#all the jackets were horrible I WILL LOSE MY MIND I JUST KNOW. why it's so hard to find smth good I WANT TO SCREAM
kimaixun · 2 years
[Insecurity - SKZ x M!Reader]
You are SKZ’s close friend since you’ve been training under the same company with them. Due to your schedule being busy because you just debuted a month ago, you barely had time to hang out with them. They were very understanding though because, you went through the same thing when they debuted. And as what seems that god had given you a day off, you were very excited to hang out with them.
“I’m backkkkkkkkk!!!!!!” You grinned widely as you skipped into the dorm with chinese takeouts.
All of them were surprised to see you. You put down the take outs on the dining table before taking off your jacket, tossing it on the chair. Bang Chan was the first one who opened his arm and you jumped right into them, nuzzling your head into his chest.
“Oh, I miss you so much.” Bang Chan cooed, kissing the top of your head as you guys hugged.
“Let’s just leave, it seems like M/N only misses Bang Chan anyways.” You chuckled upon hearing ChangBin’s word.
You broke away from the hug before turning towards ChangBin, practically jumping onto him. He loses his balance and fell to the ground with you still on top of him.
“You lost weight.” ChangBin said, holding onto your waist.
“We all do when we debut.” You replied.
You gave ChangBin another tight hug before turning to the rest of the kids, giving each one of them hugs. After chatting for awhile, you found yourself seated in the living room with them, the take outs food that you brought was shared amongst each other.
“You did WHAT?” All of them yelled almost, simultaneously.
“What?” You rolled your eyes. “I’m still alive.”
Apparently, you had just expose your secret of losing weight to them which was very unhealthy because it consisted of you only eating one piece of sweet potato each day and that was all.
“That’s very unhealthy.” Lee Know frowned.
“Eat more M/N, you need it.” You smiled as HyunJin gave you another piece of chicken.
“And how much did you lose from all that?” Jisung questioned.
“Just 16kg.” You replied, stuffing your face with food.
“Hyung! That’s horrible, how could you?” I.N who sat next to you cling on your arm, pouting. “Omg, no more muscles.”
“It’s not that bad. At least, I’m still overweight though.”
“Overweight, my ass.” Seungmin rolled his eyes, “have you seen yourself? You’re skin and bone. Like, I swear I can break a bone if I flick your forehead.”
“Is it that bad?” You suddenly become self conscious. In all honesty, it wasn’t only your debut that made you lose weight, the stress and pressure that came with it was a bonus. Not to mention, some antis commented on how heavy you looked. You didn’t want to disappoint them.
“This isn’t just about debuting isn’t it?” As if he could read your mind, Bang Chan put down his food, gulping the soda and gave you a stern look. “M/N, are you being bullied?”
You looked at him in disbelieve, “b—bullied? No?” You didn’t mean to make it sound as if you were questioning him. It just came out of you.
“Oh you are being bullied. You’re stuttering. Who’s bullying you?” Felix interjected.
“I—-I’m not being bu—,”
“HERE IT IS! I knew it.” I.N suddenly pulled out his phone, showing the rest of them a fan page. You knew that fan page. It was the exact same one where you read all those hates from antis. “This is horrible. Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Cause it didn’t matter?” Again, it came out like a question.
Oh no, you felt your throat close up, a churning stomach made you ran towards the toilet and there goes the rainbow. You felt tears escaping your eyes as you coughed every content that you just digested.
“Oh love,” You heard Lee Know behind you, rubbing your back soothingly. “It’s okay. You’re okay.”
“I….I didn’t want to burden all of you.” You hiccuped, wiping your mouth with the sleeves of your shirt. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s okay. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” Lee Know led you to the sink, giving you a toothbrush and mouthwash. You ended up, taking a shower and slipped into Lee Know’s sweaters.
When you were back at the living room, the rest had cleared up the takeouts and laid a huge comforter across the living room, you see them laying/sitting on it, waiting for you.
“Come here baby.” M/N smiled softly as JiSung opens his arms, inviting you to lay on him. You thanked Lee Know for helping you clean up before making your way into JiSung’s arm.
I.N scooted beside the two of you and link his arm across JiSung’s. You find yourself drifting to sleep from the comfort of the two.
“Sweetie.” Bang Chan calls out, “shall we make an promise amongst all of us that you would not do this stupid dieting every again?”
“I’m sorry and I promise I won’t do it again.” Y/N frowned feeling guilty for causing such disappointment to your loved one.
“I love you.”
JiSung was the first one to kiss you on the forehead. I.N was after him, followed by HyunJin, SeungMin, Lee Know, ChangBin, Felix and lastly Bang Chan.
“I love you guys.” You whispered before slowly drifting to sleep in JiSung’s arm.
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karmagotme · 6 months
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I'm rather proud of this, even if it did take me about a month to complete.
Let me explain.
I'm normally a cross stitcher, but I'd been seeing a lot of embroidery tricks on Pinterest (chronic scroller) and have been wanting to try the tulip button stitch for quite some time. Unfortunately, I had no jackets or cardis appropriate enough to try it on, so I hit up the Rockmans website and got this fuzzy thing for $20 (marked down from $80, mind, so I'd call that a win). It eventually arrived and it came with buttons like this:
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Blingy, no holes, and so heavy they were drooping off the cardi and making it a lop sided garment when worn unbuttoned.
In other words, perfect.
Before I could start lopping them off, I had to make sure I had replacement buttons. As I live in small town with barely any decent crafting supplies, I needed to wait for a day off work where I could travel the hour and a bit away to my closest Spotlight. The day finally came, I took in the spare/replacement button the cardi came with, hunted through the minimal button section (why do buttons not come in those long tubes with the sample button on the lid anymore? Sometimes I would like to buy more than one button? Or more than three??) and walked away with a packet of mixed white buttons.
Then my stupid brain hit.
When I finally had another day for me to work on my cardi, I opened the button packet and started rummaging. I pulled out the various buttons that had been the same size as the original buttons, lamented that the creamy ones with the slight flower petal design on them only numbered 3, and realised that in order to find enough of the right size buttons that were all the same type, I was going to have to sort them.
I ... may have a problem when it comes to sorting.
Sorting things takes me AGES. Not that I think I'm bad at it, I think I'm too GOOD at it. My usual sorting items of choice are books. You won't believe how much enjoyment I get at spending days sorting our library after every time we've had to move house. And just like with sorting books, buttons seem to have their own distinctions. Buttons with 2 holes. Buttons with 4. Buttons with writing. Buttons with SHEEN. SPECIFICALLY COLOURED SHEEN. THERE WERE SO MANY BUTTONS WITH GREEN SHEEN AND, LIKE, THREE WITH PINK?!
I believe the task of sorting them into pairs or more of identical buttons - with a small pile of Lonesome Larries to the side - followed by bagging up the piles, and followed THEN by glad wrapping the rest of them because I had limited amount of little baggies, took me a good couple of hours. In the end, I had a pile of 7 of these plain white buttons of the right size, so at least I have 2 spare if I ever lose any in the future.
And then I discovered just how difficult a French knot can be.
Mini videos on Pinterest generally don't explain how to do things in words. I'm a visual learner, I think, so I thought I'd be able to do this just by following the example. I struggled for a long time, @itchylimpet 's Ma even tried to help me to no avail, and after watching many videos and reading one article on how to do it, I finally managed to do it without making a horrible mess. I continued on, paused for dinner, and by the pitch of night I had finally finished.
So, there you have it. One project that resulted in barely much but took forever to do. I am proud that I eventually managed to get it and I am excited at trying out some other embroidery projects I have in mind. I know this is probably silly, considering it was just a button change, but I like this.
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Beginning of Recording
Now Playing: VHS 2: Yellow Roses
It's a freezing day in faraway town. The town is blanked in a thick coating of snow that crunches under the young man’s feet as he somewhat shivers from the bitter cold biting at his face whenever the wind blows. He’s never been the biggest fan of winter…It’s far too cold for his liking and it’s definitely annoying to have to clean off his glasses every few minutes when he is walking across town or his college campus when it snows. Oh the irony of having a birthday in the dead of winter…Though Henry couldn’t really complain that much. These grievances were minor annoyances at best. Really the only thing that sincerely worried him about the snow and winter is how the weather may adversely affect his younger brother’s health. Kel’s daily routine for the past 3 years never changed. Even when it was snowing or the winds were so biting cold that one could feel it through a winter jacket. Kel would still do the same thing he always did. That was truly the one thing that would bother Henry…He worried that such behavior would be detrimental to his brother’s health…Sooner or later. 
That being said, Henry saw the value and sweetness in honoring those who are gone. Especially when they would be there for you if they still could. Which is why he found himself here…at the entryway of faraway town’s graveyard…On the afternoon of his 23rd birthday with two different bouquets in his arms. An arrangement of red roses and an arrangement of yellow roses. He stops at the foot of the stone, glancing over at one over in the back but he can’t bring himself to walk to that one…not yet. Not until he’s said what needs to be said. Henry kneels down, placing down the arrangement of yellow roses at the foot of the grave as he gently wipes off the excess snow that obscured the writing on the stone, 
Our Beloved Sunflower Basil. Our thoughts will follow you into your dreams. 
Henry adjusts his glasses so that they are no longer falling down his nose as he starts to speak. 
“Hey Basil…I…I’m sorry I never visited much outside of your birthday…College keeps me busy and well…I just needed time to process everything that I wanted to say. I want you to know that despite everything, I forgive you for what happened that day…7 years ago. While I don’t think I’ll ever understand what was going through your mind that day…I know that at the very least you must have been terrified to lose two friends in one day and yet…everything for the most part…fell apart anyway…I can’t imagine how horrible and lonely that had to be for you. That even in the presence of others, you still felt alone…I hope that one day you can find the strength to forgive yourself. We all still care for you as a dear friend and wish nothing but the best for you in the new year. You used to always say that roses made you think of me so I brought you some yellow roses as a token of my appreciation for always being a great friend to us all. I hope that one day in the next life, we can all meet again.”
He then stands up and makes his way over to the other headstone,
Our Dearest Mari, The sun shined brighter when she was here 
Henry kneels down by the stone placing the arrangement of red roses at the foot of the grave. He needs to take some deep breaths to ease the tightening in his chest. Even to this day, looking at her grave is still difficult despite it being 7 years since her death. But given a few moments, he finally finds the strength to speak again. 
“Hey Mari Dearest…I am sorry for the delay. I just really had to speak to Basil for a moment, to clear the air and you know maybe help him forgive himself in a way.”
He pauses adjusting his glasses to keep his own tears from smudging the lenses.
“I…I still miss you…my lily of the valley…It’s been 7 years and yet it still feels like yesterday we were just two teenagers with big dreams for the future…Even though those dreams will just remain dreams…I hope to make you proud and become someone you would have been proud to call your husband one day. Even when I finally fully move on one day, I’ll still always love you Mari, my first love. I hope you and Basil are having a happy new year and I look forward to seeing you again…one day…”
End of Recording
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hopewritcs · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Hargrove!Reader, song 72?
pairing: eddie munson x f!hargrove!reader
song: shit happens.
notes: when i say i had to count twice bc i almost did the wrong song... y’all we ain’t good at math but we’re tryin to be good at writing here !! i hope you enjoyed this fic my loves. set in a pre s4 au world: for the tl:dr of it all billy is alive but neil still left susan, billy & you have a trailer adjacent to max & her mom. everything else is explained in the fic. 
trigger warning: mentions of neil hargrove, allusions to past abuse, parental death & abandonment
word count: 1.5k
part of spotify wrapped drabble night : accepting ! 
You should have known it wound wind up like this. Stranded at school, because of course your brother would leave without telling you. You couldn’t blame him -- at least, that was how you tried to explain it away in your head -- because after the summer you’d spent with Billy recuperating, and your father leaving and then losing the house and Susan kicking you out to live with Billy, it was only natural that both yourself and Billy were a bit tortured.
But to leave the school without you? Well, he just did that regularly now. At least last year he would have waited and sped off with you and Max in the seats alongside him in whatever foul mood he was in. 
He had to repeat the year after everything happened the summer before and he was pissed off, he didn’t want to be like Eddie Munson, who he’d pointed out to you on numerous occasions as a freak to avoid--not like you saw anything wrong with Eddie other than a penchant for wearing his personality out in the open and not giving a shit about what everyone else in the school thought. 
There he was, repeating the year next to you, his younger sister, and bitter as hell that he was stuck in this place again. 
So there you were, deciding how to deal with all of that and knowing that you were in for a walk home. There were only a few cars left in the parking lot, and at the point you were getting out you knew most of them probably belonged to the jocks that had practice--and none of them were likely going to give you a ride. 
A reluctant huff fell from your lips as you made your way down the path, heading for the street to make your way home when you heard someone calling your name, it wasn’t a familiar voice but still you stopped and turned around spotting Eddie Munson packing up his van. 
“Uh, yeah?” you replied, hesitating as you shuffled steps backward toward the car and him. It briefly crossed your mind that maybe this was somehow a set up, a cruel set up by your older brother. 
“If you don’t mind making a stop at the music shop in town, I can give you a ride.” Eddie offered, shrugging his shoulders with his hands shoved into the pockets of his top jacket, looking over at you. 
“What’s in it for you?” It came out more defensive than you’d intended it to be, but you were used to having your guard up. You were a Hargrove, had to deal with Neil and Billy your entire life. You’d lost your mother. That was enough for you to know that things were never just handed to you. But, what you couldn’t figure was why the school freak was offering you a ride home. 
His eyebrows raised as he looked at you, shaking his head, “Nothing. You can walk back to Forest Hills for all I care.” His tone was part defensive, part dejected as he spoke and turned around to get into his car. He was mumbling to himself as he opened the door to his van.
“I’m sorry,” you called out hastily, apologetically, causing Eddie to stop and turn back to look at you. “I suck. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that’s nice of you and you don’t--we don’t know each other.” 
“It’s not like we don’t go to the same high school, what horrible monster could I possibly be?” Eddie was practically laughing as he replied. He didn’t notice the way your eyes widened at the comment, the thought of everything from last summer still fresh in your mind. He didn’t know. “Unless you believe what people say about me, which is just bullshit cause they don’t understand people who aren’t popular jocks and conform to their standards.” 
You shook your head, “I don’t really listen to what people say. I’d rather figure it out for myself.” Which, ironically, was how you’d wound up in the whole mess with Hawkins and your ex-step sister Max in the first place--trying to figure out things on your own rather than listening to the rumor mill and what other people ( your brother Billy, namely ) had to say. 
“Well then, your chariot.” Eddie bent over dramatically, his hair falling into his face as he gestured to the van. 
You’d never really noticed him before. Sure, Eddie Munson was a spectacle in the Hawkins High hallways--making a scene just for being different and being the multi year senior and running hellfire club--but you’d never really noticed him. 
He was softer than you expected, given the antics he tended to pull and the stories--rumors--you overheard from people in the cafeteria and the classrooms over the years. 
Maybe he was different than you expected him to be, than your brother and everyone else had told you he was going to be. Then again, you didn’t know how much you expected of people these days. 
“My knight in shining armor.” You joked back, heading to the other side of the van and getting inside. 
The drive was quiet, like neither of you were sure what to talk about, or if you really should be talking. As he pulled up to the music store in town he almost hesitated, turning to look at you like he was going to ask a question. 
You were already getting ready to get out of the van when you realized his door hadn’t opened so you turned to look back at him, “So, what are you looking for?” 
“Some new records came out recently.” Eddie shrugged as he got out of the van, following your lead and then holding the door to the music shop for you. He was doing his best to seem nonchalant, but the truth was he was surprised--you’d gone from being almost entirely standoffish to being willing to be seen in public with him in the matter of a car ride. He wasn’t used to that. “And there’s some stuff we got in for Corroded Coffin that I need to pick up cause I’m the only one with a car big enough to fit all our supplies anyway.” 
“Okay, you’re in something called Corroded Coffin and something called Hellfire Club? I know what Hellfire is cause of,” the twerps, the kids, it was what you called them and what you wanted to say, but you paused because you didn’t know Eddie--did the kids even talk about you in those meetings? Probably not. You’d barely seen them this year, the ones you saw most were Max--which was obvious because she lived right by you, and you wouldn’t dare let her think that just because Billy could be a shithead that you cared any less about her and wanted her out of your life--and, surprisingly, Lucas--who, despite breaking up with Max and focusing a lot on his basketball game, had made it a point to say hi every time he saw you and had even taken to sitting by you when he saw you in the library. 
“School, right.” Eddie nodded his head as he flipped through the records on the new releases shelf that was right at the opening, waving a hello to the worker behind the counter who seemed to know Eddie right away and went off to the back to probably get his order ready. “Corroded Coffin is my band.” 
“Band? That’s cool.” You nodded your head, thumbing through the records and spotting a Kate Bush release you didn’t have and wondered if Max had it either. “What kind of music do you play?”
“Rock, metal. Some covers, some originals. Where we play people tend to not pay attention, but when they do they like the covers better.” Eddie said, glancing up from what he had in his hands and looking down at the record in yours. “Definitely different than Kate Bush.” 
“Are you making fun?” You asked, making a face at him, rolling your eyes as you looked at what was in his hands. “Not all of us just love Metallica. I mean, sure, their music is good.”
“You’re acting like I just made fun of your music choice.”
“Good is like saying it’s fine. Like you tolerate it.” 
“Did you not just have that same reaction to Kate Bush? Except yours sounded like you were holding back a wince. Agree to disagree, or whatever.” 
You had to admit that despite how the afternoon had started, you were pretty glad that it had gone that way because now you were actually having fun for the first time in, honestly, a really long time. The rest of the afternoon in that shop was spent back and forth about music, and you could tell that it wasn’t the last time you would be there with Eddie Munson. 
And that it might just have been the beginning of something special. 
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dogbound1128 · 1 year
Ok so I just had a mini dose of closure so I'll just give the quick outline to what I thought in my imagination
tws: guilt, self blaming, literally just the story of OMORI, perfectionism, PTSD implied, mental issues, moving away, long-distance friendship, kinda unstable friendship
He looks around, still unsure of how he's gonna get out.
Hero opens up his eyes.. He's still in the Dark Part of His Mind.
Something catches his eye, he turns to it.
It looks like his younger self.
He's surrounded by,.. well.. all the difficult stuff he had in his life.
He's on his knees, looking down, and clutching the sides of his head. His jaw is clenched.
"Oh.." Hero thinks to himself. He sometimes forgot that he dealt with that much back then.
*cut to 15yoHero venting about literally everything*
Younger Hero had his forehead on the ground now, he was breathing as if he hadn't in an hour, he was shaking.
"......And I just... didn’t do anything." He said, his voice wet with tears. "I didnt fix it." "and... and I hurt everyone."
Hero was silent. What was he supposed to say? He couldn't think of the perfect advice to give to his younger self. He knew it existed, but he just somehow couldn't find it.
He thought, hard. It took him a while but eventually, it hit him. It didn’t exist. There was no fix-everything-at-once solution for this.
Just like everything in life.
No amount of inspiration could get Sunny to make the perfect drawing in one moment,
No amount of motivation could get Aubrey to do a ballet dance perfectlyin one try,
No amount of skill could get Kel to make every shot in one game,
No amount of knowledge could ensure Basil wouldnt run into any issues while growing a flower,
No amount of determination could let Mari perfect a peice and hit every note perfectly
And no one peice of advice could fix everything at once.
It takes a bunch of imperfect pieces to fix something.
Maybe it takes multiple flawed people to make each other happy
And not just one perfect one
This wasn't gonna be perfect, but perfect was impossible anyway, so this is all he could do.
He knelt down to his younger self.
His Younger self looked up at him.
Still, from this angle, he looked so small.
"...Hero, you were a child then."
Younger Hero's eyes widened.
"You cant send yourself to the guillotine for being a child and not responding to a horrible situation perfectly."
Younger Hero said nothing. He just stared into his older self's eyes, with a look of slight bewilderment.
"..........I need to talk to someone." Older Hero said.
-cut to next scene-
Sunny walked through the door to his room and closed it behind him. He tossed his bag off to the side. He took off his jacket and put it on the hanger.
Just then, his phone started ringing.
This scared him.
He didn't know why he did it, but he looked at who it was from.
It was Hero.
Oh no.
Why was Hero of all people calling? What would he say if he picked up?... Sunny quickly blocked out that thought.
What does Sunny have to lose if Hero screams at him and tells him to kill himself? He didn't know how Hero felt about The Truth, but it, of course, wouldn't be good.
Anways, what does he have to lose?
Well ever since he moved, he made a new group of friends.
Well he wouldn't really say him and them were close friends, and he only joined a week ago, but.. he knew that if something happened, they would be there to support him.
He was gonna do it
He picked up the receiver.
"Hello? Is this Sunny?" Hero asked.
"...Yes." Sunny awnsered.
...How was Hero supposed to start this
"This is Hero!" (What the fuck was that)
"I know..." Sunny responded
"How have you been?" Hero asked
Despite the awkwardness, Sunny tried to focus on the good- Oh my gosh-
The way Hero's talking? Right now? That means he doesn't hate Sunny, he doesn't hate him
..And the status quo of Hero being the one Sunny could be near when he was going through troubles came back to him.
"...I mean not good, but, it's way better." Sunny awnsered.
"Oh, well that's-" Hero almost said "good" "...better." Hero finished with a sort of chuckle.
"I,,- If you don't want to talk about it, I completely understand.. I wanted to talk about,, the last time we saw each other."
"N-No,, I don't want to." Sunny said, his hands holding the receiver sort of shaking.
"It's okay, I understand."
"So, uh,, just checking in.."
"Thank you.. for that"
Hero was suprised
"Of course."
"Do you want to talk another time?"
"Yes." He said it with 100% certainty
"...Next week."
Hero plopped down on the side of his bed, sort of dazed by what just happened.
That was good
That was Progress.
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jlheon · 4 months
୨ৎ — haircut (sjy)
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pairing. bff! sim jaeyun x fem! reader genre. fluff wc. 1410 notes. ft. 02z + plz jake keep the hair for a while library.
🗯️ extra peng note. for my pookie @junislqve cuz we both are losing our minds over jake’s ponytail
synopsis. you try to stop jake from getting a haircut
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right as jake was about to leave for his hair appointment he heard the sounds of keys jingling and his door was unlocked by none other than his best friend. 
“hi ____,” he greets you, watching as you walk into his apartment and push him back inside.
“i had this horrible nightmare, jae!” you tell him, slipping off your shoes and placing them next to his. “you told me you were cutting your hair! so i woke up and ran here.”
“that was twenty minutes ago when i called you,” jake laughs, reaching for the front door again.
“no!” you shove his hand away and stand in front of the door. blocking him from exiting. “you can’t leave!”
“my appointment is in less than half an hour,” jake sighs, wrapping his arms around your waist to set you by the wall and out of his way. “i have to go.”
“no!” you jump on his back, wrapping yourself around him. “you can’t cut your hair!”
“____, get down!” jake scolds you, arms instinctively hooking under your thighs to keep you from falling. 
“i’m not letting you cut your hair!” you argue, holding onto him tighter. “i like your long hair!”
“i know you do ____,” jake bends down so you can safely get off of him. “but it’s way too long now.” he turns around to face you and runs a hand through his hair. 
“you said that last time,” you pout, reaching up to play with the ends of his hair. “and it’s not even that long yet!”
jake moves away from you to grab your shoes. he kneels in front of you on the floor, tapping you to make you slide into your sneakers. he laces up your shoes and grabs one of his jackets to put on you before tugging you along to the hallway outside his apartment. 
you both walk in silence out to the parking lot where jake opens the passenger’s side door and waits for you to get in before going to his side to drive. 
you huff as you stare out the window when jake’s barber shop comes into view. 
“i’m going to take the wheel and turn this car around,” you threaten once he stops at a red light. 
“i don’t understand why you’re so keen on me not cutting my hair?” jake pulls into a parking spot.
reversing the car back slightly he holds the back of your headrest and looks over his shoulder. you can’t help your cheeks flushing as you stare at his concentrated face.
you space out while in the meantime, jake exits the car and makes his way to your side. opening your door to you still looking at the console. 
jake stares at you for a couple of seconds, waiting for you to snap out of your daze. when you don’t he reaches over to unbuckle your seatbelt, which definitely snaps you out of it.
“did i space out?” you ask jake, his face leaning dangerously close to yours. 
“a little,” jake smiles, his minty breath fanning your face. “let’s go?” he asks before grabbing your hand to lead you both inside. 
when you walk inside jake is greeted by the employees as this is the only place he trusts with his hair.
you sit down on one of the chairs with an ungodly amount of middle aged men next to you who smile at you. you and jake look at each other before he takes off his jacket and covers your legs with it.
he pecks your cheek in hopes the men will look away from you and walks over to get his haircut. 
the appointment doesn’t last that long. you spend most of the time scrolling endlessly on all your social media. 
before you know it, jake is standing in front of you with freshly styled hair with a trim that is barely noticeable. you unconsciously sigh at the sight out of relief. 
“see, i told you it wouldn’t look that different,” jake says as he pulls you to your feet. “it’s just a trim.”
“you’re not cutting it again till after my birthday,” you pout as you stare up at his hair. 
“of course,” jake smiles, patting your head.
when jake starts walking towards the exit you reach for his arm as you still feel eyes being drilled into the back of your head. he pulls you closer so that you’re walking in front of him. 
the bells of the shop rings when another customer opens the door. you look to see who it is and you recognize the tall boy to be someone you’ve seen jake with around campus once or twice.
“hey jake,” the red haired boy extends his arm to dap the other up. 
“heeseung,” jake greets back.
heeseung takes a look at you. once standing next to jake but have now migrated to hide behind him. “is this your girlfriend?” he asks. 
“um-” jake clears his throat before reaching for your arm to pull you to his side and wrap an arm loosely around your waist. “yeah, this is ____.” 
you stare at the other boy before giving him a small wave. you space out again when jake and heeseung have a short conversation. you lean on jake while playing with the zipper of his jacket. 
once the conversation between the two is over you wave bye to heeseung as you and jake leave. in the car, you turn to jake who is currently picking a playlist. 
“why did you say i was your girlfriend?” you question, eyebrows raised and arms crossed.
“heeseung’s just kind of a flirt,” jake answers nonchalantly, but the red creeping up his neck begs to differ. “he looked like he was ready to pounce at you.”
“and he’s not allowed to because?”
“because i said so,” jake answers bluntly as he starts the short drive back to his apartment complex.
you follow jake up back to his place. as you take off your shoes he helps you out of his jacket. heading down the hallway into his bedroom you steal a shirt from his drawer and slip into it while he leaves into the hallway. 
jake comes back to his room to see you sitting on his bed waiting for him. he has a small bag of yours favorite gummies in hand, which he sets down on his side table before climbing into his bed next to you. 
he instantly feels the weight of your head on his shoulder. jake opens up the package of gummies and brings one to your lips. you lean down to take the candy then bite his hand on purpose in the process. 
“really ____,” jake retracts his hand, eating a candy himself.
“that’s what you get for cutting your hair.” 
“you’re so silly,” jake laughs, feeding you a piece. 
“no, i’m not!” you argue, munching on the pink candy. “if you cut your hair any shorter then i can’t braid it!” 
“is that really why?” jake giggles at your pouting face.
“your hair is my favorite thing about you!”
“you said the same thing about my nose.” 
“well, i like your hair too!” you reach up to thread your fingers through jake’s soft hair. twirling the ends of his hair at his nape.
“i’ll bring you next time i get my haircut again,” he sets the candy back on his table and brings you into his lap. 
“it’s scary there,” you tell him, leaning your head into the crook of his neck.
“don’t worry,” jake reassured you. “i’ll make you sit next to me the whole time.” 
“hm okay,” you yawn, snuggling further into your best friend. 
“a little.”
“take a nap,” jake says as he softly rubs your sides, making you yawn again. 
sunghoon, jake’s roommate, passes by the room. seeing you and jake clearly as the door sits slightly ajar. he feigns disgust when the boy on the bed makes eye contact with him and he snaps a picture on his phone. 
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sunghoon : GROSSS jake get UPP
jay : Why are you sending this here?
sunghoon : i can’t suffer alone ☹️ this is in MY HOUSE too
Thanks for the picture hoon 🤗🤗 Me and gf look cute
sunghoon : what gf 🫥
jay : I agree with Hoon
guys trust. me and ____ will be dating soon
sunghoon : i’ll never trust a cheater like you.
shut up Sunghoon you have a gf
sunghoon : you can’t say the same 🤣🫵
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casspurrjoybell-30 · 8 months
Howling Love - Chapter 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Amille Laurent.
Starting something new is haunting.
It's as if you're so afraid of going wrong that you're actually tempted to have something go wrong so you'll have some semblance of peace.
I was such a person, first tries to anything made me jittery and nervous, I can never truly understand why but it just happens.
I'd woken up early, set up the extra bedroom on the ground floor next to the game room as my gallery, it wasn't going to have use anyway, why not give it some.
My inspiration on the painting had come from my very fear of first things, it was a painting of the school I was to be attending, one gate was mangled as if someone with really strong arms had tried to crush it, the other was pristine and perfect a contrast to how we all feel about school, great and really horrible at times.
"This is really good," dad says behind me startling me, of course I didn't scream, that was impossible but I did jump holding my precious heart.
[Dad, that was not cool.] I whined as he chuckled and came over to hug me.
"I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to but you shouldn't be up so early in the morning, setting up all this by yourself, where did you even get the paint?" he questions as he lets me go from our embrace.
[I always have paint, plus I'm turning eighteen soon dad, I can do most things by myself and yes, I got inspiration. It's why I woke up early to paint.] I signed my response and has scoffed.
"You got first day jitters, couldn't sleep so you came down here to put your mind to some sort of ease," he retorted and I sighed.
[That too.] I admitted and he chuckled walking to the door.
"I know you lady bug, the painting is great, if the paint dries early enough you could actually give it to your headmaster today, now go get ready, you look like a hot mess."
I didn't know how to interpret that statement, was he complimenting me or was he throwing in some shade with that compliment but none the less I did as told, I was nervous but I'd try.
Getting ready for the day wasn't much of a hassle for me, styling my hair on the other hand was.
I had really curly black hair and it knotted most of the time if I didn't keep it short or use enough moisturizer or relaxer.
The rest of getting ready, needed minimum effort and I was out the door.
"Come on eat up, your bones need a little more meat," he asserted and I narrowed my eyes on him.
[Dad, I'm not thin, I'm petite, bordering on the edge of starting to get fat.] I retorted and he just chuckled as we ate breakfast, him going through his schedule.
"Mister Delano sent your payment for the portrait by the way and he sends his regards along with notice that he'll send a picture of his daughter next to be painted," dad informed me as we got into his car after he helped me put my bag in, for some reason I was fragile or short, I can't keep up anymore, I just let him.
[I hope he paid our agreed fee or I'm not painting anything else.] I signed and my father just chuckled.
"Look at you being cute and grumbling, yes he paid your fee," he replied patting my head and soon we were off, headed toward my new school.
[Good because I'm starting to lose it with that man's incessant need to have paintings of his family.] I added and dad just chuckled.
"It'll be over soon and you'll enjoy the money," he shot back and I just smiled with a blush, I would really enjoy the money.
"That's Selous Academy, it's different, a lot more buildings," dad remarked as he parked by the sidewalk and I got out to get to the backseat where my bag was.
"Do you have your tablet?" he asked and I showed it to him.
"The other one?" he asserted and I showed him.
"Your phone, your book bag, your glasses and your credit card and your lunch bag, I put another jacket in there just in case," he kept on rambling and I just groaned face palming.
[Dad I'm seventeen. I can handle this.] I typed on my phone and text to speech as a hero came through.
"I know but this is a new school and I won't be close by, I'm worried," he whined hugging me and I rolled my eyes hugging him back.
[You have work dad, so off you go. Shoo.] I signed and he held his heart in horror.
"You'd actually dare to shoo away your own father?" he dramatically put across and the both of us laughed.
[Love you too dad, now go before you're late.] I finally stated as he kissed my forehead.
"Have a great first day honey, your uncle will pick you up," he informed and I nodded as I waved him off.
So the daunting journey began as I turned to the gates I drew this morning, the painting hadn't dried so I left it at home, most of the students were preoccupied with their friends and paid no attention to the new kid.
I was glad, however there were a few groups who actually noticed me, some waved some just nodded my way as I made it through the crowds until I got to the double doors of the main building that opened dramatically when I got through, since they made a bang everyone turned to look at me and I cringed, so much for going unnoticed.
The stares, the waves and the nods increased, Goddess I felt awkward.
[Morning, I'm...] I stated but the receptionist looked at me and paused.
"Oh my goodness you look just like him," she shrieked and I cringed.
"You're Amille Laurent right, I'm miss Parker, I'm a friend of your dad's... well I don't know if we're still friends but we used to be friends, I didn't believe the rumor that he was back until I saw the student transfer scripts with his name and you're his son, oh my goodness, the guys are gonna flip," she rambled on and I was still dazed by her outburst, for someone supposedly as old as my dad she acted like a teen.
"Parker breathe," the man I assumed was the headmaster stated as he walked out of his office, he was obviously a wolf, no human man had that much of an animalistic feel to them.
"You must be Amille, our new student," he stated I nodded.
"I'm going to need a more verbal answer," he asserted and I typed on my phone to which he frowned then turned to miss Parker who was now frowning at the man.
[I have mutism, I can't verbally speak but I can hear, feel, see, touch the whole enchilada just can't speak.] I typed on my phone and a regretful stare overcame the man.
"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, I must've seemed really ignorant, I'm sorry, If I had gone through your whole file I'd have known, I'm truly sorry, I'm Darwin Seras... you can address me by my last name, headmaster or Sir, it's alright," he expressed and I nodded, at least he had sense enough to admit his mistake.
[It's alright, no harm done.] I replied and he nodded.
Goddess I could already see that overprotective look in his eyes, most wolves had that look the moment they learned of my condition, oh well, I'm at a loss might as well roll with it.
"Let me show you your locker and first class," he offered taking what was my schedule, school map and locker number and code from miss Parker.
"Bye Amille, have a great day."
She waved me off and I nodded walking behind the headmaster.
"The school is inclusive to both wolves and humans, we have several after school programs, I see you have a long list of talents here, maybe you could breathe life into our art program," he joked and I smiled to that too.
"Your locker."
He showed me and I opened it putting most of my stuff in.
"Need help?" he asked and I signed no then realized he probably didn't know the language.
"Alright then, let's get to your first class, AP biology," he asserted and led the way as I familiarized myself with the school, it seems they were big on sports and not just academics.
"We've won the Bridgeton interschool football, lacrosse, gymnastics, cheerleading and tennis competitions for a consecutive six years," he pointed out and my jaw dropped.
[I just thought you're big on sports but that's wow.] I pointed out and he chuckled as he opened a door to an already filled class on the second floor.
"I know," he whispered back as we walked in and some students gasped.
"Good morning Richards, everyone this is Amille Laurent, he'll be joining us for the school year, don't cause him any trouble," he announced to the class as I stood awkwardly in the background.
"He uses his cell-phone and other gadgets to communicate, I'm sure Parker might've informed you so you'll have to make an exception, he can sign too," the headmaster added toward who I presumed was my teacher mister Richards.
"Of course, Amille take a seat next to Maxine," he responded and I nodded walking over to the waving girl with wavy hair and earthy green eyes, she was a wolf, I could just tell.
"Alright, Amille your schedule, find me if you need anything," the headmaster exclaimed giving me my papers, his behavior seemed to have really shocked the class, oh boy.
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deadrlngers · 2 years
hate buying clothes i wish all trends would explode
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lestappen3 · 2 years
Just A Friend
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pairing: Max Verstappen x reader
word count: +/- 2000
plot: Where Max becomes the world champion and you are just his friend. 
note: This is my first fic uploaded on this account. I didn’t want to make it too long as this is kind of an introduction to my writing.. Let me know your thoughts, ideas, anything. My ask is always open. On top of that, this is quite a throwback to last winter, but we were celebrating here like crazy and I had to get this of my chest.
As you were watching the screen intensely you were twiddling your thumbs. Max was about ten seconds behind Lewis with a handful of laps to go. The chances of him winning the race were slim. Really slim. Even though he had two opportunities to overtake the rapid Mercedes car, he just wasn’t quick enough. They played a long game, but a smart one at that and the zero-point difference in the end makes this so much more painful to watch.
But you couldn’t lose hope. You were not about to lose faith in your friend because then you would have to admit all would be lost and you weren’t prepared for that.
“I thought you might need this.” A familiar voice drifted your gaze away from the screen as your eyes met Jos as he was walking towards you with two small cups in his hands. “I did anyway,“ he said as he handed one of the cups to you. It was quite warm, but as your nerves had lowered your body temperature slightly, the coffee might warm you up a little. It wasn’t cold outside. Not at all, since you were in Abu Dhabi. You weren’t wearing a jacket either, but you watched the race so intensely you didn’t even move a muscle and it started to become apparent to you.
You looked up from the cup to Jos and you noticed how pale he had become. You couldn’t imagine what he was going through. You were dying inside and you wondered how the man even had a pulse left.
“I haven’t had the opportunity to thank you, Y/N,” Jos said as he walked towards you to lean against the wall next to you so he still had a good view of the race. You covered your tight smile with the cup of coffee he just offered you and fixed your gaze on the liquid that moved ever so slightly. “For being there for him. It’s different when it comes from you. I don’t know why, but it is.”
“It’s what friends are for. I can’t imagine having to deal with so much hate. To have so many media outlets writing horrible things about you. People hating you. It would destroy me because-” you stopped when you realised you spilled a few drops of coffee on the floor. You sighed while watching the last drops escape the exterior of the cup as they fell on the ground, “because I would believe them. And it would destroy me if he ever had that feeling too,” you whispered. You looked up as you felt Jos’ hand on your shoulder and was met with a sincere smile.  
“You are a great friend,” he told you. You nodded at him as token of appreciation. As silence arose between the two of you, your mind drifted to a memory from a couple months ago.
“Max!” you yelled as you ran after him. He didn’t look back and continued walking, his helmet in between his waist and arm. You touched his free arm carefully once you finally caught up to him and he stopped in response.
“Please Y/N/N, leave,” he begged as he moved his head slowly towards your direction without completely turning around. He rested his chin on the edge of his shoulder as a deep sigh escaped his lips.
“No,” you demanded as you grabbed his arm tighter and tugged it, forcing him to face you completely. “I am not leaving when things get hard. When they don’t go your way. You should know that by now.”
“He is an asshole!  He ruined my race. I was about to win that damn thing!” Max talked loudly. He finally brought his guard down when he noticed no one else was in the room except the two of you. He placed his helmet somewhere safe before he was about to throw it at the wall or something else entirely. “He is so-. so-“ Max stammered as he couldn’t find the words.
“He is so caught up in the championship the same way you are, Max. Even though he has won a few times already, I can imagine it doesn’t make it mean less. Especially since there’s a world record at stake and finally having some intense competition again. I know this might not be something you want to hear or want to acknowledge, but I am not someone who’s going to sweettalk you through everything. It was an incident. You endured worse and you showed them it wasn’t going to bring you down. This shouldn’t be any different. You are going to win this damn thing. If not today, then in December. When it really matters.”
He sighed as you had finished your last sentence. The corners of his lips turned slightly upwards. His meek smile trying to hide the frustration from the crash you so desperately tried to release, but you knew Max and he needed time to contemplate.
“I know,” he finally whispered, “It’s just that I am so done with this manipulative story they are trying to create, and this is just the icing on the cake.”
“Let them talk,” you said as you gently shoved his arm. “You just need to make sure you drive the quickest.” He chuckled as his face brightened, but as quickly the smile appeared as quickly it faded away. Startled, Max looked at you with one part confusion and the other a feeling he couldn’t recognize yet. He was at a loss of words. How did you always know what to say? To make him feel better about himself instead of worse. But most importantly, without trying to downplay anything and without being afraid of trying to hurt his feelings. He was thankful you were being his friend, at least he thought.
Your mind drifted back towards the present when you heard a couple people yelling in the background.
“Latifi just crashed!” someone near you screamed. You moved your gaze towards the nearest screen that was hanging in the garage. And they were right. A blue coloured car stood completely still against one of the barriers near corner 14. Soon after, a yellow-coloured flag appeared near the crash site. 
Then you immediately thought of Max. He had a chance. A small one, but he could close the gap between him and Hamilton in those five laps, could he? They wouldn’t finish a race like this with a safety car, right? Surely not? 
With each second you started to doubt the chances the Dutch man had. He hadn’t had the best luck in his career, but this was a sprinkle of hope he desperately needed.
Minutes passed and somehow Max was behind Hamilton. He was faster as he had fresher tires and you knew this was Max’ lap to lose. He would become world champion after this lap. There was no doubt in your mind.
Your throat started to become tighter, your eyes started to dwell, and chills appeared all over your body as you started to get colder and colder. You felt two strong hands on your shoulders as Jos stood behind you, looking just as intensely at the screen as you were.
“Max Verstappen you are the world champion! The world champion!” you heard Christian Horner yell through the garage. As you were jumping up and down and your eyes started to water even more. You heard a distant pair of heels approach your direction and were quickly met with a pair of slim, tanned arms around your neck. “Oh my god!” Kelly screamed in your right ear which started to ring. “He did it, Y/N! Max won!” she yelled even louder. She immediately let go of your arms as someone in the garage screamed Max was on his way over.
You followed Kelly as she left already and witnessed father and son in a warm embrace. Max hurled himself in his Jos’ arms, nearly knocking him over as he forgot in the moment, he wasn’t a ten-year-old boy anymore.
Once his father let go, Kelly immediately wringed herself into his arms and kissed his cheek. She whispered something into his ear, and he smiled at her words. You witnessed the loved-up pair in front of you. A wistful smiled played across your face. Kelly was good for him. He matured so quickly once he got into a relationship with her. Perhaps it was because she was older or because she had the cutest little girl, but you knew he felt safe with her as he always had a few admiring words to say about her when the two of you were hanging out together.
“Got a hug left for me?” you asked him as he removed himself from his girlfriend’s embrace and smiled. His smile was like a sudden beam of sunlight illuminating the darkest corners of the room. His tears were still to be found in his eyes, one slipping and slowly rolling down his cheek, and it took you all your willpower not to gently wipe it away. But you couldn’t. You shouldn’t.
“Always,” he answered and threw his arms around you, squeezing you, as if he hadn’t seen you in over a decade. You had your arms around his neck and covered your face in its nook. You were engulfed by the smell of sweat that was surrounding every part of him. Even though it wasn’t the most pleasant scent you have ever smelled, you found it extremely hot.
“You did it,” you whispered as you had loosened your arms around him, expecting him to do the same thing. However, you could still feel his arms around the middle of your back and realised how close you actually were.
“I did it,” Max whispered back. The sounds and cheers of the people surrounding you became mere echoes as you stared directly into his eyes. His pupils were dilated and covering his perfect blue eyes for the most part. You parted your lips as it started to become difficult to breath.
Oh my god. You wanted it so bad. You wanted him so bad. You had the urge to bulge your eyes out and pull your hair just to release the frustration that was building inside of you. All you wanted was to lock the two of you in a closet, grab the material of his suit and close any inch between you to feel his plump lips against yours.
And then seconds later you were reminded that you were in a paddock full of people, he won his first championship, his father and girlfriend were literally staring at you, and you were just the friend. Not Kelly Piquet. No, you, Y/N.
“You have a trophy to receive,” you whispered as you tried to wring yourself out of Max’s embrace. You had to get yourself out of this situation before your heart gets broken even further. It wasn’t the time to dwell on the circumstances of the position you held in Max Verstappen’s life. He just became the world champion. Something he worked so hard for, and you couldn’t let the late-night talks, the encouraging words, and a secret glance or two go to waste because you felt sad you weren’t more than just a friend.
“I’ll leave you some champagne,” he said as he let go of you definitively.
“Go get them champ!” you yelled at him as he was making his way towards the entrance of the area to get to the podium. He looked over one last time and winked as he disappeared in the crowd.
“You made it count,” you said softly as you turned around and invoked a smile on your face as you tried to celebrate with the others. You should be happy. Extremely happy, but somehow you weren’t, and it made you feel worse.
Max Verstappen has become the world champion and you were desperately in love with him.
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rockingrobin69 · 2 years
It only worked the seventh time, and pretty much by accident. The flowers Harry got were infested with—Luna called it ‘Snorkiees’ when he frantically called, but anyway they wilted by the time he got off the tube. A squirrel stole his box of chocolates—actually stole it out of Harry’s distracted grasp, then ran up the tree with what he could only call a vindictive smirk. The restaurant cancelled his dinner reservation because ‘if he really was Harry Potter he wouldn’t have called himself’, so ‘plan for success’ was a bust, and the perfect blue-sky afternoon turned into a horrible downpour of an evening. Draco found him by the tree, still begging the damned squirrel, soaked to his socks and nearly in tears.
“What—” Draco paused, pale and worried. Harry’s stomach twisted with how terribly he wanted this to work. Even worse with how horribly it was going to fail, just like the previous six times. Like always. “Potter, what the hell are you doing?”
“Erm,” was apparently not much of an answer, because the harsh frown didn’t soften.
“Did you forget where I live? You’ve come over often enough.”
“No, I know where... I just had… erm.”
Draco didn’t have an umbrella either. Or a jacket. He crossed his arms, face scrunched with this guarded expression Harry thought they finally put behind them.
“Did you change your mind?”
He blinked a million and twelve times. “About?”
“About—this. Me. Did you decide it wasn’t so important after all to try and win—”
“Win?” he wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry, whether he was already crying, or if Draco was maybe laughing at him. “Win? What the fuck have I—I’ve nothing but lost for the past six months, you arsehole. First I lost my heart to you. Then my fucking head when you wouldn’t even notice. Time after time when you didn’t believe I was—then I lost the bloody chocolates and the flowers you explicitly said one must have when asking a man on a date, and damn it, but I’ve been trying so hard, and if I lose you—if I lost you too, if you didn’t even want to be my friend after this, I don’t think I could—”
He only stopped because something hit him on the head. At first he thought maybe the squirrel was back for round two, but no, it was just Draco. Must have been, because now his arms were wrapped around Harry, and his frown finally melted, dripping down his long eyelashes, soaking his expensive cashmere jumper. Harry covered him best he could with himself before remembering to ask:
“Wait, what are you…”
“I don’t need flowers,” Draco said. “Although chocolates would be nice.”
“Shut up,” Harry found he was laughing, no idea why.
“I suppose I was only trying to… I didn’t mean to make you lose your head.”
He wiped a wet cheek with wet fingers. “Yeah you did.”
“All right, I did.”
Draco’s lips couldn’t decide between a pout and a smile. They were so close, and so wet. Harry could do this all night.
“So you’ll go on a date with me? A proper date, with all the—yeah?”
“Is that a question or a statement?” grey eyes opened, alight and so much an invitation Harry felt weak.
“I’d beg if that’s what it took. Please?”
Draco laughed, and laughed, and came a bit closer in Harry’s arms, and laughed. It was such a soothing sound, Harry would forgive any squirrel in the world.
“Okay, fine. A proper date.”
“Thank god, because I’ve already booked dinner,” he confessed into the crook of his neck. Then: “Shit, I forgot, we lost the table to some grade-F celebrity who—”
“Doesn’t matter,” Draco chuckled in his ear, “we’ll go to mine, I need to dry you up anyway. There’s so much I want to…”
“I know,” Harry nodded enthusiastically, “so much, there’s so much.”
They walked together, still rambling, both too giddily happy to stop, to notice the rain or the street. Or the squirrel, smirking on his tree, rubbing little paws together in a self-satisfied way. A win-win, if you ask him.
For the lovely @theoneindenial and her hilarious prompt, with my sincere apologies for how long it took! 700 words of fluff and a - squirrel? For some reason?
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syllvane · 3 years
the lovers- kaz brekker x reader
a/n: this was requested by anon!
request something here
Kaz didn’t like to showcase his vulnerabilities.
It’s why he wore gloves- anything that could be interpreted as a possible weakness, he twisted into the image that he had created for himself, incorporated it into the legend that surrounded him.
You really weren’t that different.
Yes, he cared for you, more than he cared for most people, but there was nothing sacred to Kaz Brekker.
To the Barrel, you were just the Archer, just another spider that Dirtyhands had on his payroll, though your specialty was arrows rather than knives.
And you were fine with that- even within the Dregs, only a few knew of your relationship with Kaz.
If any of the others suspected, you would have genuinely been surprised.
Public displays of affection never occurred and even in private, the farthest you had gone was holding hands with him, not that you minded.
You would move at whatever speed was comfortable for him and not anything more.
Cue you and Kaz at some all too extravagant party, guarding the hallway that led to the Merchant’s office, the office which Jesper and Inej were currently in, stealing information from the Merchant’s ledgers.
You were wearing some all too tight dress while Kaz had been outfitted in a suit, his hair slicked back.
Although he looked nice, you still wanted nothing more than to run your hands through his hair and undo all the hard work that Nina had done.
You peeked around the corner before drawing back quickly, pulling Kaz into one of the enclaves of a doorway.
“Guards,” You told him and he glanced at his watch as you heard footsteps at the beginning of the hallway.
“They need more time,” He said, more to himself than anyone else.
“Kaz,” You said under your breath, growing increasingly aware of one of the guards approaching the small enclave.
“I know,” He said, almost annoyed, before taking a deep breath.
“What are you-”
Before you could finish your sentence, Kaz cut you off by pushing you against the wall and kissing you.
You stood there in shock, completely unresponsive before you realized what he was doing and played into it.
You barely even realized when the guard found the two of you, the sound of your heart hammering in your chest and the blood rushing in your ears distracting you from anything else.
The guard grunted and Kaz pulled away from you, looking at the ground.
“You shouldn’t be back here,” The guard said sheepishly and you tried your best to look flustered, though you didn’t have to do much acting.
“I’m- I’m so sorry, sir. Me and my boyfriend, we just wanted to find a… private spot, I’m sure you understand.”
He looked between the two of you, a blush appearing on the guard's face.
“R-right, I understand miss, but you can’t be back here.  I’ll escort the two of you back to the party.”
“Thank you so much, sir. I promise that it won’t happen again,” You said sincerely and the guard nodded, a sheepish smile on his face.
“Have a good night now,” He said after leading the two of you back to the main party.
You and Kaz made your way outside of the party, trying to find some privacy.
“I did what I had to do to keep us safe,” He said, though you could tell from his voice that that wasn’t the whole story.
You crossed your arms over your chest, trying to keep your bare arms warm in the cool Ketterdam night.
“You’re going to catch a cold,” Kaz said sullenly, sliding out of his jacket and offering it to you.
You grabbed it from him hesitantly and put it on, reveling in the warmth that it provided.
“That was some quick thinking on your part.”
Kaz didn’t say anything for a couple of moments, flexing his gloved fingers over the top of his cane.
“Yes, well, it wasn’t a difficult choice to make. We did what we had to do in order to keep Inej and Jesper safe.”
You remembered the way his lips crashed into you, the way he had pushed you against the wall.
Your face warmed.
“What wasn’t a difficult choice?” Inej asked, appearing out of nowhere and causing you to jump. Her eyes narrowed as you jumped- usually, you were able to spot Inej before anyone else, but you weren’t exactly paying attention to your surroundings at the moment. Before she could question you, Kaz spoke.
“Do you have a copy of the ledger or not?”
“Of course. We’re not amateurs, you know,” Jesper said, holding out the journal to Kaz, who didn’t say anything else.
He looked at you, almost as if he expected to be looking at thin air before his gaze softened almost imperceptibly.
“You two go on without us. We’ll meet you back at the Slat.”
As if she had never been there at all, Inej simply vanished back into the darkness. Jesper groaned slightly but didn’t object, walking back towards the direction of the Slat.
You and Kaz walked slowly throughout the streets of Ketterdam, as if you were an old married couple strolling through a garden as opposed to whatever the two of you were strolling through an unforgiving city.
“Thought you would’ve disappeared the first chance you got after Inej and Jesper showed up,” He said nonchalantly, his voice even.
“I’m not doing much of anything in this dress, much less jumping from roof to roof,” You said pointedly, though your tone was easygoing.
“What happened earlier-”
“We don’t have to talk about it. If you want, what happened there can stay there,” You said, cutting him off.
“It wasn’t pleasant,” Kaz said shortly. “But it wasn’t horrible either.”
You stopped where you were walking, looking at him.
“I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“Oh, hush,” He said, the slightest hint of a smile on his face.
“Careful, Brekker, you’re getting awfully close to looking like a human being.”
“What can I say? You’re a bad influence.”
You laughed and a small smile tugged at Kaz’s lips.
Maybe he should just drop the whole revenge thing, just try and make you laugh for the rest of your life’s. He thinks that maybe he can be happy with that.
You lead him to a restaurant, where someone was strumming a guitar, playing an unfamiliar, folksy tune.
In the streetlight, your face lit up and you outstretched a hand towards him.
“You owe me a dance from earlier.”
He pulled a face.
“I owe you no such thing.”
“If Jesper was here, he would dance with me,” You said to him and he frowned.
“Yes, well, good thing he isn’t here then. I won’t have to break his legs this way.”
You rolled your eyes.
“What do you have to lose, Kaz? Just this one dance. One dance and then we can go back to being all boring.”
“I was joking before, but you are an actual bad influence,” He grumbled, taking your hand.
The smile that appeared on your face almost made it all worth it.
What the two of you did was hardly dancing- it was more him standing and letting you guide him and letting him twirl you than anything rhythmic, but it made you happy and that was all that really mattered to Kaz.
Whatever he could do to make you smile like that, even if it meant embarrassment in front of drunk restaurant patrons, he supposed it was worth it.
After an appropriate amount of time passed, the two of you continued walking and you held onto his hand a little tighter than before.
“Happy now?” He asked and you smiled.
“It wasn’t pleasant, but it wasn’t horrible either,” You quoted and he shook his head, trying to get rid of the smile that was on his face.
“The kiss wasn’t bad. I wouldn’t be objected to trying again sometime.”
“Neither was the dancing,” You chided, though you were grinning. He rolled his eyes.
“You’re pushing your luck, Archer.”
You shrugged.
“Would you really have me any other way?” You asked, walking ahead of him.
You didn’t see him shake his head or the small smile that appeared on his face as he watched you.
“No,” He said quietly. “I wouldn’t.”
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klitzcore · 2 years
Character: Eli Brooks
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Prompt: Eli Brooks relationship HC'S + First kiss!
A/N: when I say he's an idiot, I mean it lovingly. He's great
Eli wasn't even sure how he ended up with you, nor did anyone else, considering he was a fucking idiot.
You sure did love him, no matter how.. irritating he could be some day.
He finds you so beautiful, absolutely infatuated with you. Eli likes complimenting your features.
He also loves showing you off. He'll be like "Look how beautiful they are, look! You aren't looking!"
For dates, you and Eli do dumb shit together. A highlight has to be when the two of you rode a shopping cart down a hill, or the one time you two swam in the ocean at 2am.
Why, you may ask? For shits and giggles.
Eli's all over you, all the time. He loves physical affection, it's one of his favorite things! He'll literally jump into your arms after he hasn't seen you for awhile.
He's constantly taking pictures of you. Eli likes saving the memory, he has tons of polaroids in his room of you or you two together.
You steal his hat sometimes. You also steal his jackets and button ups. You like sleeping in them, they're comfortable.
He absolutely loves it.
Eli says random things all the time. "Healthy minds make sexy bodies!"
He's so weird. You find yourself giving him back rides a lot, you wear him like a backpack.
You're in yearbook. You do a lot of the organization, god knows your boyfriend will never be organized.
You hang out with him and his friends a lot! You adore his group.
You and him always dance together in his room. Not anything good, no it's always absolutely horrible.
He always needs to be doing something, Eli is very fidgety.
Eli will defend you with his entire being. He knows that he'll get absolutely folded, but he'll still throw himself into the fray.
But when you two do lay down, he's always the little spoon. Absolutely no objections, he needs to be held.
You two often play fight. He mostly always loses.
You two had your first kiss when the tape he directed blew up. It was a massive success, you were so proud.
So when he got his copy, he showed you it. He didn't make you watch it, just handed you the tape.
"Is this it?" You ask him, eyeing him. His grin grows "Hell yeah it is, look-"
You cut him off by smashing your lips against his, throwing your arms around the back of his neck to pull him closer to you. This was a change, but a welcome one! He didn't know what to do!
When he kissed Klitz that one time, it was a joke. It didn't count. But now his first actual kiss, and he was frozen.
So when you parted, you looked at him, kinda concerned. "Wait, I'm so sorry Eli! I'll talk to you later." You say, backing up from him. You turn around, getting ready to start collecting your things, when you hear him say something.
"Wait! Sorry.. sorry, I just. I froze. I've never.. kissed anyone seriously before." He says, cringing as the words left his mouth. How was he going to be a director and never have his first kiss?
"Can we try again?" He asks, this time his voice quieter.
You turn around to face him, nodding. He approaches you, standing flush to your body. "Do I just like.." He asks, trying to find the words.
"Just follow my lead, okay?" You say, smiling at him. You once again connected your lips with his, and this time he pushed back gently. Eli closes his eyes, and he puts his hands on your shoulders. Your hands snake their way around his waist, pulling him closer to you.
Eli pulls away, looking up at you with a smile on his face.
"Can we call that the first one?" He asks. You roll your eyes and nod yes, a smile curling onto your face.
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crazycookiecrumbles · 3 years
A Shitty Memory
A/N: I don’t know! I guess I do have a Stark!Readerverse
Falls after “A Friendly Reunion” And YES! Stark!Reader’s got Quake’s powers. Yes. I’m obsessed. I’m sorry.
Pairing: Shang-Chi x Stark!Reader, Past!Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader. Platonic!Bucky x Stark!Reader
Warnings: Swears, angst (???), fluff ending,
Summary: You were just trying to enjoy your vacation when a hit song triggers horrible memories you ran away from and never truly dealt with.
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“'Cause I'd never treat me this shitty
You make me hate this city
And I don't talk shit about you on the internet
Never told anyone anything bad 'Cause that shit's embarrassing, you were my everything And all that you did was make me fucking sad.”
What the fuck was this?
Oh, god. This was not supposed to be happening right now.
Feelings sucked. They hit you like a ton of bricks. One minute, you’re visiting Sam and his family, along with Shang-Chi, Katy, and Bucky. You had all spent the day together, you meeting Sam’s sister, secretly trying to push her and Bucky together, while Bucky and Sam were making sure  that your boyfriend knew that they were always watching and that they were so overbearing and annoying and obnoxious like older brothers should be.
But feelings really, really smacked you in the head like an ACME anvil, and, wow, it felt so stupid.
Without a karaoke machine, they ended up just connecting one of Sarah’s kid’s laptops to the TV and using that to pick random song on Youtube to display the lyrics and sing along to. It wasn’t karaoke if someone hadn’t picked a Billie Eilish song. You were fine, totally fine, but then the song went on and you hit that one iconic section where everything changed and your mind just wandered back in time, back to Steve.
He just had to send the stones back. All he had to do was put the stones back in their rightful place and come right back to you, and he didn’t do that. He disappeared, took too long to return which made your heart pound faster and faster until you thought it was going to explode. Then, when you four finally spotted him and you realized he was now an old man sitting on a bench having lived out his life that was meant to be with you with another woman, you lost it.
You remembered how Bruce laughed nervously as the ground began to tremble, how Sam ducked and Bucky yanked him out of the way when a tree exploded and the wood splintered in every direction. You remembered how Steve turned around and said, “Doll, it’s okay.”
But it wasn’t! It wasn’t okay, and you felt such blinding hot rage that you did not remember what happened after that. When events were retold to you, you learned that, basically, you started to break the planet. The ground was shattering and you were losing control of your powers, something you hadn’t done in so, so long, but you were so overwhelmed with emotions that you just couldn’t handle it. Everything you had gone through with Thanos, plus this? Bucky was able to get the closest to you, his vibranium arm absorbing a bulk of the vibrations you were emitting before he was forced to knock you out to keep you from destroying the planet on accident.
And those feelings felt like they were coming back right now. You had stopped singing around ‘you make me hate this city’ as you remembered why you ran away from New York in search of a new life. No one had noticed you were suddenly quiet as you zoned out. However, Bucky noticed that Sarah’s beer bottle resting on the coffee table was starting to shake, which was strange given that no one was standing or jumping around. His eyes then immediately darted to you and saw you slowly exhaling to try to calm down, your hands shaking and red bruises forming around your forearms before you abruptly stood up and left the house.
Sam frowned and glanced at Bucky who shook his head. Bucky set his bottle of beer down on the ground and stood up to go check on you, but Shang-Chi quickly stood up.
“I’ll check on her,” Shang-Chi said to him with a nod as he grabbed his jacket off of the back of the chair.
Bucky glanced out the door where you left. Suddenly they all felt the house shake for only a second before it was back to normal. Bucky sighed, “Look, she might….you might have to —“
“I got it,” he nodded. “I’ll come get you if I can’t, but I got it. I’ll be back.”
You were standing at the end of the dock, and as your boyfriend approached you he could feel little rumbles on the wood that definitely didn’t come from the water rocking beneath the both of you. As he got closer, he draped his jacket around you and stood beside you. You glanced over at him and opened your mouth to speak, but you didn’t know what to say.
“I know,” he said quietly. “It’s okay.”
“Is it?” you laughed as tears fell from your eyes and you tried so hard to keep yourself composed and hide them by rubbing your eyes, instead revealing the bruising that was forming on your arms as you tried to keep your powers check. “Seems kind of insane to me. A stupid fucking song and stupid lyrics and it--it’s all coming back.”
“Why?” He reached out and took your hand in his, smoothing his hand down over your knuckles, the back of your hand, and your wrist to offer a soothing touch. “Why is that insane to you, to get emotional over a song?”
“A fucking song that makes me think of my ex-husband when my boyfriend is sitting right there,” you laughed and shook your head. “It’s stupid.”
“It really isn’t, babe.”
You laughed and shook your head.
Shang-Chi sighed and stepped closer to you, turning you to face him, “You loved him. You were married to him. You were hurt because he left you. You’re allowed to be upset. You’re allowed to feel, I mean — did you even take that time to grieve or —“
“I ran,” you said quickly. “I up and left.”
“Ah, he made you hate that city — oh god I’m sorry. Bad timing. Bad, bad, awful, stupid joke,” He said when he noticed you starting to tear up again. “Okay, it’s okay, just let it out.”
“I can’t,”you laughed and stared up at the stars in the sky. “I can’t let it out because if I do, I’ll probably split the planet in half on accident like I almost did that day.”
“That’s so awesome,” He muttered under his breath. “I mean — look ,you won’t do that.”
“I will.”
“You won’t,” Shang-Chi moved around and grabbed you by the shoulders, turning you so that you were facing the water once again, and he was now standing behind you. His hands left your shoulders and he grabbed you by your arms, quietly coaxing you to get down with him. You sat on the edge of dock with your legs dangling off the side. He sat on his knees behind you, butt resting on the heels of his shoes as he gently coaxed you back to lean against him. “Just listen to me, okay? And…cry, cry as much as you need to.”
You scoffed, “Why?”
“You deserve to deal with your shit.” He chuckled softly, “Trust me, running just comes to bite you in the ass eventually.”
He nodded and wrapped his arms around you as you rested against his chest, “You fell in love with and married Steve Rogers. You loved him. You fought alongside with him, you fought him, you made up with him, you loved him, you planned an entire lifetime to spend with him.”
At this point, looking back and remembering all the times you had spent with Steve was starting to make you emotional all over again as tears fell and you tried so hard to keep your composure, the lump in your throat burning as you tried so hard to hold back.
“And then you were snapped. He lost five years with you, but you came back.”
You laughed darkly, more tears spilling, “When I stood next to him he fell to his knees. He couldn’t believe it.”
He nodded and continued, “You’d lost your best friend and you didn’t even know it. You lost your dad, and you couldn’t control those things, but you carried on. And then you lost Steve, and he didn’t even give you a chance or a warning.”
You started crying. Your body shaking with tears as you held onto Shang-Chi’s forearm, and unknowingly started to make him feel vibrations in his arm that had him wondering if it was about to break or just be bruised like yours.
“Steve left you and he hurt you, and you couldn’t even be honest about it. This entire time you kept up this charade to the world that Steve Rogers died a hero, but no one else knows what he put you through, how unfair that was, how it hurts. They just think that he’s the perfect man, a hero, and you spend every single day keeping up this lie and keeping his image clean so no one loses faith in a man like that.” Shang-Chi shook his head and gritted his teeth when he felt more vibrations surge through his arm and a sharp pain hit him. “Who else would do that? Hold their head high and talk about him with nothing but respect and revery? I wouldn’t. I don’t know anyone that would. You….you are so strong, (Y/N). He did not deserve the person you’ve become.”
At this point the dock was shaking violently, a few nails coming out here and there, the ground by the water’s edge cracking and racing towards the house which was shaking to the point where they were evacuating, just in case, and Bucky was starting to head down the dock towards you both.
“Let it go,” Shang-Chi whispered. “It’s okay. I’m here. Let it go.”
You sobbed and let go of his arm as you brought your hands up to cover your face as the tears poured from you. He took a few seconds to shake out his arm to get some reprieve from the vibrations before he wrapped his arm around you again, kissing the back of your head and saying it was okay.
Furious, you pushed him away. Shang-Chi let go of you quickly as you lurched forward and screamed in anguish, fury, nothing but pain as you screamed how you hated Steve. Power radiated from your body and surged right out in front of you. It hit the water with such force that it seemed like all of the water there shot straight up into the air like a geyser. Shang-Chi looked up in awe at what he was witnessing, but then all the water started to fall back down.
It fell hard, and between the waves caused by it and your own powers, the two of you ended up soaked to the bone along with half of the dock. You were breathing heavily, he could hear the raspiness in your lungs with each breath you took as he quickly pulled you back into his arms and held you tighter.
“Fuck,” you coughed and looked around. “Wow.”
“How do you feel?”
“I think I actually….feel a little better?” you questioned this and turned to stare at him, “What?”
He shrugged, “Told you, you have to let it out.”
“Maybe you were right,” you muttered.
He smirked, “That was awesome, by the way. Definitely top 20 things I’ve seen, easily. Maybe top 10?”
“Shut up.”
He chuckled and kissed your forehead, “I love you, (Y/N). You don’t have to run from it or ignore it or repress it for my sake, you know. That’s part of you. You can talk about it.”
You nodded and sniffled, lifting his arm to see it covered in bruises and apologizing for hurting him. He shrugged and said that he was just happy it wasn’t broken, but even if it was, he’d deal with it for you.
Bucky approached after a moment, squatting down next to you and letting out a low whistle, “Well, this beats you splitting the planet in two. You okay, Stark?”
“Getting there, I guess,” you nodded. “Sorry about that.”
“S’okay. We just get worried about you, that’s all,” Bucky nodded and spared a glance at Shang-Chi. “But I’m glad you’ve got others with you. I guess we won’t have to take him out on the boat and get rid of him.”
Shang-Chi blinked, “Wait. What?”
You rolled your eyes, “Don’t mind him. He’s getting into The Sopranos. Okay, let’s go. No more crying and feelings please. Or breakup music? Can we just sing something cheery and cheesy?”
Shang-Chi helped you to your feet before the three of you walked back down the dock, “How about the alphabet?”
“You are so corny.”
He grinned and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, “You love me anyway.”
You rolled your eyes, “I guess.”
Bucky shook his head listening to the two of you go back and forth with one another. As they reached dry land again, he glanced over to Sam who was motioning his thumb going across his neck. Bucky shook his head and gave him the ‘okay’ symbol in reference to Shang-Chi. Sam sighed and nodded along as he started to go back into the house.
Katy raised an eyebrow as she followed them inside, “Wait. Did you two just silently discuss if you needed to kill him?”
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Welp, since I’m a regular now; I’mma just park my chair here and spin the idea wheel. And so the idea wheel has decided!
Let’s have the Brothers and Undatables react to MC just barging in unexpectedly while they’re busy doing whatever. Everyone’s just vibing together at Diavolo’s talking about things, playing games, and all dat jazz and suddenly MC comes in with a blank face before they get a sad expression (they’re this close 👌🏾 to having a breakdown, it’s so sad).
MC:....Can I have a hug? 🥺 *says weakly as they were seconds away from crying*
Bby needs comfort! (Let’s just say they recently lost a loved one and they want some affection)
My first ever regular. You have no idea how much I cherish you. Thank you for the funniest and angstiest asks ever. This hits too close to home. I've lost two very close people to disease and suicide in the last few years and the feeling is horrible. So this might end up being a bit self indulgent... apologies.
Please if any of your friends seem not okay, check up on them regularly. Even the adults in your life. And most importantly check up on yourself. Take care okay?
I will do my best to do this justice too. Sorry if it's a little late college and extra classes are a pain sometimes.
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It was not news you were prepared to receive. Not that day. It was supposed to be a day of celebration.
Lord Diavolo had announced a small party just for Council and the exchange students. Asmo had taken hours to get you ready. Everyone was excited and in good spirits, clinking their glasses and cheering for a joyous reunion. There was music, dancing and laughter so loud, it felt like it was echoing all across Devildom.
And yet here you were in the bathroom, bent over a sink, staring at yourself in disbelief. You had received horrible news from the human world.
A last message an old friend had left for you.
"Hey MC, thanks for being kind to me. Although we have a long and sweet history, it felt good to reconnect and feel wanted in my last few days. Thanks for the last hug, MC. It was the best one I've ever had."
What kind of bittersweet message was this? What was the point of making them feel wanted if they still left anyway?
No you must keep your composure, you think. The laughter keeps echoing louder. While internal screams creep up your throat. You have to go back before they start worrying about you.
The doors to the ballroom feel heavy as you push through. "Hey look! MC's back! Now we-- MC...?"
You don't know what face you were making, but everyone went quiet. Some looked horrified, some worried and some panicked. You felt your head go dizzy with the pain, tears stinging the corners it your eyes.
Looking directly at one of them, you croaked out the first thing that came into mind.
"C-could I have a hug?"
This man isn't a hugger. But for you he'd make an exception every day.
Especially when you asked for it so desperately.
Walk up to you swiftly, holding the back of your head and pressing it to his chest, while his other arm wraps around you.
"Would you prefer to spend some time in private?" He whispers as you break into soft sobs in his arms and nod.
"Excuse us. We'll be back shortly. Anyone who follows us will face consequences. MC needs some time alone." He calls out to the rest and whisks you away to his room.
Makes you sit in his lap as he cradles you while you cry. Keeps telling you it's not your fault and you tried your best.
Someone save this boy, he is a mess himself.
He feels guilty already. He can't stand to see you this way. What couldn't he protect you from??
Aren't you the one who rushes to give people hugs?
He returns the favour. Sprinting towards you and engulfing you instantly in his arms.
He feels your shaky breath as you cling on to him and goes bezerk.
"Oi. I'm taking MC home." It's the most serious he has ever been.
Doesn't hesitate to bring out his wings and fly you home as soon as possible. He cups your face as you cry, his fingers wiping down each tear. His eyes are pained looking at you like this, it wasn't even your fault. You tried till the end didn't you?
This man's protective trigger has been switched. Who dare be the cause of this?
You're his cheery best friend. He simply won't stand to see you like this.
Runs towards you and hugs you as tight as he can, like you've done for him so many times. Embarassment be damned.
You asked for a hug, he will definitely give you one. You grab onto his jacket with trembling fingers and lean into him.
"MC would you like to go home ?" He asks softly, patting your head. You nod softly.
Takes you home as fast as possible, and lays you down in his tub. When start crying violently he starts to tear up alongside you. Losing a friend isn't easy afterall.
His first instinct was violence. His fist tightening, about to murder whoever did this to you.
But the moment you raised your arms, asking for a hug in that small voice, it was like looking at a helpless kitten in pain.
Another one who sprints towards you to hold you close. His hug feels gentle yet urgent at the same time.
He cupped your cheek, and stared as your eyes grew misty. "Don't worry we're getting out this instant." Slammed the doors behind him as he left. A subtle message to leave them be.
He took you to common room, near the fireplace to warm you up, one of his arms always around you, as you wailed and choked on your tears. He presses kisses on your head too and tells you how kind you were. You did your part. You weren't responsible for someone else's actions.
He is gasping and tearing up at the sight of you. Oh you poor thing who dare hurt you?!
How could he ever say no to your hugs? Especially now when you needed him most?
He comes at you with such speed that you both almost topple over. He rubs your back and arms trying to calm you down with his touch as he hugs you.
"Would you like to be alone with me MC?" The moment you nod, his wings are out and you're soaring through the air until you find yourself in his bath.
You lean against him and cry your heart out, he holds you from behind, pressing kisses on your head whispering it's okay.
Baby boy is heartbroken. Why do you look like that? Where are you hurt?
He immediately hates that look on your face. He must do something to fix it immediately.
Runs and lifts you up in his arms and holds you so close to himself, his arms providing endless protection.
"MC will food make it better?" You shake your head so he takes off. He doesn't care about the feast he missed, he just wants you to be okay.
Flies you into his room and gives you plushies to hold onto while he gets you all your favourite food. Will hold you tight as you sob into his chest and will feed you later on cause he knows how exhausting crying can be.
He knows that face. And he knows the pain behind it. And now he's feeling it too.
Who did this? Who dared? Tell him their name and they're gone.
A hug, huh? He's ready to give you much more than that if you ask.
Walks towards you and wraps you up in his jacket and then his arms. His hug is so warm and soft you could fall asleep right there.
"Let's go lie down together." He will take you home and put you down in his bed, bundled up in his blanket, his soft pillow under your head. Pulls you flush against him as you sob and scream into his pillow.
He is human. Of course he knows the face of ultimate pain. He's been through it so many times he's made himself immune.
But he wasn't immune to yours. Your ever smiling face - that was what he liked. This irked him, made him restless.
He's next to you in the blink of an eye, wrapping his arms around you, cloak and all, his mouth pressing down on your head.
"Let's take it to the sky shall we? Don't worry I've got you." He says softly. You nod, your fingers grasping at his shirt.
And in mere seconds you are soaring above the clouds, the gentle air cooling your burning heart as you cry into the wind. He holds you close and whispering to make you feel better.
He has seen this face only once before. When Lucifer came to him Lilith dying in his arms.
He saw the look on yours and he was determined to help you however he could. And if it started with a hug so be it.
Takes big strides and hoists you up in his arms, as you wrap your shaking arms around his neck and press your face into his jacket.
"The party is over. MC shall stay with me tonight I'll send them back when they feel better." Gone was his usual cheery tone. He seemed distraught, angry almost.
Took you to his bedroom and laid you down softly, still holding onto you tightly, keeping you from falling apart as you sob into his arms. Takes the next days off to be next to you.
His emotions mirror your own. Seeing you in such pain, makes him feel the same.
His heart is breaking seeing you this way. He can't hold you fast enough.
He swiftly runs to hold your hands first. He feels them tremble in his own and he wraps himself around Immediately, cradling your head delicately.
"Let's get you away. You'd like that won't you?" He says running his fingers through your hair. You let you a breathy yes and he's off.
You land in Purgatory hall, curled up into him on the couch, freshly brewed flower tea on the table. He holds you close as you cry into his arms. Tells you that your friend is in a better place because you healed their soul before they left.
You made the usually composed demon crack. Even if for a moment, he felt the need to do something extreme.
What was causing you this much discomfort? He was ready to eliminate it.
A mere hug? Is that what would make you feel better? He is ready to deliver.
He's there before you know it, holding you like delicate royalty. You could crumble at how soft he was for you.
"Would you prefer somwhere more quiet?" He asks. You only need to nod once and he's already sweeping you off your feet and into his chambers. Picks the most calming teas for you as he sits by your side holding your hand.
He knew the demons were no good. Of course it was a matter of time before MC got hurt again.
He was about to cry looking at you, ready to throw hands at the whoever caused this.
A hug? A hug will help? YES OF COURSE.
He flies straight into, wrapping his little arms around your neck. Like a baby brother comforting a distraught older sibling.
"Come on MC! Let's get away from here!" He says and flies you off to purgatory hall. He brings you to the kitchen and starts whipping up your favourite desserts to cheer you up.
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beann-e · 3 years
Bnha Characters reacting to when you quit your job
your steps were quiet as you tried to work up the energy to unlock your front door. Your hands sweating and cold when you finally got the energy to put the key in the lock a deep exhale leaving your lips when you finally walked in.
Your Body only carrying you to your kitchen counter before you dropped your keys and bag on the same counter your body now rested against.
The room heating up and shifting from the ice quiet atmosphere youd created when you felt strong arms wrap around your waist and pull you back to meet a hard chest
Small kisses being planted on the side of your neck as you let out another sigh of relief as you spoke trying not to drown in the comfort being given to you “ baby “
Your body shook as you heard a deep grunt of acknowledgment “ we — we need to talk “
you felt as another set of kisses were placed to your neck before his head snuggled into the spot between your neck and shoulder “ I— I think I made a mistake“
You bit at your lip as you kept going “ I— I was trying my best to stick up for myself y’know like you told me”
“ mm—and did you“
“ I did —I mean I did stick up for myself and I had to I needed to bu—”
“ slowly losing interest y/n “
you let out a shallow cough “ but I think I did it at the wrong time “
his body stood up a bit straighter head still remaining in the same place somehow “ baby I —i lost my job “
You felt as your boyfriends body went hard almost as if he was trying not to slam your own body into the floor in anger his grip around your waist only getting tighter “ like I said I — I wrong time“
“ wrong time? — y/n wrong place “ he screamed as he jolted your soul out of your already shaken figure. His head flying back to look at you conveying all the anger and annoyance he held, “ what the fuck do we do now “
you let out a small laugh to try to ease the tension “ we — we rely on your hero check ? “
You watched as he sucked his teeth and moved out of the kitchen “ I can barely feed a fucking roach with my salary y/n “ his voice getting louder as he walked into the living room you following closely behind “ i — i can barely feed you — us — y/n this is why we don’t have little crumb snatchers running around now “
his voice deep and heavy “ cause we’re broke do you get that babe ? huh no — fuck — you— fuck fuck fuck you gotta go back — you can’t just be chilling around the fucking house while i’m working my ass off that’s not how starting a family works y/n “
“ baby it’s just until I can get a new job “
“ tch— and how long will that take y/n “
“ well I— “
“ huh months ? “
“ well n— “
“ couple weeks “
“ I mean hopefull— “
“ babe you don’t even fucking know “ he sighed as he griped the skin on the bridge of his nose “ so fucking stupid — so so so fucking stupid “
the room went quiet as your eyes dropped to the ground. “ wel— no — I — I don’t know kats” you shook your head “ I— I really don’t“
“ and that’s the problem y/n “ he screamed eyes finally opening to look at you.
God, he loved you but seriously you just didn’t think sometimes
It’s not that he was calling you stupid it’s just that he really really loved you
He loved that you listened to him. That whenever he gave advice you heard it and went with it.
The night he told you to speak up he was honestly just fucking with you. He always forgets that he has someone who loves him now meaning he’s taken seriously. He always forgets he’s not in high school anymore.
He can’t say something crazy and asshole—ish and expect to just be ignored. He has someone that loves him and will truly listen.
Your not the stupid one
nor the one in the wrong he is
and he knows he is because he heard everything you said about your situation. Yet, he knew you were different from him whereas he had been speaking his mind for years regardless of ranks.
You couldn’t.
You had a job where everything relied on ranks and status. You couldn’t just say whatever the fuck you wanted to like he could and yet he convinced you that night to speak up whenever your boss gave you extra work you didn’t wanna do.
His eyes felt heavy and so did his body his brain automatically beating himself up as he stared at you imagining the rough day youd had. If he was pissed off with the current situation he could only imagine how you felt.
Someone who hated to rely on others yet, now having to rely on their boyfriend.
“ come here “ your eyes lit up at the statement as your tired body wobbled over and into bakugous arms. Head hitting his chest as he crushed you “ I love you and i’m proud of you “
your heart sank.
“ fuck those idiots you only have room for one anyways and hes— fuck trust me I know i’m enough “
“ so “
“ so “
You sat on the couch legs splayed out in front of you and hands playing with the tassels of the pillows placed next to you.
God you loved these pillows. You actually remember the day you bought them.
Y’know back when you had money
“ y/n “ you watched as shoto shifted uncomfortably on the couch next to you “ my love what are you doing home “
He shook his head confused at the body placed comfortably next to his own “ your not supposed to be home for “ he looked down at his watch moving his suit jacket up his arm to create space and to make sure he was seeing the time correctly “ for 7 more hours “
you let out a short laugh “ you sound like you just got caught cheating sho “
his eyebrows crinkled together as he stared at you in disgust “ y/n I would never “
His hand moved to be placed on your thigh “my love is that what you think ? — if that’s why your here then I can assure you tha—I mean honestly if so I would never be stupid enough to disrespect you in our home— you could’ve went to my office at least I mea— “
“ I lost my job shoto “
The air shifted as the hand on your thigh suddenly felt colder than before “ I— I lost my job “
you took a deep breath shaking your head “ it’s a long story on why but i’ve been leaving the house — pretending really— to go to work “
You chuckled “ god i’m sucha bad person “ your small chuckle turned into a hearty laugh as you felt your body go slack “ A fucking horrible timekeeper too if I managed to forget my husband gets off before me on weekends “
“ do not say these things about yourself “
“ it’s not like it’s a lie “ your tear filled eyes coming up to look at his. ” right “
“ I will not stand for this y/n “
“ for what — having an unemployed s/o—i mean you already have one so not much to do about that “
you scoffed “ why don’t you want a housewife ? huh“ you smiled “ I can wear the skirts for you y’know with the aprons cook you dinner and maybe we can have kids y’know we can even get —“
“ enough “
your body shook your eyes widened facing the 6 ft male now towering over you “ your always joking about serious things and I — I don’t understand “ his eyebrows creasing in desperate need to understand you. Eyes darting around your face “ how “
his voice going deeper as he got angrier “ y/n you lost your job“ his eyes grew wide “ do you realize how serious this is “
“ wh— “ you shook your head letting out a short scoff “ of course I do —I mean sho i’m the one who qui—lost it “
“ no you clearly don’t “ he scoffed “ not if your sitting here making jokes in my face “
His mouth quirked up in disgust “ it’s almost insulting — disgusting really “
“ wh— sho—“ you felt as a tear fell from your eye “ baby what could be so disgusting huh ? so ‘ insulting ‘ about me choosing to leave huh “
his eyes softened “ because of your reason to leave “
“ my reason ? “
“ my love I know you — I know you didn’t get fired and I know you wouldn’t just leave you loved it there “
your head dropped as your fiddled with your fingers “ so that means something led you to make that life changing decision and it hurts me that you were forced to make it “
Your heart broke, he was right he was always right, for days at work youd been dealing with an overbearing co worker who would tell you to do everything they didn’t feel like doing and when you finally decided to say no to them
They went and told your boss. Who even though you’d been working there longer than your so called coworker still believed everything they were told.
That was the day that you sadly found out your job favored years over hard work.
Due to the other person being there longer you were trumped in telling your story. It was seen as not necessary because , someone who was there for so long would have no reason to lie on someone like you.
A newbie
“ someone made you quit this job “
“ sho no they— I decided “
You felt as the couch shifted from him kicking it. You thinking he was moving to grab his shoes except walking past them and unlocking the door instead.
“ baby where are you going — we need to talk about how we’re going to split the bills now that i— “
“ i’ll handle it “
“ shoto you can’t put everything on your dads card we’re not “ you let out a soft exhale “ we’re not children anymore “
“ i’ll pay for it all myself — and you can be my little housewife “ he scoffed as your expression grew sour “ it was so funny a moment ago right “
“ shoto i’m not gonna ask again where are you going “
“ where else “
your eyebrows came together in a furrow “ wh— “
“ my love you work for my company ? obviously who ever I put in charge “ he shrugged walking barefoot to his car unlocking the door “ isn’t doing a very good job if they fire their bosses s/o ? “
He got into the drivers seat as he turned the car on and reversed the car “ needs to learn respect no ? so i’ll just have them switch places with you“ he smiled softly “ i’ll see you when I get home “
His once furious eyes turning soft at your body hidden in pajamas “ go inside baby —it’s cold —go order us some takeout i’ll be back in a little ok “
“ sho “
“ just let me handle this —i love you and i’ll be right back my love—go “
You shook your head softly “ go y/n “
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ramzawrites · 4 years
A Painful Reminder - Dad!Schlatt and Reader - Part 2
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Pairings: none
Characters included: Quackity, Philza, Fundy, Tubbo, (mentioned) Schlatt
Warnings: mention of past self harm (ripping off horns), mention of blood, abandonment, cursing
Series: A part 2 after multiple people asked for it (thank you)
Summary: Quackity found Y/N bleeding next to the river. Now he frantically tries to figure out how to help them in more ways than one.
Words count: 3243
Authors Note: Here it is! Thank you for all the nice messages on part 1! It took longer than I had hoped and I apologize but also thank you all for the messages that cheered me up :D I’ll be honest I was a bit intimidated by all this and I hope that you guys enjoy this fic nontheless 💙 Also I usually like to put the fics right beneath the asks but since I got so many messages I decided to answer some of them, I hope that is alright. Or tell me if I should do it differntly after all haha
NO GUARANTEE BUT I MADE THIS POST THAT YOU CAN INTERACT WITH IN CASE YOU WANT TO GET TAGGED FOR A PART 3, no guarantee I will actually sit down in the near future for it but HERE
Reposted as a test to see if it will appear in the tags
“See. It’s already working.”
These words continued to echo through Quackity’s mind as he carried the unconscious Y/N in his arms, not worried about the blood that was soaking into his blue jacket. If anything he was more worried that dirt from his clothes was getting into the fresh wounds.
“Anyone? I need a doctor! Healing potions! Anything!” once again he yelled out hoping somebody was around L’Manberg.
Even though Y/N was knocked out cold their expression displayed pain. Quackity could only imagine how they did this to themself but he tried not to think too hard about it. The wounds looked gruesome even without the exact knowledge of how this came to be.
How desperate must they have been to hurt themself like that?
How long have they suffered that this was their reaction?
How will he live with the knowledge that he was partially at fault?
“Quackity? What’s wrong?”
Said man turned around to see a worried looking Tubbo and Fundy standing behind him. As soon he did though both their expression turned from worried to shock.
Fundy’s eyes widened as he saw Y/N laying limp in Quackity’s arms “What the- For the love of Ender what happened! Their horns!”
“I don’t know but I found them like this. Can you- Do you know-“ Quackity was struggling to find the rights words but Tubbo knew what he meant.
Once again his expression changed. Now looking more serious and determined but the worry was still clear through his body language “Let’s go to Phil. He has some brewery stands and I’m sure he will let us use his.”
Fundy nodded “I’m sure grandpa will help us.”
Quackity didn’t hesitate, he immediately begun making his way towards Phil’s house, still making sure that Y/N’s head isn’t moving around too much. Scared that he might hurt them even more.
All the while Tubbo made sure to stay a few steps ahead. As if he was keeping lookout for any possible dangers or to make sure that the way was free for them so the group could reach Phil’s place as fast as possible.
Fundy walked side by side with Quackity on the other hand. His eyes always darting to Y/N’s head. Staring at the place where their dark horns used to be. Queasy with all of this he grabbed his tail with his own hands.
Luckily it indeed didn’t take long for them to reach Phil’s place. Tubbo knocked hastily against the wooden door as Quackity readjusted Y/N in his arms.
The door opened and a somewhat tired looking Phil stood in front of them. His eyes first landed on Tubbo and slowly wandered towards Quackity with Y/N “What the- What is going on?”
Fundy stepped forward, still nervously holding onto his tail “We need your help, grandpa. Y/N is hurt and we need potions for them.”
Before he even ended the sentence Phil was already making space for the small group to walk in “Yes, of course. You can put them down on my bed there. I have some ingredients for potions in some of the chests. Tubbo, Fundy you know how to make healing and regeneration pots?”
“We do.” Tubbo answered sternly.
“Okay, then I’ll clean the wounds while you both make them.”
Quackity laid Y/N carefully down on the soft bed. A few whimpers escaped their mouth as he let go off them. Their face was still stained with their own tears. Blood covering the sides of their face as well as their hands. Their clothes dirty and wet.
Phil immediately moved in with fresh water and a clean rag, slowly cleaning up the wounds where Y/N’s horns used to be.
Tubbo and Fundy ran around from chest to chest, collecting all the ingredients for the potions. The only sound in the room came from the glass bottles and the brewery stands as well as the occasional painful groan from Y/N.
No one was saying it but all of them felt sick to their stomach. Seeing them without their horns felt so wrong. A part of their body just gone. Especially for fellow Hybrids this was a gruesome thought.
“So, what exactly happened?” Philza dunked the rag back into the water.
Quackity was just pacing around the room as he asked that question. He didn’t know anything about how to heal Y/N and was instead battling the increasing guilt that was building up in him.
He took a deep breath in “I don’t know. I heard some crying and when I investigated I found them by the river laying in the grass like this. I asked them what happened but they just babbled something on the lines of that they freed themself so we all can live in peace.”
Tubbo gasped “Don’t tell me- Don’t tell me they did this to themself! But this doesn’t make any sense!”
“Really? I think it makes a lot of sense!” Quackity snapped at Tubbo “Everyone has been avoiding them ever since fucking Schlatt’s death and they are not stupid! They realize we left them alone because of their relation to him! I know for a fact that you too saw their horns and had to think of him! You left them alone just how I did. How everyone did! This is our fault!”
“Quackity-“ Fundy wanted to calm the other man down but he was way too angry.
Too angry at everyone and himself.
“No! There is nothing else to say! We fucked up!”
The young president just stared at Quackity. Surprised with his reaction but he couldn’t fault him for it. He spoke the truth. It was an open secret after all. Something everyone knew but no one dared to talk about. No one thought of the consequences.
Fundy frowned and stared at the ground, mumbling something no one could understand.
Quackity still agitated turned towards him “What did you say?”
The Fox Hybrid looked up, his frown still present, showing his fangs “We were hurting as well! We all needed time to heal!”
“On the expense of Y/N?”
“What were we supposed to do!?”
Phil let out an annoyed groan “Can you two shut the fuck up? We can deal with this later! Right now the priority should be healing Y/N.”
After that no one dared to say anything. Tubbo and Fundy stood each at a brewing stand and stared intently at the glass bottles while Quackity decided to stand close to Phil and Y/N.
Schlatt’s rule was a horrible time. During that time Y/N and he bonded. Trying to keep each other’s spirit up as Schlatt destroyed everything in his wake. Including his relationships with his own child and him. Hence why he felt this increased sense of having to make sure that they were alright. It was the least he could do after screwing up so bad before.
“See, it’s already working” The sentence Y/N spoke just before they passed out snuck into his thoughts again. They were right. It hurt, because they were right.
Suddenly he had an idea “Phil, could regenerations potions, um, make them regrow? The horns, I mean.”
Philza stopped moving. His eyebrows pulled down in thought as he slowly shook his head “No, Regeneration Potions just increase the body’s ability to heal itself. Horns don’t regrow. If you lose them, they are gone forever.”
This stung. There was this slight hope in him that maybe, maybe they all could make it up. Correct all of their mistakes but instead he was left with even more guilt. Now they might not see the horns that would remind them of Schlatt but instead they would be met with a constant reminder of their own fault and guilt.
Suddenly Tubbo took a bottle out of the brewery in his hand while Fundy gave him a different one. He handed both of them to Phil who got out new rags and put one of the potions on it which he then used on the wound. Luckily the bleeding slowly did indeed stop more and more.
“Okay, the regeneration one they have to drink. It should help them with any general pain and should increase their healing but for that they have to wake up.” A weary sigh left his lips as he began cleaning up.
Phil put some of the rags in a chest only to pull out some bandages and threw them towards Quackity who struggled for a second but managed to catch them after all “Bandage them up, will ya?”
Quackity nodded and sat down on the bed next to Y/N. Their wounds still looked bad but at least their face was clean now and the bleeding stopped as well. Carefully he propped them up on his lap so he had an easier time to wrap their head.
He wasn’t the best at it but he did a good enough job that Philza didn’t feel the need to jump in.
Tubbo and Fundy were now standing on opposite sides of the room. Both had their arms in front of their chest. While Tubbo looked more worried, Fundy still had his frown on.
He understood where Quackity was coming from but to him there was no other way. If he forced himself to hang out with them then Y/N would have noticed it. He was sure of it. It was unfair to say that all of them were at fault for this. Yes, this was bad. This was quite frankly horrifying what happened but to say that all of them were at fault? That didn’t sit right with him.
Maybe he was too scared to accept the guilt.
Once Quackity finished wrapping up Y/N and just as he slowly dropped their head back on the bloody pillow, they begun groaning.
Everyone’s but Phil’s eyes widened as their gazes immediately snapped towards Y/N.
They slowly opened up one of their eyes and begun to sit up, without missing a beat Phil walked away from the chest he was rummaging about and instead grabbed the regeneration potion, pushing it into Y/N’s hands “Drink.”
Still groggy from their ordeal they just nodded and chugged the whole bottle down before setting the empty bottle down next to them. One of their still dirty hands flew towards their forehead, wincing in pain.
“Y/N?” Quackity tried to gain their attention but Y/N was busy trying to understand what was going on.
Suddenly their eyes grew wide and the other hand flew up to the head. Slowly they begun feeling around the rough bandages, inching more and more towards the place where their horns used to be connected with their head.
Letting out a pained gasp as soon as they arrived at the wound. Tears welling up in their eyes.
“It wasn’t a dream.” Y/N rasped out.
Tubbo looked like he was standing on hot coals with how much he danced around on the spot “I’m sorry, Y/N. We-“
But he interrupted himself as Y/N let out a dry laugh. It was a laugh mixed with relief, pain and shock. A laugh that set the pain inside Quackity’s and the other’s chest ablaze again. Even Fundy’s frown disappeared into one of disbelief. Like it just hit him what has happened.
Quackity was too busy with gauging everyone’s reaction that he didn’t notice how Y/N was now silently crying. They tried their best to suppress it via wiping away any tears that dared to escape but it was a futile effort.
“Where- Where am I?”
“In my place. Quackity carried you over here with Tubbo and Fundy.” Philza explained. He never really interacted with Y/N as well. He arrived in L’Manberg and was forced to kill his own son. Blaming the system and people of this city, so once he found out Y/N was Schlatt’s child, who was one of the main reasons Wilbur fell to his own paranoia? No, he didn’t feel incredibly comfortable trying to do small talk with them.
Sure, he felt bad for them but not guilty. No, the people who already knew them should feel guilty. If anything he felt sorry for them and saw them as another victim to the people similar like his son. A bit ironic if you really thought about it. The child of Schlatt and his own child both fell victim to L’Manberg.
Y/N nodded, their head felt so much lighter it was almost an uncomfortable feeling “I’ll get home then. I apologize for the trouble and thank you for the help.”
The nature of the stares has changed. A small part in them was almost ecstatic that this wasn’t in vain. No more stares of hostility but rather sympathy. Y/N could work with that, right? So, why did they still feel so conflicted? Why was the pain in their chest still there?
Throwing away the blanket, Y/N tried to stand up but Quackity pushed them back down with a stern expression.
“Hey, Hey! What do you think you are doing?” surprisingly it was Fundy speaking up and it shocked Y/N.
Fundy noticed the pang of fear on their face and relaxed his features “I’m- I’m sorry. Just, you can’t walk around like this. You are seriously hurt, besides-“ He stopped himself.
Tubbo looked at Fundy only to switch back to Y/N “Besides, if what we think what happened, there is no way we can leave you alone like this.”
“No, No- I- No. No. I did that- I-“ Y/N was frantically stumbling across their words, letting their tears now freely running and yet they still put on a smile and looked Tubbo in the eyes “I’ll be fine. Thank you for patching me up. From here on out I’ll be fine.”
Phil sighed “Just accept their help. That’s why you did this in the first place, didn’t you? Ripping your horns off your head, so they would stop avoiding you.” Seeing all of them stumbling across their words he decided to just rip the band aid off.
When Y/N just stared at their lap and didn’t dare to look up as a response Quackity put one of his hands on their shoulder, blood still smeared on them from when he inspected the wounds.
“It’s true, isn’t it? What he said, it’s the truth. You realized we avoided you because your horns reminded us of Schlatt, right?”
It wasn’t really a question, since he knew the answer but he needed to hear it from them himself. He needed definitive proof that they did feel indeed desperate enough because of everyone’s actions to do this. To literally rip their horns off their body.
Y/N gulped. Their mouth opening and closing but no words came out. They took a deep breath in, squinted their eyes shut and softly nodded, muttering an almost inaudible “Yes.”
Now they couldn’t hold back anymore, breaking down into loud sobs and hiccups.
“This is bull shit!” Fundy exclaimed angrily. Quackity wanted to yell at Fundy, saying why in the world would he still act like that only to see tears now welling up in the Fox Hybrids eyes as well.
Tubbo had a shocked expression on his face, clasping his hands in front of his mouth.
Phil had his eyes closed, his arms crossed in front of his chest. Brows in a frown as he was deep in thought.
Tentatively Quackity put his other hand on the other shoulder of Y/N, slowly and softly pulling on them. They didn’t react at first but after a few moments they seemed to relax and lean in. Falling into Quackity’s chest.
Now sobbing and crying while he was slowly rubbing their back in an effort to console them.
He put his head on theirs, hoping it wouldn’t hurt them too much and whispered apologies.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry we did this to you. You made an effort to talk to us and we noticed but we still chose to just abandon you.”
Their cries increased. Letting out their pent up pain as Quackity held them securely in their arms. Feeling some kind of love and affection for the first time since forever.
Fundy slowly stepped towards Y/N, placing one of his hands on their back “I’m sorry as well. We fucked up. None of this is on you but on us.”
“And I’m sorry as well! I- I don’t know what I was thinking. It was horrible of us.” Tubbo added.
“I feel sorry for you Y/N that’s all I can say. To the others, now saying you are sorry isn’t enough. You need to prove it. Got it?” Phil lectured the group.
Tubbo nodded “Yes. For starters we can make sure they heal up well.”
It took a few minutes until Y/N seemed to slowly calm down again. They were still sobbing but their cries weren’t as loud anymore.
Quackity pushed them away from him and looked them into their eyes “Stay at my place. I’ll make sure you’ll be okay. It will take time and I know it will be work to earn your trust again but will you at least give us this last chance? Hell, you have probably given more chances for us than we will ever realize but still, will you let me, uh, us, do this? It’s okay if you don’t want to, or if you want someone else to help.”
It took Y/N a moment to realize what was happening and what he was proposing. Not only were all of them worried for their wellbeing but they apologized. They had to admit that they didn’t expect this. Honestly they just hoped that their horns would go and all was well. People would finally talk with them and not ask too many questions. Y/N would probably be able to come up with an excuse. Probably.
But to hear that this wasn’t their fault? That the others avoided them wasn’t their fault? Realistically they always knew it but they never really believed it a hundred percent, so to hear this was like someone lifted a huge weight off of their heart.
The other’s recognized that they were hurting. Their feelings wasn’t something they somehow made up. This was real. This was happening and the others acknowledged it.
“… Okay.”
Quackity and the other seemed to relax at that. He let go off them and Tubbo used this chance to give Y/N a short hug as well which made Y/N break down into cries again. Fundy cautiously sat down on the bed as well and wrapped one of his arms and tail around the two.
The group noticed pretty fast that this was something Y/N needed. A physical proof that they cared for them. Not just words, now they had to show action. This also meant to inform all of the others on the situation. Make sure they learned what has happened but only with Y/N’s consent and in a way they were okay with it.
But before all of that, they will make sure they were healing, physically and mentally. Something will probably never fully leave or heal but they will find a way. They had to.
Quackity was incredibly glad they took him up on the offer. After all they two went together through the same bull shit from Schlatt and he saw them once as family, so he felt it was his responsibility, now that Schlatt was gone, to take care of them.
“Thank you, Y/N for giving us this chance. We don’t deserve it but we will try our hardest.”
“I know, Quackity.”
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