#ah it’s Weasley Wednesday!
Babes! I’m running on zero sleep and I’m writing like a mad woman! Send me some HC requests please?
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Mechanic!Garreth Weasley
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Weasley Wednesday just got greasy and dirty
This week's Garreth's Groupies Discord Prompt is: Alternative Universe
Mechanic!Garreth x F!MC 🔥 NSFW 🔞
Long fic under the cut ❤️
With the last box loaded into the back of her little van, MC checked her clipboard one last time before giving a wave to Ben in stores. "I'll catch you in a bit, Ben," she said. "Thanks for helping me load up."
"No worries, MC," he said. "And don't let them give you any crap today, okay?"
MC grinned and waved her hand in dismissal. "Ah thanks, but I'm tougher than I look. I'll be fine."
Climbing into the driver's seat, she checked her delivery round list and entered the first address into her SatNav. Sunglasses on, radio turned up, MC put the van into gear and set off.
It was summer, the sky a gorgeous blue with little puffs of cloud drifting lazily by. MC sang along to the radio, thinking about Ben's concerns, but MC could handle the banter. She had been delivering to the local motor garages for about 6 months now and learned to let the comments from the techs bounce off her skin. Their cheeky remarks about her bending over to pick things up, asking if her uniform came in a lower or tighter fit, were just lads getting through their working day. She wasn't against a bit of flirting, and most of the time, that's all it was.
MC laughed it off or quipped back with a little comment of her own. Most of them were harmless, and the odd creep was easily handled with a firm look and a few choice words. Her Dad hadn't raised a fool. Working in the trade himself, she was well used to being around a working garage, having spent her Saturday mornings helping her Dad as a kid.
Her first drop went without a hitch, and then she was back in the van checking her clipboard for the next drop. A small smile curved her lips. She recognised the address and didn't need the SatNav. Weasley's Motors was a regular client and she definitely didn't mind if he wanted to flirt with her, that was for sure.
Nestled out of town down a country road, Weasley's Motors was a garage that worked out of an old lock up on a farm. Her van made the turn into the driveway, bouncing along the potholes in the gravel track until she pulled up outside the entrance. MC turned off the ignition, and the quiet surroundings were pierced by the sound of a heavy-duty tool from inside the workshop, the distant sound of a radio playing the only other noise.
She climbed out with her clipboard, lifting her sunglasses on top of her head as she peered into the gloom of the workshop. There was no sign of the owner, Garreth, but his work mate, Ryan, was bent over an engine, his overalls pulled down and tied at his waist. He stood and turned to look at her, a slimy grin spreading across his face.
"Here she is," he said. He grabbed a rag and wiped at his filthy hands, wandering towards her. "What you got for us today then, love?"
MC moved to the rear of the van, opening the doors and checking the deliveries in the back. If it was just Ryan, then she wanted to get this over with. He was one of those that bordered on creep territory.
"Service parts and brakes, I think," she said. She spotted the service parts order in a bag and grabbed it, checking the invoice. She patted a cardboard box marked heavy. "Would you mind grabbing the brake discs for me?"
Ryan gave her a slow look up and down as he approached the back of the van, and MC pretended not to notice. He bent to pick up the brake discs, the smooth toned muscle of his arms flexing at the weight of them. "Anything for you, love," he said.
MC flashed a polite smile and carried the bag towards the workshop, Ryan following close behind. She glanced around. "Is Garreth about? I need a signature, and I've got some old invoices that need checking."
Ryan nodded as he put the brake discs down on his tool trolley. "Garreth!" He yelled. Ryan moved towards the back, waving for MC to follow as he disappeared through a door. His voice carried out to her. "That bird with the nice arse is here from AutoParts."
MC rolled her eyes, hanging back in the workshop in case Garreth wasn't actually in there. She did not want to be alone in the back room with Ryan, and she clutched her clipboard a little tighter, fantasising about whacking it around Ryan's head.
Ryan appeared, grin still in place. "He's just coming, love."
MC tensed as he passed her, his eyes roving over her as he went back to work on his car. He was one of the creeps that she would rather avoid, and it was a shame because Garreth was lovely.
MC let some of her tension go as Garreth appeared in the doorway, his wavy red hair tumbling across his forehead, his smile wide as he saw her waiting for him. He had gorgeous green eyes and a smattering of freckles over his face. Today he was wearing dark grey overalls, pulled down and tied at his waist as Ryan's were, revealing a black, sleeveless top that showed off toned arms covered in tattoos.
MC felt her cheeks warming up as she tried not to oogle him. To do so would make her no better than Ryan, but it was hard not to. Garreth was bloody gorgeous and she gave him a shy smile, feeling like a frump in her steel toe caps, jeans, and checked shirt. Over her shirt, she was wearing her work high-vis vest, and her hair was thrown up in a messy bun. It was not her best look, but it was only work after all. Right now, though, she was wishing she had made more of an effort this morning when she crawled out of bed.
"Hey, how's it going?" Garreth said. He was always cheerful, his smile welcoming and you couldn't help but smile back.
"Not bad," MC said. She held up her clipboard. "I've got some paperwork that needs signing and some invoices to double check."
"No problem. Do you want to come through to the office?" Garreth pointed his thumb back through the door, and this time MC nodded, more than willing to follow him.
As she followed Garreth through the doorway, Ryan shouted across the workshop. "Get her number this time!"
Garreth huffed a laugh and shook his head. He gave MC a sheepish look. "Sorry about him, he can be a bit of a knob."
MC laughed. "I noticed."
The office was tiny, the desk a chaotic jumble of paperwork, dirty tea mugs, and random tools. The wall was covered in planners, posters of cars, notices, and a calendar of topless models hung from a rusty nail. Garreth filled the space and MC hovered near the door, clutching her clipboard a little nervously.
Garreth grabbed a box of donuts from the desk and held it out to her. "Would you like one?"
MC eyed the sugar-coated delights, but the black finger marks around the box made her nose wrinkle. "I'm all good, cheers."
Garreth shrugged and dropped the box back down before rubbing his hands together, his grin playful. "Come on, then. Where do I need to sign my life away?"
MC held out her clipboard and pointed to the box where he needed to sign. Garreth grabbed a pen from the pot on his desk and leaned in to sign his name, his hair falling across his forehead, while she held the clipboard for him. He was left-handed, and his arm brushed against her hand as he signed. His skin was warm, the hairs tickled against the backs of her fingers, and she almost shivered. His male scent surrounded her, the clean aroma of his shower gel and his aftershave mingled with the underlying tang of oil and grease.
His eyes lifted to hers, and she stared at him, a nervous smile lifting the corners of her mouth. The soft green of his eyes was just so lovely, framed with thick copper lashes, and they sparkled with a hidden mischievousness and warmth. Being this close to him had her heart pounding and she wondered if he could tell.
"Thanks," she murmured. She mentally shook herself, reminding herself that she was supposed to be working here, and lifted the signing sheet to pull out the invoice file. "Erm, this is for you. Outstanding invoices. My supervisor wanted me to get you to check them and give the office a call."
Garreth took the paper, leaning his hips back against the desk as he quickly checked it. He nodded and grabbed up a small box from the desk, pulling out a handful of business cards. "Before I forget, would you mind putting some of these on your shop counter? I've just had them made up and I thought I would be cheeky and ask."
MC took the cards, her fingers brushing against his as she did so, the contact adding to the gentle swirl of heat building inside of her. She looked at the cards, quickly reading the details.
"I've started doing a call-out service out of hours. The number is on the card," he said. "Another way to earn a few pennies."
She smiled and tucked the cards into her pocket, wondering if this was a subtle way of giving her his number. Ryan certainly kept hinting at him getting hers. "I'll put them on the counter myself," she promised.
"Thank you, I appreciate it," he grinned. His eyes glanced over her, not as obvious as Ryan, but there was a glimmer of interest all the same that stoked her hope. "Been up to much lately?"
"Oh, you know, working, the usual. I tried that new bar in town last weekend," she replied.
He looked up with interest. "I know the one. Wasn't there a band playing?"
She nodded. "Yes, they were really good."
He smiled. "I should check it out sometime."
"You should."
The air hung thickly between them, both of them eyeing the other. MC bit her lip, her mind going blank as she tried to think of something to say. She had noted a while ago that there was no wedding ring on his left hand, but then in his trade, that wasn't unusual. It was too dangerous to wear rings. You could lose a finger if it got caught up at the wrong time. She wondered if he had a wife or girlfriend waiting for him at home. She wouldn't be surprised if he did. It made her hesitate to say much more, the words suggesting that they should go to the bar together dancing on the tip of her tongue.
"Are you going this weekend?" He asked. Was that a glimmer of hope in his eyes?
MC felt her cheeks grow warm again, and she fiddled with the hem of her work vest. Her tummy flipped at the idea of going with him. "I might," she said.
The phone rang on his desk behind him, and they both turned to look at it. He gave her an apologetic smile. "I'd better get this," he said regretfully.
MC nodded. She should really be getting on with her delivery round, the taco in the van would be timing her and she shouldn't really be lingering. "Sure. I'll erm... I'd best get going. See you next time."
"Take care," he said. His smile was soft as he looked at her, reaching out to pick up the phone. It made her far too reluctant to leave his office, but he held the phone to his ear and he was back into work mode. "Weasley's Motors, how can I help?"
MC backed out of the office, a little regretful that their conversation had been interrupted. She sighed and tapped her clipboard against her thigh as she crossed the workshop, her thoughts still on Garreth and his smile.
"Alright, love?" Ryan said. He ducked out from under the bonnet of the car he was working on and her soft, warm feelings over Garreth plummeted into mild disgust. "Did we get your number this time?"
MC looked at him and rolled her eyes. "You want a number?" She tore a sheet out from under the delivery list on her clipboard and shoved it into his hand. She pointed at the headed paper for the company she worked for and smiled sweetly. "Contact details right there. Have a nice day."
Ryan laughed as she turned away, completely unperturbed by her sass. She ignored him. "Maybe next time then, yeah?" He called out.
She strode out of the workshop and out into the sunlight, irritated as she threw the clipboard into the passenger seat of the van, and fired the ignition.
The late summer sun was sinking below the horizon as MC dropped her friend, Poppy, off at her home. They had been down to the sea front for a walk on the beach and a cheeky ice cream. It had been nice to catch up with her. She had been full of stories about her boyfriend, Sebastian, and MC felt a twinge of envy.
Why couldn't she keep hold of a bloke? Her luck was terrible. She always seemed to end up with the Ryan's of the world and longed for a Sebastian of her own, a bloke who would treat her properly, as well as ruin her in the bedroom. Maybe a bloke like Garreth. The thought made her smile. Bloody hell, she fancied him.
MC took the turn out of Poppy's apartment block car park and turned the radio up a bit, singing along to the song playing as she drove towards home. As she was moving along the dual carriage way, a strange clunking sound came from under the car, and she frowned, turning the radio volume back down again. Her eyes quickly scanned the dash for any warning lights, but there was none. She slowed down, her ears pricked up in case it happened again. It did. A clunk and then the car seemed to dip in speed on its own, the engine power dying.
"No, no, no," she groaned. She gripped the steering wheel, a look of misery on her face as she pulled to the side of the road and rolled to a stop. She leant her head against the steering wheel and sighed. "Shit!"
Unbuckling her seat belt, she pulled the bonnet catch and got out. The road was quiet, the sky a deep blue that was quickly turning into the black of night. She lifted the bonnet and squinted in the dying light, pulling out her phone to turn the torch light on. She shone it over the engine bay but couldn't see anything obvious.
The oil and water were good. She checked it regularly as her Dad had taught her. The only thing she had not done was get her service yet. Money had been tight, and she had been holding off. She bit her lip, knowing her Dad was going to lecture her for not doing it, but that wasn't going to help her now. Perhaps she had blown a filter or something and she rubbed her face with her hand.
Glancing down at her phone, she debated calling her Dad. He was away on holiday, but it wouldn't be the first time he had tried to diagnose a problem over the phone. Then, a flash of inspiration struck her. Her heart pounded as she hurried back around to the car door, climbing in on her knees to fumble around on the back seat for her work vest. Out of the pocket, she pulled the business cards that Garreth had given her earlier. Thank goodness she hadn't put them in the shop yet.
Her fingers trembled as she keyed in the phone number for out of hours, hoping that it wasn't going to put her through to Ryan. The dialling tone sounded and was answered quickly.
MC took a breath. "Hi, erm...is that Garreth?"
"Yeah," he said slowly. "Who is this?"
"Hi, it's MC. I deliver to you, you know, AutoParts? I was there today."
"MC?...Wow, erm...what can I do for you?"
She cringed. "I've broken down, and I still had your card in my pocket...you said were doing call outs now?"
"Oh, right, so you need my services? Where are you?"
MC told him the road she was on and roughly how far along from the nearest junction she was.
"Are you alone?" He asked. She told him she was. "Hang tight, darling. I'm on my way."
MC felt a flood of warmth at the endearment and bit her lip at the concern in his voice. She gazed around at the isolated surroundings of where she had stopped and appreciated his promise of being on his way.
The road was quiet, the odd vehicle rushing past, the headlights growing brighter and then fading off in to the distance. MC had locked the car and moved into the grass verge to sit and wait. She knew never to sit in the car and wait in case you get slammed from behind by a truck that didn't see you parked up. She had the hazard lights on, but it wasn't worth the risk. Even though the creepy darkness was starting to put her on edge, she stayed put.
Now that the sun was gone, the air had cooled, and MC hugged her arms about herself. She was only wearing a thin vest top, and tiny denim shorts and goosebumps covered her arms. She played about on her phone, scrolling aimlessly as she waited for Garreth, a little flutter of anticipation her chest at the thought of seeing him again.
When a pickup truck slowed to a stop behind her car, MC hesitated, eyeing the driver as he climbed out, relief washing over her when she saw Garreth's unruly mop of red hair. She stood, brushing loose grass from her bare legs. "Sorry to call you out so late, Garreth," she said, approaching him.
He smiled that gorgeous smile. Tonight he was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, with a lightweight dark jacket. "Not at all, I was just watching TV. Are you alright?"
She nodded. "I'm alright, but my car not so much."
He came closer and held out a bottle of water and a big share bag of crisps towards her. She eyed them with confusion. "You brought snacks?" She asked, amused.
He shrugged. "I'm always prepared, and I thought you might be hungry."
She giggled. "Do you do this for all your customers?"
"Only the pretty ones." His wink made her tummy flutter, and she took the offered treats with a shy smile, thanking him.
She explained what had happened, and he had a quick look under the bonnet. "You're probably right about it being a filter but I won't know for sure until I get a proper look at it. It's too dark to see out here, but I can tow your car back to the garage and check it out tomorrow if you like."
"That would be great, thank you. I will call a taxi or something to get myself home." She smiled, rubbing her arm with her hand against the chill as she unlocked her phone.
"Don't be daft. I'll give you a lift home," he offered.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"Of course," he said. He studied her a moment and then slipped his jacket off and held it out to her. "You're cold. Here, put this on. I'll get the tow rope fixed up and you can go sit in the truck and warm up."
MC blushed. "Oh, you don't have to give me your jacket."
He sighed and moved around her to drop the jacket over her shoulders, smoothing his hands over them as he did so. MC shivered, but not from the cold, her breath hitching at the solid feel of his hands on her. The jacket was warm from his body heat and smelled of him. It was doing torturously wonderful things to her insides. She wondered what else those strong hands could do as he held her.
"No arguments," he said. Still holding her shoulders, he guided her towards the truck and opened the passenger door. He nodded inside. "In you get. I won't be long."
The truck was warmer than being outside, despite the mess and the lingering odour of oil and men, and MC hugged his jacket around her as she watched Garreth fix up the ropes. He was adorably sweet, bringing her snacks and giving her his jacket, but right now she was shamelessly gawping at his arms in the glow of the headlights as he pulled the rope tight.
Once the car was roped up and ready, MC got back out of the truck.
"Have you ever been towed before?" He asked.
She nodded. "My Dad was a tech. I've done this plenty of times."
Garreth's smile was warm. He caught her under her chin with a calloused finger, the touch light, there and then gone. The burn his touch left behind tingled down her neck and spread all over her.
"Full of surprises, aren't you? Jump in your car then, and we'll get going. I will go to the garage first and then I'll take you home. I won't go to fast, we'll take it easy."
They took a careful trip to his garage with no incident, pulling up outside, and then he unhitched her car, pushing it inside the workshop where it would be safe.
"I can't thank you enough for this," she said. Garreth checked the workshop and was pulling the huge doors closed. He grinned at her. "Maybe you can buy me a beer in that new bar to say thank you."
Her heart leapt. "Sure! I mean, yeah, I could do that," she said, blushing. She hesitated. "You've not got a girlfriend or anything have you?"
He paused to look at her, his hands on the other door, and shook his head. "No. What about you? No boyfriend at home waiting for you?"
She shook her head. He looked thoughtful for a moment and then pulled the garage door closed, locking it up securely. He walked towards her slowly and reached out to slip the keys into his jacket pocket, the jacket she was still wearing. She was reluctant to take it off, not ready to lose the warmth and his scent.
His eyes met hers, his gaze glittering in the darkness, the glow of the security light reflecting in the green depths. He reached up and gently brushed her hair back with a finger, the callused tip grazing against her temple.
"How is it possible that a girl as beautiful as you has no man waiting for her at home?" He asked softly.
"I'm just not that lucky," she whispered. His touch was stoking the aching burn between her thighs, his eyes deep pools of temptation that she would happily drown in.
He trailed that finger down her cheek, waking up her goosebumps as he continued along her jaw, his thumb brushing against her lips. She parted them, her breathing picking up the pace, her heart thudding against her ribs and she couldn't tear her gaze away.
He bent down and brushed his lips against hers, a teasing kiss, a gentle taste, before pulling back a little. His eyes burned into hers, and she grabbed the front of his t-shirt, her mouth claiming his for another kiss because one just wasn't enough. He moaned against her lips, his hands sliding up over her waist, gripping at her vest top and pulling it up so he could smooth his palms over her skin.
She gasped at the feel of those calloused hands on her midriff, her mouth opening to welcome the taste of him, his tongue gliding smoothly against hers as he backed her up. Her Converse scraped against the gravel, legs stumbling backwards until she collided with his truck, his kiss deepening with desperate hunger. She shoved a hand into that glorious hair, fingers sliding through soft locks as he reached around to grab her arse, groaning as he moulded it with his hands.
"Fuck, you feel so good," he breathed. He pinned her against the truck, hips grinding, and she whimpered. She could feel how hard he was, and she ached for more, arching her back, greedy for his touch.
MC slid her hands under his t-shirt, sighing at the delicious ripple of firm muscle, the soft hair on his stomach, and achingly smooth skin. She teased his lips with tongue and teeth, drawing soft sounds from his throat, he was very vocal and it spurred her on. His hands moved to her thighs, sliding upwards, fingers delving under the hem of her tiny shorts. They were short enough for him to grab the flesh of her arse and he hummed in approval.
"I've been wanting to get my hands on your arse for bloody weeks," he murmured. He bent to mouth at her neck, his hands groping and moulding her flesh. "So fucking sexy."
MC tilted her head back, a soft groan leaving her mouth as he sucked at her neck, tongue sliding over her hot skin. "Keep groping me like that and I won't be responsible for my actions," she teased.
"Hmm, is that right?" He squeezed her arse even harder with a growl, before sliding his hands up and around, pushing them up under her vest to cup her breasts, his fingers sliding over the lace of her bra. "Oops, more groping. What are you gonna do?"
She chuckled and slid her hand down to cup him through his jeans, palming along his length with slow deliberate strokes. He groaned and rutted against her hand. "Fuck, yes..."
"You like that, huh?" She whispered.
He pressed his forehead to hers, eyes looking down at her hand as she rubbed, his hips rocking. He bit his lower lip, moaning. "Your place or mine?" He asked. "I need to get you somewhere, and fast, before I fuck you against my truck."
Hunger, hot and feverish swept over her, an ache so fierce she was panting with it. Her fingers fumbled at his jeans, tugging at the buttons. "Do it," she begged. "Fuck me."
A shocked sound left his mouth, his eyes wide as he looked at her. She stared back at him, breathing hard, her body begging for him to take her.
"What...are you sure?"
She had his jeans open now, and she kept her eyes on his as she slid a hand inside, her fingers sliding over the hot, silky skin of his hard cock. She felt it twitch under her touch, a low moan coming from him, his eyes hooded and glazed over as she began to stroke him. "I want it," she whispered.
Utterly gorgeous, sexy and adorably cute. Oh, she was sure.
Garreth groaned and kissed her, his mouth devouring her as he made quick work of her shorts, shoving them downwards to expose the pretty lace of her knickers. Impatient fingers tugged that lace aside, sliding eagerly down and delving into her waiting slick. MC moaned, lips parting as Garreth skilfully swept finger tips over her opening, soaking his fingers with an appreciative groan before sliding two deep inside of her.
"All this for me," he said. He pumped his fingers, twisting them slightly. "Fuck, MC, you're perfect."
MC whimpered and rocked her hips, clinging to him as the pad of his thumb sought out her clit and rubbed in torturous, slow circles. "Garreth..."
"Tell me," he whispered. His mouth moved to her ear, nipping and kissing along the shell of it. He moaned into her ear, his fingers curling and rubbing her into a panting, moaning mess. "That's it, fucking moan for me. I want to hear you."
His filthy talk was so hot, adding to the desperate ache. Her thighs trembled and her back arched, her head tilted back and rolled in ecstasy against the window of his truck as he sucked bright blooms of red down her neck. She could feel the building pressure of her climax, each firm, deliberate thrust of his fingers driving her faster and faster towards it. She didn't care that they were outside and someone could come along and catch them at any moment. All that mattered was his smouldering green eyes and the way his fingers were driving her crazy.
"Garreth," she cried. Her nails dug into the flesh of his arm, the muscle beneath her grip flexing as he fucked her with his hand. Her climax hit, and she clenched around his fingers, a cry leaving her lips, splitting the quiet darkness of the night around them.
Garreth whispered words of praise into her ear, his fingers easing gently, stroking her in teasing slow circles as she shuddered with little after shocks, overly sensitive and throbbing. "Such a good girl," he whispered. "I'm gonna fuck you now. Is that what you want?"
"Yes," she whispered, biting her lower lip. "Please..."
Garreth slipped the jacket from her shoulders, opening the truck door and throwing it inside. He slid both hands up her body, pushing up her vest top to expose her bra. He hummed in appreciation, his thumbs hooking back the lace.
"I need to see these," he murmured. He tugged back the lace and bent to lick across her breasts, moaning against her flesh as he took a nipple into his mouth and sucked, his tongue rolling over her hardened peak. "Delicious," he whispered.
He kissed up over her collar bone and throat, finding her mouth, and he kissed her deeply. His hands reached around to grab her arse again. He moaned and pulled his mouth away. "I'm gonna turn you around, alright?"
MC nodded. "Okay."
He smiled and kissed her nose, his hands gently turning her, shuffling them along a bit until they were at the open passenger door of the truck. He pushed her forward and bent her in over the seat, her legs trembling as he slid her knickers down over her hips, letting them pool at her ankles with her shorts. He smoothed his hands over her arse and hips, dipping between her legs to tease her with gentle fingers before pressing her thighs open a little more. "Fucking hell," he groaned. "That looks so perfect."
MC felt a blush heat her face as he caressed and teased her from behind, her breasts squished against the seat, her hands gripping the edge as he slid fingers inside of her again. He worked her open, soft moans leaving her lips as she felt the brush of his cock against her thigh.
"Please..." She whimpered. She rocked her hips eagerly. She felt the pressure of his tip as he rubbed it teasingly against her slick heat. She rocked her hips again, and he moaned.
"So greedy for my cock," he whispered. He guided himself inside of her, both of them moaning at the intrusion. He filled her up so perfectly, and as he began to move, MC buried her face into the seat. Her hands grappled for purchase against the leather, bracing against the centre console of the truck as he began to fuck her hard.
A cry left her mouth, his skin slapping against her arse in a punishing rhythm, the truck rocking on its wheels as he braced one arm against the top of the door frame. His other hand gripped her hip, breathless grunts, and moans spilling from his mouth as he pounded relentlessly. The angle was utter bliss, each thrust hitting that sweet spot until she saw white spots in front of her eyes. Her climax came swift, ripping through her with blazing heat, her walls clenching tightly around him.
Garreth swore viciously, grinding against her tight and hard with a growl before pulling out. MC whimpered at the sudden emptiness, gasping as his cock slapped against her arse, sliding upwards, hot and throbbing as his cum splattered up her sweaty back.
All she could hear were their tortured breaths in the silence as they took a moment to recover. And then the truck dipped, and he leaned in over her. She smiled as she felt his lips soft and teasing against her shoulder blade.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
She nodded. "That was so good," she said.
She heard him fumbling about and turned her head. He grinned as he pulled a rag out of the door compartment and wiped the cum from her back. He chuckled. "Apologies, I made a bit of a mess."
"We made a mess," she chuckled.
He helped her out of the truck, and as she adjusted her bra and vest top, he bent to slide her knickers and shorts up her legs. She smiled at him, appreciating the way he was taking care of her. One minute, he was banging her within an inch of her life. The next, he was sweetly tugging up her knickers and pressing soft kisses on her thighs. What more could she ask for?
When he stood up, she grabbed his t-shirt and pulled him in close. She stared up into those pretty green eyes of his. For so long, she had met them with shy smiles. Now she had seen them burn with desire, and for her no less. The smile she gave him now was one of intimacy, appreciating the fucked out daze of his eyes knowing that she had put it there.
She liked that look. She could get used to seeing it all too easily. She cupped his face and pressed a slow kiss to his lips.
"You know we are doing that again, right?"
His eyebrows lifted, his eyes pleased, eager. "We are?"
She smirked and nodded. "Your place or mine?"
"Mine," he said. Then he tilted his head thoughtfully. "Might have to stop at McDonald's drive-through on the way, though. I'm fucking starving."
MC giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Deal. And it's my treat seeing as you came to my rescue this evening."
He kissed her nose, his hands roaming around to cup her backside again. He was definitely an arse man. "Sex and a burger. Best night ever," he grinned.
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ashisgreedy · 1 year
Garreth Weasley x F!MC
"Good Boyfriend"
Weasley Wednesday Theme: Wet
Tags: Smut 18+ | Established Relationship | Aged up 21+ | Fingering | Multiple O’s | Dirty talk | Light Spanking | Eating out | No plot |
WC: 2,890
A|N: Writing this was fatherless behavior. I am so sorry. I'm not.
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A breath passes between them as Gareth stares down at her. Their lips are plump from the evening's kisses. He holds her gaze and sends her an adoring look. His arms are around her as they take a short break from their makeout session.
She cups his face, rubbing her thumb along the seam of his mouth. The old couch they're on dips comfortably as they sit side by side. 
Garreth parts his lips as her thumb traces his features. He takes a deep breath and pulls her closer, nearly hugging her to his larger frame. The fireplace ahead of them crackles and fills the room with a warm glow. 
“You are so beautiful.” Garreth’s hand runs down her arm. “Are you warmed up yet, darling?”
She wistfully slides her hand down his chest. “I am, why?” She smiles and reaches up to fix a strand of his wavy hair back into place. 
Garreth’s eyes glint playfully. “Because I’m ready to start taking these clothes off you.” 
The heat from the fire and their frenzied kissing session had warmed her right up. The outside air is unforgiving as it whistles by, but they are safe and cozy in the living room of the small cottage.
She presses her lips together and nods eagerly. “Go ahead…”
With her consent, his hands fly to her top. He begins unfastening the buttons with ease, as he's done many times before. She leans in for a kiss to hide her growing blush. Garreth’s tongue slips eagerly passed her lips as he makes quick work of the buttons.
His hands slide along her bare torso, fingers catching on the strap of her bra. He utters her name as her top falls from her body. “You’re so perfect. I know I say that every time, but… wow.” 
He reaches behind her and pinches the clasp to her bra. Instinctively, she brings her arms up to prevent the undergarment from revealing too much too soon. 
Her heart kicks into gear as Garreth gently moves her arms. The garment falls onto her lap. He slowly slides it from her arms and flings it to the floor. 
Garreth hums his satisfaction and caresses his palms over her breasts. He kisses her lips hard and uses his thumbs to tease the peaks. 
She sighs her delight and presses her chest into his hands. His lips move from hers down to kiss the rise of her breasts. He sucks the flesh lightly and rubs his tongue in circles over her nipple. 
“Oh, Garreth…” She grabs a fist of his hair and tugs gently, urging him to continue. 
He moves to the opposite breast, leaving a wake of kisses between them. His tongue teases before he bites down gently. She moans up at the ceiling, tossing her head back to savor the moment. Both her hands dig into his hair, messing it up entirely. 
“Ah,” He pulls away, leaving his kisses to dry cold on her skin. “Now, let’s get this skirt off you.” He tugs the fabric but it doesn’t budge. 
“It’s, uh. There’s a zipper.” She tries to regulate her breath as she stands. 
“Turn around, I’ll help.” Garreth holds her hips as he guides her to face away from him. He pulls the zipper down and the garment pools at her feet. “You have the perfect body….” He mutters to himself. 
She steps out of the skirt and faces him in just her panties. He peers up at her from where he sits, a reverent look on his face. 
Garreth brushes his hand over the cotton and moves to cup her sex. His fingers slide along her clothed slit as he gazes up at her. He lingers on the damp patch. "Is that just from kissing me?” He teases, but his eyes flash her a lustful glance. “Let’s get these off you, yeah?” 
She nods before bashfully breaking eye contact. The night had been filled with heated kisses, and her neck bore the evidence of Garreth’s desire in the form of several small hickey marks. She wasn’t so bold as to mention the very obvious evidence of his shared arousal that was growing more obvious by the moment. 
“Are you going to take off any of your clothes?” She asks in a soft voice. 
Garreth kisses just below her navel and hooks his thumbs under the elastic, pulling the thin cotton barrier down to her knees. 
“Not yet.” His large hands slide down her thighs, guiding the underwear to fall to her ankles. His kisses trail lower over her stomach while his hands grip her ass.  His lips trail down and he kisses the slit of her pussy, once, twice, then a third time. He sighs and kisses her slit again before pulling back. 
Garreth sits back on the couch and drags his eyes over her naked body.
“Come here, darling.” He reaches out to her and guides her to sit on his lap. “Lay across my lap, both legs to one side. I’ll hold you in my arms.” 
She does just that. He holds her bridal style and lays her across his lap. She trembles in his arms, keeping her heated gaze locked with his. Garreth adjusts his position until they were both comfortable. Her head rests atop the couch cushion.
“Dear me,” His eyes rake over her form. “This is straight out of one of my fantasies.” Garreth smiles at her. “A gorgeous naked woman in my lap, looking at me like she wants me…” His playful tone is laced with lust and longing. 
“Stop," She giggles. "...I do want you though.” She slides her hand up his chest and grips his shirt. 
“Naturally,” He winks. “But, tonight I want to play with you. Is that all right?” 
“Play with me?” She leans in, noses touching before he affords her a heated kiss. 
“To focus on your body. May I?”
“Oh,” She brushes her lips over his. “Yes, that’s quite alright.” 
Garreth trails his fingertips over her bare form. They reach her thigh and he tantalizes her heated skin with a featherlight touch. He tears his lips from hers and trails kisses down her neck. 
Garreth swats her ass lightly and sucks on a patch of skin below her ear.
“Oh!” She sighs, then laughs as her body reacts to his spank. 
“You’re my girl,” His hand slid over her ass gently. "My lovely girl," He swats her ass again and she jumps. 
“Garreth!” She breathes, pulling harder on his shirt. 
“Don’t ‘Garreth’ me,” He laughs lightly against her neck. “You love it.” His voice drops to a sensual whisper. “You told me yourself.” 
A dust of pink rushed up to the tips of her ears. She nods in agreement and buries her face against his chest. 
Garreth pulls one of her legs forward. His palm caressed her bare ass and thighs, squeezing here and there as he pleases. 
“How do you think I’m going to play with you tonight?” 
“I don’t know…”
“Want to take a guess?” His finger brushed along her slit before sliding down her thigh again. 
“You’re going to… touch me.” 
“I’m already touching you. What else?” His fingertips caress her cunt as he smirks.
“To…” A soft whimper escapes her lips. 
“Yeah?" Garreth urges playfully.
“...Finger me?”
“That’s right. Is that what you want? Do you want me to finger your pussy until you cum, darling?" Garreth uses two fingers to spread her wet slit apart.  
“Yes,” She gulps back a moan. Her mouth hovers over his as she speaks again. “That’s what I want.” 
“Badly?” He teases, smiling into a brief kiss.
“So badly… please.” 
“And you’ll get just that, my beautiful girl.” He kisses her excitedly, a big smile on his face as he gently swats her ass again.
She gasps and Garreth muffles the sound with a kiss. He rubs the spot he smacked as if to soothe it. Soon, his fingers trail over her thighs, teasingly ghosting over her sex. His tongue slides over hers, prodding past her lips again and again. 
Her kisses get sloppy as her heart hammers faster. She breaks the kiss and looks up at him. "Please, touch me now."
Garreth looks down, moving her leg to the side for a better view. "My, my. You got this way just from me teasing you?" He sends her a seductive smirk. "Maybe, I should keep teasing you until you-"
"No!” She cut him off.
His eyebrows rose in surprise.
She continued. “No, touch me please!" She placed her hand on the back of his head and held him to her forehead. Her labored breathing tousles strands of his red hair around his face.
"You're already to the point of begging?" He smiled. His gaze was heated as he locked eyes with her.
"Mm, Garreth, please…" She spoke softly.
She watched as his dark pupils took over his emerald eyes. His face fixed into an adoring smile.
"My girl," He sighed and ran a light finger over her slit. 
She shivered at his gentle touch. "Yes…"
"Does that feel good?" His finger explored her slowly, spreading her obvious desire everywhere. 
She nods eagerly. "Yes… Oh, there!" She whines when his finger circles her entrance.
Garreth hums as her body easily welcomes his finger. "That's it," He only moves an inch in and out. He sighs as the wet noise reaches his ears. "That's my fucking pussy." He groans. He slides his finger all the way and his girlfriend arches into his touch.
She swivels her hips when his finger curls inside her. Her breathy moans pass into his mouth with each slow pump of his digit.
"Those soft sighs you make are my favorite." His teeth sink into her bottom lip and he tugs lightly.
He fingers her slowly, allowing the sensation to build. Their lips meet one another's eagerly.
Garreth becomes completely disheveled as she tugs on the collar his shirt and pulls at his hair.
He adds a second finger inside of her and hooks them against the wall.
"Ohhhhhh!" Her moans grow louder with every skillful pump of his hand.
"You're fucking dripping, babe." He comments as her slickness only gets worse. He fingers her faster and more wetness leaks out. "Fuck! All down your thighs." Garreth grits his teeth.
His red hair sticks to his forehead as the temperature rises. He switches from pumping just his fingers to using the full motion of his whole arm.
"Oh! I'm gonna-"
"Cum for me! Fuck…" He groans. "Just cum, don't think about anything else. Cum on my fingers, baby. Let go."
"I can feel your legs trembling," He said as her body quaked.
"Mmm…. Ah!" She shook, holding onto his shirt for dear life.
"Come on, come on, come on," He encourages repeatedly, increasing his speed. "Give in, babe."
She holds onto him as the pleasure snaps inside her. "Oh, Garreth!" 
"So perfect," He praises, looking down to watch her face as she throbs on his fingers. "So beautiful…"
She gasps as pleasure pulses through her entire being. 
"My girlfriend, my beautiful girlfriend… you're making quite the mess." He teases, never letting up as she orgasms.
"Babe!" She utters another long moan before her pleasure subsides. "Okay, okay…Mmm." She urges his fingers to stop by grabbing his wrist.
"You made such a mess of my hand," His slick fingers moved to her parted lips. "Please do me a favor and clean them, will you?" You'd think Garreth was the one that just came with how heavily he was breathing.
She looks down at his hand then back up to him. The look on his face told her he was being absolutely serious. She hesitantly sucks on his soaked fingers, looking up at him. "Hm."
"With your tongue, darling." He adds to his request.
He slides his fingers further into her mouth and she sucks and licks on each one. Her tongue moves in and out between the digits. 
Garreth moans. "Babe… I love you… so much."
When his fingers are covered in her saliva, he pulls them out. He kisses her hard and brings his hand between her legs again.
Her words are cut off as he kisses her heatedly. His wet fingers circle her clit and she moans into his lips.
He explores her, moving here and there until he settles on her dripping entrance again.
"Can I add a third finger?" Garreth asks between kisses.
"Ah… yes. That was easy. Such a welcoming cunt." He purred, pressing three fingers inside her. 
The digits stretch her a bit more and she whimpers.
He pushes in harder, faster, and her mouth hangs open in a silent gasp.
"I love the sound your pussy makes when I finger-fuck you." Garreth's lips trail to her neck and he laps at her red skin.
Her walls flutter and she lets out a lewd moan.
"Are you going to cum on my fingers again?" Garreth hums against her neck, laving his tongue below her ear.
"Yes!" She bucks her hips and presses her thighs together. Her legs hold together tightly as she tries to catch her breath. 
"Awe, come on, babe. I can't finger you properly like that. Open your legs, please."
She squirms and struggles to part her thighs. She trembles while forcing her legs back apart.
"Good, good. That's it," He whispers against her ear.
"I like it when…" She takes in a deep breath. "When you press your palm down, like…"
"On your clit?" He presses his fingers in deeper and grinds his palm over her clit.
"Yesss, just like that," She closes her eyes and moans at the sensation.
She presses her hips up in kind with his movements. He rubs his fingers inside and grinds his palm in a circular motion over her clit. She rapidly pushes her body into his hand.
"Gar… Garreth, Ah!"
"I just love when you whimper my name," His voice is barely a whisper. "It sounds so good coming from you, darling."
She grips the wrist of the hand that is fingering her. She holds tight as her body rocks against it.
"Garreth! Mmm…"
"Oh, I'm positively addicted. I could do this all night." He pants as if he were the one being pleasured. 
She could feel her own wetness all over her thighs. She was on the verge of yet another climax and her body over prepares with more juices.
"Ah! Oh, Garreth, I'm-"
"Oh, again?" His low voice was laced with a hint of a teasing tone. "You're going to cum again for me, darling?"
"Tsh," She scoffed between moans. He was saying that like he wasn't trying his damndest to get her off one more time.
The sound of his finger movements was obscene. Slick, wet, and squelching sounds filled the room.
"Come on, cum on my fingers," Garreth requests
Not another second went by before she was arching into him, walls flexing and throbbing against his three fingers.
"Oh, fuck!" She rode his hand as the waves rush through her.
"Thats it…" Garreth breathed. "Mm, a little more."
His movements sped up and she couldn't stop the rush of extra lubricant coming from her orgasm.
"Oh! Oh, Garreth, Ngh!"
He keeps up the pace until her hand pushes his away.
"I love you," Garreth kisses her sweaty forehead as she pants in his arms.
She relaxes back into the couch and wraps her arms around his neck. Her heart pounded in her ears. 
"I fucking love you too, Ah..." She finally replies.
"You're very wet," Garreth smiles pridefully.
"Shut up," She smiles back, playfully swatting at him.
"You want to get cleaned up?"
"Sure, get me a towel," She looks over to her clothes left in a pile on the floor.
"I have a better idea," Garreth smiles and slides down the couch.
"What are you…!"
He rests between her legs and begins kissing her thighs. He hums against her skin, licking the moisture and cleaning up the slick desire.
Her hand dives into his hair as he moves to her other thigh. She tosses her free arm over her face, hiding herself from view.
Garreth moans as he licks his way to her spent cunt. He kisses and laps at her slit.
"Ah, god!" Heat radiates from her core.
He uses both hands to gently push apart her folds. He licks and sucks every inch of her pussy. He eagerly goes over each area several times, sucking and licking until she's no longer covered in her own desire.
His tongue dips into her entrance. He laps at it while grinding his own hips into the cushion for some friction.
"That feels so good, what the fuck…" She whimpers and holds her boyfriend's head between her legs.
"Mm, you taste fantastic," He hums, spreading her lips apart with both hands to gain better access.
"My god, Garreth! You'd think we'd been apart for ages the way you're going in." She lets go of his head and covers her face with her hands.
Garreth lets out a breathy laugh against her slit. He kisses her pussy several times before popping his head up.
"You don't want to see how deprived I'd act if we are ever apart for too long."
Hey :)
Thanks for reading!
I had fun writing this. I hope it was fun reading <3
My fics are all tagged as #my writing
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imagrindylow · 1 year
Happy Weasley Wednesday!!
Garreth Weasley / gn!Reader. 5k words
Content Warnings: Fluff and angst, hurt/comfort, injury, sickness. Summary: On a dare, Garreth tests one of his experimental brews on himself and lands himself in the hospital. The fear you have around his condition makes you decide to finally confess your feelings for him. A/N: There is a lot of Leander in this, I literally couldn't help myself. It was fun looking at his friendship with Garreth more.
Garreth mucking about with his potions ingredients trying to come up with new brews, or even just experimenting to see what could possibly happen when things were combined, was not a new or uncommon sight. On this day, he found himself in his room of requirement, doing the latter. He leaned over a bubbling cauldron, the steam flushing his face as he added pinches of this and that, just to see what reaction he’d be met with.
His best friend, Leander, sat sprawled out in an armchair near by, absentmindedly flicking his wand at the various seemingly random portraits that hung on the walls, tipping the witches and wizards in their frames and laughing at their startled expressions.
A fizzle and a crackling sound arose from Garreth’s cauldron, pulling Leander’s attention back to his friend. “What are you doing?”
“Oh ya know, just trying things out.”
“Was that supposed to happen?”
“Dunno. Just kinda throwing things in. Whats the worst that could happen?”
Leander shook his head. He was more than used to Garreth’s antics, but scoffed none the less at his friends disregard for inviting on whatever chaos could come.
Garreth wandered around his potting stations, picking stems and leaves from his various plants and tossing them into his cauldron along with the hodgepodge of things he had already added that he collected from the forest. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting… but the pleasant aroma that arose as he stirred the mixture, was not it.
“Huh. Interesting.”
“What?” Leander asked, watching with a look of intrigue on his face.
“It smells really good… For just an experiment, I’m really delighted it went well.”
“Yeah?” Leander asked, raising his brows, with a devious grin growing across his face. “Dare you to drink some.”
“Are you mad? Five minutes ago you were scoffing at me and now you want me to drink it?” Garreth sounded only mildly perturbed, and was mostly just teasing his friend. He couldn’t lie to himself, the temptation to taste it had already crossed his mind.
“You said it smells good. Doesn’t that mean it’s fine?”
Garreth looked around his workstation with the remnants of the ingredients he had added strewn about the tabletop. Nothing in the cauldron was inherently dangerous individually… Well, not very dangerous anyway.
“Ah, fuck it. I’ll do it.” He resolved. He smirked at Leander who was crossing the floor to stand by and watch more closely, and to get a whiff of the concoction himself.
“It does smell delicious…” Leander tilted his head, arching a brow and giving an approving grin.
He watched with his hands on his hips as Garreth dipped his ladle deep into the cauldron, gave it a final stir and lifted the utensil to his lips. He blew across the top to cool the mixture, the decadent rich scent right under his nose enveloped him, making him salivate.
“Here goes nothing.” Garreth said, pressing the ladle to his lips. His eyes squinted at the steam still floating off of the surface of the liquid. He tilted the ladle forwards, letting the sweet smelling liquid pour into his mouth, and he swallowed it.
Leander watched with bated breath for any reaction… And then Garreth’s eyes rolled back in his head. He took a staggered step backwards, dropping the ladle on the floor, before collapsing.
Leander sharply exhaled all of the breath from his lungs at the sight of this show. “Okay, so maybe it didn’t taste as good as it smelled. But that was a little dramatic, even for you.” He jested at his friend.
When another moment passed, and then another, and Garreth still hadn’t sat back up and laughed and yelled ‘gotcha!’ Leander started to panic.
He dropped to his knees beside his friend and shook his shoulders roughly. “Garreth.. Garreth! Oh my god what did I have you do? Fuck fuck fuck… GARRETH. GET UP.”
There was no response. He had to get him to the hospital wing now. Leander searched the shelves nearest the fireplace… Where the fuck is the floo powder? He didn’t want to spare the time to search too long, the shelves were kind of a mess... Leander cast levioso on Garreth’s unconscious body, hoping it would aide in bringing him to the hospital wing. He couldn’t even make it through the doorway without knocking Garreth’s head into it. Leander winced, lowered the other boy back to the floor, and scooped him up and hoisted him over his shoulder, opting to carry him instead, and made his way to the hospital wing as quickly as he could.
The trip seemed to take ages. Garreth was difficult to carry and the number of staircases was just outrageous. Leander’s steps became staggered by the time he had finally reached the faculty tower and once he made it to the hospital wing, he was on the verge of collapsing himself. Nurse Blainey rushed to them as soon as she caught sight of them. “Over her, put him over here.” she instructed him. “What happened Prewett?” She raised her brows and looked at him expectantly.
“I-I-I dared him to drink it, it was my fault. Is he going to be okay?” “Drink what, exactly, come on, out with it!” “Umm, I don’t know actually… he was just experimenting, throwing things into the cauldron… He said it smelled good, so I dared him to drink it…”
Nurse Blainey got to work while Leander tried to explain. She was muttering something about ‘blasted amateur potion makers’ and their ‘inability to brew up some common sense.’
The nurse’s first idea was to get him to vomit the potion back out. Leander stood back while the nurse tipped Garreth onto his side and unceremoniously prodded the back of his throat with her wand to trigger his gag reflex. This didn’t seem to work, he only drooled a bit. Her next attempt was pouring wiggenweld into Garreth’s mouth, down his throat. The liquid went down, but it didn’t seem to have an effect.
“Is he… is he going to be alright?” Leander asked. His voice was shaky and quiet, a mixture of anxiety, guilt and shame.
“How long has he been unconscious?” She asked, sounding worried, “This may be a job for St. Mungos.”
Leander looked horror stricken. His face lost all of its color as his eyes laid on his best friend laying still in the hospital bed. He cleared his throat before speaking, caught off guard by the gravity of her words. “Ugh, I dunno, must be going on 10 minutes…” He guessed, he didn’t know how long it had taken him to carry Garreth all the way here. “St. Mungos… that means this is really serious…”
“He’s poisoned himself.” She said point blank. “Go back now and retrieve a vial of whatever it is that he drank.”
Leander nodded. “Oh.. of course, I will. And then you’ll be able to reverse it?” He sounded hopeful.
“There are antidotes, but I don’t have every possible remedy on hand Prewett. Go get me the sample! Now! Off with you!” She ordered him.
He turned and hurried out of the hospital wing, sprinting back towards the room of requirement desperately hoping the door would appear for him. It had to, right? This was necessary. He was out of breath by the time he reached the hall where the door should be. The only thought in his mind was needing to help Garreth, fixing the result of his stupid fucking dare. The door appeared.
With shaky hands Leander pulled an empty vial from Garreth’s shelf and bottled a sample of the brew, corking it tightly, and began sprinting back to the hospital wing with it clutched firmly in his hand.
He took the stairs two at a time and made it back in seemingly no time. He was gasping his breaths as he handed the vial to Nurse Blainey. “Here… this is it.”
She nodded and took the bottle, uncorking it and smelling it. Her eyes narrowed. She couldn’t pinpoint what all was in it. “Very well. Back to class with you, now. I will do what I can, and if it comes to it, I’ll transfer him. Check back later.”
Leander didn’t want to leave, he didn’t want to leave his friend alone especially when it was his fault he was even in this mess. But he didn’t have it in him to argue. The overwhelming guilt he felt had chiseled away at his typically combative nature. He took a few backwards steps, eyes locked on Garreth, before turning and heading out of the hospital wing with his head sunk low and tears pooling in his eyes.
You noticed right away that Garreth was missing from dinner when you arrived in the great hall. You assumed that maybe he got lost in time while working on an assignment and you expected he’d appear at any moment. You didn’t exactly have plans with him this evening, but dinner wouldn’t be the same without the two of you shooting little glances at each other from across the room, trying to make the other laugh. It was just one of the many little games you two always played.
You filled your plate and ate your meal whilst chatting with friends absentmindedly, drawing your gaze to the doors of the great hall and scanning and re-scanning the Gryffindor table every few minutes, just waiting for Garreth to appear. But he never did.
After dinner you caught sight of Leander leaving the Gryffindor table, and you hurry to catch up with him, knowing he was close with Garreth as well and would likely know what was up. You grabbed his shoulder from behind and he turned to face you.
For a moment you just look up at him. You saw it in his eyes, something was wrong. “What happened, where is Garreth?”
He was more than a little taken aback by your sudden appearance and he furrowed his brow at you for a moment. He rubbed the back of his neck before he began to speak. “Um… He uh… Look, please don’t be mad at me, okay. I already feel bad enough…” You took a sharp breath in before exhaling slowly, trying to keep your composure. “Out with it Leander, what happened?” He couldn’t make eye contact with you as he spoke. “He was brewing a potion, after lunch, like, an experimental one. And... I… I dared him to drink it... and he just fell over. I took him to the Hospital Wing right away.”
There was a long moment of silence between the two of you as you stared up at him.
“Are you actually serious?” You shook your head and narrowed your eyes at him, gesturing with frustration as you questioned him rhetorically, “Why would you dare him to do something so stupid… ugh!! And why would he listen to you?”
You just couldn’t believe how either of them could be so senseless, so careless. Sure Garreth was a bit mischievous, but this was just something else. And Leander… You weren’t close with him but you had assumed, incorrectly apparently, that he had enough sense than to dare his friend to do something so downright idiotic.
You set your anger aside for the moment and became overwhelmed with worry over Garreth, you did everything you could to keep your mind from drifting to worse case scenarios. Leander snapping back at you pulled your head away from those dark thoughts.
“Look I already feel guilty enough and I already got lectured by Nurse Blainey.” He scolded you. “Now are you going to come see him with me or not, because that’s where I’m headed now.”
You scoffed. “Yes, I’m coming with you.”
The two of you made your way from the Great Hall up through the Faculty Tower and into the Hospital Wing. Although, when you arrived, it appeared all of the hospital beds were empty. You gave Leander a questioning look and his heart sank as though he knew something you didn’t.
Nurse Blainey saw you both approaching and walked towards you both to meet you. “I had to transfer him,” she said, looking at Leander, before she glanced at you.
“Transferred?” You asked, the look of concern on your face as you looked at the nurse started growing exponentially.
“To St. Mungos,” Nurse Blainey spoke. “I thought it would be the best option.” “Well, can… can we go visit him there?” Your voice was faltering, as you began getting choked up with your worry.
Nurse Blainey sighed, shifting her gaze between you and Leander. It was already getting late, you knew it was pushing it to even ask, but you were desperate to see Garreth, to see if he was alright. “Fine. Take the Floo Network. I’ll write you both slips, should you arrive back to the castle past curfew.”
You and Leander both began thanking her immediately. She walked over to her desk and started writing up notes for you both excusing you from curfew for the evening, and from a small container in her desk drawer, she gave each of you a small handful of floo powder.
They stuffed the excuse notes into the pockets of their robes and made their way to the fireplace. Leander went first, dropping the powder into the flames, stepping inside, and speaking St. Mungos Hospital, then disappearing. You followed right after.
Just a moment later the two of you were standing in the bustling and crowded lobby of St. Mungos Hospital. You didn’t speak a word to each other, just headed to the reception desk, where an older witch looked between the two of you. “Here to visit someone?”
You nodded. “Garreth Weasley.” You answered her. You watched as she scrolled through a long parchment with many names on it. “Weasley…” She searched the list. “Third floor, potion and plant poisoning ward.” She stated, then began giving directions to the closest staircase. You and Leander followed her instructions, heading down a long hallway, around a corner and up three flights of stairs. Once on the correct floor, the two of you headed to yet another reception desk, specific to that department, spoke with another employee, were instructed to take seats in the waiting area, and told that you’d be informed when you’d be able to visit.
The two of you shared a silent, concerned look. Neither of you had really anticipated this news… It had already been a few hours between the actual incident and your arrivals to the hospital. Why couldn’t you just go right back to see him now? Your mind was racing as you took a seat with Leander in the waiting area.
The wait was long, and mostly silent. Your thoughts were shifting between a few different things… anger at the idiot of a boy sitting next to you for causing this mess, and worry over the one you were here to see. Not to mention your feelings surrounding him. You knew you had a crush on Garreth before and always had, but now, overwhelmed with uncertainty over his condition, you really felt like this was more than just a crush. A lot more. What if this accident would keep him in here, in the hospital and away from you for awhile? That thought alone was unbearable, it made your stomach knot up just to think about.
You guided your thoughts to happy times you and Garreth had spent together to keep from dwelling on the terrible scenarios that kept trying to work their way into your mind. You thought of the first time he took you into Hogsmeade, just the two of you, back in fifth year shortly after you’d first met in Potions class. Gods that was so long ago. If this whole ordeal had shown you anything, it was that you needed to let Garreth know how you felt for him, finally.
As time passed slowly, you began to fidget and become more uncomfortable with the wait. It had been at least an hour since you took your seat in the waiting room, and you hadn’t gotten a single update since arriving. What was taking so long? Was something wrong?
You were slouched back in your chair, tapping your fingers on the arm rest and sighing with exasperation, apparently too frequently, because Leander eventually broke the silence, telling you firmly, “Cut it out already, will you?”
“Will you cut it out?” You snapped back at him, gesturing to his mere existence.
He looked puzzled. “I’m not even doing anything.”
“Your antics, your idiotic dares. Conjure up a brain, will you?” You huffed and turned in your seat facing away from him slightly.
He scoffed. “Yep, thanks, I totally needed that. So helpful.”
After several more long and excruciating minutes of silence, one of the healers walked out into the waiting area, and approached you and Leander. “You two are waiting to see Mr. Weasley, correct?”
You both stood up, nodding. “How is he? Can we see him?” You asked eagerly, anticipation rising for some hopefully good news.
“We’ve found an effective antidote and he will make a full recovery, and will be back at school with you first thing in the morning. But at the moment he is quite weak, and tired. He’d been sleeping, but is awake now. You can see him, one at a time. His room is down the hall and to the left, when you’re ready. Oh and do be considerate, it’s a shared room.” The healer nodded and headed away.
Immediately relief washed over your face and you turned to Leander, completely dropping the attitude that you had with him previously, and asked nervously, “Can I see him first?”
Leander narrowed his eyes and scoffed at you. “I’m his best friend, so I should go first. And besides, I need to apologize for all of this.”
You started speaking quickly, before your mind had time to process your words, “Well, I’m in lo-” You looked away and cleared your throat, trying to catch yourself before you said something completely stupid and embarrassing, but it was probably too late for that. “Um… Never mind.”
“Oh?” Leander asked with a smirk as a wide grin spread across his smug face. You didn’t have to finish your sentence. He knew what you were going to say. “Well if that’s so, I suppose you can see him first.”
You smiled at him and nodded, trying not to blush but really who can control that? “Thanks, Leander.” You told him, and headed down the hall in the direction the healer had motioned too.
The hospital room was a large one, with many beds and a couple of other patients, not dissimilar to the hospital wing back at the castle. You spotted Garreth right away and crossed the room to him quickly. He turned his head towards you when he heard the door open and gave you a rather surprised looking expression that grew quickly into one of happiness, despite the very clear appearance of exhaustion that was also present. He looked weak, was more pale than he typically was, and there was a bucket near his bed, indicating that at some point during his stay, he must have been getting quite sick.
You took a seat in the chair beside his bed. He looked at you with a lot of fondness as he spoke to you, quietly. “When they said I’d have a visitor, I did not expect you.”
You conversed in hushed tones, not wanting to bother anyone else in the room. “Well, Leander is here too. But they’re only letting us visit one at a time.” You sighed, feeling relieved to finally see that he’d be alright.
“Just couldn’t wait to see me back at school, eh?” He grinned, he was really quite glad you were here. “Well, it’s a nice surprise.”
His words almost always make you blush and this was no exception, but at the moment you still had a hard time wrapping your mind around his decision to try that damn potion in the first place… And now that you knew he’d be alright, it seemed like a decent time to bug him about it.
“Why’d you go and drink that potion? Why would you let Leander dare you into something so foolish?” Your words were quiet but stern, you narrowed your eyes at him, and watched his expression soften a bit as he took in your sentiment. He could see that you had been scared over him.
He gave you a warm smile, and spoke with a hint of teasing in his voice. He seemed flattered that you seemed to care so much. “It was pretty stupid wasn’t it?” He chuckled. “I have no good excuse, I just make bad decisions sometimes. I’m sorry if I worried you, though.”
You exhaled and sighed. “You did worry me! You really did.”
“Yeah. Well, It won’t happen again, I can promise you that much. Won’t be testing anything experimental on myself again. Nothing that experimental, anyway.” He still had a hint of humor in his voice that was irritating to you given the situation, as though he wasn’t taking this all as seriously as he should have been.
You didn’t reply, you were frustrated and emotional. You could feel tears coming on and you did not want him to see that. You got up and although you were frustrated, you spoke to him as calmly as you could, and excused yourself. “Leander is waiting to see you. I’ll send him in and I’ll be back once he’s finished… He’s got a lot to say, I think.”
Garreth nodded and you turned and headed out of the room and back towards the waiting area. Leander stood as you came towards him.
“Finished already?” He asked sounding more than a little shocked. He noticed your expression. “Everything alright?”
“It’s fine. He’s typical Garreth.” You said with a bit of annoyance. “You go and see him, I’ll wait and go back in once you’ve gotten a turn.”
Leander nodded and patted your shoulder as he walked past you and towards Garreth’s room. You sat back down and attempted to calm yourself. You couldn’t let yourself stay frustrated, you couldn’t, not if you wanted to tell him how you felt.
“Hey mate.” Leander greeted Garreth as he took the seat at his bedside. He began speaking right away, not even giving Garreth the chance to greet him back. He leaned forward in the chair, his elbows on his knees, guilt plastering his face. “Look, I’m… I’m really sorry about all of this. Never expected this to be the outcome of that dare. I hope you can forgive me, I’ve been so worried.”
“Calm yourself Lee, I’m fine. And – let’s be honest – I’d have probably drank it even if you hadn’t dared me to.”
“Crazy bastard.” Leander chuckled, “You had better tell them that because they’re pretty pissed at me, you know?” He said and gestured towards the direction of the door. “They uh… Yeah I think you really scared them, I think they care about you a lot.”
Garreth smiled. “Yeah? I care about them too.”
“Well, I shan’t keep you from them, then. I’ll see you back at school in the morning, yeah? We’re alright, mate?”
Garreth nodded. “Of course we are. Definitely.”
“Thanks.” Leander said with a relived expression. He waved and turned back, heading out into the waiting area once again.
You were surprised to see Leander back so soon. He sat beside you. “He forgave me. I’m going to head back to Hogwarts, unless you want me to wait and accompany you back once you’ve finished speaking with him again?”
“You go on. I’ll be alright and don’t need you to wait around. Thanks, though.”
The two of you parted ways, and you headed back to Garreth’s room yet again. When you arrived at his bedside, you pulled the curtains surrounding his bed area closed, before pulling up the chair and sitting down again.
“Hey, you.” He greeted, as you sat, looking around at the closed curtain. It seemed he approved of the added privacy. “Look, I really am sorry to have scared you.” His mood was much softer this time. You immediately questioned in your mind if Leander had said something to him about your little accidental confession. “And, it really won’t happen again.”
“I should hope not… I really was worried. I couldn’t keep my mind from replying these awful worst case scenarios. I’d be… pretty lost without you.”
“Is that right?” He grinned and his cheeks blushed a faint pink. “Well, I have no intentions of going anywhere. So I guess you’re stuck with me.”
“That wouldn’t be the worst fate, I suppose.” You teased him with a bit of a laugh.
“No, it wouldn’t, would it?” He sighed and smiled at you.
You were quite pleased with the little back and forth. It really showed more than anything that he really would be okay after all. He was his usual self, fun and playful. You reached for Garreth’s hand and took it, squeezing it and looked in his eyes. “I want to be honest with you about something.”
“Go on.” He squeezed your fingers in return, a grin spreading across his face as he waited for you to speak.
You ran your thumb over his knuckles. “I care about you a lot.”
“Yeah?” His eyes lit up, obviously pleased to hear you say it. The way he looked at you just made your breath catch.
“Well, the feeling is mutual.” He was very matter of fact and spoke with a smile.
You didn’t say anything else for a moment. You weren’t sure if you really got your point across. You knew ‘care’ wasn’t strong enough of a word, but you were happy that he returned that sentiment. You were a bit lost in thought when he shifted over in his hospital bed and patted the edge for you to sit beside him. You raised your brows at him and he nodded, then you moved to sit beside him on the bed. He rested a hand on your leg, running his thumb back and forth across the fabric of your uniform. You could feel your face heating up with every gentle passing stroke of his thumb. You opened your mouth to speak and ended up confessing, “I more than care, actually.”
His face lit up. “I thought that might be the case, and the feeling is still mutual.” He moved his hands up around your waist and at that point you were ready to just give in to your feelings. You were dying to kiss him, and you were confident enough now that he wanted it too. You leaned forward towards him, gently cupping his face in your hands, you brought your lips to his in a slow, tender kiss.
This was the only true way for you to convey how you really felt. You let the passion behind all of your emotions come out in the kiss, and he eagerly reciprocated. His hands pulled you closer at your waist and ran up your back. You could feel him smile against your lips and he let out a quiet pleasured hum, like he was savoring every second. You deepened the kiss, your tongue finding his gently and your fingers twirling in his hair.
When your kiss broke after several long moments, you both had wide grins across your face, looking at each other warmly, still holding each other close. You pressed another quick kiss to his cheek.
“And here I thought you were angry with me.” Garreth whispered, a glint in his eyes as he looked over you, fully soaking in the moment between you.
“I was angry earlier, but… I have a forgiving nature. Lucky for you.” You teased him, whispering back, your hand resting on his chest with his fingers laced through yours.
“That’s right, lucky for me, indeed.” He took a deep breath, speaking more seriously now. “I am very lucky that nothing worse happened. But I’m also glad my antics earlier brought you to me, like this.”
“It’s funny how things play out, isn’t it? I was scared to lose you, and couldn’t go another day without telling you how I felt.” You admitted, looking at him fondly.
“Well, I’m glad you did. Finally.” He laughed, though still trying to keep his voice down as not to bother the other patients.
“Finally?” You chuckled. “You could have confessed to me, you know, at any point.” You chided, holding back a laugh.
“That’s right, I could have. But I was a bit nervous.” He admitted, squeezing your hands.
“Too nervous to talk about feelings, but not too nervous to drink a random experiment?” You jested, playfully shoving his shoulder.
He put his hands up in mock indignation, and spoke with a smile on his face. “That’s me. I don’t make any sense, and I’m a bit reckless, but you know it’s all part of my charm.”
From somewhere on the other side of the curtain surrounding his area of the hospital room, a harsh sounding voice shushed loudly.
You and Garreth shared a look, eyes wide. He covered his mouth, realizing your conversation had been growing steadily louder.
“You aren’t wrong.” You whispered. “But, it’s getting late, and I really ought to get back to Hogwarts. I should be letting you rest, anyway.”
He gave you his best pouty face, but nodded, you were right after all. “You really are stuck with me, once I’m back to school in the morning.”
“Good.” You kissed his lips once more, quickly and with a bit of a giggle. You smiled and waved goodbye to him as you drew back the curtain and headed back to Hogwarts.
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cuffmeinblack · 1 year
Lost and Found
Garreth Weasley x Ominis Gaunt
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Tags: explicit | modern!AU | fluff | angst | loss of virginity | homophobia | heartbreak | happy ending
5.4k words
ao3 link
Summary: A love story told in five scenes.
A/n: Inspired by this art and written for the Weasley Wednesday prompt: AU! It's been a while since I wrote Garrinis and I've missed them a whole lot. It's hard for me to write anything but fluff with these two because Ominis deserves the world and Garreth is perfect to shower him with love and happiness. Still, I managed to make myself sad writing it.
One: You Had Me At Hello
"Garreth…Garreth, you're staring again," Cora's voice came from behind him.
"Wha- oh, shit!" 
Garreth's attention returned to the drink he was making, or rather making a mess of. That was one coffee he'd have to start again, much to the chagrin of both the customer and his supervisor. 
"Garreth," Cora sighed. "You can't spend all day staring at him."
He nodded and muttered an apology,  giving the customer a friendly smile as he picked up a fresh mug, but she was too distracted herself to notice. It had been three times in as many weeks that his eyes had wandered away from his job, and instead of his world-class coffee, he'd produced a syrupy, foamy mess all over his apron. Somewhat a fitting conclusion, considering the source of his disturbance and the absolutely lewd daydreams he'd been having.
Garreth couldn't take his eyes off him—goodness knows the blond was way out of his league and would likely turn up his nose so much as utter a single word to him, but that hadn't dissuaded Garreth from indulging in his fantasies. Ones where the boy's delicate, porcelain skin blushed under his own calloused and freckled fingers. He wondered what his voice sounded like, and that thought almost cost him the second macchiato he'd been making. Thankfully, he'd torn his eyes away just in time to deliver a mediocre drink to his loyal customer. He could practically feel Cora's eyes burning into the back of his skull.
"Take your break and go talk to him," she said, nudging him away from the counter.
"I'm not…I can't just go and talk to him…"
"Consider it a condition of your employment."
Garreth sighed, glancing back at her dark stare and crossed arms and deciding against an argument—she was deadly serious. He untied his apron and strung it over a hook in the staff room before steeling himself to do the impossible. What was wrong with him? He'd never felt this nervous around someone he found attractive before. Something about this mystery boy had his stomach in knots before he'd even come close to uttering a greeting, and when the time came that he stood in front of his table, Garreth was quite speechless.
He was even more radiant up close. The hint of blue eyes were cast down at a book as his delicate fingers traced over the…oh. There were no words on the pages, and only then did Garreth notice the white cane leaning next to the table.
Well that certainly complicated things. Garreth was a decent looking bloke but now he had to entirely rely on his wit and charm. He was doomed. He must have stood there gaping for minutes before he summoned the courage to clear his throat.
"Er…hello," he said.
The boy continued reading, and Garreth cringed at his attempt at gaining his attention. Stepping closer to the table, he tried again, aware of Cora's scrutinising gaze on him from across the room.
"Hi! Sorry…," he mumbled.
The blond finally tilted his head towards his voice, revealing the most captivating blue eyes Garreth had ever seen. Devoid of pupils, they struck him as two swirling pools of crystal waters, icy hues with flecks of softest grey. 
"Ah, yes, of course," the boy said, pushing his empty mug to the edge of the table.
Garreth had been too busy bumbling and losing himself in his eyes like some lovesick puppy, he'd somehow given the impression of being a member of staff. Well, technically that were true, but that's not why he'd approached. He should have said something, but apparently this boy rendered him completely and utterly useless.
"Thanks!" Garreth squeaked back, taking the mug and retreating behind the counter with a furious blush and a whole heap of embarrassment.
To say he'd never seen Cora more annoyed at him would have been an overstatement, but the way her pale face pinched into a frown only heightened his unease.
"He uh…thought I was staff," he mumbled.
"Yes, I can see that," she said, staring at the mug still clutched in his hand as if it were a priceless artifact.
"I swear to God, Garreth…if you don't talk to him properly I'll fire you."
"You wouldn't. What about my loyal customers? There'd be uproar!" he replied, only half joking.
"You're not irreplaceable, especially if you can't make a simple drink in his vicinity," she said, snatching the mug away.
Her attention diverted to serve a nervous young lady who'd obviously overheard the entirely unprofessional exchange. With a groan, Garreth steeled himself to again approach the source of his distraction. He didn't have a plan, as with most things, but at least he could put right his first mistake.
"Hello again! Sorry to disturb you, I uh…well, I wanted to say hello. I'm Garreth," he said, sticking out his hand which lingered awkwardly in the air.
Of course it was, he couldn't see it. Idiot.
Garreth lowered his hand and helped himself to a spare seat opposite the boy, who's finger paused on the raised bumps of his book. Heavens above, what was it about him that made Garreth so bloody nervous? Was it the way he held himself so elegantly? Those piercing eyes that couldn't see but appeared to stare right into Garreth's soul? The blond gave off an aura of propriety—he practically oozed old money. Not Garreth's usual type, considering his own scruffiness that never seemed able to be tamed. His wild, curly copper locks were in stark contrast to the boy's slicked back mane with not a strand out of place…except that little piece that fell in front of his eyes when he bent his head…oh. Shit, he'd replied. Say something, Garreth!
"I said hello, Garreth," the boy repeated with a soft, amused smile. "I'm Ominis. How can I help?"
Ominis. He had a name, which was far more than Garreth deserved so far with his poor attempt at introduction. Of course he had the voice of an angel; how could he not when everything else about him was so utterly perfect?
"I thought I'd say hello. I've noticed you in here quite a lot."
"You have?" Ominis asked, placing his hands in his lap and giving Garreth his full attention.
"Yeah…you're one of the few customers that doesn't drink coffee," Garreth chuckled.
"Ah, is that the reason? I confess I'm more of a tea drinker, but I enjoy the ambience here," he said.
"Maybe you'd enjoy coffee more if I made it for you," Garreth said, his confidence growing.
"You're certainly welcome to try," Ominis chuckled.
His soft, melodic laugh sent a tingle down Garreth's spine.
"I will, next time you're here I'll make you the best coffee you've ever tasted."
"I look forward to being converted. So, Garreth…do you do anything besides make excellent beverages?"
"Oh, yeah. I study here, this is only a part-time job. I'm guessing you're a student, too?"
"I am. English literature," he said, though he didn't seem elated at the idea. "How about you?"
"Chemistry ...oh, and I'm in a band."
He cringed inwardly, and outwardly, too—that line always sounded so cool when he told it to girls, but somehow when presenting this information to Ominis it sounded...ridiculous. Juvenile. If Ominis thought so, he didn't show it, only smiling good-naturedly.
"What music do you play?"
"Nothing you're likely to enjoy…"
"How could you possibly know what music I enjoy?"
"Well…I suppose I don't. Only that you don't exactly dress like someone who listens to punk rock," Garreth replied lamely.
"Perhaps not, but it makes very little difference to me what I look like."
"Right…of course…"
"I enjoy most music, as long as there's feeling."
Garreth almost opened his big mouth to ask if Ominis would consider letting him play for him, but was saved the embarrassment by Cora's stern voice cutting through the dreamlike haze telling him to get back to work.
"I have to get back to work. Can I…?"
Ominis handed Garreth his phone before he could even finish the sentence, and Garreth grinned as he accepted it, typing in his number whilst wondering if he'd hear from him at all. Perhaps he was simply being polite, but the eagerness Ominis had shown was hard to conceal behind good manners.
"Lovely to meet you Garreth…?" 
"Weasley. Garreth Weasley."
"I'm Ominis Gaunt."
Perhaps the name should have meant something to him, the way Ominis hesitated to say it, but all Garreth could think of for the rest of the day was the beautiful boy with the strange name.
Two: The Odd Couple
Ominis hadn't expected Garreth. He'd sprung out of nowhere when he least expected it, and made ripples through his otherwise stagnant life. Not just ripples, but a veritable tidal wave that dislodged Ominis from his melancholy and carried him to safer shores. One might be surprised to learn of Ominis and Garreth's relationship, but only when looking skin-deep. Apparently, their appearance was chalk and cheese, and their demeanours just as contrasting—and so, people called them odd.
Ominis disagreed wholeheartedly. 
How could they be odd if their hands fit together so perfectly? How could they be strange when Garreth never failed to bring a smile to Ominis' face? The muscles in his cheeks felt as if they had atrophied from years of non-use, until Garreth came along and provided him with much needed laughter. Ominis hadn't realised just how much he enjoyed the warmth of another body before Garreth had held him. In the space of three months, he'd learned so much about himself, by simply being around Garreth. 
And yes, he liked coffee now. But only when Garreth made it. One of his new favourite smells was the dark roast currently steaming in the mug he was cradling, the other happened to be the smell of cinammon and a hint of sulphur. Garreth's lab coat always gave off the most pungent odours after his classes, but it was still him.
Garreth was sitting on the floor of his bedroom as he often did, strumming his guitar. Today's composition was something pleasantly slow, a little sad, and terribly romantic. He could already feel the buildup of pressure behind his eyes that signalled an embarrassing show of emotion he tried hard to suppress, and the swell in his chest he so often associated with his boyfriend. He sipped his coffee and listened, allowing himself to feel anything and everything that the song's sweet melody elicited. As the last chord vibrated in the air between them, Ominis shifted on the bed and sighed, offering Garreth a soft smile.
"Beautiful," he said. “I could listen to your voice forever.”
“Hardly, but I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
The clunk of a guitar discarded against the wall preceded the warm and heavy weight of Garreth pressing between his legs, still kneeling on the floor. Warm hands encircled Ominis’s back as Garreth’s head was nestled into his thighs. Ominis smiled as he stroked those silken curls; another thing he'd not expected to enjoy quite so much. The rhythmic back and forth of his hand and the happy hums from his boyfriend let his mind wander, back to what he’d been mulling over during that rendition. Something terrifying and exciting that he craved more than anything.
Three months was a long time to wait by anyone's standards, especially two men still riddled with teenage hormones. Garreth had been more than patient. It wasn't that Ominis didn't want to—very much the opposite. The days spent in each other's company were hard, but all the nights crammed into a single bed together were nothing short of agony. His heart yearned and his body ached for Garreth, yet so far he'd been a coward. Ominis had never been intimate with a soul; never had he allowed anyone else to touch him at his most vulnerable. It was a matter of trust to give oneself over to another completely, and whilst he trusted Garreth implicitly, Ominis had failed to gather the courage to ask for more.
Until tonight.
"Mhmmm?" he hummed happily from Ominis' lap.
"I'd like to sleep with you," Ominis said, trying to ignore his hammering heart.
"Of course. Let me just change the sheets…"
"No, I mean…"
No further explanation was required. Ominis felt the bed dip either side of him and Garreth's soft lips on his before he could draw another breath. His firm body pressed against him, warm and inviting under the numerous layers he wore. He'd have to dispose of those, once his hands stopped shaking. Garreth had all the restraint in the world as he peeled off Ominis' jumper, running slow kisses along his jaw, his neck, tongue finding his thumping pulse. Ominis tilted his head, so lost in his lips' caress that he hardly noticed his hands begin to unbutton Garreth's jeans or the rhythmic rocking of their hips.
Months of teasing and simmering tension had led to this moment; little wonder they were both stiff within seconds. The friction between their bodies set his body on fire, every inch restricted by these damned clothes felt like a prison when his skin burned to be pressed bare against Garreth's. His shirt was gently peeled from his shoulders and the fabric replaced by soft lips that tempted and teased. When Garreth nibbled his collarbone, Ominis lost all sense of self as he fell back on the bed and harshly shoved his own trousers down his hips. Gone was his calm, collected exterior; instead he lay bare, gasping and desperate to be touched.
"Garreth…," he sighed as the warm, gentle kisses trailed down his chest.
His muffled reply came as a hand wrapped around Ominis' cock and the most improper whimper left his lips. His world may have ended the moment he was enveloped by a warm, wet mouth. Garreth pulled salacious moans from him over and over again as his tongue flicked and swirled and whipped Ominis into a frenzy. His hands were in his hair, the sheets, grabbing anything he could as his hips bucked wildly into that amazing mouth, hitting the tight ring of muscle on more than one occasion. Garreth didn't seem to mind as he simply growled his approval whenever Ominis' cock slid down his throat. He needed to stop before he exploded right then and there, but how could he when it felt so good, so right, so utterly perfect?
"Stop, ah-! Stop, or I'll come," he managed to groan.
Garreth stirred in his lap, muffled moans vibrating against his length until his deliciously soft mouth left his cock with a pop. Ominis groaned, regretting his decision already, until Garreth's hoarse whisper filled his ears.
"Do you want to…take me, or…?"
Oh, yes. But more than anything, Ominis wanted to be on the receiving end of Garreth's touches. Underneath him, pressed into the mattress as his mouth and hands explored every inch they could reach whilst his cock buried deep inside him. He'd experimented, certainly, but his albeitly long fingers would be no substitute for what he knew Garreth sported in his trousers.
"I want you inside me."
His boyfriend growled with uncontained lust and Ominis' heart found its way into his mouth, suddenly apprehensive, nervous that Garreth might lose himself too soon. He needn't have worried—his caress was featherlight despite the heaviness of his breath and throbbing of his cock against Ominis' thigh. 
"I'm going to get some lube now, okay?" Garreth said.
Ominis nodded, listening to the rummaging in the nightstand drawer. Those strong, calloused hands spread his legs, exposing him completely, yet he felt safe. Garreth was so gentle, whispering in his ear and exchanging sloppy kisses as his fingers teased and prepared him. Ominis arched his back and wriggled his hips for more, please. Garreth sensed his impatience and gave him a long, searing kiss as his fingers retreated, and replaced them with something far larger.
"Let me know if you want me to stop," Garreth whispered.
"I will. But I won't."
"Are you ready?" 
"Yes…yes, please," Ominis gasped, surprising himself with just how pleading his tone was.
Garreth groaned into his mouth, his fingers in Ominis' hair as he pushed inside him. Fuck, it stung, but heavens above he felt incredible. He'd so far been trying to keep his audible pleasure as muted as possible, but the moan that left his lips vibrated off the walls and filled the room and surely far beyond. The last of his composure broke down as Garreth buried himself to the hilt, his hand cupping Ominis’ face as their foreheads pressed together. This was intimacy as he’d never known it; their noses brushed and soft sighs mingled in the air between them as Garreth let Ominis adjust to his size and relax around him.
“How does that feel?” Garreth murmured against his lips.
“Incredible. You’re incredible.”
Not ‘you feel incredible’, just ‘you are incredible’. Perhaps that was the closest he’d gotten to admitting his true feelings, which were both terrifying and all-consuming. 
Three months, twelve days. 
That’s how long it had taken Ominis to admit to himself that he was in love with Garreth Weasley.
Three: The Fall
Ominis couldn't help but smile whenever his phone read the words 'incoming call from- Garreth Weasley'. Perhaps he was a fool for falling so hard, so fast. He ought to rein in his feelings, lest he end up with a broken heart, yet Garreth was so easy to love. When Ominis was with him, he could forget the rest of the world; all of his worries, every crushing pressure that threatened to break his already fragile heart. 
Ominis was no fool—he knew how others must view him. They saw his clothes, heard his name, and immediately thought they'd sussed him out as another spoiled trust fund kid with far too much money and very little else to offer. Some days, Ominis believed them. What would he be without his family, after all? A poor blind boy with a brilliant mind, but born into a cruel world rife with discrimination. Garreth only saw the Ominis he wished that he himself could perceive. 
Ominis answered the phone the way he always did.
"Hello, sunshine."
The nickname seemed so befitting for Garreth that he found it hard to be embarrassed about it.
"Omi! Can you meet me after work? I have a surprise for you," his slightly fuzzy voice came through the speaker, no less beautiful amongst the static.
"Of course—five?"
"Yep, I'll see you then!"
"Was that all?" Ominis asked.
"I have to get back to work. Cora's on my arse to finish my break..."
"You know you could have just texted me?"
"Then I wouldn't have been able to hear your voice."
Ominis' cheeks burned as he exhaled a contained chuckle through his nose. 
"I'm glad you did. See you later."
I love you.
Instead of saying that, he hung up. Perhaps the first time shouldn't be over the phone—it should be somewhere and sometime more befitting the gravity of the words. When Ominis was curled up in Garreth's arms after spending the night together, maybe. He'd had plenty of those, yet the words hadn't materialised. No matter, there was still plenty of time. 
He had a couple of lectures to attend before meeting Garreth, but still time to pop by the library for a few much-needed books. He'd picked a challenging subject considering many of the books he'd study weren't available in braille. Some were available as audio books, and some had been miraculously made available to him by the good graces of the University—or rather, his father's heavy influence and deep pockets.
His phone vibrated in his coat as he walked the steps up to the library, and the robotic voice announced something far less desirable than a call from Garreth.
Speak of the devil…
'Incoming call from- Father.'
His gut twisted as it always did when he was forced to talk to his family. It would be unwise for him to simply ignore the call, as much as he wished to. With a great sigh, he sat down on a low brick wall and readied himself before answering the annoying buzzing with a terse greeting.
"Father. How can I help?"
"Ominis. How are you?"
As if he cared.
"I'm fine. How are you?"
As if he cared.
"Very well. I'm calling in regards to a rumour I've heard regarding your conduct."
"My conduct," Ominis stated bluntly.
"Yes, your conduct. How you conduct yourself about the University. Your company has raised some concerns."
"My my, father, if you have something to say then please be out with it," Ominis said, not sure we're his sudden confidence was coming from.
Perhaps it had bubbled up from the pit of rage in his stomach.
"You've been seen with some scruffy boy. In his dormitory, around the campus. Not only have you been indiscreet, your choice of partner leaves much to be desired."
"To whom?"
"To me, Ominis."
"And what, pray tell, is the purpose of your call?"
"You know very well. I'll not have you galavanting about with some boy like some poof."
"Ah, therein lies the problem. I am a poof."
"Despite your disappointment, you're still my son…but I will not tolerate such disrespect. I got you where you are now, boy, and I can reverse your good fortunes just as quickly. Goodbye, Ominis."
The line went dead before Ominis could spit back a retort; perhaps for the best given how furious he was—he must have been attracting quite a bit of attention. His hands were shaking such that his cane rattled on the stone pavement. Anger quickly became secondary to his fear—his father was many things, but he was not a man who issued idle threats. It didn't surprise him that he'd been keeping an eye on him whilst at University—likely under the guise of concern for his poor, blind son. Ominis knew the real reason, and his father had just made it abundantly clear with that phone call.
He must have sat on that brick wall for hours. He missed his first lecture, and decided to skip the second, retreating to his dormitory with a numb backside and an even more numb emotional state. He barely managed to get out of bed to meet Garreth after his shift. Of course he knew something was wrong with Ominis, his concern showing in the way he touched him more gently, the way his voice was softer and an octave higher. Ominis tried to put the conversation out of his mind, but how could he ignore something so life-altering? For a few hours, he put on a poor façade of contentment, whilst his mind slipped deeper into melancholy. He kissed Garreth that night as if the world was ending, and he was quite sure that it was.
Four: Gone
Six months. Six months it had been since his heart was ripped out of his chest and soul torn asunder. Garreth was by nature a happy person, full of optimism, but what Ominis Gaunt's departure left behind was a husk of his former self. His friends tried their best to help, but as soon as he was alone, Garreth let the darkness take him. He'd wallow for hours, days at a time, not quite knowing if he'd feel a desire to leave his bed again.
Ominis had left without a word. His phone number went straight to voicemail. His dormitory lay empty. Garreth had asked around and been told he had deferred a year, and that he would be back in September. Garreth wasn't sure if the thought comforted him or made it worse—he still wasn't sure as the month rolled around.
Things were a little better now, thanks to Cora. His job had been a godsend, truth be told, even if he couldn't help the surreptitious glances to the table that Ominis had once frequented. All Summer break, he'd thrown himself into his part-time job, his music, his art. All the little things that made him happy, despite the gaping chasm left in his chest. True, it sometimes felt hollow when he wrote a new song when Ominis wasn't there to hear it, and the drawings he made were often of him despite his best attempts at anyone, anything else. He was trying, though, and each day got a little easier…until the start of term approached.
"Don't go looking for him, Garreth," Cora said, face set into a hard stare.
"I won't," he promised.
He wouldn't go looking, but he might happen upon him whilst walking to and from lectures. Garreth wasn't sure what he wanted—perhaps just to know that Ominis was alright. He should hate him, but so far he'd not managed to muster the feeling. The first week came and went and Garreth didn't see Ominis. He didn't see him whilst crossing the courtyard outside the English building twice a day, nor in the coffee shop when he worked. He didn't find him lingering in the library or outside on the lawn in the shade of the oak tree he loved so much. If Ominis had returned, he was a ghost.
It wasn't until a week later that Garreth finally found him. He'd not even been looking, but the cane was hard to miss when it smacked into his leg.
"Ominis," he gasped, unbelieving.
The pressure built behind his eyes and his throat constricted; his heart hammered and breath grew shallow; there was no angry outburst nor demanding of an explanation, only relief and overwhelming hurt.
"Yeah, yeah it's me. Sorry, I'm in your way."
"You're not. Well, you are, but I'm glad you are."
A silence grew that Garreth didn't know how to fill, only able to stare at the boy he still loved and commit every edge, every mark, every pore to memory in case he didn't see him again.
"I'm so sorry," Ominis whispered.
Ah, there were the tears that followed the words he'd wanted to hear for the past six months. Garreth was weeping in the middle of campus, and he didn't care as Ominis' arms wrapped around him, hesitant and unsure. He wanted to ask him to hold him tighter, but this moment was fragile, and Garreth couldn't run the risk of breaking the spell.
"Tell me why you left, then you never have to see me again," he managed to say through the tears.
"I told you everything in my letter, it was the truth, but…things have changed, admittedly."
"What letter?"
"What do you mean? The letter I left for you before I…"
Ominis looked panicked as Garreth looked at him through bleary eyes, rapidly blinking away the tears as he tried not to follow suit.
"I didn't get a letter. Tell me you're joking."
"Why would I joke? I left you a letter explaining why I'd left. It was cowardly of me, I should have told you…you never got it? You never knew?"
"No, I never knew."
Ominis held him tighter, then, and Garreth squeezed him back. Garreth was sure his heart would soon burst from his chest or he'd simply throw up on the ground, but he managed to ask Ominis to sit with him. They sat on the grass where they'd shared their first kiss and Ominis told him everything that the letter contained. He'd pinned it to his door, but it had been taken before Garreth had a chance to read it.
"I believed my father when he said I'd amount to nothing without him. He's told me as much since the day I'd learned to talk. So I took a gap year, hoping that…you'd forget about me."
"So we can't be together because of your homophobic arsehole of a father?" Garreth asked furiously.
Ominis winced and shook his head with a sad smile.
"No, he's no longer a problem. I regretted my decision almost immediately but I admit I was too ashamed to return. I've spent the past few months working and saving enough money to cut ties with my family."
Ominis took a shaky breath before continuing, his piercing blue eyes fixed into the distance and pricked with tears of his own.
"I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I want you to know that it was you who gave me the strength to finally say no to my father. You…you made me feel more than just a shadow of him."
Garreth sat in stunned silence for minutes just watching the passersby. His brain ached with the deluge of new information. Everything was raw, shocking, unbelievable. 
"Why didn't you find me and tell me?"
"Why would you want anything to do with me after I left?" Ominis asked.
"Because I love you. I love you and if I'd told you that maybe you wouldn't have left in the first place."
There it was; Garreth's heart laid bare. The truth he'd been too scared to tell Ominis before he left and spent half a year trying to deny. 
"I love you too, Garreth. I always will."
He wasn't sure if that changed things, not yet—there was too much to mull over, too much to consider. Garreth stayed silent, simply placing his hand on Ominis' in the long grass.
"Garreth?" Ominis whispered into the breeze.
"I'll spend the rest of my life trying to regain your trust, if you'll let me."
Five: Forever
Forgiveness and love were said to be fickle things. Ominis hadn't thought he'd deserved the former. The latter was implicitly given; Garreth owned his heart, and had done so since the day they had met. The turbulent and beautiful and incredible years ran through his mind as he stood outside the room that would change the course of his life forever. Perhaps it would have been easier for Garreth to walk down the aisle, but Ominis was loath to rob him of his first look—it was the least he could offer. They had planned every detail for themselves, unshackled from the demands of his family and bolstered by the love and support of Garreth’s.
Ominis chose to hold the arm of a dear friend as he walked, the comforting warmth that stayed the shake in his hand a much better prospect than his cane. Sebastian had been an excellent best man so far, even if his stag ‘do left a lot to be desired. All was forgiven as Ominis wrapped his fingers around his forearm and took a deep breath that didn't fill the depths of his lungs. 
“You’ve got this,” Sebastian muttered as the doors opened.
Why had they chosen such heart-wrenching music for this part? He was already fighting back tears and he’d barely stepped in the room. All Ominis could do was focus on his breathing and the tight grip he had around Sebastian's forearm. The walk was an eternity, made all the more agonising by the sobbing from Mrs Weasley, yet he finally made it to the end and was promptly scooped up into Garreth's arms. They'd not even exchanged vows and their lips were pressed together, holding each other as if the other might choose to bolt at the last second.
After that, it was all a blur. Words were said, tears were shed, and not one minute went by that Ominis' cheeks didn't hurt from smiling. He'd completely forgotten the vows he'd prepared, yet the right sentiments came spilling forth anyway. He'd told Garreth exactly what he meant to him; nothing short of his entire world. It was no secret what had transpired in their University years, yet it would only be mentioned briefly amongst the outpouring of love. The 'blip', as they called it, had shaped their relationship, their entire lives, but inevitably led them here. Ominis wouldn't change a thing, and neither would Garreth.
"You may now kiss," the registrar said to the eruption of cheers and claps.
Oh, thank God. Ominis clasped Garreth's cheeks so tightly he might have torn his head clean off his shoulders. Their first kiss as a wedded couple was quite the display, but Ominis couldn't quite bring himself to be embarrassed. It was hard to keep their mouths together amongst the grins spreading rapidly across their faces, and a clash of teeth later they pulled apart laughing and clasping hands.
Three years, eleven months. 
That's how long it had taken Ominis to make Garreth Weasley his forever.
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grandeoatmilklatte · 1 year
Late Night Dip ☀️
Happy Weasley Wednesday everyone! Here’s my contribution to the “hot” theme this week! (But also this falls into the "wet" theme from last week) Enjoy! ✌🏻
Late Night Dip - Garreth Weasley x house neutral F!MC
2.1k words
Smut/NSFW/18+, characters are aged up and in their 7th year. Do not read if you’re under 18!!
Summary: After an uncomfortably hot day, Garreth comes up with an excellent idea to keep him and MC cool, but a visitor foils their plans. 
It was unseasonably hot for this time of year. It was almost the end of September, but it felt like mid August, peak summertime. The heat was sweltering, and left every student feeling like there was a constant layer of sticky sweat on them. 
MC, like every other student, had ditched her robes and opted for just her white shirt with her sleeves rolled up, fanning herself with her hand to no avail. Class was being held outside, as if that made any difference. It was equally as hot outside as it was in. She looked around at her classmates, all in a similar state of disarray, before looking over at her boyfriend, Garreth Weasley. While he too looked like he was about to be overcome with heatstroke, he somehow managed to look so good in this state. 
Garreth also had the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up, so his very freckled and slightly muscular forearms were in full view. He had ditched his tie and had unbuttoned several of the buttons so that his also very freckled neck and upper chest were exposed. He was running a hand through his luscious head of red hair which was slightly damp from dousing himself with Aguamenti spells like many others had throughout the day. His lips were parted, and he had beads of sweat on his forehead and neck. He looked so delicious that had there not been other students around, she would have gladly leaned over and licked the sweat off his neck. Seeing him like this gave her flashbacks to the many times they had been similarly hot and bothered together, but not because of the weather, but because of-
Her naughty thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her name being called. “Oh no. Did we lose you to the heat, sweetheart?” Garreth was in front of MC when she came back to reality, waving his hand in front of her face. “I’m fine! Just thinking.” MC replied, blush forming on her face. “Well, don’t think too hard!” He chuckled. “I’ve been doing some thinking too. This heat has been ridiculous the past few days, but I have an idea of a way we can cool off!” He gave MC a wink. MC looked at him with intrigue, wondering what sort of trouble the two of them were about to get into.
It was normal for Garreth and MC to get into trouble together. Ever since they started dating in fifth year, they were constantly causing mischief. Between pranking their fellow students, causing explosions in potions class, and getting caught snogging in empty classrooms, they were always in detention together, and they never regretted a moment of their time together (except that one time they were caught snogging by Garreth’s aunt. He didn’t regret doing it or getting caught, he just regretted who had caught them.).
“What did you have in mind, my little troublemaker?” MC asked with a sultry tone to her voice. “Ah, it’s a surprise! Meet me tonight, midnight, by the boathouse. Oh, I’ve got to get to class! You know Aunt Matilda will be royally pissed if I’m late!” Garreth planted a big kiss on MC’s lips and took off, leaving MC to stew in her excitement for tonight’s activities. 
It was a little before midnight when MC stealthily snuck out of her dorm. With a Disillusionment charm in place, she made her way over to the boathouse. The weather had cooled down slightly with it being nighttime, but it was still quite hot and humid out. MC hadn’t wondered much about what Garreth had planned tonight. She tried not to think about it to avoid spoiling the surprise. It was a long trek down the stairs leading to the boathouse, and she was winded by the time she got down there. MC didn’t see Garreth at first, but she knew already from their countless excursions that he likely had the charm on as well. She called out his name, and he removed the charm from himself, as MC did the same. His smile was wide as he made eye contact with her. His adorable smile made her heart swell. No matter what silly activity they did together, he was always so happy to be doing them with her, and she shared in the happiness as well. 
“So what are we doing out here, darling?” MC asked. “Well…being that it’s…so hot out…” Garreth was drawing this out in an attempt to raise her anticipation. “I thought maybe we could cool off…by going for a swim.” He gestured towards the Black Lake which surrounded them. “A very naked swim…” He gave her a sultry smile. 
“We’re going skinny dipping?!” She asked in a tone that was equal parts shocked and equal parts impressed. “Mhmm! Now get undressed!” He said as he began to unbutton his shirt. “But what about the giant squid?” She asked cautiously, but already taking her own clothes off. MC was 100% on board with the idea regardless, she just wanted to ensure he planned ahead. MC had seen the tentacles of the famed giant squid pop out of the lake from time to time, but she was pretty certain that she (MC decided the squid was a female) inhabited a much further out and deeper portion of the lake than the two of them were going into. 
“Uhh…” Garreth had a look of confusion on his face, unsure if she was serious or not. “I think we’ll be okay…we’re not going super deep, and the second we see the squid we’ll hop out!” A smile was on his face as he removed his underwear, the last article of clothing that was left on his body. MC paused her undressing to appreciate his body, which is something she did every time she had the opportunity to see him naked. 
He was fit. He wasn’t the most muscular guy in school, but he had a tight, fit stomach and had some bit of muscle in his arms. She took a moment to fantasize about his arms, thinking back to all the times he supported her ass and thighs with those arms every time he fucked her against the wall of the tiny supply closets they sometimes found themselves in. MC continued ogling him. Appreciating the light brown freckles that covered him from head to toe. She loved all his freckles, especially the little one he had on his tip. She always made sure to give that freckle a kiss before anytime she used her mouth on him. Her eyes then grazed over his happy trail of red hair that led down to more red hair, and below that red hair, his impressive length, which was currently in a semi-hard state, somewhat aroused by what they were about to do, but not quite there yet. And although it was cooler out than before, he still appeared a little sweaty from the heat. Like before, there were beads of sweat on his forehead. His hair was a bit unruly, which it often was, and she couldn’t wait to run her fingers through it. She couldn’t believe how perfect he was. 
“See something you like?” He said as he broke MC’s concentration. MC blinked rapidly to get her mind out of the naughty place it was in. “Yes, actually, all of it!” She replied with a wink as she finished removing her clothes. 
They stood completely bare in front of each other. Nerves were beginning to overtake them, but it wasn’t going to stop them. After a moment or two of standing in silence, Garreth broke the silence first by smiling wickedly, dashing over to the dock and jumping off with a loud “WOOOO!” and a splash as his body made contact with the water. MC rolled her eyes, although he definitely didn’t see it. She walked over to the dock, and hopped off of it and into the water as well, in a much less dramatic fashion than Garreth. 
Once they were both in the water, she threw her arms around Garreth’s neck, pulling him into a deep, passionate kiss. Their bodies were flush against each other. MC began to feel a heat between her legs, letting out soft moans in between kisses. Garreth’s hands moved from MC’s hips down to her thighs, pulling them up so that she could wrap her legs around his waist. MC could feel Garreth’s length rutting against her entrance. His mouth then moved down to her neck, as their bodies moved against each other, eager for some friction. One of Garreth’s hands then snaked between their two bodies, making its way to MC’s center. Garreth began to rub small circles, drawing out loud moans from MC’s lips. The point of this late night dip was to cool down from the heat, but it was beginning to seem pointless with how hot and heavy the pair were getting. Garreth reluctantly removed his hand from MC’s center, taking himself in his hand and lining himself up with her entrance. His tip had just breached her entrance when a slight booming sound in the distance made them pull apart from each other. 
Much further out into the lake they saw two tentacles shoot up out of the water, stretching out before they dropped back in, causing a ripple effect that the pair felt even being such a far distance away. Garreth and MC looked at each other in shock before they both let out high pitched screams, and scrambled to get out of the water. Once they were out, they both burst into a laughter that lasted several minutes before they could compose themselves. Once the laughter ceased, MC moved to begin dressing again when Garreth, aroused again as a result of the adrenaline, pulled her into a deep kiss. 
Without breaking the kiss, Garreth walked MC over to the dock, where she laid down with Garreth between her legs. He wasted no time sliding himself into her, an easy feat as MC was still aroused herself. His thrusts were quick and hard, both of their releases rapidly approaching. MC and Garreth had shagged in questionable locations before, but on the dock overlooking the Black Lake after encountering the giant squid was definitely in the top 5, and MC spent all of two seconds worried about splinters before she gave into the pleasure Garreth was giving her, letting out sultry moans in response to his thrusts. 
She wrapped her legs around Garreth’s waist, allowing him deeper access to her, which Garreth took as his opportunity to speed up his movements. Garreth was letting out his own groans of pleasure, and the two of them were overheating quickly, the cooler weather and the wetness of their bodies doing little to cool them down. Garreth was very familiar with MC’s body at this point in their relationship, and knew she was about to break at any moment. Eager to make her finish, and knowing he himself was close to the moment as well, he dipped his head near her ear and whispered softly “Are you going to cum for me sweetheart?” MC let out a drawn out moan in response. “Good girl!” He whispered harshly through gritted teeth. 
Her release came first, her body tensing up as she screamed his name. Garreth’s came right after, burying himself deep into her as he released, filling her insides with himself.  He remained inside her for a moment while they caught their breaths and came down from their highs. Once they had composed themselves, the pair got dressed. “Holy shit!” Garreth proclaimed. “That was something!”
“What we just did, or…?” She lifted her arms in the air and waved them around, imitating the squid’s tentacles. “Both!” Garreth said with a breathy laugh. They both began to giggle again at the terrifying experience before MC pulled Garreth into a sweet, soft kiss. “We should probably get back, assuming we haven’t already woken up half the school with our ruckus.” Garreth said when MC pulled away from the kiss. “You’re right, you did scream after all!” She said with a teasing tone. 
“Uh, so did you!” He shot back. “Yes, but you were louder!” The two of them laughed as she took his hand, and they walked away from the boathouse. 
“You know Garreth, the next time you want a way to cool down from the heat, maybe we should sneak into the prefect’s bathroom instead!” MC said with a laugh. “That’s actually not a bad idea!” Garreth replied as he squeezed her hand, the pair making their way to the long stairs to begin the trek back to their dorms.
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hollowwrites · 1 year
It is Weasley Wednesday My Dudes
I have a Garreth x MC story in the works but for now have this…trash.
No one can convince me otherwise but Garreth has a nickname for everyone…do not question me!!
Imelda - Broomelda or Impy
He read a book once about Norse Mythology and found the Germanic Warrior Brunhild. Something about the powerful Valkyrie and shield maiden reminded him of Imelda and once he’d found a way of shoehorning her name into it that was it:
Imelda: (taking off her flying gear after running another time trial)
Garreth: How are we this fine Thursday afternoon, Broomelda?
Imelda: (turns to stare at Garreth)
Garreth: You know…like Brunhild the-
Imelda: I know who she is
Garreth: See you have a Broom, not a sword…and your name is Imelda…Broom…Imelda…Broomelda
Imelda: …No
After that went badly he started calling her Impy, short and fiesty…could kill you. She likes that nickname
Sebastian - Brother (occasionally Shortie)
Sebastian is an inch shorter than Garreth, if that. Only breaks it out if Sebastian is being bratty or he really wants to wind him up. Started calling Sebastian ‘Brother’ in their second year after he got mildly upset at Anne and Garreth hanging out after Potions.
Now they just call each other brothers out of habit. Anne still gets a little red faced when she hears it and Garreth will never admit he still has a thing for Sebastians sister. Will joke about it constantly though.
Garreth: Please tell me you took notes in Potions
Sebastian: I did
Garreth: Oh thank you Brother!!
Sebastian: (Chuckles) Anytime
Ominis: Is that still happening? This brother ordeal I have to listen to?
Garreth: Well I have to practise for when me and my beloved are betrothed
Sebastian: Yeah yeah, take your notes and be gone
Garreth: (Sighing affectionately) I can’t wait to be Garreth Sallow
Sebastian: Enough thank you!
Garreth: Calm down Shortie (ruffles Sebastian’s hair)
Sebastian: (Sighs)
Poppy - Bumbles
Found Poppy sat amongst the beehives doing homework. She laughed at him when he jumped out of his skin rounding the corner, her Hufflepuff Uniform blending in with the hives around her. Once said the way she flits around the school chasing after beasts reminded him of a Bumblebee. Too much of a coincidence!
Poppy: (Bumping into Garreth in the hallways dropping her books) Ooof Sorry Garreth, can’t see past these books.
Garreth: No problem, Bumbles. Where are we going? I’ll help you carry some
Poppy: Just back to the dorms
Garreth: After you (following after Poppy quietly humming) bzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Poppy: (Giggles) Stop it you!!
Amit - Stargazer
Pretty obvious one. I imagine Amit and Garreth don’t speak very often, Garreth head down in a cauldron and Amit staring off into the sky, their interests don’t always align but he likes to make people feel included.
Amit: Ah Garreth, Professor Weasley, er…your Aunt is looking for you
Garreth: Ugh, Thank you Stargazer. You are My Knight in Shining Armour. (Turns on his heels and walks in the direction he just came, away from his Aunt)
Ominis - Opal Eyes
Another obvious one. Got caught staring into Ominis’ eyes once and blurted out that he thought they were beautiful like Opals. Rolled with it.
Ominis: Bloody Wiggenweld, AGAIN. I hate that blasted potion
Garreth: Oh, Opal Eyes (throwing an arm around his shoulder) How many times have I told you? Sit next to me and I’ll smuggle you some of mine.
Ominis: I’m already blind I don’t want to lose my sense of smell too
MC - Sparkles, Sparkler, Sparks ETC (Modern AU would deffo call them Palpatine)
Have you seen anyone else shoot lightning from their fingers? Didn’t think so. Immediately came up with the name as soon as he witnessed their Ancient Magic for the first time. Teases them every Guy Fawkes Night (Bonfire Night) for hogging all the fireworks in their fingers.
Garreth: Hey I’ve run out of Sparklers, can I borrow you…Sparkler?
MC: Har Har very funny Weasley
Garreth: (stands behind them scooping their hands in his, waving them around as if they were alight)
Leander - Tabby
Thinks his nickname is because he’s ginger. Garreth doesn’t have the heart to tell him; 1) Tabbies aren’t ginger and 2) it’s because he prances around acting like a lion when in actuality he’s a pussy cat.
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send in requests <3
Imma start writing x reader fics again cuz I missed doing it. And I no longer like AO3 or wattpad for my works so imma post them here.
Quick introduction to me, you can call me Sawyer, I'm a minor. I go by any pronouns. I'm currently trying to read through all the Riordan-verse books which is proving to be very time consuming.
Anywaysssss here is what I will and won't write for
Will write:
Masc! Reader
Fem! Reader
GN! Reader
FtM! Reader
MtF! Reader
sibling reader
dysphoria comfort
Poly relationships
really I’ll write anything within reason
won’t write:
toxic idealized relationships ( i.e. relationships where they cheat and abuse each other, but come back to eachother because theyre in love and they learned their lesson but they’ll likely do it again)
Abuse in general, its a tough subject for me so id rather no
depending on what you request it may be out of my comfort zone to do. 
 to request:
explain your request as much as you like (i.e. Nervous Jason Grace X son of apollo reader, fluffy picnic date) just a basic gist of what you want it to be about or you can go in depth if you want specific things to happen.
Fandoms I’ll write for:
this fandom is currently on hold for a bit
Percy Jackson
Jason Grace
Piper McLean
Connor Stoll
Travis Stoll
Luke Castellan
Nico di Angelo
Will Solace 
Leo Valdez
Carter Kane
Walt stone
Sadie Kane (Platonic/sibling)
Piper McLean
Thalia Grace
Annabeth Chase
Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Oliver Wood
Cedric Diggory
Ron Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Hermione Granger
Hogwarts Legacy
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Garreth Weasley
Poppy Sweeting
Natsai Onai
Imelda Reyes
Criminal minds 
Spencer Reid 
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Tyler Galpin
Xavier Thorpe
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
literally any of Evan’s characters from the show except Jeff Pfister and Austin Sommers. Only cuz Jeff was annoying as hell and I need to rewatch double feature as I only remember bits and pieces. Also kinda iffy on writing for Kai Anderson, like maybe pre-cult Kai but even then maybe not.
Ian Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
The Last of us
all of these are subject to change, depending on what I feel, and whether or not my opinion changes, if you don’t see something on here feel free to suggest it and if I know it, I can try my best to do the request! 
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mariesdeluluworld · 2 years
Harry Addams and the Philosopher’s Stone
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙞𝙭: 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙚𝙘𝙝𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝘽𝙞𝙧𝙙𝙨
September 1st couldn’t have come quicker, in Harry’s mind. It was a hellish month. Everyday his aunt's family would spend all day out in the sun, holy seven circles of hell. They flew on broomsticks (which Harry excelled at, of course.) and played with gobstones and their neighbours. A giant, loud, family of gingers. He remembered how his aunt had pulled him away from his reading (Poisons, Hexes to Use on Your Enemies, & Easy Curses by Bertha Nightlock) to meet the family of gingers. 
"Harry, dear," A smile was bright on Ophelia's face. "These are our neighbours, the Weasley's!" She spread her arms out as if she was on a muggle gameshow Grandmama liked to watch but was always disappointed when contestants either won or didn't get mauled by a mountain lion. 
"Hello there Harry!" A plump woman with red hair and a round face bustled out from her family, holding her arms out, a smile on her face. "I'm Molly Weasley, and these are my children," She pointed to a tall boy with glasses and curly red hair, he was the only one wearing a matching robe set. "This is Percy," His arms were crossed and he stood tall, unlike the others—his face was tight and his lips pursed. He looked positively dreadful. "My twins, Fred and George," 
"Hey there Potter!" The twins said in unison. 
"Say do you—" 
"Have that—"
"Scar?" They finished together. 
Harry simply stared at them, his eyes glazing over. The twins looked exactly alike, down from their faces right down to their shoes. They both sported the same haircut, same clothes, and shoes. It was like they were carbon copies. 
"And this is my youngest son, Ron, and my daughter Ginny. Ron will also be attending Hogwarts this year!" Ron was tall, taller than any 11-year-old Harry saw. But his shoulders were hunched, and his face was downcasted, his blue eyes kept flicking up and down, as if he was insecure. No, he was insecure. Harry could tell. 
"So is Harry! My sister, who lives in the States with her husband, sent Harry to live with us this summer so he could get used to the magical world." Aunt Ophelia explained, her hands moving as she talked. 
"Oh how wonderful! Where've you taken him, Ophelia?" Molly and her children were invited inside the house, out of the summer heat. Harry tried to creep back up the stairs but a quick glare from his aunt (that was fairly similar to his own mother's glare) stopped him. 
"He's been all over the Alley, and we've taken him to Hogsmeade!” 
Ah, yes, thought Harry. Memories of his timely visit to the village outside of Hogwarts was boring and uneventful. The only thing that struck Harry as interesting was an old pub by the name of Hogs Head—he hoped there was an actual event where you took the head of a hog, but alas he was entirely let down—and an abandoned “haunted” house, dubbed by the locals the “Shrieking Shack”. 
Thinking about the visit made something in Harry ache. He knew Wednesday would’ve loved to investigate and look into this haunted shack and summoned devils from the depths of hades with him. A part of him wanted to go home, to be away from his too-smiley aunt and her family. His cousin’s weren’t as bad as the other children back home, but they weren’t on the same page as Harry. They did not play with headless dolls, nor did they have a subscription to “Tortures Torture”. Beatrice was the only one who actually was worth being around. She seemed to be the only one to inherit some sort of Frump genes. 
After the ghastly introduction of the ginger family, Harry isolated himself back in his room, waiting for the hours to pass. 
There were only a few moments of his dreaded summer with his aunt and her family that Harry did enjoy. For example: Aunt Ophelia was a Potions Woman and she had her own home laboratory that Harry found himself walking into one rainy day in the English country. She wore a white lab coat and black gloves that went up to her elbows. At the sound of Harry shutting the door to her room, Ophelia turned. Her big black eyes were huge and bug-eyed under the googles she wore. 
“Harry! Come in!” A smile spread across her face before she turned her attention back to her plants and concoctions. Harry slumped in, the shadows warming his skin in the dark and dank room. He took a sniff—Nightshade, ahh home. 
Ophelia patted a stole she pulled out from underneath the workbench and Harry took a seat. Together, Aunt and Nephew worked as they made a simple healing draught for certain native poisons from Hungry. It was the first moment that Harry felt relaxed and realised how he could be related to this woman. How his mother and her lived in England all their young lives. 
A flash of gold made him pause. 
“You were in Slytherin?” 
Ophelia smirked as she finished writing on her clipboard the shipping information for the crate of potions. 
“Of course.” Her gloves and goggles lay off to the side, allowing her to grab the metal she received.  “I won the Slytherin duelling championship, beating all the pesky inbred purebloods.” She sounded proud. Harry watched her dust off the metal, though he didn’t see why. “Tisha won for Ravenclaw, she had to sneak into Slytherin to sleep. Her housemates were playing dirty and she wasn’t allowing a single curse or “misguided” spell to keep her from that metal. When she wants something, she’ll get it. It’s why we never tried out for Qudditch, if we both made it the games would be brutal for both the teams and the rest of Hogwarts.” She smiled and chuckled here and there. “It was better for everyone if the Frump Sisters weren’t against each other, but on the same side.” 
Ophelia placed the metal back on the wall that Harry realised were moving photographs of what looked like his mother and aunt in their Hogwarts uniform. The only reason why he could tell who was who, was the colours of their robes. Aunt Ophelia had black hair?? 
“Your hair…” 
“Yep, black. I only started to dye in my sixth and seventh year. I wanted something to make us stand apart. I can’t believe how many times boys went to the wrong sister. I knew it made Tisha angry. She once hexed a boy’s bollocks and he was in the hospital wing for weeks.” 
Another photo of the sisters, this time where Ophelia’s hair was blonde, and they sat in what looked like a courtyard full of statues. They were laughing and Harry saw a man with white blonde hair in the back of them staring at the pair of sisters. 
A buzzing noise yelled through the potions lab. 
“Oh! That’s dinner!” 
(Aunt Ophelia gave Harry the brain along with mashed potatoes that night.) 
September 1st couldn’t have come quicker, in Harry’s mind. It was a hellish month. Everyday his aunt's family would spend all day out in the sun, holy seven circles of hell. They flew on broomsticks (which Harry excelled at, of course.) and played with gobstones and their neighbours. A giant, loud, family of gingers. He remembered how his aunt had pulled him away from his reading (Poisons, Hexes to Use on Your Enemies, & Easy Curses by Bertha Nightlock) to meet the family of gingers.
"Harry, dear," A smile was bright on Ophelia's face. "These are our neighbours, the Weasley's!" She spread her arms out as if she was on a muggle gameshow Grandmama liked to watch but was always disappointed when contestants either won or didn't get mauled by a mountain lion.
"Hello there Harry!" A plump woman with red hair and a round face bustled out from her family, holding her arms out, a smile on her face. "I'm Molly Weasley, and these are my children," She pointed to a tall boy with glasses and curly red hair, he was the only one wearing a matching robe set. "This is Percy," His arms were crossed and he stood tall, unlike the others—his face was tight and his lips pursed. He looked positively dreadful. "My twins, Fred and George,"
"Hey there Potter!" The twins said in unison. "Say do you—" "Have that—" "Scar?" They finished together.
Harry simply stared at them, his eyes glazing over. The twins looked exactly alike, down from their faces right down to their shoes. They both sported the same haircut, same clothes, and shoes. It was like they were carbon copies.
"And this is my youngest son, Ron, and my daughter Ginny. Ron will also be attending Hogwarts this year!" Ron was tall, taller than any 11-year-old Harry saw. But his shoulders were hunched, and his face was downcasted, his blue eyes kept flicking up and down, as if he was insecure. No, he was insecure. Harry could tell.
"So is Harry! My sister, who lives in the States with her husband, sent Harry to live with us this summer so he could get used to the magical world." Aunt Ophelia explained, her hands moving as she talked.
"Oh how wonderful! Where've you taken him, Ophelia?" Molly and her children were invited inside the house, out of the summer heat. Harry tried to creep back up the stairs but a quick glare from his aunt (that was fairly similar to his own mother's glare) stopped him.
"He's been all over the Alley, and we've taken him to Hogsmeade!”
Ah, yes, thought Harry. Memories of his timely visit to the village outside of Hogwarts was boring and uneventful. The only thing that struck Harry as interesting was an old pub by the name of Hogs Head—he hoped there was an actual event where you took the head of a hog, but alas he was entirely let down—and an abandoned “haunted” house, dubbed by the locals the “Shrieking Shack”.
Thinking about the visit made something in Harry ache. He knew Wednesday would’ve loved to investigate and look into this haunted shack and summoned devils from the depths of hades with him. A part of him wanted to go home, to be away from his too-smiley aunt and her family. His cousin’s weren’t as bad as the other children back home, but they weren’t on the same page as Harry. They did not play with headless dolls, nor did they have a subscription to “Tortures Torture”. Beatrice was the only one who actually was worth being around. She seemed to be the only one to inherit some sort of Frump genes.
After the ghastly introduction of the ginger family, Harry isolated himself back in his room, waiting for the hours to pass.
There were only a few moments of his dreaded summer with his aunt and her family that Harry did enjoy. For example: Aunt Ophelia was a Potions Woman and she had her own home laboratory that Harry found himself walking into one rainy day in the English country. She wore a white lab coat and black gloves that went up to her elbows. At the sound of Harry shutting the door to her room, Ophelia turned. Her big black eyes were huge and bug-eyed under the googles she wore.
“Harry! Come in!” A smile spread across her face before she turned her attention back to her plants and concoctions. Harry slumped in, the shadows warming his skin in the dark and dank room. He took a sniff—Nightshade, ahh home.
Ophelia patted a stole she pulled out from underneath the workbench and Harry took a seat. Together, Aunt and Nephew worked as they made a simple healing draught for certain native poisons from Hungry. It was the first moment that Harry felt relaxed and realised how he could be related to this woman. How his mother and her lived in England all their young lives.
A flash of gold made him pause.
“You were in Slytherin?”
Ophelia smirked as she finished writing on her clipboard the shipping information for the crate of potions.
“Of course.” Her gloves and goggles lay off to the side, allowing her to grab the metal she received. “I won the Slytherin duelling championship, beating all the pesky inbred purebloods.” She sounded proud. Harry watched her dust off the metal, though he didn’t see why. “Tisha won for Ravenclaw, she had to sneak into Slytherin to sleep. Her housemates were playing dirty and she wasn’t allowing a single curse or “misguided” spell to keep her from that metal. When she wants something, she’ll get it. It’s why we never tried out for Qudditch, if we both made it the games would be brutal for both the teams and the rest of Hogwarts.” She smiled and chuckled here and there. “It was better for everyone if the Frump Sisters weren’t against each other, but on the same side.”
Ophelia placed the metal back on the wall that Harry realised were moving photographs of what looked like his mother and aunt in their Hogwarts uniform. The only reason why he could tell who was who, was the colours of their robes. Aunt Ophelia had black hair??
“Your hair…”
“Yep, black. I only started to dye in my sixth and seventh year. I wanted something to make us stand apart. I can’t believe how many times boys went to the wrong sister. I knew it made Tisha angry. She once hexed a boy’s bollocks and he was in the hospital wing for weeks.”
Another photo of the sisters, this time where Ophelia’s hair was blonde, and they sat in what looked like a courtyard full of statues. They were laughing and Harry saw a man with white blonde hair in the back of them staring at the pair of sisters.
A buzzing noise yelled through the potions lab.
“Oh! That’s dinner!”
(Aunt Ophelia gave Harry the brain along with mashed potatoes that night.)
“Only one week until September 1st!” screamed Cordelia from her bedroom at the crack of dawn. Out of all of the Harrisons in the household, Cordy was the one who never ran out of energy. From dawn to dusk, she was up and about, zooming around her home and outdoors, playing with the Weasleys or Fawcettes. Her best friend, Sarah, joined her on a spy mission today. Their target? Harry Potter—er, Addams. Her cousin.
Sarah almost “shit-a-brick” once she found out he was staying over at her house. It was actually hilarious that Sarah, who swore off all boys after the Ronald Weasley crush fiasco, was now acting like a love-sick puppy. Her blue eyes were constantly on him, watching Harry in a star-struck manner.
“Shh,” hissed Cordy as Sarah inched closer to the crack in the bedroom door. Harry was sitting on the floor, reading a book that looked old and worn. He wore his weird clothes again. With a twitch of his hand, sparks flew from the tip of the wand he got.
“Wow!” breathed Sarah. Cordy rolled her eyes. Girls.
“Harry!” Her mothers voice shouted from the bottom of the stairs. “Your mother is on the phone!” The girls scrambled—tried to at least—away from the doorway as the boy with long legs rushed out and bounded down the stairs. Cordy just stared, her eyes must’ve deceived her. Because in the midst of chaos, her cousin had smiled and for once looked happy and joyful, his cold indifference left behind.
Harry spoke with his family for hours. Uncle Fester was back! A woman found and brought him back to the family. He could hear the joy drip from his fathers smooth tongue. Even his mother was happy for her husband. Harry had never met the famed uncle his father spoke about fondly. The only one he’s met is his aunt, his fathers and uncle Fester’s little sister, Tristessa.
The only one who wasn’t thrilled at the fact that Uncle Fester was found was his little sister.
“I don’t think he is truly his Uncle Fester Harry.” Wednesday spoke with a clipped tone. There was no room to argue or disagree. “Why do you think so, Spider?”
“He… smells off.” Harry understood what she meant. All her life, Wednesday was able to tap into her senses, if someone's smell was off, there was something wrong. Harry wondered if that was her magic coming through or if that was just her weirdness.
“Watch him. Closely. Don’t allow him to hurt our family, you’re in charge Spider.”
“I will brother. Write to me.”
Harry was thankful he asked Aunt Ophelia to cover his thrice-damned scar with the bangs he’d grown over the summer. For once, he was hidden within the crowd, looking … average. Standing on the mysterious platform with Beatrice, while his aunt and uncle fussed over their children, Cordelia and Olivia. Cordelia complained and whined about not being able to leave with Harry and her older sister, while Olivia tried to use popping sticks to scare older wizards and witches. (She succeeded, multiple times. Harry was so proud.)
“OK children, you’ve got your wands, familiars?” aunt Ophelia asked. She once again wore a hideous gown of blues and greens. Harry’s nose wrinkled in disgust.
“I have my wand.” He said. The wand in question was in his black satchel “backpack”. Beatrice nodded her head too, voicing her own response before checking the cage of her pet toad, William.
“Oh my loves,” Ophelia smiled sadly at the two young wixen. She brought Harry and Bea into her arms, hugging them close as Harry’s eyes widened and squirmed out of her hold, freeing himself. His green eyes were set in a narrowed gaze, all while Ophelia ignored him and led them both onto the train. Richard was in charge of their other two children, while his aunt levitated their luggage behind them.
The three searched for an open compartment, crossing over to the next car as they passed older students. Harry’s eyes watched on, taking in every movement, every person. His fingers twitched at his side. The noise of laughter and joy echoed in his head—what a horrendous and ear-scratching sound.
Soon, the trio found an empty compartment. Ophelia levitated Harry’s and Beatrice’s luggage on the rack above them, and with a final goodbye, she left, leaving the two on their own. Without words, the cousins opened their respective carry ons, taking out whatever they thought necessary for the long trip ahead of them. William croaked a high-pitch noise that Beatrice clarified was “singing” beforehand, yet Harry still glared at the amphibian creature. His fingers twitching at his side.
Ignoring the creature next to him, Harry settled in, leaning his back against the window and he splayed his long legs out. Beatrice did the same except her ankles were crossed, keeping her modesty in check. A book laid open on Harry’s lap as he read silently, memorising the wand strokes of each spell they were to learn in Charms. Beatrice read a muggle book, her eyes glued to the page as she read with William next to her. The train started to move and neither cousin got up to wave goodbye to their family, instead they took solace in the silence each provided for the long journey ahead.
(Y/n) learned long ago to ignore her cousin when he was with his Pureblooded friends. While Draco entertained these buffoons, (Y/n) and Nott, read their books silently, ignoring the bigoted conversations. Though she knew the reason why Draco was talking like this; his father, Uncle Lucius, threw around the phrases and the like without a care. Aunt Cissa never did, she would agree with her husband and his colleagues, but never use such phrases and names like they did. A part of (Y/n) wondered if the reason was Aunt Cissa’s sister and her family, or maybe something to do with that mark. Nevertheless, (Y/n) never grew used to the bigoted names and thinking and hated it whenever her cousin, her best friend, would say such things.
“Anything off the trolly dears?” (Y/n) didn’t hear their compartment door sliding open, not until the old witch who worked the magical train spoke in her hypnotic voice. Crabbe and Goyle rushed up to the woman and shoved a pouch full of money and grabbed whatever they could get their hands on.
She waited until the two pigs had sat down before she grabbed her own sweets, Draco whining loudly in the back, and giving some to the gaunt and skinny Theo. Soon the compartment was silent except the loud mouth sounds coming from Crabbe and Goyle. Hugging herself, she turned her attention to the wixen fairytale, trying to drown herself in the lyrical written word.
It was dark when the train pulled into the station. A while ago a voice had echoed all through the train for the students to change into their robes. That was where (Y/n) met a bushy haired girl named Hermione. They were the only ones who changed early—well, only girls that is—and they spoke in (Y/n)’s compartment while the boys were in the bathroom/changing room.
The girl—Hermione, (Y/n) reminded—was quite animated. Spoke with her hands and had excellent vocabulary and had a posh attitude. But if you looked deeper, (Y/n) could tell she was scared. Nervous. She was a muggle-born, and (Y/n) asked questions of her home life in exchange what growing up in a Wizard home was like. Of course she left out the feeling of homesickness, of longing for life she never quite knew. “Black? As in Sirius Black?” Hermione asked when (Y/n) finished explaining the Family Tapestry of Malfoy Manor—If Uncle Lucius was here he would’ve hexed her for telling their secrets to a muggle-born—and mentioned that her aunt was of the Black family.
“Erm… yes. That’s her cousin.” Hermione raised a brow. She didn’t ask what her last name was. She was grateful. In only just a few moments, soon the whole entire school of Hogwarts would know that she was a Black. And there were only two Blacks in the UK. If she was born in France and was of the French Blacks—the smaller branch—she would be going to Beauxbatons and wouldn’t have the dark cloud hanging over her. Since it was common knowledge that her Uncle Regulus disappeared and her grandmother had a traditional Pureblood funeral and it was all over the papers, there was only one Black that could be her Father. The man that had crashed the funeral and drank himself silly before being hauled out of there by his best friend and best friend's mother, Dorea Black (who got an invite because she wasn’t kicked out of the family).
Soon everyone would know that Sirius Black’s daughter would be in Hogwarts. Her stomach turned.
“Firs’ years! Firs’ years! Firs’ years, overhear!” The man was a giant. Wonderful. A slow smile crept on Harry face as he watched the bushy-bearded man wave a meaty paw at them, waving them over to the docks. Beatrice turned to look at her cousin, her bottom lip caught in between her teeth.
“Okay Harry, I’ll be heading over there–” she pointed to a few girls and a boy waiting by a carriage that was being pulled by skeletal horses he knew his parents would’ve wanted—”and you’ll go over to Hagrid—he’s the game keeper here at Hogwarts—and I’ll see you in the Great Hall for your sorting, kay?”
Harry nodded. “Be careful going in the boats Har, a few firsties last year fell overboard and got acquainted with the friendly squid that lives in the Black Lake.”
With a final warning, his cousin scampered over to her friends and began chatting with them as they climbed aboard the carriage.
“What are those?” questioned a weak voice.
“What are what, Nott?”
“You don’t see them?
A blonde, a brunette, and a black/(h/c) souls stood next to Harry, looking at the strange creatures.
“What are you two looking at?! I don’t see anything!” complained a white-blonde boy, his lips pouted. He scoffed. “Whatever. Crabbe, Goyle, let’s go.” He swaggered off with two big boys trailing behind.
“I see them too, Theo.” said the girl, she touched the brunette's arm, stroking it? Harry sneered.
“Oi! You three! C’mere!” The giant shouted, waving his lantern.
Harry rolled his eyes as he walked towards the man, leaving behind the boy and girl. Climbing into the unoccupied boat—well, except for a boy with straw blonde hair and a long face who was hiding the fact he was crying—as the man exclaimed “No more’n four in a boat!” as the boy and girl got in the only available boat with Harry.
“Everyone in?” Harry looked behind him and saw no one standing on the platform. “Right then! FORWARD!” He shouted, causing some students to jump at both his thundering voice and the sudden movement of the boats.
Students all around him ooooed and awwed at the display of magic and the majesty of the castle, Hogwarts, on the hill. Harry stared. His green eyes take in the dark surroundings. His mother studied here. As did her sister, and his biological parents. Though he never associated or thought of himself as the name he carried on his birth certificate. But a part of him, deep inside, knew that this was the place where he would get all the answers he needed. He needed to know who his parents were. Needed to know them beyond the fact they were war heroes and they died at Voldemort’s hand.
“HEADS DOWN!” The curtain of ivy kept the entrance of the boathouse hidden, Harry wanted to scoff. His parents, his father, had a better entrance to the family vault than this.
The boats docked and soon students were clambering about, while the giant handed the sniffling boy Harry shared a boat with a toad called Trevor. Memories of Beatrice's toad singing non stop while on the train made Harry want to chuck this toad into the lake. Harry and the rest of his future classmates walked behind the giant as he led them into the castle and up some stairs to reach a door, which the man knocked with a forceful thrust. It creaked open to reveal a woman, a mature woman, wearing emerald green robes and a black pointy hat he recognized. Grandmama rocked that hat during the forties while she was young, travelling the world.
“I’ve gotten them Professor McGonagall! The Firs’ years!” He puffed. Professor McGonagall flicked her cat-like eyes in their direction, landing on Harry for a brief second.
“I see that Hagrid. Well, come on then. Follow me.” She spoke with a Scottish accent, Harry noted. She led them through the castle, the marble staircase and suits of armour, with portraits of famous witches and wizards, monarchs, and animals, lined the walls, and creatures of myth were carved out of stone. Lit torches lined the walls and chandeliers hung from a high ceiling.
McGonagall stopped in front of a door, this was located through a lounge where knitting needles moved on their own, cups floated in the air still steeping, books and quills flipped their pages and wrote, and a few animals lay fast asleep in front a great fireplace.
“Now, through these doors lay your future. Your future housemates, your house, your teachers, and your future education. Before you start attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you must be sorted into your houses. Your house, dear students, will be your family through the duration of your stay. There are four houses here at Hogwarts, and each house has a long and magical history. There are Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slytherin.”
She smiled, though Harry was not comforted by that smile.
“Your triumphs here at Hogwarts will earn you and your house points towards the House Cup, while your misbehaviour will lose your house points. The rules of Hogwarts are posted outside the Great Hall. After the start-of-term banquet, your House Prefects will give you all maps of Hogwarts, and direct you to your common rooms, and will assign you a group of students and a junior prefect to be your guide for the first month of term.”
Her beady eyes looked at everyone. “Now, any questions?”
A ginger haired boy—Ron, Harry realised—raised his hand.
“We don’t have to fight trolls or anything like that in order to get sorted now do we?” A few students laughed, a bushy haired girl among them, while others looked on nervously. Harry rolled his eyes. Honestly, he comes from a family of wizards and witches and he has to ask that question?
“No, Mr. Weasley, you do not have to fight a troll or any magical creature here at Hogwarts whether to get sorted or not. We have a sorting hat to do that. I believe that your brothers have something to do with your question?” She raised an eyebrow and Ron flushed red.
“Does anyone else have any questions?” No one raised a hand or asked.
“Right then, I shall pop in to let them know we're ready for you.” She opened the door and disappeared for a few moments before coming back in, leading them through.
The Great Hall exploded in colour, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, with dashes of Purple and Orange as the first years walked in being led by Professor McGonagall. Students gasped and searched the crowd, Severus knew who they were looking for. He was looking for him too. He was looking for a boy with messy black-brown hair with square glasses and hazel eyes with a swagger in his step, overtaking McGonagall and cutting in front of everyone to place that blasted, raggedy hat on his head, and for it to scream GRYFFINDOR. But he wasn’t there?
Potter's brat wasn’t there to be found. But Severus knew him to be here. He knew his name was on the list and knew McGonagall sent him an acceptance letter.
McGonagall dragged a three legged stool over to the raised dias, the magical hat appearing in a flash, and she whipped out the parchment of names. The parchment of which his nemesis’s son’s name was on.
But before she could start calling out names, the hat sang a song. Severus rolled his eyes at the hat and its antics. He didn’t have time for this. His leg bounced up and down in anticipation. Finally, the hat stopped singing, and the sorting began.
“When I call your name, I will put on the hat and you shall be sorted.” McGonagall shouted.
She cleared her throat.
Hufflepuff, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor—Severus sneered at the girl who looked overjoyed.
Finally, they got their first Slytherin. Though, Bulstrode wasn’t that much to brag about. Her father was a dimwitted business man and his parents had to go abroad to find him a wife. Sadly the girl received her fathers porky figure. (Damn all his gossip sessions with Narcissa.)
“Black, (Y/n)!” Severus perked up. His godson’s cousin and his other nemesis child. Sirius Black was a terror who got off on Severus' suffering, and he hated him. However, his child was innocent and got the brains from her mysterious mother. She was like a newborn baby deer, her legs shook as she took a few steps to the stool. He could hear the whispers of her name from the older students—her father was famous.
The Hat looked confused. She was a hat stall then. For ten minutes she sat on the stole, as she looked to be arguing with the hat. McGonagall shared a look with Severus and Albus, worried etching across her face. Severus inwardly scoffed. Of course she was worried for her. She was the child of one of her precious Cubs. Lioness Minnie wanted to march and break down Black's cell and got into a few arguments with Albus about his wrongful imprisonment.
“—SLYTHERIN!!!” Black looked upset as her robes magically changed to the Slytherin uniform. Two snakes.
She marched down the steps after ripping off the hat and headed to his House’s table as the Gryffindors made hissing noises—the Weasley twins, he mused.
The sorting continued, Severus barely paid attention, only clapped when Slytherin gained a new student. Draco was easy, the hat had barely touched his head when it shouted Slytherin. Nott’s boy took a few minutes before it settled on Slytherin as well. When they reached the P’s, Severus’s back seemed to grow straighter.
Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin…
Parkinson draped herself on Draco, trying to smile prettily for his godson. Severus did not envy Draco. As the Scion of the Malfoys, he would be well sought after from brides and their families, Parkinson was one.
“Potter, Harry.”
Severus drew a breath. A boy, tall and lanky, wearing his black robes with a crest pinned on his left, walked up, confident steps with a cold indifference. Before sitting down his voice rang out as he addressed McGonagall.
“Addams.” She raised a brow.
“Excuse me, Mister Potter?”
“My surname. My surname is Addams, and I would prefer to go by that instead of Potter. I was raised by the Addams family.” Gasps flew from Poppy and Flitwick, and Severus sneaked a glance at Albus. The twinkle died out from his blue eyes.
“V-Very well, Mister Addams.”
Satisfied, Potter sat on the rickety stool.
Harry smirked.
No one made a sound. The hall was quiet. No one clapped and Harry relished in turning these people into speechless birds. No longer did they squawk, he clipped their wings and freedom was snatched away from them. How wonderful~
19 notes · View notes
mischiefxmuses · 2 years
Post Event Plotting/starter call. Like for plotting and I’ll hop into DMs. If you want starters please comment which muse you’d like the starter for and the starter from. 
I will dropping pretty much every pre event thread just for my own sanity. If there is one you desperately want to keep just let me know.
{With ship plots I am very keen on chemistry and not forcing them}
Henry Creel aka One / Aware / Stranger Things (??/5)
Henry is open for ship plots. (Heterosexual) - Flings, exes, slow burn ship. (not someone who wants to change him) 
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Angel / Aware / Buffy The Vampire Slayer (??/5)
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Billy Loomis / Aware / Scream  (1/5)  - Josh
Billy is open for ship plots. (Heterosexual) - Flings, exes, slow burn ship (not someone who wants to change him.)
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Charles Xavier / Aware / X-Men  (??/5)
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Cleo Mckinnon / Aware / Harry Potter (??/5) 
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Cordelia Goode / Aware / AHS: Coven (??/5) 
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Dream / Aware / The Sandman (1/5)  - Elliot
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Fleur Delacour Weasley / Aware / Harry Potter (1/5) - Hagrid 
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Galadriel / Aware / Rings of Power (??/5) 
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Harwin Strong / Aware / House of The Dragon (??/5) 
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Hunter / Aware / The Bad Batch (??/5)
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Iorveth / Aware / The Witcher (??/5) 
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Jorah Mormont / Aware / Game of Thrones (2/5) - Sherlock, Drogon
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Kirby Reed / Aware / Scream (??/5)
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Loki Laufeyson / Aware / Marvel (??/5)
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(Newly Alpha) Peter Hale / Aware / Teen Wolf (??/5) 
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Rabastan Lestrange / Aware / Harry Potter (??/5)
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Satine Kryze / Aware / Star Wars (??/5)
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Silco / Aware / Arcane (??/5)
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Sion Val Palpatine / Aware / Star Wars (??/5)
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Tenel Ka Djo / Aware / Star Wars (??/5)
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Thea Queen / Aware / Arrow (??/5)
Thea is open for plots (heterosexual) - Exes, flings, ship
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Toothless / Aware / How to Train Your Dragon (1/5) - Benjamin
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Xavier Thorpe / Aware / Wednesday (??/5)
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Yennefer of Vengerberg / Aware / The Witcher (1/5) - Pyrrha
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Ygritte / Aware / Game of Thrones (??/5)
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keijislove · 4 years
Surprise: Harry Potter x Wife!Reader
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A/N: warning, i guess there is a slight mention of NSFW (i do not write smut btw) and vomiting, sickness, etc.
Your eyes fluttered open as you were snatched out of your sweet dreams.
You looked to your left, where your husband was still sleeping.
Giggling, you got up and dressed for work.
‘Wake up, sleepyhead.’ You spoke. ‘You’re going to be late for work.’
Harry let out a small groan, sitting up in bed.
‘Morning love.’ He said through a yawn.
‘Morning, dork.’
‘Mrs Potter, good morning!’
‘Hello Mrs Potter!’
‘Hi Y/N, alright?’
‘Good day Mrs Potter!’
‘Hello, hello.’ You briskly said, rushing through the stampede of Ministry wizards, making your way to your office.
‘Y/N, thank goodness you’re here!’ Hermione spoke. ‘Samuel Goodman’s having trouble with that spitting guitar again.’
‘Really? Again?’ you whined. ‘I didn’t think to bring lunch! That man’s job is going to take hours.’
‘I’ll tell Ron to get you something.’ Hermione giggled.
You fake gasped. ‘Minister, are you helping an employee?’
Hermione snorted. ‘Very funny, get going, he’s already knee-deep.’
You raised your hands in surrender, running off.
‘Now, Mr Goodman.’ You seriously stated. ‘I do believe I told you to leave this instrument alone?’
The man blushed scarlet, muttering something that sounded like an apology.
You sighed. ‘Well, it’s done. It won’t spit at you anymore. Good day.’
You lead him out of your office.
Minutes later, there was a knock on your door.
‘Come in.’
‘Hey, Y/N.’ Ronald Weasley popped his head in. ‘Mione told me to bring you lunch, here you go. George has fixed this up for you.’
‘Ah, thanks Ron.’ You yawned. ‘Tell him thanks, that looks great.’
After eating your delicious egg-sandwich, you headed to your husband’s office.
‘Hi Y/N.’ Harry smiled as you entered. ‘Long day?’
‘The spitting guitar again.’ You answered.
‘Again? I feel sorry for you now.’
‘Oh, shut up.’ You laughed. ‘I expect-’
But at that moment, a wave of nausea overcame you, so powerful that you doubled over.
‘Love?’ Harry worriedly asked. ‘Y/N?’
Not speaking, afraid you would throw up, you ran into his bathroom and retched into the toilet.
After panting and cleaning yourself up, you went back out.
‘Love, a-are you alright?’ Harry asked.
‘I’m fine...’ you answered. ‘Maybe George cooked a bad egg or something in his sandwich...’
Harry nodded, unconvinced.
The bell on the door of the shop rang as you entered.
The red-haired man at the counter didn’t look up. ‘Hello, welcome to Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes, best joke shop in Diagon Alley, I’m George Weasley and you may look around and ask me if you need anything.’
You politely waited for him to finish his monologue before you spoke.
‘Hem hem.’ You said, fighting your giggles as George’s head snapped up in horror.
‘Oh, it’s just you.’ He spoke. ‘I thought it was old toad-face who came to shut down my shop.’
‘Just me?’ you asked. ‘I’m offended.’
‘Yeah, yeah, hello Y/N.’ George snickered. ‘May I help you?’
‘Well, thanks for the sandwich.’ You began. ‘But did you-’
Before you could say put a bad egg in it, another wave of nausea washed over you.
‘Bathroom?!’ you choked out.
‘Y/N, what-’ George began. ‘Uh, yeah, just there.’
He pointed to the door.
You ran in and retched again.
‘Are you alright?’ George asked.
‘Well, I was going to ask you if you put a rotten egg in the sandwich, but now I’m wondering if you put a Puking Pastille in it...’
‘Puking Pastille?’ George repeated. ‘Why would I put that in your food? And we aren’t even making those anymore, it’s limited to Fever Fudge and Fainting Fancies.’
‘Am I sick?’ you wondered aloud.
‘By the looks of it, yeah.’ George spoke. ‘Maybe go home and rest?’
‘Yeah, maybe drop by at St. Mungo’s....’ you muttered, leaving.
‘Hello, you’re at St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, if you want to get treated, use that elevator, if you’re meeting someone, you have to wait, if you’re wasting my time, then please leave and- OH MERLIN!’ the woman gasped. ‘Y-you’re Y/N Potter...’
‘Uhm, I do believe I am.’ You said uncertainly.
‘Oh, well, oh, Mrs Potter, uh, big fan.’ She stuttered. ‘How may I assist you?’
‘Well, you see, I’ve been vomiting since this afternoon, it’s happened thrice already and I don’t recall eating anything off or drinking something old... overall, I need help.’
‘Well, of course you do!’ she breathed. ‘We will call our best healer for you, Mrs Potter, given how much you do for this nation!’
You fought the urge to giggle. ‘Er, thanks. I hope this best healer of yours can cure me.’
‘Certainly dear! He is one of the most skilled.’
You gasped. ‘Did you say... Healer Malfoy? As in Draco Malfoy?’
‘Yes, dear, quite right.’ She distractedly said.
‘What do you want, you horrible old woman?’ a voice asked behind you.
You didn’t dare turn.
‘Malfoy, kindly assist this lovely lady here.’
‘Alright, hello, how may I help?’ asked Draco.
Cursing internally, you turned around. ‘Hi...’
‘Y/N?’ he asked.
‘Draco.’ You spoke.
‘Ah... um come on, then.’ He awkwardly led you to his office.
‘We haven’t seen each other in quite some time, have we?’ he asked once you entered.
‘Yeah, the last time we met was when we both thought Harry was dead.’ You spoke sarcastically.
Draco smirked. ‘So, what’s with you and Potter, L/N?’
‘That’s Y/N Potter to you.’ You corrected.
Draco’s eyes grew wide. ‘Y/N Potter? You’re serious? That’s you? I thought it was some other Y/N or something...’
‘Honestly Malfoy, how many Y/N’s would marry Harry Potter?’ you asked.
‘I expect you have a point. Alright, Mrs Potter, what ails you?’ he asked.
‘Dunno.’ You simply answered. ‘Been retching all afternoon.’
‘Wait...’ something wasn’t right.
Oh no.
You ran into his bathroom and doubled over inside the toilet and let out your stomach’s contents yet again.
‘Blimey, you alright?’ asked Draco. ‘When did this start?’
‘This afternoon!’ you panted. ‘I thought George put a Puking Pastille in my sandwich, but then it didn’t stop. What’s wrong with me?’
‘I have a very good idea of what might be wrong with you.’ He began, making a disgusted face but you couldn’t place why. ‘But if it’s not true, I don’t want to worry you uselessly. Here, take these pills and if they don’t work, come to me right away. It will take two or three hours to have an effect, so tomorrow should be fine if you’re still... a human hosepipe.’
You snorted. ‘Yeah, alright. Thanks Healer Malfoy.’
‘My pleasure, Y/N Potter.’
‘Hey love, how are you feeling?’ Harry asked as you entered your house.
‘Bit better, I went to St Mungo’s and apparently the best healer they have is Healer Malfoy.’ You spoke.
Harry laughed. ‘And what did Healer Malfoy tell you?’
‘He didn’t. He said he knew what might be wrong with me, but he didn’t want to uselessly worry me in case this is just a nasty stomach bug. So, I’ve got these pills for now.’ You explained.
‘Well, that’s nice.’ You husband said in amusement. ‘For once, you and Malfoy had a conversation where the both of you weren’t constantly threatening to break each other’s face.’
‘I was in for a surprise myself.’ You sarcastically said. ‘I’m going to bed... it’s been a long day, y’know?’
‘Yeah, I understand.’ Harry soothed. ‘Come on, let’s go.’
And yet after eating the pills, you puked almost four times that night.
‘MALFOY!’ you bellowed. ‘OPEN THE DOOR!’
The door swung open.
‘Pills not working?’ Draco asked before you could open your mouth.
You aggressively nodded.
‘Ugh.’ He spoke. ‘We’re going there, aren’t we? Oh well. Come in.’
He shut the door and crossed his arms over his chest. ‘Er, Y/N, I have a question that is necessary for finding out what’s wrong with you... uhm, you’re married and all right? So, um... did you and Potter have your... em, fun night yet?’
Your cheeks blushed a heavy scarlet as you choked on your own spit. ‘Fun *cough* night?’
Draco looked fairly embarrassed as well. ‘Sorry, er, let me rephrase, when did you have your last menstrual cycle?’
‘About...’ you suddenly gasped. ‘It’s ten days late!’
‘Mhmm.’ Draco wore the same disgusted expression as before.
‘Sorry, it’s just really hard to imagine Potter wanking himself in your presence...’
You slapped the back of his head.
‘Sorry, sorry.’ He said again. ‘Alright, um, take this.’
He handed you a small tube of sorts.
You raised a brow. ‘The Draco Malfoy, offering me a muggle instrument? What day is it today?’
‘They’re surprisingly reliable.’ He said delicately. ‘And it’s Wednesday, by the way.’
You giggled.
Minutes later, you emerged from the bathroom.
‘So what does two lines mean?’
‘That there’s one baby Potter in there.’
The next morning, you set out for your friends’ house.
You knocked on the door.
Several minutes later, a shabby-ooking Ron came out. ‘Whozzerre?’
‘Y/N.’ you answered.
‘The bloody hell are you doing here seven in the morning?’ he asked, nettled.
‘I need to see your wife, Ronald.’ You responded with equal mock-anger.
‘Oh, for Merlin’s sake Ron!’ said a voice as a fully dressed Hermione appeared at the door. ‘Y/N! Hi!’
‘Hey Mione, can I speak to you?’
‘Of course.’
‘Er, privately?’
‘Oh don’t mind me. I’m going to bed.’ Ron yawned.
‘Charming, Ronald.’ Hermione snapped as Ron trudged back. ‘Yes?’
‘Mione... I’m pregnant.’
‘What? I’m sorry, I must’ve misheard you, could you say that again?’
‘I’m serious Mione. I’m pregnant.’
‘WHAT?’ Hermione squealed. ‘Y/N, but that’s... amazing!’
‘I know!’ you squealed.
‘Does Harry know?’
You looked away.
‘You didn’t tell him, did you?’ Hermione accusingly said.
‘I’m not sure how he’s going to react.’ You muttered.
‘Well... maybe tell him by the end of this week... the Auror requirements are crazy at the moment. Maybe you ought to wait till he’s relaxed?’ she suggested.
‘Yeah, I’ll do that. And Mione, could you please cover for me just this once? I’ll work overtime maybe when you know, the baby’s born? It’s just... I’m quite tired at the moment.’ You pleaded.
‘You will not work overtime after your baby is born.’ Hermione sternly instructed. ‘I will cover for you all the same. Take care, Y/N.’
‘Love, is something the matter?’ Harry concernedly asked. ‘You’re... distant.’
‘I’m working long hours, Harry.’ You responded.
Harry arched a brow. ‘I don’t recall ever seeing you at the office in the last two days. Where do you disappear to in the day time?’
‘I have other work to do besides stay at the Ministry, Harry.’ You snapped in irritation.
Pregnancy was giving you mood swings.
‘See, this is the problem.’ Harry said. ‘You’re not telling me something. When was the last time you called me Harry in that tone?’
‘I dunno, but I’ll use it more often if you act like this.’
‘You know what, that’s it.’ He slammed his fork on the table. ‘I can’t take this anymore. Do what you like.’
He stomped up.
Yup, you blew it.
Sighing and rubbing your temples, you followed.
‘I’m not sure you’d be happy if I told you why.’ You muttered when you got there.
‘Happy?’ asked Harry. ‘Why would I be happy with something that is the cause of my wife ignoring me? I’d personally hate it.’
Tears brimmed in your eyes.
‘Oh yeah?’ you asked in a shaky voice. ‘Well good job, because I’m bloody pregnant with your bloody baby. And you hate it, don’t you?’
Harry was dumbstruck.
He opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish.
‘Y/N...’ he choked out. ‘I didn’t mean...’
‘Save it.’ You said, running downstairs.
Harry messed up his hair.
‘I’m gonna be a dad?’ he whispered to no one.
A crash from the dining room followed by a whimper of pain snapped him out of his thoughts.
‘Love?’ he called.
No answer.
‘Y/N!’ he ran down.
‘I’m... nothing, I thought it was going to... come.’ You panted. ‘Babies don’t come that fast, do they?’
‘I... don’t know. Love, I’m so sorry.’
Harry gently picked you up and carried you to your bedroom.
He pressed a kiss to your cheek. ‘Rest, darling. Don’t exhaust our little child here.’
‘It’s a boy!’
You let out a choked sob, reaching out as the doctor placed your creation in your hands.
Everybody, Harry, Ron, Hermione, George, Ginny, Bill, Fleur, Percy, Mr and Mrs Weasley had come to see you.
‘It’s so cute!’ Ginny whispered.
‘He’s beautiful.’ You spoke.
Your husband approached you.
‘C-can I?’ he asked.
You smiled and shifted over as Harry sat down, cradling the baby boy in his arms.
A tear escaped his eye.
‘James.’ You cooed.
‘James Sirius Potter.’ Harry declared, pressing a kiss to your temple.
After you had gone home, Harry had taken you to the nursery he designed for the baby weeks ago.
‘I love you so much.’ He muttered.
‘I love you too, idiot.’ You laughed. ‘And I love this baby.’
‘Hmm. Let’s make another one.’
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blueraineshadows · 9 months
Christmas Wishes
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Garreth Weasley x You
A Weasley Wednesday Christmas one-shot.
Written for a Discord collaboration, featuring Healer You and hospital potion brewer, Garreth on Christmas Eve.
3k words. Fluff, angst, kissing.
Looking out of the window of your little office in St Mungo’s Hospital, you watched the delicate snowflakes drift down from a heavy sky. Tiredness weighed you down after a long day caring for patients on the children’s ward.
Your job was your passion. Healing and caring for others seemed to take up most of your time, and at this time of year, the distraction was a welcome one. Not only was it rewarding to care for the hospital’s youngest patients and aim to bring a smile to their pale faces, it meant that it stopped you from sitting and dwelling on the fact that you had no family of your own to spend the festive season with.
It was Christmas Eve, and the hospital had arranged for Father Christmas to come and visit the children before he set off on his world wide trip to deliver the gifts under waiting trees. The excitement on the ward had lifted spirits and brought a light to the eyes of the sick children, but you were now trying to find the courage to go and tell them that Father Christmas would no longer be coming. The gentleman who usually came dressed in the very recognisable red robes could no longer make it.
Staring out of the window at the bleak, winter weather, your eyes shone with tears as you tried to find the words to break the news. 
A soft knock on your office door made you turn back to the room, your voice calling out to welcome the visitor. The door cracked open, and a face appeared, a pair of familiar green eyes twinkling and a mop of curling red hair making your lips curl into a warm smile.
“Hello, Garreth,” you said, unclenching your hands and sighing softly. “What can I do for you?”
Potioneer for the hospital, and one of your closest friends, you always had time for Garreth when he paid you a visit. He always took the time to call on you, and on the rare days when you could take some time for yourself, you would meet your old school friend for drinks in Diagon Alley.
Playful flirting and soft smiles shared made your heart yearn for something more when you looked at him, wondering if there was a chance he felt the same. As committed to your job as you were, making the time for a love life was difficult, and someone like Garreth deserved the full attention of a lover. You didn’t think you were worthy enough to fill that space, and yet, whenever he did court a young lady, it felt like a knife twisting in your stomach. 
Garreth entered your office and held up a little rack of potions. “I have these for you,” he said, moving to place them on your desk. “It’s the potions for our favourite little rascal in bed 14.”
“Ah, yes, thank you,” you smiled, moving to stand beside him. You took out one of the bottles, the liquid a shimmering purple that reflected the light of your lamp. “Let’s hope these ones do the trick.”
Sadness clouded your eyes for a moment as you thought about the child in bed 14. So much time and effort had gone into finding a cure for him. His pain and sickness was a mystery that had you tossing in your bed sheets at night. His case triggered dark memories for you, reminding you of Anne Sallow and the efforts you and her twin had gone to in your attempts to help her. That tragic case is what prompted you into this line of work in the first place. 
“Let’s hope for a Christmas miracle,” Garreth said, his smile bright and hopeful.
Your own smile was strained, the dark circles under your eyes and the shadows in their depths saying more than you would ever admit. You could feel Garreth’s gaze on you, his warmth and closeness so tempting.
“Are you sure you won’t come for Christmas dinner tomorrow?” He prompted, a hint of worry creasing his brow. “You know you are always welcome. I don’t like the idea of you being alone at Christmas.”
“I won’t be alone,” you insisted, replacing the potion bottle into the rack and avoiding his gaze. “I will be with my patients.”
“That’s not the same, and you know it,” he said gently. “You go above and beyond for your patients. It's one of the things I so admire about you, but you must remember to take care of yourself, too. Or, at least, let someone else be there for you.”
This time, you did look at him, the meaning behind those words almost like a suggestion that had your heart thumping just that little bit faster. Was that longing behind those lovely, green eyes? He was so very tempting. How easy it would be to reach out and touch him, to make that first move that you often dreamed about but never made.
“I can’t leave the children, especially now,” you said, turning away from temptation with a sigh. “The visit from Father Christmas has been cancelled. I need to find another way to make it up to them.”
“Oh no! We can’t have that!” Garreth exclaimed, making you glance back at him. His face lit up, his smile wide. “I could do it! We can make the suit fit with a charm, I am sure. I reckon I’d make for a rather jolly Father Christmas.”
He put his hand on his stomach and bellowed out a loud ‘Ho,Ho,Ho’ into the room, making you gasp as a chuckle escaped your lips. You hurried to shush him with a hand. His eyes twinkled mischievously, and for a few brief seconds, your gaze locked with his. These moments kept happening, and once again, you let your gaze dip, a blush staining your cheeks as you fought against a clawing hunger in your tummy. 
“Would you really do that for us?” You ask, your heart warming even further towards this man whose generosity knew no limits.
“Of course,” he said, nodding. Then his smile turned cunning, his expression one of plotting, and you narrowed your eyes as you waited. You knew that look. “There might be a catch, though.”
“I’m listening,” you said, folding your arms.
“I will be your Father Christmas and cheer up your special, little patients. If you agree to accompany me to dinner tomorrow,” he said, that irresistible smile hitting you right where it mattered.
He had you. You couldn’t let the children miss out on such a treat, and how could you resist that smile? Would it really be so bad to take a few hours out and spend them with Garreth for Christmas? Your resolve was crumbling, and your shoulders slumped.
“Alright, Weasley,” you sigh, fighting off the smile that threatened to split your tired face. “You win. I’ll come for Christmas dinner.”
Your smile won out at his delighted little cheer, his hands clapping together in triumph. 
Watching the children’s faces as Father Christmas came to the ward with his sack full of gifts brought a lump to your throat. Garreth’s silly jokes and kindness chasing away their worries and pain for a few precious moments. He saw past their ailments and held them close, sitting them on his lap and listening to their wishes with a patient ear, handing over their little gift with a warm smile.
The mood on the ward lifted, and he sat with the Healers and children to sing some Christmas carols. The little boy from bed 14 tucked safely on his lap.
You stood to one side, watching Garreth with the children, realising that he was going to make a wonderful father one day, and that twist of envy in your stomach tightened at the thought of him marrying. Whoever his wife would be would take him away from you. No more little visits to your office or drinks in the pub. The lingering looks filled with warmth and longing would have to stop. It made your heart squeeze as though clenched in a tight fist. 
Feeling the burning ache of unshed tears behind your eyes, you turned and walked swiftly from the ward, needing a few moments alone. Always alone. 
A stiff glass of firewhiskey from your hidden stash in the office took some of the icy chill from your limbs as you gazed out over darkening skies. The snow was falling heavier now, coating London in a blanket of greyish white. Tiny, flickering lights were appearing in windows across your view, and you tried to summon up some festive cheer. It wasn’t easy.
The sound of the door opening behind you made you turn, and Father Christmas entered, his eyes seeking you out before closing the door softly behind him. He lingered for a moment, gaze wary as he took you in.
“Are you alright?”
You nodded and managed a small smile, fetching another glass from the little tray. “Whiskey?”
Garreth nodded and moved closer, charming the artificial beard from his face and dropping his red hat onto your desk. He took the glass of whiskey and sipped, his eyes still on you. “Was I really that bad? You look like you’ve just found coal in your stocking, darling.”
“Oh no, Garreth, you were wonderful,” you said, placing your hand on his arm. His endearment for you pierced right through your sensitive heart. “The children adored you in there. It was perfect!”
“And yet you look like you're going to cry,” he said, reaching up a tentative hand to graze his fingertips against your cheek.
“Tell me. What about your Christmas wish? What is it you would like to find waiting for you tomorrow morning? If you could have anything, regardless of money or situation, what does your heart truly desire?”
He was so close, his gaze deeply locked with yours, and you couldn’t tear yourself away from it. The touch of his fingers against your cheek stirred a deep and insatiable hunger that threatened to consume you. As you stared up at him, his eyes shifted, growing darker and lit with something that seemed to call to your need.
Could he see it? Did he know? Did it show in your eyes how much you craved for something that always felt just out of reach? 
You had always been alone, too scared to let anyone close, and he was always on the peripheral, so near, and yet it felt like a huge leap to reach out for him. How long could you circle around him like this before it drove you crazy?
As your gaze dropped to his mouth, your heart thundered like a wild horse on the run, your own tongue flicking out to wet your lips as you imagined how it would feel to have those soft lips press against your own. There was a subtle but tangible shift in the room. The air felt charged, and heat flamed under your skin as you realised how close he was to you now. 
“Tell me what you want,” he whispered, his fingers grazing down to your jaw, teasing along the bone until he found the sensitive skin of your neck.
“Garreth,” you say, a broken whisper that was almost a plea. The longing in your soul was almost too much, the edges of your resolve cracking open with each tortuous touch of his fingers.
He tilted his head, his soft mouth lifting into a teasing smirk. “Do I have to pull up a chair and sit you on my knee like a good, little girl so you can tell me what you want? Because I would, you know.”
Your soft gasp filled what little space remained between the two of you, your eyes so firmly locked on his that it was impossible to hide the effect he was having on you. Your stomach fluttered, and your thighs tensed at the thought of sitting on his lap, heat flooding your cheeks as you imagined whispering into his ear, all the naughty things he inspired in your head.
Lost in that fantasy you bit your lower lip, pulse flying away into a rushing race of its own as Garreth took the glass of whiskey from your hand and placed it down on the desk with his own. 
“Who said I was a good, little girl?” You rasped, the words slipping off the end of your tongue without restraint. Blushing at your own audacity, you felt the shiver run up your spine at the feel of his hand on your waist.
His eyebrow quirked up, his green eyes ablaze with mischief. “Are you telling me you’re a naughty girl? Hmm, what to do with that?”
His hand guided you closer against him, your feet shuffling against the floor as he backed you up, your legs meeting with the edge of your desk. His thumb grazed against your mouth, and you parted your lips, your breaths coming low and shallow now as anticipation flooded through you. At some point, your fingers had curled into the fabric of his velvety red suit, holding him in place as you realised that you had lost all control of this situation. 
It didn’t scare you. It was liberating and exciting. The fire in his gaze meeting your own with such intensity that you didn’t even want to stop it. Isn’t this what you craved?
“You can do whatever you want, Garreth,” you said, the final crack in your resolve, making the walls around your heart crumble away. “For you, I can be as naughty as you wish.”
He closed his eyes with a low groan, his mouth claiming yours in a kiss that was as soft as it was searing fire, your lips parting instantly at the probing flick of his tongue. Your hands slid into his hair as the kiss deepened. The exploding heat and urgency between you from months of pent-up desire and longing meant that neither of you thought to lock the door. 
Nothing else existed for you, but him. The feel of him, the taste and the fierce fire that consumed your very flesh confirming what lay hidden in your heart. This was everything that you had imagined, and more. 
The sound of the door opening and a shocked gasp made you both pause, and you turned to see one of the ward nurses standing there with pink cheeks, her gaze averted in embarrassment. 
“Apologies, miss. Do forgive me,” she stuttered. “Only, I thought I should come and fetch you.” 
You reluctantly let go of Garreth, your stomach dropping slightly as your attention remained on the nurse. “What is it?”
“It's the boy in bed 14, miss,” she said, her face turning to meet your worried eyes. “There has been a development.” 
She need not say no more. You exchanged a look with Garreth, and he nodded. This was important. 
The colour had returned to the cheeks of the boy in bed 14, his eyes bright as he confirmed that the pain in his body had indeed gone. The relief that flooded through you almost made you sag as you brushed his soft hair back from his forehead. You would send an owl to his parents with this update. 
“We shall monitor you through the night to see how long this lasts for, and to check for any side effects of Mr Weasley's potion, but this is a good sign,” you said, your smile soft. 
The boy smiled widely. “It's a Christmas miracle, miss. It's because Father Christmas came, isn't it? I hope he gives Mr. Weasley a special gift, too.” 
Smiling fondly at your patient, you nodded and bid him goodnight, tucking his blanket securely around him before leaving him to rest. As you turned to leave, you saw Garreth near the doorway, a smile on his face that made your chest flutter.
He was dressed in his usual clothing now, no sign of his Father Christmas costume, just a regular potion brewer. You couldn't help but agree with your little patient. Garreth certainly did deserve a special gift for his efforts in finding a way to help that poor boy.
Walking side by side towards your office, you exchanged little smiles with Garreth, his hand grazing lightly against yours as you approached the door. 
“May I escort you home this evening?” He asked, a heated sparkle in his eyes. “I feel as though I need to conduct a more thorough investigation into this naughty side you teased about.” 
Warmth bloomed on your cheeks, but excited fire flared in your tummy. “You may indeed escort me home,” you agreed with a nod, your politeness not fooling him as he followed you into your office. 
As soon as the door was closed, his lips found yours in another heated kiss, his hands roaming at your waist. You responded eagerly, the hunger seeming to consume every fibre of your being now that the line had been crossed. 
Holding him close and staring into his eyes, you realised that he had managed to grant more than one Christmas miracle this evening. Not only had he brought the magic of Christmas to the children on the ward, but he had found a way to help that little boy. It really was like a Christmas wish come true.
Your own Christmas wish that you had been so fearful of voicing out loud had been granted, too. Being held in his arms and feeling the warmth of his kiss promised so much more, something that had been simmering away, deep within you, but now lay open and raw. 
You wanted Garreth, maybe you even loved him, and now you were spending Christmas with him. 
As you left the hospital, hand in hand, the snow falling softly around you as you walked, you dared to allow that Christmas magic to settle into your veins. Your blood tingled with it, fueled by the promises that shone brightly in Garreth's eyes. 
For once, the night didn't feel so lonely.
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lemon-boy-stan · 4 years
shit in your cereal? fred weasley x reader 
requested by anon. warnings: none. swearing? fred weasley x fem reader. sorry it took so long, onsite learning has been hectic and i’m always exhausted at the end of a school day for some reason. xx
Wednesday morning and you still weren’t over that stupid, useless detention with Snape - and it wasn’t even your fault! 
Not only was Wood annoyed at you for having missed Quidditch training, but Patricia Stimpson from Slytherin House was delighted that she’d finally gotten to you! And now you had to go to breakfast with a bunch of gits. 
You glared at Ron and Harry on your way over to Fred and George. 
The two of them looked at each other and shrugged as Hermione joined them. 
“Move it,” you hissed at a third-year, pushing past her. 
The Hufflepuff squeaked and shuffled off.
“Bye, Sally,” said George. 
You frowned, “why do you know her?” 
Angelina rolled her eyes, giving her cereal a side-glance. 
“Money,” grinned Fred, “she just bought a snackbox, see?” you gritted your teeth, forcing a smile. 
“Good for you,” you muttered. 
George frowned and gestured as if his actions could speak words.
“Shit in your cereal, L/N?” asked Oliver, joining the four of you. You grumbled at him loudly. 
“Come to lecture me about the importance of Quidditch, Wood?” you shoved Fred off. 
“No, actually, come to give you my pity, heard Snape gave you a hard time...” his stupid lip curled.
“I don’t need your pity,” you hissed, shoving out of your chair, the legs squeaking annoyingly loud on the annoyingly shiny floorboards. 
“I’m going to the library,” you grumbled. “Don’t. Follow. Me.” you looked at all of them when you said this even though you had a sinking feeling that you knew one of them would follow you. 
You didn't actually go to the library because you didn't want to have to talk with Madame Pince and you didn't want any of your friends to find you so quickly.
You went to the Disused Classroom instead because you were eighty percent sure that you had found it yourself and hadn't told the twins about it.
You were only eighty percent sure because the twenty percent of you that wasn't sure felt that you might've told the one person you didn't want to find you, Fred, about it back in your fourth grade.
Even though you made both of the twins swear that they'd never use the Map on you, you knew that the room wasn't on the Marauder's Map. Well, it was, but you'd hidden it with a spell you asked Hermione Granger to teach you.
Positive that no one was going to follow you you crept into the (thankfully empty) Disused Classroom, sighing happily when you were in it's coldly warm blue walls.
Digging around in your bag, you took out your copy of Quidditch Through the Ages and started reading.
Front facing the door you flipped through the chapters but none of them were really that much appealing so you groaned loudly and threw it across the room just as the grandfather clock chimed the next period and the door opened.
"Fred, go away," you mumbled as soon as you saw his shoes. Fred, as usual, didn't budge. "I'll break up with you," you hissed. Still, no movement.
"You know," said Fred, shutting the door, "if you're late to class you'll probably get another detention…" you could already see the curl on his lip without looking up.
"Fred." You crossed your arms and glared at him prominently but all he did in response was smile, "Fred." You tried your best at grumpy puppy-dog eyes.
Being an annoyingly good boyfriend, Fred stood his ground, staring you into submission. You threw your head and arms up, groaning loudly and he plopped down next to you like the prat he was, extremely satisfied with himself.
"Happy?" You glared at him with a tight jaw. Fred gave no desirable response, hugging you tightly instead, making you grumble very, very loudly.
"I love you I love you I love you," he sang annoyingly happily.
"Shut up," you growled through gritted teeth. "Shut up."
"I love you I love you I love you!"
"SHUT UP, FRED," you forced out, wishing he'd just be like his brother for once and get grumpy and actually shut up.
"No, I won't shut up until you say it back," he said solemnly, the late bell chiming loudly.
"Not. Going. To. Happen." You glared at his shirt. 
"Fine," huffed Fred, and for a second you were afraid that he was never ever going to say he loved you ever again. The hurt started growing in your stomach before he chuckled softly to himself and most likely smirked before pecking your neck with the sort of kisses that made you squirm beneath him. 
You couldn't help the giggle and blush that escaped your lips. "Fred!" You shrieked, "Fred, we have class! Fred!" God, you loved this boy so much...
"Say it back," he grinned, tickling you too, making you laugh louder and louder as he pecked your neck.
"Ah! Ha! Freddie! Okay, okay! Hee, hee, I love you, ahha! Stop tickling me!"
"If you really want me to…" he pouted and you nodded with sharp hysterical breaths of laughter and he sighed, "you're cute when you're grumpy…"
"What! I'm not cute!"
Fred snorted very loud and disbelievingly.
"I love you," he said solemnly this time, summoning your book with his wand, pulling you up. "I love you, too, Freddie," he rolled his eyes at the nickname but smiled. "Come on," he pulled you along, "let's get to class before Flitwick gives us detention and George or Lee spreads a rumor…" 
MASTERLIST - requests are VERY slow
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Black ribbon and silver bows
The fifth of may meant that there were exactly 2 months until Draco turned 17. Draco had gone above and beyond for your birthday, spoiling you with 17 individually wrapped gifts that he sent you on a wild goose chase around the school to find. You wanted to make him equally as special as he made you feel, but what did you get the boy who could get anything he wanted?
You thought about getting him a pet, but you didn’t think his mother would appreciate a cat roaming around the halls of the Malfoy Manor. Then you thought about getting him a broom, but as usual, Draco already had the best of the best. Your mind turned to clothes, but the man only wore black shirts with tailor-made trousers. 
“Still thinking about what to get Draco?” Blaise’s voice asked, pulling you from your thoughts.
“Ugh yes, anything I think of, he already has”
“You’re fault for choosing rich, should have dated a Weasley, they’d be over the moon with an unworn robe” 
You smacked Blaise’s arm “Don’t be so rude, Blaise. Just because you don’t like them doesn't mean you can be a prick”
“Why don’t you make him something? I’m sure the elves would let you sneak into the kitchen to cook, you could draw something, write him a poem”
If you were a cat, your ears would have pricked at hearing the word ‘draw’, Draco was never a fan of the decorations in his room, maybe you could paint him a painting that he could hang up on his wall.
“You might have just saved Draco’s birthday”
The increase of chatter across the library hinted that your free period was over and it was now time for lunch. You and Blaise collected your things and returned the books to the returns trolley before making your way to the great hall. You bumped into Draco, Pansy and Daphne on your way there. The five of you made your way to the Slytherin table to see Crabbe and Goyle already tucking in. 
“Why am I not surprised that you two gluttons are the first on the table?” Blaise asked, throwing his school bag down and taking a seat. 
The rest of your group sat down as well, the elves had made different variations of chicken wraps for lunch today. You picked up a grilled chicken wrap and began eating it, famished after your hour of revision during your free period. You had just finished the first one when Draco said your name.
“You’ve got sauce on your mouth, darling”
You stuck your tongue out trying to lick it off but you kept missing. 
“Hold still a sec” Draco instructed. He used his thumb to wipe the spot of sauce from your mouth, licking it off his thumb once he was done. 
“Ah my saviour!” you fake swooned. 
He laughed and continued to eat his lunch. You wolfed another half of a wrap before feeling full. 
“Are we still revising for charms after dinner?” Daphne asked, looking up from her homework. 
“I’m on it, but the boys have quidditch practise until 7, so they’ll have to join in later” You replied, snapping the lid of your lip balm back on
“Actually, practice is cancelled, so Blaise and I’ll be there” Draco added, downing the rest of his pumpkin juice.
“Y/N, you alright?” 
Your head whipped around to see Neville Longbottom standing behind you.
“Are you lo-” Draco began to sneer
You pinched the outside of his thigh making him grit his teeth instead of finishing his sentence. “Neville, hi”
“I just wanted to return your charms notes, they were dead useful, thanks,” He said with a light blush, holding your pile of notes out.
“Oh, thank you. I’m so glad you found them helpful” You took the notes from him with a smile. 
“Have a nice rest of the afternoon,”
“You too Neville,”
He returned to his friends and your friends turned onto you.
“Why are you so nice to him?” Blaise demanded.
“Oh merlin, when are you guys going to get over this rivalry, he needed help, so I helped him.”
“He’s also Longbottom”
You rolled your eyes. “Anyways, does anyone want to let me copy the last two questions for the dada homework?”
Daphne slid her roll of parchment over to you and you quickly scribbled the answers. Just as you had screwed on the cap for your ink lid, the bell for your next lesson rang. Nowadays your lessons were less structured, it was two months before exam season which meant the teachers pushed to revise topics rather than introducing new ones. Some teachers preferred to let you get on in groups doing your own thing, others had a strict revision lesson planned. But one thing was for certain exams had definitely taken over your life.
After your charms revision session with your friends, you and Draco found yourselves walking up to the astronomy tower. The sun was beginning to set as you nestled yourself into his lap.
“Don’t you think it’s mad that in a couple of years we won’t be able to do this anymore?” You asked, tightening his arms around you.
“We can watch the sunset from anywhere love”
“Ha ha you know what I mean idiot”
“I’m ready to leave this place”
“Sorry Mr ‘I should have been in Durmstrang’”
“I should have, my father agreed more with their curriculum”
“Maybe cause his old death eater buddy was running it”
“He’s your father's old death eater buddy too”
“My father never thought about sending me to Durmstrang”
“That’s because it’s a boys-only school, love”
“I don’t like you”
“That’s because you love me,”
“Speaking of love, do you remember the first moment you realised you loved me?”
He paused “As a matter of fact I do”
“Do tell, Mr Malfoy”
“We were at that party at the Parkinson’s in our 3rd year. You had a silver dress on. Your mum forced you into these heels and you hated them. You wobbled over to me and clung to my arm the whole night. But as soon as we were shooed away from the adults, you took them off and practically shoved them into my hands and started walking around barefoot. Pansy’s grandmother came out of the parlour and saw you without your shoes on and went berserk, she called you a disgrace, all our mothers came out to see what was going on and I’m pretty sure your mum looked like she was going to kill you”
“I remember that! Then I transfigured her ostrich feather boa into a snake around her neck!”
“She nearly pissed her pants” He laughed, causing you to smile.
“So is that your favourite memory of us?”
“No, my favourite memory takes place in our 4th year at the Yule ball. I didn’t want to dance in front of all those idiots but you pulled me up there anyway. But as soon as you held my hand it was like they all disappeared and it was just me and you. I spun you out and when you spun back into my arms, I dipped you and you looked so beautiful. But that is fighting for the top spot from the time you sucked me off in the restricted section, and the time you floo’ed into my room last summer at 2 am and I absolutely ruined you”
“Okay okay I get the picture your favourite memories are when we have sex”
“Not all of them, just some, what’s yours?”
“5th year, Christmas break, your parents’ Christmas party, you hid my promise ring inside my dessert” you held your hand up letting your ring sparkle in the candlelight, it was simple, a small princess cut emerald on a gold band, but it was oh so precious “You kept staring at me and I was so confused, I wasn’t even looking at what I was eating until you jerked my hand back and told me to look in the spoon and there it was. You cleaned it off and slid it on my finger right in front of everyone. Or maybe it was the time you made me sit on your face when we snuck into a room at the leaky cauldron”
Draco laughed and lifted your hand up and played with the ring. “After we finish Hogwarts, I’m gonna replace this ring with a diamond one”
“You are?” 
“Why do you sound so surprised, I told you already I was going to change your last name to mine, even your parents know”
“I know but I didn’t know you wanted to do this so early"
“Of course I do, why wouldn’t I?”
“You are so whipped”
Draco shoved you off him playfully.
“But it’s okay because I’m equally as whipped” you replied sitting back in his lap.
“You’d better be, otherwise I’d-”
“You’d what? Tell your father?”
“Right, that’s it” His fingers found your sides as he began tickling you. By the time he felt as though he tortured you enough, you were both breathless. 
“I love you," He said, smoothing your shirt down.
“I love you more”
“Who’s up here?” Filch’s voice grumbled. 
You and Draco grinned at each other as you quickly threw your robes on and lifted the hoods, running straight past Filch and into the Slytherin common room. 
You had now learnt what Draco’s favourite memory of you was. All that was left was actually getting around to paint it. If you weren’t in a lesson, you were revising, usually most of the time with Draco. Even on weekends, you found yourself in in the library completing practise exam papers and testing yourself on flashcards. And any time you weren’t working, you and Draco used as an opportunity to spend time with one another without being bogged down with work. You’d already decided that the room of requirement would be the perfect place to start painting, but the issue was figuring out how you’d be able to sneak there and back without arousing suspicion. 
After much deliberation, you decided that your best option for sneaking out was on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Every Tuesday after dinner, Draco and Blaise would go out to the quidditch pitch to blow off some steam, by the time he had finished and showered, you were almost always already in bed. On Wednesday, you decided you’d tell Draco a little white lie and say that Flitwick had asked you to tutor a struggling 5th year in Charms, it would give you a few hours to yourself to get ahead with painting. 
The upcoming Tuesday your plan was in action, you made Daphne swear she wouldn’t tell Draco where you were and you made your way to the room of requirement. It was honestly a Godsend. You stepped into a room full of different sized canvasses, there were tubes of oil paint and palettes of watercolours and squeezy bottles of acrylic. A table was full of paintbrushes of different sizes and shapes and there were an easel and chair right in the middle of the room. 
You picked out a large rectangular canvas and placed it landscape on the easel and got to sketching the outline of your painting. If all went to plan, it would be a loop of Draco’s favourite memory of the two of you at the ball, if it didn’t well, then it would be a still image and if everything went south, you’d have to somehow find a way to get some lingerie to distract him from your lack of presents. 
Painting the canvas was going to be the hard part, sketching the outline, however, was proving to be a huge nightmare already, you had drawn and redrawn Draco’s face about a hundred times, not being able to get it exactly right. You were about to kick a hole in your canvas when a small a5 picture caught your eye, stuck under the foot of the easel. You picked it up to see a photograph of the exact moment you were trying to recreate. This was why you loved this room, taking a deep breath, you redrew Draco’s face finally getting it as you liked it. By the time you had finished the full outline, it was almost two am, you knew you were going to struggle to wake up in the morning, but that was something for future you to deal with, present you had to find a way to sneak out of the room and back to your dormitory without detection. 
In order to make as little noise as possible, you took your shoes off and ran across the castle in just your socks, you were only a few steps away from the entrance to the common room before Mrs Norris came around the corner. She meowed loudly as you whisper-shouted the password, the corridor revealing itself. You ran down it and straight up the stairs into your dormitory. You tried to get into bed as quietly as possible before falling asleep. 
In hindsight, staying up sketching until 2 am was a horrible idea. It was only 1 in the afternoon and you were struggling to stay awake. 
“I don’t get why you don’t just pay someone to paint it for you,” Daphne asked, scrunching a piece of paper into a ball and throwing it in the bin beside you.
“Because then there's no sentimental value behind it” You replied, massaging your temples.
“What time did you fall asleep anyway?”
“By the time I drowned out Pansy’s snoring it was 3, I was just lucky I had a free period first so I ended up getting an hours extra sleep”
“Merlin, remind me to never fall in love”
You laughed before rubbing your eyes and returning to your work. 
It took you four weeks of staying up till 2 am to finish Draco’s painting. You had spent hours mixing the right shades of paint, at one point you ended up getting rid of the paint on the whole canvas and starting again but exactly three weeks before Draco’s birthday, you had mastered the spell to make your painted figures move and your masterpiece was complete. Your only worry was that Narcissa Malfoy would hate it and would stop her son from hanging it in his bedroom. 
In order to get the huge canvas from the room of requirement back to your dormitory, you had to ask Neville to ask Harry if you could borrow his invisibility cloak. If Draco had found out that you got Harry’s help you were 90% sure he’d be the one kicking a hole in your canvas. For now, the canvas was safely tucked under your bed. 
The next morning, you stuffed Harry’s cloak in your bag and made your way down to meet him. You had agreed the previous evening that you’d meet outside Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom before breakfast to make the exchange. As planned, he was stood with Neville right outside the entrance to the toilet. You pulled the cloak out and handed it back to Harry. 
“Thank you, I know you and Draco don’t like each other, but it means a lot that you'd go out on a limb to help me.”
“While I question your choice in men, Y/L/N, you’ve helped Neville out on more than one occasion and any friend of Neville’s is a friend of mine.”
You smiled at Harry, “I’m gonna head to breakfast before Draco gets suspicious, see you boys, later”
They waved goodbye as you made your way back to breakfast, stopping in the normal girl's toilet to sort your shirt out which you found you were wearing inside out. Your group of friends were already sat down eating, all but Draco.
“Where is he?” You asked.
“Couple third years said they had to tell him something in private, oh wait, speak of the devil” 
You turned and he did not look happy. His jaw was clenched and he was walking oddly fast, he came to you and gripped you firmly by the arm. “Can I speak to you, outside, Y/N”
You looked at him confused but followed him out. As soon as you were out of earshot from the hall he turned around to face you, he looked pissed, he kept walking forward until you were pinned between him and the wall. 
“You want to tell me why some friends in 3rd year saw you giving Potter his invisibility cloak back?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, darling, we both know you’re not. ‘it looked like she was holding something but there wasn't anything in her hand’. Why did you have his cloak”
“I was planning on recreating that memory of yours in the restricted section for your birthday, I asked Neville if I could borrow Harry’s cloak to get us there and back but then I remembered you wouldn’t have come if we were using his cloak so I gave it back” You lied smoothly 
He swallowed and nodded, not moving back. You pushed him off and scoffed. 
“Is this what you’re doing now? Sending third years to follow me?”
“You of all people should know I have eyes and ears everywhere.”
“Those eyes and ears shouldn't be snooping on your girlfriend”
“They wouldn’t have to if you weren’t lying to me about where you were for the past month.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Helping a 5th year with Charms as per the request of Flitwick? Well not according to the professor himself”
He laughed, “Can’t even cover up your lies properly. Why don't I give you a few hours to come up with a cover story, I can’t bear the sight of you right now” Draco turned and walked away, ignoring you as you called out for him. 
He acted as though you didn’t exist for all of your lessons, he didn't sit next to you, he didn't speak to you, he barely looked at you. You chose to have dinner alone in your room that night. It had occurred to you during your second period that Draco thought you were cheating on him with Harry. It made sense, you were sneaking around and you were seen giving Harry’s cloak back as if to say that you two had been meeting up in secret under it. But it also made absolutely no sense either, you and Draco had been together since the beginning of your 3rd year. Your father was a death eater for Pete’s sake, it didn’t take a genius to realise you’d be disowned if you brought home Harry fucking Potter. 
You were partway through your transfiguration homework when Daphne came bounding up into the dormitory.
“Right, what is going on with you and Draco?” She asked, throwing her bag on the floor and collapsing on her bed.
“Nothing,” You lied.
“See that is absolute bullshit because he has been a moody prick all day and you skipped dinner, so come out with it, spill”
You sighed and explained everything. 
“Why don’t you just tell him the truth then?”
“Because if I do, it’ll ruin the surprise”
“And if you don’t it’ll end your relationship, my mother is over the moon at the fact that I’ll be a bridesmaid at a Malfoy wedding, you don’t want to crush her dreams do you?”
“You’re right, do you know where he is?”
“He went straight into his dormitory”
You nodded and made your way there. He was joined by his friends.
“Rest of you out, thanks,” You said, walking in and standing in the middle of the room. 
Blaise looked at Draco and he nodded, prompting him, Theodore and Goyle to leave. He refused to look at you. You took a seat at the end of his bed and began to explain.
“I’m well aware you think I’m cheating on you with Potter, but that’s really the complete opposite of what’s happening. The truth is, for the past few weeks, I’ve been arranging your birthday present. I finished it last night and I asked for Harry’s cloak so I could bring it back to my dormitory without revealing the surprise. That’s where I’ve been sneaking off to. Not to go snog Potter under his invisibility cloak”
“Bet you feel really fucking stupid now don’t you,” You scoffed
“I’m sorry, darling,”
“Do you not think? Could you imagine my parents’ reaction if I brought home Potter? They’d disown me faster than you came the first time we-”
He grabbed you into a hug before you could finish your sentence.
“I am truly sorry, princess, for jumping to conclusions and for ruining my surprise.”
“Well, you haven’t totally ruined it, you don’t know what it is yet.”
“Can we come back in yet, I need to get out of this fucking uniform” Theodore shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
Draco shouted back a yeah and his friends returned. 
“See you two’ve kissed and made up, about time too, Draco’s a right git when he's moody”
Draco threw a pair of balled-up socks at Blaise’s head before you got up off the bed.
“I’ll meet you in the common room once I’ve finished my homework,” You told him before pressing a soft kiss to his lips. He mumbled an okay before kissing you once more and you were on your way. 
The next morning, at breakfast, you noticed your father’s owl descend onto the table in front of you. You took the letter expecting him to fly off and return home but he waited expectantly, clearly, he was told to wait until you replied. He hopped up onto your arms as you took him to the owlery to recuperate while you read your letter and replied. 
You’re hopefully aware that it is Draco’s birthday in a few weeks, I hope that you have got him an adequate gift. You know how important your 17th birthday is and as I remember, Draco spoilt you with 17 gifts. Since you are a young lady, you're not expected to gift him anything as lavish as some of the presents he gave you, but tradition dictates that you should get him something worthy of a pureblood wizard, in particular jewels. Please reply as soon as possible, only so I know that you won’t embarrass your father and I (and in the case you do, I can send you an alternative). Your brothers and your father send their regards. We miss you. 
You rolled your eyes at her need for keeping up appearances and quickly scribbled her back a reply. You wished you were at home to see her reaction to you gifting him a painting you painted yourself. Once your father’s owl had filled himself up with water and owl feed, you attached the letter to him and sent him on his way. 
Later in the evening, your mother’s owl pecked at you through the library window. You went out into the corridor and took a letter and a box off of her. Once you had freed her of her cargo, she hooted and flew off. You opened the second letter and read.
Sweetheart, I know that you are an accomplished young artist, but a painting will simply not do, especially for his 17th birthday. However, since I am your mother and I know you best, I had a feeling I would need to help you in this department. I took the liberty of going into Bourgin and Burke’s on the weekend and purchased a rare black diamond ring for Draco on your behalf. I think he will like it and I think you will too. I hope you are studying well for your exams, 
You tried to rip open the wrapping on the box but it wouldn't move. The fold at the bottom lifted itself up a bit and ran across your finger, giving you a papercut. A thin line of blood collected on its edge and the wrapping dissolved leaving you with a red ring box, she was always partial to a bit of blood magic. You lifted the lid to see a thick silver band, it looked like it was either white gold or platinum, your mother thought sterling silver was too cheap, the oval cut diamond set atop a larger oval of platinum. It wasn't too plain but it also wasn’t overly gaudy, just as Draco liked it. You returned to the library with your second gift, making a note to hide it under your bed with your painting.
The next few weeks went past in a blur of mock exams and constant revision. Your first exam wasn’t until the 10th of June, giving you plenty of time to celebrate Draco’s birthday properly. The night before his birthday, half of Slytherin house was gathered in the common room waiting for it to hit midnight. You asked the elves to bake a cake for him and smuggled it with some snacks to have a small party with your friends. 
At 11.59 you pulled a tie out from behind you and held it up.
“Gonna let me tie you up huh?” Draco asked with a smirk. 
“Nice try, Malfoy, but this is for you” You replied getting up and tying it around his eyes. 
“What are you doing, Y/L/N?” 
You pointed your wand at the wall causing birthday banners and streamers to hang. Blaise brought the cake in from the 1st year dormitory. The large grandfather clock donged deeply as it hit midnight, you pulled his blindfold down as the whole common room burst into a rendition of happy birthday. He laughed and put his arm around your waist pulling you into his side. Nott finished the song on a horrible high note as Draco blew his candles out. 
“Make a wish, Draco” Pansy shouted. 
“I don’t need to, I've got everything I could wish for right next to me.”
You smiled up at him and gave him a kiss before addressing the crowd. “Eat my friends,” You felt like Dumbledore as plates of food dotted themselves around the common room. The attention moved from Draco to the food as everyone got up and attacked. 
“Happy birthday, my love,” You said wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Thank you, princess, I wasn’t expecting this at all.”
“Only the best for my boyfriend”
You spent the next few hours playing truth or dare with your housemates, it was cut short when Snape barged into the common room, the decorations were ripped off the wall and the music from the radio stopped. 
“I am going to give you until the count of 10 to return to your dormitory, anyone I still see standing here will be spending every weekend for the rest of the year cleaning with filch”
He began to count down from 10 as everyone scrambled to run into their dorms and get into bed. 
You were so excited to surprise Draco with his presents that you skipped breakfast, instructing Daphne to tell him to meet you in the astronomy tower. You decided you were going to decorate your spot a little bit, you set up a soft blanket and some cupcakes and hung up the leftover banners and streamers from your midnight party in the common room. You had his gifts wrapped up with ribbon and some bows just to be extra, they sat in the centre of your blanket, the canvas taking up a large chunk of it. You had realised Draco would probably struggle to take the canvas back home, but that would be a problem he would have to deal with later.
 “Y/N?” His voice called out from the bottom of the stairs. 
“Up here, love” You replied, your head popping up over the bannister. 
He broke into a smile when he saw you and rushed up the stairs taking them two at a time. You sat on the edge of the blanket and waited for him.
“Happy 17th birthday, Draco” You exclaimed as he reached the top. 
His smile got even wider as he pulled you up and into a tight hug. 
“I am so in love with you, do you know that?” he mumbled into your neck.
“I hope you feel the same after you see your presents,”
“Darling, you know you didn’t have to get me anything, you’re the best gift I could have ever received”
“I didn’t have to but I wanted to, here look” 
His eyes fell onto the two wrapped gifts, he sat himself down and opened the top present. 
“How did you get your hands on this?” he pulled the ring out and examined it closely.
“RIght so backstory to this, my mum didn’t believe that my original present was traditional enough to be a ‘wizard’s 17th birthday present’ so she went out to Bourgin and Burke and got this, but I wouldn’t have given it to you had I thought you wouldn't like it, so think of this as a gift from your in-laws.”
“My father’ll be jealous, he's been wanting a black diamond in his collection for ages now” He put the ring back in the box and was about to shut it.
“Wait, let me put it on. you put my ring on, so I’ll put yours on, practise for the big day”
He smiled at you as you sat down next to him and pulled the ring back out of the box. He held his left hand out for you and you slid the ring onto his ring finger.  
“You know after this, they tend to kiss” He grinned. 
“Oh yes, of course, if we’re going to practise we should be thorough” You pulled his head down and his lips met yours for a passionate kiss. 
He pulled back after a few moments with a grin. 
“We should keep practising, just to be on the safe side”
“Enough flirting, Malfoy you have another gift to open”
He turned and picked up the canvas in his hands.
“Is this the one you were sneaking away for?”
You nodded and he began to tear off the wrapping. He got up and placed it against the wall and stood there looking at it, silently. He was silent for a while as he watched the loop of Draco spinning you out and then dipping you on your return with a kiss. Although he hadn't said anything, you got the feeling that he didn't particularly like this gift. He was probably thinking of a way to let you down easily.
“Do you not like it?” You asked quietly.
“What? No!” he turned around with a genuine smile. “I love it, darling, it's perfect. Honestly, it's beautiful.”
You physically relaxed and went to stand next to him. “You said you didn’t like the painting in your room above the fire so I thought I’d give you something to change it with, I’m just not sure if your mother would like it, since its not one of those classical masterpieces.”
“I don’t care what my mother thinks, as soon as I get home, I’m hanging this right up on my wall. I just never knew you could paint like this”
“My mum made me start painting when I was three, I stopped lessons as soon as I started Hogwarts but I kept it up on the side as a hobby and, well, I thought I’d immortalise your favourite memory of us.”
“You never cease to amaze me” He turned and pulled you into him “Thank you,”
“Don’t be silly it’s your birthday, stupid”
“Not just for this, for everything. For putting up with everything, the jealousy, the anger, the-”
“Hey, I’m not putting up with anything, I love you, Draco, all of you”
“Merlin, I can’t wait to marry you” His lips crashed into yours for a frenzied kiss, overwhelmed with emotion. “This is by far the best birthday I’ve ever had, nothing will be able to top this”
And he wasn’t lying. Whenever he was asked, by his kids, his grandkids even his great-grandkids, what his favourite birthday celebration was, his response was always the same, his 17th birthday.
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dyns33 · 4 years
The torment of love
Some news from Michael Addams and his little family. It’s not easy to live with teenagers...  
Here we go @roxytheimmortal​, I hope you will like it !
This story makes me think about the Langdon Triplets, by @weasley-wifu​, I know you are not really in the CF fandom anymore, but I will always love these boys... 
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           "Cara mia, where are our babies ?" Michael sighed sadly.
           "I believe they are in the bedrooms darling."
           “No my Goddess, I mean… They got so big… I feel like it was yesterday that I could hold them in my arms, rock them, play with them, and now they... They..."
Michael's beloved children had changed, a lot. They were here, but not really here anymore. There was no more laughter in the hallways, no more drawings given as gifts, no more requests for a story in the evening. As teenagers, they no longer needed their parents, their father mostly, and that hurt Michael deeply, despite all the comfort his wife gave him.
           "Remember how you were with your uncle. He told me you followed him everywhere when you were little, imitating what he did, then very soon you became independent, you found your own style and you stopped. That didn't mean you didn't love him anymore, that's just the way it should be. But I know it's hard my love. I miss our babies too."
           "... We could make another one ?"
           "Mikey !" she laughed, kissing him. "The twins are almost eighteen. Balthazar is fifteen. If we have another child, they won't have anyone to play with."
           "Of course, us. And maybe a twin. I can look for a formula to have triplets too. Quadruple. Lots of babies !"
           "... I'll think about it."
He already knew that meant no, so Michael didn't insist. Either way, while he would have been delighted to have more children with his Goddess, that didn't solve the real problem, their elders didn't want him anymore. Persephone had become a very beautiful young woman, charming, funny, taking a little of her uncle's character, while Ozymandias, her brother, looked more like his aunt Wednesday, a little shy, cold, often staying in his room to talk with his grandfather of how to destroy the world. Adorable. There was indeed Balthazar who was the portrait of his father, to the point that he continued to be very close to (Y/N), whom he loved more than anything, declaring that he would never love another woman , and suffering a bit from the Oedipus complex, although he still respected his father, never really trying to kill him, or just a bit. When he was little he would cry when his parents kissed and he would come and slip into their bed, to prevent them from cuddling. Michael had never hated his son for that, on the contrary. This unconditional love for his mother showed his intelligence, which made him proud. Recently, he had calmed down, although he still spent a lot of time with (Y/N). They should have seen that something was wrong. Michael would have liked his children to come and confide in him, as he had confided in Gomez when it happened to him. But Persephone kept her secret for a very long time, while Balthazar timidly whispered it to his mother.
           "Our son is in love." she revealed as they took a bath together.
           "... What ?"
           "You heard me. A boy from his school. James. He doesn't dare go talk to him, he's scared."
           "The Addams are not afraid of anything."
           "Um, interesting. I remember a young man who blushed and stammered whenever he spoke to me and who…"
           "Maybe I was intimidated by your divine beauty, but I always dared to come and talk to you Cara mia. I was much more afraid of not having you or that some idiot who didn't deserve you would try something before me. If he loves him, Balthazar must do something."
           "That's cute. You're right, but first he wants to know if his loved one will respond favourably to a request of the same sex."
           "... I do not understand."
           "If he likes boys Michael."
           "Ah. It's true that other people still think with these kinds of details. It's okay for that to block Balthazar a bit in this case. But he shouldn't wait too long."
           "I could ask his sister. I believe she and this boy are friends."
Indeed, (Y/N) was right, they were friends, and a little more than that, because for several months, Persephone had hoped for more. There had been a little kiss at a party, they had held hands, but nothing more. Hearing that her brother wanted the same person, war broke out in the house, screams echoing in all the rooms. Ozymandias, exasperated by all this nonsense that kept him from working, threatened to blow up the house if they didn't stop. The parents had to intervene, (Y/N) leading Balthazar into the garden, and Michael joining his daughter in her room.
           "So... you're in love..."
           "Yes. And I think he likes me too ! Even though things aren't going very quickly..."
           "Are you courting him ?"
           "I tried, but I wish he was like you. That he treated me like you treated mommy. Why doesn't he see me as a goddess ? As soon as you saw her, you knew you wanted to belong to her. Where is my servant daddy ? I... Am I not as good as mother ?"
Aw. Michael was unaware that his children had been so marked by his history with his dear (Y/N). He had told it to them several times and they would often ask for it before sleeping, always asking for more details on how he had known their mother was the only one, and how he had managed to seduce her. It was okay to love this story, but he didn't think they had compared themselves to him that much. He had also told them about the meeting between Gomez and Morticia, Fester and Dementia, Itt and Margaret or Wednesday and Joel. There wasn't just one way to find love, even if his case was special.
           "That's not it my baby. It's more that no one is like me. No one you have met yet anyway. You are young, you have time, your slave will come someday."
           "But you were about my age when you met mother. It's unfair."
           "I'm pretty sure that a filthy cheater stepped in to stop me from fulfilling the Apocalypse, so... In this house, at the moment, it's mostly Ozy who's likely to find someone like it."
           "What ?! No ! I'm the oldest, no ! Daddy !"
           "Maybe this boy you like is the right one, and he's just a little slow. I can go motivate him if you want."
           "You're going to scare him. And... Balthazar will be furious. Very sad too. I don't want my little brother to suffer because of me and hate me. I don't know what to do. I don't know if I love James more than Balthy. Dad, if you had to choose between mom and your cousins, would that be easy ?"
           "My baby, if I had to kill my cousins ​​to keep my Goddess, I wouldn't hesitate for a second. But here, they're your brothers, it's different."
It was no different, but Michael didn't want his kids arguing like this because of a fool who didn't know if he liked boys and couldn't see that his daughter deserved to be treated like a queen. He also didn't dare tell them that he didn't think he would find someone like him or their mother, for she was the only Goddess in this world. Their happiness was one of his priorities, but not at any cost. After kissing his daughter who was still sobbing, he went to see how Balthazar was doing, who was crying in his mother's arms. First he wanted to convince him to let his sister have what she wanted, but the youngest of the family was smart, very smart.
           "But daddy, he's going to take your place ! Imagine if he asks her to call him 'Daddy'. I don't think he's good enough for Percy."
           "... and is he good enough for you ?"
           "Of course, because I'll be on top."
           "... Son, he kissed your sister before. If he played with her, then I don't appreciate him, but if you think he deserves you, go for it."
Although he had always preferred his mother, Balthazar heard all the sadness and disappointment in his father's voice, who had not appreciated his method of manipulating him, nor that he continued to desire a man who was destroying their family. He also didn't want his sister to suffer, because of a beautiful cockroach. Because Balthazar knew he admired James' beauty above all, nothing else. He immediately apologized, hugging Michael, which he never did, and then going to talk to his sister. Together, they confronted the curmudgeon, who admitted to being straight and not being interested in Persephone. They slapped him before going home, to share the good news.
           "I'm going to kill him." Michael said calmly.
           "No." (Y/N) forbade him. "They are children, that was a mistake. My sweet loves, you would find someone better, later."
           "You will have to make sure that they see you as the most important person in the world, more important than themselves. That they will be willing to kill for you, to die for you, obeying your every wish. Unless they are a deity. Then you will have to crash before them, bow down, and offer your existence to them."
           "What your father means is that a relationship takes sacrifice and loyalty, on both sides."
           "You can also stay single and live with us forever."
           "It's an option, but we'll be glad you find someone."
           "I'm your father. No one else. I'm the only Daddy."
           "Yes Michael, yes."
Persephone did not understand at all why he was saying this, while Balthazar refrained from laughing. They didn't notice the absence of Ozymandias, still in his room, asking his grandfather to punish the troublemaker who had hurt his brother and sister, because even if he didn't show it, he loved them, deeply, as much as he loved his parents. For the end of the world he was preparing, he had imagined an underground bunker, where they could all live together, with the rest of the Addams. But, since Percy and Balhy didn't seem able to live without a mate, he decided to wait until they found the right one before blowing it all up. If his father had known he would have been very proud, because nothing could stop the boy, absolutely nothing, not even love.
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hops-hunny · 4 years
Felix Felicis
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff! Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Request: “Can you do Draco x Hufflepuff reader fluff where they’re cuddling together and all he wants to do is make her laugh because she failed an exam earlier that day so he’s trying to do everything he can to cheer her up and overall it’s just super fluffy? Thank you have a great day❤️❤️”
Summary: After (Y/N) has a rather unfortunate week, Draco does everything in his power to change that. In a way, he was (Y/n)’s own little Felix Felicis.
A/N: This was my first request so I was a bit nervous writing it! I enjoyed every bit though, this was a very cute request. I hope it was everything you wanted and more anon <3
If (Y/n) didn't know any better, she would've claimed that the world had it out for her. And after the week she had, who would have blamed her? On Monday in potions, she had stirred the wrong way causing a reaction that made her eyebrows disappear(thank god for makeup). On Tuesday, she had slipped and fallen in the great hall which caused a chorus of laughter from every house, including her fellow Hufflepuffs. Wednesday, well, nothing happened. She felt relieved. She had answered a question correctly in DADA, had a free period that overlapped with her friends, and had taken an exam in potions which in her opinion was very easy! Her stroke of bad luck was no more! She was ecstatic...until Thursday came around. If she had thought the rest of the week was bad, then Thursday was absolutely fucking dreadful. Her day started off fine, she woke up, got dressed, and put on her favorite perfume. She didn’t use it often, only when she expected the day to be amazing 
That hopeful feeling of luck was short lived and ended by the time she got to the great hall. The Weasley twins had rigged a prank on the wrong person which resulted in her face being stained blue, when she got to her first class her seat was taken by someone else which she didn’t have a problem with. That was until she noticed the only seat left was near Fletcher Digby, who was known for his noticeable...odor that was...to put it nicely, absolutely putrid. By the end of her day, she had gathered up a broken shoe, a run in her stockings, a rip in her blouse, and the blue tint to her face had somehow gotten worse - which she later found out was sweat activated. (Y/n) was usually very optimistic. Even during the cloudiest of days or saddest of times she was always there to offer encouraging words and a smile. If a fellow Hufflepuff was sick, she’d often bake them something with the house elves or give them the last of her sweets from Honeydukes. She even did this for people in other houses as well, a ‘Get Well Soon!’ card attached along with it. That’s what her boyfriend, Draco, loved about her.
She was his light in all the darkness, the candle to his flame. When she came into his life, she taught him many things. His love for her was deep and pure and anyone would be a fool not to notice. That’s why Draco was concerned when he started to see her throughout the week less and less. During the school day, they didn’t have any classes together but even then he’d always wave or smile to her during hallpassing. He’d leave a kiss on her forehead in the great hall before heading to his own table and waited for her after her last class of the day on Friday. So when Draco found himself waiting a lot longer than usual outside of the potion’s room he grew concerned. He pushed past a few students entering the room. His smile dropped when there was no one left in the room but Fletcher Digby. Come to think of it, had he seen her at all today? He assumed she came to the great hall late but now that he thought about it, he hadn’t seen her leave with her friends. There were no quick pecks during hallpassing, winks when they saw each other. He quickly strode the halls, looking for her. He was worried, it wasn’t like (y/n) to just miss a day of class with no warning or explanation prior. 
“Hannah, have you seen (Y/n)? I haven’t seen her all day and I'm growing quite worried.” He said pulling the Hufflepuff off to the side. If anyone were to know where she was, surely her roommate would. The girl took a moment to think. 
“Hm, no. I haven’t seen her since this morning. Before I left the dorm, she was still sleeping. She was really distraught last night so I’m not surprised she decided to stay in. However, I do admit that is completely unlike her.” She offered him a sympathetic smile as he thanked her before heading in the direction of the girls dormitory.
He knocked on the door, finding it to not be locked as it popped open. He walked in only to find that her bed was empty. The only person to be found was Luna, who was holding (Y/n)’s favorite stuffed giraffe (one he had given to her as a present once). She hadn’t noticed him yet but wasn’t phased when he let out a sharp, “What are you doing with that?” she simply turned around and offered him a soft grin.
“Hello Draco, (Y/n) asked me to bring this to her. She was having a terribly bad case of wrackspurts today. One of the worst cases I’ve seen really. So she went where she usually does when she has a bad day although, I think you should bring it to her now that you’re here. Also give her this, it’s a good luck charm I made for her. It should get rid of the wrackspurts and bring luck along with it.” She spoke, handing him the stuffed giraffe and a necklace with a peculiar charm made of tiger’s eye. He looked at it for a sec before taking it, offering her a nod before heading off where he knew you’d be.
You sat cross legged on the old, comfy couch, drinking the cup of chamomile and lavender tea Hagrid had brought to you. You had grown quite close to the gentle giant throughout your years at Hogwarts. During your first year, you were having an awful day, not as bad as the week you were currently going through but still quite a bad one. You were homesick and missed your family dearly. Your housemates tried to cheer you up with treats and kind words and although you appreciated them dearly, nothing could stop the tears from flowing. That’s when Luna came in, she brought you straight to Hagrid’s hut and explained your dilemma. He welcomed you both in, brewing you tea and offering whatever treats he had. Soon enough, your tears stopped. Hagrid’s hut slowly started to become your home away from home as he offered it to you whenever you liked without asking any questions if you weren’t willing to talk.
Usually, you’d slowly start to tell him what was wrong but today was one of those silent days. Many would expect Hagrid to be absolutely horrid with emotions but, he had like a 6th sense when it came to them. He decided to leave you alone for a few hours, tending to his duties. When he came back, he had gotten you your favorite dessert from the house elves. They were always more than willing to send and make you things because of how kind and helpful you were to them. You sipped at your tea as you softly pet Fang’s head which was resting in your lap. You and Fang’s heads both perked up as you heard a knock at the door. Hagrid walked to the door to see who it was.
“Ah, I figured I would see ya sometime soon.” he said, stepping to the side to let whoever it was in. Draco stepped into the small hut, closing the door as he came to sit near you on the couch. You instantly threw yourself into his arms which in turn, caused him to wrap his arms around you tightly, placing a kiss on the top of your head as he stroked your back. Hagrid took that as his sign to leave, taking the large dog with him. Draco let you cry a bit, his heart breaking at the noises.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere, love. Are you alright? Luna told me to give you these.” He said as he handed the girl her giraffe. She hugged it tightly as he put the charm around her neck. She sat between her lover’s legs sighing. He held her close as she described her day, his heart aching from all that she had to deal with and his mind cursing him for not realizing sooner.
“And on top of all of that, I failed my potions exam! That wouldn’t have been bad if I hadn’t gone on blabbing to all my friends how well I thought I did on the bloody thing. I just feel like the world has it out for me.” She said looking up at him. He nodded in understanding. He had stayed quiet as she had vent to him, just providing the listening ear she needed. That’s when he got a few ideas. He smiled before standing up, stretching his hand out for the girl to grab.
“Come with me. I’ve got an idea! Quickly, we mustn’t be caught.” He said eagerly as he stared at her. She hesitantly grabbed his hand, setting Georgie, her giraffe, on the couch before she was swiftly dragged out of the hut. Draco pulled his girlfriend along, running as she tried to keep up due to the fact her legs were much shorter.
“Where are we going, Dray?” She asked which prompted a quick “shhh!!” from Draco. They both ran across the grounds of the school, hand in hand as to not be caught. (Y/n) had no idea where he was taking her but she thought anything would be better than moping around the rest of the day. They both tried to contain the wild giggles coming from their mouths as they headed in the direction of Hogsmeade.
As they finally made it, they both still had smiles on their faces at the rush they had gotten from sneaking off. Draco had tied his tie around the girl’s eyes leading her in the way of whatever wild idea it was that he had. “What if we get caught? Someone is bound to see us.” she said, her face forming a frown at the thought of being caught.
“Oh hush darling, we’ll be fine. Besides if we do happen to get caught in some trouble, I’m sure my father won’t mind bailing us out.” He said, finally removing her blindfold. She opened her eyes to see...Madam Puddifoots? She gave him a strange look. “We’re here to get a laugh out of the things that happen in here, sweets. Trust me, you’ll see. Act natural.” He took her hand, leading her to a small booth. 
Soon enough, she saw and heard what he meant. The sight of all the couples with their peculiar behaviors was quite a laugh. They saw one couple come in with matching crochet sweaters with each others faces on it, another referred to each other as each others “snuggle-boop-kitty-fuzy-wuzzykins”and only that each time they spoke to each other. But along with the odd, mushy, and gushy couples came a few odd breakups too. One man tried to propose by reciting an “original poem” which turned out to be stolen, causing his boyfriend to dump scalding hot tea on his head. Another guy forgot he scheduled dates with 4 different girls at the same spot, on the same day..didn’t end well for him. A few employees had to carry him out on a stretcher as the girls all exchanged numbers.
By the time they were back on their way to the castle, (Y/n) was already in a better mood. She held an ice cream cone in one hand, and Draco’s hand in her other. They both paused coming to the same realization. Although it was easy to sneak out, how would they sneak back in? The couple locked eyes at the same time before Draco picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder. (Y/n) made sure her ice cream didn’t fall as her boyfriend sprinted in the shadows, using a passageway she had never seen before to get back into the castle. Once inside, they both held in their giggles, quieting their breathing from the run back to the castle as they made their way to his dorm. By then she had long finished her ice cream as he tossed her on his bed, throwing himself down next to her shortly after. (Y/n) rolled over towards Draco to find him already facing her. The pair sat in silence for a moment before both losing composure. They began to laugh hysterically, to the point where a tear or two was shed. After their little laughing fit, Draco sat up, pulling his girlfriend on top of him. She turned, straddling him as she placed a soft kiss on his lips before resting her head on his shoulder.
“I just wanted to say thank you Draco. Not even just for today but for being there whenever I need you. This was honestly one of the worst weeks of my life but if I’m honest, I’d go through it all again to have another evening like the one we just had.” She said as she nuzzled in deeper, taking in the scent of expensive cologne and cinnamon. Her lover was taken back by her words. She was the only one who made him feel like that. Her words meant more to him than anything in the world. He tightened his grip on her, holding her close to him.
“I’d do it all again and more just to see you happy. Why don’t we make this a regular thing of ours, hm? Every friday, we’ll sneak outside the castle and do whatever we want, indulging to our hearts can’t handle it anymore? Even if not, everyday with you is an adventure, sneaky trips or not.” He said. Draco meant what he said full heartedly, everyday she managed to make his life an adventure, learning new things about himself that he didn’t know were there. It was like he was a canvas and she was the painter, each day, each moment, a different stroke of color on his heart.
Perhaps it was Luna’s good luck charm or perhaps it was them, but from then on out each day seemed luckier than the last when he had his girl on his arm.
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