#if anyone else sees this and recognizes who this is im gonna cry
i just went to some church thing and i found someone who said they remember me from high school 😦 which means they probably remember me walking round the school looking like this
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likeysoob · 17 days
HEART ATTACK — guided by angels…or not
TW: shooting/suicide mentioned down below
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I enter the classroom the same times other students were coming in too
At least im not late
I take a seat in the second row to the back and instantly feel bored
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All of a sudden, some girl sits next to me
I look over to see who it is and woah
Shes very pretty…
Why is everyone pretty on this campus?!
I look like a fucking rat and then here comes these queens
And now this girl
As the professor finally comes into the room
I dont really pay attention
First day soo i bet there isnt gonna be much shit to do
“So whats your name?” The girl next to me ask
I turn to look at her, “um Y/N…whats yours?”
She smiled and said “Im Sooyoung! Just wanted to ask if we could be friends since i don’t recognize anyone else here”
Before i could answer she starts saying something else
“Um maybe i could be like…um…a guide? I see that your a new student here” Sooyoung finally finishes talking
A guide?
I think shes expecting a reply back but at the moment my face says it all…
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It was performing arts right now and Sooyoung literally just ran to another girl and left me like what.
Whatever ig
i decided to post on twitter when they were testing the lights
When looking for where to sit, i hear someone call out my name
I turn and it was Sooyoung waving at me so i begin making my way over to her
“Hey! sorry i left you back there, i was just excited to see my friend..” She explains to me
“No worries” i tell her
The other friend looks at me and WOAH SHE TOO?
Why are there so many pretty girls…
Before the girl was about to say something, the professor announced for us to pay attention to the stage in front of us
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“I noticed youre really quiet” the girl (whos name is Yerim) said to me which caused to me to look up from my phone
“Oh um sorry..” y/n you sound stupid as fuck.
Yerim giggles “don’t apologize silly”
“I noticed that she seems like a very introverted person, so earlier i said that i will be her ‘guide’ for around the campus and to be more outgoing” Sooyoung spoke and Yerim gasps
“omg! Yes! Like…like..well be her guides! Hmmm boring title though..” Yerim thinks for a while
“We can be like her guardian angels! Protecting you from danger and teaching you to be more open!” She explains will doing hand motions
It makes me giggle which ends up being pointed out by Sooyoung
Suddenly a hand slams down at our table which startles all of us
Whos fucking gross hand just did that?? I look up and see some girl
“Hey…new person..girl, whatever” well clearly this person is talking to me
“You might want to watch out from these…weirdos, theyre-”
“cut the bullshit” Yerim shuts them up right away
“Who the fuck do you think you are hoe” then she starts going off on this poor person (not really poor, fuck them)
I see Sooyoung trying to shut Yerims mouth up but nothing works
“How about you fuck off and shoot yourself”
That alone makes everyone silent
Soon the “bully” (or whatever) runs off maybe crying or whatever
“Can’t you get in trouble for saying that?” I asked Yerim, “Eh whatever” is all she says
So…i dont know about being guided by these two anymore..
Nor do i wanna mess with Yerim
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TAGLIST — @aerithykly @sseulforgii
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youngpettyqueen · 2 years
Hiya! If you're still doing that WIP ask game, could I please request "rumor has it" and "for the man who gives everything"? Thank you! ^_^
P.S. I LOVE your idea for a fic about Hawkeye and the still in PoA omg!!!
yo!! im totally still doing the WIP ask game its so much fun and I love any excuse to ramble about my writing- thanks so much for asking!
"rumour has it"
it's this post. ive been working on this one on and half ever since I made that post, actually. its been slowgoing due to a) and miles to go before i sleep b) writer's block and c) I keep making new WIPs because I have absolutely no self control whatsoever and if I dont write down every idea I have im gonna die
anyways onto writings cause I have quite a bit for this-
"“Mornin’, sir,” Radar greets, all pleasantries, though he’s wearing an additional anxious look over his usual nervous one, “I was wonderin’ if you maybe had a minute?” 
BJ offers him a warm smile. “For you, Radar, I’ve got at least two,” He tells him, “What can I do for you?” 
Radar manages a little smile of his own. “Oh, well, thanks,” He says, “It’s about a patient, actually. I’ve got one who could use your help. Think you got enough minutes for that?” He asks. 
BJ chuckles. Radar’s tone isn’t urgent, so it’s probably not anything serious. Probably one of his animals with another splinter, or a runny nose. “Sure, Radar,” He agrees, “Bring ‘em on in. Is it one of your pets again? I warn you, if I have to surprise-deliver another litter of guinea piglets, I’m gonna have to charge you.” He jokes. 
Radar’s expression goes nervous again. His eyes flick to outside the door- he still hasn’t stepped fully into post-OP, just sort of hovering half-inside. “Uh, not exactly,” He replies, “Y’see, it’s-“
“Not exactly?” BJ would recognize that offended tone anywhere. Sure enough, Hawkeye shoves his way inside not a second later, nearly bowling Radar right over seeing as he’s got his arm around the kid’s shoulders to lean on, “What’s that supposed to mean, not exactly? Just which one of your animals are you comparing me to?” He demands."
this one is all silliness! thats it thats all just a lot of silliness. Hawkeye's hurt (not seriously) and he won't tell anyone what happened, and BJ's determined to get to the bottom of it. the 4077 rumour mill does nothing but make his mission more difficult, as rumours escalate to ridiculous levels. which uh, all becomes really funny when you find out what happened. which is in the post itself
bonus because this bit makes me laugh-
"“Sir- sir, you’re gonna fall-“ Radar is saying, managing the impressive feat of staying upright as he keeps up with Hawkeye hounding in on him.
“Oh, no! No, no, no!” Hawkeye continues, undeterred, hobbling after Radar like he’s chasing him, “You opened this can of worms! Which of your animals are you comparing me to? It better not be-“"
because I love some Hawkeye and Radar clownery <3
"for the man who gives everything"
I do not have anything written down for this one besides plot notes to myself, but I do have the blurb!
"All the ways Klinger shows how much he loves everyone, and what they do to show him how much they love him.
Or, 6 times Klinger did something just to make someone else smile, and 1 time everyone got together to return the favour."
classic 5(ish) + 1, centring on Klinger because I love him. I recently got to Where There's a Will, There's a War in my rewatch and Hawkeye thinking of when Klinger got him the magazine made me wanna cry, and I realized I havent really written anything about Klinger despite how much I love him! so, the idea for this came to mind
this will be a longer oneshot (like rumour has it) where Klinger goes out of his way to do something nice for another main cast member, all from the POV of others, and then it will be how everybody repays him from his POV. because Klinger deserves the world and im gonna give it to him
again, thanks so much for the ask!
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oddaodd · 3 years
· Wailing Teapots ·
Summary: When Tommy begins suspecting of Y/n's true allegiances he goes and questions her in her apartment only to discover a dark secret. (Angst/Fluff)
Warnings: Implications of abuse. (Nothing too graphic but just in case).
Author's note: I'm back! It feels so good to write again! My life has been a bit hectic lately, but I hope I can continue to make time for my writing because it honestly feels like coming back home after the most exhausting of voyages. Anyhow I hope y'all enjoy this and have the loveliest of days. ❤️
Three strong knocks on the door stole Y/n’s attention from the live fire burning in her fireplace. With quiet feet she tiptoed to the door and placed her hand on the doorknob and stood still hoping to hear something that could tell her who it was behind the door, but she could only hear her own heartbeat beating violently in her ribcage as she held her breath.
She slightly hated herself for being afraid, but she couldn’t not be afraid, not with all the letters that had been delivered to her home.
“I know you’re in there Y/n”
As soon as she recognized the voice as Tommy’s, she finally breathed again before partly opening the door a weak smile gracing her features when she took in the sight of him. Before she could ask him what he was doing there he pushed the door open and allowed himself inside.
The smile vanished from her face in an instant and she quickly closed the door. There was something different about him, something that made the hairs on her arms stand up in trepidation. His eyes didn’t look like they had done a few nights prior when he took Y/n to the outskirts of town for a walk. The kind of walk in which one shares the kind of conversations that makes people grow closer together, the kind of walk which ends with a gentle kisses and fleeting touches.
“This is a nice place” he commented taking off his peaky cap, not even sparing Y/n a glance as he began walking slowly through the apartment which though small and plain held a considerable amount of expensive yet tasteful looking knick knacks that brightened up the whole place despite the old furniture that had beed there when Y/n first moved in.
“You couldn’t have waited for a formal invitation, could you?” She asked in a light tone still standing by the door, in the hope that it could change Tommy’s odd aura, but he ignored her question all together
“Almost too nice, wouldn’t you agree?” He asked picking up a vase and examining it before finally turning to look at Y/n.
“Tommy?” She asked, not really knowing why was he acting so strange.
“I know I pay you fair wages” he began, putting the vase down fixing his eyes on the fireplace where small traces of burnt paper rested “but I highly doubt you were able to make yourself of such an array of treasures with what I pay you.”
“All of this came with me from America.” She said feeling like she ought to explain herself and though her answer was an honest one, Tommy didn’t seem convinced, nevertheless, he hummed in mocking understanding before clearing his throat .
“Aren’t you gonna offer me tea?”
“Sure…where are my manners?” she said with a nervous laugh before walking to where her stove was and putting a kettle on.
Tommy followed her closely and drew a chair from her flimsy kitchen table before sitting down and taking notice of her shaky hands as she tied around a bit in the kitchen with her back to him as he sat on her favorite chair.
“Wish you had told me you were coming, I would have..”she began as she opened her pantry to put away some bread.
“You’ve been burning letters” he interrupted, not being able to shake off the image of the paper remains.
Y/n stilled for a moment before closing her pantry, thing which he noticed.
“Yeah, I don’t have the room to keep every single letter I get ” Y/n said, a defensiveness lingering softly in her words.
“I agree” Tommy said in a cold tone “specially when you are getting so many of them. Paul tells me he delivers at least 10 a week here” he continued, referring to the mailman who after being questioned by Tommy forgot all about post confidentiality.
“They are my mother’s” Y/n stuttered out.
The teapot then wailed, making her jump slightly before going to remove it from the stove and finally turning around to go and pour Tommy a cup.
“Right” Tommy said, his eyes not leaving Y/n’s figure as she poured the tea.
“Yeah, she’s ever so passionate about plants, been telling me all a-a-about her new greenhouse.” She continued pressured by Tommy’s heavy stare and silence.
Tommy offered a small cynical smile that Y/n didn’t see, she didn’t want to look at him. She felt like crying for she realized just then how suspicious she looked.
The sound of the chair being drawn again teased at Y/N’s ears, forcing her to look up at Tommy who was calmly walking towards her. She had never been afraid of him, but she couldn’t help but back away as he inched closer to her, her eyes widening.
“Who is Clyde Attenborough?” He asked producing another letter from his pocked like the many ones Y/n had been receiving for a while now. Same stamps and everything.
Color drained from her face at the sight of the letter and she found herself unable to produce an answer as her back came in soft contact with her pantry.
“What does he know? He asked.
“Where I live” Y/n whispered sorrowfully as a tear finally slipped down her cheek. Her eyes being for mercy.
“What have you been telling him?”
“Nothing” she answered truly.
“I bet he pays generously to know how the company works”
“I swear im not working for anyone else” Y/n stuttered, finally understanding why Tommy was so suspicious. Being his secretary, she knew plenty about the skeletons the family kept.
“Then why are you crying?” He pressed.
“Because you’re scaring me.”
Her words seemed to have an effect on Tommy for he immediately backed away, throwing the letter on the table, his back to her.
”I’m not gonna hurt you” he stated, beating himself up for corralling Y/n like that. His voice much less menacing than mere seconds ago. “Who is Clyde Attenborough?”
“I haven’t been honest with you” she finally confessed sniffing. To hell with everything.
At this Tommy turned around to look at her an unpleasant mix of emotions swimming in his eyes.
“Im married” she sobbed “Clyde’s my husband”
For the first time in a long time, Tommy was caught off guard.
“I came to Small Heath because I ran away from him, I figured he’d never find me but..” She said taking the letter in her shaky hands as if the thing were to blow off in any given second “I guess I was wrong. I-I don’t know how he found me”
She shifted her teary gaze from the letter to a shocked Tommy “I swear im not passing information” she chuckled sadly, the knot in her throat choking her a little.
Tommy stood glued in the same spot, not knowing what to do. His world had come crashing down when he began suspecting of Y/n’s alliances after Polly suggested he look into it. A pretty American girl, moving to a grey English town, taking up a job that was exhausting at best. It reminded him a little too much of Grace.
Now that he knew the truth , he didn’t feel any better.
“Is he dangerous?” He found himself asking after a few seconds of silence.
Y/n sniffed as she walked to her fireplace “I wouldn’t have left if he wasn’t” she said as she threw the letter into the crackling flames.
“Is he in Birmingham?”
“He keeps writing that he’ll come get me if I don’t go back, but im not sure” she answered.
Tommy fought the urge to go up to her and take her in his arms and instead put his peaky cap back on before heading for the door.
“I’m sorry” he whispered before stepping out of her place, The guilt of intimidating her in her own house gnawing at his insides and the newfound anger her husband created present on his drive home.
The next day Y/n noticed as she peeped out the window two men, both in peaky caps standing at the entrance of her apartment complex.
Three more days passed and Y/n was again surprised tby the sound of three knocks on her door as she read one evening.
“Its me, Y/N” Tommy’s voice flowed through the door shortly after the knocks.
Y/n quickly got off her couch and made her way to open the door. Her eyes falling on Tommy’s apologetic features.
“It’s dealt with” he said in all seriousness. The thick accent she loved so much vibrating through her ears.
As soon as she registered what Tommy had just said she let out a strained breath, her lips turned into a tired smile and a lone tear slipped out her misty eyes.
“Wanna come in?” She asked after a few seconds, feeling happier than she had felt for days.
“Is this a formal invitation?” He asked, a soft smile tugging at his lips, relieved that his antics from a few days prior hadn’t maimed Y/n´s trust.
At his question she just smiled, looking at him lovingly before taking hold of his hand and pulling him into her apartment before pressing her lips to his in a soft yer passionate manner. Without breaking the kiss, Tommy then closed the door.
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @peakyxtommy @nyotamalfoy @writeroutoftime @babylooneytoonz @lilymurphy03 @slytherinicequeen
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glassartpeasants · 3 years
If you don't make a happy ending for couldn't care less you better keep bob with you at all times
Couldn’t Care Less .2
Shigaraki x GN!Reader
Warnings: Angst, death, blood, abuse, gore
“i hope that blue haired fuck got what he wanted. I hope that handyman freak dies alone.” You say to yourself as you walk down the alleys way of Musutafu. The smell of the dingey and moldy alleyways flood your nose as the laughter of happy couples ring in your ears. 
How come they got they’re happily ever after but you didn’t? It wasn’t fair. You did everything you could to be there for him. Yet he still treats you like shit, all because you cared about him? And then he thinks your cheating all cause you ask a male friend for advice! What an insecure asshole.
A vibrating in your pocket brought you back to reality as you realize your phone was ringing. Letting out a sigh you answer,
“Come pick up your shit.” Oh, you thought you blocked this fuck.
“Keep it asshole. I don’t want anything that smells like ‘lonely bastard who only gets action from his hand’  on my clothes.  Burn it, decay it, I couldn’t give a shit less.”
“God you were always so dramatic. And there’s no reason to be a cunt.”
“And there was no reason for you to be an insecure dick. You either block my number or im calling the police and ratting on you.” A silence fell over the phone. Nothing was said until you finally spoke up.
“Jeez your pathetic. I’ll do it myself.” He was about to say something, insult your most likely before you hung up the phone and blocked him not seconds later.
“Now he’s outta my hair. I can finally feel some sort of calm.”
3 weeks later
After a day of coming back to your musty apartment you decided it needed a little bit of cleaning, considering you haven’t been their in about 4 months. You paid up front all the time even when you weren’t living in it. Just in case ya know?
You swept up the floors, vacuumed the carpet AND shampooed it.Cleaned the tub, shower and sinks, cleaned out your empty refrigerator, washed all you sheets and what clothes you left there. It wasn’t much so you knew you had to get some more before anything else. That and groceries.
 After all that was said and done, you sat down on the couch and just relaxed. Well you tired, that was before Shigaraki popped into your head again. It wasn’t a sort of loving way, it was a hatred sort of. The thought of his stupid face made you just want to punch a wall, pretending to be his face.
But you ignored it as you turned on the Tv, hoping that would get your mind off him. Nothing interesting except the news. Always talking about violence and war. Same old thing over and over. Blood, death, tragedy.
“This world is a cruel unjust place. The only way it seems to be recognized in this world is death or doing horrible things. Nothing good every comes to fruition.” You grumble before walking to your room and plopping down on the nice clean and still warm sheets. The nice smell of lavender slowly dragging you to sleep.
A loud bang hit your door which ripped you from your slumber. You were questioning on checking it out before you heard something that made your heart stop,
“If there’s anyone in the house kill them, we can’t have people knowing we ransacked this place.” You slowly get off your bed before moving slowly and quietly to your window. Your push your fingers on the glass and you gently push it up. Grabbing at the sides of the window you pull yourself out of it, not before hearing a gunshot and a burning pain inside your calf.
“Fuck! They’re getting away!” You could hear them from inside the house.
“Did they see you?!” You fell from your window onto the ground. Thankfully your apartment was on the first floor so it wasn’t a high drop.
“Not that i know of! I did shot them in the leg so they shouldn’t have gotten far!” You try your hardest as you run towards the main street. Cutting through alleyways, going as fast as you can as you hear they’re footsteps behind you. Looking up closely you see a hero, knowing he was your only chance you scream for help.
“Help me please!” The hero’s head turned towards you and ran towards you. You guess the robbers heard your cry for help because they’re footsteps seemed to be heading back your probably trashed apartment.
“Oh my! What happened?!” The sound of the hero’s concerned voice calmed you down a bit. 
“Some people tried to rob my place and i tried to get out of there silently but they must have came into my room and saw me leaving and shot me in the calf!” You wince as putting pressure on the wound burned hotter than hell.
“Don’t worry! I’ll get you to the hospital in no time!” You felt relieved before hearing a crunching sound, you looked to your left and see a familiar patch of blue hair in your peripheral vision. You ignored him before getting picked up by the hero and was carried to the hospital. The blood loss from your calf slowly dragged you into unconsciousness.
After waking up you notice the white room you were in. It was pristine to the touch and smelled of lemon cleaning products. The bright lights hallways peered inside your room from the crack of your door.
Looking around the small feeling of pain crept back into your leg except not as painful anymore. Pulling back the covers you notice bandages and a small bit of blood that stained through the bandages around your wound.
“Ah fuck that’s gonna scar. It’s gonna be a pain to heal too.” You say to yourself as you pull back the blankets and wrap yourself up in them. 
Right as you were falling back asleep the ringing of your cellphone brought you out. Grumbling in annoyance you grab it and look at the caller id. It was a number you didn’t recognize so you just let it ring thinking it’ll be the end of it. That was until it started ringing again. You sighed in frustration and picked up the phone, not wanting it to ring longer since it was in the dead of night at the hospital and you wanted people to be able to sleep.
“What the hell do you want? It’s the middle of the night.” You annoyed voice rang into the other side of the phone.
“Why tf were you talking to a hero? Did you fucking break your end of the bargain?” You were confused at first. You definitely knew the voice behind the phone. Then you remembered earlier that day when you saw him in the shadows.
“I was literally shot. You think im not gonna ask someone for help?” You rub the bridge of your nose.
“I don’t believe you. You always were a two faced bitch.”
“Oh jesus fuck, thanks for the insult. Glad to know what you always thought about me.”
“I’m going to kill you you backstabbing bitch.”
“Love ya too. goodnight and goodbye Shigaraki.” You hung up and blocked said number. You weren’t going to lie, hearing him spill such an insult and threat hurt you and made you very weary and afraid if he would actually go through with it or if he was just saying that to scare you.
You knew what those hands could do and you knew how painful that death would have been. You were hurt more than you liked to admit, at the beginning of your relationship he wasn’t aggressive or mean at all towards you.  He’d try to get you flowers or your favorite type of drink. He called you pet names that would make your heart flutter and beat, you don’t know what you did wrong for him to change so suddenly. It was like on day he flipped a switch, and you never knew why.
You tried recalling the day where it started and remembered that everyone was annoyed or being rude to Dabi, you didn’t know why and when you asked Spinner or anyone else they just said it was national, be a bitch to Dabi day. You laughed and shrugged it off ignoring it before walking up to your boyfriend giving him a kiss on the lips, only to be pushed into the wall and ignored. You just looked at him in shocked and it had only spiraled down from there to where you are now. 
Something had to be wrong. You knew it, Dabi had to have something to do with Shigaraki’s switch in behavior. You looked around the room for any camera and when you noticed that there were none, you called up the burnt male himself. He surprisingly picked up on the first ring.
“(Y/N)? I haven’t heard from you in 3 weeks. Or was it four? Doesn’t matter, where have you been?”
“Dabi, i need you to be honest with me, did you say something to Shigaraki?”
“Dabi, five months ago Shigaraki flipped a switch and went from a caring boyfriend to an actually nightmare. I need to know if you or anyone else said something to him.” Dabi was quiet on the other line before sighing,
“About that time range i made a joke about sleeping with you, everyone knew it was a joke but apparently Shigaraki didn’t. I didn’t think he’d treat you like he did. Im sorry.” You fell silent. All this shit treatment because Shigaraki couldn’t a joke. Sure it pissed you off that Dabi made such a stupid joke but you were more mad at Shigaraki that he just treated you like shit instead of asking you and confronting you about it.
“Thank you for telling me. Do you know where Shigaraki is now?”
“He left about an hour ago, why?” Shit. You knew this was the only hospital close to your place and Shigaraki knew that too. You got up from your bed and locked the door before going back into your bed, watching the crack under your door incase the light was blocked.
“Dabi, I just want you to know that i forgive you.”
“What? What the fuck are you talking about-” Your phone went silent as the battery died.
‘Shit shit shit shit!’ you thought to yourself as you beg for the phone to turn back on. But you fell silent as the light from the outside of your room was blocked.
“(Y/N), I know you're in there, open the fucking door before i decay it down.” You said nothing in fear. You were glued to your bed as you faced the door.
But that fear was nothing compared to seeing him actually decay the door.
“You stupid snitch. i should make your death as painful as possible.” he said as soon as he stepped inside your hospital room. 
“Shigaraki, I didn’t snitch I promise. Why don’t you believe me!” You say as you get off your bed and try to get as far away from him as possible. The pain of the bullet would making you wince.
“Why would I believe a cheating bitch like you?” Before you could speak a four fingered grip wrapped itself around your throat. Shigaraki was always fast, you should have known that you were gonna die even if you tried your hardest.
“I didn’t cheat on you!” You try to pry yourself from shigaraki’s grip.
“Dabi says otherwise.”
“Are you really going to believe him?! You didn’t even talk to me or ask me about it! Just went straight to believing him!” The grip on your neck got tighter.
“then why was they’re a hickey on your collarbone?!”
“You gave it to me! It was fading out!”
“That doesn’t change the fact you snitched!” His pinkie was grazing closer to your skin.
“I never snitched, I was robbed and then they shot me. If you went to my apartment you would see i was right.” He said nothing just staring at you with cold dead eyes. 
“Look! I have bandages wrapped around my calf!” Shigaraki looked down before saying something back.
“It was something the hero’s did so they could protect you in this shit hospital.” I was at that moment you knew, nothing you said would change his mind. You shed not a tear while looking him in the eyes
“I wish I never met you. Fuck you Tomura Shigaraki, I hope you die alone and I’ll see you in hell.” You move your head so his last and final finger touched your skin.
The pain of your skin decaying and falling off was much more painful than you thought it would be. You can remember screaming in pain but, it felt more of a emotional scream rather than one of physical pain. but it seems you weren’t the only one screaming.
The sounds of Shigaraki wailing and screaming your name reached your ears before all you heard was silence and saw nothing.
Shigaraki scrambled to try and grab you and even put you together, but your bloody ashes stuck to his hand. Remains of your existence covered his clothes as he screamed in pain. 
“No no no no! Wait please! I didn’t mean it!” He cried as his tears fell onto your ashes, the tears collecting the ashes and forming a grey tear drop. He wasn’t thinking clearly, he’s sorry! He didn’t want to kill you! 
Bile rose from his throat as he puked all over the ground, inches away from your ashes. He grabbed your ashes trying to pick them up to hold what was left of you. But all he got was the remains of your smeared all over his hoodie. He shook violently as  memories of you guys replayed in his mind, your happy face and the way you use to love him and care for him.
But now, you were nothing more than ashes on his sleeve, reminding him that he was now truly alone.
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skiiyoomin · 3 years
Okay so can I have a reaction of enhypen let's say you guys meet through games and then kept talking and playing and he hasn't told u his identity yet and then at some point u go to Korea and he asks you to meet up and then u see its him, what would they do at that situation:DD? ♡
of course!! thank you for requesting ❤️❤️✨
idk if what i wrote is what you were thinking about but i hope you like it ^^
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Content: gn!reader, swearing, fluff
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ღYou find out their identity when you meet irl
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p a n i c s
when he realized you recognized him he was like ´oh shit´ 😀
denies it at first
kinda gives up and accepts his fate
although he was a little hesitant at first, he eventually loosened up after coming to the conclusion that you wouldn´t do anything sus
now he feels guilty for even feeling the slightest bit hesitant about you 😁
but y´all are good and you love to tease him for panicking 😚
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this could go either one of two ways
he either gets all anxious and begs you not to tell anyone
cause he doesn´t want his ass handed to him by bighit
he could not give a fuck
like ok yk me so what 🤨
whats important is that he finally got to meet you not that he´s well known
either way, you both had a dope ass time cause who wouldn´t tbh 😮
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plss save him 💀💀
my dude went hysterical
he really didn't wanna deal with some sasaeng or overly hyped fan
but to his surprise you were pretty chill couldn't be me
he's prolly crying out of relief on the inside
nah but after calming him down everything else went pretty smoothly 😋
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at first he had a little inside panic attack
like what if you´re some crazy fan 😧
but then he kinda just gave up and said 'fuck it'
he can get scolded later but rn he´s gonna spend time with you ✋🙄
i feel like he was somewhat relieved too 🤡
he doesn´t have to bother introducing himself yk
lazy ass 🙄 i´d be the same
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bish he don´t give a fuck 💀
he already knows you ain´t some lunatic
so what is there to fear???
he prolly got all cocky too
like 'yeah im famous so what 🤨'
this whole ass interaction was just an ego boost tbh
we love that self confidence ✋😫
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when you mentioned you knew him, he got a bit worried
like he knew the consequences the moment he became friends with you
he wants to avoid as much drama as possible tbh
but lucky him you were pretty cool about the whole thing
you got treated to some ice cream as a token of appreciation :D
guess who went home that day to cry out of happiness? you :)
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doesn´t give a fuck pt2
he´d be like 'yeah im famous now let´s eat'
although you sorta freaked out at first you quickly calmed down which he´s greatfull for
but he knew from the start that you´d be partly chill about it
like he already knew you so why should the fact that he´s well known change your friendship?? 🤨
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maschotch · 2 years
This isn't about the bingo but I was looking at your post from like two days ago about Hotch being paternal with the team and I would kill to hear your opinions about the different way he's protective of all of them. I think a lot of the reason hotchniss is so popular in this fandom is because she's really the one person on this team that doesn't interact with him like a father djdj but even still the way he goes about caring for Reid and Penelope as opposed to jj and Derek is sooo interesting and I hadn't really thought about it before. I'm not sure about Rossi, but he was even super protective of Gideon, who he saw as more of a father figure
the WAYYY that he’s protective of all of them… im gonna cry writing this out i just know it 
his protectiveness of reid is the easiest to describe i think. he understands reid’s struggles and the things he deals with that not everyone thinks about, so i think that kinship helps directly with that paternal relationship. sees him a little bit as himself, a little bit as a son, but mostly for who he is. 
it’s very very similar with penelope, but instead of seeing himself in her, he sees an optimism, a joy, a vitality that he never had. he doesnt want to extinguish that, but he knows she’s stronger than she thinks. not to put this in the cringiest way possible aksjldhg but he’s protective of her like a flower? protects her from external threats but knows that he doesnt have to handle her delicately—he can be a little rough w her to help her thrive. he sees what she’s capable of even when she can’t and that scares her a little
with jj it’s a little different. i think he recognizes that jj is strong in certain ways… i think he also recognizes that jj wants to be seen as strong in certain ways. unlike reid (who i think hotch really views as emotionally young), he’s willing to be protective from a distance. he’s still attentive and ready to swoop in when something becomes too intense, but he has a little more faith and a little more respect for her independence than reid or penelope
morgan’s a little harder bc he has to be sneakier with it asjkdlhga morgan himself is so protective that accepting the same kind of care is difficult for him. it’s just easier for everyone if they both pretend hotch is completely hands off. but i think hotch realizes that if anything he needs to be more defensive of morgan—particularly his emotions/state of mind. hotch knows morgan will push himself beyond his limits and while he doesn’t want to stop him (morgan’s independence is also something hotch encourages), he wants to make sure morgan will come out in one piece lmao 
ur right in that he has a really distinct dynamic w emily. they spend so much time protecting the team that by now he trusts her ability to take care of herself. he doesnt really need to do much askjdhl she’s got it handled. i think bc more often than not she’s the one protecting him that when she suddenly is in a precarious situation, it’s harder for hotch to maintain composure. like… morgan has his back: he’ll keep him safe. but emily supports him: she’ll hold him up. so when emily ever is in danger… hotch gets a little more desperate bc he knows the situation is serious. he's more likely to go a little too far
im soooooo fucking glad you brought up gideon because hotch is more protective of gideon than anyone else. it’s a fierce, unwavering commitment. bc hotch really does see gideon as a sort of father figure (he’s also aware that there are limitations on the reciprocation of that type of relationship) but he’s also aware that while gideon is an expert in certain areas, there are also other things that he’s not so good at. hotch is more than happy to supplement when needed, and he's studied him long enough to know the man better than anyone. so that’s the “care” aspect of the protectiveness, but what makes it soo different from the others is the fervid, fiery defense that’s uncharacteristically hotheaded for hotch. like the “watch your mouth” thing… how many times do we see hotch snap like this when he’s not dealing with unsubs (or abusive fathers)?? he’s so passionate with his loyalty.. a dedication that brings that aggression right up to the surface in a way thats just so fun <3
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atlabeth · 3 years
everything happens for a reason part 7 - zuko x fem!reader
I think my ways are wearing me down
part 6 | masterlist | part 8
a/n: as said very astutely in my outline, "y/n just keeps taking L's"
i actually had to take breaks while writing the final scene and watching the episode LMAo i forgot how fucking sad this scene was!!
warning(s): you know what happens in this chapter. its siege of the north part 2. its so much more angst like SO MUCH ANGST. im so sorry i got so sad while writing this
wc: 4.0k
chapter title comes from brand new city by mitski!
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Y/N adjusted her hold on the basket of clothes as she knocked on the door with her free hand, pushing it open after waiting a few moments.
“Prince Zuko?” she called in a whisper. They had gotten past the point of formalities, but it was a precaution she opted to take when they met like this. She spotted him sitting on his bed and he gave her a thumbs up, a sign she took to mean they were in the clear. Y/N closed the door behind her and bounded over, then set the basket on his bed.
“Alright. I brought you the book that you wanted to borrow.” She unearthed the novel from the pile of clothes with caution, taking care to not ruin the hard work that went into folding all of them. “I had to hide it so I could get in here — no one thinks anything of a servant bringing clothes around, but books are a little more suspicious. But here you go! My very own edition of ‘Keiko and the Koalaotter’.”
“Thank you!” The prince grinned as he took the book and examined the cover. “I’ve always been curious about Water Tribe culture, even more after you started teaching me about it. They don’t really tell us about it in our classes.”
“It’s not really accurate to actual Water Tribe stuff, but it is cute,” she laughed. “I remember begging my parents for a koalaotter for weeks after I finished it. They told me that there was no way to get one all the way in the Earth Kingdom, but I never listened to them.”
“Oh, that reminds me!” His eyes lit up as he ran over to the windowsill. “I got you a gift too!”
“Zuko, really? You shouldn’t have.”
“Well, I did. So don’t even think about not accepting it,” he joked. He picked something up from a vase and bounded back over, doing as good a job of hiding the flowers behind his back as his excited grin.
“What is it?” she questioned.
“They’re silver wisterias!” he exclaimed as he presented the bouquet. “They grow in the palace gardens. They’re really pretty, and so are you, and I know how much you love the gardens, so I thought you’d like it.”
She felt her cheeks heat up when she accepted the gift, twirling the stem in her fingers as she inhaled its sweet scent with a smile. “That’s really thoughtful of you, Zuko. Thank you.”
“Of course! You could wear one in your hair, pin one onto your uniform, put them in your room, whatever you want.”
As she carefully ran her fingers over the petals, she couldn’t stop the nagging question at the back of her mind from escaping.
“Why are you so nice to me?” she blurted out, causing Zuko’s brows to furrow in confusion.
“Because you’re my friend. Friends are nice to each other.”
“I know, but why are we friends?” she pushed. “You know that you could get in trouble for talking to me like this, but you still do it. Why?”
He pondered the question for a moment before he answered. “Well.. you don’t treat me like everyone else. I’m the prince, so everyone here has to do what I want and be nice to me. But you’re not like that. When it’s just the two of us, you treat me like anyone else, and I like that — I know that you always mean what you say, so when you’re nice to me I know it’s because you like me, not because you have to be. Why do you do that?” the prince asked as he turned the tables. “You know that you could get in trouble for talking to me like this, but you still do it. Why?”
She punched him playfully on the shoulder and giggled. “Someone’s gotta keep you humble.”
His cheeks flushed a bright red as he rubbed his arm shyly. “I’m really glad we’re friends. Sometimes it feels like you’re my only one in this whole nation.”
“So am I,” she beamed. “Always and forever, right?”
Y/N’s eyes snapped open and she gasped, immediately whipping her head around frantically to see if the Avatar was still there, but Katara shook her head.
“He’s gone,” Katara said miserably, confirming her suspicions. “I woke up a few minutes before you and I checked everywhere.”
“Great,” she muttered. She rubbed the back of her head and winced — she had a feeling she would be plagued by headaches for at least the next couple of days.
“So…” Katara began. “You and Zuko both recognized each other. He— he said he thought that you were dead.”
Y/N pursed her lips, wondering how to start that story, when Sokka and Yue burst into the oasis on Appa.
“What happened?” he questioned. “Where’s Zuko?”
“He took Aang,” Katara mourned. “He took him right out from under me.”
“It’s not your fault, Katara,” Y/N insisted. “It really looks like he’s improved since… since last time.”
“‘Last time’?” Sokka asked, prompting a sigh from Y/N. She looked to Yue for help, and the princess nodded supportively.
“We have… history.” She looked at her hands for a moment before continuing. “I’m not from the Northern Water Tribe. My mother is, but I was born in a small village in the Earth Kingdom. I told you that my village was invaded, Katara, but after it, my mother and I were captured for being waterbenders, and they took us to the Fire Nation to work as healers and servants in the palace.”
“I became friends with Zuko there. He was nothing like you saw today, or like anything you know from the past. He was kind, and caring, and passionate, and he made my dismal life a little bit brighter. And… we ended up falling for each other.”
“We went too far, the Fire Lord found out, and— well, he was going to kill me. My mother managed to get me out, but she stayed behind, and I haven’t seen her since that night. I haven’t seen Zuko since that night. I always held hope that I would find my way back and see them both again, but now that Zuko is like… like that?” She bit down on her lip and shook her head.
“Now I don’t know what to think. He’s completely different than anything I knew, than the boy that I fell in love with. And I can’t help but think about what happened to my mother if that is what happened to Zuko.” And I can’t help but think that it’s my fault for not being there for him.
A collective silence hung in the air for just a moment before Sokka broke it. “You had a thing with Zuko?”
Y/N let out a surprised laugh as Katara hit him on the shoulder. “Sokka, now is not the time!”
“No,” she chuckled. “No, it’s alright. It’s a lot, I know. It’s just… impossible. That the Zuko I knew turned into someone like this. I mean, you saw, Katara— he didn’t even hesitate to try and hurt me.”
Katara pulled her into a warm embrace before separating and looking her in the eyes. “I’m sorry, Y/N, for all that you’ve been through. And I know that fighting against Zuko hurts, so if you can’t come after Aang with us then I completely understand—”
“No,” she said once more, something hardening in her eyes. “I’ll help you find Aang, it’s the least I can do. Besides, I… I have to see him again. I have to see him again to know that this is actually real, that— that this is actually who he is now.”
Katara nodded solemnly; Sokka had already started walking back to Appa with Yue. “Well, Zuko couldn’t have gotten far. We’ll find him — Aang’s gonna be fine.”
Katara looked back hopefully at Y/N and she met her eyes with a smile, though slightly strained, as she jogged to catch up with them. But as she climbed onto Appa with her fellow waterbender, the anger in his eyes was all she could see.
The boy she fought might’ve been the Fire Prince, but it was not her Zuko.
That was all Zuko seemed to know as he trekked through the frozen tundra, the blizzard around him threatening to end him at any moment. No more had he despised the Water Tribes than he did in this moment, but the weight of the Avatar on his back and the promise of his honor was enough to push him onwards.
The only thing on his mind that he couldn’t shake was her.
Zuko thought she was dead, honestly and truly. Few were lucky enough to escape his father’s wrath once it was incurred upon them — Zuko himself wasn’t even an exception — and though he wanted nothing more than for her to be one of the few, he knew that she was dead. There was no other explanation.
For years, the waterbender had been a staple in his mind — a memory of a childhood love, of a better time. He thought about her when he fought against his soldiers on slow evenings on the ship, her words of encouragement and joking retorts echoing through his ears as he went through every form. He thought about her when he talked to his uncle, his attitude often mirroring hers. The morning of the Agni Kai, he almost turned to her for reassurance before remembering.
Spirits, Zuko thought about her every time he looked at the water. And even all these years after her disappearance, he was still plagued by nightmares of her fate.
He had resigned himself to mourning her. Zuko truly thought she was dead.
But there she was, in the flesh, with the Avatar and his friends. Breathing. Alive. His enemy.
How the fuck was he supposed to deal with that?
She was even more beautiful than he remembered, but it was obvious the years since her escape had weathered her. He noticed a certain emptiness in her eyes, the brightness from their childhood a distant memory. It was obvious she had grown — she carried a certain elegance that he didn’t remember, and her skill in waterbending had improved so much since the days of their sparring sessions.
It felt like he had betrayed her. The expression she wore after his first blast was like a physical weight, the guilt of broken promises heavy over his head when he struck the final blow. So familiar to their friendly fights, yet such a far cry.
But they weren’t kids anymore. She had changed, and so had he.
It had been years. Any feelings he still harbored for her didn’t matter anymore.
Zuko had a mission, and he was going to complete it no matter what.
The tundra was treacherous, the blizzard making it difficult to see anything at all. Y/N had taken to holding Yue’s hand, something the princess had offered when she had seen how restless her friend was, as well as gnawing on the bottom of her lip. She feared for both Zuko and Aang, and she could only hope that they would be able to find them before something happened to either of them.
“Don’t worry,” the princess reassured. “Prince Zuko can’t be getting too far in this weather.”
“I’m not worried they’ll get away in the blizzard,” Katara murmured. “I’m worried that they won’t.”
“They’re not gonna die in this blizzard,” Sokka said as he gripped the reins tighter. “If we know anything, it’s that Zuko never gives up.”
Y/N chuckled softly and nodded. “You’ve got that right.”
Yue gave her hand a squeeze and a small smile, a sentiment that Y/N returned as Sokka continued. “They’ll survive, and we’ll find them.”
It took a few more minutes of riding and searching, but eventually a bright blue light streaked through the air. Katara gasped and pointed up. “Look!” she exclaimed. “That’s gotta be Aang! Yip yip!”
Appa groaned once more and Sokka turned to follow the light — it had stopped in a small cove before glowing brilliantly then disappearing — and sure enough, Zuko and Aang were down in the snow.
“Appa!” he cheered as they landed, causing Zuko’s eyes to flick up too. Y/N met his gaze for just a moment before he broke it, throwing Aang to the side and easing into a bending stance as Katara slid off of Appa’s back.
“Here for a rematch?” Zuko challenged, the undeserved confidence he spoke with a glimpse of the past.
“Trust me, Zuko,” Katara countered as she raised her hands, “It’s not going to be much of a match.”
She blocked his fire blast then sent a current of snow at him, launching him up into the air on a frozen column before letting him fall to the ground and knocking him out. Y/N couldn’t help but wince, and as Sokka jumped down to free Aang, she slid down as well.
She ran over the pile of snow and bent it off of Zuko, then knelt down next to him and pulled off her glove. She put two fingers on his neck and confirmed what she already thought, but it was still a relief. He was alive, but he wouldn’t be for much longer if he stayed out here.
“What are you doing?” she heard Sokka yell. Y/N turned to find everyone back on Appa already, staring expectantly at her.
“We can’t leave him!” Y/N protested.
“Sure we can!” he countered. “Now come on, let’s go!”
“No,” she insisted, pressing the back of her hand against his forehead. It was ice cold. “If we leave him, he’ll die!”
“She’s right.” Aang airbended himself off of Appa and helped her pick up Zuko; Aang bringing himself and the prince back onto the bison with his element and Y/N climbing back up with a hand from Katara.
Sokka rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. Let’s bring the guy who’s constantly trying to kill us.”
Y/N ignored the remark and met Aang’s eyes, mouthing a silent ‘thank you’. He smiled and nodded, then grabbed the reins and took off.
As they flew through the sky, Y/N glanced down at Zuko. He looked so much more peaceful now than a few moments ago, his features relaxed rather than tense. It was strange seeing him like this after all these years; angry, scarred, changed. Nothing like the reunion she had imagined.
She bent some of the snow falling down into water and molded it over the cuts on his face, the element taking on a slight glow as she started to heal him.
“Oh, Zuko,” she murmured. “What happened in those four years?”
As if her concentration had broken, the water previously under her control lost both its shape and glow as it pooled on his face. She frowned and attempted to bend it off, but none of the usual power she felt at night was flowing through her veins.
It was at that moment that Y/N looked up and noticed her surroundings.
Everything was cloaked in a veil of red, a crimson moon their backdrop as they continued through the air. “My bending isn’t working,” Y/N muttered, earning a curious look from Katara.
And to make matters worse, Yue winced and held her head, Aang doing the same.
“Are you okay?” Sokka questioned as he reached out to comfort her.
“I feel faint,” she muttered, the effort it took not lost on Y/N.
“I feel it too.” Aang pressed his palm against the side of his head and grimaced as his gaze shifted upwards. “The Moon Spirit is in trouble.”
Y/N’s eyes widened immediately as they flicked towards Yue, the princess choosing not to meet them as she began to tell them all the story of her birth and how she owed the Moon Spirit her life. By the time she was done the Water Tribe siblings were staring at her with disbelief, but there was no time for questions as they flew into the Spirit Oasis.
The sight that awaited them shocked Y/N to her core. A Fire Nation admiral — one she recognized from all the years ago, yet unable to place a name — held a bag with one clenched fist, the other posing the unsaid threat.
“Don’t bother,” he spat in response to their fighting stances, the two words overflowing with unearned confidence. But as cocky as he may have been, it worked — he knew that they were rendered helpless when he held the possibility of a dying spirit against them.
“Zhao, don’t.” Aang dropped his staff and held his hands up in surrender, an action Y/N and the others mirrored.
Everything after that happened unbelievably quickly. After General Iroh — a man she knew as both the ruthless general that laid siege to Ba Sing Se for six hundred long days and Zuko’s surprisingly kind uncle — threatened the admiral with his own firebending, Y/N foolishly believed it to be the end once he let the fish back into the pond.
But any hopes of peace were dashed with the slice of firebending the admiral sent at Tui, plunging the world back into shades of grey just as quickly as it had returned.
A bloodcurdling scream rang in the air; Y/N thought whoever produced it must’ve been insane. It took her a moment to realize the strangled sound had come from her, and that Sokka’s grip on her arms was the only thing stopping her from foolishly throwing herself into the raging battle that had started.
Did the admiral not understand what he had just done? To attack any spirit was to inflict the rage of many others, to kill a spirit was to sign not only one's own death warrant, but those around him as well.
To kill the Moon Spirit meant to destroy waterbending as the world knew it. To kill the Moon Spirit meant to disrupt the balance of the world. To kill the Moon Spirit meant to kill Yue.
The admiral should’ve considered himself very lucky that her waterbending was gone. With it, Y/N knew she would’ve done something she would regret.
As soon as the flames of Iroh’s onslaught disappeared, Sokka’s grip loosened on her arms and she all but sprinted over to the pond. A choked sob fell from her lips when she saw the dead fish in the water, palpable horror in the air as the rest of the group joined her.
Not even Aang’s feat of merging with the Ocean Spirit could help — it might’ve saved the tribe from the attack on the Fire Nation, but it could do nothing for the dead spirit. Y/N watched on mournfully as Iroh placed Tui back into the pond, the mortal body of the fish laying there unmoving.
“It’s too late,” Katara lamented. “It’s dead.”
Iroh looked up and met Y/N’s eyes, recognition flashing through them for just a moment before they moved to Yue’s. The blue hues of her irises were even more striking than usual — they were the only sign of color in the world around them.
His own widened with surprise as he gestured at her. “You have been touched by the Moon Spirit. Some of its life is in you.”
Yue seemed to understand what he was saying as she raised her head, her features taking on a mask of stoicism. “Yes, you’re right. It gave me life… maybe I can give it back.”
It was as if lightning had struck Y/N, the way that fear was jolted into her heart. “No!” she cried at the same time as Sokka, a reprise of her earlier plea. “Yue, you can’t!”
“You don’t have to do that!” Sokka reached out for her hand but she wrenched it out of his grasp — nothing they could say was going to change her mind.
“It’s my duty.” The princess stated it so plainly, carving the letters on her headstone herself.
“I won’t let you!” Sokka insisted. “Your father told me to protect you.”
“Yue, your duty isn’t to die for your tribe!” Y/N cried. She couldn’t think, spirits she could barely breathe. She couldn’t go through this again. She couldn’t go through this again. “Please, there has to be another way!”
She smiled sadly at Y/N and shook her head. “This was what I was born to do.” The princess glanced at the pond then took a step forward, wrapping Y/N in the tightest hug she could muster. She pressed her lips against Y/N’s cheek in a feather light kiss before she pulled away and continued forward and placed her hands against the koi fish.
The fish began to glow, Yue closed her eyes, she collapsed into Sokka’s arms.
And that was it.
The color returned to the world, but Y/N was frozen in place. She couldn’t do anything to save her friend, the girl that she was pretty sure she loved, as she died in front of her. Her cheek was still burning from where Yue’s lips had touched, and she wanted to bottle that warmth because she knew that was the last time she would ever feel it.
The first tear to fall snapped her out of her paralysis as she fell to her knees next to Sokka, her body cradled in his arms as he mourned for a lost love. Y/N wanted to scream, she wanted to sob, she wanted to do anything to get this anger and sadness out but she could do nothing but stare, eyes wide and shimmering with unshed tears.
Her body slowly faded away, and Y/N could’ve laughed at the irony. Yue gave her life for the spirits and all they could leave them with was the fleeting memory.
The fish in Iroh’s hands began to glow and he placed it back in the water, and almost immediately it returned to its natural rhythm. The oasis took on the glow of the fish and it formed the cruelest joke of them all.
Princess Yue. She was ethereal, both her hair and white dress flowing down her back and a peaceful expression on her face. She was more beautiful than ever, and her voice echoed through the oasis as she spoke.
“I will always be with you, Y/N. Thank you for making me feel alive.” A small smile, much like the one she gave her just moments ago, played on her lips. “I love you.”
Y/N could do nothing but stare, awestruck and heartbroken, as she whispered something to Sokka and kissed him.
And then she was gone.
Her gaze was trained forward, tears spouting and falling down her cheeks, some dim part of her still hoping that it was just a cruel joke by the spirits. She couldn’t go through this again.
How could they do this to her again? How could they introduce a light into her life and make her fall in love, then wrench it away from her grasp? She felt selfish for only caring about herself. She couldn’t go through this again.
Yue was gone.
She couldn’t go through this again.
Another strangled sob fell from her lips and Katara pulled her into a hug. That simple motion seemed to open to the floodgates, and suddenly she was choking on her own tears. Katara’s arms around her were the only tether she had to the world right now, she had to focus on it or else she would lose herself to the grief.
It felt like the minutes were hours with how long it took until Y/N was finally able to walk out of the oasis, but Katara and Sokka stayed by her side the entire time. When they finally stumbled out into the real world, Y/N felt weaker than ever. The constant go go go of the siege had finally caught up to her, and she was so damn tired.
“Always and forever.”
“You’re stuck with me.”
She was losing hope in promises.
perm tag list: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
ehfar: @chandies-sideblog @persica27 @anzanity @randomthingssss @escapingthoughtsandsecrets @shanksfav @shephard17895 @ilovespideyyy @carisi-sonny
atla: @marianne1806
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angel-anoetic · 3 years
aye , is it alright if i request a c!tommy x gn!reader ( /plat ) where reader’s love language is physical touch ?? fluff , preferably ^^ if you end up writing it , thanks in advance !
hii! i love this! as i stated previously, my love language is touch and i find that im super physical with my friends. thank you for the request and i hope you enjoy! <3
Don't forget to like to save, and reblog to share!
c!Tommy x gn!Reader - Keep You Close
genre: /platonic, fluff, love language (touch)
warnings: none! (let me know if i missed something)
masterlist <3
Tommy and you had grown up close. When you were young, you could always find yourself at Philza's to hang out with him, Wilbur, and Techno until the sun went down and you had to return home. No one minded, and the boys always treated you as their equal, ensuring you were healthy and happy.
Over the years, the friendships between you and Wilbur & Techno distanced, but you and Tommy were connected at the hip. If Tommy was around, you likely were too.
[L'Manburg Fight for Independance]
"Tommy, you're more important to this revolution than you know, you're my right-hand man." Wilbur nodded down to Tommy, who stood proudly next to him. After discussing the next day's plans, Tommy made his way to your and his shared tent near the river.
You were already snug under your covers when he entered, sighing as he removed his uniform and changed into his normal clothes. You rustled and turned over, smiling at him.
"Hey Tommy, where you've been?"
He sighed, "I was talking to Wilbur. I love the guy but...I worry sometimes."
You nodded. Tom walked over to your bed and sat down, leaning against you slightly. You stuck out your hand and he gladly gave his own to you. You played with his fingers, rubbing your own over his, squeezing them gently as he began to rant about how the next few days were expected to play out, offering support or suggestion every few minutes.
Eventually, he was laid down on your bed as you massaged his head, playing with his hair. He was nearly asleep, so you pushed him awake so he could sleep in his own bed. Once he was settled in, you crawled into your own bed, resting for the night.
[Election & Manberg Rebellion]
Tommy burst through your front door, nearly knocking the thing off its hinges.
"Tom?" You stood up at the ruckus, staring him down.
"Y/N-" His voice cracked and his eyes filled with tears. You wrapped your hands around him as he fell to the floor, taking you with him. His head leaned against the crook of your neck as tears ran down his face.
"I've been so horrible Y/N, I-I don't even recognize myself." He was crying so hard his body shook slightly with every breath he took.
"It's okay, I'm here, I've got you." You hugged him tighter. Tommy had never been so vulnerable. Here he was, bawling his eyes out to someone he had known his entire life. You weren't even sure you had seen him so fragile. So unguarded.
"Come on, let's sit on the couch." He nodded, and you both stood up and got comfortable. He talked about his decisions that last few days, how he and Tubbo needed to be separated and Wilbur was only making things worse.
Your head laid on his shoulder and rested his head against yours. He refused to let you leave his side, your legs were intertwined under the covers as you both began to doze off. Here was one thing no one could ever figure out about you and Tommy's relationship. How could you both be so comfortable around each other? So willing to hold each other?
It was simple: platonic soulamates. You saw it every day with Sapnap and Karl, you and Tommy just felt comfortable with one another enough to hold each other. Tommy knew that you had someone close to you was what made you happy. You never thought so, but Tommy did notice the way you showed your affection. Whether it was random pokes to his arm, or sticking your hand out so he could grab it, hugs were the only way you knew how to greet anyone.
And he enjoyed it.
"I have to go watch Michael today, do you wanna come?" You asked him. He was distracted organizing his chests to fully acknowledge what you said.
Your arm wrapped around his as he separated the potions into a specific order for his liking and tugged slightly.
"Hm?" He looked at you.
"I said I'm gonna be watching Michael later, would you like to tag along? You know he loves to see you." He nodded excitedly.
"Yeah, why not? It'd be nice to see Tubbo and Ranboo."
You smiled back and poked his cheek. "And Michael big man."
"And Michael." He continued to smile down at you as you read through an old book you had found lying around. His arm wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you closer into his side.
"I'm really thankful for you Y/N, I'm not sure what I would do without you. You make me a better person." He whispered.
You smiled, "I couldn't anyone else to have as my best friend."
Sorry this started off angsty!!
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I never expected you guys to like demon Senjuro so much lol I’m really happy to see that like it was such a random impulse thought but the au has a lot of room for growth
In this post Im gonna establish a few things about what happened to Senjuro and Kyojuro in the events between Senjuro’s “death” and the pillar meeting. I will only cover their relationship and a little bit of Senjuro’s relationship with Tanjiro. The others can come at a different post cause this post is gonna be long lol so I put it under cut cause no one really wants a post to flood their dash
TW: Mentions of death (some are children), mentions of cannibalism (If you’ve seen even the first episode of demon slayer and had no problem, you’re fine with this post. This post is slightly not anime only friendly as I make references to an upper moon and I show a manga only panel as of posting this) Shnjuro gets really depressed but luckily there is no attempted suicide
Senjuro Rengoku
- His class was at the bottom floor and they were cleaning the school (I heard thats a thing in Japan if someone has a better idea on what they’re doing feel free to shoot an ask) when they got attacked
- In canon we dont know his age but I’m gonna guess like 12-14 but in the au he is 13 so he was 12 when he became a demon. A rogue demon attacked Senjuro’s class and Senjuro ran to get help and was fatally injured but still managed run to get help as he was given a nichirin sword and even if it didnt change color he must have known breathing techniques at the very least on a basic level and the demon was too preoccupied with some of the teachers and others trying to kill the demon, of course unaware of what it was except for Senjuro
- Upper moon 4 was sneaking around when he saw the all but dead body of Senjuro and demons really dont have standards for turning people into demons so when he noticed he was alive, turned him into a demon mostly so that if he did find any “evil people” (demon slayers) he could use him as his meat shield alongside his personalities
- When Senjuro woke up as a demon (cause even if he was a breath user he was very inexperienced so Hantengu had no problem making him a demon), he had no memory of his life as a human and looked around trying to find a human to satiate his hunger and saw a human in the distance with someone and began to run to them to satiate his hunger when he felt himself being held back. 
- The spirit of Ruka Rengoku gently held her son back and instructed him to not eat humans as that’s not something he should do and even if Senjuro couldn’t recognize the woman holding him back, he found himself obeying her and running to go to a place to hide from the sun
- From that moment on for a few day he would hop from place to place whether underneath homes, in caves or any place he could find to avoid being seen and to be shielded from the sun and found himself growing sleepy so in the cave he hid in, far away from the place he was last in, he closed his eyes and fell asleep for a year
- When he woke up, he had unwittingly burnt away Muzan’s control of him and was unsure on what to do when Ruka’s spirit appeared again telling him that he needs to find his way home. Senjuro wasn’t actually listening to a lot of what she said except one thing stuck to him. 
- “Senjuro”, he didn’t know what his name was as a demon but the name seem to stick to him and he figured this must be his name (he would of course be correct)
- When he found himself staying with the Kamaboko squad, having been spared despite being a demon due to him not having any form of aggression to them (something they all noticed due to his general demeanor and their enhanced sense) and Tanjiro could smell he hadnt eaten one human and he invited him to join them. He joined Nezuko in her box (she can grow really really tiny if she wants or is tired)
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Kny chapter 85
- He joined for two reasons: One, he was really scared of people and demon slayers especially so when Tanjiro offered him the chance to be able to be safe and hide he took it. Secondly, he wasn’t sure but the smile Tanjiro gave and his warm reassurance reminded of him of someone, when he thought hard he only saw blurry shadows and got a headache so didn’t try to push it
- Tanjiro did ask him in the wisteria house while Zenitsu was chatting with Nezuko and Inosuke was off being Inosuke about his past and Senjuro told him about his brief meetings with a woman with black hair and asks if they’ve met before as he feels familiar
- This is where he gets the idea that the woman with black hair (Ruka) is his mother and Tanjiro guesses that the person that he thinks is Tanjiro must be his father (right on the first part Tanjiro but wrong on the second lol, you tried)
- He wears a cyan yukata with a new hakama pants as the clothes he was previously wearing was the same bloodstained clothes he wore after turning into a demon and Tanjiro didnt want to leave him in that. Tanjiro thought to get him a gag but the idea made Senjuro uncomfortable so Tanjiro made him swear to never eat a single human
- In Mount Nagatumo, he was too scared to jump out to protect Tanjiro like Nezuko but when she gets sliced up he leaves the box to watch her while Tanjiro fights Rui, unfortunately he is caught in Rui’s webs like Nezuko and was saved from it by Nezuko flames (though it did burn him a fair bit, Nezuko would apologize to him for this later)
- Giyuu doesn’t kill Senjuro cause his resemblance to Kyojuro despite the different clothes and demon eyes is clear to anyone who can see and Shinobu also finds herself hesitating but shakes those feelings off as Kyojuro deserves better than to see his little brother as a demon. Luckily Giyuu stops him and Senjuro runs with Nezuko and Tanjiro but is later taken back to the demon slyer corps by a Kakushi who put him and Nezuko back in their box
- When Sanemi stabbed the box, he moved to try and protect Nezuko but the box was too cramped and they both got stabbed despite his efforts. Later when he tries to bait him with his marechi blood, he’s too focused on resisting the blood and on Nezuko who he had grown to see as a sister to care about the wide eyed looks the pillars were giving him.
Kyojuro Rengoku (I am so sorry in advance Kyojuro simps I put this man THROUGH IT)
- He had just finished a mission and was going to get another mission when a crow he hadn’t seen work in years came flying to him, obviously panicked telling him how Senjuro’s school was attacked and how no one can find Senjuro among the bodies. The crow was Shinjuro’s
- When he hears that, all the kakushi and other demon slayers present would say they had never seen the flame pillar run so frantically, he only stopped to apologize briefly if he bumped into someone while running but the only thing racing in his mind was his little brother who had no weapon to defend himself with. He forced the image of his brother being nothing but a corpse away only thinking about saving Senjuro
- When he reached the school, he forced himself to calm down. Panicking isn’t going to magically bring Senjuro to him so he needs to keep himself in check because with so many people dead, he’s not the only one concerned over the kids
- There were no survivors on the area that was attacked, the police were there investigating the deaths of the many children and teachers, Kyojuro had to spend time convincing the police he was with them and to be allowed to investigate as well
- With no survivors, he heard from the police that there was a blood trail when they got there and he went to find the trail, when he reached the end of it where there were no traces of Senjuro but since the people there were untrained civilians, Senjuro was the only possible person to have been there
- He spent multiple days searching, Mitsuri was at one point sent to check on him and it was clear he was pushing himself, as days passed by, his composure and bright demeanor were crumbling and he started latching onto any lead to at the very least find the body of Senjuro to take back home but it was becoming clear that he would never find it and a kakushi had to be the one to tell him that his body was likely eaten to the bone or eaten and discarded to either rot away or eaten by someone else
- Kyojuro took a week off, not just because of the grief he felt at that moment but because he needed to check on his father and make sure he would be okay, the man didn’t even face Kyojuro when he came in to visit, he forced himself to not cry in front of his father as he tried to talk to the man who couldn’t even say a word and just drank away even as his eldest son tried to talk to him
- Servants were hired to monitor Shinjuro by Kyojuro as he was concerned about his health both physically and mentally but he did notice how Shinjuro never resisted to being taken care of by the people he hired. They reported to him he could be heard muttering Senjuro’s name and even stares at his room for extended periods of time
- When he made his return, he apologized to the pillars for his behavior the past two weeks (even though no one blamed the man, some even said it was okay if he needed more time, they wouldn’t judge) but whenever he was told that he said he had to be strong to protect the weak so he could be someone that could stop families from ending up like his own
- He was far more determined in killing demons, demon attacks had become personal to him now, whenever he saw a demon eating people he found himself wondering what they must’ve thought in the afterlife as the demon desecrated their bodies
- In the pillar meeting, when he was informed of a swordsman who travelled with not one but two demons, he felt disgust as who knows how many humans they could eat. On the way to the meeting, he couldn’t help but notice Shinobu deliberately avoiding him a bit, Giyuu was doing the same but the man never really talked with them much to begin with
- When he saw Senjuro go out of the box with Nezuko, he felt the smile on his face drop and his heart practically sunk to the core of the earth as he saw the unmistakable hair of a Rengoku and the face was so clearly Senjuro’s despite his eyes having a black sclera and his iris and pupil becoming cat like, the pillars had all turned to see if the flame pillar was alright and he could hear Himejima mutter prayers and Mitsuri was on the verge of tears seeing Senjuro alive but as a demon
- He found himself going into denial until Tanjiro, who had been freed as Obanai left to comfort the distressed love pillar, ran and yelled Senjuro’s name and told him to resist his hunger
- “My sister and the other demon with us are different! They would never eat a human!”
- Senjuro was a good kid, he was innocent, kind and a bit on the timid side. He had helped raise him, he knew Senjuro would never want to harrm a fellow human even when threatened. 
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
Red hair as roses, and turquoise eyes as orchids
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"Dada look!" The bored and depressed blue eyes stood up from his lap to his 6 years old daughter, extending her tiny hands up high in the air.
"Be careful with what you're gonna do pretty doll." He manage to smirk a bit as she pouted, strands of red brushing against her forehead until a huge wave of flames of the colour blue danced around her hands until she jumped and a small prinkle of flames were throw in the air.
She laughed at the sign and clapped her hands in glee at her own little show as Dabi let out a chuckle at seeing the happines of his daughter... instead of him, Emika had the blessing of having a body that could tolerate the heat enough of his quirk that she inherited it from him. Your quirk itself being a huge help for the little girl to not have scars as her father's.
"Did you see Dada?! It was soooo huge and beautiful!!!" She ran towards him only to trip and thankfully landed on the brunette male's lap, giggling with a smile so bright that could've hury his eyes.
"Hmm. Almost like mine princess, im impressed." His hands carresed her chubby cheeks until he heard murmuring behind them.
Of course. Even with his disguise, that were people whose were going to mutter, say bad things... he lost count on how many times Emika had been bullied because her quirk was similiar with the most cruel and wanted villain....
And much to his dismay, Emika didn't take that... very well.
"WHAT ARE YOU WHISPERING ABOUT?! LEAVE US ALONE!" the little girl shouted and the adults only scoffed, picking up their kids and getting out of the park.
"You're going to scare off anyone with that attitude of yours princess." He muttered while carresing her red hair and picking her up as she scoffed.
"They cant say bad things about MY dada!" He smiled at the little girl and sighed.
"Yeah yeah, just lets get out of here before you burn things down."
"Thats something you would do!" She poked his scarred cheek. "Ne ne dada? We gonna visit mama right? I want to bring flowers to her this time!"
His eyes dropped at the ground as his feet carried them to the cemetery...
"We can arrange that."
"Mama was so pretty!!!" Emika squealed as Spinner and Toga showed her some photos as Dabi stared holes into their skulls.
Is not that he didn't wanted his daughter to forget or to not know about her mother... but it was painfull enough to have a father as a villain, now being a mother orphan was just more harder.
Emika couldn't go to school without being recognized as Dabi's daughter. So he brought himself the task to teach her things , being thankfull to his past self that he had studied enough.
"Yeah and she was strong as fuck too according to your dad there." Spinner grinned, showing a picture of you pinning down a hero on the middle of the street.
"Emika-chan, despite not meeting (Y/n) you look so much like her!" Toga beamed with a smile, fangs showing and the little girl giggling when Dabi just yanked her away from the two.
"Naaaaaa dada no bed time!" She squirmed as he carried her to now the comfortable room the league gotten ever since the incident with Shigaraki and Redestro.
"Dont complain or else Im going to take away your toy." He grumbled as the girl gasped and pouted at him much like you would do.
"You wouldn't!" She defies him with a cheeky smile although while settling down on the bed she shared with him.
"Try me." He smirked with a atched eyebrow making her laugh.
Some time passed and Dabi watched as the eyelids of Emika slowly dropped until she called him softly.
"This place we are now... we gonna stay or are the bad man breaking it and we have to move again?" His heart clenched.. she still had the memories when the league had captured that blonde kid and the heroes busted the bar...
With her own view, she saw the villains as the good and normal people despite Toga being a crazy assasin that loved drinking blood, Shigaraki a men that only wanted to destriy the world, Twice a bipolar man and the list goes on...
Emika saw the villains as good people, and the heroes as bad ones... after all, after she found out on her own that her mother died not because of childbirth, but because of a hero that accidentally killed her with a much too strong attack... and only because she wanted to protect the baby on her arms at that time.
So much blood dropped from his eyes... some even dropping on your lifeless body and on the crying baby he soon noticed that thankfully was alive.
He would never forget whem he craddled the baby on his arms and sobbed deyly as his child wailed at not having the warmth of her mother anymore.
Things were tough until they found the league of villains and had at peast a place to crash.
Emika was now soudly asleep as he sighed and brushed his hair.
"When the heroes come to us... I will make sure yoi stay outta of the mess Emika. But you will not like to know the truth about our origins..." he muttered as a scarred hand brushed her bangs and smirked when she nuzzled on his hand... reminding him of how you would nuzzle on him on cold nights...
"Time to sleep off huh? The more we sleep, the pess we have to face the reality." He muttered before laying down and bringing her close to his chest.
"Dada..." she whimpered as fat tears fell feom her turquoise eyes as she tremblingly holded the box of paper towels, helping him clean off the blood from his stapples as he took a final look on the mirror, his white hair finally at show for the first time in so many years.
"Hey," he crouched down and made his best to not wince "I'm fine. Daddy is used to this by now and-"
"bUT I'M NOT!" she yelled and punched his chest with her tiny fist as he frowned and holded her as she sobbed on his chest.
"...Is it true..?" He looked down at the tuff of red hair on his chest "That uncle Twice is not coming back..? That.. T-That grandpa did this to you..m that we are from the family of E-Endeavour?"
He frowned and wiped her tears away as she holded his wrist while sobbing at the loss of Twice, whose always played and made silly faces with her on spare times.
"Yeah... Im sorry for not telling you... but I thought that... Me and your mother actually decided that Emika (L/n) was better than puttingnon a fake and... well, not right name on yours."
"... which hero... killed... mama..?" His heart stopped... should he reaally tell her? She was only a baby of five years.. five fucking years... he was already damaged by society, but her was just a little flower growing...
"Princess.. I-"
"Who?!" She sobbed as his eyes dropped, a heavy sigh as he dinally sit down on the edge of the sofa as he put his hand on his face as the other helped her sit on his lap.
"... your grandpa."
Emika cried heraelf to sleep that night. Wailing that she hated the heroes, that she hated Endeavour, that she hated him for not telling her the truth for so long, that she hated having fo be a Todoroki.
Each word was a spike to his chest as he tried and eventually succeed on calming her down enough, from harsh sobs and eails to soft sniffles and the rest of the tears she had to sheed.
He hugged her just a bit tighter that night as one drop of blood fell from his eyes.
"I thought I could do it (Y/n)... I fucking promised you... but... fuck." He bited his bottom scarred lips to contain a whimper "Everything is just the worst now... why did you have to be so goddamn stubborn and risk your life dammit..."
"Is your fourth bowl of ice cream ya know?" Dabi muttered from his place on the miserable yet comfy apartment you two shared as you stared back at him with a spoonfull of your favorite ice cream on hand close to your mouth.
"I have the right. I'm pregnant. Leave me be." You made a show of putting the spoon on your mouth and moaning out loud as Dabi shooked his head in dismay before taking a place on your side ofbthe couxh before you two cringed at the sounds of the old mobile almost creaking.
"We need to got money to find a new couch." You muttered horrified, just apmost ending all of your money on baby supplies and clothes.
"Or I can just steal one." He smirked at the slight slap you gave to him.
"And have shitty heroes coming our way later? Nu uh mister... maybe just rob a bank though." You muttered before both of you chuckled as you laid your head on his shoulder as he subconsciously placed his hand on the sweel of your stomach and felt a kick already.
"She is going to be a daddy's girl. Im so sure of it." You giggled as he arched an eyebrow.
"How cam you say this already? We dont even know if it is a girl of a boy doll."
"I know is a girl. I just know it. And she has already a favorite parent." You carresed your belly just besides where Dabi's hand was layed on.
"You're exaggerating." He chuckled as he felt another kick "They are going to be a nasty oen though, they kick alot."
"She kicks a lot when your nearby or talking to her. Just like I said, a daddy's girl." You smiled sweetly at him and he never felt so happy...
He looked at your lips for a second as you narrowed your eyes playfully at him before your lips almost touched-
He woke up with a hand tapping on his cheek and soon saw his daughter looking down at him with a pout.
"Can we go walk?" She almost whimpered as he could only stare and slowly nod as he caught his disguise and a very own for her.
She clunged to the black bunny plushie as she walked with pinks connected to him as he stated down at her in worry until she gasped at a convenience store.
"Dada! Snickers!" She pointed as he smiled at seeing a bit of bright on her eyes once again.
"How about we get some, eh?" She nodded with a small smile and soon followed her dad inside.
While she waited for Dabi to get the snacks and pay for them, for once, she gasped when a purple haired boy at the same age as her bumped accidentaly to her making her plushie drop.
"Hey!" She called out with tears on her eyes, being emotionally damaged enough for those past days.
"I'm sorry." The boy said immediatly, kneeling and grabbing the plushie to hand it to her "Its yours?" He tilted his head as Emika grabbed immediatly.
"Of course it was! It was with me until you bunped on me!" Emika slowly dropped her tone of voice at seeing how the purple haired boy seemed genuily sorry as he aproached and bowed once again.
"Sorry, I just am here to grab some medice and a chocolate for my mom and dad. They're both sick and they dont know i went out so I needed to hurry." He smiled as Emika soon dropped slowly her guard down as she muttered.
"Is okay... is just that bunny is speacial to me."
"I can see why. Your mama gave it to you right." Her turquoise eyes widened as she frowned her eyebrows at the boy.
"Kinda of..?" She clinged to the toy "Why do you that?"
He closed his eyes with a tiny giggle.
"Well, she told me as soon as you started to tear up. She is always by your side aparently." Emika eyes darkned and she let go of one hand of the plushie to heat up her hand.
"Say that one more time. I dare you. My mama is not here." She almost cried until the purple boy touched her forehead with two fingers and soon she was not more in the grocery store, but in a blank space.
"Geez, daddy did not spare you of curse words then?" She froze and looked behind her and saw the sane woman Dabi showed photos of and was compared whenever she was laughing or making a trick on others.
She froze for a bit before silently tears started to fall and she hiccupped for a bit before dropping her bunny and running to you as you hugged her tightly.
"Mama! I cant believe-! Is you-! I-I-" she hicupped as you wiped her tears with your thumb and let some of your own fall.
"You're take so much of your dada im so happy... My little girl is just so beautiful..." you whispered as she sobbed while wiping her tears with her sleeve.
"D-Dada!" She gasped before smiling widely and grabbing your sleeve "Dada needs to see this! Mama he misses you a lot he need to see yo-"
"Im sorry princess..." you grabbed her cheek softly "I wanted to see your daddy just as much, but I cant...." her face fell a bit but soon nodded while playing with your fingers and hair.
"Mama? Why did you do it?" You hummed as she looked up hesitantly "Why did youbleave dad? Why... you took.. Endeavour attack..?" She asked sadly as you furrowed your eyebrows but soon closed your eyes and smiled.
"Emika... the day you were born was the day I was gone as well... but when I saw your grandpa recognizing me as a villain and blasted an attack close to where you were... I just had to. I had to protect the feuit of love that me and your father made..." you smiled sadly as she sniffed.
"But you arent with us..." she almost sobbed until you made her look up.
"Emika... Im so sorry for the loneliness you had to endure... the pain... that was the only dowside of the decision I made. My swest little girl..." you cuppex her cheek and wiped a tear "Thank you for letting me be your mother, and Touya for being your father..."
You touched your forehead with her as she noticed your body was slowly turning to tiny hints of lights and fireflies.
"Mama..?" She looked at you crying softly as you kissed her forehead.
"Emika, evertime you see a star in the dark sky it will be me watching over you and your dada... and please understand one thing," you got away from her as your hair floated majestically "Dying for you, was a noble sacrifice I did for love..."
She widened her eyes as she grabbed your hands as you giggled at her expression.
"Say to dada Im watching him too, and that loving him were the happier moments I spend... I love him and always will...after all, he is my canolli, dead or not, okay?"
The littpe girl gasped and looked at the place she was, the grocery store and the boy from earlier retracting his hand with a unsure littpe smile.
"It was your quirk... you... you made me talk with my mama." She says outstruck as the boy giggled but soon gasped at looking the time.
"I have to go! But I hope we meet again." He ran to the door with the bags before looking one more time behind to her "Call me Akira! See you soon Emika-chan!"
She stood there in complete shook before brushing her fingers on the tingling spot you had kissed on her forehead before smiling widely and giggling before knocking her daddy's leg as he grunted.
"Emika what the-"
"Mama is watching us!" She bounced up and down as he atood with a 'what the fuck' expression.
"What the hell Emika?" He grabbed the packs and carried her as he walked on the street.
"Mama said your name is Touya dada! Which I found strange at first but anyway! She kissed my forehead! Hugged me and said how much she loves me and you and is watching us! She is a star dada! A star!!"
His eyes widened. Emika didn't hear his speech to Endeavour. Emika didn't know his real name was Touya instead of Dabi as the league called him... so she was not imagining neither making things up.
"..so you saw mama?" She giggled and nodded while boucing on his arms. "... did she say something else?" He asked hopefully and she smiled widely as much as you would do.
"She said loving you was the most happier she got! And that your are her canolli forever!"
His steps faltered and almost that he dropped his daughter as his eyes widened... only you knew that god for saken nickname you gaved to him...
"Dada?" His daughter words and hands on his cheeks made him ho back to reality as he saw the blood on his little girl's fingers and worried expression "Are you crying..? Dada?"
"Heh..." he wiped with one thumb the blood before smilling at her and continuing walking "Nah. Must be one of my staples..." he stared up as his daughter rested her face on his neck. "Mama is a star then?"
"Ya.." she yawned "Watching us... I bet she is that one." The little girl pointed at the shiniest star on the sku as Dabi smiled...
"Yeah... I also bet on that one."
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baecvlt · 3 years
I saw how you liked my headcanons for mastermind souda a while back. If its not too much, could you write a smut about it? I won't pressure you to if you you don't wanna. There's just not a lot of souda smut around.
Yandere Mastermind!Kazuichi Oneshot
a/n: ugh im so looking forward to to this PLSHDHBD also established friendship between him and the reader + I changed that you find out at the reveal of the mastermind. I also added one small element. You can read the headcanons for yourself right here.
warning: rough sex, blood, toys
You all stared in awe for the mastermind finally stood before you and I’ll tell you right now, it was of the least expected. “Oh...my god!—,” Sonia gasped, covering her mouth. “That’s right, princess!,” he said,“The mastermind is none other than me, the ultimate mechanic, Kazuichi Soda!”. He laughed maniacally as we stared in utter shock. “But you!— You killed Gundham!,” she cried, dropping to her knees. Slowly, he approached her, grabbing her tear stained chin. “You see, Miss Nevermind, I never wanted to kill Tanaka. In fact, I wanted him to live more than anything!,” he said, in a voice of fake nobility,“But He had to go...for love!”.
“You think I killed for you?! My crush on you was a facade, moron. THERE’S NO FUCKING WAY”
“I’d never kill for, let alone fall in love with monarchy trash”
Sonia looked around, returning her glare to him. “But who else?”. He walked away from her. “Tanaka was getting too close to her,” he said, toying with a small device he had been working on since the time you got here. “That’s just sick,” you muttered, softly. Yet, he still heard you.
“I couldn’t let him get any closer to you, my sunshine”
He glared at you, suddenly it clicked. Apparently, it clicked for everyone else too as they were all staring at you. “It can’t be...,” you said,“No, please!—”. He walked up to you, placing his hands on the sides of your face. “I’ve always loved you, sunshine,” he cooed,“My heart bleeds for you”. “Soda, I’ve loved you for so long...why?,” you pondered, but no response. After a while of silence, you began to bargain.
“I-...I’ll do whatever you want, just please let us go..”
He wouldn’t break eye contact with you. “You...You have to come with me,” he told you. You pulled away, instinct told you too. “What the hell are you doing?!,” Fuyuhiko scolded you, much more aggressive than usual,“GO WITH HIM, YOU BITCH!”. That was when the floor beneath him opened, where he fell.
Well, almost fell.
He had grabbed on the leg of the stand, not letting go. Kazuichi approached the hole where Fuyuhiko would inevitably fall to his death. “You shouldn’t have said that,” Kazuichi said, raising his foot. “No!”. He stopped himself from stepping. “Please, don’t,” you begged,“Please!”. He thought about it, sighing. “Fine,” he muttered, extending his hand, which Kuzuryu grabbed. “Never mind”.
He dropped him. He fell.
You stared in more shock. He just murdered one of your friends in front of your very eyes. Sonia began to cry harder as Akane, Hajime, and yourself stared in greater shock. You heard a distant scream grow louder, suddenly, Fuyuhiko sprung up from the ground and Kazuichi was rolling on the floor. Tears left his eyes, crying of laughter. As menacing as it was, it was the happiest you’d seen him. “Grow the fuck up, Kaz!,” you yelled, going to check on Fuyuhiko,“I-I’ll go with you, just promise me you won’t hurt anyone else. Kazuichi grumbled, but agreed. Before you could go, Hajime stopped you. “You don’t have to do this,” he reminded you,“What if he hurts you?”.
“Better than he hurt the rest of you”
You walked away, looking back. “Wait for me,” you told them. “Come on!,” he said, grabbing your hand and running as if he were a child. He took you to a door, leading to a hallway. He took you down to the last door, leading you too a room. There he opened the door, showing you a bed with red sheets. He sat you down, suddenly being awkward. “So,” he began,“Hi!”.
“What do you want from me?”
He began to pace around. “You, I’m afraid,” he muttered,“I always loved you, but I didn’t know how to tell you”. You just stood there, in shock. There was still a heart within him. "I created this game just for you," he confessed,"I just want you, but at what cost? All the lives lost...". He pulled you to him, grabbing you waist. "Kaz.....," you whispered,"I don't know what to say..but I know I've always felt the same, but I never knew you could love me". He smiled.
"I can give you the world, but I need one thing"
"What's that?"
"I need you to give yourself to me"
You swallowed hard, nervous. "I need you to be able to handle me," he explained,"I can give you a better life and you'll be like my queen". Normally, you would say no fast, but you weren't doing that. You loved this boy, he loved you. What more could you want?
"I'm yours"
His eyes lit up,"What?".
"Do as you wish to me"
He snickered, sitting on the bed. "You are to call me master until I'm done with you," he said with a smirk,"Strip for me". You nodded and huffed out an "Okay". He stopped you. "Nuh-uh," he shook his head,"Not 'okay', it's 'Yes...'".
"Yes, master"
"Good girl"
You slowly took off your clothes, your face reddening from how embarrassed you felt being in this position. You now stood there, fully nude. "Jesus, your body is gorgeous," he looked you up and down, adding,"I want to make this more interesting". He walked up to a drawer, pulling out a Black ribbon. He got back to you, holding your hair back to tie it around your eyes. "Perfect. Now, stand here again". You heard him walk away, his footsteps in the direction of the drawer.
A sudden vibrating sound echoed through the room. "Let me walk you," he said, holding your hand. You nodded, walking and then feeling your calves hit the mattress. "Take a seat," he said politely. You nodded once more, sitting down fast. That was your first mistake, landing exactly on a vibrating object. You almost screamed, skin stinging. You could hear him chuckle. "M-Master..," you attempted to speak, biting your thumb. "What's wrong, my sunshine?," he asked in faux-concern. You. could feel how wet you were, playing with your tits a little to stimulate yourself. Kazuichi got up, grabbing your hands. "No touching or I'll have to put them up. Come here". He grabbed your jaw, kissing you. You moaned as he did, becoming weaker. "Ready for the next toy?". You nodded eagerly, already so turned on.
You heard his footsteps walk to the drawer, then come back.
He put something in your hands, feeling around to see what it was. "You know what this is, don't you?". You recognized the silicone and shape, nodding. "Good. Now, I want you to put on a show for me". You blushed twice as hard, sitting further back onto the bed. "Don't be shy," he added,"It's just us. All for me to see". You nodded, parting your mouth open. You began to drool over the toy, sucking it off. After getting it moist, you spread your legs, earning a small gasp from Kazuichi. You teased between your folds, moaning softly. "H-Hey, quit teasing me," he said. You snickered, sitting up and placing the toy between your legs. You sank down on it, making sure Kazuichi could see how deep you took it. You rode it, Kazuichi slowly becoming envious of the toy.
"I'm so filthy, aren't I, Master?"
"My pussy is so dirty, Master. Don't you wanna punish me?"
"Please, Master. Abuse me, make me yours"
He suddenly pushed you back, pulling the toy out and replacing it with two of his fingers. You screamed a "Yes!" as he thrust them in and out of you and he didn't stop till you were shaking. Not just shaking, your body was convulsing when he pulled out. He forced your legs open, positioning himself between them. Before you could beg him to have mercy on you, he just full on thrust in you. His cock wasn't small either, so pain. You began to moan in between sobs as he slammed into you. "Why are you crying? Do you want me to slow down that bad?," he asked. You didn't want that at all. In fact, you wanted him harder.
"If you insist"
He then began to thrust agonizingly slow into you. You groaned, gripping the sheets. "This is what you wanted, wasn't it?". You shook your head. "K-Master, f-faster, please".
"I don't understand. You'll have to be louder"
"Beg for it"
You full on threw a fit, begging him. You became frustrated, almost crying more. "Good, good girl," he praised, slamming into you again. He leaned down, biting into your shoulder; hard. You screamed, covering your mouth trying to keep your eyes from rolling back. You felt light headed after the bite. "You're bleeding," he noted, licking the bite and humming afterword. His hand moved to your throat, asphyxiating you.
Just a little bit, though.
"I love you, sunshine"
"I-I love you too, m-master.."
He kissed you, his hand still on your throat, only tighter. He took your breath away, dizziness hitting. "I'm gonna cum," he muttered. You encouraged him to do so, he didn't hold back. It became too much. Then, you were out cold. He was confused, pulling out since you weren't responsive. He took off your blindfold before checking you were okay. "Hey, wake up". He tapped you, then shook you gently. You were still breathing, but just out. "That's not good," he thought aloud. He covered you with a towel, taking you to the bathroom to wash you up. He was nervous while cleaning you up, but he'll never tell you that.
You weren't out for long, regaining consciousness in the tub. "Huh?". He kissed your forehead when you woke up. "What's going on?," you asked him. He laughed nervously. "You may or may not have passed out right after I finished," he said,"You had me worried".
"That's really fucking embarrassing"
"Hey, it's okay"
He kept helping you wash up, letting you wash your areas yourself. Then, he helped you into bed curling up next to you after helping you put on some underwear. "Uhm, what are we gonna do about the others," you asked, He scoffed.
"They can wait. Right now, I want to hold you"
You nodded as his arms wrapped around your waist. He kissed you repeatedly and all over your face, neck. "You're mine now, remember that". You nodded as he whispered,"All mine..".
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simpcxty · 3 years
You said you needed ideas so hear me out-
Sfw- trans! Reader (ftm) with Tsukishima who gives tough love and hates it when you have really bad dysphoria days. Snaps at anyone who misgenders you.
NSFW- oikawa would be such a tease when you get needy and shit. Like this fucker would tease you after you beg because he told you to beg.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! You have given me brain fuel, and for that. I love you 🧡
I have never written something in one day. Thank you, you have truly inspired me 😩👏
TW for Tsukishima: deadnaming and misgendering, deadname is your choice, but Y/n will be for your new name and Y/d/n for your dead name because no dads are mentioned here. Gets a little angsty but they figure it out.
I didn’t want to be disrespectful to anyone and choose a name that might be someone’s new name or dead name.
Also I’m sorry if my writing isn’t accurate for a ftm character. I did my best and I really hope you like it!
I did my best with the tough love but it does get a bit fluffy tbh.
Kei Tsukishima
Kei always tries.
He really does. You guys had started dating before you came out, and the switch from your dead name to Y/n had him caught off guard.
So did the sudden shift of pronouns.
But he didn’t leave, so he was trying to do his best all right?
But he’s already bad with emotions, these are a different kind that he doesn’t even know how to approach.
So he gives it the same energy he does with everything else.
Today though.
Something was very odd about today.
His normal words had you flashing him your best fake smile and turning away from him.
And trust me, he could tell the difference.
But for now, he chose not to comment.
Will it be one of those days today?
You didn’t like to talk about your Dysphoria but Kei always picked up on it.
Or at least he tried to.
He even had a custom made chest binder coming in the mail that should be here any day now.
But when you leave the room after Kei’s not incorrect but painfully blunt statement went straight to your very soul.
He replays the conversation in his head to see where he messed up.
He found himself doing that a lot.
‘I get that you’re trying Kei. It just sucks that other people don’t even bother.’
‘I don’t really think it’s that big of a deal. They’re stupid people who don’t even matter at least I’m trying. Imagine if I wasn’t?’
It made you question everything.
Did he even want to be trying?
Why are you being a nuisance?
Why are you putting him through this. He’s got much more important things to be focusing on as a senior in college this year.
You’re finally being true to yourself and putting him through unnecessary stress aren’t you? What is wrong with you?
All of these thoughts and more swarmed your head as you leaned against the bathroom counter trying to catch your breathing.
Stop it. Stop being such a big crybaby.
Kei Tsukishima doesn’t need a crybaby.
Why does it have to hurt so damn bad to just be a girl? He’d like you so much more as a girl.
“Y/n..?” His voice sounds so tired.
Damn it Y/n. Get your fucking shit together.
“Please talk to me.. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come out like that babe.. I just-“ his eyes almost seem dull when you open the door, only to brighten when you open the door and he gets a good view of you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say it like that, I just- I don’t, I don’t know how to handle this sometimes, but I don’t want you to think I don’t care. It’s just new, and I can get adjusted-“ he feels his heart clench a bit when your next words come out.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I couldn’t just stay who I was, I’m sorry I couldn’t just be a girl for-“ and he’s grabbing your face with his palms as tears start to well up in his eyes.
“Shut up. Shut up, because I love you however I can have you. I love you. I just want you, please don’t get confused and think I have a preference because I just want you Y/n. I love you, no matter who you are. Please don’t forget that.” The tears streaming down your face slow as he kisses your head and wraps his arms around you.
“Im sorry Kei.” He kisses your head again.
“Shh, stop it. Stop apologizing. You have nothing to apologize for babe, we do need to finish getting ready for class though okay?” You nod and he smiles.
When you get to school, he can almost feel the anxiety wafting from you.
But he doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arm around you and pull you along with him.
“You have me, okay? I’m just as much yours as you are mine babe.” You nod and expect him to pull him arm away, and he does, only to entangle his hand in yours.
“Tsukishima!” No- because he recognizes that annoyingly high pitched voice, and he’s not in the mood for it. Nor will you be.
So he picks up speed. Keeping his hand tight around yours and pulling you in front of him, only to wrap his arms around you slightly and speed up even more.
“Kei what are you doing?” You think he’s going to ignore you until he speaks up finally.
“Don’t want to deal with her.”
“Y/d/n can you-“ he stops right in his tracks and turns around to acknowledge the blonde.
“Alisa is it? See how easy was that? I wasn’t even sure. You know for a fact that isn’t the proper name that he goes by. So correct yourself, or don’t talk to my boyfriend or me. Got it?” She goes to speak again but Tsukishima already has you two walking again and his ears are flushed.
“Tsuki-?” You’re blushing and he tightens his grip on your waist.
“It wasn’t right, I’ll correct anyone who gets it wrong. Even myself.” You smiled and he manages to crack a small one.
Kei Tsukishima always tries.
I didn’t know if you still wanted a ftm character so this one is just written female.
Characters aged up 18+
“Beg.” You scoffed.
“I don’t beg.” Your hips are rising as he pressed his thumb harder against your clit and you whimper.
“I won’t do anything more until you beg.” You rolled your eyes and attempt to sit up. Only for him to wrap a hand around your throat and push you back down.
“Toru, I don’t beg-“ he tightens his grip around your throat and you whine.
“I said, beg.” The way he demands it in your ear has your thighs attempting to clam shut.
Key word, attempting.
“Are you gonna listen to a single thing I say princess? Or am I gonna have to leave you here like this?” You looked up at him desperately and his grip around your neck loosens a bit.
“Please, please just fuck me already. I need it Toru, it’s been too long please just do it already-“ you’re cut off with whines as his tip prods at your entrance, but the pressure on your clit is still hard and you know he’s waiting for more.
“Please! Please fuck me! I need you Toru please!” He chuckles and pushes in agonizingly slowly.
“Like you said babe, it’s been too long. I need to go easy on your pretty pussy.” You whine at that.
“Don’t want you to go easy- just fuck me rough please!” Tears of frustration pool in your eyes and he laughs.
“Awe, don’t cry princess, I’ll give you what you want. You begged so nicely.” The sudden snap of his hips has you unable to respond to his taunt.
Yeah so what you begged. You’re getting dicked down by this god of a man. I’d say that’s a win.
His hands were both on your hips now as he thrusted into as if his life depended on it.
“Missed you so much.” He whines and a particularly hard thrust has you reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck.
The new position has you sliding down on his dick so much easier, and the way he can just lift you up and down quickly has him whining more.
“M’gonna cum. Off.” He whimpers as you tighten and start to lift yourself off and grabs your hips. He’s never cum so fast but you don’t mind.
“T-Toru-!” He gasps as you tighten more and his hips thrust up desperately.
“Nevermind, I wanna cum inside. Please, please let me cum inside. You feel so good, just wanna cum inside your warm pussy hnngh~ please!” His hips are starting to falter and you know he’s getting closer as his hands tighten around your waist, lifting you up and down to meet with his sloppy thrusts.
“Please!” He’s begging and you almost laugh.
“Oh god please, just wanna cream inside you please!” He has to stop thrusting and you’d almost think he did cum.
But you knew better. His nails digging into your hips and his ragged breathing against your neck has you melting.
“Did you even really have to ask? Just cum babe.” Your words are so nonchalant that he’s whining and picking up his thrusts again.
“fuckfuckfuckohfuckyes” his voice is messy and it’s almost gibberish.
But as you tighten around him and his hips falter he’s moaning and whimpering into your chest and neck.
“So tight, ngHh shit~” he moans whorishly as you cum around him and cum spurts out of him and into you.
“You fuck me so good. So so good Y/n.” His hips are still sputtering and you’re wondering just how long it’s been since he’s actually gotten off.
“Thank you, Thank you so fucking much baby.” His cum is already spilling out of you and he’s still finishing.
This’ll be a fun cleanup.
He finally lays you down on the bed and lays his head in between the valley on your chest as he catches his breath.
“You begged.” He wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer, making you whimper while he stays inside of you.
“Do I need to remind you how you sounded when you wanted to cum Toru?” His head shoots up at that and his cheeks flush.
“But you’re so warm. So tight and comfy. I didn’t and still don’t want to leave.” He whines and wiggles his hips upward and you whimper. You can’t help but clench as he thrusts up again and whines again.
He keeps up the occasional thrusts. Neither of you have the energy for a second round. That much is obvious. But the bliss is overwhelming.
“Don’t want to pull out yet. Please don’t make me.” He whines and you just clench around him to tease.
“Fuck. Don’t do that. M’still hard and I’m ninety percent sure if you keep doing that I’m gonna stuff your already full pussy again.” You hummed and he wraps his arms around you.
“Empty threats. We’re both too tired, you know we’ll just go again when we wake up.”
“I’m gonna get you pregnant.” He says it confidently, you couldn’t even laugh at the statement. Because he probably and most definitely will.
“I mean if that’s what you want, I wouldn’t mind having a little Oikawa running around.” Almost all his stamina is back in that moment.
Congratulations you have unlocked
Breeding King with Toru Oikawa 🔓
Neither of you ended up sleeping that night.
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moostaronce · 3 years
Almost Anything
Request: Hey, I loved both your dreamcatcher and loona scenario. Is it okay to request a loona scenario where the members find out yeojin's getting bullied at school and then the next day the 13th member who goes to the same school but had no idea yeojinie was being bullied, returns home early with a busted lip and a cut on her forehead. Apparently, she had fought yeojin's bullies and got in trouble. And can we see a little preview of the fight. If not it's okay. ☺️
Platonic Pairing: Yeojin x 13th member!Reader
A/N: Sure I hope you like it.
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When Hyejoo dropped out of school you and Yerim decided to stay, but Yerim goes to a different school than you and Yeojin. Originally you went to Yerim's school but decided to switch to Yeojin's so that you could spend more time with your maknae. You hardly see each other during school hours but you come and go together every day. Over time, Yeojin seems to withdraw from you a little. Urging you to leave earlier than her and avoiding your eyes when you or the members ask what's wrong.
The members have been looking to you for answers, but you don't have any to give, which frustrates you to no end. She used to tell you all about her day on the way home, but now when you do go home together she's much quieter than you've ever seen her.
Today as usual you feel Haseul burning a hole in the side of your head. Neither of you speaks up or says anything so the tension only rises until you look at her dead in the eye. Haseul can tell from the look in your eyes that it's killing you too, maybe even more than anyone else. So she says nothing. She sighs and pats your shoulder before getting up to finish packing Yerim, Yeojin, and your lunches. She has always insisted on making your lunch so that she knows your eating. Though Yeojin always seems starved when she comes home.
"Yeojin-ah! Yerim-ah! Come on you two, you only have 10 minutes to eat your breakfast." Haseul calls out to her other younger members.
The two come running down the stairs giggling together when they both beam at you, already sitting and eating your cereal. You give them both your best smile even though it's a bit forced at this point. It's always like this. Yeojin smiles in the morning when she wakes up, but the moment you get in the van together her frown comes out and she doesn't talk at all. Not today though, today you were getting to the bottom of this no matter what.
Fifteen minutes later you and Yeojin are hugging Yerim goodbye before heading to your usual van for school while she heads to hers. Yeojin is abnormally quiet again but you don't try to push her. You do your best to keep an eye on her throughout the day when you realize you never gave her the lunch Haseul handed to you for her. With your teacher's permission, you make your way to the class you know Yeojin should be in but when you look in she isn't there. You check the bathroom near her class and hear voices so you go in as quietly as possible and stand against the wall by the door and out of sight.
"Come on seriously? I thought that dumb unnie of yours makes you lunch every day, now we're gonna be hungry you idiot." A girl you recognize as Park Hyemi, a girl in Yeojin's class, standing over your maknae with two others you don't recognize. What's clear is that they're much bigger than Yeojin and she looks uncomfortable, scared even.
Yeojin doesn't respond she just keeps her head down and does her best not to cry.
"What's the matter Yeojin? Why don't you call for your precious Y/n unnie to come to save you? We'd love to beat on her too." This seems to spark something in Yeojin when she looks up and scoffs. An instant reaction to the mention of you and a newfound confidence that proves she believes the next thing that comes out of her mouth.
"I haven't told Y/n unnie about you for your own sakes."
"Oh? And why is that shrimp for brains." Yeojin shrugs her shoulders and doesn't hesitate.
"Because I'm afraid she'd kill you."
They laugh at her and shove her in the stall behind her, intending to start beating on her again. You open the door and call Yeojin's name to create the illusion that you're just arriving and walk in with her lunchbox and a phony smile plastered on your face.
"Yeojin-ah?" You walk deeper into the bathroom to find the three girls lined up next to each other and smiling nervously at you. With Yeojin stepping out of the stall looking a little disheveled but relieved to see you.
"Unnie? What are you doing here?" Yeojin breathes out with worry. Her eyes keep shifting to the three girls doing their best to look as innocent as possible.
"I accidentally stole your lunch, kiddo. You wanna eat together since I came all this way to find you?" Her tiny face lights up immediately.
"Yes unnie, let's go!" Yeojin turns to you and tries to push you out of the bathroom and you can't help but chuckle.
"Wait Yeojinnie, aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" The girls perk up and extend their hands to you with excitement that makes you want to vomit on all three of them. They introduce themselves as Hyemi, Doyoung, and Minha. You just smile an ominously sweet smile at them while looking each in the eye. Their hands are left hanging in the space between you.
"Well. I hope to meet you all again soon. Please take care of my Yeojinnie," You pause, tilting your head to the side with what they would only describe as a terrifying smile on your face. "Or. Else."
They all pale remembering Yeojin's words from earlier. You turn and give Yeojin a genuine smile and put your hands on her cheeks, smoothing them a little.
"Let's go eat, okay?"
Yeojin nods at you and takes your hand in hers as you leave the bathroom together but the moment you two are out of the bathroom your face changes and your body stiffens but you don't let go of Yeojin's hand. You actually pull her closer into your side like you don't want anyone else touching her and she knows that you saw more than you originally let on.
"Unnie-" She begins but you cut her off immediately.
"Not another word until we get outside Yeojin. But believe we will be discussing this."
The smaller girl quiets but walks closer to your side than usual. The truth of the matter was she had been dealing with these girls for months now, always wishing she could reach out to you for help but she knows you too well. She's seen how heated you get just at antis posting bad things about your members online. She knows that you value her like a real little sister and she was more afraid of what you'd do if you found out. You get outside and under the tree, you two used to eat under all the time before she started withdrawing from you.
At first, you don't speak you just open both of your lunches and add about half of yours to hers so that she had more to eat than you. You crack open the special chopsticks that you bought her for her last birthday with her name engraved on them and hand them to her with her extra full lunch. Yeojin tries to protest you giving up so much of your food but the look on your face leaves no room for any argument.
The two of you eat in silence but it's comfortable for her. This is the first time in months that she feels safe. The first time in months that she's actually gotten to eat one of Haseul's specially made lunches and in peace. The emotion builds up for her so much that she doesn't even notice the tears streaming down her face until she feels you wiping them, away. She looks up at you and sees the neutrality of your features but the rage burning behind your eyes.
"How long has this been going on and why haven't you told anyone?"
"About 3 months. I didn't want anyone to worry about me. I feel like a burden already as it is. I feel like I annoy you guys all the time."
"First of all, that's too long for us to go to the same school and you not tell me. I thought we were closer than that Yeojin. Second, you could never really be annoying. We love you Yeojin. And you should know that I would do almost anything for you."
"And that's what I'm scared of! I don't want you getting in trouble because of me."
"I won't. I'm going to get in trouble because of me." Yeojin furrows her brows and pauses eating, chopsticks mid-air. When she goes to speak you hold your hand up to quiet her.
"So here's what's going to happen. Tomorrow you don't feel good. I'll back you up, whatever it takes but you aren't coming to school tomorrow and I'll handle this my way. Understood?"
"But unnie you can't-" Her protests fall on deaf ears.
"Do you understand me Im Yeojin?" Your voice never raises but the look on your face tells her that there is no changing your mind anymore.
The rest of the day Yeojin manages to dodge her bullies until it's time to go home and they corner her in the classroom after everyone else leaves. But they don't know that your already a step ahead and before they can even speak you're in the doorway sweetly calling Yeojin's name.
"Kiddo, let's go. The unnies and I have a surprise for you waiting at the dorm." You reach out your hand for her and she smiles genuinely at you for the 3rd time today. It's nice to see.
Yeojin takes you and allows you to put your arm around her shoulder when she approaches you. You smile that same scary smile at the three girls looking dumbfounded as you two walk away. This time you don't change your demeanor or try to scold her. You just happily talk with your maknae all the way home.
When you arrive home together talking and laughing arm in arm the members are pleasantly surprised. Almost immediately you have to go to a schedule and all throughout nobody misses the way Yeojin clings to you. More than she used to before her attitude changed a few months back. When she finally lets you go to use the bathroom everyone turns to you with raised eyebrows and you just give them a knowing smile.
If you tell them now, they may try to stop you from doing what you're planning. You know full well what you intend is wrong and you know that the consequences will be heavy, but you can't bring yourself to care. The thought of those girls pushing Yeojin around and hurting her in any capacity has your better judgment going into hibernation.----------------------
The next morning, you lie to Haseul through your teeth about how Yeojin seems sick and she plays along. Haseul doesn't question it because you've never lied to her before. So you go on your way to school alone. You wait until the period before lunch to skip your class and wait outside of Yeojin's class for the three troublemakers to come out.
Back home Yeojin gets antsy waiting around. You haven't responded to her texts and she can only put on the sick charade for so long. Haseul is the first to notice and then Hyejoo.
"Why do you look so worried?" Hyejoo asks her younger friend.
That's all it takes she gathers everyone in the living room before she starts telling the yesterday's events at school. Meanwhile, her class lets out and the three girls you were waiting for stop right in their tracks when they see you leaning against the wall with your arms crossed. The thing is they may be bigger than Yeojin but they aren't bigger than you. Not to say your maknae is defenseless but you and Hyejoo are known for your strength for a reason.
"So what was it you said yesterday? You'd love to beat on me too?"
They all grow a little paler when you push off the wall and stand in front of them.
"Hit me, if you've got the guts."
So Hyemi does. she punches you square in the mouth, instantly busting your lip. You stumble back a little but you're quick to stand solid again. You don't bother wiping away the blood on your lip, opting to smile at them instead.
This time all three girls come after you but you're quick. One thing nobody but your members knew was that you, like Jiwoo, are a third-degree black belt in taekwondo and working on your fourth. You catch Doyoung right behind the ear with a roundhouse kick that has her down and disoriented while you dodge Hyemi and Minha's efforts to hit you. They aren't prepared for the power in your legs or the speed that you have in general when you sweep both of theirs legs from under them and stomp your foot down next to their heads.
"If you ever bother my Yeojinnie again. We're going to have serious problems, you get me?"
They nod and stay down as you walk yourself to the principal's office. He takes one look at you and gets concerned but he doesn't have to wait for an explanation. You tell him how they bullied Yeojin and so you returned the favor. He ended up giving you 3 days of out-of-school suspension. You're smart so you saved yourself a lot of trouble when you let them hit you first. Even smarter for provoking the, right in front of a camera for proof purposes. So you were sent home.
When you got back to the dorm Yeojin was wrapping up her story to the members and they all looked at you with jaws on the floor at the blood from your lip dripping onto your uniform. Yeojin runs up to you with a tissue and wipes some blood from your forehead too, brushing a wound that you didn't even know was there. You reach for your forehead and chuckle at the fact that one of them, managed to scratch you.
"Um..what's so funny Y/n? Look at you! You're a mess." Haseul is the first to address you with words.
"Don't worry about it unnie, I'm fine. I am suspended for 3 days but it was worth it."
"What was worth it?" Jinsol asks from her position on the couch.
You don't look at the unnies because you know they are staring daggers at you. Instead, you look to Yeojin and wrap her in a tight hug.
"I took care of it." You're loud enough for everyone to hear you and they put two and two together. Yeojin told the members that you seemed to have a plan but they weren't expecting this. There is just silence in the room as you hug Yeojin with all your might.
"Did you win?" Finally, someone speaks relieving the tension a little as everyone is surprised to see Jiwoo speak up.
"Of course I won unnie. This was just necessary damage, that's all." You chuckle when Yeojin hits your arm lightly. Jiwoo smiles and high-fives you. "That's my girl."
"So who's going to explain this to Yerim when she gets home?" Haseul asks. You and Yeojin look at each other and shout simultaneously.
"Not it!"
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azucanela · 4 years
Okay so i'm feeling pretty bad atm because my best friend replaced me and i need some fluffy rn. How about hcs for the reader being coldly abandoned by their previous best friend. Believing she is alone, she falls to her knees and cries outside in the middle of the rain. A moment later, she glances over to see Bakugou, Kirishima and Shinsou behind them trying their best to cover her from the rain with their jacket. Thank you♡
[ft. bakugo katuski, kirishima ejirou, shinsou hitoshi]
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SUMMARY: In which you are abandoned by your closest friend and are found by the boys. 
WARNINGS: mentions of murder, mean friends, me being violent, y/n has those main character moments in the rain its nice, 
A/N: bb im so sorry that they did that,,, please know that im here if you need anything and i will fight this person :D with your permission of course.
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your so called friend ended up ditching you
im going to throw hands literally 
you end up leaving the café you have been waiting for her in, near tears, and as if it can’t get any worse, you have no ride home, so naturally, you are now walking whilst trying to keep from crying
you’re about half a mile from UA, the hill is visible in the distance and you are very relieved because you just wanna cry in your bed
then it starts to rain
so yeah it did get worse
out of frustration and the built up sadness, you just kinda start crying, coming to a stop and falling to a seat at the side of the road
you felt so alone, the one person you thought would always be around he replaced you
clearly they didn’t feel the same
meanwhile, katuski is running with his jacket above his head, cursing out the skies
and then he spots someone crying in the rain, he initially thinks nothing of it, until he realizes its you
the girl who he “begrudgingly” helped study on weekends, the one who he was up until 2AM with, even though he slept like a grandpa
now he’s cursing for a different reason, he comes over to you
he is gonna wanna kill someone when he finds out and tbh you should let him but thats just me
in the past, people have abandoned him due to his personality, and though it hurt in the moment, he got over it pretty quickly 
and tbh, most of the time he had a little squad of jerks following him around so he didn’t really care abt anyone else.
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Staring at the text she’d just recieved, Y/N let out a shaky breath, trying to compose herself. Her so called best friend wasn’t coming, and would never be coming again. Apparently she had better things to do than hangout with some wannabe hero. Blinking away the tears, Y/N stood making her way to the exit of the shop, she stepped outside. 
She was beginning to regret ever leaving the UA campus, because at this point she’d much rather be crying in bed rather than in public. Y/N was suddenly grateful that the café was relatively close as she speedily walked down the sidewalk.
The one person she thought would be there for her through everything, through all the pain and joy and anything in between, was gone. Great. 
At least it couldn’t get worse than this, she decided as she saw the UA Campus in the distance, relief flooding her as her pace quickened. 
Then she saw lightning in the distance, thunder rattling in the sky, Y/N couldn’t help but wince. As water began to poor over her she paused her steps, exhaling deeply as she looked up at the sky. 
Then the tears began to fall, a hand coming to her mouth to quiet the sobs escaping her as she fell to the ground, seating herself at the side of the road, Y/N felt her body shake as she tried to force herself to even out her breathing.
Meanwhile, Katsuki was cursing out the skies, he’ been on his way back from visiting his parents when it began to pour. Immediately bringing his jacket over his body to try and shield himself from the brunt of the rain as he ran through the now empty streets. Save for one shaking person on the side of the road, causing him to raise a brow at, it was pouring rain and they were just sitting there?
He slowed temporarily to try and get a better understanding of what was going on, only to realize he recognized the person. Y/N. His classmate, the one he begrudgingly tutored on the weekend, the one he cursed out when she forgot to eat, the one who kept him up until 2AM even though his bedtime was normally 9PM.
Katsuki grimaced, coming up behind her with his jacket overhead to try and shield her from the rain as he spoke, “what the hell are you doing out right now? You’re gonna get sick.” 
Y/N jumped at the sudden voice behind her, though she knew it was Katsuki, she turned to see he was holding his jacket over the two of them, the red of her eyes a dead giveaway that she’d been crying. She couldn’t bring herself to speak as she looked up at him in shock. What was he doing here?
Katsuki’s face fell as his eyes scanned her for injuries, “who did this to you?” He wasn’t the best when it came to comfort, and he feared that would show as he began to interrogate her. 
Blinking Y/N realized what she must’ve looked like, trying to shake off the feelings she was experiencing she spoke, “we should go.” Wiping the water from her face, she moved to stand, and Katuski moved with her, his eyes still on her face. 
“Hold this side of the jacket.” He ordered, and she did as she was told, bringing one hand up to the left side of the jacket, which was now soaked in water and doing little to help. This action provided Katsuki with a freehand to put on the small of her back and push her forward rather aggressively. He lead them to a small grocery store on the street, pushing the door open. 
They were dripping wet, and looking up at Katsuki, who had returned to interrogating her, Y/N couldn’t help it when more tears leaked out of her eyes and she lunged forwards to tackle him in a hug.
He quickly shut up, body stiffening momentarily before he allowed his hands to wrap around her waist and return the hug. “Thank you,” she mumbled, burying her head in his chest.
Brows furrowed, Katsuki scoffed, “yeah, yeah. Whatever.” He turned to the view the rest of the store, “pick out some food, I’ll cook you something when we get back.”
Looking up at him, her mouth gaped open, “are you serious?”
“Did I stutter, you idiot?”
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kirishima ejirou 
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okay so
kirishima definitely is gonna hound you with questions when he finds you crying
like he cannot allow his bb to cry
not that you know you are his bb but like
it would be unmanly of him to just leave you in such a state so he does his best to comfort you.
has likely never experienced something like this so he can’t really empathize with you but he’ll try
basically tries to make you smile and laugh the entire time you are upset
contemplates talking to the girls for help, but he doesn’t know if you want others involved
instead texts them how girls like to be treated when sad but in a very vague way and tries to pass it off as some obscure tik tok trend
they go along with it, thankfully, mina has a major obsesssion though so shes upset she didn’t know about this trend
thats how kirishima accidentally started a tik tok trend
will respectfully commit a murder
i’ll help
least likely to acc go through with murder tho
he’s going to try his best
also goes the food route, based off his studies via the “tik tok trend” and he will gladly hold you
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Exiting the convenience store with a plastic bag of candy in hand, Kirishima sighed. He’d been out longer than anticipated, and it was already getting dark. The grey clouds above signaling the possibility of rain, Kirishima grimaced, he needed to get back to UA quickly.
He’d intended to have a movie night with the rest of the Bakusquad that night, and maybe even invite Y/N. He’d been trying to work up the courage to finally ask her out, but it hadn’t been going well. He didn’t feel very manly each time he chickened out, and Kaminari’s teasing didn’t help at all, escaping him was the main reason Kirishima agreed to pick up the candy that day. 
Sighing, Kirishima continued to walk, though the rain came faster, pouring down onto him as he groaned in annoyance, hoping that it wouldn’t damage his snacks as he pulled his jacket off to provide himself with some cover. Though it wasn’t very helpful, it was better than nothing. 
He begins to speed up, jogging slightly when he notices someone on the curb, seated. Kirishima frowns, moving behind them and bringing his jacket over them, “hey, what are you doing?” Considering how much it was raining now, and the sound of the thunder overhead, he figured the storm that was coming would only get worse. Being outside was the worst idea. And as a hero in training, he simply couldn’t allow this action. 
The mysterious person turns around, and Kirishima suddenly realizes its his classmate, his frown only deepening when he sees her swollen eyes. “Kirishima? She says, confusion clear in her tone as she looks up at him, eyes wide. They knew each other fairly well, though he could be shy at times, he was fun, and nice. And of course, rather respectful during all their interactions, she liked him. 
Kirishima pauses before finding himself sitting beside her in the pouring rain and allowing the water to hit him as he lowered his jacket, pulling a candy bar from his bag. “What’s wrong?” He asked, extending the candy to her. Though it would likely react poorly should she open it and the candy came in contact with the rain, it was the thought that counted.
Y/N’s mouth gaped open as she smiled sadly at him, taking the candy bar from him, “thank you.” She whispered, “it doesn’t really matter anymore, though.” She looks up at the sky, water cascading down her face as she inahles deeply.
Suddenly, Kirishima’s hand is in hers, “it’s bothering you, so obviously it matters.” He tugs her hand to get her to stand up alongside him, “and it wouldn’t be very manly of me to leave a pretty lady out in the rain.” 
A laugh escaped Y/N at this, “and I could never force a handsome man like yourself to stay out in rain.” Comes her reply, “let’s go.”
She wasn’t alone. Not while she had him.
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shinsou hitoshi
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definitely the best at comforting someone especially with something like this
feeds you sweets because food makes everything better, will be affectionate just for this instance because he knows you just want some love during this time
the best to talk to about it tbh, he’s very good at giving advice and listening to your problems
i feel like shinsou has probably experienced something similar in the past and he’s gonna understand what you are feeling
won’t try to make you open up but you’ll want to, he has a comforting presence
very calm about it, gently speaks with you and guides your actions, makes sure you take care of yourself if you are in a really bad place
once you’ve stopped crying he’ll ask you what happened and should you tell him he’ll honestly be VERY mad
like why would someone do that to an ANGEL like YOU???
is genuinely confused and potentially in a murderous mood
and he has the quirk to get away with it
wants to go off on this person though, desperately, and should he ever run into them they are going to get a piece of his mind
a really really mean piece of his mind
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Shinsou frowned as he felt a droplet of water fall onto his head, realizing that rain would likely come soon, he picked up the pace of his walk. He’d been out at the bookstore, and was suddenly grateful that he hadn’t bought anything as he watched everyone in the shopping center begin to retreat to their cars and into shops. 
He watched a lightning flashed in the distance, brows furrowing at the realization that a storm was coming when thunder accompanied the sight and pouring rain soon followed. UA wasn’t far, but he didn’t really want to have to run in the rain up the hill the school had been built upon.
Turning a corner, his eyes scanned the area in search of a shop he could wait out the storm in when they fell on the figure of someone seated in the rain, no umbrella or hood to protect them from the downfall, and their body shaking. 
Then he recognized the hoodie. It was his actually, and he knew exactly who he’d lent it to. 
Y/N L/N. The pretty girl in the hero course who’d threatened anyone who spoke poorly of him, defending his honor even though he never asked. She was always kind to him, even when they weren’t the closest of friends. Though that had changed, the pair now talking almost daily about a variety of things, something Shinsou was grateful for.
Questions flood his mind as he removes his jacket and brings it above him, going over to her, and when he’s close enough he can hear her small sobs, barely muffled by the palm of her hand. Shinsou can’t help but feel concerned as he brings his jacket above her to shield her from the rain, “hey, let’s go.” He mumbles gently. 
Y/N looks up at him, her eyes red and puffy, and if it weren’t pouring Shinsou would’ve hugged her right there. “What are you doing?” When she’d simply collapsed in the rain, her emotions overwhelming her, she hadn’t assumed Shinsou would randomly appear.
“Getting you out of the rain.” Came his response, “come on, we can wait out the storm in the café.” Shinsou would’ve extended a hand had he not be preoccupied by holding up his jacket, which was now soaking through.
Sniffing, she nodded, “yeah, you’re right.” She stands, and he follows her movements, jacket never leaving her figure as the pair makes their way to the door of the café. Y/N pushes the door open, and they both enter, allowing him to finally put the jacket above his head down, though it started soaking onto the floor. 
He threw it outside, much to Y/N’s shock, “I don’t wanna dirty the floor.” Shinsou explained nonchalantly, his purple hair sticking to his forehead. “Have you eaten?” 
“Sorry about your hoodie.” She mumbled, at they moved out of the way of the entrance. 
Raising a brow, he extended a hand, “that didn’t answer my question.” 
Y/N’s brows furrowed as she looked to his hand, tilting her head in confusion as she placed her hand into his, Shinsou gave her a small smile before leading her to the line of the café as she replied, “no. I didn’t.”
His brows draw together as she looks at her, she seems resigned, quieter than normal. “How about a muffin then? Or maybe a cupcake?” He peers into the display window, squinting at the variety of foods. “I say cupcakes,” In his experience, sugary foods always made things better, to an extent at least. 
Giving him a tight lipped smile, she nodded, “sure.” He was trying. It was better than nothing if she was honest. Considering the fact that her best friend had abandoned her today, it was a nice reminder, that she wasn’t alone. She had other people, regardless of what had happened.
Shinsou’s eyes met hers as he sighed, bringing his free hand to the back of his neck, “you wanna talk about it?” He knew they’d have to address it at some point, there was no denying that she had clearly been crying, something had upset her. 
Shaking her head, Y/N pulled him closer using their joined hands and brought him into a hug, “not right now.” It was an oddly intimate moment, despite the fact that they were in public.
Regardless, he pulls her tightly against him, wrapping his arms around her protectively as he responds, “alright. 
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A/N: if anyone ever needs to talk or anything pls know im here! my dms are always open to anyone for anything :D
anyways, remember to sleep well, eat food, and drink water!
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the-smol-boys · 3 years
Sizeshifter! Bad continuation part 3
Bad ran away, tears rolling down his face, blurring his vision. He didn’t want to be a monster, he didn’t want to hurt his best friend or destroy the home they shared. The giant fell to his knees “Sgeppy...sgeppy...” he sobbed, tremors rattling his body. Skeppy had always been there to comfort him..
He sniffled. Bad didn’t know if he could return to the diamond boy...this time he really messed up. He knew he wasn’t safe to be around...he wiped the tears that were fogging his vision and there was the vacation house the two best friends built together...he must’ve ran here instinctively..but he was much too big to fit inside. He’d needed to find shelter elsewhere...
Skeppy was still in the badlands. The whole community had heard the mansion being destroyed. Puffy was the first to rush over, only to find Skeppy...who was alone. One look from the man and she already knew what happened...she was well aware of Bad’s size shifting problem.
“He’ll be back soon” Puffy said. “He probably just needs some space, he’ll come back tomorrow when he has it under control again” She placed a hand on skeppys shoulder, and he quickly jerked away.
“We don’t know that! Bad does stupid stuff when he’s emotional! He probably thinks that I hate him now...What if he doesn’t come back!?” Skeppy went into the half destroyed mansion. He grabbed a diamond sword from the chest.
Puffy tried to reason with Skeppy as he was leaving. She told him “there’s too many mobs” and “bad will come back by morning” He tried to ignore her but finally snapped.
“I’m bads best friend! Not you! You don’t know what you’re talking about! And if finding bad means I get shot by a skeleton then so be it!” He quickly turned and followed the giant footsteps his friend left in the dirt. But Skeppy already had an idea of where his best friend went...
He had been walking for awhile, his feet ached and he realized he forgot to bring food...he was down to a couple baked potatoes. He was forced to walk to conserve his energy.
Skeppy got lost a few times and had a few narrow escapes from creepers and zombies..maybe puffy was right...But the journey was almost over, he recognized he was close to the vacation house. He started to sprint, surely bad was close by? His world suddenly turned upside down as he fell into a cave. He was lucky he was made out of diamond. If anyone else fell as far as he just did they would have broken their legs. “Fuck...owwwie...” he whined. It still hurt..Skeppy sighed a finished off the rest of his baked potatoes to regain his strength.
His eyes turned towards the night sky and he sighed. He really really should’ve listened to puffy. Now he was stuck...the cave was huge. He doesn’t even remember a cave like this being here, why didn’t he notice it before. Then the familiar sound of bones rattling against each other echoed throughout the cavern. Skeppy readied his sword as the skeleton stepped into the dim moonlight. It drew its bow, aiming at the diamond boy.
Before Skeppy could try to dodge the attack a giant hand appeared from the darkness of the cave and crushed the mob.
“Skeppy! What is wrong with you!? You could’ve gotten hurt! Why did you come look for me at night of all times?! Besides it’s dangerous to be around me right now! Please go back home! You never listen to me!” Bad’s stern lecture slowly turned into shouting and Skeppy saw his friend grow ever so slightly.
“Bad...I’m sorry, I was just worried about you! You can’t just leave me and run off like that!” He was honestly just relieved he found his best friend. “So it’s your fault I’m here in the first place” He said before biting his tongue, regretting his words...it was only instinct for him to wile the other up a little but now definitely wasn’t the time.
“M-my fault?! “Oh don’t you dare!”
“N-no I didn’t mean it like that bad! I’m sorry okay?! I’m sorrryyy” he pleaded, “please, I’m sorry, I don’t want to fight with you right now.” He tried to stand but his aching leg decided he was still going to be sitting for awhile. “Fuck...” he groaned again.
“Lang- sgeppy?! You’re hurt!?” Bad carefully scooped up his friend to inspect him.
Skeppy squirmed a bit in his hold. “Y-yeah, I’m fine though don’t worry...I just fell into this cave because I was being an idiot and not looking...haha..” bad grew another foot. “Bad...I’m really okay”
The demon averted his eyes. “I dug this cave...it’s my fault you got hurt...it’s my fault our home is destroyed, it’s might fault you almost got crushed by me! Twice!”
Skeppys eyes widened. “No! No! It’s not, bad! I don’t blame you! I know you can’t control it. It’s not your fault. Plus I’ll be fine and we can rebuild the house!”
“Why so I can just wreck it again...?”
“If you wreck it again we’ll just rebuild it again!”
“Well as I am right now I can’t even fit in the mansion..”
“We can rebuild the mansion to be even bigger than before!” Skeppy said enthusiastically, trying to cheer up the other.
“Skeppy! You aren’t taking this seriously!”
“I am! I mean it! We can make the mansion way bigger and-“
“No sgeppy!”
“Im staying here Sgeppy...”
“No you’re not, I’m not letting you stay in this shitty cave!”
Bad glared at his friend and sighed. He gently set Skeppy down and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a diamond block and set it on the ground. His hand raised before slamming down onto the precious ore. When his hand lifted again it revealed shattered diamond rumble. “I’m too dangerous...even for you...”
Skeppy was sitting, arms crossed, looking completely unimpressed by the display. “That’s stupid, I know you’re not gonna hurt me. You love me too much” he giggled
Bad stared dumbfounded before shrieking. “What the muffin is wrong with you?!...ugh...Sgeppy..”
“Nothing you say is gonna change my mind, bad, I’m not letting you live out here alone. If you insist on living in this cave then I guess i will have to move in.”
“Muffins...I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to you..”
“I already said you won’t hurt me”
“Not on purpose!...but I can’t control..it..” he sniffled as he recalled how scared he felt when he nearly crushed Skeppy.
Skeppys heartstrings ached. He hated nothing more than seeing Bad cry. He slowly stood up and limped over to his friend, placing his much smaller hand on the others. “Its gonna be ok, bad. We’ll figure this out.”
Bad picked up his friend gently and brought him close to his chest, the best attempt at a hug he could do at this size. The demon was still silently sobbing.
Skeppy leaned into the warmth of his friend and continued to spew comforting words until he heard Bad’s sniffling stop. Soon after that sleep claimed his exhausted mind
Sorry idk how to write and I think I may have written too much, and sorry for typos :/
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