#alex and his droogs
quinjao · 2 years
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Alex DeLarge - A Clockwork Orange fanart
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captainpirateface · 2 years
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PIC(S) INFO: On top of the now iconic "A Clockwork Orange" movie poster, British airbrush artist Philip Castle produced a number of airbrush images for the film, all commissioned by Stanley Kubrick himself, c. early '70s.
"The Korova milkbar sold milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom, which is what we were drinking. This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultraviolence."
-- ALEX DELARGE, "Your humble narrator," screenplay by S. Kubrick
Source: http://yingyangs.blogspot.com/2011/02/philip-castle.html.
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angelofthenight · 8 months
What Doesn’t Kill Me Pt.2
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(Yandere!Alex DeLarge x Fem!Reader)
Warnings: Yandere, Dark themes, Ladstat, Swearing/Language, Unhealthy/Abusive relationship, Jealousy/Possessiveness, Social isolation, Obsessiveness, Controlling behavior, Intimidation/Coercive control/Power imbalance, Emotional/Mental trauma, Violence, Gangs, Manipulation, Physical abuse, Snake phobia, Boundary pushing, Mentions of Rape/Non-Con, Paranoia, Sexual context/themes, Alex is his own warning, You are responsible for your own content consumption
Word Count: 3.9k
Table of Contents
Alex Delarge was nothing but a sadistic maniac with a disturbing infatuation for you. A lunatic who could never keep it in his pants. A sociopath who acted like he’s never seen skin before. A monster who claimed to simply be in love.
And the belief of being in love was the worst thing a monster could have.
Despite his charming tone of voice and smile, despite him telling you in different words and metaphors that he loves you, he was awful to you. It was as if his infatuation and fascination with you further eroded any remaining empathy he possibly had left in him before he started to like-like you, which made him indifferent to the suffering or pain he inflicted upon you and others in the name of his delusional love.
And one of the things that created a confusing and fear-inducing environment for you was the fact that he casually alternated between moments of false kindness and extreme violence. He could be playing with your hair and telling you how pretty you were one moment then throwing a glass cup full of liquor at the wall beside your head in the next.
He used your own fear to keep you grounded and dependent. He used threats to you and others to strain you from seeking help or “tattling”. And along with fear, he employed manipulative tactics to isolate you from your friends and family. And the people he couldn’t exactly detach you from, like all of your coworkers and management, he charmed them into thinking he was this picture perfect boy.
Because of this false image of himself, you’ve despairingly found him repeatedly warmly welcomed into the restaurant you worked at. So you couldn’t even get away from him at work. Sometimes he would bring his droogs with him and seat themselves into your section. You’d watch from the back with tears in your eyes before swallowing them to go and wait on the criminals, knowing Alex was just going to flaunt his dominance over you to the boys by jokingly mocking you as you served them. They never tipped, though some days you noticed Pete linger behind the group a bit to sneak in a 15% tip under the bill.
Alex was possessive and controlling, yet he continuously pretended that he wasn’t insanely jealous of all your interpersonal relationships. He isolated you from all your friends with the threat that he would do something violently heinous to them, and he had proved to you to be true to his threats after multiple instances. He also had cut off any contact you had with your family. He claimed that he was all the company you’d ever need.
Even though his love was intense and twisted, and despite the mix of obsession and a desire to control every aspect of your life, you were still allowed to still go out and continue your life just… with no interactions longer than a minute. Especially with boys. Just seeing other guys around you drove Alex absolutely ballistic and homicidal. It was often when he would lash out at anyone who got too close to you. His overprotectiveness and his jealous greed just all overwhelmed him. He had repeatedly gone to extreme lengths to protect you, even if it meant resorting to violence. But in his twisted mind, he believed that his actions were justified simply because he was acting out of his love for you.
Even though other gangs already used to stay away from you when Alex simply just pined after you, now they really wouldn’t touch you now that you belonged to Alex. And if he ever found out another gang messed with you he would maul them all like a savage bear. He became increasingly violent and controlling, going to extreme measures to eliminate any perceived threats to this relationship of his.
He wasn’t going to let anyone get in the way or let anyone take you away from him. Not even you.
He’d use manipulation and mind games to keep you grounded, but he mostly just used fear and violence to control you. And it was a frequent thing that you found your throat being squeezed by his large hand in a fit of rage or just for fun. It took awhile, but he finally trained obedience into you. And with your obedience, only from you being utterly terrified of him, you finally got to see where he lived.
He was like a little boy excitedly showing you his room, tugging you by your hand to show all his records, especially the one from the band that united the two of you in the first place. They say that one’s bedroom was what the inside of their brain looked like, and you agreed on that statement when taking in Alex’s bizarre room. Especially when your eyes honed in on a very large poster on the wall of a traced girl with her thighs apart, her fingers spreading her vagina open.
Alex noticed where your attention was and stepped next to you to say while smiling, “Don’t get jealous, it doesn’t compare to the real thing.” He glanced down at your crotch with carnivorous eyes before telling you he had something to show you. You didn’t pay him much mind as you then dropped your concerned focus to the small four Jesus statues in a dance line, their hands still having bloodied nails.
You finally turned your head to check out what Alex wanted you to see only to be faced with a five foot long Boa Constrictor snake. You screeched loudly and flinched backwards, you couldn’t help it when you had a slight phobia of snakes.
“Don’t be poogly, my lovely, he’s not venomous. This here is Basil!” Alex said to you cheerily, holding the snake out to you as it laced around his forearms. Your eyes grew wide as you paled, you wanted to faint just at the sight of it. And the thought of touching it…
Either Alex didn’t register your disquietude or didn’t care as he wrapped his heavy snake around you starting with your arms and ending with your shoulders. You froze up completely with your features trembling in alarmed fright as the snake slithered around you, making your heart beat rapidly. Your lips were quivering and your eyes appeared blurry from growing tears. You would’ve thrown it off you if you didn’t feel paralyzed by the fear that if you just moved a muscle it would strangle you to death. Yet that fate seemed kinder than the fate with Alex.
It wasn’t until the snake slithered around your neck when your arms began to shake uncontrollably and a palpitation conquered your chest. As if it felt your pulse tap against its scales, it slightly tightened its hold on you. You snapped and loudly begged Alex through stuttered whimpers to get it off of you.
He callously giggled before he unraveled it from your jittery arms. “Alright, alright, don’t lose your head!” He joked. You did not find it funny.
Alex would make you listen to Ludwig loudly and make you listen to his rants and complaints about his day and his droogs. From what it sounded like his droogs have been questioning his leadership, you kept your theory that they were probably plotting behind his back to yourself. You eventually got to meet his droogs when you were once leaving Alex’s and they sat in the area at the bottom of the stairs. They already knew their place with you.
Alex only allowed his droogs to say hi and bye to you and maybe ask how you were doing, but that was it. You were an occasional topic the three droogs discussed when Alex wasn’t present, specifically about what they should do with you if they usurp Alex. Georgie had a fantasy of having his way with you simply because of how much Alex endlessly threatened them about you, like how you belonged to Alex and if they ever touched you he would castrate them. So fucking you would be like the ultimate middle finger to Alex.
But Georgie and Dim didn’t really see the appeal to you. Of course you were absolutely breathtaking, they all had eyes and wet dreams, but you just looked like you were about to bawl your eyes out at any given second. Alex fucked you up so much that if they tried to do the old in-out-in-out with you you’d probably just let them. And that was boring to them. You were like a doormat and plus you just kind of… bummed them out.
Though, Pete secretly had a harmless thing for you, always being the first to say ‘hi’ to you and the last to say ‘bye’ to you; being the only one of the three to ask how you were doing, really abusing the one phrase that Alex allowed them to say to you.
You could recall one time when you were descending Alex’s stairs to see them all waiting for Alex who trailed behind you. “Hello and goodbye, boys.” You said hoarsely with a pink puffiness circling your eyes and cradling your bandaged dorsal side of your arm that Alex had bitten into too deeply during a long night of fornication. Georgie and Dim both unenthusiastically mumbled a “hello, (Y/n)” in unison as you quickly passed them with your head hung low. You went straight into the rusty elevator and hit the button just as Pete squeaked out a “bye, (Y/n)”.
The doors closed yet because of how crappy it was, the elevator needed a quick minute before it could move you down. So you heard the beginning of the conversation that was about how Alex was late again so they came to wait for him. Georgie noted that he had been spending an awful lot of time with you lately and Dim joked that “The girl might’ve rotted your brain a bit?”
There was a haunting silence. The elevator finally jerked and started moving down just as a loud crack of a cane was heard followed by a pained yelp. It made you jump backwards in startelement, your back hitting the wall of the elevator as the continued sounds grew more distant.
You had spent the night at Alex’s many times, waking up to his nude body behind you with his arms cradling your nude body tightly against him; your back to his chest. His twin bed was small, not being built for two people sleeping next to each other, so the only two positions you could sleep in were him sleeping right on top of you or him squeezing you tightly against him to fit.
He always slept in which was torture for you as you always found it difficult to sleep around him. So you would stare into space for hours in a gloomy and drained state. You couldn’t get up and leave as his door had a combination lock on both sides. He’d spin the lock too fast for you to memorize or even catch the numbers.
Most days he’d send you off right away if he had a busy day ahead of him or before his parents had the chance to speak to you. But some days he’d keep you around a little longer just to take up your time. But because of this you once met his social worker who let himself in to have a discussion with Alex about his school attendance.
Alex, in only his underpants, stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder as a way to exemplify his innocence to the social worker as they talked and a threat to you to not say anything. But despite you not saying a word, the older creepy man took a mental note on your downcasted mood and quaking eyes. And the subtle bandages in a few places on your body.
But despite the horror of vulnerability in his home, you had grown to find your own home much more horrible.
You became a housemaid in your own home, a slave and a captive. Alex expected your flat to always be neat and tidy when he came, and better than how he leaves it. And not just simple tidiness, he would run his finger over surfaces for dust. He was a nitpicker about what needed to be cleaned or organized. Despite him not getting violent or aggressive about it, just his mere disapproval scared you enough to cater to those expectations. You couldn’t even fall asleep before scanning your whole flat in fear he would find something you didn’t notice to complain about.
You always had to cook for two just in case he showed up, always unannounced, ready to eat dinner or lunch with you (he never woke up early enough for breakfast but you would rather be safer than sorry). And every time you didn’t he would accuse you of not wanting him to show up, leading to him either brutally slapping you or choking you against the wall. And it had to be food he liked. And you always had to make sure there was milk and alcohol in the fridge, as well as drugs and marijuana he forced you to get.
There were oh so many times when you were extremely close to switching one of his drugs to a physically identical yet fatal substance. Yet you lived in the unearthly terror and dread that he would find out.
You lived on edge at home, jumping at the smallest creaks and you destroyed your clock as the ticking drove your anxiousness absolutely mad. You were a mess of a person, a neurotic person to be more exact. You just never knew when he would show up. Show up to hurt you for fun, draw blood, fuck you into the mattress despite your pleas of ‘not tonight’, smother you in his unwanted affection, forcing you to listen to his jokes about all the monstrous things he did the night before in graphic detail.
He acted as if the innocent, simple dates he took you on and the expensive gifts he bought for you with stolen money evened it all out. But it didn’t. He had damaged you inside and out; emotionally, mentally, physically, and sexually.
You became a constant jittery person so the sound of a knock at your door nearly gave you a heart attack, jolting in a shake in your spot on the couch.
But… Alex never knocked.
You feared the day had come. You feared it was the day the droogs finally took down Alex and now they had come to kill you for knowing their crimes and identities. You were confident in your theory that the droogs were going to stab him in the back, and so you spent many nights praying at the foot of your bed for it to happen since it seemed more realistic than Alex’s death or arrest. Yet you also found yourself praying to God for the droogs to show you mercy and spare you. But that specific prayer didn’t feel as listened to, nor realistic to you.
So you slowly and cautiously walked to your front door with shaky breathing pumping through your lungs. You delicately placed your hands on the door so you could carefully peek through your peephole. Your shrunken pupils saw a boy your age from your college standing in the hall with his hands patiently in his pockets. You flinched away from the door when he knocked again, the worry for both of your safety’s embraced you like suffocation. If Alex knew about this…
You wanted to go hide and wait for him to leave but the fact you shared a class with him made you think this might be important. So despite your paranoia that Alex would learn of this interaction with the opposite gender, you unlocked and opened your door the size of your shoulder width. You didn’t greet him as you quickly looked down both sides of the hallway to check for your unhinged and possessive boyfriend.
When the coast was clear your obviously nervous eyes looked at the awkward guy, waiting for his explanation. He awkwardly smiled softly, his hands fiddling in his coat pockets. “Hi, I know we don’t really talk, but I’m in your anthropology class.”
You acted like a kicked puppy and looked like a sad clown painting, clinging onto your door like you were about to slam it at any second. “Yes… I know you…” You glanced down the halls again before looking him up and down. “…Why are you here?” Your voice was hoarse and quiet; shaky and weak.
The boy, whose name you recalled as Patrick, removed his hands from his pockets to nervously fold them together. “Well, I know it’s not my place but I’ve noticed you have been missing a lot of classes lately, which I found a bit out of character for you compared to how you’ve always been in school.” He said, referencing how you used to always be an exceptional student… before Alex conquered and messed up your life patterns.
You kept avoiding eye contact, glancing around the hall then looking to the floor then to the wall behind him. You wiggled a little bit in nervous discomfort. You wished he would stop digging and leave the way he came. “I just… I have bigger things going on in my life right now.”
Patrick nodded with saddened features. “I know. That’s not the only thing I came here to say. You might know my girlfriend, Sheila? She’s roommates with your friend Adrienne.” You shifted again, because of Alex you no longer interacted with any of your friends anymore. And the one you kept socializing with, one that called you often when Alex was at your place, had a violent surprise run-in with a masked gang wearing white and codpieces. You avoided her after she got out of the hospital, for her own safety and your own guilt.
“…We don’t really talk anymore.” You spoke in a hushed tone, staring at the floor again. He slowly nodded again with a sorrowful frown. “Yes, I know. Adrienne said you completely shut her out out of the blue one day, same with the rest of your friends.”
You didn’t respond. You didn’t even know how to respond. So you remained silent.
“It was actually Adrienne’s idea for me to come here. But I mostly just came here on my own accord.” He started with a firmer tone of voice. “I know your boyfriend. Alex. I’ve seen you guys together a lot around town. I went to school with him before he was held back then put in the correction thing, and our fathers work together.”
You shrunk away from him, squeezing the door and the doorframe while glancing into his concerned eyes then the floor once again. “…I’ll tell him you said hi then.” You said, beginning to lean back to close the door but his voice halted your action as well as him reaching out to you but not close enough to touch. “No, no. What I’m trying to say is…” He took a long pause, seemingly trying to gather the right words as he bit the inside of his cheek and his brows curved upward.
“I know what kind of person Alex is. And, forgive me, but I can’t help but worry about you. I just wanted to stop by and ask if you were okay. Because if he’s…” he tried to think of a softer way to say what he was suspecting was going on in your relationship, “doing bad things to you I can help you.” He ended his statement and offer with a frown and consoling look.
Your head began to feel dazed and a thick lump sat in your throat that you just couldn’t swallow away. You glanced around the hallway again, feeling your paranoia and fear crawl up your back like snakes with the intent to strangle you. “I appreciate your worry,” you finally made eye contact to use all your strength to morph your face into contentedness and force a small smile, “but I am happy and doing just fine.” But your smile merely looked like someone put fish hooks in the corners of your lips and lifted them up by the thread. And the thick gloss in your eyes and your eyebrows that curved up only made your expression more unsettling to Patrick.
“I’m happier than ever, I really am.” You forced yourself to say. Yet visually and audibly pretending to be happy to be with Alex made you ferociously sick deep in your stomach creating a nasty nausea, your mind only replaying the most traumatic things he’s done to you from the horrific raping to the strangulations.
“Are you sure?” He pushed, wanting to hear the consenting approval of his help from your own mouth. Your forced smile began to shake like it was a heavy weight you weren’t trained to hold, and your tears also grew so unbearably heavy that you believed if you just blinked they would cascade down your face. “Yes.” You forced yourself to say again through your shaking teeth and self-repugnance. You forced the words of, “I think you should go now.”
Patrick frowned but gradually nodded. He said something as he slowly turned on his heels to leave but the ringing in your ears deafened it out. He was leaving, this was the first person to seriously reach out to you and offered you help and an escape, and you were sending him away! Were you really going to pass up this rare opportunity? You were practically digging your own grave and picking out your own tombstone. You were walking towards the edge of the cliff while thrashing your arm out of the hold of someone trying to tug you away from it.
You realized you couldn’t live in fear of Alex forever, you had to take the leap of faith and trust yourself to outsmart Alex. All you had to do was make a phone call when Alex wasn’t around: the early morning where Alex would still be asleep at his flat. You wanted to leave Alex more than you ever wanted anything ever in your whole life.
“Wait… please.” You squeaked out in a hushed tone as the tears finally drizzled out of your pink eyes, Patrick quickly returning to his previous stance to face you. You weeped for a few seconds to gather your thoughts before you moved to the side to rip off a corner of the morning paper that laid on the coffee table beside your door, grabbing the pen as well. You handed them both to him. “What’s your number?”
Patrick smiled happily for you before quickly jotting it down and handing it back to you. You quickly hid it in between the pages of the newspaper. You looked back at him with your bottom lip quivering and tears still swelled up within your orbs. “Thank you.” You croaked through your restrained sob, eyes bright despite the tears as you appeared like you’ve seen an angel.
Someone had finally sent you down a rope into your hellhole.
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bittersweetimaginings · 6 months
Saw that you wrote for Alex DeLarge!! What if he had a girlfriend who was a professionally trained opera singer?
Shiny thing - Alex DeLarge x Opera singer! Reader HC!
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⚠️Content warning: Descriptions/mentions of possessive, abusive and overall toxic behavior.
*These characters do not belong to me, all rights to their respective owners, this is just a piece of entertainment by and for fans.
Summary: You become Alex’s newest interest.
Reader’s pronouns: She/Her
Keys: Y/N = Your Name.
Recommendation: None(? I think…Consider donating to my Ko-fi!
Author's note: If you want to send your own request, please check the Disclaimers & Rules post and the MASTERLIST post to see more content and which characters are available.
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It's no secret that for Alex, classical music holds a special place in his heart.
So it's only natural that you, with your talent as an opera singer, drew his absolute attention.
The moment he heard such a beautiful melody leave your lips... he was ensnared.
How could he not be? He just knew you were right for him. He had to have you.
At first, Alex would go above and beyond with his lovebombing attentions, more so than with any other girl, mostly because he views/considers you to be above them all.
Which, considering this is Alex DeLarge we are talking about, is not necessarily a compliment.
You see, Alex views most women he's interested in as toys he can play around with and discard, maybe even faithful dogs that must do his bidding whenever he requests something from them.
But you... you're on a different level, admittedly mostly for your talents, grace, and knowledge of music.
He views you as a precious object he needs to acquire, maybe a precious nightingale he's on the hunt for, and the only thing he can think about is how nice it would be to have you as his precious pet.
Even if you "play hard to get" or reject his advances, Alex will find any way possible to get close to you and eventually have you.
He finds in you a certain level of understanding he doesn't find with anyone else.
Who else can he talk to in depth about the good ol' Ludwig Van? His parents? They are too busy ignoring their son's antisocial tendencies. Most of the girls that fawn over him mindlessly agree to everything he says. His droogs? Georgie is an asshole far too concerned with himself, Dim a brute, and Pete... well, he can't even remember the last time Pete showed interest in anything really.
So he talks with you instead. Something that he surprisingly seems to enjoy.
He might constantly ask you to sing for him.
He'll never say it to anyone, but he really loves it whenever you sing to him with his head resting on either your lap or your chest and at the same time you run your fingers through his hair.
Like I said, you'll "enjoy" a "higher" treatment than most of the girls he has dated: He'll let you speak more and more freely, will tolerate a certain level of confrontation on your part whenever you are angry at him, hesitates more in involving you in his criminal endeavors, spends more time with you, is noticeably more gentle in his behavior towards you, more protective of you, and will think once or twice before behaving aggressively towards you. Like I said, mostly because he views you as a shiny precious thing.
But because of that very reason, he will behave much more possessively towards you.
His anger bubbles up quicker whenever he might spot you talking to anyone, especially any other guys, his droogs included (the dudes have even been instructed not to talk to you whenever you're with them). I imagine this being because deep down Alex might have a horribly fragile ego; losing you to another man will mean losing control and in turn a blow to his twistedly grandiose self-perception.
Given Alex's reputation and the fact that every guy that tries to approach you ends up mercilessly beaten, it is only a matter of time when everyone close to you finds out about your relationship with him and because of this, you might end up being isolated or shunned from your community.
Which sucks for you, but Alex couldn't be happier to have your complete attention.
But ultimately, this is Alex who we are talking about. No matter how extraordinary of a person you and your talents make you, ultimately for Alex you are still a thing, a shiny one, but a thing nonetheless, and there will come a time when little ol' Alex becomes bored with your tricks and chases after the next shiniest thing, leaving you broken and forgotten.
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Consider donating to my Ko-fi!
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ressq · 4 months
Need.. Pete
siiighs ok anon i finally opened up procreate and managed to draw something.
if it's not obvious, he's peeking out behind a wall or door or something. idk use your imagination
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i'm NOT one of those people that thinks pete is an innocent angel...but i headcanon that early on in their heists, he was a bit more reluctant. he was probably a garden-variety pickpocket or petty thief before joining forces with alex. i could see him being hesitant, a bit of a pushover, maybe. that's probably why he was drawn to the domineering alex, right?
alex probably only kept him around early on because alex is a narcissist who enjoys the fact that pete just follows his lead. pete, being a fast learner, would certainly develop a taste for violence in time. especially since alex and the others would affirm him afterwards.
yes, i think about this a lot.
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and this thing, i don't think i ever posted it because i couldn't figure out how to connect his damn legs to his body. or those HANDS! i picked a bad screenshot to draw.
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and then ummm pokemon trainer pete sketch. the fullybody looks bad so im not going to post it(yet?) i think his ace would be a thievul. i spend a lot of time thinking about what pokemon each droog would have.
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In a bezoomny world, far from the urban area and the city's hustle and bustle, a young malchick by the name of Alex embarked upon crafting his very own cult, worshipping a bloody divinity. Years ago, he glazzied some oddities in his world, all sugaring that their world was crafted by none other than Bog Himself, but not the typical God, oh no.
This was an unorthodox, mechanized, all-seeing entity - a deity deriving pleasure from the agony of sinful, wicked types... You stand on the brink of becoming his ritual sacrifice to the Lord. Will you be sacrificed, or shall you embrace the cult's creed? Are you ready to viddy if there's truly a God in this twisted world? All of this awaits you in the visual novell known as "The BLOODY CULTIST," o my droogs.
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But unfortunately, so far this is just a description of my project under development. So far, I can offer you to follow my work, look at how I'm trying to do something sane by drawing weird pixel shit on my phone.
Welcome to... The BLOODY CULTIST development blog... meet the main young sexyman (lmao) Sanya!
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the-chosen-none · 7 months
I have no real interest in mods aside from somewhat following the Frontier mess, but when I found out that the fairly popular old New Vegas Bounties mods included incredibly blatant references to Judge Holden and Glanton from Blood Meridian, plus a character named "Javier Sugar" who speaks several lines lifted straight from No Country for Old Men, I wanted to find out how many references to other things pop up throughout the three mods. Turns out, a LOT.
I identified some of them myself, but eventually when I realized how much time it would take for me to watch a whole playthrough or try it out myself, I decided to look up the rest on TV Tropes and put them all together in a list.
The aforementioned Judge Holden knock-off is also said to be seven-feet tall and is a child predator (though only technically implied to be in Holden's case)
The character literally named Glanton runs a group who goes around killing "tribals"
There's a character named Cormac, as in Cormac McCarthy
During the scene with "Javier Sugar", in addition to all the NCFOM quotes there's also a random quote from the movie The Outlaw Josey Wales thrown in there... to spice things up? IDK, the quote is something like "Dyin' ain't no way of livin', boy"
A character called "Harmonica" references one of the main characters of Once Upon a Time in the West
The ghoul Doc Friday references the historical figure Doc Holiday, and his revolver the Huckleberry references the famous quote from his depiction in the movie Tombstone, "I could be your huckleberry"
Marko's outfit seems to reference the character Loco from the movie The Great Silence.
The Frosthill segment of III is also lifted from The Great Silence, what with its Utah setting during the winter, the main character getting shot through the hand, and bounty hunters pretty much kill the whole town.
Aaron Flagg the cult leader seems to be inspired by Randall Flagg the Stephen King villain
The sniper Charlie Halfcocked references the U.S. Marine sniper during Vietnam, Carlos Hathcock, the previous record holder for the most kills
Tom Quigley references the movie Quigley Down Under, the titular character being played by Tom Sellick.
Enclave members Quantrill and Onoda, who keep fighting despite the Enclave's repeated defeats, are named after Confederate guerilla William Quantrill and WWII Japanese soldier Hiroo Onoda, who did the same for their sides (okay, I thought that reference was pretty good)
Eileen the Fiend = serial killer Aileen Wuornos
Tony Idaho = Tony Montana from Scarface
Tommy the former Omerta enforcer who killed a made man references Tommy DeVito from Goodfellas
Alex and his gang in Freeside reference Alex DeLarge and his droogs from A Clockwork Orange
Freddie the ghoul = Freddy Krueger
Jack, former muscle for Heck Gunderson, references the villain Jack Wilson from Shane, his revolver is called "Shane's Bane"
Albert Quisling = Vidkun Quisling
Mario Barksdale = character from The Wire
Prometheus is named after the subtitle for Frankenstein: "The modern Prometheus", his Deathclaws are Mary and Shelley
Pancho Cortina = Pancho Villa
"Squirrelly" Bill Blasius references outlaw "Curly" Bill Brocius
Angel Lee is a combination of Angel Eyes from The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, and the actor Lee Van Cleef
Godwin, who mails out bombs, probably references Unabomber
Joe Frost = Edward Snowden
Guys fighting over treasure named Clint and Tuco
Fiend chem lab has characters Walter and Pinkman, references Breaking Bad
John Ramsey's body is put on display with a quote referencing the movie Unforgiven, "This is what happens to assassins/rangers around here".
Those are the ones that I either caught myself or saw other people list, if there's more, go ahead and add on.
Some of the historical references are kinda funny, though others are either tasteless (Aileen Wuornos) or eye-roll worthy (Carlos Hathcock = Charlie Halfcocked, GEDDIT IT'S A GUN JOKE), and the majority of the pop culture references are so blatant and so numerous that it gets annoying.
If I made my own mod or anything else, of course I too would love to stick in a bunch of references to the things I love, though I would try to be less obvious about them, put different spins on them, you know? You can't really judge mods to the same standard as the source, and I would be more forgiving if the rest of the mods didn't look like such an edgy slog.
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I want to draw the who as Alex and his droogs from acwo
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Alex and his droogs in A Clockwork Orange (1971).
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francis-writes · 11 months
Request: "Can I ask Alex Delarge, who has sincere feelings for the girl and begins to be jealous of her?"
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Okay, so Alex seems like someone who doesn't care about people or his lovers. And this is usually true, at least when feelings aren't involved. So like with his one night stands.
But when you're a couple (or he just has feelings for you but you prefer to don't give it a name) it's a completely different story. He becomes very possesive, as if he owned you (and to be honest, that's kinda how he feels).
Alex isn't even a bit self-conscious. He knows his worth (and overestimates it a bit) and he's sure he's the best man you could find in London. Handsome, smart, sophisticated...
But he still worries that feelings and desires make take away your better judgement and you will spend a night with someone not worth it.
He sends a deadly glares when you sit with his droogs and some of them (especially Georgie) act a little too friendly with you. He also has a talk with them when they are alone, and he explains in detail what will happen if one of them puts his hands on you.
But he still can't control what you do and whom you meet when he's not arouynd and that drives him crazy. Not that he worries all the time, he trusts you but if you start mentioning too often one of your friends or coworkers, he gets suspicious and asks for more details about this person and your feelings about them.
Despite his possesivenes, I don't see Alex as a yandere type, he wouldn't stalk you or lock you up, you don't have to worry about your safety (well... at least not more than you usually do with him).
Only if he sees someone openly flirting with you, Alex will later pay them a little visit.
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aclockworksideblog · 10 months
bruh I just remembered that "friend" in Russian is "друг".....and it's pronounced like "droog/drug"...... and I was thinking before that "droogs" in cwo were like thugs or gang members from context, but it means just simply friends....."alex and his friends" that's so cute it's like they're just kids ooooh alex are you gonna go play with your friends? Have fun with your friends 😇
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mutant-what-not · 2 years
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Malcolm McDowell (Alex) and his Droogs on the set of Stanley Kubrick's ‘A Clockwork Orange’ in 1971.
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ultravioalex · 4 months
O dear Alex, have you slooshied to Shostakovich's music? I find it really horrorshow. Very emotional and expressive.
Yes I have exactly, my droog! Quite a horrorshow composer indeed!
O, how his work makes me like, crave the good old ultraviolence. Especially String Quartet No. 8.
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Request for an Alex fic!
I've always wanted to see some heavy whump put on this character-
Maybe a sick fic?
Or just a senerio where he is hurt/exhausted/thirsty/hungry etc.
Tired • Alex DeLarge
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⚠️Content warning: Implied & mentions of t0xic relationship dynamics, ch3ating, Alex being an asshole (as always), mentions and mild descriptions of injuries, description of (consensual) s3x and cursing (yes, theres SMUT in this one). 
*These characters do not belong to me, all rights to their respective owners, this is just a piece of entertainment by and for fans. 
Summary: After one of his outings with his droogs, Alex finds himself being injured. As his long-time girlfriend you feel the urge to take care of him. 
Reader’s pronouns: She/Her 
Keys: Y/N = Your Name. Nadsat glossary. 
Author’s notes: If you want to send your own request, please check the Disclaimers & Rules post and the MASTERLIST post to see more content and which characters are available. 
This is somewhat of a continuation to this fic: “in the aftermath” or at least I wrote it with the same MC in mind! However, this time she is less submissive and has grown to be a bit more confrontational with Alex and his shit! But is not necessary to read the first one, this can be enjoyed as a standalone if you want! 
I'm not here to judge why you are consuming this type of content (I'm the one doing the writing after all) I know from personal experience that this type of content (as weird as it sounds to some of you) might be used as a coping mechanism to a similar situation some of us might've experience or are currently experiencing irl; but just in case, I want to encourage you to reach for help, so please, if you're going through a tough time or experiencing some kind of violence, here are some resources that I was able to find and might be of help, please stay safe everyone: 
List of countries and their helplines for d0m3stic abus3, s3xual as5ault and other resources. 
List of other resources for immediate help. 
List of countries and their respective helplines for su1cid3 prevention/crisis. 
Consider donating to my Ko-fi! 
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"He's been in there all week! Barely eats, barely goes out...I might knock the door down and put an end to this worry!" 
You hear Alex's mom tone through the phone slowly rising making her concerns quite apparent. 
 “I don’t think that’s necessary, I’m sure he’s fine, Ms.-”  
“Y/N dear, wouldn’t it be possible for you to come by the house this mornin’?” 
A slight pause is settled as you ponder her request. Truth be told, you haven’t talked with Alex much as of lately, the reason being you two breaking up (again) over him continuously flirting with another woman (again) and since you were already used to such behavior it wasn’t really the flirting that set you off (having Alex as your boyfriend had made you grown desensitized to many things), it was more the time and place that angered you, and though you knew you’ll get back together eventually, you had grown quite comfortable as a single woman, it was like allowing yourself a breather and would like to stay that way at least for a little bit longer... 
“I don’t think-…" 
“Please, dear...I- I noticed you and Alex haven’t talked much but maybe is time to patch things up?” 
You fall silent. The lady on the other end of the line has always been kind and warm to you even when her kid really wasn’t. Though perceptive she’s unaware about the true nature of your relationship with her son, only knowing the brighter side of the whole ordeal, it’s natural that she asks for your help, believing you to be a positive influence in Alex’s chaotic life. 
She asks; the undeniable worry dripping in her voice tugging at the heartstrings of your own weak and sensible heart, you comprehend her pain and to be quite honest...you had been worried too...after all it is hard to break old habits...  
“I’ll be there as soon as I’m finished with school” 
You announce with a heavy sigh, hoping you won’t regret it. 
“Thank you dear! I appreciate it!” 
The door to Alex’s home is right in front of you, the apartment is unusually quiet even knowing that his parents are most likely at work at this hour; you open the door with the spare key Alex gave you long ago and enter, his room it’s right down the hall of the apartment and before you knock there’s a slight hesitation as you wonder if this is really the best choice...maybe you can still turn back. 
You measure your options and become unaware of the movement in the rotary combination lock and only come back to reality as the door suddenly springs open. 
You haven’t seen his blue eyes in a couple of weeks, maybe that’s why you freeze in place as his surprised gaze meets yours, his brows narrow in confusion but soon a smirk on his face appears. 
“Well, well! Hi, hi, hi there! ‘Been a long time, innit?” 
He seemingly mocks you and visibly sizes you up with his eyes as he leans his body in the doorframe; it takes you a couple of blinks to get out of your trance and when you do you can’t help but feel angered at his smug attitude; you didn’t expect an apology, it’s been a long time since those stopped coming for every time he cheated. In fact, you don’t know what you expected...but definitely something better than this, your brows furrow and take a quick glance at him only to notice the state he’s in: bruises, most of them in the left side of his body, part of his chest on that side even seems quite swollen and some small superficial cuts on his right cheek. 
“Something wrong?” he asks dryly  
“You look like trash” the words come out of your mouth, hoping to hurt him even if just a bit, but instead he scoffs while leaning this time in your direction, his gaze looking for yours as he closes the distance. 
“My, really?” his voice drops in to a suggestive but slightly threatening tone, mocking smile never leaving him. 
The closeness of it all making you realize the man in front of you has been half naked from the beginning if only for a pair of underwear to cover him. 
As you roll your eyes and aggressively walk into his room you hope your cheeks aren’t flushed in case, he decides to tease you any further. As you enter you notice the messy state of the room which strikes you as odd since you know Alex usually tries to very careful when it comes to it but you figured he might’ve just thrown a tantrum recently. Then you see Basil sitting calmly in his usual spot by the poster of a naked woman, you immediately approach it. 
“Oh, hi there!” your baby voice coming through as you pet the top of the snake’s head. 
You hear him walk and feel him right behind you, his chin eventually touches the top of your head, his arms wrap around your body just right below your breasts and although you’re still mad you don’t make any attempts to remove him. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure of viddying* you here?” 
“Your mom called; said you wasn’t coming out of your room like some pathetic hermit. Figured it was serious if there was no record of you and the boys in the last few days”  
“Were you worried then?” 
“No” Yes, you were but won’t admit it so easily, he scoffs once more, he can see through you and as he holds you tighter, he bows his head just slightly to kiss your temple. 
“Then...why is that you’re here? More than welcomed to ignore her, are you not?” Whispers in your ear and you only try to calm the goosebumps by focusing your attention ever harder on the reptile in front of you. You hear him laugh lowly at your reaction. 
“My kisa*, you’re not being quite honest...” His declaration carries on with his mouth now traveling down your neck peppering small kisses. You hate how quick the urge of being all over him invades you, turning around quickly you reach to kiss him but as your hands rest on his chest for support he suddenly winces in pain and pushes you away. 
“bloddy cal*!” he mumbles as he tries to soothe his pain by covering the affected area with his hand, though startled by his sudden action you take the time to examine what exactly is wrong. Walking towards him you place your hand over the one he holds defensibly, subtly asking him to lower it to which he complies. 
Your hand explores the swollen side of his chest gently, it takes you a couple of minutes to realize the reason he is in pain:  
“Jesus, Alex your rib is fucking broken!” his brows furrow once more in an annoyed expression as he hears you exclaim. 
“Quite the sharp one are you, eh?” sarcasm present in his voice, maybe a bit bothered you didn’t notice it sooner. 
The thought of asking “what happened?” crosses your mind, but seeing the state the room is in, you pick up on the fact that it might be a sore topic for him and you don’t want him throwing another tantrum as he might injure himself further; instead, you scoff at him in a mildly angered expression. 
“Lay down, let’s treat it before it gets worse or Mr Deltoid finds out and questions you about it” you command and are satisfied with how quick he obeys at the mention of Mr Deltoid. 
You surprise yourself with how many times you have helped Alex with his injuries it’s almost second nature to you at this point and though you pride yourself in your impeccable first-aid abilities you can’t help but see just how sad this really must be. 
Alex lays on his bed, eyes closed and wearing a pained expression that you know comes from the sensation of cold he feels through the bandages you had applied in his chest moments before; you hold a frozen bag of peas covered with a random woman’s blouse you found lying in his bedroom and take note it is not one that belongs to you and most certainly not his mother... 
“careful” he warns as he feels the pressure shifting; out of spite you disobey him and apply more pressure, making him wince once more. 
 “Ah! What you think you’re even doin’?!?!” in anger he almost sit up, but the pain knocks him back down. 
“Asshole” you declare throwing the clothing item in his face, setting the frozen bag aside, you sit by his side as you try to calm your own frustration. Alex gets strangely quiet but doesn’t move a muscle at your sudden vent and there’s a brief silence before it breaks. 
“You don’t need to take it so seriously” he says, seemingly in an attempt to comfort you without lying telling you that “it won’t happen again”  
“...” you look at him in frustration, he looks back at you and even through his expression is serious at the beginning, a smile grows on him as he notices your gaze, probably taking pleasure in your aching in some way. 
“C’mon, my pretty kisa, are you jealous?” he lightly tugs at the fabric of your dress as a way to secure your attention. 
“You don’t know what I’m feeling” you mutter. It’s true, you’re not jealous, just tired of the same shit, yet he’s so sure of his assumption he chuckles at your denial. Holding your elbow, he guides you to lay beside him, you don’t fight his action, deep down wanting the comfort he extends. 
“Now, now, my kisa, you can’t be jealous at some starry sooka who can’t even compare” 
You sigh, already overwhelmed by his sweet-talk, you just want him to shut up. 
“Don’t” he looks at you, one eyebrow raised in confusion as you interrupt him in the middle of his speech to kiss him lightly. 
“I don’t want to hear it” you whisper as your voice seems to falter slightly by the lump in your throat.  
He smiles his ever-dashing smile, those bright electrifying blue eyes staring at you with a hint of amusement, but this time you don’t really care about it. 
He stares at your lips, holds the back of your head tightly and finally kisses you roughly, it’s hard for you to keep up with him when you feel so close to crying; none the less you continue, allowing yourself the opportunity to block everything out; right now you don’t want to think how bad he really is for you. 
He caresses your leg, his hand lifting your dress allowing him easy access to your ass which he squeezes firmly enough to hurt you just slightly and as you react by throwing your head back to allowing yourself to moan, he quickly takes the space to kiss your neck this time even leaving a trail of bite marks on it and you make a mental note to find a way to cover those later. 
You can feel his hand trying to unfasten the top part of your dress and so you help him, allowing for your exposed breasts to be tasted by him, you moan even harder when you feel him suck especially harsh on one of your nipples. 
“Shit” you curse at him, this time you decide to get back at him by sliding your hand past his underwear and taking his cock in your hand making harsh up and down motions earning you a sudden grunt from him followed by a small laugh. 
“Quite the baddiwad* are you, my kisa, eh?” He manages to let out in between all the groaning 
Your only response comes in the form of a mocking smile, one similar to the many others he had given you 
“I can be even worse” you declare, in an act of petty revenge you press lightly at his injured spot, just enough for the pain to leave him lying on his back once more as you act quickly and climb right on top of him, you make eye contact with him and can tell that he is not only surprised but curious to see where this new found side of you might lead him. You lower yourself until your entrance falls just above his length and start grinding on it. You moan along with his grunts; you can feel him trying to hold himself back from cuming right then and there by gripping your ass and thighs with so much force you can tell he’s trying to anchor himself. 
You make a slight pause as you place your own underwear aside, leaving yourself partially exposed as your dress still hangs by your waist. You lower back onto him, this time allowing him to enter you; you watch as he looks at you with that beastly gaze of him, one full of determination and lust. Wasting no time, you begin riding him, but unlike many times before, this time you only care about your pleasure. 
You can’t tell how many times you danced up and down his cock, whatever the number might be you fasten your own pace when you feel so close and finally you reach it, your head and body naturally lean forward asking for a kiss as you moan a random curse you can’t even remember now. He complies kissing you and allowing yourself a few seconds to catch your breath, but only that...seconds, as he grabs your hips and tries to replicate your movements from moments before. 
But before he can do so, you act faster; pressing once more the sore spot on his chest he is thrown back in bed by the pain and you take the chance to come down from him, stand up, quickly fix your clothes and walk towards the door without allowing him any release. 
You hear him curse at you behind your back and maybe make an attempt to grab you but instead you get the pleasure of slamming the door right in his face. As you bolt through the hallway and out of flatblock 18A where your long-time boyfriend lives, you smile to yourself.  
It might be time for a change in your life... 
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