#all I needed to do was beat Eggman land and get all the metals
l0ganberry · 7 months
I just remembered I drew this 2 years ago.......
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sonic-blue-moon · 2 years
Sonic: Blue Moon - Prologue (Part 2)
It was a long flight from the ceremony near the city hall for Sonic and his friends, and the sun had now faded into what now would be considered to be nearing the twilight of the day. The looming spike of metal floats menacingly above the city, casting a shadow upon the citizens and streets below.
“We’re nearing the Egg Carrier!” Tails shouted from the cockpit of the Tornado. “We should have been fired at by now, the ship would have sensed us at this close of a distance. What is he planning?”
“Something not good. And from here, I would have seen at least some robots coming to stop us or at least defend the ship. But…I don’t even see one of them.” Knuckles shouted from the wing he was holding on to, the wind almost deafening his voice.
“Relax, guys! Whatever Egghead is planning, we’ll stop like it like we always do. This is just another day for us.” Sonic said, displaying his ever-present cocksure and optimistic demeanor.
Both the echidna and the fox looked at Sonic’s grinning face being cast near the setting sun, almost like he was a character from a storybook or a fable. Finding the silver lining within them, they both smiled as well.
“What would we do without you, Sonic?” Knuckles asked, chuckling a bit as he did. “I’d rather not find out.” Tails spoke up.
“And speaking of finding out.” Eggman’s voice spoke out from the intercom system in his flying machine of a ship “I’ll make this easy for you idiots. There are two entrances on the port and starboard sides of my fortress. Try not to split up, or else one of you may regret it.”
Now Sonic and friends, upon hearing this blatant mentioning of where to enter Eggman’s flying base, were looking at each other, as if silently asking each other ‘He can’t be serious, can he?’
“I don’t like that. It’s bait to get us to split up.” Tails mentioned, clearly showing worry in both his expression and his voice.
“Or maybe he wants us to think that and is trying to make us stick together to make it attack all of us.” Knuckles said, his warrior instincts switching on.
“So gang, pick your poison. Are we grouping or splitting up?” Sonic asked, clearly wanting things to move on.
The two thought for a moment.
“Split up.” Knuckles said simply, as for Tails he spoke up next. “I wanna stay together. After all, who knows what’s down there and we’re better as a group.”
Great. A tie, just what Sonic needed. For him to be the tiebreaker. Either way, he may doom them all to some kind of fate he won’t be able to see.
“….Split up.” the blue hedgehog said simply.
Knuckles smiled while Tails was shocked by this clear display of hubris and ignorance.
“What?! Sonic, use your head. We are much better if-“
“I made my choice. We are splitting up. I’ll go in alone and Knuckles will cover you.” Sonic said suddenly, looking at Tails with a less-than-pleased look.
Tails were stunned and just went along with the choice of his best friend.
Finally, they came up on the giant, hulking base floating above Station Square.
“We’re coming up on the port side deck.” Tails notified. With that, Sonic jumped off the Tornado and landed on Eggman’s ship.
“Don’t get yourself killed down there!” Knuckles called out as Tails went around to pilot the plane to the other side of the ship.
“Just protect Tails until we meet up!” Sonic shouted back.
As the plane dived to be under the ship and climbed up to be obscured on the other side of the ship.
“Okay. Get in, find a way up to Egghead, beat him up and his machines, and go home. Just like normal.”
He rushed into the ship, finding the scariest thing he could have found. Almost nothing at all. No Badniks or guard bots of any kind on the ship. It was like Sonic was in some kind of horror film now.
“Geez, I know this is a big place. But couldn’t Senior Huevo make a janitor bot and clean the place up a bit? It’s all dusty.” Sonic commented as he went through the floor after the ship.
But as he did so…he felt a need to…slow down and take in the sight. And in his mind, he probably shouldn’t have. As he saw dozens of Egg Pawns scattered and broken up into pieces. Along with almost hundreds of other kinds of bots he made.
“Chaos, this is…like his whole force of bots. Wiped out by something far more intelligent than a grunt or a simple machine. This thing went berserk.” Sonic said, looking at the hideously torn-up scrap strewn all along this one single floor alone.
Then a really bad thought crossed his mind. He normally would have seen Eggman gloat and boast at him from one of the screens he had, or from the intercom. Which was now decidedly wrecked and ripped from the walls of the ship like it was nothing. For once, he was actually at least wanting to hear that fat genius’ banter now, as decidedly less humorous as it was compared to Sonic’s.
“Wait. So no intercom, how did we hear him? And there were no forces to prevent us from getting because there weren’t any to send out.” Sonic said aloud, the gears turning in that spiny head of his.
He went up to the next floor up, the same carnage as the one below. And he checked almost every floor as well. Each one like he didn’t leave that same floor at all. This went on for several minutes before he saw a sight that he did not foresee.
On one of the upper floors, was Eggman. Slumped over in a corner…not dead, but very much not okay. Sonic rushed into the room and went over to his side.
“Robotnik. Hey, are you okay?” Sonic asked with genuine concern. Robotnik spat up blood and looked over to the sapphire-shaded pain in his side.
“So…it took for me almost dying in my ship for you to actually care for me and use my proper last name again. How poetic. What…no…egg puns this time?” Robotnik quipped to Sonic, coughing and sputtering his words out.
“Who did this to you?” Sonic asked, his brow furrowed in deep thought.
Suddenly, it was like a bad memory resurfaced in Eggman’s mind. “Sonic. Tell me you didn’t come here alone,” he asked, sounding visibly panicked. “No.” Sonic answered, “Tails and Knuckles are here. On the other side of the ship. Gotta say this thing is more colossal than your previous ones. It’s like three aircraft carriers fused.”
“Wait! They’re on the other side of the ship?!” Eggman inquired loudly, going to cover his mouth.
‘Okay yeah, something is up here.’ Sonic thought, no longer concerned for Eggman’s health…but now just wanting answers.
“Okay, man. Just tell me what happened here.” Sonic said bluntly, his face looking more stoic and less emotional.
“The full story is too long to tell, so here’s the short version. After you injected that dumb video into my system…it hooked up to every bot I had here. So I ran my code to debug them and thought that was that. Turns out…Metal Sonic, being as smart as they are…went crazy. And hadn’t grasped the concept of “earworms” yet.
“Get to the point.” the hedgehog barked out harshly.
“Okay. Look, that video of yours made him bash his head into the side of my ship. And soon…he knocked out a chip that was…vital. Not to him, but for everything around him.” Eggman sputtered out, coughing out the words now. His lungs not doing so well at this point.
He leans in, as so Sonic’s face would be reflected within Eggman’s goggles.
“His inhibitor chip,” Eggman said grimly, smiling for the first time. Showing off finally all the teeth he lost that were dislodged from the gums in his mouth, blood oozing and dripping from his lips like a leaky faucet that hasn’t been fixed in a long time. Sonic looked on and suddenly felt a wave of dread and genuine horror full his body as he left the doctor behind. Hearing his iconic laugh reverberate throughout the metal halls of the ship.
“Dear Chaos, I hope everything is okay for them,” Sonic said loudly, bringing up his communicator. “This is Sonic, come in.”
No response.
“This is Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles.”
But as he was making his way to the other side of the ship, he saw something that made Sonic trip up and skids harshly upon the metal floor.
He gets up, to see a skid mark the lengths of his lower legs from the kneecap down were bruised and battered. And…goes into a room, only to see Knuckles’ communicator smashed to bits, and near the doorway was Knuckles…smashed up, his signature fists were broken into tiny sprinters of bone and musculature, and coming from his cranium was a tiny line of crimson red blood that almost blends with his fur, if not for the white pattern on his chest…Sonic would not have known he had just lost a friend.
The Master Emerald now, since forever has no guardian to protect it. Knuckles is dead, having died a warrior’s death.
One down…two to go.
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bimboamyrose · 4 years
On The Scarlett Sea - Part 1 / 2
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A ~Pirate~ Metamy Fanfic -  [Link to Part 2]  - [AO3 Link]
Synopsis When the world learns of a secret pirate treasure plundered from the Knuckles Clan’s ancient ruins over 300 years ago, Knuckles enlists the help of his friends, Amy and Tails, to retrieve and hide its most powerful artifact- a mysterious mirror that allows the user to become their most desired self. He isn’t the only one after the treasure, however; As Metal Sonic discovers the existence of the mirror, he forms his own crew of “pirates” to take it for himself. Along the way, he separates Amy from her friends and convinces her to help him make his greatest dream a reality- but what is that, really?
In collaboration with @mmm-asbestos​ & their pirate Metamy AU  Merry Xmas / Happy holidays and stay well~
Part 1
There were few things Knuckles regretted more in life than meeting the self-proclaimed “World's Greatest Thief,” Rouge. As such, Amy knew she was in for a rant the minute she answered his call at the crack of dawn and heard him utter the bat’s name.
“Rouge is in the news!” he yelled into the receiver.
“Wha…” Amy rubbed her eyes. It was still dark out.
“Haven’t you seen the papers this morning?”
“You get newspapers on Angel Island?” she yawned.
“Turn on the news! This is important!”
“Alright, calm down...” Amy slid out of bed sleepily, still yawning as she flipped her living room TV on and threw herself onto the couch groggily. A news channel was running a segment on an archeological discovery that seemed to be making waves. Amy turned it up so Knuckles could hear on the other end.
“The centuries-old hiding place was found by none other than world-famous treasure hunter, Rouge the Bat. The former jewel thief was hired for her skills-”
“Former jewel thief?! Where are they getting their sources?”
“Quiet, I can’t hear!” Amy raised the volume further to drown out his yelling.
“- the discovery of a lifetime! We had an exclusive interview with the mastermind who helped find this historical treasure. Here’s what she had to say:”
Footage of Rouge sitting in a lavish armchair next to a roaring fireplace followed. “Well, you’ll be interested to hear that this isn’t the famed Captain Scarlett's treasure. It was a personal stash of journals and letters her wife left behind.
The camera cut briefly to a reporter sitting across from her. “And we understand that a possible map to the famous pirate’s real treasure was hidden among this?”
“That’s correct. I spent some days analyzing the documents and discovered they contain instructions on how to reach Captain Scarlett’s treasure. There are some hints as to what’s contained at the site as well. I’ll be sailing there with a crew in a few days!”
“Can you give us an idea of what you believe to find there?”
“Untold riches, of course!” Rouge gave a breathy laugh. “And perhaps some old artifacts- I understand she had an interest in ancient cultures,” she waved dismissively. “We’ll find out soon enough- I’m confident it’ll take no time to navigate there.”
“And we’ll be here on land waiting with bated breath for the historical discovery! Now back to-��
Amy muted the TV, her eyes finally adjusting to the dim early morning light. “So she was hired to find some old pirate treasure? Is that what you’re upset about?”
“The treasure she was hired to find happens to contain an ancient Knuckles Clan artifact! You need to get the others and come to Angel Island right away-”
“You’re mad about the possibility that Rouge will find some antique?” 
“Antique! Amy-” she could hear him trying to restrain himself. “Listen to me, if this ‘treasure’ falls into the wrong hands, it’s going to be a mess to clean up. Get Sonic and Tails and come here as soon as you can. They’re not answering my calls and we need to speak in person.”
Amy groaned. It was far too early to be thinking about a new dangerous adventure- especially when they’d just stopped one of Eggman’s plots less than a week earlier. “Fine… at least let me have some breakfast first.”
“Make it quick!” he hung up.
“And they say I’m bossy,” Amy grumbled to herself. Before long, the sun’s rays shone brightly throughout her house and sleeping in no longer sounded comfortable. With a sigh, she got ready for the unexpected day ahead.
“I never knew there was a catacomb under the altar…” Amy held a lantern out in front of her as she climbed down the steps.
“That’s ‘cause it’s a secret,” Knuckles responded gruffly. “Come on, I shouldn’t have to tell you to hurry it up!!”
Sonic and Tails trailed behind in a sleep-deprived state. They’d stayed up until morning playing games and were just getting to bed when Amy pounded on the lab door to retrieve them. She still wasn’t sure how Tails managed to land the plane on Angel Island. “Relax, Knux…” Sonic rubbed his eyes as he followed behind Amy. 
“I’m gonna fall asleep in here…” Tails yawned.
“No sleeping!” Knuckles sealed the entrance and rushed ahead, leading the way. The rest of the group groaned in unison as they followed. 
As they went, Amy noticed a ladybug had hitched a ride on her shoulder. “Aw, wouldn’t want you to get lost down here.” She picked up the small insect on the end of her finger and continued after Knuckles. After coming down a winding staircase and navigating a series of dark corridors, the team arrived in a small room with walls lined with scrolls and small relics with a hard wooden table in the center. Knuckles lit the torches on the walls and sifted through the contents of a stone shelf. 
“I have a flashlight, you know,” Tails remarked.
“No flashlights! You’ll damage the texts.”
Tails mumbled under his breath. “I suppose lighting them on fire is better…”
“Quiet- look at this.” Knuckles brought out a large, yellowed scroll and a wooden box. Spreading the scroll across the table revealed what appeared to be a map of the ocean. “This is a map to that treasure Rouge is after.”
“Wait,” Amy interrupted, “You have one, too?”
Knuckles nodded. “This is Captain Scarlett’s map.”
Sonic leaned over the scroll. “Scarlett? Isn’t that the famous lady-pirate? Why do you have that?” 
“Because,” Knuckles continued, “300 years ago, that damned pirate plundered the Mystic Ruins for its treasure. This map was found by an Echidna scholar over a century ago and it’s been here ever since.”
“So, this isn’t the first time someone finds part of Scarlett’s treasure?” Tails asked.
Knuckles scoffed. “Hardly. My people have been after that stash of letters that Rouge found for decades. We’ve been trying to keep the contents of ‘Scarlet’s’ treasure a secret since it was discovered what it contains- The Stone Mirror.” The others stared blankly at him, the object he was referring to having no meaning to them. He looked at each of them irately before continuing. “Really? Argh, fine; The Stone Mirror is a powerful artifact that can turn the user into their ‘most desired self’- whatever that means. Apparently, old Scarlett used it 300 years ago to become the world’s best pirate or something.”
“So… you want us to help you look for a magic mirror in the middle of the ocean?” Sonic asked.
Knuckles’ brow twitched. “Did you not just hear what I said? What if Eggman got a hold of this thing?!”
“What’s the big deal? We should be able to fly there-”
“No flying. This map is meant to be navigated by sea. Besides,” Knuckles opened the small box to reveal a compass and a crystal eyepiece. “This map only goes so far. We’ll need these once you get to this point to guide the rest of the way.”
“Let me see that,” Tails took the compass in his hands and waved it around the room. “Does this thing work? It doesn’t even point north.”
“It points to where it has to point once you get here,” Knuckles poked at a red X on the map.
“That literally makes no sense.”
“It’s what the scholar wrote down when she discovered this map!”
As they bickered, Amy carefully picked up the map and held it to the light. As it passed in front of a lantern, writing could be seen across one side of the scroll. The little ladybug that had ridden in on Amy’s shoulder flew onto its surface and crawled around. “Guys, look! There’s something written here.” The boys went silent as they leaned in to get a closer look at the neat cursive script. Amy read it aloud. “Hand in hand we sailed to the horizon that faithful evening. I looked into her glassy eyes for guidance as the sky above turned, Scarlett.”
Sonic shook his head. “This lady sounds lost.”
“Maybe,” said Knuckles, “But our best hope is to follow this map and figure it out from there. And get that bug off the map, would ya?” Amy allowed the little red insect to crawl back onto her hand before replacing the map on the table.
“Yeah, all I’m hearing is we’re gonna get ourselves stranded in the ocean. Count me out.”
“Are you serious?!” 
“No way I’m getting on a boat just to get stuck in the middle of the sea,” Sonic crossed his arms stubbornly. “I’ll stay here and look after the Master Emerald.”
“No fair, why do you get to stay?” Tails complained. “I don’t wanna be on a boat, either!”
“I think it sounds fun,” Amy said, watching as the ladybug crawled around on her palm.
“This isn’t a pleasure cruise!” Knuckles yelled.
Tails’ ears drooped. “I’ll say. Sonic’s right, we’re gonna get lost. Don’t you have that scholar’s notes, Knuckles?”
“But you know a little about what she wrote; where are they?”
Knuckles grumbled as he crossed his arms. “There was… a small fire…”
“No kidding,” Tails frowned.
“Bah- Will you help me or not? We need to get on a boat ASAP to beat that bat over there- she has all the same information in those documents she found!”
Rolling his eyes, Tails turned back to the map. “Fine. We can take my boat. But I need to take a better look at this map in some proper lighting.”
“Deal,” said Knuckles. “You in, Ames?”
“You can count on me! I already have our costumes planned out,” Amy giggled.
“Costumes…?” It didn’t feel like much of a deal to Tails, who’d just been roped into steering a boat for the next several days in whatever outlandish outfit Amy would choose for him. He rolled up the scroll begrudgingly and gathered the other trinkets into their box. Knuckles turned out the torches as the team spilled out into the corridor and followed him back up to the surface. They all squinted harshly as the mid-morning sun burned their eyes. 
“Here you go,” Amy told the ladybug, placing it on a small flower. “Hope you find your way back home okay.” She watched it crawl around a bit before spreading its wings and buzzing away happily. She smiled as it flew off, pleased that it was able to make it back to the surface with her help. Once it was out of her sight, Amy joined her friends in making their plans to sail off in the next few days.
The shiny little insect flew and flew, ascending far higher and speeding up to a far quicker pace than any ladybug reasonably should. It continued off the edge of Angel Island, floating high above the land, the sea, then the clouds. It didn’t take the ladybug very long to reach its destination, flying into a tiny steel vent and into a cold, metallic fortress. Once aboard the Egg Carrier, it made its way into a small lab where it landed on a steel desk, ready to address its master.
“It is about time you returned…”
The ladybug spread its wings once more, this time flying into the minuscule port on a computer that topped the desk. A video appeared on the screen that took up the wall ahead, displaying a first-person view from the bug’s perspective. It flew toward Amy Rose, landing on her shoulder just as she descended into a secret passage.
A young boy’s voice was heard. “I’m gonna fall asleep in here…” 
“No sleeping!” a gruff voice responded.
“Aw, wouldn’t want you to get lost down here,” Amy could be heard saying before the view changed to  atop her finger.
“Interesting.” Metal Sonic locked his fingers together, resting his chin over his thumbs as he leaned in to listen closely. “What are our little heroes up to now?”
The following morning, Eggman raised a brow as he enjoyed his coffee with the early news. A field reporter was live from a marina where a crime was committed earlier that day. The spot at the docks where a historic pirate ship normally floated was empty.
“They just sailed off in her!” a frantic man said on TV. “We had a wedding planned there for this afternoon! What are we supposed to do now?”
The show cut back to the news anchor. “The historic Royal Fortune, the antique pirate ship that still operates tours and events to this day, was stolen early this morning as the thieves marooned the crew on a nearby sandbar. The criminals are described as armored and wearing black hooded cloaks. If anyone has news regarding her whereabouts-”
“Hmm…” Eggman muted the show as he heard a loud, metallic clanking forming from the corridor.  Metal Sonic strode in from outside the floating fortress with two Silver Sonic Prototypes close behind. All were mysteriously clad in black hooded cloaks as the small minions each carried oversized boxes above their heads.
Eggman leaned back in his chair to look out through the open doorway. “Metal, where were you so early?”
The three robots stopped in their tracks as Metal Sonic turned around to address him momentarily. “Out.” He continued forward without another word.
“I gave you the ability to talk so you could use it, you know,” Eggman grumbled. He took another sip as a loud doorway could be heard opening and shutting down the hall. With a sigh, the old man shook his head, wondering what the dark cloaks were about. Why would they hide their identities to steal the stupid ship? What is he even up to? he asked himself before going back to his coffee.
Once in the privacy of Metal Sonic’s lab, boxes were ripped open and long capes were thrown aside. Metal Sonic stood in front of a full-length mirror examining his freshly painted armor, glittering gold accents reflecting the dull fluorescent lighting. Each of the pint-sized prototypes had received chromatic silver paint jobs as well to differentiate them from the dozen or so other identical bots that performed various tasks around the airship. They both sorted through the boxes, throwing various period garments about the room haphazardly.
Clothes were strewn everywhere by the time Metal Sonic noticed the mess they were making. “I told you two to find me something to wear, not wreck my lab!” The identical minions looked at one another blankly. One of them picked a pair of stays up from in front of him and held for his master to observe. Metal snatched the undergarment from the smaller robot’s clamps and threw it aside. “That is not what I meant!” He picked up a nearby book and ripped it open to a page containing an illustration of a pirate captain. “Find me this,” he pointed at the pirate’s jacket gruffly.
His claw made a loud CLANG against his forehead, saluting Metal before stretching an extendable arm across the room to retrieve a navy coat with gold accents that had been tossed aside. Once in his possession, Metal Sonic draped it over his shoulders and examined his reflection once more. “Hmm… A bit restrictive. H3, scissors.” The other lackey robot took the command, fetching a pair of scissors from a drawer and presenting them to his master. Metal proceeded to chop the coat up into little more than an open vest adorned with golden epaulets draped with tassels at each shoulder. He belted the reconstructed jacket around his waist and stared at his reflection. “What do you think? Missing something?”
The two henchmen examined the book’s illustration again. One of them shot up and dove into one of the boxes, returning with a tricorn cap. He extended his arm and placed the hat atop Metal Sonic’s head while the other clapped his bulky claws together. 
“I don’t know…” Metal rested his hands on his hips pensively. “What are you two wearing?”
H3 and his counterpart, H4, looked toward one another with a shrug. They dug through the pile, each digging out a solid-colored scarf. H3 wrapped his blue one around his head like a bandana while H4 tied a red one to his waist. They looked each other up and down for a few moments before deciding in unison to switch their color choices, H3 snatching the red bandana from his brother and pulling it over his head while H4 made a belt of the blue one after ripping it from atop the other’s head. They high-fived to commemorate the decision, their little clamped hands rattling together as they made contact.
“Fine, fine…” Metal waved them off, glancing back at the book once more. The captain sported a sword at his waist. At the bottom of one of the boxes rested an antique cutlass that resembled the one in the drawing, but dulled at the edge. “Yes… This will do.” He picked up the weapon and brandished it ahead of his body “If Sonic’s friends are dressing for the occasion, so shall we!” he cackled. “H4, make sure this gets sharpened,” he barked as he thrust the sword into the minion's hands. “H3, clean up this mess. I have work to do.”
With that, each of the minions loudly saluted Metal Sonic before attending to their tasks. Metal leaned over his desk as the video of the heroes reappeared on the large screen ahead. He was disappointed to learn that he wouldn’t be facing his rival, Sonic- the coward had decided to stay on land. Metal looked from one of their faces to another before settling on Amy Rose’s cheerful expression. “Yes… She will do.” Metal concocted his plan, reveling in the knowledge that once he obtained the Stone Mirror, he would manifest into a form that not Sonic nor his friends could hope to stand a chance against.
Metal had spent much of the last year spying on Sonic and his friends, waiting for an opportunity when he could be one step ahead. He had grown to resent Eggman and his half-baked plans over the years, existing only as an obstacle to the heroes who always seemed to be prepared. Eggman understood this, or at least knew that Metal had begun taking his own initiative when it came to plotting against his rival. When he caught the robot surveilling the team, he made the decision to encourage him, wanting to take advantage of the part of Metal that could think just like his rival. Soon, Metal had been outfitted with a lab of his own and two henchmen to command. Eggman had upgraded him with the ability to speak and emote more expressly not long after, which Metal found both vexing and enthralling, now taking every opportunity to put his thoughts into words.
But Metal ultimately resented this as well as he had no desire to lean on his master. What he yearned for most greatly was to have the independence and autonomy to act on his own. Though Metal wasn’t disloyal to him, Eggman’s incompetence ironically prevented him from accomplishing his objective of eliminating Sonic. Since then, Metal took what he’d been offered as if a birthright and accepted nothing more, opting to source his own necessities. Everything from research to obtaining materials was to be accomplished by him personally- a task he did not take lightly. And because this was the first- no- the only time he would need to defeat his foes, it only made sense to do it in style. 
Perishing the thought that whatever deep-seated programming compelled him to these theatrics was likely due to Eggman’s own influence, Metal had gotten to work studying the life of pirate legend Captain Scarlett. Metal did a poor job at hiding the excitement that befell him as he read everything he could process that regarded pirating. Perhaps it was the high stakes and endless freedom the seafaring criminals seemed to command- and what a very “Sonic” thing to be attracted to. He laughed to himself about his organic counterpart’s apparent fear of the ocean.
Then again, it was probably just the dramatic aesthetics.
The old pirate captain had a flair for the dramatic herself. Metal’s research showed that she often left secret messages in her documents such as the one discovered by Amy Rose in that map of theirs, as well as the letters that had been uncovered. Many of the “mysteries” uncovered through time appeared to be rudimentary puzzles really, it was bewildering how the treasure had remained hidden for so long. Still, he didn’t have a map of his own, and tailing the heroes would only get him so far. Metal knew from past experience that the bubbly girl was rather sympathetic. A savior complex, he thought as he studied his past interactions with her. She was the perfect pawn to manipulate into leading him right to the Stone Mirror. 
The video was paused on a frame of Amy and her sunny smile. He recalled their first meeting when he captured her and how helpless she had been; But the girl had grown strong over the years, impressing even him with her combat technique. Amy decidedly wasn’t one to be taken lightly anymore, and he would have to be cautious. The compassion she showed towards most creatures was her real weakness, one that was easy to take advantage of. He played back a compilation of videos he’s taken of Amy Rose; her beaming complexion, the charismatic giggle in her voice, the tender pleading in her eyes…
None of that matters! He shook the thought from his head. What he really needed to understand were the driving factors behind her empathy. What could he use against her? He fast-forwarded to a scene of her and the rest of the group reminiscing about past adventures.
On-screen, Amy sat between Sonic and Tails in the sand, all enjoying an afternoon together at the beach. Knuckles could be heard off-screen. “Yeah, I still can’t believe Amy convinced that robot to let her go! What was it called again?”
“His name was Gamma. Honestly, he was able to think for himself after we became friends- it didn’t take much to convince him that he could disobey Eggman if he wanted to.” she twirled the front of her spines bashfully.
Sonic laughed. “Well good thing you made friends with him! I nearly turned him to scrap metal.”
“Come on, he did a lot of good before… you know.” There was some sadness in her eyes.
“Yeah,” Sonic agreed. “Hey, maybe you could convince Egg-head to do some good for once, too.” 
Metal paused the video as they laughed together. “He did a lot of good.” Yes, Metal knew exactly how to get the sweet girl on his side- he was confident it wouldn’t take much convincing on his part, either. 
The lab door was suddenly slammed open. “H4, what have I told you about-” Metal paused, faced not with his lackey but with a very animated Eggman.
“Metal! I just saw H4’s new paint job- excellent work! We should outfit all the prototypes with it,” he bellowed. 
Narrowing his eyes, Metal turned back toward the screen to brood silently.
Eggman took a few steps into the room before continuing. “Tell me, though, what’s with all the pirate outfits? You putting on a show?” he feigned ignorance over the stolen ship and nudged the box closest to him with his foot. H3 popped his head out from the pile of clothes within with a clanky salute. “This one too, eh? I like the look.” There was no response from Metal but the quickening hum of his turbine as he grew annoyed at the interruption. “That hat will probably impede your hearing, though…”
He continued taking steps into the room, stopping just behind Metal to join him in looking at the screen ahead. It was still paused on a still of Amy looking cheerful. “Studying our heroes again, are we? You sure seem to like this one... She’s pretty cute.”
Metal whipped around to face him once again, this time with blazing eyes. “What are you-”
“I bet you could kidnap her again easily,” Eggman interrupted with a grin and a snap of his fingers.
“Get out!” Metal roared, rising from his seat.
Eggman laughed heartily. “Alright, alright- tell me if you need anything for your little production!”
As the scientist turned on his heel and made his way back toward the open door, H4 was scuttling in with the now sharpened cutlass held carelessly above him. He came to a skidding halt at the sight of Eggman, bringing his hand up to his forehead and dropping the sword noisily on the steel floor in the process. The man cackled at him, bending down to pick up the weapon and examine it. “Nice sword, not that you need it. Teach your lackeys to be a little more careful with sharp objects, hm?” Eggman tossed the sword to Metal, who caught it effortlessly, rolling his eyes.
“... Fine.” he finally responded before taking his seat again and swiveling back toward the giant monitor. He shut off the program that played back the videos.
“Atta boy.” With that, Eggman made his way out of the room. H4 shot out his arm, slamming his claw against a button that shut the door behind him.
The sword gleamed in the harsh lighting as Metal held it up to inspect. Eggman was correct, of course- Metal didn’t need a weapon- he was one. But the added flourish couldn’t hurt, he thought as he swung it through the air, a small WHIP whispering across the room each time he waved it. Metal wouldn’t admit it even to himself, but his creator had a point about his interest in Amy Rose, as well...
An alert flashed on the screen ahead before he could be forced to think about it. “GPS Tracker Activated”. A map popped up showing a blinking red dot, indicating the location of Tails’ boat.
“Finally…” Metal stood, raising a foot on his chair and brandishing the cutlass proudly. “Prepare the ship- we sail at dawn!”
Amy yawned as she got dressed the following morning. The TV was tuned to the news, where a reporter was commenting on the authorities’ inability to find any leads in the case of the Royal Fortune’s theft. “Weird…” Amy remarked to herself out loud. She was tying a blue ascot around the collar of her dress- a white, long-sleeved piece with blue stripes at the hem and cuffs. She had purchased the sailor suit impulsively with the hopes of going sailing leisurely with her friends, but she supposed a maritime mission was occasion enough. 
Hearing the whistle of a boat in the distance, she quickly pinned on her hat and slung her duffel bag over her shoulder. She lived on the beach and the boys had agreed to meet her there before sailing off. The whistle howled once more and she hurried out of her little shack, running toward the shore. “I’m here already! Quit hollering,” she grumbled. A steel ladder was lowered and she tossed her bag for Knuckles to catch before climbing her way up.
The boat was nothing like the pirate ship she’d seen on TV that morning. It was a sleek white vessel with blue chrome accents that glittered in the early sunlight. The small yacht was equipped with every manner of boating technology that Tails could cram onto it. A door beneath the elevated helm opened to reveal a set of stairs leading down to the main quarters. Knuckles lugged Amy’s bag over his shoulder, beckoning her to the opening.
“Wait! Before you put that away…” Amy unzipped the front pocket.
Knuckles grumbled. “Before I put it away?”
“Yes, thank you for that,” she chuckled, pulling out a pair of themed hats- a sailor’s cap similar to her own, and a white service cap with gold accents. “I figured you guys would prefer these to clothes.”
“Hmm,” Knuckles examined the headwear as she unfurled each one and held them up. “I suppose a captain’s hat would be fitting…” he reached out to take it from her when Tails suddenly interrupted.
“Uh, my ship- If anyone’s captain, it’s me.”
With an incredulous look, Knuckles turned his chin up to address him. “My mission, my hat- I’m captain. You’re navigating.”
“Oh and I suppose this boat’s gonna steer itself?” Tails said in a mocking tone.
“You think I don’t know how to drive a boat?” Knuckles was yelling now.
“Like I’d let you even if you could.”
“Alright,” Amy interrupted, “That’s enough- we have to be on this boat together for the next week. You two better get along!” 
“Fine,” Knuckles crossed his arms. “Who do you think should be captain?”
“Tails,” she responded without hesitation.
Tails snickered from above. “Do you even have a boating license, Knuckles?”
His expression of rage quickly turned blank. His teammates both watched as the gears seemed to turn in his head. “... No.”
Amy and Tails both broke out into a fit of laughter. Knuckles snatched the sailor’s cap from her hand and stomped down the stairs with the duffel bag, grumbling choice words under his breath. “Here you go,” she tossed the captain’s hat up to Tails.
“Thank you,” he smirked triumphantly. “We’re ready to go- let’s let Sonic know before we sail off.” Amy made her way up and stood by him as Tails made a video call on a tablet. Sonic appeared on it a moment later.
“Yo,” he winked. “Looking good, guys.”
“Thank you,” Amy giggled bashfully.
“We’re about to sail,” Tails interjected before she could start chatting. “Everything good on your end?”
“Yep, just me and the Master Emerald. Pretty boring…”
“Don’t let Knuckles hear you say that.”
The three shared a chuckle before Amy and Tails waved to Sonic and signed off. The boat’s ladder ascended from the sand as Tails made the final preparations to sail. Knuckles reemerged from the doorway below as the vessel began moving, shielding his eyes from the sun with his hand.
“Where’s your uniform, skipper?” Tails chortled, noticing that he hadn’t donned the white and blue cap.
“Watch it,” he threatened, eyes fixed on the horizon.
As the boat slid away from the shore and into the open ocean, Tails and Amy chuckled to themselves, ready for the adventure ahead. Unbeknownst to them, however, they weren’t the only ones tracking their whereabouts.
Back at the Egg Carrier, Metal and his lackeys were getting ready to mobilize.
The three bots snuck out of the lab and through the steel corridors, making sure to fly to keep noise to a minimum. It was dark- Eggman either wasn’t up or was too fixated on his work to notice them anyway. Once they reached the outdoor deck, each landed on the edge for a moment, H3 and H4 awaiting commands. “We will stay off their radar by remaining some distance away, and intercept them at this first meeting spot,” Metal explained. “But we need to catch up. Now, to the ship!”
But before he could lift off, a mechanical squeaking caught Metal’s attention from behind. He turned his vision to the distraction, claws outstretched in case someone was trying to stop him. His gaze was met by that of another Silver Sonic Prototype, who then imitated the awkward saluting motion the other two greeted their masters with. Metal narrowed his eyes at him suspiciously but lowered his guard. “What is the meaning of this?”
The small robot seemed to pull a yellow bandana from out of nowhere and quickly tied it below his muzzle, looking back up at Metal Sonic with his permanent sly grin. Metal scratched his chin pensively. “You wish to join us?” The prototype’s joints squeaked as it bobbed its head quickly and violently, causing Metal to slap his hand atop it like he was hitting a switch. “Enough! You’ll alert the others. Hm… State your serial number.” He lifted his right foot to reveal a string of numbers written on the sole, the last of which were “H1.”
“Ah, the very first…” Metal processed the unexpected interruption for a moment. He didn’t know how the robot had discovered his intentions, but there wasn’t much time to lose. At this point taking the additional support with him would at least keep word from getting to Eggman if H1 made a fuss. Metal supposed he could just deactivate him and toss him overboard, but…
“Very well, you may join me... But your outfit needs work. I’ll brief you on the ship- move!” 
H1 threw its hands in the air with excitement, the four of them taking off. Metal Sonic lead the charge to the ship anchored about a mile away as they shot down through the high clouds. 
“Are we there yet?” Amy groaned from a lounge seat on the upper deck. The excitement from that morning had slowly turned to a boring exhaustion as the day dragged on. It was impossibly hot- the sun’s rays intensified by the inescapable humidity. The sun would be setting in another hour and they’d all been up since dawn, but Amy was the wariest.
“You know this is gonna take days, right?” Tails yawned. He had joined her on the deck while the boat was on auto-pilot, not intending to change direction for some time.
“I thought this first place was supposed to be close…”
“Yeah, it’s only a 12-hour boat ride,” he shrugged sarcastically. “But who knows how far the actual treasure is?”
“You two need to stop your belly-aching, you’re already getting on my nerves.” Knuckles was seated cross-legged on the roof of the helm. The others were sure he’d bake to death.
“Easy for you to say, all you do all day is sit around!” Amy huffed. 
Tails checked his tablet, which he’d equipped with a navigator. “We’re actually pretty close… We’ll be coming up on these coordinates in about 20 minutes.” 
Amy stretched her arms in an attempt to liven herself up. “Great! Then we have to figure out this weird puzzle…”
“I’m sure it’ll be obvious once we’re there,” said Knuckles. Tails couldn’t help but think he sounded awfully confident for someone who had no idea how to navigate.
“Hey, what is that…?” Tails hurried to take a pair of binoculars from his equipment and ran to the bow, staring into the horizon. The others listened in, Amy sitting up in the chair and squinting her eyes ahead. “Uh, there’s another boat over there… a big one.” The team all scrambled to the front of the boat, trying to look through the binoculars at once. A bright white ship could be seen in the distance- at least three times the size of Tail’s boat but just as modern. As they inched closer, some of the crew could be seen pacing around the main deck.
“Give me those,” Knuckles snatched away the binoculars for himself, zooming in on the ship’s bow as close as he could get them to focus. “You have got to be kidding me…”
“Rouge.” The woman he considered his arch-rival was sauntering about the bow of her ship, the stitched-together map in hand as she conversed with some crewmates. Two men each lugging a huge camera over their shoulder stood on either side of them. Amy and Tails groaned upon hearing Knuckles utter her name with disdain, knowing the squabbling that would come next. He watched as she squinted in the direction of their boat once they were in view of one another.
Tails brought his vessel in close to her ship, which towered above theirs. Rouge had to lean over the side railing to look down at the team. “Oh my, what is it you want?” she frowned.
Knuckles raised a foot to rest on a railing of his own. “We’re after Scarlett’s treasure, and you’re in our way.”
“I mean, they’re not really in our way,” Tails grumbled. “Can you take your foot down from there?”
“Quiet,” Knuckles held a palm up to him, chin still pointed up at Rouge.
One of the cameramen leaned over next to her, pointing his recording device directly at Knuckles. Rouge continued with a smirk. “It looks like we have some competition- not that they stand a chance at finding it before I do.”
Knuckles squinted. “What’s with the cameras?”
“Cameras?” Amy skipped over next to him and waved up at the ship. “Are you guys making a movie?”
“A documentary,” Rouge nodded. “And you look so cute. What do you think of this?” Rouge batted her wings and flew up to hover just above the railing, the camera following her as she did. She wore a brocade bustier over a lacey flared-sleeve linen blouse and fitted black trousers tucked into leather boots. She looked like a true pirate.
“Oh,” Amy beamed, “Gorgeous!”
Knuckles raised his voice as his vexation grew. “What the hell is happening? Why are you dressed like that?”
“Aesthetic,” she shrugged. “And how did you find this place, anyway? Are you tracking us?”
“I’ll have you know that treasure you’re after contains sacred Knuckles Tribe artifacts, and we have Captain Scarlett’s original map.” Knuckles crossed his arms confidently.
“No kidding?” Rouge pouted. “Well, good luck- we’ve been here for hours and can’t figure out where we’re supposed to go from here.”
“Typical!” Knuckles shot back.
“Hmph- If you’re so knowledgeable, hotshot, let’s see you navigate from here!” Rouge flew off out of sight with the cameraman on her heels.
“Whatever-” Knuckles marched up to the helm where Tails had already begun studying the map. “So... where do we go from here?”
“Beats me…” he shrugged.
“Are you serious?”
Amy joined them, picking up the crystal eyeglass and bringing it to her eye. She expected it to magnify things, but it didn’t appear to be a telescope. “Well, this has to have something to do with it. Hmm…” 
“Don’t forget the compass.” Tails brought it up to eye-level. “It’s pointing south by south-west. Weird.”
“What did the map say again?”
Tails held it up to the light, reading aloud. “‘Hand in hand we sailed to the horizon that faithful evening. I looked into her glassy eyes for guidance as the sky above turned, Scarlett.’ Whatever that means…”
“‘Sky above turned’... Like, turned to night?” Amy raised the eyepiece up high. The soft blue sky turned an intense shade of cobalt when viewed through the glass. “Ohhh, how pretty,” she remarked. “Glassy eyes…” Amy turned to tails with a gasp.
“The eyeglass!” they said in unison.
“But do we have to look up at the sky during the nighttime then?” Tails scratched his chin.
“I don’t think we’ll see much at night with this thing- it just turns everything blue.”
Knuckles took it from her, glancing through it with one eye. “What’s this even for?” 
“I thought it was a spyglass, but it doesn’t magnify anything. It’s just a blue glass at the end.”
“That’s useless…” The three of them pondered on it as the sun neared the horizon. It would be dark soon- they didn’t want to be stuck there trying to figure it out overnight. Both teams were so deep in contemplation that they hardly noticed a third object approaching on their radar until it could be seen in the distance.
“Is that a pirate ship?” Rouge could be heard from her ship’s deck. She flew up to get a better look through a telescope. “Do you guys have anything to do with this?” she accused.
“Uh, definitely not” Tails answered, glancing through his own binoculars. He zoomed in as far as the lenses allowed. A lanky figure with a spiky head could just barely be made out. “Is that… Sonic?”
“What? Gimme those,” Amy yanked them away from him to look. “Hey- isn’t that the pirate ship that was stolen yesterday?” 
“You’re right!” Rouge shouted. “And that does look like Sonic…”
Amy gasped in realization. “That’s not Sonic… That’s Metal Sonic.” 
“Oh great, now we gotta deal with Eggman, too?” Knuckles groaned. “What could he want?”
The ship was fast approaching. Rouge shouted orders at her crew, instructing them to ready their weapons. The TV crew scrambled around frantically, trying to catch all the action. Amy and Knuckles looked at Tails expectantly, not having anticipated getting into a battle at sea.
“I got this. Everyone get close!” Amy gathered the map, eyepiece, and compass and held onto them tightly as they scurried together at the helm. Tails entered a set of commands and the boat began to separate in two, bisected vertically to make way for an enormous cannon that rose from beneath the deck. The helm was raised up and back, a shield forming around it like a cockpit. “Knuckles, cannon. Amy, be on the lookout from the starboard and stem. I’ll keep an eye on the port side while I steer.” 
“Roger!” they shouted in unison. 
Metal Sonic’s ship approached from the south, circling around both vessels as it came close. “Ahoy!” his voice came shouting out of a speaker. He cackled as his opponents all seemed to look to one another with bewilderment.
“Could he always talk?” Tails asked his friends. 
Amy shuttered. “Not always…”
Rouge’s voice was amplified by a megaphone as she flew above her ship’s bow to address Metal Sonic. “Tell us what The Doctor is up to!”
“‘The Doctor’ has nothing to do with this. I’m here for her,” he extended a long, spiked claw to point directly at Amy, who jumped at the announcement. 
“Wh- Me?” 
“Yes, you. Now come, join my crew!” His hand closed into a fist as he made the demand. No one was more dumbfounded than Amy. At a loss for words, she looked incredulously at Metal Sonic. “Well, come on, I haven’t got all night.”
Shaking her head of the confusion, Amy finally answered. “Uh… no thanks?”
Everyone turned their attention back to Metal. He narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms behind him authoritatively. “Are you sure?”
All eyes shifted back to Amy. She was red as a tomato at all the attention. “P-positive…”
“Hm, very well.” Metal took some steps back onto the deck of the Royal Fortune, turning away from the others. Rouge held a hand back to her crew, a few of whom stood on the deck behind her with rifles. Tails and Amy glanced at one another while Knuckles held his fighting stance. Then, Metal spoke again. “We’ll do it the hard way, then.” 
Without warning, a cannon exploded in the direction of Tails’ boat. The three hit the deck as the cannon fodder made contact and shook the vessel. Rouge’s crew opened fire on Metal Sonic’s ship, making bullet holes in the old wood but leaving the robot unaffected as the ammunition bounced off his body. He gave her a look of boredom.
The sun began to set as it all unfolded, casting a deep ruby light over the environment. Amy struggled to find her balance and retrieve the eyepiece and compass that had rolled around the floor at the collision. The compass slipped out of her grip, too, sliding down the deck just beside the glass. She moved to snatch both pieces up but stopped when she noticed something glowing upon the compass in the light that reflected from the eyepiece. Picking them up carefully, Amy brought the spyglass up to look at the compass through. Drawn across the arrow was another arrow, pointing in the opposite direction. It illuminated as she looked at it through the glass and disappeared otherwise. “‘Sky turned…’ Oh! Scarlett!” The intense red light cast from the sunset had combined with the blue filter on the glass to reveal the otherwise hidden image. Upon turning the compass around, Amy found some text on the back in the same glowing lettering. 
“Amy, move!” Knuckles shouted from behind. She didn’t have time to react before she felt a metallic coil snake around her waist and pull her backward. It wasn’t a cannonball that Metal Sonic had fired, it was one of his minions, H3 with his extendable arms. Amy screamed as she suddenly lurched away.
“Hang on-” Tails commanded, turning the cannon sharply and causing the vessel to shutter again. H3 struggled to maintain his balance until Knuckles came up on his side and smashed a fist into his head, sending the bot flying off the side of the boat. He released Amy instinctually, using his arms to latch onto the railing instead.
Amy landed on her feet, the artifacts still in hand. “Tails, the compass! Look!” 
“Little busy!” Tails was turning the wheel at the helm frantically, trying to swing the cannon back around to fire back at Metal Sonic. 
“We have to hurry before the sun goes down! We need the red light!” She ran back to the safety of the helm, where the shield protected them from the front. The cannon charged as she scrambled to read the inscription aloud in the dimming light. “‘The Mirror’s bloodlust was nothing to me, for I’d have bled myself dry for you.’ Huh? Hey, this mentions the mirror-” 
Tails pulled the trigger then, expecting some kickback from the blast. Instead, the entire front of the vessel was launched upward, the shot deflected into the sky; something had come up beneath them, turning the boat up and threatening to sink it. Everyone aboard lost their balance as the boat listed back. Tails managed to hold on by the helm and Knuckles by a side railing, but Amy was sent sliding down, shrieking as she rolled overboard off the stern. 
Metal Sonic looked on in a panic as it unfolded. “Nooo!” his eyes blazed down at whatever had emerged from the sea to cause the collision. A huge steel submarine sat with its nose just under the front of the boat. “Aaaaargh!” he roared in realization. The logo plastered on each side of it gave it away- it belonged to Dr. Eggman.
“Attack!” the command could be heard coming from the half-submerged vessel. Two oversized badniks emerged from the water, a crablike robot that crawled up the side of the submarine and began blasting at Rouge’s ship, and another shaped like a torpedo made to resemble a shark which hurdled itself toward Tails’ boat, causing it to shake and list further.
“Amy! Knuckles!” Tails shouted. He was able to kick himself off and fly, taking the map as he looked for his friends.
“Over here,” Knuckles called. He reached up for Tails’ hand. “Where’s Amy?”
As she finally emerged from the water, Amy coughed and waved her arm up frantically. Spotting her, Rouge flew overhead. “I’ve got her!”
“No, you don’t,” Metal Sonic flew into Rouge’s side, kicking her out of the air and into the water with a grunt. He made his way to Amy, lifting her by the arm out of the murky water. She coughed and sputtered, but clutched onto both the compass and spyglass with her other hand. He pulled her up further to hold by the waist at his side as he circled his way around to pick up H3, still dangling off the side of Tails’ boat. He narrowly missed a direct hit from the shark badnik when it leaped out of the water for another hit.
“Be more careful! You are not to hit Metal Sonic!” Eggman’s voice screeched from the submarine.
Metal flew over it on his way back to the ship. “Why are you here?!” 
Amy had begun struggling under Metal Sonic’s grip, threatening to hurdle herself back into the ocean. “Let me go! I don’t want to join your weird crew!”
“Stop your squirming! Do you have a death wish?” Just as he finished the statement, Amy wormed her way out from under his arm and fell headfirst toward the water. Thinking fast, Metal chucked H3 toward his ship with a CLANG and dove for her. He was just quick enough to catch the girl before she fell in again, supporting her back and legs against him tightly; she wasn’t going to get out of this one so easily.
“What do you even want with me?” she yelled, trying to push away from him in vain.
Metal looked down at her, forcing eye contact. “... I need you.” He tried to sound sincere.
Bullets began raining down on them now that they were directly across from Rouge’s ship. Metal pulled Amy’s body in, deflecting the fire. “Is anyone here sane?!” Amy actually made an effort to cling to him now, drawing her knees as close as she could muster.
“Stop firing, you idiots, he has the girl!” Rouge wailed, finally hovering up and recovering from her run-in with Metal Sonic. “Are you trying to get her killed?!” She landed on the front of the submarine and swung her leg down on the crab robot’s face, splitting it in two. Meanwhile, Knuckles threw his fist into the side of the other badnik and rendered it useless as it flopped back into the water. Tails carried him up to the deck of the ship with Rouge not far behind. 
Metal flew into the hole in the side of the ship from which the cannon stuck out, allowing him to take them out of harm’s way faster. He dropped her harshly on her behind once they were inside. “H4, H1, make sure she doesn’t escape,” he commanded before flying up toward the main deck. 
“Ouch! Hey, wait- what do you want with me?” Amy got on her feet and was ready to chase after him when a pair of snaky appendages started winding themselves around her. “Not... again!” she wiggled out an arm, summoning her hammer; but another clawed hand shot out and knocked it from her grip, confining her before she could retrieve it. There was no squirming away now. “Metal! Get back down here and tell these things to let me gooo!” she screeched before one of H1’s arms coiled over her mouth like a muffler.
On deck, Metal Sonic hoisted the sails and began navigating away from the battle. Eggman had stuck his head out of the top of the submarine, waving at him. “Great work, Metal! I’ll hold them off.” the old man just barely dodged one of Rouge’s bullets before scurrying back in.
Enraged by The Doctor’s presence, Metal was tempted to disobey and continue fighting out of spite- but he had what he’d come for. Resenting the “help,” he blasted “Stay out of this!” at Eggman as his ship sailed into the darkening horizon.
 In the aftermath of the battle, Rouge tramped around the ship shouting orders with cameramen on her heels. Eggman escaped once Metal Sonic had enough of a lead. Now, one of the ship‘s engines was badly damaged and engineers were sent down to make what repairs they could while Tails and Knuckles were given towels to dry off with. They sat in the enclosed cockpit discussing their next steps.
“I can’t believe they sunk my boat…” Tails was sitting with his head in his hands sorrowfully, lamenting the loss of his tech. “All that equipment…”
Knuckles sat with his arms crossed, grumbling. “Yeah, and now we have no chance of getting to the treasure before Rouge…” She marched into the room just then, slamming the door behind her and locking out the camera crew with a huff. Raising a brow, Knuckles addressed her. “Speak of the devil…”
“Don’t start!” she shot back at him. “I just saved your sorry behinds from being stranded at sea. I’m dropping you off at the next port-of-call, so don’t get too comfortable!” Rouge had a towel draped over her shoulders but hadn’t changed out of her wet clothes. She was getting goosebumps in the cool, air-conditioned room.
“We’re stopping? But we need to get to that treasure before Metal Sonic and save Amy!” Tails protested.
She marched up to the helm and pointed at several flashing indicator lights. “We can hardly go anywhere right now. Half the ship is under duress and we need to stop somewhere for repairs. I’m waiting for a tow.” Crossing her arms, she turned away from the pair. “And you are not part of my crew- we’re leaving you ashore.”
“Like hell you are!” Knuckles stomped over to her, placing a gruff hand on her shoulder. She was not amused, slapping it away from her.
“Hands off! Or would you rather we throw you overboard now?”
“And you’re fine with just abandoning Amy, then?”
With a gasp, Rouge whirled around again, hiding the shame on her face. “What do you want me to do? The ship’s barely operational, and I have a crew to think about…”
Knuckles grumbled but didn’t have a response. He hated to admit it, but she was right- they needed a ship to catch up to Metal Sonic, and theirs wouldn’t make it far.
“Can I take a look at the damage, Rouge?” Tails chimed in. They both looked back at him, then at each other.
Rouge shrugged with a slight shiver. “Fine- you probably know better than my best engineer anyway…”
“No doubt,” Knuckles retorted. “Go change, would ya? You look like you’re freezing.” 
“Hmph!” she glared at him. Picking up a microphone, she pressed a button that called the engine room. “I’m sending another engineer down, you are to do what he asks.” Once she received confirmation, Rouge slammed her own compass and eyeglass on the counter atop her map. “And figure this out!” With that, she was off, out a side door and into her quarters. The door shut harshly behind her.
“Hm.” Knuckles leaned back on the wall. “Now the question is, where do we go from here?”
“We’ll need a red light to find out. Come on,” Tails snatched up the items she’d left behind and beckoned his friend to join him in the engine room.
“A red-? Huh?”
Ignoring their questions as they went, Tails and Knuckles weaved around the camera crew that still lingered outside the room and headed down into the ship’s depths.
Some miles away, Amy’s muffled yelling could be heard below the deck of Metal Sonic’s ship. He descended the stairs slowly, stopping in front of her. He made a motion as if to clear his throat and addressed the girl. “Apologies for the restraints. I thought you might be liable to tear the ship apart otherwise.” He signaled for H1 to unwrap his arm, allowing her to speak freely.
“I’ll tear you apart first!” she writhed under the metal coils to no avail.
“If you don’t settle down, we will just have to wait for you to tire yourself out,” he shrugged. “And you’ll find there’s nowhere to go at sea but down- so I’d be careful about threatening the captain.”
Amy huffed and puffed but couldn’t get out from under the weight of so many restraints. Panting, she finally relented, raising her intense glare at him. “What do you want?”
Metal let out a mechanical “sigh,” as if exasperated. He stood with his hands at his hips, leaning forward slightly. “I do not wish to harm you…” It wasn’t a lie- not yet, anyway. “I’ll cut to the chase: I am after the Stone Mirror-”
“And why would I help you with that?”
“Silence!” he commanded. Amy scoffed, turning her head away. “Now... Why don’t we speak in private, hm?” With a snap of his metallic fingers, the heavy arms all snaked away from Amy, putting her down on her feet gingerly. She gazed from bot to bot with caution. Metal pointed at the wooden staircase with both arms. “After you.”
“Hmph!” Carefully, Amy made her way past each of Metal Sonic’s minions and then himself. They began up the stairs while he followed her closely. He looked away for a moment to signal something to the others; Amy saw an opening. In an instant, her hammer appeared in her fist as she swung around to smash it into the side of his face, knocking him off the third step and onto the floor. 
Metal Sonic shook his head violently as the light in his left eye flickered. Unfortunately for Amy, it didn’t actually impair his vision and he managed to catch up to her in a manner of seconds. H3 was already whipping his arms around and charging at Amy when Metal Sonic came up from behind to restrain her. “H3, stop at once!” The small henchmen dove onto his back at the sudden command, sliding across the deck with his extended arms dangling behind. He crashed into a beam feet-first, causing it to rattle. 
Kicking and flailing, Amy was only able to bring her weapon down behind her, repeatedly hammering the top of Metal’s head. “Let! Me! Go!”
“What do you even plan to do once you ‘destroy’ me? I told you, there’s nowhere to go- And stop the incessant hammering!” He pulled one of his arms away from her, seizing her hammer and chucking it overboard. The repeated hits to the head finally took out the LEDs in his left eye as it went out completely. He pushed her away and she turned back to him. To his surprise, the giant mallet was already back in her grip when she did. “What- How? Why?!”
Amy was breathing heavily, holding her hammer to her front defensively. Realistically, she knew he was right- even if she managed to take him and the others out, she’d just be lost at sea. Maybe he really wasn’t trying to hurt her… he had asked that smaller robot to stop attacking, after all. But Amy couldn’t see what good giving him access to the Stone Mirror would do. “What do you want with the mirror, anyway?” she asked, doubting he’d give a straight answer.
Metal Sonic straightened up into a neutral pose, smoothing down his lapel. His glare softened as an eyelid cast down over his functioning eye. “I shall tell you… After you stop dripping all over my deck.” Amy winced, realizing how sopping wet she still was from her dip in the ocean. Saltwater dripped from her quills and dress and had begun to puddle at her feet. “There’s a change of clothes in my quarters. Will you stop being combative and listen?”
Lowering her hammer- but not putting it away- Amy nodded reluctantly. “You first this time.”
“... Very well.” Metal Sonic led the way across the elevated deck to a set of double doors, opening one and motioning for Amy to enter. She hung back suspiciously. Metal rolled the eye he had left and entered first, allowing her to close the door behind them. Once inside, he plopped down on a large armchair, propping his feet up on the wooden table in front of him. “I’ve set something out for you there,” he pointed at an antique screen in the corner of the room. “Try not to take all night.”
Amy’s glare didn’t stray until she was safely behind the screen, when she put away her hammer. There was a frilled white blouse and ankle-length maroon skirt hanging beside some black stockings and red boots. A towel hung over the screen. Is he serious? She hesitated for a moment, wondering how she ever ended up in such a scenario, playing dress-up for one of her worst enemies. But the situation was hopeless if she didn’t comply. She just had to play along and wait for backup for the time being…
After 10 minutes of waiting, Metal grew impatient. “Do you need assistance?” he mocked.
“No!” Amy emerged a moment later, awkwardly shoving the bottom of the shirt into the bell-shaped skirt. She’d slipped the compass and spyglass into each of her sleeves in the absence of pockets. “Thanks for the clothes or whatever, but why this?”
Ignoring her question, Metal stood and approached her. She took a step back. “Hm… Needs accessories.” His heavy steps clopped against the hardwood floor as Metal strode to another box of costumes. He dug out a set of square scarves and made his way back to where she stood, as non-threateningly as possible. Standing silently, Amy crossed her arms over the front of her body; she didn’t know what to expect. “Would you try these on?”
Amy was in disbelief. What did he want with her that required such a costume? She took the large square of fabric from him and examined them, unsure what she was meant to do. “Uh…”
“Allow me.” Metal held out an unassuming arm. The annoyance on Amy’s face was clear as she placed them back in his hand and brought her hands up to her hips impatiently. “Lift your arms.”
“These go around your waist. Now, lift your arms.”
She did what he asked with a grumble, gasping as he tightened each of them around her and tied the ends into forceful knots. Metal took a step back and admired her outfit. “Yes, very ‘pirate,’ don’t you think?” He motioned to a floor mirror across the room.
“I guess…” Keeping his reflection in her sights, Amy walked over to it. She was incredibly weirded out by his insistence, but supposed it could have been worse…
Her captor’s reflection grew nearer as he came up next to her, examining his face. “You really did a number on my eye; I’m impressed. But I wonder if it’ll affect…” 
“Hrm- I put on your silly outfit, now will you tell me what you want?”
The single burning eye on his face shot at her briefly. Rather than frightened, the girl seemed irritated at the situation. He measured her heart rate- it was consistent with that of a person at rest now. Her behavior was almost admirable. “It is only fair,” he said, taking a seat back at the table. “Sit.”
 “Is the word ‘please’ in your vocabulary?” she spat back.
Another eye-roll from Metal. “Please… sit.” Amy complied. She squirmed a bit as she sat, feeling restrained by the many layers around her midsection. She wondered silently if that was part of his plan. “The Stone Mirror. It allows one to become their ‘most desired self,’ is that correct?”
There was no way Metal Sonic should have known that. “I don’t know what you’re on about.”
His eye narrowed at her. “Fine- I will be honest. I know this only from spying on you and your friends. I have nothing to hide.”
“Is admitting it supposed to make it better?”
“No… I suppose not.” He leveraged himself against the table to stand. That glowing eye followed Amy as he paced around the perimeter of the table until he stopped at her side. “I know what the mirror is capable of, and I would like your help to retrieve it.” Leaning back on the table, he pointed at the cuffs of her sleeves. “The compass, if you will…” 
“You still haven’t told me why you kidnapped me.”
There was a silent pause. Metal locked his gaze with hers and softened his tone. “You are a compassionate person, Amy Rose. I believe you will understand my need to obtain this artifact.”
“Which is?”
He feigned another sigh. “I am growing tired of being under The Doctor’s command. He has given me some freedom, but…” Looking up, he crossed his arms defensively. “What I am most interested in is my autonomy.” His “acting” would have been impeccable if what he was saying was at all a lie. He hadn’t gotten around to his scheme yet.
“Okay…” The frown on her face told him she was listening, but still wary.
“I do not believe I will be able to achieve that in this form, you see.”
“So, what form are you trying to take? Another giant monster?”
“An organic form,” he responded simply.
Amy was taken aback. “A… A what?” Metal’s engine hummed in the quiet air. He began moving again, circling behind Amy, who didn’t take her eyes off him until he stopped on her other side. She wanted to stare at him intensely, to show that she wasn’t letting her guard down, but there was an impossible longing on his face. It was hard to look directly at him.
“It’s simple- I am a robot. I have an advanced AI far beyond that of others like me, but… There is something missing. This body, although immortal and perfect in design, seems to weigh me down.” He knelt down beside her so he was no longer looming, believing it made him appear more humble. “I wish to think for my own… to feel.” 
The moment was uncomfortable. Amy recoiled slightly when he’d come down, trying in vain to avoid locking eyes with him. He sounded so sincere. How could it be possible? “Wh- Why didn’t you just take the compass and run? Why did you have to bring me?”
“I took you so your friends wouldn’t attack me directly and spoil my plans.”
“So I’m a shield?”
“Not quite. I could have taken anyone- I chose you because,” he reached a hand out, gently taking hold of one of hers. She snatched it back with a glare. “Hm. I chose you because I believed you would understand my need and if the necessity arose, you could help me convince your team... I suppose I was mistaken,” he pushed himself upright.
“Wait,” Amy felt like she would regret it, but her good nature didn’t allow her to walk away from someone who seemed so desperate to change for the better- especially an enemy. “Can you… really not be free like this? You seem to have your own will…”
The trap was working. Metal found it easier to keep up the charade than he originally thought. “My thoughts and feelings are simulated. Would you feel ‘free’ if someone could reprogram you and take your memories at any moment?”
“Does… does Eggman do that?”
“... He has.” That wasn’t a lie.
“Oh,” Amy breathed. She held onto her wrists tightly, feeling for the compass and spyglass. This could all be a trap, she could be walking to her doom, and yet… “How do I know you’re not just gonna turn around and transform into something horrible?”
“You don’t. But…” he loomed over her chair slightly. “I will get what I want. You can either help me, or be stranded on the first remote island we come across until your friends rescue you. As it stands, you are only added assurance. The choice is yours.” 
So he was back to threatening her. Amy thought about it- he really didn’t need her. If he had evil intentions, Metal Sonic could have just as easily taken what he wanted from her and locked her up, or worse. Instead, he asked for her help. It was unprecedented. Then again, Amy thought she could at the very least stall him- pry into his plan and see if she could discern whether he was being truthful... And it was either that or become a castaway.
She turned back to him with resolve on her face. “Fine, I’ll help you.”
The first phase of the plan was officially a success. Now, all Metal needed to do was keep up the act and use her presence to his advantage should her friends catch up to them. Better not to celebrate, yet- he didn’t want to sound too confident. “Thank you, Amy Rose. I knew I could count on you.” He extended his hand once more, this time waiting for her response. She stood up and shook it with a nod.
“Just Amy is fine. And I hope this means you’ll start thinking for yourself instead of blindly coming after us.”
“Cutting words, Amy…” He may have held her in that handshake a bit harder than necessary as she couldn’t hide the slight wince in her eyes. “Now, the compass.”
A sly smile spread on her face. “No ‘please’?” 
Cheeky. Perhaps, Metal thought, she would be more interesting to keep as company than he thought. “Please,” he said in a low growl, drawing her in closer with a harsh tug. 
“Ugh,” Amy yanked her hand away from him distastefully. “Here, weirdo.” She pulled the compass from her sleeve and tossed it to him.
“Hm. I believe the next words are ‘thank you.’” Metal examined the compass front and back. “Perhaps you think you’ve stumped me without the little spyglass in the sunset, but…” A purplish glow came from his eye as he cast it down on the navigation device. “I am still a robot, after all.” 
With a scoff, Amy crossed her arms. She’d hoped to buy herself some time by not sharing the “solution” with him, but of course, he had a sharp eye. If she wasn’t able to trick him, she’d just have to get in his way.
“An inscription and all. So theatrical,” Metal chuckled. “Even back then, one could simply shine a red light upon this and use the glass filter…”
“You’re one to talk about theatrics.” She wasn’t sure if she should nod toward his outfit or the entire ship.
He let out a metallic laugh. “And here I thought you’d be entertained by all this. Come, we can finally navigate.” 
With that, Metal Sonic led Amy out onto the main deck. She followed him cautiously, taking note of her surroundings. Each of the little henchmen clinked their clamped hands to their heads as their master passed. They were cute in their strange little way, their wide smiles making them look silly for the most part. Amy couldn’t help cracking a smile at the one who stood under the roof of the helm.  She gave him a little wave and he reacted by springing his arms to the side and doing a handstand. “Pfff!” Amy cracked up.
“H1- stop fooling around. The sails need turning,” Metal demanded. H1 kept Amy giggling as he curled into a ball and rolled down the deck. “I will never know why they are such clowns…”
“Aw, lighten up! They’re fun. Well, when they’re not trying to strangle me.”
Metal ignored her, instead using the compass to navigate. “It seems we just have to go in the opposite direction from where this points. The glowing arrow is hardly necessary.” 
“I guess,” Amy shrugged. “Looks cool, though.” She appeared much more relaxed after the quick laugh. Supporting herself on a rail, she looked out into the dark waters. “You can’t see anything out there…”
“Well, you can’t.”
“And pretty soon neither will you. Might wanna start getting acclimated.”
The proud attitude Metal took toward his mechanical body was probably best hidden for the time being. He made a note to dial down the cockiness. “I suppose you have a point. We will light some lanterns, then.”
The great vessel turned gradually in the correct direction as the other minions brought out antique lanterns from the ship’s displays. They did little to light the ship’s way, but Amy at least had a way to see where she was going aboard. Metal Sonic gave her free access to its entirety, but she was more interested in watching the stars from under the unspoiled sky. He observed as she cocked her head up and around to capture what she could with what he only assumed was a much narrower ocular scope than his own. Still, her curiosity was interesting as it unfolded before him. Amy had surely seen the night sky before, yet she craned her head to stare up at it so intently. It was… cute. That word seemed to be thrown in her direction a lot.
Grumbling in her stomach caused Amy to turn her attention to her hunger. She worried there wouldn’t be anything to eat on a ship manned entirely by machines. “Hey,” she called out to him from the lower deck, “uh, do you have any food? I haven’t eaten in a while…”
Food. It hadn’t crossed his mind. Of course, organics liked to- no, needed to eat to survive. He scolded himself for the oversight. “We… did not bring any aboard.”
Surely, there had to be something on board as the vessel was operating just two days prior. “The galley, perhaps? Follow me.”
Metal descended the steps that led from the helm and beckoned for Amy to join him in the lower guns. He kept the layout of the ship in his vision as they navigated most of the way into its belly, finally reaching the kitchen down below. Luckily, there was a light switch and Amy was able to put down her lantern as she took in the sight of the huge space.
“Woah… That’s no galley…” she stepped inside, admiring the stainless steel countertops and modern, oversized refrigerators and industrial ovens. “This must be the catering kitchen,” she concluded, opening a fridge. It was full of food just waiting to be prepared.
“Ah, yes. I believe there was to be a wedding here until I commandeered the ship…”
“You took someone’s entire wedding venue?” Amy asked in shock. “I thought you were evil before…”
He supposed that was meant to be a quip, but he didn’t find the humor in her words. Metal walked calmly to one of the stovetops and tested the switch, which was working normally. “It appears everything here is operational. I’ll leave you to it.” He turned on his heel and made for the exit, byt stopped. She would need a place to sleep, too. “I suppose you’ll need sleeping quarters, as well- find me when you’re through and I’ll assign you a room.” 
“Uh-huh,” Amy answered half-heartedly. She was too busy deciding what to cook for herself and trying to figure out how to split the huge, catering-sized portions for one. 
It took some creativity, but she managed to make something that would last her a couple of meals. Amy didn’t feel great about all the stolen food, but beggars can’t be choosers. Once she’d eaten and cleaned up, Amy picked up the precarious lantern and began her way up the many steps to the main deck. There are modern appliances here and they couldn’t be bothered to get me a flashlight? Amy still didn’t understand what the pirate charade was about, but she had to admit how cute she looked in the historical outfit. Pirates were definitely cooler than sailors; she wished she’d thought of it.
She finally reached the floor below the upper deck to find Metal Sonic sitting at a table in the corridor, wiping and inspecting the blade of a sword. It was creepy. “Hey… I’m done eating.” She held up the lantern awkwardly.
“Have you ever used one of these?” he flicked his wrist, brandishing the sword above him.
“Uh… can’t say I really have.”
“Would you like to?”
Amy clicked her tongue impatiently. “I would like to take a shower and know where I’ll be sleeping.” 
The tip of the sword found its way quite startlingly into the wooden table-top as Metal stood. “‘Lighten up,’” he mocked her. 
“Are you gonna be this good at copying people when your programming disappears?” Amy did her best to look unphased, but her heart jumped when he stuck the sword into the table. It was beating a bit quicker now.
A monocular, dead-pan stare met her eyes. “Will being organic make me as dull as you?”
Even after years of intense battles and struggling bitterly against him, Amy never wanted to wack Metal Sonic harder than she did then. The whole situation was unbelievably annoying- trapped on a ship with a cocky narcissist. A dangerous one- the thought ran through her mind. Amy had to take a step back- once he changed, if he changed, he would be much less of a threat. If she wasn’t staying aboard for him, she hoped, she was at least doing it for the greater good. That at least gave her some comfort. “Just tell me where it is, I’ll go myself.”
Metal leaned an arm on the table with disinterest. “Down two floors and down the hall to your right. It will be hard to miss.”
“Hmph,” Amy took off, trodding back down the stairs. Other than a short temper, he was impossible to read. She had to find a way to learn more about his intentions.
Amy followed his instructions, arriving in a dark corridor. Amy squinted in the dim light, groping for a light switch. Once she found it, she was in awe. Ornate molding lined the ceiling and fine art hung from the walls. It must have been part of the wedding venue.
She admired the paintings leading down the hall until reaching a door with a gold handle. Bridal Suite was printed on a plaque that hung next to it. Entering, Amy found a bright white room furnished with a canopy bed and vanity, among other lavish furniture. Her irritability quickly melted away as she took in the luxurious surroundings. Maybe staying aboard the strange ship wouldn’t be so bad, after all.
Hi yall so I’m taking a break from writing Unfamiliar as I outline the last few chapters. It’ll be back early 2021 ❤️
ALSO I meant to finish this in time for @metamy-ship-week prompt 7 (free day) but it ended up a lot longer than I expected - hope you don’t mind me tagging it!
Part 2 of this should be up in the next few days! Love yall besos 
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Classic sonamy prompt if I may ask, Sonic has just finished up another adventure and is telling Rosy to go home. When she refuses he offers to take her there himself. Except Rosy refuses because she's homeless and too ashamed to tell Sonic so she lies and says her house was robbed! Like the whole thing stolen. Sonic tries to find the house and the lie gets too big until finally Rosy comes clean embarrassed. Sonic not wanting his friend to suffer lets her stay with him and builds a house for her.
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(Art found here (x) Please support the official artist!)
PROMPTS--GUESS WHAT?--THAT’S RIGHT! SHUTDOWN. Don’t send me’em. I’ll tell your mom.
Pajama Blogs - Prompt Requests - Ep 1 (x) - Time where I discussed thoughts on this prompt idea before probably changing the entire concept? (37:05)
Tumbling down from the air, a large explosion blasts the latest Robotnik BossEgg as Classic Sonic lands triumphantly and stands up, holding Rosy the Rascal in his arms, otherwise known as Classic Amy Rose.
Eggman seems to cry out and shake his fist, but breathes smoke in and starts coughing, so he isn’t able to pursue as Sonic smirks up to him and races off.
Eggman turns around and cries out, gripping his head when his ‘mountain base’ suddenly blasts in small degrees, his mustaches--which were metal plates placed on the mountain--droop down to show sorrow and then the whole thing explodes.
Having no where to go... he slumps down and flies off, cursing Sonic’s name and threatening a bigger and even better plan for next time!
“That’ll show’em!” Amy cheers, kicking her legs out as she looks behind Sonic’s shoulder. “Let’s see how he likes his home being trashed up by a bunch of... of... uhh... Well, if robots destroy our home, would living things attacking his be the same counterpart?” she turned back to relax in his arms and put her finger to her mouth, still working on those ‘witty catchphrases and comebacks’ which she had learned was something Sonic was fond of.
To be more adored, she tried to implement them, but it didn’t seem to effect this ‘one-track mind’ hero.
She blinked up at him, seeing he was focused on running, and smiled sweetly with admiration. Her eyes arched and she nestled herself back to being comfortable for the ride. “Nevermind~ We’re both safe, that’s all that counts.”
“Speaking of homes,”
Just as Classic Amy was about to close her eyes, drift off into her dream of Classic Sonic cradling her on his run for hours, letting her soak in that idealized delight; he hard braked and sent her head jerking forward.
“W-woooah!” she clung as a reflex tightly to his head and adjusted to around his arms as he skidded against the ground.
When her squinted eyes blinked wide open again, she looked to see her handsome hero looking down at her.
She waited a second, not having heard much of a ‘peep’ out of him, but having heard of his snarky attitude before. It seems he only really spoke comfortably in front of Eggman--of all people--and his closest friends.
“Where’s yours?” He smiled, capturing her in an array of hearts as twirling flowers floated around her vision, windmilling into her view to drown out reality.
He raised an eyebrow and leaned in a bit when he saw her distracted, “Uhh... Amy?”
She blinked, as though trying to lure him closer.
He frowned, “Lalaland is not considered a home.” he put her down, and she actually did find that a bit funny, though... it was probably meant to be more of an off-handed insult, she knew he wasn’t trying to hurt her feelings in anyway.
He just wasn’t one to let a good joke slip by.
He put a hand to his hip and shook his head up to the clouds, as though silently conversing with them how odd but innocent this girl was.
He looked back to her with a look of disappointment, as though to get her ‘head in the game’ and waited for her to answer him with a sharp, “No offense, but I’d rather get you home safely than concern myself with idle... uh... staring...” he itched his nose and looked down when he noticed she was still glued to him, her hands up by her chin and intertwined together as she openly showed her unwavering crush on him.
He knew he was handsome, but this... was a bit much to ask for.
“Amy...” He looked embarrassed, not sure how to ‘snap’ her out of it, and pulled away to try and create some space between her piercing eyes of sparkling wonder and awe of love... hoping to not have imaginary strings looping around him like a cowgirl to her prized hog.
“You’re my ultimate distraction~” she flirted, “Nothing you can do about that...”
He gruffed.
“And for your information, Lalaland is free of charge~” she moved up and tried to flick his nose, but as he avoided, he struggled to regain balance and started swaying on his one leg.
She giggled as he hopped to the side to get away from her and plant both feet down firmly. He gave her a look like he wasn’t one to just let a girl get the better of him, but she persisted further. “I have a beautiful residency there... If you ever feel like dropping by~” she batted her eyelashes, but moved her hands behind her back and swayed herself, just being girlie and trying to out-smart him.
“I hear rent’s cheap when you’re a squatter.”
“Ah!” she puffed up a cheek and stomped her foot to him, “Well, that’s not a nice thing to say to a pretty girl!”
“Glad you have the confidence. Looks like you don’t need a man, or anyone else for that matter, to tell you it for you.” He dusted himself off, turning away from her before sneaking in a pretty proud grin on his face. He wasn’t going to let her get away with such terrible flirting like that.
“Anyway, I’ve got things to do. Alone.” He folded his arms and faced his back to her, but was sure to stick his nose in the air, just for good measure. “It’s not safe running around this Zone with so many Badniks still afoot.”
“Doesn’t that mean you missed some?”
His face seemed to scrunch at her obvious dig.
“Why not let me help out in getting rid of them?” She cutely turned around to give him her full attention, offering to assist as she knew he loved to ‘clean up the leftovers’ just for sport after beating Robotnik. “I’ve been practicing with my hammer a lot more now and-!” She summoned it out, holding it firmly as memories of training away from towns by trying to knock over trees ran through her mind.
All those long days... the radio on in case of any news of him, and her constant efforts to knock down a firm tree in three blows, which was her first ever combo she learned with her new toy.
Proud to show off her new strength, she began to ramble as Sonic slowly turned his head and looked curiously back at her instrument of destruction.
“A hammer?” he inquired, leaning to look it over, but trying to keep his ‘aloof’ nature present.
“Yeah! I wasn’t too sure if I should it since it might have thrown your running off center, b-but...” she nervously began to feel her heart flutter when he showed interest in her magical item, and began to blush and dip her head down, turning her flushing cheeks away from him and closing her eyes as she continued. “D-do you think you’d like to help me try?”
“...Try and what?” he fully dropped the act and turned around, offering his hands to show he wanted to hold and examine the hammer closer.
She mistook his intent, and excitedly ‘poof’ed the hammer away placed her hands in his own.
He slowly... looked up to her with lowered eyelids to show his annoyance.
She giggled with hearts popping from around her head.
“...You really don’t know when to quit, do you?” he chuckled out, and she realized she was slightly winning him over.
He removed his hands and shook them out, “Alright! One round around the Zones! No more or less!” he wagged his infamous pointer finger to make that statement unquestionable, and then gave her a legendary wink. “Sure you’re up for a few tips and tricks?”
She almost melted fully to the ground out of all the warm feelings he was giving her.
“Uh-huh~” Her agreeance lengthened by her sinking into such happiness, and seeing as her knees had turned to pudding, she offered him her hand and without hesitation he took it and pulled her back up into a bridal carrying position.
He ducked his head and her nose almost skimmed by his left cheek, “You ready?”
She was careful... when she nodded, she made sure her nose continuing to skim up and down his cheek looked like a hurried accident...
They charged through the Zones, having some fun as he taught her to better aim and invision where the target was going to be before throwing the hammer.
At first, her swings were a little klutzy, but he helped steady her balance. “What’cha gotta do is put your feet apart, like this.” she was too absorbed in his encasing hands over her own while she held the hammer out, feeling the cotton of his gloves smooth around her own that were slightly more thinner than his puffy ones, and trembled to try and remain poised while he taught her.
A moment went by of her just intensely watching his hands on her own as he tried to teach her a proper swing, before stopping and lightly loosening his grip.
“Sorry, am I being too much?” he pulled his arms back and Amy quickly shook her head, releasing all her built-up energy from being overly excited at his attentive teaching style.
“N-no, no, no! Not at all! Don’t let go~” she whispered the last part and looked off and up to the side, her eyes squeezing shut as she hoped he didn’t notice her blushing.
He did...
His eyes almost furled up as though he had been betrayed, forgetting a moment how she was like, and moved away from her.
He tapped his toe, realizing she wasn’t taking any of his advice seriously, and decided to be mad about it. “So, where’s your home again?”
“S-sorry! I’ll behave! I promise!” she shrieked, her hammer disappearing as she waved her arms about. After perfectly being thrown up into the air to then land squarely on a rooming Badnik, Sonic just had some awkward sweat drip down the side of his face.
“Wow, innate learner...” He muttered to himself, seeing as she actually had caught on to some things. He gave her a sideways look, seeing her wail and plea which made him uncomfortable.
Forgiving her, he just turned his head away from her and closed his eyes, “Alright, alright, enough already. It’s not my style to watch people beg.” he scratched his head, not sure what to do with her if she refused to let him take her back. “But it’s getting late, and I don’t feel comfortable leaving you all alone in the open like this.” he earnestly tried to tell her his thoughts and straightened up, playing the noble hero--which was already naturally within his heart--he tried to speak more plainly to her.
“I really should be getting you somewhere safe.”
“Oh, but... Sonic...” She moved closer up to him, making his eyes widened in curiosity at how sincere she looked.
She gently lowered her eyes and smiled, as though trying to create bubbles of light and sparkles around herself, “I’m already safe... right here with you.” she took his hands as he grew nervous, his mouth wagging open on the corners of his lower lip at how direct and unabashed this little girl could be.
“Uhhuhuhhuhh,” He didn’t know how to respond, and it was like his brain was going on a straight line to cut off all activity from her outrageous actions.
She pulled herself a little closer to him, “Maybe... you don’t have to send me anywhere... but we could just gaze up at the stars all night and talk about our future togeth-OFFPH!”
He shoved his head into hers, the hardness of the top of his head smashing her mouth closed as he then pulled away, adjusting his gloves as she rubbed her face in frustration.
“Serves you right for being so shameless.” he knew he hadn’t hurt her, but just shoved her mouth full of quills to silence her continual flirting.
“W-why you...” She twitched an eyebrow, seeing that wooing the man of her dreams might not be as easy as all those fairytale princesses made it out to be.
“If you’re so obsessed with sleeping under the stars, why not fly yourself to the moon?” He stuck out his tongue and dipped his lower-eyelid down. “Waybe when I wouwn’t wave to see yowr wittle wace anywore.” he spoke with his tongue out to taunt her and suddenly she was fuming.
Her arms shook down from her face, as enraged as any tigress, and charged after him. His gleeful expression as he took off and let her chase him lasted for a little while as they played the game of chase.
He kept taunting her, jumping up on a rock and spanking his butt while doing the same mocking gestures to get her to come after him, watching as he would jump and curl up to see the rock he was on get shattered to pieces by her fury.
He uncurled with a few bounces and pulled his arms up as though leisurely jogging, smiling as he was actually testing her further to see how well she really could battle.
‘She’s trying so hard to stay by my side...’ he thought to himself, seeing her calling out with embarrassed fury as she kept swinging and narrowly missing him.
He ducked, freaking out a moment, before sighing in relief, then looking as though happy and proud of her accomplishments. ‘Her aim has increased... Maybe... she was taking my teaching seriously after all.’ It made him glad that he could have moments with her that weren’t just all her feelings, but could be some of his own interests as well.
He plopped himself on another rock and stood like a gymnasts, his two hands positioned in front and below him, which kept him upright, as his legs went straight out ahead of him. “Is that all you got, Rascal?” he teased, smirking widely as he purposefully wore her out to make her more accommodating to his request in sending her homeward.
 “I’m bound... ha... ha... to catch up to you ... ha... ha... someday, Sonic... ha... ha... The Hedgehoooogggg...” she collapsed after making her way over to the boulder, and Sonic’s expression changed to a sweetness as he extended mercy by jumping stylishly off the rock and falling to a knee, offering her his hand. “I.. won’t... give up...” her shoulders bounced as she was on her knees, her arms shaking slightly at their exertion.
Sonic’s eyes bent and in his eyes... he truly knew what she meant.
“I know.” he stated, “But that doesn’t mean a mighty heroine doesn’t deserve a break.”
She was caught by his tender reply and looked over to him, amazed he was acting so kindly again to her.
“W-what happened?” she innocently blinked her eyes, and he laughed at her cuteness.
“I’m just glad you’re having fun.” He stated, and once again shook his arm, “Come on, come on... it’s time to head on back.”
“Ah, you’ll let me stay with you?” her eyes shined.
She felt her whole world crash on her, “W-WHATTT???” she exclaimed, “B-but... we were having a moment...” she did her best ‘shaking hedgie eyes’ to make him reconsider.
“Ah-ah-ah.” He got up and shook his pointer finger, “Haven’t you heard? I’m immune to negotiations.” he played along.
“Even cute ones?” she pouted her lip and tilted her head.
For a moment, when Sonic’s eyes met hers, the rising dark shadows of the skies couldn’t block her gentle enticements of beauty from him.
He felt a breath quicken in through his nose and crawl down his lungs, holding itself there as though lodging itself there and wouldn’t move.
It was so fast that Amy didn’t even notice the momentary pupil dilation before he turned away from her and put his hands on his hips.
“...I already said I was taking you back. I keep my word.”
She felt some form of heartache, realizing that no matter how adorable she tried to look, or breathtakingly gorgeous she thought she must have looked in her mind, he wasn’t ever going to budge in her way.
He took final second to sneak a look behind his shoulder back at her, seeing her cry out that she conceded, and nod that he was right.
“It is late...”
“...Very.” he lowered his eyes, as though meaning she was very- “Ehem!” He cleared his throat, coughing into his hand and looking away again, “Very persistent. I don’t understand how anyone can keep up with you.”
“No one but you.”
He turned back as she sweetly praised him, but rolled it off his shoulders and stood a bit taller... not realizing she had boosted his ego a bit there.
“Naturally.” he smiled wider, rubbing his finger under his nose. “I’m the fastest thing alive, so it’s not uncommon for me to be one step ahead of your scheming.” he then lifted a shoe up and lightly poked her with it, smirking mischievously as though wanting her to chase after him again.
She let little tears build up in her eyes as she pouted, “You’re shooing me away again!”
“Only to keep good little girls like you out of bad little boy’s sights.” he teased again, kicking the foot back behind his other leg and looking like a real slick 90′s kid. “Cool off a little... it’s a compliment.”
“Hmph, I’m sure!” she stomped herself up and dusted off her dress. “Well, you won’t find my house, anyway!”
“Is that so?” He thought she was playing again, but was growing a little annoyed at her stubbornness. “Look, it was fun at first, Amy, but you really gotta tell me what’s going on. Why are you so opposed to going home?”
He buried his head down into his folded arms, trying to look stern on this, and it did intimidate her slightly into realizing he was serious...
She sighed, seeing him soften as she turned away. “It’s... complicated.” she pushed her index fingers together.
“How so?” He wondered... “Eggman..?”
“...N-no...” she didn’t want to lie... but... “Robbers!” She spun around, ‘More than anything... I just want to keep spending more time with you...’ she admitted only to herself in her heart.
“R-robbers?” Sonic broke his stance and suddenly took a step back.
“Thieves of the forest!” she spread her arms out wide, “About twenty of them!”
“...W-what?” He seemed disbelieving, so she nervously looked behind her and thought a second before continuing.
‘He’s not gonna buy this... but it’s worth a try! Hehe! Maybe he’ll think I’m cute for attempting to fool him.’ She turned her head back to him, “It was awful! Ah!” she jumped into his arms as he leaned forward with a perplexed expression before awkwardly having her draped over his chest.
“Come again? Where was this?” he decided to get some details first.
Amy sweated, she didn’t know many places around here... “U-Unimportant. They just came up to me all of a sudden! I was so scared!” she gripped her arms tightly around his back quills, nuzzling herself deeper into his chest as he squirmed from how uncomfortable this was.
“W-wah-what? Inside your house?” he wanted to keep investigating, but the odd sensation of her prickly head and soft cheeks against his underbelly really didn’t make it easy for him to concentrate on her story.
As he flinched and wriggled from the touch, not daring to move her, she smirked with a twinkle in her eye.
‘Got’em!’ she smirked, before pretending to act in distress again. “Ohh! Sonic! You don’t understand!”
“Then help me to understand.” he pulled her away, gently this time, but with added worry. He put his head leveled to hers, so she could focus and look directly in his eyes. “Are you okay?”
She nodded, acting as though she was close to actual tears, pulling her hands in. “We... We can’t go back there, Sonic! I’m too... Ah! Afraid~” she tried to ‘swoon’ into his arms, having her hand lift up to her forehead and have the back of it dramatically positioned there but Sonic caught her from landing on him again.
“Now, hold on. Didn’t you say you felt safe with me?” he blinked with a frown, not going to allow her theatrics to play around much longer.
She pouted, deciding he needed further persuasion...
“Uh... Well... They took the whole house!” she hollered out, “Oh, Sonic, My hero, Hold me~” she cried, turning around to try and better get her arms around his neck but he held her out and slowly reclined back... and that’s when she knew... his annoyed expression...
“You’re just as sneaky as ever...” he puffed out.
“...D-don’t you believe a helpless little-AH!”
He threw her lying behind right up over his shoulder, keeping her there as punishment as she squirmed.
“H-hey! Nooo! Soooonic!! P-put me down, now!”
He yawned, feeling her light pats against his head and back as she ‘struggled’ but knew somewhere deep down she was probably enjoying the further ‘play’ anyway.
He kept one arm down by his hip, but lifted it up to shrug. “Oh well, if you don’t have a home, I guess you’ll have to stay with me the rest of your life, huh, Amy?”
She immediately dropped her pretend, her eyes full of stars as she gleefully grinned. ‘Success!’ she cheered within her mind.
“...Is what you want me to say, right?”
She deflated... “Ohhh....”
“Come on, Amy... Enough games.” He looked back up to her, waiting with his ear turned to her for the truth. “What’s really keeping you so adamant?”
“...Okay, you got me.” She knew she couldn’t keep it up for long. “I... My house... it kinda...”
She then took on a serious expression, pulling out a hankie and blowing into it, “It’s in the sky now, Sonic! Whahaa!”
“...What?” he deadpanned.
“Those robbers they... they cut it up into tiny pieces! It’s gone, Sonic. There’s nothing left of it! My beautiful, beautiful home. Taken before it’s prime!”
He heard her blow into the hankie and shut his mouth.
“...Guess I’ll have to find every last piece of it... and rebuild it myself...” His eyebrow twitched. ‘There has to be a limit to this girl’s presumptuous mannerisms!’
...Had he finally found his match?
Someone to equal his own obscure, reckless nature?
Someone who would consistently not fail to banter till there was no time left on the clock?
“I’ll ask one more time...”
Amy shivered in fear, “You... You wouldn’t do anything ungentlemanly now... w-would you?”
His eyes revealed he was at his limit to her shenanigans.
“Eep!” she threw up the white handkerchief and forfeited, “Okay, okay! In all honesty, I-... I don’t want to part from you, but the reason I won’t tell you where my house is is because... because... I’m... homeless...” she lowered her head.
“That’s it-!” he put both hands on her hips over his shoulder and was about to charge her through a very unpleasant ‘joyride’ to interrogate her into learning some humility but she flailed.
“No, no, wait! This time, it’s the truth!” she waved her arms about, “Please, this time, you gotta believe me! I live on a town’s alley with a box and a blanket!”
He paused...
“You’re not making this up to get pity out of me... right?” he slightly glared back up at her, and she nodded, pulling her hands in and bundling them up by her chin.
“I swear, Sonic. I’m not just kidding around or playing this time... I could show you but...” she looked away, “I wash my clothes because a nice lady thinks I’m sweet and cute... I help her fold her laundry and her children’s bibs in the morning so she pays for my clothes and I secretly sneak out the back and spray the pool water on me while it’s too early for anyone to be up yet...”
He lowered his head, this isn’t what he wanted to hear...
Everything was getting too complicated... She shouldn’t be admitting this to him.
“For food, I usually track berries, but I got here from some traveling gypsies who taught me Tarot cards and treated me very well. They also showed me how to... I don’t steal, so I just performed little fortune tellings here and there to make some money, but it’s only enough for about a week’s worth of food... hence why I help the lady...”
He put her down, “That’s enough.” he stated, closing his eyes. “You didn’t need to tell me all that... I believe you.”
She pulled away, feeling like he may think she’s stinky or pitiful, and scrunched up the ends of her skirt, looking embarrassed.
“I’m sorry... I really do like you, Sonic The Hedgehog... but I’m not much of a ...” her bottom-lip quivered. “Lady... as you deserve.” she was on the verge of tears. “But if I didn’t have such humble beginnings... maybe then... I’d be pretty enough to get you to watch the stars with me one night...” she sucked in her breath, dashing off to avoid any further shame before Sonic immediately caught her mid-turn and pulled her back, not letting her escape. “Ah!”
“... I wash my shoes in the lakes and rivers...”
His voice was... empathetic.
“My best friend is an orphan... the other is the last of his kind.”
He stared at her... no judgement.
Her eyes... shined with the love she could see from his enormous heart.
“We all stay in a roughly build placed by a beach... next to a crashed plane.”
“Sonic...” her eyes shook, realizing...
“I’m not the big-shot hero everyone thinks me to be either,” He took a powerful breath in and held it, showing pride as he looked away, recollected himself, and then narrowed his eyes to her. “There’s no shame in being unwanted, alone, or without anything to your name besides your skills and talents... Regardless of what you think a ‘Lady’ qualifies as to be worthy...” he walked up and lightly patted her head,
“...Lalaland is nothing like a warm bed. I’ll give you all of what I’ve found and have collected over the years, so you can be safe too.”
Her heart expanded, and she never knew a man could love someone as unlady-like as it could get. She was without anything... and yet...
He still built a side shack for her on the beach, inviting her in as she insisted on cooking for the boys, and becoming... apart of their team.
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boomshadowboom · 4 years
A Dove and a Tainted Heart
Shadow p.o.v.
It was very cloudy this morning. It looked like a storm was ready to begin. It was cooler and it felt nice. A fresh breeze blew through my chest fur, quills, and lungs. I breathe in the air as rain began to sprinkle my fur. I close my eyes as the rain washes over me. As my fur gets soaked I hear a voice all too familiar. A deep echoing voice fills my ears and head. I try to shake it off by shaking my head violently. It seems to work as I hear another voice. One belonging to the villain named Eggman. He called my name as I feel my fur wet and heavy. "Shadow! I need your help." He shouts out. I run to him in concern as I see a bunch of bruises littering his body. Then my blood begins to boil. Those boisterous pests had taken it too far this time. I speed off towards the direction of the village after dressing the doctor's wounds. I stop at the sight of that infernal blue hedgehog. I run on straight impulse and anger as I attack that unsuspecting hedgehog with a sucker punch. He stares at me in surprise and confusion. I don't let him get any time for recovery as I begin to punch repeatedly. He groans in immense pain as put all my strength into it. I stop seeing his badly bruised body.
Amy p.o.v
I get worried as I take out his chili dogs from the oven. He had always come to get chili dogs. I go outside and drop the hot cookie sheet spilling the contents on the ground. That's when I see...... HIM! He was standing over my love's badly bruised body shaking in anger. I snapped and charged him head and hammer first. This time I manage to hit him which is strange. Then he gets up and charges me fist first. We go back and forth before my body gives out in pain. I call out weakly to my best friends. Thankfully it seems like they heard me as I think I see them rush towards my aching weak body. I blink but my eyes don't open again. My mind flutters from wondering how Sonic is doing to if I died or if Shadow is good or evil. These thoughts race through my mind as I try to wake up. My body and head feel so heavy. My eyelids refuse to open again and I wonder why he attacked us to begin with. The next thing I know is my body feels like it's being electrocuted and my body levitates up for a short period. Then my thoughts drift to nothingness. Then my thoughts dissolve into the darkness of nothing. My mind wanders again to the possibilities of someone noticing us hurt or us being gone.
Tails' p.o.v
I rush over with my medical kit after hearing Amy's call for help. I run as fast as I can as I see her bruised body. Only to look next to her and see Sonic. My eyes water to see them so hurt. I get it together and wipe my eyes. "Sticks and Knuckles distract Shadow while I take care of Sonic and Amy." They comply as they attack him. I use my kit to clean Amy's wounds first since she is a female and therefore is much more sensitive and vulnerable. I continue to clean her wounds and dress them until it's finished. Then I move on to Sonic who looks like he got the brunt of it all. I knew I had to finish quickly to help Knuckles and Sticks. I survey his injuries, clean them, and dress them. I fly them out to my workshop then fly back ready to fight. I would give it my all for the two I consider friends and parents. I land only to see the other two injured now. My blood boils and yell a battle cry as I fly towards that ignorant hedgehog. Tears in my eyes, I attack him repeatedly not giving him a chance to attack back. I kept hitting him and hitting him but I wasn't making enough impact. I grab Sticks and Knuckles and fly them to my workshop. I hack into Eggman's best robot Metal Sonic. Shadow wanted to play dirty, then I would too. I hack it successfully as I follow the metal copy of my friend and father figure to Shadow's location. He wouldn't get away with this. He needed to learn the consequences of his vulgar actions. Metal Sonic arrives first with me behind him. Shadow looks on in shock as I have Metal Sonic attack with a blast. He swerved out of the way of the blast as I attack with repeated strikes. Metal Sonic attacks claws first which surprisingly worked. That's when Shadow had enough and took Metal apart with raw strength. I start to freak out knowing I was next. Just when he was speeding towards me, gunshots started pelting his fur. Hands I'd never felt before picked me up and carried me away. Traumatized and screaming for my friends I flail my arms and put up a struggle. I kick my legs and squirm hoping they would let me go. But they take me through a strange portal, and I give up. It was too late. I would never know if my friends were ok or if they recover. The portal closed. I slump my body to the floor and I begin to cry. They shrug and hurry me outside. I walk the streets crying and hugging myself. That's when my life changed. A girl found me and took me to her friends. They took me in as one of their own.
Sonic p.o.v.
I wake up to find myself in Tails' workshop. Amy is near me and very bruised. I look over to Knuckles who looked horrible. Then I look to Sticks who looks equally as bad. I look for Tails but for some reason I can't seem to find him. I get up only to lay back down in agonizing pain. Wow, Shadow really did a number on me this time. I lightly tap Amy's injured body to see if she'll wake. Her eyes slowly flutter open, which I gotta admit was pretty attractive. I pay my attention back to her. "What happened? How did we get here? Where's Tails?" The questions flood out of my mouth faster than I can stop them. "I lost my temper and attacked Shadow. He beat me. That's what I remember. I don't know the answer to the last one. And I think Tails brought us." She answers. I try to stand but immediately regret it. I stand anyway and start to walk around. "Better." I run around the workshop then outside. There is no sign of Tails but I almost stumble on the disembodied body of Metal. I also happen to glance at a bloodied Shadow fighting helicopters and men in military suits. He finally finishes them and picks up the rings from his wrists off the ground and puts them on. He looks exhausted and glances my way in surprise and regret. He looks away and towards a strange portal. He limps towards me and I begin to back up. He covers his face as gunfire comes at him from behind me. I look back and I see Amy, with fire and hatred in her eyes take out her hammer. "Don't you dare take one step near my Sonic again!" She shouts her voice laced with malice. She rushes towards him but I grab her from behind.
Shadow p.o.v.
I stand up seeing my only options to try walking towards Sonic again or go through that portal. A strange red liquid pours out of my body that resembles human blood. It makes me feel exhausted but I drudge towards the other hedgehog that is clearly my superior. I drag my feet as I walk and finally reach him. I put my red stained hand on his shoulder. I pull him closer and whisper in his ear. "I'm sorry." I cough heavily and let go of him. He freaks out and the female hits me into the portal. "I told him." I hear her say as I drift out of consciousness. My body feels light as I fell unfamiliar arms catch my unconscious body.
April p.o.v.
I catch a mutant that seems to have fallen out of the sky. It's unconscious and bleeding red blood with green tints. I look over its body and discover it's a female. Why she wore no clothes and breathed so heavy I have no idea. I act quickly and carry her bridal style to my apartment. I lay her on the couch and search for a medical kit. I find one in the bathroom and grab it. I walk briskly towards her and take out the supplies. I grab the alchohol from my Dad's special cabinet and decide to use it as a disinfectant for her wounds. I pour it onto her wounds and I hear a loud hiss from her. She soon relaxes and I wrap her wounds in bandages. I check her wounds again five minutes later and she had bled through her bandages already. I notice the bullet wounds in her and grab some pliers. I pull the bullets out and wrap the wounds again. I wash my hands and the instruments I used to clean and treat the wounds. I also wash the pliers and put them back. Then I grab the cleaning supplies for the apartment to also clean underneath the girl. If I didn't clean it now it wouldn't come off. I carefully pick her fragile body up and move her to my bed for now. She winces in a deep voice and relaxes. I clean the couch and the floor before returning the supplies. I start on dinner. I hope Dad's in the mood for chicken parm.
Donnie p.o.v.
She hasn't called yet. She told me She would call me if she got home safely. The girl of my dreams didn't call. It hurt me more than anything. I started to worry but thought maybe she wanted me to call this time. I dial her number and hope she picks up. I finally hear her voice after three rings. "Hey Donnie, kinda not the best time." I wince. "Sorry. I was just worried. Are you ok?" She breathes in then out. "Yeah. Just making dinner. And tending to a new friend." I gulp nervously. "What kind of friend?" I ask jealousy evident in my voice. "A female." She answers annoyed picking up on the jealousy. I sigh in relief. "Is she with you?" I ask quickly. "Yeah. But she's unconscious. I caught her falling out the sky. Then brought her home and fixed her up. She's asleep. And she's a mutant like you guys." Her voice perks up. My eyes widen in excitement. "What is she?" I ask giddiness now present. "A hedgehog I think. But for some reason she doesn't wear clothes." She answers. "How's she doing?" I ask walking outside the lab. "Not sure." She adds. "What do you mean you don't know?" I shout forgetting everyone was present. They turn their heads to look at me in confusion. I blush in embarrassment then clear my throat. They must assume I'm having another argument with her. They had become more frequent as of late. I put the phone down and apologize. Raph is the first to speak. "Really?! Can't you and your girlfriend's argument wait? Some of us would like to chill." I sit and slump hearing his words. Mikey looks at me sadly then walks out of the room after glaring at Raph. Leo walks towards me and gives me a comforting hug. He picks up th phone and me and take both of us to the dojo. Mikey comes out and Raph shakes his head. Leo gives a disapproving look then hands me my phone. He pats my shell then leaves.
Raph's p.o.v.
I pout as I watch my new favorite TV show since my breakup with Mona. It was Drama with Barbara. This episode I was sure she would stay with Ryan. I watch the scenes fold out on the screen with a bored expression. Nothing was interesting anymore and Donnie's drama with April annoyed me. And everyone is always mad at me. Mikey when I yell at Donnie and Leo for pretty much breathing. To be honest he was short with everyone since three years ago. Whatever happened I hope he lets it go. He gets mad at Mikey for not having his room clean but nothing else, Donnie well, actually, he's pretty nice to him. Me for anything I do, Casey for not pulling his weight around here, April for forgetting to give our allowance, Karai and Shinigami for not being here enough, and the Mutanimals for not doing what he assigned them. He will even yell at himself, throw some things in his room around, then cry himself to sleep. No one wants to be around him anymore and I don't blame them. Then comes the moment I had been waiting for except she dumped him for Duncan.
Mikey's p.o.v.
I activate the Just Dance machine April got me. I flip through the songs while putting on my underwear. Then I select my new favorite song party on the floor by DJ Earworm. I begin the dance moves and they are fairly easy. That is until I reach the fast paced parts. I move my feet to the music getting a perfect on every move. I continue faster and faster until the song ends. I stop as my heart beat continues super fast. Then I turn that off and flip through channels on my tv. I stop on Crognard the Barbarian. It was the new series Leo and Donnie put together. It was super cool. When I finished the episode I start on the school Leo put me on. I remember everything Donnie told me to do and think my problems through. I could hear Raph yelling at the tv. I do my best to ignore it and work on focusing. I can't take one more yell from Leo without crying. It's pretty hurtful. But it's worse to hear him scream in the middle of the night. I'm the only one who hears him and comforts him to the best of my ability. That's why he always apologizes for yelling afterwards. I focus on my schoolwork and finish it. Then I call Renet asking if she knows a therapist to help Leo. Donnie said that was the only specialist that could help Leo.
Leo p.o.v.
I hope Donnie is done with his phone call. Boredom, hunger, and nerves eat at my stomach. Thinking about my dead kids and wife hurts so much. If only there was a way to get rid of it. I shift my mind to the pills Donnie made me.
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sonicfanj · 4 years
Sonic Ring Bond - THE EYES OF THE WORLD - Chapter 3
Boy oh boy, I managed to get chapter 3 done in less than a month! Why am I so slow I wonder? Well, all the same chapter 3 is finally here and I hope everyone enjoys. I'm a little worried about this chapter to be honest as there is a certain flaw it has just due to the narrative so I wasn't as motivated to write this one as the first two. I hope that isn't reflected in my writing and that it will be a good time! Thank you everyone and without ado...
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Current Status: Done – Open Draft Draft No.: 3 Story Idea: SonicFanJ – Inspired by @cutegirlmayra​ Main Author: SonicFanJ Secondary Author(s): None Currently Story Expanding Author(s): None Currently Editor(s): None Currently
Chapter Number: 3 Chapter Title: No Control Primary Chapter Author: SonicFanJ Secondary Chapter Author(s): None Currently Chapter Idea: SonicFanJ
Chapter Synopsis: The Guardian Units of Nations, G.U.N, or more collectively known simply as the military has made a play on the life of Rosy to keep her out of Eggman’s hands with no chance of him being able to exploit her for his schemes for world conquest. Eggman, naturally appalled by such savagery, finds himself having to be the hero Rosy most assuredly does not want. But fortunately for Eggman he has a certain ally who believes itself to be her hero. Rosy meanwhile finds herself trying to enjoy her current adventure before she discovers how little control she has.
    Typically, the rising sun banishes the night and beauty lost to the eye is returned to the world. Sometimes however the abstract beauty of neon lights is lost, and a brilliant city is reduced to a heap of scrap metal. To some the loss of visibility of Eggman’s impromptu city, more a temporary refinery and factory could never be seen as terrible. Regardless, the mountain of scrap persisted even under the morning sun and within Eggman began his morning.
    “Hmngh…,” Eggman grumbled and rubbed his bald head as he sleepily made his way into a large room. Machinery hummed and clanked all around the pajama clad scientist and several robots buzzed about him busily. Retrieving a coffee mug from one and coffee from another Eggman yawned before adjusting his glasses. “Oh ho! What a busy night G.U.N has had!”
    The sight of a massive ream of paper spilling out of a machine all night woke Eggman immediately and he spryly danced his egg-like form across the room to collect the mess several of his robots had already been lost in. Dropping it on a table and taking a seat as he drank deeply of his coffee Eggman began perusing the paper. There was a lot of useless information on there as the machine he had designed took all the radio signals it picked up on and converted conversations to print. As Eggman dug deeper growing more annoyed by the amount of frivolity within the military lingo his next gulp of coffee became a spray from his nose. “Wha~t! Those absolute imbeciles! Did they really!”
    Several of Eggman’s robots stopped and eyed the doctor wearily while exchanging worried looks. Eggman took no head of them as he put his coffee mug down, taking the ream of paper in both hands with a firm grip dispelling the illusion it was little more than his morning paper. Mumbling away as he read it Eggman finally spoke clearer as he found what he was looking for.
    “Permission to engage Checkpoint dreadnaught granted by Checkpoint. Subject Amy Rose deemed too important to allow capture by Eggman. Termination orders issued… TERMINATION ORDERS!”
    All around Eggman his machines jumped as he rose to his feet in rage. “I gave those fools everything they needed to capture Sonic’s little girlfriend and put a bow on her for me and they decide to go with termination!” Eggman’s rage was impressive, but it had not completely boiled over yet, and he showed enough restraint to continue reading. “Hmm... let’s see… …target was spotted in company of Miles Prower… …attempted to shoot down before engaging Checkpoint… …forced to board in pursuit… …left remnants of Eggman tech to disguise termination mission… Why those!”
    Eggman’s temper was starting to reach its boiling point now and he grew redder in the face, the paper barely resisting his enraged grip. Still, he read on and grew amused, surprisingly.
    “…target lost when Ring Gate opened under anomalous circumstances… … and what does that mean I wonder?” Eggman sat back and pondered before continuing to peruse the report. He continued to grumble a bit but there was little more shocking bits of information and G.U.N trying to manipulate Checkpoint did not interest him. Instead he sighed heavily before rising to his feet and taking his coffee mug in hand again.
    “Can G.U.N never do anything? Bah! Now I’m left having no idea where the sow is.”
    A clinking sound distracted Eggman from his rather verbal complaints and he stopped midstride. The clinking continued and he turned his head to follow the noise and landed his gaze on a massive monitor that showed several maps of several worlds all layered on top of each other. Three lights blinked within and a robotic finger tapped the monitor at one of them. With a sigh he addressed the presented situation.
    “Of course I haven’t forgotten about the Gaia Eyes! But G.U.N could very well ruin my backup plan–”
    The clinking resumed and Eggman yanked down on his mustache. “Are you actually taking an attitude with me! I created you, and just because you came back on your own again does not give you the right to mock me! You’ve been nothing but trouble since you came back. I out to disassemble you and see what’s gone wrong!” With the threat the clinking stopped and Eggman felt in control again. “Oh of course, you do need to be reminded of your place once in a while.”
    Straitening up and stroking his mustache Eggman was about to congratulate himself but the motion the troublesome machine had taken stopped him cold. Glaring at him with red glowing eyes the machine resembled the hedgehog it was modeled after more than ever as it rubbed its nose with a finger. “And when did you pick up that habit from the annoying rodent?”
    Naturally, as Metal Sonic was not equipped for speech it did not answer Eggman. Instead with its free hand it pointed a thumb back at the screen and the blinking light it had before. His shoulders slumping in rage and defeat it took Eggman a great deal of self-control not to blow up at his machine.
    “I believe I already told you I know but–”
    Again, Metal Sonic interrupted Eggman and tapped on the monitor. Eggman had truly lost his temper now and took hold of his mustache again and attempted to beat Metal Sonic to the point by just blurting out his counterpoint. “Amy Rose!”
    With chill indifference, Metal Sonic nodded and lowered its finger from its nose. Looking back at the screen, it again tapped at the glowing light and Eggman all at once suddenly understood. He did not believe but he did understand.
    “You mean to tell me that she’s there?”
Metal Sonic nodded.
    “And how is that possible? I never designed you with such a feature. Just who exactly repaired you so you could come walking back to me for a change?” Eggman’s question received no answer from the silent Metal Sonic, but he did rub his nose again as Eggman’s body language threatened to tear the machine apart to find out. Having no desire to be pulled apart however Metal Sonic tried again to put Eggman’s attention where it needed to be and tapped the monitor.
    “You’re being quite insistent for something other than dealing with that troublesome Sonic.”
    Again, Metal Sonic nodded but Eggman had calmed down a fair bit, though he still seemed poised to throw a tantrum at the drop of a hat. But there was something he was contemplating already, and an evil grin reveled his teeth ominously. “Of course, if you are right and have gained a useful new ability it could be because of Sonic’s troublesome little Ring Bond. But if we can use it to my advantage…”
    Laughter rose up and filled the room as Eggman spun about enthralled by the idea. “Come then Metal Sonic, let’s go test out your potential new ability and see how it works. And while we’re at it I’ll get my hands on the next Gaia Eye and you get to save Sonic’s girlfriend from G.U.N. Won’t she just be delighted? Oh~ hohohohoho!”
    Rosy’s idea of delighted was without question different from Eggman’s but despite the direness of her situation she could not stop herself from smiling as she watched the scenery go by. Sitting in a train car was a far cry from where her night had gone with her, Tails, and Mighty ending up in the middle of the wilderness and finding a place to hide in case the military had managed to follow them. When they had woken with the sun and through Tails’ caution, they had let Rosy’s cards lead them along and soon found a train station. Exchanging all the Rings they had gathered since leaving the Coral Cloud they were granted passage and food on the train. It was as a plate of strawberry pancakes with whipped cream was placed before her that Rosy started to become aware of her situation again.
    Lifting her fork up high and looking at the stack of pancakes with twinkling eyes, Rosy could not help but notice that her stomach made more noise than her companions. Lowering her fork pensively she carefully studied Tails who had managed to bring his unusual briefcase with him and was fiddling around in it. He also had Rosy’s tarot cards and he blocked them from view with a tail as his sensed Rosy’s gaze on him.
    Rosy could not help but feel disappointed, even if she understood. Still she began to puff up her cheeks as she looked away, but her mouth fell open in concern as she saw Mighty resting his chin in a hand as he gazed out the train window at the passing scenery. Shaking her head, she stabbed her pancakes with her fork and proceeded to sample the confection. Her eyes lit up in amazement and she knew exactly what she could do to try and cheer Mighty up.
    “Mighty! You have to try these, they’re delicious!” Smiling brightly Rosy pushed her plate of pancakes towards the armadillo. Seemingly shaken from his thoughts he looked back at the Rosy and then the pancakes and simply said, “Oh.”
    “Oh?” Rosy huffed in disappointment. “What does oh mean?”
    “Sorry little Rosy,” Mighty apologized and offered Rosy a smile of his own before turning his eyes back beyond the train.
    The sight of trees and forested mountain sides seemed to hold Mighty’s attention and a bit of understanding dawned on Rosy. She did not apologize however, not directly at least, as she spoke up again hoping to cheer him up. “Thank you Mighty.”
    “Hm? What for?” Mighty could not hide his confusion and looked back at Rosy who smiled now that she had his attention.
    “Well for helping me of course! Everyone knows about your love of nature, and yet my troublesome little adventures have had you stuck in airships and now a train. But you know what? The Gaia Eye I was trying to help showed us that amazing mushroom forest so I bet the next one will show us something amazing too. And once we’ve got at least one we should be able to keep them out of Eggman’s hands.”
    “I think it’ll be better if we get it to Sonic instead,” Mighty countered as gently as he could, but Rosy still pouted.
    “But I’m the one who The Gaia Eye asked for help,” Rosy complained, but she did not really argue. She knew Sonic was better equipped to protect it from Eggman than she was and admitted as much. “But I guess getting it to Sonic would be saving it in a way.”
    “It would,” Tails butted in, though he did not take his eyes off his work. “If they’re like the Chaos Emeralds like you said Eggman claimed then Sonic should be able to make a Ring Bind with them and gather them all up. Eggman could never hold onto them then. Hehe, I just wish Sonic would let me study them for a little bit.”
    “Tails~!” Rosy whined playfully and received an awkward smile from Tails.
    “Hehe. Don’t worry Rosy, I want to, and I don’t want to.”
    “Don’t want to?”
    Rosy’s curiosity was piqued and she tilted her head inviting Tails to continue. He swished his tails about nervously before glancing up at Mighty. Following Tails’ gaze, Rosy tried to understand the silent conversation between them but Mighty remained still for the most part and Rosy puffed up her cheeks again.
    “You two talked about something while I was asleep last night, didn’t you?” Rosy accused them of leaving her out with her question.
    “Well there was a lot to talk about, “Tails admitted and felt like the look Rosy gave him was one of hurt. Scrambling he tried to explain himself better. “I mean we just jumped through a Ring Gate, so I had to try and figure out where we were, and it was really amazing! If I was reading the stars right and calculated how far we travelled properly the Ring Gate actually put us right below the Coral Cloud!”
    “Eh~! What!” Rosy propped herself up on her arms in surprise at Tail’s exclamation and struggled to understand. “But we were over the middle of the ocean. There wasn’t any land anywhere! I saw that when you took me outside.”
    “I did too,” Tails nodded in agreement, “but I think it might explain our world a little bit better and how so many places seemed untouched after Sonic restored the world. If I’m right our world may actually be like a book.”
    “A book?”
    “That’s right, or maybe like your pancakes,” Tails groped for a better example to explain what he was hypothesizing. Rosy just looked at him confused but offered him her fork when he motioned for it.
    Using it as pointer Tails continued. “Well, we’ve always kind of wondered where lands go when they just vanished and assumed all of them turned back into Rings and rejoined the world. And since it’s pretty much impossible to make any really long-term maps and Beacons keep different places connected, I don’t think anyone ever thought about it properly. But after Eggman nearly destroyed the world there shouldn’t have been anywhere old left after Sonic restored it, but once we got the Checkpoint beacons up and running again it turned out there were. So, I bet what most scientist are thinking right now is probably what I am, which is that Ring Gates don’t just take us across the surface,” Tails demonstrated his point sliding the fork across the top of Rosy’s pancakes before thrusting it through them, “ but through it to other dimensions. It’s likely that our world is actually layered like a bunch of dimensions sitting on top of each other, which makes sense if you consider Little Planet appearing only so often and the dimensions that Sonic uses to reach the Chaos Emeralds.”
    “So, our world is a lot bigger than any of us can even imagine?” Mighty finally joined in studying the bite of pancakes Tails lifted from the stack.
    “Don’t you think that’s amazing Mighty!” Rosy asked before chomping down on the fork and ruining Tails’ demonstration. It seemed fair payback though as the pancakes were hers and she knew Tails had done his best to distract her. It worked too as she had no way of knowing what Tails and Mighty had talked about the night before. But maybe knowing now that the world was even larger Rosy could cheer up Mighty more. With a mouth full of food however she should have held off on trying to follow up her question as there was no way Mighty could understand what she said. He did finally laugh however and that brought a smile to Rosy’s face.
    “Yes Rosy, it is amazing,” Mighty managed to talk first as Rosy continued chewing. “To think there is so much more world to see and countless more wonders in nature to discover. It’s an adventure to look forward too!”
    “And more peaceful than mine and Rosy’s I bet,” Tails joked joining in on the good mood.
    “Our adventures are fun too Tails,” Rosy countered having finally swallowed her food and Tails laughed again.
    “They are, but when they put you in danger I start to worry. Eggman is after you and the military has tried to kill you, and even whatever it is that you’re trying to help has hurt you.” The change in tone and atmosphere was unpleasant, but Tails looked at the fork he carried and then Rosy as he presented her a question. “How are your fingertips anyway?”
    “They’re–,” Rosy started and had to change from saying ‘fine’ as Tails gave her a stern look, “…kind of sore.”
    Rosy did not like giving Tails a reason to worry about her, but he barely let her even touch her cards with her fingertips so they could get an idea of where they needed to go. Still, the cold from her cards hurt and lingered long after she last touched them which was to determine if getting on the train was a good idea. It made Rosy feel that much more awkward as Tails relaxed and looked relieved with her honesty. “I kind of figured as much since you didn’t try to take your fork back yet and weren’t holding it properly to begin with.”
    There was no counter to Tails’ statement and Rosy flopped back into her seat defeated.
    “This adventure could do to be more fun,” she pouted and Tails laughed at her.
    “I’m sure there’ll be plenty of fun on this adventure Rosy.”
    “I for one have been enjoying the peace,” Mighty chimed in with a laugh of his own before turning his attention back to the scenery. “I’ve been so stressed out that being able to relax for a bit is quite nice. It’d be even better if I could go walk among the trees.”
    “Don’t jinx us Mighty,” Tails teased the armadillo. “The way the world is the tracks could disappear out from under us making us have to. I can’t believe someone actually made a train considering.”
    “I bet they just wanted realize their dream and wouldn’t let anything stop them,” Rosy spoke up in defense of the train. “And I think that’s wonderful. Pursuing your dream and not letting anyone or anything stop you.”
    “It is amazing,” Tails agreed, leaning back and allowing himself to marvel at the engineering and craftsmanship of the train. “I wonder how long our world will let it last?”
    The three friends fell silent as they all took in the unlikely experience in their world. Rosy would have indulged herself in her pancakes more but did not feel it would be right to break the silence and ask Tails for her fork back. ‘They’re so good too.’ Rosy would have to go without as they were soon collected by the staff who had no problem requesting the fork from Tails. The shared and peaceful silence would be more uncomfortably interrupted though in due time as a tapping sound drifted over from across the train car.
    ‘Hm? I wonder what that is?’
    Keeping her thoughts to herself so as not to wake Tails who seemed to have fallen asleep, Rosy slid out of the dining car booth as quietly as she could. Mighty had heard the tapping as well, his ears having swiveled back to listen more closely to it, and he saw Rosy get up by her reflection in the window. Turning around he looked at her curiously and she held a finger to her lips to keep him from waking Tails. Motioning with her hand for him to follow, she proceeded to skip away from the booth and froze when she saw the source of the tapping.
    “Oh no…!” she breathed in terror as her peaceful train ride came to a very unpleasant end. She would have retreated back to the booth in terror at that moment but Mighty was already behind her and putting a defensive arm around her as he laid eyes on Metal Sonic flying beside the train.
    “No Mighty don’t!” Pushing away from Mighty and spinning about to face him Rosy surprised him as she turned pleading eyes onto him. “You know he’s probably here looking for me, and it’s Metal Sonic, he’ll destroy the train to get to me…”
    “But–!” Mighty attempted to interrupt Rosy but she shook her head fiercely, her terror obvious. Yet she did not back down and summoned up all her courage as the train came alive with fear as the passengers grew aware of Metal Sonic’s presence.
    “There’s no time! Go wake Tails and come get me! I’ll try not to get captured but we can’t let the train and everyone on it be put in danger!”
    “Rosy–!” Mighty wanted to talk her out of it but it was already too late. He could have grabbed her as she spun around and yanked down on her eye lid while sticking out her tongue at Metal Sonic, but he understood her concern. The train car was already in a panic and if not for her speed she would have been trapped.
    If Rosy could have made use of the speed Sonic had gifted her like he could she surely would be far less terrified of Metal Sonic than she was as she watched him zip ahead while she ran for the door joining the car to the next one ahead. If not for her fear for the wellbeing of the passengers and the train itself, she would have exploited it to double back for the other end, but she knew she had to face it now. Bracing herself to face the worst-case scenario she threw open the door and saw Metal Sonic waiting for her with a finger wag.
    “You jerk!” Rosy yelled and attempted her best Spin Dash to get it to move, but Metal Sonic held its ground and the whine of its turbine filled the air as it announced it was ready to take her challenge head on. Rosy challenged it anyway and was fortunate that Metal Sonic overestimated her skill at a Spin Dash and completely missed her as she ended up shooting right past him.
    As bad as Rosy was with it she popped out of it and sprang up onto the roof of the next car. She proceeded to turn around long enough to make a face at Metal Sonic again before opening into a full sprint the other way. The train was much too short for her speed to make running its full length anything longer than a matter of seconds, but as she was being as delicate as she could to not damage the train by digging in with each step she compromised her traction and slid about allowing Meal Sonic to set its sights back on her, At least until she slipped right off the side of the train.
    “Wah~!” Rosy cried out before curling into a ball and bouncing off the ground beside the train. She uncurled immediately as she heard Tails cry out for her.
    He had his brief case strapped to his back and offered her a hand as she flew by to try and fly her to safety. To his surprise Rosy shook her head. And started running back the way the train had come.
    “That won’t work Tails!” Rosy explained herself as Tails fell into flight beside her. “There’s no way you can fly better then Metal Sonic while holding onto me!”
    “But you can’t outrun it either,” Tails pointed out earning a pout from Rosy in return.
    “I know, but if the three of us work together maybe we can at least stop him while he’s focusing on me!” Even as she said the words, she noticed that she and Tails had not yet been joined by Mighty and she looked around with a great deal of concern. “Where is Mighty anyway? He doesn’t like to fight unless he has too… he isn’t trying to stop Metal Sonic is he?”
    Slamming her feet into the ground together to bring herself to a stop, Rosy looked back at where the train had since disappeared behind her. Tails had to fly back to where she was but didn’t like the absence of Mighty either. “I don’t know.”
    “We have to go back for him!” Rosy insisted and had to be stopped by Tails grabbing her wrist. “Tails?”
    “We can’t Rosy!” Tails shook his head energetically. “Metal Sonic hasn’t caught up so we need to get away now while we can!”
    “But Tails, Mighty doesn’t like to fight,” Rosy pleaded even as Tails started to pull her alongside the tracks. It was too late when she realized that Tails had actually lifted her off of the ground and she could not resist his pull. Slumping she gave up fighting Tails physically but did not give up on Mighty. “I know he has a strong shell and he’s a lot better at this than we are, but wouldn’t it still be better if we helped him?”
    “If beating Metal Sonic was our goal, sure,” Tails agreed and allowed Rosy’s eyes to light up for a moment before he dashed her desire to help Mighty, “but you already know keeping you out of Eggman’s hands is our primary goal. Even the Gaia Eyes come after that.”
    “So, we have to abandon Mighty?”
    “I didn’t say that Rosy. We just need to use the time he buys us to get away.”
    Keeping Rosy focused on herself was harder than Tails hoped it would be, but unless Sonic was there for her to fixate on he knew she wouldn’t think of anything other than helping others when they were in trouble from something as obvious as Metal Sonic. ‘Even if Sonic was here it’d still be better if we ran though.’
    Tails could not allow himself to stay focused on his worries or how things would be easier with Sonic around. He had to focus on making things easier with Rosy around instead. “There were some other rails a little further back. It looks like some of them might have even gone into the mountains so if we can get to them we can lose Metal Sonic in the mountains and meet back up with Mighty later.”
    “Because I stayed up last night working on our Personal Beacons so we could can communicate without being tracked,” Tails proudly answered Rosy and held up his arm to revel the wrist mounted communicator every member of Checkpoint had. “We’ll just have to be abstract enough to not give our location away.”
    “Okay,” Rosy nodded tentatively buying into Tails plan. “Then put me down so–”
    A streak of blue blasting past her and Tails left Rosy stopping mid-sentence. Metal Sonic had caught up to them already and it put the question of Mighty’s wellbeing in question. She and Tails did not have long to linger on Mighty’s fate however as they needed to be prepared to evade Metal Sonic, but a series of explosions distracted them from even that.
    “What?” Rosy and Tails asked in unison as they came to a stop to dodge scrap metal falling from the sky before them. A moment later Metal Sonic landed and glared in their direction. Tails immediately stepped defensively in front of Rosy and spread his arms out wide.
    “D-d-don’t think I’m afraid you! We’ve bested you before you know!”
    Placing a hand on its hip, Metal Sonic stuck the pinky finger of its free hand into its ear and scratched around. The motion was unsettling as it was as though Sonic himself was mocking them and Rosy could not stand that and leaned past Tails and shouted at him. “You can’t do that! Sonic would never mock us! We’re his friends and if you’re supposed to be based on Sonic then you shouldn’t either!”
    “Rosy, I don’t think he cares,” Tails laughed nervously as he glanced back at Rosy with just his eyes. Yet Tails seemed to be wrong as Metal Sonic pulled its finger free from its ear.
    “Look Tails, he listened…,” Rosy began to try and counter Tails, but trailed off as Metal Sonic made a fist with its hand and pointed back at the sky above and behind it with a thumb.
    Following the gesture Rosy spotted the brass airships of the military and swallowed loudly. Tails could not ignore Rosy’s gulp and Rosy tried her best to keep the situation light as she felt the change in atmosphere come over him. “Ooh~! Why can’t this just be a fun adventure?”
    “That would be nice, huh,” Tails agreed appreciating her effort, but he was not sure what to do. With Metal Sonic before them the military seemed insignificant. Unfortunately, the military was prone to extreme overreaction and a volley of cannon fire burst forth from the air ships forcing Tails to gulp too.
    Metal Sonic seemed unimpressed and only delayed from acting for a moment as it lowered its fist long enough to rub its nose with a finger before springing into action. It was a sight to behold as Eggman’s greatest creation ascended the falling volley of artillery fire and headed straight for the military airships that launched it. The view was lost though as the volley crashed destructively into the ground around Tails and Rosy. Yet even in the destruction that she failed to realize missed her, Tails had to hold Rosy back as she moved to chase after Metal Sonic.
    “What are you doing Rosy? We need to run!”
    “But Tails, the soldiers!” Rosy argued as Tails did his best to keep her from moving.
    “They’re people! We can’t leave them to face Metal Sonic alone!”
    “Rosy they just tried to kill us!” Tails attempted to get through to Rosy
    “But Tails!”
    “Might I suggest that we move and give both parties no reason to stay here?”
    “Mighty!” Tails and Rosy both exclaimed as the armadillo’s voice came out of the dust cloud in front them. Stepping forward and out of the dust to reveal that he had been shielding them with his shell he offered the two junior adventurers a smile. But only for a moment as his expression grew grim.
    “I’m afraid it looks like you were right Tails.” There was a very uncomfortable air about Mighty as he spoke, and his next sentence sent a chill down Rosy’s spine. “The military never intended to take Rosy into protective custody.
    “What?” Rosy barely managed to squeak out the question.
    “What the armadillo means Ms. Rose, is that from the start G.U.N had every intention of killing you.”
    The answer came from above joined by an unpleasantly familiar and obnoxious laugh. Descended from above seated in his Egg Mobile was none other than Doctor Eggman himself. His feet propped up on the control console with his fingers laced together he appeared the embodiment of in control as his wide toothy grin greeted the trio.
    “Eggman! How did you find us!” Tails demanded to know as he prepared for a fight.
    “Come now fox boy,” I doubt you were just out here running from the military,” mocked Eggman with a chuckle. “Surely you’ve heard of the Gaia Eyes by now from Ms. Rose.”
    “No!” Rosy let out a cry as she saw Eggman hold up a new Gaia Eye, this one orange in hue.
    “But of course Ms. Rose, Oh~ hohohohoho!” Eggman laughed gleeful, punctuated by a chorus of explosions in the distance marking Metal Sonic’s destruction of the armaments of the military airships. With his massive grin growing even more massive Eggman continued. “Did you really think to stop me without getting that annoying blue pincushion in the way? Speaking of which… Metal Sonic!”
    In a flash of blue, Metal Sonic returned from its battle, but not to Eggman’s side.
    “AAH~!” Rosy yelped in pain as Metal Sonic snatched her arm and twisted behind her and into the small of her back. “Let me go! That hurts!”
    “You heard her!” Tails didn’t waste a second moving to confront Metal Sonic and was met immediately with a wall of darkness as a black globe of energy spread out from Metal Sonic. “This is…?!”
    Tails and Rosy lost the ability to resist and fight back as the black sphere sapped them of their strength knocking the handful of Rings they had collected since fleeing the train free of their persons. They were not casually lost as Rings tended to be as Metal Sonic collected them as it withdrew the sphere back into itself.
    “Oh ho!” exclaimed Eggman as he sat up and leaned over to watch the new ability in action. “That one seems quite useful. Though you seemed to have missed our good friend Mighty.”
    Having jumped back, Mighty had stayed clear of the attack, and thus still had his strength and wits about him. The look Metal Sonic gave him as Rosy slumped from the loss of strength made him both uneasy and angry. “If we were friends Eggman you wouldn’t be hurting them.”
    “OH~ HOHOHOHOHO! Hurting them? Really?” Eggman guffawed at Mighty’s claim. “Could you be more wrong I wonder. Why if not for me, your glorious savior and will be ruler, G.U.N would have blasted you to smithereens without a second thought.”
    “If not for you, we wouldn’t be on the run at all!” Tails barked as he seemed to recover from Metal Sonic’s attack.
    “Come now fox boy, you can’t tell me my little experiment hasn’t caught your eye. I’m sure you’ve already run tests of your own to determine the effects of my genius on Ms. Rose, and I would love to see your notes.” Though he coaxed Tails to speak with him as a fellow scientist, Eggman’s tone was purely condescending.
    “Leave him alone,” Rosy defended Tails, growing angry as her strength returned. Her position was not as fortunate though and to keep her shoulder from hurting she attempted to stand up and lean back into Metal Sonic. She did not want to, but the pain in her shoulder demanded she do something. Metal Sonic did not make it easy on her either as it attempted to keep its distance making her that much more uncomfortable. “Stop moving you jerk! Just let me go already.
    “Ahem,” Eggman cleared his throat to make sure Rosy remembered whose presence it was she was in. Hearing Eggman’s voice directed at her she glowered at him as she puffed up her cheeks. It was a hollow threat with her helpless in Metal Sonic’s grip and Eggman chuckled in response. “I don’t understand why you keep struggling so much Ms. Rose–”
    “It’s Rosy!”
    “–when I have so many good things waiting for you,” Eggman continued, ignoring Rosy’s interruption.
    “I don’t want anything you want to give me!” Rosy feistily refused.
    “But you haven’t even heard me out yet,” Eggman practically whimpered. It was obvious that he really wanted to boast, but Tails was not having any of it either.
    “Well she doesn’t want to hear it, so get lost Eggman!” With the intention of serving as a distraction so Rosy could escape, Tails curled into a ball and hurled himself at Eggman. Eggman was far from unprepared however and several mosquito robots dove down from the sky putting an immediate stop to Tails’ attempt.
    “Ah, ah, ah,” Eggman smiled mockingly as Tails crashed back to the ground.
    “Tails!” Though she wanted to get to him she could not break Metal Sonic’s grip and merely struggled helplessly reaching for Tails with her friend hand. Turning teary eyes of anger back on Metal Sonic she noticed that Mighty still had not advanced. Eggman picking back up behind her, obviously boosted by knocking Tails down only reinforced the danger she had exposed the other’s too.
    “You see, Ms. Rose, this is why you should turn to me in times like this,” Eggman sneered boastfully. “G.U.N wants you dead because you have quite the bit of value to me, and your friends are helpless. But I can promise you a perfect robotic shell that you’ll be perfectly safe within. You won’t have to worry about G.U.N as you know they’re helpless against my genius and if you want to spend eternity with that annoying rodent, I have a far superior version right here who has already saved you once today.”
    Listening to Eggman was not what Rosy wanted to do, and she mostly ignored him as she increased her struggles to break out of Metal Sonic’s grip. The robot perhaps was irritated by the whole affair and took to scratching around inside its ear with the pinky finger of its free hand for a moment. As Eggman’s little monologue neared its end and it seemed likely that the order to head back to base was coming, Rosy’s struggles grew that much more intense. Not wanting to deal with her antics Metal Sonic pulled its finger from its ear and placed its hand on Rosy’s head.
    “Eep!” Rosy squeaked terrified for a moment, but immediately grew confused as the machine ruffled her quills in a way she had not felt for some time. Yet time would never make her forget that sensation. If anything, the robotic hand that performed the motion should have dispelled the illusion, but that did not matter either. It was identical.
    Her eyes softening under that sensation, and her struggles ceasing completely, Rosy looked back as best she could from under Metal Sonic’s cold robotic hand. The machine’s glowing red eyes looked back at her and were unprepared entirely for the question she uttered.
    That single word, uttered with the utmost desire to know if it was indeed her hero who attempted to sooth her seemed to break Metal Sonic. Releasing Rosy’s, arm it took an unsteady step backward and Rosy looked at it with as much curiosity as the confusion it was experiencing its programing struggled to overcome. Eggman took note of the problem and leaned forward in the Egg Mobile, causing the whole vehicle to tilt forward. “Hrm?” Eggman’s curious grunt was far too mild a reaction and Mighty demonstrated that he too had been gifted with Sonic’s speed. “Rosy!”
    Mighty’s shout shook Rosy from her daze and she remembered Tails instantly. Before she could even turn though Mighty snagged her and had her under his arm like a sack of flower.
    “Not this time you blasted armadillo!” Eggman growled as he flicked a switch and missile ports opened along the sides of the Egg Mobile. Micro missiles swarmed out of the vehicle and Rosy could not stop herself from screaming and covering her eyes as Mighty ran right through them.
    “Sorry about this, Rosy, but it’s about to get a little rough,” Mighty apologized as Eggman’s missiles tore up the ground in a series of rapidly increasing explosions. Shielding himself and Rosy as best he could with his shell as he ran through, Mighty risked his biggest gamble and revealed he had gathered enough Rings since he was separated from Tails and Rosy to make a Ring Gate. Pulling the condensed Ring out in the middle of Eggman’s barrage surely risked him losing it, but he had not spent the time gathering the Rings for nothing and threw it out in front of him just past where Tails still lay.
    “No! No! No! NO NO! NO~~~!!!” Eggman screamed as Metal Sonic had yet to recover from its confusion and his barrage of missiles failed to stop Mighty from grabbing Tails and escaping through the Ring Gate just as it vanished.
    There was a long moment of silence after the last missile detonated and Eggman’s mustache drooped heavily as he kept his hands on the controls. Eventually he sighed and conceded the mistake was his. “I should have known better considering I didn’t repair you personally.”
    Piloting the Egg Mobile over to where Metal Sonic seemed to be still trying to sort out the conflict within its programming, taking to tapping the side of its head with the base of a hand, Eggman scowled as he looked at his creation. “I don’t know who repaired you, but I can assure you they’ll know my full wrath when I get my hands on them. No one has the right to tamper with my beautiful creations! Oh~ hohohohoho!” Eggman’s chilling laughter seemed to finally fix Metal Sonic and the robot rubbed its nose with a finger as Eggman’s tone became much more sinister. “But don’t you worry Metal Sonic, I’ll be sure to thank them for granting you the ability to track Ms. Rose. Sending you out in pursuit of her once I know what’s gone wrong will let me figure out where the last two Gaia eyes are, and then I can join you with a full batch of my little formula to make sure she doesn’t escape us again!
RAILROAD RETREAT CLEARED Chapter 3 – No Control, End
And there's chapter 3! I hope everyone enjoyed, and please forgive me for the parallels with chapter 1. This should be the only time it happens, and I needed to do it for certain plot points to be put into motion. I'll definitely be more original going forward, so please look forward to chapter 4. Thank you everyone! And in the meantime, feel free to stop by the Sonic Ring Bond Discord server - https://discord.gg/aVjNUyG - to talk about the AU!
19 notes · View notes
ebachan · 5 years
Sonic Movie - FAN sequel
I had this idea for a sequel before this rumor appeared. It sure has its flaws, but I'll try to provide a full-movie story in enough detail to have a picture of what the story-line could be about.
I’m sorry for any mistakes, as this is just a quick draft and idea :-) Tell me what do you think about this :-) Does this sound like a good “draft“ plot?
Tags: @movie-robotnik-positivity​ @movie-sonic-positivity​ @aawesomepenguin​ @welcome-to-green-hills​ (sorry for the tags, but you are like the biggest Sonic movie fans I know out there :-D )
If you like this, please reblog ;-) And sorry, it’s reaaaaly long ^_^;
I’m using the pictures from the first Trailer to not have this as a block of text ;-)
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Sonic games: Sonic 2 + Sonic CD
Returning cast: Dr. Robotnik, Annie, Tom, Sonic New cast: Tails, Amy, Metal Sonic Place: Sonic's world (mostly)
Plot: Sonic is in his world after about half of the year after Dr. Robotnik's defeat who went missing. Now, Sonic has more friends - Tails and Amy - and finds a way back to Earth. There, he invites Tom and Annie (I wasn't counting with Jojo here as she wasn't introduced at the time I had this idea) to his world for a picnic or party.
(Also, no Agent Stone - as I can't find a place in this story for him ^_^;)
Tom and Sonic chat with Tails while Annie and Amy are together, and Amy naturally asks how to win Sonic's heart. Annie is amused by this idea and is happy to provide tips and stories on how she had met Tom.
As the party goes on, Dr. Robotnik appears in Eggmobile-like craft and captures the girls. Sonic is surprised but also excited, as he can take on Dr. Robotnik once more. Tom isn't for obvious reasons. Dr. Robotnik gloats as usual, and Sonic gives him his nickname Eggman or talks about his new mustache-cut to Robotnik's annoyance and nicknaming Sonic pin cushion or needle mouse or rodent (to name a few easter eggs).
When Sonic attacks Eggman, he is deflected by equally fast blue bur which turns out into Metal Sonic. With a new threat and enemy, Sonic is unable to keep up with somebody with equal speed and fast reflexes. Sonic ends up hurt, and Robotnik takes both girls away (they are squirming, and Annie is trying to escape with Amy being more of damsel-in-distress for the time being).
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Tom helps Sonic and finds out Tails was hiding in a bush. The kid is scared-cat after all at this point. Sonic wants to go after them, but Tom stops him, insisting he will go too. They only need to figure out how to tail them.
At this moment Tails mentions Tornado, his makeshift plane he was developing. They head to his house, and Sonic is hyper over the plane. together they set forward.
New place: A Robotnik's hideout resembling Chemical Plant zone
Meanwhile, Eggman/Robotnik imprisons the girls and gloats about his plan and Metal Sonic. Metal is in this movie "mute" and follows the order to the last bite (that can perhaps turn to a bit of comedic moment). Annie tries to get more info from Robotnik with moderate success, as he loves to gloat.
Robotnik explains, he had discovered great energy sources in this world and is using them to power his new robot army (I imagine the wide-smiling orange robots from Sonic Colors or Heroes for example) with some resembling Badniks. His ultimate goal is to conquer this world, then move to Earth and then the whole universe.
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New place: Tail's house
There, Tails shows them his plane, and together they embark on finding Amy and Annie. Sonic stands on the plane as seen in Games. Tails uses his yellow-console to find some traces left by Metal Sonic, and they follow the robot to different zones (inspiration from CD perhaps). When flying above one, they are attacked by the new robots.
Sonic rushes to beat them, realizing inside are animals, and so he has to change his approach. At the same time, Tails in the air loses control over his plane, as he is hit and goes for an ugly crash landing. Sonic can't save them, and when the plane explodes, Sonic is devastated that he had lost his friends. But a few seconds later he hears Tom and Tails from above, and to his surprise, he sees Tails flying.
Tails then explains, he was always bullied for his two tails and was shy to tell Sonic, the first person to be nice to him, that he can fly as not to be seen as a freak. But for Sonic, this ability is way past cool, and Tom can only agree. The travel further, finding a signal coming from an old temple (Sonic 4 perhaps).
Here, Toms helps them to navigate as he had seen many Indiana Jones movies and knows how to these places works... by setting one or two traps along the way. But in the end, they encounter some robots, free the animals, and make their way toward the center. Inside is Metal, collecting data for Dr. Robotnik (we can see statues resembling Echidnas and the mosaic showing Chaos - as a tease for the next movie).
Sonic engages in the battle, frustrated he had lost the first time. He takes this fight more seriously, and it can be seen on him not having any smart-jokes or puns.
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Back to Dr. Robotnik
Annie tries to figure out how to escape, but Amy is more in the corner, questioning her attempt. Annie has no intention to wait for boys to save her, as she is no princess from the tower. Dr. Robotnik is getting ready in unleashing his robotic army with a nice countdown of a few hours.
I'm not sure how would they escape in this point (outsmarting a robot-guard, perhaps Agent Stone - But I haven't had any role for him in here), but after they escape their prison, Annie and Amy are attacked by robots. Annie tells Amy to run away, while she beats the robots with a pipe without much of an effect. Amy stays, watching, and her fists curl.
When it seems Annie is getting seriously hurt, Amy jumps in the actions and with Piko hammer defeats all of them. Annie asks, why Amy didn't use her hammer before. Amy confesses she was made fun by other girls for being a tomboy and not enough lady-like, so she swore to herself she would never use her Piko hammer again.
Annie, says, "I'm sure Sonic would prefer a girl that can keep up with him by his side." This one sentence opens Amy's eyes and pushes her on the way to be herself. Armed and with more hope, they embark on the robot-crushing quest.
Dr. Robotnik isn't happy, but he still does nothing to stop them as everything still goes according to the plan. And he is having his latte time.
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Meanwhile Sonic in the temple is losing to Metal, as he lets his frustration control him. Tails and Tom meanwhile figure out how to use the traps to their advantage, messing with Metal Sonic's attack patterns. In the end, Metal buries Sonic under rubble and escapes with all the data he had needed, sure Sonic is dead this time. Metal still needed to record a few places at this point.
However, that isn't the truth. Sonic is bruised, but much alive. During the evening, they patch themselves, and Sonic keeps to himself. Tom goes to him and asks what is troubling him. Sonic isn't happy to say a word, but do it after a bit. Sonic is losing confidence in his speed and is unsure what to do. Tom encourages him to do what he does always - don't give up, keep moving.
Here can resonate words from LongClaw (Sonic's Owl guardian/parental figure) which renews Sonic's passion and will. Right now, they have to hurry, as Tails picked up many signals from Chemical Plant Zone where Eggman resides.
Back to Eggman
As Amy and Annie are getting out, Metal Sonic appears but ignores them as he calculated they are no thread. His orders also didn't include keeping them in prison. With the data, Eggman/Robotnik now can start his Master Plan with the robots being just a distraction to his real plan.
Sonic uses his rings to transport them to zone (as Tails could give him accurate coordinate). There he goes after the robots with Tails and Tom right behind. However, the duo soon finds a suitable weapon - a big mecha-suit (Advanced style) Tails drives and Tom shoots from the lasers. Together, they soon beat the outside army.
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While inside, Tails and Tom remain behind to stall the next robot wave, while Sonic goes to find Amy and Annie. We stay with Tails who is showing panic in his face as his brain is telling him in what danger he is. Their mecha-suit gets damaged, and they fell out with robots closing in.
Tom encourages Tails to not give up, to go for what he believes in. Tails' memories flash in the fox's mind, being reminded he was always a big coward and bookworm with little physical endurance. The fox runs away, hiding behind heaps of trash while Tom tries to fight off the robots.
Tails is shivering and flashes of his encounter with Sonic reminds him how happy he was to get the first friend. And they actually explored quite a bit before Tom and Annie arrived. With the crisis getting out of hand, Tails see a computer panel behind himself and hacks it, sending the robots shut-down-command, freeing the animals.
With this, he saves Tom and saves Sonic the trouble of busting the robots to free the animals. Dr. Robotnik notices this and sends Metal to deal with Sonic. Metal is now more aggressive and attacks more often. His calculation told him twice Sonic was dead, yet he stood in front of him. For pure 0-1 logic-brain that was unacceptable, and it had to be fixed - permanently.
While Sonic and Metal fights, Tom and Tails find Annie and Amy. Together they operate an aircraft (it would be cool if it was a blimp-like one) to follow Dr. Robotnik. Sonic boards too, kicking Metal with a big spin-dash leaving the robot crackling.
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They catch up to Dr. Robonik above a big lake where appears Little Planet - a place with Time Stones. Dr. Robotnik's ultimate plan is to conquer the Time-and-Space including capturing Baby Sonic to power his machines and rewriting the history to his liking.
The gang faces flying drones, getting closer to Dr. Robotnik who landed on the Little Planet. When they catch up, Dr. Robotnik is about to take the first Time Stone and Metal returns for the last showdown. Sonic can't fight Metal and go after Dr. Robotnik at once, but with a quick-thinking and team-work, they damage Metal.
Time stones are placed on small pedestals around the planet in a special array, that allows it to "travel" outside of the time for a whole year before it appears for a few hours. Now, the gang has only about an hour to leave the planet or stay there trapped (the place has a different time-flow as well and nobody knows how it works - so one year outside can be 50 on the planet).
Dr. Robotnik possesses three stones now and is powering his main machine (Eggmobile-like) with it. The laser blasts now "evaporate" in the air to appear somewhere else a bit later or even before they were shot. Amy, navigates Sonic, as she has a sharp intuition (game inspiration) and so, Sonic avoids many hits.
The rest of the group tries to figure out how to get those stones off the Eggmobile and hinder Dr. Robotnik in going for the next stone. With Dr. Robotnik abusing the power of Stone, the Little Planet exhibits places morphing to its past or possible future self, with ice and lava spurting out of green land. The landscape turns into chaos, and Metal faces his ultimate defeat (Perhaps OAV styled, but that would be sooo sad!).
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With the main robot gone, Sonic hits the Eggmobile and gets the stones out. Dr. Robotnik falls into one of the time portals, disappearing. The Little Planet is collapsing and returning back to its own flow of time. To prevent the worst, Sonic heads to place the Time Stones back to their place, hoping to restore the balance.
While the rest waits outside of the Little Planet that is fading away, Sonic is there placing the stones. He sees the rest of Metal's head (alternate ending a bit later), and he heads outside just in the nick of the time. The Little Planet is gone for another year.
With Dr. Robotnik again defeated, they return to their picnic, and Amy shows off her hammer and is more accepted by Sonic. Tails had found courage inside of him and promise to not let fear control him.  
After credits, Dr. Robotnik travels through the time witnessing the destruction of the Angel Island by the hand of Chaos and hears the prophecy. He puts one and one together and with the pictures from Metal, he formulates his new plan, while still floating in the stream of time.
Alternate ending: Sonic takes Metal's head with him and Tails turns Metal into a small hedgehog robot similar to Bits in shape and behavior from Sonic Universe - Silver Age.
This was so loooong. Sorry about that. I don't think this works well for the movie format, and there may be a problem with pacing as I think there is a little space for character development, but I always thought the next movie could be based on Sonic 2 and CD, saving Knuckles for the next one (Sonic 3 & Knuckles + Adventure 1). Yes, there are some logical problems as well, but I think most of it works well :-)
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l-sincline · 4 years
Cybernetics- Cyberpunk!Sonic AU- Chapter 8
Amy Rose has been working tirelessly at her broken down booth for as long as she can imagine. Ever since Tails left their work to join forces with the revered hero of Mobius, ‘The Blue Blur’, she’s grown lonely and desperate to make her life exciting. A strange customer comes in one day asking her to fix his cyborg arm, what she didn’t know was that he would be the catalyst for a brand new life.
AO3 Tags:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog), Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles “Tails” Prower, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Rouge the Bat, Whisper the Wolf, Cream the Rabbit, Knuckles the Echidna, Badnik (Sonic the Hedgehog), E-123 Omega, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Angst, Slow Burn, Partners in Crime
AO3 Link
Bugs buzzed monotonously by her ear, body truly screaming at her to stop moving and lay down now.
“We’re almost there.” He’d promised quite a few times.
She’d at one point exasperatedly asked how he made this trek. He pointed out that he had the chip, and that also when he chose not to use the chip, he had the shoes. Amy supposed she’d have to figure something out. But until then, she was stuck feeling like death while the sun slowly left them less and less light. Her feet felt about ready to fall off, and at this point she wouldn’t be opposed to it, then she would have to lay down and take a break until her feet got replaced by cyborg parts. Unfortunately, unless there was a saw around here, she got the feeling that though they hurt, her feet were firmly attached to the rest of her for many years to come. She stopped when she bumped her head on Shadow’s shoulder blade on accident, not realizing that he had stopped. She looked up and saw him glancing back at her, silently pointing to the building ahead of them. The outside looked just as old as the rest of the buildings, vines and moss grew up the side, but the difference would be that this building had no cracks, no holes, and even had glass in the windows. The thick vines had been pushed away to grow around the doorway, which held a black, steel door.
“This is it?” She whispered. Shadow nodded and beckoned her to follow once more, stepping up to the door and opening up the scanner attached to it, allowing it to scan his face. Once it had, she heard the soft clicking of the mechanism allowing it to unlock, and soon she was following him inside.
The inside was clean, fixed up just like he’d said. The floor was tiled and a round, maroon carpet sat in the middle of it. To the right was a couch with two love seats and a coffee table, as well as a large ProjScreen attached to the wall, the furniture sat on top of a rectangle rug that was the same color as the round one. To the left there was kitchen, complete with an island and any appliances one would need to cook as well as a fridge- she had no idea how they got any power out here, but she’d ask about that later. Lights dotted the ceiling to make up for the lack of windows on the first floor, and in the middle of the back wall there was a staircase leading up. Amy looked over to see Shadow had taken off his cloak and hung it on a hook on the wall.
“Shadow! Watch out!” A voice cried from the steps, and Amy found herself being tackled and pinned to the ground. She cried out in pain, she wasn’t sure how much more of a beating her body was to take today, but she hoped it wasn’t much more as clenched her teeth and squinted in pain.
“Rouge! She’s no danger- get off.” He demanded exasperatedly.
‘Rouge’s weight left her and she opened her eyes, taking Shadows hand that he offered and allowing herself to be pulled up. Then, she looked over to see who exactly ‘Rouge’ was.
She was... an Android. White metal, bright blue, glowing eyes. Equipped with fake lashes and makeup. Two wings protruded from her back and her ears gave away that she was modeled to look like a bat mobian. She currently wore a robe- it looked soft, and it was pink, matching slippers she wore on her feet. Aside from all that, she was much curvier than your typical Android would be, at least from what Amy had seen before.
“Rouge, this is Amy. She’s coming on board as our mechanic.” Shadow introduced her. Amy held out a hand.
“It’s nice to meet you...” She spoke softly, and cautiously, not wanting to incite any more anger from the Android woman. Rouge was silent, studying her up and down. Judging her. Amy couldn’t tell what the Android was thinking- it was strange, Androids tended to be easier to read because they weren’t actually mobians.
“I like your pants.” She said suddenly, crouching down to grasp one of the straps. “They’re practical and yet, very stylish.” Rouge observed before standing back up to look at Amy. Her facial expression didn’t give much away, but her body language told Amy that for now, Rouge would leave her be.
Amy let out a breath of relief as Rouge turned to look at Shadow.
“Does that mean Omega can finally be fixed...?” She asked hopefully.
“I do believe so.” He replied.
“Omega?” Amy wondered aloud.
“Don’t worry about it for now, you need to rest up, you’ve been smacked around a bit more than I think you’re used to today.” Shadow nodded to Rouge, and the bat android stepped forward and lifted Amy’s bag from her shoulder.
“I’ll take this to your room and get everything ready for you.” She explained before turning and spreading her wings, flying up the stairs. Shadow chuckled.
“What’s funny?” Amy asked.
“I think she’s excited to have another girl in the house.”
She ‘ooh’ed quietly, following Shadow as he walked over to the kitchen.
“Sit.” He gestured to one of the stools that sat at the island. Amy sat down gingerly and put her hands in her lap, watching him open the fridge and stare at it absentmindedly. She couldn’t imagine it was easy to get food out here, but then she remembered his teleporting trick and supposed that it was quite possible that he... went grocery shopping? That would be a funny sight to see. He shut the fridge door and leaned down to the freezer door, pulling it open and selecting something from it before tossing it on the table. He pulled out a toaster from next to the fridge and plugged it in before getting to work on unwrapping the food while beginning to speak to her once more.
“The room won’t be great, but you can start to get your own stuff to put in there once you... adjust to our living style.” He explained, popping what she now saw were frozen waffles into the toaster. “ProjScreen- on.” He called, louder than he had been talking to her previously, and she shifted slightly to turn and watch the ProjScreen as he continued to shuffle around in the kitchen. What she saw made her stomach turn.
“-from what we can see, this woman and her partner made a complete fool of the Blue Blur.” The female cat gossip show anchor chided.
“While we up here in the neon city aren’t exactly big fans of any criminal, watching these two lay waste to the Blue Blur is exceptionally funny.” The male deer replied, partially to the camera. The woman laughed.
“As part of our ‘down with the Blue Blur’ campaign, I just want to play that absolutely humiliating clip again!” She cried joyfully, clapping her hands together before turning in her chair to watch the screen behind them.
The screen showed a projection from the angle of what seemed to be a surveillance camera. It was a slow-mo shot of her rolling and shoving herself off the Blue Blur, immediately followed by Shadow’s cyborg hand appearing on screen and hitting the Blue Blur square in the back, sending him tumbling forward and scraping on the ground. Thank god the camera panned towards the blue hedgehog instead of her and Shadow, or else there’d be video proof of them just disappearing. But instead it zoomed in on the Blue Blur, who struggled to get up before collapsing. The video cut off just as Tail’s feet came in frame.
“Now that is just too funny!” The cat woman cried again, smile wide on her face.
“I have to agree with you there- but now we have to get to the more interesting topic- who was that woman?” He asked enthusiastically as a grainy, zoomed in projection of her face from when she was falling came up behind them.
“Now, thanks to some intelligence we do know she ran a shop in the outer ring, but the real question is how did she get wrapped up in all this drama? I mean, Mobius’ most famous vigilante scooping her up and trying to take her away from the mystery cyborg man- what do you think happened?” She questioned her cohost.
Amy grimaced, they were making it out to be some sort of romantic triangle from what she could tell, and before she could hear what the deer had to say, Shadow cut in.
“ProjScreen- off.” He called out. “Sorry, I don’t know why Rouge watches that crap. It was probably uncomfortable to see your face like that.” He apologized gruffly as she turned back around, watching him slide a plate across to her.
“It’s fine.” She reassured, “It was honestly kind of interesting to see how they talked about me- us. They... liked that we knocked down the Blue Blur.”
“Of course they did.” He snorted. “Inner ring folk hate him.” Amy shrugged in response, not knowing what more to say on the topic.
“So, what have you made for me, chef?”
“Toaster waffles with peanut butter on them for protein, plus some apple slices for some good sugar and vitamin intake. Just something to get you through the night, there’ll be something better in the morning.”
“Thank you.” She smiled slightly, glad to be digging in to the food. The waffles were a bit stale and the apples were a bit mushy, but it was better than what she usually ate, so she continued to munch on it happily as Shadow walked over to the living room half of the bottom floor. By the time she was finishing up, she heard Rouge land on the tile at the bottom of the stairs.
“Your room is ready.”
Amy looked over with a tired smile, standing and putting the plate by the sink she had spotted earlier before walking over to Rouge.
“Thank you... for all this.” She turned back to Shadow before stepping up the stairs. “I know this is weird... for both of us, but thank you for giving me this chance and keeping me from getting arrested.” He merely grunted in response and Amy assumed that was the best she was going to get and followed Rouge up the stairs.
They went up two floors before stepping out of the stairs and into a hallway, Rouge passed one door on the left before coming to one slightly past it on the right and pushing it open.
“Here you go, call me if you need anything- I’m a floor down.” She explained as Amy stepped in the room, closing the door behind the pink hedgehog. Amy could hear her slippered feet walking away.
Too tired to care about what the room looked like, Amy leaned against the wall and unlaced her boots, kicking them off before walking over to and collapsing in the bed. She let out a deep sigh before almost immediately falling asleep, too exhausted physically and mentally to even consider what her day had been.
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getters-blog-index · 5 years
It was a cold, cloudy day, light fog hung over the landscape, not obscuring the landscape, but still visible to the eye. There was utter silence as the wind stayed soft and still. The pointy-eared mags wondered why she felt such great unease. Since the departure of the Knight of the Wind, there had been peace in the land. The knights were able to protect that peace as just warriors. However, something ominous looms over the horizon. A sensation of dread washed over her.
“The Doom of Britain is at hand...we must make haste if we are to prevent its destruction.” She turned to her companion, a warrior from another time. The man’s face was completely hidden and obscured behind bandages beneath a red hood. He seemed cold and detached, but there seemed to be a gentle warmth to him that was hidden away. The mage knew she had summoned a noble warrior from a far off time.
She recalled how she did the same with the Knight of the Wind, and how he stood up to the Knights of the Round Table and slew the false King Arthur, and how he defeated her when she had lost her way and tried to preserve the kingdom as it was forever. She took the lesson to heart. No kingdom would last forever. However, even so, if the kingdom were to fall, she would prefer a peaceful passing as opposed to the darkness that she senses.
The pair would head back to Camelot to see if there was anything they could do about the rising tide of Darkness. Unfortunately, only Sir Galahad lives to defend Camelot from its enemies. The rest had passed on, save for the Knight of the Lake. In fact, it was the fault of the Knight of the Lake that all the others had been slain. His mad roars can still be heard from the castle.....
The mage wondered what hope they had of victory. Two warriors and a mage were hardly enough to fight an army.
“You’re having doubts?” The masked figure asks, picking up on her feelings.
“No, I just....” The mage trailed off as her thoughts scattered. His voice had broken the silence and she didn’t have time to think of a response.
“Don’t worry, Master. Just supply me with enough Mana and I’ll handle the rest.” He spoke with...a cold confidence that shook the mage. There was no enthusiasm or pride. Just a man stating facts. She wondered if he had emotions. She knows there’s a warm and kind heart in him, but this mask he puts on....it seems as though he wishes to separate what he does from who he is. She wished to know more, but she was, honestly frightened of what he might do if she tried to ask.
Perhaps, for now, it would be best to focus on reaching Camelot. “Right, very well. We can’t waste any more time.” The pair would pick up speed as they hurried back to the castle.
In a far flung future, a chase down a long metal corridor ensues between an evil scientist in his flying machine and a blue creature of incredible speed. The scientist cursed his luck. He had been so close to getting away scott free, yet his nemesis had appeared just in time. “You miserable rodent. How many times must you interfere with my work!?”
“As many times as it takes to make sure you give up, Eggman!” The creature responded with his go to nickname for the evil scientist. He bounced off the wall of the corridor to try and reach the scientist, only to get repelled by a shield. The creature landed on his feet and resumed the chase with a quick recovery time.
Eggman tapped furiously against the console of his machine. “Looks like your Time has run out, Sonic! AHAHAHAHA!” The scientist gloated as the corridor lit up. Traps of all kinds came out of the walls. Spikes, turrets, and lasers littered the hall to an extreme degree. With such confidence in his assured victory, the scientist pushed his machine to speed up, cackling the entire way.
The creature, Sonic, smirked, enjoying a challenge. He used the closed space to bounce off the walls, avoiding spikes and crashing into turrets and lasers. The creature curled into a ball, spinning faster and faster until he launched, crashing through the remaining traps to catch up with his quarry. 
The hallway ends, reaching a large open room with an enormous machine. Sonic uncurled and walked into the room with swagger. “Nice try, Eggman, but it’s going to take more than that to....beat this.....hog?” Usually, he’d see the scientist in the room, or at the very least, there’d be some hint of the doctor. This is strange. He’d have retorted by now.... “Did he just, disappear?” Sonic wondered as he traversed the room.
He was able to get a better view of what was here. The middle of the room had a large gyroscope-like thing, with what looked like a mini Mobius, his planet, inside. It shined a dull blue as the rings of the gyroscope rotated around it. Something seemed strange. None of the continents on the mini planet looked familiar to him. There wasn’t really anything else in the room. No hatches, no secret entrance, nothing. “He couldn’t have just....vanished....I need to get Tails. Maybe he can figure it out.
With the scientist missing, it was much easier to return to the large strange room with his friends. Sonic paced around the room as a yellow fox creature with two tails accessed a panel at the bottom of the gyroscopic machine. They were both accompanied by a pink hedgehog who was watching Sonic pace.
“And he just....vanished?” The pink hedgehog asked, with clear confusion in her voice. “You don’t think this might be some kind of portal machine or something? We’ve dealt with all kinds of things like that before.”
Sonic nodded as he continued, never breaking his stride as he responded. “That’s what I was thinking. There’s no exits to this place, so it makes no sense for him not to be here unless he used Chaos Control like Shadow, or if he used something like a Time Stone or that...Time Eaty thing from a year ago.”
“Don’t remind me of that. Being stuck in this weird space between time was, so cold and unsettling. I don’t think I want to know what would’ve happened if I was stuck there for any longer.” The pink hedgehog answered back, clearly unsettled by that event of the past. “Any luck, Tails?”
The fox smiled as he looked at his device’s screen, plugged into the larger gyroscope. “You’re not going to believe this. This is a machine from back before Mobius!”
The two hedgehogs stopped and stared. “BEFORE Mobius?”
Tails was beaming as he accessed the records. “Not just that, but this has access to almost the ENTIRE human history before the Xorda invasion! All that lost knowledge and history, here in one place! Okeanos, London, Rome, China, America. I don’t know ANY of these places, but they’re all mapped out on the continents almost like ours. We can even see how Plate Tectonics changed between then and now. Kinda weird though, for the continents to change like that in 3000 years.”
Sonic interrupted. “Ok, ok, so we got a nice new history textbook. Is there anything else?”
“Oh, Absolutely! It says that this thing is called Chaldeas. It’s a device used to observe all of human history. It’s supposed to be used with other devices called Sheba and Laplace. I’m gonna see if I can find them, but basically, this thing can Time Travel people into parts of human history.” Tails looks like an excited child as he discovered so much new technology in such a short amount of time.
Sonic on the other hand looks frustrated. “Great, so he time traveled, again, for the third time. Has he not learned about not messing with time by now?”
The pink hedgehog looks more concerned than frustrated. “Not just that, but now he went to a time we don’t even know, and in another era by all accounts. Before Mobians, before Mobius. We can’t even begin to predict where he would go!”
“Not to worry, Amy. The beauty of technology is I can just repeat the last command.” Tails reassured the pink hedgehog. “I just need to keep a connection with Chaldea and I’m sure we can get back no problem. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut, just in case, I am going to call a few people to secure this facility and make sure that they can track us.” Tails holds up the device screen to show old security footage. “It seems like people who went back in time had people that were still here to help manage them and provide logistical support. All the more reason for us to be more prepared than Eggman.”
That got the two hedgehogs in better spirits. “So now, all we need to do is follow Eggman, kick his can and his badniks to the scrapyard, and back in time for lunch.” Sonic emphasized with some kicks to the air. 
The pink hedgehog, Amy shook her head but with a smile. “I’m just glad we’re not absolutely clueless about what we’re doing this time. So, how does this work?”
“That’s easy. I just need to begin the Rayshift process. The destination is sometime in the Human Middle Ages. It’s going to be a bit intense so brace yourselves. I’ll leave instructions for our back up for when they get here. Are we ready?” Tails was eager to try this out. Considering all the research and how successful it seemed to be, all his worries were put to rest. They were going to get to do controlled Time Travel! This was revolutionary technology!
He began tapping the commands, and the three mobians watched as the machine activated. They were all pumped up as they got ready to go.
[Unsummon Program Start] [Spiritron Conversion Start]
“Hey, uh, Tails? What does that mean?” Sonic asks with....notable concern at these odd terms.
“I think they’re part of the normal process.” 
“You THINK?”
[Rayshift commencing in 3, 2, 1.....] Amy notices, red marks forming on her forearm. It didn’t hurt, but she couldn’t wipe it off. “What is this? What the heck?”
[All Procedures Cleared]
[Grand Order Commencing Operation.]
And in a flash of light, the three mobians were gone, leaving the room empty and silent once more.
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shedreamsofstars · 6 years
Eggman’s Misadventures in Shipping - Chapter 1
What use is an IQ of 300 if you don't use it to enact an elaborate scheme to set up your arch nemesis. Eggman's had enough of getting his butt kicked every other day by that stupid blue pineapple. To regain his spark, it's time for a plan the Doctor knows is fool proof … at least, according to certain 'shippers' on the internet
Phase Zero: Prepare for Misadventure
“Orbot!” The round bellied man yelled, floating into the base riding in his custom built Eggmobile. “Cubot!” He landed it with the effortless grace that one could expect from a metal contraption holding an oversized man, which is to say none at all.
Eggman planted his feet onto the ground at almost the same moment his two minions appeared, seeming to slink out of the walls themselves.
“Doctor!” they called, their robotic voices melding in unison as they addressed him. Their blue eyes were bright and unblinking as they waited for a response from their creator.
Eggman only frowned at them deeply, a deep growl escaping through his thick moustache. “I have had enough of that stupid blue rat besting me at every turn!” the man yelled, falling into a rhythmic trot as he headed into the complex. “It’s like he doesn’t even care that I spent hours making sure everything was set out perfectly before crushing my dreams under those red sneakers of his.”
The two robots shared nervous glances as they followed behind him, pointing at one another to speak first. With a robotic sigh, Orbot took the lead.
“But Doctor Eggman, Sonic always beats you. That’s just how it goes.”
“Do you think I don’t know that Orbot?!” Eggman snapped, sending a furious glance over his shoulder.
The two robots shrank back a little at the sight as they stumbled after him. Orbot gestured for Cubot to try and console their creator. The robot looked hesitant, but after a little prompting from his spherical counterpart, he tried regardless.
“Perhaps you are just aiming too high Doc,” he started, following Eggman into a large room furnished only with a single sofa and a large television screen mounted on the wall.
“What are you going on about?” the man said, collapsing onto the sofa and stretching his legs out before him.
“I just mean, world annihilation seems like the final step on the ladder of success. The end goal. What if you tried to achieve it one small rung at a time instead of just going straight to the top?”
“Yes,” Orbot chimed in. “A more … manageable goal might be just what you need to boost your confidence Doctor. Perhaps we should start by stealing all the candy from every baby in the land?”
Eggman scratched at his chin slowly, his glasses flashing as he considered the bots words.
“Hmm, not candy. I already have two vaults full of those peppermint cane things I stole from those yuletide celebrations last year. But perhaps the two of you are onto something. I mean, it’s no surprise, I was the one who programmed you after all,” he mused, a proud gleam in his eyes.
“Maybe I am aiming too high.” He squinted at the two bots before him as the cogs in his clever mind began to spin at an alarming rate. “Or maybe Sonic is too focused on me.”
“We thought you liked having his attention,” Orbot said tentatively, knowing full well that Eggman might not like hearing those words spoken out loud.
“I do,” the man said vaguely. “But he enjoys destroying them too much, and I am tired of losing to him. I think I need to focus on something else for a while.”
“Doctor,” Cubot said. “If Sonic is the problem, then perhaps we need to find a way to distract him.”
“That’s what I made all of you robots for,” the man said, gesturing to the walls and the countless bots that thrummed behind them.
“Perhaps what you need is a more long-term solution,” Orbot clarified. “Something that will distract him for longer than it takes him to destroy us with his spines.”
“That’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard,” Eggman said offhandedly, twisting the rough edges of his moustache between his fingers. “I’ve got it!” he said suddenly. “What I need is to find a more long-term way of distracting Sonic!”
Orbot hummed sadly as he nodded his head in agreement. “That’s a great idea Doctor.”
“I need a win right now, and I also need to divert that damned hedgehog’s attention. So maybe, just maybe … I can kill two birds with one stone.”
The man jumped off the sofa, rushing over to a hidden panel beside the screen on the wall. A keypad popped out the wall and a seat sprang from the floor instantly. Eggman made himself comfortable, his lips forming soundless words as his fingers began furiously tapping away on the keypad.
Flashes of the blue hedgehog popped up on several sections of the large monitor as sets of diagnostics scrolled across the reflection of Eggman’s glasses. What the doctor was looking for, the two robots had no idea. But they stood by his side steadfast, twiddling their thumbs as he plotted away.
Eventually, with a cry of ‘aha!’ the man turned back to his robots with a look of glee plastered across his face.
“According to the internet, the best distraction aside from something called ‘may-mays’ is another person. So, say for example if Sonic the Hedgehog had a needy girlfriend who demanded all his attention all of the time, then it would just be an absolute shame if he had no time for me anymore.”
“But doesn’t Sonic already have a girlfriend?” Cubot interjected.
“No, he doesn’t. But … oh ho, he will by the time I’m through with him!”
“Who are you going to set him up with?” the two bots asked, peeking at the screen to try and get a glimpse of whatever was going on in his mind.
“I ran his personality with every person he’s known to have interacted with and I have a shortlist of three.”
With a simple tap, three images popped up onto the screen.
“The first, is Sonic,” Eggman said. “Gosh, that rat loves himself,” he added with a shake of his head.
“The second, a chilli dog. Unfortunately, I have neither the time nor the inclination to try to animate a food of all things. But the third,” he said, expanding the image so it filled half the screen.
“Amy Rose.”
Cubot and Orbot shared a knowing glance but said nothing as the Doctor continued.
“They both have similar personality types and apparently having the same values is essential or some nonsense like that. Besides, she’s always running after him and saying she loves him. What else is there to it?”
“Doc, setting Sonic up with a girlfriend just seems like another failure to add to the pile … especially given his track record of no relationships to date,” Orbot said. “I strongly suggest we focus on something a little simpler, just to remind you what winning feels like.”
“I remember exactly what winning feels like,” Eggman replied. “Right now, it tastes like Sonic and that whiny pink hedgehog paying so much attention to each other that they forget all about dear old me.”
A covert smile graced the man’s thin lips as he scribbled the words ‘Operation Get Sonic a Girlfriend’ onto the top of the notepad he’d seemingly pulled out of thin air. The words sprawled across the page in a solid script as Eggman began scrolling through his multiple open tabs.
Hundreds and thousands of scrolled pages and scrunched up balls of paper later, Doctor Eggman had compiled a shortlist of four different scenarios that he could execute to get the win he so longingly deserved.
“Here,” he said, flapping the list at the two robots. “I’ve analysed several hundred situations, and this four-phase scheme will give me the exact results I need. Each phase is filled with nauseating romance and perhaps they’ll be enough on their own, but this is where my genius comes in,” he said dramatically.
“String these four scenarios together and throw Sonic and Amy into the mix, suddenly the plan becomes foolproof! No one can withstand this much romantic subtext without falling head over heels in love with the person next them, especially not that cocky pineapple,” Eggman chuckled with excitement.
“What exactly are the four phases?”
“Ah, you’ll know all in due time my robots. But first, I must prepare myself for phase one … and the two of you I suppose.”
The man laughed maniacally as he pulled up the first of his blueprints on the screen. The words ‘Picnic for Two’ flashed before him as the details of the plan transmitted right into Orbot and Cubot’s robotic minds.
“Oh,” Cubot said, his mind scanning through the data. “This just might work,” he said to Orbot, who only nodded in agreement.
Eggman adjusted his blue glasses on the bridge of his nose with a curious smile. “Alright bots. Let’s get this adventure in shipping started!”
Do I have a zillion other things I should be doing? Yes. Do I care? Only slightly, but I have been excited to write this for so long and I couldn’t hold off anymore.
I wrote this purely for the fact that I thought it would be funny to have a series where Eggman is actively trying to pair up Sonic and Amy. This chapter is absolutely a set up chapter for what’s to follow so I’m sorry if it’s a little boring, but things will get much more exciting as the story progresses.
Thanks so much for reading, feel free to let me know your thoughts if you fancy. I’ll see you guys in the next one, chao :)
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Mario & Sonic: Dimensional Shift - Chapter 1: The Cause Pt. 2
A giant crane lifts the Master Emerald into position into a large slot on an extremely large machine. It clicks into place and lights up with power as the machine powers on with a low hum.
Eggman strokes his mustache with an evil grin, chuckling with malice. “Excellent… My plan is all coming together! It’s only a matter of time! I only need some more power!”
Orbot and Cubot are both holding opposite ends of a girder and moving across the room. Orbot leans the girder on Cubots head as he turns to Eggman to talk. “But boss, do you think that the Master Emerald will be enough to create a large enough rift to transport everything to another dimension?” Orbot asks.
“Not on its own, it won’t. Which is why I have THIS!” Eggman triumphantly holds up a peculiar fist-sized round blue gem.
“Ooo, I love blue raspberry candy!” Cubot claps as the weight of the girder gets heavier on his head and he sinks closer to the ground.
“No, bonehead, it’s not a blue raspberry candy! This is the Hyperspace Sapphire, and it contains the ability to manipulate space and dimension to my will!”
“Oh my, how did you get your hands on that item?” Orbot inquires.
“I know a guy, don’t worry about it. Just do your job and put that beam in place!” Eggman snaps.
“Right, right, I will, don’t worry. But how will that gem help this machine?” Orbot begins to slouch on his side lazily.
“It is going to have two purposes for this plan. For the first part, I am going to connect it and link it to the Master Emerald!” He rambles. “You see, the Master Emerald shares a connection with the Chaos Emeralds. Like a thread connecting each of them, that thread can be pulled closer to you if you know how to do it!” He places the Sapphire into a slot near the Master Emerald and presses a button.
The machine begins to whirr on, getting louder with each second passing. Eggman types some commands into his computer, and the Master Emerald and the Hyperspace Sapphire glow brighter. All of a sudden, three tiny portals open up in front of the machine’s gate point, and from them spill three Chaos Emeralds, the blue, red, and white colors respectively. As the machine powers down, Eggman rubs his hands together and guffaws loudly.
“Yes! I’m a genius! This is just what I need to fully power my machine!” He stands and places the Chaos Emeralds into a few separate glass chambers. “Now that my innovation is complete, I think I’ll call it… The Dimensional Egg-porter! Perfect!”
“You always had a way with words, boss,” Orbot comments.
“And now, thanks to my magnificent intellect, I will finally be victorious! My grand scheme to conquer the multiverse is at hand! And not even Sonic will be able to stop me! Ohohohoho!”
An alarm goes off and a red light flashes through the base. Eggman is caught off guard and looks at his security camera. “What?! You have to be kidding me!” He glimpses at the footage of his front door being broken down by Sonic, Silver, Knuckles and Tails.
“Grr… How did they find me so quickly?!” He jumps into his Egg Mobile and presses some buttons to start the Egg-porter, which begins to slowly warm up to full power. “Looks like things are going to have to go ahead of schedule! All Eggpawns! Slow down Sonic and his friends as much as you can! Orbot! Cubot!” He hesitates for a moment. “...Wake him up.”
“But sir, the upgrades aren’t complete yet-” Orbot protests.
“I don’t care! We can’t lose this moment! I don’t care what it takes! Just wake him UP!”
“Tactful as ever, Knuckles. He knows we’re here now.” Sonic jeers.
“Good. I want him to know.” Knuckles says as he walks forward without heed.
The flashing alarm blares loudly as the sound of many robotic footsteps begin making their way to the scene. Eggpawns fill up the halls as they arrive, some sporting blunt melee weapons and some holding blasters.
Tails analyzes the situation around them. “Okay, I’ve got a plan. We’ll each split up and take out different sections of enemies, and-”
“No need,” Knuckles interrupts. “I can take them all out on my own.”
Sonic arches an eyebrow. “You know that’s crazy, right?”
“Listen, I’m really angry right now, and the best way I can work it off is by punching the bolts out of some bots. I’ll create a path through, you guys go on ahead and find Eggman.”
Sonic shakes his head and sighs. “Well, if you’re sure. I’m smart enough to know not to get in the middle of your rampage. Go get ‘em tiger.” He gives a thumbs up.
“I can stay and help, too!” Silver exclaims, stepping forward next to Knuckles.
“No thanks, I can handle this on my own.” Knuckles says with disdain.
“No, seriously, I-”
“I said no, Silver! I said I can do this myself!” Knuckles yells, causing Silver to step back, intimidated.
“...sorry…” Silver mumbles out, but Knuckles is already stepping forward, steeling himself for battle.
Sonic puts a hand on Silver’s shoulder. “Hey, don’t worry about him. He wasn’t trying to be mean, that’s just how he is. Trust me, don’t take it personally, I promise you’re okay. He’s a tough cookie and can look out for himself. Besides, we have a job to do, right?”
Silver clenches his fist and nods his head. “Right, yeah. I’m ready to go.”
Tails scratches his ear a little bit. “I do wish he wasn’t so willing to put himself in harm's way like this. I would have preferred that we all could make it to the fight with Eggman together.”
“Well, this might be better actually, because we’ll be at full strength, rather than all of us being worn out for the fight,” Sonic says.
“I guess you’re right,” Tails responds. “All we have to do is wait for an opening to slip by and reach Eggman.”
Knuckles stretches his arms as he continues to walk forward towards the horde of Eggpawns lying in wait for him. “Well, if you're not gonna make the first move, then allow me!”
He rips a piece of sheet metal off of the metal walls, and chucks it like a frisbee at the army, already taking out a few rows of robots. Running forward, he begins to plow through the Eggpawns one after another with each fist strike. The bots occasionally try to gang up on Knuckles, but he is quick to throw them off, using the parts of other destroyed bots if he has to. At one point, he grabs a spiked Eggpawn by the feet, and spins around wildly as he moves forward, knocking out any other baddies in his path.
Tails observes for an opening as he surveys the damage. “Okay, Silver, let’s you and I fly over while Knuckles deals with these guys on the ground.”
“Got it, I’ll take Sonic,” Silver says as he begins to use his psychokinesis to lift up Sonic through the air.
“Careful, Silver, these goods are fragile, so handle with care,” Sonic quips.
Sticking close to the wall, the trio manage to fly over the Eggpawns undetected as Knuckles continues his onslaught below, who is currently throwing back bombs that were chucked at him first.
They eventually make their way through a number of halls until they arrive at a large door with the familiar Eggman logo. Silver cracks his fingers and forces the door open with a burst of energy. On the other side of this door is an expecting Eggman, floating in his Egg Mobile with a frown.
“Well, well, well, look who decided to show up for an unexpected house visit,” Eggman says, scowling as he talks. “Sonic, Tails, and… uh… Who are you again?”
“Silver. I fought against you and Infinite in the Resistance, remember?”
“Right, right. Anyways, to what do I owe you all the pleasure of bursting into my base and making a mess of my minions?”
“Don’t play dumb, Eggman! You stole the Master Emerald from Knuckles, and you’ve been making something new with the Hyperspace Sapphire!” Tails says with a point of his finger at Eggman.
Eggman recoils in shock for a moment. “Gah! How did you-?! I mean, I don’t know what you’re talking about! Hyperspace Sapphire? I’ve never heard of such an item!”
Sonic rolls his eyes for a moment. “Whatever, Baldo. Just tell us what you’re planning, and we’ll do you a favor and give you a free beat-and-destroy combo deal! Courtesy of Sonic the Hedgehog and Co.!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about! And even if I had an amazing, genius master plan, I wouldn’t tell you anyways!”
“That’s new,” Sonic comments. “Usually you love to drone on about your evil plans. This one must be big, huh?”
“He’s planning to travel to another dimension that he can conquer without interference,” A new, gloomy voice cuts into the conversation, as Shadow the Hedgehog jumps from the pipes on the ceiling onto the ground next to Sonic, followed by Rouge who lands next to him as well.
“Shadow?! Rouge?!” Eggman yells. “What are you doing here?!”
“Hey Doctor, long time no see,” Rouge says, putting her hands behind her back.
“Eggman created a machine that will allow him and his whole army to travel to another dimension where you don’t exist, so he can conquer that universe and create his Eggman Empire to expand his army even further,” Shadow explains, arms crossed as he faces Eggman. “He’s using three Chaos Emeralds along with the Master Emerald and the Sapphire to power the machine.”
“Wow Shadow, that’s impressive,” Sonic says. “How did you figure all that out?”
“Because I got here a while ago. And unlike somebody, I actually managed to be sneaky,” Shadow jeers.
Sonic laughs a little bit. “Alright, you won this one for sure.”
Eggman slams his fists in anger. “Grr! Why do you blasted hedgehogs have to ruin every single thing?! Don’t I deserve to win for once?!”
Rouge points to a door nearby. “The machine is in a chamber in that room, and it’s powering up for a jump as we speak.”
Silver nods his head and raises his fists. “Got it, then all we need to do is push through Eggman and destroy his machine before it starts up.”
“Not so fast, now!” Eggman chimes. “Don’t think you can get through me so easily! Especially when I have backup!”
“Backup…?” Tails repeats. “Oh no, don’t tell me…”
Eggman laughs maniacally as he pulls a switch, which opens a secret door on the other side of the room. A flash of red can be seen, and all of a sudden a metallic form barges out at incredible speed and stops in front of Eggman’s Egg Mobile, facing towards the heroes with a cold, unmoving stare. It was Metal Sonic, standing firm and locking eyes with the real Sonic, his fists clenched in hatred and fury.
“Metal Sonic?” Sonic stands unintimidated, keeping his gaze unbroken with Metal. “This won’t be a problem. I had no problem taking his polished behind to the dumpster last time we fought, what makes you think he’ll stand a chance against all of us?
“Because with his recent upgrades, Metal Sonic is now faster and more cunning than ever before!” Eggman gloats. “He’ll have no problem disposing of you once and for all!”
“I think he’s right, Sonic,” Tails says. “Metal seems different, and faster too. It might be harder this time.”
Sonic gets into a battle-ready pose. “Alright then, let’s split this up, why don’t we? Shadow, Silver, and I will take on Metal Sonic, while Tails and Rouge stop Eggman and shut down that machine.”
“Don’t order me around, Sonic,” Shadow says in a cold tone.
“That works for me!” Tails exclaims, moving with Rouge over to the side of Eggman. “Good luck, guys!”
“Ohoho! Feeling brave, are we fox boy?” Eggman sneers. “Well, lets see how you like this!” He pilots his Eggmobile into a nearby structure, which springs to life as he inserts the vehicle into the cockpit of the machine. Sharp blades start to spin around the machine like a fan, looking to slice anything that gets too close. “Introducing the Egg Copter! I’ll make sure you’re sliced and diced properly while I make Sonic watch!”
Rouge side eyes Tails a bit. “I don’t know how I let you all convince me to play the hero on this one. You better get me that Sapphire for all the trouble I’m going through.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure we get it for you. Besides, I’m already seeing a weakness in this design.” Tails says, putting his fists up to get ready to fight.
“I hope you’re right about this, twintails,” Rouge says as she flaps her wings and goes airborne.
Meanwhile, the three hedgehogs are at a standstill as they stare down the unmoving Metal Sonic silently.
“Hey Shadow, wanna make this fun?” Sonic asks. “Let’s see who can get the last hit on Deadbolt over here.”
“This isn’t going to be a competition, Sonic, because I don’t need your help to take him down. I can do this on my own, you two will just slow me down.” Shadow responds.
“Oh, big shot, huh?” Sonic smiles. “Let’s see if you can put your rings where your mouth is.”
“Guys, this isn’t time for games,” Silver chimes in. “We can’t let our guard down for one second!”
Metal Sonic stands with his arms to his side, but ready to receive any attack that might come his way.
Silver clenches his fists and takes a small step back, a bit intimidated. “Alright, we need to think about this strategically and try to come up with a plan…”
“No thanks,” Shadow says coldly. “Plans are for morons who don’t have the strength to face their opponents head on.” He squints his eyes as he jets forwards towards Metal Sonic.
“Sorry, buddy, have to agree with Shadow on this one. Plans just aren’t my thing!” Sonic exclaims as he curls up in a ball and spin dashes at Metal as well.
“W-Wait!” Silver yells in protest, but the other two hedgehogs had already gone ahead.
Shadow is the first to make contact with Metal, attempting to jab with his fist which is parried by Metal’s arm. Metal retaliates with a punch with his other hand, making contact on Shadow’s chest and pushing Shadow back a few feet.
Sonic gets in close and attempts to spin into Metal, but Metal reacts just in time and kicks Sonic away like a kickball into the air. Sonic unfurls from his ball form in the air and attempts to downward kick into Metal Sonic, but Metal grabs a hold of his leg and hurls him at Shadow. Sonic goes flying into Shadow and the both of them fall to the ground.
“Get off me!” Shadow yells as he pushes Sonic off.
Silver flies ahead now, as Metal Sonic’s jets kick in and he flies at Silver as well. Silver puts his hands forward and releases a wave of psychic energy, stopping Metal in his tracks with a green glow around him.
“Ha! Got ya!” Silver gloats. All of a sudden, Metal’s jets boost on again, and he breaks free of the psychic hold at an incredible speed. Silver gets caught off guard by this as he is suddenly headbutted by Metal Sonic.
Metal then grabs him by the face and pushes Silver into the ground head first, skidding him through the ground and onto the wall. He raises his clawed hand up to strike, but is interrupted by Shadow who spin kicks Metal away and rushes ahead with a follow up strike to the chest. Metal counters with a few slams as well, as the two begin trading blows.
Sonic runs over to Silver and extends a hand to help him up. “You okay, Silver?”
Silver rubs his cheek a little bit as he stands. “Yeah, I’m fine… I can’t believe he broke through my psychokinesis. This is going to be more difficult than I thought.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it!” Sonic reassures. “It’ll work out, so don’t give up just yet!” He rushes off to go rejoin the battle.
Meanwhile, Rouge and Tails are frantically flying around the Egg Copter, avoiding it’s sharp blades the best they can, but Eggman is hot on their trail and very persistent.
They manage to gain some distance and reconvene. “So, any updates on that idea you were having, or were you just trying to impress a pretty lady?” Rouge teases, but is panting a little bit trying to catch her breath.
“I’m still looking for an opening to get in close. He’s weak from the top, but I can’t get close enough to attack. Do you think you can distract him at all?” Tails asks.
“Heh, I think I can,” Rouge says, pulling out a few small pink balls. Eggman starts to close the gap now and is charging at them. “Don’t let me down, kid.” She flies up to gain some height on Eggman.
“Hahaha! Get ready to meet your end, Tails!” Eggman laughs. Rogue throws the pink balls at Eggman, which explode in a large puff of pink and purple smoke. Eggman begins coughing as he enters the cloud. “Gah! What is this?!”
As the smoke clears, Eggman looks up as Tails descends upon the Eggcopter, landing on the engine and stabbing a screwdriver into it. The blades of the vehicle begin to slow down a bit, before coming to a stop.
Tails stands proud over Eggman, hands on his hips. “It’s over, Eggman! Your machine is done for! Give up now before I… uh… Kick your… Butt! Yeah! I’ll kick your butt!”
“Oh, no. Whatever will I do now?” Eggman says, a bit of a sarcastic tone in his voice. “It’s too bad my useless Egg Copter doesn’t have any secret backup tricks. OH WAIT!” He pulls on a lever, and a large extendable metallic claw with three prongs emerges from the vehicle behind Tails and grabs him.
“Kid!” Rouge yells, flying at them now to try to help Tails, but Eggman swings the claw with Tails in it at Rouge and spikes her onto the ground. She lets out a small gasp before losing consciousness.
“You know, sometimes the most effective traps are the simplest ones! Hohoho!” Eggman cackles, bringing the claw holding Tails close to him. “You know, you annoying little vermin, you really couldn’t have believed you would stand a chance against me, right? All you are is a… a sidekick! You’re NOTHING without Sonic!” Eggman presses a button and makes the claw squeeze Tails, causing Tails to yell out in pain. “And now, you’ll die into nothingness, just like you lived!”
The claw squeezes again, and Tails screams once more. “S-Sonic!!” He cries out, tears forming in his eyes.
Sonic stops fighting for a moment and looks over at Tails and Eggman, his eyes widening. “Tails! I’m coming, buddy!” He begins to run over to them, but his path is blocked by Metal Sonic, who uses this opening to knee Sonic in the stomach and kick him farther away. He lands on his knees, coughing up a little bit. “N-no, Tails…”
“Metal Sonic!” Shadow yells out, clashing both of his hands with both of Metal’s hands as they wrestle over their ground. “Your battle is with ME! Got that?” He pushes Metal back as he spin dashes towards the robot.
“Sonic! You have to get up!” Silver yells from across the room, sending a psychic knife towards Metal Sonic as he speaks, who jumps over it with ease as he fends off Shadow.
Sonic grasps at his chest and coughs up a bit more. “I can’t... Move… I won’t make it in time…”
Eggman laughs maniacally. “Say goodbye to your little pet, Sonic!”
The doors to the lab burst open with a wide swing, as a flying Eggpawn soars through the air with an erratic pattern, with Knuckles on top of it. He steers the robot in Eggman’s direction, jumping off and gliding over to the top of the Egg Copter. He lands right next to the arm of the claw, and with a heavy grunt he rips the arm off and throws it off. As Tails begins to fall to the ground, Knuckles jumps down and catches Tails in his arms, gently placing him on the ground.
Tails breathes heavily as he slowly opens his eyes. “Knuckles… Thank you…” He forms a small smile.
“No problem, bud. I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner.” Knuckles says. He looks over to Sonic, who gives Knuckles a nod and a thumbs up which Knuckles returns as well. He then turns to Eggman with a furious gaze.
Eggman smiles nervously and sweats a little bit. “Aha… Knuckles! Good to see you! Er…”
“I think you have something of mine, Eggman. I want it back. Now.” Knuckles says, punching his hands together.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about! Now if you will excuse me, I have other places to be.” Eggman says as he begins to drive the Egg Mobile backwards.
“Not until I get my chance to crack an egg!” Knuckles yells, giving chase to Eggman.
Sonic stands up now, taking a few more deep breaths to compose himself. As soon as he can, he starts to make his way over to the injured Tails. Metal Sonic, who is currently engaged in a chase with Silver, turns his head and notices Sonic trying to get away. He kicks on his thrusters and goes to block the path again. As he stops in front of Sonic, he attempts to make a punch, but Sonic just barely jumps out of the way.
“Looks like I’m not going anywhere with you still here, huh?” Sonic stretches his neck. “Alright, I’ll make you into scrap metal then!” Sonic jumps into the air and vaults towards Metal Sonic with a homing attack. Metal Sonic seems to copy his movements, and performs a homing attack at Sonic as well. The two blue blurs bounce off of each other multiple times, spinning all around the room together.
Silver flies over to Shadow, who was cast into a wall recently before Sonic began to fight again. He extends a hand out, but Shadow slaps it away, getting up on his own.
“I’m starting to get really sick of this,” Shadow complains.
“Maybe we should think of a plan real quick while Sonic is keeping Metal busy,” Silver suggests.
“Maybe you should shut it before you get a swift kick to the head, Silver,” Shadow says, as he warps to behind Metal Sonic, where he attempts to jab at Metal but instead hits Sonic accidentally. Shadow shouts out in frustration as he launches another all-out attack.
Knuckles is continuing to give chase to Eggman, who is trying to outrun Knuckles in his Egg Mobile. Eggman attempts to throw down spiked mines, but Knuckles breaks through or dodges them with no problem.
“Now, Knuckles! Can’t we talk about this?” Eggman says, frantically pressing buttons. “You know that I didn’t mean any of the things I did! I’ll change for the better, I promise!”
Suddenly, a blinking light flashes on his dashboard, and an automated voice calls out, “DIMENSIONAL EGG-PORTER STATUS 95%. PLEASE PREPARE FOR DEPARTURE.” Eggman smiles and rubs his hands together, as Knuckles swiftly jumps onto the Egg Mobile, facing towards him.
“It’s over, Doctor Eggman,” Knuckles says, a big grin on his face as he prepares to thrash Eggman real good. “I’m gonna make you pay for making me look like an idiot.”
“Oh, Knuckles…” Eggman sighs, pretending to sound sad. “Perhaps it is for the best you caught me. Maybe it really is time for you to.... NET ME IN!” He quickly pulls out a hidden bazooka looking weapon and shoots Knuckles point blank with it, with a large net coming out and wrapping around him and causing him to fall to the floor as he struggles to escape.
“Sorry, sucker! But I got places to be!” Eggman laughs as he begins to speed towards the chamber with the nearly charged Egg-porter. He presses a button, and the walls of the Egg-porter room open up and expand so Eggman can fit his Egg Mobile through.
“Grah! Sonic! He’s getting away!” Knuckles shouts, desperately struggling to escape the net.
“Shoot!” Sonic yells, looking around for a solution of some sort, then looking at the machine on the other side of the room. “Silver, I have an idea! Can you catch and hold Metal Sonic?”
“Yeah, but he’s able to break out of it, so I can only hold him for a second!” Silver replies.
“A second is all I need. Get his attention and get him as close as you can to the dimension machine!” Sonic commands.
“Right. Hey! Stupid metal faker! You’ll never be anything compared to the real Sonic!” Silver yells out. Metal Sonic finishes uppercutting Shadow and knocking him away, before turning his head at Silver with a hateful look. “Uh oh,” Silver says, turning around and flying in the other direction. Metal turns his thrusters on and quickly follows in pursuit, gaining on Silver with great speed.
Sonic now gets into a ball and starts to spin quickly, preparing for a spin dash when the moment is right.
Silver looks behind to see Metal Sonic nearly caught up to him. He raises his hand up and unleashes his psychic energy to hold Metal in place once again. “Now, Sonic!” He directs.
Sonic unleashes his spin dash and begins to barrel towards Metal Sonic at a high speed. Metal glares at Silver angrily and starts his booster up again to escape the hold, but as soon as his booster begins activating, Sonic immediately rolls into Metal at his high velocity, causing Metal to spin out of control.
Eggman cackles as he approaches the gate of the Egg-porter, looking at the gauge which is now complete. The automated voice begins to read out loud “DIMENSIONAL EGG-PORTER NOW AT 100%. HAVE A GREAT TRIP, DOCTOR EGGEGGEGGEGGEGGEGGEGGEGGEGG BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ-” Metal Sonic has violently crashed himself into the side of the machine, crackling with electricity and malfunctioning. The Egg-porter’s gate had opened for a moment, but then closed once Metal crashed into it and before Eggman could enter in.
Sonic stands triumphantly tall as he begins to gloat. “Too bad, Egghead. Looks like you were unsurprisingly stopped by us again!”
“No… My machine…” Eggman says with a dejected tone. “Do you… Do you realize WHAT YOU’VE JUST DONE?! WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!” He turns his Egg Mobile around and attempts to fly off, when all of a sudden the gate opens back up and starts to suck everything inside.
Metal Sonic’s broken body is the first thing to get sucked inside, as well as the three Chaos Emeralds, the Master Emerald, and the Hyperspace Sapphire. As they enter through the gate portal, they are lost into a white void.
Eggman is frantically pulling as many levers as he can to escape the pull of the gate, but he’s not fast enough as the Egg Mobile slowly gets closer to the gate. “NOOOOO-” Is the last thing Eggman yells before falling inside.
Knuckles starts getting closer to the machine’s gate next, as he struggles to escape from the net still. He’s nearly there until he is enveloped by a green glow and begins floating, as he is pulled closer to Silver who is attempting to fly away from the gate with Knuckles in tow.
“Silver! Let me go! You’ll only drag slow yourself down holding me!” Knuckles yells out.
“I won’t! I won’t let you go!” Silver rebuffs.
“That wasn’t an option Silver!” Knuckles barks. “Let go now!”
“But I-” Silver’s sentence is cut short as he is hit by a piece of stray machinery, causing him to lose focus and let himself and Knuckles fall into the portal.
The unconscious body of Rouge and the weakened body of Tails start to drag closer to the portal. Unable to resist the gravitational pull of the gate, Rouge quickly travels like a bullet towards the portal.
“Rouge!” Shadow yells, attempting to jump and grab her hand before she goes. However, he is barely able to grab her fingers and she slips away, falling into the white void. Shadow then attempts to grab onto an object to hold steady, but it breaks off and Shadow loses his balance and careens through the portal.
Tails attempts to fight against the pull of the portal, but his weakened state makes it hard to put up a fight. Sonic grabs onto his hand and links his other hand onto a pipe to hold steady. “I’ve got you, Tails! I won’t let you go!”
“S-Sonic! I’m scared! What do we do?” Tails cries out.
“I don’t know, but I promise I won’t let anything happen to you!”
The pipe begins to loosen in Sonic’s grasp, until it breaks off and Sonic and Tails begin to head for the portal. Sonic takes Tails into his arms and holds him in a protective hug as they go head first into the gate.
“I won’t let go, I promise!”
They pass through the gate, and the only thing around them is white space, and the sensation of falling downward. Sonic holds Tails close to his chest, until he looks down and sees Tails turn into dust made of pure light and disappear.
Sonic looks frantically around and sees nothing but the void. “TAILS! TAILS! WHERE ARE YOU!?” He screams. No response.
Sonic tears up and wipes his eyes. “Wherever you are, I’ll find you! If it’s the last thing I do, I’ll find you!”
Sonic is all alone. The only thing he can feel besides dread is loneliness, which is the last feeling he has as his consciousness fades away into white.
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xxemitsuxx · 7 years
Sonic Forces - Burning World 2
Chapter two! Thanks a lot for the feedback on the first chapter, I really appreciate it :)
Previous chapter
Restlessly, Sonic ran circles into the floor of the gray cell. He couldn’t tell how long it had been since his last encounter with Eggman; it felt like weeks, although he knew it couldn’t have been more than a few days, if at all. He had no way of knowing how much time had passed; the cell didn’t have any windows and there was no clock around.
After having listened some more to the doctor’s victory speech and future visions, he had been thrown back into the cell by his robots and hadn’t seen anyone since, except for Orbot and Cubot passing by his cell every now and then. In the beginning he had lurked near the bars on high alert, searching for any kind of way to break out and leave behind this dull grayness. However, after what he assumed to be hours of nothing happening, he had given up and had begun stalking around, boredom quickly overcoming him. He knew he should have tried to get at least some sleep, but his mind was being held wide awake by the knowledge of being this close to his arch enemy.
When the boredom had become too much, he had started what he was still doing now; running around in circles. And that’s how he ended up this way.
He was honestly thankful the cell was big enough to allow him to build up speed. He wasn’t sure if Eggman had built it intentionally like this or if he simply hadn’t thought about it, and he didn’t really care either. As long as he was able to run, everything already seemed a bit lighter, even in a situation like this.
Still. He couldn’t stay idle forever. There had to be a way out of here. He had to get back to his friends and save the day like he always did… because from what he had seen, the world really needed saving.
He still couldn’t quite believe it had gone this far; how could it be his friends hadn’t manage to stop Eggman? A picture of the masked jackal went through his mind, causing him to speed up even more, lost in thought. It definitely had to be because of him. A being fast enough to keep up with him and strong enough to beat him, strong enough to beat his friends…
Despite the seemingly hopeless situation, he couldn’t help feeling a tiny bit excited – in a dark, sinister way - at the thought of beating the masked guy. He immediately felt guilty for thinking this way. I should probably handle my own problems first and get out of this mess.
He was honestly a bit confused about Eggman’s behavior. He had expected the doctor to visit him more often and gloat about his victory in front of the hedgehog.
“Cubot, be careful! Don’t drop it!” Sonic’s ears perked up at the voice. The red and yellow forms of Eggman’s aide robots came into his field of view. He stopped his run and came to a hold right in front of the bars, observing the bickering robots. A smirk crept onto his face when the opportunity he had waited for finally presented itself. This’ll do I guess. Cubot was carrying a plate with… a chilidog on it. When his stomach growled loudly, Sonic remembered he hadn’t eaten anything ever since he had awoken.
“Hello Sonic. We’re here to bring you your lunch.” Sonic grinned at the red robot and crossed his arms confidently.
“Wow, thanks. I was already starting to think Eggface is gonna let me starve.” Not entirely true since he hadn’t really paid any mind to his physical needs due to his mind focusing entirely on the more dire problems; such as the world literally burning.
“Ah, I am sure if he wanted to kill you, he would do it in a more creative way.” Sonic raised an eyebrow but didn’t answer, waiting for the others to make the next move.
“Well, uh… here’s your food Sonic!” Cubot held out the plate until it touched the bars, the smell of his favorite food lingering in his sensitive nose. He gulped. Be strong, hedgehog. “Why, thank you,” he said in a mocking tone, reaching out as if trying to grab the food. His gloved hand didn’t fit through the bars though. Orbot let out a sound which would probably be a groan if he wasn’t a robot.
“He can’t reach the food, you idiot!” Sonic let his ears hang down, sighing in faked desperation.
“I guess I’ll have to starve after all… thanks for going through the effort of making a chilidog just for me, I appreciate it, but looks like I won’t be able to eat it.” His stomach let out another growl as if to underline his words. Cubot and Orbot exchanged a glance, turning away from him and to each other. He slightly lifted an ear to catch what they were saying.
“…it’ll… fine for just a moment…” - “No! He’ll…” - “But boss said…” He scowled when he couldn’t make out any more, but quickly replaced it with a pained expression when they turned back to him.
“Alright… just a second, Sonic. I’m going to fetch, uhm… someone really quickly.” Orbot cast another glance at Cubot, eyes narrowed. “Don’t do anything stupid”, was what he read from that look. Then he disappeared around a corner, leaving him with an apparently nervous Cubot.
His stomach growled again and he let out a groan, making the yellow robot jump and look at him in sympathy; as far as that was possible for a machine.
“Just a moment, Sonic,”, he said. Sonic rolled his eyes inwardly. Outwardly, however, he let out a muffled whine. “Come on Cubot, please. I don’t think I’m gonna last much longer… it’s been over two weeks, y'know?” Cubot looked at him, puzzled.
“You’ll last those few minutes! … or hours,” he added quietly, jumping when Sonic let out yet another groan.
“Well, uh, Orbot needs to fetch a certain type of robot with admin rights , but they are always pretty busy so it could take a while… in the worst case he’ll have to ask the boss himself…” Hah, lucky me.
“C'mon Cubot, just open the door and give the chilidog to me now. I’ll cover for you.” The robot stared at him.
“Haha, sorry Sonic, but wouldn’t you be outta here before you even get to take a bite of the chilidog?”
“Of course not! I’ll eat it properly. Besides, I don’t even know my way around here; I’d probably run right into Eggman’s arms.”
“Hm, true. I mean, the boss did design this base with the intention of making it impossible for you to escape…” Good to know.
The yellow robot hesitated, jumping yet again when Sonic’s stomach growled impatiently. He hadn’t really felt it until now, but damn he really was hungry. His vision blurred while he was staring at the robot and he did his best to resist rubbing his eyes, suppressing a yawn.
“Okay,” Cubot finally said. “But just for a moment.” His eyes began glowing and just like that the bars were gone.
And unlike last time, Sonic was prepared now.
Before the robot could even attempt to blink, he had spin-dashed him over, snatching the chilidog in the process and taking a quick bite. He stopped in front of the open hallway and turned around to cast a quick glance at the knocked out robot whose lights had shut off completely. “See? Told ya imma eat it properly,” he said with a full mouth, grinning, before turning and dashing off.
Okay. Now I just gotta find a way out of here. Preferably a fast one, he thought. Being able to run freely instead of in an ever repeating circle felt amazing, even if he was surrounded by gray metal walls. Sonic the Hedgehog just shouldn’t be confined, ever. He would make sure Eggman would remember that. But first, he had to actually escape; he had a world to save!
Had he actually taken the time Eggman had granted him to rest instead of staying awake for days straight, he may have actually reached his goal and put a quick end to everything. He may have avoided the following months and rescued the world with ease as he had done many times before, always the hero, his friends smiling at him and celebrating him and themselves for their accomplishments.
If he had just…
He had no idea what exactly happened. One moment he was running as fast as the wind, the next he was slammed into a wall head-first with a pained cry, sliding down on it and landing on his side. Groaning, he curled into a half ball, head ringing as his mind tried to process what had just happened. Okay, hedgehog, calm down, this isn’t so bad, you experienced worse before, take a deep breath… When the pain slowly ebbed away, he opened his eyes, staring dumbfounded at two black legs.
“Oh m… good job, Infi… yes, he…” Okay, maybe he had hit his head stronger than he had thought at first. The ringing in his ears kept increasing in volume; he couldn’t make out the actual sentence and didn’t recognize Eggman’s voice either until he stepped into his field of vision. The blue hedgehog took another deep breath and turned his head slightly upwards until he was able to see the other two. One was definitely Eggman looking down at him with a deep frown which granted him a feeling of satisfaction; at least he had managed to unsettle the doctor with his failed escape attempt. The other figure was undoubtedly the masked jackal, but he wasn’t looking at Sonic; he was already turning away and walking out of view. So he got me again, huh…
At this point the pain had all but vanished, replaced by a heavy feeling of numbness which was almost painful in its own unique way again. He noticed Eggman talking to him and did his best to focus on that.
“How did… out? Can you hear me, hedgehog?” His only acknowledgment was a blink. Crap. He could feel his consciousness fading away. It’s now or never.
He had no idea where he took the energy from, but somehow he managed to get up on his knees unnaturally quick, startling the doctor into taking a surprised step back. Exhaustion overwhelmed him and he threatened to fall forward, but he managed to remain on his knees.
“I’ll definitely get out of here,” he snarled, his voice way more powerful than he felt. At this point he was barely conscious of his own actions anymore; it was as if his body acted on its own. “Don’t think you can contain me here and have your way, Eggman. I’ll get out of here and destroy whatever dumb plan you came up with this time. That’s a promise. You’re going to regret ever facing off against me. You…” His sleepiness took him over and his body finally complied with his mind and let him fall to the side, more asleep than unconscious.
“You never cease to surprise me, Sonic,” Eggman muttered to himself. Okay, truth be told, he really hadn’t expected him to find a way out. Granted, it was mainly Cubot’s fault – damn that incompetent idiot! - but the hedgehog’s stubbornness and determination was truly nothing to underestimate.
“What are you going to do with him now, boss? I know this was Cubot’s fault, but it truly wouldn’t surprise me if he found another way out. He seemed really confident when we confronted him. I doubt any of your… security measures will be able to stop him. Especially since you constructed the cell so we can’t even give him his food without opening the bars.” He cast a glance at Orbot standing behind him, hands clasped together, looking at him in question. Deciding to ignore his underling’s insult, he thoughtfully looked down on the unconscious hedgehog. He had planned on ignoring Sonic for a while longer to focus on securing his power, but it looked like the rodent wouldn’t even allow him to do that. He would have to advance quicker with his plans for his captive.
“For now…”
Unlike the last time he had woken up, this time all the memories came flying back immediately. Without the sleepiness he had felt before, all he could think of was how stupid he had been! Not seeing that lame masked excuse of an experiment coming at him and letting himself get slammed into a wall without any resistance… with a growl he jumped up and planned on letting his frustration out the usual way; spin-dashing around as fast as he could. However, upon rising and dashing forward, he found he couldn’t get further than two steps away from his supposed bed before being yanked back forcefully. Startled, he stared at the ground. The sound of jangling chains caused him to take a better look at himself.
Wha… no way.
Ears drooping down, he felt his cheeks begin to burn in humiliation. Clenching his teeth, he raised his hands to his throat.
He was chained to the wall right next to the bed by his throat so he couldn’t reach the bars. A glowing blue chain was strapped around his neck; not tight enough to choke him, but also anything but comfortable.
Eggman had collared him.
Before he had the chance to yank on the collar and see if it would come off – unlikely but worth a shot – he heard footsteps approaching the cell. His head shot up, only to be greeted by the sight of Eggman, flanked by two robots yet again. He couldn’t make out the doctor’s expression due to being too far away and the bars blocking his view, but the smug tone in the doctor’s voice was already enough to rile him up.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty. You don’t look to happy about your new accessory. I even picked it in your color!”
“Shut it, Eggface,” Sonic snarled, not in the mood for any games.
“A bit touchy in the early morning, aren’t we?” Suddenly, the bars disappeared, allowing the doctor to approach the hedgehog whose ears folded back, spines bristling in warning. He felt humiliated; not only could he not escape despite the path being free of any obstacles, he couldn’t even spin-dash into Eggman’s face if he didn’t want to strangle himself. So he didn’t have a chance but to watch the doctor approach him, stopping just out of his range, probably wary of the kicks he could still execute.
“It wasn’t a good idea trying to escape, Sonic.” Sonic scoffed.
“Why? Am I supposed to be scared of pissing you off?” He didn’t show how much Eggman’s sinister expression unsettled him.
“You really don’t understand the situation you’re in hedgehog, do you? And here I planned to still give you some time to finish my preparations and let everything settle in. But it looks like you need to be taught the hard way, without any more delays.” He snapped his fingers, and suddenly Sonic’s body just… froze. He tried to move but found he couldn’t; the collar began burning uncomfortably and his body wouldn’t budge even as Eggman came closer and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. He let out a small yelp as the human applied pressure to a particularly sensitive spot, causing him to unwillingly curl in on himself, making him appear smaller than he actually was. “W-wha…” Move, dammit! He could hear the doctor huff somewhere above him, but he couldn’t raise his head to check.
“No matter how far you and your entire race evolve, in the end you are still an animal. And animals have instincts which don’t always work in their favor.” Sonic hissed through clenched teeth when he felt the chain being undone from the collar. Nothing was in his way, he could get away! So why wouldn’t his body move?!
“Let go, Eggman!”
“I don’t think so.” The human began moving away from the cell, followed by his robots, and all Sonic could do was dangle from his hand like a puppy being carried by its owner. He flinched when the grip grew stronger. Man, since when was Eggman this strong?!
After a while of walking, the doctor stopped abruptly and muttered something Sonic couldn’t make out. Suddenly, a cold metal hand grabbed his chin and forced his head up before his entire vision went black. Something was swiftly tied around his skull and knotted together with so much force it caused his head to ache. A blindfold? How had this happened so quickly?
“Can’t have you memorizing any paths around here. You are obviously not going to escape from the cell again and even if you would, I heavily doubt you’d be able to find your way around, but precaution never hurts anyone.”
Eggman paused and looked down at the hedgehog. He had been uncharacteristically quiet ever since they had left the cell, and after applying the blindfold he had gone even stiffer than before, ears raised and spines bristled. If he listened closely, he could hear his ragged breathing. It wasn’t like he could move much anyway, but he had expected him to put up more of a fight. Thinking about it, he couldn’t remember a time he had ever seen the hedgehog as cornered as he was now. Getting robbed of his eyesight might have had a bigger effect on him than he had first thought; making him uncertain and unsettling him. He would keep that in mind for their… future games together.
“What’s wrong, rodent? Scared?”, he taunted, trying to get a reaction out of him to confirm his suspicions. All he got was an annoyed huff.
“Get going already, Egghead.” Hm. His voice sounded the same way as it always did when he wasn’t in action; condescending and almost bored. Either he was pretty talented at masking his fear or he didn’t even notice how much his body had reacted to the limitation. Interesting.
“Fine. Look forward to it, hedgehog. I’m sure we are going to have a lot of fun together.”
Thanks for reading! You can also visit me on my ao3 (Emitsu) or FF.net (xXEmitsuXx) accounts if you’d like :) 
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sqgt-blog · 7 years
Classic Sonic Levels Ranked: #60 - 56
I tried something new tonight and added videos I found on YouTube of each zone, and I’ve credited each person. If I can figure out how, I’ll add them to #69 - 61. Unfortunately Tumblr only lets you link five videos on one post, so I have to split these up more than I wanted to.
60. Mad Gear – Sonic 4: Episode 1
Video by Cyberman65
Mad Gear is a slightly less aggravating Metropolis, given a green paint job. For what it’s worth, there aren’t many cheap gimmicks compared to Sonic 4’s other levels, the infamous badniks are nerfed a bit, and there’s no lava. It is also much more quickly paced. There are, however, a lot of crushers, and each level feels very long. Act 3 is the only level designed around gimmicks: most of the level is made of chase sequences to escape from a giant crushing wall, similar to the one in Hydrocity. There are also smaller crushing walls everywhere, and tilting platforms that you actually have to tilt when Sonic curls up on them. The boss is one of the better ones. Like the other bosses in Sonic 4 Episode 1, it’s the same damn boss from the original zone. Deplete half of Eggman’s health though, and he escapes, forcing you to chase after him as he tosses gigantic Eggman balloons at you. It’s still not great but it’s something.
59. Collision Chaos – Sonic CD
Video by MegamanNG
CD’s second zone is a trippier Spring Yard, with much trippier level design. It isn’t bad, but it isn’t good either. It’s a very weird and tedious level that feels slapped together and where every bumper is placed to bounce you out of control. There really isn’t much to say about it other than that. The boss is also the most annoying in the game by a landslide, but like the other bosses in CD it’s at least a creative concept. Eggman sits atop a giant pinball table, and you merely need to make it up to the top, where you can just bonk him three times to end the fight. Getting up there though is a total pain. The spaces you can shoot Sonic through are all very narrow, and there’s a good chance that when you do finally get Sonic a little higher up, Eggman will shoot a ball down and bounce Sonic back down to square one.
58. The Moon – Sonic Advance
Video by Cyberman65
Sadly, the Super Sonic battle in Advance is a letdown. With that said, it’s at least creative. Unlike other Super Sonic fights, you fight Eggman’s Super Egg Robo on the moon, and are affected by its low gravity. This means you have to time your jumps and boost into the robot’s head. There are also no rings on the moon, and you have to boost through the boss’s Pac-Man looking capsules to release some. Unfortunately this doesn’t save it from being a dull battle. Neither the boss nor music has any energy whatsoever. Even the appearance of Super Sonic before he chases Eggman to the moon has no music. The whole thing feels like it was thrown in because they had to.
57. Death Egg mkII – Sonic 4: Episode 2
Video by Cyberman65
No more bad levels now, we’re firmly in OK territory now. Sonic 4’s final level is a pretty cool idea: a new Death Egg built around Little Planet. Like Sonic 2’s Death Egg, it’s basically just where you fight the final bosses. There’s a number of cool things here, the most immediately obvious one being the Mario Galaxy style gravity around almost every surface. Act 1 has some cool little sections built around this gimmick, and two boss fights: a somewhat annoying running battle against Eggman and Metal Sonic, and another race against Metal Sonic complete with a Stardust Speedway remix. This race is made incredibly easy with the Rolling Combo, but it’s a throwback that works thanks to the buildup it has. Act 2 is the final boss, one of the most creative in the series. Eggman sits in the (realistic) heart of the Death Egg, surrounded by three spinning rings that you have to run around and use to get closer to him. It’s a bit cheap to no-hit, but it makes great use of the 360 gravity gimmick and feels genuinely climactic.
56. Death Egg – Sonic 2
0:41 speedrun by Werster
The final level of Sonic 2 is just two back to back bosses, with no rings. The first boss is Silver Sonic, a clunky mechanical Sonic. He’s honestly pretty easy and you can beat him while only letting him get one attack in, just mind the buzzsaw spines on the back of his head when you bounce on him. The second boss is a whole other story. The infamous Death Egg Robot is a screen filling robot who seems difficult to hit because of his spiky hands blocking his chest. His biggest weakness is his simple pattern: he’ll walk towards you a few steps, step backwards, rocket into the air to try to land on you, and then bend over to fire his rocket hands at you (if you’re behind him when he lands, he’ll fire bombs backwards instead). The safest time to hit him is whenever he bends over, but he can actually be shredded in seconds by jumping above his hands when he walks. This is of course very risky considering you have no rings and must go back to Silver Sonic when you die. These bosses are pretty fun and feel really climactic, but it would of course be better if they were balanced more around having rings. They’re too easy when you know their tricks, and too hard when you don’t.
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
I saw that you probably aren’t doing fanfiction right now because of shutdown, but, if you are, I kind of have an idea, it’s sort of sad and based off of Shrek Forever After, but with a bit of Black Knight. After having an argument with Tails, he finds himself accidentally saying that he doesn’t need him and that he was better off without before them, after that, Sonic ends up in a world where his own friends don’t recognize him and he has to gain back their friendship.
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(found here: (x) Please support the artist!)
Even if it’s not Black Knight AU, I thought the picture worked lol And yes, during shutdown, I don’t take anymore prompts BUT we’re out of shutdown now so here we go!
Oh, Shrek. You’ll live forever.
It wasn’t long before Tails flew over, dodging the smoke from the destroyed robots all piled like debris from the previous battle.
Sonic had launched quite a fearsome and fierce spindash that did a massive ping-pong effect throughout all of Eggman’s lone army.
They were sure the army was headed towards the city, and Sonic bolted ahead of his team to take of things while they worried and fretted over the defenses and other ‘boring’ lectures of planning that Sonic didn’t want to stick around for.
He dusted himself off as Tails landed by his side, his eyes showing the concern and annoyance in them.
“Soooniicc! You said we’d work together!” Tails protested, but Sonic just rolled his eyes, seeing the young fox boy bundled his fists together by his face and show his obvious disapproval of Sonic’s more... fast method... of stopping Eggman.
“What is everyone so upset about? I beat the army, and barely dropped a sweat!” he mimed gliding his finger down his arm and then flicking the imaginary ‘sweat’ into Tails’s face who flinched at and wrinkled his nose at the gesture.
“That’s not the point... you always rush off without us. We’re a team!” he hopped a little forward, trying to grab Sonic’s attention at the truth to his words, but Sonic just waved it off and kicked a sparking robot’s hand, who was reaching from the pile up towards the sky, twitching before Sonic knocked it out and it ripped from the pile and started sparking off in rolling dark humor...
Sonic smirked as Tails looked horrified at the image and then shook his head, “You’re too stubborn...”
Sonic’s head whipped up, looking strangely offended at that as he turned to Tails and stomped towards him, making the poor boy walk backwards and shocked to see his friend so aggressive all of a sudden.
“Stubborn? Stubborn!? I used to take down hundreds upon thousands of robots long before you all tagged along! And what now, huh!? You’re all the stubborn ones! I could have cleared through these zones to Eggman’s base, took down his stock of mechanical tyranny, ripped up his notebook schemes, and been back before you guys called out ‘Break!’.” he flung his arms about, and the strange behavior made Tails cower back slightly, on the verge of tears. However, Sonic was so lost in his frustration at feeling held back by his friends, that he kept going without even realizing the damage he was causing to his friendship... “Without you guys, I’d be saving countless lives, planets, and the sort without having to worry about saying, ‘What’s the plan, Tails’!?”
When he finally came to and looked to Tails, his wildly flinging hands slowly came down and so did the flame of his aggravation.
“Tails...” His eyes softened, seeing how frightened and hurt Tails appeared.
He had withdraw down and against the pile of scrap metal, his bottom lip quivering, and one hand held up over his face.
He rubbed the rolled up part of his glove over his now wetted nose as he held in his tears, getting up from leaning against the pile and bringing his tails up to his hands as though to hold them like a child would his security blanket. “We don’t mean to slow you down, Sonic... we just want to help... and we want to be apart of your adventures too.” He sniffled and took off, holding his hands over his eyes as to not let Sonic see how much his words affected him.
Sonic immediately regretted what he said, holding out his hand to him, “Wait... buddy...” his hand slowly came down and he turned around angry again, kicking more robots and spin-slashing into some on the ground, “Augh! What’s wrong with me!? I would never say that!” he slammed his foot against a particularly hard object, and jumped back in the pain. “Yee-ouch! Ow, ow, ow!” he held his foot in a comical, pogo-stick way before looking down at the strange, darkly colored orb object he had hit...
His eyes narrowed on it in curiosity, and then looked around. Tails was already flying back and crying to the others, no doubt being comforted after telling them all Sonic had said.
His face dropped again, as though not wanting to deal with that and feeling guilty over his outburst.
He was always a hothead, but tried to hide that as best he could from his friends. He was going crazy just sitting around talking all the time, and his jittery, antsy feet made him quick to the fuse...
Luckily, his love for his friends was more powerful than that... most of the time.
He sighed and dug through the rubble, deciding it best to go this journey alone, and pick up the strange, orbish ball.
“What do we have here?” it was about an inch smaller than Sonic’s head, but still rather large in his grasp. He moved it around, looking at it’s curves and seeing that it had rings of different colors around it’s glistening shades of black, purple, green, and pink. “A new Eggman toy? Ohhh~ Shiny!” he tried to cheer himself up, but looked back over his shoulder to see Amy and Knuckles, not looking happy, waddling through the debris of Eggman robots.
He pouted, “Uh oh... IIIIIII~ Really don’t want to deal with this.” he looked around for an escape route, and found one as he ducked his head and hid among the tin carcasses of Eggman’s army.
Burrowing as was his specialty of being a hedgehog, he heard Amy and Knuckles calling out in their search for him, and stuck his head out from a gap of two overlapping robots.
He peeked back and smiled, then brought out the orb before a sparking robot’s upper-half snapped some of its wires loose and it’s arm draped over him.
“Ah! Bad touch, bad touch!” he pushed through the gap as best he could and tried to kick the arm off of him... but what he didn’t see... was that the sparks smacked against the orb... and made it glow.
“Soooniicc!” Knuckles’s and Amy’s voices rang over his desperate attempts to get the sparking dead robot off of his stuck leg, and panicked when he saw Amy look over and point towards him. “There he is!”
“Wha? Grr..!!! Sooonic!” Knuckles’s immediate glare, followed by him hunching down and stomping over to his location made him freak out even more.
“Eee..!” His mouth stretched back to reveal he was getting caught, but finally put the orb over his head and cried out, “Being me would be so much easier if I wasn’t stuck with you!” he was talking about the robot, but the orb burst like a bomb into a swirl of techno-colors.
Sonic felt himself falling slowly through the gleaming black as his hands whipped out to try and ‘swim’ or pull himself upward.
“W-what’s..? What’s going on!?”
It replayed some of Sonic’s words around him, showing him through another set of eyes... blurry with tears.
“Tails...” his expression changed, his hands stopped fighting the pull downwards... almost like Alice falling through the rabbit hole.
“I don’t need you telling me what to do!” Sonic’s voice shouted through the muffled orb.
“I... I didn’t mean it like that, Amy...” He felt himself sinking a little faster, hearing his words from days passed.
“Stop saying I care so much! I only care if I’m having fun doing it!” another image of him looking snarky and confident.
“Man... Do I really sound that annoyingly arrogant?” Sonic’s head kept swishing back and forth at all the images and the words began to echo in a cacophony of incoherent statements as Sonic tried to plug his ears and his feet kicked the air. “No... Nooo... Nooo!!!” he cried out as he fell faster and faster into the dark.
“Hey, hey mister, are you alright?”
Sonic blinked his eyes, mumbling as though coming too from a nightmare.
Tails was looking over him, watching him stir.
“Uhhh...” He leaned up, having a hand on his face, “Sorry about earlier, buddy... I really let you have it, huh?” after thinking he was electrocuted and possibly passed out, he shook his head and started getting up, apologizing. “You know I couldn’t do half the amazing things I do without a little bit of your own style thrown in there, right?” he gave him a thumbs up, but weakly so, still coming too and hunched over from the trauma. “H-hey? Where’s Eggman’s robots?”
“Huh?” Tails leaned back up, “Buddy? Look, mister... You’re Sonic The Hedgehog. You don’t have any ‘buddies’.” he put his hands to his hips, “Anyway, you beat down Eggman again, so I guess this means your out of here and on to the next thing. I won’t bother you too much, just wanted to make sure you were okay, but it looks like you were napping.” He turned behind him, waving to a crowd that had formed around the city. “Heeey! He’s okay!” Tails waved to them, calling out.
They all looked relieved and cheered, before dispersing rather quickly back into the city.
“H-huh?” Sonic looked confused, but Tails just turned around and nodded to him.
“Okay, I know how you roll, so I’ll take off now and simply say, Take care!” he took off without another word, waving slightly to him as though he was a stranger...
“W-wait, Tails! I said I was sorry, don’t pull this on me! Come on, bud!” Sonic reached out to him, racing after him as Tails looked weirded out by him following him.
He looked under him and made a face, “Umm...”
“We can sort this out! We’ve gotten through way worse than a little outburst.” Sonic shrugged, but Tails still seemed weary of him.
“L-look, you may have hit your head pretty hard against those robots, but I don’t know you. No one really does, but we all know you’re Sonic! Legendary and lone hero! You sure do clean up those baddies real fast though, see you at a distance!” he waved him off again and took off even faster.
Seeing how desperately Tails wanted to get away from him, Sonic slowed down and looked extremely broken, as though not able to quite function under this odd predicument.
“What’s... going on?” he looked at his hand, “Tails wouldn’t play around like this... he loves spending time with me.” He flexed out his hand, the one that had blown up with the supposed ‘explosion’ but saw no sign of blast... not even ash on his pristine white glove.
“...Amy.” He looked around and saw her heading back with the crowd, “Amy!” he dashed towards her, “What’s going on with Tails? Is he really that mad at me?”
“H-huh?” She looked taken-aback that he was there, and immediately started flipping out in silence, fangirling and putting her hands up to her face as though she had just ran into a celebrity. She pulled out her phone and posed, “Could you sign this?” the photo came out of the phone and she clicked a button for a pen to also drop like a plug from inside it.
“W-what?” He sweatdropped, pulling away from her slowly and looking her in the eyes, searching for an answer. “Amy... it’s me... Come on, not you too!” he flopped his arms out towards her, “Amy! Stop it! This is going too far!”
She withdrew her phone-pen and photo. “O-oh, right, sorry! I know you like to be the lone, mysterious Sonic The Hedgehog who doesn’t need any help! I’ll go now! But... I love you!” she waved and ran by him, hurrying away as other girls stopped her and offered money for the photo but she guarded it by summoning her hammer, making--or rather--forcing her way through the crowd that came at her.
“It’s mine! All mine! Get your own!” 
Others started taking photos of Sonic as a response.
The flashes overwhelmed him, making his mind spin as he turned around to try and find more familiar faces... but they were all strangers... every... one of... them...
“No.” he gripped his head, “No, no... Knuckles... Knuckles!!” he sped so fast through the people that some girls had to hold their dresses or long skirts down from his wind blast.
Upon reaching Angel Island, Sonic panted and gripped his chest, “Knuckles, it’s awful!” he held up the Chaos Emerald he had before the blast... teleporting once safely away from the city...
“HEEEY!” Knuckles woke up from his nap, then seeing the emerald, rubbed his eyes in disbelief and angrily looked to his pedestal. Sure enough, one Chaos Emerald was missing...
In absolute hostile rage, he lowered his head, gritting his teeth.
He slowly turned his flaming eyes towards Sonic, getting up and twitching his fists into pounding against the ground, as though a racer, like a bull, readying to charge off into the fray...
“Everyone’s acting like I’m some kind of lone ranger, it’s creeping me ou-FFPH!” he was slammed into by Knuckles’s head ramming into his stomach.
Getting taken off-guard, Sonic rolled back and jammed his back into a tree, spiking it with his two angled spikes at the force. He was briefly knocked out, but coming back, he rose his head and shook it, blinking his eyes and then struggling to get out from the tree. It was clear he looked like a turtle stuck on his shell, trying to get up and kick his feet out to do so, but his back quills were too deeply embedded in the tree.
‘Geez,’ he worriedly thought to himself, ‘Knuckles, even at his worst, wouldn’t hit that hard knowing it was me.’ He looked back as Knuckles slammed another fist into the side of the tree, barely missing Sonic as he held the Chaos Emerald in up in his other hand.
“Now you listen here, blue punk.” He spat out as his head got dangerously close to Sonic’s, “I already have to deal with that no-good bat girl and that deranged, psychotic Eggface! I don’t need another so-called ‘hero’ thinking he can just walk up to MY ISLAND and take what he sees fit!” he cracked his two-spikes on his glove out from the tree’s now tilted bark. “Hmph, now get off my island! I don’t like your kind around here... Always parading your victories, running off after the praise and never caring about anyone else but yourself! Your kind make me sick!”
He walked briskly back to his shrine, but freaked out when the Master Emerald was gone, “AH! MY EMERALD!” he dropped the Chaos Emerald and gripped his head, then panicked and picked it back up, turning to Sonic. “WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY PRECIOUS EMERALD?”
Throughout the day, Sonic had to regain their trust, and even convince Eggman that he knew Sonic...
Eggman knew him as his life-long, hated adversary but...
“I hardly actually know you. You hate water? Does that... like... count?” He shrugged from his eggmobile. “Wait, wait! Are you..? Are you saying you at last wish to join forces and be friends!?” He pulled out a party blower and horn, releasing fireworks but Sonic shook his head.
“I...” He looked to Tails, Knuckles, and Amy... who he had kinda dragged along this wild ride...
They looked at him like he was strange and this was all odd, and it hurt his heart to see it.
He fell to his knees, “I... I don’t know how I got any of you as friends... and I know I don’t say it enough but... I’m so grateful I have you.” He hit the ground.
Eggman looked a little confused too, shifting his eyes, “Umm... What?”
He didn’t understand the jibber-jabber so he just took a canon to fire at him from below his Eggmobile.
Sonic didn’t even bother to dodge... but as the black canon fired... the black, purple, green, and pink lights within it made it look strangely familiar...
Amy summoned her hammer and hit the canon up into the air, “You leave Sonic alone!” she stated, as he looked up to her, already to weak in his emotions to do anything else.
“Grr... he may be a bratt, but he’s a lonely bratt, regardless!” Knuckles punched his fists together, standing up beside Amy and getting ready for a brawl. “So butt out of his business! Nah, do me one better, butt out of everyone’s business! Especially my own!” he must have been referring to the world and his own Master Emerald crisis...
“And I-!” Tails stood forward, but looking to Sonic, it almost seemed like he didn’t know what to say.
Sonic looked away, not expecting this Tails to say anything.
“...I think he needs us.” Tails nodded with a soft, sad smile, then turned back to Eggman with all the force a young child would have in wanting to defeat evil and tyranny. “You’re a bully! I’ll show you what Sonic inspires! In all of us!”
The three were about to fight, but the ‘canon-ball’ came flying down and bonked Sonic on the head.
When he came too, he was surrounded by Tails, Knuckles, and Amy... all were leaning over him, trying to wake him up.
“Sonic! Sonic, wake up!”
“H-huh?” He opened his eyes, not sure what was going on again, but saw the heap of robots and then looked to see his friends, grabbing their shoulders.
“You know me!?”
They all seemed worried, “Well, of course we know you!” Amy laughed, “Silly! We were worried when we saw the blast! Tails said you two had a fight...”
“Well, he fought.” Tails looked away, a little sheepishly.
“Nevermind that, tell me, you punk!” Knuckles gripped Sonic up and held him up to his face, “What gives you the right to shout in people’s faces, huh!? Show a little more respect for those who actually care about your safety and success, alriiighhttt!?!!?” Sonic wasn’t even phased by Knuckles’s scolding, he was too wrapped up in the joy of figuring out these guys were his actual friends.
“I LOVE YOU GUYS!” Sonic threw his hands up and Knuckles set him down gently, creeped out by his bold and... strangely out-of-character declaration.
“Uhhh....” Knuckles moved away from him, letting him slightly go but keeping his fists on him for good measure. “That blast hit your head too hard or somethin’?”
“Oh my!” Amy quickly jumped up and put her hand to his forehead, “Sonic! That nasty blast really did knock you out pretty badly, didn’t it?”
“Amy!” He gripped her and Knuckles into a hug, “You’re all the best!” he laughed, and they all looked a little odd being under his arms like this...
“Tails..!” He looked to Tails, then quieted down and approached him in a calm manner. Tails was still acting shy...
“I’m so sorry, Tails.” His eyelids dropped and he came very humbly over to him. “You were my first real friend, and I didn’t understand how much your friendship changed my life... you put up with me a lot, heh... and for that, I’ll forever be grateful to you, buddy. Honestly... I know I don’t speak my heart very much but...” He raised a hand slowly to him, before letting it flop on the little fox’s head, who giggled at the ruffling it gave his fur. “You’re the bestest friend a guy could ever ask for... I wouldn’t be the hero I am today without you.”
Tails held his hand on his head and looked cutely up to him.
He jumped into him and they hugged, as Amy and Knuckles also looked thrilled that the two made-up, and Amy placed her hands together and by the side of her cheek, leaning towards it.
“Aww, brotherly love!” She cheered, admiringly, but Knuckles just rolled his eyes as if justifying this weird behavior of Sonic’s wasn’t the right way to act about it.
“Alright, so he hit his head and now he’s soft... is that really a good thing?”
“W-we should probably get your head looked at, Sonic.” Tails pulled away slightly as Sonic went to rub his head in embarrassment, but flinched from the pain and the others immediately flocked him to check out further injuries.
“Don’t move! And I know that sounds like a death sentence, but just remain still!” Knuckles argued.
“I’ve got bandages!” Amy quickly began to wrap his head as Tails helped him to sit and pulled out some water.
“Here, you must feel really awful after that short-fuse... Maybe even lightheaded too, just relax for a second, okay? We’ll have you better in no time!”
Amazed by the kindness he never really saw beforehand, he rubbed his wetted nose and glossy eyes against his glove as Tails once did, and allowed his friends to take care of him...
His... true friends.
He would never wish to part from them again.
And from here on out, he never seemed to have an issue holding in his temper either!
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onychaos · 7 years
Sonic Forces review
So it is time to give my review on Sonic Forces and tell you what I think.
I will be using the PS4 version for this review.
Sega and Sonic Team have given us a new game. Is it Good? Let’s find out.
Let’s talk about the story. I will be using the Sonic Forces theater to get a recap on the story
The game starts off, with Dr. Eggman being fed up losing to that blue blur, Sonic. This has led to him to make his latest creation that will put a stop to Sonic, and friends once and for all.
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Eggman has his forces in the city where he now has control, Sonic gets the news from Tails and meets up with them. Being able to stop his robots from causing any more damage.
Sonic then sets his sights to attack Eggman, when he is blocked by Shadow
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Sonic is confused as to why Shadow would defend Eggman, follows up with Zavok, Metal Sonic, and Chaos making a return to fight Him as well.
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Enter the new threat, Infinite. Sonic has been taken out by Infinite and co. Eggman has taken over the world, and the resistance is born. With the sole goal of taking back the world from Eggman.
And enter you, the player. You join the resistance as a rookie.
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While the resistance  is working on taking back the world, Tails is busy trying to fix the defunct Omega to be attacked by Chaos, but Chaos attack on Tails is stopped by Classic Sonic coming through a portal
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(This game ties in with Sonic Mania good ending)
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After Classic Sonic, Tails is happy but confused on how he got here. But takes a wild guess, and say it’s Eggman's new power source that brought him here.
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We flashback to our Custom Hero meeting Infinite for the first time, being completely frozen in fear, unable to do anything as Infinite laughs, and mocks them.
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After Sonic was beaten by Infinite and co. Sonic was taken to the Death Egg. When the resistance finds out where Sonic is being held at, they send the custom hero to the Death Egg to cut the power to the prison to free Sonic
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Zavok comes to finish off Sonic, but due to our Custom Hero taking out the power, Sonic is free to fight Zavok and get out.
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After Sonic defeats Zavok, he fades away, as if he was a copy,  Sonic takes note of this, but before he can really figure out what is going on, the Death egg is starting to fall apart
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The Custom Hero is in trouble, that is, till Sonic shows up to save them from Eggman’s robots. The death egg is losing even more power.
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Sonic then makes his way to mystic jungle, where we see Silver and Infinite battle it out, but  Silver loses, and Infinite goes in to end the job but is blocked by Sonic. But Sonic gets sucker punched by Infinite.
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After Sonic managed to beat Infinite, Infinite sucker punches Sonic again and leave him for dead, Sonic comes to, wondering what is his power.
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we make our way back to Green hill where Eggman and Infinite get rid of the last Phantom ruby prototypes and his plans to build Eggman land.
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Infinite leaves and Classic Sonic shows up to stop before Eggman gets away, But Classic Sonic gives chase after the fleeing Eggman.
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Once Classic Sonic gives Eggman a classic beating, We get more info about what he plans to do, in 3 days.
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Classic Sonic and Tails head over to mystic jungle, where they meet up with the Custom Hero as they pick a phantom ruby Prototype that Silver dropped during his fight with Infinite
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once they all meet up, they head back to resistance to meet the gang
Tails say that he is happy that Sonic is ok, but Tails tells the gang about Eggman plan which will happen in 3 days. Sonic being what he says “A lot can happen in 3 days”
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Sonic makes his way to the City, where he finds Shadow.
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Later finds out that was a fake Shadow, as the real shadow shows up to attack the fake.
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Our Custom hero heads to metropolis where they meet up with Infinite. But hanging out with Sonic has made our hero brave.
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After our Hero has “beaten” Infinite. Infinite goes for one final attack, but our Hero is able to dodge the attack thanks to the phantom ruby Prototype. Infinite then later let us know, that we have 2 days left.
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Back in the city, Metal Sonic was spotted but our custom hero and Sonic put an end to him.
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After learning of the Phantom Ruby power source, They head back to the death egg to destroy, in hope of weakening the Ruby’s power
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With the death egg blown up, the ruby’s power has been weakened. Eggman, of course, is not pleased by this setback. Eggman and Infinite make a retreat back to the metropolis.
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Sonic catches up with Eggman and Infinite but falls into a trap to send Sonic into Null Space, but our hero tries to save Sonic but gets pulled in with him.
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Tails confused as to why the Phantom Ruby still has power after the ruby power source was destroyed.
Eggman learning from past mistakes informs Tails that there was a backup power source under the metropolis.
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But Thanks to teamwork, and the Phantom Ruby Prototype, our hero and Sonic have escaped the Null Space.
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Eggman then heads off to Eggman empire fortress to put his plan into action, Sonic, and co, give chase after Eggman and Infinite for the final showdown.
It is end time. Sonic and co, make their final stand against Eggman.
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Everyone joins the battle, even Omega. But Eggman plan was to use the sun. The fucking SUN to wipe out Sonic and co.
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While this is going on, The Phantom Ruby Prototype is glowing, only when our hero holds it
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With this new info, our hero goes into action and uses the Ruby the get rid of the incoming sun before everyone is wiped out.
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With all the Phantom Ruby Prototypes gone, and the Phantom Ruby now weakened, Sonic makes his way to fight Infinite one last time
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Our Custom Hero and Sonic stop Infinite for good. Infinite tries to stay and fight but no longer has the will to stay
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Eggman comes in to let Sonic know that his plan went into overtime.
Once Team Sonic takes down the fortress reactor, it’s good times, that is, till Eggman informs our heroes, that was a decoy
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Eggman has now infinite’s Phantom Ruby under his control, and Classic Sonic, Sonic, our Custom hero must fight Eggman one last time.
Once Eggman has been beaten, the Phantom Ruby breaks, the clones of Infinite, Shadow, Zavok, Metal, and chaos are gone.
And this bids farewell to Classic Sonic as he was able to remain here, so long as the Phantom Ruby does not break.
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With Classic Sonic gone, we reach the end. The resistance is no longer needed, everyone says goodbye, and our hero also leaves, but not before saying goodbye to Sonic
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End of the story and the game.
Now, we can talk about the gameplay
So, where to start? The biggest change to Sonic forces is the lack of lives. Sonic forces finally got rid of life system, in replace of the life system is the retry system.
Modern Sonic has the boost back. I want to say this, Modern Sonic in forces is the best Sonic
Next, we have Classic Sonic, he plays close to Sonic Generations Classic Sonic, With the new DropDash from Sonic Mania. Sonic feels a bit floaty in forces.
And we have the avatar or custom hero. Modern Sonic without boosting, but have wispons
And we have Shadow the hedgehog. He is the same as Sonic but it is nice to have another character as well.
Now., the stages are broken up into sections, akin to colors overworld map. Each Stage is a different part of the level.
There are 11 Modern Sonic Stages
There are 11 Avatar or custom hero stages
There are 6 Classic Sonic stages
And 7 bosses
That gives you a grand total of 30 stages
7 zones, 2 zones are remixed
Also, red rings are back along with the number rings from lost world and the new moon rings
During late game, you will get an SOS mission for a stage where you can save an Avatar in a stage.
My Final Thoughts
I will mention the problems I have with the game.
1. Modern Sonic stages are boost heavy, you could hold boost to beat a stage without needing to move Sonic
2. Modern stages are short, short that you can beat a stage in 1 or 2 mins
3. Modern stages feel too linear.
4. Sadly, Infinite was underutilized. Infinite could have been great but missed the mark.
5. While the story was great, I feel like it could have been even better
6. While I have seen others bitch about Classic Sonic being bad in Sonic Forces. Yes, I will say that Classic Sonic feels forced in Sonic Forces, we have Sonic Mania, so we didn’t NEED Classic Sonic in another 3D Game. The reason Classic Sonic is here is to tie Mania in with Forces.
I think Sonic Forces is a good game. I feel the darker tone story works well for this game, a bit too edgy at times. it can be light-hearted at times.
And for Modern Sonic, as I said before, I love how Modern Sonic controls in Sonic Forces. I feel that this is the best modern Sonic to date. Sonic in Generations was ok, Forces got it right.
Sonic Forces Custom Hero is the best feature in a Sonic game. Able to create your own hero is great. Now, if you are not a fan of the custom hero, then that is your opinion.
Sonic Forces is 39.99, it is worth the price. Sonic Forces is a good game again, it’s not a GOTY, but it is still good.
Sonic Team has found the stepping stone in the right direction, Sonic Forces can be the base for the next Sonic to work on and build something great with the framework here.
And what’s better is Sonic Team is stepping out of their bubble, adding more playable characters. Able to play as Sonic, Shadow, Avatar, and Classic Sonic.
While this may not BE the Sonic game YOU want. Yes, Sonic Forces does have flaws, it’s by no means a perfect game.
And it’s no adventure game. But if you stop digging for anything awful, what you will find, is a good game here.
But that is my opinion.
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Thanks for reading my review. See you later. :3
0 notes
mobius-prime · 4 years
146. Sonic the Hedgehog #81
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Two things before we get started. First, for whatever reason, for most of the duration of the Sonic Adventure arc starting now, everyone apparently just felt like being credited with only their last names, as well as not bothering to list who actually worked on what. Not sure why, and it makes it more annoying to try to credit everyone properly myself, but I think I got most of the names figured out properly. Second, this and many of the rest of the issues of this arc have a weird quirk with the lettering. Specifically, nearly a full quarter of the dialogue is printed not by hand, but by a computer, which is usually a sure sign that some dialogue or lore was changed in between the lettering process and the printing process. Of course, this happens from time to time with scattered lines here and there, and it's usually no big deal, which is why I haven't bothered mentioning it before now on the rare occasions when it's happened, but it's incredibly prevalent in these next few issues, and I'm not really sure why. Most of the changed lines have something to do with the worldbuilding or the specifics of the hidden city, so my best guess is that their explanations for everything they borrowed from the games and how it all fits into the preboot universe changed significantly halfway through the production process, and they had to change all references to those materials as a result. But no matter! Onto the story!
City of Dreams…
Writer: Bollers and J.F. Gabrie Pencils: FRY Colors: Gagliardo
Amy is still struck by wonder at her sudden age-up, but is shaken from her thoughts as she gazes into a reflective window by the exclamations of the rest of the group as they stand in the middle of the underground city. Pretty much all dialogue pertaining to the city being underground, and the specifics of how that works, are machine-lettered, making me think perhaps originally the city was above-ground and just hidden behind the mountain or something, and late in production they decided to change it to being an underground city in an artificially controlled environment. Anyway, as you might have guessed by now, this Hidden City of the Ancients is actually Station Square, and the group, looking very out of place amongst all the gawking Overlanders, quickly find themselves surrounded by police, who quickly drop their confrontational demeanor as soon as they recognize Nate standing amongst the Mobians.
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Damn, Sally, eight months old? Are you including words like "googoo" and "dada" in that claim or were you really just that level of infant savant? The lieutenant escorts the group to the Station Square Hotel, where they spend the night, and in the morning the leader of Station Square, Mayor Bullyani, takes them on a tour of the city as he informs them that they've seen no sign of trouble around the place lately, though they appreciate the Freedom Fighters' concern about Robotnik's potential invasion. He invites them to explore for themselves, and while most of the group is content to stay aboard the Elerail…
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…Sonic, Tails, and Amy all race off to do some solo exploring. Amy hits up the shopping mall, Tails does some aerial tricks in the Tornado above the city (being mindful of the false sky), and Sonic initially stops back at the hotel, intending to go off and find some "real excitement," but instead finds himself content to lounge next to the pool playing guitar for a gaggle of heart-eyed Overlander women in swimsuits. I gotta say, Sonic being drawn in by the attention bikini-clad women doesn't really seem very in character for him - it's not like he's ever been the ladies' man type - but eh, whatever. As the tour comes to a close, the mayor mentions that in fact, his people don't even call themselves "Overlanders," but "humans." Well then! Finally the H word has been spoken! I suppose this is just another way to differentiate themselves from the four-fingered Overlanders, and indeed, since the city is underground, it would indicate the term "Overlander" is actually more descriptive than previously thought - they literally live over the land.
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I find it interesting that these guys have somehow remained so perfectly hidden that even Robotnik never troubled them until now. I mean, I guess in that regard their isolationism has worked well for them, although now that they've finally been found, we know trouble is on its way - or rather, chaos…
All You Need is a Bit of Chaos
Writer: Penders Pencils: Butler Colors: Gagliardo
Ey, speaking of! Robotnik is trying to "feed" the weakened Chaos with the shards of the Master Emerald he picked up before, but it only feebly wiggles, unable to grow very large. He decides to analyze one of the shards to find out why, and…
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Well, maybe this is why you shouldn't have outright shattered the thing, Robotnik! I mean, how hard would it have been to just pick it up whole and haul it out of there? Now you've got useless green shards in your lab, all sorts of real emerald pieces scattered around the immediate geographical area, and a random piece of Chaos is missing to boot. Somehow, he already seems to know that this missing piece was absorbed into a frog, and thus sends out his E-series of robots to find it. Ah, so that's the explanation for Froggy's kidnapping! Of course, anyone who had played the game or watched the anime knew already that the robot that took Froggy was Gamma, which means the scene we're looking at now happened a little bit in the past.
At the current moment, Knuckles finds himself in the ruins excavated by Robotnik in the Mysterious Cat Country, finding them to look eerily similar to many of the ruins on the Floating Island and wondering if echidnas had a settlement here too in the past. He happens to stumble upon a few Master Emerald shards, and tucks them away to take with him as he searches, though he seems to feel a chill as though someone is watching him… For now, though, we cut to a boat sailing the choppy sea waves, with four familiar faces on board, guarded by those angry-looking kitties from before!
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Maybe because you haven't said a thing till now, lady? She has her guards usher the captives along while she walks ahead to an ornate building in the jungle, saying she's going to fetch the queen. However, once she's inside, another cat addresses her as "majesty" and hands her a cloak, which she dons, saying she intends to interrogate her prisoners as to their intentions. It's not made very clear here from the dialogue, but essentially, in the culture of these cats, clothing dictates ones role in society, meaning that she truly wasn't the queen until she put on the cloak. It's explained more in a far future issue, but for now, that much will do, I suppose.
A Rose Plucked
Writer: Bollers Pencils: Allan Colors: Gagliardo
Amy hasn't bothered meeting up with the rest of her group yet, enjoying the freedom that being older affords her, no longer needing a babysitter. She's brought back down to earth, however, when she looks up only to see a small green bird being shot at by several robots. One of the shots clips the bird, which lands on her head.
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She deduces that these must be Eggman's robots, and - wait, Eggman? That's right - now that we've reached this arc, Robotnik officially begins to switch his name to Eggman in most cases! There are still a few instances here and there where he gets referred to as Robotnik, but for the sake of simplicity, from now on Robotnik is the original dictator who died in Endgame, while Eggman is our current metallic foe. The robot Amy's confronting advances on her, and in her anger, a hammer suddenly poofs into her free hand. She's surprised but doesn't miss a beat, smashing the robot upside the head and sending it flying.
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Well that's certainly a departure from the game - more than one Zero, huh? The two robots grab her and fly away with her kicking and yelling in their grip, and the bird, left behind, decides to attempt to rescue her as she did for it, flying determinedly after her. Wait, if the robots were initially after the bird, why did they leave it behind to grab Amy instead…? Ah, never mind, this scene hardly even makes sense in the game itself, let alone the comic.
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