#ah the missed potential of 13 and river meeting
riversofmars · 3 years
i wonder if you might do a story on river/13 going to a gay bar in space and they meet a bunch of previous companions/friends there too? (definitely jack for sure!) thanks
Okay first off, I love this prompt!! And it’s perfect for Pride month! I may, however, have taken some liberties and gone a bit bigger than a simple gay bar.... anyway :D I set out to write the gayest thing you’ll read all month... I hope I’ve succeeded! Happy Pride!
Invitation With A Kiss
“So what is this place, Doc?“ Graham asked as they made their way to the door of the TARDIS.
“Had an invitation!“ The Doctor retorted with a grin double-checking her psychic paper to make sure she had the right place and time.
“Who from?“ Yaz asked curiously.
“Ah, well, you know…“ The Doctor tried to wave it off but Yaz was quick enough to snatch the psychic paper from her fingers before she could try to hide it.
“Signed with a kiss?“ Yaz gaped and a wide grin spread across her features. Finally something to truly wind their friend up with and Ryan smirked as well:
“You sure you want us to tag along?“
“Oh, shut up, it’s not exactly a private party.“ The Doctor huffed trying to hide the blush that crept onto her cheeks. Quickly, she opened the door before any of her friends could comment and stepped outside.
“Oh wow, I don’t think I have words for this…“ Yaz started laughing as she joined the Doctor. They found themselves at the side of a most colourful parade. There were rainbows EVERYWHERE! Balloons, confetti, flags, people were dancing, hugging, kissing, having the time of their lives. “Please tell me this is…“
“Planet Pride.“ The Doctor grinned and put her hands on her hips as she took in the atmosphere. It was elating. There was a mild breeze that carried music and exotic smells, the sun was blazing down but not unpleasantly and the joy surrounding them was almost palpable. “Think of your 21st century Pride celebrations, multiply it by, I don’t know, a whole galaxy celebrating togetherness and inclusivity, and you get the greatest queer party this side of the universe.“ The Doctor turned to her friends who were still in awe.
“Isn’t this like… the future?“ Yaz finally found her voice and looked to the Doctor who was surprised to find concern in her eyes: “Is there a need for Pride still? Like I would have thought the issue would long be resolved and…“
“Oh it is, don’t worry!“ The Doctor grinned as she understood what she was getting at. “Doesn’t erase the past though. It’s part of the history of humankind… very sad, pointless, stupid part, but history nonetheless. Can’t and shouldn’t erase history, else you can’t learn from past mistakes… But let’s face it, Pride is brilliant. By this point it’s just an excuse to have one hell of a party.“ She pushed her hands into her pockets and they started walking down the street.
“This is brilliant.“ The Fam quickly found themselves accessorised by strangers, flower garlands and all sorts of amusing party hats were being passed out.
“Who’s the invite from, then?“ Ryan asked as they quickly caught up with the Doctor who was looking around the sea of people, clearly searching for someone.
“My wife.“ The Doctor answered knowing full well that there was no way she could keep it from them. She stopped and gnawed her bottom lip as she scanned the crowd. Where was she? Like she stood a chance of finding her amongst all these people…
“Your what now?“ Graham’s face fell and he nearly ran into her.
“Wife.“ The Doctor retorted matter-of-factly looking back to her friends. “We’re here to celebrate Pride, remember?“
“Yes but… you’re married?!“ Yaz exclaimed and carried on teasingly: “Who would agree to that?!“
“Well, we have always wondered that at one point or another…“ A voice sounded behind them and they all whirled around.
“Jack!“ The Fam exclaimed in unison as Captain Jack Harkness saluted with a grin.
“Hello, Doctor.“ He scooped the Doctor up in a tight hug who squeaked as the air was pushed from her lungs. “Fancy seeing you here! Are you ready for a party?“
“Hello Jack.“ She managed as she tried to extricate herself from his arms. “Bit too much to drink already?“ Jack ignored her comment and turned to the Fam, extending his arms.
“Ryan. Yaz. … Graham.“ He winked at Graham who blushed a little. Jack’s flirting was not lost on him or anyone else for that matter. “Missed me?“ He grinned. “Did you come here to see me?“
“While I knew you’d be here, no, not exactly.“ The Doctor retorted, trying to let him down gently.
“Well, that’s just as well.“ Jack huffed, trying not to look too offended. “I’m here with a Doctor of my own anyway. Though I seem to have lost him… and Donna just keeps trying to pass me drink after drink so…“
“You’re here with me? And Donna?“ The Doctor’s eyes widened in shock.
“There’s another version of you here?“ Yaz asked, utterly confused. The Doctor had told them plenty of times about how she had been a different person before and how Time Lords could regenerate their body, but they had never actually seen proof of it.
“And I don’t remember it… timelines crossing…“ The Doctor realised running her hands through her hair nervously. There was potential for disastrous chaos here.
“Doctor?“ A voice called and they all looked around. The girl that had called out wasn’t looking at them though, she was scanning the crowd and turned to another girl whose hand she was holding. “He must be here somewhere, that’s his TARDIS over there.“ They were searching for the Doctor too.
“Well, I’ve got a Doctor here if you’re looking for one!“ Jack called out without thinking. He didn't know the girls but the look on the Doctor’s face revealed that she did. She was simply too stunned to respond just yet. The girls looked at Jack who waved with a wide grin. “I think you mean to say: Her TARDIS. Times change!“
“Bill…“ The Doctor finally found her voice again as she stared at her long lost friend. There she was. Brilliant, beautiful Bill Potts. Cyberman no longer, holding on to her girlfriend’s hand and shock painted all over her face as the realisation hit her.
“Oh my GOD!“ Bill exclaimed, frozen to the spot.
“And Heather.“ The Doctor was beginning to grin now and hurried over.
“You have to be joking!“ Bill was still in shock, she shook her head to herself as the Doctor came to a halt in front of her with the Fam and Jack following close behind.
“Hello Bill!“ The Doctor smirked, amused by how her brain was reeling. “What? Not even a hug?“ She chuckled as Bill was finally pulled from her stupor.
“I really don't think I should hug you…“ Bill found her voice at last as she looked her up and down. “Cause you’re like… dead hot right now…“ She glanced at Heather who just laughed. “But also, you’re my weird space grandpa! So come here!“ She pulled the Doctor in a tight hug laughing.
“Fam, this is my friend Bill and her girlfriend Heather.“ The Doctor introduced them all.
“Lovely to meet you.“ Heather smiled. “I have a feeling you will be seeing quite a few familiar faces.“ She told the Doctor with a knowing smile.
“Yeah, it’ll get complicated when you run into yourself…“ Bill grinned, amused at the very prospect of it.
“He’s here, too?“ The Doctor’s face fell. Things were bound to get even more complicated with two of her former regenerations around!
“Well yeah, we were looking for him, lost him somewhere along the way…“ Bill explained. “Oh God…“
“What?“ The Doctor frowned, alarmed at the dread in her friend’s voice.
“Quickly, hide!“ She pulled the Doctor and Heather behind a make-shift beach bar that served all sorts of colourful cocktails. The other’s mirrored their actions. While they didn’t know what was going on, it seemed like the right course of action.
“Bill, what…“ The Doctor started to protest but forgot where she was going with it when her eyes fell on two very familiar people, making their way towards the bar.
“I really don’t know why you insisted on coming here.“ Missy gave a huff as they came within earshot.
“Why not? It’s fun.“ Clara retorted, amused at the displeasure on the Time Lady’s face.
“I don’t see what’s so exciting about drawing rainbows on your face and parading around the street.“ Missy rather stood out in her almost completely black outfit.
“Humour me.“ Clara retorted, who - in her colourful waitress uniform - looked the complete opposite. “I’ll make it worth your while.“ She looped her arm around Missy’s.
“You better.“ Missy pursed her lips, looking to the girl at her side, then continued to scan the crowd.
“If you didn’t want to come, why did you?“ Clara asked and scoffed as Missy paid her little attention and kept looking around: “You’re hoping the Doctor will be here, aren’t you. And here I was thinking you actually wanted to spend time with me.“
“Doctor, who are they?“ Yaz whispered to the Doctor, struggling to follow what was going on. Those two women clearly knew her and the Doctor seemed to know them too as all colour had drained from her face.
“Doctor, what do you want to do?“ Bill whispered to her but she didn’t respond, she was transfixed.
“Don’t get me wrong, Clara, dear, I enjoy a booty call as much as the next Time Lady.“ Missy smirked, looking back to Clara. “Particularly one where my sweet little plaything is intoxicated on sweet drinks and self righteousness but if I just happen to run into the Doctor and get the opportunity to kill him, that would be a two birds one stone kind of scenario. Particularly if I get to mortally embarrass him by putting you in a rather compromising position first.“ Missy ran her fingertips along Clara’s jaw, pushing her head up a little.
“Right, that’s it!“ The Doctor exclaimed. “Clara!“ She called, marching out of their hiding place.
“Huh?“ Clara and Missy looked around confused, annoyed at the moment being so rudely interrupted.
“Oh God…“ Bill groaned and they all rushed after the Doctor.
“Sorry dear, this is a private conversation, pick a number and I’ll get to you in a sec.“ Missy gave a dismissive wave of her hand, refocusing her attention on Clara but the Doctor wouldn’t have it.
“Missy, get your hands off her right now!“ The Doctor threatened.
“Who’s this, Doctor?“ Yaz asked, hoping for an explanation.
“Doctor?“ Missy raised her eyebrows, her lips pulling into a smirk.
“Doctor?“ Clara echoed, surprised, excited and embarrassed in equal measures.
“What are you doing with her??“ The Doctor demanded to know off Clara as she wildly gestured at her nemesis.
“My my my, isn’t this some sight. Finally had the upgrade as well?“ Missy ignored the comment as she regarded her childhood friend’s new body. She snaked her arm around Clara and pulled her close to her side.
“Missy!“ The Doctor growled. “Get away from her!“
“Why?“ Missy feigned innocence and hurt. “She asked me here? She wants me here. You could even say she wants me .“ She gave a triumphant smirk and the Doctor flushed scarlet with embarrassment and anger.
“Clara, is that…“
“Uhhh…“ Clara blushed even more deeply than the Doctor herself.
“Does anyone else feel like they're slightly out of the loop?“ Ryan piped up, trying to make sense of the situation in front of them. For whatever reason, the Doctor was interrupting what looked like a perfectly consensual, happy date…
“This is the Master.“ The Doctor spat angrily. “Earlier version… don’t let the lipstick fool you, just as deadly.“
“Lipstick makes for a wonderful weapon, particularly in the right hands. Just ask your lovely wife.“ Missy retorted with a smile. “Where is she, by the way? You’re not here single , are you?“ She tightened the grip on Clara for emphasis.
“Missy!“ Clara slapped the Time Lady’s shoulder. “Come on, we’re all here to have some fun, can’t we just do that.“
“I can have fun with you anywhere I like.“ Missy smirked, moving her hand lower to the hem of her skirt, just enough to make the Doctor nearly lose it. “Fine. Alright.“ She let go of her. “Be a good little puppy now and fetch me a drink then.“ She smirked at the Doctor who balled her hands to tight fits, looking like she was about to burst. Missy laying her hands on one of her friends like that was just too much.
“Anyone else for a cocktail?“ Clara turned back to the group, hoping to move to conversation along to where she wouldn’t be mortally embarrassed in front of her best friend.
“I’ll help you carry.“ Heather volunteered quickly following Clara to the bar.
“So the Master used to be a woman?“ Graham exclaimed at last, when the situation seemed to have defused a little.
“Spoilers.“ Missy tutted at him.
“This is going to get very complicated with everyone here.“ The Doctor had to agree. “You can’t reveal anything about anyone’s future or we could be ripping space and time apart.“
“Yes, this is quite the explosive combination.“ Missy had to concede as she regarded the Doctor’s entourage. “Which begs the question, Doctor, what brings you here? Other than the rainbow candy floss?“
“River invited me.“ The Doctor shot back, almost too quickly, as if to make the point that Missy didn’t have one over in her.
“Well, she’s here somewhere…“ Missy smirked, delighting in the fact that she knew something the Doctor didn’t. “Busy though, really busy…“
“Busy?“ The Doctor frowned. She didn’t like the way Missy was saying that but she couldn’t help her hearts somersaulting just a little bit at the confirmation that her wife was here somewhere. She would get to see her again. It had been such a long time.
“Your bride dances at numerous weddings, as usual.“ Missy hummed just as Clara and Heather returned with colourful cocktails. “Thank you dear.“ She took a bright red drink that was unsettlingly reminiscent of blood and took the opportunity to press a firm kiss to Clara’s lips. “Oh I should start doing this to all your companions, the look on your face!“ Missy laughed at the Doctor’s expression. She looked like she was about to throw a punch. “Or, you know, your wife… now that would be fun.“
“Watch it!“ The Doctor growled threateningly.
“Wherever is Professor Song?“ Missy hummed in a sing-song voice and sip her drink in delight.  
“Clara!“ Everyone looked around as two female voices chanted in unison.
“Oh hello!“ Clara recognised Vastra and Jenny immediately as they were heading straight towards them.
“More old friends?“ Ryan asked and the Doctor’s face brightened. It was hard to worry about the timeline when it was so nice to see so many of her friends.
“Vastra! Jenny!“ She grinned at them in greeting and while Jenny frowned, confused, her wife’s superior senses helped her recognise her immediately.
“Doctor!“ The lizard woman looked at her in shock. “Now that makes a change.“ She looked her up and down, surprised, but not unpleasantly. Jenny must have noticed the look on her face as she gave Vastra’s arm a playful slap.
“Oi! Married!“ She reminded her. “Hello Doctor.“ She carried on cheerfully and gave a wave to everyone else, who, with the exception of Clara, they didn’t know yet.
“It’s getting rather crowded, isn’t it.“ Missy pursed her lips shooting Clara a glance with the intention of getting out of there soon but her companion was more concerned with meeting the Doctor’s other friends, past and present. “Oi!“ She shot Jack a glare who was just putting his arm around Clara all too familiarly.
“Sorry, dear.“ Vastra gave her wife an appeasing smile and turned back to the Doctor. “We didn’t expect to see you, Doctor. At least not like this.“
“Don’t tell me.“ The Doctor groaned, sensing where this was going.
“We didn’t mean to interrupt, we just thought, when we saw Miss Oswald, perhaps she’d know where the Doctor was, a younger one, that is. Suspenders too, but bow tie…“ Vastra explained apologetically. They had lost the Doctor they had arrived with quite a while ago.
“Is that who you’re here with?“ The Doctor asked, wincing at the prospect of yet another version of hers running around this place.
“Following an invitation from your wife, as I understand it. He didn’t want to go alone.“ Jenny added.
“Where is he now?“ The Doctor asked, sensing where all this was going.
“That is a very good question.“ Vastra agreed and they all looked around, everyone scanning the crowd for their particular Doctors.
“I already have a very bad feeling about this…“ The Doctor sighed.
“Are you sure you want to find your wife?“ Missy snickered, highly amused.
“I would if I knew how.“ The Doctor huffed, as a cheerful voice carried over from the other side of the cocktail bar:
“That River Song really is something, isn’t she.“ Everyone looked around and saw a blonde pulling herself onto a bar stool, setting down a nearly empty glass.
“Don’t say it like that.“ A second woman, brunette with shoulder length hair, huffed as she climbed onto a stool beside her. The Doctor looked around to her friends, none of whom recognised the two women, with the exception of herself and Missy who pursed her lips with intrigue. Now there were two people she hadn't seen in quite some time.
“Like what?“ Helen laughed, twirling the straw of her drink between her fingers.
“Like you admire the woman…“ Liv answered, clearly not enjoying the conversation.
“You’re just jealous.“ Helen retorted playfully.
“Jealous? Of what? Don’t be ridiculous.“ Liv shot back a little too quickly.
“Then stop sulking!“ Helen grinned. “The Doctor is having fun, leave him to it. And let’s have some fun too! These cocktails are really good…“ She waved at the bar keep for another.
“And really strong, you sure you want another one.“ Liv couldn’t help but point out.
“Most definitely.“ Helen nodded full of enthusiasm and nearly fell off her stool. Perhaps she had had a little bit too much after all. Liv was quick to hold her up. “Thank you Liv, you’re the best you know that?“ Helen smiled happily and reached out to stroke her friend’s cheek.
“I try.“ Liv replied, blushing at the gesture and her friend pulled her forward into a tight hug.
“No really, you are…“ Helen held her tightly, nuzzling into the crook of her neck and Liv didn’t know what to do with her hands. She nearly fell off her stool herself but she didn’t want to pull back either, so she wrapped her arms around Helen’s shoulders, glad she wouldn’t be able to see her blush. Helen was completely oblivious to her discomfort, she just carried on mumbling: “You’re so kind and clever and brave and… so pretty…“
“I think you’ve had enough to drink…“ Liv pulled away, momentarily worried for her friend’s state but Helen wouldn’t let her go. Instead she grabbed Liv’s head and kissed her.
“I had money on that, you know.“ Missy smirked as the Doctor just watched, delighted and confused in equal measures. How had she never picked up on this when they were travelling together?
“Oh God…“ Helen pulled away when she realised what she was doing. But only after thoroughly snogging her best friend’s face off. She blushed deeply, her intoxication seemingly gone in an instant as sobering reality hit her. Liv blinked overwhelmed still, her heart nearly jumping out of her chest. “Sorry, I was just… getting carried away and…“ Helen stammered, letting go of her but this time it was Liv that wouldn’t let go.
“You can do it again… you know in the spirit of… or just because you want to…“ Liv bit her bottom lip nervously.
“I don’t know why I did that…“ Helen carried on stuttering until Liv’s words sunk in: “What?“
“Oh Helen… my beautiful, clueless friend…“ Liv shook her head and laughed.
“Sorry, I have no idea what I’m doing.“ Helen admitted, blushing scarlet.
“I do.“ Liv assured her more confidently and leaned in to kiss her again when Helen stopped her.
“What?“ Liv’s heart sank, wondering if Helen had thought better of it but she realised her friend was stopped for another reason. She was looking past her and Liv noticed they had an audience.
“Oh, don’t stop on my account.“ Missy gave a wave of her hand when she realised she had been spotted. Of course, she was the only one Helen Sinclair and Liv Chenka would recognise. “Wasn’t sure where we were, timelines and all!“
“You again!“ Helen exclaimed and Missy sighed. Why were the Doctor’s friends always so stuck up on the past? So what if she had kidnapped and nearly killed her?
“I was hoping we would bump into you again, now I can finally…“ Liv was about to go for Missy but the Doctor quickly intervened.
“No, no, no, none of that!“ She held Liv back and Missy chuckled.
“Come on, Doctor, if Miss Chenka wasn’t to play, that can be arranged.“ Her eyes flashed dangerously.
“Missy! Timelines!“ The Doctor scolded. The time lines were already all messed up, without anyone losing their life before their time. Missy gave a shrug.
“Doctor?“ Liv echoed, looking at the blonde in front of her bewildered. She took a step back, accepting that maybe violence was not the right course of action right now.
“While I’m sure the Doctor is elated to see you two finally stopped doing that silly little I don’t know how she’s feeling about me - but what if she doesn’t like me - but she’s from the past - but she’s from the future - I can’t ruin our friendship dance of yours, she’d rather like to know where her wife is and you seem to know.“ Missy sighed, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“The Doctor?“ Helen repeated incredulously.
“Wow…“ Was all Liv could manage staring at the blonde and Helen, gripped by a wave of jealousy, hit her arm:
“Not to interrupt the happy reunion or whatever but I think your search is over, Doctor.“ Jack announced and everyone looked around to where he was pointing.
“She didn’t just invite you, did she…“ Missy chuckled as they watched River push through the crowd accompanied by no less than thirteen Doctors, all of them competing for her attention and affection.
“She invited all of us, didn’t she…“ The Doctor sighed, realising that the same message she had received would have popped up on every other Doctor’s psychic paper as well.
“Go on then, Doctor.“ Jack put his arm around her slender shoulders and pulled her along. “Because if you don’t go over there, I might.“ He smirked. “Professor Song!“ He called before the Doctor could protest. River looked over to them, grinning, as she recognised Jack.
“Captain.“ She smirked flirtily as she sauntered over, while the other Doctors shot Jack annoyed glances.
“Think this is who you were looking for.“ Jack gave the Doctor a shove forward and decided that for once, he should be the wing man instead of going for the prize himself.
“Hello River.“ The Doctor managed a half smile and her feelings were incredibly conflicting. She was thrilled to see her wife; who looked beautiful in a flowing dress with the sun dancing in her curls. She was jealous that the other Doctor’s got there before her. And most importantly, she was annoyed: How could she have been so irresponsible?! All of space and time could rip apart if they put a foot wrong!
“My my my, now that makes a change.“ River smirked as she only took a moment to realise who she was. She stepped closer, looking her up and down far more obviously would have been necessary. The Doctor blushed and decided to go on the offensive to get herself out of the awkward situation:
“You know you will have to make them forget!“ She pointed to all her other selves. “This could end so badly!“
“Timelines will do that. Relax, Sweetie. None of you will remember a thing after crossing your own time stream. I can’t believe I’ve had to have this conversation fourteen times.“ River sighed but the expression on her face indicated that she had no problem repeating herself with her spouses. “Now, less sulking, how about a kiss for your old wife, hm?“ She smirked, grabbed the Doctor by the collar of her coat. She pulled her in for a kiss that quickly muted any sort of protest.
Just then, a confetti cannon went off, dousing the group in a rainbow of colours.
“Sorry, couldn’t help it.“ Missy grinned as the Doctor’s friends shot her accusing glances and she hid her sonic umbrella behind her back. “Anyway, I wonder if there are more versions of me about…“
The Doctor didn’t even notice. She was too occupied kissing her wife to the chorus of jealous calls from several of her past selves. She had missed her so much .
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pl-panda · 4 years
To Marry a Vigilante: Part 13
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To Marry a Vigilante: Part 13
Marinette wasn’t sure what to expect from school after her reveal. Their plan was to make it public that she was ‘dating’ Damian Wayne, but not her identity as the MDC. That plan failed when she panicked and tweeted about it. By now, pretty much everyone knew about it. Especially after Jagged Stone went forward and confirmed it. She loved the rockstar, but he was like a wild six-years-old when left without supervision. It was impossible to reverse it. 
The other problem that was making her very anxious was the new Hawkmoth. Her class was already called the Akuma Class not without reason. Now, they would be probably split into different groups, which could serve to make her suffer more. Not to mention how much Lila would be making her life a nightmare now. 
She dressed in the standard Gotham Academy uniform and waited for Chloé to finally arrive. The blonde’s arrival was foreshadowed by the sound of a loud rant. 
“...they can’t expect me to wear these rags!? The purple will totally clash with my lipstick! And the black and white? What is it, the Seventeenth century?” She was already dressed, but clearly unamused by what she was forced to wear.
“Hi, Chlo.” She greeted her best human friend.
“Mari-bear! How can you stand by this fashion disaster?!” 
“I don’t mind. We must wear it only at school.”
“Ugh! I need to pack spare clothes then!”
“Or you could… you know, stay in the uniform?” The bluenette smiled. “I mean from what Damian told me, it’s pretty common to see groups of students still dressed in their uniforms after school.”
“These rags?!” Chloé shouted, slightly agitated
“I’ll make you an MDC original uniform once I get my hands on specifications. Deal?” Mari giggled at her friend’s antics. She was supposed to be the one criticizing fashion here. 
“Fine. But it’s ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! After classes, you and I are going shopping for some better make-up for me and actual make-up for you.”
“Sure! We can also visit the Botanic Gardens again. Just the two of us?” The girl suggested. 
“Perfect. Won’t Lover-boy have a problem?”
“Nah. Damian won’t mind. We’re not bound by the hip, you know?”
“Could’ve fooled me.” Chloé smiled.
“You…!” Marinette giggled. “I heard you’ve been spending whole days in the gym with my cousin. What’s that about? I thought you would be more interested in pestering Tim about detective stuff.”
“I decided to start exercising. Cass is a great trainer for your information,” she huffed, but the smile on her face let Mari know it was just Chloé being Chloé. “Besides, have you seen your mother? She is nearing fifty and looks drop-dead gorgeous. My mother would kill for that body at her age.” 
“Suuuree.” The bluenette giggled. “Let’s go. Alfred will drop us at school.”
In the entrance hall, they were met by Damian, who wore his own uniform. Sabine, Tom, and Bruce were there to see them out. After the standard round of goodbyes that awaited children when they were supposed to start a new school (Sabine filling the mother role for Chloé), Bruce looked critically at Damian.
“You know that you can only bring the sword on Tuesdays and Thursdays when you actually have practice?” 
“Tt. I’ll need it today.”
“Damian…” He glared at the boy, only to be met by an equally fierce gaze. 
“Fine. But I’m keeping the dusters.” He bargained. “That’s not negotiable.” 
“You know the rules.”
“Tt. With a madman after my wife, I reserve my right to having means of self-defense.” 
“Fine. But only if Akuma shows up and the two of you can’t transform. I hope I don’t need to remind you that Gotham is not Paris? People are much more observant here.” He warned them. 
“Don’t worry Mr. Wayne.” Chloé dismissed him. “I’ll make sure those two are behaving.”
“I already feel better.” He deadpanned. 
“Hush! They are smart kids and can deal with their problems. Right, sweetie?” 
“I… I hope?” Marinette was not exactly convinced but tried to smile. 
“You’ll do great.” Her father reassured her.
“Okay. Let’s go.” She put on her sunglasses. The thin black frame surrounded the twin large tinted glasses that hid a large part of her face. Nobody would know it was Kaalki in disguise. She would need the glasses to not be bothered by the press. At least she hoped they would help.
They arrived with half an hour safety cushion, which made them one of the first on-site. Damian led them to the Principal’s office first to get their schedules. Mr. Hammer was already waiting for them. He wore formal clothes with a green vest over a white shirt, yellow-brown trousers, and to finish it he had a dark-green cape with a white collar made of fur. 
“Ah. Mr. Wayne with his girlfriend,” He spoke the word with utter loathing, which was pretty strange. Marinette never met him before. “I seem to remember to have expelled you last semester”
“Tt. You also expelled me the previous one. Four times. And the semester before. Two times.” He didn’t bother to hide the grin. “Except the paperwork never left your office.” He pointed at the large stack of papers on one of the shelves, with a golden plaquette reading ‘Damian Wayne’.
“Hm… Indeed.” 
Damian stopped himself from interrupting him to educate him on how to talk with and about Marinette.
“Um… Professor Hammer?” speaking of the angel. “Thank you for accepting my class for the exchange program.”
“Yes. Your school was kind enough to send the records of all the students. Yours including.”
“Great. Is there anything…” 
“I didn’t finish.” He snapped at her. “You have a very interesting file, Miss Dupain-Cheng.” He dropped a rather thick folder on his desk. “Class president for three years, engaging in various charities, supporting drama club, brilliant gymnast and martial artist.... thief, bully, conflict child.” He added in an angry tone. “I don’t know about France, but here we often call such girls H.B.I.C., which is an acronym for…”
“Tt. I would appreciate it if you stopped trying to refer to my Angel as such. She is the victim of theft, bullying, and ostracization by her class. If you read the files, you know that each person in that class holds significant sway, and the headmaster of that school is easily swayed. I’ve spent a semester at Françoise Dupont and that establishment is in simple words… lacking.” Damian almost spat the last word. He wanted to tell the headmaster more, but Hammer was ignoring him. 
“In Gotham Academy, we pride ourselves as a prestigious institute that helps students develop their full potential. I don’t care how it worked in your previous school, but I expect you to behave. If you start conflicts with the students, I will be forced to expel you, as per the exchange program regulations that your parents signed. And this time, the papers will leave my office.” He glared at Damian, who in response grinned. “The school is surrounded by a high wall and a river, so you don’t have to worry about paparazzi. If such is caught on the premise, he will be dealt with harshly.”
“What about students taking photos?”
“I’m sure you can deal with them.” It was Hammer’s turn to grin.
“But… But…! That’s unfair! And enabling!” 
“Life is not fair. If it was, I would be living in a castle somewhere in the stormy peaks of Scotland. Instead, I’m here.” He handed both of them their schedules and ushered them out. Chloé was waiting outside.
“So? How did it go?”
“He doesn’t particularly seem to like me. It might’ve been because I’m dating a boy he expelled six times last year.” She glared at his husband. 
“Tt. He just dislikes me because in the first year I accidentally detonated the head of his statue. And then the next year I detonated the replacement.” He shrugged. 
“How do you even accidentally detonate the statue’s head?” Chloé asked. 
“Chemistry homework?” Damian suggested
“Archery practice?” Marinette supplied.
“Science class gone wrong?” He continued
“Secret weapon cache activating by itself?” She added. 
“All of the above.” Damian finished. 
“Okay. Honey, are you sure you want him? We can still return him to the store and find one that is less rabid?” The blonde joked. 
“Tt. Over my dead body.” He growled and grasped Marinette’s hand.
“Calm down, Damiboo,” she grinned at the name, “nobody will be separating you two. But for now, we need to go to the chapel for the welcome party.”
“Tt. Call me that again and I’ll…” He started, but then Marinette’s glare shut him up. 
The girls walked away and Damian almost rethought his stance when the blonde dared to whisper “Whipped” when she was passing him. Marinette didn’t notice, already too focused on describing the meeting with the headmaster.
“...furthermore, the North Hall remains off-limit to all students. You will have your rooms assigned before the lunch break.” Hammerhead finally finished his long and boring speech. The girls were lucky enough to have a peaceful if uninteresting welcome ceremony. Sabine sat next to them, which served as a very strong deterrent from any idiots trying something stupid, like taunting her or bullying. Caline was sweating each time she looked at the other chaperone. Sabine didn’t bother with niceties and could (and would) totally destroy her at moment’s notice.
“Hi. I’m Erica Layton. I’m the school president and it’s my pleasure to welcome you to our great school!” A cheerful blonde walked onto the stage. 
She wore a standard GA uniform, but Marinette recognized it as tailor-made, with high-quality materials. Marinette immediately took to dislike her. She had an aura similar to Lila. Falsehood and malevolence. Her smile was precarious and she swept the students with her gaze. She zeroed on Marinette for a second too long and the bluenette could feel the headache coming. She tried to remember what Damian told her about the school president, but the position was supposed to be held by a girl named Boyle. 
“I hope you’ll fondly remember your time at our school. There are many clubs that you can join. If there is one that you wish to start, you’ll need a group of at least five students and signed permission from one of the teachers. You can find more information on our website. Each of you will be assigned a dorm according to the survey you filled…”
“Excuse me!” Kim, who just received a whisper from Lila, stood up. “From what we were told, we were supposed to stay with host families. What gives?”
“Oh! I’m sorry nobody informed you before. Sadly, we didn’t get enough volunteers, so the plans had to change.”
“But… but… Marinette is staying with the Waynes!” Alya protested before sending the girl in question a hateful gaze. Sabine glared back and the bespectacled girl shivered and quickly turned back to the stage. 
The woman stood up and addressed the class herself. “Marinette is staying with me and I’m staying with my niece and her guardian. I hope that will clear any and all confusion.” Her glare told them that the conversation was over. 
“Yes…” Erica awkwardly started again. “Let’s continue.”
Marinette made sure to note everything the school president spoke about. She was certain her class had more important gossip to focus on and later would have no idea about anything. She would just have Chloé send them the picture later. 
After the event was over, Marinette and Chloé stayed back to photo the notes. Sabine made sure that all other Parisians left them alone, urging them to run to classes. The two left maybe two minutes later, walking calmly to their new classes. The girls would have all the same classes and there was hope that none of the other students from Françoise Dupont would pick the same. 
When walking through the corridor, Chloé finally brought up Alya’s reaction to her mother. The two laughed at how scared she was of Sabine. 
Out of the blue, a hand pulled Marinette to the side and the doors closed behind them in complete silence. She managed to give a weak squeak before that, but her best friend didn’t notice. It would be a moment before Chloé realized her best friend disappeared. By then, the doors had been already locked and she would not differentiate them from other locked doors in the corridor. 
“So… You’re supposed to be the famed girlfriend of Damian Wayne?” Marinette heard once her head finally stopped spinning. She was sitting on a chair with ropes tying her down. Five girls stood there, surrounding her like vultures. 
“Huh? Yeah. Damian and I…” 
“I didn’t give you permission to speak.” The middle one, blonde stopped her. Marinette recognized her. It was Erica!
“Yeah! You think you can just swoop here and try to steal Erica’s man?” One of the companions asked indignantly. 
“Damian was not dating anyone when he came to Paris.” The french girl confidently defended her right. 
“Of course he wasn’t. He is the Ice Prince of Gotham Academy.” Erica dismissed her. “But I had the first claim to him.”
“I don’t exactly follow…” Marinette, for all her shrewd tactical mind and lessons from Damian, was still mostly clueless of how rich, bratty teenagers worked. Chloé was supposed to be a unique case, not a rule. 
“Sorry. We started on the wrong foot.” The lead blonde changed her strategy. “Erica Layton.” She extended her hand. Marinette shrugged, took a deep breath, and tightened her muscles. The rope they used to tie her snapped and she stood up to take her hand. Other girls stared at her with a weird expression. 
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Her handshake might’ve been a bit too strong, she did it on purpose. 
“Listen, Dupain-Cheng. There is a social hierarchy in this school. I just so happened to be on top. We can be friends and peacefully resolve our differences...”
“I’m sure we can be at least neutral to…”
“I didn’t finish.” Erica seethed. “Of course, friends don’t steal other friends’ men. So, if you’ll break up with Damian, I can get you to the top of the food chain. You will be safe from that Lila girl and untouchable by anyone. It would be a shame if something happened to your online store after all. Or if your social media suddenly ended under attack by bad reviews.”
Marinette stopped smiling halfway through that speech. By the end, she was openly scowling. She broke the handshake and glared at the blonde on the opposite side. Her mother taught her the glare. It was the ‘you’re in over your head’ glare. 
Only one of the girls had the decency to shiver. Others seemed too stupid and too convinced of their own superiority to take Marinette seriously. 
“Let’s make it clear.” The girl started with a very cold voice. “You want me to break up with Damian, just so you can try, and fail, to get him for yourself? And if I don’t comply, you threaten my online shop and my social media? All for protection from Rossi and her lapdogs?” She allowed herself a laugh. “That’s a good one.”
“You little bitch!” Erica shouted. “Do you have any idea who I am? I am at the top of the food chain here. I rule this school. I’m the Gotham Academy’s golden princess!”
“And I’m above the food chain.” She quoted Damian. It took all her willpower, acting skills, courage, and boiled-down anger to continue. “You might be the princess, but I’m the queen here. And you have nothing that you can take from me.”
“Everyone has some dirty secrets. When I’m done with you, you’ll be too afraid to even show up at school!” Erica shouted. Marinette’s cool gaze swept over the room. 
The bluenette didn’t dignify that with a response. Instead, she walked over to the locked doors and grabbed the doorknob. At first, it was locked and didn’t want to budge, but with a stronger twist the old mechanism gave over, and the doors opened. 
Outside, Chloé was already on the phone with someone. 
“...Nevermind. I found her.” She hung up and turned to her best friend. “Maribear! Where have you been?”
“I just met the Rossi of this school. She thought she could offer me friendship in exchange for Damian. Like that would ever work.” She gave a cold giggle. When they turned the corner Chloé found the nearest bathroom and dragged Marinette there. Once they were safe from any prying eyes, shel broke into sobs in the blonde’s arms.
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bxoken-heartss · 4 years
@tu-sonrisaaa-te-amooo asked: Could you do the 8 and 17 fluff with Joel? tht would be cute (ik u hate him lol u could do zabdi if u want)
Lmao I don't hate him Bby..he can just be a bit dramatic sometimes...that's all 🙆‍♀️
Prompts: (I did a bit of alterations in it so excuse me)
“I want to dance through an army of fireflies with you.” (Prompt 8)
“My hand was made to fit into yours. That’s all there is to it.” (Prompt 17)
So Y/N is your name
~ ~ ~ means change of scenario.
✓ ✓ ✓ means the end.
So...ahem...this went a bit more than I intended it to go...I swore I would just write drabbles but I guess old habits die hard? So this is it? I hope you like it Dia! 💕😅 (oh new nickname alert)
This song is beautiful and sorta inspired me! 💕
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- - -
Y/N and Joel were friends ever since they were little kids...They had met when Joel had gotten lost wandering around in a series of pet shops staring at pets (especially various dog breeds and puppies). When his senses had hit him..he understood he had gotten lost..he began to feel nervous and uneasy and let out childish sobs as he began to run around looking for his mother.
He barely paid attention to anything around him as he only focused in searching for his mother that which eventually ends up with him bumping onto someone.
"Ouch! Why can't you watch where the hell they are going?!" A voice speaks
Joel falls down as he looks at the person speaking...a little girl who held a husky in her arms on the floor angrily glaring at him
"I'm so sorry...I didn't..." He begins as he stares at the husky...
"It's fine...Just watch where you're going at least the- -" She begins
"Is that the Siberian Husky?" Joel asks interrupting her as he stands up
"I'm kind of offended that you interrupted me...But yes...yes it is.." She replies as she possessively holds her husky
"Can...Can I pet it?" He asks as he looks at the husky eagerly
"Well sure I guess..." She says as Joel begins petting the husky.
A few minutes later, the duo had already begun talking about...dogs things in general..
"Y/N! There you are!!" I was looking all over for you!" A voice speaks, tone concerned
"Oh..Mumma..I was just on my way back but then this boy bumped into me and apparently loves Zachary a bit too much.." She says as she points at Joel
And that's when our oblivious little Joel realizes that he was lost and was supposedly supposed to find his mother..not stand here fanboying over a husky.
His eyes widen as he looks around, searching for his mother a.k.a his official/ main intention...Panic strikes his system as he realizes he was obviously potentially lost..
"Are you okay Joel?" Y/N asks
"I'm LOST!" Joel replies as he looks at her letting out childish sobs
"Oh god...Mumma...Help him!" Y/N says
"Listen lil boy...we'll find your mother...do you like know her number or anything.." Y/N mother asks
"Yes..." He replies as he tells her the number letting out soft sobs
The husky jumps onto Joel's arms as it began licking his face. Joel stopped crying slowly as he began smiling a bit.
"Oh my god...He is just so adorable..." Joel says as he pets the husky
"Yeah...he seemingly likes you..strange..he's not pretty comfortable with strangers.." Y/N comments
Soon Joel's mother comes in, her eyes scanning around, her eyes instantly gleaming with happiness as she finds Joel.
"Joel!!!" She says as she runs over and hugs him, Zachary jumping out of Joel's arms onto the ground.
"Mumma!!" Joel yells as he hugs her, sobbing quietly
Y/N stepped away a bit letting them have their moment.
"Thank you for finding him! He's always roaming around..pet stores...or just everywhere in general...I'm so sorry for his careless actions...and all the inconveniences he has caused you..." Joel's mother apologizes
"Oh not at all...He wasn't a bother at all.." Y/N's mother reassures
"Joel...at least next time don't go around without telling your mum! If you want a pet come over to my place...We can play with Zachary together..." Y/N says as she smiles at him, holding her mother's hand
"Okay..I will." Joel says smiling at her as he pets Zachary one last time...
"Bye Joel! See you...well...soon?" She says as she walks off..
That was how it all began...After that, one day he had turned up at her place surprisingly...They were next door neighbours...And eventually they spent a lot of time together..which lead to their everlasting friendship which began at the age of 6..
~ ~ ~
"Joel...when am I going to see you again?" Y/N asks as she lazily sat on his bed whilst she helped him with her luggage.
"Around 9 months...I'll be back soon.." Joel says as he puts in another shirt
"Oh come on...that's technically the entire year!" Y/N comments as she rolls her eyes
"I swear I would have taken you if it wasn't for your Fashion Designing Course..If that had been completed..then you could have joined.." Joel says as he stuffs in something else
"Yeah yeah..it's important right...I'm going to miss you Jo..." She says as she looks at him
"Me too..I wish there was something I could do.." Joel says as he walks over towards her.
"Just promise that you'll facetime me before all your performances..and just text me once at least every day...send me those lame audios of yours...I don't care.." Y/N says as she holds his hand...
He was still here...not gone..why did he have to leave?
"Hey...I'll text you and call you everyday.. You're my best friend...If I wouldn't call you.. who else would I?" He asks as he holds her hand and hugs her
~ ~ ~
"Wow! That was a spectacular show right boys?" Joel asks obviously excited as he walked behind the stage...
"Yes..exhausted but overwhelming..." Richard replies as they walk into the room backstage
Zabdiel immediately falls onto the couch, Erick cools off, Chris begins to fix his hair
"God..Why hasn't Y/N even seen my message! She didn't even facetime me today or even call me! Isn't that just mean?!?" Joel comments as he slumps onto the couch
"Yes...call her mean and every other negative word you could think of Ho-eL! She brought her arse from miles away, sat on a 13 hour flight just so she could surprise her best friend and yet you call her that?" A voice speaks from behind him
"Wait...a minute..." Joel trails as he instantly turns behind and sees Y/N
"Y/N- - !!!!" His tone surprised and shocked as he leaps off the couch and hugs her, a few years falling through his cheeks in the rush of excitement.
"Curls!!" She yells as she hugs him.
They hug on forever none of them every wanting to let go...Until an intentional cough from the guys pulls them away
"Ah...err...Guys! Meet my bestie Y/N!" Joel says as he grabs her hand heading towards the boys
"We talked Curls...I talked to everyone and they all helped me hide...You guys were amazing...The performance was just fantastic!" She comments as the boys yell out a chorus of thanks
"Okay so everyone except me knew that you were here?" Joel asks
"Duh curls...I couldn't sneak into backstage without their help..." Y/N says referring to the boys.
Joel grabbed her arm and pulled her into an empty room and pulls her into a hug again
"I'm so glad to have you here...Thank you for the support.." Joel says
"Wow wow...I never knew I'd see a sweet side of you Joel..." Y/N remarks
"Shut up and just hug me..." Joel says rolling his eyes
She returns the gesture as they kept hugging, an odd source of comfort filling both their veins.
~ ~ ~
"Joel...this is beautiful..." Y/N comments as she looks around the woods.
It was a small forest sort of place filled with thick green trees and a small river which gleamed with reflections of the littered stars that laid scattered in the skies.
"I know right..." Joel says as he looks at the river and at her..
They spent a lot of time making jokes and just talking about life...he had just returned from tour a few days before and thought he ought to spend some quality time with his best....friend...
He almost sighed at his own thoughts..he had begun to have feelings for her...but he didn't want to let them interplay..he didn't want to lose her...he needed her as a friend at least in his life..his feelings didn't have any part in this...but he couldn't help but wonder everytime she smiled..was she thinking about him? Did she think of him..as something more than a friend?
"Joel..Joel...HOEL!" Y/N yells.
Joel's eyes widen in shock as he falls off the log he sat on because of how loud she yelled and how distracted he was..
"Oh god...you are so clumsy sometimes Curls! Wait..actually all the damn time!" She says as she holds out her hand, Joel gratefully accepting her extended hand as she pulls him up.
"Look at that Y/N..My hand was made to fit into yours..” Joel comments as he sits up
Y/N face floods with a tint of pink as she nervously laughs it off..but never lets go off his hand..
"Of course you dummy...We are besties so god made sure it would work that way.." She replies uneasily
"Y/N I want to tell you something.." He says interrupting her from speaking further
An awkward moment of painful silence fills the air...
"What is it Joel?" She asks nervously
"It's.. it's..." Joel begins but his anxiety kicks in.
"If you don't tell her now...you'll never tell her or know if she felt the same.. you'll probably live in regret but you have to! " His inner voice encourages as he takes a deep breath
"I...I like you..." He breathes out
"I like you too Joel! You are my best fr- -" Y/N begins
"No Y/N...I like you more than a best friend.. you make me feel warm and mushy on the inside..I don't feel anything else around anyone else...You make me feel safe, happy. You understand me...We fight..but that's only because you care..but I like you in a different manner...You make me want to the cringy -est stuffs like taking couple pictures, share smoothies together, go on dates...and make me wanna dance with you in between an army of fireflies under the moonlight and what nots.. and to think that you make these cliché activities look normal...that's weird and definitely not something I feel one fine day.. I knew I always had these feelings..But I realized them...only recently...I understand if you don't feel the same..but just so you know I'll keep loving you..on and on..." He finishes off
"Who said I never had feelings for you Joel?" She asks "Every night... I'm just waiting and wondering if you have found someone that'll make you feel like that..Because why not? There are millions out there..prettier, hotter and just beautiful girls out there waiting for you so why would you choose me over them? Yeah... nothing.."
"Y/N I don't care...for you were..are the only girl I've had my eyes on...from the start.. today and forever..." Joel says as he holds both her palms. (I'm low-key swooning 🤧)
Before she could answer, Joel extends his free hand and pulls her up.
They walk over towards a place where the moonlight reflected brightly and the clear water flowing gently, causing small ripples as if it was singing a song.
"Well...can I have a dance with you?" Joel asks as he extends his hand out in a sorta gentleman style
Y/N nods softly as she takes his hand, his hand instantly softly interlocking with hers as she rests her free hand on his shoulder, his free hand holding a space above her waist securely..
As they began to softly dance in sync, an army of fireflies had encapsulated around them causing her to smile wide.
"Look Joel...True to your 'cliché' wishes..the fireflies are here..." Y/N jokes about it as Joel's face floods with a bright pink colour.
They enjoyed the overall aura, the silence suddenly turning comfortable...as they merely enjoyed each others' presence without any words being exchanged.
"So..Y/N..." Joel begins
"Hmm?" She asks as they continue dancing
"Will..will you be my girlfriend?" He asks nervously
Y/N stops dancing as she tries to catch Joel's gaze..but the boy would look at anyone or anything but her..
Y/N stood on her toes as she holds his face with both hands as she stares at his beautiful dark brown orbs, her eyes filled with nothing but love..that too only for him.
Joel looks at her nervously and before he could speak anything, she softly presses her lips against his. He instinctively bends down a bit to reach upto her height as his hands wrap around an area a bit above her waist.
She pulls away, Joel's arms still firmly fixated above her waist as he looks at her
"Did that answer your question Pimentel?" She asks, her tone filled with sassiness
"For real Y/N?" He asks in disbelief
"Yes Joel..For real...I promise you...I'll be there for you..." Y/N says as Joel smiles
"I love you Y/N.." He says
"I love you only..Joel Pimentel.." Y/N says as Joel pulls her in for another kiss.
✓ ✓ ✓
The Ending kinda sucked tbh...but anyways hehehe... I'll try to improve! 😅🙃
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jess-the-vampire · 6 years
Sky And The Forces Of The Multiverse, Chapter 13
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The monster village sure had expanded from the small place it used to be. There were more houses, some that became able to hold bigger families, and they even had their own inns and shops. The place was getting to be as developed and advanced as the butterfly kingdom now. A river surrounding the place, making it practically a small island with a bridge to cross over, and there were farmlands seen in the distance for the monsters to grow their own food.
Sky had come here a few times each month, usually because her mom always wanted to see buff frog and check up on him after he became the monster's official representative. Other times she came to get some cool fabric or come up with designs for her hats. Judas sometimes came with, liking to get out and get some fresh air every once in awhile. He was over stressed a lot of the time anyway, and it probably was always nice to breathe fresh air and see green everywhere instead of lava.
She knew where eclipsa wanted to stop as soon as they stepped in.
"The withered leech?"
Eclipsa turned to luna and clapped her hands together, "Never been here before? Trust me, you'll <i><b>love </b></i>it, and the locals are so nice.". Luna looked to sky as eclipsa went to find them a place to sit, "She's not wrong, me and jude ate here before, though he's more into monster food then me...plus I know the owner...well part time owner.". Luna was about to ask when someone jumped from the crown to hug sky, arms wrapping around her and pulling her close "SKYLER! Where you been!".
The monster stopped hugged sky as sky let out a laugh, "The castle, sucking as always....you?". The monster smiled, proud of herself, "Ah, just got back from another "Secret mission", luckily drew didn't set this place on fire while I was gone....". She eyed luna, who was gaping at her as sky explained, "Oh, luna, this is Katrina! She's kinda a bit of a family friend.". The frog lady instantly shook hands with the blonde, looking up at her from head to toe, "Ah new customers! Good to have you! Dig the herbal necklace luna!".
Luna then remembered the stuff eclipsa gave her earlier to ward off whatever happened, he held it and considered taking it off before tucking it into her shirt instead. Katrina still talking excitably to the princess about seeing her before stopping as though she just remembered something.
Then she looked around the room before going back to sky, "Judas isn't with you? I usually don't see you that often without cursed boy.". Sky waved off, "He's busy, things have changed a lot the older we get, i'll let him know you said hi though, maybe we can all hang out again soon.". Katrina shrugged, "No telling of that blue girl, sometimes I'm here, sometimes i'm not.". Katrina was adopted, but it was clear she had grown accustomed to her father's accent, she'd gotten a lot from him.
"But it's ok!", she patted sky's shoulder, "We'll meet up again soon, hopefully my other work will get easier with time! Anyways, you need a table? We can talk more there, i'll pay, my treat.!". Sky tried to brush it off, "Nah, you don't gotta do that, eclipsa is getting our table and i'm sure you need the money.". Katrina snickered, "Nah, come on blue girl, i heard about what happened during the ball with your magic? You could use a treat after messes like that! And your brought queen Eclipsa too? Even better!".
Speaking of eclipsa, she returned to the group to also receive a hug from the monster lady. Smiling and very happy to see her again, though it also appeared eclipsa was most likely a more regular customer then sky was. "Why Katrina, I was just trying to get us a table, i had no idea you where in today!". Katrina shrugged, "No need to find a table now, I'm the boss when i'm actually here, i'll get you one pronto...follow me.". She motioned for the group to follow her and so they did around the restaurant.
The place was built with wood and old fashioned decorations lined the walls, as well as some.......grosser aspects...such as the bugs and unusual stains. There was even a bar in one section, though luna seemed thankful to not be eating anywhere near it judging by the strange drinks that were being served. Was bug juice mixed with mud served with lemon even edible? Katrina found them a booth and invited them in, her taking a seat next to eclipsa on the edge as the girls sat next to each other.
Luna kept her posture though she looked clearly uncomfortable, she didn't seem quite used to monster life. How she reacted to the food, the living style, everything. Sky could see it in her facial expressions, guess she wasn't used to spending time in monster culture. Geez, all the bashing she did about sky's magic before but luna never seemed to really try to get comfortable with the other kingdoms? Eh, maybe she was making assumptions again, though luna didn't quite seem like she wanted to eat here.
Sky couldn't help but wonder.
If Katrina and eclipsa weren't here sky would probably ask her just how involved she was with monsters back home, but that was a question for another day. Sky put her arms on the table and watched katrina hand them some menus, " Ok, ladies, it's on the house, pick what feels good today.". Luna took one look at the menu and slowly put it back down, choosing instead to  talk to her companions. "So katrina, you seem rather young to be running a place like this...no offence of course.".
"Er, none taken, you're not the first to tell me so and you're right. But I had help from my brothers and sisters and papa had the money to help out, plus miss star of course when she helped build the town.", sky put her menu down as well, "I know a lot of your siblings got other jobs, any more still working here?". Katrina sighed, "just two, I miss them, but at least they call me and catch up, I think i see them less then I get to see you blue girl."
"That sucks....".
"Can't rope them to me forever, but yes, it does suck.", There was a hint of amusement in her voice when she said that, "But let's not think about the negative, I want to hear more about all the stuff I've been missing! Your mom do anything crazy lately?". Sky stuck out her tongue, "You tell me that as if she hadn't been doing insane things before i was born! Eh, recently she tried cooking again, you know how that probably went". Katrina snorted, "Eh, maybe we can help her out sometime."
"Maybe, don't be so sure of yourself, Queen lucitor tried that and it didn't end well...", the frog monster could only smiled, "Oh, i gotta see the boys again, those kids are always entertaining in some way, you never get bored of them going at each other. How those two handle those three i'll never know." Eclipsa joined in, "Oh they're lovely, the oldest is going to be king very soon in fact!". Katrina sighed, "He's almost 18 already? Where has the time gone?".
"Eh, don't worry, i'm sure when jude becomes king things will get even better...", everyone turned to sky, "I mean, as king at least he has the authority to do what he wants.". She did have a point, and katrina could only snort, " You both are making me feel old and i'm not even that much older then you, well not THAT close but...you know.". Luna bit her lips, "We all have to grow up sometime, we just can't live in the past i'm afraid, better off looking to the future.".
Eclispa seemed to agree, "Yes, we can focus on newer memories instead, come on now, no need to get emotional yet.".
She wiped at her eyes, "Sorry sorry, I'll make sure i'm here for your coronations though sky, I'd prefer not to miss seeing you both become rulers.". Luna huffed as she went back to looking at her menu, "Miss Katrina? I'm sorry, I've just never been a fan of monster food, is there anything on here you think would be more suitable for me to eat?". Katrina only blinked at her, "Well, i'm not sure about that, it kinda depends on what you consider "Edible" doesn't it?"
She wasn't wrong.
Sky intervened, "I'll help her pick, I've eaten here before, i can find something she'll probably like.". Katrina agreed on that as she and eclipsa started up another conversation, Sky saw this as a chance to talk as she used the menu to cover up their faces. "Ok, do you got a thing with monsters back home? Cause you kinda seem like it.", luna almost looked offended to a degree, face becoming suspicious, "I just don't like monster food and think the conditions are unsanitary and uncomfortable, what's wrong with that?".
"Nothing! I just was wondering if well....maybe, I mean I don't exactly know much about your world..."., luna sighed, "Sky, don't look so deep into things, some people are just not into monster culture.  Now can we focus on other matters?". Sky grumbled, "Ok, like what?", Luna made sure the adults were still talking before speaking again, "Sky, what's this about katrina's "Other job?". Sky blinked at her before answering, "Ok, before you point the "She's the villain" finger at her, Katrina's just another spy for my mom. She sends her stuff by letter. But don't flip out, she wouldn't hurt a fly, actually wait, bad metaphor. She wouldn't lay a hand on <i><b>us</b></i>, she usually doesn't do much besides keep an eye out for potentially hostile situations...".
"Such as?".
"Gangs, potential rulers turning against us, stuff that leads to wars. C'mon, aren't you obsessed with being a queen and the military, you should know this?", she crossed her arms, "Spies can be used for many things sky, she may not even be doing what you think she's been doing.". Just then eclipsa pulled the menu down, exposing the girls, apparently the waiter had showed up to take orders and the adults had already taken theirs. Eclipsa laughed, "Oh sorry, were we interrupting something?".
Sky eyed luna before eyeing the waiter, "Me and luna here will take the soup of the day, some corn on the side, and some punch!". Luna didn't even get much time to respond as the waiter left and she shot sky a dirty look, sky couldn't help but smile. Truly this must be how judas feels with having brothers, someone they could tease without thinking they're gonna hate you for life. To be fair the soup of the day DID actually look pretty good anyway, though maybe sky should've kept a closer eye on what was in it.
The private conversation was over, they were back in the open once again. "-cresenta though did make that spell, the tentacle arm virus one? I don't think I've ever asked, how come it's so hard to cure from judas?". Sky's ears pricked up, answering quickly, "Whatever spell they made judas with? It kinda screwed up the spell a bit, it's just not the same spell it used to be, it's it's own thing that we kinda haven't seen before. Guess that's why it's so freaky and unpredictable, it doesn't function like queen lucitor's arm used to i guess.".
"Poor kid...", the frog woman sigh, "Honestly magic is such a hassle, sometimes it works great and other times it ruins you for the rest of your life.". Sky laughed, "Well, just hope I don't cause the end of the world or something, this thing sucks...". Eclipsa could only tap her chin, "It's just possible that's how your wand is supposed to function, after all, everyone's wand if different in some way and has it's own features, maybe yours is meant to challenge you.".
"Well if it's meant to do that it hasn't been doing too great so far.", sky grumbled back, she set her wand on the counter, "Eclipsa, i mean, you're just so much more gifted then me, i'm lucky i can beat angel with this thing at all!. And that dude can barely do squat!". She spun it on the counter and everyone just glimpsed at it, "So you shot green magic I heard?.". Sky looked at her monster friend with some guilt, "I got mad ok? My mom was pressuring me...".
"Pressuring you?'.
"To be better, It's just....I dunno, i get it...but i'm not her...".
Sky leaned into the counter, head resting on her arms, "Like do you ever sit and think people want too much from you too soon? As soon as you're born they're already preparing you to do so many things in your life and it's all just a reminder that you won't be a kid forever. And it's weirder cause EVERYONE loves your cool mom who was such a goody two shoes and made everything better for everyone! Watch me be remembered for almost shooting her with magic, all anyone remembers about me being that incident.". Eclipsa snickered, "Hey, you're still young, you have time to work things out, you could always wait to be queen a bit longer, like great grandma comet, just until you're sure you're ready.".
Sky huffed, "Yeah maybe....i dunno...", then she felt Katrina tug at her hat, "Well if the queen thing doesn't work out i'm sure you could make a killing selling these! Or hey, maybe you could come with me on a trip sometime! Something small of course, but it could be fun! Well, I know your mom wouldn't be cool with that unless she had another kid, but...we can sneak you out.". Sky shrugged, "Sorry, not big on talking about the ball just yet, i'm pretty sure the whole kingdom is still talking about it.". Eclipsa tapped the table, "Well, it's not all bad, it may be you just dipping down finally. I mean, it's not a good dipping down, but it's a start.".
"Wait, dipping down?".
"Yeah, you know, some queens never are able to dip down but if that really was you, perhaps that's what that was."Then she got giddy, "And if you can dip down, that means you may reach your butterfly form!". Sky blushed, "Oh god, that? Ugh......". That got a chuckle from the adults as sky grumbled on, "When i went through mewberty it was the WORST, i literally webbed up EVERYONE! Freaking angel was on his rant and he somehow ended up stuck to the bathroom CEILING!!".
Luna snorted, "Stuck to your bathroom ceiling?". Sky groaned even further, "It gets weirder when you find out judas got stuck to him as well until my mewberty ended. At least landon and mason got it easy, just being stuck in the hallway. Judas got stuck with ANGEL". Luna crossed her arms, "When you're about to have mewberty, you're supposed to do it in a controlled environment you know? All alone, safe room, doors locked. Then she looked to the adults before correcting herself, well, as i'm told at least.".
"Hey, when mewberty catches you off guard, there's not a ton you can do about it!", luna smirked, "I can only assume the boys all were a little freaked based on your expression.". The princess just looked like she wanted to hide in her hat, tugging it over her head. "Like, how would you react when you wake up to find all your friends were traumatized as a giant bug you traps them to walls and refuses to let you out of their sight!? It took a month before mason could approach me normally again!".
"You'll do fine sky.", the former queen sipped her tea, "Once you figure out your form you won't have to worry about attacking anyone, you'll be able to do wandless magic. Can't say I can quite do the same, besides, i'm sure your form will be lovely sky.". The table was silent for a minute as the waiter came in and brought their orders, which allowed them to change the subject from something other then her embarrassing mewberty awhile back.
It sure wiped the smell off luna's face, as the soup, though not as bad as other things on the menu, was very much full of things mewmans did not commonly eat.
Mushrooms, some insects, and a few other thing that made her wince.
Sky though, took a bite and found herself actually kinda liking it. Then again, it might have to do with the fact she had eaten with the lucitors countless times so she may be more immune to stranger foods then luna was just for being friends with them. Luna hadn't even taken a bite yet, despite sky sorta telling her it wasn't that bad. Sky could hear luna's hunger and grabbed her straw, blowing the wrapping at her. The blonde shot her a dirty look but her stomach must have got the best of her as she grabbed a spoon.
And went for the corn.
Well, it was a start.
Tom had been gone a few hours, almost making the experience in the bunker all the more uncomfortable. The worries of the kids weren't helped as marco left soon after, mask on and magic and sword at hand. This left judas and technically his grandparents in charge. Though some of the members looked worried, landon and judas seemed more then confident in their parents returning. Relaxing back on the sofas in wait for the king and queen to come back with any news they may of gotten.
It was normal for the boys to be a bit anxious when their parents left for stuff like this, as would be for any child. But over time they started to relax, comforting each other and reassuring themselves that things will be fine and they were only jumping to the worst of conclusions. The older sons took it better though, as they'd seen enough of their parents getting into scrapes more then anybody. Marco still kept their sword in their bedroom just in case.
Mason looked a little more nervous though, perhaps he hadn't been nearly as used to his parents running off to handle threats and leaving him behind in this manner. His wings were wrapped around him and he seemed lost in his thoughts, judas reached over to reassure him as best as possible as the wait continued. Sunny and Galexia were still trying to make some light of the new situation, drawing cute things and such, hoping to cheer everyone up though it didn't seem to be doing much good.
Galexia had been filling her small book with drawing after drawing, guess ideas just came her her naturally, even when it tougher situations where sometimes it's hard to be creative. Landon sure seemed bored, fiddling with his violin but clearly wanting to go back to texting his crush. Part of it maybe because he really did start to feel confident in himself to maybe actually make a friend, but also maybe because he just wanted to ignore his family a bit more.
Typical landon though, not wanting to be here.
The boredom crept in and judas eyed his grandfolks, who had managed to stop freaking out and were pacing at the far end of the room. It was probably killing them to be forced in this safe room instead of going out there to be with their son and their in-law. Judas reverted his attention back to the group if kids, looking for something to try and cure their current boredom. "So, what do you girls like to do? I mean, for hobbies? Well i think lexi makes hers very clear but what about you guys? We could all share to pass the time.".
Sunny seemed to appreciate his efforts to try and ease the tension and replied, hoping to get other on the bandwagon. "Well, I like to train, and sing, and I always just loved acting! I always liked to practice in mirrors or to my little brother. Plus it helps me in real life too!". Attention was then moved to Celeste, who grumbled, "I used to work on vehicles with my dad, but mainly I cut wood, so is that a hobby? I used to just..I dunno, sit on the roof and just cut up little pieces of wood....it's just something I do when i'm bored.".
"Ever make anything out of the wood?".
"Sharper sticks.", she answered plainly.
Landon only snorted at her, "Well, at least you're prepared for a vampire attack.". That seemed to get a bit of a smile out of everyone as landon made himself a bit more comfortable in the hoodie he was wearing, clearly a very recognizable one to Celeste though she still choose not to say anything about it. The oldest brother looked at her before looking at landon and held his youngest brother close in order to make him feel just a bit safer, "Mom gave him that hoodie, landon wears it all the time.".
"Not ALL the time!", the pink boy corrected, "I just....like wearing it. I mean, you wear barrettes all the time and sky never goes anywhere without one of her silly hats, so i don't know what's weird about me wearing mom's old hoodie. I'm sure mason's hat is WAY dirtier.". Judas ruffled mason's hair, "I think we all know mason in general is just WAY dirtier! Look at this little scruffball! He might as well live in the dirt at this rate! No wonder mom and dad had to bathe him so much when he was even younger!".
"HEY!!", Mason grumbled, "A little dirt is perfectly fine!". His wings stretched out and he crossed his arms, "You all outta help out in my garden more! It might do you guys a ton of good! All the nice fresh air and the green, not to mention my plants love company!". Judas patted his brother's head, "Maybe later mason, we aren't going to be able to do much in here.". Mason looked to the girls instead, "How about you guys? I think my bloodflowers are finally blooming!".
Judas and Landon exchanged looks, acting fast, "Mason, i'm sure the girls might have some other things to take care of-". Mason tugged his arm though, "Nah, we all just played some games together when the guards got us, they don't seem busy.". His older brothers shared looks again, now more concerned knowing he'd been with them. Sunny took note and butted in, "It's ok guys, we were having fun! Nothing to worry about, mason is so fun!".
Judas still looked nervous but it didn't seem mason caught on to anything suspicious so at least that was a relief, Mason seemed pleased to know he made some new friends, sticking his tongue out playfullly. He was 13, but he was still a little baby. "I got my garden as a birthday present when i was 8! The place was so dead but then it got bigger and bigger and bigger! Now it's literally a jungle! It was the perfect place to play hide and seek around here!".
"You gotta watch where you step now, some plants are nicer then others.".
"Yeah no kidding.", Celeste grumbled from where she sat, "I was almost killed by one myself! It's bad enough you guys are surrounded by lava and pointy rocks everywhere you go, now you guys have a garden of killed plants? Are you guys trying to die?". That seemed to get a laugh from everyone as the oldest lucitor spoke, "Well no, but what do you expect when we live in a deathtrap like the UNDERWORLD? Though to be fair, at least demons are adapted to our environment, dying up above is much scarier and unpredictable.".
"How so?", the brunette looked skeptic.
"Think of it this way, demons can swim in lava normally because we've adapted to that, we have harder skin then other beings. Well, that's with most demons, who knows with us three. But anyway when you go up to mewni, sure you can adapt to killer plants of their own and awful weather by learning to survive. But can you predict your queen going rampant and causing mass destruction? Can you predict being under attack by another kingdom close by? The underworld in itself is run by one kingdom and a few smaller ones and even though well....our ancestors are kinda scary, we've never been awe powerful as the queens of mewni. And they can blow up entire dimensions just from dipping down, that's some scary stuff".
"Didn't one of your ancestors pull down half of the butterfly kingdom into the underworld once?".
"Still less scary then blowing up am entire dimension out of anger."
He was being entirely serious, brows furrowed, "Demons are powerful, we can do extraordinary things, but there's a reason we never once pitted ourselves against the butterfly people. Their queen is never someone to cross, where there's a will there's a way. Monsters wouldn't have been in the bad state they were unless the queens had a way of fighting back and destroying them the way they did. Even when the monsters were starting to take back, the queens still find a way...", he sighed, "Like teaming up with us......putting our strength together".
He sighed, lost in sad thoughts, "We don't have the best record with monsters either, it's why we're so desperate to fix things. The sad part for us is monsters and mewmans being friends is still a new thing and not everyone is comfortable with it yet...". He hugged his younger brother closer, "Sometimes even other monsters aren't ready for it yet, I think you can tell me and my brothers aren't exactly <i><b>brimming </b></i>with friends despite being mewni royalty."
Sunny frowned at that last comment, "Yeah, I know how that feels....it's ok though, things get better in time right?".  Everyone in the room seemed a tad somber but nodded as the doors swung open, thankfully a tall purple skinned demon and a tanned human with a mole stepped in, looking perfectly unharmed. However, they didn't look very happy either, followed by the rest of the search team as they looked to their kids, "No trace of anyone, someone broke in and there's somehow no trace of them."
Marco sighed, wrapping an arm around tom, "We're safe to leave but we're going to have to check our security and figure out how this guy even manged to sneak in. If this guy could get in, much worse could get in as well, and that's not a good sign.". Tom took a breath, "At least the thief only got away with something small, nothing too important. We're having the castle staff searched and checked now just in case, but we all are to be under guard for at least the rest of the day.".
"Don't we already have guards? there's always someone sitting outside of our door as is.", Celeste stood up, the adults diverting their attention fully on her. "At this point we might as well stay in here, you can't promise us freedom and still chain us up. "Look if we have to stay here for the night, it's fine, whatever. I think we can live with it if it means not being attacked by some freak thief.". The adults exchanged looks and shrugged, "Fair enough, we just didn't want to force you to stay here.".
"Well I kinda wanna go, I have someone to call!", Landon stood up now, compact in hand. He walked out quickly, a couple of guards following behind as he left the safe room and the rest of the group. Marco took on look at tom's worried face and kissed his cheek, "I'll keep an eye on him, ok?". Marco followed after their son and tom seemed to feel a little reassured, though that didn't last long as his folks made their way over. No doubt they were still angry and on edge.
He could still see it in their faces.
"Thomas, what happened, did you catch the culprit?", Dave crossed his arms, tapping his foot and looking as though ready to punch someone. "No dad, we didn't, whoever broke in seems to have gotten away and covered up their tracks so we couldn't find them. We're still looking into it bur for right now it appears we're out of luck, sorry.". Dave didn't seem to be happy with that answer, no doubt if he were still king he'd be ruthless in finding the culprit.
"Sorry is not good enough tom! The underworld has NEVER had something like this happen for hundreds of years!", he was clearly upset, though his anger mostly seemed to come from the fact of what the thief COULD have done by getting in then him getting in in general. "Thomas, no one has ever managed to get into lucitor castle like this! Now is time to worry! You know full well our magic can't just be foiled so easily, someone had to have known what they were doing!."
"Yeah, i KNOW dad!", Tom grumbled, "I'm doing the best i can, ok? This was all so sudden today and right now i'm just thankful no one got hurt more then anything. Like it or not we're going to have to worry about finding this guy later, he was too smart for us this time around, and we'll have to make sure he never gets back in again. Dad, we'll be fine, hopefully. The plus side at least is we're all safe and he took nothing of any real value anyway.".
The large demon growled and tom smiled at her mom.
"Mom, I promise, we'll find the guy...eventually, we're too smart for him, remember?", he wrapped his arms around his mother's hand and hugged it, C'mon, let's not freak out just yet, it's not the end of world for now. He can't have gotten far.". Judas took a look at his father trying to comfort his grandfolks and found himself stepping in, getting up and off the couch to approached his family. "Dad's right, it's clear the guy had been predicting some of our moves, but we can still beat the thief at their game."
His grandfolks sighed, "We're heading back out thomas, we want a good look ourselves, we'll speak to you soon.". The two stepped aside and the doors opened for them as they left, the door shutting behind him and leaving tom with the rest of the kids. "I'm very sorry about you kids being worried about us, and well, my parents. My parents are known to get a bit...emotional when something bothers them, especially when it comes to the kingdom being attacked or us being put in danger....don't worry, we'll sort things out.".
He took a seat on one of the couches, crossing his arms, his sons looking at him with a bit of concern that maybe he would burn something. However tom seemed a bit cooler then he normally should, he eyes his sons and reassured them. "I'm not angry, just worried, I promise. Just like judas said, we'll get the jump on him, our family has taken out way more threatening people then this!". He let out another breath he didn't know he was holding, "I'm sorry we scared you kids."
"Dad, it's fine, we know you guys got this.", Judas put a hand on his dad's shoulder, "It was just some thief, not an evil creature! No way that guy was ever going to lay a hand on you.". Tom nodded, "I just hate failing, when the kingdom hears we had a break in I don't know what they'll think! Will they be scared? Angry? Those guys always feel as though they want a good reason to hate me and what kinda king am I going to look like for losing a magical artifact so easily?".
"Dad, c'mon, they won't think that much of it. Just think how cool it'll be when you get it back!", Tom nodded, "Yeah, you're right, you get a lot from your mom you know that right?". His tail slinked out of his jeans as a smile spread upon his face, "Alright, I think that's enough freaking out for now anyway. Any of you kids feel like playing some ping pong down here?". Celeste groaned as every other person jumped up with excitement, maybe she should've reconsidered leaving.
Landon hung up from his call, sighing as he put the compact back in his hoodie pockets and taking a seat on one of the major staircases and yawning. Great, guess dinner was a bit of a bust with the staff being under investigation and the rest of the family deciding safe room life was apparently the best option. Guess Celeste had more reasoning though, he just wanted time alone to talk to someone and she had really no one else to talk to, she had less of a reason to leave.
But now he didn't know what to do with himself until Bernard texted him back.
And going back might make him just look kinda silly, he was already uncomfortable enough with the guards on his back, listening in on his conversation no doubt.
"Landon, you feeling ok?".
The boy almost jumped when marco came in, waving off the guards to head maybe into the next room. They didn't seem too happy about leaving the royal family out of their sight but marco's sterner face seemed to make them move. They shuffled off as landon turned his head and threw the hoodie over it when his mother sat next to him. Marco was smiling at the sight of their son, and landon knew that look, that teasing and playful look they gave when they knew something was up.
"Glad you finally called him by the way, you seem a lot more cheerful lately.".
Landon mumbled, "Mom, please don't creep up on me like that....". Marco wrapped an arm around the boy and pulled him into a semi-hug, "It's good to see you too....". Landon didn't generate much of a response as marco kissed their son's forehead. "I'm proud of you for making so many friends recently.", landon blushed harder, "You make it sound like I was never good at making friends.". Marco gave their son a look and landon groaned, "Ok fine, I suck with people, you don't have to rub it in."
"Nothing to be ashamed of, me and your father weren't exactly the most "popular" people either, seems to be a family thing.", landon tried to hide in his hoodie a little as marco took their arm off of him, "Don't think you can't talk to us about any of this, we know you want to.". Landon sat his head on top of his knees, "What if he comes over is gets grossed out by me? I mean, i know you got used to the underworld but I dunno if he will, he might just think i'm not worth it...".
"Is that one of the reasons you're talking to him so much, you're worried he won't like you?".
Landon was silent.
"Landon, you're a charming and friendly young man, that boy would not want to spend so much time with you if he didn't like you already.", a hand reached up and petted the soft pink hair, avoiding the boy's stubby horns, "Don't worry so much, we'll make sure not to embarrass you in front of your new friend.". The boy was still unconvinced and his mother sighed, "Hey, you know how I met your father?". Landon shot her a look in return, "You chopped off his arm, yep, been hearing that one since I was four.".
"Yes, well, the point i'm trying to make is. Me and Tom had a rough start if anything, we didn't trust each other or even considered maybe making friends until we started talking and stuff. And it's like, if me and tom can be married to this day despite our rocky start, your and your friend will be just fine . You both had a much better start then we ever did and he seems really nice.". Landon only huffed and brushed some of his hair from his third eye, "Doesn't mean I won't screw it up....".
"Why do you think you'll screw it up...?"
"Cause people don't like me....".
He felt his mom kiss his face again, but he held no reaction to it, "C'mon you know how I am, everyone wants to see judas or mason, not me, i'm just their grumpy stick in the mud brother.". He tugged the hoodie to him closer, "I know you're going to say that's not true and i'm being too hard on myself but I know you see it......i'm that sibling everyone forgets. Not even all the jerks that go on about judas or mason even remember that I exist.".
"Hijo, you're a very talented musician and you know it, ALL of us know it. I know it's easier to look at what you don't have then what you do have but you are no failure. All I see is my little talented demon, all of you are special in my eyes.". The boy didn't entirely seem to be buying it though, in fact he looked like he might cry, "Mom, what if bernard DOES stop wanting to spend time with me, what If I invite him over and he freaks out too much or something?."
"Then he doesn't deserve someone as nice as you anyway.".
He slowly nodded, wiping his tears on the old hoodie, "Thanks mom....sorry, i just , i kinda y'know......". He hated acting like this but his mom had seen him cry more then anyone anyway, always reassuring him, always calming him down. They had become a natural at it after being with tom for so long that they were a pro. The human patted their son gently and smiled as he started to smile a little, "Hey, if that boy ever breaks your heart, me and your papa will make sure to maybe give him a little scare."
"I'm just teasing you, but hey, you're always allowed to talk to me if you need it...i have my own history with embarrassing crushes.", landon snorted, "Don't tell me you're about to go into that sappy love story about you and dad again.". Marco was bemused, "I don't know if I'd call all the times we got angry at each other and fought "Sappy", but you do you.". Marco stood up, "Hey, interested in maybe going to check up on lucy or something before we go join the others?".
Landon stood up quickly before realizing how eager that made him look, he quickly blushed before trying to counteract it ."Yeah, uh...yeah sure, I can..",, marco pullede him close as they walked off, petting their son's head happily. "That's my special boy...", Landon blushed and grumbled under his breath, "MOM....".
Eating the soup was surprisingly the easy part. Though Sky wished she had a proper recording system to catch the look on luna's face as she forced herself to eat the soup She did eat it too, and sky could not tell if she liked it or hated it based on her expression. For all sky knew she was just being polite to Katrina. However, finishing their food and then some dessert after, ice cream, meant that it was time to start heading out. And more specifically, meant that it may be awhile till sky saw katrina again.
Eclipsa even looked saddened by this fact, but hopeful for another visit like this again in the near future.
They packed their things and luna gave sky a look of clear annoyance, though for the food or for the teasing sky had done earlier it was hard to tell. But it was clear she wanted a word with sky when everyone was out of earshot. Eclipsa hugged Katrina and Katrina happily shook hands with luna, though Katrina was far more strong and it showed based on how luna felt her hand afterwards. It was sky's turn to say goodbye and to her surprise katrina pulled her in close to speak to her quietly.
"Sky, I have a gift for you."
The frog woman held out something sky did not recognize at first, but then noticed it was a...pendent?
"When you need me, you'll be able to find me, stay safe out there blue girl".
"Wait, but, this is a necklace? Ho-".
Katrina hugged sky tightly, "You'll see, bye sky, see you soon. Tell Judas hello for me, and i promise i'll make it to his crowning.". The woman left quickly and before sky could react, her group was ushering her to move on so they could go back to the castle. Sky sighed and followed suit, putting the pendent on in the meantime. Guess she'd had to figure it out later with the rest of her group. The walk home was rather unexciting, trenching through the mud and green as always, though sky could'nt help but feel like someone was watching them out here.
Then again, the forest was fun of critters, anything could be watching them.
She stuck a little closer to the group as they approached the castle doors and returned back home.
Eclipsa said her goodbyes as she head back up to her tower, finally giving the girls the freedom to talk to each other in private as they made their way to sky's bedroom. Sky looking over her texts from judas and sighing, being in their safe house wasn't a god sign, as if things weren't scary enough. Luna took a sneak peak of the compact herself and put her hand to her chin, "Break in huh? That sounds like a thing we should dig a little into, don't you think?".
"What, you think it has to do with...you know?", Luna simply snorted at her as if she was being silly. "Well of course I do, at this point i'm suspicious of anything that may be going wrong around here! Maybe the thief is the same person responsible for this mess and they're after something to destroy us.". Sky was about to say that maybe she was reaching to conclusions too soon but luna seemed determined, she turned to sky with a stern look on her face.
"We should go and investigate, before your mothers call you for dinner.", the princess didn't quiet seem to think that was a good idea herself based on her face. "Investigate the lucitor's current crime scene? Are we not trying to be stealthy anymore? We take one step in there and we're done for! Especially ME!!". The girl held her hands out in front of her, "That's not what I meant, judas is your friend, we go there as friends and he can tell us the details and give us any additional info without us looking suspicious. He may even give us access to the scene himself.".
"We won't look suspicious for asking so many questions about the crime scene? What?", the blonde's hands landed on her hips, "No, we won't look suspicious for talking to a friend, walking into the actual crime scene all by ourselves would be stupid if we had no permission and the investigation was seriously underway!". Sky grumbled, "That's what I said!", luna folded her arms once again, looking down upon the girl. "Don't you get into a lot of "Situations"? How does that even come about if you're so resilient to avoid getting into trouble at all?".
"Well normally when we end up in "Situations", It's usually me trying to do something good, and just not having the best kinda result, or I may of done something stupid but <i><b>anyways</b></i>. Like, I didn't <b><i>want </i></b>to deal with dangerous criminals, I just ended up doing so cause they tried to kidnap jude and me and we had to kinda take them out or i made a mistake and things got out of hand." Luna raised an eyebrow as sky grumbled, "I mean, yeah, judas did most of the fighting, but I still helped! Or that time I wanted to get my mom something cool and me and jude got lost in the woods for a bit, almost fought what we thought was a beast trying to eat us.".
Sky's foot tapped the ground, "Jude is usually dragged in cause i can't always handle everything by myself...I can't, i can barely do any magic, not to mention how useless every mewman ever thinks I am! Judas is cursed, but he's at least more capable then me at times, we're more capable together." Luna was about to say something when she heard someone around the corner, she tugged sky's arm and they headed into sky's room, talking out here was a bad idea, especially with a queen wandering in the walls.
The door was shut and locked behind then and sky collapsed on her bed,"I'm not some super hero you know, I do things cause I feel like i HAVE to."
Luna leaned against the door," Regardless of whether you are or not, you don't need to be one to help us. Sky, you are the princess of this dimension, as far as everyone else is concerned, we're peasants you met . As the princess you have an advantage over the rest of us, you can say and do things we can't. We need you, whether you think you need someone like judas to help you or not. So maybe you aren't some superstar who breaks all the rules like our mom was, but surviving against dangerous criminals like that at all is still rather impressive".
"You think so?".
"Considering what you did in the woods earlier, i have a hard time believing judas did everything, you appear to have your own clever benefits . You may not always ask for what happens to you, but you seem to know quite how to hold you own if you try hard enough to do so as far as I'm concerned.", the girl on the bed sat up,"You're weird luna, one second you'll be angry with me, the next second you'll be complimenting me as if you didn't say anything potentially rude to me just a few minutes beforehand." 
"Well we won't get anywhere if we put ourselves down and stop trying to escape. Honestly, it's probably BETTER you don't go looking for trouble, those who go looking for trouble usually find more then then they bargained for .", she rubbed her hands together, "We'll be cautious, but we won't get anywhere without doing something.". Sky didn't seem reassured but luna nodded to her ring, her disguised wand, "At worst we can mind erase them, but if some creep is up to something we NEED to know, and you're higher up then me here.".
"Yeah but What will happen if I get in MORE serious trouble, the commission might-".
"The commission has no real dirt on you, those jerks would be reaching to call the princess some kinda criminal for just talking to the prince of an alliance kingdom. Being princess means to be concerned with the matters of your friends and to to be made aware of current issues is it not? The commission might have you under suspicion but they have no real evidence against you. We're just going to talk to your friend, and ask him about the situation in person, does that make you feel better?".
"But you were worried about them before weren't you?".
"I was worried about them because they have the power to frame you if they could, but so far there's nothing they can really use against you. And with us by your side, i feel like if worst came to worst, we would all be able to back you up with proof. The archives was a mess, but, no trace of you was left behind. They ASSUMED you did it, I admit to my worry, but, time has passed and they have done nothing, suspicious or not if we continue to be smart, you will continue to be innocent."
Sky bit her lip, the high commission only freaked her out so much because of just how powerful they could be. But yeah, luna wasn't exactly wrong, not to mention her mom would totally be on her side anyways. "I will go, with or without you, if you're that concerned you can stay here, but i'm going. I'm not losing any chance i get to figure this all out and go home.". She pulled out some royal dimensional scissors, ones handed to knights for missions, "You coming?".
Sky felt her chest stop before she gave in and sat up, making sure she had everything before joining luna.
"This is revenge for the soup right?".
"No, do you want it to be though?", luna cut open the portal needed and stepped in before sky, who grumbled as she followed closely behind.
Ping pong was WAY more fun with multiple teams of people, now they were allowed to have three on each team. Tom of course chose the team with his two sons, but the girls seemed to hold their own rather well, mostly sunny. Tom even asked her where she learned her skills from and of course she said her father taught her. Judas couldn't help but sorta roll his eyes and celeste even seemed to follow suit, At least tom didn't suspect anything though he did wonder if he could meet this "Father" of hers someday.
Her reply?
"Don't worry, you will, in fact you probably already have."
Leaving the poor king confused as to what she meant as she scored some extra points on them.
Celeste had a good arm on her too, though lexi was both in and out of the game at multiple times. Sometimes she wandered off, other times she suddenly showed up and saved them from losing the ball out or nowhere, it was like she had on and off superpowers. Tom didn't seemed to question it though, though it's very likely in all his time he'd seen much crazier and colorful people then galexia running around anyways. Especially as the king of a wide cast of demons.
At least the situation allowed them to cool down from the incident for the time being, marco and landon were still out and despite some worried tom easily dismissed it. "Marco and landon like to hang out at times, if something happened, trust me, we'll know.". Tom got freaked at times but if there was anything he was confident in, it was his spouse taking care of themselves, years of adventures with them seemed to make him trust marco more then anything.
The boys sure knew, considering how often their parents used to tell them stories when they were very little about them meeting, their first date, the defeat of countless villains, it was the stories that used to make them want to encounter dangerous beings. Though growing up now, and dealing with them, especially if you were judas, he really did miss that kinda innocence and unknowing. Nowadays he was begging for more quiet moments then exciting ones, especially when he was dealing with enough as is WITHOUT being in danger.
Kinda like this game, he still felt bad the last game his dad suggested got called off fast cause everyone was too eager to go to bed instead. But this seemed to make up for it, even if the whole family wasn't here to play. His father was a ping pong champion after all, and it showed well, as he was the one who scored the most points for his own team. No powers required. The king was in his element and it was clear when he wasn't being worried, angry or serious, he was incredibly playful.
They took a break in the middle, mostly as an excuse for tom to get some juice and use the bathroom. Using his powers to make things much easier, even despite the short distance he was still using his fire powers to hover his way where he needed. Celeste didn't seem to find him nearly as entertaining as the others did, and scoffed at him, judas giving her a curious eyebrow, "Y'know, i know in his verse your dad married him, but you don't have to treat him that way.".
"Don't pretend you understand how i feel", she snapped back, "You have no idea what kinda stuff I deal with back home.". Judas's brows furrowed, "Still, my dad took you in, he's happy to have you here and hang out with you and sunny. Whatever my dad may be where you come from, that's not who he is here.". Celeste turned her head and moved away from him, honestly judas had never asked about what celeste's world was like, sunny and lexi seemed happy to share but luna was secretive and celeste sounded as though she hated talking about it.
I mean, his dad couldn't really be THAT bad where she came from, right? Though she still seemed to be more bothered by marco then tom, maybe she had a rocky relationship with her father back home? That seemed the most likely cause though there had to be more to it then that. Judas's fangs pricked his lips, maybe he could have landon ask her. Though they still had their moments, celeste at least seemed to find landon rather enjoyable to talk to, maybe it had to do with their shared sour looks on the world.
Figures they of everyone would get along, even if it took some time for them to actually talk to each other.
Judas waited as the rest of the kids enjoyed their juice when the doors started to open. He was sure it would be his mother and maybe landon but instead he found a guard followed by two very familiar girls , one being blindfolded as to not show her the location of the safe room. Guess luna was suspicious enough for the guards to take this kinda precaution, though she didn't seem happy about it. The only reason the girls weren't given this treatment is they were protected guests, luna was a stranger, and this was what strangers got, "Prince Lucitor, Princess Butterfly and her..."Friend", are here for you.".
Judas waved them off, "Thanks, i'll take it from here, uh, you can remove her blindfold. She's fine, promise.". The guards obeyed and the doors locked behind them, Luna blinking around at the room with a approving sigh followed by some looks that said she wasn't nearly as impressed. "Safe rooms you know should take more time into being "Safe", then being fun y'know?". Judas snorted, "Hey, this place is magically protected by spells so secretive only we know of them, it's safer then it looks.".
"I'll take your word for it.".
"What are you two doing here anyway? You had to have gotten my texts.", Luna nodded to sky, "Your texts are why we are here....". A cough was heard and Luna turned her head to notice the other kids in the room, who were all staring at her. Luna took a hold of the boy and sky's arms and moved them away, "Pardon me, we need to speak.". Moving them to a corner, Luna unhanded them and let out a sigh, "What happened, what did they take?".
"Whoa whoa, even I haven't been told that yet, what's going on?", he looked to his friend, who sighed. "Luna's just worried that maybe our uh..."Special someone" might of been the same person who broke in, so we kinda came to maybe just see what we could get?". Judas crossed his arms, biting his lips, "Sorry, I'm currently out of the loop myself, you'll have to ask my parents if anything, but the most important thing is the guy was clever enough to keep Lucy from tracking them.".
"They were prepared for Lucy? She has THREE HEADS! She's got more of a sniffer on her then normal dogs!", her friend nodded with her, "I know, it's why my folks got a little on edge, not only did they know how to get past our defenses, but past our dog too? They're doing a sweep of the castle and questioning the servants. I assume they had you both supremely checked before you were allowed in here?". Luna's face said it all, "your guards are a little too handsy for my taste, though they were much rougher with me then your friend here.".
"Well, like you said earlier, i'm the princess, I got some power here.", sky smiled, "The high commission and butterfly kingdom might be iffy with me at times, but the underworld always kinda seemed to like me, probably because king and queen lucitor would be upset if they didn't.". She stuck out her tongue, "Plus I've been in here before, when you're in good relations with the royals and well...", she nodded to Judas, "-Future royals, you're trusted with more of this.".
"We're getting a bit off topic here....", the blonde turned to the demon, going eye to eye with him as they were almost the same height, "You sure you don't know much else about this?". He shook his head, "Honest, most stuff I even found out came from my folks, they know more about it then anyone. And i swear to god if yo suspect them in any of this.". Sky giggled, "Oh trust me, she probably did, my mom is already on that list, right next to eclipsa, and probably half the other people in this castle. Heh, we're probably on there somewhere too.".
"Take this seriously, you can't trust everyone, even friends sometimes."
"We <i><b>are </b></i>taking it seriously, and we know our folks aren't responsible for this mess. We don't always agree with our parents and sky well....has issues with her mom.", sky show Judas a dirty look as he kept talking, "But our parents are not this irresponsible, be suspicious of them all you want but they have nothing to do with this. If they wanted to hurt your or something they would've done so already.". It was clear Luna was not fond of being talked down to , she was more then used to being the one giving the orders and being treated as an adult then an irresponsible child.
"Judas, you seem to be one of the most responsible people I've met since I got stuck here. You clearly want to be the best you can and make everyone happy, but being a leader means making tough choices, if your folks did something bad, would you hold them responsible?". He looked taken aback, "This has nothing to do with our conversation luna, I told you, our parents are to be left out of this! We have much more likely targets to keep an eye on for now.".
"You didn't answer my question.".
"What happened to not getting off topic?".
Sky, sensing the tension quickly and noticing their voices were getting the attention of the others, stepped in between the pair. "Guys, c'mon now, this REALLY isn't a good time to be at each other's throats. Sorry for like, butting in Jude, we'll just-". But Luna didn't listen, "Sky, I told you you should take this seriously, being a good leader means to consider <i><b>all </b></i>outcomes." Judas was clearly not getting any better himself and sky was worried what could happen if she didn't break this soon, "You can't just accuse everyone you see! You want us to help you understand this new universe but won't even take our word on our folks!".
The two turned to sky, who calmed herself down with some steady breaths. "Look, you're both right!", shy looked between the both of them, "You're right because yeah, we can't always trust everyone, but you're also supposed to trust us! Look, we can't get at each other's throats if we wanna do anything, we need to work together." She stared at Luna, "You're free to kinda think what you think but me and Judas are sticking to what we believe, ok? Can we just leave it at that? We have an audience."
Luna noticed the kids and sighed, "Fine, we'll leave it there. But I still want more on what happened.". Before they could say anymore a door opened and Tom re-entered the room from the bathroom. Surprised at the sight of two new guests in his home, and that's when judas realized after all this time his father had really not seen Luna before. "Dad! Uh, sorry, sky came over to check on us and she brought her friend, Luna here is er.....a knight in training!".
Tom blinked at her before welcoming her and smiling, luna looking him over as the demon gave sky a hug. "Good to see you princess, but you didn't have to worry about us so much! We're all just fine, safe and sound. Are your mothers here too?". Sky shook her head, "Just me and luna, is it uh...cool if you tell us what happened. Like, what did the guy steal?". Tom reassured them, "It was nothing important, trust me, but i'm afraid we had a supposed break in and that put all of us on edge tonight.".
"Wait, there's really nothing else to it?".
Tom shook his head, "Not much else besides the guy being smart enough to keep us from tracking him with lucy. No trace of him, not even finger prints, don't worry your heads though, we're not done yet. Right now, while you're here, might as well join the fun! We'll be having dinner in here, oh, and marco and landon are out if you're looking for them. We're allowed out of here with an escort until further notice, though marco could honestly kick anyone's but.".
He put his hands on his hips, "We were in the midst of a ping pong game, you girls could play with us if you like?". But Luna shook her head, "It's fine, we're good, you can continue with your game.". Tom eyed her, "That's fine, though just telling you, the room that got broken into? It's swarming with guards right now doing their best to figure out what they can and make sure the guy doesn't come back. ". Luna looked unphased though she knew this meant tom was suspicious of her.
The feeling was mutual though.
Judas wrapped an arm around his suspicious father though, "It's ok dad, luna here, she's just not much for those kinda activities. She can be a bit of a stick in the mud sometimes." . The boy winked at luna, who furrowed her brows at him. Sky couldn't help but snicker, judas could be such a mom at times or be moody and anxious, but he was no stranger to being a smartass when he felt like it. And boy he wanted to get back at luna after what just happened.
"Hey, I could easily take all of you all! But I have no reason to! I-I.....", but found she really couldn't finished that sentence. Jude was smirking at her and she looked ticked, "You know what, fine, i'll play, but not as teams, i'll play against this little troll.". Sky and Tom exchanged looks, tom wondering if there was something he was missing here, but judas didn't seem to mind the challenge, in fact he was probably counting on it. "Fine, I can do that, but you'll just have to wait for us to finish first.", he turned around and smiled as he headed back to the other kids, tom following him, still looking mighty curious.
"Ok, have you actually played ping pong before or-?", sky put a hand on her hips and looked at Luna half amused, half thinking she was probably crazy. Luna shrugged, "It's fairly simple, I just gotta have precise aim and reflexes, which i already do.". That wasn't exactly the answer sky was going for though, and her face dripped with skepticism. "You know, knowing how to play matters too, you are facing a lucitor after all, and a lucitor can and will kick your butt in ping pong.".
Luna gave her a dirty look and sky couldn't help but snort, "Fine fine, whatever. You know Jude is a nice guy, but that doesn't mean he's void of being a smirky jerk when he feels like it. He likes to tease people sometimes for fun, you're only just playing into his game.". She twiddled her fingers, eyeing off to the side, "Just don't think when he beats you neither of us will let it go, we'e gonna tease you about it as long as you're stuck in this universe.".
"Your friend is clever and he'll make a good king, but forgive me if I kinda wanna punch him in his teeth for a second.". Sky wagged her finger at her, "Tsk tsk, what happened to being a responsible queen now? Responsible queens don't typically think about beating up other royals.". Luna shot back, "I'll be fine, sky<i><b>wynne </b></i>was it? Or purple marked eclipsa?". Sky turned around to join the others, "Oh don't even try to start with that one, you're gonna need all the support you can get.".
Honestly, Luna going from wanting to figure out a crime scene to wanting to beat Judas in a game sounded ridiculous for Luna. But I guess she didn't have much of a choice, and at least this might raises suspicion off of her from King Lucitor. She was instead busy analyzing Judas's movements as the game came to a close between the teams. As though this would somehow prepare her to beat him in the game, though luna could tell what sky was thinking as she mumbled under her breath.
"I'm thinking if I challenge him, I may be allowed to get the info I need."
Sky shook her head to herself, "You don't honestly believe that do you? Like, look, you're way more competent then to think someone doing something like this is gonna lead to anything huge!". Luna shook her head, "Not that, I need the lucitor's favor if I want to keep myself from being suspicious, and a sport he likes is a quick way to bond. I can already tell your king lucitor is currently not a fan of me, and me leaving would not be a good idea, i need to avoid suspicion. Besides, that's where you come in.". Sky raised an eyebrow at the girl as she explained, "While I'm distracting them, I want you to go and check the crime scene yourself."
Oh, so luna wasn't <i><b>just </b></i>doing this to mess with judas, there was a plan attached.
"Wait, what?".
"You heard me.", she tried to be as quiet as possible, "As princess of mewni and friend of the lucitors you're the best set to go down there yourself, king lucitor would never let me set a foot in there but you have a better excuse.". Sky felt the girl tug her arm, "Say you're going to go find your friend, landon, then head off to check out the place. Yes, there may be guards, but you have magic, you can use it to get past them and figure out what was stolen.".
She continued before sky could protest, "Remember earlier? The high commission has nothing on you. And we need to know what's going on in there, c'mon, you can do it.". Sky stared at the floor before sighing, "Fine, but you owe me big time for this. I could be in serious trouble for wandering over there so soon.". Luna nodded to the wand, "Just use your wand, in fact, use a spell of skywynne's. "Easy peasy time freezy", that way they won't even know you were there. Father time can handle it afterwards.".
"Girls? If you're done whispering i believe someone challenged my son to a game. "
Luna and Sky were startled as King Thomas stood above them, judging by his smile, it seems the outcome of the game they were finishing was clear. Sky wasn't too surprised though, even with their best efforts, the girls were never going to be a match for the lucitors, especially not if lexi kept getting distracted like how she was. Luna stood up, challenging face upon her as she turned to judas, "Well, I hope he doesn't feel too intimidated by me, I tend to have that affect on people.".
"I've been traumatized by a curse for 17 years, it's gonna take a lot more then that to freak me out.", They stared at each other and despite their earlier spat judas was still more bemused then mad, but then again he wasn't one to hold grudges or stay mad at anyone for too long. Luna was tossed a paddle and sky took this as her cue to start moving, "Hey, Mr Lucitor? I'm gonna head out and find landon, I dunno, I think he'd just kinda wanna see this".
"Alright then sky, marco should still be with them, when you find them, tell them team lucitor as won again!", Sky shot him a finger gun and began to leave when tom spoke again, "Wait wait wait wait, one of the guards comes with you, all royals on on guard while they're here for the rest of the night.". He motions for one of the guards to follow sky, much to her dismay, though really? Why would she expect the lucitors during this time to not have her protected?
Her moms would have a fit if anything happened to her on their watch.
Luna and Sky exchanged glances as a guard walked behind sky, door closing swiftly behind.
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authorellenmint · 6 years
Romancing Ser Barris
I wrote cutscenes as they would appear in-game were Barris a potential love interest. For all the Barris fans out there. More coming with every reblog.
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First Flirt:
Positioned before the stables are a gaggle of children, each of them ranging in age from nearly 13 to a tender 4. The Inquisitor is drawn to the kids all saluting a fist to their tiny chests in honor of the man standing with back straight, head high before them.
"What do we do if we spot a dragon in the sky?" Barris asks.
"Wing the bell," a voice pipes out from inside a too large templar helmet.
"And then..." the man leading them continues.
"We run to the stone kitchens to take up our place, Ser!" a taller boy calls, his eyes never drifting from Barris'.
Curiosity fully piqued, the Inquisitor steps into the range of the templar. "Ser Barris?" she asks softly, a hint of a smile on her lips.
"Ah, Inquisitor," he full on blushes.
"What's going on here?"
"We were...that is to say, I was attempting to teach the children preventative measures should Corypheus attempt to attack Skyhold."
The Inquisitor pulls even closer to Ser Barris, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Is that wise? Aren't you afraid of giving them nightmares?"
"Personally, ma'am, er...Ser." Barris wrings his hands over the hilt at his side, his eyes closed tight in contemplation. "I know what it feels to be too young and helpless in the face of an oncoming horde of darkspawn. The fear of not knowing what to do, not having a plan to take control of the situation induces far more nightmares than knowing evil exists."
"I had no idea," the Inquisitor gasps, a hand resting upon the emblem on his chest as if to soothe away the pain of the Blight.
"Preparing the children, the ones who survived Haven, forming a plan for them should the worst arise, I thought it to be..." He pauses in his personal thoughts, his striking green eyes darting to the woman before him. "That is, if it's all right with you, Inquisitor?"
She couldn't stop the smile rising up her cheeks, the Inquisitor bobbing her head. "Yes, it's...a good idea."
"Ser Bawwis," the child trapped inside of the templar helmet mewls. With a chuckle, Ser Barris drops to a knee and helps to excise the head caught inside, revealing a girl with braids scattering to her shoulders. Giggling, the girl places a quick kiss to the man's cheek, bringing an even brighter flush to his glowing skin.
With a hand curled over her chest right above her heart, the Inquisitor muses, "So adorable."
Barris rises to his feet, the helmet safely tucked into the crook of his arm. "They are rather cute," he says while watching the kids fall back into line.
"Yes, the children are as well," the Inquisitor smiles slyly.
"Ah," Ser Barris gasps, his sight dropping to the ground while the flush grows beyond capacity. The Inquisitor fears she might have overstepped her bounds, when those green eyes rise from under his brow to stare directly into hers.
Sliding back, her cheeks starting to burn, the Inquisitor says, "I shall leave you to it then, Ser Barris."
Romancing Ser Barris 2
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Starting a Romance:
Cracks of broken wood and grunts are the only sounds to fill the air as the Inquisitor opens a door. She watches Ser Barris pry a rotted board off with his bare hands. When he turns to hurl it onto the pile he catches sight of her and smiles.
“Inquisitor. I did not hear you enter.”
“People rarely seem to expect to find me around Skyhold. Probably all of those random but necessary trips to Crestwood, or the Hissing Wastes, or the Emerald Graves, or all of southern Thedas really,” she laughs while stepping in closer.
“Quite,” Barris blushes. “I only returned the day before myself from Val Royeaux.”
Sliding up beside the tattered remains of whatever once stood in this ramshackle tower, the Inquisitor graces her fingers upon the next board to be removed. “We seem to keep missing each other.”
“I,” Barris smiles reflexively, his head bent in thought as if that might hide the flush, “I suppose we do.”
With all her strength, the Inquisitor yanks the board off, rusty nails spraying through the air for her effort. As the grunt of exertion fades from the stone’s echo, Barris takes the rotten wood from her. “You don’t need to, I was only trying to help prep the tower for the other templars…”
His chin drifts down to his chest, nearly banging against the armor that never leaves him. After twisting the board in his hands, Barris sighs, “This is beneath someone of your standing.”
She snorts, “How so? Seems all I do is run around solving everyone’s little problems.”
“But you’re a gift from Andraste Herself. You’re wise, and kind, with a beauty more striking than any sunset the Maker deemed possible.” His lavishing lips pause in their compliments barely a stone’s throw from her cheeks. Realizing what he said, Barris tries to shrink back, his entire face beet red. “Inquisitor.”
In a soft voice, she says, “I think you can call me by my name.”
“That would be disrespectful.”
Her fingers cup Barris’ warm cheek, practically on fire now, and she tugs his stuttering lips towards her. “Is this disrespectful?” her mouth whispers before plunging onto his. Barris’ pillowy lips mold to hers, his hands swooping around her waist as she cradles his chiseled cheeks in her palms. Heat stronger than any rage demon attack builds inside, her tongue finding safety inside of the templar’s mouth.
“Wait,” Barris turns his head to the side, breaking the kiss, but his hands remain upon her hips. “This isn’t right. Not, not in such a fashion. I should be, a woman of your grace must be courted.”
She blinks in surprise, “Courted? Why? I’m not sure what that even entails with a Ferelden/Human.”
“You deserve no less, my Lady,” Barris solemnly proclaims.
“Very well,” she steps back, accepting she can’t stop him and growing slightly curious.
Barris’ hands pool to the side, his eyes sweeping over the work before him. “I will need some time to prepare. Perhaps after I return from my next mission, and you are in Skyhold as well?”
The Inquisitor bows her head, unable to stop the smile at how serious he’s taking it. “I wonder, while in the midst of this courtship ritual, am I not allowed to kiss you?”
He smiles brightly, swooping his trusting arms around her body. “I believe we can make a few exceptions,” Barris whispers before tasting her lips once more.
Romancing Ser Barris 3:
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The Gift:
The Inquisitor is so busy at the desk, she doesn’t realize someone’s entered her room until the armor glints from a sunbeam. Squinting, a hand shielding her eyes, the frown erupts into a great smile as she spies Barris standing awkwardly in the middle of her floor.
“My Lady,” he begins, hands hidden behind himself.
“You’re back,” she cries, leaping to her feet and rushing to his side. Where normally there’d be a hug, Barris steps back a moment, causing the Inquisitor to frown in confusion.
A huge breath fills his lungs, his striking green eyes shut as he seems to be girding himself. “Inquisitor,” Barris begins, causing her to fold her arms in consternation. When a smile toys with his lips, he whispers, “My love. I humbly ask that you…”
From behind his back swings a perfectly round shield the color of a lake by fall’s almost wintery morn. Into her hands he places it while finishing, “accept my gift of courtship.”
“Of course,” she says automatically, her pinkie skirting along an etched vine that trails the edge of the metal. “What is it?”
Barris’ hand soothes over the middle of the shield, the metal fogging from the warmth of his body. “It is tradition in Ferelden, when a man wishes to proclaim to the village his intentions in another, he will forge for her a shield.”
“You made this?” she gasped, turning over the shield polished more smoother than a river rock.
“It took me some time to find enough everite to forge it, but I…” he gulps, his eyes meeting with hers, “I consider you worth the effort.”
With a smile, she fits the shield on her arm, impressed by the great weight. “Why a shield?”
“In the old days, before the Imperium invasion, when the man was pressed to defend his lands from invaders, his woman would be forever at his side using his gift to protect the family. Their love is said to be only as strong as the shield on the wife’s arm.”
“A beautiful thought. Do the markings mean anything?” she circles around another small vine section. While most of the shield is pure, about 10% of the edge is made up of the decorations.
“Yes,” he whispers, a nail trailing one of the vine etchings, “whenever a man thinks of his love too far from his arms, he will carve one.”
She gasps. There are a good hundred or so vines already, and he could not have had it long on his person.
Barris’ fingers slip in behind hers, the pair of them holding the shield together. The allure of his body pressing tighter to her back beckons to the Inquisitor. Leaning against him, she whispers, “I’m not exactly a shield person/This is far too lovely to use upon a Venatori.”
He smiles sweetly, his plush lips cupping near her cheek, “You could always store it upon the mantle.”
“I adore it,” she turns, greedy for the first kiss in a month of work. “It’s almost as breathtaking as you.”
Barris happily gives her another two kisses, each pulsing hotter with every return. “Then you accept my gift?”
“I already said yes.”
“Without knowing what it was. What it means…”
Together, they fold their hands, heads bent to watch how easily the fingers intertwined. “I understand,” she says, “what you’re offering. What you’re gifting me. What you’re asking. And I want nothing more than to be your shield arm.”
Greedily, the Inquisitor and Ser Barris fall into each other’s arms, both falling towards her bed. The fading sunlight glints upon her name etched into the bottom of the shield.
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Love Scene:
A messenger stops the Inquisitor in the main hall. "Ma'am," he greets her before passing over a letter.
She opens it to reveal the words from Ser Barris, "My love, meet me at the docks in Redcliffe village when the moon is at its peak."
With a smile, she folds the letter in her hands.
*Fade to black.*
Moonlight glints upon the choppy waves, boats knocking against the blackened docks as the Inquisitor steps towards a man sitting in a stripped, two-seater rowboat. He catches sight of her and calls, "You came."
"Of course I would," she smiles while approaching Ser Barris. He's eschewed his templar armor for little more than an ivory tunic and tight pants. "It's been some time since you've last crossed Skyhold's threshold."
"I know," his half moon smile wanes, head dropping a moment before he leans out of the boat to take her hand, "but I have every intention to make up for my absence."
With a smile, she accepts Barris' hand and steps into the small boat. It bobs with her weight, the Inquisitor lashing out to grip onto the sides before she settles onto a bench. Her love sits towards the prow, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to reveal the flexing forearms as he dips two oars into the water. Without another word, their boat silently trails away from the docks out onto lake Calenhad.
The churning waves fade to a pristine mirror, the Inquisitor watching Barris' reflection as he continues to glide the boat deeper into unknown waters. With a smile, she dips her fingers into the glassy reflection, brisk water beading up her hand.
"Ah, best be careful," Barris says, "there are shrieking eels hiding in the depths of this lake."
She yanks her hand out, stares a moment overlong at her fingers as if one might be missing, before frowning. "Shrieking eels? Are you messing with me?"
"A little," he laughs and she joins in.
"Where are we going?"
"I wanted to give you something," Barris says. The methodical tug of the oars, the glistening splash of water against his skin, the continual bulge of his muscles all enthrall her.
She cannot look away, even while saying, "You're too generous. Every moment I see you, you're there with another gift." Her lips twist from the smile in her heart into a pang. While thoughts of him bring joy to her soul, there's always a vein of pain -- the two of them often on opposite sides of thedas regardless of her wants.
"This one is special," he whispers while turning the boat to the west.
Rising from her spot, the Inquisitor sits beside Barris. He lets go of the oar just long enough for her to catch it. Together, as if forever in tune, they begin to row the boat. Splashes of wood sundering water are all that speak between them. She feels his body winding through the silent air, not even an inch away from hers.
"I've missed you," she says, her eyes closed.
"I fear for you," he answers back. Tugging his oar in across his lap, Barris turns to her. His glistening palm cups her cheek, tugging her to him for a kiss. As the heat burns through the crisp night, their tongues twirling a more intimate dance than in any orlesian ballroom, her fingers hunger for his body. She swoops both hands to his jawline, Barris' hand cuddling the back of her head as he pulls her ever tighter.
A kerplunk breaks through their kissing, the Inquisitor's eyes opening wide as she turns to watch her abandoned oar sink to its watery grave. "Oh no," she gasps, trying to reach for it despite being far too late.
"It's all right," Barris assures her, "we have another," he lifts up his oar. "And besides, we're where I hoped to take you."
He twists her to look behind, watching as the prow of the ship parts through the glassy water. First it crosses a large white orb, so great it nearly encompasses the boat itself, reflected from the sky above them. As they continue, the boat barely drifting, the second smaller moon appears from behind the great one. At the aft rests the giant, impressive, named moon. At the prow, the tiny, often forgotten and sometimes misplaced moon reflects upon them both.
"This is..." she gasps, "beautiful." She watches the twin moons shiver in the lake's embrace, her own skin trembling at the awe-inspiring image.
"You're," Barris' lips press to her shoulder and continue higher with every word, "far more beautiful." When he reaches her lips, he pauses to say, "You've struck my heart since our first meeting. The fall from that arrow is the most delectable pain I've ever known."
Her hands wrap around his shoulders and she pulls him to her for a kiss in the middle of moonlight.
*Fade to black*
The Inquisitor's head is nestled upon Barris' bare chest, barely bobbing with the waves as the boat creaks around them. She too is as naked as the day of her birth, one hand keeping her body pressed tight to him as they stare up at the sky. The moons have long since moved on, not bothering to stop for two people sharing in each other.
"I've never done that before," she sputters, her voice exhausted, "On a boat, anyway."
His smile could shame the moon, brighter than any constellation in the sky. He turns his eyes to sweep over the woman resting upon his body. "I love you," he whispers, lifting her hand to press a kiss to each knuckle.
"I love you too," she says back.
"There was a mage I knew in the circle, claimed to be able to predict future events," Barris' voice drops, his green eyes shut tight in memory. "I wish I knew what happened to her, so I could ask..."
She turns on her stomach, her chin dipping into his pec while her eyes hunt him out, "Don't."
"Do not what? Worry for you? Fear for what will happen next in this war against a false god?"
Her palm presses to his chest right over his heart. "Only focus on coming back to me. On walking back through Skyhold's gates into my arms. On knowing I'll come back for you. Please."
Barris cups his hand over hers, the fingers folding together in perfect formation. As the boat rocks under them, the stars dance through the sky, he whispers to the world, "I swear it."
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After the Wilds
The Inquisitor walks into Skyhold’s infirmary, her eyes fully upon the man trapped in a chair as a healer winds bandages around his propped up leg.
“Ser Barris?” she swallows down the concern in her voice, but just barely. His head lifts and his brow shifts from joy at discovering her face, to a frown as he glances at his injury, before shying away to one of distant protocol.
“Inquisitor,” he tips his head to her in deferment, both of them watching as the surgeon finishes up the last of her ministrations.
“How bad is it?” the Inquisitor asks, her heart throbbing in her chest. She hadn’t received word from anyone in her army since leaving the Arbor Wilds via mirror – including any of the templars.
“Broken, but in time it should take to mending nicely. Provided you follow my instructions to the letter,” the surgeon waves a finger at Barris and he shakes it away while easing his splinted leg off the chair to the ground. The Inquisitor flinches the same as her love, sharing in the pain.
“What happened?” she puts to Barris, but the surgeon interrupts.
“Damn fool leapt from a cliff to save a mage caught in the middle of two red templars.”
Barris purses his lips, those verdant eyes darting to the floor, “It was all I could think to do.”
“Coulda damn well broken your neck!” the surgeon continues to harangue him even as the man shrugs. The Inquisitor knows that feeling well – making a decision even knowing how it might end in your death without question or regret. She flexes her hand, remembering the terror rising in her heart when the Grey Warden corpse’s flesh began to crack open into Corypheus.
“May I,” she coughs, turning to the surgeon, “have a moment with Ser Barris?”
The woman bows her head, wipes her hands off on a stained half apron, and slides out to the other section of the infirmary. The Inquisitor waits a beat – trying to be certain no one else will come through – before she falls to her knees, her body swaddling around Barris’. Nuzzling into her cheek, his nose sniffs deep as if to remind himself she’s real and alive.
“When I didn’t hear anything, I was…” she gasps, tears blinding her eyes.
His warm hand cups her cheek, keeping her pressed against him. With a soft whisper, his breath caresses her skin, “I feared for you as well, my love.” She slides back from his hold, staring into the endless depths of his eyes. “And I yet do.”
Barris glares at his splinted leg and begins to rise. The Inquisitor offers a hand to him, helping the wounded warrior back to the sky. He smiles a moment, proud of the progress, but it is short lived. Hissing in pain, he begins to sink.
“This isn’t right,” he gasps, his hands clenched in fists. “I should be by your side for this final fight!”
“Not if you’re injured.”
“A broken leg is nothing, my arm can yet lift a blade,” he insists as if that’s all that’s needed. “Who knows what you will face from that monster? I cannot let you go it alone.”
“And I will not let you risk your own life for mine,” she cries back, two weeks of worrying herself into a knot unwinding upon him in one snap. No word would come from the Wilds, and it would have been unseemly for the Inquisitor to show preference for one soldier out of the army. All she could do was wait, and it nearly did her in.
“My love,” Barris sighs, his palms comforting her cheeks and hiding away any errant tears. “My life is yours.”
“Your life belongs to the templars, the Inquisition.” She knew he’d do it too. If soldiers are needed for this last push, he’d go. He’d be there, and he could die right before their victory just as assuredly as her.
“Perhaps,” he draws his fingers over her palm, “but my heart rests in one woman’s hands.” Smiling through the pain, he says, “And nothing, not even a false god, would change that.”
She falls forward, her hands scooping around her love for one more hug. One more kiss before the end, whatever that may be. “Promise me something,” Barris’ words breathe against her neck. He reaches behind his chair to unearth a shield, their shield. “Promise me you will take this into battle with Corypheus. So I will protect you and be by your side.”
Her fingers roll around the edge of the shield, her eyes never leaving Barris’. “I will,” she vows before leaning towards her love to fall into his kiss. Barris slots the shield onto her back while melding their lips, revealing that after these few months the surface is completely coated in entwined etchings of vines.
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The Final Fight:
All of Skyhold celebrates in the slaying of Corypheus. The Inquisitor glances amongst her most trusted companions all imbibing with glee in the main hall. A single, fiery glint off of steel catches her eye and she turns, her smile breaking wider than the moon.
"I can't believe it's over," she says, sidling next to the man holding a drink instead of a crutch.
"I can," Barris smiles, his full attention upon her. "I knew you'd be the light to pull us from the darkness."
Her heart burns to pull him to her for a kiss, but there are various nobility and diplomats watching. She settles for letting her hand brush against the edge of his, both staring across the partying throne room.
It was done. They were safe.
"There is something I wished to tell you," Barris turns to her, his voice preternaturally serious. "I've decided to follow the Commander's lead and stop taking lyrium."
"Is that safe?" she gasps. While Cullen yet stood his ground, at the moment his hands pawing through the few small cakes to find a strawberry one, she knew it'd been hard on him. There seem to be days when even he isn't certain if he can last through the challenge.
Barris' blinding green eyes hunt through hers, pinning down her worry, "It is a risk, one that could cost me given the Order remains that rest upon my shoulders. Perhaps it is selfish of me to say, but I do not want to lose a single memory of you. The Commander is proof that I can still do good even with my powers..."
"Ser Barris," she interrupts him, tears glistening as she smiles wider, "I order you to do what you feel is best."
He too grins, "As you say, Inquisitor." For a beat the two lock eyes, his tongue darting to his lips, "But I have kept your attentions for too long. Please, you should mingle with the rest of the heroes."
Accepting her duty, she wanders out to speak with the next in a long line of congratulations. But for a moment she glances back to her knight in shining armor.
After a long night of laughing, drinking, feasting, and talking, the Inquisitor begins to retire towards her quarters. As she reaches the door, she's stopped by a familiar face.
"I hoped you'd like some company for the evening," Barris begins, his body pressing closer, the intoxicating heat enveloping her.
She takes her hand off the door handle and places it upon Barris' forearm. "There's nothing I'd love more," she darts her eyes up and down his body. At the bottom she pauses, "How's your leg?"
"Worried about injuring me?" Barris finds her fears hidden in the question. Before she can voice the answer, his sturdy and safe hands swoop around her ass. A single yelp erupts from the Inquisitor as the Knight-Commander lifts her into the air, securing her body in his arms. She winds her legs around his waist, her chest crushed to the armor as they fall into the kiss of survival.
A kiss worth fighting for.
Barris' lips slip away and he whispers, "I think it'll do fine for the evening." Giddy, the pair of them open the door and vanish into the long stairwell to the Inquisitor's quarters. Not once does he put her down.
As the sun rises over a new dawn in thedas, Barris brushes his hand against her cheek. With no eyes watching, no orders, nothing but hope before her she happily curls her face into it.
"All that and you're still standing," she muses. Even with her eyes closed in joy she can feel his protecting gaze watching her.
"I could say the same of you, my love," Barris whispers back.
With a languid turn, the Inquisitor walks out to her balcony. Rosy streaks of the sun turn the snow a glistening pink. As she places her hands over the banister, she says, "Everything's going to change."
Warm hands slide over her stomach, tugging her away from the long fall and back into his embrace. Barris' chin caresses her shoulder, his lips whispering, "And I shall be by your side for all of it."
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In her red velvet finery, the Inquisitor approaches the scope overlooking the lush Orlesian fields. She bends down to peer through it when a voice coughs from behind her.
"I'd hoped to catch you before the talks began."
Smiling wide, she spins in place. Her eyes drink in the man in the finest uniform he owns, his hair worn long with locs spilling to the right. She aches to envelope him in her arms, but keeps both at her side.
"You're here," she all but leaps in joy. "I feared, what with the problems along the border..."
Barris steps forward, his hand picking up hers and swaddling it, "I would not be a step from your side, not when you need me."
"I know, love," she sighs, trying to keep on a brave face even as her heart swells in gratefulness at his mere presence. "But I suspect the only thing I need worry about is my legs falling asleep as the talks carry on."
"Will the word of the Knight-Commander carry any weight to honor the good deeds of the Inquisition before the council?"
"Some," she tips her head in thought, "I hope so."
He smiles, his teeth blinding in the bright southern sun, "Would the word of the Knight-Commander be enough to provide the Inquisitor a momentary escape?"
"Depends on what you had in mind." Forgoing the eyes behind masks watching her, fully forgetting the warnings Josephine bathed her in, she slips her arms around the back of Barris' neck. It'd been too long since last they were together.
The man whistles once, causing a horse to trot up from behind. He brushes a hand against the steed's flank and smiles. "Trust me."
"I always do," she answers, leaping into the saddle.
*Fade to black*
In the distance, she can make out the Winter Palace along with all of her people fretting over the coming talks. But here is sunshine, velvety grass caressing her knees, and no diplomats to pry her away for miles. "I hope no one panics because they can't find me for a few minutes and thinks this an act of war," she mutters to herself.
Barris ceases grooming their amenable horse long enough to glance once back at the Palace as if to make certain a battalion of chevaliers aren't coming for him. "We should have a little time to ourselves before any declarations are made."
With a hand placed to her hip, she cocks her head to the side in the direction of a blanket stretched over the ground. "Whatever did you have in mind?"
Both of his hands scoop around her cheeks, preparing her for the onslaught of love he unleashes from his lips. The kiss is so deep, so heartfelt, so soul-meltingly warm, she nearly tumbles to the ground in surprise.
"I've missed you," Barris whispers.
"Me too...especially at night," her fingers begin to wind their way towards the templar skirt.
Her love gasps, letting her try to undress him a moment more before he fumbles to catch her hand. "Wait. There's...something I want to say."
Leaning down, Barris rustles through the grass to lift up something hidden beside the blanket. She crosses her arms and sighs, "You did not pull me all the way out here just to give me a gift."
"No," he insists, then his eyes dart to whatever is in his hands, "I mean, I..." His fingers draw over the edges of his would-be gift. "Old habits."
"I don't want them to die," she insists, cupping her hand behind the back of his.
"I believe it is time I step away from the templars entirely," Barris whispers, his eyes shut tight.
"Relapses happen," she races to comfort him, "All those days around the others taking lyrium. I don't blame you for..."
"That is not why," his smile nearly rends her heart in two. It was a hard climb out of that hole whenever he fell, but she was always there with a hand to help.
Barris scratches his fingers over his gift before passing it to the Inquisitor. "Here," he announces as if she had no idea it was for her.
Into her weighed down palms he drops a brick, white stone with both of their names carved into it. "What's this for? To bean the Ferelden diplomat in the head?"
He laughs at her mocking throw of the hefty brick at the Arl. "No, it's the cornerstone for our hearth."
"Our hearth?"
"You deserve a mantle for our shield, a heart for a home. Not a keep, not a hold, a home."
Her breath catches as he too draws her palm over this no longer unassuming brick. "Delrin...?"
"I don't care where in thedas you want it to be. Ferelden, Orlais, the Free Marches, Nevarra... I'll even build it in Skyhold if you cannot imagine giving it up, but please, my love," he clasps his hands under hers, both holding their future in their palms, "let me give you a home."
"Will you be there?" she gulps, tears rising in her eyes.
"Every day."
"Yes," the Inquisitor gasps, her lips cupping his in a kiss. Tears of joy drench both their cheeks as Barris tugs her ever tighter.
As he pulls away, Barris' bright eyes drift to the ground a moment, a blush dabbing his cheeks. "Then you accept...?"
"Oh for the love of," she hurls the brick behind her to the ground where it safely thuds to the grass. With both hands, the Inquisitor grabs onto the man who'd been by her side in both flesh and spirit for two years.
"I'm never letting you go," she says, her voice full of command. With a shove, she and Barris both tumble onto the blanket, the man laughing as his armor jangles from the fall. Her hands part down the templar emblems clinging to his body, her fingers aching to wrench them off.
Barris cups her chin, tugging her to him for a kiss. "Nor I you." As the pair roll through the sweet grass, trying to make up for lost time, the summer light shines a single ray down upon the brick.
Carved upon its surface under their entwined names is the date 9:44 and the phrase "Our Home."
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April Weather (13)
@adrinetteapril 2018, Day 13: Group Project
Days: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | art | 6 | 7 | 8 | art 1 | art 2 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | art | 19 | art | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | art | 29 | 30 |
AO3 / fanfiction
I’m sorry. I really am.
‘Why didn’t you wake me?’ Adrien panted, running into schoolyard.  He was so, so late to their group project meeting. Everyone else was probably already in class and working.
‘What am I, an alarm clock?’ his pocket rebuked. ‘You should have slept like a normal person, instead of panicking over almost kissing your girlfriend half of the night.’
‘Oh yeah?’ the boy slowed down a bit. ‘Well, she is not my girlfriend!’
‘Ouch, you got me,’ the pocket snickered. ‘Besides, she likes you, you like her. As far as I’m concerned this is a mere formality.’
Adrien stopped dead in his tracks two steps from the class door.
‘You really think she likes me?’
Plagg stuck his head out of Adrien’s shirt. ‘Oh, for the love of brie! Are you seriously asking me that after those three weeks?’
Adrien was halfway to a dopey smile when a thought hit him with the force of a freight train. All blood drained from his face.
‘But… I… Ladybug...?’ he mumbled.
‘Ladybug what?’ Plagg already hid back between the fabrics.
The boy desperately clutched at his hair. ‘Ooooooh, I am the worst, despicable, awful person, Plagg!’ he moaned.
‘You are?’
‘I am,’ Adrien confirmed solemnly. ‘I love Ladybug, but…’ his voice dropped to mortified whisper, ‘I also want Marinette.’
Plagg opened his mouth to say something, but at that moment Adrien was grabbed by the collar and pulled into the classroom.
He blinked at the brown eyes hidden behind glasses, that were definitely too close to his face for comfort.
‘Tell me what you know!’ Alya growled at him.
‘Wha-?’ he squeaked.
‘Babe, let him go,’ that was Nino’s voice somewhere behind the bespectacled fury. ‘He just overslept.’
Adrien was released from the clutches of the crazed Ladyblogger, but she still scowled at him. ‘You didn’t see the akuma?’
His eyes widened in panic. ‘There’s an akuma?’
‘Was,’ the girl replied gravely. ‘And I got stuck in here with Monsieur Overprotective Boyfriend,’ she shot Nino a murderous glare.
‘You wouldn’t have gotten there on time anyway,’ the boy countered. ‘The notice came just before it was all over.’
‘So it’s already over?’ Adrien wasn’t sure if he should feel relieved that it was, or ashamed that he slept through it.
‘Yup, it was a quick one, but in another part of the city,’ Nino supplied. ‘Otherwise you’d have been awoken by the noise. It was something really loud and alarm clock themed.’
Adrien winced, ignoring the quiet chuckling in his pocket. He cast a quick look over the classroom. Most of his classmates were already there, just not the one he wanted to see the most. ‘Marinette’s not here yet?’
Panic reared her ugly head again. Could Marinette get caught up in the attack? Was she all right?
Alya snorted inelegantly. ‘Relax, sunshine. That girl oversleeps like a pro on a regular day. After last night I don’t expect her here for another half an hour.’
‘Which is actually very convenient,’ Nino interjected lowering his voice to a whisper, ‘because before she joins us I think we need to have-’
‘A war council!’ Alya growled eyeing Chloé.
Now Adrien noticed what he missed earlier - that most of people in class were reading newspapers and simultaneously scrolling through their phones or tablets, which in itself was a rare occurrence. Seeing his eyes on her, Chloé raised hers with a content smile. He glanced at the title and then skipped to a few others that he could see.
Suddenly he was out of air, and his knees buckled in warning. The words seemed to scream at him from various headlines in shades of red, black and yellow with a serious overuse of poor old exclamation mark.
He came closer to Kim, who was browsing something on his tablet. It was a collection of grainy photos, undoubtedly from last night at the pool, posted on instagram or some other platform. Poor in quality due to bad lighting, clearly taken with phone cameras from some distance. But all this wasn’t important. What was important was that on each of them behind the people “posing” for the picture, there was always him and Marinette in the background, only in their swimwear, sharing moments that he hoped would never be anyone’s business.
They almost kissed at that party, and the few shots of him leaning in were dubbed “A STEAMY MAKE-OUT SESSION!”
He hugged her after the akuma attack, and it was more than enough for “A MODEL SNOG!”
A few of their innocent touches earned a “FEEL ME UP AGRESTE!”
And so on, and so on.
‘W-what is that?’ he asked, his voice trembling.
‘This?’ Chloé waved her own tablet in front of him as if he could somehow miss it. ‘You like our little group project?’
‘Group project?’ Adrien echoed, totally at a loss.
‘Just a few people from the party who agree with me that Marinette doesn’t deserve you.’
‘You did that?’ he couldn’t believe his ears.
‘Someone had to,’ the girl shrugged. ‘Maybe this will open your eyes. This is not the girl for you, Adrikins.’
‘You deliberately gave those pictures to the gossip rags together with my name?’
‘Ah, you’ll thank me later,’ Chloé smiled sweetly, ‘You know it doesn’t really matter what they say about you as long as they spell your name right. And I’ve made sure they did.’
Adrien had no idea what he would have done if it wasn’t for Nino’s hand on his shoulder and the pats of tiny paws on his chest, but he had the word cataclysm at the tip of his tongue. He closed his eyes to reign the tornado of thoughts currently storming through his head. He wouldn’t even know where to begin talking so he took a deep breath and turned around.
‘Adrien?’ Nino asked but he just waved a hand.
‘I need to get out. Now,’ he said quietly, not sure how much longer he would be able to keep the lid on his rage and despair.
His friend nodded. ‘If you need me-’
‘Not now. Thank you,’ Adrien replied and left.
He ran down to the bank hoping for a place to calm down his galloping thoughts and his racing heart. Feeling utterly helpless and weak he dropped onto a bench only to notice a large advertising screen right in front of him, on the other side of the river. It had an ad from one of the tabloids that published the article about him on a loop.
Adrien groaned and hid his head in his hands. He missed the good times when he had only his smiley face plastered everywhere next to a perfume bottle. What mess had he gotten Marinette into? How would he look into her eyes now? And her parents? Oh god, his father? How had this happened?
‘Hey, it’s Adrien, right?’ he heard a female voice next to him.
‘I know, you’ve seen my name right there,’ he growled still hiding behind his hands, ‘but please, just leave me alone.’
‘You look like you need company,’ the voice didn’t give up.
‘I said, please,’ he repeated raising his head, ‘leave me alo-’
She was standing in front of him. A compassionate smile adorned her lovely face. She frowned when she saw his. In any other circumstances he would thank the heavens for her presence but not now. Not when he was a mess, unable to sort out his own feelings towards two different girls. When he had caused chaos beyond words to one of them jeopardizing not only a potential relationship but also the existing friendship. When he was lost and didn’t know what to do.
Ladybug sat on the other end of the bench. He honestly didn’t have enough strength to say she wasn’t helping. She only made him more confused, just by sitting there. By reminding him of his failure to stay faithful to her. Now he could wallow in even more regrets. Thanks, partner.
‘So she’s more than your friend after all,’ the heroine whispered, taking in the screen.
If this was her way of comforting him, he thought bitterly, then he finally found the first thing she sucked at.
‘Please, just-’
She scooted a bit closer. ‘Do those pictures bother you more than last time?’
‘Because it was my stupid idea and I dragged her into it,’ he snapped. ‘She must hate me now.’
Oh, god. He thought about Marinette facing Chloé after being shown those pictures and the headlines. He hoped Alya and Nino would be there for her. He couldn’t. Not right now. He wasn’t sure what he was capable of doing with that anger and shame burning inside of him.
Ladybug bit her lip. ‘I’m sure she doesn’t hate you,’ she murmured after a while.
‘I’m sure she does,’ he snorted, throwing all pretense to the wind. He was too deep in his sinkhole to care what she thought of him at this moment.
‘Are you such a bad boyfriend that your girlfriend hates you?’
It must have been her attempt at lightening the mood, but it still sucked.
‘I am,’ he groaned, pressing his hands to his face again. ‘She’s just a friend, we were faking it,’ he droned in exasperation. Why wouldn’t she just leave him alone?
‘Oh,’ she gasped. ‘Then you were... very convincing.’
Adrien felt the tears coming up to his eyes. He swallowed the lump in his throat. ‘It was all a ruse,’ he started, ‘but now I-
‘So you didn’t lie to me yesterday,’ she hummed, as if detached from this forced conversation. ‘When everyone else was told a lie.’
‘I didn’t want to lie to you,’ he admitted, not sure where all this was coming from. ‘Ladybug, I-’
‘I need to go,’ she sprang to her feet, suddenly going ash-pale. She turned away from him. ‘Heroes business. I’m sure I’ll see you around,’ she added sourly, throwing her yoyo and disappearing in the distance.
Yeah, Adrien thought about the ads again, that was a given.
He sat by the bank for some time, to finally collect his belongings and head back to the street. He texted his bodyguard to pick him up. Facing anyone would be too much. Facing Marinette would be unbearable. Maybe that made him a coward, she definitely didn’t deserve any of this. But he felt he needed to sort out his feelings first, offer her solutions not more problems or indecision. He needed to gather his thoughts, maybe talk to his father. Right now, he was a disaster on two legs.
He stood on the pavement waiting for his ride when he felt someone tapping him over the shoulder.
‘Adrien?’ he heard Marinette’s small voice.
He turned around. She not only looked sadder but also smaller. Her pale face was twisted in a foul smile and she was avoiding his gaze. He didn’t need to ask if she knew what happened.
Then her eyes finally snapped to his and he jolted under the seriousness and determination he saw there.
‘We need to talk,’ she said.
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xxbyimm · 7 years
Enya’s Unexpected Journey - Chapter 16a
For all other chapters, click the number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Chapter 16a
Summary:  Enya and the company travel through Mirkwood, in which they encounter... a lot.
Enya rode next to Gandalf in the front of the group. The horses that Beorn allowed them to borrow until they reached Mirkwood, were strong and their pace was steady. So far, she hadn’t spotted Azog and his orc pack, so she’d good hopes they would reach their destination in time. Enya gazed around her and felt that Beorn was near. Probably in his bear form. Enya didn’t blame him for keeping an eye on his horses. She sighed. She had found it hard to say goodbye to the skin changer. He was kind and she regretted the fact that there was no time to befriend him. Before they left, Beorn made her promise him to come back one day and learn more about how to communicate with animals. She told him she would return. When she confessed didn’t know how she could ever repay his kindness, Beorn smiled and replied that her existence was enough. He told her she gave him hope for the future of middle earth.
‘Let your light shine into that mountain, miss.’ He had urged her. ‘Erebor is a cold place and needs your positive energy to relive again.’ Enya frowned. How the hell was she supposed to do that? She was a witch, not a medium. ‘Your powers are evolving.’ Gandalf interrupted her thoughts. ‘All forces of nature are slowly starting to flow through you.’ Enya frowned. ‘It doesn’t feel like that. I’m confused all the time and I have no idea how to deal with myself.’ ‘Everything will fall into its place.’ the wizard mused. ‘When the time is right.’ ‘You always speak in riddles.’ Enya murmured. ‘How does this help me, at all?’ ‘I mean you should keep doing what you’re doing!’ Gandalf said. ‘Follow your heart, dear Enya. If you do, your path will reveal itself to you.’ Enya rolled her eyes. ‘You’re still not making any damn sense to me.’ ‘Not to your mind.’ Gandalf chuckled. ‘But your heart knows.’ Enya smiled. ‘I hope. I’m still not able to control water. Or air. Don’t let me even start about earth and lightning!’ ‘No, you’ve not reached your full potential yet.’ Gandalf admitted. ‘But you will.’ ‘Beorn told me I shouldn’t be afraid to be vulnerable. That I allow the aggressive forces to rule over my powers.’ ‘He is right.’ The wizard told her. ‘It takes time to learn how to control them, because they’re not the powers that you would use instinctively.’ ‘That makes sense…’ Enya said. ‘And how precisely can I let them flow through me intentionally?’ ‘I have to confess, my dear Enya, that I do not possess the knowledge to teach you about that.’ Gandalf confessed. ‘But I’ve got the feeling you’ll do just fine on your own. Be vulnerable. Let the company get to know you.’ ‘But…’ Enya began, but the wizard ignored her. ‘Don’t be afraid to express your feelings.’ He said to her and gave her a knowing look. ‘I’m not the one denying feelings around here.’ Enya sighed. ‘Damn Mithrandir, you seem to keep track of literally everything I do!’ Gandalf chuckled. ‘Of course I do. I’m a wizard, my dear.’ Enya rolled her eyes and wanted to make a witty remark about that, but she was distracted by the sight of a large forest that stretched as far as the eye could see before them. ‘Gandalf…’ Enya said. ‘Is that Mirkwood?’ ‘Yes’ the wizard answered. ‘It is.’ ‘It looks like a dark place.’ Enya muttered. ‘Be on your guard in this forest.’ The wizard replied. ‘The powers that dwell over there try to meddle with your mind.’ ‘I will.’ Enya promised as they followed Thorin, who lead the company to the outskirts of the forest. They dismounted and Enya stroked her horse to keep it calm. ‘Don’t worry.’ She whispered to it. ‘You don’t have to go in there. You may return to your master with your friends.’ ‘Set the ponies free!’ Gandalf ordered as he paced into the forest. ‘Let them return to their master!’ ‘We can keep them.’ Kíli proposed. ‘Before the skin changer finds out, we’ll be far from his reach.’ ‘Don’t be stupid.’ Thorin groaned. ‘You heard Gandalf. Dismount.’ ‘We promised Beorn that we would send them back. I doubt you’d like to be hunted down again by an angry skin changer.’ Enya said. ‘Besides, it’s impossible to guide seventeen horses through these…’ She pointed at Mirkwood. ‘These… woods.’ ‘This forest feels like a disease lies upon it.’ Bilbo complained. ‘I agree!’ Enya said and she turned to Fíli and Kíli. ‘Don’t you feel it too?’ ‘Not necessarily.’ Fíli shrugged. ‘It’s not the most welcoming place I’ve ever been in, but it’ll do.’ Enya rolled her eyes. ‘Looks like we’re the sensitive souls in this party, Bilbo.’ Fíli and Kíli chuckled.
Everyone set their horse loose and Nori was about to set Gandalf’s horse free as well when the wizard appeared from the woods again. ‘No! Not my horse!’ he shouted. ‘I need it!’ ‘You what?’ Enya asked. The whole company probably watched Gandalf with an extremely horrified expression, because the wizard shuffled uneasily on his feet and turned to Thorin. ‘I wouldn’t leave you if I didn’t have to. I must do something, but I’ll meet you again at the look-out in the city of Dale.’ Thorin didn’t seem too happy about Gandalf’s sudden need to leave, but he nodded shortly. ‘Don’t worry. You’ll have miss Enya by your side. She’s more powerful than she realizes.’ Gandalf assured him. ‘If you want to comfort us wizard, you should take her with you.’ Dolvira smirked. ‘We don’t need her.’ Gandalf eyed the warrior woman with an expression that Enya never seen on his face before. Dolvira quickly lowered her head and kept her mouth shut. Gandalf turned to Enya and touched her shoulder. ‘Keep them safe, miss. Have faith. Trust your heart and don’t be afraid to let go. Beware of the forest and don’t let it influence your powers.’ Enya nodded. The wizard smiled at her and turned to Bilbo. ‘You’re not the same hobbit anymore, Bilbo Baggins.’ He said. ‘Gandalf… I’ve found something… down in the tunnels.’ Bilbo confessed. ‘What did you find?’ the wizard asked. Bilbo looked like he wanted to say something else, but seconds before he was about to say it out loud, he seemed to make up his mind. ‘I’ve found my courage.’ He said. ‘Good.’ Gandalf replied. ‘You need it.’ The wizard then mounted his horse. ‘Be good! Don’t linger there longer than you should! Stay on the path. And don’t drink from the water in there. It’s enchanted.’ They watched him as his horse galloped away. ‘STAY ON THE PATH!’ he screamed once more. ‘Well.’ Dolvira smirked as Gandalf disappeared in the distance. ‘There’s your proof, pretty face. That’s why I stand by what I said before: wizards and witches cannot be trusted.’ ‘He only leaves us because he has to.’ Enya purred. ‘There is no choice in the matter.’ ‘No, he abandoned us.’ The redhead said. ‘Ah, did he finally grow onto you?’ Enya asked. Dolvira muttered something under her breath and Enya decided not to pursue the matter. Thorin eyed them and Enya smiled apologetically. ‘Let’s go.’ He grumbled. ‘The sooner we’re out of this cursed forest, the better.’
Enya walked in the back of the group, and chatted with Fíli and Kíli. They tried to persuade her to tell them what happened between her and Thorin a few nights before (damn, how did those two lads know something had happened?), but Enya countered their verbal attacks with ease. ‘Please do share with us! Does love-making works differently in your world?’ Kíli begged. Enya laughed. ‘What do you want me to say, Kee? Which answer would satisfy your desire?’ ‘Don’t call me Kee.’ He muttered. ‘I’ll call you the hell I want you to.’ Enya replied. ‘I personally call him-’ Fíli began, but they were interrupted by a shouting Nori. ‘We’ve found the bridge!’ The trio glanced at each other and hurried to the front of the group. ‘Oh!’ Bofur sighed as they came closer. ‘Pff…’ Everyone stopped. ‘Great.’ Dolvira muttered. ‘What now?’ There used to be a bridge, but in some point of time the middle part had collapsed and left a giant gap that was too large to jump across. The river splashed beneath it. ‘We could try and swim it?’ Bofur opted. ‘Didn’t you hear what Gandalf said?’ Thorin barked. ‘A dark magic lies on this forest. The waters of these stream are enchanted.’ Bofur shrugged. ‘It doesn’t look very enchanted to me…’ ‘We must find another way across’ Thorin decided. ‘These vines looks strong enough!’ Kíli said as he tested some vines that grew above the river. ‘We could-’ ‘Wait!’ Thorin ordered. ‘We’ll send the lightest first.’ ‘What?’ Bilbo asked uneasily. Enya rolled her eyes, ignored the short discussion that followed the poor halflings question and stepped on one side of the bridge. She sat down, closed her eyes and inhaled slowly. Ice or earth? She smiled. She couldn’t care less what was going to fill up that gap, but she knew one thing for certain. She wasn’t crossing the river by climbing those vines. She placed her hands on her lap and focused on her breathing. The water of the river splashed beneath her and Enya vaguely heard something growing in front of her. ‘What are you doing?’ Dolvira yelled. ‘What?’ Enya opened her eyes, distracted by the warrior woman’s voice. Dolvira scoffed and pointed at the spot in front of them where the gap used to be. Thick forest soil connected the two sides of the bridge. Enya stood up and walked across. Poor Bilbo already was halfway through the vines and the rest of the company watched him as he moved. ‘What are you waiting for?’ she asked the others. ‘How did you do that?’ Dori said. ‘I’m a witch, Dori.’ Enya laughed. ‘And as I said, witches cannot be trusted.’ Dolvira stated as she thoroughly tested the self-made bridge. ‘I doubt your handiwork will hold every single one of us. I’ll go first to check if it’s safe enough to hold any of us.’ Enya rolled her eyes. ‘I’m happy you’re always so supportive of me, lady commander.’ ‘Cross it, Dolvira. I don’t need you criticizing everything Enya does.’ Thorin grumbled as he walked past her. The redhead clenched her jaw, but did what she was told. The rest of the company followed her over the bridge and Enya had to admit she felt somewhat relieved when Bombur was safely on her side of the bridge. She then walked to the edge of the riverbank and gave Bilbo an hand. He was shaking and gave her an accusing glare. ‘I’m sorry.’ She muttered. ‘You were on those vines before I finished my bridge. Next time they make you do something, I’ll go.’ Bilbo smiled. ‘No need, miss Enya. I’m still alive, right? Dangling above a river with magical powers is better than being hunted by an orc pack or cooked alive by some trolls.’ Enya laughed. ‘Yes, I would agree.’ ‘Let’s move on.’ Thorin ordered. ‘Oh no, I dropped my slingshot somewhere!’ Ori said. Dori rolled with his eyes, ready to smack his little brother for his stupidity. ‘Where did you left it? Isn’t it in your pocket?’ ‘How could I know? I LOST it!’ Ori howled. ‘I don’t have it on me anymore.’ He looked around him, panicked. ‘We don’t have time for this nonsense.’ Dwalin grunted. ‘But…’ Ori began. ‘If you don’t find that STUPID slingshot of yours in THREE seconds, I’ll gut you!’ Dolvira yelled. Ori watched the warrior woman in horror and hurried over the bridge again. ‘I’ll find it real quick, miss commander! I promise!’ ‘Why do you always have to be so loud?’ Enya hissed. ‘Thanks to you, every breathing creature in this forest now knows that we’re here!’ ‘If they’ll cross us, I’ll kill them.’ The redhead simply stated. Enya sighed. ‘I’ve got it!’ Ori beamed as he ran towards them again. ‘It was on the other side, I must have dropped in when-’ Ori was so happy to be reunited with his slingshot again, that he didn’t observe the large tree root that grew on one side of the bridge. With an awkward sound the root snapped and the poor second youngest dwarf tripped over the bridge and was about to fall into the river. ‘Ori!’ Enya yelled and she lunged forward.
Her fire witch instincts were faster than her bodily movements. The river froze before her eyes and for a moment Enya wondered who pulled off this awesome trick when she realized it was herself. Ori landed on the now frozen river with a loud crack and Enya cringed. She hoped her ice wouldn’t break under his weight. Ori sat still, too frightened to move. ‘Miss Enya!’ he pleaded. ‘Ori, look at me. You’re still awake. Nothing is going to happen.’ Enya said. ‘But…’ ‘Ori, I need you to get up and move slowly towards me.’ Enya told him. Ori was trembling, but did what he was told to do. ‘I want your eyes on me.’ Enya ordered when she saw he was about to panic again. ‘Look at me, and you’ll be fine.’ She guided him to the shore and when Ori reached for her hands, he collapsed again. Dori lunged forward and caught his brother before he reached the soil. ‘Oh no.’ Dori said. Enya groaned. Ori was vast asleep in his brothers arms. ‘Is there a way to wake our brother up?’ Nori asked Enya. Enya shrugged, unhappy that she couldn’t provide him with an answer. ‘I don’t know, Nori.’ ‘Great job, witch.’ Dolvira smirked. ‘That little ice trick of yours didn’t help him a tiny bit. What now, huh?’ ‘I tried to save him after your bickering made him forget to watch his feet!’ Enya growled. ‘He must have touched a little bit of unfrozen water. But I’ll find a way to wake him up.’ ‘We have to move.’ Thorin told Dori and Nori. ‘We’ll take turns in carrying Ori.’
They passed the bridge hours ago and Ori was still asleep. Enya guessed they were deep inside the forest, because the air hung heavily around them and with each step it seemed even more difficult to breathe. Enya felt dizzy and the forest wouldn’t stop talking to her. They almost lost the path a few times. ‘I need air.’ Bofur complained. ‘My head is swimming…’ Oín confessed. ‘We’re lost, aren’t we?’ Dori said. ‘We’re not lost!’ Dolvira objected. ‘We’re just… figuring out where we should go.’ ‘We need to know where the sun is.’ Bilbo opted. ‘Then we’ll know which way to go.’ ‘There is no sun here.’ Dolvira bickered. The whole company stopped, because they were too confused, too tired to set even a single step further. ‘I don’t know the time.’ Balin said. ‘I don’t even know what day it it…’ Dwalin muttered. ‘This is taking too long. Is there no end to this cursed FOREST?’ Thorin yelled. Enya blinked her eyes a few times quickly, trying to shake off that numb feeling that was consuming her. It felt like she was moving in slow motion, her senses blurred and her mind hazy. For the sake of everyone else, she had to become herself again. Enya sighed and with the palm of her hand she hit herself on her cheek.
Focus! She told herself. Please Enya, focus.
‘You’re right, we need the sun!’ she told Bilbo. ‘There has to be a way to get the sun down here…’ She lowered herself down on her knees and raised her head to the sky.
Well, the direction in which the sky SHOULD be. All she could see were thick ill-looking branches that sucked out the vital air they needed.
‘We need to be one with the air above this forest…’ her mind lisped. ‘Be one… tear away those branches that keep the light out of these…damned… woods…’ Enya breathed and imagined herself being the air above the trees. The air that would brush aside these damned trees and therefore creating an hole that would enable the sun to peer into. It would… Enya felt a swirling energy inside of her body, wanting to get out. She raised her hands and let it go.
While Enya was in her little peaceful bubble, the others experienced a powerful wind that almost swept them off their feet. With force it pushed and tore away the thick layers of branches that grew above them. ‘Keep steady!’ Thorin screamed. ‘What is this kind of dark magic?’ Dolvira asked while she clung onto her sword. ‘It’s miss Enya.’ Bilbo replied. ‘YOU WHAT?’ The redhead snickered.
The whole company gasped when suddenly the wind was gone and bright sunlight shone upon them, warming their body and souls. Enya opened her eyes and smiled. She did it! The open spot she created looked exactly as she imagined it to be. ‘Here’s your air.’ She told Bofur as she got up. ‘Now, let’s move.’ ‘I feel a lot better now.’ Dwalin said. ‘Let’s rest here for a bit before we continue.’ ‘No, we shouldn’t.’ Enya replied. ‘I needed you guys to get sharp, but we really shouldn’t linger here any longer...’ ‘What… what happened?’ An uneven voice broke off the conversation. ‘ORI!’ Dori shouted. ‘He’s awake!’ ‘You did it, miss Enya!’ Nori beamed. ‘I lost my slingshot by the river…’ Ori mumbled. ‘But we’re not at the river any more…’ ‘Sssh. Take it easy.’ Dori urged his little brother. ‘You were asleep for a few moments.’ In the corner of her eye, Enya saw Thorin, Dwalin and Balin glancing at each other, probably deciding if they should stay in the bright open spot or move on. ‘We rest here.’ Thorin ordered the company. ‘You cannot be serious.’ Enya stated as she walked towards him. Thorin sighed. ‘Yes. We’re all tired, it’s pleasant here and Ori just woke up. Don’t question my authority and do as you’re told.’ ‘I think it’s wiser to move on, that’s all.’ Enya countered. ‘Well, since you’re not the leader of the company, I think it’s wiser for you to listen instead of being a pain in my ass.’ Thorin growled. ‘If we’ll get into trouble because you wanted to linger somewhere longer than you should, don’t blame the pain in your ass for it.’ Enya bit back. Thorin muttered something under his breath and Enya eyed him angrily. ‘Stupid stubborn bastard.’ She whispered and quickly turned away before Thorin would ask her to repeat those words. She would be in trouble if she did.
Enya sat next to Bilbo as they watched all the dwarves snore. She rolled her eyes. Thorin ordered everyone to get some rest, not to sleep continuously for hours... Even the great king himself seemed to have dozed off at some point. Bilbo was appointed to keep an eye on everyone and although she was tired, Enya knew she couldn’t sleep in this damned forest. Although the open forest gave her some room to breathe properly again, the forest still felt sick. So instead she decided to enjoy Bilbo’s company for a few hours. ‘I don’t understand how they can sleep that peacefully while lying in the broad daylight. And I didn’t even start about the foul air that still lingers in the shadows behind us. Does it makes you sick as well?’ she asked the halfling. ‘Did you never take a nap in a nice afternoon sun?’ Bilbo mused. ‘I understand why they sleep in these rays of sunlight. But about the air: I know what you mean. I constantly feel like it’s trying to crawl into my mind and control my senses.’ Bilbo said. Enya sighed. ‘I feel horribly lost without Gandalf and his infinite knowledge about… well. Everything.’ Bilbo laughed. ‘But YOU’RE a fire witch, miss Enya.’ ‘I know.’ Enya replied. ‘But that doesn’t mean that I’m as wise and smart as Gandalf. And I sometimes feel like I should be. I mean…’ She frowned and stared at the place where Thorin lay. ‘The way Gandalf looked me in the eye today and told me that I had to keep you guys safe… He acts like I’m a powerful witch and… I still don’t feel like that.’ ‘But you are!’ Bilbo objected. ‘You slayed a few trolls just days after you found out about your witch powers. You stood up to the goblin king. Killed orcs with ice. Saved Thorin with your energy. You reasoned with a huge bear, saved Ori today AND created this massive open spot.’ ‘All those things weren’t THAT hard.’ Enya countered. ‘It doesn’t make me powerful.’ ‘Yes it does. Do you know what I think is the most impressive thing you did?’ the halfling asked. ‘Enlighten me.’ Enya smiled. ‘The fact that you saved Thorin’s life when even Gandalf and his infinite knowledge weren’t able to do so.’ Enya shrugged. ‘I just followed my instincts with that one.’ ‘It was a privilege to experience such an extraordinary moment.’ Bilbo whispered. ‘I swear I could feel the fierce love you have for him.’ Enya lowered her head. ‘I would do it again if I need to.’ ‘I know.’ Bilbo replied. They both sat in silence for a moment. ‘You know,’ Bilbo said with a smile. ‘Even without your witch powers you’re still a badass female.’ Enya laughed. ‘I am?’ ‘Yes! You’re not afraid to speak your mind when needed. You dare to defy Thorin now and then. You faced Azog without your witch powers, which requires a lot of courage. You fought off Dolvira with your bear hands.’ ‘You surely know how to make me sound badass.’ Enya answered and she gave him a warm look. ‘Do you miss your home?’ Bilbo inquired. Enya shrugged. ‘Not really. I only have a grumpy mother and backstabbing siblings to return to. And Jason lives in my hometown... So, no.’ ‘Who is Jason?’ Bilbo said. 'Nobody in particular.' Enya replied. ‘You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.’ The halfling replied. ‘I don’t want to make you feel uneasy.’ Enya sighed. 'No, it’s fine. The whole company isn’t listening anyway, so maybe it’s time I get it off my chest. Gandalf told me I should give you guys the opportunity to get to know me. But I warn you: the subject Jason is a sad place to be in.' She took a moment before she started. 'So... a few years ago, there was this guy, a woodsman. We met in a bar and I...' Enya frowned. 'I had been eyeing him for months, because I was too scared to make a move myself. I mean, I was this inexperienced insecure lass, so I could not imagine an impressive lumberjack like himself would fancy me. So one night, faith decided that he should notice me, and he did. I took him home and before I knew it, we were living together. We took off so fast and I told myself he was the one.’ Enya laughed when she thought about her feelings back then. ‘It was so stupid. I had the whole fairytale in my mind about us marrying and me taking care of our cute little kids…’ She took a deep breath. ‘He frequently met up with another woman, whose name was Abbie. He told me that they were best buddies, and because I wanted to be this strong independent girlfriend so badly, I allowed it.’ ‘Oh no.’ Bilbo said. ‘Yes, I was naïve.’ She whispered. ‘So, on one of those buddy days, I came home early because I wanted to surprise him. I will spare you the dirty details, but it came down to this: I discovered them in his bed while they…’ Enya swallowed hard. ‘They weren’t sleeping, if you know what I mean. I yelled at him I never wanted to see him again. And left.’ Enya sighed. ‘I wish now I was strong enough to keep that promise when he came back to me a few months later. He told me that we belonged together and I was desperate enough to believe him.’ ‘Why were you so desperate?’ Bilbo asked softly. ‘Back then I hated myself with an intense passion. Enough to believe I was lucky that Jason gave ME a second chance.’ Enya confessed. ‘Why?’ he said and stared at her. ‘Why would you hate yourself? He betrayed you.’ Enya sighed. ‘I don’t know, insecurities got the better of me. I believed there was something terribly wrong about myself because Jason cheated on me. I convinced myself I did something wrong. But when Jason decided to pull the same trick on me a second time… I found out he slept with Abbie numerous times while we were together again, so I told him I had enough. He said he needed to think about us and moved in with her. He left me in pieces. And I still would be, if I did not decided to go for a run on a particular morning.’ She smiled. ‘Don’t you want to get back to your family?’ Bilbo asked. Enya shook her head. ‘I do have a mother and a few siblings, but I’m a bit of an outcast. The relationship with my mother has never been stable and my brothers and sisters blame me for that. They tell me I don’t let her in.’ She chuckled. ‘And I tell them that it’s only natural I won’t let her get near me until she tells who my biological father is. And she refuses to do that. The only thing she shared with me is the fact that he died before I was born. I never even saw a picture and I cannot forgive her for denying my right to know who he was. So God knows what the members of my family are up to these days. I don’t talk to them.’ ‘It’s sad not to have your family around to watch your back.’ Bilbo established.
They both startled when they heard some rushing in the bushes nearby the open spot. Bilbo whimpered. ‘I’ll check it out. Be ready to kill.’ Enya ordered him as she got up on her feet. She crept through the foliage, ready to jump on whoever was hiding out here and… She let out a soft cry when someone knocked her over and landed on top of her. ‘What?’ she hissed when she gazed into two familiar blue eyes. Thorin hovered over her and she was a little surprised when she discovered the guilt that was written all over his face. ‘Miss, I apologize.’ he breathed. ‘I couldn’t see who was nearing me, so I took my chances. Are you hurt?’ ‘I’m alright.’ Enya replied. ‘What are you doing here? And where did your usual grumpiness go?’ ‘Scouting the surroundings.’ He said. ‘I can’t sleep here.’ Enya narrowed her eyes because he ignored her last question, but she chose to let it pass. ‘And why is that? I thought you ordered us all to get some rest. You should too.’ Thorin sighed and got up. He held out his hand and Enya took it. He lifted her with ease. ‘I believe I owe you another apology.’ Thorin muttered. ‘You were right. This forest is dangerous and we shouldn’t linger here. Not even for some resting.’ ‘Say that again?’ Enya teased and she tilted her head. Thorin’s mouth curved into a little smile. ‘I’m not repeating myself, miss. You heard me.’
They both stood in silence for a moment, gazing into each other’s eyes. ‘What happened with you and Dolvira?’ The question had slid out of her mouth before she realized she asked it. She knew very well that he might not wanted to share such a tale, but she her curiosity had gotten the better of her. She wanted to know. Thorin frowned and Enya saw sadness in his eyes. ‘I don’t like to share that tale. With anyone.’ ‘I’m sorry…’ Enya began. ‘Only Balin knows.’ he said with a low voice. ‘And I forbid him to speak about it.’ ‘But because I happened to overhear your story, and the fact that you’re always so kind in returning favors to me, I will do the same today.’ He breathed. Enya bit her lip. Did he just refer to her little striptease in Rivendell? Oops. She had hoped, against all odds, he wouldn't remember that. Of course he did. She tried not to look guilty, but by the time she straightened her face, it was too late. ‘Of course I remember’ he muttered. ‘How could I not remember you…?’ He trailed off. Enya tried not to think about a certain bigger favor he gave her a few nights ago, one which she gladly would return to him.
If he let her.
‘You overheard my tale?’ Enya asked, trying to change the subject. Her cheeks were burning from the thought of his tongue on her body and Enya was suddenly grateful for the darkness provided by the sickly branches above them. ‘If you don’t want people to hear your conversation, you shouldn’t engage in one while you’re on watch duty.’ Thorin told her. ‘Of course someone will hear you.’ ‘Point taken.’ Enya confessed. ‘But we were positive all of you were vast asleep.’ ‘Minus one.’ He said. Enya smiled. ‘So now you know I was stupid enough to let a guy deceive me. Twice. I’ll appreciate it if you don’t tell the lads about that. Oh, and certainly not miss lovely commander.’ Thorin nodded shortly. ‘I won’t. And you have to promise me that you will keep my tale to yourself as well. I don’t like to share it.’ ‘I promise.’ Enya said. ‘Very well.’ Thorin said and he took a deep breath before he started. ‘Dolvira was one of the commanders of Erebors’ army when we met. I was a young dwarf prince and the moment we met we fell for each other.’ Enya tried to keep her expression neutral, but she had to admit that it was already painful for her to hear these old memories. ‘My grandfather Thrór was against our union because she was a mere commander and no royal. He told me she didn’t know about our secret vows, our manners. She was used to the harsh life in the army, fending for herself. Not to the life we lived back then. But, stubborn and in love as I was, I stuck my neck out for her.’ Thorin continued. ‘I wanted her more than anything and in the end he agreed I could have her.’ ‘He did?’ Enya asked. Thorin nodded. ‘You know miss, I can be very persuasive if I want to.’ ‘Oh, not only if you want to.’ Enya mused. ‘You were saying?’ ‘Absolutely nothing!’ Enya grinned. ‘Please tell me what happened.’ ‘So.’ He said, with a low voice. ‘On the day we were supposed to perform the most secret vow from our ancient laws, after which we would be one… she…’ He swallowed. Without thinking about it, Enya put her hand in his. It gave her a warm tingling sensation that send shivers down her spine. A part of her expected Thorin to shake her off, but instead he tightened his grip around her hand and gently stroked her with his thumb. Oh god. OH! ‘She chose to give herself to another and she made sure I saw that.’ He said with clenched teeth. ‘And I will never forgive her for that.’ ‘But why does she…’ Enya whispered. ‘She thinks time has healed my wounds. Told me she was a free soul, that it was her nature. She couldn’t help herself. But that doesn’t mean I will forgive or trust her like that again. Because I won’t.’ He stated. ‘I know. I can relate.’ Enya told him. They were startled by rushing leaves above them. ‘We should return to the rest.’ Thorin urged her. ‘There is something out there. Not long ago, I heard whispers and I went looking for them.’
They hurried to the edge of the open spot, but found it to be empty. The company was gone. ‘Where did they go?’ Thorin muttered. ‘I think we have to climb those trees to find out.’ Enya mused. The rushing above them continued and Enya swear she could hear whispers too. ‘Did you hear that?’ Thorin whispered. ‘Yes.’ Thorin nodded. ‘Good. That means I’m not losing my mind. Now let’s kill those foul things that took our kin.’ Enya was just calculating how high she should jump to reach the lowest branch when she felt two strong arms around her. Thorin lifted her with ease, enabling her to clamber onto the branch. He followed her and together they climbed the tree. ‘Don’t tell me there are spiders up here.’ Enya complained as she cut through thick sticky spider webs with her sai. ‘Sshh’ Thorin said. They ducked when a large spider passed just above their heads. ‘FEEEEEEEEEEEEEAST!’ it hissed. ‘Let’s eat them now, while they’re still juicy!’ They cautiously followed the foul beast, making sure they kept their distance. ‘Oh!’ Enya whimpered when they discovered what happened with the members of their company. Fifteen cocoons were dangling in a massive web, guarded by four giant spiders. Enya suppressed a quiver. Thorin gestured Enya to come closer to him. ‘I’ll draw them off. You free them.’ He whispered. ‘No.’ She told him. ‘I’m the witch. I’ll distract them.’ Thorin wanted to object, but Enya broke him off before he could speak. ‘Besides.’ She grinned. ‘You’re much more comfortable using weapons than I am.’ ‘Just. Be careful.’ He groaned. ‘Aye aye captain.’ She whispered as he disappeared behind the thick branches.
She waited a few moments before she made her presence clear. ‘Hey, piss wizards!!’ she shouted at them. ‘Fucknuggets! Over here!’ ‘What is that?’ one spider hissed to another. ‘Wanna come over here and find out?’ Enya purred. ‘Kill it!’ the other spider urged. The four of them ran into Enya’s direction and she hurried over the branches in the opposite way Thorin had disappeared. ‘Come and get me…’ she sung. She screamed as one of the spiders jumped on her and tried to sting her with his poison. Instinctively she burned it with her fire. The other three tried to cover their eyes with their front legs. ‘Too bright!’ one of them complained. ‘What?’ Enya growled. ‘You don’t like fire?’ ‘Kill it! It stings!’ the biggest one said. Enya yelled and shot burning hot fireballs at their creepy heads. It only took a few shots before the trio was set ablaze. ‘DON’T MESS WITH MY KIN!’ she screamed as she burned the webs under their legs away. The spiders hissed in pain and Enya watched their burning bodies drop to the ground. She was taken off guard by another particular fat spider that suddenly emerged behind her. It grasped her with his front legs and tried to entangle her with his sticky threads. ‘NO!’ Enya howled. The spider stood at the edge of the web and Enya found herself hoovering over a gaping black hole. The one she just created by destroying the web a few moments ago. Enya whimpered, not wanting to fall down but also not willing to become a cocoon. Before she knew it, her hands turned the creature into a spider popsicle. She sighed. Great. She successfully eliminated the spider, but now she had another serious problem. One move would mean she’d fall to her death. ‘KILLL THEM!!!’ yet another spider hissed as he hurried down through the webs. ‘No,’ Enya began. ‘Don’t you dare to…’ Obviously the spider didn’t saw where he was going, because he tripped over his frozen friend and with a loud crack, Enya found herself falling towards the hard soil beneath her.
‘This is worse than having to endure the tower of terror in Disneyland!’ Enya’s mind babbled.
‘GOOD GODS!’ Enya cursed as she landed on one of the dead creatures that she sent on the same journey a few minutes ago. She quickly got up on her feet and shrugged. Well, at least they broke her fall… She frowned when she heard swords clattering and dwarves shouting in the distance. She ran towards the company, forgetting the fact that she probably should get her sai. ‘Where were you?’ Thorin shouted as soon as he laid his eyes on her. ‘I told you to be careful!’ Enya rolled her eyes. ‘Who said I wasn’t careful? I encountered a particular fat spider one on my way here, who thought I’d be the perfect snack.’ She yelled as she threw herself into the heat of the fight.
Enya didn’t know when the wood elves exactly entered the scene, but they managed to kill the foul beasts in a fast and efficient manner. It was almost like they were used finishing these creatures off at a regular basis. Before the dwarves knew it, all the spiders were dead and they found themselves surrounded by elves. ‘Don’t think I wouldn’t kill you dwarf.’ The leader with the golden locks told Thorin. ‘It would be my pleasure.’ Thorin narrowed his eyes. ‘Search them!’ the elf leader ordered. They protested as they were stripped from their weapons. Kíli was searched by a female elf, something he didn’t seem to mind. Enya held back a smile and scoffed as the soldier that searched her grabbed her knife. He eyed her with hatred. ‘Away with them!’ the leader told his soldiers.
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riversofmars · 4 years
Take What You Want
So this turned out a lot longer than anticipated. It's a response to the @thirteenfanzine prompt week so I didn't want to split it in two parts lol. The prompt was Space Heist but I will say that this fic has very little actual plot and is pretty much just about the smut. Sorry not sorry. Having just finished a long not so graphic fic, I fancied just a bit of this, next one will have story again lol. In the meantime enjoy 13 and River having a lot of fun together... don’t read if you can’t handle a bit of D/s... oops. Again, apologies for the sheer length of it but it just sort of happened like that lol.
Rating: E
Ship: Thirteen/River Song
Wordcount: 7445
Summary: The Doctor and the Fam set out to steal back a painting that has been put up for sale on the Redemption and Harmony by no other than River Song. Posing as the buyer, the Doctor impersonates the Master and attempts to distract her wife without her realising who she is. Things only get more complicated and intense from there... Pretty shameless smut with a bit of plot, be warned.
Take What You Want
“Okay, this is totally gonna be fine, quick and easy, we know the painting is being sold here, tonight, it’s probably already on board. So all we have to do is to steal it back. I’ve responded to the ad as a potential buyer. Just got to be smooth, buy the painting without using actual money as we have none and return it to its rightful owners. Easy peasy.“ The Doctor explained as she made her way through the console room, the fam following close behind.
“Nothing about that sounds easy.“ Ryan commented as he was sorting out his tie. They had all gotten dressed up for the occasion. They had gone back to their James Bond outfits apart from the Doctor, she had gone for something completely different.
“It’ll be fine.“ The Doctor shrugged off his concerns.
“You always say that.“ Graham added, while Yaz asked:
“What’s so important about this painting?“
“The Astari hold it in high regard, once they realise it’s missing, they will mobilise every bounty hunter in the galaxy to track down the thief…“ The Doctor explained as she turned back to them.
“So they’ll get their own painting back, why do we have to do it?“ Yaz frowned, there didn’t seem to be much point in their interference.
“Because… the person that stole it was very inconsiderate and probably didn’t realise the mess they would get themselves in and probably didn’t mean any harm by it so I don’t really want every bounty hunter in the galaxy going after them.“ The Doctor answered.
“They’re selling it for a profit. So if you ask me, if they steal something they’re getting what’s coming to them.“ Graham argued and the others nodded.
“Well… things are not always black and white like that…“
“They usually are when there is a crime involved.“ Yaz pointed out.
“Jean Val Jean had a good reason to steal.“ The Doctor retorted.
“A loaf of bread, this is a priceless painting we’re talking about.“ Yaz rolled her eyes at her.
“Well, she probably did it for a good reason… Anyway… how do I look?“ The Doctor took a twirl.
“Nice suit, very…“ Yaz didn’t quite have the words for it. Was it even a suit? Black tight fitting trousers, black blouse, scarlet red waistcoat…
“Stylish in a mad villain sort of way.“ Graham offered.
“That fits the bill just right then.“ The Doctor rubbed her hands excitedly.
“Hot though…“ Yaz couldn't help but add.
“Even better.“ She grinned. She wasn’t usually going for this sort of thing but the mission demanded it and she intended to make an impression of the seller. “One thing that is going to be important is that whatever you do, do not refer to me as the Doctor… There are a lot of people here that would want to see me dead. Remember our cover story.“ She straightened her collar and tugged on her waistcoat until it sat just right.
“Yes, we know.“ Ryan rolled his eyes, they had been told several times now.
“Did you have to pick him for your cover?“ Yaz couldn’t help but ask.
“Only person that makes sense if I’m being scanned.“ The Doctor answered as she pulled on a black coat that was more like a cape than anything else. “It’s important that we blend in, try not to talk to anyone. We’re dressed up nice, gonna get a table and we will blend right in. I will pose as the buyer, I need you guys to watch my back and grab the painting when they’re distracted.“ She checked her pockets to make sure she had everything. “I’ve been here before, in the future, the ship crashes after I’m found out so it’s important that we do this without much interference. No-one can know we’re here, and we need to leave everything as we found it, so that the future can happen. Can’t get carried away trying to stop someone or mess up their plans or anything like that. These people will get what’s coming to them but it can’t be today, we need to keep the timeline intact.“
“Right…“ Ryan nodded.
“No-one can know who we are, not even the seller.“ She emphasised.
“Yes, we get it. “ Yaz sighed.
“Who is this seller?“ Graham was curious. “Do we know anything about them?“
“I know her, she knows me, that’s why you can’t give me away. She hasn’t seen this body yet so it should be fine…“
“Can’t you just tell her who you are, and get her to give the painting back?“ Yaz asked surprised by the fact that she actually knew this mysterious thief.
“I could but I’d rather not… don’t know what consequences it would have on her timeline… she’s got to keep on track as well. Don’t want to risk it if I don’t have to.“ The Doctor replied. She had considered it of course, it would make things a lot easier but she judged this to be the better option.
“Then you better get your act perfect, you’re such a terrible liar.“ Yaz pointed out and the other chuckled knowing it to be true.
“Yes got to get the persona just right…“ She drew herself up to full height as if asserting herself. “Let’s get ourselves a painting and maybe later I’ll incinerate a planet, who knows.“ She trailed her best maniacal smirk.
“Not bad.“ Ryan laughed a little.
“Ready everyone?“ She stepped up to the Tardis door looking back at her Fam.
“Yes Master.“ The three of them chanted in unison with great amusement. The Doctor smirked with a mad sort of twinkle in her eye and for a moment Yaz genuinely wasn’t sure if it was put on or real.
“What sort of place is this? A restaurant on a spaceship?“ Ryan asked as they stepped outside the Tardis and found themselves in the cargo hold of a spaceship. The Doctor lead the way as she remembered her last trip here rather vividly.
“Not just any old space ship, it’s the Redemption and Harmony, a billion credits for a ticket and a proven record of having killed innocent life forms, even the staff… this is where the worst people in the galaxy come to have their dinner.“ She explained some fun facts.
“And you want us to walk in there?“ Yaz breathed quietly.
“Yeah, it’ll be perfectly fine, just play it cool.“ She winked at them as they walked through into the foyer.
“Hello, how can I help?“ The head waiter that the Doctor remembered to be called Flemming greeted them.
“I believe you’re expecting me, I’m the Master.“ She stepped up to him doing her best to sound dismissive.
“Ah! Yes, of course…“ He looked at her clearly expecting someone or something else entirely. “I’m sorry, I didn’t recognise you…“
“New face, you like it?“ She smirked as if taking great pleasure in his confusion.
“It certainly is a change…“ He looked almost doubtful. The Doctor realised she wasn’t coming cross quite as convincing as she had hoped, she would have to up her game. She took a deep breath, she had to get more into character and let out an annoyed sigh.
“Incompetence.“ Her arm shot out and she curled her fingers around his throat with surprising strength. “Are you planning on making me look like an idiot standing in the doorway? Where is Professor Song?“
“Apologies, I’m… so sorry…“ He managed to croak and she let go. “This way please, Master.“
“Find a table for my… associates.“ She waved at another waiter and shot a glance at her companions who were staring back at her in shock. “What? Too realistic?“ She mouthed and then grinned and winked following Flemming into the restaurant.
“This way Ma’am.“ He gestured towards a the same table she had once sat at with River when she had tried to sell King Hydroflax’s head with the diamond inside. Or that she would sit at, depending how you looked at it. River was already there mulling over the menu. She wore a navy evening gown and looked stunning of course. The Doctor reminded herself to keep her facial expressions in check.
“So this is the infamous Professor River Song.“ She grinned giving her a once over because why the hell not, the Master certainly would. River raised her eyebrows at her and looked her up and down as well.
“Not what I expected.“ She retorted.
“Is it the face? People keep telling me I look too … sweet… these days. Nothing like being underestimated is there.“ She pulled out the chair and sat crossing her legs and folding her hands as she leaned back. “So where’s the husband?“
“Probably off saving one planet or another.“ She shrugged. “Where you expecting him?“
“Nah, just wondered. I do admire your nerve meeting me on your own.“ The Doctor leaned forward a little. Was it bad that she was sort of enjoying this? When she had first encountered River in her previous regeneration, she hadn’t recognised her - him - either and it had been very instructive. Where it was right or wrong, she was interested in finding out how River would respond to this situation.
“Strictly business, this is a pubic place, no need for any sort of drama, we can both walk away happy.“ River answered playing it cool like she always did. Nothing could ruffle this woman’s feathers. It was these moments that the Doctor remembered her wife was actually a trained assassin who was more than capable of looking after herself.
“As if a public place had ever stopped me before.“ The Doctor grinned and in the impulsive bipolar sort of way characteristic of the Master she shouted. “Flemming?!“
“Yes Ma’am.“
“The menu if you please, do I have to spell everything out for you? Are you trying to get yourself killed?“ She snapped at him.
“Of course, I’m ever so sorry.“ He scurried away to get another menu.
“Are you planning on staying for dinner?“ River raised an eyebrow but didn’t even flinch at her outburst.
“When in Rome. The fish is meant to be excellent. Besides I am rather curious about you my dear Professor. I am shocked that we haven’t come across each other. Would have loved to attend the wedding. Such a shame. But here we are at last, what a rare treat it will be to get to know you.“ There was also the fact that the Doctor hadn’t seen her wife in a very long time so she was eager to make the most of this opportunity regardless of the false pretence.
“Yes it does seem rather odd we never came across one another.“ River admitted. She would have expected in all her travels with the Doctor she would have encountered the Master. Of course she knew everything there was to know about him - well her in this regeneration apparently - but a meeting in the flesh was a lot more interesting.
“I am certainly eager to rectify that. Find out what exactly it is the Doctor was so fascinated with. Apart from the obvious.“ The Doctor allowed her eyes to wander once more. “You don’t mind, dear, do you?“
“As a time traveller I have all the time in the world.“ River answered graciously looking back at her menu.
“Splendid.“ The Doctor grinned. As they looked over their menus, the Doctor watched River carefully, trying to work her out. She didn’t seem to recognise her but she wasn’t sure if she was buying the act either. Either way, there was such a strange freedom in not having to censor ones thoughts, being able to say whatever you wanted. She wondered if she should feel bad about this, about tricking River like this… but her frame of mind was warped right now trying to imitate the Master, somehow she didn’t really care.
“Are you not interested in seeing the painting.“ River asked looking up from her menu remembering why they were here in the first place.
“Nah. Really, I only responded cause I saw your name.“ The Doctor waved it off. “Don’t worry, I’ll still buy it off you. Wouldn’t want your hard work going to waste would we but you are the far more interesting commodity of the two.“
“So what do you want with me?“ River asked raising her eyebrows.
“Ah let’s see… I mean I could kill you, obviously. Be a great way to get back at him… But so far I think we’re having a lovely conversation. I like you Professor, your upbringing, your numerous attempts at killing your husband, it does something for me. The Silence did a fantastic job with you didn’t they but just not quite perfect. Shame you had to go fall in love with him in the end. I do wonder what you see in him.“
“I could ask you the same thing. Centuries worth of obsession…“ River was quick to respond.
“Touche. She’s smart too, tell me professor, what's the catch with you?“
“Always in the wrong place at the wrong time.“ She answered.
“AH yes, being out of sync with each other, that must suck… not being able to just call on one’s pet when the mood takes you.“ The Doctor wasn’t quite sure what made her say that but it seemed like a fair point. And it really did suck not being able to be together whenever you wanted.
“We make do.“
“That’s good, I was always worried our dear Doctor didn’t have enough fun.“ She carried on, remembering how particularly in her last regeneration had been the more reluctant sort. She didn’t have the same inhibitions this time around, so she carried on more flirty. “Oh he probably still has the baby face doesn’t he, hard to take seriously when you’re trying to get going is it? You don’t strike me as the woman that would just settle for all that, only seeing each other once in a blue moon, never knowing what place of the timeline your on. Are you two exclusive?“
“What are you suggesting?“ River smirked ever so slightly and the Doctor picked up on it.
“Well, I’m just observing that you and me probably have a lot more in common with each other than either one of us does with him.“ The Doctor knew she was getting herself into deep deep trouble. If River found out it was her… or if she didn’t find out it was her, which was worse. They had never been exclusive but the Doctor didn’t like the idea she would sleep with her worst enemy… but then she was parading as her worst enemy… terrible terrible idea and yet…
“Hm. Two psychopaths with a mutual obsession for the same man, dear oh dear, that could be complicated.“ River mused.
“Doesn’t have to be.“
“I suppose not.“
“I think we should continue this conversation in private, don’t you.“ The Doctor leaned forward smirking, she didn’t overthink it, the Master wouldn’t. Surely she could allow herself this one slip, this one step off the path. River was her wife after all. And it would be the perfect distraction while the others got the painting.
“What about the painting?“ River asked.
“I’ll transfer you the credits, you can leave it with my minions.“ She didn’t wait for a response. “Flemming!“
“Yes Master, how can I be of service.“ The waiter hurried over knowing it was in his own best interest.
“I will need a room.“ The Doctor stated.
“Just for the night or…“
“Right now.“ She interrupted him impatiently.
“And you think I’m just gonna go with you, do you?“ River asked slightly amused.
“What makes you think you have a choice?“ The Doctor retorted raising her eyebrows.
“You know what I like about you Master?“ River leaned forward a little with a smile.
“Apart from the obvious I presume? I can see the way you’re looking at me Professor Song.“
“You’re not afraid to ask for what you want, not apologetic in the least.“ She observed.
“Nice people rarely get what they want.“ The Doctor pointed out. Unfortunately that was the truth, a lot of the time blatant demands were more effective. But that didn't mean it was always the right thing to do.
“Indeed, sometimes it’s okay to just take what you want.“ She winked. “I’m glad you’re finally learning that lesson sweetie.“  The Doctor’s face fell and River burst out laughing.
“When did you realise it was me?“ The Doctor stared at her dumbfound. Her aloofness and swagger disappearing in a flash.
“About two lines in. You are a terrible liar. I mean you tried and there was a couple of times you had me genuinely doubt but… I would recognise you anywhere. Even with a new face and what a fine face it is.“ She smiled approvingly. “Care to share why you’re here impersonating your nemesis though?“ She leaned back folding her hands looking at her expectantly.
“That painting you stole is gonna get you into a whole lot of danger, I’ve come to take it off you and bring it back.“ She answered knowing there was no point pretending.
“God, that’s no fun at all.“ River rolled her eyes.
“Why did you play along for so long?“ The Doctor asked.
“I like a bit of role-play, darling.“ She winked and got to her feet circling around the table to where the Doctor was sitting. “And I must say the outfit, the confidence, the flirting… certainly did something for me.“ She perched on the side of her chair and ran her hand through her hair.
“Did it now?“ The Doctor looked up at her with a smirk. Her heartbeats quickened a little, having River so close, she could smell her perfume and feel her body leading lightly against her.
“So unless you have somewhere to be, I suggest we take advantage of that room you just got.“ She leaned down and whispered before placing a kiss just below her ear. The Doctor extended her neck a little to give her better access.
“Well, Doctor, I think that’s a good idea.“ She retorted and brought her hand up to grab her chin, a little rougher the she usually would have done.
“Doctor? I’m a professor now, thank you very much, as you’ve called me several times already.“ River chuckled a little.
“Oh do catch up Doctor.“ She whispered ever so close to her lips and bit her lower lip seductively.
“Ooohh. I see.“ The penny dropped and an excited smirk spread across her face. “I think I’m going to like this new regeneration of yours, women are just so much more imaginative. Well it seems I am all yours Master with no way of escape.“
Flemming returned with the key card for the room. The Doctor stood and took it off him without another word, back in character. She gestured to her companions a few tables over.
“Look after that bag for us.“ She instructed in an offhand comment and headed off with River. The three of them just looked at one another wondering were they were going. One thing was clear though, they had the painting and the seller was certainly distracted.
It didn’t take them long to reach the room, the Doctor took a deep breath as she unlocked the door trying to summon her confidence and maintain their little game.
“After you.“ She stepped aside to let River through who gave her a flirtatious smile as she walked past swaying her hips at her. God, that woman. She followed her and closed the door being absolutely sure she’d locked it. There wasn’t much in the room, a wardrobe, a dressing table, a bed. That’s all they really needed, a bed. The Doctor’s attention snapped back to River as she turned towards her with a challenging smirk and stepped close.
“Well then, what are you planning on doing with me, Master?“
“You’re about to find out.“ The Doctor retorted and pulled her into a passionate kiss. She flung them both around and urged her backwards against the door. She pinned her there, one hand in her curls, one on her hip. River moaned into the kiss appreciatively.
“What an unexpected turn of events, was this your plan all along?“
“Just taking advantage of an opportunity.“
“Please, take away.“ River chuckled and half wrapped one of her legs around her, the fabric of the dress fell away through the long slit up the side of the skirt. The Doctor ran her hand up her leg and that was how she discovered the gun strapped to her thigh.
“River.“ She raised her eyebrows accusingly.
“Precaution dear, you don’t think I would be in this place without being able to defend myself, do you?“ She retorted with a chuckle. “How about you disarm me?“
“Thought I’d already done that.“ The Doctor hummed kissing the side of her neck.
“Hmm… smooth.“ They kissed again but the Doctor felt her confidence waver a little. What exactly did River expect from her? What would being with the Master actually entail? How would she go about it? When she had been a man, things had been more straight forward. She had been at a natural advantage, height and strength, now she had to rely on her confidence, be demanding and commanding with words. That was a whole different skill set… River sensed her hesitation.
“What’s wrong darling?“ She asked breaking from their game for a second.
“Fine, everything is fine.“ The Doctor replied quickly. “I uhm… should we take this to the bed…?“
“Thought we weren’t doing asking nicely.“ River teased and grabbed hold of her collar to pull her in for another kiss.
“Yeah, well, I…“ She swallowed hard feeling incredibly self-conscious now.
“Oh darling, come on now.“ River chuckled, she took her chin in her hand forcing her to look at her. “Doesn’t come natural does it?“ She shook her head a little embarrassed. This should be easy, they had sex a million times but she couldn’t summon that same confidence she had managed to channel in their flirting. It was a lot of pressure all of a sudden.
“Do you need me to give you some pointers?“ River asked huskily and a chill ran down the Doctor’s spine. She flipped them around and suddenly, the Doctor had her back to the wall. God, River had always been the more confident one, the more demanding of the pair. “Come on Doctor, it’s really not that difficult, just tell me what you want me to do.“ River whispered, a smug smirk on her lips. She was taunting her now and the Doctor would thought it mean if it didn’t turn her on so much. She blushed, she couldn’t hold her intense gaze.
“I- uhm…“ She mumbled, trying to find a way out of the situation but there was only the solid wall behind her and River looking like a prowling lioness in front of her. What would the Master do now? He wouldn’t have let it get to this, he would have just…commanded the room instead of being overpowered himself.
“Oh darling.“ River sighed looking at her almost pitifully. “How disappointing.“ She let go of her wife and turned to walk away. The Doctor was immediately missing her closeness and there was this terrible ache in the pit of her stomach and between her legs, she hadn’t even realised how laboured her breathing had become and how terribly aroused River had made her with a few simple words and that godawful confidence of hers.
“No, River, please.“ She reached out and grabbed her arm.
“Please what, darling?“ She looked around raising her eyebrows in amusement, she knew she was winning.
“I just… sorry, it’s not really something I’ve ever done, so I don’t know how…“ She broke off looking away embarrassed.
“Oh sweetheart.“ River smirked. “Would you like me to show you?“ She stepped back into her personal space and ran her fingertips along her collar bone.
“What, you mean…“ She blushed and couldn’t even finish the thought.
“Maybe if I show you how to take control, next time you’ll have a better idea, hm?“ She leaned in close and placed the softest and briefest of kisses on her lips. The Doctor leaned forward wanting - no needing - more but her wife avoided her kiss and instead kissed her cheek and whispered into her ear. “Would you like that my dear?“
“I, uhm…“ The Doctor could hardly think, let alone form a coherent sentence.
“Come on sweetie, it’s not as hard as all that, just answer the question.“ River chuckled, she was enjoying the effect she was having on her wife. Yes, she had been rather excited to see a more dominant version of her but this was delicious and perhaps a lot easier for both of them. River did somewhat struggle submitting to someone else, perhaps due to her defiant character. After everything that had happened to her, she longed to be in control at all times whereas the Doctor, well… maybe carrying the fate of the universe on her shoulders all the time, she wanted to give responsibility and control away if she could. There was always so much pressure on her, so many expectations… maybe she could do without the added pressure of playing a role that didn’t come naturally to her. “Let me take the responsibility away from you, hm?“
“Yes please…“ The Doctor breathed feeling an incredible sense of relief. She immediately felt more comfortable.
“Oh my dear Doctor, I can tell this will be a lot easier for you.“ River whispered looking at her again while she took hold of her hips. “You can follow simple instructions, right?“
“I… of course, I mean…“ The Doctor looked up at her. She wasn’t even much shorter than her, but but heels and the way she was leaning into her…
“Simple yes or no, sweetie.“
“Good girl.“ River smirked letting go of her and the Doctor blushed. She pushed her blonde hair back behind her ears self-consciously, not knowing what to do with her hands. River was looking her up and down as if wondering what exactly do with her now. The tension was palpable and the anticipation maddening.
“Take your clothes off, Doctor.“ River said at last and the Doctor felt her breath catch.
“Right, uhm…“ She looked up at River unsure but the look in her eyes made clear that this was not a discussion. She looked away, she knew she probably shouldn’t like this feeling but she really did. It was an intoxicating mix of humiliation and arousal, it made her exhilaratingly uncomfortable wanting to both obey and refuse at the same time. She slowly began unbuttoning her waistcoat and dropped it to the floor beside her, she was a little bit more hesitant with her blouse, her fingers were trembling.
“Don’t keep me waiting dear.“ River took a step closer again and reached out to push her chin and gaze up. “I thought you said you could follow instructions?“
“Right yes…“ She tried her best to focus but she could hardly think. Her head had gone fuzzy. She carried on unbuttoning the blouse and accidentally tore off a button. “Shit…“ She muttered.
“Language, dear.“ River tutted. She circled around her and helped her ease her shirt off her shoulders. Her eyes were all over her, every inch of revealed skin, she liked what she saw. River bit her lower lip. She had always loved and wanted the Doctor, no matter what face he had worn but this was… “You are a pretty thing, aren’t you.“ She commented coming to a halt in front of her again. She hooked her fingers under the strap of her plain black bra and pushed it down, watching in delight how the Doctor’s chest rose with every laboured breath. God, this was almost too easy. “Kneel.“ River said softly and pointed to the floor.
“Fuck…“ The Doctor breathed her head spinning. She hadn’t really just said that, had she? She looked back at River almost pleadingly just as she slapped her. It wasn’t hard but it was enough to startle her and make her stare at her in shock.
“I think I just told you to mind your language.“ River raised her eyebrows.
“Sorry…“ She whispered in response, she couldn’t quite figure out why but she felt breathless all of a sudden.
“Well?“ She looked at her expectantly and the Doctor swallowed her pride. Slowly, she sunk to her knees. This wasn’t like it had been with the Master when every fibre of her being had cried out in protest at being made to sit at his feet repeating his name… this was… It was almost like a weight being lifted, like giving up responsibility and ownership of herself and her actions for a while. Not having to worry, not having to overthink and second guess every action, every decision. In that moment, she didn’t have to worry about being the Doctor anymore, the stuff of legends, the hero always there when needed most, inciting fear and hope alike in the hearts and minds of those she came across. None of it mattered anymore as she looked up at her wife as she knelt by her feet. “Good girl.“ River praised as she took her chin in her hands. “Doesn’t that feel better?“
“Yes…“ The Doctor admitted softly.
“Taking control away from you is easier than stealing sweets from a child.“ River observed in amusement.
“I don’t mind giving it up to you.“ She replied.
“Good answer.“ River smiled and the Doctor smiled in turn, she couldn’t describe why but her wife’s praise made her heart swell. “Give me a hand with this then.“ She smirked and placed her high heeled foot on her thigh revealing her leg that had the gun still strapped to it. The Doctor reached up and carefully unclasped the gun holster. She was secretly glad to be able to take if off her, she didn’t fancy it getting in the way later. She placed it on the ground next to her before running her hands up her wife’s long toned legs, feeling a sudden urge to reach higher and find out if this was turning her on just as much as it was her. She pushed her fingertips up against the silky fabric of her underwear just as River grab a hold of her hair and yanked her head back to stop her.
“I think you should ask permission before you do that, don’t you?“
“Sorry…“ The Doctor winced and River let go of her hair. She took a deep breath. “May I?“
“Seeing as you asked so nicely.“ She smirked.
“Thank you.“ She breathed, not wanting to make the mistake of impoliteness again and River raised her eyebrows surprised at the natural response but she didn’t comment, she just waited and the Doctor reached up and pulled down her underwear. River stepped out of them gracefully and her wife put them by the gun on the floor. Then without too much thought about her actions, she knelt up, pushed the fabric of her gown up and pressed her tongue into her core. River moaned appreciatively.
“Now that’s the right kind of initiative.“ She hummed and buried her hands in her silky hair. She felt unsteady on her feet, particularly in heels, they would have to get to the bed for this but God, the sight of her wife kneeling between her legs, her talkative mouth occupied with other things. She bit her lip, she was good at this. The Doctor hugged one arm around her leg and used her other hand to gently trace the wetness between her legs. It certainly answered her question, River was just as turned on by this as she was. She drew circles with her tongue and gently pushed a couple of fingers inside her, River moaned and grabbed her hair tighter. The Doctor pushed a little harder, feeling more confident and her wife got a little unsteady. “Bed.“ River groaned and pushed her away. The Doctor nearly tumbled over but she caught herself as River turned towards the bed. “Help me out of this.“ She instructed undoing the top of her dress. The Doctor didn’t need to be asked twice, she quickly clambered to her feet and unzipped the dress for her. River dropped it where she stood and made her way to the bed in only heels and a lacy bra. The Doctor took a deep breath, her head swimming in hormones. She followed her to the bed and River turned and perched on the edge. “Take the rest of your clothes off.“ River instructed as her wife came to a halt right in front of her. She grabbed the waistband of her trousers and pulled her a little closer still standing right between her legs. The Doctor nodded and undid her bra. River traced her fingertips up her flat stomach watching her closely. She dropped her bra to the floor and River continued up, brushing ever so lightly against her nipples, teasing and exploring her new body. The Doctor groaned, River clearly had made it her goal to drive her absolutely crazy and she was succeeding. “Carry on.“ She pulled her out of her trance. She nodded towards her trousers but carried on caressing her breasts.
“God, River…“ The Doctor breathed but didn’t argue, she kicked off her boots and unbuttoned her trousers. She felt so vulnerable, she blushed bright red but she trusted River like no-one else so she kept going. She pushed her trousers down, her underwear with it, and stepped out of them. “This okay?“ She breathed feeling incredibly insecure.
“More than.“ River whispered. For a moment, she forgot all about their little game, she just looked at her full of adoration and awe. She was absolutely beautiful and River could hardly wrap her head around the fact that she was hers. Not just right in this moment but always, she was her wife and even if their time was limited, they would always have opportunities and moments like this. “You’re beautiful darling.“ She took her hand and placed a kiss on top of it. The Doctor felt her heart melt, overcome by emotion she blinked away the tears that unexpectedly came to her eyes and captured her wife’s lips in a deep and loving kiss. River smiled into the kiss as she ran her hands down her body coming to rest on her hips.
“Can we keep going now?“ The Doctor bit her lip. She didn’t want to sound too eager but her body was betraying her. River raised her eyebrows at her in amusement.
“Why of course dear, are you enjoying yourself by any chance?“ She teased her and the Doctor blushed.
“You know I am…“ She huffed and River smirked as she pushed her hand between her wife’s legs feeling the wetness there. The Doctor gasped and blushed even more deeply as River whispered:
“Yes you are. If I’d known you’d like this that much, I would have done it sooner.“ The Doctor whimpered at the sudden loss of touch as River pulled her hand away. It was true, she probably had never been as turned on as this. “So where were we?“ She looked her up and down one more time, looking almost timid
“I know…“ The Doctor answered in a low voice and before River could say anything, she knelt down in front of her again, right there between her legs and leaned forward pushing her tongue into her wetness. River moaned, yes, that was just right… she brushed the Doctor’s hair back and spread her legs a little wider. The Doctor looped her arms around her thighs pulling her in close and hooking her legs over her shoulders. She ran her tongue over her, she remembered well how River liked her to touch her, how to flick her tongue just right, where to push and press. River groaned buckling her hips against her as she allowed herself to fall onto her back on the bed as her wife worked wonders between her legs. She grabbed hold of the bedsheets, she needed something to hold on to. Her wife swirled tight circles around her clit lighting her nerve endings on fire.
“I forgot how good you are at this.“ River moaned through laboured breaths. Pressure was building up in the pit of her stomach radiating down. She was becoming hot and flushed, panting as she could hardly seem to get enough air.
“May I get up?“ The Doctor asked and River barely registered the question, she just nodded frantically, she didn’t really care what she did at this point, so long as she kept going. River groaned in disappointment when she pulled away from her but within second, the Doctor had replaced her tongue with her fingers. She pushed inside her as she climbed on top of her and they shuffled up the bed. She used her other hand to push up River’s bra, the last item of clothing between them and assaulted her breasts with her lips and teeth. River couldn’t think clearly anymore, she just rocked against her wife’s thrusts, swimming in a sea of sensations. Her muscles started tensing up, the Doctor could tell she was close, she sat back between her legs, pressed a kiss against the inside of her thigh and brought her other hand down to rub little circles against her clit. It did the trick. River’s whole body tensed up for a moment, she ground her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut before wave after wave of pleasure released the pent up pressure.
“Fuck…“ River whispered breathlessly wiping the sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand. She took a few moments to recover, thank god for those two hearts helping restoring blood and oxygen flow more quickly. She pushed herself up a little on her elbows, she could sense her wife’s eyes on her. The Doctor was still sitting between her legs with a hopeful sort of smile on her face.
“Was that alright then?“ She asked with a little bit of a smirk, she knew full well that it had been more than alright but she wanted her praise.
“Hm, yes.“ River breathed. “Very good.“ She watched her wife for a moment, how she was kneeling there, her thighs pressed together tightly, biting her bottom lip subconsciously, balling her hands into fists in the sheets. She desperately needed some release but she was doing her best to wait. She had certainly understood how these games worked. River smirked feeling more like herself again. “Now, dear, is there something you need?“
“I, uhm…“ The Doctor averted her eyes quickly blushing.
“Oh darling, still not any better at asking for the things you want?“ River teased sitting up.
“I… I think I like it better this way around…“ She admitted self-consciously.
“I thought you might.“ River chuckled. “And believe me, that is perfectly fine by me.“ She pulled her into a passionate kiss and flipped them over. She pushed her leg between hers and the Doctor moaned grinding her hips against her leg, finally having some contact. River grabbed her wrists and pinned her hands either side of her head, there was really no need for it at this point but she was curious to see what else she would do to drive her wife crazy, for future reference.
“Please River.“ She was absolutely breathless.
“I didn’t think the almighty Doctor begged.“ River hummed as she trailed kisses along her neck and down to her breasts.
“River…“ She breathed pushing herself against her leg.
“No, please, darling, keep going, I love hearing you beg.“ She smirked as she let go of her hands and sat back up, she budged back and the Doctor groaned in frustration at the loss of contact. River reached down placing her hands on either one of her thighs keeping them apart.
“River, come on…“ She tried to move but she was holding her down.
“Ask nicely darling.“
“I did…“
“Say it again.“
“Please, River, please, just… I can’t wait any longer.“ She breathed a desperate plea that seemed to satisfy River at last.
“Not so hard, is it.“ River chuckled and pushed her fingers inside her. The Doctor moaned and eagerly moved against her. “Aren’t you forgetting something?“ River hummed as she leaned over her again and buried her other hand in her hair. She pulled her head back exposing her throat that she carefully sunk her teeth into. The Doctor gasped.
“Thank you.“ She just about managed and River grinned at her like a cheshire cat.
“Good girl.“ She sped up and pushed another finger inside her, she could tell she needed more, after all this, her body was so tightly strung. The Doctor grabbed onto River for support, digging her nails into her shoulders, the little bit of pain only urged her on. She rubbed her thumb against her clit as well as she could manage as she kept up her rhythm. The Doctor’s moans became increasingly more desperate and she began to tense up. “Nearly there dear.“ River whispered into her ear and bit her earlobe. The Doctor gasped for air, she felt like she was going to black out at any moment as the sensations mounted and rose inside her. She tightened around River’s fingers and released the tension at last. River held her through the intense spasms kissing her deeply.
“Bloody hell…“ The Doctor was barely in control of her senses as she came down from that high.
“Language dear…“ River chuckled as she pulled her into her arms so she could recover.
“I feel like… it’s one rule for you… and one rule for me…“ The Doctor mumbled and River laughed lightly.
“Fair point…“ For a little while they just lay there, neither one of them saying anything. They didn’t want their little adventure to end but they both knew there were things that had to be done, places they had to be. There was a painting that still needed to be dealt with…
As she felt more like herself again, the Doctor rolled over and reached for the top drawer of the night stand. It had taken a while but she was starting to remember why they were actually here.
“What are you looking for?“ River asked raising her eyebrows curiously.
“Well, this is the cruise ship of the evil masterminds, I figured… ha! Yes.“ She pulled out a pair of handcuffs from the drawer dangling them in front of River who grinned in response. “So… you think I can have a go at this after all?“ The Doctor asked trying to look confident.
“Well dear, if I had known we had those at our disposal…“ River smirked but held out her hands to her. “Well, be my guest.“ The Doctor grinned and made quick work of cuffing her wife to the headboard. Then she quickly got up and got dressed.
“Darling, what are you doing?“ River asked trying to sit up but struggling to.
“Sorry dear but I know you’re more than capable of getting out of handcuffs after a little while. I just need a bit of a head start.“ The Doctor explained with a grin.
“What do you think you’re doing?“ She demanded to know.
“Remember that painting? Just stole it back. Keep you out of trouble.“ The Doctor quickly buttoned up her waist code. “Ace distraction, wasn’t it. “
“You’re gonna get yourself into a lot of trouble if you leave me here like this and make off with my painting!“ River shouted angrily.
“Not your painting, technically.“ She felt the need to point out.
“You wouldn’t leave me like this, Doctor.“ Her wife tried to reason.
“No… but the Master certainly would.“ She grinned mischievously and kissed her wife’s cheek. “Till the next time Professor.“
“Love you! Let’s do it again some time soon!“ She fled the room to the sound of River’s explicit curses and made for the restaurant where the rest of the team was waiting with the painting. Yaz, Ryan and Graham were waiting looking extremely bored.
“Time to get a shift on Fam and quick, River is not happy, bring the painting.“
“What were you doing all this time?“ Graham asked.
“Ah you know…“
“Doctor, you didn’t actually…“ Yaz exclaimed.
“Don’t think I mentioned she’s my wife, did I? My bad. Let’s go!“ They hurried back to the Tardis, rushing past Flemming who stared after them in confusion. Heist accomplished.
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