#ahhh but i hadnt noticed
eepyuii · 5 months
frostbite — pt. 14
pairing ; childe x gender neutral!reader
content ; childhood friends to “rivals” to lovers, slowburn
cw ; mentions of scars (edit: im a fucking idiot i forgot they talk abt scars at the start of the chapter) and like… brief dottore mention, so u know it’s icky. also u guys will be mad at me.
notes ; AHHH!!!!! I LIVE!!!!! oh gosh so many hectic life events lately….. i hadnt been able to get my hands on this dang chapter for so long
anyhow, i was planning to publish this one early like a day or two ago with a reference to an arlecchino voiceline that was THEN a leak and not out yet, so i’m glad i waited and developed this one just a little more LOL
also good luck with everyone’s arle pulls!!! (better luck than mine i hope ;w;) just like childe and the reader at some point, WANTERS WILL BE HAVERS ‼️
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“agh— be more gentle!”
“i’ll be more gentle if you stop flinching away. you’re a war machine who can turn into an abyssal beast, withstand how draining it is to use it, hold your ground against a champion duelist but you can’t handle a little cotton ball soaked in alcohol?”
“well there’s no adrenaline anymore to remedy this sting, now, is there?”
it’s almost comically reminiscent of your meeting with childe back in zapolyarny palace, where he got himself hurt just to come tell you that he was to leave for liyue— feels like it was ages ago. childe leans against the elegant marble counter of your hotel room’s bathroom, pile of bloodied cottons and tissues piling by his hands, while you clean the fresh wounds he’s just acquired from clorinde.
from how much he flinches and hisses, the wounds almost seem grave… but they’re no more than a few scratches, slashes and bruises. after his witty remark, you can only attribute his absurd resilience during battle to the mentioned adrenaline— otherwise he wouldn’t have gotten nearly as far as he has with those reactions of his.
“so did you get what you wanted from that spar? how was it in comparison to your other tries?”
childe pauses thoughtfully and proceeds to pout.
“…i think she was still holding back. i need another spar.”
“gh-! are you kidding?! childe tartaglia ajax, i am not letting you resplit the forehead i just fixed up anytime soon.”
he sighs melancholy like a grounded child, but nods in agreement anyhow. childe’s eyes remain downward, he mindlessly fiddles with the hem of your shirt as he awaits patiently for you to finish tending to his wounds. once you finish, you scan him up and down to certify that you’ve taken care of everything, until your gaze is caught by his scars.
his war medals.
he’s got an insurmountable amount of them scattered all over his body and not one is like the other— some are large lashes most likely caused by weapons like axes or claymores; some are finer lines caused by swords or daggers; a few of them even look like different types of burns, likely the work of varied elemental catalysts; and some look like small stars or circles, probably the result of arrows or the tips of polearms.
the inches of his skin that his scars don’t cover are littered with the tiniest specs of freckles… ones you’ve barely had the privilege to see over the years as a result of living in eternally cold lands. it’s only been since you’ve both been to warmer regions like liyue, inazuma and now fontaine that you’ve began to notice them.
and you’ve found that the intricate, graceful tapestry that childe’s scars and freckles weave is… gorgeous.
it’s so uniquely mesmerizing that you nearly struggle to find a worthy comparison within words or the world around you. the closest one would be to a starry sky— you imagine that his freckles become the stars that remain stationary and furthest away in the night sky, small and bountiful, while his scars are the shooting stars that flash by in a vivid explosion of light.
it’s beautiful. he’s beautiful.
you’ve realized that you’re less afraid to admit this to yourself now. perhaps spending so much constant time with childe after such a while of misencounters and diverging schedules, has made you become more comfortable around him— to the point where you barely minded him childishly playing with the hem of your shirt. it feels fine, domestic even… almost in the same way that a coup—
“hey, why’re you staring so hard? am i not gonna make it, doc?”
you flinch as you’re snapped away from your train of thought, taking in how childe’s eyes flicker worriedly over your face. unfortunately, your mind isn’t freed from the grasp of your thoughts of… admiration and your gaze quickly flies over his scars once again. the delicacy of the moment, unexpectedly, fuels you with enough confidence to raise forward a hand that lightly grazes a particularly eye-catching gash on childe’s neck— the stretched healed skin ever so slightly bumping against your digits.
“nothing… j’st looking at your scars.” you answer absentmindedly.
beneath your hand, you feel his adam’s apple raise in a hearty gulp. next, childe inhales deeply and exhales a shuddered breath, as if an attempt to ground himself.
“what about ‘em?” he whispers expectantly.
“i like them.”
it’s as if you’ve gotten the liquid courage of a drink while being entirely sober, you’re surprised that you’ve done so much as let yourself say that out loud. though perhaps… that bewilderment might just be your downfall— within the thought, you notice just how close you and childe stand before each other. he leans against the bathroom counter in only the deep red undershirt of his uniform, eyes laser-guided onto your every move while you’re only a hair’s length away from him. his absurd height doesn’t help the moment either, as he’s forced to hunch over and his figure arches forward into you— it’s suffocating.
you can’t allow yourself to crumble and panic right now, it would absolutely destroy you for the rest of your life, so you opt to breathe deeply. childe watches intently as you do and returns it with his own deep sigh, one that you feel hit your face warmly the moment it leaves his lips and so it further capitalizes on just how obscenely close the two of you are— to the point where you breathe each other’s air.
childe’s piercing azure eyes move from matching your own to slightly further down on your face…
to your lips.
“yeah?” he mumbles in the most delicate tone possible, it’s not like you’re too far to hear anyway.
it’s an inexplicable magnetic pull that brings you the smidgenmost closer to him, it has to be so. it must be that same pull that brings you to look at his mouth— plump and pink, likely still store from the split at the corner of his bottom lip. and there’s no other possibility other than that damned magnet as to why your hands slide up to wrap around his neck, childe’s shyly snaking around your waist in response.
you don’t feel like you’re in a bathroom in a hotel room in fontaine anymore, you don’t feel like the seconds pass anymore. it’s a pocket between space and time that has enveloped the two of you, away from everything else.
and there’s nothing in this world left to do other than to lean just a breath closer to each other… just a little more and—
knock knock knock knock!
you flinch away faster than lightning, heart thudding ironically like thunder. childe also seems to have been entirely spooked by the knocks on the bedroom door and he pretends to bring his hand up to scratch something on his face, but you know very well he means to hide his glaringly flushed face— you know that because you do the very same, only you briskly step away to open the door instead.
outside the room, two fontainian officers greet you, though they seemingly go wide eyed for just a brief second as if you’re not who they expect to answer.
“forgive me, friend, this is… mr. tartaglia’s room, is it not?” one inquires.
you frown in suspicion, and you plan to not directly confirm the question as to pry exactly what business two policemen would have with childe. unfortunately, the devil decides to announce it himself by coming up behind you, arms crossed defensively.
“and what might be the problem, officer?” childe asks pointedly.
both officers simultaneously eye the two of you, the blushing idiots opening the door together, and proceed to share a knowing look. the first officer sighs while the second clears his throat awkwardly.
“we apologize for… intruding so abruptly but— mr. tartaglia, you are currently being suspected of being the culprit behind the serial disappearances of young women case. for the time being, you are under arrest and must face trial at the opera epiclese to make your case.”
coincidentally, both you and childe exclaim at the same time— though, childe’s tone is rather condescendingly skeptical while yours is laced with pure, unadulterated shock.
the harbinger scoffs. “well, i can very confidently tell you right now that i didn’t do it.”
yeah, great way to clear any and all suspicion, man.
frustratedly pinching the bridge of your nose in an attempt to help you process the last five seconds, you sigh.
“i-i think what he means to say, officer, is that it’s not plausible for him to even be a suspect in this case. i mean— if i remember correctly, doesn’t that case extend for over twenty years? we’ve only been in fontaine for a few weeks! you can check our travel tickets, they’re dated. plus, we haven’t done anything even remotely disruptive while we’ve been here, both of us have multiple reliable alibi’s regarding our whereabouts over the past few days, and—“
the officer puts up a dismissive hand, effectively interrupting you. “please, leave this for the iudex to hear.”
a metallic jingling catches your attention and you see that the second policeman wordlessly produces handcuffs from his tool belt, the panic bubbles in your throat even further. childe’s shoulders visibly tense and it’s clear that he’s intent on fighting back— with once again lighting fast reflexes, you put a hand on his shoulder and throw him a warning look as a means to discreetly impede him. childe sighs frustratedly but ceases anyhow, allowing himself to be guided out of the room. out of pure illogical desperation, you chase after.
“don’t say anything hostile or stupid until we find you a lawyer! i promise you i’ll be right behind!” you call out as the three are at the other end of the hallway and catch a final look from childe, the emotion behind it is indescribable.
your chest feels overwhelmingly tight.
who knew such a resplendent room could be so suffocating.
it feels as though you’ve been waiting for an eternity and the intended comfort of the opera eplicese’s waiting room only serves to unnerve you more. the most important person in your life has just been abruptly accused of being a serial kidnapper and you’re supposed to indulge in sickeningly sweet pastries and tasteless tea? it’s almost derogatory.
your leg has become sore from how much it bounces restlessly, your nail plates scratchy from how much you fidget with them, all the paper napkins on the table sloppily folded into failed paper stars. none of it helps.
you can’t even decide what to worry about, all of it swirls and spirals in your head like a rumbling tornado. is he okay? are the officers treating him well? who will defend him? will he go to prison? for how long? when in the tsaritsa’s name will arlecchino retur—
the door slams open and you jump, partially with the abruptness of it and out of sheer panic to get some news on the situation. your heart starts palpitating again and it takes everything within your willpower to seem more put together in front of the knave.
“s-so?” you ask with an uncontrollable shake in voice.
“it’s invariable, childe must face trial and defend himself. we can only count on the factuality that he is innocent and the oratrice will say accordingly.”
you sigh, at least… whatever in the archons’ name constitutes that machine is infallible.
“the trial starts in five minutes.” arlecchino adds curtly.
you nod and allow yourself to take a deep, grounding breathe before standing up to leave the waiting room. as your hand reaches out to the doorknob, there is a firm grip on your shoulder. you turn ever so slightly to find a pointy-nailed, stark black hand holding you back— another moment to analyze the hand reveals to you that… that’s her skin. black.
a chill runs down your spine.
“allow me, for a moment, to ask a selfish question in exchange for a selfish answer, sargeant.” she stands, voice dark and menacing. “as an asset of the doctor’s… do you share his ideals?”
the question takes you off-guard but it also… doesn’t. you’re not an idiot— you’ve heard of dottore’s letters to the house of the hearth suggesting the, err.. ‘rejects’ be sent to his custody so he can further his experiments. you remember how utterly appalled you were when you first came across the information. if the knave truly cares about the children in her orphanage, it’s no wonder how tightly she grips your shoulder, sharp nails just a breath away from breaking skin.
and so she asks you selfishly, a question not of loyalty but of morality.
dottore’s face flashes before your eyes and your hand subconsciously tightens into a fist, expression hardening.
“if his life were in my hands, i’d crush it in a heartbeat.” you whisper bitterly.
the grip releases you and it’s as if air is easier to breathe after that. arlecchino wordlessly steps ahead to open the door for you and gestures for you to leave first, expression neutral as if nothing had happened.
the courtroom looks like no courtroom at all, rather you feel as though you’re about to watch an opera in a grand theater— the rumors about fontaine seem to be true after all. in the rows of cushy seats, people whisper and gossip endlessly until you find yourself a seat and the booming sound of a gavel being struck echoes through the court, all sound ceases.
“court is now in session for the case of serial disappearances of young women, today we will hear both the prosecution and defense’s arguments regarding mr. tartaglia of the fatui’s alleged involvement.”
a baritone voice echoes through the silent courtroom, the direction it rings out from reveals a white-haired man in proper blue robes, sitting in a balcony that floats above the courtroom’s stage. you recognize him as the iudex, the chief justice, monsieur neuvillette. his tone is elegant and intellectual, with complete considerate professionalism—- its cadence almost reminds you of zhongli in a sense. but that’s not all that reminds you of zhongli… you can’t quite put your finger on it though.
what follows is merely formal introductions from the prosecution and the defense and you take the opportunity to become distracted and ponder over just how catastrophic your morning had turned out. it all happened so quickly too— one second you were… ah… canoodling with childe and the next he was being escorted out the room by law enforcement. had you been cursed by the gods? would they be so cruel as to make every peaceful moment in your life just merely bedding for the next major inconvenience? would they be so frustratingly taunting as to let you get that close to the one you have feelings for only to rip you two away from each other right afterwards?
“it would appear i must repeat my question, mr. tartaglia.” neuvillette says firmly, catch your attention and breaking you from your daze.
“do you accept the charge that you are the true culprit behind the serial disappearances case?”
“to be perfectly honest, i don’t understand your country’s complicated court systems, or the reason why i’m being charged with something i’ve never even heard of.” the harbinger answers bluntly.
“however, i did hear that people who have been charged can choose to participate in a duel to clear their name— is that right? in that case, as long as i accept the charge, i can have an all out fight with that champion duelist clorinde, right?”
how can the supposed love of your life be this stupid?
“when i privately sparred with her last time, she was obviously holding back… real disappointing.”
“hey, don’t you understand? you’re currently the prime suspect for a major case! this isn’t the place for you to be looking for fights.” a female voice calls out from the balcony directly above where you seat— while you can’t see who it is, you can only assume from the bossiness of her tone that it’s lady furina herself, the hydro archon.
“oh? sounds like the hydro archon wants to lecture me on the ways of the opera house…” childe taunts. “then why don’t you duel me too? i’m the kind of students that learns best in the heat of battle.”
you’ll kill him, oh you’ll kill this idiot one day… does he want to rot in prison for the rest of his days? this time you truly cannot hold yourself back from subconsciously standing up in panic, limbs urging to get up there and try to amend the situation yourself by arguing like a normal, sane person— but the judging stares of the other spectators hinder you glued to your seat out of sheer embarrassment.
“alas, it would appear that communication with the defendant is going poorly, and we have made very little progress.” neuvillette intervenes. “in that case, let me explain everything from the very beginning again. the goal of this trial is to determine the culprit behind the serial disappearances case—“
“that case had nothing to do with him! you’ve got the wrong man!”
huh? …who said that? did that not come out of your own mouth? seems like something you’d blur out… instead it comes from a flamboyantly dressed blonde woman who bursts into the courtroom at that very second. to you, she nearly seemed angelic in the moment.
“miss navia, this is the second time you’ve interrupted the court proceedings. i only tolerated your behavior last time because you were able to provide the court with a key eyewitness. but that was exception rather than standard court protocol— i can very well charge you with contempt of court for your interjections.”
“oh please, did you ever think i had any respect for this place’s pointless theatrics?” navia scoffs.
“we can put aside that discussion for now, i’m not here to argue with you. i’m here to charge the true culprit behind the serial disappearances case. and if my charges prove true, the tartaglia here will be proven innocent by default, correct?”
neuvillette proceeds to dismiss childe from the stand to make way for navia and allows him to seat in the audience and you feel like you should owe this lady your life. childe’s eyes scan through the seats and when he spots you, he visibly lights up and beelines to the seat next to yours.
“challenging the hydro archon? really?” you whisper playfully.
childe contains himself not to laugh loudly. “can’t say it wasn’t worth the shot.”
it’s as if a wordless conversation settles between the two of you, silent glances and deep sighs that express the mutual hopefulness for a good outcome of this trial. after a solid few seconds of staring at each other like fools, childe’s gaze drops down, you follow it to see his gloved palm sat in the armrest between the two of you— it faces outward in an invitation. your hand joins his without thought and the second your skin registers the warmth that radiates from his hold, it’s like an electric shock runs through your veins. one so buzzing that makes you two simultaneously face away from each other to hide your burning cheeks.
you’d like to pretend that you’re paying attention to the trial, but the ever so gentle squeezes childe hand gives yours periodically seem to take up all of your focus and cause it to short circuit. suddenly, there’s another burst of the courtroom’s doors and there stand the traveler and paimon, because of course they’re somehow also involved in this.
“naviaaa, we’re back!” paimon calls out.
“as expected of my partner! i just knew you’d come back in the nick of time!”
“just how often do you intend to flout the rules of this court…” neuvillette mutters disappointedly.
the traveler’s appearance contributes new evidence towards navia’s favor, who expertly disperses all of the oppositions statements. the culprit is revealed to be a man by the name of vacher, who was intent on bringing back his dear vigneire to the point where he began dissolving innocent young women with primordial seawater. as overtly ridiculous as fontaine’s spectacle culture seemed to be, you couldn’t say that watching this trial play out wasn’t extremely entertaining.
but speaking of innocent…
“at this point, the verdict of this trial is clear. with mr. marcel’s conviction, the charges against mr. tartaglia no longer hold any basis.”
you giddily look over at childe, who seems as aloof as someone who didn’t worry for a second. your fingertips tingle with excitement and you can feel the stress evaporate off your shoulders in real time. neuvillette summarizes the entire case once more and submits the verdict to the oratrice— the machine hums loudly and flashes a blinding blue, producing an envelope finally confirming his guilty status. much to unspoken disappointment, childe lets go of your hand to stand with his chest proudly puffed up.
“well now, hasn’t this been the most delicious piece of drama? the villain has been caught, justice has been served, pas wrongs have been righted and it’s a bit ol happy ending… since it’s been such a great show, i’ll just let the false accusations against me slide. either way, i’ve still got some business to attend to, so if you’ll excuse me—“
the harbinger looks back to offer you his hand once more and you happily take it before childe begins to lead you two out of the room. unfortunately, the guards at the doors of the courtroom remain unmoving as they block the doors and you frown in confusion.
“please wait just one moment, mr. tartaglia.” says the iudex.
“oh, what now? none of this has anything to do with me.” childe groans.
“according to court protocol, since this trial was initiated due to a charge against you, a verdict must also be made regarding the initial charge before the trial can conclude.”
you sigh out of selfish frustration, but opt to respect the proceedings anyhow— it’s not like the verdict will change now. childe, on the other hand, voices his annoyance like a petulant kid.
“please respect the laws of fontaine. this has always been the rule.”
“it’s fine, we’ll just have to wait here a few little seconds more.” you whisper to childe coaxingly.
he sighs. “alright alright, but this has been a lot of hassle. all i need is to stand over there, right? let’s just get this over with…”
“through evidence presented in the public trial that was just held, it has been established that mr. tartaglia has no direct connection to the serial disappearances case. the guilty party has been established and thus, it is logical to suppose mr. tartaglia is innocent of the charges.”
the machine whirrs once more, stirring some curiosity within you as to what exactly makes it tick or give accurate verdicts at all. as the envelope reaches the chief justice’s hands, he seems to stutter for a moment as he reads it. neuvillette’s ever so stoic face falls slightly into a vexed frown and he hums in confusion.
“according to the judgment of the oratrice mechanique d’analyse cardinale, mr. tartaglia is— guilty.”
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taglist ; @kentply @osaemu @rain-and-a-nice-nap @koichirana
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akutasoda · 1 year
dont go where i can't follow
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synopsis - you two made a promise to always be together but what breaks that?
includes - himeko, gepard, bronya, yukong
warnings - gn!reader, angst, no comfort , spoilers for yukong's companion mission, spoilers for bronya's backstory, death, mention of blood, wc - 1.4k
a/n: first post ahhh
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himeko ★↷
her normal cool, calm persona was practically seething of rage, not that she made it noticeable. no no no she couldnt do that. she didn't know who to direct it too though - herself or you. why couldn't she stop you? why couldn't you listen to her? she knew how strong of heart you were, afterall that was another endearing quality that made her feel so strongly about you, but that made it worse on her part, she knew this but never made more effort to stop you.
it was a expedition into the planet of Jarilo-VI, originally only march, dan heng and trailblazer where ment to head on out but you insited on joining after a day of their leave. claiming you wanted to stretch your legs and have some fun. reluctantly after back and forths and some bargining on your end she told you to not go anywhere she couldn't get to you and you gave her a promise to return safe within the form of a kiss.
a promise to be broken.
she hadnt heard from you since day 2 of joining the other nameless of the express, they hadn't either saying you broke off promising to come back soon. this set off alarm bells. she felt like she couldn't just abandon the express so she asked if atleast one of them could search for you. you couldn't of gone far right? but you had. corpse lying in the sight line of the trio as they reported back to her. yet you were out of reach, and they couldnt stop to try and help retrieve your body for a proper burial(they were on the run after all). so you were left, out of himeko's reach. forever.
gepard ★↷
he failed. how could he call himself 'captain of the silvermane guard's' after this. you - his one true love, dying because of his ignorance.
you were always fond of exploring, even though the eternal freeze made it more difficult for you to do so safely, he believed you were strong enough to handle yourself despite the little voice in the back of his head constantly wanting to worry and fuss over you. you both had one rule between each other, don't go where the other cant follow. but sometimes that isnt possible.
you had just finished off another echo of the fragmentum and planned on heading back before an unusually strong, notably unknown, enemy came charging in your direction. knowing you wouldn't be able to win that fight, you ran. ran and ran until you were lost in the maze of ice and snow beyond the front lines. beyond the safety of your lover.
gepard was doing his rounds as usual before he stopped, listening in on another guards conversation about there being a unusual sighting of stronger unknown fragmentum creature in an area unmarked, not that far off the front line. this made him slightly worry as you had informed him you were going out to newer land to document it and its creatures. but he still had a job to do, before that was abandoned when two guards ran past him, one bumping into him and apologising profusely. he asked what was wrong and they told him that a powerful creature was rampaging its way toward the front line and a 'civilian' was spotted but they were chased away before they could save them.
this triggered an awful feeling, he remembers you telling him a brief description of what the guards just told him as your destination, but surely you would have the sense to stay away if it looked particularly dangerous just to be safe? he abandoned his rounds and started sprinting, praying to the aeons that 'civillian' wasnt you. and prayibg he could save whoever it was.
turning another corner, he knows he was in unfamiliar territory but as he stopped running he was faced with a very familiar sight laying before him in the now blood soaked snow.
bronya ★↷
after being up in the overworld for so long bronya doesn't remember much from down in the underworld of belobog, well not clearly. but she can remember one thing clearly. you.
you were here best friend from the orphanage and you two stuck together like glue. you promised you would stay friends forever and that you would always protect each other. a pinky promise at that. until she was adopted and taken to the city of belobog. you remain as clear as ever in her memory and sometimes she considers trying to bring you up here to see how you're getting along and desperately wants to find you again, but she stops herself. shes not dumb by any means, she knows the situation between the underworld and the overworld is... testy to say the least. you've probably adapted to that environment and sadly maybe developed that same hate for the overworld and specifically the silvermane guards so she thinks its for the best you remain as a plesant memory of her past.
that is until she lands in the underworld. after chasing those criminals and ending up there learning more about the situation and meeting seele, as the memories clear up she remembers how seele was a dear friend aswell, the three of you would always hang out. in a moment of hope she asks seele if youre still down here and if so how youre doing. shes met with silence.
an agonizing silence. until seele states as bluntly as possible that a few years you died, that it was an accident with the fragmentum. she cant believe it. you. you that strong hearted and optimistic child that made her smile constantly. dead.
with a heavy heart, bearing the news of your death later than everyone else, the group started leaving the old abandoned rivet town, now home to the echoes of fragmentum, she hears a distant sob, a scene she feels drawn to for reasons that escape her. as she turns the corner shes faced with a echo of fragmentum.
one that looks heavly wounded but knowing its an echo she knows it's not in physical pain atleast. warily stepping closer she starts seeing a small resemblance to you. it looks like you but slightly older than she remembers. until the echo looks up in her direction sensing her presence. breaking further into tears. that face, she can say for definite that was you. your echo.
yukong ★↷
it was stupid really. you two barely argued but when it came to starskiffs and past wounds, she cant help but get defensive and neither can you.
you both used to be starskiff pilots, each respected in your own rights and after the death of her trusted friend, Caiyi, she retired. however you still remained invested in flying starkiffs and helping others learn how to fly. yukong knew you loved flying as much as she did and you had expressed how you still wanted to continue in that field, and as your lover she felt she could only respect your decision as much as she could. that didn't stop arguments from occurring as she was constantly worried for you no matter how much she knew that you were skilled at flying and how you promised to come home safely, she worried. and thats how you eneded up in this situation.
you had left to go for a fly and clear your head after a particularly heated argument with your lover about her restricting Qingi's future in starskiff flying, even if it was a promise to look after her. yukong remained at home mulling over and regretting her words. she wanted to go after you but she knew you were clearing your head and when you got back you two would sort it out. she assumed you were just out for a walk, i mean you knew not to go fly out at night without clearance.
except you never returned.
and it wasnt long till she knew what happened. she was at her desk, not really working as she was concerned about where you were as you never returned, she just assumed you were staying at a friend's. that was until Qingi came through the door and ran up to yukong. she showed her a news article about a crashed starskiff located in a area of high mara-struck.
she recognized that starskiff, and she would recognise it in a sea of starskiffs. she immediately demanded to go with the cloud knights ti the location, but she knew it would be too late. but she prayed to the aeons it wasnt. and she knew she was too late when a mara-struck looked in her direction with that same look of anger she saw on the night of the argument, that she was too late.
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onlyjaeyun · 7 months
i see the bra strap idea has made it into the chappy 👀 hoon silently freaking out in the inside forsho, jake checking on yn while silently cursing hoon in his brain, AND IT WAS JAKE! I KNEW IT! jake definitely gave hoon a nice bonk on the head later :3 also I saw hoon go very silent when they talked about staying over
hoon in his lil brain : i finally get to fuck in peace 🙄 good pussy in peace
jake being on guard duty so no one gets between hoon and yn <3 he's just happy for his friends to be fucking people he approves of
I HATE THAT FUCKING MOM- THE AMOUNT OF RAGE I FEEL?!? LIKE WHY DOES SHE HATE YN THAT MUCH?!? YNS A SWEETHEART TO NIKI AND SHE PROBABLY WOULD HAVE BEEN SWEET TO YUKI AND KENTA TOO IF THIS BITCH HADNT INTERFERED! NIKI IS DEFINITELY SNITCHING TO HOON AND HOONS GONNA GO BAT SHIT CRAZY AGAIN (pun intended) won't be surprised if hoon takes a quick solo trip to Japan during the girls trip and who knows, a certain sperm donor might be found in a ditch with multiple broken limbs with no witnesses and he doesn't remember shit about who did what to him 🤭❤️ guessing the falling out is gonna happen before or during the girls trip or them realising that there was a miscommunication so hoon is absolutely all emotional and feeling nothing but pure rage and AHHH I LOVE <3
kinda miss fuma being around to fuel hoon's jealousy 💔 he's such a fine man, I need him to rearrange my guts 😫
also hiii zadie!! im visiting home and I've just been super duper busyy 💔 the sun here is so nicee but it's so hot I feel like I'm gonna evaporate if I go out in the sun- but I've been eating good food and studying for my exams so hehe how's you been pretty girl? - 💫
HELLO BABY!!!!🩷🩷🩷 im so so glad youre enjoying your time at home, i hope youre also resting!!!🤥 thank you so much for your amazing hcs and suggestions and ideas i was so, so excited to use this one i lit thought about it ever since you sent it to me 😭
ive been doing well, just spending time with family and friends and work ofc!!!!
unfortunately hoonyn will actually......notgetofuckinpeace 🤕 since they will go no contact after the next chapter 😀😀
i love how you guys are so mad at the stepmom and i know its gonna get worse in the following chaps so im just ready atp 😝
also, bc ive noticed a lot of you guys have said similar things (regarding the nishimuras) they actually live in seoul too so hoonie wouldnt even have to gosll the way to japan to yk..be ch!hoon 😝😝😝
to give you guys a little overview of the upcoming written chap: the realisation of the miscommunication and second fallout will all happen in that chapter if that makes sense...the reason will be revealed to everyone and thats when hoonyn will have their "fuck." moments bc theyre gonna realise their lives were basically based on a huge game of intentional miscommunication 🫣
that's all im gonna say!!!
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cynettic · 3 years
hi, i hope i'm not bothering you, but i can order a Scaramouche × Kitsune reader, the two met before the vision hunt (and before he was a fatui if you want) the reader was always in the same place, sometimes having a conversation , the good old routine, but with the hunting of visions the reader disappeared not wanting to give up his own vision, and years later a reunion, SFW or NSFW is by your will, thank you, I really admire your work
Summary - Scaramouche met you as a child, growing up with the constant assurance that you would be right there, sitting at your spot where he could meet you with every visit. He isn't happy when you suddenly disappear.
Pairing - Kitsune!Reader x Yan!Scaramouche
Warning - Slight Yandere warnings?
Penpal - Ahhh- hope this is what you were looking for. I couldn't find a spot to put much nsfw unless I considered writing more for the series ( I could, just put a request in if thats what you’re looking for ). But I hope you liked it!! You're not bothering me at all and I'm glad you like my work!
A/N - Alright- so considering that with the 2.1 update with Scaramouche coming in, I just wanna state beforehand that I wrote this prior so I dont know if we learn about his backstory or anything!!
Link for Part 2
Stay With Me
Scaramouche was used to the routine he’d found himself going along with every visit to Inazuma. As a child he’d pass through the wild fields that stretched just beside his hometown, adventurous and curious with all the tenacity of a child.
And of course you, a kitsune that sat perched on the ground awaiting the Kitsune Saiguu, was bound to notice him. Unlike the other earth kitsune statues, you hadnt turned to stone during your wait. Instead, staying in the same place did you interact with travellers and the locals, which included Scaramouche.
“Fox person!” The little boy chanted, pulling at the hems of your clothing. Bright blue eyes bore into your own, and you slowly shifted your head to pay attention to the boy who was on the verge of bouncing on you.
Humming in reply to his excitement, the little boy paused, both of his small hands still tightly clasping the fabric of your clothes. Soft matted hair brushed past his face in a messy manner, calling out the boy for his boundless running and rebellious urge to keep his hair messy despite his parents wishes.
“Play with me!”
Staring at the boy only a moment longer, you simply chuckled at his antics. “I’m afraid I cannot move from the spot in which I dwell~ Perhaps I’ll be able to entertain you if you bring cards?”
But the young boy had made up his mind at the statement to which you couldn't move. A pitiful frown enfluged his face as he cast you the nastiest glare a five year old could muster. “Boring!” He shouted into the distance of the fields, dramatically turning on his heels and bouncing up into a sprint away. You watched his small figure fade away into the background, absentmindedly sighing and returning to your mindless thoughts.
As a child, Scaramouche would pass by you fairly often. Frequent when he asked you to play with him, and storming away with the same expression when you denied him. Nothing out of the ordinary, you’d lived for an exceptional amount of time, and even though grumpy children were not your specialty, you’d grown accustomed to their behaviour.
Growing up, Scaramouche got no better. You soon noticed his violent tendencies before they became an issue, the way the children shied away from him when playing Temari. Hiding in front of a tough exterior, he scared them away and laughed, approaching you later with tearful sob.
“Will you play with me?” He asked again, trying to hide the fact that he still wept when the other children pushed him away.
But your answer stayed the same, helping him wipe his tears and coaxing him into your arms. Not the first time you’d made contact with a human, but the first time you held them in such an affectionate manner.
It was clear Scaramouche was beginning to see you as some sort of pillar of reassurance when he began running away from home to simply ask to be held. You always welcomed him with open arms, urging him to head back to his household and sort things out. There was no harm in simply providing love and comfort for a child who received none was there?
“Now now, hurry back home little one. Your parents must be growing awfully worried if you’re out by this time at night.”
“My parents dont care about me!”
Darkness slowly pooled into the fields, an obscure shade covering the two of you from the tree you were under. Biting back form your normal emotionless statements, you pondered for something to soothe and convince the boy. Misunderstandings and hardships were normal from what youd seen with children, and you could only offer your hand on his shoulder, a promise. “Go back, I promise to stay here if anything further happens. But you shold give them another chance dont you think?”
And so he’d sprint back to his hometown, and you wouldnt hear from him again till he ran up right up to you a few days later. Begging you to play a game with him. The normal you supposed, and with a grin that seemed to stretch wider with every day, you told him the same thing you told him every single time.
“You cant move?!” Scaramouche nearly yelled one time, tiny fists curling at his side. “Thats… thats stupid!”
“It is isnt it?” You only smiled in response.
Unsatisfied with your response, he clawed your arm, pulling you with all his might. Strong, you realized with surprise that he was much stronger than most children his age. Easy enough to tug away from, but strong enough to take you off guard.
Snapping your hand back to your side, you narrowed your eyes. You weren't angry… no, you hadnt felt strong feelings like that after the disappearance of the Kitsune Saiguu. “Do not attempt to move me,” was your curt response, said in the most stern voice you’d used with the boy.
He’d looked at you only a few seconds longer before bursting into tears, turning away and running. You didn't feel regretful for defending yourself, only turning once more with a tired sigh to stare at the distance.
But just as you stayed ageless, Scaramouche grew older. Still, crossing each others pass was inevitable when you sat in the plains, just alongside the path that lead to his hometown.
With a permanent scowl that seemed to stain his face, he still seemed to have mature a tad bit. Maybe hadnt improved in the social department, because he now scared children and adults and alike, but more mature…
“Hm? Whats this?”
Once again, sitting criss cross under the large tree that provided the perfect shade on sunny days, you stared at the boy expectantly. His hands hesitated at your question, but he resumed shuffling. “Cards,” he simply said in response.
A small featherlike feeling flitted across your chest, making you feel lighter and… almost ticklish. A small smile crossed your face, and you recognized the emotion to be one of adoration. For him to have remembered words you’d spoken years ago, it gave you a warmth you’d sorely missed. A warmth akin to watching him and the other children grow up.
“Ew, dont smile like that, its creepy.”
Swatting at his head, he frowned further when you laughed. “You’re more mature,” you pointed out, lazily leaning back. “You need to work on your people skills though, as someone who hasnt moved in years, thats pitiful that I know more than you.”
“Shut it!”
But as he grew up, you hardly got to see much of him. He’d reached your height and then fully disappeared, leaving no goodbye. And much as you hated to admit it, you hardly noticed, not when days passed in a flurry. You were used to being by yourself, entertaining the kids and greeting the people that passed by.
Sometimes, there’d be the reminder of the warmth he’d given you. But it was quickly overshadowed by your duty to remain seated in wait for the Kitsune Saiguu. A dedication kept in its earnest, but beginning to dwindle.
Inazuma was beginning to change.
“The vision decree…” you repeated, staring at the traveller who’d mentioned it to you. “Care to elaborate?”
The new archon threatenening to take away visions from every inhabitant of Inazuma. It was preposterous, so much that you didnt move. Your vision meant the world to you, but so did the Kitsune Saiguu. You werent sure just how you weighed the two till you saw civilians passing by you, ones you recognized, ones that didnt recognize themselves.
It was snowing, cold snowflakes melting into your skin while your hair soaked in the water. Unflinching, you hummed to a little tune, awaiting someone to pass you so that you could attempt to strike a conversation of somesort. The unnatural weather distanced all who entered the field though, and you simply waited. For the Kitsune Saiguu, for someone, or for some form of entertainment, you didnt know. You Slowly closing your eyes, you decided not to care.
“Im gone for five years and you’re still sitting here like a dumbass.”
Eyes snapping open, you find yourself face to face with a complete stranger. Dark purple hair with dark blue eyes, piercing and dangerous in a way you dont recognize at all. Fancy clothing that you cant identify or put a name on.
The boy took a step towards you, crouching down to stare at you directly. His eyes scanned over your figure briefly, and he brushed the snow out of your hair and ears with one flick of his hand. In the next, he was offering a coat to you. “Take it, you’re probably getting cold.”
You leaned forward, ignoring the coat he offered you. Gently, you raised your hand to brush the hair from his eyes, centred on the way his pupils widened. Offering a small moment of surprise and one glimpse into the small childlike blue eyed wonder he was. “Kiddo,” you breathed, pulling your hand back and scanning him once again. “You’ve grown.”
“And you havent.”
Snickering at his comment, you took the coat. You didnt need it, but he looked like he didnt either. He was already wearing clothing that kept him warm, and with careful observation and an untouched coat, you settled on the fact that he’d brought it here. Brought the coat here for you.
“Still havent improved with those social skills of yours have you?”
He scoffed, letting himself fall back till he was sitting fully. “I dont want to hear it from someone who refuses to move an inch for years. Lazy ass.”
You open your mouth to retort, but instead laugh at his comment, shaking your head. “Gained some humour on your journeys have you? Bad words too it seems. Anyways...” He had sat down, which meant that he meant fully well to sit, chat, and catch up. That familiar warmth filled your chest, a contrast between the cold snow. “Welcome back.”
It wasnt often that Scaramouche visited Inazuma, but when he did, he was sure to visit you. The two of you would sit down for hours, talking about the most trivial topics. He never mentioned what he did in his time away, and you never asked.
But things began to go downhill when news of the vision decree finally took action.
“Its no joke anymore! The Raiden Shogun has taken custody of almost a hundred visions!”
In that moment you made your decision, weighing your vision over the Kitsune Saiguu. Awfully selfish you knew, but you’d spent decades sitting there in wait.
And for the first time you sat up from your position on the ground, clumsily stumbling upright but gaining balance. It takes a few steps until you’re back to normal, and you begin your journey in order to escape the Raiden Shogun’s vision hunt decree.
You didnt expect to see him again.
Long grass tickled at the skin of your legs, making you adjust your footing to no avail. Sun slowly descending past the mountains to mark the start of an evening and the soon approaching night. A normal day of exploring the mountains and islands of Inazuma, observing the constant changing situation, and running away from the vision decree like a favourite past-time.
With the exception of a firm grip on your wrist.
Dark purple like hair, same hate brimmed eyes and lavish clothing. You recognized Scaramouche the moment he had appeared, looking just as surprised as you were. That being before he snatched your wrist and snarled, “You.”
You wouldve considered it pure luck to find him, an unexpected reunion with someone you actually remembered. But no, his tone had some predatorial edge to it that had you cringing. Hard. “Yes, its me.” You answered back with a frown, trying to loosen his hold. “Nice to see you too, is something the matter?”
He only seemed confused at your words, pulling you closer.
“Something the matter?” He asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Well, to start, you’re not sitting at your damn spot.”
Taken aback for a moment, you wondered if that sole fact was what drove the boy to such lengths. Surely he couldn't be so troubled over the fact that you moved… “The vision hunt decree, I'm sure I mentioned that I was sticking around in wait for the Kitsune Saiguu. I decided to wander around and avoid the conflict until I could settle back.”
“You could’ve waited for me,” he stated almost instantly. “I could have protected you.”
You felt your brows furrow quizzically. “Wait for you? Why in the world would I-”
“Why wouldn't I?” He pushed you closer till he could fully grab both wrists, taking a step closer as if his words would resonate clearer in your head. “You took care of me as a child, it would only be fair for me to repay the favour.” But he only seemed to be looking for excuses. “And besides, you can't just up and leave… I didn't know.”
Before you could interject with the obvious answer that he didn't need to know, you stopped. You’d lived decades, nearly centuries if you’d kept count, and you had learned to read people's expressions even when you’d stayed away from them for so long. He didn't know. It hit you in the most unpleasant way that he wasn't aware that it was none of his concern. To him, you were just another thing he needed to keep track of, something he had control over. His face basically screamed, ‘I depended on you to stay in that place.’
Deep breath in and out. You’d lived long, longer than him, you could deal with a child throwing a tantrum.
“Don't worry,” you gestured to the vision ta your side. “I'm strong enough to protect myself, I appreciate your concern, but I’ll be back when the vision decree ends.”
Unconvinced, he pulled you closer, just until your faces were mere inches away from each other. “No,” he said in a stern voice. “I’d rather you by my side, where I can protect you. I hate to question what you’re capable of, but you’ve been sitting down for as long as I’ve known you for.”
“I’ve lived decades more than you,” a simple reply, hopefully enough to get by him. You snatched your hands back with ease, ears flinching slightly when a cold breeze swept past you. But you stayed firm, not wanting to look vulnerable against the imposing air he had around him.
Still unconvinced. “You’re coming with me.”
“No I’m not.”
You’d known him as a kid, watched him grow up along with all the other small ones in his hometown. And maybe you admit you cared a smudge bit about the warmth he gave you when settling down to play cards, but he was different. He had changed in the worst way and you weren't about to deal with it.
“So you’re not coming with me voluntarily?” He asked softly, taking a small step to which you responded by stepping back. He had his hands up, as if telling you he wouldn't hurt you. But the way he said voluntarily sent shivers up your spine.
“No.” Hand on your vision, you held your own hand up threateningly.
He took his time when tilting his head, taking a deep breath in, and then appearing in front of you in just a short stride. Too quick to react, you hesitated before you could attack him. You didn't want to hurt him, he was still a child in your eyes, and you paid the consequences for that. He slid his hand just along your neck, and a jolt of electricity seemed to thrum inside you just as you collapsed in his arms.
Scaramouche was quick to catch you, hoisting you up into his arms dearly. “I do hope you’ll come to understand,” he said softly, cradling your unconscious form in his arms. Making sure not to crush your tail when carrying your legs, he looked past the mountains, sigh resting on his lips.
Because Scaramouche liked to have control of the things he held dear. Like keeping all your valuables neat and tidy in a closet, he was happy knowing you were safe and stable in that spot you always sat on.
And he couldn't have you moving could he?
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submasscribes · 2 years
…..yandere butler submas twins who realize how much their s/o loves them in suits and when they act like their butlers? Nsfw? Like they discover it and use it against them to make them hot and bothered then some. Please?
♡ Admittedly making this Yandere as well as butler was a little tricky but I enjoyed writing this a lot! There is definitely more butler in there but I hope it still is alright. Their buttler uniforms are so hot! Hope you enjoy it too anon.♡
Contains: Ingo/Emmet x reader, buttler ingo/Emmet, slight Yandere?, NSFW!
You sat in your home desk chair giggling gleefully to yourself. The photo on your phone screen baring the striking image of your handsome twin boyfriends wearing their special butler uniforms. They had them for an event you sadly were unable to attend yet the suits looked so good on them you couldn't help but to let your mind wonder. You were so entranced you didn't notice Emmet sneak up behind you and trap you in a sudden hug. This surprised you causing you to drop your phone onto the desk.
"AH EMMY! Don't scare me like that!" You snarled at the giggling twin. His eye was caught by the image adorned on your phone.
"Oh what's this?" The man grasped your phone with no disregard for privacy and smiled wide at the image. Before you could snatch it back he stepped away and teased you. "You like this photo baby? Is it the uniform? Would you... Like us to wear it for you?" Your cheeks flushed crimson as you grabbed your phone back. You embaressingly nodded and hummed in reply. You let out a sigh as Emmet sped out the door excitedly calling for his older twin. Your blush only worsened at his actions.
The sun had set and you looked around fpr the twins. They were not in the living room where you were. Hmm? How odd? They were usually around by this time on a Saturday. You were sure they hadnt left. They usually hated leaving you alone. You explored the house, not the bathroom, not the laundry... The only room left was your shared bedroom but the door was closed. Curiously you opened it...
You were immediately greeted by the twins, dressed to the nines in their butler uniforms. They each held out a hand and bowed to you, instinctively you took their hands. Crimson once again spread over your cheeks. "How may we assist you this evening?" Ingo questioned in character.
"Please let us service you and tend to your needs." Emmet smiled playing along. Clearly Emmet had told his brother and the two cunning men had come up with a plan to fulfill your secret desire.
"I ahhh. Y-yes please." You stutter as the twins pull you closer to their bodies.
"Such a fine evening it is miss, Yet the beauty you hold overshines the sunset by miles." Ingo spoke softly as he planted kisses up your arm making sure to keep his eyes locked on yours. Emmet ran his hands down your sides and started to remove your clothing.
"It has been a loooong day. Why don't you let us help you unwind and relax." Sandwiched between both men you could feel yourself grow dizzy with lust. Both twins removed your clothes together slowly and gently. You were moved to the bed guided by their soft hands. Emmet finding it hard to contain himself yet Ingo was right in his element.
Both men's slacks were tight and you couldn't help but to stare longingly. "Would you like to sample this treat miss? I warn you though it is a bit of a mouthful." A giggle escaped his lips as he unziped his pants and let his now fully erect cock flop out. It twitched before you desperate for your touch. A gulp was swallowed before you took it in your hands and guided the shaft into your mouth. With a moan Emmet slightly thrusted in deeper.
"Patience brother. Remeber our teachings. We must always serve others first." Ingo teased his brother who was already struggling to hold back. Emmet was not one for patience in this field.
Your tongue danced around his cock as you took it deep into your mouth. Ingo soon removed his from his pants to join. "Another flavour for you to try. It will be delectable once you get to the cream filling." You took his cock and began to suck it with no hesitation which caused the older twin to gasp.
"Patience brother. Remeber our teachings. We must always serve others first. Riiiiiight?" Emmet teased back at his brother.
You spent time focused on one before switching back to the other a few times. Both men becoming more aroused with each passing moment. You grasped both of their cocks and smirked up at them. They both gulped as you giggled, your hand started to jerk them both off rather quickly, all the saliva added to the pleasure making it easy for you to jerk them off. By this point they were ready to burst. Within moments both of the twins were panting and groaning, leaning back into the motion ready to cum. You let them, All their spend splashed over your body. Oh how they LOVED the sight! Their seed all over you was seen as a primal claim of your body. It pleased them immensely.
Ingo sat beside you on the bed as Emmet took his seat on the other side of you. They both reached a hand over your thighs and slowly trailed their way towards your sweet pink velvet. "We reached our destination and we must make sure you reach yours." Ingo whispered.
"Yes indeed brother. We simply must compete our service to you." Emmet's fingers circleed around your clit as Ingo slowly inserted two of his inside you causing you to arch back into their other arms that held you. They skillfully rubbed all the right places and you felt a seething hotness drive your body wild. Your moans and gasps were only fuel for them to go faster and deeper.
"We are right on schedule. Shall we proceeded at full speed ahead Emmet?" Ingo smirks faintly as his brother humms in agreement.
"Full speed ahead Ingo." Both twins pick up to full speed rubbing and fingering you. The feeling is too much for you to hold back anymore and you yell out loud as you climax. In a panting heated pile you collapse. The men hold you close and kiss your shoulders lovingly. Your body and fantasy fulfilled, for now at least.
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kn1fekitten · 2 years
i cant believe i have my interview with victoria secret tomorrow IM SO NERVOUS!!! i want to work there so bad 💔💔💔
it’s such a jump for me since I’ve never done retail and I’m super socially anxious but it’s exactly what i need rn to get out of my shell (not to mention start reaching my financial goals!!). i adore vs and i really hope the interview isn’t as hard as i hear it might be. i want to be one of the pretty girl vs cashiers sm 🎀🕯
it’s 2 am and i’m so sleepy but i don’t feel like i’ve studied the questions enough and my interview tomorrow is pretty early Q_Q i might stay up or take a short nap and then study my responses since i feel so sleepy idk if i can focus rn. still haven’t seen as many vs interview/hiring videos as i hoped to, ahhh i wish they hadnt given me such short notice for my interview! less than 24 hours 😭😭😭 i really don’t want to fumble this opportunity. please fellow coquette it girl girl bloggers send me your strength
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wonunuu · 3 years
i hadnt been active much the past few weeks so imagine the biggest smile on my face when i see your jeonghan series??
now imagine that smile slipping bc of whats happening?? AHHH I JUST WANT YN TO BE OKAY seungkwans mean but it was deserved what he said??? I ACTUALLY JUST REALLY LOVE JOW TOU PORTRAY THEM ALL like wonwoo??? you writing his character >>>> I LOVE IT and seokmins “sending you the addy sweets”?? I SNORTED WHY DOES IT FEEL SO ACCURATE?? but the last chapter with the fighting and violence :((( i just keep feeling worse for bby yn- that and idk i feel like joshua and her are just way cuter get you a man like hunk (yes hunk)
anyways! the plot! im in love! the concept! im in love! the writing! im in love THE AUTHOR IM IN LOVE i really cant wait for this this is my new obsession dear lawd I JUST AHH THIS IS MY NEW FAVOURITE THING SO THANK YOU FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO WRITE IT AND POST IT FOR US SO WE COULD ENJOY IT TOO AHHH
SHKWKSANAKKS WOW?/!/!/! now imagine this: me smiling like an idiot whole reading your ask 🥺🥺
thank you so much for really enjoying the au so far AND AHHSJDJS thank you for taking a notice on their characters!!!:&/& i wanted to try and give some members a role that they usually don’t “play” in other aus hehe i’m really glad you’re liking it 🤧
YN AND HUNK ENTHUSIAST I SEE HANAJKAK tney do be cute tho 🥲🥲 can’t say the same about jeonghan and the circumstances they are under in at the moment 😬
i hope you have a fantastic week ahead of you because you are an absolute angel and you deserve everything good in the world ahhhhsjsk 🥺🥺❤️❤️
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satoruvt · 3 years
fanfic writer tag game <3
helloooo <3 thank u for tagging me @hannie-dul-set this is so cute lol
ummmm! i think i will tag. @leejuyeeon and @seokmingiggles !! and as always anyone else who wants to <33
peum ~
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
omg lets see if i can do this in order. i think the first fandom i ever wrote fanfic for was creepypasta LMAOO and then... fairy tail? then 5 seconds of summer, then maybe it 2017?? voltron legendary defender, detroit become human, monster prom and mystic messenger kind of overlapped, the arcana !!! then my hero academia, haikyuu, a Little bit of demon slayer... i think thats it lol
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
seventeen is all for rn, but i’m thinking of also writing for mha again and adding jjk!!
3. how long have you been writing?
oh wow for like... probably around 6 years? maybe 6 and a half
4. on which platforms do you post your stories?
rn just tumblr, i used to post more actively on ao3 but i havent since i started writing for kpop
5. what is your favourite genre to write?
ahhh like !!! comfort fics!!! i think theres something really sweet in those unspoken feelings during moments you think you’ll never forget... the idea of being with someone and you’re just so sure they’re your favorite person, and then warmth that comes with that realization... wahh
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
oh it depends i think. for longer fics i like to plan them out, but i really wing it with like timestamps or shorter ones
7. one shot or multi-chapter?
ONE SHOTS. my god i fucking suck at multi-chapter shit LMAOO ive only done 1 series like that and it was so rough for me lol
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
hm how do i explain this... anything that makes sense? however long it takes for it to feel like the chapter/fic is summed up or completed. i used to worry about word counts a lot but now i rarely pay attention to them, both in reading and writing
9. what is your longest published story? is it complete?
if we’re talking about multi-chaptered, then the color of you wins at 17k !! in terms of one shots, it’s for now; forever at 9k!
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
oh boy. i think... anything from the last like. 8 months? my svt stuff for sure!! i went a while without writing in between like january-late november 2020, and i was worried that my writing would suffer a lot... it took a sec for me to get back into the groove of things but i’m feeling happier than ever with the stuff i write now. i feel like ive matured about the way i approach my own writing and ideas, and how i do everything, and my fics make me really proud. ive started writing within different aus that i hadnt touched before, or talking about different feelings or ideas, etc... i really feel like ive grown with this most recent burst lol, and i love working on them! i get so hyped up when im in the middle of writing or even planning, im just so excited to share all of it hehe
11. favorite request you've have written and why (if any?)
ah its been so long since ive worked with requests that i cant remember anything LOL
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
yes. it is comfort and content. it is the feeling of love. it is holding hands on a walk in the middle of spring and smelling flowers. it is the sound of leaves when a gust of wind blows past. it is looking into ur lovers eyes and feeling nothing but pure fondness
13. current number of wips?
fuck like somewhere around 20 probably
14. three things you have noticed about your own writing?
i really like repetition (specifically in sentences if that makes sense??), LOTS of unspoken things (even if i picture a fic with an established relationship, i dont say it within the fic; and especially concerning romantic feelings, i love when things go unsaid and are FELT full force), i think a lot of detailed rambling... i really like to try and describe emotions and stuff in the most abstract and obscure ways lol i feel like it makes things a little more palpable and honest
15. a quote you like from a published story
im gonna do a few. Lol. firstly this long one from pretend people can unlearn:
“Are you…” Jeonghan starts, and when you look at him, his eyes are still on the city in front of you. “Are you ever afraid that we’ll fall out of love?”
It never occurred to you that this was love. It’s not like the love you’ve experienced in the past, not even close. But maybe… maybe that’s why you never leave, why you hold yourself back from certain arguments like it might fix everything. Maybe love is the reason why Jeonghan still seems to believe in you. Why he promises he’ll be the best thing for you despite always breaking that promise.
(Is it love, a voice in your head questions, or is it longing?)
It takes you a while to respond. “I don’t know,” you end up saying, because you really don’t. Jeonghan turns his head and looks at you, and you half expect him to start an argument in the middle of night, out on the street like this. It wouldn’t be the first time. “Would that… be okay?”
“I don’t know,” Jeonghan answers, just like you. His voice is soft. You want to reach for his hand just to hold it. “You’re still…”
He pauses, like he’s trying to find the right word. You let him take his time, for once, instead of accusing him of the worst. “I’m still?”
“Everything,” he tells you. He looks so sad and you reach out for him because it’s the only thing you can offer. You think the worst thing about your relationship with Jeonghan is that you will always believe him when he gets like this, just like you’ll believe him when he takes it back in the heat of a fight.
next is from like there isn’t something missing <3
But you’re crying into his chest because it’s not you, and it’s not him. Seungcheol wonders if it was always meant to be like this, if the two of you were always meant to part or if something… if something just went wrong, somewhere. A bump that did a bit more damage than either of you thought.
He tries not to think about it now. Tears fill his own eyes as he presses a kiss to your hair because he loved you. He truly did.
“I was so lucky to love you,” he murmurs, voice a cracked whisper. “I’m so happy I got the chance.”
When Seungcheol wakes up the next morning in an empty bed, he’s not surprised. But the Post-It note that’s dressed in your handwriting…
Well. It’s over.
and this last one from only for you, i will dance !!
“This will always be our own time,” he says. “We’ll meet here.”
You know. He says it every time. It never fails to make your heart soar.
“Our thirteenth month,” you say, just like every time. Chan smiles.
He kisses you so strong you feel yourself falling.
16. a quote from an unpublished story
ahh ok ill do a few here too!!! one is something ive begun writing, the other is one that i’ve just been working on planning out <3
Smoke blows past somebody else’s lips and partially obstructs Wonwoo’s view of you.
He hasn’t been to a party like this in a long time. It’s elegant, more of a gala than anything. He can’t remember who threw it or for what reason. It doesn’t really matter, he supposes, watching you make conversation with the partygoers. They all have old money to throw around, the symbolism stitched into their suit jackets and red-rimmed heels; remnants of it left on tables and in the contents of expensive cigars.
You play them like you are one of them, tell them the right things with a silver tongue. Wonwoo always watches, plays the part of an observer. It’s impressive, the way you float around the room like it’s nothing.
Wonwoo observes; Wonwoo knows things.
and the second one...
"you don't know me," you respond. your voice carries no bite, just a fact, and joshua knows this
"i want to," he says after a second. "if you'll let me."
and he's asking permission to be your friend, to be close to you, something so tender and strangely polite
it makes you feel almost sad
"don't expect too much," you say, a little teasing. joshua only smiles
17. space for you to say something to your readers
wahhh thank you all so much!!! when i first got into writing for kpop it was a lot different mostly because i think... i was writing stuff for different anime before, and i had built up a big following because of that and my works always did like, really exceptional in terms of notes and feedback and such, and getting into kpop... has been rough on that end 💀 but i appreciate your support thus far, even if it’s small... i’m still working towards a standard that i have for myself!!! so please be patient with me, thank you for the support !!
also please find it in yourself to leave lil comments or any sort of feedback... please..... PLEASE... any creator ever understands this struggle please always try to do this!!! for me and for any other creator you follow and enjoy content from <333
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Twice the love,
Twice the fun,
Twice the tears.....
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Steven and Natalia loved being parents, their family was whole and had never been happier.....
Our character's have been married for nearly a year and have two beautiful twins; Ivan (named after Natalia's father) and Sarah (named after Steven's mother). Previous storylines have been told, but we may share drabbles, storylines etc in the near future.
Since she had become pregnant, Steven had always been set on doing the night feeds so his wife could have some decent rest and almost three months later, he was still happy to do them. It wasnt always easy, some nights they would feed and fall back to sleep and other nights Steven would have a baby on each arm as he stood outside on their porch facing the ocean, rocking and humming their cries to sleep, yet he never complained and why would he? They had the two most beautiful gifts and despite, what people would assume, considering what era he was from, he always believed it took two people to make the babies and so two people to bring them up.
Tonight was no different, apart from the fact that both babies seemed to have developed croup, which seemed to be worse at night, not that Steven made a point of it, so there he was on the porch, rocking Ivan and Sarah in his arms, the sound of the ocean waves and breeze trying to caress them, their Daddy humming an 1940s lullaby which normally settled them but tonight it wasnt working. Not wanting to be outside for much longer, incase they caught a cold, he headed back in , stepping over Liho and Teddy, sitting down on the rocking chair "come on little Angel's, just one more hour of sleep" he softly trying to hush them into nod land and consciously also not to wake Natalia up either. Teddy laid at his feet and Liho jumped and curled up at the back of the chair as Steven rocked them all in an attempt for a visit from the sandman.
It felt like forever until they all nodded off, apart from Teddy, who realized they had fallen asleep, jumped on the sofa and pulled the blanket over to the chair tossing it over his best friend's knees before settling down himself. The sun started beaming through, stirring the Captain, looking down at the beautiful twins asleep in his arms and smiled. He was as tired as hell and by the look of the clock, he had only grabbed an hours sleep all night but seeing their adorable faces made it all worth while. He gently tried to move and place them in the living room crib but as soon as he walked away he stubbed his toe on the corner of the coffee table and growled, then heard the crying of Sarah. He couldve cursed at himself for waking her, he really could, but he smiled and picked her up "ahhh little one it's okay, Daddy's here" he rocked her in his arms, conscious both Mommy and Ivan were still asleep.
Sarah gave out a barking cough, a furrow of worry creasing her Daddy's brows and yet he knew it was croup. "Okay little one, it's okay. Weve got this together" he took her medication out of the cupboard and tried to coax her to take it , only by sucking the medicine off his knuckle, making him wonder if it was too early for her to be having the first signs of teeth pushing out. Another dose then he shook the bottle, damnit how did they let it get empty? Her next dose was in the next four hours, that would be fine.
She had just started dozing off when he glanced up and saw his wife coming down stairs, welcoming her with a smile. "Good morning, love" he walked over and kissed her cheek. She looked concerned, it was probably clear that he hadnt really slept, the dark circles under his eyes, the tired look and yet he didnt make a fuss out of it. Placing Sarah down with Ivan to sleep, he walked back to his wife and hugged her, wrapping his arms around her waist firmly as his beard nuzzled into the soft crook of her neck as he breathed her in and sighed happily, leaving a trail of small, sweet kisses up her neck, along her jawline and softly kissed her lips "hmmm, definitely a good morning" he smiled more, admiring her , his wife, his everything. Reaching up, he threaded his fingers through her red locks then cupped her facial cheeks "I need to nip to the shops as they sleep, Sarah needs some more medicine and I have a feeling Ivan may have a touch of it too so I'll get some back up as well. I'll pick up some diapers and other things we'll need as well, I wont be long. I love you..." he smiled as his thumbs caressed her cheeks. "God, I love you" before she objected of him going to the shops and not to rest, he kissed her lips again, grabbed the tee and shorts from the kitchen stool, hurried them on then grabbed the keys to their car. "I'll be fine, rest while I'm gone and they're asleep. Love you" and with that he was out the door and in the car.
The store was busy, Steven hated it busy, he just wanted to get in and out as quickly as possible and it seemed everyone else had the same idea. Grabbing diapers, wipes and food like he was on Supermarket Sweep, he made it to the till in record time. He was certain he had the slowest cashier, every item she scanned she checked before and after then slowly slid it down to the bagging area. Steven chewed his inner cheek to keep his tired self from speaking up.
Eventually, everything was packed and he happily paid and walked out to the parking lot, packing all the bags into boot of the car, only to sit in the driver's seat, about to turn the engine on when he remembered the main reason for coming out in the first place "shit" he muttered to himself, leaning over to the glove compartment to pull out the prescription for the twin's croup medication and ran back into the store.
Joining the queue for the pharmacy, he sighed a little to himself, he really wanted to be back home by now with his family. Two people infront of him and his eyes started to close, staying still like this made his body remember just how tired he was. Shaking his head, he blinked rapidly trying to wake himself up, "Sir?" Steven looked up, it was now his turn in the queue and he was sure he looked like he was having some kind of fit to her. Smiling he greeting her and handed over the prescriptions and cash "I'll have these too" he picked up two bottles of Calpol, adding more money to the existing medicine money on the till counter. It wasnt long until he had the medications in the bag and ran back to the car. Looking across the carpark, he noticed the coffee shop, it would had to help. Grabbing a coffee and a blueberry muffin for Natalia, he made it back to the car and headed home.
Pulling into the drive, he switched the engine off, before it had even started to cool down, he was closing the boot , with arms full of bags and heading to the door. As soon as he opened the door, he was met with loud crying from both babies, Teddy barking and doing circles and his wife holding Sarah in her arms , with tears trying to stop her from crying. He had been gone just over an hour and yet he knew how quickly their cries could get you down.
Dropping the bags on the counter, he turned to Natalia, wiping away her tears with his thumbs "I'm a bad mother, Steven, I cant get them to stop crying. I cant do this"
Steven stroked her cheek "shush now, you're a great Mommy, theyve been up all night and arent feeling their best. You're amazing, this is hard but you're doing so well, honey. It's going to be okay. Come on, let's get you into a nice, warm bath to relax in" he kissed her lips before she could say anything and protest and took her hand , picking up Ivan as he walked them all up to the bathroom. Natasha looked emotional, and Steven didnt love her any less as she tried to still hush their baby daughter. Crouching down slightly as not to tip Ivan who was crying still, he ran her warm water and poured in her favorite oils, walking over to her , he took Sarah and kissed her lips "have a nice bath, take time for yourself and relax. It's okay, I love you so much, my beautiful one" he kissed her lips again before leaving her in the bathroom.
Carrying the twins downstairs, he opened the porch doors, the pets dashing out. They loved the twins but after a while of their crying, they always wanted to escape. Steven smiled softly at them before rocking the babies and humming to them "shhhh it's okay, it's okay, weve got you, little ones. The bad croup will leave us soon" he kissed both their foreheads and carried them out to the quiet beach, rocking them still as he walked up and down the length to the house on the beach.
Both sets of lungs were working, but then Sarah would do a set of barking coughs followed by Ivan doing the same "if I could have it instead I would little ones. Come on darlings, its okay" his tone was low and calming. His wife was relaxing in the bath, their babies were trying to settle, despite the chaos, this was the perfect family and a dream come true. He loved his wife and so proud of her in so many ways, he hoped their children would grow up to be as loving and funny as her. He had the most wonderful wife and children. Nothing else mattered.
"Teddy dont go too far" the Golden Retriever puppy turned and pounded back towards him. He looked towards the part of their home that his wife would be having a bath in now and smiled more . Noticing the twins had stopped crying, he looked down and saw them completely asleep. "Sweet dreams, little ones" he kissed their foreheads and headed back inside, Teddy on his heels.
Once inside he gently placed them in the crib and quietly put the shopping away, leaving the muffin out and headed back to the sofa next the cribs, looking at them, gently rocking the crib with his feet. An unexpected yawn escaped his lips as he leaned back into the sofa, one hand on the crib and his other tapping beside him on the sofa, looking at the dog with the puppy dog eyes "come on then Ted, cuddles for you too" Teddy jumped up and curled next to him as Steven ruffled his fur "good boy" before long he had fallen asleep with their fur babies and human babies surrounding him. Sleep taking over them all, it had been a long night and an even longer morning for them all, he just hoped the bath would help his wife too.
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1a-imagines · 5 years
They meet your protective, older brother.
Type: Scenario
Characters: Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki.
"A-Are you sure it's ok to stay the night (y/n)?" Midoriya's hands fidgeted nervously in front of him as you both made your way to your house.
To be honest, when you had suggested he stayed over he though he had heard you wrong. Surely you didn't mean you two should spend the night sleeping in the same room together?! Right?
Well when you repeated yourself and he found out he did in fact hear correctly, he almost passed out. Luckily he had been sitting down.
He couldn't believe what you were suggesting, and you had said it all so bluntly too! As if it was no big deal! You eventually convinced him it was ok and you just wanted to hang out with him, Watching movies and playing games, there was nothing serious about it. He finally agreed.
"Won't your parents be mad? You did tell them r-right?" It was obvious your precious boyfriend was still so nervous, even though you had assured him at least 10 times now it was fine.
"You don't have to worry so much, silly~" you teased him before reaching to grab his hand. Giving it a small reassuring squeeze. He smiled at you, feeling a little calmer after seeing your radiant smile and feeling your soft hand in his own. You always knew how to calm him down, you did it so naturally too. Sometimes he wasn't even sure you knew you had such a calming effect on him.
"Also, my parents are out of town!"
He hadn't meant to scream but he couldn't help it after hearing your parents wouldn't even be there! He began to panic at the thought of being alone with you all night. You had to stop walking to calm him down again. He was nervously muttering to himself and tugging on his hair as he tried to convince himself it would be fine and it's no big deal, but in the end he only made it worse for himself.
"Izuku! Calm down!"
You tried to reassure him again but to no avail. He couldn't hear you through his vigorous muttering. You sighed and grabbed one if his hands, which of course caused him to finally look at you and the muttering to cease.
"My big brother will be there! We won't be alone! Come on! I wouldn't do that to your nerves. Relax ok?" You spoke to him softly. He took in a deep breath. Your older brother? He had yet to meet him, you brother wasn't often home and the thought of meeting him made Midoriya a little nervous but nothing was more nerve wrecking than the thought of being alone with you. He just wasn't ready for that kind of pressure.
You got to your home and walked inside. You yelled out that you were home to alert your brother. You had already told him you were bringing your boyfriend over, and surprisingly he had said it was alright. Which was strange because you knew how protective he could be, and now he was letting a boy stay the night? It was suspicious and that's why you were on high alert tonight.
The sound of heavy and firm footsteps made their way down the wooden stairs. You hadnt even made it to the living room when you heard your older brother call out to you.
"(Y/n)! Aren't you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?" Your brother asked with a stern tone.
You scrunched up your nose, was he seriously already trying to intimidate your poor boyfriend. You both turned to see a very tall and muscular looking make behind you. Your brother stared down at Midoriya, as if sizing him up. Your brother was a lot taller than you both so having him towering over you wasn't helping the situation.
Midoriya shrunk under his cold gaze. You noticed this and glared at your brother. "Izuku, this is my big brother, (B/n). (B/n) this is Izuku." You gritted through your teeth, the sight of seeing your brother act so coldly towards such a sweet guy like Midoriya made your blood boil.
"I-i-its super nice to meet you." Midoriya managed squeak out. (B/n) continued to stare down at him. He only grunted in response. You three made you way to the living room and when Midoriya wasn't paying attention you punched your brother in the arm as a warning. He only smirked at you, he probably hadn t even really felt the punch. "What?"
"Stop trying to scare him!"
"Hey! I'm just making sure he's a good enough guy for you!"
"Well maybe try getting to know him before being an ass?"
Your brother sighed in annoyance but agreed to behave himself for now. Throughout the night he still kept a close watch on Midoriya, Observing his every move. It was safe to say it did not take long for him to warm up to your boyfriend completely. He noticed how sweet he was to you.
How whenever you needed something he would jump up and get it for you, no questions asked. How he would hold doors open for you, or even how he always asked permission before he got too close to you. Like if he could hold your hand or place a kiss on it. The icing on the cake was when your brother woke up to see Midoriya was making breakfast for you.
It was safe to say by the end of the night he had completely won over your brother. In fact, they got along great! When it was time for Midoriya to leave (b/n) held out a hand to him with a big toothy grin on his face. "I'm so glad to see my little (y/n) has such good taste in boys! You're a real gentleman! Thanks for taking such good care of (y/n) for me! Come back around anytime! You're always welcome!"
You felt yourself releasing your breath in relief. Your brother liked your boyfriend. Thank god! You knew your brother was not easily won over and yet here you were, watching as they were shaking hands and taking as if they had been friends for years now.
As you waved goodbye to a very happy Midoriya from the gate you felt your brother nudge your side as he too waved goodbye. "If you hurt him, I'll kill you."
"Eh!? What happened to being protective over me!?"
"Yeah? well that was before I met your incredibly innocent boyfriend."
"(Y/n) go get the apples. They're in the next isle." Your brother told you as he looked down at the list of food. Your parents had sent you both away to do some chores and so now you were both in the middle of a cold supermarket on a beautiful, sunny day being bored out of your minds.
"Sure, whatever." You muttered, feeling your spirits being dragged down even more.
You wanted to be out hanging with your friends! Eating ice cream! Going to the beach! It was so nice out and you were stuck doing chores. You walked into the next isle and grabbed a bag of the fruit you were after.
You were about to head back to your brother when you heard an all too familiar voice yelling in the next isle over. You ran into the next isle to see if your suspicions were correct.
Which if course, they were. You stood behind an angry Bakugou yelling at a very bored looking kaminari. The rest of your friend group was there but they were staying out of this arguement. Each of them looked just as bored as the next.
"I'm just saying. This is boring! Let's get (y/n) and head to the beach or something!"
"I told you idiots, (y/n) is busy doing chores today! And you didnt have to follow me here!" He yelled.
"Figured it would be you yelling in the middle of the supermarket, katsu." You walked up to him with a smile. Suddenly your mood had lifted knowing your friends and boyfriend were here too. Everything was more fun with them around!
"Huh?" He turned back and seemed to calm down upon seeing you. "Oh, hey babe." He replied. You giggled at the sudden mood change and was about to reply when a very unhappy voice chimed in from behind you.
You froze hearing your big brother's voice and feared to turn around. You had never told him about having a boyfriend. Why? you might ask yourself. Well, it's simple. Your big brother was over protective and your boyfriend was a hot head. You figured the two wouldn't mix well and feared them meeting.
"Oh hey bro.." You chuckled nervously. Sweat gathering on your head. If looks could kill you would be dead ten times by now.
"Who's this asshole?" Bakugou asked, he didn't seem all that interested. He spoke in a bored tone despite the glares he was currently receiving from your brother. You saw your (b/n) fists tighten, and it suddenly felt as though your nightmares were becoming a reality.
The rest of the bakusquad sensed the extreme tension in the air and did not want to be apart of what was about to go down.
"Hey guys. Remember that thing we had to do?"
"Yeah. That thing was important."
"We should definately leave abruptly and go do that thing."
"Aw! But guys I wanted to watch!"
Mina pouted but ended up ultimately being pulled away, and like that they were gone and you were stuck inbetween two angry men. You took in a deep breath and hoped for the best.
"Katsuki, meet (b/n). My big brother. Bro, meet katsuki. M-my.... b-boyfriend." You stuttered nervously.
"Boyfriend!? You have to be kidding right!? This hot head who was just yelling in the middle of the store?"
"Look I know I didn't tell you but-"
"What does it matter to you who she dates, huh?"
"They're my sibling!"
"Congrats, and they're my partner, What of it?"
Oh god. Someone please put me out of my misery.
You had planned to tell your brother very soon as your relationship had gotten a lot more serious lately, but it seems your plans had been ruined as they were now practically ready to start throwing punches at each other.
You couldn't let this happen.
"If you think for one minute I'm letting my little (y/n) date a peice of shit like you, think again!"
It seemed in the time you had zoned out things had only gotten much worse.
"Too bad its not your choice." Katsuki turned to you with narrowed eyes. "You didn't tell me you had such an over protective asshole for a brother."
You rushed inbetween them and pushed your brother back. "Listen to me (b/n). I know this isn't the best first impressions-"
"You think so?"
"But! Give him a chance. I didn't just start dating him for no reason. I've known him for a really long time now and we've been dating for months-"
"- and he's been giving me his all! He's not the best with Lovey emotions but he's really trying for me. I was a bit worried at first but honestly?" You turned back to looked at your boyfriend with warm, loving eyes. "He's proven me wrong. I had nothing to worry about. He's making me so happy. Happier than I ever thought I could be."
Bakugou eyes softened hearing you say that. You smiled at him before turning back to your brother who had seemed to calm down a bit. You stepped back from him and stood beside Bakugou grabbing onto his hand. "If you don't want to give him a chance then fine. That's your choice. But trust me, you're missing out. He's shown me sides of himself I didnt even know he had. I wouldn't trade him for the world. So you better get use to him being around."
Bakugou muttered something about being 'stupidly mushy and shit.' His head was turned away from you and there was a prominate blush on his cheeks. You knew he liked the praise from the way he squeezed your hand though. You heard your brother sigh, running a hand through his hair.
"Fine... I'll give him a chance. But I got my eye on you, kid."
"That's fine. Do whatever you want. I don't give a shit, just know that nothing. Not even you could keep me away from them. I'm not loving them half heartedly, so if you think I'll give them up so easily. You're dead wrong." Bakugou growled.
You immeadiatly thought it would cause another fight but to your suprise your brother let out a amused huff.
"Maybe you're not so bad after all."
"Thanks so much for helping me again! I know you probably have better things to do." You bashfully rubbed the back for your head as you walked through the school halls.
"Of course I don't. We're dating, if you need help, then I'm here for you." Your boyfriends answered bluntly as he helped you carry your books out of school. "Yeah, I suppose. But you've been tutoring me so much lately. I feel bad for taking up so much of your time."
"You shouldn't feel bad. In fact, I'm thankful that I get to spend all this time with you. Even if we're just studying, being around you seems to brighten my mood."
Your cheeks lit up at his words. Despite being usually quiet you had realised after awhile of dating him he was really smooth and had a way with words, even the most simplest of things he would say could make your heart soar.
When you got outside, the sun was setting and everything around you looked to be a beautiful golden colour. It was so peaceful, especially because you two were the only ones around, everyone else had left a few hours ago, when school ended for the day.
You sighed happily and closed your eyes to soak in the warm feeling of the sun on your skin.
You peaked one eye open to see your brother stood in front of you. You noticed the car keys in his hand and figured he was here to pick you up.
"Hi (b/n)! Are you here to take me home?"
He nodded in response and you turned to todoroki who was staring at the strange male with an emotion your couldn't quite place. His eyebrows were slightly pinched together and he looked at if he was trying to figure something out.
You tapped his shoulder to get his attention and he snapped out of whatever trance he was in. "(Y/n)? Who is your friend?" There was a slight cautious tone in his voice as he seemed to hover closer towards you. You gave him a confused look but decided not to bring it up. If you really wanted to you could always ask him about it later.
"This is my big brother!"
You took notice he visibly relaxed a little. He nodded and gave a slight bow of his head. "It's so nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you."
"Funny, I too have heard a lot about you. (Y/n) never stops talking about you."
You blushed and shot your brother a warning glare. Silently telling him to stop talking. The last thing you wanted was for your boyfriend to know just how much you talk about him. It's an embarrassing amount. But you couldn't help it! He made you so happy!
Your brother smirked in response before going over to your boyfriend and placing a firm hand onto his shoulder. "This goes without saying but you had better take good care of (y/n). Cause if I find out you hurt them-"
"I assure you I would never dream of hurting them. In fact I've made it my own personal mission to make them feel as happy and as safe as they have made me feel. They have supported me and shown me nothing but kindness since day one. Hurting them is the last thing I would ever dream of doing."
The seriousness in his voice made your brother step back in shock. "Yeah... wow. I didnt- I didn't expect you to be so serious about them."
"Ive never been more serious about anything in my life." He replied in his usual monotoned voice.
He was even surprising you with how serious he was about this. Of course it was so nice to hear but you had no idea how serious he was really taking your relationship already. You had only been dating for a few months. You smiled up at him, slowly tugging on his sleeve to get his attention.
He turned to you and asked what was wrong. "I never thought I would see the day someone was able to deflect my over protective brother like that" your eyes sparkled with excitement. "It was so impressive! Teach me how to do that too!"
You brother was watching you both converse with each other. He took note how you got overly excited about how "cool" your boyfriend was and then you began laughing about the pun you had made? You had completely lost your brother at this point but it by the way Todoroki softly smiled down at you it was easy to tell he was keeping up.
"Well... at least someone seems to understand them.."
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May I present to you, my thoughts as I watched AWAE S3E02 (SPOILERS + LONG POST)
hoooo boi this was a controversial one...
Oh my gosh Marilla nice hat
Gilbert’s face I cant this is so funny
The noise she makes climbing those stairs
That’s Mary’s son yeah?
He was so ready for a nice convo when she sat down and she just came back with the venom ahhh Anne
Anne she’s worried about you ya cheese
He went from Heart Eyes Gilbert to Hurt Eyes Gilbert I’m so bummed
Aww Matthew you’ve got an older Anne to hang out with
Hmmmm so that was going well until the son guy whose name I’ve forgotten saw Delphine and their “happy family” situation
Wait did they just have a super awkward train ride and then walk to Aunt Josephine’s??
Josephine coming in with the right words eyyyy
Love the Cole-Josephine-Rollings dynamic
wait nooooo that closeup from the previews of Gilbert looking amused and charming was for another lady???
“Miss Rose”?!?!?!?
GOTDANGGIT he’s heart-eyes-ing someone elseeeee
AWWWWWW MATTHEW YOU CUTIE stop it writers I know something happens to him and I don’t like it
Aww I’m so glad you’re here Cole. Taking care of Anne.
Awww Annneeeeeeeee. This hurts.
Cole my boi I am so glad you’re here
Cole the ultimate bestie
Alright son guy don’t you dare do anything to that child
Gilbert you’re on a DATE
Ohhhh it’s uncomfortable he’s not used to it
They were flirting and it was charming
Ohhhhhh that’s where the flower came from???? Ughhhhhh
Elijah why you gotta be jealous for???
Do some hard thinking Elijah. DONT CAUSE TROUBLE
Oh dang this whole field analogy with Rachel and Miss Stacy is friggen hilarious
Miss Stacy’s laugh is amazing
Oh this dope. Sniffing a flower. Not noticing how bummed out Anne is
Awww I love that Mary’s coming in for the deets about a girl bc she knows Gilbert’s not about to gush with Bash
Ahhh Elijah. Why are you like this???
Marilla’s just hurt Anne. Awww man Marilla and Anne are fighting
In summary: I’m ok with this Rose lady... she’s supremely Anne-like... as evident by the very first scene we see...but she’s a more mature Anne that is more receptive to Gilbert’s advances, and our boi has been hit with multiple rejections now... from this he’ll probably realise that the distance between him and this grown up lady is too much, and he truly likes Anne, and he was just charmed by Winnifred’s likeness to her... let the boi have a minor crush... Anne’s not giving him the time of day, he’s just trying something out... it’s far more unrealistic if he waited around when he’s young and there’s a charming, quirky, pretty lady right there...even if in his heart of hearts, he only has one girl he’ll ever love...
so let him have his wholesome fun...he’ll be back with Anne before ya’ll know it!
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everyone shut the fuck up and CONSIDER trans girl iida
she supposes she always knew unconsciously that there was something different about her but she never rlly put much thought into it until some ppl in the class come out as trans* (like aoyama’s genderfluid, tokoyami’s a demiboy, nd tsu and jirou are trans girls)
and as class rep, but also (and arguably more importantly) their friends, iida wants to make sure she can make them as comfortable as possible abt coming out so she does some research nd stuff. like she knew trans people existed and were valid nd such before but she wanted to get more than just the basic facts
and shes happy for her friends! shes glad they trusted their class enough to tell them, shes glad she can be there for them. but she also notices that she feels rlly...weird? and she keeps doing research just because.......its interesting. but she doesnt know why she finds it so interesting?? and she gets kinda insecure abt that
so she keeps diggin into it and reads posts that trans ppl have made abt their experiences and just classic shitposts nd all that. she thinks the community is great!! and also she finds some fresh wholesome memes to share w her friends so its all the better. right?
but eventually she finds a community of trans girls specifically and she just absolutely COMBS through that. reads every single post there that she can find. but coincidentally she also feels even more insecure now bc shes starting to unconsciously question her gender nd stuff and lets be real folks. an identity crisis is not fun
couple this with the fact that she doesnt experience the traditional dysphoria(tm) that other trans girls seem to universally share, iida gets rlly down abt it. nd it gets to the point she rlly raaaaags on herself for still lookin thro these posts nd stuff and still subtly questioning herself and shes just rlly unhappy at the time :[
nd she doesnt wanna like make tsu or jirou uncomfortable so she doesnt wanna ask them abt it but shes so confused nd frankly hurt and she doesnt know what going oooonnnn with herself
so shes just in this complete funk for a while nd it starts to affect her grades and performance in training. her friends know smths up but iida doesnt know how to even explain how shes feeling so its not necessarily that she doesnt WANT to go to her friends but she literally does not know how to. anyway eventually aizawa keeps her after class and is like “ok iida smths up im gonna call tensei if u dont talk to me”
iida feels absolute HORROR at the prospect of tensei somehow finding out abt this bc oh shit what if he doesnt want her carrying on the name of ingenium anymore??? what if he thinks shes a freak??? what if he thinks shes not really a girl and shes just faking it to be special?? what if- and oh shit thats the first time iida rlly consciously thought to herself “im a girl but what if others dont think i am?”
so she kinda bursts into tears and aizawa internally is like “oh jesus what the fuck” but externally hes like “iida?? r u ok?? was it something i said?? oh fuu- is something wrong with tensei??” and iida just kinda speaks thro her cries like “no nothings wrong with tensei something’s wrong with me” and ill be real folks its real sad girl hours for a bit
anyway iida doesnt rlly elaborate much beyond that bc shes so ashamed and embarrassed but aizawa is like “u’ve gotta talk to someone iida ur friends r worried and frankly i am as well” and iida eventually promises to talk to someone
soo she comes to terms that since she so confused it would be best to ask tsu and jirou abt it even if shes,,,,so v concerned,,,abt making them uncomfortable. but she manages to convince herself that she rlly does need some guidance here and better to ask ppl who know her than ask on the internet sooo
thankfully while iida is working up the courage to ask tsu and jirou to talk, she finds posts derailing terf and truscum shit so she feels. a lot lot better abt everything but particularly the lack of any intense dysphoria she had after reading stuff like that, esp the more verified(tm) articles from the more verified(tm) authors (like doctors and psychoneurologists and such)
so she figures out how she wants to word her questions nd asks tsu nd jirou to meet up. tsu nd jirou agree right away bc all of class 1-a is worried abt their class rep at this point :[ so theyre happy shes finally reaching out
iida is kinda a disaster when tryin to talk but she gets her point across. like “uhh this is a rlly bad way to ask but how did u guys know u were,,,trans?” nd tsu immediately catches on but jirou is only a lil suspicious until further into the conversation
anyway eventually jirou catches on the same as tsu and thats when tsu asks “iida do u think ur trans??”
nd iida is sooooooooo tired of feeling ashamed bc damn. she does think shes trans! she does. she shouldnt feel guilty for how she feels she cant help that. so after takin a moment to steel herself she says “yea” as confidently as one can in the situation
tsu nd jirou r immediately supportive nd ask iida for more details abt how shes feeling nd iida is just,,,so happy,, since shes already on an honesty streak that afternoon, shes able to roughly get her wack emotions into words nd tsu and jirou are like “yea thats valid ur valid iida. it doesnt matter if u dont have the trademark dysphoria or that u didnt know until later in life like ur still young. u say ur a girl, ur a girl” iida cries but only a bit bc damn months of agonizing over this. we stan one trans girl trio.........
anyway tsu and jirou ask her how she wants to move forward i.e. transitioning or telling anyone, and iida hadnt even considered transitioning before bc it felt so out of reach but shes absolutely ECSTATIC at the thought of bein able to look more feminine and it Shows. tsu and jirou r like “ok mood we were like that too right before startin estrogen”
so the first unofficial trans girl trio club meeting ends w tsu and jirou promising to help iida ask recovery girl abt hormones and iida sayin she doesnt want to come out just yet to the class/anyone else in general and tsu and jirou respectin that. i love them yall
anyway after a few months, iida is ready to try hormone treatment so tsu and jirou help her ask recovery girl for a meeting nd r moral support for her while they go thro the process of like figuring out what dosage she should start w/, how long should she take it, when a check up appointment should be, if recovery girl should tell iida’s parents yet or nah, all that stuff. anyway after that,  recovery girl gets her started on hormone treatment which iida is SUPER EXCITED abt and tsu and jirou tell her stories abt when they first started estrogen and AHHH I LOVE MY GIRLS SO MUCH FUCK
anyway eventually after some support from tsu and jirou via the unofficial trans girl club meetings and getting back on her feet confidence-wise, iida comes out to the class :,,,]]] theyre all super supportive and iida cries just a bit. tsu and jirou r so proud of her. aizawa is just glad his problem child #9 is feeling better
ashido and yaoyorozu get together and take iida shopping so she can have more feminine clothes which iida has a lot of fun w......shes never been necessarily big on shopping before (even if she is a part of the rich kid’s club lmao) but this trip is so EXCITING and ashido and momo r so happy for her and so ESCATIC to help her find some clothes and just oh my heart.......
the girls also have a sleepover during which they indoctrinate iida on all things traditionally feminine like makeup nd hair so that she knows the basics should she ever wanna mess arnd with that stuff. but also they just have fun doin normal things and just include iida in on being one of the gals nd iida is,,,so happy. tsu and jirou in particular r arnd her the whole night and wow my uwus they own them the unofficial trans girl club owns my uwus-
anyway so coming out and being accepted and transitioning is going so much better than iida thought it would be. she feels so safe and happy im crying.....anyway eventually some time later iida also gets permission to visit her family during a long weekend/short holiday w/e. nd while there she shakily but steadily comes out to her fam ofc her parents r so proud (her mom’s like ‘’ive always wanted a daughter yes!!! ily tenya’’) and tensei loves her all the same nd she cries a lil bit bc damn,,,,,,shes been fearing the exact opposite reaction for months
specifically she talks to tensei abt it for a little while and mentions her particular fears abt not being good enough to carry on the name “ingenium” nd he smiles at her nd is like “i would rather no one else but my little sister to carry on the name of ingenium” and bruh shes absolutely floored
nd yea. midoriya and uraraka absolutely love love love iida shes still their absolute fav. she joins the unofficial class 1-a trans* club as well as accidentally forms the unofficial class 1-a trans girl club. we love her,,,,
but yeah thats it. this post is so fucking long but oh well. stan iida!
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ladyboltontoyou · 6 years
Arthur Morgan x Reader: Ol’ Fashion Fingers
Ask: ahhh okay so the kinda gross idea! i was wondering if you could write something where the reader is on her period and arthur takes care of her, and i mean...we both know he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty and also...a bit of blood won’t gross him out right? so maybe...he takes care of her and later...works his magic fingers to makes her feel better? i know it’s probably very gross but my cramps are so extremely bad this month i’m dying i just need some arthur i LOVE your writing btw!
Warning: Fingering, period blood
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Reader
A/N: I am so sorry I took so long on this. Whoever sent in the ask, hope you enjoy! (Lmfao at the ‘say no more’ part at the end) Also, they didn’t have tampons or pads back then I don’t think so I used rags, since that’s what I remember women had to use before our ‘luxury’ items. 
“Kill me, put a bullet in my skull, please, it would be a mercy.” Your cramps this month were killing you. They hadn’t been this bad in years, not since you first started having them when you were very young.
“That bad?” Arthur asked as he chewed on a some of the candy Hosea had bought for you.
“You have no idea.” You sighed, watching him clean his gun. The two of you were sitting in a room at one of the Taverns in Valentine, you had rented out a room and bought special service to help ease the pain. Every thirty minutes a maid would bring you a fresh cold rag, a hot blanket, and some water. Karen had done it the last time she got her period and said it was one of the best things she’d ever spent money on. 
Arthur set his gun down on the dresser and made his way over to you, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside your feet. “Well, I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do for you?”
You hummed and looked up, pretending to be deep in thought. “I don’t know… kiss me?” 
Arthur broke into a smile and leaned across you, giving you a quick kiss. “How was that?”
“I still hurt. Kiss me again.”
He kissed you again, longer this time and with more movement. When he pulled back he raised a brow, questioning silently.
“I think it’s working, but I can’t tell. Maybe you’re not trying hard enough.” You forced yourself into a sitting position, now face to face with the man. 
Arthur let out a sigh, not one of annoyance but rather amusement, and brought you in for another kiss. This time you caught him off guard and slipped your tongue in his mouth, bringing up a hand to run your fingers through his hair. His hat fell onto the ground but neither of you noticed. 
The kiss didn’t end as quickly as the others did. Even when he pulled the sheets off of your body your lips remained connected. Even when his hands slid up your legs and gave your thighs a squeeze. You only broke the kiss so you could take your pants off. They were your go-to that time of the month pair, they had holes in the knees and were black so if you had any sort of accident no one would be able to tell. 
You had changed your rag not too long ago so it wasn’t that bloody, thankfully. Even though Arthur had mentioned many times before that he had seen blood almost every day of his life, it wasn’t anything new or gross to him. Still, sometimes you felt a bit embarrassed. 
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” You reminded Arthur as he planted kisses along your neck while his hands squeezed your bare hips.
“Quit that. Lay down and relax, alright?” 
You nodded and laid back down flat on your back after you removed your button up shirt. Arthur hadn’t bothered removing any of his clothing since what he planned on doing didn’t involve him at all. Maybe afterward if what he had in mind didn’t hurt, but he couldn’t imagine anything bigger than a finger inside you would do anything other than cause more unnecessary pain.
He started with massaging your clit, working you up enough so you were shaking. Your little whimpers and moans were almost too much for him but he kept himself together and focused on you and you only. 
After a while of doing that he lightly trailed his fingers down your folds, teasing your entrance with feather-like touches. He kept his eyes on your face and searched for the slightest sign of discomfort, but he only found pleasure. You had your mouth slightly open, letting out quick puffs of air, and your eyes closed. 
“Don’t hesitate to stop me, you hear?” As if. After all the time you’d known Arthur, he still surprised you every day by how sweet he could be. You’d never find another man living as considerate, honest, and utterly selfless as Arthur Morgan.
He looked at you for a few more seconds before he was satisfied that you were totally okay with everything. He then pushed one finger inside you, slow and only partial. Almost immediately he looked up to make sure you didn’t look like you were in any pain. You seemed fine, eyes still closed with your bottom lip between your teeth from anticipation.
You wished he would get on with it, you weren’t made of glass. But you knew he was just being careful, and plus, it wasn’t like you didn’t like when he teased you a little. In your experience, an orgasm always felt better after you had to work for it. 
When he was finally knuckle deep he tested out a gentle curl, knocking a moan out of you. “You alright girl?” He asked, his voice raw and husky, and stilled his movements. 
“Keep going.” 
He obliged and continued curling his fingers, making you forget about the pain going on inside you. You’d never actually fingered yourself whilst on your period, it would be too hard to hide the blood on your fingers if anyone walked in on you. You had settled for outside stimulation which usually eased your pain for a while, but this was a whole different feeling. It was as if you weren’t even on your period at all. No cramps, your spine didn’t ache and your legs weren’t sore to the touch. You didn’t even have a headache anymore.
It didn’t take you long to come. The feeling of his long thick fingers inside you coupled with the erotic image of him sitting fully clothes between your spread legs was too much to handle. Even if you wanted to prolong the whole thing you couldn’t, your orgasm came too sudden and fast for you to do anything about it. All you could do was let out a couple of swear words with his name thrown in a few times and came around his fingers.
Arthur was blown away, as he was every time he had the ‘privilege’, as he called it, to watch you come. “Jesus, woman.” Was all he could say.
You sat up with shaky arms, catching your breath as you ran your fingers through your hair. “That almost works better than morphine.” You joked and grabbed your shirt, slipping your arms through the sleeves but not bothering to button it back up.
“Speakin’a morphine, you should have some soon,” Arthur said as he watched you grab a new rag from the bedside table, wiping the cum and blood from your thighs before you handed it to the man beside you. “Unless the maid rode off with my money.”
“Oh, Arthur. You didn’t have to do that.” 
“Don’t ‘oh Arthur’ me.” He said as he wiped his fingers off, throwing the rag on the floor with the other one. “It was either that or cocaine, and you don’t need that right now. Last time you had some of that we couldn’t get you to sit down for ten minutes, you remember that?”
Shaking your head you laughed, getting one more rag to put in the pants you’d just slipped back on. “Yeah, I do.” You had chewed on far too many pieces of cocaine gum with the intention to get some work done around camp, but you ended up finishing all the chores within thirty minutes. So for the rest of the day, you were doing tasks that didn’t need to be done, such as over-hunting and fishing. The camp had to cook triple what they normally did every night so the food wouldn’t spoil. 
“I will admit, once you’re done with this whole bleeding thing it wouldn’t hurt to have you hunting again. You’re ‘bout the only one in camp besides me who can shoot anything without ruinin’ the meat.” 
You smiled at his compliment and laid back down, savoring the time you had left until the pain would kick back in. Hopefully, the morphine would get to you before then. “Thank you, Arthur. I feel much better now. You’re so good at that, I might start paying you to make me feel better instead of these maids.”
Arthur smiled and scooted up so he could lay down beside you. “Yeah, well, seeing you like that is all the payment I could ask for.” He kissed your cheek and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Oh yeah? Well, I think I’ve got some more to pay you.” 
Arthur held up his hand. “Don’t say nothin’ else.”
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ahhh I got to see Hamilton in San Francisco and omg I think I'll make a post later with everything I loved, but the biggest thing that I wasnt expecting was burr's performance
he was smiling so much, just a little thing I hadnt ever thought about when listening to the music, but even when complaining about Hamilton he would smile, and I noticed how huge and fake his smile was when he was campaigning!! so interesting!
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kokoskandy · 6 years
Could i please request from the drabble List for Momo and Izuku (separate and for a Fem reader)-- 15 and 6 from Fluff. please and thank you!
This is perfect thank you Anon!
6- “I don’t like when you say things like that. To me, you’re perfect.”
15- “She’s/he’s not my boyfriend!/Girlfriend!”
This looks interesting.
also, i did 6 for Izuku and 15 for Momo. only because i’m a shitty writer and– kinda lazy fml.
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It had been another one of your off days. slept in, missed breakfast and had absolutely zero hair care what-so-ever. So when you hiked to class it was obvious that your dear friend Mina was going to be the first person to comment on your appearance,Though she was met with a rather sarcastic reply.
“Are you okay s/o?, your lookin like a hot-mess, girl”
ahh, indeed you did. A pipping– hot mess. something like, A sticky, dripping ice cream cone,perhaps  A burnt Chicken nugget or some shit.
“No Mina, i rested peacefully for 8 hours, ate a mountain of food this morning and ran around the UA sports field several times before making my way to my precious,Precious classroom filled with gems like you”
Luckily for you Mina had tough skin, Tough beautiful pink skin.
Your Pink friend chuckled a few times before applying her glossy lip-stick, continuing to gossip about juicy romances and spicy heart-breaks, barely keeping you awake.
Minutes later class had begun and the bags under your eyes could rival Shinsou’s. Although he made it look good somehow. witchcraft.
“Come through Shinsou, Come through”
You tiredly whispered as your mind wondered off. Good thing Aizawa-sensei pulled out this banana bag before you dozed off.
After taking a power nap,someone tapped on your shoulder several times extremely softly , if it wasnt for Tenya’s loud voice, which you could picture his hand moments along the lines of his exclaims to Izuku and how he was being a little to gentle , you wouldn’t have woken up in all honesty.
fluttering your eyelashes slightly as you stared at Izuku, you couldnt help but notice the tint of pink dusted on his freckled cheeks.
“A-ahhh, ah…S-s/o, it’s lunch time now and…and I did-n’t mean to wake y-you up– i m-mean i did! uhh i did mean t-t-to wake you— i just…I was j-just wondering if you’d like to j-join me and my f-friends f-f-for–”
Behind Izuku was Uraraka who placed a hand on his shoulder, stopping him from continuing any further.
“What he’s trying to say is. You look beat, wanna get some food with us?”
opting to just accept fate and join the crew, you slicked you hair back with the sweat that made it stick to your face. oh jeez, you might have to wash up first.
“Whatup im s/o ,i’m 16 and I never learned how to look decent… haha-”
Oblivious to your meme reference and joke, Izuku, your good friend, looked highly upset.
“I don’t like when you say things like that. To me, you’re perfect.”
astonished at the fact that Izuku hadnt stuttered, his words slowly settled into your brain. Needless to say, the walk to the cafeteria was a quiet one.His words replaying in your head as you finally made your way to your desired destination. 
‘You’re perfect’‘You’re perfect’‘You’re perfect’
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It was Friday afternoon and your classmates had decided to go to the mall together. However, you were quite late to the meet-up and texted your good pal Denki and told him about your current situation and why you couldnt make it.
Friday 5:31 p.m
Cant make it, Life had other plans
*Thumbs up*
It kinda bugged you when he sent a thumbs up emoji and nothing else. but at least your message got to him.
Alone, you settled on staying at school. Woah, how rare.
Not bothering to dress out of your pj’s, a Majestic humming sounded off as you listened to your stomach’s song of wisdom and sluggishly made your way to the kitchen.
Surprising enough, it seemed as though you werent the only one that stayed. Although you would have assumed someone like Todoroki or even Bakugou to decline the-mall-hang-out-fun-time, it was Momo who sat on sofa, contemplating something that looked serious.
accidentally dropping a pan, Momo spun around, looking for the source of the loud bang.
Slowly standing up with the frying pan in both hands, Momo smiled and greeted you like she normally does.
“Good morning s/o, how are you?”
looking the other way, you completely ignored her question as you awkwardly opened the refrigerator looking super stiff and uncomfortable while grabbing the carton of milk and two eggs.
It wasn’t like you disliked Momo, in-fact, it was rather the opposite. You had a huge crush on her for sometime now, but rumors spread and whispers of Shoto and Momo being a thing started to bloom. Bloom a terrible flower, or moss? does moss bloom? well it polluted your thin chances of her accepting your cliche and imaginative rehearsed confession. Heck, you didnt even know if she liked girls.
making her way to the kitchen, You nearly spilled the milk as Momo tilted her head curiously as she waited for your response.
“S/o? is something the matter?”
Oh dear lord, Jesus take the wheel.
she looked so cute.
“Uhh, no– nothings the matter…Just, burning my eggs…Casual y'know. Ah, why aren’t you at the mall with the others?”
you internally cursed yourself for starting a conversation with Momo. This was going to get awkward.
“Oh!. yes, about that. I didn’t want to leave you here on your lonesome. It would have been very unfair to leave a fellow classmate while the rest went out.”
“What about Todoroki? , He went”
covering your face as soon as those words left your mouth, you wished to take back that slipped out sentence.
“ Todoroki is fine, he has Izuku and the others”
daring enough, you decided to continue this shit-show.
“Isn’t– uhh, aren’t you two…like…a thing?”
A giggle erupted from Momo as her pale cheeks faded into a rosy red.
“He’s Not My Boyfriend!”
Extremely embarrassed, you crumbled to the floor and watched as Momo continued to giggle sweetly.
“Maybe we should go on a date some time”
You looked up at Momo from the ground.
“Excuse me, did i hear that right or are my ears broken? am i being delusional or is this just a dream?”
“S/o your so silly. i love that about you… also, your frying pans on fire–”
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sunmoonjune · 2 years
hii i just wanted to say that i hope youre doing alright :) i noticed you hadnt posted in a while so i just wanted to check up <3 we love u author 🫶
ahhh you're too sweet~ I'm alright I've just got some post grad career stuff to get sorted that takes up a bit of my time :(( I'm still writing as much as I can so I'll hopefully have something out for you guys soon <3
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