#cristina’s hot takes
cto10121 · 10 months
Honestly, Shadow and Bone was literally what many people disparage Twilight for being (but was actually not): A terribly-written romance drenched in creepy American purity culture with a much more interesting but underutilized fantasy world.
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eccentricwritingbaby · 3 months
arm candy
lando norris x reader
summary - enemies to lovers as the two embark on a pr relationship. reader is heavily based on cristina yang and olivia pope - intelligent and knows her worth. lando treats her as just a piece of ass on his arm. the two need to keep up appearances, yet always have time to find a fight. 
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“i’m sorry,” you can’t help but laugh into the conference room, “you want me to what?” your father just sighs across from you in his seat, already knowing his head strong daughter would make a fuss over this. 
“y/n…” he starts, but you shoot him a look to stop, quickly. 
“i’m sorry, are you my pimp or my father?” you ask with a mocking behavior. 
“stop, y/n,” he grits out, “stop it,”
“fine,” you shrug, rolling your eyes. 
the room was filled with five people. your father, you, adam norris, lando norris, and some mean little woman who came in meaning business and barking orders. you respected her. 
your dad and lando’s dad had been business associates for a long time, never close friends, but acquaintances nonetheless. you had never met lando before, but had definitely heard about his escapades. 
“listen,” the woman starts again, “lando needs someone normal and successful on his arm, not anymore models or influencers that last only a day and alter his image, his image needs to be clean, squeaky clean,”
“oh my god,” you laugh out in disbelief, “i can’t believe i went to an ivy university just to be someone’s high end hooker-”
“Y/N!” you dad stands from his chair, “that’s enough out of you,”
“dad, this is ridiculous-”
“no its not, it’s business,” he stands firmly on his ground, “it’s four months of fake fucking dating just suck it up and do it,”
“fine,” you mumble out, “but only for you,”
your dad takes his seat again, grumbling out a few apologies to lando and his father along with the woman. they all just nod their head as she moves along with certain details. you finally look up from where you were fiddling with your fingers, making eye contact with your new ‘boyfriend’. he sends you a quiet look of reassurance, most likely that he didn’t want to be there either. you both give each other a smile, and your mind hopes that this might be okay. 
“so,” lando starts, attempting to break the tension on your first fake date.
“so,” you laugh, “how are you?”
“i think we can skip the pleasantries, y/n,” he chuckles, “we’ve technically been dating for four months?”
“oh right,” you continue to play along, “met you one week ago, but we’re madly in love,”
lando chuckles into his drink before the waiter comes over to get you started. once ordered, lando glances up at you, and you can’t help but find the small twinkle in his eye adorable. and then he speaks.
“you look like someone who i would go out with, without your personality, though”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” you question in offense.
“i mean usually my type is-”
“girls with half a brain?” you attempt to finish for him, but he just sharpens his gaze in your direction, eyebrows furrowing at your accusation.
“no,” he denies, “just girls who are a bit quieter,”
“so, pushovers?”
“not exactly,”
“you just want a little hot minion to control?”
“no,” he tries again, attempting to find the right words, “someone who isn’t rude,”
“oh you think i’m rude?”
“did you hear yourself in the meeting? talking to your dad like that? acting like the smartest person in the room-”
“i was the smartest person in that room,” you bite back to him, “and i’m sorry i didn’t enjoy the action of being pimped out, it’s offensive to my degrees and accomplishments-”
“you aren’t being pimped out, it’s a favor-”
“oh,” you scoff, “a favor?”
“yes, a favor, you probably aren’t used to hearing that word because you’re so self-centered,” he pushes.
“and here’s two words you do probably hear often, fuck off,”
“the rest of this dinner will be in silence,” lando directs to you, the waiter now coming over with your food. 
“finally, something we can agree on,”
you and lando had now been fake dating for two months. you came and went from his races, he was here and there at events in your honor, you both were successfully fulfilling your duties. the public was eating it up, excited that lando was in his ‘boyfriend era’. you both in reality were still finding each other difficult. lando found you to be pretentious and rude, you found lando to be a spoiled dick. but that was all pushed aside when it came to being in public. 
you heard the knuckles wrap on your door, and you attempt to brush the tears from your eyes swiftly. shit. you had lost track of time while on the phone with your mom, well, arguing with your mom. you forgot that lando was meeting you at your apartment soon to take a pre scheduled outing. getting up after hearing the knock once more, you make your way to open the door. 
“hey,” he grunts out, before he looks at your reddened eyes, “what’s wrong?” his tone softens with the question. 
“nothing,” you brush off, “let me just redo my makeup and i’ll be ready to go,”
“wait, y/n,” lando stops you from leaving the room, “talk to me, what’s going on?”
“you don’t want to hear about this, lan,” he catches himself smiling at the nickname that slipped off your tongue. 
“i have a heart, y’know,” he jokes quietly to you, bringing his hand up to give you a slight poke in the ribs. 
“no, really?” you ask sarcastically.
“yes, now talk to me,” he laughs to you, still trying to break you out of your shell. 
“it’s just the divorce,” you shake your head, “my parents have made me their middle man since they’ve been separated, and now i have to be my sibling's therapist too,” you choke up, trying to swallow back your tears. 
“i’m sorry, y/n,” lando moves forward, beginning to wrap his arms around you. 
“i’ve just gotta be there for everyone,” you sigh, “it’s been like that since i was a kid, i’ll be fine,”
“well,” lando starts, “i can be there for you,”
“like hell,” you laugh off, starting your trek to the bathroom.
“i’m serious,” lando pushes, “i know we’re at each other's throats, but if you need anything, you can talk to me,”
“thanks,” you squeak out, “you’re not so bad, norris,”
“why thank you, y/l/n. you’re not so bad yourself,”
it was race day, and you were actually excited. you and lando had a breakthrough the night he caught you crying. you both finally broke down the wall that divided and protected your hearts. you were feeling better about spending the next few months with him, it was going to be a relief to actually enjoy it. 
“are you ready, y/n?” lando calls out from the other room. 
“yeah!” you shout back, sliding your left foot into your final shoe. lando steps out of the room, dripped head to toe in papaya, bag slung lightly over his shoulder. 
“you look great,” he lets go of the compliment and you find yourself blushing, choosing to stare down at your feet instead of making eye contact. lando holds his hand you and you grasp it eagerly, readying yourselves for the show about to be put on. or was it a show?
once at the track, your hands finally separate as he heads to the garage and you move towards where his father was standing. 
“hey, mr. norris,” you greet with a smile at the older gentleman.
“please, y/n. how many times do i have to tell you to call me adam?” he chuckles with you. 
“i’m sorry, it’s just too unnatural for me,”
“well please, try,” you continue with your laughs, “mr. norris is my father,”
“alright,” you giggle, cringing a bit before squeaking out, “adam,”
“there we go!” you both joke around a bit more before a certain curly-haired mclaren driver is jogging over to you both.
“hey, dad,” he greets adam with a quick pat to his shoulder, “can i steal her for a second?” adam nods, giving you both some space as lando starts dragging you over to a quieter area.
“what’s up, lan?” you ask him, a bit of concern in your voice since you were unsure of what was going on. 
“i need to talk to you,” he sighs out, eyes holding an emotion you couldn’t put a finger on.
“what’s going on? are you okay?”
“yeah, yeah,” he shakes off, now grabbing your hands in his, “i just- i just-”
“LANDO!” his engineer calls from the garage behind him, “WE NEED YOU IN THE CAR!”
“TWO SECONDS!” he yells back over his shoulder, now turning back to face you, “listen, i really like you,”
“oh,” your eyes widen in surprise but lando just keeps rambling. 
“and not in this fake, bullshit way. i want to really take you out even if you drive me crazy sometimes,”
“lando-” you try to cut him off, but he just keeps going. 
“i can’t handle your rejection before i race so, if you’re by the gate after i finish, i’ll take it as you feel the same way,” taking a deep breath after his confession, lando leans in, kissing you roughly before pulling away and running back to the garage. you stand there for a moment, trying to process what had happened before a smile breaks out across your face. 
lando came in fourth. you cheered and cried, jumped up and down with his family and friends, and then you took off. you started your sprint to the gate, ready to meet him and finally bask in your own happiness. ready to choose yourself for once. 
you rush towards the wall just as lando is climbing out of his car. his head whips around to the barrier, searching for your face. once spotted, he breaks out in a similar sprint as you did, rushing towards you for a hug. you breathe in the moment, you and lando holding each other, for real this time, finally. 
you both were a giggly mess as you made your way back to the hotel room. 
“you’re coming out tonight, right?” he asks, arms not leaving your waist since you had left the paddock. 
“yeah, i’m coming,” you reply, brushing your hands up and down his arms that were wrapped around your middle. 
“okay, good,” his forehead meets yours, relishing in the feeling of you being in his arms, in private, “so my room or yours tonight?” he asks in a joking tone, referring to the two bedroom suite you were in. 
“mine,” you laugh quietly, “it smells better,” you poke him in the stomach a bit and he just chuckles with you. 
“you don’t like the smell of my race gear, love?” 
“no thank you, sir,”
“alright, well go get ready, and we’ll head out in about an hour?” lando shoo’s you to your room, patting your bum as you turn around, causing you to blush as you exit. 
later, at the club, you’re seated in the vip area with some of the drivers and a few friends. lando’s arm has been wrapped around your shoulder or waist all night, the tension between you two turning slowly from annoyance to lust. kisses stolen when they can be, waist being squeezed, and overall eye contact has made you a puddle in lando’s hands. you were falling for him, deeply. and you could tell he was too. until. he spoke. 
“that’s a nice lady you’ve got on your arm there, lando,” one of the guys in the section shouts to your boyfriend. 
“thanks, mate,” he shouts back, pulling you closer into his side. the man approaches the both of you, beginning to chat to lando about his race earlier. your mind quietly drifts out of the conversation, before you’re pulled back in as the man, now learning his name to be jack, introduces you to his girlfriend. the both of them were very fitting for each other, eyes wide open with nothing going on behind them. 
you strike up a conversation with the woman in front you about her shoes, before glance over and finding your boyfriend eyeing her up and down with ease. he catches your eyes and looks away, his arm pulling you in even closer than before. you just scoff in his direction and begin to get up from your seating. lando lets out a quick apology to the couple in front of you before chasing after you out of the vip section.
“y/n! wait! where are you going?” he shouts over the music and into your ear.
“i’m leaving,” you grunt out, continuing pushing past people in your pursuit for the exit. 
“oh please,” you let out a laugh, finally reaching your destination and swiftly leaving the building. now in a quieter atmosphere, lando drops his voice and grabs you, forcing you to look at him, “i saw you looking, lando,”
“what? at the girl with jack?”
“yeah, i saw you checking her out,” your face hardens, morphing into the one you sported the first two months of getting to know lando. the one you had on when you didn’t like him, scaring the man in front of you as he watches, “i thought you were different, but i guess then again, people never change-”
“stop, y/n,” lando sternly speaks, “i am different, i like you. not her,”
“funny way of showing it,” you laugh, “i mean the both of them couldn’t even handle an intelligent conversation if they tried,”
“it always comes back to this with you doesn’t it?” he asks, now pushing you towards his car and retrieving his keys. 
“what does that mean?”
“you always have to be the smartest, huh?”
“that’s not what that is,” you shake him off, the both of you now entering his car before you continue, “it’s just embarrassing that you would prefer beauty over brains,”
“i don’t do that,” he whips his head around to face you, “i just appreciate attractive women, are you saying smart women can’t also be attractive?”
“don’t twist my words,” you shoot back, “just drive the damn car,”
“i cannot stand you when you’re like this,” lando grunts out as you arrive back into your hotel room. 
“like what?” you push back, moving to place your hands on your hips in defiance, ready for the fight about to unfold. 
“a-an arrogant, selfish, cocky-” he starts to stutter out his list, but you promptly cut him off. 
“it sounds like you’re describing yourself there,”
“no, that’s all you,”
“oh really?” you taunt, your eyes boring into his with fire, “says the guy who has only one race win under his belt but acts like he’s big shit-”
“SHUT UP!” he screams out at you, but you only push him further. 
“you want to call me arrogant, baby, we both are. it’s the only fucking thing we have in common,” you mockingly laugh in his direction, his head now fuming.
“you’re so-”
“right? correct? because i am. we both are arrogant and confident however the hell you want to spin it, who the fuck says that’s a bad thing?” you ask him as his eyes start to soften, “and i am not arrogant. i’m good at what i do, that is a simple fact,” you huff, catching your breath after your anger begins to cool. 
“you are right,” he sighs, “i guess we’re so alike that we didn’t even notice,”
“i am not like you,” you shake your head.
“and why would that be such a bad thing? you met me at the gate, remember?”
“because i am not some womanizer who just uses girls, not taking one glance at anything but their tits,” you snap at him. 
“i didn’t use you, and you know i think you’re beautiful, y/n,” lando attempts to calm the situation, but it only riles you up further.
“oh fuck that,” you spit out, lando taking a step back from you in surprise at your reaction, “fuck beautiful, if you want to compliment me,” you sneer in his direction, bringing up a finger to point in his face, “compliment my brain,” with your final say, you turn quickly on your heel in order to walk out the door. 
“y/n!” lando shouts, “stop,” he jogs over to you, grabbing your arm and moving your body to face him, “listen, i’m sorry,” he sighs, his free hand not wrapped around your arm running down his face, “i know you’re pretty good at what you do,”
“pretty good?” you scoff, “i’m great,”
“i’m trying to apologize here,”
“then apologize, correctly,” you emphasize, sharpening your gaze at him, “and don’t be sorry, be better,”
“that’s what i’m trying to say,” lando pleads, “i’m trying to tell you that i will be better,” 
“don’t tell me, show me,” you push, “i’m not your little play thing, lando. i’m not one of your little side hoes with no brain and just eyes for your money,” he scoffs at your vulgar words, but let’s you continue, “i have my own money and my own brain. i am not a body and face to just show up on your arm, you want me like you say you want me?” you rhetorically ask him, inching your face closer to his, “you have to earn me,”
“i will earn you, y/n. i want to earn you,”
“acting like this won’t get you there. i deserve better,”
“i will be better,” now with your faces inches apart, trading breath from each other’s mouths, you and lando finally quiet your everlasting argument, “let me show you, please,”
“i don’t know you, i don’t know if you’ll just say this and then go back to being a dick when you get bored,” you release your insecurities to him, his eyes softening at your vulnerability - something you rarely let out. 
“do you know who anyone really is?” he asks you, voice now quiet and gentle as his hand that was gripping your arm now begins to softly stroke it, “that’s the beauty of life, y/n,”
“getting hurt?”
“no,” he shakes his head with a laugh, “the unknown,”
“i don’t like not knowing,” you sigh, your soft side now coming out fully.
“i know,” he breathes out, “you’ve always had your entire life planned for you, y/n. it’s time you just relax, and have the ability to be surprised,”
“but what if i do get hurt?”
“with me around?” he chuckles, moving a centimeter away from your face, “that won’t happen,” he gives your forehead a light peck, “and if it does,” now a peck on your nose, “i’ll be around to help you,” and finally your lips. you give a hum of appreciation to his lips, basking in the warmth they gave you. finally separating in order to catch your breath, your foreheads rest together, eyes never leaving the others, “you don’t have to be alone anymore, y/n. you don’t have to do it all by yourself,”
“thank you,” you sigh, tears beginning to form in your waterline, “for everything,”
“no, thank you,” he replies back quickly, “for bringing me back down to earth,”
“i’ll always be around to humble you,” you giggle in his arms as he laughs with you.
“and i, you,”
a/n - this is not proofread so i'm so sorry if its a rambling mess, i just had the idea and wanted to write it up before i lost it
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sundrop-writes · 11 months
if Mike fell asleep with you...
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Word Count: 750
Horror Characters Masterlist
Warnings: this is mostly pure fluff - Mike and the reader are in an established relationship, the reader's gender is not described in any way (the main pronouns used are you/yours), Mike calls the reader angel, the reader takes on a caregiver role for Abby, mostly just short and fluffy. This is set before the main events of the movie, when Mike is working as a security guard at the mall.
A/N: So, I've seen so many people in the tags going 'just let him sleep!!! that man is so exhausted!!' and saying that he's too tired to fuck in the way that people are writing fanfics about him. And as much as I love super horny fics, I do thought this up, because I agree - the man should be allowed to sleep. This is largely inspired by that scene in Grey's Anatomy where Meredith walked in and Owen was asleep on Cristina's chest while she was reading a book (I think it was when she was reading through Mer's mom's diaries?) - anyway. I love that scene so much because it shows how easily he sleeps around her because he's so comfortable around her. And that's why it deeply inspired this. Let him sleep.
Mike was exhausted when he came in the door. 
He heaved out a sigh as he closed the door behind him, toeing off his shoes - pure, stiff tiredness radiating through his whole body in the worst way. 
You knew that sound anywhere. 
“Long day?” You inquired gently from your position on the couch, lightly craning your neck to look at him. 
He shuffled further into the house in an almost zombie-like fashion, only giving you a solitary grunt in response. 
You felt kind of bad that he had been stuck at work late when you had been lucky enough to have a morning shift and been treated to a relaxing evening with Abby. She was a relatively easy kid to take care of, and generally fun to be around. 
And after you had put her to bed, you laid out on the couch, relaxing and reading a novel that your friend had recommended. Generally, you were having a nice evening. And it seemed that Mike was not. 
As you kept an eye on Mike, you folded over the page of your book to mark it and put it on the coffee table for later. 
“Dinner’s on the counter.” You told him. “I made lasagna. I can heat it up for you if you want.” 
You hated that before he started dating you, all he knew was freezer burnt crap - but you were slowly showing him how to cook, and a world of vegetables that didn't come in a can. 
Mike took off his jacket and the heavy belt he had to wear for work (his large walkie talkie and his taser were in his locker at work, as mandated, but the thing was still damn uncomfortable) and he hung them both up. 
He didn’t respond to your queries about dinner as he walked around the couch. Instead of speaking, seeing you laying there so relaxed - the sight was all too inviting, and he eased himself to lay on top of you in a form of very natural intimacy before he grunted a few words into your neck. 
“Did Abby eat?” He asked softly as he laid on top of you. 
It was oddly comforting to have the bulk of his weight on top of you, especially as he melted against you, letting out a small moan as the tension melted out of his bones. He adjusted himself to get more comfortable and his face rested against the softness of your chest - you glanced down to see that his eyes were drifting closed. 
“She ate two platefuls, and had some peas.” You assured him. “Did her homework, had a bath, and she practiced her spelling words before she went to bed.” 
Mike grunted again - a more positive pitch to this one. He couldn't ask for anyone better than you. Sometimes he worried about her - all the time. But when Abby was with you, that worry lessened a lot. 
“You’re an angel.” He hummed against your chest. “I don’t-” He let out a gentle yawn. “I don’t know how I got so lucky with you.” 
“You look hot in a uniform and my job at the bookstore gets boring.” You replied, half-joking about the circumstances of how your relationship with Mike had formed. 
You reached out to him and began running your fingers through his hair, soothing him even further into the realm of sleep with the comforting touch. 
He let out another tired moan in reply - something that almost stretched into a rolling sound with the gentle pleasure of your hand in his hair. With the way his body was so slack against yours, his breathing even and quiet, you knew this was only leading one place. 
“You wanna go get ready for bed?” You asked gently. 
“In a minute.” He answered softly, barely parting his lips to get the words out. 
You glanced over to the table and reached out, picking your book back up as his breathing deepened and his body went even more slack. You were preparing to get comfortable for the next few hours. You weren’t all that tired yourself, and you still had a few chapters left to go. When you got to the next chapter, he began to snore lightly and you felt drool dripping down your neck - which didn’t bother you all that much. You found it cute, in fact. 
You were comforted by the fact that he relaxed enough around you to get such a good sleep. You knew that he needed it. 
A/N: also, this is my first time posting a fic completely from mobile by copy/pasting something from google docs on my phone. So hopefully the formatting isn't too messed up and hopefully this goes well! And I hope you guys enjoy this short fluffy fic 💖
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floralcrematorium · 5 months
2010s Nostalgia || Hetalia Edition
Hetalia Youtube Nostalgia Playlist | 117 songs | 7hr 5min
• Hey Na Na - Katie Herzig • Viva La Vida - Coldplay • Rasputin - Boney M. • Glad You Came - The Wanted • Hot Mess - Cobra Starship • Counting Stars - OneRepublic • Fireflies - Owl City • Bombshell Blonde - The Jagged Edges • Do Better - Say Anything • Welcome To The Show - Britt Nicole • Dance With The Devil - Breaking Benjamin • Survive - Sick Puppies • Life is Beautiful - Sixx:A.M. • Fairytale - Alexander Rybak • Everybody Loves Me - One Republic • Don't Mess With Me - temposhark • Mimimi - SEREBRO • I Like It Loud - Cash Cash • I Just Wanna Run - The Downtown Fiction • I'm ALIVE! - Becca • Lovestruck - Breathe Electric • I Like To Dance - Hot Chelle Rae • Haven't Had Enough - Marianas Trench • Kiss Me Thru The Phone - Soulja Boy, Sammie • Hard out Here - Lily Allen • Runaway Baby - Bruno Mars • I Don't Care - Fall Out Boy • Airplanes - B.o.B., Hayley Williams • Rock Star - Prima J • This Is War - Thirty Seconds To Mars • Hey Brother - Avicii • Cinderella - Tata Young • Centuries - Fall Out Boy • Déjà Vu - 3OH!3 • Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy Me - Lene Alexandra • Miss Jackson - Panic! At The Disco, LOLO • The Ballad of Mona Lisa - Panic! At The Disco • Europe's Skies - Alexander Rybak • Bad Apple!! - RichaadEB, Cristina Vee • Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off - Panic! At The Disco • Let's Kill Tonight - Panic! At The Disco • Hurricane - Panic! At The Disco • Casual Affair - Panic! At The Disco • Never Close Our Eyes - Adam Lambert • Playing With Fire - Ovi, Paula Seling • Angel With A Shotgun - The Cab • Nicotine - Panic! At The Disco • Killer - The Ready Set • How to Be a Heartbreaker - MARINA • This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race - Fall Out Boy • Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) - My Chemical Romance • Troublemaker - Olly Murs, Flo Rida • Good Girls Go Bad - Cobra Starship, Leighton Meester • I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters • One Woman Army - Porcelain Black • How To Start A War - Simon Curtis • Maps - Maroon 5 • Do Better - Say Anything • STARSTRUKK - 3OH!3 • Remember Everything - Five Finger Death Punch • The Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin • Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes • When You're Evil - Aurelio Voltaire • Canadian, Please - Julia Bentley, Gunnarolla • Sarah Smiles - Panic! At The Disco • Take Me to Church - Hozier • Viking Death March - Billy Talent • Headstrong - Trapt • Semi-Charmed Life - Third Eye Blind • Don't Believe A Word - Third Eye Blind • Warriors - Imagine Dragons • iNSaNiTY - CircusP • Paralyzer - Finger Eleven • I'm Awesome - Spose • 24 - Jem • Clarity - Zedd, Foxes • Hall of Fame - The Script, will.i.am • The Is Gospel - Panic! At The Disco • Immortals - Fall Out Boy • Rather Be - Clean Bandit, Jess Glynne • Wake Me Up - Avicii • a thousand years - Christina Perri • Just Like Fire - P!nk • Safe & Sound - Taylor Swift, The Civil Wars • Safe And Sound - Capital Cities • Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Lorde • Demons - Imagine Dragons • DNA - Little Mix • Remember The Name - Fort Minor, Styles of Beyond • Victorious - Panic! At The Disco • 右肩の蝶 (Butterfly On Your Right Shoulder) - Kagamine Rin/Len • We Are One (Ole Ole) - Pitbull, Jennifer Lopez, Claudia Leitte • Hero - Skillet • Maraca - Mohombi • The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy • DONTTRUSTME - 3OH!3 • Teenage Dream - Katy Perry • SING - My Chemical Romance • Good Time - Owl City, Carly Rae Jepsen • White Rabbit - Egypt Central • Not Gonna Die - Skillet • The Kill - Thirty Seconds To Mars • We No Speak Americano - Yolanda Be Cool, DCup • Nobody's Listening - Linkin Park • Disco Pogo - Die Atzen • German Sparkle Party - The Something Experience • Dirty Little Secret - The All-American Rejects • I Could Be The One - Avicii, Nicky Romero • Can't Hold Us - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis • Still Into You - Paramore • Primadonna - MARINA • Pompeii - Bastille • 恋愛サーキュレーション (Renai Circulation) - 物語シリーズ • Awake And Alive - Skillet • Monster - Skillet • Poker Face - Lady Gaga • Falling Inside The Black - Skillet
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swiftsdelucaa · 1 year
Would you please do a Mark Sloan x Grey!reader who is Meredith’s twin sister? When he first goes to Grey Sloan he is determined to get with her.
❛ 𝑨𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒚 𝒄𝒖𝒕𝒆 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Mark Sloan x Grey!sis!reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: Hoping you'll like it anon!
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You had just left the locker room to finally go home, you were just waiting for Meredith. As you scrolled through the messages on your phone you sensed someone else's presence, and as soon as you looked up you found yourself in front of Mark Sloan. Well, that wasn't new, he was always wherever you were, he never left you alone for a moment. He flirted with you whenever he could, almost embarrassed you, but you got used to it by now.
"Hey, can I bring you home?" he approached with his usual smirk on his face.
"No thanks, I'm waiting for Mer" you went back to checking your messages.
"And if I bring in a restaurant?" when he wants he gets so stubborn.
"I'm not really hungry"
"Then... a little walk?" you sighed smiling. In fact, if he would have continued like this you would have given in.
But why not, I mean he's hot, and je's also an excellent company...
"Hey, come on" Meredith came out of the locker room. Just in time.
"Bye doctor Sloan" you greeted him taking Meredith by the arm to drag her away from there before she wasted any more time with Cristina.
"Finally" you sighed rolling your eyes.
"How's it going with your...?"
"Shut up, he's my nothing" you shut her up as you walked towards the car. She looked so amused selling you like that.
"You know, he used to flirt with me too" Meredith said as you got into the car.
"Really? And...?"
"Well, I think I'd have accepted if Derek hadn't punched him straight in the face before he even finished to talking with me" she laughed at the memory. You laughed with her.
"When did all this happen?" you asked curiously.
"It was before you came here, you should have been there"
"Oh yes. But maybe it's been better like this, cause now you and Derek are good together" you said thinking about it.
"Yeah, maybe... so you can have him all for you"
"Shut up!" oh you know she'll annoy you for a long time.
Before she could start to say any more you turned on the radio hoping to find a decent song, then stared out the window for a while.
"Hey" you got Meredith's attention.
"Why did Derek punch him?" you asked confused since you were aware that those two were best friends.
"Well... he slept with his wife, Addison..."
"Wait, what?? Why didn't I know it?!"
"It's happened a long time ago, nobody talks about it anymore" your sister said. You would never have imagined this.
Well, you knew that making mistakes was human, things had now been resolved, but he had always remained the same that he knew what he wanted.
Without even realizing it, you had already arrived home, you got out of the car and as soon as you entered, you both threw yourself on the sofa, exhausted.
The next morning you arrived at the hospital together, and as soon as you had got ready and divided, punctually like every morning, you were greeted by Mark who brought you a coffee.
"Good morning Y/n"
"Good morning" you just took the coffee and drank it right away. It was all you needed.
"You know, you're prettier with loose hair" the fact that he noticed it caused you a little smile, usually you always kept them tied in a ponytail, you hated them.
"Thank you" he said goodbye one last time before leaving to go to a patient.
"Doctor Sloan!" he spun around as soon as he heard your voice calling him.
"Yeah?" he came back to you.
"I, ok, well, you... you're a very good perdon..." his attention increased. "And you're also really handsome, but... I don't know if-"
"No no no, don't finish that phrase, please" you stopped to listen to him, you had no other choice. "You can't say that you don't know if it con work if we didn't even tried. You're beautiful, you're smart, and I really like you, I exactly know what I want, and I won't stop. So if you'll say yes I'll do everything to make you happy and make it work" those words made you feel a weird sensation... he had managed to hit you. No one had ever told you these things. Now you didn't even know what to answer.
"Then Y/n... can I bring you out this time, please?" you laughed at the way he asked you.
"I'd love to" you smiled at him as your gazes met for a moment, until his pager rang.
"See you later baby"
"I can't wait" you watched him walk away.
A pleasant date with a man completely crazy about you awaited you tonight.
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thewritingofamadwoman · 10 months
To Forgive or Not To Forgive, That Is The Question
Part two of “Should I Stay or Should I go”
Pairing: Mark Sloan x Fem!OC
Warnings: some fluff, some angst, Mark being his usual handsome self.
Thank you for reading & Enjoy!
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It had been exactly one month since Mark Sloan officially started working at Seattle Grace and honestly it has been the worst few weeks of my entire existence. My head and heart were all over the place, at war with each other whenever I saw, thought of, spoke to, or worked with Mark.
The more logical, realistic side of me was angry and hurt, betrayed that I had no choice but to work side by side on some cases with the man who had left both my daughter and I when we needed him the most. The emotional, more physical side of my brain couldn’t stop from preening whenever Mark complimented me or flirted with me. He once placed a hand on my waist to squeeze by from behind me I could swear that the entire hallway heard the how loud my fucking heart was beating.
I tried my hardest to be the bitch I needed to be to deter him. I would glare and roll my eyes, snap back and avoid Mark at all costs. But of course, somehow the largest hospital in Seattle had become smaller than your average kindergarten classroom. I couldn’t avoid Mark Sloan no matter how hard I tried.
I was currently standing at a nurses station, flipping through a chart while Callie stood next to me, signing a few papers. Cristina Yang was crunching on chips in front of us when she let out a low whistle. Callie and I turned our attention to her when she nodded her head towards the end of the hall. There Mark stood as he chatted with Derek, in scrubs and a lab coat. The men were whispering about something, and Mark let out a laugh, throwing his head back. Callie let out a breathy laugh of her own.
“Damn he’s hot,” she said, and Cristina hummed in response. I rolled my eyes but couldn’t take my eyes from Mark’s silhouette. They weren’t wrong, Mark was hot. So very fucking hot. But…he fucked up. And I couldn’t forgive him. I shouldn’t forgive him. Right?
“He’s alright, I guess. But he’s an ass,” I said nonchalantly and forced my eyes back to the chart in front of me.
Cristina snorted and continued to munch on her chips.
“Sure, but that’s a fine ass he has,” she chuckled and Callie laughed along with her, agreeing. I looked up to shush them but my eyes connected with Mark’s from across the hall and I stuttered. Make gave me his signature smile, eyes gentle, before turning back to Derek. Callie and Cristina turned around to stop themselves from giggling. Controlling my blush I closed my patients folder and slapped Callie’s arm with that same folder.
“You two are horrible. Just horrible,” I mumbled at them before I walked away.
The day continued and Mark always seemed to be in my peripheral vision. Everywhere I went, he was there. Whether he was with a patient or chatting with one of our coworkers, Mark Sloan was never more than 40 steps away from me at any given moment.
I reached my breaking point before lunch.
“Oh for fucks sake,” I muttered to myself when I saw Mark chatting with Alex Karev, MY intern for the month. I marched to both men and cleared my throat.
“Mark, can I speak to you for a second?” I bit out, doing my best to remain civil.
“Uh yeah, sure. Of course. Karev, I’ll see you later,” Mark nodded at Alex before turning to me, a friendly smile on his face.
“Mark, what are you doing?” I sighed, tired of all the emotional whiplash. Mark looked at me, seemingly genuinely confused.
“What do you mean? Karev? I was just chatting with him-“
“No,” I cut him off. “What are you doing here, in Seattle? At this hospital? You’re one of the best plastic surgeons in the country and you had to come to the one hospital I work at?”
Mark gave me a small, sheepish smile.
“In my defense, this is the number one trauma center in the west cost and Richard Webber really did give me an offer I couldn’t refuse. But the main reason? You know the main reason, Lise. I came to apologize. What I did was wrong. So fucking wrong,” Mark sighed, and the use of a nickname I hadn’t heard in a long time did not go unnoticed by me. I let him continue.
“I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you and to our baby girl. I was young and dumb and I know that those aren’t excuses, but you have to believe me when I say that I want nothing more in this world right now than to be with you and to finally meet my daughter.” Mark’s eyes pleaded with mine and I could see the sincerity within them.
But I couldn’t bring myself to forgive him right away.
“Mark, you broke me. I was ready to start a family with you. And you just ripped my heart out and stomped on it. I…I’m not sure I can just forgive you like that,” I said, my heart clenching at the thought of us being a family again. I didn’t notice the hot tear sliding down my face until Mark’s hands cupped both of my cheeks, his thumb brushing the stray tear away.
“I’m sorry Lise. I’m so sorry baby. I will spend the rest of my entire fucking existence trying to earn your trust back, if you’ll let me. I want to do right by you and our baby girl. I know what I’m signing up for here. And I’m willing. Please, just let me try to prove myself to you. I want to be the one who makes you happy again,” Mark pleaded, his own eyes watering with desperation. I reached up and grabbed both of his wrists in my hands before staring into those beautiful blue eyes of his.
After what felt like an eternity, I nodded.
“You get ONE chance. This is it, Mark. You fuck this up and we are DONE for good. You don’t get to talk to me or see our daughter. You disappear from the fucking face of the earth and leave us alone. Do you hear me?” I said. Last time, I let logic and reasoning rule my heartbreak. This time I was willing to let emotion take over. I was still raw from the heartbreak but I guess I loved Mark Sloan more than I was willing to admit.
Mark’s eyes widened and he smiled, squeezing my face in his hands just a touch and leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes at the sensation, opening them back up once Mark had pulled away.
“You won’t be disappointed baby, I promise.”
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Part Three…? ;)
Tag List (thanks for reading):
@caseyandsloan @xjasam4lifex @spookyboogyuniverse
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kaitcreates · 1 year
Mark: Which one of you was going to tell me that tea tastes different if you put it in hot water?
Julian: You were putting it in cold water?
Emma: Mark. Answer the question, Mark.
Mark: Yeah? I though for, like, five years that people just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process. Didn't realize there was an actual reason. You think I have the patience to boil water, what the fuck???
Kit: You don't have the patience to microwave water for three minutes?
Cristina: Why are you putting it in the microwave to boil it?
Kit: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove?
Cristina: It takes less than a minute.
Emma: Bestie is your stovetop powered by the fucking sun?
Cristina: How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove?
Emma: Like seven minutes.
Kieran: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in like two minutes.
Julian: You're putting the whole mug on the stove?
Dru: Every single person in this family is a fucking lunatic.
Ty: Do none of you own a kettle?
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sireditsalot4 · 1 year
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Summary: You have a hard time controlling your emotions and feelings around Cristina. The gang tries to help you but deep down you know you have to do this yourself.
Pairing: Reader x Cristina Yang
You sat down at the table where the gang is and let out a sigh of relief. Due to an illegal race accident, Dr. Shepard had you everyone, testing, doing surgery’s left and right. You were exhausted.
“Woah. What’s the matter with you?” Alex asks.
“I’m not in the mood for you right now.” You warn, pointing your fork at him at the last part. Alex doesn’t light up. “Come on, what is it? I’m your friend. You can tell me anything.” He reassures with that voice that makes your jaw tighten.
“I’m not going to be able to enjoy my meal, am I?” Alex shakes his head. Meredith rolls her eyes. “Leave them alone. They’re going through something right now, something personal,” Meredith adds. You shake your head knowing that won’t be enough. “How come you told them and not me?” Alex says, sounding slightly hurt.
“I didn’t know.” George says looking around the table. A sigh escapes you and you could careless. Any control you had went out the window.
Your beeper goes off and you quickly check it to see it’s Dr. Shepard again. “Come on!” You drop your fork with a piece of lettuce you just stabbed and get up.
Slipping your arm through the white coat, you stop In front of Dr. Shepherd. You see he has a chart full of names unchecked and you can feel yourself collapsing on the inside. “You needed me?” You ask, making eye contact.
“There you are, I need you to check on some patients and then do a rectal exam.” Disgust plasters on your face but you quickly dismiss it. “Yes Doctor.” He hands over a chart and you take it, turning and leaving to begin your new quest.
“I have a hot patient to attend to, so if you’ll excuse me.” Alex gets up. George waits for Alex to be completely gone before asking. “What’s really going on with Y/N?” Meredith and Izzie both look at each other. “You can’t tell him or anyone tho. She made us promise not to tell anyone so you have to not tell, pinky swear.” Izzie holds out her pinky. “I promise. Now what’s going on?”
“Y/N likes Cristina.”
George’s mouth opens in shock. “Wow. I mean, who wouldn’t. Does Cristina know?” Meredith shakes her head. “She’s too scared. Stuff like this is rough, especially for someone young.” All three of them nod.“Remember when I had a crush on you,” Meredith nods. “I remember. It was the cutest I’ve seen you.”
You snap your gloves off and rubs your hands on your coat. “Why is this happening to me?” You whisper to yourself. Looking ahead, you see Cristina talking with Doctor Burke and duck behind a corner. This is so sad. Peaking your head out, you see they are both gone and fully come out and running into Cristina who has a look on her face. You silently scream and place a hand over your chest. “You scared me.”
“You scared me. Who are you hiding from?” Cristina asks, looking around. You freeze looking at her, your mouth opens and close but nothing comes out. “From Dr. Shepherd. He has me every where right now so I’m just hiding,” You take a second to gather yourself, hoping she doesn’t notice.
Cristina eyes you before nodding. “I haven’t seen him down here so he’s probably upstairs. See you.” She says before leaving. You let out a deep breath before heading upstairs for Dr. Shepherd. Way to go.
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starrieshq · 29 days
Aftercare [Kitty]
here it is!!! What you all have been waiting for
Enjoy <3
TW: some swearing, mentions of s3x
The sun pierced through the windows of Ty’s room, the curtains were pushed back, and Kit could see the coastline from his spot on the bed.
Ty���s bare chest rose and fell, dark Marks twining up his arms as he pushed his hair out of his face. Kit tried not to stare, but he was, well…
After several minutes, Kit managed to sit upright. His throat felt scratchy.
“We did use a silencing rune, right?” He asked Ty, who silently nodded and reached for him.
Kit scooted closer to him, and they sat together in silence for a moment.
“We should probably clean all of this up.” Ty motioned at the messy sheets, and Kit nodded, standing.
Pain shot through him, and he buckled against the bed. Ty was immediately next to him and hoisted him up into a bridal style.
“Bath or shower?” He asked.
Kit hated baths, but he could not stand to save his life.
“Bath.” He said reluctantly.
He placed him in the tub, and as Kit began filling it with water, Ty tossed in a bath bomb.
Kit fiddled with the hot water faucet. When he lived with his dad, he almost never had access to hot water. When he moved to the Institute, he became hooked on steamy showers. They felt…relaxing. He took one every day, and when he came out of the bathroom, the mirror was usually foggy.
He was so caught up in though that he didn’t notice that Ty had joined him in the tub until he said,
“Are you okay?”
Kit nodded, hands finding Ty’s and twining them together.
Ty began to lather soap across Kit’s back, which was really distracting.
“You know I can do that, right?” Kit asked.
He nodded. “I’d rather do it for you. You should relax.”
Kit settled in, sighing contently as Ty continued to rinse him off, as if any amount of soap would scrub away what had just happened between them.
After several minutes of content silence, Kit cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Did…did you like it?” He asked.
Ty stopped scrubbing him for a moment, considering.
“Yeah.” He said quietly. “It was…”
He trailed off, looking for the right word.
“Different.” Kit finished.
Ty nodded, and went back to rinsing him.
After getting out of the tub (with the assistance of Ty, of course), Kit pulled on a pair of sweats and one of Ty’s t-shirts.
Ty had taken the sheets down to the washer and was now at his desk, headphones on. Kit could faintly hear the classical music playing.
Kit was ever so slightly limping, and he prayed that the iratze he applied would kick in soon. If Dru, or God forbid, Helen or Julian saw him like this, there was not a shadow of a doubt in his mind that they would be having words.
Kit reached for his stele, but before he could apply another iratze, he felt Ty’s hand close around his, gently pulling it away from him.
“What are you doing?” Kit asked.
Ty nudged back the collar of his shirt, and began to draw the iratze.
“I’m the reason you’re limping, it just seems fair that I’m the one who takes care of you.”
Kit shook his head. “You know that I can take care of myself.”
Ty leaned down and gently pressed a kiss to Kit’s collarbone. “But have you considered that I want to?”
Kit’s head spun. Ty was skilled in dishing out compliments to him all the time, and he never had anything to say back to him.
“But why would you want to look after me?” He whispered.
Ty’s lips found his ear, and he said softly,
“Because you are what I want.” His hands curved around Kit’s waist, pulling him closer. “I am yours. Those years we spent apart, I learned that much.”
After a minute or two, they decided to inconspicuously go downstairs. They made their way to the kitchen, where Cristina and Mark stood, animatedly talking on the phone with who Kit presumed was Kieran.
“Julian’s looking for you two.” Mark said as Cristina nodded along to whatever Kieran was saying. “He’s been looking for you guys for a while, and Dru said that Ty’s room was locked, but she refused to open the door with a rune.”
Kit’s ears turned red, but Ty calmly said, “Where’s Julian, then?”
“Bye!” Cristina said, handing the phone to Mark.
“We’ll see you soon, love.” Mark said into the phone. “Make sure to talk to him when you can, ‘kay?” He paused. “Alright. Love you.”
He handed the phone back to Cristina.
“Julian should be at the beach. Emma’s with him.” She said, pocketing it.
Kit felt Cristina glance over him, a small knowing smile on her face.
“Don’t.” He warned her, his eyebrows raised.
“I won’t.” She replied, her smirk turning into the genuine smile it usually was. “It’s just great to see you two happy again.”
The pair headed out of the doors of the Institute, opting to go barefoot in the soft sand. Ty was slightly ahead of him, his silent footsteps refusing to stir up any dust.
He turned around, seeing Kit and smiling slightly. They grasped each other's hand, continuing to head alongside the coast.
Ty pointed in the distance. “I think I can see them.” He said.
A short distance away, Kit could see Emma and Julian heading towards them, along with a shorter figure that could only be Dru.
He tensed slightly. “What do you think they want us for?”
Ty shrugged. “Not sure. Maybe they were curious where we were?”
Kit doubted it was that. The fact that Dru had spottem them and was now eagerly skipping towards them did not give him any comfort.
“See?” She said to Emma and Julian, gesturing at Ty and Kit, “I told you that they were just making out in Ty’s room!”
Kit flushed.
“We weren’t making out.” He said.
“Alright then, Sherlock,” Emma said to Ty. “Explain what’s on Kit’s neck then for me.”
Kit had attempted to cover up a hickey on his neck with concealer he found in Dru’s room. Apparently, it must’ve come off.
“We weren’t making out.” Ty confirmed, slightly squeezing Kit’s hand.
Emma did a once-over of Kit.
“I agree.” Emma said, smirking. “I think they had more than a make out session.”
Kit turned redder as Julian approached them.
“There you two are.” He said. “I was thinking that we’d have to get Magnus and imbed you with tracking devices.”
“Or you could just use a Tracking rune.” Ty pointed out.
“Tracking devices would be cooler.” Kit counterargued.
“Regardless,” Julian intervened, waving his arms. “I understand that both of you are 18…”
“Oh, absolutely not.” Kit moaned, covering his face. “You are not doing this in the middle of the beach! Or in front of Dru!”
“I find this entertaining.” Dru said, attempting to cover her laughter and failing miserably.
Julian continued. “And obviously, there’s nothing any of us can do about you two sneaking off and doing…things-”
“To be fair, we were doing things, too.” Emma pointed out. “And we weren’t 18 yet.”
“Regardless,” Julian stated. “You two need to be safe.”
Kit stared at him.
“You knew that we were already in Ty’s room with the door locked, proceeded to go down to the beach to ‘look for us’, and now you’re lecturing us about being safe?” He asked incredulously.
Julian nodded.
“You are ridiculous.” He declared after a moment.
“Don’t worry, we’re fine.” Ty assured Julian.
“This is fucking hilarious.” Dru cackled.
“I’m glad you think it’s funny, Dru.” Julian said. “I’m giving both you and Ash the same talk when you turn 18, too.”
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garvalhaminho · 3 months
forgot to post my thoughts while reading the first chapter of tlkof as someone who has only ever read tda and tid (translated from chaotic portuguese)
thais??? who??
dru likes learning by understanding how things work, relatable (SHE'S LITERALLY ME)
she's learning about downworlders and can ask magnus for help, but specifically cristina (the diva who loved studying faeries!!), mark and helen (icon) and kieran and i love that for her 💞 like yes give her one thing she can take advantage of
not her dyeing her hair black (ate)
"thais always looked glamorous in her gear" 🤨 no look i know friends can find each other pretty and beautiful etc but when it's ya literature.....it's usually the censored version of "hot as fuck" JUST SAYING
DRU IS 5'3 YAAA WE'VE GOT THE SAME HEIGHT (i think, i'm not american)
i already love dru and thais's friendship 🫶 they match each others freak
dru trains to forget everything she's gone through 😭
oh already the preppy guys and fuckboys (mason hardcastle)
"dru and thais didn't need to ask each other; they knew already they'd be a team" awwww i already know i'm gonna love their friendship
paige ashdown when i see you in the street (no but like an ableist and fatphobic bully? i'll fight that fucker with my bare hands)
thais speaking portuguese in the middle of nowhere i love it
OH AND THE FUCKBOY IS HER EX AND HE SUCKS, if it was me and i had classes with him i'd literally throw myself off a bridge
dru inventing "sex crocodile",,, she's too iconic i fear
"nothing scared [dru}. nothing in a movie, anyway." babygirl 😭 i remember her like mentioning how she liked horror movies but the horror depicted would never be as bad as the real life horror she's experienced
dru still talks to kit 😭 no like imagine your sister still talks to your situationship of two weeks from three years ago, i'd jump off a bridge (yet again)
"there's no danger. we're on academy grounds" famous last words
"she tugged gently at a dangling lock in her friend's hair" THAT'S LITERALLY A MICROTROPE IN ROMANCE MOVIES
"she cursed silently, imagining every bad word she could think of and some she was pretty sure she'd just made up." let dru say fuck pleaseeee. just once. as a little treat, she deserves it
"she wondered for a moment if she should mention that her brother, mark, was the consort of the unseelie king" not her trying to use her connections
no yeah he's literally royalty he's literally a prince (get that bag girl!!)
dru thinking that ash's eyes were like the sea glass julian loved......oh how i love this family
"'how do you know my name?' she demanded. his eyes narrowed. 'you must be joking,' he said. 'you've forgotten? you can't have forgotten.'" of course she's forgotten a random guy she was with for two minutes three years ago, she has a life, YOU'RE just a SIMP
ash getting yelled at and reprimanded by his daddy or whatever but still literally helping his crush and sending her away to safety 🙏 and your man can't even text you back
julian and emma leaving london to take care of their child drusilla blackthorn
he didn't even sleep during the three nights she was missing 😭
i fear i might become thais/dru shipper under the right circumstances
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cto10121 · 5 months
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Hot take: The American view of musicals as plays with music and hating any attempt to actually center music in a freakin’ musical is why Broadway musical theater is essentially dead in the water, in this essay
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horsetailcurlers2 · 4 months
Please ramble about Tedstina I’m a total truther lol. Their chemistry was SO intense and palpable from the second Teddy stepped on screen and I agree about them not getting together whilst Teddy was mentoring her but I always thought the Henry plot was a perfect lead in to them developing something long term. Like in my head Cristina dumps Owen after he makes her lie about Henry and in Teddy’s grief and Cristina’s guilt they get closer, eventually sleeping together and then dating. Out of all the couples something about them both being so stubborn but also so clear eyed, ambitious and somewhat cold makes them the most likely to last in my opinion. A little line with Burke but this time they actually know and like each other lmao. And it would definitely be a little twisted since Cristina technically ‘killed’ Henry and then dated his widow but also it’s no darker than other weird romance plots on greys lol. Plus they would’ve been hot as hell 😭
yess you get it. okay but be forewarned this is a true ramble- it may only be vaguely coherent as i’m just going off the cuff.
exactly the chemistry is genuinely insane!!!! the thing about greys that bums me out in the early seasons is that they had an aversion to making any of their main female characters canonically queer. like, i get it, bc getting the callie storyline out there was an uphill battle. but it’s like they want to be explicitly clear all the time that cristina and meredith are both very very Straight. and that’s a whole other thing i could go on about. all this to preface that i think if the show aired now, cristina would be canonically openly queer right out the gate.
by the time teddy came along, it was still pretty early in the owen/cristina and so he hadn’t really done anything yet to make him quite so hate-able. and after hahn there was a big gap left where cristina was sorely lacking in a good mentor. burke was almost a good mentor but then you know they started canoodling and he eventually got frustrating. hahn just straight up refused to teach cristina despite her clear enthusiasm and untapped talent. then teddy comes in and it’s like…. she’s brilliant, she’s not put off by cristina’s cristinaness and she actually seems to be interested in the teaching aspect of working at a teaching hospital (which was fucking rare at that point). so i was immediately drawn to the teddy-cristina dynamic. especially with the complication of owen being the common link.
i could go on a whole other ramble about teddy and the long lasting effects that stemmed from allison’s death and the guilt about that infidelity but suffice to say by the time we meet teddy she’s pretty messed up about love.
and as we know, cristina has a long history of being attracted to mentor figures.
i think that with teddy’s infatuation with owen being shut down on his end pretty early on (despite him doing a total one eighty in the later seasons and claiming to have always loved her 🙄) it opened the door for her to realize WHY she was attracted to him in the first place (a best friend she made in a war zone shortly after the allison tragedy, him already being in a relationship).
SO anyway teddy meets cristina. they’re both in love (?🙄) with owen, they are both passionate about the same specialty, they both have tragedy and failed romance in their pasts.
and i see what you mean about them being very similar. but they are also opposite (and therefore perfectly complimentary) in a lot of ways. i personally think teddy is a lot more optimistic than she appears. she’s not easily discouraged. i also like that right off the bat she recognizes cristina’s talent, takes a liking to her, and is kind of just impervious to cristina’s dislike/wariness of her. i think it’s so funny how almost everyone but meredith is at first really put off by cristina’s bluntness or outright offended by her but teddy is just like “i respect your skill, i’m not gonna take any shit, i know i’m great at my job so let me do it and we’ll be chill”
i think that the conversation about teddy wanting to leave and cristina begging her to stay and yelling that teddy can have owen was a turning point for both of them. i think they both had a lot of revelations.
AND THEN i think the saga of henry’s death was also a major turning point for their relationship. i don’t think this would make their relationship that twisted tbh bc i don’t think teddy ever saw it that way. i think if she blamed anyone other than herself, it was owen (which, yeah bc the way he handled that was fucking bonkers). and i’ve seen a lot of frustrating stuff (mostly on tiktok lol which i have to stay away from bc there’s rarely any nuance on there when it comes to fandom/media discussions) about how teddy repeatedly grilling cristina about henry’s death was the worst thing she ever did and she was punishing cristina or something. but i think that that isn’t true at all in the slightest. it was fucked up and brutal and it was a grief response that was terribly unfair to cristina, but i think it actually showed the two of them being on the same wavelength in a lot of ways. cristina isn’t fazed (at least visibly) by teddy’s need to hear it over and over. bc i think she understood why teddy needed to hear it. they both deal with grief by making it about the facts and about the medicine. teddy needed to know that there is nothing anyone could have done to save him so that she doesn’t feel like she has another death on her hands. and i think cristina gets that because of her backstory with her fathers death. AGAIN i think they just get each other in ways that owen never got either of them.
ANYWAY i personally have this AU idea in my head where they cross paths in europe and reconnect.
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Dating Alex Karev headcanons...
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It's not a secret that Alex is a bit of a hot mess. One minute he's cold, next he's hot. It's a weird dynamic to get used to; it takes a long time for him to break those habits when around you.
You find him quite funny and you can't lie that his smile is so charming but you know that he's big into himself and won't accept any help from others so every time you think you're getting closer to him, he snaps and turns cold again.
He finds you one night after you've just lost a patient you tried your best to save. You expect him to walk away but he's the one who stays and holds you, offering quiet comfort.
"One bad day doesn't mean you're an awful surgeon. You're always gonna lose someone, death is inevitable but sometimes, just sometimes we can push death a little further backwards and save them. Sometimes. Not all the time."
After that, you and Alex become closer; a little bit at a time. You help him out with studying and help him with his reading up. He appreciates it a lot even if he doesn't vocalise it a lot.
It's a very slow burn. You think that you and Alex are just friends, you think he's pretty charming, funny and you're not blind you know that he's handsome but you never think that he'd like someone like you. Unbeknownst to you, Alex's crush forms first.
There may be a few secret kisses in stairwells, in empty rooms, in the on-call room. The two of you don't really speak about them.
It takes weeks, hell maybe even months, for the two of you to admit your feelings for each other and when you do, it's ramble-y and awkward and it ends with a teeth clashing kiss.
The two of you keep your relationship quiet for the first while because it's new and neither of you know where it's going so you keep it quiet.
Alex is coy about his feelings for you, he's never really let anyone in before so it's weird and strange but he's not scared; he's excited.
It's George that finds out first, accidentally walking in on the two of you half naked. Safe to say, George is traumatised.
The word spreads fast after that.
Cristina can't understand why you're with Karev and doesn't hold back in her judgements.
It's a few days later that Alex stays over at yours and asks you to be his girlfriend.
"I feel like a freaking schoolgirl... I want you to be mine. Will you be my girlfriend already?"
Every day, he opens up more and more to you and you see him opening up to everyone; your friends, the patients... You see him care more, see that softer side that he reserved only for your eyes. You love seeing it more and more; you love that other people are starting to see it.
He kisses your forehead a lot, pressing soft kisses to your hair, forehead and temple when you're hugging.
Alex is a massive teddybear. He loves to cuddle - not that he'd ever admit that - but he loves to cuddle. He loves holding you, pulling you close and feeling you against him.
"Morning, gorgeous."
He always pulls you back to bed under the guise of 'five more minutes' when actually it turns into sex in bed and you're both running late afterwards. Worth it though.
"I... I love you, (y/n). I'm sorry I've not said it sooner but yeah, I- I love you."
The sex is so good. At first, when the two of you didn't have a label, it was just sex for a while; just fast, hard sex when you needed it but now, with that added bonus of being in love, he has a tender side, a more passionate romantic side.
Alex loves to make out with you, you could make out for hours and he'd be so freaking happy with it.
Your friends see how happy the two of you are and they see that Alex is actually becoming more human so they tentatively approve of your relationship.
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marcus pike and phone sex… specifically getting you to play with yourself over the phone.
Cristina my love <3
I think this is one of those rare kinks where it's literally just about power.
If there's one thing about Marcus Pike, it's that he knows how to use the tools at his disposal. Knowing you get off on his voice softly telling you what to do? Yeah, he'll take every opportunity to make you weak in the knees over it.
Marcus doesn't strike me as someone who shies away from dirty talk. I think he'd tell you exactly what he wants to do to you in explicit detail.
And if you were, say, a little bit shy about actually saying it out loud? He'd find it endlessly endearing that you'll do the filthiest things with him, but the moment you try to articulate it? You start to giggle and duck your head in embarrassment.
Marcus is such a tease when he wants to be, so he likes getting you all flustered. He likes to murmur in your ear all the things he wants to do to you later when you're at dinner. He'll lean over and whisper, "I can't stop thinking about that pretty throat of yours. When we get home, I want to spread you out on the bed and slide my cock inside as deep as it will go until I can feel it against my hand." He delights in the way you choke on nothing at his words, gasping as though his cock really is down your throat even as you sit next to him in the quiet booth. "I want you to feel it too," he'll whisper. "I want to take your hand and show you just how good you are for me."
So when a case takes him away for a week, he immediately wants to get you hot and bothered over the phone. He starts talking first, softly instructing you, leading you through every step.
"Take off your clothes. Everything. I want to know you're completely naked, spread out on the bed."
"Lay down and close your eyes. I want you to pretend I'm watching you touch yourself."
He tells you to start slowly--to gently trace your lips with one finger, then slide your hand slowly down your throat to play with your nipples.
"Tease them," he says softly. "Touch them until you can't stand it any longer--just like I do for you."
He can hear your soft whimpers as you do what he asks, and it makes him palm his cock with a pained groan. He wants to cum, too, but he wants--needs--to wait until you do, too. He needs more, though--he needs to hear more than just your little gasps and cries. He needs to know exactly what it is he does to you.
"Tell me how it feels," he orders softly.
"G-Good," you stammer.
He tuts playfully. "You can do better than that, sweetheart."
"It's--um, it's overwhelming, and I can feel it--it's like I can feel it in my clit, just touching myself like this."
"One of these days we should try to make you cum from this alone."
"It's--it's better when you do it," you admit quietly.
"You need more, hmm? Pinch them. Make it hurt, just a little. Just a little bit of pain. Don't you always make the sweetest sounds when I'm a little bit rough with you?"
He hears your resulting whine and he knows you've obeyed.
"Good girl. Do it again."
He asks you to do it over and over until you finally break and beg him.
"Please, Marcus, I want to touch myself."
"You are touching yourself."
He laughs, enjoying this little game of having this power over you, of getting to choose when you get to touch, when you get to cum.
"Marcus, please, it's too much, I need more."
"You can have more if you tell me exactly what you want."
"I-I want to touch my clit?" You rise up in inflection at the end, so that it comes out like a question.
"More," Marcus whispers back. "More, baby. I need more."
"I want... I want to circle it slowly, just like you do. I want to, um, imagine it's your hand, dipping down through my folds and collecting my--fuck, I'm so wet, there's... there's a lot, Marcus--and spreading it around, making e-everything slick..."
"Good," Marcus praises, his eyes falling shut at the visual. "Good, baby, you're doing so well. Touch yourself for me, do exactly what you're saying."
Your next words are stronger, and he knows his generous praise has emboldened you.
"I want--oh, fuck, I want your fingers inside me while I do this. I've got--I've got mine inside but they can never get d-deep enough. I need you--need your cock."
"Tell you what, I'll let you get your toy if you keep telling me exactly what you're doing."
"Mmhmm. The biggest one. Want to reward you for being so good to me while I'm gone."
You both know which toy he's referring to--it's inhumanly long and thick, completely unrealistic in terms of regular human anatomy. He bought it for you because he likes to see you struggle to take it. The first time he used it on you, you could barely take half of it, and the vision of you split open on it always leaves him rock hard.
"I-I've got it," you tell him breathlessly. "I'm gonna, um, get it wet. I-In my mouth."
"Fuck, good girl. F-Fuck--as deep as you can get it, baby. As deep as it will go. Keep the phone close by."
He listens to the little sounds of effort as you try and fit the toy in your mouth and down your throat. He can tell you're really trying--he hears you choke several times, and you're panting and gasping for breath as you come up for air every time.
"How does it feel?" Marcus prompts.
"It--fuck, it hurts my throat and... makes my eyes water, b-but I like that. I like how it feels and I like knowing it's too much for me."
"I know," he murmurs affectionately. "I know, baby. You can slide it in, now. Slowly."
"I--it's filling me inch by inch," you say, your voice slightly strained with effort. "Marcus, I want--I want it to be you who does this."
"Shh, I know. I miss you too, honey."
"I like it when you fuck me with it," you add quietly. "You--you do it better, you always do it better. You--you make me realize I can... take more than I thought I could."
"You can take it," he says softly, encouragingly. "All the way in, all the way to the hilt, baby. I know you can do it."
"It's--almost---" you gasp.
"You gotta keep talking for me, baby, I need to hear it," Marcus reminds you. He finally starts to stroke himself, knowing you're on the other side of the phone, slowly breaking yourself apart on the massive toy.
"I can--it's all--it's in there, and--fuck, feels so full, Marcus. It's--it's so much and I need to cum and oh, God, baby I miss you. I miss you so much and it's never the same without you."
"Make yourself cum and--f-fuck--keep talking," Marcus gasps, moving his hand faster.
"I'm--I'm rubbing my clit," you tell him. "It's--oh god, it's making everything so tight, I'm gonna feel it everywhere when I cum. I want--I'm gonna cum, Marcus, will you--will you cum with me? Will you--I wanna know you're missing me too, I--"
"Fuck, yes, I'm cumming with you," Marcus assures, his voice roughened with pleasure. "So close, baby, please. So close, and I miss you too, baby, I'll be home soon and I'll get to taste that pretty pussy for myself and fuck that perfect little cunt with my fingers before I fuck you open on my cock."
You scream as you cum, so overwhelmed by Marcus's words and the massive toy splitting you open. Marcus follows immediately, spurting over his hand with a hissed curse, staying as quiet as he can so he can hear all those sweet noises you're making.
"Thank you," he whispers. "You did so good for me, baby. I know it's hard for you to say out loud."
"I did," you giggle, sounding giddy and exhilarated.
"I'll be home soon," he promises. "So soon. Will you do me a favor?"
"Don't clean the toy," he says darkly.
"Marcus!" you laugh, aghast.
"Don't clean it," he repeats. "I've fucking missed the way you taste and I'm going to get my fill when I get back."
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howtotrainabraincell · 3 months
May I request a blurb of Desmond’s teammates insisting he has a rest for once? (Pre or post Lucy whichever)
Of course! Hope I do it justice.
Desmond was exhausted. Utterly exhausted.
He had just experienced everything Ezio felt when he lost Cristina and the overwhelming pain and guilt and anger coursing through him was too much. Everything hurt. His head, his heart, his eyes from the forceful tears shed by the sole Auditore man, his muscles. Everything.
He knew what he had to do. The recovery of his ancestor's memories was important, and it needed to be done. But that didn't mean that it wasn't hard to go through.
Experiencing Ratonhnhaké:ton's pain when he had to watch his mother die and then watch his village get destroyed. Then having to fight his own father who refused to seek peace between the Brotherhood and the Order. Altaïr's anguish when he lost his youngest son Sef and then his wife Maria. It only went further when Altaïr was consumed by guilt for not being able to save his love, and then again when his daughter in law and granddaughters left for Egypt.
Desmond's head and heart began to hurt again just thinking about everything his ancestors had suffered through. They may have had the lives of Assassin's...but it didn't mean that they deserved to suffer.
He could hear two people in the kitchen. Rebecca and Shaun by the voices and the fact that they were the only other two people in the place. They seemed to be arguing, but Desmond's head hurt too much to try and focus on what it was they were saying.
Rebecca pointed at him her eyes narrowed. "I swear to the Isu's if you say one mean or snarky thing to him, I will slap the British out of you."
Shaun quaffed and rolled his eyes. "Am I really that bad to him?"
She looked at him pointedly without saying a word and Shaun sighed relenting. "Alright. I'll be as nice as I can.
"And don't tell him to rest up for the purpose of getting him fit to get back in the Animus. Actually, try to get him to rest. You keep pushing him the way you do, and he'll actually die, instead of just dying on the inside by being emotionally and psychologically traumatized."
The man in glasses watched as Rebecca grabbed the mug of tea she had just made for Desmond.
"Take this to him." She handed the mug off to him carefully. "Without snark."
He spoke sarcastically. "Yes mum."
Rebecca swatted at him aiming to smack his head, and Shaun barely dodged, hissing when a drop of hot water splashed on his hand.
Desmond was hunched over, his elbows on his knees as he held his head in his hands. His hair was disheveled, and his skin was pale and covered in a sheen of sweat. He had bags under his eyes and dried rings of blood around his nose, from hastily wiped away nosebleeds. It seemed as though he could barely hold himself up, and if he attempted to stand, he would fall over without assistance.
Shaun could see that the man was clearly bone tired from his interactions in the Animus.
He was going to try and be nice. He really was. Lest he be smacked by Rebecca and continue to be a complete arse to the guy who was literally the only reason why they could continue their research.
Shaun's voice was gentle. It didn't sound like him, but he was trying. Far too gentle for the snappy and grouchy man Desmond had gotten to know. "Desmond?"
Desmond looked up slowly squinting as the light hit his sensitive eyes and he was met by the scent of ginger and the sight of a coffee cup.
It was Shaun offering him a cup of tea. He reached up hesitantly wincing as his muscles protested against the action and inhaled the scent. It smelled good. Certainly, better than gunpowder, stale blood, and dirt.
The assassin didn't want to assume anything, but he thought for a moment that the British man had a look of concern on his face. He was probably seeing things. Which wouldn't be a surprise in the least.
He spoke again, once more sounding strange compared to how he normally did. "You need to rest for a while. Recover for the sake of yourself. You've been going too long without proper rest."
Desmond wanted to rebuff his statement and say that he just needed a moment before continuing. But he realized that he did need to rest. He felt like death warmed over itself and something within him told him that if he didn't...he would thoroughly regret it.
Rebecca stood a bit of a ways behind him with her arms crossed observing the both of them. "You need to Des. Seriously. We're not going anywhere. We'll be right here if you need anything."
Shaun nodded in agreement. "It's time to rest mate."
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thewritingofamadwoman · 6 months
Hot Buns
A random snippet into the lives of Annalise & Mark Sloan. Technically a part 2.5? Let me know what you think & thank you for reading 🤗
Pairing: Mark Sloan x Fem!Reader
Warnings: allusions to smut but no actual smut, sickeningly sweet fluff
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To anyone who didn’t know Mark Sloan or Annalise Grey-Sloan, life at Seattle Grace was the same as it had been for the past few months. The ex-couple decided to give their relationship a try once more, with Annalise having gone so far as forgiving Mark and allowing him to take her out on a few dates.
No one picked up on the innocent flirting between the two; the looks and giggles shared, the secret touches whenever they stood in the same vicinity. No one had ANY idea of their little rendezvous in the on call rooms. Or at least, that’s what Mark and Annalise thought.
“So are they going to eye fuck each other the entire time or are we going to actually learn something today?” Alex Karev grunted, standing off to the side as Mark and Annalise “discussed” the case they were working on together. Cristina and Meredith rolled their eyes at him.
“Well I for one think it’s great that they’re speaking again. Little Jolie deserves to have both of her parents happy,” Meredith shrugged, smiling to herself at the sound of her sister’s giggle at whatever the “plastics God” said to her.
“I agree with Mer. A less angry Annalise means more surgeries for me to scrub in on. So if McSteamy wants to McGet-It-On with her, I’m all for it. I’ll even buy her condoms if she wants,” Cristina said cheerfully, not noticing the power couple creeping up behind her. Annalise cleared her throat.
“Well thank you for that, Dr Yang. I’ll keep that in mind. Are we good to start rounds or would you prefer I gave you details on which condoms I prefer for your future reference?” The brunette asked, an eyebrow raised playfully at Cristina and her sister. Annalise didn’t care about what was said about her when it came from friends, and she loved to torment interns as much as she could. Cristina had enough sense to blush and look away while Alex snickered before Mark called out to him.
“Oi, Karev! Let’s get a move on, these patients won’t heal themselves!” He barked, making his way down the hall but not before winking at Annalise.
Anna smiled, and rolled her eyes playfully at the intern who immediately followed after Mark. Her smile lingered a little too long on his retreating form, and when she turned back to Meredith and Christina, she couldn’t escape their teasing smirks.
“Wipe those grins off your faces,” Annalise scoffed, walking around them and doing her best to ignore the heat trying to creep up her face.
“Well you two look close,” Meredith teased, her signature smile on her face. Christina snorted in agreement.
“Close is an understatement. Sloan’s one step away from sticking his tongue down her throat with every passing longing glance,” she said dramatically as they stopped outside the patient’s room. Anna genuinely laughed at that, resulting in the patient, Mark and Alex to look over at the three doctors who stood by the door.
“Sorry Mrs Sheffield, I’m Doctor Grey-Sloan. These are my interns, Doctor Grey and Doctor Yang. I’ll be assisting Doctor Sloan with your procedure. I’ll be in charge of making sure your heart doesn’t give out while Doctor Sloan works on the external repairs on your abdomen while removing that superficial tumor and patching you up as good as new. I promise you, you’re in great hands,” Annalise reassured the patient gently, reaching over and giving her hand a squeeze. The older woman smiled back kindly and looked between Annalise and Mark, the latter already standing off to the side and prepping a game plan with Karev.
“You said your name was Grey-Sloan? Any relation to the stud?” Mrs Sheffield nodded towards Mark unabashedly, her voice hushed. Anna’s smile widened.
“Mhmm, he’s my husband.”
“Oh you’re one lucky girl. If I were 30 years younger I’d be climbing him like a tree. Do you see the buns on him? Oh the way I’d like to give’em a quick squeeze,” Mrs Sheffield went on, her voice not as hushed as she thought. Annalise chucked and noticed the tips of Mark’s ears slowly turning a light shade of red.
“Alright Mrs Sheffield, let’s keep that heart rate down,” Annalise teased. “We’ll be back later to get you prepped for surgery. In the meantime, Grey, please make sure we have an OR booked and Yang, please get Mrs Sheffield ready with the pre-surgical team. Karev, please follow up with pathology one final time about Mrs Sheffield’s most recent blood tests so we can confirm we’re good to start on time. ”
Christina, Meredith and Alex nodded and stepped out of the room to get started on their tasks immediately. Before Anna could make it out the door however, she heard Mark yelp. She turned around and found Mark rubbing his backside as he scurried out of the room, Mrs Sheffield winking at her and smirking to herself while rubbing her hands together. “I’ve still got it!” She cheered, and Mark pulled a tittering Annalise out the door with him.
“That was not funny, I feel violated and objectified,” Mark whined, his grip gentle on Annalise’s elbow, pulling her with him down the hall and around the corner. Anna’s chuckles broke into a full on belly laugh at Mark’s flushed face. They stopped walking, and Anna used the wall behind her as support while she laughed.
“You should have seen your face!” She giggled. Mark, who was thoroughly embarrassed, found his gaze softening at the sight of his wife laughing wholeheartedly. And yes while it was at his expense, he wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. He rolled his eyes, playfully annoyed, a smile playing on his lips as her own giggles were infectious.
“Are you done?” He asked, crossing his arms as he looked down at her.
Anna did her best to stop laughing, biting her lip and looking up at Mark with a somewhat innocent expression. Mark felt his heart flutter at the sight of her.
“I’m good, I’m good. God it’s been so long since I laughed like that,” she sighed, smiling brightly. Mark smiled back and shook his head.
“Yeah, and it took me being assaulted by an elderly woman squeezing my ass for you to laugh that hard. You’re welcome,” Mark sassed. Annalise quirked an eyebrow teasingly at him.
“You weren’t complaining when I was the one squeezing your ass in the on call room earlier…” she said, lowering her voice as she looked up at him coyly, daring him to play along.
Mark’s eyebrows shot up in surprise before he immediately collected himself and reacted accordingly, smirking while bringing his right arm up and above Anna, bracing it on the wall behind her. His other arm reached towards her, his hand engulfing her waist as he stepped closer to her, caging her between the wall and himself. What Mark didn’t do, however, was check to see if the coast was clear before speaking; his voice taking on a more deep and gravelly tone.
“Well, I am a gentleman. Who am I to deny my woman from grabbing my ass when she’s down on her knees for me with her mouth wrapped around my—“
“AH-DONT YOU FINISH THAT SENTENCE MARK SLOAN,” an incredulous voice spoke up and both doctors jumped apart at the sound of Miranda Bailey.
“This is a god damn hospital, not a whore house, keep that kind of talk OUT of the halls! What is wrong with people today, talking nasty while I’m trying to my damn job,” Miranda muttered to herself as she continued her way down the hall, glaring at the couple.
Mark and Annalise took one look at each other and cracked up at the hilarity of it all.
“I can see why the interns call her the Nazi,” he muttered, crossing his arms over his chest again. Annalise nodded and continued to watch Doctor Bailey make her way down the hall, before she turned back to glare at them once more before she turned the corner.
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Tag List:
@caseyandsloan @spookyboogyuniverse @xjasam4lifex @afckingswiftiebtch @itschelseacisneros @kkr102 @jackiehollanderr @jordycat-2018
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