#aka the hear hannah was born
wigglys-dikrats · 8 months
in the npmd timeline miss holloway is dead bc solomon has the black book
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tao-of-osblaine · 1 year
Down the Adam Taylor Rabbit Hole
Part 1
‘Beautiful Sorrow’ // ‘Undying Love’
I started this never-ending trip down the music parallel rabbit hole well over a year ago and I have about 40 different themes in the works. It’s been impossible to choose where to start but here I go. I’m starting with ‘Beautiful Sorrow’ because it leads to two undeniably powerful Osblaine scenes (‘Undying Love’)
I know several songs have official titles but I haven’t found any titles for overall themes so I’m going with the interpretations I made as I tried to piece it all together
‘Beautiful Sorrow’
Every time this theme appears in the series, the scene has been both beautiful and heartbreaking
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3x05 - June’s tape recording for Luke
June is mourning the loss of her marriage and her life before Gilead while also embracing the new love and life (Nick and Holly) that have come out of it
Right after June says “she was born out of love” the music shifts into the refrain I initially started calling ‘Beautiful Sorrow’
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3x06 - “Ruins of a Memorial”
June mourns the loss of her country, freedom, and the life she once knew
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3x13 - “Reunions”
Transitioning from a theme of ‘Lost Family’ (to come in a later post) after Kiki’s reunion with her father, the theme of ‘Beautiful Sorrow’ emerges. Emily sees Rita crying on the ground and it continues throughout their reunion as well as Luke’s introduction to Rita
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4x03 - Gymnasium Flashback & Credits
In the gymnasium flashback at the end, the music comes in as they’re whispering their names to each other and continues throughout the credits
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4x07 - “She was Our Hannah”
June telling Luke about seeing Hannah at the lake house
‘Undying Love’
While this theme is much more subtle and only appears twice in the series (that I know of), you can hear it fade into and out of ‘Beautiful Sorrow’ almost seamlessly. It’s also stand-alone in its uniqueness to two Osblaine scenes that display the magnitude of their love
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4x03 - “The Bridge, Last Kiss” aka “Their Last Kiss”
Starting when Nick tells June that Hannah loves her and again when they tell each other “I love you” after the kiss. They both thought this would be the last time they’d ever see each other and this exchange of love is something they were both going to carry with them for their forever. The risk was worth it. // Whispers of 1x08…”At least someone will care when I’m gone.”
The music during the kiss itself almost feels like a sorrow-less variation of “Beautiful Sorrow” which I guess makes it simply “Beautiful” ♥️
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5x10 - “Late Night Visit”
As Nick looks back over at June and gets up to kiss her, the same sorrow that played during their ‘I love you’ on the bridge echoes here
When Nick leaves and June turns in her sleep, you can all but hear how the music could seamlessly transition into ‘Beautiful Sorrow’ except that it doesn’t. Because it’s not sorrow, it’s undying love ♥️
I could write endlessly on the breakdown of the different scenes and episodes themselves but I’m trying to focus on the significance of the music and the way it inextricably links different parts of the story. The way Adam Taylor can tell this kind of story without a single word is astonishing. If anyone wants to join me down the rabbit hole, please do! It gets dark and lonely down here! I’d love to know what others have noticed or different interpretations you might have 💛
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tealenko · 3 years
You know I can never get enough of Mass Effect what other fan fics do you have planned?
Oh... You don't know what you just did lol Let me grab my Mass Effect headcanon notebook ehehehe
I'll start from the beginning
Mio Shepard
Earthborn / Sole survivor / Infiltrator / Paragon
Blonde, green eyes, fair skin with freckles, taller than the average, hardly ever wears makeup
Used to dye her hair until she joined the Alliance, where she shaved it and let it grow blonde for the first time since she was a child (she looks a lot like her father and she doesn't feel worthy of neither the last name nor the resemblance until she joins the Alliance)
Parents: James and Hannah Shepard
Scars: Right leg and left shoulder (Akuze) A few in the stomach (gang days) upper lip and right eyebrow (during N7 training / Alliance missions before ME1)
Tattoos: left leg, on the calf (gang days tattoo) -> [In hell & heaven, In darkness & light, Our blood remains the same: RED], right arm (before ME1)-> [N7 symbol], right leg, on the calf (after ME3) -> [Alliance symbol, the 3 stars are replaced by the letters 'A' 'V' 'W' and on top of it there's another 3 'M' 'T' 'L' ](Anderson, Vancouver and Williams -> Inside the Alliance) (Mordin, Thane and Legion -> Outside the Alliance). Left forearm (inside) -> [Accepting another's path blinds you to alternatives] (During ME3, same time Vega is getting his N7 one)
Trinkets: his dad ring (wore it in a necklace until she joined the Alliance, then she put it with her tags) bracelet (from childhood friend - lost after ME1) ring from Kyle (gang lider), engagement and wedding ring (after ME3).
Angel (7-13 yo)
Lucy / Fall (13 - 17 yo) -> from fallen angel / lucifer (gang name)
Dee / Detroit (18 - Akuze / 23 yo)
Shepard / Shep (24 - ...)
Fun fact: She's only ever called Mio by 2 persons (her dad and Kaidan)
Meaningful relationships
Her dad
Thea, childhood friend
Kyle, in charge of the Tenth Street Reds
Shawn Smith aka Vancouver -> best friend from Alliance training to Akuze
David Anderson -> practically convinced her to join the Alliance (I wrote this when I was 14th lol, I know it's too cheesy but I kinda love it so it's staying)
Kaidan Alenko (... I mean... you had to see that one coming lol)
Garrus Vakarian (Best friend in ME1)
Thane Krios (Only reason my Shep didn't kill herself in ME2... but I'd like to also give a special mention to Legion and Mordin)
James Vega / Joker -> party buds
Victoria Alenko (Kaidan's mum) -> she ends up becoming like a second first mother to her
Aries Alenko (daughter, named after Thane -> Aries in Greek is pronunced Krios // My Shep missed her friend and Kaidan liked constellation names, so he came up with the idea for the name and she loved it)
Her story (I'll try to make it as short as I can lol)
Born in Detroit (Michigan / USA)
Her mother leaves when she's a baby (she doesn't remember her), she never hears from her in her entire life
Her dad raises her until she's 7yo, he dies in a car crash
Spends a few weeks in an orphanage until she decides to leave (being there was definetely worse than being on her own)
Does whatever she needs to survive for a while (stealing things for minor gangs mostly)
Meets Thea when she's 10 yo, she and her sister try to help her, she gets off the streets and lives with them for 2-3 years
Thea is killed because of Mio's old life, so she goes in a hunting spree and kills all the culprits (you can see why she gets along with Thane later on lol), first time killing someone at 14 yo
Almost dies doing it, is saved by Kyle (lider of the Reds in the area), he offers her a job.
He teaches her to fight, handle a gun, etc... With time she becames her right hand man (he falls a little for her, theyvboth know, but they don't say anything because for her he's just a friend)
He dies trying to protect her and so that she can abandon that life (gives her his "gang boss ring" right before it) 17 yo
Spends a year in between poorly paid jobs.
Saves a random person one day, Anderson sees it (that's how they met) and convinces her to apply for the Alliance
Meets Shawn first day of training -> He's so nervous that when she asks his name he anwers "Vancouver" thinking she asked about where is he from, he's about to freak out when he realises his mistake, but she laughs and answers "Detroit" and that's how the nicknames are born lol (everyone calls them that in the Alliance) They became best friends. (18 - 23yo)
Here it would go my Shep's relationship with my Ryder (but I'm going to save that for a future post)
Akuze happens, Shawn dies in her arms (aw my heart)
ME1 happens.
ME2 happens.
ME3 happens (Insert here my "Somebody that I Used to know" fic)
Insert here my "Don’t Leave me Behind" fic
Let's talk about shenko now
Finds him atractive when they met, but she doesn't give it a second though for a while
Starts to get interested in knowing more about him because he's from Vancouver (aw my heart)
Finds really amusing the fact that he blushes when she flirts with him, so she starts to do it in a regular basis
Falls into her own trap little by little and without even noticing
She starts to realise all she's exited about in between missions is going to talk to Kaidan
She's never had a feeling like this for anyone in her life, so at the beginning is quite overwhelming (sex, lots... a meaningful romantic relationship, never -> up until that moment she thinks she'd never find out what is like to have one)
Eventually she can't deny her feelings anymore, so she goes for it
Madly in love with Kaidan by the ending of ME1
He's the first thing she asks about to EVERYONE at the beginning of ME2
Stays pretty mad with Anderson for a while for not telling her nothing about him and not telling him she's alive
She has a bit of a drinking problem after Horizon (not directly because of Kaidan, as I explained before she understands how he feels... but because of the stress of the mission, thinking he would probably be death or worst, and feeling now even more alone than before) -> here's when Thane is key for her mental state (should've been Garrus, but I guess he was dealing with his own stuff in ME2 lol)
I always say that, in another timeline, where she hadn't meet Kaidan and Thane wasn't still mourning the death of her wife, is quite probable they would have fallen for each other... but giving the circumstances they meet, they end up having a lovely relationship based on friendship and a little bit of platonic love.
She writes a letter for Kaidan the night before the end of ME2, to be send by EDI in case she doesn't make it back. (She'll read part of it in her wedding votes T-T awww my heart)
For ME3 stuff, well, check my fics XD
The both left active service after ME3, but stay in the Alliance and also specters of the council. They focus more on reconstruction, stablishing relationships, etc. and they do it in both Alliance and Council space.
You better bet that Hacket is promoting her after the war btw... basically the Alliance creates the title "Commander Admiral" just for her lol -> also cheesy, but I still don't care
Almost everyone is surprised to see they keep the relationship after the war (thinking Kaidan is a "safe port in a storm" kind of relationship to Shepard... but oh my, how wrong they are)
Last time I wrote their wedding, they get married at the Normandy lol -> the wedding scene changes a lot with time, that's why I haven't writen it yet... The thing I know for sure is that Hackett is oficiating it, Garrus is her best men, Joker is Kaidan's, and that Wrex takes her to the altar (and she cries very hard when he offers after finding out it's a human tradition -> Wrex is the only "father like" figure left in her life... poor thing)
Mantains her last name but adds his to the mix: Mio Shepard Alenko
It takes her years to be pregnant, in fact (because of all the times she's been rebuilt) they kinda think and have accepted that she would never be, so it takes them by surprise.
Has a few complications because of her implants when she gives birth to Aries
Aries is just like her, fair skin and blonde wavy hair, but she has Kaidan's eyes
And I guess they live happily ever after (with a little bit of post traumatic stress here and there), The End
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freddve · 3 years
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meet the npc: matilda ‘tilda’ ritchie golding haum
1. how old are they and what do they look like?
𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐚 '𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐚' 𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐦, 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | the oldest golding sibling. mother of two dogs and an adopted son. ceo of goldingium & ajaxco. capricorn sun, virgo moon, pisces rising. insufferable genius. sugar-and-ice personality. daddy’s girl. the broken ace. the dutiful child. emotionally tongue-tied. the responsible sibling.
tilda’s the product of an unplanned pregnancy — the sole reason why the marriage between mr. golding & miss nesin was brought forward by almost two years. she’s the voice of reason and a perfect example of how the golding children should behave. named after mr. golding’s grandfather ritchie golding, she was destined for greatness. a lady in her neutral toned power suits. birkin bags & louboutin red bottoms. custom made blue light glasses. nude lips. manicured baby pink nails.
the beatrice to all the dantes out there. she’s the epitome of divinity & she knows it.
2. what kind of a presence do they have in your muse’s life? do they have a positive or negative relationship?
𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡'𝐬 ( she’s always been peach for tilda, never frederica or freddie ) relationship is complicated. being the oldest sibling, there’s a twenty-four year age gap between them. at first, tilda was like a mother — scratch that, she was freddie’s mother; still living with her parents, tilda woke up at odd hours, soothing peach when she just would not stop crying. she was also freddie’s first friend & confidant. days when she was around to keep peach busy, you could hear the sighs of relief coming from the au pairs rooms.
matilda didn’t really grow up in a strict household — mrs golding was twenty-four when she had her; all it took was an army of nannies to raise their first born. still, matilda’s always felt like a burden to her parents, in her mind, she was the final nail in the coffin. so she promised herself she would make it up for it by proving goldings she’s not a fault, but a blessing.
their relationship was irreversibly damaged once she moved out, leaving her little peachy behind. to be honest, freddie’s always been too much to handle and patience has never been matilda’s forté. tilda expected freddie to be like her, a perfect copy of the perfect daughter, the opposite sides of the same coin, but frederica wouldn’t or couldn’t rise to her level, that tilda cannot really tell. 
3. are they revered in irving? do they have bad blood with anyone?
𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬, matilda’s never been to irving. freddie doubts she could point it on a map — kinda silly considering matilda’s literally a genius, but yes freddie babe, you do you. 
that being said, she has two beach houses in the area. despite never bothering to visit, she bought those for mrs golding, as she’s a big fan of irving. 
4. if your muse is no longer in contact with them, how did the relationship end? did your muse get closure over this?
𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 haven’t spoken since the day after the wedding fiasco. matilda suggested the location for freddie’s exile, hoping the life away from temptations would set her straight. after throwing a tantrum & calling matilda a mistake, mother wannabe — freddie knew how to hurt her, and she wanted to hurt her bad, matilda left the room and didn’t attend the family dinner aka frederica’s farewell party. at first, it really felt like an exile. freddie believed she was being punished for not being like tilda. or tilda was jealous of her. either way, her sister hated her, and she was sure of it. but now, it’s been over eight months since freddie moved here, and she’s beginning to see why matilda chose irving out of all the places. 
memories are tricky. sometimes they fool you. a few months ago, after not receiving a birthday call from matilda, freddie went through her famous treasure chest and came across a postcard sent by matilda, dated the same summer freddie spent in irving. it looked gross and brown-ish, like she spilled coffee on it, and perhaps she did, but she could still read some parts of it, including “if you like it that much i should come and see there myself, but now baba needs me. you take care of mom + irving sun for me, okay? kisses, tilda”. 
frederica being frederica, she didn’t call matilda, but after years of troubled sleeping schedule, that night freddie slept like peach used to. an old piece of card with smudged writing was the proof she needed; her sister only wants the best for her. 
frederica peach golding’s treasure chest
ok, her treasure chest doesn’t fit the task, but i wanted to include it lol. frederica moved around a lot, sometimes within city limits, sometimes abroad, but often times it felt like she was hopping from one planet to another, always the alien, always the new kid. 
moving was fun. she got the plan her room, mrs & mr golding let her do whatever the hell she wanted. age ten, she even got herself a secret room like hannah montana’s, because why not? but it didn’t last for long. she was rapidly losing interest in decorating room after room, treating them as a c list rock band would with motels,  throwing fits & breaking things, not really including herself. the solution was easy — emptying the box tilda gifted her, frederica began to store her favourite items from each room. if it didn’t fit her treasure box, she wouldn’t take the item with her. so far, she has her signed twilight poster, a few memorable items like her grass ring, glitter pens, the rules of her secret language ( that she’s forgotten about ), family photos, a broken ipod, a piece of brick from the demolition of her childhood room, shrek dvd & finally left leg of her favourite toy, mr lollipop buns ( he was a big, stuffed rabbit plushie and wouldn’t fit the box, so freddie thought it would be best to perform an amputation on him - mr lollipop buns lives with her third nanny, isla’s children with his one leg).  
she has it hidden under her bed. has many colourful yet ugly stickers on it, and she wrote ‘fred’s not secret box’ hoping it would be enough to keep curious individuals away from her treasure box.
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ripper-1888 · 3 years
I'm annoyed cause I tried to post this on reddit but apparently it doesn't fit the guide lines even after toning down the severity of my depression experience, aka my suicide attempt and dislike of talking about it, but I worked forever on it, so fuck it, I'm posting it here
Okay so, this is a long story that spans the entirety of my almost 26 years, so I'm sorry about that, but here goes nothing.
My mom and father separated one month after I was born. I know, right out of the gate, huh? Anyways, I didn't end up actually meeting the man until I was just shy of 5 years old and told he was my dad. I kinda had assumed I didn't have one, but I digress. He and my mom got back together and tried to make it work.
Over the next few years, it was fun. I was a kid who have essentially a bigger kid who wanted to play and introduced me to things like comic books and video games, to name a few. He wasn't really a parent though. One time I was trying to tell him how happy I was when I found out I had a dad, and he was just watching TV and didn't even realize I was talking until Mom snapped at him.
Then when I was around 9, we moved to Ohio where my father's from and where his family still lived. I had lived my entire life with my mom's family and was really close with them, so I was sad to move but excited to meet new family. It wasn't a good time. Most of his family was kind of rude or just didn't care about me outside of me being the kid of my father. I was to young to notice just how rude they were to my mom, though I learned later. But the worst of it all, was just how quickly my parents relationship devolved. I would wake up in the middle of the night to hear the screaming at each other. My father was very likely cheating and was certainly withholding or stealing money from my mom. Not even a year later, my mom and I moved back home.
Now is when things really start to kick off.
My father and I would still talk on the phone now and again, though that stopped very suddenly, when he started dating his then GF. She had a daughter of her own and didn't like he had a kid, so he stopped talking to me. He wouldn't call and sent my mom emails basically saying that I didn't need him, yadda yadda. He didn't pay his child support and I didn't hear from him for about five years.
Suddenly, he decides he wants to talk to me again. I was hurt but decided to give him a chance. We met up, went on a trip to Disneyland, and then I learned his real change of heart: he got himself a new girlfriend with kids of her own and like the fact that he was a "dad". This is where the biggest grievances start piling up.
His GF, "Hannah", and her daughters would be brought up constantly in our weekly conversations, stories repeated to the point I knew them by heart, yet he couldn't remember a single one of my friends' names. He would also pull the trick of putting me on speaker phone when Hannah was in the room and she would suddenly join in the conversation. When I expressed my dislike for this and took a break from talking to him, the two of them would email my mother and say that she was turning me against them, even though she was being very supportive. This went on and off for years. Then, when I was 20, came the straw that finally broke the camel's back.
I have major depression disorder and anxiety. I won't go into details, but this comes up for two reasons. One, I don't talk about this to but a very few people. And two, I unfortunately told my father about this.
My father and I were talking on the phone and I had finally agreed to write letters to Hannah and her daughters (who FYI were a good deal older and younger than me, respectively). He's going on about them, again, when he casually mentions how he told them about my depression and how I could talk to THEM about it any time cause one of the daughters has depression too. Like it's some sort of bonding exercise! I got into a fight with him and at the time had relented and accepted his apology, but after we hung up, I just couldn't stop thinking about it.
After that I cut all contact, ignored his calls, emails. It's been almost six years now and once in a blue moon I might get a card from him, but I don't even have the stomach to read them most of the time. Sometimes my family asks if I want to try and reach out but no, I'm too tired. With all that's been said and done, am I being an asshole?
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samclownchester · 4 years
The day is June 15 2020
The time is 3 am
The situation is that the world has fallen into a pandemic of Covid-19, and my job closed down in March, leaving me with lots of time on my hands. Despite my doubts, I fell back into Supernatural, deep into it, and I am now rewatching it. I thought it would be fun to try and see how much I could remember from earlier seasons before I watch them all
I have watched up to 1x14 at this point, so those episodes are fresh in my mind, but lets see what else I remember
Season 1
“Dad’s on a hunting trip, and he hasn’t been home in a few days”
“Saving people, hunting things, the family business”
Sam’s girlfriend dies just like his mom did
Their dad is the point of the season but is only actually in like 3 episodes
Sam and Dean break up but get back together
Sam has VISIONS and moves things with his MIND
Meg is a demon, Sam has a bit of a crush on her
They find their dad, but don’t kill the demon
Season 2
Dean dies in a car crash, John sells his soul for him and dies
Bobby Singer is best dad
Ellen and Jo and Ash exist
Purple Nurple
Lots of psychics! Sam can make friends??
Jk, it’s the hunger games
Sam gets stabbed in the back
Dean sells his soul for him
They kill Azazel I think??
“I have … demon blood in me?”
Season 3
Saving Dean from his demon deal
Groundhog day episode where Dean dies everyday
Gabriel?? (trickster)
Blonde Ruby (let’s hear it for Laurel Lance!)
Very short because there was a writers’ strike that year
Hell hounds
Season 4
Dean was “gripped tight and raised from perdition” by Castiel
Sam has a new gf! (Surprise, it’s Ruby in a new body! :o)
Why does she pretend to not know Dean when he first shows up? Is she lying to Sam about who she is this whole time?? Hmmm I wish I remembered
Time travel?? (Sam doesn’t get to come ☹ )
Demon blood
Demon blood detox ☹
Let’s kill Lilith
“Because it had to be you Sam”
“The boy with the demon blood”
Season 5
Dean is the Michael sword
Sam is messed up, trying to quit demon blood
Cas rebelled, and he did it, all of it, for Dean
Adam Winchester is a person who exists
Also I think this is the season with Jesse the antichrist who never shows up again it’s fine.
He only existed so they could have important conversations about nature vs nurture which honestly they should’ve just saved from when Jack was born but they didn’t know that was gonna happen
More time travel??
Cas likes drugs
Team Free Will
Fall into the cage
Dean goes to live with Lisa and Ben
The end?
Season 6
Cas is working with Crowley and spying on Dean but not talking to him like the pining idiot that he is
Dean can’t help but inspect monster happenings in town
Dean finds Soulless Sam
Hanging out with some old dude?
Get Sam’s soul back
Meet Death?
Find out Cas is working with Crowley
 O: Ultimate betrayal
Season 7
Godstiel?? Why?? Idr
Please give Sam therapy
Sam goes to an asylum
Cas takes Sam’s trauma??    
More leviathans
Garth? Did we know him before. Idk, we know him now
Dean and Cas go to purgatory!
When does Cas die and walk into the lake? That’s before they go to Purgatory, right? Hmmmm but how does he come back
 Cas is Emmanuel and has a wife? Is that in this season?
Season 8
Dean gets out of purgatory!
But no Cas
Sam had a girlfriend and a dog! Nice!
Not nice, he ignored Kevin and didn’t look for Dean
Like they agreed on, but whatever ok sue him for trying to be happy
Dean has a vampire boyfriend
Not so high and mighty about killing every monster are we now, huh Dean?
Right? I don’t remember, this is a conversation that happens though
He does end up killing Benny though, doesn’t he? huh
Cas is back from Purgatory! But he’s got Secrets ™
“I’m gonna become a hunter”
Then he stays in the old folks home and next time we see him he’s all wacky and likes to watch the bees?
You’re just playing sorry
Am I right?? I don’t remember, but all of this happens at some point
Who even is the big bad? What are we fighting? Idk
Oh we have to save Kevin from Crowley and he reads the demon tablet. Only eats hotdogs, doesn’t shave. I love him please keep him safe.
Spoilers, they don’t
Right! The trials, Sam does the trials, they “purify” him
The angels fall, but Sam doesn’t complete the trials and almost dies.
Season 9
Sam almost dies, Dean is like “right, nonconsensual possession is clearly the best answer for this”
Human!Cas, he drinks lots of water. Steve.
§  “you can’t stay here” :o
Abaddon I think?? What was the point
Crowley is sort of our friend now and I think we meet Rowena? Idr
Kevin dies ☹
“What is the upside to me being alive” – Sam
§  Maybe in this season, maybe not. Who knows?
Cas is a cannibal (eats grace) and becomes and angel again at some point
§  Hannah exists
We all hate Metatron
Metatron stabs Dean and Sam puts his dead body on the bed
Season 10
Demon!Dean and Crowley are living it up!
Sam and Cas try to cure Dean
Charlie and Rowena interact a lot I think
Book of the Damned
When did they find the bunker? Men of Letters? All that? Idr, anyway they have it at this point
Dean kills lots of people
Charlie dies ☹
Dean blames Sam which is unfair and I hate it
They get the mark off and The DarknessTM is release
Season 11
The Baby episode exists
Really weird sexual tension between Dean and Amara while she’s still kind of a child, no one knows why. Please stop.
Cas gets called expendable and then makes poor life decisions
Lbr, though, Misha is the only other one who can play Lucifer with the same spirit as Mark Pellegrino. Sorry Jared, it’s the truth.
Eileen!! <3
Chuck is God :o
Let’s kill Amara!
Except we don’t kill her, she just needs to bond with her bro.
Here, have your mom back
Season 12
British Men of Letters
Lucifer F*cks
Boy I didn’t think this would turn into what it did, let me tell you
Winchesters escape from Federal Prison
Cas says “I love you”
But like, the plural you. No homo.
Sam admits he lost his drive to lead, then finds it again and leads hunters against the dang brits! Hooray!
Oh shoot Lucifer wants custody of his kid!
Fatality – Castiel
Fatality – Mary
Oh no wait she didn’t die she’s just trapped.
Season 13
Jack jack jack jack jack
3 dads, all at various levels of dadding
Actually 2 excellent dads, one dad who is too emotionally damaged to dad but he tries sometimes
Yeah Cas pisses of a cosmic entity. That won’t come back to bite him
Jack just wants to be good
Wayward sisters was not picked up which sucks
Apocalypse world
Rowena is our friend now
Custody Battle!!! Who wins? Not Lucifer
We saved the day! And a ton of people
Literally they made a whole deal of the people being like “We won’t leave our home or our cause” and then they got back to Sam and Dean’s world, didn’t have archangel grace and were just like “meh, actually this place is cool. We don’t have to worry about going back”
Psych! We’re not done yet! Luci wants his kid
And Michael wants his planet
Season 14
Michael! Dean
Jack dies
But it’s ok, we fixed you, just don’t use your powers
Oh shoot he used his power
Nick is somehow alive
In love with Lucifer
Burn his ass!!
Oh Mary disapproves
RIP Mary
RIP Dean being a father, now he’s gonna murder
Hi Chuck, nice of you to show up
Oh no.
Season 15
Chuck sucks
Dean and Cas break up ☹
Sam has visions again
But he’s not psychic, it’s just the piece of his soul inside Chuck
Resurrect your girlfriend! Yeah!!
Jack is eating hearts, but it’s ok, Death told him to do it.
Garden of Eden?
Get your soul back boy!
 And cry
Honorable mentions (Aka these happened but idr when)
Sam falls in love with a werewolf and then has to kill her and MAN Jared really brought the tears
AU where Supernatural is a TV show
Finding out Supernatural is a book series and the author is Chuck!
Crowley becomes helpful mostly
Crowley has a son??
 Meet grandpa
Ellen, Jo, and Ash die
Bobby dies
literally everybody dies
Kill Hitler
They meet that Jewish guy with the Golem who pretended to flirt with Dean at some point.
Jimmy Novak was a devout man who deserved a lot better than he got
Claire Novak is so cool
She moves in with Jody
When do we meet Jody? She’s just always kinda been there?
Gabriel, I don’t remember anything about Gabriel
The council of the Gods’ happens and then I think Gabriel dies in that episode?? Idr
The Four Horsemen
Death, Pestilence, War, Famine
“You’re not hungry Dean”
 I literally do not remember what was happening with these guys
Also, they killed Death, killed a reaper, that reaper became the new Death. I remember when all that happened I just didn’t feel like putting it in the timeline.
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wo-wann-was-wer · 4 years
I'm so sad Regina got buried in the woods
these fucking comparison shots are amazing
someone just tried to text me and I low-key flipped out because I was like you need to leave me the fuck alone
What if he just took her jacket and was like this is mine bitch
Katharina looks so dope with glasses
I'm so into her being the rock of this family by the way which I was never surprised by because women have the strength of 6 million men but
we've literally never seen Charlotte and her dad interact (like for reals)
That's one of the problems of this show is that some relationships fell by the wayside and I'm not a fan of that
did Charlotte drop herself off on the stoop
That's Tannhaus baby is somewhere because they never found the body of that infant so that infant is somebody.
yeah I literally can't imagine finding something like this out I'd lose my fucking mind
"who am I?" "I don't know" wow that's a fuck of a thing
Wow Claudia from the other universe That's fucking me up
Also what if Claudia from the other universe is the fucking bitch who has been fucking with us this whole time AKA the white devil
Also when are we going to see Noah again because I need to see Elisabeth and Noah together falling in love because I stan
worried about her Please tell us what happened to her I'm concerned
This actress has to be at least partially deaf and or hard of hearing because number one her ASL is fluent and she even emotes some words right? Idk
I do not trust this other Claudia as far as I could fucking throw her
This show is like the debate between Democrats and Republicans every fucking party is trying to convince everybody else that they are the ones that's trying to save the world and both of them behind closed doors are like all right how do we fuck the people in the asshole
I can't help wondering if this wouldn't have happened if we understood the half-lives of radioactive materials
so is all of this coming back to 1986 Is that the the origin time
And then do what What are you going to do with fucking 250 radioactive barrels The fuck you talking about
The scratches on the other side of her face and I don't know why it's on the other side of her face but it's on the other side of her face and it's concerning me
does that mean something's going to go different like
Jonas is out here like why did the adults lie to me
Oh my God after three seasons he's finally realizing not to listen to other people good boy
Oh Peter and Charlotte bonded over having fucked up families
Peter's mom is dead and he didn't know who his father was
Also babies
Also the way that he embodies Peter is fucking insane
I'm so into Charlotte with this curly hair
Oh my God who is this
Elisabeth run baby girl. too late. we've gone this long without sexual assault if they touch this child I'm going to lose my damn mind
Peter is going to kill this man
Elizabeth kill him Peter kill him if Peter dies is the hands of this dude I'm going to lose my fucking mind get back from my baby get back from my fucking cinnamon roll I'm going to kill you Elizabeth stab him the back stab him the back Elizabeth your daddy has a knife at his neck NOOOO PETER NOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOO FUCK
I literally will never forgive them for killing Peter why are the dopplers the most important and most tragic family
he never did anything to anybody
Katharina please kill your abusive mother She deserves it
everybody on this show is super into bludgeoning nobody likes shoots anybody else everybody fucking bludgeons everybody
No can I watch this abusive fucking bitch is going to hit you No Don't let her kill you Don't let her kill you
Is Katharina dead why are they taking my favorite people
she doesn't even get justice for how her mom treats her it's not fair. and now Ulrich is still stuck inside the asylum
oh thank God Noah is here because I was so worried about my baby
Wait what is going on. Oh Jonas has never died before This is exciting
oh wait there's only one Jonas damnit
Even though it's not working for everyone I do really love the 1888 look on Jonas
I did not expect that Aleksander was going to tell Bartosz about his real identity
This shit is so uncomfortable.
Ulrich needs a real stop telling the women that he's fucking to stop coming to his household
It's like the penny traveled through time GASPPPPPPP
Jonas What the fuck did you come from
all my fucking pussy friends are bothering me from finishing this show YALL GOT STUPID PROBLEMS STAND UP FOR YOURSELF AND THEN THIS WONT HAPPEN
I'm going to say this every single time he's on screen but this beard is too good
I think that bartosz may be the most scorned member of this entire group he never gets any pussy and it's so sad
I'm super over this really creepy really ugly fucking dude I want him to leave I also kind of don't believe that he's the child of Martha and Jonas
Oh I absolutely love love love them holding hands and then going back to a shot of them holding hands as kids
why are they such a good couple I really like them but I also always have
I'm not super sure I understand why they had to leave bartosz behind
I don't trust a single of these fucking adults I'm just any of them including themselves when they become adults
This is like a suicide squad. This is the weirdest collection of people What is this team. What are they doing. since when are these people are working together. omg
Oh shit a child born of both worlds takes both worlds energies to destroy it. But that's what causes the apocalypse
Well this is super fucked up
everything that's happening in this final montage sequence is bad news
all of it
why do I Stan Noah and Elisabeth so much
omg Hannah is giving birth is NOW the time
wow this is a lot
our perspective is what makes definitive reality
I'm confused about the gravestone that says Charlotte on it
Also yes give me more Elizabeth and Noah please please please
This is absolutely crazier than any shit doc Brown ever did But he was also trying to build a time machine in the 1890s so that's fun
Oh is this how he gets all the fucking scars
My goodness what is happening What is going to happen I'm getting stressed.
There's only two episodes left I feel like they're not answering my questions I'm worried
What happened to wöller
What is silja doing here
This is bullshit she's like drawing him in
Oh that's a surprise so silja is a tiedemann
why is it always like I feel like I know what's happening and then around episode 6 or 7 I just completely lose the plot
oh wow Jonas almost straight up died but Noah saved him
‘you can't die’ points a gun at him
Oh my God you can't kill yourself because you've already grown
oop well after that birth happened I had to take about 5 minutes to pause my brain and factor that in
yo I knew Tannhaus was going to figure in fucking more than he did
Is he the one who builds the cage
does this seem like a good idea or does this seem like a bad idea
shooting yourself What do you think that feels like
everybody's on a different team there are too many teams It went from like a presidential race to a March madness bracket There's so many fucking people involved everybody's got their own goddamn plan
folks I just want to emphasize here that we have an episode and a half to tie all this up
Oh shit universe A Claudia infiltrated universe B Claudia
I love what they did with the place after the fire It looks really nice It's a different vibe but it's good
so Eve made the plans for the machine
Wait what She died. 
I can't believe that Elizabeth and Charlotte have to be the ones to drop off Charlotte as an orphan
Oh noooooooooooo Jonas didn't do it!!!!
Oh my God don't make me feel sympathy for Hannah
he looks so fucked up 
bye hannah we won't miss you
but also hate leaving a child without their parents
Tell us what's on the last page and tell us what happened to woller's eye
All right now we're seeing how everybody got to where they were like the first fucking time
I love this walk down memory lane it's literally just the stylized recap of the show right before the final episode which is 10/10
watch your face girl
too late
Omg what does this mean 
This show is just Claudia Tiedemann Lurking: the TV show
Also the bullshit that he had to live through all of this in order to get to the end makes me really sad
yeah wait who's the fucking father of Regina
been way too sucked in
How many times are going to burn this place down
how many versions of this fucking machine do they have they're always like oh God we don't have a way here or there FUCKING LIARS
I can't believe that the thesis of this show is teenage hormones cause the apocalypse
Adam and Eve are such fucking children it's so stupid. 
reunion nnnnnnnnnnn
Oh shit he fucked up your plan huh
No I don't want it to end
I wish everybody didn't cry so much everybody so sad all the time
yup what in the actual fuck is happening
yo this is fucking wild
these baby Martha and Jonas are so cute
Not sure where we're going with this folks what's happening here wrap it up shit
I'm really obsessed with this golden snitch
It's just making me so sad
oh they're becoming stardust together
this is a weird cover but I'll take it
everything is going back to normal
but without Jonas and Martha and Claudia
if they don't tell us what happened to his eye I'm gonna flip out
Also what does this ending line mean its stressing me out
Well thats it. Three years of my life. Damn
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lagvnas · 5 years
❛   。   ❄️  ゚ charles melton. cismale. he/him  /  did i hear you say a collection of surfboards, the smell of salt water in the air, unbuttoned shirts and a devil may care smirk ? then you must be talking about laguna beach, i’d recognize them anywhere. i’ve heard that the twenty-seven year old vlogger is an aries and honestly, i see it. they’re known for being stubborn and argumentative, but their impulsive and cheerful tendencies make up for it. they’ve been staying at du lac for one week and i think that their real name is won-jae ‘wren’ park, but don’t spill.
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heY it’s me your local trashcan back at it with another muse because our lovely admins don’t have a character cap and i don’t have any self control !!
won-jae park aka wren, the pampered first born son of the wealthy kyung-wan ‘kelvin’ park and lauren park nee ashmore. older brother to han-na ‘hannah’ park. 
born and raised in laguna beach, orange county, and like most of his friends complained about how picture perfect the town was. called it the bubble, and couldn’t wait to leave to go to college, but always knew he would return later on to start a family there. 
born surfing pretty much. he was learning to surf and swim from an early age, and during high school you were more likely to find him on the beach than studying. 
during his junior year, mtv approached his high school ( laguna beach high school ) with the idea of filming the lives of a group of their students, showcasing the real lives of the affluent teens in the city. wren immediately signed up for a laugh with several of his friends, and in his senior year, filming began on laguna beach: the real orange county.
he was at the centre of a fabricated love triangle between the narrator of the series ( one of his close friends ) and a girl from the year below them ( his actual girlfriend ). this served as the plot line for season 1 ( and briefly in season 2, when he returned on break from college ). 
after graduating, he went to san francisco state university for a year, before moving to los angeles to try and break into acting. he had a few guest roles on shows here and there, all the while vlogging his life and uploading weekly to youtube.
his biggest successes came from youtube, people who had been fans of laguna beach followed him and continued to support him as he built his channel and carved out a niche for himself. he still uploads bi-weekly vlogs, sometimes cooking, sometimes just showing what he’s doing out and about.
after a night out, he earned himself a dui, and decided to leave town for a little while until some of the heat from that cooled down and he could return to his regular life ( a one off incident where he was only slightly above the limit, not that it excuses anything ). 
ummmm this is all i got
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Chosens|Hannah Ruby
As part of a deeper dive into the lore & creation of the Immortal Realm world, I will be diving into the many Chosens that were selected by Ying & Yang throughout the years, as the Chosens have shape the world more then anything. Note that, I will not be doing ALL of the chosens which existed, as some of them aren’t notable or worth talking about. I will be talking about them in no particular order, so bear with me, as I may be jumping from era to era. These characters will also be available for rps, but only via request.
Looking more into the darker side of our chosens, we’ll gaze upon perhaps one of the more complicated, & powerful Chosens of Ying, as well as being the most recent before the current chosen, with many tidings, this is Hannah Ullruh, aka Ruby Lisa.
Face-claim(s): Wraith, Apex Legends & Kokoa Shuzen, Rosario Vampire.
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Born from two unwed, lower class parents, in 188A.E. Hannah was named after her Great Grandmother on her mother’s side & given her father’s last name. Her eyes were colored white, so it was believed by her family that she was born blind, but such was quick to be proven otherwise, for as she grew she was able to walk on her own, find things, without any issues. However, where she didn’t have any problems in her sight, she did in other areas, for her parents had often noticed she would be talking to people who weren’t there. At first, it was thought to be just a child’s overactive imagine, for it was normal for kids to have imaginary friends, however, when this proceeded on into her teenage years was when concern grew. When asked about such, she expressed about hearing voices in her head. Such brought her parents into something of a panic, fearing their daughter was having psychotic tendencies, as these voices she has heard since she was very, very young & thought that everyone heard things in her head. As she aged on, & the voices grew louder & louder, & she began to understand them more & more, her parents became so panicked & worried, after a long time spent deliberating, they decided the best they could do for her was institutionalize her within a mental hospital, where she can be properly monitored & receive the help she sorely needed that her parents could not give.
Her new home became the Mayes Mental institution, within her homeland of the Song & Dance Empire, when she turned 18, & there she would stay, for another 18 years of her life. While there, many with the institution attempted to help Hannah, to clear the voices inside her head, but no success actually came of it. Such voice persisted to ring clear in her mind, did the workers surrendered their hopes for her, & treated just as they would any other patient, forgone of hope, & but yet another mistake of life. Little care went to her, giving her only the basics of what she needed; food, water & of course, the medicine that would silence the voices within her mind, but at the cost of making her very stoic & vegetable-like. Those 18 years with Mayes went by as mostly something of a blur to Hannah, only able to remember the first few weeks of her entering the institution, & her very last day before she left such a place. On her last day within Mayes, it was but a routine day, a nurse bringing Hannah the usual tray of food, & a single pill of medicine to take with a glass of water. This nurse, however, had made the mistake of not staying an extra few moments, to make sure Hannah takes the pill, as Hannah was known to take her medicine on routine, usually without even having to be asked or reminded to do so. One this particular day, did Hannah forget to take her pill right away, & within a few minutes or so, did the voices return to her mind, loudly yelling & screaming at her.
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For the first time in a long time, she was hearing the voices again. For the first time in... ever... they were commanding her to do something, they had never told her to do something before... it was almost like something of a warning, like they were... trying to save her.
Why she had so quickly believed the voices, despite having been told, for so long, that they were not real, only products of her own busted mind, she never understood, but after today, she would find that she would never doubt them ever again. Following the advice, Hannah endeavored to escape, picking the lock of her room with her one & only hair pin, listening to the guise of the voices that assisted her, telling her how to unlock the door. Continuing on through the hospital itself, the voices, again, assisted Hannah in getting through the large, confusing place, as well as remaining hidden from the hospital staff, via telling her where to go & when to hide. While she didn’t understand how these voices had known the layout of this place, despite Hannah herself having never been anywhere besides her ward room, she followed such advice to the T, & as a result, she managed to escaped from Mayes Institution, with no one being the wiser at the moment. Of course, Hannah knew however, that it wouldn’t be long before her disappearance would be noticed, she knew she would have to run, run far & run fast. So she took to heading north, trying to cross country lines, to where she believed she would be safe. Along this path, she was forced to commit many crimes, such as stealing, robbery, mugging, once even having to kill a man to defend herself, all the while, the voices within her mind proving to be her only support. As they were about to give her predictions into future events, allowing her to be prepared & make split-second decisions to save her life.
Indeed, never again would she question their judgment, for they had saved her time & time again. And, now that she was wanted for robbery & murder, she needed their help more then ever.
Finally, upon coming to the country Agrazia, Hannah was given a chance to rest, as the authorities from her homeland could no longer chase her in this new country. Finding a temporal home in a hotel, she used the money she had stole over her travels to spend as much time as she could afford resting, spending many hours sleeping & attempting to figure out more about the voices within her head. Such a rest had not lasted longer, for soon the voices would begin to warn her, of nearing authorities will be knocking on her door. That the Song & Dance Empire, have alerted the Agrazia government of her presence in the country, & are coming to fetch her. Unflinchingly, did Hannah throw herself out the window of her second story hotel room, landing on her feet without issue, & taking off running. And upon returning to the area later, did Hannah discover the room she was staying in had been raided. So, hiding out even in this country, wasn’t an opinion anymore... should she run again? To another, father away country? Or would she simply be chased to the ends of the earth? She had to think, running away wasn’t going to work, & no way was she going to turn herself in... then what could she do...?
‘... Identity....’
Gentle & smooth, the voices within her mind once again began to speak to her. Identity... change your identity. You’ll never be in danger, if no one  ever knew who you truly are. She had never thought of it, forgetting her name, her family, everything, & become someone else completely, to fade away from life like a passing shadow.
Truly, what else was there for Hannah to do? If she truly wanted to survive, she would have to change herself, become someone totally different & begin anew.
So it would be, that she would dye her black hair, red, & wear green eye contacts, making herself appear, smaller, younger, like she was half her age, through careful choice of clothing & hair style, as well as talking with a higher toned voice. She went from looking like a 22 year old woman, to a 16 year old girl. To further on this, she decided she would play that role, to truly be someone else, so as such she managed to enroll herself in a private school, using more stolen money, using her mother’s name as her guardian’s signature. And her own name?
... Ruby Lisa... sharing her mother’s last name, to distance herself from her father’s name & her previous life.
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And so it was that wanted thief & murderer, Hannah would begin her new life as the innocent school girl, Ruby, in the year 1509 A.E. The same year that her equal opposite was to be born. It was in short time that Ruby became very popular amongst fellow classmates, being very smart, kind & even athletic, she charmed even her teachers, which in itself was very strange. The voices within proving to help her even with her new identity, providing Ruby with test answers & helping solve difficult equations, basically being the ultimate living chat code. During this time, she had joined the Choir class as an extracurricular activity, where she discovered her talent for singing, & was given multiple lead singer roles for concerts & practices, which only furthered her popularity around her school & the towns surrounding it. With such talents, the head of the choir, Ruby’s teacher, who had connects with many record companies within the music industry, offered her a chance to sing before a company & become a star once she turned 18 & competed her schooling. 
Presented with this starlight opportunity, Ruby flew through her schooling with perfectly passing grades & was able to preform in front of the officials of the ‘Raging Records’ music company. So say it was fairly easy to win over the officials was an understatement, seeing Ruby potent & amazing talent with her vocal control, able to change the pitch of her voice consistently. And as such, after a bit more training her voice & going through some Choreography practice, it wouldn’t be long before she would publish her first song & begin preforming in small concerts, which quickly grew larger & large in scale, her previous popularity in school servicing to help send her off into stardom.
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While preforming, she found that during this time, she could no longer hear the voice that had forever followed her in her mind, as such she felt a form bliss while singing & dancing, no longer needing the voices to guide her & being able to do something fully on her own. So happy & successful during this time, that by 1520 A.E. Ruby had become indescribably famous, writing many songs & preforming with other popular singing stars. By this point, she had completely left behind her life as Hannah, nearly having forgotten her birth name. And while she felt extremely happy with her new life as a superstar... she couldn’t help this... strange emptiness. Something she knew was there, but couldn’t understand at all. For a few more years, she choose to ignore the feeling & continued on performing, all while the emptiness remained.
It’s believed somewhere around 1538 & 1540 A.E. was when Ruby was finally contacted by the voices again. The voices reaching out to her.
‘... Bored....’
Whatever they said to her, they help her realize the reason for the emptiness within her. As happy as she was, being Ruby Lisa, being a superstar, singing & performing in front of thousands, if not millions. This life did no longer provide the same kind of rush of adrenaline, the same high stacks of danger, that her previous life as Hannah Ullruh did. Being a criminal, doing illegal things, at the risk of life threatening punishment, that was where the rush was, that was got her adrenaline pumping, like nothing else ever did. But how could she even think about going back to that life as Hannah? When she is so successful being Ruby?
‘Why choose only one? No one knows that Hannah Ullruh & Ruby Lisa are the same person.’
And so, a choice was made that day. A choice that defined Hannah Ruby to what she is known for today. She would not live one life, but both. To be a superstar & a criminal, a super criminal? A star criminal.
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At first it was little things, draining the dye from her hair, removing her contacts & sneaking away to rob small stores & stations, taking small amounts of money & other items. Then it evolved into bigger & more difficult heists. Banks, museums, using her impressive physical abilites to always get away & the voices in her head once more speaking to her, telling her the nearing future & allowing her to stay a step ahead of everyone. She was acquiring quite the collection of stolen goodies, which she was storing away in a storage space under her Ruby name, claiming it was personal items, which no one but her had access too. Each heist was more & more dangerous, with higher & higher stacks, it wasn’t long before Hannah Ullruh was back on the wanted listed for the Agrazia government.
The rush was back, the emptiness gone, & Hannah would go on to enjoy her double life, as a legendary criminal & singer.
The rush however, the wanted life, it came with it’s downsides. As she became more & more dangerous to the Agrazia government, they sent more & more people to try to catch her. Though, she was always one step ahead of them all... 
... & it all came to a head one day, that would be her biggest catch yet. Hearing rumors of a revolutionary device that was secretly being work on by the Agrazia government, Hannah decided to make it her goal to steal the device, to mess with the people who have been chasing her around.
And steal it she did. Sneaking into a highly private government building after taking a high access key card, she broke into the experimentation chamber, to discover an arm band... a strange, strange arm band, & a stack of papers, a manual. And later she would discover just what the arm band could do. After much fussing, she would learn that the arm band was apparently capable of travelling through space & time. To take one to different worlds & different time frames, the future, the past, whatever one wanted.
Oh... now this was a jackpot.
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With this arm band in her hands now, she knew she could use it to continue her double life style. To use it for making quick escapes in tight situations, as the Agrazia government closed in on her, with more fervor then ever before. Despite having never used the arm band, Hannah learned how to use it quick, after using it to evade the law a few times, & with such a quick mastery, it was like nothing could stop her now. Although, using the band did have it’s draw backs. It was quickly learned that the band could only be used so many times in quick succession, up to a number of 3 or 5, depending on distance & time traveled. It was also easily noticed that using the arm band caused Hannah extreme pain, a pain that caused her to nearly faint the first time she used it. And was often seen clutching her arm when she began to use the band. Despite the faults, she still went on using it, making her simply uncatchable to anyone...
...expect for one that government agent that eventually came along. 
This new Agrazia government recruit was just as fast as her, just as strong as her & was inadvertently intelligent enough to keep up with the process of the voices relaying information to Hannah’s mind... not to mention, that they did it all with flare & decisiveness. Not only that, but when Hannah used her arm band to escape to another place & time to avoid the agent, that said agent was able to follow her to the place & time she went too, despite not having any arm band of her own. 
And who was this person?
The friends around the woman called her Bond... Mira Bond.
Hannah almost ended up being caught, just barely escaping with only a few bumps & bruises, from there, did she choose to lay low for a period, knowing that Bond would appear again the next time she went out, retreating back to only being Ruby Lisa for a time.
Although, the call of crime couldn’t be ignored & she would eventually be drawn back into her Hannah Ullruh life again... & just as she knew, when she went out to rob yet another museum, there was Bond again, there to take her down a peg.
These encounters would happen time & time again. Hannah vs Bond became something of popular stories that were told, like an unsung action film that no one saw, yet loved regardless, their rivalry becoming as legendary as they themselves were & would still be after their deaths.
Mira & Hannah would later die as a result of the ‘Anti-incident of 1912′, Hannah herself living 6 years after the incident, in the hospital with gravely wounds, before eventually succumbing & dying in 1918 A.E.
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As a Chosen of Ying, Hannah sported many powers that were typical of her position. However, many have called into question the voices that she had always heard within her mind. The usual persisting theory was simply that it was a result of a mental illness. Others however, believe that with the voices being able to predict the future, that there was more to them. Multiverse theory believers, suggest the voices Hannah was hearing was her own, that she could hear different versions of herself from different universes, that have lived through her experiences already & were her assisting her in getting through them without extra hassle. More religious people theorize that perhaps she was hearing the voices of other chosen from the past, or perhaps even Ying herself was guiding Hannah to make the all the right choices. Whatever one chooses to believe, it was an undoubted factor that those voices help lead to her success.
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Much of Hannah Ullruh today, lives on through the music & songs she created as Ruby Lisa, being perhaps on of the most popular & well like of Ying’s chosen, even to the modern day. It’s rumored that today, even the current Ying Chosen, Princess Suzanne Li, looks up to & admire’s Hannah Ruby, for despite her early life, & her short comings, Hannah still managed to live the life she wanted to live & was vastly successful as a result.
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9lph9tr0n5s · 6 years
Meet Rohan and Valkyrie (aka my take a stand au)
So, everyone in the zootopia fandom has seen all sorts of OC’s, fanships, stories, fanarts and other stuff that would be too much to remember. But, i’ve never seen someone create a fusion OC (even though they exist in other fandoms). So, without further addo, may I present you zootopia’s FIRST fusion character…
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This beauty is the merged character of Robyn and Hannah by @crewefox . After eight months of wait i’m finally glad and proud to introduce you all to my OC. what follows will be a bio of her charachter. Then I’ll put a link to her backstory and the whole series of events that led to her birth. Beware that the read more option may not work, both in the app and in the computer
Full name: Rohan Marheather Wildesavage
Species: fusion, fox/rabbit hybrid
Fusion components: Robyn Heather Wilde and Hannah Marian Savage
Date of first fusion: 28th of june 20344, Canary Islands
-Robyn: mechanic
-Hannah: radio host and ballet dancer
-Rohan: fitness and MMA trainer
-common jobs: superhero leader, dimensional traveller and peacekeeper
Physical description
-Age: same as Robyn and Hannah
-sex: female
-gender: bisexual with more intrest in females due to Hannah being lesbian
-height: 8.2 feet (around 2.5 meters)
-fur density: soft and smoother than silk, can get winter coats
-fur color: overall ginger with darker spots on the fingertips and the eartips, black eyebrows and tail tip and black and white stripes following hannah’s pattern. Rohan can change her fur color in any possible color scheme: from plain tan, to cream with red spots or patches, to black with yellow stripes (as a chevron) to even purple or shining blue silver
-paws: all have paw pads like a fox, the feet are as long as a rabbit and can stand up digitigrade and both hands and feet posses retractable, sharp claws
-tail: long, wavy, poofy, soft and capable of moving as a third arm thanks to more muscles in it. Rohan usually likes to smack unsuspecting targets to prank them
-Body shape: slender like Hannah with wider hips and strong muscles taken from Robyn
-eyes: right one teal and left one turquoise normally, can be changed in any color like the fur in any combination possible: red, green, pitch black, blue with orange shard… the eyes can also assume a plain colorization
-ears: longer than Robyn’s, slighty wider and capable of hearing further than any other mammal.
-muzzle and mouth: the muzzle lenght is between Robyn and Hannah’s and the nose has a very sharp smell range. The mouth is composed by sharp teeth and a razor buck tooth
-other peculiarities: Rohan can assume a feral form, standing on four legs, or just with her hind paws digitigrade; unlike most hybrids she’s fertile and this fertility has been transmitted to the components; her body is very flexible, but it can’t stretch like plastic
Robyn’s side:
-rash: Rohan can trip into dangerous situations without thinking twice, but always manages to get out alright, mostly
-crass: when Rohan is angry or really pissed, she can swear as instant reaction to an insult or a bad comment
-loyal and trustworthy: like Robyn, Rohan is loyal to her friends and, in no case, she can be corrupted or turn with the bad guys. She’s also extremely careful in respecting a promise or keeping a secret
-respectful: despite having the habit to center herself in rare situations, Rohan knows who’s in charge or is the most experienced on something. Many times, she asks for constructive criticism or honest thoughts about a certain subject and acknoweldges when she’s wrong
-hot tempered: strictly related to having a coarse tongue, Rohan has robyn’s short fuse when being pestered, mocked or scolded. This can occasionally lead to a fight when it happens and the one who insulted her heavily won’t go back home without a bruise… or a broken bone
-gold heart: deep inside, she cares about who she loves and is always willing to help for any problem
-energetic: Rohan as a carefree and upbeat personality just like robyn
Hannah’s side:
-empathetic: Rohan, like Hannah, instantly recognizes what somebody else feels and either joins someone in their happy moments or comfort sad mammals
-polite: from Hannah, Rohan has inherited her calm and collected demeanor, which strangely enough, doesn’t clash with Robyn’s short fuse
-focused: Hannah’s focused mind is another trait that distinguishes rohan: she can elaborate a good startegy, study someone from the outside and guessing the inside and never lose track of an individual or lose control of the situation
-clingy: when Rohan gets attached to someone, it’s hard to take said attachment away, and this can lead to rohan putting first him/her than her team if he/she’s in danger, just like Hannah with Robyn
-emotional: while this is mostly a trait taken from Hannah, Robyn has also a tender side: when sad, Rohan can easily burst into tears while trying to keep herself collected and this leads many people to believe she’s a crybaby
-romantic: Hannah’s romantic side shows up in Rohan when being courted by someone; this unfortunately has led to episodes of boys and girls chasing her for a date because they found Rohan “lovable as hell”
Common traits:
-dorky: both Robyn and Hannah are dorky af, so it’s normal to see Rohan being silly in a playful way
-adaptive: wheter the situation is a long wedding or a hard strike againts a crime lord gone wrong, Rohan quickly adapts to the situation and keeps up, just like Robyn and Hannah
-smart: although many see Robyn as a normal C student and Hannah as a top A mammal, both girls are extremely intelligent. Just don’t overestimate her
-loving: is there much to say about this? Rohan deeply cares about anyone and is always available for comforting or cuddling someone
Unique traits:
-tricking: Rohan seems dumb from shallow and small-minded individuals, but 75% of the time she’s just faking; she’s a cunning mammal and this shows in her ability to pull of tricks or turn the tide of a situation in a way neither robyn or hannah are capable of. This seems to be a recessive trait taken from Robyn’s father Nick.
-charismatic: this charismatic side the wildesavage couple has doesn’t show up very often; things change when rohan is in the game: thanks to her charisma, Rohan is a natural born leader, and everybody follows her or ask for her advice; this trait seems taken by both Nick and hannah’s father Jack
Favorite things in groups
-Favorite foods and drinks: everything KFC cooks, turkey meatballs, spaghetti with tomato sauce, masala cod, fried ginger crickets, pepperoni pizza, crispy mcbacon, oven pasta
-favorite movies and TV shows: Enter the dragon, the princess bride, Star Wars: the last jedi, black panther, karate kid, the big bang theory, steven universe, every disney princess movie, fantasia, the incredibles
-favorite games: the uncharted series, the last of us, overwatch, call of duty black ops 3, rise of the tomb raider, destiny 1, Star Wars battlefront 2 (the old and the new one), titanfall 2, horizon zero dawn, GTA 5, team fortress 2, god of war (the 2018 version)
-fandoms: disney princesses, Star Wars (the sequels side mostly), MCU, love stories, Overwatch (not the porn, nor the toxic side)
-favorite music: punk rock music, dancable music, Green Day, Ed Sheeran, Queen, the Pirates of The Caribbean, Star Wars, star trek, back to the future and the incredibles themes, Cole Rolland, Imagine Dragons
General Likes and dislikes:
-being petted, cuddled or having her fur stroked
-crude humor
-being a dork
-topping herself
-being nurturing and kind to everyone
-friends and family
-protecting zootopia for good
-comfortable clothes
-being pressured
-having a fight with a loved one
-being harassed just because of who she is
-small minded mammals
-corrupt people
-whoever threatens her city
-heavy junk food
-strobo lights
-nudity in public
-toxic mammals and fans
Robyn’s side:
-father: Nick Wilde
Occupation: mayor of zootopia
Status: alive
-mother: Judy Hopps
Occupation: police chief of the first precinct
Status: alive
-grandmother: Marian Wilde;
Occupation: former vigilante known as “the maid”, now hero trainer and supporter, mostly for hacking and I.T. professor at the zootopia university
Status: formerly dead, currently reanimated and alive
-grandfather: Robin Loxley Wilde
Occupation: former vigilante known as “hood”, now hero trainer and couple advisor
Status: formerly dead, currently reanimated and alive too
-Grandparents (Judy’s side): Bonnie and Stu Hopps
Occupation: carrot farmers
Status: alive
-Ryan, Ronan and Reginald (reggie) Wilde: Robyn’s triplet brothers; Ryan is a laid-back lover of yoga, Ronan is a pro gamer and Reggie is a panmusical mammal
Status: stillborn at the beginning, now brought back to life
-Luna Wilde (Robyn’s half sister)
Occupation: surgeon at the zootopia hospital by day and patroling zootopia by night as the vigilante Andraste
Status: alive
Hannah’s side:
-father: Jack Savage
Occupation: MCB agent (major crimes bureau)
Status: alive
-mother: Skye Winter
Occupation: MCB agent, works with Jack
Status: alive
-known grandparents:
Hannah Savage
occupation: pensionate
Status: deceased then brought back to life
-siblings: none
-Victoria Todd (luna’s mother)
status: dead, then reanimated
-Alice Kirabito-Wilde (Robyn’s sister in law)
Occupation: videogame and anime reactions youtuber, superhero, quartermaster and weapons assistant
Status: alive
After a year Robyn and Hannah adopted their first son Aaron, he wished to have siblings like her moms (who also wanted biological kids on thier own); this was possible through a pregnancy pen: a device invented by olivia dawson and crafted by her and luna which allows two blood drops and a drop of seed of each couple member (gay or hetero) to mix and create full embryoes and literaly plant them into the one who wants to be pregnant, but the “carrier” has to be female; from this union, five kits were concieved and born from robyn as aaron’s birthday gift, who decided to carry on the pregnancy and aaron welcomed to the family his new siblings. Also, after a foster home was shut down due to cruel personnel and heavy mistreating of the orphans, robyn and hannah decided also to adopt two mammals who were unwanted and left without a family. Needless to say: all those children made judy go on cloud nine… and it gave nick a heart attack.
-Ash, Sarah, Iris, Dylan and Mitchel Wildesavage (respectively M,F,F,M,M)
Species: fox/ rabbit hybrids
Date of birth: 8th of december 2039
-Aaron Wildesavage (this character is also by crewefox, he was so adorable i decided to keep him in my AU too)
Species: male koala
Date of birth: 31st of december 2033
Adoption date: 21st of december 2038
-Skylar Wildesavage
Species: non-binary otter
Date of birth: 24th of august 2033
-Penny Wildesavage
Species: female black labrador
Date of birth: 15th of february 2032
Both skylar and penny were adopted the 27th of october 2040
Side notes:
-i know dogs shouldn’t exist in the zootopia universe, but in mine they do
-Robyn and Hannah originally wanted one or two kits, but Robyn’s bunny genes let her have five kits in the end 
Since Robyn and Hannah are both superheroes, there had to be Rohan’s superheroine alter ego so, i present you VALKYRIE 
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 Now it’s time for the superhero part
Alias name: Valkyrie
Alligned to: team Ceartais, ZPD, MCB, Camelot
Role: leader
Hero suit: red carbon fiber jumpsuit with white parts, a dark red hood and cape made for gliding and flying when necessary, a dark turquoise chestplate, blue and white shin and forearm guards, a blue and white checked mask and a gem storage in the middle of the chest for the infinity fragments protected by a small sheild. The suit itself has tron-like lines as an attire choice. The suit, the cape, the armor plates, tthe mask, the lines and the weapons can change colors into everything and every pattern. The suit itself is resistant to fire, shocks, electricity, cuts and explosives; the problem is that some parts are left exposed and rohan has to be careful to those weak spots
Power level: supermammalian to god-like
Steel blood powers: Robyn and Hannah’s originary power both originate from some nanomachines called “steel blood” which helped them survive a severe case of sepsis and other damages occured during a tsunami that nearly killed them
-healing factor: Robyn’s primary power consists in a powerful healing factor which repairs and wound or damage instantly. This also renders her, and by proxy Rohan, immune to poisoning of any kind, by simple alchol and cigarettes to vast amounts of cyanide in her body. Unfortunately, the more poison enters her body, the more it takes to rohan to process it. Also, the healing process takes more time if Robyn or Rohan are shot to the head. Another good side though is that Robyn and Rohan can survive being grinded, having their head chopped off, being squashed by two walls and being liquefied
-super strength: the steel blood also strengthened Robyn’s muscles, giving rohan an immense physical force, at the point of being five times stronger than robyn normally is
-high jumping: strong muscles and an energic, athletic attitude is the perfect match to jump high. Rohan can jump about
-high stamina: the nanites powered up her whole skeleton and inner system, which means that rohan, and robyn in the first place, can fight for a long time, running over 100 miles, training in a gym for 24 hours straight without getting tired if put under pressure. Eventually in the aftermath of one of those things, Robyn (or Rohan’s) body feel and become more tired than usual and require more amount of sleep to return in shape
-faster reflexes and speed: since hannah was blind when she received the steel blood nanites, those should have supposedly healed her sight; instead they went on powering up her reflexes and speed. This makes rohan agile and fast on the battlefield
-ability to become blind and go back to full sight on command: this power was mastered during a time when Robyn and Hannah were left stranded. Hannah managed to get her sight back, but also practiced between shifting in full sight and blind. While seemingly useless, this power can come very handy if someone generates a strong light and rohan can still fight without necessarily closing her eyes, especially if she doesn’t have a protection
-super senses: when Hannah or Rohan go blind, all the other reflexes (hearing, taste, contact and smell) heighten up to compensate the lack of sight. Those senses can become handful depending on the situation
-pulse field generation: Hannah’s trademark power consists in “seeing” while blind. While tecnically what hannah sees is a blank world with no writings or images but just the primitive shapes of her surroundings, the nanomachines allow her heart to generate a pulse everytime it beats that detects all surfaces and objects in five miles. Rohan’s area is wider and can arrive up to 20 miles
-healing factor: Hannah also has a healing factor, but it works slower than Robyn’s. Rohan partially compensates this with a faster regeneration in case of sight or hearing loss
-memory link: Rohan’s memory is made up of all memories from robyn and hannah and her own, which are all stored into a neural, indestructible cloud. If one member loses all memories, just one tap on the body or fusing can make the lost memories come back. By proxy, the wildesavages share rohan’s memories and their own, this means no secrets between the couple in normal life
-feral state: if robyn is shot to the head, all her strenght and speed multiply by nine, but, as the name suggests, the nanomachines while healing the damage awaken her feral instincts, making her a savage beast. If this should happen to rohan, she would turn savage for a shorter time than robyn. Only few mammals and beings know how to tame while savage
infinity gems powers (they’re much more than the listed ones and some must be discovered): after being found out by Robyn and Hannah, six fragments of the infinity gems linked with them and grant more powers. while these powers are mostly used by rohah, robyn and hannah also use them separatly, abeit with less efficiency than their fusion. The fragments after rohan unlocked the infinity state, transformed into full gems
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power (red):
-energy control and manipulation: the power gem allows rohan to manipulate all sorts of energy in any form, from kinetic to nuclear, and any way: force fields, power sharing, recharge, power overload…
-laser, maser wave or pulse energy blast: most importantly, rohan can use that enery to mimic and use a certain energy primarly for a laser blast; said power can manifest in a powerful shockwave or a presence that burns and slowls incapacitates everyone near her. Rohan could kill someone with her powers, but she chooses not to unless there’s no other choice, or her foe is unpowered and defenceless. In that case, she uses the power for knockback
-energy and power share: Rohan can gift some of her power to anybody else who needs it to strenghent him or her. This also applies to electronic devices
-maximum power state: when rohan unleashes the full power of the power fragment her body becomes glowing red in color and physically a pure manifestation of energy. In this form rohan is surrounded by energy vamps like a sun and is totally invincible. This form consumes a tremendous amout of energy, leaving her helpless when she stops, so rohan must use this as a last resort
Time (orange):
-time manipulation and travel: thanks to the time gem, Rohan can control time around her and with others. She can freeze a single moment, create a loop, rewind her own time or a recent situation and even age or de-age every living being. With the right amount of focus rohan can also travel through time
-time mastress state: at full strenght, the time fragment turns Rohan’s body orange and magical gears appear. In this form rohan’s time powers are amped up to ridiculous heights at the point rohan BECOMES time itself and is able of creating or erasing some events or a complete timeline. In the aftermath Rohan dissociates temporarly for three hours before her molecules line up
Reality (yellow):
-reality manipulation: the reality gem allows Rohan to bend the primary shape of everything around her at her will, always turning the situation to herself, like a wizard using magic. But if the power is used without limits, rohan could alter reality for a long time before fixing it, thus she has to be very careful when using the reality related powers
-creation of everything: this superpower allows Rohan to do everything she imagines: she can materialize a toy in front of her, turn water to fire of give herself new powers; the only things she can’t do are: copying powers related to the other gems (unless she temporarely gives new powers to other beings) and bring people back from the dead
-illusion and hologram control: rohan can create multiple copies of herself or turn temporarily a place in what she wants to with hard light
-reality bender state: this state renders rohan yellow and the surroundings in an area of 10 meters constantly shape. All the afromentioned powers are strengthened at the point rohan can create multiple universes at once. This state doesn’t consume much energy and it’s currnetly rohan’s most used super form
Soul (green):
-soul dislocation: with the power of the soul gem Rohan can either exit her body becoming a green ghost or force the enemy’s soul to exit the body, leaving both, rohan or the foe, numb and defenseless
-control and power over life: the soul power can also heal wounds, physical and broken morales, temporarely take back the dead as zombies or trap other souls into the fragment
-soul detector: Rohan can discover and make visible all ghosts (souls of dead beings), talk to the and even command them if necessary
-ability to travel to the soul realm: the soul gem hosts a pocket dimension called soul world; here all the souls of the dead live a neverending life of joy. Rohan can enter this world and take whoever she wants without turning them into ghosts and her soul powers within the world increase even more
-soul guardian state: in this state Rohan gets engulfed by green light and has total control over the spirits: she can evoke hordes of ghosts againts her foes, catch easily all souls within a certain range and gradually weaken everbody. The aftermath leaves Rohan internally weakened and unable to move, though she still can see everything happening around her with the same perception as someone in a dream
Mind (blue):
-mind control and other abilities: Rohan’s most basic abilities with the mind gem include: controlling the mind of the weak, shutting their mind down leaving them open for attacks, creating false memories, breaking brainwash and telepathic control on others and reading memories. Rohan is also immune to all mind-based powers; for example, she can’t be brainwashed
-mind link: Rohan can connect minds withan ally and see through its eyes. She can also talk to them in their mind by giving them advices and makes them immune to mind control. Usually though, Rohan uses this tecnique to calm down scared mammals since she can also alter emotions
-memory share: just by touching on the head somebody, Rohan can share her memories to other mammals
-brainstormer state: Rohan becomes all blue by entering this form and becomes able to access all the minds of a single planet she can go into. The aftermath isn’t as bad as the other, but it does leave her with a huge headache that lasts for five minutes after she exits this form
Space (purple):
-teleportation: Rohan can teleport herself in any place she wants. Where she goes depends on her memories of the place, or where she looks at. She can also teleport enemies or teammates away or where she wants too
-ability to control space and movements around: the space gem also allows Rohan to speed up, slow down or stop movements in a maximum area of three miles, usually by bloking foes in mid air or speeding her time up becoming faster from the eyes of the spectators. Rohan has also total control over gravity: she can increase it or decrease it to the point of nullification in a certain spot
-molecular dislocation: Rohan can phase out her molecules becoming intangible; while dislocated phisically, she can’t be hit or touched and can pass through any solid object. She can also phase out her opponents and stick them into solid objects, but she doesn’t use that power very often on normal, powerless criminals since she finds it brutal
-traveller state: Rohan’s last normal final state covers her body in purple light and nullifies gravity in an area of 50 miles. Rohan’s space powers heighten up exponetially at the point of teleporting an entire population on another planet or move planets herself. Rohan can also create gravity wells or black holes and dislocate entire armies. The aftermath leaves rohan intangible for one hour
-immortality: since the infinity gems are part of the universe itself, Rohan and by proxy Robyn and Hannah can’t die in any way. If they should be disintegrated, their bodies would simply regenerate and their aging becomes stuck at the age of 25
-self awareness: this doesn’t mean rohan has total control over her senses, instead, rohan is fully aware she is an original invented fusion character by me, that their components were born from the mind of an irish, bisexual assistant surgeon and that their parents come from a very beloved disney classic movie. In few words, she can break the fourth wall
-SECR (acronysm for supreme energy coalescence ray): rohan can channel the power of the six fragments into a powerful, multi colored beam which can totally erase existance where it hits; she swore to use this power only if the enemy outranks her or in apocalyptic, near failure scenarios as her goal isn’t to cancel life. Rohan doesn’t need to enter the infinity state to use the SECR
-the snap: Rohan’s most powerful move definitively constist into the snap, where rohan uses all six gems and snaps her fingers to make every wish of hers come true. This time the aftermath is a mix of all the other aftermaths of the singular powered state of the fragments: namely, rohan becomes intangible, dislocated in time and soul, physicaly and mentally weakened for eight hours. The only way to carry her to safety is trapping her into an electrostatic box. When the “hangover” effects vanish, rohan wakes up with a giant headache. The snap has a cooldown of a year
-infinity state: even if the snap is indeed powerful, Rohan can enter the ultimate state by unlocking all the ultimate power states of the fragments and combing them. In this form, Rohan becomes totally white in color with gold shades. her powers heighten up to god-like levels and she’s able to use any power, steel blood or infinity based, heightened up, while accessing to every mind in the universe, bending all matter and reality at her own will, moving entire galaxies, controlling time while also having vision of future and past events and powering up every ally, no matter where they are or which species they are, temporarely gifting her powers to them. The aftermath effects are the same of the snap, but the time for the relocation lowers to two hours, and there’s no headache
weaponry, gadgets and arsenal:
-mega nightstick: Robyn uses a titanuim telescopic baton 1 meter long in combat, formed by two nightsticks and two handles which can simply split in two or also form two tonfas with the two handles. When Rohan plays the baton (which becomes 2 meters long with her) and it’s subweapons become harder than diamond. Each stick also has a hidden blade made out damascus steel with a diamond tip in case of tougher opponents
-constructo guns: Hannah’s primary weapons are two guns which can combine into other weapons after their upgrade: for example, a simple machine gun, a shotgun, a grenade launcher, a minigun and a small crossbow. They can also fire traquilizing pellets, laser shots or normal bullets
thanks to the realty fragment both weapons can combine into five other weapons, which also have powered up forms
- a baton with guns on each end; this doesn’t have a powered form, but it can still split and form two tonfa guns
- a javelin with a ninjato-like blade and a double barrel gun where the blade is placed. When powered, the guns spin in a circle and fire faster than a minigun while the blade knocks back enemies up to three miles
-a double sword with the central handle curved, a blade with an axe tip (like megatron’s sword on TF5) and a long barrel for sniping as long as the blade on each sword; normally it can also split up into two blades with curved handles, turn into a hi-tech bow or a giant boomerang. Powered up the guns shoot bullets and laser that pierce through everything, the blades cut even more (but not everything), the bow shoots further, its arrows strike harder and the boomerang locks onto the enemies until it gets them
-a halberd with a giant blade and a grenade barrel on top; this could be considered as a more brute version of the javelin since Rohan uses it for larger opponents. The powered form grants two additionals grenade launcher barrels and allows every strike to cut enemies or generate slices of pure red energy
-a baton that turns into a whip with a flick of the wrist and a double gun separated from the melee weapon unlike the previous four; the baton can let the tip and the rings of it’s whip form exit and let a yellow energy blade come out of the handle while the rings and the tip form a small shield. Powered up, the whip can generate small quakes where it lands, the shield assumes the aspect of a circual saw and the energy blade becomes able to slice through everything
(if you are confused and don’t know what the weapons look like, i can say that for some i got inspired from the weapons the praetorian guard from The Last Jedi wields)
volcano comet: while the nightstick, the guns and their combo forms are more than a match for any enemy, rohan wields a red, double bowed crossbow which can shoot tranq darts, arrows and laser beams at ligthspeed, for sniping attacks
concussion grenades: these grenades developed by Robyn and Hannah’s friend Olivia Dawson, create a shockwave that pushes everyone meters away from the explosion point
hacker spine: in honour of Marian Wilde “the Maid”, Robyn asked to graft into her suit a short-range hacking device which activates only whey she and hannah fuse and allows her to enter the enemies’ computers and devices, thus controlling them or shutting everything down
hyper goggles: Rohan’s domino mask contains many options into her lenses: x-rays, heat vision and ray beams
-fighting styles: boxing, MMA (mixed martial arts), blood ballet (a style invented by hannah which mixes dance styles and MMA), cloak and dagger strikes, teräs-kasi, shien, djem so and yuvo
small side notes:
-when dressed in civilian clothes, rohan sports her gems combined into a single rainbow gem embedded into a jade bracelet
 As for her backstory, the link is here
And there she is; after months of working on her bio i’m finally proud to welcome the first zootopian fusion to the fandom. I hope you like her and if you wish to use her for a story or a fanart, message me first. I may add extra info later.
And to finish, here are the credits:
thanks to @crewefox for allowing me to use robyn, hannah, scarlet, bullet, aaron and other characters (too many to name) and helping me with the correction of the post
thanks to @jafethortiz who made the arts and the coloring
special thanks to  @chickwithdreads and this post for giving me inspiration about the charater sheet
And last but not least, thanks to the whole zootopia fandom, who dedicate a bit of their time to admire the first zootopian fusion character
thank you and see you soon 
the infinity gems, iron man, namor, mister fantastic, black bolt, doctor strange, professor x, the skrulls, the super skrull, the kree and ronan belong to Marvel®
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noheroes-allowed · 4 years
boston baby
aka I’m a dumbass
I literally deleted all the text of my old post bc I’m a fucking idiot. so now my idiocy stems from not only my inability to stop liking this boy but also my fucking incapability of navigating this site. and my stubbornness in having this post to look back on so I have to write it again which sucks bc I spent like 3 days on the last one. again --- I hate that I put so much weight on our interactions. I hate that I have this need to remember it all. I remember in freshman year when I liked this guy I wrote little clues to myself and I was sure I would remember them. and I liked that it was something I knew but no one else could really guess if they just saw single, independently floating words. but I looked back on them last fall and I had no idea what half of them were. I suppose it’s a good sign that I’ve officially moved on, no ache in my heart that I couldn’t remember, only a little nostalgia. and then when I found the clues I wrote in my notes app about keith from the first segc social I went to in like 2018, I didn't know what was going on either. in this case, it’s purely from bad memory. although I did write down that his favorite candy was sweet tarts, which he mentioned again this trip. I’m sure at one point in my life I will look back on this with only nostalgia and sentimentality and appreciate how much I’ve grown since the time of me writing this, at least I hope so. but for now, I know I want to remember these days. not just bc of my horrendously irrational crush on keith, but bc this trip was really fun. it might be the highlight of my semester. and at the end of it all, I did grow closer to these people and one individual in particular. even though I doubt he would like me back, at the end of the day, I still really enjoy his company and knowing more about him even in the friend capacity. so this is my completely rational justification, and I will try not to feel bad about myself.
I looked back on an unsent letter I wrote about him over winter break just now. it’s crazy how much closer we are now than we were just two months ago. a lot of the content was actually about how I wish I could get to know him more. to hear his laugh and see his smile, listen to his stories and adventures. to know more about him and for him to want to know more about me. it’s amazing. I actually got to do exactly that this weekend. 
there were so many little moments I appreciate and don’t want to forget. when he picked me up, he said something in the car that I couldn’t hear bc I was outside. but I think it was something like ‘do you want to sit in the front.’ but my mind was so set on sitting shotgun that I went for the door and when I asked him what he said he said he just couldn’t get the door open since it was locked the first time I tried. we were talking about behavioral econ since class was cancelled and serena asked me if I liked it and I said that I had been wanting to take it since applying to colleges. keith was surprised. and he said how he didn’t know why he picked the 9am discussion. and I said he could always go to a later one. but then he was like no it’s too late bc jaja is in it and you’re in it. even though jaja never shows up to class. ‘do you want to help me navigate?’ when we left Ithaca, maxwell and I were talking about Iceland, and I said all I wanted to do was see the northern lights. maxwell wanted to go snorkeling. then when everyone started doing their work since our car was deemed the work car, he turned to me and ‘tell me a story.’ literally I lit up inside when he said that bc he wanted to hear about me, and he never reciprocated back this question when I asked him the few times before our trip, and the specific wording bc that’s exactly how I ask him. everyone loves talking about themselves, even me. and I thought making the story-sharing a thing would make him happy since he could think back on some memories and I could learn more about him. it’s a win-win really.  
we talked about maryland a lot. I think the first story I told was in 8th grade when we went to a museum in dc and we ran into neil patrick harris and our grade bothered him so much that he left. and then we got onto the topic of field trips and going to st. mary’s to learn about colonies. he thought it was weird that I took the school bus to school bc he only ever rode buses on trips. we talked about the aquarium and the science center and crabs and ocean city beach trips and just md. stupidly it made me appreciate md more.
anyway I told him about the trips I went on in high school, and how I slipped in the rain in disney and fucked up my elbow for weeks afterwards, and getting to see the backstage of the parks, and having to drive all the way there and sleeping on the bus, and how we went to london and nola. he asked me who I spent most of my time with in marching band. I asked him about his trips. his school took so many camping and hiking trips with everyone in the grade and that’s when he would pull his pranks. they went out to the eastern shore of maryland once and camped out in the grass next to the sand to learn about biomes. and this guy brought a hoverboard even though no electronics were allowed. and they started building a trench in the sand for no reason. he asked me if I ever had gone camping. I told him I camped on a beach in china when I was 12. and that my family used to go every year until my brother was born. apparently on another school trip two seventh graders were making out next to everyone sleeping bc they didn't even separate the boys and the girls. he said one time his friends and him ate really greasy foods and a milkshake from dq and he felt really gross afterwards. 
we talked about books too, like what we read as kids. and I asked him about all the books I read in high school. he read hamlet and the great gatsby and tried to read pride and prejudice and not frankenstein and not the crucible. he watched the lion king in class too after hamlet. I told him I cried, and during the great gatsby, and was haunted by the clip from the crucible where everyone gets hung. he made a reference to percy jackson I didn't understand. I asked him his favorite movie but he didn't know. mine is beautiful boy. he said he saw little women but I wanna read it first. also we talked about friends and how I grew up with it and it would be on the same time as hannah montana at 7:30. he said he watched a lot of hannah but not actually bc of his sisters since they were a bit older than the target audience so I guess he just watched it bc he wanted to? also I said drake and josh was the only children’s sitcom my dad would watch bc it was funny to him too. it reminds me of when we were at mango mango and he pointed out the mangoes and said they reminded him of the pear ipads from icarly and victorious.
we stopped at Panera and he didn’t get the sandwich I recommended. he got a plain turkey sandwich instead, but mine was literally the same except it had really good bread. when we were waiting for maxwell to figure out the drink machine, a jeremy song came on and I said I went to his concert in philly and got the sweatshirt I was wearing from there. he said it was a sign. during lunch annie brought up coronavirus and how a girl got back from abroad and went to mixers. and they talked about traveling in europe. keith said he had family he visited in some European country that I don't remember at this point, and that his most recent immigrant was one of his grandfathers. I wonder what his parents look like. on our way out I asked if we could go to petco and he said for a few minutes. and we got to see lizards and snakes and geckos and gerbils and birds. and then on our way out I said ‘omg a turtle’ really loudly and he turned around and smiled. later I asked him if he had any pets and he said he used to have a dog. he asked me and I said I didn't. he said it seemed like I really want one though. his sister is a vet and the other works for a pet store company. 
we talked about college and how well our semesters have gone. he said his freshman year was rough and he didn't feel like himself and was lazy sophomore year and didn't have good friends until sophomore spring I think. and that cornell was good for him bc he’d grown up in such a small school his entire life and he needed the change. I feel like I would’ve felt a greater sense of belonging if I went to a liberal arts school just bc of its size. he liked 4th and 8th and this year. I liked 3rd 6th 9th and freshman year and this year. he was surprised that I liked them for meeting new people, but I think it has to do with the fact that I met a lot of people in those years who I grew to really care about. even though trying to meet people in that time was hard. and freshman year was just really transformative for my growth. ‘wait tell me more about umd.’ I kept it vague and told him how I was a nerd and was really scared about grades and went to office hours and studied a lot. we stopped at a gas station then so the topic kind of died down. he left the door open for a few minutes after getting out then popped his head back, ‘sorry about that’, and we were all confused but it was just him apologizing for the cold getting in. there was a convenience store inside and his favorite candy is sweet tarts. I liked kit kats a lot, and he does too but he eats them too quickly. I pointed out the cookies and crème, which he’s never had before, but I mentioned that I gave him the option last Halloween when I had candy from work. 
he asked me to put on music but I was scared I would get judged for my music taste and we didn’t have an aux cord and he said we should get one at a rest stop but we never ended up doing that. we turned on the radio and it felt like such an early 2010s thing to do, and I mentioned in middle school there were only two radio stations people listened to. ‘wait name them.’ and he fucking knew 106.5 and 104.3 and gosh. when he said ‘wait we have so much in common’ with that damn smile. I know he was just talking about common experiences we’ve had just living somewhat close to each other, but what initially drew me to him was that we have the same major and both came from md. I always felt a stronger connection to him and I feel like he appreciated our similarities too. it was so fun bc I associate all those md things with people from high school but to have this in common with a friend from college is just so surreal. it’s like two worlds colliding in a wonderful way. 
there were moments when I felt like it was just us, away from segc and just traveling together. when he asked me to look at the Airbnb info. when he asked me to find parking for him bc he’s never parallel parked. but that one time when everyone was in the car and he did it perfectly and everyone cheered. memorizing where our car was. his smile when I would anticipate what he needed and tell him I already have a parking lot set in maps as our destination. when he gave me his wallet to pay the toll. when I left that note in the car bc we were blocking other people. when the windows fogged up and I had to check if he could merge. and when we had to both roll down the window bc the ac was broken. when I checked to make sure he parked between the lines. when everyone else was rushing off to dinner and we stayed behind to make sure we didn't have to pay for parking. and then the next day figuring out the machine. and figuring out the rates. and paying for our parking in the lobby. when he couldn’t get the card in and asked me to try. and in the morning too. when we woke up before everyone else. and I was still in bed working and he was surprised to see me awake and dabbed bc we were talking about that in the car. and just ‘can I use your room’ ‘can I take a shower’ ‘I’m gonna brush my teeth’ ‘wait can I pee first’. cleaning up the Airbnb and stripping the sheets and throwing everything out and taking out the trash and setting the coffee table back and arranging the couch pillows. ‘can I put this here for a second’ when he left his jacket in my room just when he was in the bathroom. but the second night he kept it there for hours. I loved it when we were just talking on our own too. like on the road when he pointed out the baseball and basketball hall of fame and the chesapeake watershed. when he tricked me by calling a random stream the susquehanna, then ‘it’s the susquehanna’ ‘really?’ ‘oh idk’ when I got him back, and then joking that the river we were crossing by harvard was it too, but we actually saw it on the way back. and in the kitchen when he dropped the clif bar wrapper and I said his name in a disappointing way so when we were cleaning up he joked and said we gotta make sure there were no more wrappers lying around. ‘I’m going to go into that room for a while.’ I gave him a weird look so he explained he was gonna do push-ups and didn't want to fall behind and put his finger on his lips. and when I told him I was meeting a friend sunday morning with just us in the kitchen, he said he was jealous. I think bc he wanted to see his best friend from brown. this shit seems miniscule and dumb but. idk it just made me feel happy and light and dumb inside.  
edit 3/21: I’m finally back to finish this post, hopefully. it’s definitely been a weird past week, and so much has changed since the boston trip that I’ve been reluctant to come back and finish this bc of how different I feel compared to how “happy and light and dumb inside” I was a mere two weeks ago. life is definitely weird now. and I didn’t want to taint this post with that. but I think inevitably I am less excited and happy about this trip and probably forgot some the small things. but I needed to finish this eventually, so here I am.
on our way there, I asked him if he was close to his high school friends. and he said he saw a bunch of people last summer. and his friend like inspired him a bit bc he acts with no shame in that he won’t let small doubts hold him back. and that made him want to reach out to hs people. and I said I wanted to talk to some people from home but it was hard bc I didn’t know if they’d want to talk to me too, but then ‘would you be happy if they reached out to you?’ ‘it’s not the same.’ I asked him about his segc application and the issue he talked about. he talked about racism and his perspective. the radio said south by southwest was cancelled, our speaker that week was on the board for the event. the radio also talked about virus cases in boston on our way there. also on our way into the city the second day, there was a sign that said something like ‘caution’ ‘coronavirus cases’ or something and he said it felt like we were in the beginning of an apocalyptic movie. 
when we got to the Airbnb, the others spent literally two hours trying to find a dinner place for us. but we were just chilling. he complimented my shoes. and said butterflies when I was doing stretches on the ground. we went to get water from the kitchen and he got some from the tap but I found a water filter in one of the cabinets and pointed it out to him. ‘oh it tastes fine though’ but I needed it for me. ‘oh that was selfish of me.’ and then ‘lucy what’s your fourth favorite day at cornell’ but we were back in the living room. and he corrected himself to ‘well everyone’ but it was directed at me. and he was asking me. and it made me feel special. in the car he asked me my fourth favorite year and I think that’s how we started talking about umd, and fourth favorite ice cream. his number one is chocolate. at dinner, we were at the thai place and he got chicken curry but ‘why don’t you try something new.’ he said it was too risky given how spicy the menu was and how hungry he was at the moment. he mentioned the md state fair bc annie talked about the ny state fair. and seriously. I fucking need to know if the timonium state fair grounds are legit state fair grounds. like is the fair actually a state fair or do they just call themselves that. omfg I’ve been wondering this for years and I need answers. on our way to dinner, my shoe came untied and I said I could catch up but he waited for me anyway. and as we were jogging he was like ‘remember disney’ bc I told him I fell. we saw a bunch of bunnies in the yards of the houses and I said watership down kinda traumatized me. he said his sister had to read or watch (?) it but he didn’t but he knew it was gruesome. after dinner though we all walked to the tower. that we saw in the distance while we were driving and walking to the restaurant. but it just ended being an academic building with a weird tower top. and it started snowing and was extremely cold. and maxwell told this story about how his brakes got cut on his bike.
after dinner we got back and they were figuring out a movie to watch on netflix. and couldn’t decide so I suggested the office s5 ep14 bc stress relief is iconic. and it made me happy that everyone was enjoying the episode. divya was like ‘keith and lucy look like you’re having fun’ bc we were both sitting on the ground I guess in her like camera’s direction? idk. I thought it was weird she pointed out us two specifically. bc before she asked him how the car ride went and he said everyone was doing work. and she was like wait what so what did you do. ‘I talked to lucy a lot actually.’ ‘oh what’d you guys talk about.’ but he had to fix the car parking and then she asked me from across the room in front of everyone what we talked about. also at dinner saturday she sat down and then literally changed seats to sit next to him. and also ‘shivani, we should visit dc over spring break.’ right after he said he was gonna do a 10k there. it’s a little sus is all. they played some card games after the episodes but I took a shower instead. I think keith and mahdia were partners. after they played I was standing in the living room and everyone was figuring out the sleeping situation and he tapped me on my shoulder. but he kinda messed up bc he tried to trick me but he tapped the wrong one bc he overthought it. 
lucy take your pick, are we there yet, ice cream cake, diners, tufts, 75 state st section 3k, green tea latte, lucy is so funny, magnet, pics in the comic store, questions to ask, salt water taffy, waiting for us by the elevator, crocs store, circle push door???, vineyard vines, bookstore, racing up the stairs, printable stories, ideal Friday night, lucy just takes shotgun, parking for harvard, stopping in pokeworks, looking back at me, the moon and the sun, you know what you need to do, can you get us home, keith st, what’s new, tell me how this morning went, how’d it go, i’m glad you got to go, band and art and classes and sports, my brother, never being at whole foods before, are there tongs, md grocery stores, my phone is messed up, fucking up on the highway, clif bar flavors, first crush, dating, umd, dances and prom, parties, selfie, canoe trip, ipods and mp3 and ds and psp, being dropped off last, his dorky ok, great Gatsby soundtrack, it doesn't really come up in conversation
0 notes
umbreeonic · 7 years
ummmm purple through black : ^ )
Wljvwpuwv ofc u would… smh
(Purple: 10 facts about my room)1. It’s absolutely a mess ty depression2. I have a loft bed3. I also have a chair that folds out into a bed that I’m lying in rn instead of my actual bed bc I had a sleepover like two weeks ago and I was too lazy to move my sheets to my bed from the chair4. I have a peeling wallpaper border that’s high school musical, however it’s a sticker kind of wallpaper and underneath that is a Disney princess border5. My room is pink. My brothers is also blue. Yes I am ashamed of this6. I have a four story shelf my dad made just for me7. My shutters are fucking weird idk what’s up w them or even how to explain them they’re just. Weird8. There’s like a little mini hallway for a foot and a half at my doorway bc the bathtub juts out too far9. The hatch to the bathtub plumbing is in my closet. Not fun when ur brother messes up the pipes so the plumber is in ur room for hours fixing it :)10. I have two of my great grandmas painting hanging on my wall, they’re both of roses
(Blue: 9 facts about my family)1. Paternal side is almost 100% Dutch and there’s only ~200 people in the world with our last name. It also is a weird Dutch last name because it doesn’t start with a V2. I’m descended from John Alden, the only sailor who stayed behind with the pilgrims and also the one guy to fall overboard on the Mayflower3. My biological great grandfather was a shitty husband and a shittier father but apparently his marriage after my Mimi divorced him really helped him and he managed to stabilize his life4. One of my uncles is ukranian and descended from the woman who brought Christianity to Russia5. One of my ancestors is a character in Macbeth, the dude who has “of Scotland” at the end of his name (since he was also a real person)6. My aunt was in a car crash at 17 and had a year long coma and has lived with severe rain trauma ever since, she actually has a book about it too 7. Another aunt has six kids, three biological and three adopted; she and I will fight anyone who says adopted kids aren’t real family8. My dad and his sisters and brother have a bunch of awesome stories about growing up, my favorite is about the giant tractor their dad brought home that they used as both a trampoline and a pool9. My great uncle ran for congress and only lost by 1k votes, now he’s a lawyer and also runs a buffalo farm with his son
(Green: 8 facts about appearance)1. I’m like a perfect mesh of two of my aunts, I have ones body type and the others features2. My hair is the weirdest shit it’s light blonde from my dads side but curly from my moms and thin from ??? and wiry like my dads. Idk how hair can be curly thin and wiry all at once but my head sure does it3. It’s hard to see when I don’t have a tan but I have white birthmarks right by my eyes that are kinda similar to altean markings4. Once I didn’t wear sunscreen to soak city when I went with a friend and I got bright pink sunburn and once it healed my nose has been darker than the rest of my face5. When I was like 11 this science center close to us had a ripleys believe it or not exhibit and we went and this height predictor said I’d only grow to be 5'1" but today I’m 5'4" so suck it ripleys6. My eyes are green on the outside rim and hazel on the inside rim with tiny gold flecks throughout, and the super cool thing is that it’s literally my mom’s eyes and my dads eyes superimposed together7. I’ve always had super dark eyebrows, they’re extremely dark brown despite me having white blonde then light blonde hair8. I have super thick strong nails so it’s really easy to grow them out past a centimeter and people always point them out and say “how”
(Yellow: 7 facts about my childhood)1. I was able to pronounce words fairly easily however my cousin wasn’t. I looked up to her immensely and upon hearing her say a word wrong I would then start to say it that way too2. I hated getting in trouble in school I can count all the times I got disciplined… two time outs in kindergarten, and warning card in first grade, one warning card in second grade along with losing a teacher dollar, writing lines in fourth grade, a demerit in middle school3. The first word I ever spelt on my own was “hop” but it was completely by accident, I was writing down random letters for fun and it just so happened to spell hop in one spot. My mom bought me a picture book titled “Hop, Hop, Hop!” to celebrate4. When I was little my Mimi had an australian shepherd and every day when I’d get home from school she’d waggle her butt in happiness cause she didn’t have a tail5. Every summer until a couple years ago we’d go as a family to this kiln shop and paint a little statuette, it’s up in idyllwild where we go every summer for a camp we work at6. Said camp is practically my second home holy shit like if I wanna be super nostalgic about my childhood I’m gonna have to go with the two words “Camp Dunamis”7. When my brother was a toddler his favorite thing to do was grab my hair out in clumps. We still aren’t sure if that was a factor in how thin my hair is
(Orange: 6 facts about my home town)1. It’s named cypress because the first school planted cypress trees to shield from the wind2. My house is only a couple hundred yards from the county border so when we turn the corner we’re going from Orange County to LA3. There’s the best Mexican place right across the street that we used to go to all the time and we’re still lowkey friends with the family that owns and runs it4. We live in a homeowners association aka a gated community without a gate and this is why we avoid the crime rate cypress has5. Coyote Season™ aka “take the hiking stick so you can whack them on the nose if they go for the dog”6. The military base has a Fourth of July celebration we usually attend annually
(Red: 5 facts about my best friend)1. To start I’m gonna clarify that I’m gonna do one fact for five best friends; okay my friend emma is a Disney genius she’s forgotten more about Disney than you will ever know2. My friend daisy writes her own songs and they’re divine3. My friend kaleb is super into dnd and even made chain mail Armor for it… out of soda pop tabs4. My friend hannah is absolutely enamored by pigs and last time I checked her stuffed pig collection was over 305. My friend Melanie is fluent in German because she went to continuation school for a year there after she graduated
(Pink: 4 facts about my parents)1. They were set up by a mutual friend and literally met at our churches annual choir performance2. Mom is California born and raised while my dad grew up in both Puerto Rico and Michigan3. They both work at the same school so I’m a double staff kid4. *sighs* republicans
(White: 3 facts about my personality)1. I go from nice and sweet to absolute asshole in .01 seconds2. I am a stubborn mule, hear me bray3. I kinda just absorb certain personality traits from the people I’m close to so looking at my friend group gives a pretty good picture of my personality as well
(Grey: 2 facts about my favorite things)1. Voltron is really the first fandom I’ve /been/ in been in2. Drawing is hard and painful but you improve So Much when you join a fandom it’s ridiculous
(Black: 1 fact about the person I like)1. He’s absolutely amazing and I love him and I squeal into my pillow whenever I remember that we’re together 💚
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insecure-hbo-recaps · 7 years
hella open
Previously on Insecure: Issa slept with Lawrence but Lawrence is apparently with Tasha. Lawrence told Tasha, and it didn't go well. Lawrence moved out of Chad's place. Molly's therapist helped her try to move up a level at work. Issa starts to accept that Lawrence is done.
Issa is having a red wine and chill with some random. She's wearing a purple football jersey for the occasion, which is an interesting choice. Her hair is braided down in a protective after-shampooing set of Celie cornrows like... it tickles me when famous black women publicly do stuff that is just-for-at-home and mainstream media loses their shit over it (see also Rihanna wearing sparkly bobby pins in her wrapped hair) but, Insecure is for us. I'm not so sure I can cosign this ostentatiously quirky style choice, lol.
The guy moves in to kiss her and Issa awkwardly accepts it. She continually giggles while he is trying to be sexy, past the point where he is amused by it. As an aside, this is everything:
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Issa is frankly annoying him now - I get that it's weird for her to have sex with a new person after being with Lawrence for five years. The first time I had a serious long term relationship I was surprised how weird it was to begin sleeping with someone new again. It wasn't something I thought I'd have a problem with, since obviously I'd never had a boyfriend and that was the weird thing. But, it was. Issa asks to reschedule, but she has blown this dude's high - he's wearing jeans with cutouts at the knee, this is some Eric Benet California shit - he doesn't really want to try again. This didn't work. So Issa gets dressed to leave.
Dunes. Issa is about to leave for work when she catches sight of the plume of smoke she burned into her wall at last week's party. She also notices before she goes that the new property management has issued what appears to be every apartment notices for noise violations, taped to their doors.
On the way out, Issa runs into one of the bloods that crashed her party. He has a really big, weird shaped head.
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It reminds me of this kid I went to high school with named Mickey who had a big oversized head that sort of came to a point at the top; so more a triangle than round head. Of course now that I've spent several years working in developmental pediatrics I know what happened there is that he should have had a helmet as an infant and his parents didn't get him one, but at the time it was just there goes Mickey with his big ass pointed head that he for some reason chooses to accuentuate with a cloth headband. (This was obviously during the Rocafella era when that was en vogue for men.) I actually think that he ended up being shot and murdered as an adult, but for the life of me I cannot remember his last name in order to check and I'm not exactly on speaking terms with my high school classmates.
Anyway, Mickey (I don't know that we ever get to hear his name and I'm going to make the executive decision that it doesn't matter) says he had fun at Issa's party and she watches him go.
Molly's law office. She's skyping with Hannah in the Chicago office as well as the TSA agent from Get Out, Quintin, a fellow lawyer in a trendy bow tie. There's a Chicago joke about the sun shining so he's going to the beach. That doesn't work here because Chicago is not an overcast city and we don't have an excessive amount of cloudy days. You're thinking Portland, Insecure writers. Idk why the actor didn't correct him, since apparently he's also from Chicago. In the summer I hang a dark blanket on the window behind my blinds because my bedroom is east facing and there's too much sun for 75% of the day. Anyway, they bond over being the token black lawyers and it's all lovely and relatable.
High school. As you may have noticed, I really don't give a shit about this storyline. I did think it was interesting that Issa ended up being the bad guy in this scenario, as the show's hero, because you are definitely tempted to take her side in this. Frida comes across as an overly Clueless White Person with her concerns that the after school program is only black children while Issa isn't bothered because she's just glad the program is full. When I watched this the first time I was uncomfortable with it because while I didn't exactly disagree with Issa's blase attitude, I did think the show made it clear enough that she wasn't doing the right thing to take it. Of course this season will make it overtly clear - more than the first season did in my opinion - that Issa's judgment is sure in the fuck not to be trusted, and this was just another way that they established that. Duly noted that white people aren't always wrong when it comes to race. Issa's attitude doesn't sit well with Frida.
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Multicultural Silicon Valley start up, aka Lawrence's computery job. It looks like he's wearing one of those Untuck It shirts. Tangent. I went out with this guy who was born in the 70s because he started hitting on me when I was working on my laptop at Map Room and trying not to cry because I was texting with my new boyfriend-even-though-we'd-been-fucking-for-the-last-three-years-not-as-a-couple because he up and booked a flight for a 10 day trip to Costa Rica and didn't tell me about it til afterward. I was two La Fin du Mondes in already and when I went to close out, the random man offered to buy me another, apparently not noticing my teary eyes. Anyway, because he was born in the 70s, he was particularly preoccupied with anything young and trendy, and frequently mentioned his Untuck It shirts to me. Granted they do look expensive and well made in real life. But they're also just regular fucking shirts that charge a 300% premium because they cut them slightly shorter so that you don't have to... guess what... tuck them in. I've literally only ever seen or heard of these shirts due to advertisements during daytime CNN or MSNBC viewing so like... who's supposed to be impressed by this?
Anyway, The Generic White Guy is obnoxiously eating snack food made from crickets, and Lawrence is talking about his trip to Phuket, so we get the full range of lovely diversity at work in this cool, trendy environment. Apparently the ethnic girl next to Lawrence slept with Corny Colin, which the blonde teases her about. Ethnic Girl is not amused by it. The group discusses a company social, but Lawrence can't go because he "promised someone he'd pick up some chairs." So he's going to go to Tasha's family bbq after all. The group clearly regards Lawrence as a trendsetter amongst what's hot and what's not - a distinction I feel that certain types of black people, in certain environments, are relegated to simply because black culture is presumed to be cooler than the other prevailing cultures - and everyone is disappointed that he will not be going.
Loading dock. Molly is wearing a fabulous black skirt suit with leather trimmed lapels. She's on the phone with her mom about the vow renewal thing her parents keep bugging her about. A worker comes out with her bookcase and assumes the random black man standing nearby is there with her. He asks if he should hand it over and everyone looks at each other, blanketed by the wrongness of the assumptions all around. Molly scoffs that she's not with him, and makes to pick up the bookcase by herself.
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Yes, it is exactly as absurd as you'd think it would be, and two things. Motherfuck this whole concept where black women aren't allowed or should be or expected to be the normal amount of "feminine" granted to every other woman. I had this epiphany somewhere not long after high school when I realized how panicked and backed up against the wall I felt that my natural inclination was to resist any kind of vulnerability and the realization that I didn't want to have to be "strong" all the time. That wasn't going to work for me. I am damsel in distress all the time. You will stop when I cross the street, even if I'm timing it wrong with the stop signs - when I politely give you the right of way, you will insist I cross instead. You will pause to let me pass and open doors when I do. You will push my car out of the snow. You will offer to carry the leftovers from the restaurant. I dated a guy who insisted on walking down the stairs in front of me when I was wearing high heels, just in case I tripped. Point being, with regards to this scene, I wouldn't have lifted that shit. I wouldn't have carried shit. I would have been pointedly unable to carry that box. I'd have stood there for a half hour if that's as long as it took for someone to offer to carry the box for me. But it wouldn't have. When you behave with the expectation that you are a woman and you expect to be treated like a woman, something kinda funny happens... people treat you like a delicate woman. It doesn't escape my notice that the black man the worker assumed was there for Molly is there with a white woman, whose boxes he handily carries, while Molly struggles absurdly with the bulky oblong in her five inch heels down a flight of stairs. No ma'am. Later for "strong black womanhood," in this physical sense at any rate.
Molly's fantastic apartment. She's telling Issa she's putting her therapy on hold until she finds another therapist. Naturally, therapy was hitting too close to home, so Molly's instinct was to run from the truth. They are trying to put together this Ikea ass bookcase (related to my previous tangent, whenever I need this kind of manly work done, I outsource it now. Task Rabbit is an app, y'all. That's what it's for. It's not as solid a solution as having an actual man around or anything, but on some level I simply refuse to become a handyman myself just out of sheer principle. You will not deny me my femininity this way, it is a political issue at this point to me.)
Anyway, Molly is bitching about the therapist trying to get too close "just because we both got brown titties." Issa abides this silently. I can't believe they unironically drink Carlo Rossi. I remember being a kid and trying to learn about this kind of stuff and making a note from, of all places, an episode of Intervention about what kinds of wine people actually drink. Haha! (And yes, it was the huge gallon jug of Carlo Rossi.) Issa encourages Molly to keep looking for a new therapist, which Molly flips back on Issa regarding not finding a new Lawrence either.
Issa recounts how she couldn't do casual sex because she was too stuck in her own head. I'm so glad this has never been a problem for me LOL. I don't even know what my social life would be like if I had a hang up about this issue. They decide they should be doing their "ho phase" together - but then Issa met Lawrence and he "made [her] fall in love with him and shit." Issa wants to get on Team Fuck Love, and asks Molly "can you teach me how to ho?" "Bitch that's rude... and yes," Molly replies.
Late night spot. Issa is wearing a ridiculous outfit as she ridicules the other thirsty women in the spot that are there for an apparently different kind of thirst than the one she is. Seriously, what were we supposed to think about this outfit?
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Baby, no. Especially as a woman walks past wearing the exact same bad dress. She's also wearing what I'm sure are an expensive pair of espadrilles, but they are wedge espadrilles, with a red floral print. Plainly, that outfit is ridiculous. Issa suggests a vacation to somewhere where they'll be exotic. Molly doesn't care, and seems very underwhelmed by the night.
Issa is chatting with some guy, making awkward double entendres and sexual innuendos. The guy is not amused and flat out walks away from her mid conversation. The next guy at the bar keeps peeling his eyes around at everything else but Issa, finally admitting that he's only talking to her because his friend wanted to talk to Molly. Issa is the grenade. Dayuuuuum, bro. "Do you have any other friends?" he asks, which Issa doesn't dignify with a response.
Molly is talking to Sterling K Brown and is still underwhelmed with the night - the way his friend was only talking to Issa, she's only talking to him. He asks for her number and Molly coolly hands him her business card. She joins Issa at the bar, who has given up on the night and ordered a plate of wings. I get it. There's only so much humiliation you can take when you put yourself out there to pick up a random at the bar. Hell, at least Issa has a friend with her while she does it.
Tasha's house. Tasha is in bed with Lawrence with her hair wrapped gossiping about tv shows. Lawrence tries to distract her and get amorous but Tasha isn't interested in going there. She pushes Lawrence away and we are treated to more of the show-within-a-show.
Back at the Dune's, Issa (in her middle-of-the-bed pillow) can't sleep so she pulls out her vibrator. The battery dies and she spends like ten minutes walking around the apartment looking for new batteries. And, why don't you have a magic wand? True story: I held off buying any kind of sex toys because I never had any and it made me have to seek out men if I wanted to have a sexual encounter; I (it turned out, rightly) figured that if I had any sex toys it would discourage and demotivate me from meeting actual men. Guess what... I was completely correct, and my love life took a marked down turn the same year I bought a magic wand of my own. Could have been timing, coincidence, I don't know, but it was interesting. I have since incorporated it into my regular sex life. (My boyfriend-that-I-loved-so-much-I-was-always-crying was amused the first time I used it with him, calling it "violent" and "over the top" because I was "loud" and it "plugged into the wall." lol. I did nothing but laugh and concede the point, because he was right. But in other news, fun fact: it also works on men, so if you are hooking up with someone that you don't actually want to have sex with, everyone can have an orgasm with no intercourse whatsoever.)
There are a few scenes about Molly's being underpaid and Issa missing the discrimination that I'm going to skip because the point has been made already.
Lunch. Molly is on a date with Sterling K Brown. He's showing her pictures of his niece on his phone, because he's a Good Black Man looking for a Good Black Woman. Actually, given the champagne flute and the bottle on the table I'm going to assume this is brunch (mimosas, you see). Sterling K Brown is wearing an interesting outfit, what says the tribunal?
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This rote-date-conversation centers around the fact that they both have ticking biological clocks, and that Sterling K Brown is not being at all ambiguous about his intentions. Molly seems uncomfortable, and isn't following this conversation as well as a woman would be if she were truly interested. I gotta say, Sterling K Brown comes off as a LITTLE thirsty... but, considering Molly really does the most when it comes to choosing a man, like... you can't empathize with her at all. Do we know this, do viewers know this? Molly is wrong and ridiculous and has no clue what she is doing, and her choosing criteria is wildly outdated, immature, and foolish. Like, there is no shrewdness to her relationship behavior at all. She is doing nothing that would prove to be in her best interests or better her life circumstances at all, even if it were just casually dating a potential husband so that you have that back up available when things aren’t going well. This is the kind of thing I might of done before I realized it may be an actual real possibility that I actually might not find the husband I wanted some day.
California Family Cookout. There's ribs, there's dominoes. You feel right at home. Lawrence shows up in some hipster ass shirt, carrying chairs as promised. Tasha is wearing a lime green midi dress with scribbled print and a lopsided sew in. It works, as long as you don't pause at the wrong moment. Why am I hating on both their outfits? Let's move on. Tasha's relatives line up to get a good look at Lawrence and he is clearly there in a capacity of Tasha's Man Friend... which he looks decidedly uncomfortable with. Well, what the fuck were you expecting, Lawrence? Why do you think she hedged around inviting you, and made it clear you didn't have to come?
Lawrence's coworker texts him, and he decides to take it as an out, telling Tasha he'll be right back. "Oh... ok," she says. Damn. Again, people were furious over the "thirsty" character of Tasha. Meanwhile I'm just over here wondering why fellow black women didn't have more sympathy for her flexibility. Some of the time when I peek back into conversations in The Community, I am reminded of all kinds of toxic shit I used to feel and believe when I was younger that I eventually had to unlearn in the interests of any kind of healthy interpersonal life. She cheerfully says she'll see him later, and he leaves.
Molly is at a cupcake shop - those are a thing, y'all, and why? I live near one that granted, makes delicious cupcakes, but they cost like fucking four and a half dollars for one REGULAR SIZE muffin tin mold cupcake! Funnily enough, they are actually named "Molly's Cupcakes." Someone calls out that they will pay for her cupcakes, and it appears to be someone Molly knows:
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A guy named Dro and his ostensible wife, who playfully criticizes Molly's insistence on wearing "ugly" dark colors - it's a black greek thing. (The wife is Delta, which I presume makes Molly AKA). The married couple set up the plot for next week's episode, expositing that they are in town for the Kiss n Grind party. It's clear that Molly knows Dro from way back, and the wife is newer.
Dunes. Issa has decided to paint over her burnt wall. She's typically spastic at it, dripping paint everywhere and making a mess. While cleaning off the roller, she spots Mickey Bighead lounging by the pool and is apparently attracted by what she sees. Molly calls; Issa notes her "high pitched fakeness" as she describes the date with Sterling K Brown: although there is clearly nothing wrong with him it's obvious to the both of them that Molly just isn't into it. For SOME reason. And this is the thing that is frustrating about Molly... there's never any legitimate or tangible reason why she has no interest in normal men and normal relationships, or why she brushes off scenarios that would be good for her. Like, what is she looking for instead? What's wrong with Sterling K Brown? Why would she not be interested in him? There are no red flags - it's not his looks, it's not that he's not a professional peer, it's not his baggage as he is unmarried with no children. And perhaps that is the point the show is making - that just because she should be interested in him, that doesn't mean she has to be. In the larger context of women "wanting it all" or "not settling," the point is valid. But in a practical sense, Molly is being ridiculous and her actions are not justified. This is how bitches end up single til 40 when they wind up marrying a bald janitor in the end anyway, is all I'm saying. Making smart choices don’t always feel like the choices you want to make.
Molly is comparing her lack of interest in Sterling K Brown with the fact that Candace and Dro are happy despite the fact that Dro was a mess and never had a "five year plan." So I guess that's what her problem is. She has no idea what will make her happy and is constantly peeking in other peoples' lives like it will tell her what would work in hers. You can always find a reason why a person is lacking when you compare them to someone else because... people aren't the same.
Start up Happy Hour. Lawrence shows up and his coworkers are happy to see him. They know the workplace is one big ho fest once enough drinks start flowing. Ethnic Girl is still pointed about regretting hooking up with Generic White Guy. Which, rude.
Issa has painted over her wall, which looks really good. But then she notices she neglected the smoke on the ceiling. Knowing she can't reach it, she reckons with it and tells it, "you can't have my joy." She spots Mickey Bighead going into his apartment and concocts a plan. She pulls out her charger and takes it down to Mickey's asking whether he left it at her house at her party. He seems momentarily taken aback, but recovers smoothly enough to invite her in.
Start Up Saturday. Lawrence gets a text from Tasha wondering where he is. Ethnic Girl asks what his deal is - and I kind of hate those "work people" that you can tell their primary source of social capital comes from people they meet in and around the work environment. Like other people are wrong for having a life outside of work and are not as immersed as you are. They ask whether Lawrence is single as a waitress comes up to flirt with him. Although Lawrence says he has to take off soon, her overt interest is all it takes for him to stay for a round of shots.
Back at Mickey's they're talking about Gossip Girl. Blake Lively is the most generic white woman on the face of the planet. "Yeah, white people," Mickey says. "There's so many of them," Issa adds awkwardly. Lol. Issa daydreams a confidence boost rap to convince herself to make a move: "even if it's wack, you can still get some head!" Unflattering accidental pause moment:
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Issa makes an awkward kiss move, accidentally knocking him in the nose with her forehead. It works anyway, and they start making out. The first time I watched this I was a little annoyed because while I understand Issa's excitement over her new body, her constantly barely clothed state this season just seems so gratuitous. The fact that I personally don't like her body type - not to say she hasn't done a lot of work on it! - mainly just annoyed me. And I don't enjoy her sex scenes. Molly's sex scenes and Lawrence's sex scenes are great. So it's always kind of a let down when we have to watch Issa have sex. Her bra collection is excellent though, I guess.
Mickey asks if he could titty fuck her, which Issa "respectfully decline[s]." He wants to put her legs over her head, which she is uncomfortable with. Her head is squashed into the headboard and it's terrible. To her credit, Issa asks to change positions and finds a way that suits her better. He's wearing white socks. Aw. Flashbacks.
Molly is at home, working with a glass of red. Sterling K Brown invites her to a SZA concert and she declines. He comes back with a dinner invitation which she doesn't even reply to. Whatever, Molly. But hey, she heard my complaints and hired some random men to put the cabinet together for her! There's that at least.
Start up Saturday. Everyone's drunk and Lawrence is explaining the concept of his app to the two girls. What IS "Woot Woot" exactly? Besides the fact that everyone makes fun of him when he talks about it, as far as I can tell it's some kind of group chat client? Idk. Tasha calls, and Lawrence puts the phone to his ear in the loud bar. Tasha is mildly agitated, asking what happened to him because he never came back; her family members are even now in the background asking about him. He apologizes and says he ended up drinking too much. Tasha says if he didn't want to come he should have just told her. Lawrence tries to brush it off but then admits he isn't looking for a serious relationship. Tasha is put out because he ghosted on her in front of her entire family; if he didn't want a serious thing he shouldn't have come. He embarrassed her. Lawrence apologizes in a way that still blames it on her: "I know how much you wanted me to be there." It's her fault for expecting his intentions to match his behavior, not his fault for not being up front and leading her on. Tasha tells him to stop acting like he gives a fuck about her feelings, because he "fronted like it was [something more], apologizing for shit" he knew he wasn't sorry for.
Lawrence insists he was being genuine. Tasha: "You're a fuck nigga. You're worse than a fuck nigga. You're a fuck nigga who thinks he's a good dude." And she hangs up. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the cultural conundrum facing all of us in this new technologically advanced hook up landscape we are all attempting to navigate. I don't know how it used to be before Swiper Not Swiping and casual sex became the rule, not the exception, but I also find that men are preoccupied with being "good guys" in a way that belies their shitty behavior; some kind of veneer of honesty and distance that doesn't quite square with the level of intimacy and acquiescence they are seeking from their partners. Maybe back in the day it was understood you couldn't get that level of commitment without expressly acknowledging it; I find these days men think they get to have their cake and eat it too on this issue.
Anyway, look at this shit:
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Bitch, what are you wearing? Those 1980s Jessie Spano mom jeans. Her name is "Arpana" which leads me to believe she's supposed to be Indian, but I think in real life her body type would indicate she is something else. She's probably Latina tbh. (And no I'm not going to google this to find out.) Anyway, Lawrence is laughing off his conversation with Tasha well enough as he rejoins the party.
Back at the Dunes, Issa is sneaking out of Mickey's apartment. She isn't quiet enough and he wakes up, offering for her to sleep over. Super generous considering she lives literally right upstairs. As Issa grabs her phone to go, she decides she isn't actually willing to sacrifice her phone charger for this farce, so she snatches it up too. But not to fear: it turns out Mickey was aware of her ruse the entire time, as his phone has been sitting plugged into his own not-missing charger the whole time. Issa can't even be mad as she lets out a chuckle and goes. She seems pleased, at least, with this first foray into "honess."
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Charlie Clark - MESSIAH PROPHET Lead Vocalist, In Memoriam:
Charlie Clark, whom many remember as lead vocalist of the eighties metal band MESSIAH PROPHET, passed away on January 6, 2018 at the age of 55 following a struggle with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease).
Joining MESSIAH PROPHET in 1981, Clark fronted the groups first two albums, Rock For The Flock (under the name MESSIAH PROPHET BAND and released on Morada Records in 1984) and Master Of The Metal (Pure Metal Records from 1986).  Clark closed out his career in MESSIAH PROPHET when it placed the track “Blinded” on the 1989 Star Song Records compilation Ultimate Metal.
A third MESSIAH PROPHET album from 1996 entitled Colors did not include Clark as part of its line up.
Further details regarding Clark’s life:
He was born in Lebanon on October 8, 1962 to Charles R. Clark and Ann (Kolar) Zimmerman. In 1987, he married Jill Francine Hurst and together they raised their five children, Rachael (Justin) Eveland, Rebecca, Jesse, Abigail, and Hannah. Charlie was also the proud grandpa of his only grandchild, Samuel Andrew.
Charlie owned his own roofing and window company for 10 years. If you ever passed a house he was working on, you could hear him joyfully singing along with the radio. Charlie enjoyed gardening and spending time with his kids. He was active in his church for many years serving as both a deacon and Sunday school teacher.
He is survived by his father; mother; wife; five children; grandson; brother, Steven (Claudia) Clark; sister, Sheila Schauer; sisters-in-law, JoAnn Matyasi, Jennifer (Christopher) Myers, Joyce Hurst (Desra Blamble), Jessica Hurst; brothers-in-law, Andrew Berenyi, James Hurst, Joel Hurst; and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his step-father, Dean Zimmerman; his father and mother-in-law, Frank and Margaretta Hurst; brothers-in-law, Frank Hurst Jr., Jeffrey Hurst, John Hurst; and niece, Keri Hurst.
Bassist Joe Shirk, whom was part of the MESSIAH PROPHET lineup that recorded Master Of The Metal, tells ClassicChristianRock Webzine:
“This past weekend I lost a friend and fellow musician to a long battle with disease.  I first met Charles Clark, vocalist for MESSIAH PROHPET when the band I was in opened for them.  A year or so later as life goes, I and another member of that band were new members of MESSIAH PROPHET.  Charlie was a confidence builder for me.  He was always a happy guy, even if rehearsal was long and unproductive and it was all my fault.  Always an encourager. We spent some long nights in the front of the bus, me driving (I loved to drive) and Charlie keeping me company. There was a time in the mountains when the brake system just gave up. We were very carefully trying to get back down to where there might be a truck garage. I remember Charlie being right there telling me "you can do this.  I believe in you!”  Or the time we forgot the bag with airline tickets and passports in it. Left it on a train seat in Amsterdam.  It was Charlie who went back to the station and somehow found it and got back in time for boarding. Never saw a guy run like that!
“Charlie was a stabilizer for me and for the band.  We lost contact for too many years after the band ended.  When I heard about his struggles with health, my friend Eddie, who did our lights at the show and David (Armstrong) our drummer, went to visit him.  It was obvious he was struggling and not well.  But the same smile and laugh was there.  Not a shadow of doubt in his faith in Jesus.  We relived some of the crazy stories and memories from the shows and road trips.  I saw Charlie a few more times and even the last time when he could no longer speak there was still that light and joy in his eyes.
“Charlie is singing again.  The illness took his voice here, but now I know he is singing.  He always sang.”
0 notes
hella open
Previously on Insecure: Issa slept with Lawrence but Lawrence is apparently with Tasha. Lawrence told Tasha, and it didn’t go well. Lawrence moved out of Chad’s place. Molly’s therapist helped her try to move up a level at work. Issa starts to accept that Lawrence is done.
Issa is having a red wine and chill with some random. She’s wearing a purple football jersey for the occasion, which is an interesting choice. Her hair is braided down in a protective after-shampooing set of Celie cornrows like… it tickles me when famous black women publicly do stuff that is just-for-at-home and mainstream media loses their shit over it (see also Rihanna wearing sparkly bobby pins in her wrapped hair) but, Insecure is for us. I’m not so sure I can cosign this ostentatiously quirky style choice, lol.
The guy moves in to kiss her and Issa awkwardly accepts it. She continually giggles while he is trying to be sexy, past the point where he is amused by it. As an aside, this is everything:
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Issa is frankly annoying him now - I get that it’s weird for her to have sex with a new person after being with Lawrence for five years. The first time I had a serious long term relationship I was surprised how weird it was to begin sleeping with someone new again. It wasn’t something I thought I’d have a problem with, since obviously I’d never had a boyfriend and that was the weird thing. But, it was. Issa asks to reschedule, but she has blown this dude’s high - he’s wearing jeans with cutouts at the knee, this is some Eric Benet California shit - he doesn’t really want to try again. This didn’t work. So Issa gets dressed to leave.
Dunes. Issa is about to leave for work when she catches sight of the plume of smoke she burned into her wall at last week’s party. She also notices before she goes that the new property management has issued what appears to be every apartment notices for noise violations, taped to their doors.
On the way out, Issa runs into one of the bloods that crashed her party. He has a really big, weird shaped head.
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It reminds me of this kid I went to high school with named Mickey who had a big oversized head that sort of came to a point at the top; so more a triangle than round head. Of course now that I’ve spent several years working in developmental pediatrics I know what happened there is that he should have had a helmet as an infant and his parents didn’t get him one, but at the time it was just there goes Mickey with his big ass pointed head that he for some reason chooses to accuentuate with a cloth headband. (This was obviously during the Rocafella era when that was en vogue for men.) I actually think that he ended up being shot and murdered as an adult, but for the life of me I cannot remember his last name in order to check and I’m not exactly on speaking terms with my high school classmates.
Anyway, Mickey (I don’t know that we ever get to hear his name and I’m going to make the executive decision that it doesn’t matter) says he had fun at Issa’s party and she watches him go.
Molly’s law office. She’s skyping with Hannah in the Chicago office as well as the TSA agent from Get Out, Quintin, a fellow lawyer in a trendy bow tie. There’s a Chicago joke about the sun shining so he’s going to the beach. That doesn’t work here because Chicago is not an overcast city and we don’t have an excessive amount of cloudy days. You’re thinking Portland, Insecure writers. Idk why the actor didn’t correct him, since apparently he’s also from Chicago. In the summer I hang a dark blanket on the window behind my blinds because my bedroom is east facing and there’s too much sun for 75% of the day. Anyway, they bond over being the token black lawyers and it’s all lovely and relatable.
High school. As you may have noticed, I really don’t give a shit about this storyline. I did think it was interesting that Issa ended up being the bad guy in this scenario, as the show’s hero, because you are definitely tempted to take her side in this. Frida comes across as an overly Clueless White Person with her concerns that the after school program is only black children while Issa isn’t bothered because she’s just glad the program is full. When I watched this the first time I was uncomfortable with it because while I didn’t exactly disagree with Issa’s blase attitude, I did think the show made it clear enough that she wasn’t doing the right thing to take it. Of course this season will make it overtly clear - more than the first season did in my opinion - that Issa’s judgment is sure in the fuck not to be trusted, and this was just another way that they established that. Duly noted that white people aren’t always wrong when it comes to race. Issa’s attitude doesn’t sit well with Frida.
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Multicultural Silicon Valley start up, aka Lawrence’s computery job. It looks like he’s wearing one of those Untuck It shirts. Tangent. I went out with this guy who was born in the 70s because he started hitting on me when I was working on my laptop at Map Room and trying not to cry because I was texting with my new boyfriend-even-though-we’d-been-fucking-for-the-last-three-years-not-as-a-couple because he up and booked a flight for a 10 day trip to Costa Rica and didn’t tell me about it til afterward. I was two La Fin du Mondes in already and when I went to close out, the random man offered to buy me another, apparently not noticing my teary eyes. Anyway, because he was born in the 70s, he was particularly preoccupied with anything young and trendy, and frequently mentioned his Untuck It shirts to me. Granted they do look expensive and well made in real life. But they’re also just regular fucking shirts that charge a 300% premium because they cut them slightly shorter so that you don’t have to… guess what… tuck them in. I’ve literally only ever seen or heard of these shirts due to advertisements during daytime CNN or MSNBC viewing so like… who’s supposed to be impressed by this?
Anyway, The Generic White Guy is obnoxiously eating snack food made from crickets, and Lawrence is talking about his trip to Phuket, so we get the full range of lovely diversity at work in this cool, trendy environment. Apparently the ethnic girl next to Lawrence slept with Corny Colin, which the blonde teases her about. Ethnic Girl is not amused by it. The group discusses a company social, but Lawrence can’t go because he “promised someone he’d pick up some chairs.” So he’s going to go to Tasha’s family bbq after all. The group clearly regards Lawrence as a trendsetter amongst what’s hot and what’s not - a distinction I feel that certain types of black people, in certain environments, are relegated to simply because black culture is presumed to be cooler than the other prevailing cultures - and everyone is disappointed that he will not be going.
Loading dock. Molly is wearing a fabulous black skirt suit with leather trimmed lapels. She’s on the phone with her mom about the vow renewal thing her parents keep bugging her about. A worker comes out with her bookcase and assumes the random black man standing nearby is there with her. He asks if he should hand it over and everyone looks at each other, blanketed by the wrongness of the assumptions all around. Molly scoffs that she’s not with him, and makes to pick up the bookcase by herself.
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Yes, it is exactly as absurd as you’d think it would be, and two things. Motherfuck this whole concept where black women aren’t allowed or should be or expected to be the normal amount of “feminine” granted to every other woman. I had this epiphany somewhere not long after high school when I realized how panicked and backed up against the wall I felt that my natural inclination was to resist any kind of vulnerability and the realization that I didn’t want to have to be “strong” all the time. That wasn’t going to work for me. I am damsel in distress all the time. You will stop when I cross the street, even if I’m timing it wrong with the stop signs - when I politely give you the right of way, you will insist I cross instead. You will pause to let me pass and open doors when I do. You will push my car out of the snow. You will offer to carry the leftovers from the restaurant. I dated a guy who insisted on walking down the stairs in front of me when I was wearing high heels, just in case I tripped. Point being, with regards to this scene, I wouldn’t have lifted that shit. I wouldn’t have carried shit. I would have been pointedly unable to carry that box. I’d have stood there for a half hour if that’s as long as it took for someone to offer to carry the box for me. But it wouldn’t have. When you behave with the expectation that you are a woman and you expect to be treated like a woman, something kinda funny happens… people treat you like a delicate woman. It doesn’t escape my notice that the black man the worker assumed was there for Molly is there with a white woman, whose boxes he handily carries, while Molly struggles absurdly with the bulky oblong in her five inch heels down a flight of stairs. No ma'am. Later for “strong black womanhood,” in this physical sense at any rate.
Molly’s fantastic apartment. She’s telling Issa she’s putting her therapy on hold until she finds another therapist. Naturally, therapy was hitting too close to home, so Molly’s instinct was to run from the truth. They are trying to put together this Ikea ass bookcase (related to my previous tangent, whenever I need this kind of manly work done, I outsource it now. Task Rabbit is an app, y'all. That’s what it’s for. It’s not as solid a solution as having an actual man around or anything, but on some level I simply refuse to become a handyman myself just out of sheer principle. You will not deny me my femininity this way, it is a political issue at this point to me.)
Anyway, Molly is bitching about the therapist trying to get too close “just because we both got brown titties.” Issa abides this silently. I can’t believe they unironically drink Carlo Rossi. I remember being a kid and trying to learn about this kind of stuff and making a note from, of all places, an episode of Intervention about what kinds of wine people actually drink. Haha! (And yes, it was the huge gallon jug of Carlo Rossi.) Issa encourages Molly to keep looking for a new therapist, which Molly flips back on Issa regarding not finding a new Lawrence either.
Issa recounts how she couldn’t do casual sex because she was too stuck in her own head. I’m so glad this has never been a problem for me LOL. I don’t even know what my social life would be like if I had a hang up about this issue. They decide they should be doing their “ho phase” together - but then Issa met Lawrence and he “made [her] fall in love with him and shit.” Issa wants to get on Team Fuck Love, and asks Molly “can you teach me how to ho?” “Bitch that’s rude… and yes,” Molly replies.
Late night spot. Issa is wearing a ridiculous outfit as she ridicules the other thirsty women in the spot that are there for an apparently different kind of thirst than the one she is. Seriously, what were we supposed to think about this outfit?
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Baby, no. Especially as a woman walks past wearing the exact same bad dress. She’s also wearing what I’m sure are an expensive pair of espadrilles, but they are wedge espadrilles, with a red floral print. Plainly, that outfit is ridiculous. Issa suggests a vacation to somewhere where they’ll be exotic. Molly doesn’t care, and seems very underwhelmed by the night.
Issa is chatting with some guy, making awkward double entendres and sexual innuendos. The guy is not amused and flat out walks away from her mid conversation. The next guy at the bar keeps peeling his eyes around at everything else but Issa, finally admitting that he’s only talking to her because his friend wanted to talk to Molly. Issa is the grenade. Dayuuuuum, bro. “Do you have any other friends?” he asks, which Issa doesn’t dignify with a response.
Molly is talking to Sterling K Brown and is still underwhelmed with the night - the way his friend was only talking to Issa, she’s only talking to him. He asks for her number and Molly coolly hands him her business card. She joins Issa at the bar, who has given up on the night and ordered a plate of wings. I get it. There’s only so much humiliation you can take when you put yourself out there to pick up a random at the bar. Hell, at least Issa has a friend with her while she does it.
Tasha’s house. Tasha is in bed with Lawrence with her hair wrapped gossiping about tv shows. Lawrence tries to distract her and get amorous but Tasha isn’t interested in going there. She pushes Lawrence away and we are treated to more of the show-within-a-show.
Back at the Dune’s, Issa (in her middle-of-the-bed pillow) can’t sleep so she pulls out her vibrator. The battery dies and she spends like ten minutes walking around the apartment looking for new batteries. And, why don’t you have a magic wand? True story: I held off buying any kind of sex toys because I never had any and it made me have to seek out men if I wanted to have a sexual encounter; I (it turned out, rightly) figured that if I had any sex toys it would discourage and demotivate me from meeting actual men. Guess what… I was completely correct, and my love life took a marked down turn the same year I bought a magic wand of my own. Could have been timing, coincidence, I don’t know, but it was interesting. I have since incorporated it into my regular sex life. (My boyfriend-that-I-loved-so-much-I-was-always-crying was amused the first time I used it with him, calling it “violent” and “over the top” because I was “loud” and it “plugged into the wall.” lol. I did nothing but laugh and concede the point, because he was right. But in other news, fun fact: it also works on men, so if you are hooking up with someone that you don’t actually want to have sex with, everyone can have an orgasm with no intercourse whatsoever.)
There are a few scenes about Molly’s being underpaid and Issa missing the discrimination that I’m going to skip because the point has been made already.
Lunch. Molly is on a date with Sterling K Brown. He’s showing her pictures of his niece on his phone, because he’s a Good Black Man looking for a Good Black Woman. Actually, given the champagne flute and the bottle on the table I’m going to assume this is brunch (mimosas, you see). Sterling K Brown is wearing an interesting outfit, what says the tribunal?
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This rote-date-conversation centers around the fact that they both have ticking biological clocks, and that Sterling K Brown is not being at all ambiguous about his intentions. Molly seems uncomfortable, and isn’t following this conversation as well as a woman would be if she were truly interested. I gotta say, Sterling K Brown comes off as a LITTLE thirsty… but, considering Molly really does the most when it comes to choosing a man, like… you can’t empathize with her at all. Do we know this, do viewers know this? Molly is wrong and ridiculous and has no clue what she is doing, and her choosing criteria is wildly outdated, immature, and foolish. Like, there is no shrewdness to her relationship behavior at all. She is doing nothing that would prove to be in her best interests or better her life circumstances at all, even if it were just casually dating a potential husband so that you have that back up available when things aren’t going well. This is the kind of thing I might of done before I realized it may be an actual real possibility that I actually might not find the husband I wanted some day.
California Family Cookout. There’s ribs, there’s dominoes. You feel right at home. Lawrence shows up in some hipster ass shirt, carrying chairs as promised. Tasha is wearing a lime green midi dress with scribbled print and a lopsided sew in. It works, as long as you don’t pause at the wrong moment. Why am I hating on both their outfits? Let’s move on. Tasha’s relatives line up to get a good look at Lawrence and he is clearly there in a capacity of Tasha’s Man Friend… which he looks decidedly uncomfortable with. Well, what the fuck were you expecting, Lawrence? Why do you think she hedged around inviting you, and made it clear you didn’t have to come?
Lawrence’s coworker texts him, and he decides to take it as an out, telling Tasha he’ll be right back. “Oh… ok,” she says. Damn. Again, people were furious over the “thirsty” character of Tasha. Meanwhile I’m just over here wondering why fellow black women didn’t have more sympathy for her flexibility. Some of the time when I peek back into conversations in The Community, I am reminded of all kinds of toxic shit I used to feel and believe when I was younger that I eventually had to unlearn in the interests of any kind of healthy interpersonal life. She cheerfully says she’ll see him later, and he leaves.
Molly is at a cupcake shop - those are a thing, y'all, and why? I live near one that granted, makes delicious cupcakes, but they cost like fucking four and a half dollars for one REGULAR SIZE muffin tin mold cupcake! Funnily enough, they are actually named “Molly’s Cupcakes.” Someone calls out that they will pay for her cupcakes, and it appears to be someone Molly knows:
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A guy named Dro and his ostensible wife, who playfully criticizes Molly’s insistence on wearing “ugly” dark colors - it’s a black greek thing. (The wife is Delta, which I presume makes Molly AKA). The married couple set up the plot for next week’s episode, expositing that they are in town for the Kiss n Grind party. It’s clear that Molly knows Dro from way back, and the wife is newer.
Dunes. Issa has decided to paint over her burnt wall. She’s typically spastic at it, dripping paint everywhere and making a mess. While cleaning off the roller, she spots Mickey Bighead lounging by the pool and is apparently attracted by what she sees. Molly calls; Issa notes her “high pitched fakeness” as she describes the date with Sterling K Brown: although there is clearly nothing wrong with him it’s obvious to the both of them that Molly just isn’t into it. For SOME reason. And this is the thing that is frustrating about Molly… there’s never any legitimate or tangible reason why she has no interest in normal men and normal relationships, or why she brushes off scenarios that would be good for her. Like, what is she looking for instead? What’s wrong with Sterling K Brown? Why would she not be interested in him? There are no red flags - it’s not his looks, it’s not that he’s not a professional peer, it’s not his baggage as he is unmarried with no children. And perhaps that is the point the show is making - that just because she should be interested in him, that doesn’t mean she has to be. In the larger context of women “wanting it all” or “not settling,” the point is valid. But in a practical sense, Molly is being ridiculous and her actions are not justified. This is how bitches end up single til 40 when they wind up marrying a bald janitor in the end anyway, is all I’m saying. Making smart choices don’t always feel like the choices you want to make.
Molly is comparing her lack of interest in Sterling K Brown with the fact that Candace and Dro are happy despite the fact that Dro was a mess and never had a “five year plan.” So I guess that’s what her problem is. She has no idea what will make her happy and is constantly peeking in other peoples’ lives like it will tell her what would work in hers. You can always find a reason why a person is lacking when you compare them to someone else because… people aren’t the same.
Start up Happy Hour. Lawrence shows up and his coworkers are happy to see him. They know the workplace is one big ho fest once enough drinks start flowing. Ethnic Girl is still pointed about regretting hooking up with Generic White Guy. Which, rude.
Issa has painted over her wall, which looks really good. But then she notices she neglected the smoke on the ceiling. Knowing she can’t reach it, she reckons with it and tells it, “you can’t have my joy.” She spots Mickey Bighead going into his apartment and concocts a plan. She pulls out her charger and takes it down to Mickey’s asking whether he left it at her house at her party. He seems momentarily taken aback, but recovers smoothly enough to invite her in.
Start Up Saturday. Lawrence gets a text from Tasha wondering where he is. Ethnic Girl asks what his deal is - and I kind of hate those “work people” that you can tell their primary source of social capital comes from people they meet in and around the work environment. Like other people are wrong for having a life outside of work and are not as immersed as you are. They ask whether Lawrence is single as a waitress comes up to flirt with him. Although Lawrence says he has to take off soon, her overt interest is all it takes for him to stay for a round of shots.
Back at Mickey’s they’re talking about Gossip Girl. Blake Lively is the most generic white woman on the face of the planet. “Yeah, white people,” Mickey says. “There’s so many of them,” Issa adds awkwardly. Lol. Issa daydreams a confidence boost rap to convince herself to make a move: “even if it’s wack, you can still get some head!” Unflattering accidental pause moment:
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Issa makes an awkward kiss move, accidentally knocking him in the nose with her forehead. It works anyway, and they start making out. The first time I watched this I was a little annoyed because while I understand Issa’s excitement over her new body, her constantly barely clothed state this season just seems so gratuitous. The fact that I personally don’t like her body type - not to say she hasn’t done a lot of work on it! - mainly just annoyed me. And I don’t enjoy her sex scenes. Molly’s sex scenes and Lawrence’s sex scenes are great. So it’s always kind of a let down when we have to watch Issa have sex. Her bra collection is excellent though, I guess.
Mickey asks if he could titty fuck her, which Issa “respectfully decline[s].” He wants to put her legs over her head, which she is uncomfortable with. Her head is squashed into the headboard and it’s terrible. To her credit, Issa asks to change positions and finds a way that suits her better. He’s wearing white socks. Aw. Flashbacks.
Molly is at home, working with a glass of red. Sterling K Brown invites her to a SZA concert and she declines. He comes back with a dinner invitation which she doesn’t even reply to. Whatever, Molly. But hey, she heard my complaints and hired some random men to put the cabinet together for her! There’s that at least.
Start up Saturday. Everyone’s drunk and Lawrence is explaining the concept of his app to the two girls. What IS “Woot Woot” exactly? Besides the fact that everyone makes fun of him when he talks about it, as far as I can tell it’s some kind of group chat client? Idk. Tasha calls, and Lawrence puts the phone to his ear in the loud bar. Tasha is mildly agitated, asking what happened to him because he never came back; her family members are even now in the background asking about him. He apologizes and says he ended up drinking too much. Tasha says if he didn’t want to come he should have just told her. Lawrence tries to brush it off but then admits he isn’t looking for a serious relationship. Tasha is put out because he ghosted on her in front of her entire family; if he didn’t want a serious thing he shouldn’t have come. He embarrassed her. Lawrence apologizes in a way that still blames it on her: “I know how much you wanted me to be there.” It’s her fault for expecting his intentions to match his behavior, not his fault for not being up front and leading her on. Tasha tells him to stop acting like he gives a fuck about her feelings, because he “fronted like it was [something more], apologizing for shit” he knew he wasn’t sorry for.
Lawrence insists he was being genuine. Tasha: “You’re a fuck nigga. You’re worse than a fuck nigga. You’re a fuck nigga who thinks he’s a good dude.” And she hangs up. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the cultural conundrum facing all of us in this new technologically advanced hook up landscape we are all attempting to navigate. I don’t know how it used to be before Swiper Not Swiping and casual sex became the rule, not the exception, but I also find that men are preoccupied with being “good guys” in a way that belies their shitty behavior; some kind of veneer of honesty and distance that doesn’t quite square with the level of intimacy and acquiescence they are seeking from their partners. Maybe back in the day it was understood you couldn’t get that level of commitment without expressly acknowledging it; I find these days men think they get to have their cake and eat it too on this issue.
Anyway, look at this shit:
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Bitch, what are you wearing? Those 1980s Jessie Spano mom jeans. Her name is “Arpana” which leads me to believe she’s supposed to be Indian, but I think in real life her body type would indicate she is something else. She’s probably Latina tbh. (And no I’m not going to google this to find out.) Anyway, Lawrence is laughing off his conversation with Tasha well enough as he rejoins the party.
Back at the Dunes, Issa is sneaking out of Mickey’s apartment. She isn’t quiet enough and he wakes up, offering for her to sleep over. Super generous considering she lives literally right upstairs. As Issa grabs her phone to go, she decides she isn’t actually willing to sacrifice her phone charger for this farce, so she snatches it up too. But not to fear: it turns out Mickey was aware of her ruse the entire time, as his phone has been sitting plugged into his own not-missing charger the whole time. Issa can’t even be mad as she lets out a chuckle and goes. She seems pleased, at least, with this first foray into “honess.”
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niaallerr · 7 years
✘♒☹▤♣ ☽↱ (zayn) --- ✘♬❃♡ ✦☁ (alaska) --- ✎ ✏ ▄❂ ↱ (Ariella)
✘ = hugging them .
Niall was excited, this was a big thing for him, the release of his album was finally here and he was going to to an album release party though he wasn’t sure who would show up and frankly, why they would show up. As he stood there, shaking peoples’ hands, and smiling as he saw his best friend there. He walked up to him, his eyes bright and happy as he walked over to him. “Hey there handsome,” he smiled as he walked over to him, his arms wide open for Zayn as he pulled him into a tight hug. “Fuck I’m so happy you’re here,” he smiled as he shut his eyes, holding him close.
♒ = lying to them .
Niall hated lying to Zayn, it was one of the things he despised doing. But he couldn’t tell him the truth, he couldn’t bear to look him in the eye and tell him that the rumours are fake. The fact that Zayn was his best friend, in fact, he was his brother, and he wasn’t able to be honest with him about this, well it hurt him just a little. He felt very guilty. When Zayn came up to him and asked him about Theo, about whether or not the rumours were true, Niall let out a laugh, shaking his head. “Zayn, he’s not my kid what are you talking about? Me? A child? You’re fucking hilarious,” he stated, which only made Zayn mad, “I’m sorry if you don’t believe me Zayn, but he’s really not my kid I mean how he? He was born like nine month after the marriage! That would means he cheated on Greg and I don’t think she would cheat on Greg, trust me, it’s all fake, and really only because he looks a little like me.”
☹ = insulting a loved one .
“You know, your mam’s sometimes a git,” he stated as he drank yet another Guinness, this might have been his sixth or seventh of the night, and Niall’s words were slurred and with no filter what so ever. Niall actually loved Zayn’s mum, but he also felt like his mum sometimes tried to do and say things that were just rude. “I mean I love your mam but she’s sometimes just so rude about things, always *olagonin’ about how you’re never home. Does she not understand that you’re busy? And she’s always lookin’ at me like I’m a *stook. Can you tell her to buzz off?” He asked as he looked over at him.
*olagonin’ = (complaining)
*stook = (idiot/fool)
▤ = falling asleep on them .
Niall had had a long day, it was full of recording and the fact that he records not only the voice but the lead guitars, well it was exhausting. He spent about 16 hours in the studio, from about 8 in the morning till about midnight trying to perfect the first take, and although he was super happy and excited to get to do this, the boy still was exhausted. He had been spending the past few nights at Zayn’s place due to some renovations at his place, he was fixing up the wood on his floor. He walked into Zayn’s place, and dropped his bag and guitar by the door, shutting it and walking over to the couch where Zayn was sitting watching something. “Are you alone?” He asked as he moved to lay on the couch, leaning his head against Zayn’s lap, “You’re comfy I’m not moving from here,” he mumbled as his eyes shut.
♣ = discovering them crying .
Since Niall had been spending most of his time with Zayn, he’d been noticing things about him. He still seemed upset, but Niall didn’t know why. When they were out he was always happy, a smile on his face at all times. But when they were alone, Zayn was always sad, and Niall wasn’t sure what he can do. As he sat on the couch and played his guitar to the song he’d been writing, Niall heard someone sniffing and walked to Zayn’s door, hearing him sniffle a few times. The boy sighed as he looked down, hoping he could find a way to help.
☽ = wandering alone at night .
Niall loved to spend time with Zayn, especially when it was just the two of them hanging out and doing literally nothing at the same time. All he wanted to do was spend time with his best friend, lately it felt like they don’t spend time with each other despite sleeping in the same house. He walked with the boy, drinking his coffee and he turned to look at his friend; “So you and Astrid?” He asked with a bite to his bottom lip, “That’s.. I thought you weren’t going to get into a real relationship, I mean .. you said it yourself you’re not trying down so what’s happening with you?”
↱ = being lost with them .
Niall and Zayn had been wandering around aimlessly - they had a few drinks, but not enough to go crazy and not know where they are. But they were in a new city, deciding they didn’t want to stay in the Hamptons for this. As they walked, Niall looked around. “I don’t think we’re in New York anymore,” he stated with a laugh, before turning to look at Zayn. “So guess what?” He asked, taking a breath as he looked away. “Hannah and I.. we uhm.. you know.. twice…” he stated, avoiding Zayn’s eyes as he spoke.
✎ = speaking in a different language .
Niall was walking around the city with his phone to his ear, shaking his head in frustration as he tried to make his way to the closest Starbucks, “Mama nach dtuigeann tú, ní féidir liom teacht abhaile,” he spoke in Irish. Despite what the fans thought, Niall could speak Irish, and he was definitely fluent in it as his mum didn’t let him forget the language. They were arguing about Niall coming home for a weekend, but it just wasn’t feasible. “Níl mam, níl sé ag tarlú. Gan go dtí na Nollag b'fhéidir,” he said as he took a deep breath, “I love you mum, but it won’t happen,” he whispered as he ended the call, clearly frustrated. He spotted Ariella looking at him, “Hey.”
✏ = teaching them a different language .
Niall laughed as he sat in front of Ariella, shaking his head a few times. “No no it’s really not that hard!” He stated as he tried to control his laughter. “Ready, repeat after me, où est la salle de bain,” he smiled, looking at her and waiting for her to reply back to him. “Come on, you can do it,” he stated, the girl starting to repeat after him only to laugh and shake her head. “I can’t do it Ni,” the boy shaking his head. “You can do it,” he smiled, before shaking his head and bursting into laughter, falling back onto the couch. “You’re fucking hilarious oh my just stop, you such at this.” He stated through his laughter, it only getting louder when she started to hit him with the pillow.
▄ = telling them a joke .
Niall glanced at the girl and raised an eyebrow at her. She was crying, and she never cried. Well Niall had never seen her cry and he frankly hated it. He wanted to hug her, but then again Ariella never actually liked physical contact. Taking a breath he looked at her, and brought a hand to her knee. “Hey, is your body from McDonalds because I’m loving it,” he tried, raising an eyebrow as he waited for her to laugh, giving her a goofy smile to try to get her to laugh.
❂ = wiping blood off their face .
Niall looked at the girl as she came out of the boxing ring, taking a deep breath and following her to the change room in the back that was actually a locker room and made his way towards the girl, bringing a water bottle with him and taking a breath. “I love coming to see you box, you’re really good at it,” he started, walking over to her hesitantly and sitting down in front of her, bringing a hand to her face with the towel to wipe her face from the hits. “Super strong too my friend,” he smiled.
↱ = being lost with them .
Niall glanced at the girl who didn’t want to listen to him, “Ariella I told you we need to go that way!” He said, pointing towards the other direction, “You’re going to get us lost and…” he started as he took his phone out to check his maps, “And there’s no service and contrary to popular belief, I’m actually not that strong and I’m deathly afraid of spiders,” he admitted as he walked close beside her through the forest. “Why go through the forest?” He asked himself.
✘ = hugging them .
Niall spent a few hours with Alaska, listening to her as she sang along to Seeing Blind, aka the song she was helping him with. He was singing with her, they were recording one final time. Dancing a little to the beat of the song, Niall started to sing along to the music. “I have seen, seen it all in my life. Watched it full on the stream. But never understood. I have heard her speaking a million words. How you talking to me first? Never thought too much.” He looked at the girl as the chorus started, nodding along as they both started to sing. He smiled brightly as they finished the song and pulled her to him. “This is going to be awesome!”
♬ = singing to them .
Niall spent a few hours with Alaska, listening to her as she sang along to Seeing Blind, aka the song she was helping him with. He was singing with her, they were recording one final time. Dancing a little to the beat of the song, Niall started to sing along to the music. “I have seen, seen it all in my life. Watched it full on the stream. But never understood. I have heard her speaking a million words. How you talking to me first? Never thought too much.” He looked at the girl as the chorus started, nodding along as they both started to sing. He smiled brightly as they finished the song and pulled her to him. “This is going to be awesome!”
♡ = complimenting them .
Niall looked at the girl with a smile, shaking his head when she started to not believe in herself. “Alaska, what are you going on about? You’re beautiful,” he started, holding her hands as he smiled at her. “Seriously, you’re drop dead gorgeous, and you’re funny, and your smile is absolutely breathtaking. Plus your hips, they’re their own thing,” he continued, before taking a breath. “You will find that person I promise, and your life will change for the better.”
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