#allie hayes vibes
wesleysniperking · 7 days
Usopp, Representation, and the Black Experience: My Perspective (maybe TL;DR)
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Disclaimer: This post reflects my personal interpretation and connection with Usopp's character. I understand that not everyone may share the same perspective, and that's okay. This is just my own take based on my experiences and thoughts about identity and representation.
When it comes to Black characters, I’ve noticed a recurring theme where they often distance themselves from their non-Black friends or take time away due to personal struggles. It’s a reflection of the weight they carry, and sometimes there’s even some regret for doing so. I can think of plenty of shows that have touched on this, and honestly, I get it. A lot of Black people, myself included, feel the need to face things alone, likely because of deep-rooted issues tied to our history, upbringing, and the challenges of navigating predominantly non-Black spaces—especially when tokenism is involved.
I’ve been that person, and in many ways, I still am. My sister and mom often joke that Usopp feels like a Black guy with a lot of “white” friends. They also mention how Black men, especially those in subcultures like the hipster scene, often juggle two social circles. My cousin, a big One Piece fan, is the perfect example of this. Even Jacob Gibson, who plays Usopp in the live-action series, gives off a similar vibe.
I know this might come off as blunt or even as a generalization, but to me, Usopp reflects a part of the Black experience. He’s like the Lando (or Finn) in Star Wars, Link Hayes in The Mod Squad, Noah in Young Riders, and Marcellus in The Originals. He’s the Renee in Ally McBeal, Tucker in Danny Phantom, Black Panther in Avengers, Cyborg in Teen Titans, Gerald in Hey Arnold, James Rhodes in Iron Man, Chris Washington in Get Out, Ben in Night of the Living Dead, and Christopher in Scrubs. He’s that Black guy.
Maybe One Piece could show Usopp as more than just his race, but it’s hard to ignore the connection. And that’s okay. It’s something I’ve been reflecting on for a while, and I wanted to share it.
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scrunkly-week · 27 days
the character graveyard — a creator's lament
a wall of snow keeps you hidden, it's true.
my hands tainted. I buried you all myself.
some of you live, just barely, breathing through a straw in your graves. an illusion of existence.
some of you never had the chance. your lives extinguished before you could fully form.
your god has not forsaken you, I plead.
though I am god and she is merciless. by circumstance, not design.
I come to acknowledge you. you forgotten ones, the ones I hid, the ones who died by my hand and the ones who fizzled from existence before I could reach them. I gather you here today. to recognise you. mourn you. immortalise you.
I raise my chalice to each of you.
here's to the faceless ones. the ones I never named. the ones who had nothing but a name. a vibe. a role. a disembodied something. you hadn't enough love or care. I'm sorry.
here's to the fleeting ones. ones who existed in passing. to assist another's narrative. to enhance the world.
lindsay, erin bray, lynn clerke, jarrod holman. alli, nicole, cam, daniel, alisha. javin daxar, ellin daxar, dalen daxar, damon daxar, kara quillan, zaiden. daron ferris, charlie reid. lennard rose, elisabeth rose, elli. deyan thomson. lucia. sophie, caleb. jeremiah, chris, lukas, troy jackson, zach, linda, mr. woods. kere lockhart. aric jeweller. andrea, stefano. reece, john, demetrius rodriquez, seth reeves. aria, aaron, william, matthew, gaeldon, jonah. julia. sigrae, cassirean, king pyrest of emberia, hakan. dayell, carr kepnar. conrad, mr. stevens, steph, lilian maxwell, evie, vida, erica, david, olivia, andrew, dexter badd, marianne, charles wickham, katherine wickham, james wickham, raiden, calvin, darlene. therese matton, henri matton, geneve matton, madeline matton, mathieu matton, talon debois, lloyd hawthorne. morgan hawksley, aaron hawksley, marcus walters, cassidy donaldson. evan callaghan, mildred callaghan. arthur drover, sybilla drover, harriet drover, vera dustinborough, victoria darkwood, bethly violet, eliphalet lushington, emma. erysibe, kirkos. guiletta lanese, donato lanese, ottavio lanese, benedetto lanese, pietro lanese, vincenzo lanese, matteo lanese, annetta fornari, stefano fornari, adriana fornari, carlo fornari, francesco fornari, augusto fornari, adele sozzi, bettina aliotti, ciro, salvatore sallucci. edmond wickerman, rosalind wickerman, elias starling, hubert cornell.
here's to the strange ones. the 'I made you just because' ones.
scalene, nikia goodrich, ami ruff, riesa gentry and co., zachary bliss, janae lombardi, dawn watts, jay spear, lea cantrell, danny light. cardinal, scar. harmony/chaos. leighton, josh. nick joyce, rosalinda joyce, jasper joyce. emilee, ashli, nadine kathy hemingway.
here's to the old ones. the ones I left behind as I myself grew older.
timothy, kimberly, ash, connor. zoe. gabey mal'lie. raina hardin. zariah mika rose. karli hayes, shaun roberts. bella davis. milaa lockhart. mabel. queen heresa. tāne miller. victor.
here's to the ones who never reached anything past the development stage.
iris. olive. phoenix mars, rose earthen, gem airborne, luna moonbeam, leon king, mattias grey, venus greenwood, scarlet rust, sage bluest, amalthea browner, rialta silverton, jupiter violet. princess seraphine of emberia. the assassin, prophet, serenity. valentino, theokles, fabiola fornari, blair aiden hawksley, james robert callaghan, ruby starling.
here's to the ones I invested my time in, who I write one or two prose pieces and umpteen handfuls of rambles for, only to leave you by the wayside to crumble to dust.
vivian edwards, lucille matton, luciana lanese, alaric joseph drover, alexander wickerman, jinx the kea, hamid, sahar.
here's to my future creations, who may inevitably fall under one of these categories.
the wall of snow may keep you hidden. but I promise, you'll never be forgotten.
Submitted by: our lovely friend, Bee
☆ this is hauntingly sweet and I utterly love it !! What a good way to pay your respects to all of these characters <3 I raise my chalice alongside you, to toast to their lives
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zachdefense · 1 year
In my latest of book trades with my brother, he's finishing up Mistborn with The Lost Metal while I'm catching up on the Villains' Code series with
Bones of the Past
And not to be a "guy who's only seen Boss Baby" about this but I get some heavy Worm vibes from this series. Girl who gets super powers and ends up working with villains due partly to circumstances outside her control, but mostly due to her own choices. Moral ambiguity asking questions about if the villains are really worse people than the heroes. And hell, they use the term "capes" to refer to powered people, which I haven't seen anywhere else outside of Worm.
This being the second book in the series, it really works to test the lines between hero and villain. Tori, our main character, I don't think she commits a single crime in this book. But what keeps her squarely in the villain camp is her attitude. She kills and orders the deaths of a not-insignificant number of people in self-defense; while on the flip side, the heroes focused on in the book are actively training to tone down the casualties when they're stopping crime. And of course, the final showdown ends with heroes and villains working together to stop a greater threat, as in the previous book. almost like that's a theme or something
This book also does a lot more to play with the idea of secret identities than I've seen elsewhere, which was a lot of fun to read. After the last book Tori had one out-of-costume friend who joined the hero's side. In this book she not only gets to know his team, but is introduced to a new squad of heroes that she meets and befriends. Watching her get to know and care about people that she may have to fight the next day introduced some interesting conflict.
The worldbuilding feels very comic-booky, which took me out of it a bit in the first book (what do you mean one organization controls all super-powered crime in the world???), and I don't really agree with one or two of the larger themes (don't really like what you're saying about punitive justice so far, Mr Hayes), but aside from that it was a really fun read. Feels like the kind of series that should have a much larger fandom than it does (only one result on AO3? Seriously?). Would give it a thumbs up, especially if you're a fan of
large casts of super heroes with unique powers
side characters that are interesting enough that they should have their own novels
unlikely allies who have to work together
Superman being a genuinely nice person to talk to
worldhoppers that know too much, stir shit up, and leave
the kind of villains that would name themselves Johnny Three-Dicks or Captain Bullshit
I might have to pick up some of Drew Hayes's other stories to check out after this. His Super Powereds series sounds like it could be fun while I'm on this superhero kick, but that's his only series that my brother doesn't have in person for me to borrow, thus slightly inconveniencing me.
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Astrological update for the week of May 22, 2023 artist may be Melissa Harris Mars in Leo and the dance with Jupiter and Pluto. Mars moved into Leo last week, heightening our drive to seek pleasure and joyful experiences that bring happiness and delight. However, Mars is not always the best ally as it can be impulsive and reckless and sometimes prone to anger and rage, especially when facing challenging square aspects from both Pluto and Jupiter as it did last week. I wrote about this in last week’s forecast as this alignment began to take shape: “There is some danger that the Leo openness can expand the aggressive force of Mars, and because Leo is a fixed sign there can be a tendency to become stuck in ones desires and find it difficult to seek alternative pathways. This is especially true at this time because as we saw above, Mars will be activating Jupiter for greater self-righteousness, and challenging Pluto for problems ranging from minor conflicts to outright violence. The presence of the Nodes show that there is a fated story here, but also that guidance is available if we only listen.” The challenging aspect to Pluto is waning now though, and the square to Jupiter and the lunar nodes will likely wrap up a question that arose last week. Any Mars aspect can bring success if we approach all matters with consideration and thought rather than an impulsive race to be done with something. Here’s what else you need to know this week (Dates and times are for the Eastern time zone, here is a time zone converter to adjust for your locality.) Monday May 22. Monday is packed with good vibes, and although that Mars/Jupiter alignment will be building and there may be some frustration if things don’t go our way, we will have enough planetary support to move smoothly through most situations. The Sun and Mars come together in harmonious and creative energies to inspire and motivate positive action, and this will linger into Tuesday. The Moon is in Cancer on Monday and that can sometimes bring some highly charged emotions, but it is well aspected to Jupiter for confidence, to Saturn for focus, and to Mercury for clear integration of the heart and mind. (Moon sextile Jupiter 1:53 am, Sun sextile Mars 1:56 am, Moon trine Saturn 12:23 pm, Moon sextile Mercury 3:07 pm.)
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theobscuritywrites · 3 years
Sarah Paulson’s AHS Character Height Headcanons (+ bonus Tammy and Harriet Hayes)
A/N: these are based entirely off of the vibes the character gives off because they are of course all actually 5’7” ish cause Sarah is. But anyway enjoy this brain fart of mine that has been lying scribbled on a piece of scrap paper for months and I found recently and started thinking about again. Also I apologize for the use of feet, I use the metric system usually but idk what height is.
Billie Dean Howard
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I don’t know why but I feel like Billie is 5’6”
Something about her just gives off that vibe.
She’s too tall to be short but too short to be tall
Everything about her just screams 5’6”
Lana Winters
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Lana is short
I’m talking like 5’1” maybe 5’2”
She is the personification of “dynamite comes in small packages”
I feel like she’s one of those people that gets talked about or shown on TV and everyone thinks they’re tall and then meets then and just ends up been comedically short
But Lana is short and I love it
Cordelia Goode
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See I have very mixed feelings about this
She is 5’8”
But this is exclusively Apocalypse!Cordelia
Coven!Cordelia is 5’5”
But genuinely I feel like in actuality Cordelia is 5’6”
Bette and Dot Tattler
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They are 5’4”
I have no reasoning for this at all but I’m confident in my decision to say this.
They just seem like they’re just short of average
It honestly just is based off of their energy
Sally McKenna
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Sally is short
Not as short as Lana but still short
I’m thinking 5’3”
Audrey Tindall
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I don’t know much but I know that Audrey is 5’6”
She has the energy if someone who desperately wants to be either really short or really tall and is just stuck at an in between height.
I may be projecting slightly but hey I’m right
Ally Mayfair-Richards
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Ally is 5’7”.
This is not a debate
I will take criticism on all the other characters but Ally is set in stone
She just gives off the biggest 5’7” energy of any character ever.
Wilhemina Venable
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Let’s get one thing clear
This woman is tall
Like I’m talking 5’10 - 5’11”
She just has the energy of a tall person idk
I think people tend to think of her as short when she’s actually really tall
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Tammy is 5’7”
Once again she has serious 5’7” energy
This is based off the height energies of the other Ocean’s characters
Harriet Hayes
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She has an extraordinarily average height
5’5” energy only
I honestly can’t elaborate on this
But I’m just right
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lemons-are-tasty · 3 years
In honor of pride month your resident Queer Master Piece is going to be telling you what I think the sexualities of Bravo team are, so lets get into it!!
Bravo 1 AKA Jason Hayes
This man is an Ally, he is an Ally all the way, I just can't really see him any other way but CisHet.
Do I think this man has had at least one gay thought?
Hell Yeah! Did he have a sexuality crisis? No he did not.
Bravo 2 AKA Ray Perry
I believe that this man is a Pansexual, he is just too chill to not be.
I feel like he's 'I have worse things to worry about than my partners gender, I don't give a fuck'.
I also feel like he had some internalized homophobia because he was raised a christian, and I feel like his parents were the 'The bible says it's wrong' kinda christians, but he worked through it.
Bravo 3 AKA Sonny Quinn
This man is Neptunic (The attraction to Females, Feminine non-binary people, and Neutral non-binary people, basically attraction to non masculine aligned people).
He identified as a Bisexual for a while but then he discovered this term and it just clicked and it felt right so this is the term he used from then on.
He is polyamorous, like this man just can't be monogamous, it's not possible.
Bravo 4 AKA Trent Sawyer
This man is an Omnisexual, I feel like he's a Pansexual but I also feel like he's a Bisexual so I went with Omni.
We know he is attracted to women but he also gives me 'I like men' vibes but he also gives me 'I could give less fucks about what your gender is' vibes.
I think he has a preference women and men come in close in second place.
Bravo 5 AKA Brock Reynolds
He is a Asexual Demiromantic who is attracted to women.
I feel like he doesn't feel sexual attraction or even gives two flying fucks about sex in the first place and he's also never looked at a person and been like 'Yes...I want to date you!' but he's still felt romantic attraction to close friends before.
Bravo 6 AKA Clay Spenser
This man is either Bisexual or Gay, I don't know what to say other then he likes men!
Scott "Full Metal" Carter
He is a Bisexual, that's all I have to say.
That is all for today and as always if you want to vent, talk, leave an idea or two, or just say hello my messages are always open! -QMP
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kptsecret-a · 3 years
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“are you lost little girl? where’s your mama? good grief!” - wide open (foreword) by niki
i have a soft spot for my fav angsty ghostie babie who just gets sadder n sadder everytime i write her ( @reshieldedintro )
character name: greta hayes age: 23 faceclaim: odessa young voiceclaim: odessa young skill set: being a ghost ( warder physiology thingz ) affiliations: young justice, s.w.o.r.d. family: unnamed mother and father ( father is incarcerated ), billy hayes ( aka harm ), found family with young justice zodiac: virgo ( aug 24th , totally out of nowhere rip ) wiki link: here
was your character “blipped” out? if so, what did they return to and how is it affecting them? if not, who important to them was blipped out, and what has it felt like after those five years have passed? if your character is a dc muse:  what were they doing when they passed through the portal? the moment right before darkseid stripped greta of her powers. a blink of an eye later and there was just an unknown energy surrounding her, having arrived in another universe whose people had no reason to be welcoming to her at that moment. 
where are they living? are they living with anyone? floating around like a ghost lol but she joined s.w.o.r.d. ! so whatever housing greta was given, she’d accept it. there’s not much she needs honestly. maybe a few friendly faces but she still has some optimism left in her.
why is your character affiliated with who they’re affiliated with? young justice, because they rescued her from the d.e.a. / s.w.o.r.d. because she thinks daisy’s cool likes the vibe.
who are their major friends, allies, and foes? young justice are the allies she’s known for like more than half of her existence, having friends in it as well. her biggest foe is her adoptive brother, billy aka harm.
whose hands do they believe the country should be in? truly, greta believes in heroes and the good in people. she wouldn’t be opposed to a collaboration between the government and the justice league.
what’s their current mental state at? their physical state? she’s still trying to process being in a different universe and essentially being a stranger in a whole new world. there’s also the nagging feeling in the back of her head that her brother would show up at some point. physically she’s just there ..as a ghost ig brb she has the ghastly urge to bake cookies!! lets hope the s.w.o.r.d. kitchens have ghost-friendly ovens
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amwritesitall · 4 years
Audrey Tindall Dating a Younger Woman Would Include
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anonymous said: can you do headcanons for all sarah characters that you write for dating a (much) younger girl ?
I had everyone in one post but it was getting way too thicc so I’m splitting everyone up. I will do my best to make sure I get to everyone tho :)
This prompt is basically letting me writes my hopes and dreams of being with these women like yes I’m here for this
Audrey Tindall
Ok picture it, Audrey working with you, an upcoming actress, in a film
You admire Audrey so much
You’re lowkey a fan of hers, but try your best not to show it
She loves how passionate you are about your craft
Watching as you always seem to be running lines and practicing between scenes
When the two of you work together you’re always asking in-depth questions and trying to absorb Audrey and everyone else’s knowledge
Audrey finds it very endearing and loves how much you love your career
Working on the film together means you and Audrey spend a lot of time together on and off camera
Lots of late nights and early mornings working together
One night Audrey invites you over to her place
The two of you get to know each other more over a bottle of wine
This becomes a common occurrence throughout filming
Eventually, a tipsy you and Audrey end up making out at her place
The next day neither of you really regret it and decide to take the next step
On the next free night you and Audrey have, you take her out on a date
This causes dating rumors to circulate from the press with pictures of the two of you walking hand in hand to a nice restaurant
Audrey and you decide to decline to comment on the rumors, for now, wanting to let your relationship grow a little more before confirming anything
After a while of dating and both of you are comfortable with sharing your relationship with the public, Audrey confirms the dating rumors by posting a picture of you and her on social media
You post another photo of the two of you shortly after hers
Any time anyone tries to attack or question your relationship you will fight
Audrey will also fight for you as well
She appreciates you wanting to stand up for her because no one has really done that for her before
When the time comes you guys have a ton of fun promoting the movie you were working on together
Interviews where the two of you are the cutest of couples
Especially those interviews where you play those random games
Doing one of the lie detector test interviews and picking on each other off-camera
Calling each other out during other group games
Getting asked questions about your relationship quite often
Audrey being supportive of your blossoming acting career and you supporting hers just the same
A huge celebration when you get nominated for your first award
You are always there for any award each other is nominated for, ready to cheer each other on
Audrey and you have a little shelf in your home in LA where you put the awards the two of you acquire throughout your careers
Accompanying one another to premieres of each other’s projects
I’m picturing a lot of social media posting of just cute moments between the two of you
All around wholesome vibes
Dating a Younger Woman Would Include: Billie Dean Howard, Lana Winters, Cordelia Goode, Bette and Dot Tattler, Sally McKenna, Audrey Tindall (you are here), Ally Mayfair Richards, Wilhemina Venable, Alice Macray, Tammy, Harriet Hayes
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militantinremission · 4 years
Time 4 Real Talk
The World has responded to the 'New Age' Lynching of George Floyd. The man lived a simple Life, but in Death, he was celebrated on a scale that matched James Brown's Homegoing; possibly a testament to his wealth of Spirit. His Death was horrible, but his Legacy is already bearing fruit. All four Officers involved in his death have been charged, & a National Spotlight has been trained on American Police Tactics.
It's very interesting to see how the 'Powers that Be' go about the business of shifting a narrative. Group Organizers have 'The Masses' calling for Police Reform, but they are missing the point. Police Officers aren't 'The Problem', they're only following protocol. Some Officers are more aggressive than others, but Society has allowed an acceptable range of violence when it comes to Black America. It's cool that Whitefolk (& some POC) have learned the phrase 'Systemic Racism', but that is just a byproduct. The phrase they should become acquainted w/, is White Supremacy.
The System of White Supremacy, is the true Dragon that needs to be slayed. News Flash: America is not a Democracy- It's a Capitalist Republic. A Republic built on the blood & bones of Black/ Indigenous (Copper Toned Aborigines) People that depends on their continued disenfranchisement. White Privilege, can be viewed as a method of wealth distribution & social autonomy. Modern day Law Enforcement Officers were assembled to uphold the racist principles (State & Federal Laws) that keep Blackfolk in that space between Human Being & untamed Animal.
White Privilege doesn't guarantee Whitefolk an escape from adversity. The wealthy White Class, classically called WASPs (White Anglo- Saxon Protestants), wanted poor Whites to take solace in the fact that no matter how bad Life gets for them, they will always be above Blackfolk. A lot of programming went into making this a reality, & Americans either have selective memory, or incredibly short memory spans... Now we are not so naive that we are blind to the fact that Law Enforcement Agencies exist to protect Corporate Interests, while The Military exists to expand Corporate Interests.
What we are saying, is that while the multiple Ethnic Groups that make up America compete w/ each other for a higher spot on the Food Chain, they All agree that Black America belongs on The Bottom. Nothing is absolute, so we know that we have always had allies; i'm just pointing out that each Federally Mandated attack on Black America, since the Hayes- Tilden Compromise (aka 'The Great Betrayal') of 1876 has been sanctioned by the (collective) silence of White America. They for the most part, stuck their heads in the sand, when it regarded the plight of Black America.
Schools featured books like "Uncle Tom's Cabin" & "Huckleberry Finn", Theaters ran 'Minstrel Shows' for nearly 100Yrs- even the modern day clown can be traced to Minstrel (Black faced) performers that mocked emancipated Slaves that traveled the rails in tattered clothes (i.e. Hobos). All of these images allowed the typical American to have little to no compassion for Us before The Civil Rights Movement. Television Cameras were as instrumental in that 'Revolt', as Phone Cameras are in this current one. Back then, Southern Whites were the mean villains in The Story, just as Police Officers are today. Northerners gasped in astonishment @ the atrocities being done in plain sight.
Then a funny thing happened- attention to Black Oppression shifted to Northern Cities. The Black Codes were here as well. We were Redlined into industrial areas, far away from the white picket fences. Blackfolk took to the Streets, & Northern Whites weren't so supportive anymore. Blue Collar Workers felt that Black migration North was jeopardizing their job security. 1968 brought 'The Great Exodus'- White Democrats in Northern States, particularly in the current Rust Belt States fled en mass to the Republican Party.
Ronald Reagan read the tea leaves as well then, as Donald Trump does now, & acted on White America's 'collective vibe' of That's enough for Black America... [*Note: Joe Biden embodied this sentiment literally up to the point when he joined the Obama Ticket in 2008]. Reagan, like Trump, pushed a Conservative Agenda that starved the Middle Class & rewarded Corporate Elites. Donald Trump became a rock star during this time. Reagan blamed the Recession he caused on Black Welfare Cheats & 'Bleeding Heart Liberals'; Trump blames Barack Obama's policies. Joe Biden was a prominent player in Reagan Era Legislation. By his own admission, he had a hand in every Anti- Crime Law on the books since 1976. Each Law played a role in systematically destroying Black Families; together, they decimated a generation of Black Men.
The Conservative Agenda for Black America was pretty clear- 'No Soup for you!' They never hid their intent. Liberals on the other hand, preached a brand of Coalition Politics that required Black Votes, but advanced a non- Black 'Minority' Agenda. The focus was on: White Women, White LGBTQ..., People of Color, & Black Women- in that order. Black Men were targeted by the Liberal Party's 'Tough On Crime' Legislation. Mandatory Minimum Sentencing kept Black Men out of Society, & Felony Convictions ensured they would have a hard time getting back in. Middle Class Black Communities were hit as hard as White Communities, but White Families were able to weather the hardship as a Family Unit; Black Women were forced to assume the roles of Mother & Father, in the face of rising drug & gang activity .
Its pretty awesome to see so many people of different ethnicities & social backgrounds coming together to protest Racism in general, & Anti- Black Racism specifically. Black America has been oppressed by White Supremacy for 400Yrs & counting; We need more than justice, We need to be indemnified- made whole. It's a total insult for the American Gov't to tell Us 'No' to Reparations, after watching European Jews, & Japanese receive payment for far less than we endured. An even bigger insult, is this notion that ALL 'Afrikan Americans', & Native Americans should get a share of what is specifically owed to Us. American Descendants of (Chattal) Slavery (ADOS) are a specific group w/ a specific need. No one else shares Our experience in America.
This plays into the White Supremacist view that whatever we give to Black America, we can give to Everyone else. This is how Affirmative Action Programs for Black Americans became Diversity Initiatives for 'Minorities'. It's no surprise that the Immigration Act was passed the same Year that the Civil Rights Law went into effect. White Supremacy thrives on the misfortune of Black People. America has used immigration as a weapon for over 150Yrs to slow any progress in the Black/ ADOS Community. They have not been able to kill Us off, so they are perpetually watering down Our overall percentage of the population.
Immigrants are offered Grants & Services that are denied to Black America/ ADOS. Immigrant Enclaves in Cities & Suburbia are thriving, while Black Communities are starved of resources, leaving them vulnerable to 'gentrification'- modern day Homesteading. These same Immigrants set up Stores in Black Communities, where they are welcomed, but Blackfolk are critiqued when we enter these Immigrant Communities- much like the way we are, when we enter White areas.
The Black- Brown Alliance sounds heart warming, but honestly, most use this 'Alliance' to profit off Black Effort & Dollars. A lot of these people identified as 'White' on past Census rolls. 50Yrs ago, Black Men were the focus of that attention; today, it's Black Women. Divide & Conquer is a tried & true weapon of White Supremacy. Black America flounders because of the inner conflict instigated by this method over the Centuries. I'm aware that every group had to endure this assault, but Black America is the one target that Everyone else seems to agree on exploiting. There's no hiding from this.
While i'm happy to see multicultural crowds globally protesting anti- Black racism, I can't help but wonder how far will support go? If We judge by past acts, not far enough. Resources are necessary, & Society has a limit to how much it's willing to spend on Black Problems, before extending those same resources to Everyone else. Politicians talk about Equality, but never about Equity. To be honest, Black America only needs to be left alone. Our Story is one of perpetual 'Arrested Development'. Black Codes, Klan violence, Jim Crow, Redlining, Imminent Domain, & Benign Neglect created the current State of Black America. So called 'Empowerment or Opportunity Zones' are disingenuous @ best... I'm not sure what Society will do, but one thing is certain- as Black America goes, so will the Black Diaspora.
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 6 years
Twitter Horrified By ‘Unhinged’ Kavanaugh Testimony! – Perez Hilton
This is just despicable.
SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh followed Dr. Christine Blasey Ford‘s
But his “answers” — if you can call them that were even worse. He remained evasive down to every single detail:
He said sexual boasts were just “showing affection” even though the woman they were about called them “disgusting.”
He wouldn’t cop to being the “Bart O’Kavanaugh” his friend wrote about getting drunk with in his memoir.
He claimed the “devil’s triangle” did not refer to a threesome but to a drinking game no one has ever heard of.
He said he loved to drink beer but denied ever having gotten drunk.
He claimed brags in his yearbook about “ralphing” were in relation to his famous weak stomach, not puking because of alcohol.
At one point he actually answered Amy Klobuchar‘s question of whether he’s ever been blackout drunk with:
“I don’t know. Have you?”
If you’ve ever tried to get a straight answer out of a guilty child, you’ve seen this before.
Let’s just say the Twitter response was very different for Judge Kavanaugh:
When you're just a normal even-tempered guy who should definitely have one of the most powerful jobs in the country pic.twitter.com/WnNeHsBDkx
— Matt Novak (@paleofuture) September 27, 2018
Kavanaugh off to a bad start. pic.twitter.com/oKMjXfxHo3
— Ally Hord (@hordie) September 27, 2018
This is a masterclass in what is acceptable behavior for men (yelling, tears, being indignant) and not ever acceptable for women
— Julie Buxbaum (@juliebux) September 27, 2018
Not sure we should have someone so emotional on the Supreme Court. #KavanaughHearings
— Full Frontal (@FullFrontalSamB) September 27, 2018
every woman in this pic tho pic.twitter.com/6Y2SvY4YlU
— Gustavo Luis (@verygooster) September 27, 2018
Science-based tips on detecting a liar:
1. Offering unnecessary/too much information
2. Repeating the same phrases over & over
3. Staring without blinking
4. Aggressive breathing pattern
But it fits the GOP's MO to reject science-based anything so 🤷#KavanaughHearings
— Jennifer Chase (@MrsRob0to) September 27, 2018
Whenever they ask him abt his drunk behavior he cites an accomplishment. Clearly unfamiliar w the term "functioning alcoholic." #KavanaughHearings
— Kathleen Madigan (@kathleenmadigan) September 27, 2018
I’m really confused as to how “I went to Yale, I worked hard, I played sports.” Is an appropriate answer to “did you commit sexual assault?” #KavanaughHearings pic.twitter.com/Un9PmNmgfb
— Alexandria Ganger (@a_ganger25) September 27, 2018
Asked if he ever drank to the point of blacking out, Brett Kavanaugh responded to Sen. Amy Klobuchar: "I don't know. Have you?"
After a short recess, Kavanaugh apologized to Klobuchar: "I'm sorry I did that. This is a tough process." https://t.co/6kxpvFYxiW #KavanaughHearings pic.twitter.com/cQbGVk9SHR
— ABC News (@ABC) September 27, 2018
This is critical exchange. Kavanaugh is clearly lying about Renate. It is obvious to anyone who has ever been in high school or college that this was sexual shaming, calling her easy. He's lying. Lying when everyone knows it. pic.twitter.com/l6N3h7jZO0
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) September 27, 2018
Asked whether a character in Mark Judge's book was based on Brett Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh says, "You'd have to ask him."
"Well, I agree with you there," Sen. Leahy says. "And that's why I wished that the Chairman had him here under oath." https://t.co/GGrl0K12EF #KavanaughHearings pic.twitter.com/7I3e01POU5
— ABC News (@ABC) September 27, 2018
— amber ruffin (@ambermruffin) September 27, 2018
To sum up Kavanaugh today, he insinuated a female Senator was drunk, yelled at her, argued, yelled at and spoke over other female/male Senators, lied, yelled, HE LIKES BEER, cried over Calendars, blamed democrats, blamed the Clintons & was unhinged. End. #KavanaughHearings
— Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) September 27, 2018
I started this Kavanaugh hearing with an open mind, but my take-away thus far is that this angry, partisan, self-entitled man-baby is so unaccustomed to being challenged that he cannot respond rationally or reasonably. The though of him on the SCOTUS bench is horrifying.
— Scott Derrickson (@scottderrickson) September 27, 2018
As someone who hasn’t followed the Kavanaugh hearing closely, I’m struck by how partisan he sounds. That surprises me. Call me naive , but I always thought judges were at least supposed to pretend to be independent, non-partisan, umpires, “judicious”, etc.
— Michael McFaul (@McFaul) September 27, 2018
#Kavanaugh A man who wants to be seated as a SUPREME COURT justice should be the FIRST to call for all Accusers and Witnesses to testify. It shouldn’t matter to him that he is the accused. Justice is supposed to be blind.
— Patricia Arquette (@PattyArquette) September 27, 2018
Smug white boy Kavanaugh only has threats at his disposal. “What goes around comes around” he threatens.
I think it’s more like “We can do better.”
— ABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) September 27, 2018
A conservative is going to be the next Supreme Court justice no matter what. This isn’t about trying to stop that. This is about the character of the people who get to sit on that court and decide the laws of our land and its people. And this guy ain’t the person for it. Next!! pic.twitter.com/s5PpRma2Yb
— Fortune Feimster (@fortunefunny) September 27, 2018
Ask yourself who has more motivation for lying: the professor who's had her whole life turned upside down, or the judge who stands to land a lifetime job at a quarter-mill a year, plus bennies the ordinary Joe can only dream about?
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) September 27, 2018
But the reactions weren’t just to Kavanaugh.
No, that’s because some of the Republican senators who were too scared to ask questions after Ford’s testimony were all too eager to get on a soapbox and testify themselves during Kavanaugh’s questioning.
Especially Lindsey Graham, who WENT OFF in defense of Kavanaugh, whom he called a “victim” — and insinuated to Democrats that if this nominee doesn’t get confirmed, he’ll find accusations against all of their nominees.
Yeah. Wow.
Oh my god. This is every woman’s nightmare. This is a terrifying image. https://t.co/mIgEN2ALhj
— Maria Shriver (@mariashriver) September 27, 2018
Can I play Lindsay Graham in the movie? I’m very good at shouting random nonsense.
— billy eichner (@billyeichner) September 27, 2018
So they hired a female sex crimes prosecutor to talk to the lady, but once she’s gone they just bro down w Brett? WTF?
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) September 27, 2018
Why isn't the sex crimes prosecutor questioning Brett Kavanaugh?
He's the one accused of sex crimes.
— Adrienne Mahsa Varkiani (@AdrienneMahsa) September 27, 2018
This hearing is giving me handmaids tale vibes #dismayed
— octavia spencer (@octaviaspencer) September 27, 2018
We’ll end with the President of the United States… and also Captain America:
Judge Kavanaugh showed America exactly why I nominated him. His testimony was powerful, honest, and riveting. Democrats’ search and destroy strategy is disgraceful and this process has been a total sham and effort to delay, obstruct, and resist. The Senate must vote!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2018
You know what’s insane? If a recording came out today of Kavanaugh, not from high school, or even college, but from just a few years ago, where he said he could ‘grab women by the pussy’, he would be DONE.
Why is the president of the United States held to a different standard?
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) September 27, 2018
Original Article : HERE ; This post was curated & posted using : RealSpecific
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agirlnamedally · 7 years
alert! new hunter hayes, have an awesome day ally :)
You are so nice to think of me! I actually heard this the other day (I follow him on IG), but sadly I don’t looove it :( It’s incredibly sweet and I very much dig the old school doo-wap vibe, it’s just not one I see myself playing on repeat like most of his others. It may grow on me though! Young Blood definitely hasn’t :/
On the other hand, while I was at camp he released ‘Rescue’ and I fell in love with that straight away. 
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amwritesitall · 4 years
TV Show Preferences for the Sarahs (AHS+Alice+Tammy+Harriet)
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None of you asked for this but I have some thoughts lol
Billie Dean Howard
The Lana Winters Special
I stand by this. Billie Dean is a Lana Winters fan
Some nights when she’s up late she’ll turn on a late night talk show
I also feel like Billie would lowkey love game shows? 
Like she would love to play along sometimes quietly
Sometimes yelling at the television
Might watch a paranormal show occasionally
But most of the time she ends up getting annoyed at how fake it is
“They’re not even trying!”
“You’re not supposed to do that!?!”
“Billie, maybe we should watch something else?”
Lana Winters
Watches the evening news every night
She likes to remain informed on everything going on
I mean it’s kind of her job to be informed
She watches any special news event
Enjoys the political satire that is sometimes on SNL
Post Asylum Lana wouldn’t watch a lot crime documentary shows about serial killers and such because it would give her flashbacks
She would watch limited series though like Hollywood
She would totally watch Mrs. America
Docu series Hillary
Might watch The Handmaid’s Tale
Cordelia Goode
Cordelia watches TV occasionally to unwind
I don’t think she has many favorite shows though
She’s content just to watch whatever you want to
She just wants to wrap her arms around you and hold you close while you watch your favorite
If it’s a magical show she definitely would crack quite a few jokes on how wrong it is
Bette and Dot Tattler
Bette likes to watch those dramas targeted for teens
Or soap operas 
She LOVES the drama
And I feel like Dot would kind of lowkey like them
She’ll roll her eyes but secretly be into it
She likes to guess what’s going to happen next
Dot likes mystery shows
And some spooky shows that cause Bette to hide her face in your shoulder
Sally McKenna
Out of everyone Sally would be most likely to watch American Horror Story
True crime shows
And on the total opposite end of the spectrum she would watch reality TV shows
But she’d get annoyed with the Kardashians 
Ru Paul’s Drag Race?
Live tweets whatever she’s watching whether it be a competition show, reality TV, or drama show
Audrey Tindall
Audrey Tindall is a Billie Dean fan so she’s watching Billie Dean’s show
Because they’re married
Audrey strikes me as the one who’d watch a ton of reality TV
Probably watches Project Runway
The Real Housewives
She’s a fan of the Beverly Hills ladies and New York
Below Deck and all of the spin offs
Reality TV is a good way for her to decompress from a stressful day at work
Also seems like she’d watch Dynasty
Audrey loves drama and hot people
Ally Mayfair Richards
Ally cannot watch crime shows like Law and Order: SVU and all that
She is WAY to paranoid
Watches the news religiously
Especially during times of crisis
You have to pull her away from the TV at times to get her to stop dwelling over it
During election years and the time leading up to it, she will watch every single debate and town hall meeting 
You and her watch Oz’s shows with him sometimes
So she does know quite a bit about superhero shows
And other random action shows because if Oz likes something, she tries her best to get to know it as well as she can
Wilhemina Venbale
Wilhemina would watch the news every morning before work as she drinks her coffee and every night around dinner time
Mina does not watch TV without a purpose unless you want to watch something
But by herself she will rarely watch TV unless she’s learning something
I feel like she would watch PBS if she isn’t watching the news
She appreciates the period dramas
Masterpiece Mystery
Alice Macray
Would be a regular to the Cooking Channel, Food Network, and HGTV
The Great British Baking Show
At first you don’t see the appeal, but then she insists you watch it with her and you finally get it
The show just radiates good vibes like Alice does
She would also like a good PG sit com
Alice is so pure
Most likely to watch Shark Week?
Would love nature documentaries
When does Tammy even get to watch shows that aren’t meant for children?
There is almost always some children’s show on TV
She’s always either with her kids or working on her side hustle
When she finally get’s time for herself, she would be like Alice and watch HGTV
The thought of Tammy watching Shark Tank makes me chuckle
Tammy wouldn’t be opposed to many shows, so she would be alright with whatever you would want to watch
Harriet Hayes
Harriet has some odd work hours so she doesn’t really get to watch that much TV
She would enjoy a light hearted comedy
She tries not to get into shows too much when Studio 60′s not on break
Breaks are the only time she really gets to watch much television
Could be a little into crime shows?
Harriet’s taste in television would be all over the place
And when she really likes a show she’ll binge the hell out of it once she gets the chance
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