#albedo's great undertaking
mcuntainbcrn · 2 years
@mmriesoftvat liked for a starter!
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There were a few hard lines in the sand, so to speak, where she was concerned, and this not only all but ignored a major one, but essentially back flipped over it and stuck the landing; body language alone spoke volumes without her speaking a single word out loud.
Absolutely nothing could convince her to take so much as a single step towards the city proper's borders, and there was almost nothing the alchemist could say to convince her either.
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dat-bruv-person · 2 years
HellloOoo! I hope you’re having a good day! I hope you don’t mind, but may I request the Obey Me brothers and the side characters (minus Luke) with an s/o like Albedo from Genshin Impact? You don’t have to write this if you don’t feel comfortable! <333
⍣ ೋ witness my great undertaking!
a/n: thank you for the request anon, writer's block got to me :)
gn!reader, poc!reader friendly <3
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Lucifer loves your soft voice more than anything. He could listen to you for hours about your experiments and children you look after and how your job went today and ugh!! Marry him already.
Mammon doesn't like how much smarter you are than him, and how you don't fall for his schemes. But then again, he lives how you didn't let Levi use you for his either. You're such a smart ass, kys/j. (He loves you really.)
Satan finds solace in your presence: your soft smile is everything to him. He just wants to pet you like a cat for some reason, you seem so pettable. I don't know man, 😕 🤷🏾 But!! You do calm him down a lot. Seeing you happy makes him happy too.
Asmodeus loves to watch you draw and paint, yet will be that one person that's like, Can you draw me please hon? I'll have you know that I'm VERY photogenic~ LIKE NO. But if you do say yes, eclectic nothing to me done because he's too busy kissing your face out of thanks <3
Diavolo loves how good with kids you are, especially Luke. He knows that Luke doesn't like him, nor does he like Lucifer, but when he's around you he can excuse the insults thrown at him purely because he looks so cute clinging onto you because he doesn't want to leave.
Barbatos appreciates your opinions. Serving Lord Diavolo is no easy task, and he is in a silly goofy mood for a considerable amount of the time, but when you come to see him it makes his life a whole lot nicer. Your advice always seems to work, so it's more common than not to have a full on demon giving you his gratitude at your feet.
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voxmyriad · 4 months
Cal Kestis Week 2024, Day One—Lightsaber
It's Cal Kestis Week and I'm here with fic!
I haven't written fic in ages, but I can't let Cal Week go by without contributing!
Prompt: Touch | “You’re doing great!” | But First They Have To Catch You | Lightsaber
[Gen, no archive warnings apply, read on AO3 or here on Tumblr]
Considering how many enemies Cal has to face on a regular basis, he shouldn't need to practice at all. Or even have the time, for that matter. Every planet he visits, every mission he joins or takes on alone, there's always someone out there who objects to him, really violently. There are some days when Cal feels like he keeps his lightsaber lit more often than not.
But the Mantis never feels more empty than in hyperspace.
At first he spent a decent amount of time just watching it pass, but Cal has never been very good at sitting around. After a while something always tugs him up out of the pilot's seat (Greez's seat) and into the main cabin (never filled with the scents of Greez's cooking or the quiet murmur of Cere and Merrin's conversations). Something has him dialing the power down to training mode (no one left he could spar with) and reaching back, back through his memory. He finds Master Tapal's resonant voice, deep and calm, distantly impatient and amused by turns.
"Master, when can I learn to fight with two blades like you do?"
"Jar'Kai is not to be undertaken lightly, Cal."
"I'm not undertaking it lightly. Shouldn't I be as prepared as I can be?"
"You will be, when you have completed your training in the Forms. Now, begin again."
Begin again. Eyes closed, seeing the training room in the Albedo Brave, Cal moves around the small space in the Mantis. The orange blade reflects off glass and metal, the flickering light of a campfire lit to hold back the darkness. It isn't about learning, not now, but about control. Even the greatest lightsaber masters in the Temple had moved through these exercises.
As he steps through his memories, other voices return to him. Long before the war, before he'd accepted Jaro Tapal's offer and become his Padawan, Master Kenobi and Master Skywalker had led a demonstration for the Initiates. Form III, Soresu, against Form V, Shien. Sitting in a group between his friends Caleb and Reva, Cal had followed the flashing blades with rapt attention. It had seemed impossible that he could ever move that fast, but the masters were still able to talk while they sparred. They had even joked back and forth, as blue clashed on blue, as Skywalker had driven Kenobi back step after step and yet never quite got past his guard.
"Rather flashy, Anakin."
"Maybe I'm trying to distract you."
"Distract me, or impress your audience?"
"Can't it be both?"
They had been impressed. Master Skywalker had been wizard, bright enough in the Force to blind them, but so focused and determined. Cal knows he hadn't been the only one who had resolved in that moment to train as hard as he could so he'd be able to fight like that.
(He'd only learned later how efficient Soresu can be for deflecting a lot of blaster bolts at once, how useful Shien is when facing an angry lightsaber-wielding Inquisitor. Back then, in Cal's eager eyes, it had just been about how cool it looked.)
Every step, every movement, listening to his memories, Cal slowly completes the single-bladed katas in order, ending where he had begun. Then, following the rumbling voice in his memory, he lights his second blade and begins stepping through the form he had only observed, the footwork of Jar'Kai, copying Master Tapal's training as he'd never done in life.
"In Jar'Kai, you are the center of your weapon. You must never forget your center, Cal."
"I won't, Master."
(He's trying, he's trying. What does it mean when his center keeps moving? When he keeps being pushed off-center by enemies and allies alike?)
As he approaches the completion of that remembered kata, Cal arrives at the form he had never been taught, never observed in the Temple. With no pause or break in flow, he separates his blades, whirling in slow motion as he blocks and counters invisible enemies the way he had learned to fight with them. Been forced to train himself to fight with them. There are no comforting memories of former sparring bouts now, only snarling faces and hurled threats to accompany the humming blades.
"Jedi!" "Traitor!" "Kill him!" "Take him out!" "He can't counter all of us, can he?" "What's he doing?" "He's so fast!" "Am I the only one left?" "I don't want to die like this!"
(The sounds of death don't change, he's learned, whether they arrive via burning blaster bolt or cauterizing lightsaber blade. He knows the flavor of fear in the air, in the Force, the spike of it just before death arrives. He knows it better than he wants to. He can't forget it.)
The long hilt in his hands bears almost no resemblance now to the broken thing he'd clutched to himself on that ride down to Bracca's surface. In his travels, in following Cordova's path, his second trip to Ilum and everything afterward, he had kept coming across new components, new wraps, new materials for plating, and he'd always been curious. Hardly a day passes that Cal isn't working to improve it, but there are still a few pieces of Master Tapal inside. All of his teachers are carried with him, inside and out.
"What is a Jedi's lightsaber to him, Padawan?"
"His life, Master."
"Correct. His life, a limb, an extension of himself. But it is also a weapon, the weapon only of a Jedi, kept as a reminder that peace is our goal, drawn only when all else fails. To draw a lightsaber upon an enemy is to take on a heavy responsibility. It must never become the easy solution."
(How often has he begun a conflict by pulling out his lightsaber first?)
Finally, reluctantly, he opens his eyes in the present and takes in the silent ship, with BD-1 perched safely out of the way on the kitchen table and recording. That prompts a smile as, with a snap, the lightsaber blade disappears. BD-1 chirps and straightens up, the recording ending.
"Thanks, buddy," Cal murmurs, holding out a hand for the little droid to hop up onto his shoulder. "Let's see what's next."
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bloomchemy · 1 year
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Between candy and a warm fire
. Fluff/comfort .
. Gn reader .
Disclaimer: Reader is not traveller || mention of fire
Note: An incredible person helped me with the translation of this one-shot. Thank you so much Algol for your help!
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Soon, you could see your friend's camp, inserted in a large hole in the mountain. You crossed the broken bridge with your glider (you always wondered why he never tried to repair it) and, after a tortuous journey, managed to reach Albedo's camp.
The harsh weather in the mountains, for some reason, was never kind to you. Every time you had to undertake a new trip there, the fog thickened and the wind rose, not to forget the snow storms that caught you up in their gales whenever you set foot there. You always had to carry extra provisions in your backpack, which made it weigh twice as much as recommended for trips like these, but all that effort always paid off.
Considering the good taste he was known for, that camp was pretty… precarious. A couple of shelves full of unknown substances, books full of indecipherable texts, an alchemy table that emanated a certain aura of mystery (perhaps because you didn't know how alchemy worked, despite your friend explaining it to you a hundred times) and so many other scattered items that it would be impossible to enumerate them all… Apparently order was not a priority in his laboratory.
Upon reaching the cave, you decided to head in directly, since another of Albedo's great mysteries was: Why didn't his laboratory have a door? Wasn't it cold during those frigid nights and icy snowstorms? You preferred not to think too much about the matter, you would ask him later.
Glancing around the lab, you quickly managed to spot him on one of the desks. Concentrated on perhaps writing his conclusions or some procedure, he did not notice your presence, so you decided to call his attention.
"Knock knock" you called it in a singsong voice. Immediately, Albedo snapped out of his trance and gave you a small smile, as a form of saying 'welcome'.
It was strange to see him without the usual coat on him, especially considering the icy wind that was blowing through the place.
"Oh, you made it. How was your trip?" he asked with curiosity
"Tough, but safe. This time no hilichurl attacked me" you mentioned letting out a small laugh.
You tried to get closer to the fire that kept the place warm inside, but immediately your friend called you.
"Did you bring the materials that Sucrose received?" 'Oh, that's right' you thought.
Faced with such a reminder, you removed your backpack from your shoulders and extracted from it materials of strange origin, mainly flasks full of unknown substances and boxes with suspicious aromas.
"Put them on the table" he indicated.
And you did it just as he asked. After a couple more orders regarding his requests, you began to relax, and with the relaxation came a small gust of wind that made your body shake. You wrapped your arms around yourself to feel some warmth; you thought about asking your friend if he could give you a potion, a blanket, something to keep you warm, but he looked so focused that you didn't want to interrupt him.
"Please, hand me that book over there, the one with the green spine", "look in chapter four for the properties of this mineral I have here". With each request, you began to feel like an assistant more than a friend, which made you somewhat sad, since after that long and tedious journey, you received little or nothing of importance.
Suddenly an idea popped in your mind. You stood behind Albedo and began to give him a little massage, since that was a good way to tell if he had rested during the last few days. As expected, his back was far from relaxed. He, on his part, was startled for a moment by feeling your touch, so he decided to question you.
"What are you doing?"
"It's not obvious?" you responded rhetorically, with a sassy tone, to then ask him in a gentler voice "How long has it been since you slept?
Albedo took a moment to respond, unsure of his answer. After a few seconds of silence, he decided to speak.
"Three days"
His answer didn't surprise you at all. You knew well that his sleeping habits were not exactly healthy due to the dedication with which he treated his work. Because of this, a new objective crossed your mind: Operation 'Make Albedo rest', whose first step was to make him get up from his seat.
"Hey", you got his attention. "I'm a little cold, don't you want to come with me to the campfire? I brought sweets to share"
You weren't telling a single lie, the cold you felt was real and the sweets were waiting patiently in your backpack.
"Sweets, you say?" Your friend took the bait.
"Yes, and I'm only going to give them to you if you get your ass off the chair and come with me"
Albedo sighed, surrendered. His sweet tooth could be seen by far, so it wasn't too difficult to make him take a little break to recharge his batteries with a candy-flavored treat.
"Okay, but only because it's you" and finally he got up. "Are you saying you're cold? I have some blankets here, give me a minute and I'll look for them."
The ash blond disappeared under a desk and returned with a small stack of fluffy blankets. While your friend was looking for the blankets, you decided not to waste time and looked among your things for the sweets and desserts that you packed with great delicacy.
Once both of you were ready, Albedo offered you a hot chocolate to, as he said, 'warm up your body', to which you gladly accepted. After preparing the drink, you both sat on the ground in front of the campfire of his laboratory and covered yourselves with blankets to enjoy a well-deserved rest.
You raised your head slightly to look at him; his eyes were closed, possibly wanting to enjoy his well-deserved rest with you and your delicious gifts. You smiled sweetly at the adorable sight he was giving you. His closed eyes, his mouth half-opened, his disheveled hair after several days without fixing it... you wished that moment would never end.
Night began to fall, and with it your tired eyes, which were impossible to keep open after such an adventure through the mountains. The heat of the campfire and the warmth of the aquamarine-eyed boy's body didn't help, since they gave you a relaxing feeling as well as pleasant; it wasn't every day that you could rest your head on Albedo's shoulder, or receive the caresses of his soft hands on your scalp, much less feel the rapid beating of his artificial heart.
To your surprise, after a while he decided to say something.
"Suddenly I no longer want to continue working…", he declared. His words took you by surprise, since that situation was most peculiar.
"Do you want to sleep?" you asked softly in your voice.
"Maybe so…" he answered before letting out a yawn and raising his arms in a stretch. That movement made the blanket fall, for which you laughed a little. "Sorry", Albedo covered you with the warm cloth and proceeded to look for some pillows to finally get that much-needed sleep.
Returning with the pillows and, additionally, a mattress so you wouldn't sleep on the hard stone floor of the cave.
"Klee insisted on bringing this" he said referring to the mat, implying in some way that he didn't really use it.
After throwing the mat and pillows on the floor, he indicated you to lie down on it. Next, he imitated your actions but behind you, so he could loosely hug you. Immediately afterwards, he covered you both with the blanket.
"I hope we don't lose body heat like this" he mentioned.
Despite his carefully chosen words, you could tell his true intentions by feeling his heartbeat. What a beautiful melody.
You both cuddled together by the fire, enlightened and warm. You yawned at the same time, action that made you both laugh at such an unexpected synchronicity. You snuggled into his warm chest to feel his heartbeat and his calm breathing. He, on his part, began to caress your hair again, so the cold no longer existed, just that warm moment shared with your favorite person.
. ________.________.
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atheliasnotebook · 2 years
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⇾ 【🛡️】 NOELLE
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welcometoteyvat · 2 years
one of albedo’s elemental burst lines says “witness my great undertaking” but in the chinese version it’s 见证伟业, which is the same phrasing as how grand sage azar talks about the akademia’s creation of god-balladeer when the traveler and alhaitham confront him (in the english version he says “great work” but in CN it is the same phrase, 伟业)... albedo scaramouche parallels quite insane
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Genshin has done really well with its worldbuilding in the last few years, but one thing they haven't worked on is something I'd really like to see: relationships between characters and NPCs.
And I mean NPCs that we see every day in the wild. We have so many playable characters and so many NPCs, but there still seems to be this jarring disconnect, like they're not allowed to interact properly. And if characters do have relationships with NPCs, it's never explored. Yes, Beidou and her crew, but how do they work? Yes, Nilou and the Zubayr Theatre members, but how are they a team?
Not to mention that some older characters have random connections to NPCs that are just... never explained. It's stated once that Albedo and Huffman are friends, which, great, but also what? Why? They're at, like, opposite ends of the personality spectrum and opposite ends of the Knights, and yet somehow Albedo favours him over Kaeya (which isn't a high bar to pass for him but for the sake of the point it doesn't matter). I want to see how Hertha, a Captain just like Eula and Kaeya are, interacts with them. Does Wood, who guards the Solitary Confinement room, talk to Klee often? Ganyu, Keqing and Ningguang's three secretaries- how do they interact? What about the shy undertaker who works for Hu Tao, and narrates Zhongli's teaser trailer? Heizou and the other Doushin? Chongyun, Xingqiu, and Xiangling's relationships with their respective families. Xingqiu and the lady who runs the bookstore. Kokomi and the other shrine maidens, same with Yae. Candace and the people of Aaru Village, Tighnari and Collei with the other Forest Rangers. Baizhu and Qiqi with Gui.
See what I mean? I'm barely four nations in and there's so many relationships to be explored. Tell me how they interact! I want to see how the exceptional interact with the ordinary.
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blog move in motion!
still setting up, but it’s remotely presentable and i also broke my carrd link here for it so i shld mention! new url is @bedobedo-kincare as most of the answers liked n i’m pretty excited about it!
requests are closed over there at the moment, i’d like to open them tomorrow and get promo’d tho! but if you follow me over there that’s where i’ll be operating from now on <3 
ty for sticking around if you come onto the other blog, and i hope you enjoyed your time following me if you don’t!
- mod albedo
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writers-of-teyvat · 3 years
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Hello, and welcome to writers-of-teyvat. This is a new group writing blog that is currently accepting mod applications, be sure to read everything before applying.
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Support ab/se, inc/st, ped/philla, etc
Support Trump
Super Straight
Identity as yandere or yandere/blog in general
These next two are just in case hence I know of the source
A part of the Chihiro Fujisaki discourse
Ship Tenko x Men
Any other basic DNI criteria that I missed
The password is lisa
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Mod Applications
Mod Applications are: Open.
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May I have a promo?
@editcore @fairytalefragments @electro-kins @lovesick-level-up @silk-flower-edits @electropuppet-kins @danganronpa-cafe @guujimikos @radiaes @loveittos @v3speria-edits @razzthetic @solandiz @edithub @editcore @prophelise + Anyone else that'd like to and let me know if you'd like your tag removed! Apologies I mainly know editing blogs-
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requests aaaaa !!! /pos
i will do these tmrw because it’s late and i don’t feel like cleaning off my desk for the reading i have to do but i promise i see you guys in my inbox !!!
- mod albedo
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mcuntainbcrn · 2 years
This type of closeness was new - unfamiliar territory for one of the two, and it certainly wasn’t alchemist; it was frustrating, feeling as though there was no possible way to properly replicate what she was feeling in a capacity that wouldn’t be clumsy, or even understood by them.
What had purely been an offer to wash their hair had somehow become this - whom had kissed whom first? Did it matter? Was this even real, or just some strange dream that had managed to crawl from the depths of her unconscious?
The warmth of the water around them seem to pool between them, making that odd warmth between them increase, legs shifting to lock at the ankles at the small of xer back.
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f-ai-n · 3 years
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Albedo angrily ask you to witness his great undertaking
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windblooms · 4 years
mondstadt boys – how they kiss their s/o
mondstadt boys × gender-neutral!reader; 1k words. headcanons of how albedo, diluc, kaeya, and venti kiss their s/o. fluff/sfw.
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- ̗̀ albedo  ̖́-
he'd only ever heard of physical affection from lisa – and, admittedly, only because was at the wrong place at the right time.
"oh, didn't you know?  when two people have affections for each other, they might kiss, and the sensation is . . . rather shocking."
romantic context or not, albedo wouldn't exactly consider being “shocked” a positive experience.  he's already been electrocuted one too many times from various trials involving the odd combination of lightning prisms and noctilucous jade, and isn't eager to intentionally replicate the sensation.  
however, since albedo’s involved himself with you, he makes an exception to this precedent on the daily: fleeting kisses on your cheeks when they’re rosy, on your lips when soft words are on the edge, and even around the shell of your ear.  his pecks are very innocent in nature; albedo isn’t an incredibly sentimental individual, rational to nearly a fault.  and even when he does choose to indulge in tender emotions, they’re in your name and exceedingly brief.
he’ll study the reactions you give, invested in the things that bring you joy – and he’s ultimately found his kisses to be one of them, so he persists.  
“well then, it looks like you’re satisfied for now.  hm, more?  if you’re like this now, i wonder what will happen if you go without me for even a day . . . ah, purely for pondering purposes.  no need to look so scandalized.”
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- ̗̀ diluc  ̖́-
his respect isn’t easily earned, and his affections even less likely so – but you’ve won them all the same, and he intends to cherish you, so long as you’ll have him.
moments of genuinity are cursory with diluc: he’s too accustomed to dampening his vulnerability, and substitutes it instead with deadpan consideration.  oftentimes, his attempts at romantics are only charming because of his obvious inexperience – but he still tries, archons bless him.
very traditional with his courting: will only kiss you once it’s evident that you’ve relaxed around him, and with your permission.  initially, diluc is rather stiff, with only inklings of warmth behind his pecks.  but over time, he finds a rhythm with you; he deduces fair quickly that you’re not concerned about where he kisses you, and that you’re more pleased by the how.  
“you never cease to teach me new things . . . was that not to your liking?  we should try again, with something different.  huh, that sounded ’lewd’?  who do you take me for – ”
antics aside, the heat behind his kisses evolves: diluc learns how to let go of his rigid composure and melt into you, abdicating the guard that he’s so carefully built around himself.  fingers fluttering around your jaw, cradling your face in his calloused palms as his thumbs brush over your cheeks.  piece by piece giving up his turmoil and pushing aside the burden on his shoulders – just for you, just for now.
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- ̗̀ kaeya  ̖́-
if kaeya is a winter storm, then you’re the water he paralyzes; inescapable, brazen, and even sometimes underhanded, his trek is as stunning as it is all-consuming.  no matter what you do, he always seems to know two steps beforehand, and if you hadn’t known better, you would’ve assumed that he could read minds.
but no, he can’t – he’s just unbelievably proficient at reading you, the homey porch to his midnight snow, and his precious, frost-nipped calla lily.  he can elicit a reaction from you with just a few words, and on occasion, with the help of a few gestures as well.
from the top of your head to the tips of your fingers, his lips are an instrument of war, and the claim to victory is the spark in your eyes.  whatever prompts a smile on your face, even if you giggle yourself off the couch at his foolery, he’d be more than willing to undertake.
“haha, you always put up a brave front.  relax now; let me take over.  you’ve worked hard, and my lily should enjoy themselves after a long day.”
whether it be in the favonius library, through the forests of windrise, or the ruins of starfell valley, kaeya will find any reason he can to pamper you with his kisses.  the occasion doesn’t matter, only the presentation and the joy you receive – he’s quite the tease, coy and knowing when he can tug on that string around your heart a little more, before willingly falling victim into your sincerities. 
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- ̗̀ venti  ̖́-
whimsical and mercurial in agenda, barbatos is never one to stay in place for long.  it’s not that he’s innately restless, only that he has the calling to something other: to explore, trifle, and experience. 
“it’s been such a long time since i’ve had a lasting companion . . . gah, nevermind my own thoughts!  this is a time to celebrate, preferably at a nearby tavern, where there’ll be plenty of song and dance to go around . . . among other things.”
the pecks he gives you are few and far between – unlike his presented spirit, his vulnerability has been locked away long ago.  hundreds of years of witnessing, drifting, and existing, don’t exactly bode well with the soul.  he might poke fun at the flush in your cheeks, or rag good-naturedly on your unorthodox thoughts, but this is how he’s always carried himself, and the wind never reveals its secrets upfront. 
at the base of the great tree in windrise is where you first kissed.  just as an autumn gust nips at one’s skin, venti’s pecks are primarily experimental and secondarily chaste.  attachment isn’t something that comes easily to him, despite his ostentatious presentations, and the part of him that’s uncertain of the future conveys itself when his lips meet your skin.
but he will keep his perseverance for you.  lips at the shell of your ear when you lean on him, his midnight lullabies cherishing your presence, lulling you to bright days ahead, alongside him.
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posledniyshans · 2 years
Would love a Correct Take on Breaking Bad from you
ok here we go please feel free to throw tomatoes at me
“’What I want –what I need - is a choice’’ – when Walter enters the narrative he is already dead. His deadness foreshadows and unleashes a katabasis, literally ‘animating’ him. It’s the first of a series of symbolic oppositions that the story goes through in both a metanarrative sense and in an esoteric play of forces on a stage.
His choice to live is a realisation of both his liminality and a dire measure to enact a cathartic narrative – life is defined by death and his actions become more and more death-driven the more they become obsessively love-driven, as he burns his dreamstate self (the timid teacher) to achieve his Real self – the immortal Ubermensh, ‘’king of kings’’; to enact a grandiose myth of Becoming
Of course this must come to be through drugs. Drugs, as historically an instrument for transgression from ordinary reality to heightened consciousness, are in their genesis a shamanic attibute. Symbolically they’re the stuff of dreams, altered states of consciousness, unreality, visceral and intense experience of the Self, they mark the threshold between two worlds. Walter “I am awake” White ‘knows the chemistry’ and describes it as the study of ‘growth then decay then transformation’ – an esoteric view by anyone other than an alchemist - like him
Alchemy as a motif of transcension is reflected by the colour play of cinematography in the series - many video essays talk about BRBA’s storytelling through color; The Great Work of Alchemy is described as a series of 4 stages, represented by color/coloring – nigredo- a blackening, albedo - a whitening, citrinitas - a yellowing and rubedo, reddening or purpling. The dynamism of the narrative juxtaposes those colors constantly to signal a fluctuating transmutaion of the characters between stages of change, which is realised in a transformation in the very end, as the color scheme between ‘stage’ and characters turns into chiaroscuro. Now, alchemy is opaque as hell, but its popular core Thing is the transmutation of lead into gold as a metaphor for spiritual purification and ascension from a diseased ephemeral state to a perfect everlasting Being – summed up in Walt’s speech: he distinguishes chemistry from an empirical, positivist study of ‘matter’ and explicates it to a study of spiritual and metaphysical ‘transformation” [c.f: the ‘wire’ scene – the material is lead, and alchemy’s thing is to turn lead into gold - a transsubstantiation to elevate the soul into a heighteted mythic state.]
Now, Carl Jung was Obsessed with alchemy as a path to growth and as a symbolic system of mapping the psyche, which is where he derives his concept of ‘individuation’. He wrote about alchemy as a ‘symbolic process of coming into wholeness as a human being where opposites are brought into contact and inner and outer, spirit and matter are reunited in the hieros gamos or divine marriage’’. Jung posits that individuation is a business one undertakes in the ‘second part of life’ – the midlife crisis, as a ‘’’process of becoming conscious of parts of the Self that were not admitted into the persona in the first half of life[…] the ego begins to confront inner ‘’opposites’’’’ , the integration of the ‘shadow self’, a process of transcending ordinary social life and expectation and entering a philosophical mode of living.
Walt’s choice is to enact this process – his alchemical view of life gains a material exression through his ‘product’, referred to in the show as an almost mystical substance, distinguished by its color /blue as a hermetic symbol of the final stage before catharsis/. His meth is a transsubstantiation of lead into crystal and from the crystal’s distribution into ‘gold’. /’there is gold in the streets just waiting for someone to come and scoop it up’/ - its both transgressive bc it’s a psychic catalyst and a base form of ‘gold’. Being his symbolic opposite, Jesse is the vital component of Walts individuation – he’s a reagent for the transsubstantiation of meth into gold /’you know the business and I know the chemistry’/. And Walts “corruption arc” is the integration of his shadow self - which becomes possible mostly through his affair with Jesse - love is the biggest transsubstantiator, and in a tragic narrative, dark, abusive love is even better >:))
Which brings me to the core of the show – their hieros gamos, symbolic marriage which transfers Walts individuation to Jesse. Their relationship has paternalistic motifs, Walt substituting his children for Jesse and Jesse acting as immaturely in the beginning, yet he also uses Jesse as a wife surrogate (an abuse of power analogous to covert incest, and several characters point that out, most notably Mike in his speech-thesis moment of misattribution, falsely identifying Walt as a domestic victim and foreshadowing Jesse as the battered wife)
To me their psychosexual entanglement is very real and it’s the crux of people’s misunderstanding. The audience averts their gaze from it – some are disgusted by their ‘shipping’ – and while it’s not a thing to ‘ship’, they see only a father-son dynamic, which fragments the story’s internal logic. Some ‘ship’ it facetiously, picking up on the part of that dynamic which makes the first group’s denial so aggressive. they also miss the complexity by reducing it to an abusive relationship (it is that, yet that view is simplistic)
Because the show is a tragedy, their ‘divine marriage’ cannot be anything but profoundly violent and wounding. In its context Jesse could be seen as perversions of the dichotomy anima-animus- Jess the anima – intuitive and reactive, and Walt as animus - possessive dominating and abusive. It’s a dynamic that leads to both their deepest pits of suffering and their ‘deaths’ – Walter’s limbo-purgatory in the cabin and immortalisation at the centre of his lab(irynth, bc the minotaur myth is sacrificial myth) (and the story) - his chamber of transsubstantiation, and Jesse’s symbolic death in the cage /in an image of hellish medieval punishment/ and resurrection, when he breaks through the cages in the desert. The progression of Walts destructive love for Jesse is something like a Nero-Sporus situation, which is also why Skyler is framed like that /as seen by Walt/ – she’s in the way of Walt and Jesse’s ‘consummation’, she’s an obfuscation of Walt’s true desire, the redemptive mirage he clings to as he builds his monument for immortality. She names their baby Holy, as creation is holy – that baby is an image of salvation for Walt, as he descends lower and lower in his katabasis.
His relationship with Jesse is what drives that tragedy – his jealousy of clean cut mentors that contrast with his possessiveness, of the women Jesse ‘cheats’ on him with drives him and the narrative – Jesse is Walt’s in body and soul, his ‘partner’ – his other half, and he is not allowed to have anything but Walt /’’if there’s a hell we’re pretty much going there’’/ - Jesse ‘married’ Walter when their journey to the underworld begins and as per their ‘deal’ (50/50 partners. like in marriage. which is a deal of partnership), only death can do them part.
And as Walt can’t cease the chain reaction of violence he initiates and they enter into sacrificial crisis territory, where distinctions between everyone are lost and the cycle of destruction propagates: Walt needs blood to fuel his upward momentum; like Bob he has “the fury of his own momentum” and the ‘fire he’s started is very hard to put out’
The sacrificial crisis /Girard/ begins with an incorrect sacrifice and can only be stopped with a ‘correct’ one - a surrogate victim that would cleanse the community of evil and restore order. In the chapters leading to the denouement, Walt is rushing at breakneck speed to an explosion (he is ‘a time bomb tick tick’) - he’s running out of victims to sacrifice in the name of ‘keeping himself and Jesse’ alive That’s his predestined course /in a tragedy everything has already happened, blah blah/ and everyone is ‘around for the boom’: as Jesse spirals into an opheliac ‘madness’ (he’s a ‘rabid dog’ to be put down), he looks like the sacrificial victim most fit for Walts altar. But as long as Walt -Heisenberg- is alive, he can’t sacrifice Jesse - he is dependent on him for his life. I think BRBA is heavily influenced by Twin Peaks and vice versa later on (e. g. the Jesse/Laura paralells in brba and the new mexico test atomic explosion in ep 8 of The Return as the birth of al evil). Heisenberg is the father of evil in the story and is the shadow self that consumes Walt in his off the rails individuation journey: he starts a ‘fire’ of bloodshed and violence that can be put out only by closing the circle and sacrificing the creator to his own monstrous disembodied creation. What he does wrong - his hubris in thinking he is his own shaman. Kastaneda’s fictitious Don Juan, who feeds Karlos drugs in his initial journey into himself, says that one must traverse the land of dreams, the world beyond this world with a shaman-mentor as a guide - otherwise one will get lost and ‘die’, consumed by his shadow. Walter manufactures his drug-atomic bomb and it consumes him. And this might not be TP, but just like Bob, Walter is immortalised and Jesse, much like an inverted Laura, lived for Walter’s sins.
Anyway, their sacred acts of betrayal in the desert are elevated to myth, as emphasized by Shelley’s poem Ozymandias,. The supposed etymology of the word ‘alchemy’ as ‘the egyptian science’/’black earth/soil’ is in opposition to ‘red desert sand’ – their alchemical journey is enacted in the ‘alone and level sands’ of an endless barren wasteland, like a stage or a mirage – as if the characters almost acknowledge the limits of their own Being as trapped in a story. In the desert they die and reach eternity in their own ways, enacting the first in a triad of sacred acts – betrayal. In the desert again they enter a last commune of the two other sacraments of love – forgiveness and salvation – in that last moment after Walt kills every trojan so that [gunshot] and they share a last look. That katabasis happens because of their grief turned rage and is transcended by their rage turned grief.
In the final episode Walt comes to the desert to die, not knowing of Jesse’s suffering, presuming a betrayal /like Jesse’s some Delilah/ and gives him back life and closure as he himself dies at the centre of his ‘shattered visage’, a death that has haunted him from the beginning. Jesse’s Job-like suffering concludes in a triumph of transformation through his ‘marriage’ to Walter – the alchemist of human souls. Walter’s Faustian more than he is evil though, because he seeks redemption through confession, and “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”. And he does offer Jesse to kill him. And Jesse as a figure of salvation is seen in refusing to (“then do it yourself”) - Christ is posited by modern thinkers to be the anti-sacrificial figure, exposing the mechanisms of scapegoating by fully abstaining from reciprocal violence; his sacrifice the one to end all sacrifices. Jesse staying alive and exiting the story is him both remaining eternally living and Walt - eternally dead - one last cyclical dichotomy, affirmative of forgiveness as a great sacrament.
Jesse i think could be the ‘traveller from an antique land’. As he exits the story, leaving Walter to die a monument and center to it in the belly of his lab(irynth*), he is the only carrier of its intimate truth - that mythic, archaic story of the man who grew so big he brushed against gods and imploded - a smear of ruins in a barren wasteland - that’s one consuming tale to carry! (In The Return, Laura is posited as an immanent being of light, contrasted with Judy’s atomic birth of evil; if Walter is eternal in the desert like Ozymandias or an atomic site, Jesse is eternal as a Traveller outside of evil => as light)
tl;dr BrBa is ti me an archetypal faustian tragedy that coalesces around an intensely spiritual, violently libidinal and destructive love story between Walt and Jesse. It investigates the transformativity of annihilation, hubris, vengeance and power, but also in that space - an ascension through profound suffering and sacrifice and forgiveness as a consequence of that love, that leads to either an individuation as rebirth and life or one as a last soaring fly in search of immortality. Everyone is a tragic hero and most of all Walter, who pursues his death to the bitter, grand and monumental end
Guess ill go kill myself now. Lastly, Anne Carson: ‘’myths are stories about people who become too big for their lives temporarily, so that they crash into other lives or brush against gods. In crisis their souls are visible.’’
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sips-tea-cutely · 3 years
Hello! I would like to get a genshin impact friendship and relationship matchup. I am a agender pansexual. I like drawing, writing, baking, listening to music and singing too. I like watching the sunset then stargazing after, and I would often try to remember and understand the placements of the stars, and by the day I usually stay within the confinements of my room with my little brother, which makes me an introverted person. I also take interest with combat due to my uncle being one of the instructor of martial arts within our place and sometimes I also partake their training. That's all thank you!
“Witness my great undertaking!”
Albedo Kreideprinz ☺︎︎
as shown by the previous event, hes super good at drawing!!
i kinda feel like you would stay over at his lab in dragonspine and when hes not busy, you guys kill time by just sharing writing pieces and drawings
hes a lowkey know-it-all so he’d be super fast at pointing out constellations and stuff 😕😕😕
if you want some time to yourself, pls feel free to drop your brother off at albedos office or lab, he will take care of him for as long as needed
“As one with wind and cloud”
Kaedehara Kazuha ♥︎
as a ronin/playable character, he’s very skilled in combat and martial arts so 👀👀👀
also, based on how you write this, you sound very poetic so yeah!!
really wanna hc him as someone who puts a bit of faith in the stars
so he likes to point them out with you since he’s pretty familiar with them
kinda cheesy but he kinda likes to sneak in a listen while you’re singing
i didnt know where to put this but his nickname for you is his maple leaf bc ohhh canada, our home and native land
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In alchemy, nigredo, or blackness, means putrefaction or decomposition. [...] The alchemist undertakes a purification in albedo, which is literally referred to as ablutio – the washing away of impurities. This phase is concerned with "bringing light and clarity to the prima materia (personal material) [...]  rubedo signaled alchemical success, and the end of the great work.
NBC Hannibal - ep. 2.13, 3.01 & 3.02
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