#all within a week isnt that wild
3-aem · 11 months
*throws bag, flops onto bed*
dont talk to me im going to draw gojo for the next 72 hours straight
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tiredflowercrown · 4 months
I wanna scream. How can a restaurant be this fucking filthy and the manager ENABLE AND ENCOURAGE IT
I shouldnt have to come in after days that I don't close and winder what I'm gonna have to clean. I shouldn't have to wipe down dirty tables from the night before. I shouldn't have to spend TWENTY MINUTES sweeping up shit from the day before.
I get it, you switch jobs to somewhere that doesn't have as many cleaning requirements so you lax a little. I do. Hell I've laxed a lil from the standards of one store I've worked at. But there's a difference in not scrubbing the ice bin everyday and not FUCKING SWEEPING OR TAKING OUT THE TRASH.
This is just one shitty thing about this place. I'm not talking about the improper food storage, or the lack of expiration dates, or the lack of food handlers licenses, or food not being kept to correct temperatures or the fact that are cleaning rags aren't being washed. That's a completely different set of issues. I'm talking about the absolute bare minimum in terms of cleaning. Because I know that this place has mopped front of house maybe twice since it opened 2 months ago and both of those were within the first 2 weeks of opening.
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solar-sunnyside-up · 8 days
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Welcome all! Reaping week is nearly here!
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I realize that there are a lot more of yall then there was last year! So let's go over what Reaping Week is-
Where we have Solarpunk Aestheics Week to inspire us in the face of horrors, and Solarpunk Practial week lets us show off the cool ways we can fix it! And I am fully behind those weeks, but as a counter balance I host Reaping Week.
We cant ignore the other side of this, you cannot have that bright hope without the darkness.
Isnt it all so unfair? The horrors, the isolation, the suffering enforced by the current system? Don't you sometimes just wanna burn it down? Want to Revolt? Don't you sometimes wanna just scream? Don't you deserve space to feel the weight of the world your trying to fix without judgment?
That's what Reaping Week is for besties!
Come vent! Come cry and rant about everything we must take down as apart of this cruel system! Draw from media that inspires those more firey parts of yourself!
Also trick or treating
So gather round and celebrate in the dark with me!
OCT 27th - NOV 5th
Additional info below the cut
Why is Reaping week Oct 27th - Nov 5th?
That's because I'm a NERD and wanted to create a holiday for us Solarpunks that encompassed both Halloween and Guy Fawkes day!
Can I join in on the fun? And How?
Of course sweetie!! 💕 you can join by offering vent messages, by showing off projects, by reblogging or commenting, by sharing music or art, by showing off the movies/shows that inspire the fire within! Submit stuff via my mailbox or tag me or simply add to the tag yourself!
Why is it called Reaping Week?
I will go off about this bc I think it's clever! There a few things.
1) I'm a hunger games nerd and reaping children to fight each other in a highly specialized TV show for class warfare is WILD
2) in the spirit of the harvest season, Capitalists are simply reaping what they sewed with us ripping apart their system.
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 11 months
mutual 1: sorry the update for my webcomic this week is a bit late! i really had to rush it so it prolly looks really sloppy lol [some of the most sophisticated comic art ive ever seen]
mutual 2: call me uterine lining the way astarions cervix got me bleeding profusely
mutual 3: do you think nanowrimo will give me a posthumous pity publishing deal if i mention it in my suicide note
mutual 4: okay fine i finally started revolutionary girl utena
mutual 5: does columbo know the service he did for butch lesbians. for all of us
mutual 6: wish you were here [blurry picture set of conifer woods in early autumn evening, taken as if frantically running down a winding trail]
mutual 4: im pretty hardy i dont need the trigger list but thanks for looking out for me guys
mutual 7: good morning lovelies another day the wizard tried to best me and another day i successfully locked him in the spare bathroom lol hope u like drinking shampoo fucker
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mutual 8: here is a zip of every yuri manga scan i have and here is a backup in case i get dcma'd. the himejoshi lifestyle will never die
mutual 9: i wish i could go back in time to the shinzo abe assassination and ask to hold the doohickey
mutual 10: here's my essay on how wanting to be loved is the same as wanting to be eaten. three paragraphs in you'll find out that this is 100% tied to an obscure beauty and the beast manga i've been reading lately and how much i want to fuck the beast
mutual 4: oh thats why there was the trigger list.
mutual 12: why do i have to defend my thesis to people i dont even respect. im not dickriding you just give me the degree
mutual 13: its just me and this scab ive picked into my scalp against the world
mutual 14: my little dragon got glazed and is ready to go into the kiln! everyone wish him good luck!
mutual 3: nvm i am a beautiful genius. perhaps the most beautiful genius of all
mutual 15: i think we should give david lynch rpgmaker and whatever happens happens
mutual 16: kpeyboaatrds brpokem gpuys
mutual 17: also heres my work in progress glossary of mixtec words! i still have a long way to go but i love being able to preserve my roots even in this small way
mutual 4: i just finished the black rose arc. question: what
mutual 18: i need emet-selch to be my wife
mutual 19: i need glados to be my husband
mutual 20: visited the ocean today!!! <3 beach pics!!! there is a darkness growing within me
mutual 21: the forms for my legal name change came in. pls vote in this poll of what my middle name should be: Dill Pickle (Dickle for short), Optimus Prime, Tumblr User Gorgonicteratologist, Smeve
mutual 22: just finished my 100th book of the year! this weeks read was the uses of enchantment by the psychologist bruno bettelheim,
mutual 23: reeses penis butter cups lol
mutual 4: i need to hunt akio for sport
mutual 24: oouugghhrgh. hot. dog.
mutual 25: your favorite character or fictional other would want you to brush your teeth and wash your face so you're well rested and wake up feeling refreshed! make them proud!
mutual 26: being a delivery driver isnt the worst job ive ever had but i do keep wondering what itd be like to drive off into the wild blue yonder one day and not come back
mutual 27: weird dog? [phone picture of critically endangered stork]
mutual 28: i think the two phone line polls in front of my house are having a lovers tryst. no way to prove it tho
mutual 4: WHAT
mutual 29: while you bitches are balduring your gates or finalling those fantasies im doing what a REAL gamer does. playing a b tier rpg that came out in 2004 for the 18th time
mutual 30: ^ real. hamtaro ham ham heartbreak is a masterpiece of interactive art. im not even going to call it a video game at this point
mutual 31: can you help me pick which drawing looks better: 34% overlay or 36% soft light?
mutual 32: new video essay out. its called disability in video game narratives: final fantasy 14's most reliable fault. i churned the script out over an all-nighter and my mic crapped out halfway through but by god i did it
mutual 33: my new zine bundle is out! if you buy it you also get a discount on all my game jam games! i really cant wait for you to play them!
mutual 4: yall should watch revolutionary girl utena
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allamericansbitch · 11 months
Listen I’m a big believer that celebs should shut the fuck up most of the time but the thing with neutral artists who never take a stance, especially white people is that they will unknowingly invite a very racist fandom. 
As a poc in this fandom, I’m used to swifties being racist but my god over these last couple of weeks, seeing big accounts cyber bully a Palestinian swiftie for wanting Taylor to sign a ceasefire letter is so mind-boggling. They always make hypothetical scenarios where they’re like “It’s gonna put her in danger, what is they b0mb the stage?! You can’t expect Taylor to speak about everything!” And it’s just so tone deaf, rude, and insensitive. 
We reach a point in this genocide that a lot of Palestinians no 1 ask for the rest of the world just to amplify their voice because a lot of the donation trucks are not allowed to enter Gaza and the ones that do, the UN are selling the donations instead of giving them for free. So why is it such a wild concept for racist swifties that a lot of people are asking Taylor to speak up? This is the biggest thing happening in the world right now, she literally wrote “It’s time to use your voice” in her latest story and we’ve seen time and time again how big of an impact Taylor has. 
saying arguably the most famous person on the planet rn should not speak up about palestine is not only admitting they don’t care about what palestinians IN palestine are asking for but they also care more about a pop star than the life and death of millions
this is so well put and i completely agree. taylor's silence provides comfort and a safe place for hateful people because she does not give them a reason not to feel supported, her silence creates space for them whether she knows that or not. and this can apply to politics in general because she's gone fully silent and hasn't taken a stance on anything in like 3+ years, but specifically about Palestine.
The fans who are making up hypotheticals about the terrible things that could happen if taylor dares to say anything about Palestine are some of the most ignorant, unself aware people i've ever seen. 'what if she becomes a threat' 'people could get hurt' 'they could bomb a show', hey guess what... all of that stuff is currently happening. at this very moment. to Palestines. They are being bombed, targeted and threatened as we speak but thats not what they care about, they care about the hypothetical scenario of a billionaire not being safe. A billionaire who, within seconds of any hint of a threat has an abundance of resources to keep herself and everyone around her safe. Palestines cannot even imagine that privilege those fans are ignoring. Imagine looking at a Palestinian and saying 'sorry she cant speak up and support you, her safety might be threatened'. All of the worst hypotheticals they can imagine happening to Taylor are currently happening to Palestinians but they dont matter as much to them i guess.
Fans will really expose themsleves and how little they actually care about real life cruelty in order to defend a women who will never be their friend. 'her saying anything wont change anything', it might not, or maybe it will.... so human life isnt worth the chance of finding out? 'she's not a politician she's a singer' so singers cant care about genocide? singers are above the deaths of a nation? 'she might get hurt' so you care more about the hypothetical hurt of a stranger than the real life hurt of thousands, mostly children. Fans speaking on behalf of or dismissing the suffering of Palestinians to make their fav pop star not look bad is indeed a disturbing thing.
Taylor first hand knows how powerful her fandom is, with the re-recordings, breaking records, being on the biggest tour of her career and it selling out immediately all over the world. she knows her fans can move mountains, she saw it with voter registrations going up and spiking the second she finally spoke up about politics. she knows her words are some of the most heard around the world and her choosing to not denounce genocide says a lot about her, none of it surprising. that environment of indifference and silence invites hateful people and a hateful environment for those who want morality and change. people will bend over backwards to protect someone who doesnt protect others less fortune and privileged than she is. we know she probably isnt gonna say anything about this, she cant even take a stance on american politics, not even on a state level. denouncing a genocide is too much for her, it might make people mad at her, god forbid. she values ticket sales and her popularity over morality and change, it's that simple. And she’s found a fanbase that feels the same way.
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xamaxenta · 1 year
Keep forgetting to ask about it, but this week you've mentioned Marco's phoenix in a very predatory sense. Where the mythical bird is cruel and uses the false flames and gentle, healing aura to trick prey into getting close. Which is a delightful take on what's usually an owo fire bird that sings so beautifully the sun itself fell in love (thus giving the Phoenix the fire that rebirths it, at least according so some versions of the mythos that I personally love, cause in those versions the Phoenix was a very dull looking bird before with only song to compliment it... Which if you know anything about birds says that it was likely a female before--hmmm interesting ideas are interesting)
But anyway! Onto the topic! It made me wonder if, in this context, the Phoenix even has like, a mating drive or if it's all possessive and the mating but comes from the human bits. Which meeeaaaannnss that the Phoenix might just eat some prey by setting itself on fire to consume it completely which, I mean, if you think esoteric sounding sex is cool opens up a whole new world where Ace single handedly satisfies the the hunting drive of the Phoenix and Marco's libido while teasing the hunger part of the Phoenix in a very intriguing cycle.
You tend to view the animalistic phoenix as possessive so a pretty morsel it can play at consuming while uh... Consuming in a much different way, would be very attractive as a potential mate. (Which, I mean, I'm not pretending like I, too, don't find it a very sexy idea)
RIP their bed tho, they might have to take it somewhere less flammable. Maybe on a beach and end up in a smooth glass nest from the heat of the flames. If not straight up in the heart of a forest fire, idk, it's VERY dangerous to be near them if they decided to go at it like this tho.
Lol, Ace asking for wild forest fire phoenix sex by gathering bundles of incense like myrrh and dropping them in Marco's lap with a massive grin. He's such a damn menace istg lmao
Im speechless idk what to say, everyone has such amazing ideas and thoughts about the phoenix and im really happy my posts about it being so much more ferocious and uncanny were so inspiring
This particular part is the part i fuck with the most
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Like its really romantic too that Ace does fulfill all of the Phoenixs needs both physically mentally spiritually and stuff because hes fire itself and ive always loved the whole feeding and taking and being greedy during an intimate act like sex and stuff (its the monster fucker in me im sorry)
Needing to connect intimately that isnt so flammable is such a comedic concept too like they had to trial and error and god idk which is more beautiful, Ace laying in a kaleidoscope of beach glass that theyve made together, haloed by shards of light and prisms
Or within the heart of a forest fire wild, beautiful, dangerous and free both options would fully have the Phoenix and Marco committing their heart to Ace 🥰
Ace may be afraid initially but after realising theyre not here to devour him like THAT he opens up more to the phoenix (to its delight)
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yesloulou · 1 year
If Daniel knows something and is so vocal about it, why would Helmut Marko say he is not close to Checo and Max yet? Like its the opposite reaction to what Horner and Daniel are saying. And from what I read Helmut actually likes Daniel and said they remained in contact the last few years and by his interviews he isnt quit fond of Checo most times, so why say the opposite to Christian about Daniels sim time?
ok interesting point!! i'm gonna say although helmut and christian seem to disagree with each other they don't necessarily contradict. here's why
reason #1: according to the On The Race Australian GP Review Podcast even within Redbull there "seems to be some disagreement as to who’s faster out of DR and Perez between different people/camps". so it's not out of ordinary at all that helmut and christian have disagreements on this subject too. but the fact that there had even been this kind of disagreements in the first place shows that daniel's pace can't have been far off checo's, if not matching. which brings me to my
reason #2: while helmut was talking about the numbers on paper, christian may be talking about trajectory. think about this. daniel has been out of a redbull for FOUR years. and while other drivers (checo) have been training non stop and watching their diet and alcohol intake meticulously etc, daniel has been like, having ALL kinds of fun around the world like the young rich eligible good looking 33 yo that he is. off the top of my head he has been doing talk shows and going to the met gala in ny. clubbing with scotty in vegas for like a week straight. filming with redbull's crew in LA. running around with scotty in uk and australia. attending the wedding in venice. going to race tracks somewhere in the us southwest. so on so forth. and again this is FOUR years after he was last in a red bull. imagine daniel turned up in milton keynes after a wild week with scotty in vegas and then immediately matched checo's pace in the sim. like. that's not realistic? what's realistic is that even if his sim times aren't completely matching checo's right now, he's been on such a positive trajectory that apparently 1. christian is saying "daniel is 10 minutes away from being race ready" 2. daniel wants to come back to this sport 3. it is apparently possible that daniel may be able to race for red bull next year that he's keeping this convo going in the interviews.
to sum up!!! even within rbr ppl from diff camps are having disagreements on who's faster between dr and sp, and even if daniel's sim pace isn't matching checo's (which it might still be bc we all know helmut marko isn't always the best source of info), his sim performances must've been on a strong trajectory
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minquiec · 2 months
since you were kind enough to like the song i recommended you, i wanted to send you more ZZZ items i found useful. i have a distany memory of you saying you wanted to learn more about ZZZ's lore before developing more of your OC that you ship with Billy Kid and i have provided two videos for you to potentially help you out! no worries if you dont want to watch either for any reasons, all optional obviously. im just trying to be helpful with what is p rapidly becoming either a hyperfixation or a special interest, and i love the content youve made so far about it!
(video 1:) https://youtu.be/WaW6Sy8o6dI?si=ldFSS7w9qLFaMig2
this (⬆️ video 1) is a video that explores the lore about ZZZ so far without going into spoilers. i hope there will be a part 2 that does include spoilers at some point. but, as is, this is really interesting. and really succint at just 14 minutes
(which i find to be short, but all the other ZZZ lore and theory videos i have seen are all even shorter (guess there isnt much to lore to unpack so far, no matter how much i want to have everything ever in ZZZ all analyzed and explained in one video already as is). so this is both a baby and a biggie. but i like how little guessing at what could be in this video, as we instead mostly analyze what is currently in-game, is my point)
(video 2:) https://youtu.be/mR0s11XrSlU?si=6FYAUtF6iq7OxBod
and this (⬆️ video 2) is a video that compiles all the cut-scenes so far (it was posted within the last week) of the animated scenes, the comic-book-scenes, and other voice-acted scenes within ZZZ so far. it's very long. but ive been watching it in pieces over the past few days and have found it fun, but that's just me. im on hour 7. wild that there is THIS many scenes in a video of an app-game, in a video that doesnt even include any gameplay no less lol
but yeah! watching through these two videos have helped me understand ZZZ better and develop my own ZZZ OC. im still looking into lore and theory videos about ZZZ that aren't fully based on conjecture, and if i run into any more then i can let you know? only if you want tho. i dont wanna infodump unwarrantedly lol
hopefully, we will eventually learn Billy lore. do you have any theories or hcs about Billy yet?
i know his wiki confirms he is fully robot, just one who passed The Forbidden Fruit Test, but i was so convinced before that he used to be human lol and now i have a lot of hcs and curiosities about why he exists and who made him, but my biggest focus is the obvious "ohhh this bitch is functionally immortal, huh? he's going to outlive all his teammates unless he's killed or something" element. i wish we knew more about the Starlight Knights as part of said Billy lore, but as is i hc theyre like Voltron or outerspace Power-Rangers so that it can explain part of Billy's interest as then in part due to them using robots to save the world. maybe one or more of them IS a robot or cyborg even, idk lol
but i digress. i hope you have a good day!! 👋
OOOO THANK U FOR SENDING ME THESE that first one was insanely helpful 😭😭 bc half the time while I'm playing the game I zone out and just end up missing dialogue JAJDJS
Dw about infodumping JAJDJS I practically do that everyone bc I can't learn to shut up but YES FEEL FREE TO SEND MY WAY it's always a bit frustrating when a media is new cause there's just not that much confirmed information 😭 so hopefully we'll get more lore soon 🙂‍↕️
I'm not sure if you're seen but there's a character teaser released by hyverse where he talks abt being made from old technology and used to be part of a gang on the outer ring of new eridu (??) there's been some speculation it could be a new upcoming faction called sons of calydon since the insignia on their back is somewhat similar to the one on billys (?) but that's what I've seen other people speculate
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I think he also talks abt being made as a combat android but its not clear who made him exactly or his exact purpose 🤷‍♀️
As for the starlight knight aspect from my personal opinion I think it's to play into his childish personality almost by giving him a silly interest akdjsk THIS PART IS A HEADCANON but in his teaser he also talks about 'gaining a taste of freedom' so I'm assuming he enjoys the show bc it's kind of him indulging in this freedom he's found if that makes any sense IDK KEFNKWKSN cause he's a silly character so they gave him some silly traits to make him an enjoyable character :]
This is the character teaser if you haven't seen already ⬇️⬇️
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anadrenalineslut · 1 year
What's wild to me is how each new article that comes out just completely contradicts the one before it, yet everyone seems to believe it and say that "it makes so much sense." Like??? No the fuck it doesn't. And even if it was true (which it definitely isn't), who is leaking all this information? Because it sure as hell isn't Tree. Taylor would never want so many details to come out about her personal life, especially not while she's on the biggest tour of her life.
this is my thing, like people are so fucking desperate to believe Taylor just cannot make it work with anyone that they rush to legitimize articles that are obviously filled with factually incorrect statements.
when an article explicitly distances themselves from a celebrity team or brand, it is because they KNOW this article could get them in trouble and they want to be legally protected. as long as they state the source is "close to" a celebrity, thats enough verification they need to make to run anything.
people is not a reliable source of information, I don't know why people are acting like it makes total sense for taylor to release news of her break-up during her off week but that is actually the WORST move she could do because it overshadowed the tour (very obviously) and people are making the tour about the supposed break-up already.
people are claiming things like the 1 surprise song wasnt just a response to you losers complaining about it being on the set list or that any of the visuals on tour are related to a break-up in any way shape or form. like, her crying over the crowd during Champagne Problems is now evidence that shes sad over a break up but she gets through lover just fine???????
its such strange behavior when none of these articles are consistent with one another nor is it consistent with taylor's career or relationship trajectory. like, we dont know much about their relationship but what we do know is joe is perfectly fine being the ken to taylor's barbie?????? why would it be a problem NOW and not during rep/lover era?????
isnt it much more likely that a high profile tour would break a couple within their first 2 years of dating (i.e. rep tour) than their almost SEVEN YEARS of dating?????? taylor and joe arent children, they were able to work it out in 2017/18 but not now?????? that makes zero sense!!!!
idk nothing about this makes any sense to me except in the "people has no idea what the fuck they're talking about" way tbqh.
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theastromind · 1 month
ur cool to chat with!
I was thinking its such a recent issue among general internet spaces, I mean on one hand theres people fully deluded thatll maybe overdefend but on another hand theres people waiting for an idols downfall at the same exact time. I do think for instance yoongis dui was obvi a legit crime but ppl now using it to degrade all the things he has done for bts / kpop in general and asking him to leave the group despite being their main producer, then theres ppl that really do seem to only focus on either major flaws of idols like ones who overperform or underperform, what weight an idol is or isnt (changbin lately seems the main culprit as well as jeongyeon of twice) its like they cant win these days. I do blame beauty standards as well cause so much is abt the look of an idol than what they bring and it makes them seem like robots really.
visuals is a useless position for anyone in a kpop group cause it says ehh they aint got a particular talent or part in their group lets just say theyre the face of it then? like its so old fashioned / stuck up. I dont know if its only kpop but in general pop groups are treated like dolls or an object. I do think idols dont mind people doing readings on them cause its like an outlet away from those that are hard core stans but i dont think it has to always be abt whats on the outside of a person or who their fs could be.
I also think an aspect is that either its less about actually enjoying what idols do and release and more about who can be the next target of a witch hunt. its just got so childish over recent years and I try to separate the groups I love from the broken af system theyre in but to no avail its like another week another excessive piece of non issue drama is generated.
I always think balance is the key to a lot of things in life, and that includes being a fan of someone. people need to realise that idols can make mistakes, but thats all it is, a mistake. they don't need to tear his whole career down because he made one mistake. I also kind of hate how the kpop industry puts way too much pressure on visuals, and how it can sometimes seem to be more important than the work that they do. I do think they have a lot to learn from western culture in that regard with the entertainment industry.
I honestly try and distance myself away from as much kpop drama as possible. In 2020 I became a fan of nct as I really liked yuta, and I had a yuta twitter account with about 4k followers. almost every day there was always something new in the way of drama and it would usually be within the nct fandom, which I found was the most weird thing about it. everyone had a solo stan account (before I was a multi carat account, and I still love svt) so it was weird to see people having an account for only one person in the group. some fans of the other members would turn on other members of the group and say '___ doesn't deserve to be in nct' and I was like ???? they're in the same group and you're just hating on that member because they're not your favourite? it was just wild to me. I got so overwhelmed with how much drama there was and got such bad anxiety I had to close my account. I now just have a personal and follow a few kpop accounts that post mainly photos etc. I feel like a lot of people need to maybe do the same, bc my mental health really suffered that year
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whatsnothappening · 2 years
i feel good, but life is trying to change that
This week has been a hell of a ride. Me and my husband took off work so we could get a restart on our personal lives. I got 7 days to reflect and refresh, he got 6. I feel it is a decent amount of time considering i feel that i can breath and see colors vividly... as wild as that might seem. We live with my mother, so we pretty much have our bedroom to ourselves and thats it. Which i feel for one person can quickly become clustered and stuffy and suffocating. We have gotten the room nice and tidy. it is actually pleasant to be in there now. Now i don’t dread going to sleep or waking up in there. We went grocery shopping and cleaned up around the house for my mom and organized. We spent time together and really got to talk and pick each others brains. In the beginning of the week we went to look at houses together for the first time. We unfortunately found out that we are far from ready to even get started with the process of buying a home. As much as we dream about it an wish for it. it just isnt the time. we found one house, it was perfect for both of us. he asked me in the beginning of looking at houses if i pictured us in different scenarios within the house. i didn’t . at first i thought it was because i was afraid to live with him or wasn’t as excited? i felt that even with a house that we did not want to even be around i could picture us in the kitchen at-least or picture the dogs running around the backyard. but this house, i pictured everything. within the 30 minutes that we did a walk through of the house i pictured our entire life until we retire (hopefully). it was beautiful. we had children running through the rooms and playing in the backyard and running through the trees. our dogs were so happy with all the space they had and the trees that surrounded the property. they didn’t have a care in the world and weren’t bothered by any neighboring dogs. (they value their privacy just as much as we do.) we then were informed that our realtor could get us in-touch with a lender he knew that helped with first time home owners. we were so excited. we couldn’t even wait to get home until we called the lender. thats when were informed that the house that we loved so much was definitely in our budget but to poor decisions on our part we are not in the right place to be getting involved with a mortgage. the lender man was very sincere and kind. he was informative. he understood our situation. he kept reassuring us that this didn’t mean it was impossible. he talked to us like he had know us for years. me and my husband went home in silence. we sat on the couch and ate our lunch we had picked up. our dogs were frolicking around, happy as can be. little did they know their parents lost the house that would get them away from grandmas annoying pinches or random unexplained outbursts towards them. she does love them... after we sulk we talk. we planned. we asked for help. he called his mom, she helped us figure out some budgeting and long term plans to get rid of debt. we made goals for our selves and each-other . we have been doing good. we went back to cleaning the house and make ourselves feel comfortable in our area. and just kept going through the days. happy, understanding of what shit we’ve got ourselves in but excited to get through it, succeed and move on. today is my last day being on my staycation. today his uncle passed away. from overdose. he loves his uncles (except for one) but he has a hateful anger for them as well that he keeps deep down. there is three in specific that he has that feeling for. one of them has recently passed a few months back. it enraged him more than it made him sad. i believe it is because of the pain that he sees his mother go through. she puts in so much work and love to try and get them to better themselves. but they use and abuse her and their mother to get the lifestyle that they are addicted too. today another uncle has passed. this one was the one he had hope for. he though he would be able to dig himself out of the drug infested ditch he threw himself into. :TBC
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astral-catastrophe · 2 years
First off, I don’t mean any offense to the Wild stans, but my characterization of this guy is correct. I’m taking my version of Wild and I’m fucking running
Wild stans, this might not be the post for you, but whatever, read it if you want 
So, I’ve seen a bunch of stuff that’s butchered his personality. Just for a second, let’s put the comics away. No more comic thoughts. Now, the number of fics I’ve seen with Wild where he’s been characterized as childish, arsonistic, bratty, and just basically VERY un-Wild is insane (holy shit guys, if I see one more “Wild meets the chain” or “Wild gets age regressed hehe” fic I might go feral. I’m gonna fucking lose it). 
So let’s take a look at game Wild and remember the basics. Game Wild is a guy who wakes up and remembers nothing, but muscle memory kicks in and he’s able to fight and cook and function like a person. But since he doesn’t remember much, there was probably a small handful of weeks where he had to remember more basic things, like communication skills. But since his memories were jogged by certain locations, I think that he remembered smaller things based on interaction. So within months, he was just your average traveler, who just so happened to be the hero who’s supposedly dead. 
Now you may be thinking, “Jay! This is just basic stuff about his character!”, but bear with me for a second here this is important.
So next, we’ve gotta look at Zelda. So from what I can tell, Zelda was a bitch and verbally abused Link before the calamity. But, she’s had a hundred years to think and realize, “Oh fuck I was a terrible person”, and after the calamity, it’s safe to assume she apologized at some point, and from then on she and Wild had a strained relationship. But, eventually, I think that they would have actually grown to be friends and understand each other. They would have just turned into the dumbass besties who are intelligent when they are apart, but make dumb decisions together. 
So now we look at LU. Wild has successfully separated himself from the Link of one hundred years ago, and being with all those who’ve come before him must have been difficult. 
So what does he do? He falls into the role of an awkward middle brother who can cook. And since he’s the cook, I can tell you now that he is observant and pays attention to those around him. He remembers favorite foods and will give someone extra food if he knows they are having an off day. And from the fight scenes we have seen, we know that he mains archery and rains fire from above. We can also see that he’s close with Twi (and I would compare their relationship to me and my little brother tbh, they obviously care about each other in a brotherly way, but they also can joke around and tease). And we’ve seen that he’s also shown brotherly love to the other boys. And he didn’t hate Rulie’s cooking! So that counts for something
Now that I’ve got that set up, let’s look at it and construct a basic personality that actually makes sense. 
Wild is smart. That much is simple. But I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, he’s like that kid in math class who can do the very difficult equations, but would sob over simple addition. In addition to that, he is also a dumbass when he’s with friends. Still on board? Okay, let’s keep going then. 
Wild isn’t childish. Or at least, he shouldn’t be. He’s been caring for himself since he woke up, and he’s had to take responsibility for what he’s done. And since he knows that the pre calamity link isn’t him anymore, he tries not to think about it too much. So he’s responsible, and because I can, he also gets anxiety. (So putting him with a group of people isnt gonna make him want to be babied, because he is more likely to go and try to protect those younger than he is.) In the fight with Dink, fight or flight kicked in and he went off. 
It was perfectly reasonable, all things considered. He’s under stress, so running from Four was also reasonable. And his monologue in the woods? That’s also reasonable. He’s stressed, and ranting to yourself is a good thing to do when stressed because it can help to organize thoughts. 
But if we look at the earlier comics, specifically the one that talks about Mipha’s diary, we can see that while Wild is still sad his old friends are dead, he’s keeping their memories alive and there’s no angst attached. Just a little sad. That doesn’t mean he can’t mourn the champions, but that does mean that he’s accepted it. Look, I’ve dealt with loss before(both by death and being abandoned by someone) and, Wild’s reactions seemed similar to my own in that earlier comic where he mentions them to Twi(the one where he gets the memory and the Wolf stays with him). And now? Sure, I still get sad, but I never get angsty over it, and it’s safe to assume it’s the same for Wild. 
So put it all together, and now we have Wild! He’s independent and responsible, he can hold his own, and he’s also able to be funny and sarcastic. He can be comfortable around others and joke. And when he’s stressed, he’s more likely to cry than anything. He’s also definitely open minded and accepting, and always willing to learn something new. 
 He’s not childish and he’s not intentionally bratty(if he has an off day or heavily stressed, then yes, it would make sense for him to be a bitch). He’s one of the more responsible links, and if I see him getting treated like a useless baby one more time I might go crazy. 
So now, we just have to ignore comic Wild being a brat, bc my version of fanon Wild is superior 
(And ps, he’s not the arsonist and I will fight you on this, fire probably stresses him out, and i do have my reasons for this)
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mydekuacademia · 4 years
Can I get A-Z nsfw for kacchan?
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A: Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
I feel like he can go one of two ways: hes either a big baby and just wants to hold you until you both fall asleep, or he does everything from running you a bath to making you some delicious food to massaging your sore muscles
B: Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner)
His favorite parts of his own body are his shoulders and chest. Hes muscled af and is proud of it
On you, he is absolutely an ass man. He wont touch it in public unless he knows nobody can see, but in private? Hoo boy
C: Cum (Anything to do with cum)
He likes to cum on your ass, back, or face or in your mouth. And his pull-out game is immaculate, so count on getting cummed on
D: Dirty Secret
Hes thought about having a threeway with you and Kirishima. He decided against bringing it up and was grateful for that later on when he realized he didnt want to share
E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Not experienced at all. He never really saw sex as something he needed or even really wanted until you came along. That being said, he still knows what hes doing for the most part. Plus, hes observant as hell, so he'll learn soon enough
F: Favorite Position
As we've established, hes an ass man, so he prefers having you face away from him. If hes really pent up, he'll bend you over a counter. Otherwise, reverse cowgirl is his go-to
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
Absolutely not. Hes not goofy in normal life, and that carries over to the bedroom
H: Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He trims his pubes really short, but not shaved. He likes that he feels closer to you that way
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
I mean, as intimate as Katsuki can be. He probably wont call you a dumbass, which translates to true love in Bakugou language. He does, however, take extra care to be gentle with you if hes feeling sad or sappy
J: Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Another thing he didnt really have the desire to do until he was with you. Prior to dating you, he masturbated only when completely necessary. But now that he knows how good the release can feel, he does it maybe once a week or if hes really pissed and cant be with you
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Katsuki. Is. Daddy. He loves when you call him daddy, or even sir. It gives him a huge power trip
Quirk usage - in place of spanking, he'll set off small explosions by your ass. Not enough to hurt you, just enough to get his point across and see your ass jiggle
Orgasm denial and edging. You can cum when he says you can, and he'll bring you right to the edge over and over until he decides youve had enough
Brat taming. Hoooo boy he loves when you act up so he can tame you
L: Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Honestly, any place you wont get caught. Bedroom, kitchen at night, couch, etc. If its a quickie, he does not care about comfort, so literally any surface works. If it's proper sex, he prefers the bed or couch
M: Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Mostly when you act bratty towards him and when you get a little too friendly with someone else (even just hugging them for what he deems to be too long)
N: NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He will not share, even though he used to fantasize about it a bit. Youre his, dammit
He wont do anything that will actually hurt you or leave marks that last longer than a week or so
O: Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Prefers receiving over giving, but still gives you oral sometimes. He just doesnt really know what to do and wont ask for help, so he only really does it if youve had a bad day or something
P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Katsuki is 100% fast and rough. He'll slow down a bit if you ask nicely, but he prefers going at a damn near impossible pace
Q: Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He honestly loves quickies. He often doesnt have the patience to wait until you two have more time to go at it, so quickies are perfect. Of course, he loves being able to take his time, but hes not too picky
R: Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Some stuff, hes more than willing to try. Different positions, bondage, sensory deprivation, etc. Other things he wont try unless you bed and/or give him something in return. So like, if you wanna try pegging, you're gonna have to beg for h o u r s and maybe blow him too
S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He typically lasts 2 or 3 rounds max, but he can last a pretty decent amount of time, especially if hes teasing you. You best be ready for hours of edging if hes in the right mood
T: Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Nope. He wants to be the only one to make you feel good. The only thing he might have is a pair of handcuffs, but thats iffy
U: Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Bakugo is so unfair. He will tease you mercilessly until youre shaking and crying and begging to cum. He, however, cannot handle teasing. He'll either get mad right away or end up begging within minutes
V: Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He isnt really that loud. The most youll get from him are low grunts and groans. If he's really, really pent up, he might let out a whiny moan when he cums
W: Wild Card (Random headcanon)
He didnt watch porn until being with you. He knew it existed, he just saw it as pointless and trashy. But now he watches it every once in a while if you arent around to help him out
X: X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Hes a bit longer than average with an average girth. Being decently big was a big ego boost for him tbh. It curves slightly up and is uncut
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
A little lower than average tbh. Hes so focused on hero work and one-upping midoriya that sex doesnt really cross his mind that often
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He likes to hold you for a while afterward, so unless he goes all out with aftercare, he stays awake for about half an hour.
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burnedbyshoto · 3 years
just with everything that’s happening in the manga right now, I just wanted to write this as a sorta indulgent thing because my heart hurts for izuku. platonic relationship + recent manga spoilers below, beware:
i’m thinking of ua, recently turned class 2-a, student!reader being assigned to go out and gather lingering citizens in the city. you have your licensing, and even if your hero costume is still partly torn, you have a duty to save those in need.
you just never expected that while on lookout you’d run across an even more beaten, trodden, and torn midoriya izuku. it’s your first time seeing him since he was in the hospital, he had, after all, recovered and left within the same week. and all you knew is that he looked worse.
there were purple eye bags under his eyes, deeper and darker than even aizawa’s, shinsou’s, all might’s, and recently bakugou’s. his typical green delighted and excited gaze looking slightly hollowed, scared, as if you being near him spelled danger and he was a tired, wounded prey. you understood why, however, his written letter that had been placed outside your dorm room spelling out everything about his quirk... his given quirk...
midoriya izuku was quirkless apparently, strange.
“deku?” you whisper, confused as smoke seems to suddenly lift off the ground, covering the area to your ankles with it. “oh my — are you okay?!”
“I-I’m fine!” deku says loudly, almost shrilly as he stumbles backward, hands motioned in a sign that screams: don’t come near! “I was just in the area for my own patrol! I was just taking a small break because i’ve been up since one a.m. and I am a bit tired, but if you’re here then it’s okay! i’ll go away, please continue on this way! had i known that yuuei was sending all you guys out here i definitely wouldn’t’ve come out here! not that i’m avoiding you all! i just think you all are so capable and i wouldn’t want to ever impose on your area and accidentally bring you all danger. in fact, that’s the last thing i want to do! so I think there’s a group of people—”
“you’re not sleeping much, are you?” you whisper, heart aching as you easily read the painful, forced, and oh so tired smile on his face. it’s not his typical smile full of hope, excitement, determination, and a fierce drive. it’s quiet, muted, as if he’s barely holding it all together. “...midoriya-kun, are you okay?”
it wasn’t the most intrusive question, but it was the only thing you could manage out because the grief and guilt that seemed to entrap you both like a too tight blanket was making you tear up.
he wasn’t okay.
his green eyes look at you, blinking hollow and blank.
“we miss you,” you plead pathetically, your eyebrows furrowing. “I miss you. come back already? w-we can deal with it together! there’s nothing that us in class 2-a can’t survive together! and I know that even if that’s true you won’t come back, and I know that you want to leave me right now immediately but I... I need to know! are you okay?!”
and like that, he breaks.
green eyes become glassy with tears and izuku snaps his gaze away from you as unshed tears refuse to fall from his eyes even if they gather at the corner. his nostrils flare as he sniffles quietly and you wonder just where that crybaby boy you used to know went? he never cries anymore, not even now, it seems.
“i’m exhausted,” he laughs bitterly, looking at you in a way that makes him seem to have aged twenty years while also making him look like a child in tattered clothes hoping to play heroes. “i’m the worst successor to all might... he wouldn’t have failed to capture all for one and shigaraki... but I can’t go back... not when they want me, I won’t let people get hurt because of me again.”
“no one got hurt because of you!” you exclaim, tears welling in your eyes because this isn’t your classmate! this isn’t midoriya izuku who laughs and smiles at every joke and every word because he likes making sure everyone is acknowledged. the midoriya izuku who has sat down with practically every member of class 1 now 2-a to discuss a proper workout routine. the midoriya izuku who still gets star eyes whenever all might enters the room. the midoriya izuku who verbally jabs at bakugou katsuki and never fails to get them both into some altercation only for them to be friendly moments later. “that war was us going up against them! we did it, not them!”
“but their end goal is me,” izuku says with a frown, not looking at you.
“it would be anyone holding one for all right now!” you snap. “it couldve been all might still! but it happened to be you and it’s not your fault that people got hurt!”
“then why did kacchan get hurt!?!” izuku wheezes and you startle to see the tears flowing from his eyes despite the angry, desperate, near wild look to his face. “I-If this all isnt my fault, then why did kacchan get hurt?!”
you swallow, unsure what to say to that as his green eyes show desperation, self hatred, and sorrow for his childhood friend who was nowhere near right now.
“because you needed saving,” you swallow, eyes downcasting. “even heroes need saving... and i wasnt there when that happened but,,, knowing you, you were probably doing exactly what you’re doing right now.”
“and that is?” izuku snaps, but there’s no fire to it, just a man who is thoroughly exhausted but with no place to call home.
“trying to win on your own,” you whisper, head shaking as you look down.
it’s silent for a moment, maybe two.
there’s a small sniffle and a quiet sorry and by the time you decide to look up, deku’s gone with nothing but clouds of smoke left behind.
“you better come back!” you find yourself screeching to the setting sky. “i’ll never forgive you if you don’t come back!”
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Betrothal Pt. 2
When Marinette receives Tikki she is freaked out at first but quickly has her explain what she can do as Ladybug, before transforming and taking the Akuma out easily without Chats help.
 She still does the speech to Paris after taking out Hawkmoth's butterfly face thingy.
Alix and Nathaniel are already in her bedroom by the time she gets back, both immediately knowing that Ladybug was their Marinette.
The next day Marinette has Alya claiming they were best friends, she decides to give the girl a chance but doesn't actually bring her into her personal friend group. Plus she really doesnt like that Alya 100% believes that she has a crush on Adrien, all because she had a picture from his recent shoot that she was going to put on her inspiration board.
Alya ignores that and gets all the girls except Alix in on trying to get them together. Marinette continuously tries to get them to stop but after a while she gives up.
Marinette also goes over footage of her fights pointing out to Tikki how under trained Chat Noir is.
"Tikki I'm not doing this because I want a new partner. I'm doing this because I don't want him to die, which he will if we don't train him properly! Stop thinking about this so-called Guardian and think about Chat Noir's life!"
Tikki relents and the next night she and Chat have a heart to heart. She explains to him that she isnt in love with him and won't be, she tells him she's been betrothed since birth. At first Chat points out that the holders are supposed to be soulmates, but Ladybug points out that if anything they are platonic soulmates. She tells him that she wants them to know each other's identities because they are partners and they need to trust each other with their lives. She tells him she'll only allow it if he agrees to begin training with her. Chat Noir agrees and they reveal themselves both a little shocked.
The next day Adrien quits Fencing without telling his father or Nathalie and goes to Marinette's house to begin training with her,  Alix, and Nathaniel.
Adrien realizes after a month that he only thinks of Marinette as a sister. He starts to get annoyed when the boys, except Nathaniel, try pushing him to ask her out.
When it's almost summer Marinette tells Tikki that she is going to Gotham for the summer. Tikki goes to the Guardian and Fu gives her Kaalki in order for Marinette to travel back and forth for attacks.
When the school year ends Marinette's mother is waiting in the car with Marinette's bags on the last day. She kisses Alix Adrien and Nathaniel's cheeks telling them to keep training while she is gone, and promises to be safe. The rest of the class quickly surrounds her asking where she's going and why she isn't spending the summer with them.
"I'm going to Gotham. I go every other year, this is nothing new. I've been doing this for years."
Alya makes a big stink about her 'bestie' leaving and the class tries to convince her to stay. This upsets Alix and Nathaniel, both know the class never cared before, they didn't even help stand up to bullies. Adrien himself wants her to stay but he can see how much she wants to see Damian, so he just kisses her cheeks gently and wishes her a safe trip before opening the door for her. Marinette thanks him as she gets in waving goodbye to her friends before they drive away.
During the school year Damian meets and befriends Jon Kent. At first they dont get along but Damian warms up to him. Damian is proud of Marinette when she becomes a hero, and that their friends are training hard to be ones as well. He even gets permission from Bruce to allow Marinette to train and patrol with them.
Dick and Damian pick Marinette up from the airport and soon everyone in Gotham is talking about Marinette being back. What's even more talked about over the summer is the small dates the two begin to go on.
Halfway through the summer Damian admits to Marinette that he is in love with her and that even if they weren't betrothed he'd still want to marry her. Marinette kisses him softly telling him that she feels exactly the same.
Marinette is excited when she first patrols Gotham with Damian and Dick by her side taking the name Bluebird. 
Bluebird mainly patrols with Nightwing, they both take on Bludhaven side by side. Bluebird patrols  with Robin and Batman every Sunday. Her mandatory night off is on Friday with Robin both of them labeling it their date nights.
Soon after making her debut as Bluebird Marinette discovers Tiktok, and a treasure trove of videos featuring the Wayne family and the Batfamily. She immediately creates two Tiktoks after getting a second phone under a fake identification. This phone is strictly for Bluebird, and so is the Tiktok.
Marinette's favorite Tiktoks are the ones saying that Bruce Wayne is Batman because the butts match. Her Tiktok blows up when her first video is posted.
It starts off with Marinette smiling at the camera with Damian and Bruce standing behind her. When Bruce turns around she gasps opening her eyes widely and whispers to the camera. "Omg...the butts match!"
Marinette continues to make videos of the entire family without any of them noticing, both as Marinette and Bluebird. Both accounts are verified within a week. She posts multiple videos a day all featuring a different member.
The most popular video of Dick is him hanging upside down from a chandelier all smiles while Damian is a few feet away looking up at him.
Damian-It's going to fall.
Dick-No after the first couple times Dad got this one reinforced so it wouldn't.
Tim walked past literally drinking from a coffee pot-No he got the one near the West sitting room reinforced.
Dick looks up when the ceil creaks and a second layer he and the chandelier are falling
The video then cuts off.
Jason's most popular video is him blindfolded as he puts a gun back together in seconds not knowing Bruce is behind him.
Jason- Impressive right?
Bruce- I thought I said no guns in the manor
Jason screams before calming down- Oh its you I thought it was Alfred.
Alfred- Master Jason
Jason screams and tries to run with the blindfold still on but runs into a wall.
Tim's popular video is multiple clips of Tim right as he passes out and falls with a loud thump. After three clips people here three voices yelling Timber in the background after he faints. The last video shows Tim knocking over a bookcase only to look at Marinette confused when he hears Timber screamed from three different parts of the manor.
( @daddybats-and-babybirds Hello! So I saw your headcanon a while back and really liked it. If you're seeing this I tried to find you on Tumblr to ask for permission but couldn't. If you don't want me using this please message me and I will remove it immediately! Thank you!)
Cass's popular video is very sweet. It's different clips of her taking care of and spending time with her family. The first clip is her slowly reading aloud curled up next to Bruce, the next is her pushing a chair underneath Dick as he goes to sit down after Jason pulled the other one out without him realizing. Third is her gently cleaning a cut Jason got after falling from a tree. Fourth is her covering Tim with a blanket and moving his work onto the table. Fifth is her painting Stephanie's nails while Barbara does Stephanie's hair for a date. Six is her carefully moving Damian to his room trying not to wake him up. Seven is her helping Alfred during spring cleaning, and eighth is her posing in some of Marinette's clothes as the boys help with lighting and Stephanie takes the pictures.
Bluebird's Tiktok features a lot of videos of her flipping around and laughing wildly as a few older villains run away yelling about the second coming of the first Robin. After every  one of those videos another is posted of Nightwing bent over cackling at what the villains yelled. Everyone in Gotham is thrilled when it's confirmed that Nightwing is actually the first Robin, all recognizing the cackle. A few videos feature the Batfamily arguing through body gestures without saying anything, she'll flip the camera around to show her grinning and writing will pop up saying what they were arguing about. Most of the time is about getting food while on patrol, but one time Red Hood insulted Nightwings butt. The two most popular videos are one where she is a few feet behind Batman and all you see is his cape and head, and she has "Bruce Wayne???" written in. The second is Red Robin sitting in the back of an ambulance with a shock blanket around his shoulders.
Red Robin-  What now? I'm in shock! Look I've got a blanket!
Batman- Red Robin!
Red Robin- And I just delivered twins while stuck in an elevator! Twins Batman!!
Batman turns and walks away silently while Red Robin looks at the paramedic.
Red Robin- Im going to regret that during training tomorrow.
The only time Bluebird makes noise during a Tiktok is when she is laughing wildly. She does this because both her Tiktoks are popular and she doesn't want to take the chance of someone recognizing her voice. She is not worried about the wild laughter because she is calmer as Marinette but as Bluebird she lets herself be wild and carefree. Batman enjoys having Bluebird on patrol with him, her hero persona reminds him of when he and the first Robin started.
Marinette announces that her and Damian are finally dating in a Tiktok showing them on a date at the parks with Barbara and Dick as their 'chaperones'. The video shows her holding his hand walking behind him before she flips the camera and winks at it, in the background walking behind them is Dick pushing Barbara's wheelchair, while looking down at her lovingly.
An hour later Marinette is recording a video where they had been pulled over by Commissioner Gordon himself. Dick is pale as he nods to everything Gordon says while Barbara is groaning refusing to even acknowledge her dad. Before the video cuts out she whispers, 'I forgot a lot of Gotham officers follow me, oops…'
The family also helped Marinette master the art of coming up with excuses and slip out without being noticed, for when she has to rush back to Paris.
The family celebrates their birthday together before having a Gala the night after celebrating it for the cameras. The family shows up wearing Marinette's own designs and she is buzzing with excitement when multiple people ask for the designer's information for commissions, they turn 14.
When summer is coming to an end Marinette really doesn't want to leave but she knows she must. Marinette promises to visit for Christmas.
When she returns she is excited to see Alix, Nathaniel and Adrien at the airport with Gorilla to pick her up. Adrien smiles mischievously, telling her that his father agreed after Adrien mentioned that his friend was a rising Fashion designer, MDC. 
Marinette enjoys her first day back spending it with her friends. The next day she is slightly annoyed when Alya bursts into her room at 7 in the morning demanding details about her trip and if she met anyone famous.
Marinette decided in that moment that she was very thankful she never shared her Insta with Alya and that Alya doesn't know about Tiktok. She does however indulge the girl telling her she had a lot of fun and tells her some of what she did. Alya is quick to tell her all about what the class did together and what she did over the summer. However her tune changes when she sees a few pictures of Adrien pinned to a board, and suddenly she's once again trying to come up with ideas to get them together. At this point Marinette is thankful when her mother comes up, asking Alya to leave so that Marinette can help with chores.
The school year starts the same as always and Marinette decides to run for class president. She is surprised when she wins and names Nathaniel her vice president much to Alya's annoyance.
Marinette also meets Jagged Stone only a month into the school year after designing glasses and an album cover for him. At first Jagged doesn't realize the rockin' girl that made his glasses was MDC until at a party when someone excitedly points out the MDC signature on the side. He begins talking to her more with her parents permission and takes her in as his new niece. Soon he is only wearing clothes that she makes.
Half way through the year Lila shows up. The class sans Mari, Adrien, Alix, Nathaniel, and Chloe are all taken by her immediately. Marinette is not there the day she arrives.Lila attempts to lie her way into Adrien's graces using her Ladybug excuse. But Adrien quickly tells her that he doesn't want to hear it, because there is no way Ladybug would let her defenseless or possibly disabled friends know her Identity out of fear they'd get targeted.
Lila is outraged that her lie failed, but she wants Adrien under her thumb and starts devising a plan for it to happen.
The next day Lila tries to charm Marinette when she is upset over her desk being switched without even asking her. When everyone heads out for lunch she quickly snatches up Marinette apologizing and selling her sob story of Jagged's kitten. She is shocked when Marinette begins to laugh and tells her that it was a nice try but Jagged Stone has a crocodile named Fang because he is allergic to fur. Lila gets even madder and decides to just threaten Marinette telling her that she'd take away all of the class. Marinette just rolls her eyes and tells her good luck with that before walking away to join her friends.
When the four return from lunch they find Lila sitting and crying with the class surrounding her as Alya comforts her.
Lila is quick to claim that Marinette refused to listen to her when she tried to explain the seat switch and that instead she made fun of Lila's disabilities. Alya is upset at Marinette and tells her that she is disappointed that her best friend would act like this and that she needs to give Lila a chance.
Marinette just signs walking back to her new seat and sits down, Adrien follows her up and sits next to her while Alix and Nathaniel take the bench in front of them.
Alya huffs continuing to comfort Lila until she finally stops fake crying, the rest of the class sits down in their seats and starts talking again. However they don't talk to the four
As Lila is there she slowly learns more and more about Adrien and Marinette planning on getting Adrien under her thumb and to take Marinette out. She learns about Marinette's huge crush, Alya's words, on Adrien and that Adrien's dad is so strict that he won't even let him have a birthday party. She begins studying the two of them before making her final plans.
She attempts to get Marinette expelled but fails when the Principal insists that it must be a misunderstanding . Even when she starts crying and claiming Marinette is bullying her, the teachers do nothing. It isn't until Chloe confronts her that she finds out Marinette is the top student in the school and a certified genius. Chloe smirks, informing her that if the school even attempted to claim she was cheating they'd not only come under fire, but they'd lose their funding from having her there.
Lila decides to just make the class hate Marinette while still trying to get Adrien. She is unable to get a foothold even when she manages to get Gabriel's attention claiming  Adrien is hanging with terrible people. However the moment she mentions Marinette's name she is shut out. Gabriel telling her that Marinette has a higher standing than the daughter of an ambassador any day.
Lila's anger gets her akumatized into Volpina, she goes after Marinette determined to hurt the girl in some way. She finds her at the skate park watching Alix practice. She creates an illusion of Adrien and has the illusion walk up to Marinette. The illusion begins to tear into Marinette claiming that she is a terrible person, and doesn't deserve anything that she has, before telling her that they were no longer friends. She gets angrier when Marinette asks the illusion what her nickname for him was and smirks when the illusion doesn't answer. Volpina gets so angry she just attacks Marinette swinging at her with her flute getting angrier when Marinette blocks each hit with her arms barely flinching until Chat Noir tackles Volpina away from her. Marinette is quick to run away, Alix following her. Soon after Ladybug joins them in the fight, once they defeat Volpina. Ladybug turns to find Lila crying claiming that she didn't want to hurt Marinette but the girl had been bullying her. 
Chat Noir growls but Ladybug quickly stops him from doing anything. 
'I know you're lying Lila. I suggest you stop lying, and have that video removed claiming to be my best friends. The only friend I have while in this mask is Chat Noir. You are putting yourself in danger by lying.'
Lila however just stops crying and galres at the heros huffing and storming away.
The next day everyone is talking about Lila taking another trip to Achu to visit Prince Ali. They get annoyed when Marinette asks Rose if she is going to email the Prince asking about her.
Eventually things return to slight normalcy and they only have to listen to Lila's lies when she video chats the class.
A few weeks after she has left Adrien finds the Miraculous grimoire, he immediately brings it to Marinette and shows her. Once Tikki sees it she insists that they bring it to the Guardian so she and Adrien set off together finally meeting Fu. Half way through their conversation Adrien is called back home by Gabriel. Gabriel demands the book back and is deeply upset when Adrien says he lost it. Gabriel dismisses him and he destroys his room before akumatizing himself.
Meanwhile Marinette is tearing into Fu for giving them the Miraculous without any proper training. Soon after she gets a message from Adrien saying that Gabriel had been akumatized. She quickly transforms meeting up with Chat Noir on the way once they defeat The Collector they return to Fu and take pictures of the book. Marinette then heads to the Agreste Mansion with the book in hand. When Gabriel comes to the door she quickly introduces herself before handing the book over. 
"Adrien was really excited to share the book with me today while we had lunch at my home. However he forgot it in my room, sorry it took me so long to get the book here Mr. Agreste!"
Gabriel takes the book and thanks Marinette before questioning her and Adrien's relationship. Marinette laughs softly telling him that Adrien is like a brother to her. He then asks why brother and not best friend. Marinette grabs the ring around her necklace playing with it gently. 
"Because my best friend is my boyfriend and my betrothed."
Gabriel then issues an invite for her to come over more, saying that she is clearly a good influence on Adrien. Marinette thanks him before saying goodbye and leaving.
That night they all meet in their wearhouse to talk about it. Even though Adrien is distressed he agrees that his father is still their biggest suspect.
Marinette pulls Oracle and Batgirl into a video call as they all sort through Gabriel's dealing since Emilie's disappearance. They determine that he wants Tikki and Plagg for a wish relating to Emilie. Marinette pulls Adrien aside and they have a heart to heart.
"Do I want my mom back? Yes, more than anything, but she-My mom would never want this. She'd be so incredibly disappointed in my father for terrorizing the city she loves. She'd be disappointed in me for thinking for even a second to help my dad."
Oracle looks into every dealing Gabriel has had while Batgirl focuses heavily on going through camera footage.
Oracle points out a few months before Hawkmoth started Gabriel paid the city to remove the camera from around his mansion. Batgirl shows them footage of the house before he paid the city off pointing out the window designed like a butterfly. Showing that the small middle section is designed to open. Oracle finds something big from a few months before Emilie disappeared. She found that Gabriel hired multiple workers to come and build an underground garden, paying them off so that they would never mention it. She also found he bought a pod specially designed for those in coma to keep them from dying.
They all start planning on how to take Gabriel down. The only reason they haven't acted is for fear of his company. They don't want it to fall and have millions lose their jobs. They also want more evidence to take to the police. Oracle hires someone to install a camera facing the window in order to get confirmation.
Adrien meets Kagami much the same way except Marinette confirms that she did win. She however gets akumatized when her mother brushes off her success. After being defeated, Adrien extends his friendship to her, and they slowly grow closer. Soon after Marinette meets Luka when he drops something off for Juleka. He helps her pick up the books she dropped and they are quick friends. Marinette can immediately tell that he is a meta and Luka is surprised but tells her that he can hear people's soul songs.
A few weeks later Gorilla is akumatized after Gabriel thinks he is Chat Noir. Ladybug is easily able to save Adrien getting him to safety before defeating Gorizilla she tells Hawkmoth to watch out because they are on to him.
After this Luka invites Marinette to his family's house boat during the music festival, when his mom gets akumatized Luka is quick to help Mari escape. Afterwards he tells her that he knows she was Ladybug and Adrien Chat Noir. Marinette brings him into their fold and when she does Adrien asks to bring Kagami.
Before the school year comes to the end the class meets Clara Nightingale. Clara becomes fast friends with Marinette and tries to get her to be Ladybug in her video. However Chloe has the shoot shut down and she is akumatized into Frightningale. After the fight Marinette encourages her to have everyone in the video wearing masks showing that they are all heros in their own way. Clara agrees and Marinette is very thankful that neither of her masks in her hero persona a black.
Adrien admits to Marinette that he has a slight crush on Kagami so Marinette enlists the help of Luka and together they go ice skating. While Kagami and Adrien are skating Luka and Marinette are calmly talking about the pair. Mari asks about their songs and Luka is silent for a second before smiling softly and telling her that their songs are beautiful together.
Two weeks before the end of the school year Lila returns to school. Once again the class is listening to everything she has to say.
She quickly convinces the class to exclude the four including Chloe from class plans over the summer. She is dumbfounded when the four don't care. Once the school year is over the class only sees the four in passing and every time there is an unknown boy with them.
Lila gets pissed when Gabriel stops having her do photoshoots with Adrien and gets even more pissed when Adrien announces on Twitter that he is dating Kagami.
Halfway through summer the classes are talking excitedly about Fashion week in Paris, excited to see Adrien and Lila modeling. They are surprised when they arrive and Marinette is sitting in the front row with Nathaniel, Alix and four unknown boys and three girls. One of them in a wheelchair. When Audrey arrives she is greatly upset at the seating until Marinette and Cass politely offer her and Chloe their seats. Audrey calms down but is still upset at the slight Gabriel has given her. She accepts the seats and both girls get up, Marinette moves and sits on Damian's lap leaning back against him as he wraps his arms around her waist. Cass goes to sit behind Jason but he gets up giving her his seat before sitting behind her. Marinette greets Chloe politely before introducing her group.
"You already know our classmates Chloe but this is my boyfriend Damian and his brothers and sisters. Richard, Jason, Cass, Tim, and Stephanie."
Chloe is polite in return introducing her mother, Marinette nods politely
"Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Bourgeois, I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Some of my designs are being shown today along with Mr.Agreste's"
Audrey sniffs slightly starring Marinette down before offering a curt greeting. She then attempts to call Gabriel only for her call to go straight to voicemail. She grows more and more angry as she sits in the stands. Half way through the show she gets up and storms out angry that a girl that is unknown got a front seat but not her. When she is akumatized she goes after Marinette, she is unable to fire her because Damian jumps in the way getting turned to gold instead. Marinette is quickly pulled away by Tim who gets her to a safe place encouraging her to transform. Adrien joins them a few minutes later. After they transform Chat Noir agrees to distract Style Queen while Ladybug gets four Miraculouses
Nathaniel- Trixx- Youkai
Alix- Fluff- Bunnyx
Kagami- Longg- Ryuko
Luka- Sass- Viperion
When the fives get back they discover that Chat Noir had to change back, and after he de-transformed Style Queen found him and fired him as a way to get back at Gabriel. They launch into action fighting her. Viperion and Bunnyx sit on the back burner watching the fight. Viperion periodically shifting back using second chance and Bunnyx jumping in to grab one of the others when he tells her. Once she is taken down Gabriel comes and apologizes to Audrey telling her he fired the person that gave her a second row seat. Gabriel then apologizes to Marinette and Damian for this mistake causing her to be attacked. Adrien hurries over quickly hugging the couple telling him that he is happy they're both safe now. Audrey takes note of his clothes and comments that it's far from Gabriel's usual designs.
"Because it's not this outfit that was designed by MDC herself. He and I did a collaboration. She designed all the male outfits and I the female."
Audrey immediately jumps on him, admitting to knowing MDC.
"You know MDC? You know the Wayne family, along with Jagged Stone, and Clara Nightingale's personal designer?"
Gabriel nods gesturing to Marinette who Adrien was still hugging. Tell Audrey that MDC had been standing right next to them along with the Wayne's. Audrey is silent when she realizes she didn't recognize the Wayne family while she was angry. She immediately extends the offer for Marinette to come to New York with her to grow her exceptional talent. She brushes Chloe off when her daughter is upset over her mother never taking her. Marinette however refuses to go before telling Audrey off for telling her own daughter she is not exceptional.
"She may be mean and a bit of a bully but Chloe is exceptional in her own way. I will never work with someone who treats their own family like dirt. Ya know I always thought she was just a mean person, but now that I see who her mother is, I can tell you raised her to act exactly like you."
Marinette then walks away with her friends and the Wayne family following her along with Adrien. The next day Chloe shows up at the bakery and apologizes then thanks Marinette. Tell her that Audrey actually took what she said to heart and decided to stay in Paris to get to know her daughter.This starts a shaky friendship between the two
"Also why haven't you told anyone you're dating a Wayne??."
"Alya is obsessed with famous people, how do you think she'd react to finding out I'm famous in America but also betrothed to the youngest Wayne."
"You have a point but wasn't she your best friend?"
"No she was a friend but honestly she never really listened to me. I mean she thought I was in love with Adrien."
For the rest of the summer Chloe joins the group of friends and even though she is still mean they can tell she does care for them. Much like how Damian acts to the others except Marinette. Damian and Chloe actually enjoy getting into little arguments over different things.
They celebrate their birthdays at Le Grand Pairs at Chloe's place Gabriel even allows Adrien to attend, while Marinette's parents cater the party, they turn 15.
When summer ends the entire group is at the airport saying goodbye to Damian.
The school years start rather calmly with random akumas popping up but none particularly dangerous. It isn't until halfway through the year when Heroes Day comes around and Hawkmoth akumatizes Lila allowing her to create the illusion of an akumatized Ladybug killing Chat Noir.
The fight gets so bad that Fu joins in desperation to help. However at the end of the fight he realizes that his time has been shortened. He proceeds to name Marinette and Adrien Guardians, telling them that he'll shortly lose his memories and a few weeks later die. He tells him that they will not lose theirs unless they recreate the potion he was given.
A few weeks later Marinette is visited by a lawyer, Fu leaves her everything in his will. Marinette has enough money to last a lifetime.
Hawkmoth's akumas are steadily getting stronger and it seems like Lila is getting akumatized every other month. The Miraculous Team begins to think that Lila is working for Hawkmoth, and after hacking her phone Oracle confirms that she has been. 
Before the end of the year Lila convinces the class to kick Marinette as their class president. Marinette steps down without a care however in front of the class she tears apart her notebook that had everything in it for the class's end of the year trip. Telling them to have fun planning another trip, before turning to her friends. 
"Chloe, Alix, Nathaniel, Adrien, you're coming to Gotham with me this year. We'll let Kagami and Luka know when they come over today. You're gonna love it Wayne Manor is beautiful, and we all get to stay there for the whole summer!"
Lila scuffs saying that her Damiboo would never let a bully like her into her house. She then tells the class that she was asked to keep it a secret for a while but her and Damian had been dating for three months.
They are startled when they hear Dick laughing from the doorway.
"My little brother is dating you, good one, especially since my brother has been betrothed since he was born."
Alya immediately jumps to Lila's defense demanding to know who Dick is. Causing him to roll his eyes before turning to Marinette. Telling her that he was taking them to the airport and that they'd be taking the jet to Gotham one their last day. Before he leaves Alya demands to know who he is.
"Richard Grayson-Wayne, now I'd appreciate it if you stopped telling lies about my family. Damian would never go out with you, he has been dating Marinette for almost two years now. Oh and Mari, I'll let dad know your six friends will be coming with us."
The class is stuned and Lila immediately starts crying, telling them that Damian must have lied to her. However Max, Juleka, Rose, Ivan, and Mylene no longer believe her.
When the class ends the group of friends leaving ignoring everyone excitedly talking about their trip.
Once back at Marinette's they all relax talking about what they are going to do while there. The group is upset that Marinette and Batman won't let them patrol Gotham but they don't put up much fuss. Marinette tells them they'll use Kaalki to get back and forth for fights and that while there they'll be finalizing plans to take out Gabriel with the help of Batman.
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 3 years
BNHA characters and their genshin experiences
I've been way into genshin for the past couple months, if anyone wants to play with me message me (I'm lvl 45 rn) but be warned I have shitty internet and am a partial razor main
but this is mainly characters I can see actually putting time into genshin
Mains: Yanfei
his main has probably been most every pyro character at some point
he wants diluc so bad, whenever someone else complains that diluc ruined their pity he wants to ruin their existence
before yanfei his main was probably hu Tao
hed definitely play klee if he had her lmao but he doesnt and is patiently waiting for her rerun
he has a lot of 5 star characters and is f2p, he can always get banner characters within at least the first pity, but for standard 5 stars hes gotten keqing and qiqi way too many times and hes livid
especially as a previous hu tao main, he was begging for Jean, still has yet to come home
hes probably a very high level, not fully maxed out considering he hasnt been playing all that long, he was probably forced to start when the rest of the bakusquad started playing it and he just took off
has really shitty artifact luck though, like his characters arent bad or anything but they could be so, so much better
and ugh hes livid
explores everything, has 100% exploration everywhere, but hes not bored hes still got artifact farming to do and he enjoys terrorizing enemies
in co op he will set you and everything around you on fire. cope.
Mains: Xiao or Ganyu
probably only started playing because Izuku asked him to
kaeya has also been on his team since day 1 and he is never leaving doesnt matter his friendship has been level 10 for weeks now who cares
was f2p until xiao, who didnt want to come home at all, and he finally got him on his 180th pull
now he doesnt care and will buy primogems whenever hes bored
he has a lot of constellations on kaeya and hes so proud of that, probably c4, is considering buying way too many primogems just so that he can hopefully get his c6
now his artifact luck is godly, you'll go into a domain with him and be like ugh I got nothing and hes like I got a 4 piece set with all attack or crit rate/damage main stats like haha I hate you
but yeah his characters are very strong cause of this, but he doesnt put effort into building a lot of them, he only levels up and gives good artifacts to his team and a couple other characters he likes but everyone else just sits there for a while
hes not super obsessed with the game, but he does think its funny seeing bakugou get so upset whenever they do domains together
doesnt even bother doing daily tasks really unless hes trying to save primogems
Mains: Venti
hes so good at building characters, like he looks up builds online and watches those "do INSANE damage with these tips" videos - and he sets out to get them done and he does
bakugou is once again livid whenever they play together, because Izuku barely has to try and can do so much more damage than him
he does have to put in a lot of work for his artifacts though because he doesnt settle for the okay ones he needs the absolute best
he builds his favorite characters the most ofc, but he evenly distributes things to other characters he knows can be useful- those characters might not have insane stats but they're still good
will not kill timmies pigeons, hell hunt birds in the wild for fun though
definitely a food hoarder
also does a lot of exploring and probably has at least 90% for each area
Mains: Lisa
he is 1000% in love with Lisa, he took her quest very seriously
and so many people say shes horrible, he hates it, hes made her crazy strong out of spite
his team consists of only his wifus- meaning lisa, beidou, rosaria, and mona
for a long time beidou was his second but then rosaria came along and hes like ugh big tiddy goth gf, but lisa still remains queen
these are the only characters hes built though, save for a couple like probably razor and xiangling that he used before he fully got this team
is an ayaka saver
he doesnt care too much about most 5 stars but will sometimes get them just to say he has them, but they end up just sitting there rotting away because he never puts work into them
he does have hu tao though and would get ganyu if she ever had a rerun
Mains: Diluc Razor or Beidou
they're all on his team, the last person switches out but it's most likely zhongli or childe
hes all about dps, support who, he just wants to hit hard and do insane damage , so yes he made dps zhongli
except his builds arent that great, with some help his builds are decent, but on his own hell be like ugh that's some sexy 300 damage
probably didnt know what 90% of the stats even meant and just put random attack ones on people and went yeah that looks good
doesnt really care though and is just having fun so hell play how he wants (as he should) but he does have to ask for help when farming bosses
loves exploring but misses so much, hell get distracted easily and end up just messing around
honestly probably hasnt bothered to ascend his world since he got to level 35, if he did the quest hed probably go straight to 45 and even then hed still have extra exp because hes been there for so long oml
but eventually he would have to and hed be trying to do it like :,) this is fine and it takes him a lot of tries but he gets there eventually,,, only to immediately have another one waiting for him poor baby
Mains: Klee or Xiangling
thinks baizhu is hot (and is correct) so shes desperately waiting for him
was a I must play 24/7 player until after the last story quest, then she got kinda bored but still plays frequently so she can save primogems and likes playing co op
goes into random peoples worlds a lot
shes got some pretty strong characters and is proud of her account
definitely makes tiktoks of her playing with the bakusquad cause it's always v chaotic (it's probably only denki and kirishima most of the time, but sometimes either bakugou or sero will join in)
does all the genshin tiktok trends
shes a pretty high level since shes probably been playing for a while and has most everything done
she loves helping lower level people though she thinks it's so cute and loves the power she feels when she one shots things
Mains: Xingqui
hes a pretty casual player, kinda only plays when hes bored or the others make him play with them
but his stats arent too bad, they're fairly average but he gets by
has so many primogems because he doesnt bother to wish on anyone, probably wants kazuha though
he does get super invested into the story though, hes so curious about the world and where the story is gonna lead
probably watches a lot of genshin theory videos and now he over thinks everything in the game
he explores a lot, not so much to find every single thing but more so just because he likes looking at everything, hes very excited for all the new places
Mains: Childe
hes a very thorough player, he explores a lot and puts a lot of work into building his characters
most of them arent all that great but he has plans to fix them
his main team is very well built, not the best, but still good
he struggles when he has to switch someone out for a domain or something because his other characters are so painfully mediocre right now and he feels so bad
shinsou, playing a character that can do like max 200 physical damage and biggest damage is like 2 thousand, repeatedly saying I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you deserve so much better, I'm so sorry
even if it's not the worst damage by far, he feels bad about anything under his main team's stats because they're just so much higher
broke. has no primogems. spent them all on childe and his constellations. does he regret it? well he sure does appreciate his c6 so- hell manage
yes he spent real money on his stupid mass murderer who he loves very much
fights childe every day even though he already collected the treasure, he is but a humble simp
probably decently lucky with wishing like he can beat the 50/50 almost every time
Mains: Chongyun and Sucrose
he only started playing recently, probably kirishima got him into it, but he immediately fell in love
kirishima was like tell me when you're level 16 so we can play together !!! and 2 days later tamaki was level 16 and kiri was shook because how the hell did he do it so fast
hates domains, the dread he feels when he realizes the lower level isnt going to give him anything anymore, and he has to move up to the next, and the next,,
asks kirishima to help him only to realize he isnt much help, is too nice to say that so he let's kiri keep trying- one day kiri gets deku to play with the two of them and tamaki almost cries because finally he can get through the level 90 domain and actually get things ugh
cannot get xingqui to save his life he refuses to come home and poor tamaki is so sad he wants him a lot hes even got all his materials saved up
Mains: Ningguang
honestly doesnt play all that much but takes pride in making his account seem v good, is a whale
but hes very good at the game, didnt know what the artifacts were for at first and gave people ones based on how they looked but once he figured it out hes fixed them
is a very standard player, logs in every day to do his commissions and use his resin then logs out, he doesnt put too much time into the game and doesnt worry if he misses a day or two
worships ningguang, also really likes xinyan, his other team members are probably venti and albedo
has every single banner 5 star that has come out since he started playing, probably doesnt have klee though and is v upset about it, and is thanking the heavens for all the reruns lately
also doesnt have keqing and wants her a lot cause he likes her
accepts every single co op request he gets, and despite what a lot may think hes actually a very nice person to play with, not toxic at all - unless you're someone he knows then he might be mean to you shshshsh
Mains: Razor
haha isnt it so odd that they sound so similar haha (if you dont know they have the same japanese va and I'm guessing hed play it in Japanese)
obviously he can be kinda busy ya know being a criminal and all that but when hes not he puts a lot of time into genshin
sadly doesnt have very good luck when it comes to characters or artifacts, but hes doing his best even with 0 primogems and his 50% crit rate
doesnt explore all that much, most of the exploring hes done came from him trying to get all the oculus
his razor is so good though, except that's the only character hes put tons of effort into
except for now zhongli, hes not replacing razor but ugh does he love zhongli
but his other characters are pretty mediocre at best, he could build them if he wanted to, hes good enough at gaming to figure it out, he just doesnt have the time to spend to do it so he focuses on his main team
also (spoiler alert kinda) when we had to go to the wolf spirit to fight the abyss herald and razor was there, afterwards how razor was saying how he was too weak and stuff and was super sad, at that very moment shiggy decided the entire abyss order had to be destroyed - sorry aether (he chose lumine) but razor is more important than you
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