#all the maos women are amazing
ive started a rewatch of marvels agents of shield because my tiktok is filled with edits and people being hopeful about daisys return in secret invasion which i havent seen yet cause i have no time
but ive forgotten how gay some of it is... i wanted to get to the episode where we meet bobbi because its bobbi and simmons interactions with her once she knows theyre on the same side is such a mood lmao ALSO i forgot fitz and "jemma" - the one he creates in his head after the brain trauma - have a talk about how muscular mack is, like baby boy, if you want to be cradled in his big arms just ask, you can say it's an experiment!
and last but not least, I've missed daisy (skye at the moment) so much ;-; she has always been my favorite since the moment ive met her and has only climbed the ranks of favorite superhero for me, if she doesn't show up in secret invasion I'll be very sad
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so-bitya · 5 months
kuro characters that would be better to me if they were just women:
a rather crass, pyromaniac, middle-aged lady that doesn't know how to cook, makes old man jokes, and hides the sharp intellect of a military strategist, would be an amazing character to interact with ciel and sebastian in day-to-day life.
This would also fix bardroy's rather gross sexist comments he was making at beast "a gal he would've like to have met at a bar", when she's holding the dying figure of her family?? perhaps fem!bardroy would have been a bit more like jane, "a job's a job" attitude about it.
it would also make bardroy more sympathetic in my mind if she was a lady from America who lost her husband and child and decided to join the war at the front lines (perhaps as a nurse, taking every chance to fight) compared to a man who had better opportunities in life. HOWEVER she is still complicit in the genocide of Native Americans and it would take a lot more fixing up of bard's backstory to find him sympathetic again.
lau's whole thing is acting unsuspected and clueless, way more than he knows right? then i think the average british man would be even more unsuspecting making business with a retired female courtesan running an opium den/brothel (which i assume so, i'm not sure if we ever got explicit confirmation lau's girls offer that kind of service)
if fem!lau has personal experience with brothels, even being raised in one, then we could explore an aspect deeply woven in the story that would connect her and ciel, human trafficking. How ciel justifies his actions as watchdog actively fighting against trafficking rings and the trauma he endured being sold in the black market.
She'll have intimate knowledge how human trafficking in england works and how it preys on the vulnerable, especially on minorities and children. a difficult ally to trust, because she could know a lot more about the earl and possibly what happened to him, all the horrible ways one can die in such rings or be abused to the point of envying the dead (perhaps all the girls working at the den are victims she has saved... or we could question if they were really saved without any other options... like a certain troupe i know...)
while male lau just comes off as a pimp. there's not much depth to be explored with his relationship with women even though so much is to be suggested, such as with ran mao and their pseudo brother-sister relationship. it's hard to take their relationship or even ran mao seriously with the constant fan service (the anime was egregious with this aspect). and it comes off so much worse with the sibling aspect.
still appalled we had to watch all those women raise sieglinde and get mutilated for her fantasy roleplay, yet die in such horrific ways while wolfram gets completely off the hook? as well as not questioning if they were coerced by the military to go along the plan, just like wolfram was? why is he treated like the one who only cares?? how much agency did these women even have??
anyway, big werewolf hulking mama bear butler would be amazing to add to the cast. and if fem!wolfram survived, maybe this series wouldn't feel so slanted against women :/
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kuwdora · 2 years
Posting meme- CHRISJEN AVASARALA !!!!!!!!! (from runawaynun)
CHRISJEN AVASARALA !!!!!!!!! (from runawaynun)
Runawaynun your Expanse vids are amazing, everyone needs to watch them!!
Okay I fucking LOVE Chrisjen Avasarala. I love her in the show, I love her in the books. I fucking love where she starts at the beginning of the series and where she ends up—both in the show, and in the books Shohreh portrayed her beyond perfection. Her leadership style makes my eyes pop and I just love how she commands a room and is trying her fucking best despite all the shit happening. Her wardrobe. Her attitude. HER EVERYTHING. *flails a lot*
I watched season 1 of The Expanse and enjoyed it enough to want to read the first book after I finished the season. Just to hold me over until the second season. Well…I read the first book and then gobbled up the second book Caliban’s War. I lost my utter fucking mind when Chrisjen met Bobbie and then spent the rest of the hiatus waiting and salivating for Bobbie and Chrisjen scenes. THEY WERE MAGNIFICENT. Season 2 was incredible. 10/10 amazing stuff.
One thing that was readily notable after I read the first three books and continued to wait for the show to return, is how much cursing they wrote out of her dialogue in season 1. There was a noticeable uptick in her salty language once the show moved to Amazon and for that I am grateful (but still fuck Jeff Bezos, and I know the irony wasn’t lost on the authors that a real-life inspiration for Jules-Pierre Mao saved their show).
Anyway, I love the series but also the trilogies have some AMAZING QUOTES. Here are a few that I’ll share from the books. ItReachesOut compiled most of these on motivational posters which is linked below.
“My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.” ― Chrisjen Avasarala, Babylon's Ashes
“…and a familiar voice was coming from the terminal, "Going to be monitoring anything we fucking say. If you wanted to discuss menstruation at great length and detail, this is probably our best chance. He's always been squeamish about women. And no one likes a Peeping Tom, even if he is Prime Minister.” ― Chrisjen Avasarala, Nemesis Games
“It'd be a better world if there was always at least one right answer instead of a basket of fucked.” ― Chrisjen Avasarala
Realizing you've got shit on your fingers is the first step to washing your hands. -Chrisjen Avasarala
Always good to have a penis in uniform in the room. -Chrisjen Avasarala
I don't give a fuck whose birthday it is, you make this happen before my meeting is over or I'll have your nuts as paperweights. -Chrisjen Avasarala
I have crates of anti-herpes drugs that are more legitimate than you are. -Chrisjen Avasarala
I don't mean that they all fuck men. I mean they're all men, the fuckers. -Chrisjen Avasarala
That man's asshole must be tight enough right now to bend space. -Chrisjen Avasarala
Try not to put your dick in this. It's fucked enough already. -Chrisjen Avasarala
Sexy Back (Chrisjen) THIS COVER is fucking brilliant.
Solid (Bobbie/Chrisjen) THEM!! god I love Bobbie.
Poor Atlas (Chrisjen) the lyrics and tone of this song is so devastatingly perfect omg
Thes are all STUNNING incredible amazing frothingly good Expanse vids with Chrisjen! runawaynun also has some delicious-looking femslash fic I have not dove into yet cause I haven't really had the brain to read Expanse fic but OH MY GODDDD. I love Chrisjen Avasarala.
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eagle-shadow · 2 months
Sometimes I think about season 2 of Darker than Black... and remember Mao says Yin was Hei's women!!
Like mf what did he see?! Like I idk how long they worked together as a team a year maybe more? There is no set timeline is there?! Just what were Hei and Yin doing that made Mao say that! Or like did Hei just tell Mao everything after they reunited
Hei: *gross sobbing* I love Yin! I love her so fucking much!!
Mao* surprised Pikachu face* I could never tell!
Also give me the new syndicate in their stupid little flying car just talking about how the Black Reaper accomplished his mission to kill Izanami
Mao: Hold the fuck up! You think HE DID WHAT TO WHOM!
Misaki: He killed Izanami and saved all of humanity! *Rambling about her ideal version of Hei which she believes to be true*
Oreille:* Sipping wine loudly*
Mao: First off, pls stop...just stop or I'm gonna throw up!
Mao: *takes deep breath* You expect me the believe that the same idiot who couldn't stop staring at Yin when the first met like an innocent boy with a crush, and looked away when ever Yin looked at him!
Misaki: I am-
Mao: Same fool who couldn't kill her even though she had already been compromised! Yin had ran away with someone!
Misaki: Cares for his friend!
Mao: the same man who didn't not kill our partner Huang even though he shot him! The same dumass who was shocked to know Yin was spying on even though he knew his faucet was leaking! The same idiot who helped another man who also fell in love with a Doll escape and live a life together.
Misaki: that doesn't-
Mao: the same idiot who would happily watch Yin eat as if it was the most amazing thing in the world! The same little shit who would shove me out of Yin's warm bed in his sleep while cuddling with her for warmth on missions. The same fool who could kiss any random person tongue and everything for the mission but when Yin gave him a small innocent peck on the cheek Huang and I thought he was a virgin who's never touched a woman by how red his face was, idiot was in such a daze that he walked into four light poles on his way home!!
* Everyone staring at Mao*
Goro: we did the math so we should be good
Mao: Bullshit that MF is hated by God that all his bad luck gets changed into good luck at specifically one moment in time! Bet he found a way to save Yin they're probably resting at beach or something!
Oreille: They're infact at the beach! Building a sandcastle! *Shows live video feed of Hei and Yin at the beach with a third person*
Mao: Oh look they even have a kid now... wait the fuck how do they have child!
Everyone staring at Yin's male clone, who is covered in sunscreen.
Goro: You don't think that's the being of the prophecy?
Everyone looks at Mao
Mao: you know what leave them be and what ever idiot is stupid enough to go after them I wish them the best
Misaki: But if it starts killing-
Mao: If there's someone who can get that thing to stop it's going to be those two!
Oreille: aww Such a romantic!
Mao: If Yin can tame the Black Reaper she'll be able to tame that alien.... besides it looks like Yin Hei would never be able to kill let alone let anything happen to it he would not hesitate to kill everyone himself.
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rikeijo · 1 year
Today's translation #256
Febri vol. 40. Kubo Mitsurou's interview
Part 2.
--- So you don't limit yourself to men's figure skating only - you have interest in figure skating in general?
"Yes. When Mao-chan skates, I watch her, and when Hanyu (Yuzuru)-san competes, I cheer on him. It's a sports discipline, in which Japanese athletes achieve great successes on a world level, so you naturally want to support them, both men and women.
--- What do you think is so charming in figure skating?
"[Skaters] challenging their human limitations is, of course, amazing, but more than anything, that even though it's a competitive sport, they dance to music. On ice, they also need to possess the qualities of an artist. Competing with their scores, while being restricted by a lot of surprisingly detailed rules. I think that both, people who don't know the rules that well, and people who watch figure skating all the time, are constantly gifted a lot of new emotions by figure skaters, emotions that exceed their expectations - this is the unchangeable charm of figure skating, in my opinion.
--- When you heard that offer from Yamamoto Director to work on Yuri!!! on ICE, did you immediately think that you wanted to do that?
"From my first meeting with Yamamoto Director, I had the feeling that it sounded like it would be a very fun work to do, and I'm still under that impression. However, I didn't know almost anything about the sport - I was a complete layman, so at first I wasn't sure if I would be able to create a work about this mainstream discipline with a lot of fans, that would be well-received no matter who watches it. Why I thought that I want to take up the challenge despite that, was in large part thanks to Yamamoto Director's passion. She knows figure skating and loves it much more than I do, so I thought that if I were to work with her, then I want to do that and that I could be able to do that with her. The feeling that I want to personally be influenced by her in many different ways was born.
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shadowetienne · 2 years
Japanese Nationals, Women’s event, groups 3&4, so many emotions!
This field! This field is so deep, there’s so much going on!
Yuhana Yokoi (22)
Oh no Yuhana your jumps, where did they go? She seemed happy to be there and performed all through anyhow. Lovely spins for the most part, but the last one was rushed by jump issues.
Rika Kihara (20)
Glad she isn’t pushing the hard content too fast too soon in her injury recovery. Her skating is beautiful, but because of the pared down content, she can’t afford even small jumping errors that were present today. Still great to see her skate, and I hope that the progress she is making elsewhere this season will pay off. I will be interested to see more of what working with Orser does for her.
Yuna Aoki (20)
I love the 3Lz-3Lo combo, and just 3Lo on the end of combos in general, and hers was pretty. I loved her junior days, so it’s lovely to see her here and skating so well. She looked so happy with that, which makes me happy. Lovely program commitment and performance.
Ikura Kushida (15 - Juniors)
Excellent potential from the junior field. Good jumps and skills for where she is, but she’s still definitely working on that musical connection. Excited to see where she is in a few years.
Ami Nakai (14 - Juniors)
She was already one of my favorite juniors this year! What a program that was, everything was there. She had the big elements, but they weren’t just big elements strung together to rack up points. She performed and got all level 4s on her leveled elements. She’s going to be a force to be reckoned with, and she’s already on her way there! I love how interesting her programs are to watch.
Ayumi Shibayama (14 - Juniors)
Great work! She did her best and skated very clean. There’s been a lot of progress in her skating. This music seems like it’s a little too much for her performance ability right now. She did try really hard for it though.
Mana Kawabe (18)
Beautiful skating, but some falls to throw her off. 3A is almost back for her, but not quite. I’m proud of her, but this wasn’t quite her day for the FS.
Saki Miyake (20)
I think this program can be very interesting with great program structure, but she was a little bit all over the place with its execution today. She seemed a little off from the start (looked like she might have been having a costume issue, and I could see that unnerving her). Lovely skater, not her day.
Mao Shimada (14 - Juniors)
Oh no starting with the falls on her big elements, but she pulled it together and skated the rest really clean. She’s got such a bright, charming energy, but she knows how to modulate it to fit the music and the moment in the program. Beautiful spiral in there! Good for her!
Mone Chiba (17 - Junior)
There were some issues, but what a lovely level of skating for a seventeen year old! Amazing layback spin at the end, great spins in general honestly. I appreciate how much she has to her skating beyond just jumps.
Mai Mihara (23)
Coming in off the GPF win and carrying that momentum! You can tell that she’s such an experienced skater because she was able to work around early program mistakes and make the program so strong and suitable by adding the missed combo back in. She performs and skates so beautifully, and you can really feel that skate and her emotions! That spiral is so so good! I’m so proud of her!
Kaori Sakamoto (22)
She’s caved and struggled under pressure and expectations a few times this season, but not today, not here! That was the performance of her season so far, and I hope that she can build on that energy into Worlds (and 4CC if she goes)! That’s Kaori the WC, that’s Kaori the Olympic medalist, that’s Kaori the reigning Japanese National Champion. The jumps, the spins, the steps, every element was there and beauitful! The passion and performance just locked it in so that the skills shone! Her loop! I’m so proud, not entirely coherent about it. Her reaction to her scores at the end was so good.
I’m very happy with how this went for Kaori and Mai, and happy enough for overall placements. There were some skates that didn’t go as well as hoped, but in the end, I think that this turned out pretty OK.
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vertanvertan · 1 year
Tips For Cortisol Supplement You Can Use Today
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Cortisol is actually a bodily chemical it is built in a reaction to pressure, calling on your bodys tools to the spaces a large number of vulnerable to problems. Are really an amazing a vital coping device, daily anxiety may lead to increased amount hormones, which may control body's defence mechanism functionality, greatly reduce density of bone, maximize bodyweight, in addition to poorly impact the digestive : along with procedure solutions. Nutritional supplements can help equilibrium a person's cortisol grades, allowing you to maintain a significantly more healthy constant worry responses.
Many health supplements will eliminate cortisol, nevertheless the most effective methods vitamins which will sustains balanced cortisol ranges can be herbs and adaptogens. They are herbs who increase your strong airport terminal anxiety and may re-establish usual cortisol thresholds. Some of these herbal extracts include ashwagandha, bacopa monnieri, rhodiola rosea, and lion's mane. These particular herbal selections in addition to nutritional vitamin supplements aren't only healthy for decreasing cortisol; next to your skin different benefits body. They'll maximize strength, make improvements to feelings, that assist the body regulate the production for additional critical growth hormone. Luckily they are helpful mao inhibitors, assisting to exercise depression and anxiety, and even enhancing memory space not to mention knowledge. When you go to the blog, an receive some is important supplements to block cortisol speedier.
Even when you can find products that can be bought out there, most are not analyzed in men and women and a few can even minimize your body's genuine manufacturing of cortisol. To illustrate, quite a few vitamin supplements that have phosphatidylserine have been shown prohibit cortisol. The trouble this particular would it be avoids your body right from expelling cortisol, also it can end up being unsafe down the road because steroid ointment growth hormone execute a vital role during health and wellbeing. The ultimate way to amount your current cortisol blocker is to eat a comprehensive diet that has lean necessary protein, is actually, profits, greens, and even nourishing excess fat. Attempt to be in the habit of smoking for ingesting no less than 8-10 servings of waters every day, very. These kinds of nutritional vitamins are required for your health and can help with a range of ailments, among them minimal cortisol. Any time you visit this website, you can get an increasing number of best cortisol lowering supplements using the internet platform.
Xanapril is probably the preferred stress and anxiety supplements that can be purchased. Contest particular combination ingredients which really helps to harmony enhanced cortisol quantities chemistry, as well as increasing intellectual overall performance. This kind of dietary supplement employs only natural components and gives these folks found in technically related dosage. It provides a light components, turning it into appropriate for just about all customers and cause every complications. It has the variety of adaptogens plus grow concentrates that can help to eliminate worry along with encourage rest. In addition it carries alprazolam, a FDA approved benzodiazepine that will raises GABA neurotransmitters and helps to relieve a feeling regarding anxiety and panic, stress, along with tension.
For individuals that will want increased help, some nutritious therapies enthusiast will be able to layout a dependable and also balanced diet plan including the perfect supplements. These kinds of doctors employ efficient remedies, which usually thoughts one's body as one body this is constructed from different parts. Exactly what goes on within a perhaps the body could affect various parts, so your aim should be to drive them straight to stability together with the least developed indicates doable.
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ziseviolet · 4 years
Hey! do you know what colour hanfu the bride and groom wear? I heard the bride can wear green but i'm not sure :/
Hi, thanks for the question! (image via)
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@siumerghe wrote an amazing and thorough guide to hanfu wedding colors in their post “Historically, what was the color of wedding dress in China?” - please check it out!
I also recommend the following two articles: 1) What is Traditional Chinese Wedding Dress? & 2) Dress and color of Wedding Hanfu.
As summarized in the first link, the colors of wedding hanfu are:
Western Zhou to Qin & Han dynasties - black (with red details)
Wei-Jin and Southern & Northern dynasties - black with red, but also white
Tang & Song dynasties - green for the bride, red for the groom
Ming Dynasty - red for the bride; green, blue, or red for the groom
So as you can see, you are correct - the bride wore green during the Tang and Song dynasties (while the groom wore red). In fact, there is a saying for this tradition - “红男绿女” (Hong Nan Lv Nv), which literally means “red man, green woman”. It’s now become an idiom meaning “young men and women in beautiful clothes”. Here are a few visual examples:
1) Tang dynasty wedding hanfu (1, 2):
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2) Song dynasty wedding hanfu (1, 2) - Note: in past years, modern wedding hanfu came in only three styles - Zhou/Han, Tang, and Ming. It’s only very recently that authentic Song dynasty wedding hanfu has come onto the market. My theory is that it was largely the influence of the 2020 Song dynasty-set Cdrama Serenade of Peaceful Joy, which created a fresh wave of interest in fancy & authentic Song dynasty fashion:
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Although the color coordination is the same, Song wedding hanfu differs from Tang wedding hanfu in style & accessories. Here are two easy ways to tell the difference: 
Obvious difference #1 - Song wedding hanfu for brides includes a long accessory worn over the shoulders called Xiapei/霞帔. Xiapei was a component of women’s formal clothing during the Song and Ming dynasties, and was therefore a part of Song and Ming wedding hanfu. Xiapei was not a part of Tang wedding hanfu (1, 2):
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Obvious difference #2 - Men’s headwear is different. Song dynasty grooms wear unique Song official headwear called Zhang Chi Mao/长翅帽 (long winged hat) with long, straight flaps (x):
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3) Most Chinese period dramas show the bride and groom wearing all-red wedding hanfu regardless of the time period, but the Song dynasty-set Cdrama The Story of Minglan does a good job showing the traditional red & green wedding colors (x):
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For more visual examples & references, please check out my wedding hanfu tag.
Hope this helps!
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allekha · 3 years
What are some underrated skaters from the past that you wish got more love from the fs community?
Hi, anon!
John Curry - okay, I would not say he is underrated or underappreciated by the older fans at all, but by newer fans, sure. (And I say that as a newer and younger fan! Just also one that watched his 1976 FS five times in a row the first time I saw it and then immediately hit up Youtube for more.)
Gary Beacom - I am currently making my way through videos of him, and his programs are very creative and a great demonstration of the use of body language, as well as his balance and sense of position. There's also a mesmerizing video of him doing special figures.
Rory Flack - charismatic and a great dancer, both loose and controlled. Just look at how she embodies 'Summertime'. She could also spin in both directions, and was one of the few women capable of a backflip!
Lucinda Ruh - also not totally underrated, as she does tend to come up in discussions of the best spinners - and her spins are absolutely top-notch, would watch for days - but she was lovely once she got those loooong limbs under control.
Nathalie Krieg - tends to get forgotten even in discussions of the best spinners. But when she wasn't focusing on trying to jump, she had a charming energy, and her spins were amazing.
Ilia Klimkin - Frozen in Time has said it much better than I can, but he had a variety of unusual, eye-catching programs, music choices, and movements. Also gotta love how he once started an exhibition with a full minute of spinning in alternate directions.
Shawn Sawyer - the most flexible male skater I've ever seen and a great performer, especially in his post-retirement show programs. His dramatic ones are good, but my favorite is definitely this humorous one.
Elene Gedevanishvili - great lutz, nice sit spin positions, and when she was on, a real fire and speed in her skating. She often used a nice back spiral entrance to her 2A. I prefer her faster-paced programs like this tango, as I think they suited her style more.
Akiko Suzuki - another one who I am not sure if I should call 'underrated', but I see her mentioned less than Mao or even Midori. She was so graceful and musical and moved beautifully over the ice; she reminds me of Satoko, though I'd call Satoko more floaty and Akiko more glidey, if that makes any sense. Amazing taste in dresses, too.
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so-bitya · 2 months
Are there any aspects of rep (of all kinds) in kuro that you feel were handled well?? Your writing on the flaws is rlly interesting so I’m curious💚
Yes! rep is kuro is such a mixed bag lol. a lot of characters started out as some unfortunate stereotypes or weren't handled with the nuance they should had gotten, but there's a lot of rep i do like in kuro.
lau & ran mao and agni & soma!
im so happy with all the nonwhite characters in main cast. Their outfits? drop dead gorgeous (soma's turban <3) and, from what i can tell, pretty accurate (except ran mao's lol). it's always nice seeing cultural references for them like agni making soma gulab jamun. i like how yana kept their culture a consistent aspect of their character.
the circus troupe and their struggles with disability, trauma, and poverty.
i felt the manga's version of them was flat and more dismissive how they became victims, but the anime did an amazing job showing their perspective and sympathizing with them. yana even stated ciel recognized joker as victim of circumstance, as he spared him from his abusive retorts (lol). they both could understand each other's positions in the end (and I hope joker comes back! 🙌🏽)
i really love sieglinde, she's just an amazing character. a story of a disabled girl whose infantilized by everyone around her, forced to live a fairytale, and gets the chance to take her life back into her own hands. love love love. shes so nuanced and noble and everything!
ciel's ptsd
ciel's trauma has always been in the background and felt a plot device most of the time, but when yana focuses on it, it goes hard. especially in the emerald witch arc when his ptsd was portrayed in a more serious light, it was like the story was taken to another level. i really appreciate when ciel's issues are taken seriously and used to flesh out his character, (esp considering he has to remain rather static for the majority of the story lol).
female characters
i know im esp critical about the writing for women in this series, but i genuinely love all the female characters and how integral they are to the story. lately yana has been adding more women to the story, giving them bigger roles, and featuring them on covers, so it's been really refreshing so far (ada & jane <3)
black representation! 🧡
talking about recent additions, im so excited by the new black characters in the series. i love how yana draws theo's hair and that new shinigami 👀❤️❤️ crossing my fingers they'll be more included in the story and not just relegated to background roles. hoping in the future yana will continue adding more black/brown characters to the story (esp before it ends!)
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certainchaosangel · 3 years
China`s development
For over 5,000 plus years China was nation that went through great struggle , as well as endured eras of great development which fills me with great curiosity as it is known that China is one of the four oldest civilizations in the world. This is fascinating but when one reads the history of the era of the Republic of China it just fills me with heart break as this was a period of great suffering brought upon the Chinese people  but a ray of hope did appear as eventually a revolution did occur and the People`s Republic of China was founded . although life was very tough in the beginning but the Chinese people kept working hard , and after forty years of  hard work , determination, and grit the People`s Republic of China went from being the poorest nation of East Asia to becoming a full-fledged superpower as she was during the Tang Dynasty which amazes me about China and her gorgeous citizens. China`s women are angels and to see there enormous contribution to china`s development alongside China`s men really motivates me to admire China`s women as Mao Zedong was right all along Women do hold up half the sky . That is what I admire about the Mother of East Asia China is despite dark times China`s gorgeous citizens held fast , and came together and united to rebuild there country which is amazing as I will admit as an American my country could never achieve what China is able to. I truly love China and her gorgeous citizens including there gorgeous women as they are truly hard working people who deserve to receive praise and admiration and I am honored to witness China transition from a developing nation to reclaiming her status as a superpower who rose peacefully I do hope to visit China one day and see her beauty for myself.
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naanima · 5 years
Joy of Life (庆余年) - Cdrama Rec!!!!
Joy of Life (庆余年) is a Chinese television series based on the novel Qing Yunian (庆余年) by Mao Ni (who has written several popular series). The story is a transmigration series! Yes, a transmigration series. The tv series in the first few mins set up the premise, what if a modern person is sent to ancient China (feudal area) with modern beliefs and morals.
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Our main character (Zhang Ruoyun whom I have watched a tonne of series I would normally not watch for) is transmigrated to an alternative universe ancient China in the body of an infant called Fan Xian who is being protected from being assassinated. Yes, people are trying to kill a new born because of his mother. Fan Xian is saved by Wuzhu, the blind folded martial artist who is all protecting Fan Xian, killing anyone who tries to kill Fan Xian, and picking fights. I love Wuzhu, he is one of my favs in the book and show full of awesome characters.
Wuzhu takes Fan Xian to the kid’s grandmother. Fan Xian is the son of the Imperial Secretariat Fan Jian. Fan Xian grows up in an estate with his grandmother, and protected by Wuzhu. At the age of eighteen, Fan Xian is recalled to the capital by his father due to Fan Xian’s impending political marriage with a princess. The princess happens to the illegitimate daughter of the Grand Princess who is in control of the inner treasury or underwear. If Fan Xian was to successfully marry the princess he would become the person in control of the inner treasury, which makes him an extremely popular among all sort of court officials and the Crown Princess and the Second Prince. And hence start Fan Xian’s troubles; assassination attempts, political pitfalls, the princes courting of his power, the Grand Princess’ plans, the emperor’s interests and so much more.
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Here ends the basic summary. Now why you should watch this.
The PACING and script of this show is amazing. We can all admit that 95% of Chinese television shows suffer from pacing issues. JoL does not have that problem at all, the script is tight and fast, and actually follows logic. The script is written by Wang Juan, he who write amazing scripts. So, it is fucking great that he has kept up the excellent record of great scripts.
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The cast is amazing – I love Zhang Ruoyun, I have watched so much crap for Zhang Ruoyun and have never regretted. Even when the production he is in is mediocre I can still accept it. But beyond zry, the young cast are all excellent, many of them with years of experience in theatre or smaller roles. The older cast are full award winning actors, and let me tell you, there is nothing like watching three old dudes talk and just being drawn in by the ACTING. The sheer amazing master class acting.  
The characters – YOU WILL LOVE OR AT THE VERY LEAST BE ENTERTAINED BY EVERY CHARACTER. Fan Xian, our main lead who likes to troll others, is super smart, and just want to live a life of peace and comfort. But what is better than Fan Xian is when he is surrounded by a host of people who often smacks him down for when he is being too much of a smug little shit. Fan Xian’s family are so supportive and hilarious in their own way; there is his stone faced father who loves him dearly, his younger sister who is eager and trust him 100%, his younger brother who only wants to make money not to use it but just because he likes money, his stepmother who isn’t the smartest but once she accepted him would stand in front of him and an incoming army. THEY ARE JUST SUCH A GOOD FAMILY.
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There is the Emperor, who is both amazing and fucking terrifying. Here you have an emperor who is in complete control of his empire, and one is forever questioning his motives. The Grand Princess who is playing games, the Crown Prince who always seem a tad behind, and the Second Prince who eats, reads books, and likes to clear out sections of town to eat and wait in peace. They are all amazing and fucking terrifying in their own way.
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There is a whole host characters; men, women, old and young, and they are so interesting and even the bad guys you feel sorry for because in many cases they are making decisions based on their environment. And I haven’t even touched on Fan Xian’s helpers, his fiancé (SO ADORABLE).
And yeah, Xiao Zhan is in it, but it is minor role, and I’m not going to say anymore in fear of spoilers.
Other things of awesome:
The action sequences are decent, better than a lot of other tripe that was released this year.
Makeup is not over the top, most of the women are white as snow, but at least still looks human. Yes, Chinese people do have tan.
I like the costumes, they are actually functional. I know a lot has been made about the ugle hair and headpieces in this show, but honestly not any worse than a lot of the other historical stuff.
It is HILARIOUS. I cannot say how funny some of this shit is. I laughed so hard.
Fan Xian’s mother. You don’t see her, but almost person of a certain age and in power has opinions of memories of her and because of her they want to protect Fan Xian.
The POLITICS!!! AHHHH! I LOVE IT! And it really highlights the many various powers in play in an Imperial court. There isn’t just two sides, there is about a hundred sides with different and shifting alliances.
The WOMEN and relationships. Look, I hate about 99% of het romances in c-drama because people become fucking idiots when they fall in love. It is trying and so annoying. Nobody here is dumb about love, yes, Fan Xian loves Wan’er (his fiancé) but he won’t sacrifice ignore wrongs done or doing the right thing just because he is in love. Every woman in this show is different and unique and I fucking love it.
How every person have their own story, just because you are the designated bad guy doesn’t mean there is no good in you. There are several characters in this show that has done horrible horrible things and yet I still felt something when they died. It is good storytelling.
LOOK, PEOPLE. I hardly rec things, I scream about stuff I like, but I rarely make an actual rec post on the things I watch or read because a lot of time they are things I personally find fun but I wouldn’t waste the time writing a rec post. But GODS, WATCH THIS SHOW. It is honestly my top 2019 show, and I for one cannot wait for season 2.
The English subs are on youtube.
Join me so we can scream together.
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liliesanthology · 5 years
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✿ Lilies Volume Eight: Nodding Lily is Now Live! ✿
Lilies Volume Eight: Nodding Lily is a compilation of dream-themed lesbian romance comics created by artists from around the world to celebrate all queer and nonbinary women who love women.
✿ Read Our WLW Stories! ✿
Read Lilies Volume 8 and support our creators and editors by buying the book!
$5+ PDF on Gumroad (partial color, 2 PDFs zipped)
$10 Kindle copy on Amazon (partial color)
$25 Print copy on Lulu (black and white)
$45 Print copy on Amazon (partial color)
Volumes 1 & 2 are also available free free or for an optional donation. Download volumes 1 & 2 to see what we’re all about!
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✿ 220+ Pages, 40 Amazing Creators ✿
alice m: A Dream Girl
Alice Mao: Changing Seasons
Andrea Lhotská: Dream a Little Dream // [instagram]
Bread Lee: Sweet Dreams // [twitter]
Caitlin Whelchel: Lullaby
Chiara Farah @cherrychisoup: The Dreams We Share
Dominique Duong: Sea of  Dreams
Dos Doodles: See You in my Dreams // [twitter]
Elle Skinner: Dream Date
Emily Cooper: Our Memories Are Their Playground // [instagram]
Emma: Tranquility
FallingMist & Mythee: Cambrian Dreamscape
glithch: Not Just Another Kiss
Graphrodite: Lucid Dreaming // [instagram]
Izzy “Strontium” Hall: Merry Christmas Hannah!
Jaime Dear: REM RAM // [itch.io, twitter]
jamie: Daydream // [twitter, instagram]
Johanna Hagström: Dream-you
Kelsey Leigh: Lucid
Kevin Mahadeo (Writer), Hailey Renee Brown (Artist), & Micah Myers (Letterer): A Life Less Super
Kielamel Sibal: Charm
leyen: radio waves
likrot: Space Bae: Dream Bae // [instagram, twitter, tumblr]
Madeline Dye: Mattress
Maeve MacLysaght: To catch a falling star
michi: poppy dreams
mh.nova: Wishful Thinking
Pluto Rose: Sleep Tight Little Lesbian
Reinelaren: Sowing Seeds // [instagram, twitter]
Robin Gee: A Long Time Growing
Savannah Garcia: Summer Nap
Yépiz: It’s only OUR love
Zimtdraws: Sun & Moon // [twitter]
We’ll be sending out a special announcement email to all participating artists. Contact us if you don’t receive it today! Thank you to everyone for all your hard work in creating these amazing stories, and a huge thank you to all our readers - your support means the world to us!
Love, Schnekk Lilies editor
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“It’s amazing to think that at the beginning of the season only Mao Asada had ever successfully done three triple axels in one competition and just this season we had THREE women do it, and all three did it TWICE.”
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blankdblank · 4 years
Next Caller Pt 12
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“I don’t know..” that was the reason Thorin gave for showing up at your house before your radio shift. Fully dressed up post shower all you had to do was grab your bag and lock the door behind you accepting the to go mug of cider. It wasn’t even raining, a perfectly cool morning he offered you a drive to work and small talked about what Roac had claimed the weather would be like, none of which giving reason to show up offering a ride.
All the same a wave and a promise to see you later was given and collectively a deep exhale was given in your parting off to your respective shifts. Smirking from the front entrance where she was waiting, Mal asked, “Was that Thorin?”
“Yup.” Taking a sip of your drink still reeling from the sudden company.
Your puzzled expression had her turn to join you for the walk to the lift with BamBam in her bag napping after his morning bottle. “And? I assume that meant he might have spent the night?”
“What? No. He just showed up. Brought me this, even said he didn’t know why he came to offer me a ride.”
Mal’s lips pursed a moment, “Well maybe he was here to catch a glimpse of the fabled Bunny.” You rolled your eyes and from her pocket she passed you a card your brows furrowed looking over. “Dain gave me this. Apparently his cousin Gorgo and him have been looking for Miss Bunny for five years now about a book? I mean I know about the show, but a whole book?”
Smirking at her weakly you replied, “I wrote a series. Spent a lot of years on my own daydreaming, but nobody ever took any interest in it just ignored it. I just sent it to the one company and got a letter of rejection from every Elven publisher out there, all 247 of them. Only sent the draft to the Durins for clearance on their name, knew they would ask for it. He seriously said they’d been looking all this time?”
The worry in your eyes evident making Mal pat your shoulder fondly to calm you, “Gorgo had, apparently Dain just got involved when the show started. But Gorgo has been digging and fuming for years it seems.”
“Gorgo, I think Gloin, my realtor is her husband. Makes sense they kept saying we’d get along.”
Mal chuckled, “Well you’re going to love this next part. The guys think you and I work with Bunny.”
“With?” Your brow inched up and she nodded, “My name means Bunny, I have a bunny tattooed on my foot, my old neighbors called me the Bun, I mean-,”
Mal chuckled slinging an arm around your back, “Our Darling Durin boys. Either way, you’ll give her a call?”
“I’ll probably give it to Ecthellion, he’s been the one trying to work my book deals. That way it can be official and he can sniff out all the details for me.”
“Good idea.” After a pause for you to wait for the booths to empty from the show before yours she asked, “How big a book is it?”
“Well the first is just over 2000 pages.”
“Two-!” Her voice cut out when she realized how loudly she’d said it and she whispered, “2000?”
You nodded, “Been working on it a very long time.”
No kidding.” Across her lips a smirk eased and she asked, “About Thorin-,”
“I have no clue.” Making her giggle to herself in your sip, “I get one cup of tea and now I’m halfway drowning in Durins.”
“Barely two weeks and they love you.”
“I mean this in the best way possible, but they’re almost like the furniture in Beauty & the Beast in Prince Adam’s castle. Like I’m the first person they’ve seen outside the clan in decades.”
“Fitting comparison, because they also want you to cuddle up to a giant furry grump of a cinnamon roll.” With a sigh you smoothed a hand through your hair hanging around your back and shoulders and she asked, “You ok?”
“Just tired, kept waking up. Triple checked my locks and found out the clicking I heard was my roomba maneuvering around a door stopper. So odd being in a house alone.”
“I’m sure your grump wouldn’t mind coming to protect you from the clicks in the night.” She said with a giggle.
“You laugh but I’ll have you know waking up with a colony of crabs climbing into your hut is terrifying and that was the same click. Painful little things.” In a glance up at her you caught her concerned stare and shook your head, “I’m fine, doesn’t happen often, just, things do pop up from time to time, maybe I’ll put one of those stick barriers down around it on the floor so the roomba won’t hit it.”
“Who thought such adorable things could be so unsettling in the dark.” At that you let out a soft giggle and she sighed, “I wish I had a roomba. But Mao would no doubt hate it.”
“He would no doubt lie on top of it and hover across your apartment, and you know it. Probably time it to get to his food at meal times so he doesn’t have to walk.” Making her chuckle with you as you watched the group in the booth packing up at their signature sign offs. A note from you however had Ecthellion on his way to a meeting nodding after your show grinning to himself at what you had written to share with him as to what you had been told.
Mal on your way down again asked, “Off to see Thorin dear?”
Giggling to yourself you replied, “Promised to check in with Bilbo first though.”
“Ooh, how is it feeling?”
“Good, not itchy anymore, I think I did good taking care of it.”
“Well just think, right in time for the warmer end of spring so you can show it all off in a bikini.”
You rolled your eyes, “I haven’t been swimming in three centuries. Never even owned a bikini.”
Mal smirked, “Then we’ll just have to buy you one. Boys keep talking about their family home, with a pool.”
“I highly doubt-,”
“Oh you’re coming, no telling how Thorin would mope and pout seeing me there and no you.”
“Enjoy your lunch with the boys. I’m off to be ogled and showed the art of the brew.”
Checking her phone she turned to meet her beaus before visiting Dain and you turned to head for the tattoo parlor. It didn’t take long and with a grin Bilbo inspected your arm under the uv light allowing you a fully mirrored view of the final effect back in the private room. Pulling your flannel back on over your partially sheer polka dot coated tank top you were off as he answered Frodo’s call wishing you a lovely rest of your day. Smirking to himself wondering what Thorin would get into after hearing about his early drop by your home to drive you into the station and his brooding self afterwards at the shop.
Almost as if you had taken hours the now bustling shop gave you the hint that your usual calm place to relax was now the hot spot. From behind the counter you caught Dwalin’s eye and his point to your usual hop requiring table as a sign to just sit and they would bring you your drink. Wading through the departing people discarding their used mugs into the wash bins on the counter by the door you found a way to your table and hopped up easing your book out of your bag flinching your eyes from Thorin. A tempting slide of a Dam’s hand up his forearm drew you back to a focus away from the Dwarf locked in a flirting triangle of women.
You should have given terrible reviews was your first thought, one you quickly squashed but all the same had you not given such raving reviews there wouldn’t now be women realizing your grump was appealing and amazing and well in need of a good blush across his cheeks to accent hose stunning eyes of his. Just as if you were slapped you recoiled tucking your feet up into the foot rest on the stool and burrowed back into your planning.
Each room with items listed, some still not detailed as to which style or appearance you would want but listed all the same to choose later. Beside them estimated price ranges. Not essentially told he wasn’t interested you ignored the painful thought of just being the friend and pitied party once again. It wouldn’t be new to be seen as not worth the while with all your emotional baggage. Unknowingly they would only make it heavier by drawing you into their circle without ever being more than a friend and employee. So off you focused resting your palm in your chin propping an arm on the table to keep your face from easing to the table completely keeping you from stealing glances up at the women still lingering through Thorin’s next two orders taken sipping their drinks at the counter shortening space for the others behind them.
Noticing your reaction Balin on his way back from swapping the mug bins eased up to Thorin pinching him in his side earning a glare that melted at his whisper, “Fix Pear’s drink. Take a break.”
Thorin wanted to roll his eyes but one glance at you and he caught the clear flicker of an emotion showing there was something wrong. Dwalin said behind him you, “We got your pictures cheat sheet on the drinks. Go on.”
Two mugs in hand he eased past the tables of women assuming he was coming to see them again and disappointment was clear at his claiming the stool across from yours setting yours down lifting your gaze. “Nice breasts.” It was a muttered comment but your brows inched up and he bit his lip and rumbled out through your curious grin reacting to his instant blush, “I meant shirt,” his fingers traveled across his pecs, it has a nice design on the dip. “Really, accentuates... How’s the house going?”
“House is fine, and you?”
“I’m fine, when I’m not, pointing out features of our breast customer.” Again your smile inched wider and he gave off a huff, “I didn’t. I don’t, your breasts are fantastic, only rivaled by your legs and I’m going to stop talking about them right now.”
“I don’t know, all that talk about my upper half, my lower half might take it a bit personally.”
All he did was furrow his brows and lift his mug for a deep sip, “You’re eventually going to run out of tea you know.”
Reaching out he claimed your book saying, “Ooh, you’ve priced things.”
“For future reference and budgeting.”
His eyes rose to yours and you could see the fix it in his gaze instantly rising again, “You’re stopping?”
“Well it’s not like my money is endless and the house certainly won’t float away if I leave most of it empty for now.” Taking a sip of your mug mentally drafting your usually honest and appealing review to be typed up on the train.
“Certainly we-,”
His brow inched up, “No?”
“Your family has helped me find and paint my dream home I am not squirreling away furnishings off their purses just to fill it as well. It will get filled, Captain save an Elf.”
“I am not saving anyone.”
“Really? So you just always welcome complete strangers into the fold often how you have with me?”
“You’re different.”
Lifting your mug again you asked, “In what way?”
“You, are.” Your brow inched up and he asked, “That’s the only reason, funds?”
“If I get to the hotel and find I’m getting a raise I’m going to quit and come back here flick your nose,” Making him smirk and shake his head looking down to turn the page.
“The mattresses at least..”
“Mattresses, for frames I don’t have yet, for guests that won’t be coming any time soon. My family won’t be available till summer if they could come out.”
His eyes looked you over again and he asked, “Nothing else? Today, you seem,”
“Kept waking up. Just a bit tired. My roomba kept hitting the door stopper in one of my rooms. Took me forever to find what that clicking was. It’s different being in a home. My flat was just one room, didn’t take long to know what a noise was.”
Dwalin coming up to the table with a refill for Thorin said, “Surely if you need a roommate-,”
“No,” you giggled out, “Surely I pester my Mug Dealer too often at times, why make him bunk with me too.”
That had Thorin puffing up in a deep inhale and Dwalin asked, “Set prices for your next shopping trip?”
Thorin, “Putting it off a bit.”
Dwalin scoffed and you said, “Even with Belly’s found fortune for rent I couldn’t afford all this. It’ll take time. Most are just vague ideas at best anyways.”
Dwalin, “At least the mattresses! You have to have a place,”
“I don’t get guests. Past your family dropping in I haven’t had guests in ages.”
Dwalin, “Well we can change that. Let us help you fill it up and you’ll be chalk full of guests in no time on your days off to brighten up that social life of yours.”
“My social life suits the needs of my friends, I am a very low maintenance friend no need to drop a hoard of gold to fix up my place.”
“Just, you looked a bit down when you sat down, just want to pep you up and that trip with Dis had you grinning.”
“Just a bit tired, but I have it on good authority my breasts look fantastic,” Thorin exhaled and lifted his new mug in the start of Dwalin’s head turning to face him, “But nowhere near as tempting as my legs.”
Dwalin said to his cousin half amused and half stunned, “Who let you out of the house today?”
Thorin lowly muttered above his mug, “I didn’t say tempting.”
“No but your eyes did.” Making him cough a little when his sip tried to go down the wrong way in your spreading smirk. “Either way, things are looking good, no doubt you’ve heard my show got a possible book offer from Gorgo no less.”
Thorin, “Yes, Dain mentioned that Mal sent the word on to Bunny.”
Unable to help it you smirked as Dwalin said, “No doubt Bunny is thrilled.”
“Not as thrilled as the Countess would be.” You replied before taking another sip of your drink. “You guys seem busy.”
Dwalin swatted his hand, “Should have seen it an hour ago.”
Thorin, “People cramming in to hear the tail end of the show.”
“Bet they loved the butcher.” You teased.
They both said, “Hated him.” Making you giggle to yourself.
“Just wait till you read about him he’s not half bad.”
A few more customers walking in took Dwalin back to the counter and Thorin turned your attention back to the book still halfway wishing to goad you into letting him pick you out another gift. Though before long he was claiming your mug and his own heading back to the counter stealing a final glimpse of your bouncing path out the view of the front windows. When he turned to face forward Dwalin didn’t even have to say anything Thorin blurted out, “I was trying to compliment her shirt.”
Dwalin and Balin both said, “Uh huh.” Watching him head to add the mugs to the sink.
Ignoring your confusion on the puzzling grump you sent off your latest review to their social page for the shop and settled back through the train ride wondering if he would be popping up again first thing in the morning to give you another weather report.
All the way through your shift you wondered how Ecthellion had done in speaking with Gorgo. Once your cart was checked back in again to its cubby you turned hearing your name. With a spreading grin you eyed Tili asking, “Miss Pear.”
“Hi.” Before you could stop yourself you said, “I will warn you I did promise Thorin to flick him on the nose if you gave me a raise today.”
In the deepening of her grin and dimples she replied, “For his safety we will simply wait on that then. As for today I was wondering how are your weekends looking for the rest of the month?”
“They, look fine, do you need me to pull some extra shifts?”
Tili simply turned on her heel saying, “I’ll keep you posted, have a good day.”
“You too...” shaking your head as she left you muttered to yourself, “Up to something, clearly...” after changing you shouldered your bag making your way down through the lift and out to the usual path to the station again. Leaning against a column you sighed waiting for the train staring at the wall behind where it would be only to turn your head seeing the hesitantly approaching Dwarf with a familiar shade of blue eyes who flashed you a friendly grin and stepped closer.
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“Pardon me, Miss Pear is it?” Your brow twitched and he said, “You met my brother Gloin and nephew and, well a good deal of my cousins.”
“You’re not here to demand I accept an offer of furniture are you?”
That made him chuckle to himself and step closer, “No, not in the least, merely spotted you leaving the hotel same as me and taking the same train. Figured there can’t be many green curly haired lasses around.”
“I suppose not.” Hastily you wet your lower lip and asked in another glance his way, “Travel this way often?”
“No, not really. Vili’s got a friend repairing my car, went to meet up with him for progress earlier, taking the train back to my room at Balin’s until it’s repaired then I can head home to Iron Hills in style.” His hand motion of driving off into the distance made you chuckle to yourself.
“Are you part of the retail Durins then?”
“I’m a therapist of sorts actually.”
“Sorts?” You smirked back and stepped off the column at the arrival of the train.
“Well, we’re called Youms we work mainly with, auras and past traumas along with lingering emotions and fears with injuries. Also mix in some massage techniques and touch sensitivity and such. It’s very, broad a term.”
“I sort of have an idea what you mean. Met one once, few centuries back.”
“Oh? How did that go, did he help you?”
“We shook hands and he flinched.” Dropping Oin’s grin, “Then his receptionist couldn’t find any openings for four months, told me to come back then.”
“Their lease was up, got a bigger place farther down town. It was a friend at work’s idea to go. So I didn’t take it personally.”
Oin sighed settling in the seat beside yours saying, “To have such a reaction in your hand it must have been very troubling for you to be brushed off like that.”
Expecting his next question he was trying to word you held out your hand over his leg palm up, “I’ve had worse reactions to people just seeing my face. I’m used to being brushed off.” Across your palm his fingers traced certain curves and lines, “Can’t get a sword without breaking a few hammers,” his eyes rose to meet yours, “That’s the phrase I believe.”
“It is,” around your hand his folded and his thumb pressed into your thumb joint gently and couldn’t help but grin, “These hands have broken earth and have a feathered guard.”
“Planting helped. My birds have helped.”
Down your joint his thumb traveled to press into the fold of your wrist causing a pooling of blood to shape into a heart, “Someone is loving you.” Weakly you giggled and were ready to refute that only for him to say, “Such new feelings, confusing, yet to be named.” His eyes met yours, “A love you have not faced before. Just keep floating, love will flood in with the waters.”
“Some people build bridges, others build dams, now which they build is determined by what path we are meant to follow. You have a dam, not a bad thing, Dams bring patience, strength, power, to conquer water, next to impossible for some. Water is all of life, you have been building, but water is coming, good, bad, the impossible and love.”
“And this love, what do they bring, a bridge?”
Oin chuckled soothing his thumb a bit farther down your forearm feeling your heart pounding contrasting your calm expression, “Fish.”
“That like, a babies reference?”
“No,” again he chuckled he said, “For each other you build your worlds and lives, empty fields and houses, streams and lakes all empty. Your One enters and life begins anew. Good, bad, uncertainty, everything is fish.”
“Nothing to flinch from then?”
Again he chuckled to himself and cradled your hand a moment giving it a kind pat. “No. Some cannot help others. Some do not need help. But trust me that flinch in no way stated you were beyond help had you sought it out yourself.”
“Thank you.”
“If you do require help however I always have openings.”
“I couldn’t afford you,” You replied in his release of your hand feeling a zing in your wrist meaning you were thinking of that incoming love of yours.
“You’d be surprised.”
Softly you giggled replying, “I have gotten enough bargains and deals with your clan to fill a lifetime.”
Smirking to himself he said, “If you need my services, simply tug on the tether my clan has set then and you’ll find my number.” The answer made you smirk while he did the same feeling you ease a bit knowing it was all your say if he would help you, to first find his number and set the appointment after.
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Three rings and through the line Gorgo’s voice sounded post bout of texting with Dain, who had taken a break on the search to ready Truffles for meeting BamBam and adjust her that it was just a visit and he wouldn’t be coming to stay until his leg was healed. Of course leading to a lengthy debate with the Giant Mortar Boar that she could take care of the cub that relented only in hearing he was still on formula and hadn’t been weaned just yet. “Venture Publishings, Gorgo speaking How May I help you?”
“Yes this is Ecthellion, co-owner of Lonely Mountain Station. I was given your card by my client Bunny who wished for me to see what sort of deal if any you were wishing to offer.”
Inching up in her seat she started stating her pitch, “All of us here truly love her story, I myself have been trying to uncover just who had written the initial draft offered to publishers years prior and my clan for approval of using our family name. We are willing to offer a very handsome advance of 10k to possibly coax a few more chapters at least to continue work on the prior novel she had intended for publishing. We would be willing to offer a year timeline for something completed for publishing.”
“Ah, well then I’m not quite certain we are on the same page for this offered deal.”
In her seat she tucked her legs silently tapping the cap of her pen onto her notepad, “The advance is not enough? I assure you if there have been other offers we will beat them.”
Ecthellion smirked replying, “No I don’t believe you understand my meaning. The novel you are asking about from that particular draft was completed years ago.” Gorgo puffed up in anticipation, “To a stunning 2555 page novel, with I believe the seventh in the series currently in progress. All of it with the exception of three pages to make small revisions on is fully ready for print. The latter ones considerably shorter, however the first is cut as much as it could be without dissolving the storyline and setting. If you are willing to accept a fully completed novel with four movements to be published as a unit then perhaps I could give you time to conference and adjust your offer and discuss furthering the process to head towards publishing?”
“2555 pages?” She barely managed to whisper out to herself then she said after clearing her throat, “We will have to conference for the specific details, however we are interested, please consider this as close to binding of an agreement until a contract can be agreed upon.”
“Trust me I have no doubts on us coming to an agreement to suit everyone involved. Though I must be clear on one thing, Bunny requires her privacy and will be publishing under the pen name Bunny, so if you would not mind passing that on and assuring that all contact goes through me.”
“Of course. We understand perfectly.”
“I will pass on the word to Bunny and we will wait for you to contact us again.”
“Thank you,” she said writing out his contact information he supplied and then hung up after his own parting thanks.
Up out of her seat Gorgo rushed to the office on the end of her floor, on the other side of the door she opened the Head Manager sat flipping through a stack of papers on her desk and removed her glasses to look up at Gorgo through the closing of the door behind her.
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“2555 pages.”
“As much as I am appreciating the enthusiasm for context I am going to require a few more details for this to work.”
“Bunny’s book-,”
“She’s expecting an advance for a nearly 3000 page book?”
“No advance, no writing schedule for parts-,”
“I don’t follow.”
“She wrote 2555 pages in the past five years, plus her agent or lawyer that contacted me says she’s working on the seventh book in the series!”
The manager straightened up, “She’s written that, plus six more books?”
“Yes! He’s giving us time to adjust our proposal.”
“That, that would take quite a while. Printing alone we could discuss but to get an agreement on publicity alone, the press tours-,”
“Oh, Bunny is wishing to remain anonymous.”
That had the manager letting out a sigh, “So that is simplified and I’ve seen her media accounts all in the millions followers wise so posting there, radio spots could be recorded and paper press to advertise everywhere. Maybe we could even get the team of actors from the radio show to narrate some of not possibly all of it.”
“If we could manage to have a good supply fairly soon on a price equal to size and not too gouging we could dominate the summer market and possibly have Bunny books out every year for a decade if we manage it wisely. And it is ready for publication?”
“He said she has three pages to edit but past that it’s edited and print ready.”
She nodded and pulled out a fresh notepad saying, “Let’s get these details hashed out then.”
Pt 13
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​​, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor​, @armitageadoration​, @fizzyxcustard​, @here2have-fun​, @lilith15000​, @marvels-ghost​, @catthefearless​, @imjusthereforthereads​, @c-s-stars​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​, @mariannetora​, @shesakillerkween
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim​, @jotink78​, @pastelhexmaniac
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blaacknoir · 5 years
The women of Kuroshitsuji are all amazing!
Lizzy is strong!
Angelina is ambitious!
Sieglinde is smart!
Mey-Rin is loyal!
Doll is talented!
Ran Mao is wonderful!
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