#all this and then he's like: i think we should make love tonight like the 3rd time they hook up
Bane of My Existence - A QZ Joel Miller One Shot
You and Joel Miller have never gotten along, always at odds whether working together or avoiding each other. But when a smuggling job goes bad, you discover that there might be more to his harsh demeanor than meets the eye.
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Pairing: QZ Smuggler!Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: Enemies to lovers; Joel is bad with emotions; hurt/comfort; canon typical violence; injury that's probably poorly handled because I don't medicine; vague threat of SA (not by Joel, not made to reader); unprotected vaginal sex. Joel carries reader but look... My Joels are all 6'5" and strong as hell, especially in life threatening situations. Man can carry anybody. I'm in love with him because he's a big strong man. No description of reader.
Length: 8.9k (sorry)
A/N: A lil one shot gift for my beautiful bestie @dundienominee :)
Full Masterlist | AO3
“Hell no.” 
Of course Joel Miller said hell no to working with you. Of course he did. 
You weren’t surprised at Joel’s reaction when his smuggling partner, Tess, brought you to their safe house in the QZ. He’d never been the president of your fan club. 
“Joel,” she sighed. 
“Fuck no,” he said. “Not bringin’ her anywhere, she’s a goddamn liability.” 
“Joel,” she said again, sterner this time. 
You, however, just smirked, watching him pace and glare at you, his face getting flushed as he did. 
“She takes stupid fuckin’ risks,” Joel said. “She’s cocky, she’s…”
“Saved your ass from infected?” You asked, raising your eyebrows. 
You knew you were adding fuel to the fire. Tess glared at you for it. Your smirk grew. 
“Wouldn’t have been near the fuckin’ infected if it weren’t for you,” he snapped. “Not. Goin. With. Her.” 
“Well, you don’t have a choice,” Tess said, standing up a little straighter and crossing her arms, staring her partner down. “She’s the one with the contact, they agreed to two people meeting them and she has to be one of them…” 
“How the hell’d you make a contact?” Joel turned his full attention to you, his eyes molten hot and angry. “Anyone you touch ends up fuckin’ dead…” 
“Oh fuck off,” you snapped before you regained your composure. “Don’t get pissy with me because big bad Joel Miller isn’t the top of the smuggling heap in the QZ…” 
“I ain’t pissy!” 
“…Not the top of the heap in anything at all, really…” 
“That’s it!” Joel stalked over, looking like he wanted to slug you. Instead, he just put his finger in your face, a slightly unhinged look in his eyes. “You think I’m doin’ a goddamn thing with you…” 
“You don’t have a choice, Texas,” Tess came and stood beside you, her arms crossed as she looked to Joel. “You burned the bridge we had with the FEDRA officer I need to buy off to get our next round of pills inside, I can’t go on this run because I have to deal with the mess you made when you couldn’t keep your shit together. We want to actually be set before shit gets snowed in for winter? We need her connection. So. You’re going, you’re leaving tonight, and you’re not going to fuck this up. Got it?” 
His jaw tightened. 
“Got it.” 
“Good,” she looked to you. “Your contact knows you’re coming?” 
“They do,” you said, serious now and completely ignoring the wall of muscle who was still standing uncomfortably close to you. “The walk back is going to fucking suck but it should be worth it. Good with the split?” 
“Good might be a strong word for 60/40,” Tess said, shaking her head a little but grinning all the same. “But I’ll take it.” She looked between you and Joel. “Trusting you two to not kill each other out there. Don’t make me regret it. See you in a few days.” 
She left the two of you there in the threadbare apartment without another word, Joel’s glare practically drilling a hole into your skull. 
“Together again, eh Miller?” You smirked at him. 
He didn’t respond. He just went and sat heavily on the worn couch before lying down and closing his eyes. 
“What, didn’t get enough sleep?” You asked, going and standing over him. 
“Slept fine,” he said, eyes still closed. “Just would rather spend the few hours we have before we leave the QZ not listenin’ to you.” 
You rolled your eyes but took a moment to look at Joel when he wasn’t glaring at you. 
It was a rare occurrence, seeing him when he wasn’t scowling and pissed. He let himself relax down into the cushions and the lines in his face eased. As much as you hated to admit it - and you did hate it - Joel was beautiful. Frustratingly so. What’s worse, he’d somehow gotten better looking in the years you’d known him. Jerk.
You’d first met him before you came to the QZ, almost 10 years ago now. You were holed up in your own little corner of Boston, doing your best to stay out of the way of FEDRA, infected and raiders alike. 
It was basically a full-time job, even more so since you’d become the last person standing. A job that you failed at the day you met Joel Miller. 
And, as much as he liked to blame you for it, he was the one who showed up in your corner of town. You’d been napping through the worst of the afternoon heat in mid-July when you heard a clatter: someone tripped one of your alarms. 
He swore loud enough that you heard him from your perch and you watched him shake glass out of the wrinkles of his shirt. 
“Someone’s here,” the second man said, much quieter. “That ain’t no accident…” 
The two men moved slowly, cautiously, their rifles raised as they searched for whoever it was who set that trap. When you thought they were far enough away, you started to move, slowly and quietly, going to sneak up on them and take them out before they could do the same to you. 
But as you drew close, you heard it. The clicking. 
You gasped, close enough to the strange men that they heard it and close enough to the clickers that they did, too. 
“Move!” The larger man snapped out of his moment of shock first, shooting forward and grabbing you and throwing you to the side before shooting at the incoming infected. You scrambled to get back up, fumbling to get the knife you’d been readying to thrust into that man’s back. 
It turned out, you didn’t need it. At least, not for the infected. The two men made quick work of the clickers and turned to you, your knife raised and ready to take at least one of them down with you. 
“The fuck are you doin’ out here?” The larger man said instead. 
“The fuck do you think?” You snapped. “Go on, do it! Kill me, take my shit, whatever it is you’re going to do…” 
“Don’t much like killing women,” he said, looking to the other man, their guns still in hand but pointed to the ground. They looked alike, these two. Like they could be related. 
“What, because I’m a woman you think I’m not a threat?” You asked, brows raised before realizing that you probably shouldn’t be egging on the large, armed men in front of you. 
“Not really, princess,” the younger man said, voice teasing, and you considered throwing your knife at him. 
“Should count yourself lucky that we don’t,” the older man said. “Why don’t you come with us, out pickin’ up just a few things and then headin’ back to the QZ…” 
“Right,” you scoffed. “Because I really wanna live under fucking FEDRA.” 
“Guessing you want to live,” he said. “Got news for you, princess. Even we’re steerin’ clear of this area of Boston after this. Lot more infected than we bargained for. Your little hideout ain’t gonna be safe much longer. Assuming you want to keep on living, QZ’s your best bet.” 
“And you’re just, what, inviting me along out of the goodness of your heart?” You scoffed. “Please.” 
“Don’t much like killing women and don’t much like leaving people to die, either,” the other man said. “Seem capable enough. Come with us, at least out of this part of the city. Would rather not have you added to the infected population.” 
You ground your teeth for a moment, considering. They could easily over power you. You were out numbered, out gunned and they were both large and strong. 
But… you had been noticing more and more infected lately. You hadn’t left your hideout in almost two weeks and you were low on supplies. Part of the reason you hadn’t dared venture out in so long was the seemingly constant press of infected you could see from the best vantage points in your building. You’d been starting to worry that you wouldn’t have a good opportunity to leave for supplies again. And, if you did, you were starting to worry your home would be overrun when you got back. 
These two were the closest thing you had to a safe option out. 
So, you took it. The pair introduced themselves and you were right, they were related. Joel and Tommy Miller, smugglers who lived inside the Boston QZ. They were strong, smart, capable. Handsome, too, not that it really mattered. What mattered much more was your ability to keep each other alive. 
And, it turned out, you were useful to them. Enough that they wanted you around as help for other runs outside the QZ. It made sense, you knew certain corners of the QZ better than anyone else seemed to. It had been your territory - at least, in some way - for a long time. 
Then, it happened. You’d taken to calling it ‘the incident’ for lack of any better word. You were out on a smuggling run with Joel and another man, Harvey. In spite of the fact that you’d been working together for years, Joel had never really warmed up to you. He tolerated you at best and it seemed like growling was his preferred form of communication where you were involved but you always made it back to the QZ in one piece when you went out together. You watched each other’s backs - you were proud that your kill count was higher than his and that you were almost positive he’d be dead by now if it weren’t for you. 
The three of you were at the edge of the city, heading to rendezvous with someone from a small settlement in New York State when you heard it, the first, distinctive shriek of infected. 
Suddenly, there were dozens of them, maybe more than 100, far more than you were capable of handling even if you had unlimited ammunition. 
And, like a fool, you froze. 
You’d scouted ahead and saw no signs of them, no indication of anything more than one or two strays that had been ambling around. You had no idea where they’d come from or how they’d come to be here but that didn’t matter. They were here, they were bearing down on you and you couldn’t seem to make your body move, the shock of the sight making you completely shut down. 
It was Joel who saved you. 
“Move!” He’d grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and thrown you behind him as he fired at the infected, pressing back as quickly as he could while laying down cover fire. Harvey joined him, their guns up and blazing as you tried to force your body to listen to you. “Fucking run!” 
Your limbs decided to obey then and you moved as quickly as you could, turning and firing behind you when it felt like you had a moment to spare. 
But you misjudged that moment once. Just once, but that’s all it took. Infected were closer behind you than you realized and Joel dove in between you and the reaching, groping thing. 
“Joel!” You shrieked, desperately trying to get a shot off that wouldn’t hit Joel as he strained to hold back the runner who was snarling near his throat. You were about to shoot when Harvey tackled the creature, knocking it off of Joel but into the mass of infected that was closing in quickly. 
They swarmed him and he screamed and you took aim as Joel scrambled to his feet. He shoved you on before you could fire and you stretched to shoot around him but he nearly threw you away from the swarming monsters and your screaming companion. 
“He’s gone!” Joel yelled as you stared at him, aghast. “He’s gone, we have to fucking move, now go!” 
You kept turning, looking back toward the sound of the snarling and the screams. 
“We have to go back!” you said. “We can’t just leave him like that, we have to at least shoot him we can’t just leave him, we…” 
“You should’ve thought of that before you fucked up!” He kept pushing you forward, toward the QZ. “No point in gettin’ us killed to save a man who’s already dead.” 
Joel had gone from seemingly finding you to be a nuisance to hating you then. He refused to even be in the same room as you let alone leave the QZ with you again. 
It took you a long time, after that split, to figure out how to survive. You’d become dependent on the cards you got from smuggling to get by but you couldn’t leave the QZ on your own and expect to make it back in one piece, not with how things had devolved with raiders and infected in recent years. You found a small group who was going out from time to time - which is how you met Tess - and you cobbled together a living. 
You never worked with Joel again. 
At least, not until now. 
You sighed and perched in the window, watching the QZ go by and thinking of the best way out of the city once the sun went down. You tried not to think about the likelihood that Joel would kill you while you were outside. 
It was a long walk ahead of the both of you, 30 miles each way through infected no man’s land, not that raiders hadn’t been trying their damndest to get a foothold. But you had a connection there who had been growing marijuana and had a hell of a crop they were willing to trade for plenty of ammunition and antibiotics. You’d been orchestrating this trade with Tess for weeks, both of you carefully avoiding the sore subject of Joel. The initial plan had been you and her heading out but then Joel beat the shit out of a FEDRA guard for some imagined offense and they were suddenly without the connections they needed and suddenly, Joel became part of the plan. Lucky you. 
Once darkness started to fall, you picked up a little stone that was stuck in the frame of the cracked window. You took careful aim and flicked it, watching it sail to hit Joel square on the forehead. He twitched in his sleep, grimacing, but he didn’t wake. 
You looked around a moment, searching for something else to use against him. You found it in the form of a wad of paper that you had to stretch to reach but you did. You tightened the ball and aimed, throwing it. It didn’t make it quite as far, bouncing off his hands as they sat folded at the base of his chest. He didn’t even flinch at that. 
“Dammit,” you muttered, looking around again. You found a rubber band then, perking up a little as you picked it up. You arranged it carefully on your fingers, pulling it back and aiming it like a gun, targeting Joel’s nose. His oddly beautiful nose. Not that you ever really thought that way about him, of course. You shot the rubber band and it flew, snapping right where you’d aimed it. He jerked awake and you turned quickly so it seemed like you were just looking outside into the night. 
“Wha…” He mumbled. 
You turned your head to look at him as he sat up, seemingly disoriented. 
“You hit me with somethin’?” He asked. 
“What would I hit you with, Joel?” You asked. “I was about to come wake you up, though. Can’t get a late start because of your lazy ass…” 
“Show you lazy…” he muttered, hefting himself up off the sofa. “Let’s move.” 
You gave Joel this much, the man was efficient. You’d forgotten just how efficient in the years it had been since you’d last worked together. He cut through the QZ quickly and smoothly, the knowledge of routes run by FEDRA guards seemingly innate as he knew exactly when and where to avoid and how to do it. In what seemed like no time at all, you were outside the walls and starting into the ruins of the city. 
“Got a safe house about an hour’s walk,” he said, setting an almost punishing pace as you moved alongside him. “We get there, wait for daylight, press on in the morning.” 
“Oh, because you’re the decision maker?” You asked, brows raised, even though you agreed with him. “Just expect me to fall in line…” 
“You know what, princess?” He rounded on you, forcing you back into the wall of a building you were passing. “You’re lucky I came out here with you after the shit you’ve pulled…” 
“Shit I pulled? I fucked up!” You all but yelled at him. “I know it! I think about that all the fucking time, that he’d still be alive if it weren’t for me! I don’t need you to fucking remind me, I know what I did and I’m sure you’re fucking perfect and that no one’s ever died because you fucked up…” 
“You don’t know a goddamn thing,” he growled, pressing closer to you for a moment and his eyes were dark and dangerous. For a moment, you thought he might kill you. Or kiss you. He didn’t do either. Instead, he just stepped back, looking you up and down once. “Keep your shit together this time. Don’t want to die because of you.” 
Tears burned your throat and eyes and you swallowed them and walked a few steps behind Joel, trying to keep an eye out for signs of infected and raiders and trying to make sure that Joel didn’t die. Even if it was just out of spite. 
The next day was easier than you expected, too. You made it quickly out of the safe house in the morning and dodged a hoard of infected, skirting around the writhing mass of them lying on the street. You didn’t really feel like you could breathe until you were outside the city, where the air was cleaner and you didn’t feel the specter of what happened years ago looming over you. 
You and Joel mostly ignored each other, watching the tree line as you kept an eye out for whatever might be lurking for you there. But, every now and then, you thought you caught Joel looking at you out of the corner of your eye, his head snapping around the moment you seemed to take notice. 
After walking for most of the day and covering 20 miles, the two of you stopped and made camp, Joel deeming it safe enough to make a small fire. You watched him after the two of you had eaten and settled, the light casting flickering shadows on his face. 
Joel, you were almost loathe to admit, was an incredibly good looking man. There was a roughness to him that you found almost comforting in the world you were both trapped in but there was beauty to him, too. The symmetry of his features, the plush of his lips, the cut of his jaw. You wondered what he was like before all this, not just when he was younger but before this world had a chance to sink its teeth into him. Maybe you would have been friends then. Maybe something more than friends. 
“How’d you end up smuggling?” You asked, not able to keep sitting here in silence any more. 
“What?” He asked, looking up from where he was cleaning his gun. 
“Smuggling,” you said. “Doubt you were born a smuggler and you don’t seem like you were a drug mule or something in the before times. How’d you end up doing it?” 
“How does anyone end up doin’ anything?” He asked. “Needed cards, people needed drugs. If people want to pay me for ‘em, I’m not about to argue.” 
“So that’s it,” you said. “You woke up one morning and thought to yourself ‘I think I’m going to tell FEDRA to fuck off today by running drugs’ and started a whole new career.” 
He sighed but didn’t say anything. 
“I don’t buy it,” you continued, sitting back against the tree you were propped against. “There’s something else…” 
“Not your business if there is.” 
“So there is something else!” You said, almost smug. “I’m on the right track, excellent.” 
“You always this nosy?” 
“Usually,” you said. “Let’s see… Maybe Joel Miller just likes an excuse to hit things.” He scoffed but didn’t say anything. “Not that? Interesting… Maybe Joel Miller gets off on breaking the rules. Is that it? You have authority issues?” 
“Can we go back to not fuckin’ talking?” He asked. 
“Not authority issues then,” you nodded, ignoring him. “Well, that leaves just one other theory.” 
You were quiet, looking away from Joel and fighting the urge to smirk as you did. It only took a minute of silence before he sighed. 
“Goddammit,” he said. “What. What’s your theory.” 
You let the smirk happen then, looking back at him. 
“That Joel Miller doesn’t feel alive unless he’s about to die,” you said. “And that Joel Miller needs to feel something so he decides to do the thing that almost kills him because what else is there to have?” 
He watched you for a moment, his eyes hot and angry, before he looked back at his gun. 
You laughed once. 
“So predictable…” 
“And why do you do it?” He asked, looking up at you, the rage barely contained on his features. “Must have a reason, right? Livin’ outside the QZ as long as you did, fuckin’ around outside it now, what is it? You got some kind of death wish?” 
“Yes,” you said, looping your arms around your knees. He blinked at you in surprise for a moment and you laughed a little. “I’m not nearly as mysterious as you, it’s not some secret…” 
“Why?” He cut you off, gun set aside now. You frowned but he pressed on. “You got a life, why do you want to just throw it away…” 
“You call what I have a life?” You asked, brows raised. “Never thought you’d be so generous in regards to anything related to me…” 
“Ain’t it?” He asked. “Sure, it’s not what it was before, can’t just do what we did then but…” 
“You think that’s it?” You gaped at him. “That I miss being able to go to fucking happy hour with my coworkers or grab dinner at Chili’s so I might as well drop dead?” 
“That’s not…” 
“I lost people, Joel,” you snapped. “I know everybody did but when I say I lost people, I mean I lost everyone. By the time you and Tommy found me, there wasn’t a single person left on Earth I knew. My parents turned in the outbreak, they bit my brother and his wife and their daughter. I survived with my fiance for a while but he got shot by a FEDRA officer when we were trying to make our way to the fucking QZ and then I was alone. I stayed out there because, what, was I supposed to go live with the people who killed him? No thanks. What the fuck is there? So yeah, you know what? I smuggle shit. I like the risk. I like telling FEDRA to fuck off. I like being able to handle myself because I’m the only thing I can count on. Don’t act so fucking surprised that I’m not thrilled with life in the QZ just because you brought me there.” 
Joel was quiet for a moment and you just squared your jaw and looked away, arms crossed tightly over your chest. You knew you shouldn’t let Joel get to you the way he did - especially not after you’d picked at him and pushed him here - but he got under your skin the way no one else left alive really seemed to. You hadn’t spoken to anyone about your fiance, not in years. It was a wound you’d long set aside, a casualty in the war on humanity that had hollowed you out so much that it seemed like you couldn’t really feel anything unless you were on the edge of your own destruction. Or, apparently, picking a fight with Joel fucking Miller.
“Could be worse,” he said eventually. 
“Yeah, well.” 
You looked at him then, brows knitted together. 
“Said I’m sorry,” he said, voice a little gruff. “Didn’t… didn’t know. Wasn’t trying to… I’m sorry.” 
You blinked for a moment, trying to get your bearings. Of everything you’d expected to hear out of Joel Miller’s mouth, I’m sorry wasn’t it. 
“I’m sorry, too,” you said eventually. “If you want to talk…” 
“I don’t.” 
“Right,” you nodded. “Well…” 
“I got first watch,” he said, picking his gun back up. “Get some sleep.” 
The next day, you reached the trade you’d arranged, the woman you’d run into a few times when outside the QZ there with her partner. They hauled so much marijuana out - wrapped tightly in old newspaper - that they had to use wagons to carry it all. You unloaded your haul and the trade went smoothly, Joel lurking toward the back and standing guard, keeping a surly watch over the whole proceeding the entire time. It took some doing to pack all the pot into your bags but you managed it, thanking the couple and starting back toward the QZ. 
You were close to where you’d stopped the night before when it happened, the snarl of infected crawling over your skin. 
“Fuck,” you slung your rifle down from its place over your shoulder and turned to where the sound was coming from, seeing a cluster of at least a dozen infected moving for you. You shot, catching the first in the head and you watched it drop. 
“Go!” Joel yelled, planting his feet and taking aim. 
“Fuck you!” You snapped, ignoring him and shooting. “I can handle myself.” 
He growled at that but didn’t say anything else. Instead you stood with him, side by side, trying to pick off the group that was charging for you. For a moment, you thought you’d done it, that you were in the clear. 
And then, Joel’s gun jammed. 
You realized it when you didn’t hear any more gunfire coming from beside you as the remaining infected drew closer. 
“Joel!” Your eyes darted his way and you saw him trying to force the lever back, to no avail. He looked to you and the infected and back to you, his jaw squared. 
“Get back to the QZ,” he said, not giving you a chance to respond. Instead, he charged forward, gun held not like a firearm but a staff and he swung it, hard, so the butt of it slammed into the skull of an infected as three others dove for him. 
“Fuck!” You yelled, ignoring him again. Like hell he was going down out here like this, like fuck you were letting this asshole die for you. You took careful aim, taking down infected that you were confident you could headshot without putting Joel at risk, just one bullet going wide and exploding on the bark of a nearby tree, the rest finding their mark. And then he was on the ground, just one infected left, too close to him for you to be able to shoot and it wasn’t that you chose to do it, not really. It was more like instinct, flying forward, shedding your backpack and dropping your gun as you did, wrenching your knife from its place at your hip and jumping onto the back of the creature, your arms going around its neck as you yanked back on it, hard. 
Your weight threw it off balance and it shrieked, starting to claw at you, twisting in your hold to see if it could sink its teeth into your skin. It bit as best it could at your arms but the thick of your coat kept it from getting any further and you struggled to adjust your knife to drive it into the thing’s neck but you couldn’t get it, not without letting it go.
“Goddammit!” Joel was panting for breath and you could barely see him out of the corner of your eye as he scrambled to his feet. You tightened your grip on the infected, the stink of the rot of it from the inside out making you gag, and it slammed you back into a tree, catching you off guard. You barely registered the sound of your skull hitting the wood before you passed out. 
You didn’t listen. You never fucking listened, why could you never fucking listen? 
You were the single most infuriating person Joel had ever met. Stubborn as hell, independent to a fault, seemingly desperate to pick every fight you could find. Of course you didn’t fucking listen to him. You never had before, why would you start now? 
Seeing you that close to infected - again - was terrifying. 
This was why he didn’t want to go out like this with you. This, right here. Because he knew you wouldn’t listen, he knew you’d wind up in this situation, knew he’d have to deal with the fear and the pain of you dying when it was his fucking fault why couldn’t you just fucking listen?
He’d thrown himself at the infected to give you a chance. One of you was probably going to die out here and he wasn’t about to let it be you. Not when he’d already done so much, gone so far to try to make sure you fucking survived. Because dammit, if he couldn’t make sure one of the few people he actually cared about actually lived, what was the damn point? 
But did you take the chance he was giving you? No. Of course you didn’t. 
And all he could do was watch in horror as the thing you’d jumped on top of slammed you into a tree with a sickening thud, one he could hear above the snarling and snapping of jaws. Your body went limp and you slid from its back to the earth, landing in an unnatural looking way. No one who was in control of their limbs fell like that. His blood was ice and he moved without considering, roaring as he ripped his knife from his belt and tackled the infected who was turning to go after your throat. He hit it so hard he rolled with it, the creature’s mouth reaching for him as he held it back. They came to rest on the ground, that thing on top of him and Joel slammed his knife into its neck again and again, until it went quiet and still and Joel was bloodied and panting for breath. 
He shoved it off him and he half crawled to you as he got to his feet, not willing to wait until he was standing to start moving. You were still when he reached you, your head thrown back, half on your side, mouth open. 
“No, no, c’mon,” he pulled your coat open to get at your chest to try to do what he thought was CPR - not like there were fucking certifications for it in the QZ - but, when he did, he realized you were breathing. He lowered his head near your mouth and could hear the soft, shallow sound of your life and he sat back on his heels, taking a deep breath. 
So he hadn’t gotten you killed. Not yet, anyway. At least there was that. He let himself sit with the relief for a moment before checking you over, looking at your throat and wrists for signs of a bite but didn’t find any. Another lucky moment. 
“Alright princess,” he said, tapping your cheek lightly. “C’mon. We gotta get movin’, let’s go.” You stayed still. His stomach twisted. “Know you like to fuck with me but now ain’t the time, we need to get out of here, time to wake up…” 
He half expected you to respond then. You’d love this, the fact that he was damn near panicking because you were hurt. He knew you’d want to draw it out. 
But you wouldn’t be stupid about it. You wouldn’t put them at risk, not really. 
“Fuck,” he swore, adjusting your limp body as best he could before lifting you to his chest. The hair at the back of your head was matted with blood. He tried not to think about what that might mean. “S’alright. You’re gonna be fine, just… You’ll be OK.” 
He kept thinking that, over and over, as he carried you, looking for somewhere he could protect you for a while. 
It took him time to find it, a farmhouse with overgrown fields that looked like it hadn’t been touched in years. The door was hanging open, creaking on its hinges, and Joel brought you to the kitchen island, setting you gently on the dust-covered formica. 
“Stay there for a minute,” he said, leaning against the counter to recover his strength and his breath for a moment. “Gotta… gotta make sure we don’t got company.” 
He went through the house room by room, barricading the doors on the ground floor and pleasantly surprised to find most of the top floor intact, no holes in the roof or broken windows. He gathered some blankets from the main bedroom and carried them down to where he’d left you. He propped your head up gently, pouring some water on a cloth and cleaning the cut there with care before covering you with a quilt and pulling a kitchen chair up beside you. He checked to make sure you were still breathing before sitting down, leaning forward, his elbows on his knees, hands folded almost in prayer. 
He should have told Tess to fuck off. He knew better, when it came to you. There was a reason he’d avoided you ever since that day everything had gone wrong. Hell, he’d been avoiding you before that, too. 
From the moment he’d met you, he liked you a little too much. You were the exact kind of woman he’d gone for before, one who was capable and strong and a total fucking smart ass. He liked a woman who challenged him, one who made him think. You did those things, you did those things like it was second fucking nature, all while being one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen, before the outbreak or after. 
He knew he had to keep his distance from the beginning, that he’d get too attached if he let himself. But you were a valuable partner, so he did his best to keep you at arm’s reach while going on runs with you and his brother. He thought that had been enough, that he’d done a good job of protecting himself from the disaster that waited at the end of any form of attachment in the life he led now. 
And then he saw you freeze in the face of infected. 
He was so afraid in that moment that it shocked him how fast he made the call. The decision to put his body between you and the infected was an easy one. He wanted to make it back to the QZ, to his brother he’d found some reason to live for over the last few years, but he wouldn’t want that if you didn’t come back, too. But you didn’t fucking listen then, either, too busy trying to do the same damn thing he’d have done in your position. If you hadn’t been with him, he’d have tried to save Harvey. He was a good man, he’d watched Joel’s back plenty, Tommy’s too. He deserved a better end than the one he got. 
Joel just couldn’t risk it. He couldn’t risk you. 
He let himself rage at you about it. Even though it wasn’t your fault, none of it had been. He’d known it then but even more so after. Years later, outside the QZ, he watched as a large hoard worked its way south for the winter, just passing through. You couldn’t have seen them coming, no one could have. 
He never told you that. Because, after the day you froze, he was far enough away from you that he wasn’t going to have to watch you die and he wasn’t going to have to carry the blame if you did. He couldn’t do that again. He knew that much of himself, he knew what he wasn’t capable of surviving. If you were out of reach, he’d have room to breathe. 
But you were still leaving the QZ. He hadn’t known that, at first. He’d just assumed you’d stay put and take the shitty jobs FEDRA offered to get by. He hadn’t even known that Tess knew you, not for years. It wasn’t even her that told him you were still smuggling, it had been a FEDRA guard. He’d overheard your name when Tess was handling a trade and put two and two together. He damn near marched over to your apartment that second and demanded to know what the fuck you were thinking. But he didn’t. He kept it together, he kept listening for news of you, kept waiting for the day that he knew was waiting for him, the one where you didn’t come back and he’d find out about it from some other smuggler or some asshole guard who found out when you didn’t show up with his supply of pills.
And then your name came up when he was trading with a FEDRA guard. It was a small deal, some pills for cigarettes and liquor, just enough for one guy. He was a new client of Joel’s, one he was happy to have. His demand was low and he was good leverage for bringing shit through the gates, turning a blind eye for a good deal on drugs. He just hadn’t seemed to learn quite yet that Joel wasn’t a friend. 
“You know other smugglers, right?” He asked, glancing at Joel as he counted the pills out in his palm. As though Joel was stupid enough to short change a fucking FEDRA officer. 
“Suppose,” Joel shrugged. “Why?” 
“There’s this one…” he talked about a woman who was coming and going, one who was cocky and beautiful and hadn’t caved to his demands for sex the last time she came through and he tried to blackmail her. Joel ground his teeth but kept quiet as he prattled on, eventually pocketing the pills and handing over the cigarettes and booze. “Anyway, wondering if you think she’s the type who’ll give in or should I stop wasting my time and just take it?” 
Joel’s hands curled into fists. 
“Take it?” Joel asked. “Take what, exactly.” 
He looked at Joel, incredulous. 
“C’mon,” he said. “You know. They never fight too hard against a uniform but it’s more fun when they’re at least a little willing.” 
Joel’s punch came so quickly the man didn’t have time to put his hands up. He took him to the ground fast, blow after blow raining down on the man’s face until the air smelled like copper and his knuckles were split. The man gargled on his own blood below him, desperate gasps that sounded something like “please” but he couldn’t be sure. Joel grabbed him by the collar, his head lolling limply to the side as he tried to breathe. One of his teeth was hanging on my a thread.
“Keep your fuckin’ hands to yourself,” Joel panted. “Tell your fuckin’ friends. I hear about any of you messing with women around here? I’ll kill you.” 
Joel dropped him back to the ground and flexed his fingers. He thought he might have broken part of his hand. Wouldn’t be the first time. At least this one was worth it. 
“Pleasure doin’ business with you,” he said, fishing around in the man’s pocket and taking a pill from him. He popped it in his mouth, chalky and bitter on his tongue. “For my trouble.” 
He left the man there in the alley, knowing full well that he’d just shot his whole team in the foot. He didn’t much care. 
The irony that it had landed him here, outside the QZ with you unconscious and your haul on the forest floor was almost too biting. Maybe he deserved it. Maybe he’d been doing this wrong all along. 
You groaned and Joel’s head shot up as you started stirring on the counter, your hand going to the injured part of your skull. 
“Easy,” he said gently, getting up slowly so he wouldn’t startle you. “Took a nasty hit to the head, you were out for a while.” 
Joel laughed a little at that. 
“Glad you think it’s funny,” you said, sitting up. He rushed to help you and you gave him an incredulous look as his hands found your back and your hand. “Jesus, I feel like I got put through a meat grinder…” 
“Well, s’long as you ain’t bitten, think we can handle that,” he said, taking his hands back now that you were sitting up. 
“Amen to that,” you said, stretching a bit before looking him over and then looking around, a small frown on your face. “Where are we?” 
“Farmhouse,” Joel said, shoving his hands in his pockets just to give them something to do. “Think about a mile from where we were. Can find our way back OK. I’ll have to, your pack is still out there.” 
“Shit,” you said. “Yeah, we can’t afford to come back without it, I traded my entire stash for my share of the pot…” 
“We’ll find it,” he said. “Don’t think anyone else is comin’ through here any time too soon.” 
You nodded slowly before looking back to him, your eyebrows knitting together before you flinched, your hand going to the back of your head again. 
“Will you actually listen for a change and take it easy?” He asked, going to check the wound. “Jesus, bane of my fuckin’ existence, not doing a goddamn thing I tell you…” 
“Why are you still here?” You asked, ignoring him yet again, fingers finding the gash on your head and tugging at it until it started bleeding again. Joel sighed before pulling your hand away. “Hell, why’d you bring me here at all? You just said I’m the bane of your existence, why the fuck did you go through this much trouble? You could have just left me there, taken my pack, kept all the haul for yourself…” 
“You really think I’m capable of that?” He asked, brows raised. He knew he hadn’t exactly been kind to you over the years but fuck, he didn’t think it was that bad. He pressed the wet cloth to your head again, watching as the red filtered over it. 
You shrugged. 
“Jesus,” he muttered. “Yeah, alright, you piss me off more than… shit, about anyone else I’ve ever met. You’re the bane of my existence…” 
“Will you let me talk?” He snapped. “Fuck, woman, always gotta be right, always gotta have the last damn word, always gotta do whatever’s gonna get you into the most trouble…” 
“Oh, I’m so sorry that I managed to save your fucking life today,” you snapped back. “Please forgive me!” 
“I don’t want you saving my life if it costs you yours!” He yelled. 
You pulled back from him sharply, eyes wide as you blinked at him in shock. He shook his head and pulled the cloth away from your skin. At least the bleeding had stopped again. 
“Don’t fuck with it anymore,” he said, dropping the bloody fabric to the counter. “Gotta leave it alone so it can start to heal, head wounds bleed like a motherfucker…” 
“Joel,” you said quietly, watching him. 
“Joel,” you said again, eyes still on him. “You… What did you mean you don’t want me saving your life if it costs…” 
“I don’t…” He cut you off before he took a deep, centering breath. “I don’t want anybody dying for me but… Christ, it can’t be you. Yeah, you’re the bane of my existence, you piss me off so much sometimes I swear it’s like you got a goddamn degree in just how to do it but you make me feel more alive than anything else left and I can’t…” His heart was pounding so hard it felt like a bruise. “I can’t lose you, especially not when I could stop it. Not when I could save you. I need you to stay alive, OK? I don’t want anyone else to piss me off the way you do, I want you to be the one getting under my skin every goddamn day…” 
“Still not gonna let me finish?” He gaped at you. “Fuck, I’m tryin’ to…” 
You didn’t let him finish that time, either. Instead, you kissed him, your arms going around his neck and pulling him roughly against you, your lips so soft and warm and demanding on his that it felt like you were trying to swallow him whole. 
It was like the logical part of his mind only worked for half a second after that. He knew, in that moment, that he should probably hold you back. Talk things out, make sure you didn’t hurt yourself - you’d just had a head injury for fuck’s sake - but that part of him vanished, consumed by you and the way you kissed him like you were trying to climb inside his skin. 
His arms went around you, pulling you to the very edge of the island so your pussy was pressed tight against his quickly hardening cock. 
He couldn’t help but grind himself against you, the zipper of his jeans harsh contrast to just how soft he knew your pussy would be and the last bit of resolve he should have held snapped. Your fingers fumbled at the snaps on his coat, pulling it open before going to the buttons on his shirt and he did the same, desperate to get at your skin and suddenly not caring that it was nearly freezing or that the two of you had nearly died not all that long ago.
His hands found your breasts, sliding inside the cups of your bra to cradle the soft warmth of them and you moaned into his mouth when his thumbs found your nipples, gently brushing them before working them in little circles as they pricked against his skin. 
Joel had tried to not think about this with you. It was tempting, always tempting, but he knew better. He tried to limit his thoughts of you to frustration and anger but he often failed at that. He had failed at it often enough that he had an idea of how you would feel in his hands, how you would taste on his tongue. He thought he would have known enough to be prepared for it if it ever happened. 
He wasn’t. 
You were, somehow, so much better than he’d ever let himself imagine. You were so goddamn soft, like the whole of you had been spun out of silk, tenuous and tender. There was something almost inherently wrong in how he was touching something as soft as you but he shoved that nagging guilt aside, too obsessed with feeling more of you. If this was how your tits felt in his hands, how your lips felt on his, how your hands felt in his hair, he had to feel inside you. He wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to think about anything else if he didn’t get to be inside of you, his mind would always be trying to create the way you would feel, to know how warm you would be, how safe he would feel in you and how calming it would be to know that you were safe, too, because nothing could reach you if he was there inside you, nothing. 
His hands reluctantly left your breasts and slid down to your waist, finding the button on your jeans. You quickly, clumsily kicked off your boots and lifted your ass from the countertop so he could slide your jeans and panties down, leaving you all wet and swollen and bared for him. 
“Fuck,” he panted, looking down at you for a moment before reaching one callused finger forward and almost reverently tracing your dripping slit. You groaned, your head going back in pleasure, your hips almost jumping toward him. 
“Joel,” you whispered, voice so goddamn needy. The sound went straight to his cock, skin stretched tight and balls aching. “Please…” 
“I’ve got you baby,” he said, opening his pants and tucking his jeans and underwear below his throbbing sex. “Make you feel so good, just…” 
He took his cock and brushed the head against you and you looked down to where he was about to push inside you and gasped. 
“Holy fuck,” you panted, looking at him, your eyes wide. “Joel, you’re… Are you going to fit?” 
“I’ll fit, baby,” he said, looking down again and notching the head of him inside your wet heat. You groaned as you stretched around him, fingers digging into the skin at his nape. He pushed the first inch of himself inside and stopped, looking back to you. He took your face his hand and your eyes searched his, desperate longing written there. “Just watch me, I’ve got you.” 
You didn’t say anything, you, just nodded quickly. His other hand went to the small of your back, angling you just so as he started to thrust into you, pushing in a little and then pulling back before going again, claiming more and more of you with each stroke until he was fully within you. He stilled inside you and pressed his forehead to yours, your eyes on his own, close enough that he could feel the warmth of your breath on his skin. 
He’d been right. Inside, you were fucking perfection. He could feel how you stretched over him, how your body perfectly took and held his own. You were so soft there it seemed impossible, like the world should have destroyed anything this delicate and supple. But you felt so like you, too. The heat of you was almost overwhelming, the strength of you sharp and clear when your cunt fluttered over him, already nearing your orgasm with telltale little spasms holding him tight.  He wanted to consume you and be consumed, devour and be devoured and he needed to fuck you deep and hard and leave part of himself inside of you or he might never think of anything else ever again. 
“Fuck, Joel,” your breaths were sharp and shaky. “I’m so… you’re so big, I’m so full, I… You have to move, I need you to fuck me, please fuck me, please, I need…” 
“I’ve got you, baby,” he said, gently angling your head just so. “Give you just what you need.” 
He kissed you as he started fucking into you, setting an almost punishing pace as he moved inside you. He drank down your desperate groans, savored the way your fingers scrabbled over his shoulders and neck and back, got lost in the spread of your thighs as you kept trying to take him somehow deeper. As if there was more of you for him to take, as if there was more of himself to give. 
Your channel grew tight over him and he knew he wasn’t going to last once you came but he was afraid he wasn’t going to even make it that far. He’d already given up on pulling out, he’d deal with the whatever fallout came from filling you up, but he had to feel you come when he was inside you. He was desperate for it, needed to feel how you’d draw so tight over him and pull his come from his body into yours, he needed it. He drove deep and found the spot inside you that made your legs clench a little tighter, fingers clutch a little harder. He pressed into it and held himself there, more rocking into you than fucking into you, grinding the head of him into the very softest part of you as your cunt drew tighter and tighter over him and you pulled away from his lips to cry out as you came. You throbbed around him and he could feel every part of you there, the pulsing of your body and the satisfaction of your cries damn near ripping his own orgasm from him. 
He pulled you close and tight as he came, feeling like his whole being was pulled down low and sharp inside him as he spilled deep into you. Your arms loosened on him but you still held him gently as he all but collapsed into you, his head on your shoulder as he panted for breath. 
“Fuck,” he managed after a moment, still deep inside you. 
“Yeah,” you laughed a little. 
He sat back from you, eyes searching yours again now that you’d both started coming back down to Earth. You reached up and ran your fingers through his curls, brushing them back from his face as he started to notice the cold air again for the first time. 
“Bane of your existence, huh?” You asked, teasing lightly. 
“Yeah,” he said, smiling a little. “My whole damn existence.” 
You smiled a little back. 
“Think I can work with that.” 
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akxmee · 15 hours
Your relationship was perfect, so why?
Satoru gojo, Toji Fushiguro, Nanami Kento.
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If someone asked Satoru who his first priority was, you would be his answer.
Because that's what sounds right, isn't it? But no, deep inside you were anything but that. Satoru never considered you his top priority even though you were his girlfriend, the world was above you. Don't get him wrong; it's not like he didn't love you, it was just that his responsability as the strongest came first.
And you knew it.
You knew he would never choose you over his work, as much as he claimed that he was bored of it or how many times he slacked out of it. It was something he was chained to and he wasn't even aware of it, but you were.
So naturally, this was the main factor you two didn't really work. That's the reason you were driving your car right now, clutching on the steering wheel while being on your phone with Satoru.
—So you're literally telling me to go back right now?
—Yeah, sorry babe. I'll make it u-
—Don't you dare say you'll make it up to me, Satoru. It's our fucking anniversary, and you're going to miss it again?
Silence filled the air, you didn't hear a reply coming from your phone. You knew you hit a nerve there, because he did miss your anniversary last year too for the same fucking reason: some stupid, dammed mission that wasn't even that important. You heard a sigh, and he talked again in a softer voice.
—Y/N, you know this is my duty as the strongest..
—This is also your duty as a boyfriend, or did you forget?
—Please babe, you know the world needs me right now the most.
—I need you too, Toru.
It came out of you in a tone needier than I should be, you were desperate at this point. You had planned everything so nice for your three years anniversary; your cute elegant outfit that matched the blue of his eyes in such a sotisficate way, the place where you two would have dinner since you wanted to make it perfect..hell, you even planned to be the one picking him up since it was all a surprise! All he had to do is put a damn suit and spend the day with you, and he wasn't able to do that because of some guard thing. He has his right to be busy, yeah, but isn't he always? You would even understand if it was something urgent like a major threat curse, but it was some casual guard around Shibuya.
—I know you do, honey. I understand, but..
—But the world is more important, isn't it?
He kept silence, and then you knew again.
It has always been, so where's the surprise? You should've known better.
—I'm so, so sorry. I'll try to make time for next week, maybe?
—We make three years tonight, not next week.
—I know, i'm sorry.
—You're always sorry, Satoru! But you never show it. You were sorry last year too, and you're just going to do It again!
At this point your whole makeup was ruined by tears, but you still kept your cool as far as you could. You even managed to park your car at some parking lot you found on your way since driving while being distracted was pretty dangerous, and your blurry vision could mess you up while being on the road.
He sighed once again.
—Y/N, let's just talk it out. I'm sure we can agree on som-
—No, Satoru. I won't humiliate myself once again trying to make it work out all by myself. This is it; me or that mission of yours. You choose me, i let it pass and pick you up from whenever you go to get to our anniversary date.
You take a deep breath before continuing.
—You choose the mission, you don't call me again expecting another date. You don't even dare to call me again because i will block you, we're just done.
An uncomfortable silence appears, you can feel the tension even if it's just by the phone.
On the other line, Satoru bites his lip thinking what he should even do. He thinks and thinks, considering wether he should choose. The world was his responsability, but so was his relationship with you too. He knew how much you suffered everytime he left for a long period of time, and he didn't wish for you to suffer because of him and his work again. However his duty was also important, being the strongest and all. This job had him tied up and he couldn't leave it for you even if he desired so.
But as hard as this decision was, he had to make it.
So he finally chose.
—Okay, princess. I'm at shibuya's station, come and pick me up please?
He smiled sweetly at his phone.
Yeah, he did the right thing. You were worth the sacrifice and he knew you would be happy to hear it.
So, why weren't you replying?
He tried to call you again, and again, and again.
You had blocked him by then.
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It all started by small mistakes, like this morning when you approached him while he was cooking. You hugged him from behind as he cooked breakfast for you and your little Megumi, who you loved as if he was your biological son.
—Hey hon. What are you making?
He looked at you over his shoulder, leaning in a bit and kissing your temple as a greeting before replying.
—Your favorite, scrambled eggs.
You paused for a second, wondering if you heard right.
—Sorry, what?
He looked at you weird as if he didn't understand where your confusion came from before repeating.
—Scrambled eggs.
—That's not mom's favorite, dad! I know it, she prefers them fried.
You hear Megumi from the kitchen table, and he inmediately smiles at you when he feels you look at him as he was proud of his answer. You nod your head at the kid.
—That's right sweetie. Mom's glad you remembered, unlike someone I know...
You joked, emphasizing the "someone" in your sentence. Megumi laughed and so did you.
However, he didn't laugh.
Instead, he simply put the scrambled eggs in his plate and put a new egg on the frying pan.
—Well, then fried eggs it is.
You thought nothing of it back then, until later on you found out a photo of toji and his ex wife having breakfast on a restaurant while you were looking for a shirt to borrow in his drawer. You looked at it closely, so close that you even looked at what they were having out of pure curiosity. Want to know what was in her plate? Scrambled eggs.
Now, the confusion had more sense.
It wasn't a mistake, he just did it again.
Once again, he reflected his wife in you.
This has happened more than once, him pretending you were his late wife just because he missed her. At first you didn't mind, he was getting used to the married life and having another wife after losing his last one was hard enough for you to understand it and let it pass.
However, as time passed by it became more frequent.
From him simply calling you nicknames like "Love" instead of "doll" or mistaking your clothes size with hers to things like confusing your hobbies, favorite movies and memories with hers. He recalled moments you didn't even spend with him that you later on figured that were with his ex wife, and Megumi was the one that usually had to correct him when he did so.
It was tiring, and it was driving you insane.
It made you insecure knowing that every time he saw you, his mind reflected the image of his deceased wife in his eyes. How many times have you thought about her while he held your hand, while he kissed you or while he held you? To him, were you Y/N or were you someone who really resembled her? He liked you because you were you, or because she was like you too? You didn't know, and you didn't want to.
So after thinking about it for what felt like an eternity and watching it happen again and again, you decided to leave. It wasn't healthy for you anymore, this lifestyle was only hurting you all over.
This had to end.
—You're going to leave dad, aren't you?
No way.
You looked behind you, finding Megumi at your door at the verge of tears. He started sobbing silently when he didn't hear a reply from you, rushing to hug your leg.
—Mom, please, d-don't go. I'll talk to daddy, I promise! We will make fried eggs tomorrow too. He will remember this time..
It sincerely broke your heart how tightly he clung to your leg. His hands were trembling and you felt the need to comfort him, so you grabbed him by his shoulders and crouched down.
Then, you spoke softly.
—It's okay, Megs. Mommy is not leaving, I'm just packing my things because i have to go on a business trip in a few days. You understand, right?
He looked at you as he sobbed, and you wiped his tears with your sleeve.
—So you won't leave me and dad?
—Yes, I won't. Mommy has a little something to do, but we can have fried eggs tomorrow.
He looked calmer, but he still looked at you worried. You could tell he was still scared.
He pulled on your tear stained sleeve.
—Yes, sweetie?
—Could you...—He looked down, shy to ask.— ..read me a book tonight?
You looked at him in awe, it has been so long since you read him a book since he claimed that he was a big boy now and didn't need it anymore. Yet, he was asking for you to do it again.
You looked at your bags and sighed.
—Yeah, why not.
And you did, you accompanied him to his room and tucked him in before grabbing a random book from the shelf to read. He struggled to stay awake throughout the story and managed to do so despite how sleepy he was, You could tell how he was still a little unsure that you weren't going to leave. So before you put the book back and kissed the boy goodnight, he asked if you could sleep with him that night. You hesitated but said yes, and he made space for you to fit in his bed while you two hugged eachother to sleep. He was calmer and happy now that you were laying with him since that meant you wouldn't leave, at least not for tonight if he stayed awake. That was his plan: staying awake the whole night to check if you were planning to leave or not. You wouldn't like it if he catched you, but he figured it was for the best. He smiled and snuggled with you, he won't let you go.
But his plan failed, he fell asleep.
And when he woke up, you where nowhere to be found.
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Nanami loved you to the core, he was so sure of it.
You were the one he wanted to marry, you were the one he wanted to have kids with and he wanted to be the one you call "husband". As simple as that, he just wanted to have a future with you in it. He wouldn't have dated you if he wasn't sure of it, he was a determined man after all.
It took you so long to make him fall in love with you, but you managed to do so. You dug into his heart and reached places in him that he didn't even know he had in such a small place. You took over his heart and became the main focus of his mind, occupying all his thoughts throughout the day until he managed to see you when he came back home. You did little things for him every day that made him fall more in love with you every day, and he loved that.
Until you stopped.
It wasn't immediate, but little by little you began to distance yourself from him and stop trying to make him fall in love with you even more as you always used to do. The funny compliments without any context stopped being present in every conversation, your handmade gifts for when you got home such as cards or matching bracelets stopped appearing and time together It began to decrease more and more.
And he noticed that.
And he missed it, missed them so much. He did because he loved you so much, and he felt like he was losing you. He thought that maybe you were going through a bad time, that maybe you were angry with him, but every time he asked you you always answered him in such a sweet and kind tone that he knew immediately it wasn't something he did. Because he knew you, and he knew that the reason was something deeper than that.
He loved you so much that even when he looked at you right now, crying in front on him, he could only think about one thing: you're beautiful.
—How did you know, Kento?
He smiled at you, holding your hand and wiping your tears away. Nanami simply shrugged.
—I just felt that tension between the two of us. We weren't in love, not anymore.
—Yeah, i felt it too. I was just...worried of hurting you, because I had this feeling that you still loved me.
His expression remained as it was before despite what he was feeling right now. If only you knew how wrong you were to think that it wasn't true, that he didn't love you. He did love you, he loves you so much he wants to keep you all by himself and force you to love him again. He loves you so much he wants to cry hearing you confess to him that you fell out of love even if he already knew it.
He loves you so much he's letting you go.
—..but I'm glad you're the one who proposed the breakup. Otherwise, we would be still stuck in a no feelings relationship.
He finished wiping your tears and slowly moved his hand away, as if he was holding back the urge to touch you again.
—If you're glad then, why do you cry?
He asks you, genuinely curious. He was the one that wanted to bawl his eyes out, seeing the love of his life reach for the door to leave him and never come back again. However, you looked back again and shrugged at him like he did to you just a moment ago.
—I'm just sad that this is how we end. After 4 years of dating I... I just felt that you were the one I was going to marry one day.—You looked back at the door, opening it.—So I guess it's just younger Y/N lamenting the end of this relationship.
—Yeah, I understand what you mean.
You gave him a sad smile.
—I.. don't regret dating you at all, Kento. Just hope you know that.
He nodded, you took that as your sign to go.
—Goodbye, Nanami.
—Goodbye, Y/N.—He took a deep breath, whispering something.—..I love you.
But you already closed the door.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: nanami's was so short, but i swear i couldn't make this man suffer anymore he's just too good 😩 anyways, hope you enjoyed this angst! 💕
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jakesangel · 3 days
firsts w jake ꣑୧ - deep dive playfull love w jake
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tw// making out, curses, suggestive not proof read
first holding hands
going on walk w you n layla became one of his favorite thing to do since you became his girlfriend. he get to show you off, to hear all of your stories you want to tell him n to introduce you to his other favorite girl. but as the days passes by, the tension coming from walking side by side w hands touching was starting to not be enough for him. he'd often contemplate whether he can just do it or if it makes you uncomfy. tho it shouldnt as you already cuddled n kissed before. so he'd taste the waters, making sure your hands collide more n more. he would look at your face to be sure you aren't backing away or making a face, n as he can only sense you're usual flustered face, he'd sneakily do it wanting to torture you a little. he'd start by softly holding your wrist to slowly envelope your whole inner hand n finally interwhine your fingers. you're so cute when your shy, you know that ?, he'd say as he kisses the bzck of your hands, after you tried to take it away, my previous baby, i'm never letting you go now.
first flirting
jake invited you to eat dinner out but couldn't help but come over earlier to see you get ready. hi- oh wow baby. you look so ? so beautiful tonight, hed exclaim as you open the door. he wouldn't even let you finish put your earring on, but pull you closer to him, taking your hips in his hands, my pretty pretty girl, should we actually go out ? why don't we stay in mh? he wouks say looking right into your eyea, one hands dinally holding your chin up to make you nod. cant let such beauty go outside, dont you agree ? he'd keep on talking, walking inside, closing the door w his foot. you're everything, do you like what you see whne you look at the mirror ? because i love it baby. you're so pretty- fuck, he'd add still going backwards leading you to the couch. once settle on his lap, his hand would do to your lower back n the other one holding ur face, his fingers in between your hair, you know what's wrong w you baby, he'd say approaching his lips to yours, teasing you, as they just graze over your skin, you need kissing badly. that's what's wrong w you. you should be kissed at all times. don't you agree baby ? he would then fully stop, his lips still overing your face waiting for your answer and it's only when you agree that he'd kiss you. but if you don't use them, use your words pretty girl.
first makeout
first make out w him won't start slow. he'd been waiting to have you, on his lap, eager to have his lips, n he isn't ashame to express his needs of you, his too high to hide anyway. but that doesn't mean he will give it way fast, wanting to tease you first for it. come on pretty girl, i told you to use your words, he'd softly say, he would even pretend to retreat his face off of yours, his back going back to the couch. as you finally express your wants consent,there you go pretty girl, knew you could do it, he'd finish w an eager kiss. as the kisses goes by, lots of hmmm so good or fuck you're so perfect baby would be said along w his hands roaming all over you body and fingers dipping in your skin. hearing your whines or your own hums would said him to heaven, needing to see it as well, he'd take breaks to breath to hear them better. even if you go back in for a kiss, he would let you before flirting w you further more, i can't help it pretty girl, he'd say taking your hair in his hands not even caring of your round eyes, you're fun to mess with, as he dive back in the kiss.
first i love you
jake would realized that he loves you after a day well spent together, under his blanket, ready to fall asleep. but, per usual, he can't help but think of you. how beautiful you were today, how your smile n laugh was hitting different today, or even how your touch is even more electrifying. he also feels so munch more different ? even more giddy to see you tomorrow. today felt like a fever dream n he knows he fell in love w you. the more he thinks of it the more he needs to tell you but what if it's too fast for you ? hed stay to sleep on it but he just can't stop thinking about you. he would just keep turning around his bed n do the best thing he can thing off, to call you. hi baby, he'd say w his sleepy voice, i can't seem to sleep tonight. after you'd ask him why, he'd tell you the truth, way to sleepy n in love to think about the consequences, i just can't stop thinking about you baby. i really enjoyed our date today n i just really miss you, sight, can i come see you. is that okay, love ?, hed politeky ask. and as you say yes, he'd pull a hoodie over his naked chest n his closest sneakers to come fast to you, his needs being strong. he wouldn't stop thinking about you as he walks to your place, he just wants you n wants you to know that he wants you. he wants to makes you the happiest girl in the world n the most love n he wants to see that pretty smile of yours. so as you open the front door to him, messy hair n in a random pyjama, he'd think you're the most beautiful you're ever been. oh y/n, he would say as he hugs you so tight you're lifting over the floor, i've missed you so so munch my love. it might be too early for this, n im so sorry if it is, but i just need to say it. i just want you forever y/n. i want to see all of your happy tears n sad tears. i want to be there for you when you don't need it or when you do. i want to be there however you want me to be. i just, sight, as he finally backs away from the hug, i just. i love you y/n. i love all of your. everything about you. i wouldn't want anyone else. he'd finish n his now worried face, round eyes n slight open month, would appear as he realized he actually said it. and if you say it back he couldn't be happier, already smiling bright again, showing his teeth. he would slightly throw you in the air n kiss you. deeply, full of love w a hand on your chin the other on your waist, pulling you closer so you could feel all the love spearing out of him, you make me the happiest, love. i love you.
꣑୧ one week ꣑୧ one year
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notes : idk english pt2 #_#
@imaluckygirl @luvj4key @stwrjvke @amouriu @neos127 @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring @pockettwinzz @jwsdoll @heeheeswifey @sjylouvre @txnwvc @oopshee @luvlyhee
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briarberrythornedhart · 22 hours
Pinned down
Wayne Munson didn’t like cooking or baking or putting much effort into eating at all. Wayne would eat a bowl of cereal for every meal if he could.
Except - if the cookery involved open flames. Then, suddenly he transformed from the kinda guy who would push through a Hungryman tv dinner that was cold in the center to a gourmet foodie snob.
“Don’t turn that chicken yet, Sonny-jim, let it get the good grill marks.”
“I thought I was grilling tonight?” Eddie complained. “Go relax in a lawn chair, old man.”
“I thought you were grilling tonight too, but if you don’t focus and stop checking out your friend in the short shorts over there, you’re gonna undercook the sausage and burn the chicken.” Wayne Munson was at ease from two PBR’s on an empty ‘don’t want to ruin my appetite’ stomach and the sass that came standard with the Munson Make/Models was out on display.
“We are more than Friends. And I’m very focused.” Eddie said through gritted teeth.
“Gimme that...” Wayne held out his hand for the tongs and gave them a satisfying click click when Eddie passed them over. “...lemme take over so you can go spend time with your ‘more than friend’ and stop ruining the food. Maybe go lock that down? Hmmm? Before Gentleman Jeff get’s here with his nice new post-braces smile and his excellent table manners?? Or Harrington get’s here with his gravity defying hair and his trust fund?”
Eddie was making an annoyed face when he sidled up to you under the shitty gazebo where you were laying out the deviled eggs, the potato salad and the very special homemade cookies you’d baked because Eddie said he loved peanut butter cookies ONE time and you listened.
“Everything okay?” You asked. “You look kinda put out.”
“Nooo... My Uncle seems to think I don’t have you ‘locked down.”
That made you laugh. But Eddie’s face was stone serious
“I guess we’ve been quieter at night than I thought?” You said all arch and flirty.
“I’ve been quiet.” Eddie asserted, tried to look innocent.
“No you haven't, babe.” You shook your head, offered him a cookie, he declined. Clearly worried about something. Too worried for pre-dinner cookies??
“I think Wayne thinks I should ‘pin’ you.”
“Oh - you do that all the time.” You grinned, lasciviously.
“No, you know what I mean. Make it official. Or give you a.... ring?” Eddie toyed with his warthog ring - looking at you very seriously. “Is it too soon? Are you not sure about me yet?”
“Want me to get ‘Eddie’ tattooed on me - someplace strategically visible?” You were not kidding.
“You’d do that for me?”
You leaned towards Eddie and whispered, like this was secret knowledge. “I’m pretty locked down.”
“You tell me you’re mine at night, but I want everyone to know it.” Eddie licked his upper lip and took off his WASP pin - and when you nodded - he gently pinned it on your t-shirt near the collar. He kissed your cheek and said “Now, you’re mine.”
You took out one of your new dangly Ankh earrings and swapped it with Eddie’s ear stud. You kissed his neck below his earlobe. “Now, you’re mine.” You said.
Eddie undid his chain bracelet and tried to put it on you, but it was a hair too big, he ended up loosening it and putting it on your ankle.
You took off your adjustable silver snake ring and widened it up to fit on his left pinky.
Your friends started to show up to the party. Eddie whispered in your ear “I’ll pin you more later.”
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chukys-mouthguard · 3 days
i’d love to see you write something with the prompt “call me cheesy or a fool, but I needed to wish you sweet dreams” with joseph woll! just pure tooth-rotting sweetness and love
Prompt: “call me cheesy or a fool, but i needed to wish you sweet dreams”
Note: i swear he just exudes teddy bear fluff ball energy and i love it
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There was no better feeling than finally being able to take your makeup off after a long day. Washing your face, throwing your hair in a messy bun, and climbing into bed buried under more blankets than one human should ever need.
Closing your eyes as all you could think about was-
Buzz buzz buzz, buzz buzz buzz
Opening your eyes with a groan, your arm flung to your bedside table to grab your phone as it buzzed. Wondering who was calling you and disrupting your peace.
“Joseph Woll, you better have a pretty good reason for calling me. Especially since we just got off the phone, I don’t know 10 minutes ago!”
He laughed at your playful scolding, knowing you could never truly be mad at him. You and Joseph had been dating for a few months now, and the one thing that had already become a staple was nightly phone calls when he was on the road. Although tonight that apparently changed to multiple phone calls since he’d now called you again.
“No no no, it’s a great reason actually!”
Rolling your eyes as you smiled into the phone, not able to control your childlike giddiness he made you feel when he got excited to talk to you.
“I’m waiting Joseph!”
Responding in a sing-song tone as you rolled over in bed, pulling the covers up tight to your chest.
“Call me cheesy or a fool, but I needed to wish you sweet dreams.”
Your cheeks bright red and blushing, he was definitely right that was cheesy, but it made you smile from ear to ear. Joseph was the kind of cheesy remarks, and it made you fall for him more and more each day. The way he could get you to blush and laugh at the drop of a hat, and he used it to his advantage.
“Josephhhhh! You’re such a pain in my butt!”
“I know I know, but I always tell you sweet dreams. And I forgot. And, well-“ his voice now at a whisper, surely his roommate for the road trip had joined him in the room and he was trying his best to not get caught being a sappy boy.
“we’ve been on a win streak ever since I started telling you sweet dreams. And, I feel like that’s gotta be good luck or something?”
Shaking your head you could not begin to wrap your head around how you got stuck with such an adorable teddy bear of a man.
“So what happens when you lose? You won’t tell me sweet dreams anymore?”
Pouring into the phone, Joseph quickly protested the idea. “Oh my gosh, I did make it seem like that huh? Of course I’ll keep saying it, I just, dang it I goofed on that one huh?”
The two of you laughing before you’d let out a yawn, letting him know you did need to get some sleep.
“Well, if and when the day comes we lose, I’ll just start a new thing to say to you before I hand up. But for now, sweet dreams baby girl.”
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aishangotome · 1 day
Alfons Sylvatica: [Blind Love] Epilogue
Chapter 25
For him, love is fleeting, and everyday life is fragile.
So, every day, every second, I carve it into my heart and body, and hold it dear.
---That is how I love my dear illusion.
Kate: Roger, I found an interesting note in this church's records.
Roger: Hmm? Which one? Let me see.
I occasionally visit the basement like this to continue my joint research with Roger on the "mirror curse."
In addition to reading through materials, we also narrow down places and people to conduct interviews.
(Alfons is...ah, he's asleep.)
Even though he doesn't cooperate with the research, Alfons always comes along for some reason, and he spends his time freely playing with lab equipment, reading books, or sleeping on the examination bed.
Roger: Al, lend me your arm for a bit.
Alfons: Eh...? ...No. You're going to draw blood again, aren't you? Are you that fond of my blood, you pervert?
Roger: Yeah, I am. It's a valuable sample for monitoring the progress of the transfusion.
Although he makes a grumpy face, he does cooperate with the research about once every ten times.
(He's like a fickle cat.)
Encouraged by Alfons's profile, I turned back to the materials.
To remember his profile, this time, because he is cursed by the "mirror."
Kate: Thank you again for accompanying me today.
Alfons: You're welcome. Thank you for your hard work on the research, even though we haven't made any progress yet.
Kate: Hehe, I'll make sure we get results eventually, so don't worry.
Alfons: Yes, yes, I'm looking forward to it.
Alfons sometimes looks at me like this, with his eyes narrowed as if he's dazzled.
(I love this look...it's like he's trying to burn me into his memory.)
I feel like Alfons is trying to carve me into his heart and body, just as much as I'm trying to do the same with him.
It's becoming my happy habit to look for the "truth" in Alfons' subtle gestures, since he rarely says "I love you" or "I like you" in words.
Alfons: Oh, by the way, Kate.
Kate: Yes...?
Alfons: I'm going out tonight. I won't be back until morning, so please go to sleep first.
Where are you going? - I desperately held back the urge to ask.
Alfons: I'm afraid I can't stop going out at night. It's my hobby, my pleasure, and my life's work.
Alfons: Going out drinking, showing illusions… but
Alfons: I want to try to love you properly, so
Alfons: I won’t do that with anyone other than you… no kissing, no caressing, no sex.
**flashback over**
I haven't yet followed him to confirm his "only me" statement.
(Because I believe the words Alfons gave me...)
When he goes out at night, my head is filled with thoughts of him.
But even the time I spend like that at night is proof that Alfons is deeply engraved in me, so it's precious to me.
Kate: ...I understand. Have a good time.
Alfons: Ah ha! Don't make such an obviously lonely face.
Kate: Huh? I'm not lonely, it's normal...
Alfons: That's a problem too. Even if it's normal, please be lonely.
Kate: Wh-what...?
Alfons: Well then, see you tomorrow.
He kissed my cheek and left for the entrance.
(He told me not to make a lonely face, and to be lonely...)
Roger: He's a selfish guy, isn't he?
Kate: R-Roger...were you listening?
I turned around to see Roger standing halfway up the stairs leading to the basement, with a mischievous smile on his face.
Roger: If you're lonely, I can keep you company while he's gone.
Kate: I'm fine, really, I'm not lonely at all.
Roger: Oh really?
After glancing in the direction of Alfons, who had disappeared beyond the entrance,
Roger smoothly placed his hand on my chin and—
Roger: I think I understand what Al was saying. He said it's cute when you pout.
Kate: –Hn!?
He kissed me as if it were natural.
Kate: Wh-what, why so suddenly!?
I hurriedly pushed him away, but Roger just smirked.
Roger: Because you're a good woman who's lonely but acts tough, and Al is too careless.
(Wh-what should I do...)
Kate: Alfons said he wouldn't be with anyone but me...
Roger: ...
Roger: Heh, heh! So that's what you're worried about, huh, little missy?
Roger chuckles gleefully as I turn pale.
Kate: ... Huh? What else is there to worry about?
Roger: Hmm... No, nothing. I was just teasing. Don't worry, I won't do it again.
Roger: But if that guy makes you cry, I might just have to do something about it.
Roger: I have a fondness for tearful faces.
Kate: N-no way...! I don't plan on being made to cry!
I ran up the stairs to escape Roger's egotistical smirk.
And then--the next day.
(Yesterday's kiss... was my fault for letting my guard down.)
(I absolutely, absolutely need to make sure it doesn't happen again.)
(...And it wouldn't do any good to make Alfons feel bad, so it's better to keep it a secret, right?)
Alfons: What's with that troubled look on your face, Kate?
Kate: Eek...!?
I jump up as he pokes me in the side.
Alfons: Ah, you're so sensitive. Is this an erogenous zone too?
Kate: I was just ticklish...!
Alfons, who had just returned from a night out and woken up a moment ago, laughed cheerfully with his shirt still rumpled from sleep.
(I'll keep it a secret after all...)
(Alfons keeps secrets from me too, about where he goes and what he does at night...!)
I changed my mood and announced today's plans.
Kate: More importantly, we promised to draw a portrait of you today, right, Alfons?
Alfons: Of course, I remember. Ah, shall I take this off?
Kate: It's fine as it is!
I stopped Alfons' hand as he reached for the buttons of his shirt and pushed him into a chair.
Alfons: This was an attempt to leave a picture behind in case the ink writing fades, wasn't it?
Alfons: Didn't you take a photo with the same reasoning the other day?
Alfons: And before that, you got your hands on the latest equipment, a phonograph, and recorded my voice, didn't you?
Kate: Just being extra careful! Now, please stay still.
Alfons: Yes, yes.
Alfons teased me a bit more before crossing his long legs and resting his cheek on his hand on the armrest.
I set up the easel and canvas I had prepared and began to sketch.
Alfons: Kate, I didn't know you could draw.
Kate: I can't. That's why I'm practicing.
Alfons: By the time you're a grandmother, you'll have improved and will surely be able to draw a perfect likeness.
Kate: Ah ha! Do you intend to live with me until I'm a grandmother?
Alfons: How optimistic of you, to be involved with a man whose profession is assassination.
(Of course, I know. No one knows when death will come.)
The things I'm accumulating now may not be able to overcome fate.
(Even so...)
Kate: That's why I want to capture the present moment that we're living together.
Alfons: ...Hehe, how straightforward.
Alfons looked at me intently with those dazzling eyes again.
Every time I look at him to confirm his form, my heartbeat quickens as I meet his beloved gaze.
(I, I have to focus.)
I moved the charcoal as if to dispel unnecessary distractions. But...
(This is... It might not just be a lack of talent.)
The more lines I added, the more hopeless the result became.
Alfons: What's wrong? Your face is getting paler and paler.
Kate: Ah, don't move... Don't look!
Alfons: Let me see...
As soon as he saw the disastrous picture I had drawn on the canvas, Alfons pointed at it rudely and burst into laughter.
Alfons: Ahahaha! Ah, you... Is this a human being? Ahahahaha!
Kate: It will be! I'll get better!
Alfons: Ha... You're a really interesting person.
After laughing until tears came out, Alfons snatched the charcoal from my hand.
Kate: Ah...!
Alfons: Hey, Kate.
Alfons: For the sake of improvement, shouldn't you get to know my body... better?
Kate: ...
When his seductive voice poured into my ears, my body ached sweetly as if a switch had been flipped.
Alfons guided my fingertips, which were wandering in the air after the charcoal was taken away, to the buttons of his shirt.
Kate: ...Your shirt... will get dirty with charcoal...
Alfons: Please dirty it, with your fingers.
He was deliberately using suggestive language, enjoying my reaction.
(I know, but...)
As expected, I was made to imagine indecent things, and my body became wet with anticipation.
(...It's like I'm being trained to Alfons' liking.)
(It's embarrassing, but... I'm happy.)
It's because it's proof that he's carving his love into me - I can't help but feel happy.
After letting me unbutton his shirt, Alfons guided my fingertips inside.
Alfons: See, if you touch me like this... you can understand my contours better, can't you?
Kate: ...
As I was guided, my fingertips traced the contours of his muscles, moving down from his chest to his abdomen.
Kate: Ah... Alfons...
Alfons: Remember my form well.
---By the time I touched his warmth, I had already fallen into his sweet trap.
After taking pictures, recording our voices, and even leaving behind drawings... maybe at least one of them will remain.
After our sketching session gradually turned into a sweet moment in bed—
Alfons playfully laughed while languidly twirling my sulking hair.
Alfons: I used to hate photos, you know?
Kate:...Is that so?
Alfons: Yes, you took my photo virginity. You have to take responsibility for it.
My nose was poked, and the sweet ache in my chest made me forget my sulking.
(The Alfons who was trying to irresponsibly abandon our relationship and disappear...)
(To say something like "take responsibility" that ties us to our relationship...)
Joy slowly spread through me—at the same time, I remembered something I felt guilty about.
(Alfons is trying to love me so properly...)
(To keep it a secret... it's not good, is it?)
Kate: U-um... Alfons, there's something I need to apologize for.
Alfons: Oh my, this sounds interesting. What is it?
Kate: I...
Kate: When you weren't around, Roger kissed me.
Alfons: ..........
Kate: I'm so sorry...
Alfons stared blankly for a moment, then started to laugh, his shoulders shaking.
(W-why is he laughing...?)
Alfons: Oh dear... You really are something else... Heh.
Alfons: Go ahead, you can have as many "meaningless kisses" as you want.
Kate: Huh!? But, Alfons, you said you wouldn't kiss anyone but me...
Alfons: Doesn't count if the other person forces it on me, right? That's an accident, an accident.
(Oh, good... Huh? But that means...)
Kate: So you're saying you don't count those kinds of kisses either, Alfons?
Alfons: Oops, I shouldn't have said that.
Kate: ...How many times have you had those kinds of kisses since you said you'd only kiss me?
Alfons: Hmm, I don't remember. Maybe two or three times, maybe not.
(This guy...!)
I leaned over Alfons and roughly pressed my lips against his.
He laughed with glee, and I hated the way his lips received it.
Kate: Nn... Ah, Alphonse, you good-for-nothing!
Alfons: Yes, I know.
Kate: Womanizer! Liar! Pervert!
Alfons: That last part was a compliment, wasn't it?
Kate: You jerk...
My body is rolled over, and our positions reversed.
With a creak of the bedsprings, Alfons leans over me.
Alfons: Do you hate me for being a good-for-nothing, a womanizer, a liar, and a pervert?
Kate: ...uh...y-yes...!
The perpetrator, who knew exactly how I would respond, smiles like a devil.
As if trying to burn each and every one of my reactions into his memory, he narrows his dazzling eyes.
(He's toying with my feelings again, teasing me... He really is an impossible person.)
Kate: ...I...love you...
(I can't imagine a life without you anymore.)
Alfons: Hehe, good.
Alfons: I love you too, Kate.
His curved lips drop a sweet kiss.
I want to continue this playful exchange forever.
Until it's etched into my memory, leaving a mark that will never fade.
As usual, a gloomy darkness lies over London, England.
The man who shows illusions to escape from this reality for a moment was about to throw himself into the darkness again tonight.
Roger: Going again? You're persistent, aren't you?
Alfons: You're persistent too. Do you enjoy talking to me?
Roger: I'd love to expose your true intentions for always making the lil lady sad and anxious.
Alfons: Do you really think I'd tell you honestly?
Roger: Who knows. But if the day comes when you don't come back by morning, I'll take the young lady.
Roger: --What would you do if I said that?
Alfons: Ah ha! Do you think I'd just casually die again?
Laughing with a distorted face, Alfons turned his whole body towards Roger.
Alfons: I'd rather not die before her.
Alfons: I'll die after Kate, even if it's just by a minute or a second.
Alfons: I don't want to be forgotten by her.
Alfons: Oh, and also--
Roger: ....!
Alfons grabbed Roger's chest and pulled him closer. In his smiling face, only his grey eyes were filled with cold murderous intent.
Alfons: ...If you kiss Kate again, I'll bite off those lips.
After spitting out these words, he turned his back on Roger and left the castle without looking back.
Roger: I see. ...Even his way of loving is troublesome.
As Roger sees him off, the sound of two sets of footsteps reaches his ears without a moment's delay.
Kate: ...Roger, you're just in time.
Roger: Hmm? What's wrong, lil lady... and Elbert?
Elbert: I was taking a walk... and Kate called out to me...
Kate: Roger, would you also like to... not follow Alfons' tail, but, um, yes!
Kate: Would you like to accompany us on a walk... while watching his back?
Roger: ...Your way of loving is just as troublesome, lil lady.
Kate: Yes...?
Roger: Never mind. I'm talking to myself.
For him, love is fleeting, and everyday life is fragile.
That's why he plays with me day and night, driving me crazy - that's his way of loving.
And he seems to enjoy it even more since he fell in love with me.
I'm still being swayed by this lovely, indecent illusion today.
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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apomaro-mellow · 3 days
Family Planning 5
Part 4
“You’re shitting me”, Eddie said, Kimberly on his hip. “You’re trying to use basketball to get out of your share?”
“I’m not trying to get out of my share. I’ll still watch it when I have time.”
“Her”, Steve amended with a roll of his eyes. “But this has gotta take priority sometimes. Unless you want her all by herself on the bleachers.”
It was easy for Eddie to imagine their little sack of joy being knocked over by a ball, powdery contents spilling out. Yeah, that wasn’t gonna fly.
“Or”, Steve adjusted the strap of his backpack on his shoulder. “You could always just come to practice.”
“And what? Cheer you on with some pom poms? I’ll pass”, Eddie said. He and Harrington might be on better terms than at the beginning of the year, but that didn’t mean he’d suddenly gotten a heaping dose of school spirit.
And so basketball started with tryouts. Steve could tell Tommy and some of the others wanted to comment on him and Eddie, but thankfully they mostly kept it to themselves. Eddie took the bag on nights Steve had practice, which meant their schedule had to change a bit. Eddie tried not to be too miffed about the sudden wrench throwing. It meant that sometimes little Kimmy was sitting on his lap as the Hellfire Club convened for a night of merrymaking.
“Hey”, Gareth said on one such night, eyeing Eddie as he bobbed the bag on his knee like an actual fussy child. “I thought you were supposed to be like the perfect family.”
“You got something to say about my parenting methods?”, Eddie asked, eyebrow raised.
“I think the last time anyone saw all…three of you together was a while ago”, Gareth said.
“Yeah, you guys are more like a divorced couple where each parent has custody”, Jeff pointed out.
Eddie gasped and covered Kimberly’s imaginary ears. “How dare you insinuate that my pup is in a loveless marriage?”
“We call ‘em like we see ‘em”, Grant said.
“It’s not like we’re gonna go out of our way to hang out together.” Eddie ran in different circles than Steve, no reason for a project to change all of that. Still, he considered his declaration to the principal. And what would a loving husband do but dote on their lover just as well as their child? 
Eddie tries bringing it up slyly when they’re together next, Eddie leaning with his shoulder against the locker next to Steve’s.
“Sooooo, when’s your first game?”
“This Friday. If you wanna know when you’ll be on watch duty, there are schedules in the office.”
“Good to know, good to know”, Eddie nodded, asking no further questions.
Steve tied his shoes and got into the headspace for the game. He felt only a little bad about leaving their project to Eddie more than they originally intended, but what could he do? Maybe if they won tonight, he’d offer to take care of it both Saturday and Sunday. He and the rest of the team came out of the locker room to start their warm up drills and that’s when he heard it.
“Wave hi to Daddy!”
Steve looked up to see Eddie in the stands, holding their pretend pup in the air. 
“Look alive Harrington!”
“Ughf!” Steve got a pass to the stomach that he quickly caught on the bounce and shot back. He jogged over to where Eddie was. “What’re you doing here?”
“What’s it look like we’re doing?”, Eddie batted his lashes. “Kimberly should see what her papa’s been training for and how important it is to him. It’s important to share your accomplishments with your child.”
“Ah, so this is all pretend? You’re playing at being interested in sports”, Steve said. “Do you even know the rules?”
“Ball in hoop makes crowd go aaahhhhh”, Eddie said flatly.
“There’s more to it than that.”
“Harrington! Game’s about to start!”
“You’re needed on stage Mr. Harrington”, Eddie grinned.
Steve jogged over to his team’s bench, trying to forget that Eddie was over there entirely. But it was hard to. It was nearly impossible to ignore him once he knew he was there. He thought it would put him off his game. And yet the opposite happened. Knowing that someone was watching him, hoping that he’d win meant something. His parents weren’t even here to say, out of town for the weekend.
And despite his put-upon attitude, Eddie’s cheers when he scored sounded genuine, able to be heard over the others. When Steve put the final basket in with a blessed five seconds left on the clock, the first thing he did wasn’t to turn to his teammates, but to look for Eddie in the crowd. Eddie was shaking that bag of flour to almost a worrying degree, but Steve would forgive him. 
He got pats on the backs from his teammates but right after he went over to Eddie. 
“Look at you, tiger”, Eddie smiled.
“Did you lose your voice?”, Steve asked, noticing a roughness there.
“Just short of it. That’ll teach me to try and do a crammed in mini session right before this.” To Eddie’s surprise though - worth it. Steve hadn’t smiled this openly at him before. And his scent was in full force, sweat glistening on his body. 
“PARTY AT HARRINGTON’S!”, someone shouted, leading to more cheers.
“See you there?”, Steve said with a wink before hitting the showers.
Eddie’s done house calls before, usually for parties. But it was often just holing up in his car while people bought from him. Sometimes he ventured into the house just to claim a corner. Either way, he kept to himself. This would be his first time entering on a real invitation. Not just anyone’s. Steve’s. High school royalty.
Eddie had waited in the parking lot just in case Steve wanted a ride to his own house only to see him being mobbed around by the rest of the team all the way up until he got to Hagan’s car. That only made sense. He tried not to feel too disappointed as they sped off together. Steve was still expecting him. He’d still be welcomed if he went.
Part 6 coming soon
@marklee-blackmore @aol19 @im-really-annoying @ellietheasexylibrarian @queenie-ofthe-void
@redfreckledwolf @lololol-1234 @cuntyfiedcatholicbisaster
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jenomi · 11 hours
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"i don't think i'll come to the campfire tonight" you say leaning against your roommate's doorframe.
"noo why?" your roommate and best friend cries as she sets down her makeup brush to grab your hand.
"i'm just feeling really tired from work and need a night in" you reply swinging your connected hands, "let everyone know that i'll be at the next one."
"alright fine cuz I know how long this week has been for you, but we all know a certain someone is going to be disappointed" your roommate teases.
you could only blush in response. a part of you hoped deep down that haechan would miss you at the campfire tonight, and you wanted to pull yourself together to see him but you know your own limits. you knew you wouldn't be great company tonight.
you met haechan through friends of your roommate. ever since you had moved into this new apartment, you and your roommate had decided to start hosting small get togethers with close friends at the communal outdoor area. this space had games like ping pong and pool and a campfire area. you had met haechan at another friend's party and grew close as you continued to see him at other functions.
you definitely played a role in how close haechan got with you as you would seek him out at parties and want to spend time with him. occasionally, the two of you would step out to get some fresh air and fall into deep, yet comfortable, conversation with each other. you started to grow fond of him and send messages to him with memes that you thought he'd like or message him to join you for some coffee or lunch.
it was only when your roommate called you out that you realized you liked haechan more than a friend. all the times you would bring him up, how you would always look for him in a crowded room at parties, how you're always giggling when texting or calling him. it made you shy to admit it, but it was true. you weren't sure how he felt about you, though. your roommate had tried to tell you multiple times that your feelings were reciprocated but you thought he was hard to read. nonetheless, you were pretty confident that he only saw you as a friend, so you felt discouraged seeing him and pining after him.
so there was a small sense of relief in how you wouldn't have to see him tonight and feel hopeless. what a way to beat you when you're already down.
an hour later, your roommate heads downstairs to meet up with the others and help start the campfire. haechan shows up an hour late as usual, and the first thing he notices is your absence.
"hey y/rm/n, where's y/n?" haechan asks almost immediately.
a smirk spreads across your roommate's face before she replies, "she's upstairs. she's had a long week so she's burnt out."
haechan nods in response. he wanted to see you, but he also didn't want to overstep. he also felt disappointed in himself. how had he miss the signs? he had been texting and calling you all week, and he never noticed that you were tired.
"you should go up and see her. i'm sure she won't mind." your friend says as haechan is deep in thought. "really? are you sure?" haechan asks, a little too eagerly. "yea she was bummed she couldn't make it. she's probably really lonely up there."
haechan doesn't need to ask again. he quietly slips out of the group and heads towards your floor. he nervously rings your doorbell. you groan as you throw off your blankets and get up off the couch. your eyes widen in shock as you open the door to your crush, haechan.
"hyuck?" you say dumbfoundedly "how could you not tell me you’re burnt out?” he demands making his way into your apartment. "okay come on in” you mumble.
as he takes off his jacket, you become hyperaware at the fact that you're in your pajamas, bare-faced, with messy hair. little did you know, haechan loved seeing you like this. naturally beautiful.
“i wish you’d told me you’re tired. i would’ve come earlier to cheer you up and brought your favorite food” “i didn’t want to bother you?” you’re still confused at his reaction and sudden appearance. “why are you nagging me right now?” “you know i only come to these things to see you. imagine my surprise to see you weren’t there”
he only comes to see you?
haechan takes a step closer to you. “i care for you y/n. i wish you had told me you weren’t feeling well”
you were shocked at his words. he cares for you? he wants to take care of you?
haechan must see the confusion in your eyes as he adds, “i like you y/n. more than just friends. i think about you all the time and i want to see you even when i’m busy. i want to know everything about you, even the smallest things, and i want to hear about your day and comfort you when it’s hard. i want to take care of you and make sure you never skip a meal. i want to be there for you when you're tired and help you feel better. let me be a shoulder for you to lean on. let me care for you properly.”
your eyes were wet with tears. there was so much sincerity in his voice, you don't remember the last time you let someone take care of you. sure, you had your roommates and friends but you hated bothering them with your troubles. most shocking was the disbelief that you were both on the same page without knowing it.
he pulls you in for a hug. you feel yourself immediately relaxing and leaning into donghyuck's touch and smell.
“i’d like that” you whisper into his shoulder in response to his confession.
he rubs your back in response and places a kiss on your forehead.
together, you move back to the couch and he orders your favorite take out as you tell him about the long week that you’ve had while cuddled into his shoulder. he listens intently while giving you words and touches of reassurance.
you feel a weight lifted off your shoulders sharing your struggles with donghyuck. you felt so incredibly lucky and grateful to have him here and you vowed to yourself in that moment that you would allow him to be a shoulder for you to lean on and to be there for him in his struggles as well.
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thedeviltohisangel · 2 days
All The Things I Did (Interlude): Wave Goodbye to the End of the Beginning
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a/n: ahhhh it is here! i am so freaking excited to do this little band of brothers crossover with cass. we have all been dreaming of what her friendship with nix would look like and i am happy to report that it is phenomenal. this is most certainly not the last we will see of him because i know for a fact that a night of him and john drinking together can only end in debauchery and we should all be able to experience that for ourselves. side note...what other characters should we explore? part of me wants to write a full cass x ron speirs BoB au? not sure. let me know and i love youuuuuuu
The room was more full of soldiers than she had been used to recently. Thorpe Abotts had been shrinking, slowly but surely, with each and every mission. The hole in her heart growing and growing before it tore to shreds with the loss of her husband. All her days were spent working on ways to get him back. To leverage her capability to get to the camp as a way to get him out of the camp. A man like John was not built to be caged and she would be damned if she let it go on any longer than it already had. 
“Jesus Christ, it had to be you?” Cass smiled as she turned away from the pot of burnt coffee and took in the sight of the one and only Lewis Nixon. 
“I’m just getting a cup of coffee, Nix. Not sure what Jesus has to do with it.” She put the cup down just in time for his hug, the smell of an old friend comforting her in a way she hadn’t known since London.
“Of all the intelligence officers in the entire Army Air Force…it’s good to see you, Coop.” Her smile didn’t reach her eyes, he noticed, and she pulled him back in for another hug. This one tighter and almost sadder. Like she was asking him to confirm she was here and she was okay. “We got a lot to catch up on?” Lew could almost tell by the way she was carrying herself that she had experienced the gamut of war over in England. Had already learned what it was like on the frontlines before he had even suited up to jump and join in. 
“More than a lot.” She looked over to the maps that were covered in canvas until the briefing was set to begin. “But I think we’ve got an invasion of the European mainland to learn about first,” she muttered.
“Didn’t ever think we’d see the day.” Nixon drank from a flask and Cass smirked.
“The boys need this. Hope that it will end soon.” Lew noticed the way she was playing with her necklace, it looked like a ring, and had a hauntingly far away look in her eyes with her words. 
“You got someone to bunk with?” He led her towards two empty chairs in the back of the room and sat next to her, arm slung casually over the back of her chair. 
“If I say no, does that mean you are going to offer your company?” Having already known how this was going to go, Cass had a few bottles of Vat 69 in her suitcase. Nix may have been surprised to see her but she had done her research.
“Because we didn’t have a blast in DC a few summers ago? Don’t you remember how hard you laughed while swimming in the reflecting pool? You even let me hold you while we watched the sunrise.” Lewis Nixon had first met Cassandra Cooper at a seminar in Washington, DC for all recent intelligence course graduates. It had served the purpose to prepare them for their transition to the life of espionage before they shipped out. One last weekend of an air of normalcy before everything changed forever. 
“That is the perfect reason as to why I would be apprehensive about sharing a hotel suite with you this weekend, Nix! I can’t afford to get into any more trouble than I’m already in.” The lights dimmed and he had to swallow his question. 
“What kind of trouble?” he whispered. “Can’t be that bad if you’re a Captain now.” Cass looked at him out of the corner of her eye. 
“I’ll tell you when you buy me a nice dinner tonight.” 
“Now we’re making bargains?” Someone coughed a few rows behind them. 
“I’m getting soup and salad and dessert.” Partially, they had bonded over the family legacies that they had run from but knew were still waiting for them at home. For that reason they both knew they could afford whatever kind of luxurious night on the town that they could find.
“You’ll tell me everything that has happened since we last spoke? Not a single detail spared?”
“Just ask if I got laid in England, Nix, it’d be easier.” He laughed out loud and the entire room shushed them. Cass snuggled deeper into her seat with a smirk as the canvas in front of them was finally illuminated and an officer stepped out to brief them. 
“Ladies and gentleman, the ground invasion of Europe is here.” Everyone cheered but Cass wanted to cry. Why couldn’t it have come sooner? Why couldn’t it have come sooner to prevent the need for John to go on that last mission? The map revealed landing points along the coast of Normandy, France. She was already calculating how long it might take them to reach Germany. How long it might take them to reach the POW camps. Every calculation came back that it wasn’t soon enough. That she would have to do this herself if there was any hope of saving John. And she would need to move quickly. The minute American soldiers landed on the shores of Normandy, the SS would take control of the camps.
“Well? You impressed?” Nix asked as he held the door open for her, leading her out onto the streets of the English countryside. 
“Sure. Quite the orchestral undertaking.”
“Dinner?” he asked as he offered her his arm.
“Yes. Dinner.”
True to their bargain, Cass spared no expense when ordering. In turn she had answered all of his questions as best he could. What had happened to that fiance that she ran from? Had she gotten to fly in a B-17? Was she really the girl on that mission to Berlin? He stayed away from the ring on her neck. From the circumstances of her promotion and relocation. The last name on the registration paper that wasn't Cooper. 
“Tell me, Coop. What’s it like being in Moscow? Soviets planning to take us out with the Krauts?” She dabbed at her mouth politely as she chewed her bite of steak. 
“It’s busy. They have me doing a lot of internal things. Not a lot of mainland travel but I’m trying to get back there.” Soon.
“You really are fascinating, Coop. Southern belle from so much money it could make the angels weep. Gives it all up to become a spook. Lands in Berlin before the paratroopers and gets a cushy yet high profile gig in Moscow and wants to scoff at it because she prefers the mud.” He made her sound better than she deserved. Her family money wouldn’t get John back. She had to fall back on her intangibles. The skills that she had always had, before OSS school, and that they had just taught her to weaponize. Once this conference was all over she would have the time to practice with them and sharpen them and get ready to wield them at the gates of the Stalag. 
“You want to ask about the ring,” she remarked as her eyes stayed glued to her mashed potatoes. 
“I’m curious. But it’s not on your finger, leads me to believe the man on the other side of it isn’t with you anymore. Yet you have it on a chain around your neck which means you parted amicably, still in love even. There are only two ways that happens. And neither of them are good dinner table conversation.” Cass had to admit she was impressed. His logic and skills of deduction were impressive especially when you considered the sheer amount of whiskey he had consumed since she bumped into him at the coffee table alone. 
“And you told me you learned nothing while you were in Maryland,” she teased as she stabbed a green bean with her fork and pointed it in his direction. “He’s not dead. I’ll take that thought right of your head.” If anyone thought about it then that would give it life. Allow it to fester like an unattended wound. Cass would allow no such thing to happen.
“So the worse option then. Captured.” It was oddly comforting for him to acknowledge that it was the worse option. An odd sense of validation from an old friend blooming in her chest. 
“Yeah. But like you said. Not dinner table talk.” He nodded in agreement and was back to tucking into his dinner. “I don’t have a roommate. But I do have a few bottles of Vat 69.” Life was breathed back into Lewis Nixon in an instant. 
“God, I fucking love you.” They continued to laugh around dinner and she forced her stomach to compensate for the chocolate cake but then guilt started creeping in. Guilt that she was enjoying this time and living this life and it wasn’t with John. They should have been able to live these joyous moments together. “Ready?” Nix was standing and grabbing her blazer from the coat hook.
“Lew, if the tab is too much, just say so. No need for us to dine and dash.” 
“Handed them cash on the way in. It’s taken care of, Coop.” Her cheeks heated as he helped her arms into the jacket. “Someone’s gotta take care of you while the other half of that ring is out of commission.” His arm was around her shoulder and he pulled her in close. 
“He is very protective and very jealous. I’d be careful if I were you,” she cautioned as they walked towards the hotel in sync. 
“Tell me about Mr. Cassandra Cooper.” Cass tugged the hand that was resting on her shoulder tighter around her.
“He’s a pilot from Wisconsin. Joined before Pearl.” Lew hummed in acknowledgement. “Has a mustache,” she added with a smile. 
“Always saw you ending up with a mustached man.” She laughed, working her way through the hotel lobby and towards the elevator. “Sit tight. My bags are with the desk.” While waiting, her hand unconsciously drifted to grab the ring around her neck. If she focused long enough, she would almost feel it burning her palm. On particularly lonely nights she would run it down her cheeks and feel wisps of his fingers. Press it to her lips and feel the way he would whisper how much he loved her. It was exhausting to be without her other half. The piece of him that resided inside of her trying to reach him. Stretching herself thin and wearing down to the bone with the effort it took. 
“How’s Kathy?” she asked when Lew got back. 
“Fine,” he shrugged, “we fight over the dog a lot.” 
“The dog?”
“Why? You and Mr. Mustache a picture of peace and tranquility?” His arm held the elevator doors open as she stepped inside and pressed the button that said eight. 
“Major Mustache to you, Lieutenant.” Pulling her own rank on him would feel ridiculous. “And our play fighting and bantering is what gets me out of bed in the morning. Or…got me out of bed in the morning.” Now the only thing that fueled her was her plot for revenge. She was half tempted to throw a lit match into the camp and see how far that got her. 
“Major. Your mother won’t be upset he isn’t a Colonel? General, even.” Harding flashed across her eyes quickly. 
“She’ll be upset he isn’t a politician or a banker or a lawyer or some other traditionally pleasant profession. And she’ll be even further incensed when she learns I got married in London without her permission.” Just past the open doors, her shoes were kicked off angrily as she stalked towards the crate in the corner. “Bottle or glass?” Nix weighed his options.
“Bottle.” The one in her left hand went to him and the other went to her mouth. “It’s that kind of night?” 
“That kind of year.”
They lost track of time as they finished their bottles and decided to share another one. They were on the floor, pillows under their heads as they looked up at the peeling paint of the ceiling. 
“When this is all over, I need to meet this Major of yours. We can meet in Chicago or New York or bumfuck middle of nowhere. We can get drunk just like this and be fucking happy.” Cass smiled and laughed as he fumbled to try and light his cigarette.
“John will love that. We’ll still be married but you and Kathy…” Nix groaned.
“Kathy.” He handed it to her once he finally managed to capture it in the flame. “Absence is supposed to make the heart grow fonder, Coop.” 
“I don’t like being away from him. I don’t feel like myself when he isn’t with me.” She absent-mindedly played with the ring that was resting against her chest. “I was so close to getting him out of there. He was in my arms…I just couldn’t get him on the damn horse. I wasn’t strong enough to get him out and now they have him caged.” A tear snuck out of the corner of her eye and she wiped it away harshly. 
“Cass,” Nix set the bottle to the side and opened his arms up to her, “your love is going to survive this. Whatever version of you makes it out of here and whatever version of him makes it out of there are going to be so fucking in love I am going to be sick.” She snuggled deeper into his chest. 
“Do you think they’ll fire me if I get myself thrown in a POW camp on purpose?” He’d warn her against it if he thought it would make a difference. 
“Well, walk me through the tradecraft. Do it right, they’ll never know.” When she sat up, she looked more alive than she had in awhile. 
“One of the guards has a very sick mother…”
The rest of the night was spent with her walking him through her plan. The network she had built to get her to the edge of the camp in the first place, the vulnerabilities she had found within the ranks of the guards to get her husband brought to her when required and the web she was weaving to get past the fence and into the barracks. He challenged the motivations of the guards. Challenged the security of her assets along the path. Offered her perspectives on a cover story and made sure she was emphatically aware of the danger she was taking on by enacting this plan. 
“I can’t think of anyone more qualified in recklessness to take this on, Captain,” he said as the sun was beginning to peek over the horizon. “He’s one lucky fucking bastard to have a girl willing to do this for him.”
“I’m the lucky one. He’s given me a home. Something to look forward to and a place to feel safe while doing it.” She laughed with no humor behind it. “That future…he’s the only one I want it with. Any other version and it isn’t worth it.” He heard the meaning behind her words. If this was her last mission, she would be going out exactly the way she wanted to. Cass was not meant to live without John. And she didn’t plan on doing so either. 
“As if I needed another reason to want Hitler dead. Now I have to add your love story to the list.” Nix rolled his eyes but there was nothing but love in them. 
“Oh, have you heard the tale of Princess Spook?” 
“Does she have a dashing advisor named Sir Nix?” 
“Not yet but she can.” 
Saying goodbye to him hurt in a way she couldn’t describe. The time spent with him shielding her from the pain and suffering that her reality had to offer her. It had felt good to talk to someone about John and not have to comfort them. Not have to recognize their pain in losing him as well. To share her thoughts and have him listen and provide solutions and not try to dissuade her from the path she was on. It was the first time she had been able to let her guard down in a long while. It would be her last chance to do so for many months.
Cass waved goodbye from the door of her train until it pulled away and Nixon was a speck on the horizon. She stayed there and looked in the same direction until the wind whipped too cold. And as she did everytime the breeze kissed her cheeks, she imagined it was John. And she kissed her fingertips and held them to the wind with a message in the hopes it would return her sentiments in kind.
I love you, John.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
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wannabespacesmuggler · 13 hours
D.D. | Shane's Girl
Part Seven | Masterlist | Buy me a coffee | Check out the playlist
Summary: Daryl Dixon knows he shouldn’t be thinking about you when he’s alone at night in his tent. Hell, he shouldn’t even be looking at you throughout the day. You’re not his. You’re Shane’s girl. But Daryl doesn’t like the way Shane treats you. And he certainly doesn’t like how you’re forced to play ‘loving girlfriend’ to a man with eyes for another woman at the camp.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x female!Reader
Warnings: Merle Dixon sucks, unedited (I will get to it later, I promise)
Word Count: 1.1K
Author’s Note: SO, your boy's a blue-collar worker currently struggling through increased heat and hours during the summer, but I love this fic and no matter how much time passes I will continue to come back to this guy. Let me know what y'all think of this one & let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist. And thank you for your continued support for this lil fic -- it means the world to me.
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“Tonight’s the night, little brother.”
Merle’s voice tears through the silence in their makeshift camp. Daryl peers up at Merle from his crouched position -- the younger Dixon had been going through their food supply before Merle came storming in. Daryl rolls his eyes at the interruption. Although he’s known his brother his entire life, it always surprises him how different the two are. All he’s heard his entire life is: those Dixon brothers, two sides of the same coin. However, where Daryl is reserved, Merle is intrusive, and where Daryl is observant, Merle is careless. Although the two brothers are cut from the same backwoods cloth, they seem to have less in common than one would think.
Daryl ignores his brother’s outburst, returning his attention to their limited rations. He lets out a frustrated sigh before strategizing.
“We’re running low on food. I’ll go out hunting tomorrow. Rest of the group is headed out to scavenge the city; might wanna join ‘em.”
Merle brushes past Daryl, snatches the last bag of jerky from their pile of food, and begins chowing down in front of his younger brother. Daryl furrows his brow at his brother’s actions. Before he can lash out at him for being so irresponsible with their rations, Merle speaks up.
“Won’t have to worry ‘bout any of that after tonight.”
Daryl’s head cocks to the side as he tears his attention away from their inventory and now focuses intently on his brother.
“The hell are you on about?”
Merle rolls his eyes at Daryl’s question as if the younger Dixon should be able to read his mind. 
“We’ve been ‘er long enough. I say we wait til everyone’s asleep tonight and take everything we can.”
Daryl shrinks at the thought of just robbing the camp blind. Merle had mentioned the idea during their first night at the quarry; however, Daryl figured, as days passed, that the older Dixon brother had decided against the idea. Apparently, Daryl was wrong.
“I don’t know, man.”
Daryl’s apprehension seems to only rile his brother up more.
“C’mon little brother, everything they have is just sitting in that camper -- it’s like they’re begging us to take it!”
Daryl shakes his head at his brother’s words. They can’t -- he can’t. He doesn’t want that weighing on his guilty conscience for the rest of his numbered days. The world may have ended, but Daryl hasn’t lost his humanity yet. He can’t steal from children, or families, or you. He pushes himself off the floor before responding.
“Nah, man. Not now.”
Daryl attempts to brush past Merle, leaving the conversation there; however, Merle roughly pushes against Daryl’s chest. Daryl staggers for a second before regaining his balance. He looks incredulously at his brother, who seems to be champing at the bit. Merle’s always been impatient, and he’s never liked to stay in one place for too long, even before the end of the world. On the other hand, Daryl knows there’s safety in numbers nowadays -- who knows how long the two of them would be able to make it on their own? And what of the quarry camp -- would they just leave them to turn on themselves?
“This was always the plan, Daryl. What’s changed, huh?”
“Your plan sucks, man. We don’t even know what’s out there -- how many of ‘em are out there! At least here we’re safe.”
His reasoning does nothing to calm down Merle. Daryl is suddenly very glad that the two brothers were so far away from the rest of the camp -- the last thing he wants is for Merle to make scene, again.
“What you making friends while I’m gone? You going soft on me?”
“Fuck off, Merle.”
Merle doesn’t take the bait, instead, he studies his younger brother’s face for a second. Suddenly, it’s as if a switch has been flipped as Merle’s face breaks out into a shit eating grin. 
“You are going soft on me.”
It comes out as a statement, not a question. This only causes Daryl’s brow to furrow deeper. 
“What are you talking about?”
“This is all about that bitch, right?”
Daryl’s blood boils at Merle’s question. His jaw locks, and his fists clench as he attempts to stop himself from throwing himself at his older brother. Merle seems to be enjoying how his words make Daryl’s skin crawl. 
“Little brother, I never thought you’d be one to go after a taken woman.”
Daryl knows that Merle is just trying to get a rise out of him; he just wants a reaction. And as much as his words are pissing him off, Daryl knows that he simply has to act indifferent to his accusation.
“You could take her with us. Could use something fun on the road.”
Daryl grinds his teeth together at the thought, but he will not give Merle the satisfaction of causing an outburst from his younger brother.
“Shut up, Merle.”
“Can’t believe some bitch has already got you whipped.”
Finally, something in Daryl snaps as Merle sneers at him. He gets up in Merle’s face, attempting to intimidate his older brother, but he doesn’t back down.
“This ain’t got nothin’ to do with her. She don’t mean nothing to me!”
Daryl expects him to escalate the fight; however, Merle’s face shifts into that shit-eating grin once again as his eyes land on something behind Daryl’s shoulder. Daryl turns to face whatever has piqued Merle’s interest, his curiosity getting the better of him, and his stomach drops as his eyes land on you. Daryl’s face immediately softens as he notices the hurt etched into your features. Without a word, you turn and head back toward camp.
“Wait… damn it.” 
As much as Daryl wants to race after you and explain, he lets you go, knowing he’d just hurt you more -- he’s still seething from his confrontation with Merle, and you’re probably still processing what you just overheard.
“Uh-oh. Trouble in paradise?”
Daryl ignores his brother’s question and moves to retire to their tent for the night, but Merle sidesteps, stopping him in his tracks. Before Daryl can question his motives, Merle speaks.
“I did you a favor, little brother.”
Daryl looks at his brother in disbelief. 
“All I did was show her who you truly are.”
“You’re a fucking asshole.”
Daryl pushes past him and enters their tent. He wants to blame Merle for what just happened, but he’s the one who lost his temper. And he only lost his temper because Merle was right. He can’t rob the camp and then sneak away in the middle of the night because that means he’d have to leave you behind -- and he just can't do it. Not after you opened up to him about Shane.  He lets out a frustrated sigh as he lays down his worn sleeping bag. What do you think of him now? Is he just another asshole to you, like Shane or Merle? He wants to think he’s better than that. 
But maybe Daryl is wrong. 
Maybe the Dixon brothers really are two sides of the same bad-tempered, jagged coin -- but that won’t stop him from trying to prove the opposite, as long as you let him.
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missjadesfics · 2 days
Hasta Luego
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Taz Skylar x Reader Request: Yes Gif credits: @ncutii-gatwa Divider credits: @rookthornesartistry @cafekitsune Summary: Taz goes out with his castmates for a night out, where he meets a travelling girl with her friends. After sharing a dance together, they return to Taz's hotel and are left to be discovered by his castmates the next morning. Warnings: 18+, MDNI, gentle sex, Taz is the King of praises, oral {f reciving}, brief dry humping, Taz speaks Spanish during sex, unprotected sex {wrap before you tap} Word Count: 3.6k Comments, likes and reblogs are always adored and appreciated xx
hasta luego: see you later | until later
For a better experience, you can listen to the song Hasta Luego by hrvy.
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“Come on, Taz, you take forever to get ready!” Iñaki’s voice boomed through the bathroom door. Taz chuckled, running his fingers through his hair; he had grown to love Sanji’s longer hair, so Taz let it grow out. “Can’t blame me for wanting to look good!” Taz shouted back, hearing a chorus of laughter on the other side; he smiled, put on his cologne, nodded at himself and left the bathroom to rejoin his friends. All sighed in unison as they left his room together, searching for a place to hang out for the night and wind down from their eight months of filming. Iñaki, Emily, Mackenyu and Jacob pointed out an open bar with a dancefloor they had just returned to the US getting prepared for their press tour. The group found a booth and sat together, listening to the music and taking in the electrifying vibes. Taz’s blue-green eyes gazed over the different patrons dancing before landing on one young woman with her friends. She wore a floral knee-length dress that flowed every time she spun around. Her hips swayed to the rhythm of the music, turning in a circle with two friends laughing together. Taking a break from dancing, Taz watched them approach the bar and order drinks. Throughout the night, Taz couldn’t help but gaze at the mysterious yet enchanting woman that caught his eye. Trying not to make it too evident to his friends, he would pretend his mind wasn’t elsewhere. “I think we should join everyone on the dance floor. Is anyone else up for it?” Jacob grinned. Taz nodded immediately. “Sounds fun. I wouldn’t mind a dance myself,” he said, downed the rest of his drink, and walked onto the dance floor. 
Taz felt a hand on his shoulder; looking around, he saw the woman he had been watching. “I’ve noticed you’ve been watching me through the evening. Any particular reason I’ve piqued your interest?” She smiled. Taz looked up and down her body, smirking, leaning down. “Well, for one, you are gorgeous, and for another, you are a very exceptional dancer," he winked as he gently grasped her hand and kissed her knuckles. “What’s your name, princess?” Taz asked, his thumb tracing her hand; letting out a soft gasp at the contact, she bit her lip. “My name is Y/n, and yours, my prince?” Her sweet voice asked for his name, “Taz Skylar at your service” he bowed Y/n’s eyes narrowed slightly, trying to place his name.
“Your name sounds familiar, but your face…” she trailed off, staring at him, her eyes blinking softly. Taz chuckled, shaking his head. “I wouldn’t expect you to know my face, princess; it’s not famous yet”, he teased her lightly, making her eyes sparkle.  The beginning of a Latin guitar strumming through the speakers as the next song began playing. “Would you indulge me in a dance?” Y/n asked. Taz stepped forward, leaning down slightly. His nose nudged hers. “I’d be happy too,” he breathed. The light Latin guitar strumming through the speakers began as the song started.
You got them, Juliet eyes
And I can be your Romeo tonight
Star crossed, we're love at first sight
And it's like a movie
She dance like she never gon' die
Blowing up the floor like she dynamite
I don't wanna tell her goodbye
But it's only one night
Ooh, he got me Ooh, he got me Ay, ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya Ooh, he told me Ooh, he told me Ay, ya-ya-ya-ya Hasta luego (way go) She don't know my name though (oh, no) Hasta luego (way go) She don't know my name though (oh, no) I said, "Bailamos" I said, "Bailamos" I said, "Bailamos" and we dance Hasta luego (way go) She don't know my name though (oh, no)
Taz wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close. They moved their bodies in unison to the sensual pop Latin music. Taz grasped her leg and placed it over his hip; Taz dipped Y/n back, his head pressed to her chest, slowly bringing her up. Taz swayed his body Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck, pushing herself off and spinning back, her arm extended. Taz grasped her hand, pulling her back and looping their arms over their shoulders. 
Y/n pressed her back to Taz’s, sliding down and twirling her hands on his chest, looping one arm behind his neck. His hands on her hips, pulling her body as close as possible to his. His lips ghosted her neck, breathing in her perfume, moaning lowly. Y/n could feel his hard-on through his jeans, looking over her shoulder and gazing into Taz’s eyes. “Want to leave and go somewhere else, my princess?” Taz whispered in her ear when the song came to an end. Y/n’s eyes flickered down to his lips, returning to his eyes. “Lead the way, my prince”, she told him as he grasped her hand, leaving the dancefloor and messaging Emily to tell the group he left to return to the hotel from feeling tired. Taz pulled Y/n as they ran down the street, laughing loudly, entering the lobby of his hotel. Making their way towards the elevator, Taz pulled Y/n into his arms, his fingers slowly threading through her hair. “So pretty”, he murmured; the elevator chimed as the doors opened. They both walked out as Taz checked to make sure everything was clear and made a run for his room. Y/n giggled, running behind him like they were little children playing hide and seek. Taz fumbled with the key card as he slid it into the door, beeping as it unlocked; Taz opened it, bowing for Y/n. “After you”, he grinned, letting her walk in first, following behind her and closing the door, locking it securely. Y/n admired the room as she swayed her arms back and forth, spinning around to face Taz. He walked forward, standing in front of Y/n. His fingers brushed hers as they trailed her arm towards her collarbone up her neck. Cupping her face delicately, Taz leaned forward, breathing softly and swallowing nervously. He looked into her eyes, searching for resilience, but Y/n showed nothing. Her hand slid up his body to his chest, the pout of her lips touching his. Both of their hearts racing at the intimacy, “Please”, she whispered, her nerves building. Giving Taz the consent he needed, he kissed her softly, pulling away briefly, their heads gently pressed together.
A moment passed before their lips were again attached in a passionate kiss. Taz furrowed his brows, his other hand cupping the other side of Y/n’s face, a soft moan escaping her mouth. Taz swiped his tongue along her bottom lip, which she granted him access to, his tongue exploring her wet cavern before battling hers for dominance. Taz leant down slightly, picking Y/n up under her legs and carrying her towards his bed. She sat on the end, her legs draped on both sides of his body. His hands pushed up her dress to her hips, feeling her soft skin under his palms. Y/n pulled away from the kiss, panting gently. Taz sighed dreamily, his lips trailing along her jaw and down her neck. Y/n moaned, her hips rolling; feeling his stiff cock press, she gasped, her underwear growing wetter with each grind of her hips. Taz adjusts and thrusts up. “Taz, please”, she moaned breathlessly. His hands work their way to unbutton the back of her dress, letting it pool at her waist. Y/n stood up and stepped out of the dress as Taz leaned forward to kiss her stomach and hips. “Tan Hermosa”, He praised tapping her ass lightly with a grin on his lips. Y/n lay on the bed. Taz removed his shirt, pulling it over his head, revealing his toned body Y/n licked her lips, watching him part her legs, kissing her inner thighs. Hooking his fingers over her underwear, he raised a brow Y/n nodded silently. Taz removed them, the fabric sliding down her legs and thrown across the room without a care. Taz groaned, his head hitting the bed. “Realmente he sido bendecido. Déjame probar el que creo será el mejor postre que jamás probaré, mi princesa.” He draped her knees over his shoulders Y/n shivered at his fluent Spanish, her arousal dripping down onto the bed. 
Taz didn’t waste a moment before devouring her pussy like a man-deprived Y/n moaned loudly, her back arched, then faltered onto the bed. Her fingers raked through his hair, and her other hand gripped the bed sheet. “Taz!” she gasped sharply, his tongue darting out to swipe through her wet folds with expertise. His hands cupped her ass, pulling her closer, his moans sending small vibrations through her core, up throughout her body. Y/n looked down, meeting Taz’s wild, lust-filled gaze; he winked before moving up, spreading her legs wider. Briefly pulling away, Taz breathed, “Doing so well for me, princess” he rubbed his cheek on her inner thigh before resuming his work. Determined to make her come as hard as possible, Taz shifted between a fast pace and slowing down to draw out her climax. Her sounds like music to his ears and make his heart skip a beat. His teeth grazed her swollen clit making her body shiver at the sensation. Taz grunted, feeling his cock harden more in his jeans, becoming unbearable. Grinding against the end of the bed to relieve himself, her sounds sent a shudder through his body. His brows furrowed in deep concentration, bringing her closer to her release. “Taz, don’t stop, she gripped the bed sheet tightly, feeling herself grow dangerously close. Taz smiled. “Go ahead, sweetheart, do it for me”, he moaned as he urged her with his tongue lapping faster. Her legs began to convulse with the overwhelming pleasure as the white-hot feeling washed over her. Y/n’s back arched off the bed, her fingers gripping Taz’s hair tightly while Taz didn’t let a drop go to waste, gently easing her body through the aftershocks of pleasure. 
Sighing deeply, Y/n’s eyes closed, and her body fell limp against the mattress. Taz smirked, standing up, removing his belt and pulling down his pants and briefs. Climbing up her body delicately, laying kisses, he slid a hand under and undone her bra, letting the material fall loose. Slowly removing the item from her body and flicking it away, he leant down to kiss her breasts lovingly Y/n moaned softly, her eyes fluttering open. Taz worked his way back to her lips, pressing an ever-so-light kiss. “Eres aún más hermosa que antes”, he whispered Y/n didn’t understand what he was saying, but a smile appeared on her face nonetheless. “I do hope you are saying good things in Spanish,” she told him; he grinned. “Of course, only the best of compliments for a beautiful woman” he kissed her, and Y/n melted underneath him, feeling his bare skin on hers, making her body tingle at the touch. “I need you to tell me if we should stop”, he murmured Y/n looked into his eyes, her pointer finger trailing along his bottom lip. “I want you, all of you”, she begged. Taz rubbed his cheek on hers affectionately, one of his hands intertwining with hers alongside her head. “Your wish is my command, princesa”, he moaned, lining himself up at her wet entrance. “Have you ever?” Taz asked Y/n nodded her head. “It’s okay; I’m all clear, so you don’t have to worry about it,” she said with a crooked smile. Taz chuckled, nodding. “Same with me; you’re in good hands” he kissed her cheek, his head pressed to Y/n’s, both letting out an anticipating breath.
Y/n’s lips parted as her walls accommodated Taz’s size; she had never had someone as big as him. Letting a shaky gasp, Taz slowly filled her, stretching her open, a low moan emitting from his chest. “Fóllame tu princesa apretada” Taz clenched his jaw at the snug fit, his hips beginning to move slowly. Taz observed Y/n’s face contorted in pleasure, her delicate lips open, moans and soft cries escaping. Her eyes were tightly closed, revelling in the overwhelming sensations. Taz began to thrust quicker, her legs wrapped around his torso, his vacant hand holding him above her steadily. “You feel so good, my god”, Y/n moaned. Her eyes opened, watching his muscles flex with each thrust of his body. Admiring his toned body, her hand slid down his chest to his abs. Taz shivered, letting out a groan. “Admire as much as you like, sweetheart; it’s all for you,” he noticed her gazing upon him, and he smiled. Y/n pulled him down, their lips messily tangled in a rough kiss. “Please, I want it harder”, she pleaded. Taz nodded at her plea and pulled out of her before entering her roughly, changing his angle and hitting her sweet spot harshly. The sound of skin slapping filled the room. Taz drove into her hard like she wanted his hand untangled from hers, gripping her thigh. “Como esta miel, la quieres más difícil?” he growled, pressing his body to hers, leaving no space between them, a broken moan coming from her lips. The mix of his hard thrusts and his speaking of Spanish made her writhe underneath him.
Her mind began to turn fuzzy, and she felt the building release in her lower abdomen. She wrapped her arms around Taz’s neck, whining at his cock, hitting every crevice of her cervix deliciously. Her walls began to clench around him as Taz groaned. “You close love, wanna come with me, hmm?” he asked her, his breath hitting her cheek Y/n nodded. “Yes, please, Taz, I want to,” she panted. Taz gave a few more hard thrusts before faltering as he came inside her ropes of cum coating her walls. Y/n felt dizzy seeing stars as her high crashed through her violently. 
The two regained their breathing as neither moved, sharing a gentle kiss before Taz slowly pulled out Y/n whimpered at the loss. Taz lay on his back beside Y/n; a heavy breath left him; the room smelt of sweat and sex and was now filled with silence except for their soft breathing. “You, my darling, were amazing”, Taz praised, kissing Y/n’s cheek tenderly. A dazed smile appeared on her face as she turned to face him. “So were you” Taz pulled the covers over them and wrapped his arms around Y/n’s body, bringing her closer to him. Tucking her face in his neck and inhaling his musky scent, Y/n sighed, “I want you to stay the night; we’ll talk in the morning, okay sweetheart?” he kissed her head, and Y/n nodded. “Sounds great.” 
When morning came, Y/n stretched in the bed, rolling over and feeling a ray of light on her face. Cracking one eye open, she blinked, looking to her side and feeling a space. Sitting up slightly, she heard the shower running in the bathroom; smiling, she raked her fingers through her hair. She crawled out of the bed, bent over and found her bag. She grabbed her body mist, applied some, and took a mint. Grabbing her bra and putting it on, she saw Taz’s shirt draped over the couch and put in on; inhaling his cologne, she hummed content. “You look pretty in my shirt, love”, she heard Taz’s raspy morning voice; she turned around, her eyes widened, and lips parted as he came out with a towel around his waist. He looked down, a cheeky grin forming. “I would have asked you to join me, but I didn’t want to wake you; if you’d like, you can shower. I got a spare towel and…” he opened his suitcase and pulled out some linen shorts. “Here’s some shorts for you to wear, and I had these washed and dried for you” he handed her underwear with a wink. “Thanks, I’ll take you up on that shower”, she smiled as she walked towards the bathroom. Taz pulled her by the waist. “Good morning, princess”, he murmured, kissing her passionately and pulling away Y/n’s eyes still closed; Taz smiled, his thumb pulling her bottom lip gently. “I must be that good, huh?” he teased Y/n’s eyes fluttered open as she nodded. “More than good”, she pecked his lips quickly before slipping into the bathroom.
Taz got dressed, ordered breakfast, and sat on the island bench. Looking through his phone, he heard a knock at the door and walked over to open it. A staff member brought the breakfast, and Taz held the door open as Iñaki, Emily, Mackenyu, Jacob, Steven, and Jeff came in. Taz’s eyes widened as the staff member left. Taz thanked him and looked to his friends. “Uh guys, now’s not a good time, um”, he scratched the back of his neck nervously, quickly hiding Y/n’s things before they could see. “Well, it has to be; we said we would all hang out today.” Jacob grinned as Emily noticed the breakfast. “Wait a minute. Have you ordered breakfast? Since when? Hold on, something is up?” she pointed at her friend Taz, who shook his head. “Guys, honestly, I have-” He started as Y/n exited the bathroom. “Taz, I hope you don’t mind. I borrowed some-” she began and froze. Taz closed his eyes, his fists balled up as Emily’s mouth opened. “That’s why you had to ‘leave early’ last night!” She gasped. Jacob and Iñaki laughed loudly. Mackenyu chuckled, shaking his head. “So this is the one you wouldn’t stop staring at”, he nodded towards Y/n. Taz grumbled in annoyance. He looked to Steven and Jeff for support. The pair nodded. “Okay, you teenagers, let’s leave these two alone. I’m sure we will hear all about it later,” Jeff tried to urge the others, but they all sighed in disappointment. “And we would hate to be in their way, wouldn’t we?” Steven said and looked at the others. “Wouldn’t we?” he enunciated. They groaned and nodded in agreement as they trailed out, giving cheeky smiles to Y/n and Taz. Steven and Jeff nodded at Taz. “Thanks, guys”, he told them as they both looked at Y/n. “Look forward to meeting you properly soon,” they both said Y/n smiled and nodded. “Likewise with you guys” She looked at Taz as the door closed. Taz sighed. “I tried to stop them, but they are persistent idiots sometimes”, he laughed lightly.
“I ordered breakfast; come join me, princess, only the finest and best for you” he sat her down on the couch and brought over the trolley with the food, laying everything on the table. Sitting beside her, she tilted her head. “I noticed a schedule on your mirror. Are you in a TV show?” she asked. Taz nodded. “Yeah, I just finished filming it; it’s called One Piece, based on the manga series. I play Sanji a cook,” he grinned Y/n’s eyes widened. “Wait One Piece, oh my god, I love the manga show, and Sanji is my favourite, as well as Mihawk and Buggy. But you’re Sanji!” she gasped. Taz nodded. “Yep, I hope I do him justice for you, sweetheart; you also met the other straw hat crew members and some other characters just before.” He noted that Y/n narrowed her eyes. “What?” Taz laughed. “Yeah, so Iñaki is Luffy, Emily is Nami, Mackenyu is Roronora Zoro, and Jacob is Usopp. Steven is Dracule Mihawk, and Jeff is Buggy the Clown.” Y/n leant her head on his shoulder. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I just met them and treated them like they were nobody”, she sighed. Taz nudged her. “They won’t mind; you didn’t know. Trust me, you’ll be okay.”
After breakfast, Taz and Y/n spent the day looking at different sites. Y/n was visiting with her friends, and Taz wanted to show her around before she went home. Y/n and Taz spent her last few days together at his hotel and met the cast properly when they all went out for dinner. Taz drove her to the airport the following day and walked her to the terminal, where her flight began boarding. “Well, thank you for these last few days, Taz. They were amazing; I just wished they didn’t have to end” She hugged him. Taz kissed her head, swaying them from side to side.
“I know I didn’t want it to end either, but if fate decides we should see each other again, then so be it” Y/n pecked Taz’s lips softly before walking to the terminal entrance; she stopped twirling around. “What’s that phrase mean, hasta luego? In that song we danced to the other night?” she asked. Taz smiled. “Hasta Luego: it means see you later”, he smiled Y/n waved. “Hasta Luego Taz”, she said. Taz’s smile widened. “Hasta Luego Y/n,” he watched her leave, and his heart began to break as he walked to the window and saw her walk up the steps into the plane. He didn’t want her to leave. The last few days he shared with her were what he always heard happen in movies. He wanted her. He wanted her to stay with him. He pulled out his phone and sent her a message, unsure if she would respond quickly, but he did it anyway.
Taz: I want to see where this goes, princess, not just as friends. If you feel the same way, get off that plane and stay with me. I’m not ready to let you go.
He held his phone, breathing heavily, awaiting her response. His phone chimed. He swiped across and opened the message. A bright smile appeared on his face.
Y/N: I wasn’t ready to let you go either; wait there for me.
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artstatues · 2 days
Tangled, again? - n.i × k.k
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wc: 423
pairings: nazeera ibrahim x kenji kishimoto, from shatter me.
synopsis: it's kenji and nazeera's movie date night. unfortunately, it's kenji's movie pick tonight.
warnings: nothing <3 oh a tickle war and a plushie being thrown
a/n: ive been thinking abt making this for daysss and its a bit short but its my first shatter me fic!! so yippeeeeee!
taglist: @never-enough-novels, @reminiscentreader, @kozumesphone, @sophiesonlinediary, @lxvebelle.
@shuhuaspookie, @off-to-the-r4ces, @flowers-for-em, @starrynightsxo, @ant-thebooknerd. ( you didnt ask to be tagged but i think ur a stan so 🤷‍♀️ )
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Every friday night was Nazeera and Kenji’s movie date. They’ve never skipped a single one before, it was one of the little things they did to keep their relationship– alive, you could say.
Though unfortunately, tonight’s movie was Kenji’s pick. That means he’ll pick one particular movie: Tangled. The movie was his favorite, it was superior above others, yet Nazeera still didn't get why even after all his explanations.
“Tangled is not a cartoon, Nazeera. It’s a movie about love and independence and charm and–”
“Mhm. Got it.” 
Nazeera placed the popcorn bag into the microwave, then pressed a button before waiting, arms crossed. Kenji snuck up behind her and immediately found refuge in the crook of her neck while his hands wrapped around her waist. Nazeera gave a small, knowing chuckle before the microwave beeped and Kenji removed himself from her. 
Nazeera poured the popcorn into a bowl before finding her way to the couch and plopped down comfortably. Kenji held the TV remote with a grin she knew too well. “Soooo…..what should we watch?” Kenji questioned sarcastically, as if he’d opt for any of Nazeera’s movie recommendations. She was convinced this man had never liked nor watched any other movies besides Tangled before dating her.
“Ah yes, here we go!” Kenji smirked playfully while he clicked the play button on the remote. “Wait–” He ran back to the room, before grabbing a pascal plush he had gotten for Nazeera because he said “it suited her personality” He threw the plushie towards Nazeera’s direction, thinking it’d surprise her. She caught it with the smirk he used when he hit the play button.
“Tangled, again? Seriously Kenji–” Nazeera made an attempt to complain but Kenji cut her off, “Nazeera, it’s the best thing the cinematic universe has made. I’m gonna stick with my choice.” He grinned while an annoyed Nazeera rolled her eyes.
At this point, she’d nearly have every dialogue memorized, but it was worth it to see her boyfriend laughing and smiling. 
After a painful hour and 40 minutes, the TV screen finally turned black as the last of the end credits disappeared. “I think that was the best movie I’ve ever watched.” Kenji jeered sarcastically. “I’m choosing the worst movie possible next week.” Nazeera promised, only for Kenji to tackle her into the sofa and begin tickling her. “Nuh uh.” He smirked while Nazeera was wheezing and writhing against him. “I’m so– sick of Tang- Tangled–” Nazeera managed in between laughs. “Whatever, Pascal.” Kenji playfully rolled his eyes.
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kellykadesperate · 10 months
just thinking about how henry was like: "i just can't afford for you to fall in love with me" and how it seems like a throw away comment but henry was being so deadly serious. henry who has been a little in love with alex for years is very much at peace with the fact that he can only belong to alex momentarily. he's spent years loving from a distance and now alex has feelings for him too? it's all this whimsical bonus for him really because he's spent years knowing he will never be with alex properly, that these moments are all they're going to get and all he can ever have with someone he loves. but alex? henry knows how passionate and bold alex can be. henry has to say it because whilst he can afford to break his own heart, he cannot afford to break alex's. he can't do that to him, he can't possibly be the person who hurts alex that way
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belovedmusings · 3 months
Am I Playing All Right Now?
Kento Nanami x You
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Explicit Smut 18+ (🚫Minors DNI🚫)
Kento Nanami has been your respectful, loving boyfriend for two months now. All you’ve done so far is kiss, and you want more with him. He refuses for your sake, warning of his roughness. So, you take matters into your own hands and convince him to put in ‘just the tip’. 
Relevant tags: just the tip challenge, dom! Kento Nanami, clothed sex, couch sex, clit slapping, brief use of leather belt, hard and rough sex, doggy-style, hair pulling, manhandling, big dick-Nanami <3, dirty talk, degrading, unprotected sex, creampie, I don't use "y/n" for immersion
Music recommended while reading: Dollhouse (The Weekend, Lily Rose Depp, …baby one more time (The Marias), Like U (Rosenfeld)
A/N: this is filthy and I love it, my first Nanami piece <3 enjoy!! (Read on Ao3 if you prefer!)
Read below cut:
The night had gone great. You two had a fantastic dinner at a fine restaurant, and now you’re at his house, getting hot and heavy on the couch. You’re sat in his lap, straddling his waist, the hem of your dress riding up your thighs as the fabric gives to accommodate him between your legs. Your hands are running over the muscles of his chest, only the thin layer of his dress shirt between your touch and his skin. His palms are on your waist, pulling you closer, pressing you so firmly against him that you can feel the blunt heat of his hard cock beneath the confines of his slacks. 
You can feel adrenaline pumping through your veins–tonight is the night. Every time you two get close to having sex, he pulls away, saying he isn’t ready, but right now it feels so different, so electric–
He hums, punctuating the kiss and pulling back, giving you room to breathe. Your stomach sinks, no, this isn’t what you want, you want–
“We should stop here for the night,” He murmurs, and you look into his eyes, a frown tugging your lips down at their corners. 
“But you’re hard,” You protest, “Kento, please…we’ve waited long enough, and you clearly want this…”
His jaw tightens as he takes a breath. “I do…but we can’t.”
Now you’re just confused. “...can’t?”
He sighs heavily, giving you no explanation, but nodding. “Now, let’s m–”
“No, hold on,” You interrupt him, “Kento, tell me why? I-is it me? Do you…not want…?”
“It’s definitely not you,” He dispels quickly, “It’s me, okay?”
“What about you?” You press, searching his eyes. “Is it…are you…worried about your performance?”
That gets him to widen his eyes a fraction in surprise. “N-no, it’s not that. It’s…alright, look, it’s…it’s that I don’t want to hurt you.”
It isn’t enough of an answer for you. “And…what do you mean by that?”
“You…you know me to be this nice, gentlemanly man, don’t you?” He asks, a sort of resigned weight to his eyes. “Which, I am. But not when it comes to sex.”
The wheels turn in your head. “So…you’re…?”
“I’m rough,” He finally states, “And it’s…it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. I’m afraid to hurt you or scare you away. Of course I wouldn’t do anything you don’t want, but…you just seem so sweet and–”
“Woah,” You stop him in the middle of his sentence. “Do you think you’re the only one with duality? You don’t think I can be different in bed? Do you think I’m some porcelain doll you’ll break if you’re not careful?”
He considers this for a moment before sighing. “You don’t understand.”
“So then make me understand,” You challenge him, running your hands up his chest. “Please, Kento. I can take it.”
“No,” He denies, “You don’t know what you’re asking for.”
Seeing his hesitance, you decide to switch tactics. You reach for his hands on your waist, taking his wrists and raising his palms up to the front of your dress. You guide them to rest over your breasts, allowing him to touch them through the thin cloth. You’d decided not to wear a bra for the night since the article had thin straps, and he immediately can feel that, a flash of desire flitting within his eyes.
Riding the wave of his interest, you tell him, “I want you bad, Kento.”
He inhales forcefully, allowing himself to knead the soft flesh beneath his hands. His thumbs graze over your hardening nipples, your teeth dragging over your bottom lip instinctively. To drive your point home, you grind down on him, the only thing on beneath your dress being the panties you’d hoped he’d see when you had put them on earlier in the day.
“You’re playing dangerous,” He warns, voice thin and strained. 
“Maybe I want dangerous.”
He finally lets out a groan, surging forward and capturing your lips in another kiss. It’s more forceful this time, and all you can do is give complete control to him. 
He flips your positions so smoothly, you hardly feel it; you just suddenly feel your back hit the cushion of his couch, a gasp pushed from your mouth. His hands make quick work sliding up your dress, fingers hooking underneath your waistband.
Kento speaks against your mouth lowly. “Lace?”
You swallow hard, nodding. “Yeah.”
The question catches you off guard. “Uh, no, not r–”
A swift, harsh tug and the sound of fabric ripping later, he holds the scrap lace in his hand, now mangled and unusable. He just tore them clean off.
“Holy shit,” You breathe, now suddenly aware of how bare you are beneath your dress. He must become aware of that fact too, because without a moment to spare, he’s pushing the article up to your waist, exposing you to his eyes. A rosy flush spreads over the bridge of your nose as he looks at your naked lower half unabashedly, a type of hunger you have never seen before nor known he was capable of in his eyes.
He tosses your ruined panties to the floor and fiddles with his belt, undoing the buckle. Your gaze follows his movements, watching his hands expertly tug the leather strap from its loops in his pants.
Then, he surprises you by holding the edge without the buckle and running it along your inner thigh. You shiver, observing him and wondering what his next move will be. He runs it all the way up, reaching the apex of your leg and placing it right over your mound. The cool leather feels unfamiliar there.
“Can I?”
Your attention is pulled to his voice, and for a moment you aren’t sure what he means. Then it dawns on you.
No one’s ever done that to you. But…you aren’t opposed. You’re curious.
You nod.
Oh, damn.
“Yes, you can.”
“Good girl.”
You don’t have time to pay attention to the rush of hormones that praise gives you, because a harsh sting of pleasure suddenly hits your senses as he brings the end of the belt down, slapping your clit with it.
“Ah!” You jump slightly, shock, arousal, and fascination flooding you all at once.
“How was that?” He asks, watching you carefully. You take stock of yourself…and are intrigued to find that you liked it. As soon as you realize that, you understand that Kento is about to show you an entire new world previously unexplored to you.
Your eyes lock with his. “It was good.”
A mixture of relief and desire swarm his gaze. “You liked that?”
Without warning, he does it again, a little harder, and you cry out this time, unused to the strangely welcome sensation.
“Still good?”
“Good girl.”
Your next breath is shaky. “More.”
He wastes no time in delivering exactly what you want. Over and over again, until your pearl is red and swollen and the folds beneath are glistening with need, belt shiny with a bit of it. He stops once you reach this state, making sure you see as he licks it off the belt. Your lips part, entranced, and he drops the accessory, instead moving to undo the front of his slacks. Your heart begins racing–but then he pauses, seeming to deflate slightly.
“I’m not gonna go all the way,” He states, “I don’t have condoms.”
“What?” Your voice is more than a little indignant. “But…how?”
“I wasn’t planning to do this tonight.”
He pulls his cock from its restriction in his briefs, pushing his waistbands down to the tops of his thighs, and the sight of the thick, red shaft as your mouth watering and your core pulsing around nothing. 
You think he’s changed his mind as he lines it up, but then he just glides it against your folds, coating it in your essence and using it to rub against you, the feeling intense due to the sensitivity of your previously abused clit, but not what you crave.
“Kento,” You whimper, watching him rub himself off as he plays with you using his cock. “Please…”
“We’re not risking a pregnancy,” He maintains, “It’s not wise.”
You are beyond frustrated at this point, entrance weeping for attention, and you swear the desire is so bad you can feel your entire core sore and empty, vying to be filled and stretched.
What can you say that will get him to do it, even just a little bit?
Wait. Just a little bit.
“What about just the tip?”
His eyes narrow. “What?”
“Just the tip,” it comes out needier than you had intended, but god damn it you’re horny and all out of shame twice over.
Kento takes a good look at you, at himself and the position you’re in, sucking in a controlled breath for the umpth time that night.
Then, he lines up again, cockhead pressing against your entrance. “You’re going to regret asking for it.”
Is he challenging you? Whatever. What. Ever. You’ve reached a point where if you don’t get his cock soon your heart may actually give out. 
“Let me decide that.”
His jaw sets tightly before finally, finally, he cants his hips forward, pushing the tip of his shaft inside of you. 
As soon as it’s in, your head falls back on the couch, hips starting to roll without your permission. Your body wants him all on its own, and you’re no longer in command of it. He groans, pulling out and then pushing it back in, only the tip again, and you whimper in half bliss and half frustration.
You want more. 
You understand the true meaning of temptation now. You’ve had the first bite of the proverbial apple, and it’s shocking how eager you are to devour the rest to its core.
Everytime he pushes in, never going past the smooth head of his cock, you moan, wordlessly begging for more. There’s a worry in his brow and a tenseness to his jaw that indicates just how much self-control he’s exercising, and as you look up at him, you realize he’s still pretty much fully clothed—his tie is pristine around his neck, shirt fully buttoned up, only his dick out and vulnerable to your eyes. 
It’s unfair, and you seek to change that.
Your hand loops into his tie and yanks him down by it, taking him by surprise. He has to catch himself on his hands to avoid falling on you, a grunt escaping his lips as it causes him to slide further into you.
In a lowered hiss, he asks you, “what do you think you’re doing?”
The tone is so vindictive it has any words dying on your tongue. All it takes is a moment before he’s forcefully breathing out and lifting himself off of you, cock withdrawing from between your legs.
You open your mouth to protest, and that’s when your world spins. 
You were face up, but now you’re on your hands and knees on the couch, having to brace yourself as he manhandles you silently. There’s not even a moment for you to acclimate to your new position before you feel his fingers loop through your hair as you’d done to his belt, and in one motion, he grabs your hip with his free hand and slams all the way into you, pulling your hair back hard to make you arch for him.
A loud cry splits through the air and it’s only when he starts repeatedly fucking hard and fast into you with the entirety of his monstrous size that you realize the sound was from you.
“See what happens when you push me?” His voice is hoarse and gritty, more like a growl than a whisper, a dull ache inside of you where he’s currently remolding the shape of your walls.
All you can do is make incoherent noises, and you aren’t sure whether they’re from pain, pleasure, or a mixture of both. His grip on your hair isn’t letting up and it hurts, but you’ve also never felt so completely out of control of yourself and somehow it just feels freeing to you. 
“Huh?” He asks, and it’s then you realize you never replies to him verbally. You muster up the strength to speak.
“Y-yeah…” it sounds breathy and whiney, completely foreign in the contours of your voice.
“You happy now? Happy you got me to fuck you like the greedy whore you are?”
The harsh word ripples through you hotly and you moan, nodding as good as you can. “Yes…”
“Yes?” He asks, breathless, and he lets go of your hair in favor of wrapping his hand around your neck from behind. “You like being screwed like a whore?”
Apparently, you do. This is new information to you as well. You nod, gasping as he grabs your hand and presses it over your abdomen, where you can feel the flesh rising and falling in tandem with his thrusts. 
“Feel that?” He asks, “that’s me inside of you.”
“Oh god,” You rasp, the knowledge of him so deep inside your body going right to your head. You can feel your mound weeping all over yours and his thighs, the wet slap tell-tale of just how much you’re enjoying this. Just the realization has you fluttering around him, a sensation that isn’t lost on him.
“Fuck,” he breathes, “You really do like this, huh?”
You nod. “Yes, yes, Kento…”
He groans, leaning forward and kissing the juncture of your neck and shoulder, brushing your hair out of the way. 
“Such a good girl for me…my good little slut.”
You shudder, eyes squeezing shut as he speeds his movements up, the hand that was pressing yours to your stomach moving down to the slippery mess that is your swollen clit.
The big palm of his on your neck slides the thin straps of your dress down your shoulders and dips into the neckline of it, grasping your breast as if to claim ownership of it. 
“Oh my god,” You breathe again, hips twitching at all of the stimulation, face hot, entrance thoroughly fucked open and sloppy, debauched by Kento like a destructive form of artwork.
His middle finger massages circles into your sensitive pearl as he continues the grueling pace of his hips, lips pressed to the back of your neck, and all at once it becomes too much.
It crashes into you like the unforgiving wave of the raging ocean, sweeping you into the depths of pleasure.
You cum so hard on his cock he physically has to stop moving, your hold on him so tight he’s locked inside of you. That’s the moment that he follows, spilling his pent up, heavy load into you with a hiss of pleasure. 
Your arms and knees feel like jelly. Your walls are sore and throbbing, completely exhausted from his ravaging. But all you feel is feather-light. Finally, finally you did it. And it was better than your wildest imagination.
Lips place a tender kiss on your shoulder, his labored breaths slowing back to regulation. You feel his cheek rest upon the skin of your upper back. Both of his hands massaging along the sides of your hips.
“I’m sorry we waited so long. I just figured it would be too intense for you.”
You shake your head, turning it to look back at him as he straightens up and carefully pulls out. 
“Don’t do that again.”
The corner of his lips turns up slightly. “Oh no, I won’t make that mistake twice. In fact…there’s something else I want to do now.”
“And what’s that?”
“I want to test your limits.”
A/N: here's my Nanami masterlist :) this is the first piece but lmk what else you want me to write for him! Hope you enjoyed.
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alexthetrashyracoon · 17 days
Simon grinned at himself through the mirror like a stupid teenager in the changing room as Price, god bless this man and his father figure behavior, tugged on his tie to keep it straight and clean.
Wedding Day had come. His wedding day had come.
“Mate, you must be shakin’ with excitement to marry the pretty face.” Gaz grinned from his spot on the couch, all three of them dressed in their best attire. Even Soap hadn’t complained once about wearing a tie.
Simon’s mind wandered to you in the other room, he hadn’t seen you since last night, tradition, that’s what they called it.
He hoped you were having a blast, because you had to spend so many days and nights over the wedding plans that he had to get you to the hospital once after you broke down from exhaustion.
“Anyone ever thought big bad ol’ Ghost gets married?” Soap teased as he rummaged through the drawers at the desk. What exactly was he searching? Simon didn’t know or maybe he was too happy to question his best friend’s motives for now, they usually end in chaos and today was meant no chaos.
“I always believed Simon would find the one true love one day.” Price nodded and patted Simon’s chest, telling him he was done with the tie.
“Liar.” Gaz laughed and shook his head. “If you want to know who always believed in you, Lieutenant, that’s me. Ol’ Captain and MacTavish over here said you would die a virgin. We got a bet running for a while.”
Simon wasn’t even surprised or mad, maybe tomorrow, or the week after. But tonight he wanted to be on Cloud Nine and looking through the pink tinted glasses of love. Tonight he would say ‘yes’ to the person he loved the most, the one that kept him alive and sane and put up with his antics.
“I’m getting married.” He smiled at himself in the mirror.
“You’re getting married, son.” Price looked at him, through the mirror, a proud smile hidden under the beard.
A minute later his phone rang, your name and picture on the screen.
“Yes? Everything alright, darling?” Simon asked and looked at Price, worry flashing behind his brown eyes.
“I’m scared, Simon. I… I know this will sound crazy and you probably think I’m mad. But… I wanna run away.” You say, followed by a shaky breath. “But at the same time I don’t wanna run away but stay and marry you. Does it make sense?”
Simon relaxed immediately, you were nervous, as you should be. Just like him.
“How about this then, darling, we run away together until you know what you want.” He grinned and picked up his suit jacket.
Soap and Gaz were gasping at him.
“Let’s run away together and if you still feel like running, we blew off this party. And if not, we come back, say yes to each other tonight and live our happily ever after.”
Gaz asked if he was insane. Soap was looking between Simon and Price, who simply had the time of his life while opening the door for Simon to leave.
“Are you sure… do you… I mean…?” You started to ramble and mutter under your breath.
“Darling… For you I would go through hell and back. I am not complete without you anymore. There was a time before you, sure. But there will be no time after you. Together.” Simon spoke gently and could see through the phone who your cheeks turned pink and tears pricked your eyes. “I’ll be out in two minutes, don’t let me wait.”
(Spoiler, in the end Simon and you got married surrounded by friends and family. Price lost a bet to Laswell because they both know you two and knew you would pull such a stunt. Soap had gained a few more grey hairs than necessary and Gaz was pretty sure this was some kind of punishment, why else would you two pull something like that.)
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tonycries · 5 days
Kiss Me More!
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Synopsis. There’s always something that makes him lose control - and you love pushing those buttons.
Pairings. [SEPARATE] Gojo x Reader, Sukuna x Reader, Choso x Reader, Geto x Reader, Nanami x Reader, Toji x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, rough séx, unprotected, bodyworshíp, stuff with pantíes, bréeding, slight exhíbitionism (Sukuna’s), Nanami and Geto are a bit mean, overstím, finger suckíng, dacryphília (Geto’s), pet names, swearing.
Word count. 5.1k
A/N. Bro my laptop crashed thrice trynna write this um.
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Great, Toji thinks, he’s finally lost it.
Because sooner have the words left your swollen lips, all the blood goes rushing to his achingly hard cock - so swollen and already leaking hot precum all over your trembling thighs. Some dark, primal part of himself being poked so dangerously awake.
“Are ya sure, doll?” he breathes, and the words come out ragged - pained even. Like some part of himself wanted you to save no, was begging you to say no - for his own sanity. Because just the thought of your pretty lil’ cunt wrapped around his cock makes him feel lightheaded. “We don’t-”
“I wan’ to,” you give him a determined little nod. Spreading your legs further and oh Toji lets out a hoarse grunt at the heavenly sight. Hanging on your every word as you continue, “What’s the worst that can happen?”
That was hours ago - oh, how foolish you were. 
You never thought that those would be the words that make your poor boyfriend snap. That it would only take him just barely grazing his angry, weeping tip between your puffy folds. Up and down up and down up and- down went every rational thought. 
Too depraved. Too lost in the feeling of finally having you and your soft pussy and you-
“C-can’t believe you’ve been ngh- fuckin’ holdin’ out on m-me.” He was in heaven, making you cum over and over and-
And you were clawing limply at the drenched sheets, the headrest, Toji’s shoulders - just anything and everything for some semblance of sanity. 
“T-Toji-” you sob, “S’too much. I- ngh- can’t anymore-”
“Fuck! Been hah- holdin’ out on me.” he groans, like a mantra. Brows furrowing as he squeezes his swollen cock harder into your plushy walls. And if it was any other time then Toji might’ve almost been embarrassed at the way his sentence cracks ever-so-slightly at the end. Choking out, “One more- gimme j-jus’ one more.”
“But-” Big, fat tears roll down your burning cheeks as large fingers dip down to toy your sensitive clit between them - no rhythm or rhyme, just to get you off. “You said the p-previous one would ngh- b-be the last.”
Ah, you were so cute blabbering out little pleas. And the only response you get is a devilish smirk, Toji’s darkened, hooded eyes boring into yours as he hums, “Did I? I don’t remember.”
He did remember. Very well, in fact as he pushed you to your nth orgasm tonight. And it took everything in him to hold off his high as he fucked you through yours, whispering out hollow promises about it being the “last time” and just “one more”. 
“S’okay-” Toji nips playfully at your wobbling lips. Salty with the taste of your overstimulated tears. “One more- you can mmpf- cum f’me once more, right?” 
And Toji’s barely-there sense of rationality in him knows he should slow down. Ease up his bruising grp on your hips. Have at least some shred of concern as he fucks your quivering cunt rougher, like his personal sex toy more than anything. 
Yet, no, right now he couldn’t even think straight. Too focused on how your moans were so sweet. Lips so pretty screaming out his name. Snug cunt too fucking heavenly when you cum all over his cock, squeezing him like your slutty lil’ pussy was trying to milk the fucking soul out of him. So hard and addicted that Toji was hooked. 
You mewl a delirious little, “H-hooked?” Batting your hazy eyes up at the monster above you, who seemed well and fully intent on making you cum until you couldn’t anymore. “Y-you’re hooked?”
Whoops, did he say that out loud? Seems you weren’t the only one that was completely and utterly wrecked here. 
“Shhh,” Toji drops his head once more to kiss away your adorable pout - the one that only makes his balls squeeze so painfully. “Just focus on how ngh- fuckin’ food ya feel, pretty.” Fingers erratic on your throbbing clit, just soaked in your sweet juices. Moving deftly to spell out a messy T-O-J-I. Over and over and- “After all, this hah- pussy now belongs to me now, right?”
And it’s all you can do to give a delirious little nod, words slurring together as you hiss a low, “Y-yours- S’all for- ngh- you-” Hips bucking wildly underneath his strong figure. “Close- m’gonna cum, Toji-”
The only response you get is a guttural groan of what sounded like your name - followed shortly by a string of profanities as Toji speeds up his abuse on your cunt. One hand reaching out to grip onto the headboard, so hard that if you were in any better state of mind the two of you would have registered the sharp snap! 
The other almost-feverish on your poor clit - like it hurt to not have you cumming all over his cock now. Spelling his name over and over and-
“Oh I’ll let ya cum-” Hips stuttering and so so sloppy now. Sounding like his sanity was dancing away every time his hips slapped bruisingly against yours. “Gonna make you c-cum so ha- hard you’ll forget everything else-”
You’re letting out strangled little gasps in response, hips torn between running away and fucking down for more more more-
“Fuck- hope you’re on the pill, doll.”
♡ NANAMI KENTO - Painted white
Nanami well and fully thinks that it’s your fault he feels less of a man than some monster right now. He acts like it, too, holding back a sultry little smile as he fucks you deeper and deeper into the mattress. 
Close - too close. 
Close enough that he’s immediately pulling out of your snug cunt. So fucking difficult with the way you’re sucking him up so good - but oh was it worth it watching the way your swollen lips drop into a soft oh! Glassy eyes snapping down to catch the way he fucks his fist once, twice. Before spilling all over your swollen folds, painting you such an obscene white over and over and-
“Now now,” you can only keen in response as your husband hums lowly. Fist sliding languidly up and down his angry, red cock. “Guess we hafta hah- do it all over again, my love.” 
Yeah, definitely worth it with the way he had you all breathless and needy, your slutty lil’ pussy just begging to go over the edge - only to tease you at the very last second. God, it’s been like this for so long now. 
“So mean,” you give Nanami a little pout - one that has his still-painfully hard cock twitching so sensitively in his hand. Big, fat tears welling up in your eyes as you continue, “You’re being so ngh- mean, Ken.”
Oh, damn that little nickname - the exact same one you’d scream when you’re close. Damn the way you cock your head just right, batting your lashes so deceivingly innocently up at him.
Damn the way he snakes his hand down to the sinful little pool of cum spreading all over your lower stomach. Letting it trickle onto his fingertips - immediately shoving them between your lips to shut up those pretty lil’ moans. 
“Mean?” he manages to chuckle. Tips of his fingers pressing right at the back of your tongue. Slapping his swollen cock on your stomach, “Is this what you ah- wanted? Are ya happy now, my love?” 
The sight of you all teary and gagging around his fingers was almost as addictive as the sight of you covered in his cum. Almost. 
He sweeps his eyes all over where you were splayed out so prettily for him. Your glossy lips, the streaks of cum on your stomach, your chin, everywhere and anywhere - except where you wanted the most. 
It had started with an accident, really, when he’d pulled out a bit too early tonight. And fuck if Nanami didn’t think that sight of you all dripping and covereed with him was like the gates of heaven spread wide open all for him. A new, dangerous addiction. 
Which is why he’s pushing his fingers deeper, whispering out a ragged little, “Shit, you’re so messy.” Purposefully dragging his thumb across your lower lip to smear the mess everywhere. Your lips, your chin, inside. “So filthy.” He can’t even think about bringing himself to be disgusted. Dipping down the valleys of your chest, down, down down, to where his achingly hard tip was just kissing your quivering entrance now, “So perfect.” 
And without warning, Nanami’s splitting you apart on his massive cock once more. Jaw falling slack ever-so-slightly at the way you’re taking him up so readily - inch by fucking inch like it hurt to be apart.
“F-fuck,” you moan, the words broken as he starts moving inside - back to picking up that unforgiving pace from earlier, like he never stopped. “Hngh- s’too good- too full, Kento-”
“Awww, what happened to ‘Ken’?” Nanami cuts you off uncharacteristically. Hips slowing down to lazy, mindless little movements that have you gasping in protests. “Was gonna cum on your pretty face this time hah- s-seems you don’t want it, hm?”  
And ah, let it be known that Nanami Kento would burn down the world for his wife. 
But what fun it was to tease you - to have your mouth dropping in disbelief, eyes widening in your delirious state. Babbling out a broken, “No no no, Ken- hngh- wan’ you to cum inside.” Back arching off the bed, grappling pathetically for more more more- “To paint me white inside- Please?”
Oh, did you know how to push his buttons just right. Because how could Nanami deny you begging so prettily like that?
Because the sentence is barely out of your mouth before neat nails are digging into your hips as Nanami pulls your hips closer, milking his cock on your snug cunt - so hard he knew it would leave marks. His heavy balls on your ass, your ankles on his shoulders, nails dragging down his bulging biceps as you moan his name. 
Whispering, breath hot against your ear, “You’re right.” Voice so strained and dark that you almost don’t recognize it as your husbands. “So, so right.”
Nanami’s index finger coming down to draw an invisible line right where he could feel his cock making a mess of you inside. 
“Ah! Ken, W-what-”
“You’re so right.” he’s breathing against your mouth, like a little prayer. Tasting the sweet candy of your lips and himself and you- “The next spot-” Pressing his finger down right on that spot, hard. Like he wanted to feel himself more than anything. “Will be here.”
♡ GETO SUGURU - Pretty when you cry
“S-Sugu, are you okay?” you’re looking over your shoulder to ask. 
Nothing. Absolutely nothing - except for Geto’s heavy breathing, and the lewd little squelches from down below, his swollen cock just barely sinking into your heavenly cunt. And you know it doesn’t bode well.
You’d be almost worried if it wasn’t for the way his eyes were half-lidded, pupils blown and just locked on that single, stray tear rolling down your cheek. Such a dark little glint in his gaze that had you wondering whether you should be concerned for him or yourself. 
Yet you manage to choke out a little, “Suguru?”
Ah that snaps him out of his little reverie, suddenly too-aware of your plushy walls sucking the soul out of his hot, angry head. 
With work, it’s been a while since Geto got to fuck your snug cunt - and you needed to breathe, maybe spread your legs more. Relax, because it was so fucking tight and Geto wasn’t even halfway. The stretch way too sinful. Too much. Your lips wobbling at how massive his cock was, and oh- was that another tear going down your pretty face?
You don’t even get to confirm because several things happen at once - immediately, he’s pushing his aching dick in one, harsh thrust. Head dipping down to pool the tears streaming on his hot tongue, groaning at the taste.
“O-oh.” you manage to grit out, feeling like Geto was pushing into your fucking lungs. “S’too big. Sugu, ah!”
“Shhhh, gorgeous.” he’s dragging his lips down your neck, fingers dancing down your body to roll your ravaged clit between them. “S’alrigh- ngh-” And you didn’t know whether he was reassuring himself more than you. “You got it. Y-you’ll take it- you always do, right?”
And he was right - but you’d forgotten how unforgiving Geto’s cock was. How unforgiving he was as he pries away your fingers gripping onto the headrest - trying pathetically to pull away from the pressure down below. 
Hah, he thinks, intertwining them so mockingly with his own, as if he’d let such a pretty lil’ thing like you escape. 
Romantic - the way this was supposed to be. 
Yet, now, Geto was fucking you like anything but. 
“You’re not trying to- fuck- run away,” he’s purring in your ear, rubbing his thumb over your swollen clit once. Twice. As if trying to will the answer out of you, “Right?” Not even waiting for your answer before reeling his hips back, all the way till his fat tip was just kissing your sloppy entrance. “After we hngh- haven’t done this in so-” Slamming his hips down. Harsh. “-long?”
And shit- he was acting like it, too. So depraved and filthy the way he was drinking up your cute lil’ moans, tasting your tears on his lips while he couldn’t decide between bruising your poor cervix and hitting that one spot. “T-too fuckin’ long, gorgeous.”
The only answer he gets is your sweet, simpering whine of “Sugu- Sugu Sugu- oh my god.” Back bowing off the bed because it’s gotten so much. “C-can feel you so deep inside.”
Really, how could Geto even think about stopping himself from kissing down your arched back? Looping two strong arms around your waist to pull you impossibly deeper down his cock. 
“Ah! Oh my god- Suguru!” you keen as he falls back on his knees with you in tow, your back against his muscled front. Spreading your legs to fuck up so mindlessly into you. Jagged, long thrusts, bouncing you like a toy on his aching cock. Rough. “So much- so- ngh-”
Ah, your pretty little cries are just music to his ears. Fuck, he forgot how pretty you looked when you were all breathless and crying on his cock.
“Such a cute lil’ actress.” he coos, voice going up each time his heavy balls smack your ass. Fingers drawing such tight little circles on your throbbing clit. “Love these hah- pretty tears.”
“S-So mean, Sugu-” you’re choking as his thrusts get purposeful - calculated. Hitting that one magical spot he’ll never forget no matter what. Over and over and over while all you can do is cry out teary moans of his name.
Thigh quivering at the sheer stimulation, “Yeah- yeah, jus’ like that.” And oh Geto wishes he could taste down there, too. But instead settles for doing that later - getting those sweet, overstimulated tears out of you. “My gorgeous girl, cryin’ on my cock. Ngh- gonna cum f’me?” Pressing a chaste kiss to the side of your forehead - the complete opposite of his hips. “Gonna c-cry while you’re mm- cumming all over my cock?”
And as if he really really wanted to see it - Geto’s only getting sloppier. 
So embarrassing with the way he was whispering out sweet little degradations in your ear, guiding you closer and closer. 
So embarrassing with the way he eagerly watched all your minute reactions.
So embarrassing with how you cum exactly the way he wanted you to - teary and breathless. A quick scream of Geto’s name before you’re seeing stars behind your eyes, blood roaring in your ears. 
Cunt clamping down so deliciously on his cock. So dizzying that you barely even register the hot tongue lapping at the fresh wave of tears.
“Ah, as perfect as I hah- imagined.” Geto grits out, sounding every bit absolutely wrecked. “Now I jus’ n-need to know if you’ll cry as much when m’filling you up.”
♡ CHOSO KAMO - “Just the tip.”
“Hngh- f-fuck, baby.” he whines into your open mouth, strong hands pulling your trembling hips impossibly closer to his. “J-jus’ a bit deeper- only a bit deeper, I promise.”
Ah, if only you weren’t split apart so deliriously on Choso’s cock you might’ve been able to actually form a coherent sentence to- what? Snap at him? Beg him for more?
You don’t even know at this point, because it’s been like this for so long now, and Choso promised it would be just his weeping tip. He promised it would be quick and he just “wanted to feel his girl’s pretty pussy.” Over and over again as he pushed your legs all the way until they were pressed against your tits, heels pressing into the mattress as he slides his massive cock even deeper-
“Cho!” you yelp, feeling the thump! thump! thump! of those prominent veins down the side rub against all the right spots. “You said-”
“I know I know, m’sorry.” he gasps. Brows scrunching as he nevertheless bullies his cock deeper inside your gummy walls. Choso’s cock too big, the stretch too sinful. Dropping his head to kiss your bruised lips, “M’sorry, jus’ a bit more. Jus’ a bit- hah- a bit deeper-”
And oh, he shouldn’t have done that. 
Shouldn’t have let himself that last bit of freedom, because he sinks only a bit more into your heavenly cunt - so dripping wet and milking the soul out of him - that Choso can’t help but think he wants more. 
“Baby…” Choso purrs hotly against your ear, hips thrusting in slow, shallow little grinds - and you already know too well what he’s about to beg for.
“Cho.” you groan, warningly. “You said j-jus’ the ngh- tip.”
“Awww.” he groans. So fucking pretty with his long hair undone, some strands sticking to his flushed skin. Eyes hazy and miles away as he looks at you through those long, dark lashes. “Jus’ a bit ngh- more? Promise I’ll pull out.” As if to support his case, one hand gently tilts your head up to press chaste pecks at the corner of your lips. The other starting to toy with your ravaged clit, “Please?”
And how could you say no to that? 
Especially not when Choso digs his knees deeper into the sheets, rock-hard cock dragging so agonizingly against your walls as he reels his hips back, back, back-
Splitting you apart all in one, harsh thrust. 
It’s all you can do to whine out a pathetic, “O-oh fuck- fuck! S’too deep.” The stretch too sinful, his cock too massive. Tears springing to your eyes as he immediately starts fucking you in quick, ragged movements - not even easing you into it like he usually would. 
“M’sorry, baby.” Choso sounds so fucking wrecked, voice as rough as his hips now. “M’sorry m’sorry. Promise I won’t cum inside. Jus’ a bit more- some- some more-”
And for all the remaining sanity you had left, you didn’t know how promises of “just the tip” turned into empty wishes that neither of you had the patience - nor the sanity - to fulfill right now. 
“Please.” you arch your hips off the bed - and nothing more has to be said, because Choso reads that lust-drunk little plea in your eyes. “Ch-Cho-”
“A bit more.” he lets out a humorless little laugh. Reaching above to lace his fingers on top of your head, pushing you down, down, down impossibly deeper onto his painfully hard cock in a pathetic little cadence to match his. “Jus’ a bit- more.”
It was driving him insane. 
And for all his apologies, Choso isn’t one bit shy when rocking his hips harder into yours. So bruising with the way he leaves marks on your waist, your tits, probably even your poor cervix. Whispering out mindless little promises of pulling out and nonsense about going “jus’ a bit deeper”.
“F-fuck, wan’ you to cum, baby.” The bed is creaking in protest as Choso picks up the pace so sloppily. Hips stuttering and uneven with how fucking good it felt - but hitting the right spots every time. His hands snaking down to roll your sensitive clit between his fingers again. “Cum f’me. Please?”
And it seems that Choso had a penchant for getting what he wanted. 
Because no sooner do the words leave his rosy lips, you’re seeing stars behind your eyes. Blood roaring in your ears, mixing with Choso’s broken little praises as he fucks you through peak after peak of your high. 
Over and over and-
“Sorry-” your eyes snap open at that familiar little phrase falling from his lips. One that you knew didn’t bode well for you or your poor cunt. “Sorry sorry sorry-” Thrusting, once. Harsh. Twitching so wildly inside you that just one more squeeze and he’d be- “C-can I ngh- cum inside, baby?” 
♡ RYOMEN SUKUNA - A lil’ show
It only takes that first, broken little moan escaping your swollen lips and you already know you won’t make it out intact - nor will Sukuna’s sanity, apparently. 
Because no sooner has that sinful noise left you, Sukuna’s eyes glaze over, jaw dropping so uncharacteristically into a soft oh! Aching dick twitching wildly inside you, hips stuttering against yours as he breathes out, “What was that?”
He doesn’t have the patience to wait for your response - instead, squeezing his swollen cock deeper, fucking all the air - and the words - out of you. 
Which, unfortunately for you, wasn’t exactly the reaction he was hoping for. 
“Aww, c’mon.” the words are groaned into the crook of your neck, sending jolts of electricity all the way down to your dripping cunt. “Give me more ngh- of those-” Large hands tightening on your hips, shifting you around on where you were sat so prettily on Sukuna’s lap. “-pretty moans, brat.”
So that’s what he wanted.
And this was supposed to be something slow. Something lazy, and languid to get the king of curses off before that droning meeting today with his underlings - to take the edge off so that he probably won’t end up killing them all off.
Something it was not supposed to be was Sukuna spreading your legs so shamefully, splitting you apart deeper and deeper on his cock. Trying to find the angle that’s just right to rip those cute lil’ moans out of you.
“C’monnnn.” he gives short, sloppy little thrusts up into your heavenly cunt. “Where is-”
Then suddenly you’re wrapping your arms tighter around Sukuna’s neck, “Ngh! Oh fuck-” Teeth digging into his muscled shoulder, hard - hard enough that it might’ve drawn blood if this wasn’t the king of curses himself. 
“Found it.” And it’s all that’s said before he’s reaching down to spread your puffy folds further, eyes flicking between your wobbling lips and the way your tight pussy was sucking him up so good. Watching the way his massive cock was disappearing in and out in and out in and- “What? Not gonna hah- scream my name anymore?”
“B-because, Kuna-” you gasp, face burning at the way your thighs tremble with the effort to pathetically to meet his unforgiving pace. “They- they’re close.”
Humming in amusement, “Who?”
“Them!” you’re keening - and both of you know you’re talking about those footsteps outside, the thought of Sukuna’s meeting weighing much more on your mind than his. So you’re limply grazing your lips against his, trying to muffle those whimpers falling from your lips. “They’re g-gonna ngh- hear?”
You don’t know what you’re reeling more from - Sukuna’s response or the way he’s increasing his pace relentlessly. Trying to pull those sweet sweet moans from you, no care or concern for the ever-closing footsteps outside. 
“I don’t care.” he groans, back arching off the sticky seat of his throne to fuck up into your sloppy hole deeper. “You’re ngh- above them, y’know.” Bouncing you like such a slut on his cock, “So what if they h-hear?”
And God you don’t know who’s more fucked-out right now - Sukuna, who was speaking mindless little nonsense into your ear, or you. Whiney and a mess, tugging on his soft locks - a warning.
One that the man himself blatantly ignores, instead having one hand reach down to roll your throbbing clit between his fingers. 
“Hngh- fuck!”
The moan escapes you before you can bite down on Sukuna’s neck, right above his racing pulse to muffle it. 
“Heh,” shivers run down your spine as Sukuna’s chest rumbles with a laugh. Pulling your lolling head away to crash his lips against yours. Panting into your open mouth, “Sneaky. But they’re only getting closer and-” Rocking his hips harder. Bruising. “-m’only getting more impatient.”
And then he’s fucking up into you with reckless abandon. Smirk spreading at that little ah! ah! ah! leaving your mouth each time he hits that one spot. 
You’re sure that if whatever unfortunate soul was outside couldn’t hear your delirious moans then they could definitely hear the lewd slap of skin on skin. Fast, so unforgivingly loud. His fingers just a blur on your clit. Just taunting those little moans out of you.
You’re gasping at the sheer stimulation, “Y-you’re so-”
“So what?” Sukuna spits into your mouth, “Don’t start ngh- sentences ya can’t finish, brat. Though-” His sharp eyes flicker towards the door, much more aware than whatever hazy mess was left of your senses. “I don’ think you’ll be able f-finish any of them soon enough.”
Barely even giving you the chance to register his words, you’re tilting your head in confusion up at him and-
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Oh, shit. 
“Come in.”
♡ GOJO SATORU - Blue blue blue!
It’s times like this - your blue lingerie almost in tatters, Gojo pushing you into such a tight mating press, filling up your poor pussy over and over - that you wonder when bones will start breaking.
Well, not that your boyfriend would mind either - he wouldn’t mind having to use a bit of reverse cursed technique on what was supposed to be a lazy little cockwarming session. Instead, too focused on how your cunt was sucking him up so good. His cum inside you so warm, the stretch so sinful, your lingerie too blue-
“Heh, what? C-can’t ngh- speak, sweetheart?” Gojo lets out a humorless little laugh. Fingers deftly hooking under your bra strap to give a sharp little snap! “You’re the one that a-asked for this, after ngh- all.”
“B-But, Toru-” you gasp, and it only has Gojo ramming his cock into you deeper. Awe-struck at how you were already so bloated with his cum, but still taking him so well. “Wasn’t on p-purpose-”
“This wasn’t on purpose?” And you know what he’s talking about - that barely-there fabric - the exact shade of his eyes. Only one glance at it had Gojo feeling like something snapped - possibly his restraint, maybe his sanity. Definitely you by the end of this. “This?” 
And you can’t even act coy - you don’t get the chance to. 
Because Gojo’s immediately got his hands everywhere. On your swollen breasts, your hips, the hem of your panties that he just barely had the patience to slide aside before stuffing you full. 
“Y-yes?” you ask, deliciously. Cunt clenching so sinfully around his throbbing cock in- fear? Anticipation? As he looked down so starved at you. 
“F-fuck. Ya shouldn’t have done this.” Gojo’s dragging his lips down your neck, soft. The exact opposite of how bruising his hips were of yours. “Oh, ya shouldn’t have done this-” Lewd curiosity getting the best of him as he dips his hand lower, pressing down just slightly on your lower stomach. “Because now,” Those blue eyes widening at the way his cum gushes down your legs, down his legs. “-m’not gonna let you go until I fuckin’ ruin these.”
And if you were in any better state of mind you could’ve almost laughed - because Gojo was acting like the soaked, flimsy fabric hanging around your body wasn’t already far, far past any salvation. 
No, he was fucking you like he was going to ruin them all over again. Tightening your legs thrown over his shoulders, folding you in half like some ragdoll as he bends down, down, down-
You’re gasping at the sharp tear of fabric, one that you barely hear over the fucking obscene squelches from below. “T-Toru-” you squeal, ankles locking in warning. “These ngh- w-were expensive.”
“So?” And for all the world, Gojo has the audacity to sound so genuinely confused. Whispering a soft oh! as he angles his head just right to catch that sinful little tear in your panties. “Whoopsies.”
But, really, what your unregretful boyfriend was actually focusing on was how fucking illegal it should be for you to look this heavenly - legs shaky and limp, his seed forming a lewd little pool. Marked like you were fucking thrown to wolves, but, no, it was actually Gojo Satoru and he couldn’t fucking get enough-
The word comes out abruptly, strangled like Gojo himself was as bewildered as you as he suddenly blurts it out. 
And at your - fucking adorable - look of confusion, he’s kissing away the pout at your lips, murmuring hoarsely, “M’gonna buy you five more of these.”
That’s all that’s said before he’s only rocking his hips harder, feeling more of a fucking monster than he did when he was on the battle field. Wondering whether he’d have to buy a new fucking bed too with the way it was creaking under the pure power. 
And, well, it made some tiny, sadistic little part of Gojo delight to see the effect it had on you. Sweet moans of his name leaving your lips each time he draws rapid circles on your pretty clit. Hips fucking back down to meet his, so sloppy and needy - exactly the way he wanted you. 
“Sh-shit, Toru-” you’re bucking wildly underneath him, “M’close- so fucking close.”
He knew - of course he did. If the way your gummy walls were trying to suck the fucking soul out of him was anything to go by. Clit pulsing in a maddening little thump! thump! thump! that set Gojo’s animalistic rhythm. 
“Cum f’me.” he pants against your open mouth. Fingers hurrying on your clit because he wanted - needed - this so badly. “Cum f’me cum f’me, wan’ feel you squeezing my cock, sweetheart.” Needed to see if your tight pussy could take one more - to see if she’d overflow onto your poor panties again. “Cum f’me.”
“Ngh- fuck- Toru!”
And then you are - you feel it before you realize it. 
Just that white-hot electricity flowing through your veins, and your nails digging into Gojo’s milky skin. Leaving such angry red marks as you chase your high over and over and-
And Gojo wasn’t any better. Just barely having the sense to pull out as his balls squeezed so painfully and he’s painting your quivering pussy white. Thick rope after rope that the smug bastard purposefully smears all over your panties. 
So fucking filthy.
“Ten.” he’s groaning, and you already know what he means. “M’gonna have to buy you ten more after this.”
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