#ahh im so embarrassed
sheepthatgobaa · 2 months
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Macarons :3 (if u saw my other caption, no u didn't)
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cleo-serotonin · 10 months
if there was ever an h2o reunion i would combust into a million little grains of sand and be blissfully washed away by the rising tide
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lily-ohfally · 1 year
Wol QotD: Your wol just tripped and fell in the most embarrassing way possible in front of a huge crowd, how'd they react?
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Yay I made my first fanart, never gonna show this to my family
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kerorowhump · 1 year
a series of keroro headcanons I have in no particular order...
Keroro hates being alone: it's not that he dislikes it, it's that he genuinely can't stand it. In all instances where I've seen him alone so far (thinking for example about ep 21 and ep 22) he was miserable. He can distract himself with his special interests but perceiving the loss of friends and leadership breaks him (ep 2 and ep 15). I think he always dreamed of earning a keron star for this reason, the power it gives you over others to be a good leader and therefore, needed. Because what he wants deep down is friendship, and to not be lonely. Solitary confinement was just as bad as being stuck inside the house or being forbidden from using human suits or being left home while the Hinata family visited their grandma. "Taking away his freedom" is something that weighs heavily on him, repeatedly.
Keroro fawns: Because of what I said above, he always feels indebted and like he isn't doing enough. He has a deep seated sense of guilt that he masks with distractions and denial, because it would be crushing otherwise (ep 64). This is especially apparent towards Dororo. Whenever he looks up to someone, he will bend over backwards to try to please them (ep 11, ep 27a), and if he's confronted with enough insistence or bluntness he will agree to their words (ep 13, 14, 15). That is not to say that he doesn't have determination as a leader (he takes the lead every other episode, contrary to what Giroro often says, he is an exceptional leader, he just... doesn't want to invade the earth, really), he even challenges Natsumi regularly due to their conflicting dynamic of power inside the household (the most egregious examples being ep 17 and ep 26, but also ep 18).
Keroro relates with the villains (his obsession with Char, ending up playing captain hook...)
Despite all of this, Keroro is still quite selfish due to his childish nature. He does things like seek vengeance, he thinks of himself before others, he can get lost in his own world. He's impulsive and rarely considers the greater picture in terms of consequences. The list of this is endless when you think of Dororo. As an extension of this, an headcanon I have that I truly have almost nothing to back up with [except that comment that mentioned that Giroro doesn't remember Keroro in his neighborhood, and all the stuff about experimenting... Keroro having a psychiatric load value 100 higher than an average keronian... leaders being scarce and chosen due to their psychological (and biological?) compatibility... cloning...] is that he was jealous of Dororo as a child, because being rich and always having the latest Pekoponian gadgets, he perceived that Dororo had everything that Keroro did not. Plus if that's not the original Keroro (which... is... possible? ig), it explains his childishness as well, as messing with the same genetic base over and over is bound to... enhance some aspects. However his selfishness isn't malicious, as when he's cornered about it, he gets lost in his immense guilt, that he's always trying to compensate for in some way.
He has little self preservation ideally, being ready to die if the situation calls for it (ep 23, ep 25, the movie... don't know which one yet. I have to check. The one where they ask him to return safely!!... also volume 10.), but he is still afraid of getting hurt (ep 2), the key difference is that if his friends are involved, he will put himself on the line to save them, including using the keron star. I headcanon that he is aware of the load he bears with the Keron star, and aware of the toll for himself due to it, he just doesn't know the full extent of... how it works really, but thinks it would be safest with him. And when push comes to shove, he'll sacrifice that and himself for his friends.
Literally, all he has always wanted, all along, is friends. I honestly headcanon that he was rather lonely as a child. Perhaps, if I had to add the whole post up... lonely and often confined.
Throughout the years it seems the lore behind him has changed a bit... so the observations and HCs I made here probably are like... incorrect? because a lot of stuff was retconned and changed, like how come keroro didn't know how the anti-barrier works if he's such a legendary sergeant... and so on. I mean, this is all in good fun and there's a lot I don't know yet... so this is mostly to log my thoughts. It'll be interesting to check back in later and see what changed, if anything.
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lovelydragon003 · 11 months
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britomart · 10 months
i need everyone to know i love doctor who more than i love myself but i still haven’t watched the new episodes because i’ve been too sad please forgive me
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toastsnaffler · 4 months
wellll everything could be worse.. at least we're not stranded in the arctic for years on end with lead poisoning and a Beast out to get us 😌
#watched another ep of the terror w my roomie.. qhat a stressful show lucky im too zonked so its going over my head#shes alrwady seen so shes trying not to spoil it for me its my first time 😭#i think she might be getting a cold too. so maybe we're both just coming down w smth and thats why we're so tired#not just med crash but the fog was sooo bad i keep not being able to finish sentences and slurring my speech#luckily shes familiar enough to get the gist of what imean when im so out of it anyway so its okkkk#but ahhh..if its bad again tomorrow ill probably still be able to get through movje night i can watch from bed#but might have to miss the gym :-((( we'll see how it goes maybe itll be okay#mayhe ill take 20/20 again on thurs just so i can go.. ah i dont know we'll see we'll see#whenever i hit this stage of tiredness or illness i always just wanna cuddle so bad too ahhhh#tryung to stay focused on qhat shes saying but she kept putti g her hands in her hair and i could smell her nice shampoo#like okayyyy when is itmy turn to stroke your hair im sitting so nicely here#ahhhh okay im crazy im going to sleep#i do need to be brave and ask if we can ljke hug more sometimes or something though ahh i miss being physically affectionate with anyone#and itskind of big for me like verbal affection js nice but im more of a physical person even if i dont allow myself to express it!!!!!#and i just dont want to cross boundaries or anything or get called needy again. but so what if i am needy nothing wrong eith that#anyway to bed before i start embarrassing mysrlf goodnight everyone i love u muah#.diaries
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rithmeres · 2 years
i tried to write this post about four times now and there’s no real way to say it without sounding pathetic and dumb even but basically yesterday i watched reiner apologize to annie and i watched annie forgive and embrace him and then i saw jean and connie extend forgiveness to reiner that he asked for but didn’t think he deserved, and my heart was full for all that love and restoration and understanding, and then today i saw my old roommate that i hated, who made my sophomore year hell, the sight of whom used to make me sick with rage, walk into church after years of no contact and the sight made me flinch and then i waved to her, the smallest possible olive branch that i could extend, and she smiled back and then i looked for the grudge i had been dragging with me all these years that i didn’t want to carry but could never seem to put down and feared that i would carry to the grave, and i saw that it was gone and i said i’m glad to see you. please forgive me. and she held me and said there is nothing to forgive and i cried and cried and cried for the burden that was lifted
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lazorbeanz · 6 months
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eorzeashan · 1 year
my toxic trait is being unable to look at my writing if its been there for longer than a week
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arsene-fixates · 1 year
i think about posting stuff on here everyday but i get tired…
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fake-innocence · 1 year
mutuals are encouraged to pull their parts out and order me to rub them on my face while you’re sitting down relaxing maybe watching a movie while i nuzzle~~ no need to take your clothes off but i’ll have to wear a pink kitty set of ears tails and collar with white lacey thigh highs and a little skirt~
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i just went to some church thing and i found someone who said they remember me from high school 😦 which means they probably remember me walking round the school looking like this
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chisungie · 3 months
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b0mblover · 5 months
It’ll be Okay in the End
By: J
cw; selfharm, generally negative thoughts, blood (etc everything that comes with sh)
lopt essentially has a silent breakdown and mason comforts him or smth idk im not good at summeries,
[Note; this was wrote out of my own desperation for comfort, not romanizing sh, i do not encourage or believe anyone should do this to themselves, seek help.]
i uh, actually had a easier time writing this than most things, probably because ive been essentially replaying this whole scene in my head for literal years! i for once wasnt upset when i wrote this, i was very tired tho! uh i have alot more to say but hawaii part ii lopt is taking over my brain again, so im gonna go do that! have fun with my depressed 100% projected loptson ig!
lopt was in ‘his’ so called room, scribbling away at some paper,
mason was rather concerned, hearing frustrated noises constantly, what sounded like pencils breaking,
they had been “partners” officially for 3 months now, mason had always cared about lopt to an extent, partner or not, but this was… odd.
sure lopt had his own life, hobbies, but he didnt care to keep /that/ much from mason, especially whenever he asked,
but, this was different.
lopt had came home from wherever the fuck he was- hell if mason knew details- annoyed, he stormed off to some room, when mason tried to ask what was wrong he only blew him off saying that “its none of your fucking business, you wouldnt get it anyways”
lopt was scribbling away in his notepad, despite being a god and literally being immortal, he still couldnt force creativity to come to him,
it was his fifth time trying,
most drawings resulted in poorly scribbled out lines,
he had went out to try and get inspiration for “some project” though he didnt really /have/ anything to work on, starting a new drawing always seemed to be a block for him,
he sat down his broken (6b) pencil, (rather violently but he didnt want to acknowledge that) and got up, he knew somewhere in him, that he needed a break, he walked out of his room to get water, but his mind wouldnt leave him alone,
constant thoughts about how awful his art was spewed around
“youre not “talented”, youre worthless”
“itd be better to quit now”
“just rip up the damn papers, theyre ugly anyways”
“imagine- you could just go and alleviate all this pain, just with that knife-“
he tried to push down his thoughts,
grabbing a cup from the cabinet and filling it with water,
the knives in the butcher block seemed so… tempting,
most of him /knew/ that he shouldnt- that it was wrong, that mason would be disappointed- disgusted, if he found out about his thoughts,
but, he couldnt help it,
all memories of the nights he got up from their bed to take part in something that would disgust his partner made him sick.
questions runned through his head as he sipped on his water, leaning onto the counter
“would he be sad?”
“would he care?”
“would he call me names?”
“tell me how pathetic i am?”
“leave me?”
“would he hate me?”
“tell me how ugly my body is”
“tell me how he hates the scars”
“tell me just how much he despises me”
the voices grew louder wither every question,
saying that he wanted mason to hate him,
that he did hate him,
in the very back of lopts mind, in the tiniest corner, he knew it all wasnt true, that he was being dramatic over nothing,
but even then, the memories of all the times he loved someone- all the times he didnt question if they hated him, what they all said to him,
he felt like doubting himself was the only way to have them not leave,
to not abandon him,
he took a deep breath before sighing, realizing his cup was empty, he decided that he had enough of a “break” and that he needed to start “working” again,
mason was sitting on the couch, some random tv show playing for background noise, when lopt wasnt “there” it was almost too quiet, in a way, mason had grown to love how loud and chaotic the house was with lopt- even if thery were the only two people in it.
he seen lopt walk into the kitchen for around 8~ minutes before he trudged his way into his room once more,
he didnt know excatly as to what lopt was doing,
granted whatever it was had to have been important, he didnt usually spend 3+ hours in a room alone silently, it started to make him worry, was lopt sick? just why did he seem so upset when he came home? is he okay? did he hurt himself?
lopt sat down at his desk once more, staring at the scribbled page, a sphere, he couldnt figure out how to shade it properly on the background,
he sighed turning his attention to the top left drawer,
he stood up walking over to his dresser, pulling out another drawer, he took out a roll of bandages, and some tissues, 
he knew that he shouldnt, that it was essentially pointless, that hed feel better soon enough,
but that fear crept back up,
“what about last time you didnt? remember? it got only worse because you didnt”
he rubbed the sides of his nose bridge, the voices were annoying, they knew that he was gonna, even without the encouragement.
he sat back down at his desk, sitting the tissues to his right and the badages to his left before pulling out the left hand drawer,
he rummaged through it, various miscellaneous items, before coming across a box,
a red box, seemingly quiet old, with yellow letters reading “do it” on the front,
he took one out, ‘unwrapping’ the razor blade,
straight edge,
he stared at it, contemplating just what hes doing with his life,
“i cant draw, i cant write, i cant make people happy, i cant make music, i can only recite the tales others have told, im worthless, im doless, i will never amount to anything or anyone in my life, god or not, human or not, this is deserved, if i cannot create, then i at lease deserve to bleed”
a mantra he told himself, attempting to poorly justify his actions,
mason listened at the door, hearing nothing, no pencil, no walking, almost no breathing, he didnt know everything about lopt, sure, but he knew that he didnt look well off, and what boyfriend would he be to his partner if he wasnt concerned?
they had an unspoken rule to always at least knock before walking into the others space, granted they had seen every part of each other, it was just a courtesy they had, 
though, something felt off,
mason felt as if he shouldnt knock, that lopt was hiding something,
all those sleepless nights where lopt comforted him abundantly, he had felt him get up, a few times he had caught lopt in the basement, he didnt know just what he was doing, he always hid something,
he didnt want to break any boundaries sure, thatd be rude and disrespectful, but, he had a weird feeling in his gut that it was for lopts own saftey,
“please forgive me for this” he muttered to himself,
sharply inhaling before opening the door,
simply greeted by lopts back.
lopt heard the door open, he had three lines going diagonally down his right arm, bleeding, he fumbled the razor, dropping it onto the floor, it had gotten rather dark by now, so it probably wouldnt be seen, he attempted to get the tissues, he had always been a great liar,
“ill just say i accidentally cut myself, if he asks what i was doing with a weapon, ill deflect and say i was being stupid”
it seems like he fumbled the tissues for a bit too long.
mason said over his shoulder,
he moved his left hand to cover the cuts,
“o-oh, hey, whats wrong?”
“hm, well, i mean nothing? i guess, what are you doing?”
“i- you guess? is something the matter?”
mason had noticed he was oddly covering his forearm,
“you ignored my question.”
“i asked what youre doing.”
masons tone sounded alot more pissed off, granted he wasnt, just concered more than anything,
“o-oh i um, ok dont laugh but uh- i was trying to draw”
“and why are you covering your arm? are you hurt?”
“i- huh? wh- no, no! i uh, may have also been playing with a blade and accidentally scraped myself, nothing much”
“let me see”
“let me see your injury”
lopt was taken aback, all of his previous partners never asked to see his wounds, scars sure but never his wounds, even if they werent self inflicted, he was shocked, he hadnt planned for this.
“i- i assure you dear, it isnt anything to worry about-“
“let me see it. are you hiding something?”
in that moment lopt felt small, like a child almost, weak, helpless, he didnt know how he could get out of this without mason either finding out or being suspicious of him.
“i- here”
lopt moved his left arm to mason, there were a few small cuts on it, though rather old looking,
lopt moved his right arm off the table, into the shadows to not call attention to it.
“uh huh, now the other?”
lopt seen his eternal life flash before his very eyes.
his mind went on autopilot and raised his right arm, he usually would fight but, he knew itd be pointless, mason would just worry more, thus making him keep a closer eye on lopt, he didnt want to feel selfish, not like that,
“oh my, i- oh my god,”
mason was shocked, he had suspected that lopt had hurt himself in the past, granted the scars,
but, he didnt think he still did it, sure the weird behavior, but it never really dawned on him until that moment.
mason had brought (more like dragged) lopt to the bathroom, running the slits under cool water, putting pressure to hopefully get the bleeding under control, he opened the cabinet under the sink and pulled out another roll of bandages,
he stood behind lopt washing the blood off, still slightly in shock,
“why do you do this?”
masom questioned, fully aware of the long list lopt was about to give out,
“i- well, i dunno..”
lopts voice trailed off before starting again,
“i mean, i dont even know why i do this, it just feels good? like i can do something right? it makes me feel like im not worthless”
mason hummed for a second before choosing his words
“do you feel normally that youre worthless?”
“i guess so, i dont know why, i have the best boyfriend, my life is great, i just dont know..”
“mmhm, what were you trying to draw?”
“i dont know. does it matter?”
lopt shot back
“well, you seemed frustrated at it, so im sure it’s important to you yeah? so then it’s important to me”
mason brought his hands around lopts wrist, rubbing it slightly attempting to calm him down
“i- i dont know, i just, i feel frustrated, so i tried to draw, but drawing makes me feel more frustrated, so i did this- an- and n-now-“
lopt began to stutter, tears swelling up in his eyes, mason had only seen him cry on a few occasions,
“shh- shh its okay, i know what youre saying, breath, okay?”
lopt inhaled deeply, feeling masons left hand move to wipe the tears away,
he didnt even know why he was crying,
mason bandaged lopts arm slightly tight, 
“shh, now, you wanna talk about this? or wait a little bit longer to calm down?”
“c-calm down”
“alright alright, shh youre okay, see?”
mason lead lopt into his bedroom, taking lopts hand under the covers as he had done for him every sleepless night,
lopt could feel his eyelids starting to droop, the warmth of his boyfriend comforting him, the love of his boyfriend comforting him,
he shoved his head into masons chest, finding it to be the most comfortable spot out of the entire bed,
mason ruffled his hair, slowly stroking his hand on his neck,
“y’know, you may be a god,
and you may be immortal, but,
ill be with you for as long as you need, in this life and after”
lopt didnt respond, just slightly nodded his head before burrying it deeper into masons chest, 
maybe tonight wasnt so bad after all,
spending time with mason- no, his boyfriend, was never bad.
lopt faded in and out of sleep, trying to fight the melatonin being produced, just to feel the sweet touch of his boyfriends skin, before he completely felt himself drift away, he heard him speak,
“I love you, i love you so much, never forget that, in this life and the next, ill always love you, lopt.”
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