cto10121 · 10 months
Honestly, Shadow and Bone was literally what many people disparage Twilight for being (but was actually not): A terribly-written romance drenched in creepy American purity culture with a much more interesting but underutilized fantasy world.
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evolia7 · 10 months
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Tomba di Galeazzo Pietra, primo Vescovo di Vigevano.
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poplandrealm · 11 months
Riverenza per la natura e talento fulmineo, Lorenzo Vecchia di Ahimè a Bologna
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popeating · 11 months
Riverenza per la natura e talento fulmineo, Lorenzo Vecchia di Ahimè a Bologna
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der-papero · 2 months
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C'è scritto "Lilly & Totò" e chi non ci crede è un Pups (= puzzetta).
Oggi ha detto che vuole parlare col mio capo per chiedere più soldini e meno lavoro.
Ha solo 4 anni e già è una sindacalista ❤️.
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hercorrupterofwords · 3 months
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speriamo che il papa gli dia la paghetta che si sta mettendo male
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io-pentesilea · 1 year
Comunque per me il 'primo dell'anno' è sempre stato il primo settembre.
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papesatan · 1 year
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È sempre buffo notare quanto diversamente mi leggano i bambini: 5 ritratti, 1 individuo, 5 persone diverse. Forse hanno ragione loro ed è proprio così. Sono in ognuno di quei disegni e in nessuno di loro. Ma finché mi ricreeranno coi loro occhi, rinascerò colore nuovo ogni giorno.
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sayitaliano · 8 months
aspetto i The Kolors e poi chiudo
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cto10121 · 2 years
R&J Clown Takes Special Edition—Juliet Is (No Longer) Tragically Basic
From a non-clownish overview of Juliet’s character portrayals throughout the centuries come some tiresome if minor clownery about how Juliet’s character ~should be portrayed re: adaptations. Alas, alas.
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Considering it was the Friar’s explicit plan to have them consummate their relationship, it’s Occam’s Razor by this point.
Of course Shakespeare is not going to have a full-on sex scene in front of his 16th-century Theater audience!!! You fiends!!! But it would have been completely understood by his audience at the time that R&J consummated their relationship as husband and wife. However importune the match would have been viewed by the Elizabethans, the Friar is still a figure of religious authority and keen for the lovers to consummate their marriage and therefore make it truly legal. His urging for Romeo to give “comfort” to Juliet should be read in this light.
Also. While R&J’s relationship does not depend on sex, their (erotic-sexual) longing for each other is nonetheless crystal clear. This article bizarrely does not mention Juliet’s “Give me my Romeo” soliloquy and how it had been censored by the Victorians. And then there’s Romeo wanting Juliet to cast off her vestal livery.
R&J’s love is true and sincere and based on more than just animal spirits, as Shakespeare makes it clear. They also clearly want to fuck. And it’s ten to the hundred they did. One does not negate the other.
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Because her original Elizabethan character is not entitled to respect, amirite? She had absolutely no fun with Romeo, not even during her balcony scene, and ~of course, she lacked a sense of self or even personality (!!) with Romeo. Shakespeare!Juliet has no personality in that wee female brain of hers, all occupied by icky romance.
As if this horrible musical could not sound any worse, we must contend with this misogyny. And again, the double standards rankle: There is none of this pearl-clutching earnestness about Romeo being an adequate role model to young boys—where is him having fun and seeking more from life than just romance and having the opportunity to discover himself out of his famous love affair???? It’s especially hypocritical when this Juliet escapes to Paris and procedes to have romantic entanglements.
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Because “star-crossed” was totally not a gentle way by the Chorus to refer to lovers cruelly torn apart from fate and circumstance. Nothing soft or romantic or nonjudgmental about that description at all.
Also, romance = not being a gripping tale!!!! You guys are killing me here. Killing me.
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deathshallbenomore · 10 months
“devi costruirti una carriera e crearti una credibilità solo perché così tra trent’anni potrai reinventarti come la massima esperta non local dell’ordinamento giuridico di tuvalu* e con questa scusa passare lì almeno sei mesi l’anno, nel bel mezzo del pacifico, a millemila ore di distanza da tutti” mi dico la mattina per motivarmi
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wineandapples · 1 year
i have a drawing list big like a house and an even bigger list of things i want to check out at least
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automatisma · 1 year
Avvistato in questi giorni l’equivalente col pisello di “mi piace la patata ma sostengo la parata”, nature is healing.
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labalenottera · 2 years
ho raggiunto il livello di menefreghismo tale per cui termino tutte le mail con
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succhinoallapesca · 4 months
Ma in che senso Billie Joe Armstrong al concerto di Taylor Swift scusateeee
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cornerihaunt · 8 months
bah che cringe
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