#alibaba x aladdin
Some Of The Magi Characters Seeing Someone Offer Free Hugs
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Characters: Aladdin, Morgiana, Alibaba, Sinbad, Masrur, Judar
Warnings: Perverted behavior
Paring: Characters x GN Reader
Notes: None
Summary: Someone’s offering free hugs! Will the characters accept? And if so, how will it go?
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- Okay. It could go well, or it could not go well
- That all depends on how much titty you got
- He’ll happily hug you but if you got boobage then he won’t let go and will literally suffocate himself in public
- He walks away happy either way
- When this person approaches her and asks if she wants a hug, she’s a little confused but shyly accepts
- She kinda just stands there during the hug with her cheek puffed up from them holding her against them
- She looks super cute and is very huggable but she has to be in the mood for her to give good hugs
- She doesn’t mind it though and walks away with a tiny smile
Alibaba Saluja
- He’s a bit confused because he’s all like: “You wanna hug me? Really?”
- But he accepts and if you’re a female then he accepts with a blush on his face
- He’s a bit awkward but only because he’s still processing it
- He brightens up a bit after that but if you’re female then he won’t stop bragging to people
- This man would gratefully accept but even more so if you’re a female
- He’s confident during it and gives a secure and warm hug
- If you’re female then he’ll hold you a bit closer and longer
- He’ll leave you craving for more with his irritatingly gorgeous smirk and charming nature
- He doesn’t hug people
- Unless they’re a female who has big boobs
- He’s stiff during the hug too but if you’re the lucky, well endowed female then he might relax a little
-Doesn’t care much after
- Only if he’s interested in you
- Otherwise, tough luck
- He’ll smirk and give a side hug that feels a bit threatening depending on who you are
- He leaves after like two seconds to go annoy someone
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radioactivesweet · 1 year
Hey, can I request a from Alibaba and Aladdin with an older brother/sister
tbh I'd love to have Aladdin as a younger brother 🥹🥹🥹 he is such a sweetheart
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Alibaba perceives you differently from his brothers, Ahbmad and Sahbmad, who treated him with disgust or indifference. Ever since he moved into the royal palace of Balbadd, you were the only one among his siblings who actually acknowledged him as a brother, which he was grateful for. You quickly get close to each other and start treating him a younger brother - you couldn't care less whether you had different mother or the fact that he grew up in the slums and you in the royal palace. Despite everything, it was easy for you to get immediately attached to him. Compared to the relationship you shared with Ahbmad and Sahbmad, you considered Alibaba to be your brother much more than those two, whom you only shared a last name with. The same way you treat him as you younger brother, he starts seeing you an older sibling, a figure he didn't know he was lacking till the day he met you. Despite being treated with harshness and comptept by the others at the palace, Alibaba knew he could rely on you, asking you for advice whenever he needed it. You weren't going to refuse to help him, he was sure of it. On the other hand, he felt guilty and didn't want to bother you, almost feeling unworthy of your attention. Once you confronted him on the topic though, he started being much more straight-forward towards you. Once he grew accustomed to the habits of the royal palace and getting used to being an actual prince of Balbadd, your relationship doesn't change much. Two siblings, sometimes quarreling and teasing each other, other days being the closest of friends, gossipping and confiding secrets and insecurities. Alibaba though can't help but keep you distant - he doesn't want you to see him as a whining little child, he wants you to know he's strong and that he can survive on his own, without relying on you anytime he goes through some challenges. He looks up to you and wants you to be proud of him.
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Aladdin got close to you in a similar way to how he got attached to the Kouga clan, it was almost istinctive of him, being drawn to your feelings of affection. After living on his own for so long, with Ugo as his only companion, he was excited to meet someone like you. He may appear kinda clingy from the outside - and he sort of his - but it's just his way of experimenting a world he doesn't belong in. He loves seeing how easily you move in this world, how you seem to know everything he doesn't. Aladdin sees you as someone he can learn from, who will hold his hand if he ever needs it. Aladdin didn't know how it felt to have a sibling before meeting you and he's not even completely sure yours is a sibling-like relationship- It doesn't really matter to him though - he feels safe when you are with him and all the fears residing in his heart seem to dissipate when he remembers you're there to encourage him. Even when you are far away, Aladdin knows he can rely on you, that you'll be there when he needs it the most. Everything feels new to him and sometimes he doesn't know how to react, but he is sure of one thing: he loves the feeling of having a family. He is part of something, he isn't alone, not anymore.
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noogie-11 · 11 months
I may or may not have done a magi series but I don’t know if I should post….
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crunchkind · 2 years
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I’m pretty sure this scene wasn’t hinting at anything or mean anything but both alibaba and Sinbad died by the end of the mangas the mark or curse that was placed on them did what it was supposed to do in fact it’s both a sun and a moon kind of showing both of them the thing that changed is the mark so maybe the fathers curse wasn’t the black marking it was just the blood that went onto there skin but when they got rid of it it postponed it
Also if you look closely there’s hints of hakryuu in the panel when on the sun side there’s plants while the dark side or the moon side is just black kind of like how Sinbad was hollow by the end just a used body and alibaba was killed by plants a thing that had been tied to hakaryuu ever sense be captured the dungeon oh yea and let’s not mention that this is the scene we’re hakaryuus hand comes off and turns into the guy I can’t remember his name but there’s still a tie to those there just small little hints about alibabas and Sinbad death more to alibabas if anything
ALSO I’m lead to assume that the death curse has crows on the moon wich mean “transformation and change” when put into the meaning behind and this also REFERENCES Sinbad being that before this jafar and Sinbad discussed that change is inevitable
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And you can see how the toll of taking the power Sinbad wanted so badly is changing and “transforming” him into something he doesn’t wanna be he didn’t want this THAGS why he’s so bothered so tired he knows what he’s doing and he can’t stop he on a power trip that nobody can stop unless he dies it’s his death curse damien is his death curse he states later that he already had a curse on him and that there was no point in cursing him if he was already cursed he was already cursed with death by the father he was upset that the curse had more of a toll then he could handle also the fact that Sinbad already died only brought back from another curse he’s kind of like a soul walking in his body but his body isn’t living
Also a thing to note that the day comes first before the night is when people look at it so it would make sense for alibaba to die first not Sinbad because night comes after day it also makes sense why aliabab came back and Sinbad could come back yea but as a soul as rukh and that was because he was always a soul pretty much but without his armpit protecting him alibaba however only cursed once was able to have control over his body as much as his mind and I feel like this happened with Sinbad the first time but the second it just didn’t work wich is why I think Sinbad is tripping or having these scenes of withdrawals of hatred towards himself because he can’t get what he wants he just keeps collecting power that he puts over as a good intention but in reality it’s no we’re near that it’s just collecting power for himself being greedy he’s become sly
The thing he never wanted to be almost like a power is controlling him and this is also the reason alibaba take it as less of a toll because alibaba already had corrupted rukh unlike Sinbad who could use a lot and I mean a lot of rukh alibaba on the other hand had a whole other thing going on because he not only has a limited supply but he’s induced or infused with kassim who was originally black rukh and black rukh plus white equals gold alibabas rukh or power force is gold in penetrable and you can say serendine did the same thing for Sinbad but it was different for Serendine and Sinbad they were connected threw the fact they had the same motives alibaba and kassim were infused because they are one in another together forever kind of thing
Sinbad showed no liking for Serendine only understanding sure she may be in sinbads body or some part but they were forced to be infused by yamarai it wasn’t there own will there rukh was actually fighting and so was damiens it’s unsure who’s rukh it was but sinbad wasn’t supposed to have black rukh he was only supposed to have one but a PEROSN who lent him there power was stuck in there body wich Had to be infused HAD to be or he would have died
This can also be used as the fact that Sinbad was never royalty we can see no matter what with djin users that they are royalty but Sinbad didn’t have that he was stranded so he forced himself up he forced the two rukhs to come together and not by themselves like alibaba and kassim who actually the roles were switched because kassim is not royalty but alibaba is so switching the roles WOULDNT matter no it does because Sinbad isn’t royal blood he lives on with blood he has no kingdom to run he is what you call climbing up to the highest ranks because he wanted to that is Sinbad THAts why he wants so much power he wants to feel the blood of a king that so many others feel
Alibaba however DOESNT have to try because she’s royalty and the person he infused with cares about him they are one and he knows that that’s why it’s so sunny for him easy for him to come back to life
BECAUSE HE IS ROYALTY AND SINBAD ISNT SINBAD USED OTHERS ALIBABA HELPED AND ITS EVEN STATED THAT ALIBABA is and will always be someone who meets helps and goes with people he doesn’t Barge threw he doesn’t try to be king it’s given to him and Sinbad wants it so bad so bad he will kill himself for it without looking back he can’t appreciate what he’s made because his mind it LIGIT playing tricks on him he’s mentally ill
Alibaba however still isn’t king he rejects it because he knows what it does to people that’s why he doesn’t claw he’s Sinbad if Sinbad wasn’t so fixated on being king on being like Serendine on getting that chance alibaba knows well what it does and rejects the idea we’ve known this sense day one he took down his king line to let the people choose he wants people to choose not just him he’s never wanted to be king he’s wanted to lead people who lead him as well THATS what separates Sinbad death curse and alibabas
Also did you know that sindrias birdight be a Pheonix a thing of freedom and yet people constantly call it corwded and suffocating as if it’s not really free as long as the king Sinbad goes down the tunnel of despair sense he met barbatos
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You can see that some of it is kind of like sinabd but also the fact that barbatoes was a lesser key to Sinbad future it’s almost like Sinbad became what barbatoes kind of was mentally I guess but in a way that shows he apart of the bloodline the sick bloodline that he clawed into just to get the status of king that alibaba rejects entirely because he says “he’s just not as cool as the rest of you” when Sinbad was saying “I’m better than all of you”
Alibaba became something he never expected wile Sinbad became exactly what he wanted
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babymagi · 2 years
Morgiana: Okay cool Hakuryuu: Hey, be safe 🥺 Morgiana: I will 🥰 Aladdin and Alibaba: ... Aladdin: bE sAfE Alibaba: I will be sO sAfE Hakuryuu: Can you guys stop? Aladdin: 😏 Hakuryuu: STOP! Aladdin: 😒 Hakuryuu: I'm gonna kill both of you Alibaba: But how would that keep us safe? 😆 Hakuryuu: 😑
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sundove88 · 2 months
Introducing Anime Ever After!!
Ever wanted to experience classic fairytales but through the lens of legendary and lesser known anime?
Well, Anime Ever After is for you!!
Synopsis: An anthropology of famous stories from around the world retold through the lens of legendary and lesser known anime, with modern twists, turns, and lessons about. From the depths of the sea in DBZ: Waves of Freedom (The Little Mermaid) to the realm beyond the clouds in One Piece: Beyond The Sky (Jack and The Beanstalk), this ever expanding treasury of tales has something for everyone.
Framing Device: An anime loving teenager is telling classic fairytales to the kids they babysit as bedtime stories- with a twist!
Side Note: Nursery Rhymes being adapted is more for Shrek. So they won’t be here- sorry about that. But they do a good job at it. This anthology is meant for readers 12 and up, due to some of the themes in some of the stories.
Btw, look for the posts that have anime ever after on them as one of their tags. Here’s the list of tales (So Far):
Dragon Ball Z: Waves of Freedom (The Little Mermaid)
My Hero Academia: Heart of Glass (Cinderella)
Attack on Titan: Red Hood (Little Red Riding Hood)
One Piece: Beyond The Sky (Jack and The Beanstalk)
Naruto: Sleeping Shadow (Sleeping Beauty)
Sword Art Online: The Match Player (The Little Match Girl)
FullMetal Alchemist: Iron Wolves (The 3 Little Pigs)
Fairy Tail: Mirrors of Deceit (Snow White)
Inuyasha: Soul of The Beast (Beauty and The Beast)
Bleach: Brushes of Fate (The Magic Paintbrush)
Fruits Basket: The 12 Dancing Zodiacs (12 Dancing Princesses)
Black Clover: The Frog Knight (The Frog Prince)
Hunter X Hunter: Spreading Your Wings (The Ugly Duckling)
Demon Slayer: Demon of The Northern Wind (The Snow Queen)
Black Butler: Beyond The Tower (Rapunzel)
Yu Yu Hakusho: Sweet Temptation (Hansel and Gretel)
Doraemon; Fearless Feline (Puss in Boots)
Gintama: Peachy Keen (Momotaro)
Sailor Moon: Lady of The Waxing Moon (Princess Kaguya)
Haikyuu: Bear-ly Faltering (Snow White and Rose Red)
Railgun: Little Warriors, Big Impacts (Thumbelina)
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All That Glitters (Rumplestiltskin)
Yu Gi Oh: Diamond in The Rough (Aladdin)
Konosuba: The Royal Test (The Princess and The Pea)
Tokyo Ghoul: The Crimson Amulet (The Red Shoes)
Akame Ga Kill: Fashion Gambit (The Emperor’s New Clothes)
Ouran High School Host Club: Wings of Perseverance (The Wild Swans)
Rurouni Kenshin: The Ronin’s Trials (The Steadfast Tin Soldier)
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan: Cage of Steel, Heart of Platinum (The Nightingale)
Cowboy Bebop: Written in The Stars (The Weaver Girl and The Cowherd)
Death Note: The Golden Pen (King Midas)
Neon Genesis Evangelion: No Strings Attached (Pinocchio)
Fate: The Chosen Sword (King Arthur)
BanG Dream!: Melody of Deceit (The Pied Piper)
Code Geass: The Princess and The Pig Man (The Swineherd)
Jujitsu Kaisen: The Light Within (The Buried Moon)
Blue Exorcist: Blazing Bonds (The Firebird)
Spy X Family: Secret of The Statue (The Happy Prince)
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic: The Enchanted Key (Alibaba and The 40 Thieves)
Re:Zero: Gilded Feathers (The Golden Goose)
Saint Seiya: Divine Trials and Godly Tribulations (The 12 Labors of Hercules)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Claws of Gold, Hearts of Gold (Goldilocks and The 3 Bears)
One Punch Man: A Hero’s Humility (King Thrushbeard)
Future Diary: Wishful Obsession (The Fisherman and His Wife)
Sket Dance: A Tale of Three Tricksters (The 3 Billy Goats Gruff)
Precure (All seasons): The Sweetest Holiday Ever (The Nutcracker)
Food Wars: A Recipe For Courage (The Brave Little Tailor)
Spice and Wolf: Against All Odds (The Princess on The Glass Hill)
Noragami: Stolen Sun (Amaterasu and The Cave)
Monogatari: Secret Confidants (The Elves and The Shoemaker)
Steins;Gate: Azure Secrets (Bluebeard)
Tokyo Revengers: Neverlanding, Never Faltering (Peter Pan)
The Promised Neverland: Emerald Truths (The Wizard of Oz)
Toriko: Sweet Pursuit (The Gingerbread Man)
Kill La Kill: A Royal Mix Up (The Prince and The Pauper)
World Trigger: The Silent Springtime (The Selfish Giant)
The Seven Deadly Sins: Curse of Shade and Malice (The Shadow)
Cardcaptor Sakura: Salt and Sugar (The Salt Princess/Cap O Rushes)
Assassination Classroom: Honeyed Words (Diamonds and Toads)
Way of The House Husband: Out of The Cage (Jorinda and Joringel)
Danganronpa The Animation (It covers all the games): Makoto in Wonderland (Alice in Wonderland)
D Gray Man: Song of The Sparkling Swan (Swan Lake)
Persona 5 The Animation: Way Down We Go (Hades and Persephone)
Soul Eater: United We Stand (The Six Who Went Far)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The 5 Magical Musketeers (The 3 Musketeers)
Aggretsuko: Four Man Band (The Bremen Town Musicians)
Tokyo Godfathers: A Holiday Journey (A Christmas Carol)
Revolutionary Girl Utena: Emotions Set Free (The Princess Who Never Smiled)
Sonic X: True, Blue, and Noble (Hans The Hedgehog)
Magiknight Rayearth: Noble Flame, Changing Tide, and Guiding Wind (The 3 Princesses of Whiteland)
A Silent Voice: Beyond All Boundaries (East of The Sun, West of The Moon)
A Whisker Away: A Feline Fairytale (The White Cat)
Your Name: A Little Bird Told Me (The Singing, Springing, Lark)
Love Live: A Fateful Adventure (Journey to The West)
Captain Tsubasa: Winging It (The Seven Ravens)
The Ancient Magus Bride: Entrapped Beauty (The Lindworm)
Overlord: Seeds of Trust (The Juniper Tree)
Delicious in Dungeon: Cooking Up Trouble (The Magic Porridge Pot)
Medaka Box: The Truth Above All (The Goose Girl)
Chainsaw Man: Demonic Assistance (The Golden Bird)
Taikobo: Legend of The Lost Kingdom (Urashima Taro)
Revue Starlight: Masked Secrets (Phantom of The Opera)
Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin: Path of The Canine (The Boy Who Cried Wolf)
Dr. Stone: Into The Wilderness (The Jungle Book)
Fire Force: The Flames of Charity (Robin Hood)
Shaman King: Mystery of The Marsh (The Marsh King’s Daughter)
Rave Master: Cloak of Secrets (Donkeyskin/Many Furs)
Ranma 1/2: Loyal, Brave, and True (Mulan)
Karakuri Circus: The House Within The Woods (Vasilisa The Brave and Beautiful)
Devilman Crybaby: Three Hairs of Gold (The Devil With 3 Golden Hairs)
The Irregular at Magic High School: Ring of Enchantments (The Bronze Ring)
Bobobo: One Hairy Tale (Prince Hyacinth)
Shakugan No Shana: Three Dogs, Three Heroes (The Tinderbox)
Nisekoi: Yellow With Affection (The Yellow Dwarf)
Kaiju No. 8: Don’t Get Salty (Why The Sea is Salty)
Kinnikuman: A Mission in Patience (The Tortoise and The Hare)
Oshi No Ko: The Price of Stardom (Little Brother and Little Sister)
Case Closed: Stolen Hearts and Stolen Fortunes (The Master Thief)
Pokemon The Series: An Electrifying Rescue (The Lion and The Mouse)
Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Animation: A Tale of a Thousand and One Nights (1,001 Arabian Nights)
Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai: A Ribbiting Adventure (The Frog Princess)
Dr. Slump: A Quacktastic Journey (Drakestail)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn: Windows to The Soul (One Eyes, Two Eyes, Three Eyes)
Kochikame: From Faux to Genuine (Don Quixote)
Yo-Kai Watch: Cat Artist Unknown (The Boy Who Drew Cats)
Kaguya-Sama: Love is War: To Love and To Be Loved (Turandot)
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Feathers of Joy (The Blue Bird)
DanMachi: Forgotten Evil Unleashed (Pandora’s Box)
Hellsing Ultimate: Blood Ties (Dracula)
Claymore: The Monster Unleashed (Frankenstein)
Thanks to @sam-rexian and @crystallinedreamsfinelypowdered for helping with some of these!
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strophalosx3 · 18 days
My straight crack ships Tekken ❤️
I've always liked to ship characters that have chemistry, things in common, that their personalities fit and not just because they've interacted once. This happens to me a lot in Tekken. That's why I have a lot of crack ships. So I'm going to describe some HC later on about why these ships can work and match.
●Bryan Fury x Azucena M. Ortiz
They're a cliche.
The popular girl x the bad boy.
The businesswoman and the loser.
The Latina and her American boyfriend.
The rich girl x the bodyguard.
They are both on Kazuya's team. She is very hyperactive and a bit crazy. But she is capable of anything to get what she wants even if it means creating chaos and destruction. She will watch from a chair with a cup of coffee. He loves chaos and loneliness. But he recognizes when a woman is strong and can be a good opponent. Another day I will write HC about them. I love them and I have already started drawing them. I want you to love them!!
●Miguel Caballero x Katarina Alves
They are both rebellious, impulsive and super sexy.
She is the popular girl and the lone wolf.
She is a supermodel and he is a rock star.
She is an office worker and he works in construction.
They both share disastrous family stories. She is alone, she lost her adoptive father, she has nothing. He lost his sister and even though he has more family he doesn't want to know about them. Sharing these experiences brings them closer until they connect in such a way that they become family. He will protect her with his life and she will not allow anything bad to happen to him. Their conversations always go beyond 3am.
I'd like to draw more of them. They look so good together.
● Shaheen x Zafina
They both speak the same language and share a culture. They are also clichés.
She is Scheherazade and Alibaba. She is Jasmine and he is Aladdin.
She is the card-reading witch and he is a frequent customer.
She is the strange girl in class who likes esotericism and he is part of the rugby team.
She loves the stars and he is an astronaut.
She is a dangerous woman, a femme fatale, a murderer and very wise. However, she has an empty, cold heart. She has suffered a lot since she was a child. He had a normal life until he lost his best friend with whom he had a strong bond. She is lonely and grey, but her esoteric life gives her happiness. Shaheen is attracted not only by her beauty, but by the curiosity and mystery she projects. He knows how to approach her, he is always careful and patient. Zafina has wounds and a broken heart because of Lars. She and Saheen become friends. Maybe one day they will live in Dubai. They both deserve to be happy.
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pan-magi · 10 months
On one hand, I hate that I'm making a vent post on this fandom blog. On the other hand, I am really annoyed and in a bad mood for unrelated reasons so I'm going to do it anyway.
I want to murder and destroy all the porn bots clogging the magi tags. It's infuriating.
"Because you follow #magi
*porn bot post*"
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No, no, no. GO TO HELL.
Magi is already a small fandom. A lot of religious and spiritual blogs also use it. Even if they don't tags things with magi exclusively, I get a lot of Madoka Magica blogs recommended to me because of the series' full name (Puella Magi Madoka Magica). Nothing against them, of course, love existential magical girls. Point being I can bet none of us give a fucking shit. Leave our small tag alone!
I could just not visit the your tags page but the "because you follow x" posts pop up on home and following regardless. And I like checking in on random tags sometimes. It helps to not miss posts from people who simply have Magi as their anime of the week or whatever.
I do hate just to make this a vent post, so I'll add some anecdotal Magi stuff that I've already been thinking to make a shit post about. Unfortunately, I have not had anymore fandom related dreams. *
I will blab about the screenshot I chose for this though. I lowkey adore that scene. Morgiana just casually kidnapping her friend, so they can talk it out. (For reference, it's when she meets Alibaba in the Fog Troupe hideout and then just picks him up and leaves).
The funny thing is, they're not really friends at this point? Out of the trio and their relationships so far, Alibaba and Morgiana haven't had much time together. Morg is grateful that Alibaba freed her, yet I'll say they both are better friends with Aladdin right now.
Morgiana does bring this up. Her reasoning for taking Alibaba is so that he can talk to Aladdin and they can sort out their shit. She could see that the kid from Alibaba giving him the cold shoulder and is like "no." It's heartwarming. It's not something I'll recommend, sometimes people need space from each other and kidnapping is bad, still though- I love it lmao.
Best trio, ngl.
*I have since had a sorta Magi related dream since first writing this about a week ago. In it I met Ohtaka, except I've only ever looked at a few pictures of her before and know for a fact that how she looked in the dream isn't how she is irl. Maybe that's why it took me forever to recognize her. The first half was us basically meeting and talking about trivial stuff, not Magi or Orient because of not recognizing her, and the second half was me realizing my missed opportunity of fangirling and trying to find her again when she was not busy to get one of my volumes of Magi signed. Not in a desperate way but more of "ahhh, I'm so dumb and missed my chance. Bummer." I was way more melancholic about it compared to if I ever had the opportunity in real life. As if I knew it was a dream and not get too worked up about it.
My dreams are a lot more convoluted and trippy but that is the gist of the Magi related portion of the dream. The rest is irrelevant for this. Don't remember too much of it anyway.
That's all I have. This turned out long and I may trim it up. I feel better after typing it. That is what matters.
Fuck porn bots and may this small fandom prosper without them.
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stepswowdsen · 24 days
Magi: Judar + JuAli Rambles 🖤❤️💛🐈‍⬛☀️
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Hi! I’ll be writing my reaction rambles after reading a few Magi volumes in JP.
Thanks to Bas, the leader of the fan-scanlation group Project Vinland, and a mutual of mine who’s big in the scanlation community, I got access to Magi’s JP Raws.
Viz’s official English translation of Magi is fine for the most part, in terms of translation quality.
I’ll be putting Sense Scans’ EN fan-TL and Viz’s EN official TL here for reference.
Since I don’t see the need to re-translate lines that both the fan-TL and official TL already translated correctly.
I love the prose that Sense Scans uses in their Magi fan-scanlation.
For certain lines, though, I’ll also be putting the literal translation (from my head).
My beloved JuAli 🖤❤️💛🐈‍⬛☀️
Wanted to ramble about them!
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Judar’s pronouns
俺 (Ore, “I”) - Casual, informal, rude. Mainly used by men.
お前/おまえ (Omae, “You”) - Casual, informal, rude. Mainly used by men.
Judar’s first-person pronoun is 俺 (Ore, “I”). Judar’s second-person pronouns is おまえ (Omae, “You”)
Judar uses the very casual and informal, rude, masculine pronouns 俺 (Ore, “I”) and おまえ (Omae, “You”). He uses the kanji version of 俺 (Ore, “I") as his first-person pronoun, and interchangeably uses the kanji and hiragana versions of お前/おまえ (Omae, “You”) as his second-person pronoun.
He speaks pretty casually and informally. He uses colloquial particles (shortens verb conjugation endings) sometimes.
Extra Notes:
In “Role Language” (役割語, Yakuwarigo), fictional characters’ dialects — the usage of pronouns, particles, etc., conveys character traits such as gender, age, class, and levels of formality, etc.
俺/おれ/オレ (Ore) is an informal first-person pronoun, and very rough version of “I” almost exclusively used by males in casual (informal) situations.
俺 (Ore) tends to be used by characters who are very rough, casual, vulgar, sleazy, in a position of power, and/or, just very manly/masculine.
お前/おまえ/オマエ (Omae) is a very rough second-person pronoun for “You” usually used by males in casual (informal) situations. Usually only used between close friends IRL. It has an aggressive and rude edge when not used between friends. Also used to speak down to others from a higher position.
Arrogant characters (including arrogant royals), tend to lean into using more rough, casual masc pronouns such as 俺 (Ore) and お前 (Omae), such as Xanxus (KHR), Kuroha/Saeru (KagePro), Judar (Magi), Edward (ROTRK), Vegeta (DBZ), Enzan (MMBN/EXE), etc., since they’re in positions of authority and/or high status, and look down on others.
Many of my favourite characters, such as Judar (Magi), Xanxus (KHR), Kuroha (KagePro), Enzan (MMBN/EXE), Edward (ROTRK), and many more, have very rough and masculine speech patterns in JP. All of the characters I listed here also use 俺 (Ore) and お前 (Omae) as their main pronouns.
It’s very typical of rude and arrogant masc characters to lean into using them. Characters who are casual/informal and masculine in general, also tend to lean into using them.
Whether a character uses the kanji or hiragana or katakana versions (or combination) as their pronouns could be used to give off a certain nuance. But it depends on the character and context.
(I actually copied these notes from my XanLena dialogue scripts cuz I don’t feel like writing all of that again. I’ll post more of my KHR AU stuff reventually!)
How he refers to others:
アリババくん (Alibaba-kun, “Alibaba”)
アリババ (Alibaba, “Alibaba”)
ハニワ (Haniwa, “Clay doll”)
シンドバッド (Shindobaddo, “Sinbad”)
バカ殿 (Baka tono, “Idiot king”)
Note: 殿 (tono, “feudal lord”)
白龍 (Hakuryuu, “Hakuryuu”)
アラジン (Arajin, “Aladdin”)
Judar's Usage of Particles:
の (no) - Sentence ending particle. Can be used to soften a sentence.
な/なあ (na/naa) - Sentence ending particle. Masculine, usually used by men.
ね/ねえ (ne/nee) - Sentence ending particle. Can be used to soften a sentence. [X]
よ (yo) - Sentence ending particle. Often used to soften a sentence.
ぜ (ze) - Sentence ending particle. Rude, rough, informal, masculine, used to add emphasis. Slightly softer than the sentence ending particle ぞ (zo). Usually used by men.
んだ (nda) - Sentence ending particle, used to add emphasis. Casual/informal version.
んだよ (nda yo) - See above, but it adds the nuance of trying to give a new perspective to the listener that they don’t have. [X]
だ (da) - Sentence ending particle. Masculine, forceful, used for emphasis.
だろ (daro) - Sentence ending particle. Masculine, forceful, used for emphasis.
じゃん (Jyan) - Casual colloquial of じゃない (Jyanai) → Has the nuance of “Isn’t it?” and “Actually.” Makes the sentence softer.
Ex. いるんだ (irunda)
んだ (nda) has a casual nuance. He uses colloquial particles.
Not a comprehensive list, but ones I’ve noticed so far. I’ll probably edit the section about his usage of particles later since I still need to check them
Judar often shortens verb conjugations in his casual/informal speech style.
Characters like Judar, Xanxus, (and Enzan occasionally) use shortened verb conjugations, colloquials (casual forms) of verbs. This is very typically masc. Rougher masc charas often do this
いらない (Iranai, "Don't need/want [it]") (Plain negative form) → Iran or Iranee (いらん/いらねえ, “Don’t need/want [it]”) (Shortened casual/informal negative form)
いらない (Iranai) → いらん/いらねえ (Iran/Iranee)
Magi: Vol. 27 - Ch. 266
JP (Original)
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Page 1
Judar: Huh?
(Judaru: Fuu~n?)
Judar: (I don't understand what this guy is saying at all!)
(Judaru: Koitsu no itteru koto, sappari wakaranai ze!)
Judar: (Geez, why did Aladdin choose this guy!?)
(Judaru: Mattaku, Arajin wa naze konna yatsu wo eranda nda!?)
Judar: (And Hakuryuu too. Just what about this guy that charmed him so much…………)
(Judaru: Hakuryuu datte sou da. Konna yatsu no, ittai doko ni sonna ni hikarete…………)
Note: Comes from the verb 惹かれる (hikareru, “to be charmed by; to be attracted to; to be taken with; to be drawn to”)
Page 2
Judar: That's right, just what about Alibaba charmed Aladdin and Hakuryuu enough to make them so fixated with him?
(Judaru: Souda, Arajin to Hakuryuu wa, Aribaba no ittai nani ni sonna ni hikarete, anna ni kodawatteita nda?)
Note: Te-ita form verb conjugation. Comes from the verb 拘る (kodawaru, “to be obsessive (about); to be overly concerned (with); to be hung up (on); to be fixated with”)
Judar: (I just don't understand.)
(Judaru: Ore ni wa wakaranai ze.)
Fan-TL (Sense Scans)
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Official TL (Viz)
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I get both JuAli and AliHaku crumbs from Judar’s monologue about Alibaba. Isn’t that amazing? ^v^
I already talked about this scene plenty before, so I won't copy paste the same rambles from before.
Fan-TL is spot on with this ^^
Viz removes the first mention of "Charmed/Attracted" in the 1st page, but at least keeps it in the 2nd page.
I think the gist is kept, but the original and fan-TL are more explicit and obvious about it.
"That's right, what about Alibaba charmed them so much to make them so fixated with him?"
I noticed that in the last sentence, Judar's 何 (nani, "what") has a dot in place of furigana (characters that denote the pronunciation of a word, or add a certain nuance to the text).
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This is called 圏点 (kenten, "emphasis mark") or 傍点 (bouten, "emphasis mark").
This is used for emphasis, similar to how English uses underlines or italics or bold for emphasis.
It has an emphatic nuance. It's used to add emphasis on a word. Typical manga fonts used in official localizations have all words in capital letters, so Ig in this case, bold or italics could convey this kind of nuance.
The equivalent in English would be something like this:
Judar: That's right, just WHAT about Alibaba charmed Aladdin and Hakuryuu enough to make them so fixated with him?
Or this
Judar: That's right, just what about Alibaba charmed Aladdin and Hakuryuu enough to make them so fixated with him?
Or this
Judar: That's right, just what about Alibaba charmed Aladdin and Hakuryuu enough to make them so fixated with him?
Or this
Judar: That's right, just what about Alibaba charmed Aladdin and Hakuryuu enough to make them so fixated with him?
Oooooh you're stumped by it!!!
Alibaba's charm points of what drew others to him...
You wanna know so bad, huh?
I think I got more to say in general about this scene, but I wrote enough for now ^^
You already get the point
Other Notes
Me: Some of Viz’s spellings are just weird to me, like them translating Magnostadt as a direct romanization → Magnoshutatt
Magnostadt (マグノシュタット, Magunoshutatto) 
For some reason???
Friend: God bless you Sen 😭💓💓 This is all really fascinating to read
Me: You're welcome! English is so BORING to me as a language when it comes to things like this, because everyone sounds the same. You're either normal or you're cowboy. Yeehaw /lh
I love how languages like Vietnamese and Japanese can express things like character traits and personality, etc., in speech. How it can convey the "vibes" that a character gives off right away, just from their speech style/patterns.
Vietnam has a lot of dialects and speech quirks! The main ones are the North, South, and Central Vietnamese dialects. And they have many variants depending on the area
Yakuwarigo ("Role Language"), fictional characters' dialects/speech styles in Japanese, is SOOO interesting, and English doesn't have a proper equivalent for it.
This is part of why I wanted to learn Japanese. THIS conveys things like character traits and different speech styles SO MUCH more.
Also keep in mind that I’m doing these quick literal TLs quickly based on my interpretation of the text, and that I’m still learning JP so I can make mistakes 🙏
If you notice any, feel free to correct me!
If you’d like to learn more about Japanese pronouns in an IRL context, see these links:
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Japanese particles
Do note that Role Language in fiction can differ partially and/or a lot from usage in IRL contexts.
In fictional characters’ dialects, 貴方/あなた (Anata, “You”) is considered a neutral or polite/formal pronoun (depending on the context)
IRL, it’s rude to call someone with 貴方/あなた (Anata, “You”) because “it sounds accusatory to pound the listener with ‘You’ every sentence”
Emphasis Marks
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cooledtured · 6 months
Hidden Gems -  Underrated Anime Series That Deserves Your Attention
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Certain anime shows stand out from the crowd, captivating audiences all over the world with their engaging stories and magnificent visuals. However, among the spotlight, there are hidden gems, aka underrated anime programs, that go unrecognized but have the same amount of brilliance and inventiveness. These hidden icons of the anime industry are just waiting to be discovered by fans seeking new adventures and experiences.
Natsume Yuujinchou
One such hidden gem is "Natsume Yuujinchou." If you enjoyed the peaceful and otherworldly atmosphere of "Studio Ghibli" Productions, then "Natsume Yuujinchou" is an anime you won't want to miss. This touching tale follows Natsume Takashi, an eleven-year-old who can see spirits with their own stories and struggles. It revolves around Natsume's journey for understanding and acceptance. Despite his ability to talk to spirits, Natsume longs for a sense of belonging in a world where he feels like an outcast. However, he still finds ways to learn valuable lessons about compassion, and the importance of human connections from his spirits. Through its gentle exploration of themes like loneliness and acceptance, "Natsume " offers a deeply enriching viewing experience reminiscent of "Studio Ghibli" shows.
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Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
If you were attracted by "Hunter x Hunter's" advanced world-building and strategic fights, you may find "Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic" to be a compelling alternative to watch for the night. Set in a mythical setting inspired by the stories of "One Thousand and One Nights," "Magi" follows the adventures of Aladdin, Alibaba, and Morgiana as the three unexpected partners go on a quest to uncover the secrets of mysterious dungeons spread across the land and face the evils threatening their world. From epic battles and magical showdowns to intricate schemes and power struggles, "Magi" offers a gripping narrative that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish. With its mix of action, magic, and political intrigue, "Magi" tells a captivating story that will leave fans of "Hunter x Hunter" wanting more.
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Katekyo Hitman Reborn
If you have been drawn into the world of Naruto, following the journey of a young ninja seeking recognition and acceptance, then "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!" is an anime that will certainly steal your heart as well. This series features Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada, an ordinary high school student who learns he is the heir of a powerful mafia family. Tsuna grows significantly, similar to Naruto's yearning for belonging, as he learns to become a mafia leader under the direction of his eccentric professor, Reborn. With its mix of action, humor, and heartwarming moments, "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!" provides a thrilling and emotionally resonant experience that will have a lasting effect, just as Naruto's journey did for countless fans.
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In conclusion, while successful anime series frequently capture attention, there is an abundance of underappreciated gems waiting to be found by fans. Whether you prefer the tranquil beauty of "Mushi-Shi," or the exciting fights of "Hunter x Hunter," there is an underappreciated anime series out there that will grab your heart and imagination. So, if you like some of the more renowned anime classics, you'll undoubtedly fall in love with these hidden gems waiting to be discovered.
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zykamiliah · 2 years
tagged by @rippedorigami !
-> show some of your favorite ships from any media and let your followers assume what your favorite romance trope(s) are
oh mama i've had so many ships. ok let's go
NARUTO: naruto/sasuke (main) naruto/gaara, naruto/shikamaru, naruto/neji; have entertain thoughts about suigetsu/sasuke and juugo/sasuke; jiraiya/orochimaru as a crack ship. I also used to roleplay MenmaxCharasuke a lot.
The Road to El Dorado: Miguel and Tulio
NO.6: Shion and Nezumi (Nezushi)
Black Sails: James Flint and John Silver (silverflint)
Captive Prince: Damen/Laurent (Lamen)
BNHA: BakuDeku, BakuKami;
BBC Merlin: Merthur, Mercelot, Merwaine
Harry Potter: Drarry
Yuri!!! on ICE: Victuuri, Yuuyu, sometimes Victurio
Magi The Labyrinth of Magic: Aladdin and Alibaba, Hakuryuu/Judar, Sinbad/Judar.
Good Omens: Crowley and Aziraphale
SVSSS: Bingqiu, Bingyuan, Cumplane, Shen Qingqiu x Anyone if the fic compels me.
no obligation tags to: @fafaspace @tyalangand (feel free to ignore them!)
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I posted 322 times in 2022
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Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 219 of my posts in 2022
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#self shipping - 24 posts
#self ship community - 24 posts
#self ship - 22 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#its about his depression and how he cares for other people but feels no one cares for him making him basically too tired to try for himself
My Top Posts in 2022:
This is way self indulgent, but that's what we're all doing this stuff for, yeah.
M.agi s/i is captured and trapped in a spell that shows her what should be a perfect version of reality.
Just some quick vocabulary used since probably not all of y'all are familiar with m.agi.
Djinn metal vessels are powerful weapons that have djinn within and grant the person who wields it incredible power.
Dark djinn metal vessels are man made versions that use dark energy to power them instead.
Djinn equips and dark djinn equips is when someone invites the power of a metal vessel to transform their body and increase their power further.
I think that's it, lmao 🌸
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She'd had smarter ideas than coming to this cave by herself, but she can't say yet how dumb it was.
It had been a week since they'd heard she's the latest target of the organization Al-Thamen. Why? Gillian herself isn't sure. She supposes she's been more blatant as of recent with fighting them as she's assisted Sinbad, Alibaba, Aladdin, and everyone else trying to end their plans, but in her eyes anything she's done hasn't been all that spectacular. Regardless, she'd seen an immediate change in Sinbad. He'd refused to let her out of his sight, and was ready to get on his knees to get her to agree to him assigning her body guards from the eight generals. Gillian isn't a reckless person, she'd been content to stay close to their lodgings, though Sinbad would've preferred she'd be shipped back to the protection of Sindria. But she wandered away, and when she heard someone was in trouble, she couldn't help going after them. Which is how she arrived in this dark, damp cave, two agents of Al-Thamen cornering her. They'd appeared a second after she'd sensed them, emerging like predators from behind cave structures and circling her. Wielded by both men, she could see dark metal vessels. One held his confidently in his hand, resembling a large brush, and the other wore his weapons around his forearms.
"You've been a tricky one to catch alone." The smaller, wirery agent said. "But someone like you couldn't hide for long. I pity you for being stupid enough to believe that lie. Now we've got you, exactly as I knew we would." He shakes his head in a mocking way, long hair swaying behind him.
The other agent, a larger, more muscular man just grunts behind him in a baritone sound.
"I'm not looking to fight anybody." Gillian said, holding her hand out in a calming gesture towards them.
The dark metal vessel user simply smiled at her. "Excellent; because there's no use in resisting this. After all, I'm doing you a favor here." And he held out his hand with the dark metal vessel, a bright colored mist emerging from it. The substance crept forward towards Gillian, surrounding her.
Gillian brought her metal vessel forward, but before she could activate it, the mist clung to her completely, heavy yet weightless on her, in her. She blinked, and jolted backwards a step when she saw the area surrounding her had turned far too dark to see anything in. She pivoted, swiveling her head to try and find anything, but she saw nothing near or far.
"I wonder what you desire." The voice of the agent of Al-Thamen sounded around her, somehow surrounding her exactly like that mist he created. "The girl who converses with princes and kings, queens and princesses. Who travels the world and holds immense power in her delicate hands. What do you wish to obtain?"
Gillian thrusts her hand in front of her, djinn metal vessel clinking on her hand. But, it's almost as if she hadn't moved, like she couldn't find her metal vessel at all. Is it not right in front of her? Her body feels strange, and the thought occurs to her that this isn't real at all; but she can't focus on that to find what's real when the voice continues speaking to her.
"I can see it. What a sweet girl. You have such a pure desire in you. The man you've longed for, but who taunts you with the ways he throws around his affection. What you desire, simply, is love." As soon as they say the word, Gillian feels a large hand grab onto her shoulder.
She spins around to see who it belongs to, immediately defensive, but who she sees shakes her guard and makes her take a step back.
Sinbad laughs, care free. He's the only thing she can see right now. "Easy there. Sorry, did I catch you in another day dream there? I hate to interrupt, but the people are waiting for us."
"Sinbad?" She says, voice an incredulous whisper. She realizes with a slight jump that they're both now surrounded by familiar scenery and warm sun light. Birds chirp all around them and the crisp scent of the sea drifts to her as she stands before the royal palace in Sindria. "When did we get back here?"
He gives her an amused look. "Were you that deep in your day dreams?" He puffs out another laugh, shaking his head. "And they call you the responsible one. You're adorable." He sighs.
"Thats not it, Sinbad." She hadn't been day dreaming just now. Had she? No, of course not. She has to tell Sinbad about the Al-Thamen agents who confronted her !
Sinbad speaks again first. "Come on, you can get back to that later. For now, we have a duty to attend to, my love."
The use of the pet name isn't what makes her pause, since Sinbad often uses them for her, but rather she finds herself slipping into further confusion; as if the thoughts about Al-Thamen are becoming less important to her, she catches on the part about them having a duty to do. "What duty?"
"There's a festival to get started !" He grabs her hand. "And the people want to see their beautiful queen." Sinbad starts pulling her along, towards a ledge beyond which she can hear the sounds of hundreds of people gathered below, waiting.
"Their queen?" It's then she looks at his hand clasping her's, and she sees on his finger a sparkling wedding band shining there.
See the full post
5 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
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5 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
Went many episodes of m.agi without seeing sinbad and then finally he reappears looking Hot As Fuck and I'm just like MY BOY
6 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
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The ogre and the fairy
7 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Sailing home
15 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sayakxmi · 9 months
[Magi rewatch] Episode 6: Warrior Tribe Fanalis [Part 1]
I feel like part of the reason I'm just UGH about having to do this, besides the obvious stuff I've mentioned 300x times, is the fact that I really want to get to the later arcs, which includes the upcoming Balbadd Arc. So I'm just sitting here. Impatiently. Bc I want to be there already, y'know? Oh well.
Also, I'm considering something a little different, partially bc reading the entire arc, and then watching the entire arc is kind of... Hmmm. It is a bit tedious, I won't lie. Plus it feels kinda weird to just do it twice one after another. The idea is, then, to so it more or less at the same time: x number of chapters, then the episode that covers them. It's both because I think it'd be a better experience for me, AND because the upcoming arcs can get pretty long. Like, we're talking 45 chapters/11 episodes for the Balbadd Arc, it just makes sense not to go through it twice. No matter how much I like these arcs, it's just too fucking long to do it that way.
Anyway, PSA over, time for the actual episode.
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Hello there, character who's never appeared in this anime.
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I usually don't comment on this stuff, but damn, I wish more characters were allowed to have dark skin in this series. Like, it'd make more sense, like, for geography-biology reasons. But lemme tell you, Ohtaka and geography... Let's just say it's not her strong suit. Have you ever seen how she draws the world maps and the Dark Continent specifically? It makes no fucking sense. The best explanation I can provide is that it's just people imagining how the DC looks, since no one was there, as in, beyond the Rift. They're just guessing.
Anyway. Geography rant over.
In the manga their clothes look more SIndria-like bc of the lack of colors, but here you're kinda wondering. But still, my money's on Sindria bc they specifically mention that their country has no slaves, and the two notable no-slavery countries are Balbadd and Sindria. And their clothes don't look very Balbadd. Seriously, sans the colors, it looks very Sindria, actually. Then again, do all Sindria people have to wear white? So it still makes sense, I guess.
Also, seeing Leila again makes me miss Thousand Miles a bit. But that story frustrated me too much at some point. Mostly bc I've lost motivation for it, but, like, aggressively, and just kept on getting notifications for it, even though I've had some stories I was actually proud of, but nope, only that one got the attention. It became annoying over time & I ended up deleting the story completely. In case somebody recalls that story & always wondered wtf happened to it.
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Also, really, Mor, bc when Aladdin says it, it's Moru-san, but if you go with Morg it's some sort of Morugi-san. Pretty different.
Also, man, Leila's voice just dosen't fit her in my head.
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Now I kinda realize that Alibaba's probably the only one who never met these two. Gdi, he seriously always misses out on everything.
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Honestly, I really love the lightning in this anime. They make choices I disapprove of, and the animation can get damn sloppy (and art, too), but the colors are always awesome.
Also, wonder how things would've gone if Morgiana stayed with these two.
"I have to come back to my homeland. I promised that to my benefactor." NOW, MY DREAMS ARE WITHIN MY REACH-
Good moment to put the op with these words.
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Honestly, I like the scenery in the anime, too.
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Gdi, I seriously miss Leila. Also, in the anime she is the one to bump into Fatima.
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Tbh, it does look pretty.
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Any time Jamil appears I'm thinking abt Ohtaka writing in these extra papers stuff like "I should've talked with Master more" or that she should've tried to talk with him in general, like, god fucking dammit Ohtaka and her dumb Forgive Everything agenda.
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No Goltas? -throws down the phone-
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Ok, but we have Leila looking out for her, that's actually sweet.
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She's offering her some herbs for nightmares, and even calls her a friend. Gdi.
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Like, I get that they're probably making up for the characterization they don't have in the anime, but I'm sending it percisely bc she talks about being saved by Sahsa and a mysterious boy. Which never happened in the anime, lmao.
Still, overall, it was a very sweet moment.
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But also. What is wrong with you, why are you (always) blue.
Also, cool music.
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I swear, whenever I see a male character with painted lips, who happens to be a despicable person (I'd have two nickles- finish the line), I'm just like... is it lowkey transphobic or am I overthinking it... But also, I wouldn't put it past Ohtaka. I mean, with the joke about the best courtesans looking so manly etc.
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He's about to be surprised.
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And he was.
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Mob vs one Fanalis is a very unfair fight. They're about to be murdered.
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Also, I'm starting to think that maybe Ohtaka just really likes the moon aesthetic.
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Listen, it's pretty damn close to the manga, I have nothing new to say, so I'm offering you some low quality Morgiana.
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Ohtaka let Morgiana wreck shit she loves it 2k23. Nearly 2k24, Jesus.
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Understandable reaction.
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Evil birb.
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He. He has the high ground.
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crunchkind · 2 years
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Merry Christmas
I actually finished something I hope it’s good
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babymagi · 1 year
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this entire scene in the movie is like the cutest thing in a disney movie ever henceforth it must be otp-ified
A Whole New World is absolutely in my AliJu playlist btw
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queenofanime · 2 years
Magi x modern reader
Shocked. Stunned. Overwhelmed. Basically he stopped working.
Sure, he had seen various weird things throughout his life (he was a little weird himself), but this... but you.
From day one, he is ready to help you get back home (in one piece). He is ready to understand what the hell happened and become the hero of your story.
Being thrown into another world can be scary, no, scratch that, it is terrifying.
Ali-Baba would try his best to comfort you but he's more nervous than you so...
He is a pretty naive person, so while he is shocked at first, he ends up trusting you very easily. (You might want to have a talk about that with him)
While he did have intentions about 'wooing' you, he's the one that ends up catching feelings.
Feelings of "Be my wife/husband" or "I love you".
But he would never tell you. Not (only) because he is shy but because he understand you need to go back to your own world. He'd be selfish asking you to stay. He thinks about your family a lot. If you'd stay they would miss you. 
Sacrificing one's happiness so that others can have it is soo Ali-Baba's style 
If you want to catch him off-guard though, you should make the first move. He won't see it coming and that heroic persona disappears in an instant. 
Hey! He's from another world formerly too!
That feeling of not knowing where you are, where you come from... he knows it too well. 
Therefor supporting you and being there for you is the best way to describe how he would act towards the situation. 
He wouldn't be as surprised as Ali-Baba. He might be young but he's seen way too much. 
He is very interested in your whole modern outfit. If you have tattoos, he'll love them. Wild hair, love it. Ripped jeans, so cool. And if your style is more cottage aesthetic or more eGirl or more grunge... he will still love it. I mean everything looks good on you!
He would totally show you his magic and would be lowkey disappointed if you inform him magic isn't a thing in your world.
At the same time, that would peak his curiosity. No magic means no flying carpets and he found you can't really ride a horse, so how do you get from one place to another? Cars? Never heard of them. 
He catches feelings rather quickly and unlike Ali-Baba, he confesses as quickly. 
He has no reason to think you could reject him. But if you happen to mention wanting to go back, then he realizes the obstacles. Long distance relationships are hard. 
So he will treasure you while he can.  
He would show you most of his world and take in everything about yours. 
Who knows? Maybe you will change your mind? Maybe in a next life you two are actually meant to be? 
Oh! She is surprised! But her poker face would never show it. 
She is more cautious than the other two and has her guard up.
You want her to trust you? PROVE IT!  
But when you do... She is just head over heals for you
everything about you and your world is fascinating to her. Especially the concept of traveling. Airplanes, trains, cars, bicycles. That kind of freedom really attracts her. 
If you have pictures in your phone about your own adventures, she will be very happy.   
Morgiana is very loyal, therefore she will be your pillar. 
If you are feeling blue or homesick, then she will be very supportive. That's because she understands those feelings.
Just like Ali-Baba, I feel she would very protective of you.   
She’s quiet but deadly. If anyone, I mean anyone tells you something mean or whatever, she don’t mind jail. 
She lost her family once, that will never happen again. 
She also your biggest fan, be prepared for that 
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