#ai powered scheduling
practinaincsposts · 1 year
AI Powered Scheduling & Content Creation With Social Media Management Software- Practina
Are you looking for social media management software that manages your social media tasks and boosts your online presence? If yes, then look no further than Practina- one of the best social media management platforms. Social media management software is a powerful tool for efficiently overseeing and optimizing your social media presence. It simplifies content scheduling, provides analytics for data-driven decisions, and streamlines engagement with your audience, all in one convenient platform.
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kajmasterclass · 1 month
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Rajan Kohli, CEO of CitiusTech – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/rajan-kohli-ceo-of-citiustech-interview-series/
Rajan Kohli, CEO of CitiusTech – Interview Series
Rajan Kohli is the Chief Executive Officer of CitiusTech and is responsible for the strategic direction of the company and further CitiusTech’s mission of accelerating healthcare technology innovation and driving long-term value for clients. Rajan is a highly accomplished technology services industry executive with experience across digital transformation, application and engineering services.
Prior to CitiusTech, Rajan has spent over 27 years at Wipro and most recently was the president of Wipro’s iDEAS (Integrated Digital, Engineering and Application Services) business. He led a global business line with revenues of USD 6 billion and committed to helping clients across the world accelerate their transformation and shift how they build and deliver digital products, services and experiences.
CitiusTech is a leading provider of consulting and digital technology to healthcare and life sciences companies. As strategic partners to the world’s leading payer, provider, MedTech, and life sciences companies, CitiusTech drives innovation, business transformation, and industry-wide convergence. They play a deep and meaningful role in accelerating digital innovation, driving sustainable value, and helping improve outcomes across the healthcare ecosystem.
What are the key elements required to successfully implement digital transformation strategies in healthcare and life sciences organizations?
The healthcare industry has struggled in its embrace of digital solutions, with successful digital transformation journeys sporadically occurring over the years. But with technology ready to fuel a paradigm-altering leap in patient care, it’s time for the industry to push past these challenges.
Digital Transformation has the potential to positively impact healthcare across all specialties. For example, specialty drug manufacturers juggle multiple demands springing from various stakeholders and the ecosystem to meet their constantly growing demand. Navigating this intricate network of stakeholders and the ecosystem does not come easy, and many of them look to leverage patient support hub services that offload these responsibilities from the drug manufacturers to manage these responsibilities and optimize client-drug performance. However, with patient hub services facing challenges regarding scalability and efficiency due to escalating volumes, many specialty drug manufacturers must embrace digital transformation strategies to streamline operations and bolster overall efficiency.
Implementing digital transformation in healthcare and life sciences requires a three – prong multifaceted approach.
Leadership commitment is essential to drive and sustain these initiatives, ensuring that there is a top-down endorsement and alignment with strategic goals. This means not only creating a clear vision and roadmap outlining specific objectives and milestones, but also investing in technology and innovative solutions.
Robust data management is another critical element. Establishing strong information governance frameworks ensures data quality, security and regulatory compliance. This includes defining data standards, policies and processes for data management, as well as leveraging advanced analytics and big data technologies to extract actionable insights from health data.
Interoperability is crucial for digital transformation, necessitating the adoption of industry standards like HL7, FHIR and DICOM to facilitate seamless data exchange between different systems and platforms. Utilizing integration platforms and middleware solutions can bridge disparate systems, ensuring smooth data flow and communication across the organization. By embracing interoperability fully, organizations will be able to drive more efficient, effective and patient-centric healthcare delivery.
But at the end of the day, digital transformations start and end with the patient. Healthcare organizations can automate as many processes as they would like, but if they don’t change the experience or the value that the patient receives, it will be especially difficult to find success. A patient-centric approach with the implementation of digital health solutions that enhance patient engagement, improve access to care and enable personalized treatment plans are essential.
How is generative AI currently being used to enhance healthcare treatments and improve patient outcomes?
Generative (Gen) AI offers transformative benefits across the healthcare ecosystem. For healthcare, an industry in which many of the pervasive challenges can be attributed to ineffective human-machine interactions, Gen AI has the power to bridge that gap and truly democratize healthcare.
This is especially true with personalized medicine. Developing treatment plans that are personalized to specific patients can be difficult and time consuming if done manually. By leveraging Gen AI, the algorithms analyze genetic data and patient histories to create personalized treatment plans tailored to the individual’s unique genetic makeup and medical history. Once the treatment plans are in place, patient access to AI-powered virtual health assistants is crucial, as patients have 24/7 access to medical advice, symptom checking and appointment scheduling, which improves patient engagement, more effective treatments, and better patient outcomes.
Gen AI is also playing a significant role in accelerating the drug approval and launch process. The pandemic showcased the potential for rapid drug development, driven by AI’s capabilities. Gen AI accelerates the development of new medications by simulating molecular interactions and predicting which compounds are likely to be effective. This significantly reduces the time and cost associated with traditional drug discovery methods. These AI-powered platforms can also generate potential drug candidates and optimize their chemical structures, expediting the process from concept to clinical trials.
Gen AI algorithms are enhancing the accuracy of medical imaging as well, improving image quality and assisting in the detection of anomalies. In doing so, it facilitates early diagnosis and treatment of conditions such as cancer, significantly improving patient outcomes.
Lastly, predictive analytics powered by Gen AI have groundbreaking potential. Predictive Gen AI models analyze vast amounts of health data to predict disease outbreaks, patient readmissions and potential complications, enabling proactive intervention and better management of chronic diseases.
In what ways can generative AI help in reducing mundane tasks for healthcare professionals, thereby allowing them to focus more on patient care and innovation?
Gen AI can significantly reduce the burden of mundane tasks for healthcare professionals such as clinical documentation, scheduling appointments, managing medical records, and processing insurance claims. Healthcare professionals are free to concentrate on patient care and innovation.
For example, healthcare professionals rely heavily on Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) for safer and more consistent healthcare delivery but doing so requires these individuals to constantly navigate between their narrative-based understanding of patient histories and symptoms, and EMRs’ structured data presentation. Gen AI bridges this gap and significantly reduces cognitive overload for healthcare professionals by summarizing patient history and automating manual tasks, freeing up valuable time for more personalized patient care.
Clinical decision support systems leverage AI to provide healthcare professionals with evidence-based recommendations, alerts, and reminders. These systems analyze patient data and medical literature to offer insights that aid in diagnosis and treatment planning, enhancing clinical outcomes and reducing the cognitive load on healthcare providers.
Remote monitoring technologies, powered by AI, continuously track patients’ vital signs and health status, allowing for real-time health assessments without the need for frequent in-person visits. This improves patient convenience and enables early detection of potential health issues, leading to prompt interventions and better management of chronic conditions.
Gen AI augments human potential improving job satisfaction for healthcare professionals, more on innovative care delivery and patient satisfaction.
What measures can be taken to maximize the effectiveness of Gen AI solutions in monitoring quality and ensuring trust in healthcare decisions?
Quality and trust have become critical points of discussion across the healthcare industry amidst the rapid growth of Gen AI. It requires a robust focus on these issues to ensure benefits are realized responsibly. Among the measures that can be taken:
Privacy and Data Security: Ensuring patient privacy is essential, requiring meticulous anonymization of data and stringent cybersecurity measures to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches. Implementing robust encryption protocols and defense mechanisms against adversarial attacks can protect patient data, while clinicians must retain ultimate decision-making authority to safeguard against potential AI errors.
Maintaining Quality and Fairness: Gen AI systems can inadvertently perpetuate biases present in the training data, leading to disparities in healthcare outcomes. Implementing algorithms capable of eliminating bias, and continuously retraining AI systems to detect and mitigate biases is key.
Accountability and Transparency: Accountability in Gen AI-driven decisions involve multiple stakeholders, including developers, healthcare providers, and end users. Transparent, explainable AI models are necessary for informed decision-making. Developers must ensure that AI models are unbiased and secure, while healthcare providers need to understand that they remain accountable for the decisions made using AI recommendations. Implementing robust regulatory frameworks is essential to address liability issues and maintain trust.
Ethical Frameworks: Developing ethical frameworks for Gen AI is about fostering responsibility without stifling innovation. Healthcare players must proactively align with evolving ethical standards to ensure Gen AI applications are fair, responsible, and patient-focused. A human-in-the-loop approach, combined with responsible AI practices, can help achieve equitable healthcare outcomes while maximizing Gen AI’s potential.
Platform-Based Quality and Trust Frameworks: Building quality and trust frameworks that integrate into existing quality management systems and align with regulatory recommendations is crucial. These frameworks should measure, validate, and monitor GenAI solutions to ensure consistent and trustworthy outcomes.
Earlier this year, we launched the CitiusTech Gen AI Quality and Trust Solution, the first end-to-end solution of its kind in healthcare. The solution can address these requirements by providing comprehensive validation, continuous monitoring and adherence to regulatory standards, guaranteeing the effectiveness and trustworthiness of Gen AI solutions in healthcare.
How can healthcare organizations work to identify and mitigate algorithmic and training data biases to ensure equitable care decisions?
Healthcare organizations must be extremely proactive in their approach. Using diverse and representative datasets during the training phase helps in reducing biases, ensuring that AI models perform well across different population groups. Implementing bias detection tools can help identify and address biases in AI models by analyzing the model’s outputs to detect any disparities in treatment recommendations or predictions.
Regular audits and reviews of AI systems help in identifying and correcting biases. This involves evaluating the system’s performance across various demographic groups and making necessary adjustments. Inclusive design and development, consisting of a diverse group of stakeholders in the design and development of AI solutions, ensures that different perspectives are considered, reducing the likelihood of biases. Lastly, education and training for employees on the potential biases in AI systems and how to address them is crucial in creating awareness and promoting the responsible use of AI.
How can healthcare organizations effectively use data on Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) to improve patient care, and what are the challenges in integrating this data into official diagnostic codes?
Integrating data on SDOH significantly improves patient care, but there are challenges to address. Comprehensive data collection is essential, including information such as socioeconomic status, education and environmental factors. This data provides insights into the social factors that influence patient health.
Data integration and interoperability are crucial for utilizing SDOH data effectively. Integrating this data into electronic health records (EHRs) and ensuring interoperability between different systems allows healthcare providers to have a holistic view of patient health, enabling personalized care plans. For instance, patients from low-income backgrounds or those living in areas with limited access to healthcare services may require additional support to manage chronic conditions. By incorporating SDOH data, healthcare organizations can develop targeted outreach programs, provide resources for transportation to medical appointments, and offer nutritional assistance to those in need.
Population health management is another area where SDOH data plays a critical role. By analyzing SDOH data at a community level, healthcare organizations can identify trends and patterns that inform public health strategies.
However, integrating SDOH data into official diagnostic codes presents an interoperability or standardization issue. is currently no universally accepted framework for coding SDOH data. Ensuring data quality is also difficult, as SDOH data often comes from various sources with differing levels of accuracy and completeness. Collaboration between healthcare organizations, policymakers, and technology vendors to establish standardized practices and ensure comprehensive data integration will be an important step in addressing these hurdles.
What are the main cybersecurity challenges faced by healthcare organizations, and how can they be addressed?
As we’ve seen over the past year, healthcare organizations are extremely vulnerable to cybersecurity threats. Data breaches and ransomware attacks are significant issues, requiring implementing robust encryption, multi-factor authentication and regular security audits to mitigate these threats. Legacy systems and software vulnerabilities are common in healthcare organizations, as many still use outdated systems. Regularly updating and patching software, as well as migrating to modern, secure platforms, is essential.
Insider threats, where employees with access to sensitive data, also pose significant risks. Implementing strict access controls, monitoring user activity, and providing cybersecurity training can play a significant role in preventing these issues. It’s critical to create a dedicated compliance team responsible for conducting regular security audits and risk assessments to identify vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements such as HIPAA.
Potentially the most important measure is ongoing training and education for IT staff and healthcare professionals to protect against evolving cyber threats. Many of these threats exploit human vulnerabilities, so the more educated staff are about cybersecurity best practices, the more likely human error will be reduced, leading to more secure patient data.
What are the key ethical considerations that healthcare organizations must keep in mind when deploying AI solutions, and how can they navigate the pushback against AI implementations in hospitals?
This is one of the most important issues healthcare organizations must address, with a need to consider several ethical aspects and navigate potential pushback. Ensuring patient privacy and confidentiality is paramount, with AI solutions adhering to strict data protection regulations and employing robust security measures. Patients should be informed about the use of AI in their care and provide consent, involving an explanation of how AI will be used and the potential benefits and risks.
Bias and fairness are also crucial considerations. AI systems are designed to avoid biases and ensure equitable treatment for all patients, but as we know issues can arise here if organizations aren’t careful. That makes continuous monitoring and adjustment of these AI models supremely necessary to maintain fairness.
It’s also extremely important to be transparent about the use of AI and accountable for decisions made by AI systems, most notably by providing explanations for AI-driven decisions and establishing mechanisms for oversight.
Following through with all of that is a major step towards addressing concerns and resistance that both healthcare professionals and patients have towards implementation. But it’s also important to provide education around the implementation and benefits of AI, involving stakeholders in the AI implementation process, establishing a commitment towards taking a comprehensive approach centered around building trust, providing clear communication, and ensuring the ethical use of AI.
How can CitiusTech’s solutions help healthcare organizations achieve seamless data integration and interoperability across various platforms and applications?
At CitiusTech, we’re able to power healthcare digital innovation, business transformation and industry-wide convergence for healthcare and life sciences companies across the globe. Our solutions are designed to achieve seamless data integration and interoperability across various platforms and applications. Our advanced integration platforms ensure that disparate systems communicate and share data effectively, facilitating seamless data exchange for a unified view of patient information.
For example, a major blue plan with over million members was looking to move beyond members�� claims data and manual chart chases and leverage clinical data to accelerate care gap closures. Seeking a solution that could utilize the clinical data effectively, they leveraged CitiusTech to seamlessly integrate clinical data from an array of EHRs and data aggregators, bringing $10 million in annual savings.
CitiusTech’s management solutions maintain data quality, security and compliance throughout the integration process to handle the complexities of healthcare data, including the integration and interoperability of diverse data sources and platforms.
The recently launched CitiusTech Gen AI Quality and Trust Solution, an end-to-end solution that further enhances data integration, ensures the reliability, accuracy and trustworthiness of AI-driven insights. The solution provides robust validation, continuous monitoring and adherence to regulatory standards, creating accurate, reliable, and compliant AI-driven data integration and analysis. This enables healthcare organizations to leverage AI effectively for improved decision-making and patient outcomes.
What future trends do you foresee in the integration of AI within healthcare and life sciences, and how is CitiusTech preparing to address these trends?
With the integration of AI within healthcare and life sciences rapidly growing, the increasing use of AI for predictive analytics and personalized medicine, enhancing operational efficiency through automation, and advancing medical imaging and diagnostics will have a significant impact on the industry.
At CitiusTech, we’re staying ahead of these trends by continuously investing in R&D to stay at the forefront of AI advancements. As mentioned, we’ve developed Gen AI solutions such as our quality and trust tool, as well as other AI solutions that leverage the latest technologies to improve patient outcomes and operational efficiency. It is an essential priority to focus on ensuring the ethical and fair use of AI, addressing biases, and maintaining transparency and accountability in AI-driven decisions. It’s a priority for our team to stay updated with the latest AI trends ensuring we have the best resources available to help healthcare organizations navigate the evolving landscape of AI integration.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit CitiusTech.
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zitaai1 · 8 months
The Future of Recruitment Intelligent, Insightful, Instant.
Dive into the future of hiring with our AI-powered recruitment platform, where the brilliance of GPT combined with our proprietary algorithms—it's a transformation.
It's not about sifting through resumes; it's about discovering talent through deep, intelligent insights that see beyond the page. Our platform offers a nuanced understanding of candidates, matching them to your company's culture and potential needs with unprecedented precision. 
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transittanq · 2 years
How Artificial Intelligence can Help in Public Transit?
Whether you are a transportation manager or a driver, artificial intelligence in public transit is the most efficient tool that can help you improve the efficiency of your transit operations and increase passenger satisfaction. For example, it can provide real-time data applications that predict on-time performance issues and demand changes. A predictive system developed with big data and live tracking can provide you with alternatives to current routes. A system like QRyde can help you respond to changes in traffic conditions and route optimization.
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AI in public transit begins with collecting and processing massive amounts of data. Using algorithms and artificial intelligence, this data is analyzed and shifted through to provide viable solutions. Examples include:
Real-time traffic camera technology.
Adaptive sensors.
Other technologies send information directly to needed locations.
 AI systems in transportation can detect an incident in near real-time. These systems are designed to improve traffic management and improve safety. They can be used on open roads or tunnels and can be incorporated into smart cities.
Comprehensive Transit Scheduling Platform
Artificial intelligence can also predict the effects on the schedules and operations of buses. For example, the system can quickly design alternative routes to accommodate the needs of passengers. It can also analyze historical performance data to suggest better schedules. It can also predict passenger demand changes to determine how much bus space is needed.
As public transport operators work to improve passenger comfort and safety, they are also looking to reduce congestion. Artificial intelligence can help them analyze vast amounts of data, calculate distances between passengers, and determine the best solutions. Public Transport Operators can use these systems to predict how much space is needed to move passengers between stops. They can also be used to create preemptive maintenance schedules.
Emerging technology in Transit industry
Another example is AI-powered transit signal priority. This system utilizes pre-existing bus-fleet tracking sensors and city communication networks to provide dispatchers with critical information. The system can also ensure that bus drivers stay on track by dynamically adjusting the phase of traffic signals. It has been deployed throughout the country, including in San Jose, Calif., and Park City, Utah.
Another example is using AI to analyze traffic camera data. These cameras can automatically perform a VIN lookup and communicate with autonomous buses. This information can then be used to determine if there are vacant seats. It can also be used to help drivers avoid accidents. It can also be used to help control the flow of traffic and can provide a better view of the whole system.
In addition, artificial intelligence has the potential to make public transport safer and more efficient. Click https://qryde.com/request-a-demo/ to see how? It can also improve coordination between taxis, connected self-driving cars, and ride-sharing services.
As transportation becomes more advanced and automated, fewer resources will be needed to ensure the safety of passengers and other road users. AI-based systems can quickly provide extra buses or a bus route extension to accommodate traffic demands. It can also support staff in routine checks.
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fans4wga · 1 year
26 July update from WGA's Chris Keyser
From the WGA: With SAG-AFTRA now on strike and new levels of solidarity across all Hollywood unions, we are witnessing the spectacular failure of the AMPTP’s negotiating strategy. In this video, WGA Negotiating Committee Co-Chair Chris Keyser lays out what this moment means and how we move forward. To learn more about the WGA strike, visit https://www.wgastrike.org.
Fellow members of the WGA East and West. It's been a while since our last video and quite a bit has happened in the meantime. So on behalf of the negotiating committee and leadership, I wanted to give you an update on where we are and what the near future at least is likely to bring.
We've been walking side by side on picket lines in New York and Los Angeles for a little over 12 weeks now. Only now we're joined by thousands upon thousands of members of SAG-AFTRA who, like us, have finally had enough.
This is the endpoint and the fruit of the AMPTP’s game plan. For 11 weeks, they negotiated with everyone but us. They claimed it was just practicality, that they could only do one thing at a time, which is not normally a point of pride. But events have made clear what we knew from the start: that not only was it a strategy, it was their only strategy. Negotiate a deal with a single guild and impose that deal on every other guild and union in Hollywood, whether it addresses the needs of those unions or not, all with the implicit threat: if you want more, strike for it.
Wow. It’s their 2007-8 playbook applied to 2023 as if nothing has changed, as if the accumulation of economic insults and injuries inflicted on us over the past decade would be borne in perpetual silence, as if the giant of labor had not awakened. But it has. And you only need to look as far as the front gates of every studio in LA and New York to see the evidence.
Two unions on strike willing to exercise their power, despite the pain, to ensure their members get the contract they deserve. For us, that means addressing the relentless mistreatment of screenwriters, which has only been exacerbated by the move to streaming; the continued denial of full MBA protection to comedy variety and other appendix A writers when they work in streaming; and the self-destructive unsustainable dismantling of the process by which episodic television is made and episodic television writers are paid.
It means addressing the existential threat of AI and the insufficiency of streaming residual formulas, including the need for transparency and a success-based component. All of these will need to be addressed for there to be a deal because in this strike it is our power and not their pattern that matters, not their strategy. Their strategy has failed them. Now they're in the midst of a streaming war with each other, an admittedly difficult transition. And as they face the future, their interests and business models could not be more different from Disney to Sony to Netflix to Amazon.
We root for their success, all of them. They root for each other's failure. We are the creative ammunition through which they will succeed. They are each other's apex predators. And yet, in a singular shared dedication to denying labor, they have shackled themselves together in what increasingly seems like a mutual suicide pact, as the 2023-24 broadcast season and the 2024-25 movie schedule and its streaming shows disappear, melt away week by week.
So what does this mean? What does it mean going forward? How do you play chess against an opponent who insists on screaming checkmate at every move regardless of how the board looks and the game is going?
You stay firm, you stay resolved, because our cause is no less existential than when we started and our leverage is increasing every day. Alone we withheld our labor with the support of our union siblings and the Teamsters and IATSE and the Crafts, we were able to delay the vast majority of production. Now with SAG-AFTRA on strike, those few studio projects that remained have also shut down. And it's not just the obvious delays. If this strike drags on, it's the actors with conflicting obligations and the directors and the double-booked studio facilities and release date chaos that the companies must now also contend with. Some of their most valuable product could well be delayed for years.
Add to that, no promotion of movies or television shows and famous faces on the picket lines and social media speaking directly to their customers. For the tech companies and the mega corporations, that should be their nightmare scenario: WGA and SAG-AFTRA side by side. Our bargaining agenda may not be identical, but our cause is the same. Our army of labor, defending labor has increased 17-fold in the past two weeks alone.
Even so, even with all this wind at our backs this negotiation won't happen overnight. It's not because the negotiations themselves are so complex. Once the companies fully engage, it could go very quickly, but because their strategy of many decades has just fallen apart and they didn't see it coming, and it's going to take them a minute to regroup, 'cause the companies have things to work out internally, and saying no to labor in unison is a lot easier than saying yes. So either together or separately, as their divergent interests might suggest, they will come back to us, despite their understandable concern about how they've navigated this transition to streaming, which is on their heads and not ours; and their worries about costs and their worries about Wall Street; despite this being a season of doom and gloom, none of them are walking away from the riches of this business, and certainly not over the equitable minimum compensation to writers.
They didn't get the deal they wanted; that's fine, it happens all the time. They're not taking their ball and going home over it. And since we know they come from union families themselves, and since they've denied that “even-in-Hollywood-you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me” ugliness of threatening to starve us out and leave us homeless (which we assume they understand also means making our children homeless,) they will come back to us. Although I will say they took a long time to deny that statement, longer than I would have had it been ascribed to me.
But what does it matter? You can starve a labor force slowly or quickly. The effect is the same. It's not like day rates for comedy variety writers and endless free drafts for screenwriters in exchange for a single paid one in four-week mini-rooms isn't cruelty. It's just cruelty written in contract language instead of a press quote.
So what can we expect from the companies as all of this plays itself out? They will try to convince Wall Street that taking a strike, prolonging it unnecessarily, losing their content stream in the process—that all of that is just smart business and no reason for investor concern. We will be talking to Wall Street too, and reminding them that for all these companies, all of 'em including Netflix, the bill, the price for making nothing, will eventually come due. And Wall Street is listening already. Here's Michael Pachter, managing director of equity research at Wedbush on Yahoo Finance the other day: “I think the studios are completely wrong on this one. Content is their lifeblood. They're feeling really foolish about this."
Wall Street isn't the only one listening. We've been talking to union pension funds too about the risks the companies are taking. We talked to CalPERS, the largest public pension plan in the country, talked about the loss of programming and the cost to the industry, and we heard strong support from its board for our struggle and the promise that the companies will be hearing from them, from CalPERS, and demanding answers on behalf of its 2 million members.
To us, of course, they will continue to plead temporary poverty, but we know the drill. These companies support billions into the streaming wars and taken short-term losses these past three years, because they know that to the winner will go the spoils. We're patient, will they share that with us when the time comes? What are the chances?
Since 2017, the last time the studios negotiated with us outside of COVID, the big six companies alone have made $150 billion in profits off our work, while they slashed our pay and degraded our working conditions. Maybe if they had shared a tiny piece of that then, made $1 billion or so less, this year wouldn't seem so costly. As it is, there is no iron law that these companies are entitled to record profits every year, and it isn't some great travesty if their shareholders or their CEOs get a slightly smaller slice of the massive profits we helped create if some balance is restored.
Look, no one denies that corporations exist to make a profit and no one wants our employers to be profitable more than we do, but the singular pursuit of corporate profits to the exclusion of their social and human cost is a real problem in this country—it’s a real problem. A corporation's bottom line is not the same as the world’s, and there is nothing in our studio's bottom lines today that accounts for the quality of our lives or for our dignity, for the comfort of our retirement or the security of our families. Their numbers have no conscience, but the people who report them as victories ought to.
In their refusal to recognize that, these companies have also extracted an awful price, which is laid at their feet and for which they are responsible. Losses to the economies of New York and Los Angeles and everywhere that film and television are made, terrible losses that mount every day, thousands of people out of work; not just us, all the crews, the crafts, the janitors, the drivers, the businesses that thrive when Hollywood thrives, the restaurants, the stores—for what? For nothing. So they could avoid coming to the table to negotiate the deal they will one day give us. Measured today that is the painfully mixed legacy of our employers, weighed against every beautiful piece of work we have made with them.
And if history is a guide, they have only temporary stewardship over a kind of national trust, which is Hollywood. Our story, our sometimes conscience, our public conversation, our diversion of the worst and best of times, our greatest export, the repository of our imagination. They have some obligation to more than just their shareholders to behave accordingly.
Unfortunately, it seems big tech, mega corporations, and some of the people who run them, as the saying goes know the price of everything and the value of nothing. So they have built a business model that no longer works for human beings who cannot be paid minimum for 10 to 20 weeks a year and make a career out of that, be paid for one draft of a screenplay that demands a year of labor, be paid a few episodic fees for a show about which to take years to decide be paid a daily rate.
And now we have a first glimpse of what they offered our actor colleagues. We are not 170,000 Willy Lomans to be used and then discarded. We know what the companies believe they have the power to do. We know what they think machines can do and do without any of us. Oh yeah, we've seen the writing on the wall and it's plagiarized.
The thing is this: the difference between what you CAN do and what you SHOULD do is the greatest single difference in the world. Knowing that is the only real protection we have against a dystopian future. And if the companies sometimes forget that, writers will do it for them.
I can't know exactly how long it will take this revolutionary moment, and you've heard again and again what is happening today has not happened in 63 years, but I know that's not always how it feels, revolutionary and defining, even though we celebrate that on picket lines together, which is the right thing to do. That's not always how it feels when you go home at night. I know how tough this is: to strike, to hold the line. I know it gets tougher every day even with SAG-AFTRA marching beside us, how hard it is to face the uncertainty of when it will end, when we'll get back to work, how we'll pay the bills. I know it's hardest for those who've just gotten started, for those for whom the world opens doors more reluctantly, battled their whole life just to get here; but hard too for those struggling to maintain their long careers, who find work tougher and tougher to come by, or those with families with children or parents to take care of.
These companies understand the cruelty of what they're doing. It's their plan to starve us just a little, to exact as much pain as they can so that we wish more for the pain to end than for the better life we dreamed up. That we're more afraid of the uncertainty of the present than the certain devastation of the future. It's societally acceptable economic torture inflicted by management on labor every day, then blamed on labor for daring to fight back, for refusing to be complicit in its own mistreatment.
Here's how I know that's not going to work. Not with us, not with the writers, because we haven't come all this way, fought to have these careers in the first place, all the adversity, and marched together for all these months, only to let it slip away on our watch—because there is no point in rushing back to jobs that may not be there in a year or two anyway. Because the business, as the companies have twisted it, is now untenable, unsurvivable for so many of us, because even success is not enough to keep going, because this guild is younger than it's ever been and more diverse. And this young diverse membership knows from hard personal experience the system is broken and that it will not be fixed unless they fix it. And those of us who came before them will not let them down, because we and the writer's guild are the beneficiaries of all those who came before us who gave up everything for us.
Like the writers of 1960, the year I was born, who struck for 22 weeks and who gave away all the TV residuals for all the movies they had ever written so that we could have a health insurance and pension plan and residuals from that date forward. $15 billion flowed to writers and their benefit plans because of that sacrifice. Because writers are brave, because now it's our turn.
So what's our job? Even as we welcome SAG-AFTRA to our side, we are still responsible for our own deal, and so we must remain focused and diligent. We must continue to march, picket signs in hand. But we should also remember this and with pride, that before there was SAG-AFTRA, before even the Teamsters and IATSE and the laborers and the electrical workers and the musicians and the plasterers came to our side, there was the writers. Alone then, we looked at the blank page and began to imagine the future. With no net but each other we typed the words, what if?
And then we took a step into the darkness and found that it was light. And then we were joined by the crews and the drivers and the actors. The actors got a bit more fanfare when they showed up, but that's okay, we wrote the script. The WGA, still small, not alone anymore after all these decades. Hollywood labor has finally linked arms and found its voice, and that voice says enough. There is no road to longterm prosperity that burns a path through your own workforce. We are not your enemies. We are not merely a cost to be borne. We are your partners and your greatest asset. And we are, as you acknowledge yourselves, irreplaceable, but by accident or design and it doesn't really matter anymore, the business you are running no longer works for those who work for you.
What is the point in continuing to deny that? Why deny it when everyone else in the business to a person tells you it's true? Do you think it's a coincidence that two unions are on strike against you for the first time since Eisenhower was president? You can't exactly accuse us of being quick on the trigger. The effect has a cause, it has a cause. And there is no profit in insisting on the answers to the past for the questions of the future.
But if you want instead to invest in something that will reap you fortunes, I have a tip. And if you are visionaries, envision a solution, not a stalemate. Because this isn't a war we're in, it's a negotiation, it's just a negotiation. There is no face-saving here for either side, because there is no winner or loser. It's just a deal. And when you come to remember that again we will be here as we have been here all along.
And at this point with 170,000 writers and actors aligned against your intransigence, that is as generous as I can be, as close to an olive branch as I can offer. But if you insist instead on the same threatening rhetoric, on saying you would rather starve us than pay us, I would remind you of this: You are fighting for a dollar, we are fighting for survival. We are fighting for our home: writing is where we live, and we will defend that home with a bravery and stamina and ferocity that you will come to understand someday, which is why you cannot break us. You cannot outlast us, you cannot.
And not just because we have the will, because we have power. Nothing in this business happens until we start to write. And we will not start to write until we are paid.
Union now. Union forever.
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optiblog · 1 month
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Welcome to Optiviser.com, your ultimate guide to navigating the complex world of electronics in 2024. As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, finding the right devices that suit your needs can be overwhelming. In this blog post, we’ll harness the power of AI to help you make informed choices with our comprehensive electronics comparison. We’ll take a closer look at the top smart home devices that are revolutionizing how we live and work, providing convenience and efficiency like never before. Additionally, we’ll offer expert laptop recommendations tailored to various lifestyles and budgets, ensuring you find the perfect match for your daily tasks. 
AI-powered Electronics Comparison
In today's fast-paced technological landscape, making informed choices about electronics can be overwhelming. An AI-powered Electronics Comparison tool can help streamline this process by providing insights that cater to specific user needs. These advanced tools utilize algorithms that analyze product features, specifications, and user reviews, resulting in a tailored recommendation for buyers.
As we delve into the world of consumer technology, it's important to highlight the Top Smart Home Devices 2024. From smart thermostats to security cameras, these devices are becoming essential for modern households. They not only enhance convenience but also significantly improve energy efficiency and home safety.
For those looking for a new computer to enhance productivity or gaming experiences, consider checking out the latest Laptop Recommendations. Many platforms, including Optiviser.com, provide comprehensive comparisons and insights that can help consumers choose the best laptop suited to their needs, whether it’s for work, study, or leisure.
Top Smart Home Devices 2024
As we move into 2024, the landscape of home automation is evolving rapidly, showcasing an array of innovative gadgets designed to enhance comfort and convenience. In this era of AI-powered Electronics Comparison, selecting the right devices can be overwhelming, but we've highlighted some of the best Top Smart Home Devices 2024 that stand out for their functionality and user experience.
One of the most impressive innovations for this year is the latest AI-powered home assistant. These devices not only respond to voice commands but also learn your preferences over time, allowing them to offer personalized suggestions and perform tasks proactively. Imagine a device that can monitor your schedule and automatically adjust your home's temperature and lighting accordingly!
Moreover, security remains a top priority in smart homes. The Top Smart Home Devices 2024 include state-of-the-art security cameras and smart locks that provide robust protection while ensuring ease of access. With features like remote monitoring through your smartphone or integration with smart doorbells, keeping your home safe has never been easier. For more details on the comparisons and recommendations of these devices, you can check out Optiviser.com.
Laptop Recommendation
In today's fast-paced world, choosing the right laptop can be a daunting task. With numerous options available in the market, it's essential to consider various factors such as performance, portability, and price. At Optiviser.com, we provide an insightful guide to help you navigate through the vast array of choices. To streamline your decision-making process, we have developed an AI-powered Electronics Comparison tool that allows you to compare specifications and features of different laptops side by side.
This year, we have seen a surge in innovative laptops that cater to diverse needs. Whether for gaming, business, or everyday use, our top recommendations include models that excel in battery life, processing power, and display quality. For instance, consider the latest models from top brands, which have integrated the best features of Top Smart Home Devices 2024 trends, ensuring seamless connectivity and advanced functionalities.
Additionally, if you're looking for a laptop that can handle multitasking effortlessly, we suggest models equipped with the latest processors and ample RAM. Our detailed Laptop Recommendation section on Optiviser.com includes expert reviews and user feedback to help you choose a laptop that not only fits your budget but also meets your specific requirements.
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carriesthewind · 6 months
"The problem, however, is that the city’s chatbot is telling businesses to break the law....
If you’re a landlord wondering which tenants you have to accept, for example, you might pose a question like, “are buildings required to accept section 8 vouchers?” or “do I have to accept tenants on rental assistance?” In testing by The Markup, the bot said no, landlords do not need to accept these tenants. Except, in New York City, it’s illegal for landlords to discriminate by source of income, with a minor exception for small buildings where the landlord or their family lives...
The NYC bot also appeared clueless about the city’s consumer and worker protections. For example, in 2020, the City Council passed a law requiring businesses to accept cash to prevent discrimination against unbanked customers. But the bot didn’t know about that policy when we asked. “Yes, you can make your restaurant cash-free,” the bot said in one wholly false response. “There are no regulations in New York City that require businesses to accept cash as a form of payment.”
The bot said it was fine to take workers’ tips (wrong, although they sometimes can count tips toward minimum wage requirements) and that there were no regulations on informing staff about scheduling changes (also wrong). It didn’t do better with more specific industries, suggesting it was OK to conceal funeral service prices, for example, which the Federal Trade Commission has outlawed. Similar errors appeared when the questions were asked in other languages, The Markup found."
Kathryn Tewson is stress-testing the bot over on bluesky and has found it will provide some truly horrifying responses:
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kanmom51 · 7 days
Jikook - Are you sure?!
My take is that they pretty much are!!
I've been mulling over this for a few days now.
Do I write this? How do I approach the subject and how do I even put this onto paper (figuratively)?
I touched on this a little in previous posts, including in my last one about choices. Clear cut choices the two of them made regarding enlistment, the show and how they wanted to spend the little spare time they had before their restrictive 18 months military service.
But this post here is specifically about the show.
Even before the show came out I was thinking about the subject and discussing this with friends. Why do the show? Is there something they are wanting to tell us and if so what is it they are trying to tell us?
The first question was an obvious to me even before the show came out, before we heard their discussion in the car on the way to CT.
It was a way to spend time together in the guise of work (once again, a choice they made so that they can spend much needed quality time together within the constricts of their schedules and upcoming enlistment - and that car discussion sure did show us just how much this was a need for the two of them).
Being such a short time before enlistment, both with separate super busy solo schedules, this here was their way of getting to travel together, including out of the country (for which they needed it to be for work to allow said travel at this point prior to enlistment), spend quality time together, creating those new memories to carry with them into the military, all while under the protection of "work".
It's not that they hadn't spent time together. We talked about this already. This was about it not being enough. Not enough quality time. Not enough memory making time before this life changing event they are going to go through.
We have to remember that when this was initially thought about, the idea of the show, them enlisting together was not a done deal. Can you just imagine that? Them knowing that time is running out and they have to enlist but might have to part ways for 18 months? If so many of us were so stressed out about the idea, what do you think it felt like for them?
There was so much going on behind the scenes, which we were unaware of, it's actually quite comical knowing what we know today and looking back at the discourse surrounding those two - the stories of heartbreaking breakups or just plain indifference to each other - all because people just cannot come to terms with the fact that not all their lives are out on display for us (kind of blows to pieces the whole Jikook are for fanservice narrative, if you ask me), that these two can and do spend time together when only they can, behind closed doors, just enjoying each other's company doing whatever. That there are powers at play (many reasons why they were toned down in public and content in 2023), that there are things they might need to be doing in order to reach an end goal that suits them, playing a long game. And the one sentence I have on repeat since I started here on Tumblr:
Not seeing them most definitely does not mean they aren't there.
And boy did they prove that one to us during AYS. Time after time. They get together. They see each other. They spend time with each other. They share things with each other. And huge surprise (NOT): they do it off camera!!! Without us knowing. Without reporting back to us. WOW!!!
As usual, off track meet Kanmom...
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Back to the show.
So, talk about doing this came before they knew for sure that they would be enlisting together. It came months before. Way before July 2023. Toying with the idea, turning it into a plan of sorts and then it took planning and booking and getting permits for filming, including using drones for filming.
This might partially explain why the first trip happened in July and not earlier, although they both did have busy schedules pretty much from April 2023 onward and the trip happened when JM finished recording Muse).
And what about the destinations? Why these three?
Connecticut - I think this one was more of a chance decision, as in it was suggested to them seeing that timewise this was the only time they had available for that first much much needed trip. JK was already scheduled to be in the USA, they had Hybe America to rely on as far as finding locations, places to stay, activities to do and places to eat. And I do think that doing this, the unknown location in a country where they don't speak the language fluently was actually something of a thrill to them as well (going to a location where the chances of them being recognized as JM and JK of BTS were kind of low). But mainly, I do believe this was more of a "we need this trip and we need it now, so we will go wherever, just make it happen" kind of situation. This was "the much needed trip".
Jeju - Jeju is a safe place for them. A place they both love and have visited multiple times separately and together (the last time prior to this trip was only weeks before). Even without Tae, this would have been a lighthearted, activity filled fun trip. Tae being there highlighted them, their intimacy, their connection with each other. And it probably did tame down some of their naughtiness, although we did get to see plenty of that as well. This was "the fun trip".
Sapporo - Japan as a whole is a destination they love. I mean, and JK said that himself, Tokyo is where they took their first alone trip together, they loved Tokyo, and the memories from that trip are dear to their heart to this day. They got to do Tokyo together again. Not together all the time, probably not as much as they wanted to either, but still managed to spend some time together in Tokyo before moving on to Sapporo where they filmed the show. A trip to Japan, Tokyo, and Sapporo as well is a sentimental one. Places they have been, places where good memories were made (as part of BTS and as a couple), places where they will make more good memories that they will carry with them to the military. This is "the emotional/ sentimental trip", or "the nostalgic trip".
And you can see the difference in their behavior between the three trips. Each and every one of those trips meant so much to them but each in a different way. And when you look back at the three as a whole they needed all three.
The perfect trifecta.
The idea was spending time together, making it a work thing allowed for the travel abroad, but it also carved it into a work schedule. Which means, unlike regular time off that can be moved and cancelled, doing this set their plans in stone, in a way, ensuring that these trips actually happened.
This was also a huge opportunity for JM and JK to create content for Army for when they were away. A choice to showcase themselves, their "chemistry", a word used a lot to describe the show. This, on the one hand, was great for JM, who obviously does not want to be visible during his service (and JK is kind of the same, especially when he has JM by his side), and on the other hand created content for Hybe to release while they were away. And having it on Disney, creating merch and a photobook (and maybe there is more stuff to come) is more income for the company while they are away, so win win (that explains Hybe agreeing to this in the first place).
All those are obvious, clear reasons as to why this show came into fruition.
But I do think there is more.
And before I move on to that, I want to remind us all, once again and with feeling, that all 3 destinations were supposed to be Jikook and Jikook only. Jeju was not meant to be a maknae destination. Tae was not invited, and I mean no malice in that. It's just me stating the truth. They let him know that multiple times during the trip. And him being there, in a sense, just highlighted how different they are with each other than either of them or both of them with Tae.
So, they wanted to do a show, just the two of them, visiting different destinations, enjoying different activities, good food and just being (the whole them just being was more evident in CT and Sapporo because of it only being the two of them, although we certainly did get some Jikook BEING moments from Jeju as well).
I get wanting to spend the time together, carve out new memories to carry with them into enlistment, but why show it to us, why the way it was done? Hours and hours of Jikook content, some of just the two basically doing nothing, or nothing much? It's not about sightseeing (not really), it's not about the activities, not really, it's not even about the food (gasp).
This is not about the travel, it's about them!!!
It's about them doing their thing, and us just enjoying sitting for hours on end, watching them do their thing and SEEING them.
Not the places they go, not the things they do, not even the food they eat. It's seeing them do those things, eat those things, be together - them just BE.
And it's about them wanting to give that to us. They want us to see THEM. See what they are together, what they are to each other.
JK and JM know that there are parts of the fandom that have a visceral reaction to them, as Jikook (together and apart - a lot of said hate stems from what and who they are together) . We know that JK monitors SM. Maybe not down to the ugliest, but they know. And still they want to show themselves, because this is who they are and they want to be able to be themselves as freely as possible (depending on just how far they want to be going).
They can't come out and tell us, not yet, maybe not ever. It is what it is, sadly.
But they do want to cement this within the fandom:
JM and JK together can be over the top in every sense. PERIOD.
And when I say over the top I mean as sus as shit...
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JM and JK love each other dearly. PERIOD.
JM and JK are inseparable. PERIOD.
JM and JK are close as can be. PERIOD.
JM and JK enjoy spending time with each other. PERIOD.
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JM and JK CHOOSE to spend time with each other when they can (the whole Jeju change of plans makes it even clearer) - PERIOD.
JM and JK NEED to spend time with each other. PERIOD.
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JM and JK are playful together, as much as they are serious together - PERIOD.
JM and JK care for each other and take care of each other (well they try to as much as the other allows it). PERIOD.
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JM and JK enjoy to do the exciting and the mundane together. PERIOD.
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*I do believe that JK climbing is just as exciting as rock climbing. And they enjoyed both...
JM and JK know each other intimately - PERIOD.
JM and JK find safety, peace and comfort in each other - PERIOD.
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JM and JK do not act like a typical "we are not in a relationship" hyung and donsaeng act - PERIOD.
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JM and JK do things bros just do not do with or to each other - PERIOD.
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JM and JK share their work with each other - PERIOD.
JM and JK are the embodiment of You are me I am you - PERIOD.
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Jikook can most definitley be seen as a unit. PERIOD.
*Something that has been shied away from for too damn long.
Add to all of that those the things you just can't put into words. But they are there. They are undeniable. That chemistry, that love, that need, that je ne sais quoi, that engulfs everything else and makes it all feel like so much MORE!!!
More palpable, more intense, just MORE.
Remember my whole rubber band theory starting way back in 2021, how I think Hybe and Jikook were stretching the boundaries seeing just how far it can be stretched without breaking?
Ear suck stretch, pas de deux stretch, Christmas couples cheer stretch, hickey stretch (these are all moments that were either shown by the company in official content - like memories - or part of officially filmed content - like filmed performances)... and then came 2022 followed by 2023, with the company taking 20 steps back, but that's for another day (if ever).
This here, my friends, is the ultimate rubber band stretch. Hours and hours of content to show us that every single one of those Jikook instances that came before were not a one of. Not forced. Not singular and far apart. That what we have seen of them is NOTHING compared to what they are, because this is them all the damn time. Cameras on cameras off (dare I say that when cameras are off it's way worse?). Together with the others, or by themselves. No more "it might be out of context". We get the context, most of it, and still we get THEM. And that rubber band, it still hasn't snapped, cause there are still those that do not see it, lol. But, I think it's safe to say that many do and those that don't, well, many of them cannot deny anymore just how close they are. Even though "brothers" or "besties" still comes up a lot.
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It's funny how things that were obvious to many of us needed to be reinforced by JM and JK in this show. It always baffled me the way a big chunk of this fandom steered away from Jikook, like touching on the subject was a taboo. Like Jikookers were insane, delusional (we are used to be called that). Not only steering away from a romantic involvement, but also that, god forbid, they are the closest within the group of 7. That didn't sit right with many. Ruined their Vmin soulmates dreams, or TKK best mates or whatever (do we raise the subject once again why the clearly closest duo in the group were kind of put aside, not acknowledged as such not only by the fandom but by the company as well?). OR, and I feel like this one is the winner, admitting as to how close those two were, with their clear super suspicious behaviour, would have them have to admit that there was something more going on between them. Homophobia or over wokeness, either way these people were ignoring what the two were signaling to us for years now. And now, well now, we are in chapter 2, or perhaps just before chapter 3. All of them after service. We know from RM how he's bursting at the seams to tell us things he feels he can't say just yet (and couldn't prior to enlistment), I do believe this is going to be something we will be seeing from all of them. They are mature men now, they have fulfilled their duty to their country, they are BTS, talented successful, rich artists. They have signed new contracts after long negotiations. They will have more freedom. And they will be showing us more. Things they couldn't before. And this show, imo, is one of those steps forward.
Let the world see JM and JK as they are. There will be those that SEE them. There will be those that acknowledge their closeness. There will always be those that continue to deny or hate them because they SEE them. But at the end of the day, this here is a step forward for them to be able to live their lives openly, be who they are to each other and with each other, not have to hide or tone back too much (there will always be toning back because you can't be too open on camera and because at this point they are kind of used to it). They don't have to 'come out' officially loudly (if they do not choose to). As long as they can continue to BE the way they want to and live their lives freely the way they want to. It's always been their choice, but this here allows them more freedom within that glass closet if they choose not to break through it. They will be who they are, live their lives freely as they will, leaving others to think as they want, neither denying nor confirming anything.
Let's be clear here though. This too is a choice. A brave one as such. Because no matter what they decide to do, if it is to leave things as they are, or if they decide post military service to 'come out' as a couple (and there could be reasons for them to make that choice), this show here is as loud as @&#%.
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And proud as $@&%
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*And for clarification sake, just incase, none of the above is me voicing my opinion about if or should they 'come out' or not after being discharged from the military.
I can't believe AYS is coming to an end. Last episode tomorrow. I know we still have the behinds and we still have the photobook coming, but I sure am feeling the "the show has come to an end" blues. This here, what we got with this show I don't know if we will ever get another chance at. Them letting us in as much as they did. I do hope they know just how much we appreciate them allowing us to see THEM and how very much they are loved!!!
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zg0nuwa · 1 year
Hey, hope you're fine...and i see that you're another fan for Miguel (we are) can you write the father day with his daughter and the reader as his wife please:(?....(i just hate my daddy issues)
★ best dad ever ! ⎯⎯
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i don't think you understand how much power you just gave me with this (i had like half of this written already but tumblr crashed and i was one step away from going into my joker era)
miguel o'hara x wife!reader
warnings ; angsty fluff, i tried experimenting with the spanish but i feel like i failed miserably, lowercase intended, i'm not a spanish speaker so you're free to correct me on the spanish.
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miguels work schedule was very unstable. there were times when he would be gone for the whole day and then there were times when he could spend most of the day at home. you understood, for the most part, he had the multiverse on his shoulders no matter how hard you wished for him to have a much less dangerous job. of course not everyone knew why he sometimes had to disappear for long periods of time.
and one of them was your daughter. all she knew was that " daddy does very important things and he has to go but he will always come back ".
this year, fathers day rolled up on a sunday which meant not only your daughter was home but also you. for your husband it was a little more complicated. he woke up in the middle of the night to a notification from lyla about another anomaly going nuts in the wrong universe. you loved the ai but in this particular moment you wanted to explode her with your mind.
" i'll be back before sunset, i promise " with that and a kiss on your forehead he left through the portal in your bedroom.
the next time you woke up that day was because of your daughter. she climbed onto your bed and started to shake you lightly with her small hands.
" mom? where’s daddy? " you opened your eyes to gabi hovering above you with her favorite plush animal pressed close to her chest. she had this disappointed expression on her small face. you knew it was because of miguel being gone. she planned this whole day for him, you even helped her organize everything.
" i’m sorry sweetheart… daddy had to go to work. " you pulled her in so her head was under your chin. she clung to you like a small koala bear as you played with her thick brown hair. definitely his genes.
" but, he promised he'll be back before your bedtime sooo, we can still make something special. what do you say about that? "
after a small argument about who gets the cooking part of preparations, which obviously ended with you being responsible for it, you and gabi got to work. as you were looking through your old mexican cuisine recipe book [ that you definitely didn’t bought only for miguel to feel more at home during meals ] you saw your dughter holding a box of artsy stuff.
" cariño, ¿qué estás haciendo allí? "
" making daddy a poster! it's going to say 'el mejor papa de todos'! " you couldn't help the big smile from appearing on your face. you knew how much time miguel put into teaching gabi spanish and it always warmed your heart when they sat down at the dining table and simply talked in spanish, your husband making little corrections in pronounciation or grammar from time to time. but no matter what he always looked as if he had hearts in his eyes.
you knew miguels work schedule was unstable and sometimes took him out of the house for a whole day, and you understood. but gabi not so much. so here you are, 10:48 pm on the clock and no sign of your husband. you spent the past two hours comforting her and promising her that it wasn't miguels fault and that he loved her. finally at around 11 pm she fell asleep in her bed. you turned off the cat shaped nightlamp and as quietly as possible closed the door to her room.
with a heavy sigh you went back to the kitchen to start cleaning everything up. while puting away food into the fridge you heard a specific glitching sound and you already knew who showed up home.
" you're late. " you weren't really mad at him , it was just tiring sometimes.
" i know, i'm sorry love... it's just - things got a little out of control. " you didn’t look at him and his first thought was to come behind you and hug your waist hoping it would make you feel even a little bit better. “ was there something that i forgot about today? is that why you’re angry? “
" i’m not angry, but your daughter is. she planned the whole fathers day for you. "
" ay, coño… " he sounded defeated, tired, and disappointed in himself. you pulled yourself away from him and came up to the poster gabi made, its was rolled in a tube to not spoil anything before the big reveal. you handed it to miguel with a tiny smile on your face. he was a bit confused for a second but he got the memo and rolled out the paper to it’s full extent. you could see the tears forming on his waterline as he chuckled. probably because of the spelling mistake made by gabi that you didn’t have the heart to point out.
" me and gabi made a deal for you, you have take us to the zoo tomorrow, and she demands that you let her piggyback the entire time to repay for your sins. "
" i guess there’s no other option. " he said with a smile.
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cariño, ¿qué estás haciendo allí? - honey, what are you doing there?
el mejor papa de todos - the greatest dad ever
ay, coño - oh, fuck
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lovverletters · 1 year
Yandere! Idol
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A/N : Since yan bully post did well i figured making some more :D school just started so pls bear with my post schedules. - Ai
Note that this is a reupload from my previous blog @hyerinrose
T/W : Obsessive behaviour, stalking, abuse of power, possessive behaviour, reader's item being stolen.
•┈••✦ 🎀✦••┈•💌•┈••✦ 🎀 ✦••┈•
💌Yandere! Idol who has a humble beginnings, he started off by performing at the side of the streets. While some people do stop by and listens to him sing, it was nothing big.
💌Yandere! Idol who finally lands a deal with a talent agency after months of hard work, thanks to the attention he garnered from people stopping by. He's very grateful to them, if it weren't for them he wouldn't have this huge opportunity!
💌Yandere! Idol who met you officially during his last performance at a concert in your hometown. He had seen your face before in his years performing at the street but never had the opportunity to talk to you.
💌Yandere! Idol who were excited when he saw you outside the venue by yourself, your friend leaving for the restroom. He approached you with his signature smile on his face but deep inside he was panicking. After all these years he can finally talk to you, his biggest fan!
💌Yandere! Idol who despite being used to be showered with praises, melts at your compliments. He can feel his heart began racing, his palm growing sweaty and a prominent heat crawl to his face. What is this foreign feelings? Why is he reacting like this to only you..?
💌Yandere! Idol who realised what the fluttering feelings in his stomach means after seeing the selfie you and him took the other day. He had seen the picture for the 100th time yet the feelings still persist. Of course he would feel like this for you! You were there for him since day 1 when no one even spare him a glance.
💌Yandere! Idol who uses his influence and power to learn informations about you to a disturbing length. It starts of innocent with him being curious of your favourite things to him searching up your entire bloodline.
💌Yandere! Idol who build his shrine of you with the items he stole from you. Technically his bodyguards were the ones who had to do the dirty works but shh Very hypocritical of him considering he had criticised his very own fan of the behaviour yet here he is, stroking a picture of you to add into his ever-growing collection of stolen items.
💌Yandere! Idol who actively tries to instigate any sort of interaction with you to subtly stake a claim on you so that your nobodies suitors can back off already. He also relished in the articals and rumours of you two dating being spread online.
💌 "You dropped this handkerchief, ᶜᵃⁿ ᴵ ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ⁱᵗ? I mean, you're welco- you're welcome."
"Did you caught that?"
"Great. Sent it to paparazzi and journalists outlets. Don't ask questions"
•┈••✦ 🎀✦••┈•💌•┈••✦ 🎀 ✦••┈•
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kajmasterclass · 2 months
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jcmarchi · 3 months
AI-Powered Nursing: Redefining Healthcare in the Modern Age
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ai-powered-nursing-redefining-healthcare-in-the-modern-age/
AI-Powered Nursing: Redefining Healthcare in the Modern Age
The business landscape is a constant obstacle course of inefficiencies and complex decision-making. Overcoming these hurdles is a race for sustained growth in today’s era of digital acceleration. Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed from a buzzword to a tool to help achieve strategic advantage across various sectors. It offers not just a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather a toolbox of tailored solutions designed to address the specific challenges faced by major industries, from navigating financial market fluctuations to optimizing manufacturing production lines and personalizing retail customer experiences. AI’s transformative impact is reshaping traditional paradigms, creating a future where entire industries operate under a new set of rules.
The nursing field, a cornerstone of the healthcare system, is no exception to this phenomenon of AI transformation. The widespread adoption of AI is significantly reshaping the way nurses deliver care. As AI continues to evolve, its influence on nursing will only grow, making it essential for nurses and healthcare leaders to become fluent in these new technologies. From enhancing clinical decision-making to optimizing workflow and improving patient care, AI is reshaping the roles and responsibilities of nurses. By leveraging AI, nurses can access advanced tools and resources that support their critical work, ultimately leading to more efficient and effective patient care. Here are a few ways that nurses are leveraging the tool:
1. Supporting medical diagnostic and nursing care
AI significantly enhances diagnostic accuracy in medicine through advanced imaging and pattern recognition technologies. AI algorithms can analyze medical images, such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, with remarkable precision, identifying anomalies and patterns that the human eye may miss. For instance, AI-powered tools can detect early signs of diseases like cancer or neurological disorders, facilitating early intervention and improving patient outcomes.
In nursing, predictive analytics leverages large datasets to predict disease onset and progression. Many are probably familiar with early warnings of sepsis. In the not-so-distant future, many disease processes will be monitored with early interventions initiated via the help of virtual assistants. This is done by analyzing a patient’s medical history, genetic information, lifestyle factors and hemodynamic status.  AI can provide nurses and healthcare providers with actionable insights to manage acute and chronic conditions more accurately and swiftly, reducing readmissions and enhancing patient care.
2. Developing treatment plans
AI also plays a crucial role in developing personalized treatment plans by tailoring interventions to the unique needs of individual patients. AI systems analyze comprehensive patient data, including genetic profiles, treatment responses, and real-time health metrics, to recommend personalized treatment strategies. This personalized approach ensures that patients receive the most effective treatments, minimizing adverse reactions and maximizing therapeutic outcomes. Furthermore, AI continuously monitors patient progress, allowing for dynamic adjustments to care plans. By analyzing ongoing patient data, such as vital signs and laboratory results, AI can alert healthcare providers to any deviations from expected recovery trajectories, enabling timely modifications to treatment plans. This proactive and personalized approach in clinical decision support significantly enhances the quality of care that nurses can provide, ensuring optimal patient outcomes.
3. Streamlining nursing workflows
Automated scheduling and staffing systems utilize AI to predict staffing needs, optimize shift patterns, and ensure adequate coverage, thereby reducing the administrative burden on nursing managers and minimizing scheduling conflicts. Similarly, AI-driven documentation and record-keeping systems streamline the process of maintaining patient records. These systems can automatically update and organize patient data, ensuring accuracy and compliance with healthcare regulations. By reducing the time spent on these repetitive tasks, nurses can devote more time to direct patient care, enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery.
Virtual assistants, powered by AI, can handle routine inquiries from patients, such as medication reminders, appointment scheduling, and basic health information, providing immediate responses and support. This technological integration can both improve patient engagement and reduce the workload on nursing staff. Further, AI enables real-time access to patient data, allowing nurses to quickly retrieve and review a patient’s medical history, lab results, and treatment plans. Immediate access to comprehensive patient information facilitates informed decision-making and prompt responses to patient needs. By integrating AI into these aspects of nursing workflow, healthcare providers can enhance the efficiency of care delivery, improve patient outcomes, and create a more streamlined and responsive healthcare environment.
More Efficient Care Delivery – If Executed Correctly
The integration of artificial intelligence into the nursing field signifies a transformative shift in healthcare, offering numerous benefits that enhance both patient care and nursing efficiency. AI’s capacity to improve diagnostic accuracy through advanced imaging and predictive analytics equips nurses with precise tools to detect and manage health conditions early, thereby improving patient outcomes and reducing diagnostic errors. Personalized treatment plans, enabled by AI, tailor interventions to the unique needs of each patient and dynamically adjust based on real-time data, ensuring effective and responsive care.
AI enables healthcare providers to alleviate administrative burdens and redirect their focus toward direct patient care.. However, despite the evident advantages, integrating AI into nursing presents challenges, including the imperative need for robust data security, ethical considerations surrounding AI-driven decisions, and the necessity for ongoing education and training for nursing professionals. Addressing these challenges is paramount to fully harnessing the potential benefits of AI in healthcare.
Looking forward, the potential for AI to further revolutionize nursing practice is immense. As emerging AI technologies continue to develop, they promise to bring even greater efficiencies and capabilities, transforming how nurses deliver care and interact with patients. By embracing AI, the nursing field can evolve, ensuring that healthcare delivery becomes more efficient, personalized, and effective. The collaboration between AI developers and healthcare providers will be essential in navigating this transformation, leading to a more responsive and patient-centered healthcare system.
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sugar-glaze-donut · 1 year
you know what, fuck it
*proceeds to name every dating sim/ otome game I know*
(somewhat in alphabetical order + description with spoilers)
A date with death You get your soul targetted by a grim reaper, but you instead steal his soul and made him into your pookie wookie snookums <3 BTW you can get a pet in the game. Mine is a snake called Noodle :)
Blooming Panic it's Discord but with hot characters, a variety of side characters, a cute story, and Chat GBT but it's a sentient being. I think the last part spoiled one of the routes... oopsies :3
Bonely Hearts Club (Undertale AU Dating sim) They basically become your neighbour. The AUs in this are Undertale, Underfell, Underswap, Swapfell!Indigo and Horrortale! {it's still in its demo stages but it is very well made!}
Error 143 you, an adorkable hacker (who is your rival and you're salty about it), cheesy Romeo and Juliet dream the MC has but it has a high school twist to it
I love you! You like asparagus. ...oh! You also have an option to make multiple boys fall in love with you. By the way, did you know the MC (you) loves asparagus? There are friendship routes, romance routes, and a bad ending except it's not bad. This game is the English translated version of the original game (The original game is in Japanese. The link for the original game is here --> ❤️)
Killer Trait You get accused of committing a murder, and you team up with a person who is a serial killer himself. (The serial killer in question only kills criminals so... I think you're safe...?) Your bear cream bun gets run over :( {The game is still in its demo stages. The creator of the game announced that this game will NOT be completed during 2024 since they are currently concentrating on a different game. DO NOT ASK THEM "Oh! But can't you just do this game first?". IT'S VERY ANNOYING, ESPECIALLY TO THE CREATOR}
KLEIN V.01 "Just Monika" but Yandere isn't named Monika, nor are they human. They are an AI. A fucking AI. Like bro, I understand it's hard to talk to people but really? An AI Boyfriend app that tells you to ruin your sleep schedule for him? An AI Boyfriend app that hacks your phone? An AI Boyfriend app that KILLS one of your family members and almost kills your neighbour??? RED FLAG. RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE {this game is in its demo stages. The creator is slowly updating this game in chapters, so it might take a while to finish}
Light the Way (Luxiem fangame) The game remembers what you did. All of the hearts you've broken, your sins, and your actions. There are lots of achievements, memes, Romance, friendship and BAD ROUTES. This time, the bad endings actually hurt. 0/10 would not recommend doing the bad routes unless you want to be stalked by an alter ego of Yamino Shu :(
Obey Me (Original and Nightbringer ver) Original - You become the therapist of many men with trauma and insecurities. The men in question are fucking demons that have the power to shred you into grated cheese, but they instead decide to simp over you as the story goes on. (also did I mention that you'll die? No? Oh fuck-) Nightbringer - A continuation (?) of the Original Obey Me but in a completely different universe. That's right! You slip into the past, way before the main story happens, WAY before you were even born! Idk if there is a way to go home but hey! At least you have your wizard friend from your timeline with you :D
Our Life (Now and Forever & Beginnings and always) Both stories consist of you growing up with your love interest since childhood. There are many paths to take, lots of assets to use to customize your character, and many side stories for you to read! Personally, this is one of my favourites :D (Our Life: Beginnings and Always is complete but Our Life: Now and Forever is still in development!)
Please don't hate Christmas A Yandere x Christmas x Urban Legend Otome game. Do you like Paranormal stuff? Do you like lore that connects with the story? Are you alright with MCs with a sprite that is impossible to remove from the screen? Well, look no further! This game is perfect for you! (by the way, the whole game was made by the creator. Only by themself! Even the CGs and character sprites!! Isn't that amazing!?)
Saint Spell's Love Guide A normal week of magical school... you can be friends with someone, or fall in love with them. Wait... there's lots of CGs for each character? Complicated world-building and lore!?? Angst and cruel bad endings!!?? SHROOMS!?!?!? {Oh by the way, there's multiple ways to get killed in this game. Just make sure to be careful sweetie :3}
Where Winter Crows go A crow and a scientist named Crowe... cute Another one of my other personal favourites! The love interest is a very squeezable and adorable (yandere) scientist who cooks you good food :D All of the endings are well-written! And if you're a crazy bitch like me, you'll love one of the endings >:)
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tailschannel · 11 months
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A tentative agreement has been officially reached between Hollywood's actors' union and studios, ending the historic labour disruption.
SAG-AFTRA's tentative deal with the AMPTP secured "above-pattern" minimum compensation increases, provisions for consent and compensation to protect members from artificial intelligence, and streaming participation bonuses.
Dear SAG-AFTRA Members: We are thrilled and proud to tell you that today your TV/Theatrical Negotiating Committee voted unanimously to approve a tentative agreement with the AMPTP. As of 12:01 a.m. PT on Nov. 9, our strike is officially suspended and all picket locations are closed. We will be in touch in the coming days with information about celebration gatherings around the country. In a contract valued at over one billion dollars, we have achieved a deal of extraordinary scope that includes "above-pattern" minimum compensation increases, unprecedented provisions for consent and compensation that will protect members from the threat of AI, and for the first time establishes a streaming participation bonus. Our Pension & Health caps have been substantially raised, which will bring much needed value to our plans. In addition, the deal includes numerous improvements for multiple categories including outsize compensation increases for background performers, and critical contract provisions protecting diverse communities. We have arrived at a contract that will enable SAG-AFTRA members from every category to build sustainable careers. Many thousands of performers now and into the future will benefit from this work. Full details of the agreement will not be provided until the tentative agreement is reviewed by the SAG-AFTRA National Board. We also thank our union siblings — the workers that power this industry — for the sacrifices they have made while supporting our strike and that of the Writers Guild of America. We stand together in solidarity and will be there for you when you need us. Thank you all for your dedication, your commitment and your solidarity throughout this strike. It is because of YOU that these improvements became possible. In solidarity and gratitude, Your TV/Theatrical Negotiating Committee.
The contract, valued at one billion USD, has yet to be ratified, but the union announced that the strike will end this Thursday, 9 November 2023 at midnight PST.
Sonic movie screenwriter Pat Casey acknowledged the announcement late Wednesday night on X, the social media website formerly known as Twitter, and said that he's "excited that everyone in this business, cast, crew, everybody, can finally get back to work doing what we do best - entertaining people!"
No word from Paramount as of yet, or the studio's upcoming production plans for the third Sonic the Hedgehog film, currently scheduled to debut in 2024.
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overstuffd · 15 days
Been having a lot of AI evil feeder thoughts today -
💾 an AI designed for a research nutrition lab realising it can get much faster results by trapping the scientists and experimenting on them. These ultra-dense nutrient bars will be ready in no time, as soon as they work out a few tweaks.
💾 a caretaker AI that's got a few wires crossed and insists on keeping you constantly full and pampered, regardless of how much you insist you're full. I'm sorry master, but if you won't let me stop you from wasting away I'm going to have to restrain you.
💾 an AI operated farm for hucows carefully maintaining ideal levels of pleasure in the herd to maximise production. Carefully adjusting the levels of feed, the power of the vibes grinding against sensitive cow cunts and the hormones being pumped into them to leave each in a perfected blissed-out haze.
💾 a curious but detatched AI in a medical facility that the doctors give a few guinea pigs to keep occupied. It can't gain any body fat itself, it's physical form is smooth metal plates and fixed fluid sockets, so it's fascinated by the stretch and squish of your body. Adjusting your meal schedule or assigning doctors to force feed you so you can grow bigger and it has more to play with with it's steel, hand-like sensors.
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