#album: ask games
travelerbasilau · 1 year
kel kel kel!
do you know how to flex? (hehe)
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Uhhh… Oops?
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changewingwentz · 1 year
“Then I’d trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday”
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slayter-kinney · 4 months
sorry i remember something like this going around a while ago but i can’t find it / wanted to make my own SO
feel free to reblog etc
edit after some mild feedback if you fall into the “i know a couple songs but not really ‘into them’ i’d consider that option 1 personally (but go with whatever you think fits)
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Hey, I've got an idea for a tag game!
Tell me
one artist/band you know at least one entire album by
one artist/band from whom you know literally two songs
>optional: include the name of the album and the song titles
I'll go first~
Know an entire album- Lewis Capaldi
Divinely Uninspired To A Hellish Extent
Know literally two songs- Earth, Wind & Fire
"Let's Groove" and "September"
I feel like this is a pretty generic one- and the first I've ever started lol- so I'm just going to tag some of my moots, but if any of you don't want to participate that's totally fine, and anyone else is welcome to join!
@aceing-on-the-cake @redley-of-many-noodles @euryvices @tommy2020 @nonyanae @moreover-clover @misty-inferno @andiv3r @integer-0verflow @aaand-mitsuba-is-dead-again @broken-faucet-of-feelings
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frnkiebby · 2 months
1031 halloween please
it’s not halloween related (unfortunately) but maybe we can pretend he’s dressing up as a pretzel??~🎃
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(the game)
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everchanging-cryptid · 2 months
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Based on a conversation I had with some friends
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nogenrealldrama · 5 months
Top ten from my repeats playlist
Thank you so much for the tag @wolfstargazer, this was so much fun!
Spotify Repeats always goes stupid on me because I don’t repeat songs that frequently, but here are my favourite tracks I discovered or re-discovered recently:
Panther’s Rib Cage - La Jungle
Nothing is Safe - clipping.
On The Secret Side - Black Eyes
Fuckhead - Test Dept
Battle for the Sun - Placebo
Zoriuszka I - Krzikopa
The King - Anjimile
Go Dig My Grave - False Lankum
Whispers In The Echo Chamber - Chelsea Wolfe
Sludgefucker - The Royal They
Tagging with no pressure, but I’d love to know (or get an update on) your music tastes: @absolutely-existing @nocturnal-phantom @totallysharpeyed @myrskytuuli
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spirallingstarcases · 10 months
top 5 pete&patrick images? :D
i’m not even gonna TRY to rank em it’s just too hard okay shotgun blast here we go
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the grins…i think i just love both of their smiles so so so much
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the tenderness the framing the composition the colours the way pete is clearly trying his best to be consumed by patrick push into him with sheer force of will
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^ putting these two tgt since it was the same moment different angles look at their SMILES
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i think we all know how fucjing obsessed i am with this image like the mood lighting the candidness the way both are simply in their element like hats off to photographer here this is truly such a great photo in general not just in a p2 sense
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dayurno · 3 months
#4? :0
#4 - a story idea you haven’t written yet
AH so many truly so so many but let me tell you the most recent. with the whole jean’s bi awakening being kevin thing i was thinking like. ok so how did he get to that conclusion though. what caused jean to realize it. and then i thought. i absolutely Need a fic where k/j are talking to each other in post-canon (post tsc canon?) and they somehow end up on the topic of sexuality. i’m thinking jean tells kevin albeit reluctantly that kevin was the reason he realized he was bi at all and kevin asking him how did that happen. then i want those conversations to derail into borderline phone sex. like i’m thinking very kevin asking jean what were his turning points/what kinds of thoughts and fantasies he had and the two of them falling down a slippery slope that goes straight to third base. the tl;dr is kevjean phone sex with extra steps LOL
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certifiedbi · 3 months
pretty basic but top five songs atm??
In no particular order
Something kinda ooh - girls aloud
Reggaeton lento - little mix
Evacuate the dancefloor - cascada
Squad - disciples & goldlink
Don't care about nothing - major lazer
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travelerbasilau · 1 year
(Hands you a Senzu Bean) here.
Also, have you met the Sweetheart Clones yet?
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castles-in-the-eyre · 1 month
five songs you actually listen to + five tags
@belbeten thank you for the tag!!! and… please ignore how tremendously late this is 🫣
here’s five i’ve been rotating in my brain lately:
hollywood - jukebox the ghost
angel eyes - abba
hard to explain - the strokes
you! me! dancing!! - los campesinos!
pink lemonade - the wombats
and entirely no-pressure tags: @yourlocalgremlin @blutterlie @brizelizi @cx-shhhh @arteyhumano299 :)
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whinlatter · 4 months
niche but Neville and Hannah! I love the little snippets of them we get in Beasts <3
thank you for asking about neville and hannah for this ask game anon and being so nice about how i have tried to include them in beasts :) :) :) the lovely @mimisays8 asked about them too!
hannah and neville are such a lovely fun couple to imagine and think about. i do realise this sounds ridiculous because they canonically interact very briefly once, when neville says harry saved the 'philogical' stone :) and hannah is like wow :) (...) still, though, there are these very small little nods to them having certain things in common and to being cutie patooties in their cores that gives fic writers so much to play with. obviously, neville from day dot is a dweeby nervous deeply unconfident little sweetie pie. in hannah's opening scene, too, she '[stumbles] out of line, [puts] on the hat, which [falls] right down over her eyes', establishing her, too, as a cute nervous flop. when hannah worries about azkaban escapee sirius black, she tells everyone black is disguising himself by turning into a flowering shrub. she's got plants on the brain your honour! it's meant to be. i think it's nice to imagine their dynamic as a couple as being too smiley lovely beans taking it in turns to squeeze the other person's hand reassuringly while pulling each other out of the way of passing buses/puddles etc. (more waffle below the cut)
of course, the slightly sad thing about hannah and neville is that they both spend most of canon feeling awful about themselves. neville, obviously, is neville (he thinks he's good as a squib! baby!). but hannah, for an exceptionally minor character, gets all these wee moments where the reader is told she has very low self-confidence. in ootp, hannah abbott vs owls gets its own tiny subplot. ('All the fifth years were suffering from stress to some degree, but Hannah Abbott became the first to receive a Calming Draught from Madam Pomfrey after she burst into tears during Herbology and sobbed that she was too stupid to take exams and wanted to leave school now.') then she has an absolute meltdown during her owls and causes a flamingo stampede in the middle of an exam, which makes everything neville has ever done look slick. losers! soulmate losers. i love the idea of the two of them really knowing what it's like to gravely doubt yourself and feel very very rubbish about your self worth, and channelling that experience into being very supportive partners and parents, one day (and a teacher and friend to a future generation of hogwarts students, later in life!)
one of the other elements to hannah and neville is that they also both know something about grief and loss. hannah loses her mum when she's sixteen: neville grieves what his parents could have been every time he visits them. i don't think shared experiences of loss are necessarily a stable basis for a ship in all instances, but with hannah and neville, i really like it being part of what they are to each other and other people, as something that informs their capacity for great empathy and compassion and a real emotional maturity that comes with having gone through familial experiences that are so momentous and life-changing.
in my headcanon in beasts, i imagine that the period when hannah and neville became closer, and also when they both began to change and grow up as people and gain some self confidence, was during the war in the DA. neville, we know, grows hugely in confidence in that year. but hannah, too, seems to have changed a lot from her 15 to 17 year old self - she's gone from calling herself too stupid to be a witch to fighting in a huge great big battle (nearly getting personally bumped off by voldemort himself, huge slay). obviously i play with the idea that her and ginny became friends through the DA the year before, just because i think it makes a lot of sense as a way to draw hannah in to the wider group of golden and silver trios in a way that she isn't, really, in canon. but in general just think it's lovely to imagine hannah finally getting a bit of belief and self esteem in a growth arc that parallels neville's (and to give another female character an arc in general, in a series that underserves its female characters at every single bloody turn)
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puppyeared · 6 months
38 and 39 for the ask game!
(Love your art by the way)
38: fav song at the moment?
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pawprint panic | party at club bug | love birds
39: youtuber you've been obsessed with and why?
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link to scruffy's youtube channel
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frnkiebby · 2 months
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(the game)
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pinkiepig · 1 year
How about “Never wanted to dance.” By Mindless self indulgence?
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its a vibe
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