#all my friends hate the Sombra update
beepyscircus · 11 months
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I’m gonna do something violent
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leorawright · 2 years
I asked for a platonic one with sigma, but i wanted to ask this for multiple characters and with the updated and possibly final (?) version of the design and abilities and stuff ^^
Romantic/Queerplatonic: Reaper, Lucio, Junkrat, Roadhog, Reinhardt, Baptiste and Zenyatta
Platonic: Sigma, Sombra and Brigitte
So basicly just when their s/o / friend has thease abilities and stuff and how would the chracaters react to them and how they look and stuff ^^ (and not just the support part only please :"))
I also added an image of the character if you want to add that bit to the thing :D (also the character might look angry, hes not, hes actually a really happy person, also kind of a sona of mine but yea :D)
Role : Support
Gun :
Weapon 1 : sniper rifle, 15 ammo, quick reload,
Weapon 2 : minigun, 75 ammo, slow reload, reccomended for enemies who get too close,otherwise use sniper rifle
Bullets are all colored with one of the colors of the rainbow
Ability 1 / E ability :
A disc that attatches itself to a chosen teammate, heals teammates around the disc including the one who it is attached to. Burst heal 3 times.
Ability 2  Shift ability :
A paint ball is thrown on the ground or at an enemy, when the enemy walks over it, it makes a line that follows the enemy visible to your team even trough walls. If thrown on an enemy, it makes them unable to be healed and will be shown fully trough walls to your team. The paint only lasts for 5 seconds after contact with an enemy. They also bounce off walls 1 time. This does no damage. Can only be attached to 1 enemy at a time.
The minigun is filled with paint balls (shift ability) and some healing variations of them for the teammates. They bounce once off a wall if shot at one. (or the floor or ceeling) Infinite ammo during this and you cant change the gun or use other abilities.
Deafult support passive
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I drew it myself like a day or two ago and havent posted it on my instagram yet, or i might post it never, i drew it as more of a personal thing to thease asks and for my daydreams ^^
THAT DESIGN IS AMAZING I LOVE IT! (I know it goes over my character limit but I'm having fun)
Overwatch with support reader
Honestly your happy personality surprises him considering he works in Talon
Honestly, you immediately intrigued him with your bright clothing and minigun
He hates losing the person he was chasing so if you happen to throw a paint ball of them he'll thank you
When you use your ultimate he always makes sure your have someone behind you so you don't die
He's estatic to meet another support who's as happy as he is
He adores all your colors and asks if you can paint his rollerskates and his outfit
Honestly, your kit revolving around colors is one of his favorite things in the world besides you of course
When you ult Lucio is often healing you or speed-boosting you so you get the most value you can and seeing you smile after makes his chest feel warm and fuzzy
Just like Lucio, he loves your colors and insists you paint his tire
Anytime you heal him expect a big smile on his face
He's super intrigued by your minigun and he has suggested filling it with bombs but it's Jamison sorry if you expected something different
You sometimes stick stickers on his forehead to see him get confused like a cat
And your naturally happy personality really has him vibing with you despite his naturally chaotic attitude
Even though he can heal himself if you ever heal him he'll always thank you when he gets a chance
He often uses your paint balls to scout out an enemy in order to hook them
With a bit of convincing he might even let you decorate his mask
He's really glad your calm and happy because after dealing with Junkrat he just wants to relax with you
He absolutely adores you and your attitude and all your colors
He's always super polite with the supports on his team and you are no exception except he might throw in a quick hug/head pat
Whenever you're in danger or when you ult Reinhardt will always be your shield when you need it
After looking at all the colors on your weapons and outfit he'll happily let you decorate or put stickers on his hammer. Seeing them makes him smile
Even if you two can heal yourselves it doesn't stop the both of you from healing the other
Baptiste is really interested in all the colors on your outfit and the ones incorporated into your weapons
He really enjoys your happy personality because he likes to be goofy as much as he is serious
He thinks your minigun is hella cool and will be estatic if you let him use it
Whenever you heal him when he's low he'll give you a heartfelt thank you
He's not used to seeing someone so colorful and honestly he really enjoys bow bright you look and how happy your personality is
Your minigun and his discord orbs are a dangerous pairing and everyone knows it
It takes a bit of convincing, but Zen will let you put stickers on his face and arms
Sombra (platonic)
She's not afraid to make it known that she thinks your color scheme is 👌 perfection
She'll always come to you for healing before Moria (no kidding she'd rather cross the map to get healed by you than go to Moira who's beside her)
She appreciates your paint balls and the trails that enemies leave after walking through them because then it's much easier to track down her prey😈
Your minigun is hella cool but unlike Baptiste to not give her the minigun it's a recipe for destruction
Brigitte (platonic)
She straight up adores all the colors you have and insists you two paint her armor with the same colors so you two match
If you're next to her and heal her when she's low expect a thank you or, if you're a hugger, expect a quick side hug for her bestie
Even if her shield is smaller than Reinhardt's she'll still stand in front of you if you're in danger
He's not used to seeing someone with that many colors and he finds it super cool
He's extra polite and thankful to you when you heal him at any point
Before the incident he didn't get out much so he's super interested in your minigun and how it works
He's charmed by the idea that you use paintballs as bullets he thinks it's creative
Just like Reinhardt and Brigitte, you are always behind his shield whenever he has it ready
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daybreakdarling · 5 years
Source Code of Our Hearts (Sombra x Reader)
Word Count: 3.5k+ Trigger warnings: Mentions of kidnapping/human trafficking (not graphic) Crossposted on: Ao3
It would be an understatement to say that Sombra was great at what she does. She didn’t devote herself to hacking for nothing. The hacker built reputation from the ground up, and her work does not go unnoticed. Sombra made sure that she was the best of the best, and whenever someone attempted to challenge her, she was quick to put them down.
So when an anonymous message in a hack into her own system came, Sombra wasted no time to decode it.
Her sugar skull logo and purple screens were replaced with a different motif and screens of another color once the message was decrypted. In the middle of the hologram was a single application, and at the touch of it the hacker was immediately met with more malware and viruses. They weren’t hard to take down, but they were becoming a nuisance with how many came up.
With the final virus taken cared off, the screen is cleared.
Sombra accepted the call without delay as she rested her chin on her palm. Call it reckless, but at this point she wanted it over with.
The Talon operative took the day off just for this (taking days off at Talon were hell to ask for), and even then it was already late at night due to minor errands. She hoped that going through this trouble for one person would be worth it.
A white mask came up. The sudden flash of white blinded her.
“Yo,” you greeted, mirroring her posture but with a smug enthusiasm in contrast to her annoyance.
“I hope the DDoS attacks and Trojans weren’t too hard.”
The room was pitch black behind you. Faint computer system sounds and audios buzzed from your side of the call. A dim lightsource was set to the side with an angle to create a sort of dramatic look.
Maybe you had set it up to leave an impression, and she couldn’t help but snort at the thought.
“They were annoying ,” she replied.
“So, thanks.”
“El placer es mío. ”
She raised a brow.
“How did you find that pathway in my system?” she asked straightaway.
“What about it?”
“Others would usually send through proxy servers, maybe a waterhole attack or two, but you went through the trouble of source routing your code packet to mirror that of Talon’s—decent routing, by the way—which, by extension, means you tampered with Talon encryptions, a couple of government ICMPs, and my firewall.”
You hummed in thought, “You wouldn’t of opened my message if I had sent it normally.”
That’s true, she thought to herself.
“And, well… I’m not like the others.”
Sombra waited for you to elaborate, but you only gave her silence, as if that would give her all the answers.
For a moment, she saw herself in you—someone with many tricks up their sleeve. Your aura was that of strong mischief; in conversations, maybe you would subtle secrets in cheeky banter for others to decipher, or you would easily manipulate others into getting what you want, things that she would do. If the both of you had met any other way, maybe Sombra wouldn’t mind getting a drink or two with you.
But you challenged her at her own game, and she was going to make sure that you played it.
“Well, it was a nice minute of getting to know you but,” Sombra started, bringing up her hand to show a screen with a red skull.
“If you don’t have business with me, I’ll just go and—”
You put your hand up. Sombra saw lines of interconnecting cybernetics on your fingers, like hers. Before she could say anything, hologram pads in your color appeared by the flick of your palm, and you typed with inhuman speed.
The lock down system she brought up to use on you disappeared.
“I do have business with you,” you said, putting down your hand as you went to look at something else, probably another screen.
“Besides, how can you shut down my system if you can’t get to yours?”
You missed the bewildered expression of the other hacker as she tried to bring up her other systems, which all ended with an error sound and a lock with your logo. Even with an attempted override, the only things that came up on her screen was the same logo that glowed in your obnoxious color.
She had been hacked.
Sombra narrowed her eyes as you turned back to her.
“I suggest updating your software, amiga, it’s a little outdated,” you said bringing up one screen. It listed all her programs and systems, and beside each name on the list was “HACKED”.
“What do you want?” she growled.
“Information. Everything you have.”
She put up her middle finger, and you did the same.
“What makes you think I’m just gonna give it to you?” Sombra asked.
“It’s recommended that you do,” you answered.
“You want this now, hm?”
You gestured to the list, and Sombra watched as the “HACKED” labels on the list changed into loading bars. Another screen appeared across the list.
“¡Mierda! ” Sombra yelled, bringing up multiple screens around her and working fast to stop what you were doing.
Sombra hit many errors and reminders of your lockdown, but she was determined not to be out-hacked by a someone she didn’t know. Glancing by the video call, you had half the amount of holograms Sombra was using, but it was clear that she was getting somewhere based on the slight frown.
“It would be easier if you just hand it in, Sombra,” you said. At this point, neither of you were looking at each other but were now focused on your own screens and holograms.
Just as Sombra gained access, another part bit the dust. The hacker always made sure that her systems and applications were set with the newest technology and highest security, but (as much as he hated to admit it) whatever you had in your cybernetics was taking hers down like dirt.
“You’re an idiot if you even think I’m giving you a even bit of information,” Sombra snapped back.
Just as she looked at the screen, the both of you made eye contact.
[ EXTRACTION AT 54.6513%. ]
Sombra picked up her pace.
Digital clicks and system haptics came from both sides. Screens were brought in and out of view as you and Sombra worked to compete against each other. Sombra didn’t believe in gods, but whoever was looking seemed to be favoring her side as she was regaining more access, and you were starting to encounter some difficulty.
“How are you holding up?” she sneered through gritted teeth.
You gave her the same condescending look.
At this point, Sombra had pulled up more screens than she has ever had to use. Algorithms, source codes, servers—the hacker’s handled amounts like these before with no problem, but with time on her hands. At the rate she was on, her system was actually slowing down. Even her cybernetics were slightly heating; nothing that would cause anything, but the revelation was alarming.
As she flicked her wrist to alleviate some cramp that was coming up, and she heard a small laugh from the other line.
“Overwhelmed?” you asked.
“Be proud,” she said.
“You’re the first person who’s actually been more of a pain in the ass than me.”
[ EXTRACTION AT 87.7624%. ]
Sombra wasn’t sure what she did within the flurry of commands and sequences, but she caught sight of one small monitor that had been unhacked, as seen by the change of color.
Bringing the screen close enough for her to use but not for you to see, Sombra realized that it was one of her storage systems that housed a great number of programs that she made when she was younger, some of which she still worked on. As much as Sombra wanted to reminisce her first times in of making viruses and codes, time was not on her side as she hastily searched through anything that she could use to her advantage against you.
[ EXTRACTION AT 92.8735%. ]
Sombra sent out more one program and hoped for the best.
Sombra watched as all your holograms turned into purple with her sugar skull. A sense of pride filled her because the tables were turned, and now you were the one fighting back. The pitch black background behind you suddenly lit up with a frenzy of information, and Sombra’s wondered where exactly you were.
“Overwhelmed? ” Sombra mocked, crossing her arms.
All Sombra’s monitors closed. She brought up her keypads, but all the commands that were inputted resulted in an error. Leaning back, she watched as you finished clearing out her program before slouching on your own seat. The both of you were left in darkness, only the screen of the video call illuminating each other.
The both of you sat there in silence, staring at each other. After a minute, the last of Sombra’s patience wore off as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
“What are you looking at?” she growled.
“Do I have something on my face?”
Sombra was caught off by a quiet giggle.
“No, it’s just nice to know I can still take your system down.”
After seeing the confusion in her face, you pulled up one file and swiped it away. The file appeared on Sombra’s side, and it contained multiple headlines.
“What made you start hacking?”
“What made you begin your interest in hacking and cryptography?” you repeated.
“You already took all my data, it should be there,” she sassed, skimming over the old newsletter.
“Just answer me.”
The desperation in your voice was uncannily familiar, and something about it made her give in.
“It was… someone who I cared for,” she breathed out.
“They were the reason I started. We were both orphans, and they were my only friend during the crisis. They introduced me to the world of computer hacking with a beat-up laptop they salvaged.”
“Was the laptop a Orion GX-2100?” you asked.
She slowly nodded.
You sent one more file her way, and Sombra watched as it came up.
“This was nearly a decade ago, why are you showing this to me?” she said, unable to contain her anger at the memories resurfacing.
“What do you remember from it?”
“That person I was talking about? We were in a gang, and a rival group that lead the kidnapping took a number our people—including them,” Sombra explained.
“Did they make a promise to come back?”
Promise me that you’ll come back. I’ll be back before you know it.
Sombra didn’t answer.
“… I guess I don’t ring a bell anymore, huh?”
The mask was removed, and Sombra’s heart dropped.
“Hola, Oli. Long time no see.”
“… I thought you were dead.”
This time, Sombra opened up a laptop on her table. Since it wasn’t directly linked to her cybernetics, she was right in assuming that it would be still be functional. Looking through files, Sombra brought up another file and sent it back to you through the same server. She watched as the file came up in your hologram as multiple newsletters.
“It’s been ten years, (Y/N)!” Sombra exclaimed.
“Everyone was found except you!”
“They took you away!”
“You never came back!”
“Everyone believed you died—“
“Olivia! ”
Sombra went quiet.
“I couldn’t afford to be found.”
You explained that in you were one of the first to be sent away. A notorious European company had bought you for your expertise in hacking, and after being debriefed you found out they planned for you to get them into many powerful companies and banks for their own benefit. You managed to escape before you were subjected into anything that would compromise your safety. You lived off hacking and programming, while also keeping a low profile so as to not attract attention.
“I really did try to reach you, but you were quite busy ‘hacking everyone’ and finding out who ‘runs the world’,” you said, your voice becoming quieter as you let on.
“I was—No, I am proud that you are up there, being the best of the best, finding out the truth of this world, doing all this…”
You rubbed the back of your neck, a habit that she knew you always did when you were upset.
“But I was also afraid that the girl I knew had forgotten me.”
“Idiot , how could I forget you?” Sombra hissed.
“Why wouldn’t you?” you said with a bitter smile.
“You were a natural at computers. Back in Los Muertos, you aided the revolution. You were the one that had managed to get into Commissioner Rivera’s system. You found the conspiracy and managed to fully wipe out your identity before they could attack…”
You held out your hand by the screen, and Sombra did the same.
“I can’t compare to you.”
You were in deep thought, and the longer Sombra looked at you, the more memories of your time together flooded in: the first time you had kissed in celebration of her first big infiltration, the day that you had asked to be hers just after narrowly getting caught by white-hat hackers, the day that you had first approached her by the alleyway with a laptop in hand, asking if she wanted to know how to do more with it.
“You never give yourself credit,” she laughed, shaking her head.
“You were the one who brought out my gift in hacking, then planned the whole thing with the Commissioner. You helped me clean my identity and pitched in the idea of a cybernetic graft… The only reason I was seen is because you brought me out.”
She put her hand down.
“You could hack into government facilities when you had that shitty laptop. You made programs and systems that many high-security agencies can’t even begin to compete with. You are the only person who can able to completely take down my system in a snap.”
When Sombra stopped, you looked at her in worry.
“You… you were the only one I had.”
Her vision blurred, and Sombra realized that she was crying. She wasn’t sure when it started, but the more it settled in the stronger the tears flowed. Soon she was hunched over and bawling; all the years of waiting for you just broke right then and there.
It felt both good and painful to finally let it out.
“When you were gone, I-I… I did everything,” she sobbed.
“I hacked through government files about the year’s human traffic incidents, tracked all departing aerial and navy paths in Europe, sought out any transactions that even remotely lead to your name but…”
“Olivia, please look at me.”
A hologram appeared in front of her. Blinking away tears, she skimmed over the text only to realize that it was a file address.
“A pathway,” she said.
“Retrace it to its application,” you offered.
Sombra followed. The window with her old applications came back, and the system automatically highlighted one of the applications.
“It’s… the application that we made on our first anniversary,” she whispered.
“Do you remember how I asked you to be my girlfriend?” 
“Dios mío, ” Sombra laughed.
“I was seventeen, you were eighteen, and we almost got caught by white-hat hackers sent by the government.”
You chuckled, “While you were redirecting them back and forth between the neighborhood’s servers, I was hacking into their system to lead them to a virus. We managed in the end, and just as we sent the last guy his way, I asked you on the spot.”
Sombra leaned forward, “Remind me again why you asked me ‘on the spot’.”
“Because if anyone planned to take on one us, they were going to take on the both us.”
She clicked on the application, and it opened up to a series of codes. The program itself wasn’t anything dangerous or serious, just a protocol that was personalized to each of your systems. Back in the day, the two of you used it to send each other information, messages, and even some funny videos. It was just a little getaway that the both of you used when you weren’t there for each other.
“Did you send me anything in the ten years you were gone?” you asked quietly.
Sombra looked down, “Like I said, I thought you were dead.”
“Well, I’m here now.”
The conversation was left at that. As much as her mind wanted to argue with you and to let out all the anger from being left, it wasn’t your fault—it was never your fault. The attack on Los Muertos was unexpected, and no one was prepared to be suddenly taken away. However, it was clear that the both of you held no real malice towards each other, and after a decade this was the most emotionally drained she’s been in a while.
“Could you check the source code for me?”
She took in a deep breath and nodded.
Pulling up the source code, you requested her to scroll through it. Sombra went down the sequence of coding in quick pace, smiling ever so often at specific commands and actions that brought up memories. Sombra also occasionally stole glances at you; you were going through the code yourself.
Once she got to the end, she noticed an extra line of text that hadn’t been there before.
Sombra hid her face in her hands, “You were always the romantic in this relationship.”
Tears welled up in her eyes, but this time due to the happiness that swelled up in her chest. It wasn’t a joke, you were really alive (albeit through a screen, one way of knowing you were well was better than nothing). When Sombra wiped away some tears to look at you, she was met with a very loving gaze. She could stare at you all day and never get tired, and you would do the same.
“Damn it,” you cursed, turning away. Sombra frowned.
“What’s wrong?”
You brought up a red hologram
[ BLOCKED: 87. REROUTED: 45. ]
“I’m now holding more internationally-classified information than ever,” you explained, swiping away the screen.
“Staying online on a video chat isn’t recommended due to people possibly tracking our servers. I have to go.”
“But I don’t want you to go,” Sombra mumbled.
She knew it was selfish to ask for more time; not only did you take all of her information which was being sought out by many, but you most probably had the same, or an even bigger amount of data on your side.
But how would you feel if you suddenly meet your supposedly-dead partner after ten years only for them to leave again?
You smiled.
Sombra’s cybernetics lit up, and after opening her palm a small screen came up. It was a file of different ways to contact you, from encrypted phone numbers to personalized messaging applications made by you. On the top of the list was thd application; Sombra knew exactly which one to use.
“I’m more or less free on weekends. Maybe we can meet up?” you asked.
“When we do, I’m gonna make sure to give you a piece of my mind for doing all of this!” she threatened playfully.
You raised your hands up in defense, “Information is power, and I needed to get it someway for the line of work I’m doing.”
“You’d do it to.”
You’re always right , Sombra thought as she smiled.
She didn’t mind that you took her information; she knew that if you had asked her, only a fraction of what she had would be given, and even then some of the data would be tampered or changed either for the sake of your safety, or just because she wanted to have more than you.
“What is your ‘line of work’ exactly?” she inquired, watching as you worked away.
You gave Sombra the same silence at the start and a knowing smile.
“Some things are better left for another time.”
Sombra rolled her eyes as you gave her a two-finger salute.
“Bye, Oli. Te amo .”
“Yo también te amo .”
Sombra’s system started up again once the video chat’s hologram went down. The programmer went through the networks and servers that had been used within the exchange of the call, but all traces of anything that was sent was gone. None of her applications and systems were obstructed; if anything, all of them had been upgraded.
A pop-up message appeared.
She closed the tab and proceeded to look for the file. Once it was opened, Sombra couldn’t help but smile at the first line.
> Thank you for waiting. - (Y/N)
“… Thank you for keeping your promise,” she replied, scrolling down to read on.
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strikecommanding · 6 years
a very long over due reaper/fem reader 4k piece based on this prompt
with this, i have one more commission slot open! here’s my commission info
The smoke cleared to reveal you lying by Reaper’s feet, unconscious. The explosion sent your teammates running while you suffered the brunt of the blow, getting knocked back and hitting your head hard on some nearby debris on your way down. Your team must have thought you were dead or else they wouldn’t have just left you behind. Or maybe the newly recalled Overwatch simply operated on a basis of ‘every man for himself’ now.
Not that it mattered. All Reaper cared about was the fact that a fresh soul lay defenseless in front of him for the taking. He crouched down to your level to get a better look at your frailly rising and falling chest and to drag his claws down your jawline and neck. His fingertips settled just over your carotid to feel the soft, barely-there pulse and he thought about how easy it would be to just… slice. Another person killed and another soul reaped meant he could go on to see another day.
But something compelled him to go against his instinct to kill you. He thought about how good of a fighter you were, both in close combat and long range from what he’d seen. And he thought of how resourceful you were to think to use your environment even though your flanking attempt ultimately ended in catastrophe with you knocked out before him. That was but a simple misstep that could be trained out of you. The point was that there was value in you, value that wasn’t being properly utilized by the organization that currently had you. You had boundless potential within you and Reaper had the opportunity to shape it.
He sighed. All of these reasons and justifications just to run circles around the fact that he was still too moral to kill someone who couldn’t defend herself.
Without thinking about it any further, he scooped you up into his arms and tried to handle you as gently as possible. You were in such bad shape you didn’t even stir from being jostled this way and that. You were little more than dead weight when he carried you back onto the Talon dropship, and he hoped to improve your condition once they touched down back at headquarters.
Reaper didn’t trust the idea of leaving you in Moira’s care so he put a few medical grunts to the task of nursing you back to health. They put you up in the medbay where the majority of your recovery consisted of allowing you to sleep it off while they ran all sorts of tests. One of those tests came back with an x-ray of your brain, several regions blown up for closer examination, and a medic informed Reaper it was very likely you might experience retrograde amnesia when you woke up. In other words, you wouldn’t remember anything that led up to the exact moment you collapsed in front of his feet.
Objectively, that was good for him. He’d wanted to shape your potential but this sudden clean slate made you that much more malleable. But on a more ethical side he’d tried time and time again to quash to no avail, it made him feel even guiltier. You shouldn’t have even been here with him, much less in a position where you were completely vulnerable to his will. Reaper tried to harden his heart and convince himself that surely you would prefer servitude to him as thanks for saving your life over a lonely death on the battlefield. The more human side of him that still lingered was hesitant to be so callous, but his reason knew better. If he wanted to avoid any attachments to you, he had to be cruel the second you woke up.
That didn’t mean he couldn’t be gentle with you now. He cleared all the medics out of your room and stood over you, looking at all the tubes and devices hooked up to you just to keep you alive. You still looked vulnerable but otherwise much healthier than you had when he first found you. He took this moment of quiet to look you over and try to figure out why someone so young and lively would commit herself to a useless cause like Overwatch.
Reaper folded his claws in his lap, twisting his hands to avoid acknowledging the thought that was creeping into his mind. But it forced its way in. When he looked at you, he saw himself from his youth. Not Reaper, but the optimistic and starry-eyed Gabriel Reyes who enlisted in the army because he’d wanted to make a positive difference in the world. He’d succeeded, but then he got involved in Overwatch. For all the good it did, it caused nearly as many problems. There, he learned the true extent of the cruelty of injustice, and of letting evil proliferate simply because rules and regulations prevented him from cutting it off at its roots. From doing what he knew was right. To top it off, his involvement with Overwatch got him turned into a monster for all his troubles.
Admittedly his circumstances were unique, and it was unlikely that you would experience everything in the same way. But he’d had enough close friends in the organization to see how it tore into them and broke them down. The earnest desire to do good was a valuable trait on its own, but it would only get crushed under the oppressive rules and protocol of Overwatch. Though it was now a vigilante operation that no longer abided by any laws, he still didn’t trust it. He didn’t trust it to lead you to anything other than the suffering he’d both witnessed and experienced firsthand in his own history with the organization.
You started to stir and it made him tense. He hadn’t expected you to wake up so soon. The medics ensured him you’d be out for at least the next few days.
You were conscious but you didn’t appear to be very cognizant. In your current state, you didn’t seem capable of keeping your eyelids open for longer than a moment. Even then the flash of fear in your eyes was unmistakable as you managed a soft, “Who are you?”
Reaper raised a claw to put you at ease, and in hindsight he could see how this action probably had the opposite effect. He just wanted to communicate that he had no intention of hurting you, but the mere sight of him was probably a lot for you to take in in your current fugue. He pondered his words carefully for a moment before deciding to loosen up, since you likely wouldn’t even remember this exchange once you actually recovered. “I’m your new commanding officer.”
You’d made such a swift and easy recovery that Reaper felt bad to be breaking you down again almost immediately afterwards by working you to the bone in training. But it was all he could do to quell the dissonance he felt as a result of saving and taking under his wing an Overwatch agent who, for all intents and purposes, should have been just another person on his hit list. It was an attempt to regain consistency within himself after making the very inconsistent decision of saving your life. He reasoned with himself that you were alive because you had a purpose, and that purpose was solely to be of use to him. You couldn’t be useful if you weren’t the perfect soldier.
Reaper wasn’t so blind that he couldn’t see the way you resented him, nor was he so deep in his own denial that he didn’t resent himself a bit too. He was harder on you than any other recruit to the point he could see tears in your eyes at the end of every training session. The sight struck him with guilt every time but he wasn’t guilty enough to stop. Or rather, he had to convince himself he wasn’t. It would be easier for the both of you if he got you to hate him and if he convinced himself he hated you too.
Things were difficult already between just you and him. More complications arose when Sombra decided to slip herself into the narrative, turning to you and serving as a ‘friend’ of sorts when Reaper knew she was only interested in the drama of it all. She let you vent to her all you wanted and in turn, she likely told you all sorts of things about him. Reaper would initially try to eavesdrop and figure out just what kind of information she had until he thought against it. To distance himself from you, he had to distance himself from the situation entirely.
Apparently his absence made things less amusing for Sombra, as she graciously reached out to him at every possible opportunity to give him updates on you. It was more trouble than it was worth to tell her off, so he begrudgingly let her talk. But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to know about your progress and how you were adjusting to your new organization.
“I think you made the right call, Gabe. She’s a good fighter. She’s tough,” Sombra sang her praises for you after following Reaper into an empty hallway. He stopped dead in his tracks at the mention of you and he hated himself for it. “Of course, a lot of that fire comes from how much she hates you.”
He clenched and unclenched his fists at his sides. “That’s the strategy.”
“Is it though?” Sombra questioned, tilting her head. “Normally I’m very good at getting inside your head, but I can’t quite figure you out on this one. You went to the trouble of saving her and nursing her back to health, only to turn around and make her life hell? You didn’t even tell her how she ended up here. Why is that?”
Her tone of mock curiosity made it all too clear that she had an idea as to Reaper’s true motives, but she wanted to hear him say it himself. He wouldn’t be giving her the pleasure and instead retorted, “Keep poking around in other people’s business and you’re going to get hurt.”
The grin was evident in her voice alone. “I know you’re too nice a guy to follow through with that threat.”
Reaper didn’t have the energy to make her eat her words, so he just decided to disengage altogether. He faded into smoke to make a faster getaway and ensure she wouldn’t be able to follow him even if she wanted to. Surely she got enough of a kick out of getting him to retreat like that for her to even bother going after him.
Her taunting words had more of an effect than simply getting him to leave. It got him wondering how she spoke of him with you whenever he wasn’t around. Did she know about Reaper’s conflicting feelings and antagonize him further by stoking the flames of your resentment? It wouldn’t surprise him if the way he treated you was all the reason you needed to hate him, but he also wouldn’t be surprised if Sombra liked to stir the pot by opening her big mouth. You were foolish enough to trust her, after all, and you wouldn’t have any reason not to believe any disparaging remarks she might have had about him.
When he emerged from his thoughts, he found that he’d mindlessly wandered all the way to one of the training areas out of pure habit. His body was undoubtedly falling apart under the weight of a number of issues, yet he was still considered one of the most physically competent members of Talon when it came to training new agents. He was used to spending most of his time in such areas but he wasn’t used to seeing you here. You typically trained on the other side of base, so finding you here admittedly took him by surprise.
When you spotted him, your first instinct was to furrow your brows and harden your gaze. In spite of the way you glared at him, you greeted him with a respectful tone. “Boss.”
Reaper was glad you couldn’t see the way he looked at you beneath his mask, as he couldn’t help but stare as a bead of sweat slid down your neck and past your clavicles. He let himself glance at the cleavage just barely peeking out from your shirt’s neckline before looking back up at you. “What are you doing?”
“Training,” you said in a matter-of-fact tone before abruptly raising your leg and slamming it against a stuffed dummy. He didn’t even flinch at the sound it created. Instead he looked you over as you moved, examining your form and noting that you were more aggressive than calculated in your actions. “You’re bringing me out on the field next week, aren’t you? Sombra told me.”
So she did tell you the truth on occasion. As much as you hated him, it seemed your obligation to a job well done was greater since you took it upon yourself to train even on your own time. Before you could raise your leg again, Reaper reached out and held you by the waist, feeling you stiffen beneath his touch almost immediately. “Your form is wrong. Sloppiness like that’ll get you killed in battle.”
He could see your jaw tighten in response but you otherwise said nothing, instead allowing him to move you as he pleased. Once you started again, he observed smoother flow of movement in you and let out an approving grunt. You carried on quietly like this until Reaper noticed something odd.
You hadn’t lashed out at his correction. Granted he wasn’t as harsh now as he usually was, but it was still peculiar. You were a feisty one and you had a tendency to resist him until he physically coerced you into doing what he wanted.
The thought made his pants just a bit tighter as he wondered how far he could go with that routine.
It was difficult for Reaper to admit to himself that he gave a shit about you, but it wasn’t quite as hard to recognize you for the gorgeous young woman you were. The life of a Talon operative wasn’t the most physically fulfilling, and Reaper in particular had a few more unique circumstances that had him feeling even more alone. You couldn’t have been doing much better yourself, seeing as every waking moment was spent training. His heart was heavy with all the things he would never say to you, but the least he could hope to do was relieve some physical tension by being close to you.
Your form was fine, but Reaper reached out again to correct you. This time he held his body a little closer to yours and didn’t pull his hands away. He murmured, “What else does Sombra tell you?”
You were stiff in his grip and he half-expected you to try to slug him for being this handsy with you. Instead you decided to fight him with your words by retorting, “That it’s in your nature to be a dick and not to take it too personally.”
He rolled his eyes. “Sounds about right.”
You pursed your lips. “I know without her telling me that you’re not the nicest guy. So… it’s a bit hard for me to believe that someone like you would save me from the brink of death.”
That got his attention and now it was his turn to stiffen. He didn’t miss the way your eyes seemed to soften at his reaction, like he’d given himself away and answered the question you had yet to ask. “What are you talking about?”
“She told me what happened before I ended up here. How I… used to be on Overwatch’s side, before they left me for dead. How you were the only one who wanted to save me.”
Now that was something he hadn’t expected Sombra to tell you and he couldn’t tell whether or not he was pleased that she did. It opened up a door he wasn’t sure he wanted to walk through. But when he looked down and saw that strange look in your eyes, a soft expression he wasn’t used to seeing on you, his body moved before his reason could think better of it. One hand found your chin and dipped your head back towards him while the other ripped off his mask so he could kiss you without being hindered.
He thought that having you like this would quiet the conflict of feelings in his heart but he was wrong. If anything it further exacerbated the dissonance by forcing him to realize he wanted you softly, tenderly, but that just wouldn’t align with the way he’d been treating you thus far. So again, he took two steps forward and one step back by breaking the kiss with a hand around your throat. Your breath caught as you looked back at him, pupils shrinking.
“Don’t misunderstand. I wanted you because I saw that you could be of use to me,” he gritted out even though the words just made his heart heavier. He forced the thought out of his mind and held onto you even tighter. “Show me that I made the right choice.”
With that, he shoved your face into the stuffed dummy in front of you, forcing you to wrap your arms around it to stay steady. He pulled your ass out towards him and held you against his pelvis so he could grind against the growing heat between your legs. Though he was trying to set aside his conscience during this act, it did give him some measure of peace to know that you at least somewhat reciprocated his desire.
The tips of his claws skimmed down the thin fabric of your shirt before slipping under the waistband of your sweats, pulling them down along with your underwear to leave you bare before him. He removed his gloves and lowered a tentative hand between your legs to see if your arousal matched his own. He was surprised to find that you were wet at all, but he didn’t linger on it for too long. Instead he moved the pads of his fingers to your clit and moved in circles, reveling in the way your legs tensed and quaked in a struggle to support your weight when his actions shook your very foundation. In trying to find steady footing, you spread your legs just a bit wider for him and he took that opportunity to remove his belt.
He hissed at the relief that came from exposing himself and took his cock into his hand, moving in quick strokes as he lowered his mouth to the back of your neck. His lips brushed against the delicate skin until he found a spot he liked and sank his teeth in. Your resulting moan made him squeeze his cock harder, near pulsing with the need for something much tighter and wetter. Without taking his mouth off of you, he guided the tip to your soaking entrance and pushed himself in.
You moaned, pushing your backside further against him and taking the initiative to move when it seemed he wouldn’t. At first he let you do what you wanted and simply admired the show you made of swirling your hips, but then it wasn’t enough. He wanted you faster and deeper than you were allowing at the moment, so his hands found your waist and held you still so he could spear into you all the way to the hilt. That motion got a sharp whine out of you and he instantly knew he wanted to hear more of that.
With one hand on your hips and the other on your shoulder he began moving. You were a far cry from the cold and standoffish woman you were when he first approached you like this, now wholeheartedly moving in tandem with his thrusts and even letting your pleasure be heard. The sight of your plump lips parting to let out all kinds of sounds practically beckoned for his fingers, as he couldn’t resist sliding his middle and index fingers right over your tongue. You sucked the digits without being told, still letting out obscene and slightly obscured moans.
Reaper snarled and gripped you harder as he felt the knot in his stomach beginning to tighten. Before it could snap completely, he pulled out and finished on your back. His fingers slipped out of your mouth just in time for you to let out a cry indicative of you finding your own release as well. As he pulled both hands away from you, you were left with little more than the stuffed dummy to hold you up and support you. You stood on wobbly legs before sinking to your knees and he admired the view of liquid white sliding down your smooth lower back.
He’d been right about it feeling good in the moment, so he should have anticipated just how fleeting it would be now that it was over. Now, all he had were his regrets.
Reaper kept his distance from you after that incident, at least until avoiding you was no longer an option. Sombra had been right about his intention to fly you out with them on their next mission to give you some field experience, and that wasn’t something he could deprive you of just because he had his own hang-ups to contest with. The jet ride over had been awkward, but he had to shed those feelings once everyone’s lives were on the line.
They were resuming the same mission that had been foiled last time, when he first found you. As such, it was only right that the same Overwatch grunts who interrupted him then would show up again now. They at least seemed to have learned from their prior mistakes since they actually managed to get the drop on Talon this time around.
It was far from the fire fight it had turned into before, but weapons were drawn and blood was spilled. Reaper seemed to be their priority target this time since they witnessed firsthand just how much destruction he was capable of. They got him good but it was nothing he couldn’t handle on his own, which served as just one of many factors in his surprise that you jumped to his aid.
Not only did you jump to his aid, you served as a shield. Your own former teammates stood before Reaper with their weapons drawn only for you to rush in front of them and drop their jaws. Reaper couldn’t tell if you recognized them, but they sure as hell recognized you. The first one to lower their weapon also called out your name. “It’s you. We… We thought you were dead.”
Your voice came out low and tentative, implying that you might not have remembered them after all. “I would have been, if not for him.”
Indirect as it was, this was the first interaction you both shared since the incident in the training area and he was distraught to realize how pleased he was by the fact that it was a relatively positive one. But he simply kept quiet and watched, curious to see if your loyalty would return to the alleged good guys or remain with the one who saved your life.
For once, he was grateful for everything Sombra had said to you. She’d told you the truth about what happened the day Talon took you under its wing and it apparently stuck. Still standing between Reaper and his pursuers, you drew your own weapon and hardened your eyes. “I’m sorry. After everything I’ve learned, I can’t go back to Overwatch. I’m… more useful here than there.”
At that, Reaper’s lips curled up into a wry smile. With this, the dissonance he’d been battling since the day he took you in finally found equilibrium.
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animentality · 6 years
I’ve uninstalled Overwatch. 
I think I’m done with it. 
Just lost interest, I think. I started it originally because I thought the lore was fascinating and I thought the game had a story mode.
I was extremely wrong, but at first I didn’t care because it turned out to be pretty fun anyway. 
And for like a year, I was so obsessed with Overwatch I played it hours a day and just couldn’t stop. I actually freaked myself out with how easily I got addicted to video games. This was my first time ever playing a PC game and the newness of it was just really exciting. And I was sort of joining this world where I’d never been before. 
All of the little moments that made cooperative FPS fun were fresh to me. 
You know, quirky teammates, new friends, crazy accidental teamwork, the intentional teamwork. 
Strategizing around stubborn teammates. 
Making new friends. Having weird internet stranger bonding moments. 
I even got into esports for a bit because of overwatch, and it introduced me to twitch. I hadn’t known about this funky, but energetic little community of boys sharing memes and the occasional toxic emote spam. 
there’s a lot of bad things about online games, and twitch, but there are good things too. 
there are the little moments where streamers do something funny, or wholesome, or make valid points. 
or times when the twitch chat is hilarious, offensive or not. 
It was really fun for a good amount of time. I’d say a year.
I started playing April of 2017, I think. Feels like such a long time ago. 
But uh, you know what, I’m done with it now.
Not just because it gets old, doing the same thing over and over again, but because my friends don’t play it anymore.
And I don’t really get to hang out with any of them online anymore because of it. 
Plus, the only modes I ever played alone, without getting bored, were mystery heroes and competitive.
mystery heroes gets dull after a lot of it, and competitive is just cancer.
Especially with Brigitte and the GOATS meta, god.
How fucking boring.
Three tanks, three healers. you just push and no one can kill you.
All the screaming and the tilting and complaining about picks and all the hurt egos and all the anger and the feeling like shit, and not having fun.
It’s just been going on for a long time.
And it’s not like I really mind being gold or plat, or oscillating between the two. 
I just can’t stand all these bad games.
All these horrible games where people just yell at each other or ignore one another and don’t even bother trying to play like a team. 
The game isn’t fun. And the balance changes? 
They’re horrible.
The “stun” meta is so awful, I just hate playing any hero against it.
You’re a support, you get harassed by a brig who just isn’t going to die unless four of your six teammates help  you. 
You’re a tank, you just get knocked around by doomfist or hacked by a sombra or stunned by a brig or slept because of all of the aforementioned things. 
It’s just such a frustrating game, there’s nothing that redeems it for me, right now. 
I mean, what, they added Ashe and Bob?
First off, Ashe is the least inspired hero I’ve ever seen. Her design is so bland, and might as well be a widowmaker skin, or an r34 mccree with white hair. 
Even Bob, I mean, I really don’t care.
The gameplay doesn’t even look that interesting, since she essentially helix jumps, and is a better mccree who can aim downsight.
bob himself is basically just a moving turret. 
the dynamite is just fire damage. 
so overwatch’s meta?
boring, and frustrating to deal with.
its characters? they used to interest me, but fuck if those lore updates are slow in coming, and boring as hell. 
like has the story progressed at all since the first fucking year of the game?
everything that’s been introduced has been fucking glacial narrative progression.
we have been introduced to some new villains, but their role in the “downfall” of overwatch is still only hinted at, and there have been so many plot inconsistencies that now we’re less eager to hear the “true story” behind overwatch, and more curious about what shit they made up this time to justify a new hero or map. 
so the story isn’t compelling to me personally anymore, i’ve been mostly unimpressed with the new cinematics.
the gameplay is terrible.
the community online (not saying on tumblr, the tumblr fandom is alright. the fanart is good and the memes are funny. im talking about the actual gaming community) is awful. 
and people are angry about the lack of balancing. 
and my friends don’t really play overwatch anymore. 
so what reason do i have for playing overwatch....?
um, none.
it’s all over.
I really can’t express how absolutely disappointed I’ve been with this game for some time.
It’s been months since I genuinely enjoyed myself playing  a game of overwatch, I think.
even victories don’t feel that good, they just don’t feel BAD.
I don’t know if I’ll ever return to it.
I’d like to say maybe, if they have like...an interesting game mode in april, like retribution.
but honestly.
I can keep track of the new lore and new gameplay without having to play it myself. 
And lately that’s been the only way I’ve been able to even remotely enjoy overwatch. 
so right now.
all i want to say is, goodbye overwatch.
goodbye my favorite hero conceptually, and to play, Ana Amari. The only reason I even started playing was because of you. 
And uh, yeah.
The only game I feel compelled to play everyday now is Ark Survival Evolved.
If anyone has a non-shitty game they’d like to recommend me, now is the time. 
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sombrasdatabase · 6 years
Ashe Gameplay Opinion
Ashe (finally) hit PTR today! I got to test her out with my adoring partner and best friend after we all installed the update so I’m going to share some opinions about her.
I genuinely liked all of her skins. There were none that I really disliked like there have been with some of the other heroes. One thing that I did dislike about her skins was that a lot of them altered her hair and eye color. It was kind of a bummer to have her very striking and unique hair and eyes turned to blonde/brunette and blue eyed. On a side note, those skins gave me flashbacks to Taylor Swift’s “You Belong With Me” because of the hair and eye changes.
By far my favorite skin was Gangster (and the pink one). I really liked the color scheme for it, and she looked cute but deadly. Also, kind of neat that they were similar to McCree’s Gambler skin. I think we might see more skins that are kind of paralleled between them in the future. (Vampire Hunter Ashe anyone? I mean they pretty much had it conceptualized already.) Also, Ashe has some slight bags under her eyes that weren’t really prominent during the Reunion cinematic that show a little more of her age.
Ashe threw me back to my BO3 days with her rifle. It reminded me a lot of a gun called the Shiva from that CoD. (Sidenote: that was my favorite gun to play with.) It didn’t take long for me to start picking off enemies like candy, but over a year of playing with the Shiva probably gave me a better edge than others. I enjoyed shooting not only the enemies, but her dynamite as well. Nothing was more satisfying that throwing it and shooting it as it dropped down onto grouped up enemies.
I managed to score a pretty sick POTG with her (might upload it or link to it later), and some really nice headshots. I think she’ll be a really strong Pharah and Mercy counter. I couldn’t hit anything with Widow (mostly because I hate snipers in pretty much every game), but I hit so many shots with Ashe which was really satisfying.
B.O.B is neat. I saw a lot of complaints in match chat that he was too OP in the first hour of Ashe and B.O.B being on PTR it was ridiculous. (I swear a new hero could breathe on these people and they’d scream that they’re OP on the forums. Which they’re usually not. I mean just look at Sombra.) Anyway, he’s incredibly easy to takedown, but he only last like ten seconds anyway so you’ll probably kill him before his timer even runs down. He charges once, and then stands still and starts targeting nearby enemies. He’s basically a turret that counts as a seventh player on the team since you can heal, stun, hack, boost, etc. him.
Overall, I really like Ashe and B.O.B. Their skins were nice, and not too gimmicky. I know I’m not the only one that noticed her basic skins looked like the Harry Potter houses. (Hufflepuff was the best looking one to me, but then again I’m a proud Hufflepuff so I’m a little biased.) I honestly think she will become one of my mains, because I loved playing her that much (although, I’ll probably have to fight my best friend for her). Here’s to hoping she doesn’t take longer than two-three weeks to hit live servers and goes through with no bugs or nerfs.
On a completely non-gameplay related note, I will try to put out some Ashe content in my writing soon. Possibly McAshe, Sombrashe, and WhiteWidow fics. Maybe even a ganster AU featuring Ashe.
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kiryuva · 6 years
The soundwave of devious snickering found its way into the eardrums of a seemingly unsuspecting cyborg. Exiting the hall that lead from the washroom, the visorless figure walked forward slowly, careful of both his footing and surroundings.
He was familiar as to whose laughter it belonged to, but knew it would be useless to call out her name in an attempt to find her. Instead, he would use his natural senses which, in his opinion, was faster than his many previous attempts of playing cat and mouse with the subject.
Eventually, after minutes of walking, he stopped at a particular area in the hallway. There was no noise, and not so much of any signs of movement. It would appear that he was the only one in the vicinity.
Fortunately with his years of training and enhanced abilities, he was gifted with the talent to hear and see others far quicker than any human could. Where viable, he chose to use these assets, and this situation called for them.
It was faint, but he heard them. As much as she tried to calm herself, he heard the quickened pace of her heart. Preparing himself, he turned to the exact location of where he knew she was, his eyes staring at where he assumed her eyes were.
“You are aware that I can hear your heartbeat, even if you choose to hide yourself?” his voice was calm, and seemingly unbothered, “It does not take long for one with ears to find you.”
Groaning, the figure revealed herself in a wave of now faded purple, crossing her arms with a smirk. “Ah, you’re no fun at all, Sparrow. I guess you’re smarter than you look.”
He didn’t respond to her comment immediately, instead took the opportunity to study both her appearance and what she had done. Just as he left from washing his face, he heard a very faint snap of a camera. While this did not send him into a blind fury, it irked him that someone invaded and disrespected his means for privacy.
“Your phone,” he stated after the silence, “where is it?”
Sombra stared at him blankly before shrugging, “Why?”
“You took a picture of me without my permission,” his tone became more sharp, “do not make this difficult.”
“Sparrow, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” the purple-haired female spoke, waving her hand as if to shoo him away, “you have no proof it was me even if I did it. But... It’s not like the cameras would help you, anyway.
He glared at her, that childish smirk she loved to wear etching itself into his mind. Of course the cameras would not help him; he didn’t have to look to see their glitched positions and feel the electric distortion. “I will not ask again.”
“Is that a threat?” she challenged with a chuckle, “How scary.”
Genji truly wasn’t in the mood to fight. Exhaling, the cyborg asked a different question; perhaps a slightly different approach would work, “What do I need to do to have you delete the picture?”
“Mm,” Sombra’s vivid, violet eyes made sure not to leave his own, “What picture? Honestly, Sparrow, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Inwardly, the cyborg wanted to take her device where he assumed it would be and somehow delete it himself, but knew she was too intelligent for placing it somewhere as simple as her pocket. If she even had it on her weird outfit, jacket-thing she wore.
Or was she?
“What do I need to do to get you to delete the picture?” he repeated in a softer voice.
She walked a bit closer to him, studying the scars of his face and paying attention to his facial expressions, as limited as they seemed. Finding no need to further keep the charade up, or becoming bored, she decided to drop the act. Mostly.
“Sparrow, you always have your visor on. It’s very rare you ever show your face,” she moved her hands in an upward motion, a holographic profile card appearing before him and floating amidst purple energy waves, “Gotta keep your profile updated, too, you know.”
He remained quiet, thankful his Master assisted him discovering his need for self-control.
“Aww, but you’re so handsome, not sure why you’d want to keep your face hidden all the time,” she teased in what the agent could not tell if it was a sarcastic tone or not, “it’s just one picture. I promise, it’s in good hands.”
Genji had his own commentary on how she was. If anything, she was more of a careless ‘undercover’ agent, but left it alone. Looking her up and down, he met her gaze yet again. “What do I—“
“Tell you what, Sparrow,” she interrupted, as if bored hearing the same question again, “I’ll give it back, but! Under one, small... condition.”
Of course.
He sighed softly in defeat, “What condition?”
She tilted her head, her hair falling over her shoulder as she playfully stood on her toes to whisper in his ear,
“Kiss me.”
The expression that Genji gave to Sombra was a mixture of confusion and agitation, but lasted for only a second. He hated that she was using his own face to blackmail, hated that she was proving to be so stubborn, but concluded that two could play that game if he really needed to.
“Alright,” he agreed some moments after. "I will kiss you."
Sombra was too busy laughing to fully register his answer, but soon her laughter became that of a confused chuckle. Her expression took on a more concerned look as well. “What?”
“I will kiss you.” Genji repeated.
Shifting her eyes from left to right, and then turning her head, she made sure she was seeing and hearing things correctly. Growing incredibly hesitant, she stepped back the moment he stepped forward towards her.
“It was a joke, Sparrow, I didn’t think you’d take it so seriously—“ she began, pulling up both the image and profile before seeing his shadow loom over her, “—ay, learn to take a joke...!"
The moment he lowered himself too quickly to her, the Talon agent merely tripped stepping back again. Feeling her face grow warm, she grit her teeth in agitation of her own. “W-What are you doing!? I said it was a joke!”
“You said you would delete it if I kissed you, correct?” he cupped her chin and lowered his volume to match how gentle he held her, “I agreed to your terms, so please, if you would allow me to—“
His voice was too low and soft for her liking, and made her mind momentarily short-circuit. All the while, Genji found this incredibly amusing.
As if to answer Sombra’s plea for saving and to remove her in the situation she so cleverly created for herself, she heard blinks from behind her. How close the cyborg was to her made her freeze until a familiar voice snapped her to.
“Genji! Are you—“ she paused, seeing Sombra, immediately glaring while readying her pistols, “—you!”
“Tracer!” she turned, pushing Genji from her and seeking refuge from the adventurer behind her back, “Get him to stop!”
Arching an eyebrow, the brunette lowered her arms and stood confused by her enemy’s words. While she would take them lightly, (and frankly was not fond of the hacker by any means) she decided to ask after moments of silence, “What are you talking about?”
“Your friend is—“ she stepped further away from Tracer and decided to keep the profile floating by him, wincing as he stepped forward again in an attempt to follow her, “—just tell him to back off! It isn't funny!"
“What are—“ as she turned around, the Talon agent had disappeared entirely. Blinking, she tilted her head and looked at Genji with a quizzical expression, “—what was she talking about? What did you do?”
Pressing his fingers onto the hovering profile and removing the picture, only to then alter some of the information altogether, he answered in a nonchalant manner,
“I haven’t the slightest idea.”
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corbierretheraven · 6 years
Overwatch: Backfire – Chapter VI: Suicide Squad
Previous chapter: An Eye for an Eye Tumblr, AO3, Wattpad
Tumblr media
August 7, 2070 Venice, Italy
We landed in a well hidden location to avoid possible riots, given the visible Blackwatch markings on our ship. Gabriel, Moira and I walked to the Talon headquarters.
The building itself was marvelous. How could they hide such place in plain sight? There were even secret underground pathways leading to different parts of the city, maybe that’s how they were able to almost stop Blackwatch during the Retribution.
They escorted me to a type of meeting room and told me to take a sit. Gabriel sat by me. Moira walked out of the room, returning shortly after, bringing someone with her… Someone I knew... I couldn’t believe my own eyes... Behind her was Amélie Lacroix. But she was… different. She seemed out of herself, but the weirdest thing was her face: her skin was blue, and her eyes were bright yellow. I could feel that wasn’t her anymore.
— Amélie… — I gasped. — What—
— Meet, Dr. Ziegler — Moira prideful replied as she walked towards Amélie — subject #94 from Blackwatch’s Advanced Medical Testing Program.
— Don’t tell me… — I turned my attention to Gabriel, who was looking down in guilt. He knew what Moira had ordered Amélie to do. — Gabe… Don’t tell me she—
— Yes, Angela, yes! — He stood up in anger. — O’Deorain — he briefly looked at her — as requested by Blackwatch, ordered the Amélie’s kidnap and secretly included her in our AMT program. Talon placed Amélie inside the Overwatch headquarters that day. And then you released her—
— Sentencing Gérard to death — I concluded, then took a deep breath. — Reyes, how COULD YOU?!
— Chill now, hermana. — A strange, yet familiar, female voice echoed from nowhere. I couldn’t identify who it was or where it was coming from, but the Talon members’ faces said they knew who it was. Then, this woman walked into the room. — Gabe only did what he had to do. As usual.
— You... Have we met before?
— I don’t think so. But you’ve probably seen me roaming around the Overwatch headquarters a few times, delivering information requested by your honorable Commander Morrison and Captain Amari.
— Meet Sombra, Dr. Ziegler — Gabriel interrupted.
— I’ve… I’ve heard of you before — I added, slightly confused.
— Ah, querida, who hasn’t?
Sombra is the most wanted cyber criminal on the face of the Earth. She’s able to hack anything — and anyone. She’s as dirty as Blackwatch or Talon, so I wasn’t really shocked to know Jack and Ana used her to gather information too. I was already expecting the reveal of Talon and Overwatch being the same organization at that point — I mean, they did share a couple members afterall.
— Good to see you on board, Sombra — said Moira.
— On board? — Sombra laughed. She had such a smug tone on her voice. — This is pure quid pro quo, my friend. You do your part, I do mine, we follow separate ways. Call it a happy ending.
— Whatever suits you — Moira agreed. — Are we settled?
— Settled on what?! — Always the last one to learn about something, no matter what organization I was in.
— Alright, people — Moira opened — this is the moment we all waited for. This is when we bring Overwatch down. I will be in charge of this mission since Akande fell. We’re all going back to Switzerland with Sombra. There, you will follow my instructions to sabotage the HQ, with the help of an Aussie friend of mine, if I may. Reyes, I’ll explain the bait process to you better on our way — Gabriel nodded his head. — Grand. Tomorrow, a new age for Talon, and the world, begins — she got closer to us. — Do not disappoint me.
Moira escorted Amélie back to her medical chambers and retreated himself out of the room. Gabriel took me to our accommodations.
Two bunk beds in a small room. Me and Gabriel took the lower ones. He was once again staring at the floor, lost on his thoughts.
— Gabriel… What are we doing?
— I’m not proud of it, Angela, I’m not — he slowly put his head up. — But I’m lost. There’s nothing left in my life anymore. Don’t be mistaken: Jack hired Moira knowing what she would do there. I would not be surprised if he’s being updated of every Talon movement as we speak. He’s as dirty as we all are.
— I’m not—
— For God’s sake, Angela, you leaked the goddamn document! You were the opener for all of this!
He was right. I created all this mess, and now I had to finish it how they wanted me to. It had always been part of their plan. Now that I think of it, Moira could’ve easily opened Genji’s files all those times trying to make me read one of them. Apparently, time chose the right moment for it to happen. I had taken the bait. Now it was too late. If only I could go back in time…
No. See? That’s the problem with most people — including me. — We always think “oh, if only I could go back.” No. To hell with that. It’s time to start thinking: how can this change the future?
I spent the night awake thinking upon that. Slowly, I started to see why Talon wanted to bring Overwatch down so badly. My hate for Commander Morrison took over me. I wasn’t doing this for peace anymore. This was revenge. Revenge for all my years I gave to Overwatch just to have my principles taken away from me in a split second. Revenge for Morrison’s weak administration that ruined our lives.
If I was going down, I was gonna take everyone else with me.
Next chapter: Doomsday Coming on June 9
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su-nitpicks · 7 years
overwatch updates rant i guess
sorry to videogames on my cartoon account but this is becoming just a kind of fandom rant blog
so anyway hey uhhhh what the fuck is up with the overwatch updates??? like okay, blizzard world is weird, but i guess it could exist in-canon. it feels like a big self-wank of a map and kind of shilling their other products but i dont expect more from them, and as someone who plays hots and has a cursory knowledge of their other games it is kind of neat seeing stuff relevant to it.
reinhardts short is...... forgettable. the “cocky dude disobays orders, gets his friend killed” trope is old as time BUT i like reinhardt and i guess im happy to learn more about him.
but then theres moira. what.... what?? first of all, did we have any indication she existed beforehand? maybe i missed it, but i feel like someone who was an overwatch, blackwatch AND talon member, who seems to have contributed to reapers current state of being, wouldve been a bigger deal before now. doomfist wasnt set up well either but his reveal was cooler because he was an interesting design, and talons boss being a reveal makes sense. moira kind of feels.... written in. like a bad oc.
not only that, but her abilities are super recycled. biotic grasp? basically symmetras main ability. fade? teleportation was reapers thing. but the ORBS???? thats so ridiculously ripping zenyattas thing! it’s like making a new character in a pink mech, or a new character who can skate on walls. its not a big cast, so why are we already getting characters who feel like a patchwork of existing ones.
i won’t get into her appearance cause... it’ll probably grow on me, i hated sombras design on release but now she’s my favourite, so.
overall, all of the new releases feel disjointed. before, shorts, maps and character releases have tied into eachother, but none of these do. i’m hoping its just because they were rushing to get something out for blizzcon ‘17, and that this isnt setting a precident for more characters to come being unimpressing.
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warriorwolves4 · 7 years
A Little Treat
Chapter 4 - Challenge After the little talk with Lucio, Lena felt a bit better. She ran by houses with incredible speed. She was like a tornado, racing past everything in her path. Lena knew her fathers would not be pleased that she will be home late. Even after their talk on the phone, Lena knew her fathers would want a full expansion when she gets home. When she reached the house she ran in and headed straight for the kitchen where everyone was still surprisingly sitting an eating. They were giving Lena a worried look like she came home after a year. "Sorry bumped into a friend at school and forgot the time." Gabe's face soften when Lena said "friend from school". Knowing him, this meant that she was meeting new people. Lena then toke her seat which was in-between McCree and Sombra. The two where also giving Lena a face, but not a worried one. Sombra had a smirk fixed on her face, while McCree had a lets say a death stare. They wanted to know who did she meant by a friend. After dinner and explaining to her fathers, Lena headed upstairs to her room which was also Sombra's room. She jumped straight into her bed which was baby blue colored and Sombra's was a dark to light purple color. The door opened and walked in Sombra with the evil smirk on her face. Sombra walked over to Lena's bed. Lena knew something Sombra had done something that she wouldn't like at all. "Lena I know you aren't sleeping." Lena looked at her sister with worry in her eyes. " Lena I need your help with something." Lena hopped it wasn't something stupid that will get her into trouble. Sombra was the best sister, but she could be playfully evil. ( AKA not a terrible person but a trouble maker.) "What is it sis?" Lena said. "Well you see there is this guy that I had a deal with. He want to challenge me to a race. Since I am not a sprinter like you. I told him you would race him. Is that ok with you, I am sorry I didn't ask." Lena's face went blank, she really thought it would have been something worse. "No it is fine, you know I love to run, but who is this guy though?" "His name is Genji, he is one of McCree's friend, he always trys to one up my friends. So I will meet you at your last class. Plus I know you can beat him. He is a cocky but I know for a fact you are way faster then him." (In Sombra's mind :3) Finally, the stage is set and the act will begin tomorrow. Lets see if the carrot can hold his heart and his A game. It also looks like the DJ has his heart set out for my sister. This will make this game more fun. I do hope they won't hate me for this, but only time can tell. >:3. In the across from the girls was Mccree's room. He was angry with on of his friends and his sister Sombra. He knew she was up to no good and involved a bet with Lena. Mccree was very protective of his family and hated when they would do this type of dumb crap. This all happened at the end of school when Sombra and him were waiting for Lena. Then out walk Genji Shimada who was smiling like a mad man, but soon was replaced with a cocky smirk when he saw the two of them. He walked over to Sombra, at this point Mccree knew something was wrong. "So Sombra are you ready to admit defeat, or are you going make a fool of your self again." Mccree then turned towarda Sombra who also had a devious smile. "Oh do you really think sparrow that I would give up so easily. Oh you must be that bored, but I do have some one that can beat you in a race. Or is the the little carrot to scared to race." This was not going to end well knowing Sombra she had a plan to beat Genji this time. "Oh, someone else you say. Who's it going to race me this time Lucio again?" "Nope, let's say I have someone new." That's how it all started, and it pissed Mccree off. But he didn't know why he was so mad. He knew Sombra was planing some thing for Lena and it wasn't good. He did find out later that Lena was going to race Genji. Mccree did confront her about this mess, but the only thing she told him "was to wait and see." __________________________________________________________________________________ Sorry guys for the short chapter and for not updating. I have been stressing out with school and lets just say I have not been having a good week. But good news is I might make a second book of this, but everyone will be older. But I will only do that if you guys want, so tell me in the comments bellow. Also I like to say thank you all for waiting. Thank you all who have been supporting me with my three books It really makes my day better. JocelynAugustaChow AngelicaNavarro268 CringyNerd overwatchforlyfe zerogear KrazyboutKirby Phoenixfox11 ToxicOutbreak3526 Please check these guys or girls out they are the ones that support for the begging! P.S sorry if this chapter sucks. So I hope you all have a great day. WW41~
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Woody’s extended and Very Messy wishlist, organised by character. 
Below the cut are the ideas I throw out there for you peeps to grab if any catches your attention! If we’re mutuals and you see something you like and would like to discuss, just pop into my IMs and let’s have a chat! Doesn’t matter if we’ve never interacted before, or already have a million threads going on, just do it! This list will be updated as ideas come in, and ideas already taken will be crossed out so that we don’t do duplicates :)
General ideas: - Ana travelling the world pre-Shrike (Wasteland skin) and during her Shrike years. Countries she visited include (but not limited to) Australia, Korea and Russia. - Any kind of first interaction/first meeting with the founding members of Overwatch, or the pre-Fall Overwatch/Blackwatch team.
Jack Morrison/Soldier76 - First meeting, first interaction, first mission, first anything really. I’d love to explore the very beginning of their 30-something years old relationship. - GHOSTHUNTING. (I already have two volunteers on this one though but I like my ghosthunting joke.) - Any pre-Fall situation involving Ana disagreeing with Jack or, for once, siding with Gabriel. I like to think that Ana was mostly caught between those two and occasionally snapped at one or the other: msotly at Gabriel, but it would be interesting to break the symbiosis between Commander and his second-in-command.
Gabriel Reyes/Reaper - First meeting, first interaction, first mission, first anything really. I’d love to explore the very beginning of their 30-something years old relationship. - The deteriorating relationship as things start to go down the drain. I refuse to believe that Ana always hated Gabriel (I’m convinced that they were very good friends at least during the crisis and when Overwatch started out) but with the tensions between Jack and Gabriel, things were bound to be tensed with Ana too, since he accuses her of taking Jack’s side. - Reaper attempting to get Ana on his side (”they left you to die” argument), possibly also on Talon’s. - Anything involving long-term plotting and deep character development because those two are ridiculously largely overlooked and forgotten by the fandom, like they both interacted ith Jack not not together when everything in the canon says otherwise.  - Ana attempting to save Gabriel. Inspired by this fanart.  Fareeha Amari/Pharah - Under the mask of the Shrike, Ana hears of a tricky Helix operation, and knowing that Fareeha is among the fighters, decides to sneak in and keep an eye out. Things get heated, Ana comes to Fareeha’s rescue – but Fareeha doesn’t recognise her mother. - - Genji Shimada - Blackwatch Genji and Captain Amari. ‘nuf said, they were bound to know each other! - Jesse McCree - The day McCree loses his arm (if he does while working in Blackwatch in your headcanons) (currently a thread with firstdrawn). - The day McCree decides to leave Blackwatch and Overwatch (if you see him telling Ana of course). - Sombra - Sombra finding herself in need of hiring a mercenary/an associate (reason to be discussed/determined, but probably for the Shrike’s marksman skills, since Sombra already has the espionage skills) and hiring the Shrike. - Sombra tracking Shrike, maybe even making the connection between Shrike and Ana (probs long-term idea with many possible developments, since it seems to be what Blizzard is pointing at!). - Tracer - Ana as Shrike helping Tracer on an Overwatch job, Tracer not recognising her. - Post King’s Row Uprising, Ana checking in on Tracer after her first mission on the field. -
Bastion - - - Hanzo Shimada - Hanzo and Ana are both bounty hunters/mercenaries/snipers for hire, they have both betrayed the one person they held most dear, and they’re both undergoing a form of redemption arc and trying to atone for their past mistakes. These two deserve to be ‘friends’ (as far as their social abilities can go, considering their circumstances) and shoulder/mirror each other somehow. - Or they can be the sassiest sniper rivals this world has ever seen. - Jamieson Fawkes/Junkrat - Ana went to Australia just before becoming the Shrike; she could have worked with Junkrat and Roadhog on a heist, or asked for their help on something she needed to get. - The three of them are mercs for hire, it’s a small world out there, surely they’re bound to run into each other, or to have heard of each other. Also they all have bounties on their heads. -
Mei-Ling Zhou - If my calculations are correct Mei remained in cryogenic sleep for almost ten years, ergo she was already part of the Ecowatchpoints program when Overwatch still existed. Ana ‘died’ very shortly before the Fall: it is very possible that the two of them met before the catastrophe that got Mei to sleep for about ten years and before Ana disappeared!  - Following what’s said above: REUNION. - Torbjörn Lindholm - Torbjörn and Ana’s reunion (she needs to fix her Biotic Rifle, and since he designed it, she has no other option).  (currently a thread with shortstoutandswedish) - -
Amélie Lacroix/Widowmaker - Widowmaker killing Ana for good. Yes, I would love to have Ana die for real just in a thread for the sheer experience of, once, killing off my own character. Won’t be taken into account for character development obviously (hell, I want to keep playing Ana) but it could be fun aye? 8) - And the reverse idea, Ana killing Widowmaker. Same goes for you, it would just be for that thread.  -
Hana Song/D.Va - More of a relationship idea (undetermined verse) but Ana seeing a lot of herself in D.Va : young soldier, symbol for a nation, deemed a hero, part of an elite squad to fight the Omnics. They have a lot in common and I’d like to find a way to explore that. - Ana before she became the Shrike lending a hand in Korea, fighting off Omnics and helping local populations while she happened to be here for a job. (Wasteland skin) -
Orisa - - - Reinhardt Wilhelm - - - Mako Rutledge/Roadhog - - - Winston - Reunion (probaby accidental, as Ana wouldn’t want to reveal her identity), Winston trying to convince Ana to join the Recall; unfortunately, Ana’s mind is set on helping Jack and fighting her own war. For her, the Recall should only concern the younger generation, as it is the old generation (the founders) who caused Overwatch’s fall (or were partly responsible for it).  - - Aleksandra Zaryanova/Zarya - Zarya is after Sombra after the whole Russian hack, Ana is after Talon and has connections at Volskaya’s Industries. Why not have them work together, with Ana as the Shrike? - Alternatively, Ana broke into Volskaya Industries (which is why she’s on the watchlist) as Shrike. Zarya could also try and track her down, thinking that she might be connected to Sombra. This proposition can lead to the proposition above. - Lúcio Correia dos Santos - Ana has been traveling around while ‘playing dead’, she could have pushed as far as Brazil and been there during the social unrest. I can’t help but imagine her somehow helping Lucio and his community for a brief period of time, not as the Shrike, and him absolutely not realising who this woman (who goes by the name of Janina) is until years later when/if he joins Overwatch and sees old pictures of Ana and gets very confused when people tell him she died years ago. - - Angela Ziegler/Mercy - - - Satya Vaswani/Symmetra - - - Tekhartha Zenyatta - - -
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weatherman667 · 6 years
Time to Pimp my My Little Pony fanfiction
Because I’ve been doing it for quite some time and for whatever reason decided not to mention it.  All it takes is a single +fav to bring it back form hiatus.  Because of this it drifts quite a bit from the canon, as this has been going on for years, (back when I was somewhat active on DA).
Part 1: Feared Love Requited (complete)
Twilight Sparkle reforms Queen Chrysalis, (using Discord as a Trump card) and the Changelings learn to exchange friendship and support for the love they need, instead of stealing it.  The Mane 6 and a lanky teenaged Spike each end up with a Changeling supporter of their own, that quickly grow into family, as they and Ponyville learn to adapt to the Changelings.  Changelings being Changelings, they can see love, and the love Spike thought he had hidden comes to the forefront.  He had become restless, wanting to find his place in the world, and ends up leaving on a quest, a quest to become the noble Dragon he always thought of himself as.
Part 2: Feared Love United (complete)
Spike reaches an impasse on his quest, and calls for aid from the Mane 6 in a quaint village between the Crystal Empire and Yakyakistan.  The Mane 6 and their Changeling supporters rush to his aid.  In the cold north they face a deep darkness that reminds them of King Sombra’s power.  Further, now that Spike’s love for Rarity is free and clear, it leaves the two free to deal with their love for each other.
Part 3: Feared Love Divided (updated every Sunday)
The Mane 6 are dispatched all over Equestria and (well) beyond, along with Discord and Spike.  Despite the distance they are true, true friends, and despite first appearances, their quests are all bound together by the destiny they share.
To quote Twilight Sparkle moments before her ascension,
"From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end!"
Essentially five intertwined stories:
Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Halfire (oc), + Changelings:  Slice of life, fighting depression and ennui.
Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack + Changelings:  Slice of life, fighting bitterness and discord, (no, not that one).
Spike + Changeling:  Through Dragonlord Ember, finding out the true power and meaning behind Dragon freedom, how they can survive without any visible means of support or infrastructure.
Discord + Gerandquill (oc): Inverted Discord episode, where he learns to use chaos constructively.
Princess Twilight Sparkle + Changeling, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie TGAP:  Political drama involving a long forgotten Unicorn kingdom from before the unification of the three tribes.  They are barely surviving, and carry with them the old hated and racism from before the era of the Two Sisters.
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marcoacesabo · 7 years
Okay I got this.
1. More milk than cereal. 
2. Not really, since it gets really windy here and it’s just biting cold slap at my face.
3.Usually, the first thing on my right that isn’t food. 
4. I don’t drink tea unless sick but I take my coffee with a ton of milk and sugar. 
5. Yes, I hate my smile. My cheeks left to high up and I look weird. 
6. Nah, I do have a garden at my house but it’s my mom’s. I’m allergic to them to be able to keep them.
7. Large.
8. Mixed between writing and gifs. But mostly writing.
9. All the time. All day every day. 
10. Depends, on my mood. I tend to twist and turn between all three. 
11.  Me and my friends gave each other stripper names and go by them sometimes in public. People's faces man. 
12. I got to say cilantro. I love how it tastes and how it smells.
13. My dad screamed this morning cause he didn’t know I was home and was singing and dancing in the living room when I silently showed up. 
14. A mess. The flat would be no higher than the second floor and I wouldn’t be able to remember the color of the carpet due to all the trash I have lying around.
15.  Neutron stars can spin at a rate of 600 rotations per second. Whoooooo! So fast
16. Ravioli! 
17. I always wanted to dye it a dark blue color or rainbow. 
18. This one time, a couple was making out in front of my buddy’s locker and she needed to get her books for class but they wouldn’t move. I elbow them apart while chanting “This is Sparta!” 
19. I do keep a journal and it’s a mix of fanfiction, ideas for short stories and my ranting space. 
20.  gray  (cough Ace cough) 
21. I don’t have a bag like that. I always lose bags.
22. No. Night owl all the way.
23. I write or surf the web. Maybe watch a movie or two. 
24. Yes my friend Bri. 
25. I’ve never broken into anywhere.
26. My black boots that are long but not to the knees. Like half way to the knees. 
27. Watermelon.
28. Sunsets. I like to take pictures of them.
29. One of my friend snorts when laughing too hard and I die each time. 
30. Scared for my life? No. Scared I can’t sleep for three days? Yes.
31. Me and socks have a love hate relationship. I don’t like wearing them around the house or to bed but I will if it’s crazy cold. 
32. Ha. You make it sound like me and my friends do anything besides watching stupid movies or play cards against humanity at three in the morning. 
33. cake. Anything cake.
34. I had this cow, that was the typical dairy one but kind of sock monkey like so I carried it everywhere. I don’t have it anymore, it was torn up by my dog.
35. I love pens! I can spend like three hours in an office supply store looking at pens. And yes I do, I write in multiple colors of ink. My favorite is my brown one.
36.  Intocable.  It’s so comfortable sounding. I love it. 
37. A bit of both. Some days I live in trash others I have to dust and vacuum the walls. It depends on how my week is going honestly. 
38. I hate it when someone flickers their fingernails. The sound of the nail is horrible. I also hate crowded places. Can’t stand it.
39. black or white. 
40. I have this glass heart neckless that I got the first time I went to Disney land. It means a lot to me because my older brother bought it to help calm me down since I was freaking out about the lines and a ride that scared me.
41. Tiger’s cures. That series made me so happy. I re-read it often.
42. No not really. Don’t really drink coffee. 
43. My mom. The stars are pretty here since we don’t live near a city and most nights are clear. 
44. Um...it’s been a while. I honestly can’t remember.  
45. No. My instincts are as good as Zoro’s sense of direction.
46. There is no such thing as “the worst pun” so have the best one.  “I was wondering why that baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.”  I love puns but this one is my favorite.
47.  Mayonnaises. hate the smell and it burns my throat. 
48.  needles and yes still is.
49.  Nope don’t really buy them. The last one was a Linken Park CD about five or so years ago. 
50. I collect blow up glass art! 
51. I can’t associate a song with real people but for characters? Yes. Ace is “there is no way out” from brother bear. 
52. Dude, I’m so bad with memes. I can’t tell when they are in style. 
53. no. no. yes. and no. I didn't care for the one I did see. 
54. My mom :(
55. I scratched both of my siblings while screaming like I was possessed. They said that they would take my phone away to rid me of my demons. I counteracted. 
56.  I really think it’s endearing when someone is hopeful shy. Or when they smile down at the ground or just seem happy but quite happy. 
57. Didn’t really react. Just hear it. 
58. whine mom is bri, vodka aunt is Karla.
59. La llorona. Don’t know why I get scared each time but I love hearing it.
60. No. Poetry and I are not friends.
61. I gave my brother a pair of socks with a sticky note “Cold feet” once. Tis a pun on his date and the socks.  He gave me a fully wrapped box that was almost as big as my chest that was empty besides a little note that read “A box of disappointment.” 
62. Yes and it’s either grape or apple.
63. I kind of leave them be but only in one area. They are not to be moved from that one part of my room. 
64. It’s  light blue 
65. Yes my friend bri. She moved away and I miss being able to just call her up and say “Meet me at the mall dude.” 
66. One that is roses. 
67. sleepy and lazy. I kinda like those days.
68. It can be either really  cold, never ending snow or “Are we in summer or spring?” “ dude, it’s winter.” “whaaa?” there is no in between 
69. I love the game of life, battleship and mouse trap.
70. no. And I never will.
71.  yerba buena often refers to Mentha citrata, a true mint sometimes called "bergamot mint" (I don’t know the english name so I looked it up. But it’s yerba buena that is my favorite.)
72. Yes I am, but I forget to note stuff down so...
73. Procrastinating. Daydreaming. Zoning out.  Skipping meals. Not sleeping.
74. They are kind and worry about you whenever they are away. They check up on you by sending you texts or random pics. They pack extra everything because they know you’ll forget but they don’t mind. They are the mom friend and you always feel better when talking to them. 
75. I got a dog named Lilly and a bunch of fish. I named one Yuki and the other Sombra. I have lost track of which one is which since they had babies. 
76. yup cleaning.
77. Neither. Hate lemonade.
78. I’m in “mehclub” 
79. One of my friends said a “thank you for being in my life” speech at my graduation party. It was so cute and I was a sobbing mess.
80. My room is white with a yellow ceiling. Yes, I did and the reason was that I wasn’t to paint a yellow tree around the edges of my walls but...never actually did it. 
81. chocolate cake with sprinkles.
82. I’ve been on the honor roll for three years but this semester kicked my ass. So I fell to a B average. 
83. I don’t really have none. 
84. Nope too scared to but I think they are awesome. Would love a rose or something.
85. I used to read batman and night wing ones. But haven’t in a long time. Mostly I read tumblr one. Like Kid n’ teenagers. 
86. Again don’t really have none.
87. Accepted, Sinbad, Master of Disguise and Spirated away. 
88. Don’t know if its a “movement” but I like blow up glass art or some tattoos.
89. Close to my mom. Dad is so and so even though I act just like him.
90. Don’t really have one. I don’t like crowds and cities have crowds. 
91. Nowhere I got no cash. I’ll be lucky to be able to leave my house.
92.  I drown it. I don’t let it see the light of day after the cheese is in my hand.
93. I cut my hair so I wouldn’t have to style it past brushing. So, short hair?
94. My big brother! 
95. Clean, sleep, read, write, visit family. 
96. I always press the “remind me later button” My computer had been needing an update for about three months now. 
97.  INFP,  Slytherin and Scropio
98. About a year ago, with the family. Yes and no since it was really pretty but I was having a hard time breathing.
99. I will not bow. I need a hero. And it’s over, isn’t it?
100. 5 years future. I want to see if she has her shit together. Besides, I already know the past, no fun that way. 
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Heya! Can I request Pharah, Sombra, Widowmaker headcanons of how they turn in a relationship from 'sweet' to 'yandere' ? ( Reinhardt voice: thank you my friend!)
You know I’m weak for that old man how could i deny you
She visits you quite often even if she has a busy schedule
She’ll bring over takeout or ingredients for dinner which the two of you prepare together, it’s already as though you’re a married couple
Enjoys showing off her strength in front of you but you can’t help but laugh at this 
She’s with Helix security so naturally she’ll update all of your security systems in your home including nifty cameras on the inside and outside of your home
However with this she can now watch you whenever she wants and observe any and all interactions with those who come into your home
She comes to you angry one day demanding to know why you had dinner with someone here. Even if you try to defend yourself that it was just a friend she won’t believe you
It’s then you realize she’s stalking you in your own home
She’s very playful and flirtatious before and after you eventually get together 
She’ll tell you about her stories and how she took down corrupt politicians and other government officials 
Sombra will give you a large sticker for your laptop with her emblem on it out of the goodness of her heart But really it has a tracking device implanted on it and she can easily watch what you’re doing online
If she thinks you’re cheating on her she’ll stay in your room all night while invisible unbeknownst to you
She knew loving someone like her would be difficult but it wasnt something she wanted to give up on. 
It wasn’t always or predicted but sometimes she felt things when she was around you and she couldn’t let that go so easily
She can sing absolutely beautifully in French but you have to practically beg her to do it
She’ll take out anyone she feels is a threat to her relationship with you. She doesn’t care if it’s a family, a friend, or a stranger they will being getting a bullet to the head regardless
She doesn’t care if you grow to hate her because of this as long as you understand your place is with her
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marvelandponder · 8 years
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You Might Wanna Stop That, Glim Glam
Or maybe not? 
Dark magic in Equestria is a subject I’ve been pretty interested in since its first appearance in The Crystal Empire Parts 1& 2. Especially seeing how our introduction to it involved this:
And, what’s scary about all that is that it’s pretty easy to pick up. Just based on that very vague description about hatred and fear and the demonstration, Twilight was able to replicate the spell later in the episode (keeping in mind she’s still a unicorn, so it doesn’t even take alicorn power levels).
So, not only is Princess Celestia able to cast some dark magic, our main character has been capable of casting dark magic spells for 3 going on 4 seasons now. A fact which has never been questioned once.
Dark magic, as the name so helpfully suggests, usually has some morality issues attached to it. Or at least some grey areas. As opposed to white magic (which Wikipedia tells me is what it’s actually called), dark or black magic is often depicted as some kind of ritualistic practice usually used for sinister and/or selfish gain.
Hell, just look... pretty much anywhere else in pop culture. In the Harry Potter series, the dark arts are practiced by Voledemort and his sordid crew, it’s something to be defended against if you’re a good wizard. In Lord of the Rings, dark magic is used to forge the One Ring---’nuff said there.
And yet, there seems to be some grey areas when using dark magic in the land of Equestria.
Often, enchanted objects like the Alicorn Amulet or the cursed spell book use some form of dark magic to corrupt the user. I mean, at one point Trixie wanted Rainbow Dash to “writhe in agony.”
And yet using dark magic in small doses like Celestia and Twilight do in The Crystal Empire doesn’t seem to have consequences. It also takes a while to be addictive, like it is for Rarity, because Twilight uses it at least twice in the episode, and then again a season later to use Zecora’s memory potion in Princess Twilight Sparkle Part 1.
So with that established, it seems to be a powerful, non-alicorn could learn to use dark magic in small doses and not feel the effects Trixie, Rarity, or even, to use an extreme, King Sombra did.
And who do we know that can justify the use most any kind of magic, if put under enough pressure?
Starlight Doesn’t Play Well with Others--- Just Magic
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I think in particular there’s three aspects of Starlight’s character I personally like most and that’s:
1) The snarky and even cynical sense of humour she manages to sneak into the most optimistic show I know (without taking away from the light-heartedness), 2) The anxiety she has about socializing in general despite being a Friendship student (this, as Gamelink Reviews so awesomely pointed out, makes the most sense as Social Anxiety Disorder)--- which kinda helps explain the whole never tried visiting Sunburst thing, by the way. and 3) Her fun interpretation of morality when it comes to magic.
Every Little Thing She Does was a lot of fun for me because of how it incorporated all three. She’s very obviously in the wrong, but as the episode shows you instead of just telling you, she’s still extremely dependent on her natural aptitude towards magic, so that’s the solution that makes the most sense to her.
Especially when she’s anxious about disappointing her teacher and new friends (seriously, go watch Gamelink’s theory, it makes so much sense). She means surprisingly well for someone who can justify actual mind control to get a task done.
And, by the way, that habit of combining spells seems to be something she and Sunburst share. If you remember, Sunburst’s solution to the problem in The Crystalling was to combine the relic reconstitution spell with a whole whack of other spells and the Crystalling itself. Plus, Starlight never would’ve been able to do all that time-travel magic if she hadn’t combined Starswirl’s time-travel spell with the map’s Harmony magic!
This, by the way, makes me wonder if Starlight was ever really as powerful as Twilight. Like, it kinda makes you scratch your head when you see an alicorn and a unicorn reach a stalemate in a magic duel--- Twilight should be more powerful than Starlight, right?
But perhaps Starlight’s natural abilities in magic are actually just about the same as Twilight’s were when she was unicorn---except, when Starlight uses strategies like combing spells to make them more powerful, she can match wits with her.
That would certainly make more sense to me (you would have to be a very masterful spell caster to do that, so she’s still quite a powerful unicorn and it’s not something just anyone could do---in fact, in the Crystalling, Sunburst gives all those different spells to a number of different magic users).
Combining spells is a simple yet awesome concept, but that does bring me back on topic, at long, long last: Are any of the spells Starlight has used so far dark magic? And if so, are there any implications to that?
[Light spoilery sentence ahead] I might need to update this post when season 7 comes out judging by those spectacular teasers, but for now, how’s about we go for a spin on Glim Glam’s wild ride?
Starlight, Starbright
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Let’s start back at the most logical place to start: the beginning, and Starlight’s Cutie Mark Stealing spell.
By the way, should any of the spells she uses be dark magic, it might explain why she’s able to perform them. Like I alluded to earlier, as naturally gifted a magic user as she is, she’s still just a unicorn. Dark magic spells, on the other hand, seem to give the user access to a greater amount of power that they wouldn’t have previously been able to use on their own. Just look at Trixie.
It’s sort of like the Dark Side of the The Force from Star Wars, except it’s used a lot less frequently in MLP.
So, the Cutie Mark Stealing spell.
Watch this scene again and tell me if you notice any out of place details.
Wow, you already caught it? Geez, you guys are smart, what am I even here for?
Well, I’m still going to ramble on, just so I can hear myself type! As you remember from watching the episode, the Staff of Sameness there is just an old piece of driftwood Starlight found in the desert, just a lightning rod for her magic---meaning, all magic used in this scene comes from her.
But not all magic she uses in this scene is the same colour.
We can see that the light from the Cutie Mark vault is thrown over everything, so it might be easy to miss if you’re not looking for it, but when Starlight levitates the staff of sameness, the magic she’s using is her own light teal.
However, when she uses the Staff of Sameness as a conduit for the Cutie Mark Stealing spell, the magic is an entirely different colour and comes out in a powerful blast. It’s more... baby green, if you will. Kinda sickly looking.
Kinda exactly like the magic Rarity used in Inspiration Manifestation, or at least the parts around her eyes.
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Sure, they’re different spells, and dark magic has come in a few different fashionable colours, but that’s a pretty dead on match in my books.
But... the eyes have it, don’t they?
Whenever dark magic has been used by someone in this series, there’s usually a pretty easy tell, but Starlight’s eyes are clear. Welp, that’s my theory busted. Go home, everybody!
But, then again, this isn’t the Alicorn Amulet, Rarity’s book of curses, or the hate and fear thing. It’s not coming from an external source, and it’s not coming from emotions deep within. This is a specific spell with a specific purpose.
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In the same way that Friendship and Love magic turns the users’ eyes white, it might be true that there are some spells more powerful than others on either side of the spectrum, and those are the ones more likely to have an effect on your physical appearance.
There’s also the fact that Starlight’s very methodical about how she presents herself to the ponies in her village. Every night, she uses make-up to cover up her cutie mark.
Starlight’s magic being in two different colours is a small detail, but if her eyes were to glow green or something of that nature, don’t you think that would make it harder for her villagers to buy into her beliefs? Oh, we’ll definitely trust the pony with the sinister glowing eyes!
... Unless there’s an added bonus to using that piece of driftwood. Some way to hide the effects so if she is using dark magic, ponies can’t see it in her eyes.
Maybe the only reason Starlight is levitating that stick is so she has something to levitate. As in, maybe she’s using a levitation spell to cover up the fact that she’s using dark magic.
Come to think of it, Starlight’s now famous for combining spells, so we know she can cast more than one at once. If a simple levitation spell keeps the magic around her horn bluish teal, maybe it can also keep her eyes clear.
When she had it, Rarity used her dark magic for everything, including levitation, but Starlight has reason to hide it. So, she’s really just levitating the staff to appear as if the dark magic in the Cutie Mark Stealing spell isn’t effecting her. Both hiding the fact the she’s not all that equal to the others and that she’s using something far more sinister to take away their cutie marks.
So, the first spell we’ve examined and already we found our answer: Starlight has used dark magic. We’ll talk about what that means in a sec.
For now the question becomes, does she still use it, even after being reformed?
We already mentioned how the time-travel spell she uses is really just a combination of two powerful types of magic (hence how she could do it and not another great wizard like Starswirl the Bearded), and both of those are on the up and up, I think. The map’s Harmony magic doesn’t need our scrutiny, and Starswirl’s time travel spell originally didn’t do any harm---it’s supposed to be a paradox-correcting time-spell.
But that’s not the last time Starlight dabbles in powerful magic, and here’s where things get even more interesting.
You would think the spells Starlight’s using in Every Little Thing She Does would qualify as dark magic. Together, they make a mind control spell, and even on their own they sound pretty sketchy. Fiducio Compellus? Persaudari? Those sound like the kinds of spells some evil royal adviser would use in a Disney movie.
But, even when those spells are combined, Starlight’s magic doesn’t change appearance in any way. And in fact, when Starlight completes the spell, her eyes go white.
Now we’ve definitely seen that before:
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But hang on, that doesn’t mean Starlight’s spells are necessarily good---this just in, mind control: still evil, free will: kinda important.
Instead it seems to indicate “white” or Harmony magic we would normally classify as good, and the dark magic we know corrupts most every user it comes in contact with after prelonged exposure, aren’t necessarily coded as Good magic and Evil magic.
One tends to be righteous and good and the other not so much, but there can be grey areas. Less powerful spells here and there that fall under the categories of either white or dark magic, but can be used in ways other than they were intended to be used, if the magician is resourceful like Starlight. 
This is important because, this sort of gives us some context as to why Starlight would try to combine these spells. They’re not inherently bad---none of them are dark magic spells. It’s just, the way she uses them that makes them a wee bit evil.
That makes a ton of sense, given her experience. Back when Starlight was a dictator, she used a dark magic spell to get what she wanted, but, she felt, in small enough doses or infrequently enough that it wouldn’t effect her too much.
We can’t know how much it actually affected her but even if it did, Starlight’s always been good at justifying morally questionable things for a good cause. And especially if there are smaller less powerful dark magic spells that don’t corrupt the user---meaning, it’d be easy to justify using Evil/dark magic if you can use it in a good way. 
... She’d kick ass in debate club, let me tell you.
In my recent Top 10 Reformed Villains list, I suggested Starlight might have developed this debate-winning ability because of the cycle she trapped herself in after Sunburst left---which was a catalyst, to be sure, but not the actual reason she was alone. With Gamelink’s helpful diagnosis of Social Anxiety, I would wager Starlight developed that reasoning the more she isolated herself.
After all, even in real life the more you isolate yourself, the more insecure you get that if you did try to reach out, you’d only be rejected. Which means you go into social situations looking for that rejection, and that in turn makes social situations a much more nerve-wracking process.
But, knowing Starlight, I suggested in those lonely years she’d be looking for something to blame other than herself or Sunburst, who she still thought fondly of, it seems. And that’s where the cutie mark thing slowly developed---as a way to push the blame anywhere but on herself.
It’s why Twilight’s line at the end of the Cutie Remark is so effective in getting Starlight to reform:
Twi: “So try again! Make new friends! And if something happens that you can’t control changes things, work through it together. That’s what friendship is! ... Just imagine all the friendships waiting for you if you just give them a chance.” Star: “How do I know they won’t all end the same way?” Twi: “I guess it’s up to you to make sure they don’t.”
And at that point, Starlight decides to take responsibility for her relationships, for everything. Even though she ended up getting off too easily in the punishment department (probably), she wasn’t going to blame anyone or anything else for her failures.
No more going after Twilight in a twisted, sadistic way to get back at her for ruining her perfect village (eye for an eye justice; how Babylonian of you, Starlight)---she knew she was a dictator/cult leader, and the ponies took their marks back by choice because they wanted to.
And even though she’s had to deal with her fair share of anxieties going forward into season six, she’s still living by that motto. 
She reunited with Sunburst. She made a new friend in Trixie decided to followup after their first fight. She, uh, tried to follow Twilight’s instructions and not let her down (even if she still misses the point sometimes). And in the end, assumed the responsibility of a leader again without the crutches of magic or throwing the blame elsewhere if something were to go awry.
So, knowing that, it’s easy to see why she could justify some messed up spells.
First and foremost, like we said, they probably aren’t dark magic, if for no other reason than the fact that I think after taking responsibility for her usage last time, she’d probably want to avoid it. At least, so long as the situation isn’t truly desperate. 
Second, justification should really be her special talent. She can convince herself of anything.
Third, she obviously shouldn’t have used magic at all, but that’s the point: we know her anxiety (whether you agree that it’s actual Social Anxiety Disorder or not) clouded her ability to see what Twilight actually expected of her was just to spend some time with them. 
Starlight’s anxieties and doubts can still make normal social situations into pressure cookers, if she worries enough. It really does make her a regular Crazy Twi.
You know, season 2 Twilight, who famously decided to make a friendship problem by... using a ‘Want it Need it” spell which... in hindsight seems a bit close to mind control in and of itself.
And that time she was so stressed about and impending disaster she wanted to stop time itself forever?
On Equestria Daily, (correct me if I’m wrong) but I believe it was Sethisto who explained that Starlight’s appeal to him was that she reminded him of the mad scientist aspect of Twilight’s character from the old days. I, for one, definitely agree.
Starlight’s unique in other ways (for instance, a constant fear of rejection that Twilight never really had), but in that respect she really does take after her teacher. An anxiety-prone lunatic with god-like powers and the intellect to work around their own limitations.
That’s what makes this snarky maniac so interesting to me. She’s certainly complex. Despite the fact she means well and genuinely does want to make friendships, she’s our gateway into some really dark, questionable areas. Or, depending on how she uses magic and why, maybe just grey areas. It’s what makes her redemption worthwhile to me.
Well, that, and the cute friendships she’s made along the way, of course.
And with that said, here’s to a new season! May we see her wrestling match with morality and friendship develop new and interesting ways.
MLP editorials? You want them? I’ve got loads! In fact, this post marks the 20th MLP editorial I’ve written (I just get a kick out of the fact that it’s releasing on March 20th), and you can find them all right here! Or if you’d rather, here are the most recent three, right here for the clicking:
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IDW Comics, Derpy Editorial, and Top 10 Redeemed Villains
Year of the Pony
Header Image Wouldn’t be Possible Without...
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Magic Circle by BlackPaperMoon-95 Canterlot Background by EStories Starlight Vector by Osipush
All the part of that image were edited to fit together, as usual, but these are the people who made them beautiful to begin with! Go check out those talented artists!
Transmutation and Summoning Circles Only Ever End Well, Obviously
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