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byfaithmedia · 4 months
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How to Plan, Prepare and Successfully Complete Your Short-Term Mission (STM) will guide you through all you need to know about your STM. The author has been on more than thirty mission trips and has experience: as a team member, a leader and as a host. He has participated in the most incredible mission adventures, sharing the Word in Sudan, preaching in villages in India, supplying Bibles in North Africa, assisting the persecuted Church in Asia, and maintaining mission centres in Europe. 
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santmat · 1 year
Caught Up To The Heavens - The Esoteric Santism of the Tulsi Sahib Satsang - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
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Mystic Poem of Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras:  Within This Body: 
"Within this body breathes the secret essence.
Within this body beats the heart of the Vedas.
Within this body shines the entire Universe, so the saints reveal.
Hermits, ascetics, celibates all are lost, seeking Him in endless guises.
Seers and sages perfectly parrot the scriptures and holy books, blinded by knowledge.
Their pilgrimage, and fasting, and striving but delude.
Despite their perfect practice, they discover no Destination.
Only the Saints who know the body's heart have attained the Ultimate, O Tulsi.
Realize this, and you've found your freedom
(while teachers trapped in tradition know only the mirage in the mirror)."
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Caught Up to the Heavens, The Esoteric Santism of the Tulsi Sahib Satsang @ YouTube:  
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Caught Up to the Heavens, The Esoteric Santism of the Tulsi Sahib Satsang - Listen/Download @ the Podcast Website:
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Today during this Satsang Without Walls some rare passages from the world of esoteric Santism translated from Hindi, the writings of Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, India and a few of his spiritual successors on this Path of the Masters, Inner Light and Sound Meditation, the Way of the Soul Merging into the Heart of the Beloved, the Ocean of Love in the Nameless Plane (the Anurag Sagar of Sat Purush Anami Radhasoami).
"Only by breaking the bonds of mind, illusion and time is one free from the cycle of transmigration." (Sant Prakash Das)
"Complete Mahatmas, Genuine Saints came to the world in their respective times and kept on emancipating the living beings who were connected with them.  On completion of their time, they left the body as per the will of the Lord and went to the Lord and left their work [their spiritual mission] to the other saints when departing." (Sant Prakash Das)
"The true master practices the spiritual Sound and Light that comes from beyond. By these methods of meditation, the soul becomes introverted through regular practice and hears the melodious Sound within, and the soul reaches where the Sound is emanating from. This is the goal of the practice of Surat-Shabd-Yoga." (Sant Prakash Das)
Like Galileo discovering new worlds through the lens of his telescope, mystics of the East and West (Jewish mystics, Christian Gnostics, Sufis, and in modern times, the Sants and Radhaswamis of India: Path of Sant Mat) have been trying to tell humanity for eons of something quite similar... about another kind of space... Inner Space. The reason why the contemplative state of being is still hidden from most of us is that, unlike Galileo’s telescope, in order to look through this particular lens, we mustn’t focus on the outward sensory impressions, but go in the opposite direction: into Inner Space. Look through the lens of the third eye to access the world of within. But one has to be willing to take the cap off the lens and have a look, to actually do the meditation. If we do follow the methods of meditation practice revealed by the Masters, with the third eye we will behold the Inner Light, Inner Visions, hear the Sound of Silence, the Holy Stream of Sound -- Music of the Spheres, traverse the heavens for ourselves, and return home to the Beloved Lord of Love, the Lord of the Soul.
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,
James Bean
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
A Satsang Without Walls
Sant Mat Radhasoami
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mariacallous · 10 months
In the mornings in Varanasi, the air on the banks of the Ganges fills with the scent of burning bodies. On the steps of the Manikarnika ghat—the holiest of the city’s stepped riverbanks, upon which Hindu dead are cremated—the fires are already lit, and mourners assemble by the hundred to accompany their loved ones at the end. Pyres of sandalwood (for the rich) and mango wood (for everyone else) are already burning; on one, a corpse wrapped in white is visible in the flames.
Down at the river, where I’m watching from a boat, some families are engaged in the ceremonial washing of their dead, the corpses shrouded in white linen and decorated with flowers. A few meters away, a man from another family (usually, the honor is bestowed on the eldest son) wades into the water, casting in the ashes of an already cremated relative so that the Ganges might carry their spirit onwards to the next life or even moksha, the end of the rebirth cycle, and transcendence.
The funeral ceremonies, held against the backdrop of the ancient city, are undeniably beautiful; but the same can’t be said of the river itself. The water’s surface is flaked with ashes; ceremonial flowers linger in the eddies. Just downstream, a couple of men are diving for discarded jewelry. Not 50 meters upstream, another group, having finished their rites, are bathing in the filthy water. An older man, clad in white, finishes his bathing with a traditional blessing: He cups the fetid Ganges water in one hand and takes a sip.
The Ganges is one of the most densely populated river basins in the world, providing water for an estimated 600 million people. But to Hindus, it is more than a waterway: It is Ma Ganga, the mother river, formed—according to the sacred text the Bhagavata Purana—when Lord Vishnu himself punctured a hole in the universe and divine water flooded into the world. Water from the Ganges is widely used in Hindu prayer and ceremony; you can buy plastic bottles of it from stalls all over the subcontinent—or order one on Amazon in the UK for as little as £3.
And yet despite its sacred status, the Ganges is one of the most contaminated major rivers on earth. The UN has called it “woefully polluted.” As India’s population has exploded—in April 2023, it overtook China to become the world’s most populous country—hundreds of millions of people have settled along the Ganges’ floodplain. India’s sanitation system has struggled to keep up. The Ganges itself has become a dumping ground for countless pollutants: toxic pesticides, industrial waste, plastic, and, more than anything, billions upon billions of liters of human effluent.
It’s March 2022, and I’ve come to India while reporting my book, Wasteland, about the global waste industry. And few issues in waste are more critical (yet less sexy) than sanitation. In the global north, sewage is a problem that many of us assumed was more or less fixed in Victorian times. But access to clean water and adequate sanitation remains an urgent global issue. Some 1.7 billion people worldwide still do not have access to modern sanitation facilities.
Every day, an estimated 494 million people without access to flushing toilets and closed sewers are forced to defecate in the open, in gutters, or in plastic bags. The World Health Organization estimates that one in 10 people consumes wastewater (aka sewage) every year, either via unclean drinking water or contaminated food. In India, the result is that 37 million people are thought to be affected by water-borne illnesses such as typhoid, dysentery, and hepatitis every year. Worldwide, poor sanitation kills more children annually than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined.
Sanitation is one of those amenities that most of us in the global north don’t think about until something goes wrong. In the UK, sewers have lately dominated news headlines for the wrong reasons: Many of Britain’s rivers and beaches are being polluted by sewage overflow and farming runoff. According to the UK’s Environment Agency, water companies discharged sewage into English rivers on 301,091 occasions in 2022, totaling more than 1.7 million hours; on Britain’s beaches, sewage is reportedly making swimmers sick. Britain’s sanitation woes have been caused by years of neglect: systemic underinvestment by profit-chasing ownership; austerity-starved and ineffectual regulation; and the ever-widening expansion of our concrete urban spaces, which divert water away from natural soaks like soil and wetlands and into our watercourses.
In India—like much of the global south—the issue is the opposite: In most cases, the sewers were never there in the first place. In this respect, the Ganges’ pollution is a strange mark of success. When Prime Minister Narendra Modi was first elected in 2014, among the first things he did was launch the Clean India Campaign, a nationwide effort to install sanitation and modern waste facilities in a country that had previously lacked them.
Even those critical of Modi’s government—denounced for alleged Islamophobic policies and oppression of the press, among many other things—have to admit that the numbers since have been astonishing. Between 2014 and 2019, by one official estimate, India installed 110 million toilets, providing sanitation for an estimated half a billion people. Little more than a decade ago, India was known for having the highest rate of open defecation (that is, shitting in the open) in the world. Thanks to this massive expansion of public and private toilets, that rate has reportedly plummeted. The issue is that with so many new toilets, the sewage needs to go somewhere.
In that sense, India is like many rapidly urbanizing countries in the global south. But India is also unique, in that Hindu culture places rivers at the center of religious beliefs. And it’s for this reason the Modi government, alongside its Clean India Campaign, launched an expensive infrastructure plan to clean up the national river: the Namami Gange (“Obeisance to the Ganges”) program. It is by no means the first attempt. Previous governments have been launching “‘action plans”’ to clean the Ganges since at least the 1980s. But past efforts, beset by alleged corruption and mismanagement, rarely got far.
To date, the Namami Gange program has cost over 328 billion rupees ($3.77 billion) and promised the construction of more than 170 new sewage facilities and 5,211 kilometers of sewer lines—enough to cross the Atlantic Ocean. It is a fascinating test case in the global effort to clean up our rivers and seas. After all, if you can’t clean a river sacred to hundreds of millions of people, what hope do the rest of us have?
The offices of Varanasi’s water board, are a traffic-clogged drive west from the cremation ghats and the old city, in one of Varanasi’s increasingly busy commercial neighborhoods. When I arrive there is construction work and activity everywhere. In his air-conditioned office, Raghuvendra Kumar, Jal Kal’s general manager, explains that this is one of the challenges that the Namami Gange project has faced. “This city does not sleep,” he explains.
Kumar, a neat man with a side parting, in a black leather jacket and surgical mask (when we speak, India is not long out of a Covid spike), has been at Jal Kal since 2018. “When I joined, the situation in the city was much worse, because the work was still in progress,” Kumar says. “Sewers were flowing everywhere. It flowed into the streets.”
Varanasi is among the oldest inhabited cities in the world. It is situated at the confluence of two rivers: the Varuna and Assi, both tributaries of the Ganges, which join the river course here. The city’s spiritual and tourist center, on the western bank of the river, is a warren of alleyways, many too narrow to move cars down and often blocked by stray cows and market stalls. The city’s original trunk sewer (the main sewer, into which smaller pipes feed) was built by the British in the early 20th century, but local officials explain that the precursor can be traced back to the Mughal Empire.
Until a few years ago, much of the city’s sewage was released untreated into the Ganges via public drains, or nullahs, which discharged along the same bank as the ghats, where people habitually bathe. Since 2016, the center of the city has seen the installation of several kilometers of new sewer lines, connecting pipes that once spewed straight into the river to a new intercepting sewer, which now carries much of the flow off to one of three new sewage treatment plants. Out of 23 known drains that previously carried raw sewage into the Ganges, Kumar says that 20 have been capped, with the rest in progress. Later, on the same boat that took me past the cremation sites, I see it myself: The city’s most notorious drain, Sisamau, is now capped. Only a steady trickle remains.
In a city that has seen near-constant civic engineering work going on for the last two decades, the sewer project has not always been popular. (“Changing the mindset of the people is a very difficult task,” Kumar says.) To improve uptake of the new waste regime, Jal Kal and the state’s Pollution Control Board put out a series of local adverts; the city ran public announcements over loudspeakers from garbage collection vehicles, warning against open defecation and asking inhabitants not to pollute the river and new drains with garbage. “In the last three to five years, it has come into the habit of the citizens that we have to improve our lifestyle, we have to change our behavior,” Kumar says. “And now it has become the habit of the people.”
It’s not the only change that has taken place in Varanasi. The temple flowers that once clogged the banks of the Ganges after cremations and religious festivals are now collected on the banks in marked bins and in the river using floating barriers; the remains are composted or collected by a local startup, Phool, which converts them into incense sticks. The city’s wider green policies have helped cut pollution levels: Varanasi has passed laws banning certain plastics within the holy city and launched a scheme mandating that more than 580 diesel-powered boats on the river be converted to run on compressed natural gas, reducing oil slicks on the water’s surface. The city also set about “beautifying” the ghats, employing teams of workers to collect leftover waste for recycling, and artists to paint murals celebrating the Namami Gange campaign. And most importantly, 361 public toilets have been built, connected to the new sewers, to reduce the rate of open defecation.
Among the Namami Gange projects inaugurated by Modi himself are a new sewage treatment plant in Dinapur, to the northeast of the city, designed to process up to 140 million liters of effluent per day. Similarly, as the city has expanded, so by necessity has the sanitation system. The day after I visit Jal Kal, I am given a tour of a brand-new sewage plant in Ramnagar, on the river’s west bank, where the population is booming. On the road to the plant I’m surrounded by building works, formal and informal; at one point, we pass a group digging up bricks from a newly laid road, presumably for housing construction.
I’m met by Shashikari Shastri, an engineer in charge, who shows me around. The sewage treatment plant is a modern and pleasant place (at least, as pleasant as sewage works get), with pale green buildings and neat rows of trees in the flower beds.
Most sewage treatment plants work in a similar way. To grossly simplify: The bigger solids (i.e., feces) are screened out in large, often open tanks, and those solids that remain are allowed to settle on the bottom of the tank or float to the surface, and are removed. The remaining water is then passed into a series of tanks and mixed with bacteria, which digest the leftover organic matter and kill off remaining pathogens. The ponds are aerated to encourage digestion. (The result tends to be bubbling lanes of sewage which, if you close your eyes, could sound like water fountains, were it not for the smell.) At this stage, any lingering solids are again settled out. Different technologies exist for third and even fourth steps to clean the water further—UV light, chlorination, etc.
The older sewage treatment plants in Varanasi work using an activated sludge technique, in which some of the solids removed during the settling process are reinjected as a kind of bacterial starter. Ramnagar, however, uses a modern A20 (anaerobic-anoxic) design, in which the effluent is passed through additional tanks to reduce dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus. “Our focus is to minimize eutrophication, because last year lots of algae and eutrophication was found [in the Ganges],” Shastri explains. Eutrophication is when a body of water becomes overly enriched with nutrients and minerals, leading to an explosion of algae, which can choke the river of aquatic life.
We arrive eventually at the outlet pipe, a cascading series of tiled waterfalls at the river’s edge. By now, Shastri says, the treated water is far cleaner than when it arrived. This is measured using biological oxygen demand (BOD)—the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water that bacteria need to remove any unwanted organic matter, a proxy measure for how much waste is in the water. “The BOD at the inlet is 180 mg/liter,” Shastri explains. “At the outlet, it’s 5 to10 mg/liter.” Down on the sand, children are playing. Another group is mining sand (illegally, most likely) for building materials.
The sewage treatment plant—like several that I visited along the Ganges reporting my book—is an impressive place, if small. (Despite asking, I was not permitted access to the city’s largest plant, in Dinapur, during my time there.) Still, I couldn’t help but feel that its minuscule size was woefully inadequate for the task in hand.
Size is not the only issue. The rosy image of the Namami Gange campaign, painted by the city’s civil servants, does not always match the reality on the ground. While almost everyone I spoke to in Varanasi was positive about the effect of the campaign on the river and the city, it’s clear that despite the rapid pace of building, the Ganges is still far from clean.
One afternoon in Varanasi, my fellow reporter Rahul Singh and I walked over to the banks of the Assi River (or “Assi nullah [sewer]” as many people still colloquially refer to it). Despite the Namami Gange project’s efforts, the banks of the Assi were buried ankle-deep in plastic waste: microsachets, bottles, packets, pots. I met one of the city’s waste pickers collecting PET bottles, which he can sell for 10 rupees (less than 10p) per kilogram. A little further upstream, floating barriers have been installed in the water to help catch the garbage; so much trash has built up on them that it has created reef-like islands midstream.
When the Assi reaches the Ganges, it passes through a pumping plant, designed to filter out solid rubbish before transferring the wastewater downstream to a sewage treatment plant. But when I visited, the pumping station was barely manned and operating at a fraction of its capacity. One of the metal screens for trapping garbage was broken; inside the facility, plastic and other waste trickled slowly off a conveyor belt and into sacks to be carted away for recycling or incineration. One of the staff (who I agreed could remain nameless) told me the plant extracts a ton of plastic waste per day.
The creaking reality of some of the infrastructure goes against the government’s line on the Namami Gange campaign, which it tends to portray in rapturous, nationalistic tones. The reality is that nearly 10 years after Modi first unveiled the project, the Ganges in Varanasi, and along much of its stretch, remains polluted.
According to the government-run Pollution Control Board’s own figures, in 2020, samples of the river water collected in Varanasi far exceeded India’s own recommended limits for fecal coliform and fecal streptococci bacteria—the latter exceeding the limit by more than 20-fold. The same was true when I visited the industrial city of Kanpur, known for its chromium and heavy metals pollution. It’s not just the Ganges, either: The Yamuna, in Delhi, registered fecal streptococci readings at 10,800 times the recommended limit. All across India, there are reports of rivers foaming with toxic waste or lakes catching fire.
This is the reality of a country like India, that is growing at such an astonishing rate: The risk for India’s civic planners is that by the time new infrastructure—sewage plants, waste facilities, roads—are built, the population is already greater than their capacity. (It is also, it should be said, not solely an Indian problem. Every major industrial country—from China in the last two decades, to the US and other Western countries several decades ago—has faced river pollution crises.) But the continued failure of the government’s schemes to clean the Ganges is a wedge issue for religious campaigners, to whom the issue of cleaning the Ganges is more than practical or political. It’s moral.
One evening in Varanasi, I head back to the ghats, to meet with one of the Namami Gange project’s most outspoken critics. Vishwambhar Nath Mishra is an intense man in his fifties, with white hair and a thick mustache. Mishra is a professor of electronics engineering at Banaras Hindu University, and also mahant (high priest) of Varanasi’s Sankat Mochan Hanuman Temple, a position he inherited from his late father, Veer Bhadra Mishra. Mishra’s father was a lifelong campaigner for the Ganges, and back in the 1980s he set up the Sankat Mochan Foundation, an NGO focused on protecting the river; when we meet, in a room near the foundation, there is a picture of the elder Mishra on the wall, smiling happily. When Mishra Sr. died in 2013, Vishwambhar inherited the foundation, along with his religious duties.
For Mishra, that combination—of engineering, campaigning, and religion—gives him a unique perspective on the requirements of cleaning the Ganges. “The use of this river is entirely different from other river systems,” Mishra says. “People come from distant places and worship Ganga like their mother. A few [of those] people come and gently touch Ganga water and put it on their forehead. A few people come and take a religious bathe in the river. And a few take sips of Ganga water.” This sip is a sacred ritual part of the daily bath in the river taken by many devout Indians.
“Now, if people are sipping on the water, that means the quality has to be potable water quality; there has to be no compromise,” Mishra says. For him, it’s personal. As a religious leader, one person expected to sip Ganges water during their daily bath is Mishra himself.
Mishra’s weapon in the fight for the Ganges is a simple one: data. In 1993, the Sankat Mochan Foundation established one of the few independent labs to analyze the quality of the Ganges’ water in Varanasi. “That’s why they [the government] are scared,” Mishra says. “We have a database that speaks the reality of how healthy the river is.” Ever since, the foundation has been keeping track of the water—bacteria levels, oxygen demand—and has seen the river’s health decline with India’s growth.
According to Mishra and his fellow activists, the government’s own figures when it comes to sewage in Varanasi don’t add up. The largest sewage treatment plant, at Dinapur, has a stated processing capacity of 140 million liters a day (MLD). “Now as a matter of fact, I know that in [the Dinapur plant], they are able to carry only 60 MLD of sewage,” Mishra says, growing more animated as he talks. “At Goitha, where the capacity is 120 MLD, a few months back when I asked those people, they are able to transport only 10 to20 MLD of sewage. That’s all. So as a scientific man, you can just calculate the efficiency.” Similarly, Mishra claims that the government’s assertions that drains are no longer discharging into the river is not true. “Five years ago we found 33 locations discharging [sewage] … That has reduced to 15 or 16,” he says. (The Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board did not respond to requests for comment.)
Whereas India’s religious and environmental campaigners like Mishra hope to make the Ganges drinkable again, the Indian government has to date only declared an intent to make the Ganges in Varanasi a Class B river—fit for bathing only. Even by that standard, Mishra says, the project is failing. “We have scientific parameters that if Ganga is a Class B River, then total fecal coliform count should be less than 500 per 100 ml,” Mishra says. (Fecal coliform bacteria are a strong indicator of other pathogens being present.) Mishra shows me a ream of paper, upon which he has printed charts of the lab’s water quality data at numerous locations, going back months. “Right now [in March 2022], where we are sitting at Tulshi ghat, the figure is 41,400 per 100 ml. At the end of [Varanasi], where a big channel is discharging, it is 51 million.”
(While I could not independently confirm these numbers, even the Indian government’s data shows that pathogen levels in the Ganges at Varanasi are many multiples higher than its safety targets.)
Back in 2014, before the launch of the Namami Gange program, Mishra sat with Modi to discuss his hopes to clean the Ganges. Mishra’s foundation has since presented its own proposals for treatment projects, but has been ignored. The Pollution Control Board and state government dispute the foundation’s data; Mishra, meanwhile, says that the government’s figures, which are averages of samples taken from across the width of the river, do not reflect the reality experienced by bathers on the ghats, where sewers discharge into the Ganges and the water is slower. “They will never recognize our laboratory because they know that it will be a big trouble for them. But we have all the data since 1993.”
Mishra also claims that commercial interests are preventing the government from taking even more decisive action to cut pollution. “Ganga happens to be a very fertile cow. So, everybody’s milking in the name of Ganga,” he says. (Allegations of corruption have plagued India’s many Ganges cleanup campaigns, although Mishra didn’t share any specific evidence of corruption. India’s Ministry of Jal Shakti, or water ministry, did not respond to WIRED’s requests for comment.)
Most politicians and engineers in India, when asked, will tell you that a totally pure Ganges, of the sort that Mishra is aiming for, is almost certainly impossible. (“Religious people don’t follow logic,” SK Barman, a project manager for the state water company’s Ganga Pollution Prevention Unit, told me. “We have to achieve salvation somehow. Moksha, moksha, moksha.”) But in driving the conversation, it’s also clear that without Mishra and the countless other environmental activists across India campaigning for the Ganges restoration, the issue would be worse.
A year since I was last in Varanasi, it’s clear that India’s sanitation drive is still far from where the government’s narrative would have the public believe. According to a public information request by the Indian news organization Down to Earth, in 2023, 71 percent of the Ganges’ river monitoring stations were reporting “alarmingly high” levels of fecal coliform bacteria. Over 66 percent of drains in the state of Uttar Pradesh, where Varanasi sits, still empty into the Ganges and its tributaries.
There is no doubt that the Namami Gange project has made progress, and not just in the number of toilets installed and treatment plants made operational. Nearly every member of the public I spoke to in India—in Varanasi, Kanpur, and in New Delhi—confirmed that anecdotally, pollution issues are improving. It wasn’t that long ago that dead bodies would be regularly found in the river, and sewage in the rainy season flowed up onto the ghats. Today, there are increased sightings of aquatic life, such as the Ganges river dolphin.
And at 2022’s state elections, Modi’s BJP party remained in power—a significant sign ahead of 2024’s presidential election. In March 2023, Modi’s government confirmed Namami Gange Mission II, an additional $2.56 billion of expenditure on expanding the program and continuing to complete already commissioned infrastructure.
As for Mishra and the other activists advocating for a clean holy river, their campaign continues, no matter how unpopular it makes him with the government and Modi-leaning press. “I have heard, ‘Why? Why don’t you say the Ganga is clean?’ Mishra says. “I cannot say that. We are totally committed to the Ganga, and we cannot mislead people. For me, the Ganga is the medium of my life.”
It’s a holy mission, I say.
“It’s a holy mission, and it’s a scientific mission.”
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healthydietstip · 1 year
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Concerning Farzi Web Series The ideal con job, a crime specifically suited to him, has been developed by a small-time artist operating out of his grandfather's printing press. He is drawn into the complicated, high-stakes world of all it entails. In this fast-paced, edgy, one-of-a-kind thriller, a fiery, unconventional task force officer has made it his mission to rid the nation of the threat this poses.
About Farzi Web Series: To save his Grandpa's failing printing press, an artist begins a criminal enterprise that creates and prints counterfeit money. But before he realizes it, he is too far down the rabbit hole, and his small-time crime grows into a lucrative racket.
The most recent Hindi web series to debut on Amazon Prime Video in India is Farzi Web Series. The series, which features A-list actors Vijay Sethupathi and Shahid Kapoor in the key roles, has gotten positive reviews from both critics and spectators. For those who don't know, Raj & DK, who are renowned for producing The Family Man and other television series, directed the criminal drama Farzi. You are in luck if you binge-watched Farzi on Prime Video and are looking for more similar web series to watch online. This selection of the top Hindi Web series available on OTT, similar to Farzi, has been put together by us. Continue reading.
Review: Sunny (Shahid Kapoor) has grown up with bitterness toward the world after being abandoned by his own father and raised by his maternal grandfather. There is no one he can truly call his own outside his Nanu (Amol Palekar) and best friend Firoz (Bhuvan Arora). And it won't be long until he transitions from creating gorgeous, abstract paintings that he sells for pennies to the realm of crime. As a last-ditch effort to support his Nanu's historic publication "Kranti," he soon discovers his own potential as a talented artist who can create "Farzi" notes unlike anybody else.
Creators Raj and DK go all out because it's a crime that hasn't been widely covered on television. Farzi Web Series intriguing online series is dangerously comprehensive, covering the precise and technical elements of creating phony notes as well as their distribution and infiltration into the system. such that we ponder if criminals would abuse it. Nevertheless, despite the show's realistic tone, the filmmakers frequently employ cinematic convenience that comes across as implausible and occasionally outright absurd. Particularly when a massive budgetary crime is being committed in the nation and only a few of good men and one woman seem determined to put an end to it.
The film's authors, Raj and DK, take a risk with a subject that hasn't been extensively explored on screen. This intriguing online series is frighteningly comprehensive, covering every nuance of how false notes are created, distributed, Farzi Web Seriesintegrated into the system. such that we ponder the possibility of criminals abusing it. Despite the realistic tone of the show, the creators frequently employ cinematic convenience that comes off as implausible and occasionally outright absurd. Particularly when a fiscal crime of this size is occurring in the nation and only a few good men and one woman are determined to put an end to it.
CLICK HERE To Visit Official Website :- Farzi Web Series
Farzi Web Series
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cloudsynergy1 · 14 days
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Cloudsynergy AWS Training Institute in Marathahalli is renowned for its unequal course structure and expert faculties. We have 5 years of experience with more than 1000 satisfied students from different parts of India. Our mission is to empower our students with advanced knowledge to earn them a respected career in any field. Our features include:
Flexible course curriculum
We provide a flexible curriculum that suits individual requirements. The Cloudsynergy AWS Training Institute in Marathahalli offers special doubt- clearing sessions for our students to navigate the pain points of AWS. Our education style promotes continuous learning by utilising all the modern resources available.
Valued certificates
Our certificates are valued across the globe as we have proper accreditations following Indian educational law. We have direct tie-ups with many companies to help you get a role in your preferred field.
Expert trainers and hands-on training
Our faculties are experienced and experts in their fields. They are updated with the latest industry trends to educate their students by improving their problem- solving skills, soft skills, etc.
Top-notch facilities for students
We have advanced classrooms where you will get practical and theoretical knowledge equally. Our technology-friendly classrooms provide you with a comfortable experience while going through the intricacies of your course.
Being the best AWS Training Institute in Marathahalli, we are dedicated to guiding our students to the right path with knowledge and innovation. Our mission focuses on continuous learning and personal development, which are the foundations of building something great in life. Choose us to reap the best results for your grand career.
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Sify’s SD-WAN Providers in India: Revolutionizing Enterprise Network Connectivity
In the era of digital transformation, businesses require agile, secure, and scalable network solutions that can keep pace with their evolving needs. Software-Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN) has emerged as a transformative technology that optimizes enterprise connectivity, enhances application performance, and reduces operational complexities. Sify, a pioneer in digital transformation and network services, offers state-of-the-art SD-WAN solutions in India, empowering businesses to stay connected and competitive in today’s fast-paced environment.
Why SD-WAN? The Future of Network Connectivity
Traditional Wide Area Networks (WANs) struggle to keep up with the demands of modern applications, cloud platforms, and distributed workforces. As businesses adopt cloud-based services, remote working, and IoT solutions, their network infrastructure must evolve. SD-WAN provides a dynamic and intelligent way to manage and optimize enterprise networks by enabling centralized control and flexibility over network traffic.
Sify’s SD-WAN services are designed to address these challenges, providing businesses in India with a next-generation network solution that ensures secure, high-performance connectivity while simplifying network management. With its robust infrastructure and expertise, Sify helps organizations optimize their network performance, reduce costs, and improve agility.
Key Features of Sify’s SD-WAN Services
Enhanced Network Agility and Flexibility Sify’s SD-WAN solutions empower businesses with the flexibility to manage their network dynamically. The intelligent software-based approach allows organizations to seamlessly route traffic across various types of connections—MPLS, broadband, LTE, or 5G—based on real-time network conditions. This ensures that critical applications always receive priority, enhancing performance and reducing latency.
Centralized Network Management With Sify’s SD-WAN, businesses benefit from a centralized management platform that provides full visibility into network traffic, application performance, and security policies. IT teams can monitor and manage multiple locations, devices, and users through a single interface, allowing for quicker troubleshooting and proactive management of network issues.
Improved Application Performance One of the major benefits of SD-WAN is its ability to prioritize applications based on business needs. Sify’s SD-WAN services leverage intelligent application-aware routing, which ensures that mission-critical applications—such as voice, video conferencing, and cloud applications—are given priority and delivered with minimal delay or jitter, providing superior user experience and productivity.
Cost Efficiency Sify’s SD-WAN services allow businesses to reduce their dependency on expensive MPLS circuits by incorporating lower-cost broadband and internet connections into their network architecture. By intelligently routing traffic based on the type of application and network conditions, Sify’s SD-WAN enables cost savings while maintaining optimal performance across all locations.
Integrated Security In an increasingly complex threat landscape, security is paramount. Sify’s SD-WAN solutions integrate robust security features, including end-to-end encryption, secure tunnels, firewalls, and segmentation. This ensures that data is protected at all times, whether it’s being transmitted between branches, remote locations, or cloud applications. The integration of SD-WAN with Sify’s managed security services further enhances network protection.
Seamless Cloud Connectivity As businesses continue to migrate to cloud environments, the need for direct and secure cloud connectivity becomes critical. Sify’s SD-WAN is designed with cloud-first principles, enabling direct and secure access to cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Google Cloud. This reduces latency, optimizes bandwidth, and ensures a seamless cloud experience for end users.
Scalability for Growing Businesses Whether an enterprise is expanding its geographic footprint or integrating new branches and remote offices, Sify’s SD-WAN solutions offer the scalability required to meet growing network demands. The ability to quickly deploy and manage multiple locations makes SD-WAN a perfect fit for businesses with distributed networks and geographically dispersed teams.
Benefits of Sify’s SD-WAN Solutions Across Industries
Sify’s SD-WAN services are designed to cater to a wide range of industries, providing bespoke solutions that enhance network performance, reliability, and security.
Retail: Retailers with multiple store locations rely on Sify’s SD-WAN to ensure that all locations are connected, secure, and able to access the necessary applications for smooth operations, such as POS systems, inventory management, and customer engagement platforms.
Manufacturing: In the manufacturing sector, Sify’s SD-WAN enables smart factory initiatives by ensuring real-time connectivity across various locations and supporting the secure transmission of IoT data for predictive maintenance and production optimization.
Healthcare: Hospitals and healthcare providers leverage Sify’s SD-WAN to securely connect remote clinics, support telemedicine, and enable the real-time exchange of sensitive patient data, all while maintaining compliance with healthcare regulations.
Financial Services: In the financial sector, secure and reliable connectivity is crucial. Sify’s SD-WAN solutions help banks, insurance companies, and financial institutions maintain secure branch connectivity, reduce downtime, and improve the performance of critical financial applications.
Education: As education moves increasingly online, Sify’s SD-WAN ensures that schools, universities, and e-learning platforms can deliver uninterrupted virtual classes and manage bandwidth-intensive educational content across distributed networks.
Why Choose Sify as Your SD-WAN Provider?
With years of experience in digital transformation and managed network services, Sify is uniquely positioned as one of the leading SD-WAN providers in India. Businesses trust Sify’s SD-WAN solutions for their scalability, reliability, and secure infrastructure, which is backed by an extensive network of data centers and a strong presence in India’s IT landscape.
Sify’s comprehensive approach to SD-WAN ensures that businesses not only gain the benefits of advanced networking technology but also receive ongoing support from a team of experts. With Sify’s managed SD-WAN services, businesses can offload the complexity of network management and focus on their core objectives while ensuring that their connectivity remains robust and secure.
In today’s digital world, seamless, secure, and efficient network connectivity is no longer an option—it’s a necessity. Sify’s SD-WAN services in India provide businesses with the agility, performance, and security they need to thrive in a rapidly evolving marketplace. Whether you’re a small enterprise looking to optimize connectivity across locations or a large organization seeking to enhance cloud performance and security, Sify’s SD-WAN solutions offer a reliable, future-proof network infrastructure that can meet your needs.
By choosing Sify as your SD-WAN provider, you unlock the potential of your network, enabling greater productivity, reducing costs, and improving the overall digital experience for your business.
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kickstartvtr · 30 days
Kickstartvtr: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
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KickstartVTR helps you with all of your bank tasks. The KVR app makes it simple and easy to start an account, get a loan, or handle your money. Keep track of your money with quick online services and helpful help. Perfect for beginners looking to bring their vision to life.
How to Start Earning with KVR Step 1: Understand the Basics of KickstartVTR Kickstart Vision to Reality Private Limited can help you make your business ideas come true. To make your idea come true, our team gives you expert advice, planning tools , and project management help. When you start a business or make a new product , KVR gives you the tools you need to get known quickly. People will be more interested in your site and more likely to visit it if the tools you use are easy to use.
Our Vision: Our vision is to revolutionize gig jobs digitally for the next billion people, And mission to revolutionize the global gig economy and empower gig workers by making it simpler to get gig jobs.
Project Management: Tools that help you organize tasks, set deadlines, and track progress.
Community Support: A group of people with similar interests who can share thoughts and support each other.
Step 2: Why Choose KVR Full financial services for people and companies, including banking, planning, and support. Our team is committed to giving you the best service and coming up with new ideas. Your needs come first, and we work hard to make sure you're happy. If you want great results and a dedication to greatness, choose KVR.
Timely Payouts: Your money reaches your bank account every Day.
Be your own Boss: Flexible work timings and zero target pressure.
Getting more money: No earning limits, Perform better daily and earn more daily.
Effective Sales Partners: 50k+ sales partners have earned ₹5 Cr in 4 years. Join it!
Step 3: KVR Services Kickstartvtr has all the main banking services, like personal and business accounts, digital banking, financial planning, and customer service. Like Paytm, Tide, pies, loans, a credit card, and more.
Personal Banking: Accounts, loans, and investment options to manage your finances.
Business Banking: Services to support business accounts, loans, and financial management.
Digital Banking: Convenient online and mobile banking for easy access to your accounts.
Planning your finances: Giving you tools and tips to help you plan your business and money.
Step 4: How to Start Earning Money with KVR Starting to earn money is easier than you might think. Whether you're looking for a side hustle, a full-time job, or passive income, there are plenty of opportunities available.
Start Earning: Start earning with KVR by referring financial products and helping others make informed financial decisions while earning commissions on every successful referral.
Working Projects: Tide, Paytm (QR, Sounbox, Health Saathi, Demat), Pice, Upstock, Angle One, Incred, Cashe, Credit Cards.
Daily Earn: Daily you can earn up to INR 2,000
KVR Application: The best online earning app, offering opportunities to earn up to Rs. 5 lakh monthly through the sale of IT and financial products. Refer your friends & You can earn a 10% referral bonus of their total (up to ₹500 per referral).
Step 5: About KVR With the goal of giving all Indian workers the right to be able to find work , KVR is going after one of the biggest gig economy areas in the north. Together with the help of more than 75,000 gig workers, we were able to finish more than 2 million jobs in 2021. We work with many Fortune 500 companies, such as Amazon, Flipkart, Jio, Tata , Paytm, PhonePe, BharatPe, and Zepto. The main office of our company is in Noida, India. On the other hand, we have offices in Delhi, Bareli, Lucknow, Kanpur, Indore, Hapur, and Moradabad, so we are present all over the country.
Manage Your Tasks: You can keep track of what you've done and plan your tasks with KickstartVTR.
Stay on Schedule: If you need to adjust your timeline, that's okay—just make sure you update your plan.
Step 6: Get Support from the Community One of the best parts of KickstartVTR is the community of people who are all working toward their own goals. Connecting with others can give you new ideas, feedback, and the motivation to keep going.
Feedback and Reviews: Receive constructive feedback on your work or ideas to improve and grow.
Learning and Development: Participate in workshops, webinars, and discussions to enhance your skills.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with others in your field to share knowledge and opportunities.
Conclusion  KickstartVTR can help you create your ideas. Following these simple steps will assist you in making plans, setting goals, and having faith in your actions. If you want to start a business, work on an artistic project, or set personal goals, Kickstartvtr has the tools and tools you need to get things done. Right now , begin to learn how Kickstart can assist you in reaching your targets.
Read More:
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mahaveer2023 · 1 month
Unlocking the Potential of Property Investment in Hyderabad with Mahaveer Construction
Hyderabad, often referred to as the "City of Pearls," has rapidly evolved into a major hub for IT, pharmaceuticals, and real estate. Over the past decade, the city has seen remarkable growth, attracting investors from across the globe. If you're considering property investment in Hyderabad, now is the perfect time to explore the opportunities available. Among the prominent players in the real estate market, Mahaveer Construction stands out as a trusted partner in making smart property investments.
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Why Hyderabad is a Hotspot for Property Investment
Hyderabad's growth story is nothing short of extraordinary. The city's strategic location, coupled with robust infrastructure and a business-friendly environment, has made it one of the most sought-after destinations for property investment. Here are some key factors that make Hyderabad an ideal choice:
Booming IT Sector: Hyderabad is home to some of the biggest names in the IT industry, including Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. The presence of these tech giants has spurred demand for residential and commercial spaces, driving up property values.
Affordable Real Estate: Compared to other metropolitan cities in India like Mumbai and Bangalore, Hyderabad offers relatively affordable real estate prices. This makes it an attractive option for both first-time buyers and seasoned investors.
Excellent Connectivity: The city boasts excellent connectivity, with a well-developed network of roads, metro, and the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport. This ensures that every part of the city is easily accessible, adding to the appeal of investing in Hyderabad.
Government Initiatives: The Telangana government's proactive approach, including policies like TS-iPASS and Mission Kakatiya, has played a crucial role in attracting investments and boosting the real estate market.
Quality of Life: With its rich cultural heritage, diverse cuisine, and pleasant climate, Hyderabad offers a high quality of life. The city's cosmopolitan vibe makes it a preferred destination for professionals and families alike.
Why Choose Mahaveer Construction for Your Property Investment
When it comes to property investment in Hyderabad, choosing the right developer is key to maximizing your returns. Mahaveer Construction has earned a stellar reputation for its commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Here’s why investing with Mahaveer Construction is a smart choice:
Proven Track Record: With years of experience in the real estate industry, Mahaveer Construction has successfully delivered a range of residential and commercial projects across Hyderabad. Their portfolio includes everything from luxury apartments to commercial complexes, all built to the highest standards.
Innovative Design and Architecture: Mahaveer Construction is known for its innovative designs and world-class architecture. Each project is thoughtfully designed to meet the needs of modern urban living, with a focus on functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability.
Prime Locations: Location is a critical factor in real estate investment, and Mahaveer Construction understands this well. Their projects are strategically located in prime areas of Hyderabad, ensuring easy access to key amenities like schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and business districts.
Transparent Transactions: Mahaveer Construction is committed to maintaining transparency in all its dealings. From clear documentation to timely updates on project progress, they ensure that investors have complete peace of mind.
Strong ROI Potential: Investing in a property developed by Mahaveer Construction not only ensures high-quality construction but also promises strong returns on investment. Their projects are in high-demand areas, where property values are likely to appreciate over time.
Tips for Successful Property Investment in Hyderabad
While Hyderabad offers tremendous potential for property investment, making informed decisions is crucial. Here are a few tips to help you succeed in your investment journey:
Research the Market: Before investing, conduct thorough research on market trends, property values, and future development plans in Hyderabad. Understanding the market dynamics will help you make a well-informed decision.
Choose the Right Location: As mentioned earlier, location plays a significant role in the success of your investment. Opt for properties in areas with good connectivity, proximity to key amenities, and potential for future growth.
Invest with Reputable Developers: Partnering with reputable developers like Mahaveer Construction ensures that your investment is secure and likely to yield good returns. Look for developers with a proven track record of delivering quality projects on time.
Consider Long-Term Prospects: Real estate is a long-term investment, so consider the long-term prospects of the area where you are investing. Areas with upcoming infrastructure projects or new business hubs are likely to see significant appreciation in property values.
Consult a Real Estate Expert: If you're new to property investment, consulting a real estate expert or financial advisor can provide valuable insights and guidance.
Hyderabad's real estate market is brimming with opportunities, and property investment in this vibrant city can be a lucrative venture. With its booming economy, affordable prices, and excellent quality of life, Hyderabad is an investor's paradise. By choosing Mahaveer Construction as your investment partner, you can unlock the full potential of this market and secure your financial future. Whether you're looking for a dream home or a commercial space, Mahaveer Construction is here to turn your investment dreams into reality.
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mybookplacenet · 2 months
Author Interview: Jo-Anne Duffett
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Tell us about yourself.: I am a medical doctor by day and writer by night and somewhere in between I find time for photography, gardening, running, kayaking and travelling with her fishing mad husband. I am passionate about sports medicine and am also a travel doctor with a yellow fever license and a part-time academic. My first novel, Surf n Turf is set between Cape Town (home) and the Karoo where I love the brilliant night skies. Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?: I was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, into a fairly ordinary medical family. Not for long, though... When I finished primary school, we moved to the amazon jungle where my parents were medical missionaries. The mission base was a cultural melting pot of Brazilians, Americans, Europeans and every nationality you can imagine. I quickly added Portuguese to my English and Afrikaans. (South Africa has 12 official languages (sign language being the 12th)). I had a Norwegian tutor for geography, a British lady for English, a South African ecologist teaching me about the jungle, there was a an Argentinian who fell in love with an Australian. So I have a very multi-cultural background. When I returned to South Africa to complete high school, no one could figure out my nationality by my accent. I was just the jungle girl who had owned a pet sloth, nearly lost her parrot to a boa constrictor and dealt with many snakes and tarantulas. I also had a horse, Great Danes and Siamese cats who were never allowed outside without a leash - we never knew when there was a jaguar lurking around. Our house was surrounded by jungle. The howler monkeys were terrifying when we first arrived and I was trying to read Lord of the Rings and was convinced the sounds came from some creature in the book. After the jungle Cape Town was tame but my family continued to do short term mission trips, taking me to places like Uganda and Mozambique. I met my husband when I was 14 but we only married when I was 25 once I was finished studying medicine. He had never left the Western Cape before meeting me, now we have travelled all over the world and South Africa. My field of medicine also creates opportunities for travel, I have been to a conference in the USA, visited universities in the Netherlands, travelled with team South Africa to China, India, the Isle of Man, Zambia and Lesotho. I love exploring and with my husband we have ventured to Finland, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Madagascar, the Seychelles, Zanzibar and all our neighbors Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia. So I have many places cultures and languages to draw from in my writing. I now consider myself a naturalized Capetonian as I have lived here the longest. Do you have any unusual writing habits? I plot while I'm running. Do you have any advice for new authors? When writing thoughts from a different gender to your own, bounce your ideas off someone of that gender. What is the best advice you have ever been given? Porque Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que deu o seu Filho unigénito, para que todo aquele que nele crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna. João 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that who ever believes in him will have eternal life. John 3:16 What are you reading now? A Thousand and One Arabian nights by Anon on audiobook in my car check out Librivox.com for free audiobooks (classic) Work and Win by Oliver Optic audio book on my phone while I do chores (classic children) The Leper of St Giles by Ellis Peters in my husbands car (medieval mystery) Secrets at Court by Blythe Gifford in the lounge (historical romance) The Phoenix and the Carpet by E Nesbit in the bedroom (classic children) Trapped with the Duke by Annabelle Anders on my phone for queues (historical romance) What's your biggest weakness? Well fitted jeans on a man Historical romances Chocolate What is your favorite book of all time? Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen I never get tired of reading it. Or watching it, although reading is better as you get to imagine how they look. I love the way she creates strong personalities. When you're not writing, how do you like to spend your time? Working! Exploring Researching my next holiday Running Photography Hiking Walking with my husband Kayaking Open water swimming Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you? The first story I remember was the Lion the Witch and the wardrobe. My sister and I took turns to read it out aloud and we were limited to a chapter a night. It was so frustrating. When I was small, I was given a proper Holy Bible by my grandpa and a dictionary. I would look up a word to have to look up the words explaining that word. I guess it improved my vocabulary exponentially. My setwork books at school I read cover to cover the first day I got them and instead of studying for the literature exams I just re-read them. What has inspired you and your writing style? Although I enjoy reading classics, I really enjoy the fast paced style of mysteries, combined with my love of romance. I want to keep the reader interested and turning the pages not getting bogged down in detail. Its an art to describe the beauty of the setting without leading your reader to skim. What are you working on now? A sweet contemporary medical romance which combines my passion for my work with my enjoyment of literature. Fire & Ice, How to Tame a Doc Thomás Ribeiro could win the titles of “best dad” and “Dreamland’s Doctor Tall, Dark and Handsome,” but he is icy to ladies and with good reason. Dr Charlie Kriel is a pint-sized fiery sports doc, wary of kids and determined to do without men. A matchmaking aunt and engaging kid contrive to melt ice with fire. Charlie is determined to protect her heart and keep her secrets, so she fights like a scared kitten. Can Thomás, get out of his self-imposed ice-cage, and tame her? What is your favorite method for promoting your work? Book review sites What's next for you as a writer? A time-travel romance :-) Buckle up for a thrilling ride through time and space in Dani the Dino Girl, From Fossils to Fables. When 21st century palaeontologist, Dani, is suddenly transported back in time, she finds herself in the company of a 17th century nobleman who escaped pirates by traveling into the 6th century. Throw in a stowaway boy, elephant birds, a mischievous lemur, and a missing grandma. Will Dani be able to use her scientific knowledge to survive in this new world? Or will she be swept away by the romance and adventure that awaits her? Fans of time travel, historical fiction, and animal companions will love this unique blend of science and fantasy. There is loads of work still be done, but I'm enjoying all the research required for the various time zones. Who would have thought I would visit a glass museum, browse an antique store, take out palaeontology textbooks form the library or visit an archaeology dig?! How well do you work under pressure? I seem to get more done, the more that needs to be done. I thought during my holiday that I would write for vast periods, yet I ended up reading instead, but during term, when I can only snatch a sentence or a paragraph, then I really make progress. Work of course is never ending high pressure. How do you decide what tone to use with a particular piece of writing? It is entirely determined by my characters. I first need to understand what makes them tick, anticipate their reactions, let myself become their alter ego. If you could share one thing with your fans, what would that be? My photography. Search for "Jo D" on SmugMug Jo-Anne Duffett's Author Websites and Profiles Amazon Profile Goodreads Profile Read the full article
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digiweb-insight · 2 months
DigiWeb Insight : Your Premier Digital Marketing Partner
Welcome to DigiWeb Insight Internet Marketing Agency, your award-winning partner in digital marketing. Our data-driven approach ensures your business thrives through expertly crafted online marketing campaigns.
Our Expertise
Our Focus
Since our founding in 2023, DigiWeb Insight has been dedicated to empowering businesses across various industries with top-notch marketing strategies. From a single-person startup, we’ve evolved into a full-service digital marketing agency, serving thousands of clients globally, including from Germany, Hong Kong, and the United States. Our clients range from startups to large franchises, spanning diverse industries.
As we grow, we continuously refine our methods and invest in the latest tools and resources to provide our clients with unparalleled services.
Our Mission
At DigiWeb Insight, we are digital marketing experts. Our dedicated team of over 220 professionals, located across 34 states and 10 countries, collaborates seamlessly to develop and execute effective marketing campaigns. Our diverse team, hailing from the United States, South Africa, the Philippines, India, and beyond, brings unique skills and extensive experience to every project, ensuring your long-term goals are met.
Our Results-Driven Approach
We prioritize strategic planning to deliver tangible results. Our digital marketing team goes above and beyond to ensure our campaigns not only attract new business for our clients but also promote sustainable success.
Our Digital Marketing Services
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Enhance your organic search rankings and boost brand visibility with ethical SEO practices.
Web Design and Development: Improve your website’s usability and attract loyal customers.
Social Media Marketing: Engage your target audience and improve customer interaction through social media.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing: Reach your ideal audience with targeted paid advertising campaigns.
Video Production: Tell your story and captivate your audience through powerful video content.
Content Writing: Our writers craft compelling content that supports your business objectives.
Online Reputation Management: Build and maintain a positive brand reputation to attract more business.
Conversion Optimization: Increase website engagement and turn more visitors into customers.
Amazon Marketing: Optimize your Amazon listings and pricing to maximize sales.
eCommerce Marketing: Streamline the buying process and reduce costs with effective eCommerce strategies.
Digital Marketing: Gain comprehensive control over your online presence with customized digital marketing solutions.
Core Values of DigiWeb Insight
Our Pillars of Success
Gratitude: We lead with thankfulness and humility, giving back and making a positive impact.
Respect: We treat everyone with respect, assuming the best in ourselves and others.
Ownership: We take responsibility for our actions and resources, and we work to correct our mistakes.
Work Ethic: We act with integrity and do the right thing, even when it’s challenging.
Think Bigger: We strive for constant improvement, embracing change to overcome obstacles.
Honesty: We build trust and respect by maintaining integrity in all our actions.
Our Commitment
Our success stems from our strong culture and values. We focus on maintaining these values to ensure the happiness and growth of our clients and employees. We invest in our team’s personal and professional development, creating a community of skilled and responsible employees.
Join Our Team
We are always looking for motivated digital marketing professionals to join our growing team. Contact us to learn how you can become part of the DigiWeb Insight family!
At DigiWeb Insight, we believe in the power of community. For every new client we take on, we provide a micro-loan to an aspiring entrepreneur through Kiva to support their business growth. We also match employee charity donations and engage in community service to make a positive impact locally.
Discover how DigiWeb Insight can elevate your business. Contact us today to get started!
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bizzboosterpvtltd123 · 3 months
Grow your online business with Bizz Booster Pvt. Ltd., which is part of the eCommerce market. We’re dedicated to giving you the best service and support with your Amazon seller account, Meesho seller account, Jio Mart seller account, or Flipkart seller account registration and management, GST registration, digital marketing, and website development services. Experience the Bizz Booster difference. Contact us today to take your online business to new heights.
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​About Us:-
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Bizz Booster Private Limited opened its doors in 2020 intending to support the expansion of small businesses. As an E-commerce Business Management Consultant Company in India with ISO 9001:2015 certification, we have more than 2,500 trusted and happy customers worldwide. Over the years, we have followed the same guiding principle of maximizing client revenue. We are a group of ambitious and self-motivated professionals, focused on the challenges our e-commerce clients face to demonstrate commitment to growing their business.
We are Bizz Booster Private Limited an Amazon Advertising Partner Network. Bizz Booster Private Limited is the perfect choice for your journey in the e-commerce platforms. Bizz Booster is the best E-commerce platform to boost your brand performance by 80% in just a few months on the e-commerce marketplace. We are a leading company in this field and we provide specific solutions for our all customers. We provide the best management services for all your online business requirements, our services include Amazon, Flipkart, Messho, Jiomart, Glowroad, Ajio, launch, and cataloging, account management, advertising creation & optimization, Brand Protection, A+ Cataloging (EBC), Store Creation, GST & Trademark Registration, and also Online E-Commerce Business Consultants, digital marketing, website design & development. Bizz Booster Private Limited is an SPN for Amazon that assists in developing and designing a healthy and functional web infrastructure to accelerate the online seller's physical market presence. We do everything that triggers growth and maximizes the return on investment of our online sellers.  Our Vision:-
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Our Vision is to make it the most customer-centric company and to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to sell on online platforms.
We connect with most people through a shared passion for technology and the online seller's need for customer growth. We are committed to empowering businesses around the world with the best digital data. It can also be a set of dreams and long-term goals. We are trying to radically change the e-commerce industry with innovative solutions and services that pave the way for cutting-edge technology. We strive to be the most trusted and reliable e-commerce service provider, recognized for our commitment to excellence and exceptional customer service. Our Mission:-
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Our mission is to create the most compressive, accurate, and actionable digital data, so every business can win in their market. Also, we empower businesses of all sizes with exceptional e-Commerce solutions and services, according to their unique requirements, and help them succeed in the digital marketplace. We strive to be the go-to e-commerce service provider, delivering the latest trends and technologies while prioritizing the success of our customers. Also, we know about the advantages and disadvantages of our customers who have trusted us so we always decide in favor of our customers.
Why Us:- We are the E-commerce service provider that prioritizes the success of our customers, providing exceptional solutions tailored to their requirements. The expertise that sets us apart from others is our focus on innovation and commitment to excellence and customer service. Partnering with us means getting a valuable e-commerce partner dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. We don't just provide advice and guidance; we work closely with our clients to implement solutions that drive growth and profitability. We measure our success by our customer's success, and we are dedicated to helping them achieve their e-commerce goals. https://bizzbooster.in/
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cocktailsfairytales · 4 months
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Of Friction (Altered Earth Book 1)
Publication Date: February 20, 2024
Genre: Speculative Fiction/ Dystopian/ LGBTQ+
Decades of hostilities. A chance for peace. Caught between belligerent groups, will this operation be her last?
Sam “Valkyrie” Ryan is reeling. Struggling with her brother’s recent decision to make their next assignment his last, the recon specialist fights to change his mind. But she has no time to process her emotions when they’re tasked to protect a pivotal reconciliation summit between the Altered and Humans from human-supremacist terrorists.
Distracted by a charming female medic, the golden-haired marine struggles to stay focused as events quickly unravel. And with the conflict becoming dangerously unpredictable, secrets from the past catch Sam by surprise as she uncovers a plot to destroy all of humanity.
Can she stop a violent and oppressive history from spiraling into a catastrophic future?
Of Friction is the fast-paced first book in the Altered Earth dystopian military speculative fiction series. If you like strong women, tense action, and slow-burn LGBTQ+ romance, then you’ll love S.J. Lee’s gripping story.
Read Of Friction to launch a critical mission today!
About the Author
S.J. Lee is a foreign service specialist by day, gamer, photographer, and writer by night. She has worked and lived in Iraq, Mexico, Chile, India, Brazil, and Guyana, and currently resides in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area with her spouse and rescued street-dog. Of Friction is her debut novel and the first of the Altered Earth series.
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amazonmturk · 5 months
How BZTurk Turbocharges Your Amazon Mechanical Turk Earnings
Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) offers an incredible opportunity for individuals to earn money online by completing various tasks. But let's face it, navigating through the platform and maximizing your earnings can be a bit like finding a needle in a haystack. That's where BZTurk comes into play. This comprehensive guide will show you how BZTurk can revolutionize your MTurk experience and help you achieve higher earnings.
Quick Earnings
Quick Earnings with BZTurk mean less time searching and more time earning. This feature streamlines your job search, helping you find your favorite tasks quickly. Imagine it as having a GPS for your MTurk journey, guiding you straight to the best opportunities.
Job Suitability
Ever wondered which tasks suit you best? With BZTurk, you can discover your job suitability. The extension analyzes your skills and preferences, suggesting tasks that align with your abilities. It's like having a personal career advisor right in your browser!
Efficient Task Management
Say goodbye to juggling multiple tabs and confusing task lists. Efficient Task Management is one of BZTurk's standout features. It organizes your tasks in a user-friendly interface, making it simple to find and complete tasks quickly and easily.
User-Friendly Experience
Whether you're a seasoned MTurk user or a newbie, BZTurk's User-Friendly Experience ensures a smooth ride. Its eco-friendly Chrome extension is intuitive, requiring no special skills or technical know-how. Just install and start earning!
24/7 Customer Support
Stuck on a task or facing technical issues? Don't worry, 24/7 Customer Support is just a click away. Our dedicated team is here to assist you anytime, ensuring a hassle-free experience.
Secure and Reliable
Your privacy and security are our top priorities. BZTurk is a Secure and Reliable extension, that employs advanced encryption techniques to safeguard your data. Rest easy knowing your information is protected at all times.
Global Compatibility
Whether you're in the US, India, or any other country, Global Compatibility ensures BZTurk offers a seamless browsing experience. No matter where you are, you can rely on BZTurk to deliver consistent performance.x
Approved by Amazon MTurk
Trust is essential in the online world, and BZTurk has earned it. As an Approved Extension by Amazon MTurk, you can be confident in its reliability and credibility. Enjoy updated features and missions without any worries.
Free Trial Offer
Curious about what BZTurk has to offer? Take advantage of our Free Trial Offer in 2024. Experience firsthand its fast and reliable task management capabilities, risk-free!
Effortless Earning
In the world of MTurk, working smarter, not harder, is the key. With BZTurk's Effortless Earning feature, you can maximize your earnings with minimal effort. Let BZTurk do the heavy lifting while you reap the rewards.
Why Choose BZTurk Over Others?
With so many tools out there, what makes BZTurk stand out? It's simple - BZTurk offers a comprehensive solution tailored to the needs of MTurk users. From quick earnings to secure browsing, BZTurk has it all.
Real User Testimonials
Don't just take our word for it. Hear what our users have to say! Thousands of MTurk users have already benefited from BZTurk, praising its efficiency, reliability, and ease of use.
Tips to Maximize Your Earnings with BZTurk
Ready to supercharge your MTurk earnings? Check out these Tips to Maximize Your Earnings with BZTurk. From task selection to time management, we've got you covered.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Is BZTurk compatible with all browsers?Yes, BZTurk is a Chrome extension but can be used on other browsers with certain configurations.
2. How secure is my data with BZTurk?Your data is highly secure with BZTurk. We employ advanced encryption techniques to protect your information.
3. Can I try BZTurk for free?Absolutely! We offer a free trial in 2024 for you to experience BZTurk's capabilities firsthand.
4. Does BZTurk offer customer support?Yes, we provide 24/7 customer support to assist you with any queries or issues.
5. Is BZTurk approved by Amazon MTurk?Yes, BZTurk is an approved extension by Amazon MTurk, ensuring its reliability and credibility.
Navigating the world of Amazon Mechanical Turk can be challenging, but with BZTurk by your side, you can turbocharge your earnings and streamline your tasks. From quick earnings to secure browsing, BZTurk offers a comprehensive solution tailored to the needs of MTurk users. Don't miss out on this game-changing extension!
So, are you ready to revolutionize your MTurk experience with BZTurk? Try it today and see the difference for yourself!
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Unveiling Pxin.in: A Game Changer in Laptop Privacy Screen Technology
In an era where digital presence permeates every aspect of our lives, the protection of our digital information and eye health is paramount. After extensive research and firsthand experience with various privacy screen brands, I've found that Pxin.in stands unparalleled in the market. Below, I share my insights on why Pxin.in is a necessity for every digital device user, from the perspective of an industry expert who has seen it all.
Why Pxin.in is the Superior Choice for Privacy Screens
Cutting-Edge Protection Against Visual Hacking
Before Pxin.in, sensitive information on screens was like an open book to prying eyes. With Pxin.in’s privacy screen guards, the narrative changes:
Private Viewing: The screen is visible only to the person directly in front of the monitor, ensuring complete confidentiality.
Visual Hack Prevention: These guards are designed to darken the display from side views, securing your data from visual hacking attempts.
Superior Blue Light and UV Blocking Technology
As someone who has experienced the adverse effects of digital screens, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of Pxin.in’s technology:
BL'UV'lightblock™ Technology: This revolutionary feature blocks up to 99.68% of UV rays and 90% of harmful blue light, protecting your eyes from strain and potential long-term damage.
Digital Eye Strain Reduction: By significantly reducing blue light, Pxin.in guards help mitigate the risk of digital eye strain, allowing for a more comfortable screen experience.
Anti-Glare for Comfortable Use
Glare from screens can cause significant eye discomfort, but Pxin.in's anti-glare technology helps:
Minimize Reflections: Reduces the strain on your eyes by minimizing the light reflections from the screen surface.
Enhanced Screen Clarity: Provides a clearer view of your screen content, even under harsh lighting conditions.
A Step Above the Rest: Pxin vs. Other Brands
Having tried brands like 3M and found them lacking, I can attest that Pxin.in's privacy screens are in a league of their own. Here’s why Pxin.in is a game-changer:
Tested and Trusted: Unlike other brands that fall short in real-time testing, Pxin.in delivers on its promises of protection and privacy.
Customer Satisfaction: Consistently rated as Amazon’s Best Seller and Amazon’s Choice in India, Pxin.in has become the preferred choice for informed consumers.
The Pxin.in Advantage: Diverse Compatibility and Offerings
Wide Range of Products: From laptop privacy filters to TV anti-blue and anti-glare screens, Pxin.in caters to a broad spectrum of devices.
Customization: Pxin.in offers custom solutions for various models, ensuring a perfect fit for your device.
It’s my mission to ensure that no one else has to suffer the consequences of inadequate screen protection. Pxin.in is more than just a product; it's an investment in your digital security and well-being.
Act Now for a Safer Digital Experience
Visit: www.pxin.in
Contact: Call/WhatsApp for bulk discounts: 97033 35755 / 77021 77289
As an advocate for digital health and privacy, I urge you to choose Pxin.in for peace of mind in this digital age. Contact Pxin.in today and step into a world where your privacy and eye health are prioritized like never before.
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kamana-mishra · 9 months
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Lenskart Success Story: Journey of Peyush Bansal
Talking about the magical unicorns of India, there are some who have revolutionized the industry they work in. One such revolutionary unicorn is Lenskart, which has brought about some significant changes in the eyewear industry.
Lenskart revolutionized the unorganized eyewear industry in India. Starting as an online portal for contact lenses, the company moved on to introduce prescription glasses and sunglasses in its product range as well.
With cutting-edge technology which provides 3D Try-on services and online eye check-up services, Lenskart has now made its presence in the offline market as well and operates in more than 550 stores across the country.
With the mission to become the Maruti Suzuki of the Indian eyewear industry over the next ten years, Lenskart India keeps bringing in new and innovative products and services in its range.
Lenskart India: How It All Began?
The company was founded by Peyush Bansal, who started Lenskart in 2010, along with Amit Chaudhary and Sumeet Kapahi in 2010. Peyush, who used to work at Microsoft, also founded the company Valyoo Technologies, which is the parent company of Lenskart.
While pursuing his post-graduation in Management at IIM B, he launched Valyoo Technologies with SearchMyCampus as the first business portal in 2007. The site aimed to offer solutions to different kinds of problems faced by the students. It offered accommodation, books, internships, carpool facilities, part-time jobs, etc.
While exploring this avenue, he discovered that the eyewear industry is one of the neglected industries which had not been tapped by e-commerce giants such as Amazon and eBay yet.
With this in mind, he launched Flyrr.com in the US, and after receiving a positive response there, he decided to launch the platform in India. Thus, Lenskart was launched in India in 2010.
Business Model of Lenskart
Lenskart India offers more than 5,000 styles of frames and 45 different types of superior-quality lenses to its customers. The designs are in line with the latest trends in eyewear, courtesy of the in-house team of designers, and stylists who keep a tab of the latest trends.
It follows an inventory-led business model where it passes on these designs to its manufacturers. This, and the supply chain followed by Lenskart, helps them to keep the cost of their products under control.
While developing their product, some of the things that the company keeps in mind are the — superior quality of the product, a variety for the consumers, product innovativeness, excellent marketing strategies, and services such as a 3-D trial facility.
The brand’s focus is not just on the trendiness of the product but also on its durability and quality. It uses robotic technology imported specially from Germany, which allows Lenskart to be the only brand in India which is able to make eyewear with up to 3 decimals of accuracy.
Catering to the Indian sentiment of — ‘ aur dikhao ‘, Lenskart India has over 5,000 styles of frames and over 45 types of lenses. They don’t just offer reading glasses but also offer a range of the latest designer sunglasses.
Lenskart has also revolutionized the eyewear industry by using cutting-edge technology. It offers services such as 3-D trial facilities in order to make the process smoother for its customers. It also follows an aggressive marketing strategy where it offers its first-time customers their first frame free of cost.
Lenskart has changed its model over the years and follows an Omni-channel retail model. In an Omni-channel retail model, the business offers services both online as well as offline mode. Initially, it just had an online presence, but soon, it made its mark in the offline world as well. It now has over 550 stores in 30+ cities across India.
The main agenda of Lenskart India behind opening up brick-and-mortar stores was that Indian consumers were a little apprehensive about purchasing eyewear online. The customers wished to try the product out in a physical presence, and touch and feel it in order to be absolutely sure about its quality.
Also, opening up physical stores helped the brand grow its business faster and gain the trust of its customers. They used the Omni-channel to convert their offline customers to online by offering them application and portal facilities. This also helped them strengthen their ties with the customers.
Impressed with the success story of Lenskart? Then, delve into similar examples of impressive success approaches that made the best brands in India today.
Lenskart Funding and Valuation
Lenskart funding has been done by 12 investors that include PremjiInvest, Kedaara Capital, Chiratae Ventures, TPG Growth, Ratan Tata of Tata Sons, Rajeev Chitrabhanu, Adveq, Eqip Capital, IFC Venture Capital Group, etc. It has managed to raise a sum of $459.6 million in over 9 funding rounds.
In December 2019, Lenskart raised $275 million from SoftBank Vision Fund, after which it reached a valuation of $1.5 Billion and generated a revenue of Rs. 486.26 crore in 2019.
The Eyewear Industry
Currently, almost 50% of the world's population needs to wear glasses, and in India alone, almost 1/3rd of the population requires them. However, out of the 1/3rd, about 25% of them actually address their eye problem and wear spectacles.
The eyewear sector in India is extremely unorganized. There are just 10,000 optometrists, whereas there is a requirement for about 40,000 optometrists. However, since the industry is moving towards becoming a more organized sector, there is a lot of growth potential.
The industry had experienced a growth rate of 30% on a yearly basis in the earlier years of its business, and currently, it is a $10 million market. With more people becoming aware of their eye problems and people buying spectacles to follow trends, more than 1.5 million spectacles are sold in India each day.
Continue reading…
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 9 months
Highlights of 2023: Strides That Humanity Achieved in the Year
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As we slowly ride to the culmination of 2023, it is time to look back at the year. The year of 2023 brought a lot of headlines. India being on the verge of winning the ICC Men’s World Cup shattered the hearts of millions. Meanwhile, Greta Gerwig’s Barbie and Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer clashed at the box office, creating a phenomenon that would shatter most box office records. Social Media sites were re-branded and concert films were all the rage with Eras Tour becoming a huge success.
With our diary of 2023 almost finished, we would like to look at some of the positive news that rekindles our hope for humanity. These happenings of 2023 prove that even during the most dire of circumstances, humans would strive to achieve newer heights.
Launch and Landing of Chandrayaan-3
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On 23rd August, 2023, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) made everyone proud by landing Chandrayaan-3 near the lunar south pole of the moon. The objective of the mission is to help discover the physical characteristics of the surface of the Moon, the atmosphere close to the surface and the tectonic activity to study what goes on below the surface.
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While people cheer and hoot for men’s sports, women’s sports have been looked down upon throughout history. However, things seem to be changing as 2023 provided a new hope for female athletes all over the world. Women’s sports saw record viewership. The trend was observed in the Women’s FIFA World Cup and 2023 US Open — Women’s singles. The FIFA World Cup saw 2 million people attending stadiums and an estimated 2 billion people watched the World Cup from their homes, cheering on their teams. Meanwhile, the US Open women’s final featuring Coco Gauff and Aryna Sabalenka drew more viewership than the men’s finals which included Novak Djokovic and Daniil Medvedev. Coco Gauff vs Aryna Sabalenka was watched by 3.4 million viewers, while Novak Djokovic vs Daniil Medvedev was watched by 2.3 million viewers. We hope that similar trends get observed in all women’s sporting events.
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The World Health Organization (WHO) approved a malaria vaccine that will make it accessible to poorer countries. The vaccine has been developed by Oxford University. The vaccine was said to reduce symptomatic cases by 75%, according to WHO. The vaccine only costs $2–4 per dose, making it possible to finally eliminate the disease.
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In the United Nations (UN) meeting in New York, the Treaty of the High Seas, aka Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction, was signed on 20th September, 2023 by 84 countries. The treaty will establish large-scale marine protected areas on the high seas to effectively conserve and manage 30% of land and sea. It also includes rules for conducting environmental impact assessments.
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According to the data released by Brazil’s National Space Research Institute (INPE), deforestation in Brazil fell by 33.6% in the Amazon Rainforest. The President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has vowed to end deforestation by 2030. With its current upward momentum, we wish Brazil achieves its target and proves to the world that environmental stability is possible in today’s globalizing world.
Filaantro also had a monumental year. With its crowdfunding partner, Child Help Foundation, Filaantro helped 23,62,704 people. Thank you for reading this article. Make sure to share it with all your friends and family members.
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