#alex is pacing waiting for the clock to reach the time
jasongraceenthusiast · 2 months
one thing i will never understand about the rwrb movie is why they changed alex’s line from “you’re early” to “you’re late”.
because like — in my mind, the whole idea was that henry was as impatient and yearnful about the whole situation as alex was. but then in the movie it comes across as alex being so impatient and shit while henry is just like shrugging
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justsome-di · 8 months
Nobody Ends Up Dead in a Bathtub, Everyone Keeps Their Organs: Chapter 33
Summary: Alex is an ordinary, highly-introverted office worker. He clocks in and out and goes home to his little apartment he shares with his younger sister. He hasn’t dated in years by the time his co-workers set him up on a blind date.
The only issue is he and his date are not on the same page. At all.
While Alex thinks it’s a normal date, Damián is under the impression Alex is a client who paid to be there. No-so-quickly, they realize something is up. It’s all a prank. Damián is a sex worker Alex’s co-workers hired as a sick joke.
After reassuring that they’re both okay, Alex decides he wants revenge for both him and Damián. The plan is to use the stigma of sex work and start a 6-week, scandalous fake dating scheme with a big finale at the office Halloween party. Alex’s co-workers will be too horrified to try to prank him again. At least, that’s the plan.
You can also read this on AO3. If you don’t want to wait for new chapters, the complete story is on Patreon for only $4 with bonus stories! If you’re enjoying the story and want to support me in other ways, consider dropping me a message in my inbox or reblogging this post!
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Alex ran. As soon as Leo had called him, he had taken off, telling Eve he would be back sometime—he didn’t know when. He just barely remembered to grab his jacket before racing down the hall of his building.
He must have looked awfully suspicious, a wild look on his face and a fast pace that turned into a sprint once he reached Damián’s street. When he got to Damián’s building, his chest ached and his breath was puffing out of his mouth in quick, heavy white clouds.
Leo answered the door with an air of calm Alex didn’t expect. He didn’t know how Leo could just stand aside and let him in without saying anything.
“Is he okay?” Alex asked.
Leo hesitated like he was trying to figure out what Alex meant. Or considering how stupid a question like that would be. “Yeah. He’s okay.”  
He led Alex down their short hallway, past a framed painting Damián had bought from a flea market when he was young and impressionable and willing to overpay to support an artist.
Immediately to the left, Damián sat on the couch with a blanket draped over his legs and a glass of water clutched between both of his hands.
And Alex wanted to cry.
Damián looked ill and helpless. His eyes were as large as always, and his pupils were totally blown. He didn’t say anything. He just stared at Alex.
Alex didn’t know what to say. He had never had to talk to someone who had been roofied. There were always stories he heard around his college campus but as it was a community college and his classes were spread out over so long that it took him three years to complete a two-year degree, he didn’t hear much about the shared social lives of his peers.
When Eve started her classes, he had heard their mother warning Eve about parties. It was a long list of tasks that Alex thought was impossible to remember. Never set your drink down where you can’t see it, cover it with your hand between sips, leave it with a person you trust if you need to go to the bathroom. Better yet, take it with you to the toilet.
It was a lot to expect of someone, and the lecture really should have been toward the boys that were apparently dropping roofies in drinks. But Eve—ever the feminist Eve—didn’t bring attention to that. She would just nod and say over and over again, yes, I know. I know. And never let anyone bring me a drink.
Damián looked at Alex with his stupidly big eyes. He looked like an injured deer laying out on the side of the road injured but not killed by a car.
“Hi,” Alex said.
Damián took one hand off his water. The glass almost spilled. Leo grabbed it and laid it aside on the coffee table. Damián didn’t seem to notice and reached out for Alex.
“Should we take you to a hospital or something?” Alex asked.
Damián shook his head.
“He said no hospitals,” Leo said. He sat next to Damián, pressing their legs together. “He said it’d be okay to keep him here.”
“Will it?”
Damián’s hand was still reaching out for Alex. It was hanging limply in the air. His fingers were curling in towards his palm but would every so often weakly try to straighten out to get closer to Alex.
Alex wanted to take his hand, but he held himself back.
“What happened?” he asked.
“A client drugged him,” Leo said. He sat next to Damián, close, protective. “A group of women stopped the guy from leaving with Damián.”
“Leaving where?”
“The bar. The hotel. Damián had a reservation for a room. The guy ran off with the door key.”
He had gotten so close, then. If those women hadn’t intervened, Damián could have been dragged out, taken to the room. He would be there right now—
Alex didn’t think about that any further.
“What kind of client drugs a sex worker?” Alex asked.
Leo repositioned the blanket on Damián’s lap and looked up at him. “A client who wants to get away with rape?”
“I know, but what about—if you’re already paying someone.” Alex was sounding like he was nearing hysterics. His breath was coming out in short, desperate gasps. “Why do that?”
“I don’t—I don’t know!” Leo snapped. “I’ve never hired a sex worker before, and I’ve never raped anyone before. I don’t know why anyone would want to do it beyond some sick power play.”
Damián was still looking at Alex, his eyes growing brighter with maybe fear. Trauma was settling behind them.
“I guess—I’m sorry, Damián,” Leo said. “I guess sex workers are easy targets. I’m sorry.”
That was it, wasn’t it? Alex had spent so long being so grateful that Damián would spend any time with him that he had forgotten the most crucial part. Damián was initially there for the money. It was a contract. It was his livelihood.
That night they met, how easily could Alex—not Alex, someone else—have trapped Damián in that hotel room? With Damián sitting shocked on that bed, pale face, unable to stand from fear, when did the consent end?
Was the first prank some type of sexual violence? Was Alex brushing it all of way too seriously?
Had Damián been through this all before?
Like a selfish, stupid idiot, Alex had never asked. He had never asked for details about how safe Damián was on these appointments. It just never occurred to him—and there he stood feeling like such an ignorant, close-minded bastard—that these things happened to men. It was like Damián’s eating habits that Alex didn’t analyze too far because that wasn’t the type of eating disorders men got.
Alex couldn’t do this.
At the end of the day, he was someone who participated in the whole ritual.
He couldn���t be someone who hired an escort and put him in uncomfortable situations. He couldn’t take Damián out to a party with people he knew didn’t like sex workers. Every single reservation he had had over the past six weeks came back to him, full force, with some bonuses.
Through all the little appointments, all of the planning, the fake dates and the real ones, Alex had kept stringing Damián along. For his own enjoyment, Alex had crossed the line between professional work and personal pleasure and pulled Damián with him.
He had been so selfish, and he hadn’t considered all the dangers that came with Damián’s job. How could Alex be any better than the bastard who had roofied Damián?
Damián’s hand fell into his lap. Leo took it.
“I’m looking after him. It’s fine,” Leo said. “He’ll be fine.”
Leo’s brow was furrowed and strong. All of him was stiff and tense, and Alex had never totally realized that he was bigger than Damián. His shoulders were broad. Sitting as he was, Alex could see subtle muscles flexed in his t-shirt.
Or maybe Damián just looked smaller than usual. His frame was always slight. Much more so than Leo’s boxy build. He looked fragile and tiny wrapped in the blanket, pressed against Leo, his usual larger-than-life personality drained out of him.
How many times had they been in that exact position together? How many times had Damián ridden something out by himself?
“Damián.” Alex wrapped his arms around himself. “I don’t want you to come with me to the party. And I don’t think we should see each other anymore.”
Leo’s mouth hung open. Damián blinked.
Alex pulled out his phone and sent the $625 he owed Damián. He had paid. It was the end of the deal. It was all over. The contract was filled.
“I’m sorry,” Alex said.
“Are you fucking serious?” Leo asked.
“I paid for everything, okay? You can put that in your spreadsheet. We’re done. That’s it. It’s over. I’m sorry I put you through everything and used you. I’m sorry I contributed to all of this shit. But you never have to see me again.”
He turned quickly. He couldn’t stand to look at Damián’s confused face any longer—confused because his drugged mind couldn’t keep up with Alex’s word vomit or because he didn’t know why Alex was fleeing. Leo shouted after Alex, calling him some not-so-nice names.
It was bitterly cold outside. Alex’s cheeks stung as he walked down the sidewalk, away from Damián’s building for the last time.
It was dumb to even think that something between them could ever work. Damián was gorgeous and interesting and smart. Alex wasn’t any of those things. He was boring and awkward and exploited sex workers and dragged them through hoops for six weeks.
Just to dump them when they couldn’t even speak.
Whatever. They needed a clean break. Alex would never be able to look at Damián ever again, and he didn’t want to put Damián through even more misery than he had been through already.
It would be okay for Damián, in the end. He’d get a happier ending. He’d find someone who could actually handle a relationship and didn’t pay him for half of it. He would find someone better than Alex, and they would have such a happy life together, and Alex would never let himself fall for anyone ever again.
“Is everything okay?” Eve asked when he walked past her.
He closed his bedroom door behind him, threw his jacket on the floor, and fell onto his bed.
He was such a dick. He was such a massive, awful dick. Why did he even think of that plan in the first place? How did he think it was ever right to come up with that shitty plan and then ask Damián to join?
Alex pulled out his phone. Maybe he could at least try to help Damián and make up some of it to him. There had to be something left for Alex to do. He just had to do some research.
What should a sex worker do if they almost get sexually assaulted?
Google results popped up, links to forums and articles on various websites. There was no shortage of answers and related questions running down the screen.
Quora: If a prostitute gets raped, is that considered theft?
r/LegalAdvice Is it possible to rape a prostitute?
NPR: 2020 Stats For Sex Workers and Sexual Violence
r/UnpopularOpinion: prostitutes can’t be victims of sexual assault
HuffPost: Prostitutes Are Left With No Legal Options After Sexual Assault
r/AmItheAsshole: AITA for saying prostitutes should expect to get raped as an occupational hazard?
Alex threw his phone across the room. It made him so angry, he was dizzy. The world was so fucked up. All a sex worker was to those people were statistics or objects. And no one could be fucked to be sensitive about it.
It was just how Andrew and Stu probably thought of Damián. Especially Andrew. Fuck. Alex should have known better. He should have never planned to let Damián near him in the first place. Everything should have ended there, that first night, and Alex would have never gotten Damián mixed up in a gross revenge plot.
He was a shitty person. He had used Damián. He had used Damián, and now his thoughts were spiraling.
Had he ever been a good person? Why was he so eager to exploit Damián? Why, from day one, was he willing to make Damián part of his personal problems?
He was such a piece of shit. He hoped Damián never forgave him for walking out on him or for tangling him up in his messy, awful, poor excuse for a life.
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alexblakeisgay · 9 months
Between the Blues and the Pinks (Ch. 8)
Ship: Alex Blake/Emily Prentiss
Summary: The Baby Blues: The temporary feelings of sadness following having a baby. Also known as Postpartum Depression. The Baby Pinks: The mild mania experienced following having a baby. Also known as Postpartum Euphoria.
Warnings: Mental health issues, postpartum mood disorders.
Word Count: 1068
Emily awoke feeling well-rested for the first time in what felt like years. She yawned, stretched, rolling over to glance at the alarm clock...only to sit bolt upright in alarm. It was after six AM and Lindy hadn't cried... In the blink of an eye, Emily was out of bed and racing to the nursery, only to find it empty.
"Alex!" Emily shouted. "Alex, wake up! Lindy is..."
Before she could finish raising the alarm, Alex appeared in the doorway with Lindy strapped to her chest. "Lindy was perfectly content," she said, "Until you woke her up with your shouting."
For a few moments, Emily blinked in stunned silence. "You... You're..." she stammered. "Have you been to bed at all?" she asked, realizing that she was wearing the same clothes as the night before.
"I couldn't sleep," she said with a shrug, "I couldn't turn my brain off – I revised my entire syllabus for all my classes, then needed to do laundry. I put in a load, then I got a little distracted by reorganizing the laundry room and..."
Emily waved her hand to distract Alex from recounting an entire night's worth of activity. "So, you didn't get any sleep?" she asked. "Aren't you exhausted?"
Alex shook her head. "I've got too much to do," she insisted. "Why don't you go back to bed? You should get some rest after all the late nights you've been pulling lately..." And to punctuate the statement, she dropped a quick kiss to her lips.
Emily seemed like she would've like to protest, but before she could, Alex had ushered her back into the bedroom. "Are you sure you're alright?" she couldn't help but ask.
"I'm perfect," Alex insisted.
When Emily awoke again several hours later, the house was silent. She went in search of Alex and Lindy, finding both asleep on the couch, Lindy curled up on Alex's chest, cooing softly in her sleep. She smiled fondly at her two girls, snapped a few pictures, then covered them with a blanket.
She was in the middle of making lunch – and marvelling at how clean the house looked after Alex's all night cleaning binge – when she noticed something odd: several unopened canisters of formula in the trash.
With a frown, she bent down, plucking the canisters from the garbage to return them to the pantry. Mentally, she made a note to mention it to Alex later.
It was quickly forgotten, though, when later that day, Lindy started seizing.
Emily feared this would send Alex spiralling back into her depression, but instead, something else entirely happened. As they waited outside the NICU, Alex paced frantically, tearing her cuticles to shreds in a habit she'd picked up from Emily. She kept muttering something to herself, but Emily couldn't quite make out what it was.
Finally, when she could stand the manic pacing no longer, Emily quietly urged, "Al, you're wearing a groove in the floor..."
Alex looked up sharply as if only just remembering she was there. "Sorry, she mumbled. She took a seat beside Emily, but continued picking her nails, muttering quietly to herself.
Now that she was closer, though, Emily could now hear what she was saying under her breath... She reached over to clasp Alex's hand. "This isn't your fault," she insisted softly. "The doctors said..."
She shook her head urgently. "I know what they said, but..." She trailed off with a weary sigh. "I knew this would happen," she added mysteriously.
Emily would have liked to ask what she'd meant by that, but in the next moment, the doctor running the EEG on Lindy returned to the waiting room.
"I'm so sorry, Lindy," Alex whispered on repeat, tenderly stroking a her thumb over the baby's knuckles, her tiny fingers wrapped around one of Alex's. "I let this happen to you... I'm so sorry."
Emily was making a coffee run – more for an excuse to stretch her legs than any actual desire for burnt cafeteria coffee – leaving Alex alone with the baby. Which was probably for the best because Alex really wasn't in the mood to explain to her wife why their daughter's seizure was her fault.
Lindy blinked sleepily up at her, her rosebud lips parting on a yawn.
"You're boring the poor thing," Emily teased, "Were you reading her your dissertation?" For a few moments, Alex's mouth hung open as she tried to decide whether it was meant as a joke. "I'm kidding," Emily assured her. She dropped a kiss to the top of her wife's head, passed her a cup of coffee. "I spoke to the doctor..."
"Oh?" Alex asked, trying not to sound too nervous.
She nodded. "They said there weren't any abnormalities on her EEG. They can't find anything wrong that caused it."
Alex did not seem encouraged by this news.
"They think they'll release her tomorrow," she added. When Alex still didn't comment, Emily prompted, "That's good news, right?"
She shrugged. "I just... Have they tested for everything?"
Emily frowned. "Like what?"
She shrugged a second time, suddenly seeming reticent to say.
"You didn't cause this," Emily reiterated, reading between the lines as to what she'd been so reluctant to say. "I hate that this happened as much as you do, but I promise you this is not your fault. I know you've had it in your head that she was going to have something wrong with her, but she is not a self-fulfilling prophecy, okay?" She tipped Alex's chin up so she was meeting her gaze. "You need to stop waiting for something bad to happen because you are making this way more stressful than it needs to be. It's really starting to piss me off..."
The last part came off harsher than she'd intended and she knew it the second it left her mouth because Alex's face hardened instantly. She didn't need to say anything, her expression alone was enough to let Emily know she was on extremely thin ice.
"I'm sorry," Emily immediately apologized, but it was too late. The words had already been spoken and there was no taking them back now.
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invisibleraven · 2 years
'' you brought me flower? '' for the Alex pairing of your choice
`Alex was pacing his apartment as the clocked ticked ever forward. He knew that it did nothing to calm his anxiety, but what else was he supposed to do while waiting for his date?
He and Reggie had met at a coffee shop, both reaching for the last banana chocolate chip muffin at the same time. Reggie had been gracious, letting him have it, but joked that Alex had to pay for his coffee in turn. Alex had blushed and stammered, and offered to split the muffin and then spent the next hour getting to know Reggie.
Before they parted Reggie had asked him out, and now here Alex was, waiting for him to come to his apartment, so they could go on their date. Putt putt wouldn't have been his first choice, but Reggie said it gave the chance to talk that movies wouldn't, and that they could always go out to eat afterwards. Alex hadn't been able to argue with that, though he didn't mention his horrid golf skills to Reggie. Best he learn about those on the date.
Finally the buzzer sounded and Alex blew out a breath as he pushed the button to let Reggie in. This was it. He was supremely nervous, given it was his first date in.... a while. But Reggie was funny, witty, sweet, and really freaking cute, so despite Alex's tendency to catastrophize, he secretly hoped it went well.
A sturdy knock broke Alex from his panic, so wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans, opened to door to find a beaming Reggie. Holding a bouquet of soft pink daisies, their colour matching the blush painting his cheeks.
"You got me flowers?" Alex asked, his voice breathless.
Reggie's face froze momentarily. "Oh yeah, s that okay? I know it's not normally done with guys, but I always bring my dates flowers, it's a nice romantic touch. Oh crap are you allergic? I can ditch them if you are! Or is it the colour? It's just that you were wearing that pink hoodie and these matched..."
Alex placed a tiny kiss to Reggie's lips to stop his rambling, biting back a grin at the astounded look on his face. "I love them," he said, bringing the blooms up to his nose to inhale their soft scent. "No one has ever brought me flowers before."
"Then I'm honoured to be the first," Reggie said with a grin. Watching as Alex put them in a large jar he had around filled with water. "Ready to get your putt putt on?" he asked, offering his arm.
"Yeah, okay," Alex replied. "But just so you know, I'm horrible at it."
"Well then, it'll give me plenty of chances to help you with your swing," Reggie said with a waggle of his eyebrows. Alex rolled his eyes, but later, with Reggie standing behind him, guiding his club to hit the ball just right, he found he didn't mind.
And if the date ended with a kiss that left them both the colour of the daisies now sitting on Alex's nightstand? Well he found he didn't mind that either.
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all-for-geek · 21 days
Unfinished Business - Love, Family, and Possession Chapter 8 - Talking to a Memory
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
Word Count: 3,658
Summary: Julie discovers that her life is now on a ticking clock, and Reggie gets a blast from the past.
Song Used in Chapter
Julie paced across the studio. This wasn’t happening. This could not happen. There was no way that Nick was possessed. She couldn’t have the same curse that the guys had. She couldn’t be…she couldn’t be…
Julie chucked the bracelet Nick, no, Caleb, had given her across the room. The purple energy it had been emitting lingered on her skin before seeping down into her body. She wanted to scream. She wanted to disappear back into that apathetic state she had thrived in after her mom died. She wanted to crumble into a ball and cry. That last one felt so tempting. 
The 5 others in the room stared at Julie. Alex and Reggie weren’t sure of what to do. This was beyond anything they were prepared for. A simple hug or “Everything is going to be okay” wasn’t going to fix this.
Luke stalked in the back corner of the garage, his hands balled into fists. He wanted nothing more than to stand next to Julie, being her shoulder to cry on, but emotions had never been his strong point. If he saw her now, her look of helplessness, of desperation, he would crumble, and that would just make things worse.
Alice had followed them from the auditions. She wasn’t sure why. Unlike the 3 other ghosts, she was invisible to the other lifers. She had no living connections to cling to. She hadn’t for a long time, but she knew the look in Julie’s eyes all too well. She had seen it so many times before. She wanted nothing more than to poof out, but some stubborn part of her forced her to stay.
It was Flynn who made the first move. She stomped over to her best friend and grabbed her by the shoulders. There was a fury in her eyes, but it was not directed at Julie. It was directed that this messed up situation and the ghost that put her into it. That dude was real lucky that Flynn couldn’t see him. But that wasn't what was important right now. Her friend was in trouble.
She pulled Julie into a tight hug. 
“It’s gonna be okay,” she whispered, although she was still loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. “You beat this stupid curse before. You’ll do it again.”
Luke’s ears perked up. “Wait, yeah! We just gotta do what we did before!” He ran over to Julie and joined Flynn in hugging her. Alex and Reggie weren’t far behind.
Julie could feel the love her friends had for her flooding her system. The power she felt was enough to crumble her to her knees if Flynn was keeping her upright. It felt just like that night after the Orpheum. 
The warmth and light faded as the four pulled away. She stood there, unsure. That had felt good. It felt right. She smiled as she-
Julie doubled over in pain as a purple jolt of energy coursed through her body.
“No no no no no,” Luke muttered. He rushed to Julie’s side, helping her stand back upright.
“I don’t get it. Why did it work?” Reggie asked.
“Because she is still alive,” Alice explained. The three boys turned to her, but the girls remained where they were. Alice sighed as she repeated herself through the makeshift switchboard.
“Caleb’s curses work by sticking his power to your very soul. It’s why they are so hard to break. A ghost is nothing but a soul, so when their Anchor forms a strong enough connection, it is easy enough for them to reach in and erase it. Lifers…they have more in the way. The physical form guards the soul against harm, but it also means it can’t be accessed as easily. It will take more than a group hug to break it.”
“And how do you know so much about Caleb and his curses,” Alex asked, not hiding the skepticism in his voice. It earned him a slap on the shoulder from Reggie, but he couldn’t shake the fact that she seemed to know everything.
Alice turned to face the switchboard again, biting her cheek as she regained her composure. “Caleb has been treating the ghosts of this city like his pawns for decades. I don’t like people who enjoy putting others down. Me and a small group of others at the Roxy have been working to find ways to break Caleb’s hold on people.”
“Okay, so how do we help Julie then,” Luke said, rising to his feet. He didn’t care what kind of past Alice might or might not have. If she could help save Julie, that was all he cared about.
“You have to reach into her soul,” she answered. The others waited as Alice took her hands off of the lights.
“And…how do we do that?” Luke prompted.
“Each soul is different. The person who truly knows the answer to that is Julie.”
Julie could feel her breath constricting. This was too much. She was dying. She was going to die soon if she couldn’t reach her soul. She didn’t even know what that meant! Why was this happening! Just as everything was starting to turn around, something always had to show up to remind Julie how cruel the world could be. 
She ran out of the room, tears welling in her eyes. Flynn followed close behind her.
Alex stared at the space where Julie had stood. She was not the only one getting overwhelmed. He could feel the panic starting to set in. He needed to get his jitters out. He was of no use to any of them like this. He poofed away. No one needed to ask to know where he had gone.
Carlos ran into the garage, his eyes bright and happy. Luke couldn’t help but feel jealous of the kid. He had no idea what was going on.
Carlos quickly checked the studio for his sister before racing over to the lightboard and setting down his open laptop.
“Reggie, are you there?” the boy whispered.
Reggie struggled to make it over the switchboard. He really didn’t have the energy to talk to anyone. He just wanted to curl up in a ball and go to bed. But this was Carlos. Reggie always had time for Carlos.
“Yeah, little dude, I’m here,” he answered.
Carlos’ face beamed brighter. “I found your brother!”
Reggie froze. Nothing could have prepared him for those words. Nothing had even
hinted that those words were a possibility! If he had a heartbeat, it probably would have stopped.
“It took longer than I thought it would,” Carlos continued, unaware of how much of a bombshell he just dropped, “He doesn’t have much social media, not even a Twitter, can you believe it, but I found him! Stephen Peters! He even still lives in the area.”
Carlos turns his laptop around to show a picture of a family of four out on the beach. The children’s faces were obscured, but the couple could be seen clear as day lounging on the sand. She was smiling at the man like there was nobody else in the world. And the man…he was so much older than he should be. Stevie was a little kid, but now…he was old enough to be their dad. He was a dad. His smile had not changed since the last time Reggie saw it.
“Reggie?” The ghost hadn’t been aware of how long he had been sitting there until Carlos spoke. He looked around. Had Luke’s hand been on his shoulder the whole time?
“Yeah…yeah that’s cool,” Reggie muttered, struggling with the lights.
“So now you can go and see him!” Carlos exclaimed.
Reggie couldn’t begin to process what was happening. See his brother again? Sure, he wanted to…more than anything…but what about- 
He stared at the empty doorway where Julie had run off through.
The hand on his shoulder squeezed. “Dude, you gotta go,” Luke exclaimed.
“But…I can’t just leave Julie.”
“Bro, you’re not leaving her,” Luke reassured. “Flynn’s in there with her right now, and I’ll be there too. Julie’s in good hands.”
But that was the problem. He couldn’t go to see Stevie alone. He couldn’t. He would get to the door, stand there awkwardly, poof back, and call himself a big chicken afterward. He needed someone to be there with him. To give him that extra push. Alex had already gone to see Willie, and Luke couldn’t leave. He would if Reggie asked, he knows that, but Luke needs to be here with Julie. He couldn’t just-
“I’ll go with you,” Alice piped up.
Reggie whipped his head around to face her. Had he been talking out loud that whole time? Or was he just that easy to read?
“Oh, okay you sure?” Reggie asked. He didn’t mind Alice going, really, he didn’t, but she had done so much for them over the past couple days. He couldn’t help but wonder why.
“Yeah,” she replied nonchalantly. “What else am I going to do with my afternoon?”
Reggie looked back to look as if asking for permission. His friend rolled his eyes playfully.
“Dude, everything is going to be fine,” Luke said, “Julie is in good hands up there with Flynn.”
“Yeah…besides, Flynn isn’t the only one who can look after her.” Reggie’s signature smile returned for a moment as Luke’s cheeks flushed. He gave the ghost a wink before he and Alice poofed off.
Stevie had managed to get a nice place for himself out in the suburbs of LA. It looked like a house out of a sitcom right down to the white picket fence. They had a big yard littered with toys where the two children, a boy and a girl, were running around playing.
Stevie’s kids. The thought hit Reggie again like a freight train. These were Stevie’s kids. Little Stevie who was barely tall enough to reach the pedals on Dad’s old car. He had kids. Reggie had a niece and nephew. Stevie had-
A firm squeeze on his shoulder pulled Reggie out of his spiral. He turned to Alice who was giving him a comforting smile. Reggie smiled back. The softer expression looked good on her. They both quickly turned back to the kids just in time to see the boy trip and fall in a mud pile. 
The girl laughed at him which earned her a playful “Shut up!” in response. The call summoned their father out to see what all the fuss was about. Stevie was taller than him. He had a beard! Alice’s hand was back on his shoulder.
Stevie smiled, a smile that Reggie remembered like it was yesterday, at the boy. Like this wasn’t the first time that this had happened. 
“Reggie…” he called out.
Reggie the son apologized to his dad while Reggie the ghost choked back a sob. Stevie helped little Reggie to his feet, seemingly not worried about the mud getting caked on his own clothes, and the three walked back into the house. Reggie remained staring at the door.
“Do you…uh…” Alice trailed off, her nonchalant demeanor cracking. She vaguely gestured toward the door.
Reggie nodded before poofing inside. He was really glad that someone came with him.
The inside of the house was littered with pictures of the family that lived there. All of them from various trips or outings, the four smiling brightly every time. Reggie thought of the pictures he had of his own family. He hoped that these ones weren't as loaded with memories as his were.
Stevie was standing at the bottom of the stairwell talking and laughing with a woman (Stevie’s wife, oh god Reggie had a sister-in-law) standing at the top. Stevie pawned the poor mud-caked boy to his mother before heading farther down the hall. 
After a pitstop in the bathroom to wash the worst of the mud off, Stevie entered into a massive bedroom. It was big enough for two people to comfortably use (which made sense because Stevie had a wife). He went rummaging through his closest, probably looking for new, less muddy clothes to put on. 
Stevie suddenly paused as he reached the back of his closest. A fond smile crept on his face. He slowly, carefully, pulled out an old, beaten leather jacket. It couldn’t have been Stevie’s. It was too small for him. It was…
Reggie had never put too much thought into what happened to the clothes that he died in. He guessed that it made sense that his parents would want him in something nicer than his sweat-soaked regular clothes. They always wanted him in something nicer. And if anyone could have ended up with his jacket, he would have wanted it to be Stevie. Still, the image was almost too surreal.
Stevie held his brother’s jacket tenderly in his hands. As if it would crumble to dust if he held it the wrong way. His tender smile remained as he pulled an old CD out of the jacket pocket. It was 25 years old at this point. With how much he played it, it was a miracle that the thing still functioned. But it was one of his most prized possessions. He kept a CD player around just for it.
Reggie recognized the intro as soon as it started. It was a demo that he had never gotten the chance to show the guys. His first, and only, foray into writing anything that wasn’t country. The song he had written for his brother for when the shouting had gotten too loud.
As the first verse began, all of the memories came flooding back.
I still see the moonlight on your skin
Those eyes staring back at me
Those scared eyes. Of a boy who didn’t know any better. Who just wanted Mommy and Daddy to stop fighting.
I still hear your voice sing in the wind
Consumed by the melody
The nights when the two would sneak out. Before Sunset Curve. When they would stroll the Hollywood streets sneaking into any music club they could. Reggie’s friends joined when they could.
I still feel your heartbeat skip I'm reaching, wishing
Wishing they had gotten more time together. Wishing that for one moment Stevie could see him. That he could tell his little brother that everything was alright.
Stevie starts to sing along, his eyes closed.
I'm talking to a memory
Calling can you hear me?
Reggie sits on the bed with his brother, drumming the beat on his fingers.
Haunted by the moments of what we used to be
I know it's not reality but I can't help believing
You're be haunted by me
Reggie stares at his brother. He no longer sees the man that he became, but the little brother that he always knew.
And you're talking to a memory
Oh, oh, woah
Oh, oh, woah, oh
I'm talking to a
Oh, oh, woah
Oh, oh, woah, oh
I’m talking to a memory
Out of my body looking for you
The time that Reggie almost ran away. He had started packing his bag and everything before Stevie came walking in.
All over the world but haven't left the room
He couldn’t just leave him there.
Stuck inside these four walls
But in this vision we can have it all
Teaching his brother how to play bass. The quieter tones were calming, and it could always be cranked up if needed.
Got nowhere to go so I'm going nowhere
No no no Stevie couldn’t cry. If he cried, then Reggie would cry, and then-
The world is empty when you're not there
Reggie harmonized with his brother, tears in his eyes.
Take me back, back to the night when we danced through the Hollywood lights
Oh, oh
Ours is a story I won't forget
Reggie would never forget his brother. Not if he roamed this Earth for a hundred years.
Oh, oh
No moments wasted, no regrets
Stevie had one though. That his brother couldn’t be here to share this amazing life with him. He hoped that, wherever he was, Reggie was happy.
Oh, woah, oh
The chapters we wrote are written in our hearts
The ending came to soon but
It made us who we are
Stevie couldn’t tell, but he was singing face to face with brother. Reggie couldn’t have been prouder of the man he became.
Can we talk about our memories?
The ones where you can reach me
Reggie stopped singing as he stared at his brother. Stevie stared at the closest where the jacket was hanging.
Lost in every moment, we could just be you and me
Alice stared from the doorway, shifting uncomfortably as she watched the extremely personal scene play out. She had always been glad that she never had a sibling, but maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad.
I know it's in the past but I can't help believing
We'll be haunting each others dreams
Through our favorite little memories
“Stephen! Dinner’s ready!” a feminine voice called from downstairs. Reggie and Stevie both turned towards the sound, awoken from their trance. Stevie wipes the tears rolling down his face away and carefully puts the CD back into the leather jacket before heading downstairs. Reggie follows him wordlessly.
Stevie sat down next to his wife at the dinner table. The woman eyed him worriedly before he gave her a reassuring smile. The kids, the boy now in a clean shirt, run over, and the four start digging into their meal. 
It was the scene Reggie had always dreamed of when he and Stevie were kids. The four sitting down, chatting and joking about the day they had. The kids excitedly explained what happened at school. Reggie kept glancing at Stevie and his wife. They were so…happy. Reggie never dreamed that his own parents could look at each other that way. Even before things started getting bad. 
Reggie smiles as he poofs away. Alice, who had been standing in the doorway admiring the scene herself, notices his sudden absence. She rushes out of the house desperately hoping that he didn’t just leave her to see that sappy, saccharine, envious scene alone. She caught herself sighing when she looked up to see him on the roof.
Alice poofed up to join him. Reggie turned and acknowledged her for the first time since they entered the house. He hastily wiped the tears from his eyes.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I…” Reggie trailed off. How did he explain that he kinda, maybe, completely forgot that she was there.
“It’s okay,” Alice responded. She sat down next to him, taking in the sun slowly setting. “You doin’ alright?”
“I…They all look so happy. It’s better than anything I could have hoped for.”
“I’m glad. For a lot of us, especially those who die young, seeing family again doesn’t always end well.”
Reggie turned to look at her. “Have you ever tried? Looking for your family?”
Alice’s face darkened. “My dad was the only family I ever really had, and we had a big falling out right before I died. Don’t really have any interest in re-connecting.”
“That sucks,” Reggie said, regretting it almost immediately. Of course it sucked! He wished Alex was here. He always knew what to say.
“It’s not so bad,” Alice said, “I’ve met a lot of amazing people through the Roxy. Some were there before me, some after. It’s like having a family all over again.”
“I get that,” Reggie added. He meant it. He felt the same way about his band. “Thanks for coming with me. You didn’t have to do that.”
Alice shrugged. “It was no biggie.” 
Alice smiled, and Reggie smiled back. There were a million words left unsaid between them, but neither one was willing to speak them. Not yet, anyway. Instead, they just watched as the sun set.
As the sun set for Julie, she felt herself drawn to the same place she always felt drawn to in times of distress. Her box of her mom’s old things. She sifts through the box full of outdated fashion. She smiles as the tears come falling down. This was all that she had left of her mom. All that she had to physically hold at least.
Another jolt of pain pulsed through her body. She collapsed onto the floor just in time for Flynn to round the corner. She took her place at her best friend’s side quickly pulling her into a hug.
“I can’t leave them with just a box,” Julie managed to get out between the tears. “We just started getting better. I can’t…I can’t do that to them.”
Luke was about to float into the room when he saw the scene playing out before him. He wanted nothing more than to be angry, but nothing could trump the aching feeling in his heart.
“Don’t you dare talk like that,” Flynn scolded. “You are not going anywhere. You read what that ghost lady said. We just gotta find a way to connect to your soul.”
“How are we gonna do that?” Julie cried. “We don’t even know where to start.”
“Music,” Luke muttered. It was less that he spoke, and more that the thought fell from his head and into his mouth. Julie looked up, barely hearing what he said herself.
“What?” she asked.
“You always say that music is a big part of you,” Luke explained, fiddling with the strings of his hoodie, “You even wrote a whole song about it.”
“Your mom,” Flynn added. She couldn’t hear the ramblings of the ghost behind her, but her words fit with his more perfectly than she could ever know. “She was such a big part of you. She still is.”
Julie sat there, wiping the tears from her eyes. She looked at her two friends with a smile before grabbing her notebook. 
“Thanks,” she said. “I think I have an idea.”
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indiee19 · 3 years
Tonight There’ll Be Some Love
Alex Turner x reader
Summary: You and Alex are 16 and lose your virginity to each other.
warnings: smut, fingering
word count: 2817
A/N: Oh my god, I wrote this in two hours, I’m so proud of myself. Also , I realized how many times I said, “you nodded,” when I was proofreading, so don’t mind that
✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑ ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
You watched the clock in your bedroom impatiently, excitedly waiting for Alex to get there. Your parents had left to go on a trip for their anniversary for the weekend, so you invited Alex over. You had been waiting for them to go on a trip again, since the last trip they went on was only for a couple of hours a few months ago.
You and Alex had only been dating for about three months when your parents' last trip was, you and Alex were kissing when they came home and immediately had to pull away in fear that they'd find you two like that and not allow you two  to be alone together again.
You heard a car pull up in the driveway, Alex was finally here. You got up from your bed, hurrying down the stairs and opening the door, watching Alex's face light up once he saw you. 
"Hey," you said, pulling Alex in for a hug. He looked adorable, his brown hair slightly messed up, more than likely where he had been running his hand through it, his nerves getting the best of him before leaving his house to come here like they always did. He had on a pair of black pants, and a white and black striped collared shirt and a jacket.
"Hey, love. C-can I come in?" he said, pulling away from the hug. You nodded and stepped to the side, allowing him to come in, closing and locking the door. He took off his jacket, laying it on the couch.
"You hungry?" you asked, going to the kitchen. He shook his head, following you. You started making tea, putting water in the kettle, and placing the kettle on the stovetop. Alex wrapped his arms around you as you made the tea, hugging you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder. Your mind started going through a thought you'd had earlier when you called Alex to ask if he wanted to come over, though you quickly pushed it away, for the moment at least.
You turned around and kissed him. It took Alex a moment to process this, though it wasn't the first time that you two kissed, it was the first time that you'd been fully confident kissing him, the first time that you made the first move.
Alex pulled away, holding you by the waist. "Love, the kettle," Alex pointed out. You quickly turned around, turning off the stove though you knew that the kettle hadn't been on the stove long enough. 
You turned back around and starred onto his chocolate brown eyes. 
"Do you want to go to my room and ... watch ... watch a movie?" you asked, running your hands up and down his arms. He nodded and let go of your waist, following you upstairs  to your bedroom. Alex sat on your bed, getting comfy. He watched as you went to the cabinet that your TV was on, looking through all of the movies you had.
You scanned over the movie titles, your eyes coming back to The Notebook over and over again. You picked it up off the shelf, turning around to show Alex. 
"What about The Notebook?" you questioned, holding it up so he could see it. He nodded, not caring what movie you were watching. You smiled and took the DVD out of the case and put it in the DVD player that was connected to your TV.
You pressed play on the remote and walked back to your bed, turning off the lamp so that you could see the movie better and cuddled up to Alex's side, his arms wrapping around you, laying your head on his shoulder, your arms also wrapping around his slim body.
You and Alex hadn't made it but thirty minutes into the movie before you and Alex started to kiss, Alex's tongue slipping past your lips, exploring your mouth, his hands on your waist, yours around his neck. 
You fumbled for the remote beside you, pausing the movie, somehow managing to turn the lamp back on.
Alex pulled you into his lap, his lips never once leaving yours. His hands started to wonder up your body, stopping at your breasts. You gasped and pulled away, getting off of his lap and the bed. He opened his eyes and looked at you, getting up from the bed as well. 
"Love, I-I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to-" you cut him off, kissing him, wrapping your arms around his neck. You pulled away and started kissing down his jaw then to his neck, settling on a spot a sucking on it, starting a hickey. Alex groaned, tilting his head to the side to allow you to have more access to his neck.
Once you were positive that a bruise had formed, you moved away from him, sitting down on your bed. He crawled over your legs, straddling you, pushing you down to be flat on your back, attaching his lips to your neck, your eyes shutting. He settled on a spot just below your ear, your hands going straight into his fluffy brown hair, tugging on it, a raspy moan falling from his lips.
"God, Alex. Fuck me," you breathed out. Alex lifted his head, looking at you with his insanely adorable eyes. You opened your eyes, starring into his fixating gaze.
"W-what did you say, love?" he asked. He didn't mean for it to sound rude, and you knew that, it just caught you of guard that he asked since you didn't mean for him to hear it, and it had also caught him off guard since you were both virgins.
"I said ... I said that I wanted you to fuck me," you said, lowering your voice when you said the last part, your face flushing with embarrassment. Alex got off from on top of you, sitting on the bed beside you, you sitting up.
"I'm sorry, Al. I know that you've never done that before a-and neither have I. And as much as I want to do it with you, I know I shouldn't have said that and I wasn't thinking," you apologized. You expected him to leave and expected that he wouldn't want to talk to you for a while, but instead, he kissed you. It was short and sweet, not like the one that you'd had only a couple of minutes ago.
"It's okay, love," he said, looking at your shirt you had one, slightly pulling on it. "Can I take this off of you?" 
You nodded and lifted your arms up so that he could pull the shirt over your head, throwing it to the floor. He starred at your chest for a moment before you reached behind your back to unclasp your bra, the straps falling down your shoulders, throwing it to the floor.
Alex moved one of his hands to massage your breasts in it, then taking off his shirt and throwing it down with your shirt and bra. You shimmied out of your shorts, helping Alex unbutton and take off his pants, adding them to the growing pile of clothes in your bedroom floor.
You laid back on your bed, Alex crawling back over you. His hand brushing back a strand of hair that fell into your face, his hand trailing down to above the waistband of your panties, the ache between your legs forming and growing at a very fast rate.
"Can i?" he asked, not wanting to do anything to upset or hurt you, a little scared himself. You nodded, eyes shutting when his fingers made contact with your clit, a small whimper escaping your lips. He caught on to your reaction and started rubbing small, slow circles on your clit, enjoying the whimpers that came out of your mouth. 
"Does that feel good, love?" he teased, suddenly gaining an immense amount of confidence that only turned you on even more, Alex laughing slightly. He moved his fingers from your clit, teasing your folds now, spreading the wetness around.
"God, you're so wet, love. All for me?" he drawled, fingers finding your entrance, spreading around your wetness there as well. You nodded and began to roll your hips onto his hand, desperate to get some friction, even if it was smallest amount of it.
He pushed one finger inside of your cunt, curling it inside you, stroking your walls. 
"A-add another," you breathed out.
"Are you sure, love?" he responded. You nodded and Alex watched your face, watching your reaction when he added a second finger, watching the immense amount of pleasure that he was giving you.
He started pumping his fingers in and out of you, setting a pace, his thumb grazing your clit, rubbing gentle circles on it in rhythm with his fingers. You felt a knot form in your stomach, knowing that it wouldn't take much for you to come undone.
Alex curled his fingers deep insdie of you, a loud moan falling from your lips. "Do that again, Al," you said. He smirked and repeated the motion, watching the pleasure that your facial expression  showed. You started to roll your hips onto his hand, craving more friction.
"Have you done this before, you know ... like ... on your own?" Alex asked, his head falling down on your neck, placing soft kisses to it.
"Y-yeah,"" you replied, your voice trailing off into a moan as he had curled his fingers inside you again.
"What do you think about, love?" he said, kissing up your jaw, then back down to your collarbone. "I-I think about you," you admitted, hands pulling on his hair, twisting it between your fingers.
"Naughty, naughty. Can I tell you something?" he said, moving his kisses down to your breasts, his fingers pumping in and out of you faster, rubbing on your clit harsher. "Sometimes I fantasize about you too."
He pulled away from your breasts, his free arm holding him up, starring deeply into your eyes. You looked him up and down, noticing that he was hard through his boxers, moving your hand to palm him through his underwear, reaching inside them, lightly stroking his cock. Alex groaned in response, suddenly curling his fingers deep inside of you, flicking your clit, tipping you over the edge. He watched as your eyes rolled back into your head, watching you as the waves of pleasure washed over your entire body, the feeling was euphoric. He kept moving his fingers in and out of you, helping you ride out your orgasm.
You came down from your high, whimpering at the empty feeling that was left when Alex pulled his fingers out of you, you took your hand out of his boxers to stop stroking him, using it to cup the back of his neck and kiss him.
You started to pull down his boxers, Alex stopping you. 
"Are you sure you want to do this, love?" he asked, even though he wanted to go through with it, he still wanted to make sure that you were also on board. You nodded, and he pulled down your panties just far enough so that you could kick them off into the floor, you doing the same for him. You looked down at his cock, worrying if it would hurt or if he would even be able to fit in you.
"Wait, do you have ... a ... a condom?" he asked, not wanting to worry about if you were on the pill or not.
"Yeah, bedside drawer. A friend gave it to me," you said. He laughed and reached over to the drawer, fishing the condom out of it, pulling the silver packet out of it and closed the drawer. He ripped the packet open, rolling the condom down on his long, thick cock, tugging himself a few times before finding and lining himself up with your entrance.
You felt his tip at your entrance and your hand gripped onto his shoulder, waiting for him to push inside you.
"Ready?" he questioned. You nodded and he slowly started to push into you.
You tried to relax, knowing that it the feeling would get better, but the feeling of his cock stretching your walls brought a few tears to your eyes, which Alex immediately noticed.
"I'm so sorry, love," he said, pulling out of you, wiping the tears that had formed in your eyes.
"Wait, no, Alex. It's alright, I'll be okay," you said. You knew that the stinging feeling would go away eventually, or that's what your friend told you at least and you wanted this, like really, really wanted this.
"You sure, because I don't want to 'urt you," he replied. You nodded and he sighed, lining himself with your entrance again, pushing in slowly, stopping in between his small pushes to make sure that you were okay.
Once he was hilt deep inside you, his head fell on your shoulder, placing kisses on it. 
"You feel s-so good, love," he groaned. He was waiting for you to tell him what to do, not wanting to do anything that you weren't ready for or do anything that you didn't want him to do. His hands were either side of your head, holding him up above you. He reveled in the feeling of your walls stretching to accomendate to his size.
"Alex, can you move?" you asked. He nodded and slowly pulled almost all the way out of you before pushing back in, setting a pace, the stinging feeling slowly going away after a couple of thrusts.
You loosened your grip on Alex's shoulder, moving your hands to his biceps, eyes shutting automatically. Alex's pace gradually got faster, one of his hands coming down between your bodies to rub on your clit in sync with his thrusts.
Your moans filled your room, as did Alex's moans and grunts. You felt as if you were in another world, the feeling, as I had said earlier, euphoric. Alex delivered a particularly hard thrust which compelled him to kiss you passionately.
"God, Alex, faster," you moaned. He smirked, following your request, picking up his pace, rubbing your clit more vigorously. You knew that you were close, the knot forming in your stomach again and growing rapidly.
"A-Alex, I'm close," you whimpered, hands moving from his biceps to his hair, pulling on it.
"I know, love, m-me too," he groaned, determined to get you there before him, needing to feel you come around his cock in order to get there himself.
Three more thrusts and Alex pressing down harshly on your clit was all it took for you to be sent spiraling.
Your eyes rolled back into your head, the waves of pleasure washing over you, you felt as if you were on cloud nine. Your own release triggering Alex's, the feeling of your walls contracting around his cock enough for him to get there. He stilled his thrusts, releasing into the condom. He collapsed on top of you, the both of you panting heavily, your breathing uneven.
Alex pulled out of you, getting up off of the bed, walking to the door. "I'll be right back, love," he said, walking down the hall to the bathroom. You laid in the same spot, trying to get your breathing under control, trying to wrap your mind around what had just happened, you'd just had sex with Alex, still not believing it.
Alex came back, grabbing his underwear off your bedroom floor, putting them back on, handing you his shirt and your panties, helping you put them on, climbing back into the bed with you.
"Wow ... that just happened," Alex stated, wrapping his arm around you, pressing a few light kisses to your neck.
"Heh, yeah, it did," you said, still trying to fully grasp the reality of it. "So, how about we finish the movie and then go get food?" you asked.
"Yeah, sounds good. Don't know if I'll make through the movie though. Fucking you wore me out," he chuckled, you laughed, kissing the top of his head as he'd nuzzled into your neck.
"Dont fall asleep during the movie, you can do that after it's over and after we go get food," you said, reaching over him for the remote, turning The Notebook back on.
"We don’t have to go get food, there's something in here that I'd like to eat and I'm sure that I could find you something to suck on," he said, though you couldn’t see him, you knew that he had that stupidly hot, cocky smirk plastered on his face. What he had said made you laugh again. "You really are something else, Al," you laughed. 
"Yeah, but that's why you love me."
"You're right, Al, I do love you," you said, kissing his lips, then turning back to watch the movie, Alex doing the same.
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ynscrazylife · 3 years
I was thinking maybe a oneshot where B!D gets poisoned by Cadmus?
Sisterly Instincts 
Summary: Y/N is Kryptonian who landed on Earth a few years after Kara. When CADMUS kidnaps her, they inject her with a poison made out of their version of Kryptonite, which is very harmful to her.
Authors Note: Thank you for requesting!
Request to be on a Taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
DCEU Masterlist | Main Masterlist
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
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Image ID: Alex and Kara sitting together. Alex has her eyes closed, head on Kara’s shoulder, arm wrapped around her, and is looking upset. Kara is wearing her glasses and is looking down, crying. End ID. 
“Alex, have you heard from Y/N yet today?” Kara asked as she entered the DEO, a slight frown on her face still evident from the morning. 
Alex shook her head no. “Not since last night, why?” She asked, coming down the stairs and joining her sister in her walk. 
Kara shrugged it off. “She just didn’t send me her usual good morning text . . . She’s probably fine, right?” The blonde answered, now feeling silly as she voiced the worry that had been slowly eating at her. 
Alex’s warm chuckle calmed her almost instantly. “Yeah, it’s nothing. We’ll see her soon as she’s coming into the DEO anyway,” she reasoned, assuming their younger sister had just overslept. 
They reached the main room where J’onn and the other DEO agents sat at their desks and immediately the Danvers’ sisters got to work. 
However, when it was ten minutes past the time Y/N was supposed to arrive, Alex decided to give her a call, biting her lip. She discreetly pressed her phone to her ear, turning away so she wouldn’t cause her sister unnecessary worry. 
It ringed. 
And ringed. 
And ringed. 
“Hey! You’ve reached Y/N Danvers. Sorry I couldn’t answer! Leave me a message and I’ll get back to you.” Alex cursed quietly when it rang so long it went to voicemail and huffed to clear her mind and steady herself.
“Hey, Y/N. It’s Alex. I’m sure you just overslept or are rushing to work,” she said, pausing to chuckle when the image of her younger sister running around the city popped into her mind, “Just give me a call when you get this. Love you, bye!” 
Despite the small worry entering the pit of her stomach, Alex reminded herself that Y/N being late and missing a phone wasn’t too uncommon, and she resumed her work. 
"Alex?” Kara said, and Alex looked up from her computer to see her sister gesturing at the clock with a nod. The brunette looked over, and felt that pit sink lower when she saw that 20 minutes had passed. Getting no message from Y/N, Alex and Kara shared a look, coming to a silent decision. 
“We're gonna go by Y/N’s apartment and check on her,” Alex informed J’onn as she stood up from her chair and grabbed her coat. She couldn't keep herself from remembering that Y/N should be here right now, she didn't live far away. 
Kara nodded, following her older sister, and the two women left the DEO, neither of them discussing their worries in fear of distressing the other one. Great minds do think alike, though, and that’s why they both internally came to the conclusion that if nothing was wrong and they found Y/N sleeping late, they were gonna be pissed (however they hoped that was what they found instead of the scary alternatives brewing and stirring in their minds). 
When they reached Y/N’s apartment, Kara knocked on the door. They waited almost a minute and when the door didn't open and they didn’t hear anything, Alex fished the key Y/N had given to her out of her pocket and unlocked the door. 
Stepping inside, the women were prepared to search the house like they were on a mission, when a paper on the floor, having been slipped under the door, caught their attention. Sharing a look, Kara grabbed the paper and unfolded it. It read: 
“Hello, Supergirl, 
I won’t lie. I don’t know your ‘secret identity’. However, I was able to find out Y/S/N’s, so it’s only a matter of time before I find yours, too. Come to these coordinates: [pretend there’s random coordinates] by 12:00 alone and allow us to experiment and test on you. If you fail to do that, I won’t give Y/N the cure to the Kryptonite poison that’s in her system and I’ll reveal her identity to the world. 
-- CADMUS.” 
For a couple moments, Kara and Alex stood, glued to the spot. Thoughts and emotions washed over their bodies: concern for their sister, anger at CADMUS, and an utter helplessness since they didn’t know what to do. 
It was a little past 10:00 now and when the two got back to the DEO, they made a plan with J’onn. He’d disguise himself as Kara and would do as the letter said and they’d have DEO agents - including Alex and Kara - stationed around the building with cloaking devices, which would make them invisible to CADMUS and their tech. Winn would hack into CADMUS’ tech and after Y/N was given the cure, the DEO agents would act.
At 10:30, the DEO agents were stationed around the base, invisible, and J’onn had walked into the base itself, disguised as Kara. He noticed the Kryptonite around the room, there to weaken Kara, so he put on an act: pretending that it was hurting him. He barley refrained from rushing over to Y/N when he saw the woman who was like a daughter to him siting on a chair, weak and only half-conscious, sweat shining on her face with Lillian Luthor standing beside her. 
“Good, you came,” Lillian said with a sadistic smile. 
“Yes. Now give Y/S/N the cure,” J’onn said, putting on his best Supergirl face. 
The corners of Lillian’s mouth turned into a smirk and she walked over to another chair a few feet away, which had Kryptonite restraints. “Sit,” she said calmly, although the way she stood, her hands delicately placed on the chair, brought power to the lonely word. 
J’onn complied, frowning as he walked over to the chair and sat down, letting Lillian put the restraints on his wrists and ankles that she thought would weaken him. For extra effect, J’onn sucked in a breath and faked pain. 
Lillian smugly turned around and walked back to Y/N, who didn’t seem to realize what was going on. The older woman gestured to one of her minions and they promptly injected a serum into Y/N’s neck, making the youngest Danvers’ gasp just the slightest before her eyes fluttered close. 
“The antidote is taking its affect in her system,” Lillian informed J’onn before turning back to her minion. “Take the girl outside. She can find her way back.” 
The man nodded and picked Y/N up, slinging her over his shoulder and walked out. The second J’onn heard a smash and knew that his team had acted, he gave Lillian no time to be on alert before he ripped off the restraints and knocked all of the CADMUS agents out. 
. . .  . . .  . . . 
Alex and Kara had been standing outside, listening to Lillian and J’onn’s interaction through their earpieces. The women were both racked with worry over their little sister and when they saw the man carrying her, it took everything in them both to wait until he carelessly dropped her on the floor. When he did, Kara revealed herself and knocking him unconscious into a wall. Alex then revealed herself as well, hearing J’onn fighting, and ran to Y/N while the rest of the DEO agents went inside to erase CADMUS’ memory of Y/N’s identity and to make arrests.
“Y/N, Y/N! Come on, wake up,” Alex said, slightly panicked as she gently rolled Y/N from where she was laying on her side to be on her back. Kara, after making sure the guy was unconscious, sped over. 
Kara knitted her brown together and drew her lips into a line, silently gathering her sister into her arms. Alex glanced up at her, tears in her eyes, for she knew Kara was only silent when she was very worried. 
“I’ll meet you back at the DEO,” Kara said quietly, her tone almost emotionless, before lifting off and flying into the air. Alex swallowed and took a breath, getting to her feet.
. . .  . . .  . . .
As she flew through the air, Kara battled to keep distracting thoughts about the clouds and the breeze away, as she knew she had to focus on her unconscious sister. Y/N was the priority. Once she landed at the DEO, she immediately headed to the med bay, where doctors took over and Kara informed him that Y/N had supposedly been given the antidote. 
After almost ten minutes of Kara pacing just outside the door and Winn doing his best to comfort her, the doctors informed them that the antidote was indeed in Y/N’s system and it was fighting off the poison. They didn’t know when she would wake up but when she did, she would need to rest a lot as she’d be weak. They were also unsure if CADMUS had done anything else to her, so she’d need to stay at the DEO overnight if she didn’t wake up soon. 
The doctors allowed Kara to see her so the blonde sat by her sister’s side, holding her hand until Alex burst in, looking out-of-breath. 
“How is she?” Alex asked, sitting on Y/N’s other side and taking her free hand. 
Kara told her what the doctors said and they collectively let out a breath, relieved that she was going to be alright. They stayed with Y/N for another hour, silent except for the occasional comment, when Y/N started blinking her eyes open. 
The agent and the superhero both sat up, patiently waiting for Y/N to wake up and adjust herself.
“Alex? Kara?” Y/N croaked out, looking at her sisters in a haze of confusion. 
Both women smiled and let out happy tears, helping her to sit up before wrapping their arms around her. Y/N smiled, leaning her head against Kara’s neck. 
“I’m so sorry that happened to you,” Alex whispered. 
“It’ll never happen again,” Kara promised. 
Y/N nodded. She didn’t say anything in response, finding herself too tired after the day’s events. Kara and Alex stayed until she fell asleep and then they reluctantly left her under the watchful eye of Winn, since they needed to debrief with J’onn and prepare for when Y/N would come home. 
Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @hehehehannahthings @paulawand @blackbat2020 @sybil-moon-is-a-mess @cerberus-spectre @marrymemcgrath @celestialbarnes
DCEU Taglist: @stephanieromanoff @basiclesbianbitch @extraordinary-fangrl @hi-i-1 @mmmmokdok @harrypottercumslut
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naralanis · 3 years
little bumps in the road (pt. 10)
Previously on LBitR...
“Calm down,” Lena whispers, even though she’s having trouble doing exactly that at the sight of the empty bench where she had left Kara waiting not even an hour ago.
“Don’t tell me to calm down,” Alex hisses; the muzzle of her gun dis rather painfully on her back, and Lena would really like to step away from it, but the agent has her arm locked in a vice grip. “Where the hell is she, Lena? She was here when I followed you in!”
“Walk with me,” Lena says, quickly scanning the area--they’re standing in a stiff, unnatural way, and the last thing she wants is to draw any attention, especially when they’re both wearing stolen LuthorCorp lab coats right outside the building. She takes one tentative step away, hooking her arm around Alex’s as if they were just friends walking down the street arm-in-arm.
Thankfully, Alex understands Lena’s not-so-subtle hint faster than Kara ever could; her image-induced expression relaxes into a smile that barely looks forced, and her grip of Lena’s arm, though still tight and borderline painful, shifts so that it appears more casual.
“Is there any way you could have been followed?” Lena asks, subtly looking around them, noting that Alex is doing the same.
“That’s always a possibility,” Alex admits, sounding both panicked and defeated at once. “But I was very careful.”
“OK, let’s not panic yet,” Lena tells both Alex and herself. “Kara and I made plans to rendezvous back at the motel if I was gone too long or if anything happened.”
Alex gives her a look--it’s weird to have a patented Alex-Danvers-look-of-disapproval coming from a stranger’s face. “You weren’t gone for long, though.” She doesn’t voice the alternative.
Unthinkably, Lena reaches out and gently pats the hand on her arm. She means for it to be reassuring--it’s the kind of thing she would do for Kara--the kind of thing she has been doing for Kara over the last couple of weeks, but Alex looks just as puzzled by the action as Lena is.
She removes her hand and clears her throat. “Still, our best bet is the motel. Did you drive here?”
Alex nods. “Great,” Lena continues, mind already working a mile a minute. “Kara probably took the bus back--we didn’t want the car to be seen downtown,” she explains, and Alex lets out an undignified snort.
“That’s remarkably sensible of you,” she quips sarcastically. Lena ignores her.
“What I’m saying is, if you drove here and we take your vehicle, we may beat Kara to the motel, or get there shortly after her. It’s one hour from LuthorCorp to the motel by bus--she’ll switch routes at least twice on the way.”
Alex looks impressed despite herself. “And if she doesn’t show, what then, genius?” she challenges, lips pursed.
Lena breathes out steadily, calmly. “She will,” she says with as much conviction as she can possibly muster in her tone, because the alternative is simply unthinkable.
Alex smacks her lips, slowing her walk as she considers their limited options. “Fine,” she finally concedes, dragging Lena down an alleyway.
They dispose of their lab coats in a trashcan in that same alley, and Alex practically hauls Lena towards a secluded spot behind down another alley a few blocks away.
“You better hold on,” she says, removing a few strategically placed cardboard boxes to reveal a sleek black motorcycle, discreetly parked behind a dumpster. “I did not bring an extra helmet.”
Lena does hold on, mainly because Alex weaves and cuts through traffic like an absolute manic as she follows the directions Lena has to practically shout in her ear as they go. She knows Alex is desperate to find Kara and make sure she’s OK, but Lena also wishes she would ease off the gas a little; she’s got enough to be afraid of at the moment.
She feels like her heart is about to burst out of her chest when they finally reach the hotel; they’re nowhere close to the room she and Kara had checked into, but she’s already fumbling in her purse for her key card. with Alex hot on her heels.
They stumble into the room together, and Lena has to stop, has to take a second to try to stop the cold dread she immediately feels at finding it empty, exactly as they had left it this morning.
Alex begins pacing like a caged tiger immediately. “She’s not here,” she gasps, tapping at the image inducer at her temple, and then it’s Alex, really Alex, looking worried and panicked and slightly disheveled in this empty room, and now Lena is belatedly realizing it’s up to her, Supergirl’s would-be killer, to try and comfort the hero’s sister while they wait.
As if she is not on the verge of a panic attack herself.
“We knew she wouldn’t be,” she tries to reason, keeping her voice as even as she can, though she can’t stop tugging at her fingers out of sheer nervousness.
She’s doing the math in her head, thinking of the bus schedules, of which one Kara probably had gotten on and when; she’s mapping out the routes in her mind, considering the usual trip times, factoring in the average Metropolis traffic at two in the afternoon on a Thursday.
Alex takes one look at Lena’s fidgeting hands and immediately sighs, sinking into one of the beds. “Take that stupid wig off,” she barks. “Blonde you is freaking me out.”
That lets out a little chuckle, but it feels like some kind of hysteria. She takes a seat on the opposite bed, and Alex regards her quizzically.
“Kara said something similar yesterday,” she explains, carefully removing the wig and setting it on the nightstand. “That’s too bad; I really thought I was pulling it off.”
The attempt at humour falls completely flat--Lena can see it plainly in Alex’s wooden expression. “You definitely weren’t,” she deadpans. Her knee is bouncing up and down, up and down, up and down, boot tapping dully on the carpet.
It’s driving Lena insane.
“Kara will be here soon,” Lena says, still tugging at her fingers. Alex doesn’t look convinced. 
“And if she doesn’t?”
Lena has no answers to that, refuses to consider the possibility.
“She will,” she says again, in an almost silent whisper, for her own comfort. “She will, she will, she will.”
Alex says nothing, only continues with her bouncing knee, keeps her gaze locked onto Lena. And Lena, Lena tries not to squirm under the agent’s scrutiny; she fidgets, she stares at the blinking red numbers of the alarm clock, steals glances at the door--she looks at anything and anywhere to avoid Alex’s gaze.
When Alex does speak again, her voice is low, but it still startles Lena enough for her to jump a little in surprise.
“What do you remember about that day, Lena?”
When Lena turns to face her, Alex’s eyes are as hard as stone. Her scowl has returned, and the way her brows are furrowed is far more telling than the cold tone of her voice. It says, plain and simple, I don’t trust you.
It takes Lena a long time to come up with an answer Alex may find even remotely satisfactory--she knows that ‘I don’t know’ that is on the tip of her tongue simply won’t cut it, even if it is the honest answer. Her memories, the few that she does have from that day, are murky and sparse, and don’t feel altogether hers.
She struggles to recall any details, searches the blurred images interred somewhere in her subconscious and tries to make sense of the tangled mess she has been left with. “Flashes,” she tries, settling for as much truth as she can muster at the moment. She swallows. “I remember... I remember Kara falling--I remember seeing her from the top floor at LuthorCorp.”
Alex raises a brow like she doesn’t fully believe her. “The top floor?” she asks, voice oddly neutral. “Not from the basement labs? You didn’t watch it from the screens?”
Lena furrows her brows, tries to poke at whatever remnants of memory she has latched on to. “No, I don’t...” she closes her eyes, sees Kara falling, riddled with green, her body limp falling past her windows as fast as a bullet. “I-I don’t think so, I was... I think I was at the top floor.”
“You were apprehended in the basement, Lena,” Alex says brusquely.
“N-no, that can’t be right,” Lena chokes out, but all she sees behind her lids is Kara’s body falling, and her mind provides the most horrifying sound effect as it hits the pavement. “That can’t be, I watched her fall, I w-watched from my window.”
Alex shakes her head. “What do you remember before the rockets?”
Lena rattles her brain with difficulty; her lungs can’t quite return to their normal rhythm with the images her mind is supplying. “Before?” she gasps, keeping her eyes shut so she doesn’t have to see, doesn’t have to wither under Alex’s unyielding disappointment and doubt.
“M-myriad, the, um, the Fortress, ah... I was there with K-kara, and--”
She’s close to hyperventilating; she can’t get the image of Kara’s body--her bloody, broken body falling, falling--out of her mind.
“The Fortress? Lena that was two weeks befo--Lena? Lena, are you OK?”
Lena can’t respond--she can’t speak, she can’t even breathe. her brain is giving her the most terrifying flashes of memories, memories that don’t feel like her own, and she’s scrambling to fill that gaps at the same time as the images come, unbidden, to her mind. Her mental boxes are teetering, swaying in their little organized, compartmentalized stacks, unbalanced, and she can’t, she can’t breathe.
“Shit,” she vaguely hears Alex say, marginally registers the agent rushing to her side, but then someone is touching her and there is another flash--it is white hot and painful in her brain, like an electric shock, and she feels someone grabbing at her shoulders, pushing her down hard, pulling, and dragging, and, and--
Lena yelps and recoils, bats away at the hands reaching for her shoulders in uncontrollable, all-consuming panic.
It’s another voice, worried, coming from someone bursting through the door with force, nearly slamming it off its hinges. Lena’s only somewhat aware of Alex yelling--she sounds happy, surprised, worried, and a whole gamut of other things Lena cannot focus on, because suddenly, there’s just warmth all around her.
She’s being held, tight, tight, tight, but it isn’t restrictive--it’s the opposite, warm and comforting and it envelops her almost entirely, like a heavy blanket, muting the sounds of her own frantic heartbeat.
“Sh, Lena, it’s just me. You’re OK. I’m here, I’m here.”
It’s Kara’s voice--low in a soothing murmur, rumbling in her chest as she whispers right at Lena’s ear, and the vibrations are soft, reassuring, and tranquil, almost enough to ease Lena’s trembling.
She’s wrapped tight in Kara’s arms as her awareness returns, slowly and fuzzy. Kara’s hand rubs circles on her back, and Lena instinctively tucks her head under Kara’s chin, seeking more of her warmth. Kara is taking deep, deliberate breaths, and Lena finds herself subconsciously trying to match them at every inhale and exhale, using the pressure of the rise and fall of Kara’s chest against hers as guidance.
When the flashes cease, she dares open her eyes again. Over Kara’s shoulder, her gaze locks with Alex, who’s awkwardly standing to the side, watching them closely.
“OK,” the agent says, gaping a little. “What the fuck?”
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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calamitykaty · 4 years
Reggie Peters x Fem Reader
Word count:3000+
A sweet fic for my sweet soulmate @alexpjoyner
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Y/N sat tucked away in the corner of the coffee shop, her glasses perched at the tip of her nose and her eyebrows pinched together making her worry lines stand out. The yellow #2 pencil that was in her left hand was being gnawed at by her teeth. The small circle table was littered with textbooks and loose-leaf paper, coffee stains evident on her English assignment.
 Her attention was broken by the loud laughter that followed a set of rowdy teenage boys. Her eyes briefly met the eyes belonging to the leather-clad boy, Reggie, before she let them fall back to her assignment, a light blush dusting her cheeks. 
She knew all about Reggie, everyone did. He was only the overly confident and extremely handsome bassist for Sunset Curve, and he happened to attend her high school. Y/N like to think that she wasn’t just part of the status-quo but she too had a school-girl crush on Reggie. 
“Hola, Chica!” 
Y/N dropped her pencil into the fold of her book and closed the cover as her best friend, Rose, pushed her papers back towards her and sat down. 
“I know I’m pretty but why are you blushing?” 
“I’m not blushing…”
Rose let her eyes roam around the small room before her eyes landed on the most likely culprit. 
“I don’t know why you don’t just talk to him, y/n.” 
Y/N tucked a stray hair that had fallen into her face back behind her left ear with one hand while the other pushed her glasses back up the bridge of her nose. She glanced over at Reggie,  his back facing hers and his hands gesturing excitedly as he explained something to his bandmates, though from the looks on their faces they weren’t nearly as enthused as him. 
“...because...he’s him...and I’m,” Y/n threw her hands up, gesturing at herself, “I’m me.” 
Rose rolled her eyes at her friend’s explanation or lack thereof. “Okay, one-” Rose held up her pointer finger, “he’s not nearly as cool as you seem to think he is and two--” she lifted her middle finger, “you being you is the best, you’re smart, you’re funny, you’re pretty---”
“And you’re obligated to say those things as my best friend so….” Y/N huffed out stubbornly.
Rose’s lips were stretched into a tight line as she pushed her chair back against the beige tiled floor, her eyes set on the group of noisy boys. 
“W-what are you doing?” Y/N asked, panicked. 
Rose ignored her friend and let her feet carry her over to the boys. She propped her left elbow up on Bobby’s shoulder. The brown-haired boy looked up at her from where he was seated and smiled, “Hey, Ro!” 
“Yeah, Ro, hey!” Luke chortled, his eyebrows dancing and his eyes locked on Bobby. Alex jabbed his elbow into the shaggy-haired boy’s ribs, eliciting a quiet “Ow!” 
“Anyways,” Rose rolled her eyes, “I’m gonna bring a friend to watch your band practice tonight.”
“Are you asking or?” Alex probed. 
“Not really!” Rose let her elbow drop from Bobby’s shoulder and sauntered back across the cafe to Y/N’s table. 
“They said you can come to band rehearsal tonight,” Rose said matter of factly, sliding back into her chair. 
Y/N shook her head vigorously, “No, nope….No! Absolutely not!” 
“You have to! They’re expecting you and it would be rude if you didn’t show.” Rose half-shrugged and burst into a fit of giggles at the scowl that Y/N shot her way. 
‘“Stop meddling in my life….” Y/N grumbled, her arms crossed tightly across her chest and the tops of her ears tinged pink. She gathered her papers into a neat pile and placed them inside the textbook before dropping everything into her backpack. 
“So...this means you’re going, right?” Rose drummed on both of her knees excitedly.
Y/N pushed her chair back and slung her backpack over her left shoulder before sliding the chair back in. She purposefully ignored the question until they both stood outside of the cafe. She stopped and turned to Rose, staring at her with a deadpan expression as the girl bounced on her toes. 
“What time?” 
Rose lunged at her and wrapped her arms around her shoulders, squealing “7pm! It’s gonna be great!!!” 
Several hours later, Y/N found herself standing outside of Bobby’s detached garage. She was an hour late and she could hear the four teens already practicing inside. She nervously wrung her hands together and took a deep breath, slowly exhaling before she pulled the doors open. She could feel her ears burning as all four boys stopped playing at separate times and stared at her. Her eyes quickly darted to Rose who was perched on top of the sofa. 
Rose hopped off of the sofa and skipped over to Y/N, throwing her arm around her shoulders and pulling her into the garage. 
“Boys!” Rose chirped, “this is Y/N,” she dropped her arm from Y/N’s shoulders and held both hands out showing Y/N off like a prize on The Price is Right. Y/N awkwardly threw her right hand up and waved at the four boys. 
“I’m Lu--”
“You don’t have to introduce yourselves, I know who you guys are!” Y/N rushed out as Luke began to introduce himself. She could feel the red of her ears move down to her neck as the embarrassment moved through her body. She tucked her hair behind her ear and looked over at Rose, pleading for her to save her. 
“You guys can continue, we’ll just be over here ignoring you!” Rose pursed her lips and grabbed her elbow, pulling her over to the sofa. 
Y/N sunk down into the soft cushions of the sofa and bobbed her head as the boys started from the second verse of Now or Never. She tried her best to keep her eyes on her lap but every now and then she would look up and let her eyes gravitate towards Reggie who would shoot her a wink. 
“Someone can’t keep his eyes off of you,” Rose sang out to Y/N. 
“Shut up!” Y/N hissed quietly and threw her elbow into Rose’s side. 
“I’m just sayin’” Rose wiggled her eyebrows at the girl, drawing a rosy blush to Y/N’s cheeks. 
Y/N looked over at Reggie as he set his bass guitar down into the stand before he wiped the sweat from his forehead. 
“Go talk to him!” Rose urged and pushed against her friend's shoulder. 
“About what? I hardly know him!” Y/n argued, stubbornly. 
“Reg!” Rose called out, grabbing the boys attention. Reggie turned around and lifted his eyebrows at Rose in question. 
Rose looked over at Y/N before looking back at Reggie and smiling, “did you know that Y/N holds the top score on Centipede at The Basement Arcade?” 
Reggie furrowed his brows and crossed his arms over his chest, “that can’t be true! I just took that spot last week!” 
“So you’re the RP that keeps fighting me for the top spot then?” Y/N narrowed her eyes at the boy but couldn’t stop the laugh that followed her question. 
Reggie let his arms fall to his sides and looked at her with his mouth agape, “ I challenge you! I challenge you to an arcade face off tomorrow at 6pm!” 
“Okay?” Y/N agreed unsurely.
“It’s a date then!” Reggie declared before walking over to the sofa and holding his hand out to Y/N. She hesitantly placed her hand in his and laughed as Reggie gave it a firm shake. 
“Okay...yeah. It’s a date.” Y/N agreed and let her hand fall back into her lap. 
“Looks like my work here is done!” Rose teased and pulled herself up from the sofa. She grabbed Y/N’s hands and pulled her up as well. 
Y/N said goodbye to each of the boys and was nearly out of the garage when Reggie called out 
“Wait! What’s your address? I’ll pick you up!” 
They were surrounded by flashing lights, the sound of buzzers and pinball paddles being jammed harshly filled the room of the small arcade. Y/N looked over at Reggie as he lunged the small orange basketballs as fast as possible towards the hoop, his brows furrowed as he concentrated. A small frown formed on his face as the balls continuously hit the rim and bounced back towards him.
 The clock counted down the last 15 seconds and Reggie picked up the pace, throwing the balls at increased speed in hopes of getting several more points. He hadn’t even noticed that Y/N had stopped tossing her basketballs a good 45 seconds before him or that she had sunk nearly every basket that she threw or that she was easily beating his score before she bowed out to give him a chance. She had already beaten him at air hockey, overtook his top score on Centipede, and embarrassed him at skeeball. 
The buzzer on the machine rang out and Reggie anxiously looked at his score before leaning over to look at hers.
 An ecstatic smile lit up his face and he threw his hands in the air above his head in triumph and shouted “FINALLY!”
Y/N burst into giggles at the boy, her right hand instinctively covered her mouth. Her bottom front teeth slightly over-lapped and she had always been insecure about it. 
Reggie cocked his head and watched the girl as she laughed. His eyes held adoration at the way her nose crinkled at the top of her bridge and the way her cheeks pushed against her eyes so that they were just barely open. Without a moment of hesitation, he grabbed her hand in his and lowered it from her mouth, his palm felt hot in hers and his fingers slipped into the spaces between hers like a perfect puzzle. 
“I like your smile.” The words pushed against his lips with confidence but his red-tinged ears that accompanied his rosy cheeks gave his nerves away. 
He reached down with his left hand and grabbed the bucket that held their tickets before he tugged y/n towards the counter to turn the tickets in. 
“You could have told me you were so good at arcade games so I wouldn’t be out here embarrassing myself on our first date, ya know.” 
Y/n watched as the teenager behind the counter ran their combined tickets into the ticket counting machine. She looked over at Reggie and smiled, “ I didn’t expect you to be so bad, honestly. Maybe next time we just go play with puppies at Bonnie’s pet store, I’m positive you’d be great at that!”
Reggie dropped her hand in favor of placing both of his hands over his heart, a look of shock on his face at her words before he burst into laughter. 
“350 tickets, you can choose from these three sections.” The red-headed teenager pointed at the different things they could choose from. 
Y/N bounced on her toes and pointed at the small stuffed horse that would take 300 tickets. She pulled it to her chest and looked over at Reggie. 
“You can have the rest!” 
Reggie picked a multi-color friendship bracelet, a Rubik’s cube keychain, and a few pixie sticks. He shoved everything but the bracelet into the pocket of his leather jacket before he reached out for her left wrist. His bottom lip was tugged into his mouth, held by his top teeth as his fingers carefully tied the bracelet around her wrist.
“Your hand is cold...” Reggie stated absentmindedly as he tugged the knot securely, “you wanna grab a hot chocolate?”
Y/N pulled her wrist up to her face and examined the colorful bracelet before letting her arm drop back to her side and nodding, “yeah, that sounds good!”
The pair trekked outside and down the block where Rick’s pop up stand for hot chocolate was set up under a streetlamp. Y/N admired her winnings while Reggie quietly hummed a tune to himself that she had never heard before. 
‘What is that?” Y/N finally asked as the boy started the song over for the third time. 
“What’s what?” Reggie asked, his eyes darting around for what he was supposed to be looking for. 
“No,” y/n giggled, “the song, what’s the song that you’ve been humming.” 
“Oh...that...” Reggie’s right hand ruffled through his hair nervously. 
“Two hot chocolates, please!” Y/N quickly placed two dollars down on the cart before Reggie could. Rick shook his head at the two teens and poured two cups of hot chocolate with whipped topping into two styrofoam cups and handed them over with a “you kids have fun!”
“So?” Y/N looked up at Reggie expectantly as they made their way back towards the arcade. 
"Promise you won't laugh?" 
"I promise to try to not laugh," y/n compromised. 
“I guess I can settle with that,” Reggie nodded and took a deep breath in before he quietly sang out the chorus that he had been humming. 
Home is where my horse is
Riding through trees by the river
Feel that summer breeze, a smile gettin’ bigger
Home is where my horse is
Don’t need a house or a roof
I just lace up my saddle, lace up my boots  
Cuz home is where my horse is
As the last word hung in the air, Reggie quickly brought the cup of hot chocolate to his lips and took a large gulp. Y/N hadn’t laughed so he took that as a good sign as he finally let his head turn to the left to look over at her. 
“Sunset Curve goes country, I can get down with that movement, “ Y/N shrugged. 
“R-r-really?” Reggie sputtered out, hot chocolate dribbling down his chin as he did so. 
“Yeah, I mean..it’s kinda catchy.” Y/N said and began to hum the song to herself, “see, already stuck in my head!” 
“You should come to the next band rehearsal and help me convince the other guys. That’s what I was trying to sell them on at the cafe the other day.” 
Reggie threw his cup into a trash can at the edge of the sidewalk as they walked by. His rosy cheeks became inflamed when the cup hit the rim of the metal can and tumbled to the ground. 
“Careful, if you keep making shots like that I may have to start calling you Jim McIlvaine,” Y/N joked as Reggie sheepishly chased the cup down the sidewalk before tossing it into the trash can. 
“You can call me Larry Bird, though,” she said as she effortlessly tossed her cup into the trash can as she walked backwards. Reggie poked his bottom lip out and pouted as he jogged to catch up with her. 
“Something tells me you let me win that last game in the arcade.” 
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and let a playful smile play on her lips as she said “maybe you just had a sudden rush of NBA prowess in you back then and now it’s gone.”
Reggie slowed his pace as his 1992 silver honda civic came into view, the last car that sat in the arcade parking lot. It was only going to be a ten-minute drive for him to drop Y/N off at her house and he wasn’t quite ready for the night to end. He absentmindedly tossed his keys into the air and caught them several times before stopping at his car. Reggie leaned his back against the passenger's side of the car and looked up at the sky. The lights of the parking lot polluted the view of the stars. 
Y/N stood in front of Reggie with her left hand wrapped around her right wrist and her eyes focused on Reggie’s black boots. 
“I had fun tonight.” She finally said and looked up at the same time that Reggie let his head fall down from the stars, both of their cheeks were glowing with a red hue as their eyes met. 
“I did too,” Reggie agreed, “actually, this is probably the most fun I’ve ever had with anyone outside of the band.”
“You’re not just saying that, right? You actually mean it?” Y/N implored. 
Reggie cocked his head to the side with his brows pulled forward, the line between his brows crinkling. 
‘Of course, I mean it, why wouldn’t I?” 
Y/N let her eyes fall back down to Reggie’s boots as she shrugged, “I dunno, I mean…” she hesitated, slightly embarrassed about being vulnerable in front of him, “you’re...you’re in a band and you’re cool.... I mean...I hang out in the library and people watch. We're practically from different worlds." 
Reggie pushed himself off of the car and closed the distance between the two. He took both of her hands in his and let his fingers fall into the spaces between hers. Y/N felt her heart pounding against her ribcage and prayed that he couldn’t hear it. 
Reggie smiled softly at her before letting his eyes fall down to their intertwined hands for a moment while he gathered his thoughts. 
“I know we don’t know each other that well yet,” he paused to swallow his nerves and licked his dry lips, “but I wish you could see yourself the way that I see you right now in this moment. Because when I look at you, it’s like finding a four leaf clover...like I’ve been searching for you for an eternity and I can’t believe how lucky I am when my eye finally catches you.” 
Y/N slowly tugged her hands free from Reggie’s, the boy was taken aback by the response and opened his mouth to apologize only to find that his words were cut off by her lips crashing clumsily against his. 
“I-I’m sorry!’ Y/N stuttered out as she pulled away. Reggie placed his hand on the nape of her neck and pulled her lips back to his, the kiss slower and with more intention than the first. Both teens pulled away with heaving chests and flushed cheeks. 
Y/N looked down at her watch and looked back up at Reggie, “you know...we do have half an hour before Bonnie’s closes…”
Reggie moved aside and opened the passenger door for her before quickly running around the car to get to the driver’s side. He turned the key several times, the ignition switch fighting back against him before the engine finally turned over. He pushed the cassette the was popper slightky out of the slot back into the player and turned the volume up. 
“you listen to Make Out Monday?!” Y/N exclaimed with excitement as the words I'm kissaphobic don't wanna get too close to you… floated through his partially blown speakers. 
“They're my favorite band!” They both said at the same time and burst into laughter. Y/N reached forward and turned the volume up a tad bit more. Reggie drummed his fingers against the steering wheel as he drove and harmonized with the vocalists while Y/N threw all abandon to the wind and sang off-key alongside him. 
They made it to Bonnie’s with fifteen minutes to spare and rushed towards the pet store. Y/N quickly made her way to the counter and signed the puppy form that would allow them into the puppy play area. 
Reggie watched as several puppies rushed over to Y/N, the girl fell onto her back and laughed as they nipped at her fingers and nudged their cold noses against her skin.
Reggie found himself staring at her with a lopsided smile, adoration in his eyes and a sleeping puppy on his lap. 
Y/N couldn't believe that what started as a hesitant agreement to an unofficial date had turned into the best night of her life. They didn't know it then, but that date would be the start to a life long love affair. 
@straywonpil @siennanoelle01 @choppedhoundsludgeclod @cool-ultra-nerd @hxney-bunches-x @crybabyddl @sorryyoureoutofmyleague @dream-a-little-bigger-x @kcd15 @all-in-fangirl @ifilwtmfc @onlygetaway @iainttakingshitfromnobody @angryknighttreeprune​  @bathtimejish​ @lanasfandoms @miranda0102 @emotionalbruv @aliandthephantoms @multifandombabies @kinda-really-lost @5sosmukefan @alexpjoyner @mo-d3ans @hannahhistorian92 @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve @i-should-be-writing-my-own-fic @sunflowerbecca @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic��@n0wornever​
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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You, Me And The Car (NSFW)
Clay Spenser x Reader
A/N okay so this wasn’t going to be smutty but blame @chibsytelford for the complete 180 of this fic 🥵 and yes that’s my car 😜 but let’s start the month of with a bang quite literally 😜
Warnings: unprotected sex, sex in a public space
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Clay Spenser Masterlist
This Months Writing
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“Yo Spenser” Your Uncle shouted walking into the garage. “You been ordering shit again?”
“Yo Spenser” Your Uncle shouted walking into the garage. “You been ordering shit again?”
“Would I?” You smirked looking up from the engine bay, wiping your hands on the rag.
“What you got this time?” He asked, sliding the box across the floor.
“New intercooler, air intake. engine mounts and BOV” you grinned grabbing your knife, cutting through the tape on the boxes.
“Am I sensing a remap coming along?” He grinned leaning against the car causing you to growl at him without looking up from the boxes.
“Yes and get your ass off the car before I stab you” you glared.
“You are definitely your old man's kid” he chuckled, grabbing a drink from the mini fridge. “Are we getting all this today?”
“Urm” you said glancing at the clock, Clay was home from deployment today so you needed to make sure you had the car back together in time. “Yeah or as much as we can, Clay is home today”
“Well then kiddo we best get cracking” Alex grinned “Can’t have you being late after not seeing him for the last three months”
“I will be happy is all we get is the air intake and BOV done today, the rest I can do with Clay” you grinned as you slipped your wedding and engagement ring off, placing them between your lips and you fiddled with the clasp on the chain that the other one of Clay’s dog tag sat proudly, slipping your rings onto the chain you secured it back around your neck. The last thing you needed was fucking your rings up. “I’ve lost count how many times these headlights have been off the car now”
“Same here kiddo” Alex smirked, tossing you the ratchet and socket. “Whist we at it we will see if we can sort this fucking bumper sag out”
“Yes it’s been pissing off for a while but doubt there’s much we can do, it’s a Ford remember, the Fez’s are known for bumper sag” you laughed as you pulled the first headlight out.
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“Come on you piece a shit just go in the hole goddammit” you shouted at the car as you tried to refit your bumper. “I don’t have time for you to be a cunt”
“And here I thought you loved this car” Alex laughed as he lifted the bumper up giving a bit more play to get the bolts in.
“Yeah well sometimes you need to threaten it and use brut force and ignorance” you laughed as you finally got the right side of the bumper secured. Just as your phone started ringing, placing a smoke between your lips you hit answer without checking who was calling.
“Where are you?” Emma practically shouted down the phone.
“Shit what time is it Em?” You panicked as you grabbed the other bolts, holding your phone between you ear, and cigarette in the corner of your mouth.
“Four thirty” she shouted “shit the plane is just coming into view, you haven’t got long”
“I’ve just gotta get my bumper back on kid, be there as quick as I can, I’m nearly done here. Just do whatever to stall Clay please”
You ended the call without saying bye, you didn’t have much time, the base was at least twenty minutes from her and you still had another five minutes of work and definitely no time to get changed.
In record time you managed to get the bumper back on the car, the tools were just dumped out the way, grabbing your bag and tossed it into the passenger seat. Starting the engine you didn’t even have time to appreciate the roar of the exhaust as you dipped the clutch slamming it into first, dropping the hand brake and wheel spinning out of the garage. Normally it would take twenty minutes to get to the base but you knew you could do it in ten.
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The moment the boys walked out of the base, Clay knew something was off, there wasn’t that deep grumble in the air from your car, glancing around he realised you wasn’t there and couldn’t help but laugh, he knew you had parts arriving and more than likely lost track of time.
“Right before you say anything I’ve been asked to stall you” Emma laughed as she looked over Jason’s shoulder. “Something about she still had her bumper to fit, I dunno she might as well been speaking a different language”
“Garage is what twenty minutes away?” Sonny asked.
“Yeah she will get her in ten though” Clay laughed scratching his beard. “How long ago did you speak to her?”
“About twenty minutes ago” Emma nodded giving Clay a hug.
Soon enough there was a grumble that could be heard in the distance making Clay smile, he never needed to know when you arrived your car told him that you were only a mile out. He knew how guilty you were going to feel for being late and he was going to play. So there he stood, bag on the floor next to him, hands shoved in his pockets looking around for you with a sad look on this face.
“That’s evil Blondie” Sonny laughed leaning against his truck, no one had left yet because they wanted to see things play out.
You practically threw the car around the corner as you entered the base car park, you felt like the worst wife ever, having not seen you husband for three months you were late for him getting home. Reaching down you wrapped your fingers around the handbrake, yanking it up as you stomped on the clutch, pulling the steering wheel to the left, sliding the car through the car park stopping a few feet away from Clay.
Climbing out of the car you ran over to him throwing yourself into his arms. His arms instantly wrapping around your waist, he couldn’t keep the act up when it came to you.
“I am so fucking sorry I’m late, the bumper wouldn’t go back on” you rambled.
“Babygirl it’s fine” he whispered squeezing you tight. “I know you love the car more than me”
“Hey that’s not fair” you pouted but laughing “I would have been on time but the fez wasn’t playing ball”
“Stop panicking, you can just make it up to me later” Clay laughed as he placed you on your feet, draping his arm around your shoulder picking his bag up. “Out of interest how long did it take to get here?”
“Eight minutes” you laughed opening the boot.
“Getting quicker” Clay winked before looking over at Sonny. “Tell me you got it on film”
“Of course, number one rule when it comes to the female Spenser is always have your phone on record” Sonny laughed.
“Wanna go for a drive and see where we end up?” You whispered running your finger down Clay’s chest whilst you stole his cap, placing it on your head.
“I like your thinking” he smirked, slapping your arse.
The two of you had been driving for about an hour now, no music was on as you could now enjoy the labour of your work. Every time you changed gear you heard the turbo flutter making you laugh every time. This was the time Clay loved the most, watching you drive, watching as your eyes sparkled, your grin getting bigger by the second and you laughing at yourself.
Pulling into the car park you and Clay had found one day whilst driving, you pulled the handbrake on putting the car into neutral but left it running.
“So I was thinking” you whispered “I want to try something that involves you, me and the car”
“Oh yeah” he smirked, running his hand up your bare thigh. “And what’s this idea babygirl”
“I wanna ride you whilst you are against the bonnet” you breathed closing your eyes at the thought “I want you to take me over the bonnet and fuck me”
“Do you know how long I’ve waited for you to say that” he hummed against your lips “why are we still sat in the car baby”
You never moved so fast in your life, there was just something naughty about this, the fact you could get caught just added to it. You couldn’t help but bite your lip as Clay leant against the bonnet of the car with his jeans dropped round his knees, closing the gap between you, you wrapped you hand around his hard dick, slowly pumping it making him moan as he undid your the button on your shorts. Doing a little wiggle as he pushed the material down, they dropped to your ankles allowing you to step out of them. The moment you lost your thong Clay picked you up positioning your over his dick.
Slowly you sunk down on his length, gasping at the feeling, you were taking things slow as it had been three months and Clay wasn’t exactly small.
“Fuck” you breathed against his lips.
“I know baby” he whispered “so fucking tight”
After a few minutes Clay started lifting you up and down, fully taking your weight as he helped you ride him against your car.
“Clay” you moaned as he changed the pace up, before standing off the car, slamming you down on the bonnet.
“God I missed this feeling” he grunted as he thrusted hard into you making you arch your back, bucking your hips up to get him deeper.
“Fuck fuck fuck” you moaned as his thumb found your clit matching the pace of his hips, “oh god”
“That’s it baby” he groaned biting down on his bottom lip, “fuck I can feel you getting tighter babygirl”
“Clay I’m so close” you whimpered, making him smirk, he knew you were close by how your body was reacting but loved hearing you say it.
It only took a few more hard thrusts for him to send you over the edge screaming his name out for the whole world to hear as you rode out your high, but he didn’t stop thrusting as he chased his own release making your whimpers and moans to get louder, it didn’t help the car was still running so you had the added vibration of the engine beneath you, feeling his grip on your hips tighten he gave one fine thrust, moaning as he came.
Leaning forward he kissed you lovingly as you both regained your breath, his ass on view for every man and their dog to see but neither of you cared, you were too lost in each other.
"I don't know who's louder baby, the grumble of the exhaust or you" he laughed against your lips.
“Definitely me” you giggled, placing your hand on the side of his face, gently caressing his cheek with your thumb as you got lost in his eyes. “I missed you so much”
“I know babygirl, I missed you too, but I’m home now” he breathed, his eyes dropping to your rings around your neck, moving his hands he undid the clasp, sliding the rings off the chain. Before taking your left hand. “Let’s get these back where they belong” he whispered, sliding them back onto your finger before kissing them.
“What do you wanna do now?” You smiled as you leant your head back against the bonnet.
“I was thinking we head home, get a takeaway and cuddle on the sofa, maybe with round two and three thrown in” he smirked as he pulled out of you. He quickly disappeared but returned with a pair of boxers for his bag to clean himself and you up, once the pair of your were dressed he took your hand pulling you into his arms.
“Damn you’ve got some energy today” you giggled looking up at him.
“Well when you have a wife that’s as gorgeous and as fit as you it happens” he laughed kissing your head. “I love you baby”
“I love you too” you whispered “you can drive home, I don’t think my legs are working yet”
“You must love me if you are letting me drive”
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@chibsytelford @mrsmarvelous1995 @supervalcsi @talicat713 @disasterfandoms @bravo-four-seal-team @jasonbabymama @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @lotsoflovefromlea @seik-o @ohitsnicolexo @velvetcardiganbucky @phoenixhalliwell @pancakeisreading
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annie-mit-ie · 3 years
Glimpses: Part 5 (Kathryn Hahn x Fem!Reader)
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Part 1 / previous chapter <<< >>> next chapter
Summary: Just a random Morning.
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: I’m sorry this is rather short once again, but the middle of the week is usually my busiest time with uni and work and all. @zafirosreverie​ keeps saying that you guys are most likely happy about every single word posted, so I hope nobody actually minds if some chapters turn out to be a little shorter than others. Besides that: Enjoy! Hope everyone is having a great day!
It’s been four days since you’ve left the hotel. That’s four days in which you haven’t heard from Kathryn. It drives you crazy and gets to you more than you want to admit. You’ve talked to Alex about it and the both of you agreed that she must be very busy right now because there is no reason for her to ghost you. Or is there? 
You have to listen to Alex more. She always preaches how worrying doesn’t make any sense. “Worrying only means that you suffer twice, Sweetheart.“, she says and sometimes you feel like that’s the smartest thing someone has ever told you.
It’s time to pace up and down in your room, again. Your phone has become you biggest enemy and you know it’s childish, you really know, but you just wanted all of this to mean something  to her, too, and the realization setting in that it doesn't just doesn’t sit right with you. Looking at the clock on the wall, you realize it’s just past 11 and your mom should be back from her shopping spree any minute. You stayed home, even though you had your day off today. But considering your current worries, you just didn't feel like leaving the house.
The problem about all of this is that your dear Kathryn Hahn doesn’t have social media, which is why you have no clue what’s happening in her life right now, at all. But then again, there is not much happening lately, anyway, so how much could there be to tell you? Wandavision just aired and she had lots of press to do, which is now finally calming down again. Good for her.
Your life is boring, too. In between university and work, you’ve got time for an occasional movie night with Alex over Facetime here and there, but other than that everything is going kinda slow right now. On second thought, though, how boring can life be when you literally just met your favorite actress? Ironic, that you’ve met her before you’ve met Alex. Online friendships are wild.
A noise right outside of your window grabs your attention and you move your blinds to check on it. It’s a beautiful summer day, the sky is blue, the bluest kind and the clouds up there are so tiny and fluffy, it reminds you of little pieces of cotton candy. You keep your blinds closed all day in summer since it gets pretty hot in LA and, coming from upstate, you don’t enjoy that as much as the locals. Looking straight down in front of your house, you see your mom, who is just arriving home, about to unpack groceries from the back of her car. Tossing your phone onto your bed, you run downstairs to lend her a helping hand. 
Your mom, a sweet lady with dark hair and loving eyes, is very thankful as you appear at the front door and plants a short kiss on your temple before handing her bags to you. “Thank you, dear.“ You smile. It has always been just your mom and you and the relationship you guys were having is great. Even though you don’t agree on everything, life with her is easy and you feel at peace knowing she is around. In a way, your mom is your best friend, too.
When you came out to her, just a while back, she wasn’t shocked or anything, no, quite the opposite actually. After you told her all about it, it felt like she was loving you just a tad bit more for truly being you. She actually supports you in everything you do. Thinking about that, you squint your eyes trying not to cry, since it is still making you very emotional.
You place the bags on the counter and help her sort through them to put the groceries away. “Thank you so much, Y/N.“
She walks past you and shortly places her hand on your forearm as she puts her bag down on a kitchen chair.
Your home is more than big enough for the both of you. The ground floor is pretty much an open space with a beautiful white marble-colored kitchen that leads into a living room that is characterized by a large mint green couch, a little darker than the mint green color that fills the walls. There is a small electronic fire place in the corner and a rather big tv is hanging on the wall. Scanning the place, your heart fills with warmth as you remember the endless hours you have spent with your mom sitting on that very couch, watching classics after classics. Movies really are your kind of thing.
Your mom sees the way you look at the space. “It’s time for another movie night soon, isn’t it, Hon?“ You nod eagerly and wrap her in a big hug.
“Yes Mom! Let’s watch something on Friday, I would love that! Your choice of movie!“ You're beaming.
Lately, with all the work and school stuff you have going on and the time you spend online, you feel like you are losing touch with your mom a little, even though you try to eat dinner with her every single night.
Looking at your mom, you can tell how happy it makes her that you're actively making time for her. She looks at you a little too long, though. You can tell she is trying to read you by the way her eyebrow is raised, just a little, and the fact that she is holding on to the kitchen counter with one hand has her knuckles turn a little too white. Neither of you says anything as if she is waiting for you to come forward. You don’t. She sighs.
“Are you alright, Honey?“ You mom lets go of the counter and faces you directly.
For a moment, you think about if you should tell her. But tell her what? About how you have met Kathryn and, essentially, spent a night with her? You can’t. After all, Kathryn is still a stranger and she would be so mad if she knew. But at the same time your mom and you share anything and everything, so you might very well just go for it.
You consider your options, but the fact that Kathryn hasn’t contacted you yet holds you back. If it was a one time thing, she really doesn’t need to know and worry about it all. You don’t want her to worry. You opt for the option not to spill and shoot her a forced smile “It’s fine, Mom. I’m just tired and missing Alex. That’s all. As always.“
She nods and you can tell that she doesn’t fully believe you by the look she has on her face. Her eyes give away so much, you got this from her. Hiding things from other people really isn’t your best trait. But then again, you don’t want it to be. Honesty is very important to you, always has been, which is why your friendship with Alex works so well, because she is an open book ready for you to read at any given moment.
You remember the time and the fact that Alex is probably on her way to bed right now. She didn’t have the best day and you want to talk to her, just for a few minutes, before she drifts off to sleep. You tell your mom and, of course, she completely understands and tells you to just be back downstairs in an hour latest to have lunch with her. Planting a short kiss on her cheek, you grab a drink from the counter and make your way upstairs, already trying to remember where you put your phone.
It’s easier to find than you expect. When you open the door, the room is still set in darkness, the sun just barely finding its way through the blinds, but the phone, lit up by a notification that’s just coming in, illuminates the space around your bed.
Thinking it must be Alex, who is shooting her daily after-work-update your way, you jump onto your bed, kicking down half of the pillows and blankets on it in the process. You catch your favorite one, a light colored fall blanket with orange pumpkins on it, right before it touches the floor. Thank God, you think, as you pile it under your chin to use it as a pillow while you reach for your phone.
Alex had indeed texted you, but not just now. The notification lighting up your phone consisted of a picture. A platter with nicely decorated breakfast on it is looking at you, a pool (on what looks like a roof top) in the background. The caption is short, nothing special, but to you it means the world. 
„This made me think of you. xx K.“
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scarofthewind · 4 years
Could you do Worwick becoming interested in one of his clients after seeing that she's not like the usual clingy or flirty women he meets with?
A/N: Here you go, hope you enjoy! I love GANGSTA and he’s my main hoe from that show other than Nico lol.
Warnings: Foul language, suggestive content
word count: 1.3k Tip Jar (every bit helps)
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“What are you doing?” Alex asked from beside Worick, watching as he followed your figure as you walked down the busy sidewalk. 
“She’s strange,” He grumbled, brows furrowing as his mind went into a deep thought. Alex sighed, nudging him the other direction as they continued to make their way home. 
“(Y/N)’s nice, that’s why,” Alex chimed, adjusting the grocery bag on her shoulder.  “How many times has she paid to fuck you?”
Worick titled his head in thought, “Only twice if I remember correctly.” Running a hand through his thick blonde hair. 
“And how many times has she paid to simply go out with you?” Alex smirked, knowing the answer already. You and her had became very close friends after she had come home one day to find you and Worick cooking in the small kitchen the apartment. It was weird to see someone pulling out the good in Worick that he didn’t fake as well as a woman who didn’t want to jump his bones every two minutes. 
“Oh this is bad, very bad,” Worick groaned, rubbing his face with the palm of his hand. 
“Why is it bad if she likes you? You like her too and don’t you dare try to argue with me on it!” Alex pouted, walking up the stairs to the main door, opening it and smiling to Nico who sat by the window with a book. “Worick likes (Y/N) and is freaking out about it.” She snickered when Worick objected immediately. 
Real Classy, Nicolas signed, rolling his eyes at the blonde. 
“Look,” Alex said turning to the paler man, “I don’t think she has a problem with you being a sex worker, clearly she’s lonely but not necessarily in the sexual sense.” Unloading the groceries, Alex watched as Worick paced around the couch. 
Christ, he’s going to be like this all day, Nicolas signed to Alex and he let out a grumble of a word before leaving to go to his room. 
“Will you just call her? I’m sure she’d love to hear from you. When was the last time you saw each other anyways?” Alex looked at Worick from behind the refrigerator door. 
“Last time...” Worick thought to himself, a soft blush forming on his cheeks as he looked at Alex with a smirk. “Do you want details? She does this thing with her-”
“STOP.” Alex shouted, holding her hands over her ears and ignoring his onslaught of vulgar words. “Please just talk to her, or better yet, go see her and tell her how you feel.” 
Worick stared at Alex for a second before shaking his head and flopping down on the couch. “If the other girls find out about her-”
“How would they? Do you tell them your business often? That’s not something a sex worker should do.” Alex scolded him, saving the plastic bags from the groceries for another time. 
“Gigolo,” Worick corrected, even though there wasn’t much of a correction to make. Rolling her eyes, Alex walked over to the man and looked at him with a soft smile. 
“Just try. No harm in that right?” She said, patting his shoulder and going to shower, leaving the man to overthink his decisions. 
Blowing on your coffee, you put the cup to your lips, taking a small sip as you flipped through your book, encased in the story. The soft ring of your phone from across the room had you setting the book and cup down, going to grab it. As soon as you saw the number, you smiled and answered, “As I live and breathe, hello Worick.”
You heard a soft chuckle from the other end and felt heat creep up on your face, “I was wondering-”
“Tonight at seven. The small run down place on seventh.” You replied, hearing him go quiet. Then he groaned deeply and you could practically see him grimace. 
“Alex called you already?” He asked and you hummed in response. “Alright then, see you there.” He let out a sigh and you laughed, saying your goodbyes before hanging up. 
You’d already been dressed for the day running errands earlier so all you needed to do was wait for the right time and go. Chewing you lip nervously, you waited until the clock on your wall was close enough to the time you should be leaving, before you grabbed your stuff and walked out the door. 
You didn’t live every far from the restaurant which you were pretty sure had the worst food in the area, but it was Ergastulum, there weren’t any five star places over here. When you arrived, you sat by yourself at a booth, waiting for the man you had invited to show up. When he did, it felt like your world was going to fall apart; the look on his face told you that he was worried and stressed and the way he sat down across from you with barely a smile made your heart ache. 
“What did Alex tell you?” Worick asked, his blue eye watching your face carefully. 
“She told me you had something you wanted to talk to me about,” You fidgited nervously, watching a waiter come over to your table and take your drink order. “I’m guessing it’s nothing good?” You couldn’t look him in the eye and tell him how you felt now, you knew he would crush the idea before it even came out of your mouth. 
“(Y/N), I’m a gigolo and practically a hit man. I have people in my life that count on me and others who want nothing more than to put a bullet between my eyes,” His words were cold as was his stare as he watched your face scrunch up in distaste. “I couldn’t ask you to go steady with me knowing that you could possibly get hurt too.” He watched intently as you shook your head, your hand reaching over to grab your bag and jacket before standing up from the booth. “(Y/N), c’mon,” He grunted, reaching out to grab your arm but you pulled back. Grumbling under his breath, he stood and walked after you, moving to the empty streets. “Don’t be like this-” He barely had time to react before you smacked him across the face. 
“I’m not like the other women you fuck, Worick.” You spat, eyes full of tears that were threatening to spill. “I know what your jobs entail and I could care less, because I know that at the end of the day, I’m still the one you would come home to. All this time I’ve been slowly falling for you, not for what you have below the belt but because I know you. I know you the way they never will.” Worick stared at you fiercely, watching the tears trickle down your face and rubbing his cheek where you had hit him. “I know that there is a higher chance of me being in danger when I’m with you but I don’t care.”
“I don’t care.” You repeated, shaking your head and wiping at your eyes. “Because I have liked you for a long time and I have thought about this many times. I just never thought it would go like this...” You scoffed, feeling a sense of blame flow through you. 
“Tell me again,” Worick said softly, your eyes meeting his as he spoke. “Please just say it again.” He clenched his jaw, reaching out and cupping your face in his large hands. 
With wide eyes, you leaned into his touch, “I like you a lot, Worick.” You had no chance to breathe before he pressed his lips against yours. You both could feel yourself relax as your lips moved together, the kiss lasting a few seconds before you pulled away. 
“I’m sorry for putting you through this,” He groaned, pulling you against him in a hug. “I like you more than I should.” You giggled at his words, removing yourself from him. 
“How about we make something at my place? The foods better there anyways,” You suggested and he grinned, throwing an arm around your shoulder and leading the way, making a mental note to thank Alex later. 
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lambourngb · 3 years
a skeleton of something more [3/7]
previously here. malex wip based on the trailer for season 3, some spoilers and my own speculation. I’m failing at the daily serial because keeping to 2K is impossible, but hoping to have it finished by next week.
Warnings: NSFW content, not forrest long friendly
*** NOW **** 
Alex shut off the streaming hot water reluctantly, and shifted back on the new shower bench to lean his head against the tile. 
His fingertips were pruned from the long shower, his attempt at using the scalding water to try to wash away the dirt he felt covered in after being away from Roswell for so long. Pointless endeavour, when he knew the filth was more than skin deep at this point. It was in his bones. It was in his blood, the way the Manes name still opened the worst doors. Alex touched the corners of his smile with his hands, looking for the edge of the mask he wore around Deep Sky and finding only the bristle of his beard growing in, a very late five o’clock shadow.
The steam of the shower was slowly fading, bringing back the visual details of his naked body. His stump was slightly swollen, the marks of wearing his prosthesis for too long, but it was hard to feel safe without it on, doing the work he was doing around even more paranoid men than he was. Three years past his injury, the scars were still ugly to his eyes as he cupped his fingers over the end of his right leg, but time had faded the lines from an angry red to a wizened white. 
Alex hoped that time would do the same to his soul. 
He moved his hand from his stump, over to his thighs to stretch the lingering soreness from his legs. He ignored where his cock laid, half-full of blood from the simple pleasure of a hot shower; the desire to let himself feel good was far from his mind. Instead he focused on returning functionality to his body after the long, cramped ride on that bus. That was the physical challenge, the emotional one would be trickier. 
It helped that he knew Michael was still there, in his house, probably fixing something else that had been neglected during Alex’s time away. Finding something that was broken or damaged, and then making it whole just with his touch, that was what Michael did naturally. Alex was no exception to that.
Every muscle was loose finally, thanks to the improved water pressure beating on the knots of tension until they turned into putty. Beyond the simple improvement of the plumbing, Michael had also relocated the shower taps to the wall next to the bench, so he could sit safely and turn on the water without balancing on one foot in the front of the stall. 
New grab bars lined the bathroom walls as well. Alex had worried about the expense until he recognized the chrome and black rails from the boxes he had bought a while ago, before shuttling them off to the garage. Michael had apparently found the abandoned project and had finished it for him. The longer the trips he made away from Roswell were, the more involved the upgrades Michael made in his absence. He would need to prepare a cover story in case Forrest noticed the changes, a renovated bathroom went far beyond changing out bulbs in a light fixture.
He was getting closer to ending the sham relationship with Forrest, but he wasn’t there quite yet. His first night back in Roswell he had managed to steer Forrest away from his house and more importantly, his bed, but that was only a temporary reprieve. Tomorrow it would all begin again, playing the role of a grieving son looking to ‘understand’ his father, docilely following Forrest’s lead in ‘discovering’ the alien threat, letting the other man comfort him, but this time, that would all happen in front of Michael. 
Michael knocked on the half-open bathroom door to get his attention, before stepping inside carrying a bath towel. “Are you still alive in there?”
“I am, but I want to marry this shower,” and you, he finished silently. Michael looked pleased by the comment as he stood outside the glass doors, waiting patiently as Alex pulled himself up from the bench and carefully hopped toward him. As he drew closer, the proud expression changed to one of open hunger as Michael took in his nakedness, cataloging the changes on his body. Downtime while he had been away from Roswell had often been filled with trips to the gym, exercising to work through his frustration at the slow pace of developments regarding Deep Sky. Weight lifting and core training had kept his hands away from his phone when the desire to check in with Michael took hold.
There was only so many times he could pass off a call to Michael about his mail or paying a bill for his house.
Alex held out his hand for the towel, while Michael stared at him, his gaze almost physical as he lingered over the swells of muscle. He snapped his fingers at Michael to break the hypnosis.
At the sound, Michael blinked, but then avoided his hand to wrap the towel around Alex himself. Warmth from the soft linen enveloped Alex, a sign the towel was fresh from the drier. He closed his eyes under Michael’s safe hold, enjoying the blatant pampering as Michael gently patted Alex’s wet skin dry. “I don’t mind sharing you with the shower, especially if it means you’re not wearing clothes,” he murmured in Alex’s ear, nosing the lock of wet hair away.
Shivering under the ghost of Michael’s lips, Alex felt something start to knit and heal inside him, blanketed by more than just the towel. Love. Feeling more like himself, Alex teased Michael back, “You could have joined me.”
“It was tempting, very tempting, but then who would have made dinner if I had taken you up on that offer?” Michael tucked the towel around Alex, and then offered his arm as a support while Alex hopped toward the pile of folded sweats to wear. 
“I have a lot of appetites, Michael, food is barely in the top five. And I can eat later, after you leave,-” Alex held his clothes in his hand, not moving to get dressed just yet. 
“You can, but you won’t eat. As soon as I walk out that door, I know you’re going to park yourself in front of your computer and spend the rest of the night hacking, just like you’ve done nearly every night since this started.” Michael waited with a raised eyebrow for Alex to deny it. 
Caught by both the frustration that Michael was right and by the ticking clock in his head that counted down the end of this precious time together, Alex conceded. He pulled his sweatshirt down over his head grumpily, “I didn’t spend every night hacking.”
“Just the nights when you weren’t with Forrest Long.” Michael said it quietly, turning away to hang up the wet towel. 
Alex tucked his crutches under his arms, before reaching out to catch Michael’s shoulder. “Hey, it doesn’t mean anything, you know that, right? It’s just…friction.” He studied Michael’s face, worried that perhaps his patience with everything was wearing thin. 
Over the last year, as he moved deeper and deeper into the circle of men that made up Deep Sky, Michael had been his lifeline to his real identity. A voice on the line, late at night, warm and beloved, reminding Alex what was important and keeping him grounded. During the day, his resolve had felt less certain. He had forced himself to echo the words of Jesse Manes to curry favor, ducking his reflection in the mirror when the hateful words started to come easier and easier to him. Then there was the feeling he had, when he had to accept Forrest’s offers to visit him in Los Alamos, the way he had felt weirdly relieved to see a familiar face, even if it was someone he couldn’t trust. 
Hearing Michael’s voice led him back to himself, and then little by little, the updates were less mission-related and more personal. It had led them back to each other. By the second month, Michael had stopped dancing around things, admitting to Alex just how much he missed him and by the third month, Alex was slipping away to meet with him at half-way destinations to seal his words with actions.
It was reminiscent of his early days in the Air Force, finding Michael in out-of-the-way places where no one knew them. Back then, Alex had DADT and military physicals to dodge. Michael had to take care in leaving no marks on Alex’s body, while Alex had had no such restriction. Michael would leave those encounters, mauled with love bites and fucked thoroughly, while Alex stayed as pristine as his neatly pressed uniform. Eleven, twelve years on, the need for discretion had changed, from the military to Forrest Long. 
That was the elephant in the room. Alex was still having sex with Forrest, mostly when he couldn’t avoid it with a trip out of town, like when he accompanied Forrest to Deep Sky owned properties. It was just friction, putting his body in motion to do a job, much like he had when he had deployed abroad. He had lost any amount of shame for what he was doing to the other man after the first time, when he had found a detailed write-up about his own visit to the Long Farm that Forrest had filed and sent to the mysterious leader of Deep Sky.
“I know.” Michael replied, his smile weak but real as Alex brought him closer for a slow, thorough kiss. 
Alex inhaled the scent of rain into his nose as Michael melted in his arms and the kiss deepened between them. This was the opposite of friction, as they slid easily together in the doorway of the bathroom, until Alex’s stomach betrayed him thoroughly and growled. Michael broke away with a laugh, and Alex noted with relief that his earlier fragility had completely vanished from his eyes, as he headed toward the kitchen, “Come on, I made you your favorite for dinner, spicy tomato soup.”
“With strips of cheese toast?”
Michael looked offended at the question. “Of course.”
That was proof that Michael had been listening to him closely during their late night conversations, the way the subject migrated from business to the personal, until Alex had flat out whined over how terrible the food was at one of the Deep Sky outfits. “Forget looking for aliens, they should look for a new chef.”  And then they were off and running about comfort food, with Michael sharing his fondness for canned spaghettios, they tasted fine cold. Sharing his own fond memory from childhood of his mother making soup as a rare show of maternal care. Melted cheese dripped over cut up toast, then dipped in the tomato soup.
The clock was still ticking in his head, counting down the end of this brief interlude of happiness. Alex laid back on his couch with a tray of soup on his lap and tried to soak in every minute. The thrill of sharing a meal together, sitting side by side on his couch with the evening news droning on in the background. It was a type of domesticity that he never thought he had wanted until Michael. His thoughts turned away from the wholesome toward the carnal as he watched Michael pucker his lips together to blow on the steaming bowl. 
The food was delicious, but that was a distracting sight for anyone, let alone someone who knew just what Michael’s mouth was capable of doing. 
Michael flashed a wicked smile when he caught Alex staring, picking up his strip of toast to dip in his soup and then licked it indecently clean. The perfect bow of his mouth around his food, his tongue chasing his lips for every drop of spilled soup had Alex shifting on the couch. The production lasted until Michael hit a hot place in his bowl, squeaking in shock, sending Alex into a peal of laughter at the affronted look on his face.
“Fuck, that’s hot!”
“Yes it was.”
“Asshole, I meant the soup!”
Alex laughed long and hard, his head tipped back against the couch, and after a moment, Michael joined him. Tears came to his eyes, the laughter set off each time they looked at each other. There was a point, where Alex realized he couldn’t remember the last time he had laughed like that, at least not in the last year outside of talking to Michael on the phone. 
It was worth it. All of it. Infiltrating Deep Sky, spending half of his time around people who would cheerfully murder an alien, even using sex to get information, the price was not too steep to pay if it meant he could protect this moment, preserve it and repeat it forever. To see laugh lines around Michael’s mouth, instead of the press of fear, he would fuck the Devil himself if it meant Michael was safe.
He slowly sobered on the couch, his laughter gone at the thought of losing this. Michael placed their empty dishes in the kitchen and then drew Alex’s foot into his lap to rub. “I can practically see the gears turning now. Relax, okay? Watching the clock doesn’t help.”
“I know,” Alex agreed quietly, pressing his foot into Michael’s grip. “I’m feeling a little guilty here, with all this pampering.” 
Michael dug his thumbs into Alex’s instep, drawing a loud groan of appreciation as he worked on releasing the knots of stress. Too much time in combat boots, the calluses were thick and tough under Michael’s hands but he kept rubbing regardless. 
“If that guilt motivates you into taking better care of yourself-”
“I know, I am trying. But what about you?” Alex gestured toward Michael’s face with his own look of judgment, “are you sleeping enough? Eating enough?”
“I’m also trying. It will be better once this is over. Once you get to meet the head of Deep Sky, and hack him, we’ll both sleep better.”
“If it’s ever over. I’m starting to think the leader of Deep Sky is like the Dread Pirate Roberts.”
Instead of pulling on the threads of pessimism, Michael tugged on Alex’s ankle as he crawled closer to him on the couch. As a subject change, it was a welcome one to Alex. Why dwell on the future, it was better to enjoy the present. Michael’s hands smoothed over the soft fleece of the sweatpants, sending a thrill of excitement through Alex. He slipped down on the seat to allow Michael room. 
“Is it okay to pamper you a little more?” Michael asked, his eyes dark as his fingers slipped inside the waistband of Alex’s sweats. He teased at the taut muscles, stroking his fingers over the soft rasp of hair trailing downward. 
“What did you have in mind?” 
“When’s the last time someone’s sucked this big dick of yours?”
There was a dark hint of teasing in Michael’s voice, he was daring Alex to say a name. Forrest’s name. It was the type of playful provocation they could use with each other now, safely, the result of their late night phone calls to each other. When time was valued, what was the point of secrets between them? 
Alex licked his lips absently, giving Michael a thorough head to toe look of consideration, before answering honestly, “It was in Santa Fe. At the Silver Saddle Motel. A very hot cowboy sucked me until I was hard, and then rode my dick all night long.” 
Michael blinked, not expecting that answer, but pinked in pleasure. “Oh…well then, you’ve been deprived because that was months ago.” He pulled down on Alex’s sweats, letting the band of elastic tuck neatly under his balls and sat back to admire the view. Alex shifted under his eyes, his cock straining upward as Michael bent his head down. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, he’s a short guy, all of this probably doesn’t fit in his mouth,” Michael commented, wrapping his palm around Alex’s cock firmly.
“Yeah,” Alex gasped, hitching up into Michael’s grip, “small mouth, it’s hard to even kiss, impossible to fuck-” His voice gave out as Michael licked the bead of pre-cum with tip of his tongue before stretching his mouth wide. There was a way that Michael approached cock-sucking that Alex could never get over. The look of hunger and that deep breath he always took, as if he had to hold himself back to keep from gorging himself on Alex’s cock. 
Alex had been deprived. Very deprived.
Slowly Michael slid his lips down on Alex’s cock, taking him deep into his mouth. His tongue, warm and firm, dragged downward. Alex cried out in pleasure, it felt so good, his hips rocking upward imperceptibly as his iron-strong control was rocked by Michael. He kept his eyes trained on Michael’s mouth, the reddening stretch of his lips wrapped tightly around his cock. Michael looked up, catching his eye and then bobbed his mouth downward.
Reaching downward, Alex placed his hand against Michael’s jaw and traced his thumb around the edge of his mouth. “So good, you take me so well, Michael.”
The praise had Michael blinking in pleasure before he redoubled his efforts in sucking. Alex gasped again, sinking deeper into Michael’s throat until his lips were kissing the sparse hair, down to the root. Fuck. He was ready to come already. Worse than the clock sweeping toward the end of the evening, was his body ready to end it now.
“Close, I’m gonna-” Alex warned, his hands going to Michael’s shoulders. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to pull Michael off of him, or keep Michael in place to feed him his cock in case he backed away as Alex teetered on the edge of orgasm. His grip clutched uselessly on him, but Michael showed no signs of stopping his efforts. 
Kicking at the couch cushion, he lost the fight to hold back, as he felt his cock hit the back of Michael’s throat. There was a tightening around him, throat muscles working hard to swallow, and then Michael wrapped his hand back around the base of Alex’s cock to stroke him in time with his sucking. His free hand gently squeezed Alex, before rubbing a knuckle along the seam of his balls to his perineum. The outside touch against his prostate was enough to have Alex coming hard down Michael’s throat.
God it was so good. Michael knew every place to touch him. He knew to keep his mouth on Alex as he came, swallowing his release sloppily, until come and saliva leaked from his lips. It was over far too fast, but Michael held on until Alex felt the tears of overstimulation burn in his eyes. Slowly Michael softened his lips, letting Alex’s spent cock slip lazily from his messy mouth and then met Alex’s gaze with a knowing glint.
Michael knew exactly how depraved he looked. 
It was too soon to get hard again, but Alex felt the twinge of it as he stared at Michael. His hands were greedy, cupping Michael’s face between them before wiping up the spill from Michael’s lips with his thumb. Two could play at that game, he thought as he brought it to his mouth. 
“Fuck,” Michael swore softly, “Look at you, tasting yourself.”
“I’d rather taste you,” Alex patted the couch he was laying down on and straightened his disheveled sweatpants. “Take off those jeans and wrap those great thighs of yours around my head and let me suck you.”
“Actually, I’d rather take you to bed.”
Alex glanced at the clock behind Michael. It was close to midnight. He knew based on experience that Forrest would be by in the morning with coffee, before Alex was fully awake. It was a transparent way of trying to catch him off guard, to see if Alex would slip up with news about Michael, or any other alien. After every short trip back to Roswell, the other man had made sure to find an excuse to be in Alex’s house. 
“I know I can’t stay, but I don’t want to leave.”
“I never want you to leave either.” Alex chewed on his lower lip, as Michael waited. Sensing his advantage, he tilted his head seductively, spilling his curls over one eye and then made a transparent pleading face at Alex. Laughing, Alex conceded, “Okay, okay, you can stay for a little while. Help me to bed, and set an alarm.”
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4stars-uswnt · 4 years
To Be in Love With Your Best Friend [Kelley O’Hara]
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requested by @13uswntimagines​: Prequel to “What a Night Out Can Lead To”… one of them kissing the other and that’s how they officially start dating
A/N: this is a PREQUEL to What a Night Out Can Lead To, but you don’t need to read it to understand this one (but you definitely should ;)). ok i actually really enjoy writing this universe and so expect to see a sequel of sorts (which comes from another brilliant idea from @13uswntimagines​) also....i think this might be my longest imagine yet but idk
You slide into your bus seat after training and wait for your best friend to join you. This was your fourth national team camp, so although you had some experience and were a seasoned soccer player, having played in high school and at Stanford, you were still somewhat new on the USWNT.
“Hey loser.” Kelley smiles, plopping down in the seat next to you.
“Hey, Kel.” You return a smile, leaning your head on your best friend’s shoulder.
“You had a great practice today. I’m sure you’ll be getting regular call ups now.” She wraps her arm around your body and runs her hand through your hair.
“You think so?” You look up, with eager eyes.
“Mhm. You’ve been playing great, like always.” Kelley affirms, squeezing your shoulder. “Probably because you’ve been playing with me for the past nine years.” She adds, smirking.
You scoff, picking your head up to scoff at your best friend. “Yeah right. If anything that’s why I didn’t get called up before.” You tease her, sticking your tongue out.
“Oh? Is that right?” Kelley raises her eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eye, one that you were all too familiar with.
“No, Kelley, don’t!” You put your hands up and move back against the window, trying to put as much distance as possible between the two of you.
“You asked for it…” Kelley sings, as she reaches for your sides and starts to tickle you.
“Ah, Kel, stop!” You gasp between giggles. “I can’t breath, ahhh stop!”
“Say ‘Kelley is awesome and the best friend ever’ and I’ll stop.” The freckled woman bargains, still tickling you.
You could barely speak, as you were laughing so hard, but you manage to breath out the sentence. “You’re awesome and the best friend ever!”
With that, Kelley retracts her hands, and you catch your breath. “See, now was that so hard?” She jests.
“I hate you.” You scowl and pout, crossing your arms.
“No you don’t.” She sings, placing a sloppy kiss onto your cheek.
You feel your face warm at the gesture, as you playfully roll your eyes at your best friend. For the rest of the bus ride, the two of you make small conversation, just enjoying each other’s presence.
Later that evening, as you were finishing up dinner, you hear a chime from your phone, and a text from your mom pops up on your screen.
Reading what your mom had sent you, you can’t help but chuckle. You reach out to nudge Kelley, who’s leaning over to ask Tobin something. As the defender is finishing her conversation, you continue to poke her side, wanting her attention.
“What do you want?” Kelley light-heartedly snaps, slapping your hands away.
“My mom texted. She’s gonna call me later and wants to talk to you.” You explain, waving your phone for her to see.
“Hah!” Kelley laughs, throwing her head back. “I knew I was (Y/M/N)’s favorite.”
“Shut up, Kel.” You roll your eyes and stick your tongue out at your best friend. “So, stop by around 8?” You look up and ask, as Kelley gets up from the table.
“I’ll be there.” She softly smiles and leans down to kiss the top of your head before leaving the room with Alex, Allie, Tobin, and Christen.
You go to finish your dinner, but before you could take another bite, you notice Julie smirking at you from across the table.
“What?” You tilt your head and put your fork down.
“You and Kelley are so cute.” She coos.
“Uh…thanks?” You furrow your eyebrows, taking a bite of your food.
“Have you two been dating since college or like when did you start dating?”
At that, you choke on your food. You cough and take a sip of water, as you try to regain your composure. “Kelley and I aren’t dating.” You sputter out.
“You’re not?” Julie frowns, and you shake your head. “Oh, sorry. I just assumed, seeing the way the two of you interact and how you look at each other.”
You feel a blush creeping up your neck and flushing your face. As you think back to the past several years of your friendship with Kelley, you couldn’t help but as yourself: did you have feelings for your best friend?
Noticing your silence and anxiousness, Julie softly speaks up. “(Y/N), I’m sorry. I did’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“No, J, you’re good.” You give her a small smile. “I think I’m gonna head up.” You stand up to clear your plate, your appetite suddenly gone.
“(Y/N/N),” The blonde midfielder calls after you, “you sure you’re good?”
“Yeah, don’t worry about me, J.” You nod, before you make your way up to your hotel room.
You spend the next couple hours surfing the TV channels, overthinking, and pacing your room. Thank goodness Crystal was in Julie’s room, or else she’d definitely think you were having a mental crisis, which in a way you were. As you were scrolling through your Instagram feed, trying to distract yourself from your consuming thoughts, you hear a knock on your door. You glance at the clock and realize it’s almost 8 o’clock, meaning that that is probably Kelley.
Making your way to open the door, you hear a muffled shout from the other woman. “Hurry up, (Y/N/N)!” She knocks a couple more times.
“I’m coming, chill.” You mutter under your breath and swing open the door.
Kelley bursts through and skips right past you, jumping onto your bed. “So, what have you been up to?”
“Get your dirty feet off my bed.” You swat her legs, and she slips her shoes off. “Nothing much. Just been relaxing.”
“Chill.” She hums. “So, when’s your mom calling?”
You open your mouth, but before you could respond, your phone starts ringing. “Now, I guess.”
You tap the screen and put her on speaker phone. “Hey mom.”
“Hi, sweetie!” Your mom’s cheerful voice echos through the phone. “How’d the first day of camp go?”
“Pretty good. We had training earlier and some fitness testing.”
“Well, that’s fun.” You could practically hear your mom’s smile. Your parents had always been supportive of your decision to pursue soccer as a full time career, and you were extremely grateful. They would always come to your games and cheer you on, being the loudest ones in the stands. “Your father wanted me to tell you that he sent you some stuff for your apartment, and it should be arriving in Utah in a week or so.”
“Awesome, thanks. I’ll be sure to text him.”  
“Is Kelley there?”
“Hey Mama (Y/L/N)!” Kelley exclaims, leaning closer to your phone. “How are you?”
“I’m doing well, sweetie. How’ve you been?” Your mom coos.
“Good, good. Camps have been much better now that your daughter’s making a regular appearance.” The defender smirks, nudging you, and you can’t help but roll your eyes.
“Aw, Kel, you’re too sweet.” Your mom lets out a loud laugh. “Oh yeah! I wanted to tell you: my Beat Everybody sweatshirt came! I’ll have to send you a picture.”
You find yourself intently observing the freckled woman, as you listen to Kelley and your mom have a conversation, and it hits you like a truck. You were in love with your best friend.
The next day, you did your best avoiding Kelley, choosing a different passing partner and even going as far as switching bus seats. To say Kelley was utterly confused would be a massive understatement.
As she watches you slide into the seat next to Allie, she frowns and her brows furrow.
Alex sits down next to Kelley and pulls her earbud out. “Wanna tell me why (Y/N) asked me to switch seats with her? Did you two have a fight?”
“I don’t know! She’s been avoiding pretty much all day. She switched seats with Crystal on the way to training, didn’t talk to me at all during practice, and now this. I don’t know what happened or what I did.” Kelley whines, rubbing her forehead.
“Hmmm, I don’t know, Worms.” Alex frowns sympathetically at her friend and offers a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Maybe she just had a bad day or something, and doesn’t wanna talk about?” The forward offers.
“Maybe, but I’m her best friend. Why wouldn’t she come to me?”
“I couldn’t tell you, Kel. Just give her some space and let her come to you.” Alex suggests, and the defender nods.
“Yeah, alright. I can do that.” She whispers to herself. “Time and space.”
Kelley had given you your time and space for the rest of yesterday and all morning, but she was starting to get anxious and frustrated. You were still avoiding her and didn’t even come to her room for your pregame ritual that you’d done for every game since you were in college.
You had once again asked one of your teammates to switch seats on the bus ride over to the stadium. Seeing you sitting with Julie just made Kelley angry, her patience worn thin. But she didn’t have time to grovel, as there was a game to be played, an important one at that versus Spain.
It was about the 86th minute, and the game was tied 1-1, Alex scoring off an assist from Christen in the first half, and Jenni coming back early in the second half for an equalizer.
You watch, as Lindsey plays a diagonal ball out wide to Tobin, and you make a run to the top of the 18. Tobin does what she does best, splitting two defenders, and sends a high cross into the box. You sprint onto ball, the change of speed losing your defender. Jumping in the air, you connect your head with the ball and nod it down into the lower left-hand corner.
You throw your hands up, as Christen crashes into you for a bone crushing hug. Alex and Tobin join in for the group hug, patting you on the head. As you make your way up the field, back to center, your other teammates give you high-fives and side hugs.
You see Kelley approaching you, ready to do your traditional goal celebration. You give her a small smile, and the two of you do your secret handshake. No matter how confused or angry you were or if you were avoiding her, you would always do your secret handshake goal celebration, as it was a representation of your long lasting friendship and constancy in each other’s lives.
The game restarts, and for the last four minutes, plus two minutes of extra time, Spain frantically tries to score another equalizer. But they come up short, as the referee blows her whistle, signaling the end of the match and another USWNT victory.
The team crowds you, the subs sprinting from the sidelines, and celebrates with a giant group hug. A huge grin breaks out on your face, as Megan picks you up from behind.
“What a goal, (Y/N)! That’s what I’m talking about.” She exclaims, putting you down on the ground.
“Thanks, Megan.” You turn around, smiling.
After the team huddle, where Vlatko congratulates everybody on the win, you all head back to the locker room to shower and pack up.
Making your way onto the bus, you notice Kelley already sitting in her seat, occupied by something on her phone. You walk down the aisle and apprehensively take your place in your usual seat. Sensing your presence, Kelley looks up, surprised to see you seating next to her.
“Hey.” You say, nervousness leaking through your voice.
“Hi.” She whispers.
The two of you sit in an uncomfortable and unfamiliar silence between you, before Kelley breaks it.
“Can we talk when we get back to the hotel?”
You nod, not trusting words to come out of your mouth, and you go back to sitting in silence, the only noise coming from the rest of your teammates.
Once you get back to the hotel, you follow Kelley up to her room. You each set down your bags and take a seat across from each other, one of you sitting on each bed.
“So what do you wanna talk about?” You ask, fidgeting with the hems of your sleeves.
“Really?” Kelley looks at you disbelievingly.
“You really don’t know what I’m talking about?”
“Talking about? Kel, you haven’t said anything. Why are you so upset?”
“I haven’t said anything?!” Kelley stands up, waving her hands in the air frustratedly. “You’ve barley spoken to me for the past two days. It’s like you’ve been avoiding me. My best friend ignores pretty much my entire existence for two days, so yeah, that’s why I’m upset.”
You hang your head, ashamed of your actions, knowing there’s no way you could possibly explain your actions to her.
“You still have nothing to say?” Kelley laughs sarcastically. “Like what the hell, (Y/N)? You don’t talk to me, you ask our teammates to switch seats with you on the bus, and you just completely avoid me. Is this because I hogged your conversation with your mom? Because if it is, I’m sorry, but you could’ve just told me. Like what did I do wrong? Just tell me, (Y/N), because I can’t go any longer with you—”
You stand up and place both your hands on her cheeks, bringing her in for a kiss, effectively cutting off her rambling. Kelley doesn’t kiss back, too shocked by your actions, so you pull away, regret and embarrassment written across your face.
“I’m so sorry. I’ll just go.” You turn to leave and save yourself from embarrassing yourself even further, but Kelley grabs your wrist, pulling you back into her body, connecting your lips again.
You feel yourself melt into the kiss, as your lips move languidly against each other. Pulling away, you rest your forehead against hers and let out a watery laugh.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for almost eight years.”
“I’ve been wanting to do that since I took a body shot off of you at that frat party our sophomore year.” Kelley confesses.
“I really love you, Kel. Like I’m in love with you.” You whisper, a tear leaking down your cheek.
“I really love you, too, (Y/N/N).” She gently wipes the wetness from your face, as you move your hands to play with the baby hairs on the back of her neck. “Is that why you were avoiding me?”
“Mhm.” You nod, biting your lip. “And I am so sorry for doing that.” You remove yourself from her embrace, frustrated with yourself. “It’s just— Julie had assumed we were dating after watching us interact a couple of days ago at dinner, and it just made me think about my feelings. And I realized that I’m in love with you and have been for years, but you’re my best friend, so I was scared I was gonna lose you.” You look down at your feet, unable to meet the other woman’s eyes.
Kelley takes a few steps, so she’s now standing in front of you. “(Y/N), will you please look at me?”
You still refuse to look up, so Kelley puts her finger under your chin, lifting your head, your eyes meeting her green orbs.
“There she is.” The defender smiles, taking your hand in hers. “(Y/N), I understand, I really do, because I’ve felt the same way. I’ve loved you for so long, but I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, so I didn’t say anything. But I’m so glad that we’re here now because I can finally express all my love for you.” She kisses your forehead, and you close your eyes, wrapping your arms around her body.
“And I hope you know,” Kelley adds, “you’re never going to lose me, no matter what.”
“I love you, Kel.” Your eyes soft and full of love.
“I love you too, loser.” She pulls you closer into her body, as the two of you enjoy each other’s embrace.
Leaning your head against Kelley’s chest, you feel her chuckle. “What’s so funny?”
“Your mom is gonna have a field day.”
You giggle, a blush creeping up onto your cheeks. “Yeahhh, she’s been bugging and teasing me about my crush for years.”
“Ah, so that’s why I’m her favorite.” Kelley playfully boasts, and you slap her shoulder.
“Hey!” She grabs where you hit her. “That hurt!”
“No it didn’t.” You roll your eyes, as Kelley pouts with her best puppy-dog eyes. “Oh, stop it. You’re a big baby.”
“Yeah, but I’m your big baby?” She says hopefully.
“Hmmm,” you pretend to think, “only if you take me out on a proper date. Tomorrow after the match? Say, 8?”
“I think I can do that.” Kelley smirks, leaning down to kiss you, but you stop her with your finger against her lips.
“Hey, there. I don’t kiss before the first date.” You turn and grab your stuff.
“But—But what about before?” The freckled defender fumbles.
Now, it’s your turn to smirk. “Just think of that as making up for lost time. But no more freebies” You give her a wink. “See you later, Kel.”
You shut the door, leaving behind a stunned love-struck Kelley O’Hara. Before heading back to your own hotel room, you lean back against the door, soaking in all that just happened. You smile, feeling your heart explode.
How lucky you were to fall in love with your best friend.
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ao3theskyisblue · 3 years
We are lost (and we’re falling)
His words had come out cold, short, and he knew Carlos didn’t need to be a cop to hear the bite in his tone.
The sound of the front door closing echoed loudly in the silence that followed, and he knew Carlos saw what he was looking at the second he heard a sharp inhale.
A sound of a bag dropping to the floor. Keys being returned to their rightful spot. Slow footsteps moving closer, but TK didn’t take his eyes off the offending piece of paper, glaring holes through the thin material holding insurmountable value.
Written for Day 1 of @911lonestarangstweek : Emotional whump + “How do we fix this?” 
Read on AO3 
“When were you going to tell me?”
TK didn’t get up from his spot on the couch, stock still since he found a certain piece of paper reciting words he wasn’t sure he had read correctly for the 10th time that night. So, he sat, staring blankly at the muddled words on paper, waiting for his husband to come home to get the answers to his innumerable questions.
His words had come out cold, short, and he knew Carlos didn’t need to be a cop to hear the bite in his tone.
The sound of the front door closing echoed loudly in the silence that followed, and he knew Carlos saw what he was looking at the second he heard a sharp inhale.
A sound of a bag dropping to the floor. Keys being returned to their rightful spot. Slow footsteps moving closer, but TK didn’t take his eyes off the offending piece of paper, glaring holes through the thin material holding insurmountable value.
TK looked up sharply, and felt his chest tighten at the way Carlos stepped back slightly. But they were going to have this conversation, because he had gone through the various stages of shock, disbelief, fear, anger, and now…nothing.
He wanted to understand.
“A few days before our one-year anniversary.” Carlos said quietly, and TK clenched his jaw, lifting a hand to run through his hair roughly.
“Our one-year anniversary when we were dating, or when we got married?” TK knew the answer to that when he saw Carlos tense, letting out a hollow laugh.
“Were you just never planning on telling me? Until what, I find out myself eventually? When it would already be too late?” TK bit down on his lower lip, hard, tasting the bitter tang of blood as his teeth broke skin. It wasn’t nearly enough to distract him from all this. He could see from the corner of his eyes as Carlos slowly took a seat on the ottoman in front of him, but still keeping a semblance of distance.
“I promise, I was going to tell you,” Carlos’ voice was still quiet, as if he knew the moment one of them raised their voices, it would only further escalate the conversation. “I just never found the right time.”
The right time.
TK couldn’t help a scoff at that, standing up sharply from his spot on the couch to pace the wooden floors of their living room, his steps arrhythmic.
TK let out an ugly sound, shooting Carlos a glare that could cut through glass.
“Don’t you dare. I am not in the mood to hear my name right now, especially when you decided to put it in a place where I absolutely object to.” He tore his gaze away from the coffee table, hands clenched tightly by his sides.
“How do we fix this?”
“Oh, so now it’s we?”
“No. I can’t–I can’t do this right now.” TK abruptly stopped his pacing only to violently slam his palms down on the kitchen counter, the skin of his palms stinging with a certain pain he couldn’t feel over the bleeding wounds of his heart. He could feel the tears burning like acid in his eyes, knowing that they could spill at any fueling word.
Clenching his fingers inwards towards his palms, he felt his nails digging against the soft skin, no doubt leaving deep crescent indentations in their wake.
“TK, look at me.”
The sound that ripped out of his throat was immediately covered with his hand, and TK furiously blinked back the onslaught of tears. He felt a gentle hand on his bicep, and forced himself to take in a few shuddering breaths before turning around, facing his husband. Carlos’ own eyes were red-rimmed, but he still had a small, albeit sad smile on his lips.
“Talk to me.” Carlos’ grip on his arm tightened, and TK swallowed back the sob that wanted to break free, instead taking in another deep breath and closing his eyes.  
He could feel the anguish filling up the room in suffocating waves, but he had already found it hard to breathe the second he had accidentally found the will. His name was printed neatly underneath a paragraph of writing, taunting him.
TK stares at the space between them, knowing that there was a hand on his arm, but not quite feeling it.
He couldn’t really name anything he was feeling right now.
“You have no idea what you’re asking.”
The words came out quiet, subdued, and TK wasn’t sure if Carlos even heard him. But then there was a warm hand trailing up his arm, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze.
“You’re my partner. My better half, the love of my life,” Carlos stresses, as if that would somehow alleviate the pain currently tearing him to shreds. “There is no one else I trust with this more than you.”
A hot wave of fury washed over him. TK stepped back from the gentle hold to level a glare at the man standing before him, who looked stricken. TK hardly ever pulled away from Carlos’ touches, feeling a pit growing in his stomach at the hurt in his husband’s gaze.
“You-you have no idea-”
“I trust you-”
“I don’t trust myself, Carlos!”
TK felt the man in front of him reel back at that, but still refused to lift his gaze. He knew what he would see – concern, confusion, but what he couldn’t bear to see was the ever-present softness that never disappeared no matter how bad their arguments got.
Swallowing thickly, TK twisted the gold wedding band around his finger. Ever since the day they promised each other forever, the ring had become one of his grounding sources. Not stopping his administrations, TK tried for a smile which only turned into a grimace.  
“You are asking me to be the bridge between your life and death,” He started, clenching his jaw at the last part. “A single word, a signature, and I have the power to take your life. Don’t you dare make it seem like this is an easy decision for me, you don’t get to do that.” TK waved a hand towards the papers scattered on the coffee table, hearing Carlos suck in a sharp breath.
The ticking of the kitchen clock sounded louder than he remembered, and he tried to focus on the rhythmic ticking to try and calm his racing heartbeat.
It wasn’t working.
Carlos didn’t move closer, but his next words hit him like a bucket of ice water.
“You think I don’t know you put my name down for yours?”
The words weren’t accusing, nor were they harsh. Instead, they were stated as a fact, something TK couldn’t deny.  
That didn’t mean it was the same thing.
“That’s different.” He says icily, but Carlos didn’t so much as flinch. His gaze never wavered.
“How so? From where I’m standing, you and I seem to be thinking the same thing.” One thing he’s found to be a little frustrating and also endearing was how logical Carlos was with his arguments. TK didn’t know whether it was something that came from working in law enforcement, but he found it hard to argue with reason.
They didn’t fight often, but when they did, it was a brief fuel to the fire, something that both of them knew that would be worked out in the end and that at the end of the day, they were just two men who fiercely loved each other.
“Because you-” TK trailed off, the sudden heaviness of his thoughts weighing him down like lead. Carlos frowned.
“Because I’m…?”  
There were a few beats where they just stared at each other. TK could see that Carlos was itching to reach out towards him, but he knew that he had to be the first one to close the distance between them.
He wasn’t ready.
“When people leave, they take pieces.”  
His dad took the first piece. It had been a small piece, but a piece, nonetheless. Something he couldn’t grasp – just watching from a distance as it slipped through his fingers.
His mom took the next piece, and a 7-year-old’s memories were surprisingly vivid. He still remembered the colour of the moving truck parked outside their house, the sound of the spluttering engine as it came to life, the look on his neighbours’ faces as they not-so-subtly watched through the window as his parents argued.
The pieces kept chipping away as the years went by. His stepmom. Enzo. Every new friend he made and grew to never speak to again, his first overdose, the dinner with Alex.  
All those pieces left scars that he learned to bear better with time, but they never fully healed. He would never completely get those pieces back, but building himself to always strive for a better life created new ones he could nurture and protect.
And the person who carried the biggest piece of all, was the man standing right in front of him.
TK closed his eyes, knowing that Carlos could see the tremble of his lips as he tried to swallow down the lump in his throat. “You have all of me. If I have to watch you-if I’m the reason you leave this world-” A single tear slipped down his cheeks, and he quickly lifted a hand to wipe it away roughly. “I won’t be able to let you go Carlos, don’t ask me to.”
Carlos remained silent. TK didn’t know how long they had been standing in the little area between the living room and the kitchen, but from the way one of his knees had locked, the dull ache pulsating through his leg in waves, it must have been a while.
He still couldn’t bring himself to sit down.
“You think it’s easy for me to think about letting you go?”
There was a sharp intake of breath, and TK warily lifted his gaze from the floor to Carlos’ eyes, which were filled with ripples of love and pain. He took a small step forward, but nothing more than that.
“Because let me tell you, it would be the single hardest decision in my entire life.” He says shakily, and TK feels his heart shatter at the tears that broke free. This wasn’t the first time, nor would it be the last that he would see Carlos cry, but it never changed the fact that every time he did, something in him died a little with every tear that slipped down his cheeks.
He hadn’t realized his hands were trembling until he lifted them to gently cup Carlos’ face, thumbs slowly moving to delicately wipe the tears away. Two warm hands covered his own, and TK leaned up to press his lips gently to Carlos’ forehead. The hands covering his tightened when he leaned back.  
“I thought the single hardest decision were those adoption papers we filed a few months ago.” TK says lightly, feeling the first genuine smile grace his lips since the start of all this when Carlos let out a wet chuckle.
No matter how many years have passed, TK feels himself melting all over again at the signature warmth in Carlos’ gaze that was surely mirrored in his own as they looked at each other.
“They’re on different meters.” Carlos responds, and TK’s eyes crinkle at the sides. His hands move to his hips, pulling him in closer.
“We can’t see the future,” Carlos says softly, and TK’s smile dims. “There will be many more uncertainties down the road, obstacles we’ll face. But I’m sure, with every fiber of my being, that I want to face them with you– to be the one to hold your hand until the end.”
TK forcefully swallows past the bitter tang in his throat.
The words wash over him in a dizzying warmth. Death was inescapable, and a constant presence in both their lines of work. It was one of the reasons they treasured every minute they got with each other, never knowing when their clocks would abruptly stop. And although the mere thought of the possibility of Carlos leaving his world tore him raw and hung him dry, he knew that if it truly came to that, he would want the exact same thing.
For better or for worse.
Lifting a hand to run through Carlos’ curls fondly, his other hand drifted to his pulse point, feeling the rhythmic pulsing against his fingers.
“I love you.” TK says instead, pulling Carlos into a tight hug that was returned with equal fervor without hesitation.
“I know. And I love you.” Carlos murmured, tightening his arms around him. TK closed his eyes, pressing his face into the slightly rough material of his husband’s uniform, absently remembering that he hadn’t gotten a chance to change when he got home.
Pressing a kiss to Carlos’ shoulder, TK looked up to see brown eyes already looking at him affectionately. He slowly trails a hand down his husband’s arm, smiling at the trail of goosebumps left behind in their wake.
“I’m never letting go of your hand,” TK whispers, his hand having travelled down to intertwine with Carlos’, lifting it up to press a lingering kiss to the back of it. He stares at the ridges and scars with teary eyes, every indentation – every mark ingrained into his mind.
“I’m going to hold onto you for a long, long time.”  
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all-for-geek · 4 months
Unfinished Business - Love, Family, and Possession Chapter 8: Talking to a Memory
Chapter 7
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
Word Count: 3,658
Warning: mentions of death a grief
Summary: Julie discovers that her life is now on a ticking clock, and Reggie gets a blast from the past.
Song Used: Talking to a Memory by Jeremy Shada
This one is sad y'all. I'm not gonna lie.
Julie paced across the studio. This wasn’t happening. This could not happen. There was no way that Nick was possessed. She couldn’t have the same curse that the guys had. She couldn’t be…she couldn’t be…
Julie chucked the bracelet Nick, no, Caleb, had given her across the room. The purple energy it had been emitting lingered on her skin before seeping down into her body. She wanted to scream. She wanted to disappear back into that apathetic state she had thrived in after her mom died. She wanted to crumble into a ball and cry. That last one felt so tempting. 
The 5 others in the room stared at Julie. Alex and Reggie weren’t sure of what to do. This was beyond anything they were prepared for. A simple hug or “Everything is going to be okay” wasn’t going to fix this.
Luke stalked in the back corner of the garage, his hands balled into fists. He wanted nothing more than to stand next to Julie, being her shoulder to cry on, but emotions had never been his strong point. If he saw her now, her look of helplessness, of desperation, he would crumble, and that would just make things worse.
Alice had followed them from the auditions. She wasn’t sure why. Unlike the 3 other ghosts, she was invisible to the other lifers. She had no living connections to cling to. She hadn’t for a long time, but she knew the look in Julie’s eyes all too well. She had seen it so many times before. She wanted nothing more than to poof out, but some stubborn part of her forced her to stay.
It was Flynn who made the first move. She stomped over to her best friend and grabbed her by the shoulders. There was a fury in her eyes, but it was not directed at Julie. It was directed that this messed up situation and the ghost that put her into it. That dude was real lucky that Flynn couldn’t see him. But that wasn't what was important right now. Her friend was in trouble.
She pulled Julie into a tight hug. 
“It’s gonna be okay,” she whispered, although she was still loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. “You beat this stupid curse before. You’ll do it again.”
Luke’s ears perked up. “Wait, yeah! We just gotta do what we did before!” He ran over to Julie and joined Flynn in hugging her. Alex and Reggie weren’t far behind.
Julie could feel the love her friends had for her flooding her system. The power she felt was enough to crumble her to her knees if Flynn was keeping her upright. It felt just like that night after the Orpheum. 
The warmth and light faded as the four pulled away. She stood there, unsure. That had felt good. It felt right. She smiled as she-
Julie doubled over in pain as a purple jolt of energy coursed through her body.
“No no no no no,” Luke muttered. He rushed to Julie’s side, helping her stand back upright.
“I don’t get it. Why did it work?” Reggie asked.
“Because she is still alive,” Alice explained. The three boys turned to her, but the girls remained where they were. Alice sighed as she repeated herself through the makeshift switchboard.
“Caleb’s curses work by sticking his power to your very soul. It’s why they are so hard to break. A ghost is nothing but a soul, so when their Anchor forms a strong enough connection, it is easy enough for them to reach in and erase it. Lifers…they have more in the way. The physical form guards the soul against harm, but it also means it can’t be accessed as easily. It will take more than a group hug to break it.”
“And how do you know so much about Caleb and his curses,” Alex asked, not hiding the skepticism in his voice. It earned him a slap on the shoulder from Reggie, but he couldn’t shake the fact that she seemed to know everything.
Alice turned to face the switchboard again, biting her cheek as she regained her composure. “Caleb has been treating the ghosts of this city like his pawns for decades. I don’t like people who enjoy putting others down. Me and a small group of others at the Roxy have been working to find ways to break Caleb’s hold on people.”
“Okay, so how do we help Julie then,” Luke said, rising to his feet. He didn’t care what kind of past Alice might or might not have. If she could help save Julie, that was all he cared about.
“You have to reach into her soul,” she answered. The others waited as Alice took her hands off of the lights.
“And…how do we do that?” Luke prompted.
“Each soul is different. The person who truly knows the answer to that is Julie.”
Julie could feel her breath constricting. This was too much. She was dying. She was going to die soon if she couldn’t reach her soul. She didn’t even know what that meant! Why was this happening! Just as everything was starting to turn around, something always had to show up to remind Julie how cruel the world could be. 
She ran out of the room, tears welling in her eyes. Flynn followed close behind her.
Alex stared at the space where Julie had stood. She was not the only one getting overwhelmed. He could feel the panic starting to set in. He needed to get his jitters out. He was of no use to any of them like this. He poofed away. No one needed to ask to know where he had gone.
Carlos ran into the garage, his eyes bright and happy. Luke couldn’t help but feel jealous of the kid. He had no idea what was going on.
Carlos quickly checked the studio for his sister before racing over to the lightboard and setting down his open laptop.
“Reggie, are you there?” the boy whispered.
Reggie struggled to make it over the switchboard. He really didn’t have the energy to talk to anyone. He just wanted to curl up in a ball and go to bed. But this was Carlos. Reggie always had time for Carlos.
“Yeah, little dude, I’m here,” he answered.
Carlos’ face beamed brighter. “I found your brother!”
Reggie froze. Nothing could have prepared him for those words. Nothing had even
hinted that those words were a possibility! If he had a heartbeat, it probably would have stopped.
“It took longer than I thought it would,” Carlos continued, unaware of how much of a bombshell he just dropped, “He doesn’t have much social media, not even a Twitter, can you believe it, but I found him! Stephen Peters! He even still lives in the area.”
Carlos turns his laptop around to show a picture of a family of four out on the beach. The children’s faces were obscured, but the couple could be seen clear as day lounging on the sand. She was smiling at the man like there was nobody else in the world. And the man…he was so much older than he should be. Stevie was a little kid, but now…he was old enough to be their dad. He was a dad. His smile had not changed since the last time Reggie saw it.
“Reggie?” The ghost hadn’t been aware of how long he had been sitting there until Carlos spoke. He looked around. Had Luke’s hand been on his shoulder the whole time?
“Yeah…yeah that’s cool,” Reggie muttered, struggling with the lights.
“So now you can go and see him!” Carlos exclaimed.
Reggie couldn’t begin to process what was happening. See his brother again? Sure, he wanted to…more than anything…but what about- 
He stared at the empty doorway where Julie had run off through.
The hand on his shoulder squeezed. “Dude, you gotta go,” Luke exclaimed.
“But…I can’t just leave Julie.”
“Bro, you’re not leaving her,” Luke reassured. “Flynn’s in there with her right now, and I’ll be there too. Julie’s in good hands.”
But that was the problem. He couldn’t go to see Stevie alone. He couldn’t. He would get to the door, stand there awkwardly, poof back, and call himself a big chicken afterward. He needed someone to be there with him. To give him that extra push. Alex had already gone to see Willie, and Luke couldn’t leave. He would if Reggie asked, he knows that, but Luke needs to be here with Julie. He couldn’t just-
“I’ll go with you,” Alice piped up.
Reggie whipped his head around to face her. Had he been talking out loud that whole time? Or was he just that easy to read?
“Oh, okay you sure?” Reggie asked. He didn’t mind Alice going, really, he didn’t, but she had done so much for them over the past couple days. He couldn’t help but wonder why.
“Yeah,” she replied nonchalantly. “What else am I going to do with my afternoon?”
Reggie looked back to look as if asking for permission. His friend rolled his eyes playfully.
“Dude, everything is going to be fine,” Luke said, “Julie is in good hands up there with Flynn.”
“Yeah…besides, Flynn isn’t the only one who can look after her.” Reggie’s signature smile returned for a moment as Luke’s cheeks flushed. He gave the ghost a wink before he and Alice poofed off.
Stevie had managed to get a nice place for himself out in the suburbs of LA. It looked like a house out of a sitcom right down to the white picket fence. They had a big yard littered with toys where the two children, a boy and a girl, were running around playing.
Stevie’s kids. The thought hit Reggie again like a freight train. These were Stevie’s kids. Little Stevie who was barely tall enough to reach the pedals on Dad’s old car. He had kids. Reggie had a niece and nephew. Stevie had-
A firm squeeze on his shoulder pulled Reggie out of his spiral. He turned to Alice who was giving him a comforting smile. Reggie smiled back. The softer expression looked good on her. They both quickly turned back to the kids just in time to see the boy trip and fall in a mud pile. 
The girl laughed at him which earned her a playful “Shut up!” in response. The call summoned their father out to see what all the fuss was about. Stevie was taller than him. He had a beard! Alice’s hand was back on his shoulder.
Stevie smiled, a smile that Reggie remembered like it was yesterday, at the boy. Like this wasn’t the first time that this had happened. 
“Reggie…” he called out.
Reggie the son apologized to his dad while Reggie the ghost choked back a sob. Stevie helped little Reggie to his feet, seemingly not worried about the mud getting caked on his own clothes, and the three walked back into the house. Reggie remained staring at the door.
“Do you…uh…” Alice trailed off, her nonchalant demeanor cracking. She vaguely gestured toward the door.
Reggie nodded before poofing inside. He was really glad that someone came with him.
The inside of the house was littered with pictures of the family that lived there. All of them from various trips or outings, the four smiling brightly every time. Reggie thought of the pictures he had of his own family. He hoped that these ones weren't as loaded with memories as his were.
Stevie was standing at the bottom of the stairwell talking and laughing with a woman (Stevie’s wife, oh god Reggie had a sister-in-law) standing at the top. Stevie pawned the poor mud-caked boy to his mother before heading farther down the hall. 
After a pitstop in the bathroom to wash the worst of the mud off, Stevie entered into a massive bedroom. It was big enough for two people to comfortably use (which made sense because Stevie had a wife). He went rummaging through his closest, probably looking for new, less muddy clothes to put on. 
Stevie suddenly paused as he reached the back of his closest. A fond smile crept on his face. He slowly, carefully, pulled out an old, beaten leather jacket. It couldn’t have been Stevie’s. It was too small for him. It was…
Reggie had never put too much thought into what happened to the clothes that he died in. He guessed that it made sense that his parents would want him in something nicer than his sweat-soaked regular clothes. They always wanted him in something nicer. And if anyone could have ended up with his jacket, he would have wanted it to be Stevie. Still, the image was almost too surreal.
Stevie held his brother’s jacket tenderly in his hands. As if it would crumble to dust if he held it the wrong way. His tender smile remained as he pulled an old CD out of the jacket pocket. It was 25 years old at this point. With how much he played it, it was a miracle that the thing still functioned. But it was one of his most prized possessions. He kept a CD player around just for it.
Reggie recognized the intro as soon as it started. It was a demo that he had never gotten the chance to show the guys. His first, and only, foray into writing anything that wasn’t country. The song he had written for his brother for when the shouting had gotten too loud.
As the first verse began, all of the memories came flooding back.
I still see the moonlight on your skin
Those eyes staring back at me
Those scared eyes. Of a boy who didn’t know any better. Who just wanted Mommy and Daddy to stop fighting.
I still hear your voice sing in the wind
Consumed by the melody
The nights when the two would sneak out. Before Sunset Curve. When they would stroll the Hollywood streets sneaking into any music club they could. Reggie’s friends joined when they could.
I still feel your heartbeat skip I'm reaching, wishing
Wishing they had gotten more time together. Wishing that for one moment Stevie could see him. That he could tell his little brother that everything was alright.
Stevie starts to sing along, his eyes closed.
I'm talking to a memory
Calling can you hear me?
Reggie sits on the bed with his brother, drumming the beat on his fingers.
Haunted by the moments of what we used to be
I know it's not reality but I can't help believing
You're be haunted by me
Reggie stares at his brother. He no longer sees the man that he became, but the little brother that he always knew.
And you're talking to a memory
Oh, oh, woah
Oh, oh, woah, oh
I'm talking to a
Oh, oh, woah
Oh, oh, woah, oh
I’m talking to a memory
Out of my body looking for you
The time that Reggie almost ran away. He had started packing his bag and everything before Stevie came walking in.
All over the world but haven't left the room
He couldn’t just leave him there.
Stuck inside these four walls
But in this vision we can have it all
Teaching his brother how to play bass. The quieter tones were calming, and it could always be cranked up if needed.
Got nowhere to go so I'm going nowhere
No no no Stevie couldn’t cry. If he cried, then Reggie would cry, and then-
The world is empty when you're not there
Reggie harmonized with his brother, tears in his eyes.
Take me back, back to the night when we danced through the Hollywood lights
Oh, oh
Ours is a story I won't forget
Reggie would never forget his brother. Not if he roamed this Earth for a hundred years.
Oh, oh
No moments wasted, no regrets
Stevie had one though. That his brother couldn’t be here to share this amazing life with him. He hoped that, wherever he was, Reggie was happy.
Oh, woah, oh
The chapters we wrote are written in our hearts
The ending came to soon but
It made us who we are
Stevie couldn’t tell, but he was singing face to face with brother. Reggie couldn’t have been prouder of the man he became.
Can we talk about our memories?
The ones where you can reach me
Reggie stopped singing as he stared at his brother. Stevie stared at the closest where the jacket was hanging.
Lost in every moment, we could just be you and me
Alice stared from the doorway, shifting uncomfortably as she watched the extremely personal scene play out. She had always been glad that she never had a sibling, but maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad.
I know it's in the past but I can't help believing
We'll be haunting each others dreams
Through our favorite little memories
“Stephen! Dinner’s ready!” a feminine voice called from downstairs. Reggie and Stevie both turned towards the sound, awoken from their trance. Stevie wipes the tears rolling down his face away and carefully puts the CD back into the leather jacket before heading downstairs. Reggie follows him wordlessly.
Stevie sat down next to his wife at the dinner table. The woman eyed him worriedly before he gave her a reassuring smile. The kids, the boy now in a clean shirt, run over, and the four start digging into their meal. 
It was the scene Reggie had always dreamed of when he and Stevie were kids. The four sitting down, chatting and joking about the day they had. The kids excitedly explained what happened at school. Reggie kept glancing at Stevie and his wife. They were so…happy. Reggie never dreamed that his own parents could look at each other that way. Even before things started getting bad. 
Reggie smiles as he poofs away. Alice, who had been standing in the doorway admiring the scene herself, notices his sudden absence. She rushes out of the house desperately hoping that he didn’t just leave her to see that sappy, saccharine, envious scene alone. She caught herself sighing when she looked up to see him on the roof.
Alice poofed up to join him. Reggie turned and acknowledged her for the first time since they entered the house. He hastily wiped the tears from his eyes.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I…” Reggie trailed off. How did he explain that he kinda, maybe, completely forgot that she was there.
“It’s okay,” Alice responded. She sat down next to him, taking in the sun slowly setting. “You doin’ alright?”
“I…They all look so happy. It’s better than anything I could have hoped for.”
“I’m glad. For a lot of us, especially those who die young, seeing family again doesn’t always end well.”
Reggie turned to look at her. “Have you ever tried? Looking for your family?”
Alice’s face darkened. “My dad was the only family I ever really had, and we had a big falling out right before I died. Don’t really have any interest in re-connecting.”
“That sucks,” Reggie said, regretting it almost immediately. Of course it sucked! He wished Alex was here. He always knew what to say.
“It’s not so bad,” Alice said, “I’ve met a lot of amazing people through the Roxy. Some were there before me, some after. It’s like having a family all over again.”
“I get that,” Reggie added. He meant it. He felt the same way about his band. “Thanks for coming with me. You didn’t have to do that.”
Alice shrugged. “It was no biggie.” 
Alice smiled, and Reggie smiled back. There were a million words left unsaid between them, but neither one was willing to speak them. Not yet, anyway. Instead, they just watched as the sun set.
As the sun set for Julie, she felt herself drawn to the same place she always felt drawn to in times of distress. Her box of her mom’s old things. She sifts through the box full of outdated fashion. She smiles as the tears come falling down. This was all that she had left of her mom. All that she had to physically hold at least.
Another jolt of pain pulsed through her body. She collapsed onto the floor just in time for Flynn to round the corner. She took her place at her best friend’s side quickly pulling her into a hug.
“I can’t leave them with just a box,” Julie managed to get out between the tears. “We just started getting better. I can’t…I can’t do that to them.”
Luke was about to float into the room when he saw the scene playing out before him. He wanted nothing more than to be angry, but nothing could trump the aching feeling in his heart.
“Don’t you dare talk like that,” Flynn scolded. “You are not going anywhere. You read what that ghost lady said. We just gotta find a way to connect to your soul.”
“How are we gonna do that?” Julie cried. “We don’t even know where to start.”
“Music,” Luke muttered. It was less that he spoke, and more that the thought fell from his head and into his mouth. Julie looked up, barely hearing what he said herself.
“What?” she asked.
“You always say that music is a big part of you,” Luke explained, fiddling with the strings of his hoodie, “You even wrote a whole song about it.”
“Your mom,” Flynn added. She couldn’t hear the ramblings of the ghost behind her, but her words fit with his more perfectly than she could ever know. “She was such a big part of you. She still is.”
Julie sat there, wiping the tears from her eyes. She looked at her two friends with a smile before grabbing her notebook. 
“Thanks,” she said. “I think I have an idea.”
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