi had managed to fly into so that if his next plan gets him tackled again, it’s at least on the carpet. “Please?”
Dabi frowns and Hawks suddenly understands why Dabi likes pissing him off so much. Call him narcissistic despite what was just revealed, but he’s cute when he pouts. 
“Hey, Dabs.” Hawks whispers to draw the current hero’s attention back to him from where he was scowling at the door. “Still tuned into the bird brain?”
Dabi frowns more, but the tilt of his head answers Hawks’ question before he does. “Yeah? Why?’
“Perfect.” Hawks smirks as he gets closer to the confused blonde, and runs his thumb through one of the blood streams running from his current body and smearing it over Dabi’s lower lip to watch his pupils expand and vanish as Dabi inhales sharply. “‘Cause I’d like my body back before you do something reckless.”
Dabi seems to be at war with himself, but Dabi’s mind isn’t as conditioned so Hawks is sure that even if his brain is throwing a fit about listening to the predatory instincts drawing him to fresh blood, Dabi will crumble soon enough. 
“I’ll be fi-”
Hawks just shakes his head with a tsk, smirking in a way he knows his body will react to and trying not to blush at how instant of a reaction he gets to witness. Dabi was never going to let him live that down but as long as it worked, Hawks didn’t care as much right now. 
“Come on, pretty bird.” He drawls in a way he knows he likes and gods, was it weird for watching his own face blush to be turning him on, but he is in Dabi’s body. “Give in, baby.”
Dabi’s hand at least releases the feather enough for it to reconnect and coos happily when Hawks starts running a hand through wild blonde hair before he soon starts squirming. “No fair, you have bird biology to take advantage of.”
“Yup, and shiny staples and fresh blood to further distract you on this side.” Hawks hums innocently, moving in a way that he knows will let the light catch not only the staples but also the blood running past a nipple piercing. “Come on, sweetheart. I’ve helped patch you up enough times to know how much you want to attack me right now.” He chuckles when Dabi trills needily before he leans close to a red-flushed ear. “Go for it, baby. We’ll have so much fun if you do.” He feels talons clutch his current shoulders. They’re shaking, but Hawks can hear him panting in his effort to hold back so he drops his voice to a low growl. “Ravage me, pretty bird.” 
That's all it takes for Hawks to find himself flown to the bed and pinned by strong arms and fierce eyes that promise his undoing. He momentarily regrets his choice to rile the usual villain up when staples and seams scream despite the meds, but then he's being kissed like Dabi plans to devour him, and god the villain would be dangerous with unrepressed bird instincts. Dabi's mouth can reduce him to a pile of goo in minutes on the best of days but with untrained bird instincts that demand he fight, dominate, claim mixing with Dabi's already dominate leaning personality and the smell of blood lingering in the room, Hawks doesn't stand a chance even with the slightly superior strength being in Dabi's body grants him. 
The quirk swap must have been bird-lite because this version was ravenous . 
"Fu-Dabs- Mmm~" Hawks whimpers, allowing himself to melt into the sheets as wings cut off his view of the outside world. "Please- I-" 
Hawks is suddenly reminded of the main reason Dabi is dangerous in this situation when the current hero traces talons down one side while tweaking a nipple to make Hawks cry out. With Dabi's body actively falling apart and needing to survive before the League, Dabi is acutely aware of his own body and everything that makes it tick so also has a complete blueprint of how to drive Hawks insane in ways Hawks has no way of knowing. He can't even try to even the playing field since, beyond a few hookups at hero parties, Hawks has never had time or energy to explore his body so only knows of the obvious bird places that he has to protect. 
This leaves an entire power gap that puts Hawks completely at Dabi's mercy and he hopes Dabi's stamina stayed with his body because he's almost dizzy with arousal as he feels feathers helping Dabi get his pants off to rut their cocks together without once breaking contact with anywhere that makes Hawks want to cry with how good it feels. 
"Please~ Wait- Fuck..Too mu-mnmm~Too much! Please, Dabi, fuck!" Hawks finally manages to whine when Dabi pulls away to use Hawks' own fangs against him and bite at places on his scarred neck that apparently still have sensation, the numbness around the places almost making it too much. 
"You wanted this, pretty bird. You know how to make it stop." Dabi teases and fuck Hawks didn’t know his voice could sound like this but he hopes he can figure out how to recreate it later when the villain is back to being a villain to get back at him. Already it has his now pierced cock weeping and Hawks resigns himself to the fact that Dabi's about to fuck him stupid on his own cock. 
The side of a talon flicks a nipple so Hawks can feel the sharp edges and he feels his current cock jump at the danger before he cries out when warm lips clamp around that same nipple to suck on it hard and bit on it, fangs grazing it lightly and Hawks doesn't know if he wants to arch into it or away from it. 
"Dabi! Please~!" 
"Please what, baby?" Dabi chirps teasingly, the clawed hand from earlier reaching between them to start stroking their cocks together and making Hawks moan loudly. "Come on, birdie, I've barely touched you. You're gonna give me a bad rap moaning like that with my voice."
"You-nmnmm~ You know every inch of yOUR-fuck-body, asshole. It's a little OVERwhel-there, fuck please, Dabi~" Hawks' attempt at complaining is turned into a whimpered plea when he finds out a feather had flown over the lube and he was now trapped in the tight, wet heat of what's usually his own hand with his stolen cock rutting against his new piercings to drive him absolutely insane. "Fuuuck~! How are you always so calm?! Anywhere not burned is as sensitive a-AHHH~as one of my feathers?!" 
"You know how I survived before the League." Dabi shrugs, smirking when he moves down to get a lubed finger inside Hawks' borrowed hole, and the temporary villain moans. "You get used to it." 
Hawks bares his teeth a bit at the reminder of what Dabi had to do to survive, but he also knows his mate was strong enough to take care of himself so instead focuses on trying to relax. "Shit, when was the last time you bottomed?" Hawks hisses when he's having trouble. 
Dabi tilts fluffy blonde hair in thought. "…I got the Prince Albert 4 years ago so I think once or twice after turning 18 then it became ‘try it and you get burned’ when I realized this-" He flicks his thumb over the piercing and slit to make Hawks curse and moan, hole tightening for a second before finally starting to relax. "-was enough to entice most people and the patchwork led to a lot of villain roleplay," Dabi smirks at the thought. "They probably had heart attacks the first time I appeared on the news." 
Hawks snorts at his own mental image of some old rich fucker clutching their pearls to the sight of the scarred twunk they let fuck their brains out showing back up to burn down half a forest. "They were probably-shit-" He's momentarily cut off by Dabi finally working a second finger in. "-I wasn't wrong calling you a tight ass, huh?" He jokes before throwing his head back with a curse when Dabi bites his nipple in retaliation. "Son of a bitch." 
"Eh, she did her best." Dabi shrugs, smirking when Hawks sputters and it distracts him enough to get the third in and make Hawks whine. "I still remember where something else is though."
Hawks lifts his head to look at him in confusion before he’s throwing his head back with a curse when Dabi nails his prostate dead on and makes his hips jerk, not once letting up the attention to his pierced cock. "Fuck! Gonna cum if you keep th-Ahhh~that up!" 
"Mmm, no you won't," Dabi smirks before his hand and fingers start working in tandem to pull every sound he can out of scarred lips and drag Hawks to the edge kicking and literally screaming. 
"Wait-Fuck!- Dabi~ Please~ Close- fuck- I'm-NOOO~!" Dabi stopped all contact at just the right moment to send Hawks crashing down without relief and revels in the frustrated sob the current villain lets out as he smacks the sheets. He doesn't even notice the smoke around him until "Nooo~! Why did you stop~" Hawks whines and Dabi honestly didn't even know his voice did that, but he sounds so devastated that Dabi almost felt bad. 
Instead, he shrugs. "Because I can." He hums, sending feathers out to trap stapled wrists when Hawks tries to reach for his dick. "Come on, haven't you figured out who's in charge yet? You may be in my body, but I'm still running the show." 
Hawks bares the little fangs that were left from the quirk swap to voice his displeasure before throwing his head back with an honestly pathetic sound when Dabi runs a talon along the vein of what is currently his cock to make it twitch at the danger. 
"Fine, yes, you're still in charge, now please ~" He begs, and fuck he can feel the pressure around his face scars before he feels liquid running down the healthy skin of his cheeks. A dangerous trill is how he realizes he'd be crying in frustration if Dabi's face would allow before a hungry tongue is licking his 'tears' away and talons are digging into his arms, drawing more blood on one side. 
"Dabi, please~" Hawks whimpers, hissing when fangs and tongue start making the wound on his healthy-ish arm worse, and fuck he'd need to make more of an effort to bite Dabi if this is how hard he got. "God, we're fucking freaks, aren't we?" He can't help but chuckle breathlessly. 
Dabi raises his head to look at him with pupilless gold eyes as he licks the blood from his face with a feral grin. "Complaining, birdie?" 
"Not even a little." Hawks grins with Dabi's usual levels of mania as he strains against his feathers to meet Dabi halfway for a blood-filled kiss that made Hawks' current cock throb . "Fuck- fuck me already, dammit, I've calmed down enough so fucking, please ! God, I don't think I've ever even been this hard in my own body, and I have to deal with mating season every year." 
Dabi raises an eyebrow, having not heard of this tidbit yet, but stores it away for later as he smirks. "Wait 'til you cum, birdie. Bet I can get you to pass out." 
Hawks isn't even going to try challenging him on that, positive Dabi will find a way to do just that before he's pulled into a deep kiss where Dabi does something with his tongue that makes Hawks keen at the attention and fuck Dabi would make such a good boy if he didn't already have the hero so whipped. 
As it were, Dabi has him panting needily and Hawks doesn't even notice the current hero repositioning himself until he feels a cock starting to push in and he's hissing into the kiss from the stretch. "Fu-" 
"Shhh, baby." Dabi hums, kissing away Hawks' whimpers as he works his way in. "I've got you, just relax." 
Hawks is trying, but Dabi's body really doesn't like giving up control so Dabi has to get him back to that point of trying to cry with need before he can finally get into the base. Dabi's cock is definitely bigger, but maybe it's because it's been so long for Dabi's body that he feels so full or what Dabi's doing with his hand that makes it feel like so much he has to bite back an almost sobbing noise. "Please...Dabi…"
"There you go, pretty bird." Dabi coos, chirping lightly in hopes of soothing his trembling mate as he lets the currently taller man adjust. "It's in, birdie, it's all in. You're doing so good for me, baby." 
Hawks keens at the praise, nuzzling into the hand on his cheek like an overgrown cat as he looks up at gold eyes hazily. "Please…wanna hold you…" 
"I'd love that, baby, but you're currently burning a hole in the sheets and I have kindling attached to my back. We don't want two crispy fucks, right?" Dabi hums, running his hand through dyed black hair. 
Hawks didn't notice how hot he was running until Dabi pulls his taloned hand away and Hawks sees how red his palm is. He frowns, wondering if Dabi's ever able to fully enjoy himself with how much concentration must go into not branding his hand onto Hawks' ass when he fucks him, but then Dabi's cooing to get his attention and he decides to figure that out later as he lets himself melt into the sheets, spreading his legs more in invitation. 
He gets to watch pupils pulse in a sea of fierce gold before Dabi plants a taloned hand on either side of what's usually his torso to pull out before thrusting back in hard, wincing when Hawks yelps and clamps down around him. "Sorry, used to your greedy ass." 
"'t's fine, just go a bit slower." Hawks grits out, smoke leaving his cheeks in his attempt to bring the temperature back down. 
Dabi, still being an asshole no matter the body, takes this to mean torturing Hawks by going unbearably slow until the temporary villain actually kicks a heel on the bed in frustration.
 "Dabiiii~ Move~!" Hawks whines like a child not getting his way before moaning loudly when Dabi adjusts the angle to nail his prostate. "Fuck!" 
Dabi sighs with a roll of his eyes. "If I can't walk tomorrow, I'm taking it out on you." 
"Fine. Move." Hawks huffs, squirming and wishing he had his wings so he could use feathers to push the stealer of said wings back into him. 
"Needy brat no matter the body, huh?" Dabi huffs right back before pulling out almost fully and slamming back in like he did the first time, except this time he's met with a loud moan and pleas for more. "Nah, more like a needy bitch, aren't you?" Dabi smirks as Hawks whines at the words. "Desperate for cock no matter whose body you're in." 
Hawks doesn't even try to deny it, knowing how pointless it is by now as Dabi starts fucking him into the mattress, using his wings for extra thrust and making Hawks see stars as he aims for his prostate. "Fuc-I- Fuck, Dabi, more~!" 
Dabi chuckles darkly, leaning his face down to lap at another blood tear as he pounds into the rambling hero. "Can even be your own cock and you'll spread your legs like a whore if it'll get your hole filled, won't you?" Dabi teases meanly, cursing when his hole clenches around his current cock and precum leaks around his piercings. "It's not even your hole and you're begging for it to be filled as long as you can get off." 
He wraps a hand around Hawks’ currently pierced cock and knows he'd be dodging feathers if they were in the right body based on the moan Hawks lets out when he starts stroking him in time with bullying his prostate. "Such a greedy little slut. Gonna be fun waking up after this and your spoiled ass has to handle cleanup for once. I'm sure you'll be whining the entire ti-" 
Dabi screams in pain when one of the wrist feathers bursts into flames before his hair is roughly grabbed and he's hauled into an almost literally searing kiss that makes his thrusts falter.
"Want-" Hawks pants when he breaks the kiss for air. "Wanna take care of you. Wish-mnngh- Wish you'd let me do it more." 
Dabi suddenly misses his scars when he feels his entire face flush red at the raw emotion in his normally jaded turquoise eyes and he's thankful for the wings that snap forward to hide his face. "Shut up!" 
He can hear Hawks snort so takes advantage of the feather cover to get his hands and teeth back on his sensitive spots. Even if his back is screaming at him for the angle with these heavy ass wings, hearing Hawks choke on his laugh to moan is more than worth it and encourages him to continue as his thrusts pick up speed. 
He can tell Hawks is close by how he grips the sheets and spasms around him, moaning like a whore as he begs for more, and he doesn't remember the last time his body came this fast, but making reducing anyone to this much of a mess this fast was an entire ego trip that Dabi was riding right to his own orgasm. 
"Shit, birdie, I'm close. Feel fucking great, milking your cock like this. I know you're close too with how well you're squeezing around me. What do you think, birdie? Want my cum? Want me to stuff the fuck hole you've turned my ass into full of cum that you'll have to help get out later? It’s the only place it can go with the staples, so not like you have a choice if you want it on you at all, and I know my slutty little bird does. There's nothing you love more than the feeling of dripping cum, is there?" 
"AH AHHh~! Yes! Please, Dabi! Please! Gimme! Want your-? Mine? Cum, please, Dabi, please!" Hawks begs, toes curling as he nears the edge and he definitely smells smoke when he almost blacks out barely three thrusts later with the force of his orgasm. 
Dabi feels the second the hero's orgasm hits, not only because of how he spasms around his cock to rip his own out of him but also because he feels like he's thrown underwater as the quirk tries to knock them out to let them swap back. Hawks' quirk has one more demand before it will let that happen, however, and Dabi throws open his wings as he sinks Hawks' fangs into a point on his neck where he knows he can break the skin and croons happily as more blood spills into his mouth and that feeling of home mate wraps around his mind again. This is when he's pulled under by the quirk, chirping happily as he's pulled into unconsciousness. 
He doesn't hold quite the same sentiment when he wakes up in his own abused body a while later, but watching his birdy happily flit around the room to take care of him makes it worth it. 
Even if he'll never admit it.
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shinsouslightningbug · 7 months
Y'all can call me Sparky
19 and suffering through college applications
Bisexual??? Pansexual??? Idk man all I know is women and men are both pretty
I'm trans so I don't know how dicks work
ADHD and autistic
This blog is 18+
I will steal all the spoons in your house if you do
I write gender neutral or male reader
I'm still gonna reblog fem reader stuff tho
I write both sfw and nsfw
I primarily thirst over the local knockoff Pikachu and the purple insomniac but I'll write for plenty of characters (see below)
THE CHARACTERS I WRITE FOR (to be updated as needs be)
1A (aged up)
Denki Kaminari
Eijiro Kirishima
Kyoka Jiro
Hanta Sero
Momo Yaoyorozu
Izuku Midoriya
Shoto Todoroki
Ochaco Uraraka
Katsuki Bakugou
1B (aged up)
Hitoshi Shinsou
Neito Monoma
Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead
Kayama Nemuri/Midnight
Keigo Takami/Hawks
Rumi Usagiyama
VILLAINS (but like if they got therapy and weren't mass murderers)
Touya Todoroki
Tenko Shimura
Himiko Toga (aged up)
Oboro Shirakumo
Reblogs - #sparky reblogs
My own writing - #sparky writes
Any asks I get - #ask sparky
Non-writing posts - #sparky speaks
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ao3feed-todoroki · 20 days
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fan-dweeb · 6 months
Hawks sensei: hey chicklets! Grab a seat, welcome to How To Hero 101 by yours truly! Please leave your sanity at the door.
First years: W-what?
Hawks sensei: better get some closure now than to have it ripped brutally out of your hands :D
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ao3feed-hawks · 1 year
As We Lay Among the Forsythias
as we lay among the forsythias by Goldtinted
“You used to love blabbering on and on. What happened to you, Keigo?”
It's the second time Touya has ever used his real name. He's not as startled as he was the first time he heard it. The element of surprise is gone, but Hawks still feels something small and sharp stab at his chest. He wonders what Touya's endgame is here.
“I fought in a war.” He says simply, shrugging.
Touya laughs again, louder this time, a cold, harsh sound that reverberates across the barrier and around the room. The guards behind Touya start to move forward, and Hawks can sense shuffling beyond the door behind him.
“Well guess what, birdbrain? I did too.”
As the dust settles after the war, amidst social turmoil and societal reform, between three centimetres, seventy-eight square kilometres, and a dance of thirty odd steps, Hawks and Touya slowly recover. In the process, they find themselves falling in love again.
Words: 22536, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Hero Public Safety Commission, Original Characters, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Family, Tokoyami Fumikage, Ensemble, Brief mentions of other characters
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya & Todoroki Shouto, Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist & Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Post-Canon, Alternate Universe - Post-War, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Finale, Angst with a Happy Ending, Introspection, so much of it, Fix-It, societal reform, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Therapy, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Needs Therapy, Takami Keigo | Hawks Needs Therapy, letting go, Falling In Love, New Beginnings, Non-Explicit Sex, Switching, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47814031
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 1 year
Try, Try Again
try, try again by SpiritusRex
“There are villains,” Izuku says breathlessly, “still out there, there are villains.”
His hands tremble. And tremble. And tremble.
“You're done,” Aizawa says flatly. “Your health is in shambles, Midoriya. Whatever evolution your quirk has gone through is draining you.”
“I don't care,” Izuku says. “I have to get back out there.”
Words: 1031, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of ٩(๑`ȏ´๑)۶ (NWA Fic Fight June 2023)
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku, Takami Keigo | Hawks
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Post-My Hero Academia Chapter 318: Reckless, Set during Izuku's runaway vigilante arc, Temporary Character Death, Dissociation, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku Needs Therapy, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is So Done, Hawks is kinda just there because I didn't want Aizawa to be watching over Izuku alone, He doesn't matter a ton, Angst
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47635999
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thesakuragarnet · 7 months
Meet The Todorokis
Tumblr media
Summary: After seven months of dating, Toya is finally taking Hawks home to meet his family. Another oneshot from my Civilian Social Worker Toya Todoroki X Pro Hero Hawks AU
Tags: Dabi X Hawks, Civilian Dabi, homoph0bic Enji, implied s3xual content, swearing, perscription medication, anxiety disorder, light angst, fluff, meeting the parents/family, making out
Word Count: 2,779 words
AO3 link
Seven months. Pro Hero Hawks had been dating his coworker’s son for seven whole months in secret. Toya Todoroki worked as a social worker at the Musutafu Child Safety Services Agency, doing his best to keep children out of homes that mimicked his own growing up. He and Hawks met by complete coincidence one night, and, after a year of friendship, they were hopelessly in love. After having to reschedule due to Toya catching the flu, today was finally the day when Keigo would meet Toya’s parents…or…where he would be introduced as Toya’s boyfriend. He already knew his father, Enji Todoroki, from their missions together. In truth, the Enji Todoroki he had come to know was far different from the father Toya had growing up. It made Keigo feel uneasy, and he had trouble looking the man in the eye at work anymore. He’d grown up admiring Flame Hero: Endeavor, aspiring to save people like he had saved him…but…the way he had treated Toya and his mother…was unforgivable. Toya doesn’t speak to his father, and this is the first time they will have reconnected in years. He visits his mother and siblings frequently, but he tends to make himself scarce before their father gets home. 
Toya swears under his breath as he paces around his apartment, feeling his heart practically beat out of his chest. 
“Deep breaths, T. Deep breaths,” Keigo calls from the bathroom, and Toya can hear the smile on his face. He cracks his knuckles as he struts toward the open bathroom door where Keigo is preening himself in the mirror. He looks so fucking perfect, at least to Toya. Right now, he’s in nothing but a towel, and Toya is trying not to stare. Keigo Takami touches up his eyeliner in the mirror, and Toya chews his bottom lip as he taps his foot anxiously. 
“Did you take your meds, sweetie? They’ll probably help you today,” Keigo offers as he runs a finger over the triangular marks he drew pointing toward his inner eye corner, making them sharper. 
“Why? So I don’t burst into flames in the middle of dinner?” Toya snaps with a sardonic air, and Keigo turns to look at him with narrowed eyes. 
“I meant your anxiety medication,” He says flatly, though his eyes are more full of concern than his dry tone. 
“Oh…yeah… that ,” Toya huffs before slipping out of the room and walking toward the bedroom. He’d already taken the medication to quell his Quirk. The anxiety meds were significantly newer. It had been Keigo’s idea for him to start therapy, though he’d truthfully needed it for a while. He’d started medication about a month before they began dating. Once again, his father was the only one kept out of the loop. Toya opens up his drawer and swallows one of the small white pills, stealing a glance in the mirror at himself. He’s wearing one of his nicer button-up shirts that he’d bought to wear to work along with a pair of black slacks. His white hair looks more fluffy than spiky, something that he hoped his mother would appreciate. She always thought he looked like a punk whenever he styled it, so he just ran his fingers through it until it looked presentable. 
“Alright, babe! I’m ready!” Keigo calls in a chipper voice, and Toya traces his steps back to the living room. He blinks. Keigo is wearing a white T-shirt and an unbuttoned, faded slate blue overshirt. A pair of black sunglasses hang on the collar of his T-shirt, and he sports a few random bracelets on his wrist. Some of them are from Toya, others are just dumb things he’s collected from their beach trip. If he didn’t want to overdose, Toya would’ve popped another anxiety pill.
“T-That’s what you’re wearing?” He barely stammers. He doesn’t mean to be rude, but…Keigo looks fucking hot. It’s not something he expected him to meet his family in. 
“Why? Do you not like it?” Keigo pouts, looking down at himself. 
“No, no, no, no. I love it. You look really…really nice,” The social worker stutters, feeling a faint blush dust his cheeks at the thought of Keigo looming over him in that, pinning him down… Toya shakes his head to clear it; he’s gotta focus. 
“Sooo…what’s the issue?” Keigo cocks his head, confused, and Toya just waves his hands as he grabs his keys from the counter. 
“Nothing, nothing. Forget it. Let’s just go before my sister starts spam-calling.”
Toya takes a deep breath as he puts his car in park in the Todoroki family driveway. 
“Everything will be fine, T,” Keigo hums sweetly as he presses a swift kiss to his boyfriend’s temple. Toya shudders, trying to calm down. There’s no reason that they shouldn’t like Keigo. There’s absolutely no doubt in his mind that his family will love him. It’s the fact that he’s dating another man that’s bringing him worry. He wasn’t sure how his father would handle that. He’d only ever referred to Keigo as his “partner” over the phone, avoiding insinuating or explicitly stating that he was in a monogamous homosexual relationship. Toya had known from an early age that he was bisexual, but, truth be told, he’d never actually been in a real relationship before. Keigo was his first everything. His first kiss. His first love. His first time as of last week. He’d casually dated a bit in college, but nothing ever came of it. He always ended up accidentally running the other person off or pushing them away. Keigo was the only one who had stayed by his side. Keigo was the only one who made him feel comfortable…who made him unashamed to be himself. 
“I know, Kei. I know,” Toya echoes as the two step out of the car. He hears the door open, and he freezes. 
“TOYA!” Fuyumi Todoroki comes barreling out of the front door, and Toya’s eyes go wide as his little sister practically tackles him. If it were anyone else coming out of the house, Toya would’ve thrown up. His sister is the only one who knows that he has a boy friend. 
“Oh, it’s so good to see you!” Fuyumi beams, hugging him tightly and looking up at him behind her wide-rimmed glasses with a grin. “Me and Mom have been cooking all day for this! I really hope you enjoy it-uh…” Fuyumi’s tone changes when she sees Hawks sheepishly standing behind him, rubbing the back of his neck with a half-hearted smile. Slowly, she releases Toya and stands up straight, as if she’s putting the pieces together in her head. 
“Ah, and you must be Keigo! I’ve heard so much about you!” Fuyumi smiles broadly, and Keigo holds out his hand for her to shake. Instead, Fuyumi pulls him into a swift embrace. 
“You seem to make my brother very happy. I don’t think he’s ever been so crazy over someone,” Fuyumi whispers in Hawks’ ear, and the winged bastard smugly grins as they part. 
“Oh, really ?” Keigo clucks his tongue as he turns his attention to Toya, whose cheeks are starting to glow red. 
“C’mon, let’s just go inside,” Toya mutters, trying to swallow his pride as Fuyumi turns on her heel and leads the way inside. As they get to the front door, Keigo laces his fingers in Toya’s, squeezing his hand to comfort him. At first, Toya flinches away, but, when his eyes meet his boyfriend’s, he feels his heartbeat slow and his anxiety melt away. Either that or his meds finally kicked in. 
“Everybody! Toya’s here!” Fuyumi calls, and Natsuo pokes his head into the hallway. He blinks when he sees Keigo, and his eyes flick to their hands. 
“DAMN, DUDE! THE NUMBER TWO HERO?!” Natsuo cackles as he skips toward them. Toya’s mouth feels dry, and he feels a chill run down his spine. Everyone else in the house definitely heard that. Natsuo holds out his hand toward Keigo. 
“Nice to finally meet you, Hawks. I-uh-didn’t realize you were bangin’ my brother,” Natsuo chuckles, and Toya’s practically steaming. If he hadn’t been on his Quirk medication, he’d have surely burst into flames by now. 
“Natsu-” Toya growls, but Keigo cuts him off as he shakes his brother’s hand. 
“Nice to meet you, too. Natsuo?” Keigo asks, and Nats nods in recognition. “Yeah, Toya talks loads about you. Is your girlfriend here?” 
“Na. Tomoko couldn’t make it. Super stoked you’re here, though! My mom is gonna love you,” Natsuo smirks before turning tail and strutting toward the kitchen. 
“Okay. Here we go,” Toya mutters, leading Keigo into the dining room. 
His mother has truly outdone herself this time. The table is lined with plates upon plates of yakitori, soba, sashimi, onigiri, and sukiyaki. Toya and Keigo sit side by side as Natsuo and Fuyumi sit on opposite sides of the table. 
“Oh, hey, Hawks,” Shoto mutters calmly as he walks in, and Toya scoffs. 
“Do you two know each other or something?” Toya snorts, and Shoto shrugs. 
“My friend Tokoyami interned with him last year. Why is he here?” Shoto mutters calmly as he fixes himself a plate of cold soba. Natsuo almost chokes on his water. 
“Shoto. We told you Toya was bringing-”
“Yeah, so is she in the bathroom or something?” Shoto mutters with a straight face as he sits down on the other side of Hawks. Toya drums his fingers on the table and clears his throat. 
“No-uh-actually…I’m…I’m dating Hawks,” Toya explains before he fixes himself a bowl. 
“Oh…,” Shoto says, before adding, “Good job.” 
Now, it’s Keigo’s turn to choke on his water. Toya grins, raising an eyebrow and trying not to look too smug. Before he can make a witty remark, they hear footsteps coming in. A chill runs down Toya’s spine, and Keigo gently puts his hand on his knee and squeezes. Toya’s ocean blue eyes gaze into Keigo’s liquid gold ones, and he feels his quickened heartbeat calm down. His eyes say: “I love you, and it’ll be okay.”
Within a few seconds, Rei and Enji enter the room. Endeavor stops short in the doorway, seemingly frozen. 
“Oh, Toya, we’re so glad you’re home! Is this your partner, sweetie?” Rei asks with a warm smile as she comes and gives Toya a hug from behind. 
“Hi, Miss Todoroki. I’m Keigo Takami. You may know me as Hawks,” Keigo introduces himself as he extends his hand for her to shake. Rei takes it eagerly, but her husband is still staring at them from the doorway. 
“Hello, Hawks,” Endeavor mutters coldly. 
“Heya, Enji! Long time no see!” Hawks calls, waving him over. Enji Todoroki stalks to the table, folding his arms in front of his chest as he sits down across from his eldest son. Toya is trying not to melt into the floor. He can feel his father’s disapproving gaze on him. 
‘At least he’s talking to him,’ Toya thinks to himself. 
“Well, it is so very nice to meet you, Keigo. I’ve heard about you from my husband as well! You’ve been a big help on several missions!” Rei points out as everyone starts passing around the dishes to dump however much food on their plates they want. 
“Oh, well. I just try to do my job ma’am. That’s all,” Hawks shrugs sheepishly. 
“You do way more than just your job,” Toya pipes up, finding the courage to speak up as he avoids his father’s stare. “You’re amazing, Kei.”
“Not as amazing as you . Mister I-got-four-children-out-of-abusive-homes-last-week. You should have a Pro Hero’s salary with the kind of work you do,” Hawks sneers encouragingly before he plants a tender kiss on Toya’s cheek. Toya feels the blood rush to his cheeks for probably the fifth time that day, and Fuyumi snickers, covering her mouth. Enji huffs. 
“ Four. You didn’t mention that, Toya! That’s amazing!” Rei gasps, her gray eyes shining with pride at her eldest child. 
“Oh. Yeah, it’s whatever,” Toya mumbles, embarrassed. Natsuo lightly socks him in the arm. 
“Be proud, man. Not everyone can say they’ve made that much of a difference. Not even some Pros!” Nats adds, and Toya’s lips pull into a faint smile. 
“Natsuo’s right.”
A hush falls over the room as Endeavor’s booming voice echoes off the walls. Toya can’t help but force himself to look up into the harsh blue eyes that mirror his own. 
“A lot of Pro Heroes can’t say that they’ve had four successful rescues in a week,” Endeavor points out before shoving an onigiri into his mouth. Toya chews his bottom lip, contemplating whether or not he should thank his father for his extremely rare kind words. He didn’t want to care about his input, but…some small part of him always has…always will. 
“So…Toya…is…is Keigo your-” Enji starts, but his hesitancy lights a fire in Toya. 
“Yes. Yes, he is. Keigo’s my boyfriend,” Toya harshly cuts him off, cerulean eyes glaring. 
“Nice,” Shoto monotonously drones again, causing Natsuo to swallow his laughter. 
“And. How. How exactly does this work? Are you the woman in this relationship? I thought I'd raised you up to be a man,” Enji asks bluntly. 
“ENJI!” Rei snaps, balling her fists up as she turns to stare daggers at her husband. 
“Rei, I think your husband is just speaking out of ignorance. It’s fine,” Keigo interjects before Toya can explode. Endeavor sits up straighter, leering down at the winged Pro. 
“I wasn’t being ignorant. I was simply asking a que-”
“Now, Enji. Can I call ya Enji? Rest assured, your son treats me with the utmost respect and love, and I do everything in my power to return that tenfold. We’re both happy, and our relationship is healthy. In the end, that’s all that should matter, right?” Keigo says matter-of-factly, keeping a carefree tone. However, his eyes have a faint glint of hostility. Toya is shaking beside him, partially with rage and partially with terror. By this time, dinner’s over. They don’t really have an excuse to stay any longer in Toya’s eyes. 
“Kei. I think we should leave,” Toya mutters under his breath coldly, and another hush falls over the table. Fuyumi stares at the floor, Shoto is completely oblivious, and Natsuo’s eyes flit from his parents to Toya and Keigo. 
“Oh, Toya. You don’t have to-” Rei starts, only for Toya to stand up and cut her off. 
“It’s fine, Mom. Really. I’m glad I got to see you. Dinner was great. Thank you,” Toya smiles half-heartedly, his eyes softening to look at his mother. However, his gaze turns borderline lethal when he turns his attention to his father. “Just so you know. I love Keigo. Definitely more than you’ve ever loved anyone.” 
Enji’s eyes narrow as his eldest son stalks out of the house, slamming the door behind him. 
“Uhhhh. I better go after him. He’s my ride,” Keigo stammers awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck as he stands up. 
“The food was delicious, Miss Todoroki. It was so nice to meet all of you. See you again, soon,” Hawks bows curtly before shuffling out the door. 
“That could’ve gone better,” Hawks sighs as he climbs into bed beside his boyfriend. The two are in nothing but their boxers, and Toya is finally calming down. Despite how angry he had been, he’d been sobbing on the car ride back. He’d had a feeling his dad would act like this, but a small part of him believed he had the ability to change. Boy, had he been wrong. 
“Y’know. Give it time, T. I work with the guy. Maybe I can help him understand,” Hawks points out as he cups the side of Toya’s face, pulling him toward him to gently press his lips to his. Toya hums into the kiss, desperate to lose himself in his lover’s touch. He wanted to forget this day so badly. Keigo’s hands dance up and down Toya’s body, forcing soft moans to muffle in his throat as their lips collide. One hand teasingly pulls at the waistband of his boxers, and Toya’s breath hitches. He can taste Keigo’s cheeky smile before he pulls away, and their eyes glow in the darkness.
“Do you have work tomorrow?” Keigo asks, and Toya shakes his head. The Pro Hero’s devilish grin spreads wide on his face as his feathers slowly strip the last of their clothing. As if he can read Toya's mind, Keigo says:
“Good. Guess I’ll just have to make you forget all about today then. The only thing you’ll remember is tonight.”
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lou-struck · 2 years
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Hey guys, thanks to you I hit a milestone I never thought I would get to. It really means a lot to me that people like something that I made. 
These past few months have been a bit overwhelming and I have found myself searching for comfort in all sorts of places. There’s things that work for me and things that work for others. But I have found it interesting to see what makes people feel at ease.
That was a part of the inspiration for this event.
I will be posting drabbles and short fics related to a Comfort Prompt. I want to know what helps you unwind when things get to be a lot.
➼Fandoms include BNHA, KNY, HQ, and Obey Me.
➼Please refer to my Blog Rules before submitting! (Please Pay Attention To This)
➼You don't need to be following me to make a request for this event
➼All works will be SFW
➼Character repeats ARE allowed
➼ Feel Free to submit more than one. No guarantee all will be added
To Enter: Feel free to send me an ask, message, or comment below a combination of a character, and something that makes you feel comforted such as watching a movie or going to the batting cages and hitting out your stress on some unsuspecting baseballs.
~all works will be tagged with #Comforts☕ for organizational purposes.
link to my ask box!
Tagging @tokyometronetwork
Below is a list of the prompts, this may not be final so check back every once in a while to see if anything has changed
➼Cat Café - Katsuki Bakugou
➼ Tickle Attack- Keigo Takami
➼ Listening to Music - Tamaki Amajiki
➼Playing Video Games- Tomara Shigaraki
➼Warm Bread- Dabi
➼ Being Loud- Kōtarō Bokuto
➼ Drawing with music- Asahi Azumane
Obey Me!
➼ Being Human isn't so Baaaad.- Beel
➼ Self Care -Asmo
➼ Retail Therapy- Mammon
Options, and Options, and Options… Giyuu Tomioka x reader
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 11 months
123 Please Just Let Me Be
123 please just let me be/ by Amsleepdeprivedlol
Someone from the HPSC saw Katsuki using his quirk in the park when he was six and saw potential, and who is Mitsuki to turn them down when they come knocking on their door with a proposal about taking Katsuki in to train him. Her little Katsuki admired heroes and wanted to be one, and maybe they could get rid of that big ego of his and the arrogance. ¨
Katsuki is the HPSC's problem until he is 16, then he becomes Aizawa's problem along with all the other problem children that is Class-1A. And Aizawa knows 2 things, he will demand a raise and the HPSC can suck his di#k.
Words: 1631, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A, Class 1-B, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Shinsou Hitoshi, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Monoma Neito, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Todoroki Shouto, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Hero Public Safety Commission, Eri
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Class 1-A, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki & Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki & Monoma Neito, Bakugou Masaru/Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Katsuki & Hero Public Safety Commission, Bakugou Katsuki & Takami Keigo | Hawks, Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki & Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko
Additional Tags: Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Bakugou Katsuki-centric, Bakugou Katsuki Needs a Hug, Bakugou Katsuki Needs Therapy, Mentioned Bakugou Mitsuki, Fashion Designer Bakugou Mitsuki, Mentioned Bakugou Masaru, Fashion Designer Bakugou Masaru, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is So Done, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Good Teacher, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Needs a Raise, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Needs a Vacation, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Needs a Break, Bakusquad, Hero Public Safety Commission Bashing, Hero Public Safety Commission's Bad Parenting, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Little Shit, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Brat, Takami Keigo | Hawks & Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko Friendship, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko is a Little Shit, Shinsou Hitoshi is Bad at Feelings, Insomniac Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi is a Good Friend, Monoma Neito is a Little Shit, Monoma Neito is a Good Friend, No Romance, Parental Kayama Nemuri | Midnight
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48477355
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Try, Try Again
try, try again by SpiritusRex
“There are villains,” Izuku says breathlessly, “still out there, there are villains.”
His hands tremble. And tremble. And tremble.
“You're done,” Aizawa says flatly. “Your health is in shambles, Midoriya. Whatever evolution your quirk has gone through is draining you.”
“I don't care,” Izuku says. “I have to get back out there.”
Words: 1031, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of ٩(๑`ȏ´๑)۶ (NWA Fic Fight June 2023)
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku, Takami Keigo | Hawks
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Post-My Hero Academia Chapter 318: Reckless, Set during Izuku's runaway vigilante arc, Temporary Character Death, Dissociation, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku Needs Therapy, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is So Done, Hawks is kinda just there because I didn't want Aizawa to be watching over Izuku alone, He doesn't matter a ton, Angst
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47635999
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