#fuck the Sombra update
beepyscircus · 8 months
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I’m gonna do something violent
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lepusrufus · 8 months
I'm starved for theories and hcs and analysis of the blorbos so fine, I'll do it myself. Have some random gritty edgy hcs of Sombra because I'm bored and want to bug my followers with the brainrot
Sombra is a lot less prone to violence than most of Talon, but she also looks extremely apathetic to it on a surface level. She's been scouring and has seen the deepest, most fucked up and disgusting corners the internet has to offer. She's so desensitized to it all that sometimes even she has to take a step back and wonder what the fuck is wrong with her. Sometimes she ends up in deep rabbit holes without even meaning to, just because she can, but suddenly she's trying to find the source of a website selling the shadiest most unsafe spine implants and will need to get up and grab a coffee. (Maybe take Moira's example and steal some of her Irish coffee)
Being the one committing violent crimes is a bit of a different can of worms. Sombra is not usually a field agent and even when she is, that implies mostly staying hidden somewhere away from the fight and taking care of any security that could get in their way. Sure, the gun is there and she'll use it if needed, but she'd rather not.
In a similar vein, she has a very odd way of showing compassion (and has a particular soft spot for young kids in shitty situations). Sombra would find the most disgusting thing hidden somewhere on the web and bury herself neck deep in it to get rid of whoever is responsible. She'll get out of it without as much as a metaphorical scrap, sure, but there's only so many times she can pull this off without it getting to her.
The Implants in her head pretty much connect her brain to the whole wide internet. She's not concerned about anyone compromising her through it, with all the meticulously thought out security she put in place, but it still has its side effects. Sure, she has access to any and all data at any time, but with the amount of misleading and contradictory information you can find even through the simplest google search, she has to always be careful what she picks as true or false, to the point where she sometimes doubts even the simplest little facts. At least she got really good at recognizing lies.
Having any and all information at her fingertips is both a blessing and a curse. She can know anything on anyone in a matter of seconds but on the flip side she rarely gets to truly come in contact with the world if not through a pink tinted screen. She gets wrapped in her own head around motives and data and the inner workings of everything that she sometimes forgets that people are, at the end of the day, people and they will sometimes be unpredictable just because. It made her a bit of a paranoid mess throughout the years and despide how well she can hide it, constantly being on the lookout for something is beyond exhausting.
The implants on her spine are old. They're still very much functioning as they should be, but the one person that did them had died years ago and, without being able to do any tinkering on her own back by herself, Sombra didn't have any major parts of it replaced or updated like the rest of her tech. The knowledge that one day it's bound to malfunction and she'll be left to scramble for a way to fix it looms over her every single time she puts a little too much strain on the mechanical parts of her body and feels a little warning tingle of electricity running down her spine.
Less related to any body modifications, but i think we can all agree that she has the most fucked up sleep schedule in the universe. Sometimes she'll sleep for 12 hours straight. Sometimes she won't sleep for 3 days. Whether it's because she's working on something important or because sleep simply seems to elude her matters little, she'll still be holed up in her bedroom with a few screens floating around her and a pair of headphones blasting too loud music.
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aughtpunk · 13 days
oo for the high qna! how many funfacts have you learned while doing research for your fics/personal stories? also do you have any scrapped ideas/concepts that didnt end up making it into the final cut of some of your stories for whatever reason? love ur work btw!
Oh gosh there's been so many things
I actually went to a gun range and learned how to shoot a gun for the sake of my writing.
I learned how to cook Korean Army Stew for a zine that never got published and now that's become my ultimate "it's cold and I feel horrible" meal during the bad months
I ate so many baked apples for my one Zelda fic and now I'm eating cinnamon rolls for the Heket POV
I have a certificate in Horticulture and I got to brush up on those old skills for my Leshycat fic so I could figure out how to unfuck the farmland
And oh boy did I put in a ton of research for the Kallamar POV fic. I had to research what the first microscopes were like, how penicillin was actually produced, how the first vaccines were done, like I did so much research that didn't even get into the fic at the end.
There's probably more stuff I've done for the sake of writing but that's all I can think of with my wiggle brain.
Scrapped content is rare for me because I am a big believer in recycling. A lot of stuff that gets cut out will end up in another story eventually. But I got a couple of things I've removed from stores.
For the fic Notes in a Line I had planned an entire laser gun battle at the convention Hana and Sombra meet at. It was going to be a massive battle between the Overwatch agents at the convention and end with Sombra and Hana at a standstill, guns pointed right at each other, neither of them willing to take the shot. It got cut after my four year hiatus because fuck I'm not writing that for a series I'm not really into anymore
Swords into Plowshares originally had Leshy and Lemmy bonding in a different way. Lemmy was going to find out that Leshy could identify any plant by eating it and Lemmy would just keep bringing Leshy more and more flowers to eat and identify. Then the sex update came out and I decided I liked them bonding over teaching and drinks better
Okay you know that scene in PNN where The Lamb brings out the record player for Shaun? My original plans had Kallamar showing up and him and Shaun awkwardly dancing together. It would turn out that Kallamar can't dance well (too many tendrils) and Shaun never learned so it ends up a complete disaster. It got cut because it messed up the pacing of the chapter. Sorry, no lamb and squid dancing.
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theshimadaslovers · 1 year
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You- Mercy? *knocking her room*
Mercy- *open up with a tired face and smile* Hey... you came for the updates, right?
You- It has been 2 weeks now, Angela...I'm worry.
Mercy- I'm so sorry, y/n...but he's fine. His body is acting slower than I thought it would be. Is finishing, he will be awake in a few days...still using the mask and outfit to not damage anything and let the body recover 100% healthy.
You- *smiles* Good to hear that. I hope he find peace here in Overwatch.
Mercy- By the way...how are you feeling?
You- Much better, thanks to you, Ana and Augustin.
Mercy- *chuckles* You're so strong, darling. Well, I need to rest for the last exams on Gabe...
You- Yes! Sure...! Please, rest, doctor...I'll be in touch.
Mercy- Thank you, y/n. *smile and close the door*
You- *sighs now walking back to your room* ... I hope it works, Gabe.
(Flashback, Talon base, after saving you)
*You were unconscious in a table on the meeting room)
Widow- Why the fuck you bring this girl here?!
Doom- Well, she's not our responsibility...
Sombra- Is she dead? Why the table, cabron?
Reaper- She needed me and she still alive...
Moira- Oh!.*laughs* I forgot that we save lifes from random people! *face him annoyed* Are you stupid?! A civilian?!
Reaper- She could die in there and bagged for help!
Widow- Die?! *laughs* Not our business...
Doom- Take this woman out! Of! Here!
Reaper- Take care of her first!
Moira- I deny in save someone that could easily tell everyone where we are! They'll look for her!
Doom- She's right, Gabriel! If you keep this pet with you! YOU take responsibility!
Reaper- Fine! *pick you up from the table* I'll do it!
*He went out of the reunion room and take you to his dorm, laying you on his bed*
Reaper- Right...Where do we start? *check you body from far*...? *kneel down holding your wrist looking at the cuts* Ok...
*Reaper take care of the visible wounds, but he was worry about what happened underneath your clothes, there was a big blood spot on your cloth, on the stomach*
Reaper- Hm...*Look at your still unconscious* Hm, right. *slowly grab a piece of your clothe pulling up gentle, he could see a big graze on your skin* Dammit...*he gets up pulling your shirt gently again a little more up* don't fucking wa-!!! *a kick hit the side if his head* ARGH!
You- Who are you?! You pervert! Disgusting!
Reaper- It's me! I saved you!
You- Oh...*look at him better* The room is too dark...I couldn't...see.
Reaper- There's a wound In your belly...*throw the basic medkit on the bed* Do it yourself, girl.
You- But I...*look at the medickit and see that he taked care of your smaller wounds* You did that?
Reaper- Who else would? *turned back to his desk taking of the mask* You have a strong kick...cracked my mask.
You- I'm sorry...that's why my foot is hurting... *look at the belly wound* Aw shit...!
Reaper- It is too bad? *look over his shoulder*
You- Is hurting really bad...! *pick up the medkit* Shit, I've never hurt myself that bad...
*Reaper sighs putting back his crackled mask, walks to you and sits on the bed getting the medkit out of your hands starting to take care*
You- ...?!
Reaper- How you've never done something like that? Are you stupid?
You- No? I have lack of experiences, owl!
Reaper- *stop and look at you*... Owl?
You- Isn't your mask an owl?
Reaper- *sighs* Whatever... it...was the nicest thing I've heard about me.
You- *smiles* Really?
Reaper- *stops again after seeing you smiling* Why are you fucking smiling?
You- Ah...I'm just glad that I said something nice to you. That's all.
Reaper- *growls* You're too innocent to be in here, dammit...! *finish the bandage and gets up*
You- Why? Where am I? I mean, you look like a typical serial killer or a mercenary.
Reaper- Both.
You- Should I ran?
Reaper- You're at Talon's base.
You- Wha-what? T-Ta-Talon?! You mean, the one that is against Overwatch?! The bad guys?!
Reaper- Yes.
You- And you saved me?!
Reaper- You bagged.
You- And you saved?
Reaper- I'm a human too, girl...
*days later, you keep locked on Reaper's room, you slept, ate, showered there. Reaper didn't want to leave you now, you were still wounded*
Reaper- *opens the door* Food...
You- Thanks, RIP...*smiles and takes the food*
Reaper- RIP? What is that now?
You- *points to him* You look like a Reaper, right? Like your name...Reaper? RIP? Nickname, got it?
Reaper- ....Fuck it. *close the door*
*months later*
Reaper- I won't take you with me!
You- Why?! I can't live here forever!
Reaper- Until you get better!
You- I'm not a fucking kid, RIP!
Reaper- You act like one, now stay in this fucking room and I'll be back in the mission! *turned back*
You- Just...! Don't die...
Reaper- *stop on the door* I'm already dead...
You- No, you're not...you still have a heart beating inside.
*Reaper look over his shoulders*
Reaper- I'll be back...alive. *became the ashes and leave*
*Back to present*
*Your room, you were taking a deep nap*
Jack- *opens the door with a tray of food* Breakfast time...? *sighs and smiles approaching, leave the tray in a corner table and sits on the be* Y/n? *no answer, he take of the hair off of your face* I'm glad that you bring him back...
Ana- *standing at the door* Oh Jack...*chuckle* You really love her as your daughter.
Jack- They're my kids, Ana, I just protect them.
Ana- *approches* Are you glad that he's back?
Jack- *smiles* I didn't want to confess, but, yes...Gabriel is back. My old good friend.
Ana- *smiles and put the hand on his shoulders* And we know how worried you were with y/n while she were infiltrate...
Jack- Yeah...*gets up* She's to innocent, she's... *look at you again* She had some...bad traumas, but still so pure, like a child. She could bring Gabriel back with her purity, that's a power that only she has.
Ana- I do agree...And that's why I'm so worried with her all the time. *sighs looking at you* Always so bright and smiley. What happened to her, anyway? I know that the ones that's always smiling and bright, are the must hurted. Not always, of course.
Jack- *sighs* She didn't tell me either...she only said some stuffs to let it go, but...she confirms that...she already faced the death and hell since little.
Ana- Oh dear... I can't even imagine. *take her hand to her face* Poor little girl...she's a grow up, but...*take a deep breath* I'm just glad that Gabriel treated her well.
Jack- Yes... I'm glad too.
*Angela's lab, three weeks later*
Reaper- *suddenly gasp waking up* Ah...! What?! Where I?! *coughs and tries to get up* Aah...! My body!
Angela- Keep calm, Gabe, it's me! You're alive again *smiles pushing him to lay down* Your body is a delicate process of restoration. You need to stay still for a couple of hours.
Reaper- My voice...*cough* Is normal...again.
Angela- Yes, some parts has been restored faster than others. Vocal chords are ok, some organs like kidneys, stomach and skin are almost complete!
Reaper- I'm...not Reaper anymore...*smiles* I don't feel the pain anymore...that pain.
Angela- You won't ever feel it again! *chuckles and see him starting to cry* Oh...Gabe?
Gabe- *sobs* Thank you... Doctor! Thank you!
Angela- *feel anguish but smiles* I would do anything to have my old friend back *hold his hand* awesome back, commander Reyes. And I warned you that I won't never give up on you!
Gabe- You don't aged at all...*smiles still crying*
Angela- Thanks to my valkyrie! *chuckles* And you probably gonna be like me, all this procedures may slow down your aging. *go back the computer*
Gabe- Wait...while I'm not getting old, y/n will?
Angela- *smiles* I can do that to her too if you want.
Gabe- I don't know... only with her respond.
Angela- No problem! I'll talk to her later. Now! Wait a couple of hours, remember to press the bottom to call me. *go out of the lab*
Gabe- ....*sighs taking his hand to his face, feeling it* Skin...*smiles* I have a intact skin.
*Your room*
You- *Wakes up with the food smell* Hm? *look at the task and smiles seeing a glued paper with a big smile drawned and signed with "Dad Morrison, eat well, little one"*
*you get up and pick the paper folding and keeping on the drawer. Pick up the food and eat on the bed. Later, you get to Angela's lab, but someone hold your wrist before get in there, you turned around scared*
Angela- Not yet, darling! *whispers and chuckles* I know how much you want to see him, but...I want to make suprise for you.
You- *smiles* Is he gonna use the mask?
Angela- He doesn't need the mask anymore. Oh! By the way, I was talking to him, telling that he may get the "aging slowdown".
You- Like...you? *she nodded* Oh...how old is he now?
Angela- Back to his 30! *smiles*
You- Aaah...*blush* Is an...a...good age.
Angela- Actually, he's cells never aged, it was constantly dying and regenerating in a amazing speed! It didn't even had time to aged up...
You- Really? So...he should have what? 50?
Angela- *nodded* Sooo... if I make the sure that he'll have the "aging slowdown"...you want it too?
You- Aging slowdown on me?! Is that possible?! *smiles big* Yes! I want it!
Angela- *laughs* Gabe get worried with that, imagine die first while he still 20 years younger? Right! When I make sure of it, I talk to you.
*she walked away and you look at the door smiling...ok, a surprise...you're were ok with that*
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axiro · 3 months
Through the Dragon's Eyes || Talon AU Hanzo Shimada
Chapter Eight - To No End
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A turn of events.
Chapter Master List || AO3
Any underlined text signifies background music/ambiance is linked. :)
That's all the night was. It was somewhat blissful as Hanzo's mind was not assaulted by the nightmare that's been haunting him. Now, since he's had a moments rest from it, he can't help but think about it. Why it has repeated. What it could mean. He can't be so sure that it's over. One night does not guarantee it won't return. Regardless, at least he obtained a few hours of sleep.
He lie staring at the ceiling. It is rather ornate with old, faded paintings. Cherubs, clouds and a few other angels staring blankly into space, their eyes void of color. Small cracks are visible across their faces and bodies, other areas look as though the paint is nearly gone altogether, whatever life it had before sucked into the darkness now calling it home. 
The daylight fights to reach into the room, crawling out from the borders of the drawn curtains plus a layer of tacked up sheets. Ever since he returned from his mission to track down and make contact with Cole Cassidy a few days ago, he's had nothing but more questions bouncing around his head. Even the sunlight distracted him from his thoughts. 
His mind wanders back to his return. Reaper had called him in for a report that night, where he found himself once again sitting across from the dark figure at the large conference table, his foreboding glare piercing right into Hanzo as he recounted the events for him.
"As I expected." He said. "So be it."
He had been tapping his metal claws upon the tabletop, each tap prodding further and further under Hanzo's skin. It came to a stop only once he rose from his chair by the end of it.
"Sombra is tracking him as we speak. We will update you once we know where he is headed. You are to intercept him. If he leaves the country, we no longer have any ability to go after him. At least, not legally. If you fuck this up, there's no telling how much time we will lose. Is that understood?"
Hanzo nodded. Reaper walked over to him slowly, arms at his side yet the tension obvious and suffocating.
"I need vocal confirmation, Shimada. Do. You. Understand?"
"Yes, sir." Hanzo replied, monotonously, once again meeting a gaze that looked down upon him.
"Good." Reaper replied. "Wait for my call."
Then, without another word, he left the room.
Hanzo is due to engage within the next day or so, yet this time, it'll be with lethal intent. Sombra already has Cassidy's location. It was easy for her to track him through cameras and transport itinerary, despite Cassidy not even using his real name. In fact, Hanzo doesn't doubt she's the reason why they knew who he is and were the ones to finally come after him.
Never mind that now. He must focus for the next task, as it will be his last before he's done here.
Shifting to sit up, he positions himself on his knees upon the bed, closing his eyes. Once again, he goes through the plan in his head just as he's done before. Tracking him won't be much of an issue this time. He'll stay hidden. Wait for the opportune moment. One strike is all that's necessary. One strike and he gets back what's rightfully his.
A loud train horn cuts through the air, though muted through the walls where Hanzo hides. Electronic whirring signals the hovering vehicle's ascent on its track, the rumble hardly noticeable. It's a very early train, so there's barely anyone aboard at this hour. He was dropped off once the wraith gave the word. He sits in darkness, the hooded cloak Reaper gave to him before his first mission concealing his form within the small storage area of his choosing. He has about an hour and a half to finish the job before the train docks at its destination. A port at the other side of the country.
He waits, keeping an eye on his watch now and then to see how much time has passed, listening closely to the trains announcements for the stops in between. Before long, only one stop remains.
His time starts now.
Per Sombra, Cassidy is the only one that should be left on board, given he's the only one headed to the last point on the map for the train. Car four. Row D. Cautiously, he exits his hiding spot. There's no longer a need to keep to the dark. He knows Cassidy expects him. 
Hanzo silently walks to the double doorway between his car and car four, lacing his fingers around the edge of his hood, pulling it down before undoing the clasp and shrugging the whole piece of clothing off his shoulders, tossing it to the side. Looking through the small window, he pinpoints the cowboy. He's facing his direction but is looking out the side window by his seat, his bag secured on his back. Given Hanzo cannot see his hands, he assumes he is ready for him. He will need to be quick. He knows he is the knife brought to this gunfight and he must have his wits about him. Any opening he leaves will be taken.
He inhales deeply through his nose, pulling out a kunai in each hand. He approaches close to the first door. It hisses open and he ducks, knowing that will have drawn attention. Positioning himself against the wall next to the second and final door, he waits for the first door to close. Once it does, he activates the remaining one.
Before the hiss of the door is even finished, staying low, Hanzo throws his left kunai at where he knows he saw the target.
Before he can blink, a loud bullet ricochet hits the wall just behind him, mere inches from his head. In the alley, Cassidy stands a few rows further back with his pistol in hand, barrel aiming Hanzo's direction. Hanzo's kunai lodged itself a little low, hitting the chairs shoulder. Seems they both timed their respective offenses parallel to one another. Hanzo launches himself into a roll behind the seats as another bullet whizzes his way.
"Hanzo!" Cassidy speaks up, his voice almost scolding.
"I'll give you one chance. One. You hear me?"
Hanzo burns the memory of how Cassidy is standing into his mind and how to throw to impede him.
"Give it up. I don't want to do this!"
Hanzo stays silent, ignoring what was said. Like hell he's going to give up when he's this close. He shoots up, lobbing his second weapon at Cassidy's arm. It slices across the top, eliciting a loud hiss of pain from him. He temporarily drops his arm a little low from the blow but still pulls the trigger. 
The bullet cracks against Hanzo's right shoulder. He yells out as it bites through tissue. Despite the burning building up in the new wound, he pulls another knife out from the harness upon his leg, hurdling over the chairs and closing the distance. Cassidy throws out his metal arm in a swing, fingers enclosed. Hanzo steps back just out of range, the air from the attack grazing his face. He recovers, taking a swipe of his own.
Cassidy's right wrist parries, the gun still held in his grip. He throws his skull against Hanzo's, sending a massive wave from impact point all the way through to the back of their heads. This causes Hanzo to stagger back, reeling. Putting his left arm out, he grips one of the chairs to steady himself, glaring darkly through his hair at him. Cassidy holsters his gun to deal with the other close range. Hanzo's glove squeaks with the increased pressure around the dagger hilt. With a growl, he reengages. Through a flurry of hand to hand, Cassidy keeps up extremely well, keeping him from landing anything lethal. His eyes burn with focus and he's able to land a few good hits of his own. 
Before long, they both push back towards the doors between the cars. The doors slide open as they approach, the fight transferring over. They both traverse through the third car quickly, soon enough reaching the second. 
Taking an opportunity, Hanzo hops up over the side row of chairs to swerve behind Cole. He grips the seats on either side of him, raising both legs to plant the soles of his feet against the other's back, launching him against the door to the front cockpit. Cassidy grunts loudly from both impacts, falling through the doorway once it's open. The last door hisses to the side as he rolls in front of it, his hat flopping to the ground. The rising sun can be seen on the horizon through the pilotless cockpit's windshield.
Hanzo rushes him. Just as Cole gets back onto his feet, Hanzo has his back slammed against the side wall, kunai to his throat. Cole grips the kunai with his bare hand before he's stabbed, managing to pit his strength against the Hanzo's as blood beads between his fingers.
He throws his metal fist into Hanzo's shoulder where he was shot. Searing pain anew, a quick scream tears from Hanzo. He feels Cassidy's knee meet his gut, red beads flying from his split lip as he's pushed off him. Hanzo is used to fighting through this kind of pain. He hasn't given up in the slightest. 
A quick kick to Hanzo's torso has him staggering back a few steps until his back hits the windshield, a holographic interface lighting up in the glass due to the disturbance.
"I warned you, god damn it!" Cassidy says.
Pulling his gun back out, he keeps his distance as he sights the Shimada down the barrel.
He pauses.
"Do it then!" Hanzo yells at him, eyes wide, daring him to end this.
"Kill me!”
Cole pulls back the hammer with a click, angling his body.
Their eyes meet. The searing fire in his eyes has somewhat faded. There's determination, yet a bit of confusion laced with melancholy of an internal discussion.
In his moment of hesitation, Hanzo raises his arm, launching his kunai. During the movement, the train jerks forwards with a whirr, causing them both to fight to keep balance. The knife hits the wall and clatters to the ground, having been thrown off its trajectory. Hanzo follows Cassidy's gaze out the windshield. The train has picked up speed, headed towards a small stone bridge over a cut in the mountains that's part of the track.
They look back to each other. Cole meets Hanzo with an expression obvious he suspects this to be a piece of his supposed plan. Hanzo's expression back amends this misunderstanding rather quickly. Cole begins backing up, keeping the pistol aimed.
Hanzo gasps.
That wasn't the gun. 
They both turn their attention once again to the incoming track. Or, what's left of it. The bridge in the distance crumbles in a large cloud of smoke and debris, fire from the cause beneath licking for breath.
Cassidy uncocks and holsters his gun, strapping it down before swiping his hat from the ground and running to the emergency brake, yanking it.
It does nothing.
"Shit!" He says, quickly giving up on that idea as another look out the glass confirms the fast approaching issue. 
An idea strikes Hanzo. He runs to the doors between their current car and the next, pressing a button by each of them so they remain open. Returning to the cockpit, he scans the hologram for a latch release.
Given these trains are on autopilot, there's no dashboard, just the emergency brake and the holographic interface. Scrolling through, he can't determine what's what instantly. His mind tunnel visions, not even worried about the other man at the moment. Finally, he finds what he's looking for.
The hologram pulls up a 3D copy of the train itself. He pokes the front driving car and hits release. There's a loud click and he wastes no time dashing out the door, jumping the quickly growing gap between the two units. Not a second later, there's a thud behind him. Seems cowboy caught on and jumped after him. Holding his hat to his head, he looks back, the pulling car speeding off.
They're still going too fast.
With no other choice, Hanzo keeps running towards the very back car. The both of them reach the back and bust open the emergency door. Jumping is also not an option at this speed, they determine. Growling, Hanzo looks back through the alley of passageways, all open due to what is likely emergency protocol, or simply loss of power from the head of the train.
They have slowed down significantly from before but it still looks quite unfavorable. The pulling car that sped ahead launches off the ruined track, shooting into the rubble and disappearing into the grey plume. The crash reaches their ears, fear rising. Hanzo takes a long, deep breath, bracing himself between the seats of the back rows, looking over at Cassidy who's deducted the same course of action necessary.
Seconds drag like years.
All thoughts are almost instantly wiped blank from the impact. The domino that follows happens too fast to comprehend. They're thrown against the seats in front of them, luckily no further due to their positioning. The air is knocked from Hanzo's lungs and his head starts ringing loudly, followed by his entire body screaming in pain.
His awareness comes back slowly, enough to realize something. 
The car is tilting.
He fights to move, hearing the groaning of the man across from him in tandem with his own. Hanzo's fingers grip the fabric of the seats, eyes creaking open, looking to the doorway in the back just feet away. The land shifts through its frame a little too quickly for his liking, the rotation not aiding in his now splitting headache.
He starts to move towards it in a crawl, feeling as if he's going through a madhouse tunnel. A loud metallic creak accompanies a swift alteration in gravity, sending him sliding sideways. Throwing an arm out, he jumps and grips the door frame, holding on as the world shifts. There's a thud as Cassidy slides next to him, his arm catching over the door's edge. He inhales sharply with a grimace.
"Damn it!" He curses to himself. 
Hanzo throws his other hand up and glances to his target, noting the streak of red down the side of his head. Cassidy's eyes glaze right past Hanzo for a moment before scanning the archer's face. He sighs.
"This is gonna hurt like a bitch." He says through gritted teeth, seemingly resigned to what's about to happen.
Hanzo scoffs at his unhelpful words before looking down through the opposite open door beneath them. 
Now he understands.
There's a river. It's still a long way down, but there's hope.
Guts churn, air fluttering from Hanzo's throat in a soft exhale as they plunge downwards in the metal unit. Several long, agonizing seconds fly away as they grip on for life, Hanzo's eyes synched so hard he sees specks of white.
The rattle of the car cutting through the wind is suddenly silenced, the light feeling coming to an abrupt end as the waters surface is broken. Hanzo is thrown from the door due to the force, his hands being ripped from the frame. Cassidy throws his right arm out in an attempt to catch the other but Hanzo is torn away too quickly down the tunneling pathway.
Hanzo's back hits the metal wall.
Everything goes dark.
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diospore · 10 months
Fuck it here's my list of characters I relate to in some way
Edit:I realized this is incredibly hard for me to find to update it. Also most of these bitches are here for gender reasons.
Red - Aesthetic
Blue - Other Reasons
Green - Both
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya
Shota Aizawa
Hitoshi Shinso
All for One
Toga Himiko
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Shoto Todoroki
Dio Brando
Rohan Kishibe
Foo Fighters
Giorno Giovanna
Five Nights at Freddy's
William Afton/Springtrap/Scraptrap
Michael Afton
Jeremy Fitzgerald
My Little Pony
Golden Freddy/Cassidy
Funtime Foxy
Funtime Freddy
Twilight Sparkle
Princess Luna
King Sombra
Nagito Komaeda
Kokichi Ouma
Junko Enoshima
Chihiro Fujisaki
Dragon Ball Z
Steven Universe
Pink Diamond
Steven Universe
Lapis Lazuli
White Diamond
Gravity Falls
Bill Cipher
Danny Phantom
Danny Fenton
Vlad Masters
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Jar Jar Binks
The Thing
The Thing
Cult of The Lamb
The Lamb
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elsfairy · 10 months
my characters with the most hours before this wack progress update thingy was sombra mercy then moira then in ow1 it was ashe sombra mei i would love to go back to mercy but i literally cant 😔 i only use her for mercy parkours if you have any codes to share pls do i need them but honestly im okay with moira being my only go-to support cause i like to hear her talk and i genuinely cant fathom the thought of using anybody else🤭
— 💌
the only problem I have with Mercy is, you're an instant target for the enemy team. like they are on your ass constantly because you're a support, and lowkey fighting a Mercy sometimes pisses me off 😭 but moira 😩 she's so fucking yummy and I want her every second of the year 🤭 also hot take, but mei???? DONT GET ME STARTED ON HER 😭😭😭
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accursedkaleeshi · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
write the firewalls fic you Horde-playing coward /lh --Solstice
Solstice asked about a fic idea I had. I don’t usually have the brain wiring to commit to full fics so I have just been informally summarizing them. I have had a couple other asks & ideas like this so I am going to call them Bullet Point Fics. Will make a post to link them later
This Bullet Point Fic ended up being fulfillment of some need I have for my fucked up blorbos to be witnessed & validated by other characters in the full glory of just how physically destroyed they are & how they are dealing. So I am calling it the:
“Damn, Bitch, You Live Like This?” BPF
Synopsis: General Grievous becomes aware of another of many Separatist security measures installed in his own systems to control him. I rewrite the Clone Wars Gungan episode & force (hah) the Jedi to realize Grievous used to be a person. Highlights include Disaster lineage shenanigans, Grievous roasting everyone at any given opportunity, body horror, Dooku Drama™, & a whole lot of unfathomable sadness. Last update 2k words
·     In a moment of lucidity, Grievous takes stock of what technical systems he has access to & some things he does not. Knowing me, there would be like 5 pages right out the gate waxing poetic about his relationship with technology.
·     Grievous noclips through the very particular firewalls put on his tracking systems specifically to keep him out of them because he was being nosy.
·     The goths Sith are alerted. There are consequences for his actions.
·     Made to attend a Separatist HR meeting about it where they talk about him like he’s a new car & not even there. Wat Tambor is being weird. Grievous can’t tell if it is usual Wat Weird or not bc he has had some drugs forced upon him in Dooku & Poggle’s attempt to make him forget that he found the tracking signals.
o  Sorry. Just. Imagined the Separatist council bitching in a conference room & Grievous is just standing behind Dooku with dilated pupils wishing he was dead. Wat Tambor keeps making eye contact that he is not registering as weird.
·     Grievous was kind of used to being in altered states by then & he remembers much more than the Separatists even know about. Except Dooku, they said all kinds of shit around him bc they thought of him as a droid. Wat Tambor dropped the name of the new encryption tech they were going to use.
·     The general continues doing general things, playing dumb when it suits him. He is an Olympic gold medalist at playing dumb, maneuvering around xenophobes & the like that think he is far beneath them.
Our Least Favorite Clone Wars Episode
·     Later: The main characters manage to be nice enough to the gungans that they agree to help them make a Sombra Ult EMP bomb with their very limited & precious booma plasma. (I hate star wars bc I spent minutes of my life on the wiki looking for what the bombs were called just for them to be called boomas)
·     Alternative “Shadow Warrior” episode timeline things would occur wherein they have a hard time keeping Grievous locked down. He is not deterred by being in a giant bubble underwater & is generally being a huge pain in the ass. Deadpan threatens to fry Boss Nass with citrus & scallops.
·     Padmé gets a development arc. Convinces Anakin not to chase down the turn coat gungan (Rishi Loo, I think). She’s like “The general of the ENTIRE opposing galactic army is traumatizing Gunga city waiting for his ride out. We can’t let the Count come in here with an army to pick up his machine & make a mess of Naboo, right?” Anakin is like “you’re so smart, babe.”
o  Padme’s development includes trying to be diplomatic to Grievous even though he is scary to stand in front of. Grievous is a bitch about it & picked up on anidala quickly bc he’s not fucking blind. Padme chastises him for being unprofessional & he sort of concedes for the time being. Unclear if out of any actual respect or just bc he thinks its funny.
·     Anakin slaps together a big brain comms jammer that reroutes all military comms in the area to one predetermined channel & is very proud of himself until he notices there is still a signal coming from Grievous & he’s like “Hey, wtf man, turn that off”
o  Grievous is like “BOY do I look-?? I can’t. Turn it off yourself if you are so clever.”
·     They try to be lowkey about shoving General goddamn Grievous in a surface vessel & getting him to their ship. (“Gooden riddance! Bigum Bot barely fitten in de bongo!”) They can only circle space awkwardly until the signal is cut. Because Dooku was definitely coming to pick up his dog.
We’ve Got a Runner
·     Grievous debated on whether he would rather deal with Dooku or deal with, ugh, Jedi. He’s already been thoroughly disgraced today. & Dooku was definitely getting flak from Sidious about losing his war machine to gungans. Grievous has a yolo-synapse misfire & tells Anakin about the firewall encryption.
·     Anakin is a huge nerd about it. He knows what it is & has been keeping up with whatever bits of public development he could find about this same encryption.
·     Kenobi calls & is like “What is happening, why did I get a call from Jar Jar that was just wailing in terror??” in the middle of Anakin hacking the world on this old fucking monitor bc he wasn’t about to hook Grievous up directly to their ship.
·     “Master! I don’t know why this smart-refrigerator gave you such a hard time. I caught him the first time out, with the gungan’s help! They gave us the blue bombs for getting rid of him.” Kenobi dies a little inside.
·     “But uh, the Count is coming with back up & I am trying to turn off the good general’s parental lock before he gets to us. You gotta meet us somewhere. Everything is under control but holy kriff make sure you guys have something to contain this thing- GOT IT okay bye!”
·     They go to land on some nearby little system just out of the way enough to not have tourists. Anakin reasoned that every time they tried to capture Grievous in space, one or more ships were totaled. Theoretically it would be safer to do it terrestrially? Especially with Padme on board.
·     Of course, as soon as their shuttle began skimming to park Grievous was like “bye”, kicked out the landing gear, & straight dropped himself out of a moving ship like a crackhead.
·     Kenobi & some of his 212th show up to help corral Grievous who, for a giant bone white cyborg, is moving very quickly through tall alien grasses like that Jurassic park scene. Even more Republic reinforcements show up led by Yoda & Windu. Plo & the wolfpack have brought Ahsoka & the 501’st arc troopers bc they would be damned to miss actually catching General Grievous.
·     In the ensuing skirmish Grievous:
o  Surprises & injures multiple jedi, killing one
o  Surprises, injures, & kills many clones
o  Gets various bits blown off of him under sustained LAAT gunship fire
o  Takes a rocket to the head seams, blasting off the end of his face plate & cracking it up the side
·     The wolf pack is finally like “We got this” & distract Grievous while Rex & Ahsoka arm & launch one of the Gungan EMPS directly on him.
·     Grievous, who was in the middle of moving, just kind of takes a dive. There is a dramatic pause. Fives is like “Hell yeah!” Grievous gets back up. Fives is like “Hell no!”
o  Grievous is still trying to leave kill crush destroy escape. Kenobi is like “pls. can u not just stop. Just stop for five minutes, I’m begging you general”
·     Plo Koon does a drive by in his starfighter, dropping the heaviest, probably illegal, electro-net he could get his claws on.
o  Grievous thinks “this mf just drop a net on me?” but the reason it is probably illegal in the Republic is that the weights at the edges start rumbling & G is like “oh”. The weights crash together at one point & catch one of Greivous’ feet in them.
·     After all that Scooby-doo level cat & mouse they finally manage to get Grievous more or less contained in on a Republic cruiser with a lot of industrial grade cable & a lot of jedi.
o  Imagine the awkward transport LAAT ride standing next to Grievous like the galaxy’s most pissed off lobster net.
The Medical Drama
·     After the cruiser hyper jumps tf out of there the cool kids of the Jedi Council (& maybe Ki-adi Mundi just so I can roast him for no reason) make it a point to gather in the room with the pissed off cyborg. Very scared clone troopers keep having to control his limbs. (Except Cody & Wolf, who have been waiting for this moment their whole lives)
·     It’s hard for them to stay in the room bc he is just radiating anguished rage into the force like a sun. He’s feral & fucked up looking from shenanigans. Pieces of him are twisted or missing, covered in blaster carbon. Half of one of his chest plates has been cleanly cut off diagonally by Yoda’s saber. He’s pissed off like a cornered animal & his body language reads as such.
·     They’re all just kind of standing there trying to look hard when Yoda steps forward. Grievous wrenches forward with all the psi his pistons have & snatches the little bastard off the floor in both/all hands.
·     Ahsoka hit him with another EMP from hell. The entire cruiser stalled. Ahsoka was like “My bad, I panicked.” All the lights died & were replaced with half a dozen lightsabers pointed at Grievous, still clutching Yoda with a death grip, as he convulsed, froze, & then jolted again. His eyes lost some edge somewhere in that full body reset protocol
·     Yoda wrapped his little gremlin hands around the edges of the back of his faceplate & is like “Super fucked up, you are. Tired, you are.” Grievous goes down. The cruiser powers back up.
·     Kenobi, whom is very perturbed by this entire situation, is like “How did you do that? You think we haven’t tried that? He never even flinched before. We couldn’t pierce the anger with any suggestions.”
·     Yoda troll shrug. “Disrupted perhaps, a mechanism was?”
·     Anakin is helpful, “He said the tracking chip was in his head case. If we can destroy it, the Separatist’s goons can’t get the tracker back online. Honestly… shouldn’t we just put him out of his misery?”
·     Half of the jedi are like “He do be fuckt up tho”. The rest are like “He has to have a trial or we forfeit our values”. But they all agreed he must have hella information. Anakin is suddenly urgent about it, realizing that if the Sith can wirelessly back access systems in Grievous they could potentially corrupt or wipe him.
·     What if he self-destructs? Is that a thing, holy shit?? We did not think this through. As usual. We have to remove his wireless access point (das a wap omg). Anakin is the best mechanic on this cruiser so he followed the procession of jedi & clones dragging 300 lbs of deadweight to the medical bay.
·     The medical bay, which was otherwise filled with the people Grievous had just injured & killed, was not thrilled. Nevertheless they would spare a very polite, very nervous medical droid.
·     Yoda, Windu, & Kenobi remained as well as Cody & Rex. They were concerned about the logistics of containing Grievous should he wake up. All the other logistics were also proving a challenge.
·     The general being propped up with more or less a pallet jack from cargo (much to the disdain of the head nurse) Anakin just sort of went for it. He’d opened up plenty of droids & speeders. Where would one fit a satellite tag on this thing? On the motherboard. Well where is everything plugged into on this?
·     Probably several paragraphs of Anakin (& perhaps the medical droid having a droid crush) admiring the design until he tentatively turns the module at center of either side of Grievous’ head like a volume dial & the rest of his faceplate pops off & clatters to the floor. Anakin pauses like a kid caught breaking something until he looks over at Obi-Wan.
·     Kenobi had picked the faceplate off the floor & was looking at what was left of the general’s organic face with that weathered concerned look he got on his face when he didn’t have time to unpack how upsetting something was. He did rhetorically mutter, “Oh, general, what did they do to you…” (🥺)
·     Anakin doesn’t really want to look. He’d spent this whole war thinking of Grievous as a giant battle droid. He’d just spent the last several minutes trying to puzzle off pieces of him while the medical droid’s arms flitted around them measuring & attaching things.
[To be continued. with disgust, will he wake up, & more body horror]
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yeekonik · 2 years
I need a simple DNI and Interact list so here, also DONT reblog this, this is MY dni list- make your own
This will be updated
DSMP fan
Homophobes/Transphobes/Lesbphobe (how to spell it? Idc no slander or rudeness to my lesbian friends)
Racist/Back the Blue mfs
Stranger Things fans
Andrew Tate Apologists
Griffith apologists (berserk)
Endeavor fans
Eula, Bennett, Xingqiu Mains/Stans
Mfs who think they’re Y/N (fuck off you are so annoying I’m going to blow you up)
Misuse of AAVE!!
Fujoshi/Fudanshis… literally kys
MHA fans (sorry but it must be said)
Ghost of Tsushima Fans
Gay ppl
Genshin/Apex Legends/Fortnite/Red Dead Redemption 2/ Horizon Zero Dawn/Predator Hunting Grounds/Honkai Star Rail Players
My Little Pony (GEN 4) Likers
Oc x Canon enjoyers
Chinese Opera lovers
King Sombra Apologists
Starlight Glimmer likers
If Rarity or Pinkie Pie is your fav of mane 6
Wizard 101 players
Elden Ring players
Lies of P Enthusiasts
Nightwatch Mains (idv)
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Prompt request: Jack really needs to update the current status report for the UN. But Sombra and Hana are being little shits, trying to distract him. Of course, he knows what they want so he'll hold back the most until one of them breaks. And of course, the end result is them being railed by his hyper dick until they finally go quiet.
And thus, after achieving its latest mission the 12th, Overwatch then...
"Hey, daddy !" came Hana's voice from Jack's office door.
"What is it, Hana?" Jack sighed, raising his head from his computer screen to look at her.
"What do you think of my new swimsuit?" She asked, sauntering in wearing a two-piece, barely covering anything, almost exclusively thin straps, pink bikini.
"Pretty hot." he admitted, feeling his cock stir.
"Great! I'm gonna make a video later at the pool." Hana giggled. "You can come fuck me for it."
"Later." he sighed. "I've got the report to finish."
Normally someone else would have written it, but Jack had heard that the one who'd review it was one of the UN secretaries he hadn't fucked into his mind broken sluts yet, so his report had to look at least passable.
"Oh. Okay." Hana pouted, and turned around. "Can't believe you prefer writing this boring thing over fucking my tiny cunt." she teased as she left.
Jack sighed. Now, where was he?
Overwatch recently acquired a contact list of Talon's backers as well. And while the list is most likely not complete, we believe that...
"Working hard, papi." a voice commented in his ear.
Once again, Jack had to restrain himself from turning around to defend himself against the would-be assaillant. Olivia was an annoying brat, but a tamed one. Mostly.
"As you can see." he agreed as he felt her hands delicately run on his shoulders.
"Do you want me to give you a massage?" Sombra suggested. "Or to jerk you off with my huge senos while you work?"
She had lightly pushed the back of the chair aside, letting her enormous chest press against Jack's back, whom once again felt his cock stirr.
"Thank for the offer, but not for now." Jack shook his head. "I've got to at least pretend this report is normal, so I don't want to slip up."
He'd usually have absolutely zero issues multi-tasking and not being distracted (he'd once taken part and won a shootout while balls deep in a woman, after all), but he still wanted to be careful, if just this once.
"Your loss, papi."
And with that, Sombra was gone, leaving him with the feeling of her breasts still on his mind.
He shook his head and went back to writing.
When it comes to the new recruits, it is with great pleasure that I can inform you that their training is going swimmingly and...
"Stop that." he said firmly.
For the third time in an hour, D.va had crawled under his desk and had begun to unzip his pants before he stopped her.
Hana looked at him tearful, puppy-dog eyes. 
“But aren’t you horny, daddy? You’ve been working at that for hours and your poor cock hasn’t been sucked or fucked in that long.”
“I’ll manage.” 
Despite her tone, Jack knew damn well that she just wanted to mess with him, probably make him write some names wrong. But he would hold still. He was a horndog, but he could, and he would, control himself.
“You’re sure about that?” 
“Yes, now go away and let me work.”
“Okay, but you know who to call if you want to, right?”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
As for the infrastructure of the Overwatch base itself, it is with pleasure that i inform you that there had been no major accident or repairs needed so far, and that no work beyond standard maintenance had been necessary. When it comes to agents capacity, we....
“Oh fuck, oh please fuck me, you feel so good! i’m losing my mind, I...”
Jack’s writing had been suddenly interrupted by his speakers broadcasting the sound of a woman being fucked, and then his screen changed to display a video of him bending Amélie over a table and railing her.
It was an extremely arousing sight, but Jack was more preoccupated with what had caused it.
“Sombra!” he called out loud. 
“Hey, papi. I just finished editing the latest video for the site, so i figured i’d let you see a bit of it to get your opinion.” Her mischevious answer came from the door, where she was leaning against the doorframe, fully naked.
On Jack's screen, the angle had changed, now focusing on Widowmaker's bouncing breasts as she had her cunt and mind broken once again by her master in a video that would be seen by millions across the globe. He glanced at the video before his gaze returned to the hacker.
"It seems good to me." he sighed. "Feel free to put it online when you want."
"Aww, it doesn't make you horny? Doesn't make you want to fuck a puta?"
It was a very hot video, but Jack was growing frustrated by Hana and Olivia's attempt at messing with him. He would not give in and would not fuck them.
Meanwhile, Sombra had reacted with mock outrage at his words. "You don't want to fuck?!"
"Not for now, so leave me alone... and remove that video from my computer for now."
“You’re sure you don’t want to continue watching it for a bit?” the latina teased him.
“Yes, i am sure. now leave me.”  
“Your loss.”
As Sombra left the room, the wet spot between her thighs didn’t escape Jack, who smirked. This wasn’t just a contest to try and make him lose compsure, but they also really wanted to be fucked.
Since they had been so annoying, he’d make them beg.
He had to tell Hana to go away four more times in the afternoon, the korean girl sounding more and more desperate each time, even if she insisted she just “wanted to make your cock feels good while you work”. 
After her little stunt with his computer, Olivia had come a few more times to tease him, and had always recieved the same answer “not now", her cunt dripping on the floor as she sauntered away.
And now, just as Jack was putting the final touches to his report, his door opened once more, and both D.va AND Sombra entered. Both were naked, their pussies dripping as they made their way to his desk.
"C'mon daddy, don't you want to fuck us?" Hana asked as the two leaned forward, fully showing off their huge breasts to his pleasure.
"Working all day like that, without a pussy to fuck..." Sombra continued, her tone teasing, but their was now a hint of desperation in her voice.
"... or an ass..."
"... or a pair of tits..."
"... or a throat!"
Jack hid smirk. With every word, the two girls sounded more and more desperate and less teasing.
"Honestly, it felt nice going for an entire day without fucking. I'd forgotten what it was like." that was technically true, but he was now commited to play along and make the two brats beg.
"So... you're not gonna fuck either of us?"Olivia asked, trying to keep her composure.
"Probably not. And I might even try going without sex tomorrow as well." Jack lied.
"You can't be serious, right Jack?" Hana's voice broke, the propsect of that teasing being for nothing and going without Jack's cock for a few days was shaking her.
"Maybe I am."
"It's to punish us for teasing you, is it ?" Olivia asked.
"Yes. You've been brats all day, bothering me when I'm trying to work, annoying me even when I told you two to leave me alone."
"C'mon, Jack, that was just a joke." Hana pleaded. "You can't do that to us!"
"I can, and I will. That'll teach you two to listen to me more." he concluded.
"Please, fuck us! I'm sorry I was a brat!" Hana begged. "I've been missing your cock, please!" she knelt to the floor, begging now.
"We went a bit too far, but we need your cock!" Olivia added, as the two brats were on their knees.
"Look at my needy pussy, Jack." the korean gamer spread her legs, showing the flood of wetness from it. That just being in the same room as, that just thinking about, Jack's godly gargantuan cock gave any woman.
"Please, we need your cock, we're sorry we teased you so much!" Sombra continued, her fmdark nipples hard enough to cut rock, a trail of drool from her mouth as she looked at Jack.
"Let us worship you!" They begged in unisson.
Jack wordlessly got up and walked around his desk until he was standing over the two bratty sluts. He looked down at them, at their looks of desperation, of lust, of worship. At the trail of juices their pussies had made from the overwhelming need they had to be fucked by him. At their breasts, jiggling slithly with every panted breath of them. And he smirked.
"Please." the two pathetically whimpered.
Sombra laid in a corner of the room, passed out, having been fucked into unconsciousness, her mind breaking to dust, then to atoms as he fucked her. She was completely unrecognizeable, drenched in enough of his tar-like cum she was barely visible, bloated enough that she looked pregnant with quintuplets, leaking his cum from her pussy, ass, mouth, and even nose, ears and eyes. She had been been overwhelmed, pleasured so thoroughly her mind broke.
And now it was Hana's turn.
She was fucked doggystyle, and every clap of Jack's wrecking-ball-sized testicles against her resonated through the room in a lewd, primal noise. His cock had stret hed her, bulged her so much she looked like an overinflated condom more than a woman. Her tongue was lolling out, barely able to form words, eyed rolled all the way to the back of her skull.
The drains installed in every room of the Overwatch base had worked overtime, but even then, they were ankle-deep in Jack's cum.
And he was nowhere near done fucking them.
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tlacehualli · 2 years
META   + Moira.
Sombra thinks that hate is a wasted emotion. Well, all emotions are wasted, really; hers are far too strong, they overtake and overwhelm and when she was younger, she could barely breathe if one was sufficiently powerful.
She's 30 and she hates Moira.
Fear is a wasted emotion too. Useless. She'd feared the Red Eye for over half of her life but she didn't sit idly by, cower uselessly like some punk until it tracked her down and found her and ended her existence for flying too close to the sun.
She's 30 and she fears Moira.
Sombra's life is essentially a study in arrogance; how quickly a highly adaptable, intelligent mind can become complacent and think far too highly of itself. For her, apparently, it's not fucking long. She'd undergone cyborgization but even those modifications had left her scrambling, desperate. She could feel the attention the Eye had on her at all times, could feel its probes, its searches, forever trying to answer the question - Is Olivia Colomar truly gone, so easily? No. Surely not. And she knew, she knew, she would die soon if she didn't do something drastic.
So she did, she left Los Muertos behind, washed away the body paint, spoke her brief regrets and said her goodbyes and she joined (or, rather, became a highly exclusive independent contractor to Talon) - because she needed their resources. Los Muertos did fine, usually stayed in the green even, but Talon had something that any gang lacked; they were global.
And she'd needed that, desperately. And she had been such a fool. How easy was it to update Talon's laughable cybersecurity (and to her, it was all so laughably easy to break open and get at the goodies inside), how easy was it to slip inside of some high security facility aided by her invisibility and her translocators and her newfound ability to just make machines do and see and hear exactly what she wanted them to.
How easy was it to work on Moira's little projects? What an interesting exercise it was to create a biochip capable of suppressing the various and complex cascade of chemicals and neurotransmissions that could dull - perhaps even eliminate - one's ability to feel emotion. How simple, how laughable, it was to create a visor that could detect heat signatures through walls.
She'd put it all together much later when she'd seen the Widow - Amelie no longer or perhaps she was Amelie still, her talents did not lie in parapsychology - laying in a contained pool of water, hooked up to what seemed like a million cables and medical thingies she'd been too shocked to register and to search for. Moira had been cold and clinical as she'd given out little morsels of her findings, of her research. Sombra had been frozen, aghast - only 21.
"Oh, are you surprised? I suppose I forgot to tell you. How silly of me."
Moira had been amused and calculating, very easily preying on a young person's desire to prove their intellect and using that for her own ends. Sombra was, needless to say, horrified. She'd worked with the Widow already, she'd seen - the Widow was cold, so cold, and -
"Yeah." Her voice was rough and her laugh had been rougher, a half-hearted attempt to bury the depth of emotion she felt at seeing her hubris, laying still as stone in tepid water. "Guess you got me. Catch you later, gringa."
Too late, far too late. She'd very nearly ran out and she'd rushed into her quarters and she'd wept and broken things and she'd prayed to a God she didn't fully believe in for forgiveness and absolution. She'd drank far more than she should have.
And she'd woken up the next day, her head pounding, her stomach unsettled, and she'd gone to work. A mission with the Widow, how tragic. She swore a part of her died that day - the last innocent part. And nine years after the fact, the ghost of that day still haunted her.
So she hated her. And she feared her. Moira. One day, she would kill her.
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lesbiandeerstory · 2 years
it’s time for another script update post roundup thing! usually i wanna do these on thursday but currently my schedule for making posts is “whenever i have time, which isn’t often” so here we are! :v
“back to normal” (esme and popstar)
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esme has a new color than the blue i was using for her before, cuz i color picked her cute face to get this color. i think i mentioned that last time, about how i changed some of the colors i was using cuz color picking the characters is more convenient...
anyway i fucking hate when ppl talk about “going back to normal”. it’s gotten alot more severe since covid became a thing, but it was a thing that ppl talked about alot after trump got elected too. when ppl say they want things to go “back to normal” in a political or social context, what they usually mean is “i want things to go back to a place where i can keep ignoring problems”. i hate it!!!!!!
one of the major factions in lesbian deer story’s political landscape is the group that prioritizes the absence of conflict over the presence of justice, ur centrists and ur moderate liberals and what have u, and popstar is the representative of that philosophy in the first episode, as well as esme struggling with her desire to avoid conflict and how that desire clashes with her desire to destroy fascism.
i don’t have alot of sympathy for this mindset personally, but i do understand it bcuz it’s the kinda mindset i used to have. and that’s a thing i wanna do with lesbian deer story, i wanna write a bunch of characters who have a bunch of different ideas and mindsets and i want the audience to understand them too, whether they choose to sympathize with them or not.
“back to normal 2″
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esme’s narration here outlining another thing i wanna do with lesbian deer story; esme knows what the Right Thing To Do is, she knows that fascism is wrong, she knows it’s evil, she knows that u need to fight back against it, with violence if necessary.
but *knowing* something isn’t the same as like, DOING it. esme knows that she needs to fight fascism, but she is extremely averse to conflict, and this dichotomy fucks her up and fucks up her friends, but it’s not as simple as seeing where ur going wrong and going “ah i should stop doing this bad thing”. old habits die hard, that kinda thing.
i want protagonists who genuinely struggle with their ethics, and i don’t want to hide from how ugly that struggle can be, or the painful or even disastrous effects that kind of struggle can cause.
tho at the end of the day u can be rest assured esme will figure her shit out in some way or other. lesbian deer story can be ugly and grim at times, but it’s an idealistic story through and through.
“ghost jokes” (rakshasa and verbena)
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hey do y’all remember rakshasa, the undead apocalyptic murder deer from the daily deer project?? i don’t think i’ve mentioned this here before, but she got promoted to pov character! hooray everyone give a big hand to rakshasa!
she is still vaguely sinister and potentially even evil, but she works together with the protagonists in the first episode. i like her alot.
originally rakshasa’s persona was meant to be based on chrysalis and sombra, but after actually writing her, the mlp character she ended up resembling the most was... maud. which is funny to me, imagine summoning a wicked evil spirit to gain their dark power and she has the demeanor of maud pie.
“ghost jokes 2″
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rakshasa talking about committing murder is a heavy thing for her to be saying, given that deer don’t kill, but rakshasa is already dead so she has a different perception of death than a living deer.
but more importantly, verbena is the one who i agree with in this conversation. like violence is good and necessary, but u can’t just solve every problem by killing ppl. if u kill the ceo of a company, someone else just takes their place. u can’t solve systemic issues by committing violence on a single individual, and thinking u can is not a super healthy ideology to have.
another one of the factions in lesbian deer story’s world is the group of ppl who are ostensibly against fascism, but only bcuz it allows them to commit violence with a clean conscience. these types of ppl are extremely dangerous; ppl who care more about hurting the “right” ppl than they do about HELPING ppl. the use of violence is supposed to be to help and protect others, not just to hurt ppl that are The Bad Guys(tm).
rakshasa isn’t quite this kind of person, she has other goals in mind aside from just hurting the bad guys, but her lack of compassion and her focus on inflicting pain and violence makes her an easy ally for the types of ppl who are just interested in doing violence for its own sake.
the things u do affect the ppl around u, and there are times where u can have quote-unquote “good intentions” but ur actions align more with the interests of the ppl u are supposed to be fighting against.
basically, rakshasa wanting to fight fascism is GOOD. rakshasa believing that violence and murder are the only correct ways to fight fascism is BAD, and her narrow-mindedness in this regard makes her an easy tool to be manipulated BY fascism and other ppl with evil motives.
this doesn’t rly come up alot in the first episode tho. rakshasa and the emeraldeer characters are pretty squarely opposed, but part of the importance of a first episode is establishing a groundwork that can be built on for later storytelling moments!
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heartbreaktrio · 2 years
The fact that “Ask King Sombra” CONSISTENTLY updated 3 times a week for over 2 years is amazing to me I wish I had that kind of work schedule for a project AND IT GOT FINSIHED
A fully colored, working askblog sometimes with colored gifs that had a consistent story and USED ASKS THE ENTIRE WAY THROUGH
Genuinely amazed i fucking love this silly horse blog. Love my mlp ask blogs so much actually theyre so inspiring esp if they’re still going to finish their story I want to be them
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eyeluvmascara · 5 months
Huda Beauty Desert Dusk Eyeshadow Palette Deep Dive
So… I’m tired of these eyeshadow palettes not working after a few years. I spent my hard earned money! This palette was $65 when I purchased it in 2017. I was working retail when I purchased it too so it needs to last! I am having an issue with Retrograde in this palette. Yes, I have some dupes but this one needs to work.
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I did a internet search to find which eyeshadows have what formula:
- 8 x Matte Eyeshadows in Blazing, Saffron, Amethyst, Oud, Amber, Eden, Musk, and Desert Sand.
- 6 x Pressed Pearl Eyeshadows in Turkish Delight, Angelic, Cashmere, Royal, Nefertiti, and Blood Moon.
- 3 x Duo-Chrome Topper Eyeshadows in Retrograde, Twilight, and Celestial.
- Pure Glitter Eyeshadow in Cosmo
So after identifying Retrograde as a topper (meaning a thinner formula - more see-thru) I decided to hunt for ingredients to see if I can possibly rehydrate it…
Ingredients list:
EYESHADOW PALETTE / PALETTE D'OMBRES À PAUPIÈRES / riAf1VITPA CEHKVI 3A OHM / PALETKA OCNiCH STiNÙ / LIDSCHATTEN-PALETTE PARA PÂLPEBRAS / flAf1ETKA TEHE1h BEK / PALETA DE SOMBRAS DE PARPADOS / OGONSKUGGEPALETT / FARI PALETi DE INGREDIENTS / : OUD, MUSK, AMBER, DESERT SAND, EDEN, BLAZING, SAFFRON: Mica, Zea Mays Starch tzea Mays (Corn) Starchl. Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Simmondsia Chinensis Seed Oil [Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oitl. May Contain +1-•. Ct 77891 (Vltaniurn Dioxidel, Cl [Carmine], Cl 77499 [Iron Oxidesl I ÂMETHYST: Mica, Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Zea Mays Starch (Zea Mays (Corn) Starchl, Silica, Ztnc Stearate, Ethyth Glycol, Simmondsia Chinensis Seed Oil [Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oill. May Contain +/-: Cl 77742 [Manganese Violet), Cl 77007 Isohexadecane, Cyclopentasiloxane, Steareth-21 , Dimethicone, Steareth-2, Zinc Stearate, Caprylyl Glycol, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnarnate, PPG-15 Stearyi E [Iron Oxidesl I RETROGRADE: Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Mica, Silica, Isohexadecane, Cyclopentasitoxane, Steareth-21, Dimethicone, Steareth-2, Zinc St Oil [Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oill. May Contain +/-: Cl 77491 [Iron Oxidesl I ROYAL: Mica, Synthetic Fluorphlogoplte, tsohe Methoxycinnamate, PPG-15 Stearyl Ether, Tin Oxide, Simmondsia Chinensis Seed Oil [Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oill. May Contain +1-: Cl NEFERTITI: Mica, Isohexadecane, Calcium Sodium Borosilicate, Cyclopentasiloxane, Polyethytene Terephthatate, Steareth-21, Zinc Stearate, Dime Ether, Tin Oxide, Polyurethane-11 , Simmondsia Chinensis Seed Oil [Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oill. May Contain +/-: Cl 77891 (Titanium Dioxi( Mica, Isohexadecane, Cyclopentasiloxane, Steareth-21 , Zinc Stearate, Dimethicone, Polyethylene Terephthalate, Steareth-2, Caprylyt Glycol, Ethylhexyl Seed Oil [Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oill. May Contain +/-: Cl 77891 [Titanium Dioxidel, Cl 75470 [Carmine), Cl 77491 (Iron Oxidesl I CAS Dimethicone, Steareth-2, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Caprylyl Glycol, PPG-15 Stearyl Ether, Simmondsia Chinensis Seed OillSimmondsia Chinensis ( I CELESTIAL, TWILIGHT: Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, Silica, Isohexadecane, Mica, Aluminum Calcium Sodium Silicate, Calcium Aluminum Borosilicat Caprylyl Glycol, Trn Oxide, PPG-15 Stearyl Ether, Simmondsia Chinensis Seed Oil [Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oill. May Contain +1-: Cl 77891 Terephthalate, Glycerin, Polymethyt Methacrytate, Polyurethane-33, Polyurethane-11 Caprylyl Glycol, Jojoba Esters, Helianthus Annuus Seed Cera [Heliantt Acacia Decurrens Flower Cera {Acacia Decurrens Flower Waxl, Polyglycerin-3, Mica. May Contain +/-: Cl 77491 [tron Oxidesl, Cl 16035 (Red 401, Cl 77511 MADE IN ITALY/ FABRIQUÉ EN ITALIE / I Net wt./ Poids net 25.2g / o.890z / & Dist by / par : HUDA
More on this later…
So after I went and touched concrete I realized how many blue brown duochrome shadows I have with a red base and I’m saying fuck this whole assignment. I will just love on what I have. Deuces!
Update May 13, 2024
I dug the shadow out into a separate pot, added isopropyl myserate and 91% alcohol to it, stirred then packed back into the square tin. Let it dry and it works now. It has been over 24 hours and it swatches beautifully.
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smalls2233 · 6 months
Ooooohhhh I shouldn't have read that chapter before bed I am shaking!!! And not just because I'm sick
The drama the reveal the lil bit of horny the betrayal ahhhhh!!!! It is all so good!
I greedily want chapters from Reaper's pov because the selfishness and atrocity he committed to so quickly to reclaim Cole is something you write so well. There's such an art to the way you write the ways in which a morally dark to grey character will act and justify their actions. A dark bitterness and a richness I can only liken to eating dark chocolate, it's the good fucking food!
And the way you write Moira is delicious too. You never over write her as evil, you use her when she suits and set her up as a force of the plot as much as a character. The way she's so clearly the devil on Gabe's decent to Reaper is sikskssk
And that's to say nothing for the way you write our corrupted Cowboy! I felt every gut punch Cole did today, I got shivers from how visceral his emotions were! I don't know how he's going to hide his disgust and distrust from Reaper... If he even manages to hold on to his memories at this point. Will he actually get himself and Sibren and Illari out like Sombra asked? Which is so surprising but so her at the same time? Or are we going to get a bad ending where Gabriel Reyes shows how far he's willing to go to keep Cole Cassidy as his?
Your updates have managed to give me so, so, so much joy while I've been recovering. Thank you so much
~Fic Anon
This makes me so happy to hear!
The chapter’s a reveal I’ve been really looking forward to, while also being a bit apprehensive as to what the reaction to it would be (since I think it makes it clear what the ending of the fic will be like, in terms of the status of their relationship lol, there’s two options and both of them are at least a little bit sad in their own ways)
I just rly enjoy writing complex characters, I don’t think I’ll have a chapter of Gabe’s POV (if I do, it would be a one shot, likely set after Cassidy left) but I’ve had a lot of fun sitting down and thinking through his thought process and why he’s done the things he’s done.
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Elegía de píxeles & semen
Danez Smith
para Javier “Kid Chocolate” Bravo
no te dejarán descansar en paz, kid.
última actualización: dieron un par de puntadas digitales a tu carne muerta, kid.
esta tumba: sin lirios, la foto de un pene, no prueba que fueras de nadie, kid.
un fantasma se zambulle en un joven aún vivo, lo hace gritar como un niño que sangra kid.
¿te vistieron o desvistieron al enterrarte, kid?
tu madre ve cómo ahorcas a un hombre de placer, no puede evitarlo, extraña a su niño.
los hombres se reúnen frente a las pantallas para jalársela y llorar, kid. no saben tu verdadero nombre, kid.
coges como un animal, mueres como un animal, kid.
corre por nuestras venas la misma sombra roja, kid.
hay un poco de tu sangre en la mía, somos casi hermanos, hijos de un mal padre.
¿sabes cuántas formas hay de describir a un fantasma, kid?
alguien extraña tu risa, no sólo tu forma de eyacular culos & pantallas, kid.
apuesto que su pastor ignora que hiciste tu alabanza, kid.
convierten nuestros funerales en lecciones, kid.
dicen sangre & el mundo se estremece, kid.
dicen sangre & observan cómo nos volvemos polvo, kid.
nos quieren callados, redimidos, o muertos, kid.
nos quieren erectos, con ojos de túnel & encabritados, kid.
tienen más ganas de cogernos que de que existamos, kid.
nos quieren para conocer a dios o para ser dios, kid.
¿qué tan cerca del orgasmo está la muerte, kid?
¿qué se siente sentir todo y luego ser una cosa que no puede sentir, kid?
¿algún joven besó lo que quedaba de ti, kid?
¿inundó la iglesia con sus lágrimas, kid?
¿él fue la lluvia y tú el arca, kid?
¿creó un nuevo mar para extrañarte, kid?
¿fuiste un pez nadando en su dolor, kid? ¿flotaste?
versión al español: Brianda Pineda Melgarejo
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elegy with pixels & cum Danez Smith
 for Javier “Kid Chocolate” Bravo
they won’t let you stay dead, kid. today’s update: your dead flesh stitched digital, kid. this gravestone: no lilies, a dick pic, no proof you were someone’s, kid. ghost plunge into a still alive boy, make him scream like a bleeding kid. did they dress or undress you for burial, kid? your mother watches you choke a man into pleasure, can’t look away, just misses her kid. men gather in front of screens to jerk & mourn, kid. don’t know your real name, kid. you fuck like an animal, you die like an animal, kid. i have the same red shadow running through my veins, kid. in my blood, a little bit of your blood, almost siblings, some bad father’s kids. did you know how many ways you can relate to a ghost, kid? someone misses your laugh, not just the way you filled asses & screens, kid. i bet they had a pastor who didn’t know you do your eulogy, kid. they turn our funerals into lessons, kid. they say blood & watch us turn to dust, kid. they want us quiet, redeemed, or dead already, kid. they want us hard, tunnel-eyed, & bucking, kid. they want us to fuck more than they want us to exist, kid. they want us to know god or be god, kid. how close was death to orgasm, kid? how did it feel everything, then become a thing that can’t feel, kid? did a boy kiss what was left of you, kid? did he flood the church with his mourning, kid? was he the rain & you the ark, kid? did he make a new sea to miss you, kid? were you a fish swimming in his grief, kid? did you float?
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