#all the people who have messaged me or sent asks ro tagged me in tag games. i love you so much
cantarella-if · 2 years
Hey Nik! I've been following your blog ever since the intro post made its way in my dash (which was last year!), and I wanted to say some stuff that I haven't, up until now.
Your blog is beautiful! It functions not just as a blog for Cantarella but also provides me with some really interesting knowledge about history which I love to read! Thankyou for making those posts.
Secondly and mainly, I absolutely love Cantarella! I never quite gave much thought to it before, but after reading the post about Rick's ancestry, I just realised how much thought, time and love you've put in this game! I mean you've tied actual historic figures to the characters of the game, and that's no easy feat! It shows you've done some solid research behind your character building and world building too. Cantarella in itself is a very interesting concept, I mean a lost legendary poison allegedly used many centuries ago? How did I not hear about this before lol. Your knowledge of history is really great too. It goes without saying that the lore behind your world and the plot looks really solid. And as if that wasn't enough, your story writing skills thus far have been brilliant too! The short demo with Vic and Rick was really good and leaves one wanting for more. All the RO reaction asks and the shorts have been absolutely fantastic as well.
Also, Victoria. She stole my heart and I'll be damned if I don't steal hers lol.
I know that this must be a hard time for you though, losing a pet always is. While not my pet strictly, there was once a small puppy who lived in my locality who was a stray. As a child I used to play with him all the time and a lot of families of the locality would feed him and provide him with drinking water as well. Me and my friends even built him a small shelter out of clay, bricks, jute bags and some old woolen clothes lol. He used to be very happy and energetic. Unfortunately one day when we were at school and nobody was watching over him he somehow made his way out of the colony and on to the main road, where he was hit by a truck.😔 I still remember being so sad that I wouldn't eat anything for a day. From whatever I've managed to gather from the blog, Gray-Gray lived a very happy, healthy, loved and long life. I think you should take some time to mourn and heal.
Sorry if I've bothered you! 😅 It was never my intention. Sending you love!
Ah yes, I've seen your name quite a few times before.
First of all, how could you possibly think something so sweet like this message would bother me?? This is one of the nicest messages I've ever gotten and made my day so much better! Well, except the puppy story - that poor baby! I'm sure he was very happy to have been loved as much as he was by such wonderful people as yourself and your friends.
I especially want to thank you and everyone else who sent their condolences for Grayson. I've read them all several times by now and am very grateful for every word. To be honest, I'm handling it pretty well. My hand being in so much pain from the bite takes my mind off of it and I keep telling myself that I'll never forget him because of the scars I'll end up with.
As for the story, I think Anne Rice said it best; she said "write the book you want to read." And so I am with Cantarella. I'm passionate about history as you can tell, and it means a lot to me that people are enjoying the little things I post, especially since they are so fun to write and research.
As a thank you for this message and making me feel so much better, you get an emoji tag, just like this blog's top followers and my hellsite friends!
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lebrookestore · 4 years
Thank You and Presents?
Welcome to this semi-chaotic, passive aggressive post. I spent a good hour on this, so you mfs better read.
I've decided to combine these two posts, considering they go hand in hand, so bear with me.
I've been here for a month, and I've made so many new friends, read some amazing fics, and actually made friends with some of my writing inspirations themselves, which I cant even begin to comprehend so I won't try.
I've released four fics, two were shorter, but the ones I'm really proud of- Little Princess and Poison and Petals-i still can't believe I sat my ass down and started writing. This year has been a shit one, but never would I have thought I would start writing fanfiction. Let alone the long ass fics I write please.
So hitting 100 followers is even more of a foreign concept, but thank you so much! I'm bewildered that people actually ready my shit and the fact some want to be tagged in stuff, and the fact it's only been a month? What is reality-
And some of y'all see my shit posts and deal with me- to that I say God bless you and your patience. You have to be some sort of heavenly being amen.
Honestly, some of y'all actually helped me through a lot of shit, and some even encouraged me with my first fic, which was the start of these shenanigans( whether this was a good idea or not, we shall never know)
Basically, thank you so much, it means a lot to me, it really makes my day when I see w new follow, or a reblog, or someone liking my shit posts about simping (I am sorry my dude) .
Now, since the year is ending, thank god, I've decided to give my moots presents, since I've seen a lot of people do this (originality went ✨yeet✨) and it's also like a thank you and appreciation message of sorts. Also because I'm nice.
Let the chaos begin:
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@alicanta77 my first moot, and literally one of my biggest inspirations fir writing, she was with me when I was writing Poison and Petals, and encouraged me with everytime I hit a roadblock, or was feeling tired with it. She's such a talented writer, and her series are very well thought out. They deserve so much more love, because the effort, the plot, everything is immaculate, and felix, babe, I love you to death.
@danishmiilk my second moot on this hellhole and I hate you but I love you so I guess pemdas cancels that out. She is an amazing writer, her fics too deserve more attention. I honestly don't know what I would do without this bitch, we run the culture cafe together, and I'm such a dumbass at coding, but she does it(even if she does forget to add the https, but we won't talk about that okay) and she matches my chaotic energy perfectly. She's definitely not annoying (I wrote that with a straight face my dude, be proud), and I would do anything for her so yeah ily bye
@astroboy-lele furOU THE 40 YEAR OLD MAN ON FACEBOOK- I'm sorry, not really, oh well. Another underrated writer, her fics are really good too, and she was the one who encouraged me to start the net, and gave me the idea of a dark cafe aesthetic. She helped me with a lot of shit there too, and is a really good listener.
@orange-nimon-cross I scared as fuck of yunha, but I also love her. Shes honest and blunt af and I love that about her. She always gives me honest, actually helpful feedback a d if probably the first person I'd go to for said feedback. She deserves way more credit for her writing, its amazing, and her poetry? They're beautiful and deep and ineish I could write like that.
@rouiyan MISS REE ANOTHER WRITING INSPO AND A GREAT FRIEND honestly I met her and we just vibed tbh. She too helped me with my first fic by encouraging me, and I love her to death too. Very happy ahes back from hiatus, all my fists of love for you babe!
@yvezs mila I have no fucking clue what your posts mean half the time, but I love you anyways okay, you already know so I'm not gonna bother writing a long ass para, I'll annoy you later
@heartyyjeno ALESHA! honestly, she's so sweet, and her asks literally brighten up my day. Her writing is also amazing and just ugh, I love you and get very happy everytime I see you.
@moonbeamsung HANNAH BBY YOU'RE SO CUTE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH OMG you're the sweetest bean ever and your writing is the bomb.com. I hope we can get closer, because you never fail to make me feel better, or brighten up my day with a message or an ask.
@radiorenjun angie my fellow simp and hard stan letS GO- I know she's not always online, but she's always there when I need to simp, or when I need help with important descisions (what pic I should chose fir my lockcreen, for example) she's always there to simp for ten with me and our convos are questionable (she's seen my dark dark gallery man. If that's not friendship idk what it) . If you do want to summon her though, I suggest typing renjun or ten in a message, all caps.
@channoticedmeuwu kai. *heavy sigh* this bitch is honestly one of the best people, like she deals with ny shit posts, replIES TO THEM and even deals with my excessive simping like damn what angel are you (the fallen one, jK-) she also likes simping with me, even called for help once(it failed, but it's the thought that counts. She even tried helping me when my laptop fucked me over, which, surprise, it still is, but we barely even knew each other at the time?? How amazing is that?? But bitch stay the fuck away from taeyong thanks hyuck is the waiting.
@loonacitys I MET YOU TWO DAYS AGO BUT I ALREADY LOVE YOU WE LIVE I'M THE SAME DAMN CITY BYE OMG and she matches my crack head humour *cough* tHe gRoUp *cough* so yes another amazing hooman bean.
@sweetlyjaem she SIMPED WITH ME AMEN-
@ppangjae literally one of my biggest inspos for writing, I read seven letters and was inspired to pick up little princess again after it was sitting dying in a dark corner of google Docs for three days. Alex is so sweet, she didn't mind my chaotic awkward ass, and dealt with the long ass asks and the dozen of messages I sent her.
@kdongyoung ro is so sweet and chaotic I love it. Her edits are *chefs kiss* and she made my beautiful header which I will flex everytime I get the chance. We've not talked that much, but I still love you okay.
Moots I wanna know better-@jungwooisms @du0tine @moonttaeil @fruityutas @ooyoungs
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Chapter Five - Origins
The Echo in the Mirror
Words: 2,503
Ship: None
Warnings: Alcohol mention, mentions of underage drinking (no-one gets drunk), Body mutation, panic attack, sex jokes
Tags: @fandermom @patchworkofstars @poisonedapples @hogwarts-my-love @opaque-puppet @omni-hamiltrash @darling-elm @jynxlovesluck @madly-handsome​ @strickenwithclairvoyance​ @limitededitionsanderssidesblog​ @ab-artist​ @sometimeswritingsometimesdying  @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2​ @because-were-fam-ily @gattonero17​ @analogical-mess​ @joaniejustwokeup​ @whycantihavemorethan32characters​
If there was one thing the Dormir cousins were famous for, it was parties. So, it was no surprise that Remy’s Halloween party was one of the biggest events of the year. It was also very exclusive, you had to know the right people to get in. Any regular student would have dropped everything for a chance to go. Anyone except for Logan Hamilton, who had barely spoken to Roman or Virgil in days.
It was Wednesday, October 30th and the lunch bell had just rung. “You can’t keep ignoring me forever, Logan,” Virgil said. Logan only walked away, giving him a silent message. “That’s a very rude hand gesture!” he yelled.
Virgil sighed, falling against the wall as Logan walked away. He felt a hand on his shoulder and didn’t even bother to look up. He already knew there was a fifty percent chance of it being Roman (and the other fifty percent chance of it being Remy). “He’ll be back eventually,” Roman said. “We just need to talk to him.”
“I’m trying but he’s impossible to talk to when he’s angry. We’ve really fucked up.”
“Maybe we can get Patton to talk to him.”
Virgil laughed. “You think he’d listen to Patton?”
“What’s wrong with Patton?”
“Nothing,” Virgil said. “To us.”
“To us?”
“You’re pretty oblivious, Princey.”
“Oblivious,” Roman repeated. “Are you saying Logan has a crush on me and therefore won’t talk to Patton?”
Virgil pulled himself from the wall and took Roman’s hand as they walked down the hall. “First of all, you wish Logan had a crush on you. I think you’re just looking for an excuse to change your name to Roman Hamilton.”
“Imagine marrying Logan Hamilton. I could never,” Roman teased.
“Shut up you’re getting off-topic.”
“Weirdly defensive about marrying Logan,” he teased, bumping into Virgil’s side with a laugh. He felt pain in his hand as Virgil’s fists grew tighter. “Ow. Ow. Ow. Okay, okay I take it back.”
“Even if I did have a crush on Logan, he’s straight,” Virgil said. “And you’re getting off-topic. He’s not listening to me, he’s obviously not going to listen to you, and Patton isn’t even in the same room as the table.”
“And, again, what’s wrong with Patton and why am I oblivious?”
“Logan doesn’t exactly, uh, like Patton. And if you haven’t been able to notice that, you certainly have your head in the clouds.”
“I’m king of the clouds.”
“You’re not even a prince, Duke.”
“I’ll send him a text,” Virgil said. “I just... hope he’ll respond.”
“You guys have been best friends since- what? Seventh grade?” Roman squeezed Virgil’s hand and leaned into him. “He’ll come around.”
Virgil leaned into the touch, both their heads pressed together as they turned a corner towards the school cafeteria. “This is worse than any fight we’ve ever had. I don’t know what to do.”
Roman stopped dead in his tracks. He took Virgil by the shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes. (He still had to grow used to the fact that Virgil was now taller than him. The growth spurt he had hit during his sophomore year was still a surprise.) “Everything is going to be fine,” he said. “You know how I know it will be? Because if Hamilton thinks he can hurt my second best friend then I’m going to kick his ass with my new weird crazy powers.”
“And what powers are those?”
“I’ll figure it out, okay? Now, c’mon, either Logan is going to come back and we can sort out this spirit situation. Or- Or- we forget about Logan for one night and I show you and Patton how to have a good time.”
“But what about-“
“Shhh.” Roman placed a finger over Virgil’s lips. “It’s a Remy Dormir party. We’re going to get drunk off our asses and have a great time. Okay?”
It was Thursday, October 31, nearly 7:00 O’clock at night. When Roman had arrived Remy was busy locking the last of the bedroom and office doors, any room that would give him a death sentence if it were trashed.
“I brought drinks,” he announced, holding two plastic bags in his hands. Patton and Emile exchanged a glance, staring at Roman with quirked eyebrows. “Relax.” He pulled a bottle out from the bag. “It’s Sprite.”
“Ro, I’m glad you’re here,” Remy said, sliding three stacks of paper plates across the counter. “I need you guys to open these.”
“Great to see you too, Rem.”
“The pleasure is all yours I’m sure. Hey, hand me that pumpkin, will ya? Thanks, babe.”
“I’m pretty sure you call me that more than your own boyfriend.”
“Everyone else is ‘Babe’,” Remy explained, “Emile is ‘baby.’”
Emile blushed, his face redder than his Steven Universe shirt. “Reeeeemmmyyyy.”
“Save that for the bedroom, baby,” Remy teased.
Roman shoved a finger in his mouth and gagged. “You two are disgusting.”
Remy raised an eyebrow and threw a tape dispenser at Roman’s head. “Oh, please, like you haven’t jerked it to m-“
“OKAY! SHUT THE FUCK UP!” he yelled, face bright red. He turned towards Patton and Emile. “Pro tip: Never fucking tell Remy about a crush.”
“I’d consider it a close matter,” he said, failing to hide a laugh. “Aww, c’mon it was years ago.”
“And yet, you’re still an asshole about it.”
“You act like you still have feelings.”
“You act like I won’t shake you off this damn ladder.”
“Ouch. Someone’s got a sore spot.”
“Ladder,” Roman warned. There was a knock on the door but it swung open before anyone could answer it.
“Sup, bitches! I brought beers!” Narcissa yelled. She wore all black with a leather jacket that could rival Remy’s own and a floppy witch hat that still had a price tag on the side. Her long black hair and choppy bangs framed her face nicely. She had a diamond stud in her nose and wore glittery purple eyeshadow.
“Oh. Duke is here.”
“Ah. Draco can go fuck herself.”
The two stood silent, staring each other down for a total of five seconds before laughing and pulling each other into a hug. “Virgil pulled into the driveway a few seconds after me. He’ll be here in a few-“
“Sup, motherfuckers!”
“He’s here,” she deadpanned.
“Virgil! Virgil, look!” Roman said, smiling like a puppy. “It’s Narcissa.”
“Aww, it’s my chorus baby,” she cooed, ruffling Virgil’s hair. “We miss you.”
“Stop, stop, I spent an hour making this look perfect,” Virgil said. He was dressed head to toe in regal vampire gear with fake blood on his lips and chin.
“Lookin’ sharp, bloodsucker,” Roman complimented.
“Blood isn’t the only thing I suck,” he said with a wink. “Oh! Patton, you made it!”
“I did!” Patton said. “Any luck with, uh, you know who?”
Remy gasped as he jumped off the ladder. “Did someone take my title of You Know Who?!”
“That’s offensive to Lord Voldemort,” Narcissa said.
“Suck my dick, babe.”
“Only if you suck mine.”
“I haven’t had any luck,” Virgil said, taking a seat next to Patton. “I know he needs space, but I don’t know what to do. Our time is running out.”
“Emile,” Patton blurted out. “We could, uh, use Emile if Logan won’t agree.”
Virgil knitted his eyebrows together, glancing up and down at Patton as he wiggled in his seat. “You don’t sound too sure of yourself. Besides, replacing Logan would only make things worse.”
“You said yourself that we’re running out of time.”
“Patton, I-“
A voice escaped Patton’s throat, low and gravely, nothing like the young boy’s own. It said, “We only have tonight, Fear. What are you so afraid of?” Patton slapped a hand over his mouth.
“Your face is turning green.”
“Your arms are turning violet.”
“Princey,” Virgil called, “can we see you real quick?”
“Yeah, what’s- Oh fuck.”
“Oh fuck indeed,” Virgil growled. He grabbed Patton and Roman’s hands and pulled them into the bathroom.
It’s Thursday, October 31, nearly 7:45 at night when Logan finds himself pacing in his bedroom, his eyes going up and down trying to reread a text Virgil had sent hours ago. He couldn’t think of a response.
Logan, we need to talk.
I’m so sorry about what happened at Patton’s house and I’m worried that I'll never get to apologize enough. I know you and Roman don’t always get along, but he really does care about you. The two of us have been fighting trying to figure out what’s best for you but that’s a choice only you can make. We’ll be at Remy’s house tonight and I really hope I can see you there and properly make amends.
We found a way to summon the fourth spirit. His name is Knowledge and I can think of no one more deserving than you of that power. But above all, I want my best friend back. So, please, talk to me.
Logan practically had the message memorized by now. He paced back and forth watching time move forward as his battery drained. Should he stay angry at Virgil and Roman for trying to make this choice without him? Should he forgive them? Should he accept this power? “Feelings,” he mumbled, “the bane of my existence.
Then his phone rang. His texts disappeared as a picture of Roman in a prince costume from behind the scenes of his last play took their place. Why was Roman calling? His finger hovered over the answer button before he finally gave in and clicked it.
“You have three seconds to explai-“
“Logan! Logan, oh thank fairy godmother you answered! We need your help!”
“Is this some sort of trap?”
“No! No, seriously, Virgil and Patton are here with me! We- We don’t know what’s going on! Patton has like- like scales or something! And Virgil looks like he barely escaped the Wonka factory!”
“Roman, your eyes,” he could hear Patton saying. “They’re red.”
“Logan! Just, please, we’re at Remy’s house! Get here as fast as you ca-” The line went dead. The clocks around him slowed, time never fully halting. The room began to dim. 
“Roman?” Logan asked, frantically trying to call him back. Every attempt failed. His heart was pounding in his chest. He was having a panic attack but he didn’t even have the time to pull himself out of it. He ran for his bedroom door, trying to pull it open but the handle wouldn’t budge.
“You are not needed there. Not yet,” a voice spoke.
Logan’s eyes welled with tears as he frantically pulled at the door handle. “LET ME OUT!” he screamed. “ROMAN NEEDS ME! LET ME OUT OF HERE!”
“No one can hear you now, Logan Zander Hamilton,” the voice said. “We have temporarily pulled apart from the known universe. There is no one outside that door. It’s only you and me. I suggest we have a little chat.”
Logan pressed his back against the door and fell to the ground, hugging his knees. “My- My friends,” he choked out. “They need me. They need me!”
“We need you, Logan Zander Hamilton,” he said, almost perfectly mimicking Virgil’s voice. Almost, yet too robotic. He wasn’t as caring and compassionate as Virgil always was. He appeared as a reflection in the mirror, a perfect doppelgänger to Logan but with something cold and robotic in his eyes. He looked like a man but he could not pass as human. “My friends and yours are now one.” He pressed his hand against the glass and walked through as easily as someone would walk through a wall of gelatin. And with that, the mirror seemed to bounce back as easily as gelatin without so much as a crack to prove that he had broken through. As he stepped closer, Logan could see how inhuman his eyes were. He was the cosmos hidden inside of a human shell. “Join me- Join us- and learn the secrets of your existence.”
“If- If I do this,” he asked, trying to wipe away the last of his tears, “will I be able to save my friends?”
“With the power of knowledge, you can save humankind.”
“They aren’t human, are they? Not anymore, at least. They’ve been... infected.”
“How observant of you.”
“I don’t need to save humankind,” he said, “I just need to save them.”
“Any panic or pain they are experiencing now is only at the cost of summoning me,” Knowledge said. “Whether aware or not, they have brought me to you. Neither I nor them will be at rest until I have a vessel.”
“For Virgil,” Logan said, “and for Roman. And Patton.” He stuck out his hand towards Knowledge. “I’ll do it.”
Knowledge took Logan’s hand. His human shell melted away and Logan found himself being blinded by the pure light in front of him. He expected to choke and cry in pain as Virgil and Roman had done. Instead, he found warmth traveling from his fingertips through his veins and arteries. He found warmth traveling through him in all directions. His head felt light and his chest felt full of the purest air.
Logan woke up from his bed. He slid on his glasses and looked at his reflection in his phone’s camera. His eyes held pools of stars. He was the cosmos inside of a human shell. He felt enlightened.
Logan put his phone in the pocket of his jeans, grabbed a jacket, and ran out of his house as fast as his legs would take him. When he got to Remy’s house his heart was pounding in the best possible way. He walked in, dodging students as he made his way towards the bathroom.
“LOGAN!” Virgil yelled, smiling brightly as the lights around them flickered with electricity.
“Maybe don’t destroy the lights here,” Logan teased. “You guys summoned a spirit. How the hell did you do that?”
“I, uh, think that was my fault,” Patton said meekly.
“It was Morality who started it,” Virgil corrected. “Not Patton.”
“Is there any difference?” Patton asked.
“Yes,” Logan said. “And no matter what, we must remember that there are differences between us and the spirits using us for personal gain.”
“Woah,” Roman whispered, leaning close to Logan. “Your eyes look wicked right now.”
“You accepted his powers,” Virgil said in disbelief. He smiled brightly, pulling Logan into a hug. “We’re superheroes!”
“We haven’t done anything heroic,” Logan said. “Being superhuman does not automatically make one a hero.”
“Be gay, fight crime,” Roman announced. Virgil shot him a look. “That’s going to be my motto. I’m copyrighting it as we speak.”
“You’re such a nerd,” Logan said with a laugh.
“That’s Logan’s way of saying ‘I love you.’”
“No, it’s just my way of calling you a nerd.”
There was an annoyed knock at the door. “Can you guys have your orgy somewhere else? You’ve been in there for nearly an hour,” Remy yelled.
The three of them laughed, their skin and faces slowly returning to normal. “Well, my friends,” Roman said. “Welcome to the rest of our lives.”
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thewisekenisme · 5 years
The more you know
Summary:  Tiny!sides. Thomas takes on the responsibility of taking care of his sides who had mysteriously turned into children during the night. while trying to figure out how to turn them back into their normal selves Thomas realizes how much Patton actually does when the others regress without him knowing. will Thomas learn more about each side during this time? will he be able to keep up with the needs of five children? or will he not be able to keep up with their needs making this a horrible experience for everyone. Or will Thomas prove to them that he can help take care of them if something like this happens again?
warnings: crying, mentions of separation anxiety, fighting
words: 15,663
To say Thomas was confused was an understatement. It was currently one in the morning He had just gotten home after seeing a movie and having dinner with Joan and Talyn, somehow they had convinced him to go see a horror movie thought he was scared he couldn't help but not mind because he was with the most important people in his life, his friends. But when he arrived home he couldn't help but noticed the feeling that something was off. He had just walked through the front door when the feeling hit him, he carefully closed the front door walking towards the living room as quiet as he could trying not to alert whoever was in his house that he was going towards where they were. As he approached the living room he began to hear children voices echo throughout the room.
"Are you sure we should be here? I would rather be in my room and watch Disney movies." Groaned a bored sounding voice. "I mean we can have a marathon until we get back to normal."
"Yes I am, we need to so if we need any help he will be here so nothing will go wrong." A cheerful voice replied reassuring the other. 
"I think its a good idea, we totally shouldn't go back and not bother Thomas " another voice spoke up sounding annoyed at the other two. 
Thomas frowned slightly hearing one of the voices say his name, why did they need his help? Do they know the who's house they are in? and why are they, child!? Carefully pressing himself against the wall Thomas looked around the corner to see who was in his living room and why they needed his help. Once he got a good view into the living room his jaw dropped at what he saw. 
There in his living room was five children three were sitting on the couch and two were standing in front of the other three. The two standing seemed to be the oldest and youngest of the group. The oldest one was wearing a black shirt with jeans, their glasses seemed to be too big for his face so it seemed to be sliding off his face.  The younger one was pressed against the older one's side, he was wrapped up in an oversize version of Virgil hoodie. Their arms were wrapped around the other's waist holding onto them tightly.
"I still do not see the point of coming here now. Why not wait until the morning, he needs to maintain a proper sleep schedule even if he is out late with his friends." Lectured the older.
The three on the couch seemed to be the ages in between the other two. The second oldest was wearing a smaller version of a Prince outfit with a large sash on his shoulders. Next to him was a boy who seemed to be the same age as the one next to him, he had glasses that seemed way to bug for his little face but none the less adorable wearing them. He was wearing Patrons Cat hoodie that almost covered their entire body.  The last kid was leaning on the one with the cat hoodie, his left side was pressed against the other wrapped up in a black thin blanket that almost looked like Deceits cape.
"Because I said so! And I'm the dad so you have to listen to me." A sudden shout of annoyance
The closer Thomas looked and the more they knelt talking. he could see the kids actually looked like younger versions of himself when he was younger. His eyes widened slightly "wait these couldn't be." He said without realizing he said the sentence out loud.
The oldest looked over towards his direction wincing slightly, he carefully adjusted his glasses before speaking. " Salutations Thomas. We thought you still out, Apologize for barging in without warning." His voice squicked slightly causing the child's cheeks to have a light dusting of blush.
"Logan, is that you?" Thomas asked slowly coming into the living room getting a better view of all the kids in the room. The closer he got the more his bad feeling started to make its self known to him. He couldn't believe his eyes, he didn't want to believe them. He wanted to believe that his sides were just pulling an April fools joke on him it was only a couple days late, but the more he thought about it the logic set in.  Logan wouldn't participate in a practical joke like this, neither would Virgil or Deceit.
Logan sighed softly nodding, he carefully tries to turn to face him, but the younger one he decided must be Virgil had tightened his grip on his waist let out a frustrated whine. Logan sighed carefully lifting Virgil into his arms who instantly hid his face in his shoulder as he tried to Thomas. " Sadly you are correct, I am Logan" he replied giving Thomas a pointed look.
"So that means that." He gulped slightly looking from Logan to the three on the couch wishing it wasn't true.
"Greetings Thomas! I was going to put on a movie for us to enjoy while we wait for you! But someone 'Patton' told me that it would be rude if I had without permission!" pouted Roman, as he sent glares to who he assumed, was Patton.
Patton gasped narrowing his eyes pushing up his glasses giving Roman a  sharp look  "That's cause it would be! If we went into your room and picked out your favorite movie and watched it without you, you would be so mad you wouldn't talk to us for a hundred years!" He argued almost as dramatically as Roman would. He was careful not to move his arms too much in fear he would disturb the other who had moved from his side and was now laying happily on his lap.  "Besides it's past your bedtime!"
"No, it's not! I don't have a bedtime dee and Vergie does!" Roman shout back causing Virgil to tense up and try to hide in his hoodie more than he already was. This caused Logan to send stern glares at the others for being too loud.
Thomas quickly got between them, pulling Roman off the couch and to his other side making sure he and Patron had distance between them. "Wow hey time out you two, nobody has a bedtime right now, we need to figure out what's going on. Now first off I need to know what happened to all of you." He sighed making sure Roman was giving Patton dirty looks behind his back.
"I know what happened." Deceit grinned sitting up still wrapped in his cape. His face was showing fully now so Thomas could see that his scales were a lighter color then they normally are. His eyes shined brightly as he saw Thomas had given him his full attention. "We weren't eating pizza Ro-Ro made, and we didn't watch a movie with Pat-Pat, and then Vergie and I didn't go to sleep and wake up here." He relayed the information with a huge smile on his face.
Thomas gave him a small smile "that's very important information, Dee! Thank you for telling me."He said sweetly as he reached over carefully ruffling the boy's hair. He tried not to go full Patton on the side when he realized he was leaning into his hand. He looked toward Logan giving him a look that was begging him to explain what had happened while Deceit forced his left hand to stay on top of his head.
"In shorter words, we have no idea. We fell asleep during our movie night, then awaken regressed." He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "As far as I can tell you haven't encountered anything traumatic to cause all of us to regress. And as far Roman can tell the dragon witch hasn't gotten out of his kingdom to do this to us. So in coming here since we all are regressed, we were hoping you wouldn't mind helping to take care of us" Logan asked sheepishly obviously not wanting to be the one to ask for help.
"Yeah! So we can come and play with your kiddo! I can't wait I hope we can play a lot of things together! Like, hide and seek, tag and, and dress up!" Patrin shouted excitedly, he smiled widely grabbing Thomas free hand bouncing on the couch excitedly. The bouncing caused his glasses to become ajar on his face which he didn't miss a beat pushing his glasses back into place.
Thomas looked from Logan to the other thinking about how much responsibility it would be to take care of 5 children in different age groups. He didn't know the first thing about raising kids or taking care of them, but he thought back to how much they had helped him, how they are still helping him every day, there was no way he could in good continuous say no to them. "Alright yeah I'll take care of you guys no problem, just would you mind telling me how old all of you are so I have an idea of how to properly take care of you all?" He asked carefully removing his hands from their captor to remove his jacket and shoes.
Roman raised his hand waving it quickly "Oh I can tell you! Please let me tell you!" He practically begged grabbing onto Thomas's arm swinging it back and forth waiting for the elder to reply.
"Okay, Roman you can answers." He said honestly feeling tired just watching how much energy both Patton and Roman have, he had a feeling he might have a hard time keeping up with them both.
Romans smile widened "Patton and I are 8 so that means we don't have a bedtime we can stay up as late as we want, and we can watch all the movies we want and, and we can have as many cookies as we want!" He smiled widely looking at Patton giving a look. Patton must have gotten the message because he was nodding in agreement with whatever Roman was saying.
Logan sighed holding a hand up to stop Roman quickly "Roman all you need to say is your age not a bunch of falsehoods." He scolds Turing towards Thomas carefully pointing to Deceit "Dee is 6, Roman and Patron are both 8, I myself am 13 and Virgil he is about 3."He replied shifting Virgil slightly so Thomas could have a better look at him. "Virgil I believe Thomas would like to say hello. Could you please look towards him so he knows he has your attention." Logan spoke gently as he rubbed Virgil's back. 
Slowly Virgil moved from where his face was hiding on Logan's shoulder with a grumpy huff. He looked to Thomas avoiding eye contact not saying anything just content with holding onto Logan waiting for Thomas say something.
Thomas gave him a small smile "Hey there Virge, are you okay with all this?" He asked softly careful not to make him feel belittled for being regressed to such a young age. he tilted his head to the side slightly giving him a curious look.
Virgil slowly looked up at Thomas giving him a curious look, he looked from Thomas to Roman who was still hanging on Thomas's arms. Then too Patton who was giving him a curious look. He scowled slightly at Patton before he shrugged turning back to hide his face back in Logan's shoulders.
Thomas frowned slightly giving Logan a confused look before standing up straight He looked down again when he noticed Patton had hidden his face in his side looking away from Logan and Virgil. "Pat are you okay?"
Logan let out a long sigh again, he carefully walked towards the couch picking up Deceit noticing he was leaning on the armchair looking tired. Carefully balancing the two in his arms Logan turned back towards Thomas giving him a tired sigh "It has seems an hour after we woke up like this Patton was playing too rough while playing tag, causing Virgil to trip. Ever since he has refused to leave my side."
He nodded slowly frowning slightly hearing two small yawns from both of his side's confused. He looked towards the digital clock on his television noticing that it said it was two in the morning. He gave Logan a soft smile "come on Lo, we can talk about this when we all are more awake. But for right now I think we all need to get to bed." He promised. Carefully picking up both Patton and Roman heading towards the stairs, once they both were comfortably rested in his arms, they let their heads rest on his shoulder getting comfortable in his arms.
Frowning slowly he followed walking up the stairs, careful not disturb the two in his arms, once they made it to their destination his eyes went wide slightly as he realized where they were heading "But Thomas we will be fine here in the living room, you don't have to let us stay in here." Logan protested following Thomas into his room.
Shaking his head Thomas carefully pulled the covers back laying Patton and Roman on his bed so they were sharing a pillow carefully taking Patton's glasses placing them on his nightstand, both sides curled up next to each other. "Lo there's five you, I'm not sticking you all on the floor. besides, I bet the 'sleep' you had before this was the first time you slept in a day or so was it?" he asked walking over to logan carefully taking Deceit into his arms before laying him next to Patton who instantly wrapped his arms around the  younger one pulling him into the cuddle pile.
Logan opened his mouth to protest but a yawn had come out instead causing him to scowled rubbing his eyes under his glasses. "But were will you sleep?" he asked snapping his fingers so they were now in their pajama's ready to settle in for a long night. Roman was wearing a Dragon onesie, Patton in a cat onesie, Deceit in a yellow snake onesie, Virgil was wearing a Jack the Skelton onesie. While everyone was wearing a onesie Logans pajamas was just a black shirt with fluffy dark blue PJ pants that had stars all over it.
"Besides Virgil and Dee need's a nightlight to sleep with. and I need to help you figure out why we regressed. So I cannot simply get to sleep now I need to find a way to get us back to normal. And what if Virgil has a nightmare?" He rambled looking around the room avoiding Thomas knowing gaze.
"Logan hey look at me," he spoke gently placing a hand on said sides shoulder causing the rambling to halt for the moment. "We have all day tomorrow to figure out what happened, besides you guys came here for me to help and take care of you and that's what I intend on doing and if anyone including Virgil has a nightmare I'll be there to provide comfort for everyone," he replied giving him a small smile, he went towards one of his lamps that was placed at the other end of the room, he turned it on letting the dim light filled the room giving off the illusion of a nightlight. "Alright, Lo lay down with Virgil okay I'll go grab an extra pillow and blanket so I can set myself up on the floor."
Logan sighed looking towards the bed, he had to admit he was tired and wanted nothing then to curl up under the covers and get some well deserved rest. he slowly nodded going towards the bed carefully laying down with Virgil still in his arms. "I'll only sleep for a little while, not the full recommended amount of time bit merely a nap. I would like to get an early start in researching." he yawned again laying his head down on the free pillow holding Virgil close in his arms.
Virgil snuggled closer to Logan letting out a soft yawn laying his head down on his chest rubbing his eyes slowly letting them fall close falling into a light sleep surrounded by the people that he loved and felt safe next to him. Before he fell asleep he whispered "Night, night Lo". It was quiet enough that only Logan could hear.  which he whispered back a quiet "Night Vergie."
Thomas smiled softly carefully putting the Blankets over all the sides in the be careful to make sure they all were tucked in and comfortable. He stopped noticing Logan giving him a curious look. "Don't worry Logan I need to make sure I finished some editing before heading off to sleep anyways. Besides, it'll be like a sleepover" He reassured giving him a soft smile as he gently took Logan's glasses into his hands carefully folding them before placing them into the bedside table.
Logan yawned nuzzling into the pillow letting out a comfortable sigh, letting the warmth of the pillow, blanket and Virgil's body heat make him relax."I can help if you want. Just because I regressed doesn't mean I can't be logical." he whispered fighting his slowly closing eyes. He carefully rubbed his eyes frustratedly careful not to disturb Virgil. "I can be of use I promise. You can still count on me" he mumbled giving Thomas pleading eyes hoping that his request would be approved.
"That's okay Logan I'm just going to look over it and make sure I have everything in order so we can go over it once your back yo your normal size." He replied gently moving the hair away from his face not commenting on the way Logan selfconsciously leaned into his hand "Besides it's late and we both need sleep, you even more than me. Tomorrow is going to be a long day and I need you to be rested so you can help me keep an eye on everyone, especially Roman and Patton" he joked carefully cradling his fingers through the logical side's hair copying the action he's seen Patton do when Logan was overworking himself when they would be brainstorming for video idea's.
slowly his eyes fell close letting the soothing motion lull him into a deep sleep, but he didn't go without whispering just one last thing to Thomas. "Falsehood, I don't need sleep." He spoke so quietly he had to lean down to hear his words go silent as he was dragged down into sleep.
Thomas stood up straight looking at the sides fast asleep in his bed happily cuddled up with each other. He turned around walking towards his closet carefully opening it grabbing a spare pillow and blanket, he closed the closet door placing his pillow and blanket onto the floor before grabbing a pair of plaid pants, and a plain black shirt. he walked towards the bathroom to change deep in thought trying to figure out why someone or something would turn his side's into children. Or if he had stressed so much that he made them all turn, he hoped that wasn't the case he really didn't want to be the cause of his side's turning into children he didn't know how he would feel if that was the case but he had a feeling he would feel guilty.
Sighing softly he got dressed before he walked back into his room quietly making sure that they were still asleep. once determining they were asleep he walked to his pillow and blanket to try and make himself comfortable. He ended up laying awake for a few hours just listening to the extra breathing and snoring in the room. He found out that Roman is the loudest out of all of them who snore, he was snoring so much he was afraid he'd have to wake him up just to get him to stop for a little while, Thankfully he rolled onto his side which caused the snoring to stop. Thomas finally surrendered to sleep around 4 in the morning thankful that no snoring or anyone having nightmares woke him up while he tried to get as much comfortable sleep as he could on the hard floor.
"Pat should we wake him?" A voice above Thomas loudly whispered
"Shh No, he needs sleep." Another replied from behind the other voice.
The loud whispering slowly brought Thomas out of deep sleep. He squeezed his eyes shut taking in a deep breath before he slowly opened them blinking a few times trying to think why there were kids whispering about him. Was he babysitting again? Once his eyes began to focus he could Roman, Patton, Deceit, and Virgil standing over him debating on whether they should wake him or not. 'Oh that's right, they regressed.' He thought to himself
Deceit pat Patton (no pun intended) on the arm gently "Pat, Thomas isn't awake." He whispered pointing at their host.
Patton turned away from Roman to look at Thomas, he smiled widely pushing up his glasses so they wouldn't fall "Thomas sorry if we woke you up."He replied sheepishly swaying side to side holding onto Virgil's hand. Virgil didn't particularly look too happy to be awake but he held onto Patton's hand regardless.
Slowly Thomas sits up regretting sleeping on the floor when he felt his back stiffly give him some pain. He shook the thought away reminding himself that he didn't want to stick the others on the couch. He yawned slightly giving Patton a small smile "your okay Pat, what are you guys doing out of bed? I would have of thought you would have wanted to sleep longer. What time is it?" He asked looking for his alarm clock to see If he could find the time.
"Shh Thomas you'll wake up Logan! it's only 7 O'clock" Roman pouted grabbing Thomas hand carefully pulling him towards the door giving him an annoyed look when he would move"Can we go downstairs? I'm hungry but Pat wouldn't let me go down without you." he whined accidentally knocking into Deceit who nodded agreeing with Roman.
"Oh yeah sure, Logan's still asleep?" he asked carefully standing up letting Roman drag him towards the door. Before they were out the door he let the other two run ahead going down the stairs. Thomas stooped and looked towards the bed see if Logan was okay. He couldn't help but chuckle when he saw that Logan was still fast asleep, instead of sleeping on one side of the bed he was now in the middle of the bed taking advantage of the extra room to stretch out snoring softly as he slept, the blanket was pulled over his head to block out any light. He smiled softly before opening the door letting everyone file out. he watched Patton struggle to get Virgil who seemed to be laying where he was not only a couple of moments ago to follow them to the door. "Pat I got him, go on down and make sure Roman doesn't make a mess in the kitchen." he winked careful that roman didn't hear him
Patton gave Thomas a small frown before nodding. "Okay, he's still sleepy so he is a little grumpy when he doesn't get his way, we will meet you downstairs" he whispered back slowly letting go of Virgil's hand. he carefully kissed Virgil's forehead giving him a smile "Virgie I'm going to the kitchen okay? Thomas is going to talk to you." he whispered making sure he was okay before standing up going to the door, he looked back nervously giving Thomas a look before disappearing behind the door to fallow the others downstairs.
Thomas smiled softly going over to Virgil sitting next to him, they sat in silence the only noise in the room was logans deep breathing. "Hey, Virgil you okay?" He asked quietly careful not to scare him just in case he was trying to sleep again but loud enough he could still hear him.
Virgil moved his hands towards his eyes carefully rubbing them letting out a small yawn causing Thomas to cough covering up a slight squealed. "LoLo." He whispered pointing to Logan with a slight pout, he scrunched up his nose giving Thomas an annoyed look. "LoLo okay?" he asked looking towards the bed with a slight frown.
"Yeah, he's still asleep. Do you want to check on him?" He asked watching Virgil carefully hoping he wouldn't be too anxious. Seeing Virgil give him a slow nod Thomas carefully got into a kneeling position giving him a small smile "is it okay if I pick you up?"
Virgil looked from Logan to Thomas. He stayed quiet and still for a moment thinking about his decision. Slowly he nodded lifting his hands toward Thomas opening and closing his hands making a grabby motion. "Up, please " He replied shyly as he looked away from Thomas blushing slightly.
"Of course Vergie." Thomas smiled softly carefully picking him up holding him close to his chest as he stood up straight. Walking towards the bed he stepped carefully as to not make the floorboards squeak to wake Logan up. He stopped at the side of the bed reaching over to slowly but carefully pull the blanket off of Logan's head, careful not to wake him up.
Logan let a soft whine at the sudden movement but settles down once the blanket was off his face. He had both hands behind his head laying as if he was watching the clouds on a nice sunny day, his head lulled to the side allowing his mouth to be opened slightly letting small snores escape past his lips. He seemed so relaxed, more then anyone has seen him even when he regressed he's sometimes not this relaxed. Maybe it was because he was regressed into a teenager and teens normally like to relax, but it was strange to see Logan so relaxed.
"See Virgil, Lo is just sleeping. He's still tired bud." He replied gently dropping the blanket back into Logan's chest. "He may sleep as long as you do when you're big again." He joked gently poking Virgil's nose causing the younger to giggle slightly.
Virgil laid his head downThomas's shoulder watching Logan for a second before looking back to the other. His stomach growled making him wrapped his arms around Thomas's neck hiding his face in his shoulder. " 'm hungry." He hummed tiredly into his shoulder.
Thomas gently placed his hand on Virgil back rubbing soothing circles along his back slowly walking towards the door. "Alright let's head on down and make sure the others haven't wrecked the kitchen. you know how much Patton likes to make breakfast even if he's regressed." he joked slowly opening the door again slowly walking out closing the door behind them. keeping hold of Virgil he walked towards the kitchen preparing himself for what was waiting for him to clean. he stopped midstep seeing a small figure sitting at the top of the stairs sniffling. blinking a couple of times letting his eyes adjust to the light he could barely make out the shape of a tail behind the figure. "Dee is that you?" he asked softly wincing slightly when the figure jumped.
"N-no." They said quickly hiding their face in their hands, voice quivering slightly as they turned their body so they were pressed against the wall.
Frowning he walked towards Deceit still holding onto Virgil as he knelt down carefully to get a better look at the deceitful side. He let out a soft 'Awe' sound when he saw his year stain cheeks puff out slightly, accusing his scales to shine a bit. He couldn't help but notice the younger one shivering slightly. "Dee are you okay? are you cold?" He asked worriedly.
He shook his head rubbing his eyes " Patton and Roman didn't leave me to wait for you, and it's dark and I'm not scared." he replied looking up towards Thomas tears streaming down his cheeks, no matter how much he tried to scrub the tears they wouldn't stop falling. He hung his head hiccuping slightly "I'm not scared, I'm brave."
"It's okay to be scared Dee, it is kinda spooky up here isn't?" He asked gently placing his hand under his chin lifting his head up carefully so he could look Thomas in the eyes, giving him a small smile he carefully using the pad of his thumb to wipe his tears away. "Would you like a hug? maybe it will make you feel less scared, I know it helps me" he suggested looking at Virgil gently bouncing him to look at them.
Virgil turned his head facing Deceit with sleepy eyes, he slowly nodded "Pat gives the bestest hug." He smiled softly nuzzling into Thomas's shoulder "Thomas too, not the bestest like Pat but good." He giggled slightly tightening his grip around Thomas's neck making Thomas heart melt into a puddle at how pure he sounded.
Deceit looked from Virgil to Thomas looking deep in thought weighing his options, he looked back to Thomas tears welling up in his eyes, his bottom lip shivered slightly. Slowly he lifted his arms making a grabbing motion signaling he wanted to be picked up. "I would not like a hug please." He cried moving closer to Thomas.
Thomas scooped the crying side into his arms holding him close to his chest gently rocking them both. he frowned slightly feeling Deceit burry his face into the crock of his neck, he couldn't help but shiver feeling how cold his scales felt on his neck. "I think I know what will make you feel better, how about we set you and Virgil up on the couch with the fluffiest blanket I own. And maybe you two can pick a movie you both can watch while I get breakfast ready. How does that sound?" he cooed walking towards the hall closet carefully shifting Deceit to his other arm balancing both him and Virgil on one arm while he reached up to the shelf to grab a heated blanket he uses when he went to visit family in the north. Once he had it in his hands he carefully held the blanket in his hands as he held onto both kids back to their original places in his arms.
Together the three started to walk towards the stairs to go and start on the plan Thomas had suggested the two to do when suddenly a loud crash caused the three to jump out in fright. Virgil let out a startled cry tightening trying to curl up into himself trying to make himself small, Deceit copying his action both crying into his shoulder. From downstairs there was a loud "I'm okay!" From Roman. Thomas groaned making his steps faster as he tried to comfort the two as he went to find out what happened.
once he stepped off the last step he disposed of the blanket onto the couch, carefully sitting Deceit and Virgil down beside of each other as he rushed towards the kitchen mentally preparing himself for what he was about to witness. once he got into the kitchen he had to stop eye's wide, mouth hung open slightly when he saw the state of his kitchen. flour was everywhere, there were pots and pans all over the floor, standing in the middle of the mess was Patton and Roman arms crossed glaring at each other. "What in the name of Disney is going on in here?" He asked causing both Roman and Patton to quickly look towards him they quickly pointing to each other yelling 'he did it!'.
Thomas groaned rubbing his temple "I don't care who did it, why did you do it?" He asked his mind going everywhere trying to figure out why Patton and Roman wrecked his kitchen and trying to stop himself from scooping Virgil up and cuddle him until he stopped crying, he had to deal with the problem at hand he just hopped Virgil wouldn't be too angry with him for letting him cry for a while his heart really didn't want he would do if he was mad, all he could do was hope Deceit was comforting the other while he dealt with the problem at hand. "Guys you were out of my sight for only five minutes and you wreck the kitchen." He said putting his hands on his hips giving them a stern look.
Patton looked away sheepishly holding his hands in front of him staying quiet for a few moments while he tried to figure out what to say "well you were busy with Virgil and you're letting us stay, I wanted to make everyone breakfast so you didn't have too. But I couldn't reach the bag of flour so I asked Roman to help but he wouldn't give me the bag, so I pulled and he pulled and then it ripped! And went everywhere!" He exclaimed waving his arms pointing to the ripped bag of flour on the floor.
Roman huffed crossing his arms turning his back away from Patton and Thomas pouting like he didn't get his way. "It wasn't my fault, you wouldn't listen to my idea for breakfast! So I tried to do my own breakfast but Patty told me no trying to take away my pots and pans and now they are all over the floor dirty with flour on them so I can't do anything now because Patton thinks he's my boss, today only Logan and you are my bosses not him" He stomped his foot glaring at the floor refusing to look at either Thomas or Patton.
Sighing softly Thomas gave both of them a soft look " okay how about we all calm down okay? Go wash up while I take care of Virgil and Dee and I clean up this mess okay? " he asked helping them both out of the kitchen making sure they didn't track any more flour out of the kitchen. "Just leave your onesie in the bathroom, I'll grab them later on to clean them." He sighed taking them to the stairs making sure they went upstairs. Both kids walked up the stairs their heads hung low as they walked, they were mumbling to each other as they walked up the stairs towards the bathroom. Leaving Thomas alone to stand there and sigh.
Thomas stood up straight Turing away from the stairs going towards the couch were Deceit and Virgil, he knelt in front of them frowning softly. "Virgil, can you copy my breathing for me? good job, you're doing amazing" He spoke calmly. Carefully slowing his breathing so Virgil was able to copy his breathing and calm down. Slowly but surely after fifteen minutes of crying and reassuring him, Virgil finally stopped crying. He coughed a bit as he rubbed his eyes frustratedly trying to get the tears off his face as he leaned into Deceit.
He gave him a small smile slowly picking up the heated blanket wrapping it around both boys before plugging it into the wall socket. "There now you two are warm and toasty how about some cartoons while I clean up the kitchen. What would you like to watch?" He asked quietly picking up the remote looking at the two patiently.
"Nightmare before Christmas." They both agreed without hesitation. Deceit pulling the blanket curling up under it letting out a happy sigh bleeping slightly letting the warmth surround him. Virgil sniffles reaching out for Thomas to pick him up giving him a teary eyed look "Thomas up please." he begged sounding absolutely miserable.
"Virgie I have to go clean the mess Pat and Ro made in the kitchen, I promise after breakfast I will give you as many hugs as you want okay?" he asked putting on the nightmare before Christmas on the tv, trying to stay strong with his decision of not picking him up but Virgil was making it hard on him because he had now started whining. "No Virgil I will pick you up once I'm done okay?" he carefully stood up placing the remote onto the coffee table heading towards the hall closet grabbing a broom and dustpan to get to work.
Virgil slipped off the couch trying to follow him into the kitchen "Thomas up!" he repeated keeping his arms stretched out to him. He letting some big crocodile tears fall as he tried to follow him in, but Thomas simple held his hand walking him back to the couch sitting him down next to Deceit going back to the kitchen. Virgil showed he wasn't having any of this. He got back off the couch and marched towards the kitchen sitting himself down in front of the entrance and yelled "up Thomas please !" Again Thomas gently held his hand helping him stand taking him back to the couch going back to the kitchen. This time Virgil started to wail getting frustrated that he wasn't getting his way. He walked back to the entrance this time he laid on his back and just sobbed trying to get Thomas attention. 
Thomas sighed sweeping the floor trying so hard not scoop up Virgil and give him what he wanted, but he knew if he did there would be no way he would be able to put him down anytime soon. he frowned slightly listening to the wails of said side wondering if he did this to the others when he regresses or if this is something new. "I'm sorry Virgil but I have to clean the kitchen so I can make breakfast for all of you, I'm making pancakes," he promised sweeping the flour into a pile carefully sweeping it into the dustpan before going over to the trash can.
Deceit whined covering his ears looking towards the kitchen. "Thomas he's not gonna wake up Logan, make him stop I can totally hear the movie over his crying," he called giving Thomas an annoyed look, but it quickly turned to a worried one when he heard Virgil start coughing because of how much he was crying.
"Okay, okay sorry Dee" he sighed giving in, he leaned the broom against the counter before walking towards Virgil who was still laying on the ground. carefully Thomas knelt down taking Virgil into his arms holding him close to his chest. "Okay you win, shh it's okay, Let's see if we can make Breakfast together won't that be fun?" he whispered gently rubbing his back rocking him back and forth carefully standing up keeping his arms tightly around him.
Virgil wrapped his arms around his neck and legs around his midsection. resting his face on the side of Thomas his tears dampening his cheek. He coughed slightly nodded tightening his grip taking deep breaths copying Thomas's breathing. "Okay. no down please" he hiccuped gently pushing his face closer to his taking in shaky breaths.
He sighed softly nodding as he stood up gently rubbing a hand through his hair "Okay bud I won't put you down." he promised walking towards the Kitchen grabbing the broom and dustpan going back to the closet to put it away. "I'm sorry I didn't pick you up, I had to get the kitchen swept. I couldn't have you in here getting the flour on you."He replied carefully picking up the pots and pans putting them into the skin, just as Roman and Patton came back downstairs all clean and dressed for the day. He couldn't help but smile when he felt tiny fingers go through his hair as he was cleaning.
Once he got all the pots and pans put in the sink to be washed later. He tried to put Virgil down so he could make pancakes but he quickly stopped when said side started screaming. So he decided the easiest thing would to just make everyone toast and put whatever they wanted on it. So around 10:30 he finished getting the toast toasted and placed on plates."Pat, Roman, Dee come on in so we can get your breakfast." He called into the living room grabbing peanut butter, butter and crofters placing them on the dining table. "Virge, I'm glad you calmed down and my hair has never looked better. But would it be okay if I set you down so you can eat breakfast with the other and I can get Logan?" He asked softly as the others came rushing in. He only got an unhappy whine in response as his arms and legs tightened around Thomas. He sighed softly "okay okay."
Roman gasped once he got to the table "Toast? I thought you said we were having Pancakes. What happened to pancakes?" He asked sitting in his chair glaring at the toast as if it had offended him.
"Ro be nice, Thomas doesn't have to make us breakfast but he's doing it out of the kindness of his heart. So no complaining." Patton scolded sitting in the seat across from Roman. He grabbed a couple of napkins placing them in front of each plate of toast. "Thomas do you want me to go wake up lo?" He asked helping Deceit spread some Peanut butter on his toast.
"It's okay Pat I'm just about to head upstairs to get him, you guy go ahead and eat, sorry i couldn't make pancakes because the flour you used to decorate the kitchen was now all I had so toast is all I can make for now, so you guys eat up and  I'll go get Logan up," he replied walking towards the cupboard grabbing a couple cups placing them on the table before walking towards the stairs. "But before I head up what do you guys want to drink? I have milk, orange juice, and apple juice." 
"I want milk please!" Patton asked with a huge smile before he suddenly gasped looking to Thomas with wide eye's "Can we make it chocolate milk?" he whispered basically vibrating in his seat. he looked at deceit smiling widely "Dee do you want chocolate milk too?" he asked softly hoping if both him and Deceit wanted it Thomas would say yes.
Deceit looked at Patton then to Thomas, he stayed quiet for a second thinking about his options carefully. he slowly pointed past Thomas to the Orange juice. "I would not like Orange juice, Please Thomas" he replied leaning back into his seat looking back to Patton wondering if he said the right thing. He smiled widely when Patton gave him a thumbs up showing he was okay with his answer
Roman huffed "I want some apple juice chocolate milk is for babies and orange juice is only for people who are boring like logan, which I am neither." he said crossing his arms looking towards Thomas with a grin on his face. "Princes only drink apple juice, it helps keep the Dragon witch away." He exclaimed waving his hands around.
"Okay okay, but Roman it wasn't nice of you to say only babies drink chocolate milk and boring people drink orange juice. Everyone can have what they want to drink." He lightly scolds carefully pouring out the drinks for each carefully placing them in front of them. "Okay does Anyone need anything before I go upstairs?" He asked readjusting his hold on Virgil carefully rubbing his back gently going back to the cabinet grabbing a glass for Logan and himself and a plastic cup for Virgil.
"No thank you "Patton smiled eating his butter toast happily munching on it.
Deceit shook his head taking a sip of his orange juice sitting on his knees so he was able to reach anything that was in the middle of the table. "I am not okay, thank you." He replied with a wide smile melting Thomas heart into a puddle.
Roman shrugged reaching for the crofters "nope why do you have to get the nerd anyway? he's going to be all boring and telling us what not to do. And then he's gonna be grumpy because we won't listen" He whined dramatically leaning back into his seat.
Thomas sighed shaking his head. "Yes I'm waking him up Roman, and you better watch how mean your being because I have stairs and I will make you sit there for 8 minutes in time out do I make myself clear?" He asked using his stern voice "and that's not just for Roman that's for all of you, I mean I can't put Logan in time out but you four I can. Especially, Virgil you can't use sad eyes on me no sir, I'm not Patton I won't fall for it." he exclaimed poking Virgil's side smiling softly when he heard a small giggle. Once the others gave him a small "okay" He gave the others a small smile walking towards the entrance of the kitchen taking one last look before he made his way up the stairs to go wake up the teenager. 
Virgil laid his head on Thomas's shoulder watching the kitchen become smaller as they walked towards the kitchen, he turned his head towards Thomas gently running his fingers through his hair again smiling to himself when he saw Thomas's hair stick up more than it already was. "Lolo gonna be grumpy." He said in a 'matter of fact' voice, making a face as he began to sit up when Thomas started to walk up the stairs. 
"Yeah well, it's okay to be a little grumpy when you just wake up in the morning, not Princey's type of grouchy like he is today but more like when you don't get your coffee." He explained "And if I'm not mistaken not but fifteen minutes ago you were being a grouch because I wouldn't pick you up," he replied raising an eyebrow at him, he smiled softly when Virgil shook his head as fast as he could denying that he was ever in a foul mood. "No, it wasn't you? I could have sworn it was. then there must be another person in the house with looks exactly like you being a grouch" he chuckled walking to his bedroom carefully opening his bedroom door walking in quietly, he hoped when Virgil was back to his normal self he would feel that it is okay for him to be silly and have fun with the others.
Virgil grinned laying his head back down on Thomas's shoulder staying quiet as they entered the room "Roro always grumpy, Pat pat can too. Dee sometimes grumpy when he's sleepy." He replied looking towards the bed, he giggled seeing Logan was now laying on his stomach arms down at his side and head almost under the pillow, The blankets were now laying on his legs no longer providing warmth for the sleeping side. Under the mess of blankets, he could spot a familiar plaid purple sleeve sticking out from under the blanket. He suddenly sat up pointed to the sleeve  making a grabbing motion "Thomas please." He exclaimed excitedly
He followed were Virgil was pointing. "Oh yeah, I got it." He replied going over to the bed gently pulling the covers away before picking up the hoodie, "here you go Virge" he smiled giving the hoodie to Virgil who happily tried to put it on himself, But with Thomas help, he was now happily warm in his hoodie snuggled up against Thomas's shoulder. Thomas smiled softly going over to the bed were Logan had managed to place himself, he gently placed a hand on his shoulder "Logan? Lo it's time to get up, I've got breakfast ready downstairs." He said gently giving his shoulder a shake careful not to be too loud to scare him awake, but loud enough that he would wake up.
Logan continued to lay there unmoved, his breathing still even as he slept, the only sign of him waking up was his eyes were moving around under his eyes lids.  Thomas tried once more shaking his shoulder again causing Logan to scrunch up his nose and frown his brows as he let out a whine. He moved his arms to grab the pillow to try and hide his face away. "Go away, Let me sleep." He whined softly suddenly being more stubborn then Roman was when he didn't get his way on movie night.
Thomas winced slightly hearing Logan, he hadn't expected Logan to whine about getting up but from what Patton had told him even adult Logan could get like this from time to time and it was just best to try to get him up and moving, even if he is being a complete grump. "Sorry, Lo I can't, I've got Roman and Patton downstairs I feel like I've left then down there by themselves to long, and I've got Dee with them snuggled up in a blanket. And Virgil is right here with me so now it's your turn to get up." He replied carefully taking the pillow off his head and placing it on the other side of the bed.
He huffed as he sat up in the bed rubbing his eyes frustratedly. He gave Thomas a glare as he tried to wake himself up more than he actually was. "I'll meet you downstairs if you're worried that Roman and Patton are causing chaos." He said laying back down shoving his face into the pillow planning on going back to sleep once Thomas left.
"I don't think so, sorry Lo I know what you're trying to do, come on up you go." He replied holding his hand out giving Logan a small smile "once you get up and eat then you can take a nap I won't stop you there. Maybe Roman and Patton will follow your lead"He replied helping him off the bed handing over The abandoned glasses that were on the nightstand.
Once Logan put his glasses on he continued to give Thomas an annoyed look showing how displeased he was with him. "I do not nap Thomas I am old enough to function without one no matter what Patton says, let's just go get breakfast done I request a cup of coffee please." He replied his serious tone wad interrupted by a yawn. He rubbed his eyes under his glasses before standing up straight. His annoyed look replaced with a tired one.
"Sorry Lo I don't think coffee will be a good thing for you right now, but I do have orange juice, Apple juice, and chocolate milk if that's okay ?" He asked adjusting Virgil on so he was resting on his hip, he walked towards the door opening it wider so they could walk out of the room. He sighed softly when he saw the annoyed look come back to Logan's face. "I'm sorry Lo I can't risk anyone else getting into it especially Roman and Patton." He said. As if I'm cue there was a loud Thud that came from the living room followed by an "I'm okay!" From Patton. He sighed softly giving Logan an 'I'm not risking it' look.
Logan sighed hanging his head as he followed him to the door. "Okay I guess it wouldn't be ideal to keep a caffeinated drink out for anyone could grab wouldn't be smart." He replied lifting his head slightly now noticing Virgil staring at him with wide eyes. "Salutations Virgil, are you enjoying your morning?" He asked giving him a small smile hiding any look of annoyance he had towards Thomas.
Virgil gave him a small smile tightening his grip on Thomas's shirt. His hands covered by his hoodie sleeves but he didn't let that stop him from having a tight grip. He shrugged keeping his head rested on his shoulder. "Hi Lolo, I'm okay. You not grumpy at me?" He asked quietly carefully using one hand to push his hair out of his face so he was able to see Logan better. 
"I'm fine Virgil, there is no need to worry about me I am merely tired that's all, I'm not grumpy with you more Thomas then anyone" he replied following them out of the room before giving Thomas another look before  straightening his glasses. "are you feeling grumpy today Virgil?" he asked as they made their way down the stairs towards the Livingroom were he could hear a the others playing some sort of game in the distance.
he thought for a moment wondering if he should tell him he did feel upset earlier but he really didn't want to worry him. so he just shook his head with a small bashful smile "No I not grumpy." he replied snuggling closer to Thomas as they reached the last step and walked towards the kitchen.
"Logan!" Patton shouted running towards the trio jumping into Logan's arms almost knocking him off balanced, thankfully Thomas Caught Logan's arm before he was able to fall backward. "Lo, when you're done with breakfast, do you want to play with us? me and Ro are going to save Dee from the dragon witch, we need a wizard" he rambled loudly holding onto Logan as tightly as he could giving him a huge grin.
"Patton I have to help Thomas figure out how to get us back to normal," he replied wincing at the sad look he got from Patton. "But I guess a few moments of playing pretend couldn't hurt, so yes I would be happy to join you in your quest against the dragon witch." he agreed smiling softly.
Patton's eyes widened as his smile grew he gave Logan one last squeeze before running to Thomas carefully taking hold of Virgil's hand smiling widely "if you want to you can play with us too, you can be a wizard too.  but you don't have too if you don't want too we won't be upset I promise" he replied giving him a small smile giving his hand a small squeeze.
Virgil quickly shook his head hiding his face in his hoodie tightening his grip on Thomas "No thank you, Pat Pat, I stay with Thomas" He replied quickly shaking his hand away wrapping his arms around Thomas's neck holding onto him tightly. Afraid they would make him leave  Thomas and play a game he didn't wants to play at all.
"That's okay no worries, you can stay with Thomas, just remember if you want to play you can okay?" He asked. Once he got a jerk nod from the younger he ran back to Roman and Deceit happily placing himself next to Roman to make a plan to help rescue Deceit.
Thomas raised an eyebrow at Virgil. He was starting to get more confused the more Virgil held onto him. He gave Logan a look before taking them into the kitchen "Virgil can I put you down so you can eat breakfast? While you eat I can go get Ro and Patton's onesies so I can put them in the wash " He asked gently pulling one of the chairs away from the table to trying to put him down in the chair, but as soon as he tried Virgil tightened his grip and started yelling 'No no No! No down Thomas no down!' Making Thomas quickly pulling him back into his arms holding him closer to his chest. He frowned feeling him tremble against his chest, he gave Logan a panicked look to see what he would do.
Logan pushed his glasses up seeming not to gazed by Virgil's actions. He walked over towards the table carefully picking up the crofters and butter knife spreading the jam on two pieces of toast. He gave Thomas a blank stare "oh yes I forgot to mention, Virgil has developed a form of separation anxiety when he regresses so suddenly like yesterday. It has seemed that he has no longer found interest with me and has moved to stay with you. I do hope Virgil takes it easy on you "He stated the obvious placing one toast back on the plate before picking up the other toast carefully doing the same.
He frowned slightly holding onto Virgil gently rocking him to keep him calm. "What is that suppose to mean Logan?" He asked worried what he actually meant by his words. "He's been fine so far, besides not letting me put him down."
"Let me put it simply Thomas." He replied giving him a devilish grin that sent chills down his spin "I can use the bathroom alone, you can't." He said taking a bit of his toast waking towards the entrance of the kitchen " and if you try you will have an ear full from Virgil himself. As of now, I wish you luck I am off on a quest" He chuckled darkly walking away leaving Thomas standing there shocked and worried.
Thomas looked from were Logan was standing back Virgil, he carefully sat in the seat bringing the toast in front of them staying silent for a moment watching as Virgil slowly detach himself from his death grip around his neck to eat his breakfast , he still kept a tight grip on his shirt making sure he didn't go anywhere. "You'll go easy on me right Virge?" He asked quietly.
Virgil looked at Thomas shrugging taking a bite of his toast humming happily as he leaned into Thomas's chest acting all cute and innocent trying to make his heart melt, causing  Thomas to sigh softly running a hand through his hair and have a feeling that today was going to be a long day for all of them. 
Once breakfast was finished and Logan kept Patton, Roman, and Deceit busy playing pretend having a good time. while Thomas was able to gather up things that needed to be washed, keeping Virgil balanced on his hip as he went along listening to Virgil babble about his favorite stuff animal that Roman had. everything seemed peaceful and right with the world, that is until it was getting closer to lunch time.
Thomas was currently making grilled cheeses for everyone to eat, sadly he had to set Virgil down onto the ground so he was able to use the stove, so he was clinging to his leg pulling on his shirt sobbing, begging to be picked up and held again. Roman was now sitting in the corner of the kitchen crying loudly saying that he didn't mean to hit Patton when they were playing and he didn't mean to knock Deceit down when he was running. Deceit and Patton were in the living room crying on Logan's shoulders telling him about what happened.
He sighed tiredly putting the last grilled cheese on the plate Turing off the stove, carefully he turned towards the table placing the plates around the table before moving to the fridge getting everyone a cup of juice moving fast so they could have a drink with their lunch, he was moving to fast for Virgil to keep up, which started to make him more and more frustrated so he just sat down in the middle of the kitchen floor and just sobbed. Thomas sighed taking a deep breath putting the cups on the table before he walked over to Roman, he crouched down in front of the younger giving him a serious look. "Ro deep breaths okay? let's stop crying so we can talk okay?" he asked staying calm as he spoke.
Roman coughed before taking in a deep breath hiccuping. "I didn't mean too I thought I was hitting the dragon witch but Pat was in my way when I was running to get you then I tripped over dee and then I hurt them both, I didn't mean too" he coughed again before the waterworks started up again. he put his hands over his eyes as he cried "Now they're gonna be mad at me and never want to play with me again!" he sobbed louder dramatically taking in gasps of breath making it sound like he was hyperventilating.
"Ro they won't be mad at you I promise. deep breaths Ro let's calm down okay" he said carefully pulling Roman into a hug gently rubbing his back gently trying to help him calm down. once Roman was calmed down he carefully pulled away wiping his tears away gently" we all are just going to take a break for a while from playing after lunch okay? for right now how about you go to them and try to apologize. Logan will make sure they listen to you okay?" he asked giving him a small smile happy to hear the other two in the living room had finally calmed down as well.
Roman sniffled nodding. "I want to be their princely big brother I have to be nice and apologize." he admitted as he held onto Thomas for a little while before letting go giving him a small smile "Okay, if your sure they won't be mad at me I'll go apologize" he whispered rubbing his eyes slowly moving away from Thomas going into the living room to apologize to the others for what had happened before leaving Thomas with an upset Virgil.
Thomas stayed crouched for a few moments taking a few seconds to collect himself before he could do anything, it had only been a few hours since they all woke up but he was feeling extremely exhausted maybe he could use their calm down time to catch a quick nap. he suddenly jumped when Virgil's crying got louder, he turned around to see Virgil red in the face tears pouring down his cheeks, he reached for Thomas he was sitting on his knees trying to make himself bigger. "Virgil I'm sorry bud, I'll pick you up once we finish lunch okay?" he asked slowly standing up going towards him so he could get him into the chair so he could eat lunch.
Once Thomas got closer he grabbed his pants leg leaning closer to him rubbing his tear stained cheek onto his pants taking in a rushed shaky breath before coughing as he took in another breath before crying again. "Daddy up! daddy up please" he begged sobbing louder causing his voice to quiver as he wrapped his arms around his leg squeezing as tightly as he could.
He Froze eyes widened as he looked down at Virgil, wondering if he heard him right. 'did he just call me what I think he called me?' he thought to himself staying still to see if Virgil would yell it again. He noticed Virgil getting more anxious the longer he waited to see if he would say the sentence again so he gave him picking him up. "Okay, okay I got you Virgie, deep breaths, there you go, you got this" he whispered gently having Virgil rest his head on his shoulder as he rubbed circles on his back, gently counting for Virgil going through his breathing exercises.
Once Virgil had calmed down he stayed rested against Thomas hiccuping as he wrapped his arms around his neck sniffling softly "bad daddy, you promise no down. You broke it" He hiccuped making himself sound so miserable it made Thomas feel guilty for even putting him down in the first place.
He leaned on the counter sighing softly. He carefully turned his head to face Virgil, reaching up he wipes away the stray tears that lined the younger face. "I know that wasn't nice of me, was it? I'm sorry Virgie. How about when we pick a movie to watch so we all can calm down I give you all the cuddles you want, how does that sound?" He whispered gently walking towards the entrance of the living room checking in to make sure that the others were okay. Roman had both Patton and Deceit in a big bear hug, they seemed to have made up "Hey guys lunchtime."He called quietly giving them a small smile.
Patton smiled pulling away from Roman quickly grabbing his and Deceits hand running towards Thomas giving him a wide smile "Thomas! Guess What!." He grinned excitedly. Before he let Thomas say anything he was already bouncing with excitement telling him what he was going to say. "Ro said he was sorry for hitting me and tripping on Dee, and I said I was sorry that I was in the way and so did Dee, but then he said he thought we didn't want to play with him ever again, but we said that it wasn't true! And that we thought he didn't want to play with us anymore. But then Lolo said that sometimes when People are sad they think the worstest thing ever. But now we made up and after we eat lunch we are gonna play some more! Thomas can we color, please? That will be fun we can draw you a lot of pictures!" Patton said as fast as he could making Thomas have a hard time keeping up with what he was saying.
Thomas gave him a soft smile "that's great Pat I'm glad you all made up, I'll see what I can do about the coloring for right now let's get you all lunch how does that sound?" He asked carefully crouching down to their level keeping a tight hold on Virgil continuing to rub circles alone his back. "I was thinking maybe we could watch big hero six while you guys color." He replied looking to Logan he hid a grin on his face when he saw his eyes light up at the movie suggestion he quickly looked away trying not to show Thomas that he was excited about it.
"I don't like big hero six!" Deceit said excitedly bouncing up and down were he stood next to Patton, he seemed to almost have the same amount of energy that Patton and Roman did once he was warm and kept entertained. "Especially Baymax he's so not cute and soft. I really don't want a Baymax." He put one hand over his mouth giggling excitedly, he hid face in Patton's shoulder hugging the other tightly.
Roman throw a fist into the air letting out a cheer "yes Disney is always the answer Thomas, you know us so well!" He smiled proudly gently pulling Patton's hand towards the dining table where their lunch was "Patton Dee wanna sit with me while we eat lunch?"He asked as they walked past Thomas towards the table, they continued to have their own conversation leaving Thomas with Logan.
He chuckled carefully standing up giving Logan a look "come on Lo let's eat before they get too hungry they might steal ours." He joked walking towards the Logical side holding out his hand smiling softly. He gently pulled Logan up when he gave him his hand. "Besides I can't put on your favorite movie if you don't each lunch, that would be wrong of me to have the others follow rules and you not. "He smiled putting a hand on Logan's shoulders.
Logan looked away a light dusting of blush speed across his cheeks. He adjusted his glasses looking up at Thomas "I suppose I do have an interest in the movie."He mumbled slightly looking towards the others. He suddenly turned towards Virgil giving him a slightly annoyed look. "Okay fine I love that movie, you don't have to give me that look, Virgil, I admitted it you can stop now" He pouted crossing his arms looking away from the two huffings in annoyance walking towards the table leaving them alone.
Virgil gave a small watery giggle looking up at Thomas with a small smile. "Lolo silly daddy. He poutin' cause I look at him like this" He said giving him a serious look rising one eyebrow, a few seconds later he fell into a fit of giggles again sounding like he was feeling a lot better then he had earlier. Thomas was still shocked that he was calling him daddy but he wasn't going to stop him if he felt comfortable with that. "I like the kitty, hairy baby." He laughed putting his sleeve covered hand on top of Thomas's head fluffing his hair when he said 'hairy baby'
"Oh yeah, you were giving him a look? Well, let's go eat some lunch before he gives us a look huh?" He asked smiling walking towards the Table taking a seat next to Logan holding Virgil on his lap "and yes Hairy baby is a good kitty huh?" He asked gently moving some plates around so his and Virgil's is now in front of them. He looked around and frowned. He had now noticing everyone was dressed ready for the day.
Patton was wearing a light blue shirt that had a paw print in the front, he was wearing a pair of khaki shorts and socks on his feet. Roman was wearing a grey shirt that had Minnie and Mickey mouse hugging the space between each other with a heart in the middle of his chest, He was wearing red shorts with grey socks. Deceit was had a black shirt that had a yellow snake that wrapped around from his back to his form. He was wearing jean shorts with yellow socks. Logan was wearing his normal outfit except he wasn't wearing his tie.
Thomas looked down at himself and Virgil frowning, they both were still in their pajamas, he wanted to change but he wasn't sure if Virgil would want to change as well. "Um, Virgil do you want to change into day clothes so we can wash your pajamas? We can change back into them tonight before we go back to bed" He suggested taking a sip from his bottle of water wondering how he could change and not make Virgil upset at the same time, he might have to bring him into the room with him he wasn't prepared for another temper tantrum from Virgil.
He hummed lifting his arms up letting his long sleeves all as far as they could so he could pick up his sandwich taking a bite of his grilled cheese, he smiled happily as he took another bit. Shaking his head he looked back at Thomas "No thank you, daddy I wanna stay in my PJs all day please."He replied placing his sandwich back on the plate before carefully picking up his glass with help from Thomas he took a drink of his Apple juice.
Patton quickly put his hands over his mouth to suppress an excited squeal when he heard what Virgil called Thomas, he quickly hid the expression and looked towards his sandwich eating happily pretending that he didn't hear him but on the inside, he was squealing. 'Virgil your so cute, I hope your able to stay this happy when we are back to normal.' he thought to himself He turned to Dee and happily went back to their conversation about what they could draw while they watched the movie.
Logan suddenly groaned crossing his arms giving Virgil a glare "Thomas make him stop please, he keeps giving me that look. I've asked him to stop but he proceeds to give me the same look. I would appreciate if he did not look at me like that anymore" He said giving Virgil an annoyed look when he keeps staring at each other. It was hilarious to see Logan so annoyed with Virgil for just giving him a simple look, but Thomas knew if he didn't stop Virgil soon Logan may get to the point where he might start shouting in frustration.
"Virgil leave Logan alone, he's asked you nicely so let's just eat our lunch okay?" He asked gently placing a hand in front of Virgil's Face hiding whatever look he was giving Logan. "I know you like to antagonize but I don't think lo appreciates that bud." He replied handing Virgil his other part of his sandwich.
Virgil took the sandwich into his hands looking at Roman having an idea come to him, he suddenly had a huge mischievous grin come on to his face, sadly before he could even try to give Roman a hand time Thomas gently covered his eyes with his hand sighing softly. He pouted putting the sandwich back onto the plate leaning back trying to push away Thomas's hands "all done, no more." He replied pressing himself further into his chest.
Thomas sighed softly gently moving Virgil's plate away, he looked over everyone enjoying their lunch, he couldn't help but wonder how this could have happened, or who could have done this to them, he wasn't going to worry about it at this moment he decided once they were watching their movie, he'd talk to Logan more about what they had done within the last week that may have caused them all to regress so suddenly without warning. 
Once everyone finished lunch they all went off to do their own things. Roman and Patton were happily sat around the coffee table happily drawing Multiple pictures of puppies, kittens, and even a couple dragon witches quietly planning their next adventure they were going to play. Logan sat next to Thomas leaning on the older slightly having his full attention on the movie, occasionally he would turn to Thomas asking him questions that have made him curious while watching the movie, Questions he would ask was more along the line of 'what do you think Tadashi made Baymax out of? he seems too soft to be any sort of metal.' or 'why did the college let Hiro get in at such a young age, that is highly doubtful especially nowadays being a genius is taken for granted.' in which Thomas would say 'Well he made Baymax is a special type of material that makes him soft.' and 'I'm not sure Lo, but I bet you could do it if people saw how smart you are.' which made Logan give a satisfied smile, But then he would ask questions that Thomas couldn't answer himself so he had to google the answers, he read at least four different articles within the last twenty minutes just so he could find out how likely it is for a child to skip a grade. Thomas found himself laying on the couch with Deciet happily laying on his legs watching the movie letting out a couple giggles as he tried to get Thomas to do the fist bump but every time he tried Thomas woukd do the 'balala' noise causing the other to go into another fit of giggles, Virgil was snuggled up against Thomas's chest head rested over Thomas heart listening to the steady rhythm eyes drooping slowly the longer he laid there, he was trying to fight off the need for a nap the best he could, but Thomas wasn't helping as he gently brushed his hand through his hair in a soothing motion causing him to let out a soft whine and tighten his hands on his shirt every so often but refused to remove the hand away from his head. Laying over top the three was his heated blanket turned onto the lowest setting providing making them feel warm and comforting. They all seemed to be in a happy calm mood at the moment which made Thomas thankful for.
Thomas opened his mouth to say something to Logan when he suddenly saw a figure appear by the stairs out of the corner of his eye causing him to go into protection mode. He turned his head quickly to see who had suddenly appeared in his apartment and if he needed to get ready to fight to protect the others. Standing there was a figure wearing a white shirt and leather jacket with jeans, they had sunglasses resting over his eyes and a messenger bag resting over his shoulder. He had a Starbucks cup firmly in. They brought the drink up to his mouth taking a long sip before giving a cocky grin. "Sup gurl what did I miss?" He asked setting the cup next to him as he sat on the steps.
"Remy!" Deceit suddenly shouted excitedly quickly getting off of Thomas legs rushing over to the other launching himself into the arms of the other troughing his arms around the other's neck almost knocking the sunglasses of their face as he gave them a tight squeeze. "I didn't miss you! Guess what! I didn't get saved by Pat Pat Ro, and lo 'cause the dragon witch took me away. And we didn't eat grilled cheese and orange juice for lunch!" He smiled widely snuggling into the other's neck giving them a happy giggle. "What are you doing here?" He asked his eyes shown curiously as he tilted his head to the side slightly.
"Woah! Careful there Dee, don't want my glasses falling off now do we?" He asked gently giving the other a squeeze hug smiling softly when the other burst into a fit of giggles. "That sounds like a lot of fun hon, I'm so glad two handsome princes were able to save you as well as a wizard, next time call me if love to be rescued by some handsome princes like Pat and Ro" he said winking ag roman and and Patton who both had proud smiles on their faces. "Anyways I'm here because Emmy wanted to make sure you all were okay. Someone didn't  leave him a note saying they were going to Thomas's so he can take care of them and I don't think it was Dee, Vergie, Ro or Pat would be able to write a note explaining why you all suddenly left,"he replied gently pushing his sunglasses down on his nose giving Logan a slight look, his grin widens when said side crossed their arms looking away a slight blush dusting their cheeks.
Logan huffed turning back to Remy giving him an annoyed look. "So you mean to tell us that Emile let you out of his so called 'time out' after grounding you for a week after you decided to keep everyone away the day before filming seasons of love audio, just because Roman said your sunglasses weren't um Gucci?" He questioned looking to Thomas to see if he said that word write, once he was giving a nod he continued "so what out of the goodness of your heart you decided that you would check on us? I highly doubt that is why you're here. I bet you snuck out and you're using us as an excuse just so you won't get in trouble again." He replied getting back into his comfortable position on the couch laying his head on Thomas's shoulder looking satisfied with his response.
Remy pushed his sunglasses back up on his nose before standing up holding Deceit on his hip and placing his other hand over his heart. "Gurl how cold hearted do you think I am, yes Emmy wanted me to check on you all so I agreed. I was worried too, especially our little snake right here, last time he regressed he spent the whole time hanging out with me huh?" He asked gently bouncing Deceit causing him to giggle holding onto the other's shirt as tightly as he could. "But anyways , I see everyone is okay now for me to do my Job, looks like our little storm cloud is fighting a nap, hon if you wait any longer you will altimently ruining your sleep schedule and you know Lolo will have a cow about that,"he said walking over to Thomas kneeling down next to him giving Virgil a slight look.
Virgil turned his head to look at Remy for a few seconds looking at him through droopy eyes, he gave him a small frown he huffed in annoyance before turning his head into Thomas's chest shaking his head "No nap stay with daddy." He replied holding onto Thomas as tightly as he could trying not to show that he really was tired. "Only stay with daddy, no one else." He replied sounding serious. Causing Remy to give Thomas a strange look.
Thomas frowned slightly gently placing a hand on Virgil's back "Virgil I won't leave when you fall asleep I promise. And when you wake up all of us will be right here ready to hang out with you and we could watch a movie." he replied giving him a small smile gently rubbing soothing circles on his back. Trying not to think about how much he needs to use the restroom
Virgil placed a hand over Thomas' mouth slowly lifting his head giving him a slight look of annoyance. He turned his head to Remy waving " go away Rem, only Emmy, Pat-Pat, Lo, and daddy tell me what to do. Not you, you not responsible enough " He said sticking his tongue out at him. He said with a satisfied grin when Remy gave him a shocked gasp at the sudden attitude. He laid his head back down slowly moving his hand away from Thomas's mouth. He snuggled further into his chest looking at Remy waving his hand at him "bye bye. No nap never ever" He whispered causing himself and Deceit to go into a fit of giggles at his reaction.
Remy pouted slightly going back to the stairs picking up his Starbucks "you know what, since no one can control the little beast I'll go get someone who can. I'm also taking Dee with me maybe he can help sweeten the deal" He huffed sinking out taking Deceit with him leaving an empty space at the bottom of the stairs.
Patton slowly moved towards Thomas and Virgil giving them his serious dad look, he put his hands on his hips standing tall so he would look more serious "now Vergie that wasn't very nice, I'm still the dad even if I'm small so your going to time out because you were mean to Remy, come on big guy you need a time out." He said without worming he picked up Virgil walking towards the step placing him there gently patting his head "I'll be back in three minutes, don't you move a muscle." He said walking back to his coloring pages going back to his coloring. Surprising everyone Virgil didn't fight he just sat there putting his hood over his head and cried quietly.
Roman winced slightly watching Patton put Virgil in time out, he looked towards Logan "I hope I'm not next, time outs the worst" he whispered careful not to let Patton hear him, Causing Logan to roll his eyes and go back to the movie.
The living room was quiet for a moment other then Virgil's crying and the movie playing no one made a sound, but not a moment later they all jumped hearing someone yell "da! Ta Da da Ta! Da ta da ta da ta da!" They looked towards the kitchen and saw a hand doing the jazz hand before a full figure came out with a big smile, wearing a tan cardigan over a white button up with a pink tie, their hair was neatly combed and glasses placed on his face,  quickly pushed his glasses up walking into the living room saying in front of the stairs  keeping the smile on his face "ah there you all are,  Do you how to do?" He asked looking at everyone.
"Greetings Emile, we are here  I suspect you're here because of Remy?" Logan asked adjusting his glasses lazily as he sat up allowing Thomas to sit up as well. He crossed his legs moving so he was facing the other better.
"Awe Lo not just because Remy came to get me, It because I was worried about you guys, you were supose to stay in the mind scape."He replied frowning softly seeming to finally hear the soft crying from behind him. He turned around and frowned seeing Virgil now sitting up rubbing his eyes. Emile knelt down in front of Virgil "Awe Virgil why are you sitting all the way over here? Why not turn that frown upside down?" He asked softly.
Virgil looked up sniffling, he pointed to Patton letting more tears fall "pat pat said I was mean to Rem, so I have to sit in time out." He cried putting his face back into his hands crying softly trying to make Emile feel bad for him so he could get out of time out if that didn't work he at least hoped he could get out maybe a little sooner. "I'm not mean rem is."
Remy came out of the kitchen gasping Deceit still happily placed on his hip taking sips of Remys Starbucks. "I am not mean! Gurl if I'm mean because I'm trying to make you take a nap then I must be a horrible person. I'm not the one who put you in time out doll face" He huffed looking towards Emile giving him a 'do something look'
Emile sighed looking at Patron for permission to pick him up. Once he got the thumbs up he carefully picked Virgil up holding him close frowning softly "Virgil." He said softly before whispering something into his ear that only he could hear. Virgil suddenly sat straight up his bottom lip quivered slightly "daddy saw a scary movie." He replied hugging Emile who nodded rubbing the others back gently, While he whispered something else to the other who reluctantly nodded hiding his face in the others shoulder.
"Emile is Virgil Okay? Why are you whispering" Patton asked worriedly slowly going over to the two gently placing his hand on Virgil's leg giving him a worried look. "Is he sick? what if he's sick? I didn't notice oh no!" He gasped standing on his tiptoes trying to reach his forehead to make sure he didn't have a temperature. "I'm sorry Vergie I should have checked your temperature before i even put you in time out I'm sorry." He said still trying to get to his forehead.
Emile gave pat a small smile "he's okay Pat, he just feels very upset at the moment."He replied gently putting a hand on Patton's head having him stand still "he's not upset with you no worries, he's just a little worried that you all will be angry with him once I tell you why you guys are small. Dee is it okay?"he sighed softly looking at Virgil who tried to make himself smaller in Emile’s arms. Deceit laid his head on Remy's shoulder bleeping happily while Remy gently scratched his scales under his eye, he looked as if he didn't Have care in the world.
Thomas frowned slightly he sat up watching the others give Emile worried glances as they nodded for him to proceed with what he was going to say all looking worried. He stayed waiting to see what would happen he hoped Virgil was okay he looked ready to burst into tears at whatever Emile was about to tell them.
"Well, a month ago Virgil and Dee came to me wanting help with an April fools day joke, the idea was to make you three think you guys regressed for no reason and then try to figure out how to help each other while doing silly tasks to 'make yourselves bigger'. They Decided not to do the prank on April fools day because of everyone freaking out the day before with the 'selfishness or selflessness' video caused a lot of fans to think it was a prank, they figured they wouldn't want you all under any more stress. So we waited until last night to do the prank, what we weren't planning on Thomas seeing a scary movie which caused Virgil to panic and Dee to go into overdrive to lie saying Thomas wasn't scared of the movie, which as you can see has caused them to regress" he explained  softly holding onto Virgil's shaking frame, he gently rubbed his back slowly carefully he lifted his hand and flicked his wrist Turing Roman, Logan, and Patton back into their adults selves all dressed in their normal attire, leaving Dee and Virgil still regressed.
Thomas winced slightly looking at both Deceit and Virgil, he was the cause for them regressing he felt horrible "sorry guys, I didn't mean to make you two regress."He sighed softly giving them a sad look. His apologies were ignored when he heard Patton suddenly gasp.
Patton rushed over to Emile gently placing his hand over Virgil's gently running his thumb over his knuckles giving him a small smile "Awe irs okay Virge, it was a good prank when you think about it. I'm excited to hear what kind of silly adventures you were going to have us do. Right guys?" He asked looking over to Roman and Logan giving them a slight look.
Roman stood up from where he was sitting still drawing his mighty steed "i'd have to say I'm more upset that I didn't come up with that idea myself, I may have to use it next year." Roman said standing behind Patton giving Virgil a small smile.
Virgil sat up looking at the two confused he expected them to get upset and angry at him. "You're not mad?" He asked looking to Dee giving him a shocked look before twisting his body in Emile's arms to get a better look at Logan's eyes widens "Lolo not mad?" He asked confused.
Logan stood up walking over to the other adjusting his glasses shaking his head "No I am not upset Virgil, it was a harmless prank, I am more concerned about how you are feeling after this all has happened, you seemed pretty determined not to leave Thomas side today. Though I do not particularly mind you staying by his side, I wish you will tell us in the future if this happens again, we will not be angry with you for something so silly as this." He replied giving him a rare small smile.
He nodded slowly looking at Thomas with a small frown "daddy?" He asked tilting his head slightly hoping Thomas wasn't angry because of all of this.
Thomas laughed softly shaking his head softly "Don't worry Virgil it's okay I didn't mind taking care of you at all, I actually enjoyed it because I was able to get to know you all more." he smiled softly. he gave a sheepish chuckle when he noticed everyone giving him weird looks. "I mean I found out Logan is still really curious about different things, Roman is very quick to defend others when his actions hurt others, Patton is still our very loveable happy pappy Patton, Virgil gets really cuddly when he's stressed or tired which if you need any cuddles I will be here to give you any, and Dee he loves to stay warm and loves to have his scales scratched lightly."He replied giving him a soft smile "so No Virgil I'm not upset at all."
Virgil smiled slightly reaching for Patton hugging him tightly before letting out a small yawn as he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand "I'm sleepy." He finally admired laying his head down on Patton's shoulder snuggling closet to him.
Patton smiled softly "Awe okay kiddo well go take a nap, wave by to Thomas. Thanks for taking care of us Thomas." He smiled holding Virgil close. Virgil lifted his hand and waved slightly "bye bye." He whispered just as Patton sunk out taking Virgil with him.
"Well, I guess that's my cue to leave, come on Dee let's go get some Starbees before pat finds out. maybe we can get some cookies if we're lucky you can give them a cute look and we will get our drinks and cookies for free" He smirked bouncing Deceit again making him giggle and cheer before they both sunk out.
Emile winced slightly "I better make sure he doesn't give him any more coffee, I do believe Patton wouldn't be happy with me if I allow this." He sighed softly shaking his head as he sunk out following Remy and Deceit making sure they stay out of trouble.
Roman stretched slightly letting out a deep breath "Well I'm gonna go shower and have some me time in my kingdom, I bid you all a good day Thomas thank you for trying to entertain us!" He smiled sinking out in the most dramatic way leaving Logan and Thomas alone in the living room.
Logan looked around the room frowning at how messy it was, he sighed flicking his wrist cleaning the living room leaving only Thomas heated blanket. "Thank you again, Thomas, for taking care of us, I am sorry we came so late into the night last night for help but it is appreciated. I shall go find Patton and make sure Virgil is alright. Please call if you need anything." Logan nodded his head slowly sinking out now leaving Thomas alone.
Thomas smiled softly couldn't help but smile when he thought about the events that happened today he was overjoyed that the sides trusted him enough to take care of things while they figured out what was wrong with them, even if it was a harmless prank he was still happy.  He walked over to the couch laying back down pulling the warm blanket back over him snuggling into the warmness of the blanket  draw him into a happy sleepy mood 'a nap does sound pretty nice at the moment' he thought to himself closing his eyes letting the peace of the room draw him into a slightly dazed mood. He suddenly sat up straight eyes wide and panicked he forgot something important. "I still have to pee!"
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runaway-horses · 5 years
The Missing Soulmate: Chapter Five
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Word Count: 2,186
A/N: Re-reading as I upload is a combination of “wow I can’t believe I wrote that!” and “wow I can’t believe I wrote that.” As always, your comments are blessings and I adore y’all. (Also! As much as I live for your comments, spreading this around with reblogs is also pretty fantastic.)
Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort, panic attack, and more allusions to abuse. As always, please let me know if I need to add/remove anything.
Tags: @avocados26, @a-cure-for-sentience
Patton and Roman stood in front of the registry, watching as Virgil hugged his moms. They were both here alone, Patton’s parents being just a bit too far away for them to be here, and Roman’s mom had been unable to make it, but she sent her well wishes.
“Hi Miss Hannah, Miss Alana,” Roman greeted. They both pulled him into a hug in response, and Roman tried to hug them both back as best he could.
Virgil’s moms were probably the nicest people Roman knew. They lived relatively close to Patton’s apartment, and from the first day they met Roman and Patton, they had treated them like their own sons.
Hannah worked almost all the time, but Alana had a bit more flexibility to her schedule and always took time out of it to swing by the apartment and check up on Patton.
When Patton first came to the States and met his soulmates, and their parents, Patton’s parents had been...alarmed when they heard that Patton was spending time around people who choose to be in a relationship with someone other than their soulmate. And he had received a phone call from them where they urged him to “stay away from “those ungodly people”.
Patton had politely explained that Hannah and Alana were some of the kindest people he had met, not to mention the mothers of his soulmate, and that he would not cut contact with them, and suggested that they take a step back and see if God thought their bigotry was acceptable.
His parents had been upset, and so was Patton, but he told Virgil that his parents were wrong, and he wasn’t going to do something that didn’t sit right with him to make them happy.
Virgil had kissed him for the first time before he was even done talking.
Roman was pulled out of his thoughts by Virgil tapping him on the shoulder. “Ready Princey?”
He smiled and pulled Virgil into his side.
“Of course,”
“Leave it to government to take something as wonderful as being soulmates and turn it into a mountain of paperwork,” Virgil grumbled, signing another form. “My hand is cramping up.”
“This is possibly the most unromantic thing I’ve ever done with you guys, and it’s supposed to be one of the best days of our lives!” Roman said in agreement.
Patton didn’t join in their complaints, his attention was stuck on one of the last questions they had to answer.
Poly. Soulmates:
Please remember that all living soulmates must be registered at the same time. Any application for registry after the date of first application will be null. Re-registration is not permitted in this case.
All soulmates.
His heart clenched painfully as he stared at the page. After a while, his boyfriends noticed his silence. “Pat? Everything ok?”
Patton looked up with tears in his eyes. “Patton? Hey, what’s wrong dearest?” Roman got up and kneeled next to him. Patton handed him the paper and squeezed his eyes shut.
He heard the paper rustle and then warm arms wrap around him. He opened his eyes to see Roman holding him tightly and Virgil holding the paper with shaky hands.
“Does this-what does this mean? Does this mean what I think it does?” Virgil asked, face pale as a sheet.
Hannah and Alana noticed the upset, and despite promising they would leave them alone during the process, made their way over.
“What’s wrong? Sweetie?” Alana’s eyes were filled in concern as she took in her son’s distressed condition.
Keeping eye contact with Virgil, Patton choked out. “If we register today, any other soulmates would never be able to register with us.”
“So Logan would never, legally, be our soulmate,” If we ever found him.
Virgil turned to his moms. “But that’s, that’s ok. Right? You guys aren’t ‘soulmates’ but you love each other and live together, so it’s fine. We could just be unregistered,” Alana pulled him into a hug, and she was crying too.
“Honey, I love your mom very much, and I wouldn’t change our relationship for anything, but living unregistered isn’t something I’d want for you. You don’t have the same rights. You wouldn’t be able to adopt, you wouldn’t be able to make medical decisions on behalf of your soulmate, you won’t be able to get insurance together,” She paused and cupped his face. “I don’t want you and your soulmates to go through what Hannah and I did.” Hannah came forward to hold her son’s hand. “And if you registered without him and then found him… Can you imagine how he would feel?” Virgil leaned into their touch and Patton buried his face in Roman’s shoulder, just breathing his scent.
There was silence as they all processed this information.
“So,” Roman started somberly. “I guess we have a decision to make.”
Virgil jerked his head up. “What do you mean? No we don’t.”
“Virge,” Roman started.
“No! This isn’t even a question. We’re not registering without him!” He shrugged out of his mom’s embrace to frown at his boyfriend.”Virgil,” Patton murmured softly, trying to sooth him.
“No Pat, no! We will wait.”
“Virgil, its been months-” Roman started again, his heart breaking for his boyfriends, but he felt resigned.
“I’m not giving up on him Ro.” The crack in his boyfriend’s voice was enough to make his shoulders slump, all the fight going out of him. He glanced over to Patton, who was silently crying, and walked forward to embrace Virgil in a hug.
“We’ll wait.”
Virgil’s moms wanted him to come home with them after the emotional visit to the SR, but Virgil had just wanted to be with his boyfriends. He promised them he would call tonight, and come home tomorrow to spend the day with them. The car ride home was silent. Patton was emotionally exhausted from the day and fell asleep almost immediately, and Virgil and Roman rode in slightly tense silence.
Their first ever fight had been about Logan. Virgil insisting that Roman didn’t get it because he hadn’t known him, and that he didn’t understand what it was like to lose a soulmate. And Roman had responded that ‘he must be some soulmate if he would abandon you.’
They hadn’t spoken for almost two days, but Patton had worn them down, and they made up with lots of tears and hugs. (And so many apologies.) But since then, it was a topic they tried to avoid. (Roman always hugged him a little tighter when he noticed messages to Logan on Virgil’s arms, though.)
(He no longer wrote any messages.)
Virgil fiddled with the sleeves of his hoodie, occasionally glancing over at Roman. He bit his lip. He wanted to say something, searching for the right words, but they all came up short of leaving his mouth. The silence was making him anxious. He was saved from having to start an awkward conversation when Roman broke the silence.
“Virgil. I’m…sorry about today. I know that I never knew him, and that I don’t really understand what your relationship was like, but I am doing my best.”
His words hung heavy in the air. Virgil felt relief wash over him.
“Thank you Roman. I know- I know you’re trying, and I appreciate it. I’m also sorry for today. I know we were all so excited but-” He stopped, looking back at his hands and sighing. “It didn’t feel right. I always feel so guilty being happy without him. And it feels like...like something’s missing. Like something’s wrong. And that’s not a comment on you guys, I love you and Pat so much. It’s just…” He trailed off eyes firmly fixed on the road.
“Something’s missing. I know.” He glanced over at Virgil, who seemed ready to drop the conversation. “I love you.”
Virgil looked at him, a tired smile gracing his lips. “I love you too.”
Patton, who had just awoken from his nap, also interjected with a, very sleepy, “I love both of you more. What’re we talking ‘bout?”
Virgil chuckled. “Nothing, Padre. We’re all good.”
Roman intertwined his fingers with Virgil’s and smiled back at Patton.
If they weren’t 100% good, that was ok. They would figure it out together.
Roman dropped his boyfriends off at their apartment, both of them exhausted from the day. He decided to head to the local coffee shop to clear his head.
The shop, Rise and Grind, was a favorite haunt of his. It also had the added perk of being super close to his college campus. The smell of fresh coffee washed over him as he entered, and he took a deep, appreciative breath.
He made his way over to the counter, and smiled when he saw his favorite barista was there. “Afternoon L.” “Hey Roman,” he greeted tiredly. Upon closer inspection, Roman noticed the horrible dark bags under L’s eyes, and the exhausted slump of his normal perfect posture.
“What’s up? You look dead on your feet,” L sighed but didn’t respond. “Can I take your order please?” Roman frowned, but consented, ordering a single shot of espresso. L wrote his name on his cup, accepted his payment, and started on his drink.
Roman learned against the counter while he waited for his drink. The shop was empty, save for one sleep deprived college student typing away at a laptop and holding their mug of coffee like it was the only thing keeping them sane. The lack of people was very unusual for this time of day, and L appeared to be the only employee here.
Roman was intrigued by L, and would be lying if he said the man wasn’t a big part of what drew him to this coffee shop. L, who always wore long sleeves despite them not being a part of the uniform. L, who helped Roman with homework the few times he had pulled all nighters at the shop. L, who was quiet and attractive and smart.
L handed Roman his coffee, he thanked him and headed over to a booth.
He drank the espresso quickly, appreciating the bitter flavor. He was scrolling through Instagram when he heard the sound of ceramic shattering.
He jerked up, realizing that the college student from earlier had accidentally knocked their mug off the table. “Shit! I’m so sorry,” They apologized, grabbing some napkins and dabbing at the mess. Roman spotted L staring at the shattered mug with a white face, shaking like a leaf. He started to slide down the wall to sit on the floor his eyes huge as he continued to shake.
Roman was out of his seat in an instant, having helped Virgil through enough of them to recognize a panic attack.
“Hey L,” He said as he squatted next to the man. “You’re ok, deep breaths. Everything is ok. Can I touch you?” L made a strangled sound and his breathing quickened, his hands clenching in his hair. “Ok, ok, I won’t touch you. Can you breathe with me L? In for four….” L took in a deep breath, but it all came out in a gasp immediately afterward. “That’s ok, let's try again yeah? In for four…hold for seven...out for eight. Great job L, you’re doing amazing. And again, in for four,” He breathed with L until his breathing was under control, and Roman reached out to gently pull his hands out of his hair. “There you go,” He murmured gently.
He glanced behind him and saw that the college student had respectfully pretended not to be paying attention, keeping their gaze focused on their laptop.
He looked back at L and lifted his hands to wipe away his tears. L flinched at the contact, and Roman immediately dropped his hands. “You with me L?”
“I am present, yes.” L murmured quietly. “I apologize for my outburst-” Roman cut him off with a tut. “None of that. There’s no reason to apologize. I’m just glad I could help.” L kept his eyes down. “Well, thank you Roman. Your help was much appreciated.”
“No problem. Do you want to talk about it…?” He left the offer open, hoping to be of some assistance to L, who looked so much smaller right now.
“I’d rather not. Thank you for the offer.”
“Ok. Will you be ok getting home? Do you need a ride?”
“My shift is not over, I’m afraid. I will remain here for most of the day.” At Roman’s frown, however, he sighed. “But when my coworker Remy comes in, I believe I will ask him if he can cover the rest of my shift.” L did seem more present, much more grounded, and Roman trusted his judgment. “Well if you’re sure.”
“I am. Thank you Roman. Have a nice day.”
“You too, L.”
Roman left the shop a couple minutes later, after being absolutely sure that L was ok. On the drive home, he mulled over the strong feeling in his chest, trying to decipher what it was. It wasn’t until he parked at Patton’s apartment did he realize what it was.
Oh. Shit.
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Hounds of Justice--Ch. 85
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Chapter 85
           Exhaustion. An overwhelming sense of being wrung out. Every ounce of energy spilled into a pool on the floor like sweat.
           “You did so great,” Seth said from beside me. His hand was still caught up in mine, blue paper surgical gown and cap visible through my drained haze. “I’m so proud of you. Llane… Sophie… the whole lot of you.”
           I felt my lips curve in a smile. Seth stroked his free hand through my hair, pushing the sweat-soaked strands back over my forehead. It was only his presence that had helped me get through the entire night—the pain and the fear and the deep-rooted terror that something would go wrong and both of us would wink out of existence.
           “Is she…” My brain was stuffed with cotton. I couldn’t think straight. Just speaking took more energy than I could spare.
           He pressed a kiss against my brow. “She’s perfect. Ten fingers, ten toes. Screams like a banshee. Beautiful. She’s absolutely perfect.”
  Something rose up out of the corner of my eye. A nurse wrapped up in the same blue gown as Seth. Wriggling blankets in her arms. Heavy little body settled atop my chest, a warm cheek nestling against my breast, perfectly formed fingers opening and closing until they caught hold of Seth’s thumb.
           Our daughter.
           I sat up in the hospital bed, pillows tucked in all around me, one propping up the arm that cradled my newborn daughter. She suckled lazily, somehow halfway between hungry and asleep. I couldn’t help but stare at the curve of her cheeks, the perfect bow of her mouth, her lush eyelashes and the wisps of black hair that curled against her neck. I fell in love with the rings around her wrists and her chubby legs, the softness of her skin, the dark brown of her eyes that looked so much like Seth’s.
           Her suckling gave way to faint open-mouthed breathing as she drifted off into a nap. Being born is hard work, I thought as I tugged my gown back up over my breast. She nuzzled against the fabric just as a head popped around the door.
           Seth beamed as he slipped into the room. He’d done a quick run back to the house to pick up some forgotten things and take a shower. I smiled at his presence, feeling happy and contented.
           “She just went to sleep,” I whispered. “Are they here yet?”
           He nodded as he leaned over to give me a tender kiss. “They’ve been here for an hour. I told them to come on in when they got here, but they wanted to let you rest.”
           I rolled my eyes. “Tell them to get back here. It’s time they met their goddaughter.”
           Seth drew his phone out of his pocket, tapping a message out quickly. It was only a few moments later when the door swung open carefully, four people piling into the room on tiptoe. The ever-present crackle of electricity was joined by a buzz of frenetic energy and sunlight heat. Flashes of blonde and red lurked behind the bulk of the other two Hounds.
           “Hi,” I said gently, looking up at Dean and Roman for the first time in what felt like months. In fact, it had only been a few weeks. But they were such a part of me that too much time away from them made me miserable after a while.
           Roman smiled in a way that made me feel perfectly safe. “Hey, itiiti. How you feel?”
           “Exhausted. Sore.” My eyes drifted to my sleeping daughter. “But it was worth every second of it.”
           I felt Dean settle his hand on my ankle. I grinned brightly. “I… we have a favor to ask you guys. All four of you.”
           “Anything you need, dollface,” he replied. His blue eyes bounced back and forth between me and the sleeping bundle in my arms. Renee slipped her hand into his.
           “Will you be godparents?” I asked quietly.
           Roman brushed his thumb against my cheek. “You don’t have to ask. You know we will.”
           “Damn right,” Dean added enthusiastically. “She’s one of ours now, too. Just like you are. One more member of the pack, right, Ro?”
           “Wha’ name ya callin’ ‘er?” Becky asked from the end of the bed.
           Seth and I glanced at one another. He was the first one to speak. “We’ve talked about a few, but couldn’t decide. She’s getting my last name—not my ring name but Lopez. As far as other names… we can’t settle on anything.”
           “Help us out, godparents?” I begged, a faint whine in my voice.
           “Jesus Christ!” Seth swore as he leapt forward to slow the swing that lulled our daughter to sleep.
           “Relax,” Roman soothed from his spot not far away. He sat leaned up against the sofa with his long legs stretched out in front of him. “It’s fine. Those things only go that fast. And trust me, it’s better that than burning gas in the car driving around the block for an hour.”
           I sat on the sofa with my laptop putting the finishing touches on the cards that would be going out to announce her birth. It had been Renee’s idea. She’d helped me pick out backgrounds and fonts and the pictures of our baby girl that would go on the card.
           A small smile ghosted over my lips as I finished typing out her name.
           Iosefina Dakota Quinn Lopez.
           “It’s going to be so fun writing that on every single form for the rest of her life. Did we go overboard?” I asked as I made sure that the image had been saved and successfully sent off to the printers.
           “Leave it to Becky to name our daughter after herself,” Seth laughed. He reached out and tickled our daughter’s tummy. “But I think it all fits her perfectly. What do you think, Sefina?”
           Watching him as he talked to her, tickled her, tugged playfully on her little toes, I couldn’t help but feel a rush of love for Seth. He had fallen into the role of dad with a gusto that surprised me. It shouldn’t have, knowing how carefully and gingerly he’d taken care of me when I needed him.
           Then there was Dean, who had filled the nursery with dozens of stuffed animals and gifts and toys that she wouldn’t have a use for until she was three. The first day we’d brought Sefina home, he and Renee had stopped by with an envelope of paperwork that said they had put sixty thousand dollars into a trust for her—thirty thousand each. By the time she got it at eighteen, it would be worth over seventy-five thousand.
           I broke down in tears in the kitchen when they gave it to me. Begged them to take their money back. That we had enough—more than enough—to make sure she had everything she’d ever need.
           “Take it, dollface,” Dean said as he drew me into a hug. “It was Renee’s idea anyway. And it’s one less thing for you to worry about.”
           Roman was more than just a godfather for Sefina. He was an uncle, a big brother, a guardian in a way that I could never have imagined for my daughter. When we’d finally named her, Roman had taken her in his arms and whispered in his lilting Samoan—the words carrying the faint scent of saltwater and a sun-warmed breeze. It was a beautiful blessing—a promise that she would always be cared for and protected, that she would have a family that stretched beyond the walls of the house in Davenport.
           I closed my laptop and leaned my head against Dean’s shoulder as he sat next to me. Roman had taken Sefina out of the swinging bassinet and tucked her against his broad shoulder. She splayed her little fingers over his tattooed bicep and snuggled into the crook of his neck, drool collecting in the corner of her rosebud mouth.
           “Better feed Momma now,” Dean said lazily. “We’re all on our little princess’s schedule now. When she wakes up, she’s gonna be hungry.”
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sulkybbarnes · 6 years
Hey im the anon who sent that policing ask. Just wanna say sorry for making you feel bad. I was trying to be nice but i just frustrated with all the Gansey is problematic or adam calling ronan ro is a dumb head-cannon posts i see in this fandom and im sorry if i took it out on you. But in all honesty love all your interpretations of the characters and their relationships.
Hi! First of all thanks for saying you love my blog and interpretations, I really meant it before when I said I appreciate that. I felt bad because I don’t mean for my posts to come across as policing, because commentary isn’t the same thing as policing, and I only make posts about things I feel strongly about. So when I make posts about Adam and how he’s treated, it’s because I’ve been through a lot of what Adam has been through and I’ve had the experience firsthand, so I know how people’s thinking can affect their reactions towards abuse survivors, and it’s really disheartening going on the tag and seeing things like ‘Adam can’t say I love you’ or ‘Adam is whiny and annoying’ when these things relate directly to Adam’s abuse. Regardless of that, thanks for apologising, I’m okay and I appreciate having this conversation with you!
Now to the other things you mentioned, let’s break this down (because that’s how my brain works, sorry), I mentioned in my previous answer that I don’t comment on headcanons but I comment on harmful takes. So for instance, if it’s something about Ronan being into memes, or Adam calling Ronan a nickname (Ro, babe, angel), or how a character dresses or what their favourite show/song is then I wouldn’t comment on it if I disagree with it, because it’s not my place. A headcanon is a headcanon, if it’s hurting no one and bringing you joy then I’m happy to see you having fun. 
On the other hand, commentary on Gansey being problematic is really a different thing all together. Let me start by saying that if you love Gansey then that’s fine and no one is telling you to hate him, that’s really not the point anyone is trying to make, but to view his actions critically and address that he messed up a lot and the narrative never addressed it. If we pretend that Gansey’s actions were completely fine and not problematic, then we’re saying that this:
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is an okay thing to say to someone who is going through abuse. This quote isn’t just cruel for using Adam’s abuse against him, but for victim blaming Adam with the ‘while you apologised for being alive part’, and Gansey never apologises for saying this, and the narrative never clarifies that this is very harmful behaviour to display towards someone going through abuse. Variations of this scene happen across all 4 books and the narrative doesn’t call it out even once, and neither does 99% of the fandom. No body is telling you to hate Gansey, and the posts aren’t directed at people who view his actions critically and say “I like him but this was wrong”. The posts are directed at people who make posts, fics, and headcanons that victimise him and send the message that it’s alright for him to victim blame and manipulate someone because his feelings are ‘hurt’. 
This is a fandom with a lot of young adults in it, and how you perceive things and how critically you handle your media now will inform your actions for the rest of your life. This is commentary. Had I been arguing with you on whether or not Gansey’s style is bad, you have every right to say ‘that’s my opinion, piss off!’, but we’re talking about whether it’s alright to overlook 4 books’ worth of victim blaming that the fandom copies down to a T. Like, right down to Gansey thinking Adam can’t love without hurting Ronan. Just take a look at the tag, the fandom has taken that thought and merrily run with it for years now. 
So this is what I mean by I’m not telling anyone what to think about a character, I’m just telling you to look at their actions and acknowledge the bad alongside the good. I’m not trying to cut into Gansey here or whatever, I can see that he’s important to you, but I’m really just trying to clarify my point. Commenting on harmful takes isn’t the same thing as telling people what to headcanon. I hope it comes across the way I mean it, and again I appreciate having this conversation with you!!
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andiwantitliao-blog · 6 years
Part 3 of my first fanfic. It takes place in highschool. When kaitlyn and MC meet for the first time. (AU)
The New Girl. Part 3
Charlotte rushed up the stairs to her bedroom, the whole time trying to fight off the spiraling feeling in her stomach. The blush that covered her cheeks was only getting worse as each second passed. Quickly closing the door behind her, Charlotte leaned against it, taking slow careful breaths.
'What the hell is wrong with me?' She thought to herself. Shaking off the nervous feeling that captivated her, she walked to her window, slyly looking over at the house with the blue door, just across from her. Unknowing how long had passed since she first looked, she jumped as a light switched on in one of the bedrooms upstairs. Hiding herself out of view, she sidestepped away from the window and tried to collect her thoughts. Before she could process what was going through her head, Charlotte found herself peaking back through the window as covertly as she could. In the now lit up bedroom of the house opposite her, kaitlyn stood, shrugging off her jacket and falling backwards in to a desk chair which rolled backwards as she collided with it. Charlotte could feel her heart quicken with nerves and was unsure why she was even looking at her still. Kaitlyn was an enigma. A girl who seemed to appear from nowhere and had already found a place in charlotte's mind to carve as her own. Kaitlyn pulled her phone from the discarded jacket and turned towards the window of her bedroom. As she saw her turn, Charlotte ducked out of view and sat on her bed that was still unmade from this morning.
Running her fingers through her hair, Charlotte sighed heavily, feeling unusually stressed by the last few days. Everything that was going on with Laura, and now whatever was going through her mind was pulling her attention in every direction. Falling back against her pillows, Charlotte picked up her phone, hoping for some kind of distraction. As she unlocked the screen, it vibrated along with a sharp -PING-. The notification took her to her social media account, and a new friend request from kaitlyn.
Charlotte's finger hovered over the -Accept- button, but before she confirmed it, she opened kaitlyn's profile. The page was awash with punk and gothic texts and pictures. She had been tagged by friends (probably the ones back in texas) in all sorts of macabre posts; most of which were different music videos. Without giving herself time to think of a reason, Charlotte searched through kaitlyn's pictures and was lost in looking through all of the different faces, poses and gestures that made kaitlyn look like a totally different girl entirely, compared to the timid, soft spoken girl she had met yesterday. Charlotte snapped herself out from the daze she had found herself in and moved back to kaitlyn's main profile page, hitting the -Accept- button.
Charlotte put her phone down and headed downstairs to wait for dinner to be served. As she sat at the table between Connor and her mum, Charlotte started thinking about Laura again and how she hadn't heard from her, still. Worry filled her mind as the thought of Laura's tearful eyes and uncharacteristic embarrassment swept over her. Laura would usually go to Charlotte first when something bad happened. Not hearing from her all day was unnerving.
Once Charlotte had eaten all she could, she walked toward the stairs, only to have the back of her shirt pulled by Connor. "Charlie! I think I left my Rangers plush in your room last night. Can I look for it?" He asked gleefully.
"Sure." She laughed, escorting him up the stairs. Connor burst in to her room first, quickly retrieving the soft toy. As he spun it around in the air, he suddenly stopped at her window and began waving the toy in the air with a joyous laugh.
"What are you doing?" Charlotte mused as she sat on her bed.
"Its your friend. The Renegade Ro..." he quickly cut himself off before he could say anymore. "Look..." He said, pointing out of the window. Th evening had darkened, making the light coming from kaitlyn's room all the brighter. As Charlotte stepped over to the window, she saw kaitlyn performing air-guitar which was making Connor bounce with happiness. Charlotte laughed as she watched on from the side of the window, kaitlyn hadn't seemed to notice her yet. As she stepped over to ruffle Connor's hair, kaitlyn paused, looking embarrassed, even from the other side of the street. Taking the hint, Charlotte stepped away and laid back on her bed. A few minutes had passed with Connor trying to silently communicate through the window. Charlotte turned on her tv which made her brother look over at her.
"Sorry, I'll go to my room so you can watch your shows." He mumbled.
"Its ok, do you want to watch with me?" She asked with a smile.
"No its ok. Im going to watch a movie." He said as he left the room, closing the door behind him. Charlotte turned her attention back to the tv, trying to distract herself from thinking. Unable to give in, she picked up her phone and sent a text to Laura.
-Hey gorgeous. I don't really know what to say. I just hope that you're doing as ok as possible. Talk to me when you feel ready. Love love love. Xoxoxoxoxo [sent]-
She waited a few minutes for a reply but nothing came. Laura is glued to her phone 100% of the time and she can text faster than most. She probably didn't want to talk yet. Setting the phone on her nightstand, Charlotte flicked through the channels, trying to find something worth watching. Before she could settle on something, her phone buzzed loudly against the wooden nightstand and she fumbled to quickly pick it up.
-one new message-
Charlotte readied herself for what Laura might say or might not say. Opening the text, her eyes widened to realise that it was from kaitlyn.
-Hii. Stole your number from your profile. Yur little brother is so cute. Do you know what he was just doing? Oh... its Kaitlyn btw :))-
Charlotte felt conflicted. On the one hand, she had desperately wanted to hear from Laura. On the other hand, hearing from kaitlyn felt exciting. Trying her best to not seem too eager, she text back.
-lol hi. I know, he's adorable. But no... what was he doing? [Sent]-
-he was standing at his bedroom window, waving a plushie toy at me. I think I actually convinced him I'm a superhero B^) -
Knowing that Connor's bedroom was on the other side of the house, Charlotte let out a slight laugh and got up from her bed. She picked up the dry erase board from her desk and wrote 'BOO' in large bold letters. Now standing by her window, holding the board, she quickly text back.
-No way! What's he doing now? [Sent]-
Charlotte waited just a few seconds for kaitlyn's figure to emerge by her window. As she came in to view, Charlotte could see the smile break across her lips when she jokingly placed a hand against her chest as though she had been frightened. Pulling out her phone she glanced back toward Charlotte as she typed.
-you scared me!-
-You mistook this for my brothers room. You had it coming :P [sent]-
-Oh no! Im so sorry. What can I ever do to make it up to you?-
As her eyes scanned the last message, Charlotte felt her cheeks flush. A seemingly innocent question was loaded with possibility and it made her mind race along with her heartbeat. Her fingers were still, trying to find the will to compose the next message. Looking back up at kaitlyn and with a deep breath, Charlotte typed out;
-I see a guitar behind you. Maybe you could serenade me? Lol [sent]-
She waited for the reply, already feeling anxious about the light flirtation in her message. A quick glance up at kaitlyn showed her looking exactly as conflicted as Charlotte had felt moments ago; until her phone buzzed again.
-you really don't want to hear me sing. It'll ruin my entire reputation with you lol-
-pfft. What makes you think I have such a high opinion of you anyway? [Sent]-
Charlotte was still stealing glances at kaitlyn between the messages. It was impossible to tell for sure but she was certain that kaitlyn looked at least a shade more red as she typed out her reply.
-well you did ask me to serenade you. You must like me a little?-
At that, Charlotte felt her stomach drop. Nerves suddenly got the better of her. She could feel her palms start to sweat and her breath shake.
-duhh. That's why we're friends lol. [Sent]-
With that, Charlotte tossed her phone on to her bed and speed walked to the bathroom, grabbing a towel from the hanger on her way. Once inside and with the door locked; She turned on the shower and leaned back against the sink, trying to make sense of the conflicting thoughts inside her head. Other people had flirted with her in the past, her boyfriends, guys at school, even Laura (though it was always made clear that it was a joke). So why was this playing on her mind so much?
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khadij-al-kubra · 6 years
Can I Bar-row Your Attend-tion  (ch3)
Pairing: Roman/Patton
Characters: Roman, Patton, Logan, Virgil, Thomas, Joan, Talyn (some OCs)
Word Count: (who’s she? never heard of her? XP)
Summary: Roman and Patton are two bartenders at a local bar & grill with some serious chemistry. However, the only people who don’t realize it are each other, and one of them is in a relationship…on the rocks.
Author’s Note:
Hey friends! What’s this? Two chapters in one week!? Don’t get used to it, sadly. I want to get content out ASAP, but my work schedule sucks. For now though, here’s the next chapter in the Bar & Grill AU, and I am SO thankful to see all the positive feedback so far and am happy you’re enjoying it! If you’d like to be in the tag list for future chapters in the Bar & Grill AU or other works by me, let me know. And as always feel free to leave a comment in the messages or reply if you have any notes or constructive critiques. I’m always open to writing advice. Enjoy!
Chapter 3: Premium Chemistry, Shaken not Stirred (POV- Roman)
It was a slow Tuesday night at the bar & grill, just a dozen of regulars either having dinner at the tables or drinks at the bar. The Sanders’ employees were by no means slacking on their jobs, yet there was an air of comfortable easement. Which suited Roman fine. He’d just come from another long rehearsal before his shift and frankly it had left him in no mood to be overly charming to any new faces tonight. Fortunately for him, Patton was patient enough to listen to him vent.
“…And THEN Fred—you know, our Angel? Ugh, I can’t believe I have to kiss him—anyways, he goes and tells everyone my idea but then just rephrases it differently and takes credit for it. If that wasn’t bad enough, they all go along with it and tell Fred what a great idea he had, especially our stage manager Kiersten, or should I say Kier-satan! Curse that little lesbian Lucifer—I swear those two divas are in cahoots—but it was MY idea in the FIRST place! UGH I can’t stand them! I may also be one of the hot popular leads in the cast, but at least I’M not a jerkity-jerk-two-faced-jerk…Gaghhh, I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore!”
“Roman, take it easy! I know you’re upset but you’re starting to spill,” said Patton.
Indeed he had overfilled one of the glasses and now there was a small puddle on the counter. Good thing it was just club soda from the nozzle and nothing expensive.
“Oh! I’m so sorry,” he said as he fixed the last drink. “Here’s your Old Fashioned, Sal. Just like you.”
“Thanks pal,” said the mustached contractor with a wink.
“And your third Shirley Temple, Imani. You might want to slow down there.”
“Very funny Roman,” said the hijabi. “Save the over dramatics for your rehearsals.”
“I am NOT being over dramatic…not this time anyway,” he pouted, wiping up the spill he’d made with a wet rag.
“Of course you’re not,” said Patton, patting his shoulder sweetly.
Very few things could take even an ounce of enjoyment out of theatrical experiences for Roman, but lying diva cast-mates was one of them. Sadly, he’d been cursed to work with two. In the last few weeks of rehearsals Roman had come to befriend most of the cast and production team. However Fred had proven himself to be an entitled actor that only gave the time of day to his own clique, and Kiersten was—for lack of a Patton approved word—a bitch who was fake nice to everyone only to subtly undermine everyone else’s opinions, even the director! Roman absolutely hated people like that!
“Hey Patton,” said Lizzie, another regular, from the other side of the bar. “Can I get a gin for me and a whiskey sour for my lady love here?”
For once Lizzie was in a black dress and not her usual EMT uniform. Beside her was a curly haired woman in a rose pink dress that complimented her olive skin-tone perfectly. Yas queen, Roman thought. At least someone around here was getting lucky in the love department.
“Coming right up Lizzie! Goodness, it is so nice to finally meet you Maya,” said Patton, ambling over to his customers.
“You know my name?” asked Maya looking pleasantly surprised.
“Oh of course! Lizzie talks about how wonderful you are all the time.” Then Patton gasped loudly. “Is that an engagement ring I spy? CONGRATULATIONS you two! Here, have a celebratory cookie. Aw heck, have two! You deserve it.”
“Thank you,” they said, smiling as Patton handed them each two mini chocolate chip cookies from his apron stash.
As Roman watched his co-worker he couldn’t help but silently gush. This was the thing he loved most about Patton- how sincerely kind he was. The bespectacled angel never put on airs or had ulterior agendas. There wasn’t a single catty bone in the cat lover’s huggable body (ironic given how allergic Patton was to cats). If he listened to or remembered a little detail about you, it was because he genuinely cared about you as a human being. And for Roman, who worked in the competitive and often shady world of theater, that was a rare and beautiful quality in a person.
Everything about Patton was beautiful.
“I think that spot there is clean enough lover boy,” said Sal, his mustache twitched in a smirk.
“Right. Thanks Sal—wait, what do you mean lover boy?” he asked.
“Listen, Ro,” Patton said coming back over. “I understand why you’re so upset and your feelings are completely valid. But you can’t let people like that get you down and ruin the whole experience for you. That’s how bullies like them win. You get along with the rest of the cast, right?”
“Yes, they’re fantastic,” he said. “Our Mimi and I have even become good friends.”
“Aaand your director is nice and fair, right?”
“Very. He’s downright brilliant.”
“And you’re having fun being part of this show, right?”
“Of course! RENT is an institution!”
“Then that’s all that should matter! Just do your best, ignore the rest, and remember to have fun with it!”
Roman chuckled at Patton’s dad-like gesture. So adorable.
“I suppose you’re right Patton. It’s just frustrating. I can’t stand deceitful people like that. They really get under my skin! ...Anyways, enough about my drama. How are you Patton? Anything new in your life?”
For some reason Patton seemed surprised by the question. It’s not as though Roman wasn’t interested in the other’s life. In fact, he was very interested in it. Wanted to be a part of it even…part of his world. Now is not the time for mental Disney references, Roman. Then Patton beamed. Dear lord, its like he was made of sunshine.
“I’m doing pretty great actually,” said Patton. “In fact, I’ve started volunteering at the local animal shelter on my days off. It’s not Veterinary school, but pretty close enough.And I still get to help cute little animals.”
Of course he would spend his rare free-time helping others. He truly was an angel sent from the heavens. ‘That’s wonderful Patton! I’m happy for you, truly.”
“Thanks Roman. That…means a lot to me.”
“And how’s it been with my temporary replacement?”
“Not bad. He gets along with the customers well enough, although he can’t hold a candle to you.”
“Well of course,” Roman waved his hand dramatically. “I’m basically Lumière.”
Patton giggled. “Actually, aside from looking alike, you wouldn’t think Remy and Logan were related. He’s a lot more laid back. Although he does have a habit of showing up late for work, and I think he might have a bit of a coffee addiction.”
“A bit?” Lizzie called from across the bar. “Please, that guy probably has more coffee in his veins than blood!”
Roman laughed. “Coffee can be pretty addicting. That’s why I switched to drinking chai lattes. They certainly taste a lot better too.”
“Huh. Interesting…”
For some reason Patton seemed to be staring at Roman’s mouth. Good lord, did he have something in his teeth? He turned his head away to slyly check. Phew! All good.
“Well at least one of us is getting along with our new co-workers. Unlike me,” he grumbled. Stupid Fred. Stupid Kiersten.
“Aw Roman, isn’t there something I can do to cheer you up?” asked Patton.
“I doubt it, but I appreciate the gesture Patton.”
Roman sighed, propped his elbow on the table and rested his cheek in hand. As much as he loved being in RENT rehearsals it was taking a chuck out of his treasured time with Patton. Now not only was he forced to deal with two diva bitches, but also someone else was having time with his Patton, probably falling for him just as much as Roman had and waiting to make a move. What if Remy charmed Patton enough that he’d actually break-up with Dio for the guy? What if he was more Patton’s type, more worthy of the sweet man’s love than him? What if his replacement was more handsome than he was!?
Wait what am I thinking? There’s no one more handsome than me. Still… Suddenly there was a staccato tapping on his shoulder. Roman turned from his musings to see Patton grinning at him. The man was practically vibrating with giddiness.
“Can I just, say something crazy?” he asked.
At this line Roman shot up like a meerkat. No. He’s not… Patton wiggled his eyebrows at him conspiratorially, biting his soft looking bottom lip in excitement. He is! Roman did a quick sweep of the bar & grill to make sure there was no sign of Logan. Lenient as their friend boss might be, he’d never let them get away with an impromptu Disney number while they were supposed to be working. Luckily Logan wasn’t around. Probably still in his office. Good.
Roman gave Patton his most dashing smile. “I love crazy!”
“All my life has been a series of doors in my face
and then suddenly I bump into you,” Patton sang.
Roman joined in on cue. “I was thinking the same thing! ‘Cause like,
I’ve been searching my whole life to find my own place.
And maybe it’s the party talking or the chocolate fondue.”
“But with you,” Patton did a slide to the right.
“But with you” Roman slid to the left. “I found my place.”
“I see your face.”
On ‘face’ Patton lightly booped his nose and then stepped out from the bar. Roman followed suit. They had more room to move with and around each other.
“And it’s nothing like I’ve ever known before!
Love is an open door!
Love is an open door!”
Roman knew that Patton could sing, having hummed Disney songs together before, but he’d never had the pleasure of hearing it in full. Patton’s lovely tenor voice blended perfectly with his own baritone vocals. They even nailed the harmonies!
“Love is an open door!”
“With you!” Patton pointed.
“With you!” Roman pointed back.
“With you!”
“With you!”
“Love is an open door.”
Roman couldn’t help laughing out loud. Patton’s joy and whimsy truly were infectious.
“I mean it’s crazy.”
“We finish each other’s—
“Sandwiches!” Thomas shouted from over at the kitchen window, holding a plate of club sandwiches.
“That’s what I was going to say!” Roman called back indignantly. 
Then he felt Patton pulling him by the hands to the center of the room as he skipped backwards. “I never met someone”
“Who thinks so much like me!”
“Jinx! Jinx again!” The two grinned as they nailed the pinky swears.
“Our mental synchronization
Can have but one explanation.”
“And I”
Meant to be!”
Perhaps spurred on by the theatricality of the moment (definitely not his secret feelings), Roman dared to take Patton’s hand and wrap his arm around the other’s waist. Then he led Patton into a waltz. It was a bit sloppy but in a silly lighthearted way. He adored the flustered look on Patton’s face.
“Say goodbye”
“Say goodbye”
“To the pain of the past.
We don’t have to feel it anymore!”
In the back of his mind Roman knew that they were drawing attention to themselves but he didn’t care. Only Patton was in his world in that moment, and thus his world was bright and joyful and perfect. Patton was perfect.
“Love is an open door!
Love is an open door!
Life can be so much more!”
“With you!”
“With you!”
“With you!”
“Love is an open doooor…” Patton finished the song with a giggle. God I love this man.
Suddenly the place was filled with applause. Roman swore he even heard someone whistle from the kitchen. It wasn’t very loud given that there weren’t many people at Sanders’ tonight, but the energy was certainly boisterous enough to match even a full house. For some reason, Talyn was handing money over to Joan. Even Virgil seemed to have appeared out of nowhere and was clapping as he leaned against the wall. Where did he come from? I swear that guy is like a shadow sometimes.
That’s when Roman realized he and Patton were still holding onto each other. They were face to flushed smiling face. So close he could see the pure honey color of Patton’s eyes. Roman could lean in, feel just how soft those sweet lips truly were if he wanted to, and dear lord did he want to. So far yet so…close…
STOP! STOP! HE’S TAKEN YOU IDIOT! The flaring red alarm in Roman’s brain brought him back to the reality of the situation. Roman stopped himself and settled for just smiling at Patton. Way too close Roman. You nearly ruined the best thing you have with the best person in your life. Dio doesn’t know how lucky he is.
“Just KISS already ya goofballs!” Dakota shouted from across the room.
Terrence shut him up by smacking him on the back of the head form the table opposite him, but it had already been said. It was out there now, spoken to the universe. Roman’s entire face was burning and his co-worker was just as red beneath those freckled cheeks he wanted to kiss so badly. Oh great! You’ve embarrassed him! He immediately let go of Patton’s hands, laughing it off awkwardly. He already missed the warmth of those soft gentle hands. If only his heart would stop fluttering.
“Ahem.” Oh no.
Roman slowly turned around to find Logan standing there. His arms were crossed, his face stone-like, and yet to Romans surprise he didn’t seem angry. In fact, he would swear there was an amused glint in his dark eyes.
“Well. That was quite the performance. Highly unprofessional in this setting,” he said, adjusting his glasses.
Patton stepped in front of Roman, arm held out protectively. “It was my fault Logan. I was the one that started singing. Roman had a really bad day and everyone was already taken care of. I just wanted to cheer him u—
Logan held up a hand, and Patton closed his mouth with a pop. “However…given that it is nearly empty in here, save for our regular customers and they all seemed to enjoy the show…I shall let it slide this one time.”
“Wow. Thank you Lo—“
“Just don’t make a habit of it, or else it’s dish duty for the both of you.”
Roman gulped, picturing all those burnt cheese encrusted pans. His nails would never survive. “Understood specs.”
“Excellent. Now, if you’ll excuse me, there is a shoebox full of bank statements in my office that need organizing.”
Logan walked away with an almost giddy smile. He really is a happy little nerd at heart. Roman shook his head fondly as he and Patton returned to the bar.
“Nice little show you put on,” said Virgil, suddenly standing at Roman’s end of the bar.
“Gah,” Roman jumped. “We really need to put a bell on you, shadowling.”
“Hi Virgil!”
“Sup bro?”
“Need me to place an order for you?”
“Nah don’t sweat it. I already asked Thomas while you guys were having your Disney mania moment. You two were getting pretty cozy at the end there.”
Roman’s ears felt hot again and he shot a panicked look at Patton. The fatherly figure either hadn’t heard that last part or was pretending otherwise. How DARE Virgil embarrass his own stepbrother like that! Wait, is he blushing too? Is that a good sign or a bad one? Okay, just play it cool Roman.
“Oh don’t be ridiculous, Cruella de Virgil. Patton was only trying to lift my spirits after an arduous rehearsal, which he did as always. Uh-I-I mean-like you always do with any of your friends! Nothing special or non-consensually romantic about it!”
Roman laughed weakly but thought he’d played it off well. Patton no longer looked embarrassed at least. Although…his smile seemed a bit off.
“Yep! Just helping out a…friend,” said Patton.
“I do feel better now. Truly,” said Roman. He covered Patton’s hand with his own and gave a reassuring squeeze, knowing how much the man loved physical affection. “Thank you for lifting my spirits Patton. It means a lot.”
“Anytime Roman,” said Patton.
“I hate to interrupt fellas,” said Sal, “But we’re out of beer nuts here. Mind getting some more?”
“Woops! Sorry ‘bout that kiddo,” he said to the older gentleman. “We should have another can of them in the supply room somewhere. Be right back.”
Roman watched the pseudo padre practically prance to the back storage, unable to ignore how good those khaki jeans looked on him from behind. He felt ashamed at his having the male gaze but DAMN IT ALL, how could a man be both sexy and cute at the same time? That’s not FAIR!
“Geez, you do have it bad, don’t you Princy?” said Virgil.
“Whaaaat? Pshh me? Have feelings for Patton? Knowing full well he’s my co-worker and already taken? You-you impude my honor! I-I do not secretly…love…Patton…”
“Falsehood,” said Logan passing by with a box in his hands.
This had Virgil and pretty much everyone else seated at the bar in a guffaw. He shot them all dagger eyes but even he knew this was a weak response. Heck, if the cyborg had picked up on the feelings he’d tried to hide then clearly he hadn’t done a very good job. His shoulders sagged in defeat.
“Is it really that obvious?” he asked.
“YES,” They all answered.
“Subtlety isn’t exactly your strong suit,” said Imani.
“That’s true,” he sighed. “Wait, you don’t think Patton—
“Don’t worry bud, he doesn’t know. I love my brother but he’s about as oblivious as you are dramatic.” 
Roman gave a fake-offended gasp, but even he knew it was a gesture weakened by his relief. Thank goodness Patton was still preoccupied in storage. Come to think of it, he’s been going back there a lot lately…I hope he’s okay. Probably just sneaking off to text his boyfriend, the lucky bastard.
“Seriously though,” Virgil said, “you really should just kiss him already. Or at least tell him how you feel. You know, carpe diem and all that.”
“Virgil…I’d be lying if I said doing either of those things hasn’t occupied my every waking daydream since I met that beautiful man!” Roman sighed loudly, setting down the towel he’d thoroughly wrung out. “But I don’t dare to risk ruining our friendship if he doesn’t feel the same.”
“Some risks are worth taking. And that’s coming from the guy who won’t risk going outside if there’s even a slight chance of scattered thundershowers.”
“But…your tagger symbol is your initials inside of a storm cloud.”
“The irony doesn’t escape me.”
“Besides,” said Lizzie, “I don’t think it’d be too big a risk since Patton clearly feels the same about you.”
“Wait, wha-what?” A glimmer of hope rose up in Roman chest.
“Hey, what the heck Lizzie? I have a bet going on!” Imani shouted from the other end of the bar. Wait, what bet?
“So do I sister!” Lizzie playfully stuck her tongue out at the Muslim woman then kissed her fiancé.
“Wait, wait, back up! What the heckity-heck with five abs in one peck—
“That’s a visual,” said Virgil.
“—makes you think Patton could possibly have feelings for me? Are you certain? Did he say something to you?”
“Well no, not in words per se. But he sure does show it pretty darn clearly,” said Sal as he took a swig of his drink. Then he held it out, silently asking the bartender for another.
“How so?” Roman asked as he mixed another Old Fashioned.
“For one thing he gets real touchy feely with you. Always going in for hugs and squeezing your arm and the like.”
“Patton’s always like that. He’s a very affectionate man.” One of his most endearing traits, Roman thought.
“True, but with you he’s extra,” said Sal as he took his drink.
“Plus, whenever you show up for you shift, he gets super bubbly,” said Lizzie. “Even by Patton standards.
“Not to mention you two just fucking waltzed around the room together,” said Joan as they passed by with two orders of nachos.
“Aaand he sang a Disney song just to cheer you up,” said Talyn as they brought Terrence and Dakota their checks.
“And don’t forget I grew up with the guy,” said Virgil. “I recognize his puppy-love face and he definitely gets it around you.”
“But,” said Iman with a resigned huff. “You want to know the biggest tip off? You are the only person here who he never calls kiddo.”
Roman’s mouth was opened prepared to protest, but this last bit of evidence took the wind right out of his chimes. He couldn’t remember Patton ever referring to him by his favorite fatherly term of endearment. Did that truly mean he saw Roman as more than a friend? Could he really be lucky enough to have somehow earned the affection of someone as kind, beautiful and wonderful as Patton Cline? Could the light of his life truly see something in him worthy of loving? If that’s the case then maybe Roman did have a chance! Maybe they could be more than friends, maybe—
“I…I can’t.” Roman signed, shoulders slumping with lost hope. “You’re right, I should be honest with my feelings. And perhaps what you say about Patton may be true. But there’s one glaring obstacle you’re all forgetting about; he already has a boyfriend. An awful creepy one but nevertheless…he is taken. And as much as I hate my snake-faced rival, Dio is the one Patton has chosen to be with. Not me...which means that is what he wants most.” 
Roman did his best to swallow back tears threatening to make a jailbreak from his eyes. “So long as that is the case, I will not disrespect Patton’s choice by coming between them. That would be dishonorable of me and unfair to Patton. And I love him too much to ever do anything that could possibly hurt him.”
He could practically feel all of their eyes on him, but none of them said anything. They merely turn back to their drinks or meals. Roman was glad of it. He didn’t think he could handle them trying to convince him otherwise. He was more than willing to suffer in silence if it means doing right by the man he loved.
When he looked up at Virgil though, his best friend, there was a look of understanding in the artist’s eyes behind his bangs. Perhaps even respect.
“Fair enough,” Virgil said.
“Order up Virgil,” said Thomas.
He held out the to-go bag, for once leaning outside of the kitchen doors instead of the windowsill. The cook was giving Roman a look of sympathy. Had he been eavesdropping between orders?
“Thanks Thomas,” said Virgil grabbing the bag. “I already had Logan ring up my bill when I came in, so I’m just gonna duck out.”
“Okay. See you next time then. And Roman…hang in there buddy.” 
Then the young cook retreated back into the kitchen. Yep. He definitely eavesdropped. Surprise, surprise. Was everyone in Sanders’ privy to the Chilean soap opera that had suddenly become his love life? Or lack thereof.
“For what it’s worth Roman…I’d be cool with it.” Virgil scratched the back of his neck beneath his hood. “I think you’d be really good for my brother.”
“Wow...Thanks Virge,” said Roman, humbled by the anxious man. “That really means a lot.”
“Whatever,” Virgil scoffed. “Just know that if you do ever break his heart, I’m gonna kick your ass.”
Roman chuckled. “Believe me Dark Knight, I’d kick my own ass first before I let that happen.”
“Good.” Virgil put on his large headphones and two-finger saluted him. “Later.”
Roman watched his friend leave Sanders’ and looked through the glass window as Virgil parkoured away, his black clad figure merging into the dark of the night. It was nice to know that Roman had his approval, though it hardly mattered. Not while Patton wanted to be with someone else.
“I’m back!” said Patton.
“Gah!” Roman jumped a little at Patton suddenly appearing behind him. Seems both brothers have a talent for appearing out of nowhere.
“And I brought beer nuts.” He poured them from the large metal cylinder into the small table bowls at the bar. “Here you go kiddos. What’d I miss?”
“Nothing! Nothing of interesting. Certainly no missed confessions or anything…Uh you sure were back there a long time. Did you get lost or something?”
Patton smiled back at him, but it wasn’t his usual ear-to-ear smile. If Roman didn’t know any better he’d say his eyes looked a bit red behind those glasses.
“Nah, I had to make a quick phone call to…anywho, it doesn’t matter. So didja miss me Roman?”
Roman. Not kiddo. ”Always Patton.”
His partner in bartending crime and unknowing thief of his heart chuckled in that childlike manner he had. Then he turned back to work, cleaning glasses and humming the song they’d sung together only moments ago. Even as he did such a simple task Roman couldn’t help admiring him. Those fairy dust freckles, kind eyes, soft looking waves of hair, and warm smile…he truly was the sun in his sky; So close and beautiful, yet so very far away.
Roman sighed and said softly under his breath, “More than you’ll ever know.”
Tag List: @altruistic-skittles @thekeytohappiness-is-you @canadian-crofters @icecoldparadise @bluebloodstains @purpleshipper @patchworkofstars@axyzel @hissesssss @beautifully-terribly @pink-and-purple-flowers@jynxlovesluck @thatsanswitch @6tick6tock6 @hanramz-the-fander @azlinne @helplesscreator @thestoryofme13 @bibbidi-bobbity-booyah @accidental-sanders @moonstonefox12 @hissesssss @smokeyrutilequartz @phlying-squirrel @madly-handsome @puns-and-patton @notveryglittery @eequalsmcscared @safesandersides
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thewritingfox · 6 years
Chapter 5- A Little Angst... Just A Little
Master Post -> https://thewritingfox.tumblr.com/post/174423752657/soulmates-master-post-first-draft
A/N Okay so... I have a bit of a problem. I have to pay my rent on Friday, but the past few weeks my hours at my job have been less than normal, so I’m not going to have enough and if I can’t pay my rent, I’m most likely going to be thrown out of the place I live. I... I hate asking for help, ESPECIALLY help with money but... please... if you can spare it, could you please send money to my paypal? Please, I REALLY hate to ask, but I need just about $100 more... and anyone who does help, I’ll return the money as soon as I can (since I’ll be picking up a LOT more hours AND getting a raise very soon)
Virgil didn’t remember falling asleep, and he certainly didn’t remember falling asleep on top of a pallet of paints. He groaned as he straightened his back out. It was 4am and Virgil shivered. He didn’t remember opening the attic window? He walked over to close it and noticed a dark figure standing under the streetlight and it looked like they were starring at him. He closed the window as hard and fast as he could and made sure it was locked. Suddenly he slid backwards and hit his head on the floor. He looked down and saw an envelope. He grabbed one of the masks he used when he had painted his attic and the living room for his aunt, and opened the envelope. Inside was money and a small sticky note that read “Stay safe. I’m not the only one watching”. Virgil rushed back to his window and saw the street was empty. He double checked the lock on his window and drew the curtains and locked the attic door and shoved a desk covered in paint cans against it. He knew there was no way he was going to be able to sleep that night. He grabbed a marker and drew it on his leg to let the others know what was going on.
He didn’t expect the overwhelming feelings of affection and protectiveness to fall over him. He watched as Pat and Ro drew back. Patton drew himself hugging virgil, even though they were barely anything more than stick figures, and Roman drew a picture of him with a sword fighting a dragon wearing a witches hat and protecting Virgil, which made him laugh and start to relax. He decided to FINALLY finish his homework as Patton sent little reassuring doodles to him and Roman sent feelings of confidence. It helped him a lot and he almost completely forgot about the strange person. Amost.
The next day, Roman could tell he was EXHAUSTED. Even though Virgil had relaxed and almost forgotten about it, he still couldn’t go back to sleep. He was too confused. Why had they given him money? How had they gotten the window open? Who were they and who else was watching? The questions bounced around in his mind all night, keeping him awake and it made Roman REALLY worried. “Hey Virge. Are you okay? I mean with what happened last night, I’d understand if you weren’t.
“S-scared. C-conf-fused.”
“I would be too if I was in your position. Look I know what we talked about yesterday, but I’m still TERRIFIED for you. All I want to do is put you in one of those giant hamster balls with a bunch of pillows and blankets and food and protect you from everything.” Virgil smiled sheepishly
“Th-thank you.” Roman scratched the back of his neck and blushed lightly.
“W-well, your welcome. I just wanna make sure you’re taken care of.” Virgil laughed
“A-alm-most s-sounds l-like y-you h-have a c-crush on me.”
“I mean,” Roman yanked up his right sleeve “it’s not like we’re soulmates or anything!” Roman yelled during a lull in the sound of the hallway. Everyone snapped their heads in his direction and Virgil watched the jaws drop as people who recognized the super popular drama nerd put the pieces together in their heads. Virgil instinctively hid behind Roman and pulled up his dark hood, pulling the strings as tightly as he could to avoid seeing all of the eyes straining to spot him to confirm their fears. Roman put on a defiant look and Virgil was filled almost to the brim with his soulmates feelings of confidence and rebellion. Roman snatched Virgil’s hand and kissed him in front of all of the starring eyes, before storming off, dragging an infuriated VIrgil behind him.
When Roman finally stopped, they were in front of the drama building, a light rain falling on the two of them. Virgil’s rage was boiling over and Roman’s phone went off, undoubtedly messages from Logan and Patton trying to figure out what the emotion spikes were. Virgil angrily scribbled on a scrap of paper in his bag and presented it to Roman as his speech, to avoid making it any longer and embarrassing with the stutter. “HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?! WE AGREED YESTERDAY WE WEREN’T GOING TO DATE AND I THOUGHT YOU UNDERSTOOD THAT I DIDN’T WANT ANYONE KNOWING! WHAT THE HELL IS wrong WITH YOU?! DID YOU NOT STOP TO THINK ABOUT HOW I FELT?! THAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING!! I CAN’T believe YOU!” Before Roman finished reading the rest he threw the note to the side.
“WHY did I do it?! I don’t know, MAYBE because I HATE seeing the way people treat you! I hate feeling your CONSTANT fear and nervousness! MAYBE because I thought of it as a way to PROTECT you! Since everyone ELSE seems to think I’m SO great and they’d do ANYTHING for me and blah blah blah, I MAYBE just THOUGHT that they’d leave you alone if they knew!”
“I CARE!!!” With that Roman started to stomp off as the rain began pouring down.
“F-FINE!!!” Virgil sank down, sitting in the rain and started crying. He wanted to apologize as he watched Roman’s almost regal form disappear into the main building of the school.
Tag List:
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
1: (truth) Who was your first major celebrity crush? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle and post the first five songs. dare: permission - ro james, so amazing - boyz ii men, when we - tank, over my dead body - drake, rock wit u - ashanti.
2: (truth) What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you in the past week? (dare) Refresh your dashboard and send an anonymous compliment to the person who posted whatever’s at the top of your dash. truth: my phone network sent me a message saying my payment bounced from my bank. i didn’t tell anyone i knew personally but it was still embarrassing.
3: (truth) What are your three favorite things about your appearance? (dare) List all nine of your tumblr crushes, and describe each blog/blogger in one word. truth: i have thick hair (no whites yet), full eyebrows and nice skin tone.
4: (truth) What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? (dare) Post the oldest selfie on your camera roll. truth: planned a surprise getaway for me.
5: (truth) If your parents knew everything you’ve ever done, what would they think is the worst thing? (dare) Tag the three nonmutuals you admire most. truth: definitely the drugs.
6: (truth) What is the last thing you purchased? (dare) Tag three people you’ve thirst followed. truth: money for my travel card haha.
7: (truth) How many hours did you sleep last night? (dare) Send an anonymous compliment to the last person who followed you. truth: eh... about 5.
8: (truth) If you could go on a date with any of your mutuals, who would it be and what would you do? (dare) Send an anonymous compliment to one of your four “Biggest Fans” on tumblr. ugh, i’m really not a tumblr person so i’ll skip this.
9: (truth) How did you meet your best friend? (dare) Refresh your dashboard. Open the blog of the person who posted whatever’s at the top of your dash. Reblog their most recent selfie. truth: at a house party through mutual friends.
10: (truth) What was your favorite band five years ago? (dare) Tag a blog that posts very different content from yours, but that you couldn’t imagine not following. idk.
11: (truth) Where did you get each article of clothing you’re wearing right now? (dare) Pick up the closest book to you. Turn to page 39 and copy down line 7. truth: jumper - best n less, undies - bonds, shirt and shorts - cotton on.
12: (truth) What are your five favorite girls’ names and five favorite boys’ names? (dare) Copy and paste the 14th line of text from the last document you worked on in Word or Google Drive. pass.
13: (truth) What’s your most irrational fear? (dare) Tag five mutuals who take amazing selfies. truth: cockroaches.
14: (truth) If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life (consisting of clothes you already own), what would it be? (dare) Tag someone you follow who has amazing fashion sense. if the weather didn’t matter probably my black dress with detailing on the front, denim jacket and ankle boots.
15: (truth) If you could rock any unusual article of clothing/makeup technique/hairstyle, what would it be? (dare) Go to the blog of the last person you reblogged a text post from. Reblog your favorite of their selfies. super colourful makeup.
16: (truth) What is your dream job? (dare) Post the four most recent pictures in your camera roll. travel writer. or vlogger even.
17: (truth) Where is the last place you went that took over two hours to get to? (dare) Post screenshots of your phone’s lock screen and home screen. work when there was a crazy traffic jam.
18: (truth) How old were you when you had your first kiss? If you haven’t had it yet, how old do you want to be? (dare) Go to the last app/tab you opened. Post a screenshot. i was 16.
19: (truth) What is the first thing you remember having to keep secret? (dare) Tag five bloggers who you associate with being obsessed with something particular, and list what each of them is obsessed with. my older cousin smoking in front of me and asking me not to tell  my parents. i was like, 4.
20: (truth) What does your bedroom look like? (dare) Take one selfie and post it. You only get one shot! (No old selfies or retrying, even if you think you look bad) messy.
21: (truth) What three fictional characters would you most like to meet? (dare) Write your name down on a piece of paper and draw a quick picture of yourself. Take a photo of it and post it idkkkk.
22: (truth) What are three things you’re looking forward to? (dare) Tag the last three people you reblogged posts from, and estimate how many followers they have. the weekend, weddings this year, concerts.
23: (truth) What are your three biggest turn ons, and your three biggest turn offs? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle. Without actually listening to it, write the lyrics to the chorus of the first song boring.
24: (truth) If you could only own five material objects (not counting life necessities like food/water/a house/etc) what would they be? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle. Post what the first three songs are, and for each one, tag a blog that the song reminds you of. a givenchy handbag, the biggest, flashiest engagement ring ever, a tesla, all the shoes and a new macbook.
25: (truth) What is the last thing you lied about? (dare) Tag three people you want to know better and ask them each three questions about themselves. i forgot.
26: (truth) What’s the last movie you watched? (dare) Reblog the most recent of your own selfies posted on tumblr, and in the tags say two things you like about your appearance in it? girls trip.
27: (truth) What are three things you like about yourself unrelated to your appearance? (dare) Post a picture from your camera roll that you’ve been meaning to post on tumblr. i’m funny, very honest and loyal.
28: (truth) How do you take your coffee? (dare) Post the last picture you posted on a social media platform other than tumblr. iced coffee.
29: (truth) What are your worst habits? (dare) Put your Top 25 Most Played songs on shuffle and list the first five. laziness.
30: (truth) What is the last thing you did that you have to keep secret from someone? Who do you have to keep it secret from? (dare) Tag five blogs with great URLs. just... not say anything?
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anxietys-room · 7 years
Mod applications
I’ve noticed that the Anxiety’s room code in the Sanders Sides fandom is mainly sent straight to the blog who the struggling person wants help from. This puts a duty of care on that person to help, either by giving advice or by posting the ask and passing the duty of care onto their followers. The idea of this blog is community based help, where asks for help will be published and the Fanders who know that they are balanced enough to help can do so. In this way, it will be less of an advice blog and more a simple way to connect people in trouble and people willing to help. That’s not to say mods can’t help if they want to, they can provide advice if they so wish but only if they feel up to it. I’m working on European time myself and I’d like several mods for each timezone so there will always be a couple of people able to help.
I’d like every mod to be aware of the help-lines and useful organisations in their country and be willing to try and deal with a variety of situations. They should have a good working knowledge of mental health issues and lgbt+ issues although expertise is not required. A good sense of Morality and a desire to help is more important as the other things can be learnt. You should have a steady grip on your own mental health and know when to step back from this blog if you start to suffer yourself. You should only be answering asks if it will not impact your own mental health. 
Being a mod will involve posting requests for help with all appropriate trigger tags, and providing resources when asked or if you believe a person is in serious danger, either from themselves or others. If a person has not received help within an acceptable length of time, which you will have to determine for yourself based on the content of the ask, you should reblog the ask with a comment asking people to help, again with all trigger tags. The aim is to match everyone that asks with a helper, as mentioned before the helper can be yourself if you’re up to it, and every effort should be made to meet that goal. Any abusive asks should be ignored, and left for me, as the person organising this blog, to delete.
So it’s not an especially hard job, mainly posting asks into the void with the right tags. If it’s the sort of thing you’re willing to devote your time to, shoot me a message (edit: @anxious-vigil) and we’ll have a chat (when we’re both awake, time-zones y’know). If I like how you handle things, you’ll be added as an admin and can start answering asks pretty much immediately after that. I’ll probably accept quite a large amount of mods, I’d like this to be blog to be owned and run by the community, so you will work as part of a team, and if you’re uncomfortable answering an ask, there should be someone willing to take it on instead. I’ve not run an endeavour like this before so please be patient with me as I figure this out.
Thank you,
~Mod Ro
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rikaxi · 8 years
Happy birthday Rikaxi!!
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    That’s right, today is the day that my precious Kairi blog turns one! It’s been such an amazing year since I had some help influencing my decision to create this blog. With that, kids, it’s story time. 
     It started off when I was approached by a lovely person named CJ, who at the time had a Sora blog that I roleplayed with a lot on my Axel blog, and they asked me if I’d be interested in creating a group verse. (spoiler: i said heck yeah) A lot of plotting later.. our verse needed a Kairi! So guess who stepped up to the plate and created this smol ball of passion. To think that I’d be here a year later is crazy. 
     Throughout this year, I’ve met a lot of people and made some a m a z i n g friends, and I wanna shout them out for a sec.
@destinyislandscutestgirl - ROSIE. Oh my sweet little sunshine~ One of the biggest reasons I kept going was you. You were always so supportive of everything I did and if I ever needed a friend, I knew I could count on you. I’m so thankful that I got to know you, because you’re such a beautiful person and I don’t know where I’d be without you. 
@vanitysreflection - CAT OH MY BABY HEY;; tbh, you’re probably one of the sweetest and kindest people I’ve ever met, both you and Ro. I don’t think I’ve ever had so many threads with one person at a time than I do you XD I love you so much honestly, you’re so genuine and h il arious and I love that I can talk to you about anything and everything, and I can’t keep track of our VaniKai timeline still :p please don’t ever change, I’m here for you always my dear.
@thalxssas - My darling dear sweet Kai!!!! The first Kairi I ever approached about roleplaying (very nervously might I add) and to be quite honest, my role model. I look up to you so much and you’re such an inspiration for me and for my Kairi and I’m so glad I sent that message all those weeks ago, because with you it’s been nothing but amazing. You’re such a lovely human (im convinced ur an angel tbh) and I hope we never stop being friends. <3 <3
@illusoirereveur - SORAAAAAA~!! I’ll never call you anything else, thank you tumblr for messing up our icons that one time XD. Honestly my first and favorite Zex/Ienxo forever?? I was so scared to talk to you (AND FIND OUT WE’RE IN THE SAME STATE) and it was very relieving to find out that you’re b a s i c a l l y a meme, and I love you.
     Okay I really need to get to work soon but there are plenty of others that I hold dearly to my heart but don’t have time to mention. You’re all wonderful!! And if I didn’t/don’t tag you, I’m so sorry, please know that I love you anyways. Thank you guys for making this year amazing!
others I wanted to mention;; 
@sora-pugnxre-mxlum, @dawnsonyou, @drexm-eater, @voidheartbeats, @fractyx, @kxyxflxght, @vvatercolors, @vcidgear, @floodedvanity, @kukanorrow, @boundbythedark, @twilightsheartbreak, @thelightissilenced, @duskisms (ERIKA YOU’RE AMAZING), @photondebugger, @viamadlucem, @burnfcryou, @falsexmemories, @solitu, @thedemonkingganon, @inkyrcbbiit (my dear sweet birthday twin that I adore), @endss-of-the-earth, @alongxthexroadxtoxdawn
There are so so so many more I want to tag, but I’m afraid that’s all I can do for now. One last time, thank y’all so much for just.. being yourselves. I adore each and every one of you, tagged or not. 
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sevi007 · 8 years
okay well since you said your ask box is open. im the anon from last night. im kin with bak/u/gou. my qpp is kin with todo/ro/ki and faces severe irl abuse constantly. so when they go into the todor/ok/i shou/t/o tag only to see the same person who abused them in that canon and reminds them of the person who abuses them irl? its pretty fucking shitty especially when the post is comparing the parallels of me (bakug/o/u) and their abuser. youre not dumb. you can figure out why that sucks :))
Why yes, I did say that. Welcome back, anon!
I’m sorry to hear that someone close to you has to suffer abuse. I can absolutely understand how triggering seeing a character like Endeavor must be. He really is the eptiome of an abuser and an asshole, after all.
However, Sai couldn’t know that beforehand, right? So I still think that you could have been more polite about the whole thing. Look, this message you sent me here was already a good deal friendlier and more polite than the one you sent saisai. Sai didn’t mean harm with her posts or the way she tagged them. So please don’t get angry at her as if she did - that can be hurtful, too.
As for the whole tagging-problem: I think I already said it, but you and your friend could just blacklist tags like “Endeavor” or “abuse mention”, so you don’t have to see those posts? Because there actually ARE people who look explicitly for posts with “Endeavor” or “Todoroki” in it, so I think tagging it like to/do/roki would be rather confusing and unhandy. You would have to discuss that directly with saisai, however. But please, this time, don’t attack full speed ahead - try it the calm way. I assure you, Sai is understanding and nice, if one initates a conversation in the same tone. =)
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thewritingfox · 6 years
Soulmates- Prologue part 2
Within the first week of Virgil’s fifth grade year there was the lesson on soulmates, delivered around the country at the same time. The teacher described it as “you and your soulmate will have a physical, emotional, and spiritual connection. Often times you may find yourself finding people who resemble your actual soulmate attractive. Each and every single human being has a different soulmark, and at birth they are catalogued so if certain people are having particular issues finding their soulmate, or for some other reason, they’ll have a place to start looking. As it is, any physical changes to your body they will experience. For you girls or drama students that means any makeup you wear can appear on their skin, any of you who doodle on yourselves may cause it to show up on their skin. If you get a cut or a scratch or break a bone… “Virgil subconsciously rubbed the spot on his arm where he remembered being in extreme anguish just a few years ago. “...they’ll feel you pain, though it won’t break their bone and it may not scratch them up. If something causes you to feel extreme emotions, they’ll be able to feel it too. It is most common, though exceptions aren’t uncommon, that when one soulmate dies, the other will as well. There have also been RARE cases where someone has more than one soulmate, though it is very rare.” All the other students were abuzz in the class and no one could stop fidgeting. Curiosity got the better of Virgil and he rolled up his sleeve to see the other’s had already started talking to each other.
Hi! My name is Pat! A light blue glitter pen wrote
Greetings Pat, I’m Ro! A dark red scrawl responded
Salutations both of you, I’m Logan. A standard dark blue pen
Wow! I didn’t think that this would work! Pat wrote.
So, who was the one that got hurt two years ago? Ro asked curiously
Oh that was me! I broke my arm climbing a tree to get my cat. Patton scribbled
Not to be rude or anything, but isn’t there supposed to be one more of us? Virgil watched as the one named Logan circled a spot on the bottom of where the symbols formed an almost diamond. He assumed it was in reference to him
Hi… Virgil...That’s all Virgil could muster in his purple pen before the prying eyes started to notice something odd about the shy new kid. Virgil shily rolled his sleeve back down, praying no one saw and that it would be ignored. But sadly he wasn’t so lucky. At recess that day some kids pulled him off the swing he was on and rolled up his sleeve
“Oh my gods! You have THREE soulmates?! Oh gods what a freak!!” Four kids gathered around him and started shoving him about, some even started hitting him. They didn’t even know his name yet! At the last second, one of the bullies jumped out of the way of catching him, causing him to fall and hit his head on the metal pole of the swings. Virgil’s vision went blurry for a moment and he struggled to stand up.
“P-please s-stop this.” He said barely above a whisper. One of the kids punched him and gave him a black eye. More fists would’ve followed, but the teacher called everyone inside to get back to class, and he walked over to her in a dizzy daze. It didn’t stop there. When the teacher wasn’t looking, the kids through paper balls at him with nasty messages written inside. Tears pricked at Virgil’s eyes but he refused to let them fall.
When he got home Miss Cici almost dropped the tray of medicine in her hands. “Oh my goodness! Virgil, what happened?!”
“S-some kids a-at school f-found out a-about my s-s-soulmates a-and th-they b-beat me u-up.” Virgil stuttered through tears. “Th-they p-pushed me around a-and made me fall a-and I h-hit my h-head on the p-pole for the s-swings. Th-then wh-when I asked them to st-stop one of them p-punched me.” Miss Cici wrapped her arms around the sobbing little boy.
“Okay Virgil, come with me into the kitchen, I don’t like that stutter one bit. It my mean you have a concussion.” She steered Virgil into the kitchen and sat him down on a chair and got to work tending to his injuries. She did a small concussion test and concluded he needed to see a doctor as soon as possible. Miss Cici, told Aunt Mabel that she was going to go run a few errands and she was going to bring Virgil with her to help out.
At the hospital it was confirmed that Virgil did indeed have a concussion and they weren’t sure how long the stuttering would last. They told Miss Cici to keep a close eye on him and to just give his brain time to recover. They gave him some pain medicine and sent him home. Miss Cici called her boss and told them that she’d be spending a few nights at the house to help the little boy with a concussion and that they could still clock her out at the regular time. When she finished that Miss Cici called the school to inform them of what happened. They said that they’d have the teacher collect notes and assignments for him for when he got better and that when he got back, they’d ask him about the students so that they could properly be punished.
Virgil spent three weeks at home doing almost nothing and he hated it. He felt so fidgety but Miss Cici wouldn’t let him do much of anything. She took good care of him though and he recovered half way through, but she wanted to make ABSOLUTELY sure. Virgil appreciated the break, but still had a mild stutter he didn’t want others to know about, so when he went back to school he avoided talking as much as he could. He drew out very detailed sketches of the kids that had started the bullying and they were suspended from school, but by then it was too late and the other kids started bullying him. Virgil worked hard to avoid them. Now at recess he sat near the teachers and read. In the cafeteria he sat as far from everyone else as he could. He spent his free time drawing and painting like he used to do with his mother.
He often looked at the photos of his mothers in the lockets. He wished so badly that he could talk to them. He ended up painting portraits of them which he showed to Aunt Mabel, which almost made her cry. She said they were lovely and hung them up above the fireplace on either side of a portrait of a young her and a man who must’ve been Uncle William. They all looked so happy. Virgil wondered if Aunt Mabel had just made empty threats, that she did really care about him, but was just scared of losing someone else she loved. He wondered if that’s why she always drank, but Virgil didn’t dare to ask.
Author’s Note: Thank y’all SO MUCH for the positive feed back, in less than 24hrs on my simple little story! Oh my lord it made me cry when I woke up to find even a few people who liked the story, I was SO happy! especially since I’m doing almost no editing at all (literally just fixing spelling mistakes and any grammar mistakes I spot)! I am so happy! Thank y’all a TON! I promise, I’ll have not prologue up soon
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