#all yall know is I’m half Asian
soyeonsbabygirl · 4 months
MY BOSNIAN BRO MIKOO (i'm serbian, but i live in america)
I ALSO LIVE IN AMERICA but I’m not either😭
I won’t disclose my race since I’m mixed with 2 other things that led to really bad bullying and lowkey hate crimes according to my mom💀💀 maybe one day but not today.
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myysaints · 1 year
Hello, I saw your requests are open.... if you feel like it and like the idea I'd like to see Japanese kpop idol reader x yuki where reader had been an idol for like 7 years and she's very private like when someone asks about her TMI she's just like i bought this shirt on sale 😐 so when she was asked in an interview if she watches any sports or stuff her members sort of out her for being an f1 fan and then her group gets invited to a race where her and yuki get spotted standing a bit too close (nothing couple worthy but they did look suspicious)... ensure f1 and her fans on twitter being in flames where a lot of her fans are like, lol no I refuse to believe we might lose our queen to a guy that goes vroom vroom but it just gets quite after that so no one thinks about it until a picture of them kissing gets out and people are like I waited three and a half years, Asian man did it in one week only for her company to announce that they had known each other since childhood and they are childhood sweethearts with a 10 year history and like the whole f1 grid being like yuki! You had a girlfriend this entire time
So sorry if this is too specific, if you don't like it you can just skip the request 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
... (PART ONE)
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YUKI TSUNODA x f!japanese!kpop idol!reader
⌗︙・ summary — you’ve known yuki tsunoda all your life, but the world doesn’t know that. so when your relationship is accidentally called into the spotlight, fans understandably freak out – after all, who thought that these two worlds would collide?
genre — social media au, fc: sakura from le sserafim
notes — thank you anon for the request!!! it was so cute i spent the whole day absolutely going ham on this fic, which is why it's... so.... so long.... i also changed some details but they're very very minor. hope i did your request justice, and enjoy!
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yourusername uploaded to their story.                                29s
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[caption: Thank you alphataurif1 for having me at the Suzuka GP! 파이팅 🤍💙!]
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Liked by le_sserafim, yukitsunoda0511, alphataurif1, and 3,274,302 others
🏷  alphataurif1
yourusername  ただいま (I’m home) ~ 🇯🇵🏎
view all 1,009,284 comments
alphataurif1  かわいい (Cute) 😊
       Liked by yukitsunoda0511 yourusername  thank you admin!
yukitsunoda0511  幸運をもたらしてくれてありがとう (Thank you for bringing me good luck)!
yourusername  どういたしまして (You’re welcome)!おめでとう (Congratulations)!
hannitokki  begging on my knees for just one chance
landonorris  Seeing you in the paddock today made me fearless 😉
yourusername  too bad that didn't help you go faster ... dearhyunjin  LMFAOOOO SHE HUMBLED HIM REAL QUICK
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Liked by 932,882 others
f1wagupdates  Submitted by anon 🙈 SPOTTED! After the Yuki Tsunoda and an unknown woman (could it be the same girl from Suzuka?) seen entering the driver’s hotel lift together. The pair were clad in matching outfits. According to anon, the woman had a mask over her face and “looked like she didn’t want to be recognised”. 🤔 Who could this mystery woman be?
view all 546,237 comments
miradrivescars  THEYRE IN MATCHING OUTFITS 😭😭😭
ynsserafim  someone find where y/n is QUICK
isaluvsyn  they just finished their world tour right?? i think their last stop was in dubai channieslix  that was like 3 weeks ago babe im sure y/n is looooong gone and back in korea by now LOL
bitemelando  it’s the same hat as the one in the suzuka picture so it’s probably the same girl
verstrappon  yall gotta chill it’s just a regular schmegular black cap damn 🤣
minimumverstappen  kpop twt is gonna have a field day with this one lol
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...to be continued !
© myysaints
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namor-shuri · 1 year
Our poll results are in! 🗳✨
*cracks knuckles* Let’s dive in and talk about it (: [Grab a snack and something to drink because this is about to be long. Yes, a bitch made graphs lmao Sue me] Alrighty, let’s do this:
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I can't remember where bpwf was first released and the order of its premiere in each country but it's interesting to see that the majority of fandom [who participated at least] are from North America. Also Asia being the third highest group was fascinating because at least when it comes to Twitter, I’ve noticed a lot of the Namor/Shuri fan art has come from Thai and Korean artists. They are seriously carrying this fandom and I'm here for all of it.
ALSO: Random, but where are my Antarctica Nashuri fans?? 😭 I’m also curious to know how Africa has received the Black Panther franchise all together over the years. Do they resonate with it? Do they find it offensive/ overly dramatized? I’m curious. If you are a fan who lives in Africa, can you comment on your experience with this? I'd be happy to know.
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To be honest, I’ve always assumed that the Marvel fandom [along with superhero spaces as a whole like DC and what not] were male dominated but this poll gave me some hope. I am curious what parts of fandom men frequent more vs women. For example, do Comic Cons ring in more women, more men, half and half? With fan art, do majority of artists identify as women, men, other? It’s interesting to think about. I also love seeing women/fem identifying individuals show up in these spaces because countless times we are made to feel like an inposter and harassed for our interests in comics, games, movies, shows, music, the list goes on. Questioned down with trivia, fact checking and all sorts of BS ultimately trying to prove that “you aren't a real fan". Don't ever let anyone make you feel like you have to prove your knowledge of anything to be interested in something you like. ESPECIALLY if it is coming from a man child guy.
ALSO: Hi all trans, non-conforming and alternative gender expressing baddies! Know you are welcome here and pls enjoy your stay at my humble blog abode. 👋🏾💜
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It’s amazing to see how diverse this fandom is! I didn’t expect that we would have such high numbers of black/brown fans/shippers. As a black mcu fan myself, it’s exciting to see us show up in fandom. Fandom has unfortunately been heavily white/Eurocentric for a very long time, which has slowly changed but we still have a long ways to go in it’s inclusivity. With the increase of bipoc characters and the actors who play them, I look forward to this continual progression.
ALSO: It’s been heartwarming to witness Mexican, Indigenous, Lantix fans feel seen with bpwf and Tenoch, Mabel and Alex's performances! I remember how enamored the black community was with Chadwick and the first BP. We were hyped to have this treasure of a movie, which I assume is similar to how the Asian community felt with Shang-Chi and so on. It's been said countless times before but representation truly makes the world of a difference and the power of the bipoc dollar should never be taken lightly. We cause real change when we support something.
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There will always be a spectrum of ages in any fandom but I figured the majority of people were probably within this age range. It may be due to the timeline of when the mcu was born and how it has progressed alongside millennials? This also explains why I keep seeing fans make posts about their age gaps with Tenoch and wanting to be his questionably young gf 😩 [get in line]
ALSO: Shoutout to the 55+ folks in the fandom! I have a sneaking suspicion yall are some of the coolest people 🤘🏾
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Okay *inhales exhales* I know I'm going to get flak for this but let's hop into it lol I saw the scale sway back and forth for a minute but it mostly stayed between White Wolf [Bucky Barnes] and Iron Heart [Riri Williams]. I myself personally love both answers! My annoyance is not with shuriri, but with its fandom. They have been some of the biggest instigators/bullies since bpwf has dropped. I've seen all kinds of mental gymnastics from saying the nashuri fandom would rather see shuri with a killer than support gay love [like what??] to Letitia is clearly lesbian because of her attire [pls be fr] and everything in between. It’s so unwarranted and I never see Nashuri fans doing the same thing back. Enjoy what you like, and leave the rest behind. It's such an easy 1+1=2 concept and yet, it goes over people's head still. It’s honestly disappointing when a fandom turns you off to a ship/character, especially when the ship is lowkey dope. Something that reminds me of this was the stucky fandom when the Captain America movies came out. Y’all.......when I tell you this fandom had me STRESSED 🥴. I saw racism/ deliberate exclusion of Sam, hate towards Sharon Carter just because she was a woman, you name it. They annoyed me so bad that I began to dislike Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers as characters [trust me, it made no sense lol] I couldn’t stand seeing either one of their names pop up. It took some of the Avenger movies [and honestly the sambucky fandom + Sebastian Stan/ Anthony Mackie's friendship] coming out years later for me to even be remotely cool with the idea of Bucky Barnes again. Anyways *drinks water* I'm getting stressed all over again just thinking about it lmao Long story short, don’t be an asshole. Enjoy YOUR flavor of ice cream and try not to shit on others and their differing flavor of choice in the process. Trust me, it's easier than you think.
ALSO: If you are a shuriri fan that hasn't been hateful/ problematic, this isn't about you boo [yall are good in my books! 😘]
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Crying that the #1 answer was “Bitch me!” because honestly mood. Jokes aside, I can’t really imagine Namor with another partner. It's probably largely due to the fact that Shuri was the main character we see him interact + bring his guard down with [outside of Namora?] This is also coming from someone who has not read the Namor comics and am very new to him as a character. If you have any knowledge you want to share in the comments, pls do ✨
ALSO: I threw in the Sue Storm comment to be annoying *teehee* but it was interesting to see how many people actually agreed with this statement. Maybe I'm just a horse with blinders about this fandom but I’m not really pressed? I’ve seen people argue that Ryan's current iteration of the Namor character wouldn't be in this type of relationship [along with people saying Tenoch wouldn’t go for it either] but I guess we'll just have to wait and see what unfolds *tries not to stress while we wait for future iterations of Namor and the fate of his character's arc/ Talokan*
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The question on everyone’s mind! Although the delusional side of me was bummed that yall weren't more chaotic and went full "yes!", my logical side agrees with the final poll 🥲. Again, I'm not pressed about mcu and what they put out, whether it favors this ship or not. At the end of the day, I’m still going to vibe like I’ve been doing. If nothing else, I just hope we get to see these two characters and their rich dynamic again because Marvel can't ignore how the world reacted to Shuri and Namor. And hey, sometimes Marvel listens! Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie were on a mission after fans brought up a potential team up and after that, those two found every excuse to bring up a potential movie in interviews for YEARS until finally *boom* 🇺🇸🦅 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Show 🦅🇺🇸 was born. Miracles do happen everyday rofl [I know these two examples have nothing to do with one another but let me have this lol]
ALSO: I only trust these characters in Ryan's hands so I'm hoping he's the first in line to direct whatever this future dynamic ends up being.
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It was cool seeing what other protagonists this fandom is drawn to outside of Shuri/Black Panther. I’m curious to know what other ships y’all also enjoy [feel free to drop them in the comments if you care to share]. I feel like a lot of the top picks in this poll I also resonated with, like Iron man for example. I don’t know what it is but there is just something about a genius character with a mix of charisma/ big softy + sarcastic energy that will do it for me every 👏🏾single👏🏾 time 👏🏾
ALSO: Not everyone sleeping on Thor and Hulk?! 😭 I feel bad that I left out Ant-man [especially with Quantumania just coming out] but you can only do 10 options on Tumblr polls and it was between him and Captain Marvel so….a choice was made…..
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This one cracks me up [and yes I had too much fun making these summaries which I find highly accurate] Also, I have no beef with any of these characters btw 😅 I truly believe that a hero is only as interesting as their counterpart. If your villain isn't captivating, it takes away from the hero + their storytelling potential and vice versa. The poll was split between Killmonger and Namor at one point [which if these two ever met/ were on screen together like ??? They have free reign to completely destroy my life. I welcome all calamity that ensues.] I'm not going to survive Namor and Kang in the same film this coming Avengers: Kang Dynasty movie.
ALSO: I didn't choose him but Thanos has been one of the most impactful/ compelling villains we’ve seen in the mcu thus far. I mean, he’s literally responsible for like 3 major films in the mcu + Josh Brolin is just amazing at what he does in general. This is brave to say but it was lowkey bittersweet to see his character's arc come to an end [obviously it was a huge relief but yeah]. Don't come for me.
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This one was just for fun since I recently made that tenitia rant post but it was cool seeing some of you come back with your own film ideas of what Letitia and Tenoch could act in together. I'm so down bad for them that I'm game for absolutely anything. Romcom? Let's do it. A Podcast of them reviewing their favorite foods from their cultures? I'll eat with yall. Music video? Where's the link? I don't care what it is. Someone brought this up but I really wish we got more game interviews with them like them reading thirst tweets, answering the web's most searched questions, a joint hot ones interview, something! They would have killed those! Bring them back!🗣️ Bring them back! 🗣️ Bring them back! 🗣️
ALSO: Letitia has already voiced a character [Nooshy in "Sing 2"] so now I need Tenoch to do the same. I would love to hear his voice in something. It would realistically be in Spanish since I know the majority of his projects have been thus far but idgaf, I’m still showing up *turns on closed captions* [shout out to everyone who also started to learn spanish after this beautiful man came into our lives]
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And last but not least, your blog feedback <3 Thanks again for giving your input on this. My blog is slowly starting to grow and I'm having a lot of new people interact with my page so I wanted to do a quick temperature check of what people are feeling. At the end of the day, I'm aways going to stick to what feels authentic to me and what I want to post because if you're not liking what you're doing, what are you doing it all for? But I will definitely keep this feedback in mind. For the people who are new or just coming across my blog, here are some examples of what I'm referencing in this poll: fan edits [1, 2, 3] rants [1, 2, 3] song recs [1, 2, 3] Tenitia [1, 2, 3].
ALSO: I thought I was doing the most with the amount of Tenoch posts I was blogging already but maybe not. Don’t worry, I'll find more ways to post our baby girl (:
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WOW, YOU'RE STILL HERE!? Nice 🥰 Seriously, thanks again to everyone who participated in this completely unserious poll. I've never done one of these before but now that I know what to do and not do, I may make another one in the future. We'll see. Continue to stay tuned for future Namor/Shuri + Tenoch/Letitia shenanigans 💫
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secret-keeper18 · 3 years
So I’m finally watching the x-men movies and here are my comments and ratings so far. These ratings are completely arbitrary and completely based on how much fun I had while watching it. Also some great memes I made and sent to my roommates who dont appreciate it as much as you all will.
X-Men: First Class
Okay so we pirated this and there was no subtitles for foreign language, and about 30% of it is in German, French, Spanish, or Russian. So my understanding of these scenes was reliant solely on my rudimentary understanding of basic phrases, vocab, and counting in each of these languages
Watching Erik fuckin murder nazis while casually taking a drink of beer
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Also I love Michael Fassbender but i feel like Erik’s character should have a german accent. Can’t complain too much though ngl
They went to a strip club and literally only looked at each other like sorry i dont make the rules but that is not heterosexual
I’m new to these movies so I hope I don’t offend any like, Mystique stans but Raven you win World’s Worst Sister. like bro doesnt wanna see ur tits out he doesnt care that you’re blue OKAY he’s ur brother. I’m just saying if my brother got shot in the spine by his boyfriend i wouldnt leave him lying in the sand to ditch him with said boyfriend idk maybe i’m just built different
Charles fuckin waits for Erik and Raven to leave before saying he can’t feel his legs. Anyways who else wants to cry? 🙃
Barely passes Bechdel test but loses points for immediately killing the only black man character and then have the only black woman character turn traitor 🤷🏻‍♀️
My guy decided to betray his boyfriend then break the woman he almost killed and then arrested out of prison. Then sometime inbetween those two events he decided “i need... a cape.” And then he STUCK TO THE CAPE for the next like forty years. Imagine being so stubborn you stick to the same purple and maroon color scheme for half your life.
Pretty gay. Friends to lovers to enemies. Utterly heartbreaking. 12/10
X-Men: Wolverine Origins
Honestly not as bad as I was expecting but that might be bc I’ve only heard negative things
This movie honestly was one big middle finger to my ADHD bc the pacing was kinda weird
Damn i hope we get Remy in the other movies his powers are hella cool in this
Deadpool who? Never heard of him he doesnt exist.
Oh yeah I think there is something called a wo-man in this movie?
Knowing that this movie is from 2000 really made it palatable tbh. Like, surprisingly good considering it came out a month after I was born
Why do i got a feeling that Charles is gonna be so useless in the next like three movies
I forgot movies before like 2016 couldnt write women for shit. Jean is to the X-Men what Black Widow is to the Avengers tbh. Love the characters and their potential, but played with the emotional range of a teaspoon
Also Scott is pretty cool but why is his only lines about his girlfriend? Like calm down bro.
I’m so here for Dad Wolverine tbh. Like my guy really was just like:
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Somehow despite having many female leads it still doesnt pass the Bechdel Test???
Gonna be honest here. I was making dinner while watching this, so I was only like half present.
Bobby “coming out” to his family is just *chef’s kiss*
Kinda boring conflict ngl but I’m here for the characters at this point
Magneto murdering someone w the iron in their blood is fuckin metal as hell. No pun intended.
The moment Rogue sees Magneto for the first time since he tried to kill her in the last movie and she about to take her gloves off deceased me on the fuckin spot. Bitch really said call an ambulance but not for me.
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Anyways Charles is one of the most powerful characters in the comics but he has once again been relegated to plot device in this movie. I get it, I get it, mentor character. He could fix every problem in these movies if he wasn’t such a liberal about his powers :/
I’m so SICK of the silent and dangerous Asian assassin character archetype. Yes I KNOW it was 2003 so let’s take this as yet another reminder that we need to do better
Okay ik we’re not supposed to know that Mystique is his sister yet bc it’s only 2003 and First Class wont come out for another eight years but STILL yall really left him in there to die can you NOT
Also real question: was i supposed to be sad that Jean died?
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imeverywoman420 · 2 years
Where do u meet ur hookups omg help a gorl out ugh I meet nobody at uni cus I’m in stem male dominated major and I’m surrounded by incels all day and they just repel all the hot ppl away from me like oil and water
Girl trust me ive like barey met any attractive men in my life. Do yall think every time i talk aboit sex its with a different guy. Ive had sex with less than 10 men and only like. 4 of them were cute.
But bumble. I met emil on bumble. Hes the only hookup i met there.
I met half asian half mexican josh (not the manlet josh from my old job) in school
met old reliable thru him dming me on instagram and we had like 20 mutual followers and stuff cause every mexican person im my town knows eafhnother. I say this as someone who was there… a caucasian fly on the wall in many of my mexican and puerto rican friends hearts and homes so like. We just had a lot of overlap in our circle like he was two years older than me and out of school but like. I knewnppl at his job and stuff. The readson im qualifying this so much is like i wanna make it clear it wasnt like i slept with some rando off instagram. Like we met on instagram but he wasnt like a rando. I was aware of him and vice versa.
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fireandfolds · 3 years
about me
tldr: quick lee, he/they, 21
butch, aroace, lesbian, asian, korean united statesian, woman, menswear enthusiast
-> yes, i am a woman and a lesbian. yes, my pronouns are not she/her. these facts can coexist.
-> i prefer he/him but feel free to sprinkle in a they/them occasionally. surprise me. ALSO v important please use the pronouns separately! altho i do use more than one set of pronouns i do not like to use them interchangeably :)
i go in depth here about this
do not interact
-> if you ship elsanna, kara/monel, amalia true/horatio cousens, penance/augustus; if you like incest, age-gap relationships, genderswaps
-> mcyt stans, if you claim to have undiagnosed DID/alters/systems, if you claim other fake disorder stuff
-> cop/military apologists, republicans, conservatives, right wing ppl, fascists, bigots, christians, homophobes, ableists, etc can go away
-> fetish/nsfw/bdsm/kink pages. nothing against yall but i explain below
-> see my carrd for more DNI criteria
aroace lesbian + sex-repulsed
-> sexual content will not be found on this page, i don’t write smut and even people kissing makes me uncomfortable and grossed out.
-> my writing tends to focus on the more platonic or “innocent” romantic stuff. my fics could be seen as friendship or some other kind of relationship. i ship people in queerplatonic relationships usually.
-> my full sexual & romantic identity would be aromantic asexual lesbian. i keep things platonic mostly, but no matter the type of relationship i will always prefer women.
-> no i am not a liberal or democrat, and obviously not a conservative or republican or any other right-wing political group. yes, liberals/dems are still right-wing. fuck all of you.
-> fuck cops, the military, capitalism, private insurance/healthcare, political parties, people who want the status quo, etc.
-> haven’t read any theory but I’d align myself most closely with marxism or marxism-leninism, based on the research and reading i’ve done. commie/leftist yeet yeet
-> anti-zionist. not jewish by any means. zionism is colonialism.
-> atheist, with a background in the presbyterian branch of christianity. fuck organised religion, they’re all cults, but especially christianity.
-> you can find me on ao3, i write silly little fanfics involving my favorite sapphics. send requests if you want to see something specifically.
-> the nevers, supergirl, the haunting of bly manor, motherland: fort salem, hacks, mare of easttown, dickinson, rizzoli & isles, anything involving wlw or pretty women really. yell at me if you’d like to become mutuals and bond over a favourite show <3
-> my favourite characters: penny haywood, emily kaldwin, junlei tennyson, penance adair, lena luthor, maura isles, amalia true, jamie taylor, deborah vance, helen fahey, sue gilbert, tally craven, cristina yang
-> wouldn’t necessarily say i’m in fandoms for this, but i love sketch/improv/stand up comedy. i DO NOT like (most) sitcoms—the only exceptions being the golden girls and designing women. big fan of saturday night live, a black lady sketch show, whose line is it anyway?, etc.
-> my favourite comedians: hannah gadsby, river butcher, john mulaney, tig notaro, robin williams, taylor tomlinson, hannah einbinder, gilda radner
-> i love katie mcgrath, sandra oh, sasha alexander, laura donnelly, ann skelly, lily tomlin, jean smart, amelia eve, and gilda radner. i hate melissa benoist, jodie comer, angie harmon, chris wood, mehcad brooks, jeremy jordan, and david harewood
-> favourite musicians: hippo campus, lupin, brotherkenzie, baby boys, whistler isaiah, hozier, half•alive, early eyes, grandson, sylvan esso, peach pit, the greeting committee, still woozy, i don't know how but they found me, glass animals, ashe, phoebe bridgers, japanese breakfast, sub urban
-> favourite games: the outer worlds, dishonored ii, cyberpunk 2077, harry potter hogwarts mystery
-> i’m not a man-hater or a misandrist. i just…do not care about men. they aren’t interesting to me. and i’m not attracted to them. i will only focus on women, because i literally have zero things to say about men. if you’re not down, you don’t need to follow.
-> i love talking about tv shows! one thing about me is if i start a show, no matter what happens i have to finish it. if you want to stalk me and see what shows i am watching and have watched, i’m fireandfolds on tvtime. i don’t really do films.
-> my carrd (you’ll find my social media and ways to support/follow my creative work)
-> join my sapphic-centered discord if you want
shoot me an ask or dm or whatever if you want to connect. use the tags if you want to navigate through stuff. sweg!
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I Have Too Many Opinions. ep. 1
lmao. i got encouragement to post my opinions on fandom things and now i want to make a miniseries doing just that. so here i am. doing just that.
im putting it under the cut cuz this was 4 whole pages including the disclaimer. yes i put a disclaimer and i explain why.
Anyways, here is the first piece in what inevitably will become fandom info dump, this time on thomas astruc’s writing on miraculous ladybug. but only some of my opinions cuz we would be here all day otherwise.
So… a disclaimer before I begin… 
I do not hate Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir (yes i'm using their government name). I am quite a fan of the show actually despite its faults. I am also older than the intended audience but was obviously younger when the show first aired which is how my interest was piqued (the fact that its been 6 years and only 3 seasons says more about the show than me being a fan for that amount of time but also i never want to rush content creators cuz they're doing their best) and due to my age, there will be inherent bias in my approach of what i'm about to say as there is in EVERY opinion. The fact that it is an opinion should imply the presence of bias but most people tend to lack the critical thinking skills required to draw that conclusion ANYWAYS…
If I did hate the show I would not have this blog nor would I be even writing this because i tend to not give more than 2 seconds of thought to things i actively dislike (some of yall should give this a try) and i'm allowed to like things that are designed for an audience that i was originally a part of but grew out of. (I don't suddenly stop liking things because I'm older despite what many younger fans seem to believe about older audiences. I also don't need to be ‘allowed’ to do anything cuz i wasn't asking for permission anyways.)
This will not be character bashing, astruc bashing nor fandom bashing cuz, again, that would imply i hate any of those elements and if i did, i would not dedicate brainpower to them. Analyses and criticisms of media are fun and engaging and required if you wish to produce good enjoyable content. Now most of this should be already assumed and self-explanatory but people on the internet like to play morality roulette roll dice on purity culture and I rather have documentation that I am in fact not bullying fictional 14 year olds or a grown man. But alas, people get trigger happy whenever someone has less than 1000000% positive opinions on something they like and will throw out words they can't define (gaslight, baiting, toxic, problematic, gatekeep etc) in an attempt to defend their blind devotion, 
which is not needed, if you like something you never have to defend it, even if i don't like it. If you respond to anything I post saying you disagree with me, I will not argue with you. I won't debate back and forth and try to convince you that the things you like are wrong. Unless you are being absolutely tone deaf to what i'm saying, you wont get a negative reaction from me. So don't try to fish for a fight. Please. I got metaphorical hands for days and I'm mean, you don't want me hurting your feelings on the internet. Do yourself the favour. Difference of opinion is how we get diversification in media and is inherently a good thing. Now that that's out of the way, please don't ever let me have to say that again. I beg.
Now onto the fun stuff
I didn't know what I wanted as a first topic so my trusty internet friend @moonlitceleste suggested astruc’s writing… 
AND BOI do i got some opinions on ole tommy boi. Again I don't hate the dude. In fact, he has worked on a few shows that had defined my childhood, including but not limited to W.I.T.C.H. (all eps available on youtube for those interested, 2 seasons, general fun time all around).
So I don't think he’s scum of the earth but I do think his approach to writing mlb specifically has more misses than hits.
The first big miss is that he has no idea how to write 14 year old girls. At all. Almost every girl he has ever written feels like some terrible archetype built entirely for marketability and childish projection and pubescent self-insert (kind of). He has never been a 14 year old girl. I have. In fact when the show first aired, I WAS around the (assumed) age of the mlb characters. The behaviour he passes off as quirky or awkward or just the character’s genuine personality tend to perpetuate harmful stereotypes of teen girls found in the media and are never actually addressed as harmful. they just get swept under the rug. Marinette’s exuberant collage of teen heart throb model boi Adrien Agreste and her very painful almost fan worship she has of him (which flip flops like a paper sandal in the rain) being portrayed as a cute school girl crush uwu, Chloe being the y7 Regina George, Alya being the token best friend of colour with her ‘sassy’ personality (i want y'all to imagine me eyerolling so hard i bust a vessel in my eye), Kagami being the very damaging Perfect Asian Child stereotype. And before y'all get on your dusty soap box and defend going on about “BUT IT'S FOR CHILDREN”,,,, know this.
 i don’t give a solid fuck. 
Not one. 
Children arent stupid. Children are always going to remember the richy bitchy blonde who bullies the art kid, and the big kid, and the shy kid, and the non white kids, and was only nice to her equally rich white friend who she probably had a crush on or was only ever civil to her equally white lapdog. They're going to remember the half asian girl who was never allowed to actually be asian or the only black girl who existed solely as a soundboard for enabling bad habits or chastising the main character for the same habits she enables in the first place (boi aint THAT a topic for later). Like do i really need to explain that alya chastising marinette for taking max’s spot in gamer just to play with adrien rings absolutely hollow when she actively encourages her to sabotage the contest she’s in just so Kagami doesn't win?? Like I don't have to explain that right?? Again kids arent stupid and its quite something that Mari gets chastised for proving herself the best video game player regardless of her intentions just cuz it comes at the expense of max’s feelings/ego but is actively encouraged to sabotage not only kagami but herself by extension cuz kagami is ‘competition.’ Adrien is not a trophy to be won. And no I don't expect 14 yrs old to be perfect and to always make good decisions but these decisions are never addressed as being bad decisions. they get swept under the rug cuz those decisions were necessary for the ‘plot’ but astruc can barely keep characterization consistent and his characters suffer for it and it's the same children you preach are watching it that suffer as well. Cuz guess what? I KNOW 14 yr olds aren't like that cuz i've been there done that (this is the last time i'm saying that i promise) so I know astruc is just metaphorically throwing darts to figure out who says and does what without consideration for pre established personalities to drive the stalemate plot along. The same kids you say are watching this don't know that that's not how preteens work and will absorb and internalize those dynamics like baking soda and vinegar. Cata-fucking-strophically. 
And I haven't even gotten to the boys yet. Which honestly doesn't require much explanation anyways cuz they suffer the same fate as the girls. Tired archetypes with nothing to give them life. Nino falls into Adrien’s person of colour token best friend who dates the female lead’s person of colour token best friend so they can have cute double dates uwu. Except the plot goes nowhere and we have no inclination of romantic development beyond moments that only act to actively convince me to anti ship the lovesquare (i don't want to do that so i self indulge in fanon that actually cares about the characters and plot. may i interest you in True Sight on AO3?). Max is the residential nerd but it doesn't matter (cuz he and everyone are dumbed down for the sake of ‘plot’), kim is the sports jock (which interestingly subverts the asian comedic relief stereotype but only barely) and luka is cute older guy ™ that wears black nail polish and is in a band. The point of all this is to say there is no depth in the characters. It's especially blatantly obvious with the characters astruc doesn't like (chloe). Again, it being a show for kids is not an excuse to be absolved of putting effort into the characters you make.
This is one of the biggest misses astruc has. I haven't even gone into all the nuances of this particular miss. And i havent gone into how that works against him in the plot either. Mostly because the plot itself hasn't gone anywhere and partially because I wanted to go into the plot (or lack thereof) separately as its own miss. 
AND BOI is it a miss. 
SO home boy astruc wanted to reap the benefits of a serial show with ‘engaging’ plot without putting in any of the work to make a linear storyline and relying on the episodic format for, again, marketability. You can't have the best of both worlds, you are not Avatar: The Last Airbender. Which btw has a lot less episodes and a desired end goal that didn't involve top dollar. Legend of Korra did but that's not the point and it had its failings with that too. I challenge you, tell me how many episodes actually contribute towards a plot point or introduce new thematic elements to the show? Can you name them? I can and I'm going to include the plot points that moved the story in some direction if only temporarily. Yes only temporarily for some of these and i will explain later. (if you're in the server you already saw this list *wink*)
25/26. Origins- self explanatory, the beginning of the story, 
24. Volpina- introduction of the grimoire and Master Fu (kind of) and no, Lila is not a plot point,
28. The Collector- proper introduction of Master Fu,
37. Sapotis- introduction of Rena Rouge,
41. Syren- introduction of new aquatic power ups,
44. Anansi- introduction of Carapace,
47. Frozer- introduction of new ice power ups,
48/49. Style Queen- introduction of Queen Bee,
51/52. Heroes’ Day- introduction of Mayura and mass akumatization,
66. Startrain- introduction of Pegasus,
67. Kwami Buster- Marinette wears multiple miraculouses,
68. Feast- backstory as to how the miraculouses were lost,
69. Ikari Gozen- introduction of Ryuko,
70. Timetagger- introduction of Bunnyx,
71. Party Crasher- introduction of Roi Singe and Viperion,
73. Chat Blanc- alternate timeline that essentially means nothing but got a reaction out of fans anyways (myself included)
 77/78. Love Eater/Battle of Miraculous- Marinette becomes guardian and other heroes lose their miraculous,
New York Special- other heroes exist and there is an American miraculous box,
That's 21 episodes. 21 out of a heaping 78 plus 2 specials. Everything else was just your typical akuma of the day episode and everything that happened outside that had no lasting consequences on the plot thanks to the miraculous status quo. Was it entertaining to watch Lila stir the plot of the class dynamic? Hell yeah. Too bad it meant nothing by the end of the episode cuz we were struck with miraculous status quo. She literally doesn't appear again until Heroes Day. that is from episodes 25 all the way to 51, she means nothing and yet she is treated with the severity of a b-villain/rival thing. She means nothing by the end of Volpina if I'm being honest. She is only relevant for 20 mins of episode time she’s in then it's back to magic status quo that undoes any shift in dynamics and relationships. It's like Spongebob who can't get his driver’s license. The worst part is I actually like Lila and I wish the story treated her with the seriousness we as an audience are expected to treat her with. Despite being painfully inconsequential by the end of each of the 3?? 4?? episodes she’s in, it's entertaining to watch a character create drama just because. 
Too bad it means nothing.
Astruc is constantly building up suspense to something ‘important’ only for it to not deliver and fans are constantly having the rug pulled out from under us. Oblivio teased us with a reveal only that gets undone cuz memory akuma. Chat Blanc teased us with romantic development but that gets undone cuz time travel bullshit. Feast introduced more miraculous lore and the history of the guardians but that means nothing by the next episode or ever (i'm not including any reference to the season 4 trailer cuz i've been around the block a few times and im familiar with this lil dancy dance). Heroes Day teased us with a possible future team of heroes but that gets undone in Battle of Miraculous cuz ????? why?? (here's why; astruc was having a jolly ole time letting us know how irredeemable Chloe is at the expense of shooting his own stagnant plot in the foot. Again, discussion for later.)
Too bad anything that slightly swerves off course from the akuma of the day gets undone or ignored. Too bad nothing has any lasting consequence. I mean, if anything did, the episodes would have had a consistent order and release schedule so im not scrambling to watch the leaked ep in Portuguese or something while the french dub is two episodes behind while the english version hasnt even been dubbed. I really wonder how he plans to conclude the show when he’s so afraid to step out of the corner he painted himself in.
Again, not going into nuances. If you want you can ask for more specifics (i doubt anyone would) but this is really just a slightly detailed general overview of my opinions on astruc’s writing. 
I was going to include another miss in his approach to this show but imma save that for another time. 
How’s that for a ‘first’ post?
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ok...ok ok ok... ok... so I watched Mulan (2020)... spoilers + LONG POST (yo this took me an hour and a half)...
before yall scream at me for spending money on it, lemme just say i was fully intending to wait until December so that I would not have to give even more money to the Disney machine (especially in light of things that happened with John Boyega) nor endorse individuals who support police brutality or oppression... but my mum and sister nagged me to buy it so we could watch it now, and explaining the politics of supporting both Disney’s greed and the controversy around the lead actress and would’ve just frustrated us both so I paid for it -_- please don’t crucify me... 
also want to preface this by saying I am not Chinese (though I am Asian), and I understand that the 1998 film and this film have inherent issues, given neither were directed by Asian directors, let alone Chinese ones... so the representation of the Chinese culture is likely flawed (and likely straight up wrong) in many ways... additionally, Li Yifei has been shown to support the actions of police in Hong Kong, so just know I’m viewing her role purely from an acting and movie standpoint...
now that’s done... general rating for the movie
when compared to the original animated film (my favourite Disney movie of all time): scrapes by on a 5/10
movie that stands on its own as I watched it (just note I’m the type of person who can enjoy pretty much anything - even if I’m hyper-critical of it): 7/10 (I’m very generous but my viewing experience was nice)
if I break it down completely into its underlying faults and wash away the Hollywood sheen and the nostalgia filter: 4/10 for themes 8/10 for cinematography and the technical aspects... (this movie was gorgeous to look at and had some really fun camera work, sue me for enjoying the visuals)
Full SPOILER review:
For the most part, my nostalgia filter from the animated film, which I dearly dearly love, basically had me ecstatic anytime there was even a hint of a reference to the animated film (see: occasional notes from the songs), and also sorely disappointed when the acting or the general pace pulled the fun or the emotion from key points (see: A Girl Worth Fighting For being abruptly cut off upon seeing the carnage would’ve been so much more impactful because they actually showed the bodies in the 2020 version but instead we got this kinda funny convo referencing the lines completely separated from that scene)...
The biggest issue I have with the film is that Mulan was naturally skilled from the beginning and was told to suppress her abilities.. making her OP from the beginning undermines the 1998 journey where we see every step of her development both in physical ability and her emotional struggles... then through her wits, intelligence, and strategy, as well as being on par and even better than her fellow soldiers, she manages to defeat Shan Yu and makes us feel her “Hero” status is very much earned... so it takes away from what the 1998 film tried to show in suggesting Mulan could just OP her way to victory at the drop of a hat.. and also implied her being dishonest about her true identity was her primary flaw? idk thematically they were trying to be super empowering of women and the capability of women, and the boxes women are forced into according to society... but then suggest Mulan was always inherently gifted/had a special power and that is why she succeeded, while the other soldiers worked hard and effectively achieved the same goal (albeit in a less flashy manner)... so the message gets very confusing...
i felt that Xian Niang (was that her name?), the Witch, had a lot of potential, but I was also really concerned they introduced her to make sure Mulan had a female enemy to defeat, and Shan Yu/Bori Khan was a minion of this female enemy... so in that sense I’m glad she served as a foil to Mulan... I would’ve liked the parallels more if the “being your true self”/”bring honor to us all” theme wasn’t so muddled... Mulan was accepted while XIan Niang wasn’t because they both had powers, but then Mulan convinces her to take the noble path and so Xian Niang died for her? idk there was a better way to fold her into the story...
Shan Yu/Bori Khan was about as much as I expected from him... I think he matched Shan Yu for skill, though idk about ferocity or intimidation power, though the actor was decent enough... but I did enjoy his and Mulan’s fight... less impactful because he didn’t even know about her and how she was the one to take down most of his army...
didn’t mind that Mushu was missing... fondly referred to the phoenix as Mushu (though I understand there may be cultural missteps in a phoenix being the spirit/ancestor/guardian)...
I also didn’t mind they removed the power imbalance between Shang and Mulan and had her love interest be a fellow soldier...I really liked Yoson An’s character actually...but the romance element was significantly dialled back, so we didn’t get the bisexual icon that is Li Shang... also Li Yifei’s emotional acting was normal but not outstanding... so her feelings for Honghui didn’t really register much except for that first time they chat in the barracks about girls, and right before she goes home... (just me being pouty about him not joining the Imperial Guards to Mulan’s home and presenting himself for matchmaking... though I understand it was to keep focus on Mulan’s journey, not her love interest)...
while it probably wasn’t the intention of the 1998 film, the positive portrayal of gender fluidity, the specific empowerment of trans and bisexual individuals through Mulan and Shang (bc let’s get real, he was just as attracted to Ping as he was Mulan), all did not ring in quite the same way in the 2020 version... again I’m not part of either community, so I can’t say for sure, but this is what I read from it...
overall the fun was taken out, with the songs... I would say this is probably on the higher end of Disney Live Action adaptations, there were some fun moments and funny dialogue even, and I didn’t mind that they were trying to do something different, unlike some of the others which made it note for note the same... but ultimately the biggest flaw of most of the adaptations are that it removes the fun and the levity in lieu of a more serious tone... 
I accepted no songs (I was hopeful and then pleasantly surprised when they did pay some minor homages through the score to the original’s songs)... but the fun moments were meant to be intentionally undercut by the reality of the war... there’s a reason A Girl Worth Fighting For was cut off so abruptly in the 1998 version... it was the moment where these trainees (all of them young and having never experienced battle or war before) suddenly realised the severity of the situation before them, and it was in that moment they accepted their fate and duty to protect the kingdom...
the 2020 version just kind of had them walk through the carnage without any real build up... the grand battle sequence with the avalanche was pretty well done, the overdramatic “Hua Jun died but Mulan lived” scene notwithstanding.. i didn’t mind that Mulan volunteered to expose herself rather than be forced half-naked into the snow by the Chancellor dude... didn’t like Honghui got the “you listened to Hua Jun, why is Hua Mulan any different?” line... the “I believe in Hua Mulan” was kinda goofy, but I could see what they were going for... it was kinda undermined by the Commander saying “you dishonoured your family and this regiment but hey, you’re brave and loyal kid”...felt very patronising...
I’m not gonna lie, I kinda loved Cricket... he was adorable and I had half a heart attack when I thought he’d died... 
still pissed they didn’t even put the drum beats for “I’ll Make a Man Outta You”...they were using drums during the training sequence too so would’ve been real easy to do so AND THEY DIDN’T...they did it for “Bring Honor to Us All” and “Reflection”...idk why they couldn’t even give us that much of my favourite Disney song...
again, cannot emphasise enough how gorgeous this whole movie looked...and there were so many fun camera work moments... the visuals had me dead on the floor ya’ll...
idk what else i have to say now...
tl;dr I enjoyed the experience of watching it, but hooooo boi the film is flawed as hell...
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hello~ if it’s not too much of a bother could o request a cake? physically 5’1/2ish, w more east asian features and i have short a little over the shoulder length hair i can barely even tie TT. i like wear the whole skirts thigh highs shebang but i also really like going for the grunge/skater girl w baggy jeans and shirts type of thing too. interest wise i really like to draw!! and i’m a good singer of i do say so myself 👉👈 i’m also self diagnosed neurodivergent (possibly on the adhd spectrum) which gives me a lot of hyperfixations:(( recently it’s been animal crossing!! i don’t even have a switch to play it w but my favorite is raymond he’s so cool~ i also got into volleyball bc of my friends and ofc haikyuu and i kinda wanna be libero heh 🤸‍♀️ personality is a lil tricky for me but according to 16p (it’s not a reliable source i knOw) i’m an intp but w my friends i become indeed only chaotic <33 they always say i’m perverted and corrupting them 💔. i wouldn’t say i’m emotional but logically and psychologically wise i think i have a good depth of emotions. SCIENCE AND MAYH IS MY WEAKNESS i utterly hate science 💔 but language arts is the place where i shine ✨🧚‍♀️. sorry i’ve gone on for too long 😔👍 but i hope it’s okay~
Omgggg sorry this took so long! I took a blog beak today but now it’s late and I can’t sleep so I’m working on requestsssss. Enjoy though ❤️
🍰 for @kozuken-ma
Romantic Matchup
Nishinoya Yu
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How yall met
Ya boy needed help with Literature :p
He was this 🤏 close from passing that class
But he still needed some extra help
Or else he was gonna get benched
So the teacher had recommended you along with some others as potential tutors
He had seen you around school before
And he's ngl you were one of the cuter girls at karasuno
But he's only ever talked to you like once
But compared to all of the other people the teacher suggested
You were the most familiar
So he chose you
He quickly realized that you were much more than just a pretty face
You were super smart!
And funny
And you seemed to know how to teach the subject in a way he could understand
He honestly thought he would never love another girl besides Kiyoko
But you were growing on him
So after he had raised his grade up
He continued to go to you for some extra tutoring
Half of the time he wasn't paying attention to the subject
But more to how pretty you looked today
Soon enough you caught on to how he felt
So one day when you caught him staring you said
“You know if you wanna take me out you should just ask”
Mans turned BRIGHT red
But in the end he was able to ask you out
What they love about you
This man LIVES for your style
Like one day you'll show up in your usual skirt and thigh highs
(which he loves ofc)
But then some days you'll switch it up and show up in a classic skater girl outfit
Something like this :)))))
And his jaw just goes to the FLOOR
Like wtf how did you just get even more perfect
Im convinced he has the classic skater boy style so he really loves those outfits
He loves how chaotic you are
Alright this is NISHINOYA were talking about
If your gonna date him you gotta be a little more on the wild side
He loves the havoc you guys create
And the adventures you two have together
Have the cops been called on these adventures?
Have you ran from said cops before?
Also yes
Yes but we don't talk about that
He loves ALL of your drawings
Keeps every single one you give him
And he loves your singing voice
Always tells you you need to go onto the voice or some shit
“Ok Miss Arianna i see you ;))))”
“Noya i am trying to SHOWER >:(“
What you love about them
You love how he can match your energy
As stated before
And just with basic haikyuu knowledge
This is a chaotic boy were talking about
So what do you think happens when you put two chaotic people together
You guessed it. CHAOS
But it's always fun for you two
Not so much fun for anyone around tho
You love how he supports all of your interests and hobbies
I swear you could draw a triangle and this mans would be like
“I've never seen such a perfect triangle in my life”
“These lines? Straighter than a heterosexual relationship”
I'm dating the next davinci people”
You get the gist
But honestly you really enjoy these compliments
You like how passionate he can get about things
Perfect example would be when he and asahi got into their fight
Like our boy was MAD
But that kind of passion can also be seen in a more positive atmosphere as well
Like he gets HYPED when he get asked about an of his interests
And will talk about them for HOURS
It makes for fun conversations tho
So your not complaining
Favorite things to do together
Crackhead tings 💅
But seriously
He loves just going out and doing the most random shit with you
Late night gas station trips
Pouring instants mashed potatoes on people's yards
Blasting music while driving around
Starting a cult with the kids at your local playground
Yeah we don't talk about the last one…
Parents were not happy to see their kids chanting around a Mcdonald's sprite
Basically he just loves having fun with you
Random Hc
His grade improved a lot since he started dating you
Once you convinced him to try on one of your skirts
And lemme just say
This man SLAYED
Like wtf
When he found out you wanted to be a libero
Oh boy
He was so eager to teach youtube rolling thunder
Yeah you almost broke your neck that day…
Overall Aesthetic
Chaotic Skaterssss 🛹
Gimmie Love (joji)
Maniac (conan gray)
White Iverson (taylor swift)
Blinding lights (the weekend)
jenny (studio killers)
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atiny-piratequeen · 4 years
Also since some of yall won't hear the blacktiny side of this debacle, lemme hit you with the Hongjoong and Ateez side of this (bc from some of the anons, yall are putting Hongjoongie over Blacktiny and apparently this is the only way I can get through to some yall hardheaded and borderline or full on racist asses)
KQ following in the footsteps of bigger companies before them and putting Hongjoong in braids (several times, looking at those new photos hnn) isnt good for Hongjoong, Ateez, or KQ.
Looking back at bands who have had the same thing done and gone through similar cultural appropriation incidents (i.e, BTS, EXO, Blackpink, Red Velvet, Stray Kids, Mamamoo, iKon, NCT (all units, including the recent WayV incident), etc ), you not only insult your fans by mocking their culture and/or using them for a costume, you also sever ties with a lot of potential fans and on the business end of it, thats a completely unessesary loss.
To this day, even after apologies, bands that have gone this path STILL have people who wont even touch the band because of their cultural appropriation. Everyone is different, but at the end of the day, poc are not REQUIRED to forgive companies and bands and swallow the pill, so to speak, when these topics come up.
Understand when I say what I'm about to say that I dont condone bullying, but I am using the previously mentioned incidents as examples but
To. This. Day. Even after apologies and what appears to be understanding and remorse from companies and artists, both fans and 'antis' will still bring up these cultural appropriation incidents. Even YEARS after its passed and if there was no repeat offense in between. Again, i in no capacity am condoning bullying or threats, but to this very day idols like Bang Chan (SKZ), Taeyong (NCT), Namjoon (BTS) are recieving threats and constant harassment for mistakes made previously because companies refuse to learn.
KQ set Hongjoong up for some bullshit, and all of this is completely and utterly unnecessary.
Now, unpopular opinion or whatever, but I still hold to my opinion that Hongjoong did not want this shit. He has been nothing but sincere about his intentions to connect with Atiny of all cultures and build a strong relationship with us. I very seriously doubt he was in agreement to this.
That being said, it is perfectly okay to still be disappointed. In him, in KQ. He by no means deserves hate, but as someone who is not only a blacktiny, but also Hongjoong biased myself, anyone disappointed in him is valid in being as such.
On the same hand, I'd like us all to keep in mind that Hongjoong is an idol. And I know a lot of us in the west have a very western view on things, but at the end of the day, we have to understand idol culture and companies are different from over in the west.
These idols may have *some* creative freedoms and control, some more than most, but at the end of the day, unless they completely run their own company and make their own rules, they do not have full say in what happens to them and their careers.
Idols have been very vocal about this in the past. And again, I'm in no way saying idols are completely helpless or that *some* of them dont actually see the error in their ways (plenty of idols really are just,,,problematic, no company bullshit needed), but I ask yall, if bands that have been around half a decade or more still dont have full creative control over their lives and careers, what makes yall think Hongjoong (if he didn't want these braids, which I strongly believe he didnt) could actually say no to the company holding him and his whole band in their hands and stand a chance?
I cannot stress that I'm not telling people they cant be mad or hurt *at* Hongjoong, but I'm seeing a lot of people saying he could've just "walked out of the chair" "hes a grown man, he can say no" and??? Not really no he cant???
Moving on to the reason a lot of these companies give when we raise hell about CA (if they bother to respond to), thats rooted in so many problems.
They say they put (African) braids or dreadlocs in idols hair because its "cool" or "makes them look tough" or some shit.
It fits an aesthetic. Thats why. Because it fits a hood aesthetic.
I really shouldn't have to explain to yall the problem in using someone else's culture to fit an aesthetic, but since this always comes up, allow me to tell yall a bit of why thats a problem.
The braids come into play when they want their idols, (mostly rappers, a role adopted from black culture) to look "gangsta"/"tough"/"intimidating"/or 🙄🙄🙄"urban". They take hairstyles from black culture to fit an image thats ~intimidating~.
Our braids, our dreads (which, again, to some rasta peoples, is a RELIGOUS symbol and SACRED) are temporarily put on these idols so people can gasp and go "ooo intimidating."
Historically, black people who wear their hair in braids or dreads are turned down from jobs, assaulted wrongly, looked at with prejudice, or down right murdered for the same idea. Nonblack people are historically more intimidated by a black person with hair in braids or in dreads because media portrays black people who dont have short cuts or straightened hair as someone to be feared.
Our braids, they're protective styles.
Our dreads, also protective, sometimes religious.
Our hair isnt for us to look "cool" or "intimidating". That whack ass excuse doesnt work. Companes are in their 4th generation of kpop and refuse to learn from the mistakes of past companies and generations. Yall use our culture (and brown and latinx cultures) improperly and when we tell yall why its wrong, we're pushed aside by our own fandoms or the companies we're constantly giving money to.
We're not asking for an arm and a leg. We're asking for yall to listen to us and not blatantly spit in our faces. We matter just as much as East Asian and white fans.
Also, not nearly as relevant as most of this post, but standing with blacktiny and our allies for this voting really shouldn't be as controversial and hectic as it is.
Thanxx and Inception are amazing songs. Thanxx is not going to disappear if yall vote Inception. It literally means Inception will be the TITLE song, therefore the song getting the MOST attention out of the two, which is important because you're not forcing blacktiny to have to deal with a whole promotional period of pushing a mv where our culture is blatantly being disrespected. Thanxx as a B side is not the end of the world. No, people shouldn't be rude to you about the voting, but I ask that yall please take that into account when we ask you to vote Inception.
Stay hydrated. Listen to your neighbors when they're talking about their cultures and their pain. Thanks
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verdisketch · 3 years
also, because it's not me if i dont be salty, I did see some mutterings of people who wondered why I brought back the race discourse around the same time as the kickstarter last year; I can fully and honestly say I had no idea. Me and my sib sometimes reminiscence on our experience in 4s fandom, especially since it happened at a formative time (19/20 for me, younger for them) and taught us a lot about how to navigate racial justice and discourse. Especially in fandom spaces.
(another readmore! It got long.)
like, I'm fully aware it was half a decade ago, but the lessons I learned then are kind of ingrained in me. I also never stopped being visibly Asian. A lot of the white people I debated with in that forum can move on and never think about race again, and I literally never can. (I am, however, forever grateful some people got back in touch with me, either here or elsewhere, to tell me how my and other's words impacted them.)
I got to take a break during quarantine, but upon re-entering society it is a part of my everyday life again. Like, the other day someone told me I looked like a Kpop star and started describing which of my and an unrelated woman of another race's features were the same, unprompted, and I had to politely stare her down until she stopped.
And I never want to tell people to boycott M1nna or stop supporting her. That's a decision everyone has to make for themselves. I don't believe in cancel culture for small indie artists (which she is), and I don't believe I should trash a person's livelihood because she made something that I don't personally like.
It means that I, as someone who bought her first book, refuse to buy her second and third; it means I haven't touched the site in years; I blocked her on relevant social medias so that I don't see her; and sometimes friends still tell me stuff that happens, like the bunny comic, and I lose my mind because literally I don't think even the most morally high-minded person can read that and not go what the fuck and make a few untagged posts about it.
but! I wanted to address that one thing, because I saw something about it at the time, dismissed it, and then decided 'actually, no, I wanna talk about it'. No, I didn't reignite race/forum discourse as a cheap way to try to undercut her kickstarter sales. If I wanted to undercut her sales, or really put her in hot water, I have so many other avenues than politely using a sideblog and censoring her name and not even tagging the main comic tag in an attempt to keep it separate from the main 4s fandom.
Like, I've never shared this before, or I've only shared it through DMs and hinted publicly, but a staff member of H1v3w0rks personally reached out to me at the time to get the slur off the page way back when. I still know this person, and if I really fucking wanted to, I could organize a bunch of yall to like, idk, sign a letter that goes 'hey can you talk to M1nna about this'.
I could escalate. I'm not going to because I am not evil, I don't personally believe in censorship, I have my own shit to do, and I actually don't think it would work anyway. Any rational employer would be like 'a badly written bunny comic created on M1nna's own time, that isn't contracted to us specifically, is literally not any of our business'. One unfortunate incident 5 years ago is also not grounds for talking to M1nna. It happened five years ago and they already talked to her about it (The specifics of this, or whether it happened, is all conjecture on my part. The contact I had was basically 'you're upset? ok. what's an acceptable substitute. I'll talk to her about it.')
This may seem like a ridiculously longwinded and granular look at how I approach a content creator I do not like or agree with but I want to make it absolutely, one hundred percent, crystal clear, that I both a) don't have an elaborate revenge plan nor will I ever, b) do not condone an elaborate revenge plan towards her. I understand the timing was bad, and I apologize, but I truly do not believe that the posts affected her kickstarter sales, nor would I want them to.
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zhuhongs · 3 years
Cherry magic was very cute and very hard hitting. Tbh Honestly I'm gonna be REAL... when I heard the premise it rlly rlly just sounded like fujo bait.. like its SUCH a cliche fanfic premise omg... like I rlly expected it to be kinda crude and simple. Like it's so gimmicky.. the fucking virgin magic stuff... it's such a gimmick omg.. I rlly rolled my eyes when I first heard abt it. Esp making the connection of cherry and virginity in the title like HELPGJFJDJSJ. Like I wasnt sure I'd like this but i know a lot of yall liked it and i trust my mutuals taste so i watched it and rlly I'm glad. The first 5 episodes made me like...bawl with how relatable and down to earth it was. Ik half of my lb was in japanese and maybe 1 person put it thru google translate outta curiosity but wow like that shit HURTED. God... when all u do as a 20 yr old is overwork urself and feel alienated from all ur peers and even ur friends for being boring... this hits a little different xoxoxo (I'm fine ♡)
The characters were a lot more fleshed out than I thought and while I can still see the tropes in them, I think the live action aspect rlly did it a service. Like if this was animated I wouldve 100 percent written it off as just fujo bait no matter what yall posted idc. But this as a drama felt super real. It was so on the nose abt the kind of anxieties someone like Adachi would have and treated his character with grace.
I rlly only have one notable complaint. I wouldve liked to see and that is having adachi initiate things a little more. Again, ik hes like 30 and never held a hand so hes timid and thats like part of his appeal. But I do wish the relationship seemed more balanced in terms of that stuff. Like if I was kurosawa and I always was the one intimating that stuff I would feel a little strange but it's fine. It's just a small pet peeve but I feel like that stuff and rlly the whole concept of adachi always being so timid goes into like yaoi couples being written with heteronormative ideas behind them. Like yes they're a gay couple but iirc the author is a straight woman or at least isnt mlm and I dont trust and idk.. there were a few moments were I was like... This seems like they're trying to be heteronormative and make adachi the "girl" in the relationship but it was mild but still I'm just a little :^///. Though the scene of Rokkaku standing up for minato and straight up saying like "so what if hes gay" made me drop it. Bc I'm rlly glad they just said it like that. Though again I'm still critical of the instances where the characters were like "but we're both men!" Usually it was like deconstructed like when Kurosawa said it in ep 4 I think. But then when adachi did it a few times I was like... king pls stop. Like generally speaking they did rlly well on the front of not making lgbt relationships taboo and there was no unnecessary homophobia subplots minus rokkakus misunderstand of tsuge. And Adachi never had any big crisis like "oh no I'm gay!! What shall I do!" but i still wish those aforementioned things didnt haooen as much but ANYWAYS... I just will ignore that for sake of I want to enjoy the rest of the series but still, I have my complaints.
Also.. just a personal thing but I WISH they wouldve used each others first names like at the very end.
My personal favorite trope in japanese media (I guess this would apply to most east Asian media but sh) is first name basis bc like family names are the default way to address someone so when I see a couple use first names or change to using first names when their relationship deepens I just Go Crazy.. I rlly love this trope but ik that most ppl probably dont care abt this thing.
Anyways.. cherry magic was rlly solid and made me cry like.... more than it had any right to and honestly I dont think I've had that sorta reaction to smth since I first watched cql. Maybe my first read of tgcf i had that kinda reaction but man... the gay stationary salary men got me.. they got me.
Edit: oh also I hated the little imagine sequences with the fucking choir music... like omg... pls stop that's so cheesy I was embarrassed for the actors watching all of that
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bnhajourney · 4 years
Episode 68
Episode 67 
I thought I started the wrong episode lmao
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Proud of my girls! 
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They’re literally babies what the fuck
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You’re literally throwing these first years to this mf
Watch me say “literally” again.
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YOU KNOW THAT AND YET Right, right. You guys are the experts, not me hahaha
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He’s like a frustrated old man having to deal with this rebellious child in front of him.
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What’s he gonna pull out, a gun? You guys know his Quirk.
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Damn, I just had those the other day. I want more now.
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You’re not the only one!
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Chatty Asian parents be like ^
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Two ways in looking at the world. Though, for me, there’s only the Tamaki™ way.
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Tamaki. Tamaki. Baby boo. You don’t have to be positive all the time. Just do you, love. They’re the odd ones, not you. HAHAHAHA JK But yeah, fuck forced and toxic positivity. People who do that reach their limit at some point and they’ll break down even worse. If you don’t feel positive, then let all the negativity out as long as you’re not hurting anyone, including yourself.
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Oh, he actually calls himself that. That makes more sense now. Wish we all accept ourselves like he does. I do know he’s Fat Gum though.
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I doubt he’s gonna die but he still got hurt and that UPSETS ME.
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Ah he’ll be fine. HAHAHAHAHA
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Well now he’s gonna feel even worse godDAMNIT.
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Sorry, very tense and threatening situation here... but I just finally heard him yell and honestly that is so fucking adorable.
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sad :( 
He seems like a good person in a nasty place.
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Yes, BnHA, YES!
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He likes butterflies!!!
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this guy be trippin
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Sero, your “oh” is very good contribution to the conversation. I appreciate it fully.
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huhu he’s a baby still i wuv him awesome job honey
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Look, he’s adorable.
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See, I knew it. Anyone who calls themself a “pitiful man” is just too obvious and annoying.
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Who’d wanna keep fighting after getting sucked in a man’s belly like that?
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Please... Here are the adoption papers...
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I’m not breathing.
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Our baby boy in shame. [whispers] Love you.
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Can't you just be supportive of your boyfrie- I mean, best friend?
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She didn’t read the “cute” part.
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Jirou here to read us important information.
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The fuck outta here. BakuGO.
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Oh, how I’ve missed you, Iida.
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Of course he’d love hearing that lmao
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Episode 69 | Chapter 1
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seoafin · 3 years
being in a constant state of pain is the rest of my schedule after reading the drabble (jjk has done enough for me, WHAT WAS THE REASON FOR THIS)
i’m running out of words, this is not funny anymore.
also random but the “he will forever be haunted by the thought of you dying alone” reminds me a lot of scarlet heart (the k drama) that one scene really hurt me even if i watch te
MY DUMBASS ACCIDENTALLY SUBMITTED THE ASK. (continuation from scarlet heart mention)
anyways,, satoru’s guilt of not reaching out TWICE rly rly hurts, and shoko end up seeing mc’s dead body twice? bye i rly can’t do this right now.
i like to think one of the only time stsg is reminded of the other’s existence after geto’s defection is when one of them arrived at mc’s grave and the flowers one of them left previously is changed and her grave is spotless. and after geto d worded, shoko and gojo end up visiting 2 graves in a year one of which might be a makeshift one. also the friendship pain, like subconsciously thinking of mc when they’re shopping and goes “wait this will look good on mc” and then correcting themselves of the impossibility of seeing mc with said items or maybe passing by a place 4 of them used to hang out with, and and a stranger looking awfully similar to mc that they kinda play pretend like in a shop/ grocery store by being kinder than necessary to said stranger. or when a student saw mc’s photo in their phone/ framed on their desk and unknowingly goes “hey she’s rly pretty, is she one of ur friends, does she work for the college too?” which reminds (one of) them all over of the endless what-if possibilities
the mention of awful mental health care in japan rly hits home, bc it’s the same in my country where it’s so so slow to get conservative out of their old ways of thinking (it’s either yall straight up crazy/ the result of not being religious and u can just pray more) and to get things more progessive over here is ridiculously hard (hello fellow closeted 🥰, apparently there’s this one rumor of a gay bar in the city, and the regulars know each other by now LMFAO)
i just rmbred that akutami’s a cinemaphile, constantly referencing movies through out jjk. 1st one was when he reccomend yuuji was leon the professional, and when yuuji was watching TLOTR. and the one he watched with junpei
many thoughts, head full. *nervous laugh*
rmbr the cat in the opening with its left eyes shining while gojo’s left was rly pale. i think that was a reference to constantine (if akutami did oversaw the production) while sukuna’s left is exposed and his right’s hidden,,, does it symbolise humanity 🤔
in a ritual to cross over into hell, constantine said that he can use the cat, saying that it’s “half in and half out anyway” of the afterlife
akutami we need more answers not questions 🗿 - 🐱
so much more angst lfnvdsjjk also i’ve been staring at your other ask for days you’re so evil that shit is JAIL level angst !!! 😭 on this blog we make gojo suffer 💀
just....no thoughts head empty.....
and yes!!! mental health care SUCKS in asian countries. i’m glad there’s been more progressive movements to acknowledge mental health care in general (instead of brushing it off) I can’t help but wonder if akutami was trying to make a statement about it, considering depression is probably the leading cause of the manifestation of curses in jjk. 
as a first gen asian american in america whose parents don’t even think depression (and OCD) is a legitimate “thing” it was a struggle to even get diagnosed in the first place LOL yk that textpost that talks about how first gen immigrants in america struggle with both their mental health AND their parents’ being undiagnosed??? that basically sums it up
also damn @ that cat reference. i watched constantine but i didn’t even think about it omg. is this another gojo death flag????
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bnhaimaginables · 3 years
Hawks with a Blasian s/o (+ Christmas, cause why not)
(I was raised by my dad's family, Black side. And my mom's side is Cambodian. So this is where I'm coming from)
Hes excited to learn about your black heritage
He claims to have the Asian perspective on things on lock
But school him anyways (even if your Japanese)
Once he gets it through his skull that all Asians aren't the same, he's more prone to listen and ask questions
But he reaaaally wants to learn about black history
So you teach him
He gets kinda upset about the whole slavery thing.
You let him know the world is still trying to change
And he understands that, but still tho.
This mans is good for nothing.
He doesn't quite understand your need for certain hair shampoos and conditioners
And he doesn't understand the switch, you go through because of your hair
"Baby... why is all this shampoo in here?"
"Im trying some new ones out."
He starts to bring home new shampoos and conditioners for you
When you find one you really like (and that works) he buys that specific one
And if he can't find it nearby, he orders it offline
Dancing. On God, he comes to you, with his phone, showing you those dumbass tic toks , asking if you know how to do the dance
After him bothering you for about 15 to 20 minutes, you say yes.
Then it's another 20 minutes of "teach me. Babe. Teach me, please!"
You give in, after seeing his wings fluff up(he only does this to get what he wants)
So here you are, in yalls living room, trying to teach this dude, these dances
Its definitely a sight to watch him try and keep his wings from flapping too much, cause he's excited
Once he can get his wings calmed down, he's surprisingly a fast learner.
He's perfected these moves alone
So when you see him on tv, after an easy win or on an interview, he's doing one of them
You insisted that he take a break from hero work to visit your families in America.
He actually convinced the other hero's and his sidekicks, that this was important for you guys future.
So December, you guys flew out.
(My dads family lives in Mississippi and my moms family lives in Minnesota.)
He was in for like 3 or 4 different culture shocks
(In Mississippi)
The people stared at you both wherever you went
Keigo figured they were just staring because he was the No 2 hero from Japan
Then someone made a remark about you.
Feathers be damned, HANDS were about to be thrown.
You had to calm him down, before the police where called
You guys finally make it to your grandparents home
Your family was very welcoming and warm to him
The first day was... docile.
Your family was eager for him to talk about himself
They wanted to know about the berdman that stole your heart
From his poor childhood to his burnt face, Keigo was happy to talk about everything
He even did some cool tricks with his feathers, to crack everybody up
The second day was more eventful for him
He was surprised at how much louder everyone was
Talkin shit, and making jokes at one another
Even you, his sweet little Raven, was being loud
He watched with wide eyes and a smile
He was waved over by your grandad
Your uncle, tried to roast Keigo about his face (friendly)
Your brother (or sister or whoever) instigated, "oooo he goin in!"
Keigo clapped back, about how fat your uncle was
After that, nobody was safe
Everybody caught some flames, even the dog
When dinner was done, everybody sat down to eat.
Keigo was a bit hesitant to eat.
He had heard of soul food, but never HAD soul food
You had never cooked for him, you guys usually got take out
He took a bite of fried chicken, he was hooked.
After that, he started to pile he plate, he wanted to taste everything
He cleared his plate 4 times
And even ate some dessert
Afterwards, your grandmother pulled him to the side, and reassured him that he was approved of
He came back to you, feathers all fluffed and happy
Then you guys made your way to where your mother's family lived.
Flying up there was fine, when you landed your aunt was there to pick you guys up.
Straight you your grandmother's house.
Keigo noticed how much quieter you were, but didn't say anything about it
He assumed you were just tired.
When you guys got to your grandmothers house, all of your cousins, aunts and uncles were there
Unlike your dad's family, they knew EXACTLY who Keigo was
They had been tabs on Japan. (Weebs)
The elders kept feeling on him (idk if anybody else's family does this, but the elders do this to see how much you've grown, mostly they feel up your arms)
They were careful of his wings, only asking him about them
Keigo enjoyed the attention, again
You kept mostly to yourself
Only giving your family a smile and a quick answer when the spoke to you
When Keigo was able to break away from your family, he pulled you outside
"Baby, are you ok?" He was worried
You explained to him that you felt uncomfortable and awkward around them.
You told him it was because when your dads family moved you went with them.
You never visited them after that, until you where almost an adult
Keigo nodded, he really didn't understand, but he felt bad that he was taking their attention from you
"Keigo, its fine. Your the number 2 hero, from Japan. Half of them want to go there anyway. Your more than welcome to their attention." You reassured him.
Didn't matter, he still felt bad.
So for the remainder of the trip, he stayed attached to your hip
He followed you everywhere, except the bathroom (maybe)
He took the time to make sure you weren't overwhelmed by everyone
And when the food came out, again, he was a glutton
For the most part, he just got asked lots of questions about Japan. (Culture and what not)
And what were the perks of being No 2
When you guys flew back home, Keigo made sure to pamper you
And him?
Oh. He's already planned another trip to go back
He loved it!
He never experienced Christmas like that.
(This is what my Christmas has been like the past 4 years. So enjoy the personal experience no one asked for!)
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monstress · 4 years
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                        Favorite 2019 Korean Album Releases
following a four year hiatus at the blossoming of her career, Lim Kim comes back independent with a crowdfunded album that is nothing like her pop idol days and she's here to make a statement as an Asian woman. GENERASIAN is cynically political with massive production (the pansori!! the grunge!! the drums!!) and is, by far and large, one of the most exciting releases of the year. Also it's a great breather from western artists using ~*~oriental~*~ instruments to sound exotic lmao. 10/10 unlocks feral, vengeful witches sleepless in ______ - Epik High remember how last time i thought We've Done Something Wonderful was their last album? i'm so glad to be wrong. Freshly released from their YG sub-label (and a shrewd decision at that), Epik High released a short yet effective love letter to insomnia, depression and loneliness. the tracks are seamless; the flow from Sleepless to In Seoul, reverberation of Sunwoo Jung-A's chorus from In Seoul in Lullaby for a Cat are beautiful. there's just so many things i personally love about this album: from the Yuna feature, the mix-up of Eternal Sunshine in iTunes with Kung by Youra to #LullabyForACat hashtag. just music and social media crossover perfection. Vivid - ADOY 
ADOY really came through in the last minute to this list. full of that 80s synths with modern rock twist, you’d think this shtick would get old but each track is way too artfully arranged to fall for that! i am, in essence, just a robot living in the pixel console game tracked by their music. and the song swim makes me cry Our Love is Great - Baek Yerin the dreamiest album of this year. Soothing, romantic and absolutely delightful. Each track is crafted like a string of fine pearls and petals. From the first track Merry and the Witch’s Flower (which title alone sound like a quaint childhood short story with a future ghibli adaptation), the album gives us soft r&b and jazz that promises love, redemption, and tender pining. also if you haven’t watch this songstress sing live, do yourself a favor.
Love Part 1 - Colde
It’s all about love, yall! as expected from one half of offonoff, this album’s arrangement? production? execution? top notch! the tracks starts romantic and wistful declarations and as the albums proceed, turns outright darker. I Fxxking Love You is the BEST track hands down---the plain-as-day lyrics, the multiple howling confessions, the desperate energy of it all, the guitar solo. absolutely rancid vibes my mans. g o d
Thirsty - The Black Skirts
at first listen, this album didn’t strike me as the lightning bolt of Team Baby but later in the year after a few listens, i keep coming back to the buzz that Wrong Question gives, the sweeping verses of island (queen of diamonds), the shoegaze Hawaiian black sands, the ballad of Thinner than water and realize i went through the whole album from start to finish. another quintessential rock album to add to the mantle of The Black Skirts’ already impressive discography.
Entropy - DAY6
this is not something they made...this is some professional shit like this shit is in different areas what the fuck. in all seriousness, day6 released the best kpop/rock album of the year with elements spanning from classic rock, bossanova, electronic, garage rock, latin r&b and dancehall while keeping the arrangement interesting and cohesive? she has the range, darling! i’m not exaggerating when my jaw dropped multiple times at every new track. this album is just THAT good. how they pulled it off, i don’t know but, as always, i’m grateful.
So!YoON! -  황소윤
stepping into a solo stint, hwang soo yoon (band se so neon 22-yo lead vocal and guitarist) embarked into wider musical territories: adding synths, electronics and r&b production into her fold with her eclectic guitar-playing and some amazing collaborators (secret zion.t cameo? yes secret zion.t cameo!). and did i scream at my tv when she appeared on Yoo Flash with sumin? yes, yes i did. a great album powered by her husky voice. for everyone wondering, the album cover is from Australian artist Patricia Piccinini’s ‘The Rookie’. no, i don’t know either.
LEGEND - Jannabi 
for any other band, this album would be called their magnum opus but for jannabi, i hope it’s just the first stepping stone. frontman choi jong hoon said they want to make songs our parents would listen to and boy do they delivered. an instant classic that can be played 20 years from now and no one will blink. a glorious, seasonal album with no seasons, an excellent case for ‘maybe commercialized nostalgia isn’t so bad?’. all i know is: i’ll be playing land of night to end my decade while weeping because i’m still alive and i’ve made it!
Honoroble Mentions: neckwav x rarekook ‘249′, bewhy ‘the movie star’, samuel seo ‘the misfit’, oohyo ‘far from the madding city’, ashmute ‘night & night’, code kunst ‘all about us’, dean ‘howlin’ 404′, cl ‘in the name of love’, xin seha ‘1000′, sumin ‘your home’, lucid fall ‘nowana’
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