#all the more pissed off
cc-kote · 1 year
God I am so insanely proud of this gd novella of a fic I've been writing for the last month or so. I have the whole thing mapped out (3 acts, but the third act is separated into 2 parts) and act 1 is nearly finished. I just can't believe how much I have done already. For the last 5 years I've been struggling so hard to write anything consistently, like I had my own original stories planned and bits and pieces of them written but I struggled so hard to make the plot coherent and the characters dynamic and it was making me feel so sad and unenthusiastic abt writing. And then I fuckin watched TROS and got so pissed abt how dirty they did my faves that I was suddenly inspired to write my own self indulgent af fix it fic 😂😂😂
It's just so funny to me that the driving force behind me getting back into the swing of writing stories was being so deeply unsatisfied with the fates of my favorite characters that I felt the overwhelming need to take matters Into my own hands and rewrite it in a way that panders to what I want for them.
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why is Clara kinda…
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Ain’t no way y’all gonna yearn for her,,
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rolybug · 4 months
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funny purple dog you get endless health issues
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cringefail-clown · 11 months
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turnabout kids and their sprites! ive had an ask laying around in my inbox about them for far too long lmfao, so ive finally decided to draw em out
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jane: mime porcelain doll + poppop
dirk: seagull + hal
roxy: wizard figurine + frigglish
jake: gcat + his dreamself
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caelanglang · 1 year
injury recovery…
*break an arm or two out there kids!*
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uselessnbee · 6 months
something i can't stop thinking about is the fact that Percy Jackson started as a comfort story for Rick's son to show him that his adhd and dyslexia doesn't have to be just a bad thing and the fandom then took Percy and Leo and made them into these stupid idiots that don't even know basic math or "big" words and wouldn't be able to even tie their shoelaces without someone else's (someone smarter's) help
don't yall see how fucked up that is? a big part of this fandom has adhd and/or dyslexia and/or other learning disabilities/neurodivergence and find comfort in those characters. they are called lazy and stupid all the time and then yall decided to take characters with those disabilities and ignore their inteligence and made them into something they are not just because their adhd is more "visible" (read more stereotypical looking) (even tho that's not true either because the fandom made them into chaotic gremlins but in reality Percy is more just sarcastic and snarky and even that is more just his internal monologue for his own amusment and to cope and Leo just uses humor as a coping mechanism to hide his depression and other issues but that's a discussion for another time)
Percy is canonically very smart and strategic. no he isn't very good at school. it's what happens when you're neurodivergent and have learning disabilities. that doesn't mean he's stupid. no he doesn't know everything about greek mythology and that doesn't make him stupid either. but when Annabeth tells him the myth he is very good at coming up with strategies and how to win a fight. he's not smart as Annabeth because Annabeth is literally a daughter of the goddess of wisdom so stop fucking comparing them. are you also going to call Annabeth weak and incapable because she can't control water? no you won't because that's fucking stupid. and Leo. fucking Leo. is literally canonically a mathematic genius and also genius when it comes building stuff. they're both smart. they're not fucking stupid. they know and understand words that are longer than 5 letters. no they do not struggle with basic knowledge. they're not fucking stupid.
and miss me with the "it's just a joke" bullshit
jokes are supposed to be funny
and it's not just a joke for many of you because the number of fanfics where they are written in exactly this way is too fucking high. it's actually surprising to find a fanfic where they are written right
in conclusion: the way this fandom portrays Percy and Leo is reinforcing the harmful misconception that people with adhd and/or other learning disabilities are stupid and i hate it with a burning passion
call me sensitive all you want i'll gladly accept it i will rather be called sensitive for hating that those characters are being treated this way than follow the fandoms harmful idea about them
thank you for coming to my ted talk <3
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dreamsy990 · 15 days
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when i was a kid i fell in love with dandelions. when i told my parents, they said they were just weeds, not flowers at all. i was always upset on the dandelions behalf- why didnt people love them too? why were they a problem when they were just as pretty?
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ohitslen · 1 year
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Angry Vash for me and myself specifically
also extra Vashwood:
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thisismisogynoir · 2 months
I love it when women hate men. I love it when women are allowed to vent to each other about how horrible and creepy men are. I love it when women form friendships with and prioritize each other over relationships with men(whether they're attracted to them or not). I love it when women put men dni in their bios and on their nude photos and on posts on their blogs. I love it when women refuse to mollycoddle and accommodate entitled male feelings with "but this doesn't mean I hate all men, I know a few men who are great, I love my father/sons/brothers/uncles/male cousins/guy friends" I love it when women complain about men WITHOUT "not all men" being a disclaimer. I love it when women avoid socializing with/refuse to be around/befriend/get close to men because they know men can't be trusted. I love it when women make "kill all men" jokes. I love it when women offer absolutely no concern or care for men's feelings and if their misandry offends men whatsoever because why should we, men are the oppressor class who have raped and killed and abused us and kept us as subjugated as second-class citizens for millennia, they regularly mistreat us and the women in their own marginalized communities still every single day and make this world so much harder and more awful for us to be in, and if we choose to hate them and not spare them any sympathy then so be it, and I don't just mean "men as a class" either, you can be a woman who doesn't want to have anything to do with any man on an individual basis and completely cuts off men from her personal life too and ykw I will love and fucking support you in that because men deserve absolutely NOTHING from us. If they're so tough and strong then they can handle it just like they can handle being lonely. If you are a woman who hates men, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE A LESBIAN AND/OR A TRANS WOMAN, then just know that I love you. I love you, I support you, and you are safe here.
#was going to make a post about how much i hate that women aren't allowed to hate their oppressors but i decided to spin it into something#positive instead#this is supposed to be the feminist site that makes reddit mgtow piss their baby diapers so let's go back to despising men and not coddling#their feelings and let's dye our hair blue while we're at it#i am so tired of this new wave of guilt-tripping and gaslighting women who hate men and don't trust or want to be around them#i hate how we're made into villainesses or the problematic ones for not valuing them in our lives or for wanting to guard ourselves or be#safe from our oppressors#and i'm tired of people who don't know the first thing about feminism being like 'BUT THAT'S TERF RHETORIC WHAT ABOUT X MINORITY MEN'#guess what women can also be x minority that you're trying to protect the men of and we get to hate men too#trans women are included when i say women btw and trans men are included when i say men#if anyone has the right to hate men more than anybody else it's trans women esp trans lesbians because they put up with so much shit#from men that even cis women do not and they especially know how vile men are behind closed doors#so#terfs fuck off#radfems fuck off#and if anybody tries to make this post more appeasing to men or 'not all men's this post you are getting blocked and hit with a hammer#feminism#misogyny#sexism#patriarchy#tw men#tw rape#tw abuse#misandry#terfs dni#radfems dni#feminists need to go back to being scary and unpalatable for men none of this 'but some of them are good!' bullshit#men are entitled to nothing from us#and if you try to prove me wrong then you are just proving my point if you have nothing good to say then simply keep scrolling#ok? ok.
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bluegiragi · 6 months
Does the specific variant of a hybrid effect a person at all behaviour wise if that makes sense? Like Gaz being a crow and Horangi a tiger
Or is it more of just a visual thing?
it does! Gaz being a crow-variant harpy means he has a much better long term memory than say, an osprey-variant. In the same way, Gaz doesn't have the same benefits as other variants - for example, an osprey-variant hybrid has barbed pads of their feet, allowing them to deal more damage with their talons.
The difference between haetae variants is more to do with personality than physical traits like harpies. Tiger variants are stuck-up and isolated - they won't communicate with other haetae families unless they have to. Goat-variant haetaes are a lot more straightforward, although with a much shorter fuse. Lion variants are loud, and overbearing. You get the gist.
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brother-emperors · 1 month
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xenophon and socrates, sometime early on
there’s some back and forth about the identification on whether or not that one guy in raphael’s school of athens is aeschines or xenophon (there’s a lot of back and forth on a lot of things wrt to that painting), but I’ve decided to read it as xenophon because garrigues’ notes on identifying everyone in that painting annoys me 💕
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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dailyloopdeloop · 3 days
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DAY 71: shy
#codacheetah#isat#loop isat#isabeau isat#isat spoilers#i'll never get over loop being described as 'shy'. what a wonderful image#top one casual remarks from isabeau that cleaves loop's facade#like loop's personality is just a targeted missile to piss siffrin off. they're not at all confident and snarky#they're doing like the physical manifestation of winning an argument against yourself in the shower#second they see the party though Oopsies we're in scary territory. That's your family and they dont know it's you Oops#ok anyways ever since i saw that post i was like damn. this is just how i view loop in party postcanon#for as much as I think they SHOULD go explore around and be their own person for a while i think realistically they would not do that.#theyre going to go be a weird freak hovering around the party and refusing to socialize with anyone but siffrin and theyre gonna feel awful#(read: they're going to antagonize siffrin and it fails tremendously bc now The Rumor Come Out and siffrin knows what loop is doing.)#like loop as much as they can barely stand to even look at isabeau (for instance) i think their claws are sunk far too deep in.#onehats maybe the circumstances are different because there is a gap in understanding. there's no point forcing siffrin to confront the#obvious conclusion that loop is them (and thus siffrin's happy ending nails loop's coffin)#(THIS IS IGNORING TWOHATS PREREQS GOTTEN ONEHATS. BC THATS ITS OWN CAN OF WORMS)#but twohats. idk. for as much as it lets loop release some of their rage and process their feelings a bit. i think it might also be the pus#that makes loop consider their own existence as a person a bit more. theyre not a sponsor->corpse theyre just loop#theyre just somebody who wants desperately. they want to stay with them#theyre still siffrin. if also loop.#i think loop would force themself to reconnect with the party in the same vein as siffrin forcing himself to communicate more.#but of course having conviction and living an experience are not the same thing. so siffrin's going to flounder the emotional honesty thing#tremendously and loop's going to be. blair witching it in the corner.#hey i might have forgotten which post i was writing the tags under. oopsies#idk if these tags are comprehensible at all. i just really want to see loop fail upwards into friendship with everyone
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ashipiko · 3 months
did I hear a DOUBLE DATE ???????
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😭😭 art block has been kinda sucky not really lately so in attempts to fix it after LOOOOTS of talking and rambling w my good friend @nohrianhime I decided HEY. WHY NOT DRAW THE DOUBLE DATE WE’VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT??? <3 and look at how much fun they’re having fr
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fizzytoo · 4 months
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karlee and chewie earned a bronze medal at their first jumping competition!
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antiparticular · 3 months
I feel like people hcing tmagp gerry as being pastel goth have completely missed the point. the point is that you don't have to dress colourfully to be happy. dressing in black ≠ depressed. and he was never goth !!!!!!! I'm sorry I keep saying it but it's true. he was never goth he's a metalhead and he still dresses the exact same.
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royalarchivist · 5 months
Fit: I don't think – we were not meant to win that fight. They wanted to kill an Egg today. They probably tried to do the same to Ramon, but I just happened to teleport to the secret Ramon way stone on accident. I was trying to go to his house.
Fit: I'm almost positive that, like– I think Ramon was supposed to die today.
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[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
Fit: Yeah, stream chat, I don't think we were meant to win that fight.
[From a moment earlier on stream]
Fit: It's not your fault, Bagi. There was– We did everything we could.
Bagi: No– I told her multiple times to go back to the room!
[End of old clip]
Fit: I don't think – we were not meant to win that fight. They literally– They wanted to kill an egg today.
[From a moment earlier on stream]
Fit: [Jumping off The Wall as he rushes to save Empanada, but is ultimately too late] NO!!!!!
[End of old clip]
Fit: No, I'm almost positive that– They probably tried to do the same to Ramon, but I just happened to teleport – I'll be honest. I teleported to the secret Ramon way stone on accident. I was trying to go to his house.
[From a moment earlier on stream]
Fit: Stay here. STAY. HERE.
[End of old clip]
Fit: I'm almost positive that, like– I think Ramon was supposed to die today.
[From a moment earlier on stream]
Fit: I ain't fcking leaving. I ain't taking an eye off my boy!
Ramon: i was downed on two hearts
Fit: Yeah, I know. A lot of close calls, Ramon, a lot of close calls.
Ramon: my heart is pounding
Fit: I know. But you did good though, Ramon. You did what you had to do to survive.
[End of old clip]
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