#all: madison mccarthy
gleesongtournament · 1 year
Glee Song Tournament Redemption Round
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mckinleyhq · 3 months
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dutiful, lyrical, persuasive fanciful, meddlesome, uptight
character name. madison mccarthy
age & birthday. eighteen, july 17
gender identity & pronouns. cis woman, she/her/hers
clubs & teams. new directions, cheerios
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madison mccarthy likes bossing her twin around, making sure everything she does is perfect, watching the stars at night and dislikes people who think her and mason are dating, anyone that takes the attention away from her, feeling as if she doesn't matter.
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the role of madison mccarthy will be portrayed by katie douglas
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eclogues · 2 years
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Hey, one of my best friends died tragically early Christmas Eve. I have been mourning among friends and family of her’s — we all hold so much love for her.
We are trying to raise money for her memorial. Unfortunately, her dad is unwell and has been struggling with Alzheimer’s, with Maddie as his caretaker. Unfortunately, Maddie’s death hit their family extra hard because of the financial toll getting a caretaker is going to have on them. Maddie loved her dad so much and loved caring for him. Please help her continue extending this love to her family.
The family not only needs emotional support right now, but really needs our help financially. Please help if you are able to.
Much love to you all and rest in peace Maddie. We love you forever ♥️
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menonlywrestling · 2 months
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Madison Square Garden Pro Wrestling cards 1950-1960. Part 1
Opening bout (1st image) - The Mighty Blondes Def The McCarthy Twins. The Blondes took an easy win from the young country boys, who are relatively new on the scene.
Second bout (2nd image) - The Mancini Brothers def Mickey and Marty McKenna. The Mancinis dominated from the opening bell, brutalising their younger, less experienced opponents. The McKennas were busted open and practically tortured in the ring by their sadistic rivals, who eventually won with double KO sleepers. The audience were going crazy for this match.
Third bout (3rd image) - 'Sailor' Maurice Murphy vs 'The Mountain Man' Eugene Studd. Draw. A solid, if unspectacular heavyweight match from these two big technicians. Neither man could get two submissions from his opponent within the 30 min time limit. This one was for the pure pro wrestling fans.
Fourth Bout (last image) - Abe Murphy Def 'Handsome' Harry Henderson. Heavyweight title match. The match started out pretty even, with Henderson more than holding his own, but current champ Murphy began to get the upper hand around the 30 min mark, when the work he'd been doing weakening Hendersons lower back began to pay off. A brutal extended torture rack, immediately followed by an absolutely devastating over the knee back breaker, sealed the deal. From this point on it was cat and mouse, with Murphy taking his time slowly dominating and brutalising his clearly injured opponent, proving to everyone exactly why he's the champ. Once he'd finally won, he wasted no time in grabbing a handful of Hendersons hair and dragged him from the ring to the locker room, where the beat down continued. But that was only the beginning for Henderson, as he was then subjected to two hours of brute force mouth and ass fucking. Both men in just their pro boots, with the other losing wrestlers from the card suffering the same fate at the hands of their winning opponents. All the winners enjoyed taking part and sharing their prey amongst themselves. A total pro wrestling domination orgy.
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arizonaaaaaa · 3 months
21- Unique Adams- trans
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-canonically trans
-her story felt a little rushed in my opinion, she went from a drag queen to a crossdresser to a trans person in a spam of like 6 episodes
-underrated Queen
-the best singer in my opinion
22- Marley Rose- pansexual and asexual
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-this could be an interesting story line
-like the reason she doesn’t feel ready for sex is because she’s not sexually attracted to anyone
-although this would potentially make Jake an asshole
-her and Unique are gfs tho❤️
23- Jake Puckerman- bisexual
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-def wanted to smack Ryder
-he was watching Sam “twerk”
-just gives of energy tbh
-I would actually spend a lot of money to see Jacob Artist make out with a ma
24- Ryder Lynn- gay
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-never liked Marley, he actually liked Jake
-i really like Rynique but gay Ryder just speaks louder in my heart
-we could’ve met his father in this possible storyline like the opportunity😭
-Ryan Murphy had a chance to do an actual love triangle on glee but NOOOO LETS MAKE THEM FIGHT FOR THE PRETTY GIRL AGAIN FOR THE FOURTH TIME
25- Kitty Wilde- lesbian
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-“what would Quinn Fabray do?” She would be a lesbian
-she dated Jake, Artie and had a crush on Ryder yet she had absolutely 0 chemistry with all of them
-Marley on the other hand…
26- Roderick Meeks- aroace
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- I find it interesting how him (and Madison) are the only ones that never showed interest in another person
- really wish assexuality was discussed more back in the 2010’s
- he should’ve been one of the characters introduced in season 4 and I would die on that hill
27- Jane Hayward- unlabeled
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- probably thinks labels are stupid and shouldn’t exist because it’s misogynistic or offensive or sm
- idk I really dislike her I feel she would say something annoying like this
28- Mason McCarthy- bisexual
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- yeah you’re not straight
- he’s also a really boring character for me so I have nothing to add💀
29- Madison McCarthy- aromantic and lesbian
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- now THATS a feral lesbian
- her and Jane as girlfriends tho?
- aromantic part is bc I feel she’s the type of aro who’s disgusted by love
-still likes touching boobs tho
30- Spencer Porter- gay
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- interesting storyline for the first seasons
- although it’s kind off like Dave’s storyline
There’s a limit of ten pictures per post but I really don’t want to make a fourth post just for the students so…
31- Alistair- gay and genderfluid
- Billies brother wow
- this is just based on vibes cause I have no idea if he ever spoke on glee
32- Myron Muskovitz- trans and lesbian
- Josie Totah it’s trans so I feel her character should also be
- maybe figured out when she was about 16?
- so by dreams come true she would already be in her transition🥹
33- Skylar- polysexual
- who? Oh yeah the Blaine of season 6
- again based on vibes
- he’s also a really good singer go listen to the album version of take me to church
34- Super Gay Warbler- indeed gay
- behold the oracle has spoken the truth
- also a good singer go listen to the album version of rise
35- Sunshine Corazon- trans and pansexual
- same with Myron, since the actor is trans I feel like his character should also be
- just imagine after all those years Sunshine returning on season 6 for his transition
- what would be his name tho? Moonlight? *old people laugh plays on the background lmao lol haha*
That’s it for the main kids, prolly won’t do a fourth post for the adults because I don’t really care about them but only time will tell
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readingsquotes · 4 months
"Make no mistake: There is an ideological witch hunt happening on college campuses right now, the likes of which has not been seen since Senator Joseph McCarthy and the House Un- American Activities Committee tried to ruin people’s reputations in the middle of the last century. Students and professors are being targeted by university administrators, assaulted by police, and investigated for their politics by Congress.
And yet, it is only the second worst thing happening to college students and professors right now. ...
in their book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of Mass Media, Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman described the kinds of things which have been happening to professors like me as the fourth filter of their “propaganda model,” where flak or enforcers beat people up in the town square (verbally, politically, or even physically). The point of these spectacular floggings? When academics or journalists are seen being punished publicly, others are meant to get the message that they should keep quiet—or else.
One of the most violent forms of university flak has been the withholding of degrees, when students have worked towards diplomas for many years and have them stolen for engaging in moral disobedience about genocide. As postcolonial scholar Priyamvada Gopal observed, when university trustees have done this, it is “immoral blackmail, as is overruling faculty on this matter.”
Jairo Fúnez-Flores, an Assistant Professor of Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Texas Tech University, was suspended for 40 days for his outspoken Palestinian support before being reinstated. Sami Schalk, author of the book Black Disability Politics, was hospitalized after being brutally attacked by police at the University of Wisconsin-Madison while trying to protect her students. Cops even broke a hand and nine ribs of Southern University of Illinois Edwardsville professor Steve Tamari while he was peacefully protesting at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. And Mohamed Abdou, a visiting professor at Columbia University, was inhumanely alerted he was being fired when president Minouche Shafik threw him under the bus on live TV during a congressional hearing; he received no due process and is being forced to leave the United States.
And still, as horrible as this has been for all of us in America, what we are encountering is not the worst thing happening to professors right now.
Far from it. Our Palestinian colleagues have been experiencing far worse.
At least 95 university professors have been killed in Gaza since the genocide began, according to the United Nations.
The UN reports that “more than 80 percent of schools in Gaza” have been “damaged or destroyed,” while the ICJ bluntly says that “Israel has targeted everyone one of Gaza’s universities, “including the Islamic University of Gaza, the oldest higher education institution in the territory, which has trained generations of doctors and engineers, amongst others—destroying campuses for education of future generations of Palestinians in Gaza.”
The UN uses a single, powerful word to describe what is happening to educators and education institutions in Palestine: scholasticide, the willful destruction of a society’s ability to produce knowledge and educate its people. Preventing a population from being able to do research and to teach its citizens literacy, agriculture, medicine, science and culture is an aspect of genocide is to take away the very means of life.
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kazzy's 50th ouat moodboard celebration: a set of moodboards based on my own season 7 rewrite
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henry mills + red and gray after spending a decade travelling the realms and recording people's stories, henry returned to storybrooke, where he published the tales of his adventures. he remained in storybrooke a few years longer, spending his time working on his next novel and DM'ing a D&D campaign for a new generation of heroes
Age: 33 years old | Faceclaim: Andrew J. West | Dungeon Master | wants to help people find their place in their story
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neal "cj" nolan + blue after graduating as captain of the football team, "charming junior" began work full-time on the farm with his dad. he enjoys his small town life, but secretly longs for an adventure beyond the town lines of storybrooke.
Age: 20 years old | Faceclaim: Sam McCarthy | D&D Class: Paladin | wants to live up to his father's legacy
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robin "hood" mills + green robin began an internship at the mayor's office with her aunt shortly after graduation. although she did well with her year in bureaucracy, she's still unsure about her future, and has always felt a call toward the forest.
Age: 19 years old | Faceclaim: Tiera Skovbye | D&D Class: Rogue | wants to find out more about her father
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gideon gold + gold at seven years old, gideon spent a year travelling the realms with his parents. this held him back a year in school, though he spent much time learning outside the classroom. when he's not studying books with his mom and potions with his dad, he spends a lot of time tinkering.
Age: 19 years old | Faceclaim: Anton Starkman | D&D Class: Sorceror | wants to find a way to free his father from the dark one dagger
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charlotte nolan + lavender always the social butterfly, charlotte enjoys spending time with her friends and family and organizing events and celebrations. although she may not look it, she's very protective of the people she cares about, and hopes to inspire people like her mother always did.
Age: 18 years old | Faceclaim: Bailee Madison | D&D Class: Ranger | wants to make a difference like her mother did
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hope swan-jones + pink hope is only a month younger than her aunt charlotte, and they've been best friends all their life. she spends her free time sailing and practicing magic. when her half-brother, henry, returns to storybrooke, they spend a lot of time swapping stories and making new memories together.
Age: 18 years old | Faceclaim: Sabrina Carpenter | D&D Class: Fighter | wants to find out who she truly is
When Hope, Charlotte, and Gideon graduate, Henry takes the gang on an adventure through the Enchanted Forest, where they discover their own place in the stories they grew up hearing so much about.
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thnxforknowingme · 2 years
New Directions Tournament Masterpost
Alright y'all, I have polls and I'm going to make it everyone else's problem.
Thank you to @blurglesmurfklaine for the idea of having a Glee character poll tournament. Instead of taking on all Glee characters, I am sticking to members of the New Directions. I previously created a sorter for the New Directions, so if you want to create your own personal, bespoke ranking of the ND members, you can do so here (this sorter won't work on mobile).
***Overall disclaimer that we are all here because we love Glee! All of these characters have their merits and there will be no bashing! Only fun!***
I have chosen the starting match-ups so that characters are grouped based on some level of similarity - basically, I wanted to give the post-S3 and minor characters a fighting chance, because otherwise I figured they'd mostly get knocked out in the first round.
You can make your choice either by which character you like more, or in the case that you are conflicted, by which character you think would win in a fight. If you vote, please reblog this masterpost or some of the polls - the more voters the merrier!
ROUND ONE (Complete)
Category: The Core 13 Artie Abrams vs. Kurt Hummel Finn Hudson vs. Noah Puckerman Sam Evans vs. Blaine Anderson Quinn Fabray vs. Santana Lopez Mike Chang vs. Brittany Pierce Tina Cohen-Chang vs. Rachel Berry vs. Mercedes Jones
Category: Here For a Good Time, Not For a Long Time Matt Rutherford vs. Jesse St James Lauren Zizes vs. Sugar Motta Joe Hart vs. Rory Flanagan
Category: The Newer Directions Unique Adams vs. Marley Rose Jake Puckerman vs. Ryder Lynn
Category: The Newest Directions Roderick Meeks vs. Jane Hayward Madison McCarthy vs. Mason McCarthy Spencer Porter vs. Kitty Wilde Alistair vs. Myron Muskovitz
ROUND TWO (Complete)
Note: Match-ups within categories for this round have been randomized (e.g. I didn't choose that Santana was going up against Finn, a list randomizer did).
Category: The Core 13 6 Mercedes Jones vs. Blaine Anderson Kurt Hummel vs. Mike Chang Finn Hudson vs. Santana Lopez
Category: Here For a Good Time, Not For a Long Time Jesse St James vs. Lauren Zizes vs. Joe Hart
Category: The Newer Directions Unique Adams vs. Jake Puckerman
Category: The Newest Directions Alistair vs. Jane Hayward Kitty Wilde vs. Mason McCarthy
ROUND THREE (Complete)
Note: Because there was a very competitive race in the last round, and because I need to do something to even out the numbers for a tournament to avoid any more triples, I am going to pull a Mr. Schue and announce that both Mercedes and Blaine will be moving on to this round! Thank you for your impassioned voting - now both of your faves still have a chance to win!
That being said - I also didn't love all the comments that the Mercedes/Blaine poll got last round. You're welcome to extol the virtues of the character you vote for, but please avoid saying anything negative about the other character, or the people voting for the other character. I want this to be a fun poll tournament for everyone involved! Because it's literally a tumblr poll and it doesn't mean anything, it's just silly!
Starting in this round there are no more categories, and all match-ups are chosen by a randomizer. Here they are:
Blaine Anderson vs. Jane Hayward
Kurt Hummel vs. Mercedes Jones
Unique Adams vs. Santana Lopez
Kitty Wilde vs. Lauren Zizes
ROUND FOUR (Complete)
It's the semi-finals - who do you want to see in a final poll showdown? Kudos to Random.org for providing these match-ups:
Blaine Anderson vs. Lauren Zizes
Santana Lopez vs. Kurt Hummel
This pair of New Directioners has been through so much together - now it's time for them to go face-to-face in a poll tournament. It's your last chance to do your civic duty and make your voice heard:
Blaine Anderson vs. Kurt Hummel
The winner of the First Annual New Directions Poll Tournament is Mr. Kurt Hummel!!
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The latest: Republicans remove detectors installed outside House floor after Jan. 6
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Republican officials have removed the metal detectors that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had installed after the Jan 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Metal detectors were put in place outside the House floor after a violent mob entered the U.S. Capitol — with many of them carrying weapons — to overturn the 2020 presidential election. All lawmakers and staffers were required to walk through the metal detectors before entering the House chamber.
Guns and other weapons were already banned from the chamber, but many Democrats were concerned about their safety and possible links between GOP lawmakers and staffers with those who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6.
Some Democrats were already anxious about the potential for guns on the House floor after Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo..) campaigned promising to remain armed as she worked on Capitol Hill. And former congressman Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) told a local paper after the attack that he had been armed when protesters stormed the Capitol.
Some 140 law enforcement officers were injured during the uprising, and videos and photographs from the day showed rioters unlawfully on the House floor with weapons.
With people like Lauren Boebert in the House, I’d want a metal detector too. 
It’s utterly foolish not to have one after January 6th.
But then again, most Republicans in the House appear to be fools. 
Get ready for the upcoming clown show.
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mccarthyhq · 4 months
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madison mccarthy x week two new beginnings
for madison's entire life, the one constant has been having her twin brother by her side. they've been inseparable their entire existence, and madison couldn't imagine life without mason. lately though, she's been trying to think about her future and what it will look like - especially since she's already decided that she won't be attending the same college as mason, meaning they'll be miles apart full time for the first time in their lives. it terrifies her, the idea of having to find out who she is when she isn't busy being mason's sister, and more than that, she's worried about how her brother will get on, living life without her. she knows that this year will be their last like this, the last time they cheer on the same team, go to the same school, sing together and she wants to make the most of it, but she also wants to prepare herself for live as an individual, she wants to come out of her shell and try new things, on her own. all summer she's struggled with the weight of this realization, her emotions switching from guilt at the thought of leaving mason behind, fear at the idea of being alone, and excitement to see who she can become when she allows her self to bloom. whether she wants it or not, a new beginning is coming at her fast, and it's time she embrace the change and learn how to live with it.
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
Glee Song Tournament Round 1
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mariacallous · 1 year
Had the great Maya Angelou been alive to witness Saturday’s climax of the omnishambolic dog’s breakfast of a misbegotten legislative process that took place in the U.S. House of Representatives, surely she would have said, “When a political party tells you over and over again that they have no higher priority than serving Vladimir Putin, believe them.”
Then, again, it didn’t take the genius of Ms. Angelou to get the message. At the critical moment at which they had one last chance to avert a government shutdown, when Republicans in the House were forced to abandon all of their legislative priorities but one, the one they chose to ditch was the vital U.S. aid to Ukraine. In so doing, they sent the world an unmistakable signal once again that the first and guiding loyalty of Donald Trump’s GOP is as it always has been to the Kremlin.
Other messages were sent as well by the week of cringeworthy drama that was to the floor of the House as an untrained puppy would be to the floor of its new home.
Had James Madison, Alexander Hamilton or John Jay been watching, they surely would’ve been compelled to write a new Federalist Paper, likely entitled “On Legislative Clusterfuckery.” Kevin McCarthy, the ragdoll Speaker of the House, was toyed with and tormented by a MAGA alliance that appeared to be made up from a group of particularly inept extras from the movie “Idiocracy.” Neither principles, ideals, nor any sense of responsibility made an appearance during the prolonged floor fight.
Matt Gaetz, the chief tormentor, evoked Shakespeare. But not in a good way. He was more in the sort of character described by Macbeth when he spoke of “an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Gaetz and his misfit supporting cast, including Marjorie Taylor Greene, threatened to oust McCarthy if he did not meet their demand that he break the deal he had made months ago with President Biden to avoid the last government financial crisis. They wanted cuts to critical social programs including child care, Head Start, Meals on Wheels, law enforcement, housing and more. They wanted to cut the salaries of senior officials including Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. And they seemed willing to throw millions of government employees—including the military, the Border Patrol, the IRS, administrators of aid programs and others—out of work, thus harming the lives of tens of millions more Americans.
But they also knew that every recent past government shutdown—and all were the handiwork of Republican House majorities—backfired on its authors. And so, just as many had given up hope and every agency of the U.S. government was making plans for a government shutdown that would have begun at midnight of Oct. 1, McCarthy agreed to put forward a so-called “clean” Continuing Resolution that would extend funding for government programs until Nov. 17 of this year. They continued funding at prior levels. They even included funding for disaster assistance and cut a pay boost the House GOP was trying to give itself despite their reckless disregard for their responsibilities.
But something had to be given to the far right. The GOP needed some concession to make it seem as though their childish games had all been worth it. What did they choose? What was the one thing they said would be the last hill they would die on, the one issue so important to them that they would turn out the lights of the U.S. government to defend their position? It was to defund Ukraine aid. It was to settle for, in the words of progressive commentator Josh Marshall, “one sloppy kiss with Vladimir Putin.”
The message that it sent to the world was unmistakable. Economist Timothy Ash tweeted, “Staggering that the GOP, the party of Reagan, has been captured by Russian fascists.”
French writer and philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy wrote that U.S. aid to Ukraine should not be politicized, saying “it is about freedom and democracy, good over evil, right over wrong. Support for Ukraine is essential for the entire free world.”
Yale history professor Timothy Snyder wrote, “Cutting off Ukraine aid makes America unreliable, weakens the cause of democracy, threatens the international legal order, encourages tyrants around the world, and hastens Chinese aggression.”
Liz Cheney, one of the last Republicans with a conscience still standing, pointedly noted that the decision by the MAGA GOP to deny Ukraine funding came on the 85th anniversary of Neville Chamberlain’s 1938 “peace in our time” speech.
It was an apt point. Just as Hitler saw Chamberlain’s weakness as the opening he was looking for, surely Vladimir Putin saw the GOP message for what it was, encouragement for his aggression and his war crimes from the Party of Trump, a clear signal that all he would have to do was wait until the next election cycle and if they won, a GOP-led U.S. would abandon Ukraine, our allies in Europe, and reward Putin’s brutality by extending his reach ever more deeply into the heart of Europe.
Democrats and a handful of more moderate Republicans promised in the wake of the deal that they would seek and expected to get a new supplemental bill that would ensure Ukraine aid continued to be funded.
Let us all hope they are successful and it passes. But the damage has been done. The Putin wing of the GOP and all those who have enabled them made it crystal clear that of all their dangerous priorities, the most important was to strengthen America’s enemies, weaken our allies, and to put democracy at risk overseas just as they are doing here at home.
Nobody is cheering the last-minute deal to keep the government open that cleared the House and then, late Saturday, the Senate. McCarthy, seen as weak before, is seen as even more spineless and at risk than he was. The reprieve that was won is only temporary. The future is uncertain. While the Biden administration and Democrats handled this as well as possible, it is clear that getting anything done in Congress will be very difficult. And while the lunatics from the GOP’s MAGA ward may have temporarily gained control of the congressional asylum, they damaged their tattered reputations even further by achieving not a single solitary thing for any of their supporters—any that is, except their cackling Russian patron whose Bond villain laughter from deep within his bunker home could be heard round the world by all who understand the menace and his Trumpist supporters represent.
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askthingone · 5 months
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meet madison, auditioning with what was i made for by billie eilish.
“when did it end? all the enjoyment. i'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriend. it's not what he's made for. what was i made for? cause i don't know how to feel, but i wanna try. i don't know how to feel, but someday i might. someday i might.”
wait, is that MADISON MCCARTHY? they kinda look a lot like KATHRYN NEWTON, don’t they? i heard the NINETEEN year old is known as the THING ONE around mckinley. it seems like they auditioned to be in THE TROUBLETONES which is so lame? people at campus have said they’re OPTIMISTIC, but don’t be fooled since they’re also CONTROLLING. rumor has it, you can find them at CHEERIOS, GAY/STRAIGHT ALLIANCE, DIGITAL MEDIA CLUB when they aren’t belting show tunes. their entire vibe revolves around PERFECTLY POINTED TOES DURING A HERKIE, A COLOR COATED DAY PLANNER WITH THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS SCHEDULED, A CRISP RED AND WHITE UNIFORM IRONED JUST THAT MORNING but no one pays attention to that here in ohio
full name: madison danielle mccarthy
pronouns: she/her
hometown: austin, texas
birthday & sign: august 1st, leo
age: nineteen
relationship status: single
sexuality: pansexual
occupation: freshman at mckinley arts college
clubs: cheerios, gay-straight alliance, digital media club
glee club: the troubletones
major: communications
since her parents started out as part of a traveling performance group, they were able to see the talent within their children at a young age. dance, singing and gymnastics classes since she had functioning motor skills means madison has been competitively cheering since she could remember. and it seems, cheering was the ticket into college. it was an athletic scholarship and sue sylvester's leadership that had madison choosing mckinley out of all the cheer colleges in the country. but, now that she’s in college and realizing that the likes of becoming a professional cheerleader once she graduates is unlikely, she is having a minor midlife crises. she is currently unsure of what she wants to do with her life, and chose communications as her major as it seemed the least commitment of them all.
madison is very much a TYPE A person. she plans her life down to the smallest detail and often doesn’t stray from those plans. she believes there is a need for order and control and often blames it on her busy schedule. but, some small subconscious part of her wonders if that is just an excuse to cover her fear of change and spontaneity.
speaking of fears? madison is terrified of rejection. perhaps its the mommy issues, but it's partially why she holds on to mason tightly with both hands. she is aware her personality can be a lot. overbearing and intense and plenty of other words people have used throughout the years to describe her. so on top of all of that, she tries desperately to be upbeat and bubbly in hopes that those around her find her fun enough that her negative traits are forgotten.
dating, however, is the one place she's not able to mask those bad habits. madison has never had a real relationship, often scaring away any potential partners once she began to be a bit too much. romantic love is almost a foreign concept to madison, and almost any relationship she has had with someone has resulted in that of physical affection, not emotional. it's gotten to the point that, for madison, love, affection and attention has become synonymous with sex. she is aware people want it and is willing to give it if that means, for an hour of their time, she is all they are thinking about.
when the glee clubs were announced, madison had dreams that she and mason would become co-captains of the new directions and the school would finally see their talent shine outside of the cheerios. but then madison met rachel berry, and that idea was thrown out the window. she doesn't have a problem sharing the spotlight, but she has a problem with the fact that rachel DOES. so madison made the decision to join the troubletones, if only just to take care of her own mental health. never has she competed against her brother before, and its definitely an uncomfortable feeling. she is still hopeful that perhaps when rachel graduates, or ultimately quits because she has to share the stage with other people, madison could make the change to the new directions and be on the same team with her brother again. but, and to her surprise, she is finding she actually likes being on the all girl team.
madison and mason were not raised in lima, ohio, but austin, texas. in fact they are at mckinley on a cheerio's scholarship. cheer is supposed to be the main focus, but madison prides herself on being a great multitasker and knows she can easily balance cheerios, glee club and school.
truly open to anything!
best friend
past hook up
dottie kazatori: madison and dottie were paired up as roommates last year, and when dottie mentioned at the start of this school year she had an open room in the house her parents paid for (?), madison took up the offer. although, she would rather be rooming with her brother and she does make that know.
kitty wilde: madison and kitty have a very cordial relationship and madison is working hard to get on kitty's good side.
rachel berry: madison can't stand rachel and her i'm the best mentality. sure, madison can be confident too, but that doesn't mean she isn't okay with sharing the spotlight. she was so turned off by rachel's need to be the star, that she joined the troubletones over the new directions.
sam evans: madison and sam definitely hooked up once after a party when they were both drunk, and they have yet to discuss what that means for them. in fact, they seem to just be ignoring the fact that it ever happened, but that doesn't mean they don't still act like people that have seen each other naked.
mason mccarthy: mason is feeling smothered by madison's overbearing nature and she is none the wiser.
ryder lynn: madison and ryder met their freshman year after a football game and very quickly fell into a wingman/wingwoman dynamic. they go to parties and talk each other up to whoever they have their eye on that night.
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cryscendo · 11 months
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kurt hummel in every performance
6x05 - The Hurt Locker, Part Two
All Out of Love - Mason McCarthy, Madison McCarthy, and Jane Hayward + New Directions
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masespace · 3 months
The first time Mason had been called gay he wasn’t sure what it meant. It wasn’t hard for him to figure out that it wasn’t being used to mean a good thing and by the time he had a concept of what they did mean, it didn’t exactly matter he didn’t think it applied to him. His life had always been funny that way. While he’d grown up thinking that it was cool to have a twin sister their connection had been questioned for almost as long as Mason had been assumed to be gay. At first, it had been taunts about how Mason never played with anyone else, or that Madison had to force him into Cheering with her because he couldn’t function without her. As he’d gotten older it had been easier to ignore the often polar opposite rumors that swirled about him; in part because he couldn’t imagine being so infatuated with any of his classmate's lives.  The road to self-acceptance hadn’t been easy, and he wasn’t quite sure he was really at the end of it. More often than not he still found himself denying the idea of being attracted to anyone of the same sex. It was usually easier that way. It didn’t matter that he didn’t really seem to be on the receiving end of what usually accompanied being perceived as a straight white guy. He was never taken more seriously, more often than not he got a tilted head and a little nod like the other person was so confident in their assumption of his queerness that it was cute Mason would even entertain the idea of denying it. Still, he was mostly at ease with himself. At least in theory if not in practice. It was the lack of confidence in practice that had him so nervous to stand in front of the rest of the glee club. He knew that he wasn’t going to be coming out. He much rather appreciated the idea of letting people in. “I think It’s great to be honoring queer artists this week, and that should really be the focus,” Mason said as he took his place at the middle of the choir room. “I’m sure we can all agree about that… but for now here’s a song that got me through last summer and all the AP English reading I needed to get done.”
mason mccarthy x new directions ↳ week six assignment "pride week" | [ tan lines - tanner adell ]
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mhqinspo · 3 months
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glee club assignments:
addison harris performed killing me softly, fugees & lauryn hill
adelaide devereaux performed this kiss, faith hill
adrian cruz-dumont performed hey brother, avicii
ali vogel performed all over you, the spill canvas
blaine anderson performed somebody that i used to know, gotye
blaine anderson performed waffle house, jonas brothers
catrina clark performed i turn to you, christina aguilera
jesse st. james performed you and me, the book of mormon
keke akana performed i love you always forever, betty who
kitty wilde performed dollhouse, melanie martinez
kyle christopherson performed call it what you want, taylor swift
mason mccarthy performed flashlight, jesse j
max moore performed because of you, kelly clarkson
noah puckerman performed family portrait, pink
quinn fabray performed 16 carriages, beyonce
ryder lynn performed if we have each other, alec benjamin
sam evans performed i'll be there for you, boyce avenue
sebastian smythe performed isn't she lovely, stevie wonder
spencer porter performed parents, yungblud
sugar motta performed my heart belongs to daddy, ariana grande
taylor lincoln performed count on me, bruno mars
tina cohen-chang performed room for you, madison beer
family week task fills:
adelaide devereaux / family tree & headcanon
adrian cruz-dumont / family tree & headcanon
blaine anderson / family tree & headcanon
david karofsky / family tree
hunter clarington / family tree & headcanon
jake puckerman / moodboard
jesse st. james / family tree
kitty wilde / moodboard
mason mccarthy / moodboard
max moore / family tree & headcanon
sam evans / family tree & headcanon
sam evans / moodboard
spencer porter / family tree
sugar motta / family tree & headcanon
sugar motta / moodboard
taylor lincoln / moodboard
tina cohen-chang / family tree
social media posts:
addison harris posted on instagram
adrian cruz-dumont posted on instagram
alexandria devereaux posted an instagram story
alexandria devereaux posted on instagram
catrina clark posted on instagram
catrina clark posted on instagram
catrina clark posted on instagram
catrina clark posted on instagram
kyle christopherson posted on instagram
kyle christopherson posted an instagram story
mason mccarthy posted on instagram
noah puckerman posted on instagram
noah puckerman posted on instagram
ryder lynn posted on instagram
sam evans posted on instagram
sam evans + camera roll
sugar motta posted on instagram
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