#all of these children are so precious and i would die and kill for them and would live to build world peace for them. if you catch my drift
hahahafangirl · 4 months
gotta put my thoughts down before i forget it but the thing that did it in for me is how spy x family is ultimately and uniquely a “children-focused” work, where the major stakes require that we pay attention to the lives and dynamics of young children so that — specifically — we have to genuinely engage with and invested in their inner lives, motivations, desires, thoughts, emotions, etc.
i think this is a very unique focus in the shounen sphere, where the audience and creators are centered about adolescent boys (the shounen genre, in its name) and thus have a very wide scope of focus that nonetheless has “aged” past “childhood”. usually media about children and childhood are sequestered in its own genre (children’s shows like doraemon, magical girl anime like precure series, etc.) aimed at a different target audience who are in the same demographic as the main characters in the shows. this is, obviously, not a bad thing. but i appreciate the “genre-breaking” focus that spy x family have because it inspires a sort of empathy to children, who are often not the most favorite group of people for the typical demographic of shounen readers, that is specifically vital in today’s climate. (can’t say much about japan itself, who historically has been dealing with declining birth rates, but oh i can speak for the american individualism— ironically where sxf is also very popular in) another thing about this is it’s drive home how intertwined the family life is, and should be. agent twilight and thorn princess’s plot-lines are clearly shounen-esque (a spy fighting for world peace, an assassin weeding out traitors) but they are nonetheless inextricable from the family- and anya-focused story, because by choice or circumstances they are anya’s parents. they’re a part of a larger societal fabric that embedded them in relationships to others — children being one of them. i think that’s pretty neat.
another thing, specially about the depiction of children in sxf: they are fictitious yet realistic enough to portray real children and inspire sympathy for them. a lot of asian home media in general have the problems of portraying young children as “problems”: annoying, loud, privileged, dumb, ungrateful, etc etc. these are such complaints about children that are unfortunately way too common and way too ungenerous and mean-spirited; none of these tropes are present, even in a media full of scions and heiress. complaints about them being brats (red circus bus hijacking arc) was rightfully framed as unsympathetic and unreasonable (they’re children! they can’t help where they were born into— it goes both ways.) i think the crux of this beautiful balance sxf struck in portraying nuanced, dynamics children is sympathy. they can be loud, they can be whiny, cry at the drop of a hat, has too much energy, gross, have bad grades, clingy, inconsistent, academically unmotivated, ran off randomly— and that’s fine, because we know why they do it, we are given space into their inner thoughts, something so rarely afforded to real life children at times. but they can be motivated, they want world peace, they want to have genuine friends, they want their friends to be happy, they have crushes, and most of all they love their parents and they love the people around them.
i think regardless of everything sxf is a work that understands that children are full of love and the majority of the things they do are out of love. i think that alone makes it incredible in the current socio-econo-political climate where sympathy is spared so little and humanity spreads so thin children barely gets what they deserve. i suppose that’s the sort of war we are entrenched in.
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radiance1 · 1 year
Gimmie a Danny and Damian twins au, but not one where they're all gushy gushy and huggy huggy about the fact that they're reunited.
I want one, where they HATE and try to KILL EACH OTHER. Where they're extremely fucked up in their relationship with one another, but can't kill the other because Taila hoped that they could get along.
They spew poison at each other, inflict pain on each other as easy as BREATHING and would leave the other while heavily injured while saying that they could take care of themselves.
I want them to be near mortal-enemies wrapped up in the bodies of two highly-competent and powerful 14 year olds who cannot give a fuck about each other, has a fleeting thought of killing the other on the best of days but doesn't because of their dear mommy Taila.
Then force them to interact with each other after a long period of separation. I don't give a flying FUCK how you manage to do it, perhaps Danny has to run because his parents vivisected him, perhaps the Nasty Burger explosion couldn't be reversed because Clockwork said no and Danny is torn or perhaps Vlad brings him to Gotham for a gala (either redeemed or not redeemed Vlad), etc, etc.
Force these two children who fucking HATE each other under the same roof, make them interact, make them watch each other interact and make comments about it. Maybe even make an unstable Danny try and KILL Damian, but is stopped by the batfam, or maybe make it that Danny can't even bring himself to kill Damian because he's (discounting Talia) the only family he has left.
Maybe even (if you go the Nasty Burger/Dead Fenton fam au) make Danny hate Bruce Wayne's fucking GUTS because this man is trying to replace his dead father (even though Bruce IS his biological father) and hates him even MORE because he looks so similar to Jack's face that he's literally torn whenever he sees him. Make it that he never stays in the same room as Bruce whenever he's not in mask, make it that he tells Bruce TO HIS FACE that he hates the man for trying to replace his dead FUCKING dad and that he will NEVER accept him as one, biologically related or not.
Maybe even make him not like the batfam either just for the fact that they associate with both Bruce and Damian.
(I just remembered about that one post I saw, but BOY is this ramble gonna get even WORSE for dear old Danny. Though this part isn't really necessary could just read the on top bit lol)
Maybe they even find a way to take away his ghost side, and Bruce (With or without Talia) say that it's for the best for him, and Danny? Danny just fucking BREAKS. DOWN. He's full-on crying and screaming at Bruce and maybe has to be held back by the other batkids or not, or maybe he's just fulling on trying to hit Bruce and Bruce either dodges or just takes it.
Saying how fucking DARE he take away his ghost side, that was apart of him and he had NO FUCKING RIGHT to take away something so precious from him. Then Bruce could say that he doesn't need powers, he could be fully if not even more capable as a human.
And Danny just goes "You don't even get it, do you?" And Danny just cries harder because technically that was one the LAST things linking him to his parents. His DEAD parents. Sure, the accident was his fault, but phantom was created because of their portal, in their lab, in their basement.
Even worse if the reveal went RIGHT and they starting accepting how he was half ghost and trying to change their views on ghosts as a whole, only to die. Then, for some guy to just, take away something like that from him?
Maybe Danny would even say that, rip into him about how that was one of the only things linking him to his parents and even if it wasn't he didn't have the fucking right to decide what to do with HIS body.
"You never had to fucking worry about your parents not accepting you, I did. They still loved me regardless, they tried to change for me. But you wouldn't even know what that feels like, would you, you stupid fucking rich boy."
[idk why I typed that part out but just role with it.]
Maybe Bruce tries to sympathize with Danny about his parents, but Danny just doesn't have any fucks left to give about Bruce's life, or anyone else life in Bruce's life at all and just shuts it down or steamrolls over it. At the end of it all Danny is just a crying, shivering wreck and stares down Bruce with eyes full of HATE that tells Bruce one step closer, and he would KILL him.
Maybe then Damian (Either walks in or was there the entire time.) insults Danny over his weakness and depending on his ghost form or something, and Danny just sees fucking RED and jumps on him. No care that he's no longer half ghost, so that he means he could die more easily, no care to anyone else in that room, no care that Talia wanted both of them to get along and not kill each other.
He tries to kill Damian.
He fails miserably, of course, but he still tries. Then tries again and a fucking gain.
Then after all that he just, doesn't come out of his room, or tries to escape and leave Gotham every chance he gets. He never gets far, but he keeps trying, and he never opens up to anyone in the batfam, not even Alfred.
He's just a kid who lost everything he worked so hard for, everything he tried to hide from his biological mother and her assassin league who tried to keep whatever he had left. Now that kid is fueled by nothing but pure, revolting hatred for the people who took even that from him.
Basically like Dark Danny, but way more powerless and fully human.
[Okay that's enough of me rambling.]
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shmlnbstrcnd · 28 days
How AOT's main trio set Ymir free
Eren, Armin, and Mikasa all taught the Founder Ymir valuable lessons, and were instrumental in setting her free. All three of them caught Ymir's attention and she made the effort to reach out to them personally in different ways, observe them, learn from them.
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First Eren reached her in the Paths and told her that she's her own person, and can choose what SHE wants rather than follow orders. This was the first time in her long, miserable life, that someone called her a human being. The first time in 2000 years (that would have felt even longer in the Paths, closer to millions of years), that she was told what happened to her was wrong. In her life, she had spent her whole life as a dehumanized slave without any acknowledgement of her own humanity. Eren opened her eyes (literally) to the injustice of her situation and taught her autonomy.
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Then Armin arrived to fight Eren, and Ymir watched his every movement closely, even stealing him into the Paths with the Okapi and trapping him there. She watched his conversation with Zeke where he shared that the meaning of life is in appreciating the little moments and the love you already have rather than chasing an unattainable dream. In her life, she longed for an unattainable love/validation from King Fritz who was incapable of giving it to her, since he's a monstrous psychopath. She lived and died yearning for something she would never receive, rather than living for what she had (her daughters). Armin taught her the true meaning of life.
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Lastly, Mikasa. From the moment Ymir noticed Mikasa's love for Eren, she was intrigued. She began to peak through Mikasa's lifetime memories, causing her headaches. Then Mikasa killed Eren despite loving him, knowing it's the right thing to do and proving she's not a slave. Ymir herself couldn't do this in her own life, instead choosing to die for the monster she loved, instead of killing him. Mikasa taught her that love does not equal submission.
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In the end, all three of the main trio were instrumental in setting Ymir free. In her last appearance, Ymir had a vision of what she wished she had done, what she WOULD have done had she received these three lessons earlier in her life. She would have protected her beloved daughters, the truly important and precious things in her life, rather than being a slave to the abusive king. If she were given another chance, she would have let him die.
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In the end, Ymir's deepest most primal desire was a pure and loving human connection, some semblance of tenderness and care, something she was so deprived of. This desire was so strong that it bled into every single Eldian, connecting them all to Ymir through the Paths. One lonely, abused little girl's desperate need to be loved, enveloping every one of her subjects, binding them all to her in an all-consuming web. She has always been desperately reaching out to other people.
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In her ill young mind she mistook the king's sick """rewards""" as that love she craved. Eren made her realize "what he did to me was wrong and I have a right to my anger", Armin made her realize "I shouldn't have waited for love from him that would've never come and instead cherished the love of my children", Mikasa made her realize "I should have let him die/killed him myself". Acknowledging all this and making peace with her tragic life and the decisions she made, allowed her to let go. She finally moved on, and in this moment, she appeared not as an immature child, like she did throughout the Rumbling, but now as a grown adult woman.
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Ymir's story in the finale is essentially a coming-of-age story from the perspective of a mentally ill, dehumanized slave. She starts the finale as someone with arrested development lashing out at the world, and ends it as an adult at peace with herself. Eren invited her to indulge in her rage. Armin helped her consider what was truly important. Mikasa healed her and allowed her to let go. All three protagonists were valuable and influential in freeing Ymir.
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justabratsworld · 9 months
Yo uh Its my first time asking or requesting (idk why I'm so nervous help☠️)
uh..can I request er
🥹🫶🏼 absolutely bby
King Tobias wasn’t always this crazy. One would argue he was the best king this kingdom has had in a long time. He was level headed, made logical decisions, cared for his people and most importantly he valued people’s lives. He wasn’t one of those kings who went to war for the fame and power. He didn’t send people to the guillotine for small petty crimes. Instead he rehabilitated them. He always made sure to give back to his people.
Then…you came along.
Something about you made his brain feel fuzzy. At first he didn’t understand why he constantly thought about you. He was confused, he had a beautiful woman beside him as his queen and here he is thinking about you. Sure, he and his wife had no love between them but he still cared deeply for her.
The day he when he first spilled innocent blood will go down in history as the day the king lost his mind. It was a beautiful day, the birds were singing and the flowers were at their peak bloom. The people of the small village were getting ready for the moonlight festival. As night began to fall, the kings knights arrived with torches. One of them managed to find you, hiding in your pitiful home.
As the knight held you in a kneeling position the king asks you one more time. “Oh my dear, my beloved, come with me. Be mine.” Disgust shows on your face as you boldly look away and mutter you would rather die than to be with him.
With a disappointed smile the king gives the knights a queue and they start burning down the small village. As you look around and see all the people running in terror your heart stops when you see your mom and dad being dragged and executed. Before you could get a word out, everything went dark.
The next time he killed, he did it himself. It was when you first came back home. You were still adjusting to your new and better life, not knowing that the walls have eyes and ears. You thought the king wouldn’t find out about your love affair with a kitchen boy. Nights being spent tangled together, early mornings whispering forever i love yous.
Tobias remembers the look on your face, with tears and snot running down as you beg him to spare your lovers life. To have mercy. As he bent down, wiped the tears from your eyes, he whispered “My beloved, this is all your fault.” With that, he took the mans life without a single thought in his mind.
Now, Tobias is a man who believes in being fair so once he took away your lover, he got rid of his own. All the concubines were sent to the dungeons (if they behaved they became servants) . If one of them ever made a remark that was negative about you, they were hanged. If any woman tried to seduce him to become his mistress got sent to the dungeons to be punished for attempted of adultery (ironic).
As for the Queen, she knew what her fate was going to be. She hoped by turning a blind eye to her husband actions would favor her but in the end, she knew she should’ve left when she had the chance. The king was gentle with her, made sure she didn’t suffer. She simply went to sleep, and never woke up.
Now, look at you, all dressed up as the new queen. Sitting in your dear husband’s lap as you watch your 4 children play. Your 3 boys and your precious daughter playing tag, living their life at ease. With no fear of their father, not knowing the monster he can be.
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the-heartlines · 4 months
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rhaegon (+ jacenyra if you squint 👀)| [e. 1.1k] dead dove 🪦🕊️
(ughhhh wrote this in a feverish haze when i thought of aegon threatening to kill rhaenyra’s sons if she doesn’t fuck him and give him a son. this is chapter 1/2 most likely {definitely})
“offer yourself up to me, sister, and i shall spare our uncle. provide me with a son and i shall spare your sons my wrath—my fire and blood.”
rhaenyra glances over at the body of her bloody, unconscious husband for a brief moment. his body sprawled, broken, but still breathing—just barely. 
time slows, her heart beats, thundering rapturously inside her chest, when she turns to her precious children, chained up, bound, and gagged. jace, who already has a black eye, and a bloodied, fat lip, struggles against his, trying to fight for her, for his mother—his queen.  
lucerys and joff clutch onto her younger silver haired sons who are all frozen, rooted to the spot, tears streaks and snot staining their faces; desperate to call out for their mother to save them. but there is only one way to surely save them, to spare them from the fiery wrath of sunfyre.
her utmost compliance. obedience. submission.
she has already been forced to kneel, forced to bow to her usurper brother. and now she will either bend to his depravity or break. 
but either way rhaenyra knows she will lose, so she bites her tongue and stares daggers as sharp as their father’s—the one her half-brother is twirling carelessly between his fingers—directly in aegon’s direction, defiant and damning. 
for he can bend her body into any shape, but she will not break. she must remain strong. for her sweet sons.
aegon’s lips curl into a wicked smile, cruelness dripping from his voice, evilly and equally venomous. “or if you would prefer, sister, i can fuck you in front of them all. make them watch me rape their mother before your sons die one by one.” rhaenyra hears a low and guttural noise, a growl, leave jace’s throat and they both look over at him. he’s shaking his head from side to side, trembling with anger, trepidation and tears now running down his face. 
it takes two of aegon’s kingsguard to hold him back, his hands clenching into tight fists, rage alight in his brown eyes. another tear falls down rhaenyra’s cheek, because her oldest son reminds her so much of his father in this moment. no longer a boy, but a man, strong and resilient, unbroken.
and she must be brave for him, her future heir, be a beacon of hope, an example of how sacrifices must be made for those you love, those you cherish. 
“yes.” rhaenyra hisses through gritted teeth, wanting to shove their father’s dagger into her half-brother’s heart. to eat it. to  slice his throat and spill all of his blood, until there is none left in his veins, but her fire seeping inside, replacing his cold, heartless body with every fiber of it.
“my king.” aegon corrects, mocking her, reminding her of her place, beneath him, at his feet, his beck and call. with just one word uttered from her lips that gives him all the power, everything he’s ever wanted: her.
“yes, my king.” rhaenyra seethes, voice unwaveringly upset, burning with resentment. and it makes aegon’s ego swell and cock harden hearing her say it with such contempt, such malice. her lilac eyes ablaze with enough malevolence to murder him. and he wishes, hopes she will try to. for when he fucks her for the first time, he plans on leaving their dagger near her. just close enough for the temptation, near enough to coax and entice that violence brewing and boiling beneath her skin. 
for once aegon tells her it was he who killed their father, that he suffocated the sick man like it he was suffocated for years, unable to breathe, to think about nothing but her—his sister will want nothing more than to kill him. to tear him to pieces. seek revenge with his blood upon her hands and teeth. and aegon will let her draw his blood eventually, but first he wants to have some fun. 
“you’re a good mother, rhaenyra. choosing your children’s wellbeing above your own.” aegon taunts, climbing from the throne, ascending the steps and moving towards her. “an unselfish and caring queen through and through. on your knees, where you belong. below me.” 
his crotch is eye level with her and rhaenyra can see the outline of his bulge prevalent against his breeches, hard and unyielding. she clenches her hands into fists, wanting to retch, to run. “kiss it.” rhaenyra whips her head up towards him, mouth and eyes wide as a full moon at the implications. but before she can protest with words, he smirks knowingly, extends his hand to her, with a huge ring, as an offering, a truce. 
and kiss the ugly signet she does, with tight pursed lips, not daring to taste the sweat or salt of his oily skin, not daring to let her saliva coat it.
“take her sons back to their bedchambers.” rhaenyra turns her head back to her sons, giving them a small smile, reassuring them that she will be okay. she feels aegon’s heat radiating off of him, and her skin crawls with disgust when he reaches to wrap one of her loose tendrils of silver around his finger, twirling it and twisting it, already tangling her around him. her four youngest freeze in their tracks, but are forced towards the red keep’s entrance by aegon’s soldiers. 
“i will be fine, i promise!” she yells, hoarse, voice cracking, the doors closing as promise echoes off the walls, wondering if her children even heard her. but she must believe they heard her words, because she knows she will not be. but she must be brave for all of them, strong—
“nephew.” aegon says the word haughtily, and now more of his hands are tangling in rhaenyra’s hair, tugging her head backwards harshly. “you will remain.”
“jace!” rhaenyra cries panicked; his name a plea, a prayer, beckoning her son to her aid, to save her because she’s terrified. and jace, always coming to her rescue, attempts to escape the kingsguard—run towards her. but he’s tangled and twisted into the enemy’s web, unable to escape. an armored fist smashes him in the stomach, making him buckle over, next to daemon, who remains unconscious. “please! no!” rhaenyra begs, trepidation in her voice, and aegon’s other hand encircles around her throat, constricting her oxygen, choking her, further entangling her within his grasp.
“yes.” he growls, anger washing over his face. “your headstrong son,” he pauses spitting the word ‘strong’ out vehemently, “is going to watch his king fuck and breed his mother.” 
and that alone breaks both mother and son, as jace starts uncontrollably sobbing, tears pouring down his handsome face, defeated. and rhaenyra wants to sob, to run to him, hold him close and never let go—but aegon’s hand threatens to choke the life from her. so she closes her eyes instead and tries to picture her son’s boyish face, bright and innocent, held tight in his trueborn father’s embrace. for only those happy memories can save her now as her vision starts to fade and darkness takes hold.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 9 months
can I request an Emperor!male!reader who was known as the Conqueror who died of heartbreak (after his daughter’s death) and the moment he died his empire that he expanded basically fell apart since his daughter was his only heir and she died before him which left his generals and the nobles fighting for his position, oh also I want him to die at like 32 while his daughter was 17 (yes I want his daughter to be illegitimate since he wasn’t married and he had her when he was 15, and he fought his father, the emperor at the time to legalise her which his dad refused but the moment his dad died and he became emperor he legalised his daughter and made her his only heir)
-Historians regarded you as a wonderful leader, you were honorable, loyal, and you led your empire to glory days while you ruled.
-However, the thing that most praised you for was that you were a family man first and foremost. To you, your family was the most important thing, and many adored you for that, because it made you more human. You were an emperor, but you were a human first.
-Your love for your family came from your daughter, whom you had out of wedlock and when you were young, only fifteen. Because she was a bastard child, your father refused to recognize her as your child.
-You made sure your darling daughter had more love than anyone else you came across, even her own mother, a concubine, as well as your other concubines, ones who all wanted to be your future bride and consort.
-The moment your father died and you ascended the throne, the first thing you did was legalize your daughter as your heir, something many thought was unusual, as most would make the first-born son the heir, but not you- your daughter was there first so she was your heir.
-This angered the other concubines, who wanted their sons to be the heir, as they would have an easy life once their son took the throne, this wasn’t going to happen with your daughter in the way.
-That’s why they did something about it, poisoning her on her seventeenth birthday, during her banquet you had prepared for her, but the concubines were sloppy and quickly caught. You immediately arranged for them to be executed, showing everyone what they had done, killing the precious princess, and many agreed with your decision.
-However, losing her, losing your daughter so suddenly, so quickly, you quickly fell ill, your heart breaking, and you passed within a few days.
-The empire you worked so hard to make into a prosperous nation quickly crumbled and fell, as you had named no other heir, not one of your other children or one of your trusted advisors and your empire fell in a mad grab for power.
-In Valhalla where you were welcomed as a hero, one who was a fine example for a leader, you kept to yourself, still mourning your daughter who had not ascended to Valhalla as well. You had lost her twice, and you mourned not being able to see her ever again.
-As your grief healed slowly, over the many years, you became a mentor, despite your own young age, being in your early thirties, and you met with other notable leaders throughout history, making friendships and bonds with them.
-Many knew of your love for your child and how cruelly she had been snatched away from you, but they knew not to bring it up.
-Many of them didn’t know the pain of the losing a child, but they had seen how fragile you were when you were thinking about her, when they only knew you to be a strong leader- it was like you were a different person.
-The two that you were closest too was Apollo and Qin Shi Huang, it was an odd-looking group, the three of you, but you were all very similar in personality, you were confident, sometimes cocky, but very wise and all good leaders in your own right.
-You and QSH had similarities because you were both emperors as well as some of histories greatest leaders, so you had that kinship, as you both knew firsthand how rough being an emperor was, but you also knew how to be good leaders, in helping others, fighting alongside your people and not just commanding them.
-Apollo was the one who saw you first, admiring you from afar, you were in a position of power, but you weren’t cruel or arrogant, you seemed so- so human, so down to earth, yet you wore your emotions on your sleeve.
-Apollo liked that about you- you didn’t try to put on a mask, hiding who you really were, you were just you- you were just Y/N.
-Both of them were rather protective of you, protective against those who knew your one weakness and would try to use it against you and while they could tell that you were trying to remain strong, seeing others being so unnecessarily cruel, broke your heart.
-Apollo was usually the first to step in, ripping our accosters a new one, before QSH would join in, asking if they had ever lost a child. This would usually shut them up, making them realize that what you were feeling was the pain only someone who had lost a child would feel, it made them think of their children, it made them think of what it would feel like if they lost their children.
-You were grateful to your friends defending you- sticking up for you, as they couldn’t even begin to imagine the pain or the sorrow you must be feeling, but that’s why they protected you, as they knew what it was like to feel powerless, to feel useless, and if they could help you like how you helped them when they were feeling low, they would never hesitate.
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
I Promise (Harwin x Reader)
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This was requested by @ladystrongofharrenhall I am so excited for this it is my first time writing for the gorgeous Ser Harwin, I hope you guys have more requests for this sexy man.
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(y/n) was Laenors twin, she was a dutiful lady and was named the heir to driftmark due to her father’s soft spot for her, Corlys and Rhaenys loved all of their children but Corlys saw a bit of himself in (y/n).
“When I held your brother I knew I would die for him, he is my precious boy, but when I held you I took one good look and felt like I would kill for you, my beautiful heir”
He confided in her once when they took a walk down the shore after the declaration of the new heir, (y/n) teared up and hugged her father tightly, she felt like a little girl that attempted to become one with her father.
“I hope that one day I will find a man like you”
“Knowing what you are my dear, that man better be strong”
(Y/n) was always close to her brother, the young twins were attached at the hip since they were babes, refusing to sleep in separate cradles and would even feel each other's pain when the other was hurt, they leaned to one another and would confide to each other about everything.
(Y/n) met Ser Harwin at Laenors wedding feast, such a grim day, from the moment she found out about it she felt a lump form in her throat, she was well aware of her twins' nature and his dear love for Joffrey, to be thrown into a wedding with someone you respect but do not crave at all was a crime to her, especially since they grow up in a household that was booming with love.
“Excuse me, dear cousin, may I dance with Ser Harwin?”
“Of course”
Rhaenyra responded with grace when (y/n) interrupted them. Rhaenyra spared one last smile before she left them to it, (y/n) took a slight curtsy while Ser Harwin took a bow.
“Lady (y/n), it is an honor to be your partner in this dance”
“You are utmost kind Ser Harwin, it is a pity we have not met before”
“I believe you reside on driftmark, I’ve heard it is a spectacular place”
“Indeed, I would love to show you around someday”
“Is that an invite?”
“I am so glad you noticed, I had no other plan about asking you to join me”
(Y/n) and Harwin let out a cheeky laugh at the remark, (y/n) enjoyed his presence, a handsome man that was so pleasant and a knight, he could protect her and keep her safe, maybe (y/n) and Harwin could be the next Corlys and Rhaenys, a love story that generations will swoon over.
Unfortunately, all good things come to an end, Harwin was close to (y/n) when the bloody incident occurred and the crowd started to run everywhere, (y/n)s first instinct was to walk off and look for her brother, naturally, Harwin protective nature swooped in and grabbed her wrist.
“We need to leave”
“I must find Laenor”
“He is a man grown, he will be fine”
“No, I need to see him”
Before she could realize what was happening (y/n) was thrown over Harwin's shoulder and he was running towards the door, at that moment she found a glimpse of her brother, who was trying desperately to pull the soldier off of someone.
Once Harwin felt like they were safe, he put her down, due to stress and her concern (y/n) stumbled a bit, so Harwin wrapped his arms around her to help her stay firmly on her feet.
“Thank you, Harwin”
She lifted her eyes to meet his, blue hues that shined under the sunlight, Harwin noticed the princess biting her lip when she glanced at his lips, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the waves crashing.
“I know, we shouldn’t”
“We mustn’t”
“But don’t you want to?”
She questioned him. (Y/n) haunted him ever since he became her sworn knight, her cheeks grew red as her breath became shallow, for the briefest moment they weren’t lady (y/n) and Ser Harwin Strong, they were just two young people who yearned for each other.
“Someone could see us if your father hears about this”
“Is your fear over my father stronger than our fate?”
(Y/n) fought for her love, she went on a hunger strike when lord Corlys refused to wed her with Harwin, she snuck out the window of her room and landed on her dragon so she can have just a few hours with him.
Harwin would hug her like she was the most fragile thing that ever graced this earth, (y/n) had snatched his heart right out of his chest, and Ser breakbones Strong was defeated and became a pile of mush in (y/n)s hands.
Corlys had no choice but to give in, (y/n) did not wish for an extravagant ceremony nor a feast, an intimate ceremony with people that were genuinely happy for them was enough, married under the seven gods and in old Valyria ways, lord husband and lady wife, till the sorrow day of death.
“Do you have to go?”
“It is my duty to be the Lord of Harrenhall my dear, I will be back before you know”
Harwin reassured his lady wife, he knelt to her growing belly and placed a gentle kiss on the bump while his hands slowly rubbed circles.
“Be good to your mother”
He whispered before their oldest daughter jumped on his back, earning a grunt from the knight as the girl wrapped her little arms around her father.
Their son was just a babe, little Corlys had just celebrated his first name day only one moon ago, and now his father had to go back and claim his place.
“I want to go with you”
“I know my love but your mother will be here and take care of you, I will send a raven as soon as I get there”
“I promise”
Harwin kissed his daughter on the cheek before he lifted her as he stood in front of his wife. (Y/n)s eyes clouded with tears that were ready to spill, Harwin had left her side before, yet this time it felt like he was being ripped out of them, maybe it was her pregnancy that compelled her to be emotional or an instinct only women had.
Harwin reached to caress (y/n)s cheek with his free hand, (y/n) leaned into the touch as a meek smile sat on her lips, tears spilling down her cheeks and landing on Harwin's thumb.
“You mustn’t cry my love, I will come back before our little babe is here”
She did not respond, she just gazed back at those ocean eyes she adored for so long, biting back her worries she watched him put their daughter down and walk away, Rhaelle grabbed her mother's dress and hid behind (y/n) as her father departed, (y/n) remained strong for her daughter until she finally drifted off to slumber.
(Y/n) slept while she hugged Harwin's pillow for dear life, his scent lingering on it was the only source of comfort. Her sleep was interrupted by nightmares, all of which ended with (y/n) giving birth to a son who she named Harwin and her lord husband far away from them, like a spirit in the room.
“Father, I did not know you would break your fast with us”
“(Y/n), a raven came from harrenhall”
“Oh that is wonderful news, Harwin informed us he would send one as much as he could”
“It’s not from Harwin”
Corlys saw the color drain from (y/n)s face, instinctively a hand went over her belly as she eyeballed her father. The eerie sensation made her skin crawl at how her fathers' stiff behavior was, “the children” she thought, she couldn’t do this in front of them.
“Wet nurse, please escort the children out”
“Right away princess”
They stood there frozen until the sound of the door shutting was heard, (y/n) waited to hear the news, she could tell from the empathetic look Corlys had on his face that her worst fear had come to life.
“There was a fire”
“No, no”
“He managed to escape but the burns were too severe”
“No, please no”
(Y/n) collapsed in her father's arms, the screams of agony and cries of loss could be heard from a mile away, Corlys hated himself at this moment, his precious daughter was experiencing her heart getting ripped out of her chest so violently, she became the little girl again and this time he could not protect her.
(Y/n) was inconsolable for hours on end Rhaenys had never seen her so shattered, she held her daughter dearly and pet her head, there were no words that would make this better, what could Rhaenys do to mend her daughter's pain? Her love was gone and on top of that, she was with child, his child.
Her family took care of everything, the body was brought back to them for the funeral, and they gave strict directions to the wet nurses when it came to (y/n)s children, Rhaenys went so far as to even feed (y/n) when she refused to eat.
When (y/n) saw her husband's body all she could do was lean to place a kiss on top of his head, the burns had turned him in such a condition that he was barely recognizable, still, all (y/n) saw was the man of her dreams, the father of their children, her soldier.
“Rhaelle is asking about you, I do not know what to tell her, she was always her father's daughter. Corlys won’t even remember what you… looked like”
She managed to say while her voice broke, she held his hand as sobs took over her body, she missed his warm touch, his smile, his warmth, and reassurance, Corlys would never know Harwin's love and compassion, the babe she bared would never feel their fathers touch, he left before he could hug their third child.
There they stood, at the place where (y/n) had been wrapped by a towel that Harwin held, it was not a warm and sunny day, a grim morrow with clouds hiding the sun as the wind blew strong.
Rhaelle cried silently in her mother's arms whilst Laenor held Corlys and stood next to his twin, this scenery reminded everyone of Queen Aemmas funeral, the Stranger has been visiting them quite often.
Harwin's body was wrapped up and placed in a wooden small boat it was released into the ocean. (Y/n)s dragon circled the sky per (y/n)s request, her beautiful black dragon, nightshade had been grieving with its rider, the keepers reporting the she-dragon yelling and crying ever since the day (y/n) found out about Harwin's death.
“I can’t do it”
“You must, Harwin needs you”
Laenor encouraged her. (Y/n) spared one look to her daughter, how would she make it work now that Harwin is gone? She could not fail her children, she was now left to defend and protect her family.
“Dracarys Nightshade”
Nightshade did not obey, hesitantly she kept circling, maybe she sensed the uncertainty in her rider's voice, or she recognized what she was about to burn.
She demanded, her voice booming through her and pulling everyone out of their trance. Nightshade obeyed and a light of fire appeared, burning her rider one true love, her knight in shining armor, her Strong husband.
“It is alright Rhaelle, I am here”
“I miss father”
“I know you do, but he will always be with us, we must remind your siblings what your father was, Corlys will need you to tell stories of your father, soon enough we will have a new sibling”
“I do not want another sibling, I want father”
“It will be hard my dear love, but we must be Strong, he will watching over you now”
“Do you promise?”
“I promise”
“Push my lady”
“Get it out!”
She yelled between grunts, Rhaenys was holding her daughter's hand and letting her squeeze as hard as she wished, a wet cloth would cool her forehead that Rhaenys was using to pat away the sweat and show her support and love through the action.
“One more push and this will all be over”
(Y/n)s screaming was interrupted by the blissful sound of her babe crying, Rhaenys smiled at the sight of her grandchild who was bloody and honestly kind of gross, though it was still the most beautiful thing Rhaenys had ever seen.
“A boy my lady, congratulations”
“Let me hold him”
The nurses wrapped the boy in a piece of cloth before they passed it to his mother's arms. (Y/n) started to cry the moment she felt his little hand wrap around her finger, the sweet boy was the last gift Harwin gave her before he was taken away from her.
“He is so beautiful my love”
“Harwin, his name is Harwin”
Rhaenys kissed (y/n)s temple and then reached to wipe away the tears that had run down her daughters' cheeks, it was such an important moment, new life was brought to them, the blessing of a child, a son, yet it could not overshadow the distinguished pain that had shattered her.
“He would be so proud of you, you did so well”
“Thank you, mother, for everything”
“I will always be here for you, do not dare to forget that”
(Y/n) smiled for the first time in a while as she leaned on her mother's shoulder and held her son close to her chest.
Something caught her attention from the corner of her eye and maybe it was hallucinations from the pain or just a gift from the Gods but there he was, her Harwin standing next to the window, in his shinning silver armor smiling at her, his dark love falling perfectly and his warm aura engulfed her after what felt like an eternity to her she felt at peace.
She could not wait to go to bed, if someone asked her about it (y/n) would simply say that in her dreams she could be with her husband, away from all the horror she returned to the times that she escaped her home to see him, the familiar routine of her having to survive on just crumbs of moments with him, to hold him, kiss him, tell him how much she missed him, but she was fine with that, she had him all to herself, forever frozen in time to the gorgeous Ser Harwin that adored his family and wife until he took his last breath.
She did not know it but when he was mi utes away from death he used the strength he had left to grab the maesters hand and whisper his last few words.
“Tell my wife, my (y/n), that I love her, tell my children, I am sorry I could not be there, I will wait for them... On the other side”
Requests are open!
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thanatika · 1 month
people on that child support post are talking as if patho classic daniil is great with kids and it's pathologic 2 daniil that people are getting this negative idea of him from, which got me thinking...
daniil's main characterization of how he treats kids in patho 2 comes from artemy's POV of him, which is biased against daniil due to daniil making a really dickish first impression, and is also based off of unreliable narrator accounts:
first by some kids outside of rubin's house who lead artemy to believe that daniil refused to treat poisoned children when it was actually just dying dogs, which can be followed by artemy confronting daniil himself where he continues to misunderstand the situation and assumes daniil is calling children animals, until he finally visits the kids' warehouse and learns it was just the soul-and-a-halves' pets. which, obviously it would be a nice thing to save pets from dying, but he really ISN'T a veterinarian and there's a deadly plague starting. he's doing triage.
and then another early incident with the kid in the warehouse dying of sand pest, where notkin passes along a message telling artemy not to bother trying to save him that makes him sound very dismissive ("Don't waste your time on Patches, it's over for him"). reading between the lines though, it's pretty clear that he came to that conclusion not because he doesn't want to save people from the sand pest, but because this is a seemingly incurable disease with no medical cure, and at that point he probably hasn't had the chance to test the schmowders on himself so would have no reason to believe in their effectiveness, and assesses that loading patches up with drugs will just kill him. which, he's literally correct! whether you treat him with tinctures, pills, or a whole schmowder, patches dies that night. obviously trying to treat him or at least ease his suffering is a morally good dead, but you can also see the implied basis of daniil's actions, that every second is precious in the early stages of trying to prevent a widespread outbreak, so you shouldn't waste time on a patient who ultimately can't be saved. (which fits in really well not only with his arc in both games where he comes to the conclusion that the whole town is unsalvageable, but with the bigger emphasis on time management and manipulation that his remake has been described as having. hell, maybe from daniil's POV he knows for certain that patches will die due to whatever time manipulation that's going on with him, and that spending the time on that patient allows for a larger disaster to happen elsewhere). so, the situation is framed by notkin (understandably, because he's just a kid and that's his friend dying) and artemy (because he's honestly pretty petty about daniil) as just "the bachelor is an asshole and abandoned these kids" when it's more of a genuine ethical quandary.
he's also pretty rude and dismissive in how he talks about grace to artemy later on, but again, it's pretty clear that he's not just being a hater to a 15 year old for no reason, the point he's making is that she shouldn't be left in charge of a graveyard filled with potentially bio-hazardous corpses.
all that to say, the main canon info about how he treats children in patho 2 basically comes from the fact that a lot of kids end up disliking him, because he's extremely pragmatic to the point of being heartless, but still ultimately pretty understandable in what he's trying to do (stop a plague).
meanwhile when we do get to see his POV in the marble nest, i would say the way he treats children is pretty much consistent with how he talks to them in pathologic classic -- if anything, he's a bit nicer to them? he has some fed-up, yelling sort of dialogue options to the kids, but pretty much all of those are based on being upset that they're out breaking quarantine and putting themselves at risk of death. meanwhile other dialogue options make him come off very much willing to humor them and talk to them on their level. and when another adult is much harsher about the kids being irresponsible, he defends them, with no dialogue option to agree with corporal punishment:
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meanwhile in pathologic classic, i do think that on the whole daniil is pretty nice to kids and willing to go out of his way to protect or help them (to the point of risking death, such as the late game sidequest where he can agree to go take on several soldiers to keep the father of two children from being wrongly executed). but he does also have some really unkind and spiteful dialogue options, like some of what he says to clara both in his own route and hers, and on the topic of corporal punishment...
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iridescentdove · 1 year
Akutagawa, Mori, Kouyo & Higuchi x Elysia! Reader
Elysia is the Herrscher of Human Ego in Honkai Impact. She is a girl as beautiful as dancing petals, and holds the power which is comparable to a God itself.
Her personality is cheerful and sweet-loving, Elysia cares about her friends and everyone else dearly. She's elegant, unique, and is a person who enjoys everything.
Soukoku, Atsushi & Ranpo Ver. ♡ Decay Of Angels Ver.
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He'd be a curious lad, although not seeking much of his own personal interest because ... Dazai.
Then again, it's not unexpected you'd find a way to make even this guy fall for you. It takes time, but Akutagawa sees and uncovers the truth later on.
Honestly, surprised. A God? Really? But how? He's finally peaked some interest to see it for himself.
Wait holy shit you're so pretty i'm not ready for this–
He's gaping. Your aura is imperturbable, so omnipotent and strong. Yet, it found a hint of peace and tranquility as he felt safe and not ... terrified.
You're nicer than he thought. Given as the God of Humanity, maybe he shouldn't have been so on guard.
From there, you guys kicked it on. Albeit, slowly.
Akutagawa of course finds you beautiful. He's stole a few glances often, but refuses to admit it himself. Wouldn't say it out loud. At least not yet.
In the fight with Atsushi against Fitzgerald, you had come right on time.
And that man was no match for you. Akutagawa couldn't even believe his own eyes. You were the embodiment of power and grace.
You fought and destroyed without an ounce of anger.
Just purely going along. And he found himself just falling the moment you came down.
He's staring, with a certain look in his eyes no one has seen on him before. Was it...admiration? Softness?
You two had an actual convo. And his overflowing joy as you praised him so much, with words he always wished to hear from Dazai himself. But now, did he care?
Akutagawa loves you.
And he won't take shit from others who say otherwise. Let's just say Mori had no choice but to approve.
Privately is where he shows affection. You'd be in your God Form that he's in awe of, and just sits there quietly with you with a hand caressing your hair and outfit.
"Dazai is proud of you~" You said one day, both of you sitting at the foot of the bed. And he knew that. But...
Akutagawa simply shook his head. "He acknowledges me. However, it's no longer him I seek acceptance of." His heart beats fondly at the warm image of you.
"...It's you. Only you."
Sometimes regrets dating you seeing you dancing to WAP at 3am with Higuchi and Gin
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Man you know this guy only likes children 12 years and below that.
But who says you couldn't adopt Elise by force
He was most likely against it at first, but well, you're...Elysia. That's all i need to say. Mori did warm up to the idea but found the thought of you in the mafia weird.
You're too kind. Too sweet. Too...colorful. But you assure you were only there to take care of Elise LMAO
He appreciates you playing with the blonde girl whenever he gets too busy, so he won't have to worry. Plus, Elise seems to really like you! Then maybe he should, as well.
Silently watches whenever you do your makeup, or look around for an outfit you find really cute.
Finds you endearing overtime.
He'd definitely try and ask you to be Elise's mom, and the fact you know he's a pedophile so you decline lmfao. BUT HE WON'T GIVE UP AHAHAHA
Dude would just smirk and go along with his day. But not without asking again later on, probably.
Though you're not from the Port Mafia, you know enough that many get hurt or even die due to the missions being given. As such, especially if it's Mori giving out orders.
So you've decided to become support! Yay!
If taken out on dangerous missions, you'd come with them and interfere if you must. You can heal as well.
...Without half killing them–
Mori's seen your God Form, definitely. It was during that one time their precious Yokohama nearly bombed down to a crisp ._.
He's lost it for the very first time, the strong, head-on facade teared down at the last moment.
There's not a day this man stops thinking about you.
Elise is always coddling your time, laughing at your jokes and playing dress up. He's learned to be used to your presence, and hopes that you'll accept him one day.
Funny enough, you did. He's happy about it. Now, you can spend your time as a happy and chaotic family <3
Tried to take you on a dangerous mission but you came out with Akutagawa and Higuchi without a single scratch.
Mori, just give up. That's a God.
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You were the first to approach. Seeing as if there had been nothing else to do, you decided to talk to her.
She was pretty! And also found you rather cute too.
Both of you just ended up liking each other overtime and started gushing about Kyouka, but anyways. It seems that it didn't take too long for her to warm up.
After all, it's a big sister's duty. You both often went to taste some good tea and sweets around Yokohama.
You knew of Kouyou's past - that strength of yours coming as a legitimate God, but then again, you don't bring it up and prefer to help in her healing process.
She's thankful for you, and probably had prayed to you when Kyouka had disappeared. She's that trustful.
But then again, you're not like them. Why shouldn't she?
You're extremely beautiful, perfectly strong. The times she'd seen you fight so elegantly was a sight to behold. It would never get old no matter how many times.
Honestly everyone is double shocked because you just obliterated everything without moving a single leg ._.
And yet again, Kouyou is fascinated and overwhelmed by your God Form. She'll never get sick of seeing it.
The way you transform into it is so stunning too.
You'll often spoil her with outfits and expensive tea just because you want to, your roles reversed. No matter what, you'd always be taking care of her.
She appreciates it. Having you around makes her heart flutter a certain way.
You're there, showing her so much kindness and being so gentle it nearly hurt. A holy being as you deserved much more than her.
But again, you're assuring her no one else is as amazing and perfect as she was in your eyes. You loved her.
Kouyou could only smile so genuinely. So bright. So this is the light? It sure has been a while.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, after all.
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Akutagawa who? I only serve under (Y/N)
She and you are honestly the cutest couple ever. Where are the Higuchi stans? Damn this is unfair.
Higuchi first met you when you invited yourself into the base with a...is thAT AKUTAGAWA?! DEATHLY INJURED? She found no words to say at that moment.
You had taken him towards the nurse clinic, but not before staying to check if he was alright.
Higuchi alone found that strange. You weren't in the mafia.
Then how the hell did you manage to get past security, get all the way up without getting ambushed, and somehow get to Mori's office in one piece?
She saw you talking to Mori. You were carefree, sweet, and even gave him boxes of sweets claiming it's for everyone.
...Yes, she approached you herself. SLAY BESTIE
Although she planned it to be a simple interaction. It was anything about that. Because of that day, she learned so many things about you she never would have thought of.
The fact you also claim to love her, Higuchi just stops responding and goes red.
But by the time she realizes her emotions...well...
That happened.
Congratulations, you've earned a 100% faithful follower. Higuchi thinking 'mommy' everytime she sees you in your God Form is now canon
She doesn't even need to worry. You're strong in every way, and have the entire world on your side.
Higuchi has thrown Akutagawa away <3 bye bye Sanemi
All in all, she's literally become your number one fan beside the rat ass Fyodor. She's there for you, and you're there for her. The sweetest couple ever.
She loves complimentng you, while both of you sit on the couch watching TV late at night.
And don't forget cuddles and sneaking kisses. Top Higuchi
Man i love her sm, i got carried away. Higuchi believes that you were meant to be together forever, and that she would protect your life on earth no matter the cost.
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written-in-flowers · 8 months
Get in the Water || PSH X fem!Reader
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Pairing: Seonghwa x fem!reader / Side pairing: Mingi x Yunho
Word count: 1k
Genre: angst, slight bit of fluff
Summary: The sea god finds the person who killed his lover, and has only four words for them. Seonghwa can only watch for so long.
Tags: murder, mentions of murder, established relationship, nothing particularly bad tbh. You and Seonghwa have a kid. YN not physically featured. Mentions of pregnancy and talk of futures.
A/N: inspired by the song "Get in the Water" from Epic: The Musical
The sea king only had one request for the captain:
"Get in the water".
Seonghwa saw the water starting to swim in his eyes, yet his face not showing sadness or pain. The young pirate saw nothing but anger. Fury. Pure rage. He saw the god's hands, long and large, curled into fists that were ready to guide the seas onto their vessel. He glanced over to Hongjoong, his captain and best friend, who stared back at Mingi, God of the Seas, with defiance. Seonghwa knew this was only a show of bravery. He caught his captain's trembling hands, the resistance in his eyes slowly fading as the two stood towards one another.
Standing on top of a rock that erupted from the sea floors, Mingi, God of the Sea, wore the plated breastplate with his horse sigil on his chest. His crown, made of driftwood and pearls, sat upon a mop of black strands and the trident he held was made of shining steel. The lower half of his body was a merman's tail of the deepest black, shimmering even against the crashing waves hitting his perch. Hongjoong, in his own armor, planted himself firmly on the dock. With a small step or push, Hongjoong could indeed get in the water. Once in the deep, dark depths, the sea god will have him.
All because Hongjoong wanted gold.
"Get in the water," Mingi repeated, his piercing eyes narrowed on him.
"For what reason?" Hongjoong replied in a shaky voice. "What have I done to offend you, Sea God?"
"You took what was most precious to me. You slew the one who calmed my angry oceans and warmed my cold heart. You killed the only person I ever loved," Seonghwa heard his voice crack at the last person. "So now...Get in the water, captain."
Seonghwa knew of whom Mingi spoke: the siren on the shores of the golden island. Siren scales fetch hefty prices in the market places. They are said to attract love and fortune. Hongjoong believed a siren's tail would make him a rich man. Seonghwa told him he was foolish to believe so. They'd all die for certain. With wax in their ears, their orders clear, Hongjoong and the rest of the crew hunted down sirens in the farthest reaches of the sea. Seonghwa regretted what he'd done, but he had a family back home. He had you and your son, Minho.
"Get in the water," Mingi said again, "Or I'll bring the waves so high everyone in your little shanty sea town will die."
Hongjoong paused, that resistance starting to crumble. Tempest may not be the most glamourous of places, but it was home for their crew. Seonghwa thought of the sea breeze that blew through the tiny village. He saw you at the tavern, serving drinks and food to hungry sailors and fisherman. He thought of your smooth, supple skin and warm kisses. Your smile and laugh haunted his dreams. He pictured his own son, Minho, running down the sandy roads with his friends. You tell him he's a spitting image of his father. Seonghwa's heart shattered thinking of his home, his family, and everyone he knows drowning and not able to save them.
"I'll make tidal waves so profound," he said, "Both your wife and children will drown."
Suffocating. That was how drowning felt. Seonghwa recalled the time he'd fallen overboard during a storm. The waves almost pushed him under each time he came up for air. The currents carried him farther and farther, tossing and crushing him. Even on land, he could feel his lungs contracting as air was sucked out of him.
"No, please..."
"Get in the water."
"I didn't mean to-"
"-You didn't mean to?" Mingi snapped, and he swore he saw lightning slash through the sky in the distance. Seonghwa saw the waves around them suddenly turn dark, rolling onto one another over and over as if reaching for Hongjoong. "Did not mean to kill my beloved and steal his tail? To take his life in hopes of gaining riches? Get. In. The. Water, you pathetic human filth!"
The thunder rumbled along with the god's insult
"Don't mistake my threats as bluffs, captain," he continued. "I will go to your little town and crash every ship that comes your way. I will bring rain and water until it floods their crops and destroys their homes. I will leave your people with nothing! Nothing, you hear me?!"
Hongjoong's pride came back over his face. "I don't think you will. You make claims all the time and never followed through."
"Captain, what are you doing?" Wooyoung, the ship's builder, asked in disbelief.
"He's all talk."
"Are you insane? He will crash our ships if we go out to port. How will we get home?"
They're so close to home. Seonghwa could almost smell your cooking in his nose. He could feel Minho's little arms around his neck, his body in his arms as he kissed his precious face. Your warmth in his bed. His son's bright eyes glimmering up at him with happiness. He'd trade all the siren scales and gold in the world to be back home.
"Get in the water."
"He can't touch me," Hongjoong said to Wooyoung, "As long as I'm on land."
"Get in the water," Mingi said once more, trident twisting into the hard rock beneath. Seonghwa knew with one swing of that weapon, the ocean around them will sink their fleet and homes. "Or I will release the kraken. I will call upon the sea serpents of the north, the giant squids of the south, and the monstrosities of the deepest depths. They will break your ships. They will break you and your crew."
He thought of all the sea monsters his grandfather used to tell him about. Beasts so terrifying and deadly that sailors steer clear of their hunting grounds. He pictured himself being eaten by such beasts, no longer there to protect and provide for his growing family. You must be swelling by now, from what your last letter told him. You told him right before he left for the sea again: you're pregnant. With another mouth to feed, your wages as a barmaid will not cut it. You needed him. He needed you. What if you died in childbirth?
"Get in the water."
And Minho and your baby end up alone?
"Get in the water!"
His son will be put to work; work unfit and unsafe for a boy of seven. The babe will be given away or worse.
Minho is a gentle lad.
"Get in the water!"
He loves the sea. He loves fishing and swimming. He collects seashells and starfish.
"Get in the water!"
Those things will be taken from him. His innocence will be stolen, no doubt.
"Get in the water!"
The ocean started to swell. For the briefest of moments, he saw a tentacles break the surface before diving back down. Too long and too thick to be any ordinary creature. You needed him. You mean so much to him. He knew he loved you the night he met you at the Rusty Pot. The banter between you both made him feel alive, and your smile warmed him from head to toe. When you said 'yes' the night by the water, he'd been the happiest man. No treasure trove or siren scale could replace his love for you.
"You can find another," Hongjoong scoffed. "It's not as if I killed them all."
Hongjoong, a ladies' man who frequented brothels, never experienced real, deep love before. He'd never understand. Seonghwa knew if someone ever harmed you, he'd gut them himself. He remembered the siren. A male with deep black hair and round eyes that looked so innocent. He'd been sitting on a rock, enjoying the ocean breeze and singing softly to himself. The silver chain and charm on his neck should've clued them in: a prancing horse, so similar to the one on Mingi's breastplate, matched the one Hongjoong snatched off his corpse. His grandfather told him all about the sea god's favorite: a siren named Yunho, who had the most beautiful singing voice. They'd grown up together, he'd told Seonghwa. Side-by-side, moving through the decades and centuries together. He'd always wanted a love like theirs; he'd gotten it in you.
"You...Pathetic...Worthless...Weakling..." the sea god's fury came down in thunder and lighting, dark clouds overcasting the sky. "You dare..."
It'd been Hongjoong who killed him. He launched the net that pulled him into the boat. He'd screamed. Seonghwa's eyes closed as those screams and pleas echoed in his ears. He'd looked so scared. Hongjoong slaughtered him without mercy. Seonghwa had helped.
"Get in the water. You've lived more than enough, little pirate."
But, it was Hongjoong that Mingi wanted.
"He wasn't even that pretty."
Surely, he'd spare the crew if the one who killed his beloved was dead.
"Are you mad?!" Wooyoung called out.
They'll die because of their captain's greed and pride.
"Kind of weird for a god to care so much for a lesser being..."
Seonghwa could not let that happen. He must get home to you, Minho and your baby. He hoped it was a girl. He'd like a daughter who would be her mother in miniature. You're likely due any day now. The doctor said you'd likely already have the baby by the time he came home. The flicker of another tentacle, this time bright pink, floated through the thrashing waves. A squid. A kraken and a squid.
"Get in the-"
He did not know what made him do it: the desperation to get home, the need to see his family again and hold his newborn child, or perhaps fear of losing his own life. Thinking of his house at the edge of town, he pressed his hand to Hongjoong's back and pushed him into the waves. Only Seonghwa heard his screams so close to the water, the rest only heard more rumbling and crackling. He stared down, tears filling his eyes and guilt in his heart, and saw Hongjoong's arms desperately reach for the surface. Right as his face broke the waves, he was quickly yanked back down. Even in the darkness, Seonghwa saw crimson clouds color the sea foam created by the waves.
Mingi's cruel cackle struck fear into his chest. Seonghwa stared up to see the sea god laughing, throwing his head back a moment before continuing to watch the kraken tear the captain apart. When the waters stilled, the blood starting to fade with the tides, he looked at Seonghwa.
'YN...I love you. Minho, my sweet boy, I'm sorry.'
Mingi stepped a foot forward and immediately a wave caught him. He walked along the ocean surface until he reached the edge of the dock. Seonghwa shivered in place, rain and mist starting to seep into his clothes.
"You just killed your captain, sailor," Mingi said. "Why?"
"I have a family," he whispered. "A wife whose pregnant...an eight-year-old son who hardly has his sea legs...I cannot let his greed take them from me. I told him, your greatness, that killing sirens is a sin against the sea. Killing Yunho, the most enchanting of them all, was foolish and would only bring pain and devastation. He did not listen. I was not going to lose my family over his greed." He mustered his courage and said, "Is your vengeance satisfied, great sea lord?"
Mingi hesitated. Seonghwa saw him contemplating the question. He then finally said, "I've seen you before...You've come to my altar."
"Every time I go onto the water, my lord."
"Your wife's name is YN...Your son is Minho...You've given my offerings for protection at sea..."
"I am all they have. If I die, life will be difficult for them."
"You must love them very much to kill a good friend so swiftly."
"I do. More than any scale or gold coin in the world." He held back his tears, "I am just a man whose trying to go home."
He stayed silent a moment longer. "You may go, but know this, should you or your crew ever sail in my oceans again you will experience my anger firsthand."
"We understand, my lord."
Seonghwa watched him return back into the ocean. As the waves stilled again, Seonghwa turned away and walked back down the dock without a word. He had to get home. He could find work on a dock or in a shipyard. He could get a job where he'd be on land.
He'd done it all to be with you.
A/N: this idea came to me at 4am, and I needed to write it lol I really love the songs from Epic: The Musical, and couldn't help seeing Mingi as a vengeful sea god. 'Get in the Water' is definitely one of my favorites. Hope you guys enjoyed this short, angsty tale <3
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roseofdarknessblog · 1 year
Irreplaceable (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Word count: 5 040
Disclaimer: english is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes
Summary: When you married Levi, you already knew he would one day be an amazing father. So when your daughters were born, you had zero doubts. Even Levi gained confidence in himself after becoming a father. But with the Rumbling and the birth of your third child, many things changed once and for all.
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You swallowed hard, looking over your shoulder once again. Levi was only sleeping, he was alive. You just checked... he was breathing just fine and his pulse, although still a little weak, was regular. Hange did everything to ensure that he was going to be okay. But still. As you saw him there in such a terrible state, your mind started to wander to the darkest places.
He simply couldn’t die. No. What would you tell your children, if their father never came back home? His precious little girls wouldn’t understand what happened. Not at seven and four years old.
„Are you okay?“ Hange asked when they came back to your little improvised camp with more firewood. If it weren’t for the Scouts they killed to keep you safe and the stuff that was left after their deaths, you would have nothing. Only the still-soaked clothes you were wearing. „How’s your knee doing?“
You waved your hand. „It’s a little swollen, but okay. I’ll be fine,“ you assured them, rubbing your left knee. It hurt pretty badly, but nothing you wouldn’t be able to suffer through. You didn’t even know where and how you injured it. Only when you finally came out of the river, it was already hurting. „He’s fine, I just checked.“
Both of you looked at Levi before Hange nodded and sat down at the fire next to you. Staying awake and alert was the most important thing. There was still a possibility, that someone would come after you.
„I’m sorry you have to be a part of this.“
You shrugged, looking into the fire for a moment before you looked back at Levi once again. „If I ever see Floch again, I’m going to rip him apart like a piece of paper,“ you hissed, looking back at Hange. Even they, your lifelong friend, were surprised about what you just said. But after all, you had all the right reasons to hate him. And all his men as well. They wanted to kill Levi when he needed their help the most. And anybody, who even thought about hurting your family was your enemy and deserved to feel your anger.
You were just an ordinary civilian, not a soldier. You spent your life on your family’s little farm with your father, or on the farmer’s market in Trost with your mother. That kind of life was all you knew. But just until you met Captain Levi Ackerman and the two of you fell in love. It was a long and slow process, but the wait was so worth it. The stoic Captain, who was known as Humanity's strongest soldier, became the most treasured person in your life and after years of getting to know each other and dating, you became his wife and soon after the mother of his children. 
„What are we going to do, Hange? We can’t stay here.“
„I know, but... I need a little more time to think. And Levi needs to rest, we can’t move just yet.“
„I have to get back home.“ Hange nodded, reached for one of your hands, and squeezed it reassuringly. „My parents are surely taking the best care of our girls, but what if the Yeagerists go after them as well? What if they hurt them, just to lure me and Levi out from hiding?“
„No, no, no. Don’t even think about that, they’ll be fine, I’m sure. I know your dad, Y/N. He’s going to chase them away with his rifle if he has to.“ Something about that thought made you smile a bit. Yes, your father would do such a thing. His family was his biggest treasure and if anybody tried to hurt his wife, you, Levi, or his granddaughters, he wouldn’t hesitate to even kill to keep you all safe.
But still... he was alone and he wasn’t the youngest anymore. And if Floch with the others truly came to your parent’s house...
When they crossed your path in the morning, you were heading to the town for some mundane shopping. The day started out as usual, your girls were still sleeping and you decided to get the shopping out of the way as soon as possible. You never thought, that you wouldn’t return home. Floch with the Yeagerists cornered you out of nowhere and made you go with them.
For a long time, you didn’t know what they wanted from you – from Captain Levi Ackerman’s wife. Nobody bothered to tell you what was going on. Only when all of a sudden Hange joined you. From that moment, everything started to go downhill.
And now you were here – on the run, hiding in the forest and feeling more scared than ever before. Your husband’s life was still in immediate danger, while you couldn’t be sure if your parents and daughters were okay. And on top of that... you were carrying another little Ackerman nobody except your parents knew about.
„I’m pregnant again,“ you heard yourself say very quietly to Hange. It was only natural to tell your best friend about something this special. If they weren’t spending the last few months in Marley or planning the Liberio raid, they would already know and probably be as excited as when you were pregnant before. „Nobody knows, only my parents.“
Hange looked at you with a huge surprise on their face. „When did it happen? We’ve been away for almost three months and Levi was here with Zeke since our return.“
„I’m roughly five months along,“ you said, putting your hand on your belly. Every single day, you spent more and more time when you were getting dressed. Mainly when you went out to town. You wanted to hide your growing pregnancy belly as best as possible to avoid rumors from people you knew. „I first started feeling a little off before you all left for Marley for the first time. But I didn’t go to the doctor until Levi was home. And since then I didn’t really have a chance to tell him.“
You only saw Levi for a couple of short minutes, after they came back. That time was enough for a long hug and a couple of quick kisses. Levi asked how you and the girls were doing, and that was basically it. He was gone once more and when you saw him again today, he was bloodied and on the brink of death.
„So another member of Levi’s personal squad, eh?“
You smiled when Hange excitedly leaned closer and hugged you. „Yeah, another little Ackerman is on the way. Maybe finally a little boy.“
Levi loved being a girl dad, but you really wanted to give him a son as well. A little boy, who would hopefully look like him, even though your daughters both had their father’s hair and features. When anybody, who knew Levi looked at his kids, it was immediately obvious, that they were very closely related. And you loved this fact so much. You loved seeing your husband in those two little miracles the both of you created together.
„So that’s why you had such trouble getting into the saddle earlier? Or why you didn’t want the Yeagerists to touch you at all?“
You nodded, caressing your belly. About two weeks back, you finally felt the baby start kicking for the first time. Even now, during your third pregnancy, it was something magical. „Didn’t want them to accidentally see or touch my belly.“ Your loose black dress with a colorful long vest hid your pregnancy pretty well. But you still had to be careful not to draw much attention to your abdomen.
„I’m so sorry you got caught up in this situation. Now even more.“
„It is what it is,“ you said and looked over at Levi again. He was still unconscious, but at least he didn’t hear you talk to Hange. This was not the moment you wanted to announce your pregnancy to him. „I just hope all of this ends soon.“
Deep down in your heart, you knew Levi will be okay again. He had to be. He was your husband, after all. He had a family that needed him back home. Your girls needed their dad, who they loved and absolutely adored every waking hour of every day. He truly was their hero. And not because he was Humanity's strongest. But only because of how much he loved them and cared about everything that regarded his two precious little angels.
You knew very well Levi wasn’t just a cold and grumpy soldier. Not when he was with you. But seeing him become a father was something completely different. He even cried, when your first daughter was born. And he was just as emotional, happy, and grateful when your second daughter was born almost three years later.
„Not to sound grim, but I don’t think we’ll know peace in the near future,“ Hange said, stood up, and went over to Levi to check on him.
You worried about him to the point that you felt physically sick. Maybe because it was such a rarity to see him hurt. He came back unharmed even from the worst expeditions. And now here he was – completely dependent on your and Hange’s help.
And it was one of the worst feelings ever. Knowing how close to death he really was. Seeing him hurt and all bandaged up, while you sat just a couple of steps away with your third baby on the way. Thinking about Levi never knowing about the baby... about never seeing him or her...
A quiet sob escaped your mouth before you could press your hand to your mouth. Hange immediately turned around and looked you over with great concern. You really never felt so much fear and pain all at once. So much despair.
„I’m fine,“ you got out and tried to take a couple of deep breaths to calm yourself. Hange seemed pretty out of place when they saw your tears. From experience you knew, that they weren’t the best when it came to comforting a crying person. „It’s just...“
„Yeah, I know,“ Hange said and smoothed Levi’s hair down a bit. If he was awake, he would probably frown at them and pull away. But not now. „But try not to stress yourself too much, please. You have to be extra careful.“
Hange seemed way more tense than before you told them about your pregnancy. And that was understandable. They were the Commander and the person in charge now. You telling them about your pregnancy just put extra weight on their shoulders. Now they needed to look after Levi, you, and even your unborn baby.
„I’ll get you home, don’t worry,“ Hange said after a minute and came to sit back down next to you, wrapping their arm around your shoulders. „And I’ll keep Levi safe for you and your kids. I promise.“
You gave them a weak smile, leaning your head against theirs. This was a really bad time for crying, but you were an emotional mess during every pregnancy. Not to say in a situation like this, when death was lurking dangerously close.
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The bright morning sun was shining right on the bed, where you were slowly waking up from another long and almost sleepless night. You almost forgot how it felt to have a newborn, who woke up many times and needed attention. Not to mention your other two kids waking up as well because they still weren’t used to their new home.
The Rumbling happened almost half a year ago, and the world was still upside down from all the consequences. You still remembered the day Paradis started shaking as the Wall Titans followed Eren on his mission to destroy all your enemies. When you parted from Hange and Levi, to return back home, you found your parents and daughters out on the porch of the farmhouse, watching the Titans in horror. The girls were crying like never before. And there was nothing you could do to calm them down and assure them, that you’ll all be alright. They cried for their dad and kept asking you when he was coming home to protect them.
And you had no idea.
When you kissed Levi goodbye, you couldn’t be sure you’ll ever see him again. For many weeks, you didn’t know what happened to him or the others. And for an even longer time, there was no way for you and your family to get to Levi. You spent countless amount of nights crying and worrying, which ended up causing preterm labor.
But despite that, everything turned out okay. Your baby was healthy and beautiful, and you recovered even faster than when you gave birth for the first and second time. Before you knew it, you were back home with your girls, who were in awe when they first saw their new sibling.
Even after your baby’s birth, it took another almost two months, until you got a chance to leave Paradis and travel to the place where Levi was staying and recovering. It was the Azumabito family, who helped you get to your husband. It all happened so fast. You and your parents had to pack up the kids and your whole lives in a couple of days and leave Paradis... probably for good.
And that was maybe for the best. After everything, many people, who knew you were Levi’s wife, acted harshly toward you. A lot of things in your homeland changed and not necessarily for the best. So leaving and starting over was probably a smart idea. Your kids deserved a much better life, with nicer people surrounding them.
Most importantly... they needed their father, just like you needed your husband.
Traveling across the ocean and finding a way to cross the burned lands which the Wall Titans and Eren left behind, took a toll on your whole family – your elderly parents, two spooked-out kids, and a still fragile newborn. And on you, too. Physically and also emotionally.
But in the end, it was all so worth it. When you saw Levi after many long months... an unimaginable wave of relief and happiness washed over you, making your eyes water almost immediately. And when your girls ran up to him, not minding even a tiny bit, that their father looked much different, your heart almost burst from love and gratitude. They didn’t mind his new scars, his blind eye, or the wheelchair he needed because of his leg. All they saw, was the father they adored and loved more than anybody else. They exchanged many hugs and kisses. Levi sat them both onto his lap, wrapping his arms around them and holding them close, whispering how much he missed and loved them.
Levi knew, that you and the girls were coming. He was happy to see your parents, too. The biggest shock for him was the roughly two months old newborn baby in your arms. Nobody except your late friend, who you still missed very dearly, knew, that you were pregnant. And it seemed that Hange didn’t tell Levi. So when he saw the tiny black-haired Ackerman baby, who was looking at him with bright blue eyes in complete amazement, he wasn’t able to say anything. Until the girls started telling him everything about their new sibling, who they loved greatly.
„Oh... good morning. What did I miss?“ you asked, when you finally found your whole family – out on the porch, enjoying a beautiful colorful sunrise. When you didn’t find Levi or the girls in their beds, it was obvious, that they were somewhere outside, having a peaceful and quiet morning.
„You came just in time, the sun’s coming up shortly,“ Levi said in a hushed voice. The baby, your third daughter, was peacefully asleep in his arms, while your four-year-old was sitting on his lap and hugging him, also half-asleep. Your oldest daughter was sitting on the porch right next to Levi’s wheelchair and was holding his hand – the one, which was missing two fingers.
Seeing them content and peaceful like this, made your eyes well up with tears almost immediately. You were all still adjusting to your new life and for the most parts, it wasn’t easy. That’s why moments like these helped you more than you would be ever able to express and explain.
You loved watching Levi with his girls. All the love between them was so pure and innocent. It was very precious to you and Levi as well. He had so many doubts about becoming a father. And they were all pointless, because the second your first daughter was born, he was already a natural. Always tending to his daughter’s needs and doing everything in his power, to give all of them everything he didn’t have growing up.
„The girls came into our room and since I couldn’t sleep anymore, I took them outside so you could rest a bit more. It was a rough night,“ Levi said, looking down at the sleeping baby.
„I love the newborn phase, because they are so tiny and adorable, and you are getting to know them for the very first time, but that constant waking up in the night...“
With a chuckle, you kissed all of them on top of their heads and sat down on the other side of Levi’s wheelchair, crossing your legs. The air was a bit crisp, a thin layer of fog was hovering between the trees of the forest behind the small house you lived in now.
„I think we should enjoy it because it’s probably the last time we are experiencing this phase.“
„Is it?“ Levi teased you.
You raised your eyebrows. „Would you like another baby?“
„You wouldn’t?“
„I would like another sibling,“ your seven-year-old said enthusiastically. She was a big help when you brought the baby home from the hospital for the first time. It was almost as if she knew, somebody had to take Levi’s place. „Maybe a baby brother for a change.“
„You know we can’t influence that, honey,“ you said with a smile.
„Maybe we could try... somehow...“ Levi suggested playfully, winking at you with his healthy eye. „After a couple of years, that is. No need to hurry. We need to properly settle down first.“
„And open your tea shop,“ you said excitedly, reaching your hand towards Levi and stroking his arm. „After many years, we can finally turn that dream into reality.“
„With me being like this?“ Levi asked in a much colder tone, looking down at you with a grim expression. But before your eyes met, he looked away and instead kissed both of his sleeping daughters. „Don’t think that would work out.“
„Why do you think that?“ He shrugged, almost as if he didn’t want to tell you what he really meant. Maybe because the girls was here. Or maybe because you already knew too well.
You and he already had some pretty harsh and painful conversations. They were all pretty similar – all of them ended in tears. Sometimes only Levi’s or only yours. Other times you cried both. For many minutes, even hours. In the middle of the night, or even during the day, when the girls weren’t around. Levi was still hurting – mentally and physically as well. And some days, the pain and sorrow got the best of him. He cursed, screamed, and cried. He even wished for death.
That’s how much he hated the current version of himself. He despised looking into a mirror – even now, many months after all of his injuries happened. Most of them were healed by now, but that didn’t make a big difference to him. Not even your words and tears could make him hate himself less.
„Nobody said, you would have to run the shop alone, darling. It can be a little family business. Bet my parents would love to help out, mom has a lot of experience when it comes to dealing with customers.“
Everybody on the farmer’s market back at Trost loved her – buying fruits, vegetables, homemade erb soaps, or any other good stuff from her, or just stopping by for a quick chat. With her cheerful personality, she was able to charm everybody. And probably would be no difference here. Or at least you hoped.
„And dad is already grumpy because he has nothing to do here. He really misses the farm and all the work around there.“
„I miss the farm too,“ your seven-year-old said. „All the animals and growing plants. The flowers we used to plant with grandma each year. It’s a shame we had to leave, I loved it there.“
„We can build something similar here as well,“ you said to her, trying to sound hopeful. But deep down in your heart you knew, that nothing would ever be the same. Having hope was a nice and necessary thing, but it wasn’t enough.
„Nobody said we have to stay. If we don’t like it, we can just pack up all our stuff and leave,“ Levi said suddenly, once again sounding a bit more cheerful. It was all just a pretense, you knew it. But appreciated his effort anyway.
All you could do was nod in agreement. But after that, watching the rest of the sunrise in silence was the best possible choice. A moment of quiet and peace was necessary for all of you. Just a moment of sitting down and enjoying something so simple and yet beautiful. Something, that always gave you hope, that the new day would be much better than the previous one.
Just after breakfast, your parents came over and took two of your oldest daughters for a fun day in the town. The house got quiet when you took care of the baby and settled her down into the crib. Instead of preparing lunch for you and Levi, you and he ended up outside on the porch again.
„Sorry I talked like that in front of the girls.“
„It’s fine, you didn’t say anything wrong,“ you assured him, pulling up a chair next to him and reaching for his hand. „I know it’s hard. For all of us. But we have to keep trying, Levi. We have to keep going for our family.“
Moving away from Paradis and starting over in a foreign country wasn’t even close to being easy. Not even you felt comfortable and content with your new life. But you had to try. You simply had to. For your parents and daughters, but mostly for Levi. You wanted to be his everyday dose of motivation and the reason he kept smiling from time to time.
And above all... you had to be strong for yourself. You were just as important as everybody else in your life. Because if you wouldn’t be able to function, everything else would start to fall apart as well.
„I’m tired, Y/N. Exhausted, worn out...“ You squeezed his hand, brushing your thumb over his knuckles. „I’m still angry with myself for not being able to function like before. For not being able to be the father, husband, and son-in-law all of you need.“
„Levi, you’re everything and much more, than all of us need. You’re still the same person I fell in love with. You may not look the same, but that’s not important to me. It never was.“ His quiet chuckle surprised you. But also warmed your heart and gave you hope. „And if you want to know... I still find you very handsome.“
„Well, am I a lucky guy?“
„Definitely.“ You nodded, leaning closer to him and hugging him around his right arm tightly, but gently at the same time. „I love you, and I always will. No injury can change that, Levi. You will always be the love of my life. The only one I want to share my life with. The one, who I know loves me back just as much.“
„Not just as much... but even more,“ he corrected you, the tone of his voice sounding warm and loving. „I know I’m blessed to have a wife like you and a precious family. Many people died so we could sit here like this and talk.“ He stopped for a second, taking a couple of deep breaths to hide how his voice was starting to break once again. Since you came here and reunited with Levi, you have seen and heard him cry more times than throughout your entire relationship. And it kept breaking your heart over and over again. „Despite that, I can’t seem to find the way out of the darkness. It keeps following me everywhere.“
„Because you keep being too hard on yourself. You still think, that being a soldier or a weapon for someone in power, is what made you matter. But we both know that’s not the truth. You’re perfect as you are... here in this moment. You don’t need to be Humanity's strongest soldier to feel important, admired, and loved. It’s enough for you to just be... Levi.“ You knew he longed for the power and all the abilities he once had. He wanted to feel like his old self so badly, that he kept forgetting what was truly important. „You changed and there’s nothing wrong with that. In here,“ you said and placed your palm over his heart gently, „you are still the same person I love and admire. I traveled across the world, which was almost burned to ash just to be with you again. And I’ll never regret that.“
You told him similar words many times before. But that was pointless, you would repeat yourself as many times as he needed to hear it, hoping he would take something away from them.
„You are still you, Levi.“
„But is that enough for you, Y/N? In this state, I can’t give you the life you and our girls deserve.“
„I don’t expect you to give me anything. All I need, is your presence in my life and in the life of our girls,“ you said, leaning closer to him and kissing his cheek. „If I had to, I would carry this on my own. But I really, really don’t want to. I want to share everything with you, just like before. The good and the bad as well.“
„I know you could do this all on your own. You did it for the last couple of months, and you did brilliantly. Enduring an entire pregnancy without me even knowing, giving birth, and traveling with three kids across this forsaken world just to... find me again... I...“
„I did it for us, darling. For our family, our future.“
It was hard and even traumatic in some ways. But all of that was over now, everything was okay again. Levi was right there beside you, and your family was complete once more. Nothing was perfect, and it never will be. Finding true happiness was always difficult, and in this new world, it seemed close to impossible. At least for now. Many things were changing for you and for the whole world as well. So it was probably normal to feel this way.
„And I would do it all over again if I had to,“ you added in a reassuring tone, holding Levi’s hand and squeezing it reassuringly.
„I know you would. That’s why I love you.“
Before you could say anything back, both of you heard a faint cry from inside the house. With a quick kiss, you left Levi outside and hurried after your baby. All it took, was a diaper change and a few kisses before you could return to Levi, your youngest daughter once again contently resting in your arms.
She was a carbon copy of her father, just like her older sisters. With Levi’s silky black hair and his adorable nose, she was a true Ackerman. And Levi was all about that, just like when he saw all of the girls for the very first time.
„Everything okay?“ Levi asked, reaching for his daughter immediately.
You nodded with a smile, carefully handing him the baby. It looked like she became immediately happier when Levi cradled her against his chest and kissed the top of her head. She cooed quietly, looking up at her father with eyes wide open. Almost as if she was seeing him for the very first time.
Levi’s touch and voice always calmed the kids down. His mere presence was enough for them to feel safe and loved. They missed him very dearly every time he went on an expedition or had a lot of work to do. Sometimes, the girls even waited for him to come home from the HQ, just to see him for a couple of minutes or get a goodnight kiss from him.
„She’s so precious,“ he whispered, kissing the baby’s hair once more and offering her one of his fingers to hold. „To think I almost didn’t get the chance to meet her...“
„No, stop! Don’t talk like that, please.“ He wanted to say something but decided to stay quiet and instead whisper to the baby how much he loved her. „You know... this is when I find you the most irresistible.“
„Crippled?“ he smirked.
„Levi!“ you scolded him and hit his shoulder playfully.
When you heard him laugh a new spark of hope flared up in your heart. Maybe everything could be okay once again. Not today or tomorrow, but eventually. You both had something very precious to fight for and keep trying. You went through so many challenging things together and apart as well. But love always helped you find your way back to one another.
„I’m glad I have you all,“ he said after a while, his eyes still glued to his daughter, who was carefully watching his face. „My irreplaceable Ackerman girls.“ With a tiny smile, he leaned over to you and gently grabbed your chin. „I’ll keep fighting for you all. With everything I have left. I can promise you that, Y/N.“ 
„Only if you let us fight for you... my irreplaceable Ackerman,“ you teased him, before brushing your lips against his in a long and loved-filled kiss, which said more than a hundred words ever could.
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sylwritesstuff · 1 year
“Well, if it isn't the Supreme Archangel.” Disdain dripped. “To what do I owe the pleasure of such an honourable visit?”
Look at me.
The sunglasses were dark. Impenetrably dark. So much so that Aziraphale was reminded of 2500 B.C. again, of demanding the demon look him in the eye and tell him he wanted to kill children.
The demon had and he'd lied well. He needed to lie well. It was safer for him that way, both before and most definitely after, their Arrangement. Ever since Crowley had lit Job's first house ablaze and Aziraphale's panic had simmered into something he hadn't felt since the first of God's Grace had touched him - trust (as simple, as terrifying, as awful, as glorious as that) - he had been able to see right through those lenses.
He couldn't see through them now.
(He hadn't been able to see through them at the bookshop those last few precious moments they'd shared together.)
He watched the demon Crowley finish examining his wine label. He watched him pour a glass. He poured exactly the right amount. No more or less than a well trained sommelier might.
(Crowley had lost control of so much. Aziraphale knew he could control this, however. How much he poured. And how many glasses.)
A second glass didn't appear.
A second glass was not filled.
Crowley picked the single glass up and looked in his direction. The glasses were so dark.
Look at me.
The glass moved, an impatient gesture that sent the wine rolling along the edges like the sea disturbed by the Kraken. (Great big bugger.) “Well?”
Aziraphale knew every line on that face and every inflection of that tone. This was so tightly controlled that Aziraphale couldn't help but think of a snake coiled and poised to strike any threat to his nest. (Peaceful, fragile existence. Aziraphale hadn't known how fragile.)
“The Second Coming-”
“Don't care.”
It was a lie. His throat worked as he swallowed wine.
Crowley cared.
Crowley had always cared.
“I'm not going to do the dance-”
“Didn't ask you to.”
“-and I'm sorry I made you.”
Lips tightened at the corners. Lips that were firm and warmed by far more than internal damnation. Lips that had clumsily, desperately pressed to his own. (“You idiot...”)
“If that's all-”
Aziraphale shifted, fidgeting, restless. The movement seemed to lodge itself in Crowley's throat, silencing him when that hadn't been the intention. Crowley could ask him to leave. He had every right to ask him to go.
Aziraphale laid a book (he had so many books) down between them. It was embarrassingly, painfully old. The sort of old that would've had someone claiming it to be a miracle that it had stayed together for so long. For its part, the book was just as surprised to be intact for all the use it had been getting as of late.
“I've gotten as much information as I can so far on the plans.”
“I said I don't care.”
(Had they really said what they meant yet? They hadn't. They must. They would.)
“His plane is scheduled to land in the States tomorrow.”
“What part of I don't care-”
“Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't care.” (He remembered how to be bold. Heaven tried to make him forget. It would always try.) “Look me in the eyes and tell me you would let this world turn to ash. That you would let them all die for a war that has never had anything to do with them.”
Lips curled. A fang glinted threateningly. The glasses didn't come off. (Aziraphale could be sad later. He would be sad later.)
“All of them,” Aziraphale said quietly, “against all of us is what you told me.”
And there, there, a flicker. The most minute adjustment of long fingers. (Did you catch it? Could anyone without so many years spent learning everything possible about someone who needed to remain at arm's length?)
“I'm a good soldier, Crowley. I always have been.”
There wasn't another adjustment. There was only... (Faith. It was always faith. I could always rely on you.)
A steadying breath. Aziraphale pushed the book closer. “I shall see you tomorrow.”
And Up he went.
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yuseirra · 21 days
More about 159~
hahaha XD aw, GOSH this comic is CRAZY, I think it would be fun if I read it as books and in volumes, it's because it's incomplete, and scattered eps that things feel so tense and awkward, I'm sure. It'd have more sense of flow as a volume.
I wrote a lot of things based on my stream of consciousness this morning (because well I draw hikaai and I DO care a lot about character portrayals and analysis) and I want to share it with you all! I reread it after the heat of the moment and I find it really funny,
If you want to feel assured about Ai and Hikaru (and perhaps ONK as a whole) or like the ship hikaai, I feel this is another post that could help you. Like I said in my ch 159 review, if this ain't it, I have no idea where this is going to head and I might as well take a break off from this piece for a bit and get some air. P3R episode Aigis is coming out on the 10th (great timing!) but I think I'm on the right track. I got so many things right since I picked this up thus far :D So for now, here we go again:
This is just my intuition and a piece mostly based on gut feelings.
Ha;; This morning, I saw someone extremely worried about Kamiki and Ai and couldn’t leave them feeling uneasy... I’m not in a position to calm others down, though!! I'm the one who needs to be calmed!! give me time to brace myself!!! I get tense because I care about where the story's gonna go too!!! I analyze characters and make fan works. I HAVE to look into the source material and make sense of things in order to do that o<-< I’m really stuck with this manga, aren’t I? What a ride... Okay I know the character looks a bit out of it. But listen, even if we criticize the character, we should wait for the next chapter before doing so. Come on, what would Kamiki even LIE about in the first place? Let’s sit down and think calmly. Let’s go over the facts.
Honestly, it would have been better for Kamiki if Ai wasn’t an idol. If Ai hadn’t been an idol, Ai wouldn't have had to die for deciding to keep her very kids with him!! Ai was murdered because she was an idol who had a boyfriend and kids(it's an absurd reason but to Ryosuke, that was his reason to go through with it). If she hadn’t loved Kamiki, she wouldn’t have died. This isn’t Kamiki’s fault, of course!! To add, if Ai weren’t an idol, they might not have broken up in the first place. Even if they had broken up, Ryosuke wouldn’t have tracked Ai down and killed her!! Things would have been so much better for this character if Ai hadn’t been an idol. His situation on the matter, It's totally the opposite of Nino and Ryosuke’s!
To Kamiki, Ai was certainly one-of-a-kind and irreplacable, yeah. But from Kamiki’s perspective, Ai was never a perfect, flawless figure that he found the need to idolize. She was someone who learned acting from him, who was clumsy and scattered, who needed his guidance in the beginning. She shared the same pain, opened up to him, understood him, accepted him, and loved him. Even though she gave him a deep wound and they parted ways, even when he thought she didn’t love him anymore, she remained precious to him to the point where he was willing to give his life for her. She was the person he wanted to marry. Ryosuke and Nino would kill her for not being perfect enough, but that’s not who Kamiki is. He’s actually the biggest victim of that incident only after AI herself. If Ai had survived, he might have been able to meet their children, reunite with Ai, clear up misunderstandings, and more importantly, Ai would still be alive. That alone would have made life more bearable for Kamiki than living in a world without her. I keep saying this but I'm sure he wouldn't have leaked the address to Ryosuke on purpose. I wrote many theories about this and I came to a conclusion that it must have been a mistake on his end, after getting drunk from sadness after Ai dumped him in the phone call. What kind of mastermind could he even be regarding this case? He was 19 at the time. It's total nonsense. There is no reason for him to try and attack Ai who tells him she has their children growing smart and healthy. He's lying about it to Aqua to make him feel better about avenging him because he believed that's what him and Ai's wanted.
What kind of grand conspiracy could a character like this possibly be behind? At least when it comes to Ai’s death, I don’t think he’s responsible. Even if he grew mad, I feel like that would have taken place after it happened. So what is it that this character wants? I’ve been curious about that too-
When I heard anime S2's opening, I immediately realized!! He wants to see Ai again! Would Aqua say something like,
Aqua has Ruby, Kana, and Akane. He’s not going to live just to get closer to Ai or live solely for her love. Maybe to fulfill Ai’s wishes, but that’s different.
“Without you, I cannot live anymore
I would sacrifice anything for you
I can’t get enough of your love
What should I use to fill in what’s missing?”
If Kamiki has any goal, it’s this: He's never been seen to have a desire for Ai to be the ultimate, perfect idol. He’s not twisted that way. If he’s twisted, it’s more like, “I’ll give anything for Ai.”
Think about it. If someone you love died, what would you want most? You’d want them to live again, right? You wouldn’t go around committing serial murders saying, “No one can surpass them!” You’d just want to see them again if there was even the smallest chance. That’s the most important thing. Nino and Ryosuke are twisted. They liked Ai as an idol, not as a person. But this person has two cute kids with Ai... even though they never got to see them properly. He says he has paternal love, and I believe that because there’s no reason for him to hate the kids. He was prepared to take responsibility, after all. Wouldn’t he be happy about having kids with Ai? Wouldn’t he find them adorable, especially since they look so much like him and the one he loves? Seeing how much he still cares for Ai, he’d probably love their kids too. He refers to them as "Yours(Ai's) and mine". He’d probably want to bring Ai back for the sake of the kids, if not for himself. He even believes Ai died because of him, so that would only add to his desperation and longing. When someone dies, they can’t come back, so that possibility doesn’t usually cross the mind-
However, It seems that the songs are saying there is some kind of hope for that becoming a reality even if the chances are very slim. To think Kamiki would have wanted to preserve Ai’s image as an idol and that's what's been driving him? No way. That’s exactly what killed Ai. He’d probably be sick of that... He just wants Ai to live. That’s his motive. He’s been hanging onto that.
As for the Hikaai ship, I had been holding off on judgment until Ai’s feelings came out. I felt like I won’t know until I hear from Ai herself how she feels about him so I waited out for quite long till the entirety of the movie arc, until it got its closure-
And it really occurs to me, people don’t seem to realize how much thought and conviction it takes for Ai to feel that strongly about a person.
Ai is scared, has a sensitive soul, overthinks things, is defensive, and gets wary. She’s afraid to love and get close to people because she doesn't want to get hurt.
But Ai couldn't give up Kamiki’s child because they were what she had with him, even while she was afraid it would be a burden to him!! Do you know how much certainty, affection, and love that takes? It doesn’t seem to resonate with people as much as it does for me, it's such a deep and strong feeling. That's what really got me. She was scared, but she still wanted them because they were theirs...and she protected their children with all her heart that point onward.
This kind of love is something that you might encounter just once in your lifetime, you might never get to meet someone like that at all.
So I thought, “Good for Ai. She found someone she loved that much.” Kamiki must have been a really precious person to Ai to make her feel that way.
In my opinion, for someone to make Ai feel like that, they would have to be the kind of person who would give out their every part of their organ, even their heart to her if that's necessary, and still think it’s not enough. And when you listen to the songs, the speaker does really seems to express that kind of emotion. That's why I thought 'Oh, this is definitely Ai's lover. This is Kamiki that's saying these things.'
You have to trust Ai’s judgment. Ai is serious about love, and she found someone to give it to. He's the one person she decided on. She wanted to live her life with him, worried about him until the end, named her children after jewels because they looked like the one she loved. Had her son who takes after his dad so much have the characters "love" and "longing" in his name. That’s how much she adored him.
What does that tell you? And when you look at the backstory, it seems Kamiki thought he loved Ai even more than she loved him.
Then that must mean he must have treated her really well. So, it’s not about whether Kamiki loved Ai or not anymore. That's totally just a given!! What’s important now is what he has done since Ai's death.
In chapter 155, he said he was "going to do what he could for Ai" and left. Then Aqua showed up near him in this chapter saying, “I need to save you.”
When you listen to the songs, the narrator keeps saying they don’t mind dying. This is a character who has already said they could die for Ai. So what will they do? I think they’re planning to die “for Ai.” But is offering something for Ai or dying for her really what Ai would want? No. Ai would want Kamiki to live and be happy, and they know that, but they’re lying to themselves. That’s the lie this character tells. It’s a self-sacrificing but self-satisfying kind of thing. That's why Aqua says the lies "are for his own sake". This also explains why Ai left a message asking to help Kamiki. This character is someone who could go to extremes "for Ai", but Ai didn’t want that, which is why Aqua is trying to stop it.
If this isn’t the case, then I won’t be able to make sense of this manga... Haha, the Persona 3 DLC will be out soon, so I’ll just go play that...
This feels right to me, though. If it’s not, I don’t know what else it could be;;
Maybe Kamiki's been possessed by an evil god? But even if that’s the case, the motive he has would probably still be about "saving Ai".
On another note, Kamiki was so gentle and kind in his tone when speaking to Aqua. He spoke really softly, didn’t he?
If he had been able to raise the kids with Ai, he would have been the type to pamper and spoil them... He'd have been a sweet dad. I feel like Ai really did choose a good guy to father her kids.
The way he speaks to Aqua feels quite similar to the last lines and atmosphere of the lyrics of Mephisto.. something about it will be brought up soon, I mean Aqua's wearing that same clothes.
To Kamiki, Aqua must be his and Ai’s cute son, right? But does he know Aqua’s soul is originally that of a 30-something-year-old doctor? If he’s possessed by an evil god, maybe he is aware of these things. But if he doesn’t, it might be a bit awkward. His son is almost the same age as him inside...
Aqua is Aqua, though? But that thought still made me laugh a little. I could imagine Kamiki suddenly speaking very formally towards Aqua upon figuring out he's actually the doc who aided Ai with delivering his children safely. Kamiki seems like the type to speak with a lot of courtesy... the way he speaks has been very polite. It depends on the character, but I think that is part of how he is originally.
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radiofreederry · 3 months
There it is. That's the look. I've seen it for 17 years on face after face. You all despise me. Jackslayer. Oath breaker. Man without honor. You've heard of Malarky?
The mad president was obsessed with it. He loved to watch people burn--the way their skin blackened, blistered, melted off their bones. He burned Ceos he didn't like; he burned staffers that disobeyed him; he burned anyone that was against him. Before long, half the country was against him. Brandon saw traitors everywhere, so he had his pyromancer place caches of wildfire all over the city: beneath the Sept of Lincoln, the slums of the capitol, under houses, gas stations, taverns, even beneath the white keep itself. Finally, the day of reckoning came. Kamala Harris marched upon the capitol after her victory at the Trident. But my father arrived first with the whole Obama army at his back, promising to defend the city against the rebels. I knew my father better than that. He's never been one to pick the losing side. I told the mad president as much. I urged him to surrender peacefully. But the president didn't listen to me, didn't listen to Varys, who tried to warn him. But he did listen to Grandmaester Buttigeg, that gay sunken cunt. "You can trust the Obamas," he said. "The Obamas have always been true friends of the crown." So, we opened the gates and my father sacked the city. Once again I came to the president begging him to surrender. He told me to bring him my father's head. Then he turned to his pyromancer, "Burn them all," he said. "Burn them in their homes, burn them in their beds." Tell me, if your precious Stein commanded you to kill your own father and stand by while thousands of men women and children were burned alive, would you have done it? Would you have kept your oath then? First, I killed the pyromancer, and then when the president turned to flee I drove my sword into his back. "Burn them all," he kept saying. "Burn them all." I don't think he expected to die. He meant to burn with the rest of us and rise again reborn as a horse and turn his enemies to ash. I slit his throat to make sure that didn't happen. That's where Bernie Sanders found me.
I like this alternate reality where Varys is an advisor to Joe Biden
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anodeorain · 1 year
Lady Dimitrescu x Y/N
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI :)
Tags: angst, alcohol, cigarettes, death, smut
Summary: Alcina doesn’t feel good after the meeting with Mother Miranda. Ethan Winters ruined everything. She can’t control herself anymore.
Notes: I’m kinda bad at writing angst and smut but anyways, I hope you like it. Feel free to point out any mistakes lol ty <3
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“He stole the fragment right from in front of you, Alcina. How could you let him do that?”
Mother Miranda says as she gives Alcina an angry gaze. She isn’t pleased with her daughter’s behavior. The ceremony is about to be ruined. She can’t let it happen.
Miranda relied on her children, giving them all four fragments of Rose. Of course she was aware of Ethan coming for his daughter. She wanted to make it terribly hard for him. Besides, as soon as Miranda gets Eva she plans to get rid of the Lords. They will not satisfy Miranda’s needs. They will not make any sense any longer.
Mother Miranda keeps her wide golden eyes at Lady Dimitrescu, waiting for her respond.
“He killed my daughter!”
Alcina snaps.
“You’re miserable. You can not manage to do the ONE thing I asked you for, Alcina.”
“Mother Miranda, my apologies.”
Alcina says, her jaws clench. She takes out a cigarette case, placing a cigarette between her crimson lips. She’s terrified, mad at herself for letting Bela die. The countess was lucky enough to lock two other daughters inside the library so they will not escape while the stupid man thing walks through the castle. She staid with them, not letting her eyes go off the library. Alcina lights up a cigarette, taking a long drag and slowly exhaling the smoke into the ceiling.
“Do not smoke here.”
Mother Miranda protests, watching Alcina squeezing the cigarette in her large palm. The tobacco crumble down in the floor. The silence between other Lords creates the nervous and tense atmosphere. They all stay quiet, witnessing Alcina being chewed out by Mother Miranda.
“Mother Miranda, you must understand my frightful position. You also had a chil-“
Miranda spreads her black huge wings, moving closer to Alcina. She leans down to her daughter as Alcina bows down her head, gripping the arms of her plush chair.
“You’re useless, Alcina. Such a pity your two more daughters survived... They should have died first. It would be very sobering for you.”
Alcina opens her mouth as she wants to yell at Mother Miranda but immediately shuts her mouth closed. She’s unable to speak against her so-called mother. She feels Miranda’s claw against her neck. Miranda breaks into a devilish smile, gently wrapping her wings around Lady Dimitrescu, cocooning them both.
Alcina feels a lump in her throat. She wants to cry but manages to stop herself. Not in front of Miranda. Not in front of other Lords or anyone else.
“Ah, you’re pathetic. Total misery… I trusted you the most precious thing and you ruined everything!”
Mother Miranda yells as she grips her daughter’s cheeks, making her look up. She looks into Alcina’s sorrowful eyes that sparkle with sadness and anger.
Miranda spits out, letting go off Lady Dimitrescu’s face.
“Yes, Mother Miranda.”
Lady Dimitrescu sits in complete silence, gulping the seventh bottle of wine. Only two more left but she still feels her heart aching. She smokes cigarettes one by one, feeling sick of them already.
Her pain like a heavy fog spreads across her heart, making it hard to stay focused. Tears roll down her pale cheeks that seem even more paler now. Alcina wants to forget by drinking strong bloody liquid that burns her esophagus. Sometimes she regrets being immortal and watching her closest persons die.
She sniffs, biting her bottom lip hard, trying to get distracted by the pain.
Alcina takes a deep breath, her throat spasms. She holds her breath for few seconds until it gets normal again.
She always was the one to help Mother Miranda. They knew each other for so long that she could definitely call her one of the closest people in her life. Even though Miranda treats her like a complete garbage but she gave her her sweet daughters. Alcina’s always felt lonely in this gigantic dark castle for years, using maids for blood and pleasure. Bela, Cassandra and Daniela immediately changed her life. She could care about them, love them, rise them with all her love and patience. The countess gave all her life for these three sweetlings. She might be not the best Mother but she tried her best. Those were the biggest days.
Lady Dimitrescu starts crying again, howling. She hides her face behind her hands. She wants to scream so bad but she can scare her pure daughters and they need to rest now.
The strongest of all four Lords is breaking down. She lost her oldest daughter and Mother Miranda’s trust. Surprisingly, Miranda kept her alive and didn’t even care about the punishment. Bela’s death was enough.
All of the sudden, she does not blame Ethan anymore. After all, he also wanted to save his daughter. The countess sobs, blowing her nose into the tissue and immediately gulping more of her wine. She bites her own finger, whining in pain.
Lady Dimitrescu gets up from her the chair, facing the huge picture window. She can see snowflakes slowly falling down from the dark night sky fluttering in the wind. Alcina closes her eyes, gently wiping off the tears off her cheeks.
Another cigarette, another bottle of wine. Her eyes are swollen from crying and nose is stuffy, she barely can focus her eyes on the goblet.
She mutters as she spills out some of wine on her white dress. The countess rolls her eyes, grabbing the tissue to wipe the wine off but it makes everything even worse.
“Let me help you, my Lady.”
You call her from the slightly opened door, being absolutely terrified to step inside. Lady Dimitrescu lifts her head up, trying to her best to focus on you but her vision is still blurry.
“Oh… come, maid.”
She manages, her voice is cold and husky. Alcina can’t let herself cry in front of the maid. How pathetic. Mother Miranda was right.
You walk closer to your countess, holding your own hands together. She avoids your gaze, looking down at the floor. You feel nervous yet the smell of cigarettes and wine mixed together makes everything clear about Lady Dimitrescu’s current condition. You know about Bela’s death but too terrified to ask.
“I’ll take care of your dress, my Lady. I’ll wash it and it’ll be as good as new.”
You smile slightly, your voice is soft. Alcina finally looks up at you and your eyes widen at her look yet you stay quiet. You’ve never seen Lady Dimitrescu like this. Her make up is smudged, her eyes are red and really swollen, her nose is running. You sigh, gently unbuttoning the dress, feeling Alcina’s body tremble.
“I do not care about this dress!”
Lady Dimitrescu cries out with shaky voice and you step back, pulling your hands away. You feel your heartbeat fasten at the sudden loud sound of her voice. You can notice so much pain in it.
“My Lady, it is enough wine for today…”
You say quietly, making Lady Dimitrescu frown. She gets on her feet and lights up a cigarette, letting it hang between her smudged crimson lips. She slowly turns to you, keeping her eyes on you. She starts laughing almost maniacally. She steps closer, gradually as she is hunting. You swallow hard and she hears the sound of you gulping. Her laugh seems hysterical.
Alcina says, her lips curls into a devilish grin.
“You think you can tell ME, your Mistress, what to do? Ah, sweet girl. You’re so charming.”
Lady Dimitrescu growls, her voice lowers. She bows to you, her golden eyes sparkle with anger. You step back again, your heart beats so fast it can jump out of your chest. Alcina smirks, placing her hand on your cheek, gently caressing it. Your muscles tense as you feel the cold wall press against your back. There is no going back now.
“Little mouse…”
Alcina whispers with coldness in her voice and you shut your eyes. She giggles.
“Do you actually think I can get drunk with such amount of wine? Ah, such a naive pure soul.”
She grins at you, sending shivers down your spine. Lady Dimitrescu’s hand trails it’s easy down from your cheek to your neck, her long large fingers wrap around your throat and she lifts you up. She forces you into the wall. You grab her hand, trying to make her loosen her grip but she only squeezes your throat tighter. You shut your eyes, your face becomes reddish because of air lack.
“You will never… NEVER tell anyone about this. Not a single soul in the castle. If I ever hear any rumors about this, sweet girl, I will make the greatest wine out of you. And I will not hesitate. I promise you.”
Lady Dimitrescu hisses at you. You nod.
“Use your words, maid.”
“Yes, my Lady.”
You are barely able to whisper. Finally, Alcina lets go off your neck and you fall down on the floor, coughing. You look up, finding Lady Dimitrescu sitting on the floor, her back presses against the bed and her knees are up to her chest. She puts off her huge hat, placing it on the side as she starts crying again.
“I am not drunk. Not even tipsy. I am broken, Y/N. My… Daughter was cruelly murdered by… stupid manthing. My reputation is about to fall apart.”
Alcina mutters, not looking up at you. Her voice trembles.
“My Lady…”
You whisper, slowly crawling toward her. Your sore throat doesn’t let you speak normally, your voice is husky. You gently place your hand on top of Alcina’s arm. For your surprise, she doesn’t push you away. She looks up at you. You stare at each other for few minutes, barely blinking. You’ve never seen her this close. She is stunning even with her smudged make up. Lady Dimitrescu smells like blood, alcohol and cigarettes. Yet, there’s a soft scent of lavender.
Alcina abruptly leans closer, crashing her lips against yours. She places her large hand on the back of your hand, sliding her tongue into your mouth dominantly. You let her in, your emotions mixed up and you close your eyes, finally responding on her sudden passionate kiss. You reach Lady Dimitrescu’s neck, gently placing your tiny hand on her cold pale skin. You feel her blood pressure, her heart beats fast.
The countess lets out a quiet growl, cupping your face in her palms as she pulls you closer. She gives vent to her emotions by this rough, almost aggressive kiss. You feel her sharp fangs dig into your bottom lip and whine but don’t pull away.
She drags you closer by your waist, your bodies pressed together. You feel her heavy breathing against your neck. Lady Dimitrescu nibbles at your soft skin, sucks on it, leaving love bites. You never known that your neck is so sensitive.
“My apologies for chocking you earlier.”
Alcina purrs against your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You gasp and tilt your head aside to give her more space of your sweet neck. She growls, pulling out her claw. You immediately pull away from her and she chuckles.
“If I wanted to kill you I would have done it already. Another death is not a part of my plans for today.”
Alcina murmurs, the grin appears on her lips.
“Maybe later though…”
You gasp again when Alcina rips off your clothes with her claws. She did it carefully, not even touching your skin. The countess licks her lips as she looks down on you laying in her arms. She bows down, giving you another passionate kiss while her hand slides down your chest to your round breasts. She moans at the feeling of your harden nipples against her palm. Lady Dimitrescu puts your nipple between her fingers, squeezing it lightly, tugging on it. You wince under her touch and let out a quiet moan. Your chest quickly rises up and down and your heart pounds against your ribs. She smirks.
“Such a good girl.”
Alcina purrs against your lips, her hand slides on your second breast, tugging another nipple now. You wince again, arching your back. You make your breast press against Lady Dimitrescu’s palm, making her groan.
Slowly, her hand trails down your stomach, caressing every inch of it. She keeps kissing you passionately, her tongue dances with yours. You feel warmth in your lower stomach and a soft moan escapes your moist lips. Alcina smirks against your lips, slightly pulling away to look into your eyes. Her hand reaches your sensitive part between your thighs and you gasp again. Your underwear is soaked with desire for your lady. She leans closer to ear ear, nibbling at your earlobe.
“So wet already. My, oh my.”
She whispers, making you squirm under her touch. Lady Dimitrescu moves your underwear aside, gently caressing your clit. She slides her finger between your folds, covering her finger with your juices. You breathe heavily, watching Alcina. She holds you close to her, looking down into your eyes. She can already notice your desire.
“Look at me, pet. I want to see pleasure on your face when you come for me.”
You moan at her words, not breaking the eye contact. She circles around your clit, making you whimper. Alcina then slowly slides her finger inside you, stretching your walls. You moan in pain that lasted for few seconds before you feel pleasure spreading all over your body. Your knees get week and you place your hand on Alcina’s cheek.
“You want a kiss, don’t you?”
Alcina asks and you nod.
“Yes, my Lady.”
She smiles at you, leaning down to give you a slow passionate kiss. You moan louder into the kiss when you feel her tongue exploring your mouth again along with her finger moving out and inside of you again.
“Good girl.”
Alcina praises you and you push your hips toward her hand, taking more of her long finger. She smirks, watching you, catching your eyes on herself.
You look into Lady Dimitrescu’s golden eyes full of desire and it makes you moan louder. Your voice echoes through the room. Alcina slowly makes her moves rougher, pounding her hand against your pussy. The sounds of wetness hit your ears, turning you and Alcina even more.
She’s so beautiful yet so sad. Lady Dimitrescu is lonely.
You feel yourself getting closer to orgasm and you arch your back more, now riding Alcina’s finger. She looks deeply into your eyes, slamming her hand against your wetnesses, her palm rubs against your clit, making you squirm.
“Ah! Yes, my Lady… Please!”
You moan and Alcina rises her eyebrow.
“Please what, pet? Use your words.”
The countess murmurs.
“Ah! Oh shit… Oh… make me… ah! I’m so close… my Lady!”
You moan, looking into Alcina’s eyes as you reach your orgasm. You pant, pressing your face against Alcina’s soft breasts and it makes her chuckle.
“Thank you, my Lady.”
You whisper and feel her hand stroking your back soothingly. She pulls you closer, wrapping her arms around you. You feel comfortable in her arms, laying absolutely naked in her hug.
Slowly, your breaths become steady and you slightly pull away to look at Alcina only to find out she’s crying quietly again. Tears stream down her cheeks and she licks her wet salty lips, scrunching her nose.
“May I do anything for you, my Lady?”
You ask nervously, being afraid to disturb her from her thoughts. Lady Dimitrescu looks down on you and smiles slightly.
“Stay with me tonight, pet. It would be… better if you will be by my side.”
Alcina is scared. Scared to be alone, scared to fall deep into emotions. She gets up with you in her arms and she gently places you on her bed. Lady Dimitrescu kicks off her heels, puts away the hat and gloves before laying down by your side. She carefully wraps the huge blanket around you both and drag you closer. You feel her tender hug as she cuddles you up. Her eyes are closed but breath is unsteady and chest rises up and down quite fast. It takes few minutes until her breaths are no longer unsteady and she breathes normally again.
You wrap your arms around Alcina’s arm, using her forearm as a pillow. You stare at the all for a while, thinking about the evening. You are still nervous by Alcina’s eyes but today you caught her absolutely different size. Gentle and broken. You slowly drift off to sleep in Alcina’s arms, enjoying every second of it.
“Thank you.”
Alcina whispers, pulling you even closer to her chest before falling asleep with you by her side.
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bonefall · 1 year
GOD THE ERIN'S THING WITH BIO PARENTS I'm rereading the series and I just got to Hollyleaf's death in The Last Hope and it makes me so mad how Leafpool is the only one who comforts her. Jayfeather only gets to shake and Squirrelflight is just fucking vibing in the background in a battle patrol. Fallen Leaves is more upset than her. SO mad so mad so mad
MAN LIKE... Please understand that I'm saying this with Leafpool love in my Leafpool heart. But it frustrates me immensely that the books went in the direction they did with the parentage of the three. There's SO much wrong here
The plot seems to believe, just post-reveal, that Squilf has to pretend like she doesn't love them so that Ashfur won't kill them (the fuck??)
As if Firestar would just ALLOW an attempted fucking murderer to hang out in his Clan???
Like, go back and read it, she says, "Go ahead Ashfur, kill them, you won't hurt me if you do. They are not my kits." LIKE??
Ashfur: "Wow I totally believe you! I just tried to murder 3 people including a medcat in cold fucking blood and all of you are witnesses now, but rats! I've been foiled! Fire scene cancelled!"
I remember reading this as a kid and being like "This scene sucks. Ashfur would never. Squilf loves her children. 1000000000 lionblazes kill this man now" and little Bones was SO correct
Brambleclaw ABANDONING HIS CHILDREN is just never properly addressed. He was willing to cover up murder earlier in the book for Holly but the minute he finds out they didn't come out of Squilf he's like "nevermind"
He throws a tantrum for all of OotS and then, only at the end, when Squilf calls out that he's throwing his whole family away because he's mad at her, does he reconsider any of his actions.
I think he's entitled to being upset and having his negative emotions, but NOT in how he ended up treating all these people who have been nothing but adoring and apologetic towards him. But nope, no deeper reckoning with that, Squilf does a Cosgrove ass "Hey! Cut it out!" and that's it.
And Leafpool gets put through this too. Leafpool is now completely and fully considered their mom, comforting them as their parent post-reveal. She didn't raise them and yet it's just considered normal that she's the one with a bunch of emotionally soothing scenes with her biokits
Like... I love the idea of her finally being able to acknowledge something she's hidden for so long. But, these cats never saw her as a mother. She was their aunt and their whole life has been rearranged, the emotions they're facing towards this reveal are nothing but negative. Their "father" has also disowned them, treating their mother like shit, and Squilf is keeping her distance believing this is all her own fault.
The feelings here should be SUPER complicated, and that's really JUICY!! We were ROBBED of something waaaay more emotional because of this bizarre commitment to treating bioparents as always better than adopted ones.
OotS kills meee mannn
OH and don't even get me started on how they needed to make Squilf pregnant with Bramblestar's kits in the end because they don't believe adopted kids are equal to bio ones, but also couldn't commit to making their precious Bramble into a bad person who remained adamant about cutting off all his old "family." Alder and Spark should have been Jessy kits and I'll die on this hill
(and also jessy should have cat divorced him after. and also commit to bramble being a toxic parent.)
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