#alexander motel
deadmotelsusa · 2 years
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The Alexander Hotel and Motel, pictured in 2009 and 2019, in Sparrow Bush, New York. In 2009, the older hotel, located up the hill from the motel, was abandoned. The motel remained in operation until 2013. Today, the motel is now closed and the hotel has been renovated and is in use as housing. 
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laitdechanel · 5 months
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BTS: Lana Del Rey Met Gala 2024
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helena-bottom-farter · 10 months
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Actress Wanda Hendrix visiting Mildred Alexander’s "Motel for Cats" in Sherman Oaks, 1947.
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Sideways (2004, Alexander Payne)
Sideways is a film by director Alexander Payne, starring Paul Giamatti and Thomas Haden Church and based on the 2004 novel of the same name by Rex Pickett.
Miles (Paul Giamatti) is an English teacher, recently divorced from his wife. As the wedding of his university friend, actor Jack Lapote (Thomas Haden Church), approaches, the two decide to take a week off traveling in the Santa Ynez Valley wine area, in Santa Barbara County, California. Arriving in the vineyard region, Miles and Jack meet Stephanie (Sandra Oh), a wibemaker who introduces them to Maya, a close friend of hers.
Miles, irritated, returns to the hotel alone, only to be woken up in the middle of the night by Jack, naked, who confesses to him that he was caught red-handed by the woman's husband returning from work and that he fled to the motel by running six kilometers without clothes.
Miles, who is also introduced to her husband, congratulates her, but decides to forgo the reception and instead returns to her sad San Diego apartment, where she picks up her most prized bottle of wine, a 1961 Château Cheval Blanc, which he jealously guarded it, and drinks it in a plastic cup at a fast food restaurant.
The Santa Ynez Valley, where most of the film is set, has seen an increase in tourism. With the exception of Paul Giamatti, who had already starred in critically acclaimed films such as American Splendor, the film launched the careers of relatively unknown actors. Both Thomas Haden Church and Virginia Madsen received Oscar nominations. Giamatti received Golden Globe and Oscar nominations for Cinderella Man (2095). Sandra Oh, after breaking off her relationship with the film's director, Alexander Payne, starred in Grey's Anatomy, also winning a Golden Globe.
In the United States it was released in cinemas on 22 October 2004. In Italy, however, it was released on 16 February 2005.
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redheadedbrunette · 2 years
Hmm…I see. I WOULD love for you to explain further. I am definitely not a fan of hers, but I’d like to hear your point of view.
I can totally understand where I think you’re coming from. The trope of “character we’ve heard nothing about has suddenly always existed and had relevance” is normally very poorly done. However, tropes are tools, and done right, it can bring new dynamics and conflicts to the table, and I think Trixie is an example of those things being done well for the most part. But, to be fair, I'm more a fan of the version of her in my head and the implications of her existence and how that relates to other characters, namely Erica (who I'm sure you know I love very much).
She's fascinating as a foil to Erica, because, adjusted for the obvious personality differences, she's analogous to what Erica would have been if she hadn't been so deeply thrown into spying, and she is either an example that there is a way a Hale can exist as a mostly well adjusted person or (due to her hyper awareness of all the secrets that everyone her is clearly keeping) proof that something is more fundamentally wrong in that family beyond just espionage. The first one, you could tie into Zoe, and how she’s kind of been going off the rails and joining DADD, and the second you could tie into how all the Hales are some varying combination of socially inept and horrible people, both of which are interesting directions!
The dynamic between the Hale sisters has so much potential, and I'm so sad that Mr. Gibbs didn't mean into that more and leaned more into the Mike/Trixie, which I'm much more meh on (don't hate it, I understand it's purpose in terms of driving things forward in SSAS, but that's not what's interesting.
On the one hand, we have someone who Erica cares deeply about, and it’s set up in such a way that the fact that we haven’t heard of her up until this point undermines it, but rather is a testament to it. Trixie is someone  who she needs to protect, because Trixie can’t protect herself. There’s also the plus side in these two books (although it really doesn’t become obvious as a plus until SSPX), that they’re never in the same room and have to interact, so we can infer the specifics of what the relationship looks like.
Also, through Trixie, we have a single character who doesn’t view Erica as a spy, which means that she’s not seeing the cool stuff Erica at all or what she does see isn’t in the framework that makes it cool. (e.g. she’s probably aware that Erica has a crazy good memory, but without it coming into play on something already cool, it comes across less as this incredibly useful skill and more as a fun party trick.) So what does she see? Probably something like a complete nerd. Terribly socially awkward, no friends. Or, rather, one friend. Trixie is Erica’s friend. Which means it makes sense when Trixie says she’s protective of Erica at the end of SSR. There is a massive gap between how everyone in the series perceives Erica and how Trixie perceives Erica, and Trixie’s way is probably closer to who Erica actually is as a person.
And I am so mad that this angle wasn’t leaned into more. You can play it for comedy, most obviously, but you can also play it for drama (there’s such a gap between who Trixie imagined Erica was and who she actually is, and it frustrates them both, but at the same time Trixie’s still seeing something real and she’s the only one who’s been able to see it).
And the fact that SSPX didn’t lean into this relationship at all is really to it’s detriment, and the big reason Erica feels OOC in SSPX, because Trixie has been fundamental to her emotional journey up until the point and we haven’t seen it get resolved.
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I want to talk about the Teen Wolf siblings, particularly their age differences.
Brett is a freshman in season 4. We don’t know how old Lori is, but later she says Brett only accepted the scholarship at Devenford if they would accept her as well. This means either Devenford includes some middle school as well as high school, Lori was smart enough to skip a grade or two, Brett and Lori are 9 months apart, or they’re twins. It’s also possible she’s a couple years younger and was only recently accepted, but since he bargained for her from the beginning, I don’t think it’s as likely.
Based on the short audio clips from “Motel California” it sounds like Boyd and Alicia were close in age, both pretty young, but when we see her body she looks a little older. I would assume he’s older since he was in charge of watching her.
Malia and Kylie were close in age based on the framed photo in her room. In “Ghosted” Kylie has mysteriously aged from about 7 to about 12. Though this is likely due to forgetting information and not caring enough to fact check their own work.
The same could be said for Theo and Tara. They seem to be close in age, but the actresses playing Tara look like different ages. I would guess in season 5 flashbacks she was 11 or 12 when Theo was 9, but in season 6 she looks 17.
Isaac is 16 in season 2 and Camden would have been 24. There is a discrepency unless I’m missing something. Since season 2 is early in the year I’m willing to bet Camden would be 25 later in the year. If Isaac is 16 and Camden would be 24, that’s an 8 year gap. But if he graduated in 2006, he was born in 1988 and is approximately 6 years older. There’s no concrete evidence of when either of their birthdays are, so perhaps Isaac’s birthday is before Camden’s and there’s a short period of time the gap is 7 years. The calendar puts his birthday in February.
Kate said that growing up Chris always tried to make her look like the bad guy.  In 3B Chris says he was 18-years-old 24 years ago putting Chris’s birth year about 1969. Kate was born in 1983. That is a 14 year gap. Either she exaggerated or lied, which I would believe, or Chris was an incredibly shitty brother, which I would also believe. Could you imagine 17 year old Chris blaming 3 year old Kate for him coming home late one night or breaking their mom’s favorite vase?
We don’t know how old Gerard is. Alexander was 27 when he died. Alexander was 19/20 years older than Chris, so Gerard was probably in his early to mid twenties when Chris was born. A lot of actors’ ages coincide with their character’s approximate age. Michael Hogan was born in 1949, so if Gerard is around his age, he’s 20 years older than Chris and 34 years older than Kate. But then he would one year older than Alexander. Not impossible, but he is likely older.
Hayden is about 16 in season 5 because she can drive. The youngest a cop can be is 20, so at the very least Clark is 4 years older. It sounds like Clark had been her guardian for a while, so the gap is likely larger.
If we are going to believe the “In Memorium��� video from MTV, Laura was born in 1982 and Peter was born in 1976. We never actually know how old Derek is. Jeff said his ID, putting his birthday in November 1988, was fake, but why? What is the significance of it being fake? It served no purpose and I think Jeff just wanted to fuck with us. Especially because it’s not canon in the show, he said it outside of the show. And if we believe the calendar that makes Derek a Christmas baby, why would he make himself only a month and a half older?
I’m going to assume Derek was “with” Kate leading up closely to the fire, meaning late 2004. If Derek was 16, or almost 16 if his birthday is Christmas, that would put his birthday in 1988. So in the pilot he’s 22. In the script he was meant to be 19 but then he was aged up because Jeff thought it was more important to traumatize him than find a way around it. In 3A Cora says she’s 17, which would put them at a 5 year gap. Laura is 6 years older than Derek and 11 years older than Cora. And if Cora was 11 by January of 2005, she was born in 1993.
I don’t know if this is canon or fanon that Talia raised Peter. Regardless, he is about 5 years older than Laura, 12 years older than Derek, and 17 years older than Cora. But Talia would have to be at the youngest 8 years older than Peter, and that’s if she had Laura at 13. In “Visionary” she appears to be about mid-forties. If this is within a year of the fire, then Peter is 26/27. The gap between Peter and Talia could range from 8 to 20 years.
I’m just so interested in these dynamics.
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hyperchondriacsong · 7 months
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< Come Wander With Me >
(About Sunset motel: "...that's where they go when everything goes to shit.")
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froguemorgue · 3 months
writing again now that i'm mostly done with moving stuff. ummmmm check out this amrev hamilton/laurens time travel (inter-dimensional travel, really?) thing ive been writing and actually updating weekly (wow) on ao3 in which we genuinely go from "cogito ergo sum. How could one deny that these hands and that my whole body exist?" to "Alex my man what's up you look like shit lmao" ummm excerpt of chapter 1 below the cut:
Sweating and tired of pacing, Alexander dug out his clothes from the luggage. He inspected the uniform with a sigh. He didn't fully understand how this worked and it had been a while since he found himself in his version of America. He had three vials of the doses of herbs, he had his military coat, and he had his map. He was as prepared as he could be.
The dressing process was more of a chore than he remembered. Shirt, socks, britches, cravat, boots, waistcoat, belt, sword, revolver, coat, cloak. He'd discovered that it was much less time consuming to wear jeans, boots, a shirt, a belt, and jacket, all without those pesky buttons, irritating queue in his hair, the powdering process, so on and so forth. When he finished, he grabbed the bitters from the bedside table. He downed a dose, held his breath and backed up against the motel bed, felt himself become dizzier until he passed out.
He never knew how much time had passed when he awoke. The air was sticky, hot. He wasn't sure of his surroundings - he was outside. Like a madman he wandered until he found where he was supposed to be.
Well, until he found a horse.
Then he was on his way. In the twentieth century, he'd traveled as close as he could to the battlefield where Laurens met his death. Apparently the motel he was staying in was merely woods about two hundred years prior. No matter; the navigation, a more difficult task, was now completed. He had made a map for himself before departure on his journey to Combahee River.
Alexander had awoken by himself in an unfamiliar room and it took nearly a week of solving that mystery before he accepted the change. He remembered what had happened to him before he came to in this world, but the details were murky. He had been meeting one of his spies in enemy territory. The contact had slipped him a vial with a paper pasted on, and in handwriting so small they had to use a glass lens to magnify it: "Tempus Edax Rerum | A taste to Me | a Halt to Cruelty | Pro Permutavi." He had found it in the coat of a British captain, stating he had no clue what it was and joked that they each dab their fingers then dose their tongues. Alexander called him stupid and confiscated the vial. He'd take it to camp, see if any of the doctors or herbalists might recognize the bitter scent. Likely poison, he'd chided his spy. Don't be foolish.
He asked for more information and about whether a murder plot might have to do with the corked glass, but his informant knew nothing.
That night, he drank a little more to warm himself on his brisk ride back to camp. Snow had begun to fall lightly at night but so far they'd been lucky enough to avoid a storm. The ground was frozen and in the midday it'd be slick with cold mud, but nothing his horse couldn't handle.
Alexander kept that poison as a souvenir when McHenry and Laurens couldn't identify it. A month later, his spy indicated in an encrypted letter that the Captain from whom he'd lifted the poison searched ardently for it, but quietly. It was unsure whether it was poison, medicine, or some recreational bitter. It didn't appear to be opium, McHenry had said, but perhaps something akin to it. Regardless, they wouldn't put it to the test, not even on an animal. Any meat they could get a hold of as winter came upon their heads should not risk contamination.
Alexander had married Elizabeth a year prior, losing Laurens in the process, as far as he could tell. He wondered on occasion whether that mysterious vial could cure him better than marrying a woman. It had a pull to it. It had a strong, indescribable power. He tried to ignore it. He even considered dumping it the river or shattering it upon a rock. It seemed to control him, enticing him every time his hand moved through the leather bag he kept it in.
He had gotten to the point he'd written down the script about a hundred times: Time eats all. A taste is a halt to cruelty. For change.
He'd take it out on occasion and let its scent waft into his nose. He had Eliza, but Laurens was gone so often he worried for his safety. He had his son, but that bundle of joy couldn't yet speak.
And then Laurens died. The joy left his body in a sudden cold rush and he couldn't stand it. He wasn't a coward, did not intend to die now for he had a child he wanted to see grow up. He wouldn't be like Laurens, who left behind his own kin. He would do what he had to in order to let the love and the loss pass through him as he always did. A night of alcohol, a week of work, a weekend with his family, a week of work, another night, another day, over and over as the bottle he'd stashed in the trunk made his ears ring and his vision go blurry. It was the silence, maybe. The hours of staring at paper by candlelight. The sleepless nights. Maybe it was the letters he couldn't seem to bring himself to burn. Maybe it was the scent of Laurens on them, intangible and faded but could have been true once.
Maybe it was the devil in that liquid he should have smashed to pieces over a year ago when his spy slipped it to him, or the alcohol sluggishly pulling him from his work and instead to his knees in front of the fireplace, clutching his own uniform, pulling the jacket on as if he could relish, for a second more, being the boy who'd once worn it. He'd beg for more time. He reread the label of that bottle too many times for it to make sense now, but he didn't care whether it did. Alexander felt the urge to drink it regardless.
He'd awake early the next morning, disappointed by its lack of effect on his worried mind but pleased he was blessed to live another day. He'd collect his papers, stash the letters, hang up his uniform, and for once, snuff the candles that had burnt down to the table and lay beside his wife and son before the morning broke, not caring that he no longer had the mystery vial and forgetting about it to the extent that if he was reminded, he might have laughed and said he tossed it ages ago, or that drinking it had been a dream.
Well, somebody would feel glad enough to do that, anyway. Somebody would sleep next to Betsey and carry the weight of his lost love for the next twenty-two years. Alexander, the one who remembered the details of that night, the one who still clutched the bottle, would awake changed in a place time had not yet devoured him.
Alexander would then spend the next two years wasting the second chance he'd been so blessed to have. The first mystery he intended to solve when he awoke was whose room he was in.
The brick felt familiar, the large eight-paned glass was not unlike his time. This room was eerily like the one he'd lived in back in college, shared with Troup, but arranged completely differently. There were machines he was unfamiliar with, two rooms more than he recalled. He aimlessly searched everything. The brain fog was surreal. The sink had a faucet, something he was not yet acquainted with. He messed with it until water spouted and he stuck his head under, stripping the military coat first. He drank so much it forced a coughing fit. With the faucet off but still too hot despite the season, he loosened his cravat and pressed his face to the window that was as tall as he. It was a relief. There was snow and no fireplace, yet he was sweltering. He pressed his hands to the cool glass, breathing heavily, then his mind caught up with what he saw below him. How he vaguely recalled and correctly identified the machines on the street as cars, he didn't know. Alexander unlatched the window and pushed it above his head to get a better look.
Cars. What the fuck are cars? It was so strange and wonderful that he was captivated for much longer than any normal person should be captivated by cars. He watched the people below in their strange outfits, leashed dogs of many different breeds, the honking, the yelling. Skinny trees lined the pavement but they were startlingly scarce. He looked up at the sky as it began to snow lightly, much like the night he had acquired the vial.
Pro permutavi. Was it he who had been altered or was it the world around him?
Alexander slammed the window shut and turned from it feverishly. He began to search through his bedroom - was it his? It must be, there were pictures of himself on the dresser. He recognized the people in them clear as day, far better than painted portraits. In one, he found his face among classmates he recognized, Troup included. In another, his mother. He grabbed it and his hand squeezed the frame. So many years had passed since she went that he hardly remembered what she looked like, but that was her. If this was his room, it was unlike him to have displayed her, to recall the pain every time he was forced to see it.
The clothes he donned now did not fit the world around him. Though he couldn’t articulate why, he undressed, folded them up, stuffed them in the bottom drawer, and searched for something new. Underwear as this world knew it did not exist in his world, yet he knew to pull them onto his body before he found socks thicker and shorter than he was used to, the material more pliant and fitted. There were slacks in his dresser that were pleated in the front and were cut at his ankles. He found a loose linen shirt, tucked it in, and searched the room until he could find a belt and shoes to match. His hair was shorter in these photos, shorter at the top and the sides, curly and unkempt. His own was still long, he observed of himself in the mirror. He wandered through the apartment again until he found the bathroom.
The bath looked different from how he thought it would. There was a pipe that ran to the top and an overhead spout. The tub was covered by a curtain. When he drew it back, he saw it was full of water that was cool to the touch. Beside it on the floor was a small bottle on its side with white pills spilled and a tall cylinder glass with traces of brown liquor sticking in the bottom. Not understanding the implication, Alexander stared uncomfortably before leaving the bathroom.
Then began the speaking aloud to himself. That part wasn’t out of character, he’d always done that to memorize or rehearse, on occasion to comb through his thoughts with an animal that couldn’t respond. “I am Alexander.”
He searched the apartment as his muttering turned to conversation volume. He opened cabinet after cabinet. “Who am I? What am I doing here? I am Alexander.” He touched his chest, shoulders, then crossed his hands over his body to hold his upper arms. “Cogito, ergo sum. ‘Perhaps the senses deceive us when it is a question of very small and distant things. Still, there are many other matters which one certainly cannot doubt, though they derive from the very same senses: that I am…’ standing here before this window,” he spoke, looking again at the people below as he forced the window open again and propped it with a short block of wood on the sill, “…wearing my… trousers and shirt… that I feel this…” he scooped a small and unsatisfying piece of snow from the outside, “ice in my hands, and so on. ‘How could one deny that these hands and that my whole body exist? Unless, perhaps, I should compare myself to insane people…’”
Alexander dropped the snow and watched it plop below, narrowly missing a person with a great big coat. She glanced upwards but only assumed the ice must have slipped itself.
He began to whisper again. “‘Right now I am certainly gazing upon this street with my eyes wide awake. I extend this hand consciously and deliberately and I feel it. And yet… I have been deceived by similar thoughts on other occasions in my dreams. That said, perhaps there are not definite signs to distinguish being awake from being asleep. This astonishment almost convinces me that I am sleeping.’ Am I asleep?” He pinched his own arm as hard as he could until the pain was unbearable. “I think I would have awoken from that. And… ‘things seen in sleep are like painted images which could have only been produced in the likeness of things, which therefore cannot be imaginary things.’ And I don’t think I could have dreamed this, then, unless I’ve seen it before, and I don’t remember seeing it before. Therefore I must be awake. I am awake.” He left the window again and the steam he’d left on the pane from his hurried speech. “Damn it, Descartes, help me out here.
Just then, a knock came upon the door. He startled and panicked for a moment. Alexander imagined something evil on the other side, a new creature unimagined by him before but evidently real in this realm. His hands trembled as they reached for the door, but when he yanked it open, the chain up top stopped it. He had to mess with it for a good twenty seconds before he figured out how to free it from its sliding lock.
No creature but Robert Troup stood at the door, wearing clothes that fit him better than the ones Alexander was used to seeing him in, with colors more bright and a coat better suited for the weather than the green cloak he’d always worn.
“Alex, man, what’s up?” he said as he entered without invitation. Alexander couldn’t help but glance upwards before he realized it must be a rhetorical question, a greeting. “Seriously, you don’t look good. Probably because it’s so drafty in here.” Rob crossed the room to close the window. “You good to go?”
“Where are we going?” asked Alexander.
“I know, I know, it’s still early, but I promised you coffee. Why are all the cabinets open?” he asked distractedly as he began to close them all. “I told you I wasn’t leaving any of my food for you. Get your coat. And a sweater. I can see your nips, the hell. I have to use the bathroom if you don’t mind. Where’s it at?” he joked. Alexander pointed. Rob made a face. “Uh-huh. Get dressed, I’ll be out in a sec.”
Alexander turned dumbly to his room to find something to put over his clothes. Sweater. Sweater. He searched until he found a brown one hanging up in a closet no deeper than his forearms. He found a coat slung over a desk chair and pulled that on, too.
When Alexander emerged, Rob was done in the bathroom and had an uneasy air about him.
first three chapters published!
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i-needserotonin · 1 year
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All I know is, one of us was supposed to kill the other Isn't that what they mean when they say 'lovers'?
| Children In A Motel "Ethel Cain | Pope Alexander "Crywank | Bloodsport " Yves Olade |The Gun Song "Car Seat Headrest |
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craetor · 1 year
Character themed playlists
| Death Note
Based on vibes. Glad i vibe with several genres to be able to make these accurate.
Light Yagami
•K.Flay - The President Has A Sex Tape
•Yonaka - Teach Me To Fight
•Saint Motel - A Good Song Never Dies
•Florence & the Machine - Seven Devils (yes indeed, i'm goth.)
•Penelope Scott - Lotta True Crime (slowed)
•Forrest Day - Sleepwalk ('d make a banger headcanon)
•Glass Animals - Black Mambo
•Glass Animals - Toes
•Øfdream - Thelema
•The Neighborhood - Reflections
•The Neighborhood - You Get Me So High (slowed)
•The Weeknd - After Hours (slowed) god i feel so bad adding the weekend everytime
•Sia - Snowman
•Labrinth - Mount Everest
Beyond Birthday
•The Scott Bradlee’s postmodern jukebox ft. Haley Reinhart - Seven Nation Army
•Sin Shake Sin - Lunatics And Slaves
•Glass Animals - Flip
•The Neighborhood - Wires
•Doja Cat - Rules (slowed) (just because he'd definitely show up to Any inviation in lil nas x-style cowboy fit...Unprovoked.)
Jeepers Creepers in the foot note for goofs and gaffes
Naomi Misora
•The Pretty Reckless - Why'd You Bring A Shotgun To The Party
•Alexander Rybak - Leave Me Alone (slowed)
•Brian Jonestown Massacre - Anemone
•*insert french tango about telling an admirer she's a sassy aroace kinda gal*
•Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus
•The Unlikely Candidates - Violence (might be a bit insensitive toward the depth of his character to put this here but i sorta like the vibe for him)
•Arctic Monkeys- Teddy Picker (probably reflects Mello's view better than Near's)
That being said, feel free to give some Mello themed song recommendations in comments, asks etc.
•Glass Animals - Walla Walla
•Magdalena Bay - Dream Catching
•Magdalena Bay - Secrets (your fire) (actually fits L a lot better but i don't have the balls)
•Magdalena Bay - How to Get Physical (sped up)
•Arctic Monkeys - D is for Dangerous
•LSD - Genius (sped up)
•Glass Animals - Wyrd
•Melanie Martinez - Pity Party
•Penelope Scott - Rät
•MGMT - Little Dark Age
You've seen my art of him. "A" might stand for "asset" or "attempt" but it also stands for "altruistic asshole running on anti-depressants"
Sorry, don't think I could do Matt justice, but check out Person In The Mirror (Naethan Apollo) & Devil's Advocate (The Neighborhood) as a coy suggestion. The more sassy sped up & slowed down versions respectively might make this choice feel more tactful..
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John Robinson Born: July 25, 1935, Chicago, IL Physique: Husky Build
John Alexander Robinson is a former American football player and coach best known for his two stints as head coach of the University of Southern California (USC) football team (1976–1982, 1993–1997) and for his tenure as head coach of the NFL’s Los Angeles Rams (1983–1991). Robinson’s USC teams won four Rose Bowls and captured a share of the national championship in the 1978 season. Robinson is one of the few college football head coaches to have non-consecutive tenure at the same school. In 2009, he was elected to the College Football Hall of Fame.
Another coach from back in day that I watched on my sideline safaris. I his daddy prime, Robinson was a handsome man and if you look closely you will note that he has a ferociously furry chest. Married with six children. This is the kind of man I could spend hours in some cheap motel with. Look at him, he looks like he could've given you a good ass pounding.
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kyotocosmology · 1 year
Books about game design but not really but really
Collecting my suggestions & others' from a twitter thread (remember those?)
Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino Pilgrim in the Microworld, David Sudnow Breathing Machines, Leigh Alexander Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Gabriel Garcia Marquez Einstein’s Dreams, Alan Lightman An Inventory of Losses, Judith Schalansky Visit to a Small Planet, Elinor Fuchs (https://web.mit.edu/jscheib/Public/foundations_06/ef_smallplanet.pdf) Noises Off, Michael Freyn Influence, Robert Cialdini Ficciones, Jorge Luis Borges Wonderbook, Jeff VanderMeer Pale Fire, Vladimir Nabokov The Westing Game, Ellen Raskin Motel of the Mysteries, David Macaulay Ghost Stories for Darwin, Banu Subramaniam (esp. “Singing the Morning Glory Blues”) Batman: The Animated Series Writer’s Bible (https://dcanimated.com/WF/batman/btas/backstage/wbible/) Dictionary of the Khazars, Milorad Pavić The Passion, Jeannette Winterson Rainbows End, Vernon Vinge Cat’s Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut Between the Acts, Virginia Woolf Where Did You Go? Out. What Did You Do? Nothing., Robert Paul Smith A Telling of the Tales, William J. Brooke Finishing The Hat & Look, I Made A Hat, Stephen Sondheim Finite and Infinite Games, James P. Cause Exercises in Style, Raymond Queneau The Design of Everyday Things, Don Norman Life: A User's Manual, Georges Perec The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood, James Gleick 7 1/2 Lessons About The Brain, Lisa Feldman Barrett
additions: Microserfs, Douglas Coupland The Eyes of the Skin, Juhani Pallasmaa House of Leaves, Mark Z. Danielewski Piranesi, Susanna Clarke
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duchess-of-tales · 1 year
23 books in 2023
I was tagged by @motherofkittens94 Thank you very much! I really like reading, but I have a tendency to avoid books if I decided to read them. Now the year is closer to the end and I can give an almost certain list about what I read and what I want to read. I read the first 16 books (and some comics and other things) and I plan to read the books between 17-23
A. N. Wilson: Victoria: A Life
Tracy Borman: Matila: Queen of the Conqueror
Agatha Christie: They Do it with Mirrors
Alexander Larman: The Crown in Crisis
Nicola Tallis: Uncrowned Queen: The Fateful Life of Margaret Beaufort
Daisy Dunn: In th Shadow of Vesuvius: A Life of Pliny
Fannie Flagg: Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
Maggie O’Farrel: Hamnet
Giles Tremlett: Isabella of Castile: Europe's First Great Queen
Charles Dickens: Bleak House
Sylvia Barbara Soberton: Forgotten Tudor Women, Margaret Douglas, Mary Howard, Mary Shelton
Thomas Penn: Winter King, The Dawn of Tudor England
Jane Austen: Persuassion
Dan Jones: Summer of Blood, The Peasant's Revolt of 1381
Simone St. James: The Sun Down Motel
Sarah Gristwood: Arbella: England’s Lost Queen
Rivka Galchen: Everyone Knows Your Mother is a Witch
Philomena Cunk: Cunk on Everything: The Encyclopedia Philomena
Jon Klassen: The Skull: A Tyrolean Folktale
Derek Wilson: In the Lion’s Court: Power, Ambition, and Sudden Death in the Reign of Henry VIII
Agatha Christie: Murder ont he Orient Express
Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None
Henry James: The Turn of the Screw
So far my favourite is In the Shadow of Vesuvius, can't recommend it enought, beautifully written history.
I am tagging @leer-reading-lire @mrs-storm-andrews @we-artemis-atenea and of course everyone else who would like to do this list :).
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miras-false-pr0phet · 6 months
I Paired Songs with Every Single Animal Dance in Animal Jam Classic
This doesn't include the patterned versions, like Snowflake Arctic Wolf, Autumn Coyote, Jamaaliday Deer, etc.
BIG ol' list with song links below!
BY THE WAY: Most of these songs are probably explicit! I was focusing mostly on unique takes, beats/BPM, and just general goodness.
Arabian Horse - FΛSHION (Britney Manson)
Arctic Fox - All Men Are Pigs (Studio Killers)
Arctic Wolf - The Night (Voltaire)
Bunny - Fine (Lemon Demon)
Camel - Animal (*repeat repeat)
Cheetah - 8 now (food house)
Clydesdale Horse - Here Comes the Hotstepper (Ini Kamoze)
Cougar - Imma Be (Black Eyed Peas)
Coyote - Crank It Up (Joey Valence & Brae)
Crocodile - Good Vibrations (Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch)
Deer - Hey Ya! (Outkast)
Direwolf - Rock It For Me (Caravan Palace)
Dolphin - Booty Swing (Parov Stelar)
Eagle - Lay All Your Love On Me (ABBA)
Elephant - Rasputin (Boney M)
Falcon - The Outside (Twenty One Pilots)
Fennec Fox - Let's Groove (Earth, Wind & Fire)
Flamingo - Funkytown (Lipps Inc.)
Fox - Break It Down Again (Tears For Fears)
Giraffe - still feel. (half•alive)
Goat - Get It Right (Left Boy)
Great Horned Owl - Say It Right [Violin] (Joel Sunny)
Horse - Pretty Ugly (Tierra Whack)
Hyena - Genghis Khan (Miike Snow)
Kangaroo - High (Sir Sly)
Koala - Call This # Now (The Garden)
Lemur - Monkey Tree (Mother Mother)
Lion - Talking, Sleeping, Waiting (JHAS)
Llama - Dancin [KRONO Remix] (Aaron Smith)
Lynx - Upside Down (Oliver Tree)
Monkey - Cool City (Danny Elfman)
Moose - Americano (Lady Gaga)
Octopus - Tennis Court (Lorde)
Otter {Land} - Reflections (MisterWives)
Otter {Underwater} - Sharks (Imagine Dragons)
Owl - Lost In The Rhythm (Jamie Berry)
Panda - Bulletproof (La Roux)
Penguin {Land} - Deceptacon (Le Tigre)
Penguin {Underwater} - My Type (Saint Motel)
Pig - Null 2 (Graham Kartna)
Polar Bear {Land} - Boreas (The Oh Hellos)
Polar Bear {Underwater} - Death Is A Girl (Mini Mansions)
Raccoon - Drunk-Dazed (ENHYPEN)
Red Panda - Space Ghost Coast To Coast (Glass Animals)
Rhinoceros - Birthday Suit (Cosmo Sheldrake)
Sabertooth - Demigod (KT Tunstall)
Sea Turtle - 90210 [Acoustic Ver.] (blackbear)
Seal {Land} - Shotgun (George Ezra)
Seal {Underwater} - Shotgun (George Ezra)
Shark - Wriggle [Edit] (Cosmo Sheldrake)
Sheep - Droopy Likes Your Face (C418)
Skunk - The Russian Music Box (Soon Hee Newbold)
Sloth - Burn The House Down (AJR)
Snow Leopard - Circular Road (Heathers)
Tiger - American Money (BØRNS)
Toucan - Riptide [FlicFlac Remix] (Vance Joy)
Wolf - Roll with the Wind (Alexander Rybak)
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russnightlife · 1 year
For those who need it: a full list of every name in Toast of London. Credit here:
Full list of character names from the Toast of London Universe:
Steven Toast
Jane Plough
Ray Purchase
Kenton Schweppes
Ed Hauser Black
Cliff Promise
Clem Fandango
Kikini Bamalam
Beezuz Fafoon
Susan Random
Jemima Gina
Kika Brite
Acker Herron
Greta Cargo
Royce Coolidge
Mr Fasili
Ellen Toast
Mick Carriage
Howard Bugawitz
Martin Aynuss
Senna Poddington
Ricky Seasack
Derek Sibling
Danny Bear
Portia De Coogan
Thomas Ledger
Strawberry Wrathbone
Lord Fotheringham
Toby Hopkinson-Finch
Blair Toast
Commander Scott Gorham
Russel House
Chris Bread
Roy Highnock
Sookie Houseboat
Brooke Hooberman
Yvonne Wryly
Kate Kahn
Hamilton Meathouse
Poshdong Mingemuncher
Nick Swivney
Wendy Nook
Linda Praise
Warren Organ
Norris Flipjack
Duncan Clench
Bob Fennison
Mr. Cockatip
Ken Suggestion
Penny Traitor
Dennis Thwaits
Betty Pimples
Axel Jacklin
Basil Jet
Parker Pipe
Kerry Hammersnag
Sterling Porridge
Max Gland
Lindy Makehouse
Colin Skittles
Jackie Paper
Francis Bacon
Lorna Wynde
Una Length
Rob Continental
Sue Pressure
Peggy Plywood
Scott Chesnut
Rupert Howser Black
Col. Gonville Toast
Clancy Moped
Vic Titball
Pookie Hook
Bob Monkhouse
Larry Muggins
Dennis Fog
Derek Bildings
Shane Fulorgy
Frank Zammer
Ormand Sacker
Varity Map
Bill Purchase
Tony Excalibur
Champion House
Cocker Boo
Michael Prance
Church Weaver
Heathcote Pursuit
Kay Tightneck
Iqbal Achieve
Basil Watchfair
Nan Slack
Peanut Whistle
Dick Weerdly
Sal Commotion
Giuseppe Race
Howard Blackcap
Daz Klondike
Sola Mirrornek
Sue Pepkins
Neil Doobla-Decca
Des Wigwam
Dr Harold Shitman
Les Tipi
Chris Marquee
Rob Scouthut
Russ Nightlife
Kenny Ethnic
Hercule Razamataz
Ray Sober
Romley Compton
Dwight Difference
Billy Tarzana
Nina Armenian
Edward Fox
Shepherd Jerbîl
Professor Map
Sonny Sam Disco
Weech Beacon
Liberty Jerbil
Ben Egyptian
Jennifyer Madraass
Will Willis
Phyllis Willis
Richard Chickentoss
Hoop Kaaak
Ms Wisehunt
Mrs Greenflash
Bellender Bojangles
Old Timer Bill
Wildcat Lil
Doc Brown
Rusty Halloween
Agent Saucepan
Sorry Johnson
Kelsey Perfume
Frank Succession
Tycoon Lancaster
Jesus Bond
August Burdock
Clint Legal
Tony Fabrizio
Hawk Fahrenheit
Mews Frumpty
Frank Forfolk
Chelsea Bladdersby
Oswald Mosley
Kate Lethargy
Fancy Alexander
Dinky Critenbers
Pig Shovely
Billy Stylish
Sir Norman Brocktight
Basil Stillborn
Kimberly Banana
DI Leonard Chaffich
Una Stubbs
Surely Residue
Warren Organ
Hissy Oversight
Ms. Crawshaft
Merrody Ferrybank
Allan Chance
Doug Birka
Martin Shore
Lolly Badcock
Jill Quear
Vigo Typhoon
Danny Laroux
Cool Black
S’en hammerstad
Gerald Selfish
Peter Nose
David Geurring
Haneth khorishi
Baz Ravish
Enty Strepsils
Comma Dora Green
Vaginta Staples
Aalan Aadams
Harvey Motel
Peter Thatchelwaite
Ryslip Tyres Dot Com
Donald Suckling
Stuart Pringle
Susan Bench
Cliff Stalways
Billy Sprayman
Trevor McGuelish
Earnest Gangly
Sydney Shipton
Barry Bouffant
Drayton Curfew
Septum Crowbar
Dick Circus
Liz Pulp
Rob Darby
Vanessa Fence
Vince Kendal
Mac Darby
Sally Joint
Welk Ashby
Maggie Gail
David Hammod
Leo Seer
Kit Blackcheek
Jackie Kak
Howard Tissue
Albert Eichborn
Peter Swaff
Rob Bonnet
Perry Bluehouse
Lee Bacon
Connie Sheik
Cliff Bonanza
Rula Bingo
Oliver Whasson
Watkins Winchester
Warwick Kineer
Ruth Lingum
Adam Haalal
Lionel Harshmaker
Gary the Plumber
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evillivesheree · 12 days
Tumblr media
River, they/them. 18 + mun is 31.
Other Blogs ; @firebloodicee @mutantmuses @verylastone
Starter Calls ; Memes ;
Rules & Muses below
Rules ; 1. don't be a dick, please & thank you. 2. this is one of many rp blogs i have so please don't rush me with replies, i do my best to get to everyone when i can. 3. i do rp smut but not with anyone under 18. 4. of course you don't have to follow me back but if you don't i will unfollow and block you so i don't forget and try to refollow you. xD 5. all the muses will be 21+ & there is a good chance most of them will be at least bi. 6. i am a shipping whore. i love to ship like no tomorrow & there is a good chance that i ship the same ships you do. but please DO NOT force a ship on me. 7. i tend to keep updating my muse list so please keep that in mind. normally when i add a muse on the list i will make a post about it. 8. please have fun & if you have any questions please feel free to message me <3 --------------------------- Muse LIST ! TV SHOWS ; AHS ; Nora Montgomery FC ; Lily Rabe Dr. Oliver Thredson FC ; Zachary Quinto Lana Winters FC ; Sarah Paulson Sister Mary Eunice FC ; Lily Rabe Cordelia Goode FC ; Sarah Paulson Misty Day FC ; Lily Rabe = Bates Motel ; Norma Bates FC ;Vera Farmiga = Buffy The Vampire Slayer ; Buffy Summers FC ; Sarah Michelle Gellar Drusilla FC ; Juliet Landau Faith Lehane FC ; Eliza Dushku Tara Maclay ; FC ; Amber Beson Willow Rosenberg FC ; Alyson Hannigan = Dracula{ 2013 } Alexander Grayson { Dracula } FC; Jonathan Rhys Meyers Mina Murray FC ; Jessica De Gouw Lady Jayne Wetherby FC ; Victoria Smurfit Lucy Westenra FC ; Katie McGrath = The Fall ; Stella Gibson FC ; Gillian Anderson
= Hannibal ;
Bedelia Du Maurier FC ; Gillian Anderson Hannibal Lecter FC ; Meds Mikelsen = Haunting of Hill House ; Nell Crain FC ; Victoria Pedretti Theodora "Theo" Crain FC ; Kate Siegel Olivia Crain FC ; Carla Gugino = The Haunting of Bly Manor ; Dani Clayton FC ; Victoria Pedretti = Penny Dreadful ; Vanessa Ives FC ; Eva Green = True Blood ; Sookie Stackhouse FC ; Anna Paquin Pamela Swynford De Beaufort FC ; Kristin Bauer Sophie-Anne Leclerq FC ; Evan Rachel Wood = The X-Files ; Dana Scully FC ; Gillian Anderson Fox Mulder FC ; David Duchovny ===== MOVIES ; The Silence of the Lambs ; Clarice Starling FC ; Jodie Foster
= Underworld ; Selene FC ; Kate Beckinsale = Van Helsing ; Anna Valerious FC ; Kate Beckinsale ====== Games ; Silent Hill ; Lisa Garland FC ; UNKNOW { help me find one ? } = Resident Evil ; Lady Dimitrescu FC ; Lana Parrilla
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