anon-e-miss · 2 months
A Touch of Sight - 10
“Fire!” Jazz heard the first shoot as he walked down he ambling road that led to the servants gate of the palace. He turned back and listened. “Fire! Fire! The market’s on fire!”
Ori? Prowl? Smokey? Blue? Jazz shook off his shock and transformed. He barrelled down the streets at the same time as mechanisms, roused from their berths from the screams ran into the streets and looked up at the black smoke filling the night sky. As he raced down the hill, he realized it was not the market that was burning, Ori was safe, the smoke billowed up from Devil’s Acre, the very rookery where Prowl and his mechlings lived. As he drove closer, Jazz’s spark clenched in his chassis. Before he even saw the crowd and the flames he had known, he had known it would be Prowl’s home ablaze. He transformed as he reached the seen. Mechanisms, Prowl’s neighbours were sitting on the sidewalk in various states of distress. Neither Prowl or the mechlings were among them. The roof was on fire, the very top floor; the very floor Prowl lived on with his creations. A figure stumbled out of the burning building, hacking violently. It was Punch.
“Ori!” he exclaimed and he ran for his originator and guided him away from the building.
“I... cough... couldn’t get to them,” Punch said between coughs. “The stairs, the floor, its all burning.”
“Did ya see’em?” Jazz asked. Punch nodded pointed up as he coughed and Jazz looked up. He saw a face in the window. Someone, Prowl likely, had already broken the glass.. Jazz waved his arms. “Help’s comin’!”
“Help! Jazz! Help!” Smokescreen cried. “The wall’s starting to burn!”
“Hang in there!” Jazz shouted. “Help’s comin’. I promise!”
“It ain’t,” one of Prowl’s soot covered neighbours lamented. “Fire marshal won’t come here. They don’t serve Swindle’s properties.”
“Scrap,” Jazz cursed. “Are ya able, Sir?”
“Yeah,” the mech coughed once. “Just took a bit of smoke trying to get ole couple next to be out. They don’t move too good.”
“Can ya drive to the fire station?” Jazz asked. “Tell to get their afts here on order o’ the Lord Inquisitor.”
“If they don’t listen?”
“Tell ‘m I’ll put them to the sword myself,” Jazz said. “This street ain’t gonna burn ‘cause they got a beef wit Swin. That ain’t a threat. Ya tell’m that. It’s a promise.”
“Yes Sir!” The neighbour transformed and raised towards the fire station located deep in the market.
“Hey! You!” Jazz waved a bystander who was giving coolant to the victims. “Go to the palace. ‘N get the to wake the Master o’ Arms ‘n Medic Ratchet. Tell’em theirs a fire ‘n the Lord Inquisitor called for ‘em.”
“Yes, My Lord!” The femme said. She transformed into a slick motorcycle and raced towards the palace.
“Ain’t ‘nough time,” Punch said.
“I know,” Jazz replied. “Anyone go some coolants I can use?”
“Oiy!”Another bystander stepped forward and offered Jazz the cube. It looked to be the last one on hand.
“Thanks,” Jazz said. He offered it to Punch first, who took a swig. Then he took rags from his subspace and soaked them. “Do ya know where the weaver’s shop is?”
“Take some friends, take all the energon and coolant ya can carry ‘n bring it here, take care o’ everyone,” Jazz ordered. “That’s my Ori and his shop... just sayin’... in case anyone gets any ideas.”
“Be careful Jazz,” Punch ordered. “But be quick.”
“‘M always careful,” Jazz replied.
His originator scoffed. Jazz did not counter, their definitions of careful were different. He wrapped the wet rags around his servos and rolled his shoulders. The wall of apartment building was cool at street level, it would not be as he climbed higher. Stretching his arms up as he jumped, Jazz servos magnetized to wall. Digging his pedtips in, he started to climb. Swindle may not have been so shoddy with his upkeep after all. Jazz had seen buildings like this in the Dead End burn up in nanokliks but then, Jazz supposed that even if Swindle had insurance on it, the payout would not cover future lost rents. They would still have a talk later. If shoddy electrical work had started this, Swindle would pay for it. Heat radiated from the wall as he climbed higher. Thick smoke poured out the wind. He saw a tangle of thread trapped on ragged glass dancing in the smoke and looked down. A makeshift rope lay in a pile on the ground. Unlike that rope, Jazz would not let them down. The coolant soaked rags around his servos were heating up. He could hardly touch the tips of his digits to the wall it was so hot but he grit his denta and pushed on.
“Jazz!” Smokescreen coughed as his head poked out of the black cloud of smoke. He disappear for a moment and reappeared, pushing a pillow against the jagged glass.
“‘M here!” Jazz choked on a face full of smoke. The back wall of the apartment was a wall of fire. The floor was wet. Broken pipes from the washracks. It was starting to steam. Prowl was standing next to the window, holding Bluestreak’s face towards the fresh air. “‘M here, Prowl.”
“Take them!” Prowl exclaimed, fear clear in his voice. His doorwings were spread wide, guarding Bluestreak from the unbearable heat.”
“Get on my back, Smokey,” Jazz order, swinging one leg over the broken window leg, trying to avoid getting cut up. “I need to hold on. Ya can’t let go.”
“I won’t,” the youngling promised and he crossed his legs around Jazz’s waist and his arms around his neck. Jazz gave his wrist a squeeze as he pulled his leg back out. The wall burnt his palm and his ped tips but he held firm.
“Prowl,” Jazz reached out his servo.
“You cannot carry the three of us down,” Prowl said. “Take Bluestreak.”
“I...” Jazz saw the wall of flames and saw the determined line of Prowl’s doorwings and mouth and he hated that the crystal peddler was right. He took Bluestreak, the little mech still holding the little lupinoid Ori had given him, and held him to his chassis. “Hold on to me, Blue. I’ll be back for ya Prowl.”
“Just do not drop them,” Prowl begged. “Please!”
“I won’t,” Jazz promised. “Hold on Prowl. Stay right here ‘n I’ll be back for ya.”
His servos and peds were burning but Jazz pressed his arms and servos flat against the wall as he shuffled down. Bluestreak was too paralyzed with fear to hold on properly so Jazz tried to form a cage around him with his arms and legs. Smokescreen held the collar of Bluestreak’s armour, with more strength than a youngling should have had but he held tight for both of them. He watched Bluestreak’s doorwings and pressed off the wall just a little to keep them away from the red hot metal. If not for the mechlings, Jazz would have just risked the fall, he had the dexterity of a pneumalion but he could not dug and roll or twist mid fall with the mechlings, not without dropping them and he had given Prowl his glyph. Even as they descended and the wall was no longer burning hot, Jazz’s arms, servos and peds were on fire. Someone reached up and pulled Smokescreen from his back. It was Swindle. Jazz looked at him.
“I didn’t do this,” Swindle insisted.
“It was the crazy mech,” Smokescreen exclaimed. “He was ranting. Said he was burning the demons... then... then he screamed and screamed. I think he jumped into the fire.”
“He was supposed to be in the sanatorium!” Swindle exclaimed.
“Ori,” Jazz jogged to his originator as he called out to him.
“Sweetlin’” Punch took Bluestreak in his arms and hugged him.
“I need to go back for Prowl,” Jazz said. “Take care o’em for me.”
“Be careful!” Punch ordered. There was a loud crackle and the ground rumbled. Jazz looked up and saw the roof collapsing onto Prowl’s apartment.
“Creator!” Smokescreen screamed. Jazz stared up in disbelief. He shook his helm. He did not give up so easily.
“Stay with Ori,” Jazz ordered as he squeezed Smokescreen’s shoulders. “Y’re Creator don’t give up easy, do he?”
“No!” Smokescreen replied.
“Neither do I,” Jazz insisted.
Every step hurt but Jazz ran to the burning building and started to climb. It did not matter how much it burned, as Jazz climbed, it goaded him on. Prowl had faced worse, Prowl was facing worse. The inferno crackled loudly above his helm and he could feel the wall moving as he climbed. He stared up into the smoke and fire and it seemed like Prowl’s whole floor had collapsed. For a nanoklik it seemed hopeless but then Jazz shook his helm and snarled to himself. Prowl had been alone with the mechlings through armegeddon; he was not alone now. Jazz moved to climb around the window below Prowl’s and he gasped as he saw the gaping whole above it. The whole floor had collapsed. He saw a flash of white in the blackened debris and put his elbow through the window. In a frenzy, Jazz broke the window and crawled quickly inside. Coughing as smoke overwhelmed him, Jazz crawled to the debris and pulled and pushed it away as his blistered servos screamed. A wide white and black panel came into view, Prowl’s doorwing! It was still white, his spark sang. It was still white. Jazz dusted off Prowl’s intakes as he dug him out.
“I got ya,” Jazz told him. He did not stir. Energon covered his face from a gash next to his empty optic socket. He was alive. That was enough.
Jazz looked back to the window and over to the door the tenant had left wide open. Lifting Prowl over his shoulder, Jazz climbed through the debris a went to the door. The fire was spreading along the walls. Moving quickly, Jazz raced to the stairs. The smoke was so thick it choked him. As Ori had warned, they had collapsed at Prowl’s floor, they had collapsed here too but the floor’s below still looked intact. Jazz took a leap of faith. He shouted with pain as his burnt treads hit the ground but Jazz did not collapse, instead he ran, taking two steps at the time as his helm throbbed and his peds screamed. As his knees gave way, Jazz was hit with a blast of coolant. He looked to see the barrel of a gun disappear. Servos reached out and pulled him up. Ironhide hauled him and Prowl together out the door.
“I got the idiot!” He exclaimed. Jazz hacked. He could not even argue.
“Bring them over here,” Ratchet ordered. “Well Jazz, that was brave and stupid.”
“Good thing I got ya that fluorite,” he coughed. “He gonna make it?”
“He’s taken in a lot of smoke and his doorwings are burned but his spark rate is good,” the medic replied. “You’re a bloody mess yourself.”
“I got the blighters!” The neighbour Jazz had sent to the fire service station raced up, fire engines following behind him.
“Bring it down!” Ironhide barked as he stepped back into the street.
“Like I told this reprobate, we don’t...” the captain of the fire vigile snapped.
“I didn’t ask,” Ironhide snarled as he flared his armour. “I told ya, bring it down before the whole street goes up. Now!”
“We don’t...” The mech, a fire engine, stood taller than Ironhide but Ironhide had never been intimidated by bigger mech. He pointed his blaster at the captain.
“I said, bring it down,” Ironhide snarled. The other vigiles quickly got into formation. The captain glared but transformed back into a fire engine. Ironhide continued to stare him down. “Do it!”
Smaller vigiles stood on the ladders their larger compatriots extended and reached long poles topped with hooks up to the roof. Together, they pulled and the badly damaged building collapsed with a flurry of sparks and smoke. This could not happen again. Not the fire itself, though it seemed to him like it could have been prevented, it had not needed to happen, but the refusal of the fire service to attend a fire. They were a private operation, they all were. If Jazz had any say, they would be under the Prime’s authority soon. With Ironhide’s support and Jazz was sure he would have it, Optimus would agree, if he did not come up with the idea on his own. Vigiles outfitted with hoses sprayed down the surrounding buildings as Ironhide watched on, blaster hanging loosely in his servos.
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e642 · 5 months
Je pars chercher un t shirt Nike à mon mec. J'avais une colorie en tête, la seule qu'il n'a pas. J'arrive au courir et là je vois un charmant jeune homme qui vient me renseigner. Et là, ça commence un peu à flirter. Il était là en mode "ouais je vois cette couleur irait vraiment bien avec ta peau matte et tes yeux noisettes" (vous remarquerez que le boug a dit noisette et pas marron, il n'a pas choisi la facilité). J'suis rentrée dans son jeu, on se sauçait en gros mdrr. Puis il me dit qu'il n'a plus la taille que je veux. J'étais en mode "aie aïe aïe tu perds des points 🙄". Puis il me sort qu'il a une bonne excuse, il n'est pas de bordeaux. J'dis que moi non plus. Il me dit qu'il vient de Libourne, j'allais dire moi d'où je venais, puis il m'a dit "non le dis pas, laisse moi penser qu'on pourrait se croiser à Libourne". J'ai trouvé ça très adorable. Et là l'espace d'un moment j'ai voulu le pécho mdrr puis j'me suis rappelée que je pouvais pas. Et jme suis dit "qu'est ce que je fous avec mon mec qui me traite bien que quand il pose un rtt quand ya des mecs comme ça dehors". C'est mal mais prenez ça comme une confession. C'est bête mais j'ai envie d'un mec qui ne jure que par moi. Je veux obséder quelqu'un. Je veux me sentir spéciale et surtout valoriser comme je le mérite. J'veux pas de demie mesure. Oui c'est toxique mais c'est comme ça. Ya des meufs c'était des inspirations pour leur mec, des poètes, des écrivains, des artistes, moi la seule chose que j'inspire au mien c'est d'être prise pour acquise mdr. J'ai trop envie de le tej depuis 3/4j. On va aller où exactement ? J'commence à comprendre ce que mon ex voulait dire quand il m'a dit "jme projette pas avec toi". Là c'est pareil. Juste si mon ex pensait ça de moi il devait avoir une sale image de moi. Jle prends presque mal avec 2 ans de retard jpp. Je comprends aussi comment il a dû galérer pour me quitter mon ex, j'avoue qu'étant en train de le vivre c'est dur de tej quelqu'un juste parce que tu te vois pas avec dans le futur, ça fait un peu salop et léger. Bon ya d'autres circonstances atténuantes avec mon mec actuel mais ça justifie pas une rupture en vrai. En plus il fait des efforts c'est rude. Jsuis coincée et en même temps jme dis qu'il faut peut-être persévérer. C'est ce que j'ai reproché à mon ex, de ne pas avoir continué pour voir avec moi. Jvais donc faire ça mais pas ad vitam eternam.
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thcdisplaced · 7 months
closed for @elioluna
location: chicago riverwalk
omar had not wanted to go on his evening walk really but it did get him out of the house needlessly enough. people were starting to think that omar was becoming a hermit and really he probably was. he was grumpier by the day and he didn't even want to talk to his grandparents who were younger and thriving than him. even as the seasons were changing he probably did not want to emerge into meeting new people as he wanted to but he knew that he should at this point. sometimes he feels like he hasn't met anyone new since he graduated and maybe that shows how much the wrinkles on omar's eyes showed. "aie---" omar says not even looking at who's wallet he picked up on the ground but he knows they were right around. "elio luna--" he says words lingering on his tongue as he freezes in his space. but the wallet was his and alas, he had to give it back to him. the words came out so naturally to his lips mostly because he knew the other like the back of his hand and it didn't hit him until he spoke those two words. "ya lost your wallet." he says, lips pressing thinly together as a small shy half nearly present smile formed on his lips. he could have been a shitty person and left it there, but now that those two words ringing in his ears, he let the aftermath sing like a choir in his head. he wasn't going to think about it-- he wasn't going to think about him.
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ask-royalspider · 11 months
14. Any hero friends?
Uh ya, a few. Hmm.. well there's the spiders I know from other dimensions, that's a start. Oh! Aie, another Spider. I'm not sure what universe they're from.. but they are often here.
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fandomandangstlover · 2 years
God damnit Demo, did ya lose it again?
...There's more in da fridge.
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skylertheminish · 2 months
Notch sneaks over to Carer on the couch, plopping down next to him and leaning his whole body against the human. He's looking at Carer with pleading eyes.
Looks like he wants attention.
And Protag was too busy playing with the smol knights.
Asking Protag to babysit Ceru and Arma was easily one of his best decisions that day. He had a mountain of paperwork digitally dumped on him. Sat in the sitting room with laptop, tea and various other smart devices at hand he started his slog.
As he went about his work he got pinged by some of his friends and was dragged into a vc. There was more news regarding a rumor that had been spreading among trainers. Sadly it was all hearsay and not enough evidence for anything official to be recorded.
"Why is it always sightings and potato videos with these things?" Carer huffed.
" I dunno" his friend replied. "The sooner Higher-ups allow someone to investigate the better. Last thing anyone needs is some kid being a hero".
"You say that when its been kids who've saved the planet a good few times" The unmistakable voice of Kate chimed with an accurate observation.
"That's another thing. Why is it always ki-Aie!" Carer squawked, surpised and caught off guard by the Ceruledge sitting down and resting on him. Struggling under the weight of the greater knight. Carer managed to shift his laptop out of the way so as to tend to Notch.
Whether it was an accident or by design, Carer fell for his pleading gaze.
"What ya wanting Notch? Wanting tae say hello to everyone?" He gestured to the laptop now sat precariously on the coffee table. A party of "hellos" and "awws" sounded from the device.
"Or are ya wanting pets? Is that what ya want lad, pets? Think you deserve them eh?" He smiled. Now confident Notch would permit him to do so or at the very least would tolerate pets. The greater knight did basically invite himself into Carer's personal space after all!
" I think ya do. Why? Cause you're a good lad! Thats why. And if anyone says otherwise they're lying." Carer chuckled as he gave Notch chin scritches. Likely a mistake as now there was a strong chance Notch would lean on his smaller human frame more.
And he cared not a jot.
"Ya've been nothing but nice to everyone else. Like the good and caring knight you are"
There wasn't a hope left that Carer would get any work done now.
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elchercheur · 3 months
il ya vait une lumière jaune, dingue dans mon rêve
jaune mélangée au blanc
Souviens toi des photographies de  Berlin, de l’écriture, puis des formes pensées, exécutées, d’une pratique de l’écriture solitaire, maladroite, sincère, de deux années consacrées à un vaste projet, dont il reste peu, mais dont il reste tout de même des tentatives de gestes, de répondre à l’histoire, de se déplacer, d’écrire et de filmer, de trouver quoi dire, quoi faire, tant de questions. Il en reste aujourd’hui, ils n’ont pas encore de formes, tes gestes mon ami, mais sois patient, et poursuis-les, poursuis-les, tu y crois et tu es moins agacée par l’immobilité qu’avant, tu es capable de poursuivre une seule chose à la fois aujourd’hui, simplement c’est difficile d’avoir toutes ces belles idées que tu n’as pu entièrement montrer, donner à naître, donner à naître aux autres aussi, mais n’oublie pas, aie confiance, autour de toi ils ne te connaissent pas forcément, ils ont envie de te connaître comme ils veulent te contrôler en eux, se rassurer en eux, tiens-bon, ne lâche pas.
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fiw99-blog · 7 months
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Di ranah Minang, kita harus tau tata cara berbicara. Walaupun w ni dari Jawa dan urang awak memaklumi akan tetapi w juga harus bisa belajar dengan cepat agar memudahkan adaptasi di tempat kerja w. Tata bicara dikenal dengan Kato Nan Ampek dan w mesti tau tu aturan nya. Sepatu w turan tsb terikat bagi putera dan puteri Minangkabau dalam berkomunikasi dan mengungkapkan pemikirannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari cuman w yg sebagai bukan putera daerah mau tidak mau harus mempelajari aturan tsb sehingga jangan sampai ada kesalahpahaman antara kita, hahaha.
Lanjut ke inti saja w ambil pengetahuan ni dari internet yang kurang lebih menjelaskan bahwa "Kato Nan Ampek adalah 4 etika dalam berbicara. Masyarakat Minang mempunyai tatanan untuk berbicara dalam keseharian, seperti berbicara kepada yang tua, tokoh masyarakat, pemimpin, yang lebih muda, teman sebaya, berbicara kepada menantu (sumando), maupun didalam forum". Itu penjelasan singkat dari Kato nan ampek jadi semakin halus penghayatan seseorang terhadap kato Nan ampek ini, maka semakin bernilailah keberadatan orang yang bersangkutan. Bagi mereka yang tidak menerapkan Kato Nan Ampek dalam berkomunikasi, semakin rendahlah keadabannya atau istilahnya indak tau di nan ampek (tidak tahu adat).
Lanjut ke pembahasan selanjutnya, "Kato Nan Ampek tersebut adalah kato mandaki, kato manurun, kato mandata dan kato malereang".
Poin pertama : Kato mandaki atau kata mendaki maksudnya bagaimana kita menyatakan pikiran kita dengan cara berkomunikasi terhadap seseorang yang posisinya lebih tinggi dari kita, seperti orang tua kita, guru, ulama, tokoh masyarakat, termasuk pemimpin kita. Hal yang sangat terlarang bila kita memanggil namanya saja atau memberi kata sandang ‘Si’.
Poin Kedua : kato manurun atau kata menurun adalah cara berkomunikasi dengan seseorang yang posisinya di bawah kita atau lebih muda usianya dari kita. Kato manurun ini kadang disalah artikan sebagian orang. Kato manurun bukan berarti mambuang aie ka lurah (bukan berarti kita bisa bicara semena-mena). Ketika kita berbicara dengan yang lebih muda tetaplah harus juga pandai menghargai dan tidak semena mena. Tidak merasa paling tahu atau paling benar.
Poin ketiga : Kato mandata atau kata mendatar merupakan cara bertutur kata kepada teman sejawat atau teman sebaya kita. Kepada teman sebaya tutur kata kita mungkin tidak sebagaimana kepada orang yang lebih tua, tetapi kata-kata itu tetap harus dalam koridor saling menghargai. Walaupun dengan teman sebaya kita harus tetap saling menghargai dalam bicara. Petitih Minang mengatakan, “Diagak mangko diagiah, dijua mangko dibali,” yang artinya dalam berbicara hendaklah berfikir terlebih dahulu, dan memberikan jawaban yang tidak menyinggung lawan bicara.
Poin Keempat : Kato Malereang atau Kata Melereng adalah bagaimana cara berkomunikasi dengan pihak yang rasanya janggal apabila mengungkapkan perasaan/pikiran kepadanya secara gamblang dan terus terang. Dalam Kato malereang ini digunakan kata-kata berkiasbanding. Umpamanya antara mertua dengan menantu atau sebaliknya. Kato malereang banyak mengandung kata-kata sindiran, ada yang positif dan ada pula yang negatif.
Ya begitulah sekilas dri yang pernah w pelajari berdasarkan hasil yang ditemukan selama w ngukur tanah dan berhadapan langsung dengan masyarakat Minangkabau, sekian.
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elmartillosinmetre · 1 year
Cerrando el círculo de Turina
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[Patricia Arauzo y Aldo Mata junto a las Setas de Sevilla. / JOSÉ ÁNGEL GARCÍA]
David Mata, Aldo Mata y Patricia Arauzo publican en IBS Classical una nueva integral de los Tríos con piano de Joaquin Turina
El violonchelista madrileño Aldo Mata y la pianista burgalesa Patricia Arauzo se convirtieron en profesores del Conservatorio Superior Manuel Castillo de Sevilla en 2018, pero su relación viene de casi una década antes. "Yo estudiaba en Salamanca cuando él era ya profesor allí", comenta Arauzo. "Luego coincidimos en Budapest, en los cursos de Ferenc Rados, y finalmente en Madrid. Recuerdo que hicimos una gira por España dentro del ciclo Clásicos en ruta de la AIE (Asociación de Intérpretes y Ejecutantes). Ahí establecimos definitivamente nuestro vínculo camerístico".
"Hicimos recitales como dúo, pero también con mi hermano David. Antes de llegar a Sevilla recuerdo que hicimos un concierto en Burgos, donde tocamos música de Antonio José, Pedro Tintorer, Joaquín Malats y Emma Chacón. El de Tintorer es el primer trío de la historia de España, una obra del XIX, romántica, zarzuelera incluso. Cuando planteamos hacer un disco como trío pensamos en hacerlo en pro de la música española. Y tenía que ser Turina, pues su corpus camerístico destaca entre el de todos los grandes compositores españoles. Era obligatorio". "Y estando aquí en Sevilla los dos, más aún… Tira la tierra, aunque sea de adopción. Yo con 5 años decía que quería ser sevillana, y aquí he acabado, dice mi madre que casualidad no puede ser. La inspiración de estar en Sevilla mientras montábamos este programa fue muy especial. Estaba estudiando de lleno el programa antes de grabar. Era Semana Santa y estudiaba el tercer movimiento del Trío en si menor, que tiene unos acordes graves, muy solemnes, y a mí me recordaba una marcha procesional, y justo en medio del estudio pasó una procesión junto a mi casa, y me dije es justo esto. Me pareció muy especial ese vínculo".
Aunque en principio no estaba tan clara la idea del trío. "Tenemos un cuarteto mi hermano y yo con Andoni Mercero, que toca la viola, y Marc Oliu, que es el segundo violín, el Cuarteto Granados. Con Patricia nos juntamos e hicimos el Quinteto de Granados. Y la primera idea era hacer quintetos españoles, pero Andoni está en Musikene, Marc en Salamanca... Así que era un poco complicado, lo más práctico era plantearnos lo del trío, porque habíamos tocado juntos y había funcionado. Y Turina era demasiado tentador. Estos tríos demuestran toda su andadura musical. El Trío en fa mayor no lo editó en vida, aunque afortunadamente no lo quemó. Se nota la impresión que le dio salir de Sevilla, llegar a Madrid, escuchar la 5ª de Chaikovski, estar en una ciudad más cosmopolita. Uno ve que le ha encantado Chaikovski, pero tiene ya su personalidad, mucho oficio. Lo hemos tocado mucho y le gusta a todo el mundo. Aunque es cierto que no tenía su voz y su estilo definitivo y acaso por eso no lo metió en su catálogo. Luego va a la Schola Cantorum, estudia con D’Indy, y le sale la vena nacionalista, en el segundo tiempo del Trío nº1 hace un recorrido por toda España, con la muñeira, el zorcico, el polo, la soleá..."
Pero ese Trío nº1 se abre además con un sorprendente Preludio y fuga: "Una fuga a la inversa, empieza con los strettos y acaba con las entradas –sigue el músico madrileño–. Es un momento de gran virtuosismo compositivo. Ya en el Quinteto Op.1 introduce una fuga espectacular, incluso más enjundiosa, ese quinteto quizás es la obra camerística más enjundiosa de Turina, luego va destilando y refinándose. Y en Círculo ya no hay una nota que sobre". 
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Joaquín Turina era un gran pianista, ¿se aprecia ello a nivel idiomático en las obras? Toma la palabra la burgalesa: "Toda la música de cámara con piano gira en buena medida en torno al piano, por ser instrumento armónico y sus múltiples posibilidades, pero la escritura de Turina es tan idiomática para el piano como para las cuerdas. Se nota que era pianista. No es fácil, pero está muy bien escrito. Es de extraordinaria variedad. Hay partes en que manda el piano, otras en la que ejerce de simple acompañante o se turna en dúos con las cuerdas..." "Turina juega también con el dúo violín-cello –añade su compañero–. Por ejemplo, el Preludio y fuga empieza como un dúo de cuerdas, con unas disonancias tremendas. Hay también partes solistas para cuerda, diálogos de todo tipo, es de una riqueza inagotable".
Patricia Arauzo había grabado ya para IBS. "Paco Moya nos animó mucho, porque tenía mucho interés en este proyecto. Siendo una discográfica de este calibre y con un personal insuperable el proyecto se hizo muy atractivo". Para Aldo Mata era su primera vez: "A mí me pareció una persona especial. Paco es muy especial. Tiene un gran nivel de exigencia, porque él es músico y fue profesor de música de cámara. Escucha con oídos muy cercanos a los nuestros. Conoce la música, tiene la partitura delante, te hace sugerencias a nivel de interpretación. Fue todo muy rápido". "Muy intenso, pero agradable –asevera la pianista–. Siempre le digo que saca la mejor versión de cada uno".
Un aspecto interesante de la grabación es para Mata la cuestión organológica: "Yo toco con cuerda de tripa entorchada; mi hermano con cuerdas metálicas, Patricia con un piano moderno, pero funciona... Eso demuestra que al final el instrumento es sólo un medio, y no es lo más importante". El violonchelista madrileño es un rara avis, pues se atreve a tocarlo todo con tripa: "Incluso a veces con tripa sin entorchar: hice así la Sonata Arpeggione de Schubert, que a lo mejor fue un error, y el Trío de Clara Schumann. Pero en realidad hago de todo, creo que soy el único especialista en música antigua y en música contemporánea, que también hago mucha, y que monto siempre cuerdas de tripa. Además toco siempre con el violonchelo cogido entre las pantorrillas, sin pica, que en realidad es algo que sólo se generalizó muy a finales del siglo XIX".
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[Patricia Arauzo entre David y Aldo Mata. / BEN VINE]
Normal que cuando llegó a Sevilla su integración en la OBS fuera rápida. "Fue muy fácil. Ahora toco mucho con Al Ayre Español. Antes de la OBS lo había hecho bastante con Musica Boscareccia. Me interesan las prácticas antiguas. Estoy integrado en un grupo esponsorizado por La Nouvelle Athénes en París, en el que también está Laura Granero. Estudiamos grabaciones antiguas para ver el impacto que han tenido en la interpretación de la música del siglo XIX. Hay cosas muy interesantes. Por ejemplo, el portamento y el vibrato han cambiado radicalmente. El vibrato moderno, de amplitud de altura del sonido estaba muy mal visto en el XIX. Había vibrato de intensidad, de arco, otro del aire, otro llamado de las perlas… Distintos tipos de vibrato. Lo sabemos gracias a un violinista malagueño, Luis Alonso, que escribió un tratado a finales del siglo XIX y del vibrato moderno echa pestes. Si quieres tocar a Brahms como a Brahms le habría gustado no tiene nada que ver a como se suele escuchar. Si uno escucha grabaciones de Joachim, que hay, o de Sarasate, el uso del vibrato no tiene nada que ver. Y con el portamento y el rubato pasa lo mismo. La forma de hacer portamento en cuartetos a principios del siglo XX, grupos que heredan la tradición beethoveniana, es muy distinta a la de finales de ese mismo siglo, a la que nos acostumbramos, incluso resulta más chocante para nuestros oídos. A veces se escucha decir que el portamento es de mal gusto. Bueno, a Beethoven y a Brahms les gustaba. Ellos no tenían gusto y nosotros, sí. Bravo".
Mientras se plantean nuevos proyectos ("tenemos en mente integrar a Aglaya González como violista para  formar un cuarteto con piano y hacer un proyecto de inéditos antiguos que va a ser impactante, creo yo", dice Aldo), Patricia Arauzo se plantea profundizar aún más en Turina: "Este proyecto me ha convertido en una admiradora enorme del compositor. La variedad de su música (danzas, costumbrismo, contrapunto, recursos románticos, impresionistas…) me lo han revelado como un compositor impresionante, y me ha servido para meterme mucho más en su música pianística. Es como la búsqueda del duende flamenco, pero bañado en esta soberbia exquisitez sonora".
[Diario de Sevilla. 26-03-23]
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florallychaotic · 1 year
Woodchuck Todd....love of my life....aie ya ya ya ya if you know what I mean
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e642 · 6 months
3 choses à propos d'aujourd'hui :
Déjà, ce matin j'avais TD avec un nouveau prof et le boug demande qu'on se présente. Arrive mon tour. J'ai pas le temps de raconter ma super vie qu'il lâche un "ça sort du bac ça" (le ça c'est ce qui remplace mon prénom visiblement mdr). Du coup jlui rac que je vais avoir 23 ans quand même, il était chockbar.
Ensuite, j'ai reçu un mail très cordial (c faux) d'EDF qui me dit qu'ils vont me majorer car j'ai pas payé ma facture d'électricité. Il est vrai que j'ai pas payé. En revanche bah écoutez les gars c'est pas moi qui aie décidé de changer les boîtes aux lettres et les clefs de ma résidence quand j'étais pas là.
J'ai acheté des docs ya 2 ans, à 230€ (terrible). Faut savoir qu'il n'y a pas un seul jour où je les ai portées sans qu'elles ne me saignent les talons. Aujourd'hui, ras le cul, j'ai scotché du coton au niveau de l'arrière. Jcrois le pire dans tout ça c'est quand mon voisin à vu la scène de sa terrasse (j'étais sur la mienne). Je l'ai vu désabusé.
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cremecocoaafloof · 1 year
"Aie baby x padah"
Sikkan la mok kita ajak ajak update. At least la sndirik ya tanyak, dhla polah org tunggu lamak.
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mdaleemuddin · 2 years
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Ya bath pure jes ko samajh my aie ha sirf malom ossi ko hutha ha ju bath badda dhuka khaya ha apnu ki sath ya bath jaldi bath barr dhukka khaya ha piz comments karo my all friends piz likes me and dil sy following me piz https://www.instagram.com/p/CkJO6nFBvyA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aie-ya · 6 years
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lesbiancassius · 3 years
obligatory i miss live theatre post
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nabaath-areng · 4 years
‣ URL music meme
RULES: spell out your URL with song titles and tag people to make it more fun!
(puts screenshot here cause looked empty otherwise lmfao)
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N - Nåden - Garmarna A - Army of Dreamers - Broder Daniel B - Beast of Blood - Malice Mizer A - AND AND - TORU MATSUMOTO A - Amon - Dir En Grey T - Titan Arum - Psysalia Psysalis Psyche H - Heaven - 9GOATS BLACK OUT
A - Additional cause for sorrow - deadman R - Redeemer - D’espairsRay E - Elephant in the room - The god and death stars N - Naraku - the GazettE G - Gilmore guilt more - THE NOVEMBERS
Tagged by: NO ONE Tagging: whoever wants to is tagged by me! Yes even you!!
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